#but plenty of references to the fact that they go at it like bunnies
merakiui · 2 years
The next question with yan!foxtaglia and kunicat is: how would dottore react when he realized that the two of them were infatuated with the reader? Hes an observant man so there's no way he'd be oblivious to it but i feel like hed specifically instigate problems by putting Foxtaglia in a "time-out" corner where he has to watch kunicat interact with the reader and vice versa. He'd send reader away to a friend's house for the day just to see how theyd react 💀💀
Bro would be insufferable about the whole thing
Omg Dottore sends you to Pantalone’s home for a day and when you come back Foxtaglia and Kunicat will not stop sniffing you and looking so very frustrated and angry over the fact that you smell like another male. They’ll be glued to you for the entire day so that you’ll smell like them, and once the smell of another is finally washed off they’re relieved and will relax significantly. Foxtaglia doesn’t make his dislike as known as Kunicat does, but he does stick close to you. Kunicat will only get close at night when he knows he’ll have plenty of time to secretly cuddle up to you and make you smell like him.
When you go into heat, Dottore will often separate you from the both of them because they (mainly Foxtaglia) can be unpredictable around you when you’re vulnerable like this. That, and he doesn’t want them to get you pregnant (not yet). But this never has a good effect on either hybrid because they’re both so anxious and jittery when they know you’re in heat and can’t do anything about it. Foxtaglia will pace in circles outside the room you’re kept in and Kunicat will scratch at the door, both begging to be let in. They seem to lose themselves in your tempting scent, pupils blown wide and instincts overpowering logic.
When Foxtaglia has to watch Kunicat interact with you while he’s in his time-out, he manages to keep a pleasant air about him, but internally he’s so annoyed and displeased with the situation. Kunicat knows this and can only raise his head proudly while you and him play and spend time together. Dottore will catalogue their every reaction to certain things for future reference. He’s quite invested in how everything will unfold, and he loves to watch Kunicat and Foxtaglia try with all their might to woo you. He’s had to shoo Foxtaglia away more than once when he’s cornered you or is so obviously trying to put you in more…compromising situations.
At least Kunicat is mannerly about his pursuit, though his pursuit of you is just as dubious as Foxtaglia’s. Your body is his canvas every night. Luckily his beloved bunny is a deep sleeper, otherwise you might wake to his kisses and touches.
One day Dottore will put one of them in the room with you when you’re in heat just to see what will become of that (though he already knows very well what will happen). He wonders what your offspring will look like and what features will be most prominent.
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renapomissing · 3 months
Comic Sonic Study 5
I promise there's plenty of positivity in this one... Just that it's more toward the bottom.
In issue 17, Sally kicks a robot that is several stories tall
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I'm not sure what this is supposed to illustrate about her character, but we'll be talking more about it, in like five seconds from now.
In other news, as of issue 16, we've finally made it to red-hair Sally. Now all she needs is the vest that she had on the cover of that issue, and she'll have reached more-or-less her final form, until the Super Genesis Wave. Sonic's buckles, on the other hand, are still missing, after their singular appearance in the birthday story where he ate all those chili dogs. You know the one. I highlighted it in one of the other posts; it's the only time the buckles have appeared, up to this point.
Also, here's another thing about Sally is that in one of the Sonic-Grams letters, she's explicitly referred to as a squirrel. And then, in this issue,
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She's called a squirrel again. So, when did she become a chipmunk? Actually, let's go on to the exact next panel, because I wanna complain.
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Sally has been rather out-of-character, ever since Kanterovich and Penders showed up. Like, this is just downright stupid. Remember the girl power issue I couldn't be bothered to source in the last post? Well, pettiness is my greatest motivator, so I went back and checked. It's issue 14.
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The story "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" introduces Sally and Bunnie out for reasons not specified, and which, to be honest, are not very important. But they spot searchlights, and are immediately suspicious. However, all that suspicion goes straight out the window when it turns out to be a shopping mall. They just go right in. I know it's not entirely clear what they were doing outside, before this, but come on, doesn't getting back to it take SOME sort of precedence? Bunnie's arm extends, by the way, Kanterovich and Penders. She could just grab Sally, and Reach up to the floor they dropped from. Whatever. Between these two examples, and that damn issue with the bomb where Sally gushed about Sonic with the heart eyes, I'm starting to get annoyed.
And here's the thing:
I don't have a problem with these character traits. Not at all!
But that's not the way she was set up! She had a previously-existing characterization, especially with the presence of the Sonic Saturday morning cartoon that I know for a fact was airing by this point, and Kanterovich and Penders just threw it out for what I think they found funny (I'm dancing around the elephant in the room so hard here, but know that I am not an idiot, and I am aware these characters are female, and what might be at play in the heads of the writers).
If you wanna write... whatever they're going for here... then go ahead! But don't change a pre-existing character for the sake of it; make a new one!
Oh jeez, is this what I'm in for when I get to the
Probably. Anyway, let's keep going. Like how I said in the last post that I wouldn't have much to talk about, and then proceeded to write a mini-essay on two panels?
Anyway, my frustrations continue when the next story opens up with Sally managing to go from gushing about romance while looking up at the stars to getting distracted from that by thinking about her disappeared father in what I find to be an incredibly graceless transition. The crew finds a metal orb that Sally decides, for reasons known only to Kanterovich and Penders that this could probably grant her wishes.
Remember how I chose to suffer in silence about the Sonic and Sally romance? Well, what I meant was the concept of it, not the execution. That being said, I look at the cover of issue 18, and I know I'm going to have to hold back quite a few thoughts on this one.
As of issue 18,
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The vest has arrived. Sonic's buckles, however, are still missing.
Time to complain, some more
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This is the first instance of Antoine being depicted in the books as a coward. Before this, he was plenty brave, but he had competence issues. The cowardice trait is taken from the Saturday AM cartoon, and as far as I'm concerned, never should have been adapted into the comics. But it's here. Yay. I'm trying not to complain so much, but I really dislike this issue.
Nothing much to say, going forward, except that Sonic: In Your Face seems to establish Sally getting the vest... The vest that she already has. These guys were not in communication with one another, were they?
Now, let's end this on a positive note:
I enjoyed Sonic: In Your Face quite a bit. Probably the highlight of the series so far, for me.
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I love this panel out of context. Aside from how odd it is, the art is fantastic.
I like Sonic: In Your Face, even if it's the conclusion to a story that I didn't care for the beginning of, with it being rather odd, as far as I saw it, and I didn't really care for anything before Nicole's introduction.
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Wow, they really are capable of writing Sally in-character. Y'know, when they're not doing the romance stuff.
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Overall, I felt good about Sonic: IYF. I also felt good about the next comic in our reading list: Sonic the Hedgehog 19. Aside from the fact that the book seems to paint the picture that there are a limited number of universes, and that's not how multiverse theory works. Good thing that won't be a mistake that fiction writers keep making for decades to come, right?
Regardless, one thing I particularly liked was:
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Looks like Archie beat Sega to the punch on this one.
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authortobenamedlater · 7 months
Good, bad, questions, and predictions for this week. Harebrained Halo Headcanons of the week.
Good: Casting is still this show’s greatest selling point, particularly Joseph Morgan’s Ackerson. Every performance is stellar, and that goes a long way toward covering the series’ flaws.
I like the look at the rank-and-file military and the confirmation that there are in fact other Spartan teams out there. And, because this is me we’re talking about, I like the religious references. Babylon 5 trained me well, I guess. The St. Christopher Medal, Corporal I’m-a-Baptist, Talia’s family praying before dinner, Shaman Lady telling John to “find your faith, Spartan” because she has seen his death which comes soon. WHAT is up with that by the way. They can’t just leave a line like that there.
The costuming has leveled up this year. The Spartans’ duty uniforms last year, as I’ve said, looked like spray foam insulation and slinkies. These ones may look like the Spartans are managing a Cabela’s, but I still like it better. Also, Kai would rock the gun counter. Not one for modern AUs, but all of the Spartans working at a Cabela’s has some appeal.
The new intro and use of the actual Halo music.
Bad: Honestly, nothing about these two episodes is straight-up bad. It just doesn’t feel like a follow-up to S1. Some of this is a new showrunner, so of course things will look different, but it also seems like they took the easy way out of resolving some things from last season. I am trying to reserve judgment until at least the halfway point, though, so I won’t say more yet.
Neutral: Keyes is an admiral now. Like…OK? What does this mean in the grand scheme of things? Did they need a new admiral when Parangosky got the boot? Keyes also seems like someone’s pulling his strings. ONI/Ackerson, probably. Something’s up here. This is not the Jacob Keyes we saw last season.
The show has not told us what ONI is. The lack of context for people who aren’t coming from the games/books has to be frustrating. Also is Ackerson still a colonel or not?
Speculations/wishful thinking/questions: Miranda is working on the S-IIIs, maybe even IVs. Or she has been rebooted to be a line officer like her game character. Miranda DOES have a ship in S1. Halsey mentions “Miranda’s ship” during the fight on Eridanus. So this wouldn’t be as big a leap as it seems. Miranda could be out running some science mission. I like this idea, really. We’ve seen the side of Miranda that came from her mom; it would be cool to see the side that came from her dad.
What “monster” does Kwan mean? My money right now is on the Flood. I’m pretty sure Soren and Laera don’t know Kwan is on the Rubble since Soren asks where Kessler is getting the ideas about monsters. How do Kwan, Laera, and Kessler fit into everything here?
What’s Parangosky up to? The Paramount website had her planning Operation: Red Flag but she’s a civilian now. Also, how did John not know that? Anyway. Was she planning Red Flag when she got cashiered? Is she planning it from behind the scenes?
Soren’s “arrest” is how he gets to Reach (we see him in Halsey’s holodeck prison in one of the trailers) which is how he and John end up fighting together. This might be a good time to mention my plot bunny that Soren and Vannak have some long-standing feud from a training incident in their youth which would get reignited if they ever met again.
Cobalt team will yank their pellets.
John seems very much like Halo 5 Chief this season, don’t know if that’s on purpose or not. Even his brooding about Makee parallels Game Chief’s Cortana angst. Though TV Chief has plenty of that too, he just doesn’t know it. Look how he reacts every time someone mentions they took Cortana out of his brain.
How and when will they reunite John and Cortana? Will she go back in his head? Or a chip like her game self? I see advantages and disadvantages to both. But, given how the show has changed AI, where would Cortana’s chip go? John’s helmet wouldn’t have a port for it, and neither would any ships or…anything. There’s a trailer scene where John puts on his helmet and the visor is cracked, so maybe he needs a whole new helmet and it could be fitted for Cortana? I think with the planet frying there are bigger things to do around FLEETCOM though.
But when they do reunite John and Cortana, are we gonna get the scene from the end of Fall of Reach where Ackerson almost kills John and Cortana gets revenge???? I have said this before but I REALLY want to see that.
Makee. Is this really her? Could it be a clone? Projection? I’m inclined to say it’s her but no harm in entertaining wild theories. At least my Vital Record AU isn’t canon. I was low-key worried about that.
OK, Bum Bum gave me his cold and I need to take NyQuil and sleep now so I’m going to end this here. See everyone tomorrow night since I’m going to drop off Tumblr until I can watch.
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jasper-dracona · 1 year
My friend and I were talking about Pokémon the other day and our favourite starters, and I have a conundrum. The first Pokémon game I ever played was Shield.
So like, when it comes to complaints people have about the newer Pokémon games, my only personal frame of reference is so full of that. Like, I’ve seen plenty about older Pokémon games, but without playing them there’s no connection there, ya know?
So. My favourite starter line is in fact the Scorbunny line. Scorch was my first ever Pokémon that I actually got in my first ever Pokémon game. BUT it’s not just the sentimental value of that, I do also just love the energy of my little soccer son and how cheerful he looks. I love that Raboot looks determined and kind of aloof in his silly hoodie, like he takes it all a little too seriously cause he wants to go pro. I love Cinderace because instead of being too serious he’s now just cool and confident. I also adore his silly shorts and his little fwippy hair flame. Also his animation for Pyro Ball is so satisfying, there’s so much confidence and power behind it it’s so good.
But I can also identify their flaws in terms of design. Other than the colours, there is nothing about Scorbunny or Raboot that says “fire” at all. If you just put them in greyscale, then they’re just a rabbit and an edgier rabbit. And overall the line is pretty simple, cause Cinderace doesn’t really have a ton of fire theming either, just some weird little poofs on his knees, the simplified-flame-adjacent curves to his hair and ears, and some black spikes on his shoulders that could charitably be compared to spiky burnt coals from a campfire, and that’s it. I think if the fire theming had been more evident earlier on, that would’ve been better.
But there’s one thing about this line that is both the reason I love it so so much and also why it doesn’t feel quite right as a Pokémon line:
Scorbunny doesn’t evolve, he just grows up.
And I LOVED watching my spry, chipper little 5yo bunny boy grow up into a self-serious edgy little 11yo bunny boy, and then again into his confident, competent, cool 17yo bunny boy. I’m so proud of him! He can wipe the floor with anyone that’s not a rock, fire, water, or dragon type!
But also that boy did not evolve he got older, and he is not a Pokémon he is my son who I am very proud of and also happens to be shaped like a rabbit.
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polizwrites · 2 years
3, 10, 12, 13, 42 for the ask writers game? :)
You are my new best friend! 😍 :: rubs hands together:: Here we go!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Mutual pining is a biggie, Tony dropping pop culture references and being chatty in general and Bucky's Bugs-Bunny-esque Brooklyn accent. 😁
How do you decide what to write?
Previously answered: That’s one of the reasons I sign up for so many bingos - plenty of inspiration! Songs can be an inspiration, same with fanart. More or less whatever catches my fancy at a given moment! 😉
12: Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Previously answered: A/b/o squicked me out to start with, but I’ve obviously come to terms with it, seeing as I’ve written 14 fics featuring that trope. 😁
13: Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Not that immediately come to mind. :: shrug::
42: Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
Yes! - I got this comment on So Open Up, I'm Climbin' In that still is a little overwhelming (in a good way!)
honestly this fic made me be more patient, corny but still true. as a hardcore pessimist, it’s hard for me to believe i can still have a healthy friendship/relationship with someone after a misunderstanding. in fact it’s the one thing keeping me from reading fics with fights even if i’m wholly interested in them. it pretty much just couldn’t sink in for me that beautiful shit can still happen after some bad shit, you know. i still had to pause from reading a few chapters but my reading slowly became uninterrupted and smooth after that. i haven’t been entirely pulled out of that mindset, but i’m getting there. this is a big deal to me, so thank you.
Thanks so much for the ask!!   If anyone else wants to play along:   Questions for Fic Writers
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
Chapter 8 aka The Return of the: Lesbian Processing™; Lucy’s really, really bad cringe worthy innuendos; and food porn is about halfway done at 5.2k words. I’m going to try to cut it down some, but this might end up the longest chapter yet  😬
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albaedhoe · 4 years
pairing : albedo x gn!reader
summary : having known albedo since forever ago, of course you have silly endearments for him.
word count : 2.2k
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what you call him:
(My) Prince
Is the first and the most used nickname you’ve given him! When he was given the title “Kreideprinz”, you had started to call him Prince to make fun of him for it. You swear you call him Prince more than his actual name- it bugged Albedo at first but he eventually warmed up to it
“Prince! Master says that we need to collect slime condensate!” You yell while running to Albedo, who was busy carefully adding droplets of a solution into a flask. Although, due to your sudden outburst, his concentration was ruined and he squeezed the pipette too harshly. The concoction turns from a light blue to a harsh red, the familiar smell of smoke filling the air around you and slight sparks in the flask, but Albedo was too fascinated by the reaction that he didn’t notice.
“Watch out!” Grabbing the glass from Albedo’s hand, you threw it as far away as you could. “What-” Albedo was still confused. Pulling him to your chest and swivelling so that your back faced the direction where you threw the bottle, an explosion erupted and the ground rumbles. Once deemed safe, you let him go.
“I’m sorry that I ruined your experiment but next time, please don’t hold onto the after product of my accident when it clearly gave out sparks and the smell of smoke, my Prince.” You could see Albedo pout the tiniest bit at your tone while he looks away, “Fine, and I thought I told you not to call me Prince.”
Eyes filled with mischief and a soft smile gracing your lips, you were lucky he wasn’t facing you. ‘He didn’t deny that he was mine...’ you thought.
When you and Albedo had been sent to Mond through recommendation by your master, - Albedo being assigned as Chief Alchemist and Captian of the Investigation Team; While you were his assistant and second in command - everyone had first thought that he was an actual Prince. I mean, he had the looks and this regal aura around him so it wouldn’t be surprising if he was one. After many misunderstandings and explanations, the people of Mondstat eventually grow accustomed of your nickname towards the genius.
“Psst, do you reckon they’re staring at us because we’re not from here?” Walking side by side with Albedo, you tried to ignore the curious stares you received from some of the citizens as you climbed the stairs leading to the knights of Favonius headquarters. Some stared openly, some didn’t give you a glance and minded their business.
Not looking up from his newly bought book, Albedo mutters something only you could hear. “Maybe it’s because you yelled ‘what do you want me to cook for dinner, my Prince?’ at the gates.” You think about it for a bit but couldn’t understand what your lover was implying. Albedo snorts slightly, despite you being the same level of knowledge as him when regarding alchemy, you were very oblivious. “Since there is no patriarchy in mondstat, they would be curious if a so called ‘Prince’ were to enter their city.”
A light went off in your head. “Oh! That makes sense, I guess.”
It didn’t matter how serious the situation is or who is around the two of you. It didn’t even matter if Albedo was there at all! You would still refer to him as the nickname and the knights of Favonius (mainly Kaeya) would tease him about it if you weren’t around. The first time you called Albedo ‘Prince’ infront of Kaeya wasn’t eventful but still had an impact on the said alchemist;
“I’ll be at the giant tree in Windrise if you need me, Prince!” You wave goodbye to your partner. “Prince, huh? How cute. Would you like me to call you ‘Prince’ too?” Kaeya teases Albedo as he watches you leave the meeting room. Sorting the numerous transfer documents in his hand, Albedo says nothing but releases a small sigh, “I’d prefer it if Y/n were the only one that does, Captain Kaeya.” Silence fills the room.
Slowly realising what he had just said, Albedo walks away from the knight and to his new lab. Closing the door behind him, he makes sure that no one else is around, sensing if there were any footsteps heading towards his study. Once the coast was clear, Albedo’s gloved fingers card through his hair. Though parts of his ears were hidden among the loose hairs that escaped his braids, it was obvious that the tips were just as rosy as his cheeks. “I told you not to call me that infront of others...”
This nickname originated when you paid close attention to the star-like marking on his neck. Though it was slightly unusual, you thought of it as charming and it complimented his outfits very well. Not many people have said this to him before so he doesn’t know how to respond to you.
