#but it's not gonna be about parents next time; it's gonna be about betty and the heathers specificallyyyyy
ladysophiebeckett · 8 months
obviously roman and the other barrio delinquents joke about nicolas being betty's boyfriend--but the rest of her neighbors probably did think that bc he's at her house all the time. gets along with her parents, ect. so imagine one day u as said neighbor, start seeing a toyota celica show up at betty's house, dropping betty off. the first couple times, it's like a fluke. but then u hear fm roman and his gang of annoying friends that they saw betty hardcore making out with the fancy suit guy that drives the toyota celica you've seen from time to time. and you're like 'oh did she break up with nicolas?' but u still see betty hanging out with nicolas and at night u see toyota celica guy drop betty off but not before seeing said car pull up fm the corner a couple blocks up. and ur like 'damn, poor nicolas'. then one day nicolas shows up in a mercedes and you realize it's been awhile since you've seen toyota celica guy. maybe all nicolas needed to do was get a mercedes. ur about to turn in for the night until u hear a man yelling. u look through the window--it's toyota celica guy and he's yelling at betty....accusing her of cheating?? two timing allegations real??? u cant look away. but then her dad ends the show. days later however, u see nicolas yelling at...toyota celica guy??? they know each other??? have they always known each other??? are they gonna fight?? but u notice toyota celica guy looks distraught. maybe betty finally chose someone and it wasn't him :\ weeks pass and u forget about all about betty and her two timing allegations until u see her arrive home in her own car with some tall blonde guy??? guess that nicolas thing finally ended. u see her leave with said blonde guy and as ur taking out the garbage that night, guess who drives up to betty's house? toyota celica guy. carrying a garbage bag. this guy will not give up. does he know about blonde guy? something tells u that u do not wanna be there when he finds out. the next evening u see a familiar car parked behind betty's in front of her house. the toyota celica.
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darkwing-katy · 14 days
The Spider and the Fly Part III
Pairing: Eventual Leland x Reader (sorta? You’ll see what I mean)
Word Count: 4,737
Summary: All you want to do is get through your online courses and keep your best friend from making bad choices in men. But there’s this creepy therapist who is absolutely insisting on you making an appointment with him. Who the hell is this Leland Townsend, and why won’t he leave you alone?!
Part three of seven. Takes place sometime around seasons one and two.
The series is inspired heavily by my favorite poem, “The Spider and the Fly” (1829) by Mary Howitt. This poem is in the public domain.
Tagging: @primosflowergarden; @vi-er
Part One
Part Two
Said the cunning Spider to the Fly, “Dear friend, what can I do
To prove the warm affection I’ve always felt for you?
I have within my pantry good store of all that’s nice;
I’m sure you’re very welcome—will you please to take a slice?”
You stare up at the brick building in front of you, a scowl etched onto your face. This is ridiculous. Why the hell are you here? Just because of a measly threat?
You flash back to that day in the kitchen, the cheeriness of Leland’s voice as he talked about how easy it’d be to flat-out murder Betty and hide the body. The memory of it makes you shudder. As upbeat as Leland had been, he had left little doubt that he was capable of doing such a thing. You couldn’t risk it…at least, not yet.
But Betty’s leaving this weekend to go to her parents. So all you have to do is fake it through this single appointment, make Leland believe you’ll be back, figure out why he’s so obsessed with you in the first place, and then you can be out of here. Easy enough, right? 
You’d done so much research on him but turned up nothing. He set up his practice a few years ago, but there’s nothing else on Leland Townsend. No court records, no social media, no newspaper articles. It’s like he didn’t exist until a few years ago, and that bothers you in a way that you’re not quite sure how to articulate. Who the fuck is this guy?
The mental image of him licking his blood off of his finger pops into your brain, and you feel yourself flush before you can banish it. We are not attracted to that, you tell yourself. He’s a psychopath and we’re gonna get the hell outta here the second our stupid appointment is over.
You suck in a deep breath, glance down at your green shirt and blue jeans, and head towards the door. Your breath quickens with each step closer the door, and you despise the trepidation that fills your veins with adrenaline. You have your phone ready to record in your pocket, and you’ve got a bottle of pepper spray easily reachable in your other pocket. You’ve timed yourself to see how quickly you can get to it and spritz it right in the bastard’s face if he lunges for you again.
It occurs to you that you’re willingly putting yourself into what could be a very, very dangerous situation, but what else can you do?
Besides, you can’t deny that you’re intrigued to know why he’s so fixated on you, so desperate to have you as a client. 
The interior of the building is white. Very white, almost blindingly so. It makes you feel exposed, naked. Would a painting on the walls really be so bad?
Then again, you suspect that it’s intentional, meant to evoke that feeling that you’re being watched. You wonder if you should’ve worn something more neutral to lessen that feeling. Maybe next time, you think, then shudder. No, there won’t be a next time. Where had that come from?
You’re led down a hallway with glass windows, all of which have blinds hiding their interiors. You stop when you see the brass plaque on the door that says LELAND TOWNSEND. You glower at the name before stepping into the room, your heart racing. Leland isn’t in there; you’re left alone. You glance around. It’s just as white as the rest of the building, save for the grey couch, the grey chairs, and the black desk. Even the carpet is grey and bland. There’s a painting on the wall behind Leland’s desk, an abstract of blue, black, and white with splashes of red that adds to your internal disquiet, though you’d be hard pressed to explain why. In one of the corners of the painting is a strange symbol that you study for a moment before turning back to the rest of the room.
The couch is probably where Leland expects you to sit. Like hell. Then there’s the two chairs that face each other, but which one? They both look the same, so you can’t make a guess as to which one he prefers. 
There’s another option: his desk. It’d be a hell of a power move, wouldn’t it?
You sit in the swivel chair behind his desk and, after a few seconds of consideration, prop up your feet on his desk as well. There’s a closed laptop that you’re tempted to open, but you have no clue when he’s going to appear, and it’s best if you don’t do anything too suspicious. Your palms are sweaty, and you hate how your body is betraying your nerves. You wipe the clammy digits onto your jeans and take in a fortifying breath, counting the beats as you breathe in and out. You will not allow this man to scare you. You are the one who scares, not the other way around. You will not be afraid of Leland; it is Leland who should be afraid of you.
The seconds tick by, then minutes. You don’t allow yourself to think of how long you’ve been waiting—you’ve employed this strategy before. Making people wait to catch them off guard is an old trick, one that has often given you excellent reactions when done to the right people. Instead, you study the space, memorize every detail of it, no matter how pointless it might seem. You make plans for what you’ll do if Leland tries to physically attack you, how you’ll use the sparse furniture to take cover, how you’ll use the lamp to knock him unconscious if you need to. He will not get the best of you.
You also go over the possible ways you can scare him. You have little information, but you’ve made that work before. How many times have you gotten back at Betty’s exes, or Taylor’s, or Marina’s? In college, you were a pro at this, and you’ve only gotten better with practice.
You still jump when the door opens at last, and you mentally chastise yourself for it. Leland walks in, an apologetic look on his face. It falters momentarily when he sees where you’re sitting, and you wonder how he’ll react, but all he does is blinks before striding forward. “(Y/N)!” he greets with a smile. “I’m glad you made it this time!”
You return his smile with one of your own. “Yeah. It’s amazing how well threats work at motivating people to be on time. More people should try that,” you deadpan as you raise your eyebrows at him. 
Leland steps further into the room, the door closing loudly behind him. He eyeballs you in the chair. “That’s my desk,” he comments. 
You flash him a smirk. “I don’t see your name on it,” you reply as you shift so that your legs are pointed at him. It’s not the most comfortable position, but it says what it needs to. You see a flicker of annoyance cross Leland’s face as you fold your hands over your stomach and fix your eyes on him. “Aren’t you gonna sit, Doctor?”
He angles his head at you, considering his options, then he rotates the chair nearest the desk so that he can face you and sits in it. “Whatever works for you,” he mutters, and you feel your smirk widen. He’s not on edge or anything, but you’ve managed to mildly inconvenience him, and you’ll take that as a small win for now. “So…(Y/N)…let’s talk.”
“About what?”
Leland shrugs as he leans back into the couch. “Whatever you want,” he replies.
“Why am I here?”
“Except that.”
You purse your lips at him. “Are you stalking me or something?”
“I just said we’re not talking about that.”
You sit up in the chair in annoyance, moving your feet back to the floor. The chair squeaks with the movement. “Yes, we are,” you insist. “You went through all the trouble of getting me here, so you’re gonna tell me why the hell you care so much.”
Leland scoffs as he looks away from you in derision. “I don’t care about you,” he replies snidely. “I care about what you’ve done, what you’re capable of, but not you.”
“I seem to recall you saying we could do great things together.” You don’t look away from his face. “You were pretty damn adamant on that particular detail.”
His lips come together in a pinched smile as he looks back at you, but he’s not really looking at you as much as he is sneering. “And I maintain that position. But make no mistake, it doesn’t mean I care about you. If you wanna jump off a building or shoot yourself in the head just to spite me, I won’t lose any sleep over it.”
Well, that’s a bit extreme. You hate the guy but that just seems like giving in too easily. You value yourself far too much for that. “Alright. Guess we’re not talking, then, and this is a waste of time.” You don’t rise from the chair, though. If he wants to waste your time, then you’ll waste his by sitting here and saying nothing. This appointment should end at 6, and you’ll get up then. You put your feet back up on the desk, though you’re careful not to knock any of his things over.
Leland allows you to sit in petulant silence for a grand total of one minute and fifteen seconds before he starts again. “Tell me about yourself.”
“Nope,” you reply, popping the ‘p’.
“Why not?”
You don’t deign to answer. He’s goading you, and you’re not gonna fall for it. You look away from him but keep him in your peripheral just in case, your hand lingering near the pocket with the pepper spray.
“Oh, come on, (Y/N). Talk to me. Tell me about yourself, who you are, what you want in life.” He gives you a toothy grin. “Tell me your desires.”
You hate the way he drags out that word, mainly because it once again reminds you of him licking the blood off of his finger. “I desire to get the fuck away from you,” you snap before your traitorous body can blush at the memory. “I desire to leave this place knowing you’re gonna leave me and my friend alone.”
“Come on, there must be something you want to talk about. Something that’s weighing you down, something that’s pissing you off, something that’s making you feel…something.” Leland makes a little motion with his hands.
“I believe I just told you something that I wanted, something that makes me feel something,” you reply, irritated. “I want you far away from me and Betty.”
“You know why!” Dammit, he’s managing to pull the words out of you. You gotta shut up now before he gets anything else. “
“We could talk about Jordan.”
“Uhm, how about fuck no?”
“Ryan? Matthew?” He leans forward. “Brittany?” He raises an eyebrow at your ex-girlfriend’s name, but you have decided that no matter what names he drops, you’re gonna remain impassive. You’re the one with the power here, not Leland. It may be his space, but you can control how you react to him, and if that’s the only thing you can control, then by God, you’re gonna act nonchalant.
