#but like just the prospect of having that as my official working language?
corkinavoid · 2 days
Fiance to a Star News
I have given up on trying to force myself to keep working on it. But, hold on, it doesn't mean I'm abandoning it.
I'm looking for a beta/editor/co-author, I'm really not sure what to call it. Let me explain this a bit.
[Update: help found! Thank you!]
I've written that fic in its entirety almost six months ago, in my native language. Then, when I decided to post it, I ran it all through Google Translate. Which is great at translating things word for word in their literal meaning, but not great for sentence structure, idioms, and some minor grammar mishaps. So, since I've posted the first chapter, I've been tideously going through every sentence and either correcting or rewriting it while keeping the meaning.
I am now in the middle of chapter four, and I'm officially so done with it that I'm starting to think about just deleting it all. Which would be a great waste since I do still love that fic.
So I'm looking for someone to help me out here.
More explanations and stuff under the cut.
Let me first show you what I mean by helping me out:
Example of what the text is now:
Tim is silent for a while. The prospects are clearly not rosy, and he, to be honest, doesn’t really understand what to do next. Until now, all he had thought about was how to get out of here, so now that that possibility was gone, he just...
While it is understandable enough, it is not exactly good sentence-structure and grammar wise. Also, it's as plain as white bread.
Example of what the text should (to my best abilities) look like:
Tim pauses, taken aback. The situation does not look very promising, and, if he is being honest, he has no idea of what to do now. Until this moment, all he had thought about was how to get out of the woods. But now that it was not happening and the last chances of escape have all slipped through his fingers, he just...
You see what I mean?
It's extra confusing for myself since when I see the unedited text, my brain automatically reads it in another language and making myself switch manually is draining as fuck, and I'm at my limit.
There's also the issue of some names that translated wrong/did not translate properly/translated as a wrong word. For example, the head of the Academy would be called Headmaster in English, but it translated to Director, or the fact Google Translate keeps translating Sam's pronouns to he/him for some unknown reason, and many more little details.
So I desperately need help.
Perks: co-authoring, access to all the chapters, naturally, as well as all the random notes, pieces of lore that I have, but that have not made it into the fic, any question regarding the fic answered, random thoughts, permission to rewrite literally anything how you see fit (while keeping the general line of plot). Is it co-authoring or adoption at this point? I have no idea, really, but whatever you prefer.
If you're interested, just message me for any other details <3
P.S. Please understand that there are 10 (maybe 9.5) chapters to be edited. And also that I will be giving you a sort of test piece of text to try it out. If, at any point later, you decide it's not your cup of tea anymore, that's totally fine, I'll understand. I just really, really want to post this fic, but I don't want to throw the plain unedited version there.
Thanks in advance!
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sweatervest-obsessed · 10 months
Violent Delights Have Violent Ends
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
WC: 1.8k
TW: Serial killers, murders, blood, referencing to infidelity,
A/N: This has been something I have been thinking about for a while. I hope y'all enjoy it!
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Spencer did not realize that someone could know more about anything intellectual than he did. It honestly baffled him, when Hotch called him into the office, to introduce the two of you. 
“Spencer this is Doctor Y/N Y/L/N, Doctor Y/L/N, this is Doctor Spencer Reid.” 
He gave you a small smile, and a slightly awkward wave. You were beautiful, there was no doubt about it, an absolute plus to the fact that you were intelligent. He was captivated by your eyes but quickly coughed and looked back at Hotch. 
“Doctor Y/L/N—”
“Please Agent, call me by my first name after the initial introductions, Doctor makes me feel a tad bit ridiculous after like the second time.” You couldn’t have been more than twenty four, Reid deduced. 
Hotch smiled at you, nodding. “Please, call me Aaron, or Hotch, I feel the same way about agent. Reid,” He turned towards Reid. “Y/N, is going to be a consultant on this next case, and you two will be working closely together.”
Reid was suddenly excited by the prospect of working with a consultant. He usually dreaded them, but something about you made him excited to actually be able to converse intellectually with someone on the team. 
But luckily for Morgan, you were not what anyone was expecting. You all had boarded the jet, sitting around and chatting since you had a long flight from DC to Oregon, not really willing to get into the details of the case just yet. 
“So, Doctor Y/L/N, what made you choose Shakespeare?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Agent Morgan, if you keep using my official title, you’re going to be talking to the wall. Wanna try again?” 
His jaw dropped slightly, enjoying the banter you were providing. Derek Morgan was far from ugly, far from it. But he simply wasn’t your type. But that did not mean you couldn’t flirt back. 
“Well then, Miss Y/N, why Shakespeare.” 
You smiled, “Shakespeare is just another language. And I already speak French, Arabic, Spanish, some Latin, a little Greek, and I’m learning enough Mandarin and Cantonese to get by on my next trip to China. So understanding Shakespeare from a linguistic point, I’ve already got covered. Especially since it was something I could read easily from a young age.” 
JJ and Emily had stopped their conversation and turned to face you, eagerly listening in to what you have to say. 
“But, from a theatrical point, his writing is so incredibly intricate. There are layers upon layers of text and context and subtext throughout all of his plays and sonnets, not to mention the fact that Shakespeare can be transformed, moved from one thing to another incredibly easily. You have to factor in that he was a misogynist, anti semitic, probably-most-definitely racist, among all of the other things, but adapting his works throughout time is something I have a special interest in, particularly his portrayal of woman and how that has been changed throughout productions over the years, mainly focusing in comedies and this strange need for him to have happy endings end in weddings.”
The jet was all staring at you, while a smirk slowly slid onto Derek’s face. “Looks like you got some competition here, Pretty Boy.” 
You shrugged at Derek, and looked back at your phone. “I appreciate competition more than meaningless run-around conversations Derek. If you’re going to profile me, then just profile me. Or google me really. There’s no need to prod and pretend like you’re not trying to find out whether or not I’m single. If you wanted to ask me out, you should just ask me out.” 
Jaws on the plane dropped. Derek tried to stutter out a response but was cut off by Emily, smirking over at him. “Besides consulting on murder cases, what do you actually do with a PhD in Shakespeare?”
You looked up at Emily and shrugged. “Whatever I really want to do. It’s just flexible enough that I can bullshit a job I want and take it, excluding present company. Usually I consult in England with the Globe Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company, I also guest lecture Shakespeare for younger audiences, like high schoolers and first years in college because I’m still young enough that I could be considered nerdy by a high schooler, but have college freshmen not be able to talk to me because I’m just good enough to get away with it.”
“What did you get your undergrad in?” Spencer spoke for the first time to you since you met him, you smiled a little bit. 
“No one really asks me that.” You looked over at Spencer. “I have a bachelors in Directing with minors in English Literature, French, and Classics, and then I went on and got my Masters in Art History, since the visual aspect of the Arts is what interests me so much.” 
Rossi nodded, “Makes sense considering I’ve seen your thesis–very impressive.” 
“What did you write about?” JJ looked over at you. 
“I–” You started but Rossi interrupted you. “Actually, if any of you had done any research, or were familiar with the Theatrical Arts, you would know that her thesis was an incredibly well-received production of Hamlet that delved into the female psyche and experience.” 
Your jaw dropped slightly. “I-I didn’t think you, any of you would have even known that. Let alone had time to go and see my production?”
“Well, I have a fondness for the arts.” 
You shook your head. “Or incredible timing.” 
“Wha–timing?” JJ scoffed. 
“Well,it’s— the program was in London, and it was only running for a few weeks…”
“Rossi when the hell did you go to London?” Derek finally spoke up, slightly captivated by you, but not in the way Reid was. You were something else, something completely new, which meant he could learn, and you were something he wanted to learn everything about. 
“Well, right before I rejoined the BAU, I did a lecturing series over at Scotland Yard, and everyone had been discussing this production by the youngest female director to ever direct at the Bridge Theatre. I loved your use of, what were they, silks?” 
You nodded, slightly embarrassed, mostly in awe. 
“Ah yes, your usage of silks and the columns. I was on the floor, part of the cattle that was moved around. Very innovative use of that space, very impressive.” 
“I’d have to agree.” Hotch spoke up, and you turned to look at him, eyes even wider than before. He smiled at the look on your face. “When we got this case, and we were requesting you as a consultant, I watched the recording. Very good work Y/n.”
“W-wow, um, thank you so much Age–Hotch. I really appreciate it–from the both of you.” You smiled at him and Rossi. 
“I would love to hear all about this production, if you don’t mind me asking.” Emily slid across the aisle, taking the seat across from you, JJ doing the same, crowding Derek. 
“Well, as Rossi said, it was about the female experience, and my Hamlet, was absolutely incredible, really took on the queer aspect of the role since Ophelia was still a woman, and–” You explained the concept, the design, the thought behind all of it. Every single person on the plane was simply obsessed with you by the time you were done, asking questions when they were curious. It confounded Spencer how he had never really paid attention to that section of the world of academia, and he was almost beating himself up over it, because he had missed you this whole time. 
“Eyes look your last, Arms take your—this is Romeo’s death monologue before he stabs himself. And this other one, is ‘Be buried quick with her, and so will I’, which is Hamlet trying to fight Laertes after he learns of Ophelia’s death…And..this is the one from this morning ” You turned to the sheriff who was just trying to make sense of the fact that you just were able to comprehend and relay Shakespearean information after reading the images of the victim's blood used on the walls, so calmly. “Sheriff?”
“Sorry, yes. Yes” 
You frowned a bit, “They’re getting more violent. This is Brutus finding out Portia is dead–’with meditating that she must die once, I have the patience to endure it now…”
Reid looked over at you, “All of them are the men’s reactions to the death of their beloved.” 
You nodded and sighed. “That means, uh…If he has a list,” You walked over to the white board and started writing the names of the fictional couples on it. “He still has Antony and Cleopatra…Macbeth and Lady Macbeth,,,,and….”
“And what?” The sheriff looked between you and Reid, as you turned a little white. “The um. The last couple dealing with murder/suicide of each other is, uh, Othello.”
Hotch gave you a look. “Explain.” 
