#but izumi really is so fascinating and my heart breaks for him
ironicxblue · 1 year
I've been reading some stuff on Twitter after Element with people talking about how Knights were affected by the war. Before the war really in Leo's case and therefore Izumi's and its just got me thinking.
I've spoken about his guilt, leading to projecting and protecting Makoto before.
I'll add on that his guilt was still so fucking prevalent in ! era with how he treated Leo. Any time that Leo basically started to regress back into that bad stage and was fighting with people. Every time Izumi falls silent. Even if the others ask him to say something to Leo he can't. Because he was fucking TERRIFIED of losing him again. But he'd also give Leo the out to leave a few times as if that's what would make him happy. Sure. Fine. He'd deal with it if that made him happy. He said to Naru once when outright asked why don't you talk to Leo, he'll listen to you that the fact he'll listen is exactly the reason why he has to be careful with what he said.
Izumi has so much guilt from a time where he had little to no power. Yes, he probably could have helped Leo a little more. Put less pressure on him. But the reality was that there wasn't much he could do. Depression is a bitch and that breakdown would've come anyway with everything that was happening. Even if Leo hadn't have fought, war era Yumenosaki wouldn't have been the place for him.
So Izumi was essentially powerless before the war even began. Eichi thought of him as someone decently talented but not impressive enough. Which is kind of hilarious considering Izumi has one of the best voices in the series and often shows it off. But on his own, he wasn't a threat.
You even see that with the chess game and discussion in Checkmate. And later on in the story Ibara had no clue who Knights were when he saw Izumi and Ritsu with Makoto and Mao.
And yet less than a year later Knights is one of the top three groups in the country and has international fans.
Thats down to hard work, and yes, Tsukasa's leadership.
But it makes me think that we know Izumi is a very proud person. Very big on being the best. It's in the lyrics of his solo. It's why he can be hard on people. So, being so powerless back then? Not being able to do anything as he'd just lost his important person as the war rose around them? To not even be seen as a threat? Yeah, that would have stung on top of his guilt. Because people hated Knights, and he would've thought it was because of him. But that hate didn't even matter as there were so many bigger things going on.
And then in his third year people still hated them to start with. In part because of his own more recent actions and oof.
This has basically been a very long ramble to say that Izumi doesn't like himself. Not really. He'll talk about his looks and talent, but it's the inside that he sees is not good enough. He is moving on. He is getting better. But that guilt and worthlessness is still festering within him. It's why he was so quick to come back for Leo in Next Door, and it's why he didn't want anyone to know when he wasn't getting work in Florence. To the point where he was lying and hiding out at the Tsukinaga house because no one could know that he wasn't good enough again.
Izumi has so many issues. Some of them are from his parents for sure. But I'm not going into that here. But a part of it does stem from his 2nd year, and the fact he had nothing positive come from that in the end? Yeah, that's really something.
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AN: Ok so I’ve been gone for a while but I’ve hit a milestone in my followers and I decided to write one for my original anime hubby. He’s an oldie but a classic. Everyone loves Kakashi-sensei. Anyway It’s a long one so I hope you enjoy!
Warning: Implied smut but fairly SFW. 
Everyone has read the Fanfiction, and everyone has read the stories. Someone mysteriously dies and gets reborn in a new world. Only to train and become a badass before eventually getting their favorite character to fall in love with them. All while changing the story to prevent people, they’ve never met from dying. It was a wish fulfilment story and it works as entertainment. But real life is so much more difficult than anyone realizes.
Because in the end the person I was before never really changed even when I was reborn into a world of ninjas.
My first memory that I can clearly remember is eating ice cream outside my parent’s farm. I was born in a mundane village a few miles from Konoha. Ice cream was a rare summer treat that my parents occasionally indulged me and my five siblings in. It was on this rice farm where I spent the first five years of my childhood. I went to a civilian school that taught me to write and read before spending the rest of my days helping my family. I remembered nothing from my previous life. Just flashbacks and deja vus that left reminiscent feelings lurking in the back of my mind. Kanji was unexpectedly hard for me versus my sibling who picked it up with ease. Yet, when I finally grasped the language, I kept journals of writings not knowing that it was a passion resembling my former self. I also never understood my connection with cats. I was known as the resident cat girl that went around picking up stray cats to bring back to our farm. And the cats formed a bond, only tolerating me and hissing at everyone else who dared to approach them.
The peaceful years unfortunately didn’t last. Over the years war and bandits took a toll on our quiet town and maintaining a farm was no longer profitable. So, my parents made the decision to sell off their land and move to Konoha. Though, my parents were apprehensive, me and my sibling were ecstatic at living in a shinobi village. Everyone knew of shinobis, the legends surrounding them. Tales of bravery, heartache, and loyalty, it fascinated the residents of the village.
We moved into Konoha early August just before winter arrived and were citizens after 3 months. The process was short due to our lack of shinobi lineage and arriving from a civilian farm town. It was in Konoha that I really got my first exposure to what shinobis actually were. Seeing them jump off the roofs while my father tended his produce stall was mesmerizing. Playing ninja with the rest of the kids and constantly being surrounded by the hype eventually got to the point where I wanted to become a ninja myself. Along with two of my younger siblings, I begged my parents to attend the academy. They eventually relented when they realized the village offered funding for civilian children to attend. I was the only one out of my siblings to pass the entrance exam. I was the only one physically fit enough where they thought I had potential. when I left for that first day, it led to some tantrums and pouting from my siblings who didn’t make it. They eventually overcame their jealousy. They loved to hear about each and every new jutsu that I learned.
It was at the academy when I first saw him. It was him who destroyed my delusions and awakened my suppressed memories. It was Itachi Uchiha. Yet, despite his young age he kept up with the rest of his older classmates. He was only 5 years old, a prodigy amongst prodigies. When I saw his cherub, cute face for the first time, it gave me a headache. It started off as a numbing sensation on the side of my head. I collapsed on my bed from the exhaustion, closing my eyes because the blurred vision made the pain that much worse. I slept off my headache for the rest of the day. And all my previous memories were unlocked.
I was a boring human being. A lazy person who had a multitude of mental issues that barely survived off my paycheck. Got married to an equally mundane individual and by the time we were 30, the passion had worn off. We never got divorced, too afraid of dating again and leaving our two children without each other. The only happiness that kept me grounded was my writing and my hobbies. Growing up I loved anime and lessened as I grew up with more and more responsibility. But Naruto was my childhood and coping mechanism when I got bullied. And out of Naruto was my favorite character, Itachi Uchiha.
I don’t think I need to explain why anyone likes Itachi. From his tragic background and his love for his younger brother. Once as a naïve girl, I wanted to find someone like him or at least wished for a brother who loved his younger siblings like he did. And now somehow those desires came true. Because he sat only 3 rows away. Coupled with my new body’s memories of admiration for the young boy and along with my love and knowledge of what he was going to do in the future, made me yearn for him.
Not in a weird, sexual way. After all, I was still only 8 and he 5, but I wanted to be his friend. I wanted to be his confidant and most of all I wanted to save him.
When I spotted him alone at a lunch break, I decided to go introduce myself. This was going to be the new beginning of a friendship and hopefully more down the lane.
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before approaching the quiet boy.
“Hello, are you Itachi-kun? Nice to meet you! I’m L/N Y/N and I sit behind you,” I cheerfully said and waved at him excitedly.
He blinked slowly and stared at me for a few minutes.
“Yes…. Nice to meet you too,” he uttered.
He stared at me for a few more minutes, making the situation more and more awkward. I let out a nervous chuckle and shuffled my feet at his intense gaze.
Itachi raised his eyebrow as if asking if I wanted anything else.
“Well I-“ I began, but was interrupted by a loud screech.
A boy collided with Itachi and knocked him over. The two tussled for a few minutes, the unknown boy laughing gleefully. While Itachi just sighed and dodged his rambunctious friend.
“Oy! Itachi, did you bring an extra bento that Mikoto-sama prepared?” The boy looked up and I stopped breathing.
It was a clearly healthy and alive, Shisui Uchiha. After a few minutes as the boys conversed, Shisui finally noticed me standing awkwardly in front of them.
He looked at me curiously and asked, “who are you?”
“That’s just my classmate. Anyway, Shisui I have my bento over there. Come,” the solemn boy said. The two boys then left while I just watched wide eyed.
Ok, so the first introduction didn’t go as I planned but I tried multiple times. However, each attempt was just as awkward as the first as I stammered and squirmed in front of Itachi’s inquisitive gaze. Apparently, my inept skills at talking to boys had somehow labeled me as a fangirl, I overheard the young boy tell his cousin.
Once after class, I watched a pretty Izumi clutch a content Itachi as he conversed with Shisui. The three Uchiha unaware of the turmoil in my heart as they went home for the day happily. I realized that day Itachi didn’t have a place for me. This world had no place for me because I was never meant to be here. This story wasn’t mine and it was never going to be.
I never tried again to attempt a conversation, too embarrassed by being called a fangirl. Before I knew it, the year was over and Itachi had graduated early along with his talented cousin. Farther away from my reach than ever, I again realized the difference between myself and the genius. I was still stuck in the academy at 9 years old with my peers. Most of all I knew in the depths of my heart that I couldn’t save him from his fate. Reality was much more bitter than anyone realized.
As for me I finally graduated on my birthday and my parents took us all out for yakitori at a restaurant. I was still going to try my hardest to be the best shinobi I possibly could be. At least if I couldn’t save Itachi and the Uchiha from the inevitable, which I doubt most people in my place could.
Unfortunately for me, my hardest didn’t amount to much. My sensei was a young impatient Genma who ironically had a toothpick in his mouth instead of a senbon. Let me summarize it for you, my team failed. Miserably. I stood there in horror, watching as my hopes and dreams for the future dissolved right in front of me. I rushed after Genma, pleading, and begging for another chance. Even resorting to full on ugly crying while he stood looking painfully uncomfortable.
“Please! I just wanna make a difference!” I begged as tears dripped down my face.
He sighed. “Fine! Just please stop crying. You’re embarrassing yourself and me.”
Genma recommended me for the Genin corps. It wasn’t where I wanted to be, but I also didn’t want to go back to academy. I figured if I spent a year on the corps, I could eventually find myself a Genin team before advancing onto Chunin.
However, once again what actually happened was far from my expectation. I didn’t spend a year or 2 years. I spent 7 years on the Genin corps. S-E-V-E-N. Years. I even spent a year on a Genin team when I was 13 only to realize my potential compared to my peers was very low. Don’t get me wrong my reincarnated body was ten times healthier and in shape than my previous coach potato one. I could barely run a mile in my previous life whereas now I could run 3 miles. However, that achievement paled in comparison to the average ninja. No matter what I did, whether it was taijutsu, genjutsu, or even ninjutsu was dull compared to everyone else. My punches lacked force, I didn’t have enough chakra for the higher level jutsus, and I couldn’t even tell the difference between a basic genjutsu to a complicated one.
Basically, I sucked, so I stuck to Genin corps. For the money of course, it paid pretty well in comparison to civilian jobs. I bought an apartment at 15 and I was able to provide for myself. But the crushing truth took a toll on my mental health. I just spend the time where I wasn’t working in my bed. I barely had energy to feed myself. I didn’t snap out of until I got straightened out by my mother.
“Y/N! When was the last time you took a bath or had a proper night sleep?!” Okasan yelled when she made an impromptu visit to my apartment.
I shrugged and took a bite of my rice ball that Okasan so nicely prepared for me.
“Look, I know being a ninja was your goal. But not everything in life works out. And not everyone has to be a shinobi to have a good life!” she said as her eyes softened.
“But what else am I supposed to do? I’ve been training to be a shinobi since I was 8 years old and none of the other jobs pay so generously,” I replied dully.
Okasan reached over and patted my hand. “Well, you don’t have to quit being a Genin just yet. Try new things or figure what else you want to do before you retire. Hell, when was the last time you had a hobby? You don’t even write like you use to.”
I considered it, maybe I could take up calligraphy or start writing again like I used to. I haven’t written anything down since I made Genin.
“Alright, I’ll think about it. But I’m not promising anything,” I grumbled.
“As long as you snap out of this funk and start taking care of yourself is all I ask for, Y/N” Okasan said with a soft smile.
It took a while after that conversation, but little by little I started to put in effort again. I cut my shaggy hair into an acceptable style, showered every day, and ate my meals on time. I even adopted a little stray off the streets that made itself home in my small apartment. One night coming home after my late shift, I stopped by a bookstore to buy a sturdy journal. I started off by journaling my daily life before letting my creative mind drift. In my previous life, I was a self-published erotica writer that basically did it for fun. Maybe it was something I could attempt again.
There were many drafts before I settled on a topic that I felt passionate about. In the Elemental nations, they idealized a woman who waited. Just take the bestselling Icha Icha novel for example, it involved a ninja who abandoned his wife because he was scared his enemies would target her. He spent the entire novel hoeing his way through the countries, only to realize he was still in love with his wife. The wife, who by the way, spent years celibate and faithfully waiting for her husband. That novel made me infuriatingly mad because it highlighted the double standards of the world I was born in so well. Hell, even in the future Sakura and Hinata would waste their lives, faithfully waiting on the men they love to reciprocate their feelings.
So, for my novel I decided to juxtapose those stereotypes by writing a novel about a woman named Sayaka whose boyfriend would break up with her, unknowing she was pregnant with his child. She spends her life trying to provide for her child, only for him to be kidnapped because he had a rare keikei genkai. She hires a local mercenary (Mahiro) except he’s not interested in her money but rather her. The rest of the plot was not decided yet, but I would see where it goes and plan accordingly.
The more I wrote the better I felt and the disappointment that was my career no longer felt like a death sentence. Without a laptop or anything to help me write, I had to resort to buying a used typewriter. Still I would rush home each day, excited to write another chapter. Or to get lost in the filthy world of the mercenary and desperate mother. There weren’t a lot of people I could trust to edit so I spent months editing and reediting until I had the best version of my novel. And then when I was done, I had no idea what to do with it. Did I really want to become an erotica author in this world? As violent as it was, the Elemental nations were still conservative regarding sexuality. There were many female readers who loved Icha Icha but didn’t show it in public because it was seen as a dirty book for old men. After much deliberation, I decided to contact publishing agencies that weren’t affiliated with Icha Icha.
Waiting for their responses took months and many rejections before my novel was picked up by a small agency that mostly published Nonfiction. The agency would send an editor to talk about contracts and the novel itself to Konoha. So, by my 18th birthday, I was anxiously awaiting where else fate would take me.
The editor and I had decided on a family restaurant to meet up and I dressed in my best clothes to give off the optimum impression. I really wanted this to work out for me. For once.
It didn’t take long before a harried young man in a suit came in and looked around anxiously.
“Nino-san! Over here!” I called out and waved my hand to get his attention.
He looked at me in surprise and sat down across from me.
“Uh, hello. Excuse me can you tell when Y/N-san will arrive? I’m kind of on a deadline.”
I looked at him weirdly. “Um, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you,” I said cautiously.
He stuttered wildly, blushing as he pointed at me. “B-be serious! No way are you her! You’re way too young to be writing such a – “
“Filthy, dirty novel?” I finished wryly.
He shook his head vigorously. “No! I meant such a hardcore erotica! I-I’m so sorry that came out wrong.”
I just laughed. “It’s ok. I’m a shinobi, we age faster than we look due to the trauma.”
We spent the next hour talking about the novel itself and how it would be promoted.
“So, Y/N-san. Our agency usually doesn’t deal with erotica. But your novel has a good chance to sell well if someone promoted it correctly. We want this to be known as the Icha Icha for women.”
I felt my eyebrows furrow. “Isn’t that a little presumptuous? Won’t I just get hate if I don’t live up to the expectations?”
The man let out a chuckle. “That’s true but I don’t think most people will be disappointed by it. Besides it’s very important for new authors to get their name out there. Maybe for future sequels we can tone it down, but for the first one we want to start off with a bang! Any publicity is better than none,” he reasoned.
Realizing the editor might have a point, I agreed and signed a contract with the publishing agency. The novel was due to be out December which is 6 months from now on. For the first time in a while I had achieved my goals. I had managed something without it going terribly wrong.
I got a small sum of money when I signed the contract, but I really wouldn’t be to collect royalties until the book was published. So, for the rest of my time I diligently did my job as a Genin by delivering messages and other nonsense jobs that were left over. As I avoided the shinobi bars that were filled with accomplished Chunins and Jounins, I promised myself that I would never again be embarrassed to walk these streets again. For the past few years, I had kept my eyes down as I walked through the villages as I got older and older, yet I still remained a Genin.
‘Please no more. Give me something to be proud of.’ I begged in my mind. Even if it meant a trashy porn, I was so low on self-esteem, anything would be worthwhile.
Luckily for me, it seemed like 18 years of bad karma was finally going to be turned around as the date to publish my novel got closer and closer. The agency hadn’t lied, they promoted my novel almost aggressively. Every bookstore had huge advertisement declaring the next big hit. Though, I had giggled almost manically when I saw the book’s cover for the first time. It reminded me of the many trashy novels from my previous life with the man’s shirtless abs on display with a beautiful woman clinging. However, for my novel it was obviously a rogue shinobi with his chest on display as a young girl clutched his biceps. Scarlet Heart series was the name I had chosen, and it stood out on the erotic cover. I saw many curious women fluttering around the display, almost shy in showing their interest. I even saw a man pulling away his pregnant wife as she read the synopsis, muttering angrily to himself.  
When the launch of the book occurred, I holed myself in my apartment. I tried to relax and keep myself busy so I wouldn’t be too occupied with the reactions. I even took an entire week off from my usual work, feigning sickness in my family. I hung out with my oldest brother and his newborn son, trying to reacquaint myself with the siblings that I had long neglected.
I met up later with my editor to discuss how the book was faring, hopefully it did decent enough that I could have reason to continue my story. We met up at the same restaurant as before and Nino gave me a brilliant smile that quelled my fears.
“Y/N-san, your book’s sales did amazing in Konoha followed by Iwa and Kumo. The marketing towards women paid off because most of the sales came from women in their 20s to 40s. Heck, there were even a substantial amount from men who were curious. I think you should definitely continue this series. Do you have an idea where you’re going to take the story?” he gushed with excitement.
I sighed with relief, “I’m glad. I was so worried about the response I didn’t even go near any bookstores! As for sequels I have an inkling. I still have to work out everything, but I want to introduce Sayaka’s ex-boyfriend and maybe dabble in a proper love triangle.”
Nino-san nodded and said, “you should be careful how you write that triangle though. Some love triangles can get tedious and annoying, but it does play its part well in keeping the audience’s interest.”
Nino-san and I eagerly discussed the future for Scarlet Heart. I felt a flutter in my heart, knowing that for the first in forever I had something to look forward to.
 Time Skip~ 1-year Kakashi POV:
Really with everything he had endured in his life, you would think the world would be willing to give him a break, right? Nope!
Most think it started with Obito’s death, but he thought it started with his father’s suicide that really began the downward spiral. Nevertheless, after his teammate’s death, he and Rin had rushed into a presumably “relationship”. But really it was a way to keep her close, so he didn’t lose anyone else. They never even kissed though he knew Rin desperately wanted to do all the things that couples do. But he remained closed off in those four months before she was killed. By him no less.
Afterwards included him coping with his trauma by joining Anbu (and for a short while Root). His sensei became Hokage; but even he would pass away along with his wife, leaving behind a tiny blond sacrifice for the village to turn their resentment against.
But he was getting ahead himself months before Rin’s death Jiraiya-sama had approached him with a gift.
Jiraiya gave him an exaggerated wink and giggled. “Here gaki. You’re so depressed that Minato and Kushina keep thinking they might have to stage an intervention. But what you need is a distraction and I have just the thing!”
He had handed over a book with a bright red cover before hopping roof to roof all the while laughing obnoxiously.
He took it with a surge of curiosity, emotions he hadn’t felt in a while since Obito tragically passed away (AKA crushed by a boulder, but he digresses).
That started his love, well more like obsession, with the Icha Icha series. First, he was revolted and ashamed, eager to find the Sannin and perhaps show him the effectiveness of his Chidori. But over time his curiosity couldn’t be contained, and he finished the naughty book in two days. He noticed how when he was occupied with the book, he hadn’t once thought of Obito and everything that was wrong with his life. Of course, he had a girlfriend then so he couldn’t risk being seen with the book outside of his humble apartment. But a year after Rin’s death, he ventured out with his hobby. The reactions of the general public had amused him beyond belief and a strange sense of vindictive righteousness set upon seeing his Anbu kohais’ reactions.
The reactions only encouraged him to read everywhere and anywhere. He even managed to piss off Gai once as the incensed man ran away to do a 100 more laps around the village. It didn’t last long before he reappeared to challenge Kakashi once more, but Kakashi appreciated the brief reprieve.
Anyway, the point of this rather tragic flashback wasn’t to gain sympathy for himself, but to showcase the real injustice that occurred at his tender age of 25. His beloved Icha Icha had a rival apparently. Which was bullshit, obviously. He wasn’t blind to the errors of the pornographic novel. The plot was simple, characters were paper-thin, and as more novels debuted in the series, the more apparent the similarities between each novel became. But the series was fast moving, the sex was incredibly detailed and arousing, and the series was frankly addicting. Once someone became a fan, it was impossible not to reach for the next one.
So, when he heard about this supposed series that was going to rival Icha Icha, he had scoffed and rolled his eyes. Many contenders claimed the same thing before they faded off into oblivion when everyone realized the superiority of Icha Icha. The first four months of the series’ debut he made it his mission to ignore all the hype and kept rereading his collection. After all, when the next issue of Icha Icha released, everyone would forget the hype of this wannabe.
Unfortunately, the world never adheres to his expectations and loves to fuck him over every chance it got. Kakashi, once again, had failed another Genin team because Hokage-sama thought he had potential as a sensei. He must have been smoking that pipe too much lately. The rest of his fellow Jounin invited him to a bar where he reluctantly agreed and was dragged off by Asuma.
They settled in and ordered some drinks, while Kakashi read his book, half listening to the conversation around him.
“I’m telling you this book is really good. I know people say it’s for women, but it’s so much more than that.” Kurenai persuaded Genma who just looked skeptical.
“Even Asuma liked it!” She pointed to the smoker who just looked embarrassed at the sudden attention.
Asuma cleared his voice a couple times. “Well, it’s not that bad at all. It kept me busy for a couple of hours for a few days.”
Kurenai rolled her eyes at him. “He loved it. He told me he did.”
Kakashi’s interest peaked and he lowered his book down.
“Wait, are you talking about that new series that everyone’s losing their minds over?”
Kurenai’s eyes lit up and she looked eager rather than the calm, collected Jounin she usually was.
“Yeah, you read it Kakashi? I never thought for once you would put down that trash and try something else.”
Kakashi felt his ire rise and his single visible eyesmiled at the red eyed kunoichi.
“Why Kurenai doesn’t that book also have porn in it? Doesn’t that mean you read trash too?”  
Kurenai’s cheeks heated up. “Well, it does but it’s also about a betrayed woman who learns to love again and honestly it’s much more nuanced than whatever Icha Icha achieved in its six sequels.”
Kakashi felt his eyebrows rise. He highly doubted that, but he couldn’t help but add in.
“And how do you know what’s in Icha Icha?”
The blush on Kurenai’s face deepened. “I might have read it but only because Anko forced me to. To ‘loosen’ up or whatever that means.”
Their fellow Jounin chuckled as Kurenai tossed back a drink as she tried to cool her overheated face.
The conversation moved on mercifully for the embarrassed woman, but Kakashi also lost his interest and he returned to the passage where Misaki was educating her lover on the preciseness of oral sex.
Kakashi hoped that would be the last time he ever heard of that book. But again, the hype for this novel continued. He spotted more women with erotica in their hands than he ever did in his lifetime. Even kunoichi seemed to have lost their minds as the book was the hot topic no matter where he went. Even the Hokage’s secretary was seen reading the porn while she was on the job. He was sick and tired of hearing about this supposedly incredible book. Kakashi just wanted to read his book in peace can’t the village go back to a time where it wasn’t consumed by porn?
Kakashi sighed as another day passed and yet another Genin team failed. When will Hokage-sama finally get the message he just wasn’t cut out for teaching? He sighed with relief as he flipped the entrance banner of Ichikaru Ramen and sat down on one of the stools.
“Just a miso ramen. Thanks,” he called out tiredly. Kakashi looked around the restaurant and was surprised to see another person at the other end. He barely noticed her; her chakra presence wasn’t much. She was just in a plain white t shirt and some pants. A civilian he guessed. Kakashi turned back when his order was placed in front of him. He stealthily looked around the restaurant and saw no one was paying attention to him. He pulled down his mask and started eating his meal. It was nice not to eat in big gulps for once lest someone saw his face.
When he was halfway through his meal, he heard the sound of someone turning pages and muttering. He turned around to see his neighbor writing in her book and she seemed to be fairly frustrated. Just as Kakashi was about to turn around and mind his business, he noticed that the book was the infamous Scarlet Hearts. He internally groaned. Really? Just how bad was his luck?
“Is the book any good?” He called out to the young girl.
Oh, damn why was he getting her attention? Abort!  Abort! This day didn’t consist of making polite conversations with a civvie.
Just as he was about to maybe perform a last minute shunshin, the girl looked up at him and stared at him in surprise.
He felt nervous when she just kept staring at him for a while. Did she recognize him as the “friend killer” and infamous “copycat ninja”?
“Uh- Hello?” He waved his hands in front of her face.
The girl looked startled and flushed. “Oh, sorry. I got lost in thought. What was your question again?”
Kakashi pointed at her book and asked, “the book, is it as good as the hype says it is?”
She just seemed even more startled by the fact that he was asking about her book. “W-well, I’m not sure about other people’s opinions. But it’s worth reading just for curiosity’s sake. I found it pretty good.”
Kakashi stared at the awful book, wishing he could set it on fire just by glaring at it. “See, I don’t see why people are comparing it to Icha Icha. It can’t possibly be that good!”
“I kind of have to agree on that. The marketing really didn’t do it justice,” the girl muttered.
Kakashi tilted his head towards the younger girl and sent a relaxed smile her way. “Ah, thank you. Finally, someone who understands.”
The girl shook her head. “I meant trying to compare the two books wasn’t a good idea. They’re two different books, the only thing they have in common is that they both have explicit scenes.”
Seeing the confused look on his face, the girl further elaborated. “Icha Icha is intended for a one type of audience and it does its job well. There’s nothing wrong with that after all it has an ardent fan in you. But I feel like Scarlet Heart can be enjoyed by any mature individual. And for me what’s the most important thing is that it portrays its women realistically. Icha Icha is based off this fantasy, ideal type of woman who doesn’t have any drama of her own and goes around solving the male character’s issues. Or she’s a passive victim in the overall story for the hero to win over. This heroine in Scarlet Heart is cynical, hard to get to know due to her past. The male character is a typical chauvinistic guy who thinks he can have anyone he wants. But over time as they get to know each other the layers fall apart to show two lonely people who’ve been waiting for someone to connect to.”
Kakashi looked at the girl critically who sent a tentative smile to him after her long explanation. Her features were quite plain and at first glance she wasn’t anything exceptional to look at. But her smile lit up her entire face.  He thought over her words, no one had ever explained the book quite like that. But then again, he never gave them the time to explain either. Perhaps, he was wrong to do so.
“Here maybe you would like to form an opinion yourself and see if it holds up,” she said as she handed over her own copy of Scarlet Heart.
He grabbed it from her grip, touching her soft hands by accident, quickly pulling away. “Are you sure? Weren’t you writing in it earlier?”
With a cute prominent blush, she replied, “it’s fine I bought that paperback copy to write in. I have another one at home. You can keep it. If we meet again tell me what you thought of it.”
Kakashi nodded and put the book with his Icha Icha in the weapon pouch on his hip.
“Mah, I’m sure we will. By the way what’s your name? After all, when I see you next time, I have to thank the person who will put up with my complaints.”
“Oh, I’m L/N Y/N. Nice to meet you,” she said with another bright grin aimed his way.
Ignoring the unconscious shivers that erupted on his body, he returned it with another one of his patent fake smiles.
“Hatake Kakashi. Nice to meet you as well, Y/N-san.”
The conversation died a few minutes later and he paid for his meal before leaving for his lonesome apartment. Maybe today the lonely dwelling won’t be so bad to deal with, what with new reading material the night might just pass by really quickly.
   Return to Reader’s POV
You know when I began my porn writing journey in the Naruto world, I never for a second thought I would attract Kakashi’s attention. I mean I knew he read porn, but I honestly thought he would stay attached to Icha Icha forever. In the anime, he still read the book even years after Jiraiya’s death, so it just goes to show how much of a devoted fan he was.
