#but ohhh boy. I'm slipping
pedge-page · 6 months
I really love and laugh over your Joel and Preggo. I was wondering about Joel and his mother-in-law. How does Preggo get along with her mother? Maybe mother-in-law who lives out of town comes for a quick visit ? I leave to you what the dynamics or what directions “the mother-in-law” could be!
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: Mother-in-Law
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^some inspo photos of Pedro with friend or his family. Momma is touchy but it's nonsexual. He's just eating it up.
Warnings: angry sex turns soft, brief oral F receiving, getting caught (not sexy), favoritism war
18+ ONLY
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You remember when your parents used to hate Joel. From the moment you announced your engagement, they frowned. Why not someone who has a more stable job? Went to college? Doesn't have white in his beard already in his 30s?
But when you refused to back down, they begrudgingly put up with him. And he went above and beyond to impress them. Gifts, kind gestures, helping around their house and treating them to nice dinners. 
But oh boy, the SECOND your Facebook friends let it slip that you were expecting, your parents flipped on a dime.
Joel was now their favorite child. 
And your mom was—
“I hope she makes that famous apple pie of-hers,” Joel says, a bounce in his voice as the two of you drive to your Mom’s house for the weekend. 
Your upper lip gets caught on your teeth as you scowl at his more-than-she-deserves giddy smile. “What about my apple pie?”
“You don’t make apple pie.”
True. "Well. If I did..."
“—Then it would be the best.”
“You’re just saying that because I expect you to. You probably would hate it.”
Joel opens his mouth but hesitates for a moment. “I don’t know how you want me to respond here. We’re talking about a fictional pie you’ve never made.”
Grrr fuck this man and his logic.
He tries to alleviate the subject—maybe you wanted to give baking HIM an apple pie a go? ”She did buy me that Kitchen-aide mixer..."
You shake your head. Not this again… “No, she bought it for me!"
"It was my Christmas gift she gave me.”
"Why would she get you a NICE kitchen aide thousand dollar mixer, when you don't even BAKE??? PLUS I'm her actual DAUGHTER??"
Joel just shrugs. It pains you but you will never admit it's most likely true. Your mom bought it for HIM and you got breast pumps and a barf blanket. She used to get you the over the top nice things, and Joel would get socks. But now…
Your mom always loved you, probably a bit more than most. Sometimes it was overbearing, but that’s how she is. She’s nurturing, caring, always cooking and taking care of everyone, running a million miles a minute yet still having time to tell you everything is going to be ok after you stubbed your toe and cried about a broken nail. 
Though, she also expected to be treated like royalty by Dad. Momma knew her worth, knew her value to the family and Dad would grovel if he didn’t give her exactly what she wanted the moment she wanted it.
You’re glad that Joel doesn’t have to deal with a nagging wife who needs to tend to her ridiculous wants and emotional turmoil whenever it falls over less he be beheaded for his insolence.
You narrow your eyes at your bopping himbo Joel now, completely unaware of your thoughts as he jams to the radio. 
What a lucky guy he is.
When you pull up outside the old ranch home, Joel hops out and smells the air like it’s the Bahamas.
He helps you down from the passenger side of the truck before you both jump at the sound of your Mom screeching from the porch.
His eyes crinkle in a warm smile as the little yet fiery woman you call Mom comes rushing towards you two like a marathon speed walker, pumping her arms at a whopping 1 mile per hour.
He opens his arms and as your mother wraps herself in his embrace. “Hey you!”
“Oooooh! Ohhh you’re so thin!” 
You raise your eyebrow. Joel’s no heavy weight champion, but he’s got a dad bod ready to rival any of the neighbors—a body that you LOVE more than anything else as it is.
Finally seeing you behind him, she shoves Joel aside and wraps you up in his warm hug. “MY BABYGIRL!!!!”
That’s right, let’s remember the pregnant one here please!
Your mom is the same height as you, but that doesn’t stop her from getting on her tip toes to kiss your forehead like she always did since the day you were born. She marvels at the size of your belly, filled with excitement and wonder and familiarity. “Oh my gosh look how much you’ve grown already, are you sure it’s not twins??? I have twins on my uncle’s side so its entirely possible—oh my gosh you’re so—“
Please don’t say fat please don’t say fat…
“SKINNY! JOEL! Have you not been feeding her????”
You snicker and throw your arm around her shoulders. “That’s what I’VE been saying. Momma, he’s been limiting snack time.”
Joel rolls his eyes. The two of you ganging up on him wasn’t in the cards just 5 seconds ago when he was sweet Joely.
 “My poor starving baby starving my baby’s baby!” she muses, forces Joel to bend at the knee for her fat wet kiss on his scruffy cheek before rubbing her kisses into your head on the other side.
“Come, come in! I’ve made—“
“Pie?” Joel pipes up, his eyes tilted eagerly towards the overly touchy woman suffocating you both.
You roll your eyes, already smelling the apple and cinnamon in the air. Of COURSE she would make his favorite pie. She runs inside to set the table.
Joel starts unpacking the truck but you cross your arms and tap your foot.
He towers over you with a duffel slumped over his shoulder. “—Not that shit."
“I'm just saying, she’s nice to you all the sudden. It’s weird—“
“Don’t start.” He interrupts, slamming the trunk with a startling bang. Those biceps look fucking delicious rippling under his tight tight shirt— "Just want her to think I'm good for ya. Not tryin' to replace you."
You scoff him, as if anyone else could pull a man like that except you. 
But Joel can still feel that tension radiating off you, knowing you won’t truly acknowledge what’s bothering you until it blows into something ridiculous.
“Jooeellyyyy?” your mother shouts from the kitchen window.
“JoElLeY” you mimic with annoyance. “I used to be the only one with cute nicknames, ya know. You used to just be ‘J guy-my-daughter-is-dating’. And that even AFTER we got married.”
He chuckles before giving you a peck on the lips and guiding your waddling self inside. Joel doesn’t want you thinking that he would ever choose your mom over you, of course not! 
Just, for the now, being on her favorable side was something he had been working towards for years. You would just have to put up with her lipstick stains on his cheek and endless praise from his mouth of her fabulous cooking for this the weekend.
Your mom zips around the kitchen, going off about the new nail salon down the road, the garden beds that can’t keep the chipmunks away, and how your old ultrasounds to compare baby sizes.
Joel watches the way she waddles. It’s EXACTLY as you do, and he starts to think maybe it’s not the pregnancy that is giving you such a signature walk. You both sit down at the table together and sigh, biting into a cookie and making a nasty face before putting it back on the tray.
Oh wow.
Joel has to hide his smirk. You claimed so often how you were NOTHING like your mom. Your mom was pushy, demanding, filled to the brim with extra energy that would come out of no where—ironically all the things that defined you but obviously was not obvious to his wife yet. 
Maybe it’s the slight difference between you two is exactly how Joel can relate to Momma—showing love through acts service. Your mom is constantly working around the kitchen, cleaning, cooking, and it has nothing to do with expectations. He can see the little smile on her face, the skip in her step—she loves taking care of her people. She likes that you whine because only she can make your favorite coffee cake the exact way you like it. That you credit your own excellent laundry folding skills thanks to her methods that prevent wrinkles without ironing. How she always had the BEST soups for when you’re sick as if they cured like medicine itself, even if its just poured from a can—its done so with love.
There’s a unique bond between mother and daughter that Joel gets to witness. It’s not self serving either. There’s a sense of personal gratitude in being able to care for someone that makes their world worth living in.
Other times you can be a total bitch but honestly? That’s just pregnancy talk.
“It’s a girl, isn’t it? Grandmother’s just know these things—“
“Mom, I called you a few weeks ago and told you it was a girl. You didn’t just guess—“
“Just as you had predicted!” Joel jumps in. “Grandmother’s intuition is a real thing, and this sweet }Cookie’s got it.” He winks towards her and sips the lovely tea she had made him.
Your mom begins to favor his conversation over yours. “And names…?” She asks expectedly.
“Yours is definitely in the mix!” Joel boasts.
She clasps her hands together, not seeing the deathstare you were giving him. Momma’s name was only in the mix for MIDDLE names, not firsts. You both had agreed you wanted your baby to have her own unique first that belonged to just her. 
He ignores you for now, hoping you can see the ‘please forgive me’, in his pupils as your mom goes to hug and kiss his messy hair like a bird feeding its young in the nest.
You clear your throat, eager to get her hands off your man and back on to the one actually giving her the grandbaby. “I think it’s time we settle down in our room. Right Momma?”
“Oh, you know your way up, I wanted to show Joel some of my new kitchenware—I just couldn’t decide what to buy so I got everything, knowing you’d be by this weekend! Come on, you can pick the ones you like.”
She grasps his hand and guides him, side to side with her piddled feet, into the next room and leaving you alone.
The blunt edges of your chewed up nails dig into Joel’s meaty chest. there are wrinkles in your forehead from how tightly concentrated you are at riding back and forth on his cock, your belly dragging along his and hips slamming down aggressively as you ride him with the pent up fury of the day.
Joel’s got a mix of emotions: your tight pussy sucking him in, kissing your cervix with each swallow, deep and delicious in that tight heat, plus the sheer feel and sight of you so pregnant yet fucking him so furiously while he lies back and takes it all in, trying not to cum too soon—but also knowing you’re more angry than you are thinking about the sex you’re having, and you’re going to injure yourself by all this energy not driving you anywhere closer to an orgasm, and he knows  he has to works out the knot in your brain before you can let the knot in your tummy snap.
“Why are you so upset?” He asks as his head rubs up along the pillow from each bounce of your body atop him.
“M—m not—upset,” you stammer, your fingers gripping his flesh even harder and slamming yourself down on his cock like you want to hurt it.
You’re sweating, visibly aggravated and probably in pain but refuse to quit.
Maybe you need this, but as he glances down at your bulging pregnant belly that is also being shaken up like a martini, he decides that his unborn baby doesn’t need brain damage too from your furious fucking.
Joel’s hands glide up along your flexed arms until he’s cupping your cheeks gently, wiping the tear that is building along your eyelashes. You slow your pace until you’re just sitting on top, impaled on his cock and letting out an exhausted huff.
“So why are you upset?” He asks calmly.
“You’re MY husband,” you say, and though your voice is full of confidence at the statement, it quivers just a bit at the end. 
Joel knew you would be pent up. That your mom was too touchy with him, and in his good faith to keep her good favor, he leaned in and let her butter him up, gave her the attention and kisses and hugs she asked for, and now its getting to you, and you’re jealous of your own mother—
“--and I’m HER daughter. But now she’s acting like you’re her favorite child too, even though I’m the one giving the grandbaby here, I used to be her favorite kid! Just me! I used to be the one BEGGGING her to give ya a chance but now suddenly she’s also loving you, out of the fucking BLUE,  like you’re all special when IT SHOULD JUST BE ME—.”
He blinks for a second, and you squeeze your walls around him as if signaling you’ll cut it off if he dare try to act confused. 
“Wait, are you jealous… of me?” 
Your eyes drift away, just in time for Joel to have the worst fucking reaction by chuckling so hard that the two of you are rolling over to your side.
He wipes his reddened face and calms his breathing so he can talk.
“That why you’re fuckin’ me like you wanna break me?” 
Maybe you did want to make a point to anyone who might be in the house about the hierarchy over who’s got right’s to loving Joel…specifically, to make that clear TO Joel himself. 
He scootches as close as he can, despite the big baby between your middles, and rubs his nose along yours, his palm brushing your cheek and centering your focus entirely on him.
“I’d shoot myself if I had to spend more than just this weekend with your mom. She’s nice, but I couldn’t EVER stand around bein’ pinched in the cheeks like that. Always doting on my ass all day, tryin’ to service me and make me feel like a spoiled porcelain doll that needed nurturin’ like a baby 24/7. I’d feel like a useless fuck. I think she n’ I are kinda alike in that. Wantin’ to take care of what’s ours.”
You snort in the boogers pooling in your nostrils. 
“Look, It’s nice gettin’ praise, THAT you could give me more of.”
“I don’t wanna talk about my mom when you’re inside me.”
“Then lets talk about you being a momma while I’m inside you.”
“Yeah… but I liked being the only one she adored. Now I gotta share?? With you????”
You nod shyly but agree. “I do appreciate you. I’ll try better to show it.”
“Nah, don’t want you to change. N’ I need you to listen to this because I know you’re gonna leave some details out intentionally when you go tattlin’ to Maria—but being pregnant with you has been the best adventure we’ve been on so far. You keep me on my toes and keep life interesting. I like the smile on your face when I give ya something only I can give. The dance you do when you get your little cookie dough milkshake thing, and the pout you make when I tell ya no, and you get all cute on me and do some ridiculous shit that I can’t deny you anymore cuz fuck, I want you happy sooo bad, and I wanna be the one that does it. YOU make me feel special.”
He smiles, stroking the hair away from your eyes. “Think of it this way: when did she suddenly start showin’ me some special treatment? When I put a baby in your belly. That’s it. She’s happy to be getting a grand kid, and she knows I’m officially stuck with you so might as well get used to it. I’m here to stay. “Ya spent so long tryin’ to get her to like me. She does now. Job well done! You don’t have to stress anymore. No need to get all greedy, baby though I know that’s just your thing,” he teases, rubbing his knee along your thighs to part them again.
You furl your lower lip out in a childish pout. “I think the baby is making me possessive over my belongings.”
“Oh? I’m a belonging now?” He wiggles his eyes brows. Slightly more relaxed, he takes advantage and smoothes his palm down your arm, behind your waist to squeeze your ass.
He’s about to pull you in for a victory kiss when your eyes shoot open.
“Wait… am I… the useless spoiled porcelain doll that needs nurturing 24/7 that you have to dote on all day??????”
“No! No you’re not useless!”
He’s offering a sweet smile, rubbing your shoulder with encouragement as a pregnant pause fills the air.
“…you got anything else you wanna deny in that or just that one part.”
He licks his lips before flipping you on your back and sliding down between your legs.
“You know what the BEST pie is?”
T h e o n e  b e t w e e n  m y l  e g s, you mouth out into the air, your belly conveniently keeping your lips out of frame as Joel spread your pussy and blows cool air on your nub.
“S’the one between your legs,” he whispers sensually against your thigh, nipping it and growling before dragging the tip of his nose through your slit, inhaling your scent.
You smile and cover your face with both hands. He’s cheesy, but he’s a keeper. 
and maybe, just maybe, worth sharing the love with.
The love that is quickly about to be snuffed out for the both of you as your mom opens the door and begins asking "Joel did you want the red one or the blue--AH!"
Joel and you both frantically cover your lower half, his head accidetanlly bumping into your belly at the same you to strain your back trying to sit up.
she slams the door closed but calls out through the wood: "Oh that is NOT appropriate for the baby!" before stammering away.
Joel just chuckles into your breasts. "How does she think I got the baby in you?"
You shake your head and smack him, trying to feel more ashamed then amused right now.
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More Momma in Law and Sarah
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huggybearluvr · 8 months
ohhh how about a trevor zegras x tkachuk!reader where Z surprises her during the off-season and they keep making out and Brady & Matthew are so overprotective about it
end you | tz11
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pairing: trevor zegras x tkachuk!reader
summary: During off season your whole family spent there days at the vacation house in Florida, it was right on the beach in Fort Lauderdale. You however, didn't expect to find your boyfriend at the door. After so much time apart you couldn't help but be a little too touchy with your boyfriend... infront of your older brothers.
warnings: mentions of sex
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You sat in the living room with your brothers, it was nearing 10 am, you had planned to head out to the beach in an hour.
"Did you guys wanna come to the beach with me? I'm leaving in an hour?" You asked turning your phone off.
"Yeah, we'll come," Matt said with a smile.
You smiled before getting up to answer the knock at the door.
You opened the door seeing your boyfriend, "Z!"
You through yourself into his arms to which he gladly hugged you back lifting you up to hug you even harder. Your legs wrapped around his waist with a smile.
You met his lips for a more than passionate kiss, that led to you making out with your boyfriend right infront of your brothers.
Brady cleared his throat in an attempt to break the pair of you apart.
When that didn't work, Matthew took matters into his own hands.
"Y/n!" He called out earning you to pull away from Trev. He released you from his hold.
"Yes?" You asked turning to look over at your brother.
"Enough of that shit," Matthew said slightly angered at the PDA he just witnessed.
In your brothers eyes you were still their baby sister who had no business having a boyfriend, let along making out with said boyfriend.
Trevor awkwardly smiled before following you to your bedroom with his bags.
Matthew and Brady looked at each other before nodding. This was there was of making it known to the other that they needed to have a little conversation with Trevor.
"Were all going to the beach in an hour to meet up with Emma, and my parents, do you wanna come?" You asked trev as you opened your bikini drawer to get ready.
"Of course, if it means I get to spend time with my girl," He said hugging your from behind kissing your neck.
"trev," You said turning your head to the side giving him more access to your neck.
"Come on baby," He said pulling you further against his chest.
"We have to get ready," You said pulling yourself out of the lustful state your mind had gone into a the feeling of your boyfriend pressed up behind you.
You reached down grabbing a bikini out of the drawer.
Stepping out of your boyfriends hold and into the bathroom, you changed into your suit putting on your sunscreen and skincare.
You pulled your hair up into a claw clip. You then slipped on a pair of shorts.
You headed out of the bathroom to see your boyfriend in his swim shorts and a Ducks T-Shirt.
"You ready?" You asked as you grabbed your beach bag.
"Yes, ma'am," He smiled at the sight of you.
"Come on, Loser," You smiled giddily walking out of your room to the living room joining your brother who were waiting on the both of you.
You all walked out through the back door onto the beach. You spotted your family and Brady's Fiance.
You walked over there happily holding Trevor's hand while he had yet to meet your parents officially he wasn't nervous at all.
"Y/n your suit it so cute!" Emma called out as you placed your bag under the umbrella.
"Thank you!" You smiled, you then turned to your parents, "Mom, Dad this is Trevor."
Your mom smiled at the boy," Trevor! it's so nice to meet you."
