#but its something i put time and energy into cause i love the band
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Nap/sleep? headcanons- with and without a S/O:
WRITER NOTES: Why? Because why the fuck not. Sorry if this feels more like a unhinged rant- but what'evs. Also I had thought I had deleted this for a hot sec and almost died. Its currently 11:56 PM so I did post four days in a fucking row despite what my head said
Edited: no
All art in this post is mine
TW: Curssing, Pain killers, alcohol, alcoholism, abuse/hitting, insomnia, sleeping meds, migraines, passing out, being high, nightmares, trama, cigarettes, weed
(Update: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, its's abuse, I am nto tryingto indorse it!)
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-Noodle the best sleep schedule out of all of them, and gets the most good sleep out of all of them though thats not saying much
-Even if she has a good sleep schedule she likes naps
-Though as a kid it was almost impossible to get her to nap if she wasn't exhausted, though this is not to say she didn't like to nap
-Noodle just had too much energy as a kid, but she was a kid and being in a band is exhausting so she did take naps usually after performances, recording, ect.. (In a interview they had talked about something like this but I can't remember witch one)
-But as she got older she found appreciation for them way more then when she was a kid
-Noodle is one of those people who can fall asleep almost on command lucky :'[
-Noodle tends to nap to movies
<With a S/O headcanons>
-Like I said she likes to nap to movies- and even better she likes to cuddle with her S/O and to fall asleep to a movie
-Noodle also loves falling asleep on her S/O or having her S/O falling asleep on her, because she finds having her S/O play with her hair makes it 100% easier to fall asleep, and she finds it comforting to have her S/O lay on her
-Noodle has no shame she will fall asleep anywhere with her S/O- cuz no one's gonna say shit
-She loves cuddling but if its like time to go to bed- she will cuddle till she falls asleep then in her sleep she will most likely drift to her side of bed kicking you plenty of times in the process
-She shifts a lot in her sleep with has caused a lot of problems- especially if she has an overactive dream- cuz she will karate chop you in the head or kick you in your stomach
-This doesn't really happen when you two nap together
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-While 2D gets the second most amount of sleep- he arguably has one of the worst schedules
-He is a heavy sleeper but he has a hard time sleeping in consecutive amounts of time
-This is mostly due to his migraines, he will wake up at the ass crack of dawn with the worst migraines- migraines that make it nearly impossible to fall back asleep no matter how many pain killers he takes
-So he does some some shit, like writing music, playing a videogame, or watching a zombie movie
-2D at one point in time he used to play instruments when this happens but Mudroc was drunk and near by and so happened to hear 2D playing a bit to loud for his liking- which resulted in Murdoc getting pissed and hitting 2D in the head making his migraine 10x worse (This was when they lived in the original Kong Studios)
-So instead of sleeping continously throughout the night- he tries to sleeps a bit during the night, and then just naps continously throughout the day
-Though eventually he tells his mom and he gets put on sleeping meds in the later phases (sometime after plastic beach) which makes him more peppy
-He still takes naps every once in a while, and he is still an incredibly heavy sleeper
-He smokes a Iot more before going to bed, both weed and cigarettes
<With a S/O headcanons>
-This lanky boi becomes strangely strong in his sleep occasionally
-His arms firmly hold his S/O to his body or he's just sprawled on top of his S/O
-Either way he wants to be touching his S/O in his sleep- but he does role away sometimes but will role back eventually
-He's incredibly unpredictable in his sleep- one night he may stay stil as a bored and another he may be rolling himself off the bed... so be careful, 2D's S/O has woken up with 2D's foot in their face many of times
-2D feels incredibly guilty if he wakes up his S/O when he wakes up in the middle of the night because he has a migraine
-But having a S/O that could comfort him when he has one of his mibble of the night migrains, makes him feel better
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-Russel hardly ever naps
-Russel tries to have a consistent sleep schedule- which he achieves some what
-He tends to wake up in the middle of the night- not as often as 2D, but ever once in a while he'll wake up but won't be able to fall back asleep, so he'll will just sit in bed disgruntled
-Also he's not one of those people who can fall asleep on command
-He takes sleeping meds, he has been taking sleeping meds- like before he joind Gorillaz but he did start taking stronger meds when he joined
-When Russel does get sleep he gets pretty shitty sleep but he pushes through the day
-Even if he wanted to nap- no one IN THIS DAMN HOUSE WILL LET HIM SLEEP(this is when they lived in the original Kong Studios)
-He's either making beats, taking care of Noodle, chores, ect.. all you need to know is that he's busy
-But if we're talking phase 7 Russel- OMG he is a total fucking insomniac- he's to busy with the static, he has to hit his own leg to keep himself from passing out sometimes
-Also Noodle crawled into bed with him whenever she had a nightmare when she was a kid- she also did this with 2D but it didn't work out as much due to 2D's sleeping problems
<With a S/O headcanons>
-Russel is way more likely to take naps if he has a S/O that takes naps
For many of reasons- if his S/O is naping and he naps with them it doesn't feel like he's being as unproductive because he will be spending time with his S/O
-Russel likes to cuddle but prefers to not cuddle in when sleeping at night due to the fact he sweats a lot- and just has a higher body temperature, so cuddle can make his already high body temperature higher and make him feel uncomfortable
-Though having his S/O in bed with him does improve his sleep due to the fact having his S/O around him in most cases makes him feel more relaxed
-When Russel and His S/O cuddle he will sometimes pass out sheerly because he is just so tired
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-My fucking god... this man- this fucking gremlin of a man has one of the most janky ass fucking sleep schedule- at this point can you even call it a 'schedule' with how inconsistent it is
-But that mostly only applies to pre-plastic beach
-When Murdoc becomes the old man he now is, his sleep schedule mellows out
-But before that he tends to go out and drink most of the night- come home absolutely crunked or tripping balls and would pass out somewhere random- often in the middle of the house what a great role modle
-And much like 2D he will take naps throughout the day- all various in lengths- but he usually gets pissed at 2D when 2D does the weird nap schedule thing
-But like I said, in later phases he fixes his sleep up a bit- but that doesn't mean he doesn't take naps anymore-
-Now Murdoc doesn't just take naps because he's drunk or high- but also because he's an old man now
<With a S/O headcanons>
-Murdoc's definition of nap before his S/O was just passing out because he was fucked up, but when he got a S/O who forced helped him to fix his sleep schedule- he realized he was not exactly right
-Now he passes out on his bed or the couch and not the kitchen floor
-If you are able to get this man to go to bed at night with out any form fo alcohol or medicine I commend you, for you have done the impossible
-But on a more serious note Murdoc will do a lot to avoid going to bed at night- especially when he's sober
-He hates the nightmares, the nightmares that remind him of his past- and what made him.... he hates it
-So it takes a lot of comforting on his S/O's side to get him into bed
-And Murdoc's S/O has to be ready to wake up and comfort him when he wakes up from a shitty dream- cuz its either that or he goes back to the bottle
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twopoppies · 8 months
Different anon-
I do not believe harry is with Taylor even 0.0001%.. because it’s clear atleast for me that Harry is not straight neither Bi.. its just it’s becoming too much for me to believe that HL are together.. after seeing grown up relationships and people around, wanting to truly believe that HL when they spend half of their time oceans separating them, and knowing ppl wouldn’t put that much effort moreover in their field.. I’ve seen all your responses and India’s too .. i want to believe those because i like those kind of relationships and may be because we all do and have seen both boys going through something so beautiful together.. its just few things that happened last year made me think all i was assuming was just that.. just if you don’t mind can you tell me what you think of B being only person from H team(band or crew) on the yacht full of couples and being invited to brit and H posting his pic on valentines day.. am not sure if you’ve seen this before i kind of asked similar thing when it happened, i don’t think you responded, ‘cause may be you’ve missed the ask or you did not wanted to.. but yea just these when it happened i thought may be harry has moved on.. no intention of annoying you, you are my favourite person here, not just saying for the sake of it, hope it does not come across that way..just wanted to take this moment to say i really appreciate all that you do😇
Hi, sugar. Here’s the thing. I really have no idea if they’re still together these days. I’ve said often that there are moments that make me think yes, they are. There are song lyrics that make me think yes, they are. And there are a lot of questions about other things that make me feel that they’re not. I go back and forth.
