#but papyrus made it a bit better
floofanflurr · 4 months
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Inspired by this comic by @htsan
Don’t give up.
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chaoartwork · 10 days
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Look at alllllll my undertale junk from nearly a decade ago……
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sociopathicartist · 3 months
Comfort headcanons
I feel like he has a tad bit of issues with being able to comfort others. Like, sure, he can assure you nothing is wrong and hold you, but I guess he’s probably just not good at actually being prompted to do so.
He’s a bit of an awkward skeleton, to say the least. Sure, he’s good at talking with strangers and loves cracking puns, but if you just came to him and crumbled in his arms with tears in your eyes he’d probably be a bit confused on what to do.
“uhmmm…… you want some water?”
Now, that's not to say that he wouldn’t try and learn how to comfort you to your preference, whether you're in a romantic or platonic situation. If you have meltdowns frequently he’ll learn what to do. Crying? He’ll heat up your favorite tea. Bad day? Movie night!!! He tries for you because he didn’t try on anything for so damn long, He doesn’t want to lose what he has with you just because he’s feeling lazy that day.
He’s probably a very good listener, just as he is a talker (Boy does he talk a lot), so he’d be amazing company for listening to any rants you have. If you’re more on the platonic side, he’ll just sit down and listen to you talk for as long as you need, several ‘mhm’ ‘yeah’ ‘no way’ ‘s being made to show his current attention to you. If you’re dating, he’ll rub your back in small circles, holding you in his arms until you’ve spilled everything off your chest of what happened that day with several kisses in between words to make you smile.
Since he is a bit awkward with trying to comfort someone, holding you and letting you rant or cry will almost always be his go-to for comforting. It’s the easiest thing he knows since he’s seen so many people comfort others that way, and he wasn’t keen on physical or emotional closeness with others before he met you. All this is still pretty new to him.
It’s also just an immediate instinct to want to hold you close until you feel better whenever he sees you sad. You’re the closest bond he has (other than papyrus, but sibling affection and talks only go so far), he doesn’t want to let go of that anytime soon. Anytime at all.
If your mood isn’t cheered up after his attempts, or if you’re just not a big fan of physical touch, he’ll go with his last best resort. He used to take Papyrus out to the only movie theater in the underground, (when he was little) which was pretty far away from Snowdin, so if you’ve had a bad day or you’re just feeling off, he’ll try and do such as similar since it was the best method he knew.
Grillby’s would be a first option, but a bunch of people all around you is probably the last thing you want, especially since most of them talk to Sans. If you’re more of an outdoorsy person (or just take a high interest in the stars like him) he would take you stargazing at his favorite spot. A spot he hasn’t shown anyone but you. Don’t like that? He’ll take you out to the movies and buy a bunch of overpriced snacks with you to share, only to end up laughing the entire time and not even paying attention to what you were watching. Not a big movie person? He’d take you somewhere else you like. Somewhere he knows eases your mind. He doesn’t care if he’s not the best at comforting people, he’s trying the best he can because it’s you.
If you’re a lot closer and have an established romantic situation, there would be other ways to make you feel a bit better. Not that it would be an immediate resort, but just another way of showing affection to you. How much he loves you.
hiii:3 have been a bit down recently and i wrote these for a slight cheer up. i’ll try and get in the hang of posting more often on here. should i write more for UF and US sans? or any other sanses? i have a soft spot for some of them. hope you enjoyed !
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theabstruseone · 1 year
'TIL a papyrus scroll indicates that, during the building of the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses III, the workers were upset about their treatment and, rather than discussing it with them, management served them a large meal.
'The workers didn't think that was enough so occupied the Valley of the Kings refusing entry to anyone until they were given a raise and "cosmetics" (research shows it was a form of sunscreen).
'So not only does workers organizing a strike and forming a picket line for better wages and workplace safety conditions date back TO THE FRIGGIN' BRONZE AGE, but also management has been trying to placate discontented workers with a pizza party.'
And then that went viral on Twitter and I got hammered with people trying to "Well ackshually" about my three-tweet-long thread on a thing I'd learned just that morning I turned into a joke about corporate pizza parties. So I decided to research and here's the entire story.
TL;DR: I was pretty much right except it'd be closer to say "donuts/cupcakes in the breakroom" rather than "pizza party".
The events took place sometime around 1157 BCE (specifically the 29th year of Ramses III’s reign) in the village of Deir el-Medina, a worker village for the people who worked on the built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings.
BTW, the site itself is fascinating as it was first excavated in 1922 and ended up being one of the most thoroughly documented accounts of community life in the ancient world and proved the builders of the Pyramids were middle-class skilled artisans and craftspeople, not slaves.
You also have to know that this era of history is around the start of what’s known as the Bronze Age Collapse. Some sort of environmental catastrophe happened that caused widespread crop failures across the ancient world.
Now what precisely happened is strongly debated, but generally several groups from elsewhere in Europe and Africa known as the “Sea People” attacked the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean, which caused most of those cultures to collapse.
Also, commerce was a bit different as they were (oversimplified explanation) on the bread standard. Salaries were measured in values of beer and bread as the recipes for those were standardized and made up the basics of the diet.
So while common laborers would be paid in literal beer and bread, more highly-valued workers would be paid in an equivalent of a larger allotment of beer and bread. So they’d get paid “100 loaves a day” worth of oil or metal or coin representing the value.
Now, for our tale. This comes from the contemporary account of the scribe Amennakhte. If anyone wants to read along, a photo of the scroll along with a translation is available to read for free at https://libcom.org/article/records-strike-egypt-under-ramses-iii-c1157bce
On Year 29, Second Month of Winter, Day 10, a group of workers walked past the guards and sat at the Temple of Menkheperre stating it had been 18 days since they’d last been paid, staying the night in the tomb saying “We have matters of Pharaoh”.
The following day, a scribe brought the workers 55 “s'b-cakes”. So yes, a “pizza party”. I can’t find any reference to what this is precisely other than “fine bread” that was worth more than a large loaf of standard bread.
Seriously, I wasted an hour of my life trying to figure out what “s'b-cakes” are exactly so if anyone knows please tell me.
Anyway, it didn’t work and there was “quarrelling” at the temple of Ramses II. The translations says “chief of police” which doesn’t seem quite right but I’ll go with it, but anyway he said he’d fetch the mayor of Thebes.
The mayor claimed they didn’t have enough to pay. The workers responded by saying “The prospect of hunger and thirst has driven us to this. There is no clothing, there is no ointment*, there is no fish, there are no vegetables.”
They then said to go tell it to the Pharoah directly. On Day 12 (the day following the “quarrelling”), they were given their ration they were due during the previous month (basically, they got their back pay). It was 21 days late.
Side note: I got some pushback by an “Egyptologist” for calling the “ointment” a type of sunscreen and…yes, it was. Some translations mark this as “cosmetics” but it was a medicinal balm used to prevent and treat sunburn. What the hell else would you call it?
So Day 13 (the fourth day of the strikes) and Mentmose, the “chief of police”, apparently took a side. He told the workers to lock down the work site and continue their protests, and that he’d lead them to the temple to continue the sit in.
His words (recorded by Amennakhte): “I’ll tell you my opinion. Go up, gather your tools, close your doors, fetch your families, and I’ll lead you to the temple of Seti I and let you settle down there.”
At this point, the tax master Ptahemheb came out to talk to them making a list of all the things they demanded. On Day 15 (sixth day of the strike), they tried another “pizza party” with half a sack of barley and a jar of beer for each worker.
Amennakhte doesn’t say what their response was exactly, but does say that the workers brought torches so they could continue the protest in the dark. So I take it the response wasn’t good.
Day 17 (eighth day of the strike), the head of the temple came out and asked what demands to bring to the Pharoah for them. And they gave a detailed list of what precise wages they wanted for each of the workers.
On that day, they were given what they asked for in rations for the second month of winter. They may have also been paid early as they should have been paid on the 21st or 28th day depending on the source.
So we’re now in the third month of winter (no exact date written) and they’re still striking. Worker Mose said basically “As Amun as my witness if you drag me away I will come back and start robbing the tombs.” I couldn’t fit the whole thing in one tweet.
Reshpetref, the proctor, said “We will not come back, you can tell your superiors that. For sure, it is not because of hunger that we strike, but we have a serious charge to make. Something bad has been done in this place of the Pharoah”.
We’re on the fourth month of winter now, Day 28 (so over three months of striking now) before the Vizier shows up. This is the government official that handles day-to-day business and is second only to the Pharoah.
He says he just got promoted so isn’t authorized to give them their wages (at least partially true, he’d just been promoted five days prior) and even if he could, there was nothing in the granaries to pay them with.
The granaries may have been empty because of the other issues going on with the Bronze Age Collapse or it may have just been the rampant corruption speculated of the government of the era, or he may have been lying.
On the first month of summer Day 2, the crew got two sacks of grain as their ration (they’d demanded 5 ½ sacks each). The foreman Khonsu told them accept it, then go down to the market and tell the Vizier’s children about it.
Amennakhte (who again, is writing this scroll) stopped them and said NOT to go to the market since they’d been paid and if they did, he’d have to have them arrested. He doesn’t mention they were only paid a third of what they were owed.
First month of summer, Day 13, passes the guard post saying “We are hungry” and continued their sit in. They shouted at the mayor of Thebes as he passed, who then got them 50 sacks of grain to tide them over until Pharoah paid them.
That’s the end of this particular scroll, but there’s evidence that strikes continued throughout the reign of Ramses III as there are records of more workers being hired to transport food and supplies to the workers.
The scroll also leaves out some of what happened in between dates. For example, it wasn’t one single long strike, but a series of them. After they were paid their wages the first time, the workers went back to work.
However, they were told that was their pay for the third month of winter and not the second so they wouldn’t be getting paid again, sparking the second strike that lasted into summer.
There’s also a big deal in Egyptian culture at the time called “Ma’at” or basically “The Order of Things”. Nobody had any idea what to do with the striking workers because workers weren’t supposed to strike. They were supposed to work.
Sure, they were treated well and the village of Deir el-Medina lived at what could be called middle-class standards for the time period, but they weren’t supposed to rebel against their betters in this way. It was unthinkable.
There was also a big festival coming up to celebrate the 30th year of the reign of Ramses III and a lot of the government officials were focused on that, more concerned with maintaining order than actually managing the country.
I should also note I paint Amennakhte as on the side of the government rather than the workers when the opposite was likely the case. The strike wasn’t recorded in the official government records as Egypt tended to cover up their losses.
That said, we do have some records like those of Amennakhte showing that, once the workers realized they had the power to organize, they used it all the way through the New Kingdom.
The last entry on the scroll doesn’t directly involve the strike, but is related. On the first month of summer, Day 16, one of the workmen provided evidence that government officials were stealing from the tombs.
One of them, Weserhat, was one of the ministers who shorted the workers payment previously. The other, Pentaweret, may be the son of Ramses III at the center of the “Harem Conspiracy”, an assassination plot that took place between 1 to 3 years later.
In summary, the workers were unpaid due to corruption and management enriching themselves, they went on strike, management threw them a pizza party, that didn’t work, and they eventually got their demands.