"Isn't he the one that matt flung into the glass last season?" You dad laughed out, "Quite the fall there buddy." You dad said tapping Trevor on the back.
"it's nice to meet you both!" Trevor said before joining you in setting out your towels next to each other.
You shimmed off your shorts before laying out on the towel, you then pulled your airpods out of your bag, handing one to Trevor. He gladly accepted it.
You both laid out for a bit before you turned over to lay on your stomach ensuring that you get an equal all over tan.
It wasn't long after you felt Trevor adjust himself so that his head was resting on your back.
"Your gonna mess up my tan," You sighed turning back see you boyfriend smiling right back at you. You shook your head laying your head back down on the towel.
It wasn't long before you heard your phone ping. You reached over to check it seeing a message from Trev.
'What do you say we head back to the house? have it all oursevles?'
You smiled at your phone turning to him. Your rolled your eyes before nodding.
"I think we're gonna head back to the house, Trev's a little jet lagged," You spoke standing up.
"Alright honey, just remember dinner is at 6!" You mom smiled as you and Trevor grabbed your things practically running back to the house.
As you entered the house Trevor pulled you back him lifting you tot wrap your legs around him just as you had done earlier. This time however, he sat himself on the couch, rocking your hips against his growing bulge as his cock hardened in his pants.
He moved to kiss down your neck, "Miss you so much, baby," He groaned into your neck. One of his hands making its way to your ass groping at it.
You however were quickly startled at the slam of the door behind your brothers. Throwing yourself off of Trevor.
"Y/n, go to your room," Matthew said walking over to the couch, "We need to have a little chat with your friend here."
Trevor looked at you with pleading eyes to stay.
"Matt, I'm 22, and anything you have to say you can say it infront of me."
"Y/n, I promise we just wanna talk to him, please?" Brady asked.
You gave in, "five minutes." You got up walking to your room sending Trevor a smile of reassurance.
"Trevor," Matthew let out with gritted teeth as he sat beside you.
"We don't like you," Brady said sitting on the other side of Trevor, "And we especially don't like your grubby hands touching our baby sister."
"But, we do like when she's happy," Matthew spoke joining in, "And for some odd reason you make her happy."
"So, I am just warning you, You hurt her in any way and we will end you." Brady spoke with a serious expression taking over his face.
Trevor knew they were overprotective but not like this. He nodded at your brothers word ,"I would never hurt her."
before your brothers could say anything else you came back to the living room," Let's go Trev," You spoke. He shot up walking over to you following you to your room.
"I think I shit myself," He laughed as the door shut behind him.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 11 months
"i thought you got possessed-" ft. luffy!
ft. luffy x fem!reader
set-up: you're pms-ing and he is such a dumbass. but that doesn't mean he isn't out here being the bestest boy ever. (please excuse his dumbassery, he was dropped on his head as a child)
warnings: none! very wholesome lol
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- please dont get confused, this man has no idea how periods work - like how is it humanly possible for you to bleed and then stay alive and kicking? seems made up tbh - one eventful evening (before you both started dating), you and nami had to sit him down and give him a long-ass biology lesson, explaining what the whole phenomenon is, what pms-ing is and yada-yada - before this, he firmly believed that every once a while a demon possessed you all (and he saw absolutely no issue with that, what a fucking icon) "ohhh" he's laughing, "so that's what it is? i thought you guys like got possessed" "excuse me?" nami's on the verge to hit him in the head again and you're wondering if the constant hits are the reason luffy's braincells are (half) dead "i see, i see. i get it now" - he lied, he still doesn't quite get it - but its fine - so, it is just another random tuesday and (post-dating) you know syou love luffy. but holy shit, if he yelled "YN DOLPHIN!! LOOK LOOK A DOLPHIN! SUGEEEEEE" and giggled again, you might yell at him. you really do love him but if he stole your food one more time, you're convinced you might smack him too. "luffy" your voice was unusually low, devoid of any warmth, "stop that." "whatt" he whined, grinning afterwards as he scooped up more food from your plate "luffy. i said STOP IT." your voice rose higher and silence hung uncomfortably over the dinner table - luffy just looks at you dumbfounded - the way you're fisting your hand on the table and looking at him has the crew afraid that youre gonna murder the captain in cold blood - well, i mean ur considering the possibility too, so, you mumble a half-ass apology and return back to your room to be alone - lying against the soft sheets, you can smell the citrus detergent and oh boy, now you feel guilty - i mean god, that's luffy, that was nothing out of the ordinary for him. why did you yell at him? fuck, are you a horrible girlfriend?? - oh boy, now the tears are welling up too - "yn?" luffy whispers as he slips into the room, closing the door behind him and now you're really crying - i mean look at him, why did you yell at him? - "im so sorry, i don't know why i yelled at you, that was so shitty of me-" "hey, it's okay" he's hugging you tight, "you did nothing wrong, i can be a little bit dumb sometimes. i should have not taken your food" "what? no, i am not mad about that. i, i dunno-" you sniff, "maybe i'm just pms-ing?" "huh??" - took a while for him to remember but now that you've jogged up his memory, he looks so guilty, so, he spends the entire evening apologizing and offering you food, he even promises that he wouldn't point out dolphins every time he sees them (you had to reassure him that he can continue doing that)
- but now onwards, this lovely himbo tries to keep in check what he's saying, often giving you a lingering look as if asking "this is fine right?"
- but now you've got your personal defender!! - ussop made a joke and you're not laughing (because it wasn't that funny tbh) and luffy is ready to smack ussop and tell him to "not annoy" you. zoro is being dumb and luffy can see it on your face that he's pissing you off lowkey, so, he will actually tell zoro to not be a dick - mf just starts picking up fights left and right for your sake and now you have to give him another long ass lesson to make it stop - ps: he does not stop. - this man turns into a chihuahua, anything bothering you must be struck down. - very, very observant from now on too. he needs to make sure you're feeling good - also asked sanji to make your favourite desert - he just loves you so much and wants you to be as comfortable as possible (still doesn't know how female anatomy works though-)
a/n: omg i luv him such a dumbass
zoro's link <3 sanji's link <3
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tonyspank · 1 year
Warnings: 8k+ words, bad writing, kissing, relationship started from a bet, slightly ooc vada (idk?) reader has she/her pronouns, ur best friends is kinda a dick ig
A/N: this was highly inspired by shes all that + i'm still kinda on my break, sorry if it seems like im ignoring asks
Summary: You take on a bet from your best friend, but what happens when you start regretting your decision.
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"I'm so excited." Jordan, your childhood best friend says, smiling at you. You narrow your eyes at the brunette boy, adjusting your bookbag strap that was slipping off your shoulder. "I wonder what dish your mom is going to make this time." He adds on, that goofy smile of his never leaves his face.
"Yeah." You mumble, trying to hide your nerves about the upcoming break. "Yeah, I hope it's something delicious," you reply, forcing a smile. Jordan reads you like a book, tilting his head before letting out a soft laugh.
"Don't tell me you're worried about your parents bothering you about having a girlfriend." You shake your head, furrowing your eyebrows, as your eyes stay attached to the trail in front of you.
"It's just... this happens every holiday! Oh, Y/N, where's your girlfriend? Oh, Y/N! Who's the lucky girl?" You mock your parents before letting out a sigh and stopping your walk to face Jordan.
"Why can't I just be single and enjoy my high school experience without constantly being questioned about my love life?" you vent, frustration evident in your voice. Jordan raises an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "To be fair, you haven't brought a girl home since freshman year. And you're now a senior. Did you see how happy they were?"
You roll your eyes at Jordan, "What about Ana? I brought her home." Jordan chuckles, shaking his head. "Ana doesn't count. You faked a relationship, and your parents read right through it. They know you too well."
You sigh, memories of that awkward dinner with Ana and your parents flooding back. "Yeah, that was a disaster. I guess I just wanted to avoid the constant interrogation for a while."  Jordan smirks. "Maybe it's time you actually find someone worth bringing home."
"Yeah, sure. It wouldn't be hard to, I just need someone to be able to play the part. My parents do not care who I date whatsoever, just as long as I'm dating them." You tell him, scratching your eyebrow.
Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You wanna bet on it?" You raise an eyebrow in response, curious about what Jordan has in mind. "What kind of bet are we talking about here?"
"I pick the girl, and you have to bring her home to meet your parents on Christmas," Jordan says, a smirk playing on his lips. "And if you succeed, I'll do your math homework for the rest of the year."
You eye Jordan before holding out your hand. "Deal." Jordan's smile widens as he shakes your hand. "Let's go find your lover."  You laugh, following Jordan as the two of you start scanning the school for potential candidates.
"What about her?" You ask Jordan, nodding your head in the direction of a girl blowing bubbles. Jordan glances over at the girl blowing bubbles and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm, she seems carefree and fun-loving. Definitely a possibility," he teases. "But no!"
You continue searching, your eyes landing on a girl sitting alone in the library, engrossed in a book. "What about her?" you suggest to Jordan, pointing her out. Jordan observes her for a moment before responding, "Too boring."
"Ohhh, maybe her!" Jordan laughs loudly, pointing at a girl picking out her wedgie. You chuckle at Jordan's suggestion, but quickly shake your head. "I don't think so," you say, trying to stifle your laughter. "Let's keep looking."
"Hey! I'm the one picking here. I have the go-to." You shake your head. "Then pick."
Just as you say that a girl trips on her own shoelaces and stumbles forward, nearly falling face-first, Jordan bursts into laughter. "I think we have a winner!" You look over at the girl, who searches around to see if anyone has seen her embarrassing moment. She quickly regains her composure and brushes off the incident, pretending like nothing happened.
"Vada Cavell?" You yell at Jordan, "You've gotta be joking, man." Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "Hey, you said to pick. And she definitely caught my attention with that little stumble." You roll your eyes, not convinced that this is the best choice for your fake partner.
"Look. Ugly, bad personality, a bit on the smelly side, I can handle." You glance back at Vada, sighing.
"But I draw the line at someone who can't even walk without tripping over their own feet," you say, exasperated. Jordan laughs again, defending his choice. "A bet is a bet!" You open your mouth to argue again, but Jordan beats you.
"Hey, if I were you, I wouldn't be wasting my time. Because according to my calculations, you only have about four weeks to turn her into your perfect fake partner before Christmas. And if Vada Cavell is going to be that somebody, you've pretty much got your work cut off for you. "
You sigh and reluctantly agree, knowing that you can't back out of the bet now. You walk over to Vada Cavell, who is sitting with a blonde-haired girl at a table, engrossed in her phone.
"Hi, Vada. You got a second?" You ask, trying to sound casual as you approach her. Vada looks up from her phone with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Mia, the blonde-haired girl, drops her jaw at the sight of you. You send her a small smile.
"Hi, Mia. I saw your soccer video on Instagram. "It was really impressive," you compliment, trying to make small talk. Vada raises an eyebrow, while Mia blushes. "You watch my videos?"
"You don't play soccer." Vada states matter-of-factly, glaring at her best friend. Mia looks sheepish, realizing your mistake. "Oh, sorry." You tell Mia who quickly brushes off the comment with a dismissive wave.
"So, Vada, listen," you begin, trying to redirect the conversation. "I was wondering maybe if you wanna..." Vada quickly stands up, interrupting you. "Let's go, Mia."
Mia gives you an apologetic smile before following Vada, leaving you feeling slightly embarrassed and rejected. You sigh, realizing that your attempt to ask Vada out didn't go as planned. "...embarrass me horribly in front of all these people?" You finish trailing off to yourself. You look back at Jordan, who's bending over, trying to stop himself from laughing so hard.
With a tight-lipped smile, you send him the finger, knowing that he's enjoying your embarrassment a little too much.
This was a bet, and you needed to win it. It wasn't like you were failing any of your classes, but you were tired of all the math homework Mr. Smith kept assigning. Plus, you'd love to see the defeated look on Jordan's face after Vada, and you successfully convinced your parents you found yourself a girlfriend.
In order to win this bet, you had to text Mia through Instagram direct messages and ask her where you could find Vada after school. Mia sent you a screenshot of Vada's Find My Phone, showing her location in a downtown park. You knew this was your chance to prove Jordan wrong and finally have some peace from Mr. Smith's math assignments.
Vada's eyes widen as she sees you walking closer to her, regardless, you send her your charming smile, which she doesn't reciprocate. "You know stalking is illegal in all 50 states, right?" Vada says, her voice laced with caution.
You quickly assure her that you were just trying to find her so you could talk. "I apologize if it seemed like stalking, but I genuinely wanted to have a conversation with you," you explain, hoping to ease her concerns.
"I'm not smart." Vada admits her eyes never leave yours. "What?" You breathe out a laugh, confused. "What? You think that I can tutor you or something?" Vada continues, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "You're probably thinking, Oh, there's Vada, she dresses like a hippie—"
"—Barely has any friends."
"—She must at least be smart." You cut her off gently, placing a hand on her arm. "Vada, I have the fourth highest GPA in our grade." Vada looks at you with surprise evident in her eyes. "Really?" she asks, her voice filled with disbelief.
"Yes, really," you reply reassuringly. "It's true." You slightly jump at the sudden voice. Turning around, you see Vada's other best friend, Nick, sitting a few feet away.
"So what do you want? Is this some sort of dork outreach program?" Vada asks, rolling her eyes. "No, Vada," you say calmly, trying to hide your frustration. "I just wanted to hang out."
Vada raises an eyebrow, skeptical of your intentions. "Just hang out? With us?" she questions, her tone still laced with doubt. You nod, hoping to convince her that you genuinely want to enjoy their company. "Yeah, I thought it would be fun to get to know some new people," you explain, hoping she'll give you a chance.
"Sure, me and Vada were about to go to this stand-up comedy club. You can have my ticket if you want." Nick shrugs, ignoring the confused glare from his best friend.
Vada looks at Nick in surprise, clearly not expecting him to offer his ticket. "Really? You're giving up your ticket for her?" she asks, very confused. Nick shrugs again, flashing a grin while he holds out his ticket for you.
You take the ticket with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Nick. Are you sure? I could just buy my own if you want to go too." Nick shakes his head, "Nah, I've gotta go study for my presentation anyway." His phone chimes right after, and he quickly checks it, confirming his need to leave.
"Well, have fun at the club! Let me know how it goes," he says before hurriedly walking away. You watch him go, feeling a mix of gratitude and curiosity about why he would give up his ticket for you.
You send Vada a smile, "I guess I'm your plus one tonight." Vada narrows her eyes at you, still confused about why you, one of the most popular students in school, is so fascinated with her. "I'm still confused about why you're putting on this act. Are you trying to impress someone, or is there another reason behind it?"
You furrow your eyebrows, letting out a small laugh. "Are you always this skeptical? I assure you, there's no ulterior motive. I simply wanted to enjoy your company and spend the evening with you." Vada's expression softens slightly, but she still seems hesitant.
"Well, we should get going." Vada mumbles, brushing a small strand of hair behind her ear.
You follow Vada down the slightly busy streets, neon lights illuminating the sidewalks as people bustle by. You can't help but notice Vada's occasional glances in your direction, her guarded demeanor slowly melting away.
"I like your jewelry." It's unique and really suits your style," you comment, trying to ease the tension. Vada's face lights up with a genuine smile as she thanks you for the compliment.
"Do you always wear that letterman jacket? You look like you came straight out of a 90s movie." Vada says, laughing softly. "Oh, are you going to be an act too for this stand-up comedy thing?" You ask, joking.
"But, yeah, it's kind of my signature look," you reply with a chuckle. "I've always been drawn to that vintage aesthetic." Vada nods, her curiosity evident as she asks, "So, what other things inspire your style?"
"I don't know... I normally thrift a lot of my clothes," you admit. "Whether it's someone's old band t-shirt or their grandpa's old sweater, I love finding unique pieces. I also take inspiration from old photographs and films, especially from the 60s and 70s."
Vada smiles, clearly intrigued by your explanation. "I'm not a huge fashion before myself, but I don't know, I just like to be comfortable." You glance down at Vada's baggy attire, noticing the loose-fitting jeans and oversized hoodie.
"I totally get that," you reply. "Comfort is definitely important, and there's no right or wrong way to express yourself through fashion. It's all about finding what makes you feel good." Vada nods in agreement, playing with the drawstring on her hoodie.
There's an awkward silence as the comedian fails to deliver the punchline of his joke. Vada laughs in her own hand, trying not to be too loud. You can't help but smile as you glance at the shorter girl, confused. You lean into her ear, "I'm so confused. How was that funny?"
Vada chuckles and whispers back, "It wasn't. It was funny how no one was laughing." You glance around the room before laughing a bit yourself. She was right. Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces made the situation even more amusing. It was as if the entire audience collectively missed the punchline.
You begin laughing even harder, unable to contain your amusement. The more you think about it, the funnier it becomes. Vada joins in on your laughter, hiding her face behind her hand as tears of laughter stream down her face.
"Why are you laughing, huh? You think it's easy to stand up here and try and do something you love?" The male comedian asks you, obviously upset that you're laughing at his expense. You quickly compose yourself, glancing at Vada, whose eyes are wide as she smiles, trying not to laugh again.
You raise your hand, trying to apologize for the misunderstanding, but the comedian interrupts you. "Well, if you think it's so easy, why don't you come up here and give it a shot?" he challenges, pointing towards the stage.
You shake your head with a tiny smile on your lips. "Come on, come up here." You squint your eyes as a light begins to shine on you from the stage. The audience starts cheering and encouraging you to take the comedian's challenge.
You look at Vada, "Go!" She says this, smiling as she pushes you from your seat. Reluctantly, you take a deep breath and make your way towards the stage, your heart beating in your chest. The comedian hands you the microphone with a smug look on his face.
Your shaky hands take the microphone, "Uh..." Your voice trembles as you try to gather your thoughts. You glance at an audience member who has a gutair strapped around their shoulder, and a lightbulb goes off in your head. "I'm not a comedian, but I can try and entertain you all another way."
