#but like okay we should be doing this
obsob · 2 years
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i never post my jus black n white of these so. here is the pencils for a lament for icarus redraw!! im excited to colour this. nothing gets me going like a warm colour palette 
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gentil-minou · 3 years
So much of the Adrien salt I see comes down to like "Adrien doesn't stand up for himself" or "Adrien is too passive" and I just don't understand how people can have that take after seeing the way he grew up in isolation and controlling and with a lack of empathy/space to be emotional and free and read that as something a 14 year old should have "grown out of"
And also like what???? What show???? Are you???Watching???? He totally has agency, he literally leaped at the chance to become a hero and he's extremely gung-ho about it to the point where he follows his instincts.
I feel like people forget he's literally learning how to be a part of society after being isolated for years. He's gonna make mistakes. He's gonna do what he does sometimes because that's what he was taught.
He is gonna try to avoid confrontation with Lila because that's what he learned to avoid conflict with his father.
He's going to listen to his father because that's all he knows and what he's been taught to, and yeah maybe it's not the abuse people picture but it's still abuse.
He's going to be passive cause that's what he learned, but he's also actively unlearning it. That's why season 3 starts with him stepping back from conflict with Lila to directly addressing her and making as much of a threat as he could (cause he's still such a sweet kid).
That's why the whole series starts with his first big rebellion from his dad (or at least the first one we've seen that's actually been successful) and the current conflict is him having to address that he does need to escape his had to be happy (see Chat Blanc and Ephemeral)
And its clear that whenever he does try to fight back his father he can't because the man is literally a villain trying to control him. Because he thinks he's totally alone, but he isn't and that's the next thing he needs to realize before he can actually escape his abuser.
Like sometimes I see people who salt on Adrien and don't think he has reasons to act the way he does and I'm like do you guys need the show to say "this character is abused" or do you not understand how cinema works? Do you not recognize that abusers can be both awful human beings but also show slivers of kindness/concern that is part of the reason why their victims stay trapped for so long? Like this show does such an amazing job showing the nuances for an adult audience while still making it fun and is clearly making an effort to show kiddos with the rings and I just can't deal with people who take all that info and find it to be shallow when it really, really isn't.
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pencilscratchins · 3 years
wait why were you catholic in the first place
okay, cool your heels queen elizabeth i
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sasukesun · 2 years
modern au in which naruto and sasuke watch lady and the tramp together and since then naruto wants to replicate the spaghetti scene with sasuke but eating ramen noodles instead
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kalmeria · 3 years
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Bad Buddy text posts pt.6
#hello i am back with these!!#last week i was busy having feelings and studying; there is one from ep6 that i really want to make but i thought it would be weird to add#it here on it's own#(that was the original plan a week ago but now i dont think it was a good plan. anyways i should be tagging stuff not talking about myself)#bad buddy#bbep7#lot of pat ones this week! idk why it just kind of happened. maybe bc i used to have to try very hard to not just make it all pran#(although that was when we mostly just saw pran's pov and his very relatable suffering lmao)#new this week: pa! i support her journey of self-discovery#also we got wai. being angry and not having money; as you do#anyone else really thinking about the fact that episode 1 starts with wai causing conflict. used to think the ''thumbs up'' bit was funny.#now i am getting tired of him dragging pran into everything. previously i thought he was just defending pran but after this ep i'm not#really vibing with him anymore#he keeps getting into things and then expects pran to always be there to pull him out and that isn't cool#why am i writing this in the tags you ask?#... because.#i just like talking here okay#and i'm tired. could use a hug too. and some white chocolate. or that one candy. it doesn't have an english name. tried googling it#okay i really need to sleep. if you're reading this i hope you have a nice day#wait one more thing! about the library one. i made that specifically bc i wanted to point out that face pat makes here. dude's struggling#bbtxt
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sheathandshear · 3 years
I’m glad that people are starting to move away from “wink wink nudge nudge he’s (always he) special but not ABNORMAL” depictions of autism/ADHD/SPD/what have you but sometimes I think people are being pressured to swing too far in the opposite direction, where if characters aren’t immediately recognizable as having this discrete diagnosis, that’s ableism and Bad Representation.
I think there’s value in writing characters who are clearly neuroatypical but in a way that’s hard to pin down, that doesn’t conform neatly to one DSM-V category or another. Neuroatypical diagnoses describe real experiences in a groupable way but they’re also not laws of nature, they’re culturally and temporally dependent. Even within the Western medical model, what’s considered absolutely “characteristic” of XYZ condition changes.
