#but my cat jim is my best friend he's everything to me
menlove · 6 months
I truly believe we all have soul animals like. you can have many pets in a lifetime but there's That One that was your lil person. your lil dude. and even though you'll Love other pets you'll never have that level of connection again. it's such a special thing but it makes me so incredibly sad
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luvhockey111 · 4 months
accidentally in love
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Based off of Accidentally in love by counting crows!!
warnings: drinking, swearing a little bit
my first piece!!! It’s not that great, just wanted something to put out and was bored this morning so decided to write this. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any requests!
Summary: Luke and y/n have known each other for as long as they can remember. What happens one summer night when y/n finds Luke awfully close to a girl? I mean they are only just friends… right?
Overview of Luke and y/n relationship
Luke and y/n have been friends since they were born; as Ellen and Julie (y/n mom) were roommates in college. By some weird coincidence Jim and Allan (y/n dad) had been childhood best friends. This has caused them to grow up across the street from each other. If you think about it, it’s destiny really. Anyways, Luke and y/n always say they are “platonic soulmates” but who are they trying to fool with the use of the word platonic? It’s definitely not any of their family members so themselves and eachother must be the ones they are trying to convince their feelings are strictly platonic..
It was a perfect boat day, the sun was warm and shining and the water was a perfect mix between cold and warm, but refreshing nonetheless. Y/n was sitting next to Luke with her legs stretched out in his lap, his hands atop them, Quinn driving, with jack, Trevor, cole and Alex fighting over who gets to wakeboard next and who gets aux. Jack happened to win both of those arguments somehow. Jack had been saying he was going to be throwing a little party tonight since it was the first week everyone was officially back at the lake. “Jack your parties always end with something bad happening” Y/n mentioned. Jack shot her a look of disbelief. “Ummm last time I checked nothing bad has ever happened to me at one of them, only the rest of you idiots”. In reality jack was right, at his first party Quinn’s girlfriend broke up with him over text. The next, Trevor broke the glass sliding door. The one last summer, the cops showed up and kicked everyone out because it was too loud but jack wasn’t around at that moment so Luke said he was in charge and ended up getting a fine. “I’m gonna bring the boat back we should start getting stuff for tonight and getting ready” Quinn told the group. A string of okays came from everyone. Y/n pov:
Right when the boat docks everyone runs off to go get ready for tonight. Luke and I go to our room- yup we share a room but I mean all best friends do… right? Our room has two full size beds but last summer we pushed them together to make a mega bed. Now it’s really no secret that I’ve been hopelessly in love with Luke for as long as I can remember. Everyone knows it. Sometimes if Luke talks about another girl or if he is talking to one and myself or anyone sees it they shoot me a look of pity. I mean it’s pathetic really, being in love with your best friend since you were legit born and not even being able to tell him. I mean we’ve done everything together our whole lives, I even went to umich for him. There’s times that I think that maybe just maybe we could be something more but every time, wannabe frat boy Luke screws it up and flirts with a girl in front of me or talks about a girl in front of me. I mean it’s not his fault- he has no idea. I was listening to some music before the door swung open and in came Luke “kit, you wanna take a shower first or should I? Or we could save water and shower together” Luke shot me a wink while wiggling his eyebrows. Kit is a nickname the three boys gave me when we were 5 because I loved cats and anytime I saw one whether it be a picture or in person I would shout kit as loud as I could. I may act like I hate it but I love it, I think of it as some form of love. “shut up Luke, you shower first get away from me.” I say while giggling and hoping my face doesn’t betray my words by getting red and hot from the blush I so desperately am trying to hide. “Whatever you say kit” he says as he comes closer to me to give me a hug. The second we hug our song starts to play. So she said, "What's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know Well, maybe I'm in love (love) Think about it every time I think about it Can't stop thinking 'bout it
The second the song starts to play Luke starts twirling me around, spinning me in his arms. Little does he know this song is literally describing my life. Ugh how I hate Luke hughes for making me feel this way. ~time skip to later that night when jacks party is in full swing~
so far jack has made me take 3 shots of some nasty tequila he’s only drinking to look cool in front of girls and other guys. I’ve had 2 seltzer’s also so far so I’m starting to feel tipsy, keep in mind I’m not much of a drinker I prefer to smoke if I’m being honest. I haven’t seen much of Luke for the past hour, which if I wasn’t tipsy I would probably be freaking out but right now I’m having a good time. Until I look over to the backyard and see some girl with her chest pressed against Luke and his arm around luke… my Luke. I could A.) go outside and cause a scene or B.) just go find some guy to flirt with. Both options aren’t great because the first one I would definitely embarrass myself and have Luke be mad at me and the second, well I’m not the best at talking to guys. Now I’m no Virgin Mary but definitely not experienced enough to be confident in talking to or hooking up with a guy. Except for one guy, Trevor. Trevor has flirted with me since the day I met him. I always flirted back to the best of my ability but in reality he knows how I feel about Luke and I know that he will never compare to Luke, but what’s the harm in trying to make Luke jealous? “heyy trev” I say while going into his side forcing his arm to go around me. “What’s up kit? You having fun? Sure sounds like it” he says with a low laugh. “I am but I need your help with something” “Anything for you kit” as those words leave his lips I feel heat rush to my face. Must be the alcohol. “Can you help me try and make Luke jealous, he’s talking to a girl outside right now and I can’t stand to watch it” I say as I can feel tears brimming my eyes. “Of course I can, you know I love to get on all of the hughes’ nerves.” He definitely has a point there. Trevor and I take two more shots for “good luck” as we go outside. I see the girl talking to Luke and she’s beautiful, beautiful like she just stepped out of vouge. My body starts to feel hot with jealousy, I turn to Trevor and he’s sitting down in an Adirondack chair by the fire so I take a seat on his lap, facing him. Trevor’s hands rest on my hips, again I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or not but Trevor is looking really good right now. Until I hear the sound of accidentally in love playing from the speakers and hear Luke come up to Trevor “Hey have you seen y/n our songs on” I turn around and all of a sudden Luke’s body tenses, fists clenched and eyes flash an emotion I’ve only seen a few times, something like anger or jealousy even, there’s no way he’s jelaous I thought.
“Oh hey Lu” I say innocently while in the background all that can be heard is
“Well, baby, I surrender To the strawberry ice cream Never ever end of all this love Well, I didn't mean to do it But there's no escaping your love, oh”
Luke grabs my arm and leads me up the stairs to our room. “What the hell do you think your doing y/n” Luke says, face red with anger. “Luke what is your problem” now I’m getting angry. Why is it okay for him to be all over other girls but I’m with one guy WHO WE KNOW and it’s a problem? “Why were you all up on Trevor’s lap like some kind of —“ he stops himself. “Some kind of what Luke? Tell me” He shoots me a look as if I am the one who just implied he was a slut. I go to try and walk out of the door when Lukes arm reaches out and grabs me. “why were you sitting on his lap you only ever sit on mine” Luke says looking defeated. Why am I starting to feel bad? “I just was talking to him and that’s how we were sitting, I don’t know Lu” “we’re you going to hook up with him?” The question lingers in the air. Was I? I mean Trevor’s hot and all but I only really have eyes for Luke but like I said Luke is never gonna happen he doesn’t even have feelings for me. “I don’t know, I mean if something happened I wasn’t gonna stop it.” Luke just dead stares at me. “You can’t hook up with Trevor, you just can’t.” “I can hook up with whoever I want to Luke”
He takes a step closer to me so now we’re only an inch apart. My body feels like it’s on fire, looking up at him with the soft glow of the moon outside he looks like an angel. Ugh What am I saying I’m supposed to be pissed at him right now. “Luke I” Within a second Luke’s lips are on mine. For a moment everything seems right, our lips fit perfectly together like a missing puzzle piece to the old puzzle you’ve had for years and you’re only missing that one piece, when finally you find it in the most blatant of spots. We pull apart and when I open my eyes Luke is smiling at me. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long kit.” He says as this thumbs are rubbing across my cheeks. “Lu can I tell you something?” “Anything.” “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago.” I say and Luke’s smile gets even bigger if that was even possible. “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago too.”