Though I guess if you want to be completely accurate, it was more “donuts/cupcakes in the breakroom”…
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sillyunknownkitkat · 6 months
Undertale, Underswap, and underfell brothers react to a reader (platonic or not) that is hyper sexual
Mind that you're responsible for your own consumption, vague nsfw under the cut and sentive topics
No dni banner because there's nothing really explicit but it's implied
Undertale :
He noticed slight changes in your attitude before your crisis started. You were getting more and more bold, which is quite unusual for you.
Sans was worried for the few day you disappeared but understood that you may not want him to know about your problems. It didn't make him any less curious though.
It was a week after your first "symptoms" that he really got worried. So he went to your hiding place to confront you about it.
"Knock knock" Sans said, standing right in front of the bedroom's door.
"Sans?" You asked surprised and a bit panicked.
"S'not how the joke goes, kid. Knock knock." His tone wasn't particularly harsh, but he made it clear that he wasn't leaving. He used a tone that you had learned to interpret since knowing him.
"Who's there?" You said recluantly, you didn't want anyone to know about your bad habits
"Will." You thought for a bit, trying to guess the end of the joke but couldn't figure it out with your head still full of what's currently going on
"Will who?" Sans smiles a bit. Even in bad times, he still likes his jokes. It helps him relax a little.
"Will you open the door so we can talk face to face?"
So after putting on a sweatshirt and pyjama's pants, you get up and open the door.
"Hey.." You look down at his slippers.
"Hey, how 'bout we sit down and talk a bit, mh? M'not upset with you, just worried."
After you both settle down on the bed, you bring your knees to your chest and wait for him to start talking.
"Soooo, what's up, kiddo?"
Yeah... This is awkward for the both of you
So after you explained the things you were doing and how you felt while he patiently listened, he just asked you one thing.
"Is it because of a traumatic event you've been through?"
Now I let you decide what happened or not because everyone is different, but let's just say that if a person did something to make you feel that way, they're going to have a not so friendly chat with Sans.
Now, this cutie definitely didn't wait to ask you what was going on. I imagine him being autistic
So, while our pretty boy is definitely not stupid, I like to think he still struggles a bit with social clues. This means that he did ask you as soon as he noticed, but it might have taken quite a while.
Now, we all now Sans almost canonically struggles with depression so Paps can definitely help you a bit.
So, since no one can resist that cool face, you explained what was going on and let me tell you... That man was upset! Not at you but at the fact that you felt that way and he couldn't do anything about it. Not that it was his fault, but yk (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Now he spent days telling you how amazing you were, how he loved you (platonically or not *wink wink*), and trying to get you attention on something else than your problem so you'd feel better.
Because you do. Not "maybe", you do 😭🔫😾
The cat is me, obviously 🙄
Underswap :
Blue (sans)
Might get hate on this one, but I think he struggles with hypersexuality too. I don't remember who's Au's it is, but there is one where he's popular on Instagram and where he's close friend with Viper (sf sans from that au which I use). So he knew what was going on before you told him.
Bb explained that he was like that, too, so you guys took care of each other :3
Like getting in comfy clothes, cooking a bit, cuddling, watching a movie, ... whatever you want!
And like spa treatments to echother too!
I'll probably write a part two for him in the future because, like this scenario + him, it's just ✨️perfect✨️
Stretch (us papyrus)
Even tho he's younger than blue, he still took care of his brother and therefore knew what was going on too. So when he sees you, he just picks you up with his magic, drags you to the couch, and pretty much instantly falls asleep on you. Well, he's not really sleeping, but you don't know that.
After a while, you start to cry silently because you feel kind of disgusting. Stretch cling to you a tiny bit harder and starts to purr "in his sleep" to try and console you.
Yes, skeletons purr, don't ask me why or how.
Anyway, after a while of being soothed, you fall asleep, and Stretch is smiling like an idiot because he managed to help you even the tiniest bit.
After both of you wake up, he goes to ask Blue what he can do to help you and apply with the wtv he tells him.
Blue might even join to talk to you a bit :)
Underfell :
Red (uf sans)
He knew what was going on but didn't want to bother you with it. The man already knows how hard it is when you're going through tough times.
So he kinda let you be but sometimes he comes buy and offer you to do some things.
It's not in a really nice way but not rude either, just a bit rough, I guess
He was like, "How 'bout you do something instead of just lying there, huh?"
He is not an asshole. He just grew up in a difficult world and therefore kinda has a stick stuck up in his non-existent ass.
If you don't move, he'll literally drag you out of bed and sit you on the couch with a movie already picked paused on the TV.
If you talk about it, he'll listen and suggest things that might help you, but if you don't, he'll do whatever he can while being "subtle."
Edge (uf papyrus)
He catched you crying when he opened the door of your bedroom to ask you to come downstairs since dinner was ready. Now Edge is by no means a cruel person, but he had to do things to survive in the underground. I like to think that when they all got out, he and Red cut links with most of the other monsters.
So now he got quite a lot softer, but it's still Edge, so don't expect too much.
He sat down next to you and brung a hand to your back (a bit awkwardly, but the man is learning people)
"I'M HERE IF YOU NEED TO TALK." he told you in the softest voice he could manage to get out (it wasn't soft, but since you know him and how he talked you understood that he was trying)
Same as his brother, if you talk, he'll listen, but he might be a bit more insistant with his advice. Again, not in a rude way, just in his way of saying thing.
If you don't, he'll probably get a little offended that you don't trust him even after he tried his best to be soft but still understands why you may not want to talk about your problems.
Not verified afterwards, sorry ;^;
So this is it :) it's a bit shitty ngl but I tried my best.
Kinda self indulge, honestly, but I'm better now so dw
If you have a similar problem or even another one, my dm's are opened, don't stay alone in your misery.
I might not answer right away (I live in Western Europe), but I will as soon as I can
Have a good day/night, and be safe, everyone. <3
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Hi! It's me again :) btw can I be your -💀anon?
You don't have to put a tag or anything but it's just so when I send asks you know it's me (^-^)/
Btw loved the headcanons you made
Could you please do some but this time it's a bit silly like I have this plot in mind :
Skele walks on s/o cutting their hair but with kitchen scissors and then like making it better with a derma shaver (I saw a video on tiktok of someone doing that and it just was funny to me lol)
What would the skele do and think? It'd be funny if some if them are a bit confused since they don't have hair
Again no worries if you don't take the ask ! Have a good day/night and be safe :)
of course you can be 💀 <3
(imma just do the skelebros from the last req bc i love them)
(also the amount of times ive wanted to do the exact same thing)
UnderTale, UnderFell, and UnderSwap skelebros walk in on their s/o cutting their hair
-"whatcha doin', y/n?"
-you look at him through the mirror while you continue cutting your hair.
-"oh, nothing! just wanted a little bit of a change. by the way, could you make sure im getting it even in the back?"
-he does.
-other than that, he just... watches.
-not creepily, or whatever.
-he's kind of quiet the whole time.
-when you finish, you do a little twirl to show your haircut
-"good job, kiddo"
-goes to take a nap
-as long as you're happy, he's okay.
-"human! what is it you are-" his jaw dropped.
-literally. it fell on the floor.
-that was his biggest concern. was having to wash the scissors. he uses those to cook! he needs them clean!!
-he gives you the silent treatment after
-for about 20 minutes. what can he say? he missed you!
-he was just walking by the bathroom and looked caught a glance of you, scissors in hand, hair in clumps on the floor.
-he thinks it's a fighting thing. to keep monsters from being able to pull it.
-kind of surprised when you said that no, you just thought it'd be fun.
-he's weirded out, kind of. he thought you liked your hair?
-but oh well. as long as he doesn't have to be the one cleaning up the bathroom.
-he definitely has the strongest reaction of all of the skelebros.
-he LOVES your hair.
-when you said you just felt like cutting it, he STORMED out of the house.
-he went through extreme grief.
-he didn't tall to you much for the next week or so.
-least supportive, most dramatic. that's for sure.
-he is SO excited.
-he thinks you'll look great!
-asks if he can help you
-wonders if you'll dye it, too? blue! it'a his favorite color, to go with his favorite human.
-the exact opposite of SOMEONE *cough cough* Edge
-he is the MOST supportive
-"hey, y/n, have you seen- oh!"
-it's certainly a surprise, but a welcome one, indeed.
-hangs around in there, just watching what you're doing.
-how are you so good? have you done this before?
-he thinks you look pretty damn good, though
sorry some of these are short ;-;
also idk if you meant just trimming? like i started writing these thinking 'oh! anon meant like long hair and going short! great!' because that's where it is from my (long haired) perspective. if that isn't what you meant i'd be happy to rewrite them x
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maybe s/o seems quiet, calm and even shy at times, but it turns out that they used to work as a stripper and they were super famous and made a lot of money. s/o stopped because they were afraid that because of their non-standard work, the skellies would want to leave s/o. For Ut, Us and Uf.
love your blog☺️
Woah That's A Cool Job, Bro
(Why thank ya, friend. I really appreciate that 💖)
Sans: "huh," he starts out, and doesn't really elaborate much on it. You can hear him chuckle as he watches you try to figure out just what he meant by that. And as much as he would like to admire the way your face looks as you think, he knows this is a serious topic. He takes your hand, touch as gentle as the wind itself before pulling you just a little closer to him.
What? Can't a guy have a nice cuddle whilst talking about his relationship?
It's easy for him to disarm you, to have you relax because he really doesn't want you to feel like you're walking on eggshells around him. He looks calm as ever as you explain but you know better, from the way his touches linger on you and how his eyelights never stray from you. When it's his turn to speak, Sans isn't really much for words, but he makes it known that he's always rooting for you. Once he's in love, he's all in, and he will always show that, one way or another.
Papyrus: Not offended in the least bit. If anything, he would have a deep fascination with your job and how you work. He's into it, the flair, the dramatics, the legs! He thinks it's Very Cool™. Papyrus isn't one to really judge people by their personality, especially when he's had experience of people doing the same to him. Sure, he'd be surprised but it's more so good surprise because... He wants to know more about you, after all.
He'd also be surprised when you express your fear to him, understanding that the way humans and monsters view certain things differently is very much at play here. Papyrus also doesn't care how long you've been together, if it's something you wanna do, he's ready to support you and you will never experience any judgement from him. (Your workouts are gonna be super fun btw, he had Plans™)
Blue: After you tell him, he kinda just... Goes quiet for a bit. It worries you, rightfully so as you find it hard to properly discern his expression. But he moves a step closer to you and holds your hands, first assuring you that you never have to be afraid to tell him anything. Blue would want to make it known as soon as possible that he will be by you no matter what, your safe space, your pillow to fall on.
But he also assures you that he trusts you, anything you want to do is for you to choose but he will support it so long as you're safe and happy. That's all that really matters to him in the end since, well, it's one of the reasons he fell for you anyway, the fact that it's you. (Also would probably point out the pretty outfits you have and if you'd model for him-)
Stretch: Definitely do not tell him while he's eating or drinking because he will choke. He would then panic and say he didn't choke because he was angry or anything like that, he was just... Very surprised. And he is! He just gets extremely flustered at the idea of you doing literally anything (boy is whipped I tell ya). It takes him a while to completely articulate his thoughts because he wants to tell you that's so cool but also wants to tell it's okay and that you're so awesome and-
There's a lot going through his mind, and you're sat there in dumbfounded silence as you watch the orange hue begin to cover his entire skull. But! He does eventually gather his thoughts and tells you that.. Hey, he thinks you're an amazing person and he's loved you far too long for anything like that to get in the way. He trusts you, and he hopes you trust him as much.
