#but knows all the secrets all the drama - hands off by kid number 4…
paunchsalazar · 2 years
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Ootori family hcs… still deciding… boxes are confirmed canon facts… ages for Akito and Yuuichi are a guess
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 304: The Council of OFA
Previously on BnHA: Hawks and Best Jeanist were all, “what up Todofam, we are here to apply for the positions of ‘son #4’ and ‘weird uncle’, respectively,” and then proceeded to insert themselves into the family drama without waiting for an answer. Hawks briefed Endeavor on the nation’s current status of “totally fucked”, promised to help him sort that out, and then asked him about OFA. Endeavor was all, “oh do you mean One For All, the mysterious thing that my intern Deku was apparently being targeted for?” and then we cut away, presumably before Endeavor could clarify that it never occurred to him to follow up on that, and Hawks was all “no of course not, why would it occur to anyone other than me to follow up on any of this super weird and ominously important shit.” Anyway so meanwhile Bakugou was all “LET ME SCREAM AT DEKU UNTIL HE WAKES UP” and the other kids were all “NO”, and then the chapter ended with All Might being all “I wonder what the vestige!me is currently chatting with Deku about.”
Today on BnHA: Deku drops in on the Vestiges, who are all “sup Deku, how do you like our fancy chairs.” OFA II and III are all “if you need us we’ll just be standing here silently in the corner pretending to be invisible and sparking endless discourse with our mere existence.” OFA IV is all “and now I will explain to you in a very convoluted way that you being quirkless was actually a good thing, since it means that you are probably not going to suddenly drop dead at the age of twenty. But also you’re probably going to be the last user of OFA for that very same reason.” Deku is all “that is wild. I’m just gonna stand here and stare at my hand.” Nana is all “so now that that’s settled could you please do me a small favor and kill my grandson for me”, because having just one topic to discourse about this week WASN’T ENOUGH, apparently. Thanks so much Horikoshi.
(ETA: okay so just a note before I start, this week’s RHA translation was a huge mess, so I followed up this chapter by reading a couple of other translations. the main one I’m using for reference is the one by @hanashimas​, whose weekly posts I highly recommend. anyway so you’ll see a couple of ETAs in this post in places where the initial translation was off.)
how many layers of bandages did they wrap this poor kid’s fucking hand in omg
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jesus Deku. are you holding onto a bouquet of flowers under that thing?? or a tennis racket??
omg yes, finally
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is he reading these names off a teleprompter lol. and if so, what has Jeanist ever done to slight you, Deku? “god bless Kacchan and Aizawa-sensei and Todoroki-kun and everyone else in the whole wide world... except for Best Jeanist. fuck that guy.” actually this joke would be funnier if half of tumblr didn’t legit feel that way lol but anyway
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I got immediate KHR vibes from ALL OF THIS. this is seriously such a Vongola aesthetic. “let’s use the luxuriously cushioned chairs with the seat backs that are ten feet high, and arrange all of the handsome ghost people in a big circle” like come on
that said there are also some slight LoTR vibes as well. “bring forth the ring, Deku”
I like how Six is sitting there with his feet drawn up all casual, but with his arms inexplicably sticking STRAIGHT OUT IN FRONT OF HIM and dangling over his knees like he’s doing some sort of zombie walk
apparently the Fourth wasn’t a big fan of shoes huh
interesting that All Might is the only one who’s still faint/indistinct, and and that Two and Three are fully visible
(ETA: the rest of my speculation about Two and Three has been moved into a separate post, the better to focus on the shit that’s actually happening in this chapter lol.)
and lastly, interesting that all of them are talking now, except for All Might (and I guess the Second and Third as well). to the best of my knowledge Deku hasn’t unlocked the Sixth’s quirk yet, so I guess the quirks don’t really have anything to do with it
oh and it looks like Deku’s mouth is still covered. I guess that’s convenient for the vestiges since we all know it’s hard to stop Deku once he gets going. but on the other hand it’s very inconvenient for people like me who wanted to see some interaction. alas
so First says that OFA’s power has grown a lot in the last four months (i.e. since Deku unlocked Blackwhip), and now the vestiges can communicate with each other as well as Deku
so even when Deku’s not around they can all just chill with each other. this is such a weird thing to me lol. like it’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but it’s also strange as hell to know that you’ve got eight other people hanging out in your head spying on everything you do and having conversations with each other about it. it would be like if Dark Shadow had someone to hang out with other than Tokoyami. good thing you weren’t triplets, Tokoyami
First says that it’s become easier for the vestiges to interact with Deku ever since TomurAFO barged into the OFA Domain back at Jakku. huh
(ETA: apparently this is because AFO forcibly pulled out OFA’s power when he was trying to steal the quirk, so I guess that makes sense.)
okay thank you Banjou for addressing this concern which I initially brought up as a joke, but which was apparently real enough for you to reassure Deku about
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“don’t worry, even though we’re awake and hanging out inside of you at all times, we’re definitely not secretly watching and making fun of every single thing you do” hmmmmm
(ETA: “not that you could do anything about it even if we were, since you’re probably going to be the last OFA holder ever!” I don’t trust anything this asshole says lmao.)
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YESSS DEKU now you can hold them accountable for all of their bullshit! because I do not doubt that there will be bullshit lol but let’s see how that goes
oh damn
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well okay then. you didn’t have to stand up and walk over to him and loom all threateningly like that but okay sir
this guy has kind of a Kimimaro vibe to him. remember? that bone-growing guy from Naruto? except I’m pretty sure he had eyebrows. and wasn’t twenty feet tall. speaking of which, that explains the chairs
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why are you wearing only 3/5ths of a shirt
lol what
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someone’s gonna have to explain this to me. is he just redundant or something lol, or is he strangely poetical or what
(ETA: apparently HE’S MAKING A PUN omg. I immediately gained +10 love for him lol. also it flows a lot better in Japanese. this is one of the things Caleb is usually good at, so we’ll see what he does with the wordplay.)
omg the hermit theory is true!!
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“I’M NOT WEIRD, IT’S SOCIETY WHICH IS WEIRD.” lol whatever you say buddy. also love how Banjou tried to give him a big hearty slap on the back but Hermit Boy was not having it lmao
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okay my first response was LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS, THAT’S THE BIG SECRET!? -- and then it hit me what the significance of “died from old age... AT AGE FORTY” meant. at which point it was like “!!!!!” and then “OH, SHIT”
(ETA: there’s also an Iida joke here somewhere but I’m just too tired to make it.)
oh my god oh my god
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did he somehow get a copy of the coroner’s report or something? like how does he even know that he died from “old age” as opposed to any number of other natural causes? ??
but anyway. so this is the quirk singularity coming into play then I guess. but then how come All Might is still alive and ticking?
(ETA: so this is one example of where this week’s translation is a mess lol. apparently the Fourth explains here that he didn’t know what the fuck he died from until All Might researched it. and it turns out there actually was an autopsy lol so there you go.)
so Fourth says he held OFA for eighteen years, and since he knew he would never be strong enough to defeat AFO on his own he basically just spent all his time punching rocks in the woods and training to power the quirk up
oh shit
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is he implying that his body literally fell apart?? like that’s how he got the scars on his face? -- IS THAT WHAT KEEPS HAPPENING TO TOMURA, THEN. oh shit
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so you’re telling me that this quirk actively shortens the lifespan of anyone who uses it?? and my little boy here has had it now for a year already?? fuck me, I have immediately have a TON of thoughts about all this but let me save it until he’s done with his explanation
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right?? how come All Might didn’t die then. even after he got injured. please don’t tell me he actually is dying still and is just being slow about it because I SWEAR TO GOD
what does this mean??
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so what you’re trying to say is you all have NO FUCKING IDEA how long Deku’s gonna be able to hold this quirk before he SUDDENLY DROPS DEAD?! five generations ago this dude was able to hold it for eighteen years, and then four generations later All Might was able to hold it for thirty-odd years or so, and now Deku has it and you all have no clue which way it’s gonna go? actually this makes it sound like it really wasn’t OFA that killed the Fourth at all and you guys are just really bad at forming hypotheses. but since you’re making a big plot point out of it I guess it must be true
and don’t think I didn’t notice the part where you said you didn’t have OFA very long and then “died while fighting”, Firsto. I want to hear more about that. specifically who you passed the quirk onto before your death
and yes, if we are agreeing that OFA was the cause of the Fourth’s death, then the conclusion on this next page is the natural one to draw
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so that’s a bit of a relief then, because Deku is quirkless too. so it means he won’t be able to hold OFA forever (and will probably have to find another quirkless person to pass it on to), but at least he won’t be randomly dying out of the blue next Tuesday or something
oh my god now he’s talking about OFA and AFO and user consciousnesses and all sorts of good theory stuff but it’s so much exposition. you’re really gonna make me read all this lol
wait what. why would All Might being quirkless have anything to do with the presence of his vestige in OFA Outer Space Party Land
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but Deku is also quirkless and he’s clearly visible and chatting with you guys. so what gives. like how much of this is verified fact and how much of it is you guys just shrugging and making stuff up lol
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BUT DEKU IS ALSO -- you know what, never mind sob. none of this shit makes any sense but whatever
(ETA: seriously, this all seems like an awful lot of speculation on their part. for Deku’s sake I sure hope they’re right.)
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lol that’s a full ten years past my closest estimate, wow. but this pretty much confirms his age now at last! or at least confirms it within a couple of years, because we know All Might and Nana met when he was in middle school, and he presumably had the quirk by the time he took the U.A. entrance exam. so yeah. gonna go with fifty-five
so they think that because All Might was quirkless, OFA was better able to adapt to his body and became his true quirk, as opposed to being an extra quirk that stacked on top of the one he already had and overwhelmed him. ties in back to the whole “AFO used to bend people to his will by forcing quirks on them” thing, as well as the “Noumus are all mindless because of the strain of having multiple quirks”
Two and Three are really ruining the serious vibe of this scene here lol
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they look like they’re doing the counting for hide and seek
and is this Deku talking now? I was about to get mad at First for implying that quirkless people are somehow freaks, as opposed to “normal” people jdslk
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so in other words, don’t go giving it to your best friend all casually for shits and giggles, Deku. even if it would make a really cool climax for a movie. well shit. maybe that’s why they were so quick to nope back into Deku’s body afterward
so First says that because quirkless people are becoming rarer and rarer, the fact that All Might just happened to stumble upon Deku is “nothing short of a miracle.” which, yeah, that was definitely a stroke of luck there. being quirkless saved his life. but being quirkless is also part of why he was chosen in the first place, and we’ve always known that much
“in other words, kiddo...”
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looks like there was some hurried clone stamp usage going on here lol. but props to RHA as always for putting this scan out so fast, especially given how exposition-heavy this week’s chapter has been
“anyways, that was the main topic” ARE YOU SERIOUS. there are like ten other topics imma need you all to get to here, people
(ETA: seems like this is a mistranslation; the line should actually read something more along the lines of “and now for the main topic.”)
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“ENJOY YOUR CLIFFHANGER THIS WEEK.” dskfalkjlkjwlgkjl you really went and dumped this discourse on us yet again. fucking...
(ETA: forgot to mention, but as several people mentioned, this seems to be another mistranslation -- rather than asking Deku to kill Tomura as though it’s doing her a personal favor, Nana is asking “will you be able to do it.” in other words more of an “are you capable of doing it” type of thing. which is a very reasonable question to ask given that Deku is, well, Deku.)
anyways, and the answer is obviously going to be “no” of course. this isn’t going to end any differently than when the previous Avatars all told Aang to kill Ozai. but I guess it means we’re in for a fun conversation next week
so Nana looks pretty grim here though (nothing at all like the person who once taught All Might the importance of saving people with a smile), and I’m wondering if this means she believes that her grandson is already beyond saving. as in killing him would be a mercy, as opposed to him continuing to live with AFO bending his mind and body to his will. except if that is the case, I think she’s underestimating Tomura’s own will. and definitely underestimating Deku’s will to save
and also, just... I’m so fucking sick of AFO screwing the Shimura family over, honestly. this is exactly what he wanted. well fuck you, guy. you don’t get to have what you want. go out there and save Tomura, Deku. for his sake and for Nana’s. give them some hope. do your thing, boy. can’t wait for your big speech all about it next chapter lol
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bringer-if · 2 years
9 and 19 for all the ROs please😄
​​9. What was their first kiss like?
19. What do they wish they knew more about?
Harrow had his first kiss in highschool. He was asked by some of his theater-kid friends to help fill the cast for a play (they desperately needed more boys on the roster so they went outside of the classes and drama club), and he agreed. He never told anyone that the role required his first kiss. Everyone assumed he’d done it before, and he was embarrassed to admit otherwise. It was shaky and polite, very short, and with more of an audience than he’d have liked.
He wishes he knew more about technology. He’s always thought coding and tech-building would be super cool, but he’s not inclined to it. The markup languages confuse him, and he isn’t patient enough to commit to learning how to engineer anything.
Quinn was 10, and at a slumber party one of her friends asked if she wanted to try kissing. She was curious, and agreed. It was very clumsy and they both had on way too much candy-flavored lip gloss, but it was fun and she wouldn’t trade it for the world. They’re still good friends to this day.
She wishes she knew more about her family. It was always just her, her brother, her parents and her mom’s mom. She knows they have secrets, have a past that she knows nothing about. She’s always felt a little outside of her family, and she can’t name why.
Amber was 12. She was learning to skateboard from some friends, outside a gas station that halfheartedly sent workers out to try to chase them away. The leader of that little group was a boy named Lance. She didn’t really have feelings for him, but everyone knew he had a crush on her. Someone dared them to kiss, and she’s not one to back down from a dare. It was fast and underwhelming, and he stopped talking to her after that.
She wishes she knew more about the world. She wants to travel, to see everything and go everywhere. She feels like she hasn’t experienced anything, like she’s wasting time in Helmsvale. She wants to discover the world for herself, feel it under her feet.
Jazz doesn’t remember this, but they used to get in trouble in preschool/kindergarten for kissing the other kids. Their parents had told them it was a sign of love, and Jazz had so much love to give they didn’t know how else to express it. Once it was explained that this wasn’t the way to go about expressing these feelings, Jazz stopped doing so. They consider their first kiss to be a cute stranger at the first Pride they ever went to. They kissed in a parade, and never got each other’s names/numbers. Passionate and mysterious.
They wish they knew more about academic things, book learning never came easy to them. They need to be hands-on, active. They read, sure, but they don’t have a head for school settings or research. They know their father always wanted them to go to college, but that was cut off when they decided to become a Hunter.
Desmond takes a while to warm up to the idea of kissing. There was only one person they’ve wanted to really take that step with- Cam Patterson, in senior year of highschool- but they never got the chance (you can find out why in Ch. 4 if you spend time with them…). So, they’ve never had their first kiss. But they’ve felt the butterflies and the nervousness/ sweaty hands.
They wish they knew more about how to be loud. They’re not a pushover, but they feel lost sometimes in situations that require straightforwardness. They feel as though some things in their past would’ve been avoidable if they’d just spoken up, been bolder, been louder.
Tristan was 12 and at a summer camp that was all about studying marine life and the ocean. She was lingering by the manta rays at the Huntington Brights Aquarium, and a fellow camper came and shared their leftover chocolate bar from lunch. Tristan had caught feelings for this camper earlier in the week, and went for it. Sweet and breathless.
They wish they knew more about regular life. They were turned so young that the normal world was all but cut off from them. She is very good at being a vampire, doesn't dislike it, honestly, but she wonders what she could have been if that had never happened.
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How do you like me now
William ‘Ironhead’ Miller x reader
Another song fic. Warnings: dumb ex, shitty parents. 
So, I’ve had this one on my mind for a long while, and I may actually write more about this one, like a mini series maybe. I also just like the thought of Will having a kid and the shenanigans. 
Everything: @mikeisthricedeceased 
Triple Frontier Boys: @artsymaddie @mcrmarvelloki​ 
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Yeah, I was always the crazy one broke into the stadium
And I wrote your number on the 50-yard line
Will wouldn’t have admitted openly but when he was younger, he was a lot like Santi in that he slept around a lot. Broke many hearts when he was a teenager. To put it simply? He was an ass.
Time in the army changed that, especially when he met the men who would become his brothers. Between Pope, Catfish, and Redfly he was nowhere near the same person he was when he left high school. Benny liked to tease him a lot, whenever they came home to visit their parents.
In fact, that was what he was currently doing. He, and Benny, were driving home with Santi and Frankie in the back. His parents needed furniture moved out; they were downsizing to a smaller home.  So, the four of them were going to be their muscles for it.
Benny was exaggerating many parts of several stories, that caused Will to roll his eyes constantly before correcting him.
He pulled into the driveway of his parent’s home, quietly wondering whose car was parked in front of their house. He shrugged it off not thinking too hard on it. The four of them walked up to the door and knocked.
Their mother, Winnie Miller, opened the door with a smile, “My boys! You’re early!”
She greeted Santi and Frankie as they all came inside with hugs and cheek kisses.
“Figured we may as well get here as soon as possible to start moving stuff out,” Will explained as his mother fretted over him and Benny, stating ‘we were too skinny.’
“Well, I do have some company but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Come into the kitchen, we just made some cookies,” Winnie said as she led them forward.
Benny bounded forward excitedly rushing past their mother to the kitchen. As they caught up to him, Will noticed he had stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the person sitting at the island.
“Benny, what the hell are y-…” Will started to ask but stopped as he took her in as well.
He muttered her name as he watched her straightened up.
You were always the perfect one and a valedictorian
So under your number I wrote "Call for a good time"
“You mean She-Devil?” Benny grumbled glaring at her.
She waved awkwardly, and said, “Benny. Hey, Will.”
“What are you doing here, Venus?” Will asked her, using her old nickname from high school.
“Just uh… talking…” She answered biting her lip, looking uncomfortable at the attention she was receiving.
“Hm. Talking? Planning on running someone else over?” Benny asked mockingly.
“It was an accident,” She mumbled shaking her head.
“Is that another exaggeration?” Santi asked as he and Frankie moved to stand to the side.
“Nope. She jumped the curb and broke Will’s leg in 3 places!” Benny exclaimed, waving his arms.
Will winced slightly at that and scratched the back of his neck.
“Can you not?” Venus threw back crossing her arms.
“Benny. Chill. Just… go outside with the guys, please,” Will commanded him gently not wanting a fight to start.
Just then a small voice could be heard behind him, “Mommy?”
Venus tensed, taking a deep breath, before passing by him to walk into the living room. On the couch was a little girl, who had been taking a nap.
Will gazed at the girl noting she was about 3 years old, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Blue eyes that looked eerily similar to his own.
“Benny. Seriously, go outside. Calm down,” Will called over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving Venus and her daughter.
He heard Benny huff and storm outside.
“I’ll go… talk to him,” Came Santi’s voice as he followed Benny.
Frankie looked at the two people in the living room, and then at Will. He could very easily connect the dots that was going on within Will’s brain.
Will stepped forward and glanced between her and the child.
“Something you want to tell me?” Will questioned her softly.
She sighed, picking her daughter up, who immediately clung to her neck.
“Her name is Charlotte,” She said quietly.
“…. After my grandmother?” Will murmured lowly.
She nodded once, not making eye contact.
Will nodded, rubbing his hand over his face, exasperated.
He walked back into the kitchen, giving his mother a pointed look.
“Give her a chance to explain,” Winnie pleaded.
He sighed heavily, before turning back around. However, she wasn’t there. He could hear doors closing and the sound of an engine starting up.
“Seems you got some splainin’ to do, brother,” Frankie stated as he snagged a cookie.
Will turned to his mother, and inquired, “How long have you known?”
“A couple of months. She… she was going through some things and came home to deal with some shit with her parents. I saw her at the grocery store with Lottie and knew immediately. Course, she tried to deny it at first, but Lottie looks exactly like you. Can’t fool me,” Winnie explained as Benny and Santi came back in.
“What are we talking about?” Benny was confused as to what he just walked into.
“Nothing,” Will said shortly, turning and walking out of the house.
He knew where she was heading. Same place she always did when she was stressed.
I only wanted to get your attention
But you overlooked me somehow
It was a 15-minute drive to the nearby park, and another 10 minutes following an old hiking path that led to a beautiful pond.
That was where she was, with her… their… daughter who was happily chasing after butterflies.
“Figured you’d be here,” He announced his arrival as he stood near her.
“You always did know me best,” She replied, not looking at him.
Will sat next to her on the worn bench that had been there since they were in high school. He fondly watched their daughter as she began to make flower crowns.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He softly asked her.
“Because it was a one-night stand, after far too many shots. Figured you didn’t want to see me ever again. When I found out I was pregnant… I wanted to tell you but…” She started but her voice faltered at the end.
“But you thought I would reject you?” He supplied as he stared at her, noting her teary eyes.
She nodded in response, “Yeah. Plus, there was… a lot of drama with my parents and I didn’t want to involve you.”
“My mother mentioned that. What happened?” Will wanted answers.
“You remember how I told you about my last ex, when we… were last together?” She began, waiting for his nod. “Imagine their reaction when they found out I was pregnant.”
He rolled his eyes up to the high heavens, “Let me guess? They threw a conniption?”
“…Sorta…” She said softly. “They disowned me.”
Will raised an eyebrow at that, “They what? Seriously?’
“Yep. No inheritance for me. We don’t even really talk anymore. They keep trying to say they’ll forgive me and give it back if I marry someone that they approve. Too bad I am not 16 anymore, desperate for their attention,” She said bitterly.
He snorted at that, “So, my mom discovered your secret. What’s been happening there?”
“She keeps insisting that I come over to eat. Says I’m too skinny. I think she also just likes being a grandma,” She replied with a shake of her head. “I have my own place, I just… go over there to keep her company. Don’t… don’t exactly have any friends here. At least not anymore.”
“Mh. She says that about everyone,” Will smiled. “You still have me.”
She looked over at him surprised, but appreciative. She gently scooted closer to him, giving him a side hug. He returned it, kissing the top of her head.
“Mommy? Who this?” Came Lottie’s voice.
They parted, and looked toward her, and her handful of flowers.
“Lottie. This is Will…your daddy,” She introduced her pulling her in close.
She looked at Will with wide eyes, before making grabby hands toward him. Will chuckled as he picked her up, letting her stand on his legs.
“Hi sweetheart,” He said sweetly to her.
She smiled shyly, looking down at her feet for a moment.
“May I hug you?” Her voice softly asked.
Will nodded with a smile, holding his arms out accepting the hug that she gave him. Her grip tightened after a moment and she collapsed against him. He held her in his arms, glancing over at Venus who was watching them fondly.
Besides you had too many boyfriends to mention
And I played my guitar too loud
An hour later, he was returning home alone. Venus took Charlotte home to finish her nap; they had made plans to have dinner together tonight.
He stepped inside the house with a heavy sigh, tossing his keys onto the side table near the door. He made his way back into the kitchen, where the guys and his parents were gathered drinking lemonade and eating cookies.
He snatched a glass from the cabinet and poured out some lemonade. He took a drink from it as his parents excused themselves to the living room.
“What the hell is going on Will?” Benny asked crossing his arms.
“Better question, who was the babe that apparently ran you over?” Santi chimed in looking at the two of them.
Will walked over to the table, taking a seat, waiting for the guys to join him.
“Venus… was the head cheerleader who I dated for several months. I broke up with her…. a week after we finally slept together… Needless to say…. She didn’t take it well,” Will began to explain.
“‘Didn’t take it well.’ Sure. That’s putting it lightly,” Benny rolled his eyes.
“She really ran you over?” Santi asked incredulously.
Will nodded once, wincing at the memory.
“So, yeah. She did that. Then we never really spoke to one another…until about 4 years ago,” Will continued.
“You saw her 4 years ago? Why? What the hell prompted you to talk to the She-Devil?” Benny questioned angrily.
“Hey, enough with the ‘She devil’ stuff alright? It…. Was some time after Jessica called off our engagement. Was at a bar… so was she… we talked,” Will explained vaguely.
“You mean the two of you got shit faced and slept together?” Santi laughed.
Will shrugged somewhat, avoiding eye contact with Benny.
“She had been engaged herself… and… the guy was killed in a hit and run incident… 3 days before their wedding. Apparently, her parents didn’t approve of him because he was an artist, not something fancy like a lawyer. Her parents had no sympathy for her,” Will cleared his throat briefly. “So, yeah. We drank. We slept together….”
“…made a kid…” Frankie coughed quietly.
Benny’s face became one of pure disbelief before he stood up, shaking his head, and leaving the room.
“The little tyke we saw earlier?” Santi clarified.
Will and Frankie both nodded, with Frankie adding with a tease, “Looked just like Will too. Frown and all.”
Will rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face as he thought about how much Charlotte looked like him.