“I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love Accidentally
Come on, come on Spin a little tighter Come on, come on And the world's a little brighter Come on, come on Just get yourself inside her love I'm in love”
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More ROTTMNT Headcanons: Cause today was stressful and I want to blow off some steam
So we never found out how or when the boys met April but for some reason, my brain has a specific order of who trusted her first and last 
Mikey trusted her first 
All she had to say was “I love Jupiter Jim” and suddenly they were best friends 
She gained Raph’s trust next 
He likes to pretend like he trusted her last but in reality, she gained his trust the second he realized she wasn’t scared of them 
She gained Donnie’s trust six months into their friendship 
He’s normally a skeptical person and it takes years to gain his trust but something about April told him he could let his guard down
She gained Leo’s trust last
He acted as if he trusted her immediately 
But in reality, it took her two years to gain his trust 
And it’s nothing against April it’s just Leo is an incredibly paranoid person and he doesn’t want his brothers getting hurt 
April didn’t do anything grand to gain his trust 
He just realized that she wasn’t going anywhere and she wasn’t going to hurt them so he decided to trust her
I also have a very specific order of who learned how to crawl/walk/talk/read first 
According to Splinter, “Leo learned how to talk first and then he never stopped” which is true
His first word was “Da” (cause he’s a papa’s boy prove me wrong)
Raph started crawling first and he would run into everything 
Poor baby got two concussions before he turned five 
Mikey started walking first and he used to walk in between Splinter’s legs like a cat 
Splinter has a lot of scars on his legs that he refuses to talk about
The boys are under the impression that there’s some deep and mysterious backstory behind them  
But in reality, Mikey tripped him a lot and Donnie had a habit of leaving sharp objects around the house 
And Donnie started reading first but he didn’t start talking until the twins were three
And the only time he talked was to ask for food, water, and supplies 
Because of this, the boys are good at reading Donnie 
Leo is the best at reading the “Donnie queues” 
One time Donnie told Mikey “it’s like he knows what I’m thinking before I do”
Leo calls it “twin telepathy” Donnie calls it freaky 
Whenever the group crosses the street Raph forces them to hold hands 
Raph calls it “The Turtle Train” even when the humans are holding his hand
The first time April heard the phrase was after Raph grabbed her hand and said “All aboard the turtle train”
April tried to argue that it technically wasn't a turtle train cause she was there 
And Raph looked her in the eyes and said “did I stutter”
She stopped arguing after that and now she’s a happy passenger of “The Turtle Train”
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dawnleaf37 · 7 months
@spiderwebd regretevator
Regretevator (Game) is similar to The Normal Elevator from older days of roblox, being that you enter an elevator and it will arrive on a myriad of different floors to explore, minigames to complete, or just . Funny Thing
The Regretevator (the actual Elevator) is an interdimensional form of travel that is used by various entities to get around. It is confirmed to be able to go Anywhere. and seems to be able to transcend time and space which is always fun
The game features 70+ floors currently, and has a certain style of humor to it, but what really makes it are the NPCs, interactable characters, some of which can enter the elevator and some of which cannot. Im going to recap the ones who will enter very quickly, so sorry for the imagespam here:
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A mannequin(which is a species produced by a factory) named mark. Woodcarver as a job, has a coworker named Jim. Hates concrete. Southern accent. Divorced from Wallter.
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Used to be a human, drank cement, is now concrete. Generally nice dude. Thinks concrete is better than wood. Tall as fuck. Divorced from Mark.
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Often shortened to Poob. Loves parties if you couldn't tell. Can kill you if you slap them like 10 times. You can slap them. theres something so so so so fucking wrong with them holy fucking shit oh my god. oh my god oh my g Keep this asshole in Mind. Keep them in mind ple;as
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Actual name is PartyGuest. Builds robots. Steals money from you. Speaks Japanese. Yes they are a bug beetle to be specific. Asshole
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Found in the 3008 level yes theres a 3008 level yes i love it. Germophobic, clean everything. Zoomies he is zoomies. Despises Infected, but knew him as Kasper
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Diseased when he bought a freemodel with a virus in it. Perpetually trapped as a scene kid. Had a cat. No longer has a cat. Used to be named Kasper, infection made him forget
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It;s the fucking unpleasent gradient meme. does jackshit. some people headcanon that it ate infecteds cat and i think thats the funniest shit
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Species called a fruitaur or something, banana-snail-horse-dog-girl. Hosts a wipeout-like show named Splitsville. Lesbian. canonically has feelings for bive
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Completely made of hair. Conspiracy theorist. this is just touch tone telephone. canonically has feelings for Split. may seem crazy but she Knows things
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It;s freddy from fnaf but for Red Ball Diner, go look up gregoriah regretevator and tell me how gender he looks
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Animal Jam emote. framed for many crimes. Also knows things. Shoots lasers out of her eyes that will either kill you or heal you. meows
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that fucking cat everyones nuts about. Alien. Abducted Spud! and did shit to them. proud xe/they swag. was redesigned cause the creator was an ass :/
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yes the exclamation point is part of the name. was a camp councilor, got abducted by gnarpy and experimented on, is this now. that line is his mouth btw. if you click it 200 times it will explode. please be nice to them :(
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Clown fired from job after to bad of stage fright. They are just a sad thing tbh
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lovely little robot, if a bit glitchy and unfinished. VERY nicey ! a researcher, learns info on everythings for their database! my friend made this one :3!
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(invasive)Species of shapeshifters. Repeats words back at you in jumbled wordsalad. they dont seem malicious i dont think . my favorite. ever. the best
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a cat
There's more NPCs but i just covered the basic ones(new one being added soon made by my friend as well :3333333333)
this is MR
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it is an effigy for a spirit and when it enters the elevator it has a chance to cut the lights and burn any NPC in the elevator. EXCEPT FOR FUCKING POOB. the spirit that inhabits MR is also the same one that protects poob. and if you look close at the game youll see POOB SI FUCKING EVERYWHEREi have to stop here before i go fucking insane but the basic premise is these two are tied and i dont know why or what how whatthe fuckkkk theres a whole lot more like theres a damn religion surrounding it and symbolism of the axolotl sun which means something but fuck FUCK!!!!
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hockybish · 7 months
Baby Sister
l luke x the cute photograher l luke x maisie l masterlist
part 2 of meeting Luke and Maisie's kids
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"We have to tell him. He's going to be so excited" Luke used his thumbs to rub small circles in his wife's small bump.
She wasn't that far along, but far enough that they were able to find out the gender of the new little one and they hadn't told Axel yet that he was getting an upgrade to big brother.
"You think? What if he doesn't want one? The what?" Maisie bit her lip. Luke squeezed her hand reassuringly as they went to talk with Axel.
"Axel, how would you like a baby sister?" Luke asked the little boy who very contently petting the cat that was sitting across his legs.
"Hmm" Axel hummed. He had to think about this for a minute. Did he really want a baby? To be honest? Not really.
"No tank you Daddy. Me and Rosie are good" He hugged his best friend closer, caressing his face in the cat's soft fur. He didn't need anyone but his best friend.
"But won't it be fun to have someone to play with? You can show her all your toys." Maisie pointed out a couple of positives.
"I got my Rosie, she my best friend. I no need baby." The toddler turned back to the cat. He was done with conversation.
Maisie and Luke tried everything under the sun that they could think of to get Axel used to the idea of mommy having a baby and he was going to be a big brother. They looked at baby pictures and read books. The parents even got him a baby doll.
Axel just never seemed interested. He didn't really care about the doll preferring to carry in by its foot and coloring on its head with marker. Maisie thought that was going to be some sort of indicator, what that was remained to been seen.
But things started to change when the little family babysat baby Lacey.
"Do you want hold her?" Maisie bounced her seven month old infant niece in her arms. Lacey grabbed ahold of her hair and started tugging on it.
"No" He was too busy playing with Rosie and Candy. They had a jingle bell ball and were playing a soccer like game.
"How about helping us feed her?" Luke tried a little later around dinner time. He had both a bottle ready and a little bit of mushy food.
This time Axel acted like he didn't hear them. He didn't want anything to do with helping out with his little cousin.
Until she started to cry. Lacey was having a hard time settling down for a nap. Maisie swayed and patted her back for well over an hour. Lacey just cried and screamed until she red little splotches all over her face.
Axel had enough of the crying. He ran up to his mother with his hand covering his ears the best he could and tapped her arm. He was gonna take care of this.
"Shh baby Lacey. It okay, don cry." He tried patting the fluff on the top of her head to calm her, but it didn't really help any. Luke and Maisie looked at each other, maybe this would work out after all.
"Lukey what do you think of the name Asa?" Maisie looked through another list of baby names, hoping they could agree on one.
"Asa Hughes?" Luke questioned making a face. He wasn't too sure about the name. Sure it worked and sounded fine. But Luke just didn't like the name.
"Well I don't know then. I've suggest a lot of names and you keep shooting them down and then you haven't come up with any names." Maisie threw her phone.
She was so stressed right now. Luke had just been dealt to Detroit, they were currently living with Jim and Ellen, and to top it off she due any day now.
"I don't know Maize. You're the one who comes up with all these things." He shrugged again. He didn't think he was being picky with the name, its just the right one hasn't come along yet.
"Whatever" She managed to awkwardly hoist herself up. She waddled over to the kitchen for a snack, but changed her destination halfway through because she had to go to the bathroom.
Luke sighed throwing his head back against the sofa and running his long finger over his face. Why was picking a name so difficult? Why couldn't they just agree on one and call it good?
"'scuse me Daddy" Axel poked at his father's knee cap.
"What do you want bud? Do you have a name for baby sister?" Luke asked when he saw Axel inching closer to him. Axel nodded and whispered his idea in his father's ear. "I like that one. I'll have to tell Mommy."
"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" Axel excitedly called running down the hallway towards Maisie's room. He held out the new stuffed bunny toy he had picked out for her.
The day before his mommy and dad dropped him off with Grandma El and Papa Jim and they didn't tell him why. Or he doesn't remember if they said. When he ask his Papa Jim this morning, he said it was because that Mommy was having the baby.
And now he gets to meet her. He kept talking the whole ride to the hospital about her and how cute she was going to be. It honestly reminded Ellen and Jim of when the boys met Lola when she was little.
"Mommy, mommy!" Axel took off even fast when he spotted Maisie peeking her head out of her room.