“What do you know about Othello?” 
Hotch furrowed his brow.
You took his silence as permission to ramble. “It’s just a theory but, it’s regarded as not only one of the most tragic endings to lovers, even beyond the stupid miscommunications of Romeo and Juliet, because Othello kills his wife, believing she had cheated on him, suffocating her to death on their marriage bed, and then once he realizes he’s been tricked by Iago, he kills himself next to her body. It’s horrendous.”
“If I had to guess, He’s forcing the husbands to kill their wives, and then he kills them..” Spencer followed up, analyzing the pictures across the tables. “Based on the way they were positioned—he’s setting them up as a series of muder-suicides, just like Shakespeare.” 
“Actually.” You picked up one of the pictures and handed it to Hotch. “I think it’s a woman.” 
“You just stole Reid’s line.” Derek mused from the doorway, handing you a cup of coffee, which you gratefully accepted. 
Reid huffed and rolled his eyes. “It’s not my line.” 
“It is.” Hotch said dryly as he analyzed what you had just told him. “Y/n, can you please get me a list of the monologues left, so we can try and figure out who might be his next victims, so we can try and link the victims we do have.” 
You nodded and sat down at your laptop. It was bugging you slightly at how much you enjoyed working on this case, working with the BAU, working with Doctor Reid. 
This was the most action your PhD had seen since you had written it. 
Part 2
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moonswolfie · 3 months
Princess of the commoner cafe
Oikawa, Miya twins, Ushijima, Hinata, Akaashi x fem!reader
ohshc AU!!
I've been watching a bit of ouran high school host club lately (still havent gotten very far but i am HOOKEDDDDDD) and i'm sure others have written something like this before but i wanted to throw my own hat in the ring and write this delulu ass scenario
also i apologise PROFUSELY if anyone is ooc it has been a WHILE since my last haikyuu rewatch
(btw i am working on your request anon dont you worry ;) )
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Somehow, you managed to get into the prestigious Ouran Academy based on your academic success alone. Your parents were overjoyed to send you off, even if you felt embarrased about not even being able to afford the official school uniform. You stuck out like a sore thumb on your first day, that's for sure.
At first, you thought you wouldn't fit in with anyone here. Your hypothesis was mostly correct. Everyone in your class is always talking about their latest designer bag or bragging about their new lambo or bugatti. Needless to say, it's like they're speaking in a foreign language.
They quickly lost interest in you after you couldn't list your top ten designer brands (with reasons as to why you chose those specific ones!!!). Yeah, friends are kind of out of the picture.
So when your curiosity got the better of you one day and you visited the host club all the girls in your class keep squealing about you didn't expect things to develop like this.
"Are you gonna visit today too? Are you?!" Hinata, the boy from the other class attached himself to your arm and looked at you with sparkling eyes. "Of course I am." you smiled at him, a little giddy about returning to the club once more.
"We have a special theme today, just for you..." he told you that while wearing a mischevious grin but refused to elaborate. The boys at the club always go through great lengths to get you curious and draw you back into the club. Not just Hinata, all of them.
Let's just say you've become quite the sensation among the hosts of the Ouran High school host club. You aren't exactly sure how you managed to get yourself in this situation, but you aren't really complaining, either. You'd definitely take being adored by the 6 hotties of the school over being ignored by everyone for all your 3 years of high school.
All you did was visit the club a few times out of curiosity, far too afraid to actually openly interact with the hosts considering the crowd of girls always gathered around them. Not to mention you'd definitely get gawked at for your clothes, mannerisms and conversation topics (and not in a good way).
Akaashi was the first to take notice of you, and somehow that evolved into every other host becoming interested, too.
Anyways, Hinata seemed very satisfied with your promise to come visit once again and ran off, shouting that you have to promise to come visit him first.
Well, there's nothing to it but to do it, you suppose.
"Welcome, dear guests, to the host club!" all the guys greeted you and a group of other girls who also came as soon as they possibly could. They were practically pushing eachother in front of the door. Not that you can blame them.
As soon as you stepped into the room, you felt like you were standing at the local cafe located just around the corner from your house. It felt warm and homey. So this is what they went for this time. A strange choice, considering their usually extravagant themes.
"Heya, gir-" Atsumu's smug voice greeted you from behind and you turned around to see that he was about to envelop you in his arms. "Hey, ya lost the bet. I get her first." Osamu pulled Atsumu back by his barista apron before he could actually touch you. Atsumu grumbled something you couldn't quite hear, which you presume was some not so nice words directed towards his brother.
"Actually, I made a promise to Hinata that he'd be the first one I visit." you smiled at the twins apologetically. Neither of them seemed too pleased about the prospect of that, though. "Why? Ya like him more than us?" Atsumu placed his hands on his hips, glaring at you.
"Hahaha, a promise is a promise. I'll be back for you two right after, don't worry." you waved the twins off, winking. That seemed to soften their expressions a bit. But maybe it wasn't the smartest idea, looking back on it. They're definitely going to fight over which one of them you winked at later.
Hinata greeted you enthusiastically, looking overjoyed at seeing you. His cheeks blushed a nice pink color when he smiled at you. "Wait here, wait here." he held out an antique looking chair for you and you sat down behind one of the tables. Then he ran off somewhere.
You're always impressed by how lavishly they decorate their club. I guess being rich can really do wonders for club decor.
"Are you enjoying today's theme? I made sure to pick out some fitting decorations." Akaashi suddenly appeared behind you. You could have sworn you didn't hear his footsteps. Maybe you were just too absorbed in observing the theme, though. Haha, even all the hosts are dressed like baristas.
"Yeah..." you looked into Akaashi's eyes, admiring their color. You've always found him to have a calming presence, even if he can be mischevious at times. That just adds on to his personality, doesn't it? You think it's quite a shame that he isn't as popular as a certain someone in the club.
"It seems to me you're enjoying something other than the theme." you got snapped out of your thoughts by Akaashi's voice. Oops, you must have been staring at him again. You turned away, making a quick apology. You felt a little giddy all of a sudden.
"Oh, but when did I ever say I dislike the attention?" Akaashi gently grabbed your chin, turning your face back to him. Somehow, he seems more affectionate towards you than he does to the other girls who request him. Atleast you've never seen him grab other girls' chins. You were sure you probably looked awestruck in this moment.
"Hey! Stop hogging her to yourself!" Hinata was running back to the two of you, holding a fancy cup of (presumably) coffee. On his way to stop Akaashi from wooing you, he didn't notice a wire below his feet and he tripped over it.
...Which happened to spill hot coffee all over your shirt and shattered the cup to pieces. "Ugh... I'm okay, don't- AAAAH!" Hinata yelled upon seeing your shirt.
"I'll go get new clothes!" Akaashi seemed tense, quickly turning on his heels and running off.
Luckily, the coffee was cool enough to not give you burns. You aren't even worried about the shirt that much either, you've been on the fence about donating it anyways.
"Aaah, I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." Hinata seemed almost dramatically apologetic, bowing down before you in apology over and over.
"What is going on over here?" you heard a smug voice that could belong to one person and one person only. The leader and self proclaimed king of the club, Oikawa, was now approaching the two of you. And he didn't seem very happy, mind you.
"Ah, Oikawa! It's, umm..." Hinata nervously whipped his head around to meet Oikawa's charming chocolate eyes.
"Hinata accidentally spilled coffee on me." Hinata looked at you sadly, like you just betrayed him. You gasped, realising you weren't supposed to reveal that unless you wanted Hinata to feel Oikawa's wrath. Normally he would just scold Hinata for his clumsiness, but when it comes to you specifically, he gets protective. Somehow, he even looks like a supermodel while wearing a barista uniform.
"He... Oh, that won't do. You should spend less time with clumsy good-for-nothings and spend more time with..." he tilted your chin towards him "...Me."
As much as you think Oikawa is an obnoxious jerk, he always manages to charm your negative feelings away when he does something like that. Gets you feeling all giddy like the main character of a badly written shojo anime.
"Uh-huh. Whatever you say, bro." you kept your face as cold as you possibly could in that situation. It seemed to you like the word "bro" was a direct stab to his heart, but he quickly recovered, putting on his best flirty face. "I will help you clean yourself up, my princess. We simply must get you out of that dreadful shirt." Oikawa shot poor Hinata a glare. You're definitely buying him "that one good commoner chocolate" (as Hinata likes to call it) later.
"Uh, Akaashi's already-"
"Now now now, what's goin' on here?" things are about to get a lot more complicated, you reckon. Because now the twins have showed up.
"We heard precious china shatterin' and wanted to see what caused it." Osamu added. A few girls were blushing a few meters behind the twins, probably too nervous to approach the two right now.
"Ya said you'd come visit us right after! And now yer here with this a-" Atsumu immediately stopped complaining when he saw your shirt. Both the twins shot poor poor Hinata a glare. (One "poor" for each twin.)
"See, I told ya I was a better fit for ya. I'd never spill coffee on ya." Osamu crossed his arms.
"What do ya mean "the better fit for ya"? Clearly, I'm the better one 'round here. And say the wink was meant for me while we're at it, won't ya?!" Atsumu's anger was now directed back at Osamu. (Akaashi would joke that it's back to where it's supposed to be.)
"I was kinda winking at-"
"Oh, please. Don't joke around with me. We all know I'm the best fit for her." Oikawa posed dramatically, which looked funny because of his not very prince-like outfit.
This always ends up happening. At this point you've given up on stopping it. The twins start bickering with Oikawa while girls on both sides squeal for them to calm down, tearfully inviting the boys back into their embraces.
You look behind you, where Ushijima is staring at you knowingly. You give him a relieved smile, knowing what's about to come. Whenever the other guys get into duels over who gets to recieve your attention, Ushijima is always there to pull you out of the situation.
The duels get so heated that you get to spend a few minutes alone with him before the others even notice you're gone. And so you follow the routine of letting him whisk you away to a lonely corner of the club room.