Red: "that's hot-" and he stops upon seeing your face and chuckles. He holds his hands up in defense before moving a little closer once you're a little more relaxed. He starts small, holding your hand before explaining what the culture is like from where he is. He's not the best with words, but Red does succeed in getting his message across, that being:
It is your life, you have the right to decide what you wanna do and what you don't wanna do. But whatever it is you choose to do, he's got your back, no matter how "out there" it is or whatever. You want it? You got it and Red will absolutely make sure that you can depend on him for supporting you. (still will tell you it's hot af tho)
Edge: You think he's judging you but really that's just his resting face. He's a little surprised by the fact that you're so... Unsure of telling him. He voices this concern, because to him, these kinds of things were rather normal in the underground. Whatever it was, as long as it was a means to survive. He takes this a little too seriously, not that it is a bad thing, but it can be rather daunting when he's staring you down as you're both seated on your couch.
And the whole thing kinda... Makes you laugh a little.
Perhaps from how nervous you are, from how overly invested Edge is, but.. it's.. Touching. He's rightfully confused, and huffs when he finds out why, feeling a little shy.(but you would never catch him admitting that lmao). The dramatics only last for a while before you gather your thoughts and explain and Edge is.. Very gentle about it. It's one of those moments that make you understand just why you fell for him, how he makes sure that you understand that he would never, ever judge you for that. He respects you, and he will respect the choices you make as long as you're okay.
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thewonderingbard · 7 months
How are the skeletons with a cuddly S/O? Like, S/O shows love though touching like kisses, hugs, cuddles ect. How are they with him?
Undertale Sans - Vanilla
He too is cuddly! He loves it when his S/O cuddles into his sternum, his skull blushes a light blue! When it comes to kisses he prefers them to be done in private but who is he to deny smooches. What he loves most is when he and his S/O are at Grillbys and his S/O just naturally leans into him and when he finds out it is how you show love? He loves it even more!
Undertale Papyrus - Paps
This man is a very hyper boy! But when his S/O cuddles/hugs him he can't help but relax into their arms. This helps when he has had a particularly overwhelming day, his S/O's kisses, cuddles and hugs will always make him feel better. Also, be prepared for surprise hugs! He is the self-proclaimed 'MASTER SURPIZE HUGGER'.
Underswap Sans - Blue
He doesn't mind his S/O being cuddly but he can't stay still for the life of him. He has to be doing something. When he inevitably crashes from exhaustion he still struggles to sleep, his S/O wrapping their arms around him and pulling him to their chest, kissing the crown off his head instantly knocks him out. Unfortunately, this is really the only time he cuddles his S/O, he does however give Hugs and kisses as a reward. You found him in "hide and Seek"?Hugs and kisses for you!
Underswap Papyrus - Honey
This is a match made in heaven as he is the same! Because of this, Honey and S/O are always seen touching each other in some way. There are designated movie nights where you and he just cuddle and watch a movie or two. Kissing S/O on the forehead is now his way of greeting them. There have also been nights where his anxiety gets really bad, a slow song is put on and Honey and S/O are hugging while swaying gently, his head in S/Os hair and S/O on his Sternum. That is his way of calming down.
Underfell Sans - Red
It takes him a bit of getting used to but after about a month he is completely fine with S/Os kisses, cuddles and hugs. It doesn't stop him from being as red as a tomato for up to a minute. He has also gotten used to casually wrapping his arm around your waist when walking or sitting down somewhere. He is also completely fine spending the day on the sofa with his S/O lying on him, Cuddling and kissing him.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge
He is.....fine.No you did not see his S/O wrap their arms around his waist.No you did not see his S/O beckon him to be face to skull to give him a kiss. And you definitely did not see him and S/O swaying in each other's arms. He may not like to admit it be he is willing to do anything if it means he gets to be in your arms and subject to kisses, He actually is not a fan of PDA, only when it is extremely busy he will hold your hand."ITS JUST SO YOU DON'T GET LOST' Edge says but in actuality, your touch stops him from lashing out at every person that bumps into him.
Horrortale Sans - Seaweed
This relationship was meant to be. Now he knows you show love through kisses, cuddles and hugs, he wants all of those things. All the time.24/7.365.At a million per cent. His S/Os cuddle, hugs and kisses ground him, they stop him from spiralling, they stop him from getting overwhelmed and most of all they stop the pain his skull hole causes him. Physically and mentally. He will constantly be touching S/O.Whether it's his hand on your back or him literally walking around with his head in S/O's shoulder. In fact, I dare say if you were not cuddly then the relationship would not work out.
Horrortale Papyrus - Papaya
Because of how his spine is now, he can not bend down properly. So often if he wants to give S/O a hug he will bring their head inward to the bottom of his ribcage near his pelves, while caressing S/Os head. He does get all gooey and blushy when his S/O kisses his hands. In the morning he is happy to be awoken by a storm of kisses and even peppers S/Os face as well. In public, he prefers your hands to be on him or his mobility aid as it gives him that extra support he needs.
Overall, all the skeles enjoy having a cuddly S/O.
You can tell I rambled on a lot. :)
Thank you for requesting!
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S/O and main 10 Skeletons play monopoly
Undertale Sans - It's all fun and all until as you go to take money in the bank, you realize the bank is empty. Confused, you look at Sans and somehow he has all the money. When the hell did he get that rich? You call him out, screaming he's a cheater, but the worst part is that he didn't even cheat. He's just a lucky bastard and he's slowly stealing all the houses on the board. You stand no chance.
Undertale Papyrus - He tries to guilt you every time he has to mortgage one of his houses, which works very fine. Until he stabs you in the back by buying back all your houses with all the money he won after you had mercy on him. He's really good at bluffing, you should know better.
Underswap Sans - He's sulking like a child after an hour because he went bankrupt as you and Honey allied to take him down. Now he's mad and he won't even look at you. Blue is a sore loser and he thinks it's unfair you both decided to go against him.
Underswap Papyrus - He's having fun but he's a tough negotiator, to the point where you're pretty sure you got scammed. Too late to realize it though. By the time you think about it, he buys the last of your house and smiles at you as you go bankrupt right in front of his eye sockets. Don't let his little flirting game go to your head or you might regret it.
Underfell Sans - He's ruining everyone's fun by buying a house in every color on the board, just so no one can have the full set. You lost Edge already, who got so mad he made the entire table fly, and now he's testing how far you can last without having a mental breakdown, smiling like a shark. He doesn't care about winning the game. He only wants to ruin YOUR game.
Underfell Papyrus - Unfortunately, Edge is not the most patient person on Earth. The game pisses him off really quickly and what small patience he had left completely leaves his body when Red targets him for a good hour. Eventually, he jumps at his brother's throat and starts to scream random laws he learned as a lawyer to prove to his S/O that what Red is doing is illegal and that he needs to pay for his crimes. When his S/O said he's going to far, he screams that Red managed to win you, kicks the table at full force and leave, mad. Maybe let him cool down for a bit.
Horrortale Sans - This game has too many rules and he's completely confused as the game goes on. Poor Oak gets manipulated by his own brother who has no scruples using his confusion to make him go bankrupt in ten minutes. He stays the rest of the game sitting with a sad face :( Until you decide to team with him to destroy his brother, which he accepts happily!
Horrortale Papyrus - He's targeting the weak points. Poor Oak and Toriel stand no chance as he's using their confusion to make his moves. You're a tougher challenger though, but that's fine. He's good at bluffing and manipulating you with weird stares to force you to give up on some purchases. He realizes too late you understood his game and manipulated him the same way, making him panic in the last minutes of the game and go bankrupt. Urgh. Your dinner tonight is going to be saltier than usual.
Swapfell Sans - You have a hard time reading any of his expressions. He's an extremely good player and you underestimate him. The man used to bet random things Underground playing this game, you stand no chance against his skills and perfect strategies. The game ends not half an hour later after Nox destroyed not only you but all the players around the table. Of course, he will never tell you he used his good old rigged cards to win.
Swapfell Papyrus - He was tired of losing so when you left to go fetch some biscuits, he put super glue on the board game. He watches with intense satisfaction as you put your hand on the board but can't take it back. As you start to panic, asking him to do something, he simply smiles at you and picks your houses on the board, one by one, looking you in the eyes. Who said you needed money to win? You just have to be clever.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He criticizes your way of playing the game and the bad decisions you took until you get mad and give up. No one told you business is not about money, but about how much bullshit you can make others believe? Well, he clearly deserved to win then. Better luck next time.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Poor Coffee doesn't want you to be sad so he refuses to buy the colors you have. Which leads to you buying most of the board game and him going bankrupt in ten minutes. He's happy you're happy though. Can you cuddle with him now? He lets you win, he deserves a reward.
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jamimix · 6 months
Nothing to Fear
Yandere Sans!Undertale x Reader
This is so random (●v●) I'm not in the fandom anymore. But since @iloveartaaa said pls, I'mma just post it.
Also, this was made some time in 2019(?) so it's not gonna be that well-written. Didn't proof read this either so...
Warnings: Mentions of killing, Stalking
It's already midnight when you stepped out of your workplace, tired and wanting to go home. Luckily, it's only 15 minutes away from your house if you take the right shortcuts. Though, you still felt annoyed at having stay out this late.
Blame goes to your stupid coworker who kept getting you in trouble.
As you walked, you couldn't help but feel as if you're being watched, a bit of paranoia getting to you. You would've ignored it, but your gut says that this probably isn't from your usual stalker.
Ahh yes, your stalker. You knew of him too, quite close to him in fact. But you never really minded, felt safer to have at least someone watching over you to make sure you're safe. And he only ever stalked you when you're outside, so it's fine.
Though, of course, he doesn't know that you know.
Turning a corner, you suddenly hear a scream from where you were. Curious, you turned back to the corner and took a peek.
And then you quickly turned around and walked away from the... disturbing scene.
Ignoring it with the thought of just going home. You felt like you should be shocked, disgusted, or even afraid. But honestly? You're not even shaken from what you saw.
You knew from the moment that you caught each others gaze that he's not as -for the lack of a better word- stable as he seems. And the fact that he's a stalker, well... that doesn't really scream sane, does it?
Sans has always been...something.
You're not sure if he knew that you saw, ('he does' your mind supplies.) but right now, your main course of actions is to really just go home. This has been quite a bothersome day.
Why are you not surprised that he's already at your home? The lights are off, the only way that you knew of him being here is because of his glowing eyelights. You held back an annoyed sigh as you stare back at him through the dark.
"What are you doing here, Sans?" You say, breaking the silence. Though, he chose to remain silent, just watching you. You rolled your eyes at him and looked towards where the light switch should be.
You moved towards it, but before you could, you suddenly found yourself in an almost bone-crushing embrace of the skeleton. Trying to pull away was fruitless, as he only tighten his grip, leaving you gasping a bit for air.
You sighed annoyed and then grimaced as you inhaled the stench of iron.