He blinks and purses his lips, clearly annoyed that you’re refusing to respond. Good, you think. Maybe he’ll call it quits early.
This time, the silence lasts a little bit longer. Maybe as long as four minutes—Leland seems like he’s content to let you sit, and you’re content to let him marinate in his annoyance. The next time he speaks, he says, “Maybe we should start on something simpler. Find some common ground. Liiiiiike…what’s your favorite scary movie?”
What is this, Scream? you think with some amusement. You’re tempted to respond, but you know that if you do, he’ll just ask you another question. And another, and another, and then the next thing you’d know, you’d be talking up a storm. 
“I’m personally prone to movies with the occult. They can be a little unrealistic at times, but sometimes, they get their stuff right! I mean, just look at Event Horizon! I hate when they try to make horror movies some sort of commentary on morality, though. Look at Saw, for example. Great moments. And what kinda movies do we have nowadays? A Quiet Place. That new M. Night Shyamalan movie.” He sighs. “We’ve forgotten what it means to really scare people, what it means to keep them up all night.”
Okay, this is weird, because you kind of agree with him. Some of the latest scary movies haven’t been meaningfully scary—they’ve been gory, but gore is pointless when it’s used for shock value. But there have been others in recent years that you enjoyed, and you open your mouth to point those films out, but then you catch him watching you, the light reflecting off of his glasses, and you slam your mouth shut.
Dammit, he almost got me there.
Leland looks like he’s waiting for your response, but you bite your tongue to hold back from everything you want to say, and you’re rewarded with a look of disappointment. You wait just long enough for him to look away from you in exasperation before you finally talk.
“What do you want from me?” you try again. “Why are you trying so hard to get to me? I’m not special.”
“No, you’re right. You’re not special at all,” he agrees lackadaisically, and his words are like a stab in the gut. For a therapist, he has no bedside manner at all. Then again, can you really be surprised by that? “I’m…investigating, I guess. Evaluating.” His face twists into a sneer. “Though I have no clue why they’d choose you when there’s much better candidates out there.”
“Who are ‘they’?” you ask before you can stop yourself, and you grimace because you know Leland wanted you to ask that.
He gives you a strange smile. “You’ve been noticed by some very important people, (Y/N). They’re intrigued by you and no matter how much I’ve tried to tell them otherwise, that you’re just a regular ole human, they insisted on this…” he waves his hand at the office. “And I’m not gonna defy them and risk the consequences just ‘cause some stupid little bitch wants to try and make me miserable.”
“You suck as a therapist, dude,” you reply as you cross your arms. “Pretty sure you’re not supposed to refer to clients as bitches.”
“I call it as I see it,” he says with another shrug. His glasses slide down his nose just a hair and you can see the remnants of the cut from your headbutt. The sight makes you smirk without meaning to, and he notices it. “What?”
You shake your head, but the smirk remains steady. “Nothing,” you say. 
Leland gives you a thoughtful look, then reaches up to his nose, his finger lightly tracing the cut. “You know, I think we got off on the wrong foot. This isn’t working.” He stands, and you tense as he takes a step towards you, towards his desk. “Get out of my chair.”
He glares down at you. “Get. Out. Of. My. Chair.”
You don’t take your eyes away from him. Your fingers dance over the pepper spray, ready to whip it out and spray him right in those beautiful eyes of his. “Make me.”
He’s closer now, right at the edge of his desk, his knuckles grazing the smooth wooden edge. “Is this really the silly hill you want to die on right now?”
You raise your eyebrows innocently. “Someone’s dying on this hill, and it isn’t gonna be me.”
There’s a flash of amusement on his face before he places his palms flat on the desk and leans down, possibly hoping to convince you to move by invading your personal space. He hasn’t done anything aggressive, but he’s almost close enough that you’re willing to spray him anyways. You just need to egg him on a liiiiiittle bit more. “Do you really think you can take me on?” he asks. The words come out slow, dramatic, a challenge.
You bat your lashes. “Hell yeah,” you reply, and when he inches his face closer, you’re ready. You practiced for a reason, after all, and he needs to learn a lesson about messing with you. You flick the cap off with your hand, suck in a deep breath, and raise the other arm to block your own eyes from any spray-back, and then you hold the trigger down, blasting him with a solid jet of the stuff.
Leland jerks back, but it’s too late—your aim had been pretty true due to his proximity, and his eyes squeeze shut immediately as he lets out a strangled yelp of pain. He gropes at his eyes with one hand while reaching for you with the other, but it’s easy enough to avoid his flailing hand and duck under the desk as he thunks into it. You dive around his legs, giving him a kick in the back of the knee for good measure, which sends him into the table again. The table flips, everything on it sliding off and crashing to the ground, including Leland.
You should make for the door, but you linger, wanting to relish the angry pants coming from him, the rapid floundering as he tries to grab you again. He can’t see you, which only makes it more fun as you tilt or skip away from him. He’s pulled himself back to his feet now, but he can’t still see you at this point. It’s kinda hilarious, in all honesty.
Your throat burns with the taste of the pepper spray, but the Internet had warned you about that, so you’d been wise enough to hold your breath for as long as possible while you got away from Leland. Your reaction is minor compared to his, even if your eyes are stinging and watering as well. At least you can still see. You’re backed against the wall opposite the couch now, the door in easy reach when you’re ready to ditch the scene.
“God! What the hell was that for?!” he yells at you as he spins around in search of you. His face is red and puffy, his eyes are swollen shut and streaming, and his glasses are propped up as he angrily swipes at his face. 
You’d feel a little bad for the guy if he hadn’t, you know, threatened to murder your best friend a week ago. 
Your throat is irritated, even though you’re away from him, and you can’t conceal the cough that’s scratching at your throat. It escapes, and Leland’s head whips towards you. “You little bitch!” he growls, and you actually feel a pinprick of fear at the fury in his voice. “That was extremely fucking uncalled for!”
You shrug, even as you cough again. “Then maybe you should leave me the fuck alone!”
“I can’t!”
You roll your eyes, causing a tear to trickle down your face, but you ignore it. “Can’t or won’t?!”
His mouth is wrenched into a grimace, but he’s facing you, even if he’s not able to look at you. “Alright, so it’s a little bit of both,” he admits, and his honesty is so startling that you snort.
You’re about 90% sure he’s not a threat to you currently, which is the only reason you’re still here. It’s also strange how much the pepper spray doesn’t seem to really bother him. If anything, he seems humored by it. “Well, I don’t give a shit about what your bosses say or whatever. Leave me alone.”
Leland takes a stumbling step towards you. “I wouldn’t if I were you,” you warn, retrieving the pepper spray again. “You can’t see it, but I’ve got more spray and I’m not afraid to use it.”
He freezes. Cocks his head at you. And then he laughs, of all things. ��Oh, (Y/N), you’re feisty. That’s fun. I am definitely gonna enjoy breaking you down.” He forces his eyes to open. They’re red and squinty, and there’s still fresh tears dripping down his face. His glasses are off, and he’s cleaning them as best as he can with a microfiber cloth that he produced out of what seems like nowhere. It’s a bit scary to see him still up and moving and so calm. “Starting with your little friend Betty.”
You glare at him. “You stay away from her.”
“Oh, I’m gonna have such a good time with her, too. You know, I think she was kinda into me when we met last week.” Leland’s voice has a mocking tone to it, dangerous and almost…seductive. “She was batting her eyelashes and shoving her breasts in my face every chance she got. No wonder she’s got all those guys coming after her—she’s a hottie ripe for the picking, if you know what I mean.” 
The hairs on the back of your neck rise, but you’re not focused on that right now. It’s hard to be scared when you’re angry. “Don’t fucking touch her,” you hiss.
“I’m gonna seduce her just to piss you off, and then after we’ve had wild sex—‘cause you just know she’s into that kinda stuff—I’m gonna strangle her in her sleep and leave her naked body in the bed for you to discover in the morning.”
You’re seeing red now. How dare he talk about her like that—about sleeping with her and murdering her—how darehe! You lunge at him, forgetting the spray is still in your hands, but he’s ready—he grabs you by the shoulders and slams you up against the wall before you can remember the spray even exists. You cry out as your back and head hit the wall with enough force to make you dizzy. Your hand struggles to get to the nozzle again, and he uses one arm to pin you in place while the other grabs your wrist and twists it until you drop the canister. Then he twists it a little more until you cry out again. “I’m only gonna say this once, (Y/N),” he says, his voice low and menacing. “You’re not in charge here—I am, and you’d better realize it if you want your friend to stay alive.”
“Fuck you,” you spit back at him. You try to shove yourself at him in a poor attempt to knock him off-balance, but he just chuckles.
Your ears are still ringing from the way your head slammed into the wall. You fight the pain, but he’s won and he fucking knows it. “You know, usually this kinda thing is a turn on for me, but right now, it’s just plain irritating.”
That bastard, you manage to think through the haze of agony. Your face is hot with embarrassment. You want nothing more than to punch him, slap him, bite him, but you’re stuck. “What the fuck do you want?” you snarl.
“Cooperation,” Leland purrs. “I want your cooperation.”
You want him off of you, but he’s bigger and he’s still pinning you in place. “Let me go.”
“Are you gonna try to hit me?”
“No,” you lie.
Leland scoffs. “Make me believe it.”
You gather everything you have, using pain and rage as fuel. “I won’t try to hit you,” you say through gritted teeth.
Leland squints at you, then takes his weight off of you. You don’t give him a moment to react before you’re swinging at him, your fingers curved to scratch his cheeks. All of that agony, all of that fury propels your hand forward, but he must’ve sensed that you were lying because he side-steps your hand and you stumble forward. He spins, one hand on your shoulder and the other on the small of your back. In a frustratingly fluid movement, he shoves you and sticks out a foot at the same time, sending you crashing to the floor. “Fuck!” you exclaim as your forehead smashes into the edge of the couch, winding a fresh wave of pain across your head.
You roll yourself over to fix your eyes on Leland, who’s now towering above you and chortling. “That’s more like it!” he says with a wide grin.
You sit there in a heap on the floor, staring up at him, flabbergasted and scared. Good God, why the hell is he laughing?
Unexpectedly, he extends his hand to you. You’re not sure if it’s because you’ve got a concussion or you’re afraid of what he might do if you reject it, so you reach up and let Leland pull you up. Your forehead is gonna have a bruise later, your ears are still ringing, but he looks just as bad—if not worse, after tumbling into his own desk. His face is still red, though it’s fading fast, and while his eyes are still puffy, they’re focused on you with enough intensity to make you squirm.
“How come you never fought off any of the exes like that, huh?”
“What?” you ask dumbly.
Leland shrugs like you didn’t just try to attack him. “You never attacked any of the guys like this. You used other methods instead. How come?”
