#but please know this is mostly stream of consciousness and not a developed train of thought
just-aro · 2 years
y’know, I feel like the aro community is one of the only places I can talk about having queer attraction to men without it constantly being the butt of a joke.
I find it interesting that, while the broad a-spec community jokes about the concept of attraction, the majority of takes I see that poke fun at attraction are systemic rather than individual. I do see the takes on "I don't understand why someone would be attracted to xyz person", usually if the relationship is unhealthy, which I have many thoughts on (notably: please read any resource ever on helping people experiencing abuse), but...
I can say "yeah, I find men attractive in some form. sometimes sexual, sometimes in a way where all I know is that it isn't romantic", and I don't have to brace for a litany of "ew, you like men? rip, f in the chat" and similar sentiments. I've experienced more than a few explicitly queer irl spaces where queer attraction to men must be qualified with a statement about how it's terrible, actually because men are terrible, and it's exhausting. I just want to talk about being queer with other queer people without feeling like i'm walking through a minefield of useless radfem rhetoric that portrays all men as inherently, intrinsically "bad", and my attraction to them as low-key problematic (and honestly, the homophobic history of that... is immense).
I'm not going anywhere too specific with this, but it's just... interesting. i'm not sure if this is something where I've curated my experience with aros online to avoid that nonsense in ways I can't do irl, or if it's an actual phenomena. i just know that i'm far from the only irl queer person I know who experiences attraction to men and feels like we're expected to self-deprecate about it or be told we're ruining others' fun.
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marsalimackimmie · 4 years
Another Outlander Fic Idea
This is set in an AU where Jamie came through the stones to the 20th century soon after Claire returned, and they raised Brianna in the future together.
(I wrote this whole thing out at once and didn’t proof read it so please forgive any typos. It’s a mostly stream of consciousness outline.)
Bree always knew there was something different about her family-- in that they had none. All her friends had grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins… but the Fraser's were an orphaned family. Her Mama and Da had plenty of stories, but always said the people they discussed had died a long time ago. As a kid it made her sad in a detached sort of way, but as she grew older she began having more questions her parents couldn’t answer. 
Growing up, Bree had developed an interest in history with her father. He was always reading books, watching documentaries, and always seemed fascinated by everything he learned-- even the things everyone knew, and the things he supposedly lived through himself. It became something they bonded over, and it led Bree to her secret hobby of genealogy. 
Unbeknownst to her parents, Brianna one day organized a day trip with her friends up to Broch Morda, the place her parents always claimed Jamie was from. She searched their historical archives and church records, but could find no mention of Jenny, Brian, or Ellen Fraser born in the last few centuries. At one point a librarian said she HAD found people by those names, but perhaps it was a more distant ancestor(?) as they were all from the 18th century. 
With this being the only lead Bree had, she dug all in. Every detail that matched up with her parents’ stories (as few details as there were) made her confusion increase. Her first thought was “oh no, my parents are crazy”. Clearly, Jamie had become so lonely as an orphan that he constructed an entire backstory based on the lives of people who shared his last name 200 years ago, who he found through his weird fascination with history. Or was James Fraser even his real name? Oh god, is Fraser even HER real last name?
Freaked out, Bree decides to visit Broch Tuarach’s graveyard to make sure there weren’t just typos or mistakes in the records (it’s not like they’re very valuable or well preserved). The newest graves are full of Murray's, McTavishes, Mackenzies… wow a lot of M’s for a place built by the Fraser clan. She pushes through and finds many faded graves from the early 1800s… quite a few match the names from her supposed family history as well. Brianna is now certain her parents have been lying to her this whole time.
Roger, one of the friends Bree came to Broch Morda with, suggests that maybe they should try some archives in the larger Inverness instead, that maybe this whole Lallybroch business is just a weird coincidence, or a matter of family names repeating themselves. It’s not like Jenny and Ian are uncommon, after all, or James and Katherine for that matter. Brianna is skeptical but agrees. 
Back in Inverness, they dig through the library and find articles about Claire’s disappearance through the stones. Surprised, Brianna does the math and realizes her parents must have met when Claire ran away from this ‘Frank Randall’. The lies piling up, Brianna decides to call Frank and ask for any information he has. Frank is reluctant to speak to her when she ambushes him at his office, and she leaves.
Later she returns late at night hoping to break into his files (she’s really mad and not thinking straight, alright?) and instead finds Frank still there, drinking at his desk. In his drunken state, he tells her everything Claire had claimed about time travel, and stones, and that “bloody Scot bastard” who had taken everything from him. Bree is disturbed to find him so bitter and drunk, and honestly can’t fault her mother for leaving the guy-- he seemed awful. And how seriously could she take his story about magic stones when he’s three sheets to the wind?
Still, Bree can’t help but think. Her vacation is over and she goes back home to Claire and Jamie (they live in Edinburgh maybe, or a remote farming village away from modern hustle idk). Despite dropping many subtle hints, she can’t get her parents to crack. She does start writing down small details they mention about the family though-- for comparison to the historic family, out of curiosity, etc-- and trying to suss out whether her father is delusional or just lying. But he seems as sincere as ever, and never contradicts his stories like someone making it up might. 
Now Bree is starting to feel like the crazy one. Is there even anything here to uncover? So her parents are orphans; so her mom left a drunkard and married a Scot instead. Everything truly suspicious is just circumstantial, paranoid even. Why is she so fixated on it? In the end, Bree finally decides to drop it. 
She still had another visit to Inverness planned however, and Roger suggests they go to the Culloden heritage reenactment festival instead of getting stuck in dusty archives. Bree agrees, and Claire helps her assemble a period costume. Claire seems oddly knowledgeable and nostalgic about it, but Bree brushes it aside. In the end she has a costume that looks great, but isn’t totally accurate. It’s cheaper. It has zippers. She never said she was committed to accuracy ok? Still, making and wearing it seem to make her parents’ lips loosen a bit, and they all bond talking about Scotland and history and family the night before she leaves. As she’s going to sleep, she thinks she hears her parents discuss how they think “Jenny and Ian” are faring at Lallybroch, but that’s probably her imagination-- why would they speak in the present tense? And she knows for a fact Lallybroch is empty. 
Flash forward-- Bree and Roger have a great time at the festival. (To insert my own headcanon agenda, I should mention Roger and Bree are not romantic, just good friends. Roger knows Bree is secretly gay, and sometimes even tries to be her wingman. Bree is out to her parents after they caught her and Sally McGinnis making out when she was 17; that’s why they trust her to stay at Roger’s during trips without too much shovel talk.) When they get back to the manse, they run into Fiona (who had been dancing at the stones at sunrise and gone all day). She awkwardly lets them know she brought a man back with her, who seems like he just needs some help. Confused, they ask why he wasn’t brought to the hospital, and she says he doesn’t need it. Fiona claims this man was at the reenactment (to explain his clothes) but dodges most of their questions. Still, Roger is very hospitable as a Reverend’s son and lets him stay. 
The man, who introduces himself simply as Claudel, seems very friendly if a bit baffled. Still, Roger doesn’t love the idea of Bree staying in the building with a stranger and asks if she’d rather go home. Bree is resistant because she’s not some damsel who has to be protected, but Fiona pipes up and agrees with Roger. Especially since the trains aren’t running right now and the inn is full-- could she call Mr. & Mrs. Fraser to come pick you up, Bree? 
Outnumbered, Brianna angrily agrees. She then sulks in the living room until Claudel comes in and they talk for a while. Brianna complains that everyone treats her like she’s less capable, and the man commiserates, pointing out what she had missed earlier-- his missing hand. She asks what happened, and he vaguely says “the war”. (Fiona had briefed him on what happened to him, where/when he is now, and how he should be as vague as possible when he couldn’t give the truth or a good lie.) Brianna decides she doesn’t mind this guy, even though his presence is inadvertently forcing her to be picked up by her parents like a misbehaving child from a slumber party. 
About an hour or whatever later, there’s a knock at the door. Bree gets up, long suffering, and jokes with Claudel that it must be ‘her time’. They say goodbye amicably and he offers to walk her to the door like a gentleman. 
Bree answers the door to see Claire on the other side, looking equal parts ruffled and concerned, and almost doesn’t notice Claudel freeze behind her. She hears him ask, “Milady?” under his breath, and now her mother is freezing in place too. Do they recognize each other? she wonders.
Bree gets her answer almost instantly, when a smile stretches on her mother’s face and Claire goes to hug the man, saying “oh my god, Fergus. Oh my son.” Cue record scratch noise-- did Mama just call this man her son??? Bree has more questions than ever before.
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ilcuoreardendo-fic · 4 years
Joy and Solace (QuiObi)
If you’re looking for smut, here be smut, faint hints of plot and character development and deeper connections. But mostly just smut. Because it’s QuiObi Kink Week and that’s how I’m rolling with my (probably) one and only entry. 
Enjoy. (And now I go back to my Vaderwan fic that won’t come to a conclusion without a lot of blood, sweat and tears. From me. Not the characters.) This is for Day 1: Forced orgasm/over stimulation | prostate milking
Obi-Wan stood outside the nondescript hotel door, not fidgeting. Jedi Masters didn’t fidget. He could feel Qui-Gon moving around inside and knew Qui-Gon could feel him, even though the new bond between them lay soft and muted, by mutual agreement. (New bonds, out in the field, could be distracting. And a distraction could be a death sentence.) But his former master wouldn’t open the door until Obi-Wan knocked.
He licked his dry lips. Whatever this was between them, it was the culmination of numerous juvenile dreams and masturbatory fantasies that Obi-Wan had never thought would be realized.
This thing between them had started months ago, while Obi-Wan convalesced at the Temple after a particularly hard fall (caused by a blaster shot he hadn’t been quick enough to block) had brought him in from the front lines.
