#but not enough to make him get up and find a tissue when he’s sitting comfortably
diazsdimples · 1 day
can you please tell us more about the Dr au?
I sure can! Dr Au is actually more of a James' Life AU but much cooler 😅 Eddie is an Obstetrician (I'm not sure how the USA's hierarchy for surgeons works but he's what ever the US equivalent of a Registrar is, so like not quite the boss but still more senior than an intern or a resident I think) and Buck is a Pediatrician (same level as Eddie). They meet in the NICU for the first time after Eddie's had a difficult birth, and Buck comforts him in the hallway. I have a small snippet of that here for you!
“I’m sorry, I’ve gotta – I need to go,” he says hurriedly, his voice cracking, and he turns on his heel. He doesn’t run from the room, but it’s a close one. He barely even registers Dr. Buckley calling after him as he briskly walks down the corridor, practically throwing his swipe pass at the door, and then he’s in the stairwell before he knows it, drinking in the crisp, cool air as he slides down the wall and comes to a rest on a step. Fuck. Eddie presses the heels of his hands into his eyes and shudders as a sob rips through his throat. It’s been years since he’s broken down at work, usually able to tuck away the emotions and let them out when he gets home, but today it hits him, and he can’t figure out why. Maybe it’s because the baby had reminded him so much of his son when he’d handed the limp body over to Hen, before she whisked him off to the awaiting pediatricians. Eddie had seen the look in the father’s eyes as they’d transported their baby off to the NICU without so much as a goodbye, and it was like stepping back in time, watching the birth of Christopher all over again. Eddie is brought back to the present by a soft clunk as the door to the stairwell opens, and moments later a gentle hand lays itself on his shoulder, exerting the smallest amount of pressure. “Hey man, a-are you okay?” a soft voice asks, and Eddie realises Buck must have followed him. Eddie swipes furiously at his eyes, attempting to hide the tears tracking down his cheeks. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he tries to sound casual as he speaks but his throat is tight, giving his speech a strained, garbled quality. He clears his throat and tries again. “Just allergies.” “Weird,” Buck says as he settles himself next to Eddie. “The index wasn’t elevated this morning. You must have some damn persistent allergies.” Eddie laughs, quiet and devoid of any real humour, and he hangs his head. They sit there for a few minutes in silence, and Eddie finds that he doesn't mind the company. It's not uncomfortable, even though Buck is practically a stranger, and the warmth emanating from the man's body is soothing. Eventually, he feels a soft poke at his thigh, and looks down to see a tissue held in Buck's left hand. Or at least he thinks it's a tissue. It's probably been sitting in Buck's coat for hours, and resembles a wispy ball of something more than a tissue, but he appreciates the gesture nonetheless. He takes it gratefully and blows his nose. "Thanks," he croaks, bunching it up in his fist. He half wishes the stairwells had trash cans – there’s nothing he wants less right now than to hold a soggy tissue, but he’s not about to pocket it either. That would be gross. "Don't mention it." Buck's tone is serious, and his eyes are full of concern. He nudges Eddie with his shoulder, the brief point of contact enough to send a blaze of warmth through his arm, making the skin beneath his coat tingle. “And hey, I know we’ve literally just met and I’m a complete stranger, but if you ever wanted to talk about it, I’m here. This job is brutal and we see some awful shit. We need support systems.”
Tagging some friends who have shown interest in this
@hippolotamus @theotherbuckley @daffi-990 @watchyourbuck @neverevan
@bibuckbuckgoose @spotsandsocks
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Say her name like an elegy
Here's a small-ish fic for Dead Boy Detectives Appreciation Week. You can read it below or here on AO3.
Prompt: hugs
Rating: T
Relationships: Edwin & Crystal
Warnings: canonical major character death (RIP Niko)
Word count: approx. 3k
Summary: When Edwin finds Crystal distraught and reading a book on necromancy, it doesn’t take much detective work to figure out what’s wrong. Providing comfort is a much more challenging endeavor
Edwin thinks he is acclimating well to having not one, but two additional members of the Dead Boys Detective Agency. After thirty-five years, he and Charles have learned to work together nearly seamlessly, with Charles accepting Edwin’s many idiosyncrasies with grace and Edwin coming to appreciate his friend’s occasionally chaotic way of doing things. However, he has not built such an effortless rapport with Crystal or the Night Nurse.
It would be easier if people would stop rearranging his damn bookshelf.
He’s explained his exact organizational system to both Crystal and the Night Nurse twice. He even labeled things at Crystal’s request. But the Night Nurse had barely been part of their agency for a month when she rearranged everything to a system she found more efficient, an offense he may never find it in himself to forgive. He’s just gotten everything back to precisely how he likes it again and now his bookshelf is out of order once more, with multiple books lying on the floor and others replaced haphazardly on the shelf. Several are missing altogether.
It’s almost enough to make him reconsider if the torments of Hell were all that bad.
Upon closer inspection, he sees that the out of order shelf is filled with tomes about witchcraft. The culprits could be Charles or the Night Nurse, who are in Prague investigating the cause of a particularly nasty bloodline curse. But Charles has been scrupulous about putting all of Edwin’s books in the right order since the Summoning Circle Catastrophe of 1993 and Edwin doesn’t believe his friend would let the Night Nurse anywhere near his bookshelf.
That means there’s only one possible culprit. He’s disappointed; save for a few hiccups, Crystal has mostly been respectful of his organizational system. He thought they had come to an understanding after Port Townsend. She also dislikes the Night Nurse even more than Edwin does, never having forgiven the woman for what she did to Charles at Point No Point. He thought they were allies against a mutual enemy.
Clearly, boundaries must be drawn. Edwin pivots and steps through the mirror, reappearing by the front door of Crystal’s flat.
“Crystal.” He doesn’t try to keep the bite from his voice. “I told you, I am happy for you to use my collection to aid you in researching your powers, but all I ask if for a little consideration and—”
He falters upon catching sight of Crystal, sitting cross-legged on her couch with one of his books open on her lap and a circle of crumpled, used tissues around her. Her eyes are red-rimmed and her face blotchy and tear-stained.
“Ah.” There is a crumpled tissue resting on the page of his book. He would like to request its removal, but can hear Charles’s voice echoing in his head, telling him to have a little sympathy. “Are you quite alright, Crystal?”
She glares at him fiercely, which he prefers to the crying. “What did I say about just showing up unannounced?”
“You clearly showed up to my office unannounced when you plundered my bookshelf.” Edwin puts his hands on his hips. Sympathy is getting him nowhere. “If you’ve gotten snot on that book, so help me, but I’m taking your spare key and—”
Crystal bursts into tears.
Edwin backs up a step, like the unseemly display of emotion is contagious. “Has something… happened?” he asks carefully. Could she and Charles have had a quarrel? No, Charles has been in Prague for the past two days and besides, whatever the state of their arrangement is at the moment, they both seem content enough.
“It’s alright,” Edwin says, when she just keeps weeping and doesn’t respond. “I won’t take your spare key. If I did, Charles would just replace it anyway.”
Her only answer is a sniffle. Frantically, he thinks back to yesterday morning, when he last saw Crystal. She said something about attending some event, perhaps an art exhibit. Ah, of course. Crystal’s parents are artists, are they not? He’s instantly awash with the satisfaction of having just deciphered a particularly tricky clue.
“Have you been to see your parents?” he asks, only a little smugly.
Crystal blows her nose, crumpling up the tissue and dropping it on top of the book. Edwin reminds himself that he spent decades being hunted down and consumed by a giant spider made of doll heads over and over again. He can endure this.
“They hate me.” Her voice sounds small, matching her hunched posture. He forgets sometimes that she’s a true teenager—not frozen in time like him and Charles—but right now she looks very young, sad, and uncertain.
“I’m certain that’s not true,” he says, since that seems like the right thing to say.
It apparently is not. “Are you, Edwin? Are you certain? Because I touched my mom’s hand and all I felt was… annoyance. I was trying to tell her about Port Townsend without telling her about the witches, ghosts, and demons, but she didn’t care. She was just ready for me to go so she could get back to all her admirers and stop being burdened by my problems.”
Gingerly, he goes to sit next to her on the couch, out of range of the circle of tissues. “Without knowing all the details, she cannot truly understand what happened in Port Townsend.”
“She wouldn’t understand anyway, because she doesn’t want to.” Angrily, she dashes away her tears. “The minute I stopped being their perfect little princess that she could show off to her friends like another piece of art, she stopped giving a shit. You don’t know what that’s like.”
Edwin opens his mouth to ask if he truly seems like the product of a happy, healthy family to her, then hears Charles’s voice in his head, reminding him that this isn’t a competition and Crystal is distraught.
“My parents were similar,” he says. “They weren’t artists, but they cared very much about appearances. I was their only son and they had a vision of what I would grow up to be. When it became apparent I wouldn’t live up to their expectations, they rather lost all interest in me. They sent me to St. Hilarion’s hoping I would learn to make something of myself.” His lips quirk into a smile. “I suppose I did, just not in the way they envisioned.”
Crystal’s voice drops to a whisper. “I was trying to tell my mom about Niko. How I made a friend, probably the best friend I’ve ever had, and then she died right in front of me.”
“Ah.” Edwin has to take a moment to compose himself, pressing his fists together tightly. Before that terrible day in Esther Finch’s house, he almost forgot how grief could dig its claws in you and never quite let go. When he’d returned from Hell, he’d found that everyone he’d ever known—parents, grandparents, sisters, the chubby-cheeked nephew that had been born the summer before he was sacrificed—was long gone. He could still remember the sting of losing his favorite Uncle Freddie, the only relative who ever indulged his chatter about his detective stories, when he died in the trenches during the Great War, but that old hurt had faded with time. He had grieved Charles while he watched him slowly freeze to death in that attic, but that was mitigated when Charles chose to stay with him.
Suddenly, he has a terrible suspicion why he’s found Crystal sobbing over a book after having a conversation about Niko with her mother. He peers over and his stomach drops when he sees the familiar illustrations under the tissues. “Crystal, please don’t tell me that’s Craven’s Book of Necromancy.”
She says nothing, but the guilt in her expression is answer enough. Edwin draws himself up to deliver a lecture, because how could she honestly be so foolish, so thoughtless? She saw what Esther Finch became when she toyed with the laws of nature. Is that the path she wants to take, and after Niko died for her?
Crystal looks at him, eyes filling with fresh tears, and the lecture dies on his tongue. With a sigh, he pinches the bridge of his nose. “She wouldn’t be Niko anymore,” he says. “She would be a monster wearing Niko’s face. That’s not what she would want and it would bring you no peace.”
“I know.” Her knuckles go white from gripping the book. “I read the book and I saw how much pain it’s caused.”
“It’s the last copy I know of,” Edwin says. “If that helps. And Charles and I have only used it to banish those revived through necromancy.”
“I had to look. It’s all I’ve been able to think about since I saw it on your shelf. And then I went to see my parents and—” She sucks in a breath, squeezing her eyes shut. “It’s not fair. Niko had a mom who loves her. Mrs. Sasaki is grieving her whole family now. Niko died for me. I’m still alive and for what? So I can go visit my parents and watch them wish I would fuck off back to Port Townsend?”
Bloody hell, Edwin is not qualified for this. Charles should be here, with his warm smiles that always seem to make the world seem a little kinder. Niko, who was kind and sweet and had such a big heart, should be here. Even the Night Nurse would probably do a better job of consoling Crystal.
“You are still here because Niko cared for you,” he says. “And because if Esther had killed you, Niko would have been next, and Charles and I would still surely be trapped in that house. You saved us and you were only able to do that because Niko—” The words catch in his throat as he remembers the blood blooming across the front of Niko’s white blouse, the way her eyes went wide with surprise. The living never truly appreciate how easily they can die, not until the worst happens. “Because she loved you.”
Crystal makes a ragged noise, pressing a hand to her mouth.
“If you must blame someone, blame me,” Edwin says. “She came to that house to save me. She knew the risks and she still came. I wish she hadn’t.”
“Of course she did,” Crystal says. “Because she loved you too.”
Edwin’s vision blurs. It takes him a moment to realize that his own eyes are filled with tears. Now he remembers why he spent thirty-five years keeping out of the affairs of the living. Loving mortals means losing them eventually. He just thought that he would have decades more before he had to feel the sting of losing Niko, who was so vibrant, so alive that it seemed impossible that death would ever touch her. He should have known better.
Someday, they’ll lose Crystal too. She’s young and healthy now, but she won’t always be so. She will age and she will weaken and then, eventually, not even modern medicine will be able to help. It’s a thought that makes him feel like he’s sucked in a lungful of icy air, though it’s been well over a century since he needed to breathe.
“I am so sorry for Niko.” His voice came out a rasp. “But I’m not sorry that she saved you. And I know she wasn’t sorry either.”
Her lower lips trembles and she sets the book aside. “No one’s ever cared about me like that before, before Niko and Charles. My parents wouldn’t have jumped in between me and Esther or fought David for me. Neither would any of my old friends. And I don’t know if I even deserve it.”
Edwin remembers feeling the same guilt the first time Charles was badly burned by iron trying to protect him. Sometimes, he still doesn’t understand how someone like Charles could consider him worth saving over and over. “They think we do. That’s what matters. Niko died knowing she had saved you. That has to matter.”
She’s quiet for a moment, visibly struggling to contain her tears. “I just wish there was a fix for this. It seems like such bullshit that Esther Finch got to cheat death for centuries, but Niko is just gone.”
“There’s no real cheat for death,” Edwin says as gently as he can manage. “I tried searching, right after Charles. Some things simply can’t be fixed.”
Crystal loses the fight against tears, sobbing quietly into her hands, and Edwin wonders what Charles would do if he were here. He thinks of all the times that Charles has comforted him: the warm smiles, the reassuring hands on his shoulders, the way his brown eyes go soft with affection. Edwin isn’t a warm or comforting presence. He doesn’t know how to be.
But then he remembers hugging Charles after that fiasco of a case with the two American football players, the way Charles melted into his embrace, like there was nothing more comforting than Edwin’s arms around him.
She looks up with wet eyes. “What?”
“Can I hug you?”
She tries to scowl at him, though the tears streaming down her cheeks ruin the effect. “What happened to ‘a handshake will suffice.’”
“You’ll need to get better at mimicking my accent if you insist on doing it repeatedly.” He draws back. “And it’s fine. I just thought I’d offer. I thought it might be… comforting.”
She lets out an incredulous little laugh. “Comforting?”
“I see now that I was mistaken,” he says stiffly. “I apol—”
She surges forward, sending both the book and a shower of tissues sliding to the ground. Before Edwin can protest the treatment of a one-of-a-kind text, her arms are around his middle and her face is buried in his shoulder. For a moment, he’s perfectly still, hands hovering over her back. Then, he tentatively wraps his arms around her, closing his eyes. He can almost understand what Charles meant when he said he couldn’t feel kissing Crystal, but could feel it in his head. Edwin can almost feel the tickle of her hair against his nose and the dampness of her tears soaking through the front of his shirt. It’s not entirely unpleasant.
“I miss her too,” he whispers into Crystal’s hair. “So much. But I have to believe that wherever she is, she’s happy. She deserved nothing less than paradise.”
Crystal sniffles.
“And if you’d ever like to talk about her, I’m happy to,” he adds. “I’m sorry if you’ve felt alone in your grief. I don’t find talking about these things easy.”
That gets a wet little laugh out of her. “I had no idea.”
“I have grown to value you.” Christ, why is talking about his feelings so challenging? He would rather be facing down a hellhound. “And I’m not only saying that to get you to stop crying. I see you as a…”
“A friend?”
“Yes.” He nods. “A friend, like Niko was to me. For what it’s worth, you say no one has ever cared about you like Niko and Charles. I do. Well.” He pauses, considering. “Not precisely like Charles. I will object if you try to snog me.”
Her shoulders begin to shake and for a terrible moment, he thinks he’s hurt her feelings. Then he realizes she’s laughing. “Oh my God,” she says through giggles. “I love you too, Edwin.”
He feels a reluctant smile tug at the corners of his lips. “And I… hold you in very high regard.”
“We’ll work on it.” She lets him go, wiping her eyes. “I’m sorry about your bookshelf. I was in a hurry. I didn’t want you to find me looking through the books on necromancy.”
