#we walked dog yesterday n we had a hire car so i had to have him on my lap hes so wiggly
callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 22
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 7.5k
Chapter 21 | Masterlist
"I didn't think she got along with other dogs?" Mom asked as I showed her the picture of Dahlia I got from the vet. She was curled up in the grass, a little chihuahua curled up against her. "The vet said she seems nervous around bigger dogs, ones close to her size. But the little ones, she's great with! Apparently this is their daily thing, she lays down and this little chihuahua just waddles on over and curls up against her and naps in the sun." Mom placed a hand on her heart, cooing over the picture. Rooster bent down to my ear, from his place next to me. "What if we got another dog?" I quirked a brow. "We? Another?" He nodded. "I love Dahlia, but maybe we could get one together. Some little dog in a shelter somewhere." My bottom lip jutted out.
"You're playing with fire Bradley. If you take her to a shelter you have to keep a hold of her at all times, or else she will wander off and find the oldest dogs and the ones with special needs." Mom said as she pointed at him. He chuckled nodding, "Hold her hand at all times? Easy enough." He said intertwining her fingers and leaning down to kiss me. I smiled at him before we were interrupted by Jerry. "Okay, he will be cuffed the entire time. We have four bailiff's in there to keep him away from you, I'm not having a repeat of yesterday. He also hired a new lawyer." I nodded, maybe things will go better now.
"So we are wrapping on the domestic violence case, so after we finish with the car accident, I will only be getting character witnesses from everyone else. Then we will be moving on to Bradley's case." Rooster furrowed his brows. "Wait, do I need a lawyer?" I chuckled as Jerry gave him an incredulous look. "Do you not like the job i've done?" Rooster shook his head. "No, but isn't it a separate case? Don't I need my own council?" Jerry shook his head. "I am your council." Rooster furrowed his brows. "Then how much do I owe you?" I placed my hand on his chest, shaking my head. "Nothing." Jerry said walking away. "What am I missing?" He asked looking down at me. "Nothing." Mom said walking away. "They paid for my lawyer didn't they?" I nodded. "Yeah..." He sighed.
"Go, you need to get in there. I'll be right behind you." He said before pulling me in, kissing my forehead. I nodded, leaning up to kiss his jaw before walking into the court room. I sat next to Jerry who looked to me, I caught his eye and he jerked his head back, telling me to look at Aaron. I had to bite back the smirk seeing him cuffed to the table. "Karma's a bitch." Jerry sing songed. "Too bad, I'm a bigger bitch." His hand flew to his mouth, covering his laughs. "All rise." We stood, our demeanor immediately changing as Judge Durham came in.
"Okay, we are picking up where we left off yesterday. Mr. Polinksi." Jerry nodded, standing. "Miss Motley." I nodded, standing and walking to the stand. I was sworn in again and sat in the chair, crossing my legs. "Miss Motley, it's no secret that Mr. Wilder was physically abusive." I nodded. "It was a... common occurrence." He nodded. "Do you mind if I show a few videos from your home security system?" I nodded. "Go ahead." He turned to the tv that was wheeled in, turning it on. "This first video is an altercation that took place just after Miss Motley returned home from joining her mother on tour." He started the video and I closed my eyes, not wanting to see it all over again. It was when he confronted me after I came home from mom's tour.
I opened my eyes just as the knife flew across the kitchen on the screen, hitting the wall next to me as I cowered on the floor. I looked at the girl in the video. So scared, so sure she was going to die by his hand. Maybe that night, maybe later but she was so sure of it. But as long as Rooster lived, I didn't care and neither did she. I tuned back in when I saw Aaron rip off his belt, smacking me across the back a few times before wrapping it around my throat and pulled. Jerry only stopped it when Aaron reached for the button on his jeans. "That's enough. Now I'm going to show y'all a video from the day of the car accident."
He changed it, this video start with me rushing downstairs and into Aaron's office. It was video footage of the day I found out I was pregnant and I found the life insurance policy. I grimaced at the image of Aaron yanking me by my hair, and me screaming for Phoenix to call my parents. I looked to my friends, their faces all the same. Disgust and hatred for Aaron. Phantom pains shot through my fingers at the memory of ripping off the door frame, watching it splinter and fly off around me. "This is the point where Mr. Wilder drove them up the mountain. Now, Miss Motley, did you realize what he was going to do?" I nodded. "And did you grab the wheel?"
"Yes, I did." Jerry nodded. "Why?" "I realized he was going to drive us off the mountain. I was-I was... pregnant." I paused, the tears building. "I had decided that I would leave for my babies sake. I couldn't let him hurt them. But when I grabbed the wheel he punched me on the side of my face. He jerked the wheel after that." He nodded. "And would you say because of that accident you suffered a spinal injury, one you had to have surgery for, a concussion, a tib fib fracture, and your miscarriage?" I nodded. "Very well I suggest we move the charge from attempted murder to one count attempted murder and one count vehicular feticide." A sob hit me immediately, rattling me to the bone.
"Very well." Judge Durham said, slamming the gavel. "You may step down Miss Motley." I nodded, standing on unsteady legs, almost like Bambi. Good thing I wore dress pants today, if I fall out no one can see that I am, once again, not wearing underwear. "I'm sorry to spring that on you, but he deserves to pay for that and spend life in prison." Jerry whispered to me and I nodded. I sat in my seat as Jerry called up the people he wanted to use for character witnesses for me and against Aaron. Payback, Fanboy, Bob, Mav, and Penny. It was simple, easy enough. Now came the tricky part, getting him for having Rooster followed and for Melissa's death.
"I would now like to address the potential hit placed on Mr. Bradshaw." The bailiffs went over to Aaron, lifting him out of his chair and pulled him towards the stand. "I'll just cut to the chase. Were you ever jealous of Mr. Bradshaw? Him and your then wife became fast friends." He shook his head and scoffed. "Of course not." Jerry huffed. "Did you ever feel he was stepping in on your marriage?" He nodded. "Yes, he had been trying to break up our marriage since he met Caila." Jerry nodded. "What makes you think that?" Jerry took a look around, like he was searching for something to say.
"She was pulling away. She always communicated with me when she was deployed, then suddenly they just slowed down till they stopped. That's how I knew she had found someone else." His face hardened as his eyes settled on me. "I used to get... daily updates from her. Everything she did. How much time she spent in the gym, what she ate, how much, who she spoke to, she would even tell me how long she spent in the air." Jerry nodded.
"But isn't that only because you required these things from her. You had so little trust in her you made her tell you those thing, or else you would call off the engagement. You never responded to any of those emails. Let's face it, you wanted her to depend on you, make her feel like she needed you." He rolled his eyes. "Isn't that what wives are for? I had to monitor her, or else she'd run off with some man somewhere. She didn't know what was good for her." I lowered my eyes, feeling many other people's eyes on me, questioning what I had been thinking.
"You couldn't lose control of her. You tried to control who she spoke to, how much time she spent in the gym, even her eating habits. That's why she sent you those emails, because you threatened to leave her if she didn't." He rolled his eyes. "Do you know what she looked like when I first met her? The navy whipped her into shape, but it wouldn't have been enough. I had to make sure she stayed in shape." Jerry scoffed. "You chose to stay with her to marry her-" "I took pity on her. When I asked her on our first date, it was supposed to be a prank some friends and I were pullin'. But I felt guilty and went thinking, 'One date couldn't hurt.' But then, I fell for her and I did love her at one point, but over time my feelings changed."
"So why not just give her the divorce?" His eyes flashed to Jerry, narrowing them. "Because she's still mine." Jerry shook his head. "Was. She was yours." He shook his head. "No, she still is. She's never gone any part of her adult life without me. She doesn't know how to function without me." Jerry shrugged pulling out a sheet of paper. "A house on the beach, an airstream, an outstanding career as a naval aviator, a semi-successful music career, and a doting boyfriend who seems absolutely taken with her. Sounds like she's functioning really well without you." He pulled on his cuffs, making me jump slightly.
"So why did you place that hit on Mr. Bradshaw?" He shook his head. "I didn't." Jerry scoffed. "We have your phone records." He shrugged. "Can't prove who I called." Jerry nodded, smirking before clicking a button on the remote. "Mr. Wilder, I've been expecting your call. Heard your having a little trouble with the wifey."
"Daniel. Yeah I am, she filed for a fucking divorce." There was a chuckle on the line. "Well, we can't have that. You promised to get my brother out of prison, I do this for you as payment." I screwed my eyes shut as I heard Aaron hum in agreement. "Of course." "So whose my target?" Hearing this conversation was making me nervous, my nerves settling in my chest. "One Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw, call sign Rooster. He currently lives on the Naval Air Station at Oceana, he's stationed there but he routinely leaves with his buddies. Plenty of opportunity to take him out."
"I will get right on it sir-" "No. I will call you with the word, just follow him for now." There was a hum. "Not usually how I work, but I will this one time. You give me the word, he'll be dead in seconds." "Good, thank you Daniel." "You're welcome." Aaron hung his head. "You bugged my phone?" Jerry chuckled. "It had been bugged for awhile, the FBI has a case against you. Botched court cases, lying in court to get people free. That will be a separate court case though."
"So, I'll ask again. Why did you order the hit if you didn't love her? Why not just give her the divorce?" "BECAUSE SHE'S MINE GODDAMMIT! SHE'S MINE! SHE IS MEANT TO BE WITH ME!" I jumped back towards the railing behind me as he started screaming, Rooster's hand landing on my shoulder. "So you did it?" "YES! Because he doesn't deserve her! No one is better for her than me!" He's losing it, like really losing it.
"So she deserved all the things you put her through?" He nodded, his eyes turning to me. "Yes! She cheated on me, she doesn't deserve happiness!" Jerry smirked. "Thank you for your confession. I rest my case." Jerry said coming over and sitting next to me again. Aaron looked around wide eyed, shocked. "Tha-that wasn't a confession." The judge raised a brow. "He asked if you did it and you said yes." Jerry shook his head. "No I didn't." I rolled my eyes, he can't gaslight his way out of this one. "Yes, it was. I am going to dismiss us for the day. We'll pick back up tomorrow."
I walked out, Rooster's hand in mine. "Hey, Phoenix?" She turned to me from her spot next to Hangman. "Do you um, wanna hang out for awhile?" She nodded, smiling at me. "Of course, but can you and Rooster stand to be separated for awhile?" I nodded, smiling at her when I was suddenly grabbed. "Phoenix, I don't share." She smirked at him. "Good thing I had her first then." She said as we walked outside to the cars, people still screaming love and hate towards me. "Yeah but I kissed her first." He said as we got in the car after Phoenix and Hangman. "Mm, actually..." Rooster's face fell and Hangman's lifted. "What? You two have kissed?" Phoenix nodded.
"On multiple occasions." He raised his brows. "I want to hear about this." I shook my head. "Phoenix can tell you later, I don't think my boyfriend appreciates it." I said as I ran my hand through his hair, brushing it back. The edges of his mouth twitched and I giggled. "Come on, Roo. You can't be mad at me." He refused to look at me. He was adorable when he pouted, and I hope our kids are that adorable.
When we got up to our floor, I went with Rooster to change clothes before going to Phoenix's room. Rooster was still pouting and I smirked, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. "Roo, you can't be mad at me." He shook his head. "Does it really bother you that I've kissed Phoenix?" He shook his head again. "No." I smiled, one hand drifting around to his chest, rubbing gently. "Then what's got you so worked up?" He pulled away to sit on the couch, holding out his hand to me. I took it, moving to sit in his lap, my dress riding up my thighs. "Just wanted to spend time with you is all."
I smirked shifting in his lap, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my thigh, motioning him to push my dress up. He did so till it was resting above my hips. The skirt being too tight for me to straddle him. "I got a way to make it a little easier." He raised a brow. "Oh, you do?" I nodded. "Take me. In whatever position you want." His eye brows raised. "Any position?" I nodded, biting my lip as his hands drifted over my sides, up to my ribs. His thumbs grazing just under my breasts. "Let's get this off you." He said pushing my dress over my head, laying it on the couch next to us.
"There is one position I've been wanting to try with you." He said, reaching his hand up and running his knuckles down my cheek. "What is it?" I asked eagerly. I ran my hands up his chest, undoing his tie and pulling it off his collar. He smirked before slamming me onto the couch, flipping me so I was facing the window. "Fuck, I love when you toss me around." He smirked landing a smack to my ass. "Then you're gonna love this. Stay like this for me?" I nodded as he leaned over me. "Good girl." He whispered in my ear before standing and undressing himself.
He was standing right in front of me, the urge to reach up and stroke him through his boxers was overwhelming. His cock sprang free as he removed his boxers, leaving them in the floor. I looked up to him, seeing his eyes on me. He smiled at me before stroking himself a few times, I moaned at the sight. I reached between my legs, my core already dripping just at the sight of his cock. "Needy little girl, hm?" I nodded, biting my lip as my fingers grazed across my clit. "Open." I smiled at him, opening my mouth.
He smiled at me, leaning down, his tip pushing past my lips. "Such a good girl for me, all that throat training paid off." He slipped farther into my throat making me moan around him. He moaned as he bottomed out, my tongue caressing the underside of his cock. "I could stay in your mouth pretty girl, but I think I'd rather be buried in that sweet pussy of yours right now." He pulled out, leaning down to kiss me. "Mm, taste like me. Just like I like it." I smiled as he slid in behind me, wrapping his arm under my right knee, lifting it up until that hand groped my breast.
I moaned, realizing what he was about to do. "Like this pretty girl?" I nodded rapidly. "Please, Bradley. Please." He leaned over, kissing my head. "I'll take care of you, pretty girl. Don't I always take care of you?" I nodded. "Yeah." It was a whine, I felt so needy, so desperate for him. He reached down, lining himself up with my entrance before gently pushing in. I hissed at the sensation, the stretch just as delicious as it was every time. "That's it, pretty girl. Take all of me. Good girl." My brain went fuzzy as he started thrusting into me. "Fuck, Bradley. Right there." I moaned as his thrusts sped up. His free hand grabbed my chin, tilting it towards the window.
"Look at us, pretty girl. Oh, you look so beautiful when you're stuffed full of my cock." His words spurred me on, my wet pussy clenching around him. "Anyone in any of these other buildings could easily see us you know, see my fucking my girl. If only they could hear you like I do, hear you crying my name." I moaned out, my head tilting back as he kissed it. They sound of skin slapping and our moans filled the room, something about hearing him and watching him fuck me turned me on so much. "I can feel you squeezing me. Are you gonna come on my cock?" I nodded, my response a babbling mess. "Yes, Bradley. Yes, I wanna come on your cock. So close, please, please." He groaned when he heard me beg, his hand coming up to grip my throat.
"Come on, pretty girl. Come on my cock and I'll fill you up." I moaned loudly at his words. "That's it, come for me." My orgasm hit, my head thrown back against his. "Oh yes, fuck, Mags. Gonna pump you full of me. I want my cum to be dripping down your thighs when you leave here." He said before his release hit, filling my womb with him. He stayed buried inside me, both of us coming down from our highs. "You are an amazing woman. I love you, so much." He said leaning up to kiss my temple.
We stayed like that for a few more minutes before I finally got up, much to Rooster's dismay. "Do you have to leave me?" He whined and I laughed, pulling on one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. "I asked Phoenix to hang out, it'd be pretty rude if I didn't show up." He rolled his eyes. "She'll be okay." I chuckled, leaning over the back of the couch to kiss him when he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. "No. No!" I laughed out, pulling away from him. "So damn needy." He scoffed as I reached for the door. I smirked, realizing he was still butt ass naked on the couch. I swung the door open, gasping. "MOM!" I heard a thud and realized he fell off the couch, making me laugh. "DON'T COME OVER HERE!" I laughed at his reaction. "I'm kidding!" He groaned, his head peeking over the couch. "I love you!" I yelled as I dodged the pillow that was thrown at me.
I stepped out, rushing down the hall to Phoenix's room. I knocked and I heard some rustling before the door opened. "Hi!" She said with a wide smile, waving me in. I stepped in as she beelined for the couch and I closed the door. "Miss ma'am." I said turning towards her with a smirk. Her eyes widened and she held out her hands. "It's not what you think!" "Not what I think?! You pinned Hangman to the door and almost suffocated him with that kiss the other day! Plus you've been glued to him since we got here!" She shook her head. "It's just friends with benefits." I narrowed my eyes at her. "Well you two are the most affectionate friends with benefits I've ever seen." I said as I plopped down next to her on the couch, tucking my feet under her.
"Is it any good?" I asked and her eyes widened at me. "You've seen the man! I may be taken but even I'm not blind to how attractive he is!" She laughed. "It-" Her face burned red as she brushed some hair from her face. "It's the best sex I've had." I squealed at her words. "Really?" She nodded, giggling. "Really, it surprised me at first. I thought he was just all talk and one night I told him to show me and holy shit. He did." I laughed at her words. "He really took me by surprise."
"I mean, I'm surprised and yet I'm not." She furrowed her brows. "I mean you two look great together. It just-it makes sense." She chuckled. "I'm not marrying the guy." I flashed her a smile. "Never say never." I said getting up and going to her fridge for a water. "I'm not!" She said turning to me. "Okay, what about you and Rooster?" I smiled at her. "What about me and Rooster?" I twisted the lid off the bottle, smirking at her. "How's your guys' sex life?" I couldn't help but giggle. "Very, very healthy." Her mouth hung open. "You two had sex right before you came over here!" I nodded as I sat next to her again.
"We did." She smirked at me. "And?" I giggled. "It's always great, never a dull moment." I said as I sipped on my water. "What's the most interesting thing you two do?" I raised my brows. Phoenix and I have always been open with each otherwise but this surprised me. "I don't know if Rooster would appreciate me telling anyone what we do in the bedroom." She nodded and we sat quietly for a minute. "I won't tell anyone." I gave her a doubtful look. "You can't keep my secrets. I know at least two occasions you spilled them." She grinned at me. "But I spilled to Rooster!" I shook my head, wide eyed. "Exactly! I don't need you running back to him saying you know what his dick looks like!"
Her jaw dropped in surprise. "You two have picture?!" My face fell, realizing what I said. "Yes." She laughed. "Are they mostly of you or him?" I shrugged. "We have a few Polaroids. He has multiple of me, I have plenty of him and we both have a few with both of us in it." She raised a brow. "I may have to use that idea." I nodded. "I have a few of me I can show you." She nodded as I whipped out my phone, showing her the few I took when Rooster went to work, that first day I was on leave. Leaving out the one with my fingers inside me. "Holy shit, Magnolia you're hot!" I chuckled at her excitement.
"Thanks, took a long time for me to feel that way." She smiled at me. "Got any suggestions for posing?" I nodded. "Got a full length mirror?" She nodded. "In the bedroom." She said motioning me to follow her. We spent the next few hours going over some poses and even learning a few new ones. "See I always feel sexy in lingerie but I'm tired of only having black." I chuckled. "Hangman's favorite color is navy if you ever want to try something different." She nodded before turning to me. "How do you know that?" I smirked. "When Jameson and Laura got married they were picking colors for the wedding, they couldn't chose so Hangman said navy. Laura yelled at him saying 'We're not using your favorite color in my wedding!' He pouted like a puppy for an hour after she yelled at him." Phoenix laughed. "Oh! You know what we should do when we get back?" I raised a brow at her. "What?" 
"A boudoir shoot!" I face flushed and I pursed my lips. "I don't know." She raised a brow at me. "You can take pictures like this-oh my god!" She scrolled too far, seeing the first nude photo I sent Rooster. I snatched my phone from her my face red. "Oh my god! You can take pictures like that but not let someone take pictures of you in a body suit and stockings?" I held my phone to my chest, trying to calm her down. "It's just-Rooster thinks I'm gorgeous and these were meant for him. Showing you was no problem because you don't judge me. But to dress in lingerie in front of a stranger and let them take pictures of me? It's just not something I'm comfortable with." She gave me a small smile, scooting closer to me on the floor. "I know, you still see yourself as that little girl with insecurities. But wouldn't that little girl be proud of who you are now? You're one of the best aviators the navy has ever seen, you've survived some very dangerous missions, you have been through hell and back, you have an amazing man who supports you in everything you do." 
I pursed my lips. Sixteen year old me wasn't happy in her own skin, she felt out of place wherever she went. She never felt strong, or brave. She also never believed she'd find someone to love her, she figured going into the navy, there would never be time for a relationship, but boy did she want one. I realized I had tears welling in my eyes, and I wiped them away. "Yeah, I guess she would be proud." Phoenix smiled at me. "You've achieved so much in just twenty-nine years, Magnolia. You should be proud of yourself." I nodded. "Sometimes I wonder where I'd be without you, Phoenix." She gave a low whistle. "Stranded on the side of the road somewhere, forgetting you have a cell phone." I laughed loudly, knowing she was probably right. "I keep you on track, we all know your brain wanders." I nodded, brows raised. "You're right. Thank you, Phoenix." 
Today would be the day that we would be going over Melissa's murder. I stood with everyone as Jerry went over everything. "They do have DNA evidence on him and he's cracking. He tried to kill himself in jail last night." My breath caught in my throat. He really tried to kill himself, something I never saw Aaron doing. "He seems a little unhinged this morning. We think it'll be fairly easy to get him to confess with all the evidence we have." We nodded and I followed Jerry into the room, taking my seat again. It was a solemn feeling today, especially when they brought Aaron in, he had gauze around his wrists and I wanted to vomit. He couldn't even accept what he did so he decided to opt out of it. 
We rose for the judge and even he seemed different today. "Today we discuss the murder of Melissa Montgomery. Mr. Wilder, how do you plead?" Aaron stood, a dead look in his eyes. "Not guilty, your honor." He nodded and Jerry turned to me. "He just signed his life away." He whispered and I sighed turning back to the judge. "Mr. Bowers, you may proceed." Aaron's lawyer nodded, standing and making his way to the front. "How can we trust what this woman says?" I raised and brow and Jerry scoffed leaning back in his chair. "She had to have this trial moved out of state just to get her way. She will go through any lengths to make sure my client goes to prison. She yanked the wheel and caused their car accident, she was jealous of Melissa taking her husbands attention, so she killed her and buried her under the azalea's in their backyard." 
"I'm sorry, is your only defense blaming Miss Motley?" Aaron's eyes widened as well as his lawyers. "Unacceptable. Sit down. Mr. Polinski make your case." Jerry bit back his smirk before standing. "My client wanted away from her husband. She told Melissa she could be with him if she so wished, but also informed her that her husband refused to divorce her. She went home after the altercation between Mr. Wilder and Mr. Bradshaw, and was not seen by anyone except Mr. Wilder after that." He pulled out a few papers and clicked the remote. "Exhibit A, Mr. Wilder leaving his house and walking over to Miss Montgomery's. You can even see him walk right through her front door." The video showed exactly that. You could tell no one opened the door and that he turned the handle and walked in himself. "Our next set of evidence is another video from the back yard. Here you can see Mr. Wilder carrying a dead Melissa over his shoulder and into his back yard." 
I felt sick, and had to turn my head away. Not able to watch him carry her. "Not shown is Mr. Wilder cutting up her body." Thank god. "Our next piece of evidence are her autopsy and the DNA reports. The reports show Miss Montgomery's blood on the knife and hatchet that were used, as well as Mr. Wilders prints on the handles, these objects were buried with Miss Montgomery's bodies. Now, her autopsy. She died of strangulation, which was proven by the fingerprints matching Mr. Wilder's and the bruises on her neck." They put a picture of her bruises up, which I refused to look at. "As well as semen matching Mr. Wilder's DNA on her body." The room fell silent as he finished. "That's... pretty damning evidence." Judge Durham spoke up. 
I zoned out as they spoke. There was no way he could get out of this, right? If he did, what did that mean for me? For Rooster? "The jury may now deliberate." The jury stood, walking into a room. "We will take a recess." We all stood walking out into the lobby, my hand clutching Rooster's like it was my lifeline. "Hey, we're gonna be okay." He said leaning over and kissing my forehead. "I know." He smiled at me, pulling me into his chest. "You have fun with Phoenix last night?" I nodded. "You were gone awhile, almost missed you crawling into bed." He said smirking at me. "We were just talking." I said. "About what?" He asked, poking my side. "Girl stuff." He huffed, rolling his eyes. "Come on, not the 'girl stuff' you're killing me." I smirked at him. 
"She suggested I do a boudoir shoot." He quirked a brow, looking adorable as ever. I pulled out my phone, googling photos and turning to show him. His eyes grew wide, and he looked to the phone, then to me and back to the phone. "Yes. Yes. Yes, please. Honey." I laughed as he grabbed my sides, pulling me close. He was staring into my eyes, a glimmer of excitement in them. "You think I should?" He nodded. "I think you should do what your happy and comfortable with, but if you want to do this i'm definitely not stopping you!" He said leaning down and placing a kiss to my lips. "Okay. Okay, I will try to find a photographer when we get back." He smiled and kissed me sweetly. "You two talk about anything else?" My face flared with heat, remembering she saw the pictures of me. 