“Uhm.” You don’t know what to say. You two just had a scuffle and now he’s chatting amicably, like the fight put him in a better mood? “Because it’s not as fun?” It’s the only answer that comes to mind right now.
“You’re gonna tell me that none of that was fun?” He waggles an eyebrow and you’re even more confused now than you were five seconds ago. “You wanna tell me that you didn’t enjoy any of that? You didn’t like lying to me and then lunging at me? You didn’t like letting that anger, that temper of yours take over?”
You feel your forehead scrunch. It hurts, provoking a grimace from you. “I mean…no?” But that’s not entirely true, is it? You did enjoy it. You liked striking out at him, liked the feeling of submitting to your rage and letting it take hold of your body. It was almost freeing. Usually, you channeled your anger into the psychological attacks, but this physicality was…satisfying in a completely different way.
“Oh, come on, don’t lie to me.” His face is more pink than red, and he doesn’t seem bothered by the residual pepper spray at all anymore. “This is a safe space, after all. You can tell me how it really made you feel.”
“I—,” but you’re hit by a wave of embarrassment and shame. This was not how you worked at all. Everything that had just happened was a direct result of him goading you, nothing more than that. You weren’t a physically violent person. “It’s not my style,” you say instead.
God, your head hurts. 
“Stop worrying about how you’re supposed to feel and start acknowledging how you really feel,” Leland says, and there’s just something about the way he says it that chips at your resolve.
You want to tell him the truth, tell him how much you liked it. How much you wanted to watch him bleed again. How much you wanted to bite his hand until you broke the skin and then lick the blood off of him and—wait, what? Where the fuck did that come from? you wonder. Can concussions alter personalities?
“Tell me, (Y/N). How do you feel right now?”
“I feel like…” the words are slow to come out. You don’t want to admit it even though you do. “I feel like hitting you again,” you say at last. It’s not the whole truth, but it’s the closest you’re willing to say for now.
Leland’s face cracks into an eerie grin. “Good.” He looks behind him, his eyes no longer streaming, then sits down in the chair next to him and motions for you to sit on the couch. Stunned, you do so, unsure of what else you can do. “Let’s talk about that some more.”
“Oh, no, no,” said the little Fly, “kind sir, that cannot be!
I’ve heard what’s in your pantry and I do not wish to see.”
Part Four
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My coral island farmer OC, Fazlyn Dirynhai Base on the convo, interaction and behavior , these are her character I came up with all info i have at the time. So Imma gonna put it here for the record for future reference?? since the game have presented main personality through text, context and subtext a lot. I need to keep track of her somehow. [contain SPOILERS about questline/heart scene, convo, interaction] Here I go.
She likes starfruit. (; Luke Convo)
She can eat raw vegetables like eggplants. (; Luke and Raj Convo)
She likes making joke and puns. (; Interact with people's room and shop)
She can be 'respectful', rarely. (; Interact with Mollie's closet)
She talks a lot, even with someone she barely know. (; Leah and Mark convo)
She's yogi (; Ben convo)
She likes romantic homey dinner kind of date. (; Answer Pablo Question)
She likes eating flower than admiring one. (; Answer Scott Question)
She can be unintentionally flirt sometimes, but it just being nice in that case. (; Answer Mark Question)
She usually collapsed at night from exhaustion (; Behavior)
She worked in art field before. (; Answer Zarah Question)
She likes gossip, sometimes, of course *wink* (; Bree convo)
She can drink alcohol in little amount (; Scott's heart scene)
She likes horror movie(; Rafael's heart scene)
Other info about her.
She remembered Alice and Lily when she arrived. (; Alice and Lily favorite shown since we arrived to the town, before the farmer spoke to both of them.)
She didn't remember Nina, but they were childhood friends. (; Nina's questline)
Her name isn't her given name. (; Raj Convo). // I came up with the story that her legal name come from her nickname and her old first name, it started from she had the same name with her classmate. So, she's the one with the nickname for convenience. Then after that she kept found the incident recurring a lot, so she changed her nickname to her legal name for good. Her old first name is Lyn.
Speaker in Luke's shop is easily broken, she used to buy that speaker's brand before and it's broken in 6 months. (; Interact with top right shelf in Luke's shop.)
She also owned a clock like the one Luke sells back in Pokyo. (; Interact with bottom left shelf in Luke's shop.)
She tasted Betty's soup without permission. (; Interact with the pot in Betty's kitchen.) [imo, i want to smack her hand for that.]
Her vow in her wedding with Luke was 'Luke, a lifetime is not long enough for me to wake up every morning next to you.' (; Married day, obviously.)
Anddddd, these are my headcanons for this character. Just base on my random guess and thoughts.
She was closer to Alice than Suki when they were kids.
At some point, I think Nina, Luke, and farmer had played together, but it just 1-2 times, so only Nina can remember that. Since Luke is too young to remember the farmer and haven't been contacted with, and the farmer played with Nina more than Luke and she still didn't remember her, she doesn't good with remembering and such.
Suki, Alice, Nina, Lily and the farmer was a childhood friend group.
She hadn't talked with Tavern siblings or blacksmith brother before, from the first convo they had.
Her hair and her blue eyes come from her mother side, her mother is from San franciskyo
Her grandparents who owned the farm are on her father side, so they should be Indonesian(?).
Her parents met in Pokyo and she grew up there. That's the reason she had Pokyo accent from Leah's convo.
Her first talk with Taco, the dialog is like, '[He smells a lot like Luke]', but she hadn't speak with Luke at that point. So, she kinda buffled a bit. 'Wait, who's Luke??'
Her first rescuer for collapsed after 2 AM is Luke, I remember this because it's happened in 2nd Spring in the Year 1. So, in Year 2, the farmer gave him the locket that day, 2nd Spring.
2nd Spring in Year 3, she changed her hair as celebration of sort?? idk, it's pretty coincidence. I just wanted to change something a bit about the hair and just noticed that it that day. huh.. Wonder what will happend if I continue playing until next year.
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moronic-validity · 11 months
So ummmmmmmmm how do you picture (either in DWU or more canonish) Simon being pregnant (you choose the other parent!)
Okay so I don't usually write mpreg, but let's toy with this a little because I have some headcanons. (Edit: I had a lot of headcanons and would be willing to turn this into a mini fic series. It'd probably be a little longer than Stockholm Syndrome)
18+, but also not really
1) we're gonna explore this using the DWU because I've got an established relationship to work with.
2) Winter and Simon have a lot of unprotected sex, like a LOT. And they're both guys, so what's the issue, right? Wrong.
3) Simon begins getting nauseous as hell every morning and sometimes into late afternoon.
4) he also can't seem to stand the smell of meat.
5) Winter is concerned, but he just assumes Simon has a stomach bug
6) a few months pass and the nausea seems to lift a little, but now he's gaining weight.
7) Simon is mentally convinced he has stomach cancer or something in that line
8) so he calls Doctor Princess, who listens to the symptoms and laughs.
9) "Simon...if anyone with a uterus told me this, I'd be pretty sure they're pregnant."
10) Simon laughs and explains that as far as he knows, he doesn't have one, so that can't be it.
11) he humors her and lets her do an ultrasound.
12) surprise Simon, you're a dad!
13) Simon straight up faints.
14) Doctor Princess calls Winter (yeah shocker, he does actually have a phone, he just hates to use it)
15) Winter is ECSTATIC. He loves the thought of a little Petrikov running around the castle, of an heir to the Kingdom.
16) Simon comes to and Doctor Princess has to explain again that he is pregnant and well into the 2nd trimester at this point.
17) They come up with a game plan and he'll come in for ultrasounds pretty regularly just to make sure the baby is actually progressing and once he hits 40 weeks, they'll do a C-section.
18) Simon spends the next few weeks in a haze, still not believing he's pregnant, even after multiple ultrasounds and his growing belly confirm it.
19) Winter is in full blown I'm gonna be a dad mode. He's already designed a nursery and everything.
20) He also becomes a lot more protective of Simon, canceling larger events under the pretense of Simon dealing with a serious medical emergency.
21) Most of Ooo know Simon by this point and are incredibly worried about him.
22) PB and Marceline come for an unannounced visit, worried as hell about Simon (because while they don't really know how to feel about Winter, they LOVE Simon)
23) Winter almost send the Ice Scouts to stop them, but Simon is happy to see his new old friends.
24) Marceline sees his stomach and immediately knows.
25) her and Bonnibel are both incredibly confused, but also excited for him.
26) They want to throw a baby shower, Simon is on the fence, but when Marceline does the puppy eyes, he folds like a fucking lawn chair.
27) He finally thinks about it and gets Prismo's attention
28) he gets beamed up and Prismo is like heeeey dad to be, how're you feeling?
29) Simon asks for a favor and Prismo considers it before beaming his Finn, Marceline, and Bonnibel into the time room.
30) everyone but Finn is super confused before their focus turns on Simon
31) "Holy shit" is all Marceline can come up with.
32) they're all so excited for him and just happy to see him.
33) They hang out in the time room for a few hours before Prismo has to put everyone back
34) Winter asks how it went and Simon is like honestly? It was really good.
35) They agree that if it's a girl, they'll name her Beatrice and she'll go by Betty. If it's a boy, they'll name him Jake (Winter wants to name him after Finn, but Simon doesn't want to name him after someone still alive).
36) Simon starts getting really bad contractions around 38 weeks, but with no where for the baby to go, he doesn't know what to do.
37) Doctor Princess has been flying by the seat of her pants for all of this and realizes that it's time.
38) She gets Simon prepped for surgery and tells Winter to scrub in too.
39) the C-section goes as planned, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they hear the newest Petrikov cry.
40) It's a girl.
41) Winter is able to clip the umbilical cord, which for some reason, he was really looking forward to doing.
42) Simon is crying as Doctor Princess rests his baby girl on his chest. He has never felt so much love for another being in his life.
43) Winter holds his partner and his child and it really sinks in that this is his family and he will do any and everything to keep them safe.
44) Doctor Princess stitches him up and tells them she needs to wheel Simon to his room and they should probably stay at least over night just to make sure everything is okay.
45) time skip because everything is okay and Winter and Simon are stupidly good parents.
46) At Beatrice's first birthday, two strangers to the Kingdom find themselves in attendance, one as the brightest pink hair Simon has ever seen and the other has light blue hair and looks shockingly familiar, but he can't place him.
47) They, along with the rest of the kingdom dote on the Beatrice Petrikov. The crowd eventually dies down and goes home, until only the five of them are left.
48) "Hey Simon, sorry for surprising you like this, but I just had to see your kid! She's so cute!!!" The pink haired one said, slinging an arm over Simon's shoulders.
49) the dots connect
50) Simon hugs Prismo, laughing and explaining he didn't recognize him at first, then shakes Scarab's hand and thanks them both for coming.
51) Prismo takes a picture of the baby and her dads and promises to show Finn, Marcy, and Bonni.