When I took off to Tennessee
I heard that you made fun of me
Approximately 2 hours later, Will had cleaned up and stood in front of Venus’ apartment. He knocked firmly and heard a small set of feet run to the door. He heard the doorknob jiggle a few times before it finally turned, and the door swung open.
He looked down, spotting his mini me, shyly looking around the door.
“Hi,” She quietly said, opening the door a little wider for him.
“Hey sweetie,” Will greeted her with a smile, stepping inside. “Where’s your mom at?”
“In here!” Came Venus’ voice from further in the apartment.
Charlotte grabbed his pants leg, tugging on it slightly. Will squatted down near her, closing and locking the door as he did.
“Mommy’s trying to impress you, but she’s not the best cook,” Charlotte whispered to him.
Will snorted softly, nodding his head, “She wasn’t a good cook when we were younger either. Let me go see if I can save dinner yeah?”
Charlotte giggled at that, and the two of them made their way toward the kitchen.
Will came up beside Venus and asked, “So, what are you making?”
“It… it was supposed to be chicken alfredo but… apparently the kitchen still hates me when I try to cook because nothing turned out right,” She answered biting her lip, looking dejected as she tried turned off the stove.
Will looked at it and noted that she had burned a great deal of it, and not much could be rescued.
“So… Pizza?��� Will suggested looking back at her.
She shrugged, grabbing the takeout menus and setting them out. Will watched as she walked down the hallway, mumbling she was going to clean up a bit. Will ordered the food, and then cleaned the pans, tossing out the inedible food. When the pans were clean, he told Charlotte to go clean up as well, while he checked on Venus.
He walked toward her bedroom, noting the light coming from it. He took a step knocking lightly on the door looking around for her. She wasn’t in the bedroom, so he moved over to the ensuite bathroom.
“Venus? You okay?” He quietly asked her.
He didn’t hear a response, so he gently pushed open the door. She was standing at the sink, glaring down at it. He leaned against the counter, his hand gently resting on top of hers.
She glanced at it, her gaze slowly moving up to meet his.
“Sorry for ruining dinner. Guess I should stick to baking, never have a problem there,” She said to him with a small shrug.
“Sweetie… I knew the second we decided to have dinner, that it would probably be takeout. I don’t mind. Maybe, I need to teach you how to cook…or at least see where you keep going wrong,” Will lightly teased her.
She weakly chuckled, “I might take you up on that. Does… does that mean you may stick around?”
“Probably… We’ll talk more later,” Will promised. “Now, let’s go watch a movie while we wait for pizza.”
She nodded, and without letting go of her hand, he walked with her back to the living room. Charlotte was on the floor in front of the movie case, trying to pick out a movie.
She eventually chose Big Hero Six, the three of them settling onto the couch to watch it. Will got up about 30 mins in to grab and pay for the pizza. Once everyone had a slice, and drinks, they resumed. Charlotte fell asleep after a slice and a half, toward the end of the movie.
Will easily picked her up, following Venus to her room. He tucked her into bed, Venus placing a large polka dot elephant in with her.
When they stepped back out, Venus whispered, “That elephant is her favorite, she will not sleep through the night if it’s not with her.”
“Good to know,” Will whispered back, looking down at her fondly.
Venus could feel her face warm at the look Will was giving her, and felt her breath hitch slightly, as Will leaned down. He paused, waiting to see if she objected to him making a move. When he saw none, he continued, pressing his lips lightly to hers.
Venus froze for a moment, before responding, kissing back more firmly. Will’s hand came to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing against it softly. His other arm, wrapped around her waist, pulling her in close. Her hands clenched at the fabric of his shirt, wrinkling it.
They kissed for what felt like hours but was really only minutes. When they parted, they were breathless.
“Think we should have that talk,” Venus murmured her head resting against his chest.
She felt him nod and the two of them walked back into the living room, sitting on the couch.
For a moment it was quiet, as both of them worked up the courage to speak.
“I want the both of you in my life,” Will started eventually.
“You do?” Venus was surprised.
“Yeah… Not going to lie… seeing you 4 years ago… made me realize just how much I regretted what I did in high school…” Will admitted.
“….Why did you break up with me? Because… you said it was for a bet, but… Andrew didn’t recall such a bet when we dated,” Venus said with a raised eyebrow.
“Can’t believe you dated him. Andrew was such a dick…” Will shook his head. “I broke up with you… because… I was terrified. It was our senior year… I had no plans for college, but you did… Felt like I was going to… hold you back or disappoint you.”
Venus stare at him with wide eyes before smacking him on the arm.
When she heard the satisfying ‘ow’ in response, she spoke, “You were never a disappointment… nor did I think you would hold me back. When I heard you left for the army, I was extremely proud of you. Worried as hell, but proud.”
Never imagined I'd make it this far
Then you married into the money girl
“You were worried for me?” Will asked curiously.
“Yeah. I was. Just because we weren’t together didn’t mean I stopped caring about you. I always wanted to ask your mom about you, but I figured she hated me for the whole… broken leg thing,” she said with a wince.
He laughed at that, “No. She told me I had it coming. Was surprised you didn’t try to hit me twice.”
Venus giggled a little at that.
“Can I ask you something? Why the hell are you still here, in this town with your shit parents?” Will asked her seriously.
“Rent agreement is 6 months. I have another month to get through. Don’t know what I’ll do after that,” Venus said simply.
Will thought for a few minutes, before proposing, “There’s… there’s several houses for rent in Castle Rock… in my neighborhood. You… you and Charlotte could come live near me?”
“Think you could handle us being that close to you? You know Lottie will want to come see you a lot. She… She gets attached quickly. Please don’t break her heart,” Venus requested firmly.
“I understand. I have no plans of hurting either of you, but you and I both know you need to get out of this town. It’s not good for you nor her to be around your parents,” Will said concerned, his hand brushing against her cheek.
“I know… You’re right. I only came back because apparently my grandparents left me everything, and my parents… were not happy. Tough shit,” Venus scoffed. “They keep dragging in lawyers to try and dispute the will. It’s been such a pain in the ass.”
“What exactly is there to dispute? Didn’t your grandparents change their will when we graduated high school?” Will questioned.
She nodded, “Though… most people assumed it was them trying to spoil me. In reality, my parents didn’t approve of me going into architecture. So, they put limits on my accounts, thinking that if they made it difficult for me to pay for things that I would suddenly change my major and do something I had no interest in.”
Will rolled his eyes, thinking back to when they had dated, how her parents never approved him. He wasn’t on the football team, with straight A’s or a plan for college. He played lacrosse, made decent grades and the only thing he look forward to was riding his Harley.
“I guess… the next thing we should talk about is us,” Venus said after a moment.
“Yeah… when… when we last saw each other we were both going through some intense shit. However, I don’t regret it. Or the result of it. Maybe we could… try dating again, not... start over necessarily but…” Will said with a sigh.
“Fresh page sort of thing?” Venus supplied biting her lip for a moment.
“Yeah. That sounds good. Um. So, I going to be here for a few days helping my parent’s move…” Will began.
“Yeah. Your mother has roped me into helping pack up the glassware and such. So… we will be seeing each other a lot… How pissed is Benny?” She asked with a small wince.
“He’ll get over it. But I figured you could meet my best friends and we could go out on more relaxed dates for a time?” Will offered reaching over to take her hand in his.
She smiled and nodded enthusiastically at the suggestion.
Ain't it a cruel and funny world?
He took your dreams, and he tore them apart
The next day rolled around, and as he woke up at 5am exactly like the others, he figured he and Benny needed to talk. He motioned for Benny to step outside with him, and with a frown, he does so.
“Look… I know you don’t like her for the shit she did when we were in high school. However, we were both just as bad. I forgave her for that shit years ago and so did she. I’m going to need you to try and tolerate her. Especially when her daughter is also your niece. Please, do not start a fight,” Will begged him.
Benny stared at him for a few minutes, before finally looking away, mumbling something under his breath.
He sighed heavily, turning to look back at Will who stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Sure. I’ll…try…I make no promises,” Benny grumbled after a moment.
“I’ll take it. She should be here in a bit, to help mom pack up,” He warned Benny.
“Why does this matter so much to you? I get wanting to be civil for the kid’s sake, but you always said that you didn’t care about her after y’all broke up,” Benny was trying to understand what was going through his brother’s head.
“… I lied. I… I never her told her this but her parents made sure to let me know that I was just going to hold her back and be a disappointment to her. Well. She knows the latter half… she doesn’t know it came from her parents. I let them get into my head and I broke her heart to make it easier,” Will explained as he tucked his hands into pants pockets.
“Shit… You let those freaks into your head? Explains why you were so miserable for so long,” Benny replied, scoffing.
Will did a half shrug as they walked back inside to see Frankie serving breakfast, waffles and bacon. The four of them ate making plans on which rooms they should work on first. After creating a plan of attack, it was almost 7am and there was a quiet knock at the door.
Benny was the one who went and answered it. Will closed his eyes, tensing, expecting raised voices and fists landing.
Benny answered the door, finding Venus standing there with Charlotte in her arms. Venus straightened up as she realized who stood there.
“Morning,” Benny greeted first.
“Mornin’. Lottie. This is Benny, he’s your uncle. He’s a bit silly,” Venus introduced Charlotte to him, softly.
Charlotte looked at him, shyly waving at him.
“Hi,” She said with a small wave.
“Hey. C’mon in. Frankie made waffles if you’re hungry?” Benny offered waving them in.
“Oooh. Waffles? Waffles are your favorite, isn’t that right sweetie?” Venus cooed to her.
Lottie nodded with a small yawn.
Benny escorted them back into the kitchen where Frankie was cleaning up the mess he made after serving breakfast, and Santi & Will were sitting at the table still. Lottie upon seeing Will, wiggled down in her Venus’ arms, wanting to be set down. Venus placed her on the ground, straightening out her clothes for a moment before letting Lottie run over to Will.
When she stood near him, he immediately picked her up and placed her in his lap, and she curled up into his arms.
Frankie quietly called for Venus’ attention, asking her, “Would she like a full waffle or half?”
“Half. She never finishes a full. Thank you,” Venus said appreciating him as he took a waffle and cut it in half.
He cut a slice of bacon in half as well, before coming over to Will with the food and syrup. Venus quietly grabbed from the fridge a small container of fresh mixed fruit, grabbing a small plastic bowl to scoop some into it. She served the fruit alongside the waffles that Lottie was currently devouring.
“Slow down sweetie, the food isnt going anywhere. You are going to make yourself sick eating that fast,” Venus lightly warned her.
Charlotte slowed down after that, mumbling a quiet sorry.
She finished eating about 20 minutes later, and thanked Frankie for the food, stating, “It was really good.”
Frankie smiled brightly and told her, “You are very welcome, honey.”
By then Will’s parents had woken up and were dressed for the day. They made their own plates and were eating as Benny told them the plan.
Will noticed Venus hadn’t made herself anything and was simply leaning against one of the counters in the kitchen, waiting.
Will stood up, placing Charlotte in his seat with a quick kiss on the head.
Will stood next to her, and said lowly, “There’s plenty of food for you to eat as well.”
Venus sighed softly, “I know. Not really hungry. Never am when my parents call.”
“What did they say this time?” Will asked looking at her with slight concern.
“The usual. I’m a disappointment. We didn’t raise you to be like this. If you just did what we asked, things would be easier for the both of you. We want to know our granddaughter and you are depriving us. Blah Blah Blah,” Venus said in a monotoned voice.
“Tch. They had plenty of opportunities to get to know her. Don’t let them ruin your day, simply because they want to be manipulative and guilt trip you,” Will stated matter-of-factly.
Venus nodded, understanding him, but it was still difficult to do. She had heard the same lines long before she left high school. In fact, she started hearing them when she dated Will because he wasn’t on their approved list of suitors. Honestly, that fact alone made her like Will even more, because it meant she didn’t have to put on a façade.
They didn’t get to say much more as his parents finished up, and his mother wandered over to her to start wrapping and packing up the fragile items. It was quiet work as the guys moved out furniture onto a truck, some furniture was going to their new place in Denver, but many others were being donated to other families in town who needed them.
Charlotte helped by dispensing tape for a while before growing bored and running to go supervise the guys. Venus shook her head, chuckling.
“It seems things are going pretty well with you and Will…” Winnie’s teased her. “I notice he didn’t come home until late last night.”
Venus cleared her throat, as she felt her face warm up.  After their talk, they had spent a great deal of time… getting reacquainted with one another.
“I have no idea what you are talking about Winnie,” She replied her voice cracking halfway through.
“I haven’t seen him happy in a long time. Or that relaxed. He is usually always tense when he comes home, no matter who is with him or what is going on. I assume he knows what’s going on?” Winnie asked her as they taped up some boxes.
“Yeah. He knows. Told me that uhh… there are some houses up for rent around his neighborhood. I might… see into that,” She informed Winnie, her movements slowing down as she thought about it.
“What’s that big ol’ brain of yours thinking now? I can see you getting lost in your thoughts. Or should I say your insecurities,” Winnie was always able to see right through her.
“Just… worried he’s going to change his mind… about us… about Charlotte. I don’t want to live closer to him just to have my heart broken again,” Venus confessed quietly.
“I understand. You cannot tell him I ever told you this but… when you were teenagers your father said a lot of things to him. Made him feel like this relationship was only going to end in misery. He left because he thought it was best despite the fact that he was miserable without you,” Winnie’s voice dropped as well.
Venus stared at her surprised. Everything made so much more sense now. She never understood why the breakup and even though Will had told her last night that he felt like he would be disappointment, she still didn’t understand where that came from. Now she did. Her father planted seeds of doubt and the both of them suffered because of it.
He never comes home, and you're always alone
And your kids hear you cry down the hall
A few hours had passed, and they had moved furniture out of at least 3 rooms and moved them to their new homes. Will chuckled as he watched Charlotte, or Charlie as Benny has taken to calling her, played with Benny in the front yard.
Benny and Frankie had stripped off their over shirts, Benny in a tank and Frankie in a simple white tee. Will and Santi had taken their shirts off completely, all four of them trying to cool off as they rested.
Venus stepped outside at that point with an armful of water bottles. She passed one out to everyone, checking on Charlotte.
“Sweetie, why don’t you come sit in the shade for a bit,” She said bringing her over to the porch.
Charlotte got onto the porch swing, drinking from her small water bottle, with a sigh. Venus quietly looked her over, noting she looked like she had a bit of sunburn on her shoulders.
Venus looked over at the guys who were sprawled out all over the yard.
“Ya know… there’s this thing called air conditioning inside the house. If ya’ll want to crawl back inside. Drink your water… there’s also cold beer,” She tempted the four of them.
At the mention of cold beer, Benny and Santi popped up immediately, making their way inside. Frankie got up as well, but not as quickly. He chugged down his water, muttering a thanks to Venus as he joined the guys inside. Charlotte after a moment, followed them in as well, wanting to cool off.
Will, who was sitting on the steps, simply patted the spot next to him. Venus joined him with a smile, leaning against him lightly.
“So, your mom doesn’t want the four of you to strain yourselves. She wants you to take it easy tomorrow. I was thinking… maybe… we could go check out those rent houses if you were up for it,” Venus proposed, her chin resting against his bicep as she stared at him.
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. Charlotte can come with or she can stay here and be doted on by her grandparents,” Will said with a small chuckle.
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll want to stay here since Grandma Winnie plans to make more cookies tomorrow,” Venus said a smile on her face.
They spoke a little while longer, making plans for tomorrow, when a car pulled up to the house. A very nice and expensive car.
Venus stared at it with narrow eyes as she watched Andrew McIntosh step out.
“What are you doing here Andrew?” She asked him not bothering to stand up.
“Well. Your dear ole mother said you were refusing to answer her calls and wanted to know if you were okay. So, she asked me to come check on you,” Andrew answered looing at the house with disinterest.
“Well. I’m fine as you can see. Now leave. I don’t want to see or speak to you ever again,” Venus growled her body tensing with anger.
Will quietly placed his hand on her shoulder, before standing up.
He squared up in front of Andrew and said, “You’ve done your task, now get off my property.”
Andrew scoffed at him, “Can’t believe you. You were so desperate to get away from her. Kept claiming she was so damn clingy and needy.”
“No. That was you. I vaguely remember knocking you on your ass for it too. Seriously, get off my property before I remind you of all the times I kicked your ass when we were younger,” Will promised him.
Andrew shook his head, but even Venus could see that he was nervous, as he backed away. Andrew walked away and got back into his car, driving away.
Venus stood up as Will turned around, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.
“You really need to block your parents,” Will said after a moment.
“I know. She called once and then sent that shithead to come “check on me.” Most likely he’s going to go back to my mother and tell her I’m here and then I’ll get yet another phone call today. Such fun for me,” Venus said with a roll of her eyes.
Venus stared at him for a moment, before slowly wrapping her arms around his neck. His arms went to her waist, instinctively.
“Thank you for defending my honor. I appreciate it. I regret ever dating him,” She muttered to him.
She stood on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. He kissed her back, deepening the kiss. They kissed for a good minute before parting. The two of them smiled at each other before heading inside, holding hands.
As the guys drank and cooled off, Venus took the opportunity to bring Charlotte to the spare bedroom and apply some soothing lotion to her shoulders before putting her down for a nap. Once she was asleep, which didn’t take long, Venus stepped back out into the living room, and took a seat next to Will as they all talked.
About 30 minutes had passed when her phone began to ring. She glanced at the screen noticing the name was Horrid Woman aka her mother. Will noticed it and motioned for her to answer it. She does so, staring at him curiously. When it connected, he hit the speaker button.
“Young lady. You have so much explaining to do. Why in the world are you with that… that… hoodlum? You are going to send me to an early grave I swear. Enough is enough. It is time for you to come home and stop this nonsense. We’ve allowed you to have your rebellious phase, but it is now time for you to grow up and act like an adult. I swear I don’t know where I went wrong with you,” Her mother’s shrill voice ranted.
“‘That hoodlum?’ Seriously mom? Can you sound more like an 80s sitcom? I am not coming home. I am not going through a phase. Stop calling. Stop sending people to check on me. I don’t want anything to do with you, or dad,” Venus spoke calmly but her rage was stirring.
“Why I never… He is no good for you. All he will do is disappoint you and break your heart again. He’s done it once before,” Her mother continued.
“Yeah. about that… tell me mother… how much shit were you and dad spewing to him when we were together? Hmm? The way I see it, I was happy, and you couldn’t control me anymore. So, you two did what you do best: destroyed everything. Got me back under your thumb for a time. Sadly, for you, I am not a teenager desperate for your love and attention. I’m blocking this number, do not call me ever again,” Venus ended the call, blocking it immediately.
Venus tossed her phone onto the coffee table, standing up and walking down the hallway needing to be alone for a minute.
Benny was the first to react, “How are her parents still that much of a nightmare?”
Will shrugged, standing up as well, searching for her. He eventually found her in the laundry room, small sniffles filling the room. He gently pulled her into his arms, holding her as she cried quietly. He often found her in a similar state when they were younger, hidden away somewhere to cry in private after an argument with her parents. He knew from past experiences, to just be there for her and let her cry.
Alarm clock starts ringin' who could that be singin'
It's me baby, with your wake up call
The rest of the evening went smoother, the guys crashed in the bedroom they had been in last night. Will and Venus crashed on the couch, curled around each other. They fell asleep together, enjoying one another’s company.
Venus woke up, with her back to Will’s chest. She opened her eyes, feeling something nudging her. She looked down to see Lottie trying to join them. She checked the time, noting it was still early morning. She repositioned herself to lie on her back and pulled Lottie onto her chest, tossing the blanket over her.
“Bad dream sweetie?” Venus quietly asked her.
Charlotte nodded once, burying her face into her chest. Will, who woke up slightly, wrapped his arms around the both of them. The 3 of them fell back to sleep for a few more hours.
Winnie woke up a bit early, getting dressed, and making her way downstairs. She stopped short when she spotted the scene that was before her on the couch. She pulled out her phone to take a photo of it. Some time in the night they had shifted to where Will was on his back, Venus tucked under one arm, and Charlotte sprawled out on his chest.
Winnie made her way into the kitchen, finding the boys in the kitchen making breakfast.
“Good morning my boys. Ready to be my packing helpers today?” Winnie asked them, making herself a cup of coffee.
“Yes ma’am,” Santi answered, handing her a plate of food.
“One second, let me go and get my grandbaby. She’s an inch away from rolling off them and onto to the floor,” Winnie said setting her cup down next to the plate.
Winnie made her way over to them, gently waking Charlotte up as she picked her up off of Will’s chest. Charlotte grumbled a moment before rubbing at her eyes, slowly waking up.
“Good morning my sweet. Let’s go get dressed and have breakfast, hmm” Winnie cooed to her taking her to the spare bedroom.
Will woke up when he heard his mother, opening his eyes eventually. He looked down at Venus, gently waking her up too. Venus stretched gently, slowly sitting up. The two of them quietly got up and got ready for the day, parting briefly to go to separate rooms.
Will stepped out, watching with some surprise as Venus and Benny talked at the island, and were actually being civil with one another. Charlotte was with his mom, eating quietly, and his dad was talking to Santi and Frankie over coffee. He took in the moment, sighing softly.
How do like me now? Yeah
How do you like me now?
Eventually, later on that morning, Venus and Will were in his neighborhood meeting with the realtor that had been working with his parents. The realtor was an older woman named Susan, who gave off mom vibes.
Susan had about 4 houses for Venus to look at. The first two were no’s due to the amount of work that they needed to be done for both of them. The third one was small and not in the best location. The fourth one was alright, not too terrible and was down two streets from his.
“This one has 3 beds, 2 baths. Open floor space for the kitchen and living room. And of course, a nice backyard for any little ones,” Susan said as she showed them the house.
Then one appeared to be the winner; an hour later she had signed all of the necessary documents and was given the key to her new home. By the time everything was said and done, it was late in the afternoon. Will had a small idea, and instead of driving out of the neighborhood, drove her to his place.
He parked the car, and led her inside telling her, “Figured you and I could have dinner together. Catch up. Have… have some alone time.”
She smiled brightly at that, nodding her head.
Now that I'm on my way
Do you still think I'm crazy
They spent the evening together, enjoying one another’s presence. That night they slept together, exploring each other’s bodies. Since they were alone, they could be as loud as they wanted to. They fell asleep in each other’s arm, content.
When they woke up, Venus felt oddly on edge. It took her a few minutes to fully realize why she felt strange.
“As much as I like this… can we head back to your parent’s? I’m not used to being away from Charlotte for so long,” Venus requested once she thought about it.
Will nodded, understanding, “I get it. Let’s get dressed and we can head back to the house.”
They do just that, and when they pull up to the house, and make their way up to the door, Will threw his arm around her shoulders, kissing her cheek.
They stepped inside, and immediately were ambushed by a small child who rapidly spoke about her day.
“Honey, you gotta slow down a bit there,” Venus laughed picking her up.
“Uncle Benny let me watch movies until midnight and we ate popcorn and candy. Uncle Santi and Frankie went to bed early, but they helped me build a blanket fort in the living room,” She repeated going slightly slower.
“Oh? Uncle Benny gave you sugar after 10pm? Oh no. That means my little gremlin will appear soon, doesn’t it?” Venus said somewhat joking but also with a hint of dread.
Charlotte had a tendency to have a sugar rush and crash, but she gets extremely grumpy when she is about to crash.
“Well. You are about to experience a potential temper tantrum,” She warned Will as Lottie wanted to go back to Benny, running.
“I’m sure I can handle it, doll. Dealt with these 3 children for the past 10 years. Trust me, nothing she does will compare to them,” Will said softly.
An hour into moving more furniture out, the dreaded crash began to take hold. Charlotte was refusing to do anything that she was asked. She would either ignore the person talking to her or she would stomp away. Venus sighed heavily as she walked after her, after Venus told her to go sit somewhere safe while the guys were lifting heavy furniture.
She finds her on the staircases, arms crossed, frowning, and staring at the floor.
“Lottie. C’mon. Let’s go sit somewhere,” Venus held out her hand for her to take.
Charlotte just shakes her head, pushing her hand away.
“Charlotte,” Venus said more firmly.
“NO!” Came her voice loudly.
Will, who was helping clear out a nearby room, heard the shout. Will walked toward the sound, spotting Venus standing there with her eyes closed as she tried to calm herself down. Venus knew it was because Charlotte was tired, but her refusing to listen to her was frustrating.
“Lottie. Can you come here sweetie?” Will asked squatting down.
Charlotte slowly walked over to him, frown still in place.
“What’s the matter? Hm? Are you tired?” Will questioned, his voice soft.
Lottie, after a moment, nodded.
“Then why don’t we go take a nap hm?” Will proposed, moving to pick her up.
“But I don’t wanna nap!” She said as she squirmed in his grip.
“Then how about we just lay down for a moment?” Will countered as they stepped into her room.
