#but like y'all know how funny it would be if a company from your country did something like that??
mayasupercell · 2 years
@starrysupercell​ wanted to make a shitpost edit of Belle, but said that they didn’t have the skills to make it, so I took it upon myself to do it instead.
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Thinking about Project2025 and how it's at every level and branch of government. How entire cities are now under their thumb.
How Biden is saying "Israel has a right to defend itself" while calling Cop City protesters terrorists for not wanting a more deadly police force to be trained. But didn't stand with rail workers when they demanded better treatment when it was freezing and trains were being derailed.
How an epidemic on par with HIV ravaged the globe and Biden allowed pharma companies to exploit the world with price tags after promising it'd be public access.
Thinking about how in all this Israel and the USA are said to test tactics and weapons on Palestine.
How the USA stands with Zionists and how many people have told me, a native American, that Palestinians are in the wrong.
How the last 75 years don't matter. Only the last 2 weeks.
And real fucking talk?
For all the "progress" liberals pretend we made how are we here?
Americans and several of the Allied countries would not hesitate to conduct Manifest Destiny 2.0 and have blatantly stated as much.
Americans are saying things that my great grandmother heard about reservations and then later about native liberation. They're saying things the pilgrims told us before that. We're animals. Savages. That we are to blame. That when we die out it'll be because we didn't fight hard enough. That we don't deserve to even be here.
And you know what, I would hope this post would reach some of them but I genuinely feel as if liberals are as far gone as MAGAs are.
They will read this and just go and on and on about how bad the other guy is.
How justified they are to keep voting blue. Just like MAGA's whine until their privileged lives being "ruined" by "woke lies" justified them voting for Trump. Just like Israel is justified. Like every fucking war criminal ever has been.
I implore you to STOP trying to fucking justify everything! Nobody fucking cares about the reasons you use to support a genocidal war monger who's legacy before this was signing one of the most racially marginalizing bills in US history.
How about you try justifying taking a fucking risk, instead?
People in Palestine are being bombed every fucking day and you want to twiddle your thumbs about NOT voting for the guy who said it was okay and for what? Because your life might not be as comfortable as it is right now? That's your concern from your home with a roof?
Call me a fucking conspiracist but I haven't been wrong yet: Biden is a fucking Project2025 plant. And him and Hillary both have done nothing but make the democrats more and more conservative by catering to the "centrist" votes for decades.
Now we're here. They've compromised so much and want to look so "fair" that a genocide is being paid for on American tax dollars and what are liberals tellings us, what are they saying? ITS JUSTIFIED???? AND TO VOTE FOR BIDEN AGAIN
Y'all are so worried about everyone voting blue to avoid republican fascists that you don't even CARE how bad the people youre voting in are. You haven't even noticed the fascists you put in office yourselves.
You forgot your boundaries.
And isn't it funny how rad/fems and TERFs got mainstream around the same time? You know, the white supremacists based ideology that seeped into the mainstream because nobody was critically consuming or gatekeeping what was "empowering to women" for fear of being 'cancelled'?
Why? Cuz if you hate them you hate women. Just like if you criticize america then you're an anti-american Russian/spy/plant. Like if you support Palestine then you hate Jewish people. If support BLM then you obviously hate white people.
And that's it, isn't it. That's what it all boils down to.
White supremacists are and have been manipulating & gaslighting us en masse.
You know your friends that learned to gaslight an audience with therapy speak? The one that makes you afraid to call them out cuz they're better with words than you and could just as easily turn everyone against you if they use enough buzzwords?
That's the tactics white supremacists are using.
"I must be quiet so I don't say something wrong and look like a bigot" "if I speak, I may say the wrong things" "I may say the right thing the wrong way"
They have made you AFRAID to speak against genocide!!! Wake the fuck up!!!!
They aren't event trying to hide it! The IDF made a post that straight up says "you are an anti-Semite if you speak against Israel"
WHICH IS JUST STRAIGHT UP UNTRUE!! So may Jewish people have come forward against Israel and against Zionism and to support Palestine!
Israel's government is Zionist and that is not an inherently Jewish trait! Making you you believe otherwise is part of the propaganda and manipulation so you Stop speaking up. You can support Jewish people and Palestinians both.
Israel and the USA want you to believe that it is one or the other and that's not true.
The only people who benefit from trying to make you choose between which humans get to live are the white supremacists who cheer when this rhetoric starts to normalize conversation about which people are more worthy of living than another.
You have been gaslit into supporting genocide.
Gaslit into going down a white supremacist pipeline.
Gaslit into giving your silent consent.
Snap out of it.
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peachjagiya · 5 months
''JK devouring Tae with his eyes and jkkrs be like "wow the sexual tension between JK and JM here." ''
Perfect example of people choosing to believe their own perception of people's actions over the things people actually say.
The fact that people watched this Live with subtitles and came out thinking " yes taekook is real" really baffles me. Some of you really come on here and prove everyday that the only experience of relationships you have are from movies, novels and fanfic because trust me, couples in real life don't act like that at all.
Cuz wdym "jk devouring tae with his eyes"???? The sexual tension was so hot with taekook that it was Jimin's door JK was going to knock at 1am? Jk just couldn't keep his eyes off Tae and that is why he visited Jimin's hotel room 3 times a day? Tae and JK are just so used to being with each other and that is why Tae went to jimin's room and thought it was Jk's because it was Jk who opened the door and greeted him?
if Jk was devouring Tae with his eyes i guess JK and MIngyu finished their 2 minutes live fast so they could go tear the clothes off each other's backs cuz damn!!!! did u see the way JK was staring at mingyu while licking his lips? Plus that was the same night Tae came into the country from one of his paris trips and Jk sure has a funny way of showing his attraction for tae because we only see in his eyes how he wants to "devour" tae but we are seeing him with Mingyu the day his boyfriend gets back into town from a trip or we are hearing that he is knocking on Jimin's door at 1:50am to get in a there doing nothing for about 4 hours at a time.
We only see how "attracted"Jk is to tae when he constantly calls him handsome but when the staff hide cameras in the boys hotel rooms without telling them to catch a candid reaction, we see tae getting into his hotel room alone and see Jk and JM getting into Jk's room together and panicking at the door when they notice cameras.
Jk is so attracted to Tae and is so down to devour him that when he shares a room with him, he chooses to go spend every night in jimin and jhope's room (according to Jimin and jhope) to the point that he becomes an unofficial member of the room and they even form their unit name 3J.
Jk is so ready to "devour" tae that he is seen "hiding" in a dark corner at Jhope's JITB party with Jimin, with his hand over Jimin's while his boyfriend is on the dance floor.
Y'all always screaming "sexual tension" or "jk is devouring tae with his eyes' but every two business days we see or hear of Jk spending most of his nights with other people. Even in chapter two where taekook were "free" they still couldn't take their time to physically release that "sexual tension". they go snowboarding and have a good chance to stay back just the two of them and release the tension but one of them chooses to go back home with friends, they attend a musical and have the chance to keep each other warm that night or keep each other company, yet Jk goes home to start a Live and fall asleep on Live. They attend a premiere and even have drinks after and naturally, you would think after such a fun night out with friends and some alcohol in their system, they would want to, you know....release some of that pent up tension but we have Jk going back to his apartment and starting a Live all alone while Tae is passed out drunk in his apartment. He couldn't even stay back to take care of his drunk boyfriend or cuddle him to sleep. he choose to seek company from millions of fans on the internet.
On couple holidays or birthdays when you would expect that they will spend time together giving each other "gifts", you hear " did V come?' "V hyung didn't come", or " even though we are all in the same group, during all our days off i only saw Jimin hyung and Hobi Hyung" or you hear that JK was with Jimin at 4am on his birthday. Even in chapter two after all the hangouts your ship couldn't even make time to be together on one of the days when u would expect couples to be together. We had Jk going Live for about 5 hours all alone on white day even though his "boyfriend" was in the same damn country.
He is so wanting to "devour" tae that he wakes up in the morning at 8 am, starts a live and when his bandmate comments, he starts inviting himself to his house and asking said bandmate to let him come over for a live and a shower later. one would think that because of the obvious "attraction" between Jk and Tae, they are the ones we would have "caught" getting into a hotel room together, or "hiding" in dark corners at parties with hands touching, at parties, or hearing that tae's door was the one that Jk went to knock at 1am, or we should have atleast heard that when Tae and Jk finally got to be roomies, Jk would sleep in their room everynight, but nooooooo, my guy was still going to sleep in Jimin and jhope's room even though his was literally roomies with his boyfriend.
At the very least, we should have atleast heard that Tae was the one he was drinking late at night with and ended up with a bruise on an erogenous part of his body but noooooo, it wasn't.
Seems like this "attraction" is only alive in theory because Jk has a very funny way of showing it.
Continue believing the voices in your heads and your own perception of things instead of using your tiny brains to think. You hear that Jk literally is almost always in another member's room at ungodly hours, instead of snuggling with his boyfriend and u are talking about Jk wanting to devour someone who has told us more than once that at some ungodly hour of the night, Jk was hogging Jimin all to himself and not letting Jimin go to him.
Talking about "looking at the bigger picture" but there is evidence of your ship spending birthdays and couple holidays with everyone but each other. Talking about "it is everything we have noticed about them over the years" but it is Jk knocking obsessively visiting another member's hotel room and his so called boyfriend not even knowing his room.
According to you people Tae is annoyed or jealous about Jk talking with his friends or about jimin pinching Jk's thigh but the same Jk sat there and was ok with Jimin telling him and everyone else how his "boyfriend' was basically obsessed with his room and comes there more often than mangers and even comes at 1:50am. i can imagine tae fast asleep and Jk sneaking out to go knock Jimin's door at 1am to get in there doing "nothing". The fact that taekookers know how walk forward and not backwards really amazes me because you lot really are the most delusional bunch of shippers the world has ever known.
Shut it down, TKKrs. I've never heard any of these arguments before. Compelling!
Converting to a Jikook account in three, two, one...
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redjaybathood · 2 days
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who are you responding? no, seriously, you blocked me, who are you responding, the voices in your head? i don't even remember this guy tbh so I'm seriously puzzled what's the convo is even about.
there's a good chance that if I called you a tankie, it's for being a tankie. otherwise i would just say something like pro-russian.
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who says i don't? I repeatedly said that citizens are responsible for their governments. yeah, if your government is throwing a Muslim minority into concentration camps for "re-education" and you're being like: it's chill! you're fucked up, bud.
North Koreans are just not someone you would see on the Internet defending North Korea tho. Let's say them being in a totally unique 24/7 prison is letting them off the hook.
the whole "why aren't you blaming X, then?" is stinking with imperialistic thinking. what you want to say, but don't have the guts, is: but it makes me responsible for my government, too! and guess what? it. fucking. does. So y'all better go vote, and don't do the "protest vote" shit I've seen promoted here. because y'all gonna be responsible for the results.
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I was wondering whether to respond or not when I was sent this post up to a point where I saw that this user is clearly replying to me without any chance to me responding, and dismantling their bullshit bit by bit because they preemptively blocked me.
but yeah, excuse me if I don't think that Russian aristocrat was being oppressed here because their bank refused to serve them anymore. In fact, her and your positioning her as a victim of oppression is an act of weaponsied victimhood, thing that russians use to paint themselves as a victim of whatever shit they do. Who knows why bank refused to serve her, maybe it's due to their AML policy. I know they continue to serve russians abroad, especially naturalized ones who already have citizenship of the country they're in. It is very doubtful that an anglo-russian countess was discriminated against based on her ethnicity, here. Because, and I repeat, it's not a thing! I regularly work with companies from the UK that employ russians and guess what, they all have bank accounts!
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One obviously mentally ill man (read the fucking article you're linking), okay. Not seeing you becrying any of the numerous hate crimes in Canada against Ukrainians and Ukrainian church. Like, desecration of a Ukrainian Catholic church, an arson of a rectory, a murder attempt on a Ukrainian Canadian priest via arson as well. Not to mention the hate on campuses, or how Canadian university professors participating in misinformation campaign against Ukrainians on twitter... Like. Buddy. It's not even funny.
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again, read the article you linking:
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besides, it's dated may 2022. assuming it was true although written by a russian; the current landscape in Europe is far different. In Germany, Ukrainian children are being bullied both by Germans and by Russians. Ukrainian adults are being killed by russians who then steal their kids. Assaults of Ukrainians by Russians in France, in the UK, in the Nordics. Should I go on?
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I don't. But I have a translator. And I also have an article for you: it's 1000 possibly hate motivated crimes against Russians in the first year of full-scale invasion, in Berlin, versus more than 3K against Ukrainians, same time period, same city. Like, cry me a fucking river!
Russians abroad are still killing us! Don't you get it!
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read the fucking article again, it's from Feb 2022
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you are a fucking hack. everything you said about russians being discriminated turned out to be not even something you bothered to read! just random headlines!!!
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why the fuck a reaction reading information on the wrongdoings against Ukrainians by your country would be "Ukrainians don't deserve peace"??? I think there's something wrong with your overview on life.
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Russians can go ahead and start on that way to peace by pulling out of Ukraine and not starting any more genocidal wars!!! if you want to grant them any peace before that, you are supporting them above their victims.
i dunno if you're a tankie, i cannot look it up, and did i ever call you that and under what circumstances, but you are certainly something.
If it's not obvious, I do not support any violence or hate crimes against Russians. All that I ask from the world, is not to promote or platform them.
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chapstickman · 1 year
“I just came from r/196” ask game
Saw another post. I think I should invite y'all to one of our longstanding traditions. Answer the questions then tag 10 (or more) people. I'll go first.
Name? Jarrod
Pronouns and gender? they/he, guy???
Sexuality? Pansecual
Country? USA MERICA FUCK YEAH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Top 5 fandoms? hazbin/helluva, fnaf, team four trees two, i forgor the rest
What is your Most forbidden snack? fabuloso also chapstick
Would you pet a bug? scared scared scared of bugs. dont like them. scary scary.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. i love fixing things, no matter what it is. my silly little brain just latches onto it like a puzzle, which it kinda is. i can already fix most electronic devices, or alteast know how to (FUCK apple and their stupid fucking anti repair policy. thats actual fucking bullshit. i dont want to have to pay for a 200 dollar course and license to fix your shitty god damn phones. mac books and ipads are aight. but FUCK apple as a company. all this does is protect their silly little fucking income from their stupid ass fucking phones breaking all the fucking time. all it does is make it so that people who do fix phones for a living fucking cant, and no devices to fix means no food on the fucking table for them or their families. they're toying with peoples livelihoods for a bit of fucking profit.) if i dont know how to fix it (cars, microwaves, tvs, literally anything that could break) i want to learn
What does the color blue taste like? mmm yumby
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? the ocean. it goes on forever. it doesnt stop. i didnt realize that until i saw it in person. it stopped me dead in my tracks.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? ive got this protein bar. in 2020 (my second year of marching band, freshman year) i was eating a box of them on the way to marching band camp. i lost one. this was in july. i found it on the ground still sealed in january of the following year. i still have it. im going to eat it my senior year at the end of the year band dinner. i have not done it yet. im going into my senior year. im going to do it. it will kill me. i will not regret it.
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? a pastor for a church i used to attend (unfortunately hes my uncle) blamed crime and evil on transgender people
Hyperfixation song? long list. Starman David Bowie, banana man tally hall, mr white keys cherry poppin daddies, play that funky music wild cherry, cant take my eyes off you frankie valli, sh-boom the ink spots, the devil went down to georgia the charlie daniels band
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? I've been asked several times where "Chapstick Man!" comes from. It comes from TF2. I named a rocket launcher "chapstick gun" with the description "ngl chapstick taste kinda good" and then i thought the joke was funny and it stuck. my name is now Chapstick Man on like everything. i have not been sued yet. Im too cool to be sued.
Dream career as a child? also electronics repair technician (i am answering these out of order)
Dream career as an adult? still kinda a child ig. but i want to be an electronics repair technician, running my own little computer/electronics repair shop. i already know how to do it, i just need a building and to be 18 (i turn 18 in december) and people to come and give me their stuff to fix. i love fixing things.
Thoughts on cilantro? its aight ig
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? I havent. but i plan to be. i am going to be silly and they cannot prevent it.
What is your cursed food combination? I did my burgers in ketchup if i want ketchup, i did my biscuits in gravy for biscuits and gravy
Trans rights? are epic!!!!!!
@everyone im lazy
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sonicenvy · 8 months
ok so, like in all seriousness, I need any and all of the children™ following me to know this about the internet in days of yore. So like a major precursor to scrolling through dumb posts on social media sites was chain emails. This was a formative part of my early internet social experience™.
Basically someone you were friends with sent you an email with a subject line that was something like FWD: FWD: Silly Dogs. This email almost always originated from some other person that you did not know that was sometimes even located in a different country than you. It spread like MLMs (Multi-Level Marketing Schemes) wish they could spread. The originator of the email would have sent it on blast to everyone in their address book, and many, many, many people who received it (and enjoyed the content) forwarded it everyone in their address books. Sometimes people added comments onto it. You could see the entire FWD chain, which included the email addresses of basically everyone who'd ever received this email before you. This included, again, many people that you did not know.
Some chain emails were the classic dumb "FWD this email to 10 people for xyz good thing to happen to you" or "FWD this email to 10 people in your address book or xyz bad thing will happen to you." Some of these emails were literally just a collection of funny, interesting, informative, or downright weird pictures with no sources. Some of them were "games" where you'd add something to the email chain that built on whatever the person who forwarded it to you built. Many of these emails have very similar formats to modern "reblog this post and say xyz in the tags," or "reblog this post for good luck," posts.
Here are some screenshots of one such email that I received in 2009, to give you an idea of this:
There would be, sometimes like 100+ email address blocks like the below before the actual email even started....
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The above email contained 15 silly dog pictures btw. also, as was sometimes typical of such an email the end part of the email would have weird links to people's company websites that they had in their default email signatures. sometimes they had telephone #s too. Sometimes the bottom of the email just straight up had an advertising link for some kind of service that was attached to the originator's (or someone else in the chain's) email account provider because they had a free email account instead of one that they paid for. The internet was a very different place back then y'all....