When I met him accidently in Ichikaru Ramen, I was in a state of shock. I’m pretty sure he thought I was just another weird fangirl. ‘Just like Itachi.’ I couldn’t help but think.
But him asking about my novel and actually pouting about the attention it gained made me giggle even hours later. Still giving away the novel I was rereading to spot mistakes and plot holes was bold. I genuinely hoped he liked the novel; it would be a huge compliment if I managed to change his perspective. I know I wasn’t ever going to change his mind about Icha Icha, but he had plenty of money to support both series. I probably wasn’t ever going to see him again, but it was nice to interact with a canon character for once without entirely embarrassing myself.
I shook off the excitement from interacting with the scarecrow sensei and tried to focus on brainstorming my second novel. The love triangle was going to become much more integral in this part and I was going have to work extra hard to make readers sympathize and like Shoutaro. Because many of my readers were already enamored with the hotheaded, flirtatious mercenary with a heart of gold, Mahiro. The best way to build the triangle was to showcase pros and cons of both men. Thereby making the triangle stronger and give readers something to root for. While there would be only one man who would get the girl, I wanted readers to feel conflicted between the two men. However, to keep the choice from happening out of nowhere, I also had to hint throughout the novel why Mahiro and Sayaka was the best choice. So, by the third novel when Sayaka made her choice, it wouldn’t seem like it happened out of nowhere. Indeed, the sequel was harder to write than the first one because I had high expectations to overcome this time. Brainstorming even took longer than normal. Though, it was challenging, I decided needed a break and took a trip to the markets to finally restock my empty fridge.
Slowly I made my way through the vegetable stalls and tried to pick out the ripest ones. Most people usually tried to barter the prices. However, since the massive royalties I had more money than I knew what to do with and so I paid the full amount at each stall. Most of the produce stalls were run by elderly couples and they needed the money for their livelihood.
I bowed to an obasan and thanked her when she gave a few extra tomatoes after I paid.
“You know most people would try to barter the prices down to a fair price,” a deep voice interrupted just as I was about to walk away.
I jumped and almost dropped my produce. A steady hand gripped my hips and set me right. I looked up to the masked, silver haired Jounin. I blushed, feeling his strong hands on my body. His single eye widened a bit before he relaxed and let go of me.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Y-yes, thank you. Hatake-san,” I stuttered and bowed my head.
“Ma, no need to call me Hatake-san. That makes me feel older than people think I am.” He said as he waved off my gratitude.
“Hai, K-kakashi-san then. What are you doing here? No offense but I didn’t realize that elite shinobis had time to shop and cook for themselves.”
It was true from what I heard. All elite shinobi, especially men, rarely cooked for themselves relying on easy to make or restaurants meals to get them through the day. Some even ate rations to forgo meals in a rush.
Kakashi raised his eyebrow at me. “Well, I was actually looking for you. I’ve finished the book you loaned me after a week. It’s only right to return it.”
I shook my head. “It’s alright. I told you to keep it didn’t I?”
I felt my head get hit lightly by something. I looked up to see it was my paperback novel. When did he pull that out? Did he have it on him all this time and I didn’t noticed it until now?
“You’re quite stubborn, aren’t you? Let’s just say I needed an excuse to find my partner in crime and tell her my opinion of the book.”
I sighed, realizing that I couldn’t get away from his rant that he will no doubt tell me with relish on how much he hated the book.
“Alright, but I have to put my groceries away.” I said lifting my bags.
“It’s fine. As long as it isn’t milk or meat it wouldn’t be spoiled for a few hours. Come on, I’ll treat you to some dango.” He walked away slightly slouched and relaxed with his hands in his pockets.
I looked after him helplessly, hesitating on whether I should follow or not.
“You better follow him, jou-chan. He’s quite handsome,” the obasan said as she helped another customer. A few giggles slipped out from the customer and I felt my cheeks go hot from embarrassment. I bowed and thanked the elderly lady again before following the Jounin.
I caught up to him in no time, we both walked silently before we came onto the small stand that was selling the sweet.
Kakashi told me to take a seat on a bench nearby as he grabbed the sweets. I put down my groceries near me as I waited for my companion to return.
He came back with two skewers of dango and handed me one while he held onto the other one.
“So, what did you think of the novel?” I asked as I took a bite of the dango.
“I hate it to admit it but it’s good. Not better than Icha Icha of course, but it’s better than some of the others that tried to ride the coattails of Icha Icha.”
I felt a burst of butterflies inside my stomach and I leaned forward eagerly. “Really?!! What did you like it about it specifically?”
He seemed amused at my enthusiasm. “Ah, well I liked how the author built up the romance. They didn’t have sex right away, but when they did it made sense-“
I felt my heartbeat increase and my ears felt hot when I heard the word sex come out of Kakashi’s mouth. How did I ever not know how nice his deep voice was? I bet he would be really good at dirty talk—Ahh, nononono. That was not a good topic to think about while you’re talking to the man. I bit my lip to concentrate on what Kakashi was trying to tell me.
“And I like how the female characters made smart decisions and acted cautiously instead of getting kidnapped all the time. It made them seem like real people instead of plot conveniences.” He finished with an eyesmile.
I returned his smile, liking that he appreciated the portrayal of the female characters. Some of the detractors apparently didn’t like the more rounded characters and felt they should just be used as sauce instead of being the main dish.
“Do you prefer the woman in Scarlet Hearts or Icha Icha?” I asked playfully.
He narrowed his eyes at my tone. “Weeeell, the women in Icha Icha are much more beautiful, but the women in Scarlet Heart are more attainable than the ones in Icha Icha.”
I let out a laugh. “That’s nice to hear. But I’m pretty sure that Sayaka isn’t a real person. Sorry, Kakashi-san.”
He let out a disappointed sigh. “I guess I will have to safeguard my heart until I can find someone close to her then.”
I snorted knowing Kakashi would remain single even at the end of the series where everyone was getting married and having kids.
“What? You think it’s hopeless?”
I just sent him an innocent smile and said,” I have no idea what you’re talking about Kakashi-san.”
Me and Kakashi stayed for a few more minutes before I decided to head home. Kakashi stuck close to me, telling me he would keep me company until I arrived. He looked surprise at the neighborhood I was living in. The small apartment I was previously inhabited was now upgraded to an upscale three-bedroom apartment. It was a safe neighborhood that was occupied by wealthy merchants and high-ranking shinobis. I ignored his reaction and continued to walk toward my apartment.
When I had trouble trying to juggle my groceries and trying to grab my keys from my purse, Kakashi stepped in to grab my bags. I thanked him and opened the door. He casually walked in and left the bags in the kitchen at my directions.
“Would you like some tea? I think some tea would be good with the sweets we just had.” Kakashi just nodded in agreement as he looked around my apartment. The tiny stray who I adopted became a giant, fluffy monster who was now sniffing Kakashi’s feet and rubbing against his legs.
I giggled and left to make some iced sencha green tea. I tried not to let my excitement that THE Hatake Kakashi was standing in my living room, distract me from being a good host. I filled the glass with tea and dropped some ice cubes in it before putting it on a tray and bringing it out to the living room.
“Kakashi-san? Here’s your tea,” I called out happily and looking up to see Kakashi’s back.
I furrowed my eyebrows when he didn’t respond. “Kakashi-san?” He was still turned around and looking at something.
I put the tray down on a coffee table and approached the unresponsive Jounin. I looked down to see papers in his hand and felt my face pale drastically.
“A-ahhh! That’s not for your eyes!” I laughed hysterically and snatched my papers from his hands. I quickly took all my notes and notebooks which I brainstormed in and dropped them off in my bedroom. With a head full of excuses as to why I had Scarlet Heart’s sequel on the sofa, I made my way back to Kakashi.
“You’re the author of Scarlet Heart?”Was the first thing he asked when he saw my face. I felt my face heat up.
“U-um, no! That was just me amateurly writing as to what I think will happen in the future!”
He shot me a serious look. “Do you think I’m stupid? That was the first chapter all neatly written down. And the character profiles of future characters like her ex-boyfriend are all filled out accurately. Plus, you’re a single young girl that’s living in such a rich neighborhood which many people can’t afford unless they have some serious cash. Cash from a recently released erotica maybe?”
His intense gaze made me sweat profusely and I couldn’t hold eye contact for more than a minute.
“Yes. Yes, I’m the author of Scarlet Hearts.” I whispered, looking at the ground.
I quickly gazed back at him when I heard a snort. Kakashi gave me an incredulous look.
“I can’t believe it. Even though I saw it with my own eyes. You’re so young! How old are you, 16?”
I pouted, puffing out my cheeks. “I’m 19! Besides you’re a shinobi what does age even matter? You’re a legal adult when you’re a Genin!”
Kakashi let out a chuckle and softly patted my head. “I know that but you’re a civilian so it’s different.”
I bit my lips deciding whether to tell him I was actually a former Genin corps. Deciding I didn’t need the genius looking at me in pity, I didn’t correct him.
“Well, now that you know. Please keep this a secret, ok? I just want to live in anonymity and write my books. Hence the pen name.”
Kakashi agreed and messed with my hair some more.
“You got it, Y/N-chan.” I blushed at the added chan in my name.
He downed his iced tea in a hurry when an Anbu appeared at the window with a mission for him. I watched with amazement as Kakashi disappeared with a shunshin and then scowled heavily looking at all the leaves on the floor of my apartment.
“Note to self. Do not let elite shinobi shunshin in and out of my apartment,” I grumbled to myself as I swept up.
Kakashi’s POV 2
You know how once you find out something about someone it changes how you look at them. He was now intensely curious about Y/N. He figured she was a normal innocent girl, but boy was he wrong about everything. How was he supposed to know that the sex scenes that had him riveted to the point that he took a shower to calm himself before he resumed reading was written by a cherub slip of a girl? After his discovery Kakashi was unable to leave her alone. He frequently took time out of day when he wasn’t on a mission or training his helpless cute team (he had a team now!!), he was spending time with Y/N. It was kind of weird at first after all he went out of his way to avoid human contact, but in this case, he wanted to know what made her tick. All her favorite things and her habits. Kakashi wanted to know what made her sad or what made her be flushed with happiness.
Most of all he wanted to know how she came up with all the scenarios in her novel. But even he knew that if he asked her bluntly, she would no doubt kick him out of her apartment and refuse to speak to him again. It also didn’t help that his imagination went wild each time he saw her. All those scenarios would inappropriately pop up in his head and she would star in all of them. The blush on her face gave him a good idea on how she would look with her eyes dilated and with him on top. Whenever that happened the excitement coursing through would become prominent and he had to take a few breaths to calm him down. Imagining Gai in a bikini always did the trick for him.
Kakashi, after months of speculation, came to one conclusion as why Y/N was so fascinating. He wanted her. He wanted her in a way that men who were attracted to women did. In a way that meant commitment and all the mushy feelings. He groaned at that idea, Kakashi so didn’t want to act like Minato-sensei whenever he was around his hot-headed wife.
He could just ignore the feelings; he was quite good at ignoring all the turmoil inside of him. But his crisis shinobi therapist said he could no longer do that. He had to solve his lingering issues if he wanted to move forward with his life like his survivor’s guilt and his unresolved issues with his dead father. So that meant he had to make it obvious to Y/N that he liked her. Should he shout his youthful love on the top of the Hokage mountain at early in the morning like Gai would do? Kakashi chuckled at the novel idea. Ok, he was trying to get her to date him not run away from him. Luckily for him, fate decided to not be a bitch this time and give Y/N a nudge.
Kakashi was inside of her apartment like he usually was nowadays with her round monster of a cat on his lap. He absentmindedly patted the feline as he purred away like no one’s business. His ninken weren’t happy with him lately, but they will have to put up with it because Y/N was going to be around him for a long time if he had anything to say about it. He looked at Y/N who was hard at work on her second novel, typing away at the machine she called a typewriter. No matter what Kakashi did today, he wasn’t able to get her attention. She was intensely focused on the sex scenes apparently, which was a shame. Because he was right here, and she could be doing much more than just imagining it.
A mischievous idea popped into his head.
“So, Y/N-chan,” he called out.
She responded with a distracted “hm”.
“Do those explicit parts have any truth to them?”
That got the attention of Y/N and she turned around with a confused look.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean most people write about what they know. So, I’m asking if you have attempted anything from the books you write?”
Kakashi had pride within himself for the many ways he made Y/N blush. But the flush on her cheeks, ears, and her neck had no rival with the way her eyes seem to swirl with embarrassment.
“Kakashi-kun! I-I-. You can’t just ask that!”
“It’s true though. Everyone does research for their novels. Especially Jiraiya-sama,” he stated nonchalantly despite his eyes beaming with amusement.
She pressed her hands against her overwhelmingly hot cheeks.
“I’m not like that Sannin! I’ve never had sex before! I’m still a virgin. I just write whatever pops into my head,” she mumbled out.
Kakashi got up and made his way to Y/N. He leaned into her face as Y/N tried to scramble back, trying to get some space in between them.
“Y/N, if you ever need inspiration for your book. I’m right here and I’m happy to volunteer for such a good cause,” he said cheekily.
Her eyes widened and she gaped at him. She blinked several times as if she couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth.
Kakashi touched her cheeks, breaking her out of the stupor she was in. As he stroked her soft skin with one hand, the other pulled down his mask to reveal his face.
Y/N let out a squeak and gazed hungrily at his exposed face. Kakashi never considered what people thought of his face honestly but her reaction was gratifying.
He leaned in even closer and her eyes fluttered closed at his proximity. Knowing she was anticipating as much he was, Kakashi wasted no time in connecting their lips. She tasted heavenly and she let out a moan when he gently nipped at her bottom lip. He’s kissed plenty of willing partners, but none excited him the way she did. Her scent and the way her breath hitched when he brought her into his embrace intoxicated him further. It was obvious from the way she was responding; Y/n didn’t have a lot of experience. But he held her face gently and slowly swirled his tongue around hers, guiding her through what might be her first kiss. When she got the hang of it, Kakashi removed his hands from her face to her hips. Not wasting another moment, he gripped her ass tightly and appreciated the thickness he had been admiring for a while. She was an eager little thing and greedy. Every time they separated for a breather; she came back with more intensity than before. It’s like he awakened something, and she was willing to take whatever she could get. Unfortunately for Y/N, he didn’t just want to spend his time kissing. No, he wanted to inspire a very, very naughty section that would light the imagination of every woman in Konoha.
Kakashi pecked her pink, swollen lips one time before removing himself. She looked earnestly at him, trying to reconnect.
“How about you and I head to your room. And I could show you the benefits of a chapter on oral sex,” he huskily whispered.
Apparently, Y/N didn’t need further prompting because she dragged him into her room and swiftly closed the door.
Kakashi spent the rest of the night fulfilling his promising words. And when the second novel of Scarlet Hearts came out, chapter 13 became infamous amongst all. And all the practitioners of oral sex cursed the author because they could not live up to the fantasy that chapter inspired.
168 notes · View notes
icharchivist · 3 years
first: WAHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭 I got so emotional!!! so emotional!!!! so much that I can’t even do this first second pattern bc I have SO MANY thoughts!!!!!!! I’m writing this in my notes instead of straight into the askbox so u know it’s serious business™
ok so debut night!!! I was like ahah yeah it’s a tragedy whatever it’ll be fun to start out with and then the voice acting was SO good that it knocked me out of the park and I almost cried haha. it’s crazy how good the voice acting in a3 is like I love how the dialogue and voice acting works well together bc like it’s limited but so effective!! u can so very clearly see and understand the style they’re going for. especially like tsumugi’s death scene... the Talent jumped out it really did... uh and ok so. I think I may be a littleeee confused abt the play bc I had always interpreted tasukus last lines as raphael to be like abt his being secretly in love with michael. but now that I’m actually reading the line that’s like oh don’t fall for a human it only ends in misery I know that all too well or whatever... ig the implication is that raphael was in love with another human / the same lady michael was in love with in the play. side note I had to go back and edit the proper names in instead of tasuku and tsumugi lol... but speaking of!! speaking of the voice acting and the play itself I 1) love how blatantly obvious it is when tsumugi goes for that grander, tasuku like style of delivery!! like u could just so easily feel the difference it was wild... and 2) tsuzuru is once again spot on with his writing, lol... I felt that like raphaels inability to save or help michael really parallels how tasuku feels abt tsumugi so well, and it’s wonderful that they r able to resolve things and tasuku can properly compliment him on his acting where the angels fail to do so. it’s very good. and I think the play rly highlights (for me at least) that like. to tasuku, it was tsumugi who was sort of an unreachable existence. like were he to idolize and respect someone’s acting, it would be tsumugi. and I think that like caring carries over into their roles really well, because I think in michael’s love for a human tasuku sees like... tsumugi’s style of acting. the heart that he’d lost while within the god troupe. mb I’m losing my mind a little but ah. the play rly works with their relationship so well!! im very excited to see the other winter ppl get main roles tho—same for all the troupes!!! now this ask is too long so I’ll have to do another part lol
going to start off this second part of the ask abt hisoka bc oh my GOD. hisoka. like I was just thinking “hm where r the winter troupe cgs anyways” and then BAM. hisoka CRYING???? especially since he doesn’t seem that emotional it was a really hard hit!!! and who tf is august.... ok well actually theory time!! skipping ahead to the end theres that note that like mentions December and April and. not to expose my friend but very many years ago (a couple years before a3 was launched, at the very least) she wrote this story where there were like 12 orphan assassins and they were all named after months. I remember the main dude was named dec lol. coupled with my “hisoka is capable of murder” bit? listen.... I’m not saying anything but I’m also not not saying anything if u feel me. also I feel like assassin / thief with mysterious background is a common trope!! that was silver from the pokémon adventures manga too... why is this my reference point lmao. anyways I’m unclear if assassins would make it into a3 but like.... if the yakuza and supernatural stuff makes it in...
okay moving away from conspiracy theories and into emotions!!! the quotes from like EVERY mankai actor before the final production made me SO emo... and yay!!! they won!!!! (though admittedly I almost had a heart attack when no one clapped) but they won!!!! that ending cg!!!! and I adore how sakyo immediately goes after god troupe man (I know his name is reni I just don’t feel like calling him that) for the money lol it’s just so sakyo-like. also I love the lil mixed troupe interactions!! I found the game night ch so fun.... ahh, now I wanna reread that ch since it was so good lol
all in all I was super satisfied ahh!! I am SO excited to start up spring troupe again (HELLO character development!!! and chikage) and I’m even MORE excited to get thru all the act 1 events!!!! as a final note, is there any way to reread or replay the flair conversations? I didn’t want any spoilers for the plays while I was doing the practices for them so I kinda sped thru the first time ahah...
HELLO FRIEND IM SO HAPPY TO GET SUCH A LENGHTY ASK ABOUT WINTER IM LKDJFLKDJFLKFD  Winter makes me feel shrimps emotions (i know the whole “shrimps can see more colors than humans can’t comprehend” thing has been disproved but i’m not letting go of that expression, i REALLY feel emotions humans can’t comprehend anymore and i’m going to make it everyone else’s problem)
1) First about the voice acting, rIGHT this is just so fascinating to me!!! I remember after act 2 i came back to reread the main act 1 chapter and i was so thrown out by how GOOD the voice acting was, especially for the first few troupes having to convince you they’re not comfortable or good at acting yet. Winter whole thing is that they’re more subtle and mature and you really feel that with their voice acting, Tsumugi’s voice especially knock it off the park anytime he’s on screen. 
2) Second: what does it say about me that i’ve never, ever considered your reading a possibility because i was so set on “oh Raphael you’re in love with Michael sooooo bad you see it as a tragedy already because you can see him throw his life away” i didn’t even consider “maybe Raphael went through that too”. Though i guess if we’re going with that reading i can totally see “The Woman” they let themselves consumed by easily be a representation of acting or even more the God Troupe, with Raphael/Tasuku knowing to step away before it consumes him completely while Michael/Tsumugi, by his love and passion, pushed himself until he broke, which fits and it hurtsssss god Winter plays hits so hard.
3) Third: oh god yeah when Tsumugi goes for Tasuku’s acting it’s just. It makes me SO uncomfortable, i’ve experienced this scene like three times by now and the third time i was just “can i skip it i can’t go through this again i can’t Tsumugi i love you i can’t do this”. It doesn’t match the play at all and it just throws everyone off balance, and Tsumu you could have told theM YOU WANTED TO DO THAT.... god
4) Fourth: I LOVE YOUR READING SO MUCH I LOVE IT I LOVE IT YES YOU’RE RIGHT!!! Just as we follow Tsumugi let his passion consumes him until he breaks, Tasuku’s character arc really jumps out in Raphael, like, everything you say!!!  The way Tasuku/Raphael knew how the feelings Tsumugi/Michael felt would hurt him on the long run but he didn’t know what to do about it until it was too late, the regrets and the way Raphael voices his frustrations.... Tasuku struggles to be honest without acting (Tasuku pls i love you) but having such a role really help him expressing all he feels about Tsumugi and i’m HHHH this is so good so so good!!! but yeah i also love that Tasuku finally manages to actually compliment Tsumugi naturally, that he understands he can’t let him destroys himself again and it’s just gnhhhhh Tasuku is so kind and considerate and i care about him so much....!!!
5) Fifth: “i’m losing my mind a little” winter mood, winter mood winter mood- (though every troupe’s mood tbh but Winter is gnhhhhh kdhd hdhjf??? you feel me) (i am BIASED i can’t help it TwT) but yeaH i’m looking forward to see how you react to the others plays because the roller coaster juST BEGUN!!!
Onto part 2... Winter Troupe Chapter Feels... 2!
6) Sixth: DLFJDFKLDF HISOKAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHH. Hisoka crying fucked me up so bad!! so so bad!! Like on my first read i didn’t know what to think of him as he starts out very apathic to his troupe and then the more it goes on the more you can feel he starts to open up and i’m soft for this sort of slow burn, but then this whole scene happened and it HIT ME IN THE FACE, he was crying, i was crying, we were all crying, the Unopening Door opened a flood of emotions i can’t cope with. He sounds SO VULNERABLE during that scene and i know all of the Winter Troupe united on “taking care of him” but that’s really the moment i went “i care you and i will keep taking care of you” and look at me now. Thanks funky little scene for ruining my life. I’m glad you liked it i’m aldhjflkjdfkd Hisokaaaaa.....
7) Seventh: I am not commenting on the theory but 👀 that’s so highly specific your friend has a galaxy brain i love it. and i love the idea of “well we have yakuza and supernatural entity what’s an assassin adding himself to it” dLKFJDLKF i know everyone in Mankai calls Izumi out everytime someone joins but that’d be peak. I’m not going further about what December and August and April are all about but i love this plotline sO much, the few mentions of August when Hisoka regained his memories for a minute still haunts me, the guilt he seems to feel and this pain i’m just... godddd such a good set up. I love this plotline.
8) Eigth: EMOTIONS!!  Oh GOD YEAH THE ENDING WITH ALL THE OTHER ACTORS... I cried so hard it’s just. It really shows you it’s not just the culmination of the Winter chapter but of all the act 1 main plot and it really makes you feel how much of a journey you’ve been onto!! A3 is so good at showing you the growth of its characters that especially by the end of Winter you really saw how all of them grew in their respective chapters and how cozy they felt in their new home in the remaining chapters, and the fact this chap has those defining character arc’s lines really drive home “oh my god that was a journey” i love them sO MUCH.... 
9) Ninth: wE WOOOON!!! They’re all so good i just. i’m gonna cry just thinking about it dlfdjlfk i know like, the game has so many content so you know it can’t end at the end of Winter but the suspense really was there. BUT YEAH LMAO I LOVE SAKYO DOING THAT IMMEDIATLY, man sure has the eyes on the prize and we love him for that.  AND THE GAME NIGHT SCENE they are all sO CUTE and sWEET and they’re a family now and i’m hHHHHH i love a3 a normal healthy amount that isn’t just making me cry thinking about how all of them grew so close even through mixed troupes.
10) Tenth: I am SO happy you were satisfied with the plot so far!! I’m genuinely so happy that you decided to take that journey with us and that you shared all of this with me, and i’m so so happy you liked it!! There is still so much content and all of it is so worth it! 
11) Eleventh: Yes!! The flair conversations are all readable on the Mini-Chat tab! So they’re easily accessible and they’re sorted in a way that’s easy to read so you can feel comfortable skipping the flairs if you want until you have seen the stories the flairs are all about. They’re all kinda set during the rehearsals (except for some crosstroupe conversation that wouldn’t make sense if they were like how the Summer Troupe talks with the Spring Troupe in their Flairs DKLFJDF but it’s okay what is a timeline anyway) so some of them are set pre-development and it’s wild to get back to them. I love rereading Flairs i get emotional everytime.
ANND That’s it for this ask! i had a blast reading through your thoughts and i’m so happy and excited!! i’ll send you the drive now so you can start digging through it whenever you feel like it :3c good luck grinding for act 2, meanwhile i hope you’ll have fun with all the act 1 events i compiled for you!!
(side note i need to update the drive too but it’s mostly act 2 content anyway, the only two act 1 things i need to update on it is Sakuya’s birthday card i think?? i think Itaru’s is already in act 2 so i’ll try to get around to it eventually but it’s so far away anyway) (edit: i forgot that the three cards i got for the latest revival are from act 1 DLKJFD okay so i’m missing three cards -)
The drive has backstages and event stories and it may be a lot and overwhelming ahah. Focus on the event stories for the plot and go back to the backstages whenever you feel like it, no need to read them at the same time, unless you want to in which case everything is set up for you :3c and there’s a file with cards that aren’t associated to events too so... lots of goodies hanging around. I’ll send it to you in DM ;O 
Take care and thank you so much for all your thoughts! my inbox remains wide opened for any others thoughts you may have as you go further into it :3c
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epic-potato-crisp · 4 years
Courtship [1/2] (AjinWeek2020/3)
Day 3: Favourite Ship/Romance/Lover
By: @ryokasmagic
Note: I have two OTPs in Ajin (Tosaki/Izumi and Kou/Kei) and I honestly can’t pick between them. Decided to go with KouKei for this one though. This has two parts, so far part 2 is supposed to be posted for Day 7. I hope you enjoy!
“You’re amazing.”
And ever since that fateful day, the words haven’t left Kei’s mind.
At first, he thinks there is nothing redeemable about Nakano.
He is too loud and gets overly excited about everything, always barging into Kei’s private space. He seems earth shatteringly optimistic and ready to take on whatever obstacle the world is ready to present him with an energy that Kei can barely begin to comprehend.
In hindsight, this might have been what has fascinated him about Nakano so much to begin with.
They gradually begin spending more time together, but then, this is bound to happen, Kei thinks, when you’re stuck in one hideout with eight other people with little choice in the matter.
It has nothing to do with the fact that he actually enjoys Nakano’s company.
No, he certainly hasn’t stooped down to that level.
Of that he is certain.
It starts innocently enough.
They’re sitting outside the hideout, taking a break after hours of training.
“What if we weren’t Ajin?” Nakano Kou asks.
“What?” Kei frowned, “That is the most stupid question I’ve heard in weeks.”
“No, think about it.” Kou gestures with his orange popsicle. “What if we were…you know, normal high schoolers.”
“We are normal.” Kei frowns. He is a perfectly respectable member of society, thank you very much. He may have an above average regenerational ability that might classify him as “immortal” in some instances, but he has no duty to disclose that to anyone.
He isn’t a dropout runaway that can barely memorize the kanji required to graduate.
“You know what I mean.” the other boy says, “Like…what if we weren’t on the run from the government?” His gestures got broader.
“That’s a rather pointless scenario. You might as well ask me what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten hit by that truck.” Kei rolls his eyes and moves his hazelnut-chocolate cone out of reach, away from potential Kou-induced hazards.
He catches Kou eyeing him from the side.
“Yeah, seriously.” the redhead replies indignantly, giving him a light nudge that has Kei scowling, “Isn’t it fun to think of what-ifs?”
“No, it isn’t.” Kei replies, and then relents under the expectant stare. He takes a bite of his ice.
“Well, fine. Let’s say I wouldn’t have gotten hit by the truck.” He pauses, considering the possibility and comparing it with his schedule at the time. “I would have had to turn in a physics project that week. Write a biology exam the week after. Not to mention our assignment in history about the reformation of- “
“Dude, I mean like, fun things.” Kou says, exasperatedly, “Like, you know. The next party you got invited to- “
Kei is excellent at politely turning these invitations down-
“Or like, an outing to a karaoke place or an arcade after school?”