With a nervous smile, you motion towards the audience member with the guitar, saying, "Can I borrow that for a second?" The audience member hesitates for a moment, but then nods and hands you the guitar. You place the microphone on its stand before stepping forward and strumming a few chords to test the sound.
"Something bad is bout' to happen to me. Why I feel this way, I don't know, baby." You sing with a raspy voice, closing your eyes and letting the music take over.
The crowd falls silent, captivated by the raw emotion in your performance. Vada is shocked, her eyes widening as she watches you on stage. She had no idea you could sing.
"I think of her so much it drives me crazy. I just don't want her to leave me."
You continue to sing Steve Lacy's iconic lyrics, pouring your heart out on stage. You hit the high notes, sending chills down the spines of everyone in the audience. This was much better than the comedy act they were just witnessing.
When you finish the song, Vada's the first one standing up and clapping, with others soon following. You open your eyes to see the crowd on their feet, their applause echoing through the venue. The look of surprise and admiration on Vada's face is priceless, and you can't help but smile broadly.
You push open the door to leave the club and are immediately greeted by a rush of cool night air. "That was so awesome! Just like...going up there and performing in front of all those people, it's such a rush," you exclaim, your eyes still shining with excitement.
Vada nods, her dimples deepening as she grins. "I never expected you to be such a natural on stage. It's like you were born to perform," she says, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
The two of you stop walking as you reach the edge of the sidewalk, taking a moment to catch your breath and let the adrenaline settle. The city lights twinkle above you, casting a magical glow on the vibrant streets below.
You glance over to Vada, and she glances back at you with a faint smile playing on her lips. "You hungry?" You ask, gesturing towards a nearby food truck. The tantalizing aroma of sizzling street food fills the air, making your stomach growl in response. Vada's eyes light up at the suggestion, and she nods eagerly, her excitement matching your own.
Vada smiles, her hair blowing in the wind due to the drop-top on your convertible. It's been three weeks since the comedy club, but the memory of that night still brings a smile to your face. The chemistry between you and Vada is undeniable, and you can't help but wonder what other adventures await the two of you.
Kali Uchis blasts through your speakers, filling the car with her soulful melodies. The warm sun kisses your skin as you drive along the scenic coastal road, creating the perfect backdrop for a carefree summer day.
You catch a glimpse of Vada through the side mirror, her hair blowing in the wind, and a contagious laugh escaping her lips. The connection between you two feels effortless, as if you've known each other for years.
"I just wanna get high with my lover!" Vada sings along to the lyrics, and you join in, "Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo!"
Vada leans in closer to you, kissing your cheek gently while she sings more of the lyrics. "Kiss, kiss! Looking dolly, I think I might go out tonight. I just wanna ride get high in the moonlight."
The song proceeds to play, and your singing becomes more enthusiastic, matching Vada's energy. You both dance and laugh, completely lost in the moment. Soon, you both arrive at the beach, your phone ringing as you step outside the car.
"Hello?" You answer the phone and hear Jordan's voice on the other end. "Y/N! Where are you? I just stopped by your house, and you weren't there. I wanted to hang out tonight."
Vada waits patiently for you to end the phone call, holding all of your stuff in her hands.
"Oh, I'm uh...I'm not home right now." You mumble into the phone, scratching your nose. "Well, no shit. Where are you?"
"I'm actually at the beach with Vada," you reply, glancing at Vada, who raises an eyebrow curiously. "But maybe we can hang out tomorrow." You can basically hear the grin on Jordan's face.
"The beach, huh? You and Vada have been hanging out nearly every damn day. Don't tell me you're actually enjoying this bet, Y/LN." You chuckle and respond, "Goodbye, Jordan."
You quickly end the call, sending Vada a smile. You take the items from her hands, thankful for her help. As you start setting up your spot on the beach, Vada asks, "So, what did Jordan want?"
"To bother me," you reply with a dismissive wave. "He's always trying to pry into my business." Vada raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, but respects your privacy and doesn't press further. A part of you feels bad for becoming friends with Vada under such circumstances. She was a chill and easygoing person, and you found yourself truly enjoying yourself around her.
You couldn't help but wonder if you should tell her about the bet going on between you and Jordan or if you should just end the friendship altogether. It was a difficult decision to make, as you didn't want to risk losing the connection you had with Vada, but at the same time, keeping such a secret felt dishonest.
"Hey, where's the pump for this?" Vada asks, holding up the beach ball you packed with the rest of the beach gear. You smile, grateful for the distraction from your internal dilemma, and point her in the direction of the pump, except it's not there.
"Oh, shit." You frantically search through the beach bag, realizing that you must have forgotten to pack the pump. "Here, I'll just blow into it." You offer, trying to come up with a quick solution. However, as you start blowing into the beach ball, you quickly realize that it's going to take a lot more effort than you anticipated.
You feel yourself getting lightheaded as you continue to blow into the beach ball, desperately trying to inflate it. Vada giggles at your struggle, you send her a playful glare, but her laughter only encourages you to keep going.
"What if we take turns?" Vada suggests, hoping to alleviate some of the strain on you. You gratefully agree, handing her the faintly inflated beach ball. You expect her to wipe off the ball since your mouth was in fact directly on it, but she doesn't seem to mind.
Your heart begins racing. You basically just shared a kiss with Vada, even if it was through a beach ball. The thought of it sends a rush of excitement through your veins.
Vada hands you the ball back, slightly out of breath. You smile, hesitating for a moment before placing your lips on the ball again. After a while, the ball is fully inflated, and you both start tossing it back and forth, laughing and enjoying each other's company.
"Don't let it drop!" Vada yells out, her laughter echoing across the beach. You run as fast as you can, determined to keep the ball in the air. The sand squishes between your toes as you dive to smack it back into the air. The sound of the ball hitting your palm fills the air, creating a rhythmic pattern that matches the beat of your racing heart.
"God, do you play volleyball?" Vada asks, her eyes widening with excitement. You shake your head, catching your breath, and reply, "No, but I guess I could give it a try!"
You smack the ball a bit too hard, and it flies over Vada's head, landing in the sand behind her. She turns around, a playful grin on her face, and says, "I'm definitely not getting that." You chuckle, running over to retrieve the ball. Before you can, someone kicks it away, sending it rolling further down the beach.
"The fuck—" you stop yourself, looking up and noticing Jordan. Jordan, with a mischievous smirk on his face, shrugs and says, "Oops, my bad! Thought I'd give you a challenge."
"What are you doing here?" you ask, slightly annoyed by Jordan's interference. He chuckles and replies, "Just enjoying the beach with my friends."
You look behind him, noticing he's brought company—some of your friends and other people you've hung around with before. They wave at you, smiling and clearly excited to see you. Jordan adds, "We thought it would be fun to have a little gathering here. Hope you don't mind."
You narrow your eyes at your best friend. "You're an asshole. You're only doing this because I told you I was hanging out with Vada here." Jordan raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Come on, don't be like that. It's just a coincidence that you're both here too."
You let out a sigh, realizing that Jordan's actions were most likely intentional. Despite feeling annoyed, you decide to put aside your frustration and make the best of the situation. "Alright, fine. Now go get my beach ball."
Jordan smirks, clearly enjoying the power he holds over you. "Sure thing, but only if you promise to introduce me to Vada later." You roll your eyes, knowing that Jordan's ulterior motives are far from innocent.
You walk over to Vada, plopping down beside her on her towel. She looks up at you with a smile, unaware of the tension between you and Jordan. "Sorry about that. He just invited himself...and everyone else."
Vada smiles, shaking her head. "It's okay. If we're going to be friends, I'd have to meet your other friends anyway." You chuckle, relieved that Vada doesn't seem bothered by Jordan's presence.
You begin unbuttoning your shirt, feeling a bit hot in it, leaving you in your white tank top. Vada glances over at you, her eyes lingering for a moment before she looks away, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Jordan walks over and throws the beach ball, obviously aiming to hit your face. You quickly catch it, sending your best friend a glare. Jordan lets out a silly laugh, clearly enjoying the playful banter. Vada raises an eyebrow at Jordan's antics, but her smile remains intact as she watches the interaction between the two of you.
"Someone has the guns out." Austin, another one of your friends says, walking toward the group with a mischievous grin. You roll your eyes at his comment, playfully flexing your muscles in response.
"You mean these?" You flex your biceps, exaggerating the muscles for comedic effect. Austin chuckles and nods, teasingly adding, "Yeah, those tiny peashooters." You playfully throw the ball at him, pretending to be offended by his remark.
"Alright, stop showing off in front of the pretty lady." Jordan teases, winking at Vada. Vada's face breaks into confusion, as she wonders if Jordan's comment was meant as a compliment or a joke. She looks at Austin for clarification, who shrugs and smirks, leaving her even more uncertain about the situation.
"Let's play a full game of volleyball," Austin suggests, picking up the beachball that had been thrown at him. Vada eagerly agrees, grateful for the distraction from the awkward tension between Jordan and herself.
You all split into two teams, with Vada and Jordan on one side and Austin and you on the other. Jordan serves the ball with a powerful swing, causing Austin to dive to the sand to make a save.
"Stop trying so hard, bitch!" Austin yells at Jordan with a smile on his lips. Jordan laughs, brushing off the comment with a playful smirk. The friendly banter between them lightens the atmosphere, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy the game even more.
Mid-game, Vada takes off her slightly baggy shirt, which she tied with a knot at the front, revealing her bikini. You notice Jordan staring at Vada, his eyes lingering on her, causing jealousy to rise within you.
You smack the ball against Jordan's head, catching him off guard and breaking his gaze. He glares at you, earning a shrug, as you innocently raise your hands in defense. "You had a bug on your head."
You're dropping Vada off at her house after the game when she turns to you with a smile. "Thanks for saving me from Jordan's ogling," she says, playfully nudging your arm. "I owe you one."
You smile, blushing a bit. "You saw that?" You ask, your eye's widening slightly. Vada chuckles and nods, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, I definitely saw that. You were like my personal superhero swooping in to save the day."
"Well, I couldn't let him make you uncomfortable," you reply, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "I'm always here to look out for you." Vada's smile widens, and she leans in closer. You glance behind her and say, "I could walk you to the door.
Vada blinks and looks at you, her expression softening. "Sure." You quickly get out of the car, making your way to Vada's side. Shoving your hands in your pockets to hide your nerves, you match Vada's pace as you both walk towards her front door. The night air is cool, but the warmth of Vada's presence makes it feel comforting.
"If you want, we could hang out tomorrow?" You ask, hoping to spend more time with Vada. Before she could respond, her front door flies open. A short figure emerges from the doorway, causing both you and Vada to pause. It's Vada's younger sister who greets you with a friendly smile.
"Hey, guys! What are you up to?" she asks, oblivious to the tension in the air.
"Oh my god, Amelia." Vada exclaims, clearly annoyed with her younger sister's interruption. Amelia shrugs innocently, not realizing the impact of her sudden appearance. Vada takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself before addressing the situation.
"Mom! Vada brought a lesbian home!" Amelia shouts, slightly turning her head towards her mother, who is in the next room.
Everyone freezes, unsure of how to react to Amelia's unexpected announcement. Vada's face turns red with embarrassment while you thin out your lips, confused and a bit amused.
Vada's mouth drops. "I am so sorry." She says to you, her voice filled with genuine remorse. You shrug her off while Amelia gasps. "Oh, are you not a lesbian?"
You chuckle, "Um...I do like girls." Before Amelia could press you for more information, Vada's mom appears in the doorway. "What's going on here?" she asks, her voice laced with worry. Vada quickly explains the situation, hoping to diffuse any potential tension.
"I was just dropping Vada off from the beach," you also add, trying to ease any concerns. "We were just having a casual conversation, nothing serious." Vada's mom looks relieved and nods understandingly.
"Well, as long as everyone is okay," she says with a smile. You exchange a grateful glance with Vada, grateful for her mom's understanding.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Vada's mom offers, wanting to extend her gratitude for your honesty and reassure you that everything is alright. You glance at Vada, who stares at her mom with a shocked expression. "That would be really nice," you respond, feeling touched by Vada's mom's kindness.
Dinner was fun. Amelia had no filter, which made everything hilarious and entertaining. She shared funny and embarrassing stories of Vada, which Vada tries to interrupt with playful protests. Despite the initial shock, Vada soon joins in on the laughter, realizing that her sister's antics brought out a huge and genuine smile on your face.
There were also serious moments during dinner where Vada's parents questioned you about your future plans and aspirations. They were genuinely interested in your goals and offered advice and support. It was refreshing to have such meaningful conversations with Vada's family, making you feel like a valued member of their circle.
You throw yourself on Vada's bed, falling face first onto the soft pillows. Vada plops on top of your back, laughing at your dramatic entrance. She soon rolls off of you, and you lay on your back, gazing up at the ceiling.
Vada was such a breath of fresh air in your life. Her carefree spirit is infectious, and you can't help but feel happy every single time you're around her.
She has a way of making even the simplest moments feel special, and her laughter is like music to your ears. Being friends with Vada has brought so much joy and light into your life, and you can't imagine what it would be like without her.
Fuck this bet, you think to yourself. Vada's friendship is worth so much more than any silly wager.
"You look deep in thought." Vada's voice interrupts your contemplation, pulling you back to the present moment.  "What's on your mind?" she asks, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
You turn your head towards Vada, a small smile forming on your lips. "I was just thinking about how grateful I am to have you as a friend," you say sincerely. "Your friendship means the world to me."
"You're so sappy." Vada mumbles, laughing softly. You break out into a smile. "I'm pouring my heart out here, c'mon!" You tease playfully, putting on an Italian accent.
Vada rolls her eyes, but her smile betrays her amusement. "That was one of the worst Italian accents I've ever heard," she says, chuckling. "But...you mean a lot to me too."
You feel a warm rush of affection as Vada's words sink in. "I'm glad to hear that," you reply, licking your lips. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you both bask in the genuine connection and shared vulnerability. Your eyes never leave each other, as if speaking a language that only the two of you understand.
"Is that all?" Vada breaks the silence. "Or is there something else you want to say?"
"Be my girlfriend?" Vada's eyes widen with surprise, and she stares at you.  She takes a moment to process your words before responding, "Okay."
"I'm even more excited than I was." Jordan smiles, "I can't believe you got away with that." You shake your head at your best friend, an eye roll following.
"No, seriously. You asked her to be your girlfriend, it's barely been a month, and you didn't even kiss her after? Shits crazy."
You put the last plate on the table, "Shut the fuck up, Jordan."
Jordan chuckles, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll drop it. But seriously, man, you might've won this bet. Still gotta get the parents approval, though."
You let out a sigh, saying, "Maybe we should drop this bet, man." Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Are you getting cold feet already? Come on, don't tell me you're chickening out now."
You shoot him a glare but can't help but feel a twinge of doubt. "It's just... I don't want to risk ruining our friendship over some stupid bet." Jordan starts to smirk. "Oh shit, you actually caught feeling for her? You can't be serious."
You roll your eyes, trying to brush off Jordan's teasing. "So, what? She's a nice girl, and I don't want to mess things up with this stupid bet about her."
Jordan chuckles, bringing his fist to his mouth. "I can't believe you're actually considering backing out because of a little crush. You've never been one to shy away from a challenge before."
He sighs, adding to his argument. "How about this? If your parents go for it, we'll drop the bet. But if they don't, you have to tell her it was a bet and apologize for any hurt feelings. It's only fair to give her the truth and a chance to decide if she still wants to pursue a relationship with you."
"Fine." You mutter, leaving the room with a heavy sigh.
Vada arrives at your doorstep, a nervous smile on her face. She seems unaware of the bet that has been made and the doubts that have been plaguing you. As you open the door, you can't help but wonder if this could be the start of something real or if it's all just a game that will eventually come crashing down.
You bring Vada into a hug, mumbling into her ear, "I'm glad you're here." Vada returns the hug, sighing contentedly. You pull away, looking into her eyes.
"My dad is in the kitchen." Vada nods, hearing Bad Bunny blaring from the speakers. "Where's your mom?" You begin walking toward the kitchen, "She's in the living room, finishing up the tree. I'll introduce you to her later. Let's go say hi to my dad first." Vada smiles and follows you, playing with her ring as you lead the way.
"Una dominicana que es uva bombón!" Your dad shouts, singing the lyrics. Jordan joins in, singing the next line. "Uva, uva bombón!" You facepalm, shaking your head at their silliness. Vada giggles, clearly amused by their antics.
"Dad!" You shout, trying to regain their attention. "We have a guest here, remember?" Your dad and Jordan finally notice Vada standing there, and their faces light up with surprise and excitement. "Oh wow, who do we have here?" your dad asks, extending his hand towards Vada.
"This is Vada, my girlfriend." You introduce Vada with a smile. Vada returns the gesture, shaking your dad's hand warmly. "Girlfriend? Am I dreaming?" your dad exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. "I never thought I'd see the day! It's great to finally meet you, Vada."
You sigh at your father. "Es bonita, mija." You clear your throat, blushing a bit. "Suficiente papá." Your dad chuckles and playfully nudges you. "No need to be shy. I'm just happy to see you happy." Vada smiles warmly at both of you, grateful for the warm welcome.
Your mom walks in, her eyes widening with surprise as she takes in the scene. "Well, well, well," she says with a smirk. "Looks like someone finally found themselves a catch." You roll your eyes at your mom's teasing, but deep down, you appreciate her support and acceptance.
Vada begins talking to your parents while you excuse yourself to speak to Jordan. "Looks like I won the bet." You say with a playful smile, feeling a sense of triumph. Jordan chuckles and shakes his head, admitting defeat.
"Jordan, Y/N, come help me bring out the food." Your mom calls out, breaking the playful banter between you and Jordan. You both exchange amused glances before making your way to help her, Vada also joins, eager to lend a hand.
Jordan is the last to leave the kitchen, hearing your parents talk about Vada. "Crees que es otro truco?" Your dad asks your mom. Jordan leans against the kitchen counter, listening intently to your parents' conversation about Vada. He raises an eyebrow, curious about their suspicions.
