#but now I’m like… maybe I should forget again tonight wow
33max · 8 months
I had a dream I pegged max last night and honestly he was really into it
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xfgpng · 7 months
Dr. Zayne’s office
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a hint of amusement glinted in his eyes as he watched her walk around his office as though she owned the place.
not even an hour ago, she had stumbled into the room, frowning as she held her arm tightly. she had gotten injured, again, and practically pouted and planted herself on his desk. she ignored the paper work he had been busy with or his laptop that sat open on an article about protocores he had been researching. for her sake but he’d never admit that to her or anyone.
“bored?” he muses, fixing his glasses as he flips through a patients files. a regular case for once, mild symptoms and that sort of thing.
“not at all” she shrugs, “i’m exploring”
“this is hardly the first time you’ve been in my office after hours” he rolls his eyes but he can’t help wanting to watch her closely, all the time. she was always so full of life and energy and he’d do just about anything to keep her this way..
only he knew that he couldn’t.
it wouldn’t stop him from trying.
“focus on your reports, dr zayne” she says dryly, plopping herself on the couch she often found herself falling asleep on. tonight would be no different even when she had a perfectly comfortable bed in her perfectly comfortable apartment.
“have you eaten?” he sighs, removing his glasses. he had already removed his white coat and was left in his grey slacks and a plain black shirt. despite his own body temperature being low, he had the first button undone since his office had heating and he knew she’d complain about it being too cold.
though zayne knew she never minded to cold, enjoyed it even.
“was waiting for you” she mumbles, glancing out the window as the rain began falling. it was still pretty light so she could make it home in time before it came down any harder but she also knew he’d never let her do that. not when he could drive her and not when she wanted to be with him for as long as the night would allow.
he grins, hiding it behind his hand as he walks over to sit beside her. he wondered if he should get a tv in his office just for times like these when she would insist on keeping him company. he already had an extra pillow and blanket for her.
“takeout is unhealthy but i wouldn’t mind making the exception tonight” he teases. he knew she had been craving fried dumplings all week and he could spoil her every now and then if he wanted to. it was his little secret anyway. “how about dumplings?”
her eyes lit up as she sat up straight and she smiled wider.
“you remembered!” she grinned
“considering you texted me all week about it” he laughs, “it would be impossible to forget”
he wouldn’t say that he’d never forget anything she did or said, even if it was in passing.
“could you get me boba too, please” she pouted, holding onto his bicep, “i promise i’ll be good and try not to worry you with my injuries for a whole week!”
“a whole week? wow that’s impressive” he mocks but he can’t hide his smile now even if he tried to and she knows she’s won.

she leans back and pats his back lightly as he places the order on his phone. it seemed she was happy to spend the night inside, in his office, at the hospital without any complaints.

he’d make it up to her when they both had free time. maybe the could take a few days to visit dr noah and see the snow again.
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justdarklr · 15 days
In Stars And Time: Providence
An In Stars And Time x Persona AU
Created and Written by JustDarklr, Co-Created by mizzle-moths
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Table of Contents —
Card I — Providential
Card II — Awake ( Reading Now )
You slowly sit up, only to have someone tap your shoulder. You turn your head to meet whoever it is, and are greeted with Mirabelle’s smile. How long have you been sleeping for?
“Morning, sleepyhead! Have a good nap?” She asks, and you nod. “… had a weird dream.” It feels so vivid, still. You can remember it perfectly… Was it even a dream?
“Oh? Wanna talk about it?”
“Not necessarily, haha!”
“Aww, I’m interested, though… Maybe some other time? If you still remember?”
“Sure, why not.” You probably won’t follow up on that, anyways. You’ll hope she’ll forget.
“Well, either way, I had the best idea for tonight! Wanna hear about it?” You nod, once again, and she continues on. “How about— let’s all meet up for a sleepover at the clocktower tonight! That sounds fun, doesn’t it?”
… you take a moment to respond. Hm. There’s only three… or maybe four, beds in the clocktower. Everyone else will probably have their own bed, so… you and Isa would probably be sharing one again. Well. That doesn’t sound horrible, you suppose.
… oh no. You took too long to answer, and Mirabelle looks self-conscious about her idea, now. “… sorry, that’s stupid, isn’t it? Sorry…”
Oh. Oh stars. You’ve made her upset!! You have to fix this!!!
“N—No, that sounds like a great idea, Mira!”
“Oh… really? Well, if you’re sure… then could you go tell everyone? Oh, I can tell you where they are, if you’ve already forgotten!”
… does she think your memory is that bad? Well, she’s not wrong, but still! “I’ll be fine.”
She doesn’t look convinced. At all. “… well, either way, if you forget, I made a list for you! Here!” She shoves a piece of paper into your hands, and nods. “Okay!! Whenever you’re ready, just come to the east side of town and hop over the bridge. That’s where the clocktower is! Bye!!” Before you even get a chance to answer, she’s already off.
… stars, she must have a lot of energy today. But you can’t exactly blame her— it’s the day before the big showdown. She’s probably restless. You tried to sleep it off, but you’re nervous, too. You’re usually the one to lead the group, so having to lead them all into the House…
Don’t think about it! You’ll be fine. It’s the day before the final showdown, so you’ve got this. You’ll make sure nothing goes wrong. For them. But… stars, something feels off. Like this isn’t how it’s meant to be, or… something? You can’t pinpoint it for the life of you.
It should be fine. You’ll keep moving forward. But for now, you should go find everyone. Where were they, again? You’re sure they told you. It was… the shop, fields, and… wish tree, right? You think that was it. You’ll go in that order, then.
First off, though, you head towards the change god statue.
You should… believe something very strongly at the Change God. That’s how those work, right? Mirabelle and Isabeau taught you before. Can’t just… ask for things, because the Change belief considers it lazy. It’s the Change God, only pure belief and confidence in yourself will do, with the Change God only providing a little nudge.
If anyone is lazy here, it must be the Change God, you think. Why can’t they help out, even if just a little more? Oh well.
You… “believe strongly”, or whatever… that attacks against you will be super weak. Best offense is a good defense, after all. You win if you and your friends are the only ones left standing. You repeat under your breath, “super strong, super strong, super strong.”
… you… actually feel a little stronger???
You pinch yourself. Ow! Okay then, not that much more powerful. But it feels like you and your friends’ defense got a little better.
Alright! Wow. That’s enough for today. You thank the Change God for its blessing and quickly run away, crossing it out from the Reminder Note. Mira thought of everything, huh?
You head into the shop, afterwards. Odile is in there, looking at what the shop has to offer.
“Oh, Siffrin. You look rested. Glad to see you this laid back on the day before the end of the world. …Anyway, how can I help you?”
“Clocktower, sleepover.”
“A… sleepover? Urgh… you all really are kids.”
“We can forget about our problems!”
“I suppose so. Nonetheless, I’ll be there. Poor Boniface probably needs it. Maybe we all do. But the room only has three beds, correct? I better get a whole bed to myself.”
“Mira and Bonnie will probably be sharing, if I had to guess.”
“Mirabelle and Bonnie? So who’ll sleep on the ground, You or Isabeau?”
“I think me and Isa will share?”
“Of course you will. …Anyway, I’ll be there. Y’know, since we already decided earlier we’d meet at the Clocktower and all.”
Yeah… you all already planned to meet up at the Clocktower, so was there a need for you to let everyone know? You could’ve just met everyone there… oh well. Not like you have anything better to do. And talking with them is nice, anyways.
“Anything else?”
“We’re fighting The King tomorrow, y’know.”
“We are. I hope you’re prepared. The King, and the Shadows following that path of destruction… They possess skills capable of slowing us down, or even freezing us in time entirely, not to mention their strange elemental abilities. So, as always, we’re counting on you and your speed to keep us out of trouble. Understand?”
Aw… “So… you want me in front again, then?”
“Leading everyone, if possible. You have already proven good at preventing traps and keeping all of us alive, so I don’t see why that has to change. And as always, you can count on me to provide everyone with intel on any enemies we encounter. Everyone except Boniface will be on battle duty… But I may as well ask Boniface to do something as well, as they are coming with us. It might be good for everyone to give the kid something to do… boring tactics talk, I know. I’ll shut up and buy items for our journey to the top of the house.”
Oh? Have you found it?!?
“Is your field of research TACTICS??”
“Oh gems. Are you still trying to figure out what I’m researching? NO, my field of research ISN’T tactics. Isabeau actually proposed that one last week, late one.”
“Give it up already. None of you will ever figure out what I’m studying. It will stay a secret forever.”
Any other questions? Oh, right, last one. Hopefully.
“What will you do after?”
“After tomorrow, if we survive? I wish I had your confidence. …Maybe I’ll just go home to Ka Bue. I haven’t seen my country in many years… Before I met Mirabelle and Isabeau, my main goal was to travel to Vaugarde and see its many different places, sights, and cultures. I’ve already accomplished this by traveling with Mirabelle, so…”
“Was it all for your research?”
“Your research into… um… Travel-ology?”
“… ‘Travel-ology’ isn’t a field of research, Siffrin.”
“But! But it is the field of research you spent your whole life trying to create…”
“Please stop inventing a backstory for me. …But what about you? What will you do afterwards? If we beat the King, that is. Will you go back to your own country, maybe?”
What will you do? Well… you can’t go back to your own country. You don’t really even remember it. Maybe your memory’s just that bad. Or maybe nothing was worth remembering.
“I’ll come up with my own field of research.”
“Urgh. Of course.”
One last question. Just in case.
“Any strategies for tomorrow?”
“Strategies? Well, you know I have strategies and tactics for every situation, Siffrin. Could you be a little more specific?”
“Um… with Personas, and all that? I guess?”
“Personas… yes. Right. Well, mine and Isabeau’s are still rather limited in their potential. At least compared to Mirabelle’s. Her power is still unlike anything I’ve ever seen before— the ability to wield multiple personas at once, and even to bargain with Shadows to make them her own. In all honesty, I think with her by our side, things will go just fine.”
That’s right. Mirabelle… She was blessed by the Change God with the power of the “wildcard”. You’re not quite sure what it is entirely, but you do know that she can wield multiple Personas at once. It makes her very versatile— and she’s really the one that should be leading the group. You don’t even have a Persona of your own. You don’t think you do, at least. You’ve tried to summon it before, but you never could. You suppose you never got that “trigger” that everyone needs to awaken to a Persona. Whether that be a big event, a realization, a change… you don’t know, but you apparently haven’t gotten it yet. You’re jealous of everyone else, really— they’ve all got their Personas. Besides Bonnie, of course, but they’re just a kid. Kids don’t usually have Personas, you think.
You… you think you used to have a Persona, maybe. Something that lingers in the back of your mind tells you that. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking. But even then, you don’t know what could’ve caused you to lose it. That’s not something that normally happens, after all, right? People don’t just lose that power out of nowhere.
You always have had a bad memory, though. Maybe you just forgot the event that caused you to awaken to it, and so you forgot that you could summon it, or that you even had one to begin with. It’s unfortunate, but… you can’t do anything about it now. You just have to be as useful to them as you can as you are right now. Even without all those fancy skills.
“… Siffrin? Are you okay?”
You snap back to reality. Huh? Was she talking that whole time?
“You didn’t hear a word I said, did you…?” She sighs.
“Oh well. Just know that I have a plan. Things will go just fine, I hope.”
You think that’s all you had to ask. You wave goodbye to Odile.
Alright! That’s one down. You cross Odile off the reminder note. Only two left, then the Clocktower!
That took longer than you thought it would, though. Maybe you should try and speed these next two up. But… you don’t want to be rude. Especially not to Bonnie or Isa! You like them!!
Oh well. It’ll be nighttime by the time you head to the Clocktower, either way. So you’ve got time, you think.
With that, you exit the shop. Onto the fields next!
All Caught Up!
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
I know this is a lot to ask for but could you imagine writing a little follow up to the Gaipa Alan Joking at wedding kiss?
Maybe they see each other again and are both insecure how the other meant the kiss and if it was only in a haha look we make out at their wedding way or if actual feelings were involved (and Alan realising that Gaipa is the hottest man he has ever seen)
Certainly! You can read Part 1 here.
Alan had known that watching Wen marry someone else would very likely rip open the stitches in his still-mending heart. He had expected it. What he hadn’t expected was for it to piece itself back together so quickly. He had Gaipa to thank for that. A starlit sky. A drunken kiss. A single perfect moment that he would never forget. 
Now, two weeks later, the press of Gaipa’s lips against his haunted him still. Those few minutes spent in each other’s presence had been the happiest Alan had felt in years—even as his whole world crumbled down around him. So he went looking for a ghost. 
The market was bustling and although Alan wasn’t quite sure where to go, it took him less than a minute to find Gaipa. It was as if there was an invisible string tying their hearts together; he walked straight to him.
“I’ll be with you in just a—” Gaipa started, but then he looked up and his eyes widened comically. “Khun Alan. Hi.”
It was the first time Alan had seen him since the night of the wedding and he would be lying if he said he hadn’t been worried that the attraction he had felt then had only been manufactured by a combination of the circumstances and copious amounts of alcohol. But standing in front of Gaipa now, he knew that wasn’t true because although Gaipa was only wearing a T-shirt and shorts, although he had rubber boots pulled up to his knees, although his face and his hair were sticky with sweat, he was still beautiful.
It was an understated beauty—soft and innocent. He was smooth lines while Wen was jagged edges. He wasn’t anywhere close to Alan’s type. And yet, he was perfect.
“You’re here for chicken?” Gaipa asked.
Alan shook his head to clear it and then looked down at the cuts of meat on display in front of him. He had no need for chicken and he didn’t want to make Gaipa work unnecessarily, so instead he took a deep breath, looked Gaipa right in the eyes, and said, “Actually, I’m here to ask you to dinner.”
Gaipa blinked twice as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. “Dinner? You mean like a date?”
“Yes,” Alan agreed. “Like a date.”
Gaipa raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, wow. I’ve never been asked on a date before.” 
The words probably should have scared Alan off. Gaipa was young—perhaps too young, too inexperienced—but instead of cowering, he found the revelation evocative. It triggered a protective instinct inside of him that had long been dormant because Wen had never wanted nor needed it. It felt good to rouse it again.
“Is that a yes?” Alan asked.
Gaipa smiled, soft and shy. “Yes. I would love that. Thank you.”
Alan had originally planned to schedule a time for the upcoming weekend, but he found that he was too excited to wait. His heart was pounding in his chest and the thought of leaving with no promise to see Gaipa again made him uneasy. “What about tonight?” he asked. “I can pick you up.” He knew he sounded overeager, but he didn’t care. He was. And he was tired of hiding his true self behind a socially acceptable facade. This was who he was. This was the him he wanted Gaipa to know. Gaipa’s smile never wavered.
“I…yes. Yeah. Sure. Tonight.”
“Okay then,” Alan said, suddenly giddy. They probably looked like idiots standing there flirting over raw chicken, but Alan didn’t care. His stomach was full of butterflies. “I’ll give you my phone number just in case—”
“Oh, don’t worry. I already have it.” Gaipa seemed to realize his mistake a second too late because as Alan watched, his cheeks lit aflame, burning the same color they had on the night of the wedding. It was almost like Alan was back in that garden again, the moon and stars shining high above him, the taste of Gaipa on his tongue. “I, um, got it from Wen. I’ve been trying to work up the courage to text you.”
“Why didn’t you?” Alan asked. He wanted to step closer and close the distance between them, but the stall was in the way so instead he reached out and placed his hand on top of Gaipa’s. Gaipa stared down at where their skin touched and his blush darkened.
“I don’t know,” he said, glancing up demurely to meet Alan’s gaze. “I guess I just figured that if Wen was your type, I wouldn’t be.” 
“I dated Wen for five years and yet I never felt even a fraction for him what I felt on the night you kissed me. It feels a bit like destiny, doesn’t it? That I had to date him to meet you. Maybe we deserve a happy ending, too.”
Gaipa smiled, his eyes shining with promise, and for the first time in years, Alan's heart felt whole again.
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helixobesity · 8 months
🌀 Ring 🌀
• Guess I should put this old journal I got to good use this year! Maybe just day to day worries or fun stuff that happened!
Oh! Speaking of fun for a first entry, I got a letter in the mail and it was my great aunt! Said she was clearing out her attic and found this gorgeous ring, and she sent it over to me! It fits absolutely perfectly, I can’t wait to go out to dinner with it tonight!
• Why does everyone keep saying I look… bigger?
I mean, I’ve just been wearing this new ring, and it’s a little tight sure
And I feel fine
People keep saying I look… fuller?
Is that a compliment? It must be, right!
• Ok so it’s been a couple days and
I maybe sorta see what people mean…
It’s only been a week and I’ve put on like 10 pounds!
I have no clue how I’ve been eating like normal I swear!
Maybe I should go on that diet I keep talking about doing… it’s still the new year after all
• Wow ok uh, summertime really snuck up on me this year but uh… guess my partner, I mean, ex-partner, wasn’t too happy that I’ve gained, like, nearly 50 pounds this year. I uh, got so winded when we were.. trying stuff together, he said it was a “turn off”… but honestly it just made me more excited. I’ve been getting like that a lot recently, maybe with how my thighs are touching all the time, and the fact I’ve gone up 5 pant sizes has been driving me… what am I saying??
Anyway, His loss though! I’ve been doing everything right! I’ve been dieting, working out, taking the stairs at work, I just… I keep putting on more weight? God this is really hurting my head. When’s my takeout coming?
• Heyyyy diary! Back again, and uhh, I think I’ve gotten kinda.. fat. Oooh feels weird to admit that, everyone keeps saying I’m fat at work! Well, they did before they “fired” me after I ate out the refrigerator, again. And, like, I’ve definitely put on weight. A lot a lot of weight.. idk what’s bigger than 100? That much! But I promise I’m doing everything these stupid diet plans say to do, and my belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger and…
Wow I’m getting super hungry again...