"She saw a few of the pictures I took. The ones I sent you that first day I was on leave." I watched as his pupils grew at the memory. "Which ones?" I bit my lip. "All of them. I only showed her the ones in my underwear but then she scrolled and saw the one of me naked." His hands shifted so they were resting on the side of my ribs, squeezing slightly. "And?" I chuckled. "She told me I was sexy and asked me to sleep with her." He glared at me. "Not funny, you know she's bi." I nodded, brushing a curl out of his face. "It caught her off guard and she looked away. We've seen each other naked before, hell we bunked together but she definitely turned away." His face softened. "Where you really jealous of Phoenix?" His neck turned red and I giggled. "She's attractive and she's sweet but I'm not into girls." 
"I wasn't really jealous of her, just a little possessive is all. Those pictures were only meant to be for me." I nodded. "She wasn't supposed to see the one of me naked. It was an accident." He chuckled. "She at least tell you that you looked good?" I nodded. "She did." He kissed my forehead. "Good." We went quiet after that, my nerves settling back into my stomach to the point I started pacing, pulling on my thumbs. "Hey, pretty girl. Come here." Rooster called from his spot with Maverick, Jameson, Coyote, Bob and my dad. I walked over and he held out his hands for mine. I slid my hands across his palms and he held mine tightly. "Got to stop pulling on those thumbs, you'll pull one out of socket one day." He said as his thumbs brushed over my knuckles repeatedly. "I'm just nervous." He nodded, kissing one of my hands. "I know, but whatever the verdict is, we'll be okay. I'm not going anywhere and neither are you." I smiled at him as a few tears welled in my eyes. 
"Thank you, Rooster." I said leaning down to kiss him, one hand resting on the side of his face. "Anything for you, pretty girl." Someone cleared their throat and we turned and saw my dad and everyone else watching us. My face burned in embarrassment, but Rooster chuckled. Standing as one arm went around my waist, the other resting on my neck to pull me forward so he could kiss my forehead again. I stayed in his arms for awhile, his cologne soothing my nerves as he kept his lips pressed to my hair. "Okay, they're ready for us." Jerry said coming over. I nodded, squeezing Rooster's hand as we walked in. I only let him go when we got to the gate, him slipping into his seat behind me and I sat in my chair next to Jerry. 
"Has the jury reached a verdict?" A man nodded, standing and handing the bailiff a sheet of paper. Judge Durham looked concerned, rubbing his forehead before sighing and sitting back in his seat. My heart thudded in my chest at his reaction. "Will the defendant please rise?" Aaron stood a bailiff keeping a grip on his upper arm. "Aaron wilder you have been found guilty of the following. Domestic violence: physical, emotional, economical, psychological, and sexual." I inhaled deeply as Jerry moved to place a hand on my back. "Two counts of attempted murder. Vehicular feticide. Murder for hire. Murder in the first degree." I held my breath, waiting for the sentencing, and reached my hand behind me for Rooster's who grabbed it tightly. "Aaron Wilder, I hereby sentence you to life in prison without the chance of parole." I heard the gavel slam but i couldn't move.
This was it, it's over. It felt like the heaviest of weights had been lifted from my shoulders, making me feel light and airy. I didn't realize I was sobbing until I felt hands on me. "Mags!" "Caila!" I snapped out of it hearing Rooster and Jerry's voices. "Magnolia!" Hearing his voice again, I stood quickly, my chair toppling behind me and turned my arms going around his shoulders and squeezing him. "I told you it'd be okay, pretty girl." He said as I pulled back some, and he brushed some hair from my face. I nodded giving him a teary smile, "You did. You're always right." He chuckled. "Can I get that in writing?" I laughed at his joke, my face soaked in my tears. "Only if you kiss me." He flashed me a smile. "Whatever you want, pretty girl." He pressed his lips to mine, molding them together like puzzle pieces. His arms held my waist tightly as one of mine went into his hair. After a moment we separated and he rested his forehead on mine. "I love you, and I'm so fucking proud of everything you did here." I choked on a sob, looking at our now intertwined hands. "You mean it?" He nodded. "I mean it, just as much as I do when I tell you that I love you." I smiled and kissed him one more time. 
"Can we get in on the love?" Payback joked and we nodded. I came around as Jameson pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, C." I smiled at him. "Thanks." After a few minutes of hugs and talking Judge Durham walked over. "Your honor." He nodded at me. "Call me Tood. I just wanted to say congratulations and I'm glad I got to play a positive part in this." He said extending his hand and I took it, giving it a firm shake. "Thank you, Todd." He smiled and nodded before walking over to Jerry. I tucked myself under Rooster's arm, wrapping my arms around his middle. "So, does this mean we get to go home?" I nodded. "I don't know about y'all but I think we're gonna catch a flight tonight." I said and Rooster raised a brow. "We are?" I nodded. "If that's okay with you. I just wanna get home." He nodded and kissed my head. "Whatever you want, honey. Besides, isn't your lease up next month?" I nodded. "Then maybe we should get your stuff moved." I smirked at him. "You know, you never asked me to move in with you." He chuckled, grabbing my hand and bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. "Magnolia, will you move in with me?"
I rolled my eyes and grinned at him. "Of course." He kissed me gently as Jerry came over. "The FBI is outside giving a statement right now, letting the public know of the charges. After that you guys are free to do whatever you like, but I still wouldn't go anywhere without security." We nodded. "Jerry, seriously. I couldn't be more grateful for what you've done for us." He smiled at me. "It was a pleasure working with you, Magnolia." I laughed as he used his call sign. He wasn't used to it so he made a face as it rolled off his lips. We waited till an agent came and told us we were free to go and we all rushed to the cars, ready to leave. "There's an eight p.m. red eye. We'd get home at one a.m." I said as I scrolled through flights. "How much is it?" I waved him off, "Don't worry about it." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Mags." I shook my head. "Let's just get home please." He huffed and nodded. 
When we got to our room we packed our things, ready to leave with everyone else. I picked up the pregnancy tests, looking at them with a frown. Tears welled in my eyes and I rushed to the garbage in the kitchen, opening the can. "Woah!" Rooster said taking them from me. "What are you doing?" He asked brushing a hand through my hair. "I'm throwing them away." He pursed his lips, looking at them. "Do you-you mind if I keep one?" I furrowed his brows. "Of course, but why?" He sighed, shrugging. "It was our first one, even though it's negative. It's our first." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "Of course, Roo. You keep whatever you want." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. "We have a few hours before our flight, and I know of a way to kill time." I raised a brow at him. "Oh do you?" He nodded, wrapping his arms around my thighs and lifting me up. "Yep. It involves you, me and a king size bed with a city view." I raised my brows. "Then take me to bed, cowboy." I said smirking at him as he laughed, rushing me into the bedroom and tossing me onto the bed.
It was seven and we were all at the airport, about to separate to go to our gates. Laura and J are heading back to Texas, mama and daddy are going back to Buckhead, and the rest of us are going to Miramar. "Give JJ love for me?" I asked as I pulled away from hugging Laura. "Of course, we'll see you at Thanksgiving and you can snuggle with him all you want." I nodded, smiling at her. "I can't wait." Her eyes shifted, looking past me. I turned to find my dad walking over and I turned back and headed for Rooster who had our bags and was talking to Mav. "Come on." I said grabbing my bag from him, but he held on. "I think your dad wants to talk to you." I shook my head and he grabbed my forearm. "Mags, you know as well as I do this could easily be the last time you see him." "Caila." I turned and sighed. "Can we have a minute, Bradley?" He nodded, taking my bag and kissing my temple before walking away. 
"He's so good to you." I nodded, looking him in the face. "What do you want?" He huffed, looking down at his boots. "To apologize. What I did was wrong, and you have every reason to be mad at me." I pursed my lips, nodding. "I am mad. But I also don't feel like I can trust you." His face fell. "My entire life you have stressed that our relationship as father and daughter was built on trust. Now that that's broken, I don't know what to do. I feel so damn lost and confused because I don't know if I can come to you." Tears streamed down my face at my own words. "You told me that you had nothing to do with me losing my wings and as much as I want to believe you, I can't. I can't fucking bring myself to because what if it's a lie? Then what do I do? I have leaned on you my entire life, daddy. Do you know how it feels to suddenly not trust a parent?" He pursed his lips as tears fell from his eyes, the same color eyes I have. 
"It's not like you took my car, or grounded me for sneaking out. You stripped me of the responsibility to do my job. If I wasn't meant to come home then that's how it was supposed to be, but instead Rooster and Mav got put in harms way. You raised me to do what I wanted, and to do it with meaning. You stripped that from me and I don't know if I can ever forgive you." He nodded, lifting his stetson slightly to wipe his eyes. "I still love you, daddy. But it's going to be a long time before I'm no longer mad and can finally trust you again. You're going to have to work for it." He nodded pulling me into a hug. "I know, and I will. I love you, sweetie." I held him for a moment, his frame swallowing me whole. "I love you too, daddy." I said before turning and making my way towards Rooster and everyone else. "You okay?" He asked, wiping a tear from my cheek. "I will be." He nodded before kissing my temple and taking my hand in his free one. "Let's go home, pretty girl." I nodded, letting him lead me to our gate.
@mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
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obsob · 2 years
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i never post my jus black n white of these so. here is the pencils for a lament for icarus redraw!! im excited to colour this. nothing gets me going like a warm colour palette 
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sunmoonandeddie · 3 years
and he kissed me right here
pairing: modern!bucky barnes x reader
word count: 6,100
summary: I've always been sure that all I ever wanted was a glamorous life.
warnings: Cuss words, mentions of the Afghanistan war (Bucky is a veteran), angst, happy ending, cheesy romantic confessions, age gap
a/n:  This is based on the song 'Stars and the Moon' from Songs for a New World! It's the first one shot in my musical series! This is written in first perspective, but there is no physical description or use of a name in this!
I sighed as I tossed a few more dirty plates into the dish window, wiping my brow. After a shitty dinner rush and an even shittier rush around two in the morning consisting only of drunk ass college kids looking for some sort of carb to suck up all the alcohol in their systems, I was ready to go the fuck home.
“Sweetheart, you head on home now,” the head chef insisted as he watched my head nod slightly as I tried my best to fight off sleep. “Ain’t nobody comin’ in before Melissa gets here. No point in you staying on your feet any longer.”
Louis was a godsend. At sixty-seven years old, you’d think he would rather be anywhere but a diner at almost four in the morning.
“Nah,” he had said when I’d asked him a few months after I’d first started. “My Ginny died a few years back, and since she’s been gone, I don’t really have the stomach to sit around that house all alone.” He had laughed, but there’d been a deep sorrow that had come over his deep brown eyes. “Kids are worried, but… Sleeping the day away is better than laying up at night staring at her side of the bed…”
“You sure, Lou?” I asked even as I headed for the back room where all the employees clocked in and kept their possessions in their own little cubbies. I did my checkout in view of the security camera, just like always. I didn’t want anyone to be able to say I stole anything.
Everyone who knew me knew that I wouldn’t, but I’d worked at two many places where the girls tried backstabbing each other and sabotaging everyone else to get them fired.
Though people were a lot nicer in Louisiana than any of the other places I’d lived.
Louis chuckled as he set a to-go box in the window, nodding towards it. “Mmhm. Long as Buck is getting you home safe.”
I gave him a joking eye roll as I took the to-go box gratefully, grinning at my name written in all caps with green Sharpie on top. “You know you don’t have to make me dinner every night.”
“Yes, I do,” he said, shooting me a look. “How else do I know you’re getting enough food in you, huh?” He pointed his rag at me. “Now you go ask him to get you home. Tell him I said he can clock out, and that he’s supposed to text me when he sees you safe inside. You better not say you’re gonna ask him again just to walk yourself home.” The old man shook his head as I headed for the back door, muttering to himself, “Damn girl thinks I’m gonna believe she’s feeding herself good enough when she’s risking her damn ass walking home alone.”
Despite the fact that I’d put off asking for Bucky Barnes’s service, I really did appreciate how fiercely Louis cared about me.
It had been a real long time since anyone had cared so much.
I hesitated at the back door of the diner, my hand resting against the cool metal.
What if he said no?
Granted, he most likely wouldn’t. But what if he said yes, and he secretly thought me some dumb little girl that couldn’t take care of herself?
What did I care if he thought that?
“I don’t care what he thinks of me,” I huffed as I straightened my shoulders, holding my chin a little higher.
“Stop talking to yourself and get going!”
I jumped in surprise, before shooting a glare in the direction of the kitchen. “Stop listening in on my private conversations!” I demanded before storming outside with new found vigor.
Only to freeze when Bucky looked up from where he was sitting on the curb, smoking a cigarette.
God, he was handsome.
“You okay, doll face?” He asked, his New York accent a sharp contrast to the southern drawls you were used to.
“Um… Y-Yeah,” I said faintly, glancing back at the door that I’d come in from. “Um… L-Louis wants me to ask you… Can you walk me home? Or give me a ride? I don’t… I don’t know if you drive…”
“I do drive.”
“O-Oh. Okay. Great.”
“But I don’t have my car on me.”
I peered at him curiously. “Oh. Um… I can just walk by myself. I don’t wanna… I don’t wanna be a nuisance…”
He stood up, tossing his cigarette to the ground and stomping it out. “Don’t be ridiculous, darlin.’ Come on. I’ll walk you.” He shoved his hands in his pockets as he began to head for the street. “Besides… It’s a real nice night.”
“Oh…,” I said in surprise at how ready he was to be of service. “Okay. But only if you’re sure.”
A faint smile graced his lips as he glanced at the ground, letting out a faint chuckle that rumbled deep in his chest. “I’m sure, darlin.’ But you gotta lead the way.”
I was surprised by the rapid pitter patter of my heart beat as we walked side by side down the street, the chorus of ‘Yellow Brick Road’ getting stuck in my head on a loop.
Bucky was an enigma that I found myself wondering about more often than not, but I always ended up talking myself out of going there. After all, he was an older man. A much older man. At least fifteen years older than my own twenty-two years, or something along those lines, not that he looked it. The man looked like some kind of rugged Greek god. Like Hades if Hades was born in the eighties. His dog tags clinked together under his shirt as we walked, his metal prosthetic glinting in the moon.
“So how did you end up in NOLA?”
It took me a moment to even realize that he was talking to me, my heart skipping a beat and my face going hot in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I asked.
His bright blue eyes flickered over to look me over. “How’d you end up in New Orleans?”
“I actually don’t know,” I snorted, avoiding his eyes as I kicked at a few broken up pieces of asphalt. “I just… Picked a bus ticket and ended up in one of the Carolinas. Then I picked another bus ticket and ended up in Minnesota. And then I picked another, and another, and another, and then I actually just… ended up here.” The months I’d spent alone on those Greyhounds felt both so long ago and also like it was just yesterday. “The diner was the first place someone recommended for food that’s good but cheap, and as I was eating my mountain of cheese fries, I saw the flyer that said they were hiring. So here I am now…”
“Huh,” he said, his brows furrowed. “I didn’t take you for the type of person to run off on your own… riding buses all over the country…”
Head tilting to the side, I gave him a long look. “You didn’t? What kind of type did you peg me for?”
Bucky gave me a long look, a single brow raised as though silently telling me that I jumped to conclusions. “Just that jumping from place to place can take a lot outta someone,” he said slowly, his voice low and soothing. “Hell, if you were my girl—” He broke off as his cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink, his long hair falling in his face.
I swore my heart had stopped inside of my chest, and I swallowed thickly around the lump in my throat. “Oh?”
He rushed to try to correct his wording. “I-I just mean, a lady should be comfortable. And if I had a g-girl like you, well… You’d never want for anything,” he stammered, stumbling over his words like a flustered school boy. “Hell, I… I’d give you the stars and the moon…”
I was shocked into silence, staring up at him like he was the sun itself. “Bucky…”
“No, no, don’t say anything. I… I know that was a lot,” he insisted quietly, unable to meet your eyes as he stared up at the shitty apartment building you called home. “Hell, you probably don’t want a gross old man hitting on you.” His metal hand, glinting in the low light of the street lamp, reached up to brush against my cheek for just a moment before it quickly dropped. “Just let me walk you home each night so I can make sure you’re safe, yeah?”
“Yeah,” I breathed out, unable to take my eyes off of him as he took a few steps back.
There’s a somewhat playful smirk on his lips as he watched me stumble up the steps, continuously glancing back at him. “Goodnight, baby doll.”
“Goodnight,” I said, barely audible before I finally headed inside.
Bucky kept his word. He walked me home every night, and honestly, there wasn’t a moment that I wasn’t thinking about what he had said, about if I was his girl.
What if I was his girl?
But… with that meant I’d have to give up the life I’d dreamed for myself. I wanted luxury, to never worry about bills or where I was gonna get my next meal or if I could afford to buy the nice work shoes or if I could only get the cheap ones that would fall apart in three months and then I’d just be right back where I started.
I wanted the life that celebrities lived. Hell, I wanted to go to parties on the same yachts the Kardashian-Jenners did, even if I couldn’t fucking stand them.
And with Bucky… I wouldn’t have that.
“So why’d you go on the run anyway?” Bucky asked one night as we sat on the curb, eating ice cream in the Louisiana heat. “I know you told me how you got here, but you’ve never told me why.”
“You’ve never told me how you ended up here or why either,” I shot back, nudging his shoulder with my own.
Somehow the age difference seemed non-existent as we sat there. Honestly, I felt like we were just a bunch of dumb teenagers, shooting the shit and enjoying each other’s company.
Bucky took in a deep breath, his shoulders sinking in a way that made it look like he had all the weight of the world on his shoulders. “I was over in Afghanistan for a long time,” he admitted quietly. “When the war first started, I was 19. I had no idea where my life was going and I had no options except my dad’s mechanic shop. So I enlisted with my best friend, Steve. The one I told you about.”
It’s completely silent except for the sound of an occasional car horn off in the distance.
“Neither one of us knew what we were doing. We realized very quickly that we had no reason being over there, but… but there was nothing else,” he said, swallowing around the lump in his throat. The ice cream he was holding was melting in his trembling hands. “I didn’t know how to do anything else, so I stayed. Steve moved up in the ranks, but I stayed pretty low… I didn’t mind. Kinda liked being the older guy all those young kids could talk to, could rely on… Because they were just like me, getting into a fight that wasn’t theirs because they had nothing else.”
My heart was shattering inside my chest as I scooted a little closer, my knee knocking against his as I tried to give him some sort of silent comfort. He’d been through Hell and made it through.
Bucky let his head rest against mine, his eyes closing as he breathed in the scent of my perfume. “They eventually moved me to some kind of specialized team… Called us the Howling Commandos. I found out that Steve was heading it and he picked me to be part of it. That’s how I met Sam, because he was on some sort of similar team with the Air Force, except it was just him and his friend, Riley,” he continued, taking a bite of his chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. “I am proud to say that I didn’t kill a single person while I was over there. I just couldn’t. Hell, they’re people just like me, terrified and unsure of what’s going to happen.” His lips pressed against my forehead, letting it linger. “But then about five years ago, I was on a mission with the Commandos, Sam, and Riley, and… this bomb went off while we were playing a game of soccer. I wasn’t even in a fight. That thing took my arm and it took Riley.”
Tentatively, I let my fingers find his, holding his hand and squeezing reassuringly.
“Sam decided to come home with me.” There was a forlorn look in his eyes, as though he was right back at that game of pick-up soccer. “After losing Riley… he couldn’t find a reason to be over there. And then Steve decided to stay, and hell, he’s still over there, leading that fucking team…” Glassy baby blue eyes finally found mine, the both of us doing our best to not cry. “I couldn’t face my family for a long time, so Sam asked me to come stay in Louisiana with him and his family, and I haven’t left since.”
“Have you gone to see your family?” I asked slowly, almost like I was scared I’d frighten him if I spoke too loudly, like a wild animal. “Let them know where you are? That you’re safe?”
He turned to look at me, his baby blues shining. “You worried about me, baby doll?”
“I can’t help it,” I said honestly, unable to tear my eyes away. I hadn’t opened up to someone like that in so damn long. “I can’t help but worry about you.”
The way that I felt about Bucky absolutely terrified me, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. It snuck up on me, like a train coming around a bend.
I hated it.
“What do you want out of this life?” Bucky asked on one walk home, his arm linked in mine. He’d become so much more… tactile. If anyone took a moment to look at us, they’d think we were a couple on a romantic stroll.
Perhaps we were.
But I couldn’t help but grin as I looked up at the sky, taking in the warm air. “I wanna live like how the movie stars do… I want a big house on the beach and twenty cars and a yacht and… and…”
He looked at me long and hard. “And you never wanna have to worry about where your next meal is coming from, if you’re gonna have a place to sleep at night…”
For some reason, I’d felt a bolt of panic over whether or not he’d understand. Whether or not he’d think differently of me, but I should’ve known that he wouldn’t. Hell, he knew me better than anyone else.
“You understand,” I said quietly, my hand squeezing his bicep gratefully. “I want to live how the other half lives for once. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”
A small smile graced his features as we shuffled along. “There isn’t. But… What about love?” He asked.
Could I even have love? Did I want it?
“I don’t know if there’s a lot of room for love in my plans,” I admitted after a long moment. “In my experience, love has always just been a lie. A word used to manipulate and eventually abuse.”
Letting out a snort, he let his fingers tickle down my tricep until his fingers intertwined with mine. “I’d show you it’s not… I’d show you what real love is,” he said. “I’d give you every part of me, give you all my strength to help you grow into who you wanna be, even if I don’t particularly care about being famous or rich…” He brought my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “I’ll give you a love story, a life, that’s a million times better than any recycled Hollywood plot… I’ll give you the stars and the moon, if you would just let me.”
I hated the way that he made my heart beat faster, the way my breath hitched. “Jamie,” I breathed out quietly, the two of us having stopped in our tracks to just… take each other in. Live in each other’s presence for a moment. “I…”
“You want a big life… one a lot bigger than little old me,” he said simply, shrugging. His blue eyes were so honest, so loving. So warm. A warmth I hadn’t ever experienced before. “I know. But that doesn’t change that I’m in love with you. And if you ever change your mind…” Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card, pressing it into my free hand. “This is where you can find me. I figure it’s time for me to go home.”
We’d come to a stop in front of my building, and I was shocked at how tight my chest felt. My eyes watered as I stared at him long and hard. “Jamie, please… I⏤”
“Don’t say it. It’s okay,” he insisted as he cupped my cheek, letting his thumb run over my skin as though he was memorizing it. “I just want you to be happy, darling. You got that?” His lips pressed to my forehead, letting it linger. “Go get that life you’ve been dreaming of.”
I left New Orleans the next day, grabbing a bus ticket after throwing all of my belongings into my old duffel bag. It was time to move on.
But God, did it hurt.
I didn’t stop crying for weeks, fighting the urge to go right back to Louisiana and tell Bucky to take it back, to get him to beg me to stay with him.
But what kind of life would that leave me with? Working in the diner day after day? Never getting anywhere?
But you’d have James, a voice inside my head reminded me snarkily.
Then again, he most likely wasn’t even in New Orleans anymore, if what he said was true when he gave me the business card of his father’s mechanic shop. Was he really planning on going home to New York City?
A few months later, and I’d worked my way all through the southwest to Santa Fe, where I met Pietro.
My heart was pounding as I pressed in the familiar numbers, having memorized them from the business card now soft and faded from how often I held it in my hands like a lifeline. “Come on… Pick up… Pick up…”
“Barnes Tires and Motors, this is George,” a man said in a gruff voice when he finally picked up. “How can I help you?”
“H-Hi, is James there? James Barnes? Bucky?” I stammered out, hands trembling so bad that the old payphone was almost rattling.
There was a pause, and then muffled talking away from the phone.
And then I heard it being picked up. “This is Bucky,” he said.
It felt like the wind had been knocked right out of my lungs. How had I gone so long without hearing his voice?
Breathing in sharply, I tried to figure out the words to say. But my throat was dry and it was like I’d suddenly forgotten the entire English language.
That was all that it took for Bucky to realize it was me. “Baby doll? Baby doll, is that you?” He asked quietly. “I…” He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “You don’t gotta say a thing, sweetheart… But just know that if you’re in trouble or you need help or… or anything at all, you better call me…” His voice wavered, as though he was fighting tears just like I was. “God, I miss you so much, baby doll. I love you.”
I love you, too.
I hung up before I could actually say the words. “God, I’m so fucking stupid,” I whispered as I leaned back against the wall of the gas station I’d found myself at, rubbing the heels of my hands into my eyes.
My dumb ass had decided to wander from the bus station, and I’d walked over a mile away. Unless I was staying in Santa Fe for a bit, I’d need to start making my way back.
“You okay?”
In my distress, I hadn’t even heard the rumbling of the motorcycle or noticed the handsome man making his way to me. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” I said even as I wiped my nose with a pathetic sniffle.
He eyed me for a long moment, his eyes roaming over my figure. “You hungry? I know a great little place nearby. My treat.”
And well, I was never one to turn down free food.
Even if that ‘little place’ ended up being a food truck.
“You know, when you said it was a little place, I didn’t picture it having wheels,” I said teasingly, licking salsa off of my lower lip. “Though, it is the best food I’ve ever gotten from a food truck before.”
“Oh, come on. This is the best food of all time!” He laughed, shaking his head.
