#but like the sigh of relief... hooh.
meatpuppit · 1 year
the thing they dont tell you about having a lot of people that you knew in high school that you periodically check in on is that it only takes one time to feel completely justified in being truly deeply afraid of seeing an obituary. 
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An overdue actress begrudgingly attends an award ceremony, being nominated for 2 awards that night. She’s tired, she’s having some on an off cramps and just wants to get home. But she wins her first award, it’s a heavy walk to get to the stage but she manages and does her unprepared speech. All the while she gets her first sharp pain in her lower stomach she plays it off and gets off the stage sitting down into her seat slowly exhaling away the pains that have become more constant. The night progresses as does her labor she wins a second award but as she stands up her water breaks and the need to push is strong. She accepts her award as the first baby is pushed into her pants. At the end she has to run off stage and push the second baby out.
I'll say this is creative like good job my dude!
She watched the crowd, all the people passing by and biding her time and she walks out and enters the award ceremony.
Her large overdue belly of three weeks just had began to shock with pain, she gets to her seat at the very corner of the left row.
Sighing in relief... Rosa had grown very paranoid.
Her cramping got prominent and she had grown impatient and really needed to go home, her mind panicked. She shifted around her seat.
Then they called "Awars for best acting 2023!!! Is.... Rosa Evelyn!!" She got holding her hard heavy belly whilst breathing through a tough contraction, her back aches troubly walking.
She began her speech "This award should not be with me... but it is and I apprieciate it. All of you h- had been the reason fo- r my career and so I say t- thank you, all." She subtly groans as the people clap with a sharp pain in her lower side giving her a harsh sear of hot-pain.
She waddles to her seat holding her back and her belly and groans whilst exhaling through the most constant and sharp contractions. She sat down relieved of the heavy pain.
And waiting through after 5 grueling hours...
And she was sweating rounds and shifted in her seat frequently, holding her belly. slowly panting as a small pop comes through. She leans a bit forward and grunts.
They call her for the second award for greatest movie acting again, She walks through her belly taut and tight sears with hot-white pain.
Her urge to push was immense and she couldn't hold it any longer, she pushed whilst walking and began her speech.
"I- I really thank you a- au- all for giving this to m- me *Gulp* as you a- are Hooh haha the only reason-" Bearing down as hard as she could and dropping the first baby through, ripping all the way out her panties and she twitches as she continues her speech and bears with all she can "Is b- because of you, m- my audience a- and with- without you I'd n- necmver be here so thank you."
She rushes down the stage, holding her belly her blond hair tucked to her face. Ruby eyes prickiling with tears and she gets to her seat grips the armrest and let's it rip.
She pants as the head pops out, she softly gasp and yelp. Then she felt a thick contraction so she grabbed her belly and pulled her head back and popped out the twins.
And since she was last, she heard the host end the oscars and she rushed out the exit getting into the limo as she pulls from her pants, her twins as they rush her to the hospital.
She groans and screams as the third drops out and wails out, she told them to please pick up the pace legally and got to the hospital in time.
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cherripeach · 4 years
Chapter 8
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Prologue 19-20: *Mario Theme Song* *kid bangs head on desk*
Chapter Summary: Finally, a solid moment of calm.
Warnings: Curse words, jokes about death, jokes about coma
Words: 3.3k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
The three of you began your journey back to the mirror. All of you are more damaged and much more of a mess than the cottage.
Grim was satisfied with whatever he ate, so much, in fact that he was situated on your shoulder, rubbing his belly and even burping in your ear.
As tired as you are, you still could not knock Grim off of your shoulder. Petting his head, however, did put more energy back into your energy bar. You could even hear the slightest pur coming from him.
Ace and Deuce both trudged behind you back to the mirror. Ace appeared remarkably more beat up than Deuce, but neither appeared put together.
Once all three of you finally stood before the mirror door, you could breathe a sigh of relief because there was no more spooky forest anymore.
After you got into the school, you allowed Ace and Deuce to lead the group because you had no clue where the Headmaster would be located. You three went up over four flights of stairs and through like ten hallways, and you finally arrived at a set of ginormous, old, brown double doors.
The three of you stopped in front of the door, and Ace held up his hand and knocked.
