#but on something totally irrelevant
sllhouettedreams · 7 months
Poll: do i stay up again even tho i only had three hours of sleep last night and write the accompanying james POV to the will POV fic i ruined myself to write last night? I feel like the only way to write this the way i want it to be is in a sleep deprived, hyper fixated, totally unhinged binge like a fever dream
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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#tropius#HE SO APPY!!! FUCK!!! HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS ONE#i've never looked at tropius up close before i didn't even know they had a little helmet and shit. this is WONDERFUL. they're SO appy#i hope you all appreciate this as much as i do because this is very good. i don't even know anything about tropius. jack SHIT. except that#they're so appy. and i will accept this. i gotta work but i've been too busy thinking abt how appy they are#i also started the process of remaking my main blog. bc it just had a lot of posts on it all the way back to way back in my past#and i felt like it was weighing the whole blog down and making me not want to use it. and that blog needed some housekeeping for me to want#to associate myself with it. so i'm currently in the process of coming up with a new URL before i start really renovating#so the hunt for miss ffp starts anew or something. unless i've lazily replied to you in a comment once and you remember my url#i've done that to a few of you. demifiendcruithne is one. shoutouts to you demifiendcruithne you're the best#then there was that one who assumed i use windows. despite recognizing that i'm “rather techy.” yuck!#had to respond to that one to clear up any suspicion that i might be a windows user. this is all totally unrelated and also will be#totally irrelevant by the time this post gets up anyway. hopefully. y'know if i haven't come up with a new url by then then#i mean. that's my fault. but this isn't gonna post until july 23rd. 10 days from today. so. hopefully!#see you all then
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coquelicoq · 4 months
post-canon every single member of kimcom likes to spoon kim dokja. nonsexually. it's just nice to know he's alive and there and feel his chest rise and fall within the circle of your arms. try to do something stupid now asshole. oh you can't? because of my octopus impression? that's right. take THAT. however i will make one exception for yoo joonghyuk. yoo joonghyuk may want to spoon kim dokja, but he never gets the opportunity because kim dokja wants to spoon him more. so the sleeping arrangement is yjh>kdj>all other kimcom members on rotation. actually i take it back there's one other household member who doesn't want to spoon kim dokja and it's yoo mia, but that's fine because she's one of the only people (besides kim dokja) who yoo joonghyuk would be comfortable spooning. so there's probably times when it's yma>yjh>kdj>today's lucky winner.
incidentally this is also the order for the doing-each-other's-hair train because while yoo mia WILL allow other people to do her hair, no one wants to because she always compares their skills unfavorably to her brother's. and she's really articulate about it. just utterly scathing. one time her criticism was so devastatingly, accurately incisive that she made lee hyunsung cry. yoo joonghyuk spooned him that night to cheer him up and yoo mia was so mad about it that lee hyunsung had to leave the country for a couple weeks. the household learned a valuable lesson that day. it's best not to disturb the delicate spooning/hair-train balance.
#i love how often the webtoon shows people giving their injured teammates piggyback rides#like yeah that is way easier than a bridal carry. good weight distribution#but also it means when they go into Spoon Mode they're like. hey this is familiar!#anyway kimcom totally has a schedule for who gets to spoon kim dokja because otherwise shin yoosung and lee gilyoung would#resort to murder#also han sooyoung was hogging him and pretending it didn't count because it was her clones doing it#(classic excuse. it wasn't me. it was my clone! my clone stole the cookie from the cookie jar! my clone ate my homework!!)#kim dokja figures out that there's a schedule but he thinks it's like. a chore for them instead of something they're fighting over#because he is an idiot 😎👍#the other sleeping arrangement is kim dokja lying on his back and one person on each side cuddling up to him#that's the default when yjh isn't around for kdj to spoon. which doesn't happen very often#if anyone asks no i did NOT start crying the last time someone spooned me because i was incredibly touch-starved. utter lies#totally untrue and also completely irrelevant to the matter at hand#orv#omniscient reader's viewpoint#my posts#f#kdj#orv spoilers#i guess??#kimcom in the situation room trying to strategize how to turn him back into a squid so they can all have a tentacle to cuddle#kim dokja only has two hands and like ten people who want to clutch him to their bosom...but what if he had MORE than two hands?#he has before and he can again. as god is their witness
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swbookerr · 27 days
Needed a refresher for my writing brain and came out with this! An anon ask put ideas in my head, so here's the start of a Sabo/Ace scenario...