"Hey buddy." Maisie smiled when she saw her first born. She bent over the best she could with a newborn in her arm. Axel had warmed up quite a bit recently to getting a little sister but he was a bit nervous as to how he was going to react to seeing her.
"Baby?" The new baby was sleeping in his mother's arms. She had little bit of dark hair on her head and the cutest little nose and cheeks. Axel loved her already.
"Freddie" Luke crouched down by the mother and children to introduce her. He grabbed a hold of the little boy and brought him in for a hug.
"Baby Freddie" Axel smiled. They used his name. He couldn't believe it. He petted her head and kissed her cheek. "Look baby I got you bunny"
"Would you like to hold her?" They posed the question. They were a bit unsure of it he wanted, since he never seemed interested when Lacey was around.
Axel nodded. Maisie returned to her bed and Luke help him up next to her. Maisie placed Baby Freddie into his arms. And if it were possible his smiled grew bigger as he kept babbling to her telling her all about his toys and the cats.
"Look she smile at me! I love you Freddie!"
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mynameis-noe-body · 1 year
For those wondering: I closed the previous mynameis-noe-body blog and opened a new one, to make it a main blog and have free access to dm.
First of all, rules. This is a list of my works, and I will rate them accordingly to Ao3 guidelines. This means they may be explicit and so, strictly +18.
I will write for the following fandoms and more (find more in others).
I will not write underage. I am comfortable with a certain amount of angst and/or violence but it's still up to me to decide what I am okay with.
I will not write for The Marauders fandom, since I do not appreciate those characters.
Requests are closed for the moment. And thank you for reading.
▪️Wizarding World
Shot through the heart
Professor Severus Snape × Original Female Character
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (multiple chapters)
Summary: Licorice Hatch has traveled the world, fulfilling her dream of becoming one of the most famous writers and reporters in the Wizarding World. Now, she is coming back. Merlin only knows the turmoil she has caused in the heart of her dark, splendid professor. And at the very thought — eager to hold her in his arms again — Severus can't help but relive their whole story, from the very beginning, when it all started with a Wilbur Smith's book and... a two-month detention!
The Old Mill at the Hogsmeade's Eastern Forest
Post-Second Wizarding War Severus Snape × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: in progress (multiple chapters)
Summary: A year and a half after the end of the war, Severus still hasn't managed to leave Britain. No one knows of his survival, and for months he enjoys a life of silence, solitude and well-deserved peace. Everything would be absolutely perfect, were it not for you, sitting on his empty tombstone everyday to bring condolences and read some poetry. When it's said that curiosity killed the cat...
▪️Adam Driver Fandom
How to (not) kill a stranger
Kylo Ren × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (multiple chapters)
Summary: He glances at you. "A young lady like you shouldn't travel alone, on a night like this." You want to roll your eyes and send him to hell, but he was kind to help you and you don't want any more trouble. "I couldn't really stay in Aberdeen. I knew my old Corolla wouldn't hold up for long, not in this weather, but I wanted to at least get to the Motel for the night." He nods, raises the temperature of the car and you thank him again. He doesn't acknowledge your words. But he smirks. "Aren't you afraid you just crossed your path with a murderer?" You grin. "What are the odds that we are both murderers?"
▪️Stranger Things
Catch me if you can, Chief!
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: It's the 4th of July in Hawkins, and while everybody's having fun at the amusement park, the only one who's catching your attention is Jim Hopper, Chief of Police — and he's looking at you, equally interested.
This Friday night
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: All alone on a Friday night, after a long week of college classes, you just want to eat some ice cream and watch a movie. You didn't expect Jim to pay you visit — but god, if it isn't a nice surprise. OR — you and Jim (your father's best friend) get intimate on your parents' couch.
“Nothing to say, hm?”
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You let Billy flirt with you a little... that might not be a good idea. Jim will find a very passionate way of showing his jealousy.
Sunday morning: pancakes and...
Chief Jim Hopper x you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You make Jim breakfast and decide to wake him up with your hands and mouth.
▪️John Wick Fandom
🖤 Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont 🖤
I am your slave
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F/GN)
Rating: Teen & Up Audience
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You and Vincent play the jealousy game at a public evening gala of the High Table. You end up revelieng almost all of your feelings to each other.
Safe in his arms
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F/GN)
Rating: Teen & Up Audience
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Vincent, who has fallen in love with you and made you his beautiful wife, has never really told you about his true life of crime and murder. What will you do the first time you catch him red handed?
Little dove
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You're the Marquis' favorite tailor — and you always act so innocent and pure it would just too much fun to ruin you (corruption kink).
🖤 John Wick 🖤
John Wick × reader (F/GN)
Rating: All
Status: Complete (one shot - drabble)
Summary: A casual encounter lead you and John to looking for each other, wishing to meet again.
▪️Others (open to write for: Alice in Wonderland, Joker(s), Johnny Depp fandom)
Wonderland Chronicles
Tarrant Higtop (Mad Hatter) × Alice Kingsley
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Alice and Tarrant get inspired by fruit juices and enjoy smutty time, all alone during a tea party.
🔹A list of k*nks without explanation
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Chief Jim Hopper
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 years
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥 Masterlist 2022-2024
Heyoooo! We are hitting a milestone here folks! It's been a 2 YEARS since I started doing this thing. I hope you've been enjoying the weekly updates, I sure as hell have!!!
If you're new or just want to know where all the Sinful Sunday updates are, I've made a masterlist here. I'm planning on continuing Sinful Sunday for as long as I can! Check back every week for new works/chapters!
Thank you all again for the continued love and support, I really couldn't have done it without y'all! 😈🔥😍
🌟=Newest update
Stranger Things Fics
HOT TO GO! (harringroveson) Vain for my blood (vampire!billy harringrove) Eastside (harringrove->harringroveson) Jawbreaker (Harringrove: MGK AU) Empathetic Asshole (Harringrove: Body Swap AU) my ex's best friend (Harringrove: L.A. Modern Actor AU) Ride with U (Harringrove: Superpowers AU) You Know What They Say About Assuming (Steddiegrove) Death Changes Everything (Mungrove) Watch me come apart (steddiegrove) Figure You Out (steddiegrove, Rydon, Eddie/Brendon) Here (In Your Arms) (Mungrove, PWP, finger sucking) Love me or hate me, I just don't care (Billy centered, fighting, angst w/happy ending, harringroveson smut) 🌟Neverender (Billy centered, angst, eventual harringroveson)
Spiderman Multiverse Series
Deja Vu (Parksborn, Peter 2/Peter 3) Separation Anxiety (SpideyVenomBrock, parksborn, spideypool) The New Kid (Parksborn: No Powers 2000's AU) Cat got your tongue? (SpiderCat: Insomniac Games) Mirror Images Part 1 (Petercest 1/2/3) Mirror Images Part 2 (Peter 2/Peter 3) Mirror Images Part 3 (SpideyDevil: Peter 1/2/3/Matt Murdock) He can't do it on command (Petercest 1/2/3)
Detroit Become Human
Brothers (Hankconvin/Connor/OC's) The Eden Club Sequel! Hurt me baby, I can take it (Hankvin, PWP) The Eden Club (Hankcon/Hankvin/Convin: Undercover Sex Work AU) Fire up the night (hankconvin900) Tantrum (hankvin) Happy Birthday Gavin (Hankconvin900) Call me when you want, call me when you need (Hankconvin) My love language is misery (angsty eventual hankconvin) Gavin Reed Fanart-SFW, NSFW DPD Christmas Party (PWP GavinxNinesxHankxConnor) Deviant Droid Convention (FANART-Nines, Connor, Johnny 5, Bee)
Harry Potter
Certainly Professor (Drarry: HBP Canon Divergence) Silence Isn't Golden (Drarry: Sequel fic)
Emo The Musical
Best/Worst Day Ever (Bradley/Ethan)
The Gay And Wonderous Life Of Caleb Gallo
If love was easy, they'd name it after you (Billy/Caleb/Karen)
True Detective
Haunted Houses (Rust/Marty)
Ted Lasso
Locker Room Stress Relief (Roy/Jamie) 4 AM (Roy/Jamie) Fever (Roy/Trent) Triangles are the strongest shape (Keeley/Jamie/Roy)
New Girl
Naked (Nick/Schmidt)
The Office-US
How's your summer? (Jim Halpert/Ryan Howard)
House M.D.
Plenty to go around (House/Chase, Chase/Everyone)
Love bites, but so do I (Jacob x Bella x Edward)
White Collar
Secret Gay-gent Man (Peter/Neal, P/E/N)
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technicallyverycowboy · 9 months
Top 5 BL scenes/moments? 👀💕
OKAY as soon as i sat down to think about this my brain immediately went "we have never watched one single show in our life" so it took me a couple days to mull it over. in no particular order (behind a cut because i got wordy and needed to include illustrative screencaps)
moonlight chicken - uncle jim pulling out that ear bite move on wen
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for my money i think moonlight chicken is gmmtv at its best, in no small part because it's about two grown adults and has a much tighter 8 episode run. (my only real qualm is believing that earth, whomst was 29, was meant to be almost 40. drop the skincare routine, loong jim, the people need to know.)
so much of the show is about longing -- for people and places and times that are gone -- and this scene cashes in so well on the seven previous episodes of growing tension and comfort between jim and wen. you can't always get what you want but, like, sometimes you do and it's fuckin' great.