• Diary! I always forget to write in this stupid thing, but my new partner found it while cleaning to go live at their place, and I’m so excited with all the holidays coming! I’m, like, way too big to live on my own now, moving is so hardddd, I’m a big pig! 550 pounds is.. big right? Or.. is it… god I’m starving again, hope my darling gets back soon from getting food. Hang on, did this ring always used to be so shiny… it’s pretty.. and really, like, pink!
• My partner feeds me lots!! I’m soooo happie! They say I’m their, like, good piggy! And it’s soooo hott! I wannas be fatter… way way fatter, I’m so hungry, partner is feeding me as I write this! They even got me a new ring to go with my old one!! And I… I… did I always used to think about food so much? I… wasn’t this fat a year ago. What happened? I… oh god did the ring… Make… me…
What’em I saying? I love food! I wanna be soooo so much fatter, it’s not enough. I gots to be fatter
I gotta eat
I need to be fatter…
So… much fatter…
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ssruis · 1 month
Recommending this again bc its got updates. & also because I’m obsessed. It’s so good… go read…
Leaving my full comment here as well bc ao3 called me out for my immensely wordy method of commenting so. Y’know. Spoilers. Go read first.
Nene tucks her bag and coat under one of the seats in the stalls, then tries to find a person who doesn’t look terrifying to speak to so she can ask what they need help with. She barely recognises most of them, having not properly met with any other tech crew since the first rehearsal. Well- maybe if she just…stands here, someone will ask-
HELP… I love her so much. Nene Kusanagi. the most girl of all time.
“It’s so interesting learning about how much there is going on backstage! I guess I never really thought about it before…” Minori leans back to grab more paint, leaving another handprint on her leggings as she does. Should Nene say something…? “I bet the cast work really hard too! Having to sing and dance whilst smiling and acting the whole time too…that’s something I really want to learn!”
yayyy minori she’s so cute :) meeting of the fail girls. I love how you’ve worked in so many of the other pjsk characters in a way that feels very organic (instead of just random roles) and gives them a little spotlight even if they’re not the focus. You can tell there’s so much love and care put into everyone’s characterization.
I…have to be proud of the person I am now, if I want to be proud of the person I’m going to be.”
Wait, what is she saying? That’s not- that’s not something she came up with-
Somewhere tsukasa just got a huge ego boost. Thank god he’s not here he would be so insufferable.
He always speaks to her like a worried parent…the message might as well read ‘did you make lots of friends at your first day of school?’.
So real… he’s so annoying… Rui acting like that despite being like one year older than nene will never not be funny.
“I am about to fall over!” Tsukasa yells back breathlessly, hunching over once the piano stops.
“If you have the air to complain, you have the air to hold that last note!”
Insert the “I’ve hired a tyrannical director” tsukasa quote.
“Right? You’ll be fine.” Rui watches as A bends down to check on Tsukasa, lightly patting his shoulder. “We’re almost there.”
Tsukasa has died (cheering) (end story)
“Maybe!” Rui shrugs. “Honestly, I wasn’t completely sure at first, but I’m glad my intuition was correct. Seems like the star quality runs in the family, after all.”
“...I think you’re right,” Nene says quietly.
Nene and tsukasa relationship progression… smiles…
“N-no…” No, don’t remember me from auditions. Actually, please just forget my entire existence-
“Hopefully you make it next time, if that’s what you wanna do!” An says. “A little bit of confidence goes a long way, y’know? And you can always fake it if you’re not sure!”
she’s so funny I loved this part. The nene & an dynamic of girl with horrible social anxiety and girl who is so so cool but also so so excited to get to know everyone will never not be funny.
“Nene, your outfit looks so cute!”
But apparently there’s always one person who manages to find her. Nene looks up from her phone, Emu already barreling over to her. So long as she keeps away from the very heavy, very expensive lighting equipment, they’re fine.
The return of the pink thing… (The crowd goes wild)
Probably because you never sit still, Nene thinks. Especially right now. If Nene is rattling from nerves, Emu looks about to burst with excitement. It must be nice to be immune to any and all fear.
“I hope everyone is gonna enjoy the show tonight!” she says, smile bright even in the dark. “I bet it’s gonna be super wow wow yay yay woo woo!”
1 so true getting that thing to sit still is a losing battle 2 I love how you write her dialogue so much… perfectly straddles the line between her very silly onomatopoeia laden moments and her more serious moments.
“Every time I see the light I’m gonna know it’s you and get super super smiley!”
:) I care them
Nene repositions the light towards the stage, casting the bright circle over Tsukasa. He instantly looks up then recoils at the light, squinting up at them.
“Oi, what’re you doing! That’s bright!”
“Hi Tsukasa!” Emu calls back, waving. “You look super shiny shiny sparkly bright!”
“Oh, really?” His angry face quickly swaps to flattery, and he poses accordingly. Nene turns the light off. “Hey, put it back on!”
I laughed he’s so funny. Anytime Tsukasa gets irritated or upset (or completely unreasonably hesitant about a perfectly safe sane and normal stunt that is definitely necessary for the show) you can just redirect him with flattery. Works every time.
“Are you curious about the hair ties?” she asks. “We’re wearing them in mutual support with Saki, since she can’t be here tonight. She has one too! It’s cute, isn’t it?”
“Y-yeah,” Nene says. “Is she, um…recovering okay…?”
“I believe so! According to Tsukasa, she should be out in a few days.” Honami laughs. “She really wants to attend closing night…she keeps talking about it non-stop.”
“I was worried talking about it would make her sad, but she seems more excited than anyone else,” Ichika adds. “It’s a really great thing we didn’t have to cancel the show. It would make her really happy to be able to catch our last performance.”
“She should focus on getting better first,” Shiho says, not taking her eyes off her bass. The other two just smile and shrug. 
"Let's hope Saki can join us soon," the tall pianist says. Crap, Nene can't remember his name- Aoyagi? Nene isn’t sure what their relationship is, though he has a scrunchie tucked into his shirt pocket too. "She cares about this performance very much."
THATS SO CUTE… I love how well the L/N interactions are written. Shiho & her concern that comes off as uncaring when it’s anything but… also toya with the scrunchie too awww…
Nene stares. “What part of this is fun…?” 
“You’re all part of the team, so you all have to join in,” Rui says, and Nene groans, trudging out the pit with the others. It’s fine, if she just hides at the back, maybe she can get away with half-effort… “Here, Nene. You can stand next to me!”
Bastard. Nene jogs alongside Rui, ignoring his pleased expression.
Making a gamer exercise. Rui truly is a bastard.
“So this is what the life of a stage actor is like…” Aoyagi muses from up in front, hands barely stretching past his knees.
I giggled. Truly built like a wet paper bag, that one.
“Something like this is easy for me!” Tsukasa says, still looking strong with his hands planted on his hips. If Nene had more energy, she would stab him right now. “I’m not tired at all!”
And so he lives another day. It’s ok nene. there will be other opportunities.
“Um, no, I think you need to stay with the rest of the cast…” Nene says, aware that the company is mostly split into their separate groups. Surely she’s not supposed to stand alongside the actual important people, like the director, the lead, the important actors…even if it seems like they…want her there?
OUUGH you get it… You Get It… nene is so so loved but her anxiety ridden saw trap of a mind makes that so difficult for her to see.
“Huh?” That’s not what she’d…
“Not!” Tsukasa finishes, holding his head up high. Nene quickly hides any and all concern.
“Makes sense an idiot like you would be stupid to get nervous. I didn’t care anyway.”
HELP…. ‘I didn’t care anyway. Idiot.’ I love how you write them so much.
It’s too soon…she needs Emu to cling to her arm and say stupid stuff so that it doesn’t feel so real-
Obsessed. I know what you are nene.
nene & tsukasa scene
I’m so happy this fic exists all the time but esp during the nene & tsukasa interactions they are so fascinating to me and you write them so well… nene telling tsukasa he’s overthinking it is so funny. I liked the little moment of him having a moment abt whether or not to send saki the pictures it reflects their whole dynamic so well. And him getting the text from saki and going SAKIII 🥺😭 was so cute.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you down here, Nene,” Rui says, and the way his eyes glint with just a little pride make her want to curl up and avoid everyone ever for the next ten hours. She settles for just crossing her arms.
Hes so annoying… I love how you’ve written their dynamic…
“But wow, the others really did a good job with you, Tsukasa,” Rui says, studying Tsukasa appreciatively. “You really look professional. And the hairstyle is very cute.”
“Cute?” Tsukasa narrows his eyes. “I’m not cute! I’m cool! Cool!”
“Yes, yes. Very cool!”
“Hm, that’s right.” Tsukasa flicks a strand of hair back, grinning to himself. “I’m so cool.”
Yuck (said fondly)
“Yes, I think you’ll do well tonight,” Rui says, taking a seat on the table at the side. Can’t he sit on a chair like a normal person?
I grinned at that. I love all the little details you put in your writing like Rui’s passion for sitting like A Weirdo… it’s like putting treats in an enrichment toy for people who are insane about these characters (me) to giggle at.
“You really know the script inside out by this point.”
“Of course I do,” Tsukasa says. “Especially after last night when you made me recite lines whilst throwing goldfish crackers at me…”
“What the hell was that for?” Nene asks Rui. 
“It was just really fun!” he says.
“Seriously, what’s wrong with you…”
“Don’t worry, we didn’t study too hard last night,” Rui says. “We even watched the original movie to help keep the atmosphere. It’s important to have fun sometimes.”
“Fun for you! You were still throwing stuff at me even then!”
“Well, a good actor needs to be prepared for the unexpected…”
they’re so funny. I can’t keep saying “I love how you write x dynamic” because it’s true for literally every dynamic in this fic…
Emu gasps, jumping back. “Oh, sorry, I mean, um- break your legs, Nene and Rui!”
“No, it sounds kind of terrifying when you say it like that…” Tsukasa mutters.
Emu and inventing entirely new sayings. She’s doing her best <3
Kind of amazing that any guy can sound so sincere singing about love whilst wearing knee-high boots and beaded booty shorts, but.
HELP MEEEE… He really will do anything for a show won’t he.
Nene wishes she could be down there too. More than ever before. To be part of something. To be alongside others. The way Tsukasa gives it his all and shines…Nene wants to try that too. There's a fire down there burning so strong that its sparks are lighting her too. 
YESS I loved this part I love the acknowledgement of her competitiveness & “I want to do better I want to be on stage” attitude, and how that drives and motivates her
“I thought so too! They didn’t seem to think it was weird at all. Even my mom said she liked it, but I think she just likes the idea of two guys dating…”
new favorite side character: Fujoshi mom
“O-oh, um, I’m…um…” Nene fumbles for the words. Well, obviously, she took off her tech stuff so they don’t recognise her…and, actually, thinking about it, it’s not like they would let her sit at the table full of cast members anyway. They’re the important ones. Not Nene. Heat rises to her face as she takes a step back, because, seriously, what had she even been thinking, deciding to sit with everyone else like this-
“Nene’s a part of our team!” Tsukasa’s voice thunders out from behind her, and Nene jumps, turning to them. “Of course she can sit here!”
“Yeah, Nene is super important!” Emu adds, jumping up to grab Nene’s arm. “Wiithout Nene we would all be completely in the dark and the audience would just be looking at nothing for two hours!”
WxS is actually a theatre troupe second and a nene hype squad first.
“Wait, Emu!” Tsukasa holds up a hand. “Next time, can you try not kicking me whilst we’re in the Irish dance line?”
“Huh, I kicked you?”
“Oh, I thought I saw that,” Rui says.
“And you’re still telling her to do things the same tomorrow!?”
“Sorry, Tsukasa!” Emu bows. “Next time I’ll try not to kick you so hard.”
“Don’t kick me at all!” Tsukasa sighs, recollecting himself.
Writing group dialogue - esp for a visual novel that relies solely on dialogue and can rely on visuals instead of writing “x said” “y said” - is such a challenge and you do it so well… you can always tell who’s speaking and it flows so nicely…
“I’ll tell Ena and Mizuki not to be too rough tomorrow,” Rui says, then his face turns coy. “I do think that bunny suit looked good on you, Tsukasa.”
(Spraying Rui with water) inside thoughts! Inside thoughts!!!
“That’s my dream role,” Emu says, almost shyly.
“Hm? You want to be Cinderella?”
“I wanna be the cow,” Emu says dreamily.
“The cow-?” Tsukasa chokes. “That’s not even a human role!”
Emu’s face falls. “But I wanna be the cow…” 
“Don’t crush Emu’s dreams, Tsukasa,” Nene says.
“It’s not even a speaking role! It’s just a model of a cow on wheels!”
“Tsukasa, we have to be kind to our fellow company members,” Rui says. “I believe in you, Emu!”
Everyone ganging up on tsukasa… you love to see it. My experience with theatre is rather limited, (in that I attended the shows my sister was in, and took photos during their dress rehearsals), but I will say that when my high school put on into the woods we actually had a girl (not my sister, she was the bakers wife) be the cow. The girl actually requested it… she wanted to be the cow... That costume was terrifying. All that to say: I believe in you emu.
“Yeah, after the past two weeks I can see that…” Tsukasa says. Nene is sure she can almost see the trauma in his eyes. Rui tilts his head, suddenly forlorn.
“How can you say that, Tsukasa…? I’ve always been so considerate to your needs. When have I ever done something mean to you?”
“You made me stand on one leg for an entire rehearsal once!”
“To improve your balance and muscle strength-”
They are so irritating.
“Maybe we should consider that for a future show?” Rui says, and Nene suddenly realises something momentous. They’re talking to her because they want to. They’re talking to her because they see her as a friend. And they’re all here because they love theatre and they love putting on shows, and Nene is the same. She loves it too. She belongs here. They’re her friends, too. 
I love this part so so much… nene realizing she belongs… I feel like her own hang ups about having friends goes unnoticed by a lot of people in favor of rui’s (which, to be fair, his are a little more blatant). it’s so nice to see a fic that examines nene & her realizing she’s a part of the group and that they all love her.
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edelbleu · 1 year
our happy place
Nagi and Reo broke up two months ago. Nobody but them knows this. Now that they’re on vacation with their friends, they decide to hide it from them just a little longer. 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨?
The evening was golden and just a little bit chilly, perfect for a long walk on the beach. Everyone had wanted to join, so they made dinner arrangements for when they came back and embarked on a hike with no fixed destination or time of return. The backdoor of the house had direct access to a private sea entrance where they could begin to follow the shore that stretched on for miles.
Reo spent a good part of the walk engaged in conversation about stocks with Karasu and Yukimiya, a subject the rest didn’t seem to care much about as they soon left the three of them in the rear. They caught up with the group when Bachira and Hiori stopped to stare at a dead jellyfish that had washed up on the shore.
Bachira's voice was filled with excitement as he prodded the jellyfish with a stick. "It's so squishy! I wanna touch it!"
Isagi's quick reflexes slapped Bachira's hand away before his index finger could make contact. "Are you an idiot?! It may be dead, but it will still sting you!" 
"Isn’t it about time we headed back?" Kunigami said. "It’s starting to get dark."
"Yeah, I agree, I’m exhausted," Nagi whined. With a theatrical sigh, he dramatically flopped onto the sand. "Reo, carry me?"
Reo's head snapped around, a sharp glare directed at Nagi, his annoyance evident. "What? You're a grown man, Nagi. Walk by yourself."
Silence hung in the air for a fraction of a second.
"Wow! Did I just hear that?" Bachira was the first to react. "I must've misheard."
"Did you just get rejected, Nagi?" Chigiri chimed in with a laugh, his tone teasing. "Looks like Reo's turned into the tough guy."
A flush of embarrassment crept up Reo's face at the attention. He was acutely aware that he used to spoil Nagi’s every whim, and that his tone just now had been a lot harsher than what any of his friends would’ve expected from him, but that was before. It had been two months since he and Nagi had been this close, since their breakup had reshaped the dynamics between them. The idea of carrying Nagi on his back now… His heart dropped to his stomach.
He looked at Nagi again, still lying on the sand. He was making grabby motions with his hands while holding Reo’s stare. 
Oh you jerk. He was doing it on purpose.
Well, two could play this game.
Reo sighed loudly. "What am I gonna do with you, huh?" He pulled on Nagi’s raised hands until he stood up; then he turned around and wrapped Nagi’s arms around his neck as he bent forward. "Hop up."
It was torture. It was bliss. To be enveloped by Nagi’s warmth once again, to feel his weight against his body like an anchor. Reo had spent the last two months trying to forget how Nagi had always grounded him, filling his days with any kind of pastime just to keep his hands occupied and his mind away from longing thoughts. 
Nagi climbed onto his back and Reo put his hands under his thighs to hold him up. 
"Let’s go back, then," Reo said to the group. 
He didn’t wait for the rest to start walking, hoping to get a headstart on them so that no one could hear him talk. When Reo considered they were far enough, he spoke.
"I should drop you into the sea and leave you there to drown."
He was joking, of course. Partially.
Nagi pressed himself closer, bringing his face next to Reo’s. "That wouldn’t work, I can swim."
Nagi’s breath tickled his ear. Reo cursed himself for ever thinking this was a good idea.
"I’ll smother you with a pillow tonight, then."
Maybe Reo’s grip was tighter than necessary, but Nagi had decided not to answer, burying his face in Reo’s neck instead, so Reo thought he deserved some credit.