"Do you know why the theme is a commoner cafe?" he asks after a few moments of silence. He's looking at you with complete seriousness, but you don't miss the hint of a smile on his face. Enchanted by such a sight, you shake your head no dreamily.
"It was to impress you. Akaashi thought of the idea." Your eyes widened. Now you just feel giddy that Akaashi actually remembered that one time you told him you used to visit a cozy cafe close to your house with your parents growing up. It was all the way back when he first acknowledged your existence and decided to sit around with you for a few minutes, sipping tea from a cup that probably costs more than your phone.
"Oh... I like it. I really do." you smiled up at Ushijima. You could swear a bit of blush appeared on his cheeks. He silently put an arm around you, pulling you close to him. You like when he does that.
When all of the hosts are swooning over you like this while wearing barista uniforms, you feel like the princess of a commoner cafe.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hello! Could I possibly request something with a lovesick Eddie trying to win over the reader? He’s watched and studied rom-coms with Dustin to get his plan in action doing the basics of walking her to class, carrying her books, complimenting her, etc. but it typically ends with him inadvertently embarrassing himself. Super fluffy ending though!
This is adorable and I loved writing it <3
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Warnings: angst-to-fluff, some language, spoilers for 80s movies
WC: 2.4k
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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“You coming to Hellfire today?” Eddie asks you, munching on a pretzel. You weren’t an official member, but you like sitting in and watching campaigns, sometimes secretly helping the freshmen defeat their sadistic Dungeon Master.
You shake your head. “Sorry, Eds,” you shrug apologetically, “Robin, Nancy, and I are gonna catch a movie.”
His eyes widen and he grins excitedly. “Oh, shit! Which one? Eliminators?”
The prospect of the three of you watching an over-the-top sci-fi movie–without Eddie or Dustin nagging you–sends you into a fit of laughter. “Uh, no,” you manage between giggles. “We’re seeing Pretty in Pink.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Isn’t that, like, a chick flick?”
“Yes, and we are chicks,” you say slowly, enunciating each word like it’s a novel concept for him. “Why, did you wanna join?”
Eddie would watch paint dry if it meant spending time with you, but he doesn’t say that. Instead, he rolls his eyes. “Not a chance,” he scoffs. “You girls enjoy your Molly Ringworm.”
“It’s Ringwald, dingus,” you retort, borrowing Robin’s favorite insult for the occasion. “And we will. It’s nice to pretend that guys can actually care about a girl beyond getting in her pants.”
He’s about to ask you if you lump him into that category when Dustin, Lucas, and Mike plop their trays onto the table. They’re chatting excitedly about the upcoming campaign, a conversation Eddie usually never shuts up about, but the older boy is uncharacteristically quiet.
“Hey, Y/N,” Nancy taps you on the shoulder with a smile. “Robs and I were just about to finalize our plans for tonight, if you wanna sit with us.”
You nod enthusiastically, eager to leave the table now that the topic has switched to which cheerleaders are the easiest. “See you perverts on Monday!” you call out behind you, walking side by side with Nancy.
“Hey, sheep,” Eddie interrupts their riveting conversation suddenly. “Do I give off ‘douchebag’ vibes? Like, ‘only being nice to chicks for sex’ vibes?”
“If you are, it’s not working very well,” Mike snorts, only to have a pretzel lobbed at his head. 
Dustin, however, is more perceptive to Eddie’s concerns. “Did something happen with Y/N?” he asks, glancing over at you.
“Don’t stare at her!” Eddie hisses, pressing his fingers over his eyes in exasperation. How do these two have girlfriends and I don’t? he wonders silently. “She mentioned something about liking chick flicks because that’s the only time guys treat girls nicely without trying to sleep with them.”
“Okay, and…?” Mike responds, earning him another pretzel to the head. This one lands in his mop of hair. 
“And, what if she thinks that’s the only reason I’m nice to her?”
“To be fair,” Lucas pipes up between bites of pizza, “you do wanna sleep with her.” He quickly joins Mike as one of Eddie’s snack throwing targets. “Dude, you’re not gonna have any pretzels left if you keep chucking them at us!”
“Can someone just answer my question?” Eddie growls, standing up and pacing around the table. “Because if I’m gonna ask her out–”
“Not gonna happen,” Dustin mumbles under his breath. Eddie glares at him. “What? You’ve been saying that you’re gonna ask her out for ages now, but you never do!”
“Well, now I’m not, if she thinks I’m just some creep,” the metalhead grumbles. “I’d have to be one of those corny idiots from those movies for her to take me seriously.”
Dustin slams his hands on the table, startling everyone. “So be one of those corny idiots!” he exclaims. “Do you think I wanna sing The Neverending Story every time I talk to Suzie? No, I do not. But I do it because it makes her feel special and loved.”
“How would I even do that?” Eddie throws his hands up in frustration. “I’ve never watched any of those dumb movies.”
Dustin’s grin spans his entire face. “Oh, don’t you worry, my friend,” he says. “I’ve got a secret weapon.”
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Turns out, Dustin’s secret weapon is Steve Harrington. More specifically, using him to check out as many romantic comedies as the boy can carry, completely ignoring the three movie maximum policy.
“Okay,” Dustin begins, pushing his way into Eddie’s trailer. “We’ve got The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Footloose, Terms of Endearment, and Y/N’s favorite, Grease.” He plops the video cassettes onto the table with a thwack.
“Jesus Christ.” Eddie buries his head in his hands. “What did I get myself into?”
“You can thank me later when you finally have a girlfriend,” Dustin retorts, ignoring his friend’s mild irritation. “Now, where should we start?”
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By Monday morning, Eddie’s brain is buzzing with ideas to be the perfect rom-com boyfriend. He waits for you at your locker before first period, leaning up against it as you approach.
“How was your movie night with the girls?” He remembers Dustin’s advice to ask you questions about yourself, rather than launching into another story about his DnD campaigns.
“Good…” You eye him suspiciously. “Is there a reason why you’re blocking me from opening my locker?”
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he sputters, jumping back and smacking into another student passing by. “Son of a–”
You grab your math textbook from the top shelf, rolling your eyes at his antics. “Well, nice talking to you.” You’re not sure what’s gotten into him, but it’s weirding you out.
“Wait!” he calls out, and you turn back around slowly.
“What is it?” you ask crossly, “I’m gonna be late for class.”
Eddie rubs the nape of his neck with his palm, unable to make eye contact with you. “Jus’ wanted to say that you’re pretty…” When you don’t reply within a nanosecond, he starts stumbling over his words. “Pretty nice, and stuff. No, just pretty. You’re pretty. N-not that you’re not nice, b’cause you are; you’re, like, really nice. But you’re also pretty. So, yeah. You’re pretty.”
Your brows furrow in confusion. “Are you okay?” What you really want to ask is, is this some kind of prank?
Eddie nods, fidgeting with the frayed edges of his denim jacket. “Y-yeah, I’m okay. Are you, uh, okay?”
“Mhmmm,” you stretch out your response, backing away. “I’m gonna head to math before I get detention.”
What the hell was that? You wonder incredulously. The only time you’ve ever witnessed him being so tongue-tied was when he was paired with Chrissy Cunningham on a science project. But he was hopelessly in love with her; you were just his best friend. You’d have to ask one of the Hellfire freshmen what was going on. Maybe they’d have some insight.
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You don’t get a chance to talk to Dustin, Mike, or Lucas before Eddie’s trying out his next move. He’s at your locker again between third and fourth period, desperate to redeem himself after his flustered performance this morning.
“Lemme walk you to class,” he blurts out. 
“Eddie,” you laugh, “we have the same class now. You’d know this if you bothered to show up.”
“Oh. Right.” Actually, he has been showing up, partially because of his determination to graduate, but mostly because you’re there. “Then, can I carry your books for you?” He reaches for your composition book and pencil case before you have the chance to answer, and you pull away from him.
“Are you gonna throw my stuff in the trash or something?” You warily cock your eyebrow. 
“No!” He seems genuinely confused and slightly offended at your assumption. “Why would I do that?”
“I dunno,” you shrug. “Why else would you do nice things for me?”
Eddie crosses his arms over his chest. “So that’s what you think of me, huh?” His eyes mist over, so angry that he’s about to cry. “Just another dumb guy who’s either trying to fuck you or fuck you over?”
“What are you talk—“ you start, but he cuts you off. 
“Forget it,” he mutters under his breath, walking in the opposite direction. “Told Henderson this was a stupid idea.”
“Where are you going?” you call after him. “Class is the other way.”
“‘M ditching!” Eddie retorts, pulling out a cigarette and lighting in before he even reaches the doors. 
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You’re sitting in your room, highlighting and writing in the margins of the tattered copy of The Grapes of Wrath you’ve been assigned for English class. You can barely concentrate, though; your mind is consumed with thoughts of Eddie’s string of bizarre behavior. 
The compliments, offering to walk you to class, trying to carry your books—what was that all about? 
You vaguely remember him mentioning something about Dustin; the two of them were thick as thieves and basically attached at the hip. Eddie was the older brother Dustin never had. If anyone knows what was going on with him, it’s Dustin Henderson. 
“Hello?” Dustin’s bored voice comes through the receiver, probably expecting the call to be for his mom. 
“Hey, Dustin. It’s Y/N,” you begin nervously. “Do you have a sec to talk about Eddie?”
“Um, yeah,” he replies, caution evident in his tone. “He seemed really upset at lunch today. Did something happen?”
You exhale, a bitter laugh escaping your chest. “That’s what I was calling about. He was being super weird this morning, and then he got mad at me, like, out of nowhere.”
Starting at the beginning, you recall everything that occurred, emphasizing the babbling that was supposed to constitute a compliment and his explosion when you didn’t let him hold your books. “He’s always playing little jokes on me; what was I supposed to think?” you finish. 
“Aw, shit,” Dustin muses. “Okay, I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but—“
“Please,” you beg him, “I just need to know what I did wrong.”
“No, it’s not something you did—well, maybe, kinda—but not on purpose,” he explains. “On Friday, when you told him about seeing Pretty in Pink, did you say something about guys in chick flicks being better than actual guys because they want more than just sex?”