"No lo sé, cariño. Parece genuino, no crees?" Your dad shrugs at your mother's question, contemplating the authenticity of Vada's intentions. Jordan rushes out to the dining room, catching you staring at Vada like a lovesick puppy.
"Y/N." Jordan calls out your name, interrupting your daydreaming and bringing you back to reality. You hum, nodding your head at him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" You nod and follow Jordan to a quieter corner of the room.
"I heard your parents talking about how they think this is a trick." He begins to smirk, "Maybe this bet may be mine anyways." You roll your eyes, tired of this stupid bet.
"Whatever bro. I just wanna eat and enjoy dinner without any drama." Jordan chuckles, his smirk fading slightly. "Come on, Y/N. You know it's all in good fun. Besides, it's not like Vada and you are actually gonna last." You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he's getting at.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, leaning in closer to Jordan. "Are you trying to say that Vada and I don't have a real connection?" Jordan shrugs, a sneaky glint in his eyes. "I'm just saying, Y/N, relationships at our age rarely go the distance. But hey, prove me wrong."
You scoff at him, "Sure...whatever you say. Don't be shocked when Vada and I prove you wrong and end up together for the long haul." Jordan raises an eyebrow, his sneaky glint fading slightly. "Well, I guess time will tell," he concedes, a hint of doubt in his voice.
When dinner ends, everyone begins to clean up and put away the dishes. "Have you seen my AirPods anywhere?" you ask Jordan, hoping he might have seen them. "You left them in my car like an entire month ago."
You roll your eyes and playfully nudge him. "Seriously? You couldn't have mentioned that earlier?" Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "I guess I wanted to see how long it would take for you to realize they were missing."
"You're a dickhead."
"Language!" From the kitchen, your mom scolds, reminding you to watch your language. You sheepishly apologize and snatch Jordan's keys from him. He glares at you, pulling at his phone that began ringing in his pocket.
"Wanna get some air?" You ask Vada, gesturing towards the open front door. Vada nods, following behind you as you step outside. "Your parents are nice. They're pretty chill, and your mom is honestly like drop-dead gorgeous."
You chuckle. "Do I have to compete with my mom for your attention now?" Vada laughs and playfully nudges you. "Nah, don't worry. You're more than enough for me."
You walk to Jordan's car, leaning against it as you wait for Vada to join you. "Wanna sit in the car?" You suggest, knowing that it might be more comfortable than standing outside. Vada considers for a moment before agreeing, "Sure, why not? It's a bit chilly out here." You both settle into the car, leaning back in the back leather seats.
Silence falls between you as you take in the peacefulness of the moment.
You look over at Vada, a soft smile playing on your lips. Vada turns her head to you before sitting up in her seat, leaning forward slightly. Her eyes fall to your lips, staring at them intently.
Without thinking, she leans in closer, capturing your lips with a gentle yet passionate kiss. The warmth of her touch sends a shiver down your spine, and you find yourself lost in the moment, forgetting about the chilly weather outside.
The kiss begins to deepen as Vada's hands slide up to cup your face, pulling you even closer. You find yourself melting against her lips, savoring the taste of her soft, sweet breath.
You pull away, breathless and hot, your heart racing as you lock eyes with Vada. "Can I turn on the A/C?" You mutter to the freckled-faced girl. Vada chuckles but nods regardless.
You put the key in the ignition and start the car, the engine purring to life. The cool air from the A/C quickly fills the car, providing a refreshing contrast to the heated moment that just transpired.
You bring Vada into another kiss, more passionate and urgent than before. The intensity between you both grows as you explore each other's mouths, losing yourselves in the heat of the moment. Your hand is tangled in Vada's hair, pulling her closer to you if that were possible.
"Y/N's still doing that bet with Vada?" You recognize that voice, it was Austin. You pull away from Vada, your eyes falling on Jordan's car screen, confirming he was on the phone with Austin. It must've connected to the car automatically, allowing Austin's voice to fill the car.
You quickly release Vada and feel a rush of embarrassment wash over you. You exchange a nervous glance with Vada, hoping Austin doesn't go in detail about the bet you've been participating in.
"It's silly, really. This all started because she didn't wanna do her math homework? So she decided to start dating baby Adam Sandler and introduce her to her parents? That's pretty fucked up. If I were Vada, I'd be pissed."
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath to steady your racing heart. The weight of Austin's words hangs heavy in the air. You hope that Vada understands that it was all just a silly game and that she won't hold it against you.
"Is he serious? A bet? Am I a bet to you?" You feel a knot forming in your stomach as Vada's voice trembles with hurt and disbelief. The realization hits you like a ton of bricks, and you quickly shake your head, desperately trying to find the right words to explain yourself.
"Am I a fucking bet to you?" Vada's voice cracks with anger, and tears well up in her eyes. The pain in her words cuts deep, leaving you speechless and filled with regret. You reach out to touch her arm, hoping to convey your sincerity and remorse, but the damage may already be done.
Vada pushes away your arm, opening the car door and slamming it shut behind her. Her actions speak louder than words, and you watch helplessly as she walks away, leaving you to grapple with the consequences of your thoughtless words.
Jordan rushes to the driver's side of the door, out of breath. "Did she hear?" Jordan asks, panting as he rests his hand on the car door. The worry in his eyes mirrors your own as you shake your head, uncertain of how to fix the mess you've made. "She did."
It's been two days, and you've called Vada's phone and sent multiple texts, but there's been no response. The silence only amplifies your guilt and regret as you desperately hope for a chance to apologize and make things right.
You decide to call her house phone, surprised when someone answers. "Mrs. Cavell?" You ask on the phone, hoping to speak with Vada's mother. "It's Amelia, asshole. Don't call again."
You're bewildered by the harsh response from Amelia. You never expected her to be so angry and hostile toward you. "Amelia, please. Just put your sister on the phone."
You plead, hoping to reason with Amelia and convince her to let you speak with Vada. However, Amelia's voice remains firm and cold as she refuses your request, leaving you feeling even more desperate and regretful.
"If I buy you $100 worth of slime supplies, will you let me talk to Vada?" you offer, trying to find a compromise. But Amelia's response is immediate and resolute, "No amount of slime supplies will change my mind. Don't contact us again."
"Fine! $200!" you exclaim, desperation creeping into your voice. Amelia stays silent for a moment, finally giving in. "Our parents are out. If you come over, you have ten minutes to speak to her." Relief washes over you as Amelia finally agrees to let you talk to Vada, even if it means spending more money.
With a renewed sense of urgency, you quickly make plans to rush over to their house within the given time frame, hoping that this opportunity will help mend the strained relationship between you and Vada.
You burst through Vada's room, and she jumps up in surprise, her eyes widening as she takes in your unexpected presence. "I'm on limited time by your sister, so I have to make this quick."
You take a deep breath, walking closer to Vada. "I made that bet before I met you, Vada. And spending time with you made me realize that winning that bet was not what was important anymore. What matters to me now is repairing our relationship and showing you how much you mean to me."
Vada's expression softens as she listens, her guard slowly starting to come down. "I never wanted to hurt you, Vada. I want us to start fresh and build something real together."
"What was it for anyway? I mean, what did you end up losing?" Vada asks, her curiosity piqued. You take another step closer before continuing. "I lost a lot of things, Vada. I lost your trust, our connection, and the chance to truly be there for you. But what I gained was the realization that you are the most important person in my life and the one girl that my parents truly approve of."
Vada stands up, playing with the bottom of her shirt. She looks down for a moment, deep in thought, before finally meeting your gaze. "Don't make me sing again." You jokingly mutter, looking down at the shorter girl.
Vada's eyes widen, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "No, not this time," she says playfully. "But I do expect you to make it up to me in some other way."
You smile, leaning down and lifting Vada's chin with your finger. Vada glances at your lips before looking back up into your eyes. You smirk before closing the distance between you, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.
Your worries fade away, drowning in the sound of your heart pounding against your ribcage. Vada's arms wrap around your neck, pulling you closer, and you can't help but let out a content sigh against her lips.
As you pull away, Vada's cheeks flush with a rosy hue, and she bites her lip, opening her mouth to speak but is interrupted. "Ten minutes is up. Where's my $200?" Amelia says from Vada's door, holding out her hand expectantly.
Vada pulls away from you, confused. "What is she talking about?" You clear your throat. "I might've...um...made a deal with Amelia so she could let me talk to you."
Vada's eyes widen in surprise as she processes your words. "You paid her to see me?" she asks, laughing. You smile sheepishly, "Well, I wanted to make sure I had a chance to talk to you without any interruptions. It was worth every penny."
Vada's laughter fills the room as she playfully nudges your shoulder, "You're ridiculous, but I'm glad you did."
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whumper-whimsy · 1 month
@augusnippets day 16
Humiliation / dehumanization / conditioning
Continuation of Day 15
Self-harm, abusive relationship, unhealthy/toxic behavior, nsfwhump, dubcon, shaming of sex work, domestic violence, drugs mention
(Lmk if I'm missing a tag!!)
Whumpee knocked on Whumper's door, trying to dry his tears as he waited. Maybe Whumper would be having a good day. Maybe he would comfort Whumpee.
The door opened, and Whumper looked down at Whumpee for a moment. He scoffed and signaled him in, looking rather amused.
"You look like hell," Whumper murmured, shutting the door as Whumpee made his way to the couch. "Couldn't at least pretty yourself up before coming to see me? And here I was thinking you cared."
Whumper's words bit into Whumpee, and he averted his eyes. "I- I'm not doing good right now, I kind of had a breakdown earlier, and-"
"Over what? What in your pampered little life has gotten you so worked up that you did all that, hm? Run out of cigarettes again?"
Whumpee squeezed his thumb. "Whumper, you know I've been clean six months."
"Oh? So what have you taken up instead, hm? Smoking weed now? Maybe you're selling your body to get your rocks off, huh?"
Whumpee subconsciously grabbed the sleeve of his sweatshirt, keeping his eyes on the floor. "Whumper, I'm not —"
"Ohhh, don't tell me," Whumper broke out in laughter, grabbing Whumpee's arm. "You're cutting? Really? What are you, a thirteen year-old girl?" He rolled the sleeve back, revealing the barely-scabbing cuts. He ran a finger over them, looking smug. "Christ, what a charity case you are."
"Listen, I–"
"Pfft, that's just pathetic. God, I don't know why I bother wasting time on you." Whumper rolled his eyes, reaching to pull off Whumpee's shirt. "At least you're a good fuck, huh?"
"Can you stop interrupting me?" Whumpee bit back, getting frustrated.
"Oh, could you just shut the fuck up? Jesus Christ." Whumper slipped his t-shirt off, grabbing Whumpee and pulling him to the bedroom. "All you do is talk."
Whumpee bit down on his lip, following Whumper into the bedroom. He sat back on the bed, looking up at Whumper. At least the sex was usually good.
Whumper pulled Whumpee's pants off, looking down at his thighs. "Seriously? Here too?" He mocked Whumpee's cuts, pushing his legs apart as he took his own pants off.
Whumpee said nothing, shame burning his face. He fought back tears, watching Whumper approach.
The taller man reached down and kissed Whumpee in his rough, dominant way. His hand threaded into Whumpee's hair, tugging him into place as Whumper's tongue dominated his mouth.
Whumpee sunk into the kiss, relaxing and wrapping his arms around Whumper's shoulders. He was lowered onto his back as Whumper straddled his hips, pinching at his injured thighs.
Whumpee squirmed, wincing. "S- stop that, it hurts..."
"Well, you obviously like pain if you're willing to do this to yourself."
"I don't like it!"
"Tell me you do." Whumper pushed into Whumpee, stretching him out.
Whumpee cried out, biting his lip, "I don't!"
Whumper smacked Whumpee across the face. "Tell me you do, or I'll hit you harder."
Whumpee pressed his face into Whumper's shoulder, trying to cover up his tears. He clung to Whumper, losing himself in the rhythm of his thrusts. "I like it," he murmured against the man's sweaty neck.
Whumper pulled out his phone, the flash shining in Whumpee's eyes.
"Say it again."
"...I like it."
"Good boy," Whumper purred. "I'll save that for later, baby."
Whumpee held onto the petname for the rest of the night, glad to have pleased Whumper.
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ryanandtherealgirl · 8 months
Good Boy (NSFW 18+)
Lars Lindstrom x reader
Pairing: Subby!Lars x fem!reader
Summary: just a smutty blurb about dry-humping Lars with no plot whoops.
CW: NSFW, Fluffy smut, shy and hesitant Lars, nervous Lars, y'know how he is. dry humping, cumming quickly.
Notes: NSFW!! 18+ ONLY!! Sorry it's short, Sorry the punctuation isn't consistent. if people like it/want more I could do a part 2? Just let me know. My inbox is open!
additional notes: I was very inspired by @ken-dom's work. She writes Lars so beautifully. He is my favorite goose character and I'm so thankful to her for writing so much amazing content about him. <3
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You were perched on Lars’ lap. Straddling him with your legs on either side of his thighs as he sat on his bed in his small garage. You had his face in your hands as you kissed him feverishly. He was kissing you back, straightening his spine to push his lips into yours further. He let out a little moan as you started pushing your tongue into his mouth. His hands were gripping your hips so tight, holding you in place on his lap. 
The kiss was sloppy and wet and you were loving every second of it so much you couldn’t help but moan wantonly into his mouth and roll your hips against his lap. 
He sucked in a breath at your movement and your hands fell from his face as he pulled away slightly to look down and away from you, he squeezed his eyes shut and held in a breath. 
“Lars?” You asked concerned “are you okay? Did I hurt you? We can stop if you want.” You offered quickly. 
Afraid that you had pushed him too far and embarrassed that you were so aroused that you lost control of yourself, you made a move to crawl off of his lap but his strong hands flexed to hold you firmly in place. 
“No.” he let out the breath he was holding. “I’m not hurt- you didn’t hurt me.” he said still looking away from you. 
“Then what is it, sweetheart?” You asked. You slipped your hand under his chin gently to get him to look at you. 
His sparkling blue eyes met yours as his eyebrows knitted together. He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. 
“I just- I” He paused to take another deep breath. “When you did that,” his eyes looked down to where you were joined at the hips, a blush was visible on his cheeks “I felt like I might..” He trailed off. Looking away ashamed. The blush on his cheeks was really prominent now. 
“Ohhh” the realization dawned on you and you felt your heart skip a beat. You felt so relieved that it was because of pleasure that he pulled away and not pain. Confidence swelled in your chest. “You thought you might cum?” You pressed boldly, smiling at him with unabashed lust. 
Lars made a surprised noise at the last word you spoke and dropped his head down to your chest, where he hid his face in embarrassment. He couldn’t believe you could talk to him in such a dirty way with such confidence. It made his dick throb under you. 
“You can be honest with me, baby.” you cooed, your hands coming up to run your fingers through the messy, dark blonde hair on the back of his head. Holding his face to your chest gently. “You can tell me it felt so good it almost made you cum in your pants.” 
Lars shuddered from your words.
“I can’t say that!” he whined, his voice muffled by the fuzzy sweater you were wearing. 
“Yes you can.” you soothed, the pads of your fingers massaging his scalp. “It would turn me on so much to hear you say that.” You assured him. 
His head sprung up from your chest and his eyes met yours once again, this time his pupils were blown out so big the darkness was swallowing up the beautiful blue of his eyes.
“It would?” Was all he asked. His eyes searched your face for the truth, not believing that his words could have that effect on you. 
“It really, really would” You breathed as you rolled your hips into his again, feeling his hard cock straining against his pants under your clothed core. 
He let out a little whimper and his fingers dug into the flesh of your hips above the waistband of your skirt. Lars was so flustered, his heart was beating so fast but he was determined to please you, so he mustered up all his courage and spoke: 
“You feel so good.” He whined. It was all he could get out. It was enough for you because you rolled your hips into his again and he crashed his lips into yours. This kiss was different. It was even more desperate and this time he was the one who pushed his tongue past your open lips as you moaned. You had started rocking your hips over his again and again. His hardened cock was hitting your bundle of nerves so deliciously despite the layers of clothing separating you two. 
He wrapped his strong arms completely around your torso pulling you impossibly closer to him as you rocked on top of him. 
He was letting out whimpers, gasps, and moans in between kisses as you set a steady pace. He almost let himself get nervous at how embarrassingly quickly his release was building up but before he could worry you would roll your hips over his cock again and his mind would go blank with white-hot pleasure. 
“Does it feel good, Lars?” You moaned needing to hear him, needing him to be vocal for you. 
“Yes” he squeaked out “yes it feels too good, it’s too- it’s too much, Angel, I’m gonna cum” he was now sloppily jerking his hips up into yours, meeting some of your movements halfway as he couldn’t really keep track of your pacing, too concerned with chasing his own pleasure. 
“Good boy.” You praised. “Cum for me, cum all in your pants just from dry humping me” You whined. 
That was it for him, the combination of you calling him a ‘Good boy’ and the way your voice was whining when you spoke to him, breaking with your own intense arousal, had him twitching and shooting his hot cum into his boxers under his pants. He buried his face into your chest as he gripped your body so tightly, holding onto you for dear life as he bucked his hips into yours weakly riding out the after effects of his intense orgasm. He was shuddering against you as his thigh muscles spasmed underneath you. 
“Such a gooood boy for me” You soothed as you smoothed the hair on his head and kissed the top of it. 
He breathed out a whimper in response. 
It took him a second to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. 
“I-I’m a good boy?” He breathed, still clutching you. “But I didn’t even..” he pulled back to meet your eyes.
You shushed him, knowing exactly what he was going to say.  “No it wasn’t about me, it was about you and you came for me, just like I asked. You did so good.” You praised, carding your fingers through his hair lovingly. Lars couldn’t help but smile at your praise and your affectionate touch. 
“I want to do better, I want to-“ he stopped, so embarrassed by his next words “I want to make you cum” he said with his eyes shut tightly, feeling more confident saying it if he didn’t have to look into your eyes. 