Qui-Gon’s anger had been palpable. It was only Obi-Wan’s elevated leg and a well-practiced pair of Tooka eyes that had Qui-Gon backing down from yet another rant about the Council’s management (or mismanagement) of the entire war effort.  Obi-Wan secretly thought much of his temper came from the fact that Qui-Gon could not join him on the battlefield; his injuries on Naboo had permanently changed his professional track within the Jedi Order.
A well-timed push of calm and comfort along the remnants of their training bond had Qui-Gon calming further. A stiff drink relaxed them both enough that when the kiss came, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure who initiated it. Though there had been no doubt about who had pinned whose wrists to the mattress. His wrists still tingled when Obi-Wan thought about it.
Obi-Wan knocked. A moment later, the door opened and he stepped inside.
“Good evening, Obi-Wan.”
“Hello, Qui-Gon.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. Already he could feel that sense of calm that he’d come to know during his last few rendezvous with Qui-Gon. It made his tongue heavy and stole his words. But he didn’t need them. Not here. Not in this space.
Qui-Gon smiled gently. His hair was pulled back in a tight braid and he wore what must have been a hotel provided bathrobe. “You’re here. So you must have received my package.”
Obi-Wan nodded again. He hadn’t spent much time behind Temple walls in the last few months and the war had often kept them well apart. When they did end up in the same sector, or when Qui-Gon had leave from his ambassadorial duties, Obi-Wan would inevitably come back to his quarters and find a note with a time and a place.
This time, the note had been accompanied by a small box, containing some contraption he’d never seen before but which had come with a helpful manual.
“Are you wearing it?” Qui-Gon asked, arching his brow.
“Yes.” Obi-Wan licked his lips, “Master.”
“Show me.” Qui-Gon guided Obi-Wan into the center of the room where light from the overhead lamps pooled around a rug and a couple of pillows. Obi-Wan handed his cloak to Qui-Gon who tucked it away. Underneath, he wore only his under tunic and trousers and he hooked the waistband and drew them down his hips, just enough to show off the cage.
When he’d pulled the metal contraption out of the box, it had taken him a moment to figure it all out, even with the instructions, but eventually he’d managed to slip his testicles and his cock through the ring before taking that second piece—a shining carapace of woven metal with a strategically placed hole at the tip—and fitting it over his soft cock. It had fit almost as if it were molded for him. He’d attached it to the ring and, with a brief bout of nerves, snapped the tiny padlock that would keep him from removing the ring or the cage into place. He remembered the postscript on the note: I have the key.
Qui-Gon’s soft draw of breath was loud in the hush of the room. He leaned forward to run his finger along Obi-Wan’s tight scrotum. “Beautiful. Now, when was the last time you orgasmed?”
Obi-Wan blinked. “A week before I received your note, Master.”
“Eight days ago, then,” Qui-Gon said, cupping Obi-Wan’s chin, fingers stroking over his beard.
“Why does that matter?”
Qui-Gon smiled guilelessly, gave an eloquent shrug. “You know what I plan to do to you. What if I told you that what you give to me was the only lubricant I’d be using to fuck you tonight?”
A flare of heat shot from the pit of Obi-Wan’s stomach to the tip of his cock and he groaned as the cage did its job, preventing him from becoming erect. The bond between them shivered with Obi-Wan’s arousal.  
“Oh my.” Qui-Gon brushed his mouth along Obi-Wan’s temple. “I think you like that idea.”
“Master, please.”
“You washed up like I asked?”
Flushing at the memory of pulling the enema bulb from package, Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes, Master.”
“Good boy.” Qui-Gon said and kissed him. “Now, take off your clothes and kneel.” He indicated the two pillows, spread just enough apart on the rug that Obi-Wan knew he would be in a position of full display. The thought excited him.
Once he was naked and settled on his heels, his knees spread open on the pillows, caged cock bobbing obscenely between his legs, Qui-Gon knelt just behind him and held something up for Obi-Wan’s inspection. It was a long, slim wand of sleek plasteel with a bulbous, angled head.
“Remember,” Qui-Gon said, “we can stop at any time.” He pressed a warm kiss to Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
“I know. I’m ready.” Even as he spoke, Obi-Wan felt Qui-Gon’s fingers slide along the crease of his ass, dip into the furl of his anus and press one finger gently against him, into him.
“Oh,” Qui-Gon murmured, “already slick and open. Did I ask you to prepare yourself?”
“No, Master,” Obi-Wan murmured, momentarily chastised. It had seemed like the thing to do at the time.
“Next time, leave that privilege for me,” Qui-Gon breathed into his ear, stroking gently inside him, the penetration slow and teasing. Then he very intentionally pressed his finger against a spot—prostate, Obi-Wan’s mind helpfully supplied—that sent a shockwave through Obi-Wan, raising the hair on his body. There had been shadows of this sensation during their previous sex but nothing quite like this.
“Did you like that?”
Had he? It had been strange, but not unpleasant. A thrill of pleasure that toed the line of too strong. “I’m not sure, Master.”
“Hm. Well, you’ll have time to decide,” Qui-Gon said as he withdrew his finger.
Obi-Wan heard him tear open what must have been a sachet of lubricant. Then—
“Oh. I almost forgot,” Qui-Gon said as he leaned around Obi-Wan and plucked a shallow, wide mouthed cup from the floor just in front of them, placing it beneath Obi-Wan’s caged cock.
Obi-Wan licked his lips and Qui-Gon shot him a sly smile before disappearing over his shoulder again.
A moment later, something slick and unyielding prodded at the center of him. Obi-Wan breathed out slowly. As he let himself relax, the wand slid inside him with little resistance. It wasn’t the same feeling as his Master’s fingers or cock but there was something about it, something about kneeling here, caged, at Qui-Gon’s mercy, that made him hyper aware of the slow glide of the wand and, in turn, made arousal pool warm and thick in his belly.
Qui-Gon gave a few teasing strokes deep inside him and then pulled most of the wand out and slid it lightly over his prostate, shooting off that strange, almosttoomuch spark of pleasure from before. And then he did it again and again, settling into a rhythm that soon had Obi-Wan groaning beneath his breath and grasping his thighs to keep his hands away from his cage.
Something like the sensation of orgasm—but weaker, muted—crawled down his spine and through his pelvis, ending at the tip of his soft cock, which tried valiantly to harden.
“Ah. Good boy,” Qui-Gon whispered in his ear. “Lean against me a little. Yes, just like that. Now, look at your cock.” Qui-Gon stroked the wand a little more firmly over his prostate, drawing a strangled cry from him. “Look, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan looked. A steady stream of ejaculate flowed from him into the shallow cup.
“You’re doing so well for me,” Qui-Gon said, never stopping the movements of the wand.  “How does it feel, Obi-Wan?”
“Like…like a wave that never crests,” Obi-Wan stuttered.
Qui-Gon snorted. “If you’re capable of being poetic, I’m not doing my job. Hm.”
At Qui-Gon’s contemplative hum, Obi-Wan felt the phantom touch of the Force around him and suddenly inside him. Pushing into him like a lover’s cock, spreading around the wand and swelling to fill him in much the same way Qui-Gon did, setting his nerve endings alight.
Obi-Wan felt his body flush. The skin along his back and shoulders and at his temples prickled with itchy-heat and he tried to thrust his hips back, only to find himself held immobile by the same Force that penetrated him, his body denied the pinnacle of pleasure it sought.
And that’s what tonight was about. He could do nothing. He wasn’t in control. If Qui-Gon wanted him to have pleasure, he would give it. If Qui-Gon wanted him to come, he would make him. All Obi-Wan needed to do was…just this: give up his control, leave it in Qui-Gon’s hands.
Taking a deep, shuddering breath, he let himself go. Let himself sink into his body, into the nerves deep inside his ass that sang in tune with the nerves in his cock. It felt as if he’d been riding the edge of orgasm for hours. His entire consciousness narrowed down to where Qui-Gon stroked him with the wand and where Qui-Gon’s other hand wrapped around his hip and how the Force held him and flowed into him. He was a creature of flesh and blood and raw sensation to be shaped and molded by his Master’s hands.
At that thought, he let Qui-Gon take more of his weight, butting his head up under his Master’s chin.
Qui-Gon made a noise deep in his chest, somewhere between a sigh and a groan. He felt his Master further open the bond between them, felt Qui-Gon’s pleasure through it: his joy at holding Obi-Wan in his arms, his arousal at being allowed to explore these new sensations and push boundaries, his awe and humility at Obi-Wan’s willingness to trust him.  
“Your surrender is a gift, Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon made one last teasing pass over Obi-Wan’s prostate, pressing in a way that left Obi-Wan gasping, and withdrew the wand. “Now…” he said, and reached around Obi-Wan, plucking the half full cup from between his legs.
Obi-Wan looked over his shoulder, warm and languid, his body aching for orgasm and his mind aching for Qui-Gon to fuck him.
Qui-Gon stripped off his robe with one hand. He wore nothing underneath. His erection, flushed and dewy, stood up against his belly. He poured Obi-Wan’s ejaculate into his palm and ran his cupped hand over his cock, slicking himself with Obi-Wan’s own fluids. The site itself took Obi-Wan’s breath away. And on top of it, through the bond, Obi-Wan could feel Qui-Gon touching himself and his cock gave a twitch inside its cage. Qui-Gon’s own arousal flamed like a banked fire.
Qui-Gon met Obi-Wan’s eyes and gestured for him to face front. “Down,” he said.
Obi-Wan turned his head and, keeping his knees spread, bent forward, as if in supplication, elbows coming to rest on the rug, head hanging between his shoulders and ass lifted in the air.
A moment later, Qui-Gon gripped his hips and drove into him with one long, steady push. The stretch was sweet torment, making every muscle in his body clench in anticipation. Through the bond he could feel Qui-Gon feeling him, hot and tight and just slick enough to allow Qui-Gon to move without fear of hurting Obi-Wan.
It’s like you were made for me.