You would call Albedo ‘Starlight’ when he would be in the state of insecurity and/or doubt. Pulling him aside to another room or a secluded part of a room, you would whisper reassurances and hold his hands or cradle his face. Never will you call him Starlight infront of others, it’s your own secret nickname for him that you would rather people not know about. You call him Starlight to remind him that he is the brightest and most serene person you have met on this earth. To Albedo, it’s comforting and he thanks you for thinking this way of him.
“Starlight, hey, look at me,” you cooed. Albedo looked forward but not at you, softly placing the palms of your hands on his face, you gently forced him to look into your worried eyes. His own no longer held that mesmerising shine and were instead dull and fatigued. “I’m here now. I’m fine. I didn’t leave you.”
One month prior to this scene, you had travelled to parts of Liyue in order to collect ores and minerals for Albedo’s new experiment hypothesis, so being his assistant, you went for him. Promising him that it’ll only take a week, what you didn’t expect was to be ganged up on and ambushed by treasure hoarders, multiple times.
Thankfully, you’re a vision user, meaning that you could easily take down these bandits, but there’s only so much a person can use their powers. Exhausted, battered scathed in multiple places, you decided to rest in Liyue Harbour for a couple of more days. You haven’t even collected half the materials needed for Albedo! You couldn’t just go back to Mondstat almost empty handed. You injuries won’t heal immediately so that means collection time will be much slower than normal, not to mention you have to be cautious travelling back as well.
When finally arriving at your shared home, it was a literal dump. Papers were scattered across the floor and the dishes were piling up. You partner wasn’t home at the moment so you decide to make use of your time and clean the house. Hours pass by and the door creaks open, Albedo walks in. He notices that the house is much more clean than the state he last left it in, his guard is up. That is, until you walk out from the kitchen, sleeves rolled up with a wooden spoon at hand.
“Welcome back!” Albedo’s eyes must be tricking him again. He wouldn’t be surpised since he hasn’t had proper rest since your departure, only ever taking two or three hour naps on occasion. He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping the ‘hallucination’ of you would disappear, but you didn’t. Brows furrowed and plenty of blinking, Albedo concludes that you are, in fact, real.
He slowly makes his way over to you, trapping you in his hold. Burying his face between your neck and shoulder, Albedo relishes in your presence and scent. He wasn’t aware that he was trembling, all of his exhaustion and constant state of insecurities finally catching up to him, until you cupped his face, which leads to now.
You would also sometimes call him Starlight to express worry. To maintain his serenity, he needs to look after himself, of course . Times like these are usually when he doesn’t come out of his study for the whole day. This means he most likely hasn’t eaten or drank anything during this period. You would occasionally pop in with a meal and force him to take a break. Albedo gets slightly irritated at the interruption but he knows you mean well in the long run.
During these breaks he would ask about your day, have you been working on a new experiment of your own or have you found anything that may prove useful in the future, all of that. You happily answer all of his questions, asking some of your own too.
Knock, knock. “Come in.” Opening the door to Albedo’s laboratory you balance two plates, one in the palm of your left hand and the other resting on your forearm. “Sorry to interrupt, but you haven’t left your study all day, Starlight.” Albedo catches onto the use of the nickname, so, having no desire to start a fight between the two of you, he pushes aside unnecessary books off of his desk to make room.
Knowing that Albedo’s appetite was small, you made only a few slices of meat on his dish with a selection of vegetables. The other plate in your grasp had a stack of cookies, freshly made from the comfort of your own home. You hear Albedo mutter a small thanks and started to dig into the food you brought him. While he focused on eating, you focused on him.
The afternoon light that penetrated through the window and lit the room had beautifully graced Albedo with its rays. Golden hour seems to favour the young alchemist as it kisses his skin gently. You watched as his light, ashy, blonde hair frames his face, a few loose strands escaping the braid you put up for him this morning before work. Comfortable silence fills the room except for the scraping of utensils.
Albedo wasn’t sure if he should bring up the way you looked at him in times like these. Your irises were filled with so much affection and love, he could almost see his reflection of how brightly your eyes shone at him. Though, Albedo keeps quiet. Afraid that you may become shy and refuse to look at him. He rather enjoys being the centre of your attention.
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bonus ::
what he calls you:
Häschen = bunny
Albedo will only ever call you this if he wants something, such as: to see you blush or simply because he’s in a teasing mood. I’d say the endearment formed because you look or act cute to him. The first time he’d call you Häschen would be a complete accident.
While Albedo was sorting and writing documents about his new found discovery, you were lazing around on the sofa, in your back with arms raised, reading a rather interesting book. To his dismay, Albedo’s ink pot, after hours of torture, was beginning to run out. Not looking up from his papers, Albedo didn’t want his concentration and motivation to deplete if he got up. “Could you get me another ink pot, Häschen?” Albedo asks you politely, unaware of what he just said.
A loud thud bounces off the walls and enters the alchemist’s ears. Glancing at you rather than the book on the floor, he sees crimson flare across your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Despite the slow throbbing coming from the bridge of your nose and forehead, you didn’t mind it all. Rather, the blood that rushed to your face masked it, making you only feel a radiating heat. “W-What did you call me?” Thinking back to what he said, Albedo soon matched the expression on your face.
Albedo takes advantage of the fact that the two of you were from a different part of Teyvat, where the language is different. He calls you Häschen infront of others on purpose to watch your reaction, while the others around you don’t understand what it means.
“Sorry to cut the conversation short but Häschen and I need to head out to Dragonspine while the sun is still up.” Your eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as you whip your head to face Albedo in a double take, giving him a look. If you looked close enough, you could see the mischievous and knowing glint in Albedos eyes. Trying your best not to show your growing blush, you feign interest towards the floor.
“Häschen?” Jean, the acting grand master, asks out loud what everyone else in the room were thinking. Silently pleading to yourself that Albedo won’t say anything about it, sweat rolled down your temple. “Ah, it’s Y/n’s other name. I say it out of habit sometimes.” Albedo couldn’t hide the teasing tone in his voice from anybody at this point. Having enough, you grasp the fabric over Albedo’s elbow and began to drag him out of Jean’s office. “Alrighty, guess we better head off now. Bye, everyone.”
Making sure that nobody was in earshot, you scolded your lover, letting go of his coat and stopped walking to face him. “I thought I asked you to stop calling me that infron of everyone.” Albedo raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms, “will you stop calling me ‘Prince’?” Exaggerating a gasp, you clutched the area over your heart, faking hurt. “Now, why in The Seven would I do that?” Albedo chuckles at you and ruffles the top of your head. “Exactly,” he tuts.
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a/n :: apologies if there was a mistranslation with Häschen, I used google translate-
I am also aware that Mondstat is based on Germany but lets ignore that as well-
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v3nusaphr0d1t3 · 3 years
you set my soul on fire
crossposted on ao3: <3 rating: explicit content warning: shameless porn, breeding, heat cycle shit, cursing, degradation reader has a bunny quirk and recieves assistance from their two almost-boyfriends dabi n hawks
you couldn’t believe that this was happening.
you knew, of course, exactly what was going on. and you knew the reason why. and still, it surprised you to know that you were about to go into heat.
this was something that usually happened sporadically throughout the year, but you knew it could be triggered by specific stimulus.
like the two men you had been seeing.
it started with a sudden uptake of symptoms, like your body being more sensitive (especially your non-human parts, you had to sleep on your stomach even more than usual now to keep from rubbing on your tail at night), and your temperature rising slowly. you put the pieces together finally when you snapped at the poor mailman for being near your doorstep, like they had to do, for their job.
you weren’t particularly emotional out of heat, so this made clear to you what was happening.
but before you could really prep an arrangement or really do much, it was upon you. your body was hot, hot, hot. you couldn’t think straight, mind going into a bit of a frenzy as you lay in your bed. and as you realized where you were, your bunny brain (as you liked to not-so-fondly refer to it) decided that this was not the proper space for a heat. you were up and throwing your blankets off of your bed within the minute, stripping it down to the sheet and taking inventory of all of your supplies. you started laying them all back down, surrounding the edges of the bed in pillows (you had plenty just for these scenarios). to top it off, after you had made it safe and comfortable, you laid a few of your shirts into it and eventually went off into your apartment to find a different source of smell.
you knew that one of your boys— dabi— had left a shirt or something here, because you could faintly smell him and it was driving you a little bit crazy. as you rummaged through your living room, the smell got stronger, and with more and more fervor, you ripped your couch cushions off the couch, looked under it, looked behind it, until finally you heard a knock— putting an abrupt end to your frenzy. it still smelled like dabi, so you hoped and hoped that maybe you would get lucky enough to have the real thing in your nest tonight. still, you approached the door with caution, snatching it open to see your favorite zombie man, standing in the hallway of your apartment building. he didn’t have to worry about cameras here, the landlord couldn't afford to have them replaced after they were mysteriously broken around when dabi started coming around.
your knees shook as he looked you up and down with an indifferent expression, eyes looking further into your apartment to observe the mess you has just made in your feverish search. you couldn’t help but throw your arms around him, earning sharp inhale and a soft laugh from above as you nuzzled your way into his shoulder. your mind was going crazy as you inhaled deeply, feeling surrounded in the scent. dabi simply brought an arm around your waist, watching your fuzzy ears lower to your head in content and relaxation.
“hey, dollface, what’s with all the lovey-dovey shit? not complaining, but i saw you a couple days ago.” he murmured, rustling your hair with his free hand, eliciting an elated little clicking sound from you.
you didn’t speak, barely hearing him, too focused on rubbing your face into his coat. eventually, he just sighs softly and pushes you back into your apartment, closing the door behind him. you still hadn’t spoken, and he was a bit confused. he pushed you away gently, only for your foot to thump against your carpet. he laughed a bit at your furrowed brows, and the cute expression you donned. still, he had no answer.
“what’s goin’ on bunny?” he raised an eyebrow at your behaviour. usually, you talked too much. in the couple of months he had been in your life, he had never not once seen you act like this. it was a bit worrying, but he really didn’t want to the think about the implications of him being worried about you.
it took you a moment before you began to come to your senses again, the high of dabi’s presence wearing off slowly.
“hm?” you asked, shaking your head, ears popping back up as to signal that your brain was semi-back online.
“what’s up with you?” you were re-reminded of your surroundings, looking up to meet his eyes as another flare of heat ran through your torso at his neon blue gaze. your face heated up as the embarrassment kicked in, this momentary clarity more of a curse than a blessing.
“i—uh, shit. ok, so, it’s like— my quirk, y’know? like rabbits? and, y’know how rabbits—” you paused your stuttery ramblings, too embarrassed to explain the rest. you hoped and prayed that he would catch on, or something, but he didn’t.
“what? finish your sentence—” he was cut off by the dinging of your phone. he grabbed it before you could, sliding open the screen to see your texts with the other guy you had been fucking around with. dabi himself had been with him, so his face split in a wide grin as he saw the text that had popped up on the screen.
birdie: omw, 10 mins -3-
dabi chuckled as you grabbed the phone, immediately smiling as the heat took hold of your brain again, the prospect of both of them being in the same apartment, your apartment, your space, made your organs gooey.
“well, looks like we’ll have a visitor.” dabi murmured, grabbing at your waist as you sighed happily. your eyes were lidded and unfocused at you looked up at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. he backed you up to the wall opposite your door, pressing your lips together in a hungry kiss. it was bliss— the warmth you felt— as the kiss deepened nearly immediately. your stomach flipped as he pulled your thigh up to rest at his hip, other hand moving to fully surround your waist. he pressed his tongue along the seam of your lips, always just this side of too hot. it was lovely, opening to let him in eagerly as you ran your fingers up through his messy dyed hair. he pulled away for a moment.
“jump.” he ordered. it wasn’t a suggestion, so you did, hopping up to wrap your legs around his waist as he moved his way down to nip at your jawline. you could feel the rough staples against your skin. you rubbed your hips down against his crotch, earning a heavy pant against your ear from him, and a soft whine from yourself that you attempted to smother in his shoulder. he started to suck a dark hickey high up on your neck, impossible to hide. he had a habit for that, always so possessive. it turned you on like no other. though he was always a burner, keigo was always the biter. just the though of that got you even more excited, grinding down against the hardness in his pants with a new fervor.
and just as he went to bite along your collar bone, your front door opened. dabi had left it unlocked, and keigo had stumbled in to dabi pressing you against the wall.
“well well well, look at this show.” keigo grinned wide as he walked dabi turn his head to look at him.
“well, your boyfriend’s here.” dabi laughed softly as he murmured in your ear. you quickly derailed yourself from dabi’s arms to nearly tackle keigo, circling him once and wrapping your arms around him, rubbing your chin on his shoulder.
“hi baby.” keigo murmured, rubbing your ears, taken aback when you nearly folded against him at the sensation. you let out a chirp, making him laugh.
“ay, bird boy, you know what’s goin’ on with them?” dabi asked, gesturing to you, as you were face-first in keigo’s jacket.
“what’s up?” keigo asked as your ears lowered again in relaxation, letting out little purr-like clicks.
“they’re not really talkin’. i tried to make em’, no luck. i don’t even know if they’re hearin’ us.” he rubbed his neck.
you were on your own derailed thought train of brain goo. you grabbed keigo’s wrist, grabbing dabi’s as you passed him, and dragging them down your hallway. they simply just followed, both clearly confused. but once you hit your door and showed them the nest you had made, keigo’s eyes dilated and his breath sped up as he realized what was happening.
you had made a nest. you were all over them both. you were in heat.
and currently, you were looking at them for validation. honestly, it was a good nest. keigo had one at home, and the fact that you made a nest and showed them, despite the territorial nature of rabbits, showed your trust and even more showed your current level of horny.
“s’beautiful, baby.” he caught his breath and had his arms around you just like that, backing you up to fall into the nest. you looked gorgeous, spread out on the sheets. he had to get out of his clothes and make this happen or he thought he just might die. and with his hyperfocus, he failed to remember that dabi was still stood at the door, confused as all hell.
“hell, birdie, is this an animal quirk thing? should i go?” he asked, leant against your doorframe. everything in keigo’s territorial nature wanted him to say yes, wanted to take you then, wanted to prove a point, make you his, and your little whimper below him did not help, but as soon as he could clear up his bird brain he turned around to explain what was happening.
“it is an animal quirk thing, but i think they’d kill you if you left.” he laughed. “they’re in heat, you know what that is, right?” keigo hoped he had a clue so that he wouldn’t have to painstakingly explain it, wanting to save a bit of your dignity as you sat in the middle of your nest, eyes wide and glassy.
“yeah, i think i got a clue. its like a horny thing animals do, right?” dabi laughed softly, and keigo was relieved and also mortified for you.
“yeah. get over here.” keigo said, turning back to you. you immediately grabbed him by the collar, pulling him down with you into your nest. your brain was still goo, all you could really think about was the warmth of keigo against you. and soon, you felt another dip in the bed. without thinking, you let out a growl, pulling away to look around wildly. you registered dabi, and nearly jumped him as you pushed him back against your headboard. in a matter of seconds, you had yourself in his lap, rubbing down against his thigh with your head in the crook of his neck. he was completely shocked as you writhed, eventually brain catching up with him as he stared in awe at your figure against him, curves silhouetted in the streetlight through your window. he grabbed at your hips, centering you on his crotch and grinding up.
you immediately keened, back arching and leaning into him, your chests touching. you felt keigo approach from behind, letting out a little chirp as warning that your prey brain much appreciated before he touched you, attaching his lips to your neck and sucking, sensitivity shooting through your veins. you felt surrounded, but not scared as keigo pinned his arms around you, above dabi’s head, caging you in. you felt those teeth you adored nipping at the back of your neck, and you immediately pushed your hips out against him in submission on instinct. your back bowed, dropping to your elbows, putting you in line with dabi’s torso.
“ah, shit. bunny’s eager tonight, huh?” dabi murmured, reaching to pet at your sensitive ears, setting you alive again like a livewire. you moaned into his shirt, grinding back against keigo. you tugged at his shirt, pulling off your own and pulling at your other clothes as well. dabi tugged his shirt off, but before he could throw it somewhere off in the room, you took it from him, setting it next to him in his neck. you took keigo’s and did the same, his pupils dilating a considerable amount.
he leaned over you, whispering in your ear. “show off, baby. you know how to, don’t you? help him out and i’ll take care of you. i know you can do it, i know you do—” he cut off as you dropped yet again back to the position you were once in, on your knees and elbows, legs spread, but this time, your heat on full display. keigo wasted no time grabbing your thighs and licking a stripe over your hole, making you jump for a moment before pressing back into his face with a whine.
dabi, from above, was watching all of this as his breath ran shallow. he really liked this side of you, all eager and breathy and ready to show off? oh he loved it.
“i love when you act like a whore, baby, it’s such a pretty look on you.” dabi murmured as keigo got to work pressing into you with his fingers as he sucked on your clit. the words set you on fire, panting against his pants. you decided to get to work, unbuttoning his pants— pulling them and his boxers down and helping him shimmy them off— to pull out his sizeable cock. just the sight made you drool, and with no shame or pride to account for in your heat-brain, you bit your lip in excitement. you started sucking on the head, moaning around him as keigo hit a nice spot inside you. your tail was raised but dabi couldn’t help but reach to pet it. this made you whine softly, sinking his cock further into the wet heat of your mouth. usually, it would be a task for you to go all the way, but your entire body was relaxed, and with that, your throat almost barely constricted when dabi bucked up in surprise.
“god damn baby—” he groaned, biting his lip as his head fell back to hit the headboard. you continued working him as keigo worked you.
and speaking of it, he was doing a good fucking job. you were already so wet, and in addition to his saliva, it was dripping down your thighs. the sight made keigo growl, a noise that made you shiver and wiggle your hips just the slightest bit.
he tapped your thigh. “baby, where do ya keep your condoms?” the one day he didn’t bring his own.
you pulled off dabi with a lewd slurp, shaking your head. keigo grabbed your shoulders and pulled you up.
“words, baby, i need words.” he said softly.
it was a moment before your brain caught up to speed. “kei, i—” your face was on fire, as you leaned into his ear. “keigo, don’t. don’t— use one.” you finally forced out, and he realized what you were asking, and decided that he would pay for that mess if it went wrong, because the thought of cumming in you was one he literally could not pass up. his wings flared up.
“what, you want me to breed you, baby? fill you up?” he teased, words dripping with content and arousal as he rubbed your hips. “present yourself, convince me.” he murmured in your ear and pushed you back down, making eye contact with a confused and surprised dabi.
dabi honestly was just along for the ride and really really enjoying it. especially when he watched you push your ass into the air, back arched and chest laying on his legs. he always loved when keigo got like this, that predatory glint in his eyes. dabi had no doubt that whatever words he had just poured into your ear were pure and unfiltered filth.
it was really hot.
and as he felt his cock being engulfed in a warm heat yet again, he watched keigo line up with your cunt unwrapped. he was going to come inside. the thought of that sent warmth even further into dabi’s gut. and even more, he wanted sloppy seconds. he had a thing for it.
and as keigo plunged into you, the moan you let out on dabi’s dick had him pulling your head up by your hair so that he wouldn’t cum right there. he wanted his sloppy seconds, so for now, he grabbed your fluffy ears and pulled you into a kiss. that had you keening and clenching down on keigo, wetness rolling down your thighs. you thrusted back onto keigo, finally bottoming out with a shared groan. once dabi had come down from the edge, you returned to your work on his pierced cock, getting into a rhythm between the two men working you out for all you had.