2. bed friends - king fully laying on top of uea after banging
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obviously the cat sex scene was a close, close second to this, because i very much do often think about king's rapturous expression when he tells uea that he really does look like a cat. chase your bliss, king.
but something about the intimacy of this moment burned itself into my brain. it's partially the implication that uea was getting fucked from behind (which pretty much never happens in bls) and partially the bone deep satisfaction they're both radiating. most fade to black sex scenes don't really convince me the characters did fuck in the pause, but this one 100% did.
3. playboyy - nont putting prom in his place
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OKAY truly i could have put the vast majority of the six aired episodes of the show so far and it would have been true. soong and first in the pool throwing cash around. zouey and teena's painting thing. phob and nuth's wildly romantic in an "i'm in danger" way sex scenes.
but i came back to this one because it was the moment when i felt like the show clicked a piece solidly into place. nont isn't nant and he's done pretending that he is. prom does not get to act like he knows nont and he does not get to tell nont what to do. this little exchange did so much to get me really interested in both these characters. prom's face journey from annoyed to so hard he might pass out is fuckin' divine.
4. only friends - top and boston
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only friends made many, many mistakes and i won't relitigate them here. still, when episode 3 came out, my expectations were solid and there was a lot of promise in what we'd seen so far.
everything about this sex scene is fucking perfect. the fucked up relationship between boston and top. nick listening. the three second shot of boston blowing top. force and neo put their whole pussies into this and delivered.
5. i told sunset about you - a tie between teh and oh-aew's first time really touching each other and oh-aew trying on the red bra after teh shoots him down
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this entire sequence -- after they've sat downstairs inching closer together on the couch -- is one of the most erotic things i've ever seen in any media. and literally nothing happens but them sitting together while teh runs his hands all over oh-aew.
there's so little dialogue here; the incredible longing they're both feeling is 100% told through their expressions and the way they touch each other. the first time i watched it, i probably replayed this scene four or five times. nothing has ever captured what it's like to really, really want someone for the first time, when it's the most consuming feeling you've ever had.
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a gifset of this scene is actually what made me decide to sit down and watch itsay in the first place. pp krit is great in all of the show, but this moment of a particularly queer expression of heartbreak is devastating every single time i watch it.
"if i was x, someone would love me," is such a common refrain when you're queer. watching oh-aew go through that imagining if he was a girl and teh could actually like him back in the daylight broke my fuckin' heart. (i also think it's a really lovely way to foreshadow oh-aew being told he's not manly enough for acting later on.)
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
How would you describe Jim Hammond's character? Please and thank you.
JIM!!! I love Jim very much, and thank you for letting me wax poetic about his character. I love so many things about the character but to describe him I would say that the surface level is not who the character is. Many other characters and fans look at Jim like he's the nice guy, he's chill and laid back but that's only because he's often in the presence of Namor who anyone would look very calm next to, lol.
So I often feel there's two eras of Jim's character, the Golden Age/Invaders Jim who is much more fiery and cheeky. He's more hotheaded and I feel a lot of it ties into him being very new to the world so it hasn't worn him down yet and he's very curious during this era, like a puppy who can set things on fire. However the second era of Jim's character has a more somber air to him, like he's been through A LOT, he's been through so much. Being deactivated and reactivated and killed and brought back quite a few times that by the time we get to what is my favorite times of Jim (The Torch/Secret Avengers/All New Invaders) he is just "Old Man" vibes, like all he wants is to pet his cats and live a good life but he can't stay away from super heroics.
Jim is a good man with a good heart but he's often lost in his own thoughts about the world, his place in it, and what it means to be human. It's why Marvel has Frankenstein's Monster or Pinocchio references to Jim because he is looking for his soul or wants to be a real human. Jim's character arc is often tied to his humanity and whether or not he has a soul or is human. It's also tied to the fact he self scarifies himself to save the world or his friends.
Jim is a good man but also he won't hesitate to do something like burn Hitler to death, or threaten to give someone cancer because they killed his friend. So like I said, the surface of easy smiles, quiet, good guy Jim doesn't show his whole character, and because Jim was programmed to absorb behaviors and knowledge from the people around him and I feel a lot of his good cheer comes from his son, Toro. WHO I SHOULD MENTION IS A MATCHED SET, YOU DO NOT SEPARATE, BRING BACK TORO TO JIM MARVELLLL!!! I seriously LOVE Jim and Toro being a family and need more of it. But yeah getting back to Jim, like most times his bastardy cheeky side comes out when he's around Namor.
Namor says Jim brings out the best in him but I feel the opposite is also true, that Namor brings out the asshole side of Jim, like he's all nice to other people but Namor can handle his real personalty and it's just very interesting to me to see that.
So what I feel most of Marvel gets wrong about Jim is that they keep calling him an Android but imo Jim isn't just your run of the mill Android, and I wish Marvel would go back to calling him The Synthetic Man, again because it's much more interesting than lumping Jim in with a bunch of other androids. That also includes ditching the whole "robot insides" they often do, and make up something more interesting for the Horton Cells.
Ok, because this is getting long, let me wrap up, because otherwise I would go on. lol.
I see Jim's character as a still pool of water, where you think you know everything but it's much deeper than you would think and it's just fascinating to me because usually characters who are associated with fire have this trope of being too hotheaded and impulsive but Jim is an old man, a dad, and grandfather type to all the kids (and cats) he manages to collect.
And if you haven't read it then PLEASE read Marvel (2020) #6 because it's so sad and I love it very much. Also one last thing, this is my favorite art of Jim! Art by Mukesh Singh
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mikuni14 · 2 years
My School President Ep 12
It must be one of the best feelings for a parent when you say or do something and your child smiles from ear to ear, hugs you and tells you that he loves you. It must be the best feeling when you see your child happy and you know it's because of you :) And yet so many parents go to great lengths not to see this version of their kid, yet have the audacity to claim to be a good parent and only have their child's best interests at heart (all the while seeing their kid unhappy).
It's a recurring reflection that I have with every BL show that has a coming out scene.
Anyway. MSP ended with a bang :) Lots of cool scenes, mlm wlw solidarity, good endings for the prants, club, student council. Tinn and Gun as a pair had their first contact with the support of their family and friends, community in the form of students, but also with the toxic shipping culture, lack of privacy even in their most intimate moments, ridicule and homophobia. Everything was handled well.
Kajorn is so metal, my precious social justice warrior 😍 I LOVED this plot twist, we all expected it to be Tinn who hits the teacher. Also very wholesome. It was so cool, that Tinn and Gun were not left alone with their fight against homophobia, that someone else, as furious as them, stood up for them, was ready TO FIGHT. Woohoo! So awesome ✨💖 (also - Tinn’s mom looked like my cat when she had kittens and attacked a large dog, that was just passing by - and the dog, like that teacher, ran away)
Kisses suspended in the air in Moonlight Chicken, finally landed successfully 😘
Ok, here’s a thought: what if, just hear me out! what if Jim in Moonlight Chicken was played by Tinn's father :OOOOOOOOOOO I mean... LOOK, you can see that THIS is the uncle daddy that makes every young twink he meets all hot and bothered 😁
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LOOOOOOOK 👀 he’s even a just right amount of pathetic 💖
Of course, this episode, like the whole series, belonged to the king of the show and my beloved character, MR. TIWSON
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Who says stuff like this? ONLY KINGS 👑
✨Thank you, My School President :)✨
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Disney Review Request :Treasure Planet
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Requested by @ariel-seagull-wings ,this is the film that inspired the request idea .We were talking about Treasure Island in general and they asked my opinion on this film and I just shrugged and asked if they would like me to just review it and they said yes
A sci fi take on the classic novel Treasure Island,and the basic plot is the same :Jim Hawkins (Joseph Gordon Levitt ) is the son of an inkeeper and get in his posession a map to treasure from a dying Billy Bones ( PAtrick Mcgoohan ) and with the help of a family friend goes on a voyage , and strikes a friendship with the one legged John Silver (Brian Murray ) but finds out he is a treacherous pirate who is leading a mutiny for he wants the treasure .