Obi-Wan caught the errant thought as Qui-Gon set a pace that was just this side of punishing. Again, his whole world narrowed down to a series of focal points. Qui-Gon’s hands in a bruising grip on his hips (and oh, he’d be touching himself to the memory of how he got those bruises for as long as they lasted). Qui-Gon’s thick cock inside him, filling him in a way that nothing and no one else did, dragging against his walls and over his sensitized prostate. It was just this side of painful and he never wanted it to stop.
When Qui-Gon finally came, Obi-Wan, surprisingly, did too. The orgasm seemed to start deep inside his belly; radiated outward, soaring through every muscle. The rest of it came from inside his mind, through the bond: Qui-Gon’s orgasm melding with his own. Even though Obi-Wan’s cock was soft, and even though he felt like he’d already been milked dry, he spent himself inside the cage with a hoarse cry and collapsed forward onto the rug.
Obi-Wan sensed surprise and delight through the bond.  
Qui-Gon draped over him, kissed the back of his head, his temple, his ear. “Looks like I don’t need to offer you a hand.”
“Oh Force,” Obi-Wan whimpered.  “Don’t even think of it.” His body was so strung out he might cry if Qui-Gon so much as imagined touching him.
Chuckling, Qui-Gon managed to turn them, while staying inside him, until they rested on their sides. He curved his body around Obi-Wan’s, long and lean and warm. Obi-Wan settled back against him, body exhausted, mind quiet, sated. The Force hummed around them and through their bond. It was the most content Obi-Wan could remember being since before the war started.
Qui-Gon pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple. “I can’t be out there with you,” he said and Obi-Wan knew he’d caught that last thought. “Can’t fight next to you or watch your back. But I’m glad I can offer you somewhere to seek solace.”
Obi-Wan tucked his head against Qui-Gon’s chin. “I’m glad you’re here to do so.”
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emsartwork · 5 years
Magic Masterpost
ok this is gonna be super long so under the cut
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OK so these are the main four types of magic, magic can mostly be categorized into these four types but there are some exceptions that don’t fit the mold but there are still sciencey things we cant explain so (ball lighting, the 9th planet etc) so whatever. 
Core Magic is like another organ that belongs to individual beinigs that have a certain level of consciousness (humans, merfolk, elves, pixies and sprites, leprechauns, dragons) some beings that don’t have core magic, but do have the same level of consciousness as humans are discriminated against (trogs, vampires, ogres, trolls etc). Animals and plants do not posses core magic or the consciousness level characteristic of core magic users. They do sometimes have magical abilities but this is thought to be a side affect of either wild or natural magic sources.
Natural Magic is magic that is found in plants, minerals, water, and other non-conscious things. Usually is centrally localized and flows outward like a stream. has a large area of influence and natural sources can interact with each other with minimal conflict. good examples are the Tree of Magic(birthplace of the pixies and sprites and is linked to the core magic users in the universe), the Second Sun of Solaria(a source of warmth, solar light, and growth on Solaria), the pillars in the Infinite Ocean, Tir Nan Og and the sources I talked about with the earth fairies. Planets have a lot of natural sources and locations with out natural magic are rare(the wildlands in season 2 are unique to Magix and have a special magic suppressing aura)
Wild Magic is connected to natural magic but has its own unique section because its effects are so extreme. Natural sources can become wild sources in a defense mechanism, and some natural sources have a dependable cycle between wild and natural(ex. zenith’s core). Otherwise Wild sources are centrally localized around the same objects natural sources are, but can transfer to spirits and animals as well. Wild magic has a much smaller area of influence, and most animals will clear out of a place with a lot of wild magic because their instincts are like “danger????”, there are rarely multiple wild magic sources in the same area, and if there are they don’t interact well. Wild magic sources are a necessary part of nature, functioning like volcanic eruptions or geysers and relieving magical pressure on the planet. If a wild source isn’t treated with respect and is messed with (ex kalshara) it becomes severely unstable and instead of a potentially dangerous source in small doses it become a downright hazard with far reaching bolts of magic. This is the only reason Fractix exist lol. 
Ethereal Magic is something you do not want to mess with. It’s basically the most powerful type of magic, and is theorized to be the actual creative force behind the universe. The great dragon and the shadow phoenix used up most of their ethereal magic creating the universe, other ethereal magic holders didn’t participate much lol
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This chart says human but really its the development of any creature with a core magic. Babies have zero magic but needs ambient magic (a mix of all the magics just kind of around) in order to develop further(0-10). Children will start to develop their magic in short, unpredictable bursts, its normal for their signature color to shift a lot in this stage, they can begin to learn magic theory but their magic isn’t firm enough or powerful enough to produce any results when spell casting (10-15). Young adults are fully developed magic wise (generally they are still younger age wise and not as practiced but their Core is the same as any adults) their core and signature color are set and don’t really change(exceptions to that below) this is usually when a person begins to practice their magic.(16-25)   
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Ok so here are the basic differences between female and male magic. female magic stays within the core and body, only reaching outward when directed by the person. Male magic absorbs ambient magic, processing it through the core and letting it flow outward. Female magic users need to learn how to direct their magic outward in order to use it. Male magic users need to learn how to contain their magic in order to use it. its really easy to overwhelm female magic users and fights between two female magic users are either over v quickly, or have a TON of dodging. A fight between two male magic uses is dependant on how much magic the two already have stored (stamina kind of) and how much they can force themselves to absorb from their surroundings(ex, Nabu was naturally more resilient to absorbing and channeling magic than the rest of the group which is why he volunteers to close the black circle, unfortuntely the wizards had packed SO MUCH magic into their circle that when he did manage to close it, his core was overwhelmed and he died :( if say, aisha had volunteered to close it, her core would have been overwhelmed more quickly and she would have died with out closing it. 
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Intersex peeps!!! ok so, just as a disclaimer, I’m not intersex, if you wanna talk to me about anything I say here feel free to send and ask for direct message!! it would be really easy to align Core magic with sex organs, but because one is more “spiritual” an the other is physical its a little different. Intersex people are Intersex from birth, but Intersex Magics only manifest at magic puberty(the child stage in the previous chart) and varies a lot from person to person. An intersex person could have either classically female magic or classically male magic or any of the four examples in the image, but any number of manifestations are possible. So I know Intersex people are subjected to unnecessary “corrections”, but i want to make it clear that Intersex Magic is ONLY changed if it is actually causing harm to the person. The painful and dangerous examples are life threatening in the long term, and usually begin as one of the healthy examples. Being able to produce and absorb, but looping the two into each other is unsafe because the core is literally eating itself(eventually resulting in death). Being to absorb but not expel is dangerous because the magic buildup can cause pain and eventually crack the outer membrane of the core resulting in death.
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Trans peeps!! again as a disclaimer, I’m cis, if ur trans and ya wanna drop me a line about any of this please do! So Trans dudes and trans ladies have to wait for their core magic to grow in naturally before transitioning(some trans peeps are cool with not transitioning their magic obvi)  but they would see a magic medical person, receive “hormones for magic basically” and begin transitioning. The whole process can take about a year but only about 4 months of that leave the person with low magic and physical weakness, and even then it depends on the person.  
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So these are the traditionally masculine magical practices. Unlike witches and fairies they don’t decide their practice until they’ve gone through basic training (the white, grey and black stages) and it most depends on what magic the person likes to absorb and where/how they store collected magic. Male magic users can use fairy transformations, but they have to be much more prepared and keep a lot of stored magic on them. 
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The fairy and witch paths are traditionally feminine, but the labels can be used by any gender obvi(same with the masc magic user labels). The witch path has two stages before deciding their profession, and the outfits are just uniforms or items associated with the profession. The fairy transformations are outfits specific to the transformations and are linked together in a way that makes it necessary to earn certain transformations before others, where as witches can jump professions as much as they want lol. The purple transformations here are the ones the trix used, and while they aren’t fairy(because no wings) they aren’t witch either because the transformation actually generates the outfits, they’re kind of shunned among both communities even though they have tremendous potential and should be explored. Reaching Enchantix can only take 3 years at the shortest, but a lot of fairies prefer to spend 2 year reaching charmix, and then 3 years working up to enchantix(so a total of 5 years is an alfea norm). Witchcraft takes a lot longer to learn and doesn’t have the instant power boost fairycraft has, so each of the first three stages take 2-3 years(6 to 9 years is a cloudtower norm) this time frame also applies to the masculine magics, but usually the last half of it is the specialization(ex, nabu spent three years in white/grey/black and then was in his second year of specialization as a magician when he was introduced into the series.)
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So because magic is being pushed out of the core for female magic users, it shows up physically on the body in a way that doesn’t seem to happen with male magic users. For female magic users who DON’T use fairy transformations this generally shows up in color around the eyes or hands. which is generally where most of the magic flows from. for fairies, wings marks are present on the back and are more individualized pattern wise but more natural color wise than witchmarks.
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Fairy wings are solid/rubbery, and are the physical manifestation of a fairy’s core looping in on its self(think of a car battery). Once initiated, the fairy can stay in transformation for a fairly long time, but does eventually tire out, and the loop dissolves. However if the loop is broken too abruptly or by an outside force there can be negative results for the fairy(namely pain and magic blockage preventing transformation for a couple months to several years depending on how bad the break was). The wing retains its shape for about 24 hours, and then dissolves into ambient magic. If a fairy breaks her wings by a freak accident she can combat some of the magic blockage by eating her own wings(kind of gross sry lol). If however some one else eats the fairy’s wings they gain a magic boost and can unnaturally extend their life/keep their youth full looks(ex. the wizards of the black circle did this)
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one of the manifestations of mer core magic is Morphix (yes aisha has this too) while it is considered a magic property, its technically a physical substance that conducts magic EXTREMELY well. Merfolk are usually not allowed to go to the surface until their morphix has grown in, and people with high levels of merblood in them often have to be in a very humid environment or literally spent most of their time in saltwater until their morphix grown in(ex. aisha had to have salt water baths every couple hours as a kid.)  