“holy shit— you’re doin’ so good sweetheart. god, you’re so tight.” keigo was bent over you, pressing kisses to your shoulder blades and giving nips to your shoulders as he drilled into you, carving out your insides. your tail was rubbing between you two and all this sensitivity had you pulling off dabi’s cock to desperately pant into his hip bone.
“pretty bunny, doin’ us so good, such a whore.” dabi murmured as he played with your fuzzy ears yet again, and you went back to work to his excitement. you were nearing your end, and you could tell keigo was too by the way his breathing was absolutely ragged against your back. you couldn’t see, but his wings were spread out around you three, on instinct.
“gonna fill you up, baby—” he groaned as you clenched down yet again when dabi tugged at your ears yet again, “you want that? you want it?” you could only nod feverishly with a loud whine, returned to panting into dabi’s hipbone, putting yourself to work sucking a hickey into it that had dabi’s hips jutting up.
and as promised, keigo spilled into you. the sensation of warmth filling your gut, the thought of being bred— pushed you off the edge you had been stationary on for a while now, clenching down with your face contorted into a silent scream as you milked his cock. he fucked you through your and his own orgasm, only pulling out when your moans turned to sharp whimpers. he watched his own cum drip out of you, the sight riling him up and ruffling his feathers in excitement. but still, he had to tend you you.
you flopped down, going limp with dabi rubbing your back softly as you came down from your orgasm.
“are you good, baby? i’m gonna go get them some water.” he signalled to dabi, putting his boxers back on and taking off to your kitchen. he soon came back with three water bottles, poking you until you raised your head in curiosity and gulped one down, setting the now empty bottle away.
and as soon as that was over, the heat in your limbs came sprawling back with a vengeance, lighting you up just as it began the first time. your senses were even more heightened now as you writhed against dabi yet again.
“oh shit, you back? i call sloppy seconds.” dabi chuckled as he moved from his spot against the headboard and practically manhandled you into position. he didn’t wanna put you on your back, because he knew your tail was sensitive, so he raised you up to your hands and knees, positioning himself behind you with his head leaning on your shoulder. he lined himself up with your entrance as he felt keigo’s own cum drip out of you, you pressing back against him. he pushed in slowly, making you feel every little piece of metal as he set your body on edge.
you were slightly more coherent this time, enough for clear words, but still your heat-addled brain had robbed you of any shame you had. thats how, whenever dabi was full seated inside you with no movement, you started running your mouth.
“please— c’mon dabi, give it to me. i’ve- i’ve been good, ple—” a whimper as you felt him pull out slowly and then a pleasured yelp once he slammed back into you, setting into a brutal rhythm. his hands heated up with every little word, noise, or twitch of your tail. pretty soon you were whimpering loudly as you felt his fingertips get just a little bit too hot, burning your flesh and mixing pain into the brain-melting pleasure you were experiencing from the constant drag of him against your walls. keigo’s spend still dripping out of you, dabi smacked your ass ruthlessly, making you fall onto your elbows with a yelp. this also led you to make eye contact with keigo, who was currently staring at you with the most predatory look in his eye you’d ever seen. just that was enough to make you whimper, not to mention how he was palming himself from the head of the bed.
“you should cum on their face, kei—” dabi states from above, “show them who they belong to, or whatever.” he laughed softly, melting into a groan when you clamped down at the idea. he let go of your hips, nudging your thigh for you to move farther up the bed to reach keigo. “go on, help him out. get him off, i know you’re good at it, whore.” his words were harsh, but his tone was warm and gooey, deep in his throat. you clicked your tongue in happiness, crawling up to keigo to kiss him briefly. dabi positioned himself behind you again, slipping in and slamming into you without warning, hitting that spot, oh god—
you moaned into keigo’s mouth, breaking it to wrap your arm around his shoulder and reaching one down to help stroke him off. he was warm in your hand, and his breath was warm against your neck as he left more and more marks. dabi’s strokes became the rhythm that you used to get keigo off as well, eating up their noises like you would die without them.
your second orgasm of the night came to you quickly and unexpectedly, knocking you down to be face-level with keigo’s torso as you let out a loud gasp, clenching around dabi who still managed to slam into you. and he continued to do so, even when it began to work. the oversensitivity was sending your brain into overdrive, your legs shaking so much you could barely keep yourself up. your hand fell away from keigo’s cock and was instead just focused on keeping yourself upright,
“oh— dabi, please, hurts—” you murmured small little mantras that fell on deaf ears as he continued to fuck you, and you felt another pressure building.
“jesus— fuck, fuck, okay—” the pressure continued to build as you panted, and when it snapped, you whimpered loudly as you soaked the sheets, squirting and practically coating your own and dabi’s thighs.
dabi groaned loudly, trying to muffle it by biting his lip but failing as he neared his end. keigo worked his own cock as well, with your head moved to lay on his thigh, trying to catch your breath when each one was a whine from the oversensitivity that dabi was working you into. finally, dabi came, releasing inside you and fucking you through it with a moan as your burns on your hips only got worse. to tell the truth, you actually really liked it. they scarred over and looked kinda cool.
keigo came a few seconds later, painting your face as you stuck your tongue out to catch, putting on your last show. and then everything went still for a moment as everyone tried to catch their breath. you took a large gulp from one of the two remaining water bottles, then handing them to keigo and dabi. you were way more coherent enough, and what just happened hit you in stride. dabi went off to get a washcloth because your legs were practically jello.
“fuck, i’m gonna have to wash ALL of my fuckin sheets. kei, angel, you’re helping me with this.” you stated, chuckling softly with a raspy voice. you took the washcloth when dabi returned, wiping your face down and anything that had dripped down your legs. you were still leaking cum, though. your rabbit brain was very, very happy. but your human brain was kinda freaking out about it.
“dabi, can you go get a morning-after pill? i’ll make you breakfast tomorrow. i gotta take a shower, but you’re free to join me before you leave. i’m having momentary clarity, but know that this probably isn’t over. thank you both for helping me.” you pushed out in panicked breaths, standing up and finding a towel to use in the shower. you gave them both a soft kiss before limping your way into the bathroom (not without a cackle from dabi and a muffled chuckle from keigo).
as you step into the warm spray, you hear the front door shut and you hear the bathroom door open. keigo stepped into the shower with you.
“he’ll be back with the pill, and i put your sheets in the wash. now lemme wash your hair, sweetheart.” he murmured, and again, you melted.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
To Be a Seer pt.5
Tag List: @jinxqsu @naps-and-lemons @riddles-wifey @mainlynonsense @cakesarecute @crumpets-are-better-with-jam @empath-bunny
You’re not naive enough to believe that Tom doesn’t have his own motivations, that he isn’t pulling the strings of public opinion for his own ends, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re interested. The mystery he presents, the truth of who and what he is… And maybe this is naive of you, but everything you’ve Seen has related to him and you refuse to believe that that doesn’t matter. Your finely honed instincts for self-preservation have well and truly flown out of the window when it comes to Tom.
He is, quite literally, your dream boy. Of course, you’re going to throw caution to the wind
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There have been no new petrifications in the three weeks since you ran into Riddle outside the Prefects’ bathroom. You would have hoped that the lack of new attacks would do something to calm the student populace down a little, but it seems the opposite is true. The atmosphere in the corridors and the Great Hall is tense and uncomfortable. It’s as though everyone is waiting on tenterhooks for something to happen. Even the professors, who are all trying to put on a brave facade, are concerned. Your Heads of Houses have taken to sitting in on prefect meetings, reminding you all that it’s your job to make sure the rest of the students are safe. Despite the vastness of the castle and grounds, Hogwarts feels claustrophobic.
It’s at one of these meetings, on an otherwise nondescript Monday evening, that Dumbledore asks you to stay behind. You can’t quite hide the mix of surprise and reluctance that crosses your face at his request, though Dumbledore just continues to smile in that slightly unsettling way of his. You think of the way he’s looked at you in the past, as though he can see through all your defences and knows that you’re hiding something. He looks at you as though he doesn’t trust you. You’ve never liked being looked at like that, especially by someone for who you’ve never given any reason to doubt your integrity.
Next to you, Riddle stiffens slightly in his chair and you don’t like that either. Because this is real. Everything up until this point, you could minimise and justify. You’ve been tricking yourself into complacency for weeks, months even, why both telling the professors your suspicions about Tom when you don’t have proof?
You nod mutely and stay behind whilst everyone else files out of the room. Once you’re alone, Dumbledore smiles. “Please, take a seat, I wouldn’t want you to get sore feet, heaven knows that is an ailment that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.” You sit down and he stays standing, and, whilst his posture is casual, hands clasped in front of him, the height difference makes you feel anxious, like a small child about to be chastised. “Now, I imagine you’re wondering why I wanted to talk with you?” You nod and he smiles, “An easy question to answer, I’m glad to say. I’m wondering how you’ve been since the day we found poor Miss Wheatley. I apologise for not checking in on you sooner, though I daresay, young Mr Riddle has been making his shoulder available to cry on, should you need it.” You don’t miss the way his gaze sharpens at the mention of Riddle’s name.
Whatever he might say, you’re certain that Dumbledore doesn’t care about how you’re holding up. He suspects something, and his mention of Riddle makes you worry that he suspects that the two of you are in cahoots. The thought would be laughable except… Well, you’ve been keeping his secret for him, haven’t you? You could have gone to Dumbledore at any point and told him what you know. He’d believe you. He’s probably the only member of staff that isn’t fooled by the act that Riddle puts on.
This is your chance. Your chance to come clean and stop all this madness.
“Tom’s been very helpful,” Is what you end up saying. You don’t meet his gaze but your voice doesn’t waver either. “He’s, ahh, really made me feel quite looked after.” And the thing is, you’re not lying. Even if his motivations are suspicious, he has looked after you and made you feel oddly safe. You’re not sure what to think of it. Judging by the darkness that flashes ever so briefly across Dumbledore’s expression, he isn’t either.
There’s something about the way that he watches you - congenial and sympathetic - that you neither like nor trust. “Trust is a wonderful and strange thing - it can help build even the most difficult of bridges. You two have grown quite close, haven’t you?” You frown at the question and have half a mind to tell him that it is entirely inappropriate to ask about one’s students’ dating habits. More than that, it feels like he’s speaking in innuendo, every word out of his mouth has a double meaning and whilst you can’t figure out what he’s trying to tell you, you’re fairly certain that it’s nothing good.
“I guess you could say that, Professor.” You try to keep your answer as vague as possible because you know what people are saying, you know that the rumour mill has gone into overdrive regarding you and Riddle. There are plenty of girls in Hogwarts who would try anything to snag a date with him but until now, Riddle has shown little interest in anyone. The fact that he is displaying such outward devotion to you speaks volumes to anyone paying attention. You’d be lying if you said that it didn’t make your pulse quicken, didn’t send a fission of fire - too fierce and feral to be considered innocent, down your spine. You’d be lying if you said that there isn’t a part of you that enjoys the attention, enjoys the way he looks at you like he doesn’t quite understand you but wants to.
You’re not naive enough to believe that Tom doesn’t have his own motivations, that he isn’t pulling the strings of public opinion for his own ends, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re interested. The mystery he presents, the truth of who and what he is… And maybe this is naive of you, but everything you’ve Seen has related to him and you refuse to believe that that doesn’t matter. Your finely honed instincts for self-preservation have well and truly flown out of the window when it comes to Tom.
He is, quite literally, your dream boy. Of course, you’re going to throw caution to the wind.
Your brevity doesn’t seem to bother him and you’re unsure if that’s a good thing or not. You don’t have time to overthink the issue though, because Dumbledore asks, “Before I bid you goodnight, is there anything else you wish to talk with me about?” He lowers his head slightly as he talks like he’s trying to catch your gaze, and you’re not sure why but you feel goosebumps prick your skin and the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. You keep your eyes averted, directed just beyond his left shoulder, counting the cracks in the stone walls as you attempt to keep your nerves in check.
You push yourself up from your chair and turn to walk towards the door. “No, Professor. Like I said, I’ve been doing alright and Tom is just looking out for me.” It feels foreign and strange, though not necessarily unwelcome, to refer to him by his first name. It feels like another one of your carefully erected barriers, designed to keep you safe, is in the process of being demolished with all the grace of a mountain troll on a rampage.
You’re half expecting Tom to be waiting for you, but he’s isn’t and relief wells in your chest. You have some soul-searching to do and you’re not sure if you’d be able to face him right now. It’s only once you’re back in the safety of your dorm that you finally allow yourself to fully comprehend what has just happened. Students are being attacked and you’re fairly certain you’ve just aligned yourself with their attacker.
Three days later, at seven o’clock in the evening, you enter the entrance hall in a hurry. You’d been caught up in a lengthy conversation with Lucas about whether or not he should ask Deliah Bowers on a date and now you’re running slightly late for your prefect rounds. As you skid into the entrance hall, you see that Tom is already waiting for you. He’s sitting on one of the benches by the entrance to the dungeons, head bowed over a small book which he’s writing in, his legs are stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles and you take a moment to admire the lean line of his body, the elegant curve of his neck, the way he taps the end of his fountain pen in thought when he pauses in his writing. You’re reminded of why he has the reputation that he does; sitting there he looks like the embodiment of a perfect student: smart, quiet and, dedicated.
If only they all knew.
He looks up sharply at the sound of your approaching footsteps and snaps the book shut. “Evening,” You say and promptly flush at the way your voice comes out a little higher than usual, a little uncertain. It’s ridiculous, Tom has treated you the same since your impromptu meeting with Dumbledore, hasn’t asked you about it at all, but you still feel nervous around him, as though you’ve given him a reason to distrust you, as though you’ve let him down somehow. You offer him a small smile, your gaze sliding to his hands and his slender fingers which are capping his pen with deft precision. It’s really quite unfair that he can make even the most mundane of actions look so refined. “What were you writing?” His expression shifts slightly, becomes perfectly clear and smooth and you wonder if you’ve overstepped a boundary when he shakes his head and raises the book to the light.
It’s a small, thin diary, bound in black leather with his name monogrammed on the cover. It looks well-used but cared for, much like the rest of his belongings you realise. Now that you think of it, his robes and textbooks all share the same tell-tale traits of hand-me-downs, but he hasn’t any siblings. For the first time since you’ve known him, you begin to wonder who Tom is exactly, who his parents are, what his history is. You’ve been so focused on uncovering his future that you’ve quite forgotten to pay attention to his past.
The diary looks fairly expensive though and you wonder if it was a gift or if he had saved up to buy himself something he could be proud of owning. “My diary,” He says at last, his voice shaking you from your train of thought. “I bought it over the summer and have grown rather fond of it.” He pauses and then adds, “I suppose you could say it’s the only thing I’ve ever bared my soul to.”
Something in the way he smiles suggests he’s thought of something rather amusing, but you’re stuck on his choice of words. Without knowing why dread coils tight in your stomach. You shake the feeling off as the pair of you begin patrolling the corridors. For twenty minutes or so, you make idle chit-chat, discussing the lessons you share and the finer points on an ongoing debate between two Ancient Runes academics.
“Why the fountain pen?” You’re honestly surprised to see him use one. Quills are standard practice in the wizarding world, and whilst you have your own thoughts on their practicality, you’re shocked that Tom might feel the same way. Given his feelings towards muggleborns, you’re a little confused that he would willingly use something so muggle.
He hums in response to the question and casts you a sideways glance, amusement writ clear on his features. You get the distinct impression that he knows what you’re thinking and finds the whole thing rather droll. “Do you take issue with my using one?”
“What? No, of course not. I’m just surprised.”
“That I would prefer to use an instrument far more practical than a quill simply because the person who invented it was a muggle? I wouldn’t have taken you for a blood purist.” You bristle at his words and he raises an eyebrow, evidently having fun toying with you.
“I’m not.” You snap, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. Honestly, the nerve of him to accuse you of being a blood purist when he’s the one attacking muggle-borns. (You carefully don’t think about the fact that you are essentially condoning his behaviour by not stepping in when you have been given every opportunity to do so.) “I’m surprised that you’d see it that way because you’re the one who’s—”
“The one who has been what?” He cuts you off, and though his tone remains friendly, there’s a sharpness in his gaze and a tightness around the corners of his mouth that immediately puts you on edge. You swallow roughly, and the sudden desire to run away is almost overwhelming. When you don’t say anything, he stops walking and turns to face you fully. In the dim light, shadows dance along the dagger’s edge of his jawline. He is beautiful and terrifying and you can see the cracks in his visage where the boy becomes a man and the man becomes a monster. It probably says something about you that in this light, you find him all the more alluring.
He takes a single step towards you, graceful and predacious and you find yourself tensing as some primordial instinct overtakes you. Fight or flight except for the part of you that wants to run is diminishing by the second and the reckless desire to hook your fingers into the hollows of his collarbones and crack him open until you can see every part of him grows.
One thing is for certain: Tom is bad for your health.
“Don’t you think it’s time we stop this charade?” You lift your head to meet his impossibly dark eyes. You’re afraid but you’re past caring. “We both know what you’ve been up to. Why pretend that we don’t?” Something twists in his eyes, heat and anger and maybe a little bit of fear, but there’s also something else… Something bright and curious and pleased. You find that the most unsettling thing of all.
“You haven’t told Dumbledore.” It’s not a question, just a statement of fact and one that he obviously enjoys saying out loud. He stares down at you, smiling in a way that is not at all friendly. You’re reminded of the way Dumbledore had tried so hard to catch your gaze, though unlike with your transfiguration professor, you don’t look away from Tom. “Why is that I wonder? And, more importantly, how did you figure it out?” He’s so close that you can feel the warmth of breath fan across your cheeks, sending a bright spark of… something down your spine.
You don’t particularly want to answer either of his questions, but you know that he won’t let it go. He’s been being patient with you, you realise, waiting until a moment like this, when you’re alone and unguarded to interrogate you. The question is why? Actually, the question is how do you avoid answering him? It’s a little hard to think clearly with him so close to you and, judging by the small smirk that plays on his lips, you’re fairly certain he knows it too. “I didn’t like the way he was looking at me.” Which is the truth. It’s just not the whole truth. “As for your other question, well, I guess you’re not as difficult to read as you think you are.” Again, it’s not technically a lie, though how likely Tom is to agree with you is up for debate.