When nothing was heard or no one came, all three of you walked inside.
Headmaster Crowley was sitting at his desk, slouched over a stack of paper, writing and reading from the paper in front of him. Even when you, Deuce, Ace, and Grim walked in (even though Grim was on your hip), the headmaster did not even look up at you.
It was not until Ace coughed into his hand that the headmaster’s head popped up to stare in awe at your group. He could not even put words together as he was just lost staring at the three of you. His mouth even moved some as if it was trying to find some words to say. If you could see his eyes, you were sure that they would be bulging out of his head by now.
Grim flung his arms up in the air yelling, “Hey, we went into that scary mine and got you the crystal thing. At least, say something!”
The Headmaster flew up out of his seat, “Eh!? You really went to Dwarfs' Mine to find a magic crystal?”
“Eeeh?” The three idiots and you all jumped back.
The headmaster shot a look at all four of you idiots to let him speak and then shook his head, “I really didn't think… You'd not only go but then come back with a crystal in hand. I quietly completed the paperwork for your expulsion.”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” As nothing was going your way, you may as well mess more up, so you began your lecture, “I have spent all of my afternoon and most of my night babying and taking care of these three imbeciles, so they stop whining about everything. I also had to actually get them to work together to defeat a monster that is against safety standards for a principal to let the students go up against. All without a decent meal, sleep, or a shower. I look like and feel like shit and now have more bruises and scratches on my body than your number of mistakes in the last twenty-four hours.” You quited down some If I could, “And if someone doesn’t try to cooperate and help me, I’ll start sobbing right here.”
The principal was left stunned, but quickly shook it off, “I apologize for your grievances, but what do you mean by ‘monster’. And more importantly what do you mean by ‘work together’?”
‘Did he not hear a word I just said??’ Your mind would not allow you to forget this moment.
Ace popped into the conversation now, “There was a monster there!
It was super gross and crazy strong, it was awful!” He stuck his tongue out in disgust.
The headmaster placed his hands on his desk and leaned forward, “Could you explain it in more detail? And also tell me how you worked together to defeat it?”
Ace, Deuce, and you started on your long, treacherous (As Grim described it) journey and battle to get the magic crystal which was still gripped in your hand.
The handmaster let out a chuckle, “hoh hooh. A mysterious monster living in the coal mine. The four of you worked together to defeat it and bring back a magic crystal?”
Deuce and Ace could beg to differ:
Ace crossed his arms and turned away, “We didn't really work together…”
Deuce could only look at his feet, “It was more like our goals were aligned…”
The Headmaster grabbed the clothes near his heart and slowly out of his mouth came booming sobs and howls.
Grim faced you and inquired, “What's with this guy? Why is an adult bursting into tears!?”
You shook your head, “To be honest, I don’t know nor do I care. I just want to go back home.”
The Headmaster shot back up from his slouched cry to gaze at all four of you, “In all these years that I've been Headmaster… For the day to come that students from Night Raven College go hand-in-hand to face and defeat their enemy!”
Deuce gave a shout of, “What?! I did not hold this guy’s hand!”
And that just would be the only thing that Deuce cared about.
Ace was the same as he scowled at Deuce, “I would never do that, gross! But Headmaster, how old are you!?”
The Headmaster dabbed his eyes on a random tissue he pulled out of thin air, “ I am overwhelmed with emotion. This incident confirms it.” He turned to you and spoke your name, “Without a doubt, you have talent as a beast tamer.”
And with you delusions of no sleep, no water, and almost no food, you heard that completely wrong.
“Headmaster, look I’m not one to judge, but that sounds too kinky to be school appropriate.” You signed and shook your hand that was not holding Grim.
Ace and Deuce made wide eyes at you, but the Headmaster just continued on.
He threw his hands out as if he was worshiping himself, “Students of Night Raven College are budding wizards called here by the Dark Mirror. However, they are of a superior class that makes them prideful and egotistical people that have not even the slightest inkling to work with others. Making many of them selfish and centered.”
Grim’s nose wrinkled, “You're really not saying anything good.”