However there are changes ,the main one is the story is in space with aliens and robots and such,with sci fi changes like Silver is an alien Cyborg ,really most of the characters are aliens with the exception of Jim (Which I love,perfect for an animated sci fi film ) , the cleverst change is the parrot is now a shapeshifter and the marroned half mad Ben Gunn is now a robot voiced by Martin Short .There are other very big changes which makes this a very unique take on the Treasure Island story .Many characters are changed or combined ,Doctor Livesey and Squire Trelawney are combined into the dog like alien Doctor Doppler voiced by David Hyde Pierce ,The stern Captain Smollet becomes the female and feline alien Captain Amelia voiced by Emma Thompson ,the drunkard Captain Arrow basically become the same character he was in the Muppet version where he is the stern very serious character and is voiced by Roscoe Lee Brown ,the trecherous pirate George Merry and the murderous pirate Isreal Hands are combined into the spider like Mr Scroop voiced by Michael Wincott (There is a character in the film named Hands but he is a minor player ,and his role is given to Scroop as the pirate Jim fights when back on the ship ) ,and the biggest changes are the biggest being Jim and Silver.....But I will save that for later
OK I have talked about the changes,what d9o I think of it as a movie ....I think it is damn good . I think it does what an reinvention of a story should do ,it uses the story as a template but expands or changes stuff when necesary .As a fan of the source material and other adaptations It does bum me that some parts are left out ,especially Blind Pew ,but I do appreciate it keeps some great moments from the book
The film looks amazing with a good mix of CG and 2D.John Silver is especially breath taking being a mix of 2D but with CG components,specifically his mechanical limbs and eyes .Also little character stuff I really enjoyed in the animation like Amelias eyes dilate like a cats .Also the character design here ,the aliens all look so unique ,and I love how weird Silvers crew looks
The voice cast is all spot on ,Emma Thompson makes for a rather badass captain , PAtrick Mcgoohan (In his final role ) nails that salty seadog flare ,LAurie Metcalf is perfect as the concerned mother , I always love David Hyde Pierce ,Roscoe Lee Browne brigns such a dignity to Arrow , and Michael Wincott IS TERRIFYING as Scroop,he has a very gravely voice,its exactly what I imagine a spider would sound like (For the record SCroop is so underrated ,I find him horrifying. I dont know if he even ewants treasure ,he seems to just be in it for murder .He's also there so we have a "Boo and hiss" villain in contrast to Silver )
The best part of the film is the almost father and son relationship between Jim and Silver .Now this isnt the only version to have this element ,but I think this is the most heartwarming .Jim in this version is a broody teen whose father abandoned him and his mother and he develops a bond with Silver ,which makes when he finds out about Silvers villainy more heartbreaking.This might be the most sympathetic Silver ,here a pirate who has given up everything in pursuit of his dream to find Flints Trove ,and here truly likes Jim .In other version it is vague how much Silver actually cares about Jim ,but in this version it is so clear he cares about him .I also like that he still is the main antagonist but he's a villain we like and has layers ,he might be Disneys most interesting villain .Also my favorite scene in the film is the montage showing them bonding set to the Goo Goo Dolls "Im Still Here " it is such a sweet scene
AND NOW QUESTION TIME .Our requester wanted me to discuss three specific points
1. Would you prefer more focus could be given to other characters instead of the drama between Jim and Silver?
Me:No,because they are the main characters .For me Treasure Islands focus should be Jim and Silver and this is one of the most interesting takes on Jim and Silver
2. What do you think of the comic relief of Morph, Doppler and the Marooned Robot?
Me: Morph is a clever concept and is adorable .I reallly like Doppler,again I love David Hyde Pierce and I find him hilarious ,he gets some of the best lines.BEN....is alot .I dont hate him,Martin Shorts given his all and the animation on him is good and I think he is a clever play on the Ben Gunn from the book ,but he is very loud,kind of obnoxious and his jokes are so hit and miss (though I cant decide if "Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupe !!!???" is stupid or brillaint,it does make me laugh )
3. Toughts on the mix between the 18th century with the future?
Me: I love it . I like the mix of aesthetics.I think it looks awesome
OVerall I think its a film that has a cult following for a reason.I love it beck in 2002,love it now
@the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @goodanswerfoxmonster @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @filmcityworld1 @princesssarisa
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nights-flying-fox · 11 months
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 Mikey always loved cats. Since the day they had gotten to the surface and he had seen one, he fell in love with them. That was why he always begged for a cat to his dad. Too bad that Splinter was a rat, and therefore he hated cats. (Or at least that was what Mikey thought for years, until he found out one day that Splinter had allergies against cat fur.) There was also the fact that the sewers weren’t the best place to take care of a cat. Mikey couldn’t understand why when he was younger, after all he and his family lived in them just fine, right? But eventually he had understood why. He still wished he would have a pet cat.
 He never expected his wish finding him one day in the lair. None of them did.
 “Mikey, did you bring him here?” Asked Raph.
 “No, you know how it turned out last time!” Mikey said. Poor Splinter had a sneeze fit.
 “How did he even end up here?” Leo wondered.
 “I am sure I can track him to figure it out.” Donnie informed. “But he can’t stay here.”
 “Yeah, not without a name.” Leo grinned as he began petting the cat.
 “Leo! You know Pops doesn’t allow cats!” Raph said.
 Leo dramatically gasped, “Raph! Where are your manners, be nice to our guest!”
 Raph groaned.
 Mikey looked at the cat. A little brown tabby. It looked very sleepy too… “How about the name… George?”
 They all turned to Mikey. “What.” Leo asked confusedly.
 “I think he looks like a George!” Mikey grinned.
 “He definitely does not.”
 “Wrong, he is George.” Mikey declared.
 “No! He is uh um… Cocoa?” Leo tried. Mikey snickered at the name.
 “Cocoa? Really?” Donnie raised one of his drawn brows.
 Leo glared, “Well, you find a better name then mr-I-know-everything.”
 Donnie rolled his eyes. “I recommend something much better and smarter, like—”
 “I like the idea!” Mikey grinned, joining Leo and petting the cat as well.
 “That. Is not what I was thinking but works too.” Donnie commented. “We could call him JJ for short.” He patted the cat’s head. The cat meowed happily. “I like him, he is smart enough to agree with me. Unlike some…”
 “Hey!” Leo shouted. And so, the twins started their banter again.
 “Ignore them, kitty.” Mikey said to kitty. “That’s how they always are.” Then he turned to Raph, “Aren’t you joining?”
 Raph silently walked towards JJ. As he came closer, JJ left Mikey’s side and walked to him, meowing happily. Raph began petting it, his expression softening. Mikey could see the sparkles in Raph’s eyes. Then JJ yawned sleepily, “Aww he sleepy kitty…” Raph cooed. As JJ leaned to him, Raph opened his hands. To his surprise JJ jumped into his hands, and then tucked his paws under himself, ready to sleep.
 “He is a little loaf…” Mikey gasped.
 “Shh! You’ll wake him! You two too, be quiet!” Raph warned his brothers.
 The twins stopped whatever they were doing (Donnie was biting Leo’s arm, Leo shoving Donnie with his foot, frozen in the middle of their fight). Mikey looked at JJ, “Now what? We keep him, right?”
 Raph took a sigh, “Yes, but if anyone tells Pops or let’s JJ near him…” He gave them a dangerous glare.
 “Got it boss.” Leo nodded, getting up. “But where do we keep him?”
 For a short while they all brainstormed, trying to find the right place. Mikey wondered if he could keep JJ in his room, but probably not since Splinter sometimes visited their rooms. Also, it would be easy for JJ to get out and find Splinter’s room, which would be terrible. Where else… where else…
 “He can stay in my lab.” Donnie broke the silence. “Splinter rarely gets in, and it’s a big space. I can manage making it a safe place too. Both for JJ and for my tech against his possible mischief.”
 “Sounds good to me!” Raph smiled. “Good job Donnie!”
 Mikey saw Donnie smile confidently, his tail wagging happily.
 “Then what are we waiting? Let’s get the necessary stuff for our sleepy friend!” Leo declared.
 Mikey grinned, “Let’s go!”
 As they walked towards the lab, Leo turned to Mikey, “You finally got your wish, Mike!”
 He grinned, “Do you think more cats will follow the same path?”
 “Is one cat enough?” Donnie asked.
 Mikey shook his head, “Nope! Never!”
 “Michael, that cat most likely got lost. There is almost no chance something similar happening again any time soon.” Donnie said.
 Except he didn’t know how wrong he was.
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reginarubie · 2 years
Hey have a couple for the ship thoughts questions:
Sansa and margs
Sansa and Dan
Jon and Dan
Dan and missandie
Jon's dad and mom ( for some reason I'm blanking on their names, all I can remember is R+l=j)
Ned and cat
Ned and asha dayne ( the rumoured lady that Ned loves ad beded but settled for cat)
Jamie and cers
Jemie and Brienne
Tyrion and tysha?? The one that truly loved him but he believed his family and treated her like... left her
Merlin and Arthur
Arthur and Morgan
Arthur and Gwen
Gwen and Merlin
gwen and that knight
steve Harrington and Nancy wheeler
Nancy wheeler and Jonathan
El and Mike
El and will
Will and Mike
nancy and Robin
Crissy and Eddie
Robin and Steve
Joyce and jim
Hi anon!,
For the series send me ships and I'll give my brutally honest opinion:
part I
part II
Let's go ahead and since in your ask you've divided it by fandoms let's do the same in my reply! A little premise, this doesn't meant to offend in any way the shippers of any of the ships I will be brutally honest about.
Ship what you wanna ship and enjoy what you wanna enjoy. This is just my opinion on why I like or not these ships.
To be brutally honest I don't hate it outside of canon.
In canon even though it can be considered one of the purest relationships Sansa lives (and it's because it's depicted by her POV) I really hope it never happens in any circumstances.
Albeit growing fond of Sansa we can't forget that Margaery is a manipulator who is doing the dirty job by gaining Sansa's friendship and loyalty to further forward her family's ambition and tho it's an ugly game the one they are playing, and as she is herself says in show!verse, because I can't recall that happening in book!verse at all, “women in our position should make the best of their circumstances” it makes the way Sansa honestly feels about her and their friendship sound even more like a fraud.