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Months after being reunited, Ace still isn’t used to the look of his brother’s face.
To Ace, Sabo has always been a round-cheeked, gap-toothed boy, one that hurts his heart to remember—and he would always be that boy, or so it was supposed to go. And yet, miraculously, Sabo has grown up. There’s no sight of his young, ruddy cheeks, nor the perpetual dirt beneath his fingernails. He’s taller and stronger than Ace could’ve ever dreamed for him; he’s slimmer, refined, dignified—a delightful juxtaposition with his preoccupation for violently dismantling the government.
The truth is, Sabo feels all at once intimately familiar to Ace, and like another person entirely. No matter how Ace seeks to understand him, he struggles to consolidate this new Sabo with the Sabo he knew. One thing he knows for sure is that, like the old Sabo, this one is well-organised, fairly meticulous, and dedicated. He spends a lot of his day aiding Dragon with his endeavours, organising the staff, and talking quietly with Koala—but any time left over is reserved entirely for Ace.
Perhaps Ace has grown too accustomed to having Sabo’s attention.
“We’ve hardly had any time together this week,” Ace says, slumping into his seat. He raps his knuckles against the table, chin upheld in his other hand. “C’mon, Sabo, I know you’re busy, but…”
Sabo tugs his gloves on, glancing at Ace with a smile. He looks a bit grim, actually. “I’ll only be gone a couple of hours. We can do something when I’m back.”
“We never do anything when you get back.”
“And who’s fault is that?”
“What do you expect? If you leave me alone for an evening, I’m going to find better ways of spending it!”
Sabo’s hands drop to his sides like they’ve simply given up. He stares at Ace in silence, head tilted. Eventually, he says, “You’re fucking someone,” in a tone that's perfectly flat.
Ace’s breath catches so abruptly that he’s sent into a fit of coughs. “What the fuck, Sabo? Who the fuck would I fucking fuck around here?”
A corner of Sabo’s mouth upturns. “That’s a lot of fucks.”
“Did you hear me, asshole? I’m not fucking anyone!”
“Yes, I heard you,” Sabo says. He steps around the table, right up to Ace’s side. His gaze is intense, but then, it always is these days. “I can’t say I’m not glad to hear it.”
The statement stupefies Ace. “Huh? What? Why?”
Gently, Sabo reaches out, brushing his thumb across Ace’s cheek. The leather of his glove is cool and supple. “Because I’d have to hurt them, Ace.”
Ace frowns, watching Sabo's smile grow. “Hurt them?”
“Anyone who touched you. All of them. None of them deserve you, Ace. Not anyone here.” His expression sobers. “Perhaps not anyone, anywhere.”
A hot hand has hold of Ace's lungs, stopping his breath. He gawks at Sabo, speechless, then deliberately looks the other way. Sabo's fingers fall from his cheek.
"Don’t be ridiculous," he says. "That’s a stupid joke, Sabo."
Sabo steps away, adjusting a cufflink. "Jokes have never been a strength of mine,” he says. He picks up his hat, pitching it atop his head. “See you later, Ace. I'll be back soon."
"Sure, and I'll be here.” When Sabo’s half–way out the door, Ace adds, “Not fucking anyone!”