“Yeah…” you say, confused. “What does this have to do with Eddie?”
“I’m getting to that part, jeez!” Dustin quips, and you roll your eyes at his attitude. “Well, when you said that, Eddie got all worried that you felt that way about him.”
“Of course I don’t!” you reply incredulously. “He’s…he’s Eddie! I know he would never use me for sex.”
Dustin presses on. “He didn’t realize that. So we watched those stupid movies all weekend, just so he could learn how you want a guy to show interest in you.”
Oh. Oh. 
“Because Eddie…” you trail off, your mouth going dry. 
“Yeah, the dude’s, like, in love with you.” Dustin spells it out. “He tries to act like nothing bothers him, but he really cares about what you think of him.”
“Shit,” you murmur. “I mean, thanks, Dustin. I’m gonna go fix this.”
“Any time,” he replies, then quickly adds, “don’t tell him I told you, or he’ll give me wedgies for the rest of my life!”
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You knock on the Munson trailer door. Wayne’s already left for his night shift at the plant, and you hear the sounds of Eddie’s guitar, so you know he’s home. 
“Who is it?” he calls from his room, still strumming. 
“It’s me,” you answer, hoping he’ll let you in. “And I come bearing gifts.”
The guitar playing stops, and you breathe a sigh of relief when his heavy footsteps come closer. 
“‘S not my birthday,” he narrows his eyes at the treat in your hand. 
“I know. I wanted to recreate the ending scene in Sixteen Candles where Jake Ryan goes over to Sam’s house, but a whole cake was too expensive.” You smile warmly at him. “I hope a cupcake will suffice.”
Eddie returns your grin, leaning against the doorframe. “Depends. What flavor is it?”
“Chocolate cake, chocolate frosting.” It’s his favorite; the man has a mean sweet tooth. “Eddie, I’m sorry that I accused you of having some sort of ulterior motive for being nice to me. But when I said that stuff on Friday—about guys using girls—I wasn’t talking about you,” you tell him. “I was thinking about the Jason Carvers of the world, not the Eddie Munsons.”
He takes a big bite of cupcake. “Apology accepted,” he says, mouth still full. He swallows before speaking again. “How did you know that’s why I was upset?”
“Psychic powers,” you tease. “And a certain meddling, curly-haired nerd who just wants you to be happy.”
“Dammit, Henderson!” Eddie groans. “Little shit can never keep a secret—“
You interrupt him, pressing your lips to his chocolate-covered ones. The kiss doesn’t last long because the two of you can’t stop smiling. 
“That’s for calling me pretty,” you tell him. “At least, I think that’s what you said; you kinda rambled on there for awhile.”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to cut you off. “Then let me make it clear,” he says softly, running his thumb over your jawline. “Pretty, pretty, pretty. Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He places a kiss on your forehead, and you feel yourself melt. 
“No more trying to be some corny movie character,” you instruct him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I like you just as you are, Eddie Munson.”
He laughs. “Got it, boss.” He twitches his nose. “Actually, there’s one more thing I wanted to do.” When you look at him quizzically, he continues. “You know that part in The Breakfast Club, where Bender gives Claire his earring?”
“Well,” Eddie says shyly, “I don’t have an earring, but I do have this.”  He pulls his thin black ring off of his finger and holds it up. “Prob’ly be too big on you, but maybe you could wear it on a chain? And you could be my girlfriend, if you want?”
You press on your tiptoes, pecking another kiss on his lips. “Yes, Eds. To both questions.” 
He throws his fist in the air á la Judd Nelson as he kisses you back, making you cackle with laughter. 
“I can’t believe you actually watched that movie,” you tease. 
He shakes his head, as though he can’t believe it himself. “‘S all right,” he says. “You can make it up to me by seeing Eliminators on our first date.”
“Oh, absolutely not.”
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hanasnx · 2 months
I just read your Logan fik for like the twenty time and while i need a sequel to sedate me, this has the possibility of going so angsty. Like god forbid that the reader is/was the type of person to never have prior romantic prospects cus “people thought y/n wasn’t pretty” and people tell her she should be happy she just found a man. And let reader not hear/see bout the way he would pine / still pines (for extra tears) after Jane.
(Sorry english is not my first language and your work is perfect)
you are absolutely correct about the capacity for angst in this reality. first off, very touched to hear you read it a bunch that makes me so happy.
i do imagine that reader didn’t have any prior prospects to logan. she’s inexperienced because there are plenty people in the world that are in their twenties or older that have never experienced a relationship and it’s perfectly normal. this is reader’s first official long term relationship which is some cause for confusion, tentativeness, and lack of courage. she doesn’t know the unspoken rules. doesn’t know how to navigate it all cleanly.
as for part about logan still pining for jean, while i do respect that idea, it doesn’t fit in this au. the marriage between reader and logan is based very heavily in commitment, and even if i imagined that logan had met jean already, he wouldn’t stay anywhere near her if he had decided to devote himself to reader. and if his love for jean was that bad, he wouldn’t have taken the steps with reader out of respect for reader. so to avoid all that in my head, he hasn’t met jean
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
Spotify Playlist Link
Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter One
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Chapter Two: …And Into the Mist
“So, what’s next?” Luke asked, looking to Katherine in the driver’s seat of the stolen Camaro. “Now that I’m officially an accessory?”
“Aw, you’re being modest,” Katherine joked. “Without you, who would’ve been the lookout?”
“You seriously planned that?” he narrowed his eyes at her.
“Of course,” she scoffed, speeding down to the motel.
“But, you didn’t even ask me to come work you,” he pointed out.
“I’ve been doing this a while,” she sighed, pulling into the motel parking lot.
“So you steal cars wherever you go?” he asked, his tone more conversational than accusatory.
“Last one got destroyed in a fight with a griffin, so I needed a new one,” Katherine explained. “I saw the keys locked in this one on the way up here. So, I took the opportunity.”
“You’re very observant,” Luke noticed. “You were never trained?”
“Better; I’ve been on my own since I was twelve.”
“Fair enough,” he sighed, understanding her experiences. “So, are you gonna tell me what this hunt is that we’re supposed to be going on?”
Katherine readied herself for a long conversation as the two of them headed back into the dirty motel room.
“Alright. Lemme ask you this; if you could answer to someone other than the gods, would you?” she crossed her arms.
“What are you saying?” Luke looked up at her as he sat down, bewildered.
“I’m saying… wouldn’t you go for a regime change if you could?” she posed a question.
“Is that even possible?” he asked her.
“Yeah. It is,” she nodded. “You could serve someone who isn’t your father, or Zeus.”
“What makes you think I don’t like my father?” Luke asked cautiously. “Or, Zeus?”
“Well, for one, you’re here,” she pointed out, “And I didn’t even have to take anything off.”
“You’re telling me that was an option?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Look. When you told me you were a child of Hermes, I saw the way you looked, and I filled in the blanks for myself,” Katherine Montalvo stated. “The gods don’t give a shit about us. You went unclaimed, or at least unnoticed. Tell me if I’m wrong.”
There was nothing but a decent pause, as Luke considered what she said.
“Look, I know how it goes. I didn’t know my mother was my mother until I was thirteen. I had to figure out being a demigod on my own,” she frowned. “Even with my father being the asshole he was, she hardly lifted a fucking figure to help me. Look at all the unclaimed, and the shit goes on all over the world; the gods don’t care about us!” she exclaimed.
Luke sat for a moment, listening to her words.
“They don’t care about anyone!” she reasoned. “They’ve never been parents to any of us. They don’t give a shit about us! But imagine if we could get on their level! Imagine if no one could ignore us!”
Luke felt just as broken and downtrodden as she did. He’d known for years, ever since he was a child, that life had been unfair. He’d often wished when he was younger that he could do something about it, and fight for some sort of attention from his father, which was something he’d since given up on.
Not only did he find the prospect of somehow becoming as powerful as the gods to be appealing, but he was also lured by the darkness of Katherine’s eyes. There was something strangely manic about her, a raw sort of energy that he found hypnotic and contagious.
“Listen. I’ve been hearing this… voice. Like how I heard my mother’s, but it wasn’t hers.”
Luke Castellan met her eyes in shock, her words resonating with him.
“Wait. This voice,” he spoke up, “What’s it like?”
“The voice,” Katherine explained, “It’s deep, and… jarring. Like nothing I’ve ever heard before. It… it knows things. And it’s shown me things I could never dream of before.”
“Like, things that could make you more powerful?” Luke questioned. “Things that turned out helpful?”
“You hear him too,” she realized, searching his face in wonder. “Kronos. He speaks to you, too.”
“Kronos?” Luke asked. “The Titan? That’s who it is?”
“Yeah. He calls out to me, Luke. If I’m the one who resurrects him, glory and power are mine.”
“So, he really does speak to you, too!” he concluded. “He wants you to bring him back,” he whispered.
“Luke, we could bring him back,” Katherine scoffed. “Together, we could be the ones who help him rise back to power. Do you know what kind of rewards we’d get for that sort of thing?!”
“So it’s real,” he concluded. “Kronos chose us to be his soldiers.”
“Yeah. He did,” she insisted. “Together, we could bring him back, and be gods in the new world! If we succeed, we don’t have to answer to the gods, we could take their place!”
“That’s what I’ve always wanted,” Luke confided in her. “My whole life, I’ve just been a shadow. Why should my father and the other absentee landlords on Olympus get to stand in the spotlight?”
“Then what’s the issue? Help me find him. There are clues all over! If we listen to the voice, we can find him, and bring him back!”
“Alright. I’ll come with you,” he decided. “When I get back, I’ll tell everyone at camp I was on the quest. What did any of them ever do for me anyways?” he said bitterly.
“That camp is bullshit,” she scoffed. “You think the god of wine cares about demigods? Everyone knows he’s just there on a punishment. I’ve met demigods who’ve left Camp Half-Blood. They’re happier making it on their own.”
“Really?” Luke asked. “Who?”
“I’ve met a few. But I remember meeting Emma Pacheco, and Leo Jordan in Texas.”
