#but like ur still weighting suffering VERY heavily
u ever run into an ideology/philosophy/idea in the wild and ur like "im gonna approach this in good faith but im not gonna act like it gonna be easy"
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kangen-wanshi · 1 year
congrats on 300 followers, i love reading ur works! :'D may i request a lee x commandant for 4 on the hurt/comfort list?
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"But I didn't." ft. Lee: Entropy
Losing a limb is nothing to him. With you on his back, your blood dripping onto his skin, he doesn't care what sort of hell he have to suffer through to get you to safety.
Tags: hurt comfort, mention of blood and death, being injured, losing a limb in Lee part, it's all sad but it ended happy so
A/N: Ty anon:DD Here's a little pain and a little comfort for u
300 followers prompt event! Ongoing until 11th June 2023
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Constructs can be repaired. They can be replaced. They are superior in terms of physical use and disposability in comparison to humans.
Which is why, even though he lost a limb, even if the fluid in his body is rapidly decreasing, creating a trail of blood on the path he had carefully picked through the ruins, Lee kept on going.
His pain module had been shut down decades ago. He can’t be bothered to be concerned about the increasing weight his M.I.N.D is facing. He can’t, and he shouldn’t. Because you are carried carefully on his back, unconscious, and heavily injured.
It was an ambush. Both of you had been separated from Liv and Lucia while following a trail of suspicious Punishing Virus activity. He had lost a limb in an attempt to free himself from falling debris so that both of you can continue to find a way out, making you in charge of covering his blind side, only for you to suffer an even greater injury in the process of trying to protect him.
He doesn’t have a healing module as advanced as Liv’s, he couldn’t do much but to stop the bleeding that had kept on dripping and drenching his back. He couldn’t do anything. He couldn't do anything but to let the remaining stability of his M.I.N.D to send out a beacon signal to his teammates, all while forcing his body to keep on going through the desolated ruins.
Part of his M.I.N.D are still connected to you. Or at least, whatever is still awake, just so that he can continue with the idea that you’re still here with him. That the body he carries on his back is still breathing, despite the warm blood that keeps on sinking onto his back.
After what felt like hours of walking, when another squad finally spotted him - when his M.I.N.D finally catch on a signal that aren’t your dying thoughts, Lee finally dropped onto the ground - still careful as to not harm you in the process - letting his and your blood pools beneath him, flashlights finally found its way to shone at his body, followed by rapid footsteps and screams of urgency.
Before his M.I.N.D fades, his azure eyes spotted you being carried away by other agents, he felt his connection to your mind were hastily disconnected, and before he was engulfed in darkness, he was filled with the dread of your well-being.
When he wakes up, he wakes up to the familiar sight of the Medical Bay for constructs. White ceilings, and dim lighting filled his eyes as he felt himself stabilizing. He took a deep ‘breath’, letting himself process his new frame, and the new situation he’s been put through after the nightmare.
When Lee finally finds himself able to scan his surroundings, his focus first falls onto the familiar weight by his lap. He doesn’t need to use a scan to know who it is, the tuffs of your hair and your familiar, comforting rhythm in breathing drive him to a quick conclusion of your identity even though your face is buried deep in your arms.
Lee pulls his hand upwards atop of your head, caressing your hair, careful as to not put any pressure as he can still spot some bandages wrapped around your head and your arms.
Lee can’t tell how long he had been out. He can’t tell how long you had snoozed away by his side, on his lap, snoring quietly, waiting for him to wake up. Either way, you’re still very much wounded and are in the middle of a recovery. Meanwhile, he can exactly feel every inch of his physical body operating just fine despite the absolute wreck he was when he carried your bloodied self.
You’re still hurt. And yet, he’s already in top shape.
He wishes he could suffer alongside you. He wishes he could share your pain even if it’s just a little longer. He wishes he had flesh and blood and a beating heart just so that he could share your mortal physical pain.
Lee leaned his body forward, his face buried in your hair as both of his hands came up to cradle your face carefully. He trembles - Oh how glad he is when he trembles when he holds you. Even if his body is entirely replaceable, even if his frame changes every time his body becomes beyond saving, his mind is still there. Intact. And he still retains all his memories and his worry over you.