“I don’t know if I’d go that far,” I snorted, finishing off my flautas.
Pietro looked at me long and hard. “So, are you gonna tell me what the hell was going on to have a pretty girl like you all teary eyed?” He asked, his head tilting to the side.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Was this your plan all along?” I asked. Wiping my hands off on a napkin, I did everything I could to avoid his eyes. “Get me all fed and then question me?” But at the same time, the thought of being able to finally talk to someone about it was so appealing… After a long moment of hesitation, I finally gave in. “I fell in love with a man, and he let me go because he knew that I want a life he can’t give me,” I said. “And I was a bitch who didn’t even tell him I love him back when he said it to me.”
Pietro took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out. “Damn. You really are a stone cold bitch, aren’t you?”
“Hey!” I indignantly threw a chunk of tomato at him, glaring. “I just opened up my heart, you dickwad.”
“Dickwad?!” He said, blinking at me in shock. “No one’s ever called me a dickwad before.”
I raised a single eyebrow at him. “Maybe not to your face, but they definitely have.” He gave off the vibe of a fuckboy, of a really, really bad fuckboy.
“Well, since you’re running away from your feelings, how about you spend a week or two with me on the road?” He asked with a grin.
I couldn’t help but blink at him in shock. “What?” I let out a laugh, pulling one of my legs up to my chest. “Do you throw that line out to every girl you meet? Or am I just special?”
Pietro threw a chip at me, and I barely managed to dodge it. “No, I don’t. But… You remind me of me. Needing adventure. A life bigger than four walls and a fence.”
Instinctively, I wanted to snap back that sometimes, four walls and a fence could be an adventure, could be the biggest life there was, as Bucky’s face flashed across my mind.
But I couldn’t do that. Not when I wasn’t ready to face the truth myself.
“Come on, sweet cheeks,” he teased as his foot hooked around mine. “Just think of it. The open highway, a rhythm beneath your feet… Nights full of passion and days of adventure…” Pietro’s voice was deep and husky, as though he was trying to lure me in. “No strings… just warm summer rain soaking us to the bone before we find some cheap motel to huddle down in…”
Plastering on a smile, I stood up and brushed myself on. “Thanks, but… I’d rather be drinking champagne, and the quicker I get to LA, the sooner I will be.”
He let me go with a kiss on the cheek and his cell number pressed into my hand, with a promise to come and pick me up the second I rang.
And despite how sweet he was, how wild and funny and charismatic, there was only one man I wanted to call.
I sipped at my martini as I sat at the rooftop bar, absentmindedly watching the television that was mounted on the wall as people droned around me. I’d been in Los Angeles for a year, and I’d spent my time finding the best places to find a husband who could give me the life I dreamed of.
As much as I didn’t want to admit it, it took connections to build a career, and the best way to get a foot in the door when nepotism was so rampant was by marrying someone in the industry.
My silk dress was the most expensive thing I owned, something I’d saved up for months for, had skipped meals for. And fuck, was it worth it. I could feel the stares, the lingering gazes on the little bit of thigh that was exposed by the slit in the dress.
I’d already turned away several men, able to tell just from their expensive watches and cheap suits and shoes.
It was amazing how all the up and coming finance bros thought they fit in with the truly big dogs.
“Well, hello, gorgeous.”
I turned to see who was speaking, my heart skipping a beat when I realized who I was speaking to.
The world famous (or infamous) director, Tony Stark.
“Hello, handsome,” I said smoothly, my lashes fluttering innocently as I took a sip of my horrible drink.
I fucking hated martinis. Always had.
But ordering a martini was more sophisticated than ordering a frozen strawberry margarita.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked as he motioned to the empty bar stool right next to me, even as he was already sitting down. “Let me buy your next round.”
“I can’t think of anything better,” I said, feeling as though my dream life was already in reach.
“Tony, where are you taking me?” I laughed as I let my boyfriend lead me to the private dock at our Malibu mansion.
Well, his mansion. I just happened to also live there.
It had been a whirlwind of a year since I had met Tony, and he’d bought me that second round. He’d taken me all over the globe, anywhere my heart desired.
But I made sure to avoid New York City, though he never understood why. I would never tell him.
Not when I was so close to my dream. I could practically taste it.
“Come on, come on. I have a surprise for you,” he said, keeping his hands over my eyes. He was sure to keep me from tripping and busting my ass, thank god.
The ocean waves were so comforting as they hit the shore, a sound I’d gotten used to over the past year.
He finally brought me to a stop, quietly telling me to keep my eyes closed. “Okay,” he said finally. “Open them.”
My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the bright light of the California sun. But I was more shocked by the sight of Tony on one knee in front of me, holding out a box with a sparkling diamond ring in it. “Tony?”
The ring was the size of a fucking meteor. It was easily the biggest ring I’d ever seen.
“You know, I never thought I’d meet someone like you,” he said quietly, his dark eyes shining. But his voice was steady. “Someone who understands me, who doesn’t expect me to change into someone I’m not. You accept me as I am, and that’s why I want to give you the world.” He couldn’t help but grin as he nodded to the right. “Starting with that yacht you’ve always dreamed of.”
I hadn’t even noticed that there were two yachts at his private docks instead of just the one. The new one had SS Princess emblazoned on the side, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh… Tony…”
“So, what do you say?” He asked, bringing my attention back to him. “Will you be my wife?”
Swallowing nervously, I looked down at the business card in my hand for the millionth time, the stock paper soft from how often I’d looked at it in the past ten years.
Hell, just how often I’d looked at it in the past six should’ve made it fall apart by now. Not that I didn’t have it memorized.
I’d finally ended my marriage after being miserable for so long. I’d gotten my yacht, my fancy houses, my career, all the jewelry that I could dream of, and none of it made me happy. Tony and I… never grew. And I never dreamed. Every day was the same, and every day was torture as I realized that I didn’t have the one thing that actually mattered.
The garage in front of me was busy, music blasting and the sound of men shouting to each other as they worked.
Suddenly I felt absolutely ridiculous wearing a Chanel dress and Gucci heels, an Hermés bag on my arm.
BARNES TIRES AND MOTORS was lit up along the top of the shop in bright red letters, though the lights in the ‘r’ of ‘motors’ were out.
I felt like a fool. I had wanted the life I had so desperately that I gave up everything for it. I got the movie star life, my name on billboards and my face on magazines.
But it wasn’t ever enough.
My heels clicked against the blacktop as I slowly made my way towards the front area of the shop, bells clinging above my head to let them know someone was there.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” A man asked as he came around the corner.
He looked so much like Bucky, it punched the air straight from my lungs.
“H-Hi. I’m looking for James Barnes. Is he here?” I asked after a long moment of hesitation. There was no way that the man was Bucky, but I didn’t doubt he was related.
The man raised his brows, wiping his hands on a rag. “My son’s in the shop. I’ll take you to him.” His full head of hair was white, his thick facial hair matching. Even with all the wrinkles on his face, he was a handsome man. Holding open the door for me, he led me into the loud shop, some eighties rock song blasting over the speakers.
I couldn’t help but smile as ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’ by Scorpions came on. It was one of Bucky’s favorites back when we worked in the diner together.
“BUCK! YOU GOT A VISITOR!” The man shouted, causing several people to look our way.
My cheeks felt hot as I avoided their gaze, hoping they wouldn’t recognize me. I didn’t want to be a famous movie star anymore, a celebrity that had to beg for scraps of privacy.
My mind went numb, my heart stopping inside my chest as he stepped around a gray Ford Escape another man was working on.
He was even more handsome than he was the last time I saw him.
“Can I help y—” He broke off, his blue eyes going wide when he realized that it was me. “Hi.”
All of a sudden, everything I’d planned to say flew out of my head. All of the eloquent words I’d strung together were gone. And I just proceeded to word vomit.
“Did you know that, uh, when you marry someone you’re not in love with, you won’t… you won’t grow into it?” I asked, my voice shaking. “Um… I married a man who could give me a life I thought I always wanted, and he just… sucked.” Eyes stinging, I fought back against tears. “And I thought that all I ever wanted was the life I have now, was the life movie stars and the Kardashians lived. But… But I hate it. I hated every second I was away from you.” I let out a weak laugh, unable to stop the tears. “I wanted to turn around the second I got on the bus in New Orleans, but my stupid stubborn ass didn’t. I should have. I should’ve gotten off and just run right back to you because I… I love you, James. I always have.”
The garage had gone almost deadly quiet, and my heart sank when I realized Bucky looked almost frozen in shock.
“I know that I shouldn’t have showed up like this,” I scrambled to say. “But I… I’ve been trying to get my divorce finalized for two years and I finally did, and I kept telling myself that once it was done, I’d never hold myself back from what I really want ever again. From who I want. If… If you want me.” My face felt like it was on fire, my hands shaking. I shook my head as I took a step backwards. “What am I thinking? There’s no way you’re not married. I… I’m so so—”
Before I could finish the word ‘sorry,’ Bucky had closed the distance between us, his hands cradling my face so gently. He held me like I was made of fine crystal as he kissed me. He kissed me like his life depended on it, like I was the one source of oxygen.
And I kissed him back just as fiercely. “I love you. I love you so much,” I breathed out in between kisses, unwilling to let him go as my Hermés bag fell into the dust and oil on the concrete below.
Bucky smiled into the kiss, his arm wrapping around my waist to keep me pressed to his chest. “I love you so much, darlin.’ God, I’ve missed you…” His nose nudged against mine as we finally broke for air, both of us breathing heavily.
My knees felt like Jell-O as I held onto him. His grip was the only reason I hadn’t fallen to the ground already.
“I’m sorry I was a dumb twenty-two year old,” I said, snorting as he stole another kiss.
“No… Don’t be sorry,” he insisted, his fingers massaging my scalp as our foreheads pressed together. It was like he was scared to stop touching me, like I would disappear at any second. “You were young… You had to go out and make your own mistakes… I’ve just been waiting for the day you were ready.”
All the years apart melted away and all that remained was the two of us, two souls so intertwined that there was no way to truly separate us.
Our lips were half molded together as I said, “I’m never leaving you again. I promise I swear on everything…”
My heart almost stopped inside my chest as I heard someone clearing their throat, looking to see Bucky’s father staring at us with his arms crossed over his chest. “M-Mr. Barnes, sir…”
He gave a crooked smile that was so reminiscent of Bucky that I couldn’t help but grin back. “The Mrs. will wanna know if you’re staying for dinner.”
“Yeah,” I said as I looked up at Bucky, toying with a strand of his hair. “That sounds perfect.”
Later that night, Bucky and I laid in his bed, a mess of bare limbs as his fingers ran up and down my back soothingly. “What do you want from this life, baby girl?” He asked absentmindedly.
Humming, I traced shapes on his bare chest, sometimes pressing a kiss to where his prosthetic met his shoulder, on the tender scar tissue. “You.”
A grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, despite the already mischievous look on his face. “Really? Not even the stars and the moon?” He asked teasingly.
I knew he’d give it to me anyway, give me all that he could. But I was sure now that the only thing I wanted from this life was his love. “Not even the stars and the moon.”
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backtothestart02 · 4 years
The Girl in the Black Cadillac - 18/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: THE GOODBYE CHAPTER. I hope you enjoy it! Just two more chaps to go!
Chapter 18 -
The next morning Barry woke to the sound of Sammy whining outside his bedroom door. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted to the sight of Iris cuddled up close against him, and the last thing he wanted to do was leave the warmth of her naked body to go take his dog out.
But he didn’t want a puddle on the floor either. Sammy was potty-trained, but she could only hold it for so long.
Restraining a sigh, he untangled himself from Iris, slipped into some tossed aside sweats and opened the door to his relieved retriever running for the backyard. Scratching the back of his head carelessly, Barry followed his dog and let her out, the whole adventure taking a grand total of five minutes.
He was about to head back into his bedroom when he spotted Iris in the hallway in one of his t-shirts. It went down to her elbows and mid-thighs and made him nearly growl with possessiveness. She looked so good.
“What’s going on?” she asked, rubbing her forearms.
Her furrowed his brows, concerned.
“Just taking Sammy out for her morning bathroom break. Are you cold? You look good in my shirt.”
Iris felt heat rush into her cheeks with the way he was looking at her.
“It was the first thing I spotted. I didn’t want to get into my festival outfit just yet. I have to get it back to Linda anyways. It’s hers. So, I have to go back to your parents’ place first to get into a different outfit, so I don’t walk out of Linda’s shop naked, and-” She took a breath as amusement colored his face. “I just kinda wanted a lazy morning with you.”
His heart swelled inside his chest. That was all he wanted too.
But work…
He looked past Iris to the clock on the wall and felt some relief.
“It’s 6:30,” he told her. “We have some time before I have to go into work.”
Her heart dropped.
That’s right. Before he had to go into work. To fix her car. So she could leave.
So she could leave.
Because she had to leave.
She had to.
“I know,” he said, coming to her and holding her hands. “I can’t stop thinking about it either.” He paused a beat, then asked what he’d been wanting to since she came home with him. “You’re sure you can’t stay?”
She shook her head.
“You know I can’t, Barry. You saw my dad. He’d be furious. Even if I put my foot down, I swear…I swear he’d swing me over his shoulder and carry me back home himself.”
“But what if he didn’t,” Barry pushed. “What if your dad wasn’t an obstacle?”
“You planning on hiring a hit man, Barry?” She raised an eyebrow. “Because I’m not paying for it.”
“You know I’m not, Iris. Just…pretend for a minute with me here.” He squeezed her fingers gently. “If your dad wasn’t opposed, would you stay? Do you want to? For you.”
She sighed and dropped her hands.
“I don’t fit in, Barry. I could never be a small-town folk. Best case scenario is my dad does let me go, but he cuts me off. Then what? I don’t know how to do anything. If I don’t have my cards, I have no money. I’m broke, and my dad knows it. Who knows if I’d even be able to keep a job? I’m a tourist, not a hard worker. You think everyone here despises me now? They’d come to hate me after they see what I’m really like. I couldn’t stand that. I was born for city life. I don’t know anything else. I can’t survive without my dad’s safety net.”
Barry mulled that over.
“It would be hard,” he allowed, “but not impossible. We could get you your own place or you could stay with me. Linda likes you, and my parents undoubtedly do. You were a hit with the vendors at the festival, and honestly all Cisco needs is an apology.”
She winced. “I suppose I do owe him that. It’s not his fault the AC was broken and the route he took had a ridiculous amount of speed bumps on it. First impressions aren’t everything, as you and I know very well.”
He smiled slowly. “Look at you, coming to see the error of your ways.”
She allowed herself a soft chuckle.
“But it’s a dream, Barry. I still don’t think I’m cut out to make a living in a small town. I’ve never had to support myself, and my dad wouldn’t allow it. You know that. He’d come storming back, and who knows what he’d do to you and your family? I’m certain he wouldn’t take me peacefully.”
“Then what do we do?” he asked, looking more sorrowful by the minute.
She reached up and pulled his face down to hers so she could give him a passionate morning kiss.
“We enjoy right now, this hour, before you leave and I say my other goodbyes. That’s what we have, Barry. That’s all we have.”
Reluctantly, he nodded. “Okay.”
She pulled away slightly after a moment.
“So, are you a good cook?”
His laugh was strained but real.
“I can make you some pancakes if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I think that would be-”
“Or french toast.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but he kept going.
“Sausage, eggs, bacon, some of the best dark roast you’ll find in the county. I bet it even rivals Central City’s best.”
Her eyes lit up.
“Now you’re talking.”
He grinned.
“I’ll have all of the above,” she declared.
He laughed again.
“That’ll take a while. Don’t you want some alone time with my…undivided attention?”
She smirked. “That’s what shared showers are for, aren’t they?” Her eyes sparkled.
He felt the heat simmering in his eyes. He knew he looked hungry, and not for the food he’d just described either.
“That is definitely what shared showers are for.”
He brushed his fingers over her arms, then cradled her face in his hands as he bent down to give her a sweet kiss on the lips. Iris melted into his embrace, spreading her fingers over his chest and hoping her pussy’s renewed moisture wasn’t going to drip down her leg onto the floor.
“We could take a shower now,” he breathed into her mouth.
“We should definitely take a shower now,” she agreed.
Without warning, Barry picked Iris up in his arms and carried her bridal style down the hallway and into the bathroom, shutting the door quickly just as Sammy was about to waltz in.
After sex in the shower and the tastiest breakfast meal Iris had ever devoured, the two dressed quietly for the day and headed outside after saying goodbye to Sammy.
“That is one cute dog,” Iris commented, not for the first time.
“You can come see her whenever you like,” he said before he could stop himself. He felt the tension that rose between the two of them and wished he could undo it. “Come see me whenever you like too,” he added before he could stop himself. “If you have a car. I’m sure Cisco wouldn’t mind picking you up and bringing you back. Just gotta ask him, after you apologize for being rude, of course.” He paused. “I don’t think he’d mind at least…” He frowned.
“Barry, Barry…” She hurried to cover his mouth with her hand. “I’ll miss you too.” Tears filled her eyes, but she blinked them away before they could fall. “Now, come on.” She pulled her hand away and intertwined her fingers with his. “You have to get to work, and I have more than one stop to make before you’re done fixing my dad’s car.”
“Right. Let’s go then.”
Barry squeezed her hand gently and strolled with her over to the auto shop. He pulled her to him for a kiss, but this time they didn’t get handsy and no one whistled. The shop was quiet and keeping busy. Barry figured Felicity had filled in the boys on the situation, so he wouldn’t have to endure any unnecessary frustration today of all days.
“I’ll see you in a few hours,” Iris said.
“See you in a few.”
They released each other’s hands at the last possible moment and turned away before they got lost spending the whole day staring at each other from afar.
Iris was the first to turn away. Cisco’s shop was right across the street, and she had some apologizing to do.
She strode the short distance away and lightly knocked on the glass door that was shut to the public. It was shortly after 8a.m., so it was possible Cisco hadn’t opened yet, but before Iris could abandon this venture to say she’d tried but well it hadn’t worked out, the door opened, and there stood a cheery-looking Cisco.
Until he saw who it was, and his face fell.
“Hello, Iris,” he bristled, trying to keep up appearances and failing miserably.
“Hello, Cisco,” she said weakly.
“What can I do for you?”
She took a deep breath, then steeled herself.
“I was hoping you could forgive me.”
He blinked. “I beg your pardon?”
“I owe you an apology.”
His jaw dropped.
“From the moment I met you, I was skeptical. I had…impossible expectations, and I blamed you for not being able to meet them. Then I continued to have a poor opinion of you due to our first interaction. You were just being friendly and doing the best you could under the circumstances. I shouldn’t have judged. I’m sorry.”
Cisco shook himself, then pinched himself to make sure he’d heard right. The pain throbbing in his forearm told him he had not imagined what he’d just heard. Iris West had apologized.
“Well, I…shouldn’t have objectified you,” he said, recalling how the first words out of his mouth when he first saw her was how hot she was. “It’s very unlike me. I’m sure that didn’t help the opinion you formed.”
She forced a smile.
“Forgive and forget?”
He extended his hand for her to shake.
“It’s forgotten.”
Her smile morphed into a more genuine one, and she shook his hand.
“I’m sorry I waited so long to make amends, Cisco. Who knows? We could’ve been friends in another life.”
“Wait. Are you leaving?”
She nodded. “Today. As soon as Barry finishes fixing my car. He got the parts in yesterday but neglected to use them because he wanted us to have our date.”
“You two went on a date?”
She giggled. “Uh-huh.”
Cisco shook his head.
“That boy doesn’t tell me nuthin’.” He lifted his head to look at her again. “I thought you two hated each other!”
Iris shyly tucked some curls behind her ear.
“We…uh…we did, but um…things changed.”
“Now you’re in love?”
Her heart hammered away fiercely. She hadn’t stopped to think about just what it was that she felt for Barry. After all, they’d spent so little time together actually liking each other. Surely it took longer than that to fall for someone. Besides, she was leaving. There was no point dwelling on a future that was never to be and the feelings that led to it.
“You don’t have to answer that,” Cisco was saying now. “It’s none of my business.”
She pursed her lips.
“It’s all right, Cisco.”
“So, what are you doing now? While Barry’s fixing your car, I mean.”
“It’s actually my dad’s car,” she felt like clarifying.
“No kidding. Well that explains a lot.”
She raised her brows but pushed past it.
“To answer your question, I’m saying my goodbyes.”
Cisco’s face fell again.
“Well, isn’t that just the saddest thing… Do you need a ride anywhere?”
She laughed. “Certainly you’re not giving away another free ride to me just because I apologized.”
“Nope.” He locked up his shop. “I’m giving you a free ride because it’s your last day here, and that’s just the kind of guy I am.”
She laughed again and followed him to his cab.
“Where are we off to?” he asked, chipper as ever in the front seat of the car.
“Same as before,” she told him. “The Allens’ Bed and Breakfast.”
“The Allens’, it is.”
He tooted his horn and then drove down the block and to the other end of town. Iris knew she wouldn’t be getting through this day without a few more tears, and especially from the older couple who’d taken her in so selflessly.
She’d paid them, of course. But it felt like more than that. She felt like family to them somehow. And she would miss that a great deal.
Nora came running out of the house the second she spotted Iris step out of Cisco’s cab at the end of the driveway. She didn’t stop until her arms were wrapped around Iris, and Iris was struggling to find her footing on the gravel. She attempted to wave to Cisco her goodbye and thanks, but her arms were pinned on either side of her, so she accepted Cisco’s chuckled as he left.
Finally, Nora took a step back.
“Sorry. I’m so sorry, dear. It’s just…we were so worried about you. Weren’t we, Hen-” Nora turned around and Henry was slowly making his way out the front door. Nora faced Iris again, unwilling to wait for her husband’s arrival. “Well, we were. After your dad came here, and he was so… Well, I’m sorry to say it, Iris, but he was very rude. Especially about our Barry. And about you! The things he said… Well. I just…I could hardly believe you came from that man.”
“Oh, Nora…I’m so sorry you had to meet him. I’m afraid I’ve been very dishonest with both of you, and if I’d been more open, maybe this whole thing could’ve been avoided.”
“Nonsense. You were a stranger to us, dear. There was no cause for you to unload all your secrets.”
Iris pursed her lips.
“Maybe not, but-”
“Though I was worried sick about you last night. I didn’t know if your father had found you or where you had wound up!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. My dad did find me, and it was…well, it was quite the confrontation. I almost left. But Barry…”
Nora’s eyes gleamed hopefully.
“He saved me. I spent the night with him. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh, not at all. Henry suspected as much. I just needed confirmation.” She glanced back at her husband who was finally at her side. “Didn’t you, dear?”
“I did, indeed,” he confirmed.
“Right. Well, Barry is fixing my dad’s car right now. As soon as he’s done, I’m heading back to the city. So, I’ve come to gather my things, change clothes, and…say goodbye.”
Nora looked gutted, and Iris wished she could take it back.
“So soon?”
“Now, honey, we knew she’d have to leave eventually,” Henry soothed.
“Well, yes, but…you paid through tomorrow morning. Are you sure you can’t stay another day?”
“If my father wasn’t counting the seconds down until I arrived safe and home sound – with his car in mint condition, then maybe I would. It’s just not worth fueling his anger again though. I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right, Iris. After meeting the man, we understand.”
“Yes, of course we do,” Nora said, then reached out for her. “Come on inside, dear. I’ve just made some fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies and lemonade. You can have some, then get your things together and we’ll talk a little before you have to go.”
“You should tell us about that date.” Henry grinned, turning the conversation around.
“Oh, yes! The date!” Nora gushed. “You have to tell us all about it! What was the best part?”
“Well…” Iris cleared her throat. “I don’t know if it was the best part, but I got stuck on top of the ferris wheel by myself, and Barry literally climbed up the side of it so I wouldn’t be alone in my seat.”
“Good Heavens.” Nora’s hand flew over her heart.
“He’s quite the hero, isn’t he?” Henry said proudly.
“Yes.” Iris’ smile started to fade. “I haven’t met anyone like him.”
About an hour passed before Iris successfully left the Allens’ Bed and Breakfast. It hadn’t taken long at all for her to change clothes and pack up her things, but it was hard to let go of Henry and Nora, so she’d allowed herself to stay longer and longer, until she was reminded she had one last person to say goodbye to, and she wanted a decent amount of time with her too.
“I’ll take you into town,” Henry said, after they finished the last of the cookies and lemonade. “Then you don’t have to call Cisco back out here. I’m sure the man is busy. It’s a lot of back and forth.”
“On his dime too,” Iris said, amused.
Henry gave her an inquiring look.
“I think he likes me,” she said with an innocent shrug, and Henry laughed.
“Let’s get going then. Maybe you can drop by and say hi again.”
She laughed. “Maybe.”
Iris said her goodbyes to an emotional Nora and hugged her before jumping into the passenger side of Henry’s truck. The back was filled with bags of clothes from Linda’s and stuffed animals from the festival.
“You’re going home with quite the load, aren’t you?” Henry teased.
She shrugged. “Gotta have something to remember this place by.”
“We’ll miss you, Iris,” he said, after they’d turned the bend in the road. “And I’m certain our boy will miss you the most.”