Crowley (Since I finally realize that he does have a name) pointed a finger at you, “You cannot use magic. But, maybe, precisely because you cannot use magic means that you could give instructions to wizards and get them to cooperate. Perhaps that mediocrity is exactly what this school needs right now.”
Ace repeated Grim’s line with furrowed eyebrows, “He’s not saying anything nice, is he?”
Your smile lifted as you locked eyes with Ace, “It’s not like there is anything nice to say about you.”
Headmaster Crowley ignored your discussion but still had a finger pointed at you, “I have no doubt that your existence is essential to the future of this academy. So says my educator-senses. Trappola, Spade. Along with rescinding your expulsion I shall give you the qualifications to attend Night Raven College as a student!“
You paused from your glare of with Ace, “Wait.. what?” Your eyes widened, but Grim’s grip on your cloak tightened.
The other two boys threw in their own remarks and confusion about the situation.
You had gained eye contact with the man for a solid five seconds just to say, “You have gotta be kiddin’ me?” before he spun around with his hands in the same position to worship himself.
He chuckled and nodded, “Yes. For I am exceedingly gracious. But, there is one condition. You cannot use magic. Becoming a wizard is out of the question. You probably will not be able to complete all your lessons. That is why, Grim. You have proven to me that you possess enough talent to become a wizard. Therefore, I shall allow the two of you to enrol together, as one student.”
Grim skirted out of your arms onto the Headmaster’s desk, “I... I can go to this academy too...? Not as a handyman, but as a student?”
Headmaster Crowley turned back around to emphasize to Grim his next lecture topic, “Yes. Provided that! You don't ever let an incident like yesterday occur again! Do we have an agreement?“
Grim snatched the Headmaster’s hand and lobbed it up and down, “Yes, yes, yes.” All before leaping into your arms with a little speckle of a tear in his eyes, “We-we can.”
You ran your hand through the fur on his head, “Yes, we can.”
He sprung up while still in your hold with his hands held high, “I did it!”
The Headmaster opened a drawer and pulled out a piece of cloth, “Well then, I shall give the symbol of your status as a student of Night Raven College, a magic crystal, to Grim.”
Crowley walked over to the two of you and wrapped the collar around Grim’s neck.
Grim began pulling on it and observing all that he could, “Whoa! A magic crystal!?”
The Headmaster bobs his head, “It is the norm for students to have their magic crystals in the form of a 'magic pen' but, you wouldn't be able to grip it in your paws, right? It's a special custom. Aaah... I pay attention to even the smallest details! Aren't I too gracious?”
Grim rocked back and forth in your arms while waving his hands and hitting your face several times, “I did it!! I'm so cool! I got my own special magic crystal collar~”
The Headmaster shook his head and turned to you, “He isn't listening at all...Do you understand? As you can see, Grim is not accustomed to human society. It's up to you to take the rein and supervise him to prevent from causing any more trouble!”
You breathed in and out, “So now you are going to force onto me more responsibilities? Let’s just make me in charge of the country while we are at it”
Ace grabbed your shoulders and cackled, “Aha! Look at you. School's just started, but you're already a supervisor?”
Deuce verbalized his findings, “I see. There's only the two of you in your dorm… so if you've been entrusted with supervising Grim, that makes you a supervisor.”
Ace’s cackle burst through his lips again, “Pufft... Isn't that unheard of? For there to be a supervisor student who is unable to use magic. Nice. It's cool. A supervisor student who is unable to use magic!”
You squinted your eyes, scrunched up your nose, and frowned your lips, “Because this is exactly what I want to do with my life. Of course, not sleep 24/7 or” You tossed the hand not holding Grim up, “Or how about something even better: a coma.”
Ace let go of you and walked around you to get behind you, only to smack your back, “Good luck, supervisor!”
You glared at Ace and murmured, “I’ll steal all of your favorite snacks. I’d say hurt you, but eating your snacks will hurt you mentally.”
Headmaster Crowley snapped his fingers, “I see, a supervisor. I do have a work request, and having a title makes it very convenient... This is wonderful! Supervisor. I entrust you with this. ...This is nicknamed the ‘ghost camera’.”