But I’ve always said that what I want most for them is for them to be happy. If they’re happier apart, then that’s the way it is. The idea of that makes me sad, but it’s not my relationship and I’m not here to convince people they’re together.
However, I can say that there’s absolutely nothing about Brad that makes me think they were dating/hooking up etc. There was a much sexual energy between the two of them as between Harry and a stick of wood. I do think Harry’s team was very aware of fandom chatter and they probably played it up at times. For me, Brad’s existence has absolutely zero bearing on whether I think Harry and Louis are together. I can’t tell you how to feel about it. But if you think it was a relationship, it’s pretty clear it isn’t anymore as he appears to have moved to Los Angeles.
Thank you for all the sweet words, love. I really appreciate it. ❤️
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sirlordevil · 2 months
Hey, little post for people who know others who are struggling with self-harm. Here's some dos and do nots for supporting them.
DO NOT react to them opening up about it by telling them that if they do it, you'll do it too. Doing this just makes them lose trust in you, and they will likely not open up about it to you ever again. I cannot stress enough how fucked up this is to say to a person.
DO ask them if they're thinking about doing it now and / or are somewhere safe. You need to prioritize their current well-being. Remember, not only is self-harm a coping mechanism, it's an addiction to many. Saying, "Oh my gosh, that's awful, please stop. I really care about you." Isn't going to make them put it down. In fact, in some cases, it might make them want to do it more. It's not because they don't love you or anything its more so a mix of reverse psychology and unceasing self-loathing, numbness, anxiety, etc.
DO NOT wrist check them. This is invading personal boundaries, if not explicitly requested of you to do. Again, this can result in a loss of trust and build-up resentment towards you.
DO ask how they're doing or feeling and let them know they aren't a burden to you. Build an open space they can come to instead of forcing it all out of them.
DO NOT say something along the lines of "Why can't you just quit?" or "Think about how sad your family would be!" or "You should stop hurting yourself. It's bad for you." While the last one is true, statements like these put guilt on the person and not only that but might make them mad because you don't understand what it's like for them.
DO offer them alternatives and discuss with them why they feel the need to self-harm. One of the most well-known alternatives is snapping a rubber band on your wrist. Another one is holding an ice cube against yourself. One method I personally find great is working out a little until you get that ache feeling. Great way to get out internal frustration and physical activity is proven to make you happier.
DO NOT poke fun at them for it by calling them emo or something if the like. Unless they seem 100% okay with it and like actively encourage it because they find it funny, this is just messed up. I have nothing more to say on this except you will become part of the problem.
DO encourage them to have fun and find happiness in things they enjoy. If this person likes a certain show or video game, you'd be surprised by how much good it can do for someone's mental health to just be able to talk about it with someone or have someone who enjoys it as well. Sometimes, really liking something is the first step to liking yourself.
DO NOT talk over them about their own issues. You do not know them better than they know themselves. Shedding light or clarifying something for them is okay, but do not keep saying a certain thing is the root cause when they keep telling you it isn't.
DO be understanding whether they tell you about the root issue(s) or not. If they don't tell you, then don't take it personally. It's hard to open up about, and it's not exactly something a lot of people have the energy to share or the words to describe. Be patient with them and let them take their time.
As a general tip: Always ask if they want advice, a distraction, or want you to listen. It's essential to be on the same page if you really want to provide their needs.
For now, I can't think of any more. Feel free to add to what I have already, and I might add some more later.
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petefromarma · 13 days
thank you this is a safe space for communist fall out boy fans. i love em but hate them and thats okay. i do wish they were better. i think one reason why people act like that in the fandom is they spent a lot of time associating with it and spending money and making it part of their identity which i am guilty of and still do, its almost an attack on them. to rethink what they consume. i think a lot of people just dont want to ever think of letting them go. and i get it it can suck. ofc i am not saying people should let go of them entirely or whatever but realize your faves may not be as progressive as you think they are and to acknowledge that flaw. i think one thing that sort of helped me “grow apart” from fall out boy is deadass making ocs. sure they don’t have a whole fandom or actual media but its honestly helped me a lot with just being able to put in my creative energy into something else besides fob. i still like to dabble in the fob fandom but its nice to have something else beyond fall out boy and sort of a “safety net” if things truly go south if fob gets actually “canceled” if they do something that i truly can’t really be all fandomy over if that makes sense hahaha
i think you're probably right tbh re fans feeling guilty abt spending money on them; a fair amount of western activism revolves around consumerism, which makes sense for a capitalistic society but like i really do wish these people would just get real and own up to the fact that their enjoyment of fob has nothing to do with their politics for better or for worse and if they actually believed that it did they would stop spending money on concert tickets and stop spending money on merch, not as a form of boycott or anything like that (imo most forms of western modern day boycott are ineffective in terms of constituting material change bc they focus on conglomerates; we should boycott bc it is the right thing to do to not pay in to companies that are supporting genocide, not bc we are expecting large scale change to come of it) but because it would be in line with the ideological/moral boundaries they have set for themselves
imo engaging with art/celebrity in a capitalistic society is a net neutral, for the most part; simply saying this among the most radical of accelerationist twitter grifters would get my head chopped off for paying attention to a band instead of the glorious revolution that's supposedly forming amongst russian soldiers doing genocide in the donbas or whatever but unless leftists want to actually get serious about global suffrage then idk what to say lol people are going to look to art as a coping mechanism and continue to pay in to these systems bc it helps them survive mentally/emotionally. now that being said that's why i think it's hypocritical and grotesque to participate in faux outrage against a band that you like by doing pretend activism bc none of these people actually give a shit that fob do business with/are friends with zionists, they just want to look good in front of their friends for caring about the right thing at the right time. if their disgust was genuine they would quietly drop them and move on but they're more invested in their own comfort than doing what they perceive as being right. so i guess to clarify i don't think spending money on and paying attention to a band with milquetoast lib politics is inherently materially harmful; what i do believe is actively harmful to the cause you claim to serve is when you put on a performance for a few days because the band you like fucked up in a way that can't be ignored and then never talk about it again and go back to pretending that pw is a radical leftist and not a run of the mill democrat. like if you're just going to stop talking about it eventually don't even bother bringing it up in the first place lol
i support you tho i do think OCs are a good idea esp if you want to pull away from engaging with IP tbh and i think just a good thing for enhancing your writing/creativity in general
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xamaxenta · 1 year
Ok in the thread of metal bands/edgy music au; allow me to suggest..