Tom’s stance grows stiff, a long line of barely contained anger and his eyes narrow. You wonder if it’s because you won’t tell him everything, or if it’s because the thought of being known and seen scares him. Maybe it’s both. Maybe it’s neither. Regardless, you feel as though you’re breathing water with how thick and heavy the air has grown around the two of you. “You don’t know anything,” He whispers, his voice is soft and low and you might describe it as sensuous if it weren’t for the way that he’s looking at you. Anger and fear coalescing and colliding in the dark pits of his pupils.
Something inside of you breaks. Tom is bad for your health. He makes you reckless and brave and that is sure to spell disaster. You laugh, and it’s not friendly. You’re not happy. You laugh and the sound is a bell toll, a chime of hysteria and disbelief. “Trust me, I wish I didn’t know anything.” And that… That is a lie. The more you find out about Tom the more you want to uncover. It’s a feral kind of hunger that overtakes and consumes you without you wanting it to. Just as he had ten minutes earlier, you take a step towards him and you’re so close that you can practically feel the tension that is rolling off of him. Your eyes trace the taught tendons in his neck, and clench of his fists, the pinched line of his lips. Something that could be glee flares deep inside you when his expression cracks, just a little, just enough for you to see surprise flit through his eyes.
He takes a step back. It feels like a victory. He looks wrong-footed, as though he is entirely unprepared for you to turn aggressor in this situation and you realise that Tom is probably aware of the effect that he has on people, has probably learnt how to wield his beauty and his intimidating personality in equal measure to get what he wants. You’re pretty sure that no one has ever called him on his bluff before. Because he was bluffing, you’re certain of that now. You can see the way nervousness plays in the barely-there shifting of his weight and in the way he’s leaning back ever so slightly. It makes you feel powerful. It makes you want to reach out and take and hold until you’re imprinted on his skin.
You don’t do any of those things. You let the tension simmer and you smile, something bitter and cynical and maybe a little taunting and then you push past him. You still have half a castle to patrol but you’re not sure you can stand to be near him right now, not until you’ve calmed down enough to sort your thoughts out. “I’ll meet you at the library,” You call over your shoulder and you’re only a little disappointed when he doesn’t follow.
Outside, the night air is cool against your flushed skin and you feel calmer before you’ve even lit your cigarette. You sit at the top of the steps that lead up to the castle and thumb your lighter impatiently, breathing in tobacco and nicotine and smoke. You’re not expecting to See anything in the smoke tonight - the inner eye doesn’t do well with an agitated mind and you’re too worked up to meditate. Which is why it’s all the more surprising when the smoke hangs in the air, unnaturally thick and still.
Tom is bad for your health. But you already knew that.
The phantom boy emerges from the smoke and this time, he’s clearer, more defined, a smokey apparition of bad omens to come. You watch in a trancelike state as the familiar scene plays out and the boy grows gaunt and haunted, breaking into seven until all that remains is a shade of a man, more ghoul than human. Each of the seven splinters begins to shake and you imagine that if smoke could make noise you’d hear screaming.
You’re startled from your reverie by Tom, who sits down next to you. The smoke collapses and you blink yourself back into reality. When you finally drag your gaze towards him you’re unsurprised to find that the full weight of his attention is focussed on you. He watches you with an intensity that makes the back of your neck prickle and your stomach drop to your knees. You see the instant that he puts it all together, you have a feeling he’s suspected for a while. And isn’t that a funny thing? You’ve been so focused on Seeing him, that you didn’t notice that he’s been seeing you the whole time too.
When he touches you though, his hands are tentative, like he’s unsure if he should, if he can, if he’s allowed. His fingers barely graze your skin, skittish and hesitant. But his touch is warm and human and you want him like this always. Whatever his future might be, you want him warm and human and whole.
“What did you See?”
(part1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
Thinking About How This Wasn't Actually a Denial
But was it self preservation?
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The year was 2013 and rather than a denial, Jensen said "Don't ruin it for everybody now."
What was the fan 'ruining' for everybody? The Con? or something else? So if I was a tinhatter - and sometimes I am - I might think about other tv shows from the past that were covertly queer and how they handled the question, were TV shows 'out'?
Mainstream shows like Bewitched, you know, shows that are so clearly straight, you can tell because... well. ... they never technically used the word 'gay'. ... witches honor
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SPN Film Studies is Back in Session! Join Under the Cut for more on supernatural & the story about how Bewitched! came out of the Broom Closet
Bewitched aired from 1964-72, it's so old the first season was in B&W. The show starred Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha, the strange housewife with a stranger secret. Her husband, Darrin, unwittingly married into the whole witchy family, from the now drag icon Agnes Moorehead's Endora with her open marriage, to the unmarried and batty Aunt Clara (Marion Lorne who played the mother in Hitchcock's heavily gay coded 'Strangers on a Train'), to the extremely coded Uncle Arthur (gay actor Paul Lynde). (We can't know for sure, but it seems at least 4 members of the cast were gay themselves.) The core premise of the show involves Samantha balancing who she really is with repressing that self for the safety and comfort of her family.
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Samantha and her husband keep her [ahem] 'queer' nature a secret which gets harder on Samantha when she has to tell her daughter to live the same way, “I know what fun it is to be a part of the magical life ... to have so much at your fingertips. But we’re living in a world that’s just not ready for people like us, and I’m afraid they may never be. So you’re going to have to learn when you can use your witchcraft and when you can’t.”
There are plenty of generic 60s wacky hijinks but there are also whole episodes metaphorically about repression being harmful, episodes where characters asked if another was a 'thespian', episodes where Darrin was queercoded while under a spell, episodes about representation & bad stereotyping in media, and even two episodes where witches discussed whether it was time for witches to come out to the mortals, (whether mortals could accept that they were just nice normal people trying to live their lives like everybody else - or not - and would just freak out and kill them again).
When it came time to recast Dick York's Darrin with a new 2nd lead, Elizabeth and her husband, William Asher, knowingly cast the gay Dick Sergeant. (Although he wasn't out publicly at the time.) Then, when Sergeant came out in '91, Montgomery supported him and the two served together as the grand marshals of the Hollywood pride parade.
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Dick Sargent expressed in the 90s what he would want in a Bewitched reunion episode: for Darrin to meet another like couple, a witch and a mortal who are married, and another, and another, and end up forming a whole community and support group, finding out that it was never so uncommon after all, that it was actually "about 10% of the population." The two would march in the first mortals and witches pride parade, saying they should have come out years ago.
In '94, Montgomery had this to say about the queer themes of the show, “Don't think that didn't enter our minds at the time. We talked about it on the set, that this was about people not being allowed to be what they really are. If you think about it, Bewitched is about repression in general and all the frustration and trouble it can cause. It was a neat message to get across to people at that time in a subtle way.” (x)
Interviewer: Are you concerned that your involvement in the gay-pride parade will lead people to believe you're a lesbian?
"[Laughing] I'm really not worried about that. There are bigger things to worry about. Like the presidential election and finding a cure for AIDS. I did the parade in support of Dick. I mean, in the end, didn't we all?" (x) (Montgomery was also one of the first celebrity allies to fight for LGBTQ rights and support HIV/AIDS-related fundraisers.)
So did they talk about it at the time? No. You can bet they didn't speak about it publicly. What would have happened if a fan, publicly, had asked Elizabeth, William, or Dick about the show's queer allegory content? This was a time when being gay was a literal felony. They would have had to have lied or risked losing the show, their careers, and possibly subjecting themselves to violence.
Now. back to Jensen and the Schrodinger's long con:
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This was in 2013 - The same year that the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a federal ban on gay marriage. You certainly couldn't call homosexuality illegal in the US at that time. It's the same year that Dabb and Sgriccia spoke about the Aaron moment on the DVD and whether there's 'this potential for love in all places' for Dean. Of course Jensen said this about the very same scene: "But it was - you know - it was comedy. It was a comedic moment in the show and fortunately Dean gets a lot of the comedic moments in the show and it was just, you know, Ben was poking fun at the fact that - you know, how can we make this very kind of manly, heterosexual guy uncomfortable - uh -you know, or  or have him back on his heels and throw him off his game a little bit.”
I'm reminded of 2012 when Ben Edlund stepped in about a Destiel question at comic con, pretending it was some freaky thing that fans had made up even though he'd already written and directed TMWWBK, which had already aired.
Jensen: “What’s Destiel?” Ben Edlund: That’s some weird shit. Jensen: Is this something that you created, Ben? Ben: You don’t want any part of that.
Or the next year for season 9 when Jensen said “I think the whole Cas and Dean thing has gotten out of hand”  “I don’t think there’s anything secret to their relationship even though a lot of people wish there was” EVEN THOUGH- that season we got the nightstands acknowledgement and Misha (or both of them?) was told to “play him like a jilted lover”
Or Jensen's knowing bromance smile in 2015
I think recent events (cough spn gate) have made clear that the network and many viewers were still uncomfortable with CAS being gay in 2020, deleting even familial mentions of Cas from the finale episodes once he was revealed to be not only gay but also in love with Dean. (x) (x) (x) Can you imagine then what Warner Brothers would have said to an acknowledge bisexual Dean Winchester in 2013? Granted, there was no Trump election, but legitimate, could that have been the end of the show? Or the Russian and Conservative US viewership? Is it possible that Jensen would have feared so?
Is it possible that Jensen had a more personal reason for a knee jerk defensive response?
So was Jensen covering in 2013? Well. This happened 5 years later in 2018:
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That hostile "? No." came even though Misha confirmed that he and Jensen had discussed Destiel by that point. Granted, discussing Destiel as a concept and accepting Dean being inherently bisexual are two very different things - Cas is GN after all - still, less than encouraging.
I may never get over the jumps back and forth that Jensen did. At this point I think there's no denying that a lot of SPN's queer content was on purpose, even as writers and actors were telling fans and network execs otherwise. Yet when each person involved was brought in? that question haunts me at night. I have gone off before about the timeline in my pursuit of whether Jensen was Ben Hur'd (x) and, if so, for how long. I'm sure many in this fandom have so much to add.
In the meantime we'll just have to cherish this moment from 2019:
Interviewer: 'So, tell us just a little bit about what you’re most excited to tackle with your character this final season.’ Jensen: “Cas. Just like a full football form tackle.”
Bewitched references in SPN:
2.05 - Dean: Well, it looks like he can't work his mojo just by twitching his nose, he's gotta use verbal commands.
2.20 - Dean says Barbara Eden was hotter than Elizabeth Montgomery - sigh - Dean.
7.05 - Dean thinks a husband has no idea his wife is a witch, and refers to him as Darrin. Dean also indicates he likes the first Darrin better. - (I guess I can't make a comment about how much TV Dean watched as a kid if I get all of his references and also haven't saved the world.)
14.03 - Jules refers to the witch as 'Brunhilde' - this is a minor character in bewitched but more so from mythology and likely referred to the cartoon witch from WB cartoons - the stereotypical witch that faced bugs bunny with the green skin and straw hair.
let me know if you have any to add. Stay Witchy ✌
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callmearcturus · 3 years
Hey, I was looking to start playing Final Fantasy XIV, and I'm a bit confused on the pricing and trial. Can you help explain?
Yeah sure.
So you can make an account, download, and install the game for free. You can play up to lvl 60 (which storyline-wise includes the entirety of the first two campaigns, A Realm Reborn and Heavensward). No questions asked, you just have access to them. There’s no time limit.
Once you hit lvl 60 with one job class, you can swap to another and level that one to 60, but once you hit that cap, you will just stop gaining EXP.
There are some limitations. You will not be able to join a guild/Free Company (though you can join a chat/Linkshell). You will not be able to get a Retainer to sell things (this is the biggest limitation by far). And you’ll not have access to the DLC-exclusive races and jobs, which are... the Au’ra (dragon people), the Hrothgar (furry men), the Viera (bunny ladies), and no.... Samurai, Gunbreaker, Dancer, or Red Mage. You’ll still have access to the other 9 classes, which are plenty anyway. Also I believe you have a limit to the amount of money you can have.
If you decide you like the game and want to play it, you’ll have to buy. I highly recommend getting the Refer A Friend code from an active player (you can even ask me, I don’t care) so you can get some bonus items for signing up.
Last I checked, FFXIV is not currently on sale. You have plenty of time to try it out, see if you like it in Free Trial, and then buy it next it goes on sale. At the moment, there are three packages, I think?
1. Standard FFXIV - Contains just ARR and Heavensward 2. then you add on Shadowbringers, which includes Stormblood and Shadowbringers 3. just get the complete edition if its on sale t b h. Includes ARR, HW, STB, and SHB. They will probably put this fucker on sale in the lead up to Endwalker’s release.
And yes, there is a subscription. FFXIV is not a game that rewards a lot of “alt” characters since you can play every job on one character, so get the cheap 12$ sub and you’re good.
Also if you want the Gay Server, you want to get into Faerie. Everyone’s gay there. There’s like five LGBTQ guilds, and even an asexual guild. Lots of catboys running around.
I also started as Archer and fucking hated it, then swapped to Monk and have never looked back. If you don’t like the first class you start as, at about lvl 15 you get access to every combat class, so you can just fully swap. The game is very free.
ALSO this game is entirely playable on controller. I solely use controller. It’s in-fucking-credible. Playing Monk on a controller is delightful, like an action game.
Here, I like this video for “hey what’s the vibe of this class”
(worth noting, this shows off MAX LEVEL jobs. the game slowly teaches you your job bit by bit, don't worry. just look at what vibes you like.)
ETA: I keep thinking of more shit. Anyway you don't have to keep up your sub. Your character and progress remain. It is, in fact, built into the culture of the game that you will cancel your sub until you want to play again, then renew to hop back in. Square-Enix fucking emails you before they charge you for your sub, so you can go "oh, huh, I didn't play FFXIV this month" and go cancel before it charges you. This, to me, is incredibly important.
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snakeassassins · 4 years
Rabbit Dad Theory: A Weapon to Surpass Dad for One
okay so. I know that the theory about local big bad of the series being the protagonist’s father , but I’m pretty sure the real reason that midoriya’s dad hasn’t shown up in the plot is because he’s a rabbit
no really
[ WARNING: LONG post under the cut ]
Part 1: Rabbit Motifs
To get this party started properly, let’s begin with a bunch of the rabbit symbolism regarding Midoriya himself.
The most notable of which being that his hero costume is literally him dressing up as a rabbit
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His freckles are even stylized to look like little rabbit whiskers. fuckin naruto kinnie
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It bleeds into his fighting style too
Two big innovations he has that aren’t based on previous users of one for all
are hopping from place to place
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and his big, rabbit-like kicks.
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(which would also go a ways to explain why the plot thought Midoriya having legs was a big deal)
A lot of this goes into his characterization as well. The most notable bit being how much the first chapter of bnha parallels the story of the moon rabbit.
(Sometimes referred to as the jade rabbit which. Green)
Anyway, the story goes that a rabbit, along with a bunch of other animals (it varies depending on region) decided to gather food for the full moon as an offering, believing that the best one will bring a reward from the gods.
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All of the animals bring plentiful amounts of food, sans the rabbit, who brings only grass.
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Eventually, a starving old man comes along.
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The other animals have food to give him, but refuse to do so to meet their own ends.
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The rabbit, sympathizing with the old man,throws itself into a fire he was kindling so that he can be fed.
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The old man, touched by the rabbit’s actions, reveals himself to be a god and saves it.
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In honor of the rabbits deeds, the god imprints his image on the moon, bestowing special gifts to him.
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Along with this there are a number of other mild rabbity traits tho.
Such as his skittishness.
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Not to mention his general resourcefulness.
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The show regularly conflates Midoriya being himself with him looking and acting more and more like a rabbit. This isn’t too hard to understand from a Doylist perspective; Horikoshi blatantly just likes bunnies. (I mean just look at Miruko)
What’s interesting here is that we’ve never been given an in-universe explanation for why midoriya himself identifies this way. In a series that is otherwise really invested in dissecting the ideal versions of themselves that characters want to live up to, the show doesn’t provide any justification for a character motif Midoriya has that is almost as present as all might himself.
Judging from the title of this post, you can probably guess what my reasoning for this choice is.
**Part 2: Hisashi’s Quirk **
“But snake,” you may be asking yourself, “We already know what Hisashi Midoriya’s quirk is. He breathes fire.”
This is true. he probably does. Consider what we know in-universe, though.
Characters with heteromorphic quirks don’t have their physical attributes listed as a part of their quirks if they have a secondary characteristic.
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Tokoyami is the most obvious example. He’s a bird person, but his quirk is dark shadow. The fact that he’s a bird man goes unmentioned because as far as anyone is concerned, the shadow monster is his power.
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Characters like Spinner have their animal attributes listed as quirks, but that’s only because he can’t do anything a gecko wouldn’t. If he didn’t make his lizard powers his quirk he’d have nothing to put.
If Midoriya’s dad happened to be, say, a rabbit that could breathe fire, the fire quirk would be listed while the rabbit bit went unstated. In fact, in a roundabout way, the fire quirk makes rabbit dad even more plausible.
You see, most of the animal character designs in bnha are actually recycled from an old series horikoshi did called oumagadoki zoo. Mind you this isn’t a knock at horikoshi or anything. A lot of mangaka do this sort of thing. I’m mostly bringing it up because one of the main characters is a rabbit called Shiina
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and one of the early gags in the series is him smoking a carrot like a cigar.
This would be very easy to translate to my hero academia’s setting if said character happened to breathe fire.
I should also say for those keeping score at home that I don’t necessarily think Hizashi is a Shiina expy specifically (tbh I kinda imagine him being more like a fluffy spike spiegel). At most I think it’s probably just some design motifs and some VERY loose plot points.
There is also the somewhat mild rebuttal of Midoriya never attempting to do anything rabbit-like while trying to see if he had a quirk, but I think that’s self explanatory. If Izuku was a rabbit he’d notice right away, so of course he didn’t bother checking.
**Part 3: Why He’s Absent **
Of course, another big question that might be on your mind is why he’s not present if that’s the simple truth of his identity. Why have him fail to show himself for what has now been 300 chapters?
I can think of two simple reasons:
1) It’s really funny
Just fuckin. The Mystique of it all. You can’t tell fans a character is going to show up eventually and fail to have them appear without piquing someone’s interest. It’s bound to make fans speculate, especially with the canon dabi twist hanging in the air. Years to imagine what his presence might entail if it was something big enough to be worth planning ahead for.
And then. Boom. Bunny.
Fucking. Hysterical.
2) The themes. Oh god the themes
You might have noticed by now but Horikoshi has a tendency of making like. The Shounen Jump equivalent to that rpg character you make as a joke that then has like. an undeniably tragic life when you’re actually forced to tackle with the implications of your own character building.
I would not be surprised if the Midoriyas ended up falling into that category.
So let’s get into that.
One of the big things that my hero academia attempts to tackle is the concept of normalcy.
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Mostly how it’s kinda bullshit and, in many cases, outright harmful.