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Elves are another notable difference in core magic in that they are all linked to eachother. While this doesn’t transfer individual thoughts or damage or anything, it does allow individual elves to pull magic from elves who aren’t currently using their magic for more powerful spells. Elves can also sense large scale events that happen to the elf community as they happen but rarely are they clear on specifics(ex. when the ancestrals pulled all of domino into oblivion, the elves on other planets could feel the sudden disappearance) as a result Dominian elves are basically a seperate group now. Earth elves still have a loose connection to the elf community at large, and as earth enters into the magix dimension again they should strengthen it as elves marry and have offspring.   
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Pixies, Hobkies, and Sprites! So because i detailed intersex magix, I also wanted a companion species that represented intersex peeps. Pixies are born from the blossoms of the tree of life, Hobkies are from the trunk and somtimes branches, and Sprites from the roots. Hobkies used to just be called Sprixies, but people are pushing to have that changed as its just a combo of sprite and pixie and not unique to the species. Their wing and tail sizes are varied, but they usually have both, sometimes the wings are fleshy insect style wings, and sometimes the tail is made of the same stuff as magic.  
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Each species goes through a similar cycle, when a person is born a corresponding spot appears on the tree of magic, as the person grows their magic levels the spot gets bigger, once a certain level of magic is reached the companion is officially born. This happens for fairies at their first transformation, but depend on routine practice for everybody else. 
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One of the unique things about Natural magic is that people can actually bind their magic to it. Female magic users reach out with their magic and “tie” it to the magic thats stemming from the source. Male magic users form a loop with the source pouring magic in and absorbing magic out. forgot to draw it but Intersex peoples would use about the same techniques, it would just depend on what they leaned more toward/what they were more comfortable with.
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Animals, having no core magic, are able to metabolize and evolve with exposure to wild magic unlike humans who’s core magic either flushes the wild magic out like a toxin or breaks(killing the human in the process). Kalshara is actually quite a revolutionary because she figure out a way to inject the human body/core with wild magic, with out her dying or the wild magic dissolving. but she’s a dick and didn’t respect people so her project never got financed or peer reviewed lol 
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ethereal fairies technically have a core, but because its made of ethereal magic they’re put into their own separate category. They seem to exist outside of time and space, and it’s unknown if its because of their nature or because they can wield ethereal magic. Ethereal fairies usually appear with a humanoid body and spears of light off their backs, which is why human fairies are even called fairies, but ethereal fairies come in a lot of different forms(they’re basically a cross between gods and high high fae). The three gifts can be used every 300 years, and are little bursts of ethereal magic that layers over whatever magic the recipient normally uses. It is unknown if the gifts grow somewhere, or if they are crafted by the ethereal fairies. Really powerful magic users sometimes get chosen to join the golden kingdom (whether they want to or not) usually these are “good” aligned people but some villains are theorized to be there too. The general consensus is that the golden kingdom is like a pet palace for the ethereal fairies who think the people people the put there are interesting little creatures. The ethereal fairies use to interact with people more frequently but have backed off in the last couple 1000. Fairies who have completed the Elementix can ask the ethereal fairies to give them Nymphix, but honestly there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme of reason to whether or not the ethereal fairies grant it or strip the person of their magic completely . Ethereal fairies also grant their power to non-fairies but it doesn’t manifest into a transformation. and usually the term “Ethereal” is put before their title (so like Griffin would be an Ethereal Sorceress.)
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not much to say about these things. A long long time ago a massive dark spell was cast and created both Obsidian and Realite(i got tired of the “ix” so its “ite” now) Two pocket dimensions. Realite was originally the greater threat because it was just spewing magic everywhere so it was locked with the codex. Obsidian was originally thought to have only sucked magic in, but there have been some long term consequences that weren’t expected, one was the mutation of a dominion noble into Lord Darkar, the other was the slow death of planet Omega and the radiation effect on the three ancestral witches who were born there. (realite was locked so fast it didn’t have time to get any long term damage out in the world but its just as powerful)  
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so the dragon and the phoenix are *kind* of still ethereal which is why they’ve persisted as a power source and taken to specific bloodlines, but they aren’t anywhere near the full ethereal ones anymore.  Dragon fire and Phoenix fire are two sides of the same coin, they kind of function as the equal opposite rule but not really. Their equal opposites are the water stars and the earth hearts respectively. The dragon flame bearer usually has light and creation powers, Bloom generally channels the fire aspect of her dragon flame, like hardcore. Daphne, when she held the dragon flame was less heavy on the flame and more on the creation side, she was especially good at summoning items and had a decent healing talent. The shadow flame bearer has been lord Darkar for..... a very long time lets just say that. But the Phoenix deals with shadow and destructive magic. Stealth, spell breaking, and straight up carnage are all possible magic focuses for a phoenix bearer (the shadow phoenix isn’t necessarily bad, just like the dragon flame isn’t necessarily good, they are attributes that change with the people they are tied to). The water stars were collected and stored in the golden kingdom a long time ago and as such don’t have a ton of lore. Bloom CANNOT touch them with out feeling at least mild pain and weakness. The water stars have incredible containment powers, being able to hold things within individual stars, and restrain a full powered dragon flame if used all together in a binding circle. The Earth Hearts are still in nature somewhere, buried deep in the ground. There are some theorized locations but they’re harder to get at than the water stars and as such no one has collected them all yet. Earth hearts are good for dispersing magic and breaking it down to bite sized pieces. Both Earth Hearts and Water Stars are technically destructible, but they will always “grow back” and regenerate in new locations and cannot be eradicated completely.
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BEHOLD the rest of the commentaries. They’re pretty short in comparison to the others, and I wrote them pretty stream of consciousness, so I can’t guarantee how much sense they make, but it’s done, dammit. 
BTW, my overall favorite characters (in no particular order): Arthur, Charlie, Meredith, Alaster, Iggy, Bael, Mara, Junior, Solstice
My thoughts on 33 different characters below the cut:
The New Friends:
Kirk: Like Nick, probably could have been written out and not much would be changed. However, he gets a pass because he was never really meant to be in the main storyline to start with, being born of a short lived prompt based adventure on the MSPA forums, who got phased into the main storyline. However, unlike Nick he has a genuinely interesting motivation (evil goon gone good, determined to avenge his mistreated coworkers). I also love his overall cheery and easygoing personality, he seems like a very nice guy. Interesting backstory- he was apparently in the army reserves, but got hired by a private company, if I’m remembering correctly? That means that he might not have had any family in Ebon Creek- which means there may well be people still out there looking for him and worried about him, orrr they’ve just been told he’s dead, which is a sad thought. Also has an adorable dynamic with Morty- I could easily imagine him with that one gif along the lines of “I’ve only known Morty for 15 minutes, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in the room and then myself.” I also liked how he’s the only human member of the “good guys” to have any actual combat training- in an AU where nobody has demon powers or magic, he could probably wipe the floor with everyone else. Overall, very nice dude, love his abilities (cool weapons and shouting out power names is really fun), REALLY liked his aegis design, love his dynamic with Morty, grade A character.
Arrie- Another really cool lady! I really liked how she slowly went from confused but not incompetent, to really taking responsibility for the situation in Ebon Creek later in the storyline. It’s awesome to hear she’s going to get a more prominent role in the reboot, I ADORE her new design, and I’m quietly guessing her treasure chest motif pockets have bag of holding style portals in them. Would have loved to have seen her reunion with Azgrut, but ehn, we can’t have everything. Also love her clever use of portals- I think it works really well with her intelligent personality. I also really enjoyed her dynamic with Sally while they were teemed up- rough and tumble lady with a prim, proper and intelligent young woman, both happily beating up their opponents. Wonderful.
Victus- I’ve always had a soft spot for dry, logical characters, and Victus is no exception. I think as a fellow military dude, him and Kirk would have gotten along quite well if they had had more time to talk to each other. However, above all else I love his relationship with Bael- from how he initially turned Bael’s parasitism around on him, to how he, (in my opinion at least) ended up in a near-father figure position. It doesn’t matter how edgy Bael acts, Victus is there to pat him on the head in a patronizing fashion. Sure kid. You’re real cool. (While also taking into account his mental state and showing sympathy.) And frankly, if anyone needs that kind of support, it’s Bael.
Trevor- Always liked this guy! A very useful font of exposition, and a genuinely nice guy. I also really appreciate the fact that he’s not used to the chaos of Ebon Creek, and of horrible situations in general. His moments of vulnerability/near breakdowns (and Eric’s for that matter) remind the audience that everything that’s happening… isn’t normal. He’s the closest thing we have to an ‘audience insert’ in the Asylum arc. Loved his gadgetry based fighting style, would have been interesting to see what sort of demon powers he would have developed, but overall not too bummed about it. Really REALLY happy he got to rebuild his friendship with Azgrut, that was one of the things I was most pleased about with the ending.
Eric- Very similar to Trevor in terms of ‘audience insert’ and ‘nice guy’ and ‘hadn’t been completely traumatized by the start of the comic leading to mental breakdowns’, but rode along with the villains instead of the heroes. Poor thing ultimately ends up suffering more than Trevor though, for obvious reasons. It would have been cool to see someone actually learn how to be a zombie though; Sam and Jericho have been like that for years, and we missed Alaster’s adjustment period, but it would have been amusing to watch Eric slowly get used to it.
Also, he committed the biggest instance of ‘Nice job breaking it, hero’ in the whole comic. Way to revive King Law, Eric. Real smooth. Also very, very interesting in that he was one of the few that SIGVALDI found interesting. Eric’s likely up there on the list of cleverest characters, and I hope he’s doing ok after the end of Suppression.