“I forgive you.” Grimacing, he looks down at the book on the floor. “However, must I reiterate that this book is one-of-a-kind? I have to object to the amount of snot-stained tissues that are touching it right now.”
She bends to retrieve the book, shaking her head and smiling. For now, the tears seem to have stopped. He knows there will be more where that came from later. Their grief over Niko won’t go away with a single conversation. There will be other dark days, though hopefully Charles will be around to provide his own kind of comfort. It will never feel fair that they had to lose Niko, who still had so much to live for.
But right now, Crystal isn’t crying, is even smiling. And to Edwin, that feels enough like what Charles would call a job officially jobbed.
If you enjoyed it, please consider letting me know on AO3!
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It’s funny how you can find a character lovely and charming while also headcanoning that when at home he picks his nose and wipes it under furniture because that way it disappears and his more civilised boyfriend thinks he is an absolute disgrace
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cheriladycl01 · 22 days
First time - Lando Norris x Innocent! Reader
Plot: Lando finds out his girlfriend is more innocent than he ever thought and that turns him on hard core.
Warnings: SMUT Innocence Knik etc MINORS DNI 18+
Credit to princemick for the GIF
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When Lando first started dating you he knew you were pretty innocent and oblivious to the world around you.
The first time he noticed it was when he first met you. You were in a club and he sat back watching you the whole night, run around like mother hen after your friends who ... arguably weren't being good friends to you and were using you as their sober ride home.
You were making sure your friends had clean drinks straight from the bartender and handing them tissues or hand gels when they touched anything dirty.
Your friends had left you that night, leaving Lando to take the opportunity to come and introduce himself. He wasn't shocked to find out this was your first time in a club, that you hated it and wanted to go home.
"So, what brings you to Monaco?" he'd asked you and you gave him this big gummy grin that he couldn't help but fall in love with.
"My friends and I are on a girls trip celebrating graduation!" you answered, trying not to yell incase the music went quiet but loud enough so he could hear.
"And that's why they've all abandoned you?" he chuckled walking you over to the bar.
"Yeah, I think they just have different ideas of fun than I do, we saw some really beautiful museums earlier which was my idea!" you smile thinking back to the earlier part of the day which you had favoured.
"Drink?" he asks you and you smile nodding your head.
"I'll have a Coors again and ..." he says naming his beer before looking at you.
"I'll just have a Spite please!" you order in French from the bartender who smiles at you.
"You can order something more expensive like alcohol i don't mind!" he smiles down at you, only for you to shake your head.
"I erm, don't drink! I've never drank alcohol actually!" you smile, pretty proud of you lifestyle.
"Yeah, I used to say I didn't drink and then my friends introduced me to it. Never been the same since!" he frowns in a joking manner making you laugh.
"You're funny!" you giggled.
You guys talked for the rest of the night, until it was the closing hours of the club and you had to part ways.
He'd regretted not getting your number.
The next time he met you was a complete coincidence. He was travelling around and caving in Vietnam. You were there building sustainable housing on your year after graduating. He knew it was you right away and everyone was so confused when he went running of to go say hello to you.
After that he got your number. He had to secure it after a second chance of meeting you which he'd been considering was gods gift to him.
After a few dates and texting back and forth for a while you started dating.
"Y/N, can we talk about something serious?" he'd asked you and you nodded coming to sit next to him on the sofa in his apartment.
"Yeah what's wrong?" you ask him with a frown thinking you'd done something wrong.
"How would you feel, about becoming my girlfriend..." he asks before presenting you with a little gift bag in papaya orange that had chocolates, flowers, a little card and a pair of expensive Cartier earrings. Not that you knew that until you got back to the hotel you were currently staying in and opened them up.
"Oh my! Yes! Please" you replied happily and he was trying so hard not to laugh at your super polite and formal answer to his ... well what now felt like a proposition
You were so happy and getting to spend time with Lando was everything! You came to races and everyone adored you, not just the people in McLaren with Lando but all the TV presenters, the fans and the other teams.
Lando was confused that after having dated for three months you hadn't done anything within a sexual nature. Not that it was an issue for him but he was just used to his girlfriends being bold and upfront compared to you, who was a little shyer and more reserved.
He knew he just needed to be a grown up and talk to you about it but he didn't think he could have this conversation with you. It felt wrong almost.
"Baby, can we talk?" Lando says patting the sofa while you were in the kitchen starting to prep for the lunch you were going to make the both of you.
"Yeah, what's wrong? Did I do something?" you ask looking at him carefully and taking a seat next to you.
"No, no not at all. It's kinda the opposite actually!" he laughs at his own joke not thinking you'd take notice of it.
"I haven't done something? I - did i forget to do my dished? I'm so sorry if i did!" you say looking back to the sink frantically thinking you'd missed your glass of orange juice and bowl of cereal you'd had this morning.
"No no, and don't think of it that way. I was just joking around - erm, I just wanted to say we've been dating for a while now and I was hoping we could start to be more intimate?" he asks holding your hand and your eyes widen and your cheeks redden.
"I- erm" you start to stutter and he rubs his thumb over your hand.
"We don't have too... if you don't want too! But I just wanted to ask!" he rushes out not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
"It's just that ... I've never ever done anything like that!" you say looking at him with those innocent doe eyes that made him go crazy.
"Like never ever?" he asks in shock, you were a gorgeous girl and even when he was out with you, guys would always be coming up to you, making conversation and flirting with you.
Now that he thought about it, you never actually could tell when you were being lightly flirted with. You were very oblivious too all moves guys made, unless they were literally asking for you number.
"Mmmm no, I mean ... you know you're like my first boyfriend right?" you ask him, cocking your head to the side.
"Wait, you've never been with anyone else other than me?" he asks, and fights to keep the smirk off his face. There was something so dirty, about the fact that you were so pure and untouched, and that it turned him on that he would be the first, and hopefully last to show you everything he could.
"No" you whisper and he looks at you, before cupping your face and pulling you in for a soft kiss.
"Will you let me show you, everything I want to?" he asks looking at you, brushing some of your hair behind you so he has full view of your collarbone.
"Yes..." you breathe out, feeling flutters in your stomach at both his words and actions.
"Now?" he asks with a little gulp, hoping the answer would be a yes.
"Yes, show me now Lan!" you say, climbing onto his lap getting excited about the actions to come.
"Okay, baby. Lets slow down" he laughs holding you in place. He shifts about so he's comfortable and starts to run his hands over your body. Little goosebumps rise to the surface coating your arms as his fingers roam across your collarbone, down over your clothed boobs and down until he had a firm grip on your hips.
"As much as I like your wearing my shirt baby, I'm going to take it off you now, is that okay?" he asks looking you in the eyes and you nod, looking down a little intimidated by the intense eye-contact.
"Words baby, you gotta tell me" he smiles at you and you smile.
"Yes, you can"
And he does, he fingers brush against you and a groan comes out of his mouth as he see's what he's been missing out on seeing. Your perky tits were currently clad in an orange coloured bra. He didn't know if that was a normal colour for you or if you'd brought it since dating the McLaren driver.
"You are so fucking beautiful" he says looking at you, teasing against the straps of your bra before slowly pulling down each of them, before reaching round the back and unclasping it so it fell off you.
In reflex your hands came up, to cover your exposed chest, it wasn't something you were used too.
"I want to see and touch baby, please let me!" he says softly.
You felt comfortable and confident enough with Lando that you felt like you could show this part of yourself to him, a part that no-one apart from you had seen.
The moment was getting more and more intimate as his hands started to fondle your boobs, pinching squeezing and kneading. Lando learning what you liked from the noises you were making as he continued.
The more intimate it got, the hotter and more impatient you got with the new sensation in you stomach and the slickness and heat building between your legs.
Naturally, your body is craving friction. Your mind is going haywire not really knowing what to do to get the relief its craving. So your body automatically started to grind down on him, and you could feel just how excited he was getting with the large bulge building in his sweatpants.
You could tell it was something he liked too from the little whines and groans that came out overtime pressure was applied.
"I- I want to make you feel good. But I don't know how" you offer and he nods.
"Do you want me to show you?" he asks and you nod. He takes your hand and starts to help you palm him through his joggers, breathy moans coming from him.
"That's it, and when your ready you can take them off" he breathes out softly, not wanting to rush you into anything.
You take him out of his jogger, having a grip on him that was tight and he couldn't help but moan at the sensation.
"That's it baby. Now just run your hand up and down in a fisting motion!" he says, but you make no move to start, his head that was thrown back raises to look at you in question.
"Can you show me?" you ask, wide eyes and he nods, taking your hand that was around him in his as he helps you start to move up and down, showing the pace and grip that he liked. His moans were constantly flowing out now as he let go to grip the edges of the sofa and lean back. You started to go a little faster, before slowly right down and placing a kiss on his cheek.
"I heard... from friends that you really like when we use our mouths?" you ask and look at him.
"You dont have to if you don't want to" he groans.
"I- will you enjoy it?" you ask.
"I think i'd enjoy anything you did to me"
"Then i want to do it" you nod and he sits up a little more.
"Okay, get on your knees baby..." he directs and you get to the floor in between his legs.
"You want my help?" he asks and you nod, he takes your hair into a ponytail to keep it out your face.
"Okay, open baby. Remember no teeth baby, it hurts!" he smiles and you start by what you thinks right and go straight in. You gag a little and he pulls you head back from the grip.
"No need to rush hunny. Just start with the head, and then you'll feel a vein on the underside that always feels good, okay? But don't rush to fill your mouth up okay?" he chuckles a little bit as he watches you listen to him.
You start with small movements around his tip, moving your tongue over his slit where pre-cum is leaking out. It was a strange taste that the first few times had your eyes screwing but you slowly got used to it.
You run your tongue along the underside feeling the throbbing vein he was talking about and he went crazy, moaning above you and desperately trying not to thrust up.
You slowly take more and more in your mouth and what you cant fit you decide to use your hands to cover the rest and use the movements you were doing earlier.
"Holy fuck! Are you sure you havent done this before baby?" he asks in shock of how good it feels. Maybe it was just because he was so in love with you that it felt 10x better than he ever had, or maybe you were just a quick learner and good at observing what he liked.
A minute later and he was coming into your mouth, you were quick to swallow all of him and leave his dick with a string of saliva attaching you together.
"Fucking hell baby" he smiles pulling you up onto his lap resting you on top of him, your knees either side of him.
"Was that good?" you ask, shyly. He can only nod as he catches his breathing.
"Your turn!" he smirks, one had on your hip the other one inching up your inner thigh under the skirt you were in. His hands starts to rub your clit through your underwear, and he smiles as your head falls into the crook of his neck and he can feel your breathing pick up against him.
His fingers curl round the edge of your panties pulling them to one side rubbing his fingers through your wet folds.
"Is this all for me baby!" he asks using his free hand to run through your hair as you keep your head in the crook of his neck rocking against his movements. His fingers eventually find there way in, the stretch a little painful at first.
"It's okay, it'll start to feel good in a minute" he says rubbing your back comfortingly.
"Tell me if i should stop yeah?" he asks and you just nod before quickly shaking your head, realising that may have come across as you want him to stop when you really don't now that a coil is building in your stomach and his fingers are feeling incredible inside you.
"Lando!" you whine starting to kiss along his neck and jaw, needing to occupy yourself with something to focus on the growing feeling inside you.
"Fuck baby, the things you do to me!" he exclaims feeling himself get hard again from the whole intimate situation occurring.
In seconds you're letting that coil go, not being able to hold it in any longer and gushing over his fingers. He pulls them out, taking them into his mouth, licking them clean groaning at the taste of you, his gorgeous girlfriend.
"I gotta have a taste of you baby!" he practically whimpers out, before laying you on the sofa and spreading your legs open. You shyly try to shut them but he just tuts.
"Lemme baby please!" he says softly and he stop resisting against his hands. He dives in, nipping and licking at the parts he knows are most sensitive, before devouring you as if your a five course meal. It felt incredible, better than his hands and you legs were shaking the whole time.
Your mind was fuzzy and you could only let out little swear words and his name to let him know just how good he was making you feel.
And only minutes later and you were releasing into his awaiting mouth where he fully cleaned you up. He draw back, a small sheen on his nose and corners of his mouth from your release that had you blushing.
"Lets finish this in the bedroom yeah?" he asks and you nod eagerly as he picks you up tossing your over his shoulder, giving your arse a light tap on the way out that had you giggling and squealing.
He places you gently on the bed hovering over you. He starts to take the rest of the clothing that was left on you off and chucking it to the floor before he starts to take his own off. He reaches into the bedside draw, grabbing a condom and opening it with his teeth before rolling it on.
"You are so beautiful baby! Are you ready?" he smiles, now lining himself up with your entrance. You hesitate for a split second, before remembering its your incredibly kind and beautiful and caring boyfriend Lando above you right now who wouldn't dream of hurting you.
"Yes" you nod, and he slowly starts to push himself into your warm, wet caverns. He moans at the tight feeling of you, kissing across your neck and collarbone trying to help you un-tense a little.
"Baby, you gotta relax" he guides you, starting to play with your boobs to get you feeling good. He pushes in a little more when he feels that you arent tensing as much and you sigh.
"Woah, your so big!" you exclaim, thinking he'd bottomed out from the stretch as you try regain your breath.
"Baby... hate to break it to you but I'm only halfway inside you" he laughs with a chuckle, nearly loosing his balance on his forearms that he is using to hold himself steady above you.
"What?" you ask opening your eyes too look at your laughing boyfriend.
"Thank you for the compliment though baby, that makes me feel really good about myself" he says honesty before he pushes the full way in, finally bottoming out. You wiggle a little trying to get comfortable before giving him a nod where he starts to move in and out of you.
It starts to progressively feel better and better to the point where you can start meeting his thrusts to make it a little quicker. The sounds in the room are anything but innocent, both of your breathy moans and your high pitched whines when he reaches in between you to rub circles on your clit and the sound of slapping skin.
"Lando fuck! I love you" you cry as the pressure builds up and up.
"I fucking love you too" he breathes out, his thrusts coming a little sloppier.
And soon your both releasing at the same time as he pulls you in closer to him, almost laying all his weight on you.
"I'm like so glad we had that talk!" Lando laughs pulling himself up to look at you.
"Me too, I cant wait for you to show me more!" you grin pulling him into a kiss making him groan and grab the pillow to put over his face. He was exhausted but ... round 2 sounded like a shout.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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luveline · 1 month
would you ever write about hotch pining after r because he thinks she’s interested in someone else but then she confesses to him that she’s only ever had eyes for him 🥹
You’re shocked Hotch will let them look at him, honestly. When was the last time you saw Hotch receive medical attention? He doesn’t seem happy about it, suit jacket folded in his lap, his shirt cut in three places, most noticeably the left sleeve. 
“His arm is definitely broken,” Spencer tells you. 
“Do you think he’ll let me give him some comfort?” you ask, the two of you with your arms crossed against the side of the second ambulance, where Morgan undergoes a similarly reluctant checkup for his bloody temple. 
“No. You can always try, though. He’ll appreciate the effort.” 
You ready yourself with a deep breath and begin the short walk. It feels long then suddenly over at the same time. The only thing between you and Hotch now is a shoe’s width and the EMT securing his temporary sling. 
“They’re making me an emergency appointment,” he tells you. 
You fight the urge to rub the toe of your shoe into the ground. “Are you in pain?” 
“No. They gave me tramadol.” 
Hotch pushed you hard out of the way of a brawl and took blows meant for you in turn. He never lets you get hurt in the field. At first you’d assumed him to be the overprotective boss, and careful of women in the team, but you’ve caught on now that his motivation wells from somewhere deeper. 
Hotch loves you. He won’t tell you. You have no idea why. 
The EMT says she’ll return and takes her leave. You nod to the patch of metal flooring beside him, legs too tired to keep standing, and Hotch moves over to leave a gap between you suitable for turning into. You sit down with a sigh. Face to face, this close, you can see the different colours of his iris and the scar under his eyebrow clear as day. 
“You okay?” 
“Are you?” he asks with nothing more than a single short nod. 
“I’m worried about you,” you confess. “I wish you wouldn’t do that. I can take care of myself, okay? I don’t like you getting hurt in my place.” 
“I’m your Unit Chief.” 
“If it were Morgan, you wouldn’t have pushed him out of the way. If it were Emily. And we both know I can hold my own.”
He doesn’t look away from your face. “I know.” 