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What makes this bit interesting within the context of Midoriya family is Izuku’s sort of. Artificial Plainness.
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He is a character deliberately designed to look as normal as possible. The key word there is look. Basically anyone who’s been following the series long enough to be reading this post knows that the kid often struggles to keep his head down
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which also makes it interesting that the only two scenes where Midoriya wears his rabbit cowl are scenes where he is actively questioning the status quo.
Methinks there is some symbolism here.
Which I guess brings us back to square one.
At the end of the day, the concept of Midoriya’s dad being a rabbit is funny because it’s so unexpected. Without him around, the Midoriyas look like a normal family.
But that’s also the kicker.
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Without him around, the Midoriyas look like a normal family.
A lot of people are quick to call Izuku’s dad an absentee father, but technically speaking, we don’t quite know that yet. We’ve only been in a position where we don’t see him as the audience.
And, well, when your kid is being bullied for something as banal as being quirkless, you might not want to give society more ammunition to use against him.
It wouldn’t strike me as strange if he just avoided being seen in public with his son to keep him safe in his own way.
They say that the nail that sticks out gets hammered down the most. Under those circumstances, it’s not too hard to understand why the loosest nail might just feel safer wriggling out of the wood altogether.
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yslkook · 4 years
#onboarding (1)
summary: seokjin delivers some news to you that you were not ready to receive. or, jeon jungkook joins the company and you’re suddenly facing a part of your past that you hadn’t really wanted to.
word count: 1701
warnings: cursing, parental death
7:47 AM. Like clockwork, you always arrive in the parking lot at exactly 7:47 AM. It gives you enough time to brew yourself coffee in the lounge, set up your desk exactly the way you want it, and check your emails quickly.
It’s a ritual that you refuse to let go of, even after four years. You’ve been at the same company for the last four years, in the same position. You work in your company’s research and development organization, a group with thousands of individuals globally.
You are only a speck in the machine that was capitalism. As long as they were paying you, you didn’t mind. You had loans, bills, and your grandma to take care of.
Too bad they weren’t paying you enough. You had given nearly half a decade of your blood, sweat, tears, and time to this company and they had hardly raised your pay, hadn’t given you a promotion and had only just given you a portion of the bonus you deserved.
Without you, your boss and his boss would be six feet under and it’s a fact you never failed to complain to Seokjin about.
Which is what you were currently doing in the lounge.
Seokjin is your closest friend, outside of work and in work. Quite possibly, he’s your only friend. You had graduated in the same year from university, with the same major, the only difference was that he had finished graduate school and you hadn’t. 
Seokjin is an associate director in the regulatory area within the company. You work closely with his team and his peers on projects. Regulatory and clinical science goes hand in hand- they’re often the people who tell you and your teams to take it down a notch when you get too excited about something that may not be feasible.
You call him a stickler, and he tells you that your head is in the clouds. It’s all in good fun.
You were three rankings below Seokjin. It was something that you tried your best not to get upset about- you both had started at the same time and he has risen far faster than you had within the company. While you were stagnant. That might be in part due to your management. But still, you tried your best to remain happy for your closest friend. You can be happy for him and still wish death upon the antiquated patriarchal expectations that still thrived in capitalist culture, after all.
11:58 AM. You ping Seokjin, asking if he wants to have lunch with you so that you’re spared the annoyance of eating at your desk. Or even worse, of eating with your direct boss. 
Jin agrees quickly and you meet him at the top of the stairs to head down to the cafeteria together.
He stays in the cafeteria for a little longer than you- he ran into a few acquaintances and is chatting with them. You don’t wait up for him, instead paying for your food and finding a table to sit at.
You scroll on your phone for a few minutes, adjusting your glasses on the bridge of your nose as you wait for him to join you. He’s always been more keen than you to converse with people at work when he didn’t need to. It’s something he chastised you about frequently, about how you refused to network with the people around you.
You would always reply- “They can get to know me through my work. I’m not gonna blow air up their asses just so these fuckin’ airheads can feel good about themselves.”
He’d only look at you with that look, the look that stated that you’ve aged him a thousand years with one interaction. 
“Hey,” Seokjin says, sliding into his seat across from you, “I’m so hungry.”
“Surprised you didn’t bring lunch today,” You observe after you chew some rice and chicken.
“I forgot it at home,” He says sheepishly, “I meal prepped yesterday. God, now I want my actual lunch and not this.”
“Careful, someone might hear you and get upset.”
“Oh, I didn’t know how concerned you were over lunch today,” Seokjin scoffs.
“They might get upset that they don’t have Jin’s seal of approval.”
“They have Jin’s seal of approval, but my actual lunch does, too-”
“Don’t refer to yourself in the third person, weirdo,” You roll your eyes.
You both eat in silence for a few minutes, the call of hunger too intense to ignore. The food is good- the cafeteria at your company has been known for its tasty hot food and plentiful options. 
“Do you remember that kid from college? Jeon Jungkook?” Seokjin asks after a few minutes.
“Who?” You reply instantly, without baring the name a second thought.
The name sounds very familiar, and suddenly you recall where you know the name from. He was a sweet, smart kid. Maybe a little naive, but smart nonetheless. 
“Really? Your memory is that shitty?” Seokjin rolls his eyes, “He was your mentee in grad school, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah, I remember him. I was only his mentee for like seven months, that hardly counts. Before I left, I mean,” You murmur, picking at your food.
Jin notices your immediate change in demeanor, the way your face falls slightly at the mention of graduate school. You always get like this when talking about college in general, but Jin can’t blame you. He’s been trying to get you to open up about it, even though it had been nearly six years since you had to leave school abruptly.
He knows that there are layers of scar tissue below the surface. But he doesn’t know if you’re ready to face all of it.
“Jeon is starting here tomorrow. In regulatory,” Jin says breezily.
“You gonna be the kid’s boss?” You ask after a bite of chicken.
“Not directly. Namjoon will be, so you’ll be seeing him around often,” Jin says, “Think of it like a blast from the past.”
“Yeah,” You mutter, “That’s a blast from the past, alright.”
You feel unsettled the rest of the day, knowing that a sudden, unwelcome intrusion is about to become routine. Sudden change does not bode well with you and that’s a fact you’re willing to admit.
Jeon Jungkook.
You resist memories of him, of sitting with him in your favorite coffee shop for your biweekly mentoring sessions, of school, of classes, presentations, studying in the library, studying at home, home, home, home. You resist all of them, resisting the urge to succumb to any of it.
You can’t blame Jin for springing this on you. You know he wants you to try to move on. But you’ve been stuck. You’ve always been stuck. For five years, all you’ve done is be stuck.
All you’ve done is be running in place, going nowhere, with the memory of your father’s death haunting you behind your eyelids. 
It’s been five years, and somehow you’ve been living as a ghost for all of those years.
It doesn’t matter. Even if Jeon Jungkook was the representation of everything you had unsuccessfully run away from, it doesn’t matter.
Cold fury washes over you when you finally learn two days later that Jeon Jungkook is a fresh graduate who somehow landed a job that was two positions higher than you.
Sure, he had actually completed graduate school. He has the fuckin’ degree to prove his worth. And what do you have? Loans from a program you hadn’t even completed, a boss who seems to hate every fiber of your being, and shoulder pains. Lots and lots of shoulder pains.
You could scream. In fact you want to. Jin had avoided telling you what he was coming into the company as, knowing it would only incense you to this degree.
At the moment, you want to throttle Jin, too. You want to throttle every and any man who works at this company who had dared stepped on you in an attempt to gain the spotlight for themselves.
Someday, you’ll get back at them. Someday, you’ll be their superior and you’ll make them regret it. But today is not that day.
You dread running into Jeon Jungkook. You are so unbelievably envious of him, for being four or five years younger than you and securing his spot here at the company when you were still struggling. Namjoon had lots of connections, it was part of the reason that Jin had fought so hard to bring him into the company. Namjoon and Jin have the same boss and often work together. Truthfully, you work with Namjoon more than you work with Jin.
Namjoon had lots of connections, meaning that Jungkook would, too. 
When you finally do run into Jeon Jungkook, it’s by complete chance. You had been passing the regulatory area of your floor, since that’s where the printer was closest to. And you needed the walk, your muscles were screaming for it.
He’s standing tall, outside of Namjoon’s office as they both chat quietly amongst themselves. Namjoon suddenly excuses himself and disappears around the corner for a minute, and you wince, debating whether you should turn around or continue walking. Before you can turn your heel and avoid Jeon Jungkook, he turns his head and meets your eyes with a surprised look on his face.
You bite back your bark- “What? Are you surprised someone like me works here?”
But you reel it in.
He calls your name with a wave and you know you’re trapped. You give him a crisp smile and approach him warily, tightening your hold on the folders in your arms.
Jeon Jungkook looks exactly the same, and yet he looks worlds different.
“I didn’t know you worked here!” He chirps, “It’s been so long, how are you?”
“Yeah. Been here for four years. Five year anniversary is soon,” You reply, voice even and struggling to keep venom out of it, “Good. I’m good.”
Before he can ask you anymore questions, before you can see his bright, bunny smile dim with your cold response, you mutter an excuse and turn your heel to walk away from him.
You’ll just find a printer somewhere else, you suppose.
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
A Day In The Life
This daddy Spencer fic came to be by the thought of me wanting even MORE daddy Spence, so I thought why not write something where it’s just a typical day in his life with his family/the kids/pets? Thus, this was born. Just a heads up, this entire fic is told completely in Spencer’s point of view, just to give the utmost feels, which you should definitely experience in this.
Thank you to @teamkiall for giving me permission to use her real life pupper Hopper in this; he was so fun to write. Thank you to her for some of the phrases I used in this. Also, thank you to everyone who helped me pick which bunny to use as inspiration of Duke for, including: @reidsstudies, @andiebeaword, @lightinthedarkuniverse, @one-sweet-gubler, @nanocoool, @multifandommandy and the anons who all offered their input. I appreciate you all, greatly!
Finally, for a little insight on some of the bunny things I wrote about. For those who don’t know or aren’t as familiar with bunny behavior, I’ve linked a few Instagram posts for y’all to refer to when reading. It really helps when reading if you know what they look like.
Bunny Binky (in slow-mo, usually a lot quicker)
Bunny Flop
Bunny Loaf
Now sit back, relax and enjoy all 10.2k words of daddy Spencer. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: G (fluff)
Word Count: 10,283
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“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”
Spencer’s eyes opened to not only the bright morning sun, but to a wide awake, hyper, three year old little girl.
“Yes, baby?” he groaned, rubbing his eyes.
His little girl Evie—born Evie Laine Reid—was currently jumping up and down on the bed at his feet. She flung herself on top of him and he over exaggerated his reaction, acting like she was the heaviest thing, making her giggle.
“What are you doing up so early?” he asked, pulling her into his arms.
“It nawt eawly.”
One glance at the clock and he realized it was after 8:30 a.m. 
“Where’s your mommy?” Spencer asked, looking over at the empty space in bed where his wife, Y/N, usually occupied.
In her place though was their German Shepherd, Hopper. He laid his head next to Spencer’s hand and Spencer smiled, giving him some ear scratches. 
Hopper was a giant teddy bear. At only two years old, he’d had enough trauma in his own life that made Spencer want to adopt him even more than he initially had. The poor canine had been severely mistreated and starved to the point his ribs had been showing when Spencer first laid eyes on him. After telling Y/N about the dog, they both decided to make their home his forever home. Despite having been through such hardships, he was such a happy and loving dog. It’s one of the things that Spencer loved about him most.
Patches of brown and white made up his fur color, although he was mostly brown. His face was a majority brown, a few lighter brown patches surrounding his eyes and an almost gray hued spot just about his nose. His ears were almost bigger than his head and as comical as it was, it made him even cuter than he already was—if that was even possible. He also loved his stuffed ducky, he made sure to take it to bed with him every night.
“I no no. I just wake up,” Evie answered his earlier question.
Hopper woofed softly and nosed Evie making her laugh and hug his neck.
“I wonder where Duke is,” Spencer asked, scanning the room to see if he was on the bedroom floor somewhere.
“Pwobably in fwont of da fwidge waiting for bweakfast,” Evie giggled.
Duke was their sassy, gray, 2 pounds of complete fluff, Netherland Dwarf rabbit. Yes, he had a bunny too. Spencer had never thought about owning a bunny before, until he met Duke. 
He, too, was a rescue, like Hopper. After being abandoned in a park by his previous owner, he was rescued by a shelter who took amazing care of him until Spencer came along and fell in love with him. Now, he was a happy six year old bunny who looked incredibly grumpy on the outside but was actually a sweetheart. His favorite things—other than napping and eating—were hanging out on the back of the couch to “watch” TV with him and Y/N and flop next to them—or Hopper, who happened to be his best friend ever. He loved head pets, bananas and licking Spencer’s slippers. He was a cutie that you just couldn’t help but love.
One of his routine things was speeding to the kitchen every morning if he heard even the slightest indication that someone was up. He would sit in front of the fridge until someone fed him his daily breakfast of mixed leafy greens.
He had pellets twice a day, endless hay to munch on and treats every now and then, yet he acted like they never fed him. It was quite humorous.
Also, if you didn’t get him his breakfast in a timely fashion he made sure to let you know of his displeasure and thump. 
Spencer hadn’t known as much about bunnies when Duke first came home with them and about had heart failure the first time he heard Duke thump. Turns out, thumping was just a bunny quite literally thumping their back feet against the floor, something they did to show their displeasure or when they’re startled or frightened. Most of the time now though, it was just because he wasn’t being fed fast enough. 
Despite his demands, he was an essential part of Spencer’s family, just like Hopper was.
He took a quick glance at his phone to see if he had any missed messages and saw a text from Y/N letting him know that she’d gone to the store. He felt more at ease knowing she was just out running errands. It was always a treat to wake up next to Y/N every morning and he missed it when he wasn’t able to.
“Come on sweetheart, let’s get you some breakfast,” Spencer said getting out of bed, lifting Evie up in his arms.
His little girl wasn’t so little anymore. She was heavier to carry now a days and didn’t want to be carried as much anyways, so he always took advantage of all the times she let him.
He headed out of the bedroom with her, Hopper right behind him on his heels.
“What would you like to eat, baby?”
“Pincakes,” she said, causing him to laugh.
She still couldn’t say pancakes all that well and it came out sounding more like “pincakes”.
“Let’s go check on your brother and sister, okay? Unless mommy took them shopping with her.”
Spencer set Evie down in front of the nursery and she pushed the door open, running in. He tried to hurry and stop her in case they were still asleep, but they were already awake.
“MOWNIN BABIES!” Evie squealed happily.
Standing in their cribs, already wide awake were their ten month old twins, Aden James—Y/N’s name pick—and Isla Jade, his pick. The girls seemed to favor him more while Aden looked more like Y/N. All three had his curly, light brown hair and hazel eyes though.
“Good morning my sweet little babies,” Spencer cooed to them.
It wasn’t his first time being left with all three kids, five if you counted their fur children. 
Spencer had been a stay at home dad ever since the twins were six months old. He’d loved his job as a profiler in the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit—still did actually—but after fifteen years in the field he had gotten burned out and burned out badly.
He didn’t technically resign, per se, but with the advisal from Emily Prentiss, his teammate, friend and boss, he decided to take a year long sabbatical. It was a decision that he didn’t take lightly either. He put a lot of thought into it and took his time making the decision. At the end of the day, he missed his family and wanted to spend more time with them. 
Y/N was amazing and always understood his hectic, unreliable schedule and did a great job taking care of Evie, then the twins when they came along, while he was gone so much. But he knew it wasn’t fair to her or to their kids. He wanted to have the time to be with his family, be a good dad and be a good husband.
In the end, he knew work would always be there when he would be ready to return, a promise Emily had made him. For now though, he would often consult on cases his teammates were working on. At most, it only meant a few phone calls and some work time in his study, but never anything to take away from his relationship with his kids and Y/N. In fact, he was enjoying it much more than he ever thought he would.
It was nice, too. Y/N worked from home with a flexible job that allowed her to work whenever she could. As a mother of three, it was incredibly helpful. It also helped to have more family time, as well.
He’d become quite the super dad. Taking care of three kids three and under wasn’t easy by any means, but he’d had plenty of practice lately. He also had a newfound respect for Y/N, doing this all on her own. But for now, he knew he could handle the three of them while she was out grocery shopping.
“I bet you guys are hungry,” Spencer said, picking up Aden first as his crib was the closest to the door.
He picked up Isla in the other arm, trying to step around Hopper who was always people’s shadow. He rarely never followed a person somewhere and had to always know what was going on. With the kids and Hopper in tow, it looked like he had his own little tourist group.
Isla babbled, trying to reach down and touch Hopper’s head and he licked her hand happily. He and Duke both loved the kids as much as they loved them.
“Lead the way ladybug,” he told Evie, following her out of the nursery and down the stairs.
True to her prediction, Duke sat in front of the refrigerator door, as if waiting for the refrigerator god to open it up and sprinkle out some parsley and spinach leaves for him.
“Morning, Duke,” Spencer chuckled.
The tiny eared, grumpy faced bunny stared him from the place he sat, looking like he was judging him for sleeping in late. He most likely was.
“Just let me get the kiddos situated and I’ll feed you guys,” he told his furry friends.
Spencer sat Aden and Isla in their high chairs and sat Evie on her favorite stool at the counter. Hopper was the more patient of the two, so Spencer went to the fridge first. The second it opened, Duke started hopping around his feet in excitement, standing on hind legs to see if he could help himself to a breakfast buffet.
Combining a salad of spinach, romaine, parsley and cilantro, he sat the plate in front of an excited Duke and went about fetching Hopper’s food. It wasn’t even a full minute before he heard Duke chowing down on his breakfast, his munching quite audible.
Spencer filled Hopper’s bowl with his allotted amount of dog food and refilled his water bowl, giving him a pat on the back as he enjoyed his food.
Before starting the pancakes, he poured some puff cereal on each twins’ tray to let them eat while he cooked. To be twins, it was amazing to see how they differed—other than being fraternal twins. 
Aden loved the strawberry flavored puffs, which Isla hated. She much preferred the sweet potato or the banana ones. 
Aden was definitely more laid back and calm whereas his sister was loud and boisterous, something she definitely inherited from her older sister. On the other hand, Aden loved to be more independent and Isla loved just cuddling and staying close to him or Y/N.
“Daddy can I have chocowate chip pancakes?” Evie asked.
He had grabbed her a juice box from the fridge in the process of getting everyone, humans and animals alike, settled. She now sat, happily sipping on it.
“Is there anything better?” he grinned.
“Nope,” she shook her head emphatically.
He’d gotten the batter mixed up and was about to pour it on the sizzling griddle when he heard Evie calling him again.
“Mhm?” he answered, without looking.
“Isla twyin to put a puff in Aden’s ear.”
