#but its very cold 🥶
molabuddy · 2 years
proplem: i am overwhelmed and need to be 10 morbillion feet away from all people Immediately
additional proplem: i am at School . there is People Everywhere
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learnyouabiology · 1 year
Fun Fact: Many Frogs get through Winter... Underwater
Many people have heard of the legendary frogs that are able to freeze solid and survive the winter. (if not, I did write a whole post about it. so.)
This post is not about those frogs. Though amazing, they are the exception rather than the rule. It is much more common for frogs to overwinter in other ways!
The most common strategy to survive winter is to simply live somewhere that does not have winter!
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(you’ll notice there are more species of frog closer to the equator. this is not a coincidence. image source)
But some frogs don’t HAVE that luxury! SOME frogs have to deal with a winter that lasts close to 6 entire months! 
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(im suffering)
The majority of frogs that face this threat survive by either digging underground, or by finding a permanent body of water and just... chilling 🥶😎.
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(I will not apologise for my excellent jokes. image source)
Ice is less dense than water, which is why ice burgs exist, among other things. Water is at its densest around 4°Celcius. The 4°C sinks, which means that, in the wintertime, the unfrozen bottom of the pond will (generally) not get colder than 4°C.
Additionally, frogs are ectotherms, aka “cold-blooded”, and as their body temperature drops, so too does their metabolism. This makes it so the frogs can go a long time without food, and also allows them to get by without much oxygen. 
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(i love them. image source)
Frogs still need some oxygen, though, so it’s a good thing that frogs are able to absorb oxygen through their skin, just like most amphibians (all amphibians? i can’t think of an exception, but there are so many frog species that I don’t want to commit to a big word like “all”).
Generally, they’ll stay at the bottom of the pond, in a spot that has enough water flow to provide sufficient oxygen for the frogs’ diminished metabolic needs! They generally don’t bury themselves in the mud, though. That part of the pond is nearly devoid of oxygen, and also where the turtles are hibernating!
Here are some pictures of frogs overwinter underwater:
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(image sources, in order: mink frog, Green Frog, Bull Frog,  fire-bellied toad, marsh frog, siberian wood frog, northern Leopard Frog.)
was this an excuse to show y’all a bunch of pictures of frogs that I like? Yes. 
(also please note: second last frog is a siberian wood frog, NOT an american wood frog, and they DO overwinter underwater (Berman et al. 2019). They’re special because they can survive months with very little oxygen, or maybe even no oxygen at all! Good for them 😊)
This has been Fun Fact Friday, letting you know that when the frog gets cold, the frog goes to bed for 6 months. Honestly same.
Sources under the cut!
Berman, D. I., Bulakhova, N. A., & Meshcheryakova, E. N. (2019). The Siberian wood frog survives for months underwater without oxygen. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-7. [PDF]
Jenkins, C. N., Pimm, S. L., & Joppa, L. N. (2013). Global patterns of terrestrial vertebrate diversity and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(28), E2602-E2610. [PDF]
How do frogs survive winter? Why don't they freeze to death? Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-do-frogs-survive-wint/
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Aita for lieing about my country of origin?
🇨🇦🥶 <- so I know it's me!
This is kinda stupid but a friend said it will start a bad habit of lieing, I'm taking advantage of the fact that because I'm white passing I don't get offensive immigrant questions and I just shouldn't have so let's see.
About a year ago I (24nb metis aka white and first nations canadian. Also native American but it's blurry. Its important later.) and my partner (24f white) went to walmart for groceries. I love the cold, have been raised in the cold temps of the Midwest my whole life and I have a autoimmune disorder which makes me much warmer than everyone else so despite it being 32° outside, I was in shorts and a t-shirt. My partner thinks I'm crazy and I have a bad habit of freezing her out but we compromise.
Obviously wearing a T-shirt and shorts when it's snowing outside gets some attention and this elderly white couple playfully asked how I wasn't frozen solid as some sweet small talk but I'm socially anxious and just blurted out that I was from Canada and this was nothing. They just laughed in surprise and nodded and went on. That was a lie and my partner playfully chided me for it. No, I'm not a Canadian immigrant and I was born in America but as you can see, my family has deep ties to Canada and my grandmother is a Canadian immigrant. Should I of lied? No but it was harmless, I panicked and I didnt want to explain a disorder or get too deep into conversation with strangers so I just said it and moved on. No harm done.
Flash forward to today where I, my partner and a mutual friend (23 ftm, white but reconnecting to his distant Cuban and carribean heritage. He identifies as "spicy white".) were talking in a group call about our families histories. One side of my friends family immigrated to America about 4+5 generations back from Cuba with the other from Scotland and Ireland and my partners family history is blurry but she knows they came from Scotland and Germany. My partner playfully brought up my lie from a year ago and the whole tone shifted. My friend got mad at me and brought up how his great great grandmother struggled in America because she wasn't white passing, she immigrated from a non-white country and people treated her horribly. I tried to bring up that both my grandmothers were natives and my immigrant grandmother also struggled with racism due to being first nations but he kept interrupting me saying that because I'm white passing and I picked Canada as a place I fake-immigrated from, I'm taking advantage of the fact that white old couple would treat me better than Mexican immigrants or middle Eastern immigrants.