"....you need bath" you grumbled, face squished on his hoodie making your words come out as a mumble. He heard it anyways, the surprised chuckle says so.
"Of all things..." You hear him say, more to himself, in surprise.
Another silence then enveloped you both. Not uncomfortable, yet not comfortable either. Well, that's what you think the atmosphere felt like. You're legs are kinda getting a bit too tired, so you let yourself go limp, closing your eyes in the process.
Surprised (again), Sans adjusted his hold on you so that you wouldn't fall. A part of him worried, thinking that you suddenly just passed out. But a large part of him is quite giddy to have you in his arms.
Now holding you bridestyle, he couldn't help but grin wider with the already permanent smile on his face. He's not sure why you're not screaming and trying to get away from him, but he's not going to complain about it. This is basically saying that you're accepting him for who he is.
This is a blessing.
He couldn't help the laughter that came out at the thought. From the Underground, he and all of the other monsters, with the help of a human child, got out. The humans on the surface welcomed them with open arms, an 'apology' for the years of imprisonment.
When he and Papyrus moved here at the surface, he met you. The moment he saw you, it was like love at first sight. He was smitten.
It was then that he followed you around. Even became close friends with you just so he could have an excuse to hang out. And then now, even after getting caught killing someone, you seemed fine with it, with him.
He sure is lucky, isn't he?
But his expression darken when his thoughts went to the resets that he had gone through. No matter how many times that Frisk apologized, it can never fix what's been broken.
A sudden tap to his cheek brought him back from his thoughts. Looking down, he sees you staring at him with a questioning gaze.
"You 'kay?" He beamed at your worry, eyelights turning to heart shapes.
"S'nothin'" He says to you, holding you closer to him as he nuzzle his face to yours. You fluster at the action, but didn't do anything to stop him, merely letting him do what he wants.
Safe to say that, he'll N E V E R let you go.
I cringe at my past self. my writing sucks.
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centipedelightning · 1 year
headcanons about what kind of hobbies i think some of the skeles have. this post includes undertale and underfell sans and papyrus. i want to smooch these guys so bad y’all.
| Undertale & Underfell || fluff |
Hobbies: you are here | pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4
words: 1045
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Canonically it’s trombone, and he knows how to sew
He started learning how to sew pretty young (out of necessity) so he’s really good now. He made papyrus’s costume after all! He’s actually a pretty skilled seamstress and super super good at making barely visible, perfectly blended alterations to clothing. He’d be better at mending if he cared to, but he isn’t bad.
The trombone was probably in whatever the underground equivalent of his second year of high school.
Yes he was and still is a band kid sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️
Other than in game canon, I see him doing origami. He found a box set of books (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) at the dump in great condition and decided to take it up.
He used to make a bunch of little characters and animals for babybones Papyrus to play with.
He makes so many paper stars. Like two of those really big mason jar fulls with a third actively being filled.
It became a bit of a coping mechanism to be able to pick up scraps of paper and make little things quickly and mindlessly. Not to mention the chance to make a wish
More than once he may or may not have used torn slips of blueprints and schematics for projects…. Oops
He’s so babygirl girliepop
He loves puzzles but that’s already covered by playing the game and this is not written to rehash the canon
So instead I will tell you about the million and one crafts he does (no I won't)
He so so crafty and creative so technically he does a lot of different things, but I see him loving making decor items. Stuff like rock painting and recycled garden decor. Yk those bottle cap flowers for your garden? Stuff like that.
His front garden is so cute because of all the stuff he put in it.
The rocks he paints are just random local forest and river stones. The paints are all natural and watershed safe. Ecological awareness queen.
He mostly does those dot patterns when and places them all around the garden and pathways. Sometimes he’ll do little faces or bugs to mix it up
He’s such a Zumba girl you have no clue. He loves the fun danciness of it while still being a good workout. He’s very 90s fashion-wise so you know he’s in those brightly colored body suits.
He lovesss putting together and painting model figures. Kinda like dnd minis but I see him being more into put it together yourself robot sets (like Gundams or whatever they’re called)
Y’all he’s so down bad for sexy robots you can’t tell me he wouldn’t love Gundams. Just look at how he acts towards his action figures AND METTATON HIMSELF. He’s so tragic and so real tbh.
He’s my artsy babygirl.
If you’ve read my headcanon post about him you’ll know.
He’s not very good, but he does do landscape paintings every now and then. Those times are more when he randomly decides to take a walk around a local park or something. He’s more interested in studying other artists’ work than doing it himself.
Onto an actual hobby: Whittling!
He discovered the hobby kinda on his own in the underground. Whenever he was forced to show up to his sentry station and couldn’t find a way to run off, he’d pick up sticks and cut them down to nothing with a pocket knife. Over time he started carving little shapes and figures into the sticks. He’d usually just make simple bone attacks or snow poffs. Sometimes if he found a bigger branch, he’d make replicas of some of the other royal guards or random machines.
Topside he makes so many animals. Like so many. His favorite things to make are birds. He has so many different types of whittled birds all over his room. There’s boxes in his closet overflowing with finished and half finished bird carvings. They’re also in the windows and you can see them walking past their house.
If he’s feeling fancy he’ll pull out the woodstain and give them a little depth to make the species more obvious.
He makes other animals too of course, but they’re usually gifts. He makes a bunch of forest animals for Frisk (their favorites are rabbits and deer).
He made an MTT carving Once when Edge was going through it and was increasingly stressed for like a month straight. Red is a bit of a hater so jacking anything MTT was like pulling teeth. You gotta do what you gotta do for the happiness of your siblings I'm afraid.
A lot of people see him working as a mechanic and I agree, but that’s his career and jobs can’t be hobbies so I’m not gonna go into depth.
Ok consider for a second: (silk) flower arranging
For one, I headcanon him working as a professional makeup artist on the surface so its not completely left field,
For two, I’m right and you know it.
He does it as casually as you can imagine Edge being casual. Mostly dining table centerpieces and hallways vases. He does silk flowers for places he doesn’t check as often (like hallways) but since he’s classy he dumps the extra G for the fancy fake flowers.
The real flowers are in foyers and on tables. He even takes the occasional flower arranging class in different disciplines to be able to have the skill to arrange any flower in any style.
Edge is such a granny so I think weaving would be reasonable too.
Originally he started out darning his clothes so they would last a few more months, but since he got topside he does a lot of more artsy woven pieces on those small lap sized looms.
He’s not too picky about the actual design; they’re usually classy and fancy and a bit pretentious like him but he’s not actually all that picky about it. He mostly makes scarves and wall hangs that he sells at the local farmers market and craft fairs.
All his friends do have specially designed and stunningly made scarves that he spent hours laboring away on. He gets to critical levels of happiness when he sees them wearing his hard work.
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sbtorms · 5 months
SUNSETTER - An Undertale roleswap take
A couple months back I started making a concept for an Underswap take. I'm happy with what I've made thus far.
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Long ago, Monsterkind and Humanity lived together in harmony. But a war sparked, and the peace shattered. The monsters, overpowered, made a bunker, and hid underground. The humans, discovering this, created a machine to keep monsterkind from leaving it, hoping their opponents would eventually die out. And the war soon was long forgotten...
... Eventually, in the year of 202X, a story unfolds.
On the surface are the caverns of Night's Aura. Underneath the earth lies the refuge of Monsterkind...
A bit of information before we get onto characters...
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This is a human's SPIRIT, the very essence of one's being. A monster's spirit, containing seven human's spirits, would become godlike.
The first character swap on the AU is...
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A Flowey - Frisk swap!
Finley is a human kid, around 15 years old. They're a bit of a brat. After running away from home, they hide away in a cave. Picking up sticks to make a fire, they unfortunately discovered some loose ground, and fell into the SETTLEMENT.
The Human is... a human? Maybe. They seem a bit... undead, though. A silent type, seemingly not talking at all. Who knows if they can. They hide and watch from the shadows, acting on instinct alone. No one seems to know they exist. What even are they?
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Next is your average Asgore - Toriel swap!
Asgore is the guide to the OL' TOWN from the OUTSKIRTS, and one who used to be the king of Monsterkind. He's a big fuzzy pushover, just like in Undertale. He's beloved by all in the area. It's a wonder why he's so far from the captial... but he's there to give hope to all that lives in Town.
Toriel is the keeper of the BARRICADE, and the queen of Monsterkind. As of now, all know how she tires from the situation she's in. Many fear her wrath, but others know her warmth. With her mighty blade, Queen TORIEL will set all free.
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As with most Underswap takes, you can't have it without the usual Papyrus - Sans swap!
Papyrus is a skeleton who's lost his ambition. Due to certain circumstances, a goal he once had is completely out of reach. Due to this, he's become a bit more... distant. He's not lazy by any means, but he has a hard time getting up in the morning. Besides all of that, he still shares some visions and ideals as his original self. Though, perhaps someone can come by and help him...
Sans is also a skeleton. The Skeleton, even. He's mainly very similar to his original lazybones self. But he's gotten a little more upbeat and extroverted, in an attempt to help his brother get back to his former greatness. There isn't much else to add, actually. At the core, he really is still Sans, puns, pranks, and all. Though, he does have a few jobs, including working as an assistant for a magical girl vigilante. Though, it's mainly just taking phone calls. They'd be met through SNOHFAL CAVERNS and the CITY OF SNOHFALIN
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I decided to do something interesting for my Alphys - Undyne swap, but the usual thing is still like the average one.
Alphys is the aforementioned magical girl style vigilante in the WETLANDS, trying to make a name for herself. The matters of protection throughout the SETTLEMENT had lessened before she started, due to certain circumstances. She's gotten herself a few fans, stopped a few crimes, supported the local soup kitchen... But she still feels like there's more she can do. Toriel's stressed, and she knows this. So, maybe... she can try to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT on her own.
Undyne is the Queen's Royal Engineer, and a rather good one at that. She's made various ways of making the settlement, and the lives of those that reside in it, better. Though, there's nothing that outdoes the previous ones's greatest creation, MEGA, a generator that powers the entire Settlement. She resides in a laboratory in PYROCLAST Due to certain circumstances, she's much more determined to get the next fallen human's SPIRIT. She's enlisted the help of a ghostly friend of hers to help her do so.
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The Blook Cousins have a different swapping arrangement from normal Underswap Napstablook - Dummy Mettaton - Mad Dummy/Mew Mew
Scarecrow is, well... a scarecrow. A ghost monster possessing a scarecrow, actually. Despite their name, and weird face, they're actually rather shy. They probably just need a little cheering up once in a while. They also really like music.
Bittinaugh (pronounced: bitty-naff) is just your average ghost monster. They don't talk much, though. Who really knows what goes on in that little ghost's head. They're also a shy sort, and a bit sensitive, despite their monotonous expression.
Starcrow is also a ghost monster possessing a scarecrow. Though, they have VERY high aspirations for themself. They wish to be a celebrity, a star for the whole SETTLEMENT to enjoy. After learning about a human's fall through their cousin, they decided that a perfect start to showbiz would be to face one head on!
The "Mad Mew Mew" boss would have them possess a big gundam-like figure, with similarities to Mettaton EX.