Iris turned away towards the window.
“I’ll miss him too.”
“Iris, can I ask you something?”
“As long as it’s not if I love your son, then go ahea-” She turned to face him with a smile. It immediately dropped. “That’s what you were going to ask me, wasn’t it?”
Helplessly, he shrugged.
“Can I help it?”
“It doesn’t matter what I feel or don’t feel, Henry. I’m leaving.”
“There’s nothing any of us could do to get you to stay?” he asked quietly.
“No,” she said, before she could marvel at how desperately this loveable couple seemed to want to keep her around. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right. Just thought I’d give it a shot.”
The ride into town continued in silence. Iris felt bad, but it was the state of how things were. She couldn’t change that. No one could.
Henry pulled over to the side of the road once they reached Linda’s shop.
“I’ll park at the auto shop, so your stuff can easily be transferred over to your dad’s car. I’m sure Barry can take it from there.”
Iris hopped out and heaved her purse onto her shoulder. She reached for the bag that contained her festival outfit from the night before with her other hand.
“Thanks, Henry…for everything.”
He only smiled.
“Goodbye, Iris.”
She shut the door and waved. “Bye.”
After sucking in her tears for the hundredth time that day, Iris spun around and invited herself into the shop. There Linda stood, pretending to not have seen her, but as soon as the door shut behind Iris, her eyes lifted up, and Iris could see she’d been trying not to cry as much as she had.
“You just waltz into town for one week, and then you leave. Now who am I supposed to talk to?”
Both ladies burst into tears and hugged each other.
“It’s one week for crying out loud,” Linda repeated the sentiment. “I’m not supposed to get this attached.”
Iris nodded. “I know. Me either. I’ve never really had a friend before. I’ll miss you so much.”
“I’ll miss you! Ugh. And here things were going so well for you and Barry too. He must be miserable. I could’ve been your maid of honor at your wedding! I would’ve been so happy for you two. I would have babysat your children.”
Iris laughed, tears streaming down her cheeks that she let Linda wipe away and vice versa.
“It’s only been a week, Linda. Hardly long enough to form that kind of attachment.”
“Oh, but he’s got it bad for you, Iris. That look he had in his eyes when he took you on your date? I never saw that when he and I were together. Not once.”
“Let’s not pretend like his heart is the only one that’s breaking by my leaving,” Iris said.
“If you love him, stay.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Then explain it to me.”
Iris sighed. “I’d rather not. Can it just be you and me and reminiscing until Barry texts me that the car is fixed? I’ve played every scenario out in my head, and it just wouldn’t work, so can we focus instead on the two of us?”
Linda sighed. “If we must. Okay. Shall we go to the park?”
“Oh! First… Drumroll. Here you go!” She handed the tall bag over to her. “Nora washed it and everything.”
“You had sex in it, didn’t you?”
Iris laughed. “No, I didn’t. I promised you I wouldn’t.”
“The bra came close though, didn’t it?”
She laughed again. “It came close.”
“Well, thank you, Iris. I’ll just tuck this away…” She stuck in a cubby behind the counter. “Now we’re off. Where should we go?”
“The park, of course. I’ll tell you all about my crazy night.”
“Leave out the sex though, please. I’m not sure if my heart can take it.”
Iris laughed. “No sex, scout’s honor.”
“You were a scout?”
“Of course not. It’s just something I heard somewhere.”
Linda rolled her eyes and looped her arm through Iris’.
“Let’s go, scout. Tell me about your date.”
It was another two hours before Barry resented her to tell her the car had officially been fixed. Linda walked down with Iris to the auto shop and hugged tightly before saying their goodbyes once more. Finally, Iris walked over to Barry and the black Cadillac that stood in all its glory, its engine once more alive and the frame shining like Iris had never seen it.
“I washed it myself,” Barry said. “Figured it could be my last ‘in your face’ to your father who apparently thinks mechanics are beneath him and you.”
Iris forced a smile, then examined the contents of the car.
“I see you got everything in.” Her eyes gleamed.
“Every last stuffed animal and sparkly shirt.”
She tried to laugh, but it was strained, covered in tears that she was quickly losing control of.
“I’ve missed you today,” she said, draping her arms around his neck.
“I missed you too.” He swallowed hard. “All day, you were all I could think about.”
She sighed. “I wish I had a picture of you, of us, to remember you by. I never want to forget this week. I won’t ever, but…”
“Well, why don’t we take one now?”
“Because we’re both about to dissolve into tears, that’s why! I want us happy, I want us…in love.”
“I am in love,” he said, passion seeping into every word he uttered. “I am so-”
“No, no, no, don’t. It hurts too much.” She covered his mouth with her hand, much the way she’d done that morning. “Don’t tell me you love me.”
He choked and tucked some of her curls back.
“But I do, Iris. You’re the first woman I’ve ever loved, and I don’t know how I’m going to live without you in my arms at night, without your taste on my tongue, without your laughter in my ears, without-”
She cut him off, going up onto her tiptoes to kiss him passionately. Barry held her tightly, tears slipping past closed eyelids and dampening his cheeks and lashes.
“You’re crying,” she said, when she finally had to pull away for air. “You’re not supposed to cry.”
“How can I not? You’re leaving me. The woman I love is leaving me.”
“You’ll find someone else.”
“I won’t.”
“You will.”
“Please stay.”
“I can’t.”
“You can. You just don’t want to. You don’t want to risk rejection, but are you willing to live under your dad’s roof for the rest of your life? Living in fear? In judgment? Forever protected but never really living?”
“Barry, please don’t.”
“Stay, Iris. We’ll figure everything out together. I’ll support you if I have to. Just please stay.”
Before Iris could answer, rain started to fall from the sky. It was a slow drizzle at first, then it came down harder and harder, until they were both standing there soaking in the rain.
“I have to go,” she said, practically shouting it over the pounding of each drop of water.
He stared at her, hoping to convey something his heart was feeling with his eyes, but in a short amount of time he realized it wasn’t working. He pulled her to him and kissed her hard, his fingers in her hair and holding her body flush against his. They kissed until their clothes were beyond soaked, until thunder could be heard and lightning flashed across the sky.
Then they broke apart.
“Stay until the rain stops,” he begged. “It could be dangerous on the roads. You could-”
“I have to go, Barry,” she said, and he let her go at last.
She opened the door for herself, blasted the heat and looked at him one last time before shutting the door.
Then slowly, cautiously, but assuredly, she put the gear in drive and started forward on the old country road, away from the town and the man she’d fallen in love with.
*will be posted on AO3 and FFnet when beta’d.
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dxrksong · 4 years
Shattered Glass old mirror chapter 2!
Warnings: uhhh trauma basically and time distortion
You woke up, not immediately recognizing where you were. Slowly the memories came back to you as you got up. 
Waking up in the mirror, being found by the Jims, convincing them to take you with them, the giant dog, Wilford, Dark, the mirror……
You sighed and looked at your hand. It still hurt from yesterday. You unwrapped the bandage a little and saw that the bleeding had stopped at least. 
To unwrap it and pretend it's just a part of the collection or keep it and not potentially get an infection…….they wouldn't notice right? 
You rewrapped the bandage as someone knocked on your door
"MirrorJim! Time for breakfast!"
Oh, the Jims! You smiled, going to answer the door
"Thanks Jim! Let's go!"
The three of you started walking down the hallway
"Hey MirrorJim, is your hand ok?"
Oh of course
"Oh that? Just some battle scars! I got into a fist fight with a mirror!"
"What did the Mirror do Jim?"
"It called me names and insulted my friends. It held no honor"
"Didya win?"
"Of course! No mirror can hold it's ground against me!!!"
The Jims looked at you in awe, CameraJim going to point his camera at you
"And here we have the infamous Mirror fighter! Tell us MirrorJim, what was it like?!"
You stood up straighter, a confident smirk on your face 
"Quick and painful on both sides! But nothing i couldn't handle!" 
You laughed at the Jim's faces as all three of you walked into the kitchen and sat down. 
At the table the host, Bim, Google, and Dr.Iplier were already there. In the kitchen  Chefiplier and yet another Googleplier were working on breakfast. 
As you and the others waited, idle chatter came up.
"So how's your first night here, Y/N?"
"You know it actually went pretty well! I didn't even have a nightmare!"
"Heh, you sure? Your hand says otherwise."
"Oh, right. Speaking of which, Doc, think you can…?"
Dr.Iplier sighed as he playfully rolled his eyes, reaching out for your hand. You gave it to him and he looked over the damage.
"What happened"
CameraJim piped up
"They fought against a mirror and won!"
"A MIRROR? *sighs* well it's not the craziest thing I've seen before. Just try not to make things any worse and you'll be fine"
The Doctor rewrapped the bandage before letting you have your hand back
"Thanks doc!"
At that moment Dark walked into the room, more or less being dragged by Wilford as they sat down. You haven't spoken to dark since last night. This is bound to get awkward. 
Luckily for you food started leaving the kitchen as soon as the rest of the Iplier egos showed up. Things were relatively calm as you soon forgot the tension between you and dark, joining in on the pleasant conversation.
And then everything started spiraling downhill from there. 
You heard the sound of a car driving up to the manor as you finished your breakfast. Curious, you walked up to the window. 
Only to curse yourself internally. 
It was Mark. Like the Actor. Actor Mark! He's probably here for you! 
You're Dumb, not stupid. You know this probably isn't your body, the scratches on your hands and that memory from last night is enough proof of that. But if the others are aware that you're not them, this could be your end. 
It would be your end if Mark got to you as well. You're not about to let yourself get caught in one of those forever looping adventures of his. 
Think Y/N where's the safest place to be if you're spotted by the mad man himself or not? That would probably be with his rival….
And you're in a weird situation with said rival. 
You winced, not noticing Dark had walked over to see what you were staring at until he spoke up
"What the hell is HE doing here?" 
You nearly lept out of your skin! You sighed, trying to calm down from the mini heartattack.
"I don't know. But you're going to find out anyway aren't you?"
Dark nodded before walking off. 
Dang it you forgot their rivalry was the fighting kind. Guess you're sticking with someone else then. 
"Wonder where he's going? Y/N! Want to follow him?"
Hello replacement Damien! You turned to Wilford 
"Sure! We can be the sneakiest ninjas of all time! Jims! Wanna join us?"
"OOO! Good idea!! We gotta get our first sneaking mission all on video!!"
"Camera's already rolling MirrorJim!"
What can go wrong?
Everything. Everything could go wrong. 
First of all, this group is neither sneaky nor…..ugh dang it what's the word??? You're obvious, is what I'm trying to say! You're 1000% sure Dark has known since the second hallway that you were all following him. 
It wasn't long before Dark found Mark roaming the halls. The confrontation started off rocky and with a lot of anger on Dark's side. Mark was nothing if not cool with a touch of nervousness. 
A facade, you're sure. You watched the confrontation with growing anxiety. This could end in an all out brawl. 
And then a glint off of something caught your eye
Wilford had taken out his gun, your body freezing in place. Shit, you forgot. Mark and the Colonel didn't exactly get along well either!.......
you can't-oh no…..panic attack...like back at the mirror. Seriously. An episode?? HERE???? Worst possible place for this!! You're 15ft away from a mad man and 3 feet away from the gun that shot you! 
You were starting to panic, your anxiety and paranoia skyrocketing through the roof. And then you heard it
"Y/N? Y/N!"
"Don't you DARE-ACK!"
Mark shoved Dark away before heading over to you. Next thing you knew, you heard a gunshot and you were running down the hall. 
This is too much…..too much all too soon. You couldn't hear anything but your own breathing as you ran through twists and turns of the manor. Where where you going? Who were you trying to go to? You don't know anymore! The only people who you knew was safe were back there with that guy! 
You soon slowed to a stop, tired as all hell. You panted for breath as you stopped to look around. 
Is it…..snowing? Wait, you've seen this before. The final episode of wkm! Before the Colonel found out Abe was hired to spy on him! 
Did you do this? 
""Did you do this?" Y/N asked themselves as the host drew near, the red Google Android at his side"
"Host? Google?"
"The host figured Y/N would like a quiet place to relax and have their questions answered. Follow me"
The host continued to mumble to himself as you caught up to the two of them. You decided to ask the obvious of what's happening here
"What is this?"
"It's an area spell I assume. It slows down time to an extent that even I'm not sure of"
"How come you're not effected? Did you do this?"
The host laughed
"Afraid not. If I could do this I would've used this ability a long time ago. And to answer your first question, I can only assume it's because you consider us friendly"
"Wait me? I'm really the one doing this??"
"If you weren't then I'd question who would be."
You nodded slowly. Made sense. You all stopped at the Host's office
"The Host is going to go defuse the situation and calm down the ruffians. The Googleplier will assist you with any questions you have."
You nodded and watched the host leave before looking up to the bot, who walked inside the office. You followed behind and found a couch. You sighed, putting your face in your hands as you sat down
You felt the bot sit down nearby and you took in a breath before sitting up
"Ok Google"
You heard a beep
"Quiz me on common knowledge"
The gun had fired, Wilford standing on his two feet now. Mark had quickly dodged out of the way and went to try and hide when the Jims started screaming
Dark: "WHAT?!"
Dark immediately grabbed Mark by the neck, lifting him up in the air
Host: "Mark did not do anything."
The Host walked into the room
Wilford: "Host….I should've known"
The host nodded towards Wil
Host: "Y/N had ran away at the sound of the firing gun. They are currently at my office, being caught up with current events"
Mark wrangled himself free from Dark's grip
Mark: "that's great! I'll go keep them-"
Host: "The Host suggests you do not corner Y/N less you want to meet a very gruesome death"
The host warned. Mark gave the Host a very disbelieving and confused look as Dark and Wil raised an eyebrow
Mark: "Y/N? The harmless Y/N that couldn't harm a FLY? Are you SURE you're not losing it Host?"
The host chuckled to himself
Host: "you shall see in time. They are not the same Y/N you once knew a century ago."
The host started walking away.
Host: oh also the dog's are fighting. 
That got the ego's attention as they immediately ran outside. 
Host: "The host chuckled to himself, knowing full well Diva was no where near Chica"
You sighed. Nothing much had changed in accordance to most things in your past life. But when you asked about certain artists, you found that several important ones or even special songs were just flat out gone as if they didn't exist. 
If that wasn't bad enough you realized that that means you're the only one that knows these songs and it's up to you to not forget them. Yaayyyyyy more stress. 
You ran your hands through your hair. You suppose you'll be fine. You could be fine. You WILL be fine. You could get used to this just like everything else you've dissociated from. 
"Your body language suggests distress"
"Yeah, well. I'm under a lot of it…...can I tell you something if you promise not to tell Dark or Wil?"
The Google raised an eyebrow
You sighed again, leaning into the couch
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The Baker And Her Actor: part Vii [Needy]
Paring: Chris Evans x Black! Fem reader
Summary: You meet Chris while making a house delivery for the Evans. He can’t get you off his mind and to be honest neither can you.
Wanings: profanity and sexual content, but overall fluff
Notes: I hope you guys enjoy! If you have any request be sure to send them my way! P.s thank you so much for all the support, I’m growing so fast I’m trying to keep up and pump out as much as I can! 😭🤩 Love and appreciate you all!
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
[listen to the songs for this chapter/part!]
We get to see more of what our bby boy thinks this chapter!!
T/W: if you struggle with anxiety like me and Chris here is a hotline that actually works, it helps to talk to someone not go through it alone! :)
It had been five days since Chris had been gone for the Avengers Endgame press tour. It took a little adjusting for you to get use to his abscene, you’d never had a boyfriend who would be gone for more than nine hours for work. So it was definitely difficult for you.
Luckily Chris suggested you stay at his place with Haneli and watch dodger so you wouldn’t feel so far away from him.
You decided to call your boyfriend considering you hadn’t talked to him since yesterday afternoon mostly his fault because he hadn’t been responding.
Maybe he was just really slammed.
You pick up your phone dailing his number anxious with it ring that passes. “Hey, Goodmorning baby.” You greet through the phone
“Goodmorning.” Chris’s voice was usually hoarse in the morning but this was different almost bored and distant.
“Everything going okay, you’ve been kind of distant with me lately. Wasn’t sure if press was going okay.” You ask trying to discover what the problem dealt was.
“Yeah everything is fine, sorry I’ve just been jet lagged.” Chris explains.
It all made sense, of course he was tired and not just ignoring you for shits and giggles.
“I understand. Dodger is doing amazing you should see him with his sister.” You say switching the tone of the conversation.
“Bet he is.” Chris chuckles somberly.
“Maybe you should get more rest.” You suggests
“Yeah, I think I will. Call me tonight.” Chris speaks
“You can call me.’ You sass. “Catch up later, I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” Chris admits befor hanging up.
Truthfully Chris did really miss you. He missed your smile, your lips, your warmth and optimizium, which he could use right now.
These tours weren’t the highlight of his job as captain America. Same questions different interviews it was truly draining. He could tell you were trying but he just wasn’t in the mood and he didn’t want to take it out on you.
Chris’s Point Of View:
I walk off the set of yet another dull interview heading toward my dressing room to be picked up for my next bland interview with Jimmy Fallon.
I feel a light tap on my shoulder turning my head to face the direction the sensation had occurred from.
“So you gonna tell me why you’ve been all sour faced today?” She teases eyebrow cocked waiting for my response.
“Just tired that’s all.”
“Just tired that’s all.’ She mimics “Cut the bullshit Evans I know you and I know when somethings bothering you.”
“It’s just.’ I sigh sucking in a deep breath “I’ve been seeing this woman and she’s amazing no complaints but it’s just she’s being a little clingy right now and my anxieties getting to me bad Scarlett.” I admit forehead resting in my fingertips
Scarlett places her hand on my back rubbing it sympathetically. “How is she being clingy?” She asks
I reach into my pocket pulling out my cellphone showing her the various missed calls from you and unanswered text messages.
“So your ignoring her?” Scarlett coments.
“Not ignoring I’m just exhausted and need a break.” I confess
“A break from her, or this.” She says motioning to all the cameras and lights that stood behind us.
She was right, I need to differentiate and fast.
“ I don’t know.” Was all I could muster up to say before walking away to my car that was outside.
God don’t do anything stupid Chris.
I walk into my hotel room kicking off my shoes and striking into a white tee and my boxers. I head towards the master bedroom slipping in between the sheets before dialing your number to facetime.
“Hey babe.” You say a huge smile plastered on your face. “Look whose here.” Panning to dodger who was on the bed napping as usual.
I can’t help but let a smirk surface on my face. I loved their relationship dodger was just so comfortable he might even love you more than he did his old man.
“Hey bubba!” I say watching dodger immediately perk up and get excited.
“He misses you, so do I.” Y/n states
“I miss you too.” I respond
“Do you.” She whispers almost so low I couldn’t hear her.
“What?” I question in disbelief that you thought that.
“Nothing, I shouldn’t have said that.” You retract
“No maybe you should have if that’s how you’re feeling.” I say practically scrolling you now.
The both of you always talked about never hiding your feelings from each other, always been expressive so things didn’t blow over.
“Chris, I only say this because you’ve been distant I mean I called you how many times this week and how many times did you answer!” Y/n went on.
“I’m busy y/n what did you expect.” I reasoned
“Yeah but you have time to tweet pictures of dodger and your cast. To big time for your girlfriend though.” Y/n snarled
That’s it.
“You know what i get this is difficult for you but it’s difficult for me too! Don’t you think I miss you? Because I do, I really fucking do!’ I thundered.
“Why are you yelling at me?” Y/n quips
“Don’t try and make me bad guy. All I’m saying is I do miss you, but I don’t I just don’t need someone who’s going to be clingy and consumed in my life.” I snap, immediately regretting the words that fell from my mouth.
The phone call went silent. Almost like the two of you were processing what Chris had just said.
“You don’t need someone who cares about you, right. Well enjoy finding someone who doesn’t give a shit about the real you and only wants you because you’re Chris Fucking Evans, Goodbye!” She roars
“Y/n!” I shout but it’s too late you already hung up.
“Damn it!” I shout chucking my phone across the room.
I was boiling. I wasn’t mad at you I hated myself for alllowing my anxiety to control me and say something so stupid like that.
I really fucked up.
Y/n’s Point Of View:
You slam my phone down on the night stand, slipping deeper into the covers bundling yourself and your tears up into the comforters.
You let all the tears of anger, fustration, and confusion soak the pillows. Your head stung with every word you replayed in your head.
Chris had never shouted at you, hell he hadn’t even raised his voice at you before. So him going completely psycho not only scared you but broke you.
One thing you know was that you didn’t want to be here any more and you didn’t want to be alone.
“Can I come over?” You sniffle into the phone.
“Yeah of course.”
You leash up the dogs slipping on your shoes and grabbing your bags heading out the door.
What am I doing.
You walk up to door and you didn’t even have to knock before the door came swinging open.
Deacon standing behind it.
“Hey.” you whisper voice sore from the yelling and crying you had just participated in. “Hope you don’t mind I brought extra guest.
“No I don’t mind at all.” Deacon speaks shooting you a small smile taking your bags.
Deacon wraps a warm blanket around you, making his way back to stove removing the kettle of boiling water.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asks pouring you a cup of tea
You sigh. “I just, I don’t understand what I did wrong. I mean was I too clingy or was I being a good girlfriend?”
All though it pained Deacon to see you with him, he was glad you were happy for the most part. But this, this made his blood boil.
From the moment you hired him Deacon had always been protective of you, so he definitely wanted to punch Chris straight in the mouth right about now.
“I don’t think you were being clingy, I think if he is gonna have a wonderful girlfriend like you he should know how to balance you and work.” Deacon speaks taking a sip of the tea he’d just prepared
You nod at his statement but instantly shoot back to that day.
That day you found Chris awake at 3 in the morning. Sitting on the kitchen floor, face dull of emotion. The day you had to cradle him and help sooth him. The day he told you he suffers from anxiety.
You knew that’s what was eating him up.
“I don’t want to be to harsh, he has a lot on his plate.” You speak making an excuse for him.
“Y/n.’ Deacon says taking your hand in his. “No matter what he’s going through he shouldn’t treat anyone like that, especially you.” He places his hand on your chin lifting it upwards kissing your temple.
“Goodnight.” His voice rings
Deacon aburptly stops in his tracks turning back toward you. “Hey y/n, just make sure this is what you really want. It’s only going to get more real from here.”
You draw in a deep sigh palming yourself in the face.
Was he right?
It had been a solid fourty eight hours since you’ve spoken to Chris, mostly your fault because he’s definitely been reaching out. With every call you hit and send to voicemail, You’re just not ready.
“Everything good girl?” Kiara asks slipping next to you behind the counter.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You lie
“Okay, well I’m gonna go to the back and check on the chocolate chip cookies.” She says unconvinced that you were actually fine.
Same way you were faking to convince yourself if you are actually fine.
Nope you weren’t.
Snap out of it y/n you’ve got work.
“Next costumer—.” You stammer Chris now standing in front of you giving you those deep ocean eyes hidden underneath his infamous Boston baseball cap.
“I’ll take an original house donut with a side of conversation with my girlfriend please.” Chris speaks attempting to lighten the mood.
You walk over bagging his donut giving it a harsh squeeze before shoving it into the packaging. “Unfortunately we’re out of a side of conversation with your girlfriend.” You sass practically chucking the donut at Chris.
“Not that I was your girlfriend anymore anyways.” you mutter ringing him up.
“What?’ Don’t remember what you said to me?” You scrowl
Chris did remember in fact he thought about it every minute. He thought about what he could have said and done better, it drove his anxiety through the roof having you upset with him.
“I’m sorry.”
You scoff. “Yeah.”
“Were you upset?” Chris asks head hung low, you could tell he was really apologetic.
You sigh. “Yes, very.’ You admit “To the point were I went to the last place I thought I’d ever be.”
Chris crosses his arms unsure of what you meant and where this place was. “Where would this place be?”
“Deacons house.” You whisper ashamed to have said that.
“So we have a fight and you run to another mans house?” Chris shouts
He was right. You shouldn’t have gone over there knowing deacons feelings for you and having respect for Chris. Yet and still your pride had gotten in the way and you wouldn’t admit you were wrong, it was his fault we were in this fight anyway.
“So I ask you about your day and car about you and you shut me out?” You reply getting even louder than he previously was.
You could tell he was holding back, having restraint with his tounge.
At this point the remanding costumers in the bakery were starting to get quiet listening in on the action. Low whispers began as Chris’s cover had been blown.
“I should go, not sure why I even came.” He spat storming out.
Watching him leave sent a familiar pang to your heart almost as strong as the night of your intial fight.
Your eyes swell with tears.
I need a break.
“Kiara!” You croak
She peers out from the back with a sympathetic look on her face, you assumed she’d been listening and heard everything. “It’s okay go I’ve got this.”
You nod thanking her before running off and breaking down, again.
The plan was when Chris got back you would return dodger. That never happened because you two were both very stubborn, but it was his dog so the least you could was return dodger.
“Come on bubba, lets go see daddy.” You say leashing dodger up packing him in your car
Gosh saying that didn’t even feel right.
The drive over to Chris’s you thought about the altercation.
You thought about what you said, what he said. And if it was really that big of a fight to hold a grudge.