Ace and Sabo met as kids on Moloka’i (hawaii). Sabo moved from South Africa with his parents and Ace lived there with his dad (and his mom but she was at surfing competitions a lot). Being the only kids within age range they quickly befriended eachother and proceeded to run barefoot around the island, climb canyons etc etc
Now in this au Sabos parents are slightly less dickish, so their response is more “hey can we get some indoor activities for our posh child” than “I disown you” anyway that’s where Roger comes in and introduces them to a retired singer also living on the island. Ms Di’ Angelo is a former opera singer who joined a rock band and happy to teach them how to shred a bass guitar. (Sabo’s parents only slightly regret this)
Anyway Both boys take to it like fish to water, Ace in particular possibly destroying his eardrums listening to death metal and Norwegian bands. They also like spending time with Ms Di’Angelo she mentions that she has a kid a little older than them but doesn’t have any pictures or say anything more (the boys assume they passed)
At 21-23 both are doing little gigs or partnering with other bands (they don’t have a singer so it’s just acoustics). They just happen to bump into Ms Di’Angelo and tall blonde man who has very familiar blue eyes. Enter in Marco Di’Angelo Newgate, child of famous retired rockstar Edward Newgate or Whitebeard. Currently attending med school, with a singing voice worth of angels.
Immediately Sabo and Ace are like “ahh yes our third” (for the band, they aren’t actually dating right now, the fools). Anyway they basically hatch a plan to get Marco to join them which simply is “seduce him into the music industry” so the two go about trying to seduce Marco, possibly discovering some overlooked feelings along the way? I’m not saying jealously but someone feels left out
They Almost Fail; cause Marco has some issues and thinks they just doing it for his talent and then will dump him, (he also sees them kiss and wonders if he’s being used) Big confession time and all three end up fucking (duh) and that begins the start of the band; Flame Emperor, Phoenix Fire. Or something idk I put way too much thought into this..
Holy shit this is so rich and fulfilling already whoa
I love this 🙏🏽 please tell me you have more thougts!!! Im a big fan of Flame Emperor being their band name its just a sick fufkcing title
Oda was cooking hardcore when he assigned that title to Sabo frfrfrfrrrrrr cant stop thinking abt it
Also im a slut for Ace with a bass but hes probably talented enough he could play mostly any instrument he puts his mind to, a prodigy who cant read sheet music
Sabo writes music bc thats the posh activity his parents wanted for him and hes got great vocal control
Also like the manic energy of involving pipe organs and harpsichord into metal music is always bangin and Sabo smashing ivory keys in like the craziest outfit ever speaks to me on so many levels like the aesthetic fucks
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polyamorouspunk · 5 months
Happy Friday!!
I have so many projects going on man I'm going crazy lol. I think some of the projects need put on hold until I save up for a decent sewing machine though.
But I've got my garden going again, and my coworkers gave me a deadline to write a childrens book based on doodles, and Im working on my zine that for some reason I can only open in chrome(???), and I wanna do a little research with my punk 101 posts, and also I need to do research that Im not really in the mood for so I can make that music map.
Oh and also I'm going to see Radium Girls (a play) tomorrow with a friend, and I'm debating if I'm going back to my college sunday for my friends graduation, but I dont really want to cause its gonna be raining. And also also, Some (different) co-workers wanna play dnd with me, but I dont think I'd like playing with them just from knowing them for a few months but I dont know how to be like 'no', but also Im on a HUGE dnd kick (I got new converse I need to show off btw) but have no one to play with and that makes me sad, but I dont want to play with people who will make it not fun for me :(
But how are you? How was your week? Any fun plans??? (side note: do you like dnd, just out of curiousity?)
I ain’t making people scroll though this
My week has been… better. Better than last week. Monday I took a day trip to Virginia Beach by myself to kind of clear my head and my soul, purge some of that pain and negative energy. Last night when you sent this though it kind of just… came back… which is why I didn’t answer this then.
Tomorrow I’m going out with my family to some botanical garden that only opens like 4 times a year or something to the public. We’re bringing lunch with us so I guess we’ll be eating together somewhere, maybe at the gardens.
I’m counting down the days until I fly back to CT to go see Electric Callboy with my friends, and then hopefully go to the aquarium with my gf + friends. Other than that I don’t have any plans for that trip. I still have to tell my brother + my other friend when I’ll be up, I just feel like any spare moment I have I use to recover some psychological HP.
I’m going from working 30+ hours a week to only 3 days a week soon because we’re getting self checkout on Monday. Hopefully I can use that time to work on some things for @prideful-things-shop, mainly the snowglobe tumblers (don’t worry, you’re getting one of the Eeveelution ones).
I’m still waiting to hear back if we can go to that concert and trying to book my tattoo appointment for that Friday.
I LOVE Radium Girls, I read the book, it’s one of my favorite books. I know they turned it into a play and a movie, but I haven’t seen either of them. I actually grew up near one of the locations in the book. They put a mall right next to it, so that’s where I used to go to the mall. I’ve never been to the clock factory, but it’s a museum now. Maybe I can add that to the list of things to do when I go back home. It’s also right across the highway from one of those defunct Jesus theme parks. I’ve wanted to visit that too.
I’ve never played DnD, but my friends made a game that’s similar and I was part of the pilot test group for that, and apparently they’re still playing all these years later. It’s been almost a decade.
My mom wants to make raised beds but we haven’t gotten that far yet. She wants a saw, just hasn’t been able to spare the money for it yet. I’ve offered to get it for her but she declined. We were looking at them while I was looking for the drill I bought for the tumblers. She has a lot of potted plants though lining the porch, including some herbs, and I think she’s planning on some carrots and cherry tomatoes.
I’ve been studying the sub-genres of metal music for a while, basically so that I can ID a song/band by it’s genre and guide people towards recommendations based on what they already listen to (country, pop, rap, etc.). The idea of making a music map sounds really exciting, I would love to do some research for something like that (like I said, I’m already using spare time to do that on my own anyway).
I’m really hoping once I have more free time I can also go back to working on my patch pants. My grandma bought us a sewing machine from the thrift store she works at, and she taught my mom how to use it, and my mom has used it to make pillow cases for outside pillows, but she didn’t buy outdoor fabric and they faded quickly. This year I paid for some outdoor fabric we picked out together along with some more fabric for my patches, so I’m turning our front porch into a fruit-themed area, which my mom isn’t really thrilled about but I’m the one paying for everything, so…
The other day there was a big snake on the front porch and my mom had to kill it. It was a pretty rough experience for both of us. We have a cat that lives on our front porch which is who found it, and then our neighbor has a cat who lives on her front porch, and we’ve had snakes get in the house before, and now we have indoor cats, so it’s just a risk we can’t take. It made me reflect a lot about city vs country life and a lot of things tied to that (poverty, race, queerness, etc.).
Here’s to hoping we can both have a relaxing but productive summer, and I’ll see you soon xoxo
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edgyandoverzealous · 1 year
my partner is always on my mind music edition pt 1.