“Oh. I remember them,” Luke realized. “She’s a daughter of Athena, and he’s a son of Hephaestus, right?”
“She’s a daughter of Athena, and he’s dead,” Katherine remembered. “He died in a Gorgon attack. I tried to help him, but… I couldn’t. Emma was devastated.”
Luke looked at her sympathetically, realizing that battle scars tended to run deeper.
“I’m sorry,” he said in a low, apologetic tone. “I’ve lost people too.”
“When I was younger, I thought living my life on the road would be easier. I thought I’d never have to know anyone long enough to care, and then, I’d never get hurt.”
Luke thought for a moment, finding that was mostly his experience in the brief amount of time he’d spent on his own as a child.
“But, that wasn’t how it happened?”
“The longer you’re on the road, the more people you meet,” she sighed, “Even if you don’t know them long. Eventually, you see more people die than most people do in a lifetime.”
“I can’t imagine it’s safe leaving the camp for that long,” he reasoned.
“That, and demigods aren’t known to live long anyways,” Katherine stated. “This lifestyle in general, it… it pretty much only ends one way.”
“Then, why do you do it?” he questioned. “Why don’t you, I don’t know… live a normal life?”
“‘Normal’?” she scoffed. “As a demigod?”
“Yeah. I guess we don’t get a whole lot of options,” he agreed understandingly.
“I dropped out of the sixth grade. My dad was an addict. I’m not giving up much by hunting monsters,” she said humorously. “At least this way, I’m helping somebody.”
“I get that,” Luke offered. “I really do.”
“Yeah. We don’t have many options,” Katherine reasoned, “So Kronos is our best bet.”
“So, what’s our first move?” he asked. “Where’s our first stop?”
“In my dreams, I saw the Underworld,” she told him.
“So you’ve had those dreams too?” he questioned.
“What else did you see?” he wondered.
“I don’t know. For me, the visions come gradually. I think we need to get on the road,” she thought, “Both of us.”
“You think that’ll work?” Luke asked, frustrated with the vague dreams and voices.
“I’ve never been able to force the voice. I something just has to trigger it,” she rationalized.
“Katherine. This is crazy. I just met you,” Luke thought aloud. “I have no idea how long we’ll be gone. They’ll never believe I’m on the quest. I finished it almost a week ago.”
“I have an idea,” she proposed. “I have a car, I’ll drive you back to New York. You can find a new excuse, and get us some supplies, and we can go off and find Kronos.”
“Yeah, but where?” Luke demanded. “Where do we even start?”
“Well, I wasn’t completely sure, but I was thinking I’d try the Underworld,” Katherine suggested.
“The Underworld? Without a plan?” Luke asked skeptically.
“Despite me carrying you through the woods on my back for two days straight, I think we have a shot,” she frowned.
Luke considered the idea for a moment.
“Alright. I’ll stock up on supplies and weapons at the camp, and then we’ll go to the Underworld. I just don’t know how we’ll get there,” he frowned.
“Easy. There’s an entrance in Central Park,” she informed him.
“There is?” Luke asked.
“Yeah. The Door of Orpheus,” Katherine replied.
“But, don’t you need music to open it?” he recalled.
“Yeah. I can sing,” she nodded.
“Can you?”
“Yeah. I can,” Katherine smiled sarcastically.
Both of them were alerted by a loud, aggressive knock on the door.
“Housekeeping!” a man’s voice shouted.
Luke went to get the door, as Katherine quickly grabbed him by the arm.
“Don’t open the door!” she whispered urgently.
“Why not?” he whispered back.
“That’s not housekeeping!”
“What, you think it’s a monster?” Luke said in a low murmur.
“No. It’s not a monster,” she snapped, grabbing her bag from the bed. “Open the door, and then run.”
Katherine quickly tossed the keys at Luke, as he caught them instinctively. He watched her as she reached for something tucked into the back of her belt.
“Get the car going,” she said through her teeth.
“What are you gonna do?” Luke demanded.
“Open the fucking door!” she whispered.
Knowing not to ask any more questions, Luke threw the door open, rushing the man on the other side of the door and shoving him to the ground. Another man followed. Feeling the need to help Katherine, Luke unsheathed his dagger, only to be interrupted by Katherine herself.
“Go! Start the car!” she yelled.
Luke stared in horror as he heard gunshots, looking to see her holding the gun that accompanied them. Thinking fast, he ran to the Camaro less than ten feet away in the parking lot. He jumped into the car, waiting and on edge as he watched.
It didn’t take many more gunshots for him to see Katherine running toward the car, leaving behind two still bodies on the ground behind her. He unlocked the car door as she jumped in, screaming at him to drive.
Luke pealed out of the parking lot in the Camaro, keeping calm as Katherine sat in the seat beside him, pistol cocked in her lap as she cautiously looked out the window.
“What the fuck was that?!” Luke screamed as he drove their getaway car as fast as humanly possible.
“Just drive,” she muttered. “Don’t stop until we’re out of the city.”
“Okay, if I’m gonna be an accessory to a double homicide you committed,” Luke insisted, “I’m gonna at least need the bullet points.”
“Fine, you women are so needy!” Katherine rolled her eyes. “Let’s just say, I killed a guy in St. Louis, and he’s got family.”
“This guy you killed,” Luke said as calmly as he could, “Why did you kill him?”
“That thousand year-old map I have? The one that I use to try and figure out what actually happened to Kronos? How do you think I got it?” she asked impatiently.
“Why?” he asked subsequently.
“Because. Usually, when you steal artifacts that have survived millennia, you tend to run into some complications,” she snapped. “Besides. The guy wasn’t exactly a pillar of society.”
“Why?” Luke inquired curiously. “What happened?”
Katherine sighed, staring down at the gun in her lap before answering.
“I was dating this rich guy. He owned a museum, and that map came into his possession. He didn’t know what it was, because he didn’t speak Ancient Greek, but obviously, I did,” she explained. “I wanted the map, and I wanted out. The end.”
“Wait,” Luke stopped her, “You… You dated a guy who owned a museum?”
“Yeah,” she responded stiffly.
“How—How old was he?” he asked.
“Thirty-six,” she said.
Luke looked at her as he drove, seeing emotion in her eyes for the first time.
“How old were you?” he asked.
She turned to look at him, seeing that he asked knowing she had no comforting answer for him.
“I was young,” she said simply.
“I’m… I’m sorry,” he breathed, unable to imagine the extent of her pain.
“You don’t know me,” Katherine told him, pushing him away in a way that wasn’t physical. “You don’t know me at all, okay? You don’t know what I feel, and you don’t know what I’ve had to do to survive.”
“No,” he agreed. “I don’t.”
“Trust me. You don’t need to,” she assured him, still unable to remove the gun from her lap.
Katherine knew that she’d never felt an affinity to anyone. Her father, the only parent she’d ever known, wasn’t much of a parent, and no one she’d met on the road since she left home was reliable. But the scar beneath his right eye told her everything she needed to know.
She knew Luke had been broken down the same way she had, which was also the only reason she’d decided he was the one to recruit on her mission to find the Titan of time, the father of the gods. Katherine knew she needed dependability in Luke, and she knew the only way they could both succeed was as soldiers first and people second.
Chapter Three
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cheesenames · 9 days
20 Questions for Writers - I was tagged by @batrachised and then took forever to actually do this, oops.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18, but some of them are anonymous so officially it's 16
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (a shocking confession to make on my Star Wars sideblog) and Jane Austen
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The one where Anne de Bourgh is the Regency It Girl who everyone's desperate to marry
The one where I lost steam and will never finish it and kind of just ignore that it exists <333
The one where Mary Bennet is a serial killer
The one where a bunch of normal office workers and medical experts exchange increasingly concerned emails about the Vader suit
The one where Bail Organa accidentally starts a rumor he had an affair with Darth Vader
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, and I always overthink it and worry I'm annoying whoever I'm responding to
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know if this would really be considered angst, but the "Mary Bennet serial killer" fic I wrote ends with the implication that she's going to kill again lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is hard to quantify, but Bail Organa's accidental affair reveal does distract everyone too much to blow up his planet, so I guess that one
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I'm unanimously loved but I sometimes get people telling me I should have done something differently
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, but I write innuendos if I think they're funny. I've got one fic that's just "how many double entendres can I fit in 850 words?" and it's incredibly immature but I'm told it amused people
10. Do you write crossovers?
Officially no, unofficially I've had a concept marinating in my brain for like three years and simply haven't bothered to do it because I got distracted by Star Wars
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don't know about it yet!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I started translating one of my own fics, and then I never finished it. It's really difficult!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes and it was a DELIGHT. It felt like it transformed the entire process to be only the fun parts (bouncing ideas around) and none of the difficult parts—just like yayyyyyyy I'm having fun and then suddenly you look up and realize you've hit 10,000 words
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have been working for a while on a Padmé + handmaidens fic that's mostly just me projecting about "how do you move on when your lookalike dies?" and I would like it to become a coherent story I can share someday but I am not optimistic about its prospects
16. What are your writing strengths?
Being silly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Being serious
18. Thoughts on writing in another language in a fic?
Please stop using google translate for this, I find it so jarring when a character starts speaking a comedically poorly translated version of a language I actually know. In my own writing, I would much prefer to use the "'Words words words,' said Character in Language" construction, even if it's a language I speak
19. First fandom you wrote for?
sigh. I think it was Sherlock
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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anyway I think the one where Palpatine lost his job and ended up becoming roommates with Anakin and Obi-Wan was fun, so we'll say that one
tagging: @no-where-new-hero @animazi @ozvezdja
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waterspoutskies · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
(Ty @the-real-azalea-scroggs for the tag!! I know it took me a couple days lol)
1 - How many works do you have on A03?
11, apparently. That's remarkable!
2 - What's your total A03 word count?
57858. Which is pretty decent, nothing to write home about for me, but I'm cool with it.
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Four Swords Manga (beloved) and LU, which is a subset of Legend of Zelda in the Links Meet area of things
4 - What are your top five fics by kudos?