This camera or whatever was an old camera thing, but you weren’t listening. Your lack of sleep was catching up to you once your brain realized that the stress of being kicked out was gone. Your eyes began to flutter close every couple of seconds and then snap open once you brain processed what was happening. Problem was that you did not understand anything that came out of anyone’s mouth until Ace elbowed you in the ribs.
You caught the headmaster's end of a speech, “Does my graciousness know no bounds?”
You stumbled over your words, “Uh...yeah. Thanks a lot.”
Crowley sat back down, “It is already late. Let's save the detailed conversation for tomorrow.
Return to your dormitories, everyone.”
Deuce bowed to the man, “Pardon our intrusion.”
All three of you just about sprinted out of that room.
Once in the hallway, a yawn came out of your mouth.
Deuce sighed, “Haaaaaah... Expulsion rescinded... I'm beat.”
Grim was the only one of you four who did not look like they were about to pass out right now with his singing and skipping, “I start as a student of Night Raven College tomorrow! I'm gonna leave you all in the dust and take the top spot!”
Ace snorted, “You talk big for someone who is only half a full student... Anyway, it's fine.”
“We're classmates tomorrow, Supervisor, Grim.” Deuce bowed to you two.
You just bob your head at the two who started a conversation about how they have to see each other every day even if they don’t want to.
Ace rolled his eyes, turned to you, and smiled somewhat, “Alright, see you tomorrow, Supervisor.”
Grim turned to face you, “We better get back to the dorm! Tomorrow, we aren't the handyman! Finally... Finally! Our bright and shiny academy life at Night Raven College begins!”
You could only throw a thumbs up to show you were listening to Grim as you followed him to your dorm.
Once at your dorm, Grim sprinted to bed and passed out before you even made it in the room.
You went into your bathroom to check if you had any running water, and what a sight it was when you realized that you still did not have any running water.
You just had to curse that man out, “Fuck that ignorant man! When I get my hands on him, I’ll strangle the bullshit out of him!”
You huffed out and decided that getting out of this cloak was the best option to at least be more comfortable. Taking off the cloak and placing it on the bathroom counter, all you saw was what a mess you had become: you were breaking out again as acne appeared from stress and lack of care, your eye bags could probably hold weights above what your arms could, your lips were in dire need of chapstick, and your hair was probably able to be a grill with all the grease on it.
You slapped your cheeks and struggled to walk downstairs because there was no way you were going to sleep in these conditions without a shower and without proper air conditioning or food for dinner.
You dumped your poor self on the almost destroyed couch and just tried to close your eyes. You only had your eyes close for a minute when you heard a rustling outside of your dorms.
You sat up and surveyed the area making sure no one was inside as if anything important or worth stealing was inside the house, and after you saw no one inside, you checked the window closest to you. All you could see was a cult like gathering of fire flies and a tall ass figure in view.
And in your haze of delusions you went outside to greet the being.
You stepped out the door and down a couple of stairs to get a clear view of the male, and from what you could assume he was not bad on the eyes. He looked familiar, but your mind was blacking for a minute there; The horns were an odd part, but I mean there were furries here.
The male finally noticed you when you tripped down the last step and almost fell on your face, but you didn’t, so you didn’t embarrass yourself in front of the male who looked like he could kill you which in your eyes is the one thing that makes a man.
The male and you finally locked eyes causing you to awkwardly smile at him while he just put on a confused face that you would see on a dog, and then, your brain connected the dots.
The horned puppy decided to start the conversation, “Child of man, why do you look sick?”
Kinda hurt, not gonna lie, but you have to hide it, “Wow, puppy, and to think I thought you liked me.”
The male’s face fell, “I never meant to offend you. Your appearance is concerning, however, and I do not want you to be facing any trouble here.”
“Nothing you can do, dude.” You shook your head, but you had an idea, “I mean, unless you can either let me borrow your shower or fix my water…” You threw in your sad eyes to make it more appealing.
The male was taken aback, “Your water is not working?”
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p.’
The male gazed at your house, “I hope to be of some use to you with your troubles.”
You snorted at his response and began to walk to the house, “Well, dude, I’ve always wanted a boyfriend…” You raised your eyebrows at him.
The male’s face contorted in confusion, “I do not believe that I could offer any help at finding another for you.”
You shook your head, “You know what, let’s just go fix my water.”
