#but not carried far enough to correct the gun and shoes T-T
moochio7 · 1 year
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Playing around w styles and working on anatomy 👍👍
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writer80000 · 10 months
Split Tongue Cowboy
sfw original lesbian romance
5.4k words so far
warnings: gun violence, character death, & cults
featuring a blind scam artist fortune teller has been selling 'swaps', claiming that they can swap places with dead relatives in Hell. This blind fortune teller has humble dreams of starting a cult, sadly a detective does not want this to happen.
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Ginger ‘tsked’. Familiar faces across the street had a tinge of frosted pink. Only a couple people walked outside on the muddied dirt road. The saloon ladies’ kid was out there, carrying a stack of wood. Short dark messy hair with chubby cheeks betraying his hardened criminal scowl. One of his cheeks was noticeably a bit pruned and swollen. Ginger got up from her seat near the shop window and put on a fluffy little-too-big petticoat before deciding to brave the cold. She hugged herself, freezing. Opening the door rang the shop’s bell; The wind whipped at Ginger’s face, slowly blending into the crowd as her face got more pink. Ginger went up to the kid as he walked past the shop. Turning to him, and using mittens to pinch around his pruned cheek.
The kid stopped to look up at her, “What.”
She wanted to tease him. “Did you fight someone?”
“Yeah…” He sunk into his scarf.
“Really?” She paused, “Who?”
He wriggled free from Ginger’s cheek pinch and blew away a snowflake while palming his cheek with his free hand. “Leave me alone, hag.”
Ginger deeply gasped. She quickly drew her hand in front of her mouth for dramatic effect, “Who raised you to say such things…” “You’re scamming my mom!”
“Scamming?” Ginger gasped. “Scamming?!” flicked his forehead.
“Ow–All this fortune telling crap!”
Ginger took a second to look at him before grabbing him by the ear and pulling him towards her shop, causing him to drop a stack of wood. “Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow–”
The bell’s ding rang as they entered the shop. Ginger felt bad for the boy. His mom had a hard time getting out of bed while dealing with postpartum depression. He spent most of his time doing odd jobs for cash. Once they were in the shop, Ginger let him go. Lilac curtains pooled near the spruce hardwood floors. Tapestry and talismans hung off the ceiling. A loveseat in the shop window was littered with fresh ink bottles and paper talismans. There were little black specks of ink all over the poor floors. Ginger took a fuzzy coat off of a rack and threw it on the kid, it draping over his face.
The kid looked at the coat, deadpanning, “It’s pink.”
Ginger pointed to her eyes, “I wouldn’t know.”
“Right sorry…”
Ginger spoke again, “Who’s making you do work in this weather?”
“Mayor Geofrey, t-there's a new sheriff in town.” He chattered a bit, cold. He draped the coat over his shoulder.
A new officer wasn’t big news here. Mayor Geofrey had a habit of plucking new recruits, forcing them to work for a while, and then firing them abruptly. “What’s he look like?”
“She,” The boy corrected, “She’s em…” He paused, seemingly deliberating on something.
Ginger deadpanned. “She’s ugly.”
“No! Not at all, she has blonde hair, blue eyes, warm dark skin.”
This wasn’t enough for Ginger. “More.”
“Lemme think. She has… high cheekbones… and…” He paused in thought, “Her eyes are piercing, like really bold. I think her eyes are the first thing I noticed.”
The boy had gotten better at describing things for Ginger. Ginger sat with this, imagining the sheriff. = The boy sounded deflated, “I think the mayor picked her just to fire her.”
The shop bell rang. The crisp sound of leather shoes hit the air. “Miss Lee!” The boy’s voice sounded shrill.
Ginger could hear his footsteps as he ran out of the shop, hitting the door on his way out.
Ginger put on what she assumed was a polite smile, “Ah! Uh hello Ma’am.”
“I’ve heard a lot about this place…” The sheriff paused, “I’m miss Lee; you are?”
“Ah, Ginger!” Ginger declared.
“Oh. Could you read my fortune?”
“Oh of course, right over here.” Ginger led Lee to her crystal ball. Lee rubbed her hands together trying to warm up and sat on a cushion perpendicular across the crystal ball from Ginger, criss crossed legs.
“Mmm, no that won’t work.” Ginger scooted her floor cushion next to Lee’s, “Sorry. Just hand me your hand. Need to be close for this.” Lee placed her hand in Ginger’s. Normally this did nothing. Ginger would ask a couple questions and give some life advice. This time, Ginger felt something. It was as if small raindrops pattered on her chest around her heart. Her eyebrows raised.
“You…” Ginger jabbed her finger in Lee’s face.
Ginger’s head tipped back before her whole body slammed on the floor. She lost consciousness.
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cagestark · 5 years
I’m thinking international spies AU where tony is CIA and peter is the new recruit nicknamed “the spider” and they bump into each other on a mission that’s proposed from both of their handlers, causing them to work together to lure their target (bonus points if peter’s conducting a honeypot mission and surprises tony with his “skills” then proves his nickname as one of the most deadliest things on the planet) 💗
Omg Idk if this is what you were thinking of. I got carried away. I did things I shouldn’t have. Forgive me!
Read here on AO3.
Peter is an adult, but it isn’t explicitly stated. Daddy Kink. Smut below. Human trafficking. Alcohol. Guns. Racism. Stay safe. 8.3k.
Tony is one mile out from the pick-up destination when the track phone in his pants buzzes. Shifting it free from his pocket, he takes his eyes off the scenery, content that Happy knows where they’re headed, and opens the message.
F: date compromised. someone new will be waiting at the pick up. codename ben.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Tony mutters. He begins mashing buttons, longing for his StarkPhone and the extra wide virtual keyboard. This 2001 bullshit predictive texting can’t keep up with the foul things he wants to say to his handler, F. The F stands for fuck you, Tony! Obviously.
T: Negative ghost rider. I’m aborting.
F: do NOT abort the mission. ben is waiting.
“Christ on a cracker,” sighs Tony.
“Problem, boss?” Happy asks, glancing up at the rearview mirror.
“Just overworked and underappreciated, Hap.”
Happy rolls his eyes. “I know what you mean.”
Tony laughs and makes a note to himself to give the man a raise. In the ten years that he’s been doing these gigs for SHIELD, Happy has been the one constant in a sea of changing marks and methods. “Tonight is the curtain call. If I make it through this, I’m officially retiring. After that, I’d say you’ve definitely earned a raise and some vacation time.”
They arrive at the pick-up point. In his head is the image of a young woman, red haired, with an overly youthful face—he knows that SHIELD wouldn’t give him a minor as his date, that the young appearance is just for bait—but whoever she was, she isn’t the one who will be waiting. Tony doesn’t even have a picture of this guy, not even a description. He’s going to look like a fucking idiot, wandering around looking for his date.
But he needn’t worry. There standing at the curb dressed to the nines in a black tuxedo, hair slicked back, is a young man who could easily pass for 16 years old. In his fancy clothes, he looks very out of place on the grimy New York street—little fool was supposed to be waiting inside.
Happy pulls over at Tony’s request, and Tony steps out of the car. He knows how he must look: dressed to kill (literally), tinted glasses on, polished and sharp like a knife. His reputation does more than precede him. It rolls him out a red carpet judging by the way the kid’s mouth drops open and then mouths his name: Tony Stark.
“Ben?” Tony asks.
The kid closes his mouth. The lips are thin but well shaped, the eyes far too wide and gleaming, jaw defined. It looks like he is a conglomeration of manhood and boyhood, teetering on the cusp between the two worlds, and it makes him sick to know that he was probably chosen for this reason, because his boyish looks will appeal to the people at the party. Tony and the boy are nearly the same height, but Tony must have fifty pounds on him. This is who’s meant to be his help? Don’t they know the kind of job he’s heading to, the kind of danger they’ll be facing? F must hate this kid to be throwing him to the sharks like this.
“I’m Ben,” the boy says. He’s got a cute little cracking voice.
Tony holds open the door like a proper gentleman would when all he really wants to do is shut it in his face and tell Happy to drive on. Ben shuffles in and over to make room. On the back of his neck, his hairs have fought against the hold of the gel and turned into little curls. It might be the cutest thing Tony’s ever seen—fucking goddamnit.
Once they are in the car, Happy pulls away from curb. Now they are heading to q  the target destination. No matter how many times he pulls these gigs, he feels as nervous as the first time. Capability has nothing to do with it, because he knows how even the most seasoned agents can slip up. Complacency kills.
“So what the hell are you doing here, kid?” Tony asks, trying to avoid how his nerves make his stomach clench tighter than a clutched fist. “We’re not headed to a birthday party. Did F tell you what you were getting into to, or did he promised you a balloon animal or a funfetti cake to dress up and hang off my arm all night?”
Ben snorts, unbuttoning the top button of his jacket. “Yeah, he’s going to make me a great big pair of clown shoes. I’m sorry—I’m just—I can’t believe it! You’re codename Iron? Tony Stark works as a SHIELD spy? Gosh, I’m such a fan. Actually, I’m feeling a little lightheaded, could we crack a window? Please, Mr. Driver, sir?”
“Happy, crack a window,” Tony says. He can’t help but be charmed. His ego—sizeable as it is—is absolutely the way to his heart. But he sees in the kid’s eyes that he means it, the glossy dazed look of a superfan. “Look, kid, I’m flattered. I just expected a more seasoned partner. Not Doogie Howser in a tux.”
The happy-go-lucky attitude slides off of Ben’s face. “I’m codename Spider.”
Tony laughs. Even Happy snorts up front, trying to cover it with a cough. If Ben is offended, he doesn’t show it, resting an elbow on the windowsill. It is just getting dark, streetlights turning on, and the warm glow against his face makes him look even more youthful.
“You’re spider.”
Ben hums.
“You’re the spy who singlehandedly stole back Duccio di Buoninsegna’s Madonna and Child from those Congressional clowns who had it stolen from the Metropolitan? The hacker who made it through SHIELD’s firewall five years ago to expose interdepartmental assassinations and turned the entire place on its head?”
“Good times,” Ben says, smiling.
Tony snorts. “First rule of the trade, kid? Lie small. Say you’re codename Shield, or even Arrow, that guy’s enough of a fucking dunce for a green boy like you to pass off. Not even a civilian off the street would mistake you for Spider—”
The blade slips out from Ben’s sleeve. When it presses against the exposed skin above Tony’s dress collar, it is warm from where it was pressed against the boy’s skin. The car swerves as Happy panics, reaching over to the console where a handgun is—
“Call him off,” Ben says softly, breath fanning against Tony’s face, smelling of peppermint.
“Calm down, Happy,” Tony says. His throat is dry, but he doesn’t swallow. He doesn’t want to give this kid the satisfaction. “If you swerve anymore, I might get my throat slit on accident.”
“Listen to me,” Ben says, adjusting his grip on the handle of the blade. His other arm is looped through the seatbelt, pulling it so tight against the older man’s chest that he struggles to take full breaths. “I’ve got nothing to prove to you. Spider, Shield, Arrow, I don’t give a fuck who you think I am. Tonight you can call me Ben. Tonight we’re taking down the biggest human trafficking ring in New York, and I’m the only backup you’ve got. Making sense?”
“Perfect sense.”
Ben pulls back and glances down. “Are you—fucking hard right now?”
“Truthfully? Painfully.”
“Jesus Christ,” Happy mutters from the front seat.
Ben laughs even as he licks his lips. “You’re a pervert. I guess you’ll play the part tonight well enough. It is just an act, right? You aren’t really in the business of buying sex from trafficked kids?”
“Don’t even joke,” says Tony, frowning. In his mind are images: kids anywhere from 8-16 being sold into sexual slavery, many of them immigrants in the United States and unable to understand English. Tony can’t imagine the fear, the pain, the degradation. “I couldn’t sleep for days after reading the file on the things that happen where we’re going. I don’t think I’ve ever accepted an assignment so quickly.”
“Aren’t you worried?” Ben asks. The mocking curve of his lips contrasts with the demure kid who climbed into the car. Obviously they lost that kid along the way, somewhere between the curb and where they are now. More than likely, Tony pushed him out the window with his foot-in-mouth disease. Manslaughter—though Tony doesn’t mind. “It will get out one way or another, that Tony Stark was at this party. People will think you really are a pervert.”
“That’s why I’m perfect for the part. Unfortunately, old billionaires do tend to be perverts. I’m sure we’ll encounter some other people there from Forbes’s Wealthiest list. But after we get the information we need tonight, I’m coming clean to the public about my after hours activities for SHIELD and heading straight to retirement. I see an island in my future, with golden sands and clear water and bottomless mimosas.”
Ben looks positively smitten and sold by the picture Tony paints. He rests his head against the headrest even though it musses his gelled hair, watching Tony’s mouth while it moves. Maybe it’s a good thing that codename Pepper was somehow compromised. The chemistry between him and Ben looks to be a two-way street. “That sounds amazing,” the kid says lowly.”
“Room for two on this island, boss?” Happy asks.
The moment shatters. “For you, Happy, always,” says Tony, though his eyes don’t leave Ben’s. “ETA?”
“Five minutes, boss.”
“Should we talk shop, Ben?”
Tony pulls out a StarkPhone from the breast pocket of his jacket. He holds it in his palm and waves a hand over it. “If the audience will take a moment to examine this ordinary looking cellphone—not so ordinary looking actually, much more streamlined than Apple and Samsung dreams of these dimensions, okay, right, sorry—you might be correct to guess that it is no ordinary cellphone!
“Your average cell has the maximum storage capacity of twenty-four to one hundred twenty-eight gigabytes. But we know that the data we’re going to be copying from the internal servers at the hotel will be much, much larger than that. Luckily, this phone is capable of holding up to a terabyte. SHIELD has estimated we’ll be pulling in about half that in gigs.  
“Luckily, that won’t be much of a problem. F had another agent call ahead and the Ritz-Carlton we’ll be at boasts ethernet cables and hook-ups in each room. A cell to ethernet adapter will have us downloading that speed faster than you can say Bob’s your uncle.”
Ben smiles. “Ben is my uncle.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Ben—it’s my uncle’s name. My real name is Peter.”
Tony smiles. The kid is foolish to give his real name, especially just moments away from a place where Tony identifying him by his codename is key to maintaining their cover, but he gets it. The kid wants intimacy. He feels the connection, and he thinks that he needs to offer the information to forge it stronger. It makes Tony soft, even as it worries him.
He reaches for the boy’s hand and rubs a thumb across the knuckles. His skin is soft and smooth. “Ben,” Tony emphasizes, squeezing the smaller hand. They share a look of understanding, and he can almost see Peter slipping into character, like putting on a different set of clothes until he is BEN, shy, fifteen, probably groomed to be Tony’s sex-toy. The thought nearly makes him sick.
“Location is the biggest issue,” Tony continues. “If I didn’t need an ethernet cord, I’d go into any bathroom, lock the door, and download the files I need. But that would take hours, and we don’t have that kind of time. To work unnoticed, we’ll have to be in a hotel room. There’s only one reason why the two of us would be there. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Peter turns so red that he looks tanned in the dim lighting. He shifts, pinching the fabric of his dress slacks between his fingers to pull them away from his crotch and okay, okay, Tony’s not going to look because the kid might be in character but Tony isn’t, yet, and checking to see if the kid is hard? That’s—that’s pushing some boundaries. “Mr. Stark, if we’re in a hotel room, won’t they think we’re having sex?”
Tony swallows, throat clicking. “That’s kind of the point, kid. Hopefully it will buy us enough time to download the files we need, rumple our clothes, and skip out of there to safety. Understand?”
“Yessir,” Peter says.
The kid has incredible characterization. Tony will give him that.
“Pulling up, boss,” says Happy. From the outside, it doesn’t look like the Ritz-Carlton is hosting a party. It’s a private affair, one the public will not be privy to. Invitation only. Happy pulls up to the front and comes around to open their doors.
It’s Tony’s turn to slip into a different set of metaphorical clothes: the clothes of a disgusting, sleezy man. A predator. A monster. The persona settles like oil over his skin as he steps out into the warm night. He reaches back for Peter’s hand and the boy is there, eyes wide and trusting, lit up by the lights of the hotel.