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dayurno · 3 months
are you going to read tsc when it comes out? and, if not: would you like your acolytes to give you the important kevin day updates or would you rather not?
oh my acolytes huh! well i don’t know :) it’s so nice of you to ask and i’m very touched actually…. nice to me 🥹…. i guess any (good) kevin updates would be nice and probably sway the balance on whether i read it or not, but at first glance i probably won’t read it unless it sparks my curiosity once it’s out and the story starts making its rounds around my circles :) i’m plenty interested in the period where jean stays with the foxes but i don’t much care for the trojans nor the proposed storyline*, though even a picky reader like yours truly can be convinced into buying a story if kevin day’s in it
*by this i don’t mean that i Dislike the process of jean healing but it’s just overall not my favorite theme and, to be frank, i don’t have much interest in reading about a normal well-adjusted team either. from my view tsc is aftg without my favorite parts (namely kevin day as a main character, the foxes’ messy dynamic, problematic and controversial side characters, neil’s narration, The Mafia, andrew in general) and while i am always and forever a ride or die for jean moreau, and i am glad he’s going to get better and be happy, a lot of my feelings for him don’t really stem from the idea that there is a softness underneath all the grit but actually and sincerely the fact that he is crazy. i Love jean because he’s horrible and scared and cruel and i don’t know if i’ll care much for him once he’s out of that state :) i meant it when i said a few months ago that i would’ve been more onboard with a story about the ravens (no matter how gruesome) or even a glimpse of jean’s pov in the nest, though of course nora sakavic should probably choose to be happy every once in a while so i wouldn’t ask her to write that
so tl;dr: you can send me good and relevant kevin updates if you want to and if they’re interesting enough i might read tsc in the future
#sorryyyyyyy sorry i know Healing is a big theme for the fandom but i just dont care#i dont care for it as a broad concept and i dont care for it in the context of these characters#and i know the trojans are normal good people which is also not something i care for#though i am excited for laila and alvarez and i will be looking forward to that relationship getting discussed more#but the rest is just not for me and that’s fine#i havent kept up with nora’s writing so i don’t know what it’s like Now so who’s to say! i might just as well get hooked as soon as it drop#i might finally be able to swallow the concept of jerejean even#these are just my pre-release thoughts#i also Worry and Pine and Ache over kevin and his new arc and whatever the hell jean thinks of him#only because i know kevin getting in the way of another popular ship is not going to be fun#especially when his relationship to jean is so complicated#and i will say this im not your strongest soldier if the kevin-bashing era returns after tsc i’m leaving through where i came from#so really i don’t know :)! it might suck real bad it might be totally irrelevant and i might love it to death#its super up in the air atp#which for my autistic ass is. interesting. Hard. a change i did not want#but ultimately not a big deal and my anxieties get cured very quickly by frolicking in grass and hearing cats purr#actually thank you for asking this because i feel like i havent gotten around to really thinking this through#asks
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
That scene between Tuvok and B'Elanna from 'Resistance' wrecks me actually... It's such a great moment for both characters (and actors, Tim Russ is SO underrated ugh) which highlights the differences between the two of them so well- yet, ultimately shows that under certain circumstances (in this case, torture) the distinctions between people... don't really matter. In an episode full of political violence, this moment is so significant, and I don't even really think I have the smarts to articulate why but I'll try lol.
TORRES: We told you already. We don't know anything about the Resistance.  AUGRIS: I've heard that many times, from many people. Take him.  (The forcefield is lowered, and Torres grabs the guard that steps through.)  TUVOK: Lieutenant, stop! That will not help either of us.  AUGRIS: He's right.
Everything about the way this scene (and the final shot where she's shoved back into her seat) is framed makes B'Elanna appear small, helpless- and embarrassed at her own helplessness- in that cell. We see her fidgeting, unable to sit down, constantly trying to break out or improvise her way out of the situation (she gets electrocuted earlier while trying to tamper with the circuitry)- it makes me wonder whether Tuvok was chosen to be tortured not because they believed he was more likely to have information, but because B'Elanna was more likely to be demoralised watching helplessly as he's dragged off. Augris's line implies that he's "broken" a great many people in the past; a tactic to instil fear and a helpless sense of inevitability in them both (torture doesn't work as a reliable way of extracting information; this is stated in dialogue in other Trek episodes such as 'Chain of Command' so the assertion here is at least not that- but what it does do is demoralise the public involved in resistances like this one.)