52) I totally forgot to talk about Beatrice's appearance, she has Simon's skin tone and Winter's hair, with only a small tuft of black. She also doesn't have a nose, shocker, right?
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missjashin · 2 years
So Robin is off to college and the kids are back at school and growing so.. they don’t need their babysitter as much.. So Steve gets little lonely at times. Sure there’s Eddie who hangs out with him occasionally but he seems to have like million other friends too and he is always a busy guy, especially now since his healed and cleared and the town is starting to forget. So Steve tries not to reach out too much because he doesn’t think he is welcome (he is). And it’s been little weird between them lately anyway, like it’s nice and he genuinely enjoys spending time with Eddie but sometimes there’s this tension and he doesn’t know what it is or what to do with it (it’s called a crush Steve, don’t worry you’ll get there). So he is alone a lot and gets lonely.
And one day he just announces that he is gonna get himself a dog. He thought about a lot, did research how to take care of one and all. Just like he did as a kid but his parents never got him the wished puppy.
Everyone is just like okay Steve, go get a dog. And they all think he is gonna get one of the bigger dogs. You know like an active dog he could go to long walks and/or runs with. It would be fitting, Steve likes sports. And in all honesty, that’s what Steve probably thought too.
The day comes when Steve is getting the dog. He needs to drive to a bigger city tho and he goes alone. He is leaving in the morning and driving back for afternoon anyway, on a school day so. Yeah anyway. The kids obviously want to see the dog right away so after school they go to Steve’s place, Eddie is driving them. They let themselves in and what greets them inside is a very tiny and very excited Pomeranian with a cutest pink little collar. It’s a little shocking but the girls are definitely first to recover, squealing with joy of how cute the dog is. Steve appears and just smiles, tells them “her name is Betty” and refuses to give any more explanations. The kids fold easy tho, Betty wins their hearts over in a (heh) heartbeat. Eddie gives the dog few pats and scratches but claims that, although she is very adorable, he is not that big of a dog person himself.
But. Next time the kids come over to Steve’s for a movie night Eddie is already there, lying on a couch, Betty lying on his chest while he gives butterfly kisses to her. And he has the audacity to ask “what?” when the kids give him a look™️
Bonus: Steve’s parents suddenly announce they’re coming home. Steve hasn’t told them he got a dog and is panicking because shit he didn’t think this one through. Eddie is right there offering to have Betty over for while his parents are in town. A little too eager for a guy who doesn’t really care for dogs that much too 🤨
Tltr: Steve gets a dog. Eddie is a dad who doesn’t want a dog but ends up loving it more than anything ever. Gets her a badass new spiked collar too.
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pens-and-gems · 9 months
The Wish Chapter 1 Preview
Hey everyone, this post is a preview to my upcoming story titled The Wish. Kinda inspired by my own life, it's about a high schooler, stressed out with her family and school both, wishes that she never existed. Unfortuntately, the wish comes true and now, she must not only get her life back, but also learn to appreciate the small stuff.
Anyways, here's a preview for Chapter !~ Enjoy!
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Chapter 1: Scheduling
Thursday, 7:00AM:
7:20AM-Have Breakfast with Family
7:30AM-Board School Bus
7:50AM-Chew Mint-Flavored Sugar Free Gum to Prevent Bad Breath
7:55AM-Get to First Period, Start School
8:00AM-2:50PM-Start School
3:00PM-Fencing Practice
4:00PM-Board Bus to Take Me Home
4:30-6:30PM-Study for AP Chemistry Test
6:35PM-Dinner at the Pretensions'
7:00PM-Get Wilbur to Bed
7:30PM-8:30PM-Finish Book Report on Fahrenheit 451
8:35PM-Get Ready for Bed
8:45PM-Watch Netflix until 9
9:00PM-Bed time!
Extra Notes:
*Pre-Calculus Test Tomorrow
*Spanish 3 Honors Project Due Next Friday
*History Oral Report on WWII Next Monday.
*Fencing Tournament Saturday at 1PM-4PM
"There, my schedule for tomorrow is complete." I said in relief as I sat in my desk in my room on  a Wednesday Night, waiting for the day to completely end, so I can finally start a new one. My school counselor suggested  to me that I should start scheduling my tasks, so I can balance both my school and home life since I tend to be really busy with classes, fencing, and babysitting. Basically, the typical responsibilities almost every seventeen-year-old would have when they're almost done with high school.The truth is, I didn't always like doing these tasks. In fact, I only do them so I can prove myself to them. Them as in my folks; also known as my parents.
You see, my parents are very busy when it comes to their jobs. My mother, Barbara works late as a nurse while my father, Jonathan is a graveyard worker at the hotel downtown. So my siblings and I don't tend to see them often; especially my younger ones: Harold, Bethany or "Betty" as she preferred, and Wilbur. Futhermore, my two older siblings, Wendy and Steven, who are college students, are usually the ones in charge; despite their busy hours of studying. I guess they got use to it so much that they even began to act like Mom and Dad themselves. My oldest sister, Wendy at twenty-three last week had me clean the kitchen from head to toe and whenever I missed a pot or did something wrong, she would snap at me and tell me to do it again. In fact, she would complain about how "that's not how Mom would want it done!" I can still hear her obnoxious shriek in my ears.
Just as I was about to shut off the light and hit the hay, a knock was heard. I groaned to myself and told them to come in.
"Hello baby sister," Wendy greeted me in the most fake loving tone ever.
"Even the deadliest of all killers could fake that." She ignored my sarcasm.
"I know you don't like being bothered, especially this late at night," she continuned.
"It's only two hours and fifty three minutes until midnight, but talk." Wendy rolled her eyes at my deadpan remark. "Anyways, there's been a state of emergency at the hospital tonight. Mom's gonna be busy for the next two nights, and Dad's most likely gonna sleep in. So be prepared, sis. You might have to set up to watch the little ones longer than expected."
"WHAT?!" I began to freak out and flip through my agenda. "But that totally messes up my schedule!" I tried to show her.
UPDATE: 1/11/24
Fixed and edited some mistakes that a friend from Discord helped me out with.
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opheliaintherushes · 1 year
I told myself I was done tormenting my kind and non-Riverdale-watching mutuals, and besides, I am too old and weathered for this fandom anyway, but really, the final, final thoughts on this finale and season as a whole:
First, and separately, does anything that happened after the characters got their memories back make sense? What was the point of it? They seemed completely unaffected by anything and happy to roleplay 50s teens. Were they even teens? Were they twenty-somethings sticking around high school like the vampires from Twilight for no explicable reason? Also, I'm sorry if you want to play the sentimental card, but if I was one of a handful of people who had traveled back in time and was stuck living in the past for 60 years or what have you, I would not lose contact with the others who also had. You would go insane! What did Archie tell his Modesto wife and child? Was Veronica picking up options on scripts she already knew would win Oscars? Did Jughead and Betty rewrite old issues of Mad and Ms. they might have read in the past? And is Gloria Steinem okay??? Also Betty and Jughead should remember they kind of hated each other in the future after the cheating and the voicemail, and Veronica should be so jealous of Betty for getting Archie, and Jughead should be so jealous of Archie for getting Betty, and my brain is hurting -
Almost more irritating were a) this idea that Archies are fundamentally stuck in the 50s (I owned the decade collections as a kid and the 60s and 70s were by far my favorites - very groovy), and b) the presumption that they did anything to address, expose, and or/fix actual problems of the 50s. Let us recap:
The school is already desegregated and this is never, ever discussed. The Black students are allowed to compete in beauty pageants, form their own literary club, dance on an integrated TV show, and join cheerleader squads, and this all happens with zero fight from the villains of the season. Fake Ray Bradbury and Fake Ray Bradbury's sweet but stupid wife think they could have settled in the south as a married couple in the forties. But? This is Riverdale, you say? They fixed everything? Sorry, you don't get to use Emmett Till to open the season and then eat your cake too.
Homophobia seemed to be the writers focus this season - except that every other episode someone would threaten Cheryl or Kevin, and then the next episode it would be an open secret at school with zero repercussions. Also, of course only the bad guys are homophobic (sorry Evelyn); our heroes are as forward thinking as they come. Hell, even Buffy had a moment to be wigged out by Willow and this was 1999! Anyway, look up what Lou Reed's parents did to him ('don't you know they're gonna kill your sons')
Let us not even discuss Reggie, who conquers racism through the power of athletics. Look up Richie Allen. Heck, watch the actual School Ties. It doesn't work out so well for David Greene in the end.
And then there's Fangs and Midge: first, rock and roll was seen as a huge menace, Fangs should've been on the school's hit list. Second, the writers obviously never read up on rock and rollers (who were generally older) and teen girls if they thought that was a good storyline. Third, they definitely never read any memoirs written by women in the 1950s, which all feature back alley abortions, slimy lovers, and shady doctors. (We don't even have time to get into Betty's idea of feminism being about sex all the time, everywhere, and becoming a burlesque dancer rather than, like, equal pay. Who knows, maybe she could have been the one harping on non-stop about the Beats and seen the cold face of her future there).
They didn't change anything. EC (sorry, Pep Comics) shut down. The Comics Code Authority won. So apparently all those artists who never worked again were just fine, right Tabitha?
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reclusivedouche · 1 year
Riverdale Thoughts: 3x06
PEEP SHOW! Please, I am the Barchiest of stans so like yes to all of it. Anyway, thoughts.
Jughead is not interesting to me rn if he's not with Veronica and since that's currently over... (Also like I better see him kiss Ethel properly at least ONCE omg before Tabitha comes back ofc bc Tabitha)
What I wouldn't give to have a window's view into Archie Andrew's bedroom wow
50's Archie is honestly the best Archie, it's so good
Betty and Veronica should kiss again in the 50's as a treat.
Also, Archie and Jughead have to kiss before the show ends to complete the circle or else!!!
Surprise Evelyn Evernever is really out here saying things like "lezzie" honestly Toni should punch her.
Can you dig it?
Cheryl's face of both gay excitement and gay fear when Toni asked if she could show her some appreciation.
It lives in my head rent free forever now
I did absolutely rewind mid episode to watch that part again bc idk it was giving everything.
50's Toni is so hot
Is Fangs Elvis yet?
There is no difference between Cheryl, Evelyn, and Midge and Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. Don't @ me
I love new Midge tbqh
I'm tired of Julian, he was only fun for like one episode lmao
Someone should top him so he can cum to jesus
Veronica is really that bitch and I am here for it like yes absolutely allow me in your room to peep on the hot carrot top next door
I need to see Veronica and Jughead hook up properly once PLEASE
Dan and Blair got to (IN AN ELEVATOR)
I am not sure what order I'm remembering all of this in
Betty not feeling the lingerie at first is me anytime I buy something different from what I usually where so it just sits in my closet for eternity
Toni and Betty should kiss also
I'm gonna need Archie and farmboy Reggie to also kiss at some point as they are actually boyfriends
Anyway, the cringe dialogue about maybe ending up in our rooms at the same time was incredible
Archie saying he's excited is too adorable
Still thinking about how he snatched Betty's teddy bear to cover his boner when she felt up his thigh
Incredible really
Oh and also, why is Frank? I'm so over him completely. He sucks. Just let Mary do all of the parenting. More Molly!