You two finally entered the dorm and headed to the basement where the water tank was.
You pointed at the water tank, “I don’t know what to do. Please work your magic, magic man.”
The horned male pulled out his pen from his pocket and murmured some words only for a bright green light to appear and fly onto the water tank.
After a couple of seconds, you could hear water flowing into and out of the water tank.
You jumped onto the tall male and squeezed his neck to both hold on and show your gratitude, “You are the absolute best person I have ever met. I could just kiss you right now!”
The male stood there in your arms waiting to be let go you guess, but since you have not had a hug in more than a day you were going to take full advantage of this. You squash his neck between your arms and finally, when you heard a cough, you slowly began to let go.
“Really, thanks dude. I don't know what I would do without you.” You smiled up at the male in your appreciation.
The male bowed to you, “It was not a problem, child of man. I do not need your gratitude.”
You slapped his arm, “Oh, shut up! You are amazing and definitely need my thanks.”
The male shook his head, “It is time for me to go back home, child of man. I hope you are blessed with a great night.”
You walked with the male back upstairs and out the door. He waved goodbye and headed to two figures in the distance. One reminded you of sleep beauty as you named him.
You also found this as a great time to embarrass the horned male, “Since you fixed my water, I’ll give you a free pass for whatever you want in the future. And I mean whenever. But thanks so muchhhhhhh!” You yelled at the males with your hands cupped to your mouth.
The taller of the two other boys, the one who you did not know and was not sleeping beauty, was being held back by sleeping beauty for some reason.
You just threw your shoulders up and walked back inside ready to take a shower.
And the shower was the best one you ever had. If only you could get a change of clothes.
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Part 2! @ikemen-girl
Retrieve That Smile Again (Part 2)
Pairing: IkeSen Ieyasu x MC (Reader)
Type: One Shot
Rated: Angst + Fluff
Even though he will be out of his character, now he will be the one to retrieve her old smile.
Day 1
"....What is this?"
"It's a food made by Masamune-san. He made it a lot, so it will go to waste if we didn't finish it. I've asked for the maids to serve it here... Maybe you could join for a lun-"
"Bring it to my chamber. I will eat it later if I remember it."
"Your chamber? Isn't it far away from mine? It's better to have it here, while it's still hot--"
"More the reason why to have it in my chamber. Rather than eating it hot and at an unpleasant surroundings, it's better to have it cold in an area that I'm more comfortable with."
An invite for a meal together - Failed.
Day 10
"A new bow and arrow?"
"Yes. It's a fine wood given by Lord Nobunaga's alliance with nanbans (a lie), it's not bad to have a proper material for our weapon, isn't it?"
His eyes went wide as a plate when she suddenly aim the arrow towards him. "Wh- what are you-"
There was a silent scream within him when she shot something behind him. And..
"It was not me, Hideyoshi-sama, P-Princess is trying her new weapon >A<!!"
"As expected of our warrior Princess! She aimed for the tree's main point and makes the tree shred into half!"
"Heh. Not bad. Like you said, Ieyasu."
Ieyasu's current state: *Fainted with eyes open*
Amazed her with new weapon - 50% failed 50%... Success...?
Day 20
She stared at the ointment in his palm.
"It's an ointment for wounds. You are still you no matter how strong you get, MC, but you can be reckless at times. So here, use it for the wound that you get during our recent battle-"
She turned to one of the soldiers, "Here, give it to my horse."
"Understood, My Lady."
"Wha-- ( ☉д⊙)??"
"Hm? Oh, my horse got pierced by an arrow, so yeah. Thanks, it's a great help." She waved goodbye and walk away after that.
Caring for her and to tell her that he knows her well - Failed.
"My lady~~~ let's play skipping stones..!"
"Alright I will be right there~"
Ieyasu took the chance to approach her. "MC. Here."
She turn to the box in his hand. "An ointment again?"
"No, it's.." He opened the box, there's a small hair clip inside of it. "I.. Coincidentally come across a shop near the medicine shop I frequent to. When I saw it, it reminds me of you."
Hm? Did it succeed this time?
"Thanks." She smiled, and he felt relieved to it, as it was a first time she responded positively to his attempts.
But was it him or..