Sansa considers Margaery her truest friend in Kings Landing after Jeyne is taken away from her, and thinks that her presence and unfailing kindness changed everything for her. Because Margaery made her feel appreciated and loved and wanted, completely opposite as how Sansa has been treated as a pariah.
And all the while Margaery has been instead manipulating her to get through her, the claim to Winterfell and the North for her family at which point with a queen on the throne and a Warden of the North in the family, their riches and being the granary of the 7K, the Tyrells would have become virtually unstoppable.
I don't doubt Margaery grew fond of Sansa (what's not to grow fond of, of a girl who puts in jeopardy her life to tell you the truth, a truth you already know, about the king you're supposed to marry only so that you are spared the abuse she suffered?) as did Garlan who took the time to comfort her at her marriage feast.
Still, I feel like Margaery was succeeding in what Littlefinger has been trying to do all along. Using the right key she was managing to gain Sansa's loyalty and a Stark loyalty is a powerful thing (especially with the might of the North at their back).
It makes every moment shown between them in the show or in the book sound even worse and sour in my mouth.
Tbh Sansa is going to realize exactly how easily the Tyrells framed her for Joff's murder, uncaring if that threw her even further in the mouth of the lions (for however knowing of it Marg was). She'll probably always think fondly of Margaery for the kindness she has shown her, because that is who Sansa is, but I doubt she's ever going to trust her implicitly like she did in KL ever again in canon.
Sansa is afraid she's never going to be loved in any capacity beyond what her claim means to the people around her, it's why, I believe she's going to appreciate Jon all the more in canon because boy is out there defending her claim only because it's hers , no matter which last name she sports, going against his own ambition (which he himself describes as hunger) to instead defend her.
So... on a scale 5/10 in canon because of all manipulation going on. Outside of canon I am all for supporting relationships and as far as I am aware that is the nature of their ship outside of canon so: good for them!
By Dan I'm going to assume you mean Daenerys. So let's go ahead.
Okay, time to be brutally honest here.
Had Daenerys be a male, Sansa would've been meant for her. It's why the whole Jon/Sansa and Young Griff/Sansa make historic sense.
Sansa is based off several historical figures, but mostly she's based off Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Tudor.
The heir to the dynasty which has been overthrown returning with the might of three dragons, and the girl (the eldest surviving child) who is the heir apparent to another great family/dynasty with two brothers presumed dead, the daughter by a lord beloved by the kingdom and beloved she herself. Soft and feminine, but with a will of steel. With a dubious relationship with her uncle (LF is her uncle by marriage).
It makes historic sense.
But in canon GRRM has gone with a different twist of this story and has created two Elizabeth's. Sansa and Arianne. I am a firm believer that Young Griff might really be Elia's son, and I think a marriage alliance with the Martells through Arianne would make sense, tho I think in the end Arianne is going to end up with Daemon Sand (a bastard with a valyrian name, would you look at that?). Kind of like Jon, who I refuse to believe might be considered trueborn, because in the show they might have given him several part of Young Griff's plot in the books and Sansa.
Also I believe that both the North and Dorne are going to go free (the swords of the northerners and the dornish are the only ones that are not in the Iron throne, which is symbolic and might mean they will break off the 7K and be the queen/princess guiding their people and beloved by them), beyond their romances.
To top of that, in canon, Martin has taken every care in the world to make Sansa and Daenerys as similar as he can, whilst making them completely different and setting them up to become moral and political rivals. He made Daenerys to be Cleopatra and Sansa to be her Octavian.
I actually wrote an entire post based mostly on show canon, but it also applies to book canon (even more actually) in which I give clues as to why they've been set up from the beginning to become political and moral rivals (might actually upgrade that one with visual clues and textual clues in the book at one point). You can find it here.
I think that the greatest part of Daenerys tragedy is that hers is the story of how an abused and how the trauma she endured has turned her to what she is slowly becoming. Had she had a better example to learn of, someone to look up to that might teach her the right ways she might have turned completely different. Had she known the real love of her family, she might have turned out differently. Had she had been able to get the help she needed to overcome her trauma and the coping mechanisms she had to use to survive, she might have turned out completely differently. But as it is, it didn't happen and that's the root of her tragedy.
And I think that that is also what differentiates her from Sansa. She's not a bad girl to start off, just like Sansa isn't...both suffer terrible abuse and survive but they have had different examples in their life and when Sansa knows plenty well the difference between love and fear, in Daenerys' journey they often overlap, which makes them fundamentally different in their core and ends up pitting them against one another.
So in canon -10/10; outside of canon, it can be very fun to write and read.
[I myself have a couple of fics about them, tho I've not dedicated near enough time to them as I should've. One is a twisted version of Robin Hood with Daenerys as Robin Hood and Sansa as lady Marian, and another is a modern AU.]
In canon (both show!verse and book!verse) I believe that if it happens it's going to be about Jon pulling a 007 on us all, like he already did with Ygritte and the wildlings. It makes textual sense because again, Martin has taken all the care in the world to ensure that Jon and Daenerys are at the opposite side of the spectrum when it comes to rule.
Also, the answer to Jon's prayers and dreams is Sansa, not Daenerys. So a bit like the Jon/Arya ship it would take away everything he wants from him to ship him with Daenerys and at the same time Jon is not Daenerys type at all.
As I've already said and actually spoke about in another meta, in Daenerys' life love/power/fear overlap and her type is the rogue, dangerous men capable of doing anything, even killing without any remorse (Drogo and Daario).
BookJon is several time more interesting than showJon, he's petty and clever and politically astute (I mean, boy managed to get the Iron bank to give the Watch a loan whilst drunk and seventeen; and he swapped two children, possibly putting them both in peril in a desperate attempt to save them from an horrific death) also I think, after all he did to save Mance's son was to make sure neither baby could be sacrificed at Melisandre's call; when he gets whiff of Stannis sacrificing Shireen at Melisandre's counsel (or doing so because spurned by all of Melisandre talks about kingsblood) he is going to trust Daenerys even less, especially if what has been shown in the show (her meeting Kinvara and having the red priestess starting to claim she is the princess who was promised and Melisandre being in Dragonstone when Jon gets there or wherever they will have that encounter) happens in the books as well. Which I believe it might, since dragons are fire made flesh and the red priests and priestess think that fires washes all sins and terrors away.
So, beyond Jon loosing everything he ever wished for, it would go against Jon's own character ever falling in love with her, but it would be completely in character for him to go ninja undercover on her and do whatever it takes to get the dragons to defend Winterfell, the North and his family. What more, Jon is by now, bleeding out dead in the snows of Castle Black and as per my theory about resurrected characters in asoiaf (on which I am working on to post, I promise, to anyone still waiting for it) Jon died a Stark defender, that is the core of his identity and that is what he'll be in his most pure form when he returns to life, especially after being in Ghost for so long.
Also, the way they depicted in the showverse might actually be pretty telling of what may happen in book canon and that's terrible.
Also, not only would Jon loose everything he ever wanted, but the way I've seen this ship depicted (not that I've given it way too much attention beyond what I've written for them in historical AU) it always kind of makes Jon blend in the background and Daenerys get everything she wants sometimes even stepping on what Jon cares for, which is what they gave us in show canon. To Jon the most important part of his identity are the Starks. He is the youngest child biologically speaking, but he is one of the big brothers of House Stark, and that is his core. He died because he wanted to break millennia of neutrality of the Watch to save his sister. And often this ship ends up suppressing this side of Jon.
So -5/10 both in show canon and book canon.
I'll go ahead and assume you meant only show verse, because we've got more than enough of Daenerys with Irri in the books to be sick with it, and with the way Daenerys stops it not because Irri doesn't enjoy it but because her not enjoying it was blatant enough that her kisses tasted of duty; she didn't stop because she felt like it was wrong to use another human being that way, but merely because she herself did not enjoy being kissed as if it was a duty.
Show verse Daenerys and Missandei had that gal-to-gal friendship depicted with Daenerys even braiding Missandei's hair, which I don't think ever happened in the books, tho I may be wrong. And Missandei is the only one Daenerys goes back for to KL, even tho she lost a number of other allies (The Sand Snakes and Yara Greyjoy), so I can see why some people may find it appealing to their tastes for the way the show depicted it, plus they're both hot and determined young women.
Why I think it shouldn't be applied in the books? It'd make it essentially grooming on D part.
In the books to begin with Missandei is a child, younger than Daenerys whom Daenerys says she wants to protect, whom she takes into her service after buying her from the masters in Astapor and whilst (besides the slaves at the end of Dany X in AGOT) Missandei is the only other former slave Daenerys frees but she does so with the intention of gaining her loyalty long enough to gather information from her about the Unsullied and how to move once she had bought them. Which subsenquentially spurns her to make them ever loyal only to her, slaves in all, save in name, because she never truly frees them, what she does it overlap the concept of freedom with that of dracarys and being the dragon's, all with the scourge still in hand.
So, I can see some of the appeal in show verse and it's pretty wholesome as far as Daenerys' relationships go in being depicted in the show 6/10
Talk about another man grooming a child into a relationship. Okay, I'll hold off the gun because we aren't given too much context here, but what we've got is that Rhaegar was a twenty-four years old man with wife and children, obsessed with a prophecy who essentially eloped with a girl of barely fourteen years of age.
Now whilst such an age difference wouldn't have been the greatest possible in that historical context what makes it worse is that Lyanna was a highly dedicated to her family and romantic young lady and that Rhaegar was already married and with two kids.