You stirred awake in his hold, yet he didn't budge. His lips are buried on the crown of your head as he let the feeling of relief wash over every inch of his system. Even though he couldn’t drop a single tear, with the way his hand shook and how desperate he was holding you, you can tell that he would cry in this very moment.
You pulled your hand up to hold onto his, tracing circles on his hand before pulling away slowly. Yet, Lee was quick to pull you back towards himself, his forehead resting against yours while your noses eagerly brushed against each other.
“Sorry,” you breathed out, giggling tiredly before rubbing your eyes, “I didn’t mean to sleep here. I know you’d scold me knowing I sleep with my back hunched - but I was just really really sleepy I guess.”
Lee shook his head, biting his lips as he closed his eyes, basking in the sound of your breathing, and the positive scan result that he received when he scanned you with his eyes. 
“How can you be so insensitive,” he finally whispered back, “You were the one whose life was on the line. I wouldn’t be bothered to be concerned about your neck now - you’re here, you’re alright, and that’s more than enough, I think.”
“Don’t say it like that, Lee.” You turned your head to face his palm when his hand came up to caress your cheek, “You’re saying it like my life was the only one in danger, Lee.”
“Is it not?” He retorted back with a strained chuckle, lips barely brushing against your cheek with a smile, “You’re still a human. Your body can’t simply be.. Replaced. You know this, I’m sure of it.”
“I do, but it doesn’t discard the fact that you were suffering just as much as I did,” you buried your face deeper into his palm, eyes growing warm as your breath slowly grew heavier, “You turned off your pain module, you connected your mind to mine while forcing your body beyond its operational use. You could’ve -” You choked lightly before taking a deep breath, “You could’ve..”
“But I didn’t.” He cut you off, not allowing you to finish your sentence before properly cradling your face within his hands, pulling your eyes away from his hand to look back at his azure gaze, holding you there, “But I didn’t. I’m here. And you’re here. We’re fine.”
So you broke down in front of him. Within his cradle as he buries your face in the crook of his neck. The erratic beating of your heart, and the tears that rolled off from your cheek compensates for everything that rushed through his M.I.N.D that he couldn’t administer in a similar manner.
Yes. You’re both here. And that’s all that mattered to him.
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olivyh · 2 years
HIIIII LIV im back !! finals season kicked my ass but i was finally able to binge ur recent stuff ??? adore adore adore omg
RUGGIE MY BELOVED i love the way u write him i cant get enough !!
may i request octavinelle, savanaclaw, and scarabia SFW body hcs??? i feel like youd have cool insight on it
like their general build, any scars or stretch marks (azul :0) and maybe for the octavinelle boys something that indicates they’re not quite human (maybe scars that look like gills in their human form ? go crazy man)
tysm in advance !! also u saw that u liked colors so mwahaha have some colors
A/N: Welcome back!!!! I hope finals went well!!! 💕💕💕 this took a little longer because everytime I thought I was finished I came up with something different to add!!!! Also tysm for the colors!! they make my little heart so happy 💕💕💖💗💓💖💕<<333
For all of Savanaclaw, I’m going with my other hc’s about their legs looking more animalistic like a satyrs almost; with Leona’s lower half being a lion’s hind legs, Ruggies being a hyena’s hind legs, etc etc. Also the idea that beastmen are naturally hairier than humans because,,, theyre beastmen,,,
-I think he would be fairly muscular, but he wouldn’t be considered to be buff either. It’s enough to look at him and see that he works out with enough definition to show his strength
-He definitely has more tattoos all over his body! I feel like he would be the kind of person to have it to the extent where you don’t see it when he’s wearing a t-shirt, but he takes it off and his entire chest/back is covered in tats
-Also likes piercings, but gets too lazy to take care of them properly so he wears them for a week or two and takes them out
-Maybe one on his ears, but I hc that beastman ears are very sensitive so it would be very painful for them
-Would like a nose piercing, but doesn’t want to go through the effort
-Does have an eyebrow piercing that he adores
-His face would be somewhat gaunt I think. Not enough to be concerning, but enough to highlight his already sharp features
-Leona would have lots of other scars from different fights, but I feel like the larger ones would be on his arms and one across his chest
-Theres also three very faint scars along his neck from when Cheka accidentally scratched him one time
-I think his left eye would be a little duller with the pupil kind of spilling out into the colored part, since I think his eye would have suffered some sort of damage from his large scar. It’s also a lazy eye
-I also hc that he has a little bump on the back of his neck because he slouches a lot, and doesn’t have the energy to correct his posture enough to get rid of it
-His bones crack a lot,,, like,,, old man standing from a chair thats too low kind of crack
-Will also do the thing where he asks you to walk on his back. Do it for him please he hasn’t been able to crack his back in so long and its so uncomfy for him
-Has dry skin bc of his unique magic like,,, all over,,, his hands, his feet, his knees, his elbows,,,,, he also found a patch of dry skin on his stomach somehow?????