Her smile didn't reach her eyes?
"My lady~~ here's your stone for the game!"
"Oh, there's no need! I have my own!"
Ieyasu raised his eyebrows when she run towards the lake without putting the box away in her hands. Of where.... She squeezed the same box and took an aim,....
"HEYA \(^ w ^\)!!!"
Ieyasu : *GASSSPPPP* 😱😱😱😱😱😱!!!!
*Splash Splash Splash BLUB*
"YAAAAAYYY I winnnnn! Thank you for the 'stone' Ieyasu! Thanks to it I won the game~~~ weeeee~~~~ 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸!!"
Ieyasu slump on his knees at that moment. "Ugh OTL ...."
Attempt to give her a gift, FAILED COMPLETELY.
Is this it..?
Looks like.. She wouldn't budge, or no matter what it is, her heart won't melt anymore.
Ieyasu sigh to himself. He won't try again, he swear it. Until, on that same night, he couldn't bring his tired eyes to sleep, then he decided to have a walk at the lake.
"It's almost midnight, and.." He groans, "What am I doing--"
He froze.
He saw something, no, someone were standing near the lake. Was it an enemy? But there was only one. He cautiously sneak behind a tree, his small sword readied in his pocket, and when he took a peek..
It was her. It was the help from the moonlight that shine above, revealing her.
But what is she doing here? Half of her body is wet. Wait- does she attempt to--
He was about to step out from where he was hiding, when MC took something out from her chest pocket, revealing a familiar square box in her hand.
"I'm glad it didn't get wet."
She open the box, and takes out a small hair clip. A hair clip that he bought for her..!
Ieyasu's eyes didn't leave her, especially when she smiled at the clip, and smiled giddily as she hold it close to her chest. "Fufufu.. You idiot." She giggled, and he almost jumped when she turned to face him. "Are you looking down upon your warrior princess who can easily detect a presence?"
He had no choice, but to stand in front of her right now.
"Why, you ask?"
He pressed his lips tight.
"Hmm.. I don't know. Maybe there's a part of me helplessly looking for you, I guess?"
"..You guess?"
She shrugged. "Yeah."
"Looking for me, is it? Looking for.."
His love, again?
"Well, up to you to think what it is. Okay, I am sleepy again. I will see you tomorrow."
"You are bad at lying yourself."
Her wet kimono. It's obvious that she has been searching for the box in the lake the whole night.
Her smile to the hair clip.
Her relief when it is not wet.
Her.. Gentle, loving eyes, treating it as if it is very fragile to her.
Just like her.. The old her.
"Me? Lying? Don't classify me like you-- nnf-"
He pulled her by the wrist, closing her lips with his.
She didn't struggle to get away; she stayed there. Letting him to dominate her lips, again and again, even when his hand snake into her hair locks to bring her closer. Especially when..
She closed her eyes, fighting for that dominance when their tongue lap against each other.
He pulled away, staring deep into her eyes, "Let's return. The night is cold."
"..Then make me warm."
They undressed each other right there right then, sharing their body warmth to one another into the night, making up for what they have lost.
And then, few months after that special night...
Nobunaga and his warlords were having their usual war council, when it was announced with the return of MC from her mission.
His chest beams despite his facade, especially when she entered the hall, eyes met with his first. The fatigue from battle is there, but he wouldn't deny that she is still beautiful no matter what.
"Good job for the successful mission. As expected of my Lucky Charm. Hmh."
MC nodded to the smirking Nobunaga, and turns back to face him.
Hideyoshi had offered her a seat, only to be declined politely. Her smile is mesmerizing too; Ieyasu can feel that he is the one who had fallen head over heels for her; everything about her is astounding. Even when she is walking to him, hastening her pace, and he is about to welcome her but
Them: (☉.⊙)
"Again??" - Hideyoshi.
And him: Wh- what (☉д⊙)??
What did he do this time?
"........Hm." She grinned. Grinned? But why does she slap him??
"I nearly fell over my horse for the sudden uneasiness in my stomach, turns out you are the cause."
"What? Is it a food poisoning? Why does it have anything to do with--"
"Midnight. Box. Lake." She uttered one by one before placing his hand on her growing belly. "Congratulations, and take responsibility."