After-school is reserved for math-club-meetings and further study-
“Or like, you know, getting a girlfriend!”
“I never had one.” Kei replied bluntly.
Kou’s shocked enough that he drops his popsicle. It rolls a few feet away from them, out of the shade and into the scorching afternoon sun. He stares wistfully at its departure.
“Oh man, I was going to finish that.”
“Get a new one.”
“Noo, they’re rationed. In any way I don’t feel like walking anymore than I need to today.” He pouts, slumping against the cooling wall.
Kei sighs, before wordlessly offering him his chocolate cone.
“Really, dude?”
“Call me dude ever again and you’ll have bigger problems than this.”
“Thanks, man.” Kou says, which isn’t much better and gives him a genuine smile that Kei wishes wouldn’t make him so happy on the inside.
“Yeah, whatever.”
“So, coming back to the topic at hand- “
Kei suppresses a groan. He has been relying on the convenience of Kou’s short-term memory to prevent them from ever continuing the previous conversation.
“What about it?” he asks instead, reaching for the water bottle and taking a large sip.
“Like, really? Never?”
Kou looks a bit like a Golden Retriever whose owner has forgotten to take him on a walk.
“No.” Kei shrugs, “Is that so weird?” It’s a serious question.
He’s never considered that his social life could be boring, by others’ standards, being far too focused on becoming a diligent student that represented his family well.
“Ah, no, no, it’s cool.” Kou waves him off, words encouraging, “Not everyone has to have a girlfriend in High School.”
Kei doesn’t let him notice any of the relief he feels at those words.
“Some of us just aren’t dating our homework, ya know?” He breaks out into laughter.
“I can’t. I swear man, I’ve tried!” Kou throws up his hands in desperation, shaking his head and Kei turns away so that he can’t see the traitorous hint at a smile on his face.
“Would you ever want one, though?”
“What?” Kei arches an eyebrow.
“What do you think? “
A day full of peace and quiet, with no training or social interactions, preferably locked away in my room, Kei thinks, but he’s certain that’s not what Kou’s referring to.
“A girlfriend. Or, you know, a boyfriend.” Kou shrugs, and Kei feels the blood freeze in his veins.
His friend-by-default notices his incredulous expression.
“We’re in the 21st century, right? It’s not that weird.”
Kei doesn’t dignify that with an answer.
“You’re expected to marry someone of the opposite gender.” he says, remotely, “Unless you can avoid it.”
“In theory!” Kou has finished his ice cream and wipes his hands on the grass, “Like, maybe it’s not that you just haven’t found the right girl? Maybe you’re just- “
“Okay, enough.” Kei cuts across him. His heart thunders in his chest and thoughts of Kaito resurface in his mind, which is more than he can bear after hours of training exhausting him to the bone.
“Are you too much of a chicken to find out?” Kou’s grin is teasing, and competitive.
“Find out what?”
“If it’s perhaps not just girls you’re interested in?”
“When would I find that out?” Kei answers, ignoring the inexplicable jump his heart takes all of a sudden, “We’re fugitives in a battle. We barely have time for this.” He gestures vaguely and checks his watch, “Speaking of, we should get back to training.”
“Come on, ten more minutes.”
“You said that half an hour ago.” Kei deadpans, “No ten more minutes. This second.”
“Is that what you want me to say when you refuse to get up in the morning and want me to cover for you?” Kou teases.
Unfairly, he has a point.
“Whatever.” Kei sighs, chalking it up to the heat that he doesn’t feel like debating Kou on this particular topic.
“I propose a challenge. No, a bet. If you chicken out, I’ll assume you’re too much of a coward after all. Ready?” Kou asks, pointing at him, brimming with self-confidence.
“And what makes you assume I care?”
There’s the Golden Retriever look again. “Oh, come on, Kei.”
Kei sighs. He’s a good person, he tells himself, a respectable member of society. He’s doing Nakano a favor by not subjecting him to alienation from the only one in his peer group and the devastating consequences that might have for his social development.
“Okay, tell me what it is.”
“We pretend to be boyfriends for a week!”
Kei stares at him, dumbstruck, but before he can get a word in edgewise, Nakano cuts him to the chase: “No, wait. I’m serious. Nothing, strange, like, ya know.” He blushes scarlet, clearing his throat and Kei thanks the Gods above that he doesn’t elaborate on the subject.
“Like hand-holding and that stuff. Maybe a date night where we watch movies.”
“That sounds dumb.” Kei replies before he can stop himself.
“Dumb, but not impossible?”
“We don’t even have time for a…” Kei pauses, wrestling with the unfamiliar word and its embarrassing implications, “date night where we watch movies. We have to train. Fight Sato, in case you forgot?”
“Consider it a team-building exercise!” Kou grins widely.
“I could think of a way more interesting exercise where my IBM gets to practice attacks on you.”
Kou laughs.
“Yeah, we have to train.” he admits, “You’re right. But seriously. Do you really…not want to try it out? Or does it just sound unusual to you?”
Kei bites his lip. He can’t believe that Kou goaded him into this conversation.
“If we were, theoretically- “he cuts in sharply, as Kou’s eyes widen in excitement, “To try that out. We would need to have some rules.”
“Sure, definitely.” Kou nods along.
“And it would not cross a week.”
“Nope, that’s the idea.”
“And if I didn’t like it, we could end it at any time.”
“Yeah.” Kou replies without skipping a beat, “Consider it, like…a social project.” He stretches out his hand. “You’re on board?”
Kei has to admit he’s not completely adverse to the idea. He’d pay money to see the expressions on the others’ faces when he told them about their plan.
And also, for some strange, unspeakable reason, having a movie night with Kou doesn’t seem like the worst of ideas.
Kei clears his throat.
“It’s a deal.” he says.
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
Heya! Sorry to bother, but I've been getting back into ATLA recently and I wanted to know if you have any Fic Recs for that? Mainly ones including Zuko! Thanks already!!
TheTAlright here we go, I’ve split it between FF and AO3 fics because I read a lot of stuff on FF. If you see an * next to an FF story then the story was crossposted to AO3.
Another Brother by Avocado Love*- 10 year old Zuko is discovered by Hakoda’s fleet with no memories and is adopted into the Water Tribe as Sokka and Katara’s brother when they discover the Avatar in the ice. My favorite ATLA AU.
In His Shoes by Avocado Love- While staying in Ba Sing Se, Sokka and Zuko run into and accidentally kill one another. The spirits bring them back, but in each other’s bodies to teach them a lesson about understanding different people and cultures.
Tea With Destiny by Avocado Love*- During his Spirit World Quest, Iroh meets a wise old Fire Lord who invites him for tea and advice but who is that mysterious scarred man?
The Undying Fire: Book One by Boogum- Part one of five (originally one 90 some chapter story). In order to save Aang during the Blue Spirit adventure, Zuko discovers he has healing fire. He ends up travelling with the Gaang mid book 2. Really good, I lost track but I need to finish. 
Bloodline by mon-petit-pois*- A brief but fascinating look at the royals of the Fire Nation from Sozin to Izumi and how fire, hatred and war shaped them all for good or ill.
What Do You Mean I’m Not Fire Lord by ManofManyHats*- Its the aftermath of Zuko’s Agni Kai and he’s frustrated to learn there’s still some political maneuverings in order to be crowned. Alternatively: Zuko wants snuggles and gets struggles (but some snuggles later).
Revenant by ManofManyHats*- 13 year old Zuko dies at his father’s hand during their Agni Kai. He wanders as a ghost until he becomes a ‘spiritual’ adviser to Team Avatar. This is one of the most fulfilling angsts I’ve ever read, breaking my heart but also feeling very natural and peaceful.
Bringing Out the Blue by maguena1- Zuko never gets revealed as the Blue Spirit so Aang takes his savior back to camp. He sees it as an oppertunity to catch the Avatar but soon finds himself fond of this crazy group he accidentally became a part of. 
Understanding the Enemy by TheTimelessCycle- the cathartic, ‘Katara and Zuko finally talk about their issues and put the past behind them with more than an “I forgive you” hug’ we never got in the show.
Embers by Vathara*- How do I even describe this landmark fic? Yes its probably the longest fic I’ve ever read but the details and intricate social and political breakdown on the nature of cultures and bending. Definitely paints some characters (Zuko, Toph) way better than others (Katara, Aang) but damn this shit is good. Zuko has healing fire and it spirals way out of control from there.
Hide and Seek by Swiss Army Knife- The gaang trains by playing games in the woods, Sokka and new to the group, Zuko, team up and its just a really fun shot. 
Avatar Book Four: Air by Kojab8890- Man this blew 15 year old me away when I first read it. Right after the end of the series, while trying to energy bend Azula’s fire away, she steals the Avatar spirit from Aang. As she travels the globe to learn the elements, the Gaang chase behind to get the Avatar spirit back. 
A Matter of Patience by Assault Sloth- Bumi hosts gathering for all the nobles in the Earth Kingdom and yet finds himself most interested in the tiny blind girl who hides a powerful Earthbending talent and sense of humor behind her porcelain face AKA Bumi and Toph cannot behave at a fancy dinner. 
broken crown by ohmygodwhy- Zuko is made and tempered by fire
ribs by ohmygodwhy- Zuko teaches Aang firebending and a little of bad things that have happened to him
the first rule of earth kingdom fight club series by ohmygodwhy- After separating from Iroh, Zuko decides he needs to learn how to fight all kinds of people and ends up participating in Earth Kingdom fight clubs where he meets all kinds of interesting people. 
The Crown Hangs Heavy by monpetitepois- While returning from the Boiling Rock, Hakoda talks to Zuko about some rumors he’d heard about what the Fire Lord had done to his eldest son.
Red is the Color at the End of the World by Sholio- Katara in the Fire Nation in the aftermath thinking on what’s coming next.
Eight Principles of Yong by psocoptera- Zuko always had an interest and talent in calligraphy, especially with fire. When Sozin’s comet blazes, you uses his words not his fists to spread peace.
What Makes a Man by DracoMaleficium- While hunting, Zuko and Sokka come across some cute turtleducks that Zuko refuses to kill. Sokka learns there’s more than evil to the jerkbender and Zuko gets some new friends.
In Our Bedroom After the War by Wildgoosery- Zuko is stressed out trying to the teenage leader of the most hated country in the world. Mai, steady and calm, helps him relax. 
The Rusty Engine by orphan-account- Fire Lord Zuko is out of his mind with stress and orders a dirty, wrecked piece of machinery be brought to him so he can spend a glorious day doing thoughtless grunt work.
Three Years at Sea by orphan-account- A look at what Zuko was up to during the three years before Aang’s return.
love language by aloneintherain- Zuko is a living heatpack and the gaang takes advantage.
Cheating at Pai Sho by MuffinLance- Aang manages to convince Zuko he’s just a regular Airbender instead of the Avatar which sucks for Zuko especially when the freeloader invites his Water Tribe friends and his bison to live on the Wani together. 
Towards the Sun by MuffinLance- Zuko isn’t able to escape after the Day of Black Sun and ends up in prison but is made Fire Lord after Ozai is defeated. On the day the Gaang arrives to the Fire nation, they see their once enemy with a crown upon his head and no good interactions to their name. PS the servant really love their awkward Fire Lord
Little Zuko v The World by MuffinLance- Zuko is baby banished at 12 and discovers the Avatar shortly afterwards. Hijinks as teeny tiny Fire Prince tries to scream the world into submission (it sometimes works too)
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shanastoryteller · 5 years
in another life
(written as a thank you for @another-annon)
Two brothers seperated from the rest, a country limping along, a plaything with a missing eye and a broken heart.
This isn’t fun at all. Truth wants to have fun.
It looks down at the world its created, at he destruction and chaos and pain. It’s not as satisfying as he hoped it’d be.
“Again,” it says, giving a lipless grin as its voice send out echoes, waiting.
Ripples shift and bend, pushing time back to the start.
Roy wakes up crying. That’s not too unusual, so he runs his hands over his face to wipe the tears out of his eyes.
His eyes.
He stumbles to his feet, nearly tripping over his feet as he runs to the bathroom. It takes him a moment, staring at confusion at a bare living room, before he realizes his bathroom has moved. What the fuck. He trips in, flicking on the light.
He has two eyes. And he’s young, so painfully young. Is he even drinking age?  He sure hopes so, because he really feels like he needs a drink. He runs his hand over his smooth chin, and well, okay, maybe not.
“Roooooooy!” sing songs a familiar voice, and oh no, he really is in the past somewhere. “Wake up, it’s time for breakfast!”
Vanessa as an adult is terrifying. As a teenager, she’s what nightmares are made of.
He scrambles for a pen and paper, throws some clothes in a backpack, and leaves a note for his mother.
Madame, have to go off and save the world. Will be back. Love you.
The first thing he has to do is find Maes, obviously. It’s a bit of a problem that they don’t know each other yet, but he has a solution for that.
He waits until he’s walking home from school, grabs him by the back of his shirt, pulls him into an alley, and shoves him against the brick wall. “I don’t have any money!” Maes says, eyes wide behind his glasses. “Check my pockets, I don’t have anything, really.”
“I’m not dumb, I know you. The second I loosen my grip you’ll have a knife at my throat.” Maes wasn’t so much borne of war as born ready for it. He loses his scared facade and raises an eyebrow. “I know you think about cutting out your father’s throat every time he raises his hand to your mother, that you cheat on all your math tests, that you have a crush on John in your chemistry class, and that you tear pictures of places you’d like to visit out of magazines and keep them tucked in the back of your closet.”
Maes’s curious look has morphed into a fascinated kind of horror. “Who are you? How do you know that?”
“I’m your best friend,” Roy tells him, “and I need your help to stop a war before it starts.”
Maes can’t resist that, so he goes with him. Roy knows how to make money on the road, even as a not quite eighteen year old, and he’s incredibly pleased to teach Maes how to hustle pool instead of the other way around. He’s still better than Roy at poker, even with a decade’s less experience, and that only stings a little.
Eventually, they make their way to General Grumman.
Roy’s not stupid enough to think they can do this on their own. So he gets a little help.
Things move fast after that, because they have to. Stopping a war is no easy task. There’s hunting down the homonculi, finding and killing Dante, finding that damn Ishvalan and Izumi Curtis and telling them exactly what will happen if they attempt human transmutation.
It’s too early to go after the Elrics. But this time, he won’t be too late.
He’s twenty years old and high off his success, off the war that isn’t happening and all the lives they’ve managed to save. Maes is laughing as he tugs him close and slots their mouths together.
For a moment, Roy freezes. He thinks of Gracis and Elysia, thinks of Edward. Thinks of the love that beats beneath his breastbone for his younger lover, for the fire in Ed’s eyes that he wouldn’t be able to tame even if he wanted to.
Then that moment breaks and he’s surging forward, licking into Maes’s mouth and biting at his lip.
That life is gone. That world is gone. This is the one he has, and he’s not going to waste it.
It doesn’t work the same for the others.
Ed and Winry are four and Al is three when they all start getting nightmares about horrors that none of their parents can explain.
Then one day they all wake up, and all the nightmares make sense, and they remember everything.
The first thing Ed and Al do is go to their father’s office. “Hello boys,” he says, and with older eyes Ed can see the way his lips tip up at the corners, the way he softens when he sees them, all these things he hadn’t noticed when he was actually a child.
They both silently crawl into his lap and they each grab a pen. He laughs, leaning back in the chair and letting them scrawl over his notebook.
They know the exact moment he realizes what they’re drawing. He tenses and sucks in a deep breath. “How-”
“If you leave, Momma gets sick and dies. This is the circle we used to try and bring her back,” Ed says, tapping the left page.
“We know more than we did before,” Al says, and points at the circle on the right page. “This is the one we’ll use to bring her back if you leave us again.”
They wouldn’t, even if it might work, they learned their lesson the first time. But their dad doesn’t need to know that.
Hohenheim doesn’t leave, and they don’t tell Trisha what they are, how they’re her sons but not the innocent little boys she thought they were. When she gets a cough and starts feeling dizzy, Hohenheim is there. He uses the philosopher’s stone to heal her, and Ed and Al can finally breathe easy.
Winry’s problems aren’t so easy to fix. Her nightmares don’t stop.
She loves her parents, and she knows their dedication to their duty, to their work. She knows it because she’s just the same, she’s a doctor that’s walked into more than one warzone with her head held high. Even if she tells them everything, tells them that they’ll die in that war - she doesn’t think it will change anything at all.
They went to war knowing that they could die, but believing their work was more important than their lives.
The part of her that’s their daughter wants to hold them close and never let them go.
The part of her that’s a doctor knows where they’re going is where they need to be, even if it kills them.
So she waits, and wonders, as time marches on.
There’s no war.
One day Ed and Al crawl into her window and Al says, “Grumman is the Fuhrer here!”
“Huh,” she says, something dangerously like hope in her chest.
Time passes, and there’s no war to take her parents away from her.
Ling doesn’t get any warnings, like dreams, and he doesn’t even get a nice smooth transition between sleeping and awake.
He’s walking down the hall of the palace, ignoring his mother’s lecture on why he needs to focus on his studies, when he trips, flips before he can fall, then says, “Motherfucker.”
“Ling!” his mother exclaims, “When did you learn how to curse in Amestrian? What are those tutors teaching you, honestly!”
“Sorry,” he says, mind racing.
He’s not the emperor here. He’s not immortal here.
Does he still want to be?
The immortal bit he can take or leave, but the emperor part? Oh, yeah, that he wants.
Roy considers joining the military again. He knows it. He’s good at it.
But in this world, he doesn’t have any sins to suffer for.
“I think I want to be a professor,” he says, head on Maes’s chest. “I can be your army wife.”
Maes laughs and leans down to kiss his forehead. “Whatever you want, darling.”
Ed and Al don’t join the military. Instead they do what they forbade their father to do.
They go traveling.
“Xing?” Ed asks, grinning, “Or Drachma?”
“Xing,” Al says firmly. “At least there I know the language.”
“Well, I don’t know either language,” Winry says, tossing an arm around each of their shoulders. “But I never did get my hands on the Xingese alloys.”
They’re in a middle of nowhere town in Xing when a familiar grinning face swings through their window. “Hello,” Ling says. “I’m making a bid for the throne. Want to help?”
And they don’t understand how Ling knows or remembers, but it doesn’t matter, he’s their friend, and well, their lives have been a little boring.
Of course they help.
“Don’t go,” Ling says when it’s all over, his hand tangled in Ed’s, dark eyes imploring. “Stay here. With me.”
“I,” Ed starts, heart in his throat.
Ling was his first in both worlds, and here, where they’re a little less broken, they fit in way they hadn’t before. But –
“Your general is probably out there, somewhere,” he acknowledges, because he knows Ed, knows what he’s thinking without him having to say it. “You could probably seduce him, if that’s what you want.”
He could, is the thing. But is it? He loved Roy almost more than anything in his old life, more than anyone besides Al maybe, but – the person Ed was, and the person Roy was –
Those people don’t exist anymore.
“Yeah,” he says, “but you’re here.”
It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement, but Ling knows him, so he beams, pulling him close for the kind of kiss that’ll leave the servants whispering around them for weeks.
Years later, Ed is in Amestris at a stuffy military function, forced to attend as the Prince Consort of Xing, which is the most annoying title he’s ever held.
“Fuhrer Hughes,” Ling says diplomatically, his hand on the small of Ed’s back.
“Emperor Ling,” Maes returns, and Ed never got to see him this age before, and it warms him to see the wrinkles in the edges of his eyes. “I of course know of your companion. My husband is a huge fan of your work, Prince Edward.”
“Is he?” Ed asks, finally bringing himself to meet Roy’s dark eyes. He looks good. He always looks good, but now he looks better, two eyes and looking younger now than when Ed met him the first time, without all that regret weighing him down. “I’ve read a few of his as well. Mr. Mustang, your strides in flame alchemy are well documented.”
“Thank you, but truly, you and your brother’s grasp of biological alchemy is unparalleled,” he says, perfectly polite.
Roy and Edward sneak glances at each other all night, and they both can’t help but think –
- in another life, perhaps.
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Patlabor fanfic WIP
Summary:  Shige has a cute moment with Noa.  Asuma is definitely not jealous.  Because this is SV2 and nobody ever has anything better to do, absolutely everybody gets involved.  Basically, Noa becomes the center of a (PG) harem comedy and has absolutely no idea.
Backstory:  I’ve been going through a handful of fanfic WIPs and story notes from the past few years, seeing if anything really sparks my interest / seems like it’s worth finishing up...and I really like a lot of lines and concepts in this one, but I also probably won’t ever finish it.
At the time (sometime in 2018), I never finished it because the ideas got more complicated than I felt like wrangling, and because the “she was actually just blushing over Alphonse all along” ending seemed so obvious that it didn’t feel like the shenanigans leading up to the reveal were “worth it”.
And now, I probably won’t finished it because at the time I thought Noa was in her early or mid-twenties, and that Shige was in his mid- or late twenties...but it turns out that Noa is 18 in the Early Days / TV timeline (and left SV2 by the time she was 23 in Patlabor 2) and that The Next Generation set Shige’s canon age at 59, making him fucking 45 during Early Days / TV.  8′)  Since part of the story hinges on Shige crushing on her, even though (or especially because?) it’s onesided, the age difference kinda squicks me out too much for me to want to write any more.  But again, a lot of the lines and concepts make me laugh, so I figured I might as well share.
If you like this but wish it had more terrible sex jokes and/or that it was just poorly written Shige/Sakaki smut, check out my AO3 page cus that describes the only two Patlabor fics I've finished thus far  X’D  (And I definitely won’t be offended if that’s not your cup of tea.)
And now, the story~ (+ notes)
Shige started, banging his head on the raised hatch.  It took a few moments of swearing and cradling his skull before he managed to straighten up and turn around.
Noa had her hand over her mouth, a fiery blush spreading across her face.  He hadn’t expected to see her—it was so late, and she was clearly dressed to go home.
“Oh, uh,” she fumbled, shuffling her feet a bit.  “S-sorry, I didn’t—didn’t mean to interrupt—”
Shige grinned, though the muscle movement made his head injury sting.  “No problem!  ’Sup?”
“I, uh...”
Another surprise.  The blush deepened, and—Shige had never seen her shy.  Hadn’t thought her capable of it, honestly.  Noa was the only girl he’d ever met who burped openly instead of holding it in.
Noa’s hand slowly rose up to point at—him?  Oh, no, past him, into the cavity of her Ingram’s leg.  The hatch on its shin had been opened and the curved guard over the ankle removed, exposing a tangled web of pistons and wiring.
“Hm?”  Shige blinked, then seemed to get it.  “Oh!  Oh, you’re worried about your ‘Alphonse’, right?”
“Oh, n-no, that’s not—”
“ ‘He’s’ just fine, Izumi-chan, cross my heart!  I’m just taking a peek at the ankle servos, you’ve been shifting to the left a teensy bit when you walk lately—not enough to interfere with the auto-balance, of course, but who wants to worry about maybe possibly potentially tripping over six-ton feet in the middle of a chase scene, right?  I’ll get ‘him’ back in tip-top shape in no time!”
“Ah, well, th-thank you, Shige-san...”
Shige grinned again, turned back around, bent into the leg cavity and picked up his toolbox.
Sound echoed in here.
He heard the slight whistling through his teeth as he tried to expel the tune stuck in his head, every little reverberating clink when his tools touched the mechanisms.
He didn’t hear footsteps.
More carefully this time—squatting further down instead of straightening up—Shige extricated himself and turned around.
Noa jumped, glancing away sharply, shuffling her feet again.  That pink in her cheeks looked utterly alien, but...very, very cute.
Shige swallowed.
“H-hey, c’mere,” he blustered, grin a bit more lopsided than before.  “Lemme show you.”
Noa hesitated—wow, shy was a really great look on her—but stepped forward.  There was only room for one on the awkwardly curved slope of the Ingram’s foot, so Shige slid off and gallantly helped her up, being extremely careful about the placement of his hands.  Noa’s fingers dug into his shoulder as she steadied herself, peering into the inner workings of the Ingram.
Shige pointed at things, his already-too-loud voice echoing throughout the cavern of the exposed leg.  He explained what was what, Noa nodded and “oh!”ed and asked all the right questions, her hand on his shoulder the entire time.  She glanced clumsily back and forth between the towering mechanisms and Shige, eyes bright, breath a little ragged.
It was Noa who almost slipped and fell climbing down, but Shige was absolutely dizzy.
“Sucks to be you, Asuma-chan~”
Asuma and a handful of the maintenance crew were crowded in the break room divvying up their Shanghai Noodle lunch orders.  He squinted skeptically.  Shige had been bursting at the seams with swagger and pride all day, and the tone of this latest remark implied a dramatic reveal.
But Asuma refused to give him the satisfaction of showing he was curious, and instead calmly dipped his chopsticks into his ramen with nothing more than an “Oh?”
“Izumi-chan’s got a crush on me.”
Half the room jumped.  Shige crowed with laughter.  Asuma tried his best to hurriedly wipe the wet noodles off his vest and to look coolly aloof at the same time.
“So, what,” he grumbled, failing at the latter, “is this like the time you thought the mailman had a crush on you?”
“He did,” Shige retorted defensively.  Then he settled back in his chair again, arms folded behind his head, the picture of perfect smug serenity.  “But I caught Izumi-chan staring at my sexy ass while I was bent over the Ingram’s ankle servos last night.  You ever seen her blush?  Almost reminds you she’s a sweet young girl!”
“What makes you think she was staring at your ass?” mumbled one of the mechanics.
Asuma almost dropped the paper towel he’d been furiously wiping with.
“Yes.  Yes!” he blurted, then remembered he was supposed to be coolly aloof and crossed his arms (spreading the broth stains to his sleeves).  “I mean...it was probably ‘Alphonse’ you were working on, right?  ‘He’s’ the only ‘man’ she has eyes for.”
“Oh, so you think just ’cus she hasn’t jumped on you that she’s completely immune to masculine charms?”  Shige snorted, but he was already starting to go red at the ears.  “All you ever do is yell orders at her!  I’m the one taking care of her beloved ‘Pat-chan’ every day—nursing ‘him’ when ‘he’s’ sick—making sure ‘he’ always looks ‘his’ best—it just makes sense that she’d fall in love with—”
“Seriously?  By that logic, Noa’d be sleeping with the entire maintenance staff!”
All the mechanics in the room became very alert.
“Or Chief Sakaki!” added Asuma.
The mechanics instantly deflated.
“Whatever.”  Shige snapped up his bowl and dug in, pointedly avoiding Asuma’s gaze.  “You’re just jealous.”
A triumphant smirk played across Asuma’s face.  He sat back down, stain be damned.  “Aw, don’t worry about it,” he said soothingly, blowing on his own ramen.  “I get it.  You’re crazed with loneliness being cooped up with a bunch of sweaty guys day after day, right?  Of course you’ll take any smile from a girl as a—”
“I am not—”
Both men nearly fell out of their chairs.
“There you are!” chirped Noa, though she gave a self-conscious start as she glanced around the room and saw just how many people were in it.  Asuma stared.  He’d never actually seen her blush before.
“U-um,” she went on, suddenly timid again but trying to smile through it.  “So, Shige-san...I just wanted to ask...c-can I, uh, hang out with you again after my shift’s over?  ...Like yesterday?”
“Absolutely, Izumi-chan,” said Shige smoothly, flashing a toothy grin at Asuma.  “Absolutely.”
Hiromi groaned.
“C’mon, c’mon!” Asuma hissed, shaking him.  Well, as much as he could shake the big man.  “You’re curious too, right?”
Hiromi groaned again.
“What?  It’s gotta be you, it’d sound weird coming from anyone else!”
“You’re nonthreatening, man, you’re like a big teddy bear, you listen to people and care about their feelings and stuff!”
Asuma bullies Hiromi into discreetly asking Noa cus Hiromi’s nonthreatening (like a big teddy bear)...Noa misinterprets & thinks Hiromi’s asking her out?
Ota thinks crush talk and/or dating a coworker is super unprofessional but now he can’t stop thinking about it either, is jealous that no one’s hitting on him?  Starts alternately peacocking & being really irritable? Demands Noa and Kanuka rate the men in terms of attractiveness and then immediately gets mad cus that’s so dumb?
Noa keeps hanging out w Shige after work, looking at Alphonse’s schematics...he tries to ask her on like an actual date and she’s disappointed? Goes anyways (& went with Hiromi too)?? Now everyone’s really confused??? Asuma asks her out too???