Eventually the call ended and we side stepped the topic but tension is still present and I don't know how to feel now. Obviously I respect immigrants and i have a high amount of immigrant people in my family, not just Canadian/first nations but married in from Poland and Mexico. I know I shouldn't of lied but I feel like my friend is just being a bit chronically online right now and acting like I don't respect any immigrants. Ever since he started reconnecting, he's gotten more and more trigger happy with racist jokes, calling people racist for no reason and just all around... off. I totally get generational trauma and the pain of discovering your history around colonization and genocide but its getting weird. My partner says she didn't see the harm in my little, no pun intended, white lie but doesn't wanna be involved because she's white and this issue has some racist undertones. I don't know if this is just a symptom of his discovery surrounding himself and being in some very overly sensitive groups or I was truely being insensitive to even being passively racist towards other POC.
So, was I the asshole for lieing to some strangers that I'm from Canada just to not have to get too deep into why I wanna wear shorts in the snow like a weirdo?
What are these acronyms?
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~types of hugs they would give~
was daydreaming about ranpo and then my brain jumped to them giving hugs??? idk how that works but HERE WE ARE!!!
charas: dazai, chuuya, sigma, ranpo, and poe
genre: FLUFF >:))); a bit of flirting in dazai's because, well, dazai; can be seen as romantic or platonic other than that!!!; extremely wholesome shit idk :O; some hurt-comfort, but very mild!!
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-over dramatic mf FRRRR
-hugs with him arent really emotional or srs or anything like that, HE KINDA JUST CLINGS TO YOU OUTTA NOWHERE NGL-
-like he'll be running away from kunikida and cling to you from behind to use you as a sheild
-awoop, jumpscare!!
-would probably make a comment about ur body or something, and how your just, "so charming" and he "jUsT cAnt KeEp hIs hAnDs oFf yOu!1!" (you can admit youre scared of kunikida beating the shit out of you its ok)
-tbh if you were crying or something like that, i feel like you would have to ask him to hug you, rather then him automatically doing so. (as we can see with atsushi 🥶)
-i feel like his hugs would be good enough for the circumstance, but he's kinda cold ngl (unless you like that!!)
-pretty much just uses u as a sheild tho 😭
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-i know that ive always gotta make him floating someone or something..... BUT HIS ABILITY IS SO COOL CMON
-if you asked him (and yall were close) he may float you
-yall have really gotta have a really good amount of trust for him to hug you or just be physically affectionate in general!!!
-would grumble about it and pretend he totally didn't wanna hug you too
-would give pretty good hugs ngl
-if yall are around the same height or ur shorter then him, they're pretty comforting
-if you were crying or having a bad moment, he probably wouldn't hug you that fast though, but if you're ranting to him about how horrible it is, he might just hug you out of nowhere cuz he doesn't know what to say.
-if youre trustworthy to him, his hugs are very nice, he would prob be neutral temp or slightly warm ngl
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-THE ALMIGHTY INSPIRORER OF THIS (is that how you spell that ;-;??)
-all you gotta do is ask
-unless hes busy being possessive of his snacks, he might think you're tryna sneak in and take a bite when he's distracted (눈‸눈)
-but when hes not eating (which is pretty rare), just ask him and he will
-might complain about being lazy a bit, but in the end, he will always hug you if you insist!! <33
-if you were crying or sad about smth, he would either literally fucking bearhug yo ass and comfort you or he would give you space to process your emotions, there is no in between.
-he also smells like sweets which is a more comforting and homey bonus!!!
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-but anyways
-ngl he would be kind of awkward sometimes but YOU KNOW HE HAS THE BEST INTENTIONS!!!
-yknow how he memorizes everyones problems at the casino??
-yeah he also memorized yours, so he knows RIGHT AWAY when something is off or you need a hug!!
-he is very quick to hug you, not only to comfort you, but he also finds it comforting ⊂((・▽・))⊃
-will also leap on you out of joy (is extremely embarrassed after)
-overall, very wholesome, has the best intentions (i swear i forget he's apart of a criminal organization sm)
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-would be so flustered if you asked him
-seems like he would WANT to ask you, but is too embarrassed and shy to ಥ‿ಥ
-PLEASE ASK HIM HE IS INTERNALLY BEGGING, AND HE NEEDS ONE (honestly everyone in bsd needs one)
-would so awkward at first because he doesn't wanna make uncomfortable in any way so he's like barely hugging you
-if he eases into it tho, he would actually be a pretty nice hugger
-if you were upset or sad about something, i honestly feel like he would just give you space to sort yourself, i feel like he would want the same space when he's upset.