He laid her down, and even joined her on the tiny bed.
“Sweetie. You can’t be yelling at your mom, okay? She was just wanting to keep you safe. We are moving a lot of really heavy stuff. If we didn’t see you or if we lost our grip on something and you were nearby, it would really hurt you, okay?” His voice stayed soft as he spoke to her.
She nodded her head, “I’m sorry daddy.”
Will still wasn’t used to hearing her call him that. Hell, he doubted he ever will. Hearing her call him ‘dad/daddy’ made his heart swell with so much emotion.
“It’s not me you need to say that to,” He tells her.
Lottie yawned loudly, her eyes drifting she shut as she mumbled an ‘okay.’
He waited a few minutes, to make sure she was asleep, before standing up. He tucked her polka dot elephant in with her, before closing the door behind as he stepped out.
He made his way back to Venus who stared at him with wide eyes.
“Magic. You are magic. I’ve… I’ve never been able to get her to go down for a nap that easily when she’s upset,” Venus stated in disbelief.
“Told you. Dealt with grumpier children. And all 3 of them are my brothers,” Will said with a shrug.
A chorus of “hey’s” came from the other room, causing them to laugh.
Standing here today?
I couldn't make you love me
That had been about 5 months ago. In that time, Venus and Charlotte had moved into the new house and Will practically lived there. They had gone on several dates, some with Charlotte and some without.  On those dates, Grandma Winnie was more than happy to spoil her “favorite grandchild.”
When Will wasn’t with them, he was still doing his lectures and meets at the VA offices. Or working with Benny during his tournaments. It felt strange to say it, but Will found himself enjoying life more. It didn’t feel like a monotonous routine; it wasn’t boring anymore.
Will was currently on his way back from a tournament that Benny came in second place. Benny was bummed out and had planned to meet up with Santiago to go drinking. Will was tired, having been up since 3 am and wanting nothing more than to just collapse into a bed. He had planned on going to his home but found himself turning onto Venus’ street.
He pulled up to the house, parking with a heavy sigh. He got out of his car, walking up to the door and knocking twice. A minute passed and the door swung opened revealing Venus who was in just a silk nightgown.
“Hey, I heard about the tournament. How’s Benny doing?” She asked as she let him inside.
“Upset but that’s nothing new. He’ll be fine by morning. Is Lottie asleep?” Will questioned noting how quiet the house was despite it being 8pm.
“Grandma Winnie decided she wanted to steal her for the night. Something about a Disney movie marathon? So… It’s just us,” She explained softly, biting her lip.
“Oh… is that so?” Will smirked as he slid his hands around her waist.
He swiftly picked her up and carried her to her room, wanting to take advantage of this time. Her giggles sounded down the hallway before turning into moans as they landed on her bed.
Despite the fact that they’ve been dating almost 5 months, they haven’t been able to do anything too salacious without something interrupting them.
Tonight, apparently would be no different. Will had just tossed off his shirt and was working her nightgown off when a phone rang. Will collapsed with a groan, Venus growling loudly in annoyance.
Venus reached over to grab her phone and answered it with a sigh, “Hello?”
“Hey honey, I am so sorry to interrupt but I wanted you to know that Charlotte is running a fever. I gave her some children’s Tylenol, but she keeps asking for you and Will. He wouldn’t happen to be there with you, would he?” Came Winnie’s worried voice.
“Shit. Yeah. He’s with me. We’ll be over in a little bit,” Venus replied sitting up with Will.
“No need. I am on my way already. She was very adamant that only your chicken noodle soup would help,” Winnie said with a weak laugh.
“Okay. We’ll be here,” Venus said as she hung up. “Lottie has a fever. Your mom is bringing her back.”
“Was she feeling bad when she left?” Will asked as he threw his shirt back on.
“She had said she felt like her nose was stuffed but I figured it was just allergies. She didn’t say anything else was wrong,” Venus answered, concern lacing her features.
“Well, we will make her some soup and go from there. C’mon,” Will nodded, kissing her cheek trying to assure her.
The two of them got up, and made their way into the kitchen, fixing themselves up as they moved. It didn’t take long for a knock to sound on the door. Will, leaving Venus to heat up soup, answered it.
“Hey ma,” He greeted before turning his attention to Lottie in her arms. “Hey lil bug. What’s wrong my sweet girl?”
He gently took her from his mother’s arms and held her close as she sniffled.
“Don’t feel good,” Charlotte whispered, her voice sounding scratchy.
“Ohno. Well. Momma’s making soup and then you are going to bed,” Will told her as he walked into the kitchen.
His mother came in and told Venus when she gave Charlotte medicine and symptoms and such. Once she was done with that, she made her way back home.
Charlotte quietly ate her soup when it was done, coughing once or twice. She finished about 20 minutes later before turning to Venus, holding her arms out to her. Venus, with a soft smile, picked her up and carried her to Lottie’s room, tucking her in softly.  
Will was waiting for Venus in her room when she stepped inside.
“You know she’s going to be in here in like 20 minutes, right?” Will joked as the both of them crawled under the covers.
“I know. Habit to just tuck her into her own bed. Plus, she might not, she was practically asleep when I laid her down,” Venus said as she laid down on her side, curling up to Will who was on his back.
Will hummed quietly in response as the two of them laid there in comfortable silence.
15 minutes later, Venus was asleep, and Will was almost there too when he felt a small tug on his side of the blanket. He looked down to see Charlotte quietly staring up at him. He leaned down slightly, picking her up and letting her crawl under the covers. She collapsed onto his chest, one arm firmly holding her polka dot elephant.
She was out in seconds, and as Will wrapped his other arm around her, he looked at the both of them. His beautiful daughter and the woman he was falling back in love with.
He never imagined this. He never thought he would have this: a family to call his own. He loved it far more than he would ever admit.
But I always dreamed about living in your radio
How do you like me now?
It has been a year since Venus re-entered his life with Charlotte. Since then, Will had moved into her house and sold his old place.
The three of them were currently getting ready to go out to dinner with the guys. It didn’t take very long for them to get dressed and on the road.
They arrived at the restaurant, joining the guys with smiles. Frankie had Isabella with him, who was giggling happily when she saw Charlotte. The two of them became fast friends and had play dates often.
Charlotte sat in Will’s lap and gently played with Isabella who was in a highchair. Venus and Will ordered their drinks before looking over the menu.
The guys chatted happily with them, ordering their meals as they talked.
Lottie gently tugged at Venus’s hand, quietly telling her she needed to go potty. Venus took Lottie to the bathroom, swiftly.
“So… when you going to propose to her?” Frankie asked casually as he took a sip of his beer.
“Soon. I got the ring earlier today,” Will said with a small smile.
“Real question is which one of us is going to be the best man?” Benny asked with a smirk.
“She’s gotta say yes, first, dumbass. Then I’ll decide which of you asses will be my best man,” Will laughed.
Charlotte popped up next to him a second later.
“Daddy. Mommy looks mad,” Charlotte tells him, looking over at her.
Will’s head whipped over to look at Venus who had been stopped by Andrew McIntosh, his hand gripping her arm tightly. Will sat Charlotte on Benny’s lap, muttering for her to stay there.
Will strolled over to them, his fists clenching.
“Andrew. Get your hands off of her,” Will commanded him, his rage brewing.
Venus held a hand up to him, gently telling him to stop.
Venus looked at Andrew and said, “Stop bothering me. Stop reporting to my mother. Leave me alone.”
Venus ripped his hand off of her arm. When Andrew tried to reach for her again, Venus threw a punch out at him, a sickening crack sounding as she broke his nose. Andrew groaned as he held his nose, blood oozing from it. Andrew glared at her, moving to go after her, but Will stepped in between them.
“You put your hands on her again and a broken nose will be the least of your concerns,” Will warned him.
Andrew huffed, walking away with a glare.
Will turned to her and checked her over really quickly.
“You okay?” He asked her, his eyes examining her arm.
“Yeah. I’m good. Been wanting to do that since we were 7,” Venus said with a laugh as they walked back over to the table.
Will shook his head, smirking.
Dinner went without any further incident and they made their way back home. Charlotte wanted to watch a movie, so Will put on Beauty and the Beast for her.
As she watched it, Will and Venus stood in the kitchen quietly talking.
“What did he say to you?” Will asked her.
“Same old bullshit. I’ve learned to not care about it anymore. I have you and Lottie. That’s all I want and need,” Venus answered with an eyeroll.
Will looked at her for a moment before reaching into his pocket, pulling out the small velvet box he had hidden in there.
He gently opened it, presenting the ring inside.
“I was planning on doing this more romantically but… I don’t want to wait any longer. I want to call the both of you mine. That is… if you’re up for that,” He began, hesitating.
Venus stared at him in surprise, not expecting this.
She gently pulled the ring out of its box, looking at it for a moment, before slipping it onto her left hand.
“Yeah. I’m up for that. Shall we go tell our daughter?” Venus asked smiling brightly.
“In a moment,” Will muttered pulling her in close, kissing her softly.
If someone had told him a few years ago that he would be proposing to the girl he was in love with from high school, he would’ve thought they were insane. However, he wouldn’t have traded this for the world. He had his daughter and the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
Tell me, baby
I will preach on
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writingbeary · 3 years
Kingdom - To The World (pt.1)
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Minyoung’s Outfit
Texts placed inside brackets are Kingdom’s show subtitles
Italicized texts are in English
Texts that are block quoted are interview cuts
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“We have a lot of songs that go well with the theme ‘To the World’, so it’s a relief. We decided that we’ll continue what ATEEZ has been doing.” Hongjoong declared during the group interview after the theme was released.
As the teams arrived in their individual waiting rooms, the first thing they noticed is the queue sheet pasted on the wall. Minyoung the first one inside the room, ran to the poster to check which order they got.
“Omo!” Minyoung cheered, jumping around the waiting room, making the others immediately check what she’s dancing about.
“Why? Why?” Yunho asked as he entered the room followed by the rest of the members.
“We’re performing 5th!” Minyoung announced still jumping around the waiting room in joy. She took Jongho’s hands and made him jump with her, the latter going along with her laughing.
"It seems like my telepathy to Changbin worked.” Wooyoung declared jokingly. The whole group feeling relieved that they weren’t performing first this round. When asked what order they wanted to perform in, they wanted to go as late as possible. Although it’ll give them pressure to do better as they watch the senior groups’ performances, they felt their stage would have a bigger impact the later they perform.
“Does that mean you’ll use up most of your glowsticks before our performance?” Yunho asked eyeing the bag Minyoung is carrying. She excitedly told them about how she bought the sticks in replacement of the lightsticks for the groups and about how she kept her promise to represent all fandoms in the show.
“I can’t believe she actually bought some just to prove she’s a fan.” San laughed when Minyoung playfully stuck out her tongue at him
“I wanted to bring my lightsticks but since we still have a schedule after this, I was forbidden from doing so.” Minyoung pouted bringing out the package of glow sticks “This is the closest thing I could bring.”
“Don’t you have key rings?” Jongho asked as Minyoung gasps in realization.
“I do! Ah..but I only have iKON-sunbaenim’s key ring. I wasn’t able to buy anything else.” 
Chuckling, Yeosang offered another alternative for the girl “Then just use Lightiny and change it’s color to every group’s official colors?”
Minyoung gaped at the suggestion, nodding and quickly hugging Yeosang in her excitement “Oh! I didn’t think of that. I’ll do that for the next recording then. Thank you oppa!”
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(At Stray Kids’ meeting)
“How about we place ATEEZ as the first performer?” Jisung suggested as everyone was contemplating on who should go first after Jeongin suggested iKON since they went last or THE BOYZ since they have prior experience with Road to Kingdom.
“Are you sure about that? Minyoung will have your head if you do that. Wooyoung will probably have mine too.” Changbin laughed already seeing how the girl would react when she sees it.
“On second thought, nevermind. Please don’t put ATEEZ at the first slot. I need to live. Minyoung-ah, I’m sorry. I won’t do that again.” Jisung said dramatically to the camera, making the whole group laugh at his antics.
Changbin placed the rest of the nameplates on the board “Let’s go 4th, then place ATEEZ after with SF9 last.” checking to see the rest of the group’s reaction before continuing “I’m satisfied with this but should we go first or ATEEZ first?”
“Let’s go first.” Seungmin declared with I.N agreeing with him “Let’s go first. We just need to do better.” the confidence in the statement making all of Stray Kids excited
“What if ATEEZ leaves a strong impact with their performance?” Felix asked the group after looking at the whole lineup
“We don’t know about that. But if it’s ATEEZ, it’s going to be big. Their energy on stage is what they’re known for after all.” Changbin shrugged as he knows what the group is capable of.
“Right. I’m sure they’ll do something surprising this round.” Felix nodded as they decided to let it up to fate and just perform 4th. Just like how Seungmin declared, they just needed to do better and that’s what they’ll aim for.
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(During THE BOYZ’s Stage)
“This is it.” San exclaimed pointing at the screen.
“Quiet. Don’t speak.” Wooyoung cutting San off as he focused on the screen
Minyoung scooted her chair closer to Seonghwa, making herself comfortable hugging his arm as if they were just watching a show at their dorms. One hand holding up a glow stick to represent a lightstick for all the groups that will be performing.
“The water froze. Omo. Now it’s fire. Are they going for the theme Game of Thrones for the whole show?” Minyoung said under her breath afraid Wooyoung would scold her. She gasped when she realized how the camera looks like a game point-of-view, as if one is wearing VR headsets. 
When the fire went out, Minyoung slapped Seonghwa’s arm in realization. “They cannot be together because they’re Ice while the lady is Fire. Omo” The latter already used to the girl’s habits chuckled, patting her hand as he returned his focus on the performance.
“He’s hanging up there! Is he going up now? That’s sick!” Wooyoung exclaimed in awe as Sunwoo’s part came in.
“How are they coming up with that?” Seonghwa wondered outloud when Juyeon danced in front of the white sheet. “THE BOYZ really works well with their concepts.” Yunho added engrossed at the stage
“THE BOYZ-sunbaenim’s dance is really knife-like. They’re all in sync with each other.” Minyoung said catching herself and closing her mouth which was open throughout the performance. “Will we be able to do that too?”
“Yah. Do you want us to die? Don’t drag everyone in, just try it with the dance line and be satisfied with that please.” Hongjoong jokingly warned the girl while Yeosang let out a laugh shaking his head “Please don’t give her ideas.”
“So it started with snow and ended with fire?” San asked outloud still processing what happened when Minyoung pouted and answered him “I told you. THE BOYZ-sunbaenim are Ice while the lady was fire which is why they couldn’t be together!”
“That was awesome.” Hongjoong commented as the stage ended
“I knew they would pull it off, but Juhaknyeon kept saying ‘We already tried everything.’ But look at them!” Wooyoung ranted feeling betrayed by his friend
“Also, No Air means out of air.” Jongho started then Wooyoung gasped as if suddenly realizing the concept. “Oh, is that why they started underwater?”
“Then the water froze.” San added in “The freezing part was the start.” 
“I suddenly got goosebumps.” Yunho replied recalling the moments of the performance
“I already told you guys. You’re not listening to me.” Minyoung sulked, making Seonghwa laugh lightly and pat her back. “Don’t worry Minyoung-ah. I heard you.” Minyoung leaned her head on the eldest saying “This is why you’re the best oppa.”
“Like always, THE BOYZ-sunbaenim did such a fantastic job.” San concluded with the others agreeing.
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(During iKON’s meeting)
[iKON called SF9 Chani for help with song recommendations]
Chani: It’s a secret but..when I was filming <Sky Castle>..
Yunhyeong: You filmed that with ATEEZ’ Minyoung right? That drama?
Chani: Yes. I did it with Minyoung. When we were filming for the drama, the two of us listened to <Killing Me> a lot.
Yunhyeong: <Killing Me>? Why?
Junhoe: Was the drama killing you? *laughs*
Chani: It was challenging to film the drama. That’s one reason, but the song comforted me a lot. I mean it. You can ask Minyoung about it too since we both found comfort with it.
iKON members: *laugh* <Killing Me>
[An interesting choice for the 2 acting idols]
DK: Acting must have been so hard *chuckle*
Bobby: It must’ve been tough for it to be <Killing Me>
Chani: The song really hit home for me
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(During iKON’s stage)
“What song did iKON-sunbaenim pick? It must have been really tough to pick from all their songs.”  Minyoung asked scooting a bit closer to the monitor
“Is it <Love Scenario>?” Wooyoung gasped as the MCs hinted that the song they chose made iKON rank number one a lot. 
“But when I saw iKON-sunbaenim in the hallway, they were all wearing black so for it to be <Love Scenario>... Did they rearrange the song completely?” Minyoung wondered out loud as the hints all point toward Love Scenario.
“The number of views is reflected on the points. <Love Scenario> is widely known by among international fans.” Jongho noted remembering the criteria for the point system.
“That’s right. So they’re more likely to rank higher this time around.” San nodded
“Oh? She disappeared.” Yunho exclaimed surprised as Bobby came into the screen with his arms around a girl who suddenly disappeared.
“The End. Love Scenario’s lyrics are really sad despite the bright music. Are they changing it up to be more dramatic?” Minyoung asked as the music is still bare except the piano chords in the background.
“I feel like I’m watching a movie” Hongjoong commented as tune continued on when suddenly the accompaniment changed into a musical style song. Minyoung was singing along softly in her seat as the chorus played.
Yunho looked at Minyoung and nudged her lightly when DK’s solo part came again. He was grinning slightly while Minyoung slapped his arm lightly. “Don’t.” was all Minyoung said just as the music changed into Killing Me.
“Omo. He fell! Oh no. What is happening? Why is the camera blocking-..why is it so dark.” Minyoung confused at what is happening then the drop in the music made her gasp in surprise “That line! It’s..from Big Bang song. Omo.” Seonghwa had to hold on to Minyoung’s chair to stop her from scooting closer to the monitor.
ATEEZ all exclaimed when Chanwoo threw the lighter as the fire effects happened in the background. “This is it.” Wooyoung commented as the whole group bobbed along with the beat.
“Their stage really is killing me. Wah” San exclaimed as the stage came to an end. “That was a short 4 minute performance.”
“The tragedy of love. I think they had a great story like us.” Yunho noted during the group interview
Wooyoung piped in “Bobby-sunbaenim captivated everyone’s attention in the beginning." with San and Minyoung following up with "His gestures were really cool." "It felt as if we were watching his Show Me The Money stage."
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(During BTOB’s Stage)
"Omo. It's BTOB-sunbaenim next!" Minyoung exclaimed when the next performer is called.
"She's starting. She's starting to fangirl." San chuckled as he looked on to the girl.
"If they also sing their famous songs then it's done. If it's <I'll Be Your Man> or <Missing You>, it's over. Game over." Minyoung made slicing motions with her hand. "Everyone knows those songs even if they're not a fan."
When the instrumental for Missing You played, Minyoung immediately grabbed unto Seonghwa's arm again already into the song. “That is so awesome” Wooyoung gasped in awe as soon as Changsub started the song.
“This is so cool” Hongjoong commented as soon as the screened dancers came into view with Peniel rapping.”Omo. Their harmonies really.” Minyoung looked about ready to melt in her seat, the rest of the members just chuckling at her reactions
“Take responsibility.” everyone from ATEEZ rapped along with Minhyuk as if doing the fanchant for the song.
"Omo. Minhyuk-sunbaenim!" Minyoung exclaimed as the sword dance and fight sequence happened. "He looks so cool. It’s just like watching a historical action drama.”
Yeosang was surprised when Minhyuk did the motion as if he’ll be taking his top off “What? What’s that?” Seonghwa’s hand automatically moving to cover Minyoung’s view while the girl grabbed it trying to see what is happening. Everyone chuckled when it was nothing while Minyoung pouted. “Why do you cover my eyes?”
“You’re still a baby.” Seonghwa answered seriously with Minyoung mumbling “Then why do you and San-oppa..” Yunho who was seating beside her laughed at the comment.
“Omo. It turned to Spring! Did a year pass already? Omo.” Minyoung gasped in realization as the song ended with petals falling down as if it’s Cherry Blossom season.
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(During Stray Kids’ stage)
As soon as Stray Kids took the stage, the camera focused on floor with white sheet covering the dancers “What is this already? What are they going to do now?” Minyoung asked already anticipating an explosive performance from the current number 1 group from the Introduction Stage.
“What will they do on stage?” Jongho asked the same, intrigued by the stage set up from the start
The song started off eerie making Minyoung scoot closer to Seonghwa, half hiding but still looking at the monitors. “I’m scared.” she whispered as the song turns darker with Han’s part. “It’s <Side Effects>? But this is scary.”
“Their ideas are so..wow.” San could only exclaim in awe as Felix’s part started.
“What is happening? Omo. <God’s Menu> suddenly?” Minyoung gasped as the song suddenly changed but maintaining the darker atmosphere of the opening.
“Jisung-ah” she called out as Han did his solo parts “This is an entirely different song!”
“They’re hung upside down!” Yunho pointed out when a dancer was mirroring Chan’s moves. “Omo. That must have been so difficult.” Minyoung noted
“They’re using the stage in various ways.” San chuckled in awe as the set changed again
“Waah. I can’t take my eyes off it.” Hongjoong confessed as the song approached it’s climax
“Youngbok’s voice is really...” Wooyoung started while Minyoung nodded enthusiastically “Right?! A lot of people loves his voice. It’s so charming and it just..draws you right in.”
The rest of Stray Kids’ performance were audibly enjoyed by Wooyoung and Minyoung, both were letting out sounds of awe particularly when their friends gets a camera close-up.
“That was so fun! I mean it was eerie especially during the first part but when it changed to <God’s Menu>, it’s like their energy just exploded.” Minyoung said as she clapped for the group, still feeling the excitement and still in awe of their stage “I can’t believe that was just 4 minutes. Their ideas really...wow.”
“Now it’s your turn to awe them with our performance.” Yunho chuckled as the girl’s expression suddenly turned blank as if just remembering that they are performing next.
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
━━━━━━ʕ ˵• ₒ •˵ ʔ━━━━━━
Writing Beary Corner
Again, this release is cut into two parts hahaha! I want to say look forward to part 2. as I did more than just cover the actual episode. Like I said last post, I will be slowing down the Kingdom updates. Although I do have until Reborn stages drafted, I feel like I need to pace it out to avoid spoilers for those who haven’t watched the recent episodes. Again, thank you for reading! Tell me what you think about it. 
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hollandsrecs · 4 years
completed series masterlist (1)
links last checked 16/12/2020 | more masterlists here
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summary: you met tom a night he was trying to sleep with you, it didn’t work and you became best of friends. wedding bells might be ringing for when you both realize how you really feel.
london boy by tonguetiedholland
summary: you’re a famous singer and actor whose break up with ex boyfriend, shawn mendes, has just hit the media. when it all feels a bit too much you do the only reasonable thing you can think of, escape to london and lay low for a little while. who knew that tom holland, the boy you’d only met once but had you in the palm of his hand when you did and vice verse, would also be in london at the same exact time?
lucky number by tomhollanders2013
summary: what happens when one of the world’s most famous celebrities accidentally dials your number instead of his new assistant’s... is it a happy accident or a recipe for disaster?
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
miss yer kiss by angelicholland
summary: a one-night stand turned something more, you and tom meet again against the odds. an aspiring tattoo artist and a famous actor with “i miss you” on the tip of your tongues meet again and again as you slowly realize what love looks like.
model for me by thollandss
summary: in which you are a photographer for GQ, and during a private session with tom holland, you find yourself getting to know him very well.
money can’t buy you love by hilllsnholland
summary: y/n has worked her whole life to get into the prestige university of her dreams. nothing can stop her, right? maybe tom holland, son of billionaires and the poster child of privilege, who has made it his mission to woo the ‘scholarship baby’.
more than i know by lauras-collection
summary: you need a date for your sister’s wedding and the stranger in the coffee shop seems to be the perfect choice. until you see pictures of yourself and him all over the internet because apparently he’s an international movie star and now the whole world thinks you’re dating. and you have to give the people what they want, right? even if it’s fake.
naughty or nice by avengers-sweethearts
summary: the holidays are the worst time to be alone, especially in a brand new city with a brand new job. when an unexpected meeting with famous actor tom holland ends in the exchanging of phone numbers you find yourself in the dangerous position of falling in love with hollywood’s hottest and most eligible bachelor. unable to help yourself, you being to fall for the handsome actor and will do almost anything to earn his affection. trying to balance work, love, and the holiday proves to be more of a challenge than you had initially thought. the million-dollar question is what side of tom’s christmas list will you end up on: naughty or nice?
of broken promises and heartbreak by softspiderling
summary: it’s been six years since you and tom broke up, six years since you’ve last seen each other. a lot has happened, tom got insanely famous, making countless billion dollar movies, attending one red-carpet event after the other. but now he was attending one event, he wasn’t sure he was ready for. your wedding. and he wasn’t attending as your groom.
