#but now he doesn’t have to be PERFECT he just has to be davy
monkee-mobile · 4 months
Do you think Davybaby ever regressed before meeting/joining the Monkees? Either in England or after moving to America
And if so how do you think he dealt with it?
I feel like he did but to a different level. he probably never really OFFICIALLY regressed and was really of seen as a little one during it until he came to the states, but when he was particularly stressed out while still in england he’d often go into a kind of weak state if his defenses were really down, he just didn’t process it through really regressing like he would later on. in england, he’d try his absolute hardest not to have that happen. he’d just feel really small and vulnerable and had no one there to protect him or help him through it except his sisters, but they didn’t jump right to babying him, they’d more just help him through the panic attack part of it all. usually he’d just lock himself in his room if he couldn’t brave through it and curl in on himself and sob until he fell asleep (poor thing). he’d often start sucking his thumb, but he just took that as a “weak” behavior that was just coming back from his childhood. He’d also often go pretty nonverbal for a while afterwards but he’d push through it all and move on (which definitely wasn’t the best for him, but it got him through that time. poor little guy didn’t face his own emotions at all). this kind of shutdown didn’t happen all that often cause davy worked hard to build a tough shell and braved it through all the way to when he moved to america and got out of the pressures of his family.
the move really did break him down because suddenly he was alone in a strange country so when the boys first met him he was definitely flighty and not the suave kind of guy he got to be once he became more comfortable, but they were all new to each other so davy didn’t really have a chance to feel super safe to just let himself feel things so he kept up the hard exterior he had built at first. but of course the monkees became very comfortable with each other and basically climb all over each other at all moments so davy started going “feral toddler mode” a lot where he would just go all silly and giggly and playful, so his comfort came through in a relatively childlike way, but he didn’t panic regress until a while after the guys were a group.
but eventually it happens and davy breaks down really hard at some point. it’s the boys who really start babying him when it happens. in the past he didn’t have anyone to really take care of him but things kind of clicked when he was held and talked to softly and he just sunk into the love that was given to him and it helped him process everything anew.
#the monkees#davy jones#davybaby#asks#i didn’t really go into specific incidents because i don’t really have official headcanon laid out for him#but this is how i see his regression at this point#the other monkees just saw poor davy with tears down his face and wide frightened eyes and his thumb in his mouth trying to hold it all in#and just wanted to hold him#mike definitely swooped right in and got all protective#and davy was surprised at first that being held and rocked and talked to in a soft voice would make him feel so much better#but it did#and he kind of got to reprocess how he experienced emotions as a whole#and start from the ground up in a lot of ways like a kid would learn#and he got to do that with the help of his friends who definitely ask him how he’s feeling in simple terms a lot when he’s little#but he’s safe and happy now and that’s what matters to mike#it definitely makes mike feel secure too because he has someone to take care of and know that he can make everything alright for davy#so it really breaks mike’s heart when davy is crying because he just wants to set everything alright#davy again is often ‘childlike’ when he’s happy too. it’s not necessarily the same as his panic regression or is brought upon in the same wa#way#but he’s kind of just a little guy all around so all emotions come out with him all little. it just lets him feel safe and like he’s not to#not to blame for everything#because he probably had a lot of pressure to be perfect on him (see his grandfather)#but now he doesn’t have to be PERFECT he just has to be davy#and he’s still worthy of love and respect#okay i didn’t expect to put so much in the tags lol#thank you for the ask!!!
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luveline · 8 months
Love love love your writing Jade, I must have reread everything a dozen times!
For a dad!character request, what would you think of Single father Remus signing up to chaperone a school event or field trip? Maybe he meets the newest teacher, who happens to be his exact idea of the perfect person for him…
(Lots of love<3)
“Don’t get– forget your coat, dad.” 
Remus grabs his coat from the passenger seat with a self-deprecating sigh. “I’m s’posed to remember things for you, Lia.” 
Cordelia smiles up at him, her shiny coat and boots already taking on rain. “Okay, so ‘member my lunch, then.” 
Remus turns back to the passenger seat to grab her packed lunch from the footwell. “Thank you.” 
Remus is the kind of parent who writes a list every week, budgeting to the penny and laying out uniforms the night before, but he’s off-kilter today. “I wish your teacher could’ve given me some warning.” 
“She’s new, dad. You have to be nice for new people, ‘cos they don’t know– she’s not used to it.” 
Remus locks the car door, already cold to the bone and wishing they could’ve called off sick. He offers Cordelia her lunchbox (which isn’t a box at all, but a padded fabric zip up pouch in fashion with the rest of the girls her age), and tugs on his jacket. It’s not his, it belonged to Sirius a few years ago, but it got left in his wardrobe somehow and he’s been wearing it since. 
“Okay, lovely girl, what’s the rules for today?” he asks, taking her hand. 
“To be good.” 
“Yeah, and what next?” 
“To stay with my buddy.” 
“Yes, and what’s the last one?” 
She beams at him and waves their joined hands. “To have fun!” 
Remus doesn’t think he’ll be having much of it. He isn’t on the PTA, he had no idea parents even went on these trips, but they’re short-staffed at Cordelia’s school lately and now the year two teacher is off sick, and the phone call was a shock. He didn’t have the wherewithal to say no. 
Cordelia’s class are waiting outside of the school gates near a big red and green bus. Remus is the only parent. Why is he the only parent? There are around thirty kids and only two teachers, the newest of which stands at the front, your hands behind your back and a massive smile on your lips despite the bad weather. 
You’re very pretty, Remus has already thought before, and you dress sweetly, happy colours and cute skirts and pants with flowers and hearts and stars. You’re reaching up into the sky as you say, “So they have lots of energy to grow big and tall like us!”
Most of the kids are listening aptly, though pods of them chatter or fight. 
You see Remus quickly and dodge around the children to meet him. “Mr. Lupin! Hello, hi Lia. I have a packet for you.” 
He smiles awkwardly. “Right.” What’s a packet? He looks down at Cordelia but she’s straining against his hand, desperate to go and talk to her friends. “You can go, lovely. I’ll be right here.” 
“Can I sit with you on the bus?” she asks.
He’d definitely prefer it. “Whatever you want to do. Want me to have your lunchbox?” 
“No, that’s okay!” She leans up for a kiss. Remus suddenly wonders if he’s any good at being a parent, knowing you’re watching, but he leans down for a kiss and gives her a quick pat on the back. “Love you.” 
“Love you.” He clears his throat and stands up. “The packet?” 
You’re looking at him funny. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Nothing, nothing,” you stay, still smiling. He’s ninety nine percent sure you aren’t making fun. 
You load the children onto the bus and have him stand at the front with you, squished together in the aisle. “This is Lia’s dad, Mr. Lupin. Can everyone say hi?” He’s sure he’s beet red. “He’s our chaperone today. You listen to him just like you’d listen to me or Mrs. Davies. If Mr. Lupin tells you to stop talking, to stop running, anything at all, you listen. But today is about having fun and seeing all the flowers and bugs, so let’s have lots of fun!” You touch his elbow gently. He smiles. 
Lia forgets that she wanted to sit with Remus by that time, and you end up hip to hip in the front row. The children are immensely loud, and Mrs. Davies has to constantly ask them to be quiet, but it’s not as though Remus would notice; when he woke up that morning he had no idea he’d be doing this, his schoolyard crush for you feels as though it’s written over his forehead, and he’s more nervous than he’s felt in years. 
Remus is cool. He’s the cool friend, the quiet, collected one, who doesn’t stutter nor falter, but he finds it harder to be that way with you when you’ve seen him pick Cordelia up from the yard and kiss every inch of her face and tell her in baby talk that he missed her so so much. 
“I got you something.” 
Cool, Remus says to himself. I’m cool. 
You unveil an informational packet and a small purple box. “That’s just the stuff I told you on the phone this morning,” you say, “and some emergency stuff you can read before we get there. God forbid something happen, but if it does, you aren’t liable. I, however, will get in lots of trouble.” You offer the box. Even your hands are cute.
It’s a rough day. The kids are rowdy, the weather is wet. Lia’s friend Kory keeps stepping in puddles and Lia herself won’t leave Remus alone. She wants to eat lunch in his lap and half gets her way, the two of them holding hands, Remus a big head surrounded by little girls. 
“What’s that?” she asks in a whisper. 
“This?” He knocks the purple box with his knuckle. “This was from Miss L/N.” He opens the plastic lid to show her the treasure inside, a caramel donut with chocolate shavings. It looks expensive and delicious. “Should we share?” he whispers back. 
“Yes, please.” 
Remus breaks it in half, and Lia breaks her half into half again to share with Kory. He feels eyes on his face and looks up to find you watching him with a soft look, but you promptly flatten it and look down. You pick at your lunch, and choke when someone asks you if you’re alright.
Oh, he thinks, giving Lia’s back a quick rub. Chaperoning really isn’t so bad.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Yours Submissively ~ Masquerade
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N: the taglist is open!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Pamper
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Bucky drove the SUV through the street of Manhattan with ease.  Steve never let go of Belle’s hand until they reached the main entrance of the venue.  Belle sucked her breath in until Steve squeezed her hand.  “I promised, you don’t have to walk with the cameras.  Bucky is going to take you through the service entrance, and I’ll meet you there.” He lifted her hand to kiss the knuckles.  “I’ll see you inside.” 
She smiled.  “Thank you, Steve.”  She scooted away from the door, and he exited to a lot of flashes.  Bucky quickly closed the door so no one would see her. He climbed back in and drove to the back of the building. 
“Can I ask why you are so scared?”
“My father valued our privacy.  Even if he had a high tense job, he wanted me to be as normal as possible.”
“Why would he be concerned if you were in the spotlight?”
“Dunno.”  She shrugged. “He never explained.  He never let me into the work part of his life.” 
Bucky parked and opened Belle’s door and helped her out.  “Well, if anything, I’ll protect you.”  
“Thanks Bucky.  James… hmmm.” She looked down. 
“Ok, you held back on the ramble.  What?” He said as he pushed the button for the elevator. 
“I don’t know which one I like better.” 
“Bucky, please.  James means I’m in trouble,” he said with a laugh. 
“Ok, noted.  James all the time then,” she said with a smirk. 
“You are perfect for Steve. Smartass,” he said with a grumble. 
Belle giggled as the elevator reached the floor they needed to be on.  Steve was waiting.  “Thanks Buck.” 
“Any time Cap.”  Bucky went back down. 