“C’mere, baby,” Tony says. “Daddy’s got you.”
The Ritz-Carlton has two rooms for larger parties. One is a ballroom. He has been several times, and he finds that it is most similar to the ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton in Riyadh. It is large enough to hold a thousand people, with a chandelier as the focal point of the room. Every entry point is an arch with the most exquisite molding. As a man who appreciates luxury, even he feels awed in its presence, small when his steps don’t echo on the carpeted floor.
This, however, is not that room. They are ushered to an elevator that leads to the top floor. Someone checks Tony’s ID before he’s allowed entrance, but the man doesn’t even ask for Peter’s. Then they pass through a curtained off doorway and they are in. The room floor to ceiling windows giving a breathtaking view of the city. There must be a hundred people here, ladies and gentlemen decked in their finery. There aren’t any minors here—but Tony knows that’s because they are more than likely in the hotel rooms below. Waiting.
“Go to the bar and get me a drink, baby boy,” Tony says. His hand slips down over the curse of Peter’s ass and the boy blushes, nodding. “I’m going to go and greet the host.”
Peter looks so small crossing the room, always moving out of other people’s way, timid and meek. A deep part of Tony hates it—hates the meekness, hates the seed of fear it plants in his heart for Peter, even capable as he is, to be among these predators—but he pushes that part down and begins to search for Rumlow.
Rumlow owns the hotel. It is the only reason why they are here: the man is disgustingly rich and equally bold. The hotel acts as a front, a headquarters of sorts. He pimps out boys and girls in the rooms, hosts these disgusting parties in the penthouses, and (notably) keeps all the files on his clients and victims on the hotel’s encrypted server.
When Tony finds the man, Rumlow’s eyes double in size. Tony is not just the richest man here, he is the most well-known, the most likely to be recognized out in society. He’s a goddamn public figurehead—just like the Congressman in the corner. No one is disguised, no one even tries—because here is it trusted that they are among their own disgusting kind.
“Tony Stark,” Rumlow says. The men and women around him are silent, sharing anxious, excited glances. Tony Stark is in the trafficking trade! “I have to admit, I didn’t think you’d show. It happens. Someone will reach out for an invitation but be too afraid to take it in the end.”
“Poor bastards,” someone says.
Tony shakes Rumlow’s hand. It’s pure self-control that keeps him from squeezing until the sweaty fingers in his grip break. Stay in character, he urges himself.
“It’s been too long since I’ve indulged—and if there’s one thing everyone knows about me, it’s that I love to indulge.” Everyone laughs. He slips into the headspace with ease, becoming a dark caricature of himself. A warm presence appears by his side and he glances down, almost in shock, to see Peter there. He’s holding a scotch on the rocks. Tony takes it, hoping no one else notices his shaking hand. “Thanks, baby boy.”
“Who’s this, Tony?” Rumlow asks. “Introduce us.”
Peter plays the part, looking down at his shoes. Tony lets his hand slip from where it was firmly against the boy’s back, smoothing it over the curve of his ass.
“This—” he has to stop himself from introducing the boy as Peter. “—is Ben. My little amuse-bouche. He’s accompanying me tonight.”
Rumlow frowns even as another woman offers her hand to Peter, insisting he kiss her knuckles. “You didn’t need to bring your own entertainment, Tony. I keep the hotel well stocked. Can’t I tempt you with some of my wares? I have a lovely selection from Pakistan. Consider it a gift.”
“I prefer white meat.”
There is more laughter all around.
Rumlow claps him on the shoulder. “I understand. I’m sorry I don’t have anything more to your tastes. There’s another shipment coming from Latvia as we speak, maybe we can convince you to come to next season’s event?”
Tony down his scotch in two gulps even as his stomach rolls. He feels like a dragon that is preparing to breathe fire, smoke coming from his nose and ears. The pleasure he will feel watching these men and women turn to ashy bones in the clutches of SHIELD and the US government—he shivers with it. “I think it’s safe to say that I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Can we speak in private for a moment?”
“For you? Of course.”
They find a secluded corner of the room up against the windows and Rumlow points out Central Park, the Upper Bay, Central Park just below them. Like they’re tourists and he’s a guide in jorts on top of a double-decker bus pointing out all the important sights. Peter looks earnest and attentive, eyes huge, breath fogging the glass. Rumlow is charmed by him; Tony can tell. The hand he puts on the back of the boy’s neck could be mistaken for friendly—if it weren’t so fucking possessive.
“We were interested in a room to—play—in,” says Tony.
“A man like you must—work hard, play hard, am I right?”
“Of course.”
Rumlow disappears, talking to the man at the entry way who was checking identifications. When he returns, he has a single key-card pressed between his first two fingers. Tony takes it, wearing a grateful twist of his lips. “Listen. I told them to put some champagne in your room. On the house. No—no, I insist. How else will I make a repeat customer out of you, if I don’t spoil you? Play hard. Feel free to come back up to the party when you’ve finished. I imagine that many of us will filter in and out of the rooms until dawn.
“Oh, and Mr. Stark—please be aware that these rooms are special. Surveyed closely. I hope you understand.”
Bugged, he means. Tony hadn’t expected it, but he’ll make it work. They both will. They haven’t made it this long in this business without being able to roll with some punches.  
There is a number on the keycard: 2011. They have to go down more than ten floors to reach the room, and the elevator ride might as well last a lifetime. He feels jittery as the adrenalin fades. The hard part is over, he thinks. The rest of this will be smooth as cake.
Famous last words.
“Daddy,” Peter says. The word nearly bowls Tony overs, distracts him so much that he almost misses the boy’s next words: “There’s no condoms.”
Tony stops from where he is loosening his tie. His eyes flicker to where Peter stands by the nightstand. The look on the boy’s face is covertly furious. Combined with the fact that they know the room has been bugged for audio, the atmosphere is…tense. It takes a moment for him to realize that Peter’s not talking about condoms, he’s trying to let Tony know that something else is missing.
The ethernet cord. Of course this can’t be easy. God forbid his last gig before retirement is a cake walk. He’s going to have to earn this one, blood sweat and tears.
“Well,” he says, choosing every word carefully, using both fists to throttle an imaginary Rumlow (Peter’s grin is worth how silly it feels). “We’re in a hotel. I’m sure I can find some somewhere.”
“Could we do it without them?”
Tony swallows. The double entendre of this conversation is not going above his head—probably because Tony is so short, but those are lamentations for another day—could he download 500 gigs via wireless connection? Yes, but it will take much, much longer. Which means much, much longer spent in the hotel room with his much, much younger associate whom Tony is dangerously attracted to. “We could,” says Tony slowly. “But the speed with which I’d finish might be a concern.”
“You know I don’t mind, daddy,” Peter says, lowly. The look he exudes is overtly sexual, comically so. It doesn’t turn Tony on—really. The boy sits on the bed, tosses himself backwards to lay flat. He looks good spread out on the twelve-hundred thread count sheets. Tony has even softer ones at home. Surely Peter would like those better. Suddenly, he is bouncing up off of the bed and towards the bathroom. “I’ll go freshen up.”
Once the door is shut behind him, Tony pulls out his StarkPhone. Still open on the screen is the program he ran to find bugs in the room. The 3D little model glows in each corner of the room, flashing orange, the sign for microphones. He closes the program and brings up what he plans to use to hack into the hotel’s servers. Being on the premises makes it so much easier than it might have been even if he were just outside the doors. He doesn’t bother to look through the files to see what’s what—he’s going to take all of it. Every last byte.
The phone begins his download, and a timer comes on the screen. Two hours, thirty-six minutes.
And twelve seconds.
Peter comes out of the bathroom with his shoes off, tie undone. He points to the phone. Tony gives him the thumbs up. Fuck yeah, Peter mouths.
On the nightstand beside the bed is a pad of paper and a pen. Peter grabs it, humming. He writes something and holds it out to Tony.
You know we have to make some noises right
Tony frowns, glancing from Peter to the paper.
Peter points upward to the microphones. He lets his eyes roll back and his jaw go slack, hips twitching forward to mimic sex in silence. Tony’s mouth goes dry. Okay, he gets it now. He gets it.
And the kid is fucking right. There’s no way that they can sit in this hotel room silently for two hours after bragging to Rumlow about coming up to play. Tony sure as hell hadn’t meant playing checkers. The program on his phone is hollowing out Rumlow’s servers like a pumpkin at Halloween time, but if it doesn’t have time to complete the download, if their covers get blown…
Begrudgingly, Tony nods.
“Do you want to undress me, daddy, or should I?” Peter asks, crossing away from Tony to sit on the white leather couch. Ben is back, voice shy and sweet.
Tony swallows. What a fucking scumbag he is, pretending like this is a chore, like this isn’t already making him harden in his dress slacks. He licks his lips, but his tongue is just as dry. Figures. “You go ahead, baby boy. I’m feeling—lazy.”
His voice is anything but convincing. Tony considers himself a masterful actor, but in this moment, faced with this young man and the unbidden attraction he has for him, he’s choking. He feels disgusting. He feels like the men and women upstairs. Across the room, Peter looks frustrated, motioning his hands, mouth moving though Tony isn’t the best at reading lips. The kid rolls his eyes and stands.
“Of course, daddy. I’ll do all the work.” The pointed look he gives makes it clear that Peter believes he’s doing all the work in multiple facets—and okay, okay. Tony will have to step up his game. He’s a veteran in the field. Time to show the kid how it’s done.
He rolls his shoulders, moving to sit on the bed. He tries to imagine a lover—older than Peter, much older—and what he would say to them if they were in this situation. His voice is lower when he speaks: “Slow, Ben. Put on a show for me.”
Peter’s eyebrows raise. He stands up and discards the tie around his neck. Then he sheds the jacket to his tuxedo, and the panic begins to rise in Tony again. He glances over at the phone and only ten minutes have passed. Jesus. Is Peter really going to undress? But even as Tony is wondering, he knows it to be true—the sound of clothes rustling is loud in the room. Maybe the microphones are cheap and can’t pick it up, but more than likely, they can. They have to keep this charade up.
But Tony doesn’t have to look.
He turns to sit on the edge of the bed and resolutely faces the wall. He can hear the dress shirt being tossed aside, and the sound of the zipper lowering is excruciating. Tony’s hard. There’s no denying it. He might not be looking, but his imagination is second to none. He imagines the kid must have muscle hidden under his clothes to be a field agent: all tight and lean and pale and soft—
“How do I look, daddy?” asks Peter.
“Perfect, baby boy,” Tony says without hesitation.
“Daddy, I know you said that I’d be doing the work tonight, but, can I ask for something?”
Tony bites back a groan. “You can ask.”
“Kiss me?”
“Of course, baby boy. Come here.”
Peter doesn’t cross the room though. They thankfully are bought a few moments of silence by the gimmick. When he dares to peak out of the corner of his eye, he sees that Peter has undressed, but is thankfully still wearing a pair of black, non-descript boxers. Still, it’s a mistake. Because whatever Tony imagined could not hold a candle to the real thing. Peter is all lithe muscle. He’s fucking cut, with abdominals that Tony never had even when he was the kid’s age and hitting the gym regularly. His skin is luminescent in the room’s lighting, endless glowing pearlescent skin that Tony can almost feel under his lips, unbearably soft and firm.
Peter sits on the couch, phone in his hands. His thumb moves like he’s scrolling the fucking internet. Beside him sits the blade he pulled on Tony in the car, joined by two others, and a holstered gun. Where the hell Peter had been hiding them, only God knew.
What the fuck is Tony worrying about? This obviously means nothing. He lets himself lean back onto the bed. It’s soft and clean, and if he closes his eyes, he can almost forget everything. The room. The microphones. Rumlow.
That’s when Peter takes it up a notch. Across the room, his breath hitches. Then he gives out a groan that goes straight to Tony’s cock. When Tony cracks his eyes open to glance across the room, Peter is looking at him. The kid smiles and winks, then goes back to scrolling on his phone. “God, yes, daddy,” he whimpers—then he holds up his phone like he’s taking a fucking selfie, lips pouting. He brings the phone back down and he nods once in approval of whatever photo he took. Then he glances up at Tony, looking irritated. “Please don’t stop.”
Yeah yeah, Tony fucking gets it. “So fucking needy, baby,” he says. The mocking tone comes easily.
“Don’t tease, daddy,” the kid whines. Tony’s eyes roll back. How the fuck can the kid be so unaffected by this?
“I won’t,” he promises, squeezing his eyes shut. “I’ll give you what you need, baby, just trust daddy.”
Peter keeps up with the noisy, breathy whines and then a sharp gasp—oh, right there daddy, yes. The groans grow in volume, moans and panting. If the kid glances over, there won’t be any way to avoid seeing how hard Tony is. Cracking his eyes open, he looks over to make sure the kid is still enamored with his phone—
Only, he isn’t.
Peter is obviously in character. His phone is still alight but held laxly in one hand that rests against the couch cushion next to him. His head is tipped back, eyes squeezed shut while he moans enough for the both of them. Panting, the white chest is rising and falling, ribs expanding rapidly, abdominals tensing and relaxing rhythmically even as Peter makes his breath hitch as if in ecstasy. The sight hits Tony in the gut, and then lower. It’s the most sexual thing he’s ever seen, and it isn’t even real. Until he catches sight of the erection tenting the boy’s boxers. Then it seems too real. Way too real.
Tony panics. He sits up, head spinning. Elbows on his knees, he presses his palms against his eyes. God, he can’t do this. He doesn’t want to do this, doesn’t want to be a pervert, but how the fuck can he help it?
“Daddy?” Peter breathes. Against his will, Tony responds to the name, glancing up. Peter is sitting up, alert, concerned. He points to Tony, makes an OK symbol with his hands. Tony can’t even reply, can’t even begin to sign how not-okay he is. The kid crosses the room almost silently. He grabs the pad off of the table, writing even as he asks. “Do you want to slow down, daddy?”
Tony’s breath shakes. He stutters. “Yeah baby. Yeah let’s—just—take our time. Okay? We’ve got all night.”
Peter thrusts the pad under his nose. What’s your deal?
Tony bats the notepad away. But the motion of his hand draws Peter’s eyes down—and down—to where Tony is hard in his pants. Peter’s mouth makes an O in surprise, then in understanding. The look he gives the older man is absolutely devilish. He puts a palm on Tony’s shoulder and even through his jacket and dress shirt, it burns right down to the bone.
Pressing so close that his lips brush Tony’s ear, barely audible, he whispers: “Do you want it daddy?”
Tony pushes him away. Peter laughs, silent. He’s still hard, and one hand comes down to wrap his fingers around his clothed erection. Tony groans. Those lips are back, tongue against the shell of his ear even as Peter’s fingers tangle in his hair, hard, holding him so he can’t flinch away. “Come on, Tony, you’ve got to do better than that.”
He pushes Tony flat on the bed and climbs him.
“Jesus,” Tony mutters, already panting. His heart feels liable to burst out of his chest, and he can’t control the helpless thrusting of his hips when Peter drags his erection over Tony’s. The kid is all hard muscle, heavier than you’d think, a solid hot weight pressing Tony into the mattress. Peter straddles Tony’s lap and plants his hands against the older man’s chest, throwing his head back and moaning like he’s having the best sex of his life.
“Please, daddy, can I undress you?”
Tony shakes his head, lips pressed tight, even though he knows that he has to open his mouth, has to respond and keep the charade going for anyone who might be listening. Then there are fingers tangling with his, prying them open from the brutal fist they’ve been curled into. Peter presses their palms together, laces their fingers. Against his will, Tony opens his eyes.
This is okay, Peter mouths. He looks softer, less sex-kitten. His smile is sweet and maybe real. I’m okay with this, he mouths, lips exaggerated to help Tony follow along. He points. Are you?
It’s that soft hand in his that convinces him, the thumb brushing against his own. Peter brings their joined hands up and presses a silent kiss to the back of Tony’s, and it’s so fucking genuine and earnest.