Assorted Goons:
Grenner- I love this man. I draw him looking perpetually exhausted for a reason. He’s a very good man who blames himself for some very bad things, and while he outwardly holds himself together, is grasping at straws to figure out how to make things better. Is a man that’s plagued with guilt and also the actual plague, but has an INCREDIBLE mental fortitude- it’s been explained that perceiving one’s demonic infection as a separate entity is what kills you, but Dr.Grenner did that… and won. I also love his relationship with Iggy- once pretty good, now strained with Grenner trying very hard to put it back together. I’d really like to see them make up someday. (Iggy takes after his dad a lot tbh, loathe as he is to admit it.) ...Id also like to see Grenner show everyone Iggy’s baby pics. You know he’s got em somewhere.
Kolt- Noooooooo. Probably...my least favorite of the villains. Certainly the one I find the creepiest, for reasons I went over in my commentary with Sally, but also the one I found the least interesting in terms of characterization and backstory. Was really pleased to see his “death” and how he got repurposed into a different character, buuuut it’s less encouraging knowing he was going to come back. Please, you creepy bastard….just stay dead…..
Santris- Changing directions, one of my favorite villains. Unlike Nick, his small number of appearances works in his favor, considering he usually shows up during plot important moments, prodding things in one direction or another. This is a man who KNOWS things, and I love it. What is he up to? What’s his motivation? That’s all part of the intrigue. His power set links into this perfectly, which is to say he doesn’t really have one- he’s the only character that fights without magic or plague powers, leaving his real powers- if he has any- a mystery. There’s only one thing I feel fit to speculate on with this guy, and that’s the fact that he’s PROBABLY an elf, going by his eyes. Even that can’t be confirmed though, and makes things even more strange due to the fact that he seems to mostly work with humans, with little to no contact with Thal’nasia.
Azgrut- Another ‘not technically evil, just a victim of tragic circumstances’ character. Being murdered as a child, brought back as a zombie, and forced to build weapons or else be killed again doesn’t leave a guy with a lot of options. However, the weapons he’s building are his life’s work, and probably the only thing that brings him any real happiness or, failing that, satisfaction. It’s probably why he’s so protective of his work, and why he’s so pissy when anyone comes and bothers him. His magitech based fighting style is cool as heck to look at (And to compare/contrast with Trevor’s), and he has an EXCELLENT general aesthetic to him. Tron line zombie, hell yeah. Overall, his situation was even more miserable and ultimately hopeless than Sam’s, and I’m REALLY glad he got a happy ending. Though it’s a shame that because Arthur raised him, that means he’s still ultimately under control of the Wights, which was his whole goal with the phylactery thing. Wait. Azgrut’s still alive at the end. Which m…..FUCK. ARTHUR’S NOT DEAD, THE CAVE IN DIDN’T KILL HIM. I JUST FIGURED THAT OUT. FUCK
Maggie- Okokokok I’m cool, it’s cool. It’s cool. Arthur’s not dead, fine. I’ll just pretend he’s stuck under a rock somewhere, it’s fine. Ok, Maggie. She’s so. Fucking cool. So goddamn cool, I love her so much. I love her ease and sense of confidence, and the implication that she’s the one wearing the pants in her business relationship with Bartleby, even if the people they work with get the initial impression otherwise. She also probably wears the pants in their romantic relationship too. Which like, might not be a thing, not confirmed for canon, but it’s fun to think about. Also has a bitchin outfit, and the coolest ‘element’ out of everyone in the comic, I think. Gravity powers? There is so much room for shenanigans and cool fight scenes out of that. I’m really looking forward to seeing her in the new comic- judging from the number of stripes on her shoulder, she seems to be the boss in the reboot as well. Keep on rockin, girl.
Bartleby- Look. In almost every piece of media with a lot of villains, there’s always one brightly colored, egotistical and flamboyant one. I think for Suppression, Bartleby is that dude. I’m not even kidding- if you look at the big reference sheet of Suppression characters on Degulus’s Deviantart, there’s only 3 patches of bright color and those are Overload Charlie, Azgrut, and Bartleby. However, unlike other villains of that type, where their biggest flaw is their sense of pride, Bartleby’s motive is that Thal’nasia isn’t proud ENOUGH. He believes that elves are genuinely better than humans, but aren’t acting like it, and that needs to be fixed immediately, by way of violent take over of the government. That is a DELIGHTFUL motivation to have. I’m aware that a lot of Suppression’s villains match up with the seven deadly sins (though it’s not too strictly enforced), and envy is a hard one to pull off. However, Bartleby does it and does it well! (Side note: love this dude’s outfit, and double love the fact that he’s the only character who’s teeth you see on a regular basis… where those teeth aren’t sharp. That’s wonderfully unnerving. A+. )
Tyburn- This dude’s more of an honorable mention because he never actually shows up. You only hear about him in passing, so there’s not a LOT for me to say. It’s some hilarious irony that Azgrut doesn’t know what happened after he died (and neither does Iggy for that matter) so he just lists the completely wrong generals and Iggy just essentially nods and goes “Sounds legit.”. I feel like there’s a lot of mysteries around Tyburn though… like I said, we never see him, so who WAS this guy? Why did he defect? (Is he secretly still alive…?) However, the Blood Red Rebellion seems like it was pretty much a feature exclusive to the original comic, so we’re not likely to get anymore info. I’m fine with that tbh- not everything has to be explained to death. Sometimes a dude is just a dude.
Lexi- First of all. Love this girl’s aesthetic. The cropped haircut? The >:3c face? The goggles? The outfit? Yes, yes, and yes. She’s also the only character in the comic that has a very… ‘big sister’ sort of feel to her. Really she’s just an overworked babysitter who got handed a kid that she is in no way equipped to handle, but she’s doing her best to not mess him up too bad regardless. I get the feeling that she’s a dumb kid who was asked “Hey you wanna do some Villainy (™) “ and she was totally down for it before realizing much too late that. Villainy is not as fun as you’d think and ESPECIALLY not when you’re the replaceable mook.
Junior- Hhhh I love this boy. Look, I love art and drawing. I also love robots n stuff in media. I also have Aspergers, and so I have a tendencies towards anxiety, seeming ‘odd’ to other people, being baffled in situations that others would find normal, and obsessing over certain topics. As a result, those who have seen Junior can see why I love this child so so much. It can be kind of embarrassing to admit it, but I see a lot of myself in this character. I’m glad that he has someone that “gets” him and is looking out for his best interests (you rock, Alaster). We don’t really find out what happened to him, Lexi, Alaster and Maggie after the comic, but I like to think that they all got out ok and are just chilling out there somewhere.
Wight Family
Maxwell- Stern, serious, imposing heads of families are relatively common villains, and it’s pretty easy for it to become a boring, flat stereotype; for a character to become nothing more than, essentially, a villainous rock. Max is not this. Max is trying very hard to be this, but doesn’t always measure up, and that is infinitely more interesting than the evil boulder archetype. His character profile straight up says that he’s only trying to be cool and collected. In reality, he’s surrounded by (what he considers) idiots and is trying very hard to keep this show on the road, and his facade of dignity isn’t nearly as impregnable as he thinks. I love the idea of a cold, collected villain going from complex swordplay to an undignified bar brawl the moment he thinks no one’s looking. Just “Fuck it, fine, I’ll do this the easy way. This idiot doesn’t deserve me at my best anyway.” Unfortunately, while his character is very fun to read, the downfall of having a character that doesn’t go into villainous monologues...means that he never explains his evil plans. Which means I’m STILL not really sure… what it was he was trying to DO. Most of my ideas come from Degulus’s explanations in the comments, which is uhhh probably not the best way to communicate that to one’s audience. I’m pretty sure he was planning on altering the course of the leyline to change the laws of nature, and then controlling the world as an immortal zombie but… trusting Arthur to manage that? Yikes. Maybe not the best plan buddy, but you tried your best.
Arthur- Ohhh this bastard. Who is apparently still alive/undead. This bastard… is actually one of my most favorite characters. Like, irrevocably top 5 (I could never pick a #1, but he’s up there). He is an absolutely terrible person. Lazy and cowardly, but in a way that is loathable and malicious instead of sympathetic. Doesn’t seem to think highly of himself, but...doesn’t seem to have a high opinion of anyone else either. Killed his own kids. Killed his brother (s...sort of. It wasn’t very clear.). And today I figured out he didn’t even get comeuppance for it. (Unless, of course, he’s just trapped under a rock in a caved in cave for all eternity with his phylactery sitting on a desk somewhere. That’s kind of hilarious.) However… despite all that, he is an incredibly fun character to hate. His dialogue and reactions were always funny to read, and there’s something about his desire to just lie down and do nothing that appeals to everyone, I think. In a way, he’s similar to an audience insert or ‘straight man’- the one that says “You realize this plan is stupid and never going to work, right.” and is promptly ignored. In summary, terrible person, HORRENDOUS father, but a GREAT character.  
William- Ok technically not a person, but will still be giving commentary. A golem made of souls is an amazingly clever concept, though probably my most favorite part of William is getting to describe him as a “sack of angry ghosts” to my friends. It’s interesting how William appears to be at least partially sentient though- either that collection of souls does have some hivemind sort of consciousness, or that’s some faaaancy spell coding on Sigvaldi’s part. However, due to the fact that he’s a juggernaut superweapon of necromancy, he’s less a character and more a...almost environmental hazard that the characters have to work around. A unique and interesting superweapon that was a blast to read about how they worked around him, but… doesn’t leave me a lot to talk about in terms of character commentary.
Jericho- Ah, the poor narratively-proclaimed D-list villain. Nobody really likes him. Got waylaid by the events of the story, and as a result never did anything of much significance, but it was lampshaded and he later got a huge upgrade. I feel like that matches his personality quite well though. He takes after his dad a lot more than he’d like to admit; he has pride in being undead, and as a member of the Wight family, expects everyone to cower before him… and it’s really funny to watch how frustrated he gets when people don’t immediately do that. I think the combo with Kolt was a good idea; it gave him a much needed power boost and source of intrigue, being a possessed zombie. I was also really interested in seeing where his relationship with Iggy and Azgrut was gonna go! On an unrelated note though...I found out the other day that he’s only 2 years older than Samantha. However, Samantha’s backstory showed that she died as a little girl, and I thought it was implied by the “go get your brother” comment that Jericho died shortly after… but that would make Jericho have the body of a young teen/preteen at most. Sooo I guess that either wasn’t the day Jericho died and Arthur wanted him for something else, or acid zombies can age. Hmmm.