Steve placed Belle’s hand in the crook of his arm and started to guide her through the venue. A question was bothering Belle and she blurted out, “Why doesn’t Bucky ever join these events if he is a former Avenger as well?”
Steve thought for a moment. “He has the mentality that people still see him as … not the good guy. He would rather remain in the shadows.”   
“But he’s a hero.” 
“Some people don’t see that.” 
“Well, some people are morons.” Belle rolled her eyes as they approached the hosts of the evening.  To which Belle had forgotten to ask who they were before arriving.  Had she, maybe she wouldn’t be completely stunned and awkward in front of her boss. 
“Steve! Good to see you…” Tony trailed off as he noticed Belle on his arm.  Pepper nudged him to bring him back.  “Belle, what a surprise.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Stark, it's nice to see you again.”  Belle could tell she was red all over, unsure of how to act in front of her employers. 
“Belle, please, call me Pepper.”  She stepped in, unsure as to why her husband was reacting the way he was.  “You look gorgeous tonight.  I love this dress.” 
“Thank you Mrs…. I mean Pepper.” Belle fidgeted with her dress.  “I was told not to be formal and…”
“It’s perfect.  Have you ever played in a casino?”  Pepper handed Belle a glass of champagne. 
“An actual one? No. Just among friends.” 
“Well, have fun with the tables.  Blackjack, craps, roulette, Texas hold ‘em.  Let me get you your chips for the evening.”  She handed her and Steve a rack of chips each, $100 dollar chips. “Have fun.” 
“Thank you Pepper,” Steve said. “Tony,” he nodded.  He took the rack from Belle and held her hand.  “What would you like to play first?”
“Blackjack,” she responded. He led her to a table and placed the chips in front of her seat.  “I’m headed to the hold ‘em table. He kissed her forehead, come find me when you’re done.” 
“Ok.” Belle was again reminding herself to breathe. She turned to the table and played. Blackjack is easy, get to 21 and hope the dealer bust. She played a few hands with the table, mostly men who gave her lustful looks. She started to get uncomfortable, so she racked her winnings and headed to find Steve. 
Steve took a seat at a table with Tony following him. “Rogers, what are you playing at?” he said quietly. 
“No idea what you are talking about. Stark.” 
“Isabella. Why is she here?”
“I asked her.  She’s 22, she can be here.” 
“No, I mean, are you dating her?”
“I’m trying to. What is your problem? She is a sweet girl.” 
Tony didn’t know what to say. “Just, take care of her. I like her, don’t want anything to happen to her.” 
“I care about her too Tony. Promise, nothing is going to happen unless she wants it to happen.” Steve glanced at him. “Can we play cards now?”
Belle found Steve, seated at a table with Tony, Sam, and a couple of others she didn’t know.  There was a seat across from Steve open. “Is this seat taken?” she asked sweetly. 
Tony looked at her. “Do you know how to play Belle?”
“A little,” she said with a small smile. 
Tony and Sam laughed. “Then by all means, take a seat. We can teach you.” 
Belle settled and learned the bets. She was dealt in on the next hand. 
Steve watched, not saying a word as he studied her. She lifted her cards on the corner, inspecting them, furrowing her brow. She studied the calls made on the table. She betted the blind and the dealer burned the first card and set down the flop, A of diamonds, 8 of clubs, 3 of hearts. Steve’s own hand was good, two 3, of diamond and spades. Three of a kind. He raised the bet on the table. “$1000,” he said. 
Tony, Sam and the two other men folded their hands. Belle flicked her eyes at him and looked at her cards and chewed the corner of her mouth. She called and they saw the fourth card, the turn. A Q of diamonds.  Her eyes lit up for a fraction of a second before she called, placing no bet. Steve’s hand was still good so raised with the same bet. “$1000,” he said, sliding the chips in. 
“Call,” she said confidently. The final card was placed, the river, a 5 of spades. Steve kept his face still, not giving any tells. He watched Belle chew the side of her mouth again and place a bet. “$2000,” she said, but not sounding confident. Steve knew he had her, she was bluffing her way out of the hand. “Call,” he said, sliding his chips in. She turned over her hand, holding an 8 of heart and a Q of spades. 
“Oof, sweetheart,” as he turned over his tripe 3s. “Maybe next time,” as the dealer slide the chips to Steve. He started to stack them, smirking to himself. He had her tells. And he would win every time. 
They played the table. She was good, taking a few hands when Steve folded out. Soon it was just the two of them playing, with Tony, Sam, Natasha, Pepper, and others watching. Their chip counts were about even. Pepper called out, “we have to make this the last hand so we can close out the evening.”
Belle nodded. The dealer handed out the cards and Steve looked. Pocket 10s. Perfect. He raised the bet. “$10,000,” he said. 
“Call,” she said, confidently. Once again, the dealer burned the top card and put down the flop, 10 of clubs, Q of diamonds, 4 of hearts. Steve watched Belle as she counted out some chips. “$15,000,” she said with conviction. She raised her chin to see if Steve would challenge her. He showed no emotion. He could see that she had a hand but not a strong one. He assumed she hit something with the 4. “Call,” he said. 
The dealer put down the turn card down, another Q, this time of spades. He watched as Belle subtly chewed the side of her mouth again. She hit two pair, he thought to himself. His tripes were still the better hand with the pair of Qs. She called, just tapping the table, not saying a word. “$20,000,” he said counting out the chips. 
Belle furrowed her brow as if she hoped that he had nothing. “Call,” she replied, pushing in half of her chips. The dealer placed the river card, a 9 of diamonds. Steve was elated. His full house stood. As much as he wanted Belle to be happy, it was too easy. He pushed his chips in, “All In.” Belle chewed her lip again and he knew he had her. “Call,” she said. “You first, Mr. Rogers,” indicating to show his hand first. 
“Full house, sweetheart,” showing his tripe 10s and the pair of queens. Belle looked down, defeat starting to show on her face. “I only have two pair,” as she flipped her cards over. Steve opened his mouth to say something until he noticed, two queens in her hand. He looked at the table. The two Q on the table stood out. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Belle said with confidence. “I meant, 4 of a kind. I believe my ladies win,” she said with a twinkle as the group around them started to laugh. 
“Lady wins,” the dealer declares as he pushed the chips towards Belle. Pepper and Natasha swarm her in congratulations as Sam and Tony come over to Steve, who was still in shock. Belle turned her head towards Steve and smirked before speaking with the ladies. 
“She took you,” Sam said, clapping his back. 
“I don’t even know how she did that. I had her tells.” Steve shook his head. He was simmering, turned on by how she played him. 
As the crowd gathers, Steve has Belle in front of him. He leans down and whispered, “you played me.” She nodded. “Do you know how turned on I am right now?” She shook her head. “I’ll show you later,” he whispered with a ghost of his lips on her neck. 
Pepper spoke to the crowd, but Belle was focused on Steve. His hands slipped around her waist and his thumb ran across her dress. She was pretty sure her skin was on fire by now, but she didn’t want to move and break the spell. He whispered into her ear again, “tell me how you did it?”
“You shouldn’t take someone’s poker skills at face value,” she whispered. “I told you I played poker, but you accepted my explanation without so much as a question.” 
“Your students would never be able to lie to you, you know that” he replied with a chuckle. 
“I know. Which is why sociology is a recommended course. You learn to read people.” She clapped as Pepper announced the prizes. 
The night came to an end and Steve escorted Belle to the service elevator. Bucky was waiting at the car, and he took through the night back to the penthouse. When they arrived, Steve took Belle’s hand and never let go until they got upstairs. She went to move to her room when Steve pulled her back. He kissed her hard. She let him in, loving the sensation of his lips on hers. He went to lift her up and wrap her legs around him. He walked them back to her room. 
Once there, he carefully unzipped her dress and let the fabric flow down and pool at her feet. He stepped back to help her from the pile but froze when he saw the corset and garters on her body. “Baby, you look amazing.” 
Belle grew needy the longer he stared. “Steve, please.” 
Steve stepped closer and went around to her back. He kissed her shoulders and collar bone as he unhooked the front of the corset. It fell away with the last clasp undone and she was left in her heels, garters and panties. Steve groaned at the garters, pulling him back to the 40’s. 
He took her hand and led her to sit on the bed. He kneeled in front of her, removed her shoes and unhooked each garter from the thigh highs she had one. Each one snapped, making Belle jump slightly but Steve’s fingers relaxed her. He grasped the lacy top of the left stocking and slowly rolled them down. He kissed her leg as more and more skin was exposed. He repeated the process on the other side before removing the belt entirely. 
“I’m really glad you didn’t show me this, Isabella, we really wouldn’t have made it out the door.” He leaned down to kiss her and then kissed down her body as he pulled her panties down at the same time. He got to the apex of her thighs. “May I?”
Belle wasn’t sure what he wanted but she breathed yes, and he kissed gently before running his tongue through her folds. She moaned, the sensation setting her body on fire. Her moans grew louder and louder the more Steve worked her body. She went to touch his hair and he stopped. He grabbed her hands and placed them above her head. “Move and I stop, got it?” 
Her first lesson in this life. She nodded. “I need words Isabella.” 
“I won’t move them. Please Steve.” 
He smiled and went back to works, flicking his tongue on her clit, using his fingers to open her up. She came with a cry of his name. He licked his fingers clean before pulling her to the edge of the bed. He removed his clothes and rolled on a condom. “This is going to be hard and fast.” All he could hear was her panting before he dove in, thrusting hard in, listening to the cry from her as he bottomed out. He waited a moment before he started to fuck her with every fiber of his being. 
Belle was lost, the amount of pleasure she was receiving overwhelming her. She cried and moaned, relishing in the fullness she felt. Steve could feel her tightening. “Are you almost there, sweetheart?”
She cried out again as the coil tighten more and more. Steve groaned and angled himself to hit a different spot. That’s what did it. He felt her let go with a wail and felt her squeeze his cock, sending him to his edge. He slowed, riding the highs out before gently pulling away. He went to her bathroom to get a towel for her. He cleaned her up and got her under the covers. She was asleep from the amount of pleasure she had received. Steve pulled up his boxers and grabbed the rest of his clothes. He checked her once more before heading to his room. 
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landhficrecs · 1 year
Single Parent (1)
confections of the heart by pleasinglouis 25k
Harry chuckles, smiling when Louis’ breath hitches as he reaches up to brush his thumb over Louis’ cheek. “Louis, would you like to go on a date with me?”