-very nice hugs once you get past the awkward stage!!! just takes practice tho <33
i was also getting distracted by my music and this was supposed to be posted yesterday but whatever!! that's how it be
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ichimaccchiato · 2 years
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ꜱᴇᴏɴɢ ᴛᴀᴇʜᴜɴ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴡʜᴏ ᴏᴠᴇʀᴛʜɪɴᴋꜱ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ
song taehun may have messed up, but he still wants to be a better listener for you.
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he doesnt really pay much attention to people unless you're a) someone who he is interested in/someone he really cares about, b) you're hobin, or c) you're his s/o. hes very observant when it comes to those he really like
so when he sees you looking like you're physically there with him but mentally not, he will go all up in your personal space, maybe even sandwiching your cheeks in his palms and squeezing so you look like you're pouting and he leans in close so your face is inches from him and asks you what's the problem
even if you try to escape from him, you wont be able to. so better to just confess whats on your mind
when you do confess though… uh… hate to break it to you but taehoon will probably say something like “whats the point of worrying etc etc” and will end up dismissing your worries and invalidating your feelings BUT!!! HEAR ME OUT (READER PLS DONT LEAVE YET)
when he notices that you still looked worried from time to time, taehun will wonder why. he will probably look at you from a distance, brows furrowed and all, as he is lost in thought.
will probably think its something only women understands but this wont stop him (because even if he wont admit it, he will go through hell for you) so he (in a very tsun tsun taehun manner) will ask for rumi and gaeul’s help.
rumi will 10/10 make fun of him for it and gaeul will 100% guilt trip him
i can imagine the whole hobin yoo company suddenly finding out and ganging up on him lol
“taehun, you meanie!”
“I might have to charge you for this love advice.”
“what if y/n finds someone nicer? what are you gonna do?!?”
cue taehoon getting cold sweat.
he is about to loose his patience but he holds to the grain of patience he has left. will go through it if it means being a better bf for you
also asked his dad for help (which he realised he should've done first instead of being tormented by those “gremlins”)
so when he finally gets answers from everyone, he is going to be slightly nervous because now he knows where he messed up and that means he has to apologize.... 🥶 taehun isn't really the kind of person who does that so easily but for you, hes gonna swallow his pride
i feel like he is dying inside at this point lmao. (actually getting help from the girls already killed him) and the fact that hobin had the audacity to be so cocky with giving advice when hes a total noob at romance (a/n: 😎💔)
he sees you in the balcony, looks over his shoulder to give the others who not so stealthily tried to eavesdrop, a glare so they all scrammed. (they wanted to hear him apologize)
will apologise without looking at you in the eye. (he's still guilty about hurting you and emotionally constipated atm)
tells you this time, he will really listen
he's blushing and all aaaakdkdkd
when you tell him it's all good, he will flick your forehead and tell you to not be afraid to tell him if he makes mistakes or if he does something that hurts you
i feel like after all that, you will be more comfortable ranting to taehun or sharing your thoughts to him in general
he finds it really cute when you verbally list down the things you're worried about (because to him everything you do is cute). but he is also taking you seriously!
will listen attentively / will try not to get distracted
whenever you talk too fast, he will probably squish your cheeks with his hands (again) and tell you to speak slowly.
overall, please give him hugs and show him your appreciation!! he deserves it 🫶
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Quick unimportant question, do back up cold resistant nervous systems still work in breaking you out of Shada? (This is obviously a hypothetical) if not how would one hypothetically escape?
How could you escape Shada?
Firstly, let's establish a firm disclaimer: Shada is an exceptional prison, meticulously designed by the Time Lords to be utterly inescapable. It exists in a time-locked micro-universe outside of normal space, a security measure so foolproof that even the thought of escaping is laughably impossible. Now, with that out of the way, let’s delve into this purely hypothetical scenario.
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🥶 Cold-Resistant Nervous Systems
Shada's prisoners are stored in cryogenic cells, each one frozen in time and held perpetually. Back in the day, war criminals fitted themselves with cold-resistant secondary nervous systems to counteract this. However, the Time Lords got wise to that trick and now directly link prisoners' nervous systems into self-repeating time-frames via their tattoos, rendering those secondary systems ineffective. So, no, those old-school hacks won’t break you out.
🏃‍♂️ Your Hypothetical Escape Plan
For the truly hypothetical and utterly impossible escape, you’d need more than just biological trickery. Theoretical escape methods might involve:
Outrigger Platform: Located under the Control Core, this can open a channel with a physical link to Gallifrey. However, accessing this platform would require bypassing numerous security protocols while evading the robotic guardians patrolling the prison's surface.
Time Lord Assistance: Only a Time Lord could theoretically access the computer index files and deactivate the time lock, but finding one willing to commit treason would be another matter.
The Labyrinth: This cross-dimensional infrastructure might offer hidden pathways, but navigating it would require intricate knowledge of Shada’s highly classified internal layout.