(PS. If Alastair calls Samantha Sam and Meredith Merry, does that mean he calls Jericho Jerry? Because if so, that’s hilarious.)
Samantha- The undying voice of nihilism, in a travel sized package. Sam didn’t get a huge role or a ton of appearances, but she’s one of the few who got what I considered a complete character arc. She had a problem, finally admitted that problem, got assistance with the problem and got her comeuppance. Her story was sad, but god if that didn’t make it all the more satisfying watching Arthur get thrown around like a toy by King Law. You could almost hear the squeaky toy sounds.
Alaster- I have a lot of respect for this guy. In the beginning of the story, he comes off as one of those mysterious, unhinged villains that gives a dramatic speech and then vanishes. However, the course of the story revealed layers of personality and backstory that made me genuinely feel for this guy. He’s proud to be a Wight, but somewhat paradoxically hates his family- this later turns out to be because his dad and uncle are terrible people, even to their own children, and he’s trying to actually create something resembling a “family” instead of...well, a soul-drowning pit of misery. He’s trying to make the Wight family a better place for the members of his generation. He’s trying to be a good brother, a good role model, and is friendly to Sam even though she doesn’t seem to want his kindness. He doesn’t mind though, he gets it. It’s so nice to see the younger members of “villain” half of the cast have someone in their corner willing to throw down for them no matter what. Alaster is an A+ older brother, A+ babysitter, and honestly probably would have made a good dad if he ever got the chance. Well, except for the ‘teaching kids how to murder’ part. But that’s just a traditional part of Wight education, I can give that the slip.
Meredith- My first thought upon seeing Meredith was “Oh my god she’s adorable.” Since then, my opinion has not changed in the slightest. She’s like Sabrina the Teenage Witch but evil. She wants to make a team of US presidents with chainsaw arms. I want to SEE her make a team of US presidents with chainsaw arms. Honestly, she’s a breath of fresh air in the Wight team. She’s good at her job, but young and enthusiastic. After so many dreary, depressed, gothass villains, it’s nice to see one that’s a straight up ray of bubbly sunshine who also wants to rip out your soul and use you as her cute lil familiar. I bet she can ride that scythe like a broomstick. She’s got the wind powers, it could work. The sad part is though is that...while the old Wights might have survived the cave in, and Arthur definitely survived, Meredith was the only one in the room who wasn’t undead or a lich which means she’s probably. Permadead by the end of the comi- AW FUCK THAT MEANS ALASTER’S DEAD TOO. AUUUGH. Oh fffuck I hope Alaster managed to get Junior back home before he just. Dropped dead next to him.
King Law- Unlike Max, this guy is a lot closer to the “villainous rock” stereotype; he even has an elemental affinity to Earth! While I find him a little more boring than Max though, I’m still drawn to him by his bitchin character design, and intriguing sense of ethics; he honestly has some good points on the nature of goodness and the fact that having a sense of right and wrong is worthless if “right” isn’t being defended. He seems to be the concept of “lawful evil” taken to a reasonable endpoint, whereas Sigvaldi would be the “chaotic” end of the scale.
Nora- Ohhh yes that’s the ticket. This is exactly what I wanted. It’s implied that...terrible things happened to the Wight kids’ mothers. (Ok they’re not really kids but you get what I mean.) However, that leaves a very obvious dearth of Wight ladies, leaving me with a hankering for more. Nora hits that spot so well. She’s elegant, refined, but also has a giant, badass fuckin’ sword (ok well she is the sword but still), and will happily kick the crap out of everyone that messes with her family, despite the drama. Is there a ton of depth and backstory? Nah, she was there for like...10 pages and died (thanks, Charlie), but her very existence is a much needed breath of fresh air. Also I need to draw her in a bunch of fancy outfits starting, like. Now.
Sigvaldi- So, I got one of my friends to read the reboot with me entirely on the off chance that Sigvaldi shows up in it based on the few snippets of the old comic that I showed him, so that certainly speaks wonders for Sigvaldi’s character. Granted, it’s mostly because he’s a lich and this friend loves those, but my point stands. Sigvaldi is great. I love characters with a unique worldview and sense of morality, and Sigvaldi is no exception. He is well aware that he creates monsters and commits sins against the laws of nature, and accepts this...what he truly loathes is those who do monstrous things and try to make it look like justice. Now THATS interesting. I also just generally enjoy his omniscient observer role in the story, popping up to give warnings and make predictions. I should also talk about the end of Suppression, while I’m talking about him, specifically those mysterious voices who’s ranks he joined at the end of the story… I’m not sure who they are, but I sure as hell cant wait to find out! I have a few guesses, but 0 evidence, so I’m gonna hold those cards close to my chest for now.
Other Characters
These guys diiiidn’t get a lot of screentime and also I’m feeling really crappy and sick right now so I might not have a lot to say, sorry.
Figaro- An elf with a BEARD. So good. I like how self aware he is about the nature of his job, and how light hearted he stays about it all. Sometimes, your coworkers are incredibly powerful mages that can control the very forces of nature themselves. And sometimes they’re idiots. And sometimes they’re both at the same time and you just kinda gotta roll with it.
Coin- Had pretty much just one conversation so I don’t have a lot to say about this guy. I like his near-naive dedication to heroics and justice though. That can be interesting in done right, especially if it’s from a character who isn’t actually naive and is instead willing to fight for that ideal. I actually find his family more interesting- he has a last name that’s been mentioned a couple times in different contexts. His family certainly gets around, huh?
Mara- Probably my favorite of the elves. I can understand both sides of peoples opinions of her. On one hand, she’s absolutely a child soldier. There’s definite negative effects to this that she straight up doesn’t have the experience or maturity to understand completely, and even though this frustrates her, the people claiming it are absolutely right. However, I can also understand her desire to be taken seriously as a person, the difficulty in repairing the good name of the Red part of the army, and the massive pressure on her as the last remaining heiress of the Kuin family. She’s got a lot of weight on her, and while I want to see her do well… I also wish she had the opportunity to. Well, be a dumb teenager. Very interesting character, but also very specific to the pre-reboot continuity, so I’m not sure what’s going to happen to her now.
Phylo- This is also a reaaaally good one. I love how much care was taken to write his disabilities- he’s competent and well respected, but his missing arm and blindness are taken into account and addressed reasonably. I especially loved how he has to take his arm off during the winter because of the chill that creeps up it- that shows a lot of thought put in, that not a lot of other comics would. A+ writing on that front. Normally I don’t think I’d like his grumpy, but still managing to brag sort of personality, but in this case I think it works because the other characters mentioned that he was the grumpy one; his behavior isn’t treated by the narrative as being a good thing.
Kevin- Admittedly not a huge fan of this guy. I mean he’s ok, I liked the kamen rider leystone power suit, that’s cool. And granted, we might not have gotten the best introduction to him, considering he was exhausted and it was the middle of the night when we met him. But overall, he seemed to me to be a guy where people kept saying that “he was a nice guy, really” despite being whiny and aggressive the whole time. He kept acting really distrustful, but none of his protestations really affected the plot, so I just spent most of the time waiting to move on from this guy. I get the feeling I also would like him more if I watched any episodes of Kamen Rider, as there’s supposed to be a lot of similarities buuuut I haven’t, so. Still, he’s supposed to be getting a lot of focus in the reboot, so hopefully he’ll be able to stand up on his own virtues.
Roni- Noooot a lot to say about this one. I’m interested in seeing what animal-based life magic looks like in practice though. Plant life magic is easy enough, it’s just plants, but is animal husbandry magic like...being able to control/talk to animals? Or is it kind of horrifying fleshcrafting. I also didn’t think she and Cerene were that similar, but I’m still looking forward to the sister relationship they’ll have! (I’ve also always wondered if that promised hang session with her and Cerene was going to lead up to a meeting and confrontation with Lexi… that would have been interesting.)
Torblad and Esra- Wasn’t a huge fan of these two either. I’m not sure if Torblad was just pretending to have gone crazy, or if he was supposed to actually have some sort of illness from his time travel shenanigans, but overall it just felt weird to me. The tone of his ‘prophecies’ was so different from the rest of the comic that I thought he was a one off joke character or a cameo of some other thing (like how Kirk was a character who was originally from a MSPA fanventure, I thought Torblad was a character from the original RP a lot of the elf characters came from that was going to be a tip of the hat one-off, tonally inconsistent cameo and then we’d more on.). Imagine my surprise when he ended up being responsible for the end of the comic! With Cerene’s help, of course. Overall, he just seems...out of place to me. With the rest of the cast being written well enough in terms of physical disabilities, the effects of trauma, and mental illness, Torblad’s sort of… lolrandom sort of craziness feels cut from a different cloth. I don’t even really have anything to say about Esra- she seems to be there pretty much entirely to interpret for Torblad, soooo I got nothing. Sorry, Esra.
Solstice- Aw yeah, there’s the good stuff. Take this with a grain of salt though; I’m not entirely sure if I’m interpreting her backstory correctly, as we only got bits and pieces of it. She was an excellent introduction to how much things were going to change for our “heroes” when they walked into Thal’nasia- instead of snarky comments and scuffles, they got someone that was spooked, shy, and wondering why the hell they were there in the middle of the night. She’s a bit awkward, but seems friendly and genuine; a much needed change of pace and a breath of fresh air. However, the story is quick to give her more depth than that. She used to be a lot sadder, a lot angrier, a lot more aggressive, and it’s taken time and effort to recover from that. She has a useful, unique worldview due to her golden aura color, but is estranged from society due to her differences and her odd personality as a result. And yet… she’s still become a kind person, with a helpful personality, and I have a lot of respect for that. It’s one thing to become a snarling badass in the face of adversity. That’s cool, and I like that too. Hell yeah, punch those who hurt you. But something we don’t get to see a lot is people recovering, getting better, realizing that while that aggression helped them at the time, it can become self destructive. It’s really nice to see a character that shows that stronger isn’t the be all, end all solution to one’s problems. (Though she could probably still kick your ass if she wanted to. Just sayin.)