Frank was at least hot with the like beard this mustache is not it
The gifsets of Archie and Betty undressing for each other in the window are my everything rn
As are the ones of Cheryl and Toni kissing!!!!!!
Does this mean the episode where they are going to bone is coming soon?
Please say yes
Back to the window stripping - what are Frank and Hal doing that they both barged into those rooms at the same time
I'm telling you the white men in this season are up to some shit. Principal Warden Norton, Francis Dupont Werthers, MAYOR Clifford Blossom, Basketball Coach Uncle Frank, HAL
God for some reason Hal
A terrible actor
TBK should've been Hal or his twin bc he is also a blossom so like why do the coopers not have twins Hal??
It was so disappointing but whatever I digress
Even tho I hate Hal
Also save Ethel?? We just threw her back to the sisters and? We've moved onto comics from the murders.
Give her a proper full season storyline for once ffs
You give Kevin things and he's not even remotely interesting at all
Loved and episode with no Kevin tbqh
Anyway, the ending with Archie and Betty getting caught is in my top like 3 endings rn
One is the very precious moment where Archie ASKED if he could kiss Josie (it was adorable they are my crackOTP okay)
I think I've stopped thinking about this episode and instead am thinking about the whole show
We must stop before I never stop
I hope Archie and Betty kiss soon also
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eternalhealingau · 11 months
Meet Khrys Angston...
The key part in this AU. Simon's healer from relapse. The one and only in this AU to knock him up.... !! Formatted like a resume. More after the cut!
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Key points about her:
Capricorn (Born January 8th)
360 lbs of pure muscle and heart
Really relaxed
Almost always smells like a mix of cologne, tobacco, outdoor air and sometimes even has an aroma of a backyard cookout.
Basically to knock up Simon to heal him from his past. Betty giving him this chance to fulfill his wishes of having a big family. And keep in mind the word 'big'. It's gonna be useful to make a marker on the size of their household in its peak.
But not only just being a fatherhood god, she's verse in magma control, and mortal consumption as well. She'll only eat a human being if it means keeping the streets clean of criminal activity.
Divine Skills:
Scythe Weilding
Black Hole Appetite
Magma Control
Fatherhood/Tectonic Control - San Antonio, Texas
Time Frame: 1980-Present
Responsibilities: inspire other fathers to improve on how they parent but also acknowledge the other's ways. Giving parents a new chance to do better. And if the other party (the other parents) continue to do a horrible job at it (ie.. abuse or other triggering topics), she just eats them. Adopting their kid into her family upon immediate notice. Yeah......it's a lotta bubbas running in her household at some point lmao.
Accomplishments: Becoming a cop.......and then turning into a stealth cop so she could do her job on the hush hush so people won't assume much. They already know her as it is due to her size and demeanor.
Passed high school with a diploma
No need. She's already a goddess.
*.....Cronos would know well to be her familial reference.
toodles until my next post!
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academiaipromise · 1 year
everything i want everyone to know about the return of true tv pt 2 (riverdale season 7 episode 2)
jughead (who of course no longer remembers the present storyline) submitted a story to a comics company and they STOLE it i get it jughead i really do
oh thank god we’re having a sock hop this week 
fun fact about this comic book theft storyline is that every person i know (including me) who works in creative industries has a story like this. i feel like someone in the writers room is taking out some frustration. protect your work!!!! no one else will.
i forgot to say last week but betty and kevin are dating in this timeline...so i’m sure that’s gonna go well. i wrote this comment about kevin famously being a flaming homosexual with no regard for his own safety but i am watching archie and betty dance together and they actually might be the more immediate issue 
ETHEL “WE’RE GONNA BE A SHIP” MUGGS IS BACK (good for shannon purser i guess?) 
“we’ve been dating for months and we’re not even going steady yet...you haven’t even pinned me yet.” i’m in PAIN. 
they introduced clay walker in this episode, who is kevin’s husband in archie comics. eat your heart out mcu film bros i am an easter egg master. 
ARCHIEKINS has made its first appearance in the 50s timeline
i somehow missed how toni moved here an episode ago and joined a gang. sorry to those who rely on me paying enough attention to follow this but there’s a lot going on. anyways, she is threatening the sock hop! so cheryl has narrowed in on her enemy (to lover, obviously)! 
archie coming out in his suit that doesn’t fit is very high school musical 3 to me. no further comment. 
“ah jeez mom” AGAIN 50s archie is oddly endearing. 
archie writing a poem for veronica but then giving it to betty to read...i never said the writers weren’t plotting. 
VERONICA INVITED ALL OF THE POTENTIAL DATES OVER AT THE SAME TIME?! perhaps i am anti girlboss i’m sorry to admit this during the week of barbie supremacy 
“what if we went together?” “like...for kicks?” [i am on my 50s jughead canonically ace agenda i don’t have time to get into it here but this made me laugh] 
molly ringwald is kind of chewing her dialogue a bit good for her she really called her son simple (affectionate) 
maedchen amick is also...kind of terrifying in this episode. i support the older riverdale cast just doing whatever the hell they want at this point 
....is the show. implying that hal cooper was also gay in the way kevin is gay. or am i reading too much into that dialogue. anyways, we don’t have time to get into this. 
is ethel still in a cult in this universe or did everyone get a blank slate? perhaps she’s just still creepy 
betty clearly on her way to ask archie to the sock hop now that veronica is no longer taking him only to be stopped by kevin to give her this PIN so that they can GO STEADY genuinely makes me kind of sad like there is no way for this to end well. pinning someone won’t fix your problems kids!
ethel muggs didn’t show up for the detention she got for drawing her illustrations for jughead’s story and hurray! they got the job! take back ownership of your work kids
fangs breaking out into tutti frutti really got my “watched grease/other 50s-setting content as a kid” fight or flight instinct 
damn if my principal singled me out to wax homophobic righteousness i think i would have to resort to something drastic 
well okay cool yeah happy the creepy music following ethel around went somewhere (the sock hop episode ended by implying ethel killed her parents). 
important follow-up: again, the episode ended with ethel, covered in blood, saying “something terrible’s happened.” this was the immediate trailer for the next episode:
anyways. who’s excited for veronica’s make out party??? (my eye twitched writing this)
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Drop riverdale spoiler pls
cheryl came out to the vixens and said she was in a relationship with toni and was like if you don't like lesbians you can go hang out with evelyn evernever but you're off the squad. kevin whose father wanted him to sleep with a hooker because he didn't want him to be gay earlier this season saw his dad and archie's homophobic uncle frank in a hotel room with uncle frank shirtless which was like🤨 jughead's comic about a black woman and a white man falling in love and about a comet causing the end of the world as we know it or something didn't fit the code the bad guys gave him to work with but then the pep comics publisher was like fuck them we'll publish it anyway and go out with a bang (haha). veronica told clay he was gonna direct an adaptation with sidney poitier as the lead. reggie told archie he couldn't go to basketball camp because he had to work on his parents' farm but archie offered to go work in his place so he could go <3 betty published a book in the vein of the advice she was giving as the girl the next door (was that her alias?) and showed it to her mom who did not congratulate her she was like oh yeah that is definitely a book and you are on the cover of it and then betty told her to read it so she'd get to know her better and maybe get to know herself better too and so she did. and alice is gonna become a stewardess or wanted to at one point and betty was like it's not too late yolo.
this was not even the interesting part. THEN tabitha who was jughead's girlfriend in the 2020s came back and jughead was like hey are you back because she's on the road with civil rights activists in the 1950s BUT THEN tabitha's like no i'm not your tabitha i'm...YOUR tabitha i'm angel tabitha the one who can time travel through all the dimensions etc etc. and she shows jughead his life (so riverdale) and they watch it on a tv in color he's like wow this is crazy and then he remembers his life and the fact that he's from the future and then tabitha tells him that since they're all doing so well in the 50s timeline she's merging all the timelines together and integrating them into this one but that means she can't send them back to the future (movie reference i don't know if you've ever heard of it) so they'll stay in the 50s because it's the better timeline. then they show archie his riverdale life in color and he's like wow that's crazy then they tell everyone what's going on they all watch their lives and they're like can we get a supercut of us please we don't wanna remember the bad stuff and jughead's like no you must appreciate the bad to appreciate the good. but tabitha's like no actually i can do that. so they all forget their bad memories and they all watch the movie of their lives together and laugh and smile. except for betty who's the only one besides jughead who decided to remember the bad stuff because OF COURSE she's betty miss darkness (betty's darkness is an inside joke i have with my riverdale friend). but she still laughs and smiles. then tabitha walks out of the theater of their lives and jughead follows her and she tells him that she can't stay in this timeline and that they'll never be together again because 1950s tabitha doesn't come back to riverdale and settles down in chicago (i think) 😔 but she tells him they're together in other timelines and that they're all real even the one in which they have a family together and grow old together that they experienced at one point which i don't remember happening at all but she said it so it must be true. then they kiss and she disappears for good. fin. except not really that's tomorrow.
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arianaisms · 1 year
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meet ariana!
ariana was born on june 26, 1993
she has a brother named frankie
she's an actress, musician, music producer, and owns her own makeup line called r.e.m. beauty
has a little boy named milo franklin with pete davidson. he was born march 25, 2019. ariana and pete share custody of milo and have a pretty healthy co-parenting lifestyle and they do things as a family frequently so milo has the experience of having two parents vs. mom one week and dad the next
is hypoglycemic
loves with her entire soul
doesn't label her sexuality, but if she had to pinpoint, she'd say she's probably pansexual/romantic
will make a joke about anything, but knows boundaries
has a morbid / macabre sense of humor and personality
obsessed with broadway, goldfish crackers, anything that has pretty lights and stickers
her purse is full of snacks, lip balm, perfume, and lotion. you'll never catch her not smelling good
has a ridiculously large collection of coloring books and coloring materials (most of it's for herself, not her son)
is known to smoke weed, but not around the tiny human
also known to vape, but also not around the tiny human, and it's always 0mg - she doesn't need the nic, she just likes the flavor and the fun clouds
has several collections. various unique water bottles, stickers, themed tarot cards, crystals, really cool lighters, themed band-aids, lots of harry potter stuff, anything that reminds her of milo, and a lot of wizard of oz / wicked / galinda specific items
can never find her keys
can never find her glasses (usually on her head)
makes friends pretty quickly and is easy to get along with as long as you're not rude to her
has gotten lost in her own house several times
you'll never catch her without her nails at least painted. she prefers acrylics or gels, but if she hasn't had an appointment in a while, she'll just paint them herself. she doesn't like the look of her bare nail. her go-to color when indecisive is purple
can't stand the texture of boba
her queen is betty white, god rest her soul
keeps a pack of toilet paper in her trunk because "you never know if you'll break down in the woods, what are you gonna use, poison ivy leaves? fuck that, i'm prepared"
milo is the love of her life. she'll do anything for him. she'll make a whole fool out of herself to make him laugh, whether it's making funny faces or noises, or dancing like a fool in public to get a smile on his face. he's the only guy that has her heart forever
will probably never lay a hand on anyone, but will absolutely destroy someone with words if they pick a fight with her
has hooked up with a lot of people and still does and is probably known for it and disliked for it
is freshly divorced, but has a good friendship with her ex husband. they ended their marriage on mutual terms, and since he was around milo since he was a baby, he's still involved in his life
loves all things fantasy and mythical, specifically unicorns and mermaids
obsessed with space
still plays wizard101 and league of legends on a regular basis. she's a gamer at heart
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marveledheroines · 1 year
Biggest "WHAT THE HELL" moment?