But let’s be clear: this is all ridiculous. Shada's security measures are top-notch, making escape not just improbable but practically impossible.
🏫 So ...
So, if you’re considering some sort of daring break-out, GIL strongly advises against it. Shada is designed to hold the most dangerous beings in the universe, and its protections are nothing short of legendary. You should just enjoy the lovely Universe knowing that the Time Lords have everything under control.
What technology can the Celestial Intervention Agency use to track someone?: Limited overview on CIA tracking technology.
How long would it take the Celestial Intervention Agency to find someone?: Timeframes for how screwed you are.
What does the Gallifreyan political and social environment look like?: Overview of the general structure of Gallifreyan society and politics.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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peaches2217 · 1 year
🥶 Cold
Winter was slow in the Beanbean Kingdom.
Perhaps it shouldn’t have surprised Luigi. The Beanish people were some strange mix of mammalian and plant matter, meaning their body temperature, already low by human standards, fluctuated with the changing of seasons. Sunlight was something they not only thrived in, but required to remain fully functional.
Everything from ramshackle huts to the Grand Palace itself were structured to let in as much of it as possible for as many hours as possible, and nights were almost surreal in their hush once that sunlight was gone. Their peak festival and harvest seasons lay between late spring and early autumn, and even when the air was frigid, they would drag themselves outside bundled in fifteen layers of sweaters and scarves just to feel the sun on their faces.
And when the sun wasn’t out in the dead of winter, well, nothing got done at all.
Yes, the more he thought about it, the less surprising the slow winters were. What did surprise him was how deeply he enjoyed the tedium anyway.
“Regale me again with tales of your winter holidays,” Peasley moped. He bustled about the castle without pause, tending to the innumerable flowers that brought color and oxygen into its bleak halls with hands that shook constantly. All morning he had paced as he read through papers and notes that needed his attention, and when he was forced to stop and provide a signature or write down his thoughts, he’d bounced on his toes like an impatient toddler until he could move once more. His duties complete, he now did everything in his power to create work for himself, all in the hopes of staying just a bit warmer.
This was routine, Luigi had quickly learned. The crown prince didn’t have the luxury of waiting out the winter in one comfortable, secure spot. He yearned to be a successor in his mother’s image, productive and proactive in all areas of life, and that meant he couldn’t shoulder his responsibilities off to her or Lady Lima, and he certainly couldn’t leave them for more tolerable weather.
He was very proud of his own resolve, never passing up an opportunity to brag about how humble and selfless a leader he was… until the first day winter’s chill became strong enough to reach their bed. “Save me, my love,” he’d groaned into Luigi’s chest, and Luigi had promised with a soft laugh that he’d do his best.
“Which holiday do you wanna hear about?” he asked, following on his husband’s heels. It was good exercise, he had to admit, chasing him around all day. Not too exhaustive or overstimulating. Just enough to keep the blood flowing and the joints moving.
Peasley’s trembling hands knocked over a vase on an extensive table. It clunked harmlessly onto its side. “The one where your mother forced a great bird into the oven,” he requested as he realigned the vase. Luigi snickered. Mundane traditions always sounded so much more exciting when Peasley rephrased them.
“Well!” he started. And just for theatrics’ sake, he clapped his hands together and waited a breath or two before continuing. “When we were in the fifth grade, Mario and I decided we were gonna surprise our mom by making Thanksgiving dinner all by ourselves. Bird and everything.”
He must have babbled on about all of them a thousand times, those small but noisy and vibrant Thanksgivings and Christmases and New Years in a little apartment in Brooklyn. He knew for a fact he’d told this story at least twice. Yet the tension and discomfort melted from Peasley’s face as he recounted the disaster that was two ten-year-olds trying to cook a whole turkey; he grinned and gasped and laughed so hard that he wiped tears from his eyes, as though he were hearing it all again for the first time.
When he wasn’t fiddling with the flowers, Peasley’s hand found Luigi’s and squeezed tightly. His skin was cool to the touch even during the hottest summer days. In the winter, it was almost enough to sap all of Luigi’s body heat. But he gave what he had anyway, and sometimes it was enough to allow Peasley a break from his busybodying. In those moments, he would relax his hold and press their sides together briefly, and then he was on the move once more.
And this was how Luigi spent his first winter in the Beanbean Kingdom: following his husband, entertaining him, and keeping him warm, every single day. Perhaps it sounded dull or even overwhelmingly repetitious. To Luigi, it was heaven. 
He wasn’t sure how much it actually helped, but it saw Peasley through until they could retire to their quarters and take more drastic measures to stay warm, and he took pleasure in that.
That night, those drastic measures involved curling up on the couch with three fluffy blankets, two giant mugs of hot cocoa, and Season 13 of DegrasSoy on DVD. Peasley’s small but well-built frame fit so perfectly in Luigi’s arms. Holding him near as his shivering subsided felt as natural as growing facial hair, as natural as breathing itself.