-I think his hair, in contrast to canon, would be much curlier!! Like 4a-4b kind of hair. I don’t think the hair on his legs (again, not human legs, animal legs) would be similar, but they would be more like a lion’s fur where its very soft and sleek
-Same goes for his tail and ears
-He’s very tall and scrawny but… in the malnourished kind of way. He’s very gaunt, and you could see the way his skin shifts over his bones when he moves. Since coming to Nrc he has gained some weight and he has built a little bit of muscle so it’s not as bad as it was before, but you could still see the effects of his background :(
-This is the reason why his hands look a lot larger than his arms
-Along with them being larger, they’re also heavily calloused and scarred
-I also think that he doesn’t bite his nails, but he bites at the skin around his nails so his nail beds are pretty scarred from that
-I think he would have the most scars out of all of the Savanaclaw trio because he would likely get hurt in the scraps he got into growing up, with most of them being along his arms and legs.
-He also didn’t get proper care for his injuries so they scarred over worse
-I think he would also have a bit taken out of one of his ears from a bad scrap that he got into as a kid
-He also has long, crack-like scars up his right arm and across his chest, which go up along his neck from Leona’s overblot.
-I think he would be a lot more tanned than he is in canon, since most of his work would be done outside
-He gets insanely funny tan lines which take forever to go away. Use that to your advantage
-Also freckles all over!! Everywhere!!! His chest, his back, his shoulders, his face!!! Every!!!Where!!!!
-Wants piercings so badly like, lays awake at night thinking about all the different places he could put them
-He wants lots of ear piercings the most, as well as a tongue piercing
-Would also not be opposed to a belly button piercing
-I feel like his hair would be very rough and, like leona, would be curlier than it is in canon! Like 3a type hair! It would be very brittle, though, due to the lack of nutrition
-Same with the hair on his legs and tail. It would be kind of patchy
-He also has a bump on the back of his neck due to slouching, but a big part of it is also just normal hyena anatomy
-His teeth are actually larger and sharper than Leona and Jack’s due to his ability to bite through bone
-Slightly crooked teeth also because they’re so cute :))
-Kind of on topic but also not: He literally has the brightest smile out of anyone in the cast like,,, his genuine smile rivals Kalim’s most days
-His eyes crinkle a lot when he smiles :)
-Jack would have very much a triangle shaped body, with really broad shoulders that sort of,,, narrow down
-I also think that he still has a little bit of baby fat, so his muscles aren’t very clearly defined (or, not as defined as an adult who works out a lot would be)
-Yes I am a proud advocate for smushy face Jack
-His face is so squishy please just one chance
-His body is also a little squishy but not as much because he works out
-He also has stretch marks along his stomach and biceps because I think he had a huge growth spurt
-Hugging arms!!!! Big warm hugging arms!!! And a broad chest to match for better hugs!!!!!!!!!
-He also has dry skin but mostly during the winter (I live in a colder place and my skin has been dry nonstop since October send help pls). He carries around a lot of lotion because of this (and is more than willing to share with anyone who needs some)(No its not the scented kind sadly)
-He gets really bad eczema along the sides of his face and the backs of his hands, and it scars up sometimes
-Doesn’t have many scars besides that, probably only a few on his arms from scraps with his siblings
-He was likely pampered a bit as a kid, so his scars are only really on his elbows from when he would fall and climb trees
-His hands are very calloused, though! Aside from the normal padding on beastman palms, like Ruggie, his hands are rougher from working out
-Literally the thickest hair in the world
-Its also very soft (no he will not let you touch it)
-One piercing on the side of his nose, maybe a septum tbh. Hes not a fan of them
-Definitely wants a tattoo, cannot commit to a design. Would definitely get something for his family as a tribute, then maybe something cool. Would get inspiration from Leona’s tattoo, except make it a wolf
-Very round face
-Big fangs!! Not as big as Ruggies, but big enough to jut out a little bit when he closes his mouth and when he smiles
-I think he still has baby fat, and he has a little bit of chub around his stomach/thighs!