He still worries that the date won’t go well, that Harry will get bored of him or decide it’s too complicated dating an omega with a pup, but he nods anyway, “Yes.”
It feels worth it when Harry’s lips widen into a grin and the dimple that Louis finds quite charming craters into his cheek. Who knows, maybe it won’t be as awkward as you think, Louis thinks to himself and follows Harry to where Oliver is watching a chef with a loud laugh show the pup how to sculpt with chocolate. Maybe this time it’ll work out.
Or Louis is a single mom, Harry is a pastry chef, and Oliver just wants his mom to be happy. With a teaspoon of love and a sprinkle of fate, the three might just find a home in each other.
darling, ill take care of you by louly23 20k
Louis watches the strip turn pink in the shitty employee bathroom of Donny stadium on a Wednesday evening in early April, 2008, and all she can fucking think as she sits there on the too-low, rickety old toilet seat that’s three fucking inches away from the sink with her nasty work khakis and Ann Summers underwear around her skinny 17-year-old ankles, 12,000,000 miles up Shit Creek with zero fucking paddles, is: I don’t even fucking like taquitos.
Across the ocean, in a small dingy-looking hallway in the shadiest part of Los Angeles, 16 year old Harry Styles tries to calm her breathing and wipe the sweat from her palms before she enters her very first audition as a fully grown, adult actor, a very long ways away from home.
...or Louis has a 7-year-old daughter, she's in a band, and apparently whenver she and that actor chick in the custom floral suits get near each other the internet loses it's shit.
With A Little Kindness by jacaranda_bloom 33k
The man lays his hand on Harry’s forearm and Harry looks up as the stranger leans in. “I just wanted to say,” he whispers. “Can I cover your bill? I’m a big believer in paying it forward and I can see you’re struggling. It’s none of my business, of course, but I’d really like to help.”
OR the one where Harry is a struggling single parent who doesn’t have time for relationships and Louis is a generous stranger who is unlucky in love, until fate decides to step in and bring them together.
Took Me by Surprise by QuickedWeen 20k
Louis Tomlinson and his best friend Bridget had a daughter when they were very young and he was on the brink of becoming the next MLS star. Until he blew out his knee.
A decade later, he's the head anchor of the American version of Match of the Day and is raising the coolest nine-year-old on the planet, who happens to be obsessed with Harry Styles - popstar, musician, and all-around household name.
tangled up and blue by thepolourryexpress 30k
Kai just shakes his head, making his way down the small batch of stairs with a hop in his step. “Have fun on your weird adult date.”
Harry sighs. “It’s not a date.”
“Dad, you already have him in your bed most nights,” Kai sings, walking backwards towards Louis’ car with an insufferable smirk on his face. “It’s not looking too good for you,” he shrugs, hands curled around the straps of his backpack.
Deep in His Eyes (I Think I See A Future) by FallingLikeThis 5k
Louis is a single father with twins, Davis and Ethan. Harry is the cute nursery school teacher that volunteers at the town’s fair.
promise you’ll remember by anonymous 10k
Louis is a widower whose daughter's fish just died. He panics, then ends up meeting Harry, a marine biologist who is out to steal his heart.
You’re Perfect Now by Kiwiwoman 21k
Louis is Harry’s bodyguard.
When Everything Gets In The Way by Kiwiwoman 16k
Louis is Harry's professor who holds his baby in lectures.
I’ll Call You Mine by KennieWen 13k
"Harry isn’t superstitious, doesn’t knock on wood, or wish on shooting stars, but his position on ‘love at first sight’ becomes increasingly wishy-washy as his mind begins to comprehend blue, blue, blue. He feels his heart constrict and tongue go dry. The man before him is the most beautiful omega he has ever seen in his entire life."
Or: A self indulgent Omega/Omega fic with a teacher/single parent of favorite student trope.
Right Beside You Is Where I Belong by lovelarry10 46k
“Harry, hi, I thought it was you,” Louis said as they came to a stop in front of him, Teddy by now sound asleep in his pushchair. “I hope I’m not holding you up?”
“Not at all,” Harry insisted, smiling down at Piper who was peering shyly up at the stranger in front of her. “I’m really glad we’ve seen you, actually. Pip, there’s someone I’d really love you to meet, sweetheart.”
Piper shuffled a little closer, clinging on to Harry’s shorts as he set a hand on her shoulder, willing her to relax. “Hello.”
“Hi!” Louis said, giving her a little wave, making Harry’s tummy flip over, loving how easy Louis seemed to be with his children. “I love your top. Sunflowers are my favourite.”
.•° ✿ °•.
Harry lives on his farm in the British countryside with his two children, loving the peace and quiet of his surroundings.
Louis is a writer who lives in the city, and decides it is time to take a break, to recharge and find some inspiration for his next book.
When Harry's daughter is left heartbroken by the unkindness of strangers, Louis decides it is time to right some wrongs, but doesn't expect to be reunited with the one who got away...
Wonder How I Ever Made It Through by lovelarry10 9k
Prompt 106: The shame at being incapable of it yourself.
Louis loved his home and his neighbourhood. It made jogging more enjoyable. But when a boy with curly hair moves into a home down the street, neither of these men realise what changes are coming their way.
Or Harry and Louis realise that all they need to be strong is love.
To Begin Again by lovelarry10 23k
“I, uh, I’m really sorry for yelling at you like I did.”
“Hey, I deserved it and more. I’m lucky you didn’t come and deck me on the nose,” Louis said, holding his hands up as if to surrender. “Seriously, you went lightly on me. If a crazy dog was leaping around me and my kids, I’d have lost my shit long before you did, and it would have been a lot more sweary than yours as well.”
Harry laughed at that, quite liking the man now he was getting to know him. This Louis seemed to have a good sense of humour, and his dog was fairly likeable too, laying there sound asleep, sunbathing.
“Well, I don’t usually lose my temper, so I just wanted to apologise.”
“It’s me who needs to say sorry. My stupid dog ate their bloody eggs, and on Easter Sunday at that. It’s a good job we don’t go to church, Cliff, or we’d both be going straight to hell. Nice ears, by the way. I meant to say earlier.”
Harry’s ready to spend a fun Easter morning with his two children at the park, but it’s thrown into chaos when an over-excited dog and his owner come barrelling into their lives…
@louly23 @jacaranda-bloom @becomeawendybird @thepolourryexpress @fallinglikethis
(Please @ the authors if you can xx)
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nowordsformylove · 6 months
The Monkees was just Micky, Peter and Mike for a long time until Mike met Davy. He never told the guys about him (because he didnt want them to embarrass him) and Mikes always out picking up Davy and taking him on dates. Eventually Mikes ready to introduce his friends to his boyfriend but they just… don’t seem to understand
Mickys always asking Davy if he has a girlfriend and Davy (who does not yet know just how clueless these guys can be) thinks it’s a joke and goes along with it
Davy’s slowly integrated into the group then the band and then he’s asked to move in (after a heavy adult discussion with Mike about their relationship and next steps). Davy and Mike are both under the assumption they’ll share a room since… boyfriends. But Peter kidnaps Davy and begs until they can be roommates
Eventually Mike and Davy realise the others actually don’t know they’re together and bet each other how long it will take them to figure out. They don’t even attempt to hide their relationship but it seems the more coupley they act the less the others cop on
It takes them making out half naked on the couch for the others to even raise an eyebrow (“I thought you guys were just really close”)
wrote a short thing :)
“We’ve talked it over, and, well, Davy already spends so much time here anyway, so I thought ‘he might as well just move in’ and I think it’s the right next move for us and he agrees, so what do y’all think? Would you be fine if Davy moved in here with us?” Mike asked, shifting nervously on his feet as he looked down at his two best friends to see their reactions. He didn’t know why he was so nervous, it just seemed like a big deal asking his friends if his boyfriend could move in with them. What if they didn’t want Davy around that often? No, that would be silly; Davy already spent so much time hanging around the pad he practically lived there, the only difference would be that he’d be sleeping there now too.
He resisted the urge to swipe his hands against his jeans, but Davy felt his arms tense up from where his hands were wrapped around his bicep and he gave his arm a comforting squeeze.
“Yes that’s fantastic!” Peter said, with a wide, cheery grin spreading across his face.
“Yeah that’s a groovy idea. Davy is a perfect addition.” Micky chimed in.
“Oh, you think so? Thanks fellas, this means a lot, really-“
“I’m so excited I finally get to have a roommate!” Peter said as he sprung up from his seat. He latched onto Davy’s arm and started tugging him in the direction of his bedroom.
“You- what?” Davy asked as he let himself be pulled across the pad, throwing a confused look over his shoulder at Mike who stared back at him just as confound.
“It will be like a sleepover every night. And I won’t get lonely and have to bother Micky and Mike in the middle of the night anymore. We can put your bed right there and you can have these drawers in the dresser.” Peter said as he started opening drawers and moving his clothes around. Davy watched as he shuffled around the room moving stuff and reorganizing his drawers. 
“Um- Peter- you know- I was really planning to move in with Mike.” Davy said, awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck as Peter stopped his hectic motions and turned to look at Davy.
“Yeah you’re moving in with Mike, Micky, and I. That’s why I’m clearing a space for you.”
“No I mean I was planning to move into Mike’s room with him.”
“But Micky already rooms with Mike it doesn’t make any sense for you to move in there too… unless, is it that you don’t want to room with me?” Peter asked staring down at Davy with the biggest, saddest eyes he’d ever seen. He felt a pang of guilt in his chest.
“No peter that’s not it at all. You’d be a great roommate.” 
“So you do want to room with me?” Peter asked, a relieved smile taking place of the frown. Davy swallowed down the words of rejection as he stared into Peter’s wide, hopeful eyes. He couldn’t do it; what kind of monster could make Peter feel sad and rejected when he was one of the sweetest people Davy had ever met before.
“Yeah I’ll be your roommate. It’ll be fun just like you said." Davy barely finished his sentence before he was being pulled into a hug by an enthusiastic Peter.
"When are you moving in? Oh I can't wait to help you decorate your side of the room." Peter said clasping his hands together excitedly.
"What're y'all talking about in here?" Mike asked from where he was leaned up against the door frame.
"How Davy is going to decorate his side of the room!"
"His side of the room?" Mike repeated, quirking his eyebrow at Davy who smiled back at him sheepishly.
"Err, Peter can you give me a moment alone with Mike, please?"