Four episodes in, Peasley broke the amiable silence in their dark room.
“I don’t know if I’ve thanked you.” His normally boisterous voice softened, a tenderness only Luigi got to hear from him. “For keeping me warm.”
Luigi chuckled at that, pulling him in even closer. Peasley was in his lap now, both having abandoned their empty mugs two episodes earlier to twine their arms around one another. Come to think of it, had he even been watching? His head was turned in the direction of the TV, but he hadn’t seemed as invested as he usually was in trashy daytime television. 
“You thank me every night, mio caro,” Luigi reminded him. Peasley, already a classic romantic, became extra sentimental when he was comfortable and tired. It never got old.
“No, I mean… during the day.” In the light cast from the TV, he watched Peasley close his eyes and smile. “I don’t know how I ever survived a winter without you.”
“Oh, come on. All I do is talk and hold your hand!”
“No, no, it’s so much more than that.” Once more Peasley opened his eyes, and this time he fixed them on Luigi; they were heavy not with sleep, but with love, so much love that Luigi felt a bit dizzy. 
“Your voice alone is a driving force,” he continued. “It reminds me that this winter will come to an end, just like every other winter before it. Before you, it always felt… endless. But you, my dear — you’re sunlight in living flesh. And I would live through a hundred consecutive winters without complaint so long as I could spend each of them with you.”
A lump formed in Luigi’s throat. Oh, the things he could promise this man — he had little to his name outside of these castle walls, but it was all his, always, and always would be.
“On second thought—” Peasley drew away suddenly, pursing his lips in thought, and suddenly that air of amorous devotion popped like a flimsy soap bubble. “No, I would absolutely complain. Constantly and fervently. That’s too much suffering to go through in silence. But!” And then he drew back in, grinning at the startled laughter his sudden shift in demeanor had evoked from Luigi. “I would endure it still, knowing my hero would be there to keep me warm.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Luigi snorted. He wanted to kiss him until neither of them could breathe.
“Darling, do you underestimate me?” Peasley gasped. “I can be so much more dramatic.”
“Oh, Luigi!” Luigi’s laughter renewed as Peasley sprawled out in his lap, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead in a mock-faint. “I’m so terribly cold, Luigi! I beg of you, relieve me of this torture!”
A hiccup escaped Luigi’s throat, and he took a moment to gasp for air before diving in. “Oh, no!” he cried, twisting himself so that they could face one another without falling off of the couch. “Don’t worry, I’ll save you!”
Peasley joined in on his mirth as Luigi scooped him close, as close as they could physically be. “Oh, my hero,” he called out, pulling at all three of their blankets until they were completely enveloped in soft fabric, “my hero!”
Their show continued until it reached the looping main screen once more, but they were too preoccupied to pay it any mind.
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ailendolin · 2 years
⚡️ Robin understandably is scared of thunderstorms. Newly dead Humphrey (maybe) comforts him?
Thank you for this prompt, anon! I hope you'll like your ficlet!
Next up:
🎶 Dancing - Robin, Humphrey’s body, Mary & alive Kitty
🥶 Cold - Fanny
✊🏽 Protecting - Thomas & Francis
💪🏽 Bridal carry - Pat & the Captain
🐾 Pet-names - Humphrey’s head and Annie
🎁 Presents - Julian
💀 Near-death experience - Milton, Mike & Death
Ask Game is here. Filled prompts are here, here & here on AO3.
Prompts for this ask game are closed.
⚡ Scared of thunderstorms
It started with a whimper.
Humphrey almost didn’t hear the unfamiliar sound over the storm raging outside, and certainly hadn’t expected it. The house was mostly silent these days, even more so than it had been when he was still alive. It had been standing empty for months now, forgotten by the world after everything of value had been taken away. There was only Humphrey there now, cleaved in two with his body roaming the grounds on its own, and Ro. At least that’s what Humphrey thought his fellow ghost’s name was. It was hard to tell with Ro’s communication consisting mostly of guttural noises and the odd English word or phrase he had managed to pick up here and there.
It made Humphrey wonder, sometimes, if that’s how he’d sounded to Sophie when they were first married and she didn’t yet speak a single word of English: harsh and primeval.
Just like Sophie, Ro kept mostly to himself. Humphrey tried not to take it personally. He figured it must be weird for other people to look at him, what with him just being a head and all, and from what little information he’d managed to gather from Ro it was pretty clear that Ro had been around for a very long time and seen many people come and go. Humphrey couldn’t blame him for being tired of making friends only to lose them at some point, even if he could really do with some company. Being dead was already awful; being stuck without a body and having to rely on others to move was hell.  
Thunder rolled over the grounds, followed by a flash of lightning. Humphrey listened for another whimper, and when it came, he called out, “Ro? Is everything all right?”
When he only got a grunt in reply, he sighed. This wasn’t going to be easy. “Is it the thunderstorm?”
Ro grunted again.