What happened was that either he abducted her (like Robert claimed) or persuaded her to elope with him (like the show would suggest). Possibly he married her in some kind of secret marriage (which would defeat the point of not causing a fucking war and would bastardize his children, which it's hinted that it's not what he wanted, since he believed Aegon, his son by Elia, to be the Prince who was promised) or not, but then he sired a child from her, didn't account for his crime and let his father execute his wife/lover's father and brother thus provoking a war and alienating his wife/lover from her family. He then took her and secluded her in a fucking tower in Dorne (the homeland of his left behind wife just to be even more of a jerk) not even once trying to amend the problems he had caused.
What we know of Lyanna as per reverse, is that she was fiercely loyal to her House and loved her father and brothers (the only line we know by her was “That is my father's bannerman you are kicking!” when she defended Howland Reed at Harrenhal and she then entered the tourney secretly to avenge him) and we have to believe that that same girl would just accept her husband/lover secluded her in Dorne and fought against her family and accept her father and brother had been brutally killed?
Not bloody likely.
What I think more likely is that Rhaegar might have taken a fancy to Lyanna because of her youth and her determination, for she might have reminded him of Visenya's temperament and since he wanted to recreate the whole Aegon and his sisters, with Elia unable possibly to carry more children he decided Lyanna would do for a mother, endangering a girl of fourteen whom may have been on her first cycles.
He might have then seduced her, which most handsome man of the 7K, a prince and basically fancying her for what other suitors may find disgraceful? Tho, we'd have to assume Lyanna didn't care that he had other children, tho she cared that Robert had sired a bastard girl before marriage, which again doesn't make any sense. But let's say Lyanna was young and easily seduced by such a man.
He very clearly then actually abduct her and seclude her in a tower whilst pregnant, alone and away from her family, warring in her and her father's name.
It appears to me that the only good thing coming from that particular ship was Jon. And believe me, Jon is not going to take well his parentage, even if he ended up being trueborn, because he prides himself of being Eddard Stark's son tho lowborn, I don't think the same might be said for Rhaegar.
-1000/10 we respect no jerk in this household and Rhaegar left his wife and children behind unprotected (his daughter died screaming for her dad, under whose bed she had hid... the same dad who left her behind to groom a girl barely older than her), and secluded a fourteen year old girl whom he had gotten pregnant, alone in a tower in Dorne to fight a war he lost, all for the sake of a damn prophecy. The jerkometer hits the stars with him. He can choke for the way he treated both Elia and Lyanna and his children.
Good thing he sons have taken after their mothers and the men who raised them more than him.
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10000/10 would recommend. And this is my shipper heart speaking.
Tbh though they are one of the most wholesome and truest, healthiest relationship in all of asoiaf, even with the matter of Jon's parentage to settle between them, they loved each other. They learned to love each other and build their family, a family they died to protect. Trusted and respected each other.
I mean Neddie boy turned from lethal, dangerous direwolf to tail-wagging puppy the moment he saw his wife in KL, and noticed she had been attacked by the way she held her hands, that's the degree of attentiveness we want in a man, okay?
Cat last thought was the fact that Ned loved her hair and that she didn't want it ruined even in death. Ned was her rock, to the point that even dead he was her support system.
Ned defended her by justifying her actions in taking Tyrion in custody as if commanded by him and Ned-I-know-better-than-that-oaf-of-my-best-friend-the-king, idealistic Ned Stark listened to his wife when she told him to trust LF. Dumb move, but still it gives you the degree at which they trusted and relied on each other.
With their fragilities and flaws they are one of my most beloved ships in asoiaf.
We know next to nothing to this, saved that people gossiped about it, and about the fact that Ashara might have been Jon's mother. May it be that it happened, may it be that it didn't.
I think that even if it did it was heartbreaking, sad and bittersweet.
I am sure that if Martin were to give us more info, or write about it it'd be pretty real and cutting in its depiction/mirroring of the time and context of asoiaf.
So, on trust I give it 7.5/10.
For how it's written like this fated, hateful, passionate and destroying relationship I have to tap my hat to GRRM and give it a 8/10 on the manner of how much I like the way it was written...meh. I think it's pretty interesting and that it is the root of much of the problems Jaime and Cersei actually face.
In a scale of how much I enjoy it, tho, I'd give it a 4/10, BUT with the theme of rape not withstanding which would crush it down at -1000/10.
Sorry I am more for healthy, supporting relationships, as much as possible in every fiction and context. But if it's someone else's cup of tea, good for them.
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Reverse Beauty and the Beast story, in which the one who looks like a beauty is a beast and the one who looks beastly is a beauty. Pretty interesting to read, also because I think its root is that Jaime sees bits of the himself he sacrificed for his father and the people of KL in Brienne's vision of the world.
Still...read again the whole bath scene and consider it closely (I did a step-by-step with Tyrion and Sansa wedding night here) is it really worth being shipped?
In some contexts it doesn't bother me much...in canon I think it's going to be heartbreaking for Brienne.
3/10 I'm giving it a 3 merely because despite sexualizing her internally during the bath scene, Jaime doesn't actually act on that, and returns to save her because he has dreamt of her and because the sodding idiot is so foolish he has followed her in the Riverlands like she was his guide-light. And in other context could be pleasing to read about.
I have actually written a series of several metas about it, you can find the first installment here, the others will be linked at the end. Anyway, I honestly hope Tyrion never finds her.
Since departing KL his whole mantra has been searching for Tysha and at every stop they make, even in a brothel where he rapes a young girl who looks like Sansa, he asks after her and asks himself “where do whores go?” which is what Tywin told him.
I hope he never finds her, because Tysha was no whore, no matter what they did to her. They were the whores in the equation, so I dearly hope he never finds her, because Tysha was not a whore to begin with. Tho, I'd really enjoy her freezing him out once he returns to her with that arrogant brazenness he has, which will lead him to realize he is exactly like the father he hated so much.
100/10 Tysha living off her life peacefully and freezing Tyrion out if he ever finds her.
-1000/10 their ship. I hope Tyrion ends up realizing he never found Tysha because he searched the wrong places all along.
And that was it for asoiaf. Let's step in the next one, Merlin!
So, I am assuming we are speaking of Merlin the tv series and not the legend, because then it'd get very messy, albeit interesting.
Just kiss already.
1000/10 whatever way we wanna see it, romantically as a friendship or simply two people caring for each other, the chemistry was off charts for starters (like c'mon “do you walk on your knees?” “No” “Let me help you” and all the “I could take you apart with one blow” “I could take you apart with less than that”...I mean and all in the first minutes of the pilot?) and it was just that pure.
Arthur thinking Merlin was the bravest man he knew. Braver than his father (who he idolized for a long time) braver than himself and braver than all the knights he was surrounded by. Arthur thanking Merlin, noticing Merlin's moods and believing in him. Accepting him also for his magic in the end and Merlin being satisfied with only being his servant for his whole life, Merlin never telling him the truth not because he thought Arthur may kill him, but because he didn't want to put Arthur in the position he had to chose between their friendship and the kingdom he was governing and the beliefs he had...
... it's just so wholesome and heartbreaking. There's a video on youtube with the parallels of the entire series and there is one with Merlin getting his hair messed by Arthur and then him passing by his resting site in the modern day bowing his head like he did that one time... I'm not okay, alright?
[Forgive me as I go cry in a corner for the next thousand years]
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That one was really well delivered.
If they ended up with a last desperate, passionate kiss I would've found it believable that was how good they have depicted that love/hate relationship and whilst there was some chemistry and hints at it in the earlier seasons, I think one thing the show runners got right was their siblings energy.
10/10 if they went that way it would've be believable and c'mon everyone loves star crossed lovers who became each other enemy because of differing views and ideals and ended up killing each other. Twisted love story, here I come.
My two favs in the same ship, am I gonna ship it? Honestly? Hell yeah!
1000/10 would recommend. Funny, dorky and passionate and romantic all the same time. Also pure enough that to their knowledge Gwen did cheat on Arthur (tho she never could explain why and no one explained to them her head had been tampered with, despite her snapping out of it almost as soon as it happened) and he forgave her, took her back and she forgave herself and they were true to each other. Honestly, heartbroken on their end.
Albeit how believable it was the way they depicted and delivered I am forever simping over Arthur fucking Pendragon naming her his heir (thus making the dynasty a dynasty by which standards both male and females could inherit) because he had faith in the world she had to build. And sad over my fav Guinevere finally have the power to make the changes she always advocated for, but loosing everything she held dear (her friendship with Morgana, her first love and the love of her life as well as Merlin, because we all know how griefstricken he must've been) to gain it, and still persevering with the grace and strength she had all through it all. No wonder Arthur fell in love with her.
Also, I don't know if you mean Lancelot or Leon for Gwen and the knight. So I'll give my opinion on both:
Gwen and Lancelot, 8/10 sweet and supporting but marred by Lancelot deciding to move away instead than staying with her and Gwen not asking as the supporting woman she is.
Gwen and Leon, 9/10 I feel like they would be the kind of people that might end up together when the love of their life has passed away and find comfort in each other, and love, albeit different, still strong and supporting. I can see them grow old together with Arthur not in the picture anymore.