They stayed silent the rest of the way home, the only sounds being the gentle lapping of the waves and the soft crunch of sand under Reo’s feet over the distant echo of their friends talking. Nagi’s breathing became deeper and slower at some point, the rise and fall of his chest more solid against his back. Reo risked a look over his shoulder and hated the way his heart swelled with tenderness at the sight of Nagi sleeping. 
It was only then that Reo noticed the puffiness and dark circles under Nagi’s eyes, the paler-than-usual color of his lips. Had Nagi not been sleeping properly lately? He had always had a nasty habit of staying up too late playing his games, but Reo thought he had helped him settle into a more healthy routine while they were together.
Reo smiled, sadly. He felt protective over someone that was no longer his to protect.
Nagi didn’t wake up when they arrived at the house; he didn’t wake up as Reo slowly climbed up the steps to their room and gently left him on the king-sized bed. 
He would take the couch this time.
The next day, Nagi woke up in an empty room. He felt… unusually well rested. He was also wet with sweat. He threw on the first swim shorts he could find and a t-shirt and walked down to the kitchen, where he found Isagi and Chigiri serving themselves some breakfast. 
"Good morning, Nagi," Isagi greeted.
Nagi nodded as he let himself drop into a chair. His stomach grumbled.
He couldn’t recall having dinner last night; the last thing he remembered was the warmth and rhythmic movement of Reo’s body lulling him into sleep-
Oh. Right. That had happened.
Just as he was considering banging his head against the table in embarrassment - although certainly not regret -, a cheery voice next to his ear startled him.
"Good morning, my treasure!"
Nagi’s heart did a backflip at the sound of Reo’s voice so close to his ear, the use of what once had been an endearing nickname for him and the feeling of Reo’s hand patting his head. The contact was short-lived, as Reo continued walking on towards the fridge.
"Did you sleep well? I know I did. That bed was the best."
Nagi might have not woken up during the night, but he knew Reo hadn’t slept on the same bed Nagi had. The sheets on his side had been as straight as when they had arrived, and the stuff that they had placed on top of the couch had been moved onto the floor.
Nagi also noted the way Reo tried to hide the way he was trying to stretch his right elbow, a quirk that appeared when he had slept in a bad position.
"I’ll make breakfast for us."
Nagi watched as Reo moved around the kitchen, energetic even this early in the morning as he talked lively with Isagi and Chigiri about the plans for the day. Soon he had finished setting up a tray with enough food for two and he brought it to the table right in front of Nagi. Nagi raised his hand to take a piece of fruit from the tray, but Reo pulled it just out of his reach with a mischievous grin.
"Hey, where are your manners?" Reo asked. "Aren’t you gonna give me a good morning kiss?"
Nagi froze with his hand in midair. After a few seconds, he rose an eyebrow, hoping he was giving Reo the most ‘are you fucking serious’ look he had ever received. Reo only smiled in return, his mouth turned up in a sweet gesture, but his sharp eyes were daring Nagi to follow along.
So this is payback.
Nagi looked at the other two people in the room out of the corner of his eye; Isagi and Chigiri had stopped talking - or more like moving altogether - and their gazes were locked onto them. Nagi internally cursed Reo.
Reo had been the one to break up in the first place, and now he had been the one to suggest they keep up the façade in front of others, so he had no right to be mad at Nagi; he had no right to demand anything from him. Sure, maybe Nagi had pushed his luck just a little too far with the piggyback ride, but that was something they had been doing even before they began dating; it was the perfect move to keep everyone deceived. A kiss, however… That was crossing a line Nagi hadn't agreed to.
But you know what, fuck it. If it meant so little to Reo, who was prepared to do it in front of an audience just for the sake of their play-pretend, then so be it.
Reo had turned his head slightly to the side and was pointing at the corner of his lips with his finger, but Nagi stood up from his chair and walked around the table. 
Before Reo had time to react, Nagi was pulling his head back by his hair - so soft -making his back arch against the chair, and his mouth was on his. Reo gasped in shock and Nagi took the chance to drive his tongue inside, letting it brush against Reo’s once, twice, before pulling back.
Nagi straightened himself, ignoring the groans that surrounded them - "Oh my god, get a room!" "Yeah, I’ve lost my appetite now, thanks". His attention was singularly fixed on Reo: breathless, flushed, hands trembling before his mouth. He looked overwhelmed.
Satisfaction coursed through Nagi’s body. Good.
Nagi snatched an apple from the table and headed toward the door. "I'll be at the swimming pool," he announced before making his exit.
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demi-rxndxm-stxff · 4 months
Some DigitalTime Incorrect Quotes
Colin: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt. Tony: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Tony: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Colin: steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely Tony: That one. I want that one.
Colin: We both look very handsome tonight. Tony: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you." Colin: I couldn't take that chance.
Tony: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Colin: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Tony: … Tony: You mean ring bearER, right? Colin: … Tony: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Colin: Two bros! Colin: Chillin' in a hot tub! Colin: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!
Colin: Hey, about that love letter you sent me- Tony: blushes What are your thoughts? Colin: The fourth sentence- Tony: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I- Colin: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
Colin: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Tony: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Colin: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Tony: Is it working?
Tony: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night? Colin: It was autocorrect. Tony: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."? Colin: Yes.
Tony: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Colin: Wow. They sound stupid. Tony: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Colin: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Tony: I guess you’re right. Hey Colin, I love you. Colin: See! Just say that! Tony: Holy fucking shit. Colin: If that flies over their head then, sorry Tony, but they're too dumb for you. Tony: Colin.
Colin: Okay, but if your not gay then why are you always holding my hand and kissing me and telling me I’m your boyfriend? Tony: Colin- Its satire! Colin: THAT'S NOT WHAT SATIRE MEANS!
Tony: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you… Colin: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
Tony: You have to apologize to them Colin. Colin: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Colin: Tony and I are no longer dating. Tony: Colin, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Tony: I’m in love with you. Colin: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Tony: I know. Colin: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Colin: I'm trash. Tony: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you? Colin: Colin: You smooth motherfucker. Colin: And yes it does.
Colin: Relationships should be 50/50. Tony cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
Tony: Are we fighting or flirting? Colin: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck- Tony: Your point?
Colin: So you like cats? Tony: Yeah. Colin: tries to impress them by slowly pushing a glass off the table
Colin: seductively takes off glasses Colin: Wow… Tony: blushes Haha… what? Colin: You're really fucking blurry.
Tony: I think I just figured something out. I got to go. Colin: Aren't you forgetting something? Tony: Uuh…hesitantly kisses Colin's forehead before running out. Colin: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Colin: The stars are so beautiful… Tony: They're just giant balls of gas. Colin: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then- Tony: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Colin: Oh…
Colin: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Tony: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train. Colin: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
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thefangirlthatwaited · 3 months
Eden - (Chapter 15) An Assassins Creed Syndicate Story
Jacob x OC
“Honestly, Jacob. Couldn’t we do this after I’d woken up?” I yawned.
He shook his head. “You need to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice; better start practicing now.”
I rolled my eyes, annoyed that this couldn’t wait, and Jacob seized the moment to strike. “I know you can fight, and you fight well, but you used your powers to help you fight. You would take a hit because you knew that in a few minutes, you would heal, so now I need to teach you better defence.”
I stumbled back on one hit, taken aback by Jacob’s words. “I have a great defence,” I stated, and Jacob chuckled, pinning me to the ground before I could say anything else.
“Do you now?”
I pushed him off me and brushed off the dirt. “Fine, maybe I’m a bit rusty.”
Jacob smiled and offered his hand to help me up. “You know how to fight and defend yourself without your powers; we just need to refresh your memory.” He explained.
“Then teach me, Maestro, ” I said, my voice filled with determination and eagerness to learn.
Jacob's eyes widened as I addressed him in Italian for the first time. “That’s not fair! You can’t use Italian to distract me!” he protested, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
I laughed. “That wasn’t the intended purpose, but now that I know what speaking in my native tongue does to you,” I purred.
“Don’t worry, I’ll save it for later.”
“Hmm,” Jacob mused before we returned to the task at hand. We started with the basics: weapons. I wanted to argue that nothing about my weapons needed to change, but Jacob reminded me that the Assassins today used different weapons than the Assassins during the Renaissance.
“Take your gauntlet,” Jacob said, grabbing my wrist. “You have your grapple launcher but also a dart launcher.”
“I know.”
“Do you?”
“Yes, Jacob.”
“Okay. Since you’re used to that, let’s bring out the cane sword.” I pulled a cane from a nearby barrel and tossed it to me. “This is a gift from the Rooks to you.”
I stared at the cane in wonder as my thumb traced the crow emblem on the top. “It’s beautiful.”
“A weapon that matches the user.”
I blushed. “Thanks.”
Once I learned the basics of each, we moved to the defence part, which involved me falling on my ass a lot. Jacob was right when he said I’d relied on my powers for too long. I had to erase everything I’d learned over my three hundred years of being immortal. By the third day of defence training, I was full of cuts and bruises and felt like I was no closer to being able to protect myself.
“Urgh!” I groaned as Jacob knocked me over again.
“You’re too stiff in your movement, Eden,” Jacob explained, pulling me off the ground.
“Too stiff?” I asked, wanting clarification.
“Yes. Treat dodging an enemy’s blows like you would a dance.”
I laughed, dusting the mud off my jacket. “Well, I don’t know how to dance.”
Jacob stopped for a moment, shocked at my admission. “You don’t know how to dance?”
I shook my head. “Nope, never been to a dance or anything.” 
Jacob stared in amazement. “Wow, alright.”
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “Jacob, my whole childhood was training, and the rest was running, so I never had time. Not to mention who my father was.”
Jacob chuckled. “I forget sometimes.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. “I have an idea. We’re going to the dance at the local pub tonight.”
“Jacob... It’s dangerous.”
“I’ll have Rooks patrol the area, and you’ll have me,” Jacob reassured, his protective nature evident in his words.
“I don’t know...” I was hesitant to put myself in danger for something as silly as a dance.
“I will make it safe, Love. I want you to enjoy your newfound life. Not be locked away and hiding again.”
Jacob had a point. Since discovering that I was no longer immortal, I’d been hiding. I should be enjoying my life.
“Okay. I’ll go.” Jacob smiled and moved to kiss me, but I took the opportunity to flip him. He landed on the ground with a thud, and I laughed.
Full Chapter on Ao3
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Every Time a Bomb Explodes, a Super Gets Their Cape
A continuation of the episode, "It's a Super Life" plus my own brand of fifth dimensional magic. Consider the episode as if Kara felt like she were actually living every alternate reality that Myx showed her. Don't mind me, I'm just goofin'; new chapter goofin'.      
Wow, let's see, what all has happened since my last update . . . a global pandemic, the world as we knew it is over, my life partner died, my dog died, my desire to write died - for a while, but hopefully its back now. I'm back, at any rate; with an extremely morbid sense of humor and a new found love for red dirt country music. Hopefully y'all will enjoy this update, and hopefully its the beginning of an era of new material for me.  The scene opens at the end of the episode when Kara is confronting Lena.
"Let me guess. You're here to tell me once again that I should forgive you. Or maybe that I shouldn't work with my brother?" Lena's tone is biting, and it takes everything Kara has to stand her ground.
"Not this time. I recognize that I made a mistake in hiding my identity from you for so long. But the past is the past, and I can't change it. Forgive me or not, that's your choice. Just like it's your choice to work with Lex. I'm done blaming myself for your bad decisions."
"Then why are you here?"
Kara takes a steadying breath before she lays out what she came to say. "To tell you that from now on you're accountable for your own actions. If you decide to forgive me, I will be there for you. But if you continue to work with Lex, if you go through with whatever it is the two of you are planning, I will do everything in my power to stop you. Just like I would any other villain."
It breaks her heart to say it, but she has to.
Or at least, some part of her feels like she has to.
The rest of her is screaming, begging herself to realize that Lena is anything but a villain, that Lena would never do anything to intentionally hurt her.
Back at her apartment, the smell of stale popcorn permeates the air, Normally, it would make her hungry, but tonight it just makes her sad - memories of movie nights with Lena long past.
She barely makes it to the couch before she crumples, one arm coming up to cover her face; the crook of her elbow doing little to muffle her sobs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kara comes awake with a start, barely feeling like she’d closed her eyes. Groaning, she flops back in the bed, hands coming up to swipe where she knows the tears have dried salty tracks onto her skin.
Only, there aren’t any tear tracks, and her eyes don’t feel the tired soreness that they normally would after a night of crying. In fact, she doesn’t really feel like she’s spent the night in any sort of emotional   distress at all - minus the aching loss in her chest.
She can’t believe she’s really   done it. She’s gone and ruined any chance she had of repairing her friendship with her once best friend.
Part of her wants to take it all back; wants to go to Lena and beg for forgiveness once again. To grovel and plead for Lena to forget the ultimatum that Kara given her.
She doesn’t want to hurt Lena.
In fact, she doubts that if the time came to follow through on actually treating like a villain that she would be able to do it. It was a flimsy threat; on the inside, at least, but she thinks it’s that she put up enough of a tough exterior to fool Lena into at least thinking twice before she tries anything drastic.
Because as much as Kara hates to be the one to do it, someone has to try to stop Lena’s spiral. Kara has seen just how powerful Lena can be as an unstoppable force for good, and she hates to think what that genius and determination could do if used for evil.
She prays to Rao she never has to witness it.
Groaning again, she rolls over until she’s face first in the pile of pillows and the scent from the sheets sends ice running through her veins.
Lavender and mint.
The smell of Lena’s shampoo.
She’d know it anywhere, had purposefully imprinted it onto her brain during their many ‘too long to be purely platonic’ hugs. It was like a calming aromatherapy; a scent that she always associated with Lena being safe and not mad at her, and most importantly - in Kara’s arms.
Only now her brain is playing tricks on her, because none of those things are true.
Not after Kara told Lena the Supergirl secret.
Not after Lena locked her in the fortress of solitude.
Not after the multiverses collided.
Not after . . .
The thought sends her reeling, and she lurches to a sitting position; taking in the expansive room with the high ceilings and the tasteful artwork.
It’s definitely not her apartment in National City.
She forces herself to take a deep breath, despite the nerves jangling in her chest.
What has Myx done?
What strange universe has he dropped her off in?
What horrors await her?
She can still feel the lingering ache from the knowledge of how truly devastating it was to see a version of Lena bound to evil and she dreads what this new universe might hold.
She supposes the quickest way to end this torture is get on with it, to see whatever Myx wants her to see so he can pull her back home again.
After taking a few minutes to do what she can to calm her anxiety, she turns over on her side, resisting the urge to pull the blankets over her head and nuzzle into the fluffy pillow. Instead, she focuses on what she can see in front of her.
Her glasses, folded on the bedside table, rest next to a half empty glass of water and a picture frame. The picture inside is what gets her; it’s one of her and Lena that she’s never seen before, with Lena peering over Kara’s shoulder like she’s getting a piggy back ride, smiles plastered on both their faces and Lena’s arms gripping tightly around Kara’s shoulders. Unbidden, t brings a grin to Karas’s face, and a hope that maybe, at least in this universe, she and Lena have managed to still stay friends.
Ready to face the inevitable, she tosses back the covers and swings her feet onto the hardwood floor, flexing her toes and raising her arms above her head in a stretch. No matter what the rest of the universe held, this bed definitely slept better than her usual.
Cautiously, she pads down the hall, unsure of what to expect or why Myx chose to drop her off in a bedroom of all places. From what she can tell, the apartment is expansive and she wonders if this is the universe where she succeeds as a hard hitting reporter.
A noise from down the hall startles her, and she shakes her head - maybe this is just the universe where she has roommates.
She follows the sounds to the massive kitchen, only to find a dark haired figure with their back to Kara digging through the fridge. The sight stops her dead in her tracks.
Everything about the figure seems familiar - from the jet black hair piled into a messy bun, the perfect posture of the stance, to the soft humming.
Not many people have gotten the chance to see the world’s most powerful CEO in her natural habitat - in fact Kara considers herself  lucky to be among the few who have, and what she’s seen leaves no doubt in her mind who the figure is.
“Lena.” she breathes out, shoulders slumping as the tension at what this universe might hold is lifted.
To her surprise though, Lena only snorts before turning around, a piece of pizza drooping from her fingers.
“No, but that’s not the first time I’ve gotten that! Like mother like daughter, I guess!”
It’s then Kara realizes that woman standing across the counter from her is decidedly not Lena. Although she does look eerily familiar, almost like an exact replica of Kara’s best friend but with startling blue eyes where green ones should be and a Cal-Tech t-shirt instead of an MIT one. Plus she doesn’t  think she’s ever seen Lena eat cold pizza.
“Daughter?” Kara repeats dumbly and the woman’s brow  crinkles as she tilts her head and chews the bite of pizza she’d taken.
“Are you alright YeYu?” the woman finally asks when she’s finished. “I knew you were feeling worse than you let on after that fight last night, do I need to call Aunt Alex?”
Kara quickly holds up a hand to stop the younger woman; the last thing she needs is Alex getting involved before she can figure out this universe.
“No, no, I’m fine; just a little dazed, I guess. Weird dream.”
The woman still looks suspicious, but she shrugs before turning back to the refrigerator.
“Well, I know what will get you back to normal.” she says before tossing a pizza box on the counter in front of Kara.
“Pizza?” Kara stops the box before it slides off the granite, unable to stop her grin when she sees the logo of her favorite pizza place.
“Of course, food always cheers you up; that’s why Ma ordered extra last night and told me to hide it from you until this morning. She also asked me to look out for you, you took some pretty rough hits last night.”
Now that made sense, Lena sending her daughter to check in on Kara while she herself is busy at the office. That definitely sounds like the Lena that Kara knows and loves - busy, but always caring.
“Oh, is that why you’re here?”