Kanuka’s stoically scornful, like “are you all that desperate for a woman?” (like they’re all crowding around Noa cus she’s one of the only girls they know, and/or comparing it to kids who don’t want a toy until they see someone else play with it)  Hiromi’s just really embarrassed and too shy to admit to Noa that there’d been a misunderstanding
Shinshi’s glad that everyone’s thinking seriously about their romantic futures
Shige & Asuma start getting weirdly competitive and start going on like trio dates where they keep one-upping each other and/or Noa thinks it’s a group hang and invites the others along
Eventually Kanuka just spells out to Noa what’s going on & she’s really surprised and embarrassed. Admits she was so shy and cagey with Shige cus she didn’t want anyone making fun if her for looking at Alphonse “naked” (since he was a mechanic, he’d understand the fascination)
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flyswhumpcenter · 6 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card!
This story was written to respond to a request made by @antimondes (for some reason it won’t tag you, thank you Tumblr for being a dysfunctional piece of shit)! It was a very wild ride (waaaaaay too wild) and it has 75% chances to be out of character shit, but I hope you’ll like it nonetheless! It was still very fun to experiment with Tenn for the first time. I hope you don’t mind me setting it in my Takanashi Residence AU!
Bitter Words and Sour Tears
Summary:  The tensions between Tamaki and Tenn expended to the entire Takanashi Residence, taking their toll on siblings and their links between them. Iori just happens to be there with an outside view, and as a man of secrets.
Fandom: IDOLiSH7 Ship: Iori/Tenn (can be read as platonic)
Wordcount: 2K words
Event organized by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
They had always been kind of distant, even they were linked through Riku Nanase, before that one event. It was more of a professional relationship in a way: it was a mutual, doubtful respect. They didn’t trust each other very much: while they knew the other wouldn’t try to harm them, it still felt like a chore to be around each other.
The thing was: Kujou was Nanase’s twin brother. As soon as they found each other again after a few years of outside shenanigans, including Kujou getting adopted by another family and becoming an idol, he had come to the residence much more frequently.
 To be fair, Iori was always overly suspicious of visitors coming to the residence, especially if they came around this often. The perks of being part of such a tight-knit colocation was that everybody knew everybody, including the related strangers. How many times had he seen Yotsuba’s little sister too? Apparently, she lived with the Kujous too.
After a while, however, he had come to appreciate these two siblings coming over to the residence, despite the tension between Kujou and Yotsuba over Aya. He always felt like he needed to be near them in case a fight exploded between the two of them, knowing Yotsuba’s impulsive nature and Kujou’s dry and cold demeanour around anyone who wasn’t his twin brother.
 Watching Tenn Kujou be around Nanase was a way to make him empathize even more with his own big brother. Through the pink eyes of the professional singer, he could see Mitsuki’s instincts: the concern, the empathy, the thoughts and the speaking patterns of the older sibling.  It was almost a social commentary from him, at times: he stood there, nearby, ears wide opened and eyes looking at the scene.
As far as he knew, Kujou had thought for the longest time that Mitsuki was the younger brother and Iori was the older brother, a common misconception solely based on height. However, as soon as Mitsuki spoke about hom, Kujou had seemed to instantly understand he was facing someone with a deep common point with him. Ever since, he had noticed somewhat of a vitriolic complicity, a rivalry in who was the best big brother. Kind of childish, but it proved Kujou wasn’t just a very advanced android Nanase was calling his brother.
 After a couple months of seeing the weekly visits from the siblings, Iori threw his own shot at getting to know them. The topic he had in mind to come up to Kujou with was as obvious as it could possibly get: as the residence’s unofficial medical help (who was officially Nanase, but if Nanase got an attack, he couldn’t really help anyone else with their health couldn’t he?), he wanted some advice on how to monitor Nanase’s asthma better. Who else was better than the latter’s own brother to ask on the topic?
Kujou stared at him until he dropped the question. Upon that point, the older twin seemed to barely be able to retain the actual kindness he had for his sibling: he would explain in great details how to deal with every single symptom the best way possible, how to make his younger twin more comfortable when these happened, how to tell if an attack was about to happen, how to make the residence better for Nanase…
And then it delved into an impossibly long list of things the residence was faulty at being and providing, including the amount of house dust and how the room placements made it so Nanase’s room was too far from the entrance door in case he had to go to the hospital in a hurry. It was long enough for Iori himself, the man called “the Nit-pick Guy” by his classmates, to think it was nit-picking.
 Talking about Kujou was fascinating. The latter was always rich in information despite his career of being a J-pop singer with legions of fangirls at his feet. He’d usually say the residence was a good place to avoid paparazzi and obnoxious, voyeur journalists. Not only was it where his little brother was living surrounded by his friends: it was also fairly unknown and drown in the urban landscape, making it a place where people starving for private information would never even try finding said information in.
They sympathized over Nanase in general, how he was a ray of sunshine with heavy health issues which needed to be cared for, but it didn’t stop there. Speaking to the other revealed they weren’t that different: a similar frank speech style, an unordinary amount of talents and skills and, last but not least, a will to help and protect the people they cared about. This was the most relatable part they could find in each other, the click that made Iori think “we could be more than acquaintances”.
 Alas, the tranquillity of these visits stopped dead in its tracks on one fateful day. It all started with the tensions around Aya: Yotsuba and Kujou disagreed heavily on whether she should have been allowed to visit her brother on her own or if she had to be accompanied by Kujou. The other inhabitants of the residence didn’t dare stepping in, fearing it would backfire on them.
It escalated to Yotsuba throwing a violent fit, a fit only stopped by Aya telling her brother not to hit her other brother. In the end, it got broken off by Osaka and Nikaido, but it had been a close call. Ever since, Yotstuba and Kujou had been forbidden to be near each other unless someone was next to them.
 This was, however, only the beginning of a snowball effect: people were always weary whenever the Kujous visited because of this incident. Even Mitsuki had grown somewhat distant, just in case it’d be considered taking sides to remain with one or the other when Kujou was around.
Only Nanase didn’t mind, always happy to see his brother visit him, but the visits also became rarer and rarer as a result of the growing tensions. Once a week became once every two weeks, which in turn became once a month. This was obviously saddening Nanase and Yotsuba, but as far as Iori knew, it also had taken a toll on the visitors.
 He was reading a report for college when someone knocked at his door. He had been a bit unaware of his surroundings because of his approaching exams, so the noise slightly took him aback. In fact, he had been so surprised, he had gotten up to open the door instead of just saying “yes” to this unknown visitor. He could beneficiate from a break anyway.
His surprised turned astonishment when he opened the door to Tenn Kujou’s saddened frown, shining eyes and arms wrapped around himself.
 “Mind if I come in, Izumi…?”
Concern washing all over him, Iori replied with his heart.
“Not at all. Please come in”, he gestured as he closed the door behind them.
 Almost like a robot, Kujou sat down on the bed, looking down on the ground. It was kind of an awkward silence between the two of them: Iori didn’t really know what to say, since he didn’t know what had caused Kujou to seem so depressed. So, huh… He’d just have to pop the uncomfortable question.
“What’s wrong?” he asked as he sat down on the bed, around ten centimetres away from him.
There was no response for a few, lead-heavy moments. Just silence and the beginning of a weep.
“Do you… mind me venting for a bit…? I don’t want to burden Riku with this… you’re the closest second option I have right now…”
“Go ahead. I’ll keep it a secret if you want it to be so.”
 Kujou slightly rose his head, but not high enough for his bang not to hide half of his face.
“I may have strained Yotsuba and Aya’s relationship because of my tense links with him…”
Iori didn’t say anything back. He just listened like he’d listen to Mitsuki venting, to Nanase’s thoughts and to Takanashi’s ideas for the residence, with a wise ear open for suggestions and reassuring words to be told.
“I’m only noticing now how much this has impacted Riku and Aya. I should have thought everything out more before the situation got this way…”
Kujou sniffed slightly before resuming.
“I’m aware this got out of hand because I couldn’t control myself around Yotsuba. It’s all my fault if I have to see Aya so afraid to ask me if we can go see her brother and if Riku is so sad whenever I visit. It’s become bittersweet for everyone involved… I’m sorry.”
 Despite how calm his words and speech were, Iori could notice the ugly tears rearing their face in Kujou’s eyes. He was this close to crying.
“Until I find a way to fix everything with Yotsuba, it’ll stay that way… Don’t tell anyone, Izumi, it’ll just make things worse because Riku and Aya will start themselves himself too…”
“I did say I was going to keep this secret if you wanted.”
“Thank you for listening… You… are a man of confidence…”
 The singer’s cold and aloof demeanour suddenly broke down as he started to let his sorrow come out, crying between his hands, weeping filling the room with a damp atmosphere, as if rain had started to fall against the windows.
Kind of unable to do much, Iori immediately thought back to what his brother would do whenever he was sad. It was going to be awkward, but he leaned closer to Kujou and opened his arms, slowly wrapping them around the other man in the room.
 Instead of the rejection he expected, Kujou threw himself in his arms, almost trying lean against his chest, as he let himself express the concerns and guilt he must had had accumulated for the past weeks. This was going to stay in this room until the truth was ready to come out, so he remained silent.
Time seemed to have slowed down by half during this time. It was all silent, but he felt the strange and unfamiliar warmth of someone crying in his chest. It wasn’t what he had expected to see Kujou doing today, perhaps he was expecting nothing more than being the recipient of all the defaults of the residence again, but he didn’t mind. If it meant helping someone out, especially someone who seemed dear to a fellow resident and friend, he would serve as a shelter for a day.
 Kujou was crying silently, even if he could tell so by how damp his shirt had become. The older boy was barely letting anything out, yet it was painfully clear how hurt he was by everything he thought was his fault. In this silence, all he could hope for was for the situation to get better.
After what felt like minutes, Kujou rose his head again, eyes red and trails on his face. He slowly got out of the improvised embrace, cheeks reddened by what seemed to be both crying and embarrassment of the sudden turn of events. To be fair, Iori was embarrassed too by how bad his instincts were. Perhaps not the best potential big brother around.
 “Izumi… You’re an analytical genius, right?” he then asked.
“I am. Why so?”
“What do you think the best course of action is?”
“Find a way to peacefully patch things up with Yotsuba. This will ease tensions between you two.”
“That’s what I thought… Thank you for listening. How much do I owe you?”
“An apology to Yotsuba. I’ll try to get him to understand it’ll only be better if he makes an effort in return.”
“Got it.”
 Kujou got up from the bed and silently exited the room, closing the door behind him again. He had taken back his stance as a singer: perhaps he was already thinking on his apology.
No matter what, feeling useful and comforting for someone was nice.
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sambart93 · 6 years
2017.12.24 Bungou Stray Dogs Stage [Review]
Official Site here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Video Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4
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Torigoe Yuuki as Nakajima Atsushi Tawada Hideya as Osamu Dazai Teruma as Kunikida Doppo Nagae Ryoki as Edogawa Ranpo Kuwano Kousuke as Tanzaki Junichiro Saito Akari as Tanzaki Naomi Hironouchi Hitoshi as Miyazawa Kenji Imamura Miho as Yosano Akiko Hashimoto Shohei as Akutagawa Ryunosuke Masaki Kohei as Kajii Motojiro Hirata Yuka as Higuchi Ichiyou Kuwae Sakina as Izumi Kyoka Ueda Keisuke as Nakahara Chuya Ensemble: Elizabeth Mari, Okamura Tatsuki, Obigane Ryouta, Jintoku, Suzuki Ryouhei, Funaki Atsushi, Kurihara Sayaka, Takei Mirano
NON-SPOILER REVIEW This is very faithful to the original anime and manga story, and I feel Hideya, Ueda and Teruma were the perfect casting for their characters, they did not disappoint. Nagae as Ranpo was also a surprise and it was interesting the different ways they had him woven into the stage and story. There was a lot of comedy in this and there's some moments that are exactly as you would want them to be, especially Dazai's idiot moments like trying to die in ridiculous places and ways, as well as his trolling of other people. The way they showed the powers was great along with the use of projection mapping. The best scenes were definitely Dazai and Nakahara's scenes together; they also got the biggest applause. The ending, where you should start clapping, is rather confusing to figure out because they don't bow when they start doing Character Credit Names and Powers, but now you know if you see it live. It's obvious they have intentions of continuing on this seies and I do think that'll happen. Personally there were a few things I wasn't happy with; the tiger fight scene wasn't very smooth or perfect and I think would be confusing to those who haven't seen the anime nor know the story. The one scene I was really excited to see wasn't up to my expectations. And finally, the ensemble were a big distraction for me because I felt the dancing they did was not needed for this stage, and looked rather odd; I strongly feel a normal ensemble cast would've been better and more apparent and fitting. BUT I think many fans and people will be able to thoroughly enjoy this show and see how much effort went into it and how great the casting-to-characters is and everything. Objective Rating: 8/10 Subjective Rating: 6/10
As mentioned above, the stage is very faithful to the original material. I haven't read the manga so I can only say the stage copies the first season of the anime faithfully. So if you want to know what happens or what to understand what the hell is going on before you see this stage, then I recommend you watch / read that.
Part one was probably the strongest out of the two - although I think this is a habit of mine. I really struggle with stages that have a break in the middle; all my energy and excitement is usually used up in the first half and then during the break I get too chill and relaxed and I also somewhat zone out for the second half =/ I'll try and fix this!
I loved the opening for this stage because Nagae/Ranpo comes out from the right side door and comes down the aisle and approached someone saying 'you're in my seat... yes you are... oh you have a ticket with your seat? I don't have a ticket!' and then comes onto the stage and is almost like a narrator introducing the world and the stage. 
Nagae did such a great job with his adlibbing and natural comedy. This little shit, he always plays little shits, keeps growing on me every damn stage! But he's getting better and better every time too! I still can't get over how young he is because his confidence and acting on stage makes him appear so much older and more mature! Even though he does mess around and have fun. Nagae was a GREAT choice for Ranpo and he went way beyond what I was expecting him to do as the character! Which makes me sad, I loved him as Ranpo so much but, as we know, his participation in the first season of Bungo is so small! So I'm excited to see all the stage time and scenes he'll have in the next one!
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And of course, as we all expected, Hideyan and Teruma as their characters are spot on and great! They were the best choices for those characters. 
Hideyan went way above and beyond my expectations for him as Dazai because he is just PERFECT as Dazai! You couldn't have asked for a better choice in casting. So many Dazai moments he was faithful to and did perfectly. The moment where he does the wavy arms to  Kunikida is in there. The while him trying to commit suicide with his legs sticking out of the big bin/can is in there. The classic where he tells Kunikida loads of stuff and then goes '...I'm lying' is in there. So many amazingly classic and memorable moments of Dazai were in this stage!
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Torigoe used a LOT of energy in this stage so I could start to understand why he was cast as Atsushi instead of (what I wanted) UeChan. He never stops running around the stage or switching from yelling to turning to the audience and stuff. I am impressed at how much energy he had and could use!
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This stage is very, very funny! We were laughing for a lot of this stage which keeps the nature of Bungou's anime/manga at heart which is great!
I giggled a few times at Kosuke because I couldn't imagine him as the sister-incest-relationship-character but I actually really liked his section of the stage too! He looked so much like he didn't want his sister all over him and his facial expressions were very funny.
I feel like 90% of the audience were there just for UeChan. Him, or a combination of him and Hideyan. Because at the end of UeChan and Hideyan’s final scene, they got a MASSIVE and the BIGGEST round of applause at the end. So much so that even though the lights went up to signal the start of the next scene, the audience CONTINUED clapping! The poor actors had to wait until we were down with our massive round of applause so they could start the next scene. I found it absolutely fascinating. 
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The fight scene between UeChan and Hideyan was so good! I was so impressed with how HIGH UeChan can kick his legs and their movements matched very well; it was overall a solid and great fight scene.
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Their entire two major scenes together was just perfect.
I really liked towards the end when Akutogawa and Atsushi were fighting and to show Akuto's power, Atsushi was physically wrapped in black cloth and it looked really good visually and worked really well with the scene and the intensity of it.
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Masaki didn't disappoint me as Kajii! His scene is one of my favourite ones and he was crazy and did a very faithful job of the character! While the scene was somewhat ruined by the ensemble, his performance of the character was solid and enjoy his performance.
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I remember really liking the subtle coughs and stuff Shohei did as Akutogawa but he was very much off to the side and just being like this looming and overwatching character in this first stage rather than being all that active. Only the final scene at the end is Akutogawa somewhat active in the play, so, just like UeChan, I have hopes that his stage time and activities will increase (just like they do in the anime) in the next stage. I did like that they did the flashback scene between him and Dazai and Hideyan looked for freaking good and badass in that flashback! Shohei did good as Akutogawa in his two major scenes (the flashback and the end scene) but I can't confidently say he was a good choice or he's a good Akutogawa until I see more.
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After the first round of applause, Nagae came back on stage the second time and he said ‘Do you see this? *pointing to the 'THE END' sign on stage* It means we're done. Go home.... You know it’s Christmas…. what the HELL are you all doing here?! Out there is Yokohama, you can— oh whatever’ and we all died laughing and he walked off.
And finally, a random comment related to the goods; the photobook and pamphlet have absolutely stunning photos and shots in them. I’ll put them below.
In the non spoiler section I mentioned three negatives (but now in more detail):
- The tiger fight scene at the beginning of the stage wasn’t very smooth or perfect and would be confusing to non-Bungou fans or knowers. This mainly comes down to how bad the projection mapping of the tiger is. It's very jittery and doesn't really move around the stage smoothly and sometimes it didn't looked like Dazai's attacks were going in the directions of where the tiger was. 
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- The one scene I was really excited to see, which is the scene when Atsuhi and Kyoka go on a date through Yokohama, really wasn’t up to my expectations at all. For those who have seen Honoo no Mirage, I was expecting something similar to that where they would put background and locations of Yokohama on the stage through projection mapping and we'd see Kyoka dragging and pulling Atsushi to all these places. But in reality we got a song and dance (see picture above) and the song was 50% in English (if I remember correctly) and it was just them dancing in the middle of the stage. There were no obvious Yokohama locations or Yokohama-esque things in the sequence at all and I was so super upset and disappointed with it. That was the one scene I was so looking forward to seeing and they, in my opinion, missed the opportunity and butchered it. 
- The ensemble were a big distraction for me. I felt the dancing they did was not needed nor really fitted for this stage, and looked rather odd and out of place. The actors would be in the center of the stage talking about something or being serious and then the dancers would come on doing these strange movements or were being passerby but would do it by dancing their way through the stage and to me it honestly looked ridiculous and distracting. Honestly, I strongly feel a normal ensemble cast where they just were normal people and normal passerby and did the normal helping out with the stunts and stuff would’ve been better and more apparent and fitting. Even now, weeks after watching this stage, feel like the ensemble looked bloody ridiculous and stupid. ALSO I watched KuroMyu AFTER this stage where they too had a dancing ensemble and it worked completely fine for that stage! I think it's because dancing ensembles definitely fit musicals and songs better than just a normal stage and that's where my problem with them in the Bungou stage lies. Seriously, I was so in love with the dancing ensemble for KuroMyu (review here).
Okay I'll try and tone the rest of the negatives down:
- There was no questionnaire with the stage. I opened my leaflets and checked their twitter and their official website but no paper questionnaire, no QR code or website link for a questionnaire which I think is super strange. I know most people were saying they wanted a questionnaire so they could complain about the lack of trading bromide stock but I always write a questionnaire, I always write what's good, what's bad (which would've just been the ensemble and the date scene) and I always write ' hey maybe try this' or 'I want to see this' or 'this particular actor was great, if you continue please keep them on' etc. so I felt somewhat naked without them supplying a questionnaire to us. I hope they often them at the Tokyo one or something and get a friend to write it for me xD
- They only did Daiza trolling Kunikida with the '...I'm lying' joke ONCE! I’m so upset! It’s like one of best comedy parts. It should've been done at least three times throughout the stage.
- Another personal gripe was my seat. I got my ticket in the very FIRST lottery of tickets and yet me seat ended up being 4th to back row on the 3RD FLOOR. And I know for a fact there were MANY seats empty on the first and second floor. So I was super pissed I got such a crappy seat to say I got my ticket so damn early into the ticket sales.
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- It's not really a negative but more of a confusing moment: they don’t bow at the end to signify the end of the stage. They finish the final scene and then the ensemble come back on (just them) and go a sort of dance before going off and then the members come on one by one with their name and then their ability is shown on the stage walls. So we got about two cast members in before we all realised we should be clapping! It was really confusing and somewhat awkward. So now you know if you go!
- They didn't do any curtain call speeches at the end of the show. It was the final Yokohama show and you'd think, with the sotry being set in Yokohama, that they would do a speech at their FINAL YOKOHAMA SHOW. But no; poor Nagae had to come back on stage twice and be like 'thank you all for clapping and I know you're expecting speeches but we're only doing them at the final Tokyo Show. Everyone is already backstage and undressing out of their costumes. Sorry but the show is finished for today.'
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- Final personal gripe; Not enough UeChan BUT again that's because he, just like Nagae's Ranpo, isn't really all that present in the first season of the anime. So he'll definitely get enough stage time in the next one!
As mentioned above, the pamphlet and photobook is gorgeous and definitely worth the money!
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seigyokus · 7 years
5.5 - The Will to Fight
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 5.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Nikaidou Yamato: ....... I feel like I'm gonna hurl..... Rokuya Nagi: OH.... Would you like to step out for a bit and take a break? Osaka Sougo: Are you okay, Yamato-san? Nanase Riku: Exposing the Chiba Salon........ You refused to record Yamato's confession, right? Momo: I didn't, actually. Nikaidou Yamato: What!? Momo: I didn't record anything just now, I swear! Absolutely nothing! You can body-check me! Should I strip!? I'm not wearing my lucky underwear though! Yuki: Please calm down. Momo only pretended to accept so he could find out who the other people in the plot are. Momo: Yep, yep. Gaku's papa helped me out with this too. Yaotome Gaku: My old man did? Momo: Yeah. There's this one really big actress I don't have any connections to, so he's gonna act as the middleman for me. Stuff like that. Your papa's pretty freaked out about this too. Izumi Mitsuki: What do you plan on doing after he mediates that? Momo: Persuade 'em, even if it means shooting them a wink or grovelling. Yuki promised Yamato that we would protect you guys from a scandal, after all. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... But why would you go that far for me? Yuki: Oh, just killing time. Momo: It's a hobby of mine! Don't sweat it. Yuki: However, there are people who won't be swayed as easily. People who had clashed with Shizuo-san in the past, but still have very strong feelings about it. Yuki: I asked him if he could apologize to those people to quell their rage, but he told me off. Said I wasn't welcome in his home ever again, and to never come back. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Wait, are you talking about Chiba-san? You asked Chiba-san to apologize? Yuki: Yep. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That's terrifying to imagine.... Yuki: It was pretty terrifying. He was stubborn, through and through. Wouldn't even give me the time of the day. But.... Yuki: I think Shizuo-san might listen if Yamato-kun asks. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Yuki: Try calling him. Nikaidou Yamato: ......Right now? Yuki: Yeah. Nikaidou Yamato: ......I can't. There's no way I could ask him....... Yuki: I'm sure that man wants to do much more for his son-- more than just sending him flowers. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... But-- Kujou Ten: Call him. Nikaidou Yamato: Kujou.... Kujou Ten: He'll spring into action for you. Kujou Ten: I'm sure he wants to go back to being a family, deep down inside. There's no way he could ignore his own son when he's in a predicament, out of responsibility as a father. Kujou Ten: He'll bow his head and apologize if it means protecting you. There's no doubt about it. Nanase Riku: Ten-nii....... Rokuya Nagi: Precisely. When I came to this country, I learned that 'Yamato' was also a word that signified 'Japan.' (1) Rokuya Nagi: That is the name Chiba Shizuo bestowed his child, born in the evening years of his life. Chiba Shizuo, the face of Japan's acting industry. Rokuya Nagi: He loves you-- you're his pride and joy. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ...But what should I tell him? Yuki: Isn't that easy? Just tell him, "It's all your fault." Yuki: The loss of your childhood and the man you admired back when you were in elementary school.... The pain and sadness you've felt up until now.... Hit him full force with it. All of it. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......Got it. Izumi Mitsuki: Hey.... You okay? Your hands are shaking.... Nikaidou Yamato: I'm fucking terrified, but I'll give it all I've got. I won't run. I'm gonna face him, head-on. Nikaidou Yamato: So I won't hate myself, and so I won't be ashamed of myself.... Nikaidou Yamato: That 'trying your damn hardest' thing? Yeah, I'm gonna do it. Izumi Mitsuki: Haha.... Yeah! It's gonna be okay! Izumi Mitsuki: No matter what happens, we'll be right by your side!
Takanashi Tsumugi: .....So Chiba-san listened to your request then, Yamato-san? Nikaidou Yamato: ......Yeah, he did. I don't know if the other person accepted his apology or not, but.... Nikaidou Yamato: Turns out he's the same as me. He wanted to be loved, but wouldn't work for it. He was waiting for a kind soul to sympathize with him and figure him out. Nikaidou Yamato: He ended up making enemies because of the way he lived. ......But, he did say that he'd try his best to be forgiven. Takanashi Tsumugi: I see.... Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything for you when you were having such a hard time, Yamato-san....... Nikaidou Yamato: Aw, come on. What are you saying? Things were crazy at the office, weren't they? All of that was for our sake, too. Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Even as I was worrying about my dad, I'd sneak a thought here and there. "Damn, our manager's one terrifying woman." Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh...? Why? Nikaidou Yamato: Because of "IDOLiSH7." The name you gave us works on the assumption that no one will ever leave. Nikaidou Yamato: Maybe I would've been irresponsible and quit early on, had it not been for that name. Nikaidou Yamato: ......It's a name that ties all seven of us together. There are times when that trust is a heavy weight to bear, but now it's my pride and joy. Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm glad.... I came up with it after seeing that everybody's names had numbers in them. Takanashi Tsumugi: It's almost as if it were destiny. Nikaidou Yamato: Onii-san thinks so too. At first we looked like a random mess of seven people, but now we're like seven irreplaceable comrades. Nikaidou Yamato: ......I won't let IDOLiSH7 end.
Izumi Mitsuki: Alright! I'm gonna cook you guys a feast tonight! Rokuya Nagi・Yotsuba Tamaki・Nanase Riku: Yay! Osaka Sougo: Iori-kun, did you enjoy spending time with your brother? Izumi Iori: I guess so.... We were forced into cosplay, though. Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it true Yukirin's house has cushions the size of your ear!? (2) Nikaidou Yamato: No, no. That was a joke. Nanase Riku: It's been so long since we last had a meal together! I'm really, really happy! Nikaidou Yamato: You're right.... Yeah. Izumi Mitsuki: We've got a concert tomorrow! Eat lots so you have stamina! Nanase Riku: Yeah! IDOLiSH7: Let's eat!
Nanase Riku: Good evening! We're IDOLiSH7! It had been a while since all seven of us ate together, but we did it yesterday! It was super fun! Audience: Kyaaaaa......! Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Come on, that's not something you needa report during the MC corner! Nikaidou Yamato: That hijiki rice really hit the spot. You better make it again sometime, Mitsu. (3) Izumi Mitsuki: Sure, but is that really something you should be requesting during a concert? Nikaidou Yamato: I missed my chance to say it yesterday. Onii-san tends to do that, you see. Audience: Ahahahaha! Nikaidou Yamato: It's best not to hold back. No need to take it in moderation. (4) Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Oh, what am I supposed to do with you.... I know, you dummy! You better eat up and fill that belly to the brim! Audience: Ahahahaha! Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Audience: I'm really digging the vibes from IDOLiSH7 today! Audience: Everyone's being so sweet to each other! They must've had a blast during that meal, I guess! Osaka Sougo: I was reminded once more of how valuable and magnificent Yamato-san and Mitsuki-san's existences are. Izumi Mitsuki: Heheh.... Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Aw, stop it. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Osaka Sougo: When it was just me, it was very.... Yotsuba Tamaki: That not it at all! Sure the food was spicy, but I'm glad you were there, Sou-chan. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Nanase Riku: Iori and the others seemed fine, but me and Nagi were pretty lonely! Izumi Iori: Well.... I was lonely as well.... In a way....... Audience: Kyaaaaa! Audience: Wait, why!? Did something happen!? Why is everyone being so sappy all of a sudden!? Audience: And all because of that hijiki rice!? Wow, hijiki rice is a force to be reckoned with! Rokuya Nagi: I love everyone the most! Yamato and Mitsuki ought to sing MEZZO"'s apology song, for my sake. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Nikaidou Yamato: Apology song? Wait, are you talking about "miss you..."? Izumi Mitsuki: Like hell we're gonna sing! What kind of penalty game is this! Audience: Kyaaaaa......! Osaka Sougo: Um, it's not an apology song. Yotsuba Tamaki: Also don't call our song a penalty game!! Audience: Ahahahaha!! Audience: They're all such good friends! I'm so happy!! I'm glad I came here today......!! Audience: This is the best! I love seeing IDOLiSH7 being all friendly......! I love everyone......! Audience: I hope they stay friends forever......!