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
paint the grass green by lauras-collection
summary: a complicated relationship ends when tom breaks up with you after a fight. but it’s about to get more complicated. because how are you going to tell him that you’re pregnant if he won’t let you talk to him? so you don’t. years later you run into harrison, and there’s no denying that it’s tom’s son who’s tightly holding onto your hand. harrison gives you an ultimatum: either you tell tom, or he will.
peppermint by hollandandi
perfidy by peeterparkr
summary: tom and you have been sworn enemies since you were young. however you happened to be best friends with the twins. when one of your friends challenged you to break tom’s heart, you immediately accepted to get back at him for all the times he’s hurt you. old feelings might come back, while both of you try to go past your pride and your lies.
philanthropy by museinmind
summary: things seemed to be going too well in your life when you became your sorority’s president. so of course something has to go sideways somehow, and you end up having to take a chemistry class if you want to graduate next year. so what better person to tutor you than tom, the frat ultra hot boy who hides the fact he has textbooks nearly memorized?
pinky promises by sunshinehollandd
summary: being a single dad to a four-year-old isn’t easy, but tom figures out a way to make it work with the help of his best friend.
season of reunions by unbelievableholland
summary: you were adopted by 2 mysterious agents. you knew you were adopted and you never thought about your original family. being content with the life your parents gave you, why would you? that was, until your parents are killed and you’re left to fend for yourself and with a lot of questions unanswered.
seeing the thing by angelicholland
summary: you’re stage-managing your school’s spring show, almost, maine when you’re taken out of your element by a cocky boy with a dazzling smile and a way to your heart that makes you hate him before you can see the thing.
sincerely, by whatevsholland
summary: you and tom were childhood best friends. but when he started dating the girl who got everything you ever wanted, it began a falling out between you and tom. now he’s back home in london, just in time for your sister to host her engagement party.
single all the way by heyhihellowhatsup0
summary: when tom finds out he has to go home for christmas, he decides to formulate plan so he doesn’t have to run into his ex alone. you.
soulmate by spiderboytotherescue
summary: sometimes finding your soulmate doesn’t always happen where you expect it too. and sometimes, you’re just not ready to fall head over heels in love just yet.
sweetener by keepingupwiththeparkers
summary: okay, so maybe lecture hall proximity and roast calibre weren’t the only reasons for your frequent visits to this particular coffee shop. maybe there was a certain brown eyed brunette who worked there, and maybe he always gave you two stamps on your loyalty card instead of one, and maybe you liked watching his back muscles shift under his stupidly tight t-shirt while he pumped sweet vanilla syrup into your cup. maybe.
take me out by angelicholland
summary: you killed people, people who deserved it, but you killed people and that was your reality. killing is a job for one person. add another and it gets messy. things don’t happen by chance, not in your line of work. you held people’s lives in your hands and made the active decision to end them. what happens when you team up with a gorgeous man with a charming british accent to take out a prolific user of a sex trafficking website? but it was not by chance that you fell in love with him, it was the worst decision you could’ve ever made.
the fame game by duskholland
summary: there’s just something about tom holland that makes your blood boil. he walks around like he owns the world, always with an unhelpful quip or irritating smirk on hand. you can’t stand him, and your feud has burned hard and bright for three years. everything changes following an explosive evening at the oscars, when a questionable encounter with the paparazzi lands you in some hot water with PR. the only way to save your shattered public image is to agree to the unthinkable: tom will be your boyfriend, and you will be his girlfriend - and this might just be your hardest performance to date.
the jar series by libertybarnes
summary: tom holland, notorious mob boss, meets a single mother and her bubbly child and has to learn to live life with something to lose.
the king by sadchappuccino
summary: y/n is an angel who fell from heaven, tom is the king of hell. will they put that aside and fall in love?
chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
the missing piece by avengers-sweethearts
summary: when you graduated with an elementary education degree you were lost. you thought you wanted to be a teacher but you weren’t entirely sure if it would make you happy. as you’re in between jobs, you’re lucky enough to stumble upon the opportunity to be a nanny for the very rich and very handsome single father, tom holland. tom is busy running a company and he doesn’t want his daughter ella to be alone or sent to a daycare. things get crazy when you move in with the little family. between some secrets about alla and the undeniable attraction between you and tom you’re not sure what your role is to this family. do you keep it professional or do you risk it all and take the chance of falling for tom? only time will tell if you’re the missing piece.
the situationship by fairytelling
summary: a cup of tea can solve just about any problem. except, it can’t solve your confusing, headache-inducing ‘situationship’ with your university flatmate, tom holland.
to new beginnings by petersshirts
summary: it’s time to settle down and when your best friend asks you to have a child with him, how could you say no?
two lies and a truth by lauras-collection
summary: you wanted a fresh start. and uni seemed like the perfect opportunity. until you bump into tom. he says he’s sorry for everything he’s done to you. but can you trust him?
untitled by marvelbws
summary: suits, smirks, and a major sex appeal.
vlogs by spideyyeet
summary: being in the vlog squad was dope af but having david dobrik run into tom holland and getting him to surprise you was a whole other thing. now let’s see what’s it like to have tom meet the vlog squad and be with the girl that’s making him rethink some decisions.
we’re only kidding ourselves by wazzupmrstark
summary: you work as a production assistant for the spider-man: far from home crew, or rather as tom holland’s handler. the two of you don’t get along very well to say the least, but you won’t quit and he can’t fire you so you’re stuck with each other.
wicked games by captainmarvels
summary: in which tom holland, overwhelmed by his personal demons, seeks comfort in the only ways he knows how; spending money and rough fucking. the hotheaded ceo with major daddy issues can’t seem to get it quite right when it comes to you, but is there hope for his heart?
with love, tom by thollandss
summary: when an envelope addressed to tom makes its way into your mailbox, you realize he has enlisted in the army. your walls begin to crumble down at the idea of him leaving you like this. alone for eight weeks. he makes a promise to you, a promise that every week he is gone, he will send you an update letter... but soon enough, you start to not receive them.
yellow roses by grussell63
summary: tom’s mother has him participate in a bachelor-like dating competition, because she is tired of him sleeping around. furthermore she decides to bring in his best friend to spy on the contestants. is tom going to find the one amongst the 12 candidates or is he just going to play his little games?
chapters: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | EPILOGUE
201 notes · View notes
bts-trans · 4 years
210204 BigHit’s Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 소복소복~ 방탄소년단의 2021 윈터 패키지 비하인드 대방출! (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=30646656&memberNo=51325039)
#BTS #방탄소년단
[Naver Post] Softly, gently~ The grand reveal of behind the scenes from BTS' 2021 Winter Package!
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post! For a picture edit version, please check out our twitter post!
Title: [BTS] 방탄소년단이 강원도에 떴다?! 소복소복~ 2021 윈터 패키지 맛보기!
Title: [BTS] BTS popped up in Gangwon-do?! Softly, gently~* A preview of the 2021 Winter Package!
(T/N: A description for how snow falls. Jimin uses the phrase in his Soundcloud release ‘Christmas Love’.)
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
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안녕하세요 아미 여러분! 방림이 2월의 첫인사 드립니다!
Hello ARMYs! Hello and welcome to February!
방림이가 나타난 이유! 벌써 눈치채셨을 것 같은데요 그래서 더 긴말하지 않겠습니다!
The reason I have appeared is! I think you probably have guessed it already So I won’t spend too much time explaining!
네 그렇습니다. 방탄소년단의 윈터 패키지가 돌아왔습니다!!!
Yes, that’s right. BTS’ Winter Package is back!!!
이번엔 강원도에 나타났다고 하는 비티엣스!
BTS showed up at Gangwon-do this time!
윈터 패키지 촬영 현장을 어디 한 번 방림이 마음대로 공개해보겠습니다!
I’ll show you the Winter Package shoot the way I want to!
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분위기 있는 모습으로 첫 촬영을 시작한 정국과 진
Jungkook and Jin start the first shoot off with looks that really have a vibe to them
비주얼 무슨 일이야..? 나 왜 웃고 있어..? 포스트 시작부터 웃음 짓게 만드네요~
What’s up with these visuals..? Why am I laughing? The post really makes you smile right from the beginning~
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하지만 역시 이 둘에게선 장난을 빼놓을 수 없었다
But of course, these two can’t help but kid around
멋있게 촬영하면서 귀엽기까지 한 비티엣스 (눈물) 방림이 심장 돌려내..
BTS go from cool to cute in their photoshoots (sob) Give me back my heart..
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바다+방탄=행복 예쁨 기쁨 천국 (대충 뭐 좋은 건 다..)
The sea + Bangtan = Happiness Beauty Heaven (pretty much everything good..)
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비주얼 조합 머선 일.. 세상에 존재하는 좋은 수식어는 다 갖다 붙여야 형용이 될 것 같아요..
What is this combination of visuals.. It feels like you have to put in all the good adjectives in the world to be able to describe them..
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방깨비 뚝딱 한편 나왔다..
Thump thump, an episode of Bangoblin is now out..
(T/N: A reference to the spell goblins say in Korean folklore, “thump thump, appear now, gold!”. ‘Goblin’ was also the name of a popular Korean drama that aired in 2016. The drama filmed in Gangwon-do as well. )  
사실 방림이.. 저 날부터 성냥 들고 다니는데.. 나타나 주질 않네요...
Actually I.. have been carrying around a match since that day but.. He doesn’t appear before me...
(T/N: In the popular drama ‘Goblin’, the female lead lights a candle to summon the male lead, who is a goblin.)
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오랜만에 나타난 슈가! 비주얼 마구마구 터트렸다는 건 안 비밀~
Suga is here after a long while! The fact that his visuals have really exploded is no secret~
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빼놓을 수 없는 투 샷! 바라만 봐도 믿음직스럽고.. 듬직하고..
Can’t leave out a two-shot! Just looking at them makes you feel like they’re trustworthy.. Dependable..
뭐 그렇더라고요 (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Well I mean that’s what they say (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
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분위기 뿜뿜 뽐내며 단체 촬영도 마무리!!
With some intense vibes The group photoshoot comes to an end too!!
이렇게 모여있으니까.. 방림이는 세상에 두려울 게 없어요..
When they’re all together like this.. There is nothing in this world that scares me..
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호에엑!! 갑자기 이렇게 귀여워진다고?! 아미들 심장 180도 뒤집어 놓은 귀여운 지민 등!장!
Ack!! You’re telling me they suddenly got all cute like this?! Jimin is!here! To make ARMYs’ hearts flip a full 180
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눈을 가지고 장난치는 정국을 보니.. 그저 어린 시절로 돌아가고 싶고.. (이런 소꿉친구 사귀고 싶고.. 속마음 아님)
When I look at Jungkook playing around with the snow.. I feel like returning to my childhood.. (I want a childhood bestie like him.. No, I’m not just revealing my inner thoughts)
That’s what it is..
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어떻게 이래요..? 스노우볼 보다 쟈근 얼굴..
How is he like this..? A face smaller than a snowball..
방림이 눈 감아..
I’m closing my eyes..
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이건 혹시 정국 쟁탈전? 방림이도 바아로~ 참여하겠습니다!
Is this perhaps a fight for Jungkook? I shall also take part immediately~!
피융~~~ (튕겨 나가는 소리 아님..)
Pew~~~ (That’s not the sound of me bouncing off..)
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지진정 조합.. 바라보기만 해도 재밌어.. 바라보기만 해도 행복해..
The JiJinJung combination.. It feels fun even if you’re only looking.. I feel happy even if I’m only looking..
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호비 생일 혹시 10월 4일로 바뀌었나요..? 아.. 1004... 라는 숫자밖에 떠오르지 않아서요..
Hobi have you perhaps changed your birthday to 10/04..? Ah.. 1004... is the only number that comes to mind..
(T/N: 1004 in Korean is ‘천사/cheonsa’, which is also the word for angel.)
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이 사진을 보니 내가 눈사람이라니..!
When I look at this picture Suga shouting ‘I can’t believe I’m a snowman..!’
를 외쳤던 슈가가 생각나는데요..?
comes to mind..?
(T/N: A reference to Suga’s Weverse post from 25 Dec 2020, where he posted during BTS’ performance on SBS Gayo Daejun.)  
이렇게 멋진 눈사람 있으면 제가 사겠습니다.
If there are snowmen this cool out there I will buy them.
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이 조합은 바라보기만 해도 해피해피 힐링 유닛~★
Just looking at this combination makes me feel happy happy Healing unit~★
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슈가: 아 호비랑 사진 찌거야지 (주섬주섬)
Suga: Ah I need to take a picture with Hobi (Fumbling)
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방림이 좋아하는 사람 손~~ 저요 저요!!
Raise your hand if you like Bangbell~~ Me, me!!
아아.. 이거 아닌가요..?
Ah.. isn’t that what this is..?
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어떠한 컨셉도 소화력이 대단해!!!!! 귀염+멋짐+#$(+($*%( 기타 등등 = 천재만재라는 뜻
His ability to pull off any concept is incredible!!!!! Cute+cool+#$(+($*%( etc etc = he’s a genius
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새하얀 눈 속 알앤뷔♥
R&V in the pure white snow♥
왜 울고 있는지 여긴 알앤뷔 뿐인데 (Feat. 네시)
Why are you crying It’s only R&V here (Feat. 4 O’CLOCK)
(T/N: Title of RM & V’s collaboration song released on Soundcloud on 8 Jun 2017.)
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알앤뷔 좀 안 착한 것 같아요…
R&V look like they’re not nice...
방림이 마음속에 안착! >.<
They’ve made a nice safe landing in my heart! >.<
(T/N: Wordplay on the Korean words for ‘not nice’, which is ‘안 착한/an chak-han’, and ‘nice/safe landing’, which is ‘안착/an-chak’.)
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이 사진을 보고 슈가의 자리가 탐나는 아미 손! (1/7777777777777777777)
ARMYs, raise your hand if you’re eyeing Suga’s position! (1/7777777777777777777)
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아~~~~~~~~~~~ 미
AR~~~~~~~~~~~ MY
라고 외치는 것 같은 귀여운 단체 샷!
Is what it looks like they’re shouting in this cute group shot!
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웃음만 가득했던 즐거운 스키장에서의 촬영도 마무리되었습니다!
The fun ski photoshoot full of laughter has now come to an end!
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혹시.. 강원도 유형문화재이신지..? 제 눈에는 뷔주얼 난리 난 조각상만 보이는데요..?
Are you perhaps.. Gangwondo’s tangible cultural asset..? All I see is a statue with V-suals that have wreaked havoc on my eyes..?
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아니.. RM씨.. 이러면 안 피곤해요…?
RM.. come on.. Aren’t you tired...?
이렇게 멋있으면 하루 종일 아미들 머릿속을 돌아다니잖아요 촤하하하하!!
When you’re this cool, You keep running around in ARMYs’ heads all day bwahahahaha!!
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세상.. 나이는 나만 먹네..
Good god.. I’m the only one ageing..
멋진 모습 보여주다 귀여운 표정도 찰칵
While showing us how cool he is We get a snapshot of his cute expressions as well
(사실 바람에 눈이 시렸다는 건.. 어.. 모른척해요..)
(Actually his eyes were stinging because of the wind.. ah.. just pretend you don’t know..)
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마치 슈가를 위해 존재한 풍경처럼 배경과 너무나 잘 어울렸던 촬영!
It’s as if the landscape exists for Suga He really matched the background so well in this photoshoot!
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잘생긴 애 옆에 잘생긴 애 옆에 또 잘생긴 애 옆에 또 잘생긴 애...!!!
A handsome guy next to a handsome guy next to another handsome guy next to another handsome guy...!!!
그거 바로 방탄이야!!!!!
That’s Bangtan!!!!!
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손에 낀 장갑도 귀엽고.. 머리에 눌러 쓴 모자도 귀엽고.. 꼬부랑 앞머리도 귀여운 그저 갓 홉!
The glove on his hand is cute.. The cap on his head is cute too.. The curled bangs are cute too That’s God Hope!
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똑똑.. 타지에서 오신 분이 있으시다면서요? 아아 여기 계셨네요!
Knock-knock.. I hear there’s someone visiting from out of town? Ah, so he was here!
정국이라는 판타지..
This fantasy called Jungkook..
(T/N: A play on the word ‘타지/ta-ji’, which means ‘out of town’ or literally ‘another place’, and ‘판타지/pan-ta-ji’, which is the Korean spelling for ‘fantasy’.)
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길 잃은 강냥이..? 제가 데려갈게요!!
A pupkitty who’s lost his way..? I’ll take him!!
윈터 패키지 촬영 내내 리즈 갱신의 갱신을 거듭한 박강냥씨
Park Pupkitty goes through golden era after golden era throughout the Winter Package shoot
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귀염 뽀짝 뽀짝 모든 모멘트가 귀여웠던 꾹, 찜, 홉 유닛 촬영!
Cutie pies The unit photoshoot of Kook, Chim and Hope, whose every moment was cute!
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멋진 풍경 속에서의 비티엣스를 마지막으로 방림이는 포스트를 마무리해보려 합니다!
I’ll wrap the post up with one last picture of BTS against an amazing view
이제는 빠지면 아쉬운 셀카 타임!!
Now it’s time for what has become a must-have, selfie time!!
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비티엣스의 귀엽고 멋진 모습들을 가득가득 담은 2021 BTS WINTER PACKAGE에 많은 관심 부탁드리며,
2021 BTS WINTER PACKAGE is full of BTS’ cute and cool sides, please show it lots of support!
방림이는 정말 마지막으로 보너스 사진 한 장을 두고 인사드리겠습니다!
I’ll give you one last bonus picture and then I’ll say goodbye!
또 만나요! 아-뿅!♥
See you! A-Poof!♥
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
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본 포스트는 빅히트 엔터테인먼트에서  직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Secret Hero [5/10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader, Ushijima x reader
Angst, Drama, AU
Word Count: 2.8K
A/N: very Ushijima focused this chapter. I loved seeing all the guesses and everyone pretty much guessed right! Great detectives skills, loves! Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Summary:  After becoming the number 2 hero, Bakugou accomplished everything he ever wanted. He beat Deku in a few matches, even if he wasn’t the number 1 hero. He got all the fame, beat countless villains, was acknowledged by all his friends and family. But he wasn’t satisfied. He wasn’t happy. Bakugou realized that this wasn’t the life he wanted. So he left the life of a hero and decided to hide to live the rest of his life as a normal person.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
After lunch with your family, it was clear that you were not feeling the best. All those comments about your weight and your career and everything you were doing wrong was going to your head. You cut breakfast out of your daily routine, as well as lunch. Even if you did eat lunch, you ate very minimal. Dinner was a different story. You were eating a normal portion but never to the point where you were stuffed. Your days were very fatigued and you could feel yourself losing energy to perform simple tasks. But if that’s what you had to do to get skinny, then you would do it. Beauty is pain, as one would say.
But your mother couldn’t get the hint. Since you took up on her offer to meet the boy she wants you to meet oh so badly, she’s been bugging you nonstop to meet him and his mother for a nice lunch. And so here you were, standing in front of the restaurant your mother picked.
“Be on your best behavior, dear,” your mother warned. You knew she wanted this meeting to go well, but now you were starting to take back your words. You were nervous for sure. You had no idea who this guy was. You didn’t know what he looked like, what he did for a living, his hobbies, nothing. Your mom left it to be a surprise till the very end and the anticipation was killing you.
“I know, mother,” you say. Well, time to put your mask on. All you had to do was meet this guy for your mother’s sake and hope that after this, she will leave you alone. Or not. But you would worry about that later.
You enter the beautifully aesthetic restaurant. Colors of gold and white covered the walls and ceiling, a chandelier hung in the middle of the room. Each table was organized neatly with the correct silverware, napkin and plates. Bouquets of fresh flowers sat at each table which set the atmosphere nicely. The waitress took you two to a private area where you were to meet this boy. As you walked to your destination, you looked around the restaurant. Neat, organized, everything looked exactly the same. Someone who was not raised in this environment might think coming here was a treat and would be lucky to dine here. But no matter how beautiful everything might look, you felt it was suffocating. Like you always had to act a certain way because you lived in luxury. But that wasn’t you.
You and your mother arrived at the private room, your guests waiting patiently for you. As soon as you guys opened the door, the man and his mother stood up to greet you two. Your mother and the other woman happily greeted each other, giving each other a hug and a kiss on each cheek. The man you were meeting bowed to show his respect and softly introduced himself.
“Ushijima Wakatoshi,” you heard him say.
“Yes, and this is my daughter, (y/n),” your mother introduced you. But when she saw you still standing by the door, she clicked her tongue in disapproval, snapping you out of your daze. “Honey, come introduce yourself.” You bowed back at both of them and finally looked up to introduce yourself.
“(y/n), pleasure to meet you,” you say in your most fake voice. It took you years to perfect it and people believed it every time. You looked at the other mother and she came to embrace you in a hug.
“You are more gorgeous in real life than in your pictures,” she complimented you. Yikes, they’ve seen pictures of you? You bet that they just really want you two to be together, that’s why she’s complimenting you so graciously. Your gaze moves from the woman to the man you were supposed to meet. And boy oh boy were you in for a surprise. You tried not to show it, but your eyes widened slightly when you saw who you were meeting.
Tall. Stoic face. Olive brown hair. He was the guy who ran into you the other day! And didn’t apologize! Your mom wanted you to meet this guy? This was going to be an awkward lunch.
“Nice to meet you,” you say to Ushijima, despite starting to have petty feelings for him.
“Likewise,” he says back with his deep ass voice.
“Let’s order, shall we?” your mother clapped her hands, clearly very excited for this encounter to finally happen. Every is in agreeance and takes a seat at the table. But before you could sit down, Ushijima comes over to your side to pull out your chair for you. That made both women very excited.
“My, what a gentleman!” your mother in absolutely in love right now. You accept his offer with an awkward smile and sit down, Ushijima scooting your seat in at the same time. He goes back around to sit back in his seat, but is keeping eye contact with you the entire time. It makes you start having cold sweat. Does he recognize you? Does he remember how you acted and practically embarrassed yourself that day? You pray that that wasn’t the case.
“Tell us, Ushijima. How is your work life?” your mother started the conversation. If you knew any better, she was basically interviewing him.
“I just got promoted at my father’s company. So I am head of the new office in town that I believe (y/n) resides in,” Ushijima informs. Upon hearing your name, you look up at him only to find him already looking at you. That got you embarrassed and so you immediately looked back down.
“Ah, is it that new office that Momo works at?” your mother was starting to connect the dots.
“Momo Yaoyorozu? She is actually my secretary.” Oh perfect. He’s already come into contact with the gorgeous Momo. There’s no way he was falling for you now. You might as well stop trying because you already lost, again.
“I’d actually like to know what Miss (y/n) does for a living,” Ushijima turns his attention to you, waiting for your answer. You looked surprised, not expecting for him to take any interest in you.
“Oh, uhm. I’m a teacher,” you quietly say, a bit embarrassed that you had to say what your profession was. You were already put down by your family for that. You didn’t need to hear it again, especially from strangers that you just met and who don’t even know you.
“So you like kids?” he asks.
“Yeah, I do. I love being around them,” you started to get excited. You loved talking about your kids and how proud they made you. But you physically had to stop yourself. He probably wasn’t interested in hearing your stories anyway.
“I think that’s very admirable,” Ushijima compliments you, giving you an encouraging smile. And that threw you off guard. It actually made you more nervous. “Tell me more.” He insisted. You looked and your mother and then at Ushijima’s mother. They were both looking at you as if to say that they were interesting in hearing more from you.
So you gave a few stories about the kids in your classroom. How sometimes they can make your stomach hurt from laughter or how proud you were every time they learned something new. With each story, your eyes lightened up and Ushijima was silently listening to every word that you were saying. You were surprised that he didn’t interrupt one bit because you were just so excited to talk about something you were just so passionate in.
“You two fit so well. I think this is going to be a beautiful marriage,” Ushijima’s mother clapped her hands in satisfaction. Your mouth dropped and your eyes immediately went to your mother, who was actively avoiding you.
“Mother,” you harshly whispered her name. You simply just wanted to meet him, not get engaged with him. And she knew that, yet she just pulled you right into her trap.
“Why don’t you two take a walk in the garden. Get some alone time,” your mother was avoiding the situation. She looked pleadingly at Ushijima who got the hint. He stood up and made his way to you, sticking out his hand for you to take. You groan internally, taking a mental note to confront your mother later. You take his hand as he escorts you out into the garden. The mothers watch as their children walk away.
“They’ll be fine,” they reassured themselves, taking a sip of tea and starting their own conversations.
Ushijima takes you around the small garden they had in the back of the restaurant. Of course they had something like this. Flowers and plants engulfed you at every which angle. The beauty in front of you doesn’t distract you from what his mother just announced. An engagement?