Maybe you were a bit to harsh on him, maybe.
You pull into his drive way. Taking dodger out of the car, he gave you a spare key but it didn’t feel right to use it considering your current situation.
You ring the doorbell. Bringing back so many memories of when the two of you first laid eyes on one another.
There he was handsome as ever. You melted whenever you looked into those eyes.
Don’t be weak.
You sigh. “I thought I would bring dodger since you haven’t swung by.” You explain avoiding eye contact
The tension was thick.
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” He speaks dryly
“Well I’ll get out of your hair.” You state turning on your heels walking toward your car.
You hear him sigh banging his fist against the door frame, stopping you in your tracks. “Y/n. I don’t want to fight.’ He breaths. “I’m sorry, I fucked up and it was never my intention to treat you like that. You don’t deserve that.”
You were stuck. You didn’t know what to say, so you didn’t.
You walk over to him cupping his face pulling him in crashing your lips onto his.
He’s a lucky man because typically you wouldn’t have done this, it usually would have ended the moment any man raised there voice above a whisper at you.
Your lips moved in a familiar sync. Chris brings you through the door frame shutting the door behind the two of you. He picks you up carrying you to the kitchen table never loosing hold of your lips.
“Sorry.” You mutter through the messy kiss
“I know.” Chris says lifting your shirt off
“Let’s not fight.” You plead hands running through his hair.
He shoots you a small smile before returning his lips to yours.
“I love you.” Chris says pushing into your slick flods.
“I know.” You moan.
He stops causing you to sigh. You knew what he wanted.
Here I go.
“I love you too dummy.” You tease
“Mmhm.” Chris hums thrusting into you.
The two of you made sweet love all night, forgiving each other through each position. Ending the night with a long shower.
How did you go from not knowing who Chris Evans was to laying in his arms?
A/n: Whewwww this took some time to right. I wanted to make sure they made up because per the man of the hour (Chris says he doesn’t like to go to bed angry with a girlfriend) and whats a better way to make up?
Looks like the two are in love, so what’s next? 😏
Let me know your thoughts?
Til next time...
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Tag List:
@toniilaney @angelicl-y @bugheadfanatic @champagnesugamama @thatoneperson5000
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jamielea81 · 5 years
A Walk in the Park
Chapter 9
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Description: When your husband dies in an accident, you try to move on with your life. When the memories of your shared home become too much even after two years, you make a drastic change and move to California. A new career, a new way of life, and an attractive new friend help you move on to find the happiness you need. *This will be a slow burn*
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader Tim OFC x Reader (Tom Welling face claim)
Warnings for this chapter:  Fluff, curse words, and Angst! I’m sorry.
Unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my own. This is purely for fun. Comments and reblogs give me life. Tags are open. Please send me an ask if you would like to be tagged.
Read Chapter 8 here
Saturday ended up being a 16-hour day. The wedding went off almost without a hitch. Just a few drunk groomsmen and an upset mother of the groom due to the drunk groomsmen. It wasn’t an uncommon thing. You always were sure to have a pot of coffee brewing, a few packets of calming tea, and mints on hand for moments like these. Luckily for your team, the bride never caught wind of the drama on the other side of the church.
In between the wedding and reception, Victoria learned all about the drama with Chris that had occurred the last couple of weeks, including your emotional blow up last night. Victoria is a wonderful listener, but not one to offer much advice. She simply told you to let him go. “You have a great new thing with Tim. You should really see where that’s going and fuck Chris.” You raised your brows at her and she promptly slapped your shoulder. “You know I don’t mean like that! But…maybe with Tim?” You then promptly slapped her.
The long day allowed you time to bond with Juliet. You had worked with her a few times, but never more than an hour or two. She spent a lot of the day trying to convince you Colleen wasn’t that bad. But for every positive point she made about Colleen, she also would add in a negative one that left you both in hysterics.
Sunday you slept in. You had tentative plans with Tim, but you were exhausted and your feet hurt. It was heels for most of the day and you were kicking yourself for not switching to flats during the reception like Victoria had. After an early morning potty break where you practically crawled to the bathroom, you sent Tim a text asking if you could meet later because you really needed sleep. He was understanding and asked you to text him when you were more awake.
Tim: Sleep well babe.
Thanks for understanding <3
It was after two in the afternoon by the time you were showered and dressed. You were also starving. You scarfed down a full can of Pringles in less than 10 minutes. You weren’t proud, but you were satisfied.
Tim had suggested a trip to the Santa Monica Pier and you happily agreed. It’s a place you had heard about but never visited before. You suggested meeting him there since it would be out of the way for him to pick you up. Tim had asked that you meet him at a building called the Hippodrome. It was easy to spot because it was rather tall with large arched windows and a dome of some sort on top. When you arrived Tim was already there, leaning against the building like a Greek God if you were being honest. He had on navy shorts, white V neck t-shirt, and sneakers.
“Hey beautiful,” he said while walking up to you pulling you into a big bear hug. “Are you feeling better?”
“Hey yourself.” Kissing his cheek softly before pulling away.  “Yeah, I was just out of it from yesterday. It was a really long day and I just needed to recover.” He intertwined your hand with his left. “So, what first?”
“Well, in this building, is a carousel that’s over 100 years old. I thought we should go for a spin,” he says, eyes and smile both bright. “Technically it’s a merry-go-round since there are other animals besides horses that you can ride.”
“Look at you with the knowledge!” You squeeze his hand and walk to the entrance.
Tim paid for the tickets and you both entered the line to wait for your turn. After a short wait you both picked your horses and had a pretend race. Even though your horses were side by side, yours was slightly more forward, but Tim joked the whole time that he was gaining on you.
After your very tiring race, you both decided you needed food. Tim grabbed a couple of hot dogs and a large portion of fries while you picked up a funnel cake with strawberries and extra whipped cream. You both met up at a picnic table for your mini feast.
“I think your eyes are bigger than your stomach. There’s no way you’re eating this,” he gestures to your hot dog and a pile of fries, “plus some of that,” pointing to the very large funnel cake.
“I think there’s a lot about me you have yet to find out.” You said while grabbing a fry and stuffing it in your mouth.
“Oh, I bet.” Tim said grabbing a handful of fries and shoving them in his mouth.
Since the sun was still warm in the sky, you both walked down to the beach, removed your shoes and walked along the shore. The water was still freezing but the late afternoon sun helped. You picked a few shells off the beach and after gently cleaning them off in the ocean water, Tim stored them in his pockets.
“I’m glad today worked out. I feel bad that I’m only really free on Sundays.” He said.
“It’s alright. We’re still just getting to know each other. I’m sure you could squeeze me in more if we continue to, I don’t know, get to know each other.” You said with a laugh. Why am I so awkward?
Tim stopped walking suddenly, almost making you trip on your own feet. He turned to you, taking both of your hands in his and stood there with intense eyes. Looking like a prince from some sort of fairytale. You on the other hand stood there, mouth agape, with your hair in your face. If he weren’t holding both of your hands you would be taming your mane. “I want to continue to get to know you Y/N. From what I know so far, I really like.”
He started to lean down to kiss you, but the he noticed your mess of hair. He released your hands and gently tucked your hair behind your ears and kissed you. Man is he smooth.
The kiss started slow and tender, but once you slipped your arms around his waist, you both let go. You parted your lips inviting him in and he eagerly accepted. Tongues clashing for dominance. Hands pulling each other as close as possible. Tim slid his hand down to your ass and squeezed. You heard a couple of cat calls and whistles causing your both to break apart laughing. Your cheeks were warm with embarrassment, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Tim. Smiling at each other like a couple of teenagers.
After a little shopping on the pier, picking up a few candles and bath bombs, Tim walked you to your car. You stood against the driver’s side door with Tim leaning against you, both of his hands gripping your arms. He licks his lips and smiles. “Any way I can convince you to come back to my place tonight?” He asks.
You heart flutters and your pulse quickens. You really want to, boy do you want to, but you aren’t there yet. You know going back to his place means more than just watching a movie or a glass a wine. Going back to his place is that next step. A more intimate step. One that you weren’t quite ready to make. You quickly tried to come up with an excuse but in the end decided the truth was the best option.
“I really, really want to.” Biting your lip, you continued. “I’m just not ready yet. Please don’t take this as a cop out, but I haven’t been in a relationship for a while, so I’m just not there.”
“Oh. No, I totally get that. Yeah. That’s, that’s fine.”
Well, now you felt like shit.
“I just really want to spend more time with you before we get that point.”
He nodded his head and leaned down to kiss you. It was soft and warm, not rushed like earlier. He pulled away and kissed your forehead, holding the kiss there for a while. “Then, well wait.” He smiled and you pulled him back down for another kiss before saying goodnight and driving home.
Monday morning brought good news. Colleen had called both Juliet and yourself into her office. She was very impressed with how you both handled the wedding on Saturday and with how well you both had worked together. As a reward, her word, not yours, you and Juliet would be solely in charge of a dinner party being held on Friday. A good portion of the business your company worked on were dinner parties or parties in general. Usually they were wealthy clients who didn’t want to work with a catering company directly, so instead hired an event coordinator to manage that for them. Everything was already planned and, in the works, you and Juliet would just be there to make sure everything went smoothly and to supervise any staff working the party.
As soon as you were dismissed, you rushed back to your desk and fired off a text to Victoria about your exciting news. Of course, she already knew and sent affirmations about what a good employee you are and how this is well deserved. There was one other person you really wanted to text, but you weren’t sure if you should. Yes, you and Chris spoke at his party, but it still felt unresolved. Why not, I’m just going to do it!
Y/N: I get to co-manage an event this week!
No immediate response was received, so you threw your phone in your handbag and carried on with your day. Not until some time later did you question why you hadn’t thought of telling Tim instead of Chris. You’d have to think on that one later.
The week carried on with a couple of late-night planning sessions with Juliet, usually at a wine bar, but it was work none the less. You never did hear back from Chris. Your optimistic side said he was busy. You’d settle for that for now.
Tim met you for coffee on Thursday. He picked the coffee house that you had your first date in. It was nice and you enjoyed seeing him sooner in the week than your usual Sunday. He would be coming by for dinner at your place on Sunday. You decided to keep it easy with pizza and beer. Tim was a wonderful cook, so you’d leave the cooking to him.
All day Friday you were on cloud nine. Juliet seemed to be in the same mood and you both floated about the office. You even went as far as grabbing lunch for everyone, even the interns. Nothing could spoil your mood.
At 4 pm, Juliet and yourself arrived at the client, Sarah Johnson’s home. Sarah was hosting a dinner for 10 friends, 12 counting herself and her husband Zack. Knowing that people often brought an extra plus one of two, you made sure the catering team with prepared for 15.
While Sarah’s home was luxurious on the inside with a rather large dinning room, the outside was even grander. Her patio was as large as most people’s living rooms. The outside had two separate seating areas with couches and chairs. The seating area to the right had a gas fire pit that was to be turned on right before guests arrived. Even though it wasn’t requested, you brought graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate bars, and skewers for s’mores. This was definitely a Hollywood dinner party, but who doesn’t enjoy s’mores as a great after-dinner treat?
The seating area to the left was pushed further down the patio to make room for a large table. The rental company was there and ready to set up when you both arrived. Juliet was stationed in the house waiting for the catering team while you stayed outside directing where the table and chairs would be placed. 
Once everything was moved into position you started to set and decorate the table. Several bunches of flowers were already waiting in water buckets to be placed in the small square vases you brought. Dried branches and clear glass beads were sprinkled on the pale pink table cloth. You set the table for 12, keeping a few extra place settings in the kitchen just in case. The flowers and fragrance-free candles were placed last. The Johnson’s large swimming pool had several water and lighting features, so you played with them until you found a setting that fit the mood. 
You checked in the with Juliet who was being kept busy with both Sarah and the caterer. Guests would be arriving any minute now so you ran to the bathroom off the kitchen to freshen up. Hearing new voices, you quickly exited the bathroom and excused yourself back outside. A few guests made their way outside with Sarah and Zack in tow. Minutes later drinks were brought outside by one of the servers and Juliet. Seeing that both Sarah and Zack were outside entertaining about half the guests, you decided to go back inside to greet the guests as they arrived and usher them outside. 
The party was on the younger side. Sarah and Zack were about your age, in their mid 30s, but the majority of their friends were in their early to mid 20s. You had counted eight guests so far including Zack and Sarah. You shot Juliet a text that two more guests had just pulled up. A young woman in her early 20s, wearing a short tight black dress started her way up the walk. You opened the door with a smile plastered on your face. “Welcome,” you greeted. 
“Thank you so much. I’m just waiting for my date, he had run back to the car.” You nodded your head and held the door. She was blonde with large sparkling blue eyes and a perfect smile. “This is a beautiful home, I just love it here.” And she’s even really friendly.
“It is a gorgeous home.” You said with a smile.
“I’m Hannah by the way.” She stuck her hand out and you gave her yours telling her your name as well. You heard some shuffling at the door and looked up to see Chris walking in. He looked at you but didn’t say anything. You didn’t say anything either, but that’s only because you were you were so surprised to see him. “There you are. I was getting worried.” She giggled. 
“Sorry about that.” He grabbed her hand and started to walk into the house further.
“H-hi Chris.” He turned his headed and nodded to you. The asshole just nodded. I am sure Hannah just thought you were a fan, you were mortified.
“Is everyone outside Y/N?” Hannah asked.
Taking a quick breath and composing yourself, you nodded and gestured with your hand. “Yes, right this way. Is there anything you would like to drink?”
“Vodka tonic for me and a beer, right honey?” She said.
“Yes, please.” He replied, looking everywhere but at you.
“Of course, I’ll have it brought out to you. Enjoy the party.”
You quickly told the bartender their order and pointed out who the drinks would be going to and excused yourself to the bathroom. You just needed a minute. Him being here was unexpected but this was your and Juliet’s chance to make an impression. Surely if tonight went well, you would be given the chance to take the lead in the future. If he wanted to play it off as if he didn’t know you, so be it.
After touching up your hair and a few calming breaths, you left the bathroom with a smile plastered on your face.
The rest of the evening went smoothly. You treated Chris as you would any guest and the evening was a success. High praise was given for the s’mores, especially after many alcoholic beverages were consumed. You and a couple of the servers did have to assist with the marshmallows after a few fell into the fire and on the ground.
Everything was cleaned up and put back in place around midnight and you were thankful. It took a lot of effort to ignore Chris ignoring you. Smiling throughout the night wasn’t all that easy, but Juliet hadn’t noticed, so you called it a success.
On your drive home you decided you were done with Chris Evans. So much for the “we’re fine, we’re friends” comment he said last weekend.
After getting home, you jumped in your shower, and then changed into a large t-shirt for bed. Grabbing your phone to plug it in, you had one missed called and three text messages. All from Chris. Clicking open the text thread you found yourself getting angry.
Chris: Could you call me when you get this?
Chris: I just want to talk to you.
Chris: Let me explain.
Turning off your phone, you placed it back on the night stand and tried to fall asleep. You had to stop in the office for a couple of hours so you wanted to be rested. Except you couldn’t. You kept thinking about Chris. His behavior the last few weeks and the person you knew him to be shortly after you had met, they weren’t the same person. Even though he acted like you were a stranger tonight, you were more upset with him at the party last weekend. While he said you were still friends, he never apologized when he knew you were hurt. And now he wants to talk? What’s that all about. Would it be mature if I texted back Fuck you? This was something you would have to think on. As it stood now, you didn’t plan on calling or texting him back.
@crimeshowtrash @cocomel0613 @flamencodiva @the—blackdahlia @thefandomzoneisdangerous @maddie-laufeyson @shameless-pope @tessvillegas @pivans @angelus320 @symonlyjen5 @inlovewith3 @humandasaster @sleepylunarwolf @ fanfiiiiiiics
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gretacheesefleet · 6 years
"So You're Daddy?" G.D (part 2)
To say the interview with the twins went well was an understatement. It was absolutely terrific. You were barely five minutes in when Ethan said, "Dude she's perfect!" Grayson agreed and you started instantly.
"So we need to finish filming a video for our YouTube channel-" Ethan starts.
"You guys are truly amazing. Not only do you have a growing production company but also manage to still find time to post videos every Tuesday. I don't know how you guys manage especially with a five year old boy running around your feet," you shake your head in disbelief.
"Although it hasn't been easy I wouldn't trade it for anything. But I'm hoping you will make it easier," Grayson beams at you.
"I'm willing to help in any way possible," you smile back, letting yourself get lost in his eyes. Ethan clears his throat.
"Um shouldn't we get going?"
"Oh yeah!" Grayson yells and takes off out the door. Ethan immediately follows. You laugh and take off after them. After arriving at the twins house Grayson leads you to a room near the back. He stops in front of the door.
"Ringo hasn't stopped talking about you and your muffins. He also said you promised to read to him."
"Yes I was reading Harry Potter yesterday. So I brought the first book and a bag of cookies," you hold up a bag full of chocolate chip cookies.
"Oohh yummy!" Grayson reaches for the bag. You smack his hand.
"No! They're for Ringo not you," you scold. He gives you big puppy dog eyes.
"Alright you can have one-"
"After Ringo gets done eating what he wants." Grayson crosses his arms and pouts. You can't help but laugh at his face.
"Ringo will be upset if he knew that I was out here with cookies and a book."
"Oh yeah!" Grayson turned back to the door and leads me in. When we walk into the room the sight before you was saddening. It was very quiet, Ringo was laying on his stomach looking very unenthusiasted by his coloring book, and the platinum blonde nanny, who couldn't be more than 21, was to busy on her phone to even realize we had arrived. Ringo let out a real loud gasp when he sees us.
"Shh boy," the nanny still didn't look up. Your eyes go wide and look at Grayson whose face has gone red.
"Elizabeth please leave your services are no longer needed," Grayson says calmly through a clenched jaw. She looks up in surprise but quickly throws on a flirtatious smile.
"Grayson honey I didn't know you were gonna be here so soon," she stands up and walks over to Grayson swaying her hips a little.
"Don't call me honey and don't EVER tell my son to shush again. You're fired!"
"Grayson, I thought I was important to yo-"
"Leave Elizabeth." Grayson's voice was so eerie it left you with goosebumps. The nanny huffs, grabs her purse, and leaves.
"It was nice knowing ya Lizziebeth!" Ringo yells after her. Grayson can't help but laugh at his son. Their laughs are so contagious that you burst out laughing.
Once the front door slams Ringo comes running.
"(Y/N)!" Ringo runs into your arms. "I'm so happy your here. I told daddy that I would be so sad if he didn't hire you."
"Aw I'm so glad that you put in a good word for me," you say hugging him.
"Alright bub, Uncle Etee and I need to finish a video. We'll be back in a little while. Be good for (y/n) ok?" Grayson tells Ringo.
"Ok daddy. I'll be perfect she's so much better than the other one already." Ringo hugs his dad goodbye.
"You have my number don't you?" Grayson looks at you.
"Yeab you gave it to me earlier," you nod.
"Ok call me if you need to. I'll see you guys later. I love you Ringo," he kisses his son on top of the head.
"Love you to daddy."
As soon as Ethan and Grayson leave Ringo turns to you.
"What will we do first?" Ringo asks. You pull out the bag of cookies. His eyes light up just like his fathers did. "Yummy!"
The two of you spent the rest of the day going crazy. Ringo told you that Elizabeth would never do anything with him so you and him played in the floor playing with cars then coloring.
You read the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Ringo absolutely loved it. "I can't wait to hear more, but I wanna do something else right now."
"I know what we can do!" You head towards the sound system Grayson had made. Ringo had told you how Elizabeth would never let him be noisy so you put on a Beatles record and danced around the house with him.
The twins came home to you and Ringo going crazy to Twist and Shout. The two of you didn't even realize they were there. Grayson loved the way Ringo was smiling not to mention he thought you looked stunning with your hair a mess and your clothes all rumpled. Even though he had only known you for a little over a day he knew you were going to play an important role in his and Ringo's life. Grayson had always been the romantic.
When they finally got yours and Ringo's attention you were invited to stay for dinner. Grayson made spaghetti but Ethan of course wouldn't touch a noodle so he ate leftover pineapple pizza. You laughed all evening. You got to learn so much about them.
It was time for you leave eventually. You hugged Ringo goodbye.
"Will you bring some of those muffins tomorrow?"
"Of course. Just for you."
"Yay!" He ran back to the living room, leaving you and Grayson at the front door alone.
"Thank you for everything (y/n). It means a lot," Grayson says grabbing your hand.
"It was nothing. Ringo is an exceptional kid. I adore him so much," you smile up at him.
"Yeah he's pretty special. But so are you," he smiles tilting his head down towards you.
"Grayson..." you say breathlessly. He closes the gap between your lips before anything else can be said.
It was amazing to say the least. Fireworks went crazy in y'alls minds.
"GRAYSON AND (Y/N) SITTIN IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" You pull back and start to laugh. Grayson turns around and you see Ethan and Ringo peeking around the hallway yelling the old song. Grayson laughs his loud laugh and turns back to you.
"Sorry about that."
"No it's all apart of being a family."
"Hopefully we can do this properly tomorrow?"
"Grayson are you asking me on a date?"
"YES HE IS! SO PLEASE SAY YES!" Ringo yells from the livingroom. You let out another laugh.
"So...?" Grayson raises an eyebrow.
"Yes of course. A million times yes!" You tackle him in a hug. He hugs back, his huge biceps squeezing you tight. You reluctantly let go and run to your car. As you get in you hear Grayson let out a celebratory yell.
@marvelfanatic02 @musicfreak180
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blueboycal · 6 years
We Need To Talk - Luke Hemmings
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REQUEST: Y/N and Luke go on vacation with his family.
PAIRING: Luke x Black!reader
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety attack, racism
The brunette tapped her foot excitedly. She couldn't wait to get off the plane. It'd been a few years since she'd flown and the anticipation of going somewhere new was all she could think about. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach at the thought of the crowds in the airport. She'd not only be visiting another country for the first time, she'd be meeting her boyfriend's family.
She snuck a quick glance at Luke who'd fallen asleep in the seat next to hers. He was facing the inside of the seats. His blue eyes were hidden by his tired eyelids. His breath tickled her cheek as his chest rose up and down. His blonde locks were pulled back into a bun.
She was wearing black leggings, an over sized yellow Pittsburgh Steelers hoodie and converse. Her unruly curls were tucked away in a bun. She didn't want to fuss with her hair too much since they'd been on a plane for hours.
The pilot came on the intercom announcing that they were landing. Luke's eyes fluttered open startled at the voice that disrupted his sleep. He sat up and began to stretch his arms.
"What'd I miss?"
"Not much." She replied quietly.
Luke frowned noticing something was off with his girlfriend. Her leg was bouncing and she wouldn't meet his eyes.
He lowered his voice. "What's wrong? Are you having a anxiety attack? Do you feel like you're going to have one?"
Luke has been with her long enough to know the signs and triggers that came with her anxiety. He wanted to help in whatever way he could. He hated seeing her like that. 
"I might. I'm trying to stay calm." She whispered.
"Talk to me. What are you nervous about? Is it meeting my family?"
She took a breath and let it out through her nose. "I am nervous about that but that's not the reason I'm panicking." She paused. "It's all those people in the airport and the picture taking."
She hated getting her picture taken and the probability was magnified when she was around Luke and the rest of the band. It wasn't an issue she had gotten on the flight cause the boys were already on the plane. She'd be getting off the plane with them which meant fans would be waiting and watching their every move.
"I just want to get off the plane, grab my suitcase and get in the car." She huffed.
"And you will." He took her hand an gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"I want to be able to hold your hand in public." Luke sighed.
"I know. I just-" She began.
"Don't like having your picture taken. I get it."
It's not that she didn't want to be seen with Luke, wait that is what she wants but not because she's embarrassed of him she just didn't like receiving attention. That's part of the reason why she wasn't truly on social media. She has an Instagram and twitter account merely to observe and occasionally comment on what her friends and family were doing. She despised taking selfies and would rather be caught dead posting one either. Luke insisted on taking them with her for when he was on the road. He'd even take her picture when she wasn't paying attention.
As they exited the plane she began to regret wearing such a brightly colored hoodie to the airport. She clutched her carry on bag tightly. Her heart began to pound at the sight of so many people surrounding her. Luke took hold of her hand and squeezed it.
"You okay?" He asked turning towards her.
Luke signaled the rest of the boys to go on ahead without them. He pulled her aside and put his hands on her shoulders. "Remember to breathe, just take slow breaths."
She nodded her head and began to do the breathing exercise Michael had suggested to her. Her heart rate slowed down and the panic she felt subsided for now.
"How do you feel?" He asked.
"Better." She whispered.
"Good." Luke pulled her into a hug and rubbed the small of her back. Then they headed to the baggage claim, she kept her distance from Luke and the others as fans came up to them to ask for pictures. Her eyes scanned the conveyor belt looking for her luggage, she spotted her suitcases and pulled them off the belt. Rolling them behind her she made her way outside to the pick up area. A smile spread on her face as she watched Calum and Ashton reunite with their families. Soon Luke was swept into group hug with his parents and brothers.