With absolutely no context or alternatively with all the context @moltenatlas I forgor this was in my drafts. So here you go, I hope you're doing well, I love you! <33
• "if I showed up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it would you want to run away too? cause all I really want is you" - 5sos She looks so Perfect. Self-explanatory. Except my partner hates jewelry so it would be a fancy knife as we've previously discussed as a ring equivalent.
• The usage of the pet name "Lemondrop", which I have been too shy to use quite yet because I'm lame. in Fresh by Artist vs Poet. Also the guitar in that song feels them coded. As does the band name Artist vs Poet.
• The entirety of Figure you Out by Violà because once I have an established relationship I apparently learn how to flirt and do so accordingly to the singular person for shits, giggles, and profit? That's a lie I don't know how to flirt or reciprocate everything is unintentionally and awkward and I beat myself up about it later. Ie: bookstore date incident, kill me, the gloves incident, kill me again. -///-
• "When you aren't around I sink into the ground I try to pretend I'm closer to you never understanding, you're always on my mind I cannot help it." Death by Melanie Martinez. Listen I do not care that song is a love song to me and those lines hit so hard and it's so comforting?? It's how I feel about them.
• Light shower by Melanie Martinez. Yup all of it. This one needs so much context but do I have the energy to do so, eh? I'll try. In Melanie Martinez lore consuming another person is an act of love. Ie: "eat me up like apple pie" in highschool sweethearts. It's seen as the two becoming one. An act of true devotion and a love so deep it consumes you. Okay all clear? So this particular song, from my personal interpretation, is about someone who makes you feel clean despite your traumas and someone who you'd like to be with until your last days but also makes you feel a little overwhelmed by your emotions sometimes. Ie: I was so excited when they confessed to me and we started dating that it low-key felt like I was having some kind of panic attack or about to pass out /srs I have a poem written about it I was just so happy and excited I felt heavy and lightheaded. They confessed with a wax sealed love letter sweeter than honey, cookies and other trinkets, and then immediately asked me out. I am a small simple man, okay, and they make me feel so important.
• The whole "Could you hold me through the night? Put your lips all over my salty face when I start cryin'. Could you be my first time? Eat me up like apple pie, make me not wanna die. Love me rough and let me fly. Get me up, yeah, get me high. Tie me down, don't leave my side. Don't be a waste of my time." Segment of Highschool sweethearts by Melanie Martinez. Kinda self-explanatory I mean. Some of it might be 👀 or even maybe 🚩? So for my anxiety's sake I'll clarify that my happiness/emotions are not their responsibility to regulate or any of that yikes shenanigans, I know that in its entirety and have no intention of making it their responsibility. In this context I just think it's neat to have something/someone worth living for added to the list of why I shouldn't kick the bucket prematurely. They make me feel like I have a future worth looking forward to. Sorry for the lack of context otherwise but this one is pretty self-explanatory so... :P Also my sister brought this to my attention initially but also she's right in this case.
• Saferwaters by Chevelle. About escaping traumas to a safer place or surroundings. They are my safer place. End of discussion.
• Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos. Self explanatory. That song is them. Every time I hear it, I think of them because it very much feels like a tall tale being told, my love tells tall tales. Also a poet and the soldier to my king. Iykyk.
• We'll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross. Ironic because earlier in this post you will see figure you out by Violà. Here's the thing I'm demi and on the grayscale of asexuality,still trying to figure out if this is related to what I've recently discovered as repeated traumas. With Rizz??Pretty sure it's not. Like with 85% certainty. So I'll just elaborate with it's nice to feel wanted and loved for who I am and treated gently/returning that treatment as well. Cool cool.
• "Perfection is so quick to bore, you are more beautiful by far, our flaws are who we really are." I hear a Symphony by Cody Fry. Something about loving the entirety of a person, 'flaws' and all. Which is how I feel about them and hopefully it's mutual?
• Sparks by Coldplay. Specifically the lines "I promise you this, I'll always look out for you, yeah that's what I'll do." And also "my heart is yours, it's you that I hold on to that's what I do." And also "I won't let you down." Self explanatory.
• 104 degrees by Slaughter Beach, Dog. In the "I want to settle down with you and can list countless small things about you and what you do and don't like because you are oh so very important to me" way.
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freddiemercurydaily · 2 years
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LIVE > Queen performed @ Dane County Memorial Coliseum, Madison, Wisconsin 🇺🇸 “Jazz” Tour
9 February 1977, Queen performed at The Boston Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, USA  This is Queen's first of many stops at the Boston Garden over the next few tours. Freddie gives his usual greeting after the second song: "Thank you and good evening, ladies and gentlemen. How are you feeling tonight? Is everybody ready for some fun? Ok, this really is gonna be a fun night 'cause we really feel it. We really feel like having some fun, and you're going to join us, alright? Right now we'd like to change the mood straight away, 'cause you're all sitting down. This is a nice quiet little number. This is called White Queen." After the song, he reveals a little tidbit: "That was a song from way back, from the album Queen II, for those of you who've got it, 'cause we like that album." Brian May greets the audience after ‘Somebody To Love.’  “Thank you. Good evening Boston. Great to see you, really. I think it's been too long. Ok, we're gonna have some fun. We're do something which we call a medley, and it embodies some things which you may recognize. It begins with a song of Freddie's which goes like this." The pianist launches the band into ‘Killer Queen’Freddie does his toast after the medley. "
Right now I'm gonna do something we do every year we come here. We have so much champagne we might as well share it with you. This is Queen drinking you a toast. Cheers, Boston! We sincerely mean that. Thank you for putting us where we are." Later, "Anybody got any more requests for tonight? We'll do them right away. ‘Brighton Rock’? Okay." He laughs because he knows it's the next song in the setlist. Brian is appreciative of the audience's reaction to his solo spot. "You're very kind. You don't realize how much you give, really." He continues, "Ok, we're gonna have a little more fun now. This is something which we didn't do in the past. We had some requests for this one. It's a song about.. a hundred years. It's called '39." Today, one can piece together the little bits Brian said about the song (compare this to the Richfield show, for instance) to reveal its meaning. But back then, few people would have guessed the song had ties to his love for astronomy. Freddie's voice isn't at its strongest tonight, but he delivers a gorgeous version of ‘You Take My Breath Away.’  After the song, he does his usual spiel: "This next number is a song that.. every time we do it seems to go into different proportions. It seems to be getting better every night, depending on the audience, of course. You are what we call a sophisticated rock audience. Do you like that? You like that. So that's what you are. This is a Brian May composition entitled ‘White Man’." Afterward, referring to the vocal workout in the middle section, he says, "Thank you, my beauties. That one requires a lot of energy. I get battered and bruised, but it's okay afterwards. It feels nice." Freddie, before ‘Liar’: "Don't forget to keep yourself alive until we come back next time." In 2017, Brian May mentioned this show in an interview about the creation of ‘We Will Rock You’: "I don't know where the actual tune came from. It was lurking in my head and I wanted to do something about the three ages of man: the hopeful child, the big brave man in the prime of his life and the old man who has learned to accept his place in the universe. It's prophetic, because now I'm in stage 3, then I was in stage 1.4. The other part was that I remembered the old Boston Garden, which was all wooden beams and wooden floor, and when the crowd made noise during the encore it was like thunder. That sound I heard was in my head and the only question was how to make it in the studio?