"Of course." Peter said as he passed by Mike who was stepping into the room.
"Why does Peter think you'll be rooming with him?" Mike asked once the door shut behind them.
"I kind of told Peter that I would."
"Why would you do that?"
"I tried to tell him I was moving in with you but he looked at me with these big sad puppy eyes and I just didn't have it in me to disappoint him. I swear I've never met someone who reminded me so much of a golden retriever before." Davy explained. Mike nodded along to the last part, having been subjected to Peter's sad puppy eyes before. He knew they were hard to fight if you weren't used to them.
"It's going to be awfully hard to take it back now." Mike said. Davy gave him a pained look.
"Oh come on Mike, it's not so bad of an idea. If I move in down here then at least we don't have to move all of Micky's stuff downstairs. And if we need some alone time I'm sure the guys won't mind switching rooms for a night." Davy said, stepping up to Mike and wrapping his arms around his waist as he fluttered his eyelashes and gave a dazzling smile. "It'll work out fine in the end." he said as he stood on his tippy toes to press a kiss to Mike's neck, then his chin, the his cheek. Mike couldn't help the smile the spread across his face, and he wrapped his arms around Davy's back as he pecked his lips in a small kiss.
"I know you just don't want to deal with a sad Peter, but the Micky thing is a good point. I really don't want to have to spend the day lugging his hundreds of trinkets and god knows what else he has under his bed down the stairs."
"Shall we go back to my place and pack up my things? Peter's already started clearing a space for me, so I think I could be all set up by the end of the day."
"Yeah, I'll meet you in the car, I'm gonna grab some boxes out of the garage for your stuff." Mike replied, pressing one more kiss to Davy's lips before they untangled themselves and headed to the door.
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Olivia Pope Appreciation Post!
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Olivia Carolyn Pope!
She not only worked at the White House, and created her own form, but she put presidents in office. She doesn’t just fix problems, she fixes people.
She seems to have been mentored by both Cyrus and Verna which after her vast education, molded her into who she is today.
Throughout the seasons we see Olivia go through hell in back not only for her clients, those she loves, but also for herself. She will do whatever is necessary and her gut is never wrong so with those two pieces together she dominates Washington D.C.
Through the seasons we do see Olivia I’m relationships, even though she says in season one she can never have normal.. the other major factor being “All Roads Lead Back To Fitz”
Edison Davis: off screen the two have a past relationship where they lived together in Georgetown and Edison even proposed. However it ended, and years later they begin to reconnect- but Olivia can’t open up to him, especially not about the past relationship she had that’s haunting her (Aka Fitz). Even with Olivia being an emotional stonewall Edison proposes again, and Olivia says No. this second proposal shows Olivia that she wants a difficult, painful love rather than an easy and normal one.
Fitz Grant: Fitz needed help with his election campaign while on the trail and Cyrus having met Olivia at law school, knew just the person to bring in. They very quickly and easily developed feelings for each other, and as much as they wanted to be together Olivia knew that an affair would be political suicide for Fitz. He was persistent though, and after being elected he told her that he loved her. Even after Olivia left the White House due to Mellie knowing about her and Fitz, there love ans tension never stopped. They didn’t become official and public until much later after Fitz divorced Mellie. However things weren’t perfect, when Fitz proposed she at first said no - then yes. Then later she gave back the ring. Fitz did however forgive Olivia and move her into the White House, however once again not so long after this - Olivia feels trapped and like she doesn’t want the life she’s living. So she leaves Fitz and the White House. From there the relationship went back to being an off again on again thing for awhile. When Fitz moves back to D.C. to help Olivia after his presidency is over, and she has left the White House which is now in the hands of Millie. It’s left open as to if they get back together officially or what happens. But in my mind they do in fact get back together and though there life would never be “normal”, Olivia learns that the difficult and painful romance she thought she deserved was also a soft and sweet - safe place.
Jake Ballard: The two met a few months after the death of Verna and the sparks ignited fast. From there it was an on and off again thing. The relationship is complicated in many ways in true Olivia fashion but a major one being that Olivia is often seen going back and forth between Jake and Fitz. Jake is shown to know Olivia more than she knows herself, to know her darkness and not shy away. She is very open and vulnerable with him. Once Fitz has been re-elected Jake and Olivia go to an island for two months and come back boyfriend and girlfriend and stay that way until something catastrophic happens in Olivia’s life. When it’s over she doesn’t want to see him or Fitz as she tries to think of them as her past while she tried to move forward. Awhile later Jake tells her about how he’s in love with her but that if she loves Fitz, she should be with him. She does just that but after her breakup, her and Jake rekindle, though everything seems to be just physical until Jake gets engaged. However the engagement is just a cover and he tells Olivia as much. Jake asks if Olivia wants to be with him, and she nods and kisses him. However Olivia receives a threat that Jake must marry Vanessa or he would be killed.
Throughout the show there were a few other small romances but overall those above were the big three.
- She paces circles when she is troubled by something that she considers a real problem, they become perfect circles if she is really worried
- In highschool she was on the swim team
- She has one rule for all clients: “Do not lie. They lie, all bets are off.”
- She knows 18 languages, including Spanish, Farsi, Russian, Swahili, Cantonese, and Urdu
- The character of Olivia Pope is inspired by the real life crisis management consultant: Judy Smith
- The final scene in the Final shows a portrait of Olivia Pope in the second floor of the National Portrait Gallery which is only reserved for portraits of presidents of the United States of America. This leads us to believe that sometime after Mellie, Olivia became president.
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stereopticons · 1 year
Just for pride: David x Patrick + 42
Thank you! This probably wasn’t what you had in mind but it’s what came out lol.
42. A kiss with pride + word prompt tonight
Patrick sighs as he slowly climbs the stairs towards their bedroom. It’s quiet but he’s pretty sure David’s still awake.
Tonight definitely did not go as planned.
He knocks gently on the door, more to let David know that he’s there than a request to come in. He’s spent years becoming an expert in all things David, so he knows Davis is probably feeling a little vulnerable right now. Sure enough, when Patrick opens the door, there’s a lump on the bed covered in what looks like half the blankets they own. Patrick can’t help but smile.
He crosses the room and settles on the bed next to the vaguely David-shaped lump, rubbing a soothing hand over what he assumes is David’s back. A muffled jumble of words that Patrick can’t quite make out comes from the pile.
“What was that?” he asks.
A hand snakes out and tugs the blankets down, revealing David’s tired face. His eyes are red and his hair is a mess, and Patrick thinks he’s perfect.
“Are they still here?” David asks, more clearly this time.
“No, Stevie and Alexis drove them over to the motel.” The elder Roses weren’t happy about spending their last night in town at the motel, but Alexis managed to convince them. Patrick will never again doubt the persuasive powers of Alexis Rose.
“They can’t stay here anymore,” David grumbles.
Patrick knows better than to argue with his husband right now. He also knows that the next time the Roses come to town, David will offer them the guesthouse again, no matter how much he may grumble about it. But that’s something for Future Them to worry about. For now, Patrick just brushes a piece of hair off of David’s forehead and says, “Okay, David.”
With a few notable exceptions, Patrick has kept his opinions about the elder Roses’ parenting techniques. They are his family now and he loves them. But sometimes, the stories David tells make his blood boil, and sometimes, it feels like they haven’t actually changed all that much. A tiger can’t change its stripes, after all. So sometimes David clashes with his parents. Sometimes they make offhand comments or backhanded compliments, usually about David’s skills or abilities. And it usually ends in tears.
But David stood up to them this time, stood his ground and told them something that Patrick has thought they needed to hear for a long, long time. And honestly, Patrick couldn’t be prouder.
He tilts David’s chin back with a gentle hand and leans down to press a soft, slow kiss to his lips, trying to pour all of his pride into something David can taste.
“What was that for?” David asks when Patrick pulls away.
“I’m proud of you,” Patrick replies.
David scoffs, trying to bury himself back in his pile of blankets. There’s an objection on his lips, but Patrick steals it away with another kiss.
If David doesn’t believe him, Patrick will just have to keep kissing him until he does.
Kiss prompts
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hilarychuff · 2 years
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miss congeniality in my stranger things au graphic series
Over the years, Robin has worked stupidly hard to get as far as she has in the FBI. Her skills as a codebreaker were carefully honed, her fluency in now five different languages was hard-won, and it was no easy feat learning how to wrestle her stubbornly uncoordinated body into fighting shape so that she could throw a punch as good as the rest of the recruits. So when she botches the Russian op and finds herself yanked out of the field and plopped squarely on Assistant Director Hopper’s shit list, she’s desperate to make things right — not least of all because Steve has been put on the Miss United States case. Without her.
Everyone at the office knows that Robin and Steve are a matched set. They’re partners. They do everything together. So when Hopper explicitly bans her from the task force, well, she and Steve both know they’ll find a way around it. It’s a fascinating case, after all. Domestic terrorist threats. A big flashy pageant. And, of course, approximately 50 drop-dead gorgeous beauty queens to go with it. So when Robin comes up with the idea to send an undercover in as one of the contestants, she’s almost certain it’ll be enough to get her back in her boss’s good graces. Only, the thing is, she didn’t anticipate that she’d somehow be the sole eligible agent.
There’s really just… no universe in which Robin can pull this off, no matter how convinced Steve is that she’s the right person (the only person available with the right gender) for the job. He really thinks she can do it, and maybe she should give that more weight considering he’s the sole reason she passed her field test in the first place, but the idea of Robin as a graceful, gracious pageant queen who has the perfect, pretty words for all manner of intrusive interview questions is — well, it’s laughable. Robin literally laughed out loud when Steve first suggested it.
But now she’s here, all waxed and plucked and polished and wrapped in some pastel monstrosity of a skirt suit being shepherded onto a bus by pageant director Martin Brenner, and Robin finds that it’s not all bad when sweet little Miss Indiana sits down next to her. It doesn’t take long, however, for Steve to reveal that the very same Chrissy Cunningham — Chrissy “All You Need Is A Light Jacket” Fucking Cunningham — is their best suspect. And he’s insisting that Robin question her.
So Robin takes Chrissy and the other girls out. Robin gets Chrissy and the other girls drunk. And Robin asks Chrissy if she’s ever committed a crime — and is met with Miss Indiana’s enormous eyes, shining and sad, as Chrissy admits in the guiltiest of voices to stealing a pair of red underwear from the mall that her mother called satan’s panties. (And, for the record, Robin had not found that any more adorable or insanely sexy than was strictly professional given their circumstances, because Robin is good at her job. But god.)