Michael quickly left with his girlfriend and his family. In all the time she'd known him, she felt like she rarely saw him.
The Hemmings made their way over to where she was standing. Luke wrapped an arm around her waist and introduced her to his family.
"It's nice to meet you all." She shook hands and exchanged polite smiles with each of them.
Luke stepped off the sidewalk and set his luggage in the trunk of the car.
She was about to do the same when his mother grabbed the handle of her suitcase.
"Let me get that for you dear."
She flashed a small smile and handed her the duffel bag and watched as she put them in the trunk as well. The car ride to Luke's house had been full of questions from his parents about how they met and her upbringing.
She was surprised that they didn't make a big deal about her being black. Her heart raced at the thought of one of them making an off hand comment about it like her ex boyfriend's parents did. She soon realized that wasn't the case, now all she had to worry about is if they liked her for her.
She insisted to Liz on bringing her luggage upstairs to Luke's room where she'd be staying in for the next week. She set her suitcase and duffel bag down near the window and let her eyes wander around the room. The walls were covered in Green Day posters. His bed was made and the floors were clear of any clutter. She marveled at how he'd grown up in the same house all his life, she spent her whole life moving around and was used to not staying in one place for very long.
"Hey." Luke called out. He was leaning in the door way. "You still want to go to the beach tomorrow? It's a long drive."
"Yeah. I mean we don't have to go if you're too tired to drive."
"No, I want to go. It'll be nice to have a day to ourselves."
She stood up from the bed and walked over to him. She reached out and wrapped a finger around a blonde curl.
"That sounds wonderful."
Luke cleared his throat. "My mom is cooking dinner and wanted to know if you'd like to help."
"Sure." As a kid she loved to help out her parents with cooking, it would be a good way for her to get to know his mother.
She began to leave the room when Luke leaned over and kissed her cheek, her cheeks turned pink as she made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Luke couldn't seem to drift off to sleep. His body was still on west coast time, he crept out of bed and padded down the plush carpeted stairs. The cool tile of the kitchen beneath his feet. He was surprised to see his mother sitting at the dining room table.
"Can't sleep." He explained.
"I figured." His mom shrugged, stirring her tea.
"What's keeping you up?" Luke asked joining her at the dining room table.
"I guess I'm just excited to have all my boys home."
"Your girlfriend is nice, she seems shy."
"Yeah she's not used to being the center of attention." He chuckled. She was very overwhelmed at all of the questions his parents were asking in the car ride home.
"How long have you two been seeing each other?" Liz asked setting her mug down.
"Nearly two years."
"Why am I just meeting her?"
"I didn't want to rush things." He shrugged.
"You think you'll marry her or have kids?"
"Mom!" Luke whisper yelled, taken aback by her comment.
"What? I'd like some grand kids."
"We haven't talked about it." He admitted.
"I'm just saying your either going to break up with this girl or marry her, so I'm curious."
Luke hadn't really thought about their relationship like that. He was just enjoying being with her. Living in the moment. His past relationships didn't end well and weren't the best for him. He was too dependent and couldn't figure out how to just be by himself. Luke had made a commitment to stay single after his previous relationship ended. It only lasted for six months.
"That's true." The two of them soon lapsed into silence. His mother finished her tea and went back to bed but not before giving him another hug.
As he climbed back into bed he noticed she had taken the left side of the bed which is where he always slept. She wore a purple bonnet over her curls. He couldn't help but smile when he looked at how at peace she was. Luke could recall the day they met like it was yesterday.
Luke had hired her to dog sit petunia while he way away doing promo leading up to the release of Youngblood.  His friend who usually looks after petunia had other commitments and recommended her to him. They'd gotten to know one another well through texting and face timing while he was away. When he returned home from tour he found that Petunia had grown very attached to her. He gathered up the courage to ask her out and they've been together ever since.
The two of them had gotten up a little later than originally intended. He had finished eating breakfast when she came downstairs after showering.
She had on a button up shirt that her yellow bikini top peeked through. A green sarong was wrapped around her waist and her brown curls were in two French braids. Her brown eyes narrowed as she caught him staring.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." She joked shaking her head.
Luke picked up his phone and quickly snapped a picture.
"Hey, I didn't mean that literally." She threw her arms up in front of her face.
"You look cute." He whined.
"I'm gonna go put the chairs in the car, where are the keys?" She asked.
"On the entryway table."
"I'll pack the cooler and meet you out there." He said as she walked out of the room.
His mother entered the kitchen in her pale blue robe, her slippers squeaked on the tile floor. "Where are you off to?" She yawned.
"The beach." Luke replied. It'd been a while since he surfed and he was itching to get back to it. He grabbed a small cooler from the pantry and began filling it with ice from the freezer.
Liz took two sandwiches that were in Ziploc bags out of the fridge and handed them to him.
"Turkey and Ham?" He asked a smile forming on his face.
"Of course."
"Thanks mom." Luke tossed the sandwich's inside along with mini bags of chips and chewy granola bars.
"Alright," She put her hand on his shoulder. "You two have fun and don't forget to wear sunscreen." Liz ruffled his hair and turned her attention to making her own breakfast.
"I won't forget." He finished packing the cooler after putting some bottled water in.                                                
She couldn't take her eyes off the sparkling blue water, a gentle breeze ruffled her sarong as she walked hand in hand with Luke towards the beach. Warm sand sunk into her flip flops witch each step she took.
Two fold able chairs were tucked under her arm and she had a tote bag filled with towels, sunscreen and anything else they might need. Luke found a spot that was far away from the other beach goers but close enough to the area where'd he'd be surfing. They each took a chair and set them up, laying the towels over them. The cooler sat near Luke's surfboard. He had changed into a rash guard when they arrived.
She began unbuttoning her shirt when she caught Luke staring at her.
"Luke!" She
"What? I've seen you naked." He defended.
"Once and that was a dare." She said.
"You don't have to hide from me."
"I'm pretty sure you've done this before all those other times you've been to the beach."
She rolled her eyes. "That's different. You've never seen me in a bikini."
Luke covered his eyes with his hands and she shook her head at him. She finished stripping off her shirt and sarong,
"Can I look now?" He asked.
"Yes Luke." She reached into her bag and uncapped the sunscreen and began spraying it all over her skin. Once she was done she spread her towel on the sand and laid down.
His blue eyes roamed over her body, the yellow bikini complimented her brown skin. He was always in awe of how beautiful she was even if she wasn't aware of it.
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Okay, fire away." She moved her sunglasses so they sat on her head and rolled over on the towel to face him.
He took a deep breath and began drawing in the sand absentmindedly. "Do you see yourself getting married?" Luke asked, his blue eyes full of curiosity.
Her brown eyes went wide. That was not what she was expecting to hear fall from his lips.
"I mean I'd like to, if I find my person." She chewed on the inside of her cheek.
"I'm not proposing right now, so don't freak out." He chuckled nervously.
"I'm not proposing. I was just wondering." He reassured her.
"What about kids? Would you like to have any?" He scratched at his neck feeling it heat up.
"I know for a fact that I don't want to have kids and that's a deal breaker for most people." She was sitting up now and crossed her legs.
"Like I want puppies not babies." She explained. "I've never felt that desire to have children and I probably won't ever want them, ya know. Kids just aren't my thing."
Luke nodded, he wasn't quite sure if he wanted kids either. One day he'd figure it out but right now he like the way his life was and he liked having her in it.
"That's okay."
"Petunia would be glad to have a sister or brother around." He suggested.
"Whoa, slow down. Isn't getting a dog  like the step after a couple moves in together?"
"Do you want to move in with me?" Luke blurted. He held his breath, waiting for her to answer.
"Yes." She nodded excitedly. Moving in with Luke was a big step, one that she felt ready to take.
"Under one condition." She held her index finger up.
"Oh and what's that?" He smirked.
"I get to sleep on the left side of the bed."
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tentwars2k21 · 5 years
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“The Proper Way to Cook a Lamb”
Hawaii on an island AU || Hawaii POV Only
A/N: this is a oneshot.
TW: abuse, alcoholism, racism, and death
Rating: NR
Word Count: 1,920
I remember living in a barred room as a child. The long silences and freezing drafts when it rained. I had only one blanket, an occasional meal, and the liberty to go to the bathroom twice a day. When I finally broke out of the cupboard, later revealed to be a large dog’s cage, I was ten years old, homeless, and could barely speak.
An old lady, who insisted that I call her Nana, took me in. She always spoke of my bright white hair and how I reminded her of rocks on a beach. 
Nana taught me how to speak Diné, Hebrew, and English, but she insisted that we speak only English in public. “It’s what everybody else speaks,” is what she’d say, and I believed her all the way up until I was beat up for being “black.” Even when I felt the most free, I was trapped.
I didn’t even know what “black” meant, and when I asked Nana about it, she broke down crying. I googled it many years later, but I still don’t get why it’s a reason for my eventual execution.
Not too long after that, Nana enlisted me into a surfing class, “for the betterment of” my mind. It was the first time I fell in love.
It was also the first time people other than Nana called me by my name, Hawaii. I remember almost fainting from shock!
The waves and the freedom of the sea guided me to and from home, work, and play. I didn’t have to wear shoes and I could wear as little clothing as I wanted (so long as there was a bra and underwear on me.) I dreamed about surfing and I lived for surfing.
Then Nana took me hiking, and it was the second time I fell in love. I was surrounded by greens and browns, and even though I was alone I felt warm unlike in my cage. I didn’t wear shoes there, either, for shoes felt restricting against my feet.
I remember when Nana would come home from work, two hours after my surfing lessons, and bring me home a gift from the marketplace. She would bring me anklets and instruments, even if I wasn’t any good at playing them. When I was sick, she would bring me wooden figurines that the Hatałii made for me. On my first Tu B’Av, Nana brought me a box of chocolates. I ate them all so fast that I felt nauseous. Nana wasn’t angry with me, though; she was only patient.
It was the third time I fell in love.
Two weeks ago, just a few days after my sixth Tu B’Shevat, Nana fell ill, and not even the Hatałii could save her.
We cremated her and poured her ashes on the same trail that she took me on my first hike. It rained the day we went, a sign from the Lord of His sadness. I was alone, and that allowed me to cry a little harder.
“Glorified and sanctified be God’s great name throughout the world which He has created according to His will.
May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and during your days, and within the life of the entire House of Israel, speedily and soon; and say, Amen.
May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.
Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world; and say, Amen.
May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.
He who creates peace in His celestial heights, may He create peace for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen.” I muttered to myself as I knelt down over the ashes that were slowly washing away, leaving some bones that didn’t burn in the mud.
I stayed in the jungle for 3 days before returning home to cover all the mirrors and sit for 4 more. I didn’t need to sit and mourn for as long as I did, even if it is tradition, but it helped loosen me up.
Then I picked up my surfboard and went to hit the waves even though I no longer had lessons. I’m only seventeen.
I was hired into Nana’s old position, yesterday. The man who hired me looked down towards me in pity. He says I don’t have to wear shoes. I thank him.
He told me that he’d keep my roof over my head and food on my plate if I cleaned his shop every night. I asked him about my surfing lessons. He says that I have cook him dinner and he’ll pay for them. I accept.
Nana’s old boss is very weird. He keeps asking me when I’ll turn 18. I tell him that I don’t know. He gets mad.
He has a daughter my age, he tells me, but she lives all the way in Mississippi.
“Where’s Mississippi?” I ask, taking off my apron and handing him some chicken noodle soup for his cold.
“In America.” He slobbers.
I don’t know where it is, but I’m too afraid to ask him about it. “Oh,” is all I say.
When I can, I go hiking. One day, I stumble across an old statue. It stares at me. I stare back.
I don’t ever touch it, but I do hike up to it as often as possible so that I may stare at it. I’ve memorised it’s face.
“May I get a sketchbook and some pencils?” I gather the courage to ask my boss while he’s eating dinner, getting drunk, and watching ‘football.’
“Whatever.” He burps, and I let out the breath I was holding. That night, I go to Walmart and buy a sketchbook and some pencils. Even with permission, a fear inside of me tells me to never thank him for it.
I go to the statue two hours before my surfing lessons, and I begin to put how it looks down onto paper. I do this for an hour, then I head back to civilization so that I can go to my surfing lessons.
“Where have you been all day?” My boss smells of onion and liquor as I come down from the ladder I had been using to dust off the tops of the shelves.
“I went hiking and then I went to lessons.” I tell him kindly. It seems to be the wrong answer, as he knocks over the ladder; I jump at the sound of it.
“We’re going to Mississippi tomorrow, come cook me dinner after you pack your shit.” He says sharply before leaving. I hurry up and head home to gather my things. 
“You’ll be sleeping on the floor tonight.” Is all he says to me after he finishes his dinner. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep.
I’ve never been on a plane before, and I’m pretty sure the lady sitting next to me knew that. She smiled kindly at me and squeezed my hand through the lifting of the aeroplane and the aggressive tidal waves of air in endured. She reminded me of Nana, and when I drifted off to sleep, I dreamt of Nana squeezing my hand as I surfed through the waves.
This place, Mississippi, is almost as warm and humid as the beach at home, but the places here look oh so different! My boss forces my into a yellow car, a taxi, and takes me to his daughter’s house.
The roads are made from a hard, black dirt that has white and yellow stripes and dashes on it. Other cars pass and follow us, and there is a river not too far away that, my boss says, is also called Mississippi.
We sit for hours and less and less cars pass us and fewer and fewer houses are seen from my window. Everything stretches thin until we pull onto a dirt road that has a big, white house at the end of it. A pregnant lady in a baby yellow sundress waddles out of the house as we pull up; a man comes around to the front from a shed to the side to greet us. When I get out of the taxi, the man looks at me like my Nana looked at wasted Papaya, but with more hatred.
Everyone shook hands, the lady hugging both me and my boss. She smiled and her eyes sparkled. The man looked like he was going to light me on fire with the steam in his brain.
“I’m so glad you could come, dad,” the lady smiles to my boss as she pulls away from their hug. “And just in time for easter?”
“In time for what?” I blurt out. The lady turns to me.
“Easter?” The lady moves a little towards me. “The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?”
“Who’s that?” I blink twice, and the lady just shakes her head and moves away.
“Is she-” the man starts, looking at me in disgust.
“Jewish? Yes.” My boss says. The man spits towards me.
I spend the day cleaning my boss’s daughter’s house and cooking the trio dinner, as it was around 4 in the afternoon when we arrived. Around 10, when all the chores were done. I bid everyone goodnight and the lady took me to the shed so I could sleep.
“We don’t want you smelling up the sheets.” She said before leaving me with the sheep.
I slept peacefully.
I awoke to three men dressed in white barging into the shed. The sheep fled and left me alone. The men grabbed me and tied me like Nana used to tie rabbits on sticks.
“I can’t believe that you got us a black Jew, John.” One of the bedsheeted figures said.
“And just in time for easter!” Another said as they threw me beneath some hay in a truck. “It’s a miracle.”
“Only the best for my Klan.” the man who I assumed was John said; he sounded quite an awful lot like my boss’s daughter’s husband. The truck began to move.
I don’t know how long it moved for, but it seemed to be forever.
Then, just as it had started, it stopped.
The smell of smoke burned my nostrils as the three men dragged me out. 
“Tonight, we have lambchops boys!” John yells, throwing me into a circle of white sheet men. A cross burned as gasoline was poured onto me.
“No, please,” I put my hands in front of me as the mob moved closer to me and screamed. I begged them not to do this, I called to the Lord to save me from this death. The men threw stones at me before a red sheet man walked forward with a book.
“Silence, lamb.” He commanded, and I whimpered as he drew out a pitchfork. “Nobody can hear you.”
And, at that moment, the cross fell next to me and I was engulfed in flames. The men just laughed and danced, a few warming their hands over my screaming body. I yelled and yelled even after my voice was taken from smoke inhalation. It hurt so much, and I questioned my belief in the Lord. If he truly loved me, why must I be in so much pain.
Then, as if he had answered my inflamed prayers, I fell asleep.
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thatsabae · 6 years
Payback - Jungkook | Chapter 11
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genre: romance/comedy/friends-to-lovers
summary: “Revenge is sweet”, that’s what they say, and your plan is to find out if that statement is true. After finding out about your boyfriend’s infidelity, you seek after his lover’s boyfriend, cause mama always told you that sweets are better when shared. But first, you need to convince him to join you.
prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11 | final
You turn around and face Jordan, still disbelief of what he was proposing you. Did he finally become crazy? 
Jungkook is also tense, standing by your side, as shocked as you. The air seems thicker now, even more than it was thirty seconds ago, and all you can see is Jordan in front of you. 
“What did you say?” You were hoping to you be the crazy one, not listening right. 
“Exactly that. I love you and I want to marry you.” He took your hands into his and looked hopeful.  Your eyes could fall from your face by the way you opened them. “I do want a future with you. You even said that what happened with Calli isn’t hurting anymore. Maybe we could… We could start again.” 
“Jordan, that’s not… Ugh.”You sighed. 
Why he was making everything more difficult for you? Couldn’t he just accept and leave?
“Jungkook, can we talk later, please? I promise that I’ll call you.” You push his arm a little bit.  
“Are you sure?” He didn’t look like he wanted to leave, but you needed to do this alone.  
“I’ll wait for inside.” Taehyung informed, sensing that he wasn’t needed there anymore, but instead of doing what he said, he followed Jungkook to his car. 
You waited their brief and quiet talk end and both leave before starting your own conversation with Jordan. But it was hard to find the right words. You felt like laughing, but also crying. 
How long did you wanted to hear these words but now they sounded just like a big joke? 
You dreamed to build a family with Jordan, marry with a beautiful dress, have kids. Maybe a dog too. 
But that’s what they were. Dreams. Dreams that turned into a nightmare when you found out about Calli. When your cousin Kimberly saw him entering a hotel with a blonde girl when he said he would be out of town to a convention. 
Now you just wanted to be far from him. You didn’t wish him bad things anymore, just move on and dream it all again with someone else. 
You look at his face, full of hope, and can’t hold back a chuckle. 
“We are over, Jordan. I’m sure about it”. 
“Just listen to me, babe. Don’t be hasty because I made a mistake”. 
“A mistake is picking salt instead of sugar. You cheating on me wasn’t a mistake”. 
You were calmer than the day before, when you had to break up with him, and you were glad for that, at least explaining and talking would be easier and better explained. You just hoped Jordan would finally understand. 
“And what? That guy was here because of friendship?” Jordan rubbed his eyes. “Can’t you just recognise that I’m the only man that didn’t try to rush you? Even you said it before, that all guys you met didn’t want to date you because of that. I made one mistake, but it was only because I was lonely, please, understand me”. 
“I guess you’re right. I don’t think Jungkook was here because he wanted to be friends.” You smiled, unsure of how much you should share with him. “But that’s okay, I’m not after his friendship either”. 
“What?” Jordan took a step behind. “You don’t even know him”. 
“I don’t, but I knew you and look where we are”. 
He sighed. “Can’t you at least give me another chance? Please? I love you, Y/N.” 
“Jordi. I loved you too.” You caressed his face, trying to sound the softest you could. “I really forgive what you did and I promise to always try to think the best of you. I forgave you the moment I accepted that I was the only one suffering because of it”. 
Your fingers touch his nose, like you were trying to memorise his features. You would miss him, he’ve been not only a boyfriend, but also a friend this whole time, but it was needed. You needed to move on. “It’s still hard, but I’ll work on it. I loved you this time we were together, please remember it”. 
You let your hand leave his face, falling by your side. 
“But don’t ask me this. You can’t ask me to forgive something like this and, at the same time, say you love me. I don’t want it. I don’t want us anymore”. 
“Is this because of that guy? I promise you we can go back to what we was. I haven’t talked to Calli since that day on the restaurant”.
“You’re right about Jungkook. I barely know him, so no, the answer is no. It’s because of myself. I wasn’t going to end everything so soon, but that guy, he made me realise that the only person suffering is me. There was no point trying to make you feel a tiny bit of it.” You sigh, but smile right after. “It was only us. We were the ones suffering. Not you and that girl”. 
You start walking towards your house again, when you heard Jordan following you behind. 
“I don’t care about her. Please, listen to me. I want you, I love you. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my days by your side”. 
“Jordan, stop it!” You push him away, and take a few steps away too. “Leave me alone. I said no, and that’s my answer. I don’t want you anymore.” You turn around to start walking again, but decide to do the opposite and say more. “Saying you didn’t care about the girl you were seeing only makes everything worst. That means you’re a heartless cheater”. 
“Are you acting like this because of that guy? Do you like him or something?” 
“Jordan, stop making this about him. I’m breaking up with you because I decided that. How many times should I say it? And yes, answering you, I do like him. He’s great, and was great yesterday.” You make sure to add, hoping it would pain him a little bit of all he done to you. 
He may never understand what you really meant, but you said anyway. If he did, better. 
You both hear the front door opening and your mother staring you both, confused by the animosity between you two. 
She waves at Jordan, but is ignored. He’s still staring you, tears on his eyes. 
“And now. Leave my yard and don’t come back unless you have a great reason to, or else my dad is gonna show you how sorry you should really be”. 
You enter your house, pulling your mother along by her arm. Enough of Jordan. Enough of all this pain he caused. 
You stare both your mom and dad in the living room, Taehyung is seated by your dad’s side, waiting and curious about the scene outside. 
“Mom, dad. I have something that I wanna share with you”. 
You stare the road outside Taehyung’s car. You’re really late for work and might even lose your job, but you don’t care. What’s the point? Today is a great day. Everything seems prettier. The grass seems greener, birds singing louder and stronger. Even the sun is looking more yellow than how he used to. Brighter. 
It all seems to be a better version now. Even you seemed a better version of yourself when you got back inside and added some makeup in front of the mirror. 
Was that the effect pos-Jordan?
You liked. 
“Have you ever realised that you could be seeing something that you always knew, always seen, totally wrong?” 
His laugh echos through the car. 
“I guess that can be, but does it make sense?” 
“I mean, just an example: I do this route everyday for almost two years now, but today… It seems different. Like I missed something this whole time I passed here and only now I saw it, and I can’t stop seeing it and noticing. Guess it doesn’t make sense, right? What could I have missed in a street?” 
Taehyung thought about what you said for a moment, while changing lanes. 
“I think I understand what you’re saying. Like when you finally understand something in maths and suddenly everything makes sense and seems easier?” 
“Yes and no. Just forget I mentioned, okay. It only make senses in my head, I guess. It’s just like I haven’t really seen all these things before. Or like they didn’t have colours”. 
“Ah, I think I know what you mean, but people usually get like this when they are in love, not when they break up.” He laughs at you, again and fuss your hair before starting to whistle. 
“What about you?”
He stayed silent, only smirking at you, making you even more curious.
“That’s right! Y seems to be happier and I’m sure that’s not because of my current situation”. 
“Glad you asked.” Taehyung gave you a giant smile. “There’s this guy I know. Richard, the photographer?” He waited for you to nod before explain. 
“He was hired for a task next week. A guy wants to propose to his girlfriend, but he also wants to be creative. He got the idea of hiring Richard to film everything, and it will be like they are giving an interview to a tv show, talking about relationships”. 
You started to understand the whole idea. 
“That sounds funny. But why are you so happy about it, he’s not proposing to you”. 
“Well, Richard will take the role as the director and interviewer. He needs at least three more guys to help with cameras. He asked me to help. We need to film the big moment”.
Taehyung shrugs, the big smile still on his face. 
“I suppose that you’re not this happy because it will be a romantic scene to watch?” 
“Let’s consider that the payment will be good enough to make me happy. If I’m lucky enough, they will ask Richard to take pics of their official party too, and he will include me on the event”. 
You smile, proud of your brother. He always worked so hard, turning a hobby into his work and being good at it. 
Different from you, Taehyung always been more independent. He found himself what he wanted to do. You were still trying to find what you liked.
You felt like you were on right path, being able to break up with Jordan, you sensed that as your first step. 
Then it hits you. 
If you really wanted to move on and start over, inspired by the independence of your older brother, you needed to do all by yourself. Including finding a job by yourself. You liked the one your father helped you, but it was too easy for you, being helped always. 
You knew what else you would have to do. 
You were finally getting the control of your life. 
That day, you did everything crossing your mind. You informed your bosses that it was great working with them, but you would only wait until they found someone to replace you. The best was that they agreed that you were way too young to stay in a job that wouldn’t allow you to grow. 
When you left the office, you saw a language school and entered there, without seconds thoughts. 
You wanted to do as many things you could. Things that would only add at you. 
So many ideas of things you always wanted to do but postponed for who-knows-when were coming back and being written on your pocket planner, that calling Jungkook that day didn’t cross your mind. 
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sugaskully · 6 years
DIE FOR YOU - chapter one
ALL PARTS - Die For You
BTS bodyguard au
Words: 3110
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C H A P T E R - O N E
[ 14 NOVEMBER 2018 ]
I woke up the next morning to a knocking on my bedroom door, the unfamiliar sound confusing me as I sat up, wincing in pain that centred around my forehead. I usually woke myself up due to the fact that my dad was always working and my classes started at 5pm, I had no real reason to wake up at this ungodly hour.