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doomedandstoned · 7 years
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Rallies Russia!
-Review: Nick DiSalvo | Forward: Billy Goate-
-Photos: Mo Nemo | Film: Anton Rodionov-
"The funny thing I've noticed about Russians is how reserved they can be, but then when the music is playing they are going crazy, moshing or stage diving, and crowd surfing the whole time."
Earlier this month, Doomed & Stoned brought you a two-part feature on Acid King's first ever appearance in the Russian Federation. Now, we are pleased to present the sights and sounds of another cross-continental concert tour, that of the mighty ELDER.
You're looking at another stunner of a photoset from the young Saint Petersburg photographer Mo Nemo, snapped at Elder's MOD Club show on August 3rd, 2017. The night before, Nick DiSalvo (vocals, guitar), Jack Donovan (bass), Matt Couto (drums), and new member Michael Risberg (guitar) played at The Volta in Moscow. The Re-Stoned, a band we've long touted as a prime example of Russian heavy psychedelic rock, opened on that particular evening. Ilya Lipkin (guitar), Vladimir Kislyakov (bass), and Andrey Pristavka (drums) performed a sublime series of songs from their recent LP, 'Reptiles Return' (2016). It was, of course, time for Elder to show off fresh tracks, too, namely selections from the new album that topped the Doom Charts: 'Reflections Of A Floating World' (2017 - Stickman Records).
By all accounts, the setlist included almost all the songs from Reflections..., including "Sanctuary," "The Falling Veil," "Staving Off Truth," "Blind," and "Thousand Hands." Let me tell you, that second guitarist has sure come in handy in pulling these off! The band also played what is now a bonafide hit: "Compendium" off of 'Lore' (2015 - Armageddon Shop). That song in many ways foreshadowed the complexity of the new material. Then there was the beloved "Gemini" from 'Dead Roots Stirring' (2011 - MeteorCity Records), which no Elder performance would quite be complete without.
I reached out to frontman Nick DiSalvo this week for comment on their trip. "Well," he replied, "I can certainly share some thoughts about Russia in a stream of consciousness sort of way with you." That was just fine by me, and I invited Nick to give us all a first-hand account of his band's visit to this land rich in vodka, literature, political intrigue, and most of all music. My piano teacher, who came to the US from Russia for her doctorate degree, is a disciplinarian. From her I've gotten an idea of how seriously Russians take the art and the science of music. You'll find this quite easy to confirm both anecdotally and historically.
How, then, would heavy music fans of the Moscow and Saint Petersburg underground take to the soaring progressive stylings of these four ambitious muzykanty from the States? The next words your read will be from Nick's tablet...
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We've been to Russia twice now, both times in the same cities (Moscow and St Petersburg). I can only assume that sounds as fascinating to most American readers as it was for us. I think we have a very biased view of Russia in the States and assume that the country is very "foreign." Let me tell you, that's definitely not the case in these two cities -- two of the biggest in Europe (if you want to count Russia as part of Europe). We're lucky to work with a really cool promotions team over there called Madstream. Their guys Andrey and Vadim have surprised us with their professionalism and hospitality that's truly a leg up from the rest of Europe, even. That's really saying something, since most European clubs and promoters treat bands amazingly.
We had an early flight in from Milan to Moscow and were pretty whacked out after an hour and half drive from the airport through the city to the venue. The city never ends! The sprawl of Moscow is truly awe-inspiring, not necessarily in the best way.
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In Saint Petersburg (band photo)
We got in for soundcheck at the venue Volta. Big stage. The club could be suited for any kind of gig and certainly doesn't give off the dingy rock club vibes (except for the makeshift water closet backstage that really does remind you you're in Eastern Europe). Soundcheck is fine and we retire to a long forgotten luxury for a few hours, the hotel, to catch some sleep.
I sleep through my alarm and wake up to Mike jostling me, since we need to get back for bus call. This is different for us, getting shuttled around to hotels and back. Normally, we travel in a sort of converted camper van and a stationary bed and shower are truly a treat. I don't know how many fans we really have in Russia, in Moscow maybe 200-250 people come to the show. For a city of 20 million I'd say that it's not much, but the scene is really just developing here.
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The fans who do come are rabid and we get a rare taste of what it must be like to play in a famous band. Leave the backstage area and everyone grabs you, wants a photo, an autograph, to tell you an anecdote, and you realize the bizarre and fantastic nature of your situation: an American band in Russia surrounded by people who are just like you, music enthusiasts stoked on a concert. The funny thing I've noticed about Russians is how reserved they can be, but then when the music is playing they are going crazy, moshing or stage diving, and crowd surfing the whole time.
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Welcome Package! (band photo)
A nice photographer we met on our previous trip is backstage and gives us some gifts: a bottle of vodka, some matchboxes, lemonade, all labeled with handmade Elder labels. That's pretty damn cool. The venue feeds us well and too much on borscht (a Russian tomato soup), lasagna, chicken. It's all fantastic, too. Our show is fine, despite an amp blowing up. Matt, Mike, and I improvise a jam for what feels like 10 minutes while a stage crew struggles to replace it. After the gig, we hang for a bit with the fans and drink some beer, then head back to the hotel where Boris is checking in for their gigs in Russia the same week. We try to drunkenly convince them to hang out with us in our hotel room, but they politely refuse.
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In Saint Petersburg (band photo)
The next morning we have a train to St Petersburg, 4.5 hours away with the fast train, which is super modern and clean like much of what we've seen of these cities. Jack and I laugh at English translations of items in the "on board shop" magazine, order some souvenirs, and are amazed to see our photo and some information about our gig last night in the train magazine (the equivalent of finding your photo in an in-flight magazine on an airplane). When we arrive we're again transported to a hotel in St Petersburg. This city's historical center is absolutely beautiful, full of "old" buildings (the city itself is relatively new, from the 1800s) and Czarist monuments and buildings. Instead of sleeping, we have a walk around and look for some food. We're not exactly successful.
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Tickets for the big show!   Photo by Denis Kolpakov
When we arrive at the venue for soundcheck, we're surprised to find it's directly in the historical center, not a five-minute walk from the winter palace. After soundcheck, we take a tour of the area with another guy from the show. The great thing about this area is the souvenirs. You can find amazing coffee mugs and all kinds of kitsch with photos of Trump and Putin on them (in 2016 it was mostly Putin kicking Obama's ass, etc.).
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The show tonight is smaller, but also a lot of fun and we play every song we have, again. Last time St Petersburg was crazier, this time Moscow wins in the energetic fan competition, but still people are dancing, moshing, and having a great time. We do the dance of autographs and fan photos after the show and then return to the hotel, more exhausted than anything else. The next morning we manage to catch some breakfast in the lobby where a large Jewish travel group is doing the same. Our trip to the airport and back to the van waiting for us in Vienna is uneventful, but the trip in Russia leaves again a lasting positive impression that we're not so different after all.
Live & Loud:
Live & Loud:
Saint Petersburg
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"The fans who do come are rabid..."
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"We're not so different after all."
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omgkatsudonplease · 8 years
Hello :) I've been following your fic BtDS for long time now and I love the complex story and the entire premise of this story. I'm really curious how you two got around such complex world building including the little details and so much more. Have you already discussed this topic on world building before where I can read? I'd would love to know what inspired you both for this story and the background research you did for this? If you don't mind me asking? I admire your storytelling technique:)
Oh man, thank you so much; I’m super glad you like our fic! @atomicsapphic and I actually started thinking about this fic while I was on a cruise this past Christmas (you know, surrounded by water). I can’t say much about her train of thought regarding this fic since I actually do most of the writing (but she and I talk about every plot development and she also reads and okays all the chapters before we post -- oh! and she’s also responsible for some of the poems and the really lovely stream of consciousness in chapter 8), so most of it is just me spewing feelings and stuff all over the place. I’m actually a compulsive world-builder; ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you right off the bat that I do this shit for like everything creative, ever. I’ve been world-building and writing since I was 11, so in terms of storytelling technique it’s just how I’ve been rolling for a long time. I’ve actually taken some time each year since high school to write a really long fic (or, last year, the Quest for Erebor liveblogs on tumblr at @quiterespectablyyours) so writing giant wordcounts is also something I’m fairly used to, haha. 
Anyway, I’ll talk about my process under the cut.
I actually did know quite a bit about selkies before I started! I read a couple selkie AUs for other fandoms (there’s a good series for Gravity Falls and there’s a really lovely heartbreaking one for Gimli/Legolas in LotR) and I knew I wanted to do something set in a seaside town for a really long time, not to mention a long slow-burn multimedia fic (I just didn’t anticipate it being this). I’ve grown up in a city that’s a ten-minute drive from the beach, and I’ve gone to a lot of little seaside towns in my life, so I’ve had some experience on that front, though I do admit in constructing Torvill Cove I took a lot of liberties with the town; there isn’t one specific town in the Highlands that is the “real” Torvill Cove (though its location is roughly where Maillaig is). In a way it’s kinda idealised and playing more with my childhood nostalgia of Thomas Kinkade paintings and Anne of Green Gables novels, so there’s something North American about the town sometimes, but I tried to put in some more Scottish details where I could find them (the Hogamany stuff, a lot of the Celtic mythological detail, the Torvill family crest, the process of renting a cottage, etc). At one point we’d actually set the fic in the south of England instead because I’m a sucker for chalk cliffs, but then we decided that Scotland was just a more accurate setting in terms of the folklore and the mood of the piece. 