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coinshotmisting · 2 years
thinking about The Garages, like, the fanbase. Cause Blaseball is so intrinsically ties to 2020. and listening to Fight Gods especially... it felt like anything was possible.
we're gonna fight gods, and we're gonna win
and the late discipline era/early expansion was so rough. the garages as a team were so principled that they refused to elect captains, instead giving everyone those discord permissions. But that wasn't sustainable, apparently. so they were required to elect captains representives on maincord.
and then I realized, nobody really talked about how we were gonna kill all gods. There were so many players now: The Reader, The Coin, The Monitor, Löotcrates, Parker. And despite being the biggest team by numbers, the garages as a team were really a presence on maincord.
there were great moments, where we remembered how it was. Whenever the Pies and Garages got together, celebrated the players we shared over the seasons. The energy remined me how summer of 2020 felt. Chatting with friends and allies, certain in the back of my head that something was gonna change.
and we will get our vengeance in the end
Humorous little one off moments became more and more frequent though, through expansion. Is scab a slur, supporting Parker, loving on The Monitor, Necromancy discourse. It was fun, don't get me wrong. I've stuck with it for years. I dont think it really changed all that much.
But I did. after the 2020 protests died down to a whisper, and all of the sudden Roe v. Wade gets repealled and no one even burns down a Judge's or Politician's house. there's been something I've lost that I had when blaseball started
and now here we are, in the second grand siesta. Nothing's happening, nothings changing, but at the same time, there's this creeping... something.
"Kill All Gods is problematic"
"Most Garages lore is racist at its core"
Reps are gone, but not in the same way they were when the Garages insisted "there is no second chair."
And now, as blaseball's starting up again, it feels like the slow process has finally reached some point. Everything before, the teams we've built both players and fans? I don't know how much it matters.
I love my blaseball friends. If The Game Band went bankrupt tomorrow and just gave up on blaseball, there's so many of them I'd still hang out with online, still chat with and check in on.
But blaseball itself feels so far away. Fight gods? I just want to try and make sure we don't get caught up in another round of disc horse. Putting out the Sun? I just want to know when play starts again, how many of the fans will I recognize? how many faces that I thought I would see in a month or two will I never see again?
And nothing will remain the same again
and our redemption arc is coming up
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Day 159: Thursday June 8, 2023 - “This was 23 Months”
Play, travel, and potty training - the benchmarks of William’s last month before turning two.   From here we stop measuring his growth in months.  He’ll just be “two” for the next 12 months and it causes some reflection on how much I’ve enjoyed these little monthly check ins to show the more mundane, day to day inching forward of William’s little life.   Its amazing to look back even on just how much he’s grown and changed in the last six months when he was just starting his climbing phase.
In this past month, William got a new pair of big boy tennis shoes to help him keep up with all that energy and being on the go and we spent much of this 23rd month, out rambling. He spent more than a week in Phoenix with his cousins, and then put his 20th state on the map with Wisconsin before spending Memorial Day under the Arch in St Louis.  He’s now been to five big league Zoos and Baseball Parks (8 MLB games).
He is starting to eat a wider variety of foods, but anything that involves a dip in ranch is the easiest to go down - that is if we can get him to settle down long enough to eat.   This little boy wants to keep going from one thing to the next.  A very busy, and independent bee on our hands.  He sure does love a good playground!  And I think imaginative play will be one of his stronger areas going into his twos.   
We’ve been a decision here to not label anything as terrible twos and whats nice is that with that perspective, we’re not seeing anytihng all that terrible yet.  Thats not to say he isnt a DFK (Deeply Feeling Kid), we’re just expecting it and rolling with it when those big Actingham emotions come.  We’re letting him explore and meltdown and supporting him in that knowing that his tides very quickly break in the other direction and that overall he is a very lovable and affectionate sweet boy.  He’s sleeping well on his own now, napping real good, and communicating well and is an energetic bundle of joy and entertainment in our house even with all the UtOH messes that come with naked time and potty training.   We have a vibrant happy and secure two year old in our house and with closing reflection on the 23rd month, I can also share that I am pretty proud of where Ive come as a Dad, and where we are as a family.   We’ve made it through these complex, trying first 23 months with only a few bumps and bruises to show for it.  We’ve built a family system, and our little lion is thriving in it.
Favorite Food: Cup of Ranch Dippa from BWs or especially Mod Pizza.  
Favorite Song:  Laurie Berkner Band - Moon Moon Moon
Favorite Book: Goodnight Baseball
Favorite Show: Miss Rachel on Youtube
Favorite Toy(s):  Race Cars - He got plenty of new cars and trucks as potty prizes. Lining them all up like trains.
Favorite Word:  Daddy! or Mommy! at the top of his lungs to get your attention, no matter how close you are.
Favorite Favorite: Riding Choo Choo and Trains -> all things trains
Least Favorite: Being touched when he doesn’t want to be touched (independence starting to shine through - really great when stuck in a middle seat on an airplane together!) “William Do It!”
Song: Leah Blevins - First Time Feeling
Quote: “our jobs don’t stop at protecting our children’s physical safety—we are also their emotional caretakers. This is where two other important job duties come in: validation and empathy. Validation is the process of seeing someone else’s emotional experience as real and true, rather than seeing someone else’s emotional experience as something we want to convince them out of or logic them away from. Validation sounds like this: “You’re upset, that’s real, I see that.” ― Becky Kennedy
This was 22 Months This was 21 Months This was 20 Months This was 19 months This was 18 months This was 17 months This was 16 months This was 15 months This was 14 months This was 13 months This is 12 Months This is 11 months This was 10 months This was 9 months This was 8 months This was 7 months This was 6 months This was 5 months
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butchviking · 1 year
I think ultimately the intentions for me don't justify something that has a negative impact - your mileage may vary and that's totally cool, the world would be boring if we all agreed on everything! i think i hold mcr in particular to a high standard because when all the other bands on the scene were taking advantage of their fans, mcr always seemed different - remember that bit on their dvd where some bands on some tour were asking girls to show them their breasts in exchange for backstage passes, so gerard got onstage and was like 'if a guy tells you to show him your tits, you tell him to fuck off'? they've always had a sense of responsibility for their fans, so i want them to have that energy for their gnc/dysphoric/trans fans. anyways it was lovely chatting with you, have a lovely day/night depending on your timezone!
my mileage definitely varies but also, if intent matters less than impact, u have no reason at all to hold anything against him! sure, he stated an INTENT to release binders... but he hasn't actually done it, so there's been no impact at all! actually i put off buying a binder lol cause i was like you're gonna feel soooo stupid if u finally cave n buy one and then frank iero drops his binders 3 weeks later. so when u think about it every day frank iero does not release a binder he is having a positive impact on me personally! on a less silly note i do wonder if he's done more research and/or been informed by anyone abt the risks & harms & if that has anything to do w why there's been no significant updates on the whole thing.