Spencer spun around just in time to see Aden pulling on Isla’s hair. Apparently he pulled hard enough to cause her to break into tears.
Things like this were just mild considering most days were even more hectic than this.
“Hey, hey. We don’t pull hair,” he scolded Aden, giving him a toy to play with.
He picked up a puff, putting it to Isla’s lips and she calmed down, eating it. They were still just grumpy from waking up and hungry, not actually upset.
“No putting puffs in your brother’s ear either, Isla,” he told her.
She grinned real big like she was proud of herself. He smiled. It was hard to be mad at any of these cute little faces.
Half an hour later after serving Isla and Aden their plain, torn into bite size pancakes, fixing Evie her chocolate chip pancake—with banana slices for a smile and chocolate chip eyes—and dealing with a ecstatic Duke who smelled the banana the instant Spencer unpeeled it, he had finally got to sit down with his own breakfast. He grabbed one more slice of banana, feeding it to Duke before stroking his head.
“That’s all you’re getting, little guy,” he chuckled.
He’d just taken a bite when the back door opened. Isla kicked her legs happily and Aden squealed as they spotted mommy first.
“Mommy!” Evie squealed, “Daddy made pancakes!”
Y/N walked in with her hands filled with grocery bags. Spencer shot up, immediately moving to help her.
“Hey baby,” he smiled, kissing her lips as he took most of the bags.
“Hey,” she smiled, setting down the bags she had left in her hands, “I thought I smelled pancakes before I walked in.”
“Chocowate chip too!” Evie piped in.
“Some of daddy’s best pancakes huh, Evie Bear?” Y/N smiled, kissing her cheek as she passed by her.
“Hey there, twinkies,” she said, calling the twins their popular nickname.
She smoothed a hand over each head of hair and kissed the top of both. Isla kept on happily eating and Aden handed her a bit of uneaten pancake which she took from him, eating.
“Thank you Aden,” she chuckled, “Good pancakes, Spence.”
“Want a plate?” he asked.
“Yes, but sit and eat. I’ll get them. You deserve a break for staying here with them,” she said, grabbing a plate out of the cabinet.
“I’m surprised you didn’t take the rugrats with you,” he commented, taking another bite of his breakfast.
“I would’ve, but it’s so much easier to grocery shop when there aren’t three extra sets of hands reaching out of the shopping cart to grab everything.”
It wasn’t easy shopping alone with three kids. He attempted it once and it was a disaster. Now, either Y/N went alone or they tackled it both together with the kids, as a team.
She fixed her plate and sat next to Spencer at the island, pulling Aden’s and Isla’s high chairs closer to her. Spencer pulled her into his side and kissed her head, just enjoying having her near him along with their kids.
“So what’s on the agenda for today?” Spencer asked.
“Well I do need to get a little work done and clean some and take care of our little circus troop here,” she chuckled, motioning to the kids.
As if to prove her point, Aden started screaming when he dropped his sippy cup. Without even missing a beat between bites, she leaned down and picked it up, handing it back to him.
“How about I keep them entertained and watch them so you can get some work done,” he offered.
“Spence, you don’t have to do that. Aren’t you needed for a conference call with the team later?” she asked.
“Yes, but I can easily pop on Netflix for the kids and just step into the kitchen. Easy as pie.”
“Whatever you say, super dad,” she smiled, “But thank you. I owe you.”
“I’ll add it to your tab,” he winked.
He could think of a few things he’d like to ask for.
After breakfast, his little tribe moved from the kitchen to the living room.
He set Evie up with some toys, a coloring book and colored pencils while he changed the diapers.
“Ew stinky!” Evie complained, putting a hand over her nose.
Spencer laughed, amused at his toddler. Of course, being through this twice—now with double the diapers—he was pretty used to the smell. He was pretty sure dirty diapers were worse than things he’d smelled as an FBI Agent though.
“I know, Princess, but unlike you they’re not big enough to use the potty, so me and mommy have to change their diapers.”
“Cause dey too tiny dey would fall in.”
She said it was such a straight face that it was hard for Spencer not to laugh. The minds of children always amazed him, how they put things together, how they understood things, how they saw things. It provided endless amusement, especially with Evie.
“That and they aren’t a big girl and boy like you’re a big girl.”
She smiled big before going back to coloring. Hopper laid curled up next to her. Duke, finished with his breakfast, was zooming around the room, binkying.
Aden and Isla giggled and babbled watching the hyper bunny as they tried to reach for him as they impatiently laid and wriggled while getting their diaper changed.
Eventually after tiring himself out, he flopped near Aden, who reached out to touch him.
“Be gentle,” Spencer cautioned.
It was something they’d been raising Evie to do, both with Duke and Hopper. Evie was getting better about it, but still could be a little rough. They made sure that Aden and Isla would be raised the same.
Spencer took hold of his son’s hand, helping him gently stroke Duke’s head. In return, Duke gave Aden’s hand a little kiss, licking it. 
Finally finished with diaper changes, he set them on the floor to play. They were crawling everywhere by this stage, staying active and wanting to be held less and less. It was bittersweet to Spencer because the period of infancy was so short lived. Although, secretly he hoped to have another kid or two, maybe a few more. Although that was a conversation with Y/N to save for another day.
In addition to crawling, they were in the pulling up stage. They’d figured out how to grab onto things and pull themselves up. They also liked to try and knock things off tables, like it was a game.
Which is what they were currently doing.
They stood side by side, holding onto the coffee table for balance and knocking off magazines.
“Guys, no no,” Spencer said, picking the magazines up and putting them out of their reach.
He knew better than to try and put them back on the coffee table. They’d knock them off repeatedly until they were bored of it, which wouldn’t be for quite a while.
They dropped to the floor, back to crawling around and getting into things they probably shouldn’t. Aden remained happy with one of his toys and chewed on it, while Isla babbled as she crawled.
“Da da da da.”
“That’s my name,” he chuckled, trying to tidy up the messy living room just a bit.
Living with three kids often meant toys scattered all over the place. He figured trying to straighten up would save Y/N from having to do too much of it later.
“Stop it! You wuining it!”
He looked over to see Isla pushing more of Evie’s crayons on the floor, giggling like she was proud of herself. Evie on the other hand, was furious and near tears.
“Iwa stop!” she shouted.
“Isla, come here baby.”
He picked up his youngest daughter, pouring out some blocks for her to play with and setting her in front of them. He turned back to Evie who was crying now.
“Daddy she WUIN it.”
“I know, I’m sorry sweetie, come here.”
He held out his arms and she fell into them, crying out of frustration and anger.
“Iwa meanie.”
“Baby girl,” he soothed, picking her up and setting her on his lap so she could face him, “She didn’t do it on purpose.”
Evie sniffled, but didn’t say anything.
“She and Aden are only babies, Evie bug. They still don’t completely realize that they’re doing something wrong or upsetting you, they think it’s a game. In her tiny mind she probably thought she was playing with you. Besides, I can help you pick up your crayons and put them back the way you want them. Alright?”
She nodded a bit.
“Are you still mad at Isla?”
“No,” she shook her head.
“Good, I’m glad,” Spencer kissed her head, “You’re a wonderful big sister.”
“I am?”
Evie looked up into Spencer’s face, her tears now drying on her cheeks and excitement in her eyes.
“The best,” he emphasized, “How about since you’ve been such a great big sister lately, we bake some cupcakes when they take a nap later? And maybe we can play tea party if you’d like.”
Evie was now grinning big and nodded, clearly thrilled about the idea.
“There’s that pretty smile,” Spencer grinned, chucking her under the chin, “Will you go give your sissy a hug then?”
She wiggled down out of Spencer’s lap and went over to Isla, who was tossing blocks around in an attempt to play with them. 
Evie put her arms around Isla’s tiny body and hugged her, kissing her cheek.
“Love you, Iwa.”
Spencer smiled, his heart warming at the scene.
“That’s my sweet girls.”
It was amazing. Spencer had turned his back for a second and he’d already lost track of one of his kids.
“Did you see where Aden went, Evie?” Spencer asked, after rushing back from the kitchen with no luck.
She hadn’t even looked away from the tv, so he was certain she hadn’t seen where he’d gone. 
He couldn’t have gotten far, but it was truly incredible how fast these tots were when they were on the move.
“Aden? Where are you buddy?”
“Looking for this little duckling?”
Spencer whirled around, seeing Y/N walking in, Aden in her arms, chewing on the toy in his hands.
“Oh thank god,” he sighed, relieved, “Where was he?”
“He came crawling into your study,” she chuckled.
“I’m so sorry, babe. I swear I turned my back for a minute and he was gone.”
“Believe me I know; sneaky little things aren’t they? Don’t worry, I needed the baby break anyway.”
She tickled his cheek slightly making him grin.
“Have you gotten much work done?” Spencer asked, sitting down on the couch, pulling Y/N down with him.
“Yeah. I can finish up later anyway.”
“Daddy, can we bake now?” Evie asked with hopeful eyes.
“Baking?” Y/N raised a brow.
“I told her when the twins went down for a nap, me and her could make something special. Maybe we can even make it a surprise for you,” Spencer grinned secretively, “How about it Eves?”
She was up and racing to the kitchen in a flash. Spencer had stood, ready to follow her.
“Don’t worry, I can take these two in the study with me until their nap time,” she chuckled, “Just don’t make a mess!” she called after him.
Okay, so, the kitchen was a bit of a mess.
“Daddy, I cwacked da egg!”
“You sure did. High five!”
Spencer held up his hand and her small one high fived him as she grinned big.
Evie had picked out a funfetti cake mix for her choice of cupcakes and was currently helping crack the eggs into the mix.
There was some dry cake mix spilled on the counter. Empty egg shells were scattered on it as well in the midst of the chaos of the cupcake ingredients, baking cups, electric mixer and pan.
“Okay, this is the last egg. Think you can crack it?”
“Yesh,” she nodded, taking the egg carefully, a serious look on her face.
She tapped it gently against the bowl and cracked it open like a pro. Spencer couldn’t be more proud.
It was moments like this that made him less sad about her no longer being a baby. At this age he and Y/N could do more things with her that they couldn’t when she was a baby, like this. It was always fun to include her in little tasks nowadays. It made him excited to be able to incorporate Aden and Isla when they got older.
“Now I’ll mix it up with the electric mixer. Stand back, okay?”
She nodded again, stepping a bit further away on her little stool, hands holding onto the edge of the counter as he mixed the cake batter together.
“You think that looks good enough?” he asked, letting her see into the bowl.
“Alright. Daddy’s going to pour them into the pan and then bake them.”
“Then we eat dem?”
“No, they have to cool and then we get to frost them.”
Her face fell, disappointed.
“But how about while they bake and cool we have a tea party? You can go set it up while I get these in the oven and I’ll be right there.”
She hopped off her stool and dashed out of the kitchen faster than the cartoon roadrunner, making him laugh. What a character she was.
Keeping to his word, he got the cupcakes in the oven and headed up to Evie’s room.
“Otay daddy, you wear dis.”
Evie handed him a silver toy tiara and a pink feather boa.
“You be my guest.”
“Sounds good,” he grinned, putting the items on and waiting for further instructions.
“Otay you can’t sit ‘til I say so.”
“Yes ma’am.”
She put out some of her toy, plastic food on the tea party plates and pretended to fix some tea.
“Tea sewved,” she grinned.
It was impossible for him to sit in the tiny chairs, so he sat on the floor next to the table. He picked up the tea cup, pinky out and all.
“May I drink?” he asked, politely.
“Yesh, you may,” she grinned, reaching her cup over to clink it with his.
He took a pretend sip and gave her a grin.
“Excellent tea, my dear.”
They continued playing for a while longer until she started getting sleepy. Spencer knew it was past her nap time.
He was laying her down in her bed when Y/N found him an hour later. Poor thing had been quite literally falling asleep in the middle of the tea party.
“Now that’s a nice look,” she giggled.
He looked at her, confused for a moment before he realized he still had the boa and tiara on. He grinned, pulling them off and laying them down in her room before pulling her door closed as he walked out.
“I took your cupcakes out of the oven half an hour ago,” she said.
“Dammit I forgot about them! Well that just ruined the surprise.”
“I’ll act surprised then when you present them to me,” she grinned, “I thought we could frost them while the kiddos are napping.”
“Twinkies are already down for their nap?” he asked.
“Yup. They wore themselves out crawling after Duke.”
“That poor bunny,” he chuckled.
“Hey it keeps him fit. I think Hopper was thrilled it wasn’t him for once.”
Once they were in the kitchen, Spencer wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards him.
“Who knew the house could be so quiet?” he smirked, kissing her nose.
“It is a breath of fresh air,” she smiled.
“How about instead of frosting the cupcakes we frost something else?” he grinned, “I mean I already have my own knife.”
She burst out laughing, causing him to laugh as well.
“What?” he asked, grinning.
“Spence, you’re supposed to be a genius. I’m sure you can come up with a better euphemism for sex than that.”
“I was just rolling with it,” he grinned, pulling her close to kiss her temple, “How about it though?”
She sighed, sounding defeated.
“You know I’d love to, but I need to groom Duke after we finish these cupcakes. It’s shedding season, you know.”
She frowned, seemingly upset to let him down.
“It’s okay baby,” he smiled, hugging her, “Come on. We’ve got cupcakes to decorate.”
They were halfway through with the cupcakes when Spencer’s phone rang.
“Hey, Luke. What’s up?”
“Hey Reid, you busy?”
“Not really, just frosting Y/N’s cupcakes.”
There was a pause.
“Is that some sort of euphemism for sex? Cause I can call back later.”
Spencer couldn’t help it, he barked out a laugh. 
“No, I mean we’re just decorating some cupcakes.”
Y/N gave him a quizzical look and he gave her a lopsided grin, mentally reminding himself to share that with her later. She’d think it’s hilarious.
“Oh good cause we need your genius insight, Reid,” Luke said.
“Sure, one sec.”
He lowered the phone to his shoulder.
“The team needs me to consult on a current case, I’m sorry, do you mind?”
“Go,” she shooed him, “I’ve got this. Don’t worry.”
“You’re the best, Y/N,” he murmured, pecking her lips.
“Don’t I know it?” she smirked, turning back to the sugary explosion on the counter as he walked towards his study.
“Okay, what’s up?” Spencer asked, as he settled into the desk chair.
“Alright. So we have three murders in Seattle…”
By the time Spencer had finished bouncing around ideas with the team, it was after 1 pm. 
Walking into the kitchen, he saw all three kids had woken from their naps and was just finishing up their lunches of grilled cheese—bite sized grilled cheese pieces for Aden and Isla though.
Spencer stole one of Evie’s chips as he passed her.
“Hey! Dat nawt vewy nice!” she frowned.
His lips turned up in a smile as he apologized and kissed her head.
“How’d it go? Were you able to help any?” Y/N asked.
She held up a bite of grilled cheese to Aden’s mouth to get him to eat. He seemed to have more interest in playing with his food than actually eating it though.
“Help wiff what?” Evie asked, ever as curious as a typical toddler was.
“Daddy got a call from your aunties and uncles at the BAU. They needed his help with a case,” Y/N explained.
“And you didn’t let me talk to dem?” she pouted, “I miss auntie JJ and auntie Penewope. Auntie Emawee, Uncle Dave and evwyone else I can’t tink of.”
She had actually sat there and counted off all of the names on each finger, amusing Spencer to no end. He knew he was a bit biased, but she was the cutest.
“You were still napping, baby, I’m sorry,” he said, “Next time I’ll make sure you get to talk to them.”
That seemed to appease her and she went back to eating her lunch.
Oh the joys of being a child with no concerns in the world.
After lunch, Spencer took the kids outside and they were soon joined by Y/N, Hopper and Duke. It was such a beautiful day that they had to take advantage of it.
Duke was set up in a good sized space to run and explore, but with a collapsible fence around him, just to keep him safe and from running away. Y/N was still hesitant to take it away just yet, even though so far he did great at staying near them when outside. He loved it, nibbling on the grass and flopping in it. He clearly was living his best life.
Hopper just about sprinted out the door when Y/N let him out. He, too, loved the backyard. He had about worn paths in the grass because he loved his specific running routine. He barked happily as he sped around.
Evie immediately ran to their playground and started climbing the “rock wall” portion of it. Not surprising to Spencer though; from the moment she could stand she had climbed into and over stuff as a baby, practically always giving him and Y/N heart failure.
“You two want to go down the slide?” he asked, carrying the twins toward the play set.
Aden started fussing, reaching for Y/N.
“Ma ma! Ma ma!”
“I will take that as a no,” Spencer said, handing him over to Y/N.
“He’s been fussy since they woke up. I think he’s cutting another tooth,” she frowned.
“Aww, my poor little man. No wonder he doesn’t want to play.”
Spencer rubbed his back as Aden laid his head on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Growing teeth isn’t fun, is it buddy?”
Y/N smiled, cuddling him close.
“Go on and play with the girls, me and Aden will chill on the patio and cuddle.”
“So do you want to slide, Isla?”
She responded in baby talk, babbling away.
“Is that so? Tell me more.”
She continued to babble as he set her at the top of the slide, one hand on her stomach and the other on her back to keep her safe.
“I’d like to see you get on the slide, Spence!” Y/N called from the patio, laughing.
He shook his head.
“Never again!” he hollered back.
He once tried getting on the slide of this same play set with Evie in his lap, when she was younger. It was a disaster to the point that Y/N about had to call the fire department to get him unstuck...after she spent ten minutes laughing.
He’d learned his lesson from that.
Isla squealed as he slowly slid her down the slide. He picked her up, holding her in the air above him.
“You did it, baby!”
She squealed with laughter, grinning big. When he brought her back down, she held onto him trying to give him a kiss with her mouth wide open.
“Thank you; you’re extremely sweet, Isla,” Spencer cooed.
“Daddy, watch me!”
Spencer looked over and watched as Evie slide down the slide on her belly.
“Careful, Princess.”
“I am! Did you see me?”
“I did,” he said, “I’m impressed.”
She ran over to the swings next. The amount of energy this child had was outstanding. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d had this much energy.
“Push me pwease?”
“Okay, honey.”
He put Isla in the baby swing, which she happened to love and buckled her in, starting to swing her a bit as he pushed Evie.
The peals of laughter that met his ears filled his heart with joy. He watched the wind blowing his little girls’ curls as they both swung, happy as could be. 
His eyes panned out over the yard; Hopper still running around, Duke munching on some grass and his wife rocking his little boy on a rocking chair on the patio.
It was moments like this that he treasured the most.
They spent nearly all afternoon outside, although the twins and fur children had meandered inside after an hour or so both hot and worn out.
Spencer stayed outside though spending time with Evie. He always tried his hardest to make sure she knew how much he and Y/N loved her.
After the twins were born, life became more hectic and she entered a new permanent part of life where she’d have to share her parents. He made extra efforts in spending some time alone with her, Y/N did too, just so she wouldn’t feel left out or any less important than her younger siblings.