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"Alright, look... When you're living with your parents. Eventually the urge is gonna come knockin... Usually!!!! I can avoid these things. I've learned the signs and can pick up pretty quick. I give em a hug, tell em I love em, let Mom and Dad know where I'm going for the night, and we're good!"
"....Booooy not today.... Today was not that day...."
"So, I spent the night at Aunt Betty's yeah? Wanted to see the baby, and chill with my girlfriend. All good fun stuff. I come home a little earlier than usual... Flash and Andi had things and didn't want me getting involved. Which, fair! What they do is a bit above my skill level. Anyway!"
"I bring my monolith build ass in and the first thing I see..."
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"I can laugh about it now. But...I think next time when I have to leave from somewhere early...I'll just burn time somewhere else...just to be safe...."
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minimomoe · 1 month
Can you talk about the dynamic between reader wade and Logan after the events of not just neighbors? Maybe ward barging in all the time or him teasing Logan for inviting her over
Not Just Neighbors extras
omg i’m so glad you asked!!! here’s a little thing about my writing process: i write scenes as they come to me, more often than not out of order and then i have to go back and stitch them together to make a coherent story. that means i have a lot of throw away scenes that don’t make the cut but i have silly Wade moments. here are a few random excerpts
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“Al. Al! Al, you need to come here.”
“I’m not lifting a motherfucking finger. What do you want?”
“Logan is cleaning,” Wade whispered-yelled. “The pad is so spotless I could eat off the floor.”
“So he’s pulling his weight like a nice young man. What about it?”
“You think he’s finally gonna pop the question?”
Al tilted her head to the direction of Wade’s voice. She could tell he was in the kitchen while sitting in the living room. She even paused her show to hear him better but regretted it almost immediately. “There is nothing in your head other than bullet shells and cocaine.”
The insult bounced off of Wade’s skin like nothing. “Think about it. He’s been eye fucking our girl next door since she met her. Obviously he wants to talk to her but has to do his honey badger mating rituals first. He’s old-fashioned like that. Oh shhhh, here he comes.”
Wade quickly jumped to sit himself down on the couch next to Al and posed to look as natural as possible.
Logan came out with Dogpool held close to his chest and dare Wade say a pleasant expression. Logan felt him burning holes in the back of his head and eyed the other man suspiciously.
“What is it?”
“I just feel like a proud parent. You’re all grown up,” Wade patted the corners of his eyes.
“Stop speaking in riddles and spit it the fuck out.”
“I always swallow but since you asked so nicely; I think it’s cute you have a crush. And you picked a really nice girl. It’s never too late to find love.”
Logan’s face was steadily steeping red but he turned his face to the kitchen. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t embarrass you. So when you’re ready to bring her over I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“You won’t be here if I do. I’m sure you can piss somebody else off for a couple of hours.”
“Nuh-uh. You need me to break the ice, set the tone, warm her up.”
Logan cocked a suspicious brow.
“Not in that way you dirty perv,” he gasped. “…Not unless you want me to.”
“I do not want you to.”
“It was worth a shot.”
“Both of you shut the fuck up! I can’t even hear the TV,” Al cried out.
“I am so sorry, Betty Crocker’s evil twin. I still had the show paused,” Wade laughed.
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“Yoo-hoo, open the do-or! I know you two love birds are in there. I can smell you!”
Logan groaned, throwing his head back on your couch and you stifled a giggle into his neck. You two were lounging at home, finally getting a free day to yourselves after a very busy week. His hands ran up and down your sides, gripping your waist and hips as you sat on top of him. As somebody who was so distant before, he loved physical touch. If you were within arm’s reach, his hands would be on you. If he wasn’t he would seek you out. This type of clinginess was foreign to you but now you wouldn’t be able to live without it. Every part of you was so cherished by Logan, it made you feel giddy inside.
“Don’t worry, he’ll go away soon,” you whispered in Logan’s ear.
There was a clicking sound that came from your front door that made both you and your lover’s ears perk up.
“…Unless he picks the door he knows how to open because I ask him to at least once a week,” you groaned.
The door swung open and in waltzed the man of the hour, Marvel’s personal Jesus, Wade Wilson in his official Deadpool suit. You haven’t seen him wearing the red spandex in ages so the awe you felt won over the anger you would’ve expressed. Logan was angry enough for the both of you.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Down boy, not everything’s about you. I need my bestie’s help. It’s girl talk, you wouldn’t understand.”
Logan would not let you go, not that you wanted to get up and leave him, so you sighed and twisted your body until you were not straddling him but instead leaning on his chest with your back. You rested your hands on top of his much larger ones right over your stomach.
“Alright MJ. Hit me.”
Wade walked in front of you and did a slow spin. “I think the suit is dated. I need a rebrand.”
“Fucking hell,” Logan groaned behind you. You patted his cheek the best you could in apology. “You don’t have to do this now. Or better yet, go to Al for help.”
“Or you can go to hell, pissy pants,” Wade shot back.
“Easy now,” you warned.
You could feel Logan baring his teeth at your friend and had to cool them down before the fight ended with another ceiling fan broken and the blades used as weapons. Instead you took his hand and massaged the tendons in it, tracing your fingers down his knuckles and immediately he melted to your touch.
“Wade, may I ask why you want to rebrand? I think your suit looks fine.”
“Every other super hero has had one at some point! I want something big. I want something that says ‘I’m here’. Deadpool,” he said dreamily. “My first idea is ass-less chaps. Country is in right now.”
You shook your head and Wade deflated. “I know for a fact there is a Cowboy Deadpool out there and you cannot jack their style. Also, that’s tacky.”
“Very tacky,” Logan repeated.
“Says the one who would look like a feral minion if he was the comic accurate height,” Wade quipped. “How about flare pants? That could be something! Or cut outs around my waist to emphasize how snatched I really am. Oh, how about—Jesus fuck, stop rubbing her down like a genie in a bottle. That’s distracting.”
Wade was right. You could barely pay attention to his yapping because Logan’s hands were dragging all over the top of your thighs and your lower stomach. His chin rested on your shoulder, his chest pressed close to your body, and you so badly wanted to kick Wade out.
“We’re working with Disney now, at least try to be demure.”
“Take it as a hint and fuck off,” Logan shrugged.
“I don’t think anything is wrong with your suit. I love it, the people love it, you almost look like Spiderman,” you mumbled the last part. “It’s perfect. Now leave.”
“Yeah yeah. I’m leaving because I want to, not because you told me to,” he said with an upturned nose.
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I love them a lot lololol. Check out Not Just Neighbors (logan x reader) to see the whole story! Thanks for the ask <3
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forgenotes-archived · 4 years
part two of my meta meltdown begins NOW!
part one can be found here! 
last time, i talked about ronnie’s canon interactions with her parents, and how that points to a childhood of neglect. NOW, i’m gonna extrapolate on that data and fill out her experiences growing up; how her parents’ ideals imprinted on her, and how they essentially doomed her to never have an easy time being in a non-toxic relationship. 
tw for child abuse through neglect under the cut ! be safe .
henry sawyer owns a telecommunications company; he didn’t start as a ceo, and in all reality, shouldn’t have ever become the chief executive officer. he quietly climbed the ladder by stepping on his colleagues, not making a huge scene of anything until he was close to being next in line for the job, when the sitting ceo was planning on retiring. henry couldn’t fathom the thought of defeat; he physically couldn’t think of not becoming the most powerful singular man in the company. 
he then decided that blackmail was the best way to tie up his opponents; he wasn’t even third in line to be considered, but he was close enough that if he could get the other candidates out of the way, he would be promoted. the knew enough around the office to know who was having an affair, who was insider trading, who was double crossing who. a couple of carefully placed emails, and fragile egos crumbled and resigned; citing “pressures of the changing industry” as the reasoning. thus, henry sawyer was promoted, and has remained the ceo ever since (now fifteen years of service, specifically due to his quiet manipulation of the board above him). 
barbara sawyer was the assistant to a big city architect; half secretary, half errand girl, always there to cater to his every need (yes, every need), before she retired. however, she had her own fair share of malicious takedowns, perhaps even more brutal than henry’s, because her adversaries often hadn’t done anything wrong to weaponize against them. 
a young graduate threatened barbara’s position; barbara couldn’t let that happen. during the day, while the office was cleared out for a meeting, she’d slipped important plans for a highly expensive project into the bag of the woman who had threatened her position. later during the day, there was a search- the plans were found, and the poor, innocent, framed woman was fired on the spot. 
henry and barbara sawyer grew up in circumstances as upper-society children to always expect the best- of the world, and of themselves. this perspective translated into how they’d raised their daughter as well; veronica was expected to excel even further than they had. 
as a child, veronica mostly absorbed the attributes of her parents from afar; they were so often working, leaving her with a babysitter that would change often, that she rarely had any time to spend with them specifically. but being a child, she wanted to be like her parents- and as she grew older, recognizing that she was being ignored, she realized she had a fork in the road. either she could act out to get their attention (bad is better than nothing), or she could try to be just like them so they would finally like her enough to spend free time with her. 
she decided to take the second route, mostly because she’d heard the fights that henry and barbara would have after coming home from work cocktail parties (one of them would be making eyes at a younger victim) and she definitely didn’t want to be on the receiving end of those shouting matches. veronica was lucky that she was born with a natural aptitude to excel in her studies, but even constantly being at the top of her class in every subject in every year didn’t seem to rouse them to pay much attention to her. 
once barbara retired, though, the dynamic shifted slightly- she began asking about veronica’s school more often, about her friends, and veronica believed she had finally grabbed the attention of her mother. however, she soon discovered that the questions were hollow; as barbara never absorbed any of the information she was told (a particularly perturbed ronnie once told her mother that she’d clawed out the principal’s eyes and the police were after her, granting nothing more than a “that’s nice, dear, now finish your homework”). the elation started to collapse, suffocating her, and turning her to grow into cynicism. 
in grade 6, she was analyzed and determined to be gifted by an exceptional margin- an iq of 162. of course, she didn’t know what this meant, but she hoped it was a high enough number to impress her parents- and briefly, it did. but the councillors who had administered the test suggested that they move her up to high school immediately, skipping two grades, maybe a third; it would be essentially useless to keep her in seventh and eighth grades, since she already firmly grasped concepts above the ones taught in those years. 
her parents became... uncomfortable with the idea. they said it was because they were worried about her socializing with people her own age, but even young veronica knew there was a secondary reason. a few years later, she would learn that they didn’t want to put in the effort to help her through such a huge change- “she’s fine working on her own like this, and it’ll be easy for her. if we move her up, she’s going to need a lot more help. are you prepared to take time off work to deal with all that? i didn’t think so, henry.” 
with a history of her interactions established, veronica’s unhealthy traits absorbed by the little interaction she’s had with her parents can be summed up to:
1. an obsession with success, climbing the ladder, being the best at whatever it is she’s told to do. that success is the only thing that gives her value as a person; she believes her worth to be a collection of her talents and achievements, not her own personality and character. this causes her to get easily used for said credits, and removes her ability to create a sense of self. 