Tony nods. “Undress me, baby boy.”
Peter beams, all joy and teeth. He helps Tony sit up and then attacks his clothes, tie thrown over his shoulder, jacket pushed off of broad shoulders, buttons hastily pulled free. When he reaches the holstered gun that had been hidden under Tony’s clothes, he slows, removing it carefully and setting it aside on the night stand. His eagerness returns when he reaches the erection in Tony’s pants, choosing to shift back so that he can mouth at it through the fabric. Tony squeezes his eyes shut, groaning. God, the kid’s mouth burns. He can almost feel the wet heat through all the layers of silk and cotton, the rough pressure of the younger man’s tongue.
“Come on, kid,” Tony grits out, balls aching. “Undress me already.”
Peter looks up at him, mouth red and wet, eyes huge. His voice is breathy and high when he says, “Yes daddy, whatever you say.”
Tony’s belt gives a satisfying slick sound as it is wrenched from his beltloops. Peter holds the leather between both hands while looking it over from one end to the next. He tests the strength of it, biceps bulging, then snaps it against his own bare arm, letting out soft trembling breath. When he swallows, it is audible. The kid wavers between exuding sexuality and maintaining a charming naivete. Tony isn’t sure which has him wanting to blow his load more.
At last, Peter sets the belt aside and thumbs at the button of Tony’s slacks. He drags a firm thumb down the zipper which runs along Tony’s throbbing erection. Breathing through his nose, Tony struggles to keep his head clear, to not lose himself to this lust. Then Peter is pulling his pants down, dragging the silk boxers down also. The cock that springs free is nothing to be ashamed of: long, thick, and red with arousal, the head damp and sticky with precum.
“God, daddy,” Peter whines. “I want it.”
The boy slides off of the bed, hands resting on the firm, softly-haired thighs to pull Tony to the edge. His mouth is open and waiting, wet and hot and the most inviting thing Tony’s ever wanted to thrust into—but he’ll lose it. He has to reach out to fist Peter’s gelled hair, wrenching it back until his throat is exposed—and the kid still stick his tongue out, making the most pitiful, desperate noises, like if he doesn’t get Tony’s cock in his mouth it might kill him.
If anyone is going to die, it will be Tony, he thinks.
“Not yet, boy,” Tony says. Peter melts, stops straining against his grip, and Tony relaxes his hand to pet at the messed hair. “Youthful exuberance—not that I’m complaining. But some nuance would be nice.”
Peter blinks, eyes dazed. “Nuance. You—you want it slow? How can I—God, daddy, I can’t even think. I want your cock so bad. Please can I taste it, sir? Just the tip?”
Tony groans, cock jumping. He tightens his grip again and can feel the way the boy is relaxed, willing to be pulled and pushed at Tony’s whim. Through his teeth, he says: “Needy boy. Just the tip. Stick out your tongue.”
The picture the boy makes is pornographic: tongue extended, eyes closed in trust and anticipated ecstasy. Using his free hand to grip his cock and hold it steady, he brings Peter closer, smearing the leaking tip across his tongue. Mouth open as it is, there is no way he can muffle the high, helpless sound that comes out of his throat. Peter’s tongue fucking chases Tony’s cock, and Tony’s weak. He’s fucking weak. He brings it back and lets him off the leash a little so that Peter can take it into his mouth and suckle. The younger man’s eyes are still closed like this is the closest he’s come to Elysium, and the knowledge brings Tony right to the edge, balls drawing up. He pulls back again and Peter sounds wrecked.
“Daddy,” he whines, drawing out the word. “Please let me suck your cock, please? I’m a good boy, aren’t I?”
“The best boy, baby,” Tony says, voice low. “But daddy wants to play with you first. Can you be patient and let daddy have his fun?”
Peter’s eyes crack open, whiskey-brown and wet, cloudy with lust and whatever headspace he’s falling into. He hums, smiling, and crawls up onto the bed. Fit as he is, he still looks so tiny. All except for his cock which strains obscenely at the boxers he’s still wearing, the front soaked with precum.
“Lay back,” says Tony.
Peter does. His cock is even more impressive to see in this position, and it twitches under Tony’s gaze. The kid shivers, eyes heavy-lidded, watching Tony to see his next move. Kneeling onto the bed by the boy’s side, Tony hooks his fingers in the waistband and drags the underwear down, careful not to hurt the cock beneath them.
It’s average in most ways, but perfectly suited to Peter’s slim, fit body. The dusky color shows how badly Peter needs stimulation, and even as Tony watches, a pearlescent drop of cum beads up at the head and rolls down the shaft. The kid’s hips twitch upwards, desperate for the touch of a hand that isn’t even there.
“Patience,” Tony says firmly. He strokes at Peter’s hair, smoothing it back into place. The younger man closes his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, trying to drain the tension from his own body.
Tony trails his fingertips over the smooth forehead and down the perfectly formed nose. He lets a thumb press against the thin lips and Peter is so pliant and perfect, mouth open to suck at it sweetly and then nip with teeth. Tony flicks him for the sting and he moans, enjoying even that soft pain. Next is Peter’s throat, and Tony rests his hand there—just resting, watching how even the presence of it enflames Peter, the fit chest rising and falling more rapidly. Tony squeezes, every so gently, and that red mouth parts, the breath knocked out of the boy as if Tony were strangling him.
The skin under his fingers is smooth and burning when he drags his hand past the hollow of the kid’s throat, thumbing the harsh collarbones. He can feel Peter’s heart hammering under his palm when it reaches his sternum. To fuck with him, Tony brings up his other hand, silently, and takes Peter’s nipple between his thumb and forefinger, applying the slightest pressure.
Peter shrieks, hips jerking upwards. His babbles are nearly incoherent: “Daddy please—Daddy more, again—God please?”
Merciful, Tony pinches softly, then pulls back to drag his thumb over the peak again and again. Each time, Peter lets out a sound like he’s being killed. His cock takes on a darker hue even as Tony watches, soaking itself. It makes his mouth water, and he isn’t known for his self control—ask anyone—so he leans forward to take the neglected nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue to a stiff peak.
“Oh god,” Peter says, drawing out the words. “Oh god please, please, please—”
Tony parts his mouth and drags the firm ridge of his top teeth over the nipple—and that’s it. Peter is shrieking—oh god please touch me, I’m sorry I couldn’t stop it, please touch me, daddy—cock spurting violently. Even with the breath knocked out of him (god, he can’t breath at all, all the space in his lungs filled up with lust and Peter), Tony reaches downward to grab the twitching cock and jerks it firmly. He helps Peter through it, the boy convulsing almost violently, mouth open in a scream that never comes.
“I’m sorry daddy,” Peter whimpers. “I should have waited for you.”
Jesus, he’s sorry? “Can you go again, baby boy? Can you get hard again, for daddy?”
“Uh-huh,” Peter says through gasping breaths, nodding frantically.
Tony glances over at the end table where his phone rests—and Jesus, there’s an hour left. An entire hour.
They—haven’t even kissed.
The thought comes out of nowhere, hits him like a truck. Shifting to lay beside Peter, he reaches for the sharp jaw and turns it towards him. Peter looks fucked out, eyes wet and satiated. The smile he gives is beatific, and it’s like he knows what Tony wants, opening his mouth, pliant and so fucking sweet. The kiss is consuming, tongues licking into each other’s mouths, the sounds soft and wet and Jesus, he’s hard. He’s so fucking hard it hurts.
“We can stop,” he says, so softly into Peter’s ear. “We don’t have to go any further.”
Peter pulls back, eyes more alert. A furrow grows between his brows as he frowns. He shakes his head firmly, makes a loose circle his thumb and forefinger and then fucks two fingers into it again and again. Tony rolls his eyes. But he’s smiling.
“I don’t have any lube,” he says out loud.
Ben is back, the bratty Peter melting away into an innocent, sweet voice that asks, “Will my cum do, daddy?”
Tony snorts. “Yes, baby boy. That will do.”
The cum is still warm, but cooling on the boy’s abs. Tony drags two fingers through it and then brings them down between Peter’s legs to the hole that’s there. He draws up his legs instinctually, feet flat on the mattress to give Tony better access. First, he just rubs an insistent finger against the opening, feeling the natural tension and the unbearable tightness whenever Peter shifts and tenses.
“Come on, baby,” Tony murmurs, keeping his finger firm. “Open up for me. Relax for me. Let me in that tight little ass. It belongs to me, we both know it. Let me in.”
Peter’s mouth drops open, eyes squeezing shut. He clenches the sheets in his fists but his muscles do relax, and Tony slips a finger in. The walls inside are like hot silk, and knowing that he’ll be sinking his cock into that heat soon has his balls aching.
“Jesus, kid,” he mutters. “So good for me. More, baby. Give me more, now.”
A second finger, and Peter whimpers with it. Tony gives him time, softly fucking in and out of him, then gently opening his fingers as he withdraws. Unable to help himself, he pauses to let those fingers search, crook upwards until he finds that spot inside the boy. Peter shrieks again, and it turns into a drawn-out moan. His cock is hard again, resting hot and thick against his abs in the pool of cooling cum.
“More daddy, please,” asks Peter.
“All about you, is it?” Tony taunts. He adds a third finger, probably a little sooner than he should. “Should I just take you now? Shove my cock in your little ass, tear you open?”
“Please,” Peter gasps, eyes opening like it’s the best idea he’s ever heard. “Please daddy, split me open.”
Alright. Alright, okay. Tony can’t wait a moment longer. He shifts to be kneeling between the boys legs, then reaches for the younger man’s cock, lifting it off of his abs to wipe his hand through the cum there. Peter shifts his hips up, desperate for the friction, but Tony doesn’t plan for him to get this second orgasm so easily. He’s going to work for this one, Tony thinks, letting go of the cock abruptly so it slaps against the boy’s abs.
Slicking his cock, the pleasure is so keen that it’s almost painful. It borders on overstimulation, and Tony thinks that it’s going to be the most exquisite pain he’s ever known. Folding Peter’s legs up until his thighs are against his chest, he reaches down to guide his cock to that warm heat. Just the pressure on the head has him groaning, hips thrusting minutely against his will. He does want to give the kid time to get used to it—Tony’s big, and he knows it—but the sounds Peter makes, wiggling and shifting to fuck himself on just the tip. It’s too much.
He is not known for his self control.
Tony thrusts in in one fell swoop, as slowly as he can—which isn’t very slow at all. Peter keens, high and loud and long, and Tony himself can’t stop a similar sound, lower, just as pained and pleasured. Peter is hotter, tighter than Tony could have imagined, and knowing that the slickness around him is from the kid’s own cum? Jesus, this isn’t going to last long. When he glances over at the end table, he sees that there are only ten minutes left: the download time has improved. Thank God, Tony thinks. Ten minutes will be optimistic.
“Okay?” Tony asks, a hand on Peter’s sternum. The heart beneath his palm is beating fast like a hummingbird’s. Tears have streamed down Peter’s temples to disappear into his hairline. When the boy’s eyes open, they are red.
“God, yes,” Peter says, laughing wetly. “Don’t stop now. Give it to me.”
Tony snorts, adjusting his grip on Peter’s legs. Then he gives it to him. He starts with long and slow thrusts, aiming deep. Peter is groaning words that become indistinct from how long he drags them out, he loses track of what he’s saying while he’s saying it. Tony wouldn’t be surprised to find that the kid is having an out-of-body experience for the way he’s acting. The sounds he’s making have Tony feeling the same way. The friction against his cock is just what he needs. Glancing down, he catches sight of his cock disappearing into Peter’s hole and his balls draw up tight. Not long—not long at all.
“Touch yourself,” Tony grits out. “I want you to cum with me.”
Peter reaches down around his legs for his cock, but Tony bats it away. “Not there,” Tony says. He thumbs at a nipple. “Here.”
Peter groans, gritting his teeth. But he is obedient, resting both hands on his flat chest so that his thumbs can brush his nipples, so softly and sweetly, teasing himself. His mouth drops open again, cock twitching. “I won’t last, daddy,” Peter says in that soft, sweet voice. “Are you close?”
“Yes,” Tony pants. “So close, baby. Keep going. Just a while more. Hold off for just a while more.”
Peter whines, tilting his hips upward helplessly. “Daddy,” he groans. “I won’t be able to help myself.”
“Restraint,” Tony barks. “Control yourself. Don’t you dare cum before me, baby. Don’t you dare—”
Taunting the boy this way, watching his face turn red as he struggles to restrain himself is bringing Tony right to the edge. He wishes that he could leave Peter this way, desperate to cum and constantly on the edge of disobeying him, but the pain in his balls is cresting. He needs relief. They both do.
“—please, Tony!—” Peter cries.
Peter cums almost instantly, pinching both nipples between thumbs and forefingers, mouth open in a silent scream.
Tony’s orgasm comes from deep in his gut, draws up tight in his stomach and it hurts, it really does, he’s been hard for so long with no relief, and then it all reaches the peak: his cock explodes deep inside the younger man, shouting the boy’s name. It lasts forever, his hips rolling and rolling to prolong the exquisite pleasure. The sounds between them are absolutely guttural, and Tony wonders if the recordings of the microphones above them will be in the files, because he’d give anything to hear this again and again, to listen to it with a clearer head when he can enjoy it more objectively.
On the nightstand, the phone chimes. The download is complete. They did it. The files are automatically transferred to SHIELD’s servers after completion. The satisfaction of that strikes Tony somewhere even deeper. With those, hopefully Rumlow and all the other fucking scumbags upstairs can rot in jail. Forever, if Tony has any say it in.
“Tony,” Peter pants. He’s been trying to get his attention. When he looks down, the boy looks more worried than he should for a person who has just had an incredible orgasm.
“What is it? Are you hurt?” Tony asks.
“No—just—what did you call me?” Peter asks, eyes wide, trying to convey something—
And oh fuck. Tony cried out Peter’s name.
He cried out Peter.
There is a commotion in the hallway, the sound of boots on carpeted floor.
“Fuck,” Tony says, rolling off the bed. Peter is up after him, ignoring his boxers, going straight for the gun on the sofa across the room. He flicks off the safety and chambers a bullet, careful to keep his finger off the trigger even as someone bangs on the door.
“Stark, open up!” They’re shouting. Rumlow’s men. Tony’s blown their cover.
This is going to get messy, Tony thinks, loading his own weapon.
He and Peter flank the door, both completely naked. They meet eyes, breath tight with adrenalin, and when the boy nods, Tony nods back in understanding, smirking. They’ll get through this. They’ll be fine. And afterwards—
The door bursts open.
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unlockthelore · 4 years
Uncertain Certainty
After succeeding over the tyranny of a recent test, Yuusuke shows off his achievement to Kurama.
Part 9 of the Guns and Roses series. For more updates, follow the guns and roses tag on this blog.
In all honesty, Yuusuke thought school was a waste of time.
He learned a hell of a lot more about himself and life through chasing down spirits through the streets of his hometown and a few neighboring cities. What book was going to teach him how to save the Ningenkai? Absolutely none. But Keiko, Kurama, Shiori, and even his mom insisted that it would be good for him to at least past junior high. He bitterly pointed out that there were more people against him than rooting for him but seeing those faces, giving it a shot didn’t seem all that bad.
Even Kuwabara was putting his best foot forward although he still kept up his rivalry with Yuusuke — it was more friendly than anything. His little group were doing their best too and it wasn’t unheard of for all of them to meet up in a diner for a quick meal, glaring at anyone who thought it was strange that five delinquents were loudly studying.
To be honest, it was a little fun.
Aside from Keiko, most people were too scared to even look in his direction let alone talk to him. Heading home with those four, Kuwabara’s arm around his shoulder and joking about nothing at all beneath the setting sun, Yuusuke almost felt normal. Belonging, maybe. He tried not to dwell on it too much. Almost afraid that he’d unearth something he wasn’t ready to face.
Like Kurama’s smile when he showed him his exam paper.
Yuusuke almost doubted it was his own when Keiko handed it to him with one of those blinding smiles that made his stomach feel weird. Turning it over in his hands, there were more circles than bold red X’s and he was tempted to tell her to quit messing around. But up in the left corner was his familiar scrawl and indignation turned to surprise then excitement.