He spent time jumping on the trampoline with her, watching her do tricks. He then pushed her on the swing until his arms hurt, but it was totally worth it to see the glee on her face. 
They laid in the grass, listening to birds chirp and looked at clouds. She claimed to see one cloud in the shape of the doughnut and he pointed out one he thought looked like a penguin.
They were both hot and sweaty after staying outdoors for so long, so he turned on the sprinklers and let her run through them. Of course, Hopper ended up joining them, sprinting like he had springs attached to his paws as he jumped through the spraying water.
Spencer couldn’t resist joining in, chasing after Evie. The water felt cool and refreshing on flushed, hot and sweaty skin.
“I’m gonna catch you!” he teasingly called.
She squealed, trying to run faster through the water.
“No you nawt daddy!”
He reached down and picked her up, swinging her around. He wished he could keep his babies this small forever.
By the time they were tired of playing in the sprinklers, their clothes were soaked through.
“Mommy’s gonna kill me for letting you get so soaked,” he chuckled.
“No she nawt. She love you. When a mommy love a daddy dey hug. She just hug you.”
He couldn’t argue with her logic.
“Come on munchkin, I bet mommy is wondering what happened to us.”
He walked behind her as she sprinted into the house. He was surprised to see it was nearly 5 o’clock.
“You two must’ve had fun,” Y/N chuckled, eyeing their clothes.
“That we did. Where’s thing 1 and thing 2?”
She pointed to the pack and play in the corner of the kitchen where the two were happily playing with one another.
“Thought I’d stick them in there so I could keep an eye on them while I started their dinner,” she said.
“Let me go change Evie and get some dry clothes for myself and I can help,” he offered.
“I’ve got it covered. I’m making chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese for them since it will soon be bath and b-e-d time.”
He nodded understandingly. They’d been having trouble getting Evie to bed lately. She always wanted to play when it was time for bed, so they’d gotten a routine down. Dinner, bath, story time and cuddle and then time for lights out. So far, it had been working.
“Do me a favor and turn on the tv please? I promised Evie she could watch cartoons before dinner.”
“Sure thing,” Spencer agreed.
He gave her a side hug on his way past her and maybe a slap on the ass too.
“Spencer!” she shrieked, exasperated.
He just laughed, sending her a wink over his shoulder.
He settled in with Evie on the couch and the twins playing on the floor. He held Aden up, helping him practice walking as Evie watched cartoons.
“There ya go buddy! You guys will get this in no time.”
Spencer sat him back on his bottom and Aden turned around, fussing, trying to climb in his lap. Even in his lap, he started crying.
“Brudder too loud,” Evie frowned.
“I know, honey, I’m sorry. He doesn’t feel good.”
Spencer rubbed his back, rocking him a bit, desperately trying to calm his son. He clung to Spencer’s shirt, crying at the top of his lungs, moving his face back and forth from the inability to get comfortable.
Spencer frowned, standing, bouncing him a bit. Y/N came into the living room a moment later, a small tube in her hand.
“He won’t stop crying, no matter what I’ve tried,” Spencer frowned, hurting for his own miserable child.
“I got some teething gel. Let me see your finger.”
He held his finger out and she squeezed some of the clear gel on his finger. Opening Aden’s mouth just enough, he rubbed it gently on the sensitive gums.
He went to pull his finger back but Aden kept a hold of it, gnawing on it.
“Good luck getting that finger back,” Y/N smirked, “I’ve had that happen way too many times.”
So that’s how he sat until Y/N had finished the kids’ dinner; next to Evie, Aden in his lap and his finger in Aden’s mouth. Luckily, Isla seemed occupied enough and didn’t feel the need to be clingy. It was like they’d switched personalities for the day.
“Evie, go wash your hands for dinner please,” Spencer told her.
She obeyed, heading off to her bathroom. In the last year, she’d really gotten to enjoy washing her hands. She thought of it as making her a big girl, which it did. She had a stool in front of her bathroom counter that she’d stand on, get some soap out of the fish decorated soap dispenser and wash her hands, proud to be able to do this big girl task now.
She came into the kitchen just as he was helping Y/N get the little ones into their high chairs.
“My hands all cwean!” she announced, holding them out as to prove her point.
“Good job, pumpkin,” Y/N said, giving her a kiss as she lifted her to set her on the island stool.
“What for dinna?” she asked, trying to peek at the fixed plates on the counter.
“Your favorite, chicken nuggets and mac and cheese,” Y/N smiled, setting her kid plate in front of her and a fork.
Evie’s eyes lit up and she immediately dug in.
“I snuck some broccoli in it for the twins,” she told Spencer, not worried if Evie heard.
They must have been blessed with an easy first child because Evie was always good with eating her vegetables and she loved when mommy fixed her veggie mac, as she called it. Y/N had tried multiple different vegetables in it from spinach to broccoli and even kale once, with positive results. Spencer was definitely impressed.
But where it was easy with Evie, it had been a bit more challenging with Aden and Isla. Aden was more open to trying new things, but didn’t seem to like as many veggies as Evie had at that age. Isla, on the other hand, flat out refused.
So Y/N had resorted to sneaking some veggies in with their food. Sometimes it was in their macaroni and cheese other times it was mixed in with sauces, easy things they could eat. It had been a struggle, but they seemed to finally start liking the flavor.
The sight of food caused a ruckus with the two as they babbled and shrieked, ready to eat. Y/N sat the small bowls in front of them, along with the cut up chicken nuggets spread on their tray. Hands immediately dug in the nuggets and they tried to feed themselves with their spoons. 
The twins eating was always an interesting time. One baby eating was messy enough; times that by two and it was even worse. Thankfully, bath time was after dinner.
Spencer had had his back turned as he fed Duke and Hopper their dinners and when he turned around he swore his two youngest were already covered in mac and cheese.
“Two seconds into dinner and they’re already covered in cheese sauce,” he shook his head, amazed.
“It’s your turn to do baths tonight too, big boy,” she chuckled, patting his chest as she walked by to put something in the dishwasher.
On her way back, he pulled her back to him, hugging her from behind. She didn’t complain though. He loved all the stolen hugs and kisses they shared even during the most chaotic of days.
He tipped her face up to his and kissed her gently, wishing he could convey just how much love and appreciation he felt for her in the simple, soft kiss. 
“Ew daddyyy,” Evie whined, covering her eyes, “I twyna eat!”
He pulled away from Y/N and they both laughed, both amused by their toddler’s outburst.
“Listen to her, she sounds like a teenager already,” Spencer said.
“Just wait ten more years when she actually is,” Y/N commented.
“Evie Bear, are you gonna be my little girl forever?” he asked.
She shot him a grin big enough to compete with his own toothy smile.
Bath time almost always followed dinner in the Reid household. 
Before the twins, it was easy just to bathe Evie and get her ready for bed. Now, it was three times the baths and three times the pajamas.
They tackled it as a team, though. They’d switch off between bath duty and pajama duty. Tonight, Spencer would bathe the kids while Y/N got pajamas ready, fixed the twins’ bedtime bottles and most likely tried to clean the kitchen in between.
He’d left Evie in his and Y/N’s bed to play on her kid iPad—way better than those actual iPads if you asked him—to keep her entertained while he gave Aden and Isla a bath. Their bedtime was obviously a little earlier than Evie’s so they were the logical first bath of the night.
All three of his children were fish. They loved water, so bath time was always a hit.
They both sat in the water, splashing and talking to one another in their own little baby language. They played with their toys: little bath alphabet and numbers, colorful boats, a rubber ducky, even little toy cups.
Spencer washed their hair as they played happily.
Aden baby talked, handing him a cup.
“Is this for me? Did you make me a drink?”
He pretended to drink it, handing the cup back to him.
“That was very good, little man.”
Aden smiled, reaching for another toy, putting it in his mouth to chew on. Spencer took the moment of stillness to carefully rinse the baby shampoo out of his hair. His baby soft curls hung in wet, wavy tendrils, similar to Spencer’s own hair when it was wet.
He repeated the same process with Isla as she was content to play with the boats, pushing them around in the soapy water.
“You two are like little ducks aren’t you? You could stay in here until you’re wrinkled and pruny and still wouldn’t get out,” he said.
They look up at him, serious looks on their faces.
“You wanna know a secret? You may be little ducks but you’re my baby ducks,” he smiled, leaning over to give each one of them kisses.
They were too busy playing to really care, but Spencer didn’t mind. One day, they wouldn’t want kisses all the time like they did now and he would cherish every second he could, of this part of his life.
The typical babbling ensued, including the normal da da’s.
“Da da da da,” one would start, encouraging the other to join in like it was a battle who could say it more.
“Daddy loves his babies,” Spencer smiled.
He finished rinsing the soap off their bodies, giving their faces one last wipe over with the washcloth—much to their dismay—and lifted them from the tub, laying them on the towel by his side.
He wrapped them tight in the towel, keeping them warm and carried them to Y/N to get ready for bed.
Bath time with a toddler was definitely a different experience than bath time with infants.
Evie was a little chatterbox. Something she got from him, undoubtedly. He always enjoyed when he had bath duty, it was special time with his little ducklings.
Evie had a few bath toys that were especially for her since they were a bit too old for the twins at this point. She loved her bath crayons and creating masterpieces on the bathtub walls. She also had a little toy that made bubbles. It was endearing to see her face light up when Spencer made the bubbles appear.
“Daddy, look at dis,” she pointed to her latest drawing.
“I see. What did you draw?”
“Dat Hopper,” she pointed to one blob of red.
“And dat Duke.”
Duke was a blue blob.
“I love it,” he chuckled, “I think they would too.”
“Can we pwactice da afabet?” she asked.
Evie’s bath time recently had become a sort of learning time to practice her letters and numbers. It had started with Spencer writing a letter or two on the side of the tub with her bath crayon and letting her name it. It had become so fun for her she ended up asking to do it more often now.
“Sure, sweetie.”
He took a green crayon and wrote the letter “A” on the wall in front of her.
“Do you know what this letter is?”
Next to it, he wrote a “B”.
“B,” Evie said, confidently.
Another letter was written next to it.
They did this throughout the whole alphabet, until the wall was covered with letters. She’d only stumbled on a few, but she was getting better all the time. The swell of pride he felt in his chest was never ending as he constantly discovered just how smart his babies were growing up to be.
“Let’s try something a bit different, okay?”
He took a different color—red this time—and wrote her name. Using the crayon as a pointer, he pointed to the “E”.
“Do you know which letter this is?”
“Dats E!” 
“That’s right. What about this one?” he asked, moving the crayon to the next letter.
“Um,” she paused, taking a little longer on this one, “V.”
“Correct,” he smiled, “And this next one?”
“And then we have this final one. I’m sure you know this by now,” he grinned.
“Dat E again!”
“Yes, that’s right! Do you know what that spells?”
“No,” she shook her head.
He didn’t expect her to, but it was all part of his little lesson.
“That is your name. E-v-i-e. Evie,” he smiled, “You just spelled your name.”
She smiled brightly, then looked like she was thinking about something.
“Daddy? Why I named Evie?”
“Well,” he said, returning to rinsing her long hair, “Your mommy wanted to name you Evangeline at first.”
Evie scrunched her nose up at that, making him snicker. She really did look just like him when she did that.
“I know, I didn’t like that name much either,” Spencer said, “But she really wanted to name her first daughter that because it was her grandmother’s name and she was really close to her before she passed away. I thought that was a sweet gesture to honor her in that way, so I tried to compromise with her.”
“What’s compwomise?” she asked.
“It’s where two people both get what they want by deciding on something that they both like. For example like your name. Mommy liked Evangeline and I didn’t. A common nickname for it is Evie and we both liked that name so we settled on that. We both chose a name we loved for you and mommy got to honor her grandma that way.”
“Oh,” she nodded, seemingly deep in thought, processing what he had just said, “I like Evie betta anyway.”
“So do I, my little Evie bear. Now come on, let’s get you out of this bath before mommy thinks you were washed down the drain.”
It was probably half an hour after their bedtime and all three kids were still awake, in their jammies on mommy and daddy’s bed. 
Spencer figured he’d let them stay up a little later so Y/N could finish her housework. Bedtime was also another team effort, at least when it came to Aden and Isla. It was hard to hold two babies with bottles—even though they could now hold their own bottles— and a book at the same time, even for the most experienced parents. So one of them would hold one twin, the other would have the other and read them both a bedtime story. It was a system that had been working well for them, so they stuck to it. 
Also, he kinda hoped the later bedtime would slip by Y/N’s attention unnoticed. No such luck, though.
Needless to say though, she was a bit exasperated to find them still up almost thirty minutes later than normal.
“Spencer Reid, I swear to God if my children don’t go to sleep, I won’t have sex with you until they move out of the house.”
Thankfully, Evie seemed too preoccupied with her iPad to notice Y/N’s statement. All they needed was her repeating that.
“Sorry, babe. I thought I’d let you catch up on your housework before we tucked them in.”
“You should’ve come get me, I didn’t even know it had gotten so late,” she said apologetically, “Besides they need their sleep so their brains can grow to be as big as yours.”
“Actually, the brain doesn’t grow. It stays the same size from the moment you’re born. As you learn, your brain makes new neuron connections.”
She chuckled, walking over to pick up Isla off the bed.
“You know what I meant, brainiac,” she teased, “I got their bottles in the nursery so if you can grab Aden and a book, we can get them to bed.”
He nodded, picking up Aden.
“You stay there and play on your iPad, okay baby girl?” Y/N said, “We’ll be back to tuck you in after we get the babies down.”
“Otay mommy.”
Spencer got situated in one of the two rocking chairs in the nursery, Y/N settling in beside him. Bottles were in the twins’ mouths and the twins were each nestled in a set of arms as Spencer opened the book of the night, Bedtime For Baby Star.
He was familiar with this story. His best friend JJ had given them a copy when he and Y/N first got pregnant with Evie. It was a story she’d read many times to her sons Michael and Henry. He and Y/N had read it many times to Evie—and still did—and now they read it to their twins. It was as if this adorable little story had been passed down through many bedtimes of many different kids.
“Once there was a baby star,” Spencer began, gently rocking in the chair.
“He lived up near the sun. And every night at bedtime, that baby star wanted to have some fun. He would shine and shine and fall and shoot and twinkle, oh, so bright.”
Isla cooed as she ate, eyes locked on Spencer and his voice. Aden looked around, but would turn his sight back to Spencer every little bit to make sure he was still there.
“And he said “Mommy, I’ll run away if you make me say good night.”,” Spencer read.
Isla’s feet shuffled back and forth against Y/N’s lap as she ate. Usually, they didn’t fall asleep during a nighttime story, but Spencer loved the routine of it and being able to have some bonding time, so it soon became a nightly thing for him and Y/N.
Aden pulled back from his bottle, taking a break from eating and looking around the room. Spencer glanced down to check on him before continuing reading, seeing Aden put the bottle back in his mouth on his own.
“And then his mommy kissed him on his sparkly nose and said, “No matter where you go, no matter where you are, no matter how big you grow, and even if you stray far, I’ll love you forever, ‘cause you’ll always be my baby star.” The end.”
Spencer closed the book quietly, setting it aside and dimming the lights. This, too, they had found worked best when getting the babies to sleep. They usually sat and rocked them in the dimmed nursery as they finished their bottles and fell asleep.
Looking down at Aden, he could tell that the little guy wasn’t far off from sleep.
As they both sat and rocked the babes quietly, he reached over with his spare hand to the rocking chair Y/N was in. He took her hand and held it in his the entire time until their two youngest were sound asleep.
“Why don’t you go order us some dinner and I’ll get Evie to sleep,” Spencer suggested after they’d tiptoed out of the nursery.
“It’s been a long day and I know you probably don’t feel like cooking a separate dinner.”
“Okay, I’ll go order us a pizza. The usual?” she asked.
“Pepperoni, yes please,” he grinned, kissing her cheek.
“Tell her night and an “I love you” from me,” she called as she headed down the stairs.
Evie was exactly where they’d left her earlier. She was still sitting against their pillows, playing her game.
“Come on rugrat,” he grinned, picking her up off the bed, “Let’s go choose a story to read.”
He carried her down the hall towards her room, setting her down once they were inside. He took her toy iPad and set it aside with her other toys as she kneeled in front of her book corner, deciding on a book.
“Find anything yet, Eves?”
“Yesh,” she pulled one out, walking back to her bed and climbing onto it then holding out the book for him to see.
“Five Little Bunnies?” he asked, taking it when she nodded.
“No,” she took it back, “I read to you daddy.”
He smiled, pulling her into his lap.
“You gonna read to me tonight then?”
“Yesh,” she nodded, her drying, loose curls shaking with her movement.
She opened the book to the first page.
“Once upon time dere five widdle bunnies.”
She turned the page and continued.
“Da fiwst widdle bunny liked to hop and play outside.”
Spencer’s brows raised, surprised that she wasn’t actually making something up, but quoting the book. He knew she wasn’t actually reading, but it still pleased him enough to know that she’d memorized the book to be able to read it to him. He held her close, resting his chin on her head as she continued “reading” to him.
“Da fifth widdle bunny didn’t want to be weft out of all da fun and hopped off to join all his fwends. De end.”
She closed the book, craning her neck to see Spencer.
“You nawt asleep are you daddy?”
“No baby,” he chuckled, picking her up and setting her against her pillows.
“Did you remember the entire story so you could read it to me?” he asked.
She slid under the covers and he pulled them up over her as she nodded excitedly.
“Did you wike it?” 
The hopeful excitement in her eyes just about melted his heart. He had loved kids for as long as he could remember, but there was nothing sweeter than your own children.
“I loved it.”
He handed her the stuffed animal koala—named Pookie—that she always slept with and she cuddled him in her arms. Spencer smoothed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead, making sure the covers were high enough so she wouldn’t get too chilly.
“Next time though, it’s my turn to read to you,” he laughed.
“Otay,” she smiled.
“Mommy says goodnight and she loves you,” Spencer said, turning on her nightlight for her, “Goodnight Evie, I love you.”
“I love you too, daddy.”
As Spencer turned off the lights, the last thing he saw was Evie turn on her side and close her eyes, heading quickly into a peaceful slumber.
“I’ve never been so happy to see food. Or the couch,” Spencer said, flopping onto the couch, a slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand.
Hopper was curled up on the couch, his head partially laying on Spencer’s leg, fast asleep. Duke loafed next to Y/N’s legs, relaxing, himself. They acted so tired, they made it seem like they had been the ones doing the parenting all day.
“Duke I hardly recognize you after your grooming,” Spencer chuckled, reaching over her lap to run his free hand over the soft fur.
“I swear he lost half a pound in fur alone,” Y/N commented.
It was just past 8 pm and the two of them finally were able to sit down to rest and eat their dinner. 
“I tried one of your cupcakes,” Y/N said after finishing her final piece of pizza, “They’re great.”