Your heart soared at his sentiment, you knew it must have taken a lot of his courage to use that phrasing, saying explicit things like that was outside of his comfort zone. 
You beamed at him, even though his eyes were still closed and you leaned in to plant a small kiss on the tip of his nose. His eyes opened at that and his blue gaze met yours. 
“I want that too, Lars” you breathed. 
He smiled at this. 
“Whenever you’re ready, it doesn’t have to be today or even soon-“ You started to assure him. 
“Now?” He asked 
“Now?” You repeated, dumbfounded. Not entirely sure you heard him correctly. 
“I…I’d like to try now.” he said, a determination in his eyes you’d never seen before. 
You were speechless, and all you could do was smile back at him and nod. 
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yrsdf · 1 year
{AGE GAP: simon!30-40- reader!20 MDNI}
|tags: innocent!reader, dominant!simon|
you came back home from college for the summer, you walk in the door to see your parents sitting at the dinner table with a man, he was wearing a balaclava with a skull attached to it, you noticed his broad appearance, the tattoos on his forearms and his thick british accent, his back faced you and your father called you over.
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“Honey bun!! Oh welcome home sweetie!”
Your mother stood walking up to you, she engulfed you in a hug and you nearly melted, the scent of your home comforted your senses and you hugged her back, your items dropped to your side, you only had two bags, you were never a HUGE packer.
“God mom… you have no idea how amazing it is to be back, i mean it”
She sighed and nodded, she backed up and rubbed your arm in a comforting manner, you didn't even realize your dad had followed her and he opened his arms, his bear hugs were the ones you loved the most, he squoze you with brute strength making you giggle.
“Ohhh look at my ladybug! You're so grown up.”
He let go and you noticed the skull man's eyes boring into you he stood walking up to you three, he stood his height was towering, your father laughed
“Oh yea! Sorry hun, that's simon.. Me and your mum are leaving town for a bit for a small getaway, he offered to watch the house!”
You raised an eyebrow
“Dad.? I'm 20…? I can definitely watch the house on my own.”
Before you could continue to protest simons overbearing figure reached a handout to you and offered a handshake, even though that intimidating demeanor he held, you took his hand, his calloused rough hands tickled your hand making you shiver, he shook it softly before letting go of your hand.
“I know I know.. But you're still my little girl, I'd be a bad dad if I didn't make sure you were safe! The cars are already packed and we just want you to know we are a call away.”
They said their bye and gave hugs and kisses, before slipping out of the door and shutting it, you turnt to look at simon his eyes were cold and dark, but not in a mean or hateful way, more of in a flat expression type of way he speaks, tone deep and rough his accent rolls nicely off his tongue.
“Well, i suppose i didn't quite introduce myself..Im simon as your father said, since im the one in charge ill set some ground rules, no staying out late be home by 9:00, make sure i know when any friends come over, and lastly, be in bed by 10:00…”
Your mouth fell wide open in shock, so yea you assumed  he would be maybe a little laid back or cool but definitely not, you scoffed and rolled your eyes before grabbing your bags storming up the stairs and into your room slamming your door, he didn't necessarily care if you were upset by his ground rules, simply he sat on the couch in your living room propping is feet up on your coffee table and watched tv.
{a few days pass}
It was about 4 am, simon was dead asleep on the couch downstairs and you snuck your boyfriend into your room, he fell on the floor and you shushed him giggling, your boyfriend kissed you, and pushed you onto the bed and he sloppily made way with you, he struggled undressing you and himself, he was in his boxers, and you were in your bra and panties, you heard simons boots from downstairs and you hurried your boyfriend into the closet before quickly throwing on an oversized shirt, the door swung open and you were standing there awkwardly, he knew something was up.
“Heard some stuff knockin around up here…”
 his eyes looked at the close on the floor and you internally face palmed, then to your surprise he began searching your room, he stopped at the closet, and he opened it your boyfriend looked terrified.simon grabbed the boy by his shoulder and pulled him out of the closet throwing him to the floor
“Now what the hell did I tell you?”
His voice was raised and demanding as his eyes dug into your soul, you mouth dry and speechless as he looked now to your sobbing boyfriend you scoffed
“Seriously Anthony…? Seriously, you're crying.”
You said with a aggravated tone simon laughed ever so slightly
“Y’know love, if you wanted a good time you could have picked anything other than this slag…”
He looked at the boy
“Now leave this fucking house you twat”
The boy scrammed running out, leaving his clothes and dignity behind and Simon looked at you, you looked at him and you looked disappointed in yourself and he sighed walking up to you, he caressed your chin and had you look up at him.
“Has he ever pleased you love..?”
You shook your head no, and you kept eye contact with him, he nodded leading you to your bed, he had you sit on it as he crouched in front of you.
“Then how bout you let me take care of you hm..?”
You thought about it, and soon you nodded once again, he lifted your legs to hang over his shoulders, he lifted his mask above his mouth and kept your legs parted with his hands that were now gripping the plush of your thighs, his breath fanned on your sensitive clit before he began to eat you alive, Your fingers are tangling in his hair, pulling and tugging at the roots until he lets out a low groan.at this exact moment nothing more matters to him than to have you cumming all over his tongue over and over, sweet juices coating every inch of his mouth until it’s all he can taste
His movements continue on for a few more minutes.
you whimper, and your core tightens as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. 
“C-Can’t take much more… Gonna—fuck—gonna cum”
simon's hips buck against the mattress to their own will, and his eyes pierce through your skull as he chases the stimulation against his neglected cock. He's desperate, starving, driven with the need to hear you cry out his name until your voice becomes hoarse. He can’t stop, not now, not when your thighs are shaking around his head and his tongue is swirling around your clit. his dick aches and leaks, he thinks he might be close to, he is sure of it when he throbs in his boxers at the sound of your whimpers.
Your juices are coating his tongue with the sweetest taste and his ears are ringing with your pleas, but he isn't even satisfied yet.
“Hmmm love…?” he mutters against your cunt, his lips ghosting over your throbbing clit and tongue flicking against it. “You want more?”
He buries his face between your legs, feels your body convulse and your mouth let out soft whimpers.he can hear a low rumble in the back of his skull and feels a fire ignite in his guts and his teeth are nipping at your thigh and his mouth his slick with your juices, tears streaming down your face .
“That's it, doll..,” 
he coos down at you, his tongue running laps around your sore clip until you're seeing stars burst behind your eyes.
 “Show me how good I make you feel. Go on, keep crying, you dirty slut…, let me see your tears”
You came undone on his tongue, your body jolting and convulsing with each stroke of his tongue, he bit into your thigh leaving a bruising tooth mark as he kissed it, he had to leave his mark somehow? He leaned his head against your inner thigh and admired how peaceful our sleeping body was, proud of how he was the one that caused this.
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sanhwaism · 11 months
drunk!bf seonghwa headcanon
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genre ⟡ established relationship, fluff, humor, a teensy bit suggestive if you squint your eyes
warnings ⟡ mentions of f .ᐟ reader, a bit of swearing, let me know if there is anything else!!
author's note ⟡ i was rewatching that one wanteez drunk ep. and i couldn't stop thinking of how endearing and funny seonghwa was in it how does he manage to make me fall in love with him over and over again help. it needs to be studied. HE needs to be studied okay ill shush ENJOY MY FIRST HC hehe
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naturally, (and i mean when he's sober) i see him as someone that wouldn't mind PDA
he's keeping it pg13 though!! his typical gentle hand holding, hand kissing, his arm dropped over your shoulders, warm hugs and some soft kisses on your cheeks while he caresses them with his soft hands
MAYBE if he's feeling bolder than usual some light teasing
tickling your waist, leaning towards you and giving the corner of your lips a peck that makes you crave for an actual, real kiss while he just smirks
i don't want to mention the tongue, thank you very much.
i decide to remain sane! ^^ (help me please)
he just loves seeing you getting all flustered! and loves showering you with his love, that's it! he's innocent! trust him!
until he gets drunk
oh boy
i feel like the moment this man has had too many drinks, it's going to be SO HARD for him to fight those inner voices and impulsive thoughts once his eyes land on you
he wants to keep you in his arms the whole time, especially on his lap so he can hum as he nuzzles your hair with his nose, breathing in your perfume that drives him mad
his pretty hands subtly touching your waist, hips and thighs, which leaves you squirming in his lap as you try to shush him with the last remained part of rationality in you
you can't see him, but you can feel the proud smile in the way his lips curl against the hot skin of your neck
he's loving this. never enjoyed something more in his life actually
he's a pretty self controlled man, with a lot of patience and an usual calm aura surrounding him
but please. for the love of god. he's an aries man after all
and right now? very drunk with a hazy mind and very, very curious hands
you might find this time the perfect opportunity for you to tease him back
there might be a problem though
shut up.
which isn't exactly what sober hwa would do! he's a listener more than anything; that, plus he adores your voice and you can always read the "please never shut up i love you and your voice and the way you speak and think oh my god i just love you" from his face expressions
but sober isn't in his vocabulary anymore
so technically speaking, you can't even open your mouth to say something because mr. "i'm just a bit tipsy– ohhh, since when do i have two beautiful girlfriends?" has something to say!
a lot to say.
from cutely humming some ballad you two have been listening to,
telling you about what he has been doing in animal crossing, showing you his island, what lego he is planning on buying next and how excited he is to be building some pieces with you,
asking you if you want to watch star wars and starting to tell you the lore for the fifth time and you just sit there in silence, watching him with a fond smile on your face and your chin resting in the palm of your hand,
him suddenly getting up and starting to show you some new dance moves the whole members have prepared for their comeback
you're doing great sweetie!!!!!!!!!!
let him cook!!!!!!!
he almost slips because he can't keep his balance
like six times.
but he blames the rug underneath his feet because he's CLEARLY noooooot drunk
sure love, whatever helps you sleep at night!
all of that to almost crying because he suddenly got way too emotional just from looking at you. you just mean the world to him
of course you're worried
even though you're fighting some cuteness aggression because his ears are a crimson shade of red and all you want is just to hug him very tightly.
when you come back with a glass full of water for him, he's almost half asleep
yet he still rambles to himself
all of the sudden he's showing off his poetry skills
we all know how good he is with his words and how beautifully and heart warmingly he talks about everything
like ugh ouch my heart just write a book i'm begging :(((
so i feel like when he's drunk and you're taking care of him, he looks at you with those drowsy, boba eyes of his and all of the sudden he's letting out all of the thoughts he normally keeps in his head when you're in his sight, but feels too shy to say them to you
"i was a lost star until you showed up... my moon... you're my moon. you know that, right? i feel like i shine the brightest when you're with me, aegiya." you let out a small chuckle, not being able to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at his sudden tender confession. he looked extra kissable with his lazy smile and messy hair, cheeks slightly flushed. once he realizes what he's mumbling, he looks away from you. suddenly the wall is very nice to look at. "fuck, what has gotten into me– ah, sorry, i didn't mean to..."
did i mention that he swears when he's drunk?
haha... :D
eye twitches
(this isn't affecting me at all trust)
nOW HEAR ME OUT pleasepleaseplease okay, park seonghwa is a gentleman to you through and through, no matter if he's sober or drunk. when it comes to the rest of his members though, he lets out a few cusses if something doesn't go his way or he's frustrated or pissed, especially if there are no cameras around
i feel like he takes the "i'm the oldest" privilege VERY seriously
good for him, good for him!
but if it's you, all that escapes his mouth are honey covered words because he's totally infatuated with you and wants to treat you the way you deserve to be treated
when he's drunk though, he might accidentally let some swears slip through those pretty lips of his
not directed towards you ! of course not. just a few fuck's and shit's and damn's
but it turns you on
coughs RIGHT! where was i hahahahahdkfjcfuckhesdoingthingstome
he speaks in a cuter way for sure, sometimes almost baby voice or a gremlin kind of voice which makes you laugh
he just gets even sillier and laughs at himself A LOT and you can't help but find the scene before your eyes incredibly funny and endearing
if you show him a finger, be assured that he'll laugh his ass off like you said the best joke to ever exist
be prepared to see him copying everything you do and giggling at it because in that moment, you, my dear, can change your career path and become a comedian in seonghwa's eyes.
he's gonna ramble for like 10-15 whole minutes about what a funny girlfriend he has and how lovely and pretty and kind and absolutely stunning and caring and hot and
knowing the current situation is alcohol 1 - seonghwa 0, he can not control his voice or accent that much
conclusion? his deep, satoori accent will definitely come out and surprise you
that's when you start sweating and your heart starts beating like crazy like it's in fast & furious
how dare he.
"jagiya... ah, i kinda want to drink more, but i think i have drank enough already. did i? shit, i honestly don't remember."
seriously. how dare he.
you don't know if you want to punch him, kiss him, faint or bring him another glass of water.
you're going through a lot of emotions, that's for sure
but so does seonghwa.
all of the sudden he's approaching you, slow and a bit wobbly, but he manages to lock you in between his body and the wall behind you, getting closer and closer to your face
his body temperature is crazily hot, you would definitely get worried that he has a fever if you didn't know he's as drunk as a fiddler
his hot, soju infused breath hits your parted lips as he whispers to you and you feel your knees getting weak. so weak, that you wonder if seonghwa will be able to catch you on time if you fall
"damn, angel, have i... ever told you how fucking crazy you're driving me? hm?"
im sorry ria.exe has stopped working
your breath hitched and all you could do was whisper his name because you entered the panic mode
and oh why would you do such thing
now a very tipsy and lust driven seonghwa is staring at your lips as he savors the way your body practically melts in his arms
good luck!!!!!! or have fun!!!!!!! both work ;)
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neyafromfrance95 · 6 days
so re: my favorite new delusion that the kiss will somehow be adar kissing galadriel to bait sauron, I remembered this scene happens at some point, either ep 6 or 7.
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So Sauron is indeed reacting to stuff happening down on the battlefield during the day. Granted, a lot happens he could be reacting (slightly smirking) about. But the possibility is there. Maybe we're due for another controlled fury moment like he had when those numenoreans told him he wasn't good enough for her lol.
Honestly it's like... Based on story momentum, if Galadriel kisses someone romantically it either has to be Sauron or it's a kiss that's somehow still *about* them (which an Adar kiss would be if he's trying to taunt Sauron in a quick moment on the battlefield).
Or it's simply not a romantic kiss and just a cheek, forehead or hand kiss and this was all just a rumor that spiraled simply because Morfydd teased it.
There can't be other romantic kisses unless Celeborn appears out of thin air. Elrond planting one on her and revealing surprise romantic feeling that ultimately can't go anywhere would be a jarring, momentum killing story turn when the season is meant to be about a "collision course" between Galadriel and Sauron in the finale. If it happens in ep 7 as they're insisting, then the audience is suddenly confused and wondering what that was about instead of focused on the suspense building to Galadriel and Sauron's meeting.
Also notably, they never paired up Rob and Morfydd for the press tour, despite how much screen time Elrond and Galadriel shared this season.
(I truly think this wouldn't even be a conversation if the incel lorebores didn't have a habit of badly interpreting scenes like the face touch in the trailer)
oh nooo, don't feed my delusions even more, they will grow! (please do feed my delusions)
his reaction to the numenoreans joking that maybe one of them is more suitable for gal needs to be talked about more! bc it was the first and only time his mask slipped off and he was about to lose it! bro saw her ankle on that raft and it was jover! suddenly, a mere suggestion that she might in theory be with smn else made this ancient being skilled in deceit almost reveal his true nature! like, when i saw his reaction for the first time, i thought it was so weird and uncharacteristic! then he beat those same dudes to a pulp!
sooo, what i'm trying to say is that, if sauron were to see his warrior queen caged and then kissed by the orc that they both blame their misfortunes on, ohhh boy. it'd be jover for the middle-earth.
and listen, so far the writers haven't given me a single reason to doubt them. even if galadriel is married to celeborn, a sudden switch to their romance would be a poor writing, since the show was about sauron x galadriel relationship from the very start (literally, finrod's speech alluded to it and then celebrimnor's one about silmarils)! same goes with elrond.
also, the whole "the light reflecting your hair reminded me of the love of my life who is lady galadriel, of course" thing was so bold??? i can't believe they did that. so, i'm 90% sure they aren't chickening out after pulling something so sick and obsessive on his part.
so yeah, either it has to do with sauron, or it's a platonic peck that was overblown by the fandom.
and agreed, we wouldn't be wasting our energies on the half of the discourse happening rn if it wasn't for the incel lorebros forcing these conversations to divert the attention from sauron x galadriel.
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yeonboy · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐥 ♡ choi yeonjun // mlist.
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After facing disappointment with love for years upon years, you have chosen to replace romance with dance in your life, dedicating your entire time to this dance academy you’re employed at. It’s not that you hate men now, you just don’t expect to fall for them anymore because all they do is break your heart. And then Choi Yeonjun enters your life as a new recruit at the academy – sweet, adorable, soft spoken, kind and younger than you. He is everything you have never found attractive in a guy before. But somehow, you're helplessly spiraling for him.
❧ choi yeonjun x f. reader | 16+ | smau ♡ comedy ♡ angst ♡ strangers to friends to lovers!au ♡ dance academy!au ♡ 98-liner!reader ♡ dancer!reader ♡ dancer!yeonjun ♡ slow burn.
❧ warnings! profanity, an ABUNDANCE of suggestive jokes, mentions of people's sex lives (or lack thereof), death & murder threats as jokes, some of the characters being assholes for no reason, reader being a commitment phobe, a lot of pining, a ton of miscommunication (hehe ofc <3), misunderstandings, unnecessary heartbreaks + more will be added as the series progresses!
❧ featuring! all of txt | jimin & jungkook (bts) | sakura & kazuha (le sserafim) | yeji & ryujin (itzy) | keeho (p1harmony) | somi (soloist, ex i.o.i).