2. a lack of ability to show affection. due to not having contact with her parents in any deep, meaningful way (if at all), she did not learn at a young age how to care or be cared for in a healthy way that did not rely on her worth, as mentioned above. veronica is closed off, guarded, and cold at the exterior; she isn’t cruel, but she doesn’t know how to express emotions in a safe manner. 
3. a suspicion of anybody who can do either of the above, be it care for her in any manner, or befriend her without wanting something from her. 
these three inherited traits compound on top of her own, leaving her to become much more cynical and bitter as she grows older- and the worst decision she ever made in terms of solidifying these negative traits was ditching betty finn to befriend the heathers, but that will be in part three, god help me, i don’t know if ANY of this made any sense!! 
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peterpparkerwrites · 3 years
sunburn - part two
warnings: language, unrequited feelings so ouch pairing: peter parker x reader (soulmate au) word count: 4.6k
masterlist ~ requests are closed ~ part three
Orange was so far your favorite.
When you woke up for school the next day, way earlier than you wanted to since you needed to get on the subway, you were shocked by the pretty color rising over the skyline. Orange danced across the buildings and peeked through grey clouds and made the sky feel more alive than you had ever seen it.
At least from this mess, you got to finally see color.
You tried to hide it, and your parents didn't suspect anything, but your sister knew you too well. She had come over that night and almost like she had a sixth sense asked you what was going on, and you admitted that you met your soulmate (but you left out basically everything else). She had been way more excited than you were about it, but you didn't have the heart to tell her the truth.
She showed you different colors of things so you'd know instead of having to just figure it out or guess. She told you purple was her favorite, and that brown was a close second because it was the color of trees and dirt (you weren't surprised, she had always loved nature).
Peter's eyes were brown.
You had only seen them for a minute before you bolted off, but they stuck in your memory. She showed you the color and you remembered seeing it in his panicked eyes, in the curls on his head, on his messy eyebrows, lighter on the freckles across his nose and cheeks.
You weren't sure if you'd be able to see that color again without thinking about him and what happened.
But you were able to see so much more now. One of your favorite shirts was an ugly green color and you were almost offended that no one told you so. It was like seeing with new eyes when you looked at your photos on the wall, seeing what you looked like with color in your skin and eyes and everything else.
The photos on your wall had plenty with MJ and Liz. There were quite a few with Peter, Ned and Betty too, even some with Flash and Cindy and Abe and some others from your decathlon team. Now it was like seeing them all for the first time again - grey and black and white no longer covered their features.
One photo caught your eye and made your heart hurt a little when you remembered who took it and what happened that day.
"This trip is gonna be boring," Ned complained, and you and MJ immediately scoffed in offense.
"Just because you aren't into history and art museums doesn't mean this is boring, it just means you have no taste," MJ shot back, and you gave her a fist bump.
You four decided to hang out more the summer between your sophomore and junior years, and that meant going out places you hadn't been. Peter always brought his camera and Ned always brought snacks, and you and MJ decided on what places to go. It was the last summer you had before your friend group extended to Liz and Betty, and it was also the last before everyone found their soulmates (well, not everyone, apparently).
"We could've gone to the science museum instead!" Ned protested, giving Peter a look that was practically begging for him to take his side, but Peter shrugged.
"I don't think it'll be so bad. We can do that another time, we have all summer."
"See? If that nerd agrees, then you should too," MJ pointed out, ignoring Peter scrunching his face up.
"Wow, I take your side, and you slander me like this."
"Top ten anime betrayals," you muttered, Ned being the only one that heard you as he choked out a laugh.
"Suck it up, Y/N and I are going to the modern art section first and you are welcome to join as long as you don't complain."
Ned managed to keep his comments to himself as you four ventured around the museum, Peter taking goofy pictures of you all by different pieces of art, MJ insisting he get as many of Ned sulking as possible so she could draw them later.
After a while MJ dragged Ned to find another map since he conveniently "lost" the one you were all using, leaving you and Peter in the statues section to laugh at the ridiculous poses and names the artists gave.
"Hey look, it's Coach Wilson!" Peter pointed at a statue, making you snicker as you saw the resemblance.
"Yeah, Coach Wilson flexing his nonexistent muscles."
"Hey, copy the statue's pose, it'll be cute," Peter held up the camera while you laughed, waving your hands to say no but Ned and MJ came back and jumped into the picture with you, and Peter managed to get a few.
"It'll be cute."
Did he think you were cute? Or just the pose would be? Or were you definitely reading into it too much like you always did?
Wait. Why the hell would you care if Peter Parker thought you were cute?
"Hey, come on, we're gonna grab lunch from a cafe down the street," MJ's voice pulled you out of your realization and you followed her without saying anything, staring at the back of Peter's head as he and Ned walked in front of you.
Oh, no.
Luckily, MJ and Ned's bickering about where to eat distracted you enough from this newfound revelation that you might just have a little crush on one of your best friends. They eventually decided on some burger place, though they were both still complaining as you entered the restaurant.
Peter's eyes scrunched up as he laughed at them, shooting a look in your direction like "they're being ridiculous", and you just gave him a smile before turning away, hoping he hadn't caught you staring.
You didn't want to have a crush on Peter. With a world of soulmates, there wasn't a point in that - there was someone out there waiting for you, and it probably wasn't Peter. You guys had been friends for ages, you would've known by now. He and you had touched before, right? With a frown, you tried to think of a time you and Peter might've high fived or brushed shoulders or even hugged, but Ned's voice brought you out of your thoughts.
"Are we hanging out later? We still have the rest of Black Mirror to get through."
"I can't, have to babysit my niece," MJ scrunched up her face, making you laugh a little. Despite her attitude, you knew she loved that kid and didn't at all mind babysitting.
"My mom and I are going to visit my sister, sorry," you sighed.
"And I have...stuff," Peter trailed off, making Ned pout.
"That just sounds like an excuse to not hang out with me."
"You know I love you, man, but I'm busy!"
"Yeah, yeah, if you really loved me-"
"If you two keep arguing about how much Peter loves you, I'm gonna be late to babysit," MJ interrupted, tapping her wrist like she had a watch. "Your bromance can wait until later."
Peter had been the one to drive you all to the museum, so you clambered into his old car that he bought off Mr. Delmar, who had probably had it for fifteen years.
"Okay, let's say a prayer that this piece of junk doesn't break down on the way home," You said after climbing in the front seat. MJ put her hands together while Ned did the sign of the cross, making Peter huff.
"Hey, no digging on my car, it might chug a little but it works just fine."
"You almost killed us on the way to school everyday," Ned pointed out.
"That's just cause he's a shitty driver," MJ chimed in while Peter started the car, ignoring the engine revving for a while before finally starting.
"Should I remind you guys that I'm driving? Like I can kill us all, I'm in total control of your lives right now. You should watch how you trash talk my driving."
"That's a little dark and twisted."
"Shut up, MJ. Y/N if you don't plug your phone in and play music I will, and I know you guys don't want to hear my music," Ned said flatly, making you chuckle as you grabbed the cord.
"Yeah, yeah."
The rest of the ride consisted of you playing music that you knew they would all like, and everyone making comments on Peter's shitty driving while he just shook his head and threatened to crash.
Peter dropped you off last, since you lived closer to his apartment. You thanked him for the ride and went to get out of the car but he said your name to stop you. With a little concern at his expression, you leaned back in the seat.
"What's up?"
"Can I ask you something?" His voice sounded shy as he stared at his lap, fumbling his fingers together.
"Of course," you replied, scrunching up your eyebrows in concern. He sounded almost scared, and his nervous tick was how he tapped his fingers together on his knees.
"Do you think Liz would say yes if I asked her out?" You felt your heart drop a little, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Cause I think I like her and I want to make a move but, what if she met her soulmate already or she doesn't like me like that or-"
"I think that's a great idea, Pete," you gave him a tight-lipped smile, forcing down the weird, unfamiliar feeling of jealousy.
"Yeah, you should go for it. You guys would be cute together," you didn't know exactly why you were encouraging him, but it would be easier for you to nip your feelings in the bud now rather than later, and him going out with one of your friends would definitely help that. Convenient how the same day you realized you might have liked Peter, he basically confirmed that he didn't feel that way about you at all.
They were officially dating once school started back up. And based on how they were around each other, you assumed they had gotten lucky and were soulmates.
Clearly not.
You had felt an unusual amount of guilt in your heart for most of the day. It wasn't your own - you had no reason to feel guilty, it wasn't your fault you were Peter's soulmate. You felt it even more every time you thought about what happened, and you knew it was because he could feel your hurt.
It wasn't fair.
You made a point of avoiding him all day. Even during your shared classes you didn't look in his direction, but you caught him peeking at you a few times, concern and guilt and hurt flooding your emotions each time. You had a bad feeling he'd want to talk to you, and that was the last thing you needed.
Before lunch you told MJ you had some meeting with a teacher but actually went to the library, doing homework and hoping no one questioned why you weren't at the table.
For the majority of the day you did a decent job of avoiding Peter, until you were on your way to your last class. You shared it with Peter and MJ, but you knew he wouldn't say anything to you when she was there, so you assumed you were safe.
But as soon as you were in the crowded hallway heading for that class between bells, you ran out of luck.
You let out a squeal when you were tugged into an empty classroom, the grip gentle despite you stumbling a bit as the door closed. Peter stood there, guilt as clear in his expression as it had been in his emotions all day.
With a frown you stepped back, crossing your arms and not meeting his eyes. "Why did you pull me in here? We're gonna be late to class."
"Are we okay?" he asked carefully, feeling a flash of your anger go through him, seeing your eyebrows pinch together as you frowned. "I-I think we should talk about what happened, I just want things to go back to normal and know that we're...that we're gonna be okay."