And the consequences of that often have to do with expanding those categories — understanding gendered presentation of female-socialized ADHD vs. male-socialized ADHD, for example, or racialized diagnosis of ODD vs. autism. Which is good! But I hope that we can also acknowledge that just... humans are diverse, “neuroatypical” and “neurotypical” are not neatly divided opposites, and there are a lot of people who live in cousin-y grey areas where their experience of embodiment/themselves/other people/the world overlaps but is not identical with people who meet more of the “characteristic” features of recognized defined conditions, and exploring those experiences in fiction enriches rather than detracts.
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riverswater · 3 years
"To everyone in the UK and across the world, I can’t wait to see you again, but for obvious reasons it is just not possible at this time."
yeah that makes sense it's not like USA has around 25k new cases daily and around 250 deaths every day, nah
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belovedgamers · 2 years
I can’t believe I never talked about this but fWhip telling Jimmy he thinks the demon really, really likes him because it’s kind of like “the schoolboy makes fun of and torments the kid they like” scenario is so funny. Like, sir, you designed a death castle for Jimmy last week? You keep messing with him constantly? About 40% of your free time is designated to trash talking or annoying Jimmy? What are you implying here, your grace?
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obsob · 2 years
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a little man...all painted and ready for varnish
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which movie is gayer first class or dofp
both apocalypse and dark phoenix are excluded from the alt timeline gayest movie debate as apocalypse was mid overall + only had one Very gay moment plus like 2 smaller ones and dark phoenix. well it exists. sorry the chess proposal cannot heal 2 hours of awful
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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A-Hem! And sh hehshshaaidhshahaesahid-
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roaringwish · 3 years
I don't normally bring up topics like this on this blog, but this is something I feel like we need to talk about more.
Jo'on's clothes in Goyoku Ibun very blatantly resemble arabian men's clothing, and that paired with the fact that her and Shion are calling themselves "oil barons" is just extremely racist.
I adore touhou, it changed my life in so many ways and has ultimately been having a huge good influence on me. Keep that in mind when I say that I'm very disappointed in ZUN for allowing this.
I'm going to call his actions racist and before you yell at me, racism isn't just white supremacists storming the capitol or yelling slurs at people of color. It's also your grandpa calling your Indian girlfriend "exotic" or your friend purposefully keeping distance from a black person nearby.
Stereotypes are also the latter category. The reason they're harmful is because perpetuating stereotypes dehumanizes groups of people allowing more serious acts of racism to happen.
And while this isn't the first time xenophobia was a thing in touhou (mostly in the form of sinophobia with the Lunarians being a monolithic evil and also Seiga, a Chinese person being the most evil character and Meiling being a Chinese stereotype), ZUN made commentary before about xenophobia being bad (both Yukari and Hecatia said that closing the borders of their respective realms are bad) and did tackle the topic of racism too in a respectful way (with Mike, a calico maneki neko being discriminated against by white maneki neko).
What I'm saying is that he doesn't put xenophobic elements in his works because he hates Chinese people and people of color, but because he has unchecked biases that he has to work on because he too isn't immune to propaganda. If you make art your world view will immediately have an imprint on it whether you realize or not.
Especially in a country where xenophobia and fascism is normalized to the point where nazi uniform cafes exist and one of the most popular anime being one that literally propagates xenophobia, imperialism and genocide. You know the one.
And while because of that, these biases are difficult to be seen or fought against, that's no excuse. Him, as someone who advocates for continuous self-improvement should do Much Much better than this, and we should be more critical of him like we are with regular people instead of putting him on a pedestal, since he too, is just human.
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Maybe Berdly isn’t dead or in a coma.
I just found out about a third possible route in chapter 2, which is (as far as I know) identical to the pacifist run, with the exception that Berdly injures his arm.
When Queen has put the control plug on his face, he attempts to remove it himself and ends up frying his arm in the process. 
This injury carries over into the real world. When he wakes up, he mentions that he can’t move his arm.  He doesn’t seem to be in pain, so I think it might be paralyzed. 
Anyway, this got me thinking. A lot of people seem to believe that Berdly is dead in the Snowgrave route. Personally, I thought he might be in some sort of coma. 
And while I’m not ruling those possibilities out, I was wondering now, if maybe his body is instead frozen in place. 
With him completely locked in ice in the dark world, maybe his body in the real world reacts, as if it is as well. What if, instead of being dead, or asleep, or in a coma, maybe he’s just immobilized. Unable to move or do anything, but technically still alive.