A) Thoughts Like These B) Piece It All Together C) Beneath the Skin D) Where We Are E) Dancing With My Own Shadow
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Oh yes, all the time, thoroughly as I can, even though sometimes it might take me a few days. I enjoy comments! Just ADHD brain sometimes!
6 - What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh. So far it is the first chapter of Chasing Drabbles, which rather well implies the destruction of a town via natural disaster with no way of avoiding it.
7 - What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Thoughts Like These, maybe? Dancing With My Own Shadow has a fun ending,
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so? Not that I know of? I've gotten a couple annoying comments about updating that I've had to delete, but never hate proper.
9 - Do you write smut?
10 - Do you write crossovers?
Not really? I have one crossover with ideas but never a character crossover and really not usually setting crossovers either. I'm not too into the idea.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In a technical sense? Yeah, I suppose, although I am the primary writer and Ruby is the artist more than anything, so like. It os
14 - What's your all-time favorite ship?
Vidow. I have no regrets and I stand by it forever.
15 - What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uh. I think some vague continuations for Dancing With My Own Shadow will probably be left by the wayside, though the work itself is finished. I had some plans, still have them, but no official prospects for another part.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, building massive worlds that never leave my head, all kinds of joyful things that are wonderful for planning and not for completing bodies of work but that's what sprinting is for right? I'm also good at that, writing under lots of pressure for a deadline via the sprint bot, woo!
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably the description as it relates to scene setting and avoiding white room syndrome. I'm so guilty of this.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can work, provided it's not just thrown around! I haven't done it that I can recall, but it's sometimes useful and can be a fun little thing to have in.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Four Swords! Zelda! LU! All of the above! Ahhhhhhh!!
20 - Favorite fic you've ever written?
Uh, I suppose I like Beneath the Skin the most? I don't think I really have a favorite fic. I'm not much of a fic writer!
Other folks to tag... Oh, I don't know. I'll do that later.
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Misc notes from the Maghni AI February Q&A Stream:
Aurum demo is going to be delayed by a few weeks, currently expected for the beginning of March.
Everything else should be on schedule.
Hype content will be posted around the end of February regardless of Aurum's demo being delayed! (Something fun, Oliver related, is coming before the end of this month. Assumedly - not mentioned, this is me saying this - his second English demo, since Austin's announcements match the schedule.)
Languages development has been going well on Natalia's part.
Audine recently finished her English recordings, development for her voicebank starts soon.
Crossy has been drawing a lot - for the upcoming February content and for the official character art, which is a lot of work since they want it to turn out perfect.
GABRIEL and GLASSIA's voice actors have been recording. GLASSIA's voice recordings are experiencing some delays because their voice actress wasn't satisfied with them, but she's a fast recorder according to Natalia.
GLASSIA is Brazilian.
Natalia and Austin are excited about the development of voice colors, and Austin is also excited about the engine themes. Barham is excited about the age and gender parameters (which are different!) though those won't be available on release. Caleb is most excited about phoneme editing but also mentions that some very powerful voices are coming. (I have never used VOCALOID so I didn't understand what Crossy was talking about o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ something "V1 pitch bends better than V5")
The vocabulary they use around the program is inspired by a will to "paint the vocals". This is mentioned in response to someone asking if you can draw the pitch bends, to which the answer is yes.
They're putting a big focus on accessibility and beginner-friendliness, as they expect Maghni AI to be a first entry-point to vocal synth for many users due to the many languages it includes.
I'm not sure what exactly this is about, and it's mostly hypotheticals but they're enthusiastic about ideas adjacent to lyp-syncing. And feedings your voicebank little raspberries. For what it's worth
The two test libraries should have the exact same quality as other full libraries, but they will be limited in what they can do. (Like they won't have as many voice colors, their range might not be as great, they're just meant to be for getting a feel of the program.)
Maghni AI is meant to be very third-party friendly.
"Huge French vocal synth scene" mention!!!! (the girl taking these notes is French)
"Vocal A" is pretty much finished with his recordings.
Even if they create official stories with their characters, Vocatone's characters are up to your personal interpretation. (If Oliver is a silly goofy child to you, that's cool, if Oliver is very serious and broody to you, that's cool too.)
Next stream should be at the end of next month.
Growl parameter is an exciting prospect but probably not anytime soon. That being said, one of the voicebanks they're working on will have a voice color that's pure growl.
They were asked about "if they could have any UTAU for Maghni AI". I've been having a difficult time processing names but I'll do my best... Natalia: Momo Momone, Ruko, Ritsu - there are also voicebanks that aren't as big but are phenomenal, like Aiko Kikyuune - later mention: Yufu Sekka, Sayu Yurika. Barham: isn't familiar with UTAU. Austin: I didn't catch the name, sorry, but if I'm understanding well, two voicebanks he worked on? Caleb: Kakoi Nizimine. Crossy: Celeste? Then one I didn't catch, then Muyuka. Someone in the chat: Adachi Rei (which Natalia thinks would be phenomenal). Natalia keeps mentioning UTAUs so I'm giving up OTL
There will be a transcription in the future if you really must know what UTAUs they like (and if I got them wrong)! This is a summary so please go ahead and watch the archive if you want to know more about Maghni AI.
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qwanderer · 1 year
As I'm reading through the Vorkosigan saga this go-round, I can't help but imagine how I might read it aloud, even though I almost certainly won't; it's so long and it's such a complicated prospect. The question of accents alone is just boggling! I can only read consistently in three accents, maybe fudging it to four because I can go a little bit up and down the plumminess scale with my English accent. Obviously there are a lot of different accents going on throughout the books, but I have to pick and choose where to assign my three to go with where differences would be most impactful and realistic.
The evidence is that the vast majority of the dialog in the books is spoken in some futuristic variety of English. When word origins are discussed, they line up with the true English word origins; when the MCs visit Earth, they are in London, and they can communicate easily with the locals; at the embassy in London, translation technology is required for conversation between people speaking other languages, and similar technology isn't mentioned often in other settings. Beta Colony is pretty North American coded (religion is common, but liberal ideas are dominant) and Barrayar is pretty Europe-coded; it's mentioned the empire has four official languages, and we see people speaking Greek, not expecting to be understood by the nobility. Based on the feel of the naming conventions and a mention of the Cyrillic alphabet being used, I'm guessing the four languages are (or have evolved from) English, French, Russian and Greek, but that English is pretty dominant in the cities.
Other nearby places in the galaxy seem to be able to speak to the MCs without translation more often than not, but they are mentioned to have accents. I have an idea what an Escobaran accent might sound like, based on implied name origins, but I wouldn't want to attempt to reproduce it myself. I imagine there are a lot of places in other parts of the galaxy where other languages are more dominant, but that we don't see much of those areas in the series (at least in the parts I've reread so far).
I imagine from the description of a Betan accent as "flat" and a Barrayaran accent as "guttural" that using my inherent mid-atlantic American accent for Betans is probably pretty spot-on, but the Barrayaran accent would be more of a pan-European beast that I wouldn't dare approximate. I'd sub in various English accents instead, from plummy for the Vor to more cockney for the lower classes. And American and English are my two most solid accents, and the most important contrast to make plot-wise. It's a pretty obvious choice.
I also have a solid-ish Irish accent, and I think the way to use that to best effect would be to assign it to the Komarran characters. I don't know how it fits with the actual background of the Komarran settlers, but it's very much appropriate to their galactic political role.
That leaves every other place we see to a default American accent, as well, but I think that makes a fair amount of sense, given how Barrayar's history played out in terms of instilling their differences, while allowing Betans and other "galactics" to sort of marinate into a more uniform culture, at least linguistically.
So that's how I'd assign people their accents, broadly speaking! Of course that leaves Miles wildly swinging between American and English, and Mark probably a muddy combination of all three, unless he's focusing. But deciding how that works on the fly would be the fun part!
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pinkierre · 2 years
piarles + royal au? 👀
I just checked, Daisy, I had this idea in my drafts since august '21. So THANK YOU for getting me to write it out a little :) [you don't actually understand my love for royal aus i literraly have 2 wips going already]
There’s a difference between Prince Charles & Person Charles. Not a lot of people are aware of this, though. His brothers know, so does his mother. They witnessed the shift in him as soon as he lost his father. Person Charles became more withdrawn.
That wasn’t an option for Prince Charles.
With his older brother stepping in to become King, Charles became Heir Presumptive until his brother would make his own little heirs.
It catapulted Charles in even more spotlights.
He has friends. A few here and there. But most of them have their own demons to battle.
With his appointment to Heir Presumptive came a new private secretary.
With Monaco being so tiny, most of the staff in the palace is outsourced from other countries, which makes English a well spoken language.
Thankfully, Pierre speaks French.
Charles took a quick liking to Pierre. He was younger than any private secretary he’d ever come across. Which made it easier to level. Pierre understood things his previous secretaries just… didn’t, mostly because of their older age.
Slowly but surely, Pierre went from working for Prince Charles, to becoming a friend to Person Charles.
And well, maybe Charles saw even more in Pierre than just a friend. A confident. A partner. A lover.
It’s not like Charles could ever have Pierre like that, though. Not with the Palace still hounding him about finally settling down with a nice, aristocratic woman. He is of course already the grand age of 25, and in the olden times he’d be halfway through his life by now.
It wasn’t until the Palace had delivered him another official letter, begging him to bring a proper date [read: woman prospect] to the next state banquet, that Charles broke down.
Thankfully, with Pierre ready to catch him. He does, and they end up sitting on Charles’ bed.
“But what if I don’t want a wife.” Charles says exasperated. Pierre is looking at him amused, smirk visibly on his face.
“Then what do you want, Charles?” Pierre asks. He untangles his own legs as he sits up straight, leaning forward just a little. His hands clasped together in front of him as he stares into Charles’ eyes.
“I… I want…” Charles starts before he cant hold back anymore, surges forward and presses his lips against Pierre’s. He lets out all of the pent up frustrations as his body moves closer and closer to Pierre, who in turn wraps his arms around Charles’ waist, pulling him into his lap.