Amornalek (pronounced: a-more-na-leck) seems to be your average robotic suit of armor, but she's actually a VENGEFUL SPIRIT!!! Or... just an angry ghost monster possessing the suit. She works with Undyne, and is her best friend... and training dummy for battle practice. They two spar a lot, and it's fun for the both of them. Undyne souped-up her with a TON of weapons. Magic, missiles, knives, a LOT of knives, those knives were kinda Amor's idea.
There's an "EX" form, but I haven't designed it. It would be similar to Mad Mew Mew, but not exactly. It'd also go for more of a mix of cute-yet-violent in design than just cute.
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And finally, Asriel - Chara
Both of them are... more or less the same as in canon. Their life and death are more or less the same. It's just that Undyne was allowed by Queen Toriel to use Chara's corpse for a... certain experiment. Being allowed to do so was due to desperation, and the idea of at least seeing one of her children alive again.
But that's another story. ... Which I'm gonna tell right now.
SOW-WOS - The "Willpower" Experiments
There was an attempt by Undyne to make stronger monsters/warriors, beings able to get past and destroy the barricade. All of the monsters that were experimented on were volunteers, rather than just being on death's door like in Undertale. Each and every volunteer was a member of that time's current Royal Guard.
Each volunteer was given a machine put inside their bodies that courses Willpower, a lifeblood extracted from the previously collected human SPIRITs, throughout their body.
Unfortunately, the volunteers start to become a metallic-like fluid, an immense pull making them come together. Their bones and joints reconfigured within the combined masses. The fluid hardens and loses polarity as they turn from magnetic fluid, to almost a hard metal, like titanium.
The amalgamates form, with a distinct taste in the air... similar to that of copper.
These experiments, Undyne couldn't reveal the full results of, so she locked the masses down below the main lab. She simply recorded that they perished in the experimentation. And what makes things worse, is that the body of the deceased human had disappeared. Learning this, Toriel completely disbanded the Royal Guard, not wanting something like this to happen again. She put Undyne on probation, yet did not completely fire her. The whole thing was an accident, completely unexpected, and the subjects were volunteers. It was not Undyne's fault. But to Undyne, it was. With that on her shoulders, she made it her new mission to get the next human's SPIRIT... By any means necessary.
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
Worth the Effort (You Are)
As I’ve said before, I’ve been in a Really Romantic mood lately, and I just wanna…. be with Sans….. ouhghug….. i lov him….. also I just so happen to have written and finished this around valentines day! It’s not a valentine’s fic but. It’s very soft… romantic fluff… hehehee ://>
Ao3 (because it is Longe): https://archiveofourown.org/works/45076489
It was an exciting day.
You tie a white sash around your waist, and tie your hair back. Styling your hair?
The baby blue dress you were wearing was adorable. It was really flattering for your form, and you look like if a flower had spontaneously turned into a human.
A special day.
Sans had asked you on a date. One that he planned out, one that he said was like “what you’d expect from a romance movie. novel. mettaton’s dating ma- no maybe not that one.”
Any date with Sans was a special occasion. Time spent with your wonderful, loving bonefriend was something you cherished. But Sans was putting effort to change things up, to impress you with something new. Not that you needed it, but the fact that he was doing it for you makes your heart flutter.
He said he wouldn’t even teleport for it, that he’d have a special ride for you. You don’t know what he could mean by that… usually you’d assume him to be alluding to teleporting (the first time he’d say that line was when he showed you his teleportation powers. Your jaw had dropped on the floor that first time.), but he already said he wasn’t. You spend your time nervously waiting for him to arrive pondering what kind of ‘ride’ he’s bringing. Of course, Sans never showed interest in vehicles… why would he, if he already has the most efficient method of transfer already, what… ingrained in his very soul? Maybe he borrowed Papyrus’ car? Or… maybe he is planning to surprise you with a car…?
You doubt it. Sans is crafty as much as he is lazy. He strives for convenience.
You don’t doubt however, that Sans was going to be on time. He promised that he’s going to arrive today on time. So you relax on the window-side seat, not looking out of it, as if he was going to come faster if you did, no. You actually relax a bit, not paying attention to the time, and start to snooze a little… woken up by the knocks on your door. You practically bounce off the seat like a spring, opening the door with a smile on your face that somehow gets wider when you see the soft skull of the man you loved so much.
Even better, he was wearing a tux shirt, and long jeans. Sans, mixing up his wardrobe? No.
“Sans!” You waste no time to wrap your arms around him (well, to the best of your ability) in a warm hug.
Look at your handsome man!!!
“are you surprised? i promised,” Sans winks. Sure enough, you fish out your phone and it shows you the lock screen.
“On time, to the dot!” You announce excitedly.
Sans snickers a little. “if you were looking at a clock…”
… “Don’t tell me you knocked right when the second hand made it all click.”
You laugh delightedly at that, wishing you were looking at an analog clock to see that, it would’ve been amazing.
“Well, I say I’m impressed, but… you’ve always been good at being ‘on time’,” You say slyly, as if you were trying to undermine his feat. Sans can see in your smile that you weren’t doing it to be mean. “You’ve been pretty good at keeping your promises to come on time.”
He was on time, sure… but he’d like to cut it close. If this was another date, Sans would come to you just a few seconds before the time he promised he’d take you out somewhere- say, a restaurant, and appear before a very shaken receptionist and tell them about his reservation (that was about to be cancelled).
“you know me. i hate promises, i don’t make them lightly.” Sans makes a solemn expression. “but i always make promises to you. you make it easy for me to keep them.”
… Damn this man, your heart was feeling all sorts of mushy and soft for him before the date’s even gotten off the ground properly.
Sans can’t blame you for having to immediately kiss him (right now!!). In fact, the skeleton seems quite happy to have you furiously kissing him on the teeth.
“You look!! So good!” You say as soon as you’re done attacking him, picking at his shirt. “tux shirt. Simple, but dapper.”
You’re only half-joking.
“ah… you as well,” Sans’ smile turns warmer, seeing your dress.
Of course Sans would appreciate your clothes, but you still feel giddy anyway, giving him a little twirl. “You like it?”
“i love it.” Sans tells you emphatically. “it’s cute… an’ pretty. you trying to match my magic?”
“Absolutely.” You answer confidently, pecking him one more time on the cheekbone, which he rubs affectionately, chuckling.
“Well!” You clap your hands, challenge in your tone. “Where’s this ride you’ve been promising me? It better live up to the hype!”
Sans chuckles at your enthusiasm, then steps back away from the door and makes a grand waving motion at the thing just on the road in front of your home.
“our ride, my lady.” He bows dramatically.
You’re… actually too stunned to speak. The blue ride Sans was showing you was… a tricycle. An honest to god tricycle.
“H… h,” you wheeze gently, “you didn’t,” you breathe as you approach the (relatively) little thing.
“i did.”
When you look it over, you could see that it was modified. It was larger than a little kiddy tricycle, but not as big as a proper bicycle. The seat was so that it could fit two people comfortably (and you mean comfortably. Sans wasn’t… a small man). Other than that it looked like a regular tricycle.
When you turn to look at Sans, he looks so proud.
“What a–” cute “--silly use of your engineering degree. I love it.”
“no core, a bore,” Sans shrugs, as if that little detail in his credentials was some everyday thing that many monsters had. “well… not really. but it’s been a while since i really… used that degree for anything. might as well for my favorite human, huh?”
You don’t doubt that your eyes were sparkling at him when he says that. You spend a minute or so just admiring the tricycle.
“Did you build it from scratch or…?”
“nah. that’d be tire-ing.” Sans sighs, “I’d rather tri something else.”
“like we should get a move on before it gets too late. we better get this show on the road before we spend an entire day lazing around your house.”
“... Who are you and what did you do to Sans?”
As much as you’d like to tease him about it, he’s right. Sans prepared… “Stuff” for you, and you’d like to appreciate it.
So you do.
“Let’s go then, Mr. chauffeur, take me to our destination!” You declare confidently, glance at the tricycle, then less confidently “.... can you tell me how to sit in this?”
You don’t think you’ve ever felt so nervous riding a tricycle before.
You’re sat behind Sans, and though you’re about the same height as him, his broad shoulders made it so it was a bit hard to look over them. Your hands couldn’t circle him properly, so you had your hands scrunching up his shirt. It didn’t take too long before you got used to it though, and your brain didn’t keep thinking that you’d fall out of the generous seat.
You would think that riding a tricycle around the city, it would take a while to get anywhere, but surprisingly, Sans kept up good speed. He even overtakes a couple of cars while he pedaled, and even from behind him you could see the shit-eating grin growing on his face whenever someone in the cars makes a double take at the sight. You’d covered your mouth then, a move that made Sans even more proud.
You wondered how he did it. And how Sans didn’t seem to struggle at all. Leg day, maybe?
The idea of Sans doing any sort of exercise seriously, perhaps even specifically so he could use the tricycle was a hilarious mental image.
By the time you’ve arrived, you barely recognize your surroundings. You’re at a nice big park… somewhere? And after Sans parks the trike,
(“don’t worry, no one’s going to steal a tricycle. that’s a bit trite don’t you think?” “I mean. If you say no one’s going to nab it…”)
(Sans somehow fits the tricycle into the regular bicycle parking rack.)
He brings you up to a scenic hill that looks like it came out straight out of a movie. Overlooking the rest of the park, with a big shady tree on it.
It’s a good thing you came earlier, because today was the perfect weather to be out, and no one had taken the prime space yet. The sun’s getting high on the sky, but you won’t be bothered under the shade.
He leads you there, then takes his hand away. “wait here. be right back in a jiff,” Sans mentions, and he walks behind the tree. He takes more than a jiff, a couple of seconds, and when he reemerges from the other side you stifle a snort.
He looks like a whirlwind, a plaid red and white blanket thrown over his skull, and a picnic basket swinging from one hand…
A picnic!!
Old memories resurface, of always wanting to do a traditional picnic that you saw often while watching shows and movies as a kid. With a blanket and matching picnic basket… tea cup set… lovely company. You never got to and you didn’t think you’d have the motivation, but here you were, with Sans providing it for you.
“A picturesque picnic?” You thought out loud, “That’s so sweet!”
“hey you haven’t even seen what’s inside the basket.” Sans places it down, and spreads the blanket over the grass. “and i mean… paps helped me pick out the stuff, so i think he should get some of the credit.”
“Credit for what?”
“getting good grades on ‘dating’,”
“Am I dating the both of you???”
“no it’s an individual project… but doesn’t hurt to have a brother who reads all about dating.”
The basket Sans brought wasn’t small by all accounts, but Sans fitted more into it than you thought it could. You take them out and spread them over the blanket. You squeed in delight, having some of your favorite light dishes around you, along with the picnic staples: sandwiches, fruits, and of course one (1) teapot.
As you look around though, you have to ask… “Are you sure you like this stuff, Sans?”
Sans pauses, hand stuck in the basket. “huh? of course i do. i wouldn’t bring it if i didn’t. besides,” He materializes a hotdog from the basket, “i came prepared with my usual.”
It was a sight, to have him bring out the ketchup bottle out and sblort, there goes the ketchup on the sausage, against the backdrop of a very proper looking picnic.
Well… almost. Wasn’t like your favorites didn’t include something ‘unhealthy and greasy’...