“I’m so sorry. They must have forced you into this too,” you assumed, apologizing for this situation. But why were you even apologizing. You didn’t have anything to do with this. Just like him, you were also the victim.
“Just a little bit,” he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck. “But, I’m willing to try if you are.” You stop in your tracks to snap your head to see if he was joking. It was hard to tell by the poker face he was wearing.
“You actually want to do this?” you question his mentality.
“Why not? We both can’t find someone, so why not do the alternative?” he shrugs it off like it was nothing. But you still couldn’t wrap your head around in.
“How do you know I can’t find someone?” you challenge him, feeling a bit insulted. You mean… it’s true but he didn’t have to call you out like that.
“Then why would your parents put you up to something like this,” he points out. Yeah, he had a point. But still! You didn’t want to admit that you couldn’t find someone in your life. But if this was the only way…
“Mhm, I can try. But I can’t guarantee that anything will happen,” you gave him a fair warning.
“That’s okay,” he says and moves so that he’s in front of you. “Because I want to make this work. And then I’m going to make you fall in love with me. And repropose when it’s the right time.” You stared into his olive brown eyes. He meant every word of it. And as sweet and romantic that may sound, your heart didn’t skip a beat. You wanted it to so badly, but it doesn’t.
 “Mother isn’t this a bit too soon?” you asked your mother on the phone. You were standing outside what you thought was an office building, but it instead wounded up to be a bridal boutique.
“Well if I told you, then you wouldn’t have gone! Hurry inside, your appointment should be starting soon,” and hung up soon after. You sighed, putting your phone away in your purse. You’ve only met your fiancé for a few weeks now and you’re already trying on wedding dresses so soon? Not only did you not feel confident, but you were discouraged because you were alone. You didn’t have anybody by your side, not even your mother. It was very tempting to leave and come back sometime later, but you could never go against your mother. If she found out that you missed your appointment, she would go ballistic on you. With a regretful sigh, you entered the boutique.
“Welcome!” the lady at the front desk greeted you.
“Uhm, hi. I have an appointment,” you say very softly.
“(y/n) right?” she asks, like she knew who you were already. You nodded your head, confused and shocked how she knew your name.
“Perfect, right this way!” her cheery voice rang in your ear. It was the same fake voice you used whenever you are with your family. Gross. She takes you over to a private room where many dresses are already laid out.
“Now, (y/n). What kind of dress are we looking for?” she asks. And it left you wondering. What did you want? The news of marriage was so sudden that you didn’t have time to think of what you wanted. You just assumed that the older adults would take care of it and you were just there for the ride.
“I’m actually not sure,” you say embarrassed. Your consultant was probably judging you by now.
“That’s okay! We can try on a few and decide what you like and don’t like and go from there.” The consultant smiled at you, not a single ounce of judgment on her face.
So you tried on many dresses. The big, poofy, traditional style wedding dresses looked horrendous on you. The fishtail was interesting but you didn’t like it. Lace looked old. You were starting to feel like finding a nice dress for you was hopeless.
“So, tell me about the groom,” your consultant started a conversation while fitting you into your next dress. Gosh, what do you say to that? Do you just confess and say that, oh it was an arranged marriage I don’t know this man at all?
“He’s very handsome and nice,” you decided to say. You weren’t wrong. Ushijima was very handsome and from those interaction that you did have with him, he was pretty nice. So technically, you weren’t lying.
“Are you excited for your wedding?” she asks another question.
“Not really,” you blurted out without even thinking. You realized your mistake, now having said too much and covered your mouth. She starts to laugh which throws your off guard.
“I can tell,” she says. It was like the information you told her didn’t surprise her at all.
��You can?”
“Of course. The look on your face as you came in today, the way you talked about your husband and the fact that you brought nobody with you? It was clear as day, honey. But we get those kinds of brides all the time. You may not love the man you’re about to marry, but you still deserve to look beautiful on your wedding day.” She advices, tightening up the last bit of the dress.
“Okay, how about this one?” your consultant backed away and you saw yourself in the mirror. It had a corset bodice that hugged your waist beautifully. Embroidered flowers covered the top, all the way down to half of the dress and slowly faded out. The skirt was flowy and had a long train. The dress was beyond gorgeous. And for once, you thought you looked really pretty. You couldn’t stop looking at yourself in the mirror.
“Wow,” you breathed. You looked completely different, like you haven’t seen this side of you before.
“I knew you’d like it. I’ll be right back. I’m going to bring a veil to bring the whole thing together,” she says and quickly runs out of the private dressing room to retrieve the item. You’re left mesmerized by the sight of you that you didn’t even notice someone come in.
“You look stunning,” a deep voice comes out of nowhere, scaring the living shit out of you. You turn around and Ushijima is standing there with his arms crossed, an amused look on his face.
“Ushijima!” you scream his name, covering your heart with your hand. “You scared me!” He laughs at your response, a chuckle coming from deep in his throat.
“Sorry,” he simply said, making his way to stand next to you. He looked like he just got out of work since he was wearing a suit. He looked clean and well put together. And when he stood next to you, it was like seeing you already at the wedding.
“Is this what we are going to look like at the wedding?” you joke. You thought it was funny how you two looked dressed for the occasion.
“No,” he said, wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. “Because you’re going to look even more gorgeous than you do now.” His low, deep voice tickled your ear, making you feel a little nervous. You get a glimpse of him in the mirror and you had to look away when you saw that he was staring right back at you.
“Okay, I think this one oh-” your consultant comes back in with the veil and is surprised to see that you have company. And it looks like she was ruining a special moment too. “I can just come back.” She says as she’s already backing out the door.
“Oh, no it’s fine,” you reassure her, slapping Ushijima’s hands away.
“We’ll take it,” he tells the consultant and gives her his credit card. She gladly accepts and is about to ring up the charge. While you were getting changed into your regular clothes, Ushijima was walking around the part of the shop where they sell other kinds of dresses. He comes across this one blue, off the shoulder dress and picks it up. Then he’s on his way back to the register with the dress in hand.
“This one as well,” he puts the dress on the counter. It might have been an impulse buy but he knew that it was going to look amazing on you at the party.
A/N: Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Starting from tomorrow, I will be releasing those requests every day until they are all out there. So look forward to much content from me this week. And as always, I’d love to hear what you have to say or what you think about the chapter :)
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @simpforeveryone @bakasbitch18 @sam-i-am-1025
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djemsostylist · 3 years
Farewell, my love
I thought I was done ranting about SCK, and I swear this is the last one. I've learned my dizi lesson, and I have so many good ones to look forward to watching. Lesson number one, don't watch a dizi where the only draw is the two leads.
Here's the thing. In the past couple of months, and having watched a few other dizis, I started to wonder if maybe Hande and Kerem had blinded me into liking a show that was never actually more than crap. But in my recent rewatch (I'm up to 12) it was good. It genuinely was. The chemistry was great, the slow burn was great, but for me, the biggest part of why SCK 1-12 was great is that the angst and the drawn out story made sense. Eda and Serkan not talking to each other and keeping their feelings close made sense when Serkan wasn't sure Eda didn't hate him and Eda wasn't sure he wouldn't always choose Selin. Their angst and noncommunication worked here, because this was a story about two people getting to know each other and falling in love. Here, we (and they) learn about their fears, their doubts, their insecurities, their uncertainties, and we learned who they were as people. In 13-21, we watched them grow as people. We watched as they loved each other through pain and as they set up boundaries and learned what would and would not be acceptable to them as a couple. They learned how to talk and share their feelings and be open with how they feel (granted it took fucking forever, but we got there. Finally).
And, and perhaps this is the MOST key--they were in character, they had arcs, and things didn't simply happen for plot. At least not in ways that sacrificed character.
From 22-39, we mostly dealt with plot. Plot which drove characters, but one thing, ONE THING that remained at the of it all was the Eda and Serkan could not be apart. Even when they aren't together, they are together. Their longest separation is immediately following the plane crash, in which Eda does everything humanly possible to keep pieces of Serkan as close to her as she can.
They are it for each other. The love story told in the first several episodes was clear--they are soul mates, they have invisible handcuffs, etc etc. They can't separate, they won't no matter how hard things get. And they both have lines. Eda believes strongly in telling the truth, trusting your partner, believing in them, and above all, family. She lost her parents--being able to be a mom with a family is something we know is important to her. Serkan is self-sacrificial, but he channels it into doing anything and everything he can to make Eda happy. He has learned how to be a partner, how to share his feelings and trust others, and like Eda, his own issues with his parents and the feeling of abandonment mean that he has a deep desire to want to build a strong family.
We have watched them go through literal hell and back. We have watched them fall in love and learn each other over, and over, and over. So to see them having finally survived all of that--crazy families, tumors, plane crashes, gas lighting fiancees, awful friends, terrible parents, and to have survived and come out the other side--and then, what, break up? Spend five years hating each other and Eda keeping his child from him...for what? What could possibly have caused them to be so broken that they left each other and Eda kept a child from him? What is worse than plane crashes, crazy grandmothers, amnesia, crazy ex-girlfriends--what? This isn't sensible angst that shows characters growing and changing and moving. This is angst for angst sake. This is drama for drama's sake. And it's not it for me.
The Eda I know would never, EVER keep Serkan's child from him. Ever. No matter what he said or did, the Eda I know, the one who confronts people head on, who fights for the people she loves and who doesn't let someone off the hook, the one who knows how hurt he was by his own father, who still mourns her own, would not do this. Even if, as some people think, Serkan tried to drive her away (and we'll address that in a minute), my Eda, episode 15 Eda, would shove her pregnancy test in his face and say "yeah? You don't love me, fine, but your child? How about that?" She wouldn't leave. Or would she? This is the Eda, after all, who ran away in 37 instead of standing with him and finding out the truth and making choices together. Did she leave bc he didn't tell her about the tumor? "Sorry you found out you're dying, but since you lied I'm gonna let you die alone. Oh, and keep your kid's existence from you, peace out."
As for Serkan, why would he let her go? Because he thought he was dying? I mean, I guess if she got mad enough about the secret to leave him, I could see him letting her go. It would reinforce what he has always though, that he isn't worthy of love--hers, his parents. It means that all the growth and reassurance and peace he got means nothing. And honestly, I don't think he's survive that. After all, what would he even have to live for, after it's reaffirmed that he isn't worth loving? And if he drives her away instead, then what was the entire point of 14-21? What? That entire 7 episodes of learning to love her, of learning to be the partner who listens and gives and trusts means nothing. Hell, 14-28 mean nothing. Because he is right back to where he started in 13. And if Eda, who knows he has a tumor, listens?
The point is, these aren't the people I love. These aren't my characters. This isn't the kind of beautiful angst that was built in 1-12. This is pure plot to sell things, and I hate everything about it. For me, there is no redemption here for Eda. She kept a child from him. It's not a thing you can say "oops sorry" for. She kept his child from him. Unless she was escaping a plot on her life bc Serkan is a secret mob boss and she had to go into hiding for her safety, there is not way I see this not making her not only a pretty horrible person, but also a hypocrite of the highest order.
As for Serkan, he's already been "the bad guy". He's made mistakes before (although I'd argue he gets a pass for actual brain damage), and I have no desire to see him, once again, thrust into the "Asshole Bolat" role. Not Robot Bolat, because our beloved RoBo would never have let Eda leave. Just Asshole. Which is what I assume, otherwise how do you justify another fucking breakup?
This show is starting it's 40th episode. 40th, and our couple has been together and happy for 4? Almost 5 episodes. It's too much. I'm done. At some point you start to wonder if they aren't just toxic and need to stay away from each other. Because if all they are is pride and miscommunication and refusing to talk and now a child is being hurt as a result--just no. This isn't the love story I signed up for.
So, it was a good run. I'm grateful to SCK for introducing me to Turkish tv (again), for helping me meet some truly amazing people, and for giving me a fandom again after far too long. But, like every other fandom I've been in, it's time for it to end. It's reached a point where I no longer find joy in a story that has gone so far beyond it's original tale as to be entirely unrecognizable. So I'm getting off this train. It's been real.
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forthechubbies · 4 years
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♡  Yandere Jungkook x Reader ♡
♡  Words: 1k  ♡
Vol. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Warning! Cursing, Slight NSFW, and adorable gifs of Jungkook
Synopsis• One nightstand gone Marriage!? The past catches up with Yn when her head over heels husband finds his lost bride and will keep her by any means necessary.
Have you ever had a memory that made you cringe? So much so Your mind successfully blocked out the unpleasant memories, kind of like swiping dust under a rug, Out of sight out of mind. You go about your days as if nothing ever happens because, as far as your concerned, nothing ever did happen. 
“ You know, Men arent evil, annoying, but they have their moments.” 
You stared blankly, clueless to what your best friend, Lily, was nagging you about now. Nine times out of ten, she prying into your personal affairs. These interventions of hers were exasperating. It often begins with lily questioning whether or not you’re just plain frightened of the opposite sex. You refuse to go dates, and you scoffed at any man who gives you the time of day.
“ Lily, Sweetie,” You place a gentle hand on top of her. “ I love you, but please leave me alone about males and sex.” You fluttered your lashes and returned to your novel.
Better relish the momentary silence because this conversion won’t end until Lily’s blue in the face. Here’s the gist of things. Lily (Your childhood friend) wants to see you find you’re happily ever after, with a special guy in result, she jackhammers her way into your business every opportunity she spots. 
Pity for her, you don’t take a lot of interest in males and sexual intercourse as much as Lily wishes you did. To her dismay, You take pleasure in good books or tv series (mostly Korean dramas)-
Lily and you even took a vacation to Busan, South Korean, and the main places you visited were museums and the libraries-like you got to be Kidding, thousands upon millions of Korean hunks, and you are at the library!?
Good thing, you mastered the art of zoning out once getting your ear chewed off and spat back at you.
♫ You know that I cant show you me give you me I can’t show you a ruined part of me-♫ 
Lily put her anger of hold for a second to snatch your phone from your lap. Your not the type of gal who hands out phone numbers, so who the hell is ‘Jungkookie.❤’ 
“Don’t answer random numbers on my phone, please, and thank you.” You issued an unamused tone without giving her so much as a side glance. 
“ Who’s the hell is Jungkookieee ?” Lily sang a lovey-dovey tune. “ Ya know it’s a bastard move to keep secrets for ya best-friend.” She smirked maliciously, hovering the palm of her finger above the green phone icon, threatening to answer the call of the mysterious man who wasn’t hung up at all this time. 
Now, She has your attention. “ Don’t. Answer.To.Weirdos.” You snapped. 
“ Pff. He’s not that much of creep because you have a heart beside his name.” 
Why do you have a heart beside some weirdos name? The name echoed in your head, but it didn’t ring any bells. Jungkookie. From your love of Korean dramas, you were certain his name was a Korean name, but you have ties with any Korean men not in this part of this hemisphere anyway-
So who is he? 
Your phone rang again from the third time in a row. You swiped the phone back for Lily, she keened and pouted about wanting to do the honors. 
“ Hello? “
“ Hello, Carrot? Is that you?! I missed your sweet voice so much!” The man’s voice was oddly over the moon when you answered. 
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And kind of pet name is Carrot-?! The realization hit you like a ton of bricks, memories of months in Busan, South Korean came flooding back. Jeon Jungkook, A bunny’s heart you stole after rejecting him count them thirteen times, you agree to date him. The man was a sweetheart, but a complete looney bin.
He became obsessed, following you around like a lost puppy, constantly checking up on you and the little bunny snuck kisses every chance he got but he was so cute you let it slide.
That night. Jungkook pleased for you to stay and move in with him, but you refused. The bunny respected your decision and proposed another offer. Staying the entire night with him, you allowed him this one request.
The rest of the night was quite a blur, but the next morning, you woke up in revealing pink lingerie with matching vile lying beside a sleeping Jungkook who had his large hands tangled in the lace around the curve of your hips. Needless to say, Grasp your mistake and fled back to the home. Leaving the poor bunny with scars left by your nails on his back, the rouge smears of your lipstick on his pretty pale skin and the bedsheets saturated in your perfume. 
However, nothing compared to what he imprinted you with. His last name. Three diamond incised rings. The first representing the promise, the second the engagement, and third marriage. Being that the rings were too pretty and expensive, you kept them just in case of a rainy day. 
Good thing too, It seems like it’s time to skip town-
“Wow, There’s a cutie outside!” 
You tossed your phone across the room and snatched Lily on to the floor, keeping away from the window. 
“Ow! What the hell, Your the only weirdo I know that hides from a hot guy-”
“God. For once, can you just zip it? “  You crawled to the nearest window to take a peek and to your horror, There he stood, Jeon Jungkook just as handsome as ever. How did he find you- true love?- Ya right? 
" And I'm not hiding it's just- he's too much for me-"
" From my view right now, You're a little bit too much for me also. Carrot." Jungkook stood over you, adoring the shape of your ass.
You gulped and looked back at him. Speechless. Utterly Speechless.
He chuckled, giving you his signature heart-melting bunny smile before hoisting you up into his strong arms. 
You took a quick search around for your traitorous best friend that was long gone.
Jungkook pecked at your chest before declaring your game of hide and seek over.  
" Let's go home, Little wifey, I'll take go care of you, and You'll be my adorable little housewife." 
Not giving a damn about your protest, Jungkook took you with him anyway. After all, you are his wife, and when he gets you home—the mother of his children.
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Soulmate Shenanigans
So, lucky me, I found this list of prompts!
Unlucky me, it was for a September event. Surprise, surprise, this is not September
That isn’t going to stop me from doing this, though!
So, without further ado, prompt number one!
Your Soulmate’s name is written on your wrist or palm
Warnings for death mentions galore and drowning, as well as something that isn’t drug use, but if drug use is a triggering topic for you I wouldn’t recommend you read
Not as angsty as these warnings would suggest, but there is still Angst
I don’t know how it got angsty I just work here
World building
The first recorded instance of a palm mark was when Lady Natalia of Venice nearly drowned in a canal
She’d been on her way home from a party alongside her fiance when she “tripped” (the word “tripped” here means “Was pushed by her fiance for financial reasons”) into the river. Her husband-to-be quickly exited the scene, leaving her to be weighed down by her skirts and die.
Angela (forger of swords and mixer of poisons, just happened to be in the neighborhood when she heard a scream and a splash) had other plans. She dove into the water, saving Natalia and cutting her hand in the process.
The two women spent a good deal of time together after that, the scientific Natalia claiming that she only wanted to know why her name was on Angela’s hand.
Some historians claim that the two were platonic soulmates. While this is possible, and platonic soulmates have a long and wonderful history, no one with common sense believes this to be the case
They exchanged love letters that were quite clear that the attraction was a romantic one.
Some historians also claim that there isn’t enough evidence to suggest that they killed the fiance.
Those historians are wrong.
Anyway, in modern days 97% of the population has a palm mark with the name of their soulmate
The tattoo industry has never had so many illegal opportunities
When your soulmate dies, the name doesn’t scar. It doesn’t blister, burn, or black out. All that happens is a thin, impersonal line crossing their name out. Some people don’t notice who they lost for days.
There’s a process to remove palm marks. However, it’s illegal and possibly fatal for the soulmate being removed.
Our Characters
Roman: Roman was confused by the name of his soulmate.
Who names their kid “Janus”?
Am I soulmates with a roman deity? The heck?? SO MANY QUESTIONS AND SO LITTLE ANSWERS
Roman was so excited to have a soulmate. He kept entire journals filled with things he wanted to tell Janus, part diary, part scrapbook, and part love letter. He would doodle hearts around his palm mark.
One night, in April, Roman went to sleep. In the morning, there was a line across his palm.
His soulmate had died, and he hadn’t even seen the line drawn. He broke a little.
Enough said.
Roman took the passion that he’d had for his Janus and channeled it into his acting. If he couldn’t get love, he’d get a fucking Tony Award.
Remus: Remus had been annoyed by his brother’s complaining.
“Oh, boo-hoo, my soulmate has a rare name. That means that as soon as I meet him, I’ll know exactly who he is! Roman, DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE NAMED LOGAN”
Remus was annoyed that his soulmate had the audacity to have a common name. In theory, he could date all of the 18,000 Logans in the country, but does he really have the time?
He and his brother bicker about this for a solid seven years, until the argument abruptly ends. Ever since then, he’s been on his brother’s side in everything he can.
Logan: It made total sense for Logan to not have a soulmate.
His soulmate would have been unlucky, being stuck with a know-it-all like him, at least according to most of the people he knew.
This was a simple solution to the puzzle.
It wasn’t helpful to waste time wishing for a different one.
Janus: Janus had a whole plan for when he met his soulmate.
He wrote it down in 10th grade
Step 1: Wear gloves
Step 2: Find Roman
Step 3: Say something witty
Step 4: Remove gloves, revealing palm
Step 5: This little mystery is over and done with, and hopefully my soulmate isn’t boring
This was how a lot of Janus’s plans would work. Solid ideas, but missing bits and important pieces. This includes his heist plan he scribbled out on a napkin on an April day.
Step 1: Find local con-artists
Step 2: Pretend to be a person with money (which I obviously do not have)
Step 3: Scam them
Step 4: Don’t get murdered on the way out
Step 5: Profit
He pulled off steps 1-3 with ease, but step 4 proved to be a sticking point.
As he escaped via the river, with money in his hands and a “so long, suckers!” on his lips for drama, he thought nothing could go wrong
Fun fact: It’s rather common for con artists to fatally give away their positions by yelling “so long, suckers!”. Just ask Odysseus as he sailed away from the Cyclops.
The con artists shot wildly at his boat, blowing it to pieces. As he went down with the ship, he barely had enough time to think this can’t be happening, and fuck this and I’m going to die at the same age as Philip fucking Hamilton and I really don’t want to go to hell before his lungs filled with water and his heart stopped.
And Janus died.
For a solid two minutes.
Technically, death is when your heart ceases to beat. Even though people have been revived after their hearts have stopped, it is death, and enough to draw a line across a sleeping Roman’s hand.
Janus, however, was saved by an old man, who dragged him out of the river and forced the water out of his lungs. The old man took one look at the teenager and decided that he needed better role models, which is how Patton took Janus under his wing and saved his life in more ways than one.
The Actual Plot
Roman is in a city production of Hamlet. His brother is in the audience, his friend is fixing the lighting, and he’s ready to go.
It’s a pretty good performance, by all accounts, but especially according to Janus.
He’d already been watching the main actor intently, smiling from the mezzanine, but he was even more intrigued when he read the playbill and realized his name was Roman. He could barely pay attention to act five as he planned out the lies he’d tell to get backstage.
Somehow, he didn’t get caught sneaking around, and managed to catch a glimpse of Roman’s hand in a mirror. Janus. He really is his soulmate!
Janus walks over to Roman, says something that isn’t as witty as he would have liked (but not as bad as it could have been), and removes his glove.
Now, he expected his soulmate could have a variety of reactions. He didn’t expect Roman to yell “Not today, ghost!”, throw a prop skull at him, and sprint out of the theater. Janus caught a glimpse of the line through his name.
He was reasonably sure that he wasn’t dead? He could see his reflection in mirrors, he could consume salt, people tended to notice his existence!
Jan didn’t have much time to mull over this, as he was about to be forcibly removed from the greenroom. Logan just wanted to fix the lighting and live his life, but when strangers break into the backstage and upset Roman...
Jan skedaddles as Logan chases him out of the building. The nerd has almost caught the intruder when he runs directly into a man in a green jacket holding a coffee cup full of ketchup
Why did he have a coffee cup full of ketchup?
Remus and Logan bicker as Janus escapes. When Remus realizes Logan’s name, he asks a few questions, but Logan quickly shows his two blank palms, and the matter is settled.
Everything seems over and done with.
Meanwhile, Roman is freaking out. His mind is essentially in a loop of The fuck? The fuck? The actual fuck? He’s completely unsure of what to do. Is he seeing ghosts? Does he only believe he’s seeing ghosts? Is he sane or not?
Remus checks up on his brother at around 3 am, only to find him, exhausted, and writing in his old soulmate journal. Roman tries to explain what just happened, but the narrative told isn’t exactly coherent. All Remus can gather is that
1. His brother thinks that his dead soulmate is alive
2. This is because some guy snuck backstage and told him that he was the dead soulmate in question
3. This was probably the guy Logan was chasing
Remus convinced Roman to go to sleep, and walked out of the apartment with blood on his mind. He was sure that his brother was being manipulated.
This guy might not be dead now, but he would be soon.
Meanwhile, Janus proves that he can, in fact, cross a salt circle, so he must be alive! Right?? He also can’t get a certain actor out of his head, and wonders what his next move should be.
Remus recruits Logan to help him do some investigation in case Shady Liar Dude shows up. They go on several stakeouts together, in equally improbable locations. Maybe the two of them got too far into the secret agent aesthetic. Logan had always wanted to be a detective as a kid.