Director: Splendid, Nikaidou-kun! It's just as I envisioned.... No, this is beyond what I could've ever imagined for the last scene! Nikaidou Yamato: Thank you very much. Director: As expected of Shizuo-san's-- Is what I'm tempted to say, but you've got a different kind of appeal, Nikaidou-kun! Director: The characters and worldview of this movie got a hundred, if not a thousand, times more fascinating. Deeply fascinating. And it's all thank to you. You didn't let him end as some cliched villain. Director: The movie's set to premiere at the end of the year, but I hope you're excited to see the finished product. Nikaidou Yamato: You're praising me too much, Director.... Those words are wasted on someone like me. I do look forward to seeing the finished movie, though. Natsume Minami: I hear you're done filming today, Nikaidou-san. Natsume Minami: I do hope that your success in this movie will be enough to cover up any gossip that arises. Nikaidou Yamato: You know, the only thing I was hiding was the reason why I joined IDOLiSH7, because it would've hurt my friends' feelings. That's all. Nikaidou Yamato: There isn't anything else I'm ashamed of. Natsume Minami: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: Go ahead, you can stare at me all you want. Look me up and down, from head to toe. Alright, any questions? Fire away. I'm just gonna shamelessly laugh, instead of throwing crude words back. Nikaidou Yamato: After all, onii-san's wicked at heart.
Tsukumo Ryou: ......Asamiya Tomoe-san has withdrawn from the plan. Several others have also run off, lured away by something else. Tsukumo Ryou: You're not going to eat? It's filet mignon night. Yuki: Sorry, but I don't eat meat. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, it's not good to be picky. Speaking of which, Momo was the one I invited. Yuki: So you're not satisfied with me? Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, how unthinkable! I am delighted to see you, Yuki. I've always wanted to take my time and chat with you. Tsukumo Ryou: If I recall correctly, you hate sharp objects, correct? And would you look at that, there's plenty of sharp objects in this room! How about I help you conquer that trauma? Yuki: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I was kidding. Momo would kill me. Oh! That reminds me. You met with Asamiya Tomoe in private, didn't you? Tsukumo Ryou: Did you think you outmaneuvered me? Well, you thought wrong. Chiba Shizuo failed to persuade all of them. Tsukumo Ryou: There are still plenty of people eager to expose Chiba Salon. As long as they have Tsukumo's backup, then they're more than willing to-- ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I need to answer this call. Excuse me. Yuki: Go ahead. Tsukumo Ryou: --Chiba Shizuo's retiring!? What kind of tomfoolery is this.... The press conference already started!? Tsukumo Ryou: Understood.... I'll contact you later. Yuki: Oh? So Shizuo-san's retiring? Tsukumo Ryou: ...... Tsukumo Ryou: Now he's gone and done it. An expos�� on an active actor would certainly be the talk of the town, but no one would dare to say anything about a retired actor. It's just like how people who speak ill of the dead are despised. Tsukumo Ryou: He sacrificed himself and retired so that his adorable little son wouldn't get scorched by the flames. That's the world's beloved Chiba Shizuo for you! Bravo! (5) Yuki: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Was this your doing? Yuki: It's a secret. Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha.... This doesn't pose a problem at all. None whatsoever. While the speed at which I will attain domination has fallen, that doesn't change the fact that Hoshikage is growing weaker. Tsukumo Ryou: After all, Chiba Shizuo was Hoshikage's bread and butter, but now he's retiring. It's like swapping out a fast-acting poison for a slower one. Tsukumo Ryou: ......But, you know what, Yuki? I am very, very irritated right now! Yuki: Why don't you try your hand at a disentanglement puzzle right now? Perhaps it will be for the best, since you might fly into a fit of rage then die an agonizing death. (6) Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, how cold.... I never thought I'd be hated by a star! How shocking! Yuki: I've been irritated for much longer than you have. I've hated you ever since the very beginning. Can I go home now? Tsukumo Ryou: Of course you can. Do come over again sometime, Yuki. I'll have an extraordinary surprise waiting for you. Yuki: ......Surprise? Tsukumo Ryou: It's a secret. Look forward to it.
Isumi Haruka: ....... Natsume Minami: The skies are clear tonight. And the way the stars are lined up forebodes chaos across the entire world. Inumaru Touma: Aren't they talking about us, then? Where's Torao? Natsume Minami: Perhaps he's running late because of a date. Midou Torao: Hey. Sorry for the wait. Inumaru Touma: Don't 'hey' me. Can you at least try to be on time? Natsume Minami: Who was your date tonight? Midou Torao: A lonely, sleepless singer. Minami, how's the song coming along? Natsume Minami: It's almost complete. He and I have been working on this song together, from back when I was in Northmare. Inumaru Touma: Well, I wanna sing it soon. Ya feel, Haru? Inumaru Touma: Huh...? Whatcha lookin' at? Isumi Haruka: All of the fools flooding this town. Isumi Haruka: We'll turn what they see as gems into trash. Isumi Haruka: Kujou Ten.... I'm going to drag you off stage.
To be continued....
Translation notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii as usual for proofreading!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1) Yamato (大和) is indeed what Japan was called before it was called Japan (Nihon). Exact same kanji characters as Yamato's name. (2) THROWBACK TO PART 2 CHAPTER 2.1 MUCH ???  (3) hijiki gohan - rice mixed with hijiki seaweed and other ingredients! here is a recipe and also pictures that make me sad becuase I cannot eat pixels, alas  (4) HODOHODO / 'MODERATION' REFERENCE IM SO EMOTIONAL , so technically yea i repeated mitsu’s line twice but the moderation line alone sounded kinda weird to me so yea (5) technically ryou says "showered in sparks" but i dampened the 体を張って part so i needed 2 up the melodrama elsewhere in the sentence HAHA (6) 知恵の輪 refers to the human knot game thing they make u do as a very uncomfortable icebreaker in college / that children's game OR disentanglement puzzle (wire-and-sticks puzzle) OR literally it means 'circle of knowledge.' kinda interesting to note, since technically ryou was trying to expose/detangle a 'ring of knowledge' (chiba salon). that’s just my interp tho!
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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irishcoffeeslushie · 7 years
Nobuta wo Produce review (excerpts) - I
Disclaimer: I didn’t write this, although I wish I had. Source.
High school.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of teenage angst, it was the season of puppy love; it was the spring of maturity, it was the winter of childhood; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us…
God bless his soul, but Mr. Dickens must be turning in his grave this very minute knowing that his iconic opener from “A Tale of Two Cities” was hijacked by some slush-brained Jdorama fangirl, and then bastardized into a paean to the Universal High School Experience. Even worse, imagine his horror to find this piece to be just a pretext for a long and gushy tribute to a rather unsightly pair of Japanese teen idols — one scrawny and effeminate, the other looking perpetually lobotomized — who, by their performances in the drama that’s about to be dissected, have effectively clinched said fangirl’s undying affections (pure and, uh, otherwise). If our esteemed Victorian novelist only knew that his classic lines would later be co-opted into a rhapsody about a couple of Johnnies fer gawdssakes, he wouldn’t just be turning in his grave by now, but doing freakin’ somersaults while chewing on his elbows or something — or worse, gyrating furiously to the “Seishun Amigo” chorus. (Sacrilege!!! Is nothing sacred now? Not even Dickens???)
I know it may sound funny (and even counterintuitive), but “sacred” is exactly what I hold this drama to be. Admittedly, Nobuta wo Produce hardly looks impressive on the surface, and can be dismissed by the casual observer as just another idoru vehicle set against the disposable backdrop of high school — with the fluff, the stereotypes, the puerile laughs — only to be swallowed in a sea of other mass-produced Jdramas of the same teen-wanking formula… But no. This one is different. Because once in a while we drama fans are gifted with a viewing experience so transcendent in both style and substance, a triumphant synergy of directorial creativity, of writing deep and resonant, and of characters so heartbreakingly authentic.
Nobuta wo Produce is the Jdrama that is closest to my heart, the one that means the most to me out of all that I’ve watched (and re-watched). (And you thought it was something Kimura had starred in? Close, but no ciggy.) Although I cannot speak for all fans of this drama, I know that many, like myself, have come to love its three protagonists — Shuji, Akira, Nobuta — with a fierce allegiance, and can identify with their own feelings of disquiet and trepidation as they stand, inevitably, on the brink of adulthood. This is a deeply personal drama to watch — and that, for me, is what makes it sacred in no small way. Just as we all — whoever and wherever we are — inwardly uphold as sacrosanct the universal themes that this drama explores to rich, rewarding ends: the painful reality of growing up, the strange duality of alienation and friendship, and the “self-revelatory odyssey” of finding yourself as you make your way through life.
Robert Lloyd of the Los Angeles Times had this to say about another seminal teen drama from the other side of the world that remains, in my opinion, the best of its kind to ever be spawned by Hollywood — and also, regrettably, one of the most underrated and short-lived. The title? My So-Called Life (ABC, 1994).
“Every so often in the collaborative art called television a little miracle happens. There is a meeting of minds, a confluence of vision, a gathering of particular talents. The planets align, the cards fall into place, and something is born whose worth is instantly apparent to all involved, not as a generator of revenue — at which it might fail completely — but as an ennobling refraction of some little bit of the Truth, of what it means, or could mean, to be alive. Each department pushes the others a little bit harder; excellence from one corner prompts ambition in another. What might have begun as just the next greenlighted project or available job becomes a sort of holy mission, even if none of the participants would ever dare call it that — this being, after all, only television.”
These words also captured all that I felt about Nobuta wo Produce and had hoped to articulate in my own inadequate way. And the stars did seem to align for myself and this drama: a few minutes into the first episode I knew that something extraordinary was unfolding on my TV screen. There was no way this would turn out to be just another teen drama. Nor did it feel like an “idol drama” in spite of its cast; I saw no idols playacting for the paycheck, but three regular high school kids in a coming-of-age story that was all at once funny, heartfelt and bittersweet. NwP isn’t an outstanding high school drama, but an outstanding drama, period.
Based on the novel by Shiraiwa Gen, the screenplay by Kizara Izumi serves as the backbone of the whole drama… and oh my goodness, how can I NOT gush about THE WRITING — it both warms and pierces the heart. And it’s so… HIGH SCHOOL, y’know? It gets it, as in it really gets what high school is all about, that different planet we’ve ALL been to, where the drama and the heightened emotions and the clique wars and the desire for validation and the puppy love and the tortured ruminations matter more than they ever will by the time we’re these Big Old Boring Grownups. Nobuta wo Produce is about Becoming and Belonging, and about finding fast and true friends who will help you along the way.
Everyone loves Shuji – from his teachers right down to his peers, from his coterie of “bye-byecycle” homeboys to their simpering, magazine-flipping counterparts, from the resident toughies to the nerds and outcasts. And he lives for their acceptance, he craves their admiration, he likes to be liked by everyone… Well, maybe not everyone, because if there is one person he simply cannot stand, the bane of his high school existence, it’s this boy, the Weirdest Human Being Shuji has ever met. There simply is nobody else on earth quite like… Kusano Akira (Yamashita Tomohisa).
If Pinocchio were a special child and had magic mushrooms for breakfast every bleeping day of his life… then add a few more embellishments like the bleached hair and rolled-up shirtsleeves, the baggy pants and wallet chain, the spacey giggling and face-pulling, the repertoire of funny voices and horribly infectious expressions — bakayaro! kon-kon! Shu-uuuji-kun! sukebe! – and a partiality to quoting Nietzsche while incongruously flailing his arms like a gooney bird… voila! Kusano Akira, Resident Freak of 2-B. And the worst thing about this little creep? Is that he seems to harbor an unhealthy liking for… Shuji. (Oh NOES!!!) (Ohhhh YESSS!!!! Hehehe)
So what on earth makes this unlikely twosome team up for a common cause? Shortly after the new girl’s arrival, Shuji and Akira chance upon a particularly nasty case of girl-on-girl bullying coming from inside the ladies’ room. The victim turns out to be that odd little transferee Kotani Nobuko (Horikita Maki). Reluctant to get involved, Shuji stays outside the washroom while Akira goes inside to try and reason with the bullies. With no image to protect, Akira has nothing to lose by sticking up for someone like Nobuta — even if it means getting hosed down himself. For all his flakiness and irrational fears, Akira is no coward.
I like how the writing gives the viewer a comprehensive crash course in product development, brand marketing and image management. I have no background in this field, but still found this stuff incredibly fascinating. And there’s a certain *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* aspect to this drama, given that Shuji and Akira’s marketing strategy parallels how the entertainment industry manufactures, packages and sells celebrities, be they TV/film stars or recording artists or — yes, teen idols. (I really do wonder if Messrs. Kamenashi and Yamashita ever realized how meta the whole “Producing Nobuta” story line was. Did they ever look up from the script during one of the read-throughs and go, “Huh? But this is US!” Heh heh.)
A crucial point for Shuji comes in the Valentine’s Day episode, where he must choose between showering Nobuta with flower petals, or dousing her with cold water. The first option will spell kryptonite for his Cool Guy status, while the second will undoubtedly break Nobuta’s heart. What to do, what to do? As much as I wanted to wring Shuji’s neck for vacillating through most of the episode, you understand how much it means to him to put his popularity on the line.
This episode builds with delicious suspense — will he, or won’t he? — and concludes with a most unexpected twist. Damn, but when Bando (as a last-minute substitution, as per Nobuta’s request) pulls the cord and those petals come raining down on Nobuta, I frickin’ cried my eyes out. What’s more touching is when Nobuta realizes that Shuji, after an agonizing night of soul-searching, had in fact played, and played, and played a random eeny-meeny-miney-mo game until he finally arrived at “flower” instead of “water.” (Awwww, Shu-uuuji-kun!)
97% of the drama’s humor emanates from this singular bundle of goofy laughs. And Akira’s screwiness is surpassed only by how bloody endearing he is. You come to not only tolerate his foibles, but embrace them — because as a viewer you can look past appearances to see his good, stout and true heart. He may be off the wall (actually WAAAY off the wall, lol), but Akira is the Real Deal. He is also the perfect voice for an entire generation of aimless, unmotivated youngsters trying to make sense of, well, everything. “I dunno what youth is all about,” he bleats to Shuji on the rooftop in Episode 1. “I don’t have anything I want to do, and I don’t want to do anything.” (To which Shuji replies: “Isn’t everyone like that?” Hmm, good point, Shuji.)
If Shuji and Nobuta’s personal bugbears are dishonesty and low self-esteem, respectively, for Akira it is growing up. In Episode 6 he promptly leaves home to escape his dad’s mounting insistence that he take over the family-run company someday; and for the boy this is a most horrifying prospect, a life that will not only saddle him with a staggering load of adult responsibilities, but also take him far, far away from what he most holds dear. He tells Shuji before drifting off to sleep (having crashed the Kiritani home after a violent disagreement with his dad) “I don’t wanna go back home. I like that tofu guy and I can drink ‘mame chichi’ and be with Shuji and Nobuta everyday…” (Oh, Akira.)
Akira has the best lines when he’s at his tortured, lovesick worst. When Shuji the Cynic asks him what his immediate plans are — “What are you going to do? Confess to her, and then go to the zoo on a date, or something?” — Akira mulls it over a second, then answers: “What I want to do the most is… MARRY HER!!!….. How embarrassing!” (Then Shuji dryly comments via voice-over, “His reality goes way beyond my imagination.” LMAO!!!! Man I love those boys. *tear*) So, you don’t wish to deny him his petty fits of jealousy, like attempting to throw away Shuji’s short film – with insanely funny repercussions: “Akira DOWN!!!” (Lol!!!) Then, “My heart hurts…” (Awwww…) But he can’t keep his wrongdoing a secret from Shu-uuji-kun, so he confesses right there on the video room floor: “I’m the worst guy. The WORST.” To which Shuji quietly replies, “I’m the worst, too.” (Man I really, really love those boys. *tear*)
Salinger’s angstily f*cked-up hero Holden Caulfield fears becoming one of those adult “phonies” whom he detests so much, and instead envisions himself a catcher standing on the edge of a cliff, intercepting little kids as they come through a field of rye. In Nobuta wo Produce, Shuji, Nobuta and (most of all) Akira grapple with similar feelings as they face the terrifying inevitability of growing up. In this sense, both “Catcher” and NwP run counter to conventional Bildungsroman lines because the characters try to resist this process of maturity. It is only later that they learn to accept, and embrace it as part of life.
NwP is chock-full of these soul-stirring vignettes, and I’d like to include a few here. One unforgettable moment is a shot of Shuji and Akira on their bikes, pausing in the middle of a tree-lined road and turning to watch the adult pedestrians, these working stiffs in suits, hurry past in the other direction. Shuji: “I thought about how we’re gonna become like those boring-looking people someday.”
And this obviously pushes That Button inside Akira, sending him into Spaz Mode: “I don’t wanna be like that! Don’t wanna, don’t wanna, don’t wanna be like that!” (LOL oh Akiraaa)
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theironweasel · 7 years
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and why Avatar hasn’t completely spoiled me.
Spoilers for both franchises!
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is what I was looking for from the Original Series. While still not quite at Avatar Level for a number of reasons It’s just a step below and I believe I will consider it one of my favorites and I definitely want to rewatch it someday! I will do some comparisons between both the Original Series and Avatar as my gold standard for storytelling.
The Music. This is something I will give the Original series, there were a number of really memorable tracks, such as Dante’s Theme that really helped give some atmosphere. Brotherhood on the other hand while having a serviceable soundtrack, doesn’t have anything very memorable or any tracks that really elevate a scene beyond its other qualities. Avatar is, of course, renowned for its music, Legend of Korra, in particular, had top-notch music that elevated many scenes emotionally into truly epic, sad and many other emotions.
The Humor. The humor is about on the same level as the original series, though even more exaggerated at many points. Though there are a number of more natural humor moments, like a guard snapping to attention with “I’m awake!” Other than a few moments like that the humor doesn’t work that well and it’s pretty much abandoned in the last third of the series, which makes sense given how serious things get but even Avatar managed to get good jokes in near the end. Hell one of the best jokes in ATLA is the war balloon “birthday party” in the penultimate episode. I think this may also be a dub issue, unless an anime is focused on comedy it can be very difficult for a dub to pick up on the comedic timing necessary to make the jokes work.
The Pacing. Although better than the original series, a lot of the plot of the last half of the series feels kind of like padding and could have been condensed into 2/3rds or even half the number of episodes and the series would have felt a lot tighter. The Final Arc especially drags on for way too long though it does pay off for the most part.
The Plot. This felt like a significant improvement over the original series. First, the scale felt a lot bigger and more epic and where the original could come off as convoluted, Brotherhood feels more like it’s complex. While there are plenty of twists and turns I never really had difficulty keeping everything straight up until towards the end and it wasn’t that bad and all the stuff going on helped give things an epic feel. However, like I said earlier it does feel like the plot is stretched out more than it needs to be, I wish it had been trimmed a bit to keep things going at a better pace.
The Characters. Again, a significant improvement over the original series as the side characters get a lot more development and more tend to have full arcs such as Scar and Greed. However, this is where I feel the show could have lived up to Avatar but didn’t quite make it. I think the key to being on that level, for me at least, is with the characters. As I said in my FMA review, ATLA and LOK were great in creating minor characters that had interesting personalities and designs such as Huu, Ryu, and the Nomads. But they don’t overstay their welcome, only appearing in an episode or two and often with a lot of space between appearances. Even the less interesting of these tend to have arcs that lend to character development for the main characters such as Haru to Katara, Teo to Aang and Tahno to Korra. Brotherhood while focusing more on character development than the original series it does tend to have too many side characters to get on the same level as Avatar’s characters. While LOK isn’t quite as strong in this regard it knows when to put certain characters in more minor roles when they aren’t relevant to the story or their arcs have finished. I think the definitive difference comes in several points. First, while I wouldn't call the characters in Brotherhood one note, as many have two or three levels to them, however what Avatar, particularly ATLA, did was make characters with many layers such as Zuko and Lin Beifong or even characters who were almost two people in one such as Katara where this fact isn’t even fully looked into until the last regular episode before the finale but is also a fact that can be seen from the very first episode. The other aspect I think that Avatar has is it’s cast and voice director that manages to give some of the best performances I’ve ever seen from comedy to drama, from John Michael Higgins legendary Varrick that manages to be both hilarious and occasionally intimidating and believable as both a Villain and Hero, to Mae Whitman as Katara who manages to have some of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the show almost purely through her performance from breaking down in tears over how hurt she feels because of her absent father to making the word “Me” one of the most powerful and emotional moments of the series. I will give Brotherhood this, while I wasn’t super invested in most of the characters, I did appreciate how in the end they managed to use some of the characters very well. In particular Greed’s sacrifice and Hohenheim's arc with his family, both of which were played well enough to get me teary eyed, even if I didn’t really care much about the characters themselves.
The Fights. While being better than the original series fight scenes, having a bit more creativity and energy, I do think Avatar has spoiled me forever so that only purely fight focused animes can live up to the level of Avatar as they are extremely well thought out with real martial arts and elemental abilities that make the fight scenes feel so intense. Additionally, I feel Avatar has a wonderful ability to incorporate emotion very well into the fights both in the lead-up and how the fights play out. From the beautiful and almost artistic fiery destruction that was the Last Agni Kai to what may be one of the best fight scenes of all time in the final battle between Korra and Kuvira that has such strong intensity and speed with constantly shifting tactics and moves. Additionally, the fight cinematography is fantastic, always showing us the battlefield and movements of the characters, rarely resorting to speed lines or distortion to make the action look faster and more intense, something Brotherhood was guilty of even in it’s most epic and near end fight scenes such as Scar vs. Wrath.
The Villains. This was one of the biggest improvements from the original series in my opinion. While most of the villains are still pretty one note, they are handled much better. First, they don’t have the bizarre desire to become human despite how the reasons were only explained, poorly, in a single line. Two, contrary to the original series, the villains loathe human beings and revel in their own inhumanity, but for some at least it is a cover for their envy of humanity and while it’s the same idea as the original series it is done in a much more compelling way. In particular what they do with Greed is fascinating, showing how Greed as a concept is really just seeking empty things that a person believes will make them feel whole but that ultimately what they are “greedy” for is the love of other people, showing how it isn’t just an evil. This was hinted at in the original series, but Brotherhood makes it a complete Arc. And while I found Homunculus himself to be boring most of the time, I did really like his final moments which made me wish we had seen a deeper exploration of this aspect of his character.
Winry. She is done a lot better in Brotherhood, making her more 3 dimensional. When she makes a mistake she feels guilt and will actually apologize and try to change, and her issues with her parents’ death are fully explored and resolved. Finally, while her relationship with Ed doesn’t get an Avatar super romantic ending, it does feel way more resolved than in the Original series as in this they at least admit their feelings.
Izumi. This is probably the best improvement from the original series. While she isn’t an amazing character in Brotherhood, she was so insufferable in the original and was around far too long. While she is still a bit of a wacko, the hateful aspects of her character are toned down to almost zero. While she still has the brothers live on an island for a month, she doesn’t have some dude beat the crap out of them and the show does actually question if this is the right thing to do and implies that Izumi may have a skewed perspective. And she is able to have a legitimate emotional moment with the brothers without resorting to violence and recognizes her mistake in not telling them about messing up herself. Again while she is not an amazing character in Brotherhood, she was so bad in the original that it almost ruined the show for me.
The Ending. Again, while I feel the final arc lasted way too long the payoff was mostly worth it. While there were some plot details that were a bit confusing and some metaphysical stuff that made me raise an eyebrow (Avatar was great in establishing its metaphysical aspects in preparation for the finales). However I feel that most of if not all the important characters have satisfying resolutions to their stories, with Hohenheim finally wanting to live in his dying moments, Roy realizing he has to ascend to power while doing good instead of waiting until he’s there, Scar learning to look beyond his hate to do what’s best for his people, and probably the best with Ed. While Ed was a good character, I never really loved him, but I will give him credit for having one of the best resolutions to an arc I’ve seen, deciding to give up his power in order to save his brother. And I love how the seemingly indifferent/malevolent Truth was actually pleased in the end to see Ed make the right decision, that despite his harshness and some mean-spiritedness, Truth ultimately wants Humanity to learn and change for the better and will punish anyone both well and ill-intentioned who has the hubris to play god.
Ultimately, while I can’t put Brotherhood in the same ranks as Avatar, I do place it as one of my favorite shows I’ve watched and look forward to rewatching it someday and would like to share it with a friend who may enjoy it. But here is where I can define a tangible difference, I can show Avatar to anyone, I watched it with my rather intellectual father and he loved both series and even liked some of the humor quite well. I don’t feel him or certain other people would appreciate Brotherhood on that same level even though I am pretty close myself.
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enstaries · 7 years
Can I ask for a story where Knights are super protective over Leo? Like when guys/girls try to flirt with Leo and then Knights appear from nowhere with swords XDDD
HAHA swords tho,,, i tried rip
 Like it or not, it has become Leo's habit to leave the backstage nicely set up for knights to rest after their live. He'll sneak out for a breath of fresh air, sitting by the steps as he stares up at the vast, vast sky.
 ��Today, however, he's not alone.
  "Eh? Who are you?"
  The door clicks shut after him, and to a certain extent, he's trapped with these horde of teenagers in the back alley. One of the more prominent girls steps out, teeth white in her smile. "You're Leo-sama, aren't you?" she asks, and her team buzzes as he affirms with a confused nod. "I knew it! I knew you'd be here!"
  "What do you mean you know I'd be here?" Leo demands. "Who are you, anyway?"
  Another girl makes her way out of the crowd, hugging a signboard to her chest. "L-L-Leo-sama! Please, may I have your signature?"
  "Me too!"
  "Oh yeah, I want Leo's signature!"
  "Please, Leo-sama!"
  "Sure, sure," Leo says, picking up the marker until Izumi's prior warning resurfaces from the depths of his mind. "I mean, no, no! You have to get VIP meet-and-greet passes! You all shouldn't be here anyway!"
  "Aww..." They pout, clearly unhappy about Leo's rejection. Instead of leaving, they remain huddled before Leo, blinking at him with wide, fascinated eyes.
  "Leo-san!" someone pipes up - this time, it's a young boy, somewhere between middle school and high school. He peers up at Leo with shiny eyes. "I'm so lucky to be able to meet you, Leo-san! I'm your biggest fan, and I love all your compositions from the bottom of my heart!"
  Such sincerity begins to spin a trap around Leo. He gasps. "Really?"
  "Really! Not only does Leo-san have such overflowing talent to come up with poignant music, he's absolutely stunning in person."
  "Ah, I wouldn't say so..." Leo's face is warm with the praise heaped on him.
  More people begin to chime in their opinions.
  "Leo-san is so handsome and talented, it's unfair!"
  "And Leo-sama is always so, so busy being the leader of knights. Thank you for all your hard work!"
  "Yeah, why doesn't Leo-san come with us to take a break?"
  Leo cocks his head. "Where will you bring me to take a break?"
  There's a pause, before someone brings up, very enthusiastically, "An ice cream palour! They serve super sweet strawberry sundaes that will definitely rejuvenate Leo-san's soul!"
  Roping Leo in is easier than stealing candy from a baby. He lights up like a Christmas, grabbing the hands of a blushing fan. "Strawberry sundae! I'm going, I'm going!"
  Achieving their collective purpose, the girl from before wraps an arm around Leo's shoulders. "Come, Leo-sama! Let's go!"
  "Let's go, let's go! Whoo!"
  "Just wait a minute."
  That voice is familiar; Leo stop in his tracks, turning just in time to see-
  The door is kicked open, and the members of knights pour out. Izumi is first, flinging the girl's arm away from Leo and shoving Leo back into the room.
  "Yo, what do you think you're doing Sena?"
  "Oh, be quiet," Izumi snaps back. "You've gotten yourself into enough trouble already. Kuma-kun, hold onto him."
  Ritsu, arms locked around his leader, nods.
  Izumi turns back to face the fans, beside themselves with excitement that all the knights members have gathered before them.
  "I-Izumi-sama, may I have your sig-"
  "Screw off!"