You’re finding it hard to want to scold him. You love him, too. You appreciate what it takes for him to take a fight that was meant for you, and the sentiment behind it. You’d quite like for him to protect you, just not at work. He could glare down potential suitors or argue with people who are rude to you at the grocery store. He doesn’t need to do your job for you. 
You raise your hand tentatively to his face, ignoring his confusion as you rake the hair that falls against his forehead back up. “It’s getting a little long for you.” 
“I’ve been busy.” 
“Me too. I keep meaning to do so much stuff but we get home and I get to my apartment and I just sleep for days.” 
“I wish I did something that sensible.” 
You curl your fingers over his shoulder. Without his suit jacket, you can feel the solidness of his muscle and soft tissue clearly. You rub your thumb in a half circle. 
“Why don’t you sleep much? I wish you would.” 
His eyes flare momentarily. His only tell, a flicker of movement you can’t miss. He’s surprised by something, your question, maybe your tone. “I do sleep.” 
“Not enough.” 
“No, I guess not.” 
You press your cheek to his arm. Can’t help yourself. He’s this strong, stern guy, so used to trying to save everyone that he barely looks after himself, and it makes you sad to think he’d love you and not want to tell you, because why wouldn’t he? Something in him must stop him from acting on it, but that something isn’t in you, not anymore. “Can’t believe you got your arm broken for me,” you murmur, lips to his shirt. You let out a breath, feel the warmth of it pass onto his skin and his following shudder. 
“It wasn’t purposeful.” 
“No? That’s good.” 
“I would do it again,” he says. “I thought you’d be with Morgan.” 
“Morgan’s a big boy.” 
“As opposed to me.” 
“I want to be here with you. I’m worried about you.” You press your face further into his arm, scared to say it even though you know it’s returned. “I care about you so much, ‘n’ you never let me show it.”
“That’s not true,” —his voice climbs higher— “I thought… You and Derek are close.” 
“He’s my friend, Hotch. It’s not like that.” 
Hesitant, tender all the same, Hotch’s uninjured arm slinks around your side to hold you, to bring you closer to his side where you’re hiding. You’re much too old for this, and still you have to confess. 
“I don’t like him,” you say. 
“As opposed to me.” 
You laugh at his repetition. Too embarrassed to say anything more on the subject but wanting to cement it in his head, you raise your head and your hand at the same time, knuckle to his jawline, nudging him to one side. You lean up and kiss his cheek. 
“Please don’t push me out of the way again,” you say. 
Hotch smiles at you, a proper, soft-eyed smile. “I won’t.” 
It’s an obvious lie. 
“Maybe when we go home we can nap together,” you suggest, heart slamming considering the innocence of what you’ve suggested. 
His fingers cradle your side. “You want to?” he asks carefully. 
“You can finally get some rest.” 
He closes his eyes, resting his face against yours. 
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sukunasweetheart · 4 months
fem!reader, heaps of cum, somnophilia, handjob, blowjob, lots of masturbation, its just mindless smut so um... yea.... i need to go to horny jail fr for this one.
word count: 1k
I just need more perv!sukuna man.... fucking pathetic and desperate and horny, i want him with that degenerate behaviour. hes alr a horny ass mf but ohhh my goodness do YOU light a fire in him that nobody else can... You make him question his fucking dignity bc he gets a raging boner every time you do the bare minimum...
Perv!sukuna who needs to take a bathroom break every now and then around you bc his dick just wont stay down - fucking his fist desperately in a toilet stall being as quiet as possible because this is so out of character for his image, he's supposed to be the nonchalant, mean, coldhearted guy!!
Perv!sukuna who shudders from how turned on he is at the simplest things you might do, like when you bump into him on accident and the scent of your perfume hits his nose like an aphrodisiac, he wants to bury his face against the crook of your neck and inhale deeply - let the smell of you reach deep into his lungs. he wants to run his tongue across your skin so he can check if you taste as good as you smell.
Perv!sukuna who eventually makes his moves on you slowly... but its really difficult when every little kiss makes all the blood rush to his cock. He drops you off to your house after a date, and he makes out with you a little bit in his car before you have to leave, and there, he's sitting in the driver's seat with a tent in his pants. He waits until the window to your room lights up, and begins to stroke himself while thinking about how're you're probably stripping in your bedroom right now, to change your clothes. and speaking of clothes....
Perv!sukuna who likes to bring any of your scented clothes against his nose and jack off vigorously, unable to get enough of it. eyes rolling back when that orgasm hits him while every breath he takes in has your smell embedded in it.
Perv!sukuna who somehow manages to snatch up one of your panties one day and jerks himself off with it... he didn't want to cum directly on it yet, but he couldn't help himself and soiled it so quickly. he'll need to wash it now, and your scent's gonna be lost. if that's the case, he'll just use it a few more times to get himself off. (by the end of it, he's ruined it beyond washing with his seed by going a bit overboard...)
Perv!sukuna who starts nosebleeding the first time he actually gets to wet his dick with your pussy. You were mortified when drops of blood started running down from his nose once his cock was inside you. He wipes it away with tissues from your bedside and insists hes fine with a wolfish grin... he's just overtly aroused. that night, he wound up using a whole box of condoms from just your cunt alone. milked completely. so satiated. at one point, he had forgotten to change condoms after cumming once and blew a couple of loads into the same one, making you balloon up a bit.
Perv!sukuna who has a libido of an endless pit, he can stay hard and just cum over and over and over again... could stuff you so full you'll be pushing his seed out of yourself for literal days after having sex with him, once you're on the pill. he's just dumped his seed into you but his hips are still thrusting, cock heavy and ready to give you another one without pulling out once.
Perv!sukuna who is obsessed with any and every part of your body. the way he gropes your tits, ass, thighs, hips, etc. resembles a perverted old man - those grabby hands are always finding a way to squish your flesh whatever chance he gets. those large, searing and calloused hands are constantly gliding across your skin, making you wet your panties without failing all the damn time. his arms snake under your clothes very sneakily. you can push him away and verbally chastise him all you want, but you can't hide how much you enjoy all of it...
Perv!sukuna who becomes relentless with somnophilia once you give him the consent-- it starts off with just pathetic and desperate dry humping, but soon you'll be waking up with his dick anywhere on the surface of your skin or inside you, and you're greeted with a 'good morning' that's riddled with a deep groan, followed by ropes of his hot cum spilling in or onto you.
Perv!sukuna who just HAS to drag you to somewhere like the public toilets, in order to get you to suck him off or stroke him or SOMETHING bc his boner is getting too painful (you caressed his thigh). you always opt for jerking him off when you're outside, because things tend to get too messy when you let him in. he has no self control smh... now he's fucking YOUR fist in a stall, panting in your ear and saying things like "fuck, yes, baby... squeeze me more- fuu-ck," before painting the toilet with spurts of his cum. you grip firmly onto the base of his dick and he almost buckles over from the pleasure. you feel his pulsating cock in your hand and bite your lip hard.
Perv!sukuna who gets an oral fixation after you gave him head once. things get difficult for you. those pretty lips wrapped around his erection makes him absolutely feral. now he's thrusting in and out of your throat mumbling "fuck- i can't- help myself-" because you're tightening up on him so nicely and it feels too good. releases straight inside with your nose pressed onto his pubic bone, hips jerking as you feel the spurts hit the back of your throat and seep down to your stomach. his eyes half-lidded, high from the pleasure.
sukuna might be the greatest pervert of all time, but what does it say about you when you stay with him regardless? you enjoy being his live fuck toy. thankfully, he gives you great aftercare and spoils you silly behind the scenes. (i wasnt bothered to write the romance aspects so please imagine it yourselves <3) the way i wanted to add MORE but refrained bc it would get a bit too repetitive :)
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moonstruckme · 25 days
hi lovely! can i request sirius taking care of sick reader?? where he's really sweet like total fluff!!
have a good day/night!!
Hey gorgeous, thanks for requesting! Hope you have a good day/night as well <3
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 940 words
“Can I just say,” Sirius says, leaning against the bathroom wall, “that this is the grossest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s a testament to your hotness that I’m still attracted to you right now.” 
You laugh, and it makes a bit of water come out of your nose, splattering into the sink. Though the bathroom mirror is fogged up from the hot shower you’ve just sat in, you have an idea of what you look like right now, and you’re inclined to agree that it’s a miracle anyone could find you attractive like this. 
You’re wearing the same bathrobe you’ve been in all day plus a fabric headband to keep your half-damp, frizzy hair away from your face as you bend over the sink, trying to flush out your sinuses with salt water. Your face is flushed and dry, your lips chapped, and your nose turned an agitated color from tissue overuse. 
“Are you sure?” you ask Sirius, taking another tissue from the nearly empty box. “You could leave me, I wouldn’t blame you.” 
You blow your nose. It makes a gratifying, horrendous sound, and Sirius’ mouth pinches. 
“Charming,” he mutters, but moves closer to you. “No, I’m afraid I’m in for the long haul, sweetness. After I catch whatever it is you have, no one will have me anyway.” 
“A cold,” you remind him, wincing as you wipe your raw nose. 
“Sure.” You don’t turn around, but you can practically feel the uplifted eyebrow directed at your back. “You done with this part for now?” 
You hum, letting Sirius take you back to bed with a hand curled in the fuzzy material of your robe. For someone who gripes about how sick he’s going to get so often, he sure hasn’t been holding back on the physical contact this past week. He pushes you down onto your bed, settling in beside you. 
“I know it’s good for your snot or whatever,” he says, low enough you think he might be talking to himself, “but I don’t like you sitting in that hot shower when you’ve still got a fever. I’m freaked you’re gonna pass out on the bathroom floor, and we both know my reaction time isn’t quick enough to keep you from cracking your head on the tile.” 
“I’m not gonna pass out,” you sigh, though you do let your eyes slip closed, succumbing to the exhaustion that seems to find you every time you stop moving since you’ve been sick. 
“Mm,” Sirius hums discontentedly. You hear him twisting the cap off of something, and when you open your eyes he’s reaching for your face. You stay perfectly still as he cups your cheek in one hand to steady himself, using the other to smear vaseline onto your chapped nose. 
You sniffle. “I could do this myself,” you say quietly. 
“Obviously,” Sirius murmurs, “but I haven’t been much help, so let me have something to feel like I’m contributing, okay? I promise I’ll ask you to do tons more when it’s my turn to lay around.” 
“You made me soup.” 
“That was a box mix, babe. When I’m sick, I’m going to want chicken noodle made from scratch.” 
You want to point out that chicken noodle soup isn’t all that difficult to make, but you stay quiet. 
You wonder if Sirius can feel your heartbeat with his pinkie tucked under your jaw like this, if you’re giving yourself away. It’s always nerve-wracking having someone this beautiful look at you, worse when you know you’re not exactly at your most winsome yourself. But Sirius’ touch is nothing short of adoring as he soothes the cold jelly onto the burning parts of your nose. He’s looking at you with a tenderness you wouldn’t have been able to picture when you first met him and yet suits him perfectly, gray eyes gone soft and quiet like the sky after a storm. 
They flicker up to you, catching something in your own expression. “What’s wrong?” 
What’s wrong is the unbelievable fondness of his thumb as it coasts down your cheek, the way he blows lightly on your freshly moisturized skin once he’s done with the vaseline, cooling it. The gesture is half teasing and half sincere, evidence of a thoughtfulness he doesn’t often show and almost never admits to. You think that if you were to tell James the other boy would probably bug your room with cameras to try and catch it on film. 
Sirius brushes a piece of hair behind his ear. “Does something else hurt, baby?” 
“My eyes,” you whisper, pressing your fingertips to the skin underneath your eyes to show him. You can actually feel your sinuses crackling when you apply pressure. “They sort of ache.” 
He makes a terribly lovely cooing sound, stroking your cheek and bending to press a kiss to your forehead. “Be right back,” he promises you. 
You close your eyes as he goes into the bathroom. There’s not much point in keeping them open when your boyfriend’s not here to admire. You hear cabinet doors opening, the faucet running, and then your mattress dips again. 
“Keep your eyes closed,” Sirius murmurs, settling a warm rag over your eyes. 
You sigh, the relief is so instant, and you hear him chuckle quietly. 
“God, I love you,” you say. 
“That feels rather conditional,” he replies. “Would you love anyone who warmed up rags for you and made soup out of a box?” 
“I think the real question is, could I love someone who I say ‘I love you’ to and they don’t say it back?” 
“Fickle.” Soft lips press to your cheek. “Love you, sweetheart.” 
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uluvjay · 6 months
Santa red-J. Hughes
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Jack Hughes x fem! Reader
Jack gifts you an early Christmas gift and asks you to model it for him
Warnings?; SMUT, p in v, unprotected sex(a no no), teasing, pet names, dirty talk, grinding, cursing, kissing, porn with a small plot, this was supposed to be out before Christmas so I apologize😭, sorry for any errors!
Day 10 of my ficmas celebration!
The ride home from the prudential center was quiet, not a word spoken even as Jack pulled into his parking spot and exited the car.
You could see he was still tense from the game, you could hear Lindy screaming at them from the hallway where you and Jim waited for the boys to come out.
The tips of his ears were still red with anger, and you knew him well enough to know he was still pissed about being sent to the box and the added loss had fueled his anger further.
Once you entered the shared apartment he took off towards your bedroom while you went into the kitchen, You were taking a drink of water when you heard his stiff voice call out for you.
“Everything okay?” You questioned as you appeared in the doorway of the bedroom.
Jack was sitting on the bed, shoes and coat off but his game day suit still hugged his body deliciously. Beside him was a Christmas bag, tissue paper coming from the top.
“Can you put this on?” He asked, extending the bag out towards you.
“What is it?” You questioned, taking the bag from his outstretched hand.
“Was supposed to be a Christmas gift, but I can’t wait any longer.” His voice was low, not longer only filled with anger and embarrassment but something more.
“Okay.” You shrugged, setting it down on the dresser beside you as you went to strip off your devils crewneck, however a large hand on your arm stopped you.
“C-can you put it on in the bathroom? Wanna watch you walk out in it.” He blushed.
“Of course.” You smiled, picking the bag back up you made your way into the large bathroom connected to your bedroom.
Opening the bag you found a box, one that belonged to Jacks favorite lingerie store. You had bought a set for his birthday one year and since then he had been in love with the place.
Opening the box you were met with a deep red set, a tad bit darker than traditional Christmas red. Running a finger over the lace you took in how delicate it was.
You would never understand why he spent so much money on sets just for him to always end up ripping some part of it during the night.
Stripping off your clothes you slid the set onto your body, admiring yourself in mirror. Your eyes caught how well the color complimented your skin tone and the way the cups of the bra pushed your boobs up perfectly.
“Once again, you have magnificent taste.” You laughed as you stepped out of the bathroom.
Jacks head whipped in your direction as he heard your voice, a breath getting caught in his throat as his eyes locked on your body.
The set was perfect, the panties making your legs looks even more delicious, and your breasts-god your breasts, Jack wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to control himself.
“Oh fuck me.” He mumbled, running his hands over his face.
“I mean if you want me to.” You teased the man, making your way over to stand between his legs.
“You look breathtaking.” He spoke lowly, eyes taking in your body at a closer angle.
“Thank you.” You smiled, leaning down to give him a soft peck.
The boy whined as you tried to pull away, his large hands wrapping around your bare waist to keep you trapped between his spread legs.
“Give me a real kiss.” He whispered, lips just inches from yours.
“That was a real kiss” you giggled, but Jack didn’t find any amusement in your words and he quickly showed you that by tangling one of his hands in your hair and pulling your lips to his.
It was hot and breathtaking as his tongue traced against yours before it quickly won dominance, your lips moved feverishly in sync earning him a low moan from your throat.
His hand that still rested on your waist slipped down to the back of your thigh, lifting it lightly he signaled that he wanted you to sit on his lap.
You pulled your lips away from his to take your position overtop of him but the make out hastily resumed as you pulled the beanie off his head and tangled your fingers in his damp hair.
The dark locks were still damp from his post game shower but that didn’t stop you from tugging and pulling on the locks just the way he liked.
A smirk overtook your face at the hoarse cry that broke from his throat when you grounded your core over the tent in his pants.
“Baby.” He groaned, hands coming to still your moving hips.
“What do you need Jacky?.” You teased, lips trailing all around his throat.
“You. Need to fuck you.” He groaned, head tipping back instinctively allowing you more skin to roam.