After heading out on a quick date with Keiko, and enduring her parents’ teasing, he hurried over to the Minamino household. Shiori greeted him at the door and he almost felt childish showing it to her but she smiled at him all the same.
“You’re staying for dinner, aren’t you?” She prompted, looking down at him as he pulled his shoes off in the entryway.
Shiori’s smile was soft and warm, her eyes crinkled at the corners as she reached out to ruffle his hair, musing it up from its usual style. He found that he didn’t mind when she looked at him like that. Suddenly bashful, Yuusuke turned his head away and set his shoes aside, feeling the light pat atop his head.
“You did well, so I’ll make you something special for dinner,” she explained, clapping her hands together afterward. “Shuuichi is upstairs, you should show him.”
Yuusuke sputtered. “You don’t have t— Why would I show—“
She laughed, walking away with a knowing smile and a lilting hum that made him feel warm in the face. There wasn’t anything he could say and the sound of running water from the sink as she washed her hands left him with a sense of defeat. Like he’d lost something without even knowing. Glancing down at the paper somewhat crumpled from how tightly he’d been holding it in his hand, he sighed.
Was it really that important?
It was childish showing it off to everyone but he worked hard for this. Picking it up, he hurried past the kitchen doorway and caught Shiori glancing at him with a little wave. If he wasn’t blushing before then he definitely was now as he raced up the steps, making his way to Kurama’s room and throwing open the door.
Kurama didn’t startle but he slowly turned to look over his shoulder, eyebrow raised. “Yuusuke,” he greeted warmly, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “You didn’t tell me you were coming over.”
“Yeah, well, I wanted it to be a surprise,” Yuusuke said, closing the door behind him and holding the paper out in front of him with a wide smile.
Kurama said nothing for a moment. Blinking once, then twice, and as the silence stretched on Yuusuke felt restless. Would he just say something already?
The snap of Kurama’s book closing startled Yuusuke from his thoughts and in an instant, the youko stood before him, gently taking the paper from his hands to look down at it inquisitively.
“This is…”
“The same test that you were helping me study for,” Yuusuke finished, scratching the back of his neck as he looked away. “Guess all that badgering really did pay off, huh?”
It was difficult looking Kurama in the eye now. That creeping feeling of being too much, of being too excited, that this was something anyone should’ve been able to do, that he was just blowing out of proportion was threatening to swallow him up. Yuusuke’s fingers pressed to the back of his neck and he frowned slightly.
“I know that you get these a lot, so it’s not as surprising but —“ Yuusuke grunted, the words cut off as he was tugged into something warm and solid.
He was preparing to fight off the intruder in his personal space til he realized it was Kurama.
That Kurama was hugging him.
Red hair filled his line of sight, his cheek pressed to the youko’s shoulder, Kurama’s arms wound tightly around Yuusuke keeping his arms pinned to his side. It should have been uncomfortable, even a little irritating but Kurama’s energy was warm and comforting much like Shiori’s presence. Yuusuke’s eyelids drooped and he sighed, pressing his cheek against his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” He murmured after awhile of just standing there and being held.
“Showing you that I’m proud of you…” Kurama whispered, his breath warm against the side of Yuusuke’s neck, making him shiver. Carefully, he withdrew enough for them to lock eyes, his gaze flitting over Yuusuke’s face appraisingly.
“What?” Yuusuke muttered as Kurama hugged him tighter, pressing their chests together, dark green meeting brown as he leant closer.
“I’m so proud of you,” Kurama whispered, pressing his lips to Yuusuke’s cheek, whispering the words against his skin. Another kiss pressed to his jaw then another to his temple, several more in a blur Yuusuke was lost in.
“You don’t gotta…” Yuusuke’s lips twitched as Kurama pressed another kiss behind his ear. “Ugh.. Okay, okay…”
Kurama smiled against his skin and Yuusuke rolled his eyes as the youko started nuzzling him. This was so embarrassing but it also felt nice. Although he was fairly affectionate, this almost felt different. Validating. Warming. And he wanted to lean into it. Kurama’s hands swept over his back, finding new places to hold, touch, carress but never allowing him to go far. Not that there was anywhere else he wanted go right now.
“You don’t gotta praise me,” Yuusuke protested weakly. “I’m not a little kid…”
Kurama hummed in answer, brushing his lips against his cheek before leaving another kiss, withdrawing with a smile that made Yuusuke’s heart forget to beat for a second. “I am allowed to be proud of you.”
“Well, yeah… but most people just do the ‘I’m proud of you’ and go,” Yuusuke squinted up at him, trying to ignore the tingling in his skin from where Kurama’s lips touched. “Pretty sure you kissed me a hundred times.”
Kurama looked poised to correct him on just how many times he kissed him but relented. Only hugging him as close as possible and nuzzling against his head, musing his hair up even further.
“You don’t seem to be complaining,” he said, half in jest and half factually.
Yuusuke rolled his eyes and shifted slightly to free his arms, returning the tight hold. “Who would?”
Although he had no intention of becoming a full-blown nerd, it did feel good to get a bit of recognition now and again. Especially if Kurama was going to do this every time.
Gentle rubbing at his side brought his attention back to Kurama, green eyes twinkling with mirth as he looked down at him with a serene smile. As if looking at Yuusuke was all he wanted to do in the world. The urge to duck his head, shy away from the smiles and the looks was there but he refused. Kurama’s eyes softened and he cupped the back of Yuusuke’s neck, carefully dragging his nails across his skin. Yuusuke’s eyes fluttering shut as he melted into the touch, letting Kurama take some of his weight as he leant against him.
Kurama didn’t complain. He never did, if Yuusuke was honest. He simply shifted his hold on him, and out of the corner of his Yuusuke’s eye, he could see the paper marked with red circles lying on the floor.
“I am just proud of you, Yuusuke.”
Kurama’s voice drew his attention back to him and that look. Patient, understanding, sweet and in this moment it was all for him.
“I know… I know… I’m just not.. used to it,” Yuusuke murmured as Kurama leant down to press their foreheads together. Everything felt so warm and close that he should’ve been suffocating but it was nice.
Blanketed in this embrace with Kurama, the whole world and all of Yuusuke’s fears seemed to melt away.
Kurama sighed softly and there was a glimmer of sadness in his eyes. Yuusuke scoured them for pity but there was none. Only sympathy, sadness, understanding and — affection. He quickly averted his gaze but Kurama gently guided him back to meet their eyes.
“I know,” he said, and though the words were simply put, they carried such weight that Yuusuke nearly buckled under them. Kurama pressed a kiss to the top of his head then pressed their foreheads together again. “But you may have to grow used to this if you continue to do this well.”
Yuusuke snorted, tightening his hold around the youko’s shoulders. “Almost sounds like you’re trying to bribe me.”
Although, if Kurama kept this up then he wouldn’t have to.
He seemed to think this over. Likely considering the logistics of bribing Yuusuke to do well in his studies then conceding with a shrug. “You’ve done well on your won without it,” he said with a slight shrug, smiling at him blindingly bright. “I’m merely rewarding you for doing well.”
Yuusuke swallowed thickly. He was never going to get used to this. Kurama’s closeness, his sincerity, his everything and he was strangely alright with that. “… You’re really dangerous, y’know..”
“So you have mentioned,” Kurama answered playfully, dotting his cheeks with light chaste kisses.
“And cheeky as hell,” said Yuusuke, reaching up to pinch his cheek, his heart fluttering as Kurama laughed.
No man had the right to be this beautiful but somehow, Kurama defied nature regardless. With a laugh that captured all of Yuusuke’s senses and refused to let go, Kurama turned them around in a slow arc. It must’ve looked ridiculous to anyone watching them. Like a half-done dance as Yuusuke stumbled and Kurama caught him with enough grace for both of them, turning them so that the youko’s back was to the door while Yuusuke’s was to the interior of his room.
“You’re fond of me,” Kurama said, assured in his words and smile adoring as much as it was smug.
Yuusuke eased his arms around his neck, leaning up to press closer to him. “Who wouldn’t be?”
Kurama hummed softly at that and Yuusuke could see the gears in his mind turning but he said nothing in rebuttal. Seemingly letting him win that small verbal spat as he leant closer, ducking his head to press a kiss to the side of Yuusuke’s neck. It was distracting but so were many of the kisses Kurama gave him when he was avoiding something. Questions of love and worthiness seemed to stump the youko as much as they did Yuusuke himself.
Self-worth was something that they both struggled with but it wasn’t right for Kurama to feel inadequate. He was so many things and many of them were good, and worthy of far more than what he believed. Yuusuke pressed his hand to Kurama’s shoulder, pushing to guide him back, the bewildered look in green eyes almost charming him.
“You’re half right,” Yuusuke said, tilting his head and in those eyes he almost saw a flicker of gold. Kurama intently watching him, studying him, trying to find what he was speaking of in the brief pause. “I love you.”
Kurama’s eyes widened and Yuusuke grinned.
Maybe school wasn’t a waste of time after all.
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the-digimon-tamer · 5 years
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Chapter 21 - Always Ours, Never Yours are out now on FanFiction.Net and ArchiveOfOurOwn! Check them out with the links or find it after the break!
Title: The Tamer v2.0 - In HIs Name
Fandom: Digimon
Rating: T
Synopsis: In the next adventure of the Digimon Tamer, the lives of Juri, Rika, and Henry change forever when digimon begin crossing over into the human world. But it’s all just a story, right? Just a book series by an author no one has seen in a long time. Why are they here and can they save their world before something worse follows the digimon?
Chapter 21: Always Ours, Never Yours
Yamaki wanted to feel happy for Izumi, finally seeing his wife and daughter for the first time in a long time. However, there were urgent matters pressing in the back of his mind that he knew took precedent over this. And the sooner they got out of here the better. From the moment his wife hugged him, Izumi never once let go of her. He noticed a girl standing in the entry way too - a girl with red hair tied into a pony tail that resembled a pineapple. Presumably his daughter.
He'd seen her somewhere before - where?
As he tried to recall, he could vaguely hear Izumi's wife asking where he'd been and what happened to him. He couldn't hear whatever answer Izumi gave, but it made his wife walk up to him and slap him across the face. That cold hard smack was something new to Yamaki - he'd never been slapped by anyone's wife before. Her fury was clear on her face too, "How fucking dare you."
"Mom," their daughter gasped from the entry way, just as her mom raised her fist to slap him again. He was on his guard this time and caught her wrist before she could, "Don't do that again."
This close, he could get a better look at her. She was very familiar, but he couldn't quite place it either. The stress must've been affecting his mind if he couldn't place face right now. Then Izumi called out to his wife, "Mimi, it's okay."
"Your leg is missing," she cried angrily, trying to break her hand free to give him another slap. Yamaki wasn't going to let that happen but stayed on guard in case she did something else. Like plant her shoe firmly where it didn't belong. Trying his best to remain calm, he warned her, "If you want your wrist back, you're going to have to let me go. Or I can take you in for assaulting a government employee."
She still glared at him but she stepped back. He let go of her hand and she took the wheelchair from him, "We're getting you inside. Come on."
Yamaki checked his watch and reminded the man, "We don't have time for a lengthy visit, Izumi. We have a time table to stay on. Keep it short."
He paused when his wife turned to glare daggers into him. He'd seen a lot of things in his time, but this woman was enough to unnerve him. There was...an anger or coldhearted ruthlessness in them. He mused at the old saying 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.' He didn't want to find out what the other end of that fury was, but the fact that she slapped him was not a good sign. Who knows where else she would go if pushed. He checked his watch and added, "Twenty minutes."
"As long as he'd like," she fired back furiously.
He had to stay firm though. No more. That didn't make the daggers in her eyes any less threatening. She eventually turned back around to pushing her husband through the threshold. He had to stay close though and began to follow them inside. The daughter seemed to mind her distance from both parents, which he made a mental note of. Maybe her dad's absence affected her in some way. He felt compelled to ask her if they'd met before, but realized that would come off as really weird and creepy. Then he saw everyone else peering out into the entry way. There was a murmur of excitement and confusion as Izumi was quickly surrounded by what must've been his friends. Then he realized who they were: the digidestined. The ones he'd been having a hard time tracking down.
And worst of all was who was right there with them. That goggle wearing boy in the hoodie. The boy looked at him and smiled, "Oh, it's you. Sunglasses! What are you doing here? And why do you have...was it Dizzy?"
"I could ask you the same question," Yamaki replied, crossing his arms to hide the fact that he was trying to reach for his gun. If this kid was here, that meant the other kids here were also the kids who'd been interfering with his operations. How did he miss this? Of course they were connected! The digidestined had been kids when they got involved in this mess the first time. Why wouldn't there be new kids now?
He paused as he realized how ludicrous that sounded. The 'digidestined' were kids during an event that happened only a few years ago. But as quickly as that concern came, he pushed it out of his mind to focus on his situation. If the goggle wearing boy tried anything again, he intended to pull the trigger this time. Izumi looked at the boy, "Who's this?"
Miss Kamiya replied, "Izzy! This is The Digimon Tamer."
"I'm kinda going by Takato right now," he answered sheepishly, before going to shake Izumi's hand, "I remember you being taller Izzy. Have you done something different?"
"I'm in a wheel chair," Izumi replied rather dryly, turning the wheels of his chair to face Takato. Takato examined him more carefully, "Sorry, memory's still kinda fuzzy. Oh, I see! You lost a leg. That's not really a good look, y'know. You looked better with two. Am I being rude? I'm being rude, aren't I?"
Izumi frowned, examining the boy carefully, "Yes. Besides, if we're talking about appearances, you're the one who's got a whole new face…among other things. It is you, right?"
Takato's smile grew wide, "Yep, reformatted. Head's still a little fuzzy though. There's been a lot going on and-"
"Shut up. We'll talk later," Izumi said calmly, raising a hand to silence the boy. Yamaki was taken aback by how quickly he silenced the boy, unaware that Izumi was capable of showing enough backbone to not only stand up to him, but to a boy who talked down a man with a gun. He turned his chair again to face his wife, staring deeply into her eyes with a longing look. They looked at each other for the longest hand, taking her hand in his and sheepishly saying, "Mimi...I'm sorry for everything. I wanted to see you, I really did. But-"
"We...we can talk about this later," Mimi answered, pressing a finger to his lips, "Welcome home. And go say hi to your mom already. She's been just as worried as I am."
"In a moment," he turned his wheelchair towards his daughter. She'd been oddly silent since they arrived and he wasn't sure what to make of it. But Yamaki wasn't interesting in any of this family drama. He was only interested in Izumi, the rest of the adults, and possibly this Takato kid. He stepped to the side to address Takato only to be stopped by a tall man in a business suit under a trench, "I don't think we've met. Who are you exactly?"
"You can call me Yamaki," he nodded towards the man, eyeing him up carefully. Going by the look on his face, he concluded the man was likely someone worked in the realm of law. He wasn't clean shaven enough to be a lawyer, which meant either private detective. And that meant, "You must be Ken Ichijouji. We've been trying to find you for a while. You're very difficult to find."
Ichijouji had moved a hand inside his coat pocket since he'd stopped Yamaki and that made him nervous. Nervous enough to keep his hand on his gun. Ichijouji was reaching for something, probably his own gun, but he offered a kind smile to calm him down, "A guy in my line of work doesn't live long if he doesn't learn how to disappear or be careful. Would you mind taking your hand off that gun? The last thing any one wants is to make an unnecessary mess. We can talk."
"How about you take your hands out of your pocket first?" Yamaki wasn't about to back down and kept his hand on his gun. He only broke eye contact when Takato called out, "Oi! No killing guys. Come on. We have enough problems without you two trying to see who's the better shot. As far as I care, you're a horrible shot anyway Sunglasses. As for you, Wotkin. I thought you were better than this. When did you start carrying a gun?"
"It's Ken," Ichijouji corrected. The boy smacked his head, "Right, right. Ken. And um…who are you again? I know you pointed the gun at me but I don't remember ever getting your name."