They fall for each other, and fast
Roman is spiraling, and a chat with Remus has him convinced that he was wrong, and Janus really is dead. He curses himself for believing in the pretty fairy-tale. Yes, because love wins in the end and they all live happily ever after. He has a performance tomorrow.
And it’s really time he got rid of the old scar.
You don’t hang around Remus without knowing where the black market locations are. It’s relatively easy to find the cure for palm marks.
He paces around backstage, holding a journal in one hand and a small bottle in the other. The warning that destroying the palm mark destroys the soulmate causes terror to rise in his throat, even though he knows that Janus is dead and can never read his love letters no matter how many stars he wishes on.
He finally makes his choice when Remus and Logan visit him before the performance. They give him looks of pity. He doesn’t want to be pitied.
According to the label, effects should take place over the next several hours. So, he waits for Janus’s name to disappear from his hand.
Janus managed to hustle someone with orchestra seats for their tickets. Despite not getting off on the right foot with his soulmate, he isn’t going to let him go that easily. And Roman’s brilliant performance that night just reinforces that. If he was good weeks ago, he was a star now. Janus was transfixed.
When the curtain call came, Janus was the first on his feet for a standing ovation. Remus and Logan noticed him, and pushed their way through the applauding audience. Both of them almost hoped that he’d get away again so they could continue spending time together.
Roman notices him. They lock eyes. Janus waves as though to say Hi, I’m here, apologies for the awkwardness of our meet-cute, but coffee? Roman gives him a look of disdain, as if to say I can’t believe I thought you were my soulmate, you con artist. He intends to look away and bask in the applause, but before he can do that, Janus collapeses.
Roman is confused at first, and then it clicks. That’s his soulmate. That’s his Janus.
And he killed him.
Pandemonium breaks out. Roman leaps off the stage, Remus freezes in panicked comprehension, the crowd scatters, and several people try to reach the dying man.
Logan gets there first. His mind scans memories of hours spent in libraries, researching everything there is to know about palm marks. Why didn’t some people have them? How did you lose them? How could you get them back?
He instructs Remus and Roman to help carry Janus to the greenroom.
They race him there, everyone in a state of panic (including Logan, but more importantly he has a job to do). Logan tells Remus to run and get a few basic ingredients, and they wait. Time moves much too fast and much too slow, until he comes back.
Logan works chemical wonders, piecing together Roman’s hand until everything is stabilized.
A vicious scar, the type you’d except if your soulmate was really gone, forms on Roman’s palm, and it will stay there for the rest of his days.
Janus comes back from death’s door for the second time.
After The Drama
Logan and Remus eventually move past the “but I don’t have a soulmate” “and yet I still am in love with you” dithering and go on a date that isn’t for the purpose of stalking a supposed stalker.
They go to the aquarium.
Meanwhile, there’s a lot to work out between Roman and Janus. From “wow, you’re not dead” to “wow, I nearly murdered you”, we don’t have time to unpack all that.
But they do get coffee. And they talk.
Soulmate stuff! I really like soulmate aus, despite not liking to write straight up romance
It’s weird
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
how would you rank the seasons from least to most favourite?
alright okay right off the bat worst season season 7. for starters i think this season has no staying power i mean like since i’ve been running this blog 4 so long now my knowledge of charmed is encyclopedic and insanely vast more than like it ever need be but for the longest time. i could not remember season 7. like wtf even happened there?? evidently leo became human??? cole returned? the avatars??? like all of it was just. it’s not even necessarily forgettable it’s just i straight up could not remember it for the longest time. and i’ve said it before the concept of utopia was way to advanced for a show like charmed to tackle i am not watching charmed for moral philosophy i am watching bc i love these girls ♥ hee hee hoo hoo magic adventure ✨ tho if i am to offer a single comment on utopia: it’s awfully rich for a show to go on about destiny and fate and then take a stand against utopia in the name of free will. but w/e. i don’t like leo in the avatars i don’t like his dynamic with piper in this season i don’t like whatever phoebe’s doing this season there’s like leslie?? maybe there’s someone else? boring & flavorless they should have been setting up her endgame instead of puttering around. and kyle. zoo wee mama. could have been a great antihero. morally gray. duplicitous. self serving. but no. they gave him all those traits and called him hero/love interest. s7 left a lot to be desired out of the characters and their relationships also gave us phat L’s such as the charmed ones are werewolves don’t worry about it and feminism peaked with naked women. shout out to zankou: demon, dilf, dub & the noir episode.
you know what? fuck it i’ll say it second worse season 5 genuinely fuck season five. this is probably a Very Specific beef 2 me But. i hate what they did to the charmed universe. this was the season that marked the transition of charmed from supernatural drama to campy soap which like. i love camp! i do! but fr. fuck this season and what it did to the worldbuilding. the early season have Such A Vibe to them man with warlocks and witches and just a couple niche monsters from assorted lore that the show took and made their own. season five opens with mermaids goes directly into fairytales then gives us superheros whatever the fuck was going on in that mummy episode the sandman leprechauns and nymphs. and i hate it for that. it takes away from this urban fantasy things that go bump in the night what lurks in the shadows of the back alleys of san francisco in favor of the ugliest cinderella dress ever put to television and an onslaught of horrible irish accents for a full episode. other issues with season five: cole’s still here? why? they don’t know and neither will you! we’re not redeeming him! phoebe’s not getting back together with him! yes he died we just refuse to let him go! the cherry on top of course being a cole-centric 100th episode. shout out to. hmm. lemme think about what i actually liked about this season. i like jason dean as a love interest i don’t remember what he did in s5 but i know he was there. the season finale i’ve talked about how stupid & shitty it was but idc i still love that episode and then shout out to bacarra the only original villain this season that was a proper serve. the crone gets second place.
next on this come on we all saw it coming season 8. it’s a bad season! and i get bts there was a whole lot happening budget cuts missing actor etc. but it goes beyond that. it was a bad season. billie and christie were bad. and i’ve said this before but billie in herself is not an inherently bad character. she was just the literal worst for the show. she was a dollar store buffy blonde confident cocky skilled and ready 2 fight evil But. we are not following her like we followed buffy we are following her mentors. it’s like if we had a show called giles that aired for seven seasons And Then buffy showed up. billie was insanely irritating to watch from our perspective and in general wasn’t like. well written. attempts to humanize her / give her more depth often fell flat. and then christy. oh nelly. oh my god. barely a character. not well acted but hey it would have been a miracle if she was. negatives include dumain who was a mess omg bringing back the triad bringing back the source billie & christy obvi and also involving homeland security. which is season 7′s fault which is why it’s the worst. dubs on the other hand include both coop and henry i really liked them the shoehorned love interests weren’t great but i like their characters i though the way the got rid of leo to save on the budget was really creative and gave us a great piper episode and of course the sugary sweet finale i love it i do what can i say.
yet another controversial choice aptly coming in fourth is season 4. i respect what season 4 set out to do. i think it was a good idea. long form narratives, keeping a darker tone, focusing on character-driven drama and growth. too bad it fucking failed miserably at all of this. cole as the source and phoebe as the queen of hell was just so so botched. they had a very unique opportunity following the death of prue to explore these characters and what it means to them to be charmed, to be witches. they saved the world but the cost is insanely high. they’ve lost an older sister. they’ve gained a new sister. how do you even begin to cope with all this? episodes such as hell hath no fury and brain drain fuck so hard because they work with exactly that. had the whole season been like those episode season four would sit at number one with flying colors absolutely no competition. but alas. we can’t have nice things. the show got so bogged down with phoebe & cole, in a way that was just so, so messy. for starters, whether you loved cole or hated him before, we can all agree source!cole sucked. he was such a strong 180 from what we had seen that the show had to make the source some type of possession to justify half the shit they were trying to pull. and then to pit phoebe and paige against one another over a man was just. disgusting. and the ending of course felt rushed because it was! they wrapped up that entire issue in a nice little bow much faster than they reasonably should have been able to. it could have been a great season. it was definitely not. shout out to the seer an iconic mastermind on barbas levels, as previously stated brain drain and hell hath no fury Specific shout out to piper’s scene at prue’s grave shout out to paige as a character i like what they did with her and um. yeah that’s it.
okay we’re exiting the shit tier in favorite of the good tier welcome to the upper half. kicking us off is season 6. season 6 did what season 4 could not in that it gave us a long form plot that still left plenty of room for like. normal demon of the week episodes. i love phoebe early in this season with her faboo haircut her brand new empathy power and her relationship with jason dean. obvious strikes against for whatever the fuck that baby crazy stint was and also the mata hari episode. yikes. i love paige’s hair color in this season nothing paige as a character necessarily stands out to me however i like how they seem to have hit the blend of work-magic with paige where she wants a life and career outside of magic however she still loves the craft and embraces is with an open heart and mind. season six also gives us chris who was a very fun male lead imo we really didn’t have many like him he’s bitchy. he whines and bitches a lot he’s got an agenda he’s a bit secretive but at the end of the day he just wants a family i like him. i like the character growth we see out of piper i like seeing her try to move on from leo i love seeing her get back together with leo i like her dynamic with chris and her fears about motherhood. i also liked richard but that one takes a lot of justification. L’s are witchstock hyde school reunion used karma off the top of my head also the paige/richard/addiction plotline was so tone deaf. also the girls were mean to darryl : ( he deserved so much better. dubs were chris as a character, tbh the episode little monsters, phoebe with empathy specifically saying i love you too to jason i could write a dissertation on that line alone also the courtship of wyatt’s father and i thought the reveals of evil wyatt and chris being piper and leo’s son were both fun and interesting plot twists.
coming in third is actually season 2 a season i really do love it’s just. it lacks structure. imo there is a lot to love about season 2 morality bites and pardon my past are both delightful time travel episodes we get jack sheridan and bane jessup two of my personal favorite prue love interests we get p3 h2o and a great prue plotline regarding the death of patty we get the super cute cupid episode it’s a great. collection of episodes. it’s not a great season. there’s just imo not a strong enough thread connecting the stories together it’s mainly held together by having the same characters in it over and over again i really liked dan personally but like. i knew we were wasting time there. he was just an obstacle. a super cute loving and caring obstacle who’s great with kids but lbr piper and leo were always endgame. wasting our time on dan was stupid. i do love the sister dynamics in season two “gotta hand it to those pesky little demons they sure have brought us closer together” but again. this season could have benefitted from a rex and hannah type or even like a cole or zankou. this season is less of a season and more of just like a handful of episodes, and while there are some fat dubs, there are also some definite swings & misses. shout out to the time travel episodes the prue centric episodes phoebe’s character growth and maturity throughout this season (e.g. her going back to college) and i also think the fashion got a lot more fun this season.
second place i’m saying season one season one was a really strong start and gave us these really compelling characters with interesting relationships between one another But. a lot of it just kinda falls flat. and credit where credit is due it was a brand new show getting its feet under it but the fourth sister feats of clay which prue is it anyway they just simply aren’t dubs imo. also i don’t like that 70′s episode bc again i am an asshole concerned about The Lore i can’t believe one bitch ass warlock caused the Charmed Ones to grow up without powers. it just really bugs me. all in all the plots as a whole like aren’t great imo they’re nothing to write home about (save for from fear to eternity) it’s really the characters that make this season so goddamn good.
first place congratulations to the one the only season three. this is just because it kinda hits all my requirements in that it has some banger one offs (e.g. all halliwell’s eve, the good, the bad, and the cursed) it has an overarching plot at the exact same time as the source becomes more prominent and obvi cole is also there with murderous intent i like the character growth we see especially from prue i like piper and leo finally get married overall i really like the aesthetic of this season that blends a darker urban fantasy tone with still some charmed fashion and whimsy. strikes against tbh phoebe and cole’s relationship i am insanely picky with my enemies to lovers and the do not come remotely close to cutting the mustard in fact they are almost immediately disqualified however from afar i can see and respect The Drama. shout out to recasting victor prue with pistols death as a character and shannen directing episodes
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Kdrama recs Part 1
Hullo and welcome to the kdrama life @camsthisky​! The following list is not in any particular order, other than the fact that I start with a more rom/com vibe and head toward more romantic/action or action. All the following kdramas are set in the modern day, and part 2 of my recs for you will be either darker kdramas set in present day or historical dramas.
Let the list begin!
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1. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: 
Do Bong Soon is a v smol woman who has super strength and who wants 1. To create her own video game 2. Get her police officer crush to return her affections. Which like, police officer is kinda cute but he ain’t that special. Bong Soon winds up becoming a bodyguard to Ahn Min Hyuk, the extremely rich, kinda spoiled, ridiculously extra CEO of a gaming company who does not like the police for secret reasons, and sadly does not have a good relationship with his family. (He a lonely boy underneath everything.) Min Hyuk finds out about Bong Soon’s powers, is in TOTAL awe of her, offers to train her in fighting, and literally falls head over heels for her.
The caveat with this show is there is a subplot or two that annoy me, BUT I just use the 10 second skip button and it is totally worth it because the romance is super cute—SUPER CUTE (also I have a list of favorite actors and Park Hyung Sik is def on it—one minute he is an adorkable, blushing bby the next he can be intense and sad)
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He cute
2. Her Private Life: 
Hello fake-dating!! Ryan Gold (an adoptee who didn’t live in Korea for a while) is a former artist who stopped painting because he couldn’t deal with his Stendhol (?) syndrome (among other traumas). Deok Mi is the classy art curator of a famous museum who definitely does not have any secrets she wants to keep from the world—well, other than the fact that she is the number one fangirl of kpop idol, Cha Shi-an (who also appreciates art) and has a major crush on him. Ryan becomes director of the art museum and there is a whole thing with getting Shi-an involved in an art show.
Following this and a series of unfortunate events a false rumor starts that Deok Mi and and Shi-an ARE dating. It’s a little complicated to summarize, but basically what you need to know is that Ryan and Deok Mi become a fake couple so there won’t be a scandal for Shi-an or violence done to Deok Mi by rabid fangirls. I enjoy the fake-dating trope a lot, and how it becomes real for both of them! The leads are played by Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young, who both have incredible range. Lots of soft moments in this one! Good kisses, a scene where the faves bake together, and also Ryan wears a lot of deep v-neck shirts and jackets which is an attack on me personally.
The show also contains a bit of angst, which I LOVE. Hand-holding becomes an important theme 😊
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3. Crash Landing on You: Rich South Korean heiress/fashion designer Se-ri accidentally winds up in a North Korean village, and really REALLY wants to go home. Mostly because there are no scented candles or spa-like bathtubs in the vicinity, but also because she could easily disappear into a NK jail and never return. A North Korean captain named Ri Jeong Hyeok finds her and decides not to turn her because, one, he’s a good guy who doesn’t want to turn an innocent person over to what might be her death, and two, turning her over might get his four underlings in trouble for reasons. Said underlings are his family, basically, and they are a deLIGHT. One is an argumentative proud sort who likes to drink and to feel important and who tries to provoke (and gets provoked by) Se-ri at every opportunity, one is a lover of banned South Korean dramas, one is a 17 year old bby who misses his mom, and one is the silent but most loyal follower of the captain. 
Besides all these people, there are two other characters (including a surprisingly wise conman) who become faves and major players in the plot.
There is a great mix of humor, romance, found family, and angst, and I love it very much. A few things don’t go the way I want them to near the end, but a bit of imagination and fanfic can fix anything 
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Show of hands, who thinks they will meet again
What do you do when your husband dies and your evil mega-rich father-in-law takes your son away from you and keeps you from seeing him ever? Well, if you are scientist with more genius than positive coping methods, you build yourself a robot son who looks exactly like your real son. Great solution, am I right?
Nam Shin III is the name of my favorite robot son, played by the inestimable Seo Kang Joon. He is the purest bby you will ever meet, being designed so that he never lies and so that he will immediately go to hug anyone who cries. He seems quite a contrast to the bitter human Nam Shin, who hates his gilded prison life, hates his Grandpa, and tries to sneak away from his right hand man, Secretary Ji Young Hoon, his only friend in the world. The girl in the show is Kang So Bong, an ex-UFC fighter who was so badly injured she had to quit. She is at first a bit jaded and mercenary because of her past, but she has a golden heart that just needs to be reminded of its existence.
Not going into details to avoid spoilers, but everything upends when the robot Nam Shin has to take the place of the human Nam Shin. The show is a soft, funny, angsty exploration of what it means to be human, with some good found family throughout. The character development is phenomenal, and the connection between So Bong and Nam Shin III is *chef’s kiss*. I just want to give a shout out to Seo Kang Joon who plays a duel role like you wouldn’t believe, to SKJ’s smile, to the soundtrack, and to the character of Young Hoon, a loyal, steady, and self-sacrificing secretary that we do not deserve  (gosh tho he looks good in blue!)
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Look at my robot son getting a long-looked for affirmation! (his lil smile!!!
5. W: Two Worlds: 
This show unique because it  meta as HELL! Oh Yeon Joo is a junior doctor and the daughter of a webtoon artist whose big hit, W, is coming to a close. Much to her surprise, she gets pulled into the world of the comic where she encounters and saves the main character, Kang Chul, a former Olympic shooting champion who was blamed for the murder of his entire family, and whose sole desire is to find the real killer. It’s a good romance between them, and I also love Kang Chul’s relationship with his hyung, which, tho it is not always a main focus, is present and wonderful. Kang Chul himself is both intelligent and adorably bratty, charismatic and angsty, soft and fierce, and he is one of my favorite kdrama characters for sure.
As for the meta, the show does a fantastic job exploring the rules of the comic world, of how one can enter and leave, the importance and power of main characters and supporting characters, and the purpose of an author. There is always another twist coming, and it is just so much fun!
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6. Healer: 
I watched half this show and never realized that the female lead is played by Park Min Young, same actress as in Her Private Life. Someone had to tell me lol! She’s just so good at playing different people. In this show, she is Chae Young Shin, a reporter for a celebrity tabloid who has big dreams of becoming a famous reporter who investigates stories that actually mean something. She is a bit quirky, very cute, very brave, and probably one of my favorite female leads. She lives with her dad above his coffee/teashop bakery and is friends with all the ex-cons he has defended while doing his other job of lawyering.
Anyway this show is more of a romantic/action drama. To get an idea of the titular Healer, picture what you would get if you took some of Batman and Nightwing’s aesthetics (wearing black, hanging out on rooftops, punching people, flipping around, etc) and put them into a night courier who likes to watch National Geographic and dream about one day going off to an island where he can live all by himself for the rest of his days because oh yeah he is a loner whose only friend is an older woman who sets up his jobs and whom he has never actually met.
There is also an older reporter that Young Shin looks up to, the fun tabloid office where she works, a heck lot of mystery surrounding some tragedy involving a group of reporter best friends/found family back in the 80’s/90’s, and of course both members of the OTP have childhood trauma that has made them who they are today. One of my favorite things that happens in the show is that Healer has to go undercover for a while, Clark Kenting it up in Young Shin’s tabloid office, which overnight becomes a real news agency for reasons.
The action is LOTS of fun, and the romance is really soft and cute, and better still, when there is a misunderstanding or something that gets in their way, they almost immediately talk about it and resolve issues. They TRUST each other and give the benefit of the doubt where many tv couples would break up or get in big fights. I find it (plus the character development) very refreshing.
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I couldn’t find a gif of my favorite fight sadly. This will have to do
7. Lawless Lawyer: This has Lee Joon Gi. Watch it.
Just kidding, there are many other reasons to watch the show, but it is true that Lee Joon Gi is one of my favorite actors. The man has phoenix eyes, a jawline that could cut silk, diamonds, you name it, and such a deep well of emotional acting that it literally kills me when his characters rage/weep/love/etc.
Anyway, in this legal thriller/romance/action drama, LJG’s character Bong Sang Pil is a beautiful, very extra ex-gangster/now lawyer who opens his own office, ready to fight villainy and avenge his mom with the law or with his fists, whichever is more useful at the time. He has a right hand man named Manager Tae and recruits a bunch of thugs as his minions, and they all become a weird sort of family as the show goes on.
Ha Jae Yi is a quiet badass lawyer who has no time for sexist idiots and gets her license suspended for smacking one of said fools. She gets recruited to assist Sang Pil, and they find their goals align as both their mothers were destroyed by the villains.
Speaking of the villains? EXCELLENT acting by them all, like they need to go down obviously, but you can’t help but be in awe of a few of them or even get attached to one or two in a weird way. Props to the show for having one of the best female villains I have ever seen
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What an icon
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Here you get two gifs of him
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Sorry I needed to make it a magical three lol
Tune in next time for historical dramas and modern dramas that are a bit darker!
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tomhiddlestonfanfic · 4 years
A Step Too Far? Chapter Three The Deal
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Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6 - Ch. 7 - Ch. 8 - Ch. 9
TITLE: A Step Too Far? NUMBER OF CHAPTERS/ONE SHOT: 3/? WHICH TOM CHARACTER: Stepfather Tom OTHER CHARACTERS: Benedict Cumberbatch, Andrew Scott PAIRING: Tom/OFC, Benedict Cumberbatch/OFC GENRE: Drama SUMMARY: A step too far; when you’ve gone beyond acceptable limits… Nina is a twenty year old girl with a problem; she’s painfully attracted to her stepfather (Tom Hiddleston). One day, she finds porn on his computer with girls looking a lot like herself, and she can’t help but wondering if he feels the same sexual attraction to her as she does to him. That same day, Tom has a very attractive colleague over for dinner (Benedict Cumberbatch). One thing leads to another and Nina finds herself becoming their new secretary. Will her flirtatious behaviour be kept in check or will she end up taking things a step too far? FEEDBACK: All sorts of feedback are welcome! AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thank you for reading! Just let me know if you want to be on the taglist for this story.
Nina’s first week of work went by quickly. Too quickly for her liking. It was soon Monday again, and Andrea was on early maternity leave due to her high risk pregnancy, but she had left her number for Nina to call in case of an emergency.
Nina cursed to herself as she struggled to keep up with everything. How would she ever be able to get a hold of this? She had had a full week of training, but was still struggling to get everything right. She was slightly off schedule, so she decided to skip lunch break in order to catch up on work. Tom walked up to her desk during her supposed lunch break and asked her what she was doing.
“I’m trying to catch up on work,” Nina told him truthfully.
“As admirable as that is, I need you to take a break,” Tom told her firmly. “Now,” he added with emphasis as she just kept typing on the computer.
“Fine,” Nina said defeatedly and sighed heavily.
“You need to learn how to prioritise,” Tom concluded. “I’m sure there are things that can wait. You can’t skip lunches, it won’t work out in the long-term.”
“I already ate,” Nina lied.
“When?” Tom questioned skeptically.
“Like fifteen minutes ago,” she said.
“What did you eat?” Tom asked, and Nina frowned slightly as she tried to come up with something quickly. “Nice try,” he said before she had the time to respond. “You’ve been skipping meals a lot lately, is something up?” he asked concernedly.
“No, nothing’s up. I just haven’t been hungry, that’s all,” Nina assured him.
“You’re not on those pills you mentioned, are you?” Tom asked her in a low serious voice. Nina shook her head at him. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure,” Nina said indignantly.
“Then you should probably have less of those energy drinks, they’re probably having a negative effect on your appetite,” Tom reasoned, causing her to snort. That was part of the reason why she was having so many of them, so she wouldn’t feel as hungry and tired.
“Okay,” Nina said shortly, not wanting to argue with him about this yet again.
“You’re not going to stop having them, are you?” Tom said knowingly and sighed as he walked up to stand right behind her. “Let’s go get you some proper lunch,” he decided and logged her out from the computer. Nina sighed soundly and glared at him for a moment before remembering that she ought to act professionally now that she was at work.
“Of course I’ll join you for lunch, mister Hiddleston. Thanks for asking,” she said sarcastically, with emphasis on the word ‘asking’.
“How nice of you to join me, miss Andersson,” Tom replied with an amused look on his face.
Nina reluctantly went out to have lunch with Tom. To his disappointment, she just ordered a salad and sparkling water. He shook his head to himself as she poked around her salad.
“If you don’t eat anything, I’m going to think you actually are on something,” Tom told her.
“Is that a threat?” Nina asked confusedly.
“Not exactly, but let me inform you that as your employer I have a right to demand a drug test from you,” Tom told her seriously.
“That’s a threat,” Nina told him irritably.
“Well, how’s it going to be?” Tom asked her. Nina glared at him for a long moment, suspecting that he may very well go through with his threat if she didn’t eat anything. So she reluctantly began to eat. “Good girl,” Tom told her, causing her to freeze up a bit. His words made her think about those dominance scenes she had found on his computer a few weeks earlier. Did he actually fantasize about dominating her, like those girls in the scenes? After all they did have some unmistakable similarities to herself. Had he completely forgotten about how she knew about that, or was he in fact testing her to see how she would react. Even she had forgotten about his dirty little secret, since work had taken up so much of her attention. But now she remembered.