As a sidenote, you used to have to PAY to have an email address with good features. When gmail beta came out in 2004 it changed the email game. It was pretty exclusive in the beginning so not a lot of people had it. By the time I got my invite and joined gmail beta 2008 it was almost to full release. That said, I didn't really start using my gmail until 2011 though because gmail still had, uh, issues at the time. Also because of the fact that I was still heavily into yahoo IM and like, yahoo answers. My email address before my gmail was an email address that my mom had bought for me when i was, like a toddler in 1999 with her dial-up internet service. I'm not sure why she bought all her VERY little kids email addresses they absolutely wouldn't be using for a few more years but there you have it. I sent my first email in 2004, which was, like fucking 20 years ago lmao. thinking today about how my first ever emails are older than a lot of kids on this site now.... fucked up because I'm not quite yet 30, so I'm like "don't let that be THAT fucking long ago..."
So yeah, uh, that's your internet history lesson for today kids.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
A funny thing called Fate: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Bryce X MC (Aisha Khurrana)
Word count: 2.6K words
Series Masterlist 
Warning: None really, just some cursing
Author's note: Hello!! I am back with the first chapter of "A funny thing called Fate" and this time this is in Bryce's POV
Like I said last time, there would be time jumps so you will be seeing both- 16 year old Bryce and present day Bryce
Just a word of caution, 16 year old Bryce (according to me) is your typical bad boy who is a jerk and upholds his reputation and prestige as the most important priorities
I decided to take part in @choicesseptemberchallenge20​ the prompt being- LOST
Also decided to take part in @choicesweeklychallenge​ the prompt being "I just... don't know. Honestly."
Both of them will be in bold
-> kanilehua: Motherfucker (I literally googled curse words in Hawaiian language so please forgive me if they are wrong 🤧)
-> okole: Butt/ Ass
-> budhiya: old woman in Hindi
Forgive me if I make any mistakes
10 years ago- Bryce's POV
"Aloha!!" Bryce's cheerful voice ran clear through the hallways as he approached his teammates, instantly capturing the attention of the people.
"Hey Bryce, my man." Jason, his best friend stepped forward and did a complicated handshake with him before patting his back.
"How was the summer?" Kai, his other best friend spoke up as he leaned against the lockers, his dark hair falling on his eyes.
"You know the usual. Practice and stuff. My parents did take us to Australia. The waves there are sweet." Bryce whistled lowly, remembering how he spent numerous days surfing at sea.
"What a lucky bastard. Do you think your parents would adopt me?" Jason asked causing Kai to chuckle.
At this point, they would want anyone but me as their son. A dark look passed on his face but he hid it behind the over cheerful and happy go lucky mask.
"So, what's up with you guys?!" He asked, smoothly changing the topic.
Jason began. "Well I for one, had a fun summer hanging out at the beach, enjoying the sun-"
"-having flings left, right, centre." Kai completed the sentence, snickering.
"As if you weren't the one who fooled around more. You broke so many hearts, Kai!!" Jason rolled his eyes.
"But I finally settled down, unlike your unsettled ass." Kai exclaimed.
"50 bucks you will break up with him in ten days." Kai narrowed his green eyes and smacked the back of Jason’s head. 
"Wow, seems like I have some catching up to do." Bryce smirked.
Kai turned towards Bryce, suddenly serious. "Glad you brought it up. We have a proposition for you."
Bryce incredulously raised his eyebrow.
"Your two o'clock. Short brunette with glasses. Don't be too obvious."
Bryce ran his hand through his long hair and his amber eyes fell on the girl.
He leaned against the locker near Jason.
"What's her deal?"
"Apparently, she joined the school last year and has been on the low. Keeps to herself, certified nerd, teacher's pet and super uptight."
Bryce eyed her and he recognized that she was in his chemistry class last year.
Aisha Khurrana.
"Wait... That's Aisha. She was in my chemistry class last year. Introverted and quiet."
Jason did a double-take. "Wait really? Well, that makes it easier for us."
"Good. I will make y'all talk to her-"
Kai stopped him midway. "Woah, woah, woah. We don't want to interact with her. You are the one doing this."
"Will one of you kanilehua tell me what the fuck is going on?" Bryce asked, getting annoyed.
"After the legendary prank Ano pulled last year, it's time we step up. So while you were tanning your okole in Australia, Jason and I were brainstorming to come up with a better idea."
Jason continued. "So we decided that you could get her fall in love with you before the finals and boom! We could pull the prank on prom."
Bryce's eyed widened. "Woah, don't you think that's extreme?"
Kai rolled his eyes. "Please, Ano humiliated a teacher and exposed that he was having an affair with a junior. I don't think it's that extreme."
"What is this prank you have planned on prom?"
Jason waved his hand. "We haven't worked out the details but we have the entire year to do that. You on the other hand... Are running out of time."
Bryce's eyebrows furrowed. "And why can't either of you take this up?"
"Because Kai here is surprisingly getting cosy with Kaeo the jock from Sunset High while I am on the principal's radar for the shit I did last year. I am this close to getting expelled." Jason enunciated his point by touching his pointer finger and thumb.
"Jas... you're touching your fingers."
"So will you take one for the team?”
Bryce sighed. "I just... don't know. Honestly." 
“Bro, this could literally make or break our popularity bro. You don't want to be the laughing stock of the school, do you?" They asked with puppy eyes.
The peer pressure and the need to uphold his reputation as the golden boy made him raise his hands in defeat. His eyes glanced at the losers down the hall, who people were blatantly ignoring.
Definitely don't want to fall in that category.
"Fine. I will do it. But you will owe me."
"That's our boy." The boys whooped as they clapped his back.
Bryce's eyes wandered to his new target, finding her brown eyes staring right back at him. The flecks of hazel shone with curiosity but her face was impassive as if she didn't want to let anyone in.
Well, this is going to be an interesting year, Aisha Khurrana. Bryce thought to himself.
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When Bryce woke up this morning, he didn't think his day would turn out this way.
Who would have fucking thought that the one girl you could never get over shows up at the hospital you are a surgical intern at?
Not me.
He was looking forward to this fresh start. A new city where no one knew who he was and he hoped it stayed that way. To hone his craft and become one of the best surgeons in the country. Anything to get rid of the stains on his name.
After Aisha left at the beginning of Junior year of high school, things were hard. Not that anyone was going to believe him but he actually loved her and no matter how many people he hooked up with, no matter how much he drank himself to oblivion, there was just no getting over her.
He often wondered- no believed that he had lost his one shot at love.
You only get one great love and of course, I had to blow it up, and for what? Popularity? Reputation? That already went down the drain because of my beloved dad.
When he finally got his head in the game and things were bearable, the scandal happened towards the end of the Senior year. Sure, he could hide face during the summers, lounging in his gaudy compound. But he could hear the occasional shouts and protests out of the gates of his home, reminding him that he couldn't escape the truth.
To distract himself from his dad going to trial, his mom selling out to the feds and his baby sister crying from the stress, he dove right into his studies, hoping to score well in his SATs so that he could get away from Maui.
But there was still one year of high school left, and that was fucking awful. He was relentlessly bullied at every turn of the corridor, got the stink eye from the teachers and people jumped away from him as if he was a social pariah.
Technically, I was.  
Though his parents were very tight-lipped about the details of the case, it wasn't that hard to get to know more from the internet. And the fact that the people in his school always made it a point to remind him.
Aisha's dad was one of the people who worked for the company that got screwed over by his dad.
Bryce had given up after all these years that he will ever find her again. He often wondered what would he do if he were to meet her again. The apologies he would say and the monologue on how ‘he was never the same after she left’ had been practised over and over again.
But right there she was, half-naked in front of him, completely at the loss of words. His eyes wandered, making sure if it was the same girl from tenth grade. There was a nose piercing and he saw a little ink near a hip.
"Aisha?" He repeated, completely shocked, his jaw dropped. Never in his entire life has he felt the loss of words.
They stared into each other's eyes, chocolate brown eyes meeting his amber ones, completely lost.
But that moment didn't last for long because Jackie shutting the locker made them realize that this was indeed reality.
Aisha managed to snap out of her reverie. "Oh my fucking god, I don't have time for this shit." She rapidly threw on her fresh sets of scrubs and slammed her locker before making a move.
Bryce stepped in her path, blocking her. "What are you doing here?!"
Her eyes snapped up to meet his, the familiar fire and hatred flooding in those brown orbs. "Well, I could ask you the same thing Mr. I-will-become-a-lawyer. Now out of my way, I'm getting late for the orientation." Though she was short (5 feet 3 inches to be precise), she still managed to slam her shoulder against his chest and walk away.
"Oh My God!!" Jackie's voice resounded after a few quiet moments.
"Put a cap on it nose wipe." He muttered as he rubbed the area where Aisha slammed against him.
"I didn't say anything."
"Yeah but that expression says it all." He rolled his eyes as put his stethoscope into his breast pocket.
"But, for real. Who is she?" Jackie asked, inquisitiveness laced in her voice.
Bryce flicked her nose. "I found your nose in my business, why don't you take it right out?"
"Ugh. Fine. Keep your secrets. C'mon, let us get to the orientation before it gets over."
"Yap. Right behind you."  The duo headed towards the main atrium and made their way towards the front so that they could hear the hospital chief. The rest of the interns were already gathered in front of the stairs upon which an impressive, statuesque woman stood and spoke.
That is Dr Harper Emery!! Bryce thought to himself, as the very thought of standing in the very same room as his inspiration made him giddy. He turned to talk but the excitement instantly vanished because thanks to his amazing luck, he ended up standing right next to Aisha.
The universe, what games are you playing against me? Bryce let out a sigh which caught Aisha's attention. She just gave an annoying glance and stared up, as if to ask why was this happening to her.
Both of them turned away from each other and focused on what Dr Emery was saying. "... because as of today, you are no longer students, You are doctors."
Aisha turned towards Jackie and whispered. "Psst. Who is that?"
Jackie whipped her head towards Aisha's short build. "I don't know if you are joking or are serious."
Aisha's ears getting red was the only confirmation Jackie needed. Her jaw dropped and she was physically incapacitated, unable to speak before she finally managed to string together words.
"Seriously? Did you learn medicine in the woods or something?"
Aisha's eyes narrowed and Bryce just knew that if he didn't intervene Aisha would absolutely roast Jackie and her lineage.
So, in a low voice, he spoke up. "That's Harper Emery, the hospital's new chief." A smile made his way on his face as he continued to talk about her. "She's a total badass! World-famous head of neurosurgery before she got promoted."
He turned towards Jackie, smirking. "Guess she's just a scalpel jockey too, huh?"
Giving a Cheshire grin she responded. "She's the only scalpel jockey who deserves rights."
Aisha gave a stiff nod before turning back towards the Chief.
Someone is definitely a ray of sunshine. Bryce thought to himself. His conscience promptly snarked. Bold of you to assume that this isn't your fault.
Brain... Stop. as he shook his head to shake off the guilt that slowly swirled in his chest.
"More will be demanded of you that you've ever experienced. Some of you will buckle under the pressure. Some of you will quit. But some... some of you will thrive."
"Damn... She is so inspiring... I feel like I can do anything." Aisha whispered, her brown eyes sparkling with admiration.
"Well then, can I inspire you to pipe down? I'm trying to listen."
"Can I inspire you to get your ears checked, budhiya?" Jackie looked offended but you could see the glint of amusement and respect in her eyes.
"Girls, can this fight wait until after the speech?" Bryce muttered.
"This is not fighting. This is us bonding scalpel jockey. Get on the same page." Jackie whispered causing Aisha to smirk.
"I give up. But please for the love of everything good can we keep it on the low." He shot a pleading look and they managed to shut up.
"You've been entrusted with a sacred duty: the care and wellbeing of every man, woman and child who enters this hospital. Are you ready?"
The interns promptly burst into applause and they look around, sharing excited smiles with their new colleagues.
Harper Emery raised her hand, to silence the applause. "You'll be introduced to your senior residents tomorrow but for now, you'll be partnering up for your first patients. Your assignments are posted on the board. Good luck, doctors!!"
Bryce swaggered up to his board and searched for his name and found out that he was paired with a Samantha.
Wait for a second... that name sounds fami-
"You?" He swirled around towards the feminine sound and as soon as his eyes landed on her, the memories hit him.
Him running his hands through her hair whilst they kissed passionately against the door of her apartment. Her running her hands down his abs and pulling him by the loops of his belt. Both of them lost in the sensation of each other and Bryce still had the scratch marks on his back to remind him of the amazing night they had the previous day.
"Sam? I didn't know you worked here!!"
"Well fate is a funny thing, isn't it? So apparently we are partners?"
"Yap and we need to take our cases from the residents and be on our way. Are you ready?" Bryce asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I was born ready baby." Sam winked as she started pushing her way through the throng of interns and Bryce followed suit.
When they finally were free, Jackie showed up next to him followed by Aisha and another girl who had a striking resemblance to Chief Emery.
"See you later meathead."
"Try not to miss me too much." He winked before glancing towards Aisha. Their eyes met and she immediately looked the other way, chatting with her partner.
"It's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's have some fun, shall we?" Sam asked her eyes twinkling which just made Bryce smile.
It was going good so far. He had been allotted two cases that day. One with a routine appendectomy and the second one being a benign tumour removal from the right lung. With a cool, calm collected mind, the two of them diagnosed the patients, raising eyebrows.
"Dr Lahela, what is the treatment plan?" Dr Tanaka, the head of cardiovascular surgery asked.
"Well we are administering her with tumour shrinking drugs like bromocriptine so that we could decrease the size and then after a couple of days we will take her for surgery."
Dr Tanaka gave a nod of appreciation. Sam turned and held the young patient's hand. "Miss, you are in good hands and if you have any more questions you can always ask for us."
"Thank you so much, Dr Anderson."
They stepped out of the room and Bryce shut the door behind them.
"Keep an eye on her and do checks every four hours. Good job." Dr Tanaka turned on his heels and only when he was out of earshot Sam fist-bumped Bryce.
"The surgical society is back at it again."
"God Sam that was awful." He groaned as he pulled his pen out to sign the charts.
"Well, that just means I need to keep thinking of names for the dynamic duo. See you later byeee."
He shook his head and gave the charts to the nurses' station before whistling down the confusing corridors of Edenbrook when suddenly he heard a thud sound from the nearby supply closet.
Must be a doctor who is not having a good day.
He stopped before the door, contemplating whether he should enter or leave but his instinct to help overpowered and he cracked open the door to see Aisha leaning heavily against the racks, her back towards him. Her shoulders were shaking and he could hear her heavy breathing.
He was about to leave unnoticed when Aisha’s voice wafted over to him. “get in or get out. Don’t hold it open.” She glanced towards the door and Bryce knew that he could kiss his unnoticed exit goodbye.
Oh boy. 
Oh? so we have a new character 👀 And um that really wasn't the reunion Bryce was looking forward to lol
And now the supply closet yikes yikes yikes okay now i will shut up heheheh
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 41
Warnings: it’s obvious from the other chapters
Rating: SFW
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A Dark Corridor opened and the two girls pushed you out of it. You landed on the ground and looked at them. They walked out of the Corridor and looked at you with scary faces.
“W-who are you?” you asked. 
“I thought that you knew already. I guess we have to explain everything. My name is Yui and this is my twin sister, Roxy. We are the daughters of Xemnas, the leader of Organization XIII. We’re also Spirits like you,” Yui said. You quickly stood up and looked at them.
“I remember now! I’m supposed to show the true meanings of a Spirit,” you said. 
“You? A pathetic weakling such as yourself? That’s too funny!” Roxy said. 
“I’m not a weakling! I’m strong! And I’ll show you just how strong I am! ODILE!” You held your dagger up and Odile was summoned.
“Heh. We’ll see about that. Ready, sister?” Yui said. 
“Ready,” Roxy said. The two of them held their hands together and raised their guns in the air.
“SAPPHITE, WE SUMMON YOU!” they yelled. Flames surrounded the two girls and two wolves were summoned. You looked at the wolves and got scared. There’s no way you could defeat those.
“Now then, let’s have some Spirit competition then!” Roxy said. You held onto your dagger and the three of you attacked. 
The trio had arrived in the Land Of Dragons away from a village that was burning. A hawk flew through the air. A single man stood in the midst. The hawk landed on his shoulder and he smiled. A soldier watched from a bamboo grove.
“See that, Mulan? It's Shan-Yu, leader of the Hun army! C'mon, girl. This is your big chance!” Mushu said. The shadow of a large dragon surrounded by red smoke on a large rock was talking with the soldier.
“I can see it now: ‘Fa Mulan whups public enemy number one!’ You gonna be famous! I'm talkin' A-list!” Mushu said.
“Mushu, I'm not sure... I haven't even joined the army yet. I have to take my father's place to preserve the Fa family honor. I just hope I don't get discovered,” Mulan said. 
“Whatever. You just scared---admit it.”
“Aren't you?” The dragon placed a hand on his forehead. Sora, Donald, and Goofy were walking though the grove, when Goofy spotted their conversation and stopped. They saw the shadow and became suspicious.
“A Heartless?” Donald asked. 
“Let's get the jump on 'im!” Sora said. Sora and Donald ran ahead.
“Gawrsh, maybe we better look before we leap,” Goofy said. Mulan gasped as they ran in. Mushu jumped from behind the rock into Mulan's arms. He was definitely not a large dragon.
“Is that Mushu?” Goofy asked. Mushu popped out from behind Mulan.
“That's right, I know you heard of me! I'm little, lethal, and legendary! Now y'all scram before I get my dragon dander up!” he said. 
“Hey, Mushu! We missed you!” Sora said. 
“Yeah, well you better HOPE I miss YOU, or else you're---you're...Sora! Donald! Goofy!”
“Do you know them?” Mulan asked. Mushu hopped onto the ground.
“Know them? Man, we used to kick all kinds of bad guy butt together! Yeah, you know, I helped these guys out of a lot of tight spots. 'Cause I'm a mighty dragon! Right?” he said as he leaned against Sora's leg. Mulan was hesitant to show herself. Sora moved his leg and Mushu fell over.
“Something like that. And...you are?” Sora said. 
“I'm Mulan. Um, no, I-I mean...” Mulan quickly lowered her voice.
“Ping!” she said. 
“Mulan Ping?” Donald asked. 
“Just...Ping. I am Ping, son of Fa Zhou.”