Charles breaks the kiss to finish his sentence. “I want you.”
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sotangledupinit · 2 years
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I posted 1,958 times in 2022
41 posts created (2%)
1,917 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 900 of my posts in 2022
#captain swan - 187 posts
#i love them your honor - 161 posts
#killian jones - 157 posts
#emma swan - 144 posts
#queue you like me now - 128 posts
#my old ouat reblogs - 120 posts
#once upon a time - 106 posts
#bridgerton - 87 posts
#anthony bridgerton - 80 posts
#kate sharma - 66 posts
(please, tumblr called me out on 54% of my posts not having tags omfg)
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i love reading people’s reblogs though because they’re so great and interesting and either remind me of characters i love or tell me new 1s
My Top Posts in 2022:
just like a ghost whisperer
Happy start of CSSNS 2022! I was lucky enough to have the first posting date so of course this piece is a monster. So excited to see all the other works being shared for @cssns this year!
SUMMARY: It figures that the gorgeous house Emma’s renting on Boston’s coast has something wrong with it. She would have preferred a leaky sink or creaking stairs — anything but the ghost of Captain Hook haunting her. Between his annoying habits and flirtatious advances, the two of them work together to unravel a murder mystery, discovering something deeper along the way.
RATING: T for language, violence, and very very mild suggestive themes!
STORY WORD COUNT: 25,031 words
TAGS: Captain Swan, CSSNS, implied/referenced child abuse, ghosts, Just Like Heaven AU, Ghost Whisperer AU, mature language, violence, and mildly suggestive themes
AUTHOR’S NOTE: hahaha this was originally going to be 3k-8k words and then four days ago i decided to add massive plot. i'm so sorry hahahaha.
Packing tape smells horrendous. That’s the only thought running through her head as she seals another cardboard box shut.
60 days left.
The apartment that’s been home to herself and Henry for the last four years would just be another on a long list of residences they’ve spent time in. But Emma would not be able to stomach the $400 rent increase. It’s something engrained in her from the foster system and the years following Henry’s birth, stretching her dollar as far as it would go and sometimes going without if it meant her kid could have the formula he needed. Even though she can afford the price hike now, her gut refuses to let her stay.
Plus, she doesn’t think she can handle another leasing year with Albert Spencer as her landlord. Spencer thrives on making others miserable, she swears it. He even campaigned with the local and state officials to get rid of the cap on rent hikes.
Someone could tell her that his other company of vehicle rentals was a front for drug trafficking and murder and she’d believe it. He had a snide look on his face the moment she first signed her lease years ago, like he was about to swindle her out of all her money. Then came the disgust whenever he saw her paying her rent like he couldn’t believe he let the likes of her rent in his building.
A list of names, addresses, and photos are probably hidden somewhere in his own dwelling and he crosses off enemies as he goes, eliminating them by kicking them out, reporting them to authorities, and/or the possibility of killing them.
She’s only joking about that last part. Somewhat.
She’s kept them here for so long because it gave Henry’s life stability and the location was ideal. Who cares if she’s probably at the top of Spencer’s list because of the complaints from her neighbor Mrs. Norberry about Henry’s late night gaming - the price on top of everything else was too good to pass up.
In fact, maybe the increase wouldn’t be so bad?
“60 DAYS, RESIDENTS!” the man himself yells from the hallway, banging on doors as he passes them and repeats his message. 
Nope. Definitely need to move.
Henry hasn’t had an issue with the prospect of them moving. He goes to his part-time job at the docks after school, then comes home and finishes his homework before spending the rest of his evening on different listing sites.
“Do you even want to stay in Boston? I mean, we can go anywhere.” His excited voice echoes in her head as she takes in the half-packed apartment. Part of her wonders if she’s doing the right thing. 
Constantly moving, never setting down roots - that has been her whole life. Staying in one place for too long makes her itch but that’s the last thing she wants for her kid. 
Despite what her long list of driver’s license address changes might say, she wants the house with the white picket fence and the dog and everything that screamed a normal happy life in every sitcom she watched growing up. The only problem lies in the fact nowhere has ever felt like home. The closest she ever came was a small cottage town further up the coast. They got plenty of snow in the winter and the summer never got unbearably hot like it did in Tallahassee. But she was young when she was there and the locals were getting suspicious of the nights she spent in her car with Henry in his carseat so she drove right out of Florida.
Hard to believe it’s been nearly 16 years since then.
The chime from her laptop pulls Emma from her musings and she hurries to her feet. The packing tape rolls away from her and the scissors clatter to the floor but she pays it no mind. With the rental market being as insane as the housing market right now, a minute delay in correspondence could mean she loses out on a potential apartment.
Disappointment fills her chest when she sees it’s just a reply from one of her contacts but it quickly disappears when she notices what it’s regarding.
See the full post
74 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
where’s the rivusa fic told through the eyes of the random specialist that tells them to get a room and gets riven yelling at him to fuck off
179 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
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“You don’t have to call me [Princess]. I’m just Leia.” / “I’m a person and my name is Anakin.”
182 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
in immediate need of the gifsets comparing dick dreaming of mar’i in season three and kor’i dreaming of mar’i in the trailer.
220 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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i will avenge you
332 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Best IELTS Coaching Center in India
Are you planning to study or work abroad? If so, you've likely heard about the IELTS – the International English Language Testing System. This test is crucial for non-native speakers who want to demonstrate their proficiency in English. But preparing for it can feel overwhelming. With numerous coaching centers available, finding the right one can be challenging.
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In India, where opportunities abound, choosing the best IELTS coaching center can make all the difference in your preparation journey. Whether you’re aiming for a band score that secures your admission into a prestigious university or enhances your job prospects overseas, having expert guidance is essential. Let’s dive into what IELTS truly entails and how you can find the perfect coaching center tailored just for you!
What is IELTS?
The International English Language Testing System, commonly known as IELTS, is a standardized test that assesses the English language proficiency of non-native speakers. It serves as a key requirement for those looking to study or work in countries where English is the primary language.
IELTS evaluates four essential skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Each section tests your ability to communicate effectively in various contexts.
Test takers receive scores ranging from 0 to 9 across these components. This score reflects their level of English proficiency and determines eligibility for universities or job opportunities abroad.
The test comes in two formats: Academic and General Training. The Academic version targets students pursuing higher education, while the General Training focuses on practical everyday communication skills needed for work or migration purposes.
What is the best way to prepare for the IELTS?
Preparing for the IELTS can feel overwhelming. However, with a structured approach, you can make it manageable and effective.
Start by familiarizing yourself with the test format. Understand each section: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Knowing what to expect reduces anxiety on test day.
Practice is crucial. Utilize official practice materials or take mock tests under timed conditions. This helps improve your time management skills.
Consider joining study groups or finding a study partner. Engaging in discussions enhances your speaking abilities and builds confidence.
Online resources are abundant; leverage video tutorials or online courses tailored specifically for IELTS preparation.
Don’t forget about feedback! Get your writing assessed by professionals who can guide you toward improvement areas.
How do I choose the best online IELTS coaching center for my needs?
Choosing the right online IELTS coaching center can feel overwhelming. Start by identifying your learning style. Some students thrive in interactive environments, while others prefer self-paced study.
Next, check for qualified instructors. Look for centers with certified teachers who have experience in guiding students through the IELTS format. Their expertise can make a significant difference in your preparation.
Consider course content and materials offered. Effective programs should provide comprehensive resources like practice tests, video lessons, and personalized feedback.
Don’t overlook student reviews and testimonials. They offer valuable insights into other learners’ experiences and success stories.
Explore flexibility in scheduling classes to fit your routine. A good center will accommodate various time zones and personal commitments to ensure you stay on track with your studies.
What are some of the top IELTS coaching centres in India?
India boasts several esteemed IELTS coaching centers renowned for their effective teaching methodologies.
The British Council stands out as a premier institution, offering comprehensive courses designed by experts. Their structured curriculum and personalized feedback help students excel in all four sections of the test.
Another notable name is Manya Group, often referred to as the “American Institute.” They provide tailored programs that focus on individual strengths and weaknesses, ensuring a holistic preparation experience.
Then there’s Jamboree Education, popular among aspirants for its interactive classes and extensive study materials. Their mock tests closely simulate actual exam conditions.
Cambridge English Academy (CEA) has gained traction for its innovative techniques and experienced faculty. Students appreciate the supportive environment that enhances learning outcomes efficiently. Each center brings unique strengths to the table, catering to diverse student needs across India.
Cambridge English Academy (CEA) India
Cambridge English Academy (CEA) India stands out as a premier destination for IELTS preparation. With a focus on individual learning styles, CEA tailors its programs to meet the diverse needs of students.
The academy boasts experienced instructors who are well-versed in IELTS formats and scoring criteria. Their teaching methodology combines interactive sessions with practical exercises, ensuring that students gain both confidence and competence.
State-of-the-art facilities enhance the learning environment. Modern classrooms equipped with technology provide an engaging atmosphere conducive to study.
Additionally, CEA offers extensive resources such as mock tests and personalized feedback. This attention to detail equips candidates with valuable insights into their performance.
Students appreciate the flexible scheduling options available at CEA, making it easier to balance studies with other commitments. Supportive staff members guide learners every step of the way, fostering a positive educational experience.
Why Choose Cambridge English Academy?
Cambridge English Academy (CEA) stands out as one of the premier IELTS coaching centers in India. With a reputation built on quality and results, CEA offers tailored programs that cater to various learning styles and needs.
The faculty at CEA comprises experienced trainers who are well-versed in the nuances of the IELTS exam. Their expertise helps students grasp complex concepts while providing effective strategies for tackling each section of the test.
Moreover, CEA uses up-to-date resources and practice materials that mimic real exam conditions. This ensures students are fully prepared when they walk into their test day. The academy also emphasizes personalized attention, making sure every student receives guidance based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.
Flexible class schedules accommodate working professionals and students alike, allowing for a better work-life-study balance. Additionally, online sessions offer convenience without compromising on quality.