“Well, no, I’m here because mine and Taylor’s apartment is getting fumigated and Ma insisted that we couldn’t get a hotel and that we had to stay with you guys. You know how she gets when she sets her mind to something. . . I thought she told you?”
“Yeah, yeah, I remember her saying something now. Before the uh, before the fight. Slipped my mind.” Avoiding the woman’s concerned look, Kara ducked her head to take a too large bite of pizza. “Speaking of your mother, where, uh, where is she?”
“She woke Taylor up at the crack of dawn this morning to go shop for something wedding related. I wasn’t invited.” Kara swears she sees just the tiniest bit of Lena’s patented pout cross the girl’s face before it quickly disappears. “But it’s okay, I really appreciate you guys stepping in, she doesn’t really talk about it much but I know Tay enjoys having a mom figure to help with wedding stuff. I mean Pops does his best but she showed me  some of the wedding dresses he suggested and yikes, the man does not have any sense of wedding fashion.”
“Pops?” Kara’s heart pounds and she tries to appear nonchalant as she picks a slice of pepperoni off her pizza. Is this Lena’s significant other? A spark of jealousy flares but she tamps it down.
“Oh, that’s my new nickname for Mike!” the woman laughs. “I think it irritates him about as much as him calling me ‘Lexington’ all the time does to me. Although, he did call me Lexi at the engagement party last week, so I feel like we’re making progress!”
Lexi, that’s Lena’s daughter’s name, Kara makes a point to file it away for later.
“Right, cause Mike is . . . “ her curiosity about Lena’s potential love interest refuses to be sated.
“Taylor’s dad?” Lexi frowns. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“And Taylor is?” Kara pushes, ignoring Lexi’s concern.
“My fiancee? Yeyu, are you sure you’re alright after that fight? I know you’re Supergirl, but still, I’m worried about you and I know Ma is too.”
“I’m fine, little one.” The term of endearment rolls off Kara’s tongue without thought. “I just need some pizza and a shower and I’ll be good as new.”
Lexi eyes her suspiciously for a few moments before seeming to accept her answer.
“Okay, well, I have to make a few work calls, but then Ma wants us to meet them out for brunch if you feel up to it.”
“Of course I feel up to it, I’m fine, I promise.” She offers Lexi a reassuring smile, and after a long moment of scrutiny the younger woman nods.
“Fine, but if you need me just call okay?”
“Okay, I will.” Kara promises again, and Lexi pulls her into a quick hug before starting down the hall, leaving Kara slightly stunned in her wake.
She has got to figure this weird universe out.
A universe where she and Lena are still close, where not only do Lena and her daughter both know her Supergirl secret and Lena’s daughter feels comfortable in her house, but a universe where Kara is most definitely missing one of the key pieces to the puzzle.
After a quick listen to make sure that Lexi is out of earshot, she grabs one more slice of pizza and puts the rest of the box back in the refrigerator before making her way to the room where she started. If she hopes to learn anything from this universe, she has to start by understanding exactly how this one is different.
She flies, (not literally), to the closet, gasping when the door opens to a gigantic room with automatic lighting and rows of red bottom shoes lining the shelves.
One side of the closet is lined with dark fabrics - dresses with plunging necklines and three piece suits; the other more pastel with cardigans and button downs. The real evidence is in the underwear drawer - lacy thongs that Kara would never wear and bras that are two cup sizes too big.
Double shoot.
Of course Myx would drop her in a universe where Lena not only accepted her Supergirl secret but her ‘I love you’ secret as well.
She doesn’t think her heart can take it.
Maybe they’re just roommates.
Maybe she only lives with Lena because they’re best friends, and Kara’s unrequited love is securely under wrap -
Slowly, she backs out of the closet, focusing on the floor length mirror beside the closet. Her eyes fixate on her left hand - the ring on her ring finger  and the bracelet around her wrist.
So not only is she living with Lena, she’s married to Lena.
She looks down at her clothes, the sushi pajama bottoms are no surprise, but the 'Luthor-Danvers Children’s Hospital 5k’ t-shirt throws her for a loop.
They changed their last name to Luthor- Danvers?
As soon as the thought hits, she’s struck with a memory.
 ”I can’t wait to be Mrs. Danvers.” Lena whispers shyly into her neck.
 Kara snorts.
 “Mrs. Danvers? I can’t wait to be Mrs. Luthor!”
 She can feel Lena stiffen beside her and the younger woman look up at her.
 “Why would you want to be Mrs. Luthor? All this name is is bad luck and a bad reputation.”
 “Well, it used to be, but you’ve changed that! it’s also synonymous with the world’s fore-leading  cancer treatments and the most humanitarian tech company. You did that, Lena. It doesn’t matter what your brother did, you’ve changed the name for good. I want to be a part of that, I would be happy to wear the name Luthor.”
 Lena fights back emotion, refusing to swipe at the tears streaking down her cheeks.
 “Well, I want to be apart of the Danvers family, a family that took in an alien with no qualms about their status and treated her like one of their own.”
 “Alright, how about a hyphenated name then?” Kara suggests with a smile.
 “Yeah, like Luthor-Danvers.”
 “What about Danvers-Luthor?”
 “No.” Kara quickly objects. “What?! Why? I like Luthor-Danvers!”
 “Darling I think it might be good to lead with the name that isn’t hated internationally.” Lena is quick to point out.
 “They don’t hate it nearly as much as they used to! You’re doing so much good! Besides, Luthor-Danvers rolls off the tongue so much better!”
 Lena rolls her eyes, but Kara can tell she’s slowly breaking her down.
 “Fine, Kara and Lena Luthor-Daners; does that make you happy?”
Kara shudders as the memory dissipates and she shakes off the lingering uneasiness. This universe is entirely too real, and she finds herself wondering if Myx is really in control or if things have gotten out of hand.
Slowly, she backs up to the bed behind her, allowing herself to fall back onto the comforter.
This is the last thing she needs, really.
To experience a universe where all her dreams come true, where she and Lena are together, where she and Lena have a family, where . . .
A family.
The thought strikes her with sudden clarity.
Are you alright YeYu?” Lexi’s voce echoes in her memory, and she gasps at the realization.
Lexi isn’t just Lena’s daughter, but she’s Kara’s as well. The Kryptonian term had slipped through her rattled brain before, but now it sounds like a bell.
A term she doesn’t thinks she’s heard since she referred to her own mother by it so many years ago.
The memory has her bolting upright, gaze flickering around the room until it lands on a picture by the window.
It’s her and Lena, faces sandwiching Lexi’s as they all group together in a side hug, wide smiles on all their faces and Lexi in a cap and gown.
Slowly, she walks towards the frame and takes it off the wall, almost startling when the picture changes and she realizes that the frame is digital.
The next picture is of Kara and Lena at the beach - all smiles and suntans, (or in Lena's case, a darker shade of pale), the image of the phone used to take the picture mirrored in their sunglasses.
The next is of Kara and Lena with a toddler (presumably Lexi), dressed in Supergirl pajamas.
Again, the picture shifts, and this time it’s a close up of two hands with engagement rings and a couple kissing in the background which Kara assumes must be Lexi and Taylor. The next photo confirms it; a family photo with Kara, Lena, Lexi, Taylor, and a middle age man that Kara assumes is Mike.
It’s jarring, to have her alternate life presented this way; a series of pictures and almost memories that don’t quite connect.
She stares at the frame long enough to wonder just how many hours of pictures that  it holds and who would have spent the time to upload them all.
Lena, of course.
Lena, who always painstakingly put together photos of the super friends to arrange around her office. Lena, who no matter how much she acted like she didn’t care about sentimental things, would always spend copious amounts of time picking out the perfect gift; even if it wasn’t for a special occasion.
It hits her, all of the sudden, how Lena must feel - everyone that she’s opened up to lying to her. And maybe the intention was to protect Lena from the truth, (from Kara’s true feelings), but she can understand now how Lena felt. She can't imagine the hurt it would bring to know that all of the people she loves are lying to her.
Over something as asinine as Supergirl’s identity.
Lena has proven herself as an ally over and over again, and Kara can’t quite rationalize her deceit.
Kara takes a shuddering breath, trying to control her emotions.
Sure, being an alien, (and Supergirl by extension), is her secret to keep; but it isn’t like she kept it from a ton of people. All of the people in her immediate circle knew, (except Lena), and she’s pretty sure most of the baristas at Noonan’s know, not to mention the pizza delivery guy Charlie, and Mr Kim, who owns the Chinese restaurant on 3rd Street, (and makes the best potstickers in the world).
She doesn’t know why she didn’t tell Lena.
(That’s a lie, she knew before she even had the thought.)
She just doesn’t want to think about it.
Doesn’t want to acknowledge her secret fantasy where she and Lena become something more -
More than colleagues, more than friends, more than best friends; something . . .  romantic.
No, not just romantic.
More like . . . soulmates.
Her eyes re-focus on the picture frame in her lap, and this time it’s a picture of only Lena and herself - one she presumes is from their wedding day. Lena’s hair is pulled back in a familiar severe bun, but a lace veil is flowing over it, and tendrils of jet black hair that have escaped are curling towards  her red lipstick as she smiles up at Kara. Kara, who’s dressed in white Kryptonian robes, a giant grin splitting her face.
Tears cloud her vision as the picture shifts again, but she refuses to wipe them away. Instead, she focuses inward - on the deep seated fear that whenever she told Lena the truth her whole world - real and fantasy - would collapse.
Which is . . . exactly what happened.
She lost Lena because of her own stupid -
Her super hearing perks up as footsteps echo in the hall, and she suddenly remembers that Lena’s -  that her daughter is expecting her to be ready for brunch.
She super speeds through the motions  of showering and dressing before rushing to the bedroom door. She yanks it open to find Lexi poised to knock, hand raised in a fist mere inches from the door.
If looking at Lexi before felt like looking at a hologram of Lena, now it feels like looking in a mirror.
A sort of distorted, time altering mirror.
A mirror where she has black hair and a better sense of style.
Cat Grant would be proud.
“Hey, you’re ready.” Lexi’s eyes flick over her quickly before focusing on her phone. “Ian is going to pick us up in five minutes, hope you don’t mind - I have some work stuff I need to take care of and -“ she smirks up at Kara, “- we both know how bad you are at driving.”
’That was ten years ago!” Kara exclaims before realizing that she doesn’t even remember what happened ten years ago. Or maybe . . .
Vaguely she remembers an incident from when Lexi was learning to drive, - a blurry memory of panic and over compensation; and a worried and angry  Lena berating her over her loss of control.
She shakes the memory off with a shrug; instead refocusing on Lexi’s appearance.
Black shirt with the long sleeves rolled up and black dress pants, with a brown belt and brown boots. Frowning, she looks down at her almost identical outfit before she catching sight of Lexi’s hair.
Kryptonian braids are intertwined elegantly in a style that Kara remembers her Aunt Astra teaching her oh so many years ago.  Unbidden, another memory plays out in her mind's eye, this one in perfect detail.
 "Hold still, little one, I'm almost done." Kara's right hand drops from the braid she's working on to rest on Lexi's shoulder. The seven year old is mindlessly fidgeting, chewing on her cuticles, and guilty blue eyes meet Kara's in the mirror in front of them.
 "Sorry Yeyu." Lexi's hand drops, as does her expression, and there's a moment of silence before she asks tentatively -
 "Do you think there are going to be a lot of people there?"
 Kara can only assume that she's referring to the science fair that they're getting ready for, and she hums thoughtfully, deft fingers finishing the braid before she answers.
 "I think there's probably going to be a fair amount of people there," she turns the little girl to face her. "Does that make you nervous?"
 Lexi nods, and Kara leans in conspiratorially; adjusting Lexi's collar where it comes out from under her sweater.
 "Well, the good news is, the convention center where the science fair is, is only a half a block from one of the best ice cream shops in the whole world."
 Lexi's eyes widen and Kara continues.
 "Something tells me that we can probably convince your mama to take us there after the science fair."
 Lexi's eyes widen comically more.
 "Before dinner?"
 "I mean,  this is a pretty special occasion, and your mama has been known to go wild every now and then." Kara winks. "We might even be able to convince her that mint chocolate chip ice cream counts as something green."
 Lexi giggles at that, and as if on cue, Lena's voice echoes up the stairs.
 "The driver is here! Are you two ready?"
 "Coming!" Kara yells over her shoulder before pulling Lexi into a tight hug. "I'm proud of you, okay? You're going to do great."
 Little arms tighten around Kara's neck, and the memory fades as quickly as it came on.
Kara blinks, and the present comes back into focus - only it's the same blue eyes peering at her from behind glasses, and the same Kryptonian braids as the memory - as if twenty years had passed in a second.
It all hits Kara like a punch to the gut from Superman.
What happens if Myx puts her in a universe that she doesn't want to leave?
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firstflyingv · 2 years
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Lyrics for ‘Texas Collectious’
My Own Bad Dreams
Why do I wake up sad for no reason
Like my own bridge was burned in sleep
Rise on an island
Just me and my own bad dreams
Heart like butter in the sun
Mind like wine left in a mug
Why do I want things I’ve never seen
Miss places I’ve never been before 
Spiritually speaking
Who’s even keeping score
Eyes like skies during the pour
Breath like coals already burned
I don’t mind wasting your time
Feels like I’m falling behind
Someday I’ll think of these simpler times
And remember me fine and smiling
Then cross my bridge on fire
And enter my own bad dreams
Why don’t you stay here with me
From the shore we can look out to sea
He’s Not Gonna Call
He’s not gonna call and all of the day I decide
To believe that he might, now I’m lonely tonight
It sure is painful loving someone cruel
He sure got the best of me
Cut loose in the woods
He’ll lose with the rest of me
And nobody believes it like they should
How do I stop lying to you
Maybe light involve the truth
How do I keep holding on to fools like you
Trace Chain
Songbirds at sunrise, and
I’ll complain about the noise
My patio is a little large 
For me to enjoy
What am i doing, 
I got so much to fix myself
I can’t keep living my life 
Knowing I bring you down
Down in the dumps
Standing out in a crowd
Should we say it out loud
That the past so heavy 
And the void of letting go
Makes a cloud around me 
When I think of what you know
The whole damn thing is in lightning
And maybe I can’t do anything right
If I’m dead to you really
Guess it’s time to say goodbye
What am I doing
I’ll love the sun and all it shines on
Wake at dawn or at least try
Forget I’m feeling like 
A pile of dirt
Standing out in a crowd
Should I say it out loud
It’s not the strength I need to keep going
It’s not the sense of growing apart 
Just keeping growing
But the end that’s finally here 
After a long start
And the wind that’s been 
Nippin at my heels
The horizon is far 
But it makes my heart say 
Yeah man I drove 
But I still don’t know much 
About how you feel
If you knew I was hurt
Felt sorta worthless 
You kept an even keel
The one time you cried
Burned in my mind
Dancing in the kitchen 
And timewarp rides
My whole world’s pretend
And you don’t even bend
To save us again
How To Thank A Friend
How do you thank a friend
For their heartbreaking presence
For their undivided attention 
When you’re withering
You say I’m the water 
Lapping up against a wall
I feel that so completely
Flowing churning deeply
Yet stuck after all
How do you thank a friend
With fires bright and fighting fair
Keep on talking 
Cause you know they care
Lead me now to brighter times
I only loved you 
Cause I loved you blind
I loved you blind
How to do what you intend
Now that your plans got broken
And soft words you weren’t sure you’d say
Never get spoken
You show up at seven 
When the summer sun’s still up
I see your sadness clearly
Mad at your mystery
Yet stuck after all
How do you thank a friend
With iron sides and steely stares
Keep on walking you’re a joke I swear
Lead me down the path to find
I only loved you 
Cause I loved you blind
I loved you blind
He told me that I should forget it
It don’t matter anyhow
Wow it’s been awhile since I let it
Chew me up and spit me out
That fear’s like fate like drown-me-out
Wield my weight like solemn sound
How do you thank a friend
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the-duckless-pond · 1 month
Well, all done. Litter box in the bedroom has been cleaned, and I will do the living room one tomorrow. I also made my cup of decaf and brought it to the couch and now I’m curled up while my cat Boo gets comfortable on my lap. When I’m done with my coffee I’ll carry her to bed and we will tuck in and maybe watch a show like that. I’ve been trying to watch this show for days and there are only like 4 hours of episodes and I intend to binge it in one go. It’s probably getting to be too late to do that tonight, but I might try anyway. It’s just hard for me to relax enough to watch a show when I am afraid of being startled by the buzzer in the afternoons. And it happens anywhere between 3 and 5pm, sometimes a little later.
It didn’t happen today that I know of. I was out from 3 to 3:45 with mom, but I’ve been home ever since. Not one buzz. Maybe shouting through the intercom worked? God, that’d be a miracle. I’ve been practicing what to say through the intercom for when it happens again, but… if it just… didn’t? That would make me so happy. Maybe I’d be able to relax. I’ve also been thinking of how I could word this to management if I have to get them involved. Something about it interfering with my quiet enjoyment of my rental property, along with the documentation that it is a disability to prove that I am entitled to the same rights as other tenants. I hope I don’t have to go that far, but I absolutely will. I can see this being a real issue for me, and I will not hesitate to involve management and be a huge fucking Karen about it. I refuse to live in fear. So far the buzzing has triggered several panic attacks, which is not ideal. Prior to this and the kids triggering them at the old place, I only had panic attacks once or twice a quarter. Super rare. But not anymore until they stop buzzing me, I guess.
Well, first things first. Get printer from old place. Set up here. Open laptop. Type up list of things to say if they buzz me. Tape by intercom. That way I’m prepared. I’ll try reasoning with them first, and if that doesn’t work then I will escalate. I hope I don’t have to because so far I like it here and I would like to not bother anyone, but I will if I have to. I deserve to be comfortable too, you know? I deserve to feel safe. Right?