“had to sneak this in. i’d already promised paps that i was gonna plan out a romantic picnic and he left me to it for the most part… but he wouldn’t have approved of this particular meal choice.”
“No, he wouldn’t.” You agreed, eyeing his hotdog with a little more drool than you’d care to admit. “Do you have… more…?”
“wouldn’t be a thoughtful boyfriend if i didn’t think about that now, would i?” Sans’ sockets gleam as he procures another delicious processed meat product.
You spend your picnic appreciating all the stuff Sans brought (doing your best not to shove it all down your face), pleasantly surprised that Sans made most of it by hand.
“also, papyrus was there. … i promise, i made the main stuff, even if paps tried to stage a coup against me,”
It was very thoughtful, and it made you feel very special that this skeleton with a lazybones reputation kept proving to you day by day that you were someone worth a lot of effort, even if you didn’t need something grand.
Eventually the topic of his tricycle came up again.
“i’ve had that tricycle for a while, actually. ever since we surfaced,”
“No way, really?” you looked back towards the bike parking area, though you couldn’t actually see the vehicle in question. “I was convinced you bought and built that tricycle for this date.”
You’re afraid you might’ve sounded disappointed, because Sans waves his hands frantically. “no no, that was for you. it wasn’t all… professionally approved for actual distance travel, before. i did that for this,” he gestures at the picnic. “no… it used to be a very normal tricycle. and no, not the one for adults. lil kiddy trike.”
You think about the tricycle now, upsized and fit for two people. You try to imagine what it might’ve looked like back then, while Sans stayed the same… on a kiddy tricycle…
Your mouth turns into a squiggly line. “B… but why? I’ve… I’ve never even seen you on something remotely like a bike,”
“i can show you,” Sans fishes his phone out of his pocket, smile going up to his sockets. “you wanna know how big ‘ol me fit on it, right?”
“Yes!” you answer emphatically as Sans scrolls through his gallery. It takes him a while before his sockets widen in an a-ha! expression.
“here it is… sweet surfacing memories,” Sans says, turning the screen to you as he looks up wistfully to the sky.
Your face is flat as you stare at the image on the phone, hands unconsciously coming up to it, taking it away from Sans. You just had to take a closer look.
It was… a glorious picture. The image quality was surprisingly crisp and sharp where it mattered, considering the motion blur you could see at the edges of it. There, was an image of Sans, his shit-eating grin wide on his face as he winks for the camera, and though it was cut off you could see how tiny the tricycle looked like under him, And behind, there was Papyrus, in his sports car, all shiny and new with the hood down and Papyrus was… god, his eyes were popping out of his skull, mouth opened in frozen agony, fists furious at the wheel. You honestly think you could hear the “SAAAAANS!!!” he must undoubtedly be screeching in the image.
Sans laughs along with you when you burst, throwing your head back, one hand to your chest- he was trying to kill you!- half-mindedly handing him back his phone.
Again, “B… but why!?” You ask even more desperately than before.
“screwing with my younger brother, obviously.” He rolls his eyelights in teasing ‘duh’. “pap always wanted to have a sports car like that, you already knew he used to have a racecar bed back in the underground. early after we surfaced, pap got his dream come true in that car and wanted to take a test… victory ride around the city highways. i gave him some time to indulge on it himself but.. i couldn’t resist to ruin it… maybe just a little,”
There was the glint in his sockets, in the way his grin was lifted, the expression that Sans had when he just found a brand new pun or when he was waiting for you to realize what he just tricked you into. Even though you’ve fallen for something many a time when he did it, he always looked adorable when he made that face- happy.
“couldn’t let my brother have his joy ride on his own could i? so i found my own- shortcutted all around the city for bicycle stores… toy stores… for the perfect tricycle. i needed something that was practical but still funny enough, something that’d look small for me, and i found it. as soon as i did i chased him, and once i found him, i overtook him.”
His sockets crinkled as he looks to the side, no doubt looking at the memory in his mind’s eye. “he was so pissed. you know my brother, so cool, he was stamping his leg and flailing his hands while the car kept cruisin’ on as if he was still driving it. i rode off into the sunset before he did, and when i got home he’d stopped at undyne’s house, sitting on the porch, looking like a storm. undyne was trying to comfort him but… i think i even got her, because she broke out into a laugh when she saw my trike.”
He sighs happily. “told her i was here to pick up my bro. paps left in a huff and said I CAN TAKE MYSELF HOME ALONE!!”
You laugh- surprised and not at the same time, and you don’t bother trying to keep it ‘polite’. You weren’t expecting the frighteningly good impression of his brother form Sans, and the story itself was hilarious- something you absolutely expected from Sans.
“You’re an asshole!” You say, pointing an accusatory finger at him. Sans doesn’t take offense.
“sure was. pap tried real hard to stay mad at first, for ruining his moment… but i apologized to him while sitting on my trike. i don’t think he could resist seeing something like that. i broke him when i honked the horn.”
“There was a horn?!” You repeat, disbelieving.
“Where’d it go?
“oh, i took it off, for the… for the occasion.” Sans rubs the back of his neck. “didn’t feel like it’d fit..?”
Hm… probably right.
But, “You should put it back on after!” you encourage, “I wanna ride around in it with you more! And I think the faces people make when you honk at them are going to be funnier after they get over their shock.”
Sans perks up at that, like he wasn’t expecting it. “r… really?” then, hesitantly, “you… you actually like that thing?”
“Of course I do, you made it for us!” You announce cheerfully. “And I really want to ride around the city with you… it was actually pretty relaxing.”
Of course you liked being with Sans anywhere, and his teleportation was great you could go from one place to another in an instant without having to worry if you’d ever be late, but… you also liked taking your time to just be around him, and since Sans rarely ever took rides… it was pretty romantic to be riding behind him while he cycled around.
You add that. “And I like spending time with you,”
His grin was minimal now, something that’d worry you… if his cheeks hadn’t started dusting blue, spreading across his face.
“i…. same,” He eventually smiles again, holding his cheek tenderly. “i love you.”
“I love you too.” You answered so fast it was almost automatic.
Sans sits there in silent for a moment, the sound leaves rustling quietly in the wind, along with the ambient noise of the park. Then, he seems to get an idea.
“you know what else you love though...”
Oh no. That grin wasn’t a good sign.
(It was a Funny sign.)
“you love food so much you’ve been stealing it from your own datemate.” He puts his hand on his sternum and makes a melodramatic face. “i’m hurt.”
When you turn to look, all the leftovers have somehow been piled onto your plate in the blink of an eye. You’re surprised it doesn’t topple.
“Wh, how did that all get here?!”
“i get eating condiments with excitement, i really do, you know me, but… that whipped cream was for sharing, sweet-toots.”
“Huh???” Was your reaction, until you saw the whipped cream beside you. “I was!! Putting it on the cake earlier!!”
“ravenous.” Sans is ignoring your desperate pleas! “you can still see the remnants of the crime…” He’s tapping on the side of his teeth. Sure enough, you had whipped cream there.
“And you have the crime of breaking the laws of physics!” You shoot back, ‘walking’ towards him on your knees, “time to go to jail, bone man!”
“oh no, are you going to whip me- augh!!” Was Sans’ anguished cry (mixed in with a surprised laugh) when you smack him softly on the cheek, trying to jab him anywhere you can. You were (not actually) annoyed and you were trying to make your case clear! Sans answers back with jabs on his own, and though he had thick bones and bigger hands, he was… playing as nice as one Sans would allow. Then, he found his way to his tickle spots.
“Sans, no!”
You end up playfully stuck to each other, trying to shove and tickle and push and pull at each other, to get the upper hand.
“Get your hands-! Not there!”
“if you surrender first, food stealer,”
“For the last time I did not steal your food!!”
“whipped cream sprayer,”
“I didn’t-! Argh!!”
You give Sans a hard shove. And this time he doesn’t get up- you see him attempt, of course, but he starts tilting back over the hill, you can see his expression turn from playful to huh?? And you try to catch him, one hand going over to protect his skull and the other around his waist (sort of), but he’s tilted too far… and his hands had automatically caught you…
Well. You end up rolling down the hill together, a blur of blue and black, picnic left alone on top. You squeaked and Sans was huffing as you both spinned, eventually slowing down to a halt, with you on top of Sans.
You were in a tangle of limbs. Apparently both of you had the same idea- keep the other one safe. Although you can’t imagine your tiny hands could be of much help to Sans, who’s thick arms did wonderful as a defensive pillow around you.
You stare at each other in stunned-silence for a little while. Maybe a bit longer.
You only seemed to snap out of it when you saw a blade of grass on Sans’ cheek and tried to thumb it away- only to realize your hand was stuck under Sans skull. And when you tried to use the other one, it was also stuck under Sans’ back.
Your face scrunched up and so did Sans. And then you both burst out in laughter, ignoring your trapped hands.
“r…. ribcaged!!” Sans was wheezing, the power of his laughter making you shake a little on top of him, while your own laughing certainly made you look like you were vibrating.
“I was trying to keep your skull safe and this is the thanks I get?” You’d jab him in the sternum if you could, but alas, your hands were indeed, ribcaged.
Sans mirrors you, putting one hand on your head, lifting his back a little so you could free your hands (before they start falling asleep). You fold them on top of him, smiling while he’s still giggling, his sockets shut.
“oh my god,” Sans says, like he’s had a revelation, rubbing one phalange under his socket. “are we… are we in a romcom? or… straight up romantic movie?”
He was hehehehing all the way, and you really didn’t want him to stop.
“What if we are?” You shrug. “We’ve got real attractive leaads…”
“heheheh… yeah we do,”
Sans draws his hands back around you while you giggle, and when his hand settles over your head, you struggle a little to stop yourself from smiling when he leans in. You meet his teeth with your lips, and it was a joy to feel that he was having trouble too, feeling his expression on his teeth.
You’re so happy. You’re so happy you get to do silly, adorable couple stuff with someone that you really cared about.
… Somewhere deep in your mind, you think “We’re lucky Alphys and Undyne aren’t around to see this… they’d be taking pictures like paparazzi, and you’re sure they’d squee about it with each other.”
You spent some time canoodling with Sans a bit longer, until you both abruptly remembered your picnic stuff when a dog had come up, sniffing around. Most of it have been eaten of course, so nothing got sacrificed… but you supposed it was time for you retire home. It was afternoon now and families have started getting to the park, which was less peaceful. Nice, but not quiet.
“i mean it would be nice to see the sunset… but i don’t think you’d have much fun overheating under the sun.” Sans said, on the matter while he stacked the utensils back into the basket. (He had insisted he do the stacking. By the way he put emphasis on it, you feel like it’s either a pun, or a story he hadn’t told you about.)
When you came back to the parked tricycle, he looked like he’s still feeling shy about it and had half a mind to just teleport you home, but you remind him how much you want to ride around with him, and he concedes.
“You should take me sunset riding. Next time maybe?” You talked over him, hair waving in the wind. He had gone up a flyover and you were admiring the view, the tall buildings all around you. Maybe he didn’t think you could see it, but you could see the blue spreading on his face again. It took him a while before he answered you with “yes. definitely, next time…”
It felt like the ride home was all too fast, and you had the same feeling in your stomach as you do when you were a kid, waking up right before your car arrives home. It doesn’t keep you down though, as you practically skip your way towards home, with Sans holding onto your arm like a proper gentleman.