Later, B'Elanna is still trying to escape (do the guards know she's doing this? Are they just not intervening?) and she hears him screaming. Tuvok is someone who considers letting others witness him lose control over his exterior a huge (indecent, violating, humiliating) vulnerability, and the fact that he's the one being tortured is Not Insignificant in this context but like- it could've been the other way round. And B'Elanna knows that. It could've been her, and perhaps a small, scared part of her is relieved that it wasn't her, which is an awful way to feel (and if there's one thing B'Elanna hates, it's feeling like a coward). Also- the sheer violation of this, for B'Elanna to have witnessed him in this state, against her will- to later see him bloodied and weakened and flung in a cell, to have heard him screaming in pain- without his consent, knowing she can never un-witness it, knowing it wasn't her fault but still being put in such a situation where she has now played that role... Does this experience forcibly rewrite their respective conceptualisations of each other? Was Tuvok even thinking of her- somewhere outside, listening, worrying, blaming herself, fearing for herself, feeling ashamed, feeling so aware of him and her and the shared humiliation of this- when he was in there? Did seeing her upon coming back out change things? Could it ever change things? Did her presence, even as an outsider, whose memories of this event will always be (visually, at least) the constructs of her imagination- somehow make what happened in there real? Does her role as witness- and her memory thereby carrying some sort of legitimisation of what happened to him now, however warped and coloured by her own perspective and fears and embarrassment- make things better for Tuvok? Does it make things worse? Would he rather have endured this in secret? Would it have been better if she were a total stranger? Would it have been worse? And does any of this even matter when, for a moment, your life (your personhood, your goals, your presence) was completely reduced to what you "must endure"?
AUGRIS: We don't have to ask your friend any more questions, if you give us the answers.  TORRES: I told you I don't.  (Torres stops herself from hitting Augris, who leaves.)  TORRES: I'm sorry. I guess I always assumed that Vulcans didn't feel pain like the rest of us. That you were able to block it out somehow. Until I heard. Was that you I heard?
And the way B'Elanna's voice breaks when she asks this, as if she was still somehow hoping the answer would be no... There are complexities to this which again I don't feel like I'm smart enough to articulate, but like- yes, B'Elanna would like to hear that it wasn't him because that would mean her friend wasn't tortured "that badly", he wasn't put through "enough pain" to scream that way, and it's easier and more comfortable to think of violence (and violation) as something you can rank on a scale, and the lower on it Tuvok's experience ranks, the better! the more easy it will be for them to "move past" this! - but also, there's this element of "I want the answer to be no because that would mean I would not have been a participant in your humiliation, just some stranger's whose voice I don't have a face to put to, which is much better than having to know what you (my friend, my colleague, my respected senior officer, someone I will have to see every day on the bridge, someone I know prefers to keep vulnerabilities hidden even deeper than anyone else I know) sound like when you scream. But also... it doesn't really matter, does it...? Whatever he says, there always was still a moment- however brief- where B'Elanna heard a man screaming in agony, and thought it could've been Tuvok. And in that moment, that possibility was created. Now, it will always exist. That moment will always have happened. It will always have done something to her. It will always exist between them; an ugly, uncomfortable bond.