“Oh really? When did you do that?”
“Around lunch. It technically was my lunch.”
“Our rugrats sure keep us on the move, don’t they?” Spencer grinned.
“And to think you want more,” Y/N half groaned.
“I do,” he said seriously, “But not right now. One day. When they’re a little older.”
“Good because right now I’m too tired to even think about sex.”
“You and me both,” Spencer sighed, wrapping his arm around her. 
“How do parents manage to do this and have a sex life?” she mumbled causing him to snort.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure they take it one day at a time. Besides, I have plenty of time to show you just how much I love and appreciate you in that way, when we aren’t so tired.”
There was obviously more to their marriage than just the sexual part of it. Just making time for each other like this, even when it was at the end of the day, was more than enough. They were a team. They’d do marriage, parenthood and life together. It was all he needed right now.
Some day, they would find a balance. But right now, life was still hectic and intimacy wasn’t always guaranteed. One great thing though was that intimacy came in all forms.
This time right now, was an example. It was a private, cozy and relaxing atmosphere for just the two of them to spend some time together. 
“I’ll be there,” she smiled, laying her head against his chest.
“So will I.”
Spencer was tired, but he was also extremely happy,
They turned on the tv for a little while, not paying much attention to the show that was on since they both could hardly keep their eyes open. They dozed like that for a little while, arms wrapped around one another. 
They knew one twin or the other would likely wake up at least a time or two during the night, but right now even catching a few winks was better than none.
They’d make it to bed eventually, where they’d fall into a deep sleep next to one another, preparing for a new day when they’d do this all over again.
TAG LIST: @dreatine @reid-187 @groovyreid @reidslibra @suvikamahes98blr @fuckthealarm @whatspunispun @iamburdened @cindywayne @thomasfoockinshelby @tinyminy88 @theitcaramelchick @missprettyboy @hushlilbabydoll @sammy-jo1977 @theonlyone-meeeee @haileymorelikestupid @lemonypink @multifandommandy @teamkiall @redbullchick @ifeelloved @one-sweet-gubler @nanocoool @delightfullyspeedyearthquake @unsteadyimagines @ughitsbaby @inkwiet @pennythetechgoddess @capt-engr-ssa @sixx-sic-sixx @spencersdolore @reidsstudies @disney-dreams-world @chocolatecalzoneherringbonk @mggwhore @andiebeaword @cupcake525 @be-the-bravest @gretaamyk @likelovers @hopebaker @prisonreid @httpnxtt @daviddoughboy @pastathighs
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justjeonday · 4 years
Remedy | jeon jeongguk
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After a disappointing call from his manager, Jeongguk opens up to you about his life as an idol for the first time. No longer the happy and energetic boy you’re so used to, he lets everything out - and his words make your heart heavy with sorrow. 
— 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤; jeon jeongguk x reader
— 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱; 1,808
— 𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤; PG
— 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢; angst, ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ, idol!au, jeongguk and reader are friends for now
— 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; none, just sad jeongguk to make your heart ache :(
— 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔰; this is a repost cause I accidentally deleted the original one -.- anyway, this fic is inspired by the meaning behind jeongguk’s solo my time. This was also meant to be a scene in a longer fic I’m planning so if you like this please let me know! I’m really proud of this piece so please enjoy <3
(gif above is not mine!)
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Your eyes fall down to the reflection of the city in the black abyss of water beneath you, arms laying against the cool metal railing of the bridge as Jeongguk stands beside you with his shoulder brushing against yours.
The atmosphere had been light all night until just a few minutes ago, when he got a call from his manager. He had suggested for Jeongguk to discontinue with his midnight adventures he’d been having with you, preferably before someone notices it’s him hiding under the bucket hat and black oversized jacket. Jeongguk understands the reasoning of course, knowing it’s only to keep everyone including himself safe - but still he can’t help but to be disappointed.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask as your eyes land on his figure beside you, gaze falling down to study the way he fiddles with his hands.
He sighs, looking up at the sky. “I don’t know, I’m just a little gutted I guess.”
The two of you stand there in silence for a small while, then he speaks again - his voice breaking the silence in your shared bubble.
“Doing this,” he says, gesturing with his hand between the two of you. “It brings some sort of normality to my days in a way, and when we’re out like this I just forget how crazy my life actually is, and it feels so nice to just be with you like this. It feels like I’m just Jeongguk. Not anyone or anything else, not Jeongguk who’s on stage, not the guy who’s good at everything - just me.” He has a small smile on his lips as he finishes, eyes meeting yours.
“I’m happy to know you feel that way,” You smile back.
Yet again, the two of you fall into a comfortable silence - and despite the big city you’re in it actually feels silent, peaceful.
Seoul is never really silent. Behind you on the bridge, outside the walls of your bubble, there’s still plenty of cars driving by even though dawn is slowly approaching. Groups of friends still pass you by, loud from the exciting buzz a Friday night out brings. The city never sleeps and there’s constant sound filling the atmosphere.
However with Jeongguk next to you, every noise, every person fades into the night - and left is just the two of you and the stars.
You tune back in with reality as he speaks again, his tone suddenly a little different than before. “I just get lonely sometimes… living like this.”
Your look up at him, his smile now nowhere to be seen. You watch as he lets his gaze wander over the night sky, the lights of Seoul reflecting in his eyes. His dark orbs create galaxies of their own, stars shining in them just like the celestial bodies in the dark above you. And without realizing, you’ve come to prefer stargazing into them rather than the sky.
He exhales, his parted lips making way for a shaky breath before he continues speaking. “It almost feels like I exist in a different time and space than everyone around me.” He gathers the courage to meet your own gaze, voice weak as he talks.
A feeling of concern starts growing in your chest and your heart starts to ache as you see the sorrow in his eyes, a sight you’ve never seen before. The man in front of you, whom you’ve spent almost every day with for the past month, suddenly feels foreign to you. There’s no playfulness hidden in his features, no witty comments lingering on the tip of his tongue - waiting to be said just before the two of you break into laughter. His warm, dark irises almost seem sombre to you and the dimple you’re so used to seeing next to his bunny smile is now visible in a different emotion as his lips press together into a line.
It breaks you to see him like this.
“It all happened so fast, you know?” He says along with a sigh, looking out over Han River again as his fingers curl around the railing in front of him.
You turn towards him slightly, wanting him to know he has your full attention. You admire his features as he searches for words to say, deciding not to interrupt and just let him speak his mind.
“I started working to fulfill my dreams at such a young age I missed out on so much, and even though I’ve come so far - to a place I never even imagined I could reach - there’s still traces of losses, like something’s missing in here,” he lays a hand over his heart, a crease forming between his eyebrows as he fists the fabric of his hoodie. “It’s a strange feeling to miss something you’ve never known in the first place, something you might never know. I never had the chance to do all the things other guys my age have done, like dating or spending time with friends downtown at an ungodly hour and just messing around and being a normal teenager. Even just the simplest things, boring things, like studying for an exam along with other students and going to study groups.”
You feel your heart shatter into two as you notice his eyes becoming glossy, the stars in them shining brighter before they start fading - the fuel keeping them alive slowly disappearing.
You can’t even begin to imagine what he must feel like, not knowing mundane experiences that close to everyone his age has experience - things that most people experience daily. How lonely it must get when you can’t relate to anyone around you no matter how much you might want to, and the only one who’d really understand what you’re feeling being yourself. No one to turn to who’d be able to help or give advice.
You feel your eyes starting to sting as you stand beside him, but you’re quick to blink the tears away - wanting to stay strong for him when he’s weak. Knowing Jeongguk, if you’d let a tear fall he’d immediately put you first and do everything in his power to comfort you and make you feel okay. But he needs you now, more than he ever has before.
You reach out and take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. This makes him look down at them, a subtle smile tugging at his lips as he sniffles quietly.
“I don’t want to sound ungrateful because that’s so far from what I am, the life I’m living is more than I ever dreamed of and to have met the six people who now mean so much to me, and have raised me, makes me feel so lucky.” He smiles, eyes still glossy. “And the fact I have so many people supporting me in what I love to do means more than anything. It’s all just bittersweet in a way, but I’m sure my time will come someday.”
Your gaze moves from your interlocked hands to his eyes, and only then you realize he’s crying. Worry blooms in your chest and your hand leaves his to rub over his bicep as you search for his gaze.
“Hey,” you say softly, the volume of your voice barely above a whisper.
He looks down, wanting to hide his face from you but your hands come up to cup his jaw. This makes him look up and turn towards you, a pained expression painting his features. With eyebrows scrunched and his lips quivering he shakily inhales.
The stars sparkling in his eyes just minutes ago have turned liquid, swimming in his eyes before they spill down his cheeks - leaving his eyes dull and empty, like how you imagine space would look like without its galaxies.
“Sorry,” He chokes out, eyes closing to avoid meeting yours as more tears run down his face.
“Stop, just look at me,” you say. After a few seconds of no response you proceed to wipe the wet paths on his cheeks with your thumbs before whispering, “Jeongguk, please.”
At your soft pleading voice, his eyes flutter open.
“It’s okay not to be okay,” you tell him. “It’s okay to cry.”
He nods as you wipe his tears away, only for more to fall as he bites down hard on his bottom lip - his breath erratic as he inhales.
The pad of your thumb comes up to his lips and soothingly skims over the pink of them, making him release the sore skin caught between his teeth to let you caress it softly.
The sight of him like this breaks your heart a little more for every tear that escapes down his cheeks, and all you want to do is make him feel okay. You’ll do anything.
You’d put every single star up in his sky if he asked you to.
Removing your hands from his face, you put your arms around his neck and pull him into your embrace. Before long you feel his arms around your waist, your body ending up even closer to his as he hugs you tightly.
You softly run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and you feel him relax against you at the touch, his head falling to your shoulder as he inhales and exhales deeply to calm himself down and steady his breath.
“I wish I could take it away,” You say quietly, tears yet again stinging in your eyes as you think of his words.
In all your life, you’ve never met someone like the person in your embrace. Jeongguk, in spite of his success and achievements, is the most humble person you’ve ever known. No matter where you are, or what situation the two of you have stumbled into, he never fails to be kind and polite to those he meets.
His heart is so big he apologizes for anything that might be an inconvenience to others when he hasn’t done anything wrong in the first place. Just like right now, how he felt the need to apologize for crying. You’re certain his heart is made of pure gold.
You feel him pause for a moment, trying to figure out what your words are referring to. “Take what away?” He asks, pulling away to look at you while keeping his arms around you still.
“The pain…, the loneliness.”
His eyes linger on you before he pulls you against him again, his cheek pressed against your temple.
“You being here with me is more than enough,” He says, and you sense the small smile on his lips.
You feel warmth spread through your body as you hear his words, hugging him tighter. You shiver as he leans down to rest his face in the crook of your neck, his hot breath making goosebumps appear on your skin before he whispers;
“You’re my remedy.”
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Before TikTok, Witches Traded Their Spells on This Ancient Internet Forum
Long before the witches of Gen-Z claimed TikTok as their digital coven, and even before the Geocities-scattered digital landscapes of Web 1.0, a thousands-strong community once formed via the world’s phone lines to trade spells, advise on sigils, and correspond on spiritual guidance. It was called the Pagan And Occult Distribution Network, or PODSnet: a slice of occult internet history that helped pioneer mass online collaboration.
Today, it’s easy to take for granted that online communities are only a few taps away, but in the 1980s and early 1990s, finding like-minded individuals in niche subject areas was practically revolutionary. And in the case of PODSnet, it provided an unusually free space to discuss the esoteric arts—for many of its members, for the first time ever.
"In the 1990s and 1990s, accessing the social media of the day was very different than it is today,” Farrell McGovern, a PODSnet cofounder who came to Paganism through books about quantum physics such as The Dancing Wu Li Masters, told Motherboard. “It was louder, slower, and connectivity was perilous.”
In the early 1980s, computing enthusiasts began using Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) to communicate with each other. These systems were a precursor to the World Wide Web, and although relatively primitive, paved the way for the always-on communication of today.
Because BBS ran on phone lines, discussions were asynchronous and often confined to local groups due to the dramatic costs of dialing farther afield than your own state. What’s more, the boards were isolated from one another: an analogy might be if every single subreddit needed its own website, and you could only speak to users in your immediate area.
But in 1984, artist and technician Tom Jennings created FidoNet, a network that could connect all of these BBS systems. With the advent of cheaper modems, FidoNet’s popularity exploded into a huge 20,000-node network that connected users all around the world. Eventually, something called Echomail was introduced by a system operator, or sysop, called Jeff Rush, allowing for the support of public forums.
Instead of simply picking up your smartphone, BBS users would have to connect their computer to a modem, which was linked to a phone line—translating digital 1s and 0s into audio information and back again to the modem and terminal operating the BBS.
Popular BBSes would frequently return a busy signal: unlike today, actually logging off was necessary because only one connection was allowed at a time. A successful login returned a screen of text and a list of messages grouped into categories, with the software tracking the ones you had read. Here, users would respond to text, download what they could, and hang up.
Here, a BBS called "Magicknet" flourished, but one problem in particular spurred its users to found their own splinter network: Christian fundamentalists had infiltrated the group to spy on members.
This infiltration led to a number of incidents, including McGovern being written up in the magazine of infamous cult figure Lyndon Larouche as a “well-known witch from Toronto”. Given the various tabloid-led "Satanic panics" at the time, founding an independent BBS was not only right for promoting lively metaphysical discourse, it was a matter of safety too.
“People were losing their jobs, child custody, etc,” McGovern told Motherboard. “People had to move to escape persecution in some areas: very much so in the Bible Belt, but in other places, too. Unless you were in a major metropolitan area, and even then, you ran some degree of risk if you were outed.”
McGovern was first involved in his local BBS scene around Ottawa in the mid-1980s. Working at a local computer store that sold Apple and IBM PC clones, McGovern set up the Data/Sfnet BBS to advertise the business. In doing so, he became a SysOp—a system operator who ran, maintained, and in many cases built a network—granting him honorary entry to the computing elite at the time.
Being based in Canada, McGovern was the first to help Magicknet go international before it split into PODSnet, which would swell to 10,000 members who accessed the BBS by dialling into the 93 "zone number"—a reference to Thelema, the spiritual movement developed by Aleister Crowley.
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The logo of the PODSnet bulletin board system.
For author and occult store supplier Dorothy Morrison, who was raised Catholic but eventually joined a coven of practicing witches in California before forming one of her own, discovering PODSnet was an “incredible way to find so many people of like mind at one place”.
“It was a place where I could be myself, regardless of the fact I really was living in a very conservative, buttoned-down state,” Morrison told Motherboard. “It wasn’t just a safe haven for me, it was an escape from having to appear to be someone I wasn’t for safety reasons."
“When someone wants to burn you at the stake—at that time Missouri was not a place that would’ve taken kindly to Witches—you certainly don’t tell them where you keep the gas can,” she said.
The atmosphere on PODSnet was typically collaborative and friendly, said Morrison, and the most arresting dramas on the board she was aware of usually related to the enormous phone bills that came from connecting to the network. (Although once or twice these charges “damned near landed some folks in divorce court.")
But, like the internet today, there were hints of gossip, rumours, and fake news. One popular cause for the community was the supposed persecution of 9 million witches by Christians (The whole idea was based on bad scholarship, according to McGovern). At one point, there was a six-year-long debate on whether or not Kate Bush is Wiccan—perhaps one of the most heated internet disputes of its time.
Whatever the topic, much of these PODSnet discussions would have been lost to time were it not for a community effort to archive the cherished message board. Still accessible in its archived ASCII form today, PODSnetters worked together to produce what was perhaps the first mass collaborative online project of its type: a massive, crowdsourced digital grimoire  called the Internet Book of Shadows.
The name of the enormous seven-volume text references the catch-all "Book of Shadows," a name commonly used for tomes of spells and rituals, and the text covers the A-Zs of alternative spirituality from "Asatru to Zen Buddhism." Chapter one alone is 70,000 words long, and there’s a varied store of stuff available within, including an essay about bashing fluffy bunnies (the tendency among some well-seasoned practitioners to troll newbies, as opposed to bashing actual rabbits), a guide to cleansing rituals called "smudging," and an introduction to the suppressed traditions of Gnosticism.
Plenty of contributors to the Book of Shadows remain involved in esoteric spiritual communities today, and some, like Morrison, became authors in their own right.
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One of Dorothy Morrison’s favorite contributions to the Internet Book of Shadows.
Morrison says the book of rituals, spells, stories, legends, and “other magic-related miscellany” took seven 5-inch loose-leaf binders to contain it when she once decided to print out the information the community had amassed. The community then began compiling the grimoire into downloadable digital files.
Once it was finished, PODSnet users agreed to offer the Book of Shadows as a gift, free of charge, to the community. While they were copyrighted, they were free to use and copy under the proviso that there was no charge for their acquisition—leading to later frustrations about unauthorized reproductions of the manuscript for profit.
“It’s probably the largest collection of pagan thought that was freely available to copy for non-commercial use,” McGovern added.
According to Dan Harms, an author and librarian at SUNY Cortland, magick practice has thrived on community-produced documents throughout history. Even during the print era, there was a “tremendous sort of traffic in books, manuscripts being passed back and forth between people,” chopping and changing aspects of the manuscripts they liked before copying them out.
“What was really different here, is that when the material was copied or created, it’s put up online for everybody to see,” Harms said. “It becomes a collective memory. It’s not something that’s stuck on somebody’s shelf, it’s something everybody can get into.”
Harms told Motherboard that communities like PODSnet were of enormous importance for establishing networks of occult practitioners and helped lay the groundwork for driving a boom in occult publishing.
“I was growing up in rural Kentucky with an interest in these kinds of arcane topics,” said Harms, who wasn't involved in the occult internet at the time of PODSnet but was an active Usenet user. “It was just so hard to find any sort of information – you would have to rely on the local library.  But the local library in rural Kentucky is probably not looking to fill up its shelves with books about magic and paganism and things like that.”
Today, what was once a recondite pocket of the primordial internet has hit the mainstream, with even the Financial Times covering the "WitchTok" phenomenon. Speaking with PODSnetters, there’s a sense that in today's online spaces, community and information exchange can often take a backseat to clout and hostility. “[But] how much of that is getting older and yelling ‘get off my grass’,” asks McGovern, “or true insight – only time will say.”
Whatever the case, PODSnet—which closed around the turn of the millennium before hopping to Yahoo Groups, LiveJournal, and now with its remnants on Facebook—proved that digital technologies can bring disparate people together in a meaningful way, where they are happy to create and produce for the good of their communities.
“I remember those I met along that journey, what they taught me—not only about the Craft, but about myself—and the connections I made," said Morrison.“I remember how fortunate I was that PODSnet was there for me. To a large degree, that experience formed the person I am today, and I'll be forever grateful.”
Before TikTok, Witches Traded Their Spells on This Ancient Internet Forum syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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