“You know Mushu?” Sora asked. 
“Mushu's one of my family's guardians.”
“We didn't know we were borrowin' somebody as important as a family guardian,” Goofy said. Mushu popped up.
“Yeah, that's right!” he said as he scurried back onto Ping’s shoulders.
“And that puts you three up to your eyeballs in debt to Ping here,” he said. Ping smiled awkwardly. 
“Well, guess what, kiddies? It's payback time!” Mushu said. 
“Mushu...” Mulan said to him.
“Ah, they don't mind. Ain't that right?”
“Hmm, sounds fair,” Sora said. 
“See, Ping here was just on his way to join the Imperial army.” Mushu switched shoulders.
“We gotta go find the other recruits over at the training camp,” he said. 
“Would you join us? It'll be easier to fit in if I'm with guys, like you,” Ping said. 
“What do you mean, ‘fit in’?” Sora asked. 
“Well, um, uh, don't---don't worry about that,” Mushu said.
“You're pretendin' to be a boy, aren't ya?” Goofy asked. Sora and Donald jumped in surprise.
“You're a...girl?” Sora asked. 
“You didn't notice?” Mulan asked sheepishly.
“Uh-uh,” Donald said. 
“Not me,” Sora said. 
“I think it's working,” Mulan said to Mushu.
“I don't know---those two would fall for anything,” Mushu said. 
“I'm right here!” Sora said. 
“Hey!” Donald said. The five of them soon walked into the encampment.
“Remember, girl---manly!” Mushu said. Ping straighten up and did a very awkward strut into the camp. Sora joined a line of soldiers before being pushed from his spot by Yao.
“'Bout time we got some grub,” Yao said. 
“Hey, no cutting!” Sora said. 
“Get out!” Donald said. Yao punched Sora in the face. Donald mumbled something and pounced on Yao.
“Back off!” Yao said. Him and Donald exchanged punches. 
“Uh-oh!” Goofy said. Ling and Chien-Po came along.
“Hey, a space in line!” Ling said. He ended up pushing Yao farther from the line. Chien-Po accidentally knocked Ling and Yao away from the line.
“I wonder what they're serving for lunch today,” Chien-Po said. Yao soon got Donald off him.
“Knuckle sandwiches!” Yao said as he punched Ling. 
“That does it!” Sora said. Donald knocked Ling down and started jumping on his back. Sora tried to grab Yao, but Yao knocked Sora's hands away. Chien-Po, Goofy, and Ping just stood there not really knowing what to do.
“I’m hope you’re faring better than we are now, (Y/N),” Goofy said to himself.
“Please!” Mulan said. They all stopped fighting and turned to look at Mulan.
“Please!” Ling said. 
“What a girl!” Yao said. 
“Uh...knock it off!” Ping said.
“Knock what off?” 
“You punched me!” Sora said. 
“Cutting in line!” Donald said. 
“What a shrimp!” Ling said. 
“Who you callin' a shrimp, panda lips? I'm a bona fide guardian dragon!” Mushu said, popping out from Ping’s armour. Ping shoved Mushu back inside.
“L-let's just get back in line, okay?” Ping asked. 
“Whose side are you on? I just got slugged!” Sora said. 
“Want some more?” Yao asked. 
“Soldiers! Get back in line!” Shang said. 
“The Captain!” Ling said. They all quickly regained the line formation. Donald peeked out for a second, then straightened back up. The captain walked down the line staring at each of them. After he left, Sora made a fist, glaring at Yao, before Shadow Heartless appeared. Sora readied his Keyblade.
“What are they?” Mulan asked. 
“Heartless!” Sora said. 
“Oh yeah?” Ling asked. Him, Yao, and Chien-Po readied their fists.
“Ping, I hope you're ready!” Sora said. They successfully got rid of the Heartless and the captain spoke to them.
“You three. What are your names?” Shang said.
“You're welcome in my troop. Your battle skills are encouraging,” Shang said. 
“I am the son of Fa Zhou---” Ping said. 
“You should return home,” Shang interrupted Ping.
“B-but... That would dishonor my family!”
“You'd rather dishonor my troops?” 
“Don't make me---!” Ping said, trying to be tough.
“If Ping trains hard and does his best, he'll get stronger in no time,” Sora said. 
“Hmm...” Shang said. 
“Just give us an assignment! We'll show you how well we can work together.”
“So...you want to be tested? Our orders are to ambush Shan-Yu's army on their way here. They should be coming through the mountain pass.”
“We'll smash them!” Donald said. 
“I doubt that. You four will be the advance party. Scout out the mountain for my troops.”
“That's it? No problem. Right?” Sora said. 
“R-right,” Ping said. 
“I'll brief you on the details later. Return when you're ready to depart. Remember, the smallest mission may have the greatest purpose. Stay alert!” Shang said. 
“Sir!” Sora, Donald, Goofy, & Ping said. 
~Le Time Skip~
Sora and the others were able to defeat the Heartless at all of the checkpoints. They went back to the encampment to talk to Shang.
“You've done a passable job. But stay alert! This is just the beginning. Shan-Yu has invaded our country. We must stop him at all costs. A mob is heading for the Checkpoint. Stop them while keeping an eye out for strange enemies!” Shang said. Sora and the others defeated the Heartless in the encampment. 
“Hmm, not bad. Now brace yourself for the rest of your assignments. Our objective is to defeat Shan-Yu. Do not fail your mission. It seems the enemy has invaded the camp. Defeat every enemy you encounter!” Shang said. Sora and the others took care of some more Heartless that appeared in the encampment.
“Yes, that's exactly what I need from you. Now, you still have some tasks to do. Stay sharp. You did well,” Shang said. 
“I knew it!” Sora said. 
“Captain...” Ping said. 
“I suppose you've made a little progress...” Shang said to Ping.
“Not a little---a lot!” Donald said.
“No. You're right, Captain. Please give me one more assignment. This time I'll show you what I'm truly made of!” Ping said. 
“I'll give you one more chance. See me when you're ready to depart. Remember, this may be a test, but it's still an important mission. Be alert!” Shang said.
“Sir!” Sora, Donald, Goofy, & Ping said. They all readied themselves.
“Your mission is to secure the path over the summit so our company can pass. I've authorized you to be let through to the summit. Don't let me down!” Shang said. As the group enters the Mountain Trail, a hawk flew overhead. They fought their way to a village.
“Hey, you ain't half bad,” Yao said. 
“A man among men!” Ling said. 
“Thanks!” Ping said. Ling, Yao, and Chien-Po left. Ping looked down.
“But the Captain...” he said.
“Captain!” Sora said. Shang arrived with two foot soldiers.
“Ping sure did great!” Goofy said. 
“You bet he did!” Donald said. 
“Hmm...Fine. I'll let you join my troops... But I'm still not convinced you have what it takes to be a worthy soldier,” Shang said. 
“Why not!?” Sora asked. 
“It's all right, Sora. I'll find a way to show him what I'm made of. Just give me a chance,” Ping said. 
“That's the spirit, Ping,” Shang said. 
“Sir!” Shang and the two foot soldiers continued into the summit.
“Good going, Ping!” Ling said. 
“Thanks!” Ping said. They entered a small village near the summit.
“Okay, girl! Here's your chance! I just saw this real shady guy. And I know it's Shan-Yu,” Mushu said.
“Shan-Yu!?” Ping asked. 
“That's the Hun leader! We've got to tell the Captain!” Sora said. 
“Waaaait wait-wait-wait WAIT! Everybody use their heads a sec. Now, why are we here? To make the Captain see Mulan's---I mean, Ping's talents and bring honor to her family,” Mushu said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy nodded.
“So, let's go find out where Shan-Yu is, by ourselves. Then, if we're lucky, we can fry him up good! Though just tracking the guy down should earn us our stars... Captain Musclehead will have to notice my girl!” Mushu said.
“Okay. Let's go,” Ping said. 
“We'll help out,” Sora said. 
“Now we're cookin'! Shan-Yu is in a cave outside the village!” Mushu said. They entered the Village Cave and found a small shrine.
“Dead end,” Sora said. 
“There's nobody here...” Donald said. 
“You're crazy. Check again!” Mushu said. 
“Oh, well...” Donald started to leave.
“Wait for me, Donald!” Goofy said. Goofy followed Donald out of the cave.
“Hey, wait up!” Sora said. Suddenly, there was a strange shaking.
“Huh?” Ping asked.
“What? What is it?” Mushu asked. A barrier formed at the entrance blocking Donald and Goofy out.
“Sora!” Donald said. 
“Ping!” Goofy said. Shan-Yu laughed and secretly left the cave. Several Heartless appeared in the room, leaving Sora and Ping to take care of them.
“Nice fighting, Ping! You were amazing,” Sora said. The barrier vanished.
“You okay?” Goofy said.
“Yeah, thanks to Ping,” Sora said. 
“C'mon! Time to report to the Captain!” Mushu said.
“But Shan-Yu wasn't here,” Ping said.
“Please! That Hun is old news! We're gonna tell the Captain how thousands of Heartless stormed the cave, and Ping took out almost every one of 'em!” Mushu said. They returned to the Village, which had been reduced to smoking ashes. They found Shang among the rubble clutching his side.
“Captain!” Ping said. Shang tried to stand, leaning against a blackened wall.
“Don't overdo it, Captain!” Sora said. 
“It’s just a scratch,” Shang groaned. He collapsed to the ground slightly.
“Captain, the enemy! Where did they go?” Ping said.
“They went toward the summit...” Shang groaned. 
“We'll stop them!”
“It kinda is our fault,” Goofy said. 
“Right,” Ping said. 
“You mean MY fault,” Mushu said. 
“Uh-uh!” Donald said. 
“Shan-Yu and the Heartless did this, not us! Captain, if you track down the villagers, we'll handle this,” Sora said. They looked toward the summit.
“Let's go,” Sora said. The group ran through the Ridge to the Summit. The hawk flew over them to landed on Shan-Yu's shoulder at the top of the summit. Hundreds of Heartless hovered over the edge of the cliff. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Ping got ready to fight. The hawk flew off Shan-Yu's shoulder as he cleaved the air with his sword.
“Attack!” he yelled. The Heartless charged down the mountain toward the group. Sora tried to fight them off until Shan-Yu sped down the mountain with the group behind him. The hawk flew overhead as Yao, Chien-Po, and Ling entered the summit with a fire cannon.
“Stand back!” Yao said.
“We'll handle this!” Ling said. Yao placed the fire cannon on the snow and aimed it at Shan-Yu. Mulan sew how that's not going to help completely and butted Yao out of the way.
“Sorry!” Ping said. Ping grabbed the fire cannon and ran higher up the mountain. She aimed it at the peak above.
“Oh, a flint, flint, I need so---huh...” She looked at Mushu.
“Me, hey, whoa! Whoa! Wait a second! Ah!” Mushu said. Ping grabbed Mushu and stretched him so his fire breath lit the fire cannon. Mushu ended up on the head of the cannon as it exploded, shooting him off to the mountaintop.
“You're going the wrong way!” he yelled. The cannon hit the mountain, causing an immense avalanche.
“Yes!” Ping said. 
“Captain?” Sora asked. Shang entered with two foot soldiers. Ping looked from Shang to the avalanche, then back at Shang. She ran to the captain.
“Look out!” she said. The snow raced down the summit, plowing over the Heartless and Shan-Yu, heading straight for Sora and the others. Mulan ran to Shang and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him around the rock corner away from the pummeling snow.
“Run for it!” Yao said. Sora and the rest of the troops quickly made a run for it around the rock formation as the snow fell off the edge of the summit. Shang and Ping caught their breath.
“Thanks, Ping,” Shang said. 
“It...was nothing,” Ping said. They stood up.
“I should never have doubted you. From now on, you have my trust,” Shang said. 
“Thank you, Captain,” Ping said. Mushu popped out of the snow.
“First she uses me as a lighter, then she turns me into a cannon ball. The head ancestor's gonna hear about this. You know, that's it! I give up! I can't take this no more. C'mon, Mulan. Let's quit this charade and go home, girl,” he said. 
“Mushu!” Mulan said. 
“Huh?” Mushu saw that Shang was right there and clasped his hands over his mouth.
“Mulan? A woman? It can't be!” Shang said. Mulan said nothing. Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran up to them.
“Ping! Captain!” Sora said. 
“Oh boy, you're okay!” Goofy said.
“You all knew, didn't you? You knew Ping was really a woman in disguise,” Shang said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy were at a loss for words.
“I can't believe you lied to me. The punishment for high treason and dishonoring the Army...is death. Get out of my sight...now. You're all dismissed,” Shang said.
“But Captain...” Sora said. 
“My debt is repaid.” Shang walked back toward the Ridge.
“The Emperor is waiting! Move out!” he said. The troops left the summit. Mulan sighed. Mushu hopped onto her shoulder.
“Mulan... I blew it,” he said. Mulan changed out of her armor.
“Thank you, everyone. Sorry I got you in trouble,” she said.
“It's no big deal. So Ping... I mean, uh, Mulan...what're you gonna do now?” Sora said. 
“Go back home.”
“You know, your daddy's gonna be steamed as a chicken dumpling,” Mushu said. Mulan sighed again. Sora took Donald and Goofy into his arms.
“Relax, we'll take our share of the blame,” he said. 
“Thanks. You're all wonderful friends,” Mulan said. They walked back to the Ridge. The hawk flew overhead to the Summit, where Shan-Yu burst out of the snow and roared in anger. It rang throughout the mountain. The Heartless appeared behind him and the hawk landed on his shoulder. Sora and Mulan saw them.
“Shan-Yu!” Mulan said. 
“He's alive!” Sora said. 
“He's heading for the Imperial City! We've got to warn Shang!” They raced to the city, where the troops had just entered the palace walls.
“---Shang!” Mulan said. Shang stopped.
“Shan-Yu is alive! He's headed this way!” Mulan said. 
“And why should I believe you this time?” Shang asked. 
“But...she's telling you the truth!” Sora said. Donald spotted the hawk flying high above the palace. Shang looked around onto several of the towers as Shan-Yu stood triumphantly upon one. He jumped down to get closer to a way in the palace.
“Guard the palace! Do not let the enemy get anywhere near the Emperor!” Shang said. Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po charged the palace, but the other soldiers remain where they were.
“That's an order!” Shang said. The soldiers stopped in their tracks and changed into Heartless. Shang was speechless. Sora and Mulan took action.
“Captain! We'll secure the courtyard, and you can save the Emperor!” Sora said. Shang stayed where he was.
“That’s an order!” Donald said. Shang nodded and raced to the main palace building. The Heartless surrounded the remaining group. They quickly decimated the Heartless.
“The Emperor's in danger!” Mulan said.
“No time to lose!” Sora said. They ran across Imperial Square to the Palace Gate, where Shan-Yu stood with his sword to the Emperor.
“Now you'll bow to me!” Shan-Yu said. Shan-Yu looked to Mulan, who looked worried. Shang jumped down in the middle of them and knocked Shan-Yu away. Shang helped the Emperor into the Palace and Chien-Po and Ling quickly closed the gate. Shan-Yu got back up as Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Mulan guarded the gate, stopping Shan-Yu in his tracks.
“It ends now!” Mulan said.
“Right now!” Sora said. The hawk landed on Shan-Yu's shoulder as he glowed with dark energy, laughing evilly. After the grueling fight, Shan-Yu clutched his side and fell over, losing the grip on his sword. Mushu jumped around happily.
“Now that's what I call burning some hunny-bun! Aw, yeah! Mulan's the best! Mulan's the best! No, wait a minute---I'm the best! Mushu's the best! Mushu's the best!” he said. Sora and company stood in reverence to the Emperor, who walked out with Shang, a stern look on his face. There were a hundred of people now in Imperial Square.
“I've heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan,” the Emperor said. Mulan bowed to the Emperor.
“You stole your father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated an Imperial soldier. You deceived your commanding officer, shamed the entire Chinese army, and dishonored your family name,” the Emperor said. 
“We get the picture...” Sora said, impatiently.
“You're a young woman. And in the end...” the Emperor said. Donald looked hopeless.
“...you have saved us all,” the Emperor said. The Emperor bowed to Mulan. She looked up and was completely speechless. The crowd in the square cheered. Sora, Donald, and Goofy congratulated Mulan.
“Your Excellency!” Mulan said. 
“Captain Li?” the Emperor asked. Shang took Shan-Yu's sword and handed it to Mulan.
“Take this, so the world will know what it is you have done for China,” the Emperor said. 
“Thank you,” Mulan said as she bowed again.
“Mulan,” Shang said.
“Yes?” she asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“Thank you.” Shang bowed slightly. 
“‘Thank you’? Is that all there is to say, Captain? If you wish to win the heart of Fa Mulan, China's bravest woman, you'll have to be a bit more eloquent than that!” the Emperor said. Shang was surprised. The Emperor laughed, as does Mulan.
“Can I get an autograph?” Sora asked Mulan.
“Thanks for everything, Sora,” she said. 
“Now they GOTTA let me go back to bein' a guardian! They GOTTA!” Mushu said. 
“But Mushu, I thought you already WERE a family guardian!” Goofy said.
“What? Oh, no, no---don't even worry about that, that's just real technical. Just for us guardians.”
“You tricked us!” Sora said. 
“No, no no no, see I did---I just, uh...” Mushu turned to run away.
“You know, I just didn't wanna bog y'all down with all the Guardian-ese. See, it's very complex, a lot of fine print. You wouldn't understand,” he said. Shan-Yu's sword started to glow and Sora stopped chasing Mushu.
“Huh?” Sora asked. Sora got out the Keyblade and opened another gate.
“Okay!” Donald said.
“Guess it's about time to be movin' on,” Goofy said. 
“You shall be missed,” the Emperor said.
“Is it okay if we come back to visit?” Sora asked. 
“Of course!” Mulan said. 
“We will look forward to your return,” Shang said. 
“You two play nice,” Sora said.
“Whoa... Watch it, soldier!” Mulan blushed as Sora waved goodbye. They turned to look at each other. Mulan giggled. Mushu popped up onto her shoulder and laughed.
“Goodbye, Sora, Donald, Goofy!” Mulan said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy walked down the steps of the Imperial Palace and left the Land of Dragons.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N). We’re coming,” Sora said. 
to be continued...