It’s just — it’s not her. There’s literally no chance that sweet little Miss Indiana is the same person threatening to blow up the Miss United States pageant and the women in it. And Hopper finally gives in and agrees when he announces that the Citizen has been caught, the threat negated, and that it’s time for Robin to drop out of the pageant. But Robin doesn’t think that’s right, either. She has a bad feeling that it’s not over yet. But sticking it out might mean she does it alone. Alone alone, without even Steve by her side. And it might mean that when her work at the pageant is done, she doesn’t have any other work to go back to.
ft. robin as gracie hart, chrissy as cheryl frasier/miss rhode island, steve as eric matthews, hopper as assistant director mcdonald, brenner as kathy morningside, henry creel as frank tobin, murray as victor melling, owens as stan fields, nancy as mary jo wright/miss texas, tammy as leslie davis/miss california, carol as alana krewson/miss hawaii, vickie as karen krantz/miss new york
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famousfilmsfan · 10 months
Return to Slender
Chapter 2
Chief: James, Detective there’s been a break in at the victims home! Go there or evidence may be stolen!
James: Yes chief!
At the victims house
James: Hmm, it seems pretty empty, I don’t see anybod-
Suddenly a man in a black and white striped shirt appears
Man: hey! What are you doing here? Are you proxies?
James: What? Wait, freeze! Crystals city Pd.
Man: Wow wow.
James: Who are you why did you break into this house?
Jackson: my name is Jackson Miller, I’m here because I heard he died, but that’s just nonsense.
James: What? Okay, detective I’m going to take Mr miller here to the station for questioning. While you’re here take a look around maybe we missed something.
What’s found is a birthday card with a black substance on it. An answering machine, and a suitcase with a note attached
The creepy kid
James: Okay kid why were you in the victims house
Jackson: Alleged victim. A being like that doesn’t die. I should know.
James: What? You’re not making sense.
Jackson: We’ll as I’ve read, beings like ‘Davis’ are otherworldly beings.
James: Like..aliens?
Jackson: No you simpleton! I’m talking about him being the same species as Slenderman!
James: Slenderman. The internet urban legend
Jackson: It’s not a legend it’s true, and I watched that documentary, and the old kids stories about him all night while eating peanut brittle. I know my facts.
James: Okay kid, we’re keeping you here until your court date. Get comfy.
Info: Jackson eats Peanut brittle and reads kids stories.
The birthday Card
John: Okay, so I tested that birthday card, and it’s the kind where when you open it, it shoots out confetti, but someone modified this one to shoot out peanut dust and I found your victims dna on it.
James: so the card is the murder weapon! Great! What about that black smudge?
John: The smudge is ink, but a certain type, typewriter ink. It has a certain composition to make it dry faster. The victim didn’t have any on his hands, and I looked into his credit reports he didn’t own one. So…
James: So the killer uses a typewriter. Perfect! Thanks man
Info: The killer uses a typewriter and eats peanut brittle, and reads children’s books
The machine
James: Hmm, this machine has a message.
He pushes the button
Machine: You have. Two new messages message one. Left at 9:45 AM
Bryan: *on the machine* Listen here you eyeless son of a bitch! You can’t just swoop in and steal Molten from me. And the fact you even think you’re doing a good thing is sickening. You better get yourself a personal guard because you’re going to need it!
Machine: Message two: left at 5.15 AM.
Charlie: *on the machine* Davis. Davis. Give me your answer due. I’m half crazy all for the death of you. It won’t be a stylish murder, I can’t afford a reaper. But you’ll look sweet inside the steep, of an old Catholic Church.
James: Jesus Christ, was that Bryan? Okay that message is crazy, I know he didn’t like him but he called him that? And what’s Molten? Yeah we should figure this out. Let’s talk to Bryan.
James: And that singing that was Charlie the cat and the song was…horrifying. And a clear threat, let’s speak to the cat again
Talk with Bryan.
Bryan: Oh hello again officers. Care for some peanut brittle? I just got a new batch from the bakery.
James: Sorry not now. We found a message on Davis’s answering machine, you threatened him because he stole something from you. What was it?
Bryan: Oh crap you found it. Okay, I did send it. But I was very angry at him. Okay I went on an extended vacation last year, and the company thought I was dead so they were giving away my assets, Davis knew I was alive. But he took the opportunity to steal one of my animatronics. I really care for them, I see them as family. Davis just wanted to torture him.
James: So you killed him in revenge?
Bryan: Heck no. I’m a good man and I adopted a kid. I can’t go to prison, besides I still had to respect him because he was a Fazbear investor even had to invite him to my opening party, and I already made the invitations on my typewriter so it’s more personal.
James: We’ll let’s hope you’re telling the truth
Info: Bryan eats Peanut brittle and uses a typewriter .
Chat with Charlie
James: Charlie? Are you here?
Charlie: Howdy officers, what can I do for ya?
James: We want to know why you left a threatening song on your owners answering machine.
Charlie: What? Oh that. Well, a few months ago we got into a fight over what I’ve been thinking recently, he said I can’t be creative, I can be, I fixed an old typed writer I found in an alley and once been making poems... He wants me to be more…robotic and less emotional. But I can’t help it, and I was very angry when he told me to stay in line or he’d replace me. So I sent him that message so he understood what I could do.
James: We’ll let’s hope you didn’t. Because I do not want to read rights to a machine.
Info: Charlie uses a typewriter.
James: Alright, we’re low on leads, so where do we go from here? Hmm. We got a robot who wants respect, a Fazbear owner who is pissed at our victim, and a kid who is convinced our victim is Slenderman. This is just getting crazier by the second. What’s next?
Elliot: Guys, guess what?
James: What?
Elliot: I know where the killer was last night.
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farfromharry · 2 years
. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ New Year’s 2022 ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ .
total works; 16 , total word count; 225,207
[ january ]
you talk too much - peter parker
Summary: Peter cannot fall in love with a criminal, he can’t, right? So why does he find you so attractive and charming? And will mr stark be mad at him for accidentally kissing you after you wouldn’t shut up?
the nurse’s office - peter parker
Summary: Sometimes Peter forgets about his super strength. He simply wanted to put Brad Davis in his place when he tried to make a mockery of him, and now he was sitting in the nurses office with a very pretty, very concussed girl; oh and it was all his fault.
[ february ]
the set up - peter parker
Summary: For Valentine’s day Peter really wants to take you out somewhere, bad blood aside just to have an evening as normal kids. But it all goes wrong when you believe he set the whole thing up to capture you.
[ march ]
our little secret - tom holland
Summary: Why plan a luxurious wedding when you could just get married in the moment? Except you and Tom kept it a secret from the world, so when the secret finally unravels at Harrison’s wedding, will everyone think you’re just trying to steal the spotlight?
nothing more, nothing less - tom holland
Summary: tom’s always been told that you and him would fall in love one day, and when you don’t he begins to think something’s wrong with him. that is until his mum tells him about platonic soulmates.
[ april ]
right person, wrong universe - peter parker
Summary: You're convinced that Peter Parker was your soulmate in this and every universe that may exist. What happens when he loses you, ends up stuck in another universe and has that idea proved right all in a short span of time?
in my dreams - peter parker
Summary: Death happens at the most unexpected times, and we’re never ready for it. But Peter wasn’t ready to leave you in heart until he knew you’d moved on and you were ready to give your heart to someone that wasn’t him.
[ may ]
the bet - harry holland
Summary: Harry Holland was a dick, a dick that agreed to make a bet against one of the sweetest people he’d ever met. However his conscience got the better of him and he had to let you know, but you took it better than expected and of course you had a trick up your sleeve that let everything work out for the both of you.
[ june ]
the angel and the devil - eddie munson
Summary: The two of you met at a halloween costume in polar opposite outfits. What started as Eddie being a gentleman and helping out a drunk girl, turned into a rapidly blooming crush. He believed it to be one sided after he thought you were avoiding him, but you were falling hard too, just too shy to admit to the guy you nearly puked on that he was kind of cute.
the dance - eddie munson
Summary: Who in their right mind would want to take time from their own prom to dance with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson? Answer: you. He was alone on the bleachers with the cutest pouty face and you couldn’t stand to see him like that, though he knew it was probably out of pity anyway. But little did he know you had had a budding crush on him since the second time he repeated his senior year. Now you were both seniors (again) and this might be your last chance to tell him.
the freak and his girlfriend - eddie munson
Summary: The two of you go on more dates together until Eddie finally gets the perfect green light to officially ask you to be his girlfriend. Spoiler alert, Steve still doesn’t approve.
[ july ]
beth - eddie munson
Summary: Eddie’s trying to navigate adulthood after a baby is dropped on him from a prior hookup. He tries his best for the baby girl and does well, things are made even easier with the help of his friends around him. When he meets you his life flips again, and although it takes a while to admit your feelings, he eventually ends up with a family he never expected he would have.
[ august ] + [ september ]
apparently i posted no fics in this time
[ october ]
always had you - steve harrington
Summary: You and Steve had terrible luck when it came to dating. It wasn’t until it was pointed out to you, that maybe that was because you were in love with your best friend.
[ november ]
long live the hero - eddie munson
Summary: After Eddie almost dies in the upside down, Steve and Dustin need to take him somewhere that he can get help, only a wanted criminal can’t go to a hospital; so they take him to you. They’re not completely unaware about your history together, but they, nor you, suspected that history would start to repeat itself and you would find yourself falling for Eddie Munson all over again. 
i put a spell on you - eddie munson
Summary: Eddie stumbles upon a house in the middle of the woods that contains something he never expected. What happens next is a lot of crazy shit, that takes him on a rollercoaster of emotions. But what he got out of it was a pretty great girlfriend and confirmation that magic was real, and badass.
[ december ]
in another life - eddie munson
Summary: Eddie bumps his head after a fight with you and experiences two separate dreams of what his life could be like if things with you were different. When he wakes up back in your arms afterwards, he learns to appreciate what he has.
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Yours Submissively ~ Consideration
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N: Couldn't leave it where it ended.
Also the taglist is open!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Contract
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Belle put the paperwork down and felt her cheeks burning. What in the actual hell was going on?  Steve Rogers, Captain America, the boy scout of good, was actually a dirty, dirty man.  The contract was simple in itself.  He wanted someone to control, to use.  He wasn’t looking for more.  She got up and went to the kitchen.  