❧ playlist! trampoline - zayn & shaed ║ easy - camila cabello ║ lavender haze - taylor swift ♪
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❧ status! 23.04.23 ⇢ tba. | on-going | bi-weekly updates
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notes! heyyy, guys! yes, rya smau era 2k23 hehe! i had this idea for a very angsty fic where an older reader has feelings for a younger yeonjun but can't accept it bec he's not her "type"... but when i tried to write it, it got soooo sad and heavy soooo fast that i had to give up 😭 SO! i reckoned why not attempt to do an smau w a lighter version of this concept??? let's hope this turns out okay (:
pls be kind! the last time i wrote an smau was in 2018 so my creativity's got rust in every crevice (': but constructive criticism + suggestions are more than welcome! 🫶
❧ main masterlist | inbox ⁘
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profiles: [1] [2] [3]
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00. intro ║ 01. more nepotism hires ║ 02. grandpa and grandma ║ 03. break a leg (but not yours) [written: 1k] ║ 04. do you like flowers ║ 05. ✨aRtTtT✨ ║ 06. let the boy feel a woman's touch ║ 07. support system ║ 08. liking people we can't have ║ 09. it IS weird ║ 10. ‼ trouble ‼ ║ 11. connecting some big ass dots ║ 12. it's a work in progress ║ 13. dance crush ║ 14. enemies to lovers ║ 15. ohhh my god i'm so stupid ║ 16. at least that’s how it began ║ 17. we're no sidehoe material ❌ ║ 18. jealousy wasn't on my bingo card ║ 19. pesky little feelings ║ 20. why do i know so much ║ 21. it should've been me ║ 22. an overthinker AND a dumbass ║ 23. everything is a mess [written: 500] ║ 24. sum chamgo love dive it is [written: 1k] || 25. feels like a funeral in here ║ 26. let's all act surprised || 27. must start breathing into a bag ║ 28. IDK DUDE IM NERVOUS ║ 29. i wasn't jumping I SLIPPED ║ 30. wdym denial ║ [tba]
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taglist: @bailies-me @samisubi @forever-in-the-sky2 @captivq @jiawji @hyuneyeon @wanlore @softcabur @emohazuzworld @yjusei @marifujioka @taekwondoes @suzirumas @ohmahgods @ye0nvibezzn @mrsyawnzzn @rionah
let me know if you'd like to be added!
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© yeonboy 2023 // do not steal, copy or repost. respect your local content creators, kaythanks.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Imagine the naruto boy's alpha going on anaesthesia for whatever reason (e.g. a dentist appointment or for an injury) and then they wake up from it and see their mate beside them and goes "damn can I date you?" bc they're still high from the drug and have no idea who their mate is😂
You blearily blinked at the room comprised almost solely of a dazzling and blinding white. Automatically, you squinted and turned your attention to the thing, no, person, sitting next to you, thankfully not wearing white, to give your eyes a reprieve.
All thoughts about where you were or why you felt weird flew out of your head as you really looked at the mysterious person. He was the most stunning person you'd ever seen.
"Wooooow," you said, trying to sit up. Your voice sounded different to how you remembered... Oh well.
The mysterious man's hands shot out to support you. He was touching you. This angel of a man was touching you! It was clearly your lucky day!
"Careful," he said. Even his voice was attractive, how unfair was that? "The mednin said not to rush trying to stand."
"You... are the most sexy person I've ever seen," you said honestly, trying to maintain eye contact with the man. It was hard because your eyes kept slipping. "Are you single?"
The man immediately burst into peals of laughter. He was howling so hard he almost slipped off his chair.
"Am I single?!" he repeated in between gasping breaths and cackling laughs.
You huffed. How rude. It was only a question!
"No, I'm not single," the main said softly, cupping your face gently. You whined at the thought of the beautiful stranger slipping from your grasp.
"None of that," he said, bopping you gently on the nose. "I'm not single because I'm married to you."
It took your brain a few minutes to process his words, but when you did, a big dopey smile lit up on your face. You were married to this man!!!
"Wooooooow!!!" you said again. "Does that mean I can kiss you?"
"When you're mouth is all healed, you can kiss me as much as you want."
The man stood abruptly, making you jump.
"Botan!" the man shouted, startling you once more. A second man walked briskly into the room.
"Nara sama? You called?" the second man asked.
"They don't remember me," the first man hissed, his scent becoming distressed. You felt an urge to comfort him, but your legs didn't want to cooperate and you couldn't get to him. "What happened to them? I thought you were just taking teeth out?!"
The second man held up his hands in a placating gesture.
"Confusion is very common after the kind of medication, Nara sama," the man sounded nervous. Why was he nervous? "Give them a few hours and they will be much more coherent."
Your brain was too fuzzy to make out what they were talking about. Why were the two men here again?
"Ohhh, I get it," you said suddenly, the pieces clicking together. Both of the men turned to look at you. "This man is your mate and I have to fight him if I want to date you, yes?"
Both of the men blinked at you, but you just nodded to yourself. That made perfect sense.
"I will win," you solemnly promised the second man. "You obviously don't treat him right, and I can't ever forgive such a crime."
"Yes," the man grinned, leaning closer to you. "Totally single."
"Best news I've heard all day," you slurred, leaning in too, until your noses were bumping.
"Yeah?" the man asked. "If you wanna date me you have to say why you think I'm the sexiest person ever."
"Pfft, that's easy," you said, happy to hear that was all you had to do. "I think your arms are so sexy, like... like powerful snakes but sexy, y'know? And then your face, why is part of it red? Mysterious... Sexy people are always a bit mysterious, so there's stuff to talk about after sex, that's how it works."
"Oh? What makes you think I'll have sex with you?" the man asked, but he sounded like he was having fun. Good, that meant you had a shot.
"What if I said please?"
"Hmm, I might be," the man said, turning the page of a book you couldn't make out the title of. How could he be so sexy with most of his face covered? Also, how did he sneeze with the mask on? Unless...
"You should date me," you said confidently. "People must discriminate against you because you don't have a nose, but I love you anyway. I still think you're hot."
"Ah," the man turned he full attention onto you, the book lowering. "What?"
"It's okay, I'll keep your nose secret," you whispered, patting him on the thigh. Oh, and his thighs were glorious. You gave one a quick squeeze. Yes, very nice. "I'll also let you sit on my f-"
"Okay! You should try and get some rest," the man interrupted you, pushing you back against the bed. The little bit of his face that you could see was now turning red. Was this man sick?
"You're too pretty to be sick," you mumbled, already drifting back to sleep. The last thing you heard was a little strangled choking noise.
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tarisilmarwen · 2 months
RobStar Week 2024, Day 6 - Favorite Quotes
(This one was the hardest to come up with a concept for, but I think I like this.)
"Okay, I give up," groaned Beast Boy, slumping backwards into his seat. "What's that one from?"
"Gone With The Wind!" Starfire exclaimed, reading off the answer card. "You have not seen it? I am told it is a Hollywood classic."
"Isn't that like... four hours or something?" Beast Boy asked. He shook his head. "Yeah, there's no way I'm sitting still in one place for that."
"Says the guy who stays up until two in the morning every time Clash of the Planets reruns come on," snarked Raven from her place on the couch, nose buried in a book, per usual.
Beast Boy stuck out his tongue and then amended, "There's no way I'm sitting still in one place for something that doesn't have explosions, high-octane action, epic plot twists, cool laser swords and a classic sci-fi story, Raven."
Giggling, Starfire handed the question deck to Robin. "I believe it is my turn," she said.
She scooped up the dice, shook them, dropped them, them moved her piece the required amount of spaces.
"Romcoms and Romance," she announced, landing on the red space on the game board.
Robin nodded, flipping randomly through the question cards until he found one of the matching color. He pulled it out and studied it a moment.
Then he cleared his throat.
"'You gotta say yes first.'," he read out.
"Oh this is a good one!" Cyborg commented, tapping his palms on the table with anticipation.
Starfire, meanwhile, was screwing up her face in a way that looked very cute. "Ohhh, I know this, I know this..." she told herself, pinching a thumb to her lip.
Robin smiled at her adorable concentration, silently thrilling when she lit up with a gasp.
"Serendipity!" she exclaimed.
"You got it. I don't think I would've," Robin confessed, grinning as he passed the question deck on over to Cyborg.
"No?" asked Starfire.
"Was never really into that one." He shrugged. "Not my thing." He picked up his dice. "The movie or the genre."
"Oh yes, I remember," Starfire said. "You are very 'picky' when it comes to the romance movies."
"I'll bet it's Batman's influence," laughed Beast Boy. "I'll bet he was all like—" He slipped under the table, popping up next to Robin and grabbing the edge of his cape, drawing it across his face with his arm in dramatic fashion. "—'Robin you must never fall in love, feelings distract from the mission!'" he grunted, putting on a gruff baritone.
Robin grimaced, even as he laughed a bit.
"Pretty much," he said. "But even beyond that I just... don't really like a lot of the tropes and genre conventions. The deceptions, the disposable fiances..." His hands stilled as he grew contemplative, and Beast Boy slowly snuck back to his seat as Robin continued, "I think I prefer the love stories that grow out of hardships overcome and shared experiences. Having adventures together."
He glanced up, his gaze landing on Starfire and becoming significant.
"Facing the end of the world together and being able to come out the other end because your care for each other is so strong."
She held his look, flushing slightly pink. There was something palpable and unspoken between them, and the context of their recent excursion to Tokyo lingered in the air.
Cyborg coughed pointedly.
"Are you gonna finish rolling or would you rather keep making goo goo eyes at Star?" he asked dryly.
Robin and Starfire broke eye contact, Robin giving an awkward cough and flushing brightly.
He dropped his dice and moved his token.
"Action/Adventure," he said.
"Oh thank Azar," Raven muttered.
Cyborg pulled out a card from the stack.
"'I would rather share one lifetime with you—'"
"Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring," chimed multiple voices around the table.
Cyborg flicked the card out of his hand in exasperation. "Shoulda figured."
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 11 months
Not a thot but a question, do you have any headcanons for Frank/Matt/Bucky?
Ohhh yeah I have a few. Thanks for your patience, I wanted to respond to this when I could sit and think and type everything out on my computer, not on my phone. Normal HCs at the top, spicy stuff below the cut.
Okay so I had this friend in highschool who was beyond disgusted by peanut butter, no allergy just totally hated the stuff. Like wouldn't kiss his girlfriend if she'd eaten it recently. I feel like Matt has an extreme food ick like this. Def not peanut butter but something like olive oil maybe? With his sensitive senses he gags when he even gets a whiff of whatever it is.
Speaking of peanut butter, I think it's a food staple of Matt's. The man can't take care of himself, so cooking full meals is just not a thing for him. So 2AM, back from patrol and he needs something to eat. Matt just eats PB straight out of the jar with a spoon like I did for meals in college.
Loves karaoke. Well, used to when he lived a more normal life. I don't think he sings amazingly well, but he doesn't care. He plays guitar obviously and Col. Shoonover mentioned his impressions skills, so that all concludes me to the fact the Frank likes to sing. He sings to himself/along with the radio when he's driving by himself between jobs. A lot of John Denver and Elton John.
For a holiday/birthday/anniversary gift one year he absolutely recorded Maria a CD of him playing and singing a few of her favorite songs. He'd probably do the same for you too if you were dating.
Has a bit of a video game addiction. He was so fascinated by Stark tech at the fair, that I imagine he loves learning about everything that has come along since, but really got hooked on video games. I'm thinking your standard XBOX, Nintendo or Playstation games like the MLB/Baseball game and the Mario collection. Not big on first person shooter games like Call of Duty cause he's lived it obviously. But he can literally spend hours playing like FIFA or something. Absolutely gets on live to play with Sam, AJ, and Cass all the time.
Spicy Thots under the cut, 18+ please, I tried to keep it gender neutral in terms of x reader
Is really touchy during sex and also not during sex. Since the visual stimulation of sex obviously isn't there for him, he makes up for it by always having to be pressed against you fully or by having hands roaming and groping everywhere.
But also not during sex he's always grounding himself to you by being pressed as close to you as possible. Only time he isn't is when he's in a Matty Mood™ and feels like he doesn't deserve you or you deserve better or whatever Catholic guilt BS he tells himself. He gets over it eventually.
I feel like he likes really intimate sex but also is really playful during it as well. We saw a glimpse of this in She Hulk but I also think his just generally flirty demeanor hints at this. I'm talking like does things to make you giggle in the middle of sex.
Man also has a bit of a breeding kink. He's absolutely not ready to be a parent because his life is in shambles and as much as he loved his dad, he did not have good parental examples in his life, but regardless of his partner's gender or bodily anatomy, he likes the idea of filling you up, knocking you up and having that claim on you. I'm again blaming the Catholicism somehow.
The eye contact during sex!!!! Dude lost his whole family so anything good in his life he is afraid is going to slip away so he treasures it and takes it all in. We saw this during S2 with Beth but yeah, big guy just loves to watch every facial expression you make during sex.
He's also just really tender in bed. He's not big on kink stuff but will try it if you want but just wants to feel really connected during sex. He's mostly serious in bed but in a really beautiful and intimate way.
Mostly groans and grunts but loves to thrown in a "c'mon baby girl/boy" and begs for "just one more for me"
I wrote a whole spiel about my Bucky bedroom hcs, but here's some more.
Of the three, I feel like Bucky is most playful and open to new things in bed. I don't think any of them are open to a full on Daddy kink, dom-sub kind of play but Bucky is the most likely to lean into elements and try things. After his time being under someone else's control I think he likes to feel a little in control, especially of his own body and sex life. But again, not fully into that type of dynamic. Like he might like to boss you around a little or call you dirty names in bed. Afterall, 1940s Bucky was a total flirt and very smooth with the ladies, so it stands to reason in bed he'd still bring some of that out.
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dontbethatguy20 · 2 months
Ohhh would you be okay with doing a Male reader x Danny Ghostface? sfw or nsfw!
And for (optional of course!) prompts maybe outside the entity realm where the reader knows jed before finding out about ghostface? if you feel up to it i feel a little bit of held at knife-point might be cool!
(i am so sorry if this sent more then once the app glitched and closed a few times and the ask disappeared so i dont know what happened so i also had to rewrite it everytime so it sounds so awkward now :') )
I'm quite the simp for ghostface myself, so I'm gunna have fun with this, I'm so gay for Danny 🤭))
Headlines of Desire
Ghostface (Danny Johnson) x reader
NSFW, minors DNI.
Warnings: knife play, caught at knife point, dubcon, he also has a temper (he has a really bad temper in my head, so I’ll make him one🤷🏽‍♂️)
\/The story starts below \/
Jed Olsen was a name very familiar to you, mainly couse you worked with him, and was very friendly from the first thing said to each other. To say he made good impressions with everyone he worked with, well, that would be an understatement. You two seemed to speak more than he did with others. Even if he did talk quite often with others, you two just seemed to talk even more and get along. Having a friendly face and conversation seemed to make this work a lot more barely.
Speaking of work, not much long after he started working, 5 months to be exact, murders started to go around, and the both of you started to report on them. Sometimes, you'd even report on them together. But working with him since the murders started to go around, you noticed a change in him, a shift in demeanor. He seemed more restless, excited even. It made you suspicious, but you never pressed further couse what are the chances of someone you working with being something even close to s murderer?
You continue to report on the murders and such, and no one knew the killer, and the kills had no consistency in them, so it was hard to pinpoint. Just whoever it was, they seemed to have fun with it. At this point, it somewhat seemed hopeless on knowing who the killer was, but at the same time, sometimes it just takes a bit, and they slip up and get caught. Just the way this one would be cought would be quite unexpected.
One late night, you got home after working your long shift. Your home is a little generic, but it's a home nonetheless. You go into your bathroom, take a shower, then go to grt dressed. When you want to get dressed, you seem to have heard a noise. Figuring it was nothing you continued, but there it was again, another noise. You only seemed to be able to put on boxers before investing. That's when you were in for a surprise. A hand covered your mouth and a knife to the neck. "Don't scream Y/N," he chuckled lowly.
Obviously, you struggle and try to scream, only for him to have the tip of his knife get closer to your neck, the tip of it touching your skin. "Stop fucking struggling" he barked." You stop struggling soon enoughafter he snapped. All you could wonder is who and why in this moment.
"There you go, finally listening~" I chuckled. After a moment of danny thinking with carful consideration, he spoke, "You know, I've always liked you, so I'll give you a bit of a change here. Consider yourself a very, very lucky man." He said as he started to trail the knife from your neck to your chin, making your breath hitch. He lifted his hand off your mouth only a little, so you could respond, but not too far couse he wasn't afraid to shut you up again.
"One, since I like you so much, you could let me play with you a little while, or two, I end you and play with the lifeless body." He offered.
You weigh your options carefully before speaking. "Um, o-one." You stutter out, fearing your life and not wanting to die. "Now, that's what I like to hear. No struggling and an actual response out of you. You're being a good boy~. Now, how about we start this now, huh? There is no need to wait. Take off that belt of yours." He demanded, seeing if you'd listen.
You end up taking off your belt couse you didn't want anything to happen to you. "Good, good." Danny then took his free hand away from you but kept the knife in his right hand pointed at your neck. "Turn around," he said quickly, and you did as such. "On your knees and take off my pants," he damnds and again, you listened. When you took off his pants, you noticed he had nothing under. He trailed his knife up your cheek, causing a bit of blood. "Now suck." I look down at his length and then back at him with a hesitant expression. "Go on, do it," Danny urged. Still hesitant, you don't do as you're told. He pressed the knife against your cheek harder "do as I fucking tell you" he said in a slightly angered tone. With that, you take his length into your mouth and start to suck while bobbing your head, still looking up at him with that hesitant look. Danny moaned softly, still having his knife to your cheek. "There you go, keep going~" he urged as he started to move his own hips a bit.
Eventually, Danny spoke once more, "up, and around, hands on to the wall behind you," he said as he did a twirling motion with his knife to motion you to turn around. You hesitantly turn and put your hands on the wall. He chuckled lowly, hand pulled down your pants, "You're doing so well~."
He positioned himself behind you, spreading your ass a bit before guiding himself inside all the way, making both of you groan, him from pleasure, you from the new sensation. He started to thrust moderately, placing his knife down your back as he did. He slid the knife down your back, causing you to whimper in pain.