& yes ofc i remember that 😭 i think about that all the time. i believe his exact words were "spit in their face and scream FUCK YOU!"... thank u gerard way for all that u are and have ever been to teen girls & young women everywhere. so sincerely from the bottom of my heart im so grateful to him. (at the same time he's obviously felt way Too responsible at times and got a whole hero/martyr complex abt it and. its not healthy i wouldn't wish that on the others. its ok for them to be just some guys its NOT their responsibility to be right abt everything all the time nd thats ok.)
its midday here but im on night shift so its like midnight for me nd i should really get 2 sleep 😭😭 goodbye my sweetheart i hope u have a lovely day or night too <3
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
You asked for some metal music stuff. So hey. I’m Richard I’m a factive of Rzk from Rammstein and I’m in @the-snitch-anon-system. My favourite riff that I’ve done probably has to be in Adios. It’s played at 2 minutes 8 seconds. It’s from the album Mutter and that was probably our most stressful album as we had to write some new songs for it. The song itself is about something I closely related to at the time of writing (it’s about substances) and i tend to look back at that song and remind myself how far I’ve come from it.
I haven't listened to this before so Ill live blog it.
I'm assuming you mean Adieu? I couldn't find an Adios and they translate the simil
Ok dude the aesthetic of the opening of the video first thing is like hella cool ngl and the choral aspects are such Riku TM shit
Dude the guitar is great. WAIT I FOUND ADIOS.
Adieu though actually has a really good sound to it and there is a rift there that is pretty neat and fancy so for Adieu Ill give it a good 8/10 from first listen. Not a huge fan of the vocals in that song but its good. I wouldn't mind listening to it from time to time.
Ooooh I really like the guitar here (so far just in general not at the 2 minute ish area). I reallly like it. It's simple but it really does its role and service to itself. It has that classic metal-rock sound and never classics are classics for a reason
Oooooooh I really like the slow part, very emotive great and in amazing contrast to the rest of the song - gives it a really calm highlight to that section which really brings out the moody (/affectionate) energy of it which just amplifies it *chefs kiss* Beautiful love to see that pulled off well in songs
YESSSS I love it when they (artists) do that. Quiet part, silence for 4 or so beats and then same part but repeated in the actual metal-rock sound and like 10x louder. It very much is great for capturing an essence of like vulnerability turned into something similar to a breakdown or a shout in my opinion when in conjunction with the overall moodier, gloomier minor sound. (I actually had to look it up and of course its D minor, D minor is like one of OUR favorite keys)
I really need to stop pausing it, I'm not even at the rift in question smh. It's just good ok.
I'm not sure if its me hearing things but do they slow the tempo down like 5 bpm or something before the rift? Ever so slightly? Cause I THINK I hear it but I'm not 100% sure if I'm just imagining it or if its an auditory illusion
Dude DUDE. That is such a sexy rift /platonic. That is SO fucking good. Hype as fuck. Dude DUDE. Its repetitive but good GOD is it so fucking good its so fucking hype good recommendation I love this rift too.
Overall 9/10. Very much like the song but probably wouldn't put it on my playlist solely on aesthetic value because I have a very specific Sound TM to my main playlist of rock-metal shit but fucking good. 10/10 recommendation. Might actually look more into this band should I get the time and remember.
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falsebooles123 · 9 months
Confessions of a Recovering Genre-phobic - 1/6/2024
Hey Whores, This is my first official attempt at being a music critic???? Is that what I'm doing IDK. Pretty much I'm listening to a bunch of music and we just gonna vibe as I talk about what I like and what I don't and thats what I do with my life apparently. Its almost like I enjoy writing or some shit. anyway lets find a fun gif to make this an eyecatcher.
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That's All (1959) - Bobby Darin
Genre: Traditional Pop, Vocal Jazz Length: 35:17 (12 Tracks)
As mentioned previous many of these albums were added based on a single song that I like from the creator. In this case this was most likely added for the A-side 2 Beyond The Sea. You know the one.
Considering that I thought this song was song by Dean Martin it goes to show I don't have a firm grasp on a lot of 1950s music and also this kind of crooning jazz style. I don't dislike it by any means but its also not something that sticks with me.
Trad Pop is a beautiful Over-Medium Egg and I am but a well oiled Teflon Pan.
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Nevermind (1991) - Nirvana
Genre: Grunge, Alt Rock Length: 42:36 (12 Tracks)
Its kinda weird that I've never listened to this album all the way through. Growing up as a early zoomer my musical taste was, just like the musicians I grew up with, heavily influenced by the Alt Rock of the 90s.
I didn't grew up listening to Nirvana but as I have gotten older I realize how much certain bands have always permeated the culteral membrane. An osmosis of influence if you will.
Some songs are instantly recognizable 'Smells like Teen Spirit', 'Come as You Are', 'Lithium', and as I put this playlist on in the background listening to this album is almost vulgar. When I first heard these songs there were like a evocation. A mystical litany in a foreign script learning the grooves and connatations of there sound. It was mysteicism learning a small portion of a greater whole. and listening to the full album I almost shy away from it. Feeling unable to process the level of depth I have felt from these other songs.
That becomes the issue of music. Is that some music is too specific, too culteral, for you to have a rational mind over. Nirvana to me feels like home in the same way Jennifers Body does. Its a Core Memory that I had forgettin. A past life I have barely known.
To stop being esoteric there is something incredible about this music. Cobrain has such a distinctive voice, as if he is screaming and droning on at the same time, Checked out and locked in. The lyrics are sardonic and evocative, full of word-play and poesis. The Music almost feels subdued for something that is literally hard rock.
It like screaming underwater, its like the pleasure of moaning over a toothache, Its the savage beast making music. There is so much sadness and anger and self-rightousness that you want to scream the lyrics in your car because its the pain and pleasure of a loose tooth, of poking a bruise, of smashing a window. It is letting go and moving through.
And I just fucking love it. Big feels.
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The Writing on the Stall (Original Soundtrack) (2022) - Caitlin Cook
Genre: Novelty, Comedy, (honestly low-key nerd folk) Length: 26:22 (7 Tracks)
Listened to on a whim and what a lovely time.
Based on varous Bathroom Graffiti, Caitlin Cook manages to make something equal parts funny, sincere, and surprisingly poignant. Do you like Bo Burnam cause that got that energy.
If anything it reminds me a lot of the comedy videos of the early 2000s, the type of silly songs that I watched as a child. Like the kinda problamatic People of Walmart.
This really pleasant to listen to it reminded me of a lot of the novelty music that I would listen to with my mom and also "Thank god for Sluts" is going on permanant rotation.
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Fine Line (2019) - Harry Styles
Genre: Pop Rock Length: 46:37 (12 Tracks)
Technically Recommended by a friend from work, me listening to this album is a long time coming.
Fine Line, is the second studio album by Harry Styles and if wikipedia is to be believed tends to have quite a bit of genre blending in it.
I don't have a lot to say about it, Styles has a fantastic voice and his energy and styling in this era is pushing more torwards an androgynous rock star image very much in the vein of Bowie and similar. Which I actually kind of like. Styles has been purposely vague on whether or not he wants to fuck dudes which is fine. And also dare I say it I think that its healthy for us as a society not to gatekeep GNC as exclusively queer. That if a straight cis gendered man wants to put on a dress well baby thats praxis. But also like do you want to make out??????? 🥺👉👈 just asking.
The music itself has this kind of almost folksy pop to it. Gentle, meloncholic, also kinda horny. Its kinda a horny album still into it through. Ultimately this experiment goes to show that I need to work on how to describe albums. es muy difficil.