Yamaki could feel the eyes on him now as every adult reacted to that statement. Some were clearly upset, but a handful seemed jealous. He kept his cool and calmly introduced himself, "It's Yamaki."
"Yamaki. Okay, Yamaki," Takato folded his arms, "Why are you here and why are you after all the digimon?"
Yamaki could already feel his problems compounding just from the boy talking. The other adults were looking at him again and one of them asked, "What do you mean by that?"
"That's classified," he answered quickly, wanting to end this conversation quickly. Unfortunately, Takato already began to answer, "He and a bunch of other guys have been running around the city, capturing digimon for some reason. I don't know why though. Also, what were you doing with Dizzy?"
"That's what I said…I think," Takato paused. Yamaki didn't like being surrounded like this and minded his distance, "The answer is still classified."
"Hang on," a woman interrupted. He hadn't noticed her before but there was no doubt in his mind: this was Kari Kamiya - the only one he was able to track down that wasn't a high profile celebrity. She pointed at him, "I remember you. You were at my apartment. You were talking about national security and a bunch of other stuff that made no sense. What does any of that have to with Izzy? Who even are you?"
"I could tell you if you were willing to cooperate with us," he answered. He could tell they were getting mad at him and he tightened his hold on his gun. Unfortunately for him, Izumi took this chance to join the conversation, "I'll tell you guys. Could I get some of whatever Mimi made though? I can smell it from here and it smells amazing, like always."
"Cakes, cookies, brownies, and anything else you could want honey," Mimi said cheerily, helping to push her husband into kitchen. Everyone filed back into the dining room then, where Izumi's mother gasped at the sight of him. They had a tearful exchange where she berated him for disappearing and worried over his missing leg before finally letting him eat. As Izumi happily took platefuls of cookies, cakes, and scarfed it all down like he hadn't eaten before. Yamaki felt his stomach churn as he watched the man eat, making sure he was in full view of Izumi whenever one of them asked where he'd been and why he hadn't been heard from in a while. He didn't want Izumi to say too much whenever he spoke about the Hypnos Program. Although it wasn't like he could do anything about it with Ichijouji standing next to him. Thankfully, his wife was quick to shut them all down, "Give him space guys! Geez."
"It's alright," Izumi said through a mouthful of food. His wife flicked his forehead and scolded him, "No talking with your mouthful. Did you forget your manners or something?"
He forcefully swallowed what was in his mouth, and set the plate down, "The truth is I was recruited to work for...Yamaki."
He gestured towards Yamaki, carefully choosing his words, "And I'm partially responsible for all this. They wanted me to...help stop the digimon from coming through to our world. I agreed to help them but...I didn't know what kind of project it was. By the time I did, I tried to leave. But they wouldn't let me because of how classified my work was."
The more he talked, the more Yamaki wanted him to stop talking. He took a step towards the man and felt the detective grab his arm. He looked over to see the man still had his hand in his pocket.
"Izzy, what did you do?" the private detective asked, his tone indicating he was at the very least catching on. Izumi's head sank and he buried his face into his hands, "I was trying to manufacture a gate to the Digital World using the technology from our digivices - one that would pull digimon back into the Digital World. But that wasn't their plan. They wanted to kill the digimon and…I had no choice but to finish the project. It worked on test specimens…deleting any digimon that got pulled through. But there was a problem during its first official firing and the machine failed. The wormhole it created between our worlds is still open. And it's why more and more powerful digimon have been coming through."
He had seriously underestimated Izumi. A man like him would've left that part out to save face, but Izumi admitted to it despite all the guilt he felt for developing the weapon. The dark haired boy in the orange vest chose that moment to ask, "You're talking about when the top of the Metropolitan Building blew up, aren't you? That was when the first Deva came through! Mihiramon."
"Mihiramon? I don't know the name of the digimon that came through," Izumi admitted quietly, "Only that it was my responsibility."
Another man was fuming, a short haired blonde man with a muscular build hidden beneath layers of clothing. If he had to guess, this was the rockstar who was also former military - Matt Ishida. The man grunted, "Izzy, you didn't. How could you!? After everything we've been through, you just...did this."
"I'm not proud of what I did," Izumi shook quietly, trying to maintain his composure as he guiltily added, "But this is my mistake, it's my responsibility. And I will fix it."
"No you won't," Takato said sternly. It was odd to see a kid talking to adults so sternly and even weirder to see them actually listening. Takato waved his hands in the air excitedly as he talked, "We need that gate open because we need to go to the Digital World and-"
"Go? Who said anything about going to the Digital World!?" Miss Kamiya interrupted. Mimi added, "That's right! You're not going anywhere without us!"
"I meant when and why," Miss Kamiya explained, "But yes, you are taking us."
"If I can finish!" Takato yelled, pausing as he realized he raised his voice and quickly apologizing, "Sorry, I shouldn't raise my voice. Sorry. Um, we're going soon. As for the why, it to figure out what's going on the other side. Because the real question isn't how do we stop them from crossing over. The question is why? Right now, that gate you just tore open in reality might be our only way to get there and back."
"Not a chance," Yamaki finally interjected, "That hole in reality let through large and dangerous monsters. Izumi is going to close that gate the first chance he gets."
Takato shook his head, "Yamaki, if closing that gate was really going to stop all the digimon from coming through, then explain how they were coming through before the gate opened in the first place."
Yamaki paused. That was why he was recruiting the Monster Makers. But he couldn't tell them that, "That's a separate issue and we're already exploring solutions to it."
"Good, then you won't mind if we keep Izzy here," Takato asserted, "I'm sure he misses his wife and...Wait, hang on. Rika! Izzy's your dad! That just sank in. It's no wonder you noticed all the weird stuff! You took after him! He always was the smart one!"
"Oh, do you still use that name? It's so cute," Izumi smirked playfully over at his daughter who looked completely mortified now. He couldn't blame her for that. She clearly picked that name for herself to make herself sound cooler, and the adorableness or that fact must've been mortifying to her.
Rika felt her face flush with embarrassment. She didn't like her preferred name being called cute. And it didn't help that this happened in front of all these people. If it wasn't for the fact that they were talking about the fate of the world in their home, she would've stormed right out. She massaged her temple, "Can we go back to talking about the Digital World?"
Takato nodded, "Right, right. So, to catch you guys up on what we've been doing: we've been trying to stop as many of these digimon as we can. It hasn't been going too well because most of them would rather fight to the death. Even the stronger digimon. But we found out they're after The Catalyst, this energy source Guardians used to-"
"Guardians?" Davis repeated in confusion. Takato waved his hands as he spoke, "Sorry, Ancients. Guardians. Same thing, different names. My point is: it was sent here to hide it from something dangerous in their world. Only now they need it back, because they need it to fight whatever…is on the other side."
"You mean the Ancients?" Sora asked. Takato grew frustrated, "No, the sovereigns. The ones who sent them here. It's why all those strong digimon have started showing up! They want the catalyst back now. Which is why we're going to the Digital World. Because whatever has the Sovereigns scared should make us scared. And as long as the digimon are able to cross into this world, so can whatever terrifying beast is on the other end. Still with me? Any questions?"
After a beat, the mustachioed lawyer raised his hand, "Several: What does that have to do with our digimon disappearing? Is this related to Takeru? And why is that guy still here? Should we really be talking about this around him?"
Takato took one glance at Yamaki and shrugged, "Him? He's harmless. I think."
"Hey, I have a question: why are you all listening to him?" Yamaki asked, raising what Rika felt was the first valid question. Why were all these experienced adults listening to him? Yes, he was some important guy back in the Digital World but he seemed just as lost and confused as they were. But agreeing didn't mean she liked the guy. Everything about him made her uneasy. The adults looked between each other and one dressed like a cook explained, "When we were his age, he was the one who knew what was going on because-"
Yamaki interrupted, "I know all about your lives digidestined. I want to know why you're listening to a kid."
"Because if he's talking, it's usually a good idea to hear him out," Matt grunted, "Whether or not we want to."
Seeing Yamaki look confused as all hell was amusing to Rika in a way she couldn't express into words. Takato put a hand to his chin, "I'm not really sure what's going on right now. The important thing is we get to the Digital World and figure out from that side. I don't think the Devas are going to talk to us after last time."
"Devas? What happened last time?" her dad asked. There was a lot he had missed. And a lot more they needed to talk about. She had no intention of talking to her family about digimon before but now...there was much too talk about. Before Takato could explain, she started talking - telling them about everything that had happened up until that point of time. Included the Devas, the catalyst Calumon that could make digimon digivolve, and the number of them that had come through. She was annoyed by the fact that both of her parents and her grandmother were giving her unwanted looks of worry - she'd been doing fine before and would be doing fine long after. Her father frowned before managing a small smile, "It sounds like you guys have been busy...and a lot more effective than we've been right now."
Davis smiled approvingly, rubbing his chin, "They have their digimon partners and working digivices. It's no wonder they're able to do more than us. So when are we going to the Digital World?"
"Yeah, I'd like to see Palmon as soon as possible," her mom shrieked excitedly. Palmon...the plant digimon. The more Rika was able to think on it without getting a headache, the more concerned she became that her parents were the ditz and the geek from the digidestined books. Takato threw up his hands, "You aren't going anywhere. To be honest, I think it'd make more sense for just us with digimon to go. Our digimon can protect us. They can't protect a large group. Especially if it means we can't find your partners right away."
Whatever cool the rockstar Matt was trying to have vanished, "And why the hell not? They're not just our partners! They're our friends! If they're in danger, we're going to come to their rescue. And you better like hell believe that I'm not staying behind if my brother is in danger!"
"Matt," his wife took a hold of his hand, holding it in a comforting way. He cooled down enough for the doctor to suggest, "I hate to agree, but he's right. As much as I'd like to see Gomanon again, we'd only drag the others down. And while I'm not comfortable with leaving Takeru in danger, I feel like he's proven he can handle himself time and again."
"I'm not letting my daughter go to the Digital World alone!" her mom complained. Rika was surprised by that statement - mostly she just never expected her mother to care so deeply about anything besides fashion and modeling. The doctor pointed at her and wagged a finger, "Why not? We spent a couple of weeks trapped there, remember? We were barely any older than they are now. So what's so bad about them going alone?"
"She might die!" her mom freaked out. Then her dad took her mom's hand, squeezing it as he worriedly said, "Mimi...you're sounding like your father."
Horror. Rika never thought she'd see the day where her mom looked absolutely terrified. And it made her uncomfortable to see. Her mom shot death glares at Takato, "You're not dragging her off to get killed, you got that?"
Takato threw up his hands defensively, "I don't even know what's going on right now. How would I know if she's going to die? Between the headaches, it took me about a year to remember who I was and that was with people telling me my name was something else every hour of every day. I have no idea what's going to happen when we get there. But-"
"But what? What but are you talking about?" her mom snapped at him again. It felt nice to watch her mom snap at Takato and even better that someone else was calling him out on the stupid things he says. She wasn't prepared for his response though, and she was sure her mom felt the same way, "I was going to say 'but that doesn't mean we should stand by and do nothing'. Because sitting here and catching every digimon that comes through isn't doing anything to solve the problem. I think it's actually making it worse. And Rika doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd listen if you told her not to do something anyway."
"And what's that supposed to mean goggle head?" Rika finally spoke, noting that he took a step back nervously, "Nothing bad. Just that you don't like to be told what you can and can't do. You do what you want when you want, how you want. I mean, you just swore in front of your mom."
Rika folded her arms, smiling at what she was sure his attempt at a complement. She'd let it pass for now. Kari sighed, "So then when are you going to the Digital World and how long are you going to stay there?"
Takato's mood turned, "I don't know. A couple of days, maybe weeks? With time convoluted the way it is, I don't know how long we'll be there. It could days there but seconds here."
Xiaochun sung to herself as she poured some more fake tea for herself and Calumon. In truth, since she couldn't have real tea, all she poured was soda from her play set. Calumon sat in his little pink dress drinking the soda. Then she cut out pieces of cake for herself and Calumon. The tea may be fake but the sweets were real. Once she sat to eat, she asked, "So Mrs. Prissy pants, how do you like your tea?"
"It's delicious!" Calumon said excitedly. She may have missed having Terriermon around but Calumon was a lot more fun to play with. She was about to help herself to some more cake until there was a tap on her window. There was a little black imp wearing a red scarf and gloves gesturing at her to open the window. She normally wasn't allowed anywhere near the window because their apartment was so high up but he must've been a friend of Calumon. Why else would he be here?
She went over and unlocked the window, barely having the second to open it before the little imp jumped in, "It's about time. Who are you?"
"I'm Xiaochun!" she introduced herself, "Who are you?"
The little digimon grunted, "Hmph. Name's Impmon. Imma call you Suzie cos' that name o' yours is too long to remember. You's Calumon, right?"
"That's right!" the little white digimon said excitedly, "Want some tea?"
He offered a cup for Impmon, who could only look at the little digimon like he had done something wrong. Impmon sighed, "Okay, what's the matta' with you? First o' all: that ain't tea! It's soda! Second! Why are you in a dress!? If you's as tough as everyone says you are, then get outta that! It's disrespectful!"
He ripped the dress straight off little Calumon. Xiaochun felt her heart sink at the sight of watching one of her favorite dresses get ripped apart. Calumon even got teary eyed, "Oh! I liked that dress! It made me feel pretty!"
"Forget about it!" Impmon grabbed a hold of the little digimon, "I gotta get you to the monkey!"
"Monkey? What monkey?" Calumon asked, struggling to break free of Impmon's grip. Impmon scoffed and continued on towards the window, "I dunno, I can't remember the name. Some monkey. Wants to talk to ya. Said to get ya from the humans. We're going to the park! Now!"
Realizing that Impmon was going to take Calumon away, she ran in front of them and threw out her hands, "No! Calumon has to stay here with me!"
"Don't care! Beat it!" Impmon kicked her in the shin so hard that she fell on her side. That hurt so bad! Why did Impmon have to be so mean? What did she ever do to him? She looked at him with teary eyes, watching Calumon scream in protest as Impmon leapt out the window, "SHADDAP! WE"RE GOIN'!"
He leapt out the window, taking Calumon with him. Xiaochun was angry, furious at Impmon for taking right out from under her nose but also at herself. Henry said to protect him. And he would be so mad when he found out what happened. Her mind raced through all the mean things he would say to her and what bad things might happen to Calumon. And that just made her sad. Before she knew it, tears were streaming down her ears and she was bawling.
That was when the door to her room opened and her dad came in, "Xiaochun! What's wrong!?"
"Took him?" her dad noticed the window was open and went to see for himself, "There's no one out here. Dammit. We better go find him. If he's as important as Henry says he is, there's no telling what kind of trouble he'll get into."
"I'm not mad honey," he assured her, hugging her and wiping away her tears with his sleeve, "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. I just have to go find him. Stay right here and I'll be right back."
He let her go and hurried out of the room. Xiaochun sniffled, certain of her mistake and scared that a scolding was going to follow sooner or later.
Henry wandered away from the rest of the group, sure that he wasn't needed for the next part of the conversation and went out into the garden. He was surprised to see Rika lived in such a fancy home and wondered what her parents did to afford this kind of life. Then again, one was a government agent and the other was as pretty as a model. They were probably loaded! Terriermon stuck his head out of the bag and asked, "Henry! Can we go back inside! I want me some of those brownies!"
"We can go back in once that government guy leaves. I don't want him to see you," Henry assured his partner. As he sat there, he heard the back door slide open and saw his sensei come out to join him with the doctor. He wasn't sure how he'd missed until now that his sensei was one of the digidestined. Then again, he also missed the fact that one of the teacher's at his school was part of the team.
His sensei greeted him first, "I hope you don't mind if we join you, Henry. It's a little crowded in there and it'd be nice to get some air and clear our heads."
"No problem, sensei," he bowed in greeting. His sensei lifted his head back up, "No, we're not at the dojo right now. Out here, we're just digidestined. Or…whatever. What is your team's name?"