Lila was there, texting and giggling.  Belle ignored it, lost in thought.  She grabbed a wine glass and a bottle of Moscato.  She poured herself a large glass and was heading back to her room when Lila stopped her.  “Belle? Are you ok?”  
“Just lost in thought.” Belle sipped her wine.  
“Is it about Steve?”  
Lila studied her. “Did he hurt you?” 
Belle looked at her with wide eyes.  “No! God no.  He was… perfect.”  She sighed.  “I just don’t know if I want to get involved with someone who couldn’t give his all to me.  He’s a CEO, an Avenger.”  
“Former Avenger, Belle.  But you’re busy too.  You would basically be on the same schedule.” Lila grabbed the glass out of her hand and took a sip.  “Isabella, I love you.  I know that you are nervous about graduation and not having the job yet, but you need to allow yourself to be happy.  And if Steve Rogers makes you happy, then go for it.  We’ll all still be here for you.” Belle thought of her friends and when they landed on Scott, she rolled her eyes.  “What?” 
“Scott.  He, well, he made a move on me. At the bar.”  
“He WHAT?” 
“Lila please.  Steve stopped it and Scott left. I have to talk to him and explain.”  
“You don’t owe any explanation. If he crossed a line, he owes you an apology. Do you want me to talk to him?” 
“God no.  Its fine.  I don’t know what got into Scott.”  
Just as Belle took a sip, Lila says, “The fact that he’s got a roaring crush on you and Hope.”  
Belle choked on her wine with a laugh.  “I knew about Hope.  I didn’t notice about me.”  
“That’s because you friend zoned him hard and he just couldn’t take the hint.” Lila’s phone binged again and she smiled as she read the message.  
“Yeah, he’s flirting via text.  Its sweet.”  
Belle shrugs. “I guess.”  
“Has Steve not reached out?”  
“I haven’t checked.”  She went to her room and Lila followed. 
“New phone?” 
“From Steve.”  
“Wow, Belle are you….” 
“I didn’t ask for it, Lila.  He just gave it to me. Your new boyfriend helped.” She looked at her phone and disappointment flooded her.  Nothing.  No messages.  She sighed. “He’s probably getting ready for work.”  She threw the phone down on her bed and looked up to Lila and smiled.  “Its new I guess.”  
“Belle, why don’t you make the first move?” 
“Not tonight, Li. I’m just going to go to bed.  I have class in the morning.”  
Lila hugged her friend. “Maybe he doesn’t know you want more.”  
“Maybe.  But this would be the first relationship since Brock.”  
“True.  But four years is a long time to wait to feel wanted.  I mean besides Scott.”  
“Shut up Li.  I’m going to call him right now.  Good night.”  
“Night.”  She left the room and Belle was consumed with her thoughts.  
Lila messaged Bucky.  
L: Your friend is an ass  B: Friend?  L: Friend Boss whatever  B: You lost me  L: She hasn’t had a real relationship in 4 years. She just wants someone to care for her.  So he’s an ass.  B: Oh.   B: Can’t I go back to flirting with you  L: Maybe when she isn’t so sad 
Belle picked up her phone and dialed Scott.   
“Hi Scott.”  
Belle! I’m so happy you called. 
Belle chewed the side of her mouth.  “Scott, we have to talk.”  
I know.  She heard him sigh.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize that you wouldn’t… 
“Look Scott,” she cut him off. “You know I love you but I just want to be friends with you. I’m sorry.”  
Is Steve Rogers the reason? 
“What the hell Scott.” 
I mean he did swoop in.  Is it his money? 
“You know what Scott? No.  And until you apologize, I don’t want to talk to you.”  She hung up and silenced her phone.  The tears that have been threatening all day ran down her face as rain started to fall outside.  The perfect weather for her shitty mood.  It should have been a great day.  She finally fell asleep as her phone lit up with a message.  
SR: Are you ok? 
In the morning, Belle got ready to go and threw everything in her bag and head out to her first class.  She pushed everything to the back of her mind as she concentrated on the classes that would help her graduate.  She finished her last class and started to head home.  She wasn’t paying attention and bumped into someone.  She didn’t look up.  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.  
“You know, its polite to apologize to someone in the eye,” a familiar voice told her.  She finally looked up and saw the ocean blue eyes that had been haunting her.  
“Mr. Rogers, hi.  Oh god.  I’m sorry.  I just…” She stopped when his hand cradles her face.  
“Do you always ramble?” 
“Only when I’m nervous.”  She studied him.  “You’re in Jersey.”  
“You didn’t answer.”  
“Answer what?” 
“Your phone Isabella.”  
She dug into her bag. And realized she never un-silenced her phone.  There were multiple messages, Lila, Scott, Hope and one from Steve.  
“I’m so…” he cut her off with a kiss on her lips.  Still as soft and sweet.   
She looked up at him.  “If you keep doing that, you will have to learn CPR.”  
He smirks.  “And why is that?” 
“Because I forget to breathe.” Belle looked down and blushed.  Steve used his finger to guide her head back up.  
“If you forget to breathe, I’ll always remind you how to.” He gently cupped her face.  And kissed her again. “Are you busy right now?” 
“I was just going to study.  Lila has a late class.”  
“Have dinner with me.” It wasn’t a question. 
“Mr. Rogers…” 
“Steve, I’ve read the contract and I know…” 
“This isn’t about the contract.  This is about me getting to know you.”  
“And I don’t get to know about you?” 
“Everything you need to know is in the history books.”  
“No, not everything as you have proven yesterday.  I don’t know if I could do this if I didn’t know you.”  
Steve sighed and knew she was correct.  “Fine.  We can talk over dinner. Come.”  He took her hand and her back pack off of her. He walked her to the car where Bucky was standing.  He handed the bag off as he opened the door for Belle to climb in. Once they were settled, Steve took Belle’s hand into his.  
“So this hand holding is going to be a thing?” 
“Do you not like it?” 
“I didn’t say that.”  
“Then why question…” 
“Because we aren’t in a relationship,” she blurted out. “You are still just the guy that…”her mouth got covered by his hand.  
“Don’t Isabella.”  He slowly removed his hand.  “I didn’t realize you were so…” 
“Opinionated, witty, snarky…” 
“Crass. And with no filter apparently.  I thought that was just an alcohol induced trait.”  
“No, my father taught me to be respectful when necessary but to always be myself.”  Belle looked down.  
“What was your father’s name?”  
“Real or adopted?” 
“Real, Michael.  Adopted, Phil.”  
“I’m assuming you are talking about Phil.”  
“Yeah.  He died when I was 16.”  
“I’m sorry.”  
“Me too.”  
“Can I ask…” 
“It was a work incident.  He fell or something. Got stabbed through the chest on a piece of metal.  The casket was closed so I couldn’t be sure.”  
“And your mother?”  
“She died with my real dad. I was a baby.”  
“Is that why you don’t sing?”  
Belle tried not to cry.  “I used to sing and play the piano for Phil, Dad, when he had hard days.” She smiled a little.  “His favorite was Tiny Dancer.”   
“You miss him a lot.”  
“Every day.”  She looked out the window and saw that they pulled next to a Mediterranean restaurant. “Hummus?” 
“Something I have learned to love.” Steve smiled. “Is this ok?”  
“Is Bucky joining us?” 
Steve looked at him and Bucky subtly shook his head.  “No, he’s got other things to do.”  
“Lila things?”  
Steve laughed.  “Among other things. Come.”  He took her hand and pulled her from the car.  They were seated in the back.  “I didn’t ask…” 
“Yea, meat eater, cave woman, whatever,” she said with a smirk.  
Steve shook his head.  “Have you always lived in New York?”  
“Yeah, Brooklyn.  Dad had a thing about Brooklyn.  He never really explained.” 
“Were you here during the battle?”  
Belle knew he was referencing New York.  It was just a couple of days after Phil had died, she learned later.  She had been evacuated and she didn’t learn the truth until days after.  “No,” she finally answered. “Some people came to get me that worked with my dad.  I guess they waited until the danger cleared before they told me.”   
“So you’ve been on your own for…” 
“Seven years.”  She sipped her coke.  “And you’ve been out of…” 
“We call it cryo.  For a little over seven years.  Funny enough, the man who took me to meet Tony and everyone was named Phil.  Good guy.”  He didn’t mention that he had died as well.  He didn’t want to invoke a sad reaction.   Their food arrived and he was fascinated at the way Belle ate.  She took a little of everything onto her fork so she could saver the bite.  
“You are adorable.”  
She swallowed.  “Adorable?” 
“The way you eat.  It’s like you want all the flavors at once.”  
“It’s the only way to eat this food. The spices are meant to be together to give you a full experience.” Steve looked at her, stunned.  “What?” 
“Why do I have the feeling that education was not your first passion.”  
Belle flushed.  “It wasn’t.  I wanted to go to culinary school.  But when dad died, I knew I needed to be able to support myself. I liked working with kids when I was a camp counselor so I figured I could be of service and do something I like to do.”  
“That’s very noble.”  
“Ahh, the All-American seal of approval.”  Belle clamped her mouth shut as soon as the words were spoken.  She looked at Steve to see his reaction and quickly looked down.  
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to say it like that.” 
“I’m not offended.”  
She peeked at him.  “You’re not?” 
“No, sweetheart.  I’m not.” Steve smiled.  “You are the only person I know that avoids acknowledging my past.  It’s refreshing.”  
“I figured since you left that life, you didn’t want to remember it.”  
“The world is safe again.  They don’t need Captain America.  So, I moved to business.  I was good in school with numbers. And people.”  
“Would you?” 
“Would I what?” 
“Pick up the shield again?” 
“Only if I needed to.”  
“To save someone I love.”  
Belle chewed on her pita to contemplate that. “So not to save the world?” 
“Is my loved one there?” 
“I guess so.” 
“Then I guess I would save the world. Again.”  
Belle smiled.  “See, that wasn’t something I would learn from history books.”  
Steve chuckled.  “I guess you’re right.” He cleared his throat.  “About the contract?” 
“I’m still doing my research.  But I have to tell you it frightens me.”  
“Which part?” 
“The punishments. The toys.”  She stopped and took a breath.  “All of it. Steve,” she took his hand, “why me?” 
Steve reached over to push back a tendril of hair that had fallen from her half ponytail.  “Because ever since you fell into my office, I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”  
“And you don’t want me just as me?” 