Then, onto Stranger Things we go, I must say something tho. I am not this great fan of ST so my opinion is only based of what little I've seen on tumblr and on the few episodes I've seen. So it's not going to be as elaborated as the one we've seen until now, because I know the show less and thus I'm going mostly by feel and not by analysis.
Soft, sweet, dorky and funny. 10/10 would ship them by what little I've seen. Tho I don't see them having a very long term, as in endgame, relationship. Friendship and support, crush? Seriously, of course. But somehow I get the impression at some point they would grow a bit apart romantically, but I might be wrong. Still I'd watch it gladly. So gimme it.
Feels like it makes sense, good chemistry might be the actors who are together, I think?, anyway it seeps into the characters so it makes it believable. Also Jonathan seems like the kind of gloomy kid who has a heart of gold and would break generational abuse patterns. So 8/10 but only because I feel like the funny, dorky side of it might be a bit missing.
They seem cute, still don't convince me for some reason. Feels a bit wrong to me. Don't ask me why, I've not seen enough to tell you clearly, just...they feel off, like they don't belong together romantically. Though it may be one of those slow-burn ships that gets more and more believable as time passes.
Sorry, I don't know why but it bothers me a bit, I find it...wrong? I don't know, by what I've seen they're better off as friends and I don't see that much chemistry between characters, the actors are adorable when they're out of character, but inside the story from what little I've seen... friends I can see, lovers...not so much. Again might be my impression is wrong because I've not seen the whole thing so I don't know.
It doesn't feel right to me.
From what I've seen cute and funny and easygoing as well as soft. Totally would love to see it if they ever went in that direction. Even if it's not endgame it feels plausible for that to happen, wether it be a one-sided crush, only a crush never acted upon or a love story.
Again, by what I've seen between the serie and tumblr... YES! Give me more, now!
10/10 would love to see more of it.
Always gave me the vibe of partners in crime. Funny to watch, don't think it has any romantic hues, but even only for their dynamic as friends I'd watch several episodes in a row. So I'd give it a 7/10.
Tbh I don't really have a disposition either in a sense or another with this one. A couple of badass shots, but I don't really have enough to form a brutally honest opinion, so I guess... 6/10?
Now this one has potential. I feel like whether they'll play it one-sided, both sided but doomed, or endgame it feels plausible and credible.
It feels cuttingly real. So 100/10 on ground of it feeling plausible, credible and the kind of love that even when unrequited might be enough to send you off the rails.
I think I've gotten them all. Feel free to point out if I missed one, sorry again if the brutally honest opinions on Stranger things are neither that brutal, neither opinions truly, but I'm not really into it, I've watched it sparsely and thus know almost next to nothing about them.
Hope you enjoyed and thank you for the ask!
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luxshine · 2 years
Ok. My thoughts on Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 4 before I go on to watch Episode 5.
First things first: I HATE that Dart is actually an evil creature that eats anything that comes close enough for him to eat. I mean, I get Upside Down creatures are predators, but so are cats. And Mr. Mew was adorable. I never like "this whole species is evil" things, and well, I hate cats getting killed even more. So yeah.
AHEM. Now, into the actual plot.
Jim Hooper is SO Out of his depth, his depth is in a different planet. He is seriously not equipped to be a single dad of a girl who is being chased by the US government. And lying to her about everything to try and protect her? Will bit him in the ass HARD. He was lucky El returned after last episode, and if El goes away again to try and find her mom? Good luck on finding her ever again. Especially if he is Tripping over himself on the Upside Down underground. HE REALLY needs to ask Joyce for pointers. Because if anyone deserves the "Best Mom ever" Award in this series? Is Joyce.
(Ok, so her competition is ... inexistent? Seriously, every other parent is terrible. Well, no. Dustin's mom is very nice. But she is totally unobservant of her kid. At least she's not neglectful as Mike and Nancy's parents)
Bob is still adorable, and I am still mourning him already. Problem of spoilers I guess.
I have to give it to Nancy. Once her ACTUAL plan was revealed? I was impressed. She knew her phone was tapped and used it to her advantage. I still think that it's weird the government didn't just create a fake Barb to go with their fake Will, but well, Nancy is going to make them pay for that as she's, I think, angrier at Barb's parents' suffering than about the whole government idiocy. She still should have better communication with Steve, and Jhonatan about her feelings for both, but at least when it comes to going against her enemies, she's merciless.
Speaking of Jhonatan... I still don't like him much. But now I get why he is seemingly less affected by it all.
Mike... I'm ambivalent. I hate how he treats Max, for the sin of not being El, and I love that Max called the others out on their shit. YES, I get that they don't want to tell her what happened last year, as that's kinda Will's thing to tell, but there's a lot of ways he could make time for meetings without her that don't treat Max like crap. But hey, at least he is treating Will better and is obviously worried for his friend.
Which is why I hate that he was proven right about Dart.
I have the feeling that the writers wanted to set up a probable redemption of the bully part 2 with Bill. Given how he went from "insufferable jerk" to actually trying to give Steve advice. Not that I think it worked, given that he is still a jerk, a possible racist, AND I know he probably dies. Which is something that Steve has avoided for four seasons so he's probably safe forever.
Speaking of Steve... I really wish we saw more of how he has matured. Especially given how he doesn't seem to give a crap about him losing his "king" title, nor he rises to the mockery that Nancy left him for Johnatan. In fact, it gave me the impression that he knew it wasn't true, and instead was worried that Nancy probably did something stupid regarding Barb. Which she did.
So yeah, it is growing on me. I am wondering if now Will is possessed/possessed or just connected to whatever is the big bad in this season.
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infisonicosm-moved · 2 years
If you’re still taking ships: I’m Monty (a nickname for my middle name that’s just stuck since forever), I’m 23, and I’m a bartender and guitarist in a classic rock cover band. I’m 5’6”, with blue eyes and a dark brown curly mullet (my friends tell me I look like a girl version of Jim Morrison if you believe it lmfaoooo). I’m pretty skinny but I workout when I can (new years resolution is to bulk up lol). I eat pretty clean and am vegan, but I also love spending late nights around the bonfire with a sixer and smokes. I’m really introverted and come across as pretty unapproachable but I just have RBF big time lmfao. Once I’m out of my shell though, I’m pretty fuckin’ wild—last week I went out to the bar with my friends after a gig and after singing a very emotional rendition of “wanted dead or alive” with my best guy friend we proceeded to have an arm wrestling competition (for some reason). Basically—I’m only fun after a beer or two (jkjk). I do have homebody tendencies, and the only time I’m kinda in that intense energy is before or after gigs, otherwise I just wanna sit home and play guitar, write, or watch performances on YouTube etc. My love language is quality time, I would love to travel to Ireland eventually, and my prized possession is my Epiphone Tobaccoburst SG and a skeleton key that I made into a necklace I wear all the time. I love rainy days, my cat Westley, criminal minds, old westerns, and 60s psych rock!
Thanks again, hopefully that’ll suffice.
You sound like a blast in a glass! I ship you with Sam!
Sam's fun and easy going personality would go so well with yours. He would do anything and everything in his power to get you out of your shell, even if that means making you drink beer like it's going out of style LOL. You both would be good influences on each other to eat clean and work out! Don't worry about RBF with Sam! He will have you smiling so much and laughing that you'll forget you even struggle with it. Monty is a kick ass nickname btw! He'd come up with his own version though cause he wants something unique that only he calls you.
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mikuni14 · 2 years
My School President - Ep 12
It must be one of the best feelings for a parent when you say or do something and your child smiles from ear to ear, hugs you and tells you that he loves you. It must be the best feeling when you see your child happy and you know it's because of you :) And yet so many parents go to great lengths not to see this version of their kid, yet have the audacity to claim to be a good parent and only have their child's best interests at heart (all the while seeing their kid unhappy).
It's a recurring reflection that I have with every BL show that has a coming out scene.
Anyway. MSP ended with a bang :) Lots of cool scenes, mlm wlw solidarity, good endings for the prants, club, student council. Tinn and Gun as a pair had their first contact with the support of their family and friends, community in the form of students, but also with the toxic shipping culture, lack of privacy even in their most intimate moments, ridicule and homophobia. Everything was handled well.
Kajorn is so metal, my precious social justice warrior 😍 I LOVED this plot twist, we all expected it to be Tinn who hits the teacher. Also very wholesome. It was so cool, that Tinn and Gun were not left alone with their fight against homophobia, that someone else, as furious as them, stood up for them, was ready TO FIGHT. Woohoo! Fucking awesome ✨💖 (also - Tinn’s mom looked like my cat when she had kittens and attacked a large dog, that was just passing by - and the dog, like that teacher, ran away)
Kisses suspended in the air in Moonlight Chicken, finally landed successfully 😘
Ok, here’s a thought: what if, just hear me out! what if Jim in Moonlight Chicken was played by Tinn's father :OOOOOOOOOOO I mean... LOOK, you can see that THIS is the uncle daddy that makes every young twink he meets all hot and bothered 😁
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LOOOOOOOK 👀 he’s even a just right amount of pathetic 💖 
Of course, this episode, like the whole series, belonged to the king of the show and my beloved character, MR. TIWSON 
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Who says stuff like this? ONLY KINGS 👑
✨Thank you, My School President :)✨
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