It hit him. "Ah- wha- wha- wha- wha wha wha wha O///////////o?????"
"Hooh a smaller lucky charm is on its way it seems?"
"Apparently it is, my lord. Congratulations, little mouse."
"Heeeh to think our Ieyasu is very bold deep down. Proud of you, lad."
"Wha?? MC? Who's the father-- IEYASU?? WHEN? WHAT? HOW??"
And Mitsunari: *Things were too lively to blend in and so the words around him were jumbled here and there, resulting him to imagine a baby's face on a four leaf clover* OwO 💭🍀👶🌼🌼🌼
Also Mitsunari, after few minutes: Congratulations, Ieyasu-sama \(≧ω≦)/ 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸!!!
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Silver and Gold
Chapter 18--The Cheetah
(AO3 ver.)
(Prologue Tumblr ver.; AO3 ver.)
Lloyd's POV
The guardian began to chuckle, one that was deep, gruff, and with a hint of a rattling noise. “You were impossible to bring here, and yet here you are. We cross paths once more.”
The cheetah hissed in reply.
“You were always the kind to battle until the end, much like the one you seek.”
“What's he talking about?” Jay asked in a whisper.
“Nothing of concern to you. Your permanent payment shall be given in due time. But first we must finish the battle we have never completed.”
In response the cheetah lunged at the creature, making us duck down to avoid its enormous tail as it knocked the protector over. Compared to the hybrid, the cheetah didn’t seem to stand a chance, yet here it was clawing away at his head and face.
Kai sighed in relief. “We finally found you guys.”
“Good to see you guys are all right,” I said. “Okay everybody happy now? Great, now let's go before we all end up dinner for that thing!” Jay stressed.
“We can’t just leave him to fight that thing alone!”
“Sure we can. It’s called running away.”
“The cheetah’s looking for someone, so they have to be important,” Kai argued. “Maybe they might be able to help us with Janet and Des.”
“Um have you not seen the size of that thing?!” “Lloyd and Kai are right,” Sensei said. “It may be able to aid us.”
Jay just looked at us with an unamused expression. “Oh I hate it when you guys are right.” The guys and I pulled our hoods down. “Ninjaaa-GO!”
Sensei's POV
“Jay, distract him while Lloyd and I get it from behind!" Kai ordered. The Ninja of Lightning grumbled something to himself before he inhaled. “Hey wise guy! I’m still here!”
After throwing the cheetah off of him, the protector snapped his attention to Jay as the Blue Ninja was dancing. Immediately he thundered toward Jay, who stopped in mid-moonwalk and darted off. He bolted up a tree at the speed of lightning, and the creature rammed right into it. Moments later Jay pushed off the tree and landed by me. “Now!” I yelled.
My students fired their elements at the protector while I performed Spinjitzu from the side. It hissed vehemently at the might of their powers, and it raised its tail to counter. "Look out!" Lloyd warned.
Everyone jumped to the side as the tail came down, and the cheetah seized the opportunity to bite the right hind leg of the beast. The protector howled in pain and attempted to shake him off, but his grip was like iron. It furiously snapped and bucked around, and the boys fired at the beast every moment they could.
With the might of the cheetah’s bite and the strength of fire, lightning, and the Green Ninja, it had no choice but to surrender. “RRRAAAHH! Curse you! Curse you all!” the protector spat. “You may have won this time, but be warned of my siblings, for they are far more powerful than me!”
The cheetah finally let go, and with a throaty growl it took off deeper into the jungle. All of us watched the creature until it was entirely gone from sight, and we lowered our guards. The cat, however, chose to lick its wounds. “Hooh! Am I glad that thing is gone!” Jay said as he and the other two Ninjas removed their hoods. “You all worked as a team,” I said. “Good work.”
Suddenly the cheetah’s ears twitched up, and it whirled around to face us.
“Great. Now we have to deal with this guy, too?” Kai complained. The cat growled at him as it focused on me.
“Careful, Sensei,” Jay warned in a near whisper.
It stalked its way to me as it sniffed the air. I remained alert yet relaxed as it neared me, and I met its firm gaze with my own.
“No one—do absolutely anything,” Lloyd said slowly.