No one tried to move him when he didn’t wake up, so we don’t know if his body is limp or stuck solid in the same position. 
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Does Techno need to take responsibility for Tubbo's execution?
No. Well, okay, if you think he does you gotta start applying the principals evenly.
Sources will be reblogged (that's what the numbers are) because Tunglr hates links
I’ve seen some people say that Techno doesn’t take responsibility for executing Tubbo, but I think this kinda misses what responsibility means. This argument highlights a question that comes up in moral philosophy a lot and that’s about when do you have moral responsibility for an act, what does it mean to have moral agency.
Aight what is moral responsibility?
Ya can think of it as like, should someone feel morally guilty/ have the moral burden of an action. Like if I kill a guy for fun, I have moral responsibility for that death. That's on me, and I need to go reflect on that one. It's a question of whether someone has moral agency, can an act they perform be considered to have moral weight, should the be punished or praised for it.
Does Techno have that for Tubbos execution? Eh?
Not in my opinion. There are a few reasons why, lets look at 2
Was he free to act? Nah not really.
One of the ways someone can look like they have a choice, but most people don’t say they have moral responsibility for that act, is if they could not reasonably choose otherwise. This is the principle of alternate possibilities [4] For example, if someone comes up to you with a knife and says ‘I will kill you if you don’t give me your wallet’ and you give them your wallet, when in court, you would not expect the judge to go ‘Well you did give him your wallet by choice, so it wasn’t a mugging’, you would expect the judge to realise you didn’t act freely, and that the thief should be treated accordingly.
In Techno’s case, no matter how much Tommy insists otherwise, Techno thought he would have been killed if he did not execute Tubbo [1], therefore he did not act freely of his own volition. Other factors meant he could not reasonably choose otherwise. Now all of this works under the assumption we have free will, and that we should value our life, but this is how responsibility it largely regarded, in law and in day to day life.
So who does have responsibilty? Schlatt.
Much in the same way the moral responsibility falls on the attacker in the case of the mugging, the moral responsibility of Tubbo’s execution falls on Schlatt. This is something Wilbur, Niki and Schlatt all recognise, Niki says ‘You killed him’ in reference to Schlatt and Schlatt agrees [5], and Wilbur says ‘i thought you were going to kill another person.’ when he thought Schlatt was calling for Niki’s death.
In fact I can’t think of anyone other than Tommy who doesn’t acknowledge that Techno was not free to act in that situation. Tubbo forgives him immediately, it’s Tommy who insists Techno just felt like doing a murder, despite techno (poorly) explaining otherwise.
But Tubbo died? Yeah that was gonna happen either way
Techno didn't have control over whether Tubbo died.
Another way to look at this is through the lens of the classic ‘trolly problem’, which looks at the idea of moral responsibility based on outcome. It’s a classic, we all know it well, but for those who don’t, it goes like this.
There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person on the side track. You have two options:
1. Do nothing and allow the trolley to kill the five people on the main track. 2. Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person.
What do you do [3]
So, most people instinctively answer 2, because killing fewer people is typically considered good, even though you are actively participating in killing a person. In this situation, people are going to die no matter what, so even though you are doing the act that causes the 1 person to die, you are actively pulling that lever, you are reducing the amount of lives lost, the amount of harm done. In this situation, most people would not consider judging you as a murderer, they'd see you as a hero.
There are a lot of iterations of this question, each of which digs at a different philosophical question but it’s relevant to Techno’s case specifically because it’s about outcomes.
It asks if you can control the outcome of an event, wherein people will die no matter what, should you act to do the one that’s likely to cause the least harm.
When Tubbo was put in the box, Techno was sure Tubbo was always going to be executed, no matter what. It’s not that if Techno said no, Tubbo would simply have been let off, Schlatt would have just asked someone else to do the job, and Techno would have been killed and had his items take [1] So to Techno, Tubbo was already dead, that was out of his control, what he could control was how Tubbo died, and if his position, he's life, and the revolution would be compromised. Techno wanted to make Tubbos death ‘as painless’ as possible. He used the little agency he had to affect the way in which tubbo died, instead of leaving that up to someone else. Even though he was the one to commit the act, by acting, he tried to reduce the amount of harm done using the control he had.
What about if I still disagree? Okay, but keep the energy
That's fine! There are some philosophies that argue that pulling the lever is wrong. For example, Kant argues that you only have responsibility for your actions. You have moral responsibility for an outcome only if you act, so by pulling the lever, if the one person dies, you have killed them.