Nina smiled at him and took another bite of her food. “Thank you Daddy,” she eventually said in a low, innocent voice. He froze up and gave her an incredulous look, before shaking his head at her. Seemingly, he had forgotten about her knowing about his secret desires. She smirked at him in response. “Perhaps we should make a deal,” she proposed victoriously. “You stop nagging me about my eating, and I promise I won’t tell anyone about your little secret. I’ll even stop calling you Daddy from time to time. That is, of course, if you want me to stop it.”
“Damn it, Nina,” Tom muttered under his breath. “Of course I want you to stop it. It’s not funny. I love your mother,” he told her through gritted teeth.
“Sounds like we have a deal then,” Nina concluded and put down her fork.
“Nina,” Tom said seriously. “This is extortion.”
“It’s not,” Nina told him. “It’s a fair deal. You mind your business, and I mind mine.”
Tom sighed and reluctantly held out his hand towards her. “It’s a deal,” he muttered bitterly.
“It sure is,” Nina replied with a victorious grin as she gladly took his hand to seal the deal.
“I’m calling Andrea in to help you learn how to prioritise. You need to take breaks during the day, otherwise this won’t work in the long run,” Tom said insistently as they headed back to the office.
“You don’t have to. Leave the poor woman alone and let her rest for the duration of her pregnancy,” Nina objected.
“It’s not up for debate,” Tom told her firmly. Nina bit her lip slightly. She could never quite get over how hot Tom sounded when he was being firm towards her. It made her think of those scenes she had watched on his computer in his study.
They got back to the office and it was time for Nina to go through some paperwork with Benedict. Like always, when she was about to spend some time alone with Benedict, she made sure to unbutton an extra pair of her shirt buttons to reveal more of her bosom to him. She enjoyed spending time in his company; the sexual tension between them was thrilling.
“So, how was lunch with Tom?” Benedict asked, causing her to smile cryptically in response.
“It was nice, how was lunch with your wife and kids?” Nina asked, feeling slightly jealous at his wife for having him.
“Messy. I had to put on a new shirt,” Benedict laughed, motioning to his clean white shirt. “But it was lovely. I love those little rascals.” Nina couldn’t help but smile at how he did not say that he loved his wife. He probably did, but he didn’t say it.
“So, should we get started?” Nina proposed in a businesslike tone.
“I suppose we should,” Benedict said with a sigh. He was unusually wound up and seemed to have a hard time focusing, because he kept looking at Nina instead of his computer screen.
“What?” Nina asked amusedly, after catching him stare at her for the fifth time.
“What?” Benedict asked innocently.
“Bad Ben. You keep staring at me, it’s distracting,” Nina nagged him playfully.
“Bad Ben,” Benedict snorted in response and crossed his arms. “You’re the one who’s bad here. You’re a bad, bad girl,” he added in a low voice and Nina felt a thrill of excitement run through her body.
“Is that so?” she asked him playfully and got up from her seat. “Did I do something wrong, mister Cumberbatch?” she asked innocently as she approached him.
“Don’t you think I’d notice how you keep showing me your breasts. It’s distracting, miss Andersson,” he told her with a smirk.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nina told him with feigned innocence as she boldly leaned forward, placing a hand on his desk as she looked at his computer screen. Her breasts were now just decimetres away from his eyes. “You do seem distracted, mister Cumberbatch. Is there anything I can do for you?” she asked as she got back up again and went to stand behind him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and massaged them. “Perhaps I should help you relieve some tension,” she whispered suggestively into his ear and could feel him tense up underneath her touch. She smirked as she looked down to see his hard on through his suit pants and wanted to boldly grab it, but stopped herself. Instead she massaged him with a bit more force. “You are very tense, mister Cumberbatch,” she said softly and he mumbled something inaudible in response, seemingly agreeing with her. She moved on to massage the back of his neck and he moaned in response. She could feel some lymph nodes and proceeded to massage them thoroughly. Benedict groaned in pleasure, causing her to smile amusedly to herself. If someone would be standing outside the door eavesdropping, they would probably think he was receiving a blowjob or something like that.
After a long moment of massaging Benedict’s neck and shoulders, Nina finally stopped, causing him to groan disappointedly.
“Why did you stop?” he whined childishly.
“Because I have to work,” Nina told him decidedly. Benedict looked down at his watch and sighed heavily.
“Damn it, you’re right,” he agreed. “And so do I.”
“Yeah, see you later,” Nina said and grabbed her laptop from the table.
“Nina,” Benedict said, causing her to turn around and look at him. “Thanks for the massage. It was very nice of you.”
“You’re welcome, mister Cumberbatch,” Nina replied with a bright smile.
The days went by, and Nina found herself more in control of her job, especially after Andrea turned up and gave her some advice on how to prioritise her tasks. She actually enjoyed working as a secretary, and the daily flirting with Benedict provided her with positive energy. So did her little chats with Andrew, who seemed to care about her well-being. Her interactions with Tom at work were mostly kept brief and professional, though he sometimes expressed his concern about her health. At home, they tended to avoid each other as much as possible. Or at least she tried to avoid him.
“Hey,” Andrew said one day during lunch break. “How about joining me for lunch? I’ll buy,” he offered. Nina smiled at the brown eyed man; he was so different from his colleagues both physically and personality-wise. While Tom and Benedict were both tall and blue eyed, Andrew was short and brown eyed. He was also more moody than his colleagues; when he was happy it was all sun and rainbows, and when he was upset it was all rain and thunder. Nina had grown quite used to his mood swings and learned not to take things personally. Most of the time, Andrew was very sweet and gentle, but sometimes he could be almost brutally honest with her.
“Okay, sure,” Nina agreed happily and got out of her seat by the desk.
“You’ve lost weight,” Andrew commented as they walked out of the office. Nina smiled to herself, regarding it as a great compliment and affirmation that her efforts had not been all in vain.
“Good,” she replied shortly.
“Don’t you go disappearing on me,” Andrew told her concernedly.
“I won’t,” she assured him.
They went to a nearby fancy restaurant for lunch, and Nina ordered her usual salad. She didn’t really have any appetite because of the pills she was taking, but she didn’t want to alarm Andrew, so she forced herself to eat half the salad anyway.
“I had a big breakfast,” she said when he asked if she wasn’t going to eat some more.
“I don’t believe you,” Andrew told her seriously.
“Then don’t believe me,” Nina replied irritably and took a sip from her sparkling water.
“I believe you have a problem,” Andrew continued to push.
“And I believe I don’t,” Nina said.
“Come on, Nina. Talk to me. Are you on something? Diet pills perhaps? Illegal ones?” Andrew asked straightforwardly.
“No, I’m not,” Nina told him angrily.
“So if I were to demand a drug test from you, it would come out empty?” Andrew asked her, causing her heart to sink. Had he been talking to Tom about this?
“It would,” she lied and looked him straight in the eyes.
“I don’t believe you,” Andrew told her honestly. “I won’t demand a drug test from you, so you don’t have to worry about that. But I want you to quit taking whatever it is you’re taking. Can you promise me you will do that?”
“I promise,” Nina said as tears filled her eyes. She knew that she was admitting to drug use by making the promise, but what was the point in lying when Andrew obviously already knew the truth?
“I’m proud of you,” Andrew said and reached across the table to wipe away her tears with his thumb. “Like I’ve said before, you are beautiful just the way you are. You are too good to become a slave to unhealthy ideals. What you’re doing to yourself by taking those pills is not good for your body or your mind.”
“How did you know?” Nina wondered.
“I’ve seen it before,” Andrew replied and gave her a sympathetic look. He carefully placed his hand on top of hers and gave it a squeeze. “I don’t want to see it happen again with you,” he told her earnestly. “So here’s what we’re going to do. In twenty days, you’ll do a drug test. Can you agree to that?”
“Or else I’ll lose my job?” Nina asked despondently.
“If you refuse, I’ll bring it up with my colleagues and we’ll make a decision together on how to proceed,” Andrew informed her. “I’m sorry if you think I’m being too harsh, but this is serious.”
“I understand,” Nina replied and sighed heavily as she prevented more tears from leaving her eyes.
“I care about you, Nina,” Andrew said sincerely. “That’s why I’m being so hard on you. If I didn’t care, I would just let you go on doing whatever you wanted to yourself. But I do care, and that’s why I can’t let you do this.”
“I don’t want to lose my job. It’s important to me,” Nina told him.
“Then let’s make sure you don’t lose it,” Andrew said with an encouraging smile. “I believe in you, Nina.”
Nina spent the rest of the day thinking about hers and Andrew’s conversation. Was there a way around this? Could she somehow keep taking the pills and still come out clean in a drug test? She wasn’t ready to stop taking the pills just yet, she hadn’t lost nearly as much weight as she wanted to. The pills helped her stay alert even when not eating. They helped her not to feel as tired as she always did throughout the days. She needed them to function.
Tom gave her a ride home that day and Nina noticed how he kept looking at her with what seemed like concern.
“What?!” she finally snapped at him, after finding him looking at her for the third time.
“You seem distressed,” Tom said concernedly. “Did something happen?”
Nina snorted at him. “As if you don’t know already,” she muttered irritably. He must have been talking to Andrew about her. He must have.
“I’m afraid I’m not following,” Tom said confusedly.
“You talked to Andrew about me,” she accused.
“I’m still not following. I talk to Andrew about a lot of things,” Tom explained.
“Well, you shouldn’t talk to him about me,” Nina said irritably.
“I’m not sure what I’ve said to make you this upset with me,” Tom told her honestly.
“You told him I did drugs!” she accused angrily.
“I did what?” Tom asked confusedly. “I did no such thing!” he said indignantly.
“Then why the hell did he ask me to take a drug test?” Nina questioned.
“He did that?” Tom asked surprisedly. Nina frowned at him, maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he didn’t have anything to do with it.
“He did,” she said, a bit calmer this time.
“Well, I’m sure you’ve nothing to worry about,” Tom said, looking at her thoughtfully. “Because you’re not doing any drugs, are you?”
“Of course I’m not!” Nina scoffed indignantly. “It’s about integrity.”
“Just take the drug test and prove him wrong,” Tom advised her. “I get that it’s hurtful that he suspects something like that about you, but keep in mind that it’s probably just because he cares about you.” There it was again; Andrew cared about her. Nina sighed heavily. It made her feel so guilty.
As they got home, Nina was about to go straight to her bedroom like she usually did, but her mother’s scream made her run into the living room instead with Tom in tow.
“What’s going on?” Nina asked alarmedly.
“I think I’m going into labour,” her mother said quietly. She was pale and there were drips of sweat running down her forehead.
“Isn’t it too early?” Nina asked concernedly, realising that she had lost track of how far her mother had left before it was time to deliver the baby.
“It’s two weeks early,” Tom informed her as he pulled up his phone. “Helena, do I need to call the ambulance or the delivery ward?”
“The ambulance of course, you idiot! Just look how much pain she’s in!” Nina yelled at him.
“Call the delivery ward and tell them we’re coming in,” Helena said calmly and grimaced in pain. She groaned and clenched her jaw for a little while before regaining her composure. “Don’t forget to bring the bag on the bed. It’s already packed. I packed it this morning when I was beginning to feel the pain.”
"Oh, darling, you should have told me," Tom said as he dialed the number to the delivery ward. 
"I didn't want to worry you in case it was just a false alarm," Helena replied. 
"So you've been in this much pain for hours?" Nina asked and looked at her mother in horror. "I'm never having children."
"The pain will pass," her mother assured her before clenching her teeth again and soundly breathing in through her nose. There was about twenty seconds of silence before she continued speaking. "And something beautiful will come out of it." 
"You're so composed," Nina said admiringly. 
“I just need to listen to my body right now, there's no point fighting the pain, it won't make it go away,” her mother told her. “If you ever find yourself in intensive pain, just accept it rather than trying to fight it. It’ll be there nonetheless.”
"Can I do anything to help?" Nina asked. Her mother raised her hand in a motion for her to wait as she breathed heavily again. 
"You can get the bag from upstairs and a couple of towels to put in the car seat in case the water breaks in the car," Helena instructed. 
Nina ran upstairs and got the things before running back downstairs. Tom smiled at her as he was helping her mother walk out to the car. She opened the car door and put down the towels in the passenger seat. Then she placed the bag in the backseat. 
"Are you coming with us?" Tom asked. 
"I don’t know. Wouldn't it be weird?" Nina asked. She hadn't really considered tagging along.
"I want you to come with us," her mother requested. 
"Are you sure?" Nina asked insecurely. 
"I'm sure. I want you to be a part of this," Helena said. 
"Are you okay with it?" Nina asked Tom. 
"Of course, just get in the car already," Tom assured her with a smile. 
Nina felt nervous as she sat in the back of the car, it didn’t move fast enough. Her mother was in pain and there was nothing she could do about it. Once they finally reached the hospital, she helped her mother get inside while Tom parked the car. She followed her all the way into the delivery room where a nurse pointed at a chair for her to sit in while her mother got changed into a hospital gown.
“Actually, I’m not sure if I’m staying, the father is on his way,” Nina objected.
“Nina, you’re staying,” her mother told her decidedly as she climbed up on the hospital bed.
“If you want to,” Tom added from the door opening.
“No, she’s staying,” Helena insisted from the hospital bed. “Please, Nina, stay. I promise it will be worth your while.”
“Okay, I’ll stay,” Nina agreed.
It was worth her while. With the help of some nitrous oxide, Helena even managed to smile widely through the pain. Nina found it assuring and she found her mother to be so brave in the face of the intense pain that she was going through. Especially towards the end of labour when it was time to push and Helena roared into the mask. Tears ran down Nina’s face as she squeezed her mother’s hand. She glanced over at Tom who was on the opposite side of the head of the bed, holding her mother’s other hand. He looked pale and he was close to tears. After the final push, there was a magical moment. The baby was out, and it was crying loudly. It was a healthy baby boy.
“Who wants to cut the umbilical cord?” the delivery nurse asked gleefully.
“He should do it, he’s the father,” Nina said and pointed to Tom whose eyes overflowed with tears at the sight of his wished-for son.
“And you’re his big sister,” Helena interjected calmly. “I think you both should do it.”
“Are you okay with that?” Nina asked Tom, who nodded wordlessly in response. They both reached for the scissor and somehow managed to cut the umbilical cord together. Then it was time for the baby to lie down by his mother’s breast. Nina felt a bit awkward at first, now that her mother’s breasts were out. She didn’t really know where to look.
“Ah, don’t be ridiculous, Nina,” her mother said once she noticed how uncomfortable she was. “You’re going to see a whole lot more of my breasts around the house when I breastfeed your little brother. It’s only natural. It’s what breasts are for,” Helena reasoned. She had gotten back the colour on her cheeks now, and seemed surprisingly alert for someone who had just given birth.
“She’s right you know,” Tom agreed, and rested his head against the bed so he was face to face with his little son. He put his finger out towards the baby and the baby instinctively grabbed it with his tiny hand. “He just grabbed my finger,” Tom said in amazement. Nina smiled at the new father’s excitement, and made sure to take some pictures to capture this beautiful moment.
“Thank you for letting me be here with you for this,” Nina told her mother as Tom was busy nuzzling with the baby.
“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” her mother said happily. “I want you to be a big part of your little brother’s life despite the age difference between you two, and I think this is the perfect start, don’t you?”
“It is,” Nina agreed happily. “What are you going to call him?”
“William. It’s Tom’s middle name, and as you already know, Tom loves Shakespeare,” Helena told her gleefully. “You should hold your little brother,” she offered and held out the baby towards Nina.
“Shouldn’t Tom hold him first?” Nina asked.
“Go ahead,” Tom assured her.
“How do I hold him? I don’t want to break him,” Nina wondered as she hesitantly reached out for the baby.
“You won’t break him, silly. Just make sure to support his neck and head, just like that. Perfect,” Helena instructed as Nina held the tiny baby boy in her hands.
“He’s so small,” Nina said emotionally.
“Talk to him,” Helena encouraged.
“Hi William. It’s Nina, your big sister,” Nina told the baby with a big smile on her face. “I love you so very, very much. You’re so beautiful. Oh, yes you are. I love you, I love you, I love you.” She held the baby for a little moment before handing him over to Tom. She shared a smile with her mother as they both watched Tom interact with the baby. He spoke in a brighter tone of voice than usual and said all kinds of cute things to baby William.
Nina momentarily forgot all about her troubles now that the baby had stolen all of her attention.
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kisskissbanggang · 5 years
The Sabotage of Simkung House - Part 1
[Stray Kids Multi Fic - 5K Words/20Min. Read - Lee Know x Female Reader - Non-Idol!au, Variety!au - NSFW/Smut, Plot - Reverse Harems, Variety Shows, Secret Hook-Ups]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Masterlist | Feedback
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This was your weirdest casting call yet. The assistant was taking the longest time looking back and forth from your headshot to your CV, and it was making you anxious. You could be doing better things on a Thursday night than get scrutinized more than usual. Finally, after an agonizing fifteen minutes of near silence on your end, the assistant motioned for the casting director to come over. This new person looked from the CV, to the headshot, to you, in a repeated loop until they ultimately asked you to stand up, turn in a circle, and walk around the room. You felt like a show dog, but relief finally came as the casting director motioned for you to follow, not leave. Was this your weirdest casting call ever? Probably. Would you pass up an opportunity to sign? Of course not. 
Yet another eager assistant trotted up to intercept you as casting led you down the hall.  “I got this,” he explained, politely shooing away the casting director and redirecting you into a new office. 
“Hi,” he greeted as he sat you in a chair, “so we’re glad you're here. I’m Felix,” he introduced himself, offering you a hand to shake before he sat you in a chair in front of the big desk in the room. He remained standing as he animatedly explained himself. “I’m the assistant for our executive producer. We know this has been a little unorthodox.”
“That's fine! I know some AV producers have really high standards,” you shrugged with a polite smile. You hadn't been shooting adult videos long, but in the time since you started you’d definitely had some weird auditions. None as weird as this, still, but weird nonetheless. 
“Right,” Felix nodded, “we were impressed with your materials. I'm already familiar with your work--” he blurted out before cranking back, biting into his lip as he blushed. You modestly nodded for him to continue. “--but I never realized you had such credentials otherwise. You have a very nice acting resume.”
“I've never needed both before,” you explained apologetically, “so I just left everything on there.”
“No no! It’s better than I could've dreamed of. I had no clue you went to school. And you’re bilingual? I thought I recalled you using English once or twice in streams, but I never realized--” Felix paused again, realizing his continued admission. You nodded for him to get going once again. 
“Don’t be embarrassed,” you kindly encouraged, “I’m glad you’re familiar with my work.”
“I am,” he eagerly nodded as he pulled some materials out from a folder sitting on the desk , “And we want you. So can I explain?” He waited for your approval once more before he launched in. We’re casting a new variety show. It’s called Noesengnam House.” The first piece of material he slid across the desk was a logo: a cheesy, bubbly text in front of a silhouette of a chiseled man with a graduation cap on. You raised an eyebrow. However, being enthusiastic was key to landing any gig, so despite any doubts you put on a smile. 
“Alright. So we’re focusing on smart, sexy guys?”
“We’re making smart, sexy guys,” Felix clarifies, and he’s so proud as he passes five headshots across the desk. You’ve always been puzzled by these overenthusiastic assistants, like they have a stake in every good idea so they have to be good. “This is like charm school, but for guys. The catch is they have to get equal marks in all their subjects by the end of the season in order for all of them to win their prizes.”
You got the smallest bit distracted looking over the faces of these five men, wondering how charm school worked as a concept with porn actors. “So the subjects are…?”
“What,” Felix suddenly halted, “not interested in the prizes?”
“I assume it’s money,” you flippantly shrugged, “so what are they supposed to be getting high marks in? I assume I'm working with them, so I'm interested in what they’re doing.”
It was Felix’s turn to shrug. Somehow, he apparently hadn’t predicted this. “The usual: manners, fitness, home economics, academics. They’re all secretly cast to have a specialty, so they have to work together to figure out each other's strengths and weaknesses.”
You finally held up your hands to formally stop him. “I'm sorry,” you politely apologized, “but I think I'm missing something. Where do I fit in?”
“Ah, that's the fun part. We cast them for variety, not for adult content. This will be their first venture.”
“For all of them?” You dubiously marveled, starkly curious how this would affect their performances. Almost no one was ever proud of their first time for more than sentimental reasons. 
“Yes, all of them,” Felix proudly nodded, “in our counterpart series, Simkung House.” He slid a new logo across the desk, the first crossed out and a bubbly pink text replacing it, with the silhouette of a -- no, really -- french maid tickling her duster under the chin of the man in the original design. The cartoon male even had blush added. You raised a sharp eyebrow at Felix. 
“Simkung? Who's the heartthrob, me or them?”
He jokingly waved you off, as if you could dare be so modest. “You, of course. They’re the stars of the daytime show, and you're the star of the nighttime show. Every good dormitory needs a housekeeper.”
“Daytime show?” You asked, backtracking. Your head was starting to swim with details.
“Yes. We actually have a daytime slot for Noesengnam House.”
“And so this--” you tapped on the gaudy pink logo in front of you, “is airing? On television?”
Felix slowed down a second. “Not quite,” he admitted, “it’s an online subscription for a well-negotiated price. Our clientele are loyal, and word of mouth has been our biggest asset.”
“So I just sleep with everyone.”
“Of course not,” Felix grinned, wagging a cheeky finger at you. “You’re working for a prize as well.” He slid a new graphic across the desk, this one a table of information. One row had a heart, the one below had a broken heart, and the one on the bottom simply had a question mark. The zeroes populating the prize side of the infographic made your pulse race. “Our five budding bachelors are all yours for the taking, but they can’t find out about each other. They each have to think they’re the one you chose. If you bed one of them, that’s 50 million won.”
Felix’s grin grew more wicked as your eyes widened.
“If one of them finds out about the others, you’ll lose 60 million won each. So control of information is key.”
“And what’s this?” You asked suspiciously, pointing at the ominous question mark. 
“That,” he explained, “is for added drama being incited. You’ll find out later.”
“So what if I get all five?” You asked, feeling a bit foolish for getting excited.
“Then you get the prize,” Felix said seriously, “There's 500 million won at hand here, but you don't get to earn any of your penalties back for anyone finding out.”
You felt a little nauseous. That much money could get you a modest house, and maybe a car, and maybe all sorts of things. 
“Where’s the contract?” You cautiously asked, not wanting to sound too eager. 
“Of course,” Felix nodded as he pulled out two packets from under his pile of promotional material, one for each show, “I figured you’ll want copies for your manager--”
“I manage myself,” you firmly replied to Felix’s surprise, taking the copies from him and grabbing a pen from your bag. You flipped through, immediately crossing out any transfer of representation and exclusivity clauses. You had to be able to work after this, and you had to be able to keep up your own streams on the side during production if the schedule allowed. Your pen paused as you hit something interesting. 
“What’s this about accommodations?”
“We’ve leased a house for production instead of making a studio more habitable for the cast. You’ll need to be accessible at all times given our schedule.”
“So my stream…?”
“Sadly, you’ll need to take a hiatus,” Felix pouted a little in sympathy, “but we’re confident you’ll find new fans. Now, are you going to use that pen to sign? Or do you want time?”
A miniature war broke out in your head over the prospects, but you quickly tried to decipher why -- the contract practically led in with the fact you’d get five million up front. That would help pay the bills in advance and settle some debt that had sat while money was tight. If you said no, someone else would say yes. You would meet new guys and network, and possibly come out with more money than you had going in. 
You signed. 
Felix wasn’t around on your first day on set, but you had his card in case you needed him. You wheeled your one suitcase to the front door of the handsome house, and an assistant immediately herded you to your room, further away from the chaos currently happening in the main living space. The bottom floor of the house mostly contained the impressive home gym, but appeared to also be where the laundry room and your room were located. You noted cameras tucked into all sorts of corners and crevices, some more obvious than others. 
Your room was modest, with a small bathroom attached and its own fair share of cameras around. It was cutely decorated, a little feminine with warm string lights and soft textiles, but not very personal. It could've been any girl's room, but for now, it was yours. Felix had assured you that the cameras in here would only ever be on at night, and always with a signal of one of the bulbs on your string lights blinking. You opened your closet to get a feel of the space and where you could put your things when you saw your uniforms set out for you. A number of soft blouses with coordinating skirts hung on padded hangers, ready for you to mix and match. When you opened the drawers beside them, you found pairs of sensible tights and delicate pantyhose, some patterned and some not. Thankfully, the costumes were pretty sensible. You didn't want to be parading around in a french maid costume, swishing petticoats in boys’ faces or bending at the waist to show off some frilly panties. If the show wanted you to actually seduce these men and do it with some romance and dignity, the modestly cute uniforms would work just fine. You did also bring some of your own clothes, something Felix so graciously insisted upon, so you had options should you grow tired of the same look. 