And this is getting into even more things I'm not smart enough to articulate, but like- it's pretty significant to me that B'Elanna is one of the few characters who never actually tries to poke Tuvok into Doing An Emotion, even normally. She doesn't consider trying to get him to crack an entertaining pastime, unlike others (and I'm sure her experiences of feeling like an outsider- always- feeling Very Visible As Klingon, play a role in this- "all they ever saw was my forehead" does not lend itself so kindly to "let's see if we can get Mr. Vulcan to smile", "why, Tuvok, it seems you've been corrupted by Human (read: default) rituals after all!"- it's a light-hearted joke for many, sure, but what if Tuvok genuinely considers the idea of smiling in the presence of others reflective of a humiliating loss of control and deeply debasing?) I think it's pretty clear from canon that he's just being himself; he's not trying to be a killjoy or trying to be mean, he's just Vulcan. And this is one of the few moments in Trek I can think of when a Vulcan's perceived "control" over their emotions is not connected with their reluctance to laugh or cry or say something sentimental, but... this. B'Elanna is shocked, she's horrified, she demands an explanation as to how he can possibly go through something like this and not feel the desire to "fight back" in a way she understands- and the way she cannot grant him the pretence of not having witnessed, here, the way she can't just shove this in a box, pretend she never heard, because she's just so fundamentally honest- and Tuvok (who is also so fundamentally honest), in a painful moment of openness, tells her exactly what his reasoning is. He lets her see. He lets her hear; on his own terms. He wants for her to understand (for her to witness?) his (very Vulcan) distinction between resistance and endurance; his understanding of endurance as its own form of resistance. Idk it's such a quietly powerful and like- devastating- moment for me... So many people try, over and over, thoughout the show, to get Tuvok to break his Vulcansona- try to make him smile, make him say tender things, make him get irritated- just to see if they can do it. Just to see if he'll ever crack. I bet B'Elanna wishes she never had.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
I think your understand of Claude has been warped by DimiClaude fan fics. Claude doesn't like Rhea in Houses and wants her out of power and says as much at the beginning of Verdant Wind and you even gain support points with him if you ask him if he hopes Rhea is dead versus if he hopes Rhea is alive. Claude doesn't stop wanting Rhea deposed because he spent an extra year in the Academy.
lmfao bruh i have never once read a dimiclaude fic that involved rhea or even mentions rhea/how either of them feel about rhea, how are you gonna tell me my perception of him is warped by something i've never even read? don't go blaming people's enjoyed ships as a scapegoat just because you don't like someone's discussion about a character. that ship and my opinion of hopes claude/his feelings on absolutely anything have nothing to do with each other.
do you do that to everyone? assume you know what they read and what kind of fandom stuff they engage with? assume that people read fanfics and that somehow it makes them forget canon? 'cause it's pretty haughty.
have you read like, any of my posts/asks? i've pretty explicitly discussed that he doesn't like rhea or her in power. that's very different from personally murdering someone. i also never said his year at the academy had anything to do with his feelings toward rhea.
i don't even read that many fanfics so that's quite a bold faulty assumption. not sure what you thought assuming what i read was going to accomplish, and for that matter, i'm not sure what you thought insulting every dmcl writer out there was going to accomplish by implying they all write "warped" versions of him. what the fuck does dimitri have to do with claude's feelings about rhea?
surprise, nothing.
#literally like does anyone even PUT rhea in dmcl fanfics???#how is this person gonna tell me what i read and don't read like ???#it's pretty evident you A) don't know anything about me and B) have not even read discussions on my blog#fr y'all this is actually the kind of thing i've been talking about too regarding claude fans#how if you don't like him in hopes you automatically ''don't understand him'' and have a ''warped'' perception of him#looks like now ppl are taking to blaming ppl's personal favorite ships#like damn that is REACHING#what the literal f bomberoo does dmcl have to do with RHEA#do YOU read dmcl fics to know if rhea is there or not? bc if not then why are you assuming#firstly that they even exist which to my knowledge they do not and second that i read THAT much fanfiction#and third that fan portrayals within the dmcl fandom are ''warped'' and somehow have to do with rhea#it's really shitty to imply to someone that something they enjoy they enjoy /wrong/ over something#that you THINK exists or you THINK that someone does. but oh bc I don't agree with you you have to find something#totally irrelevant to the actual topic to blame that you know i enjoy#and imply that writers in the dmcl fandom write claude wrong and that somehow it's affected how i see him#i have no idea how claude's feelings toward rhea would even change or why they would change in a dmcl fic#literally how are you gonna assume you know what i read for one thing... but then purposely using#something i obviously enjoy as an excuse to say i don't understand claude is super rude#also really shitty to insult the intelligence of writers of a particular ship#please don't reply to this or send any more asks about this#DCE Ask
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lichqueenlibrarian · 17 days
I honestly can’t explain it properly, but one thing about TOS I find really charming is that the actors have laugh lines and crow’s feet, their skin has texture…
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agnimybeloved · 1 month
really want to give dead boy detectives a chance bc i liked the comics and i liked their doom patrol cameo but beyond the total recasting like... the amount of absurdly unnecessary expositional lines just in the first 5 minutes has my jaw dropped.