Steve didn’t answer.  Of course, he wanted her. She was perfect in his eyes.  Someone to fill the part of him that was missing.  A love. A partner. A wife.  But she would be a target, the one thing he would pick up the shield for. Every time.  “It’s just easier this way Isabella.” She pulled back. “Let’s just try, Isabella. One night.” 
“Just one?” 
“My, my, we are greedy, aren’t we?” he replied with a chuckle.  “Fine, a weekend.  Spend the weekend with me.”  
“A weekend.”  
“If you don’t like it, you can walk away.”  
The thought of leaving Steve hurt Belle.  But she knew he was right.  He never said he wanted more. “Ok,” she whispered.   
“I’ll still pick you up on Friday.”  
“I’m at Stark on Friday.”  
“I’ll be by.  Don’t worry about packing anything.  I have everything for you.  Let’s get you home.”  Steve offered his hand this time and she placed hers in his.  They made it to the street where Steve was hailing a cab.  
“No Bucky?” 
“He’ll meet me at your place.” The entered the cab, the silence deafening.  She didn’t know what to say.  “Tell me what you’re thinking?” 
“That I’m nervous.  And that I want to hold your hand.”  
Steve smirked but took her hand.  “It’s so small.”  
“You’re kinda over the top Mr. Rogers.” She blushed. Everywhere.  
Steve shot her a lust filled look.  “Are you flirting with me Miss Davis?”  
“I would never Mr. Rogers.  I’m a lady.”  
He got close to her ear.  “I know better, baby,” he whispered.  The actions sent shivers down her spine.  They arrived at her apartment building to see Lila and Bucky talking.  Steve paid for the cab and took Belle’s hand.  He walked her to the car.  “Friday?” 
“Friday,” she confirmed.  He bent down to place a soft kiss on her lips. 
“Sweet dreams Isabella.” 
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midnights-call · 2 years
Sign of the Times WIP Intro
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Genre & POV
Soft Sci-Fi, Modern Fantasy, Hopepunk Third Person Limited, Dual
Content Warnings
Rape/sexual assault/sexual abuse, domestic abuse, gaslighting/manipulation, graphic violence/blood/injury/death, dystopian society/propaganda, torture, kidnapping, past toxic relationships, past alcoholism/drug abuse, ableism
Fuad and Rowan are caught in the middle of an oppressive system that seeks to kill those Blessed with divine power, two unwilling figureheads for either side of the conflict. Fuad, a Blessed, is seen as the key to overthrowing everything once and for all, but such status comes with those who wish to take advantage. Rowan, a police officer turned archivist, publicly killed a Blessed, and has been used for propaganda for the government for years despite their overt hatred for it. After years apart, they find themselves needing to work together and put aside their tumultuous past for the sake of a better future, and soon find that maybe the only people they can trust are each other.
More Info below the cut
#fuad chandra (she/him, 29, androsexual, Blessed) is a clinician who has lived a life in hiding due to her status as a Blessed. All she ever wanted was to live a simple, normal, unassuming life, but with dreams that could be key to Blessed freedom, she's thrust into the limelight of the revolution. Being a pacifist in the thick of things isn't easy, harder still to be in a relationship that seems to be crumbling just like the one she had prior. Lost and uncertain, Fuad is constantly left scrambling, chewed up and spit out by those around her, merely a passive watcher to her own fate.
#rowan asher sacha (they/they, 35, pansexual, human) is a former cop who, after getting into a fight to the death with a Blessed, was left disabled. Knowing they couldn't leave their best piece of propaganda yet jobless, the government gave them a job as the head police archivist in their city, a maintainer of documents and important systems in the station. But Rowan's grown increasingle dissatisfied with the way of things and their use as a puppet for the government. They can't come right out and say they never wanted to kill Blessed, but they can steal documents and smuggle them to the revolution.
#vincent moore (38, he/him, bisexual, Blessed) The darling of the big screen scene, none would ever suspect Vincent is Blessed, never mind working with the revolution. He oozes charisma while still staying humble, his handsome looks contrasted by a soft voice, everything about him being perfect in the most genuine of ways. But beneath the surface lies someone far different than he appears. His infatuation with Fuad might be something far more insidious, and his intense devotion to the revolution may be self-serving.
#malati chandra (61, she/her, bisexual, human) A woman who cracked under the pressure of perfection and fell prey to drugs, who cleaned herself up and made the best life she could once she found out she was pregnant in rehab. After risking everything to raise a Blessed, she thought she might find some time to rest now that he was grown and settling into his life. But now that Fuad is at the center of the revolution, Malati has followed him, intent on protecting him to the best of her ability.
#lex davis (32, she/her, lesbian, Blessed) Leader of the Blessed revolution, Lex does not carry this burden lightly, even if she seems like she does. She understands that freedom always comes at a price, and while she doesn’t enjoy gambling with lives, she’s the only one willing to make those choices. Some might die, but it’s all for the greater good, and that’s what she has to focus on. Someone has to fight for a better future, and by the Gods, Lex is going to fight for it.
#marc greggory (42, he/him, straight, human) Many people have made a name for themselves in business, but few are as prestigious as Marc Greggory. Having inherited the largest pharmaceutical company in the world from his retiring parents, he runs a tight ship and never wants for anything. Imagine his surprise at the vicious rejection from one Rowan Sacha at his business proposal that would make them rich and him richer. Getting into a tenuous relationship with them wasn't part of the plan, but perhaps he can turn it into something profitable.
#frostbite is Vincent/Fuad. Information on this ship is intentionally left blank :)
#burnt sage is Fuad/Rowan. Two exes who were entangled in a deeply toxic relationship years ago are trying once again to make things work. Rowan's burning passion and Fuad's down-to-earth temperament contrast and complement one another, especially now that they're older and wiser than they were. Oh, and they smoke together sometimes.
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Fuad Playlist
Rowan Playlist
Burnt Sage Playlist
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 28:
Tonight I watched The Fly, an old favorite! …and badly misjudged how much time I had, and will be finishing it and Simpsons tomorrow. No worries. This movie is what made me realize how much I enjoy body horror, even if this leans hard into the gross end of things. We all know Jeff Goldblum doesn’t have the most range, but this is one role that was really well suited for him. And it’s my second Geena Davis movie of the month! I feel like I should have kept some sort of actor tally, but oh well. Also, I kind of forgot how incredibly stalkerish the ex-boyfriend is. Ah, the 80s. Not to mention the lax scientific standards and so forth, but whatever, still a classic. The effects aren’t as good as The Thing, but they’re still up there, and I haven’t even gotten to the full Cronenberg yet.
I have surely used this gif before, but really there is no other way to illustrate this movie in Simpson gif form.
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I’ll be editing in THOH 28 and any final thoughts about the rest of the movie tomorrow. …and I might need to make a Rick and Morty gif or two to properly go with the movie.
ETA final thoughts: It does bother me that the stalker ex turned around and was the solid helpful protective dude by the end. I hope she never forgets that he let himself into her apartment and begged her for sex when she made her refusal clear, and I also hope she gets him the help he needs at the end and then hopes the fuck out of there and gets an abortion and works on herself for a while and maybe someday ends up with somebody who isn’t manipulative, stalker-y, and in a position of power over her or clingy, jealous, and dependent on her. These flaws are what make the plot happen, but the movie’s also kind of a poster child for “here’s why we do science in labs with oversight and assistance and multiple scientists and sterile conditions, and not in our apartments where we might do reckless experiments on ourselves while drunk and jealous.”
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Treehouse of Horror 28 (The Excor-sis/Coralisa/Mmm… Homer): …this is the creepiest a THOH has been for a while, and that’s mostly because Mmm… Homer really squicks me out. The Excor-sis has some good creepy vibes, and it’s another rare Maggie vehicle—with bonus that she is actually driving the plot! Coralisa isn’t very creepy, but is otherwise a fantastic parody with great designs and art, and taking the story to its logical conclusion with Simpsons in the roles. Neil Gaiman is one of my very favorite “as themselves” guest star ever from The Book Job, and he’s amazing as Snowball II and a perfect casting gag. Mmm… Homer just squicks me out. I think it’s good they played it as silly as they did, or else it would be downright horrifying, and it’s still pretty gross as-is. Like geez, when was the last time they bothered with a warning? Since this is a Halloween show though, that just gets it extra points. My list is now 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 9, 8, 28, 17, 27, 23, 16, 15, 25, 26, 19, 13, 24, 21, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11.
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90363462 · 2 years
How Tom Hanks’ Tragic Childhood Changed Him – Forever
Rhea KumarOctober 18, 2022
Tom Hanks is one of the world’s most successful leading actors and has led a prolific career in Hollywood as a screenwriter, producer and director. He is one of the few actors to win back-to-back Oscars for acting, one for his role in 1993’s Philadelphia, and in 1994 for his role in Forrest Gump. Yet, his career has no end in sight. 
RELATED: Tom Hanks: Cultivate Your Faith, Not Your Fear
This summer he lit up the screen in Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis biopic as Colonel Tom Parker, and in Disney’s live-action Pinocchioremake as Gepetto. 
But, his path to stardom is anything but conventional, and Tom had to learn early on in life that optimism is the greatest tool to have in dark times. 
Tom Hanks Is Hollywood’s Nice Guy 
Hanks is consistently crowned as one of Hollywood’s nice guys, because of his down-to-earth and genial personality. We can all remember back in 2015 when Tom Hanks found a Fordham student’s ID in Central Park and sent out a mass tweet to find its owner. Talk about the definition of a good Samaritan. 
RELATED: How to Break the Cycle of a Traumatic Childhood and Save Your Family
Then there was the time Hanks was filming Angels and Demons in Italy and witnessed a wedding procession. The bride was having difficulty getting through the crowd because the movie was being shot near the wedding chapel, so, ever the hero, Hanks stopped filming and decided to escort the bride so she could get married. Now that’s a superhero move. 
Despite his great personality and overall happy-go-lucky demeanour, Tom’s life was anything but perfect, and the actor has been candid about the trials and tribulations he faced during his childhood. 
A Nomadic Childhood 
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Hanks’ good spirit is most likely a result of his childhood, where he had to make the most of his unfortunate situation. Hanks was born the third out of four children and his parents divorced in 1961 when he was just five years old. His baby brother lived with his mom, but Hanks and the rest of his siblings lived with his dad. Hanks says that his dad moved so often that by the time he was 10, he had lived in 10 different homes. 