You unpacked and changed into a pale pink blouse with a black pencil skirt and some grey tights before heading upstairs where you were immediately intercepted by another assistant. 
“Noona,” the younger man politely greeted, “you must be our housekeeper.” You nodded with a smile in return, popping the first button on your blouse when the assistant held up a lavalier mic to clip on. He quickly averted his eyes as you threaded the cord down and around to your back, endearing you, but just a little. 
“What's your name?” You asked, watching for some sound tech to signal that you were fine or needed adjustments. 
“I’m Seungmin, noona. You can let me know if you need anything. For now, we'll get you to a stylist and get you today's pages.” Seungmin showed you upstairs to the attic of the grand house, a de facto control center just above the main floor. A stylist swept you up and sat you in a chair while Seungmin fetched your pages. As the first episode, you would really only get a short introduction with the other staff: a cook, and a valet. For some reason, these cast members didn’t also reside in the house, but you didn’t need to question the producers at the moment and cause trouble. The main cast appeared to be downstairs already getting set for their first takes, their voices muffled through the thick rugs placed on the floor on this level. A text beeped through your phone that you had stashed in the pocket of your apron, and you opened it. 
>How's my star? Ready for your first day? Can I get a picture? I have the big boss here. 
You rolled your eyes at Felix’s antics, but took a reluctantly cute selfie anyhow, even winking for the camera.
>Perfect. It's like your first day of school and I'm so proud lmao. Big boss says to tone down the sass. Clients are more into Hidden Charm. 
A heavy sigh fell from your chest. You were already nervous for your first real variety debut, let alone with the show tonight lurking ahead. Seungmin appeared right next to you, ready to lead you downstairs as the stylist set your hair one last time. 
The lights in the living room were a bit irritating and took a second to adjust to, but the room itself was great. The home was impeccably decorated, modern and smart and just cozy enough to not feel sterile. You were sat next to your other Staff cast members while the main cast finished up in the dining room, your introductions awkward and brief. An errant bead of sweat traveled from the nape of your neck down your back when the rest of the cast were led into the living room, tempting you to shiver until the crew was done setting up. 
You watched, distracted in the middle of rising from your seat when the cast filed in from the dining room down the hall, stretching and chatting as they took a quick break. The boys all had on some coordinating iteration of the same uniform, capitalizing on the ‘college boys in their dorm’ concept the show was toying with. First was Minho, a perfectly pressed crease undisturbed on his slacks despite filming all morning, and his sleeves bundled up over his hands as he nonchalantly entered the room and immediately took a seat on the couch. Next came Jisung, glasses gradually sliding too low and one end of his necktie a little too short. Changbin followed, looking down his long nose at a loose thread on his sweater vest, with Hyunjin right behind stopping him to fuss over it himself. He stooped down to see better and brazenly reached under the material to pull the loose thread back through before being prodded along by Chan pulling up the rear. Hyunjin straightened up, smoothing out his blazer and adjusting his beret before joining the rest of the boys on the long sofa, Minho now having scooted off to sit on a tufted ottoman. Chan casually rerolled his shirt sleeves and brushed a hand through his ashy blonde hair, opting to stand until the crew was ready. The assistant director stepping in to run down the scene finally pulled you out of your reverie. Clearly, your co-stars’ headshots didn't do them justice, but did they think the same of yours?
The scene was simple: following the round-table of introductions in the previous scene, the cast meets the staff before picking roommates. That was it, that was your big debut, and for some reason it was nerve-wracking. You and the staff all nodded greetings before filming even began, before you took your marks off camera. The boys were all polite, but none of them treated you with any familiarity. You would have to remember to ask Felix if they actually had seen your headshot before coming to set. 
Finally, cameras rolled. As the Seniors of the group, Minho and Chan led the discussion, but Chan was clearly filling his role as the show’s host. He spoke well, and with plenty of charm, but something definitely struck you as odd about him. You just couldn’t pinpoint what. Your cue snapped you out of your train of thought and you suddenly remembered you were nervous, just as you walked on set and into the irritating lights. The valet introduced himself first, and then the cook, and, to your horror… You forgot your cheesy intro line. 
What was it?
Amazing. Your first shot would require a reshoot, and it would be because of a flub. 
You momentarily floundered, opting instead to roll with it and improvise. 
“Hello, boys,” you beamed as you greeted them, “I’m your housekeeper. Keep a good home while you're here, since I'll be the one cleaning it. I hope you have nothing to hide.” You topped it off with a wink, and the boys all shared a momentary air of surprise. You didn't blame them -- it was awkward, cringy, and too ‘sassy.’ The Big Boss probably hated it. 
But the boys laughed. Actually laughed. The take finished without any more problems, and the stylist ran up to reset your hair between takes. 
“Was it bad?” You whispered as she touched up your makeup. 
“No, I liked it!” She smiled, reassuring you a little. In fact, the AD asked you to run it again the way you had, surprised you could improvise at all. The retake went more smoothly, and you finally allowed yourself a sigh of relief as the scene cut for transition. 
As the boys finally wrapped up, you set about your other duties. When the cameras weren't formally set and manned, the planted cameras caught plenty of action from the boys. The valet had it easy; he was come-and-go as the plot necessitated, but you and the cook actually worked. Your contract outlined that while the boys were usually “on” from eight o'clock to eight o'clock, that you were an actual part-timer during the day and working at night. You could “work” your show during the day, but you couldn't interfere with the daytime activities. If you were needed as a housekeeper during the day, then that was priority, and these bookshelves apparently came with dust on them. You set about dusting as the boys transitioned from their scripted work to more casual filming. They each gave you a look as they filed back out of the living room to get set up in their rooms. Some expressions were cryptic, Hyunjin and Chan especially, but some were clear, like Minho’s small grin as he subtly looked you up and down as you reached for a tall shelf. Not wanting to shy away from an opportunity, you smiled back. 
The rest of your day was pretty simple, all things considered. You dusted and swept and tidied up a little, but since all five men had just started living in the house, there wasn’t much else at the moment. The house calmed down considerably as the huge crew dispersed for the day, now resembling just a mostly normal home. You hung out and snacked in your room as you heard everyone eating upstairs, only emerging once you heard their chairs scooting free of the dinner table. At that moment, one of the bulbs on your string lights blinked three times and then turned off. 
You immediately straightened up where you sat in bed and cheerily waved at the camera. Felix had outlined that you would never have to do much talking if you didn’t feel like it. You rose from your bed, turning to fix the bow in your apron before heading out of your room, giving the camera an extra wave. As you turned to ascend the stairs, a figure landed right on the bottom step in front of you, making you jump with a startled laugh. 
“Chan--!” You gasped into a giggle. “I'm so sorry, you surprised me.”
“I’m sorry, noona, I’ll be more careful,” he nodded cordially as he briskly moved to step around you. You quickly took note of the basket in his hands. 
“Wait!” You jumped back in front of him. “You don’t have to do your own laundry, you know. Besides, you already have some on night one?” You held your hands open for him to set the basket into and he hesitated before reluctantly giving it up to you. 
“It’ll take some getting used to, noona, thank you. I just wanted to take care of my uniform and my street clothes from before I got to set.”
“Fair enough,” you smiled warmly despite his stiff demeanor, turning heel back towards the laundry room as Chan hesitated again before heading back up the stairs. Working quickly, you set about separating the meager pile of laundry and getting them started on washing before you returned to your original plan and headed upstairs yourself. 
Through the living room was the dining room, and beyond that was the kitchen down the hall. You peered in, spying a sink full of dishes from dinner. You pulled on some gloves and got to washing when your ears perked up at the sound of the kitchen door swinging open. Just like that, your assumption was right: someone had to be a late-night snacker in the cast. And, of course, it was Minho. 
“I'm sure you could’ve eaten with us if you wanted,” Minho slyly grinned as he pulled open a cabinet and peered inside. His uniform was swapped out for a much comfier number, a simple henley shirt and pajama pants. The thin layers hugged the subtle outlines of his figure and suggested that despite his casual nature, he still put in effort for his looks. He came away from the cabinet with a box of cookies and offered it to you. You smiled and silently declined. 
“I appreciate that, Minho, but I'm just the help.”
“Yeah, but you’re pretty,” he said bluntly, quietly picking the box open, “and I feel like we could be friends.”
You watched, quietly impressed with how cool Minho could be. He silently, nonchalantly took a bite of a cookie and offered you a bite of the same. Could you really say no to an advance like that? 
Sure you could. Where was the fun in making it easy? You spied a camera in the corner of the kitchen, tucked under the hanging cabinets. Stepping aside, Minho instinctively circled with you, opening your conversation up for the camera. 
“It’s only the first night, Minho,” you teasingly scolded as you leaned forward and took a bite of the proffered cookie, “you shouldn't be so eager.”
Minho surprised you again, his thumb instantly at your lip and cleaning off a crumb you hadn't even felt. 
“Are you sure you're just the help?” He laughed quietly. “You don't act like it.”
“I can act however you want me to,” you teased back, enjoying the way his eyes lit up at your little repartee. You locked gazes as you let his thumb caress your bottom lip, watching for his reaction when dipped your chin to take the digit between your lips for just a moment. You took a step back, leaning back against the counter. His turn now. Minho set the box of cookies down, a devilish grin tugging at his lip as he stepped closer. 
When the door swung open once again. You both rapidly turned away from each other, your hands plunging back into the sink and Minho turning back to the cabinets. Changbin blinked at the two of you. 
“‘Sup,” Minho cheerily greeted, “I'm making myself something to eat. Want anything?”
“Nah,” Changbin shook his head as his eyes darted between the two of you before settling on the box of cookies on the counter. He stiffly reached between you both and grabbed it. “I'll be just fine with this. Unless you wanted--?”
“No, thanks, that's fine, like I said, making myself something,” Minho enthusiastically prattled on, making himself look busy as he started facetiously searching for pans in the bottom cabinets under the counter. Changbin raised an eyebrow before shrugging, popping open the box of cookies and digging in as he left the kitchen. 
A beat passed in the silence as you both waited for Changbin’s footsteps to disappear, but you didn’t get a chance to say anything before you felt Minho press up behind you where you stood at the sink. You let yourself have a small smile as he reached his arms around you, grabbing a kitchen towel and pulling your hands out of the sink to dry them. His head leaned down over your shoulder, his breath tickling your neck as he took his time before you grew impatient. You leaned back against his chest, opening up your neck for him. Minho breathed you in and brushed your hair back, the impression of his smirk pressed into you as his lips brushed against the delicate skin. 
You turned in his arms, playfully pushing him back a couple inches by the hips, and he instantly stepped closer, getting on with it already and driving his lips against yours. His flannel pajama pants did next to nothing to hide his growing erection he was currently grinding into your thigh. You kissed him deep, readily spreading your legs for him as his hands searched you and played with the hem of your skirt. 
“Right here?” You asked coyly. 
“As if we weren't pushing for that this whole time already,” Minho chuckled as he kissed you up and back against the counter. He spun you back around, pressing your hips against the sink as he kissed and nibbled at your neck. “Say it,” he implored. 
“Fuck me,” you replied breathlessly, gasping as Minho immediately pulled your skirt up around your hips and bent you over the sink, his fingers dipping below the waist of your tights and tugging them down. His fingertips probed your dripping entrance from behind and you gave an encouraging moan for him to continue. “What,” you grinned back over your shoulder, “chickening out?”
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting this,” he teased, “you sure you want it? You did say it's the first night.”
“Give it to me,” you said adamantly. Minho smiled back as he pulled out his hard length. One hand gripped your hip as he guided himself in, groaning as your depths took him deep. You squeaked out a surprised moan when he bottomed out before both his hands were on your hips now and pulling you deeper around him. 
You clapped a hand over your mouth to keep from getting too loud as Minho fucked you over the sink, his hips bucking hard against you as his length filled you up. Once he set a reliable rhythm, one hand crept lower, between your legs to caress your clit as he fucked you.
“I want to make you cum,” Minho gritted behind you, “tell me how and I'll do it.”
“Keep doing what you’re doing and you will,” you taunted. 
Minho seemed pleased with your answer, his fingers still rubbing firm circles on your clit as his cock drove in and out of you even faster. You pushed your hips back against his, gripping the counter hard as the refined angle helped hit your spot more consistently. Minho let out a deep groan at the sound of your quickening whimpers, the sound of you approaching your orgasm making it difficult for him to keep up his own pace. 
“Minho,” you gasped, “I’m gonna--!”
You threw your head back as you cried out, quickly muffled when Minho pressed his own hand over your mouth. He kept it there, his other hand still holding firm onto your hip as he fucked you through your orgasm and on his way to his own. You whined and moaned into his palm, the way his own desperate groans combined with his stuttering grip on you making you lightheaded. He came hard, suddenly, emptying himself inside you as he gritted out hushed curses and panted breaths. 
You both stayed there, connected at the hips before Minho pulled out and brought you back up from the ledge of the sink. It was sweet, the way he helped put you back together and kissed your cheek. 
“Thanks,” he panted with a grin, still catching his breath, “hope this won’t make anything weird.”
“Of course not,” you smiled back as you brushed your fingers through your hair, “we can even do it again some time if you’d like.”
“Yeah. What’re friends for?” You winked, and Minho’s laugh was almost bashful as he playfully nudged your shoulder. His hand lingered on yours before he gave a cute wave and finally walked out of the kitchen. 
You waited a beat for Minho’s footsteps to disappear before you found the closest camera in the corner of the kitchen and gave it a wave and a smile. You finished the dishes and left them to dry and exited the kitchen, nearly screaming in surprise as you ran right into someone. 
Another assistant, blinking in surprised relief and taking a deep breath. 
“Well done, noona,” the assistant laughed quietly. 
“Who are--”
“Jeongin, noona, sorry.”
“Where have you been hiding?” You asked, bewildered. 
“Upstairs in the control room. I come in when the day crew leaves to help supervise in case you need anything.” He handed you a bottle of water and you nodded your gratitude, uncapping and taking a sip as you looked him over. He was an actual infant. He must've gotten roped into the industry right out of school. “Any other plans tonight?”
“Don’t think so,” you chuckled. “The show won’t be much fun if I get everything done in one week.”
“Sounds good, noona. You’ll be getting some rest then?” 
“Sure will.” You waved goodbye to the assistant as he crept back up the stairs and you headed down towards your room, making a quick stop to make a change over in Chan’s laundry for him. 
You stripped down in the comfort of your room, waving as the camera blinked on and you pulled on your pajamas. The sheets were welcoming as you crawled into bed, blowing a kiss to your viewers before the camera blinked back off. Your phone buzzed with a text from Felix as your eyelids grew heavy. 
>Good show tonight. Great start. The big boss loved it. Can you wear the dark blue blouse tomorrow? I want to see if it looks better than the pink. And don't make tonight a habit. We gotta keep things interesting. ;)
You sighed, now suddenly curious how you would “keep things interesting” between all five boys and wondering who would be next. 
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life-rewritten · 4 years
The Relationship of Tul and Tin- A Chance To Love episode 5 vs The Heirs (a comparison) Part 1/2
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Warning!! Massive essay ahead about A chance to love.  I know people hate to read long essays but try give this a go. Breaking down Tul and Tin’s heartbreaking dynamic is just so insane and I want people to see the layer of depth Mame writes her characters, Took me 4 hours to write and edit. So please if  you can read it and let me know your opinon. 
I find it fascinating that the works of two of my favourite authors' work have a lot of connections though they write for two different genres. One is Kim Eun Sook a Korean drama writer with the work known as Heirs (This wasn't her best work, but it's what I will be analysing today) and Two is Mame, a Thai writer with the work A Chance To Love (ACTL). At first, I thought the similarities don't add anything when analysing the show. Still, after episode  5 of ACTL, I ended up running back to the Heirs and realising the amount of analysis derived from putting the two together. We're going to focus on Tin and Tul, two brothers that are placed in the spotlight in episode 5 of ACTL and we're going to try and understand the characterisation of Tul. Is he really evil cold-hearted and cruel for no reason, or is there a part of humanity still with this character. Let's find out.
Let's first summarise the two shows; why they are similar in terms of character breakdown and arc?
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In Heirs, we're introduced to Tan and Won two brothers who conflict with each other. The first episode starts with Tan tricked into being exiled abroad by his older brother, he realises the reason as he stays abroad, his brother sees him as a competition for the 'throne,' i.e. their father's heritage to the company. Won sees Tan as a dangerous rival, now that he's managed to secure being the president of the company. Story short Tan and Won are half brothers, Won's mum is no longer living in the household. Tan's mum has moved in as the mistress; the father is waiting for Tan to grow and also be involved with the company, Won who loves the company and wants to keep running it does not wish Tan to steal it from him. So even when Tan returns to Korea later and tries to convince his brother, he does not care about the company affairs, Won refuses to speak to him, moves out and keeps Tan at a distance.
Meanwhile, Tan falls in love with his servant's daughter, and Won realises he has to sacrifice his own relationship with also a girl from different status to him for an arranged marriage with one of his father's partners if he wants to keep the company afloat. As the story goes on though Won starts to bond with Tan again and later takes place as his father figure, protecting his brother's new relationship, taking over the company but at the cost of his own true love. He ends up choosing to get engaged to protect both the company and prevent Tan from having to lose his own lover. His ending is bittersweet, but we're happy he and Tan are together again, a team and dedicated brothers.
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ACTL (1-5)
A chance to love follows Tin who is in university and has just started to fall for someone not of his status Can. His brother Tul is also a workaholic, with an unknown wife and a five-year-old child and we can tell he also had an exciting relationship with one of his servants who's no longer with him. Tul has a mask on, he smiles and acts on the surface but when he's with Tin although he pretends, he leaves snide marks and triggers Tin who now detests his brother. Tin used to look up to Tul when they were young (again he took his pseudo father figure position) but Tin later realises Tul was out to get rid of him and also send him abroad with a ruined reputation. Because of this Tin is now cold-hearted and does not trust people anymore, and is determined to tear off his brother's mask. Meanwhile, Tul laments about his choices that made him this way, and we see that he also is suffering in the environment he was forced to be in.
See the similarities? Two brothers with two similar type of lovers, who are forced to hate each other because of the environment somebody nurtured them in. I want to go deeper into each of the dynamics and why it's easy to connect it to Tul's arc and answer the question posed in this post,
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The similarities between Tul and Won is the need to succeed to prove they are essential to their family. The family dynamics between the two is simple; they've been tossed aside by the family because of a new arrival by Tin and Tan. For Won he loves to work for the company of his father, his goal is to own it one day, he enjoys the work he does for the family. For Tul, whilst it's not yet clear,  he seems to hate the path he's on, he resents himself and feels alone but believes he deserves it. For both to take over and reach their goals, a sacrifice was made.  Won gets married to a woman who he doesn't want to be with, and Tul also ends up in a relationship he was forced into to provide an heir, also sacrificed himself and happiness in the process.
Both believe that their brothers are in their way, will betray them someday if they're not careful, their younger sibling needs to grow up and actually realise the reality of their oppressive environment. Unfortunately, Tul is more vengeful for this, he's put Tin as a proxy for anger at all that he's had to lose, and he ends up betraying Tin more than the way Won betrays Tan. Another difference is how Won is deadly honest to Tan; he tells him never to return and stay abroad messing around, he warns Tan that he sees him as a rival. Tul pretends to have a mask with Tin, and makes snide comments alluding to their past but doesn't even bother to tell Tin the truth; he continues to hide behind an act which he believes is needed, as Tin needs more evidence that his brother is actually as evil as he found out and show this to the world. Tul has decided to keep that mask and never to let it fall to stay and control family assets and manipulate situations. Won did not have that much anger or energy towards Tan.
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Another important thing about these two's differences and similarities is the abandonment of both's mum by the family. Won's mum and himself are not the father's priority (she’s dead), and Tan and his mum (who is the mistress) replace their place. Tan's mum wants Tan to try and fight for his assets and not let anyone steal his home, and she goes through the consequences of being seen as a mistress in the show.
Meanwhile, Tul's foreign mum was hated by his grandmother (They'll reveal this later) and she abused both Tul and his mum before convincing the father to marry a Thai woman (Tin's mum) and give birth to another son. Tin's mum, on the other hand, is selfish and vain and only uses what benefits her, she's actually not as caring as Tan's mum hence why Tin becomes more pressured to be better than his brother. The latter is faking being the family's number one son (in terms of talent, work and reputation). It's revealed, and I will get into this even more later that Tul damaged Tin's standing in the family and Tin's mum didn't care as long as she was still looked favourably by Tul ( more likely to take over the 'throne') 
Again ACTL has a harsher dynamic with Tul, his own mum isn't available to help him with his trauma, and he ends up being in a very abusive environment once she is kicked out and abandoned. Tin, on the other hand, has no love from his mum, or father and also becomes colder than Tan because of his own trauma from his brother and environment.  Tan's mum is actually naïve, gentle and just wants love from the father, her son is her number one treasure. She spoils him despite the stifling environment he's in because of his brother and stepmother and father who fuels that.
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The Love Interest
Both brothers also have a similar arc with their love interests, one is darker, but let's focus overall on the meaning. Won is in love with Hyun Ju a tutor for the rich kids similar to the kind of girl Tan falls in love with, she is not of the same status as him, and he and her fight to stay together at first, break up and makeup. Once it seems like everything is right, his father falls into a coma and to save the business, he sacrifices their relationship for the company and his family. Tan, on the other hand, goes through the show always choosing Eun over his money, or society opinions, and chases after her. He gets her to fall for him despite her desperation not to and with the help of his brother later he manages to be with her at the end after having to fight against society, his father, arranged fiancee etc. Eun is his servant's daughter, and they met when they didn't know what the other was, she hates being bought or feeling like she owes a debt, so she tries to avoid Tan as much as possible each time a confession is made. Tul's story has not yet been revealed; however, we can tell he also was in a secret 'taboo' relationship with his servant. Actually, he and Hin have known each other since they were kids, Hin saw the abuse and pain Tul went through and chose to become Tul's 'light/help', they both were traumatised when little by the grandma
. However, we see Tul feel resentful for whatever choice he made (marrying someone or getting someone pregnant) because he also agrees Hin left him because of these decisions, Hin like Hyun Jo is still in love with Tul and can't forget him. Hyun Jo was a victim at the end of Heirs, but from what can be derived from dialogue,  Tul and his wife aren't close anymore, might be divorced once he got his heir, but Hin is no longer with him by his side. The love interest for both Won and Tul actually mirrors the relationship both their brothers later have with people who are similar to their lovers. The difference is Tin, and Tan's relationships are more happier, lighter and linked to idealistic love stories whilst Tul and Won's focus on the reality and truth of the sacrifices they had to make. Tul is going to have more reasons to be jealous of Tin when he discovers he's found himself someone like Hin in his life who is just as loyal and bright. This means because of this jealousy he could be the villain and try ruin TinCan or he could only try to prevent Tin from entering a situation where he'll be unhappy (if he's not actually evil). Either way, Tul will try and stand in the way of TinCan. 
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Both Tul and Won sacrifice their happiness and actual self for the partaking of their family customs, both to protect the reputation their family has, and to accept the role that they have to be as the oldest son. Won at first is scared of Tan and tries to push him away. Just like Tin, Tan keeps going to Won to try and uncover his mask (however he doesn't resent his brother, he's trying to get his brother to accept him as his brother and be his pseudo father figure).
Tul uses Tin as a proxy for the abuse he suffered, and wants to get revenge on both Tin and Tin's mum for causing his circumstances, Tul's mindset is warped, he's been emotionally, physically and mentally abused and so vengeance and anger is what he clings onto to keep him going, (this even shows up in his consensual sadomasochism relationship with Hin which I'm not sure is going to be similar in the show).
Either way, Tul only chooses to be number one, and take back 'the throne' by ensuring Tin's reputation is ruined, and he's not seen as a threat. He also later gives in when he's forced to marry and get someone pregnant for the sake of his reputation and also ends up hurting Hin. Tul's story is like a continuation of what happened to Won at the end of Heirs (Won however as I said before has more humanity and less trauma so even though he's heartbroken he's mended the relationship with his family, and friends and so is still happy), Tul's chosen to sacrifice and now has the child, but he believes he doesn't have the right ever to be happy and doesn't have the emotional, psychological capacity to believe in trust, love or hope.  He's broken and damaged, and the only person who knows his most authentic self is Hin. Tul might not be like Won in terms of not actually wanting to hurt or ruin Tan, he's determined to ensure Tin doesn't get in his way but shows some conflicting emotions each time Tin comes to him to stand up to him.
So is Tul as evil as we think he is or is he just someone who's layers need to be uncovered to sympathise and understand? I’ll continue this in part 2. Here
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