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squarecarousel · 3 years
Interview with Caitlin Alexander
Well folks, we're nearly at the end of our Square Carousel journey, and there are just two interviews left – both with two of our longest-standing members! Today, we reconnect with Caitlin Alexander, who has been with the Square Carousel Collective from its very beginning almost 10 years ago. Although we've featured an interview with her here in the past, it's been so long that we are due for an update! When she's not freelancing or performing her duties as an SC admin extraordinaire, Caitlin works tirelessly on her craft, creating prints, products, hand lettered posters, and artwork that embrace the earthy beauty of nature. With a strong focus on environmentalism and a sense of community, her artwork exudes a warmth and complexity that draws the viewer in and invites them to stay a while. Read on for her gems of wisdom!
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Make Earth Cool Again
Q: Comparing your early work from your first few years after college to your most recent pieces, you've kept a lot of the textural, playful essence of your style while refining certain elements. Has your process changed much since those early days, and if so, what do you now do differently? 
 A: Such a great question straight out of the gate! My process has changed quite a bit since I graduated in 2011 (almost a decade ago... yikes!). In college, part of my crafted identity as a brand-new illustrator was my traditional use of gouache paint. I actually, in all honestly, was kind of a snob about it, because so many people in our department worked solely digitally. I felt that digital painting was a crutch, which I suppose can be true in some cases, and possibly even more-so when you're applying that to college students, but I certainly had no ground to stand on. In reality, my snobbery kept me from learning critical tools, as I never took Photoshop or Illustrator classes, aside from the one that was required for graduation. This hindered my work a great deal outside of college, given that illustration is so often paired with graphic design, and editing work for clients was so much more difficult traditionally. In 2013, I got a job designing t-shirts, and lied to the company, saying I knew how to use Illustrator. Luckily it was remote, so I was able to teach myself without anyone hovering over me, but that was so foolish, looking back, given the expensive education I got at SCAD should have been my opportunity to learn those things. I introduced digital work more and more over the years, and by 2016 or so, I was primarily a digital artist. Gouache will always have a place in my heart, and I will still break out the tubes occasionally, but working digitally has allowed me to grow so much more as an illustrator, with the ability to edit, paint with more detail, and having more control over color and layering. 
Q: Of all the projects you've done in your professional career, which would you say is closest to your heart? 
 A: Probably the picture book I worked on a couple of years ago, titled "Cool For You." I had a lot of creative freedom for that project, and the subject matter of climate change is personally very important to me. Working with the author, Marianna, was really wonderful, as well. 
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Cool For You book cover
Q: The Southwest influence on your work is pretty significant, and I think it's safe to assume you appreciate the majesty of the landscape in your region of the country. However, if you had to live in another state, which would you choose and why? 
 A: Funny you ask that, because I've actually considered moving from Texas to Colorado lately! The culture there is still very western, but I appreciate the liberal point of view (Texas has been grating on me lately, even living in Austin), and the landscape is even more stunning out there! I'd be close to so many inspiring National Parks. Plus, summers wouldn't be 8 months of the year and over 100 degrees for half of it! 
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Travel West postcard (1 of 6)
Q: TV shows or movies? 
 A: Lately, Jordan and I have been watching New Girl on repeat. I'm not usually one to watch a show or movie over and over again, but I think we really just needed something light and fun, since life has been so very stressful over the last year.
Q: What's your favorite subject to draw? 
 A: This one is hard! I'm torn between people and landscapes. People are more fun and comfortable for me, and I could knock out a bunch of them quickly. Landscapes are always intimidating, and I'm nervous the whole time, feeling like I can't remember how I did it the time before. It's so strange, because it always ends up fine! But since I feel that way, the payoff is so much greater when I feel satisfied with the final result. 
Q: What would a perfect day look like for you? A: I probably would have answered this totally differently pre-COVID, but in this current world we live in, I would absolutely love to have what used to be a normal, uneventful weekend day for me: Jordan and I would sleep in a little, see an early afternoon movie at the Alamo Drafthouse where we'd eat lunch, then spend the rest of the afternoon browsing used book stores and estate sales, and then meet our friends at the neighborhood coffeehouse for dinner and Trivia Night. I will be so happy to have that again. 
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Cover art for East Side Magazine
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Book Lover Ladies series- The Book Clubbers
Q: What have you learned from your years at Square Carousel, whether organizing behind the scenes or as a contributor? 
 A: Oooof!! So SO many things! Wow... well, I'll go with the most obvious first: as a member, I learned how to continue to make portfolio-worthy work, even without jobs coming in. That was definitely the most valuable thing about Square Carousel, in my opinion, and hopefully what everyone else got out of it, as well. It can be so hard for fresh graduates to keep up that momentum, and the group saved many of us from becoming stagnant. In terms of running the group... it's been rewarding, but honestly very difficult throughout the years. There have been many ups and downs, and finding the right balance between structure and patience can be extremely challenging. I'm super proud of Elizabeth and myself (OG members!) for keeping it running through the messes-- we've been through some shit together! My major takeaway is the importance of diligence. Projects, businesses, organizations-- they all need at least a couple of people who just keep chugging along, always maintaining the structure (schedule and accountability) and balance (rules and lighthearted encouragement). 
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Moth magnets
Q: As the readers are aware, Square Carousel drawing to a close soon. Do you have any plans for what you'll do with the extra time you'll have after our tri-weekly challenges end? 
 A: You know, I actually haven't thought about this too much yet. It's probably because I'll just fill it with more self-imposed projects and deadlines, since I was able to bring that skill I learned in Square Carousel into the rest of my career a while ago. (Or more real jobs! That would be ideal!) I'll miss the community though, and hope to find a way to keep that aspect of freelance life alive. Instagram friends, anyone? 
Q: What's your quirkiest habit? 
 A: Jordan told me recently that he found it weird and endearing that I joke-sing to my cats in the kitchen about really stupid stuff... so probably that! Official Cat Lady© status achieved.
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Caitlin and Buster Keaton the Kitten
Q: What advice would you give to a newbie illustrator just starting out today? 
 A: I'd give them the hard advice that our professors didn't really give us in school: there is no way this is going to work out for you if you're not incredibly committed to pursuing it. Now, don't get me wrong-- I'm not telling anyone to have an unhealthy work/life balance because I think that's a toxic sentiment. But you have to keep illustrating and illustrating and illustrating, and arguably more importantly, keep networking and networking and networking. You're going to be rejected or ghosted more often than not, but if you really want it to work out, you're going to keep doing it anyway. And taking critiques if industry folks offer them, to grow and become better. Don't become stagnant in those critical building years.
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Caitlin’s studio
Q: Anything else you would like the readers to know? 
A: Yes – thank you so much for supporting Square Carousel through our amazing ten years of challenges! We really appreciate everyone who has kept up with us, checking out the illustrations for each prompt and reading our posts and interviews. Y'all are wonderful, and we hope you'll continue to find us, wherever each of us fly from here! And on that sweet note, we say goodbye for now! Check out Caitlin’s website for more, and follow her on Instagram for new art when it drops.
Join us next time for our final interview!
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grlfriends · 4 years
giovanna give us your #controversial kpop takes!! you seem passionate abt ***** being mediocre 👀👀👀
omg anon this is definitely going under a read more
ok so it's not that I think they are mediocre but rather that I know how much being from a big company can determinate your success, onces will go on and on about how much jyp was broke before them and how sixteen had a low viewership rate and how jyp was almost "out" of the big3 (a lie bc if that was truly the case then yg wouldnt be considered big3 rn, big3 is about how much influence and power you have on media yes it's related to how rich the company is but not all that matters when we all know that's not even being considered by anyone lmao) but at the end of the day no matter what they were still under big3?? the amount of money they had to even START a show about the group and then to film the like ooh ahh mv was huge man, onces make it seem like they had 10 dollars and a dream when that was definitely not the case, I know I seem bitter about this but bc I'm a fan of a group who was truly in that situation it just seems so fake and attention seeking?? yall know how much an mv like like ohh ahh and cheer up cost?? yall know how much producers and outfits and hair and makeup and studio and everything else costs?? jyp was always powerful and just bc they were in a bad time and bc they got more rich after twice it doesnt mean they were # broke before them, of course luck is a factor in any situation but let's be honest, do you think if a company was that broke and if twice had done that badly in their debut an mv like cheer up would even exist?? it's expensive y'all
also about the mediocre thing: I dont think they are mediocre but rather that no twice track has made me fall in love with them, I do like some songs but that's it, I feel like after their cheer up promotions jyp was very smart and played all the right moves and got them even bigger, they are not mediocre but we all know jyp has a fucked up ear that has rejected THE iu and THE yuju which is now considered top3 best vocalists of the 3rd generation (along with eunji from apink and wendy from rv) and I dont think they have been necessarily giving them the songs that fit their voices the best, some of them are able to adapt better (nayeon) and some are not (ie: momo voice was too deep for some of her parts in more and more), at the end of the day it still sounds nice if you're not listening to the live locals, their choreography is okay but is more focused on going viral than anything lmao, it's not bad but you can definitely see the comeback their team opened their email box and found out about all the emails about onces having to defend themselves bc twice had easy choreographies and SOME members were still not doing okay vocally and then decided to turn up their difficultly level to catch up with the current trend among ggs at the time ON THE TOP OF making them a token gg (along bp) to white gays listen and like bc they werent cute like that anymore and were doing hard choreographies so they were # not like the other ggs and this only expanded twice fan numbers in western countries (I also think that the bigger a group is the more their fans get obsessed with them and stop caring about their song quality and only listen to them bc they're a fan not bc they truly enjoy the music anymore you know?? I feel like feel special was okay but if a smaller gg like idk weki meki (I know it's not their sound but bear with me) or even a nugu gg like pink fantasy had released it it wouldnt have achieved 10% of the numbers it did or even made these groups have a bigger fanbase you know??) so do I think if they were from an actual broke nugu company they would have be as famous as they are now releasing the same songs? no and there's nothing wrong with that, kpop isn't a talent show and it's more about how well known you are with the most basic stuff
once again, I know this is too big of an essay for someone who has said they dont think they are mediocre but honestly that's my opinion and at the end of the day it doesn't matter bc they're still million sellers but that's my opinion ✌🏻 also do I think they're the nation's gg? no that's snsd and will always be
other hot and spicy takes:
bgs should go cute again, where's my fresh and energizing concepts?? astro why did you leave us in the dark?? sm why did you ruin nct dream when you could have made them comeback under another name/unit and make dream remain with the cute concept still
if any bigger gg had released queen by 3ye everyone would have lost their minds, it's the girlboss anthem everyone is looking for and no one knows about, everything from choreography to the lyrics is what blinks think bp is doing in terms of power
I miss gfriend intros so much :(( source PLEASE listen to this poor soul and give us intros, i cant stop thinking about how good the sots album intro would have been with that yuju siren call notes
also about gfriend but ma'am. apple supremacy, this is hands down their best release and best album this year (even tho I'm in live with three of cups and grwm for as long and the songs have been out) and also I wish crossroad had a bigger impact in the instrumental, the guitar should have been louder and it should have appeared sooner, the post chorus (that part they sing about the star) should have something more so it wouldn't feel as flat as it kinda did
↳ and I think that the beginning and bridge choreography should have been not that, specially the bridge..... that arm movement and the walking becomes okay after a while and getting used to it but still, it should have been anything else, let sinb choreograph a part of the title track for a change please
normalize people saying gfriend were robbed in 2016, rough WAS the 2016 soty and no one can tell me otherwise, people were so mad a nugu gg had the catchiest song of the year 2 years in a row (me gustas tu and then rough) they literally boycotted my girls 🤒
CONTROVERSIAL but I dont think rv has the best choreography and bsides in kpop..... their fans are just too used to noise and saying everything is # a concept (but the Russian roulette mini album DAMN it was amazing)
↳ also their title tracks..... it's been a wild ride but the ride is in flames and about to explode
I miss seventeen fun songs, now they're all about being edgy and dark and it's okay I guess but I miss their early days so so much, everything since thanks (even tho it was released close to my bday I have to admit I dont think it's that good either....) has not been it and it made me stop being a fan, I loved them so so much once and now all I have is old pretty u performances and funny gifs of them on their gose eps 😔 svt comeback with the pastel colors I miss those days of your youth
↳ also I cant believe pledis still has trainees when they're probably going to debut another bg when svt enters military years and then will be working in their solos and/or units since a gg wil be boycotted by pledis after 2 years maximum
the loona lore is 100% more about orbits going crazy over anything than BBC actually planning out stuff, their mvs are like any other aesthetic mv y'all
↳ also on the loona topic I dont think they're the powerful dancers people make them out to be, they have beautiful choreographies and are in sync that's all
↳ can orbits please STOP the ch*ves madness, yves is so straight it hurts and people are turning this into a l*rry of kpop almost
↳ when is haseul coming back 😭 people are calling Kim lip the leader for the longest time and it makes me mad seeing haseul forgotten like that.... maybe when she comes back loona will stop having those sm adjacent (derogatory) songs
I cant believe korean people have turned as you wish by wjsn the top end of the year song to enter the new year when dreams come true is RIGHT!! THERE!!! as is just much better by simply being good where as you wish, well, it wishes 😶
↳ ot13 wjsn was the best and their only good releases as ot10 was boogie up and save me save you, yuehua and starship if any of you break ot13 I'm going insane and beating everyone involved
cant believe non stop was the sing that made oh my girl famous when closer exists and they were not problematic yet, non stop is an attack on peoples ears and sucks so bad there's nothing remotely good or even okay about it (actually, their last good song was a-ing bc that's when jine was there 😢 other than that bungee was okay and banana allergy monkey was quite catchy too) also yooa has an annoying voice idk how they chose HER to debut solo
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Stark’s New Intern” Chp. 10
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Summary:  Caught between two friends, Erik finds himself caught with a third...
NSFW. Mature Audience.
Me Can you focus on me? Baby, can you focus on me? Me, me Can you focus on me? Baby, can you focus on me?
H.E.R. - “Focus”
Erik sat between Giselle and Athena at the round booth table they were seated in at a seafood restaurant overlooking the Santa Monica shores. Tony ordered lobster platters and fresh New England chowder for their meal.
Tony got down to business talking about his expectations for New York and the women were focused on him instead of each other. After they finished the first course of clam chowder, Maria joined them and Erik gave a sigh of relief. Maria had a way of making people comfortable with her spastic energy.
Erik almost didn't recognize her when she swept in.
Dressed in a black tuxedo dress and midnight black boots, Maria looked beyond sophisticated. Even her hair was slicked back in a chic way, reminding him of when her tresses were wet in the pool when he kissed her…
For a second, Erik forgot about Giselle and Athena and even Tony, his eyes taking in Maria's visage. She looked good. Real good. Sitting next to Tony, Maria handed him an envelope and he tucked it inside his blazer pocket. A waiter brought over a tray of Oysters Rockefeller and while everyone dipped in to savor the goods, Maria finally looked at him, and her face looked stressed.
Tony allowed Erik to have a glass of white wine with everyone else and most of the talk was food and vineyards in Paris. Athena and Tony compared favorite wines, and Erik could tell that Giselle was stewing. So did Tony.
"So…you two know each other well?" Tony asked.
Athena took a sip of her wine and glanced at Giselle.
"From school," Athena said.
Her voice was cool.
Tony looked at Giselle who looked super annoyed.
"Frenemies," Tony said while pouring more wine for himself.
Maria watched the two women and then she glanced back at Erik. The mood was icy and not improving. Erik decided to change the topic.
"You look real fancy, Maria," he said.
Maria smiled at him.
"Maria is going to be giving a presentation this evening for the Los Angeles Asian American Business Alliance in a couple of hours. You all set?" Tony said.
"Yes," Maria said.
"Love that dress," Athena said.
"Thank you. It's a cocktail mixer and I'm going to talk about the internship and my experience with it so far," she said.
"You look lovely, Maria," Giselle said.
"I'll be right back, restroom break." Erik said.
He stood up and moved past Athena. His bladder was calling.
"I'll go myself," Giselle said, following him to the back of the restaurant.
"Yo, what's the deal?" Erik asked.
Giselle stood near the ladies' room and her face looked cross.
"I fucking hate that bitch," she said.
"She and I used to be friends. Tight as hell back at Brown University. Before we graduated, I applied for and an overseas fellowship in Paris to study. Kicked my ass trying to get letters of recommendation and worked hard to get this thing. My mistake was telling Athena about it. She applied for it too. And she got it."
"Maybe she was a better candidate—"
"She called her father who pulled some favors. She didn't get it on merit. I know that for a fact. She just wanted to go to Paris and have that on her resume."
Giselle's eyes were in full kill mode.
"I hustled so hard. During my interview, I was told that I was a top candidate. She knew I wanted it, didn't even tell me she applied for it until after she was awarded the damn thing. She saw me putting in extra effort for a whole year…"
"Don't get bent out of shape over it now. That was the past. You're here with Tony—"
"That's just it, I know her ass didn't earn this spot like everyone else. I know her father is tight with Stark. I know it was just another quick phone call. Just like Wes, and all the other mediocre people who leapfrog over people more deserving."
"Don't let her steal your thunder in front of Tony. It makes you look bad. Do you really think she used her Dad to get her here? Tony doesn't seem like a dude who would go for that. You gotta have real game to get this internship."
"You know what sucks? She and I were like sisters. This cut me so deep, Erik."
"Y'all can't salvage your friendship?"
"Would you?"
Erik shrugged and dipped into the restroom. Giselle was still standing outside when he came out.
"Ready to go back?" he asked.
Tony was spinning a tale about New Zealand and Maria and Athena looked enraptured. Dinner seemed to get everyone back on track. Giselle ignored Athena for the most part and when the meal was over. Erik was asked to join Maria at her event.
"I'd like to attend," Athena said.
They all ended up going.
Maria did well.
More than well.
Erik didn't know if it was her clothes, the way Tony fawned over her in front of the event coordinators, or how Maria answered questions from the audience with sass and excited zeal. She was funny, endearing, and so fucking ready for any and all questions. Tony was asked to come up and say a few words, and the Asian audience ate up his words too. Later, as the mixer got into full swing, Maria stuck by his side. So many people came up to ask her more questions.
"Oh jeez," Maria said.