He shivered as you smirked against his skin, heat growing in his stomach as you pulled away and looked down at him.
His eyes followed you as you moved yourself off of his lap and moved your hands up to undo the buttons on his dress shirt, however Jack was a bit to impatient and moved your hands to rip it open instead.
You giggled before trailing your hands down his toned abdomen to his belt, hands working quickly to undo the buckle and pull his pants and boxers down.
And while Jack expected you to climb back on his lap he was filled with confusion as you stepped back and moved to sit against the head board.
“You said you wanted to fuck me, so fuck me.” You smirked down at him with eyes full of lust.
Jack could feel the heat spread from his lower stomach up to his spine as you trailed a hand down to slowly rub over your clit through your lacy panties.
Shaking out of his haze jack shot up and removed his remaining clothing before his body was hovering over yours.
His large hand wrapped around yours and moved it to the side with a soft ‘tsk’ as his own hand came to push the lace to the side.
A groan left his mouth at the sight of how wet you were for him, your cunt glistening in the low light of the bedroom.
A deep cry came from you as he ran his cock through your folds, his head pushing into your entrance with ease.
His hips thrusted forward as a fast pace, the anger that had once been building up in his body now being filtered into his thrusts.
“Jack!” You cried as he shifted one of your legs over his shoulders, his length now hitting the spongy spot deep inside you.
“So good for me baby, feel so fucking good.” He groaned hoarsely.
One of his hands came down to pull the cups of your bra down, hands coming down to palm your breasts, His thumbs tweaked and pulled at your nipples earning sweet cries of pleasure from you.
“Shi-Jacky, you’re so deep.” You whimpered as you felt his tip once again nudging that spot deep within you.
Jack admired the way your body reacted to his menstruations, how your hands clenched the sheets beside you and how your head was thrown back in nothing but pure pleasure.
He could feel you clenching him tightly, and by the way your moans had subsided to drawn out whimpers and mumbles he knew you were getting close.
“Gonna come for me baby?” He questioned as one of his hands came down to rub cricles over your clit.
“Mhm” you moaned with a drunken nod.
Jack smirked at the state of you, he loved nothing more than watching you completely fucked out for him.
“Come on baby, give it to me.” He encouraged, thumb moving at the same pace as his snapping hips as he chased a high of his own.
A loud cry broke through the room as your climax overtook you, the leg that was hooked over jacks shoulder shaking while your back arched and eyes clenched shut.
“So beautiful.” He praised as he placed light kisses to your lips, swallowing your whimpers of overstimulation.
“I know baby, I know. I’m almost there.” He groaned, forehead resting against yours as his thrusts began to get sloppy and deeper.
With a few more deep thrusts the air was filled with a deep groan as Jack came deep inside you, painting your warm walls white with his release.
His large body collapsed on top of yours as his head snuggled into your neck, lips leaving small kisses on the skin.
“Feel better?” You spoke quietly bringing a hand to run through his damp hair.
“Much. Thank you baby.” He smiled giving you a proper kiss before he slid out of you and went to grab a towel to clean you up.
A few minutes later you were both snuggled on the couch, the soft light of the Christmas tree filling the living room while you two let out soft giggles while watching elf.
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jello-chennie · 9 months
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✧ Izuku, as quiet, bashful, and nerdy as he is, is a total closet perv.
✧ genre/tw smut ⚠︎
✧ w/c 569
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When the almost unbelievably pretty foreign transfer student makes an entrance on her first day in 1A, Izuku’s stomach was set afire by the downy wings of butterflies running amok inside him.  But when you turn around to write your name on the board at Aizawa’s behest, Izuku can’t help himself when his eyes start to wonder across the shape of you—when you turn back around, Midoriya is almost hypnotised by your pretty eyes and charmingly kind smile, and those butterflies quickly turn into extra blood that sit heavy in his balls. 
Midoriya isn’t able to get up to join his friends at the lunch table that day.
He thought he already had it bad before, but discovered new parts of himself after your arrival.  
Izuku who desperately tries to eavesdrop on conversations you have with the many people who hurry to try to introduce themselves to you, totally not in an effort to overhear you giving out your instagram handle.  And Izuku definitely didn’t blow through an entire box of tissues in the one night alone.  And of course he wasn’t dying of shame while having a conversation with his mother on the phone about the sudden wave of bulk pack tissue box purchases on their Amazon account.  It’s totally just a cold he caught.
He almost feels a little pathetic at the fact that there are only sweet and appropriate photos on your social media pages, but that’s more than enough for him—for a short while.  The more time he spent around you in class, the more he craved you.  He eventually found himself on some very specific porn sites in an effort to find an actress that even remotely resembled you.  That seemed to make the issue worse, as he then started to have some very vivid dreams of you with little left to the imagination, thanks to his helpful visual aids.
He tells his friends that he’s just been adding in extra workouts in the morning when they ask why he does his laundry so frequently these days.
And when the two of you become partners for a training course one day, Midoriya is enthralled by your personality and your quirk.  He immediately starts analysing it all, but quickly needs to run to the onsite restroom when he starts trying to estimate the size of your tits. In the small port-a-potty, he imagines himself taking the measurements with his palms.  Once he finishes and takes a moment to breathe, he cringes as he thinks in retrospect of himself from a few moments earlier:  Izuku had one hand held in the air, palming around nothing, as he fucked into the other one. This time he really thinks himself pathetic.
When you become closer as friends, beginning to spend time casually together in each other’s bedrooms, he smiles innocently in your face, while a stolen pair of panties sit snug in his pocket.  He also pretends to be deeply invested in his economics textbook when he overhears you complaining about constantly needing to go underwear shopping a few months later.
Eventually, you fall for his boyish charms, and the two of you begin to spend time together as a couple.  And in the most unsmooth way possible, he acts shocked and pretends to know nothing when you find a familiar long lost pair of pink panties hidden amongst his things.
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okwonyo · 27 days
love confessions.
엔하이픈 ୨୧ female reader eight hundred non-idol au fluff getting together + cw. not proof-read skinship kissing ( other )
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would always be very straightforward about his feelings for you, from the second he felt his fondness for you overlapping friendship a little bit.
would be confused whenever you respond to his loving works by a teasing flirt, his hushed date offers to you displaying as jokes from your point a view.
and then, when he would understand and finally confess to you in a way that could not make you doubt, he would get giggly. face growing red, being unable to sustain his laugher and getting visibly shy whenever his gaze meets yours.
“i’ll give you all of me, all my love”
would think about it for years. his heart beating, warmth filling his entire body at the thought of which words he should use alone.
would invite you somewhere you like, calm and private. just the both of you, eyes locked, heartbeat getting slowly synchronized.
would take your hands in yours, thumb stroking your skin in a beyond reassuring way. your gaze would be enough to make him confess then and there, so natural, like he was born for it.
“i adore everything about you”
would stumble over his words while avoiding your gaze in the process. would end up in a complete mess, throwing words around and making non understandable sentences.
his love confession would be said in one breath, a quick sentence but still full of meaning and thoughtful. which would make swipe you of your feet.
would ask for you for a kiss in a shy voice. you would be able to hear his heart throbbing against his chest as he leans towards you. a soft giggle would escape from his lips after a quick peck, turning his head away from you.
“i just can’t think of anything but you— my head is full of you, my heart is full of you”
his lingering stares, cheesing smiles and soft touches are obvious enough for everyone to see how much he likes you. to him, these are love confessions on their own and he never wanted to hide it.
would let it slip during a hangout together; maybe a walk in a park or just sitting next to each other in front of a lake, washing the ducks on a bench and eating waffles.
would watch you with a gentle smile while you almost choke on your food, right after realization eats you in the most brutal way possible. he would fall for you even more.
“my heart is full of you”
would spend a lot of time finding a hood gift for you— although, every thing his eyes leans on would remind him of you somehow.
soft words written on a pretty card, your favorite flowers wrapped in a pretty tissue and a cute little gift. even if you reject him, seeing you smile because of the presents would ease his heart.
on the way home, would shyly come hold your hand after you accept his feelings for you and tell him that they are reciprocated.
“i wish i could give you every flower that i find”
wouldn’t be able to think of a moment where his heart wasn’t beating with nothing but pure fondness towards you. since the moment he met you to, he believes, the rest of his life.
would be unable to get you out his mind, even when he is not supposed to think about, when he is supposed to focus and give all his focus.
would confess, thinking that it would go away if it was finally said out loud — it wouldn’t work. now that would become his girlfriend, it would have gotten even worse.
“i’m not easily distracted but you are acting like a magnet”
would ask his friends about how he should do, excepting a valid solution and normal answers to his questions. which would be an huge mistake, in his point of you, they can’t stop teasing him about it now.
would confess to you in such a soft spoken voice that it would make melt. his eyes would avoid yours in a awkward yet cute way.
a thanks would be said from him after you accept his confession, without thinking and an quick apology about it would follow close behind. would just get so shy, now that he is your boyfriend, he doesn’t know how to act properly around you.
“everything feels so soft and warm when i’m talking to you. i think i like you a little too much”
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i wanted to write this for a while now ! but i wasn’t really sure how to, i hope you all enjoyed ^^
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moonlightndaydreams · 2 months
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A Friend in Need
You’ve finally had enough of your cheating bf and want to forget about him. Your friend Minho is more than happy to help you do just that.
Pairing: soft dom Lee Minho x fem reader
Trope: friends to Fwb?
Read time: 12 minutes approx.
MDNI // CW under the cut.
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CW: alcohol, masturbation, fingering, blow job, cum swallowing, face riding, unprotected sex, choking, cream pie, soft dom /sub. Slight body insecurity.
“So are you sitting on my face or am I fucking you over a table?” Minho grinned as you opened your front door greeted him. “I’ve got wine, condoms, and…” he looked in the plastic bag he was holding, “batteries for your toys. As requested.”
“Let’s start with the wine, I think.” You took the wine from him and made your way to your couch where you had two wine glasses waiting amongst a mountain of scrunched up tissues.
“Start with the wine?” Minho questioned. “I thought I was just picking up a few things you needed. Oh Shit!” Minho whistled, stopping still when he saw the state of your coffee table. “What did the fucker do this time to make you need an entire box of tissues?” He plopped down on the couch beside you.
“Oh, Minho!!!! I caught him fucking cheating on me. Again! In our fucking bed this time!!!!”
Minho blew out a breath taking the wine bottle back off you and immediately filling the glasses with the red then handing one to you.
“I’m so angry, Minho. I hate him! How could he?”
Minho wasn’t the least bit surprised. He knew you were dating a jerk. This was, Minho added it up in his head, the fifth time your boyfriend had cheated on you. This year. And he was pissed. Cunt. He thought to himself.
“Are you okay?” Minho asked softly, hiding the anger building in his chest.
You sat silently for a moment, deep in thought.
“I want to take you up on that offer.” You said bluntly. Minho was taken by surprise, sitting upright and stared at you blankly.
“If the offer still stands, that is. If the offer was real.” You added suddenly sounding unsure whether he was ever serious to begin with.
Every time your boyfriend would cheat on you, you’d confide in your long time friend Minho, and he would always offer to help you “forget that fucker’s name” by making “you cum so hard you’d never want to go back to him”. You’d always brushed it off as a joke. But when you came home yesterday to find your boyfriend in your shared bed, well, you were beyond livid. It was the last straw and you kicked him, and his little whore, out of your apartment. For good.
Now you needed to get your anger out of your system and forget the asshole even existed. That’s where Minho and his offer came in.
Minho examined your face and nodded slowly. “Okay,” he smirked. “So your shopping list was for tonight then?” He grinned. “Right. Operation Forget Your Ex. I’m down.” He said sipping the wine.
Your eyes widened. “Really? You’d help me do that? You’re not shitting me?”
Minho nearly spat out his drink he was so excited, although the circumstances weren’t ideal. But he played it cool, and boy was he far from shitting you. He’d been dying to show you how good fucking could feel. From what you’d told him, your boyfriend, no - ex-boyfriend now, barely even brought you to orgasm. It was an absolute shame. You deserved all the orgasms in the world. Tonight Minho planned to start by giving you at least three.
“Well, kitten, we’ll have to lay down some ground rules. Boundaries. Safe words and such.”
“Tentacles.” You piped up.
“My safe word. Tentacles.”
“Riiiiight. Tentacles. Why tent- never mind.” He shook his head. “Do you want to be in charge or leave it to me?”
“What do you prefer?”
“I like to be in charge.”
“Okay, you’re in charge.”
“What’s your pain threshold? Do you enjoy spanking? Degradation? Praise?” he raised an eyebrow. “Any hard no’s?”
You stared at him like a deer in the headlights. "I-I'm not sure." you said, then gulped down the rest of your wine.
"Woah! Slow down, kitten." he lunged forward and took your glass from your trembling hands and placed it on the coffee table. Then he took your hands in his and held them tight.
"We don't have to do this. You know that right? I don't wanna take adva-"
"Please, Minho." You whimpered. "Please make me forget." You looked at him with soft eyes.
Minho suddenly felt nervous. He'd imagined fucking you plenty of times, and up until this moment he felt sure he'd have no problems in actually doing it. But now, faced with the reality of it, he was so fucking nervous.
But his dick throbbed, and you were the one asking, inviting him to do things to your body. He couldn't let his nerves get in the way and fuck up this chance.
He cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a soft kiss. The way you responded by moaning and parting your lips, was so tantalising that Minho couldn't help but deepen the kiss with a sense of urgency. You've got all night, he told himself. Don't rush this.
"So..." he peeled his lips off of yours. "do we need to replace any batteries for your toys?" he asked, reaching for the plastic bags.
You shook your head. "Just want you." you whispered.
Minho smirked at your admission. "I think we should take this to the bedroom so I can thoroughly fuck you." he said, taking your hand and picking up the box of condoms.
Minho tossed the condoms on the bed and pressed your back into your bedroom door. His hands caressed the sides of your waist before grabbing the hem of your top and pulling it up over your head. His fingers immediately found the clasp of your bra.
"Kitten?" he said low in your ear. "I'm not going to stop unless you say your safeword, or use the colour system. I need you to know that."
"Yes, I know." you moaned, as he squeezed your breast.
"I'm going to take your pants off now." he reached for the button on your jeans and locked eyes with you. Your arms came up to cover your bare torso.
"Kitten? Talk to me." he looked at you with concern.
"Minho. It's just that... the women you...um... normally hook up with are so glamorous."
Minho blinked rapidly. "Kitten, you're fucking perfect." he gently tugged you to stand in front of your full length mirror with him standing behind you. "Look at yourself." he whispered, pulling your arms down from your body so you couldn't hide.
You leaned back against his chest as he nibbled your neck. He undid your jeans, sliding them down your legs and helping you kick them off.
"You're the most gorgeous woman in the world." his hands explored your waist, stomach, hips. Then he took one of your hands in his and placed it on your stomach and making you caress yourself. He brought your hand up to cup your own breast, and then back down your body and between your legs over your panties.
"Feel how perfect you are." he said in a lustful tone. He pressed on your hand that was cupping your pussy. You whimpered and began to feel unsteady on your feet. You'd only had one wine.
"You're gonna take your panties off for me now." he said releasing his hands from yours. His hands moved back up your body, massaging your breast with one, the other splaying on your neck.
You slowly peeled your panties down, revealing your most intimate parts, and shimmying them off and flicking them to the side with your foot.
"Good girl. Now play with yourself." he squeezed your neck slightly causing you to lean your head back some more.
You felt so exposed standing fully naked in front of your mirror, leaning against a fully dressed Minho. Your friend.
Your eyes flicked up to him in the mirror. He was taking you in with dark eyes. Your core ached. His hardness was pressed into your back. Fuck!
"Touch yourself." he urged.
Your heart was pounding as you allowed your hands to explore your curves and soft skin. Your fingers found your pussy again and you parted your lips with your fingers. You groaned as you watched yourself. This was so erotic. So sensual.
"Are you wet kitten? Let me taste." he pulled your hand up to his mouth and sucked on your finger. "Fuck. Taste yourself." he swiped your fingers back through your folds and then into your mouth.
"I need to play with your pussy." He took a few steps back to sit on the edge of your bed and pulled you onto his lap. "Open your legs, that's it. Show me." He hung your legs over his thighs so you were open and on display in the mirror.
"Don't take your eyes off it." he said in a gruff tone.