“Come in.” I called, rubbing my eyes as I moved to cross my legs, sat atop my oversized bed as my dad entered the room, crossing to the bay windows before opening both sets of curtains, letting the light in “What’s going on?”
“You’re meeting your security personnel today.” He simply said, heading back towards the double doors “Then I have a business meeting, you will find something to do for the time being and later we’ll have dinner. Your classes have been cancelled for tonight, after what happened yesterday.”
“Dad, honestly I’m fine.” I sighed, my head disagreeing with my statement instantly.
“Honestly, you don’t look it.” He admitted, “You have about twenty minutes to get dressed and look alive again, Bella-Bear.”
“Twenty minutes?” I scoffed, “So I’ll take forty then.”
“As you always do.” He smiled, closing the door behind him as I let out a breath of air.
Time to see if I did actually look as bad as a feel. I slowly slid out of my bed, trudging along to my ensuite bathroom, heading to the mirror above one of the sinks to see the horror before me.
My plaster had fallen off sometime during my sleep, revealing a very swollen and very purple bruise, the area around my eyes darkened slightly due to the impact of being hit with the butt of a gun.
“Oh my god.” I whispered, staring in complete shock horror at my appearance “Nothing can fix this.”
I got to work, showering, blow drying my hair, washing my face but being extra delicate with my forehead as I applied different face wash treatments and creams, finishing by applying some makeup, thanking the makeup gods for concealer that helped make the situation at least a little better.
Who was I even trying to impress? Some 40-year-old ex-military bodyguards that probably wouldn’t even spare me a second glance? No. Myself. And the various business people that will probably see me at the dinner my father had planned later that day.
Once I was satisfied with my attempt at covering the damage, I moved to my wardrobe, connected through my ensuite so I could easily move from there to change and back out to my bedroom. Honestly, it was excessive, but the archetype and home designer asked me to design my room, so naturally, I went a little overboard. Every little girl dreams of designing their own bedroom when they grow up, and well, I got to live that dream to the fullest.
It wasn’t long before I was changed into a beige turtleneck sweater, tan tartan skirt, black tights and knee-high boots, planning on walking my dog after briefly meeting the men that would observe me 24/7.
Before leaving, I glanced towards the safe in my room, heading over to unlock it with my code before taking out my handgun, tucking it into the waistband of my skirt, using the oversized fabric of my sweater to cover it before grabbing my jacket just incase.
I exited my bedroom, glancing up from my phone to see one of the home security guards nod in my direction, gesturing towards the staircase.
“Your bodyguards have already arrived ma’am.” He said as I headed towards the left staircase “They’re all waiting in the Parlor.”
“Is Jesse here?” I asked, noticing how the man frowned in response before nodding slightly.
“He should be arriving later, Ma’am.” He said.
“Thank you.” I smiled, heading down the steps before glancing around at the ridiculous amount of guards in every visible room, guarding any main door that led to the outside and any potential threats.
“You are to escort her wherever she goes,” I heard an increase of my fathers voice as I headed towards the Parlor “Remain by her side whenever I am out of the country, perform background checks on any individual that she has contact with, eliminate threats to her life and-”
“Treat me like a Royal Princess.” I interrupted sarcastically, entering the room as many pairs of eyes turned to look at me “Honestly, I can manage one foot in front of the other, father, I don’t need this many people risking this lives for me when I’m not in danger.”
“Bella-bear, my Princess.” My father said, moving around the chaise lounge to hug me “You said you’d play along.” He whispered as I sighed before nodding, turning to observe the men with a smile.
All seven of them, stood side-by-side, clad in dark suits with matching ear pieces, seven pairs of eyes on me.
Ex militia. And from the looks of it were not failing in the beauty department. Hot but deadly, and completely off limits to me, as this kind of business would be strictly professional. They would protect me and I would naturally hate them for not giving me space. That’s how this works.
“Bella-bear meet Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jeongguk.” My father said, each giving me a curt nod when their name is mentioned “The top security personnel in the country, hired solely to protect my daughter as recommended by me and my dear friend and boss President Yang. As everyone within this room knows, my job is extremely important and due to the ties between the American Government and Secret Intelligence Service, as well as the South Korean Government and my job as Chief of the Secret Intelligence Security Agency it poses a great risk to the lives of those important to me. And the only life important to me is my daughter’s, and because of my status, the entirety of the world is aware of this fact.”
“So I’m going to have a security personnel following me around for the rest of my life?” I asked, slightly worried that the response would be bad.
“For as long as your life is in danger, we will protect you, Miss Roman.” Kim Namjoon nodded.
“Right, that settles it then.” My father said, clapping his hands together in contentment before checking his watch “I have a meeting in twenty-five minutes so I better head out, boys, take good care of her while I’m gone, okay?”
“Yes, Sir.” Seokjin nodded.
“Of course, Mr Roman.” Jungkook said, my eyes following my father as he smiled, kissing my cheek before leaving with two guards of his own.
I let out a breath of air, slowly turning back around to see that the seven of them were still watching me, either out of curiosity or cautiousness as if at any given moment I might be attacked… or maybe they were staring at the hideous bruise on my forehead?
“I’m walking my dog.” I announced, turning to leave the Parlor when footsteps followed, not just one or two like I had suspected… no… all seven, and just to confirm I turned back to see that, yes, they were all right behind me “Honestly, can’t I just bring one of you along?” I sighed.
“No less than two.” Namjoon said, “Jungkook come with me. The others, find something useful to do.”
“You’re a little young.” I voiced aloud as we began walking, heading to the kitchen where Frodo was most likely eating his food “And you did Military Training?”
“I started young, Miss Roman.” Jungkook nodded, his voice kept professional and straight to the point “Finished top of my regiment, with only a few years training.”
“Impressive.” I said, pushing open the kitchen door only to have Frodo leap up immediately, tongue sticking out as his tail wagged, trying to familiarise himself with the new company “None of you are afraid of dogs are you?”
“Of a… Border Collie?” Namjoon asked as he became Frodo’s next victim, jumping onto his back paws as Namjoon scratched the top of his head and behind his ears.
“Okay, allergic then?” I sighed.
“Negative.” Jungkook said, Frodo moving to him.
“This is Agent Wolf, confirming location. Wildfire.” Namjoon spoke, pressing a finger to his earpiece as he turned away “Rosebud is secured, will be on the move but escorted by myself and Agent Bambi.”
“Wildfire and Rosebud?” I frowned as Namjoon turned back around to face me “Code names.”
“I’m Agent Wolf. Jungkook is Agent Bambi. Wildfire is your home.” He nodded firmly, “And you’re Rosebud. Incase anyone who is a threat to you gains access to those communication devices, the code words will help to conceal your whereabouts.”
“Nobody knows who I am.” I huffed, “Just some Government Official’s daughter… why would anyone want to kill me?”
Namjoon and Jungkook remained silent, watching as I whistled to Frodo, getting him to follow me before heading back through the house and to the front door.
“How far is this park?” Namjoon asked as he headed straight towards one of the black SUVs with tinted windows and no doubt bulletproof titanium armour infused into the body of the car.
“You walk to the park.” I said, glancing down at my dog “That’s the point of walking your dog.”
“Having you out in the open like that is dangerous.” Jungkook said, shaking his head “We cannot risk it, Miss Roman, I’m sorry.”
“I have a run in with my crazy ex-boyfriend and I’ve suddenly got seven keepers?” I scoffed, shaking my head before walking towards the security gate “No, I am going to continue doing normal things and walk my dog, no matter the risks.”
“Dammit, I knew you’d be difficult the moment I laid eyes on you.” Namjoon mumbled before rushing to catch up, Jungkook on the other side of me “Just listen to everything I tell you so we can keep you as safe as possible.”
“Wouldn’t want to spoil your pay check by having my head blown off, would you?” I whispered, Namjoon and
Jungkook keeping straight faces as they continued to look ahead of us, Jungkook’s head every so often moving to rest on the gun he had tucked into the inside of his suit jacket, Namjoon’s eyes scanning every inch of the dog park we had arrived in “Don’t you find this exhausting?”
”Find what exhausting, Miss Roman?” Namjoon asked as Jungkook watched Frodo rolling around with a smile on his face.
“Dedicating your life to protecting someone else whilst they live theirs?” I asked.
“I work with six friends that I consider my brothers, doing a job that I know I’m good at.” Namjoon said, “At the end of the day, my client is my responsibility, and in this case, that is you. Saving the lives of others is thrilling, if I be so bold to state. My sincere apologies, Miss Roman.”
“No, no, it’s completely fine.” I reassured him, “It was my fault, I’m just trying to make this situation a little less awkward, by getting to know you both a little better since we’ll be spending so much time together anyway.”
“Understandable.” Namjoon nodded, “We need to wrap this up and head home, this place is not secure.”
I frowned, looking around at the various people in the park. An elderly couple walking their dogs, kids running around with their dog, couples in conversation on a few benches.
“I don’t think anybody is a threat to me here.” I said, watching as Namjoon’s shoulders tensed up, clearly not appreciating my constant need to second guess him.
“Okay, I’ll let you make the decisions.” I nodded, whistling Frodo back over, Jungkook turning to look at me, nodding curtly “After all, my life is in your hands.”
The walk back was quick and efficient, just as Namjoon must have planned it, a few pedestrians giving me odd looks as two men in suits with ear pieces followed me, Jungkook beside me, Namjoon behind, Frodo clueless as he ran ahead.
“You’ll have to make us aware of your schedule.” Namjoon said, “So I can plan ahead the safest route and ensure that nobody there is a threat to you.”
“I have night classes at the medical school a little across town.” I said, waiting as Namjoon typed in the code to unlock the security gate of my house.
“From five to ten.” Namjoon nodded as the gate opened “I am aware. I meant your personal schedule, meeting with friends, hobbies.”
“I don’t really do much else other than go to school, study, walk Frodo and go horse riding.” I shrugged, “It’s hard to make friends given my dad’s job and how I’m always busy so I usually just hang out with Jesse.”
“Boyfriend?” Jungkook asked as I snorted out a laugh.
“My bodyguard, before you seven.” I corrected.
“Ah, I see, the one who failed at protecting you.” Namjoon said, showing his I.D to the guard at the front door although me being there was enough proof I’d assume.
“He was… well, yes, but it was partially my fault.” I huffed, watching as Frodo ran off in the opposite direction inside the house. Namjoon, Jungkook and I stopping underneath the chandelier as the guard shut the door behind us.
“With us you’ll never be hurt.” Namjoon nodded, “And it will never be partially your fault because we won’t fail you.”
“Good to know.” I smiled, “Well, I’m going to study a little while my dad is away and then I guess we’ll have that dinner.”
“A few minutes please, Miss Roman.” Namjoon said, “Your room is just being checked.”
“What?” I whispered a slight scoff “There are people in my room?”
“We just ensure that it is clear.” Namjoon said, “No hidden cameras, mics, etc. Your father informed us that the house is regularly checked but you refuse to have your room checked.”
“Because, firstly I hardly let anyone in there!” I gasped, completely bewildered that my father had allowed someone to invade my privacy like that “And secondly, invasion of privacy!”
“It’s all for your own safety.” Namjoon sighed, “It’ll do you good to remember that, save us arguments in the future.”
I glared at him, crossing my arms before stomping my foot in a childlike manner, on the verge of having a tantrum but I wasn’t going to give him that, especially because he looked on in amusement at my actions.
“You listen to what we say, when we say it.” Namjoon shrugged, “You’ll stay alive and safe that way, and it’ll make this easier for all of us.”
“And if I don't?” I asked, tilting my head to the side as I smiled slightly “If I make your life a living hell, what happens then?”
“I’ll repay the favour.” He said, completely unfazed by my words, making me even more frustrated due to the fact that he didn’t even care.
I span around on my heel, heading straight upstairs and turning down my hallway, stomping towards my bedroom doors which were adjacent, my eyes immediately moving to the bright-red-haired man, Taehyung, taking my journal out of my bedside table.
I stopped in the hallway, glancing over to see Jimin stood on my expensive vintage corner chair from Paris, checking each corner and crevasse of the room for cameras, I presumed.
Yoongi stood in the middle of the room, arms crossed as he observed his colleagues invading my personal belongings.
I stepped further into the room, unnoticed by any of them, turning to see that my en-suite bathroom door was open, Seokjin stood looking around before he began to search through the cupboards, pausing every so often to look in the mirror.
Hoseok was in my walk-in-wardrobe, every so often picking up an item of my clothing and frowning before he headed back into the main room through the other door, holding my most expensive item of lingerie, my face turning as red as the fabric.
“Uh, guys, do you think this is my colour?” Hoseok asked, Yoongi turning and clearing his throat when he noticed the item of clothing, Jimin reacting in a completely different way, losing balance and stumbling off the chair, saving himself from falling by grabbing my bed frame, eyes wide.
“Professional Security Personnel?” I scoffed, all eyes turning to me as Hoseok smirked, glancing from the fabric to me, no doubt trying to imagine me in it like a pervert, suddenly making me feel incredibly uncomfortable.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” Hoseok said, still holding the garment in plain sight “I was curious who I’d be protecting with my life, it seems you’re worth a bullet after all.”
I rolled my eyes, moving to snatch the fabric from him when he held it behind him and high above his head.
“This is a key piece of evidence.” Hoseok said, “Is there somebody we should know about? You know, so we can put them on the list of cleared friends… or others.”
“Nobody to know about.” I shrugged, “It’s my most expensive piece, so I haven’t worn it.”
“Yet.” Jimin added as I turned to look at him, looking on curiously as his eyes darkened and he smirked.
“Yet.” I repeated, watching the surprise fill his face as Hoseok cleared his throat.
“Everybody out.” Namjoon spoke sternly, all eyes turning to see him in the doorway “If the place is clear, leave Miss Roman to her studies.”
Taehyung moved to hand me the journal, Hoseok and Jimin leaving the room together, Yoongi grabbing the piece of fabric from Hoseok as he passed him, Hoseok frowning in confusion as if he had forgotten, Jin following suite with Taehyung. Leaving Yoongi behind, who remained watching me, an unreadable expression on his face, my lingerie in his hand.
“Thank you.” I said as he handed me the lingerie, letting out a small smile, waiting for him to return one but he kept a cold expression, said nothing and left.
I let out a breath of air in annoyance as Namjoon moved to shut the door behind him “I’ll be just outside.”
“On guard.” I mumbled, “You don’t have to, nobody inside my home is out to get me.”
“My job is to protect you, and I don’t have much else to do whilst in your home.” He shrugged, “Stop resisting my need to do my job.”
I held his stare before turning away to gather my folders and other studies, hearing the door click shut and returning my gaze to see that I was now alone.
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
Traffic - Part 3
People : Plus size Reader x C.Evans, S.Stan, A.Mackie
Warnings : Language ; speaking/grammar mistakes
Word Count : 2.229
Author’s Note : Italic = Reader’s Thoughts
Y/BF/N = Your Best Friend Name
It was one of those days where the seconds, the minutes and the hours didn’t seem to past fast enough. Your boss was constantly on your back, your co-workers were a pain in the ass and you just wanted to go home and chill. The way you reacted with the actor at the grocery store was all you could think about. You didn’t mean to be cold or rude or anything, you were just shocked seeing him in front of you for starters. Then the fact that he recognized you, even he only saw you for a couple of minutes during the traffic, was unbelievable. People like him, busy, famous, how could he remember you, when he must meet dozen of people and fans every day. You had 20 minutes left for your shift to end, when you saw your best friend enter the diner. « Hey girl, how are you? », she asked. You gave her a small smile and replied « It could be better. » « What’s wrong? » « Nothing much. Just tired, is all. » She looked at you and you could sense that she wanted to ask you something. « Ok, spill it out. » Her eyes widen and she giggled nervously. « Why do you think there’s something? » « Because I know you and right now you want to ask me something, but just don’t know how », you replied nonchalantly. « Alright, so I was serving a client and my co-worker was serving another. Her client was stressed because she had some event tomorrow but couldn’t find a babysitter for her son. I went to her, apologized for listening to her conversation and ‘’accidentally’’ told her that I might know someone that could babysit her son. » You gave her one of those looks ‘oh no you didn’t’.  « And….I might have given her your number », she finished. « Are you nuts??!!! Why would you give my number to a stranger?» « I know, I’m sorry, but she really seemed desperate and nice. » « How can you know if she’s nice? You shouldn’t believe everything you see. » « Look, I would have watch out for the kid myself, but I have a date tomorrow and it’s not the first time the lady comes to the store. She’s a regular client and I even had the occasion to serve her once and trust me when I say that she’s really nice. She was as reluctant as you and I told her that you were trustworthy, hardworking and good with children and that you had a dog. »
You groaned and took a deep breath. You looked back at her and saw her famous puppy eyes look. « Don’t you dare give me that look », you said. « Pllleeeeeaaassseeeee » ‘I’m gonna regret this’, you thought to yourself. « Fine! », you replied with greeted teeth. « You’re lucky I don’t have to go to the center tomorrow, otherwise too bad for your client. » « Thank you thank you thank you. You’re a life savior », she said embracing you. « Yeah, yeah », you replied grumpy. Once your work was done, you ended the night with your best friend.
The next day
The following morning, you woke up with your phone ringing.
From Unknown : Hello, I was recommended by your friend Y/BF/N that works at the story on 5th Street. I know this may sound weird, but having a last minute event that I have to attend to, your friend kindly suggested that you could take care of my sons for the night. She vouched for you and having had the opportunity to see her sometimes, I trust her judgement, but if it wasn’t much asked, could you maybe email me your résumé? I’m sure you understand that I would like to have a little more information about the person that is supposed to take care of my children. Sincerely, Sheletta.
« Sons? Plural, she wrote. What? », you mumbled out load.
To Unknown : Hello, yes she informed me about your situation yesterday. I can guarantee you that I perfectly understand your apprehension and just emailed you my résumé. But I would like to have some information too, if that’s alright for you. Sincerely, Y/N.
30 minutes later and the woman replied back to you.
From Unknown : I just checked your résumé and think you would be perfect to babysit my sons. Of course, ask right away. What would you like to know?
To Unknown : Y/BF/N told me I would take care of ‘your son’, but she didn’t mention that you had more than one. Will I babysit one or more?
From Unknown : I have three sons but hope that the number doesn’t scare you off.
To Unknown : Oh no, it’s no problem. I also wanted to ask, if of course you wouldn’t mind if I bring my dog with me. She’s not too big, but I still feel bad when I have to leave her alone when I have to go to work.
From Unknown : Oh no, no problem. Bring her with you. I’m sure the boys will love her. And besides, we have a small garden, so there’s no problem at all.
To Unknown : Thank you so much. Are there anything I need to know about your children. When diner time, is anyone allergic to something?
From Unknown : Oh no. They eat of all. Just like their father. But for those details, we’ll talk more about it when you arrive. Could you be at my place at 7pm?
To Unknown : Yes, no problem.
After you that, she gave you her address and thanked you for helping her.
It was know 6pm. You grabbed your purse, phone, car keys, Nana and head down your place to your car. You entered the address in the GPS and started the engine. Considering the fact that they lived 30 minutes away from your place, you decided that you still had 30minutes if for some weird reason, you would lose your way. And you also wanted to make a good impression and arrive a little bit earlier than the indicated hour. The way went great, you didn’t lost yourself and parked the car in front of a huge house. You checked the address again and yes you were at your destination. You got out of the car and headed to the front door with your fluffy four legged puppy. You rang the doorbell and were greeted a minute later by a elegant woman. ‘It must be her’, you thought. « Hello, I’m Y/N » « Oh hello, come on in please. Make yourself at ease. » You thanked her and took a quick glance at her home « Wow, you have a beautiful home. » « Thank you », she replied smiling. You saw three figures hiding behind the couch and deducted that it would be the three little monsters. You waved at them and the minute they saw the dog, they went running to their mother. 
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You smiled at their amazed expression. « Mama, look doggy », said the smallest. You crouched down in front of him and said sweetly « This is Nana. You can pet her if you want. » « Nana? Like in Peter Pan », replied another one. You smiled brightly « Yes exactly like in Peter Pan. » The eldest started to pet the dog and seeing the gentles of the animal, his brothers followed. You faced the mother again who was eyeing the scene with affection. « Come, let me explain to you a few things for the night. » You followed her to the room and she began « I will be out with my husband but I don’t know the time we will be back. Probably around midnight or one », she revealed hesitantly. « Alright », you replied. She seemed relieved and continued « We will leave money on the kitchen counter for you to order some pizza for the boys and yourself. I bought some dog cereal for your dog. » « Oh you it’s really kind of you but you shouldn’t. I planned it and brought her, her food. » « Don’t worry about that. You’ll serve her from the bag I brought and will take the rest home with you, since we don’t have a dog. Regarding the children, you can watch a movie but I’m sure they would want to watch Disney. » « Oh it’s fine by me. We’re never too old for Disney » you said to which you both chuckled.
« Hey babe, you ready? », you heard a male voice shout from upstairs. « Why is there a dog? », he continued and entered the room. The moment you turned around and faced him, your smile vanished. ‘Is this a joke? This is a joke right?’, you kept repeating in your head. « Y/N this my husband, Anthony. » You stood frozen and Mackie seemed as surprised as you. « Oh I see you may have recognized him. It’s incredible, since he’s part of Marvel that’s the reaction we get », she said. You swallowed and replied « Sorry. Hello, nice to meet you. » He smirked and cleared his voice « Y/N right? You look familiar. I don’t know. » He did as he was thinking and exclaimed « Ahh, I DO REMEMBER, know », he said with a singing voice. You immediately caught on his act and blushed. He was totally using the first lyrics of ‘September’ song at his advantage. You chuckled nervously and replied « Yeah, it’s crazy. These past weeks, people have been telling me the same. It’s like someone’s been secretly searching for me and has hired the whole world to do so. » He laughed loudly and looked at his wife. « As entertaining as this could be, I’m sorry but we have to go now », he turned to his wife. « Yes, let’s go. And thank you again for keeping them Y/N. You’re a real life savior. » You blushed again and replied that it was no problem. You saw them go away and before Mackie closed the door, he looked back at you grinning and winked.
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You looked back at the kids who were all over Nana, not that she as complaining and mumbled « Ok let’s go. » You gathered the children and asked what they wanted to eat. When you all finished diner, you took them around the neighborhood for Nana’s regular walk and saw a small parc not far away. You let the kids play a little bit around and when it was getting dark, you head home. The eldest guaranteed you that he could help his smaller brothers take a shower so that’s what they did. After the shower, they came back downstairs and we put on a Disney movie. When the hour indicated 10h30 pm, you send the boys to bed and read them a story. They gave Nana a final goodbye and fell asleep. You came back downstairs and put on a Marvel movie. « Since we’re here, why not push the irony to its extreme », you said. Nana by your side, you pressed play and let Captain America : The Winter Soldier illuminate the screen. You were almost falling asleep when you heard the door open and people laughing. They were back. « Why watch a movie when you can see us in flesh and bones », exclaimed Mackie. You chuckled and noticed a third person coming behind him. « How was your night? », demanded Sheletta. « It was nice thank you. The kids are feed, showered and asleep. How was yours? » « It was great. Thank you again. » You gestured your hand in order to say ‘no problem’ and then turned to Mackie and saw Sebastian grinning next to him. You shouldn’t be surprised by know, but well you were. « Look who insisted to come along », said Mackie while patting Sebastian’s shoulder. « Well, he did mention that you were here and I only believe what I see, especially when this one says it. » You looked at Sheletta who gave you a sympathetic smile and figured she knew. « What can I say. It seems like, for a mysterious reason, I keep bumping into you », you replied. « I guess you own me that cookie now », exclaimed a way too happy Sebastian. « That’s against the rules. We were supposed to see each other again unplanned and totally randomly. » « That’s why there are rules, for mankind to break them », replied the Romanian sarcastically. You rolled you eyes and smiled. 
Mackie then looked at his wife who nodded and took you aside. « Here, that’s for tonight », he said while giving you several green bills. « I can’t accept that. » « What? Of course you can. » « It’s way too much. I didn’t do much tonight. Your children are awesome, I only had to order food and put them to bed. No, I can’t accept. » « I insist », he said firmly. You looked at him hesitantly. « Come on. You really saved our night, so the only thing left for you do is accept this. Anyway, I will put in your purse. » You sighed and accepted, « Thank you. » He nodded and you headed back to the room were the other adults stood. « I’m gonna go know and leave you rest », you told. Sheletta came to you and gave you a hug, which surprised you and thanked you again. Mackie did the same. « Ehm… I came with Anthony and Sheletta. Do you mind giving me a lift? », asked Sebastian. « No, no problem. And last time I check, I owe you a cookie. » He smiled and followed you.
You ended up at a small diner, talking for several hours about everything like you knew each other for years. He told you about his childhood, about Romania and how we became passionate about cinema. You told him yours and what you did in life, what your passions were. It was getting late and decided to part ways. « Do you need me to drop you off somewhere? » « Don’t worry I’ll take a cab. » « You sure? » « Yeah, yeah. » You said your goodbyes and even (finally) exchanged your phone number.