It didn't take long for him to quick his pace a lot as he thrusted inside, letting out groans occasionally. "You're doing so good, being so fucking obedient." He spoke out in a slightly harsh voice. As he kept his knife on your back, he used the other to lean forward and grab ahold of your throat so he could go harder in. "That's it, take it," he said from behind the mask. You kept being obedient and took it, considering being at knife point and all.
This would go for several minutes, an hour or two even, before he could be satisfied, making himself cum twice inside your ass. You were definitely spent after being used as you did. He would pull out, putting on his pants and belt back on. He'd chuckle, slapping your cheek with the side of the knife slightly. "You did well, Y/N," he said, then walked to the window he had come in from the first place. He stood on the window cell and looked back, moving his mask a bit so you could see half his face. He winked, put his mask back on, and dipped. You stood there with your eyes wide, realizing who it actually was, The Ghostface, the man behind the mask. The man you worked with so long to catch the ghostface ended up being him. He was always someone you wanted, but not like this. After this, you never saw him again since you probably reported it, and he left the town of Roseville.
This is my first time making smut, but hopefully, it isn't completely crap. If i made any spelling or grammer mistakes, please tell. Hopfully, you enjoyed it enough))
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
We're A Family
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Character Benny X Reader
Rating Smut
Warnings Family Abandonment
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I sat on my bed leant over towards the mirror in my wardrobe to do my make-up, sat in my black lace bra and panties with my stockings around my thighs, my Y/H/C hair still in rollers as I got ready for tonight. I heard the door open and I looked in the mirror to see Marybelle her red curls up in a bun already in some jeans and a long button down, she leant on the doorframe.
"What?" she asked,
"I called you half an hour ago," I told her as I did my lipstick, 
"Well, I'm here not. What do you want Mum?" 
"I'm going out tonight,"
"I know..."
"Just reminding you," I chuckled, "I won't be home till tomorrow,"
"I know Mum... you're out with your boyfriend," she sighed as she headed elsewhere, 
I rolled my eyes a little, I finished my makeup up put on my little black dress and heels, before finally took my hair out of my rollers. 
I went downstairs and packed my handbag as Marybelle stood getting orange juice from the fridge. I heard the door so I fixed myself up and answered it quickly.
As I opened the door I saw Benny outside on the stoop in his black laced oxfords, his black trousers, his black silk shirt with silver pinstripes, his hair brushed to the side, his little blue beetle down on the street, he smiled at the door opened. 
"Hello Sweetie," he smiled as he took my hand and gave it a soft little kiss,   
"Hello Benny Darling," I cooed, 
"For you," He smiled as he pulled his other hand from behind his back revealing a sweet bouquet of white roses, 
"Ohhh Benny there beautiful," I smiled happily sniffing the sweet flowers before I headed inside putting them in the water as he came through to the kitchen too, "Marybelle you going to say hello to Benny?" I asked her, 
"Hi, Ben."
"Hello Marybelle, how's school?"
"Ughh," she rolled her eyes trying to go back to her room,
"Marybelle," I told her preventing her from leaving, 
"Yes Mother?" she sighed,
"Money for dinner is on the table, emergency numbers are on the fridge, no parties. No boys." 
"Yes, Mother..." she sighed going back to her room, 
I rolled my eyes a little and headed out with Benny locking up the door behind me, 
We went to dinner and a movie before of course ending up as we always do in Benny's basement apartment the moment the door closed he leant my back against it his foot between mine his hands on my cheeks as his lips met mine, I quickly kissed him back enjoying the softness of his lips, the gentle taste and smell of the beer he drank at the resturanrt, I enjoyed every heavenly second of his lips on my own as our lips moved there clacking sound all that echoed in the basement apartment other then our desperate breaths, my hands found their way into his hair twisting my fingers in his blonde locks as his chin and upper lip tickled me, as I pulled him desperately close wanting to feel his every inch, his every way, he didn't deny me in fact bringing himself even closer as our kisses got not only more passionately but more sloppy and haphazardly as neither of us tried to kiss sweetly or beautifully our kisses only a vehicle for our rampant desire this becoming far messier. I began tugging and pulling on his hair, our bodies bumping one another as we both tried so desperately to be closer our heads moving up and down as we desperately kissed one another, our own mouth kisses causing us to battle one another for control and as much as he wanted it I wasn't going to simply give in and let him have it the little groans and gasps he made fueled me more as his hands exploded my dress without hesitation or restriction as one point he clearly forgot where we were as he tried to pull me up as if sitting me on something but of course I had nothing to sit on so the lift only served to rub out bodies together I slipped my hands from his hair stroking the smooth skin of his neck and moving my hands down grasping at his shirt before going back up to his hair pulling him away a little,
"Bed. Now. Sweetie." he demanded picking me up by my butt and carrying me across his dark basement to his bedroom dropping me down on the bed, he quickly got between my legs and almost ripped off his shirt tossing it to the floor as we made out heavily his hands immediately grabbed my breasts, "Ummmm! I love your boobs so much!" he groaned, 
"You really do don't you Benny darling," I giggled, 
"what can I say? I like a Mature lady like yourself, Y/n," he smirked, 
"Umm come here then benny baby," I cooed pulling him back to a kiss, which he egarly moaned into, he smirked pulling off my dress quickly and swiftly throwing it on the floor with his shirt, “Ummmm sweetie you always look so good for me,” he growled as he saw my bra and panties, “But I wanna see all of you sweetie,” He smirked tugging them down to expose me to him I smirked seeing his usual look of desire, he simply kissed down my neck and chest one hand took my bare breast squeezing and fondling as his fingers plaid with my nipple, he kissed the other puckering kisses across the soft skin "Ummm! Y/n sweetie!" he wickedly smiled purposely picking a spot he knew I’d need make up to hide, softly biting my skin sucking to leave a deep-coloured hickey "mine," he growled moving slightly to kiss my nipple the cold of the air soothed by his warm lips, he gave my nipple a few kisses often glancing at my eyes to try and see how I reacted, he smirked and flicked his tongue over me circling it over and over which was enough to make me squeal and he chuckled low amused at my pleasure he gave my nipple a final kiss before he wrapped his lips around it completely and began to suck rubbing his tongue on the very tip,
"Uhh Benny!" I gasped,
"Humm you love that don’t you?" He smirked moving my other breast and repeating the same steps until I was forced to gasp, he pulled back and softly kissed my lips again his tongue battling with mine in our lustful makeout as his hand slipped down my chest down my stomach. he smirked moving his hand to stroke my labia then moving inside and circling my entrance "Umm so wet already for me sweetie" he smirked kissing my neck and nibbling my skin as he slowly and softly rubbed my clit just back and forth but it was enough to make me utterly gush at the feeling if Benny's quick nibble surgeons fingers on me 
"More. Please" I begged pulling his lips to mine, he happily kissed back and began to rub anticlockwise on the tip of my clit with two of his fingers
"Ohhh fuck!" his smirk grew wider "ohhh yeah! Ummm come on sweetie! Come on Y/n, you, not I’m not stopping till I see you squirt all over my bed," He asked,
“That what you want Benny darling?”
“Umm it’s what I need sweetie,” He growled replacing his fingers with his thumb and rubbing as he was tenderly he stroked around the entrance before his finger drove in
"Ohhhh Benny!" I gasped Arching my back a little off the bed
“Uhh fuck do you have to sound so fucking good screaming my name?” He smirked moving his finger from tip to knuckle over and over,
"More please Benny" I begged
"More?" he smirked slipping another finger and I grabbed his arm hard rolling my head back as his hand worked for what felt like hours of mind-flooding joy not enough to reach a high but like it only built more and more
“Please darling,”
he smirked kissing down my neck and kissing my nipple again before he began to suck on it again flicking his tongue as his fingers worked
"Ohhhh my- ughhhh Benny! Uuuughhhhh uughh! Benny please!" I begged
"It's okay, it's okay, you want more?"
"Yes! Yes! Please!"
“Say it then sweetie?” He smirked and sped up his fingers finger fucking me now at a rapid pace rubbing in my clit without even an ounce of mercy while his other hand rubbed my breasts and nipple I knew I was close screaming for him 
“Uhhh I love you, Benny!” I squealed before I grabbed his neck pulling him to kiss me so I wouldn't scream as my wall hit pleasure flooded over me and I did even up squirting on the bed a little he pulled back with a proud smile rubbing his nose on mine as he pulled his hand out and licked it clean,
“I love you too Y/n,” he smiled, “Now…” He growled as he lay on the bed and kicked off his trousers leaving him in his black skin-tight boxers, “come here sweetie," he smirked pulling my lips to his, I happily kissed back moving to look over him as we kissed my hand slipping down until I slipped my hand under them immediately being met by the hard stiff shaft I smirked tugging his underwear down to allow me to see and to move freely "ohhh yeah that's good" he smirked as I began as usual, "ughhhhh" he gasped leaning back on his pillow, "ughh faster! Please, Y/n! I’m already close sweetie!"
“Really Benny darling?” I smirked speeding up,
"Ohhhh fuck- yeah! Uhhh yes! Like that that's perfect. Keep that speed please!" He begged holding my hair to pull me to his neck so I nibbled his skin and even gave him a harsh hickey on his neck somewhere he couldn't hide either before I kissed down his stomach leaving a hickey on his V as I slowed my hand
"Uuuughhhhh! Ummmm... You love marking me there don’t you," he growled bucking his hips up in his desperation,
“I like leaving an owners mark,”
“Yeah? Maybe I should mark you and cum all over that pretty cunt so I know no other boys are fucking you.”
“Why would they? When I have you.” I smirked kissing the base of his shaft slowly moving down the shaft till I reached his tip and he lay there watching me breathlessly seeing the calm, composed smirking chess boy fall apart like a child for me, 
"Uuuughhhhh uughh! Uuuughhhhh!" He groans his head thrown back against the pillow his mouth open as he desperately gasped his eyes squeezed shut trying desperately to function with me doing this to him "Yes! Yes! Uhhhhhhh! Enough enough!" He said pushing me away he quickly pounced on me and moved my legs around him settling himself between my legs, he held my hips slightly raising them from the bed as he gently got closer at first rubbing himself against me, he slowly held his base and guided himself in, he bit his lip hard squeezing his eyes shut as he tried not to lose himself to such a feeling, I held my breath feeling him fill me up making me feel utterly whole with him inside me "you okay?' he gasped
"Yeah, more. Please Benny" I gasped
“I missed you,”
“Yeah? You missed my cock sweetie?”
“I did,”
“Umm yeah. I missed your cunt too.” 
He began his pace at a decent speed his hips moving in a rhythm but that didn’t last long "Uhh faster Benny! Please!"
"Ummmm!" He grunted holding my hips slowly getting faster and faster building his speed leaving me an utter moaning mess below him until he slightly slowed almost to a stop "I- uhh- I don't wanna cum yet." He gasped "You feel so good, Y/n! I'm so close! I can't cum yet... please don't make me. I want this to last forever"
"Please Benny, I need you" I whined and that was all he needed returning to his pace his hand moving to pull me a little higher as to hit a better angle his hand slipping down between us to rub on my clit "uuuuuuuhhh!"
“That better? Yeah! You need all of me don’t you, hands. Mouth. And cock. Your greedy little thing,” 
"Benny please!" I squealed enjoying every second knowing it wouldn't be long until I "AHHHH yes! Yes! Ahhh Uhhhh uuuughhhhh Benny! Benny!" I squealed as I got my wall a second time arching my back and my voice shredding as I did he kept going but only a couple of seconds before he pulled out and send his jizz across the sheets
"Fuck!" He groans collapsing on the bed with me as we both lay sweaty, gasping, and filled with pleasure. "Y/n?"
"yes, benny?" I gasped as we cuddled up with him spooning as usual his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder as we gasped covered in sweat. 
"Can I ask something... that I really wanna ask?"
"Of course,
"You might get mad at me..."
"...It may be seen as unromantic?"
"do you think it's unromantic of a question to ask after sex?"
"No, we've had a good night. dinner. movie. with fantastic sex. seems like a nice. romantic evening. Plus I've been thinking. about it a while. I thought about asking you. at dinner but... lost track of time."
"I mean that's not on you. the waiter was a dick."
"He was a dick. great fries though..."
"they were. was that your question?"
"No. no. my question. is not fry-related."
"ask away then."
"...do you. wanna get. married?"
"...What?" I giggled looking at him a little as he was still gasping, 
"You wanna marry me?"
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you too but... I have marybelle."
"I love her too. even if she hates me. we can move into your place. get married. it'll be nice."
"It will be nice. are you sure?"
"I'm sure I wanna marry you."
"I wanna marry you too Benny,"
"See this is why I love you sweetie" He smiled giving my lips a soft kiss, "No other woman in the world would be happy with a post-sex proposal."
"I don't know... I kinda like it. Like you had a moment of utter post-sex clarity."
"My post-orgasm clarity told me to marry ya. so I'm gonna." 
I sighed as I went into Marybelle's room seeing her on her bed in her PJs,
"What?" she glared,
"It's almost time to go," I told her as I fixed my little dress,
"I'm not going."
"what why not?"
"I don't wanna go to your dumb fake wedding."
"It's not a fake wedding." I told her, "It's a real wedding. legally binding. just no church or parties or anything."
"So not a wedding."
"It's a marriage then."
"The boring part of a wedding."
"Marybelle... Please. we got you a new dress don't you want to at least come along?" I asked looking at her new dress hung in the wardrobe that I bought for her after seven hours of shopping,
"Why would I wanna go to your boring paperwork wedding with your toyboy."
"He's not my toy boy."
"He plays chess he's a toy boy."
"Marybelle... Benny is going to be your da-"
"No, he isn't he's your boyfriend."
"Husband. or will be in an hour." I told her, "I know you're not happy about this, I understand why, but this is a big step in my life and I'd really like you to be there."
"... for you. I will go." she sighed getting out of bed, "But Benny is not my dad."
"Stepdad then."
"He's Benny. That's it."
"All alright... baby steps I suppose." I nodded, "We'll be waiting outside with the car." I told her before I headed down seeing Benny fixing his hair in the mantle mirror dressed up nice but keeping his jacket as it was rather cold today, 
"Ohh no no! Don't let me see." He laughed turning away,
"Benny you need to see,"
"Nope. I cannot look at my bride until the wedding."
"as you're driving, I think it's essential you do." I laughed taking his hand and turning him to see me in my little white dress, 
"Awwww, sweetie! Look at you, you are the most beautiful bride in the world!" He smiled lifting me up to spin me around the living room, "You look gorgeous Y/n," 
"Thank you, you look very handsome too Benny."
"Aww thank you," he smiled, "I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled kissing him, 
"she joining us?"
"she said she was." I sighed,
"she'll be down I'm sure of it. who would wanna miss her mother's wedding?"
"Marybelle." I sighed, 
we waited a little while getting a little nervous we'd miss our time but finally Marybelle came down in her little purple dress, 
"aww hello," I smiled, "Don't you look lovely,"
She rolled her eyes,
"Well if it isn't the most beautiful little bridesmaid, or... perhaps maid of honour?" Benny smiled trying to see if he could perhaps tempt her with a hug but nope she was mad, "Okay... well the beetle waits my lovely ladies." he smiled opening the front door for us, 
"Thank you Mr watts," I smiled,
"You're very welcome Miss Y/l/n, or should I just start calling you Mrs Watts so I get used to it?"
"Maybe you should," I smiled kissing him,
"Romance is disgusting." Marybelle sighed picking up her camera and heading out, 
"cheery isn't she?" Benny chuckled,
"She's a teenager they are." I laughed, 
"Were you this cheery at her age?"
"I was pregnant so... yeah probably."
"Good point," He nodded, 
I sat at the table having my eggs as Benny cooked up breakfast, Marybelle headed downstairs in her uniform so I smiled,
No response,
"Ahh good morning my lovely stepdaughter, would you like some breakfast?" Benny offered, 
"No. Bye." she snapped before she slammed the door and marched out, 
"She really doesn't like me..."
"Don't feel bad Benny, she doesn't much like anybody,"
"Why? Like I get teens are angsty, I was once an angsty teen. but... never that bad."
"where you ever a girl?"
"...Not that I recall."
"Teenage girls have a lot thrown at them at that age. a lot of very big physical changes. hormonal changes. an education system that knows more about the moon than it does their reproductive system. boys being horny dicks cause they are going through changes. the society elements of going from a little girl to a woman at times you don't really decide. the male gaze. female jealous instincts. being forced to mature far faster than boys. on top of school. driving. college prep. and everything else." I explain, "It's surprising teenage girls are as stable as they are Benny." 
"Good point... and yeah I was never a teen girl so I don't know the struggles of not being able to match your nail polish to your school skirt." he joked as he sat down with me, 
"...Benny if I gave you a shirt that was charcoal black and jeans that were coal black?" I glared,
"ahhh! why would you do that to me!"
I glared sipping my tea,
"Point taken." he sighed, "But I don't know maybe Marybelle needs some extra help?"
"Benny, I have been raising Marybelle on my own for fifteen years. You have been here.... six months. You really wanna be giving me parenting advice."
"yes, I know how that sounds." he sighed, "and I don't wanna push on your toes, becuase yes you know way more than I do. and have far more experience in terms of raising a kid but also... you were her age when you got pregnant you were an angsty teen yourself I'm simply saying maybe just letting someone from an outside perspective might not be a bad idea." 
I rolled my eyes a little and kissed his lips, "You are too smart."
"That I am Sweetie," He smirked, 
"THERAPY!" Marybelle screamed as she threw things around her room, "I am not nuts I do not need therapy!"
"No one is saying you are Marybelle," I told her, "We think it might be best for you to talk to someone."
"I do not need to TALK with someone I am not nuts!"
"What your mother means is." Benny added, "It might be nice for you to talk with someone who doesn't have motives. Someone just for you to talk to outside of home, school and friends."