"We don't really have one," Henry mulled it over, scratching his head, "But we have been called Tamer a lot by the digidestined. I think it's because the digimon didn't know who we were so they kept confusing us for Tamer or Takato or whatever."
"Now that would be something," his sensei laughed, "I don't think you've met properly, this is Joe. He's a doctor and the most reliable of us."
Joe shook his hand, "Nice to meet you Henry. So how does it feel, finding out all of this real?"
"It's all very surreal. It's hard to believe all of this is still actually happening," he frowned. Joe patted his shoulder, "Don't worry. We've had this problem before. But it looks like you made the choice you needed to, though."
"Yeah," Henry nodded, "But the more involved I get, the more my family gets involved too. First my sister, now my dad. If I didn't know any better, I'd say my whole family was going to become part of this."
His sensei and Joe swapped looks, "Déjà vu, right?"
"What?" Henry raised an eyebrow. Both of them laughed for a moment, chuckles turning to bursting laughter before either of them calmed down. His sensei wiped a tear from his eye, "Sorry. It's just strange how familiar this all is. In fact, that's why Matt is so worked up over Takeru. And that's before we get into the time their mom got shot. If anything ever happened to your sister, I'm sure you'd be freaking out too."
"That's not the most flattering comparison," Henry looked back in to see Matt slamming his fist on a table angrily. Terriermon only laughed, "I think it fits. He's so uptight, kinda like you. You need to relax."
"Hey! I'm not hitting things!" Henry pointed out quickly.
"Moumantai," his partner and sensei said together. Henry blinked, unaware that he was going to hear things in stereo now. He looked over at his sensei who was bursting with laughter, "Another Terriermon says it! I never thought I'd see the day!"
Something about the laughter was a little contagious, and he chuckled nervously. Terriermon patted his back, "See what I mean? So uptight. You can't even laugh properly."
Henry's laughter turned into a silent pause and his sensei patted his head, "It's okay to be anxious. the danger you're in is very real. The fact that you're taking it seriously means you'll deal with it properly. The last thing you want is to make light of it. You may do something you'll regret."
That last part was particularly alarming. What did he mean by regret? What part of the story of the digidestined did he not know. More importantly, it reminded him that his family was indeed at risk with everything going on, "What do you mean?"
"If we've learned anything over the years, it's that sometimes you do the wrong thing when you think you're in the right," the doctor explained, gesturing back into the house, "If you ever read any of Takeru's novels or seen the show, you know what I mean. Ken was the Emperor, SkullGreymon, he changed Oikawa's story but he hit the key points, and more. By being light, I didn't mean you were being light hearted about it. I meant you were contemplating things and thinking. And every group needs that voice of reason. Especially when Tamer starts getting weird."
Henry looked back inside to see Takato talking animatedly. Maybe there was a point to being the voice of reason in all of this. Then again, Rika was doing that job just fine. Still, it was nice to know that he wasn't along in being hesitant to get involved.
Juri listened to Takato ramble on, "As for when, that all depends on how long it takes to get the digivices to start opening gates again. Could be a few days, maybe even a week! Thankfully, we have a solution to that problem and the solution is-"
She tuned out the moment she noticed Miss Kamiya staring at him with the most curious expression. It was like she was trying to study him. She glanced back over to Takato still babbling whatever he was going on about and quietly moved her way over to their teacher, whispering to get her attention, "Miss Kamiya?"
"Hm? What is it, Juri?" she asked. Juri nodded her head at the boy, trying not to draw anyone's attention, "Are you okay, Miss Kamiya? You've been staring at Takato like you're going to punish him."
"I just might, honestly," she answered calmly, looking back over at him, "It's a very long story and I'm sure you don't want to hear about it."
Juri didn't like the sound of that and asked, "What exactly happened? You knew him a long time ago, right? Did he do something?"
She shot her a surprised look, "I thought all you kids were into digimon."
Juri felt awkward about that, "Not me. I mean, not really. I just kinda ended up a part of whatever this is. I don't know much about the card game, or the show, or the books, or any of it."
Kari nodded understandingly, "I'll keep it short. A long time ago, my brother disappeared when I was maybe four years old. The next time I saw him: four years had passed, he had no idea who I was, kept calling himself The Digimon Tamer, and he was trying to save the world from being destroyed. Then he got stuck in the Digital World. Next time I saw him, he said he couldn't meet with us because he was on the run but that he trusted us to save the world. Then he died. Now he's back, with a whole new face and name, and the world's in trouble again."
Juri felt her head spin from the explanation, glancing back at Takato with genuine surprise. She knew he called himself The Digimon Tamer but she didn't know all that about him. Rika's words in the park echoed in her mind, reminding her that she wasn't supposed to trust him. And the more she learned, the more she realized she didn't know about him. It made her dread what other secrets he could be keeping. She felt a hand squeeze her shoulder gently, "Sorry, I didn't mean to put all that on you. Just forget about it. It's my problem."
Juri contemplated telling her about what Takato had said too - that he wasn't the real Takato. Before she could, Takato and Rika's digivices went off with a loud beeping noise. At the same time, the government guy with the shades stepped out of the room to answer a call on his cell phone. The guy dressed like a cook peered at their digivices excitedly, "Whoa, what's that? Ours never did that!"
Rika examined her digivice calmly while explaining, "They do this whenever a digimon is crossing over from the other side. That's weird though - it's not saying anything is coming through."
"Maybe it's broken? Like ours are?" Miss Kamiya lifted up her digivice, "It's why we can't get to the Digital World or-"
"No, this is different," Takato turned the digivice over in his hand, "What if...oh...oh, of course!"
"What is it?" Juri hadn't seen that look before but his excitement must've meant he'd realized something. He started pacing excitedly, "The only time we've seen our digivices go off is when digimon appear. But what if the reason they go off isn't because digimon are appearing, that was just a coincidence! What if the reason they go off is because a gate is opening from the Digital World to this one! It's why it wouldn't go off whenever that thing Izzy was making would turn on."
"So what does that mean?" Rika's mom asked seriously. At that moment, Henry came back in with the doctor and the lawyer. Takato pointed at him and asked, "Where's Calumon?"
"At home with my sister. Where else would he be?" Henry answered anxiously, "You guys got it too! What's going on?"
Takato turned to Rika's mom, "Do you have a phone we could borrow?"
"In the living room," she said matter of factly, gesturing off into the house. Juri turned her head, wondering just what exactly had happened between them that caused so much animosity. Takato turned back to Henry, "Call your sister quick."
A look came across Henry's face as if he realized something and he hurriedly followed Rika's mom into the kitchen to borrow their phone. Annoyed at being kept out of the loop, Rika demanded from Takato, "Why? Goggle head! What's going on? What's got you so freaked out?"
"We still have three Devas on the loose," Takato answered in a panic, "And a gate is opening between worlds. That means one of two things: either something really big is about to squeeze through once that gate is big enough, or something else is about to jump through from our side to the other one. Whichever it is, the gate is opening on the other side. Either way is bad news for us and we'd better make sure we have Calumon when either one happens."
"What makes you so sure?" Kazu asked skeptically, watching Takato continue to pace anxiously. It didn't help that he anxiously answered, "I'm not. I have a powerful headache from sensory overload, a ton of things are happening that don't make sense, and this digivice which makes no sense won't turn off which doesn't help either. I'm not sure, I'm just being cautious."
Henry raced back into the room, "Xiaochun says Impmon just took Calumon."
"Impmon? Who's Impmon?" Rika asked, "Wait, was he that guy who showed up and ran off?"
At this moment, Renamon appeared again just behind her, "Impmon? That little rookie took Calumon?"
"You know who that is?" Henry asked. Renamon nodded, "I ran into him a few times over the course of my time here in the Real World. He was always by himself and was constantly trying to convince me to abandon our partnership. He believed working with humans was beneath the skills of a digimon. I tended to ignore him most of the time. Why would he steal Calumon?"
"Maybe he was trying to do that thing you were talking about? Get Calumon away from Henry's sister," Kenta suggested, "What do you think Takato? Takato!?"
Takato was already at the front door getting his shoes back on, "Going to get Guilmon! I'll meet you guys where the gate is opening. Oh! Kazu, Juri! I'll need you guys to come with me!"
Juri and Kazu swapped confused glances, "What for?"
"Guilmon doesn't move well in the box, so three of us can clear a path for him as he moves!" Takato answered urgently, picking their shoes up of the floor and tossing it their way, "Now come on! We got a little digimon to save!"
"Well, we're coming too!" Rika's mom declared, picking up her things, "If digimon are involved, you better believe we-"
"Mom, no!" Rika interrupted her, "You guys don't even have digimon! Digidestined or not, all you guys would do is slow us down! Our partners can't fight whatever we're up against and protect you at the same time."
"She's right, y'know," the doctor said, adjusting his glasses and looking at her mom calmly, "As frustrating as it is to say, we're all but useless right now. It'd be better to leave this to them since they're the ones who're actually involved in it right now. Have faith in your daughter, Mimi. She's got that same attitude you did when you were her age."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Rika and her mom scowled at the same time, making both of them pause at that statement. The doctor was the only one to laugh, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Besides, you might want to spend more time with your husband and we have to deal with the other guy."
He gestured at the government agent who was still on his phone on the other side of the room. As much as she didn't like it, Rika's mom seemed to take the hint and nodded towards her daughter. She looked about ready to break down crying but didn't, instead saying, "Ruki, just promise me you'll come back alive, okay?"
"I will," she answered rather coldly. Then her dad spoke, "Ruki. When you get back, let's talk, okay?"
"R-right," she nodded, hurrying towards the door. As they made their way outside, Juri looked sideways at Rika and said, "I'm happy your family's back together."
"Whatever," she answered, making a point of looking directly away from her. Although she wasn't saying it, Juri guessed that she was a lot happier than she wanted to let on. As they headed out, Takato tossed Kenta his bag, "Here! Take the smoke bombs! You know what to do! Let's go!"
Yamaki made his way back inside in time to see all six kids hurrying back out. There was no doubt they were on their way to that Wild one bioemerging right now. It bothered him to think six kids had better control over a situation than an entire government organization dedicated to doing the same thing. Still, time was of the essence. He made his way back into the dining room and called out to Izumi, "We need to go. We have another wild one bioemerging."
"They're called digimon," he said flatly. Yamaki was glad he was wearing sunglasses. He didn't want to think about what Izumi's wife would do if she saw him rolling his eyes at her husband. He tried to make his way to Izumi's wheelchair but was blocked again by his wife, "You're not taking him anywhere. He's staying right here."
Yamaki paused, examining the woman carefully. She shouldn't have been as intimidating as she was but he stood firm, trying to calm himself before he said anything he shouldn't. Once he was calm, he took off his sunglasses, "Let me make this clear. You might have no compulsion with sending kids off into danger to get themselves killed. But I do. And I'll be damned if I stand by and let history repeat itself with those kids. I'm taking your husband and we're leaving. And if you want to stand by so that another massacre can happen, then you can do it from that side of the room. Get out of my way."
She stood exactly where she was, refusing to move. He didn't want it to come to this. He drew his gun and aimed it for her head. There were several gasps and the detective quickly drew his own. Still, his wife stood where she was, refusing to get out of harm's way despite the obvious danger she was in. She was courageous, he had to give her that. But he didn't need it right now. He needed to get Izumi back to headquarters.
"Mimi," Izumi began, wheeling his chair over to get her attention. He pulled her back behind his chair, "I'll go with you. We still need to help stop whatever is happening. But I'm only going to work on my terms. Not yours. Juggernaut...I'm not going to use it for your purposes any more."
Yamaki eyed everyone in the room carefully. He didn't want a massacre and all it would take was one misfire for all of this to go downhill. He lowered his gun and returned it to its holster, adding, "Nothing gets done without my approval. Understand, Izumi?"
"Izzy," his wife corrected. The biggest, most loving smile appeared on Izumi's face - the kind one could have only when they saw the person they loved the most, "Don't worry. I'm not going to disappear again. I'll email you guys the address."
"Izumi," Yamaki warned him. The last thing he wanted were all these people to suddenly show up in the Hypnos HQ. Izumi answered by raising his middle finger and continued talking to his wife, "And the clearance codes. Don't worry."
"IZUMI!" Yamaki said more loudly to get his attention. The man looked up with a mischievous smile, "I mean, you did want to recruit them, right? So what's the issue?"
"Recruit them. Not have them or you take over my operation," Yamaki explained bitterly, watching Izumi wheel his way to the front, "It's not like we can screw it over any worse than you guys have. If anything, we're the ones with the most experience when it comes to this kind of thing. So why shouldn't we run it?"
"Yeah, great job with that. The world got invaded twice under your watch," Yamaki remarked sarcastically, taking hold of Izumi's chair so he couldn't get away, "So nice try but no deal. Still there is an opportunity before us - you can come too if you want. Help out."
"Not interested," his wife replied. Yamaki clicked his tongue and continued pushing Izumi towards the door. As they passed the threshold, Izumi remarked, "Don't worry. You'll come around to our way of doing things soon enough."
Yamaki wouldn't count on it. When did his life start spiraling so far out of control?
Rika, Henry, and Kenta chased the gate, using Rika's digivice to lead the way. After they ran several blocks, Kenta asked, "How much further is it? You'd think people would be freaking out by now!"
Rika looked down at her digivice, watching the arrow move along the screen until it was pointing behind them. She stopped in her tracks and both boys crashed into her from behind. She pushed her self back up and spat out, "Watch it!"
"Why'd you stop Rika?" Henry asked, dusting himself off as he got up and helping Kenta off the ground. Rika looked back down at her digivice to make sure she wasn't seeing it wrong. The arrow continued to move, pointing the way they came from and then continued on. Her digivice had to be broken. She snapped her fingers, "Digivice."
"Uh, sure," Henry produced his digivice and showed it to her, "Why do you…oh."
"What is it?" Kenta asked, peering at the screen.
"The gate is moving," Rika announced, "It's back the way we came from now!"
As Takato, Juri, and Kazu ran past a crowd of people running away from the park. They must've looked insane to be running towards it. This wasn't right. They weren't running in the direction of the gate, so why were people running away from the park. They got their answer when they finally reached the park entrance, only to see Leomon and Andromon standing beside Guilmon facing off against the horse and the sheep Devas Pajiramon and Vajramon. Kazu shouted, "Oh great, they're back!"
"It's all right, Andromon and Leomon are on our side," Takato explained, running in to join his partner, "Guilmon! What's going on?"
The little dinosaur was too busy growling at the devas to answer him and Takato tried shaking his partner to get his attention, "Guilmon! Hey! It's me! What happened?"
"Targets ahead! Exposition: Devas attacked us. We are acting in self defense," Andromon answered mechanically, "Preparing defensive measures!"
Kazu cheered as an array of lasers, guns, and blades appeared out of Andromon's body, "Whoa! Dude! That is awesome! What is all that? Takato! Where did you find these guys?"
"Juri found them," Takato gestured her way, looking ahead at Pajiramon, "Why are you guys here? We're trying to help! So why did all those people run away screaming?"
"Help! Hah! Tell that to Vajramon," Indramon answered gutturally. Right away, Takato tried pleading, "We didn't want that to happen. If the Digital World is in danger like you said it is, then we need to work together! Let us help!"
"You've helped enough," Pajiramon spat back angrily. As she spoke, a mist began to appear behind them along with a blindingly bright light. Just the sight of it made the hair on the back of her neck stand on in terror and she closed her eyes to keep from being blinded. Through what little bit she could see with her eyes open just a crack, Juri asked, "What are they doing?"
Leomon roared, "They're trying to force open a portal to the Digital World. Something from the other side must be doing it."
"What? But the gate isn't opening here!" Takato shouted, trying to examine his digivice, "It's opening over at…it's moving?"
"Indeed it is!" announced a monkey wearing a fez. It held Calumon tucked carefully inside a cage which he jangled tauntingly, "Greetings! I am Makuramon. I do apologize for the interruption but opening gates between worlds is tricky business and, unfortunately, we're not specialized in that. Thank you for keeping the Catalyst safe for us, but we must take it back!"