“I suppose those were scary back in your time, hm?” Humphrey mused. “They’re nothing to be afraid of, though. We’re quite safe inside the house.”
“No,” Ro said through gritted teeth. “Burns.”
Humphrey had no idea what he meant. Yes, lightning sometimes struck the grounds and set a tree or two on fire but it had never struck the house in all the years he, his parents and his grandparents had lived here. He couldn’t smell any fire right now either though he supposed that wasn’t saying much; it was a large house, after all, and he actually had no idea if he could still smell things from the living world as a ghost. Still, he was reasonably sure that the house was not burning to the ground at this moment so he took a chance and told Ro exactly that.
“No,” Ro said again from the hallway as lightning flashed across the sky once more. His breathing hitched. “Not house. Me.”
Humphrey’s eyes widened as the puzzle pieces fell into place and he finally understood what Ro meant. He must have died in a storm. No wonder he’s terrified.
“Oh, Ro,” he breathed, feeling his heart ache with sympathy – wherever it was right now. Raising his voice so he would be heard over the rolling thunder, he said, “You’re not alone, Ro, all right? I’m here and I promise you’re safe.”
There was a moment of heavy silence as the thunder faded into the distance.
“Promise?” Ro asked hoarsely. “What is … promise?”
Humphrey closed his eyes, willing his emotions to stay at bay. “It means you can trust my word.”
“Trust,” Ro tried out the unfamiliar word, and when lightning lit up the night once more, Humphrey could hear him softly mutter to himself, “Safe. Promise.”
“That’s right,” Humphrey said, desperately wishing he could be there for him with more than words. “You’re safe, Ro.”
“Safe,” Ro breathed. Humphrey couldn’t see it from where he was lying a room away but he closed his eyes and stopped rocking back and forth. His hold on his furs slowly relaxed. “Safe.”
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emojireviewpage · 1 year
🥶 Freezing emoji review 🥶
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Apple: Eek. Unsettling face. Poor emoji. It is SUFFERING and I feel bad. Not so happy expression. Its face is FROZEN and plain. Are the icicles frozen saliva? 7/10 Get some help.
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Google: No icicles this time? Where are they? Or did a snowpile land on their head? I love the snowflakes. Winter-y. I see they have brown eyes. 8/10 The line on its mouth looks odd.
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Samsung: Hm. What? How can you grow THOSE enormous icicles? Honestly. Are you cursed? Did your mind freeze so much your mouth looks odd? 4/10 creepy. Can’t recommend.
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Microsoft: Are you melting? 2/10 does not represent.
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WhatsApp: snowflakes! Even though they are beautifully detailed, this emoji doesn’t steal my heart… 8/10 I see you tried
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Twitter: Too cold for you? Aw. I see you are really worried for the cold. I take points off because you can do better. 4/10
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Facebook: Oh. Nice colors. Honey, you are very frozen. Can I help you? 9/10
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Twitter emoji stickers: Pretty eyes. Makes this emoji innocent. Love the detail on the icicles. 9/10 Cold times! ❄️
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Joypixels: They are definitely frozen. Is it just me or does it have more icicles than the rest? I feel bad. Get some treatment and you’ll feel better. 7.5/10 Get out the freezer.
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TossFace: With black outline. This would look better. It’s cute tho. 3/10
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Openmoji: Snow and icicles. I can’t say a lot because it is a normal one. 5/10 Points FOR originality
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Emojipedia: Ugh. This emoji is really uncomfortable. It distorted mouth makes me not look at it. It seems like they made it look an apple emoji, but badly executed. The excessive shading on its face makes it look oddly CGI that it looks just wrong. It looks like they have cheeks. The eyes just don’t look too good to me. Almost like they want to explode. C’mon, can’t stand the freeze? 5/10 I give you extra 2 points because the icicles are really realistic and pretty.
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LG: The best one IMO! Cute emoji with nice shading and eyes. The eyes have a nice colour and I love the frozen parts of its body. Refrigerated a lot? Buddy? 9.5/10 Awesome emoji. It needs snow on its head and it’s perfect!
Thank you! 💕
sooooo cold. 🥶
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flowerliker · 2 years
Do you have any advice for keeping smoliv in a colder climate? I recently acquired an egg for one.
- @alamos-garden-lover
smoliv's normal-typing actually makes them a little hardier than they might be if they were pure grass-types!! even if it is cold though it is very important that they get lots and lots of sunlight!!!