Two women and a man walked over to Maria.
"Maria, didn't recognize you for a second."
The name tag on the woman said, Yuna.
"Hi. Yeah, it's been a minute," Maria said.
Erik noticed Maria's countenance changed quickly. The confidence she had earlier was gone.
"Erik, this is Yuna, Paul, and Sooh-Ha."
They looked at Erik's clothes and his face and were about to brush him off when Tony sidled up.
"Maria, Erik, I'd like you to meet some people," he said.
Erik and Maria followed Tony, and Erik heard Yuna, Paul, and Sooh-Ha following them.
"Erik, Maria, this is Mr. Huang of TBS Corp. Mr. Huang, these are my two top interns…"
Tony bragged on them and Erik could see the others looking at him different. He wasn't just a random Black guy to ignore. He had some status. A bit of clout. Typical.
Erik and Maria showed off to Tony's delight, and Erik found his eyes wandering to Athena and Giselle who were talking amicably it looked on the other side of the room. He was curious to know what they were working out. Tony guided Mr. Huang to another group of business owners and Erik led Maria to the open bar. The clout chasers followed them.
"Maria, Joseph Kim is here," Yuna said. Her eyes sparkled when she said the name and Maria's lips went tight.
"Who is that?" Erik asked.
"Nobody," Maria said.
She picked up a glass of wine. Erik grabbed a coke.
"Your face says different," Erik said.
"Joseph!" Yuna called out.
A tall Korean man walked over carrying a plate of food. A smile spread on his lips when he saw Maria.
Maria tried to turn away from him, but she was stuck next to the bar table. She ended up bumping into Erik's side.
"Maria," Joseph said.
Erik recognized the look on Maria's face. He'd seen it himself on enough women he'd broken up with or dogged out. This dude had hurt her. And that pain was still there inside of her.
"Hi," Maria said.
Joseph's eyes looked her up and down.
"I didn't recognize you until you started speaking. Working for Stark must be amazing."
"Yeah, it is," she said.
Joseph glanced at Erik. They were the same height.
"How is your family?" Joseph asked.
"Everyone is great," she said.
Maria looked like a shrinking violet.
"Joseph and his wife just had a son," Sooh-Ha said. There was a smirk on her lips.
"Congratulations," Maria said.
Joseph beamed, and Erik wanted to punch him in his bland smug face.
"Since you work for Stark now, maybe you could put in a good word for me. I applied for a position in his San Francisco office," Joseph said.
The unmitigated gall. Erik felt his jaw clench.
"We better get back to Stark. He has some more people for us to talk to."
Erik held out his arm for her. Maria pushed back a strand of hair behind her ear and leaned into him.
"Nice seeing all of you again, but our boss calls."
"Good luck with that application," Maria said.
Erik steered her away from them and he felt Maria relax. They went to the other side of the room and stood near Tony as he spoke to a group of older women with a ton of questions and picture taking.
"Thank you," Maria said.
"I could tell they were bugging you. A nobody, huh?"
"Ex-boyfriend. He broke up with me to marry someone who was not Filipino and too Black for his family."
"Too Black?
"Yeah. My father."
"It was like that?"
Erik noticed Giselle stomping away from Athena.
"Excuse for a moment," he said.
Threading his way through the crowded mixer, Erik stepped to Athena who looked a bit shaken.
"Hey. Everything okay over here?" he asked.
"Never better," Athena said trying to brush him off.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Not really…"
Her eyes connected with his. She gave a sigh and leaned against the pillar she stood next to.
"I used to think Giselle and I would run the world together. She was the bestie that I dreamed of having. But now…she just thinks I steal things that don't belong to me like I don't work for stuff."
Athena's eyes flicked over his shoulder, he turned to see Giselle at the bar ordering a drink.
"She thinks I'm like these white boys out here. Always a phone call to Daddy to make things happen."
"Is it true?"
"Fuck no."
Erik felt his lips quirk when she cursed.
"I don't even like my father. We aren't even on speaking terms. Haven't been since I left Brown. She just…she makes wild accusations. Assumes too much."
"That's what y'all were going in about?"
"She doesn't think I belong here. But I do. I worked hard to get here and I worked for every fellowship I ever received."
"The one in Paris?"
Athena's eyes bored into his.
"She told you about that?"
"Said she told you about it and you stole it from her."
"I didn't steal it. She told me about the program and the company had twenty fellowships throughout France. The entire country. Twenty slots. I applied for the fellowship that matched my studies the same as her. I even turned in my application weeks after she did, almost missed the deadline waiting for a recommendation. I had to do six different interviews before I even got picked. In fact, I didn't even get picked until another candidate dropped out for a family matter."
"She says your father made a phone call on your behalf—"
"My father didn't even know I applied. I did it to get away from him and my family."
Athena's eyes were watery.
"I miss my friend…"
Athena wiped her eyes and Erik moved in to block her from spectators.
"Did you tell her all that?"
"Yeah. She doesn't believe me. Doesn't believe I earned my spot here. I told Tony not to even tell my father I'm here, let alone applied for a spot. She's just so damn angry and not trying to listen to me. I have never lied to her. I have never tried to sabotage her aspirations. I was always her biggest cheerleader. Been there for her through her darkest times…even when she had a—"
Athena pulled away from the pillar.
"Shit. I've been drinking too much. Talking too much…"
She glanced at her watch.
"How long is this thing? I'm ready to go."
"I can take you home."
"On a motorcycle?"
Erik pulled out his cell and texted Tony.
"I let Stark know I'm escorting you back."
"Escorting me?"
"Looks like you need a friend to do that."
Her eyes dropped from his.
"I don't have very many friends, Erik."
"Let's bounce."
Erik ended up taking the vibranium with him to New York. It got through customs without alerting the metal detector.
He flew first class with Maria, Athena, and Giselle, along with five other interns hand-picked by Tony to attend the event. Their hotel was V.I.P. status all the way and their first night in New York was spent finding a club that Erik could sneak into. They ended up staying at the hotel bar lounge where the waiters assumed Erik was of age like the others.
Athena and Giselle were on their best behavior. Erik tried to get Giselle to talk to Athena, but that was tossed aside. Erik knew it was a misunderstanding. He believed Athena. But Giselle needed to have a villain to blame for something she wanted badly. He tried pushing up on Giselle, tried to get her to loosen up while they were away from the office, but she curved him.
Maria took a liking to an intern who seemed genuinely intrigued by her. Erik played the overprotective older brother and mean-mugged the white boy as much as possible to keep him on the straight and narrow. He seemed to get the hint and treated Maria well.
"What are you daydreaming about?"
Athena caught him sitting in the hotel gym, the stationary bike he was on far from spinning wheels.
"Tony has me hosting the children's day opener. I was just thinking about how I was when I was that age. I had this robot I entered when I was like nine, and I got pretty far. I was thinking about what I would've wanted to hear from somebody working for Stark back then."
"That's so cute. A robot."
"Got a certificate and everything."
"Did you come to the convention?"
"Nah. My family had to deal with some stuff so I wasn't able to go."
He watched Athena step onto a Stairmaster and start a program. Her gym clothes were form-fitting and he couldn't keep his eyes off of her curves and the deep cleavage in her work-out tank. The girl was bad, no lie. He started cycling and looking down at the mileage he was putting up.
"You had a chance to talk to Giselle?"
"Nope. She's still ignoring me."
"You two…?"
"Was trying."
Athena smiled.
"What's that smile for?"
"She keeps her eyes on you."
"I'm tryna get more than that."
"Alright now."
Athena laughed and it made Erik smile.
"Them dimples are deadly. You'll wear her down soon enough."
"It's been almost three months. This gig is about to end and she ain't budged. Not happening."
"Perhaps if she weren't messing with Cameron she'd be all over you."
"That buster."
Erik rolled his eyes.
"He's cute. Has a lot of personality."
"And I don't?"
"Yours is more volatile. A little rough around the edges. That's not her style."
"I think it is. She got a little taste."
"Ooh…a little taste?"
"I mean…she knows what I'm working with and she seemed to like it."
"You slept together?"
"Nah…just a little touch and feel—"
"Okay…stop. This is none of my business. I'm sorry I started the convo."
"No you not."
He stepped off the bike once he hit his target. He joined her on the Stairmaster next to her for his cool down.
"I can't figure her out. She's hot and cold with me."
"Maybe take that as a hint. Find someone else."
"Would you go out with me?"
"Why not?"
"Too young."
"That's a cop-out and you know it. Y'all keep settling for weak dick then—"
Athena burst out laughing.
"You laugh, but when you ready for that deep dick, you come holla at me."
He stepped off the machine a walked out of the gym.
Athena was still laughing.
Erik was drinking bottled water when he heard Maria fumbling with her key card trying to get into her room. He stuck his head out to tease her for being drunk when she couldn't open her door.
"You know it's bad when you can't get into your own room with a card—"
Her eyes were red and her face was streaked with fresh tears.
"What happened?"
Her hands dropped to her sides and Erik ushered her into his room and sat her on his bed.
"He hurt you?"
Her voice shuddered.
"Take your time."
She nodded at him.
He poured her a glass of water from a fresh bottle in his mini-fridge and she drank it down. She smoothed her dress and pushed her hair back from her forehead.
"I thought it was the right time for Kevin and I. We've been seeing each other for the last month and…I guess…I wanted to and…"
Erik felt his stomach tighten. He was ready to fight.
"We had sex, and it wasn't good. It wasn't what I thought it would be."
"So it was consensual?"
Erik felt himself relax a bit. He unclenched his fists.
"Yes…oh God, yes…I don't want you to think I was forced. I wanted to do it."
She wiped her eyes.
He wanted to know why she was crying so hard about it.
"You have regrets?"
"I should've waited. I like Kevin well enough. It felt right at first. But it was missing something. Thank God it didn't last that long. I left the moment it was over even though he wanted me to stay the night."
A knock on his hotel room door interrupted them. He answered.
"Hey, we still on for dinner?"
Athena was dressed and ready to head to the hotel restaurant. She wore a snazzy black blouse and skirt. Dinner and then some clubbing afterward.
"Yeah…about that, Maria is having a moment and I'm—"
"Hey, Athena!"
Erik opened the door wider so Maria could see Athena.
"Hey, Maria. What's going on?"
Erik let Athena in. It would be best to let another woman handle the situation.
Maria looked at Erik. Then she looked at Athena.
"Maria…why don't you go take a shower and change and come with us to eat—"
"How did your date go with Kevin?"
Athena had a look on her face that let Erik know that she knew the extent of Maria's date night plan.
"Not so good," Maria said.
"Oh, honey…"
Erik opened Maria's conjoining door.
"Go get dressed. We'll talk at dinner," Erik said.
"I'll wait for you two downstairs. I want to keep the reservation," Athena said.
"I won't take long," Maria said.
Athena left and Erik put on his shoes and some brand new cologne.
A soft knock on his inner door let him know Maria was ready. She walked in looking cute and bubbly again in a slinky green dress.
"Ready to go downstairs?"
He turned to go open the main door and Maria hugged him tight around the waist.
"What's this for?"
"Listening to me. Not being grossed out by me talking about it. Not judging me."
"Sex is always different with different people. It's not easy the first time."
"Was it for you?"
"Hell yeah."
Maria rolled her eyes.
"What I mean is, I wanted to do it and I was ready to do it with whoever. But I was hella young. Fifteen. I was just all poke and stroke. I wasn't thinking about my feelings afterward. I was thinking about getting better at it with the next girl. I didn't know any better."
"I'm sure you were better than Kevin. He had his eyes closed the whole time, and it was like I wasn't even there. It was like he was screwing a sex doll."
"How are you feeling physically?"
"Okay. It didn't really hurt. But it seemed so fast. Is it always fast like that?"
"Um….nah, it depends. On who you're with and where you are—"
"I thought there would be more kissing. He kissed very little—"
"We should probably leave."
His hands stroked her shoulders and she placed her head against his chest.
"I'm glad you were here so I could vent."
"Me too."
He pushed back from her gently and when her eyes looked up at him, he felt a little funny.
Funny enough to lower his head and kiss her on the lips.
But not the way a friend would.
Chapter 11 Here
Tag List:
@fd-writes​ @soufcakmistress  @cherrystainedlipsbaby @tclaybon  @thadelightfulone
@allhailqueennel @bartierbakarimobisson @cpwtwot @shookmcgookqueen @yoyolovesbucky
@raysunshine78 @the-illllest @terrablaze514  @l-auteuse @amirra88 @jimizwidow @janelledarling
@chaneajoyyy @sweetestdream92 @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @hennessystevens-udaku
@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bugngiz @stariamrry  @honeytoffee @meilintheempressofdreams
@tyees @eye-raq @writerbee-ffs
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carreraleigh · 5 years
The New Girl
Pairing: Raleigh (M) x Hannah (MC)
Words: +3.0K
Rating: G (General)
Summary: Raleigh and MC in chapter 2 (Raleigh's POV)
A/N: Well, this is my first fanfiction of Raleigh and MC! I'm so in love with this new character aka Raleigh so expect to see more fanfics soon! 💗
Tags: @vienroose @nazariortega @queenkaneko @drethanramsey @isabella-choices @lilyofchoices @adricnraines @sinclairemckenzie @attuneless
I'm going to create a special tag list for the fics of this couple, so if you want to continue or be added please tell me!
I'm not a native english speaker so I apologize for advanced errors.
Raleigh wanted to be anywhere, except for that place. He had been there since early in the morning, seeing how during the course of the day the lobby, that had been empty, was now filling up with people faster and faster. He didn't understand why he had gone, it was the audition day and he had nothing to do there, of course, apart from standing up and smiling as if he were having fun. His PR team planned everything, according to them, his presence would be "good" for his image and it would show interest in the program, he cursed the day when the yacht news came to light. He was trapped there, waiting for an audition with more than 8,000 people to start and not a chance to escape it. Well, at least he had his guitar next to him to keep him company.
Boredom was about to take hold of him completely when he saw a girl running into the lobby, followed closely by another black-haired girl. The two stopped very close to him, close enough for him to hear their conversation. The black-haired girl was accusing the other one of spying on her during her presentation, but he knew there was no way she could have gotten in on her own, someone had to have put her in. His theory was quickly confirmed when he heard the girl's voice saying that Avery invited her in. Admitting that was a bad idea, he thought. Now, she  had become a target for anyone who is obsessed enough with joining the competition, and from the girl's behavior, he was sure that was her first audition. The girl with the black hair said a few last words, furious, and walked out in quick steps towards the exit. The other one stood there, thinking out loud.
“Guess I’m not making any friends.”
Oh no, she was so wrong.
“Where I come from, that’s a good thing.”
The girl turned around and looked at him. Wow, she was more beautiful than he thought she would be. He smiled to her.
“If you aren’t making everyone around you jealous, it means you aren’t worth being jealous of. So in my book, it’s a good sign that girl found you so threatening.”
The girl looked at him for a moment, frowning, still saying nothing. Oh, yes, now he was sure, typical girl who was just starting in the music world, with a heart too pure to know how to swim in a sea full of sharks. For a moment he worried that at some point she would start behaving like a crazy fan and would jump up and yell at him to take a picture with him, but she didn't do it, on the contrary, she just stood there, looking at him, there was no way of knowing exactly what was going through her mind that moment. The more she looked at him, the more he realized how beautiful her eyes  were. The girl smiled mischievously and raised an eyebrow.
“Do you find me threatening?” she asked.
It certainly wasn't the answer he expected, she didn't seem like the kind of girl who went on the offensive, but he couldn't say it bothered him, she seemed to have some hope of survival after all.
"Me?" he said almost laughing, looking at her up and down, there was nothing intimidating, not at least not for him, but he knew that under that mask there was a great potential, he could see when someone was exactly like him "Not yet. Maybe I should keep an eye out though.”
The girl smiled for the first time, and Raleigh could swear that it was one of the warmest smiles he had ever seen, she made him smile too. He was more curious than ever, he wanted to know who was the stranger who caught his attention among so many people, and it was the only conversation he had enjoyed since he came to this nightmare, which slowly ceased to look like a punishment with her presence.
"So, what's your name?" he dared to ask.
"I'm Hannah, what's yours?" she replied, he couldn't help but laugh.
"Like Hannah Montana?" he said mockingly, she rolled her eyes.
"I have definitely never heard that joke." she said in a sarcastic tone and looked at him again, as if she was waiting for him to say something else "You didn't answer my question, what's your name?"
Was she serious?
"Very funny." he smiled.
"Very funny. That's a weird name. So are you gonna tell me or not?"
Funny but demanding at the same time. This girl was full of surprises.
"Huh. You really don't know who I am, do you?" he was starting to like this game.
She saw Hannah open her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by voices that were heard all over the lobby.
Several girls approached him quickly, he sighed and grabbed his head in his hands. It was the first time after so many tours and concerts that he had the chance to talk to someone who wouldn't jump at his feet or scream when they saw him, he liked the idea of being able to have a quiet conversation with someone, many times more than wanting, he needed it, it made him feel more connected to the earth. After all, he was just a human like everyone else. Hannah looked at him with a confused face, as if trying to figure out exactly what the girls who were now surrounding him everywhere were referring to. She took a step to the side before the fans surrounded him completely, he followed her footsteps with his eyes, expecting for her to leave, but she didn’t.
He put on the best smile his face allowed and looked at the girl's ankle, which had his face embodied in her skin. Raleigh had seen a lot of crazy things that fans did, but he didn't know exactly how to react to the fact that a person has his face tattooed on their ankle.
"Wow. That, uh..." he tried to articulate the words "That sure is a tattoo of my face." he didn't know whether to feel flattered or terrified "Kid, I hope that's temporary."
"NO! IT'S PERMANENT! IT TOOK TWELVE HOURS, AND IT HURT SO BAD!" the girl was still screaming, excited. Before she could say anything, another girl started talking.
As much as he liked spending time with fans,  he thought that wasn't the proper way to approach him. Besides, she still had Hannah in mind, who was still watching the scene without saying a word, and Raleigh was surprised that she hadn't left yet.
"Nah. I'm good.” he said.
"N-no? What do you mean-"
"Means, I'm busy having a conversation with Hannah here..." he fixed his gaze on her and saw how a shy smile formed on her lips "Y'all have a good one."