"Do not talk to me like you're my father!" she screamed,
"I'm your stepfather!"
"No, you are not! You're her toy boy! I never wanted you anywhere near me!"
"Marybelle please-" I began,
"Ohh yeah take his side! cause I'm just the crazy teenage daughter! who needs therapy!" 
"No one is saying you need it we just thought it might be nice to have time an hour a week to talk with someone about things," I told her, 
"We. We. there is no WE this is Benny has made a decision about me and my life and I have to live with it. Like being my stepdad. like moving in. like me changing schools. Like SENDING ME TO THERAPY!" 
"YES I did make those decisions Marybelle becuase I love your mother! and I wanted to be with her! she's an adult woman who can do what she wants. I wanted to be a part of this family so I joined it. I wanted to live with my family so I did. We changed schools becuase this private academy is going to give you a better education than either of us got! And yes we as a couple wanted to offer you the chance to talk to a therapist at our expense so you had someone to talk about whatever the hell is making you such a dramatic child!" 
"Dramatic... DRAMATIC! You turned up invited into my life! You married my mother! moved into our house! made your own little family never once did you ask me how I felt about it either of you! You moved to my school without talking to me! away from all my friends! The whole life I had built for myself! you ripped it away! I think I have cause to be DRAMATIC!" She yelled storming off out of her room down the stairs and out the door, 
"Benny I-" I began, 
"Ohh great now your mad at me too!" he yelled, 
"...Sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to yell sweetie." 
"she has a point..."
"Ohh so your on her side?!"
"I'm not on her side. or your side. I am on no side! there shouldn't even be sides!" I yelled but I stopped myself, "We are a family... we need to behave like a family and talk this out properly. like adults."
"You think she'll like that?"
"No. But what choice do we have..."
"True." he sighed, "I'm sorry I yelled sweetie," He cooed,
"I'm sorry I yelled too darling," I smiled hugging his chest and he kissed my head, as he wrapped his arms around me, "What are we gonna do with that girl?"
"I don't know you're the parenting expert." he chuckled, "I think she needs space for now. give her a chance to think."
"I think she needs more of a say."
"I do too..." he nodded, "what do we do about her being gone?"
"Call Lisa's mother. she'll be there." I sighed heading downstairs to the phone. 
I smiled as I sat on the sofa with Benny the two of us sharing a few kisses, 
"I'm off to the doctor's," Marybelle said as she came down the stairs,
"Aww okay have a nice time and don't forget to change next week to four pm," I told her,
"I know," she sighed as she headed out, 
"he is really good," Benny laughed, 
"he is. Kinda wish we went to him." I smiled,
"she needs it more than we do,"
"True, we do still need it though,"
"Ohh yeah we are very very messed up, I mean you more than me Teenb mom over here." he joked
"Excuse me Mr abandonment Issues." I chuckled
"Ohh that would be a terrible last name..."
"Likely abriviate. Mr AI"
"Ahh good point." he nodded, "still not as good as Watts is it?"
"Nothing is as good as watts." I smiled,
"So... twenty-minute walk there... five to ten minutes waiting room... an hour appointment... twenty-minute walk back?" he smirked stroking my Y/H/C hair, "and that's if she doesn't stop for a snack at the seven-eleven on the way home so... I think that's about two hours off the house to ourselves?" He smirked, 
"I think your maths is about right," I giggled, taking his hand and tugging him off the sofa with me but he immediately picked me up and carried me up to our bedroom,
"Alright, how do you want me sweetie?" He smirked as he set me on the bed and crawled behind me to spoon me softly "I get to hold your hips and thrust your face into your pillow? Do I get to hold your legs around my neck? or am I gonna get you bouncing on my cock?" he smirked, “Come on how shall you spoil me tonight my beautiful wife?” 
"I’m feeling a little lazy darling," I told him 
“Yeah? Ooohhh side sex?”
“If you're alright-”
“I fucking love side sex! Well, I love all sex with my wife,” he smiled as leant down to nibble and kiss my neck tugging down my dress to expose my shoulder to him his kisses getting more intense and lustful slightly biting,
"Don't bite Benny darling no need to be so vicious,”
“Maybe I like being a little vicious sweetie,” he growled, he kissed up my neck and found a spot I couldn't hide he made sure to nibble and kiss it first before he bit me like a goddamn vampire leaving a hard dark Hickie on my neck his hand quickly undid my dress and slipped his hand under the now looser fabric to grab my breast "Ohh fuck! I love your boobs so so so much! How do they keep getting better and better!"
“You playing with them every day I imagine,”
“Well how can I resist them?” he growled as his hand grabbing and groping my breast had caused my nipple to get a little hard "uhhh I love you, sweetie," He growled tugging on my nipple to make it even harder before pinching it between his fingers and rolling the tip between his fingers 
"Ughhh!" I squealed rubbing my hips back against his hard-on, “Uhh! I love you too darling,”
“Yeah! Scream it for me sweetie!” he smirked smacking my arse
"uummm! Benny! I love you!"
"I love you too sweetie," He smirked forcing down my panties and moving his hand to stroke my clit, "you are so beautiful when you get horny, so seductive Y/n."  he cooed undoing his pants and tugging them down, he gave himself a few gentle strokes before he slipping himself inside me "Ughhh fuck! Ummm!" he growled as he held my hips firmly digging his nails into my skin as he aggressively thrusted,
"Uhhhhh Benny!” I moaned trying so hard not to scream as I felt the pleasure of him moving at a fast and hard pace,
"Ummm! Y/n?" He growled, often biting and kissing my neck with the movement of his hips. 
"Ughhh yes Benny?" I began to whine from the overwhelming pleasure my eyes often rolling back, 
"Can I ask something it uhhh It may be seen as unromantic at this moment," he smirked, 
“When do you ever ask romantically.”
“Good point.” 
“Go on?” 
"Uhhh! Y/n! Sweetie! Can I… ummmm please… Not pull out tonight?" he smirked rubbing on my clit as he thrusted my bed creaking and banging against the wall from our movements, "uhhhh ohhh god fuck answer quickly!" he growled, 
"Benny faster please-" I whined tugging on his hair, “Why? Why do you not wanna pull out?”
"Ughh you sound so good begging me for more! But I pull out every night Sweetie Please… just once! Let me cum inside my wife! Let me bury myself inside her and fill her cunt to the brim!" He growled so I gritted my teeth, 
“That what you want Benny?”
“More than anything Y/n!”
“What if I get pregnant?”
“Then I will be thrilled to be a father… I love Marybelle course I do but… I can’t help thinking about you being pregnant with our baby and ummmm! It does things to me, sweetie! I want it! I want a baby with so so bad.”
I pushed his hips gently turning us so he laid on his back and I sat on top of him gently moving my hips at the speed we both needed, “I do too.” 
"Ohhh fuck! You do!" He growled grabbing my hips to guide me to bounce on him, I admit he looked amazing as he leant on his elbows against my pillows moaning under me as I worked, "Ughhhhh fuck! yeah? you want me my baby sweetie?" 
"Yes, very much Benny,"
"Ummmm! Are you sure you want this?" 
"Ughhhhhh" he smirked slapping my arse as I got faster and faster, "fuck yes! Yes! Ughhhh fuck! Make me cum sweetie! Make me cum and take everything I fucking have! Everything! You can have it! All of me Y/n!" 
"Ughhh! Put a baby in me, Benny!" I yelled moving his hand to my clit, he happily began rubbing on it again his other went to get at my breast which he happily groped and plaid with my nipple, "Ughhhhh!"
"Ughhhh fuck you sound so good!" he groaned, "ugh!" he gasped, 
“Uhhh Benny!” I squealed but I reached my peak biting his neck as I did which in turn got him to his own edge burying himself deep as deep inside me as he could, 
"UGhhhhhhhhhh! Yes! yes! Y/n!" 
I did my best riding it out as he all but collapsed against the bed until I couldn't move anymore and I fell face-first into my pillow on the other side of the bed, we gasped and tried to regain our composure, 
"Fuck I love you so much, Y/n…”
“I love you too Benny.” I gasped,
“That. That. is why I fucking married you.” he groaned before he all but blacked out on the bed. 
“I’m home!” Marybelle calls from downstairs,
“Hi, honey! How was it?” I called between gasps,
“Fine, I’m going to my room!”
“Okay! See you later Marybelle.”
“Bye, mom.”
“See ya Marybelle,” Benny gasps
“Whatever Benny,” she said before slamming her bedroom door,
“Uhh… whatever did I do to that girl…” he sighed,
“Married her mother,”
“Good point. I had to. I love her too much. Hopefully, soon she’ll get a little brother. Or sister?”
“We can hope,” I smiled,
I sat with a wide smile waiting for Marybelle to get home from school Benny sat some tea on the table and sat beside me giving me a soft cuddle and a kiss, 
"I love you, Sweetie," He cooed,
"I love you too Darling," I cooed,
"And I love you little one," he cooed kissing my stomach, 
The door opened and she wondered in,
"What's going on?" she asked noticing the table set for cups of tea,
"have a seat Marybelle," I smiled,
She was immediately suspicious sitting across from us,
"We have some News." Benny smiled,
"Marybelle! That's a very rude thing to say." I snapped, "No. We are happy as ever."
"Very very happy," He cooed, "No we have better news."
"We aren't moving, are we? cause I am just getting used to this new school!"
"No no no," I smiled, "Even better than that."
"Benny's going to Russia again and might get shot."
"Marybelle!" He warned, 
"No. Marybelle In a few months you're going to be getting a little brother or a little sister." I smiled,
"You're kidding?" 
"No," Benny smiled, holding me closer.
"You're having a baby?"
"Yes, we are." I smiled,
"We'll finally be a big happy family." Benny smiled, stroking my tiny excuse for a bump, 
she got up from her chair and spoke "FUCK YOU!"
"What-" Benny began,
"What the FUCK! No! No Screw this! Screw you! Fuck both of you and fuck your family!" She yelled bolting upstairs,
We both quickly rushed up to see her packing a suitcase,
"Marybelle what are you-" I froze up unable to function at the sight of her packing memories of her father flooding back, 
"Maybelle- What's the matter." Benny began
"Please just talk to us..."
"No! I'm leaving!"
"Why? What did we say? what did we do?"
"You went on without me!" she screamed, 
"You went on without me... Every since you got here all you've wanted was to get rid of me!"
"Get- why would I wanna get rid of you Marybelle?"
"That's all you've done since you arrived. You took my mom from me! took my friends from me! took my school! My life! everything from me! and now your baby will want my room. My school. My life. My everything! All you've ever done is want rid of me! like I'm some stain on her! well fine! I'm leaving!" she yelled,
"Marybelle ENOUGH!" He yelled, "Stop. and listen to me." he told her, "For once LISTEN." He demanded, holding her hands to stop her packing, "I... I have never wanted rid of you. When I met your mother, Y/n, I knew I loved her the moment we met, I have been in many relationships and I have never felt the way I do with her with anyone else. I think she is the smartest, bravest, strongest, most beautiful girl in the world and I've thought that since we met. I wanted to marry your mother the moment I met her, and I would if she wouldn't think I was crazy." He explained, "and when I found out about you... I thought all that about you too. You are a smart, brave, strong, beautiful young lady the second in all the world after your mother. And she has worked her ass off on her own to make you into what you are, I knew I would adore you as much as I do her the second I met you too. and I knew if I wanted to be with her I had to be with you too. I knew you two came as a package, if I wanted to be her husband I had to be your father too." he said getting choked up, "and I wanted to be, I've always wanted to be your father. But... I know how you feel about your own dad and I never wanted to overstep, I never wanted to force you, even when... it was very clear you didn't like me. wanted me dead even. I love being your stepdad as much as I love being her husband. Cause you're my girls. I have never wanted to get rid of you. Ever." he explained, "I came into your life becuase I love your mother, becuase I wanted to love you... and I do. I moved in so I could be with my family. We changed your school becuase... we both wanted to give you a life we never had, something we could have dreamt of a start in life we could never have. Even if that meant changing some things... We spent... a lot on therapy for you just so you have someone to talk to 'cause I know you don't want to talk to us... and that's okay."
"when the baby comes it's over. you'll want nothing to do with me anymore..." she said, "You'll want my room. my life. my place."
"Of course we will. Marybelle, we're a family. Three of us or four of us. No matter what you are still our daughter. Still a part of our family. Whether you leave now or you stay. we will still love you."
"You'll replace me when the new baby comes..."
"We could never replace you, Marybelle. I promise you. We will never replace our perfect girl." 
"I... you mean it?"
"Of course I do," he told her,
"We both do Marybelle," I told her, "You'll always be my little girl, no matter what." 
"I... I... you won't turn around one day and leave me... for some new family. a new life." she cried,
"No why would we-" Benny began but I held his arm tightly, "... Marybelle. I know how you feel. I... I lost my dad too in a similar way."
"You did?" she said tears flooding, 
"I did. My mother died. And he packed up all our things... drove across the state lines and dropped me at an orphanage. Last I saw him. Was him driving away in his car for a new life without me in it? I begged. I cried. for him to turn around and come back. to take me with him. He never did come back for me." He explained tearfully, "I know what your father did. And I know I can't ever replace him. But I swear to you... I would never do what your father did to you. what my father did to me. I have built a family with your mother, with you, and soon another little baby. We have built this family together all of us. And I wouldn't trade it for a thousand lifetimes without my family in them." 
She nodded and hugged him tight, "Thank you, dad..."
"You're welcome Marybelle," He smiled hugging her too, 
I wiped my tears unable to form words so happy to see them like this, 
"I think your mother would like a hug too?" he whispered to her,
"Yeah I would too." she nodded,
"Come on Sweetie," he smiled opening his arm 
I happily went over and hugged them both tightly "Family hug,"
"Family hug, all of us." Benny smiled kissing my head then Marybelle's and then stroking my bump. 
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antoncore · 3 months
tutor eunsok!!!!!
so I kinda see in this scenario that eunseok is like a year or two older than reader, and he'd had put up small posters around campus for anyone needing tutoring for a class he'd already taken the previously! so when he got an enquiry, he expected it to be some needy boy, but instead was met with cute, shy, and crybaby reader! agreeing on tutoring her bcoz why not??
him always being strict from the get-go, and reader being slightly intimidated by him, cuz the way he carries himself + a year older! giving her hw to do, checking in on it every lesson, and ofc she does all the hw on time, asking if she doesn't understand! never letting her skip classes except a medical emergency, always expecting hw to be done...
slowly as you guys get more into the tutoring sessions, he tells u to come study over at his apartment, just so yoy can study comfortably and don't have to worry abt eating or being too loud! he'd always say when its time for you to go back to ur dorm "stay if you don't understand the content", you sometimes falling asleep there
also see reader going to him after she gets a bad mark, just sobbing while she's on his lap, and he's reassuring you like you're not stupid or dumb, you can sury improve your grades next time!!!
but then some days if he knows ur procrastinating on purpose / not listening, he just stares at ur large eyes staring up at him, and fingers you while making you say the content u just learnt out loud, saying he'll only make you cum if you understand it properly...
also see the reader texting him one day "seok... I don't think I can make it to our tutoring lesson today evening" and he just replied with "why, are u okay" obviously worried, and she's just like '"just an personal emergency", but then later that evening when he sees u at the bar with ur friends, and u make eye contact with him, he knows this wasn't just some "personal reason"
you showing up to the tutoring lesson the next day at his apartment, slowly walking in, not daring to saying anything while he just lifts ur chin up and is like "you know I hate liars the most, right?" "if u didn't wanna study so badly yesterday, could've just told me yk" "yk what happens to liars... they get taught s lesson" making reader cockwarm him the whole time she learns the content she missed yesterday, no matter how much she whines, cries, whimpers!
also when u fall asleep during tutoring, he just asks you "what were u up last night studying for?" and when u reply "the hw u gave :(" hes always like "you know I'm here to teach you the content doll, ask me a million times if you don't understand"
ohhh but then also when ur here at his apartment after class, with the big red "100%" on ur paper, he's so happy! just hugs you and tells you "I think you deserve a little reward, hmmm?" 🤒
the reader always being so shy, never responding in full sentences l, just nodding yes, or saying "hmm", he just thinks ur so adorable!
but also see even eunseok slipping up one day, when he calls u over one day to return a book he gave u and typing 10pm instead of 10am, so here u are, at his door at 10pm! him having a little party with his friends and sungchan opens the door, letting eunseok know "a little cutie is here" while eunseok just wonders who he's talking abt??? you pulling out the book you were supposed to return, giving it to sungchan to give it back to eunseok while he just keeps on flirting with you.... eunseok finally coming over to the door, surprised to see u and then realises he drunkily typed "10pm" instead of "10pm". telling sungchan to leave you alone, and apologizing to u that u had to witness all that, so when u go to leave, hes like "wait, did u walk here alone at 10am wearing that?" "and were u serious studying right now", seeing ur hair up in the hairstyle you do when ur studying, and u just nod nervously, and he sighs... even though he's drunk doesn't mean he's lost his senses!! telling you to come inside and just sleep over, vcoz he doesn't have the energy to walk yoy back, nor does he want you to walk alone or send you with his friends alone! you being super shy and awkward just following him, when u notice anton, a dude from your class at his apartment, realizing they might be in the same friendgroup! eunseok being protective of you, making you walk behind him and taking you up to the guest bedroom and just telling you to sleep there, and that he'll take u to ur dorm tmrw morning!
ahhh i swear I could continue with WAY better scenarios, but I fear it would be too long, so this is it for now! hope you enjoyed!!! - 🍫
eunseok would praise you so much and you who has a praise kink… what can you do except get wet🥹 but you’re just too shy to say anything until he notices someday
also gonna take a sappy turn here but imagine him watching you sleep as he’s drunk. you’re just so cute, adorable etc and that’s the moment he realises that he may have a crush on you. you’re all he’s ever needed in a girl. he kisses your cheek as you sleep but he would never want to admit that to you. he’ll subtly flirt with you during your lessons and half the time you wouldn’t even realise! he had to make it more obvious to you haha
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