You take off your shoes at the door and untie your sash, standing around the entry way. “Aw Sans, that was great! Food’s good, cool ride,” Sans ducks his skull a bit, glancing away, “even better skeleton. It…. it was a special date. Thanks Sans,”
You give him a peck on the cheek, and you love seeing the little gesture has him being faintly blue, though he has a confident smile and his eyelights were glowing brightly.
“it’s… don’t mention it. i told you i gotta romantic bone in me…”
“I knew that!” You giggled, reminding him that “It’s Papyrus that didn’t think you had a romantic bone!”
You shake your head. “But look at you now… you put together a bunch of meals for us, bought matching basket and blanket, got here on time, and you modified an entire tricycle that you only planned to use as a joke.”
Your heart feels full as you say, “You always know how to make me feel special.”
His grin drops again, averting his gaze. This scene… it makes you smile, how even after a year of dating this goober, it still feels as if you two were two kids who’s crushing on each other. He takes your hands in his, and when his eyelights turn to look back at you, you could see they were in the shape of hearts.
“you’re always worth the effort, starlight.”
Ah… that lovely nickname.
He brings your hands to his teeth in a gentleman kiss. You’re squeeing and shaking in place, you don’t want to let go of Sans’ hands right now.
“Oh, I can’t wait to be able to have revenge on you, grr… who would’ve guessed the whoopie cushion would be so good at romance?”
Sans taps his chin, looking around your house as if he were judging it. “hm…. i can think of a few ways you could repay me.” Sans says, after much pondering. “ya know my legs are real tired from all that pedaling… i don’t think i have enough strength to go home right now…”
You smile at him. You’re too happy to try to challenge his reasoning- even to jokingly ask him “but you can teleport?”
As if he was expecting you to turn him away however, Sans has chosen to close the distance and dramatically lay (part) of his weight on you.
“Wh- hey! Get off!! Sans you can stay, but I’m not going to have a lot of fun if you end up crushing me on my front door!”
“.....” Sans doesn’t answer. Instead,
“Oh my god!”
You get into ‘Playful Fight Round Two’, but it doesn’t last as long, and there were no scenic romantic hills to roll over, as you settled into Sans’ arms, walking over to the very comfy sofa that could very well rival his old one back at his house.
“this is the best repayment ever, and you’re the best girlfriend ever,” Sans says. You both settle into a couch cuddle, with Sans as the big spoon, TV turned on as background noise. “happy anniversary, starlight.”
He kisses your cheek. The edges of your lips quirk up. Though they were getting tired from how much you smiled today, you don’t have it in you to care.
“Happy anniversary, Sans.”
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aylish91 · 5 months
More nagamob?
When an opportunity is presented to escape "The Den", you take it...Right?
Ao3 Link in Title
Caged Bird
You were in the grand kitchen making a sandwich when what you considered, “the” door, burst open. You had barely enough time to register the locks clicking before it was slamming it into the wall. Expecting your loud semi-friend Papyrus, you were not prepared for who came through instead.
A shorter skeletal Naga dressed in an impressive white satin suit made his way inside with a huff. A sky-blue tail peppered with tiny yellow speckles swished agitatedly behind him as he slipped through. Though, at the sight of you, he paused.
Something in the way he stared made you uneasy. You could tell he was hiding something behind careful neutrality. The sudden expanding of his eyelights didn’t help as his grin twitched into a smirk. Their blue and yellow glowed a little too brightly.
While you were locked in the stare, a taller Naga sauntered in behind him. Light reflected off the orange iridescent scales, undertones of dark amber shimmering amongst soft honey. Unlike the first, his suit was dark, the jacket draped over a slouched shoulder.
The rising tickle in the back of your mind was going to drive you crazy. It felt wrong… You almost missed the grip placed on the smaller’s shoulder.
“May I be of service gentlemen?”
The blue Naga hummed. Holding up a gloved hand, a large manilla envelope quickly made its way into it. Then, with a flick of his wrist, the dense parcel slid across the counter.
He didn’t wait for you to answer, immediately turning to continue out the kitchen doors into the lounge.
Coils shifted.
“You’re that new courier that’s been going around, aren’t you?”
You wanted to sigh but knew better. Before you had been so graciously dragged here, all your new clients had called you that. Even though you had been delivering for the past two years, everyone had still considered you new. It had been rather annoying at times having to deal with those who had little faith in your abilities. It was also getting harder to hide your expressions since coming here.
“Yes sir, unless someone else has started since I last checked.”
He chuckled, eyelights flicking over you. “What has ya hangin' around the Den? Bossman decide ta pull ya under his scales?”
Your smile twitched. “You could say that.”
“How convenient.” You didn’t like the subtle shift you felt between the two of you as he leaned on the shared counter. You couldn’t quite put your finger on what had changed, but something definitely had. At least the tickling sensation started to settle and dissipate. “How about you help a guy out then? Got a… shipment need’n to be brought in from the car but I also got other business I need to get done. Promise I’ll make it worth your while~”
That familiar pit of anxiety stirred in your stomach followed by excitement. He didn’t know it, but simply being allowed outside was more than you could ask for. It was the chance you needed to finally leave this place. It had been quite a bit harder to escape than anticipated. Windows were too heavy, high, or locked. Most doors were also locked, some guarded from the outside. The only open rooms were yours and those with nothing to offer.
This man’s ignorance could very well be your ticket out. It brought a genuine smile to your face.
“Of course. I’d be happy to help.”
“Good.” Giving a nod, He pushed the envelope into your hands with a wink. “It’s all in the car, pretty bird. Don’t disappoint.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. As casually as you could, you grabbed the envelope and abandoned your half-made sandwich. From the corner of your eye, the honeyed Naga watched long enough for you to make your way through the previously locked door.
You were only mildly surprised it led into a mudroom. A large plush rug, a shelf of towels, and a wide U-shaped brush system peppered with lingering scales were only a few of the things found inside. The most important thing, though, was the exit. It was kind enough to lead outside under the cover of a covered archway.
On your right, the driveway passed under the arch into a modest courtyard. On your left was the main drive toward the estate’s gates. Across the way, the access door of a garage enticed you with its open door.
You took a breath.
You could do this. You just needed to hurry before the other house members realized.
Before Don Sans realized...
You were in the garage before you could process anything else, heart pumping. Several Monster-sized vehicles met you, each one surprisingly more nondescript than the last. You prayed you would have luck with keys.
You didn’t know how you would fare driving such a large vehicle, but you only needed to get out of the gate with it. The first opportunity you had, you planned to ditch the thing in case they were tagged. Two cars down, you found what you were looking for.
The engine was still warm, keys in the ignition. Upon further inspection, you took note of a pile of boxes in the back and the lack of “normal” seats and smiled. Your two new friends had really outdone themselves for you.
Then you saw it.
The car had been modified for the use of Monsters. More importantly, Naga, Monsters. There were no pedals of any kind. In their place were hand controls. Very fancy hand controls.
You were going to have to take the time to figure them out.
Time you might not have.
Waving caution to the wind, you threw the envelope on the modified seat and started the ignition. For a brief second, you did a double take when stacks of hundreds broke free but recovered quickly enough to start fiddling with controls.
A push of a lever had the engine revving. Cursing, you frantically pulled back until it stopped. You had to keep yourself from panicking at the noise. All you could do was keep trying and hope no one came to investigate.
Unfortunately, less than five minutes later, a tsk had ice washing over you.
“I AM CURIOUS… WHAT AN INTERESTING CHOICE, BIRDIE. ARE YOU SURE IT WAS THE RIGHT ONE? I DO BELIEVE YOU HAVE TO PULL THE BREAKS BEFORE YOU SHIFT AND ENGAGE.” The Blue and yellow Naga from before leaned casually into the open window next to you, smile ominously bright.
You couldn’t breathe. You were stuck staring into the glow of his lidded eyelights. Your horror only grew when he reached through to pull a lever next to you. It was slow and purposeful. His smile never slipped and his eyelights never left yours. You didn’t know if his uncanny cheerfulness was better or worse than rage.
It was hard to keep the shake out of your hands. He had you in a corner. It wouldn’t take much for him to grab you. He was already far too close. You also doubted the Don would take too kindly to your attempt at escape should you be dragged back inside. This Naga knew this, and he knew you knew it. However, you needed to know more about the type of person he was.
You swallowed. “What if I refuse?”
For just a moment his eyelights shrank and dilated, claws subtly scraping aluminum and plastic.
You were stuck. Context proved you couldn’t not take the deal. At least if you were able to leave now, you had a semblance of a chance at escape.  You only needed to get a few blocks away for you to be able to disappear through the allies and back streets. If you refused, you were as good as dead.
Swallowing, you made up your mind. Tentatively reaching out your hand, you accepted.
The blue of his scales vanished around the other vehicles before you could breathe properly again, but you didn’t allow yourself to relax. Managing to figure out and drive the vehicle to the metal gates, the honeyed Naga winked again as he distracted the guards, motioning you through to your freedom.
The first familiar alley you came to, you ditched the car. The Den was behind you and there had been more than enough money in the envelope to give you a plethora of ideas for escape.
It was time to do what you did best.
Grand Master Post Mafia Master Post
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battlemaiden13 · 19 days
Since HND part two have been going on for a little while now. I am curious on the HND skeletons relationship wise with reader as it's been a little while since it was last asked about. The latest update to this being at chapter 135. How do they feel about the MC romantically and such up to the most recent chapter 171?
HND Feelings chapter 172 since I just posted that one XD
Sans -His crush is still going strong but he also still has no idea what he should be doing about it. He’s not great when it comes to these sorts of feelings and they always leave him feeling sick with nerves. When you came back into the skeletons' lives he realized just how strong his feelings were and seeing Papyrus also be in love with you was killing him, that was until the two of them talked. He still feels horrible about ruining your date by confessing to his brother but he doesn’t want to push down his feelings for you anymore either. 
Papyrus -So his brother threw a bit of a wrench in the works and being apart from you for so long made him feel odd about just asking you out right away as more than a friend but he still plans to. He still needs to find the perfect moment though and he now wants to make sure he doesn’t hurt his brother's feelings in the process. It’s a very complicated thing but he is working up a plan. 
Red -So he doesn’t think you hate him anymore but he is still convinced that he's not good enough for you. He ended his casual thing with Casey over guilt and he couldn’t bang someone else knowing the love of his life is right there. He’d seriously do anything for you but has convinced himself that you would never like him as anything more than a friend. 
Edge -He actually feels much better about himself and feels ready to ask you out, if only he could find the words and a way to do it without dusting his brother by accident (From breaking Red’s heart accidentally). Seeing you again and you being so excited about him made him feel like all of his hard work payed off. He’s still unsure about whether or not he could actually protect you but he wants to be with you. You just make him feel safe and seen. 
Blue -He’s working on it. Honestly the Interview boosted his ego on this a lot. If people thought you were dating already perhaps that idea could begin to sprout in your head. He already knows you're attracted to him but he doesn’t want just attraction. He wants love. So he’s being patient and building that up first.