"No, we're not okay," you replied, a little annoyed, "I'm finding it hard to even think about how to still be friends with you after this, Peter. I don't think we can be anymore."
"W-What?" His voice raised in pitch a little, "Y/N, you don't mean that. We can just act like it didn't happen-"
"I don't think you understand," you interrupted, wishing once again that he couldn't feel what you felt. "I can't stand it. I can't watch my soulmate be with someone else. I can't stand knowing you don't feel anything for me. Don't you know how long I waited for this?"
"That's not fair," Peter struggled to form a sentence, the overwhelming feeling of hurt from you and guilt from him making his senses go a little haywire. "Y/N, you-you're one of my best friends, and I can't do that to Liz, not after we talked about it and-and we-"
"You don't get to tell me what's fair," you snapped, backing up, "I can't have this conversation with you Peter, it hurts too much."
"I'm sorry, but-but you have to see my side here," he took your hand to stop you from leaving, ignoring the spike in your emotions as he did so. "I don't want to hurt her, and we're friends Y/N, just because the universe thinks we're meant to be together like that doesn't mean it's be together or be nothing, we can figure it out and be back to normal again-"
"Just leave me alone," you mumbled, tugging your hand from his and moving away. He clearly wasn't understanding that you already had feelings for him that were just amplified by the sunburn. That was what was meant to happen, and you weren't sure why it didn't happen on his side.
"I won't say anything to anyone if that's what you're so scared of," your jaw tightened a little, wishing you didn't feel his slight relief at that sentence. "We can just act like nothing happened, but I don't want to see you outside of school or when we're not with our friends. I can't, Peter."
He looked like he wanted to say something, but you didn't give him the chance, quickly leaving just as you had yesterday.
You made it to your class before him, MJ giving you a strange look as you sat down in your desk next to her. Peter came in a minute later, getting told off by the teacher, but you could tell he didn't care. His emotions were all over the place but one stood out more that made you cringe into your seat.
You sat in silence while the teacher started going over the day's subject, and you could barely focus with how you were still getting used to feeling Peter's emotions as well as seeing color on top of that - you could see that your teacher had a really ugly green and orange sweater on and how that girl's hair really was pink-
"You've been acting weird all day," MJ whispered and nudged your arm a little, bringing you back to the present, "You alright?"
You felt a little anxiety in your stomach at her question and glanced up to see Peter a few seats ahead, his jaw clenched and fist tight around his pencil. Did he hear that all the way up there?
"I'm fine, just uh, cramps," you made a random excuse, knowing she wouldn't buy it but also knowing she would drop it. She just pursed her lips and nodded, leaning back in her chair and facing front again.
"You still okay to go out with Liz and I after school?" She asked after a minute, some concern in her tone. You nearly froze and you swore Peter almost broke his pencil when he felt your nerves.
You completely forgot about hanging out with them, and now you had to act like everything was normal when you just found out you were soulmates with Liz's boyfriend.
"Yeah, no problem," you confirmed, not meeting her eyes as you slouched back in your chair, "If we keep talking we'll get in trouble."
"Like you ever cared about getting in trouble," she scoffed, but luckily dropped the subject.
The rest of class was unbearable with Peter's anxiety making you feel even more nervous that you might fuck up and accidentally give away that you and Peter were soulmates. You honestly had no idea how Liz would even react to that if she knew. It was still a shock that her and Peter hadn't been soulmates - with how they acted around each other, well...
Peter twitched a little and the guilt was back, reminding you again how you needed to try and block those stupid jealous and hurt emotions.
You were determined to keep your mouth shut about it, and even with Peter's nerves and guilt distracting you all day, you were sure you could do a good job of keeping it under wraps for the  few hours you were hanging out with Liz and MJ.
At least, you hoped you could.
Liz found her book easily and you picked a few up too, while MJ grumbled about not being able to find a third wave feminism book she had been searching for everywhere. You all decided to grab lunch and then go to the mall nearby and look for clothes since Liz needed something cute for a family reunion coming up, and you had some extra cash and wouldn't mind looking for some clothes for summer.
"Okay, opinions," Liz came out of the fitting room with a cute dress on, one of probably twenty that she had already tried on, but you and MJ didn't mind. It was entertaining to watch her be so picky with clothes when she could probably wear anything and pull it off.
"That's adorable, Liz," MJ commented, "The colors look nice."
"I like the yellow on the flowers, it goes well with your skin tone," you agreed without thinking, not realizing both Liz and MJ's mouths dropped.
They were both just staring at you.
"What?" You asked a little nervously while they exchanged a look.
"You can see color?" Liz shrieked, and you felt your heart drop.
"You met them and didn't tell me?" MJ whined, and you knew Peter was probably freaking out feeling all the emotions that went through your head. Shock, fear, embarrassment, annoyance, guilt, pretty much every one hit you while Liz and MJ were ranting about how you didn't tell them.
"Guys," you cut them off, feeling more anxiety in your chest and knowing it was from Peter, who probably put two and two together and realized you let something slip. But you could still save it. "I didn't want to make it a big deal-"
"But you've waited so long, I figured you'd want to make it a huge deal," MJ complained, and you tried to ignore how that sentence hurt. You did wait a long time, and you definitely would have made a big deal, had it not been for the current circumstance.
You could never lie to MJ, but you could at least bend the truth a little.
"They don't want to be with me, okay?" You snapped, the excited grins on both their faces immediately dropping, "That's why I didn't say anything. I don't want to talk about it cause it hurts. So can we drop it?"
That wasn't technically lying.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Liz said quietly, and you felt it was a little ironic that she was the one to say it, "That's...that's awful."
"That's pretty shit, Y/N, I'm sorry, we won't bring it up again," MJ promised, but you could tell she wanted to ask more. And she probably would once Liz was gone.
"Okay, subject change," Liz announced, making you crack a little smile as she reached over and grabbed something from her discarded clothes pile. "I saw this while looking through stuff and thought it would look cute on you.
"You wear this color quite often," she smiled and held up the shirt to you, "Yellow suits you."
You smiled a little, thanking her and taking it to go try on. Yellow was a lighter shade, and back when you'd get dressed when you couldn't see color, you tried to choose a lighter shade of grey - you liked lighter shades and it made sense that you accidentally chose yellow more often than other colors.
And you were grateful for the subject change.
You bought your clothes first and went to look around while MJ and Liz stayed back to talk to one of the managers about a discount or something (Liz liked bargains). MJ seemed like she wanted to come with you, but it was obvious that you wanted to be alone for the moment, so she stayed back.
Once you were a little bit further from them, you took your phone out, already knowing Peter had probably sent you a few texts about your panic earlier.
I know you don't want to talk but please tell me what's going on
your emotions are all over the place I'm freaking out
did they find out???? or is it something else, are you okay??
You bit your lip, glancing up to see MJ and Liz still talking to the store clerk.
they know I have a soulmate. they don't know it's you. I told them to keep it between us so, you're fine
You didn't answer his last question, but he should know that you weren't okay. You didn't need to say it for him to feel it.
"You alright?" MJ's voice startled you a bit and you shoved your phone away, barely meeting her concerned expression.
"Yeah, I will be," you gave her a tight smile, knowing she could see through it but hoping she wouldn't point it out. "Where's Liz?"
"Still bribing the manager for a discount," she pursed her lips, crossing her arms, "Who do I need to go beat up?"
"Is it someone we know? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Why-"
"MJ, I really don't want to talk about it," you kicked at the ground a little, knowing she meant well, but also it was making you feel worse. And you really wanted to stop your emotions from going crazy cause the last thing you needed was more guilt from Peter or even worse, another text.
"It's someone we know, isn't it?" She asked again, but you didn't answer, just crossing your arms and staring at the ground. "I swear to God, I'll-"
"Michelle," you snapped, making her go quiet when you said her actual name, "I know you mean well, and I love you for it, but the last thing I want to talk about or think about right now is that. I will when I'm ready but-but right now I just, I can't-"
"Hey," she pulled you into a hug, and you didn't even realize that you started tearing up until you hugged her back. "I'm sorry for pushing you, I shouldn't have done that. I just really want to go punch someone's face in for hurting my best friend."
You let out a teary laugh, "I know. I appreciate it."
She pulled back and sighed, brushing a stray hair from your face and patting your cheek. "You're the strongest person I know. And I'm here for you, even if you don't need me to be."
"I know," you repeated, squeezing her hand and putting on a smile. "Thank you."
Liz came back just in time, luckily not noticing your state as she got excited about the discount she managed to snag. You offered to help carry her many bags and the three of you made your way to her car, ready to go home and get started on any homework.
MJ was dropped off first, and she gave you both a quick hug over through the car windows and gave you a look that told you to call her if you need it. Liz dropped you off last, and you almost felt deja vu as she asked you to stay a minute before you got out.
"Can I be honest with you?" She asked, and you nodded, ignoring the guilty feeling it came with because you weren't being completely honest with her. "Peter and I aren't soulmates."
You should've gone to acting school.
"What?" You asked, knowing if it was MJ she would see right through that fake surprised face, but luckily Liz didn't know your give aways when you were lying. "Seriously?"
"Yeah," she confirmed with a nod, taking your hand in hers and squeezing it. "I want to tell you this because I haven't been with mine for years. I have no idea where they are or what they're up to, or if I'll ever see them again. But I'm okay. And I know it's a different situation entirely, but I want you to know you aren't alone, okay? And relationships without soulmates can work, so don't give up hope, yeah?"
You wanted to cry with how sweet she was being and how guilty you felt that she was being this open with you. But you couldn't bring yourself to tell her the truth when you knew it would hurt her and it would hurt Peter too.
"So you and Peter just...make it work?" You asked, ignoring the sting that question came with.
"Peter is a great guy," she said earnestly, "And I really like him. But it's always felt like something's missing, you know? We don't have the soulmate connection, we didn't have the sunburn. But he gets me and I get him and we go well together. It might not be the universe that destined it, but we're both okay with that."
"I'm glad you found that," you smiled a little, though even she could probably tell it was forced.
"I'm here for you if you want to talk about it or anything, okay?" She gave you a hug and you hugged her back, trying to keep your guilt under control. You didn't want Peter to feel it and question you about it tomorrow in another empty classroom.
You shouldn't even have to feel guilty about it. It's not like you and Peter were sneaking around behind her back - nothing was happening and nothing was going to happen, he made that very clear. And even if something were to happen...you didn't want to hurt Liz like that.
"Thanks, Liz, that-that means a lot," you said sincerely, trying not to tear up for probably the tenth time that day.
"Anytime, sis. Have a good night," she gave you an encouraging smile as you left her car, waving as she drove off.
You wondered if the conversation would have gone differently had she known it was Peter who broke your heart.
tag list:
@somefuckshit1 @hufflepuffseeker @nocturnalms @sanniesdiary @peter-parkers-passport @chosuah01 @runawaywithmyghost @baby-bi-bi-bi-yeah @jallerentrags
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