Choosing Cambridge English Academy means investing in your future with a trusted partner by your side through every step of your IELTS preparation journey. Whether you aim to study or work abroad, this institute equips you with not just knowledge but confidence too — two critical elements for success in achieving high scores on the IELTS exam.
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Visit Here - https://cambridgeenglishacademy.com/ielts-coaching-in-india/
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peruvian-nights · 3 months
Blog Post #5
1. Spanish is the official language of Peru, but a large portion of the population also speaks Quechan which was the language of the ancient Incas. 
2. A lingua franca is a language that is adopted as a common means of communication between speakers of different native languages. It allows people from different backgrounds to understand each other and engage in conversation. English has become a global lingua franca, it is widely used in international business, science, technology, entertainment, and currency. Its popularity is partly due to historical factors, such as the British Empire's global reach. An understanding of English within Peru can open doors to a vast array of resources, including academic research, technological advancements, and global connections. Fluency in English can enhance job prospects, especially in industries like tourism, international trade, and outsourcing, where English is often the working language. While English serves as a common language, it may not fully cover the cultural and local expressions that are in the native languages Spanish and Quechua. Misunderstandings can arise when the topics behind meaning, humor, or context are lost in translation.
Hello - Hola - Spanish
Yes - Si - Spanish
No - No - Spanish
Please - Por Favor - Spanish
Thank You - Gracias - Spanish
Can you help me? - Yanapawankimanchu - Quecha 
I don't understand - Manam hamutanichu - Quecha
I don't speak (name of the language) - No Habla Espanol - Spanish
My name is (your name) - Mi nombre es Kort - Spanish
I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce any of the Quechan phrases but all of the Spanish ones I had already known, so no difficulty in pronunciation here! Knowing these sayings when traveling can come in handy when interacting with local people, asking for directions, shopping, or simply engaging in conversation. 
¿Cuál es el exponente más sorprendente del pasado en América Latina?
La respuesta inmediata sería: Machu Picchu… y sí, claro que lo es, pero nosotros te decimos: hay más. Por todo el Perú podrás encontrar vestigios maravillosos que sorprenden al mundo, Machu Picchu es un must, pero también lo son Kuélap y Chavín de Huántar, Caral y Chan Chan, las Líneas de Nasca y Sipán… y seguiríamos enumerando!
What is the most remarkable vestige of the past in Latin America?
The obvious answer would be Machu Picchu… And, of course, it certainly is. But we believe there are many more. Throughout Peru you can find marvelous vestiges of the past that astonish the world’s travelers. Machu Picchu is a must-see destination, but Peru is also home to Kuelap and Chavin de Huantar, Caral and Chan Chan, the Nasca Lines and Sipan… and we could name even more!
I always found it interesting how in Spanish one or multiple words can have many different meanings, for a small example "y si" would immediately make me think of "and yes" but in this context it means "and of course". This makes reading and learning Spanish a bit challenging sometimes for you have to know all the different meanings of these phrases. Another thing I noticed was the amount of cognates in this paragraph, marvelous- maravillosos, must- must, vestiges- vestigos. I wonder if these words are cognates because they are more modern words when they were translated compared to words that have been around for centuries. Telephone - telefono for example.
5. Language influences our view of reality. 
Language is not just a tool for communication it is what shapes how we perceive and interact with the world. The way we think, feel, and experience reality all involves the language and culture we were brought up in. Language is what reflects and reinforces cultural norms and values. For example the use of formal and informal pronouns in languages like Spanish (tu vs. usted) and French (tu vs. vous) emphasizes respect and social hierarchy, shaping the speakers understanding of social etiquette and relationships amongst eachother.
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Ancient Incan headwear for Chieftan's and Priests
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I forgot what the name of this city was, but nonetheless a gorgeous view !
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vidhyavpr95 · 9 months
Breaking the Mold: Unleashing the Power of Selenium for Freshers in Automated Testing.
Hey there! 🌟 Kudos to you for diving into the world of automation testing with Selenium as a fresher! I remember being in your shoes, and let me tell you, it’s a thrilling journey ahead. Now, let me share a little story from my early days in automation testing — it might just resonate with your current situation.
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Now, about mentors — finding one was a game-changer. I connected with experienced professionals in online communities, attended meetups, and even stumbled upon a Selenium guru willing to guide me. Their insights were priceless, and having someone to bounce ideas off and seek advice from accelerated my learning curve. So, my advice to you: build something fun to test, embrace failure as a teacher, and seek out a mentor — you’ll be automating like a pro in no time! 🚀
Ready to Elevate Your Selenium Game? Click Here for a Test-Drive! 🏎️💡
1. Learn the Basics First:
Before jumping into Selenium, make sure you have a solid understanding of programming languages like Java, Python, or C#. Selenium uses these languages to write test scripts. Websites like Codecademy or W3Schools offer excellent tutorials to get you started.
2. Master Selenium Fundamentals:
Understanding the basics of Selenium is crucial. Familiarize yourself with locating elements using Xpath or CSS selectors, handling different types of web elements, and navigating through web pages. The official Selenium documentation is a goldmine for learning these fundamentals.
3. Practice, Practice, Practice:
The more you code, the better you become. Create a simple website or use demo sites to practice your automation skills. Experiment with different scenarios, and don’t be afraid to break things — that’s how you learn!
4. Version Control with Git:
Learn the basics of Git. Version control is essential in any development or testing environment. Platforms like GitHub provide a collaborative space for you to showcase your code and learn from others.
5. Continuous Integration (CI):
Understand CI tools like Jenkins. Integrating your Selenium tests into a CI pipeline allows you to run tests automatically whenever there’s a change in the code. It’s a key practice in modern software development.
6. Stay Updated with Selenium:
Automation tools evolve, and Selenium is no exception. Follow Selenium blogs, join relevant forums, and subscribe to newsletters to stay updated on the latest features, best practices, and community discussions.
7. Explore TestNG or JUnit:
TestNG and JUnit are popular testing frameworks for Selenium. They provide additional features and help in organizing and managing your test cases efficiently. Invest some time in understanding how these frameworks work.
8. Understand Page Object Model (POM):
Implementing the Page Object Model can greatly enhance the maintainability of your automation code. It’s a design pattern that helps you structure your code by separating the test scripts from the page-specific actions.
9. Network with the Testing Community:
Join online testing communities, forums, and social media groups. Networking with experienced professionals can provide valuable insights, solutions to problems, and even job opportunities.
10. Soft Skills Matter:
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Seek programs that offer a recognized certification upon completion. A certification adds credibility to your skills and can positively impact your career prospects. To unlock the full potential of Selenium and master the art of web automation, consider enrolling in the Top Selenium Training Institution
Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same goes for mastering Selenium. Stay curious, keep learning, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. You’re on the right track — happy testing! 🚀
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zukotheartist · 2 years
Hiii :) i need a bit of help
(Ik i said i wouldnt do rant posts here but this one is also advice seeking? So we'll let it slide this time)
It's about uni and mental health and jobs, etc and just overall oversharing lmao. Feel free to skip ofc lol but if anyone has some advice/opinions to share, im all ears.
Basically, i just really don't know what to do with my life💀. I even took a gap year in between hs and uni to decide and ig it still didnt work😭.
I'm in uni studying languages (mandarin, portuguese and japanese) and the language part is going well so far, I guess? (And I do like it!). I even like a few of the other subjects (some of them i only have them for 1 semester so theyre not major subjects) but i really just cant handle it???
I wasn't happy with my choice in the sense that I think my job prospects after uni won't be great but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle anything else (im terrible at stem and most high-paying jobs require it lol + i have depressive episodes 24/7💀 and im pretty sure i have adhd*). But even picking smth i like and am not terrible at (not great at either but at least it's not math lol) im not able to handle it???
I was trying really hard at first, i didn't want to fuck this up, but the rhythm needed is just... way too much for someone who stuggled all throughout hs and has shit mental health.
I managed to work hard for a bit (studying everyday after class, doing 8hr study sessions during the weekend, revising quickly while waiting in line, etc) but then i let loose (or even went full days/weeks with minimal amount of studying) bc it was so overwhelming and now im cramming like 2/3 months worth of 3 different subjects and my exams are in Jan/Feb (the first available dates on the 10th) and ill be lucky to pass a single one of them with the speed im going at.
Even on days i get up early to study and barely even look at my phone, it's just too much stuff and im not fast enough + i lack a lot of things bc of my slacking off in hs.
I go to uni in Italy and if you fall behind u have to pay more but ig it's better than putting all this effort and most of all money to then just drop out and be left degreeless?
But I feel so freaking terrible bc i literally dont even work part-time or anything and i still live with my parents and theyre the ones paying for all of my stuff basically? So to add a higher cost bc i couldnt keep up with uni🥲 but then, if i take a part-time job, ill be making some money but uni will be going even worst and itll still be a waste of money???
I've talked to multiple therapists/psychiatrists, asking them even for LIGHT anxiety meds and *all* of them have refused (I also made it clear that I would still go to therapy even if I got meds but nothing).
Studying calms me down a bit but even tho ive started doing it daily again and for hours on end, im still akskdkdkrkr
Ill talk to my family and my therapist but i honestly dont know wtf to do with my life. Ik the whole "dont cry over spilled milk" thing but i really wish i could re-do hs to not be in this fucking mess.
It doesn't really help that my only goal in life is to make a lot of money bc i think ill be alone (both romantically and platonically) forever but with the way it's going, ill be lucky to get a minimum wage one (im not saying it as a diss, those are respectable jobs too but like i said, my only goal is to make money so i can live comfortably and distract myself from my depression lmao).
This is all very specific and i doubt anyone responds (let alone reads) but if anyone does read, tysm for reading this sad long rant🫂🫂🫂. I pretty much wont be able to see my therapist until just a bit before my exams so this was also my way to let out some frustration.
*Ive tried to get an official diagnosis, and it's fine if im wrong ofc, but i was immediately denied and told that couldnt be it... bc of my age lmao💀
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