The fans looked at each other and then began to move towards the exit, clearly disappointed. Hannah approached him again, her face changed to an angry expression, and he knew exactly what she was thinking.
"Whoa, that was harsh!”
A girl who wasn't afraid to say what she thought even though she knew who he was. He liked that.
"Why did you blow them off?" her face fell "They just wanted one picture.”
Raleigh thought well of the next words he was going to say. It was obvious that he had behaved like a total idiot and that she had been uncomfortable with his reaction, but he didn’t regret it.
"Everyone always wants something.”
"Well, you certainly live up to your reputation as a jerk.”
He didn't take it as an offense, he liked it that she told him. He had forgotten the last time someone said something they thought directly to his face. Honesty was a value that hardly existed in that industry, he was tired of people licking his boots and telling him how good he was when he was really behaving like an idiot.
“Oh, so you do know who I am?”
“I’ve heard your songs,” she admitted “and now that I put your face to the name, I know I’ve seen the tabloid covers too.” low blow, he thought  “You’re kind of notorious, Raleigh Carrera.”
Every word that came out of her mouth was like discovering something new about her, perhaps he had judged her too soon. He didn't know what her ability for music was, but the attitude she had was one of the reasons he would choose her if he was on the jury that day. He wondered what it would be like to see her sing on stage, would she be shy and sweet?, would she be dominant and badass?, or would she break under the pressure?, her voice took him out of his thoughts again.
“What’d that magazine call you again? R&B’s timebomb? Puerto Rico’s hottest export?” she was laughing, it was obvious that she was teasing him “I’m used to your hair being longer.”
“My crisis PR team made me get a cut. Going for a more responsible image.” he smiled mischievously “You like it?”
Raleigh knew that he had barely met her, but he couldn't help but feel a certain spark between the two of them, he hadn't spoken so freely to anyone in a long time and it was noticeable that he enjoyed her company because suddenly his head wasn't full of idiotic comments that could make her angry and leave.
“Why did you hire a crisis…” he noticed how she deflected the question “Oh. Right. Didn’t you crash a yacht or something?”
“Or something.” it was obvious that his reputation was something that followed him everywhere “Insurance paid out a couple million in property damage, but it’s all good.” he took one hand to his hair and smiled “I go off with community service. The judge was a fan.”
"Just community service?" she seemed to question her answer "That's so cool." her brow frowned automatically “Every day I read about rich, famous people breaking the law and getting off scot-free.” her eyes had a fire he hadn't seen before “The justice system in this country is broken.”
"You're kidding? It's total bull." he leave aside the jokes for a moment and was honest "Just go to show how fake everyone is.” he wondered if she was that kind of person, and begged with all his strength that she might not be "My team's got me on this PR tour to clean up my image Volunteering, kissing babies, TV appearances- "
“That’s why you’re here?” she interrupted him “You’re one of the mentors?”
“I wouldn’t make much of a mentor.” the truth was that he thought it would be a disaster “But I’m judging for the finals next week.” Raleigh waited her answer with a smile.
"Well..." she began "It's good that you're giving back."
"Sure, but does count if I'm faking it?" he laughed, she shook her head and laughed too, for some reason she felt he could be transparent with her.
“If you act like the best, kindest possible version of yourself… that’s what you’ll become, right?”
“So you’re a singer and a philosopher?”
She chuckled “I think all the best songs have a philosophy behind them, don’t you?”
Raleigh felt like his whole body was pushing him directly towards her. He started noticing every detail of her face, her hair, her gestures, the way she stood up, he tried to read her but couldn't, she was totally unpredictable and that made his head spin trying to figure out what she would say next. It was strange for him, he had not felt that kind of attraction to someone for a long time and found it in the least expected place, now more than ever he wanted her to stay, he knew that if she didn’t get the spot he would never see her again, and at this point she already had his attention too much to let her go.
"Next up… contestant #9276!"
He looked at the number Hannah had on her clothes.
"Sounds like you're up."
"Oh my god!" she began to panic "Just let me get my-"
Hannah began to turn her head around looking for the one thing she lacked for her performance, her guitar. Raleigh followed her movements with his eyes and watched as she quickly approached a seat, where a totally damaged guitar lay.
"I'm guessing a half-strung guitar isn't your gimmick" he said mockingly, but he regretted it as soon as the words came out of his mouth. Looking at her face, it was obvious that she wasn’t planning to play it.
"This is my nightmare." she said, he could see how her eyes began to water.
It was obvious that someone sabotaged her, perhaps the black-haired girl who had previously been arguing with her. A few tears began to fall from her cheek and he felt the urgent need to stop them, he might be an idiot, but she didn't deserve what was happening to her. Her personality captivated him and he was curious to find out if her talent would have the same effect on him. He looked at the guitar he brought with him, it was the first time he felt like he really wanted to do something good without expecting anything in return.
“Come on, Hannah. All you gotta do is ask.”
"Ask what?" she wiped the few tears that had fallen, her expression was now serious, you could say even confused.
"To use mine." he said, grasping the guitar next to him and extending his arms for her to grasp.
Her panicked face returned "This costs more than my life!”
"Cost? No clue about that. Prince gave it to me as a birthday present years ago.”
“Prince gave you this guitar?" Hannah opened her mouth completely, she looked cute when she made those facial expressions "Raleigh, I can't. What if I break it?"
"Nah, you're not gonna break it. It's sturdy. Here. Try.”
He extended the hand holding the guitar towards her again, he could see the doubt in her eyes. After a moment she smiled and took the guitar, and he felt her fingers touching his, the two looked at each other with a smile. Hannah tried the guitar and by the way she grabbed it and played, Raleigh realized she was really good.
“Oh, wow. This sounds phenomenal, and it’s not even plugged in.” her smile vanished again “Still, I couldn’t live with myself if I accidentally wrecked your guitar.”
“Look, just take it.” he said without giving it any importance “Besides, I wouldn’t mind an excuse to run into you again.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said excitedly “I won’t let you down. Or destroy your guitar.”
“Relax.” he said, feeling as if his cheeks had warmed up a little “Get in there.”
Hannah gave him one last smile and entered the auditorium. He entered through the next door leading to the seats, could see Hannah getting on stage, clearly more nervous than before. Her eyes fell on him as she walked to the center of the stage, and he indicated that everything was fine by raising his thumbs up. He could see how her body relaxed a little more after that gesture. She began to speak in the microphone, but he felt his cell phone vibrating inside his pockets, so he took advantage of that time to check the messages that had come to him all day.
It wasn't long before a soft melody flooded the room. Raleigh raised his head quickly, almost in shock, and saw her behind the microphone. Hannah was smiling confidently as she sang and played the guitar with ease, moving her body back and forth slowly to the rhythm of the song. He felt all his senses were now focused on her, and his heart began to beat a little faster. Her voice was undoubtedly one of the best he had ever heard, the notes were in place and the lights in the auditorium made her look even more beautiful from where he was, almost like an angel signing a song for them. Their eyes met in the middle of the song and he could see the intensity with which she looked at him, as if through the music could say millions of things that couldn’t be said out loud. Raleigh knew that music could arouse all kinds of emotions, but that was the first time he had felt that way, it was as if he could sit and listen to her singing for hours. Everything about her attracted him, she had a unique personality, she was unpredictable, she was not afraid to say what she thought, or to take what she wanted. She was sweet but at the same time demanding, and she had a talent that would embarrass even the greatest musicians who at that moment were outside earning money by singing with auto-tune and repeating the same words a thousand times.
When the song ended, she couldn't stop smiling. He knew one of the mentors was going to choose her, there was no possibility of her being left out after such performance. If it was him, he would have chosen her the moment she started the first sentence of the song without hesitating or thinking twice. And it wasn't just because he was attracted to her, but because really, with all the things he had seen, she had everything she needed to become a star. The inspiration he had found in her was undeniable, and without a doubt he would have written for her a few paragraphs of a song if he had a pencil and a piece of paper at the time. She came down on stage and he followed her behind the curtains. Her smile was big and her eyes were filled with tears of happiness. He approached her with a smile.
"You looked pretty good up there. You just might be the real deal."
"Sure hope so. Thanks for letting me use your guitar.”
He remembered how beautiful that guitar looked on her in stage. There was no way he could get his guitar back without thinking about her every time he looked at it.
"You know what, I think you two belong together. Keep it.”
"You're giving me this guitar? But it was a gift! From Prince!” her eyes opening wildly.
"Yeah, when I was an up-and-comer. And now I'm paying it forward to a new one..." he lied, he had not intended to give her his guitar, at least not until that moment. Also, he liked the idea of her having something to remember him by.
"O- OKay," she said unsure.
"See you later." Raleigh said.
"Yeah," she said with a sweet smile "See you later.”
By the time Raleigh arrived again, he could see Hannah smiling happily next to Avery on  the stage, a sense of pride and relief invading every part of his body. He had not erred in believing in her talent, and he was sure that she was destined for great things. But best of all, from now, the two of them would be able to share more moments together, or at least that was what he expected. After a speech he obviously didn't pay attention to because his eyes were still focused on the new girl who had awakened something in him, he saw everyone leaving the auditorium. He began to move with the people and for a moment found himself back with her, who was still on stage.
"Congrats. Hope you can handle the spotlight." he said with a satisfied smile, and closed the doors behind him.
Raleigh couldn't stop smiling, and if there was one thing he was sure of, it was that she was going to be trouble for him for the rest of the competition.
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realiodelio · 5 years
The Race for Our Lives
Ight y'all it's Ted Talk time.
Calling in a threat isn't funny. It's not a part of your freedom of speech. What it is is terrifying. It's scary.
On Friday, Sept. 27th, around 3:45 p.m, I had just strapped my watch to the handle of an elliptical. A few minutes ago, I had been doing warm ups when one of my cross country coaches told me to go reserve a machine now if I planned to use it later. I left my water bottle in my locker with my things.
I don't know what time anything else happens after this, but here's the main order of events...
I had just gotten back in the line for warm ups, and was trying to catch up to everyone else. I was mentally questioning the freshmen boys who were jokingly fighting. Such a normal thing that even as I type it I'm wondering how it all went so sideways. The upperclassmen boys were joking around with them, but had told them to get back into their warm ups.
Maybe a minute has passed.
Suddenly, my coach comes in. "Everybody outside!" There's confusion. Shock. We were just told a few minutes ago that we were warming up inside today, because of the rain. What was going on? "Don't question it just go. Go, go, GO!"
Everyone got the sick feeling that something was wrong. It was only confirmed when we made it to the stairwell; through the clear glass panels that surrounded us, we could see cars, police cars, right outside the door. "Go, get as far away as you can." My friend and teammate, sobbing as she was struggling down the stairs in her crutches. "Watch out for her!" I remember hearing my coach say. "Don't slow down." I urged the boys around the two of us, before speeding past.
At this point in my mind, I was thinking "bomb threat". Just past the soccer fields I could see people slowing down, and then continuing onwards with a coach leading them. I was running as fast as I could.
My best friend was ahead of me, but I caught up to him in almost no time at all, then passed him. In the back I heard "Keep going!" From his teammate. "I'm not going without my brother!" Had been the response. Maybe calm anger to anyone who didn't know him, but if I had ever heard fear in his voice it was then.
I wasn't leaving without my best friend. Next to me, a boy I was crushing on had smiled and cracked a lame joke "Not like we don't do this every day during practice." I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't want to cry.
I slowed down to cross the road and get onto the trail behind the school. The car I had crossed behind was an off-white color. There were two boys in it looking as terrified as I had felt. My best friend wasn't behind me, at least not directly, and I practically stopped to wait for him and his brother. I needed to know he was OK- that they were okay.
At the end of the back road, my coach stood between the railroad tracks. Near the end of the school day, an announcement had been made saying they were closed. The red warning lights were still blinking, but we paid little heed. "Just keep going that way." The head coach gestured. "Just keep going."
Where? Where to? We had probably all been wondering. Perhaps the park, was my thought, maybe the library? I followed the crowd.
On the way, one of my teammates had slowed to a walk, texting someone. Crying. She's a year younger than I am. "Keep going" I told her. "Keep going. There's nothing you can do right now" I told her. "My foot hurts." She had been injured, I remember. One of many, not including myself. "Just keep going, you can do it." I didn't part from her for the rest of the run.
Several blocks down, an ex-classmate was in a company driveway with her mom. Her car was a vibrant red, like her hair. I gave her a hug "never been happier to see you" and "same here". She offered me and the group a ride, but we denied. We were instructed to cut through the backyard, get somewhere safe.
Maybe 8 meters later, me, my teammate, my best friend, and his brother got past the treeline. The coach who had earlier instructed me to reserve an elliptical was there, directing people to what I recognized as the District Office, or D.O for short.
"Final stretch," I remember joking. The Race for Our Lives.
I made it up the stairs and through the doorway. I needed to see my team. "Too many turns" I thought. "What the fuck. I just want my team."
"Just keep going this way, you'll be safe." Some administration person had told me. I was vaugly aware that I had been mad. At the number of turns? At her? At the shooter? I don't know. Maybe I'll never find out.
Everything after that was a wild blur in which time didn't exist.
Inside the safe zone, I met a heartbreaking sight. The freshmen girls were mostly gathered at one table, all crying. The boys were milling about, mostly on my right. My best friend was nearby- immediately, he got a hug. Girls gathered together, crying and comforting each other, telling their fears and their loves, and frantically apologizing to girls who they had thought there was tension with.
Hugs. Everyone on my team I needed to hug. To touch, to know and see and feel that They Are Safe, My Girls Are Safe. A number of freshmen and sophomores "Oh God, you're okay, I'm so glad you're okay, I was so scared for you. I was so scared." My response had been a surprised "Scared for me? How come? Look, I'm fine!!"
The sentence "I wasn't even worried for myself." Had been a commonality. Most of us worried for those in crutches or boots- later we discovered that they had safely made it into cars, and gotten away. Most people around me were in tears. I wasn't crying. I was laughing nervously, relieved.
Every girl I could hug, I hugged. I hugged my coaches. I hugged my best friend, maybe five times. Cell phones were being passed around, people were using the D.O phone, a phone I had looked at curiously when I came in, wishing I knew the extension number.
I asked my best friend to borrow his phone- I needed to call my mom before word got out. He didn't hesitate to tell me yes.
Three calls. No response. I sent a text explaining the situation, saying I was safe.
I never more regretted not having another phone number memorized.
I was lucky. There was a computer next to the D.O phone where I could sign into my school account and access my emergency contact list. The first person I called was my sister a quick run down of the situation, beginning with "I'm safe". Then I called my aunt, never more grateful she worked from home "Hey. It's me, your neice." I explained the situation and told her the address of the D.O. She said she would come to pick me up
After that was taken care of I continued making my way around the room, talking with people. Administration brought in water and snacks.
I stayed with my best friend until my aunt came to pick me up. Two of my little cousins had come along, glad I was safe and overall nervous about the situation with a giddy curiosity of relief that only kids could have- all the questions they could possibly ask, they did. My aunt offered to buy me dinner from the local restaurant. I acquiesced after the kids had assured me they wouldn't complain.
When we were pulling into the restaurant drive-up, I checked the time again. 5:26 p.m. Only an hour and 41 minutes had passed.
There are a number of details that are hard to place into this story, like me telling my best friend to text his girlfriend- casually reminding him that he doesn't need to have a phone number memorized when apps like Instagram and Snapchat exist. Or how I had told people while crossing the main street that if the cars have stopped, there's no point in waiting, just GO. People had come in several times giving us news updates- there's no active shooter, there's no live threat, they didn't find anyone with a gun in the building. A few mentionings of this getting into national television, but I voiced my extreme doubts about it. There's all the details of apologies I heard and the randomly shared personal facts. There's how I had friends who weren't athletes, other kids who had missed the bus, all in someone's house- some athlete whose mom was an officer, he lived in the neighborhood just across the road. People crowded in bedrooms and sitting on couches and tables and floors. All unsure of what to do, of what to say.
Those are unforgettable details.
We, as a team, were questioning what else would happen. Was there still a team dinner tonight? (Yes, but hardly anyone went) Were we going to race tomorrow? (yes, and we had 14 season Season Records, along with another 14 Personal Records). When we got onto the bus that Saturday morning, nothing was spoken about who had been missing. A silent but mutual understanding ran through the team.
Learning that it had been an anonymous and fake tip off had most people questioning things, especially during the moments we were waiting to get picked up to go home. Even still, people are wondering how such a thing could happen. Both scenarios are despicable. We had all feared the worst, and now we all fear still "What if this was real? What if it happens again, only it's not fake?"
It's sick that kids are going to spend possibly the rest of their educational careers wondering if school is safe. It's sick that this is oddly normal in America. It's sick that we had thought we were running for our lives. It's sick that someone called in a fake report- or even more terrifying, someone called in a report that could have been real.
It was terrifying, and that fear may never leave any of us students. We need to change something about this. I wish that I could have some type of solution, but I don't. I just don't.
That's all for now. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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thehighlandhealer · 5 years
Directions || Deirdre & Oliver
Oliver: The scent of cigarettes was mute for a man covered in the same stench, mixed with motor oil and dust. His Old Spice was no match unless pruned in the shower. Sometimes he wondered if Tristan Seger's vessel ever truly left his skin.
What caught his attention was a scent he did not recognize. Floral, almost cloying. He turned, passively curious for the source.
Deirdre: The source was standing a few feet away, having stopped to check something on her phone. Truth be told she looked more like farmhand than a tourist. Despite the warmth she was wearing boots and jeans and flannel. Honey blonde hair was gathered in a loose braid that fell nearly to her waist, with a few wisps of hair framing her face and a swoop of bangs covering one eye. She could feel his gaze, and watched him from her periphery.
Oliver: She was beautiful, but he was partial to blondes no matter the shade. As impolite to stare as it was, he had. He knew his gaze had traveled her for too long. He forced his attentions away, back towards the road. A passing favorable thought she would be as he headed home.
Three steps from the property, and he paused again. Perhaps one more look.
Deirdre: Deirdre could swear she felt his gaze wherever it lingered. She smiled to herself. Did that mean, she wondered, she was hyperaware of him or that he was simply staring that intensely?
She finally looked up as he started to walk away, thinking that she wouldn't get an answer to her question. At least until he stopped and turned again.