It’s starting to get chilly in here. I think I’ll wrap myself in the blanket for a little bit while I drink my decaf (after it cools). I also unpacked the couch stuff today, like my stuffed animal friends for it and the throw pillows and the blanket. Oh. I might need to top off the cats’ food before I get in bed. Should I do that now? I don’t want to forget. My memory has been so shit ever since the kids startled me. Ugh. I hope that stops soon. Maybe once I have my anxiety meds back. I just hope the time between filling them and getting them passes quickly.
I am running out of things to say, but I don’t want to be done talking yet. I’m just so fucking lonely without anyone to talk to. But I have no social skills to make friends with, and my anxiety has been too bad to use chat services lately. I’m going to stay using chat services once I get my meds, that’s for sure. I can practice my languages that way. Win win.
I know if I tell my therapist I’m lonely he will tell me to leave the house. I maintain that I don’t need to. All of my hobbies satisfy me. It’s just that everyone I talk to decided to stop talking to me all at once, and now it feels like I have no one. I probably couldn’t go somewhere new if I tried, anyway. It’s been rough. I don’t know. I probably won’t tell him. I still don’t really trust him yet. It’s been maybe a year since I started seeing him, but I don’t trust him not to leave me like Brenda left me. I guess that would be worth talking about in therapy, but I don’t trust him so I can’t. It’s a whole thing.
Ding ding ding! Timer done! Decaf ready to drink. I’ve been typing this for 20 minutes now, wow. I guess I really know how to ramble, huh? Oh well. No one reads these anyway. I guess I’ll set this post aside while I drink and come back to it when I am done. Back soon!
I’m back! I only had half my decaf. I wanted to finish it, but I got super lonely and wanted to keep talking, too, so I decided to be done for the night. I took my water cup out of the dishwasher and put it on the drying rack, so I can go grab that and wipe it dry if I end up staying awake for a while and get thirsty. Then, I took my medicine. Blah. Not all of it. I had two sleeping pills and two antipsychotics to take. I dropped the sleeping pills down the sink by accident, so those are out. Then one of my APs went flying out of the package. I found it after looking and successfully took both APs, thankfully. I wish I could have had the sleeping med too, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be tonight. Usually I take it way earlier in the day, but I haven’t been caring as much without school. I guess I should start working on getting back on my school schedule since there are only like two weeks until the first day. I won’t set an alarm for tomorrow, since I’m fragile tonight, but maybe for the next day. Just see how it feels.
I’ve been waking up decently early here. Any time between 5:30 and 7. A wide range, I know, but I’m not using an alarm right now. I have enjoyed the quiet the few mornings I’ve been up super early, so I have that to look forward to with my alarms.
I wonder if text posts have a character limit. I’ve been typing for thirty minutes total now. I don’t think they do, since I feel like if they did it would be common knowledge. But I might google it just to be safe.
I don’t know, I really and truly am running out of things to say. It’s just.. I’m so lonely, you know? I miss my friends. I miss feeling like I wasn’t a burden to my mom. I wish people spoke to me of their own volition without me having to be the one to initiate. I don’t know. I’m sad thinking about it. I am almost always the one to initiate. With everyone. It’s very depressing when I think about it. Maybe my brain is right. Maybe no one wants to talk to me or be my friend. Maybe i am only good for my stories. Maybe. No one will ever tell me otherwise, so who knows. I miss my friends. I wish they talked to me. I’m not used to feeling lonely, but usually I have at least one person to talk to. I have no one right now. In the middle of a big life change, too. It’s sad. I feel sad.
Great, now I low key want to cry. I won’t be able to, because my AP dulls my emotions and I rarely cry these days. The last time I cried was a few weeks ago when the kids startled me, and that was the first time I had cried in almost a year. It’s frustrating but I’ve adjusted to it by now. I hope it goes away some when I lower the dose at my next appointment. If I can get up the courage to ask. It might take a while. I’ve wanted to for like a year and a half now, it’s just taking some time.
Ugh. Memories are upon me. I might get up and go take tomorrow’s sleeping medicine. Just to be sure I can go to bed on a moment’s notice. I probably shouldn’t do that to my tomorrow self, but like… ugh. These are veering into trauma territory. I don’t want to go there when I am alone and have no one to talk to. I want company for that.
Yeah, I’ll get up and go take it. It’ll be for the best. I’m not tired yet, but I want to be able to close my eyes and fall asleep with ease once I am tired. And besides, Boo is still roaming so she hasn’t settled in yet and I won’t be disturbing her. And I never cjecked their food because I forgot. I’ll go do all that. Brb!
Medicine taken and verified that the girls have enough food and water to last until morning. And then a little. Neither needed to be filled, but it was good to check.
Where was I? Right. Lonely. Maybe. I don’t remember and I don’t feel like scrolling up. It’s s just really hard when everyone suddenly has an issue talking to you. I’m so isolated as it is that losing even one person is like a gut punch. Sigh. It’s all very upsetting. Or, it would be if my emotions weren’t dulled. Mostly I can just distract myself from the discomfort and it’s alright. Not that bad. But then I remember and it hurts. It’d hurt a lot more without my AP, so that’s worth keeping in mind. Sigh. It is what it is, I guess. I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t think there is anything that I CAN do about it. And that sucks. I think I just need to find ways to cope. Writing was a big one for me, but I am struggling with that lately so I need something else in the meantime. I do a lot of staring into space right now. It’s okay I guess. With music, anyway.
I wish Miss Boo would join me for bed. She poked her head into the room and stepped halfway in before turning around. It could be a minute before she is ready for bed. I guess I’ll give her a little bit before I turn off the light. I’m feeling the urge to sleep away my problems, so I might do that soon.
I guess that means it’s time to wrap this up. I’ve been typing for a while now. I lost track of how long. Maybe forty minutes? Something like that.
Good night probably
0 notes
ch4nb4ng · 3 years
Evil Roommate
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pairing: leeknow x afab!reader, roommates enemies to lovers
warnings: softdom!lino, cheating (mentioned), making out, grinding, oral (f receiving), fingering penetration, cum play (?), praise
requested : yes!
word count 6.2k
summary: the new roommate was a handful. lazy, disrespectful, arrogant, and a whole bunch of other negative things. but wow, you were sexually frustrated and he, well, attractive, was an understatement.
“Can you actually like, wash your kitchen utensils when you're done using them?”
The amount of huffing and puffing you have heard from your new roommate in the past two weeks was ridiculous. If you had a dollar for every time he had gone against anything you had politely asked for, you would be rich by now, and definitely stable enough to move out and away from him.
“I will,” he mumbled, mouth stuffed with half of the carrot he was chewing on, very loudly, “can I not enjoy my food first?”
“No,” you replied without hesitation, giving the fakest of smiles in return, “you should do it before you eat.”
Another eye roll from Minho was like water off a duck’s back.
“I'd also appreciate it if you didn’t talk to me with your mouth full of food either.”
“What the fuck is your problem?”
You coughed, turning on your hills to face a very unimpressed roommate. His stare was eye shattering. Yes, he was very, no, extremely good looking. However, every single thing that made up his personality could not be more different to you. Sloppy, messy, lazy. Took no responsibility for any of his actions, especially the high pitch noises (that obviously were not his) you would hear from his room in the early hours of the morning. You would pinch your pillow together, praying extremely hard that the noise would stop, and by the time it did, you would get maybe 2, 3 hours of sleep. College was becoming tiring, not only from staying up to complete assessments, but the lewd noises you could hear from at least 2 people in his room. Your blunt attitude towards Minho’s unhygienic and disrespectful habits were definitely justified.
“What are you talking about?”
“Why do you nitpick everything I do?”
Your jaw dropped, completely dumbfounded.
“Me? Nitpicking you? Please,” you scoffed, “you don't clean up after yourself ever, you leave your dirty clothes everywhere, and don't even get me started on the fact that I barely get any sleep because of your wild sex adventures with other people that occur almost every weeknight, when you know I have to wake up early to go to class next day.”
A combination of frustration and exhaustion could be heard through the harshness of each breath. The smirk that appeared on his face was absolutely punch worthy. What on earth was there to be so cocky of?
“My wild sex adventures,” he paused taking a bite of the dreaded carrot, “please, tell me more about my wild sex adventures.”
His tongue was now obviously pressed against his cheek, a devil coated smile still very apparent on his face. The longer he was looking at you like that, the hotter your cheeks became. Pure anger began to course through you; all he had to do was sit there and look pretty. It was definitely enough for you to get the green light to slap him across the face.
“Shut the fuck up,” you hissed, “I don’t need to explain how I can hear them moaning your name every night, or the banging I hear from wall to-”
“Hmm,” he hummed, “you seem to be listening very well.”
Distracted by your anger for a brief moment, you gasped suddenly, feeling Minho’s fingertips at your sides. You turned around, swatting his hands away, giving him that slap that you felt you had earned across the face.
“Who the fuck said you could touch me?
“Did you just fucking slap me?”
“Yes I fucking did,” you spat, “what do you take me for?”
“You know what you’re right, but you walk around here with a stick up your ass. I hear you on the phone to your friends, complaining about how you don't get any action from anyone.”
You stood there in disbelief. “So you’ve been eavesdropping on my convos as well?”
“Well it’s kind of hard not to hear, you know, the walls in this house are kind of thin.”
Your jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed, the conversation was at a stand still.
“Can you get to the point please?”
“I sure can sweetheart,” the name sending a shiver down your spine, “if you're that sexually frustrated, go and do something about it instead of taking it out on me?”
A laugh that you didn't even know you were capable of bellowed from your chest. You stumbled back, grabbing onto stool behind the bench for support.
“Me? Sexually frustrated? Please,” you huffed, “I’m not sexually frustrated, and it definitely has nothing to do with you.”
Another scoff escaped your lips as you shuffled back to your room. Closing the door behind you, a heavy sigh came from your chest as you sat on the edge of your bed. How on earth was he able to read you like that? So well and so accurate? It was all you could think about, not to mention the fact that it was also night time simultaneously.
You let your body fall onto your bed sheets. The feeling of restlessness was consuming your body. As you crawled into bed, you looked straight into the ceiling. Why were you thinking about his words so much? Were you really taking it out on him? You shook your head, mentally slapping yourself for even considering the thought.
Minho was a lazy slob who was extremely inconsiderate of others, especially you. But why was the thought of his fingers on your sides becoming the main source of agitation.? The silence of your thoughts was deafening, but they were easily interrupted as soon as you heard the door open, a high pitched voice followed what felt like the most ludicrous creek you had ever heard. ‘I should really put some oil on the door huh?’ You paused for a couple of seconds, this time physically face palming yourself for the dumb excuse you had made to see who he had decided to bring over to accompany him tonight. Legs completely ignoring your brain, you were out of bed, hand twisting the knob and peeking a look at the poor girl that would be subjected to Minho’s torture tonight. Tip toeing out of the doorway, you kept the weight of a feather on your toes, making yourself as invisible as possible.
Your pink panther stance of attempted deception looked utterly ridiculous and not sly at all was extremely confusing to the two. You quickly relaxed into a normal stance, the fakest of smiles coming across your face as you see who it is he brought home to have his way with.
“Chaeyeon… heyyy,” you lingered, “I didn’t know you were coming over.”
You would have been happy with literally anyone else. But Chaeyeon? Chaeyeon? It’s like she was your number one arch rival. Minho knew how much you hated her, yet he still let her come over. Everything about her you could not stand, not to mention the fact that she home wrecked your last serious relationship. Even though it was a while ago, you can forgive but not forget, her face being a constant reminder of your hurtful past.
“Oh hey Y/N,” she almost signed, her amount of excitement to see you matching yours, “I didn’t know you lived here.”
The arm he had around her waist made you sick.
“There’s a lot of things you don't know about me,” you mumbled, foot swaying back and forth, eyes focused on said foot.
“Okay, so you guys have had a little reunion,” Minho interrupted. Anything would have been better to break the awkward silence than his sarcastic comments, “we’re gonna go to my room now.”
“NO!” you interjected, covering the hallway with every bit of your being, “I mean, what’s the rush huh? Changbin is coming over as well.”
You paused, Minho’s face clearly cussing you out if yelling was inappropriate at this current moment.
“Uh no thanks Y/N-”
“We should all hang out!”
The excitement coming from your voice was so inauthentic, it was hard to miss.
“Yeah! Let’s all hang out,” you walked behind them, placing a hand on each of their backs and you hurried them to the couch, “I’ll get some beers in the fridge.”
“I actually only drink vodka,” Chaeyeon yawns, obnoxiously twirling her hair, her other hand aggravatingly high on his thigh.
“Oh that’s totally fine,” you gritted through tightly clenched teeth, “we have a bottle in the fridge, I’ll grab that for you as well.”
You scuffled back over to the fridge, mentally cursing yourself as you grabbed the necessary beverages. The confusion you were giving yourself about why you were putting in so much effort to spend time with the two people you literally hated more than anything was mind baffling
“So,” you began again, passing a Corona to Minho, a glass to Chaeyeon, “how have you been finding your course so far?”
You sat the Smirnoff and Orange juice on the table. Yes, you were being nice, but not nice enough to pour the drink for this bitch.
“Oh it was so great,” she smiled, “Jisung and I were living together, it was, well, a dream really.”
The feeling of your nails became prominent in your fists as your fingers caved in. The mention of his name was enough to make you see red, let alone the idea of them being happily together. The itch of your eye begging to roll was becoming too prominent, so much that you had to get up and walk away for a second. You stood up abruptly, confusion etched into Minho’s features. You didn’t want to make this a big deal, but the fact that she continued to gloat about it, long after you stopped listening was enough to reach your breaking point.
“I think I heard my phone ringing from my room, it must be Changbin.”
“I don't think I hear anything,” Minho smirked, plastering his lips on the edge of the bottle. The way his lips wrapped around the tip of the warm glass was something you ‘accidentally’ became fixated on. You puffed your cheeks, storming to your room and somewhat aggressively shutting the door behind you. Scrambling for your phone on the bedside table, you panicked, unclear mind as you scrolled through your phone contacts. You paused, an inducing amount of oxygen filling up your lungs. It did little to calm the irritated tingling sensation in your fingers.
Changbin’s name had finally popped up on your phone after what had felt like a lifetime.
His voice was husky, guilt panging your chest as you realsied you had probably woken him up from his not very often deep slumber.
“Changbin,” you gasped, “you know how much I love you right?”
“What do you need me to do?”
You snickered at his words. He had been your friend for too long to know that those words would never be said unless you needed something.
“Can you come over,” you pleaded, “Chaeyeon is here with Minho because he invited her over late at night, and I told them you were coming over?”
“Jesus Y/n,” Changbin sighed, a playful chuckle tickling your cheek, “so you want me to come over and make Minho jealous?”
“Wait no wtf,” you jumbled, “make Minho jealous? I just want you to flirt with me and Chaeyeon so she leaves.”
“Mhm yeah,” he chuckled once more, voice laced with sarcasm as he spoke, “I’ll come over, but if you don't sleep with him by the end of the night, I’m gonna be extremely disappointed.”
“Yeah okay whatever just get your ass over here now.”
And with that you abruptly ended the phone call, Changbin giving you no peace of mind. Were you this easy to read by everybody? A frustrated sigh exploded from your chest. The games your head and your heart were playing with were helping you come to no resolution. You sat on your bed, thoughts were running crazy. Now would be a really great time to just put on Netflix and curl into bed, have some snacks and fall asleep, chip trail on ur chest to be found in the morning.
You were interrupted by the very loud knock on the door. Sprinting like your life depended on it, you were relieved. Seeing Changbin’s face had never before given you so much joy.
“Changbin,” you shouted, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace.
“Y/n what are you doing-”
“Shut up and go along with it,” you mumbled into his chest, letting up, but still keeping your body tightly wounded against his. Minho’s jaw became clenched, or were you just imagining things?
Regardless of what it was, your brain quickly shifted to the way Chaeyeon was eyeing Changbin up and down, almost like it was the first time she had ever seen an attractive male. ‘She definitely wasn’t looking at Minho like that when he walked in’ you thought, an unconscious smirk coming to mouth. You bit down on your bottom lip, an extremely poor attempt at masking the satisfaction of your goal being achieved so easily. One step closer to kicking her out, for good, because there was no way you weren’t talking to Minho after this about making an explicit declaration of her abandonment from this house.
“Minho,” he smiled, earning a nod, “Chaeyeon,” he smirked, an almost gag spilling out of your mouth.
“Changbin,” she followed, repeating his smirk, “long time no see.”
She gulped, engulfing a large sip of alcohol into her wicked mouth.
“Let’s play a game!”
“A game,” you questioned, raising an eyebrow, “why would we play-”
“I think that’s a great idea!”
You turned to look at him, a puzzled expression still very apparent on your facial features.
“Get the vodka out from the fridge, and let’s get started.”
Two bottles of vodka down, and what looked like 8 bottles of Corona sitting empty on the table, the games that were being played were becoming more difficult to comprehend. Sound of giggle and laughter constantly filled the room as everyone slowly began to lose their minds to the intoxication.
“O-okay, never have I e-ever, done a sexual act in public.”
Filters of chuckles and laughter filled the room as everyone, but you took a sip.
“What?” she asked, offering you her fake sympathy, “you’ve never done anything like that before?”
“I-I mean,” you stuttered, the look of confusion was evident, “I don’t think I have-”
“Yes you have.”
All eyes were snapped open and pressing into Minho’s skull as he began to converse.
“Pfft, no I have not,” you scoffed, taking another swig. An eye roll left came from Minho, followed by a sound of what seemed to be disgust as he shot gunned his current bottle.