Orange -Has it bad. He gets so jealous over every interaction you have with the others it’s driving him insane but he feels like you wouldn’t date him if he asked. He feels as if he has been nothing but bad luck to you and that he always ruins or makes things worse. This of course won’t stop him from getting jealous when you flirt or mention being interested in someone else. Like Kal. He hates Kal for no other reason than he thinks you were going to sleep with him 
Berry -Still in love with you and very much working up the nerve to kiss you and propose a poly relationship where he can share you with his brother. He has been working a lot since you came back into the skeletons' lives so he’s missed seeing you but his feelings for you haven’t changed in the slightest. 
Syrup - If he hadn't of made that deal with his brother he would have asked you out the moment that you admitted that you loved him. He still can’t think straight whenever your around and knows he’s going to go back to making an absolute fool of himself if you spend time together. If it wasn’t for Charm telling him he’s an idiot and that he would scare you away he would be in full stalking mode. 
Axe -Still doesn’t remember your real name but he knows he likes you. He can’t say how much he likes he just knows it’s strong. He can’t remember the last time he felt so strongly about anyone. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. The others have noticed Axe will often ask about you even if he hasn’t seen you in weeks proving just how much you are on his ever slipping mind 
Crooks -He still has a crush on you and still doesn’t have a name for it. If asked he says that he likes you a lot and will gush about you but he believes this is just a strong admiration. He doesn’t understand why he feels bad hearing your hanging out with other people or why when you tell him he’s hot it’s the first time in a long time he actually believes you. Even if he can’t name his feelings as a crush he knows he wants to be around you as much as he can. 
Error -Is still trying his hardest not to fall in love with you. And he doesn’t. You're annoying and an earworm. His only saving grace really is that you were hardly around but now your back and he finds himself wanting to see you and also wanting to stay as far away from you at the same time. When he heard about your trip to the hospital it really got to him and now he keeps checking in on you which is just pissing him off. He’s probably going to be annoyed the next time he sees you purely because of the happy feeling that will spread through his chest when he does. 
Ink -He still is conflicted about you. He doesn’t feel a rush of love or anything for you but he is still very curious. Surely there is more to you than what you are showing him. More than anything he misses the version of you he knew. He was probably one of the only skeletons unaffected by your absence and sudden return into the skeletons' lives. 
Nightmare -Still in love with you and still is trying to not get involved. He doesn’t want you to get hurt, he couldn’t do that again. After checking in on you at the house and seeing your face again it’s all he could think about. He wants to spend more time with you but his scared. What if you aren’t what he thinks? What if you get hurt again? Or what if he loves you more than he did when you were his sacrifice? 
Dream -Still likes you and has no idea what to do about it. As such he's in a sort of waiting period where he won’t do anything, not even seek out your company but whenever you are around he gets all giddy and happiness floods over him. He has never actually acted on his own feelings before in the ways of love so he’s not even sure what his supposed to do. 
Killer -Fuck he missed you. He didn’t realize how much he missed you until he saw your face, until you snapped him out of spiral with a simple touch and how you had grounded him so easily. Killer also knows as much as you ground him you also make him insane. He wants to be near you but couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt. Whatever he chooses though doesn’t stop the fact that he is very much in love with you. 
Daydream -He thought he would be ok. He thought he could just be friends with you but after that kiss the memories of his wife flooded back. He is still madly in love with you but being near you hurts too. He knows he could get you to fall in love with him again but feels greedy for wanting that. He is going to avoid you as much as he can until he can get his thoughts straight. 
Mint -Still hates you purely based on the fact that you are a human although there is something itching at him. You don’t disgust him as much as some other humans in fact he finds himself being comfortably numb in your presents. He’s always numb but you seem to make him falter and he’s not sure how to act near you. 
Mango -He might have a small crush. He hardly knows it's there though he’s just happy to have another human friend. He’s so excited that you seem to want to talk to him more that he’s going to send you a million messages and then get embarrassed that he sent you that many. His crush will only get bigger the more the two of you talk and the nicer you are to him.  
Roulette -He is no longer concerned for your safety, well, he is to a point but he’s no longer concerned about you getting involved in his job. It's obvious you can take care of yourself but he still thinks you should avoid getting dragged into their family business as much as possible. His crush has grown the more he spends time with you and he’d be happy to date you but would actually feel more comfortable if you were dating some others as well. That way there's more people looking out for you and you wouldn’t be lonely when he’s away at work. 
Sniper -He’s completely and utterly embarrassed. He now knows he loves you, he wasn’t sure until he tried to apologize to you at dinner again and you shot him down but even though he knows you can take care of yourself now he still doesn’t want you to have to put yourself on the line and if you were dating he knows you’d have a strange obligation to do so. He’s trying to come to terms with the fact that the two of you won’t ever be together but it’s hard to get over someone you are madly in love with. 
Colt - Next time he sees you he is going to ask you out. The only thing that will stop him is if any of the others get in the way but he’s made up his mind. He was in love with you long before he knew it was you and ever since meeting you that love has only grown stronger ever since meeting the skulls. Seeing you in action just gave him the push he needed. He wants to be with you. 
Musket -You telling him off for saying he needs to be stronger for you really made him fall harder, which he didn’t think was possible. He likes that you told him how you felt about the gang and actually enjoyed being a part of it part time. He wants to ask you out too but is planning his moves very carefully. 
Carbine -Is still convinced himself that this is just a little crush and nothing more. You are literally the only being who can make him put his work down but that doesn’t mean you're special or anything. Of course if you asked him out he’d say yes but you have so many skeletons to choose from he is doubtful that you would even pick him. 
Rifle -Fuck he has it hard for you. He will still go out of his way to listen in to any conversation that might be about you and will full on fanboy about you when he has a moment. He snuck away from work to visit you in the city and even almost got a kiss. Now the two of you are planning a beach trip. Even if it won’t happen for a while he’s excited to spend time with you. He won’t ask you out though, convinced you’ll say no and just see him as a friend. 
Lust -He’s interested to say the least. He thinks you're very attractive and would like to do many things to you but there are moments when his attraction feels like more. He’s not reading too much into it though. Love doesn’t really exist after all and even if it did he would be far to horny for a single partner. He would very much like to kiss you. 
Charm -Is still very attracted to you physically. Personality wise he thinks your lovely and he can see why the others hold you in such a high regard. He would still love to explore that physical attraction but with Syrup being his best friend it feels wrong to ask so he’s content to stay on the sideline and help his friend make better decisions to win you over. 
Wine -So that kiss may have fucked him over. He wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was nor turn him on as much to put you in your place. He wouldn’t call it love or anything though. Just an attraction that he would very much like to see more of. He’s more shocked at how fast you have gained his attention more than anything else. No one has been able to catch his eye as quickly or efficiently. That slap you gave him must have knocked out some brain cells. 
Coffee -He was in love the moment he laid eyes on you. He never really believed in love at first sight until then. Because of this he also had no idea how he was supposed to act around you. What is he supposed to do with his hands? He gets so embarrassed around you he just doesn’t know how to act. He’s never been in love like this before
Black -He’s so very annoyed that he likes you. Mainly because he hates you at the same time. He’s also very much still convinced you hate him. Sure you called him a friend but the two of you argue so much that there’s no way you actually like him as anything more than an annoyance, which is making him even madder about his feelings. After all you never actually said you didn’t hate him, you were clearly putting on some sort of act for the other monsters. 
Mutt -He liked you from the moment on the train. Now he’s just trying not to make a complete ass of himself. Him and Coffee often talk together about you as neither know what the fuck to do. Mutt may come across like he has a lot of experience in dating but he has very little. Either way he fell quickly for the human and now he’s stuck with these feelings. 
Vi -There might be something there but he hasn’t registered it yet. Sure he panicked when he saw you having a panic attack and his soul feels lighter when he sees he’s scheduled to work with you for the day but that’s purely just because your nice and nothing more. Probably. 
Money -He likes teasing you and thinks you're cute with how obvious your crush for him is. He doesn’t have feelings beyond friend for you though and is convinced he won’t develop any more as it’d be too much work with the amount of other skeletons trying to get with you. 
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ktempestbradford · 1 year
Ancient Egypt and Ostrich Feathers
Have a question for the Egyptologists and knowledgeable fans of Ancient Egypt about ostrich feathers.
(btw is there an Egyptologist Tumblr community? I follow @thatlittleegyptologist but don't know of any other accounts. HMU!)
When I was in Egypt last month I went to the Grand Egyptian Museum to take the very limited tour of the atrium they offer now. It... wasn't worth the money. Anywho, our tour guide did his best to make it seem valuable by talking a LOT about each thing he showed us.
Next to the colossal statue of Ramses II that dominates the atrium there's a table showing the emblems of royal iconography. The sun disk, the nemes headdress, cow horns, and a feather. He asks us if we know what that last one is and I or someone says it's the feather of Ma'at. Correct! Do we know what bird it comes from? The ostrich, someone else says. Why did they choose ostrich feathers for Ma'at and also certain crowns?
On this trip I had gone to the Nubian museum and thus had just seen several pieces of art from pre-historical peoples that utilized ostrich eggs, including a famous one that had three pyramids etched into it along with some animals. So I said something like: The ostrich has been an important animal even before the pharaohs. They relied on it for food and made art with the eggs. The tour guide (Mark) said: That's an awfully materialistic view. No, that's not why.
Now... I know I'm not an expert even though I know a lot about ancient Egypt. But "a materialistic view"? Like somehow it's not enough that ostriches provided food and probably were used in other, important ways? Why do you think Hathor is represented as a cow and there are cow horns incorporated in crowns? Because they look cool? wtf?
Mark then goes on to tell this story. Back in the dawn of civilization in Egypt the Egyptian man didn't have much to do during the day. (eyebrow raise) So he started collecting feathers from all the birds that flew above him in the sky. (...um... wait...) He would collect and then count the barbules and do you know what he discovered? Only the ostrich had the same number of them on both sides. That's why this is the feather of balance and justice.
Friends. I have never wanted to scream SHENANIGANS or at least CITE YOUR SOURCES so much in my life. Like... what?
Leaving aside the implication that ostriches were somehow flying above ancient Egyptians or that there was some point where men didn't have a dang thing to do all day but count the little hairs on feathers, I feel like this explanation is complete hooey. I mean, it could be that all or some of an ostrich's feathers have the same amount of barbules on either side of the middle bit. You might even be able to convince me that this isn't true for any other bird that someone from the Nile valley 6,000+ years ago had access to. But I'm going to need a ton of supporting evidence that this is the sole reason why the feather of Ma'at is an ostrich feather and not for the "materialistic" reasons I cited.
Also, I'm sorry, but I'm real sure predynastic Nile valley dwellers were far more concerned about food and shelter than coming up with complex reasons for using a certain kind of feather to represent a metaphysical thing.
However, I could be wrong! So I'm asking: is there evidence for Mark's version of events? Is this, you know, written somewhere in a papyrus or on a temple wall or another place? I would honestly love to read any papers on this subject, whatever the background on it.
As to the Grand Egyptian Museum, I really hope that whoever they hire to give tours when the whole thing opens are better at this than Mark. I wasn't impressed with his tour overall and eventually gave up listening to him once I saw that there was a gelato place open for business inside.
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