Minho's fingers delved into your heat, inserting two all the way inside. He fucked you like this for several minutes before pulling them out and rubbing on your clit. Then he'd finger fuck you again, alternating between stretching you open and rubbing your sensitive bundle of nerves. You could feel your core tightening. Minho's fingers were magic as he played with your body.
The pretty sounds you were making had Minho straining in his pants. He wanted to sink his cock into you so fucking bad. But at the same time he wanted to take his sweet ass time. He wanted you to beg him to stop. He wanted you to be a whimpering mess.
By the fifth round of finger fucking you were clenching hard and soaking his hand as you came hard. Your chest was flushed as your breasts heaved. You looked so fucked out.
"Now, kitten." He said as calm as possible. "You're going to undress me now."
He watched you stand in front of him. He bit his lip as you fumbled taking his shirt off, your bare tits dangling in his face, and then his trousers, leaving him in just his boxers. "You've forgotten something." he quirked an eyebrow.
His cock visibly twitched when you dropped to your knees between his legs and hooked your fingers into the waistband of his boxers.
You tried to not let Minho see how nervous you were as you came face to face with his cock. You wanted to show him how much you wanted him right now. You wanted to show him how beautiful, how sexy he was making you feel, despite how self conscious you were.
You took his glorious cock in your hand and experimented with licking the pre-cum from the tip. He was hard for you. He was leaking for you. "Aren't you going to boss me around, Minho?" you purred, looking up at him through hooded eyes.
"Choke on it, kitten." he said not breaking eye contact. "Show me how much you can take."
Minho could barely contain himself as you sunk your warm, wet mouth over his shaft. He truly believed he was going to cum there and then. Maybe he could, and then get it up again to fuck you? It'd be pretty easy to get hard again when you were driving him crazy like this.
"That's it, beautiful. Make those pretty noises around my cock. That's it. Deeper, baby. You can take it. I know you can." he started to thrust his hips up, making you gag as his cock hit the back of your throat.
It turned him on immensely hearing you struggle. Your hand found his and when you placed it on the back of your head, he knew you were made for him. He held your head in place as he fucked into your throat. He watched your ass in the mirror and imagined what you were going to feel like with your cunt wrapped around his cock. He came hard with a loud moan. Your lips were pressed against his pelvis and tears ran down your face as he spurted cum down your throat.
He was almost instantly hard again when you slid your mouth off and opened it up to see you'd swallowed every drop.
“Ride my face." He panted.
“Oh Minho.” You shook your head. “I don’t think—“
“Safeword? Are you going to use it? ‘Cos I fucking want to eat you out.” He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you in for a kiss. “Please…I can make you feel so good. I need you to ride my face.” He was practically begging you.
Minho didn’t know what was happening to him. He was always so in control when it came to sex. He’d never said ‘please’, he always instructed, demanded even. But this was you. You were different. You stirred something in his stomach, and made his heart beat faster.
“Okay, Minho. But I’ve… you know…never done this before.” Your face went red.
So that fucker never got you to ride his face? He wondered if he’d ever eaten you out. He quickly shoved thoughts of your ex out of his head and focused on what he was about to do. Make you cum all over his face.
“It’s okay kitten, I’ve got you.” He shuffled more onto the mattress and laid back. “All you need to do is straddle my face, and sit.”
He made it sound so simple. But to you nothing could make you feel more vulnerable than what you were about to do. But the way he sounded so desperate for you to do it made you want to please him. You climbed up onto the bed.
“Na uh. The other way. You need to be able to watch yourself.” He grinned.
You swallowed nervously, but did as instructed. You watched yourself hover inches away from Minho’s face.
“Fuck, I can see how fucking wet you are. Quick, sit.” He hooked his arms around your thighs and pulled you down on top of him.
You cried out as Minho’s mouth met your pussy. He ran his tongue through your lips then sucked your clit.
“Shit, Minho… it… fuck you feel good.” You choked. Minho chuckled against your cunt, sending shocks through your body.
Your eyes went to the mirror. Seeing your reflection of being eaten out by the man underneath you and how you could be suffocating him, turned you on more than you could’ve imagined. Could he breathe? The thought of him struggling for air made you gush. You started to rock your hips and grind against his face. He moaned against your core in approval.
Your orgasm was close, and when he slipped his tongue into your creamy hole, and you ground your pussy hard and fast on his face, you cried out loudly as you flew over the edge. Your thighs were physically shaking around Minho’s head from the intensity of the orgasm.
Minho didn’t even let you recover before he had you on your back, legs pinned up near your chest. He kissed you sloppily, smearing your wetness all over your mouth. It was the best thing Minho had ever experienced, having his face buried in your pussy while you fucking rubbed your slick all over him.
He gazed down at you. He knew he was weak for you, but he didn’t know he had it this bad.
“You going to fuck me now, Minho?” You looked up at him.
Minho nodded. “Yeah.” He whispered “Let me just find the cond—“
“Don’t you want to feel me, Minho? Nothing in the way.” You purred, pulling him in for another kiss. The length of his cock pressed against your sopping pussy.
“Just the tip?” You whispered. “Just for a second?” You begged.
Fuck! He groaned at the temptation.
“Kitten,” he said sternly. “If I put it in it won’t be just the tip.” He slid his entire cock into your heat. The stretch, the fullness, made you gasp.
“And,” he growled, “It won’t be just for a second.” He partially withdrew his cock and slammed back in. “It’ll be until you beg me to stop.” He hammered into you. “I’m going to fuck you until you have to use your safe word.”
You felt so good around Minho that he highly doubted he’d be able to follow through on such promises.
“I’m never gonna use my safe word, Minho.” You cried as he pounded into you. “Feels too good. You feel good, Minho… oh fuck…Minho!”
The way you were crying his name catapulted him towards his climax. He wasn’t going to last much longer.
“You want me to fuck you forever?” He panted.
“I want… I want…you to…”
“What is it kitten, anything.” He meant it. He wanted to give you everything you wanted.
“Ch-choke me while you fill me up.” You squeaked.
Without slowing down, Minho searched your eyes. You were serious.
Feeling Minho’s cock so deep in your cunt, stretching you do deliciously, had you on the brink of your third orgasm. But when his fingers wrapped around your neck and squeezed, it made your core clench harder than usual.
You’ve never let anyone do this to you before, never trusting anyone enough. You only ever fantasized about it, watched porn, or experimented on yourself. You never dared tell anyone, especially your ex.
Your vision became blurry as a lightheadedness took over you. You felt fuzzy, floaty, and then you felt yourself coming back, taking in deep breaths before he’d squeeze again. You were certain Minho had done this before, and so you succumbed, letting him take control of your body, letting him choke you and bring you back as many times as he wanted, without any fear that he’d go so far as to render you unconscious. You lost track of how many times he did it. Five, maybe six times?
“This time you have to cum for me.” You heard him say. “Then I can fill you up. I wanna fill you up so bad, kitten.”
His hand squeezed around one last time and you felt yourself come undone. You squeezed around Minho’s cock like a vice and felt him release inside you. You felt like your entire body was exploding, until Minho let go of your neck and held your close, brining all the shattered pieces back together.
“You did so good, kitten. You’re back now. Safe I’ve got you.” He soothed as you began to sob. You’d never experienced anything so intense, so powerful in your life.
You fell asleep almost straight away, and Minho cleaned you both up while you nodded off. Sweet fucking Jesus he wished he’d have been able to do this with you sooner.
He watched you, dead to the world, marvelling at what had unfolded.
“I fucking love you y/n. I hope you’ll have me a little more permanently and never think about that dick ex of yours again.” He whispered as he laid down beside you.
He didn’t know you’d heard him.
@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @kangnina @weareapackofstrays @bethanysnow @newhope8 @itsseohannbin
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tarjapearce · 1 month
For Science Purposes
Pre! Soccer Family Miguel x Reader
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WARNINGS: Smut, oral (M! receiving), mild exhibition kink, established relationships. Fluff.
Summary: Miguel turns into your quality tester of beauty products.
AN: I was cleaning my makeup up supplies and jsksj this came to mind.
Months had waded in between you and Miguel. Dating a man like him was often a rollercoaster of emotions, but in the six months you had decided to actually give it a try and see where things took you, not a single day was wasted with him.
And soon a new milestone approached. The six month mark anniversary.
Knowing the man, he'd have reservations done in a place he refused to tell, no matter how many times you asked, and you were set to find out.
"How am I supposed to know what to wear if you don't tell me where we're going?" You mumbled while sitting on his lap as he worked in his office.
He'd only chuckle and kiss your temple, while tucking you closer to hid chest.
"Whatever you wear, will look good."
"A clue?" You kissed his cheek, trying to melt him down enough to give at least a bit of information, "Anything, please?"
"Formal wear."
Your eyes widened and blinked, "Ooh, fancy it seems. That means I'll have to go shopping."
"Yes, I just got paid, and have some budget to splurge. And I'm looking for something super special."
Miguel pursed his lips and nodded while cupping your cheek.
"You'll wear it for me?" A smirk stretched on your lips as you kissed him.
"Obviously." A soft purr rumbled through his chest and his hands squeezed you against his frame.
"Will I be able to take it off?"
Another laugh and kiss from your end. "We'll see."
His fingers entwined yours against his while walking with you through the endless halls of the bustling mall. As his other hand carried your shopping bags.
Another busy weekend if anything.
You suddenly stopped at a makeup store, and Miguel had to mentally prepare himself for long stay.
He and makeup had a rocky relationship, specially when he had to ask for your help to remove the lipstick stains from his clothes.
"Oh my goodness! Look! They have it!"
Miguel quirked a brow as you pulled him to a shelf, full of different shades of a lipstick brand.
"I tried get this on pre order but it sold out. Didn't know they'd have it back in stock this soon!"
"A lipstick?" His hands took a sample and his eyes immediately scanned the ingredients.
"It's not just a lipstick! This one actually stays, no matter what and can only be removed with thid special oil." You took another translucent tube with said product.
"No matter what?" His tone skeptical.
"No matter what." You took a little sample from the vendor and applied the gorgeous shade of red on your lips, to them smack them.
Your hands motioned to blow some air towards your mouth to let the creamy and matte shade to dry faster.
"Thought you liked the glittery things?" He kept reading the ingredients, sniffing and watching the products. Brain in working nerd mode.
"They're cute, but not my thing. Too sticky and my hair gets stuck in it. So nope. I rather creamy ones actually."
After correcting the uneven lines with a tissue, you turned to him.
"How does it look?"
"I like it, makes your lips look even more kissable."
"Oh?" You smirked and kissed him, surprised that the formula remained on your lips, leaving zero traces on his skin.
"Shut up! It actually stays!"
"I don't believe it. the ingredients would wear off a couple of hours later."
"It says here, no matter what, mi amor. Besides for it to last more than a couple of hours is enough for me."
"Alright, alright."
"See? It says you can literally eat whatever and it stays!." You pointed at the advertising board above the shelf with excitement.
"It's a contradiction since you need oil to remove it, food has oil, depending what you're having, sure-"
His voice died when realizing the stare you were seizing him with.
"What?" A nervous tingle ran through his spine as you pulled him to a more secluded dressroom area. and closed the door with a lock.
"¿Qué estás haciendo?" (What are you doing?)
"Proving you that it stays." you took the bags off his hand and put them on the door hook. Hand immediately cupped his crotch as the other one pulled him downwards, towards you in a breathtaking kiss.
His tongue collided and twisted against yours, to then nip gently at every inch of your lips, and still the ink remained on your mouth.
Your hands unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, to then slid half your hand past the elastic band of his briefs. This alarmed him greatly and he broke the kiss.
"W-What are you doing!?" he hushed as you kneeled before him and took him gently by the base. A tinge of pink spreaded through his sharp cheeks while you pulled out his hefty cock from his confinements.
"Is for science purposes, I promise." 
"Canija..." He breathed as your tongue flattened against the base and dragged it upwards, filling your taste buds with his delicious taste.
A shaky breath came out of his plump mouth as your hands roamed his hips and firm glutes
"We'll... We'll get in trouble if we get discovered." He heaved through dragged growls.
"Then you better not make a noise."
Your smirk had already put that need within his body on the burner. He was in trouble. Only cause-
He gulped and his hands by instinct, reached to your head, caressing your hair and slowly tangling his fingers in it, softly.
" Fuck..." He groaned as your mouth took his broad head and delivered a swirl on the slit of his tip, teasing and tasting.
Miguel had to support on the walls as you eased another inch deeper.
"Ay, Por Dios, mi reina..." His voice husked, completely swirling with the arousal that ran specifically to the tip of his cock.
The suckling sounds coming from your pretty and red lips made his head feel dazed in such need, a hand of his tangled at the base of your nape, fingers caressed softly your scalp as he begun guiding you through, up and down on him.
With every bob of your head, you took him deeper and deeper on your mouth, throat constricted against him and he bared his teeth and breathed laboriously.
"Mi amor" he whimpered when your throat pulsated around him. He didn't know how you did it, or how such thing was possible, but you were sucking all his willpower, all his rational and coherent throughts, all his words from his panting mouth.
Your hands squeezed the firm slabs of his ass and pulled him closer, making your nose nuzzle on his happy trail.
Another gagging sound and his eyes rolled back. He guided your head and you his hips, ebbing him to move.
Your moan rumbled through his skin, rewiring his breathing pattern into short, desperate gasping. His chest heaved and rose.
"God, your mouth is so Hnng- good"
He hiccuped as his thighs trembled, your bobbing had increased and your tongue kept on swirling, having a proper taste of him.
"Soclose-" He slurred and he finally managed to take a hold of your front bangs softly, keeping you still as his hips fucked your mouth in firm but gentle plows.
With half lidded and needy eyes, he watched every single muscle of your face twitching. Your lush lips expertly wrapped around him, made his brain a liquid goo.
A surprised yelp flew his mouth as you returned your merciless attention to his tip while your hand pumped his base.
You weren't only giving him one of the best blow jobs he's ever gotten, but going to these extents as to prove your point, made him wonder if he should question everything you said, if that meant to have you like this.
He didn't know what made him harder, you sucking the life and processing skills out of him in a dressing room, in a shop full of people, or you sucking his cock to prove the product's endurance, like a scrumptious lab test he was more than willing to participate again and the many times you saw fit.
Taking and devouring him like only you knew how. The red on your lips was a sinful sight, but oh so worth it. Specially when your nose rubbed against his skin and your throat got him in a vice like grip. Your eyes twinkling and watching him melt didn't help in the slightest.
His mouth continued giving your ears delicious and languid moans after chanting your name, pronouncing it in such a delicious way it only made your swollen nub between drenched folds to throb and move your head viciously. Obliterating his train of thoughts in a go.
"Fuck- Dios... P-Princesa... I'm-" he whimpered and his legs trembled again, "I'm coming-" he whimpered, "I'm coming!"
His mouth opened to exhale, instead, his teeth clenched as his cum spurted warmly down your throat. A gutural and shaky moan echoed in the dressing room. Pleasure drowned him in tidal waves, impossible to keep him afloat and standing any longer.
He slumped like a melted goo against the dressing room's seat. Panting like he had performed a ten miles marathon. Wheezing his pleasure out in every paused exhale.
Your tongue relished under the constant pulsations and his taste. Drinking and slurping the last of his drops to quench your thirst.
His cock twitched, like he did. Beautiful sunset red eyes remained in the back of his lids, trying to process the overwhelming pleasure, set to make him feel and experience the complete bliss.
You released him with a gentle pop, as much as you wanted to have him a begging mess for more, your main focus returned with a surprised gasp.
"I told you it'd stay no matter what" You spoke in between giggles, and he chuckled tiredly and gathered the strength to look down at his glistening cock.
His eyes blinked with surprise
"Huh..." There was not a single smear of red on the base, or anywhere really.
"Let's go"
With a deep breath, he stood and wobbled, his cock was tucked back into place and he helped you stand.
"What? No! we gotta pay for the lipstick!"
"I know. Let's go pick some more."
You watched him and he smooched your lips, loving his taste on your mouth.
"More?" you smirked and bit his lip. "You'll have to buy them then, mi amor."
"I'll get you a dozen. C'mon."
With a squeal, you were dragged out of the secluded and private space. Straight to the shelf of wonderful lipsticks, waiting for their future quality test.