This time he'd be met with a serene, gently amused smile and gray-blue eyes looking back at him.
Oliver: Caught red-handed. He was not one to blush and duck his chin in shame. Rather, he smiled at her amusement. That would be his treat for the day, having made not one but two women smile.
He supposed he should return to purpose, though with the haste of a sloth.
Deirdre: Not so fast. I'm not quite done with you.
"Oi! Spare a moment?" she called to him in a thick Scottish accent.
Oliver: The foreign surprise caused a double-take. He began to pick his thumbnail.
"M'I in trouble?"
Deirdre: "Why, have ye done somethin' wrong?" Smiling, she slipped her phone into her pocket and walked over to him. "Might I trouble ye for directions?"
Oliver: "I dunno. M'a man, so probably." She seemed smaller the closer she approached. Confidence could make one two inches taller, but still, petite.
"Where ya needin' t'go?"
Deirdre: "Flower shop. Wild Rose of Arran. Ye know it?"
Oliver: "I - Yeah. It's a walk from here. Miles, I mean. My truck's outta commission, so..." What in god's name? "I mean, ain't ya got a GPS?"
Deirdre: "I do," she said, giving him a very obvious once over before heading in the direction of a black Jeep. "Come along, then."
Oliver: Oliver subconsciously straightened. "Just like that?" he called, frozen in place by skepticism.
Deirdre: "Ye waitin' for an engraved invitation?"
Oliver: "With real gold?" He began to follow behind. "I'mma fuck up the seat."
Deirdre: A light laugh floated back to him. "Don't worry yer head about the seat. That's what towels are for."
Oliver: I'm gonna be murdered by a farmgirl. Worse ways to die, he thought, climbing into the seat with one fluid movement.
"So, you're...British?"
Deirdre: "Highland Scot," Deirdre corrected, starting the Jeep and definitely pulling out of the lot faster than was strictly legal.
"Left, right, or dead ahead?"
Oliver: Not a quip on her driving skills. "Ahead for a mile or two. We'll take a left, then. So is there a difference?"
Deirdre: "There a difference between the States and Canada?"
Oliver: "There's a difference from California n'Jersey."
Deirdre: "But they're in the same country. Scotland and England are no'."
Oliver: "It's called Britain, right?"
Deirdre: "Technically."
Oliver: "So what's the big difference?"
Deirdre: "They're separate countries."
Oliver: "On one island. So I wanna know what makes the top different from the bottom."
Deirdre: "I once again point ye to the States and Canada. Similar language, similar customs, similar lookin' people even, but different countries. We never fell to the Romans."
Oliver: "On a giant continent I get. Ya can travel all of Europe in a weekend. Nothin' is a country if ya can travel it all in a day or two. Ya see games on TV from there n'it says United Kingdom on the shirts with all of it."
Deirdre: "Just like an American to disregard nuance," she said, the amused smile making a return.
Oliver: "Waitin' for ya t'open my door n'boot me out."
Deirdre: "Well now that would be rude."
Oliver: "You're in America. It's normal."
Deirdre: "Rudeness or tossin' men out o' movin' vehicles?"
Oliver: "Both?" he chuckled.
Deirdre: "Funny, don't remember readin' that in my 'Welcome to America' pamphlet."
Oliver: "What about fried Oreos?"
Deirdre: "A glorious step up from fried Mars bars."
Oliver: "Excuse me what?"
Deirdre: "What?"
Oliver: "A fried Mars bar?"
Deirdre: "Aye. Don't ye Americans fry Snickers?"
Oliver: "I ain't had a fried candy bar no."
Deirdre: “Don’t tell yer dentist if ye do.”
Oliver: "That somethin' ya wanna try? Fried Oreo?"
Deirdre: “That ship’s long gone.”
Oliver: "How come?"
Deirdre: “Because I’ve already had one. Several if we’re splittin’ hairs.”
Oliver: "What about a fried hot dog?"
Deirdre: “Hot dogs should be grilled. Full stop.”
Oliver: "Thank fuckin' god ya didn't say boiled."
Deirdre: “What do I look like, a barbarian?”
Oliver: "Not a barbarian."
Deirdre: She smiled. "Good to know. Left ye said?"
Oliver: "Oh. Yeah. Left after this stop sign. It'll be kinda obvious."
Deirdre: "That's all right then." But rather than turn left, she turned to face him. "Which way's yer house?"
Oliver: "Ya...wanna know where I live?"
Deirdre: "Ye said yer truck's broken down."
Oliver: "Yeah. I got legs for walkin'."
Deirdre: "Consider it a thank ye for showin' me to the shop."
Oliver: "It's outta the way. It's fine."
Deirdre: "I'll find my way back. I'm in no rush."
Oliver: "Well, I'll savor the company, then. Keep goin' this way."
Deirdre: Another smile and they were off again. Callum could certainly wait a few minutes longer. He didn't even know she was here yet.
"Lived here long?"
Oliver: "About a year n'some change. Needed a chance of scenery."
Deirdre: "Do ye like it?"
Oliver: "It's work. It's a place," he muttered.
Deirdre: "No' terribly attached then?"
Oliver: "Not really anywhere. I mean, I miss Tennessee, but it ain't home anymore."
Deirdre: "Sometimes home is where yer hat is. And there's nothin' wrong with that."
Oliver: "N'where's your hat?"
Deirdre: "Montana."
Oliver: "Not Scot-Britain?"
Deirdre: "No' Scotland, no. I moved to Montana to take over the family ranch when my sister moved to New Orleans."
Oliver: "At your age? Big boots on ya."
Deirdre: "I'm older than I look," she chuckled.
Oliver: "Twenty-two, maybe."
Deirdre: Deirdre laughed. "God bless ye and yer flattery."
Oliver: "Flattery is fake. I'm sayin' what I think."
Deirdre: "Motivations can be fake, flattery isn't. And for the record, ye're about ten years off."
Oliver: "I have no motivations. I'm a free man. You're not in your thirties."
Deirdre: "That brisk Scottish air does wonders for the complexion."
Oliver: "Sunblock too, I bet. Or wait, y'all don't get sun."
Deirdre: "No' as much as ye do here. It's so bloody hot in this country."
Oliver: "Try Maine if ya want mist."
Deirdre: "If I want mist I'll go back home. Either o' them. Plenty o' mist up in the mountains in Montana."
Oliver: "Not all dry plains? Right up here."
Deirdre: “A few plains, plenty o’ hills, and the mountains. Be right silly to name the place after a mountain if it were completely flat.”
Oliver: "Maybe I'm thinkin' of Utah when I think of mountains. Up there is all the same in my head. Left here."
Deirdre: "The Rockies join ev'rythin' together." She turned left. "Went from one highland to another."
Oliver: "Why, though? Why Montana at all?"
Deirdre: "Montana is where our family ranch is. My da's family's had it since before my sister and I were born."
Oliver: "Why not have a ranch in Scotland?"
Deirdre: "We do."
Oliver: He just turned to blink at her.
Deirdre: "What? Mark Twain said to buy land, they're no' makin' it anymore. My da's family took him at his word. As did my sister. The ranch is a few times bigger than it was when she took over."
Oliver: "What d'ya do on the ranch, then? Cattle? Sheep?"
Deirdre: "All sorts, though mostly cattle. Ever seen MacAllister Heritage Ranch in the meat and dairy section o' the market?"
Oliver: "I don't really look at names. Must be pretty big t'get all the way t'the east coast."
Deirdre: "People ev'rywhere are ravenous for organic food."
Oliver: "Soy lattes n' kale salads. No sugar and no carbs."
Deirdre: "We make cheese and sausage and cream and eggs, nothin' but carbs as far as the eye can see. Bloody good kale too."
Oliver: "I know how t'make cheese. Sausage, too."
Deirdre: "Grow up in the country?"
Oliver: "Nah. Bored in the military."
Deirdre: "If necessity is the mother of invention, boredom's its dear old da. Still make it now?"
Oliver: "Nah. I make the best beef ribs, though."
Deirdre: "Pop into the market and get some o' ours next time ye get a fancy for them."
Oliver: "MacAllister, huh?"
Deirdre: She nodded. "MacAllister Heritage Ranch."
Oliver: "...Would ya like some beef ribs? Maybe some corn bread t'go with it?"
Deirdre: There was that smile again, twitching at the corner of her mouth.
"Askin' me to dinner, are ye?"
Oliver: "Well," he cleared his throat, picked at his thumb again. "I'll wait on that 'til ya see my place. There, that sign on the left." The entrance to the trailer park hidden in the woods.
Deirdre: "Why, is it full o' corpses on meat hooks and severed human fingers?" she asked as she turned into the caravan park.
Oliver: "Just a loud dog trippin' on his ears, n'the smell of beer n'probably cigarettes. A door that don't wanna close all the way, n'neighbors with nothin' better t'do."
Deirdre: Deirdre's entire face lit up brighter than the morning sun. She didn't hear a thing after he'd said the magic word.
"Ye've a dog?"
Oliver: "Humphreys. My basset hound." His smile a subconscious response to her own.
Deirdre: "Is he lovely? How old is he?"
Oliver: "I guess a young man now. I don't think lovely describes it. My couch would disagree."
Deirdre: "All dogs are lovely. Like babies."
Oliver: "Ha. Right there...that one." She'd say her goodbyes now, if she had any sense, he assumed.
Someone across the park had neglected their grill, burning what would have been under-seasoned burgers. Not the worst smell to greet his nose, but still he made a face. Humphreys was impatient for release from his rectangular prison, howling for all he was worth at the sound of a door slam.
Deirdre: Deirdre parked the car and cut the engine, face lighting for a second time as she heard the howl from inside.
"Can I meet yer dog?"
Oliver: "Ya ain't an axe murderer, out for money? I'll disappoint ya t'no end."
Deirdre: "I'm lousy with land and cattle, yer money's quite safe from me. And I left my axe at home," she added with a grin.
Oliver: "Lousy with land? Gotta explain that one t'me." The dented aluminum door was unlocked. A black, tan, and white basset hound blew past to freedom, crashing at Deirdre's feet. Time to investigate.
Deirdre: "The cattle and the sheep and the fields take up an awful lot o' space in Montana." A rather large chunk of the state, as a matter of fact.
But what importance was that when a floppy-eared bundle of fur was barreling toward her like a bat out of hell?
Deirdre gave a small cry of delight, crouching down to Humphreys' level. "Oh look at ye, lovey! Pretty as a new penny and handsomer than sin, ye are! Hi! Hi, puppy!" She offered her hands for him to sniff.
Oliver: The ungentlemanly hound leapt to her thigh, sniffing her jeans, hand, and what hair he could reach. Floral, and yet stunk like his father. Satisfactory. He wanted pettings, and leaned his dense weight against her. Another howl to announce his findings for a very irritated Oliver.
"Just push him off. Ya can't hurt him."
Deirdre: Pushing Humphreys off was the absolute farthest thing from Deirdre's mind. She was already giving him a hearty squeeze, scratching his ears and his back and his belly and beneath his chin in between showers of compliments.
Oliver: "So that's the way t'a woman's heart, huh? It's that easy."
Deirdre: "The way to a man's is food." She smiled up at him. "The way to a woman's is a friendly animal."
Oliver: "So what d'ya have in Montana, then?"
Deirdre: "Two collies, a deerhound, and three cats."
Oliver: "How many were gifts?"
Deirdre: "One o' the cats just sort of appeared one day. The deerhound and the other two cats were already there when I took over. I adopted the two collies to give Gary a hand with the herdin'."
Oliver: A cigarette was lit while she recounted. He didn't mind.
"Humphreys, bathroom."
The dog finally released her, disappearing behind the house to relieve himself.
"Ya...want a beer? Soda? ... Water?"
Deirdre: "My sister would keel haul me if I had a beer before I was about to drive. I'll accept some water though."
Oliver: "Want it out here?" The house was the usual mess, something he cared little about until that very moment. Just a little.
Deirdre: “Out here’s fine. It’ll give the laddie some time to get some fresh air.”
Oliver: "The door's always open anyway." Though the same could not be said for his bedroom, with an additional padlock. Since the front door gave so much trouble, and he could swear he was beginning to sleepwalk almost every week...
He retreated for a bottle of water. Humphreys returned for more attention.
Deirdre: He'd be able to hear a fresh round of enthusiastic delight as Humphreys returned and the petting resumed.
Her estimation of her admirer could've risen from the depths of hell purely on the shoulders of his dog. When he came back out he'd find her happily sitting on the ground with Humphreys in her lap, squishing his little face to hers as she scratched his ears.
Oliver: "That scares the shit outta me," he said, offering the bottle of water, having to dodge Humphreys curious nose.
Deirdre: "What does?" Deirdre asked, taking the water.
Oliver: "Puttin' an animal’s face near mine."
Deirdre: She laughed. "I think ye'll find that they're cleaner than we are. Besides, I've had far worse things on my face than a wee pup."
Oliver: "Nah. It ain't that. I was bitten by a dog when I was a kid. It stuck with me."
Deirdre: "Poor thing. I'd dare say ye've made progress though. Ye brought this wee fella into yer life."
Oliver: "Yeah, but he don't come near my face. He knows better. See here?" He stepped closer and knelt, pointing to a small scar on the outskirt of his facial hair.
Deirdre: Without thinking, she lifted a hand to his face and turned it to get a better look. "That was the dog that bit ye when ye were little?"
Oliver: His skin was as warm as it was deep, tanned by years forgetful of sunblock. Destined to be a leathery old man. His muscles tensed instinctively. Exhaled through his nose. Shoulders fell. He wasn't always on such edge. A recent phenomenon.
"A dalmatian. I don't remember it clearly, but I just don't like em near me like that."
Deirdre: "Dalmatians have the lion's share of energy, especially if they're no' trained properly. Don't blame ye for bein' cautious."
Oliver: "Ya know everything 'bout everything, huh?"
Deirdre: "Enough to retain what Animal Planet teaches me, at least."
Oliver: "Huh." He tossed the butt of his cigarette away. The pack was brought from his back pocket and offered, half squished.
Deirdre: She shook her head. "Thanks anyway. There's a program about dog breeds and another about cat breeds. Good for when ye want somethin' mindless and light."
Oliver: "I just watch the races, n'the history channel. For some reason they got shit on old cars n'woodshop."
Deirdre: "Seems like they're broadenin' what constitutes history. And animals."
Oliver: He watched her for a minute. The excuse was in her lap, but hardly noticed. He needed a fresh cigarette.
"M'keepin' ya from the flower shop."
Deirdre: "It's no bother, I'm no' expected."
Oliver: "Just wantin' some roses?"
Deirdre: “Decided to surprise my cousin. He’s the owner.”
Oliver: "Oh that - I shoulda figured. Don't hear much of that accent around."
Deirdre: "Do ye know him, then? Callum?"
Oliver: "Just a face I see around. I ain't ever gone in there."
Deirdre: “Never had need o’ roses?”
Oliver: "Ain't had a woman that wanted one."
Deirdre: “I take it ye’re no’ the type to buy flowers for yer sittin’ room?”
Oliver: Inadvertently he locked eyes and shook his head.
Deirdre: "Well, he's there if ye ever have need," she said softly, smiling at him before turning to Humphreys. "Or just bring this wee one with ye wherever ye go. Ye'll surge in popularity."
Oliver: "Ain't really somethin' I strive for." He turned his head to keep the smoke from her face. "Anyway, I gotta clean up n'get somethin' t'eat."
Deirdre: “Of course, I’ll leave ye to it. Bye, lovey.” She gave Humphreys a kiss on his forehead and got to her feet. “Thanks for the directions and for lettin’ me love on Humphreys.”
Oliver: "He appreciates it, I bet." He placed his cigarette on the awkward steps and turned. "Know your way back?"
Deirdre: “Aye, I can manage. All the lefts are rights now, only real difference.”
Oliver: "Yeah." His smile and half-hearted laugh were for her benefit. An excuse to see her smile, perhaps? Damn stupid.
Deirdre: Excuse or not, he was still given a smile as Deirdre got in the Jeep.
She rolled down the window. “Blush.”
Oliver: "Wh-What?" The wrinkles around his eyes faded with his confused look.
Deirdre: “I like blush roses.” Deirdre’s smile became a full grin. “For when ye ask me to dinner.”
Oliver: Oh. But she'd seen his decrepit excuse for a house. He'd casually insulted her so-called country. He had been himself, and yet her smile was as though he had been the utmost gentleman.
"How m'I supposed t'find ya?"
Deirdre: “I’ll find ye. I know where ye live.”
Oliver: "That don't sound horrific at all," he smiled.
Deirdre: “Told ye I left my axe at home,” she said, starting the car and giving him one last smile before she drove away.
Oliver: Humphreys bellowed his farewell and was shooed into the house. The cigarette was stamped out. The smile remained stuck to his face until he hit the shower.
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seouledbysisi · 6 years
A Time Like No Other
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Chapter 4
Nori stood up and greeted the guys. She didn't actually think they'd show up but boy was she ecstatic that they did. “What a surprise!” She told them. She had sent the text because she was determined to get Misun to see that Shownu was feeling her. No, he may not be in love but he clearly liked her even if it was just as a friend. And regardless of his status as an celebrity, he didn't act stuck up like most of them. He was a normal guy and she wanted Misun to realize that.
Misun couldn't handle all of the tension. She couldn't speak, her nerves were jumbling around her belly like butterflies. How in the world did they keep running into them. “Not to be rude but are you stalking us?” She directed her question at the guys, avoiding eye contact with Shownu. It was almost funny as if God himself was playing a game with her emotions.
Shownu chuckled. “You invited us, silly!”
Misun jumped up from the sand with her hands on her hip. “Who invited you?”
Shownu stepped back a little in shock. “You sent me a text. How else would we know where y'all were going to be at this exact time?”
The guys were very confused at this point. “Do you actually think we would take time out of our busy schedule to stalk you?” Kihyun asked her.
Misun shrugged. “I didn't send any text message. I don't even have your number so someone has some explaining to do!”
Nori looked away for a moment. She didn't think Misun would be this blatantly rude to them. She figured that she would just go with the flow since they were already there.
Jooheon noticed Nori's facial expression. He nudged her softly. “Did you set this up?” He whispered to her. He knew the culprit had to have been her because he read the message himself.