“Yes you have,” he nagged, playfully hitting your shoulder, “I saw you.”
Complete silence fell over the room as he words lingered in the air. You genuinely had no idea what he was talking about.The feeling of the room had suddenly changed. His eyes became soft, fixated on nothing but the way your body slumped against the rough material of the couch.
Your mind began to drift. Thoughts floating into earlier scenes of the night. The closeness of his breath fanning your neck ever so softly, palms spread across your hips. The idea of marks on you swimming into your head. God that would feel so good. Letting him grab you and throw you onto his bed. Climbing up your frame, starting from the bottom of your legs, keeping a tight grip on your inner thighs. The feeling of faint lips stealing every inch of your being, tantalisingly hitting every, single, spot, finally reaching your-
“Y/N? Y/N!”
The feeling of Changbin's shaking your shoulders definitely brought you back to reality. His hands did feel nice, but they weren’t the ones you were longing for. Your head was thrown back, disbelief filling you as your mind continued to fill the gutter.
As you moved closer, you giggled, placing your finger tip across his knee. You let them dance, index fingers tapping away at the skin you so desperately wanted to see in this moment.
“Mr. Lee Minho, when did you see me?”
“I’m not saying it here in front of-”
“Who? Chaeyeon?”
Your prowling continued, bodies even closer as you slowly began to climb him like an inanimate object. This would have been completely awkward sober. Nothing about this was romantic in the slightest. To an outsider, or Changbin and Chaeyeon, you were right there, situated across Minho’s lap. It wasn’t quite a straddle, it was just something. They both stayed quiet, paying little attention to your animalistic act, already focused on feeling each other up. Or so you assumed, seeing as they didn’t say anything. All that was heard was the sound of the front door. You snapped your head for a quick moment, eyes scanning the emptiness the room suddenly felt.
“It was in the car.”
Minho’s words felt heavy, like he had more to say.
“The car?”
You were taken aback, face moving away from the closeness of his. Part of your brain clicked, remembering exactly what he was talking about. With Jisung. The memory of hurt was quickly forgotten as the feeling of Minho’s palms spread across your body was bringing you to life. The adrenaline came all at once. Your mind was telling you to move away, but your body was saying something else, affirming it’s position.
Minho was leaning in, barely any spaces between the two as his fingertips began to spread lower and lower, firmly gripping either side of your ass as he moved you closer. A helpless whimper escaped your lips as you felt your legs tighten, heat running down to your core, quickly. What the fuck was happening right now?
“You were on top of him,” he whispered, pulling your hips against him once more, “just like this.”
“F-fuck,” was all that managed to slip out of your lips. This was becoming difficult. So difficult to say no and move away. You knew it was the right thing to do. Things would just be awkward and you could go back to hating him. No matter how much you tried, how much you wanted to, you were powerless. Every fiber of your being was being given up to him. You leaned in closer, foreheads now touching as you looked at him. His gaze was anything but lacklustre as his jaw became tense. His body began to ache simultaneously with yours. The pressure was becoming too much.
“Do you want this?”
A small whine escaped you at the loss of his tips gripping your body. They quickly made their way to either side of your face. Your body began to rock back and forth on it’s own. You had become desperate for any sort of friction that you could create.
“I said, do you want this?”
“Do you?”
His expression made you nervous. It was hard to read. All you could see was the black substance of his pupils enlarge, increasing in diameter by the second. Almost like a supernatural being was possessing him.
“Fuck,” you grunted, wrapping your hands around his neck to steady yourself on top of him, “you’re making it hard to say no.”
Things were already becoming hazy the longer you stayed. A huff of frustration came from him as he was giving all his effort not to give into the way you were rubbing your dampening heat against him. It was like a drug he could not refuse.
“Kiss me if you want me.”
He huffed, the edge of his lips just barely brushing against the tip of your nose.
“Kiss me, and give me the green light.”
You waited a moment, any part of your brain that wasn't concentrated solely on his palms digging into your sides trying to reason. You looked at him once more. His eyes, nose, lips. His lips.
“Fuck it.”
He was quick to work, pushing you down to lie flat against the couch. A small kiss to your lips was felt as he pulled away, lifting his arms up and throwing his shirt to the floor at Usain Bolt pace. The smirk on your face was too easy for him not to see.
“You like what you fucking see don’t you?”
“Just shut the fuck up and kiss me.”
Of course. Of course he was still that arrogant cocky motherfucker that you could not stand. The one who never cleaned up after himself. Or took too long in the shower for the hot water to run out. All of these evil perceptions you had of your roommate were disappearing as his lips were gently placed onto yours. It was a little too slow for your liking, but it was deep. Boy, was it deep. Each movement of his tongue was made with so much precision as he lowered himself onto you. His thighs were clenched, a soft groan could be heard against his lips as his groin pressed into you. Holy fuck, were you really doing this? It was so wrong. Everything in the world was saying to stop, stop this.
“Mm- wait,” you paused your hands on his chest to push him away, “wait.”
A flash of panic waved over his eyes as he quickly jumped off of you, face palming the floor.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you-”
“I’m fine,” you interjected, giggling at the never been seen care and caution he had for you, “I just don’t think we should do this.”
“Oh,” was all he could say. You kept your gaze lowered; looking at him would have made you feel so guilty. The feeling of regret started to seep into your bones, but you couldn't tell: was it regret of this ever happening, or was it regret from stopping? Your head was too muddled to even attempt to comprehend what had just appended. The only sound that could be heard was your scuffed footsteps, quickly pacing back to your room and shutting the door, hard. The loudest sigh known to earth could be heard on the opposite side of the room as you let your body collapse. The ache between your legs was growing by the second; and as much as you tried to suppress the feeling of Minho’s lips on yours, fingertips dragging along your sides. No. It was much easier this way. Setting boundaries as roommates seemed to be a better idea for the long run.
But the long run was boring. You would both have to pretend that this never happened. Having other people over for sexual purposes would just be awkward now; the more you thought about it, the realisation, and the jealousy hit that you had already crossed said boundary. And maybe that’s why your feet had dragged you to the front of his bedroom door. How the fuck did you get here? You brought your knuckles to the wooden frame, door becoming slightly ajar as you gently knocked. Minho’s snapped his head around, covering himself quickly as you walked in. You cocked your eyebrow, a face of confusion apparent on your face.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” he huffed, turning back to his previous position, “what do you want?”
You wanted to just walk out. Mind your business and just leave. But it was hard, quite literally. The imprint of what you assumed to be Minho’s naked lower half painfully pressing into the sheer sheets that was covering him. He paid you no more attention, giving you all the power to initiate whatever it is you wanted to initiate. You slowly crept in beside him, nuzzling your head into the back of his neck as he groaned in annoyance.
“Y/n, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”
“Hmm, I think I changed my mind,” you whispered, reaching around to grab him. A blunt hiss escaped Minho’s lips as your action made him turn around. He was so close to you now. So close that you could feel his breath spreading across your left cheek.
“Are you being serious right now?”
The look on his face was unimpressed to say the least.
“Yeah, I mean,” your voice was calm as your hand began to take flight, sliding down to the base of his shaft, “we’ve already crossed the line, let’s go a little further.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. He grabbed you by the wrist that was currently on him, pulling it away and climbing on top of you. Both hands now leaving his side, securely attached onto both wrists as he pinned them down above your head. Nose clumsily tickling yours as he reattached his lips to yours. The feeling of his lips was much softer and calmer than before, almost like he was protecting you. Wanting to keep the moment so delicate, though the way his bare hips involuntarily grinding against your clothed core was far from it. A soft whimper came from your lips, vibrating against his. A soft chuckle was heard from Minho as he pulled away; it made you nervous. To be more specific, the way that arrogant, mischievous smirk that you knew all too well was spread across his face.
“You’re so responsive to me,” he growled, quickly planting another one on your lips before sliding down to your jaw, then your neck, stopping at your chest. Nothing needed to be said as you quickly discarded your shirt, silently thanking your past self for not wearing any underneath. Minho situated himself in front of your now bare chest, waist sitting against your heart as he took one nipple into his mouth, fingers enclosing around the other. A loud whine left your lips, back arching in reaction to him. He looked up, satisfied filling his body as you weren’t able to return his gaze, head already rolled all the way back as he continued his playful assault.
“It’s so cute,” he mumbled between kisses, “so responsive and I’ve barely done anything.”
His lips travelled down the center of your stomach, dipping dangerously closer to where you wanted him most. His continuous rhythm between kisses was immaculate. Any of the incoherent sounds you made, or the crude remarks he made were left unsaid.
“Fuck,” you hissed, painfully throbbing at the way Minho played with the waistband of your panties.
“Not fun to be teased y/n,’ he paused, making sure you were looking at him, “is it.”
A pang of guilt hit your chest for a moment. I mean, it’s not like you did it on purpose, right?
“Minho I’m-”
“Save it,” he scoffs, “whether you did it on purpose, or not, I’m not gonna let you have it so easily.”
His fingers stopped their performance across your hips, continuing a little lower than before. The smirk came to his lips once more, index finger running down your slit. The friction was fierce, but not fierce enough. You wanted, no, you needed more. All he could do was smile at your mercy.
“So fun to tease darling, but you’re gonna have to be more vocal if you want these panties off.”
“Minho please,” you whined, “for fucks sake.”
You bucked your hips forward, desperate for any more contact from the bare minimum he was giving you.
“That doesn’t sound very nice to me.”
“Minho please, please, please,” you whispered, voice becoming super weak, “fuck me, or finger me, anything please, I need to feel you.”
“Now that’s more like it,” he smiled, finally pulling your panties down. You have never lifted your hips faster in your life. The vulnerability of your naked body was somewhat confronting, but your brain was so fogged out from the immense teasing, you cared little.
“Fuck,” he gasped, spreading you effortlessly with two fingers, “you’re so wet for me, aren't you?”
The heat in your cheeks rose as you became embarrassed at his words. Minho didn’t know this, but feeling humiliated was something that could make you cum on the spot. Words intended for insult went through your ears and straight down to the core, the heat becoming like an intense fire igniting in your body as one of his hands moved along your inner thigh, the other gently beginning to circle around where you needed him most.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, “oh my god Minho please, more.” Your voice was becoming needier by the second, but the longer it went on, the less you seemed to care. His tongue was now a factor coming into play, small kitty licks lapping your clit at a suddenly fast pace. Your legs are already trembling, but Minho does more to appease, hooking his arms under and around your thighs to stop the flustered look on your face. It was confronting how quickly he was getting you to your high.
“Please,” you sighed, eyes hazed as you attempted to look down at the way his tongue was on you. The combination of him sucking on your clit, then pushing it through your entrance almost made you scream. However, the noises that came from your mouth were small, heavy pants, progressively getting louder and louder the tighter the knot in your stomach became.
“Do you wanna cum princess?” His voice was whiny, mocking the tone you had used earlier. You nodded ferociously, knowing any attempt to speak would come out horse or just broken.
“Such a good girl,” he purred, replacing his tongue with two fingers, “but if you want to cum, you’re gonna have to beg for it once more.”
“You’re such a fucking dick,” you groaned, an attempt of grinding your center onto Minho’s fingers failing miserably, “you’re being so unfair.”
“I’m unfair?” he scoffed, beginning his digits back to a bare minimum pace, “you’re the one
who was teasing me all night. I know Changbin is like, your best friend so there was no chance you were bringing him back to fuck him. Then you start to kiss me, hard and fast may I add, AND THEN ! you aren’t sure and you leave me to pretend like nothing happened.”
There was no witty comeback you could say in response because he was right. You were the one who has done the teasing for most of the night.
“You looked so fucked out right now baby,” his tone coming back to a calming medium, “begging for me to make you cum, which I can do right now,” he paused, climbing back to your side, lifting your left leg to continue his easy access to ur clit, “or you can beg even more to have my cock inside of you. The choice is yours.” You swallowed, hard. How could he say something so filthy? Out of all the times you had heard him bring other girls over, he would never talk like this. It was always so nice and calm, full of praise and compassion. Maybe they didn’t act like cock teases and let him just have what he wanted.
“C-cock,” you mumbled, pushing your backside against his now pulsating cock, “please give your cock sir.”
“Ooo sir, I like that one, but you’re gonna have to do more if you want me to fill you up princess.”
Words were becoming extremely hard to not only facilitate in your mind, but put them on your tongue and get out to him. He knew this. He knew your were on the brink of collapsing in cum, but the torture was too entertaining for him nonetheless. Although you're frustrated with him was increasing, you couldn’t lie to yourself that the way he was using you like a sex toy was turning you on. After being up his ass so long with rules around the house and how you wanted things done, it was nice to finally let go. Submit to his rules instead of yours.
“P-please Minho, sir’ you panted, head turning to look at the sadistic face of enjoyment he was having from this, “I’ll do anything, a-anything to have your cock inside of me right now.”
“Okay then tomorrow morning, you have to make me breakfast, AND wash my dishes.”
“Seriously,” you panted, “that’s what you're thinking about right now?”
“You said anything.” He shrugged, suddenly taking his fingers away from your dripping core. A gasp of disappointment came to your lips at the loss of delicious contact. Minho sat up, ducking under your leg, and positioning himself right back to where he was previously. However, this time, he was on his knees. Although you were touching it before, you really hadn't had a chance to look at how big it was: way more than what you expected. He stroked himself a couple of times, making sure not to get carried away with himself before he pushed it between your folds, letting his pre-cum mix with your juices. He slowly descended into you. Jaws dropping simultaneously, you gasped. The way he was stretching you out did burn a little bit, but once he was fully inside, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Minho waited until the look of slight discomfort faded from your features.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip and he slowly pulled himself back out. He kept a consistent, yet slow pace as leaned in closer to you. He was now hovering over, letting his face become buried into the middle of your breasts. The feeling was so immaculate, you were desperate to cling onto something for support.
“Dig them into me,” he groaned, strangling his vocal cords, “dig your nails into my back and scratch me like your life fucking depends on it.”
Perfect. You did as he pleased, a loud moan of his name wrestling from your lips as you felt the red marks appear on his backside. The pressure from before was already building in your stomach again, and he could tell. The way you were super tight for him was one, but the way you were now clenching around him was another. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer if you kept doing that.
“Fuck,” was all you could manage to say, a deep grin plastered on his face.
“You’re close aren't you,” he cooed, attaching his lips to your neck, “talk to me baby, tell me what you're feeling.
“Mhm, yeah, fuck I’m so close baby. H-Harder.”
The pitch of your tone was becoming whinier by the second. To add to that, the way you became confused, as if Minho was a vampire, because the way he was sucking on your neck was kind of painful. Nevertheless, you relished in it, knowing too well that a very, very dark mark would replace his mouth. The idea of him showing his possession of you, knowing that he finally won you over did not make you happy, nonetheless, you were too fucked out to care.
Your legs were now pushed all the way back, pace fastening by the minute, allowing Minho to push even deeper into you. And that was it. Right there, the spot you had never even known was even there.
“Ah fuck!” Your moan was loud this time, completely unable to control anything. The smirk, in combination with the satisfied growl that left his lips was a face of pure ecstasy as he realised that he had finally hit your G-spot.
“Fuck that feels so fucking good,” Minho grumbled, “are you close? Because I think I’m gonna cum.”
It was like your stomach was an orchestra. Minho’s words were the conductor, completely controlling how close you were to your release.
“Y-yes,” you cried, “I’m gonna cum so hard right now.”
“You wanna cum baby?”
“You wanna cum right now?”
“Yes baby,” you pouted, a perplexity of sounds escaping your lips, completely out of your control.
“Cum on my cock princess,” Minho whispered through what sounded to be like pained groans, “be a good girl and cum with me inside of you.”
And there it was, like it was on queue as your body completely flopped, legs shaking and a string of lewd curse words fell from your lips. The way your pussy clenched around him was enough to make him pull out, spilling into the dip of your stomach. A loud breath of what seemed to be exhaustion fell from his lips. Your eyes were previously screwed so shut, it hurt when you opened them again, sensitive to the light.
“Fuck,” you both cursed simultaneously, making one another giggle. Minho fell to your left side, flat on his back as he invited you to scooch over next to him. Face pressed against his chest, fingers playfully dragging up and down his torso. For some reason, he felt so safe and secure at this moment. Almost forgetting how he literally just fucked you into oblivion, your eyelids become heavy. It wasn’t until Minho spoke that you were revived from your alternate state of consciousness once more.
“I didn’t know you had it in you.” His voice sounded genuinely surprised, unsure if you should be offended or not. You looked up at him, quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He wasn’t sure how to react, but the dark shade tinting his face right now said enough.
“Please,” you scoffed, “You did me good, but was that the best you can do?”
He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, but down on it after, “Is that a challenge?”
You said nothing, instead sitting up and pushing your legs on either side of his hips. A soft moan escaped his lips as he felt your still dripping heat sitting on the base of him.
“Why don’t you find out and see?”
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
The Hint
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Synopsis submitted by @jasmine11685: Peter gets jealous when you have to flirt with someone on a mission
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That was the only word Peter could say as you descended the staircase in a form fitting black dress. The slit up the side added an elegant touch, something needed for the ball you were going to.
“You look pretty “wow” yourself.” You smiled shyly as you lifted the hem of your dress to walk towards him. “The suit is a nice change from the flannels, though I do love those.”
Peter opened and closed his mouth a few times, but no words formed in his brain. As soon as you put your hands on his collar to tuck it under his suit jacket, his name was lost on his and all he knew was yours.
“So this is what it’s like to be speechless.” He chuckled nervously as you straightened his jacket.
“Shut up.” You giggled as your face flushed. “Your ties a little crooked.”
“Thanks.” Peter whispered as you adjusted his tie. “You look beautiful. Like, the kind of beautiful that makes you want to cry when you look at it.”