-His face has slimmed down since he was a child, but it’s still very round naturally
-Also has cheeks that you would never guess are squishy, but they are
-He has a lot of stretch marks, specifically the insides/backs of his thighs, the backs of his calves, and around his arms and the sides of his belly
-Pear shaped body!!
-Not many scars though! This is because I think he wouldve been very protected by his mother at home (although the same may not have applied outside the house,,) and she was sure to keep him put of harms way (mommas boy <<33)
-In his human form, he has large, discolored circles on his legs (normally a few shades darker/pinker than his skin tone) as a shadow of the suckers on his tentacles
-Has little scars and red patches on his hands from when he bites his nails and gets hangnails
-He does have scars/birthmarks that resemble his gills along his ribs/neck
-He has lots of little moles around the rest of his body, and a lot of them tend to congregate on his chest/shoulders. Also lots of faint freckles on his shoulders!
-In his merform, I feel like a lot of the above headcannons would apply!
-No bones in merform, just like real octopi (except maybe,,, a skull??? maybe his ribs arent set like humans and are sort of more like cartilage???)
-His hair is very soft, and splits into thick sections in his merform (think of the movie Luca and how their hair looks)
-I was thinking about this a lot since I watched the new avatar movie,,, and I thought it would be neat if the entire octatrio had a wider ribcage like the water people!! (The character design in that movie was flawless,,, the signs of different evolution were really interesting!!)
-I also feel like his ears would resemble a cuddlefish’s in his merform!!
-Horizontal, rectangular pupils!!!
Jade & Floyd:
-Very similar body since know,,, twins,,, but I feel like Floyd’s muscle would be more built due to his activity, and Jade’s muscles are more slim
-Both have a reverse triangle shaped body; wider on the top and gets narrower once it gets to their legs
-Both have stretch marks on their thighs
-There’s also multiple bite marks/Scars along both of their bodies from when they would get into arguments as children and bite each other,,, (The marks Floyd left tend to be scattered all over and there are more of them, but Jades are a low fewer and a lot deeper so they scarred more on Floyd)
-The skin in between their fingers would be a lot longer and, while it would restrict movement, it resembles the webbing on their hand, which wouldn’t be as long as their webbing, but just enough to be able to tell their species
-Floyd has scars on his lips from when he bites them as a nervous habit
-Jade has scars along the tips of his thumbs from when he bites them
-For their ears, I feel like they would jut out a little bit so they resemble fins! They’re not very prominent, but they’re lightly ridged
-Same as Azul with the scars where their gills would be, and dark spots where their marks are on their face/legs/torso
-Very long in general; not long enough to be lanky, but just very,,, long
-Its canon that they have insanely long legs, and I think that makes a lot of sense! I also feel like they would have a long line on the insides of their legs from where their tails split into two
-Yes they do have the small inside-mouth thingy thats in a not of fanart, yes it’s in both forms
-Freckles!!! On them both!!! Mostly Floyd, though, since he spends more time in the sun
-Floyd is also slightly more tanned than Jade for the same reason
-No baby fat on their faces :(( they’re slim boys
-They both have dark circles that they can’t get rid of, and their eyes are a little sunken in
-Broad noses, like, you know how you see someones profile and it’s a very prominent nose bump towards the middle?? Exactly like that!!!
-Thin lips
-Theyre just very sharp in general and not very squishy
-I might have mentioned it before, but I think Kalim would be a little pudgy! He does dance a lot, so he might have some built up muscle underneath. For the most part, though, I feel like he would be very soft (Soft arms, soft belly, etc etc). It suits his personality (and also acts as a contrast to Ruggie’s own build because I feel like the juxtaposition of the two are mentioned a lot in canon)
-Stretch marks along his stomach, arms, and thighs
-I feel like his tattoos/henna would be all over his body and not just on his arms. Like,,, over his chest, back, some one his legs and maybe a bit on his wrists! I think he would like to look as decorated as possible because he would see his body like a canvas to fill with fun things :))
-Honestly,,, I feel like he would want more ear piercings, but none anywhere else! He would think it would look cool, but he would get a little scared seeing it happen
-He has a few scars from when he was growing up, including scars on his wrists from kidnappings, and a few along his back
-He also gets bad acne which he tries to fight off, but it’s genetic so he has a difficult time finding products that hold it at bay (though, he’s rich, so affording skincare isn’t hard)
-Because of this, he has a few dark spots around his mouth, on his cheeks, and on his forehead
-Some scarring from that but, along with the tattoo idea, he sees it as a way of decorating his body!!!