you are going to want to be extra careful to make sure they are getting enough nutrients to keep themselves healthy. smoliv can go up to a whole week without eating anything with no problem but even if it does not really have the appetite you should make sure it is getting its nutrients anyway! you will probably want to look into nutritional supplements, the kind that a reputable garden store that specializes in grass-type care will get you, to help support its diet because it will be especially susceptible to ill effects from the cold if it is not nutritionally satisfied
oh the thing you have to be very careful of though is the oil it stores in the fruit on its head!!! i am not sure on exact temperatures from within the fruit, but outside the fruit the oil will start to solidify at 54f/12c and it will start to freeze at 10f/-12c 🥶 you have to be very very mindful to make sure that does not happen!!! colder days should be inside days and cooler days should involve hats and scarves 🧣
and also as i always recommend for grass-types, a nice warm sweater will not hurt and a sun lamp inside for it to go back to when it is chilly is basically a must!!!! ☀️
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bouncinghedgehog · 2 years
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"Hair ice", or "bearded frost" is a rare phenomenon that only occurs in a small percentage of the world. It has played a major part in inspiring me to go "above and beyond" to capture and learn about the amazing wonders of nature. When I first came across this unique substance I was absolutely astonished. I had to know more, there were only a few pieces of wood that had this on it and I wanted to know why. ❄️
So there I began my studies and learned so much about what causes this. Though it is similar to the phenomenon called "Hoar frost" they are 2 completely different things. Hair Ice grows specifically on the decaying wood of an Alder tree branch, while hoar frost can be found on just about any surface in cold temperatures. Hair Ice is caused by a fungus that lives within the decaying wood, and this fungus "breathes" or releases its spores through the night pushing the moisture harnessed within the wood out of the woods pores, causing it to immediately freeze with contact of the below freezing temperatures. The small hole of which the moisture is released from is as thin as a strand of hair, therefore causing the hair-like ice to form. 📖
I wanted to know how to find it so that I could show my family, I began to go search any morning there was frost on the ground and was surprised at how uncommon it really was. Because I had a hard time finding it again I began to take note of the conditions. I wrote in my journal the temperatures, wind-spead, humidity level, and cloud cover present in the hours leading up to my search. I eventually determined the precise conditions required for this to occur. 🤓
Surprisingly google didn't help much in learning about these things, I even had to make the determination myself that it only grows on dead alder branches. From there I waited for the right conditions to occur again, I wanted to not only know what caused it, but I also wanted to see it grow.
Equipped with only my cellphone at the time I went out at night when the conditions were projected to be within the "Golden zone" and set up my phone pointed at a fallen alder branch that I had seen it grow on previously, and began to take a timelapse of this incredible phenomenon.
I ran into so many problems with this plan. My phone would get too cold and shut off, the battery would drain too fast, and the lighting was very difficult to make work. So I taped hand warmers to my phone and plugged it into a battery pack, and then used a few lanterns to provide the proper lighting. It took atleast a dozen attempts to finally work through all my issues and achieve my goal of a timelapse from start to finish of the formation of hair ice. 🥶 I will include the link to this timelapse in the comments 🙂
I was so proud and felt so accomplished by the end of it that my passion for photography reached a whole new level. I saw first hand what determination and persistence can create and never looked back. For this I will always have a special place in my heart for this unique phenomenon and will never walk past it without taking some time to admire its beauty first. 😍
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Alrighty my loves! So sorry for the lag lately! We’ve had a power outage where I live for nearly 3 days and it was absolutely terrible because the weather outside is freezing cold, we’ve been experiencing a lot of storms and its even started snowing here in Cali which is very rare! 🥶❄️
Anyways! I started working on random aesthetic challenge requests again today! Hoping to post them tonight/tomorrow! And speaking of that, today is the very last day to send them in while you still can! So make sure you guys do! LOVE YOU ALL DARLINGS! ✨🖤✨
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sufletvoronet · 2 years
[text: СЕРЬОГА 😎] oy seryoha im sorry i meant to tell you i cant do our usual in odesa this year (((
[text: СЕРЬОГА 😎] im a little busy on new years actually i was wondering if we could do something a couple days after ???
[text: СЕРЬОГА 😎] but still not um that ((( i actually dont know if... doing that exactly is gonna be possible anymore sorry брат ((( it's hard to explain but i hope you understand
[ /the message chain sits on read for several days. even on the train back to chișinău! he would only lift his phone off the folding tray for a minute to tap away at some other conversations before glossing over his. he would then slam his phone face-down back onto the tray with a snarl and a dramatic huff; folding himself up in his seat to watch the moldavian countryside go by.
he only replies a week later, in some sleepy hungover state: ]
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] Hello Datsko.
[ /he tries to be civil for a while, but after a few attempts, a few backspaced replies, he resorts to something else. ]
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] or should i say....CRINGESKO.....fucking backstabber man y do you.... Why. this is TRADITION!! U STOOD UP YOUR BROS FOR THE HOES???? did you think i would go to odesa ALONE? thanks for letting me know so i could cancel my fare there LOL!!!!??? ok fine yeah thanks 😒😒😒 i GUESS
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] 😑 whats their name. you got a picture at least so i at least know what im up against? 😒🤔 are they cute???
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] god as my witness u will be lucky if i dont drag your balls over the ice at epiphany for this 🍅🍅🥶 or did you cancel that too!!! pula mea dude. very not cool. ice cold. fuck. i hope you got shit-faced. i hope you puked on the new light of ur lifes shoes.