The tip of the cat’s tail twitched, and several moments went by before it bowed down, purring.
“I . . . think he likes you,” Kai concluded, puzzled.
The cheetah snarled at him again.
“I believe ‘he’ is actually a she,” I corrected.
She purred again to agree.
“Maybe she thinks we can help,” my nephew suggested.
“But how do we know what she’s looking for?” Jay asked.
Her head turned to the east.
“Well there’s only one way to find out,” Kai said.
“Ah! There you are! Thank goodness you four are all right.”
We looked above us to see a familiar friend.
“Zane’s falcon!” Kai exclaimed.
“It’s good to hear from you, Dr. Julien,” I greeted. “Are the others close?”
“Only a couple of miles away. Just follow me!” the falcon replied.
The cheetah cocked its head at the mechanical bird before glancing over its shoulder toward the east.
“If we find our team first we’ll be able to help out a little more,” Lloyd said.
Seeming to agree, she slipped underneath him before standing up.
“Wooaah! Uh a little warning would’ve been nice.”
“Hey uh, can we get a ride?” Jay asked, hopeful.
But she merely walked to me and waited for me to mount her.
Jay crossed his arms. “Oh. Okay. So now you have favorites.”
“Ha, ha, ha. Jealous?” Lloyd said smugly.
(First chapter) (Next chapter) (Previous chapter)
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ernmark · 7 years
oohohooh hooh oooo my goooood i just read all the peter vixen au and im dyyyiiiiiiiing please send an ambulance of some sort bc i dont know if im gonna be able to live without more
On AO3, SongOfStarlight asked in the comments: Could you do a chapter about Juno's friends (Mick and Sasha and possibly Rita) reactions to his disappearance?
And that got me thinking in this direction.
Peter works as one of Valles Vicky’s Vixens | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (NSFW) | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
It’s the middle of the night when my old comms rings. There are a hundred reasons why I shouldn’t answer it: all non-authorized communication devices are forbidden on the Dark Matters premises; nobody I associate with should have this number; I shouldn’t even be awake to hear it ringing at this hour, not when I need to wake up for work so early tomorrow.
But I snuck it in against regulations for a reason, I’m up late finishing up paperwork from my last case, and of the few people who know to call it, none of them would do so lightly. 
I pick it up.
“Sasha?” Mick’s voice is scratchy and hoarse on the other end. “Oh, thank god, Sasha, you’re here.”
“Dammit, Mick,” I mutter, and immediately wince. It’s against protocol to swear. One sentence into a conversation, and I’m already falling back into bad habits. “I told you not to call this number.” 
“I know,” he says hastily. “And I wouldn’t, Sash, I swear I wouldn’t, except I just got out away from the police, and–”
I’m already scrubbing a hand down my face. I should have known Mick was in trouble again. “What? Is Juno not paying bail this time?” 
I don’t have time for this.
But Mick just sounds confused. “What? How could he– oh, you think they were chasin’ me or something? Nah, that’s fine. I mean, they made me go to the station and all, but they let me walk out after they finished questioning me. But that’s just it, Sasha. They were asking questions about Juno.” 
My eyes narrow. I pull out a pad of paper and a pen. “What kind of questions?”
“Stuff like if I’ve seen him, when was the last time I talked to him, did I know about him doing anything illegal, that kind of thing. They think he’s involved in something big, Sasha, and bad. Real bad. I know you and Juno are fighting and everything, but you’ve known him as long as I have. He’s not that kind of girl. But when I tried to call him and ask him about it, he wasn’t there. Nobody’s seen him walk into his office in weeks, and his landlady’s talkin’ about kicking him out of his apartment. He’s in trouble, Sasha, and I don’t even know where to start about bailing him out, but he needs help, and we’re the only friends he’s got.”
Friends. Right. After what Juno pulled, I was ready to never speak to him again. I don’t know why Mick’s talking to him at all, with the way Juno treats him half the time. 
The problem is, Mick isn’t wrong. 
“I’ll look into it,” I promise. “If I find anything, you’ll be the first to know.”
The relief in Mick’s voice is palpable. “Thanks, Sasha.”
“You’re welcome.” I sigh. “Now get some sleep. It’s late.” 
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