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A Mi Me Gusta (1993) - Los Del Rio
Genre: Latin Pop, Flamenco? (more on that later) Length: 50:45 (12 Tracks)
Because I spent to much time figuring this out the english translation is 'I Like It (1993) - Those From the River. so do with that what you will.
Los Del Rio if you don't know are the one that made the song 'Macarena' you know the one.
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(I'm trying to avoid using gifs stylisticly for these blogs but one for fun shouldn't hurt. we'll see how this evolves going forward)
and talk about a One-Hit Wonder. Its the only song that pops up when you search 'Los del Rio songs'. The album is listed as there first album on the wikipedia page for A mi me gusta despite the fact that they have at least 13 other albums before that (possible 20 i'm not going to spend 2 hours delving into there discography to figure that out). and I find this the most telling is that they include three seperate version of the song on the album. It both there opener and closer and you know what it absolutely slaps so I don't blame them.
They also are listed for this album as Latin Pop and Flamenco? I was a pretty big fan of Ricky Martin and Enrique Inglesias growing up, (hi I like fucking men alot) and I'm sorry but this is definetly pop music. This is folk or traditional. Los Del Rio almost exclusively seems to make traditional latin dance music which isn't a problem I'm a big fan of ballroom dance I grew up listening to this kind of music. Baby you can light *my* fire.
Flamenco is also an interesting descriptor. Discogs tends to list there albums in the sub-genres of Flamenco and Rumba. Which seems accurate but if you played a song by them for me It wouldn't have been my first guess.
Tbf I am not an expert on the distinction between traditional spanish folk music because its complicated and the next time someone uses the phrase Dorian Mode my eyes will bleed and I really hate having to deal with bloodstains. Suffice to say this is a much more accessable type of latin dance music. Its very much easy listening, you could definetly dance to it. But its also the type of thing I could imagine your abuela playing while she makes dinner. lowkey vibes.
I realize that I have been incredible vague about wha this song sounds like so close your eyes. Imagine your sitting with your gran-tio and peeling the paper skin away from the tomatillos that he grew in his garden. your sitting on the cool concrete of the back porch and he plays some latin music from the radio as your fingers become sticky from the sappy flesh of those purple and green fruits. It smells like chopped wood and ants. As you finish your peeling Macarena begins playing. ¡Oye!
Thats what this album sounds like.
Another interesting point is that Los Del Rio is a Spanish Band and not a Mexican Band and thats really interesting to me. right? because as an American I really don't think about Spain.
Intellestial I understand that things like Latin Dance music are a product and history of Spain, that there are a culteral export its ahrd for me as a person to seperate this type of music and language from a hispanic or latino lense. Its interesting understanding that there are divergent cultures despite sharing language and other culteral facits. I assume much in the same way that being an american that speaks english I live a very different but somewhat famalier life from an australian or brit.
Deep thoughts to be had and I really need to explore international music more.
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Through the Deep Dark Valley (2012) - The Oh Hellos
Genre: Folk Rock, Indie Folk Length: 39:14 (11 Tracks)
The Oh Hellos are a Brother-Sister Folk Duo and Through the Deep Dark Valley is as they say
"The Oh Hellos' first full-length album, "Through the Deep, Dark Valley," is a self-contained concept album, and so for best results should be listened to in its entirety, in chronological order, in one sitting."
I'm not going to get to deep into said concept. Just understand that its playing with the parable of the prodigal son. Oh I'm sorry are you not religious, (by which I mean speciically mean Christian). Well that sucks for you. There album after this is named after the Screwtape Letters and if you don't know what that is well clearly your a fake jesus fan. Just saying.
I tease but it is interesting to hear how the religious imagery effects the music. A few publications discuss how there is celtic influence in there folk music which is pretty easy to identify but it should also be mentioned that there is a clear gospel sound to the work. I sent the song 'I was Wrong' to my bestie and he was like bro why are you sending me gospel worship music at three o'clock in the moring.
I want to be clear that thats not a particuler problem for me. Gospel has always had a place in folk. Thats why Amazing Grace is listed as American Traditional and also I can't take upbridge at christian imagedry in work because I would also be taking pot shots at fucking lady gage. And thats mother.
This is a really nice sounding album and it really boils down to matters of taste. Do you like the Lumineers? Mumford and Sons? Of Mice and Monsters? yeah. You like that kind of layered acoustic instrumentals and round singing that intesifies torwards the end of the song. Due you like vaguely religious lyrics. Your'll love this its great.
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Swipe Right For Vintage (2015) - Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
Genre: Jazz (Its Complicated and will get into it) Length: 45:20 (12 Tracks)
Ok whores I need to explain what PMJ is right?
Postmodern Jukebox is a 'retro musical collective'. What does that mean. Basically the main guy Scott Bradlee, (not to be confused with the other arranger Scott Bradley from like the 30s), arranges popular songs of the modern age into retro styles. Typical Jazz, Swing, and Big Band, but he also has done songs in traditional pop, doo-wop, and even klezmer. The term jukebox is pretty clear here the vibe of the band is very much playing around with the idea of a modern pop standard. Taking beloved pop classics from the 80s-90s and contemporary and changing them into tsome twee hipster shit and I used to be really fuckign into this.
at the time in 2015 there was a small obsession with poking fun at pop music. Parody music was huge with the likes of Bart Baker and Key of Awesome regular spoofing popular music videos at the time and there was a lot of flop eras happening. Justin Bieber, Meghan Trainer, Maroon 5. There was a lot to work with. Maybe this was just me as an asshole teen but pop music kinda felt like shit so reinterpretations of popular pop songs hit the mark in one way or another.
The selection of the songs for this album, (which mind you was one of four that PMJ produced this year), is pretty solid. You have Hailey Reinhart giving us some of her most iconic performances from PMJ. We have some really incredible torch song covers as well as a personal favorite of Radioactive sung by Blake Lewis who I was definetly gay for in high school. He does a beat-boxing solo in the middle and it definetly shouldn't work but it absolutely does.
I was original going to give this album flaq for its opener. Bad Blood sung by the lovely Aubrey Logan but on further inspection it gets a pass.
Bad Blood is an increidble bold choice to open an album on. Its one of the poorest in Taylor Swifts catologue and was aggresively panned if memory served. Bad Blood is a meme song about how Taylor Swift got beef with Katy Perry. Its very much is not a well-loved pop song in the veins of Radioactive or Habits (Stay High).
Taylor Swift is also just not an artist whose style lends itself to a jazz style and yet this song manages to pull it off. Theres some very clever rhytym to it and Logan manages to rattle off the lyrics at a breakneck speed that sounds much more like scatting then it does rap which is insane. Thats just good arrangement right there and it makes the song much more captivating then I find the original to be. So good on it.
Its hard to rate this album highly. One its a cover album but also praising an album like this for me makes me feel like I'm acting like some kind of snob who needs pop music to be 'fixed' for a more refined and classy palate. But also I just really love a good jazz number and there is a famarity already with these songs. It is simpy put accesable.
Anyway Whores talk to you in about a week and We'll see how much music I listen to in that time.