[ /there's a five-minute interval for him to throw the phone down onto his mattress and step out into the biting morning cold; for a cigarette, to cool down. he returns to his phone afterwards, and decides to stop treating this like a bad breakup. ]
[TXT: Даниилko 💪👯‍♂️] ok look man that was mean. Im sorry. 😥...its just. bruh even anca got dicked down for christmas what is HAPPENING!!!! 2023 HELL YEAR 🔥😩👿
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fairytalequeer · 2 years
🥶 ☕ 💕 💘 ~ rebeccaselfships
auuu tysm!! @rebeccaselfships
🥶 When it´s getting colder, do you and your f/o still like to spend time outside (going on walks etc.), or do you prefer to stay inside?
definitely outside!! im not great with the cold (im very bad with it actually) but really like going outside. especially since the forest would be lovely in the chill weather... and if there's snow too uaughghhhh i would love it. visiting the fae folk always sounds fun too! and the occasional unicorn encounter and other cool animals. frog catching. apple picking. important stuff to be done during the fall
but being inside is always nice too!! lots of stuff to do and nice ways to keep warm. stealing warm food/treats from the kitchen, cozy fireplaces that are possibly enchanted, starry pillows/blankets... hm outside or inside is perfectly fine actually
☕ What´s your f/o´s favorite hot drink? Also, what´s yours?
i think he probably likes hot chocolate honestly! I'd make sure to introduce him to abuelita hot chocolate so he knows what it is at its best. and i like wassail the most!!! attempting to make it with him would be so nice... we'd be bad at it and leave the kitchen a mess but thats not our problem :3c
💕 Nights are getting colder too and there´s no better way to stay warm than cuddling up in bed with the person you love. So… what´s your favorite cuddle position/s?
hhhhhholy shit this one LOL................ link is gay momence
uh. uh. uh. i dont really have a favorite theyre all good... but my mind usually wanders to him curled up and laying on my chest while we're tangled up together AUHGhhg. he's little. BUT LIKE I SAID any is good...
💘 What are your favorite kind of dates to go on during fall?
idk im kind of weird and dont really vibe with the concept of Dates sdkfjhsdfsdk i just would consider anything we do as like... hanging out with a dear friend. just with added romance obviously. but im down for anything and i think he's interested in the same stuff im into (as in just Going Out and doing something Fun and/or Adventurous)
i mentioned some of the stuff in the first question already but here's even more: going to a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, even just trick or treating LMAO. trick or treating to residents of the fairytale forest actually sounds so fun. possibly dangerous to do that with certain fae folk but whatever
going out to help ppl decorate also sounds fun. collecting fall plants/leaves to press into books. fall-centered scavenger hunts... so many things tbh. and i would always enjoy his company when i garden, including during the fall! there's a lot of cool flowers/plants to tend to/garden during the fall (like snapdragons! and those are my favorites)
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wosocharleeeeess · 2 years
Australian houses in particular are very poorly insulated for the cold, bring sweaters or you will regret it 🥶
can relate i swear its colder in than out rn
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iamryna · 8 months
Big Idea: Build Love by Obeying God's Word and Authorities
Memory Verse:
" Do Everything in Love"- 1 Corinthians 16:14
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Last Sunday (January 14,2024), My Stagecrew team is incharge to perform onstage at Nextgen Ministry ( a ministry where to help disciple the next generation kids) a.k.a Sunday School.
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My stagecrew leader gave me the following roles:
1. to be part of the Dance during Praise and worship.
2. To be part of the dance in L.O.V.E segment
And last but not the least
3. To be the host of the segment called "Introduction of Big Idea and Memory verse". As I runthrough to the script guidlines given to us, I notice that their is no script (which means I needed to compose or do my own script). I ask the Lord " Lord, why do I need to create my own script?". Honestly, I dont have a gift of tongue to speak onstage because I have a tendency to get froze 🥶 and lost of words which worries me. But I ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help me overcome my worries.
Backstage, my hands started to feel cold and shaking profusely, what I do is I scream to get rid of my nervousness inside. My stagecrew teamates saw my nervousness but they help me calm my nerves by giving me words of encouragement.
When its my turn now to speak infront of the kids, I notice that I speak well and I didnt loss of words.. It ended strong
During our huddle time with my stagecrew team together with the coordinators (usually after we perform onstage, we listen to the feedbacks if their is need for improvement). I've waited for the comments on how i perform on my hosting in the segment assigned to me. (I expect that their is an area for improvement). By God's grace, the coordinators said that I did very well and everything is good.
Im so happy to hear that I did a very job welldone. At the end of the day, they notice that a significant improvement in last Sunday’s performance. Everybody knew what was happening, therefore the adlibs sounded natural. Way to set the standard to our stagecrew team (Team Delta).
Despite of the lack of manpower we have last sunday, We give glory to our Lord Jesus Christ to help and guide us in our last Sunday's performance.
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