  "Oh no, no," warns Arashi, stepping before Izumi. He flashes his sword, and the swarm of fans die down. "That's not the way to treat our lovely ladies and gentlemen. Izumi-chan, just watch me: thank you for all your attention, but I'm afraid our Ou-sama is unable to make it for your date!"
  This is not well received. "Eh, but Leo-sama already promised us..."
 Tsukasa walks over next to Arashi, beaming with a smile that melts away all protests. "Now, now," he says, "we appreciate your support for our Leader, but please understand that we cannot have further interactions with our fans without security."
  "Got it?" Izumi thrusts his sword forward, smug from his easy method of intimidation. "So scram before we call security, alright?"
  And they do; once they've all left, Ritsu finally releases Leo. "Aw man, Ou-sama," he grumbles, "do you always have to make a fuss? You disrupted my sleep for this."
  "It's dangerous to get involved with so many fans, Leader," Tsukasa warns. "What if they attempted to kidnap you?"
  Leo scrunches up his nose. "Kidnap me? Oh, like abduct me? Why would they, they wanted to bring me out for ice cream!"
  "Ou-sama, you're too innocent."
  "I don't like you saying that about me, Naru. You see, now I can't try that strawberry sundae!"
  Tsukasa sheathes his sword. "Well, I don't mind going out for an ice cream with all of my seniors now. What do you say?"
  "I'll go! Wah, Newbie is the best!"
  "I'd love to go too!"
  "Eh, it'll be a pain but at least I get to sleep in air-con."
  "What about you, Sena?" Leo scampers up to Izumi, grinning. "Do you want to share a strawberry sundae with me?"
  The look on Leo's face could convince even the coldest of men. Izumi sighs and puts away his sword. "Anything for you, Ou-sama."
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elliotthezubat · 5 years
 Duncan: *approaches the library desk* "..." *rings the bell--*
Poe: "EEEEEK!" *falls back*
Duncan: "..." *drops a pile of books* "Isn't there usually another librarian here?"
rowena: she's currently out on a mission.
Poe: "S-She's on a mission?" *picks himself up*
Duncan: "..."
*the books seem to be about weapon abilities...*
Poe: *flipping through the books, and as he scans one--*
Duncan: *spots an image of something called the Holy Sword* "What is--"
rowena: isnt that-
Duncan: "?!! I was reading that--"
rowena: 0____0
hiro: trust me, the less known about that-...that THING...the better!
Duncan: "..." *wipes his eyes*
EF: *enters, panting* h-hiro..h-how do you even run that fast?
hiro: sixth sense.
Poe: "Oh, that's fascinating! Look, Rowena--psychic abilities..."
Duncan: *grabs the books, hugging them close as he walks away*
EF: *notices him* ??
rowena: is that true?!
hiro: only in regards to this subject.
rowena: is that so? could it be....you're a descendant of king arthur pendragon himself?!
*loud steps are heard running into the library*
rowena: hmm?
*the doors kick open--as Arthur slams his foot into Hiro's head*
EF: D8
Poe: >3< "Shhh!"
EF:.....perhaps it's best not to question it anymore. *sweatdrop*
present mic: you guys ever think about having kids?
midnight: *SPITTAKE*
blood king: what brought this up?!
present mic: *shrug*
Aizawa: "...I already have cats and 2 morons."
midnight: oh, i could never have kids. i mean, i could, but i dont think i'd be able to look after small children. they may be cute, but they're crafty little buggers.
present mic: is it cuz your paranoid they'll get into your stash of stuff?
Aizawa: -_______-
*knock on the door*
blood king: ??
Shinso: *slides the door open...he's with Yuuji*
Aizawa: "Oh, there you are. Finish cleaning up?"
yuuji: yeah.
Shinso: *writes on whiteboard* <I can keep them quiet.>
yuuji: well, i've had several younger siblings during my times in foster care, so i think i can handle them well enough.
blood king: *ahem* as i myself was about to say, my sister sometimes asks me to look after her little ones. *shows a picture on his phone of two young boys and a young girl, all with the same hair color and fangs as him*
Aizawa: "..."
Shinso: <Strong family resemblance.>
blood king: they certainly are popular among my students.
{pony: SO CUUUTE!!}
{itsuka: they look just like you!}
{shouda: i wonder if their quirks will be the same as his.}
{kinoko: dude, that's rad}
yuuji: i see.
Aizawa: "You stop class to show baby photos?"
blood king: -_-; this was during homeroom.
Aizawa: "Still class."
blood king: >n<
midnight: boys, just because we're talking about children doesnt mean you should be acting like children.
Shinso: <Ha.>
Chuuya: *lying back in a beach chair* =u=
miyuri: *pokes a hole in the sand with her shovel until a crab comes out* oh!
Crab: "..." *steps to the side*
miyuri: *staring intently, with shiny eyes*
Crab: "..." *steps again to the side, picking at the sand*
sonia: *collecting rocks and shells*
*there's a shiny rock by the tide*
sonia: *picks it up*
*it sparkles like diamond under the sunlight*
sonia: *puts it into her bucket and walks over to chuuya*
Chuuya: *stretches* *looks* "Hey! How you enjoying the beach?"
sonia: pretty good. i found this.
Chuuya: "Wow, that's shiny!"
-near the rocks, the sound of a little girl crying can be heard-
miyuri: ??
sonia: do you hear that?
???: *sniffle* waaaah! mamai! w-whe-where are you? *crying*
miyuri: *goes over*
sonia: miyuri!
miyuri: *peeeeeeks*
-there's a young girl sitting on one of the rocks, her lower half not visible from where miyuri is standing-
miyuri: HI FRIEND!
girl: ?!?!?!? *turns to look*
Chuuya: "..."
sonia: are you alright? we wont hurt you, promise.
girl: um..i-i...i got lost a-and i-i cant f-find my mu-mama. *hic*
Chuuya: "Where did you last see her?"
girl: w-we were going t-to the docks b-bu-but then i got s-swept up in the current.
sonia: ?? !!! papa....her lower half....
-the girl has no legs.....but a tail?-
Chuuya: "...Forgive me being obtuse, but are you a mermaid?"
girl: *nods* i-i came with mamai for her job. sh-she trades pearls with the land people. b-but i-i dont know where she iiiis! *crying*
miyuri:...it's ok! we'll help you find your mommy!
girl: y-you will?
Chuuya: *looking around* "Maybe the docks, but that's some distance."
miyuri: miyuyu....ah! miyuri has an idea! *drawing something in the sand*
sonia: ??
-miyuri has drawn a walking bathtub full of ocean water-
miyuri: TADA!
girl: oh!!
Chuuya: ._.; "That's something alright. Let's help you in, um...What's your name?"
girl: my name's Elodie.
Chuuya: "Okay, let's help you in, Elodie."
Crona: *lying down* "..."
mami: *sitting next to them* how are you feeling?
Crona: "I feel wiped out--like every bit of energy pulled out of me."
mami: i could imagine.....im just....so glad you're alright....
Crona: *weak smile, sniffles* "I-I'm not sure what to feel."
mami: well. im hoping for the best...*pats their hand*
Crona: "Hee..."
mami:...*gently kisses their knuckles*
Crona: =\\\\= "Mami..."
mami: ^////^ your blushing is different now.
Crona: "Wh-What?!" O\\\\o
mami: *hands them a pocket mirror* the color's different now, see? it's more of a pink color now.
Crona: "... ... ..." *crying*
mami: !!!!
Crona: T~T "I-I can't believe all of this..."
Crona: *hugging her* "I-I am happy but scared...Mami..."
mami:....it'll be ok....its going to be ok.....
Crona: *nod nod* "*hic*"
Asher: *sitting at a fast food restaurant with a box of chicken nuggets in front of them* "..." *has been dunking one in ketchup for a minute*
izumi: hey, you ok?
Asher: "Hmm? Yeah. Why?" *the entire nugget is just ketchup now*
izumi: your nugget....
Asher: "...I was wondering why my fingers felt gross." *wipes them on a napkin* "Distracted."
izumi:...wanna talk about it or...
Asher: "...Just the training camp..."
Asher: "...You could've gotten killed."
Asher: "...I wasn't of any help."
izumi: that's not true, you helped zeke.
Asher: "But not to you. I don't know what exactly a weapon is supposed to do when--whatever that thing was attacked..."
Asher: "I don't know that I could've done anything...You seemed to reach her well enough."
izumi:....i guess so.....i could have easily just left her behind, after everything she did......
Asher: "But that's not who you are."
izumi: if i did leave then, i wouldnt have been able to forgive myself...
Asher: *nods* "That makes sense...You're a good person."
izumi: so are you.
Asher: "...Thanks."
sonia: there's the docks.
Chuuya: *guiding the bathtub* *looks around*
-a woman in the water is talking to a man in a boat, she seems frantic-
elodie: !!!! mamai!!
Elodie's Mother: "?!!" *turns* "Elodie!" *swims towards them*
miyuri: *waves*
elodie: *jumps into the water and hugs* TT~TT
Elodie's Mother: *stroking her head* "My poor baby! I was scared to death!"
miyuri: miyuri, sonia, and papa found her by the rocks and helped her find you! ^^
Elodie's Mother: *shaking, looking at them* "Th-Thank you..."
miyuri: you're welcome. ^^
Chuuya: "Y-Yeah..." ("Didn't think I'd see a mermaid.")
Monica: -_-# "So, you going to rat me out to Mom and Dad?"
lorenzo: well, obviously they need to know what happened, right?
Monica: >_<# "You don't have to narc on me to them about a two-week suspension! Just make something up!"
lorenzo: hmmm. how about we break your leg?
Monica: "?!! YOU WOULDN'T! R-Right?"
lorenzo: <chill sis> im bluffing.
Monica: -~-; "Ha ha..." <Asshole.>
lorenzo: well, mom and papi are probably still at work, so you want something to eat in the meantime?
Monica: "Duh--I was stuck in the desert and then getting poked and prodded at school all day--I'm starving."
lorenzo: anything in mind? *putting on the apron*
Monica: "Whatever is fastest--even leftovers."
Saria: *texting* [i think i'm on house arrest for the next millennium. : p ]
hibiki: [ouch, that bad huh?]
Saria: [the dads were not pleased. but i think they'll calm down with time. how are u?]
hibiki: [death by lecture from the fam via phonecall #riparroni]
Saria: [oh no! i'm sorry. are u alright?]
hibiki: [it's cool. axel + zeke got a lot of shit from their mom, tho. other than that, all good]
-zeke joined the chat-
Saria: [speaking of which...]
zeke: [axel's writing his will as we speak. he wants the space jam theme played at his funeral]
hibiki: [is that meme still a thing? wtf?]
zeke: [memes R forever]
Axel: [it makes my heart soar. like that song]
hibiki: *she sends a pic of herself facepalming*
Saria: [ ^^; i see u 2 are in well enough spirits]
Axel: [i am happy not to be dead]
miura: sir? are you drunk? -_-;
Mori: *hic* "I'm so lonely!!!"
elise: sucks to be you.
Mori: TT~TT "So mean!"
miura: -_-; why not call up an escort?
Mori: *sniff* "My favorite blacklisted me."
elise: not surprised.
Mori: "I need to find an-an-another..."
miura: then why not try a dating site?
Mori: "R-Really?"
miura: it's worth a try, isnt it?
Mori: "...Elise, bring me my laptop."
higuchi: ...gin, did you feel that too?
Gin: "Oh, yeah."
higuchi: *urk*
Gin: -~- "I'll get the ginger ale."
Kid: "Stocking, come to bed--you can continue tomorrow."
stocking: just...a little....*yaaaaAAAAWWWwwn* more....
Kid: *holds her up* "It'll be here tomorrow. Let's get you some sleep."
stocking: =~=
Kid: ^^; *walks with her*
Kau'i: *crushes a soda can on his forehead* "That was insane! What the hell was that black stuff?!"
dagon: i'll start looking into it now, sir.
audrey: Q~Q i've never been so scared in my whole life!
Derek: "Quite scary indeed." *shivers* "I don't think that was what Mr. Barret was anticipating on this trip."
lumina: do you think it could have been related to the moon incident?
nisha: that's a possibility.
Kau'i: *suddenly has a giant muffin in his mouth* "Huh? What Moon thing?"
lumina: didnt you see the news? *pulls up an article*
Kau'i: *munch, chew, swallow* "I don't read the news. That's how you end up having to debate people who really think the Earth revolves around the Sun."
Derek: "..." *opens his mouth...then just shuts up*
Ragnarok: *gobbling Jell-O* "OH MY DEATH, MY TASTE BUDS ARE INCREDIBLE!!!" *shakes an empty glass* "MORE MILK!"
nurse: how much is he going to eat? .____.;;;
Blair: *hiding behind the nurse* "I don't know--and I'm really scared!" >~<
Crona: .______________.
mami: oh dear.....
Ragnarok: *staring at Crona and Mami* "...Dang, Crona, you look scrawnier from this angle!"
Crona: >_<; "It's not my fault that I had to eat for both of us all this time!"
mami: hmm. that just leaves the rooming situation...
Ragnarok: "... ... ...I don't think the bed is big enough."
mami: you're on the couch.
Ragnarok: "WHAT?! We're not even going to flip Crona for it?!"
Crona: "Flip a coin!"
Ragnarok: "You heard what I said!"
mami: *protective hug for chrona as she GLARES at ragnarok*
Ragnarok: *frowns...then opens his mouth, a giant slithering pink tongue blowing a raspberry and revealing rows of teeth*
mami: ._.;
Crona: O_O; "What the heck kind of body did they give you?!"
Ragnarok: "...The kind that lets me lick the peanut butter out of the bottom of the jar now--WOOT!"
Black Star: *holding the broken sink...as the pipe that once connected it is leaking water* O_O;
himawari: D8
tsubaki: what on earth??
Black Star: "I DON'T KNOW MY OWN STRENGTH RIGHT NOW, AND IT'S FREAKING ME OUT!" *steps forward--and his foot falls through the bathroom tile* "SHIT!"
tsubaki:....im calling stein.
Black Star: "This can't get any worse--"
*Black Star crashes through the floor*
Black Star: "AAAAAAAH--"
Chuuya: *studying a string of pearls*
miyuri: *asleep*
Chuuya: *sets them down* "Did you have fun, Sonia?"
Chuuya: "Same. We'll have more tomorrow."
sonia:....im glad....we helped elodie find her mama......
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
sonia:.....it must be nice. being hugged by a mama....
Chuuya: "Sonia..."
sonia:....am i a bad person? for being jealous of her?
Chuuya: "No--feeling that way is completely normal. What we do with those feelings is what matters."
sonia:.....may i have a hug?
Chuuya: "Always..." *hug*
sonia: thanks papa.....
Chuuya: "You're welcome. I love you."
Harvar: "Ugh, no one here sees anything..."
kim: they seem a bit hesitant....
Jacqueline: "Give them time to get used to us..."
kim: what are we even supposed to be doing on this mission again anyway?
Harvar: "Locals and their livestock and crops have gone missing."
kim: ah.
Jacqueline: "Disappearances tend to happen overnight, so we'll need shifts to be nightguards."
ox: right.
Thunder: *yawns* =A=
-the next day-
suzune: *yaaaawn*
arisa: wakey wakey! we have a busy day today!
Chisato: *making breakfast*
suzune:.....how long have we been in kamihama now? -_-;;
Matsuri: "Quite a while, actually." *sets out a cereal bowl*
Kid: *yawns...reaches across the bed--and finds it empty* "???" *sniffs*
stocking: *looking exhausted* good morning darling. =u=
Kid: "??? Hey. Were you working again?"
stocking: yes.
Kid: ^^ *leads her to bed* "Now, lie down, and think of pleasant, happy dreams."
gin: ryuu, its time for breakfast!
Akutagawa: *grumbles*
gin: we're making omurice!
Akutagawa: "..." *walks out* "Coming."
higuchi: looks like theres going to be a night market at the park tonight.
Akutagawa: "Hmm." *nom* "You going?"
higuchi: yeah, might find some nice deals. ^^
Gin: "We could use something to make the living room look a bit more complete. Maybe a sculpture."
Black Star: *sticks out his tongue*
Stein: *looking in his mouth* "Well, it's not fuzzy..."
nurse valentine: *taking notes*
Stein: "Well, it's obviously a soul strengthening that is channeling your latent and trained muscular power to exert greater force."
Black Star: "... ...Obviously. Now put it in a way I can understand."
Stein: "Whatever has altered in the atmosphere is giving your soul more power, which is strengthening your body."
Black Star: "..." *rubs his eyes, then looks at Valentine--* "?!!!!"
nurse valentine: what he said.
Black Star: "Nah, nurse--what the hell is that stuff on you?!"
Stein: "..." *looks* "There's nothing on her."
*Black Star is seeing...something glowing around her and Stein...*
nurse valentine: what exactly do you see?
Black Star: "It's all glowy and wavy!"
nurse valentine: *glances at stein*
Stein: "I see...Your soul perception up to now has been pathetic. Now this power boost is letting you see them--"
Stein: *dripping wet* "..."
Black Star: *holding an empty glass* "...IT'S STILL THERE!"
nurse valentine: -____-;; i see his mental perception still leaves much to be desired...
Stein: "Small miracles..." *takes a surgical cloth to wipe his glasses, while looking at Black Star...he sees his soul* "But it is as I said: his power is increasing. And given what happened to Crona, I would not ignore the common cause."
nurse valentine: meaning this is related to what happened with the moon....
Stein: "A power...out of madness."
atsushi: *yaaaaaawn* -~-;;
Kyoka: "Good morning."
atsushi: i see you're already awake.
sylvia: *resting on the couch*
Kyoka: *sets out rice* "Yes. What would you like to drink?"
atsushi: some milk would be fine.
Kyoka: *nods* *walks to the fridge, looking out the window* "...Oh."
atsushi: *goes over to look*
*Dazai is setting up bricks in the yard*
atsushi: *sigh* i'll go check it out. i'll get the mail too while im down there. *exits and heads over to where dazai is* do i even want to know?
Dazai: *sets a board over the bricks* "Good morning, Atsushi! I'm making a see-saw!"
atsushi: for...?
Dazai: "The baby, of course!" *stands on one side of the board* "See? Then I add the hinge to let it swing up and down."
atsushi: i see. *examining the see-saw* points for innovation, but im not sure it's exactly....child safe. *sweatdrop*
Dazai: "Fortunately, I have determined a good way to test this." *looks up to the tree* "Okay, Kenji--let 'er rip!"
kenji: *waves*
atsushi: O____O;;;
Dazai: *readies himself*
kenji: *drops an old car onto the board*
*Dazai goes flying up--and crashes into barrels behind him*
atsushi: *wince*
Dazai: "I'm okay! ...Oh, I found a mouse--AH, GOD, MY FACE!"
chie: *filling up a kiddy pool*
Yohei: "Looking forward to this, kiddos?"
io: yappi!
toru: ah!
Tool: "Careful with that--maybe a floatie is needed..." *holds up a rubber ducky to Io*
io: *squeaks it* *laughs*
Yohei: "Cute." *picks up Toru, carefully putting him into the pool*
toru: *splashes his hands on the water*
Yohei: *rubs his own arm* "You seem pleased."
Tool: "Up you go..." *lifts Io and puts them into the pool*
Chuuya: *looking under the bed* "??? Um, Mito? Mito? Where are you..."
mito: *mrrp* *sitting on the couch*
Chuuya: *stands up--and hits his head under the bed* "OW!" *looks at the couch* "Ugh...There you are."
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: *strokes her back* "Where did you run off to?"
Crona: *looking out the window*
lord death: good morning.
Crona: "Oh...Hello, sir."
lord death: how are you feeling?
Crona: "Okay...A little different."
lord death: *nods* i see.
Crona: "...Thank you for this. I never felt I deserve this..."
lord death: it's not about 'deserving' or not.
Crona: "I-I'm sorry--I'm not used to thinking that way."
lord death: it's quite alright. have you had breakfast yet today?
Crona: *shakes their head* "Still getting used to adjusted hunger--as I'm not two people now."
lord death: ah... well, im going to be doing a soul scan for you now, to see how the proporties of your soul have changed.
Crona: *gulps* "I-I see...Or don't. Should I be worried?"
lord death: not to worry, this will only take a moment, and it's painless.
Crona: "..." *nods* *sits still*
lord death: hmm, interesting.
Crona: .~.;
lord death: seems you have magic potential within you. although given your parentage, i suppose this is unsurprising.
Crona: "...It's a little surprising!" *looks at their hands* "I never tried..."
lord death: never to late to learn, i suppose.
Crona: "Who would even teach me?"
lord death: i can think of a few people...
Kimizuki: *staring at his phone*
hyakuya: *taps her foot as she stares out the window* boooriiiiing.....
Kimizuki: "It's called off-time. Enjoy it."
Yoichi: *reading a newspaper*
mitsuba:.....how about we go over to the batting cages?
Yoichi: "Oh, fun!"
Kimizuki: "Hmm...Could be good for aim."
hyakuya: sounds great!
-and so-
Yoichi: *puts on the helmet--and it's too big* ._.;
mitsuba: ^w^ not to brag, but i _was_ on my elementary school's baseball team as a kid.
shinoa: i think i remember that. you were known as the blonde ogress who made 5 boys cry.
mitsuba: >n<#
Yoichi: ^^; *backs away*
Kimizuki: "Checks out."
mitsuba: HEY! D8<
hyakuya: loser buys lunch! *takes her stance*
Yoichi: "Good luck!"
-the ball is thrown-
hyakuya: *swings....letting go of the bat and getting hit in the face* GRF-
Kimizuki: "..." *facepalm*
Yoichi: D8 "Oh no!"
hyakuya: *nose bleeding* IM OUT OF PRACTICE! CUT ME SOME SLACK! >n<
mitsuba: that.....that was the worst baseball fail ever......in the history of literally everything.
Yoichi: *offers tissues*
-shinoa's phone dials-
shinoa: ?? *answers* hello~? ^^
Guren: "Mission briefing in 10 minutes."
shinoa: ok. we got a mission
Kimizuki: "Oh, joy. So much for rest."
mitsuba: *pouts*
chess: hmm.... im soo booooored!
crowley: *checking his phone* ooh! text from ferid!
chess: oooh! what'd he say!
crowley: you know that guy shahal?
chess: he's in charge of keeping livestock, right?
crowley: well, apparently he's been neglecting his duties as of late, and several humans have escaped.
Horn: "Oh, that's no good. Is our priority to retrieve the humans, or punish Shahal?"
crowley: given how often humans make more humans, i say our main priority for now is shahal.
Horn: "...Flawless logic. Very well."
stocking: *checking recipes*
Rin: *tapping his fingers* "So what're you thinking?"
stocking: im thinking a brownie coffin filled with little candies for the desert.
Rin: "Oh, creative! Would definitely appeal to the Death Children..." *opens a book* "How many courses is this again?"
Giriko: "Then the entire blob thing went *BOOM* and took out Gruk, too."
arachne: hmmm....this is rather concerning...
Giriko: "What you think it was?"
arachne: *takes out her journal* since i've lost most of my old spellbooks, i've taken notes in here......just as i suspected. it's likely black blood.
Giriko: "Uuuuuum..."
arachne: what?
Giriko: "Isn't that what your dipshit sister worked on?"
arachne: *nods* according to lord death, she's still at large somewhere, supposedly....
Medusa: "... ... ..." *rubs her nose* *looks along the forest path*
-it's surprisingly dark and a bit foggy-
Medusa: *holds up a small orb...something shines inside, pointing to the left* "..." *turns left*
shinoa: *takes a seat*
-at the other end of the table, a woman seems to be distressed. -
Kimizuki: *holding a notepad* "We received initial details. Tell us about her."
woman: *sniffles* y-yes. about two weeks ago, my daughter, riko was abducted by a vampire.
shinoa: guren told us that one of your maids made a sketch of the vampire, correct?
Kimizuki: *looking*
riko's mother: of course. *hands them the sketch* i-i-im not sure how accurate it is, but-
Kimizuki: "No, this is useful."
hyakuya: hmm. how exactly are we going to find him?
Kimizuki: "Good old fashion sleuthing."
-in a room in an old cathedral, a young girl is looking out the window-
Shahal: "Back away from there."
girl: *looks over at him*
Shahal: "You don't want to fall down--it's not the best window." *holds up a plate* "Sugar cookie?"
girl:....um....*gingerly takes one*
Shahal: "I hope they're okay. You need milk, Lana?"
girl: t-they're alright....a-and i already told you, my name isnt lana, it's riko.
Shahal: "??? Since when? Is this some phase? Like when I insisted on wearing my shirt backwards--"
riko: erm.... ^^;
???: "Oh, wow--a pet?"
riko: ??
Shahal: "?!" *stands up sharply*
horn: so _this_ is why you've been abandoning your post, shahal?
chess: aww, she's so cute! *grabs her*
riko: *yells*
chess: she's so adorable, i could just EAT HER UP! *bears fangs with a feral fervor*
Shahal: *grabs Chess by the neck--and tosses her into the wall*
horn: !!!!
chess: OWIE! >n< ugh, so RUDE!
horn: such ungentlemanly conduct...
Shahal: "Back away from her. She is not a part of this."
horn: oh? it looks to me that she's the reason for our little visit.
riko: *trembling*
Shahal: "State your business and leave us be."
chess: jeez, if you're gonna be so hostile, maybe we _wont_ tell you that an extermination group is coming for you tonight~ whoopsie~ i let it slip~ *cute fist bonk on her head as she winks with her tongue out*
Shahal: "What?!" *looking out the window* "..." *studying different escape paths*
horn:.....unless you're going to return to your post and hand the girl over as livestock-
Shahal: "Lana stays here!"
horn:....very well, you've made your decision. but when death is at your doorstep and that girl is taken and drained of every last drop of blood in her, dont come crying to us. come chess, let's go.
chess: yes ma'am!
Shahal: "..."
riko: *still trembling*
Shahal: "Hey, it's going to be okay."
Crona: *buttoning up*
mami: *waiting outside the room*
Blair: *brings up the wheelchair* "Crona almost done?"
mami: i think so....
Crona: *buzzes the button* "I'm done"
mami: *opens the door*
Crona: *in jeans and a black t-shirt...smiles*
peg: we got this one too. *brings out ragnarok...strapped to a gurney a la hannibal lector*
Crona: *holds Mami close* "Don't look behind you." ^^;;;;;;
Blair: O_O;
Ragnarok: "Hello, nurse." *slithering tongue noises*
mami: ......
peg: mister dont _make_ me put the mask back on. -_-#
Ragnarok: "Look, I just got this body, and I got years of experiences to make up for it. I've already exhausted myself on 2 out of 7 deadly sins--want to go for 3 more?"
Ragnarok: "?!!!" *looks away* >_>;;;
Black Star: *meditating--under a giant waterfall*
child: mama, what's that guy doing?
Mother: "Oh, I think I saw this in a kung fu movie once! Warriors do that for training to improve their minds."
child: wow cool!
Mother: "I wonder whether it's working--"
Black Star: *collapses under the water*
Chuuya: "Careful not to tap on the glass." *looking at the fish tank*
miyuri: *face plastered against the glass* oooooh!
Fish: O_O *swims away afraid*
sonia: *looking*
*there's a hermit crab on the tank floor, changing into a new shell*
sonia: .....
Chuuya: "Really surprising creatures, aren't they?"
sonia: yeah....
Chuuya: "...I think they let you hold a sea urchin..."
sonia: ??
Chuuya: "Those little spiny sea creatures."
sonia: wont they hurt?
Chuuya: "The trainer shows you how to cup your hand so it won't."
sonia: ....
Chuuya: *looks*
-seems to be some kind of whale-
Chuuya: "?! Wow!"
Chuuya: "Y-Yes, indeed..."
Mori: *seated at the outdoor cafe table, sipping a coffee* "..." *looks around, then at his phone* *texts* [she's not here]
miura: [perhaps give it some more time?]
Mori: [it's already been 20 min]
Waiter: "Refill, sir?"
Mori: "...Check, please."
Kurogiri: "Okay, take a deep breath, and let's retrace your steps."
Dabi: *whistles* "Yo." *waves a hand...holding a hand*
tomura: *looks*
*two of the fingers are curled into a circle*
tomura: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-.....one day i will kill you in your sleep.
Dabi: "Sure." *tosses it*
spinner: bold move, my dude.
Kurogiri: "...I'm confused."
Dabi: "Please, I'm no hero. Literally."
banshee:.....we _are_ professional villains, arent we? -_-;
Kurogiri: "We try."