"Guys! HELP! GUILMON! HELP ME!" Calumon screamed out, closing his eyes just as the symbol on his forehead began to glow again. Light erupted forth, streaming out towards Guilmon, "GUILMON! DIGIVOLVE TO! GROWLMON!"
Nobody knew the little guy had it in him to make someone digivolve on command like that but it did. For a brief moment, it seemed like they could win. A moment Makuramon dispelled when he cackled, "Oh my, that is a spot of bother. You humans spend way too much time something that was always ours, never yours."
"You have no idea how wrong you are," Takato pointed out. Makuramon wagged his finger, "Not to worry. I'll take the Catalyst back and we shan't worry about this again. Toodaloo, little humans! Play nice with Pajiramon and Indramon!"
"But I'm not human," Takato said too late as Makuramon leapt backwards into the mist and faded away, leaving only Calumon's echoing screams of horror. Takato shouted and charged after them with Growlmon only to find Pajiramon in front of it, "You will not be pursuing them."
Frustrated that he was being ignored, Takato shouted, "Don't you guys get it!? We can help you!"
"We don't need your help!" Indramon roared, bringing his giant hoof crashing down on top of him. Takato stood in place - either frozen in fear or out of sheer bravery. But some would call it stupidity. Juri gasped averting her eyes to avoid seeing Takato get killed. But the sickening crunch she expected was replaced by a loud clang. When she looked again, she saw Growlmon had pushed him out of the way and was standing between him and Indramon. Leomon and Andromon finally joined into the fray, the lion charging in first, "You will not harm him!"
"Executing defense protocols. Priority One: Defend The Digimon Tamer!" Andromon added, a sword appearing where his hand was. The two large digimon paired off against either Pajiramon or Indramon, crossing blades and taking shots at each other in a frenzy of violence. It was like watching history repeat itself as the four battled each other. Only now, they were battle hardened digimon - not some kids who were in over their heads. This didn't stop Kazu from cheering excitedly, "YEAH! KICK HIS BUTT LEOMON! ANDROMON! SHOW 'EM HOW IT'S DONE!"
With each blow, the digimon would knock each other back. And on one of the bouts, Andromon struck Pajiramon so hard that she was thrown flying right their way. Juri and Kazu both froze, unable to move as Pajiramon caught herself before crashing into them. As soon as she corrected herself, she turned to face them, "Humans shouldn't get involved in this. Get out of our way!"
She raised her blade to attack, swinging it down as hard but was stopped by Leomon's blade, "They're just children! Get a hold of yourself! You're a Deva! A protector!"
"A protector of the Digital World!" Pajiramon pointed out, giving one good push to knock Leomon back. Still the lion stood his ground, refusing to give way for Pajiramon. He looked over his shoulder, at Kazu and herself. He must've noticed she was afraid because he smiled at her, "Don't worry. I won't let any harm come to you!"
He turned back towards Pajiramon, letting out a mighty roar and summoning the strength to push the Deva's blade back and giving himself the opening he needed to properly kick the Deva in the teeth, "You will not harm the digidestined. You may be a protector of the Digital World, but I am a protector to all. And I will not let you choose who lives and who dies."
"Then you'll die yourself," Pajiramon charged in again, crossing blade with Leomon. As the fight continued, Juri noticed Takato and Growlmon were finally back in the fight. Growlmon spun around and used his tail to whip Indramon before he could get close, then leapt on him in a frenzy. But being at this close range just gave Indramon an unexpected advantage, "HORN OF DESOLATION!"
The horn on the horse's back rang out, making Juri's ears ring in protest. She covered her ears to drown out the noise, as did Leomon, Kazu, Takato, and Growlmon. It took them off guard just long enough for Pajiramon to get in a lucky strike, kicking Leomon to the ground and trampling over him. She gasped again in terror, watching helplessly as the sheep ground the lion with her hooves before galloping off to join Indramon.
Leomon was going to die here for protecting them. For protecting her. Maybe she should've stayed home. Maybe she shouldn't have been here. She wanted to help. But what was she supposed to do? She wasn't like Takato, or Rika, or Henry. She was powerless to do anything. If only...
If only she could be useful. Leomon must've sensed her uncertainty because he looked at her with a wide eyed smile, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."
Something heavy hit her pocket. Something warm. It calmed her down. At first, she thought she imagined it. Then she reached inside and found a digivice. Just like the one Takato had but with a yellow trim, "What?"
"Whoa! WHAT!? HOW COME YOU GET ONE!?" Kazu protested when he saw it. But she didn't pay any attention. She had a digivice. Was she meant to help? Was...Leomon supposed to be her partner? No. This was a mistake. It had to be. She didn't know anything about digimon. But this wasn't the time to freeze up and panic. This wasn't the time for self-doubt She reached into her pocket and produced the booster pack of cards she'd bought, ripping them open and looking for one that looked useful. But the cards were all gibberish to her and she had no idea what any of them did. Until she found one she'd seen them use before. If it worked for them, why wouldn't it work her? She readied the card and swiped it through the device, "Digimodify! Strength Boost Activate!"
Leomon leapt up back to his feet, raising his sword with a mighty roar, "YES! THIS ENERGY! I CAN FEEL IT! THANK YOU, JURI!"
Juri felt a small smile appear on her face, unable to deny the overwhelming joy she was feeling from helping Leomon out. She looked just ahead to see Andromon and Growlmon squaring off around Indramon and Pajiramon. It seemed that they were too evenly matched as it were. But now the cavalry was here. First, Pajiramon. The sheep Deva grunted when she noticed Leomon, "To think the great that you would throw your lot in with these disgusting humans. Where's your pride as a warrior?"
"A true warrior doesn't let pride interfere with his common sense," Leomon roared back, "My protection doesn't stop at the Digital World. I protect all life: weak and strong."
Pajiramon appeared unfazed and shook her head in disappointment, "They've killed our kind time and again, Leomon. Let's see your common sense rationalize that. Rargh!"
She charged forward again and the two of them clashed one more time. Realizing that his added strength wasn't enough, Juri began flipping through her cards again. It just didn't make any sense. Half of these cards had a bunch of rules and stats on them that she didn't understand. But her answer was right next o her, "Kazu! What do these cards do?"
"Cards! I need one to help Leomon!"
She pushed some of the cards into his hand and watched him go through it. After a minute, he pulled one out, "Use this! It's training gears. If strengthens any digimon who uses them over time, but it restricts them at first."
"What?" Juri flat out said, unable to understand a word he'd just said. He groaned, "Just use it!"
She nodded, swiping the card, "Digimodify! Training Gear Activate!"
A set of elastic bands appeared on Leomon's arms which he promptly threw at Pajiramon, wrapping them around her legs and imprisoning her. Leomon cheered, "Well done Juri! Now let's finish this!"
He charged forward one more time, leaping into the air with his sword raised above his head and brought it crashing down on top of Pajiramon's skull. The sickening crunch made Juri's stomach turn and she looked away as Leomon ended it, "Fist of the Beast King!"
She really hoped Takato didn’t see that. Especially not the part where the data of the defeated digimon began to coalesce around Leomon until he absorbed it. But now things were going their way. It was three on one now. They could do this! Then it was on to save Calumon! She pointed at Indramon, “Help Growlmon!”
Leomon leapt into the air with his sword above his head, and was knocked aside by Indramon’s massive hoof, “Pitiful.”
Andromon armed his canon and fired at Growlmon, “Gatling Attack!”
The bullets peppered Indramon who raised up his other hoof to defend himself. Growlmon so his opening and charged in also, tackling the massive horse from the side. Indramon just laughed, “Pitiful!”
Andromon primed the canon on his arm and took aim, “Gatling Attack!”
The bullets peppered Indramon, who raised another hoof to defend himself. Growlmon was his opening and tackled him from the side and the two grappled with each other until Indramon managed to turn Growlmon so that he’d take the brunt of the attack! Takato helped out in a panic, “Growlmon! No!”
Leomon got back up on his feet and leapt back at the digimon. Indramon answered by swinging his massive hoof so that he struck the lion in the side, “Do you think that would work? Now! Horn of Desolation!”
He retrieved the horn on his back and blew into it, unleashing a great noise that shook the world and made the pavement crack. Growlmon, Leomon, and Andromon were thrown around the park. Before the blast could get her, Takato dashed to Juri’s side and pushed her to the ground, “Watch out!”
They landed on the grass and away from the shockwave, which continued on and overturned a car. Juri gasped, “Nothing we do can touch it!”
“Juri, your cards!” Takato pointed at the ground beside her. Her cards had fallen out of her hand and scattered along the ground.  It was then that she noticed he was on top of her, and she felt her face flush in embarrassment. Takato scrambled to his feet and helped her up, gathering the cards together and holding one up to her - a strange blue card with a pixelated dinosaur, “Where’d you get this?”
“It was probably in the booster pack I had,” she answered quietly, trying not to think about what just happened. Takato nodded and proceeded to take the card, “I hope you don’t mind if I use this. And I really hope it works. DigiModify! Activate!”
He swiped the card through his deck and a beam of light jumped from his digivice to Growlmon. The digimon let out a roar and transformed before their eyes - skin ripping off violently and reappearing elsewhere, “Growlmon! Digivolve to! WarGrowlmon!”
The digimon grew in size and now had a set of mechanical parts on his body - bladed arms, rocket launchers on his torso, a metal jaw and a long metal cord extending from his back. Indramon scoffed, “Digivolve all you want. It won’t help you! Horn of Desola-”
“Rargh!” WarGrowlmon flew in, the rockets on his back coming to life and propelling him forward into the horse. He dug both of his metal claws into the digimon’s chest and raised over his head, “You won’t hurt them again! Atomic Blaster!”
Two compartments on his chest armor opened up and fired an attack straight into the horse’s gut before he could respond. The attack hit its mark and the digimon let out a great roar before disappearing. As with Leomon, the data coalesced around WarGrowlmon until he absorbed it into his body. It was over. Now they just had to go after Calumon. Before any of them could take a step forward, a small ball of fire hit the ground in front of WarGrowlmon, “Badaboom!”
WarGrowlmon stopped in his tracks, as a familiar imp leapt in between them and the gate. Juri blurted out, “Impmon!?”
“Sup losers?” Impmon greeted.
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tannie-bell · 5 years
100 Questions!
thanks to the lovely @chioo92 for sending this my way~! 💕💕💕
edit: putting this under read more bc it’s looooong 😂😂
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your birthday?
october 16
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
in general black, but i do really like teal and deep greens
6. What’s your lucky number?
i don't really have one, but i like 13 and 16 and 3116
7. Do you have any pets?
yep! two dogs~
8. Where are you from?
a little italian town in the lower half of illinois
9. How tall are you?
technically 5' 1&¾". please feel free to round up to 5'2"
10. What shoe size are you?
depends on the brand, mostly between 8 and 9 u.s. sizes—they have to be wide though, or i have to get bigger sizes and just deal with the looseness 😅
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
i think 8?? but i only actually wear like 4
12. What was your last dream about?
in the last dream i *actually* remember, i was a character from my wip and she was with her husband in like this cozy, dim-lit room filled with furs and ancient pieces and neat stuff and she was moderately pregnant so i just remember feeling so warm and loved inside. looking back it's kind of weird bc i've never been pregnant or in love romantically, but it's still heartwarming
13. What talents do you have?
um, I bake well i think 😂 so far i haven't had any bad feedback...😅
14. Are you psychic in any way?
15. Favorite song?
gaaaaaaah why is this always so hard mikrokosmos ~ bts or lucid dream ~ monogram
16. Favorite movie?
singin' in the rain, howl's moving castle, moana, all mcu movies i've seen so far
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who shares my beliefs/morals and who supports my passions/interests (and i would do the same for him). has a few quirks he needs a few to survive me lol and is musical, respectful, and romantic. also has a sense of humor i appreciate and vice versa. there are other qualities, but that's the gist 😂
18. Do you want children?
yes! not necessarily biological though, i am very open to adoption
19. Do you want a church wedding?
most likely yes
20. Are you religious?
it depends on your definition of religious. in the sense of believing in a particular faith/religion, then yes
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes 😫
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
if you count the drummer from a now-disbanded band, then yes 
24. Baths or showers?
showers most times
25. What color socks are you wearing?
plain white—they're extra thick ones though! 😁
26. Have you ever been famous?
in what sense? 😂 locally or within a specific community of people, then i think so??
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
nope. i used to dream about what it would be like, but i seriously value my privacy and i would feel like i had none if i was famous
28. What type of music do you like?
pretty much anything and everything—except country 😅😂
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
this weird twisted position on my side. it usually ends with my shoulders hurting 😅😅
32. How big is your house?
it's decently large, but we just updated our tiny two bedroom, one bathroom house (for five people for 15+ years 😳) to a five bed, two bath with an open living area/dining room/kitchen. we made it big enough to accommodate both sides of my family around the holidays (bc we have a decently large family that's only growing 😂)
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
cereal or a fruit smoothie with either coffee or black tea (preferably earl grey) assuming i even eat breakfast
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
not yet, but i would eventually like to! thinking about a concealed carry permit as well depending on circumstances
35. Have you ever tried archery?
yess, and i love it!! it always makes me feel like some woodland elf heroine or something 😂
36. Favorite clean word?
like just regular words? pretty much any soft-sounding, flowy word with l’s, like melody or lucent
37. Favorite swear word?
i don't swear so none
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
like 36-ish hours
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
...not that I'm aware of??
41. Are you a good liar?
.....i do my best to be honest, but.....i can be....😅 just don't tell my mom
42. Are you a good judge of character?
i think so? i'm not going to be right 100% obviously, but most of the time i think i am
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
yeah, but they're not very good 😂
44. Do you have a strong accent?
depends on where you're from tbh
45. What is your favorite accent?
i reeeaaally like australian accents...
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
a top and skirt set someone i know bought for a wedding and never wore again. i think she paid $100+ for it?? so i got it for nothing which was amazing
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
most of the time no
52. Favorite food?
i'm just gonna go with italian beef with mozzarella bc it always sounds good
53. Favorite foreign food?
ramen, bingsu, turkish delight, gulab jamun, and this one chicken rice dish that i have no idea what it's called but it's a.maz.ing.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
in general? clean. my room? the best way to describe it is definitely-not-so-organized chaos
55. Most used phrase?
oh my goodness or oh my word
56. Most used word?
like or eyyy
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
......depends. literally anywhere from 5 to 45+ mins...
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i don't think so
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
if i didn't i'd go insane
61. Do you sing to yourself?
^ see above
62. Are you a good singer?
i'm decent if my vocal chords are warmed up enough 😂
63. Biggest Fear?
failing/disappointing others. that and falling from heights
64. Are you a gossip?
no. i do my best not to be, anyway
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
i literally don't know what's considered dramatic anymore
66. Do you like long or short hair?
for my hair? long
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
give me a piece of paper and a pen and yeah 😂
68. Favorite school subject?
english and music
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
being put on the spot
72. Are you scared of the dark?
not really, but it also depends on where i'm at and who's around
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
if it's one of my really close friends I'll jokingly correct their grammar, but that's it
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
a couple times, yeah
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
this one kid when i was like four or five. his name is tyler. he actually just got married! random i know
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?”
no 😥
82. How fast can you type?
not terribly
83. How fast can you run?
slower than my 70 lb. dog
84. What color is your hair?
dark brown with some blonde and red hints
85. What color is your eyes?
dark chocolate so brown
86. What are you allergic to?
pollen 😥 i think i also have oral allergy syndrome (but that's purely self-diagnosed 😂), so there's that too
87. Do you keep a journal?
i have the past couple weeks for a class, but otherwise no
88. What do your parents do?
my mom is a nurse and my dad is a letter carrier
89. Do you like your age?
ehh, ish
90. What makes you angry?
things taken out of context of conversations, situations, etc. and twisted to portray something else entirely
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
yes! these are just some of my favorites
for girls: lacie everest, elizabeth marie, roselyn chae (or chaela rose)
for boys: vincent alexandre, killian gray, quinton james
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
94. What are you strengths?
um....i'm very musical 😂
95. What are your weaknesses?
i procrastinate too much and i don't really know how to work on a project with a group
96. How did you get your name?
my mom knew someone with the name (but they shortened it). she later found out that my dad's great- or great-great-grandmother had the same name
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
like seeeeeeeeveral hundred years back, but yes
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
off-white/cream and a purple-y maroon
100. Color of your room?
not tagging anyone bc this is like super long 😂😂 if you see this and want to fill it out, go ahead! you brave soul  😂
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TITLE: Slipstream
WARNINGS AND RATINGS: Rated T for swearing, Major Character Death
FANDOMS: Overwatch, My Hero Academia
SUMMARY: “Can I become a hero, even if I’m like this?” Izuku asks the woman with orange leggings, a glowing blue chest and spiky hair. Lena smiles, and places a hand on the green haired boy’s shoulder and says, “You know, the world could always use more heroes.”