By acting you implicate yourself in whatever outcome occurs, by not acting you don’t implicate yourself in the outcome, you don’t take moral responsibility (there are lots of thought experiments to explain this view (if you wanna read one look up Kant’s Axe or the enquiring axe murder, [2]) but i think they're wank ).
Tommy seems to hold this sort of view (not kantian overall, just this very specific argument kant uses for any philosophy major out there <3), getting mad at people for participating in an act, even if they were under threat and even if doing something bad they reduced the overall harm, but it’s a very extreme way of viewing agency.
Most people consider inaction to still hold moral weight, e.g. refusing to report abuse is considered being complicit in someone’s abuse. Most people think you should pull the lever, you should do what you can to mitigate harm.
Both of these ways of looking at Technoblade killing Tubbo during the red festival highlight a major flaw in asking Techno to ‘take responsibility for’ killing Tubbo. They ignore the circumstances of the act.
And like, this is a position you can hold, but it means that you need to be applying it to all circumstances.
Tommy’s trauma responses must be read as entirely free acts (killing, stealing, lying ect), Ranboo must take full responsibility for the Butcher Army even if he was being manipulated, every act of Tubbo’s presidency must be considered in isolation even if it benefitted L’manburg. It’s a pretty philosophically extreme stance to take, and most people who make these arguements against techno probably don't hold it.
I hope this fun little intro to moral agency has helped people figure out what it means to think about responsibility, and why not all choices are made equal.
Various disclaimers: I'm primarily watch Phil, though I have watched Wilbur and Techno's VODs up to and including the red festival. I actually am, for once, kinda confident in this one, because I'm doing a Philosophy degree, but you shouldn't just believe some guy who says big words on the internet, ya gotta think this one over. I'm also not trying to be unbiased. I'm arguing for Techno not being the moral agent in that situation.
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forechoes · 2 years
Hello. I'd love to hear the story behind Boy Read.
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Hi!!! Ask, and you shall receive!
(You have both opened Pandora's box, and I thank you for it. I am so ready to geek out about it.)
Obligatory SPOILER warning for anyone who hasn't read up to chapter 162 of the webnovel or Boy Read, but also I've kept it vague enough that it's a "if you know, you know" situation (just in case).
When you first read the title, it sounds rude, like a command. This is basically how Han Yoohyun interacts with anyone without his brother around, and for the three years that he successfully distances himself from Han Yoojin, everyone's initial impression of him is that he's a rude, powerful and arrogant young man (see: chapter 42 of the webnovel). However, the event that takes place in the fic basically makes everyone present at the scene reevaluate him—in other words, they read his character again, so the title's pronunciation goes from "Boy Read" (present tense) to sounding like "Boy Red" (past tense), which is more true to Han Yoohyun's character.
"Boy Red" serves as the story's second title precisely because of that. Red symbolizes passion and warmth, but it also symbolizes violence and aggression—they can now see him beyond the violence and aggression he's displayed as an S-rank Hunter, and more as Han Yoojin's younger brother. They see that there's more to his character than they'd thought.
On a more surface level understanding, red is also the colour associated with Han Yoohyun, especially as the element he wields is fire, so if I were to say, "boy red" about The S-Ranks That I've Raised, the character that'll (probably) pop into your mind is "oh, boy red = Han Yoohyun" due to the colour association.
There's also a third layer to the title, in a more meta sense. You're meant to misread it because you don't have all the information—you don't know how to read the title unless I tell you how, just like Han Yoohyun doesn't have all the information of Han Yoojin's plan both in the webnovel and the story. You read it as best you can with the information you have and come to your own conclusions, but they're ultimately incomplete because you're missing information you didn't know you needed. But, once you do, it's kind of hard to forget how to read it (unless you do forget, which is completely valid).
So, your experience of reading the title kind of parallels Han Yoohyun's reading of the situation. You both don't have the information you need to know what's going on, you make your best predictions, and then once it's revealed, you're like, "oh, yeah, that kind of makes sense".
Anyway... short essay? ✔️
Thank you so much for being interested and asking!!! I adore you guys to bits <3
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thebloodpit · 2 years
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Discovered Merwin’s face model - Jozef Aoki - and, oh, I’m going to sleep good tonight. He’s so… 🥲
Some things I learned:
- he’s Japanese and is based in London.
- he listed Japanese and English as his primary languages.
- he’s 5’8” or 172 cm.
- he’s been in a few movies and a Netflix show about the yakuza, Giri/Haji, where he plays a character named Takashi.
- he’s FOINE.
IG: @jozefaoki
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