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bunnyhugs77 · 4 months
Angel Eyes
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𓆩♡𓆪Pairing: Patient! Jungkook x Reader
𓆩♡𓆪WC: 8.2k
𓆩♡𓆪The Honeymoon (Epilogue)
𓆩♡𓆪Content Warning: hospital romance, mentions of birth, blizzard, car accidents, smthn abt soulamtes, ft Jin, medical emergencies, making out, jk is a free spirit, tattoos, rehabilitation, they're so cute, cafeteria dates, meet cute, weddings, sexual themes, comas, newborn baby, angsttt :(
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The double doors to the emergency room burst open with a team of paramedics meeting a team of nurses over the limp body that was being rushed in on a gurney.
"26-year-old male. One of many from the four-car pile-up on Highway 400. Blunt head trauma —shattered ribs, compound fractures in both legs. He's unconscious, showing premature signs of decline. We need to get him stabilized immediately."
"Prepare the operation room." One of the nurses orders and the chaos moves around the corner with the gurney.
A team of trauma surgeons and nurses worked frantically to stabilize him. He was quickly assessed for injuries, and diagnostic tests revealed the extent of the damage he had sustained
The man suffered from internal injuries, including a punctured lung and severe abdominal trauma. There was a point when doctors were sure he wouldn't make it but they were wrong.
After undergoing several surgeries in the first few days following the accident, including procedures to repair his fractured bones, remove damaged tissue, and stabilize his internal injuries he was beginning to show small signs of improvement.
However, it was only the beginning of a very long and hard journey for him.
𓆩♡𓆪 2 months later
"Where is she?" You stand up at the sight of your brother-in-law, Jin rushing into the waiting room of the labour and delivery wing. Face flushed and hair a bit frazzled. He'd obviously run here from the parking lot.
"Down the hall to your left. They're just running some tests and checking the baby." He pauses in his steps, letting it all sink in. Placing a hand on his chest as he tried to stabilize his breathing.
Taking the chance to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Everything is going to be okay, breathe." You encourage, taking tips from the Lamaze classes your sister had made the three of you take in preparation for this baby.
He smiles before making his way to his wife and out of sight.
Meanwhile, you stayed put in the waiting room as your sister made it very clear she did not want you in the room any time her vagina was out and you weren't going to argue.
Seeing that the doctors needed to check up on the baby once the two of you arrived no less than 15 minutes ago, you had already excused yourself to the hall.
Once you saw the familiar nurse you remember being assigned to your sister walk past you, you deemed it was safe enough to return to her room. Knocking first with your hand over your eyes.
There was soft laughter, "It's been put away, you can open your eyes." Eunji says, allowing you to lower your palm from your gaze to see Seokjin sitting on a chair nestled near Eunji's bedside.
"Wow, they've got you hooked up like a TV." You snort, pointing to the IV drip, pulse oximeter, and various other tubes taped to her arm.
Shaking her head at your typical Y/n-Antics but refusing to acknowledge your joke any further. "What did the nurse say?" Jin asks, almost anxiously, taking her hand in his.
"The baby is fine, she's healthy, but I'm a long way from giving birth. Apparently-" Eunji pauses, her eyes squeezing shut just as they did back at your place when the two of you discovered she'd been having contractions.
Taking deep breaths she opens her eyes and resumes speaking as if it never happened, "Apparently I'm only one centimeter dilated. I'm already tired of this place." She pouts sadly while Jin gently moves a stray hair from out of her face.
You sighed internally, hoping that one day you'd find that.
"I'm just glad you guys made it here safely. The roads are getting worse with that blizzard coming in tonight." Jin shares which prompts you to check your phone while the couple talks about what a normal couple would discuss at a time like this.
Jin was right. There in fact was a blizzard heading your way and it was nasty. Up to six feet of snow in some regions and harsh winds. It was practically impossible to see the road through all the flurries on your way here.
It was unsafe for anyone to be driving at a time like this hence why Eunji had already begged your parents to stay home until the roads were safe. No matter how much she knew your parents wanted to be present for the birth of their first grandchild it was just too dangerous.
This winter was packed with a punch this year. You can't forget the first major storm of the season about two months ago that blindsided everyone.
The severity of the storm dawns on you as you remember driving past a nasty collision on the highway on your way home from work.
You could only hope that this would be the end of the strenuous icy season and that spring would be just around the corner. You were looking forward to the blossoming season of spring but not as much as you were looking forward to holding your niece in your arms in just a few short hours.
Clearly, you and your niece weren't on the same page.
It's been 4 hours and the hospital was on lockdown, any visitors in the building were forbidden from leaving due to the severity of the storm outside. Honestly, some part of you believed you would have been able to hold your niece and go home all in the last three hours, but oh how you were wrong.
"What do you mean you're only 3 centimetres along?" You say, exhausted from waiting. "Oh, I'm sorry Y/n, are you tired? How inconsiderate of me!" She exclaims, clearly annoyed with you.
You dropped your shoulders, you deserved that. Eunji had been battling her contractions restlessly for hours on end, you couldn't imagine how she felt.
"Do you want me to get you anything?" She shakes her head while Jin returns with a full cup of ice for her to chew on. Your stomach rumbles, and not quietly.
"You should go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. I'll stay with Eunji." Jin offers and you nod, deciding it was time for a break anyway.
With your bag slung over your shoulder, you stood in the café line, unsure what to get before deciding to get a typical iced coffee and a turkey sandwich.
Once it came time to find a spot, your eyes were scanning every nook and cranny of the filled cafeteria due to the overwhelming number of people trapped in this building just as you were.
Finally, you found one available spot, at an occupied table. "Is anyone sitting here?" You ask the man who was enjoying his own coffee. "It's all yours," He smiles and you reciprocate it as you take a seat.
Paying him no mind as you bite into your meal and pull out the book you've been reading over the last few weeks.
"The String of Fate," The man across from you mumbles as he reads the title of your book causing your eyes to flicker to his. "What's it about?" You close the book almost too eagerly.
"Do you believe in soulmates?" He blinks at you.
"Y'know, like two people that are destined to be together no matter the time or place." His brow arches. "Not a chance." You frown, "Well, basically this book explains the concept of soulmates and how they're connected by this invisible string between them that will always guide them back to each other. No matter the time or place."
He sighs heavily, head now resting on his hand. "I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here and assume that you believe in soulmates?"
"What's there not to believe? It makes total sense-" You ask, about to take your first bite of your sandwich. "I wouldn't eat that if I were you," He says quickly, and you close your mouth, placing the sandwich back down.
"Why not?" He simply stares at you, "Trust me. I've been here long enough to know." You nod slowly, "You must visit a lot."
With a shrug of his shoulders, he finishes the last of his coffee, "Something like that." He mumbles.
Your stomach reminds you of the hunger you'd just permitted to exist longer all in the name of this handsome stranger you'd just met. "So what can I eat here?"
He grins and your stomach twists.
"Follow me." You pack up your stuff and stand. Unable to process your thoughts once the man moves away from the table in his wheelchair.
"Oh c'mon, don't give me that look." He sighs.
"What look?" You counter, genuinely confused.
"That look of 'oh my gosh, he's in a wheelchair. Now everything is different.'" He says in a slightly raised tone.
"First of all, I didn't think that at all. I was just shocked." He looked almost deflated until you spoke up, "So are we still getting jello or what?" He smiles, leading the way.
"Hey! Hey! Mister Lightning McQueen, do you mind slowing down a bit? Or at least tell me your name so I don't have to keep yelling mister." You pant, finally catching up to him at the end of the hall.
"Sorry." He flushes a light pink before a quick clearing of his throat, "I'm Jungkook." He stretches his hand and you shake it gently, "Y/n." You say, the two of you hold hands a little longer than necessary before a visitor attempts to get by and you pull your hand away first.
Fast forward to the two of you sitting on the chairs in god knows which wing of the hospital, the building was so damn big. Licking the spoons of your delicious cherry jello as you were both facing the window that looked out into the midnight sky.
"So what brings you here tonight?" He asks as he scoops around his cup for another spoonful. "My sister is giving birth. At least that's what I thought was supposed to happen but the baby doesn't want to come yet." He laughs, "That's amazing. Not the part about the baby holding your sister's womb hostage but- you know what I'm trying to say."
Unable to control your laughter at his bizarre wording, "Yeah, I get it." A silence falls between the two of you, sitting on your shoulders. You wanted to say something but you weren't sure- "It's okay, Y/n. You can ask." He speaks without even looking at you. Focused on getting his next spoon of jello.
"How did you end up here?" You ask and Jungkook begins the age-old story. He was coming home from work during that crazy storm 2 months ago. He said he didn't remember much from the actual accident, one second he's in his lane and the next there's an eighteen-wheeler sliding right into him and dragging two others in with him.
"I don't even remember being rushed in here, I just remember waking up 3 days later and the doctors telling me I was lucky to be alive. Telling me I had basically injured every bone I had. Head trauma, shattered ribs, a punctured lung, fractured both my legs- and the list goes on."
Your jaw falls open. Hand raising to cover your mouth for two reasons.
"You really are lucky to be alive."
It seems that Jungkook disagrees, "Yet I don't feel all that lucky. I wake up to the same faces, getting poked at and pricked every hour. Going to rehab every other day, my body hurts constantly. I can't even count how many painkillers and antibiotics I take every morning." You frown.
"I'm grateful to be making progress of course, but sometimes It feels like the world is passing me by while I'm standing still-- or sitting, for that matter.." You'd never connected to anything more.
"I totally understand. Under different circumstances of course, but I think I get what you mean. Ever since I was 7 I'd had this perfect vision of how my life should be by the time I was 25. A nice house, with a loving husband and maybe a baby on the way with my six-figure paying job but here I am, 26, sitting in a waiting room, single, waiting for my sister to have a baby so that I can go home to my office job that sure as hell doesn't pay enough for a nice house."
Your story provokes a soft chuckle to come rumbling from Jungkook's chest and you swat at him. "And it's like, you want to take steps forward but it's almost like you can't because everything is out of your control. The most decisive factor of a good life is controlled by everyone but you. It sucks." Jungkook expands on your thoughts further and you'd never felt so seen before.
"I-" You begin but the PA system begins to blare someone's voice as they make an announcement.
"Code Yellow. Code Yellow." Jungkook's vision darts to his wristwatch. "Shit. It's been an hour already?" You weren't following, "What's going on?" Jungkook begins to roll back, tossing away his garbage in the bin while you stand and do the same.
"Code yellow is just their dramatic way of declaring a patient is missing. Although-" His eyes fly past you and to whoever was behind you, it was a furious nurse. "Jeon Jungkook." She says and he groans, "I know- I know."
Jungkook hardly got to speak before he was being pushed away back to wherever his room was. "I hope your sister has a safe delivery." You stand still in the middle of the hall as you watch Jungkook get whisked out of sight.
Unable to stop thinking about how disappointed he looked once that nurse appeared. Clearly, he didn't want to go back. You couldn't shake what he told you, about seeing the same people every day, following the same painful routine.
You wondered if he had any family that visited him.
Speaking of which, it was time for you to return to your own.
7 hours later you were finally holding the most perfect baby girl in your arms. "She's beautiful, Eunji," you say tearfully, staring at the adorable infant who was just so tiny in your arms.
"I can't believe I'm holding your baby right now." You say to no one in particular while Seokjin stands behind you looking down at the baby, he looks like he's still in awe himself.
Carefully passing her back into your sister's tired arms. You had the honour of taking their first family photo. With Seokjin's eyes full of love and your sister displaying the happiest smile you'd ever seen.
"She's perfect." You hear him whisper with a kiss to Eunji's forehead and your heart just about melts at the heartwarming sight.
𓆩♡𓆪 7 days later
The moment that you left that hospital that morning you felt almost... sad? Like you had a happiness hangover. You were truly overjoyed, you finally got to meet your niece and you met Jungkook who left an unanticipated imprint on your brain.
You tapped your nails against the desk in your cubicle, your bottom lip tucked between your teeth as your eyes glanced at the time at the bottom of the computer screen.
Your break was in 20 minutes, you had an hour to do whatever and sure, you could spend it here continuing your work so that you could go home earlier...but the hospital is nearby...
No more than a 10-minute drive.. maybe you could drop by? Just for a little?
You didn't leave yourself much time to debate it as you were already marching out of the office the moment the clock hit 12. You'd decided to pick up some flowers from the gift shop on your way up.
Following the receptionist's instructions that she gave you to locate his room with a nervous click of your heels with each step. What if he didn't want to see you? Does he even remember you?
You saw him through the glass window briefly and adjusted yourself to an angle where he couldn't see you. He was just laying there. Staring up at the ceiling, but he sat up once a nurse walked in.
It seemed that she was doing some routine checkups before pricking him with a needle of some kind. You'd always been the type to squirm with needles yet he was unfazed, it was like he couldn't even feel it.
Once she left she passed you with a small smile. Slowly you walk to the door and his gaze slowly drags towards you. His eyes smile before his lips, and he sits up.
"Y/n!" He says with such a joyful tone, you would never expect the voice to belong to someone sitting in a hospital bed. "Hi," You say, unsure of what to do with the flowers.
"Don't tell me you're still waiting for your sister to give birth." He says with a little sarcasm and you laugh with a shake of your head. "No, little miss Seol-a came fashionably late."
"As in 'snow child'? That's a perfect name." You agree. Watching him as his gaze drops to your arms. "Oh- These are for you." Bringing the small bouquet of tiger lilies to him, he accepts it gratefully.
"Thank you-- Really, you didn't have to. You visiting me is more than enough of a gift, and they're Tiger Lilies, too. Fun fact, that's actually my birth flower." It was like a lightbulb had gone off in your head but you ignored it.
Maybe that was just a coincidence, but you didn't like that word. You preferred to use something much stronger, that starts with an 'F', and ends with an 'ate'.
"Pull up a chair, please. I don't want to be the only one sitting." He insists, gesturing to the chair near the wall and you bring it a bit closer.
Letting out a soft sigh of relief once you were off your feet, "God, I hate heels." You mutter, "I'm guessing you have to wear them for that magical job of yours," Your face turns sour, "Magic isn't the word I'd use to describe it,"
Just like that the two of you fell down a rabbit hole of conversation, exchanging work experiences and even phone numbers at one point.
"So tell me, Y/n. In a perfect world, if you could just drop everything, what would you do?" You pretended to give it thought as if you hadn't known for the last decade. "I'd want to open a hair salon... Is that crazy? I don't think I've ever actually said that out loud before."
"What's stopping you?" You laugh, a little too hard, thinking of the dozens of reasons why it wasn't practical and way too impulsive but the longer you looked at his neutral expression you began to reflect on the reasons.
And they all came back to the same root, "What if I fail?" He shrugs, "You can't fail unless you give up." You couldn't believe you were actually considering this. Shaking your head dramatically, clearing your brain.
"You're such a bad influence, y'know? I can't believe you really almost made me do that." His bunny-like smile is on display when he speaks, "That wasn't me, that was your instinct. For a brief second, you just listened to your heart."
"Wanna see something cool?" His hand raises and gestures to his lower body, and you watch as the blankets begin to stretch over the small peak that began to form under the covers as he bends his left knee slightly.
"Jungkook! That's incredible." You gasped, eyes wide and you weren't sure what came over you, but before you knew it you'd taken him in your arms.
His body was still a bit weak but his arms responded almost immediately. Holding you still for the short duration of the hug before you pulled away.
"Are you okay- I'm sorry, did I hurt you-" A small panic consumes you as Jungkook's eyes tint a faint red and well with tears. "No, no. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just been so long since someone's been so happy for me."
His words weighed down in your chest like a pile of bricks. "Does no one visit you?"
"All my friends and family came to visit right after the accident. Then it was just my best friends and my parents who came a few times a week. Soon people don't have time to visit someone who makes such little progress every day."
He continues to explain, "But I don't hold it against them. It's a time commitment. The real world is more demanding than I am and I just can't wait for the day I get to meet them out there."
Gently placing your hand on top of his, "You're gonna be out of here before you know it-" A familiar ringer goes off in your bag. You pull out your phone and stop the alarm. "Well, my break ends soon." You stand and you tell yourself that you're imagining the small frown peels over his lips.
Putting the chair back where you found it you walk to the door. "Bye Jungkook, it was good to see you again." With that, you walk away and Jungkook is left in despair. That was it? It's over?
You were just gonna walk into his room and bless him with the most revitalizing conversation he's ever had and you're leaving?