“Thank you.” You laughed again, out of habit. You looked at Peter through your eyelashes as your shaking hands slid down his jacket.
“Nervous?” He asked softly when he noticed your unsteady demeanor.
“A little.” You smiled weakly. “It’s uh, it’s a shame I’m gonna have to waste all this beautiful on some douche who won’t appreciate it.”
“Well I appreciate it.” Peter assured you. “All of it. What is your mission exactly?”
“I just have to get some information out of Harry Osborn. Apparently he’s the only one who knows what’s his father has been doing up at Oscorp. We have to find out his plans before he does something dangerous. Could you help me with this?” You asked as you handed him a diamond necklace. You turned around and Peter carefully moved your hair off of your back.
“Oh.” He said in surprise as he clasped the necklace around your neck. “And how are you planing on getting that information?”
“I’m gonna flirt with him like my life depends on it.” You said confidently as you turned back around. “Because who knows? It might.”
Peters face twitched in confusion as his eyebrows knit together. He felt a white hot jealousy run all the way to his scalp when he learned about the plan.
“You have to flirt with that asshole?” Peter laughed nervously and cleared his throat. “He’s a total playboy. He’s probably never done his own laundry a day in his life.”
“I think I can handle him.” You winked at him as you touched your your lipstick. “And his laundry.”
“I have no doubt in your abilities. I just wish you didn’t have to use them on him.” Peter said, mostly to himself.
“It’s fine, Pete.” You assured him. “I’m actually excited to do it.”
“Excited?” Peter began to sweat.
“Yeah.” You grinned in excitement. “This is the biggest role I’ve ever had in a mission. I really want to do a good job so I can impress my dad. That means I’m gonna have to pull out my best flirting.”
“Your best flirting?” Peter was really beginning to panic now.
“Yup. I need this boy to fall in love with me.” You told him. “Watch, by the end of the night, he’ll be putty in my hands.”
“I don’t think you should do this, Y/n.” Peter blurted. “I think we should get Natasha or someone else to do it. You shouldn’t have to be the shiny object we use to distract the enemy.”
“I’m fine with it, Pete. My dad didn’t give me this role because I’m pretty. He gave me this role because I have good communication and manipulation skills. Plus, I’m closest to Harry’s age. It all works out.”
“He could be really dangerous.” Peter protested. “You could get hurt.”
“I’m really dangerous.” You stated. “And he’s definitely gonna get hurt.”
“Just be careful, okay?” Peter sighed, making you look at him. You walked over to him and cupped his face in your hands, making his breath hitch in his throat.
“I got this, Petey.” You said gently. “I know you’re worried about me, but you have no reason to be. I can do this. And you, Sam, and my dad are gonna be listening the whole time. We’re gonna catch this guy. I know it.”
“I just don’t want you getting hurt. If things go wrong-“
“They won’t.” You cut him off. “Go ask my dad. He drew up every possible outcome of this plan and they all end with Harry getting his ass kicked.”
“Okay.” Peter nodded and gave you a smile. “I’ll go talk to Mr. Stark.”
“You just had to believe in her.” Peter grouched as he barged into Tony’s office. “You just had to recognize her talent and trust her enough to carry the mission.”
“I’m sorry. Is that anger directed towards moi?” Tony touched a hand to his chest. “Are you mad at me?”
“Yeah, I am.” Peter said. “You know I like Y/n and sent her off to flirt with the richest playboy in New York City?”
“Hey.” Tony said sternly. “Playboy is my thing.”
“Why did you have to make her do this job?” Peter whined. “She’s gonna fall in love with him and forget all about me.”
“He’s a criminal, Peter.” Tony reminded him.
“So? Girls love that!” He protested. “You remember how she acted around Loki.”
“Don’t remind me.” Tony rolled his eyes. Peters face shifted back to his forlorn expression and Tony saw how much this was hurting him.
“Look, kid, don’t sweat this mission.” He said as he put a hand on Peters shoulder. “She’s just gonna get the information she needs from Harry and you’ll never have to worry about him again. You can go right back to your little will-they-won’t-they bullshit or whatever it is you’re doing.”
“I have a plan.” Peter insisted. “And Harry is going to put a serious wrench in my plan, thanks to you.”
“You have a plan?” Tony doubted. “Ive been watching you pine after my daughter for years. When is this plan going into action exactly?”
“I’m just going to think really hard about how I’m in love with her and wait until she realizes.” Peter mumbled as he adverted his eyes.
“Yeah?” Tony cocked his head. “And how’s that going for you?”
“I think she’s just about to get the hint.” Peter said and Tony let out a groan.
“Kid, just ask her out.” He reasoned. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“She could hear me.” Peter stated. “And then say no.”
“She’s never gonna take the hint unless you actually give her the hint.” Tony reasoned. “Why don’t you try tonight? She’ll be all giddy from successfully completing the mission. Perfect time to confess those bottled up feelings.”
“I don’t know.” Peter sighed. “Maybe.”
An hour later, you were making eyes at Harry from the bar. After locking eyes a few times, you signaled for him to come over.
“Hey.” Harry knocked on the bar twice and looked down at you. He sized you up before smiling in approval and sending you a nod.
“Hey.” You gave him a sultry smile as he sat down.
“You all by yourself?” He asked as he drummed his fingers on the bar.
“I was.” You took a sip and looked at him through your lashes. “Until you came along.”
“Mind if I stay?” He raised an eyebrow as he flagged down the bartender. You made a face as he ordered a drink before smiling at him.
“I prefer it.” You flirted.
“Good.” He accepted his drink and took a long sip. “I don’t like being told no.”
“Then you better give me something to say yes to.” You leaned on your hand and leaned towards him. Inside, you were gagging at his arrogance. On the outside, you were eating it up.
And that made two of you.
“Oh God.” Peter gagged as he listened to the banter through his ear piece. “This is torture.”
Sam, who was standing next to him as they both kept an eye on you, gave Peter a look.
“Relax, kid.” He sighed. “She’s just doing her job.”
“You’re a pretty bold girl. I like that.” Harry cupped your chin before releasing it. “Just not as bold as me.”
“Oh yeah?” You raised an eyebrow, grabbed his drink, and downed the rest before slamming the glass down. “How about now?”
“Oh, you are going to get me into trouble.” Harry chuckled and he scooted closer to you. Peter watched in disdain as the jealousy coursed through his veins again.
“That doesn’t sound so bad.” You crawled. “Don’t you like trouble?”
“I love it.” He insisted as he held out his hand. “My names Harry Osborn. You’ve probably heard of me.”
“I have.” You smirked as you shook his hand. “I’m Y/n.”
“Why is she talking like that?” Peter whined upon hearing your flirty tone. “She never talks like that.”
“Because she’s not trying to sleep with you, dummy. Thats why.” Sam snorted as he continued to watch.
“What?” Peter snapped his head towards Sam. “She’s not trying to sleep with that guy. She’s just getting information out of him.”
“Yeah well, guys tend to talk a lot more once you’ve tired them out.” Sam shrugged as he sipped his own drink. Pete’s face fell as he stared Harry down with daggers in his eyes.
“She wouldn’t do that.” Peter mumbled.
“Shhh.” Sam waved his hand. “I’m trying to listen.”
“So,” you took another sip from your drink, “Whats it like being the son of one of the most powerful men in the city? Wasn’t your dad like, 25 when he founded Oscorp.”
“23, but who’s keeping score.” Harry shrugged as he looked around the room. “I’ll probably do something like that soon. Maybe something even bigger. I already have a lot of ideas. Pretty impressive, huh?”
“Totally.” You egged him on but rolled your eyes when he looked away. “Do you ever get to watch his experiments?”
“Baby, I’ve seen just about all of them.” Harry bragged as he played with your dangling earrings. “He’s done things you wouldn’t believe. Things that aren’t even legal.”
“Yeah?” Your eyes widened in excitement and you leaned in closer. “Like what?”
“I can’t tell you here.” Harry pulled away suddenly and sighed. “I don’t want anyone hearing.”
“Alright.” You purposefully took the bait. “Then let’s talk somewhere else.”
“Do you know a place?” He played nonchalant as he put a hand on your knee. Peter watched the scene in front of him and looked away.
“Yeah. My bedroom.” You smirked and stood up. “Let’s go there.”
“Bold.” Harry rubbed his hands together and stood up as well. “You’re dangerous.”
You took his hand and lead him towards the elevator, feeling the gun that was strapped to your thigh brush against your leg as you walked.
“You have no idea.” You mumbled. You passed Sam and Peter and gave them a nod as you lead Harry towards his interrogation. Peter looked like he was ready to fight someone and Sam looked entirely amused. You gave them a thumbs up before leading Harry upstairs.
“What’s the craziest thing your dad has done?” You asked as you sat down on the bed. You flicked your leg out and pretended to examine your heels to draw his attention. Harry took the bait and held your ankle in his hands, admiring the fancy shoes Mr. Stark had given you for the mission.
“Why do you want to know?” He asked coyly as he looked up at you.
“Because I like to get a little crazy myself and I want to know how much you can handle.” You shrugged as you shook your hair out. Peter gulped as he listened, feeling his jaw tighten in anger. Tony joined him and Sam at their post and looked around for you and Harry.
“How’s the mission going?” He asked when he didn’t see you anywhere.
“Horrible.” Peter grumbled.
“She didn’t get him to the secondary location?” Tony worried.
“She did.” Sam cut in. “Peters just mad that his girlfriend just found herself a boyfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Peter snapped. “Maybe she would have been if Mr. Stark wasn’t a destroyer of young love.”
“Parker, quiet.” Sam commanded. “I’m trying to listen.”
“How do I know I can trust you?” Harry folded his arms as he looked down on you.
“You can trust me.” You told him as you reached up to grab his tie. You used it to pull yourself up and off the bed before planting a kiss right on his mouth.
“What was that?” Peter touched his fingertips to his ear piece when he heard silence from your end.” Why did she pause?”
“She didn’t pause.” Sam shook his head as he checked his watch.
“Then what-“
“She kissed him.” Tony cut in while giving Peter an apologetic look.
“She kissed him?” All the color drained from Peters face and Tony felt he was to blame.
“You know the Green Goblin?” Harry asked once you pulled away.
“That’s my dad.” Harry admitted, and Tony and Sam quickly wrote it down.
“No way.” You pretended to be impressed. “I don’t believe you.”
“It’s true. He was dying so he invented this serum to keep himself alive. It ended up giving him all these crazy abilities.” Harry boasted, incriminating himself further. “And he’s got this glider that he can fly around on. You’d love it. It’s very shiny.”
“Wow. I love shiny.” You gushed, fighting the urge to punch him in the throat then and there. “How much serum did he make?”
“He has one more vile that he said he’d give to me when I’m older.” Harry tweaked his eyebrow as he smirked.
“So you’re gonna be the next Green Goblin? Isnt he a bit of a bad guy?” You continued to draw information out of him as your fingers danced around his collar.
“Maybe I am bad guy.” Harry shrugged. “Like father, like son.”
Harry leaned in to kiss you again but you dodged it and laughed as you moved away.
“Bad, huh?” You composed yourself so you wouldn’t be suspicious. “What else has he done?”
“He gave one of our scientists these metal arms. They can rip a person in half. Ive seen it happen.” Harry continued to brag and you recorded every word of it.
“Dr. Occtavius.” Tony realized. “That’s how he got his weapons.”
“Thats crazy.” You gasped and played with his hair. “What’s your dad gonna do?”
“He’s basically forming a league of bad guys.” Harry shrugged like it was no big deal. “Guys way worse than the Avengers.”
“Does he have a problem with the Avengers?” You wondered.
“My dad hates them. I hate them too.” Harry scoffed and you held back a laugh. “That’s why we’re gonna wipe them out. New York can’t rely on a bunch of guys in dress up, and we’re gonna show them that.”
“How are you going to do that?”
“With an attack on New York City on the 8th.” Harry told you, and Tony immediately wrote it down. “The Avengers won’t know what hit them.”
“That sounds pretty scary. Will you keep me safe?” You batted your eyelashes at him and he ate it up.
“I can’t listen to this.” Peter took out his earpiece and slammed it on the counter. “I’m going in there.”
“Parker! Stay where you are and - you know what? I don’t care.” Sam shrugged it off and continued to listen to your conversation.
“Of course baby.” He cupped your face in his hands. “It’s gonna be a direct hit on the Avengers tower. A pretty thing like you won’t be anywhere near there.”
“Actually”, you took his hands off your face and dropped your smile, “I will.”
“What?” Harry’s face faltered at your sudden mood change.
“Did you get that guys?” You touched your fingers to your ear piece and waited for the confirmation. “Copy that, dad.”
“What?” Harry’s face twisted in anger. “You’re an Avenger?”
“Look at you! So smart. You figured it out.” You said sarcastically.
“No.” Harry shook his head. “I don’t believe you. There’s no way you’re an Avenger. You’re my age and a chick.”
“Not just an Avenger. I’m a Stark too. Want me to prove it to you?” You asked casually.
“How?” Harry raised an eyebrow. You gave him a swift punch to the throat that knocked him on his back.
“Like that.” You blew your hair off your forehead as you checked your nails.
“You bitch.” Harry wheezed from the floor.
“You see, I can’t have you and your father attacking my friends.” You crouched down beside him and shrugged. “I’m gonna have to take you in.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Harry swiped at you but you dodged it.
“I know. But this cute little microphone recorded everything you said and sent it to the police.” You pouted and pointed to your mic. “They should be here soon. You might want to wipe the lipstick off your face before the get here.”
“I’m not going to prison.” Harry grumbled as he sat up.
“Aw, but you are.” You said as you pulled him off the floor and put his hands behind his back. “Daddy can’t bail you out of this one, like how he bailed you out of your 17 parking tickets.”
“How do you know about that?” Harry asked as he looked over his shoulder at you.
“I know everything, bitch.” You leaned into his ear to growl.
“No. I’m not going down for this.” Harry broke out of your hold and swung at you. You dodged the first one, but he got you right in the jaw with the second one. You stood up and got ready to fight him as he put his fists up.
“You’re not even that pretty.” He exclaimed as he swung at you again. Right as his fist collided with your face, Peter burst in the door.
“Yes she is!” Peter shouted as he jumped on Harry’s back. Harry threw Peter onto the bed and lunged for you again. You close-lined him with your arm and dug your heel into his back once he was on the ground.
“Peter? What are you doing here?” You asked as you stepped on Harry’s back harder with your heel. “I got this.”
“There’s something I have to tell you.” Peter panted as he got off the bed.
“You won’t get away with this. I will sue!” Harry writhed around beneath your heel.
“Can it wait?” You asked as you pulled Harry off the ground. “I’m a little busy.”
“It can’t wait.” Peter shook his head as you shoved Harry against the wall. “There’s something I’ve been holding in for a long time and I need to tell you.”
“I wouldn’t even bother dude.” Harry said with his face squished against the wall. “She’s a total bitch.”
“Was I talking to you?” Peter growled before shooting a web at Harry’s wrists to handcuff him.
“Ohhh I see.” Harry laughed humorlessly. “Spiderman is mad that I stole his girlfriend.”
“Can you shut up? I’m trying to have a conversation here.” You barked at Harry. “I’m sorry, Peter. Please continue.”
“I didn’t want you to flirt with Harry tonight because you can do a lot more than just sit still and look pretty.” Peter began.
“I know that, Peter.” You nodded.
“I also didn’t want you to flirt with him because I was jealous.” He confessed.
“Jealous?” You asked as you put Harry in the hotel chair and began to tie him up.
“He likes you, stupid.” Harry grumbled. You shot Harry and angry look, but when you looked back at Peter, he was nodded.
“He’s right.” Peter admitted , taking you by surprise.
“You like me?” You lips twitched into a smile as you tightened Harry’s rope. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was scared you wouldn’t like me back. You’re my best friend, Y/n.” Peter said softly. “If you didn’t like me back, everything would change. We’d still be friends but it wouldn’t be the same. I didn’t want to risk that.”
“I’m sorry.” You frowned. “I should’ve been more clear then.”
“Do you seriously have to do this here?” Harry whined and you smacked him on the back of the head.
“Clear about what?” Peter wondered.
“That I like you too.” You smiled sheepishly at him. Tony listened to the confession over the ear pierce and smiled to himself.
“There you go kid.” He mumbled to himself. “She got the hint.”
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pastelavender88 · 2 years
Right Person At Maybe The Wrong Time- Chapter 22
Summary: After Eddie’s wild suggestion, Y/n is trying to find her answer. Will she choose to move in with the man she loves or is the problems between them too much to overcome?
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It’s been a few days since I talked to Eddie about the living together situation. He was keeping true to his promise by not rushing me about my decision. I wanted to talk to Buck tonight about my conversation with Eddie. When I knocked on the door, Buck answered the door. “Hey Buck.” “Hey, what are you doing here? Did Alex forget something?” “No. Ummm, I wanted to talk to you about something.” “Uhh oh. What have I done now?” I playfully slapped his arm and walked past him. “Ha, ha, so funny. It’s about Eddie and I.” “Did something happen between you guys, again? What happened now?” “Wow, are we really that bad of a couple you automatically assumed we’re fighting?” “No, it’s just that’s the only reason you ever talk to me.” “Buck, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to dump my relationship issues on you but I feel weird talking about Eddie and I’s best moments with you. It just still seems weird. I mean we dated and we have a kid together. Now, I'm dating your best friend.” “Yeah, and it takes some getting used to but I’m still your friend. You can talk to me about more than just problem solving stuff.” “Okay. Well it’s a good thing I’m here. Eddie wants to move in together.” “What?” Buck’s eyes grew ten times their size. “Yeah. That’s the same thing I thought.” “Is he ready for that? I mean after the meltdown and everything.” “He says he is, but I’m not convinced. I feel like he’s rushing into this to ignore his problems or to make me feel better about our relationship. I want him to do this because he wants to, not because he feels forced to prove something.” “Eddie loves you and if you ask me he might actually be doing this because he wants to. No other reason.” “Are you sure?” “Of course I’m not sure. The only one who knows that for sure is Eddie, but I say go for it.” “Thanks Buck.” I’ll talk to you later.”