-Hes vv body positive so the scars and such dont really get to him
-Very small, round hands that are always decorated with rings
-I also think that his nails are really well taken care of!!
-He has a very round face! Not as round as Azul’s, but it’s still enough for a little squish
-Plump lips!
-Very lean; not quite lanky because he does have some muscle but not built enough like Jack
-Beanpole shaped; Maybe as he gets older it turns into a reverse triangle shape
-His muscle is a little bit more defined in his torso and arms than anything, though
-So toned. Hes toned
-Very narrow face, with high cheekbones and eyebrows!!
-Also has a long face and a sharp jawline
-I think he would have a lot of piercings!! He would have a cartilage piercing or two, snake bites, and maybe even a tongue piercing?? I also feel like an eyebrow piercing would suit him!
-I think he maybe gave himself a small stick n’ poke when he was younger as an act of rebellion, but it’s mostly healed over/faded so you can only see a few lines and dots from where it was on his wrist
-Wants more tattoos, cannot decide what to get
-Lots of scars on his knees from when he would scrape them as a kid
-Sharp teeth; not because he’s not human, but because he thought it would look cool when he was younger and is stuck with the consequences of his actions
-Thin and long hands that have a lot of scars on them
-A lot of callouses and rough skin on his hands too; from cooking, writing, dancing, etc
-Same goes for his feet
-He has deep dark circles under his eyes that he also can’t get rid of
-Another one who has dry skin! It’s mostly on his cheeks, but he struggles the most to get it off the back of his hands, elbows, and knees
-Long legs!! It’s enough to make finding pants a little bit harder for him
-The kind of guy that has really long, thick eyelashes without trying (and it makes Najma so mad everytime she sees it)
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imjeralee · 3 years
i believe in kaeya supremacy
headcanon for ur favs and their s/o's first kiss
Oh my gash I enjoyed writing this one so much. thank you for sending and here you go!
(btw I have chosen Kaeya, Zhongli, Diluc and Childe for now)
Omgggggg this man 
Master of smooth-talking seduction and flirting. 
But he has caught feelings for you and isn’t afraid to show it. 
As one of the librarians, you’ve spent the entire day returning books to their proper shelves and outside the sun is setting, casting a warm glow in the room when you hear a very suave voice calling you
Turning round with a few books piled up in your arms, you didn’t even realise he had come in but there he is, leaning against one of the bookshelves with his arms crossed and looking very handsome. He must have returned from a commission, but he doesn’t look exhausted at all. He’s holding a book in his  hand but he isn’t reading it, and he quickly closes it and returns it to the shelf before turning to you
Whilst you’re wondering what he is doing here, he will greet you with a few words and a charming smile before asking you how your day is going
Every time you talk to Kaeya you always feel the air between you changing, it can get very tense 
After the minor small talk, it’s kind of clear he’s here for a reason and he wants something
There’s virtually no-one in the library and it’s quiet and its really the perfect place. He’ll sigh and let you know he had wanted to see you all day but kept missing you, and now that he’s finally caught up to you, well…
He walks up to you and lean forwards, grasping your chin gently and tilting your face up to his level
“Kaeya?” You murmur.
He’ll shush you with a smile. “Do you know how much I’ve wanted this?”
“…Want what?”
He gently brushes his lips over yours in a tender and soft kiss that leaves you wanting more when he pulls away. His lips feel very soft and warm and your lips mould together in a perfect fit.
As your heart pounds, he lets go of you and leaves with a smirk on his face
I have this headcanon where you’re his betrothed.