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Review: snakesnakewhale. share their new harsh pop-punk single ‘You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs’, an ode to appreciating the impermanence of life
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Since their debut last year, the obscurely named pop-punk upcomers snakesnakewhale. have only kept building upon gargantuous momentum, performing ruckus live shows and littering new single offerings as the months go by for fans to eagerly feast upon. With more in the works and a smashing new single titled ‘You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs’, this bold act is one you won’t want to skip over.
With a long-winded title like all the best pop-punk releases, ‘You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs’ right away nostalgically calls back to older Fall Out Boy, Modern Baseball, Neck Deep and everything in-between with a raw and harsh sound you simply cannot tear yourself away from. With high-energy drums, gritty electric guitar strums and a cleaner, bright riff emphatically leading atop it, the track immediately parallels hefty emotions just in its sound alone, dancing with a euphoric air as darker tones set the stage for something more poignant. The verse dips further into this industrially stripped sound, clashing in thunderous drums; intensely deep but subdued guitar strums; amp feedback that leads into intermittent short riffs and their vocalist’s distinctly hoarse delivery that’s only enhanced by every ounce of strain and infused pain captured in each word. Tumbling into a chorus that bursts from the limitations of the track’s three minute duration, ‘You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs’ seems to continue to teeter between aching and gratitude, filled with passionate emphasis that can be heavy-hearted or appreciative from whatever perspective you choose to view it from. Wrapped in non-stop vigorous drums, excessive guitar strumming, distant backing vocals that add an emphasis to every word, and of course their vocalist’s raspy storytelling with an even further forced tensity, it’s without a doubt that snakesnakewhale. have nailed what makes a pop-punk song as powerful as they have the ability to be. Though it’s just a song to be heard and unpacked, we felt that every ounce of what ‘You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs’ had to offer felt like more of an experience to live and learn through, fusing your very being within the song’s twists and turns.
An equally important message weaves its way between the seemingly grief-stricken words of ‘You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs’ , candidly dealing with the impermanence of life and finding ways to process these unfathomable, answerless unknowns for comfort. Brought on by the death of loved ones, the message that snakesnakewhale. have to tell is one made even more personal and poignant, reminding you of your mortality for better or for worse. As the band unravel the ways we often look to the future to get through work and reach goals, lyrics like ‘beware of what you wish for, ‘cause those trees aren’t there anymore’ leave you thinking a little deeper about these day-to-day thoughts with a newfound realisation of their destructing impact. Nodding towards how we often lose small details in the process of passing time, like ‘trees’ that can never be recovered, these words remind that it’s important to appreciate what you have before it’s too late. Other lyrics like ‘I sat a moment on the stairs, with my head in my hands ready to cancel all my plans’ seem to push you to re-evaluate those days you can’t bring yourself to go out, urging you find the strength to make those memories with those you won’t always have while still acknowledging the difficulty that comes with putting yourself out there and living with such mindfulness. There’s a difficult, conscious balance needed to truly live life to the fullest and find joy in the smallest details, but snakesnakewhale. are here to remind you that it can be done and is more than worth it in the end: ‘it’s something we all need to work through.’
Check out ‘You’ll Get That On These Big Jobs’ here to not only rock along to the heavy-hitting sound, but also find yourself introspectively looking within.
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Unknown
// This coverage was created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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nwdsc · 2 years
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(Myself in the Way | Turnoverから)
Myself in the Way by Turnover
ALBUM OUT 11/4/2022 In early 2020, Turnover were touring Europe fresh off a US tour for their new album, Altogether. As the pandemic caused borders to begin closing in around them, the band cut the tour short and got one of the last flights home - not knowing stages around the world would be dark for almost two years. Since 2012, the band has been touring full time, averaging 200 shows each year. In their time away from the road, the band had the opportunity to explore and deepen aspects of their lives that they hadn’t been able to in the past. “I tried to be as positive as possible about the change in my life. Instead of thinking about the things covid was taking from me I wanted to focus on what it could give me,” says singer Austin Getz. The title track of the band’s new album, Myself in the Way, speaks to this mindset. “I can’t put myself in the way of love again,” sings Getz, “I promise I’m going to go all the way with you,” is specifically about Getz getting engaged to his longtime partner, but applies to the general outlook he had toward life in lockdown. “I was living in Sebastopol, California at the time and felt like I truly lived there for the first time since I wasn’t leaving for tour. I was able to go meditate at the Zen Buddhist dojo down the road, run and bike around the hills in Sonoma county, learn about plants and gardening, take some Spanish and arboriculture classes, and get involved with the volunteer fire department. Just do a bunch of new things to challenge and inspire me in a natural way.” Turnover’s other members also used the time to deepen interests they hadn’t been able to fully explore before covid. Bass player Dan Dempsey was in New York City and responded to lockdown by spending more time practicing his visual art in drawing and painting. He painted the album’s cover during this period and developed a style that has become a central theme for the band in its current iteration. Drummer Casey Getz found work at a Virginia Beach state park as touring continued to be postponed. He was in search of and inspired by having a work-life balance different than he’d experienced since he was younger. Through this, he was able to nurture current relationships more and find new ones, something touring made much more difficult. This led to Casey playing drums with a group of longtime friends in Virginia Beach and further developing his drumming style - adding a new prowess for fluidity and improvisation through lengthy jam sessions with the group. Guitarist Nick Rayfield was focused on sharpening his guitar and piano playing and was able to devote energy to skateboarding and his retail business more than he had been able to for the last few years. This was also the band’s first album with Rayfield making songwriting contributions after touring with them for years as a live member, adding a new creative element to the songs. Over 18 months Turnover weaved these individual experiences into a collective work, recording the LP over two sessions with longtime collaborator Will Yip at Studio 4. Austin is credited, for the first time, as co-producer. “I had specific ideas for sound design on this album. I knew a lot of sounds I wanted to hear and use. We wanted everything to be able to be heard and have its own place. I was inspired by the way Magical Mystery Tour and Dark Side of the Moon sounded. We decided to go a lot wider with it and utilize panning and stereo more than we had in the past, while also wanting it to sound tighter and smaller than some of our earlier records. We were inspired by drum and bass sounds from Chic and Quincy Jones records from the 70s, so we put the drums in the control room to get them to sound smaller. We used an active pickup bass and a jazz bass to get that percussive sound from the bass so the low end wasn’t as rumbling and subby. We let the synths share some of that low end that the drums and bass gave up. Quincy's approach to arrangements were a huge inspiration in this record as well. The horn and string lines I wanted to sound like classic era disco, mixed with modern synth and vocal sounds. I had been experimenting with my own vocal styles a lot and utilized autotune and vocoder on this album almost as instruments on certain songs as a stylistic choice.” The band has always been DIY, but post pandemic they have taken that to a different level. They appreciate more than ever how lucky they are to get to be together and have fun creating things with their friends. They have found that they are usually best suited for executing their own vision, not only musically, but with all its accompaniments as well. For this album they made all their own videos in collaboration with friends and using Dempsey's drawings and paintings. Change is authentic and true to Turnover as a band and as individuals. Chart a course through their discography and find a band continually reinventing themselves with a unique artistic ambition. Myself In The Way arrives finding Turnover doing the same within their own persons, pushing the band into new and exciting parallel depths of expression. クレジット2022年11月5日リリース
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