Before he gets the chance to deflate into his pillows your head pops back into the doorframe, "See you tomorrow." You wink and vanish once again. Knowing that you'd given him a little wave of sadness at first.
His shoulders shake with laughter, relieved.
Staying true to your word, you in fact did go back to visit him the next day, except you went after your shift since 40 minutes simply wasn't enough time.
For the first few weeks of your daily visits, Jungkook was afraid that one day you would stop coming and he wouldn't see you again, but once three months had passed, there was no doubt in his mind he would walk out of this hospital without you by his side.
You'd even met his parents once, by accident of course. You were just leaving when they'd been walking in and of course, they had no idea who you were.
Telling them about how the two of you met was quite entertaining, Accidentally mentioning the part where Jungkook had been called a missing patient which earned him a soft pinch to his arm from his mother.
But you'll never forget the words his mother whispered in your ear as she hugged you. "Thank you for loving my son." Your cheeks flushed and you stuttered, trying to clarify things but she didn't want to hear it.
"It's okay, I know." She says with the most subtle of winks before walking off with her husband who shook your hand graciously.
Not every day was full of laughs and feasts that you'd bring him from the outside world, there were definitely down days. Days when the pain would call for a stronger dose of his medications which left him burnt out and groggy.
But there were also good days like today. You had the honour of helping Jungkook take some of his first steps for a few feet before being right behind him with the wheelchair.
You weren't able to stop your tears while Jungkook apologized to the physical therapist for your constant crying. You cried every time you saw him move on his own, but he thinks it's cute.
It's evident how much you care about him. By now your entire family knew about your blossomed friendship, and it seems he was all you could talk about. He could only hope that you knew how much he cared about you.
He would love to surprise you at work one day with lunch or take you to your favourite places. Alas, that was among the list of things he unfortunately couldn't control but promised to do once he got out.
He had a section of notes dedicated to you and all the places he would take you, it's what he always hid against his chest anytime you tried peaking.
"You won't believe what I just did!" Those are the first words that escape your mouth in the most dramatic of ways as you practically burst into his room.
He jolts, his book now falling forgotten from his fingers, you'd startled him and you apologized. You weren't usually here at noon. So he welcomes your explanation with a warm smile and curious eyes.
"So I went to work this morning, and they called us all in for a meeting. I was expecting another spontaneous workshop about professional behaviour or something. They drop this huge bomb on us that the company is downsizing so they're laying off a third of the company and basically cutting everyone's salary in half." It all comes out in a single breath, so you give yourself some time to breathe.
Jungkook wasn't following, "This sounds like... bad news? Am I missing something? Why do you look so happy?"
"Because I quit my job. I've been thinking about what you said for a while now, about following my heart, and I think I've always been waiting for some kind of sign or opportunity to just go for it, so today was the day." Now that you'd finally gotten the jitters out, you pulled up a chair.
"I know it's crazy, I don't know what I was thinking, but I just got off the phone with one of the property managers of those empty studios downtown and it was all so exciting and I don't even know where I'm going to get the money but I think I can-"
Jungkook finally silenced you with his lips.
He kissed you.
His lips were soft as they worked against yours. You could feel him smile as the kiss deepened. You moved out of your chair to the bed without breaking contact. Pulling away briefly for air but resuming as though you couldn't be apart for more than a second.
You weren't sure when you'd ended up on top of him with Jungkook on his back and your hips grinding down onto his softly, still a bit cautious.
"You have-" He kisses down your neck, peppering kisses between his words, "-No idea-" His lips kissing right below your ear, "-How long I've wanted to kiss you." His teeth gently nibble on the skin of your ear causing a whine to escape your lips.
Suddenly there was a fast beeping and it was only getting faster.
A nurse walks in and you just about throw yourself off of Jungkook and onto the ground. "What's going on in here? Your heart rate was way too fast, Mr. Jeon." He bites his lip nervously while you get yourself on your feet.
"Sorry, Nurse Lynn. I was just trying some new exercises and I guess I got a bit carried away." He says the last part with a lustful look in his eye when he glances towards you.
Once she left you let your hand cover your mouth in pure shock, laughing uncontrollably. "Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened." Jungkook throws his head back onto the pillows with a heavy breath.
"Those nurses can't let me have shit in here. I can't even rub one out in the shower without them barging in." Your jaw drops, "It's happened more times than I'd like to speak about." The shame that seems to swallow him up makes you laugh even harder.
"How's the salon going?" He's the first to ask you once you walk out of the bathroom and your shoulders drop. Taking a seat beside him on the bed, "It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. My contractor is being a total pain in the ass, but at least it's starting to come together, look-"
You swipe through the photos of the empty studio that was now painted. "I can't wait to see it." He says, and you look away from the screen. Focusing on his beautiful brown eyes. "Me too." He steals a sweet kiss from you before resuming his swipe through your phone with a cheeky grin.
For the first time, you noticed how empty his left arm was compared to his right. His right arm was covered in tattoos that the two of you had spent nearly an hour talking about once, while his left arm was blank.
"Why don't you have any tattoos on your left arm?" He places down your phone, making eye contact with you once again. "I wanna save it for something special, something meaningful, like the Batman symbol." His nerdy remark makes you snort.
"Hi Jungko-Oh." This was unusual.
Of all the times you'd visited Jungkook, there was probably only one other time where you'd caught him sleeping, although that was a late night. It was only sometime around 3 in the afternoon.
You didn't want to disturb him, so you left him a little sticky note for him to read when he wakes up. You didn't want him to think that you never came.
The following day the two of you were having a bit of a hard time getting Jungkook out of bed. "I thought you wanted to do some more walking?" You offer, standing with his walker but he laid back unmotivated.
"Not today, maybe another day. I'm just a bit tired." He mumbles and you nod, "Oh. Okay." But your heart wasn't settled, something was wrong.
The week continued with his slow responses and fatigue. "Are you okay?" He hums, his eyes shutting tight as he grunts softly. "Yeah, just got a bit of a headache, that's all. I'll be better by tomorrow." He reassures you, and you insist on getting him some water.
"Nurse Lynn." You call out for the Nurse as you cross paths as you return from refilling Jungkook's water bottle. She stops and begins to approach you. "Jungkook has been acting a bit off lately. He's been really tired and he says he has a headache and I just want to know if anything is going on."
You can see that she really begins to think about anything it could be. You follow her as she goes off to check his charts. Looking through the window, Jungkook had already fallen asleep.
"His numbers seem to be fine, but we'll keep a close eye on them tonight and run some tests in the morning." Leaving you with a reassuring hand on your shoulder, but you still didn't feel any better.
You went home to your parents' house. You'd moved back home after impulsively quitting your job since there was no way you'd be able to afford your old apartment anymore. Besides, this arrangement made the most sense.
Now you were able to save your money and focus on your salon. The salon Jungkook had inspired you to open, god you couldn't stop thinking about him. Something felt off.
"Y/n?" Your dad snaps his fingers in front of you, finally catching your attention. "Sorry- What?"
"Your mom and I were wondering if you'd be joining us for dinner or if you already ate." You shake your head slowly, "It's okay, I'm not hungry."
"Is everything okay?'' Your stretches her neck from where she sat on the couch. "I don't know. Jungkook's been acting off lately and I just don't know if everything is okay." Anyone who heard you could hear the worry that wavered in your tone. You wanted nothing more than for him to be okay.
"Oh, honey." Your parents hugged you and for a moment you felt like everything was going to be okay.
Until it wasn't.
It was around 2 in the morning when you'd gotten a call from Jungkook's mom.
He'd gone into a coma.
You didn't find yourself to be a religious person yet you found yourself praying to any god in the sky who was listening as you drove to the hospital that he would be okay.
Running through the halls, letting out careless apologies to those you nearly bumped into as you did so. "What happened?!" You say frantically, his mother was in no state to speak, her eyes were bloodshot and her lips quivered whenever she tried to speak.
Instead, his father took on the role to tell you, "The doctors said there were unforeseen complications from his accident. There was some inflammation in his brain that went undetected and was applying pressure to his brain stem which is why he was experiencing those headaches and fatigue. They've done all they can to reduce the swelling, but there's no guarantee he'll-"
His dad struggles to finish his sentence, choking up a bit himself at the possibility of Jungkook never waking up. "C-Can I see him?" You swallow back your tears and that sore feeling in your throat as you walk in slowly.
You didn't want to cry, but the moment you saw him hooked up to all those machines, the same ones he hated so much, the way his body lay so still, it broke you.
Your cries came out more as wails than anything else, you couldn't say anything but his name. You weren't just crying, you were begging, pleading with the gods to spare him.
"Y/n-" You hear his dad's voice behind you, catching you in his arms just as you fall to your knees. He could have never anticipated a reaction quite like this one. It seems he underestimated how much Jungkook meant to you.
Now he knows.
All his friends and family knew.
As they trickled in and out of Jungkook's hospital room over the following weeks they would see you sitting by his side, the same way you did all the days before.
His mom liked to say you were there more than Jungkook was. She knew he was lucky, he'd found something special with you. A kind of love that was rare to come across these days.
You spent every waking moment beside him until visiting hours were over, and would be back the next morning the moment they begin. Your parents told you to keep yourself busy with your salon and you tried, but how could you when everything inside reminded you of him?
Today was a quiet day, with no visitors or flowers for you to find space for as his room was filled. You focused on reading to him. You'd been told that hearing familiar voices can help to stimulate brain activity and you were willing to do anything.
"As Batman ran through the dark streets of Gotham-" You chuckled to yourself, unable to take the story seriously.
According to his parents, this was his favourite comic book growing up, and you'd been reading it to him for the last few days, and yet you still weren't interested in DC.
You rummaged through the bag of books you had on the side, your fingertips grasped the familiar cover that started it all. "The String of Fate" You mumble, a soft smile as the title takes you back to the night you met.
Back then he was nothing more than an opinionated patient on the loose, and now, he was everything.
You opened the book, going back to the page you'd bookmarked as a favourite. Deciding to read it out loud for the sake of Jungkook hearing your voice.
"In the garden of destiny, soulmates blossom, each petal a reflection of the other's beauty, each leaf a testament to their shared growth. Together, they tend to the soil of their dreams, nurturing them with the water of their love, as they chase the sunsets of tomorrow, hand in hand, forever intertwined."
Your voice began to shake halfway through, and your tears landed on every other word. You closed the book, placing it back in the bag so that you could take Jungkook's hands in yours.
"Please," You whispered, "I love you."
It was no surprise to anyone. You had nothing but love for the man who changed your world for the better. He had no idea how much space he takes up in your head, your heart. It's his, it belongs to him.
"Can we come in?" There are soft knocks on the door and you're pleasantly surprised to see Jin and your sister, assuming the baby was with your parents.
"Thank you for coming," You hug them both, "If there's someone important enough that you went MIA during my labour, then I have to meet him." Eunji says jokingly and you smile sadly, "I just wish you got to meet under better circumstances."
The days turned to night then day once again, and the pattern continued endlessly for the following month. It just continued to repeat in this painful process of dwindling hope.
Nothing could have prepared you for the devastating conversation with the doctor this morning.
"Please understand, during this difficult time, we have carefully monitored Jungkook's minimal brain activity. Given the duration of his coma and after our intensive examination of his condition, if there were indications for a potential recovery leading to him waking up, we would have observed signs by now. I know this news is incredibly challenging to hear but-"
His mother wept.
"We're so sorry." The doctor says as if it was rehearsed, you couldn't imagine how many times he'd had to give such gut-wrenching news to other families.
You listened with a broken heart, unable to cry. You were all out of tears. You'd cried and cried your heart out all month, you couldn't bear the thought of it all being for such a tragic conclusion.
That was almost a week ago, you'd remained by Jungkook's side regardless. Never leaving, not moving.
"Y/n, Honey. You've been here all day, when's the last time you ate something, hm?" His mom gently tilted your chin upwards, you looked pale in colour and your eyes were dull with sorrow.
"I don't know, Tuesday maybe?"
It's Thursday night.
"Go." She orders, and you know that tone. She wasn't willing to negotiate this with you. She'd begun to care for you like a daughter of her own, and as much as she respected and adored your dedication to her son, it was just as important that you were healthy.
Still following Jungkook's advice, you avoided most of the shops in the cafeteria except for a select few that he deemed sanitary. Sitting at one of the tables by yourself, you poked at your food, not all that hungry but you took bites anyway.
Taking a long sip from your water bottle you ignored the buzzing from your phone. You're sure it's just the contractors giving you a hard time again. You were set to open in a few months from now and you'd never felt more grateful for your mom stepping in to help while you were.. away.
Your phone buzzes once more, you finally check the messages.
Ever since that night, every time Mrs. Jeon messaged you, it left you with a pit in your stomach, quite like the one in your stomach right now.
She was calling you back to Jungkook's room immediately.
Completely abandoning your half-eaten meal on the table as you rushed back up to the room you'd begun to know like the back of your hand.
There his parents were, teary-eyed as they sat outside his room, making calls and texting loved ones. Soon you saw a team of nurses walking out of his room with some medical technology that you're sure had very complicated names and--
Oh no.
Your brain was putting the pieces together. What was once a pit had evolved into a full-fledged sinkhole. Your hands were shaking as you walked into the room, eyes landing on his body, not expecting to meet his familiar brown orbs.
They blinked at you slowly. Just like the first time you'd visited, they smiled before his lips did. "There she is," His voice was weak, understandably but it still had that softness to it.
Your body was overwhelmed and unable to make any coherent sounds. You were standing still as a statue. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth to stop your lips from quivering but you couldn't stop it.
Your breathing became shallow and the sound of your heart drumming in your ears seemed much louder than it did a minute ago. You felt like your eyes were playing tricks on you.
"Is it-" Your voice airy and broken, not wanting this to be a dream. You so desperately needed this to be real. He nods slowly with a grin, "It's me." Just when you thought you had no more tears left, there were more spilling down your cheeks.
Finally picking up your feet and walking over to him with broken sobs, meeting him at the side of the bed. On your knees with his arms around you while you held him in yours. "I thought I lost you." You swat him with teary eyes and a small laugh.
"You can never lose me, Y/n, and I want to make sure of that." He says, and your head tilts instinctively. "What do you mean?"
"Marry me."
Eyes wide and your mouth nearly kissing the floor.
"You can't be serious," Oh how you hoped he was serious.
"You've been by my side every step of the way. When I walk through those hospital doors one last time, I want to be beside the woman I love. Let me spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you've made me." Now he was the one getting misty eyes.
Your mouth struggled to keep up with the eager nodding of your head. "Yes." Holding his face in your hands and kissing him like you'd longed to do for weeks.
"Wait- You don't have a ring," Jungkook leans slightly for the box of band-aids on the side table. "Jungkook, I don't need-'' Your efforts go in vain as he shushes you kindly, taping the band-aid around your ring finer.
"It's symbolic for now until I can get you the real thing."
Nothing could have prepared you for the busy year ahead of you. Between visiting Jungkook, opening a salon and planning a wedding things were beginning to get chaotic but it all seemed to fade in importance once Jungkook finally got to go home.
And you were right, he was home just in time for Thanksgiving, and he had a lot to be thankful for. He made that clear during his speech at your parents' annual Thanksgiving dinner.
The fact he was able to stand for it was reason enough. Although he wasn't able to walk far distances, he was improving every day, and it just warmed your heart.
Your speech wasn't nearly as tear-jerking as Jungkook's was, but you still had a lot to be grateful for. Just looking around the table from where you stood, smiling at your parents, your sister with Jin and Seol-a, Jungkook's parents, and Jungkook, of course.
Everything you ever wanted was right in front of you.
Keeping your speech short and sweet, "And I know she's grateful for that huge rock on her finger." Eunji whispers loudly causing the table to erupt in a fit of giggles, the tips of your ears turn red as you smile shyly.
From Thanksgiving to the opening day of your Salon. Staring up to look at your name written out in a cursive font across the top of the building you were in awe. "Pinch me," you mutter sarcastically, not expecting Jungkook to actually pinch you.
With a pout you rubbed the pink mark he left on your arm as the two of you walked into the moderately busy salon. Your mom had sent out flyers and emails about the opening day all season.
You wouldn't have been able to do it without her.
"I'm so proud of you," Jungkook whispers and you turn to face him with the look of a puppy. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," He shakes his head, "I didn't do anything. This was all you, all you had to do was listen to your heart." Giving him one of those upside-down smiles you wrap your arms around him, talking into his chest.