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  After taking the kids to school the following morning, I decided to talk to Eddie before he headed to work. As Eddie walked into the kitchen, getting ready to prepare lunch for the day. “Hey hun, I wanted to talk to you.” “Sure. What’s up?” He asked, not looking up from the food he was prepping in front of him. “Well it’s about moving in together.” He finally looked over to where I was and set the food that he was making down. “Okay. Did you come to a decision?” “Yes. No. I don’t know.” I took a pause and collected my thoughts. “I don’t know if i'm ready for that level of commitment and I don't think you are too.” “What makes you say that?” “I don’t know. Maybe because both of our heads have been all over the place lately and I don’t think moving in together will solve that.” “Listen, I'm not trying to sweep everything under the rug and pretend like we are perfect.” He crossed from his spot in the kitchen to where I was standing. His hands wrapped around my waist in a comforting way. “Every relationship has its level of baggage. We just happen to be at the next level.” “And never ending.” “Yeah that too.” Eddie said with a chuckle. “Every relationship goes through their shit, but real relationships get through their shit.” I started to laugh at that. “What?” “Do you know how that sounds?” “Can I have this little sweet moment with you or will you continue being a child?” “Okay I'm sorry.” “Whether or not we move in together I'm fine with that but I don’t want you doubting for a second I don't want this life with you.” “It’s not that I don't think you want this life with me, I believe you, it’s just I feel like you’re rushing into this without thinking. I mean that’s two kids in one household, in addition to bills, don’t forget house hunting because neither of our houses can hold all of us. It’s a lot Eddie. I think you should take more time focusing on you and your mental health than this situation. You still need time to heal.” “Y/n, baby. I love you, okay? I know I want this life with you and when you’re ready, I’ll still be here waiting for me.” After giving me a chaste kiss, he turned back to his lunch. “Now, if you don’t mind I’m gonna be heading to work.”
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Later that evening as I was scrolling on my phone as the news played in the background when the reporter said something that caught my attention. “Yes you heard me right folks the Metro dispatch center is on fire. Sources say the cause of the fire is still unknown but firefighters have just arrived moments ago and are fighting to end this.” Oh my god! Eddie! I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Eddie. After 2 failed calls I did the next best thing I could, I called Carla. “Hello?” Her voice on the other end said. “Hey, Carla I don't know if you’ve heard or not but dispatch is on fire. Eddie was working today and I’ve tried to call him but he’s not answering. Is there any way you can pick up the kids from school and watch them until later?” “Of course honey. Tell me how it goes.” “Will do.” After getting off the phone with her I raced to find my keys and head to dispatch. When I arrived I saw firefighters scrambling from everywhere trying to stop the fire. I walked closer before a man stopped me. “I’m sorry, ma’am but you can't go over there.” “My boyfriend is in there. He’s a firefighter and he was working today.” “I know ma’am but it’s not safe.” “Y/n?” I heard a voice coming from the parking lot across from the building. “Let her through.” The man allowed me to cross the barrier and I made my way over to Hen. “Hen, where’s Eddie?” “He’s inside.” “Inside? Why is Eddie inside?” “He’s helping with the fire. I don’t know when they’ll be done, but since you're here I could really use your help here.” I saw how many victims were scattered around the place.” “Alright. Where can I start?” As I helped with making sure everyone received oxygen and everyone was treated. Then I heard a commotion behind me. There I was Eddie, Buck, Bobby and the rest of the 118 walking over. Eddie stopped to talk to dispatcher Linda and then he was me standing near a patient. “Hey, what are you doing here?” “What am I doing here? I’m here to check on you, you big oaf.” I said as I wrapped my arms around him. “You know you scared me for a minute when you didn’t answer the phone.” “Yeah, I don’t really carry that with me when I’m fighting fires.” “Yeah, I must say the old uniform looks good on you.” “I bet it does.” “No, I mean really good.” “You know I heard we’re allowed to bring our uniform home for ‘other uses’.” “Oh wow. Well I’ll be looking forward to that in our home.” “Our home?” “Yeah, our home. I wanna move in with you.” “You do? You’re not just saying this cause I nearly died, again?” “Yeah everyone is right. We question each other’s motives too much.” I teased. “No eddie. I said yes because I love you and moving in together is bound to happen anyways so why not now.” “Yeah. Why not?” He gave me a kiss on the lips. “I should really go help the others.” “Yeah me too.” I went back to helping the patients around the call center. 
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I saw them loading a patient I had worked on so I decided to go with them. As I was about to walk onto the ambulance, some guy stopped me. “Can I help you?” “Oh, I’m Y/n. I’m a nurse. I helped treat this patient.” “Well I got it from here.” “Excuse me? Listen I’m sure you do ‘got it’ but I want to come to make sure my patient makes it there safe. She was in there for a long time inhaling smoke.” “And like I said I got it. Technically I’m the one working this scene. So run back to your boyfriend over there.” He shut the door to the ambulance in my face Just then, Hen walked over. “Wow, what happened there?” “I have no idea. I wanted to ride in the ambulance with him to go to the hospital and he flipped. Does that seem weird to you?” “Oh don’t ask me. I’ve always had a feeling about him.” “Who even is that?” “That’s the guy that replaced Chim for a while.” “Well he’s a dick and he’s a little sketchy if you ask me.” “Yeah you don’t have to tell me twice.” I drove my car to the hospital to check on Bobby and saw a few of my old coworkers. I caught up with a few before I started to talk to Buck, Eddie and Hen. We asked about Bobby and then told them about us deciding to move in together. In the middle of the conversation the same dick from earlier came busting in. He was on top of the victim I had helped earlier and giving chest compressions. I walked over when the doctor called it. “Jonah what happened? She was fine when I left triage.” Hen asked. “Pressure bottomed out. I couldn’t get her rhythm back. It’s weird. I should have been able to save her. I usually save them.” When he said those last few words a shiver ran up my spine. May approached the both of us. “Guys. She was fine. I-I don’t understand.” “Neither do I.” Hen remarked. As May and everyone left the commotion I turned to Hen. “Hen, you and I both know that shouldn’t have happened. She was fine when we left. She should still be fine.” “I know but what could have happened?” “I think we both know what happened.” I walked away from Hen.
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After driving Eddie and myself home, and ‘celebrating’ our choice to move in together we were debating on how to tell Chris and Alex. As we were tangled in the sheets “Well since I have a day off tomorrow due to the whole workplace setting on fire how about we take them out.” “Take them where though?” “You know what I have the best idea.” He said. The next morning Eddie and I told the kids that today we were going out. First we went to the zoo, then the movies, and then we went out for dinner. As we sat down and looked over the menu, Alex began to talk. “So mom, Eddie, what was today about?” “What do you mean?” “Mom, Chris and I have a brain we know something is going on.” “We do?” Christopher added, looking up from the menu. “Chris, can you just go along with me here?” “Well Alex since you brought it up your mom and I wanted to talk to you.” “Hello, my name is Amber and what can I…” “Are you and Dad breaking up?” Christopher asked, interrupting the poor waitress as she came to take our orders. “I’ll be back.” She said as she swiftly turned around. “No! Chris, don't worry it’s good news.” “I don’t think it is.” Alex so helpfully added. “Alex, stop instigating.” “I’m just saying.” Alex said as she threw her hands up in defense. “No, I promise it’s good news.” “Oh yeah remember. We saw them kiss at the zoo, and the movies, and two seconds before we sat down.” “Can you stop interrupting so we can tell you?” “Y/n and I have decided we think it’s time to move in together? Would you guys be okay with that?” “Question: Whose house would we live in?” “For now we’re going to move into Y/n’s house since she has a guest bedroom. Then, we’re gonna look for a new one to buy.” “So we won’t have to share a room.” “No?” “Then great.” Alex went back to looking at the menu. “What about you Chris? Do you have any questions?” “So you and dad are okay?” “Better than ever buddy.” Eddie answered as he wrapped his arm around me. “Then I’m happy.” Eddie turned to me. “Well that’s sorted.” “So you ready for this? I mean it’s too late to back out now, big guy.” “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Eddie closed the space between us and gave me a loving kiss. “Ugh.” Alex exclaimed. “Wait if we move in together does this mean we’ll have to see you kiss more?” Chris said with a disgusted look on his face. Eddie and I cracked up. Something tells me we're in for a wild ride.
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Royal siren erasermic family? They like adopt you after you hatch from an egg bc they found you or something idk and take you back to the castle and make you their little princess or something cute and fluffy like that.
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Shinso was just out and about, swimming through some forbidden areas he wasn’t supposed to be in, avoiding sharks, when he found an iridescent little ball under some rubble of a shipwreck, it made his gills tingle at the sweet aura that it emmited, he knew, that this creature, was something to protect. It was up until he saw something moving inside that he thought it was just some ancient treasure that would’ve died with this ship, he examined it closer, squinting his eyes, that’s when he realized, it was a Siren. A baby one at that, usually they hatched out of boring white eggs, the royal family’s were gold, but a shiny color changing white that combated the finest of jewels? Never, this little pip was special, he could feel it.
So he brought it back home, through his “balcony window”, debating wether or not he should tell his parents. As you know, he was somewhere where he was not supposed to be, and they would throw a fit. Then again, whatever this thing was, he couldn’t just keep it to himself, something was living inside it, and he wouldn’t know if something was wrong, so he has too. When he did, it came as a suprise that his parents weren’t mad, they jsut kindof stared at the orb, inhaling the addictive scent it gave off, the three huddled around it, aizawa carefully picking the Small thing up, it was only about the size of a pumpkin, extremely easy to pick up, yet he could still feel the heartbeat of a creature inside, it just had to be one of the sirenfolk , there isn’t any other explanation. He stared at it in confusion, noticing the small cracks staring to form.
Then a little hand popped through, and scared the shit out of all of them.
As it turned out, you were in fact a siren, a rare subtype of them, thought to have gone extinct long, long ago. The opal-looking scales that littered your arms and tail showed proof of it, this species were intensely more fragile, and weaker, that’s why they went extinct, as they couldn’t hear, and a small crabs pinch could cause major bone breaks, they were just too weak, yet so beautiful. That’s why they were coveted among the royal family. It only helped their growing obsession taht you were so cute.
It might’ve been an act of I’mpulse, but they just needed to have you as their own, of course, their word is law, so they could’ve just kept you, but they felt the need to make it official, they’d already had two pips, you’re just their third! It was simple, of course, you specific species could be born into sirenfolk families, it was just so rare that it had only happened once. You were just so cute, so fragile, just something so breakable, they just
H a d
To protect this tiny lil thing, it was instinctual to feel a protective pull over their little pups, and boy were they feeling that right now, you were special, not just any baby, but you were theirs. Their special little pup, nothing would ever lay a hand on you, ever. It had only be a few days, and word spreads through the underwater kingdom like a wave, from the servant maid who showed them how to take care of you, to the head maid, to a citizen, to the fisher, and eventually, by the end of the week, the whole kingdom was eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of their new princess.
And boy were they shocked to find out it was an opalite, the most rare of rare sirens in the world. Immediately after they had shown you to the world, sitting in a large clam as it was pulled by sharks, the citizens fell in love with you, maybe it was the fact that you were related to their beloved royals, maybe because the royal family would intensely glare at anyone who made negative comments, maybe it was the fact that a few of those people went missing, but who knows right?
You still hadn’t been able to open your eyes yet, and you won’t be able to hear them for a very long time, your hands were about the size of aizawas eye, and you looked closer to a fish than a human, as you hadn’t even developed your face yet, another plus to being the endangered species, note the sarcasm. And guess what? They found it so adorable, just their cute little baby, their little pup who can’t even protect themselves from the water around them. They just loved every part of your little body, from your tails, to your tiny little hands, to your shiny gills. It was all just so perfect- you were so perfect, and you were theirs, they were gonna protect you at all costs.
So of course they did, you were just so tiny right now, they knows practically anything could hurt you, so they opted to be around you all the time, only leaving to hunt for humans that would suffice for their tastes, drawling them in, determined because of that little smile of yours. You motivated them to do it, they were doing this for you. It have them all a sense of pride to have you feel safe with them, to rite them you. On their own terms.
Eri was constantly around you, being that she was a young one just like you, and you were her little sister! So she wanted to always be around while you made those echoing gurgling noises, or flapped your hands around in the water, she didn’t have responsibility in the kingdom yet, unless being cute is a job, so she can be with you jsut as much as she wants. Always sitting with you while you played with the floating pearls that they had arranged over your play area, watching you feel new things, holding you while you dozed off with adorable little bubbles, she always was with you.
Like now, she’s been with you all day, giving you little snacks, glaring at the guards at the door who always had their eyes on you… creeps. The sun was almost setting, and when you’re low down in the ocean it goes pitch black after a little while, and that’s when the jellyfish come out, tonight was one of the most special days out of the year in the northern oceans, the jellyfish festival, the one night a year when the rare white jellyfish would come out to say hi, leaving trails of shimmering sparkle behind them, painting the upper levels of the ocean a shiny silver. It just so happened that it occurred on your first birthday, a very small increment to sirens, as they live almost a billion years, but still a big accomplishment in their eyes. Look! Their little baby girl is turning one! How amazing!
“Do you see them hon? Look, they’re just starting to appear” Aizawa asked both you and eri calmly, swishing his hand through the salty water to pint at the new appearance of white and purple blobs, slowly flouncing their way overhead. Eri smiled up at it, her pointed teeth displayed in full view, her eyes shined at the view, not only of the huge jellyfish, but also at you, who was placed delicately in mics lap, sat up against his chest. Little bubbles escaped your mouth as you blew raspberries into the water, just making the family laugh.
“Mm-hmmm! Look! Look! How pretty! I wanna touch em! Can I touch em!” She yelled at her parents, excitedly pointing towards the jelly’s floating towards the surface, her hair floated behind her as she swished around, shinsho just chuckled, knowing that she eventually would try to touch them, and get zapped, again, like last year, and the year before, and the year before.
“No hon. Don’t do that to us again, you wanna wish your sister a happy birthday? She’s probably really exited!” Mic cheered, distracting his daughter from touching the jellyfish, yet again, meanwhile, you were happily bouncing up and down on his lap, enjoying the freedom of your arms, swishing them all over the place, grabbing the beads around your neck, jsut anything.
“But dad! Why not! It’s not like it’s hurt me or anything I’ll be fi-“ she begged, throwing her hands up in a small tempter tantrum, clearly forgetting her previous events of pain, and idiocy.
“No- nope no no, we aren’t doing this again, please honey, just please, remember last time, we had to clean up your wounds OUTSIDE-of water, you hate going to the surface remember? “
“Yeah but-“ she started speaking, but was soon cut off with a loud giggle, resonating through your lips, kindof rare for you, you hadn’t been very vocal outside of a few gurgles here and there, so it had each and every ones heads turning. That’s when they saw it, your beautiful eyes, shin sing in reflection to the jellyfish. Those beautiful little eyes of yours mesmerized all of them, a pitch black (for protection from the salt), with a shiny silver-like pupal, immediately after they opened, a burst of color filled your vision. You giggled and clapped your hands together with a small toothless smile, watching as the floaty creates went overhead, glittering with the light.
The absolutely gorgeous splash above was admired by the family form their own viewing post, the blues and whites combined to make a heavenly display. You could feel the cool sprinkles of light they emmited hitting your skin, smiling at the feeling, you splayed your hands out and flailed them against the water.
“Ohhhhhh- oh wow. Honey! Honey look! Her eyes opened! Look at taht! Aren’t you just so magical! Look at you, my little pup.” Mic smacked Aizawa over the chest multiple times, pointing at your clearly opened eyes, you just remained oblivious, staring up at all the new things around you, like.. everything! He turned you around to face him, letting you actually see his face for the first time, taking in the long yellow hair, the (also) black eyes, the ethereal face dotted with shiny yellow gills, him, you could see him!
“She’s developing smoothly, I’m glad. Awww, that’s pretty cute.” Aizawa replied to him, holding in his emotions, as soon as he met those new eyes of yours it’s like everything else disappeared, like the world itself didn’t exist, outside of him, and his fmaily. You took his breath away, or what you could call breath, so cute and innocent, such a small thing, that brings so much joy. Your little tail swished back and forth as you stared up at them happily, taking in the features of the people you’d learned to recognize by touch. Blowing raspberries out of your lips with a stream of bubbles.
“Awwwww! I’m gonna cry, she’s growing so fast! Soon she’ll be swimming in her own! In like 200 years! Too soon, way too soon. Comers baby- mm hmmm” mic spoke, knowing full well that even if he did cry, his tears would get sucked in by the ocean. He pulled you close, moving your head I’ve this shoulde is it would rest in the crook of his neck while he hugged you, eventually, the others joined in, eri practically flopping ontop (with careful regard for you of course).
They all stared at you, while you stared up at the “sky”, oblivious to their stares, to the ways they would growl at anyone who came close, to how they kept you from seeing anyone other than what they personally approve. After all, you are jsut their little pup, of course you wouldn’t notice! Their little pup… feels right to say that, it isn’t like you have any family waiting, they aren’t ever gonna come here.
And if they ever did?
Then, well, a few mermaids are going missing
Thanks for requesting, this was fun to write!
Have a great day today! Goodbye.
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