Geo daddy who lives rent free in my head wants to experience a mortal life, and he has to go through a trial like other mortal beings where he will experience mortal love and go through the agony and suffering of losing a loved one 
This is where you come into the picture
You belong to an ancient sect called Emei who are tasked with protecting and taking care of you, dwelling in Mt Aozhang
Due to your status, no mortal is allowed to see you so you’re pretty much cooped up atop the mountain, spending most of the time gazing at the world below
It can get very lonely
Therefore when Mr Zhongli comes to visit you, you’re always so happy to see him and your helpers always ensure you are dressed well and looking your best whenever he arrives
You and Mr Zhongli have met occasionally, standing under the luscious shade of the trees or sitting by the pool to talk and spend time together. You’ve always enjoyed listening to him talking about Liyue’s history and culture. He will always bring you flowers too.
It went from simple chats whilst standing rather far apart, then eventually you were comfortable enough to sit quite closely together and have wine/tea, and finally, you went on walks whilst holding hands
Every time he leaves, you miss him very much
One day when he’s visiting, you think he feels the same because he gazes at you with such longing and you spend more time together than usual 
Before he returns to Liyue, he kisses your hand. He would normally leave after bidding a fond farewell and a ‘until next time’, but he holds your gaze longer and brushes some hair from your face, caressing your cheek before leaning forwards and pressing his lips gently over yours
You’re left blinking wide-eyed but very much looking forward to his next visit
If Diluc liked someone, he’s calm and quiet about it 
No-one would even know he had a S/O or someone in mind
Lots of girls like him though he does not return the affection and they scream and cry, wishing he would look at them the way he looks at his falcon
And you actually had your first kiss with him 
It was at night, and you’re the accountant of Dawn Winery so you were working late, going through the invoices with Master Diluc sitting beside you. It was just a normal day at work but you wonder if the rumours were true - that Master Diluc liked you
And you don’t remember falling asleep, but Diluc looks away from his book and glances at your direction when he feels a weight pressing against the side of his arm
And there you are, having fallen asleep on his shoulder with pen in hand and he lets out a gentle sigh, puts down his paperwork
He murmurs your name and gives you a shake but you don’t wake up
It’s getting really late so he lifts you out of the chair and into his arms so he can carry you to the guest room, when your head lolls over and your lips smacks over his mouth 
So yes, accidental kiss haha!
You would think he gets flustered, his cheeks matching the colour of his hair - but Diluc is still calm despite this and carefully peels you off and you flop against his chest, and you wake up.
“Huh? W-What happened? Why am I…?” You mutter groggily, before you realise you’re in his arms and your mouth feels a bit wet; you automatically trace your fingers over your lips. You can taste grape juice. Huh???
“We kissed.” He says bluntly.
You are an agent of Fatui and you’re sent to look after him on a regular basis which is pretty annoying because that means you’re basically his babysitter
And he’s always up to no good and he likes to purposely wind you up and you usually get into trouble for it but he actually really likes you so you have this kind of love/hate relationship with him
He looks easy-going on the outside but deep inside he’s thirsty for blood and lives for the thrill of da kill, and on this occasion you’re both going to train together and this will totally give you an opportunity to clap his cheeks but he gets super hyped from battle so you will have your first kiss in the most unlikely places
Essentially when you’re sparring together, Childe is fighting as if he wanna kill you and you’re doing your best to either defend or retaliate but oh my Archon, he’s a Harbinger for a reason - and the kiss happens very spontaneously but most likely when he’s swept you off your feet and you’re seeing things upside down but if you’re going down, you’re gonna bring him with you and you manage to hook your leg around his ankle and he goes tumbling
You land on your back with a loud, painful thud 
When you open your eyes, he’s lying on top of you
You’re not used to him being so close and on top of you as well, and it appears neither is he
In fact, he looks a little shocked for a brief moment (an expression you’ve never seen before) but he’s quick to react and he’s smirking. 
Panting heavily, he goes, “Hah...hah...what’s with that look on your face?”
You’re so stunned by this close proximity, you can’t even utter a single syllable and he’s not fooling anyone either with his act
And as you both continue to stare at each other, his grin slowly vanishes and suddenly he’s looking at you with half-lidded eyes before he slides his gaze to your mouth.
Before you can speak, he leans down and kisses you roughly
As quickly as he had kissed you, he is hasty to retreat and you’re left gawking. 
He gets up to stand, his hydro blades vanishing upon his will. He throws a quick glance at you from over his shoulder and tells you practise is over.
As he leaves, he licks his lips and traces his thumb over his bottom lip
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