*knock on Kanin's apartment door*
amelia: *peeks out the peep hole*
*looks to be Genny, Duncan, and some others*
amelia: kanin, we have guests.
free: *wave* ^^
Kanin: *cooking* "??? Oh...Hello." *aspects of his werewolf appearance remain but have gradually reverted back to slightly more human*
lei-lei: how're you feeling? we brought some ingredients for a hotpot! ^^
Kanin: "...I'm fine." *takes the ingredients* "...Um...Amelia, can you see about more chairs?"
amelia: *nods*
Kanin: "...I-I'll be busy cooking. Help yourselves to..." *gestures to an old-fashion candy bowl full of what can be described as grandparents' candy choices, as he hurries away*
Duncan: *picks a piece of candy--that is stuck to the top of the pile of them* -_-; "Old fashioned... ...You know, maybe he needs help in the kitchen."
hyakuya: .......
Kimizuki: *looking through binoculars*
mitsuba: see anything?
Kimizuki: "The door looks like it was forced open."
mitsuba: should we go in?
Kimizuki: "I think when it gets darker."
{Mika: *sad smile*}
hyakuya: *bites her lip*
hyakuya: !!!...im fine. dont worry about it....
Yoichi: "..."
-that night-
Shahal: *standing guard*
riko: *asleep*
{???: big brother?}
{Shahal: *shivering* "Yes?"}
{girl: will we be able to eat soon?}
{Shahal: "Yes, soon...Just be patient. Please..."}
Shahal: "Not again...I'm protecting you this time."
shinoa: *looks inside* ok, this should be the back entrance...
Kimizuki: "How reliable was your intelligence?"
shinoa: i chatted up some urban explorers for advice. ^^
mitsuba: so far so good.....
Yoichi: *looking at the stairs...they look rotted*
hyakuya: this place sure has seen better days....
Kimizuki: "So keep an eye for debris used for this vamp to hide."
shinoa: and keep silent. our primary objective is to retrieve riko.
Yoichi: *nods*
hyakuya: ????
Kimizuki: "?!" *aims*
???: spread out, he should be here somewhere.
???: of course, lady enacotta.
rubile: *grins* (once i claim that traitor's head, i'll go up in the ranks for sure!)
mitsuba: *whisper* shit, vampires? here?
shinoa: this is bad. if they're here for shahal, then riko's at risk as well...
Kimizuki: "...Then we need to find her first. With the stairs broken, he's likely holding her upstairs to discourage people following up."
hyakuya: i'll look for a way up.
Kimizuki: "While we keep the vampires away..."
hyakuya: *nods and heads off*
Kimizuki: *following the vampires' path*
vampire: *looking around*
Kimizuki: *hides behind the vamp...readies his sword*
vampire: ?? *turns*
vampire: GRK-
Kimizuki: *stabs them through the chest*
vampire: *SCREAM*
Kimizuki: *beheads*
Shahal: "?!!!"
riko: hnn??
Shahal: "Shh."
riko: what's going on?
Shahal: *quietly* "Come on. Hide in here..." *leads her to a wardrobe in the attic* "Stay here."
rubile: *slashing with her sword*
mitsuba: *blocking with her axe*
Yoichi: *behind debris, aiming*
shinoa: take this! *SLASH*
vampire: GRAHH!
Yoichi: *fires off shots*
hyakuya: *looking around* (come on, there has to be something...)
*a brick in the side of the building falls, rolling down to her feet*
hyakuya: !! *looks up*
*a vampire can be seen scurrying down the hall--then blood splatters against the hallway wall*
hyakuya: .....*looking around for a way up*
*there are missing bricks in the wall--and a buttress above the window*
hyakuya:...that'll work. *spits on both her hands and rubs them together* here we go. *starts climbing*
*a window she passes breaks, as a vampire is tossed out of it*
hyakuya: OxO;;
*the noise seems to have stopped...*
hyakuya: *keeps climbing*
rubile: tch- damn...you humans dont know when to quit...*she's holding her arm, which has been cut along the bicep*
Kimizuki: "Call us stubborn." *aims*
rubile: *lunges at him*
vampire: lady enacotta! we need to retreat!
rubile: NO! we've come this far already, im not going to leave without our prize!
Kimizuki: *sweeps his leg at hers while he swings his blade at her neck*
rubile: !!! *dodge*
*there's a wardrobe*
hyakuya: *looks inside*
Riko: *curled up in the corner*
hyakuya: ...hey, it's ok.
Riko: "Wh-Who are you?"
hyakuya: you can call me akane. *small smile*
Riko: "...Are you a vampire?"
hyakuya:....no, im human, like you.
Riko: "...Like Shahal was."
hyakuya: shahal, that's the one who kidnapped you, right?....wait- so he wasnt born a vampire?
Riko: *shakes her head no* "He keeps calling me Lana. His sister. She died."
hyakuya:....how did you figure that part out?
Riko: "I-I kind of read his journal...Don't tell him I did that."
hyakuya: i wont...did he try to hurt you at all?
Riko: "No--he really misses his sister, and he keeps treating me like her."
hyakuya:.......(mika..........) do you miss your mom and dad?
Riko: *nods*
hyakuya:.....dont worry riko, i'll help you get back to your parents. you can count on us. *smiles*
Riko: "A-Are you going to hurt Shahal?"
hyakuya:....i'll try to talk to him.
mitsuba: WOAH!
Kimizuki: *crashes into furniture, collapsed*
mitsuba: *charges at him, yelling*
rubile: there you are! *charges at him as well*
Shahal: "..." *leaps just as they are close to him--*
rubile: *has her arm hacked off* *SCREAMS*
mitsuba: *gets her side sliced* GAH!!
Shahal: *grabs Mitsuba by her wrist* "Now leave."
hyakuya: HEY YOU!!
Shahal: "..." *holds Mitsuba up by the arm* *looks at Hyakuya* "Leave, before there is more bloodshed."
hyakuya: let her go!
Shahal: "Of course--" *and flings Mitsuba at Hyakuya*
mitsuba: oof! nngh....
hyakuya: mitsuba, are you alright?
mitsuba: bleeding, but otherwise just peachy.
Shahal: *aims at Shinoa*
hyakuya: leave my friends alone!
Shahal: "Leave my _family_ alone!"
hyakuya: your ‘family’ is dead!
Shahal: "?!!" *rushes at Hyakuya* "What did you do to Lana?!!"
hyakuya: i didnt do anything to her! that girl riko, she's not lana! i dont know what happened or how she died, but your sister isnt here anymore!
Shahal: "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP LYING TO ME?!" *swings the blade at her head*
hyakuya: !!! *blocks with her own sword* im not lying!
Shahal: "Yes, you are! Everyone is trying to confuse me! But I remember what was done--and I am not letting you take Lana!" *presses the sword forward*
hyakuya: listen! i know what it's like, to lose a loved one. i've lost my parents, and my adoptive family, and every day it hurts thinking about what i could have done differently to save them, but the past is in the past, isnt it? the only thing left is to go forward. accept what's happened and move on, so quit living in the past and face reality already!!
Shahal: "..." *just staring at her* "...Lana..."
shinoa: *charges*
Kimizuki: *follows Shinoa--*
Yoichi: *gives them cover*
Shahal: "?!"
shinoa: take this!
Shahal: *tries to block--*
Shahal: *howls in pain*
hyakuya: please listen, i dont want to fight you, but if you dont stop this, i wont have any choice! you were human once, remember??
shinoa: (what on earth has gotten into her...?)
Shahal: *holding his arm* "Lana...stop this. I'm not human anymore--but I need to protect you!"
hyakuya: im not lana either! if you keep deluding yourself like this, you're only going to hurt yourself even more!
Shahal: "I'm willing to get hurt if it means my sister can live! I can't let her die!"
hyakuya: she's already dead!
Shahal: "She can't be!" *approaches Hyakuya* "Stop lying!"
Shahal: *stares wide-eyed*
riko: *collapses*
hyakuya: *stunned* !!!!!
Shahal: "N-No!" *cradles her* "Why would you do this?!"
riko: i-it's ok....it wasnt that deep of a cut...
hyakuya: riko....
Shahal: "...Riko..."
riko: *smiles* im not mad at you, shahal. because i think, despite everything...you're still a good person.
hyakuya:....*shaking slightly* mika.....
Shahal: *crying* "How can you think that? I thought..." *holds his head* "I'm so confused."
riko: you took care of me and made sure i was safe, and you never once bit me or drank my blood.
Shahal: "...I just wanted my sister back."
riko:....but im not her. i dont know how she died exactly, but im sure she misses you too...
Shahal: *sobbing* "I can never see her again..."
Shahal: *looks at Hyakuya* "Who...?"
hyakuya: my siblings....ferid killed them....i was....the only one who got away.....(liar...mika was.....)
Shahal: "...Oh God...I'm sorry..."
hyakuya: ever since then, i've hated vampires....and wanted nothing more than to kill every last one....but after seeing....my one sibling....mika....turned into one of them....and seeing this...i....i dont know what to think anymore...
Shahal: "...You end them."
hyakuya: ??
Shahal: "You don't leave one standing that can and will hurt humans, eventually."
hyakuya: ......
Shahal: "You can bring them peace...to let them die and reunite with their lost family."
hyakuya:...are you...asking me to kill you?
Shahal: "...Yes."
hyakuya: but what about riko-
Shahal: "She deserves to be with her family."
hyakuya:.....*bites her lip, clutching her sword*
-as the sun rises, hyakuya screams out, piercing her blade into shahal's heart-
Shahal: *shudders, coughs...starts to disintegrate at the heart...looks at the sun with a smile* "Lana...Thank you."
lana?: big brother!
-a spectral girl seems to be waving to him-
Shahal: "?!!!" *reaches up, his hand disintegrating as he does...*
lana?: i've been waiting for you for so long now! come on, i have lots of people to introduce you too!
-soon enough, they are both gone....-
mitsuba: hey....akane....
hyakuya: hehe...hehehehe....hahaha..HAHAHAHAHA!! *cackling madly*
Kimizuki: *grabs her by her shoulders* "Hyakuya! Hyakuya! Damn it, Akane, get a hold of yourself..."
hyakuya: *sharply inhales and starts hysterically sobbing into his chest*
Kimizuki: "..." *holds her, letting her cry*
shinoa:.....we should probably give riko first aid.
Yoichi: *holds up the kit*
Kid: "Absolutely adorable."
shiori: *in a new little jumper* lookie!
Kid: *shivering* "IT'S SO CUTE I COULD DIE!"
stocking: ^^
lord death: TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!
Yumi: *snaps a photo* "Indeed."
Monica: *buried under blankets* =_____= "I'm boooooooooooooooored!"
mrs ramirez: mija! your friends are here!
mrs ramirez: first thing i did, honey!
yolanda: jeez mrs R, have some faith in us. -_-;
Zarya: *grunts*
Monica: -_-; "You here to rub it in before you go off to school?"
yolanda: just wanted to see how you were?
Monica: "Bored out of my f--" *spots her mom* "...freaking skull. I need to dunk someone's head into a toilet now!"
mrs ramirez: that reminds me, that nurse from the hospital, mrs albarn, wanted to have coffee later and to chat. she's your friend izumi's mother, isnt she? ^^#
Monica: "... ... ...She's not my fucking friend."
Zarya: "... ... ..." *takes one giant step back away from Monica*
mrs ramirez: .........
stephanie: welp we're totes late, bye! *RUNS*
Monica: "?! YOU TRAITORS--"
mrs ramirez: monica, i'd like to have a little talk with you. in private. ^^#####
Monica: D8 *loud whimpering noise*
mrs ramirez: monica rosa-marie ramirez, you arent going anywhere! *smiles with a demonic glare*
Asher: "... ... ..." *small smile*
cassidy: asher? you ok?
Asher: "...I think I feel lighter."
kyouko: hey rin, is shiemi doing alright? last i saw her, she seemed kind of down.
Rin: *sighs* "I think she's trying to figure out some stuff with school."
kyouko: hmm....is she having problems?
Rin: "Kinda. She's leaving the exorcist class."
kyouko: wait really? what happened?
Rin: "She said she wanted to focus on what she can do for now--without getting in over her head. It's rough when you really want something but are not sure you're ready."
-rin's phone starts going off-
Rin: *checks*
-text from renzou-
Rin: *reading* "...??? It's from Renzou Shima. He's...ranting about diapers?"
kyouko: i'd rather not know -__-#
Rin: "Neither do I . But now he's yelling 'Code Omega.' I think his bro told me that means to meet up." *looks at the key hooks* "Tell the old man I'm stealing his keys."
kyouko: ._.
-and so-
Bon: *holding his stomach* "Ugh...I hate traveling with keys." >~<;
izumo: you guys got called too?
Shima: -_-; "Yep..."
Rin: "WOOOOOOOW! It looks so different at this time of year!"
izumo: we were here last year around summer, in the longest fucking summer ever -_-;;;
shiemi: im surprised we were invited to juuzo and mamushi's baby shower.
unagi: it'll be nice to see my family members again.
Shima: "Don't curse in front of my fam, Izumo--I want to keep a good impression with them."
shura: yeah, so behave yourself.
izumo: sure thing-....wait.
konekomaru: how long were you-
shura: kunoichi skills bitches.
Bon: *shoves Shima* "You're one to criticize anyone, spy."
Shima: ^^; "Former spy?"
shiemi: well we better find the restaurant then.
shura: you kiddos go on ahead, im gonna have a quick chat with the okumura bros for a minute, kaaay~?
Rin: "What?! But I'm starving!"
shura: *waits for the others to go* welp, now we can talk.
Yukio: "What is this about?"
shura: yuri egyn. your mother.
Yukio: "?!"
Rin: "...What?"
shura: it was around the time i met shiro...
{yuri: who is it?}
{shura: *flailing* putmedown! pummedown!! >n<#}
{yuri:.....is...is that a kid?}
{Fujimoto: "Um, no. It's obviously a new species of mountain rat. A smelly, dirty mountain rat--"
{yuri: .___.;}
{yuri:....why dont i make you something to eat? ^^;; }
{Fujimoto: ^^; "I actually have some tasks to attend to, so that would help me--OW! DID YOU JUST BITE ME?!"}
{shura: *HISSSSSS* *STOMACH GURGLE*.........food please.}
{Fujimoto: T^T "What do you even eat, kid?"}
{shura: squirrels mostly. sometimes birds. hachirou got me a boar once.}
{yuri: .______. shiro....where did you find this girl exactly?}
{Fujimoto: "In the mountains. Meet the fabled wild child of Towada. I've named her Shura."}
{shura: offer me food, mortal!}
{yuri: eat up!}
{shura: *ravenous eating*}
{Fujimoto: ^^ "Better than tiny squirrels with hardly any meat on their bones, right, kiddo?"}
{shura: *pulls the food closer and snarls* MINE!}
{yuri: goodness, she's got an appetite. ^^; }
{Fujimoto: "And needs to learn some manners..." *sniffs* "Ugh...and a bath."}
{shura: a what?}
{shura: *asleep*}
{yuri: so, what are we going to do about her?}
{Fujimoto: "Mephisto ordered me to keep an eye on her, and after seeing that Hachirou thing, I don't want her going back to it. After that? I'm not sure..."}
{yuri: maybe she could stay here? it gets lonely up here, so it'd be nice to have some company. ^^}
{Fujimoto: "??? For real? Mephisto was pretty insistent on not letting her out of my sight..."}
{yuri: you could stay here too, if you'd like. it'd be like a family.}
{Fujimoto: "..." *pulls out a cigarette, lights up* "Don't say it like that."}
shura: from what i remember, she was a really kind woman, she had eyes like yours, rin. and lots of moles, like yukio...and that concludes story time with shura for today!
Yukio: "..."
Rin: "...YOU COCKTEASE! DON'T STOP THE STORY THERE! TELL US MORE! What did she sound like?!" *grabs her by the shoulders* "Why didn't you tell us this before?!"
shura: now if you boys excuse me. im gonna go hit the bar. cheers! *walks off*
torako: <enjoy your stay with us.> *walks back to the front* !!!! <ryuuji!>
Bon: <Hey...>
-a child runs up and tackles shima-
child: <ANKO WENZO!>
Shima: <OW! ???>
woman: <ten, sweetie, there you are! what did mama tell you about running off?>
ten: <sowwy mamai>
woman: *looks* !!! <renzou!>
Shima: <?!!>
izumo: you know this woman?
woman: <oh, you must be renzou's friends. koneko and bon know me already, but im Jun Shima. renzou's sister.>
unagi: <a pleasure to see you again, ma'am'>
jun: <unagi! i was surprised to hear that you enrolled in true cross. how are you doing?>
unagi: <im very well. i've been learning a lot of english.>
-a woman comes barreling down the hall and clutches unagi-
uwabami hojo: ^^; <easy now, orochi, she's just fine.>
Bon: <We've been keeping an eye on her, ma'am.>
unagi: <hello mother, hello to you too uncle.>
Konekomaru: *sad smile, steps back*
girl: <hey sis, do we have any more- !!!! k-k-k-k-KONEKOOOOOO~<3 > *TACKLE* >///w///< <3<3<3<3
Konekomaru: .\\\\.; "Um..." <You can let go now?>
Konekomaru: ^\\\^; <We were a little busy on an investigation and--well, things got away from us. Sorry.>
Rin: -_-; *has a big handprint slapped on his face* "Freaking boobzilla..."
Yukio: -_-; "Please don't embarrass us more while we're visiting someone else's house."
jun: ?? <more friends of yours?>
Rin: <He gets that a lot.> *waves at the child*
girl: <hey. you smell different koneko, are you using a new bodywash?>
Konekomaru: >\\\\\\< <Wh-Why would you sniff me?!>
ten: <mamai! this guy has a tail! is he a kitty?>
Yukio: *facepalm* <Oh good lord...>
jun: .....^^; <why dont we help uncle gozo with the garden, ok?>
ten: <ok!> *runs off*
Yukio: <I am so sorry.>
nishiki: *eating watermelon shaved ice*
???: <over here sir?>
Tatsuma: <Yes, that's a good spot for it.>
???: *sets the statue down, wiping sweat from her brow* <yep, i reckon that's a mighty good spot for it>
Tatsuma: <Looking good! ...Maybe rotate it a bit more towards the morning sun.>
torako: <tatsuma! yoshikuni! bon and his friends are here!>
yoshikuni: <REALLY?!>
Tatsuma: <!!! My baby boy!> *gets up quickly--and throws out his back* >n< "AH!"
torako: D8
Bon: *steps out* <?!! Old man!> *runs up*
yoshikuni: <LIL RYUU! long time no see!>
Bon: <?!! Yoshikuni?!>
izumo: another friend of yours?
yoshikuni: <im his fiancee~>
izumo: O/////o W-W-WHAT?!?!??!
Bon: -_-; <Yoshikuni, please.>
yoshikuni: <LOL! JK JK! it's just a joke!>
Tatsuma: *trying to sit up* <Ha ha ha! ...I don't know what 'luul' means.>
Bon: <?!!! I will have you know I am desirable to people who like men with a strong will, you stubborn mule!>
izumo: <BEEF HEAD!>
izumo: <ROOSTER HAIR!>
torako: <my my, they're acting like me when i was that age.>
{young!torako: <GET BENT, BALDIE!>}
{Young!Tatsuma: <Babe, I _shave_ by choice because it makes me look cool!> *wink*}
torako: <so persistent.> *sigh* <i feel so old.>
Tatsuma: <And yet still so beautiful.>
torako: >/////< <oh stop!>
Bon: <OW!> *slapping his hand on the ground* <I YIELD, I YIELD, YOU SHRIMP!>
Kanin: *puts bento boxes of leftovers into their lockers* "Okay. I'll see you for lunch after morning classes."
genny: *nods*
Kanin: "... ...Well..." *rubs the back of his head...he's managed to revert almost back to human appearance*
genny:....i-if you want to talk...a-about anything, you can-
Kanin: "I-I appreciate that...M-Maybe later..."
genny: .///. r-right...see ya! *runs*
Kanin: "..." >\\\< *knocks his head against his own locker--and instantly hulks out into werewolf form, ripping his shirt* "...Aw, man..."
marie: kanin? are you alright? ._.;
Kanin: "?!! S-Sorry, Miss Marie! I'm fine, really! I'm not going feral..." *struggles to slowly revert to human form, as he takes off the torn shirt and opens his locker to retrieve a new shirt* "J-Just, you know, typical teenage hormonal stuff..."
marie: do you want to talk about it?
Kanin: "..." *nods* "Did other students ever deal with this kind of thing?"
arisa: so what do you guys want to check out next?
kanami: im kinda hungry, maybe we should get lunch?
suzune:..... !!!
arisa: suzune? you oka-....OH.....MY....G!!
kokoro: hmm?
masara: *looks* !!!!!
kokoro: yep, that's me alright.
arisa: do you remember me? im arisa narumi!
kokoro: oh right! you're that girl from back then!
arisa: you were so cool and inspiring that i became a magical girl too, see? my friends are-
suzune: *blocking masara's knife with her sword*
masara: what are _you_ doing back here, magical hunter?
suzune: im not here to fight, honest.
masara: a likely story. im not about to let you hurt kokoro.
Chisato: *gestures to her own weapon* "Let's all calm down. This is not a place for any fight."
masara: how can you be so calm when a murderer is among you?
Matsuri: "This is about giving people another chance, you know?" ^^ "She may have done bad things, but that doesn't make her a bad person!"
suzune: matsuri....
Matsuri: "Just give her a chance."
kokoro: easy there masara. sorry about my friend, she can be a bit protective, but she means well. ^^;
arisa: i take it you met suzune before?
kokoro: yep. say, you mentioned being hungry, right? it just so happens we know a great restaurant called 'Walnuts'. ^^
Monica: *glare*
izumi: .___.;;;;;
Sachiko: ^^ "I always come by here--I didn't know you managed it!"
mrs ramirez: well, assistant manager, but still. ^^
Monica: *takes her drink, sips--and crunches on the ice loudly*
izumi: ._.;;;;;
mrs ramirez: mija, dont you have something to say to mrs albarn's daughter?
Monica: "..." *mutters something*
mrs ramirez: speak up honey, no one can hear you when you're muttering.
Monica: *inhales* "I SAID 'I'M SORRY'!"
izumi: um...thanks..f-for apologizing...*shifts in her seat*
Sachiko: *uncovers her ears* "Y-Yes, thank you...How about you kids get a treat?" *hands Izumi some money* "The cookies looked good."
Rin: "So, Konekomaru, who's the girl?"
girl: *clinging to his arm* ^////^
konekomaru: this is yumi, shima's younger sister.
Rin: "Ah, so you all grew up together?"
yoshikuni: pretty much. <so you guys really defeated the impure king last summer?>
Bon: <We...did the best we could.>
Rin: <Well, us and my girlfriend, too.>
konekomaru: <come to think of it, where were you?>
yoshikuni: <i was at a convention in tokyo.> ^^
Juzo: *fretting back and forth in front of the building*
gozo: <easy bro, she's not due for another two months yet.>
Juzo: <I know! I keep reading the books--did you know you're not supposed to put a blanket over the baby?! THEY COULD SUFFOCATE! HOW WOULD THAT LOOK IF MY CHILD SUFFOCATED?!!>
gozo: <take a deep breath and chill.>
kinzou: <yeah, you're gonna give yourself a hernia!>
Shima: <Yeah, don't think of dead babies--that thought'll stay in your head forever.>
Kanin: *staring at the tea* "I don't know. I never had these problems controlling my appearance. But since that...thing got in my head and down to my soul..."
marie: perhaps it was an effect of madness from that clown.
Kanin: "I think so...But it hasn't gotten back to normal. I don't know when it will, if ever."
Kanin: "I don't know who could even help."
marie: i can think of a few people...
mami: lunch is ready!
Crona: "Smells great."
mami: the doctors recommended this to help you regain your strength.
Crona: *nods*
Ragnarok: *has on a bib* "AND FOR ME?"
naoya: how is he?
kouyou: still locked up in his office, crying. how unprofessional. -_-;
miura: -___-; *patting mori's back*
Mori: *head resting on a pillow* TT~TT "It's like I'm cursed."
elise: wouldnt be too shocked if that were the case.
Mori: "I need some good luck..."
Kimizuki: "..." *sets down a bottle of water*
Kimizuki: *nods* "You're welcome...The ride will be here in another hour."
Yoichi: *packing the first-aid kit* "Any more cuts and bruises?"
riko: i-im ok....
Yoichi: ^^ "That's a relief."
Yoichi: "...Happy to go home?"
riko: i guess so....
Yoichi: "That man...did release you."
riko:.....do you think....he's in a better place?
Yoichi: "...I like to think so."
arisa: mmm~ this is so yummy!
kokoro: i know right?
masara: *eating, not taking her eyes off suzune, staring intently*
suzune: *looking down at her plate, sweating nervously* ._.;;;;;;;;;
Chisato: "...Masara, how is your meal?"
masara: *nom, still staring at suzune* delicious.
suzune: *gulp* ._.;;;;;;;;;;;
Chisato: "...So, what are everyone's plans this afternoon?"
kokoro: well, masara and i were going to go hiking for a bit later.
Chisato: "Ah. It'd be good to get into the outdoors."
Guren: "Welcome back."
Guren: "We'll begin debriefing...You look like a mess. Go lie down."
hyakuya: *grunts and walks off*
Guren: *looks at the others* "Shinoa, walk with me. I'll start the debriefing with you."
shinoa: right.
Guren: *walks with her into the interrogation room* "What happened to Hyakuya back there?"
shinoa: she took the vampire down...
Guren: "I've seen her take down vampires--I haven't seen her acting like this."
shinoa: i'll speak with her about it when i can.....she has been different since our encounter with ferid....
Guren: "And that can be a liability. We need her in the field--and if her head is not in this, that will be a danger."
Guren: "Tell me about this vampire and child. Why did he take her?"
-shinoa explains the situation-
Guren: "Hmm...I knew vampirism can do things to the brain, but this is something else entirely."
shinoa:...perhaps vampirism has nothing to do with it....
Guren: "??? Explain."
shinoa: based on my observations, his reactions seemed rather human. perhaps relating to his previous life. sadly, without any official documents on him, we can only go by word of mouth for information.
Guren: "Hmm. So, what, he got confused, had memories of his pre-vampire life, and those influenced his mind? That still sounds dangerous."
Guren: "I'll ask C3 to check on this--they may have a bit more information on neuro influences after the transformation."
Rin: *pats his belly* =w= "Tasty meal..."
torako: <you seemed to enjoy it. ^^>
orochi: <will you be staying the night?>
Rin: <I should probably get back to the old man.> *pats Bon's shoulder* <But I'm sure Bon would be happy to stay with family for the night!>
Bon: -_-# *twists Rin's arm* <We're studying for exams right now.>
Rin: Q_Q *slapping his hand down on the floor*
shiemi: ....
Shima: <I mean, some of us don't need to worry too much about studying! And how often do you get to see family?>
izumo: *GLARE*
Shima: "?!!!!" *averts his glance* <Granted, that also depends on whether your own family wants to see you...> >w>;;;;;
higuchi: *washing Q's hair*
Q: >~< *whining*
higuchi: ^^; the water wont hurt you, and that visor is supposed to keep the shampoo out of your eyes.
Q: "It feels slimy!"
higuchi: ^^;
Gin: *sets out a towel* "It's that, or your hair will get covered in dirt, disease, and fall out, leaving you as the youngest bald person on this planet."
Q: Q_______Q "What?"
higuchi: .-.;
higuchi: *getting all wet from the splashing* ah! ok! ok! >-O;;
Gin: "My work here is done." *turns away*
Q: =~= *relaxes*
higuchi: *sigh* *mutter* next time _you're_ in charge of bath time...
Gin: *walks into the living room* "Kuniko, Ryu, your chores?"
kuniko: dishes are about 78% done!
Akutagawa: *uses Rashomon on a dish towel to dry*
Gin: "As for homework?"
Mephisto: "Then we use this key to open the closet, and..." *opens the closet to reveal Death City from the top of a building*
shion: bwoah! *shiny eyes*
Mephisto: "Impressive, yes? You can see our house from here! And there's Mephy Land!"
shion: ^o^ dada! dada!
Mephisto: "Hee hee--that's my head on that ferris wheel! But you need to be a bit taller to ride the roller coaster."
sonia: *eating ice cream*
Chuuya: *hands out napkins*
miyuri: *LICK LICK LICK* >~< GYEEK!
Chuuya: "Brain freeze?"
miyuri: miyuri's head feels bad! >A<
sonia: you shouldnt eat it so fast.