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boygirlctommy · 4 months
man i want to make an animatic about my ocs so bad
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inklingofadream · 1 year
Late breaking news: our reporters have just unearthed YET ANOTHER short story wildly misinterpreted by the AP Lit teacher i hated. He can't keep getting away with this
You'll never guess which, between "The Story of an Hour" and "Harrison Bergeron" is supposed to be an absolute gut buster and which is supposed to be primarily tragic
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tvguts · 2 years
i wonder how many other 20-somethings have memories reflecting the, like... sudden change in playground construction that seemed to happen in the 90s/2000s. i remember spending K-3rd playing on a set made of wooden 4×4s and unpainted metal, and then getting a "new playground" put in that was 80% plastic and thinking it was the coolest thing on earth.... if not quite as excitingly dangerous, lol. kinda curious if anyone else remembers something like that
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windmill-ghost · 1 year
I cannot imagine wanting to consume any piece of media as much as adult Harry Potter fans apparently do.
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yea-baiyi · 6 months
i’m sorry my tags are about to be really unhinged and tangential to whatever posts i’m reblogging bc it’s 11pm im stuck in the airport for another 4 hours because my flight got delayed and i’ve been out the whole day because i got kicked out of my hotel bc my family flew back in the morning so im dead fuckin tired my brain isn’t making any sense anymore. if anyone gets a reblog from me where my tags make no fuckin sense to the post. just fyi
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notjanine · 11 months
i’ve submitted well over 50 job applications this summer. tell me why the one (1) position i’ve made the most progress toward is one i didn’t even apply for???* and THEN. yesterday. one of my preceptors from the internship i just finished emailed me out of the blue like Hey i'm gonna have an open position at my private practice soon, are you interested?** girl what the fuck is going on here***
#* i was interviewing for a part time gig and halfway thru guy was was like Oh we also have this totally different position you might like!!#(i'm two interviews in and it's got big pros and cons but it's full time with salary good benefits and great opportunities#but the job itself is not exactly my bag#but it also def wouldn't be a long term thing#the woman from the second interview said she'd have one of the current RDs in that role give me a call so i can ask more questions ab it)#** honestly a great opportunity but two things give me pause:#1. i really enjoyed my time with that rotation and my preceptor was SO kind and lovely but#it seemed like we were just communicating on different wavelengths. like i'd ask a question and then she'd give me an irrelevant answer.#she'd give me an assignment and it would take me two or three tries to get what she wanted.#it was all just slightly off. but maybe that's ok bc i wouldn't be doing ASSIGNMENTS if i worked for her. i would be seeing clients#and 2. the pay is weirdly not good. like SIGNIFICANTLY less than comparable listings i've seen#but i applied for all those and got rejected bc i don't have experience lol so maybe it'd be worth it for a little while#just to get my foot in the door#and i think it would be very flexible and i would start off with a small case load anyway so maybe i could just do it part time#while i do something else full time#bc tbh i also want to work as much as i can (without burning out) while i'm here in tx to take advantage of the lack of state income tax#and lbr if i learned anything from my internship experience it's that i hate being bored and i like variety#how great would it be to bounce between like inpatient acute care and outpatient counseling constantly. keep this brain ENGAGED!#*** the gatekeeping in this profession is unfuckingreal#like i KNEW this profession in particular was too much about ~networking~ and ~who you know~ but#i didn't think it would be this fucking bad
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imfromthemiddlekingdom · 11 months
Why are you, as a Twitter refugee, bringing up shit we’ve settled in 2016. Legit like if you want to have petty arguments do it in the dms, I don’t want to see a rehash of 2016 tumblrs 10 top discourse(!!!) in 2023. If I see anyone of y’all rehashing bs that’s been discussed to death and resolved I’m going to increase my block list from 1k to 10k and blocking every single one of you who’ve came from Twitter and do not understand why most of us do not want to participate in your Twitter drama circle jerk.
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