Nori couldn't lie to him. She nodded her head with a sigh.
Jooheon laughed a little. “She's gonna kill you!”
The tension was thick in the air; you could cut it with a knife. “If you want us to leave, we will.” Shownu stated and started to turn his back to Misun.
Misun inhaled loudly. “It's a free country you can be where ever you want to be. I just don't understand how you got a text from me. Can I see it?”
Nori was thanking Jesus that Misun hadn't figured it out. She normally was pretty clever but maybe her nerves were throwing her off a bit. Common sense should've automatically pointed to Nori.
Misun grabbed the phone from Shownu as she noticed the number at the top of the message. She immediately turned towards Nori. “You better run!” She started chasing her.
Nori was running for her life. Misun finally caught her and tackled her onto the sand.
The guys were laughing and enjoying the show. “Girls wrestling in the sand? Man that's nice!” Jooheon added.
Everyone rolled their eyes at him. “You would make this a dirty moment.” Shownu responded with a chuckle.
“So are we just going to let them continue this forever?” Minhyuk asked. “Though I'm not complaining, the view is nice.” He gave Jooheon a high-five.
The girls were steady laughing and rolling around in the sand until they became tired. They tried to regain their breath. “I'm sorry Misun but I wanted a redo from yesterday and I figured coup 'd etat. We only live once!”
Misun slapped her leg. “So you're playing God now? I thought fate was really trying to kill me. Turns out it's you!”
“Only this time. I couldn't have made yesterday happen even if I tried. I just want you to get to know him. You love Shownu!” She said a bit too loudly.
The guys all chuckled. The girls hadn't noticed that they had standing over them for a minute listening to their conversation. “So you love me?” Shownu grinned.
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Misun squeezed her eyes shut and covered her face in embarrassment. “As an entertainer!”
Shownu held his hand out to help her up. To his surprise she actually accepted it. “I know. I just wanted to mess with you.”
She dusted all the sand off of her.
“So is this a habit of y'all? You know wrestling in the sand. . .” Wonho asked.
“If so please continue!” Jooheon winked.
Misun and Nori burst into laughter. “You're dangerous!” Nori told him as she patted his chest lightly.
Jooheon simply shrugged. He knew he was but he just couldn't help himself.
They all went back to where their stuff was on the beach.
“So is it safe for us to stay?” Hyungwon asked.
Misun simply nodded. “In my defense I never had a problem with you being here, I just was in shock. I could've handled it better though so I do apologize if I offended you.”
They all nodded. The guys all decided to run into the water to play. Jooheon picked Nori off the blanket and dunked her into the water.
Misun stayed behind because she had no intentions of getting in the water to begin with. She just wanted to watch them have the time of their lives. She was content just soaking in the fresh air and smelling the salt from the water.
Shownu noticed that she stayed behind so he ran back to where she was.
Misun put one of her hands up. “Don't even think about doing what Jooheon just did. I don't do ocean water.”
Shownu licked his lips innocently. “Why not?” he sat beside her on the blanket.
“I can't swim.” She covered her face. It sounded more embarrassing rolling off of her tongue out loud.  
“I'd save you if anything happened. I use to be a competitive swimmer but you probably already knew that.”
She nodded as she watched the others in the water. She could hear Nori's loud laughter. This made her smile. She hadn't seen Nori this happy in a long time. Monsta X was the reason for this and she owed them the utmost respect. No one knew the struggles that her best friend dealt with but her and to see her just living life so freely today, it was the best sight.
“What's on your mind?” Shownu asked as he also watched the guys playing in the water.
“I'm just happy. That's all.” She admitted.
Shownu looked at her quickly. He was astonished. “What? I actually have done something to make you happy?”
“Not just you. Just all of you in general. I can't explain it.”
“I see. Tell me something that not a lot of people know about you.” Shownu was trying to break her walls down a little. He knew they had just met but they didn't have much time with one another and he wanted to make this time count.
Misun's eyes widened. “Okay. You're getting too deep for my liking.” She said with a giggle.
Shownu shrugged. “It doesn't have to be too deep. I just want something. It’s only fair since you already know all there is to know about me.” he said as he stared at her beauty.
She thought for a moment. “I'm an open book really but I guess if I had to choose something that I don't normally tell people, it's that I'm scared of love. Not just in a romantic way though. I tend to push people away that actually are being real with me.” She shrugged and turned her head away from him. His stares were giving her butterflies and if she wanted to live she needed to look away.
Shownu simply nodded. “Is it because you don't think you deserve the love?” he pulled his knees into his chest as he continued to watch her. The sun was hitting her face just right and he was mesmerized.
Before she could answer the guys and Nori came rushing back to them. Nori sat between Misun's legs. “I think you should thank me!” She told her as she shook her wet hair all in her face.
Misun raised an eyebrow and swatted her. “Nori, stop! And for what?”
“You have to admit that you enjoyed today and it’s all because of me!” Nori told her with a sweet smile.
The group tuned in.
Misun nodded. “I can't lie. Y'all were good company.” She said modestly.
The guys all high-fived her in return. They had to get back to their schedules so they grabbed their belongings.
“May I see your phone?” Shownu asked Misun as she was putting everything in her bag.
She reluctantly handed it to him.
“Here’s my number again, please keep it this time.” He handed it back to her after he programmed his number.
She was fighting back a smile so she just nodded.
Kihyun beckoned for them to come on.
“Oh and if you have time, maybe you can vlog with us backstage at Kcon before our performance tomorrow. You know for your channel. I think monbebes would love y'all for that!” Jooheon interceded.
“Hmm we have had a few requests from them. Who should we contact?” Nori asked him. She was subtly phishing for those digits.
Jooheon grabbed her phone. “If you wanted my number all you had to do was ask!” He said with a chuckle.
“No, I meant for business. That's all, I swear.” She didn't but she had to play hard to get.
He rubbed her shoulder. “I know what you meant but that's not what I meant. Feel free to use that number however you want.” He winked and left with the other guys.
Misun and Nori both squealed at the same time then looked back to make sure the guys didn't hear them. “He's whipped, baby girl!” Misun told her as they walked to their Uber that was waiting for them.
Misun and Nori
Misun was throwing clothes everywhere. She huffed loudly.
Nori's face caught one of the shirts that had been thrown. “Misun, what is wrong with you?” She yelled as she threw the shirt back at Misun.
“I can't figure out what to wear! Can you please pick me something out?” She pouted.
Nori began to piece things together. “You're never this stressed about what to wear. Why all of a sudden now?”
Misun simply shrugged as she began to do her makeup. “I just want to be cute for Kcon. This is big for us!”
“Is it big because it's Kcon or is it big because Monsta X is doing a surprise guest appearance on our show?” Nori knew the answer but she just wanted to hear her say it.
Misun rolled her eyes and continued fixing her makeup as if she hadn't heard a word she had said.
“Here. You'll be fabulous for Shownu if you wear this!”
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Misun took a look at the outfit. She had to admit that Nori had s true sense for fashion. She could become a personal stylist, she just that good. “You always know best when it comes to fashion.”
Nori held up another outfit. “How's this? You think Jooheon will like it?”
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Misun's eyes widened. “Like it? No! He's going to love it.”
Nori did a little shimmy as she held the outfit against her. “Kcon, here we come!”
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castlehead · 6 years
beauty seems to be really funny most of the time and i like dat.
this idea that sends pop definitions of beauty running for the hills makes for some
quality distance, if only one step back.
what if i had any idea who i was but could see into everybody else
phone home cheeky cosmic touch m8 gonna think this is too easy
yeah but not let’s feel this way without before examining ourselves
for anything fake about it first parting from the idea that there wasnt anyway
and then parting cuz that knows so much
that part of me knows so much abt what do you call it extreme fear of maudlin
i run naked thru the grass singing abt yesteryear
                        ...There’s a move in social situations I like to call, “around the sun” whereby you wait for the game to end to play music, or wait patiently for one plan of another to say its peace so you can say yours. I like to take it to a more extreme level and say, turn down the fuckin tv, I want to listen to a thing I find beautiful.
SONG ONE : like the earth
1. Sit back and dream of clouded metaphors Reveal the schemes that we devised Back in the day, when ur hands were small And the WORLD splayed out colorfully Before our eyes
Take ur thronging bussloads of the living dead Take all the lifetimes of a million busy heads Ur sly intellectuals that laugh in the dome The only place, the only place is in the peaceful tones Of singing birds perched on ascending wires, like notes
2. Caught u up past three, sitting on the porch I woke up from a dream that I immediately forgot That seems to happen a lot, especially if previously I torched a dutch and passed the fuck out But from the ether of my dreams I heard, from the scope of reality I heard you shout
3. The sun and the moon both live in a box And the box is a square made out of lead And the square lies motionless in ur head Like a body on the rocks
Watch the hour tuck away into an evening A day nestled in afternoon light From the beginning In ur mind that made all minds the same The twilight creeping across ur paper brain And I can only burn and burn and burn
And I can turn round like the EARTH And I can be a sphere like the EARTH And I can stitch up the nations With fear, like the EARTH
                        ...people who call it a false flag just don’t wanna think it’s their own who bomb, if it can’t be a towelhead.
SONG TEW : the rainbow
The sinister rainbow blinks over the clover And the dawn is a monster in my brain I'll take a picture before this song is over And I’ll fix u in a wheel to keep me sane
Don’t break out the gin for the old lady creepers Smoke until the blur makes ur head float around I live in hades, burn my tongue on the heater When I lick this heaven ill taste yur sound
What Im saying isnt deep What Im stealing isnt cheap But I know that if i play it loud and long That this song in my head will instead Form a beat
Like a stranger in the rain Slowly driving me insane There's a fork in the road And I dont know whether Or when, all this shit will come together In the end
2. I got a stupid friend who lives in a pause He takes life from the tiger’s jaws, and prays
That life begins again, after it is over And the rainbow shines like a dream, in a daze
Ill take u thru the eye of the needle Ill breathe a testament to ur false gods Ill tell the truth, and contaminate the evil And zap u like a lightning rod
3. Dont you know that the rainbow is the world? Dont you know that the news is already told? Im gettin too old to be unfurled Im seein the rainbow in my mind Im waking up for the daily grind Im singing useless things for useful people The rainbow is not evil, its kind Dont u know that the color kings rattle like a marble In a tin can? And the rainbow eats the darkness like a mother Without a son? Dont u know that u can never be a man? And the rainbow drags across the empty land And the rainbow drags across the empty land
(chorus) (chorus)
                        ...the only division is classical and romantic. all else is contributory to these two. postmodern, modern, no. romantic. it all follows the romantic objective. one is ruled by the time at which it occurred, and the other is ruled by the mechanism of breaking from any present time.
SONG THREE : an ending that promises to begin again
1. A legend sleeps in yur head somewhere You take yur trembling hands And grope for mine, like a bum for spare Change... You cant explain
This strange perdition that engulfs Yur position in the sane... And the trouble of the pulse That leads a broken synapse Up into my eccentric brain... Theres a clot in my neck And the ruins of time Keep me from being able to find A comfortable spot to rest
Im stuck in erasure--a constant exposure To the elements still provides me with eyes To see bad karma writhing in my spleen And I wonder if ill dream While the whole WORLD is awake Will I be the manufactured figure, Will I be fake?
Or will I take these petty abstractions And roll them up into a ball And put them in my pocket Just to feel the reason stall In my throat... Is life a puzzle, or a joke?
2. The life you led one sunny afternoon Is the life you never led again... I can appreciate the reasons For why you did not blend Like a chameleon in the room But cant discern the seasons Of the moon
Yur whispers prosper, loud Like a passionate apostle And the lords are proud of ur Painting on the wall... That skritter of an evening gone Is enough to scatter colors When the sky finally falls, And the lords are like the brothers Of what lorded over them... Take these idols and shatter them... The racket in my brain is loud And does not end And does not end And does not end, even when the jig is up Cuz ive gotten fucked by time: Its an ending that promises To begin again
                        ...Nobody starts an Apollonian, and only those are Dionysian who have the capacity for restraint needed to confer the Apollonian chariot, tho some die without a revision of the vision etc. some die restraintless
SONG FOUR : chauncey ames and the case of jenny preston
1. Chauncey loved the flowers Chauncey loved the trees Chauncey smelled the wind And knew that he was free
Chauncey took a cab home Chauncey felt the air flow Thru the window He paid the driver extra Just for keeping him From being alone... Back, once again To the place that he had left Long ago
In fact, it had been years and years and years Since the man had seen walls Not fortified in concrete... In fact, it had been years and years and years Since this man had put to rest That lying cheat
Chauncey was a killer That was his disease Got off on manslaughter: Fingerprints on a pair keys Got him twelve years For offing someone's daughter Even tho she was eighty three Cuz no matter how old u are Everyone Is a daughter or son To someone
2. Now he's out, but he has his fears... Maybe people will not like him For his past It is unclear Even after all the facts Had been presented... Whether Jenny Preston Was murdered, or just had a bad fall Onto a bed of broken glass They found her in the hall At the head of the stairs, flat on her wrinkled ass
Chauncey was a man of few words But in the end he was unheard His eyes were petrified In delirium His arms shook As he held the gun He took aim On the good book Instead of his brains just to prove a point His neck is craned His eyes like coins That shine their milky matter On the barrel of a luger
                        ...doubt any of y'all would live up to the wit/confidence/sardonicism y'all judiciously sculpt for hours on the book of face.
SONG FYVE: my summer home
1. This is food for thought Write it down in chalk: The chimney puffs From the fire in the fireplace And erupts in a black plume And with luck The old man Balances a spoon On his nose He sits inside a room As the room grows Smoking from a pipe While its raining outside And the light Is waning, slowly waning, outside
My fingers and my toes Are numb to the bone And I will have my wish To swim with all the fish In the sea of my mind In time ill find A little spot in the country Somewhere peaceful and secluded Ill save up all my money And hope im not deluded And hope that I can find a place Thats nice, a lush spot For a good price
(Chorus) Do you feel that I feel you? Do you feel that you feel me? The time is right to live again To let the atoms wiggle In our spherical galaxy That seems to have no real end But the one that we assume Is reality, and soon We'll eat up all the doom
2. Concentrate upon a single understanding Dont let the sisters on the throne Rage in the dome And find out that this trip Needs more planning to exist
The sky is silver and the universe is green Ill show you things in this world That you have never seen Things that have been waiting So long to be unfurled Things for boys and things for girls Without an explanation Ill bring the nation together And hold it by a tether Show you things for boys And things for girls
                        ...for example i would never be able to muster the cognitive stones to say all of this, in order, amongst the company of people, even friends
SONG SIX : notion
#1 im in the middle of this phrase Stuck between the lines Bless these simple chains I'll see what I can find In my simple mind To lead to some way out The drip, drip drip of water From the trippy rusty spout Keeps me awake I'll explain that to ur daughter The world is fake The world is miles away:
Chorus: Put a notion on the river And see it travel downsteam Suspended on liquid creature dreams I sweated thru the fever And, between the middle of this phrase Passed all my days in solitude And grew weaker, as the days Passed on in solitude
You can call me daft You can say im frozen In technicolor time That im stranded on an island In the middle of the ocean But I dont have the spine To wiggle thru the shaft And give you back This simple notion
#2 I gots a paper boat Lofting on the water It travels down ur purple throat And dissolves in the water
I set a fire just to see if it could think And I questioned the venom Just to see if it could blink Nonsense on the edge Of the bullshit day Chillin on the ledge, you shape the clay And drive the screws on down And drive the screws on down
I thought of you, thought of you And I felt like a clown
#3 I crawl out, I crawl out I crawl out of bed I walk down the hall To turn the notion into thread And whisper rumors to the dead Sometimes I try to talk And my voice drops Sometimes the vague paralysis Defies analysis And you are left sitting on a chair In a yellow room That is a technicolor tomb Without a door, confined and spare, I crawl, I crawl I crawl out of bed And walk down the hall And fall and fall and fall Into the creation of sound Until I hit the ground And everything is mother night And the imperfections in yur eye Spangle in the strange notion of the twilight
(chorus) (chorus)
                         ...the broad concept of subjectivity has as much to do with a detailed exegesis of one tenet of it as death itself with the specific way we die
SONG SEVEN : collected and connected
You're a sharp one You're a dumb one You got nobody But the people in yur head
And everybody is connected But you aint connected to them Yur a ghost, on the interim While the fringes die out You live them out To the last splinter Until it is winter And the trees are all white with snow And the blue wind blows
Yu spend twenty minutes Feeling for the lightswitch In a room made out of figments That you shovel into a ditch And bury, along with all yur Dangerous ambitions And as you drive away, you feel The religion Of yur memories corrupt u And yu reel
CHORUS. Cuz everyones connected Everyones collected Into the same intangible organism That lives life in the schism Of ur teeth I watch ur lips move And cannot hear u speak I pick up on the clues and watch the pressure leak Until all of it is used And nothing much is left To be abused
Everyones connected by a string That trembles across the space Of every living thing The fractions of my face illuminate in the light I shake when i sing I am a yellow kite Mangled in a tree Forgotten by the breeze I am a thing, wafting in the breeze But I have begun again, my friend, Just by following the string Follow, follow the string
#2 Two days ago the WORLD was made of angles I opened my eyes to the lost ways And came upon a shallow swale The brush and branches tangled And the rays of the sun, barely Coming thru the jail Of the scary fray
Dont you think that yur fellow men Would like to lend a hand? And dont you think That this desert you have crossed Only gets u more lost Until u arrive at the brink Of the sahara, and find A single, solitary house Where a mumbling old man Is confined
i always dress nice when i have no place to go. otherwise i look like a sweaty coked up hobo. its my chic, paranoid hobo chic. my comportment u say? quirky to the acquaintance, somewhat sad to the friend, an endearing mix of both with a dash of worry to the best friend, and an embarrassment to the significant other. im usually the life of the party bc i bring drugs so people are forced to tolerate my horror of a personality.
rejection is a rare and beautiful flower my time is spent tending it my life wants it to be a gift i water the flower it sits next to my bed it is next to a lamp littered under the lamp are dead ladybugs ladybugs are all over my house but if i am not meant i am not meant and i cast my line of poetry here trying to figure out if it was meant to be there wonder exactly why what is innumerable can be rare and think of lots of things
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