Chuuya: "Try putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth to warm it up."
miyuri: *does so*
Chuuya: "Feeling better?"
miyuri: *nods*
Chuuya: "That's good. Now, eat more slowly--we got plenty of time."
Hibana: =_____= *sneezes*
mikami: are you feeling alright, commander?
Hibana: "No--I haven't been sleeping."
ryuuko: do you need to see a doctor, or would that be too much?
Hibana: *groans* "Why would I need that?"
ryuuko: it's important for one to look after their well-being. perhaps some tea and meditation might help? that's what my father does when he's stressed.
Hibana: "I already do that--I set aside 5 minutes for meditating in-between the 10 AM and 11 AM meetings, and some tea when I get home at 9 PM."
Rino: *holds up a schedule* "She's booked solid 8 AM to 8 PM. She's killing herself. _It's not going fast enough_."
mikami: rino!
gabriella: princess, please rest.
Rino: >_>;
Hibana: *slams her fists down* "I have work to do! I have some genetic experiments out for my head! I have to figure out what the hell Haijima is doing with those kids! I--I--... *collapses*
gabriella: D8>
Rino: "?!!!" *tries to hold her up* "Jeez, she's heavy..."
Hibana: *unconscious*
nana: so, is sasori your actual name?
sasori:...not really.
ivy: is that right?
ria marcelo: yeah.
Joker: "Well, a lot of people change their names. Take Red for instance."
scarlet: ........
nana: and my name is seven.
Joker: "Nana, what did we agree? Your name is Nana now."
nana: EAT SHIT.
ria marcelo: .....she seems to have high regard for you.
Joker: *sniffs, wipes his eye* "I know--makes a father proud."
scarlet:.... -_-;
Joker: "So, Ria, ready to scope out Hibana's latest work?"
ria marcelo: im listening...
Hajiki: *somehow stuck behind the vending machine*
Hajiki: "I don't know--I was trying to get food, then I forgot what I was doing, and I ended up here."
hito: have you tried shimmying out?
Hajiki: "Let me see..." *shifts--and the vending machine starts rocking*
Asako: *runs out of a patient's room* "EEEEK!"
vivian: ??
*fire shoots out of the patient's room*
vivian: !!!!
Patient: *frowning, lobbing another fireball* "THAT THERMOMETER WAS COLD AS HELL!"
vivian: OwO;;;
Asako: >~< "That's only if you pursue the Dantean understanding of Hell--"
Patient: *throws another fireball, this one nearing at Vivian*
vivian: *dodge* gyah! how rude!
Patient: "I didn't want to be some fucking second generation flame person!"
Asako: >~< "Third-generation pyrokinetic, sir!"
Patient: "SHUT UP!" *tries to get out of bed--and falls face-first into the bedpan*
vivian: ._.;;
tao: owo~? what's going on here?
Asako: *sigh* "We've had more patients coming in awakening pyrokinetic abilities. And he's been the nicest of them..." -_-;
Kimizuki: *carrying a tray of food to a room* *knocks*
hyakuya: it's open....
Kimizuki: *enters* "Hey. Brought your dinner."
Kimizuki: "I wasn't sure what you would like, so if you want more of anything, I got more on the stove to heat up."
hyakuya: *nods*.....kimizuki?
Kimizuki: "Yes?"
hyakuya: did i do the right thing?
Kimizuki: "...Our job is to neutralize vampire threats. Who knows what he would have done next."
hyakuya:.....i saw mika in him.....
Kimizuki: "...So when you see Mika again..."
hyakuya: NO! i cant....i have to get him home....i just.....ever since that day my head's just been all tangled up...
Kimizuki: "How do you convince him? He's not the same kid you knew back then."
hyakuya: what would you do if you were in _my_ position? if it were mirai that was a vampire? would you just kill her without a second thought?!
Kimizuki: "?!! Okay, that's a low blow! It's not my sister that is a vampire, now is she? This is your friend who is suffering--and that's the reality you're dealing with!"
Kimizuki: "...I'm sorry. I don't know what I would do either."
hyakuya:...h-he's my family....*curls up into fetal position* i already lost him once....i cant lose him again....
Kimizuki: "...Then let's bring him back."
hyakuya: *looks up at him*
Kimizuki: "We figure out how to convince him, we figure out what C3 has already done about containing vampires without imprisoning or killing him. If he's that important to you, then I'll help."
hyakuya:...thank you......sorry....about what i said-
Kimizuki: "It-It's fine. If it was me, I would've said something as...passionate.”
hyakuya:...heh...you jerk...*wipes her eyes*
Kimizuki: "Me, a jerk? You're a jerk yelling at me like that..."
hyakuya: *laughs a bit* yeah, got me there....
Kimizuki: *small smile* "Then I win."
Kimizuki: "... ..." *pat pat, hug*
hyakuya:....*looks at him for a bit*
Kimizuki: *looks into her eyes*
hyakuya: kimizuki...i-
shinoa: *opens the door* hey guys~!
Kimizuki: "?!" X_X *knocked to the floor--flipping over the food tray onto Hyakuya*
shinoa: oh goodness. was i interrupting something~?
hyakuya:....nothing. nothing at all. -_-#
Jeje: "Johannes has not left the basement in days."
metsu: should i check on him?
Jeje: *hands her a taser* "Stay armed."
metsu: *nods* i need to bring him his dinner anyway.
Jeje: *nods, as he rummages through a box of vials*
metsu: *heading downstairs* johannes?
Johannes: *curled over his desk, looking at blood samples*
metsu:....i brought your dinner. *sets the tray down and collects the dishes from the last meal*
Johannes: "Huh? You say something?" *looks up--and has a long white beard*
metsu: ......... ._______.
Johannes: "What's with that look? ..." *glances down* "Oh, right--" *grabs the fake beard, rips--...then covers his mouth to let out a tortured scream* "I forgot the glue!!!"
metsu:........im not even going to ask. *heads upstairs*
Johannes: "Thank you for the meal! Bring down body wash!"
Jeje: *pulls out a vial...swirls its contents into a mug of hot chocolate*
Rin: *lies down*
-knock knock-
shiemi: rin? may i ask you something?
Rin: *sits up* "Hey, Shiemi--what's up?"
shiemi: well, pardon if it's intrusive, but i noticed you and yuki werent talking much during dinner....you two didnt have a fight, did you?
Rin: >_>; "That's...kind of personal. It's nothing..."
shiemi:....ok. well, good night.
Rin: *grunts* "Night..."
{Rin: "What brought this on?"}
{yukio: dont you want to know about our birth? according to the knight of true cross, she was the one who bore satan's sons, and most information on her is classified. but i want to know more about her...}
{Rin: "After what we've heard so far, and what we've gone through? No, it can't be a good story. Just knowing that she was a kind person is enough for me."}
{yukio: why are you trying to avoid this? dont you even care? this is our mother for god's sake!}
{Rin: "..." *frowns* "Why are you needing this so badly?"}
{Rin: "?!!! Yuki? Wh-What's wrong?"}
{yukio: HAHAHAHA.....that's right....we can never truly change how we think, right? we're both right and both wrong......it's funny.....we're twins, yet we're total opposites....well....just....just forget we had this talk, ok? come on...the others are waiting...}
Rin: "...What the hell, bro."
gozo: <tatsuma, sir, are you in?>
Tatsuma: *reclining in a chair, a book resting on his lap* "???" <Yes?>
gozo: <i wanted to talk to you about that one matter.>
Tatsuma: "..." <I see. What have you found?>
gozo: <nothing much yet, but we are researching it at the india branch's underground library. sadly, we havent yet found a way to summon a demon possessing another person.>
Tatsuma: <Hmm...> *holds up his book* <I'll have to finish this reading on exorcising Karura from Todo so to resummon...>
gozo: <there is a problem. based on renzou's observations from aomori on todo's appearance, it seems karura is bonding to its new vessel...>
Tatsuma: *sighs* <Then it is up to me to hurry. Thank you for this information. Please, continue your investigation.>
Fire: *yawns* *gets out of bed, looking out the window*
kim: .....
Jacqueline: "??? Fire?"
Fire: "I think I see something."
kim: ??
Fire: "I saw something glowing and moving in the forest."
kim: *looks to the others*
Jacqueline: "...Maybe wake the others." *nudges Kilik*
Kanin: *tucks Amelia in*
amelia: good night.
Kanin: "Good night, Amelia. I'll see you in the morning." *walks away...*
Kanin: *gets to the door* "...Should I leave a light on, or...?"
amelia: im fine.
Kanin: "O-Okay...Good night." *closes the door*
Crona: *lying awake in bed* "..."
mami: *asleep*
Crona: ("It's so quiet now...I used to hear his voice even when he wasn't talking...It's hard to get used to.") *looks at Mami* "..." *hug*
mami: *she seems quite relaxed*
Crona: *closes their eyes, sighs quietly*
Bon: *walking through the temple*
izumo: *cleaning*
Bon: "??? What, Mom has you working?"
izumo: i volunteered, for your information.
Bon: -_-; "Well, thanks--it's looking better."
Relan: *walking with his shoulder in a sling* *cringes*
iris: how are you feeling?
Relan: "The meds help, but it still hurts a lot."
iris: hmm...
Relan: "Enough of that--another day is ahead of us...How did the talk go with Mr. Fulham from the 1st?"
iris: well....
-she explains what happened-
Relan: "I'm so sorry. This can't be easy on everyone in the Church."
Yoichi: ^^ "Welcome back to work!"
hyakuya: morning.
shinoa: oh, that reminds me, riko's family invited us to their mansion for a celebration. ^^
Kimizuki: "What's to celebrate? We did our job..." *awkward glance at Hyakuya*
shinoa: they wanted to celebrate the return of their daughter, of course. so get your formal wear~
Yoichi: "Yay! ...I don't have really good formal wear, so I may need to shop a bit."
hyakuya: i dont have any formal wear!
Kimizuki: *sighs* "Looks like a few of us are shopping."
Monica: *in the cafe uniform* -_-# "Welcome. May I take your order?"
girl: i'll have a Frappuccino.
guy: do you still have the shamrock shakes?
Monica: "...It's June. Not March. So no. Is there something else you want to order?"
guy: can i have a mint green mocha then?
Monica: "..." *writes it onto a cup* "Sure. Name?"
Harvar: *looking at footprints* "Well, someone was here."
ox: or something....
Fire: .~.; "Like the thing we're supposed to find?"
kim: most likely...
Jacqueline: *following the steps' path--that lead to the edge of a cliff* "..."
*a man in a monocle opens his car door*
???: mr dragulsec i presume?
Dragulsec: "???" *turns--*
*Dragulsec is knocked to the street*
Dragulsec: *groans, sitting up* "L-Lighting?!"
lewin: salutations, doc!
Dragulsec: "What the devil is wrong with you?!"
lewin: word on the street is you've got connections to the illuminati.
Dragulsec: "Balderdash! Your 'word' would tell you I already entered a contract that would prevent me from cooperating with them!"
lewin: but that's the mystery i need to solve. after all, not many people can get away with a massacre and stay in the same line of work for over a decade...
Dragulsec: "Absurd! Hollow reasoning! You have no idea how such a massacre continues to affect me!"
lewin: talk is cheap, doc. but i'll still need a bit of proof. teyonebuse and so on...
*something buzzes around Dragulsec, striking him*
Dragulsec: "GAAAH! Stop this!"
Dragulsec: *screams, as his collar is ripped*
lewin:....so _that's_ it, huh? welp. thanks for your time, doc. im gonna vamoose, as it were.
Dragulsec: *coughing* "Y-You won't get away with this! I'll report this! They'll lock you away, Lightning, you madman!"
lewin: funny you should say that. i intend to have you prosecuted~
Lucy: *waves to the cafe manager* "Hello!"
manager: good morning, lucy. ready to start the day?
Lucy: *smiles, nods* "Ready!" *grabs the apron* "I wonder how busy it'll get."
*the door opens*
manager: welcome.
Q: ^w^ *waves his doll's hand* "Hello!"
higuchi: *nods*
Lucy: ._.;
kirako: ok, i brought everyone's orders. ^^
Kyoka: "Thank you." *smiles*
Kunikida: "Thank you very much. That was very kind of you."
fukuzawa: .....
Kyoka: "...Sir? You aren't touching your food. Do you anticipate it is poisoned?"
fukuzawa: im more concerned for miss haruno.
kirako: sir, im fine, really.
Kunikida: "Did you make sure to buy a meal for yourself?"
kirako: just something light.
Kunikida: "I see..."
Kyoka: "Can always have my fortune cookie." *holds up hers*
kirako: thank you kyouka.
sylvia: *noms her food* t-thank you!
Kyoka: ^^
Kunikida: "How did your check-up go?"
kirako: well, i did get a good report.
Kunikida: "Oh? That's great."
nana: *intently staring at a book*
Ria marcelo: "It's okay--try saying it aloud."
nana: hmm......aaa....pp...ley?
Ria marcelo: "Apple?"
nana: yeah, this thing. *points to a picture of an apple in the book*
Ria marcelo: "Right. It's a fruit that comes in a variety of colors and flavors varying by sweetness and tartness."
nana: uhhhh.....huh?
Ria marcelo: "It's food."
nana: oh. ok.
Ria marcelo: "And it's a common word when learning English and other languages because it starts with the first letter in the alphabet, 'A.'"
nana: ah...which one is 'A'?
Ria marcelo: "The first letter." *circles the "A" in "apple" with her finger*
nana: oooh! i see.
Ria marcelo: "..." *small smile* "There are some other words that start with 'a,' too."
Kimizuki: *looking at ties* "Hmm...Red may be too intimidating."
shinoa: alright, we've picked out our dresses.
hyakuya: 7,7;
Yoichi: "Great! This'll be fun, like playing dress up!"
mitsuba: wouldnt be my first formal dinner party.
shinoa: same.
Yoichi: ^^; "I'm out of practice on formal dining etiquette."
mitsuba:...*glances at kimizuki*
Kimizuki: "Hmph. I'm familiar enough with the dining practices." *picks out a black tie*
Saria: *walks up to the counter* "Hello! I'll have--" O_O; *hides behind Lukas*
Monica: -_-# "Just give it to me."
lukas: um... ._.;
Saria: >_< "Iced tea, please!"
kyouko: ......
Fujimoto: *reading, looks up* "Hey, kiddo--feeling a bit bored?"
kyouko: a bit stressed from studying and work, i guess. *sigh* i havent been this exhausted since working to pay off your medical bills.....
Fujimoto: "...You know, you had been saving up some money for a bit of travel..."
kyouko: ?? are you sure?
Fujimoto: *nods* "I think you need a break. Maybe I can help with your trip..."
kyouko: hmm.....
mami: feeling any better?
Crona: "Still lethargic, but less affected by whatever happened...Ragnarok has been a bit more unhinged but nowhere near as mindless when we were together."
mami: i see. do you need anything at the moment?
Crona: "...I'm kinda hungry." ^^; "Maybe pudding?"
mami: ok, two puddings coming up. ^^
Crona: "Thank you..." *looks out the window* "Maybe we could go out when I'm a little stronger."
mami: *nods*
*giggling is heard in the hallway*
mami: *looks*
Ragnarok: *in the apartment hallway, talking to a neighbor* "--then I said, 'It's supposed to be flat--it's roadkill!'"
old woman: ._.;;
Ragnarok: "So, how long you been living here? Since Peloponnesian or Trojan War?"
mami: hello mrs onozuka. he isnt bothering you is he?
mrs onozuka: hello mami, dearie. is he a friend of yours? ^^;
mami: more of a permanent house guest. 7_7;
mrs onozuka: that reminds me, how is chrona? i heard they were in the hospital.
mami: they're doing much better. i was actually about to make some food for them.
Ragnarok: "Not since they pulled me out of Cro--"
mami: *shoves ragnarok back inside*
Ragnarok: >_<# "You jerk! I'm making headway with that octogenarian!"
mrs onozuka: if you'd like, i could bring over some of my homemade ohagi. ^^
mami: that would be lovely, thank you. ^^
Ragnarok: "MAKE ME SOME TOO, MRS. O!"
kim: ugh...feels like we've been walking forever!
Jacqueline: *looking at the trail* "Maybe they are trying to confuse us--meandering."
kilik: ......
ox: *shivering*
Harvar: "This is the part in the horror film where someone gets pulled away screaming to their death."
ox: can you not? im cold enough as it is!
Thunder: *striking a stick along the trees*
-something growls-
Fire: O_O;
ox: EEK!
kim: ?!?
Harvar: *gets in front of Ox*
-something comes charging at them-
kim: jackie!
Jacqueline: "Right!" *transforms*
kilik: fire, thunder, let's go!
Fire and Thunder: *transform*
-a large green creature charges-
creature: *GRRAOOOOOOO*
Jacqueline: "!!!"
Fire + Thunder: "HOLY MOLEY!"
Harvar: "??? Are we in The Green?"
-the creature swings a fist at them-
Jacqueline: *lets out a fire in the air* "Get back, Kim!"
kim: *jumps back* jackie, blast it!
Jacqueline: *blasts it*
creature: *SCREECHES*
Thunder: "??? Are they upset we're on their land?"
kim: why dont we try asking it. OOOI! WHAT DO YOU WANT!
creature: *SHRIIEEEK*
ox: *dodging* ?? hey! there's something in it's back!
Harvar: *looks*
-in the creature's back is a black shard that looks like glass, but has an orange glow to it, similar to the creature's eyes-
Harvar: "Looks magic-y."
kim: *looks* !! we need to get it out!
Jacqueline: "Touching it directly may be dangerous. It may be safer to use a weapon to dig it out. I suggest using Harvar."
Harvar: -_-; "Thank you for your concern."
kim: and after we get it out, we need to destroy it.
kilik: you recognize it?
kim: *nods* it's a binding shard. witches use them to control living beings sometimes.
Jacqueline: "Who wants to be the distraction?"
kim: hey you big lug! over here! >XP
creature: *ROARS and attacks*
Jacqueline: "Oh boy..." *blasts up to let Kim fly over*
creature: *swings a fist at them*
Fire + Thunder: *charge up*
kilik: *runs at the creature*
Fire: "FIRE FIST!"
Harvar: "Ox, now!"
ox: HYAAAH!!
*direct hit*
creature: *SCREEEEEEEEE*
Harvar: "Now get back!"
ox: *jumps back*
Jacqueline: "Kim, what happens now to it?"
kim: we need to smash the shard!
Fire: "Punch it!"
Thunder: ^o^
-the beast stops. then a blue light appears in it's eyes, staring at them-
Jacqueline: "Did it work?"
Harvar: "No, the beast got contact lenses."
Jacqueline: -_-#
-the creature looks at them, letting out a low growl, as if to say 'thank you', then walks off-
Fire: "Bye bye!"
kim: well, i think that's case closed...
kilik: guys....i think that thing may have been the forest guardian...
Thunder: "Huh--that would make a lot of sense."
kim: i thought forest guardians looked like huge bucks?
kilik: in some cases, they do. the appearance of the guardian changes depending on the state of the forest it protects.
Jacqueline: "So this mossy forest..."
kim:...we should probably go now.
Black Star: *huffs, puffs* "...OKAY! AGAIN!"
Hyde: *operating a wrecking ball* "Okay!" *swings the wrecking ball--*
Black Star: *stares...pulls back his fist, and--*
tsubaki: what on earth?!
licht: idiocy. idiocy is happening.
Black Star: *knocks the freaking wrecking ball away--as it flies off the chain and towards Licht and Tsubaki*
ochako: *gravities the chain and sends it up*
Hyde: "Woot! Look at that sucker fly!"
Black Star: "Damn! I can't believe I knocked that thing away! Looks like I'm getting this strength thing under control!"
Hyde: "..." *runs for it*
ochako: YEEP!!
Mr. Uraraka: "Oh, hey kids! Careful on the equipment."
Fitzgerald: *picks up a pebble, throws it--and it smashes Hyde into the ground*
ochako: D8>
licht: ?!?!?
Hyde: *buried*
Fitzgerald: "Hmph. Not even worth $25."
Tetsutetsu: *staring at the list* "So many flavors...So many desserts..."
pony: they all sound so delish!
Sen: "Hmm...Maybe just something simple--like fudge ripple..."
Tetsutetsu: *staring at the sundaes*
Yosetsu: "Just a little bit before our training kicks into high gear!"
nirengeki: maybe i'll just get something small.
reiko: i suppose i'll treat myself to the chocolate fudge.
tokage: you sure, yanagin? it's a bit pricey.
reiko: *nods*
Hiryu: "Ibara, you want anything?"
ibara: i'll just have vanilla.
kinoko: dude, that's rad.
Hiryu: *nods* "That red velvet is calling my attention..."
mina: you think horses have dreams?
Jirou: "??? Probably. Animals make noises when they sleep and all..."
mina: what do you think they dream about?
eijiro: horse stuff i guess?
Hagakure: "Like winning the Derby?"
mina: maybe.
Todoroki: "??? What happened to your friend?"
Hyde: X___X
ochako: antics happened. ^^;
licht: *staring at todoroki*
Todoroki: "...Oh. Hello, um, 'bro.'"
licht: hello again brother, angel of the frozen flame.
Todoroki: -_-; "Not the moniker I intend to use for superheroism, but poetic."
Rin: *sitting under bamboo, has a monkey on his head* "I don't see what the big deal is..." *hands a grape up to the monkey* "The baby isn't out yet, so you still got time..."
Monkey: ^w^ *eating*
izumo: i guess they wanted so celebrate anyway.
Rin: "Yeah, but I mean his panicking over something that isn't happening yet--still got time to learn diapering, burping, cholic, warming up milk--"
izumo: how do you know about all this stuff?
Rin: "The old man kept seeing mothers all the time, so someone had to look after the kids while he was doing whatever with them."
izumo: i see...
Bon: "What a mother."
0 notes
sneek-m · 7 years
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Listening 2017: January 8th–19th
Ah, so the new releases have started to roll out. And so have the opinions on them I cover two of them here, though I’ve yet to see reactions on both of them. You can see some others I checked out at the bottom per usual. Writing for a few weeks has hit that wave for me where every word I write doesn’t seem that good. But for some reason, once I listened to the Belinda Carlisle album (which you’ll see in a minute) I got back into writing smoothly.
Here are some albums that got me writing down words, successfully.
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Cut of Cloth
Alexandria Awful, 2017
I’m a sucker for “boy, bye” flexing from women in R&B, and Alexandria’s brand of good riddance in her new one generally satisfied. Some meandered with her letting a half-there hook spin ad nauseum in Ethereal’s anti-gravity beat like a placeholder in hopes for a more solid song to materialize. (Not to knock Ethereal here; the synthesizer sounds the producer chooses for this project are overall delightfully twisted.)
But when she’s on, she’s on: the title alludes to the dismissal of a collage of trendy materials who calls himself a deep human being. And like the title track, my favorites on Cut of Cloth similarly snap ex-lovers into their place, reminding though it was a good time together, they were never her everything. With her previous from last year, the Promise EP, Cut of Cloth shares the fate of being the early-bird January release. Here’s to hoping it gets picked up more.
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Heaven on Earth
Belinda Carlisle MCA/Virgin, 1987
Remove “Heaven Is a Place on Earth” from Belinda Carlisle’s second album, and you might get a slightly different record. The single certainly works as its driver. Every love song after it echoes more like words of religious worship, and its break-up-like songs a divorce from its holy idol: “in a world without you, where would I be?” hits upon a bit of both. She matches the size of her preaching heart by expanding generalities like the one in “World Without You” infinitely vast in the chorus, and the shining organs further bring it to church.
Heaven on Earth is a shallow pop album, admittedly, upon a cynic’s ear. Carlisle’s lyric sheet is only deep as you allow yourself to sink into its lines. Her combination of words not going above the most cliche arrangement: “where would I be without you?/ I could barely breathe without you” is a piece of the profundity found here. And her worldview, hit upon in “Heaven Is a Place on Earth” with “they say in heaven, love comes first/ we’ll make heaven a place on earth,” sounds so happy-go-lucky, it’s slightly out of touch. It’s powerful or trivial as you let yourself believe: it’s only apt that faith is the main key to an album titled as such.
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Capsule Contemode, 2010
For all the time I spent with Yasutaka Nakata’s big pop projects, his main work with Capsule has yet to grab much interest. My decision for which Capsule album to check out has so far depended on its release year and what other records he worked on. His eleventh, Player, sits in a rather intermittent period after his first wave of big success producing albums for other pop acts: one for Ami Suzuki, two for Perfume, and three for MEG.
That said, Nakata still contributed outside work during this period, handing in the theme to Liar Game: The Final Stage, “Stay with You,” which makes its way to this album. What would’ve been more of the same from his previous, More! More! More!, a full album similar to the single would’ve been fun. But that’s not how the producer operates when it comes to Capsule. He instead likes to take the project apart once he stumbles upon something, exploring avenues paved by his other interests. That explains the decision to follow the single with the title track, a more club-minded number with a UK rapper (whose uncredited). Good for him, though it’s still more interesting — Player and otherwise — when he writes well-shaped pop songs than club beats for his own DJ set.
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DVA [Hi: Emotions] Hyperdub, 2016
*Stream/Purchase the album via Bandcamp
Sourcing sounds indigenous to the terrain — one nice touch is a sputter of the iMac’s volume change on “Ad1_V1” — Scratcha DVA makes home to his new world as much as it remains skeptical with it in his new album under a new alias, DVA [Hi: Emotions]. Which is to say, the textures here don’t fully feel like a warm welcome: as much as it moves with its own intuition, the beats here can be cold on the surface and foreign in shape. They resemble more explorations than complete beats, though witnessing the process within the songs feel more appropriate for an album like this.
Black Mirror, this isn’t, but neither does DVA offer a more utopian rebuttal against the series’ dystopian tech scares in his album. Cheeky humor poking fun at digital producers comes up, though it feels less as critique than a pure crack at a laugh. This record, then, simply exists as a product of the very thing it ponders about: life on the internet as a musician in a more tech-central time. And it’s refreshing for a piece of media to simply exist in a conversation about tech where it seems like any stance has to fold within itself to makes its point.
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E.G. Crazy
E-girls Rhythm Zone, 2017
The supergroup split their latest in two discs: E.G. POP and COOL. What defines one separate from the other seems to be the presence of ballads. Ballads aren’t cool, I guess! COOL definitely has more rewards than POP, though I dock down the first disc less from the sentimentality in, say, “Love, Dream and Happiness” than the fact it’s January so I don’t want to hear Christmas songs anymore.
That said, one out of the three holiday-themed tracks, “Boom Boom Christmas” from COOL, makes an impression. Christmas just so happens to be the date within the song; remove it and it’s another glamorous pop number about going out. E-girls do those well in E.G. Crazy, even at their most shallow indulgence on the fun of dancing — or dance records, with them borrowing yet another hit for insurance with “Saturday Night,” just like “Rydeen” or “Odoru Pompokorin.” Between “E.G. summer RIDER” and “Pink Champagne,” summer actually might be their season of rule.
E-girls can’t hit home on themes other than dancing in E.G. Crazy. That’s no problem for COOL where it’s strictly centered around dancing the night away. Meanwhile, POP flops past “Fascination.” The chorus, where they try to bank all their charm, sounds haphazardly put together in “Kikaijikake no Bye! Bye!” and “Strawberry Sadistic.” Smacked in the middle of such a misshapen disc, it’s a wonder why “Fascination” couldn’t make the COOL side.
But it’s not like E-girls were ever too precious with format. Just last year, they released E.G. Smile, a best-of collection which already included five of the songs from Crazy. “Pink Champagne” and “E.G. summer RIDER” — two of my favorite from this album — were standalone singles. Other than “Fascination,” there’s really none here to keep that weren’t already available.
Other records I checked out in the mean time…
April — Prelude
Chief Keef — Two Zero One Seven
Code Orange — Forever
Deradoorian — The Expanding Flower Planet
Dillinger Escape Plan — Disassociation
Every Little Thing — Everlasting; Eternity; Every Little Singles+3
Fleetwood Mac — Mirage
Jefe — The World Is Yours EP
Lil Boosie & Webbie — Ghetto Stories
Linda Ronstadt — Heart Like a Wheel
Luniz — Operation Stackola
M.O.P. — Firing Squad
Macra Izumi — Identity
PASSPO — Beef or Chicken?
Quruli — Sayonara Stranger
RADWIMPS — Kimi no Na Wa soundtrack
Ringo Shiina & Neko Saito — Heisei Fuuzoku
Teklife — VIP Trax
UGK — Super Tight
The xx — I See You
Yumi Arai — MISSLIM
0 notes