"I can't wait to marry you."
Before you knew it, the wait was over.
Today is the day. 
You could only stress about one day so much, you'd gone over every last detail down to the very inch and you were sure it was going to be perfect, after all, you'd had it all planned out in your head since you were 7 and Jungkook was more than happy oblige, 'as long as I get to marry you', he would say.
Your wedding was beautiful, it left your guests breathless the moment they entered the venue and the ceremony hadn't even begun yet.
Your wedding had its own special and heartfelt twist to it. Instead of Jungkook standing ready at the altar, he had the honour of picking a heartfelt song to walk down the aisle to with no arm crutches or wheelchair to support him. Nothing but his parents on either side holding one of his arms.
Some of the audience cheered while some let their tears fall quietly, knowing how far Jungkook had come to get to this point. Once he made it to the front, his best man, Jimin, handed him his arm crutches once again.
Soon the rest of the bridal party had made their way down the aisle, prompting the audience to stand. All heads turned to the grand double doors that soon opened as a romantic instrumental of "Look After You" began to play.
Jungkook could hardly see you from the distance he was standing but just knowing that you were walking towards him had him choking up already.
By the time he really could see you, he couldn't. His eyes are cloudy with tears until Jimin hands him his pocket square to wipe his eyes. Blinking the rest of his tears away, he smiles at you.
You looked beautiful.
Like God's most perfect creation sent down from heaven. There you were, smiling back at him with those angel eyes of yours. It would be a lie to say you didn't want to cry but the last thing you wanted was to ruin your makeup.
However, you weren't so strong when it came time to listen to Jungkook's vows after just finishing yours.
"You once asked me if I believed in soulmates, and I remember saying it was a load of crap. I had no idea they were sitting right in front of me. Your unconditional and unchanging demonstration of love has completely changed me from the inside out. Through you, I breathe again, and for you, my heart beats. Today, I give you more than just my word. I give you mind, I give you my soul, my everything. I pray from this day forward we will chase the sunsets of tomorrow, hand in hand, forever."
The last part he recites from the passage of your book you'd read to him while he was still unconscious. Your makeup is now a victim to the stream of hot, salty tears that flowed from your eyes, "You heard me." You say just loud enough for only him to hear you. He smiles. "I heard you."
With no more tears and the unravelling of a touching ceremony,
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
This was it. The moment Jungkook had been anticipating for months. Unclipping himself from the crutches around his arms, he hands them to Jimin.
He stretches out his arms dramatically, pretending to crack his neck.
Carefully taking your face in his hands, knowing how important it was to you that he didn't smudge anything, but your lipstick was going to need some reapplication after the way he pivoted and swooped you down for the most passionate of kisses.
The kind where your leg raises in the air while the photographer gets the money shot, capturing the bright smiles all around.
As if it was possible, the reception was even better than the ceremony. The toasts were both funny and touching. All eyes were on the happy couple who sat at their special table on the elevated platform for all to see.
Unable to hear what was being said but they could only assume it was something heartfelt based on the way your hands had clasped over your mouth.
Jungkook had just rolled up the sleeve of his left arm, showing you a new tattoo that you'd never seen. It was a delicate dark vine that wrapped around his forearm, with blossoming flowers, encircling the words 'Garden of Destiny', just like from your book.
"Are those-" You point to the types of flowers, "Tiger Lilies and Cosmos, your birth flower? Yeah." You pout, "Please don't cry, you'll be so upset if you ruin your makeup." He gently moves a loose strand of your hair from your face with the same hand you'd just been examining, and that's when it hits you.
"It's on your left arm." He grins,
"Of course it is."
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𓆩♡𓆪This was only supposed to be 900 words. oops. 𓆩♡𓆪
𓆩♡𓆪 mentions and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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tra1nchi · 1 month
can I request... dilfy!step!dad seeing his himbo son (reader) and getting hard (≧▽≦) but that was only the first time, he didn't do anything about it except jerk himself off..
but after a few weeks reader was just taking a nap in his bed, door wide open and he just couldn't resist!! reader was wearing short shorts with no underwear and just a tank top :(
so when reader wakes up he's met with the sight of the upper half of his stepdad and his dick twitching inside his whore hole (☉。☉)!
Ya ya ya!!! MINORS DNI!! Bttm Himbo male reader,, Dilfy step dad,,masturbation,, Somnophilia,, Degradation,,
your step dad didn't think anything of you at first,,you were just his new wife's son,nothing out of the ordinary for marrying at his age!! Just some college aged man living with him now!!
But you were just so dumb?? How could you have possibly even made it to college?? His wife forcing him to help with you with your college work but you just couldn't understand the material!! He basically did the work for you!!
Sitting beside you,,stressed out of his head as he tries to understand how to make you understand the material,,the soft pout on your lips,,how you seemed so obedient with trying to follow along with his words!!
He couldn't help it,,you were just so innocent,,he didn't mean to feel himself grow harder at the thought of your pouty lips wrapped around his cock!!
Feeling guilty as he excuses himself to the bathroom,,relieving himself as he tries not to think about his wife at work,, focusing on your body,,how dare you be more ripped then him??
Cumming into the handful of tissue he lazily bundled together the second he heard your name call out for him,, confused and concerned on why he hasn't come back from the bathroom for so long!! You were such a sweet little thing >□<
He couldn't stop over the next few weeks,,forgetting more and more about masturbating to his wife and only focusing on his poor step son!! His patience ran out so fast!!
One night as he tossed and turned,,standing up from his bed as he ignored his wife's snores,,heading towards your bedroom!!
Opening the door slowly to find your sleeping self!! The tiniest of shorts and a tank top barely covering your pecs!! Gently moving your slumbering self to the side,, you must be a heavy sleeping because you only let out the cutest of groans but didn't wake at all!!
Pulling down your shirts to see not a trace of boxers!! His cheeks immediately flushingwhen he sees your cock exposed to the air!! Letting out a grunt as he clenched his thighs together!!
You felt yourself being moved as you opened your eyes in confusion on for them to widen!! Seeing your step dad pushing his slicked up cock in and out of you!! His hands gripping your hips tight enough to leave bruises!!
"Go back to sleep." He groans out,, leaning down to suck on your chest like he craved it!! His hips bucking even faster against yours!!
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luveline · 7 months
Hey jade!! i love your writing so much<3
Also what do you think of prison!spencer × Stripper!reader?👀
im not sure if this is what you meant but I hope you like it ♡ fem, 1.2k
"Too much," you murmur to yourself, tilting your head one way and then the other. The bags under your eyes have been dark lately from a severe lack of sleep, but all this makeup won't help make tips. "Way too much." 
You lean back to ask one of the girls for a wet wipe but the dressing room is empty. Swearing to yourself, you duck down for your bag. You have tissues, and they'll have to do it. 
Things have been hard since Spencer's… event. You don't sleep well without him, worse wondering what it is he's going through right now. His friends don't really know that you're seeing one another, and so being kept in the loop has felt akin to begging for scraps. You miss Agent Hotchner in times like this. He always had a soft spot for you. 
You hum a song under your breath as you rub the cakey makeup under your eyes. Washing your face would be nice. Going home would be better. You've been trying to make some extra money in case Spencer never comes home; you won't have his security to fall back on if things fall apart here. 
You don't want his security. You just want him to come home. Sighing, you pick up your phone and open the gallery app. It's a second hand thing you got at a pawn shop but it has enough storage to keep as many blurry photos of your boyfriend as you'd like. Pictures of him everywhere and doing everything, his big smile like a beacon. 
You stop scrolling when you find the one you want. It's favourited with a red heart at the bottom of the screen. Spencer took it, you remember —you were too busy kissing his cheek to navigate the settings. He looks happy. You could never understand how happy he is to be with you, how through everything, a long time of knowing one another and a hundred thousand acts of a kindness you didn't deserve, he's stayed by your side. He doesn't care that you're a dancer. He's proud of your choices. He loves you for you, even if he does get a little jealous every now and then. 
You lay your phone down on the dressing table, cheek flat beside it. "Time to come home, Dr. Reid," you whisper. 
Your phone pings and you ignore it. It pings again and you turn off your notifications. It's probably Spencer's nice friend Penelope, or one of the girls wanting to borrow something. 
You shed your robe to look yourself over in the mirror. The lingerie you're in tonight's not to your taste but a fan favourite, the bra and underwear both plum in colour with lace and black garters to be clipped. You turn to one side and narrow your gaze at a ladder running up your leg. 
You save a bottle of clear nail polish in your bag for this occasion. 
You're sitting on the floor with your leg out in front of you when someone knocks on the door. The girls don't knock. 
If it's a patron you have a taser, and besides, they don't usually knock either. A bouncer, then. 
"Come in, please!" you call lightly. 
You don't bother looking up, a creature of habit. It'll be the same thing as usual, insert man wants to buy insert dance from you for insert amount of time. Are you interested? 
You hum as you paint the rip in your garter. The nail polish will stop it from ripping any further, but you're going to need new ones. 
"You're prettier than when I left. How did you do that?" 
You tip the bottle over as you flinch, you don't care, you look up at the compliment and the familiar voice, and find Spencer standing in the doorway. 
You've pictured this moment multiple times a day since the day he was arrested, hundreds of reactions. In pretty much all of them you throw yourself into his arms and beg him not to leave again, but all those hours of missing him coalesce on top of you. You want desperately to touch him and you end up crying into your hands instead. Tears quicker than you knew they could arrive, hot and thick as your sob. 
"Hey," Spencer says, kneeling down in front of you. He takes your wrists into his hands. "Hey… don't cry." 
You can't help it. 
He wraps his arms around you and lets you sob. "I thought you'd be happy to see me," he murmurs. 
"I missed you," you say, the words dragged from you like agony on a hook. 
"I missed you too." He rubs your back. If he cares that you're in your underwear he doesn't have much to say about it. He eventually started making jokes about all of this stuff when he realised you wouldn't be offended, but he's never cruel about anything. He's far from it now, pulling your shoulder into his chest as he pats your arms. "I'm sorry, honey. I'm really sorry. It got out of control. But, on the bright side…" 
You sniffle and pull your gaze up to his face. When you see the hollows of his cheeks you almost start crying again. "What?" you ask. 
"Well, now I'm cool enough to be your boyfriend." 
You push him backwards and crawl into his lap, knees on either side of him, weight against his abdomen. Your arms weave behind his head and you push your cheek into his likely too hard to be painless. He just sighs in relief. 
"Do you have something in your pocket?" you whisper, your voice stuffy. "Or was prison very hard?" 
He laughs and digs in between you to pull the little box that had been digging into you out of his pocket. "It's for you." 
"Don't want it." 
"I don't care if you want it. I missed our anniversary." 
"I missed you," you say, clinging to him for dear life.
You can't stop hugging him long enough to look. 
Eventually, he peels you off of the floor and you get dressed to go home with him. It takes a long time —you keep stopping to hug him between items of clothing, checking that he's real, that's he's him, even if he looks different now. He has to take the reins or you'll never make it home, pulling your coat over your shoulders and zipping it closed. 
When he's done, he takes your face into both hands. "You've been safe while I was gone? No trouble?" he asks. 
"Nobody messes with me. My boyfriend's in the FBI." 
"Well, we're taking a vacation." He blows out a big breath. "Jesus, I'm sorry, but I really need to kiss you right now." 
"Even though I look junky?" 
"You look perfect." He kisses you before he's finished, his praise smothered by your lips. He kisses you so hard you can't breathe by the end of it. "I'm sorry," he says, pressing a softer one under your eye. "Prison was actually pretty hard." You lean in, lingering nose to nose with him. "I couldn't sleep without you near me." 
"You're only saying that 'cos you saw me in my underwear." 
"Yeah, that's exactly why." He practically giggles. "No, I just love you."
You couldn't sleep without him either. You get home and sleep for days, tangled with each other in bedraggled sheets. 
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tacticalprincess · 3 months
cw: angst, emotional manipulation, dry humping until completion
being the poor little hostage könig is in charge of looking after… he feels annoyed and helpless, listening to you sob for hours. he’s sympathetic; he can see how cohabitating with someone of his caliber might be distressing after what you’ve gone through. even after years of experience he still isn’t quite sure how to deal with this part of his job— the emotion and human interaction part. he avoids making direct eye contact with you and speaks to you as little as possible, figuring you just need space to process. little does he know that everything he does, down to the way his eyes shift uncomfortably in his hood, makes you feel even worse, self conscious and isolated, just like you’d felt when you were kidnapped. you longed to be close to the man that saved you from the situation you thought you wouldn’t make it out alive from, and the rejection you felt from him was only making the crave worse. you’d do anything to get his attention…
he returns back to your guys’ temporary hideaway to find you in the same spot he left you, curled up in the corner of the bed. his heart hurts at the image you make. he stands awkwardly in the middle of the room holding a paper bag. "i brought food and… more tissues."
you break down at the sound of his voice, the first voice that hasn’t evoked a deep sense of dread and fear into you in weeks. you can’t see through the fog of tears in your eyes, but you hear the sound of heavy footsteps inching toward you, the crinkling of the bag being set on the creaky wooden table. a large, tentative hand is placed on your shoulder, and you can’t help but lean into the touch you’ve been craving.
“don’t… don’t leave again.” you plead brokenly.
“okay…” könig sounds startled. “what do i…?”
“can you just sit with me? hold me?”
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he hasn’t held anyone the way he holds you since before he can remember. it’s hesitant and stiff at first, you leaning up against his broad chest, his strong arms wrapped gingerly around you. he softens up the longer you sit there, your face buried in his neck as your crying turns into sniffling, and eventually his warm embrace feels indistinguishable from that of someone you’ve known forever— a lover, even. he just makes you feel so safe and protected. it’s not your fault that your confused, touch-starved brain reads the situation as something that it’s not.
könig’s supposed to be the clear headed one. he should stop you when you start crawling further on top of him, he shouldn’t let you sit yourself in his lap. it’s inappropriate and he knows it, only a sick man would take advantage of a young girl in such a vulnerable state. but it’s not like he isn’t also in dire need of physical affection. if he just sits back and lets you take what you need from him to be comfortable, he isn’t doing anything wrong. right?
“i’ve been so scared, so lonely.” you reason with him as your hands feel around his broad biceps through his tactical gear. the more you discover about him, the more your admiration for him grows. your breathing has turned heavy, the warmth of könig’s body paired with the feeling of having a man so close to you for reasons that aren’t to hurt you, has your cunt aching between your thighs. you’re so screwed up. “i never thanked you for saving me.”
“it’s my job.” you can hear that he’s effected too, his accent thick and deep and strained underneath his mask. you bite your lip at the sound, your little hips growing a mind of their own as they start to rut against his crotch. the sensation of your sweet heat rubbing snugly against his is enough to lower any inhibitions könig has left. fuck, he hasn’t felt anything like it in so long. “we shouldn’t–”
“it’s your job to take care of me.” hot tears start to well up in your eyes at the mere thought of stopping. you lock your arms together behind könig’s head, clamping your thighs tighter around him so he has no choice but to let you continue. “please, i need this, sir. i know you want it too.”
he could easily fight you back if he wanted to. he’s much bigger, much stronger… but he doesn’t. his hands find your hips, and you make eye contact for the first time since he rescued you, only now his eyelids are heavy with desire. he’s just as desperate as you. you got what you wanted, his full attention on you. he uses his strength to guide your movements until what youre doing can’t be described as anything else but riding his clothed erection, the friction against your sensitive clit all too much for you too quickly.
you grind against him to the point of overstimulation, too fucked-out to decide wether you want to pull him closer or push him away. he ends up deciding for you, though, hugging you until you’re pressed chest to chest, succumbing to desire. you can feel the way his bigger body dwarfs yours as you use each other to get off. tears stain your soft, flushed cheeks as you cum, pushed over the edge by the sounds of his low pants and grunts, his pulsing cock underneath you. warm with the knowledge that you made him feel as good as you. you thanked him properly.
“i’m here, engelchen. ride it out.”
the feeling of you convulsing on his dick is enough to milk könig’s orgasm out of him soon after, dirtying his pants with hot, thick cum. he strokes your head and whispers soothing words in your ear, and it’s not until you’re fast asleep on his lap that the gravity of what he’d done settles in, shame washing over him in waves…
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