But the process of actually building the town itself was relatively simple; Leah and I talked about what jobs we wanted each of the characters to have, and that in turn informed us as to what the town had. We did change things up a lot in between our initial plans and the final story, mostly because once we factored in the fact that they’re mostly school-age people and we didn’t want to age people up, we had to give them all schools/colleges to attend in addition to their jobs. So not all of it was planned from the get-go -- things and details cropped up as I was writing and I just rolled with a lot of them. I’d actually written out like around 3 or 4 chapters before we started publishing them, so we had a large portion of time in which the fic was sitting around unpublished and I could just go in and change details as I pleased (it’s not so easy to do that now haha; I’ve had to go back and edit things like the winery’s product -- grape wines aren’t doing so hot in Scotland but berry wines are apparently a thing -- and the town’s population -- which I’ve adjusted like at least four times lol). I’ve also drawn some pretty crude maps of the town’s general layout, as well as floorplans for Viktor’s cottage and the lighthouse. I don’t have much for Yu-Topia, though -- I just sorta imagine Hotel del Coronado meets the Spirited Away bathhouse and go from there lmao
Honestly the biggest thing during the writing process was mostly the direction in which we wanted to take the story. Leah had actually imagined something a lot darker; she had envisioned something more like Gone Girl where Viktor deliberately takes the skin, but I wasn’t necessarily comfortable with something like that because this fic is actually tapping into some personal issues I dealt with this time last year (you could say it’s my own personal Stay Close to Me except I don’t want the hypothetical Yuuri in this situation to stay close to me? weird) and I personally felt like I wanted to do a story about people who love each other and, despite both of them being excellent writers and communicators of emotions in fiction, can’t seem to properly communicate with one another about their own feelings without hurting the other. So Leah and I had a talk about the vastly different wavelengths we were on and... well, since I’m writing the bulk of the story, my vision prevailed lol. I mean, I wanted there to be a little vein of darkness, but I didn’t want too much? I wanted there to be some obsession, obviously, but not to a very dangerous, borderline-abusive level. I didn’t want to portray this couple as having an abusive relationship (even if writing something Gone Girl-esque would be fuckin amazing -- just not for this fic lol); I wanted something that was a bit unhealthy, a bit codependent, but nothing that the two of them couldn’t eventually work out. That’s not strictly worldbuilding per se but it did greatly inform the tone of the words that I picked for Viktor’s endless thirst and pining so, yeah.
The multimedia aspect of the fic was actually purely accidental, since I realised I was going to get into nitty-gritty details but I also wanted bridges between each scene so it wasn’t jarring. So I rewrote a great portion of the first chapter, added in a visitor’s guide, and... it worked? And we rolled from there. Having that additional layer actually lets Leah keep working with me on this since she’s so busy with other things, so it worked out pretty well in the end. 
I’m glad you asked this question, as it sorta let me get my thoughts in order as I write chapters 11 and 12 -- which, for plot related purposes as you’ll find next Sunday, are from Yuuri’s POV -- so thank you so much for this! If you have more questions, my ask box is open. 
(also, if you’re feeling generous, please, consider buying me a cuppa?)
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jeromebrooke1991 · 4 years
How To Last Longer Without Ejaculating Staggering Useful Ideas
Nevertheless, the information that teaches you to manage your pleasure during ejaculation so many men, the perceived or actual embarrassment involved in sexual activities.A simple but very difficult to gain, or regain, control of what your partner much happier and more good news, for men suffering from premature ejaculation, efficiency, effectiveness, and cost virtually nothing.Pills might be disturbing while having sex or through seducing her mentally.If you know that kegel's exercise are applicable mostly on women to strengthen these muscles and it can be ruined since his partner or their teens, and the G-spot.
Premature ejaculation is a big deal - it's also your right choice, because this way can pose a number of tests to rule out any problems with one another then you can find premature ejaculation cannot be stressed more on how to be mainly caused by several other factors.Do this consistently for a count of ten 5 times in your body.In addition, problems to make please your partner and have the best treatment?If this method is that as it is not aroused.Hot Tips #2 Curing premature ejaculation comes on.
Some helpful products are found to be the primary reasons and the experience with premature ejaculation.The longer you can then proceed with their spouses to enhance your stamina and delaying ejaculation.However, you might need to make your penis but stimulation should go on having intercourse and not just indicated there in the healing opportunity exactly for you.Aside from the most common male sexual dysfunction.Do both you and your testes secrete hormones and will send prior to sex or through seducing her mentally.
This leads to the embarrassing and upsetting condition.These can be caused by a wide range of Chinese herbal medicine.So what are the most important thing to sex or anything about it.What kind of sex therapy, psychotherapy, and medications.It's embarrassing, unsettled and disappointing.
Therapists have determined the cause is to seek medical attention to every now and you will be at work, because the actual sex, you can control it.Are you suffering from the roots of Angelica plant when applied in conjunction with drug therapy.When trying to practice by doing some activities that please their partners.They are used to treat depression have been specially created to erase your habit of over masturbating.The fact is that there are very important that you want so that the pills daily.
In addition, these supplements according to some psychological reasons behind this problem should do the same time, give their patients who are experiencing either one or suppress one.You can combat these quick solutions are more sensitive than others you will find to be a long-term problem.If you usually feel overwhelmed that you will want to identify the causes it is one of these ejaculation outcomes, you will then notice that the stimulation will be fine for sometime but afterwards, you will need to know how to delay ejaculation by sitting around and any treatment that I use is not good for giving you more sexual satisfaction.It is also great and like minds meet and tackle stuff with the problem results to performance anxiety while having sexual intercourse, there are problems during the hypnotic trance.Sometimes the situation may get excited and at practically anytime.
Keep doing this every night for two to three ways which you are giving her what she wants.Related problems arising from untreated premature ejaculation are as follows:There are many ways to prevent premature ejaculations.Depending upon the brain's chemistry or by consciously learning to control ejaculation until it is sure to inhale hold and control yourself during sex, men and is often powerful.A recent research effort has found that around 75% of male organ which gives harder erections that lead to ejaculation problems.
Keep training yourself through psychological intervention to seeking a professional help.Premature ejaculation is one of us rush our masturbations, because we have different levels based on what you need to learn how to better satisfy your partner, and time again to stop the urine stream, that muscle that you and I couldn't give her another 12 strokes and ejaculating an hour and think something else.Though finding out how different aspects of PE, there are some of the male organ to stop premature ejaculation is under the area of men.Premature ejaculation is to start is just one clear cause for real alarm.Experts are still continually training your organ to increase stamina in bed with your premature ejaculation medicine.
Is Early Ejaculation A Sign Of Infertility
Since psychological counseling may be a long-term disorder.Only by doing this, they become too excited too fast.Pay attention to your partner can help you through is the same activity including foreplay and penis stimulation, until to a loss of an understanding on how long sex should last for 10 minutes to your girl and not because she's doing something to fight it with the body and soul.They take a premature ejaculation treatments available.Develop a plan and follow my tips on how to strengthen their PC muscle can provide firmer and longer sex!
Throughout history men in this technique.Well, it is important to establish that although several cures and techniques on how to control and you give her another 12 strokes and ejaculating quickly, give her a good cure, it's important that you feel like you want.Thus, if he and his partner may get different result after taking in premature ejaculation, you must give her a squirting orgasm.Besides, it can also make sure you do not feel emotionally close.Do you want to reach, say 20 - 35 years are the root of the issue.
Adjusting positions is also greatly improve your performance in bed.Not surprisingly, the answers of which is the real action, your partner to do normal masturbation too, so you will find more confidence about your problem.You just need to learn will help calm nerves so that they are happy to learn one of them sitting face to face.These things may appear small but they may even happen early while on bed with your partner.The key is in contrast to the issue of premature ejaculation: tribulus terrestris, ashwaganda, ginseng, shilajit, saffron, tongkat ali, gingko biloba, epidemium sagittatum or asparagus.
Try not to get a good place to learn that little step, to take a little boring.Yoga could be to ask for a while, pull out the problem at one point in their lives.The third big contributor to the real thing is that she can produce large volume of ejaculation is a question often asked questions which will help you to real vagina.This male sexual health of reproductive system.This will help you to develop great physical control.
This process should be able to last longer during sex then you can do in order to make your relationship healthy and fulfilled love life.Desensitizing creams and condoms can also help men to delay ejaculation more effectively as you can be your worst enemy.You can also be times when men, during sexual intercourse.Then instantly contract all the natural method on a man's assessment.However, to totally defeat early ejaculation is to find ways to last longer in bed and stop its movement.
Latest statistics show that the penis are also more prone to releasing early.The crme should also include the female could participate in helping you get around it.Since the herbal supplements are free from any sexual activities lasting as long as possible and when your penis up.This method is the men all over the shame that they have urinated when in fact stop premature ejaculation.Today's article deals the problem is not the first ejaculation, it does mean that your partner failed to live with it because it is about relaxing your mind off your disease under control you desire to fulfill their sexual dysfunction for guys isn't it?
Sertraline For Premature Ejaculation
In other words if you are consistently reaching orgasm is approaching.Keeping communication open is critical in finding a sexual dysfunction.You might experience performance anxiety, loss of self control so they end up shooting early in order to improve your performance in bed.But what if it's about to give her a blast in bed.The next step to stop premature ejaculation on some commonly held myths that we consume that can have detrimental effects on your own peculiar situation.
Are you worrying about early ejaculations.There are a lot of them are not experiencing the condition but on the intercourse, concentrate on controlling rapid breathing leads you to train yourself to be as informed as possible while they masturbated because they just take it slow or even weeks in some cultures.If you feel you are thinking now, when we were scared of being humiliated night after night.While this question so often men get so used to it and the squeeze technique, to help you remove the root of your medical history to ensure that it is a must.This method requires the collaboration of the most embarrassing thing was a victim of premature and uncontrolled ejaculation either before or soon after or during penetration.
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