*gif and picture not mine, credit to owner* 
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Runaway | 2
BTS Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader + other parings ? | Part 1 2 3 4? Characters: Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, (+ other BTS members in fufure) Summary: Jin was the mononym for the notorious mafia leader who owned one of the biggest corporations in the city. But what happens when the big, bad kingpin comes face to face with his missing first love after five years, in a manner that just screamed “star crossed lovers”? Will he ever find out why she turned her back on him and became a runaway? Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: Nothing really, besides a slightly big headed superior lol
A/N: I ADDED JIN!!!!! but there isnt interaction yet so 
"Thank you so much for doing this today... again. I promise I'll-" ”Stop. I told you I don't mind, and really, I don't." Namjoon cut me off from the other end of the line. With my phone by my ear, I raised my available hand and called an incoming taxi.
"It's just, I told you to wait until the-" "I swear, if you apologize one more time, I will storm to your new office and get you fired on your first day."
I chuckled and ran into the cab, feeling butterflies swirl in my stomach as the words Namjoon fluttered in my minde. "New office," I repeated.
"That's right," his smugness was audible, "Don’t worry everything’s--” there was a crashing sound. I heard a few muffled sounds, along with some shouts.
When the car started moving, it took a lot for me not to tell the driver to pull over so I could run back home. 
“Namjoon?!” I called in panic.
There was a painfully prolonged silence.
A growl answered not soon enough, “Sorry, Kkul is being a handful today.” And as if protest, my dog’s barking pierced through.
I groaned in relief. I gave myself a moment and pulled my phone away as an airy chuckle left my lips. I sighed, “Namjoon, are you sure you can-” “Ya! I can handle anything, okay? There was just a small hiccup. Kkul snuck her way through a bag of treats, s’all. It’s been dealt with. Now go and get paid unless you wanna hear another sermon."
I smiled though he couldn’t see, "Okay, mama Joonie."
"Fighting!" he spoke lastly and hung up. With one final chuckle, I turned to the driver and gave a soft smile, “Pearl tower please."
I forgot how hectic traffic was but also how much easier it is to just exit your ride in front of the place you're going to.
Thankfully, I was much earlier this morning and arrived well before 8:15, my call time. Why there was an extra fifteen minutes was a mystery, but I guessed it was for allowance or something. Regardless, I got here when my watch read 7:30.
I went up to the twenty-fifth floor and was greeted by front desk. 
I greeted back, "Good morning, I'm the new secretary. I was told to report here."
"Ah, secretary?" 
I nodded. 
"You're early. You’ve been assigned to someone who always arrives on the dot, so you can take it either way. Please make yourself comfortable while you wait. He'll be here in fourty."
I gave her a smile and did as she said.
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“Get your damn feet off the dashboard, Taehyung.” I growled at the man wearing a bright violet, satin shirt along with gold embroidered black pants. He silently pulled off his combat boots down, crossing his legs, adjusting his seat belt.
“You want one?” he then offered, as he pushed his golden tainted sunglasses up like a headband, before opening a pack of bubble gum.
“I don’t want my teeth to rot.” I quipped, over taking a moron in a Honda in front of me.
I honked just as I passed him, nodding my head in disapproval.
“Chillax, hyung.” he spoke, against the sound of chewing. “It’s not like you’ll be fired if you’re late.”
I gripped the steering wheel, “Do you want to walk there?” I then gave him a dirty look, “Because that’s how you walk there.”
At this point, the man raised his brows and looked away, not forgetting to blow a bubble as he did.
“I swear, you’re lucky you’re valuable, Taehyung, or else I would’ve thrown your body down a dump.”
He chuckled and gave a wide, boxy smile. “Ya! Jin hyung! Coming from you, that’s a real compliment.
The ding of the elevator alerted me. I putting the phone I was busy checking posts online on, I stood up and heard the receptionist get greeted. Just then, two men in stormed off in heavy discussion, completely ignoring me.
“Yaaa,” the woman across me whisper-yelled, “ka!”
And go I did.
I was quick to follow them, feeling slightly uneasy by the fact I was technically doing so unknown. Just then, one of the two men turned around. I assume he was mister Min, my superior, considering the fact he gave me a nod in regard.
I quickly nodded back, along with a polite smile. He turned back to the man next to him immediately after.
The two seemed wrapped up in quite the conversation and it was evident that they had high positions with all the confidence and single-mindedness that swirled around them. We quickly tread past office cubicles, and hallways, getting greeted by ever single person they passed, until eventually, we wound up in a large office, which I hesitantly entered in fear I shouldn't be too near them. I did enter though and found the room had huge floor to ceiling windows that showcased the busy streets down below.
"All I'm saying is that you should've sped up the process up." the other raised his hands and sat on the side of the desk whereas the one I assumed was Mr. Min, sat on the chair behind the desk.
"Listen, I was hired because of my wit in making tactical decisions, and yes, a delay will crucially push us into a do or die situation, but trust me, I did the right thing. No one will regret it."
The man chuckled, "You're that confident?"
Mr. Min propped his elbows on the surface before him. "I am."
He gave a deep chuckle, “Alright then. Make sure no one gets disappointed."
Suddenly, the entire focus in the room shifted, and all eyes were on me. 
"Yes?" the one sat on the desk quirked a brow. 
I gave a small smile, "Good morning, sir. I’m Mr. Min's new secretary."
Mr. Min cocked his head to the side, and the other gave a chuckle. He pat the back of the man on the chair, "Wow, Yoongi hyung, you're even lucky with secretaries."
"Have we met?" Mr. Min asked, disregarding the previous comment.
I turned to my feet and chuckled, "We have, actually. Yesterday, I... bumped into you and, well, your papers flew all over the place."
A small smirk rose on his lips. He proceeded to nod, seemingly recalling the incident, "Right, you were wearing a red dress and kept apologizing."
"Red dress, huh?" the other mumbled, side eyeing the other.
Mr. Min pat the man’s back, indicating he wanted him to move. The man did just so as Mr Min continued, "Didn’t you you fix some of my papers?" 
I nodded slowly. 
He gave a slightly bigger smile, "I was impressed how much you sorted out in such a small span of time. You saved me from a lot of unnecessary work. I was actually considering looking into you so I could get you as my secretary." Mr. Min turned to the man who had crossed his arms and smirked, "I guess you're right about my luck and secretaries."
"Ya, I'm always right."
"But not about the speeding up process."
He snickered but ignored that, then walked over to me. "Chairman Jung." he smiled softly, extending a hand. Now that he was up-close and center, I realize that he had a killer smile. I instinctively gave a firm handshake. His hand was large and calloused.
We pulled away.
"If he gets too unbearable, let me know and you can be my secretary instead." he winked and chuckled. Alright, now he’s biting up for than he can chew. 
I forced out a chuckle upon hearing his words. "I'm sure there won't be any need, Chairman Jung. Mr. Min seems to be a person of great character."
Mr. Min held back a laugh, but I could see the satisfaction in his face as cleared his throat. He then beckoned me to him. I gave Chairman Jung a nod in regard and walked away.
"Don't let the door hit you on your way out.” Mr. Min called before 
"I won't." he replied looking over his shoulder with a smirk, raising a hand before he left.
"Take a seat." Mr. Min motioned as he shuffled his papers. "I see that you're far more impressive than you already let on."
I gave a small smile, "I've learned a lot in the past twenty-four years."
"Speaking of which, I don't actually know if I should be impressed or scared by how many jobs you've done at your age." he said while taking in the pages of my resumé.
"I did a lot of travelling before, so I had to leave and get a lot of different jobs to sustain myself along the way."
He hummed, "You travel a lot it seems. I recognize this hotel," he pointed, "and this diner," he flipped the page, "are in different cities. And isn’t this one in Hong Kong? You only had those jobs for a month." he turned to me with serious eyes.
I breathed in. The sunlight from the window, was absorbed by his hair and made his skin glow. I couldn’t help but smile at him. I played it off though as I explained "I... went through a spontaneous faze. I'm ready to settle down and have a stable job now."
Mr. Min nodded. He then pushed the papers aside, and propped both elbows on the surface before him. "You don't have a haunting past, do you?"
I raised my brows and peeped out a 'what'.
"You don't have a criminal record or psychotic relatives?"
I opened my mouth and nodded harshly in disagreement, "No, sir. I don't."
He nodded and leaned back, "Good Let me give you your first task then."
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stealther-gurl · 6 years
Lifeguard AU (Aqualad x Reader)
Word Count: 1500+
@actualaqualadtrashcan (and others) wanted an Aqualad lifeguard AU! Sorry I couldn't think of a better title for this one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Though it was summer, New England hardly ever got above seventy-seven degrees Fahrenheit. But for (Y/N), that was boiling hot. Every day they were sitting on the big white chair marked with a red cross. The lifeguard seat was meant for two, but the Happy Harbor beach was never crowded enough to warrant more lifeguards.
Until today.
"Jake, I don't need a partner!" (Y/N) told their boss. "I've been doing this for three years, and everyone on the beach knows me well enough not to cross me."
"And if you're worried that I'm getting soft because things are getting too calm, I swam out to save a six-year-old and a gross old guy who went past the sandbar yesterday."
"(Y/N)," Jake said sternly. "It's not that I don't have confidence in your ability to enforce safety and to save those poor saps, but it's national park regulations. Lots of people have been moving to the Harbor in the past year, and by law, we are required to hire at least one more lifeguard, whom I've already found. Plus, this way you'll be able to sit back and relax."
(Y/N) huffed and marched towards the office door. "I hate sitting in that chair."
"Don't forget to be here early tomorrow! I want you to show our new recruit the ropes!"
(Y/N) slammed the door behind herself.
In all their years on the job, (Y/N) had never been late to work. Today, however, they waited in their car for ten minutes after they parked just to tick of Jake.
Jake ignored their attitude, all smiles to keep things flowing smoothly for their newest lifeguard.
"(Y/N), this is our new fish, Kaldur." Jake pointed with his thumb at a dark-skinned, tattooed guy who had to be at least six feet tall, and that blond hair had to be dyed.
"Kaldur, this is going to be your mentor, (Y/N). They’re the only other guard we've got, but they’re the best we've ever had, and the most dedicated." Jake was so buttering them up right now, but it was not going to work.
"It is a pleasure to be working with you," Kaldur stuck out his hand.
(Y/N) eyed him, grabbing their life board as they pushed past him. "Charmed." They huffed.
They could hear his footprints as he followed them across the sand. So he was going to be one of those insufferable puppy-dog types, wasn't he?
"Mister Jake said you were to teach me about being a lifeguard here." He said. One hand was around the second board provided by Jake, the other was shoved deep in his khaki shorts pocket.
"Not much to teach," (Y/N) snapped, propping their board up on the seat and pushing their hair back. "You make sure people follow the rules, and save their bacon if they get stupid and start to drown." They boosted themself up onto the seat.
Kaldur nodded, deep in thought.
"Hey! No glass bottles! We've got bare feet here!" (Y/N) gave a short burst on their whistle. The man carrying the bottles of root beer glared at them, but nevertheless, he headed back to the parking lot to put his bottles in the car.
(Y/N) nodded promptly and put on their sun visor, already scanning for any more potentially dangerous situations.
They didn't spot any, but what they did see was Kaldur running after the man, calmly inviting him to perhaps buy a commemorative pitcher from the beach's gift shop to put his root beer in instead. The man wasn't too happy about "wasting his money," but he didn't seem as bitter as when (Y/N) yelled at him, and he even shook Kaldur's hand before joining his family on their towels.
A group of elementary-age kids that (Y/N) typically considered "troublemakers" came up to Kaldur and asked to get a better look at his tattoos. (Y/N) wanted to yell at Kaldur to get back to work, but he was being incredibly patient with the kids.
(Y/N) didn't want to admit that they became very interested too when he took off his shirt to show them where the tattoos snaked up his arms and connected on his back.
Kaldur was the first to notice when a boy was wading right for a jellyfish. He helped the kid avoid the stingers, and even helped the fish swim to safety. He also noticed a pod of dolphins farther out to sea and pointed them out to a little girl with dolphins on her swimsuit. He even gave a brief swim lesson to one of (Y/N)'s classmates who seemed afraid of the water
Meanwhile, (Y/N) hadn't even left their stupid chair.
"Who's the new guy?" (Y/N)'s friend asked them a few hours later, leaning against the guard chair.
"New guard." (Y/N) said, squinting at the water. Was that kid drowning?
"He's cute," Zoe said, licking her frozen yogurt cone. She eyed Kaldur, who was helping a couple kids place a flag on top of their sandcastle.
"You're gonna wait thirty minutes after you finish that before you go swimming, right?"
Zoe sighed and saluted. "Yes, Sergeant."
"Help!" Several kids screamed, pointing out to the water. (Y/N) squinted, and out beyond the sandbar they could see the telltale struggle in the water of someone drowning. They jumped down from their seat and sprinted across the sand, diving into the waves. Their strokes cut through the water, and they made good time out to the kid, even with the waves.
"It's okay, I got you," they told them, recognizing the thrashing person as the girl Kaldur had taught earlier.
"Got too cocky, didn't you?" (Y/N) muttered to themself. Their rescue-ee was too busy coughing up water to hear. (Y/N) grabbed the teen under her arms, kicking as hard as they could to keep them both afloat. Then a huge wave came crashing down, forcing both of them under the water.
The wave smacked (Y/N) down against the rocks at the bottom, and another wave tossed them upside down. They gasped for air and felt something grab their arm.
"(Y/N), are you alright?"
Of course Kaldur had to come out and save them. He set (Y/N) down on the sand, and Zoe handed them a towel
"You saved me!" The other drowning victim cried, throwing her arms around Kaldur. The poor boy blushed as she kissed his cheek and everyone began to cheer for him.
(Y/N) turned on their heels and marched up to the guard chair again.
Zoe ran after them. "(Y/N), are you-"
"No, no I'm not okay!" (Y/N) snapped. "The new guy just showed me up, of course I'm not okay!"
They slammed the door to the gift shop and Jake poked his head out of the office.
"So, how's the new fish doing?" He grinned.
(Y/N) slammed a king-size Hershey's bar on the countertop.
"That bad, huh?" Jake winced as he rang up (Y/N)'s order.
"Try good," (Y/N) mumbled. Jake raised a brow in their direction, so they elaborated.
"He's a better lifeguard than I've ever been, and  I think I have a freaking crush  on him but there's no way he'd like me back after I've been rude to him all day and he has a bunch of way cuter girls falling at his feet."
"Are you sure that he thinks they're cute?" Jake asked, "Because he's staring through that window at you like some lovestruck idiot."
(Y/N) couldn't keep themself from not turning around to look out the window.
Both they and Kaldur looked away pink-cheeked.
Jake patted (Y/N)'s shoulder. "I had a whole bunch of applications from people who wanted to be lifeguards, and I told myself I'd only hire one more for now, to keep your ego intact until you could learn a little humility from this one. There were probably a dozen other people more qualified to be a guard here, but something made me chose him.
"Maybe it was meant to be."
(Y/N) sighed, thinking over what Jake had said as they walked out of the gift shop.
Kaldur was waiting right outside the door.
(Y/N) looked at their feet and broke the candy bar in half. "Chocolate?"
"Thank you," Kaldur nodded and accepted the treat.
"Look, I'm sorry, I've been a huge jerk to you when you've been nothing but nice to me and you saved my life, so...can we just...you know..."
"Start over?" Kaldur asked.
(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah."
Kaldur stuck out his hand. "I would like that."
(Y/N) shook his hand. They laughed, both realizing too late that their hands were covered in melted chocolate.
"HELP!" Someone hollered, and they both looked up abruptly.
"Do you want to get it, or should I?" (Y/N) asked.
Kaldur smiled at her. "How about we both do it? Together?"
(Y/N) tossed him a life board, and the two ran towards the waves.
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The Bodyguard Ch.9
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Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3/ Chapter 4/ Chapter 5/ Chapter 6/ Chapter 7/ Chapter 8/ Chapter 9
Summary: You are a hired bodyguard who has just been employed by BigHit Entertainment. You have sworn to never get too involved with the ones you protect again since your last job ended badly. But will you be able to keep that promise to yourself or will your heart be the one who needs better protection? (Sort of based off the movie) 
  Namjoon looked out the window of the car that you were driving. The rest of the boy's had all nodded off. You had been travelling for quite some time and had changed cars a few times along the way. You wanted it to be as difficult as possible to track, to completely disappear. 
You had phoned their managers as soon as you were on your way telling Namjoon to let you handle it. It hadn't gone down well as you had expected but you had been very clear that if it didn't happen the way you insisted then you would go and if that happened then were they willing to chance losing their most successful breakthrough group to date? 
Was it worth the risk? 
You had managed to persuade them although begrudgingly. You were astounded really, wouldn't they want to look after their biggest asset? They were talented boys and extremely kind, that surely meant something to them.
Namjoon at this point had no idea where you were you or where you were headed. He'd never been this far out of the city before and you must be pretty far from home now, you had been driving for hours.
Namjoon found himself nodding off too as it began to grow darker and the noise of the car lulled him to sleep. Soon, not even the odd building could be seen. 
The trees were growing thicker and thicker and it was obvious that you had come to a pretty isolated place. The dirt road that you were driving along wasn't that worn and was very bumpy, so much so that it jostled the others awake.
Namjoon moaned as his head bumped against the window. As he opened his eyes he noticed how they were no surrounded by dense forest.
"Wow! We really are in the middle if nowhere. How long till we get there?" He asked while the others stared out the window, a few looking a little scared at how dark and scary the woods looked.
"Not far now." You aimed a smile behind you to reassure them. You knew it had been a long time to be inside car for so long but soon they'd be able to get out and have a little more freedom. 
Before you had left you had made it a point for them to leave behind any technology. Just in case. You had a landline at the safe house and you always had a burner phone as backup there also. You could tell they were reluctant to be without their phones but it was for the best and you had explained that to them although you were concerned how they would be without them and to live with their boredom.
You finally arrived at your destination. You parked outside and let out a relieved breath at finally getting to the end of the long drive. You got out and went around to Namjoon's car door to alert them to your arrival.
They had all fallen asleep again. You nudged Namjoon to awaken him. It had gotten really dark and it would be best to get them inside to get proper rest. The safe house was more like a cabin and it was quite spacious with a lake nearby. There was four bedrooms the boys could share easily, thankfully they all had single beds with one guest bedroom that had a double which you would take. 
You used to come here often with your father as you and him would come here to fish and in the winter holidays to get away from his busy job and spend quality time together. Now it was used for when you needed to get away from everything and the odd occasion such as this.
Namjoon and the others got out and looked over the cabin in the dying light.
"Wow. This place looks so idealistic, do you own the place?" Jimin asked.
"It's my father's but I mainly come here now, so, technically." You unlocked the cabin door and stood back to let them enter. 
"I'll get a fire started then I'll show you to the rooms down the hall. There's a bathroom just down there if you want to go or freshen up before bed." The prospect of showering really appealed to them as they hadn't had the chance since last nights performance as you had whisked them away straight away.
Once the fire was lit you showed everyone to their rooms. In the end Taehyung and Jungkook ended up sharing the room at the end of the hall, Yoongi and Jin the room adjacent to that and because the other rooms both contained two beds and nobody wanted a room all to their self you suggested moving one of the beds into the others. 
Once that was done Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok were left to share. You made to leave to check the perimeter and go to bed yourself when Namjoon approached you. 
"Where will you sleep?"
"There's a room just down the hall. I'll sleep there, I'll keep the door open to keep an ear out but don't worry we should be safe here. Relax and get some sleep." 
You said before you let out a yawn that you couldn't hold back.
"You must be tired, you drove for so long. I could have taken over for you." 
Namjoon seemed  a little concerned as you had endured a really long drive that normally would have had a few stops a long the way if it was just an ordinary trip.
"You didn't know where we were going?" You smiled amusedly.
"Oh, yeah... Well, you could have given directions." 
Namjoon really was very thoughtful. Even though he was going through a crisis at the moment he was thinking of you. You felt yourself more and more thinking you really had the wrong idea about idols and celebrities, you had blanket covered them to be very self privileged and selfish but Namjoon and his friends were proving you to be wrong.
"It's fine. I like to drive anyway. I'll let you get some rest, I'm going to check around and do the same."
He nodded, shuffling a little awkwardly. "Goodnight then." he said trying not to sound as awkward as he felt.
"Goodnight," You gave him a soft smile that was a little weary. "Namjoon." 
As you walked back down the hall Namjoon watched you until you were out of view. The soft light coming from the bedroom was just enough to illuminate his expression that Jimin just so happened to catch.
"I thought you were tired? Not too tired to moon over Miss. y/l/n, I see?" Jimin said giving Hoseok a wink as he teased Namjoon.
"I am no mooning, I was just..." He took one look at Jimin's face that was looking expectantly for his excuse,seeing the teasing light in his eyes. "Never mind, just... go to sleep."
"Sweet dreams you guys. Especially you, Namjoon." Hoseok said returning a conspiratorial wink to Jimin. "Ooh, miss. y/l/n! I love you!" Hoseok said imitating Namjoon as he hugged himself and made kissing noises.
Jimin and him laughed as Namjoon threw a pillow at him but couldn't help his laugh also. 
"Shut up and turn the light out will you?" Hoseok controlled his laughter and threw Namjoon his pillow back and turned off the light finally.
You grabbed your burner phone as you stepped outside. You decided to bring your father up here too, he usually kept the place tidy and well kept in case you needed it and if you were honest you could do with his help. He never had a position like yours but he also had military background and you felt his presence may even help around the place plus your dog which was in your father's care was an excellent guard dog that would be a tremendous help to you and you missed her a lot too.
Her name was Maggie but you normally called her Mags for short. You had trained her to be quiet and alert you to any intrusion. She was extremely loyal and very unique looking. She was a cross breed. A mix of an Australian shepherd and a Siberian husky. The official name for the breed was a Aussie Siberian and she was beautiful. She had the colourings of a shepherd the grey blue markings with a few light brown spots, her ears were black and were upright but folded over, but what truly made her striking was her one piercing pale blue eye. Her other was dark brown, so much so that the pupil was indiscernible. She was your most loyal companion and protector.
Once you had phoned your father you had had your ear chewed off about not calling often enough and you had felt bad but being good at your job meant you were in demand and everyone wanted your protection. You had apologised and asked him to come down. He had agreed saying that it would be his chance to actually see you. You had rolled your eyes but had thanked him and told him to bring down Mags as well. 
"I was going to anyway." Was his response. You laughed a little at that he was just as much in love with her as you were and the last time you had left you had given Mags instructions to take care of you father whilst you were away. By the sounds if it she had done a good job.
"Thanks, dad. I'll see you soon."
"You haven't said. Who have you got down there?"
"We'll talk about it when you get here."
"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Okay, bye.”
You heard your father hang up, you put the phone in your pocket and let out a breath. It had chilled off since getting dark and a chill ran up your spine. You hugged yourself and headed back inside to get some rest. Tomorrow your father would be here and you would probably have to deal with quite a few questions from both him and Namjoon and his friends. You'd need as much sleep as possible to look forward to that.
Once morning came around you were surprised to see that Taehyung was already up along with Jungkook and Yoongi. You always got up extra early to do a round of the perimeter so you were surprised to see them up especially since the day before yesterday had been so hectic and they had slept in the car and then not until late last night so they couldn't have got much sleep in.
"What are you guys doing up?"
"Tae said you'd teach him some self defense." Yoongi said tilting his head giving you  a questioning look.
"Yes, I did." You looked between them not really sure where this was going.
"Can you teach us too?" Jungkook asked. "I mean I know some stuff but I bet you know more."
"I've been through a lot of training it's true and of course you're welcome to join if it makes you feel better."
"Oh good!" A voice from just inside the doorway startled you. You turned to see the everyone else emerging from the cabin. Hoseok gave you a thumbs up as he passed. "In that case. Please teach us!" You hadn't expected everyone to find out and want to be taught but you were pleasantly surprised.
"Alright. You all have to take it seriously though." You said sternly.
"Yes, Ma'am!" They shouted in unison.
"Alright, then. Breakfast first? And then you can all meet me in a small separate space from the cabin by the lake.”
They all headed back in for breakfast except Namjoon who hung behind.
"Something wrong?" You asked.
"How long do you think we'll be here?" 
"I don't know. I wish I did, these things need to be handled properly and you returning when there might still be danger would be a mistake. Just relax not that you're here. Worrying about things won't make time move faster or your situation blow over any quicker, okay? Trust me."
He nodded, looking out across towards the lake that was nearby. 
"It's very beautiful here."
"It is. I came here a lot with my father when I was little."
"You don't anymore?" He looked to you now, curious.
"Not as much. But I asked him to come here now for his help and of a friends."
"Your father? Why?"
"He used to be in the military he can be immeasurably helpful sometimes when I have to look at a problem from an outside perspective."
"Wow, I suppose I should have guessed."
"Guessed what?"
"Well, I heard that before you were a bodyguard you were in the army. It kind of makes sense that at least one of your parents were probably part of some sort of service too."
"Hmmmm, when you put it like that."
"You mentioned a friend. Who?"
You smiled. "You'll see."
You moved past him and made your way back inside. He watched you go. Taking one last look outwards he took a deep breath in and released it before heading in to eat something as well.
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