Izuku has Chronal Dissociation. So did Lena Oxton. Somethings change. But most things remain the same.
When they return to school, there is discussion of a sports festival.
The U.A sports festival is the largest televised event in Japan, where all students in U.A are to compete in various events with their quirk.
However, no hero equipment is allowed unless you were part of the Support Department or if you needed it to use your quirk.
So Izuku stands in front of the staffroom door, Ayoma next to him, as they wait with the correct paperwork to allow Izuku to have his Chronal Harness and to let Ayoma use his belt.
They also allow only one pulse bomb, that he can’t use again because he really doesn’t know how to take them off without exploding.
They are both approved, and they leave, neither of them talking to one another.
(Ayoma reminds Lena of Gerald Lacroix, in the days before he was killed by Widowmaker. She refrains from speaking to the blond boy because Gerald was her second mentor before he died.)
When the sports festival happens, Katsuki backs himself into a corner by pledging that he will come first, and Izuku sighs, because he was expecting that in the end.
(Lena laughs at the confidence, because Genji used to do that during training, and it often ended with Hanzo or Angela smacking him in the back of the head.)
When Midnight announces that the first event is an obstacle course, everyone jams the tunnel because they want to run, but there are too many people.
So Izuku grabs the shoulders of the two people in front of him and hauls himself up, blinking towards the entrance until he hears the cracking of ice and feels a chill, and he blinks over the ice and hits the ground running, sprinting towards the next obstacle, blinking every now and then.
He skids to a stop because the zero-pointer from the entrance exam aims its gun at him, and he blinks to the side, watching Shoto freeze the lot of them before going on ahead. The ice soon shatters, and they fall, and it’s only because of Kirishima’s quirk that he managed to survive.
Izuku blinks to the top of the robots, blinking all over the place, using the same tactics in the entrance exam, when he sees a scrap of metal, just as big as a sled.
He picks it up and carries it with him, because you never know when you need a spare bit of metal.
(Torbjörn would approve, Lena thinks, watching Izuku pulling the metal sled behind him.)
When they get to the tight rope, Izuku becomes a blur of blue light as he blinks over the edges, the metal he’s carrying on his back and he makes it to the other side, still running when he lands.
The final obstacle is a mine field. So, Izuku digs up the mines and pushes them into a sizable pile, throws a pulse bomb on the top and using his metal sled, lands on the mines.
(Lena knows that move from Jamison, him and his concussion mines that he used to launch himself sky high.)
Izuku is flying and he hasn’t thought about the landing.
(Lena was a pilot, and the knowledge of aerodynamics went to Izuku too. That doesn’t mean they know what they are doing.)
That’s why Izuku drops the sled in mid-air, coincidentally, right between Shoto and Katsuki, where it blows up the mines it lands on and forces the two back, and Izuku blinks to non-minefield ground.
He then blinks to the finish line, claiming first place.
(Lena was the fastest in Overwatch. She was always the fastest in Overwatch.)
When they have the Calvary Battles, Izuku is worth 10 million points, and all eyes are on him.
He shrinks in within himself, as people find teammates and avoid Izuku. That is, until Uraraka approaches him to part of the team, and so does a pink haired girl names Hatsume Mei, and Tokoyami.
Izuku is the rider, with Tokoyami being at the head and Mei and Uraraka on the flanks. They are made weightless, and Mei’s Hover shoes are used.
(The Jet Pack doesn’t go over the Chronal Harness, because it won’t fit. Lena is further remined of Torbjörn when she sees Mei, and laughs.)
They play keep away, managing to avoid quicksand and ice and Katsuki, and then Katsuki goes off to try and murder someone else, while Shoto hones in.
There is an Insulation sheet, and Kaminari lets out a shock that Dark Shadow takes the brunt of it. Shoto freezes everyone behind him, taking their Headbands, then goes to attack Izuku’s team.
He gets the ten million, so it prompts Izuku to do something…stupid.
He tells his team to stay where they are, and he leaps off, blinking off to Shoto, taking the top 2 from his neck and the one from his head.
Todoroki makes a move to hit him but Izuku recalls at the last second, turning back time until he’s sitting back on his horse with the stolen headbands around his neck.
(Lena Oxton can react fast enough to dodge a sniper round in mid-air. Compared to that, Shoto is a lot slower than Izuku’s and Lena’s natural reaction time.)
That’s when the 15 minutes are up, and Katsuki falls on his face on the floor.
(They end up in third place, and Izuku is glad they made it that far. Lena is too, but both can’t help but wonder why Shoto didn’t use any fire.)
Izuku has no association with All Might, so there is no point of Shoto seeking Izuku out to challenge him.
However, Izuku still fights Shinsou Hitoshi but the difference is that the battle is completed in just under a minute.
Shinsou’s quirk works if the person he’s trying to brainwash responds verbally.
So, when he makes fun of Ojiro in front of Izuku, Izuku does respond.
By blinking into Shinsou’s face and tackling him to the ground, before slinging him over in a shoulder throw into the out of bounds area.
(Lena is a woman of action, not of words. If someone insults her friends, she will sock them in the jaw. She’s enough of an influence on Izuku to prompt him into doing the same.)
He makes into the next round, apologising to Shinsou. Shinsou looks at him and says, “You are a strange person Midoriya.”
Izuku laughs, because that is very much true.
The other battles go ahead, Iida is used as an advertising model, Katsuki wins against Uraraka, Kaminari loses within a second, Tokoyami overwhelms Yaoyozoru, Mina defeats Ayoma, Kirishima ends up tying against his opponent and Shoto…
Shoto goes overboard, freezing half the stadium to incapacitate Sero.
(Lena thinks of Mei from the Overwatch Science departments, and yet, the similarities end at the ice. Shoto is angry and sad. Mei wasn’t.)
When Izuku faces off against Shoto, Shoto starts off by creating a wave of ice that Izuku dodges by blinking to the side.
It repeats like this, Izuku dodging Shoto’s long range attacks, occasionally managing to get in close to land a blow on him.
(Shoto’s attacks are slow compared to bullets and sound waves and sniper rounds and darts and icicles and arrows. Lena’s reaction time is 25 times faster than the average human.)
Shoto is slowly getting frostbite, and his attacks are becoming slower and slower, and Izuku is not making it any better where it gets to the point where he doesn’t even need to blink to avoid his attacks anymore.
(Lena and Izuku are track athletes. They are fast even without the Chronal Harness. They needed to be, because that’s how it works.)
Eventually Shoto manages to freeze Izuku in place, ice crawling up his legs and cementing him in place.
“Can you move?” Midnight asks, ready to declare the winner.
Izuku thinks for a minute, then says, “Yes, I can. I can get out.”
The audience is confused, until Izuku activates the recall ability and lands in the middle of the arena, patting his Chronal Harness and then diving out of the way when another wave of ice tries to hit him.
It goes back to the game of cat and mouse, until Shoto manages to force Izuku into the Out of Bounds zone and wins the match.
He’s then escorted to Recovery girl to be treated for frostbite and hypothermia, while Izuku yells “Todoroki! Let’s talk later!”
Shoto nods, because he really doesn’t know how else to react.
They go into one of the entrance tunnels to talk, and Shoto tells Izuku about why he won’t use his fire side.
When he finishes, Izuku ponders the statement that Shoto makes.
“That’s why I don’t use my left. I refuse to use my father’s power.”
Izuku thinks and then says “That doesn’t make sense. It’s not his power. It’s yours. You own it, not your father.”
Shoto blinks, and a small ball of flame appears in Shoto’s hand.
“My power…not my fathers…” Shoto says, staring at the burning gases in his left palm.
Izuku nods. “Your power. Not your father’s.”
Shoto shuts off the flame and with a grin, mutters “Thank you Midoriya.”
Izuku replies with a “Always happy to help!” Before blinking away.
“My power, not my father’s.” Shoto says again, before walking back.
(Everyone in Overwatch had told Genji and Hanzo this when they didn’t want to use their dragons after some cruel words from the Shimada Clan. “It’s your power. Not the clans.”)
They ended up missing the other matches, so Shoto goes off to fight Iida, and wins his match. Katsuki wins against Tokoyami. Iida withdraws due to a family issue, and Shot fights Katsuki, only to lose, letting Katsuki win in the end.
After the festival was over and everyone had rested, there was talks about internships.
Surprisingly, Izuku got a few offers.
(In another timeline, Izuku’s only offer was from All Might’s mentor, but because of the absence of One for All in his system, there was no offer from the old hero for him.)
They are told to choose hero names, and Izuku sits and stares at his cardstock, thinking what he wants to be called.
He nearly writes down Tracer but then remembers that is Lena Oxton’s callsign and stops himself.
(In another timeline, he calls himself Deku, the one that can do it. However, in this universe, he doesn’t.)
The cause of Chronal Dissociation is a plane called the Slipstream malfunctioning.
So, in neat, black penmanship, he writes down his Hero name.
When he is called up, he flips his cardstock around, and he says with the confidence of Lena “Tracer” Oxton, “My Hero name will be ‘The Time-Hopper Hero: Slipstream’!”
(Lena is proud. He’s turned her tragedy into a word that meant hope, and that makes her happy. Tracer and Slipstream, she thinks, smiling. What a great duo.)
When the Hero that Izuku is interning with takes both Izuku and themselves to Hosu City, Izuku asks he can go find his friend who is interning there, and the Hero lets him.
So Izuku, armed with his pistols and bombs, blinks throughout the city, trying to find Iida Tenya.
He finally finds him, in an alleyway, the Hero-Killer Stain about to stab him in the head.
Izuku raises both pistols and begins to fire.
Stain jumps back, as Izuku stands in front of Iida, ready to defend them.
(Stain reminds Lena of the Reaper, and his talks about fake heroes and murder and revenge. It’s a chilling thought.)
Izuku mass texts his location to everyone, before engaging Stain.
Izuku has speed, but he still gets cut in the end from a careless mistake and he suddenly crumples to the ground, unable to move.
Stain goes back to trying to murder Iida, and Izuku tries to recall and then the alleyway lights up in fire.
Shoto is standing there, fire from his left, and says “Izuku. You have to be more specific.”
Izuku laughs, and manages to recall, before blinking back and standing next Shoto.
He reloads and says, “I go up close, and you act as support?”
Shoto nods, before sending a wave of ice at stain and Izuku blinks behind, pistols ready to fire.
After an hour of fighting, they manage to defeat Stain and the Pro-Hero who was slowly bleeding in the corner, being useless, thanked them, and offered to carry Izuku (Who was now sporting a very nasty gash on his leg) out of the alleyway.
Izuku refused, and recalled, fixing his leg up in the process.
(Recall sends the user to a state before, restoring their health and equipment. Lena’s used it to remove toxic gas from her system.)
They walk out, dragging Stain behind them when the Pro-Heroes appears and there is discussion about stain when Izuku is snatched by a winged monster.
He’s flying, and he manages to recall to a place in mid-air, before blinking back down to safety, while Endeavour manages to incapacitate the monster.
After that, Stain begins screaming and everyone is paralysed in fear, before he goes unconscious.
Then Tenya, Shoto and Izuku are rushed to hospital, as well as given a deal to make sure no legal backfire happens.
When they return to school there was laughter at Katsuki’s hair, Tsyuu managed to stop a pirating scheme, Jiro had helped in a hostage situation, and of course, Shoto, Tenya and Izuku encountered the Hero Killer.
The official story was that Endeavour managed to save them, which was all well and dandy.
(Blackwatch was like this. No one was meant to know that they existed. That they helped in “clean-up”)
When All Might held a rescue race, Izuku lost, but only to Sero, because of lost footing. Otherwise, he was second overall, blinking from rooftop to rooftop, going over gaps and ledges and falls.
(The difference is that All Might doesn’t tell Izuku to meet him in private. Izuku has no association with All Might. So, in the end, Izuku doesn’t know about the origins of One for All and All for One. He doesn’t even know that One for All even exists)
When Mid-term exams roll around, everyone begins studying for the written parts, and training for the practical.
Izuku, placed 4th on the midterms, and Tenya, placed 2nd, encourages both Kaminari and Ashido to do their best, while Shoto, placed 5th, tells them that they would pass if they payed attention is class.
Yaoyozoru, who is 1st in the class, agrees to tutor several students, while Katsuki, who is 3rd, tutors Kirishima by screaming and telling him to “Remember this fucking bullshit, shitty hair, or I’m going to let you fucking fail in the next exam!”
When the practical rolls around, and they find out they are fighting teachers, except for Izuku and Katsuki. They’re fighting All Might.
(Lena is suddenly reminded of the time when they had three of the newest Overwatch agents fight Jack Morrison. It didn’t go so well.)
They psych themselves, readying for the storm that’s about to happen.
Izuku and Katsuki are last to do their exam, and they’ve watched the others do their exam, and when it is their turn, they step onto the exam grounds, with two goals in mind.
Either put handcuffs on All Might or get to the gate on the other end of the testing grounds alive.
They don’t have much time until All Might send a gale force wind down the street, forcing both boys to hit the ground, hands over their necks until it stops, before Izuku arms himself with his pistols and Katsuki pops explosions from his hands.
And they engage All Might.
It seems fine at first, Izuku blinking around and shooting him, while Katsuki goes in up and close whenever Izuku needs to let his harness cool down.
Until All Might knocks Katsuki away and then grabs Izuku by his harness and rips down.
(Lena screams, because Doomfist did this to her and her harness broke and she kept disappearing and reappearing for days and oh god Izuku)
Katsuki can only stare wide eyed as Izuku screams out of pure fear and terror, flickering in and out of existence as he tried reach Katsuki.
(The Chronal Harness, at it’s core, is a life support device. Yes, it was designed for combat, but it is also a life support device. If it is destroyed, the wearer will turn into a living ghost.)
All Might seems to be in shock too, staring where Izuku was last seen, and Katsuki takes advantage and runs.
He sprints towards the gate, adrenaline making him go faster and he skids through the gate, yelling “Stop the exam! Stop the exam! Deku is going to fucking disappear unless you fucking stop the exam!”
Both boys pass, and Izuku is found quickly, placed in a room while Principal Nedzu contacts the support company that made Izuku’s Chronal Harness. Izuku continues to flicker in and out of time, unable to interact or touch anything or anyone.
(Elsewhere, Lena is trying to help Izuku feel better, and get over the trauma that has just happened.)
(All Might didn’t know. He didn’t know, so he’s fine. The whole point was to fight the students, so he’s fine. But Izuku is traumatised [and trusts All Might a great deal less])
When the results come out, is also when Izuku’s Chronal Harness is rebuilt, and he’s locked back into the timestream, able to accelerate and deaccelerate his own timeline. But he’s quieter.
Due to the circumstances, both Katsuki and Izuku pass, and they along with the rest of the class get to go the forest lodge in summer.
However, when Izuku is invited to go to the mall with them to buy things for their trip, Izuku refuses, wanting to sleep his weekend off.
(In another timeline, he goes with them and gets threatened by Shirigaki. In this timeline, he doesn’t, and instead stays at home, nightmares of disappearing and never reappearing again fresh in his mind.)
(Lena Oxton wishes she could make the pain easier to handle, but she can’t, because she has those nightmares too.)
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