In 2017, Hanks released a book of short stories called Uncommon and in the collection, he detailed the less than ideal conditions that he and his siblings endured. 
RELATED: Viola Davis Reveals Details Of Her Tragic Childhood
His father Amos worked late nights as a cook and wouldn’t return home until 11pm. Meanwhile, Hanks and his siblings would dwell in their dirty apartment. “If you scraped the amount of burnt tomato soup off the stove, it would have been like an archeological dig!” he recalls.
The Hollywood star says that despite his siblings saying that their childhood wasn’t that fun and that they were miserable, “In some ways it was very cool, because we laughed a lot.” 
Loneliness and Falling Through the Cracks 
Tom Hanks in 1994’s Forrest Gump 
But despite the fun and nomadic life that he lived, Hanks harbored feelings of loneliness and abandonment. In an interview with Graham Bensinger, he detailed his loneliness, saying, “Maybe there was a degree of loneliness because really no one — I kind of like fell through the cracks and didn’t really have adults per se that were taking care of me.”
RELATED: Denzel Washington’s Broken Childhood Taught Him Not To Make The Same Mistakes Again
The Splash actor often asked himself, ‘How do I find the vocabulary for what’s rattling around in my head?’, and when asked by BBC Radio 4’s Kirby Young what those feeling rattling in his head were, Hanks replied, “It was the vocabulary of loneliness.”
How Tom Hanks Developed Lifetime Optimism 
Tom Hanks doesn’t think that he inherited his optimistic and cheerful worldview from his parents. Instead, he says that he had to develop those skills on his own. In an interview in 2017, he said, “The few times I’ve been afraid of a new environment, I got over it. And once you learn that it might be bad for a while, then you’re OK.”
 He also says that for one to be an optimist doesn’t mean that they’re naive, or that they aren’t aware of the harsh realities of the world- after all, he’s experienced his fair share of that. He says, “That’s just not the case. I weigh everything. But I can’t help it that I wake up in the morning and think: what good thing is going to come around?
RELATED: How To Rebuild Your Self-Esteem If You’re Dealing With Childhood Trauma
And with this optimism, Hanks transformed his life. By the time he reached high school, he realized that acting could be a serious career path and performing allowed him to get out of the house. “I had more fun than I could possibly imagine,” he said in an interview.
Because of his loneliness experience in childhood, Tom Hanks was determined to start a family as soon as he could. At the age of 21, he and ex-wife Samantha Lewes wed, and soon enough he had a son and daughter. While times were tough as the young actor tried to make it in the business while parenting two young children, Hanks says that settling down early was a good thing. 
He said, “Having a kid at 21 was the greatest thing that ever happened to me because I didn’t smoke pot…I didn’t go into drugs, I was not a party boy, I didn’t drink too much.” 
The Making of a Hollywood Legend 
Hanks’ dedication to his career and his family life paid off when he landed what many believe to be his big break in 1984’s mermaid rom-com, Splash. Afterward, producers were practically knocking at his door with comedy roles, and he even landed an Oscar nomination for his role in the 1988 hit Big. 
RELATED: How Katy Perry’s Strange Childhood Shaped Her Approach To Motherhood
But in the 1990s, Hanks was tired of playing goofy characters and decided that he wanted to try more dramatic roles. And this career shift, though risky, ended up paying off as the actor is only the second male lead to ever win two consecutive Oscars. 
Since then, Tom Hanks has acted in close to 100 movies, and his overall box office gross is around eight billion dollars- it’s safe to say that he made the right career movie. 
How Does Tom Hanks Deal With Hard Times?
Tom has admitted to seeking therapy during tough times, like in 1987 when he divorced his first wife, Samantha Lewes. But today, Tom has developed a set of coping techniques like Transcendental Meditation, to create a balanced and healthier life with Rita Wilson, his wife of over 25 years. 
RELATED: Dave Bautista: From Violent Childhood to Hollywood Superstar
You could easily take one look at Tom Hanks and say, “this guy must have it so easy.” But, his path to stardom was certainly not easy, and it took a lot of perseverance for Tom Hanks to acquire positivity and optimism despite his bleak childhood. 
Relationship Goals: How Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Prove That Timing is Everything
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themovieblogonline · 5 months
McAvoy Gets Mighty Creepy in "Speak No Evil" Trailer
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Just saw the trailer for "Speak No Evil," and let me tell you, it's got me scratching my head. On the one hand, James McAvoy? Sign. Me. Up. Dude can creep me out like nobody's business (remember "Split"? Shudders). But on the other hand, this trailer feels a bit...familiar. Here's the deal: the film follows an American family who takes a dream vacation to a charming British estate. Sounds idyllic, right? Wrong. Turns out, their seemingly perfect hosts harbor some seriously dark secrets. McAvoy plays the estate owner, Paddy, and let's just say his hospitality takes a reallllly bizarre turn. Think awkward silences, unsettling stares, and maybe even a hidden basement (horror movie red flag alert!). From Blumhouse, the producer of The Black Phone, Get Out and The Invisible Man, comes an intense suspense thriller for our modern age, starring BAFTA award-winner James McAvoy (Split, Glass) in a riveting performance as the charismatic, alpha-male estate owner whose untrammeled hospitality masks an unspeakable darkness. Speak No Evil stars Mackenzie Davis (Terminator: Dark Fate, Halt and Catch Fire) and SAG award-winner Scoot McNairy (Argo, A Quiet Place Part II) as American couple Louise and Ben Dalton, who, along with their 11-year-old daughter Agnes (Alix West Lefler; The Good Nurse, Riverdale), accept the weekend-holiday invitation of Paddy (McAvoy), his wife Ciara (Aisling Franciosi; Game of Thrones, The Fall) and their furtive, mute son Ant (newcomer Dan Hough). Now, don't get me wrong, the whole creepy host thing has been done before. But there's something about McAvoy's portrayal that makes it feel fresh. He's got this unsettling intensity simmering just beneath the surface, and you can't help but wonder what's gonna explode next. Plus, the trailer throws in some disturbing imagery that'll definitely stick with you (think scissors...don't ask). So, here's the verdict: Intrigued? Absolutely. Sold? Ehhh, not quite yet. The trailer does a good job of building suspense, but it doesn't quite reveal enough to truly hook me. Is "Speak No Evil" just another run-of-the-mill horror flick, or is there something more sinister lurking beneath the surface? Guess we'll have to wait and see (pun intended). In the meantime, I'll be keeping an eye out for more info, and maybe revisiting that "Split" marathon to get my McAvoy fix. (Source: Universal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73PHdWqeLjo
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'“Snubbed” is a word that by definition means to ignore, to rebuff or to spurn deliberately. I suppose within my interests in pop culture, it’s mostly used in awards season – AKA, now. When I choose to use the word snubbed, which I have this year in regards to the dirty done to films like May December in favour of pure shite like Bradley Cooper’s Maestro, I would usually use it bearing in mind that a nomination but not winning isn’t really a snub, but not being nominated all together probably is. Or, I’d use it if something great didn’t win but something worse than it did. There’s been a lot of throwing around of the word snubbed alongside All of Us Strangers – which saw no nominations at the Academy Awards but a fair few at the BAFTAs. The outrage I’ve seen from some over All of Us Strangers not getting any wins at Sunday’s 2024 BAFTAs blew my mind – mostly because the films that won over it were better, but also that because I really do not think All of Us Strangers was particularly good after all.
Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal star as Adam and Harry in Andrew Haigh’s story of a lonely screenwriter who sees visions of his dead parents whilst navigating a new, passionate relationship with his neighbour in the block of flats he lives in in London. I was really hyped to see All of Us Strangers. It got a lot of festival circuit acclaim when it premiered in the latter half of 2023. I am a huge fan of Paul Mescal (Aftersun is a perfect film and one of my all time favourites), and the supporting cast of Claire Foy and Jamie Bell as Adam’s parents. I am also a gay man, which I think is important to say just to reiterate that I am exactly the target audience of someone who would find the themes very moving and the explicitness of the sex scenes (which were known on social media for months before release) hot. Basically, this film should feel like it was made for me.
It didn’t take me that long before my excitement for All of Us Strangers started to falter a bit. I wasn’t loving Paul Mescal on screen, for starters – it’s probably my least favourite performance of his. A northern accent delivering some lines that were at best clunky, at worst cringe put me off at the start – but I was willing to be impressed. All of Us Strangers just never took it there for me.
Obviously this film was marketed as a gay romance, which it is – but in reality the Harry storyline is the subplot in favour of the one between Adam and his parents. Spoiler alert, naturally, but this storyline basically gives Adam the chance to talk to his deceased parents who passed away when he was 12 about his coming out and life as a gay man. The visions of his parents are preserved in the time they died – the 80s. They speak about gay issues of that time – naturally, AIDS and a general lack of acceptance of a queer lifestyle in contrast to today. The coming out chats are incredibly moving, as they always will be to literally any LGBTQ+ person who has had them with parents of their own. But I couldn’t help but think how unremarkable it was.
I cried, of course. At family stuff. How can you not, if you’ve been there? But I have seen this story done a billion times better – most notably recently with Russell T Davies’ It’s A Sin. Claire Foy’s role as Adam’s mum echoes Richie’s mum played by Keeley Hawes in It’s a Sin but it doesn’t have half the impact. It just felt like familiar boards being tread for me – hardly the stuff that would lend me to bellowing the word snubbed when it came around to awards season for All of Us Strangers.
The Harry romance is half baked. It’s essentially a series of casual shags and a club night – in which we’re meant to believe they’re deeply in love. It’s all a bit rom-com lightning speed love affair, which doesn’t work for me. If it worked for you, I’m happy – but to say All of Us Strangers was snubbed this year when the nominees (Maestro excluded) across the categories are so strong winds me up.
Just because we’re happy to have queer stories on the big screen with a great cast, and because the subject matter is moving and we cried, doesn’t mean these films are beyond criticism. When, in the case of All of Us Strangers – its clichéd script and clunky editing and some truly corny direction deserve a fair bit of critique.
All of Us Strangers is a decent film. I gave it three and a half stars. It is not the five star seminal masterpiece some’s outrage would lead you to believe. It received awards season nominations and a lot of people loved it. The winners in categories All of Us Strangers was up against include The Zone of Interest, The Holdovers and Oppenheimer. If you think that All of Us Strangers was ‘snubbed’, or more deserving than any of those three, I fear a rewatch is in order.'
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