#but seriously man horses are really hard to draw
ranacr0ak · 1 year
how the fuck do horses???
trying to draw my pjo oc and the worst part of this is trying to draw the goddamb pegasus on the front
(really shitty horse below the cut)
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
andar conmigo ~ part 11
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A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline/fic- Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle ~ You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you...Your old flame don John does not like this at all. Warnings: don John STILL being himself an asshole, nsfw chapter map
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You scream, certain in the span of a blink that he will land on his neck and you will be a widow before you ever got the chance to actually marry the man. 
Paul hits the dirt hard–and your heart with it–but he rolls with the impact, and somehow ends the disaster standing on his feet, looking utterly flabbergasted that he emerged unscathed. His smile is like the breaking of sunshine from behind an ominous cloud. The horse shies to the far end of the pen, stomping indignantly, and the crowd erupts with shouts and whistles for him. Everyone is delighted–except for don Juan, of course, who looks on with the expression of a man who bit into a particularly wretched lemon. 
That is when you are certain Juan cinched the saddle badly–if at all–and deliberately tried to hurt Paul with this escapade. Vibrating with rage, you march over to him, poking him hard in that solid chest of his. “How dare you?” you hiss. 
“Cálmate,” he sneers, batting your hand away. Calm yourself. 
But you have never been so angry in your life, rage filling you like a howling forest fire, and you wind up to slap him. He catches your wrist at the last moment, jerking you close with that iron-hard strength that always takes you by surprise. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he says low in your ear, before releasing you to stalk back into the pen. No one paid any attention to your exchange, all fawning over Paul, who has thankfully had the good sense to exit the corral and leave the horse-breaking to the professionals. 
It takes a good five minutes for you to reclaim your temporary husband, everyone crowding around Paul to clap him on the shoulder and rib him for falling off like a circus monkey. You are still trembling by the time he sidles over to you, his joy dampening as he sees you are on the verge of a breakdown. 
“Hey now. I’m fine.”
He is covered in dust, and there’s a scrape on his cheek. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” you say, masking the maelstrom inside you with low words. It doesn’t fool Paul for a second. 
“Hey,” he says again, drawing you into the circle of his arms. “It’s alright. Please don’t cry?”
“I’m going to cry,” you inform him, your facade cracking a little with your voice, “And I’d like to not do it here. Will you take me inside?” 
When you frame it this way he slings his arm over your shoulders, leading you towards the house. You notice as you walk together that he’s developed a slight limp. 
This idiotic, loveable, absolute puppy dog of a man. 
If he’d been seriously hurt…you would have done a lot more than tried to slap don Juan.
“Is anything broken?” 
“No,” he insists, but makes a sound through his teeth as he puts weight on his ankle.
“Lean on me,” you insist quietly, and once you round the wall of the courtyard, he does. 
Once you have him safely bundled in your room and seated in a chair he pays you a sheepish smile that makes you want to forgive him everything. “Guess you’re going to say ‘I told you so,’ huh?”
You give him a look that only makes him grin wider, the scamp. “Do I really have to?”
“Hmm. Well…I think my cowboy days are behind me now.”
Thank God.
“That’s a relief.” You dab at his chin with a wet rag, getting the dirt out of the scrape as gently as you can. “Though…you did very well, considering.” 
His dark eyes sparkle for your reluctant praise. 
“I had some good last-minute advice.” You narrow your eyes down at him, but your annoyance just seems to bounce off this man like rubber. Stranger yet, he seems to enjoy it. “You were pretty worried about me, huh?” 
“Of course I was. Have you ever seen a man turned into a vegetable from a kick to the head?” You shudder, remembering an incident with one of your older cousins when you were a girl. The memory of his dead, staring eyes will always haunt you. By some mercy he only lingered a month, before succumbing in his bed.  
“I’ve seen plenty of terrible things, honey,” Paul gently reminds you, looking down at his hands.  
You freeze, feeling stupid in that moment. He’s seen that and worse, you’re suddenly sure. But then…you are angry all over again. Because he survived all that, just to nearly die for the sake of riding a horse? 
“Then why risk it?” you snipe. “What for? To prove you are a man? To who? To them? To Juan? To me? I already know you’re braver and truer than anyone!”
He looks up at you with those liquid brown eyes, and you feel yourself melt all over again. “Are you saying…I've got something to live for?” he asks hopefully.  
“I should hope so! You have your whole life ahead of you!”
“That’s not what I mean.” 
You make a small, exasperated sound in your throat that causes his lips to twist, trying not to smile. 
“Tell me why you were so worried.” 
“You know why.” 
“Not sure I do…” He pulls you in closer between his spread legs, looking up at you with that pleading dark gaze. You have to close your eyes against the strength of the emotion that fills you at that moment, another round of tremors quaking through your bones. 
This man. 
“You know I care about you.”  
“Uh huh.” He rests his chin upon your breastbone, still looking up at you expectantly. 
“I told you that you’re precious to me.” 
His hands have made it to your waist, spanning your back, holding you to him. It makes you dizzy all over again–you are finding it harder and harder, to imagine life without those hands on you, holding you, comforting you, making you go to pieces…
“Paul…” you whine, begging for mercy he might not be in the mood to grant right now. You’re not really sure how you end up straddling his lap. He pulled you, maybe, or…you just melted into him. More and more, it seems like that is how things have been going. You are helpless as a magnet seeking iron with this man, the one thing you are meant to hold on to. His strong arms wrap around you, holding you to him, and you stay like that together for a long time, your head on his shoulder. 
“You have to promise me to be careful with Juan,” you whisper. “He meant to hurt you today.” 
“Oh. Maybe he hoped, but it was just one of his mean little games.” You marvel that even now, this man can’t imagine that off the battlefield, someone truly meant him serious harm. 
“No, Paul. He cinched the saddle too loose. I’m certain of it. He hoped the horse would kill you for him.” Paul is quiet in your arms as he digests this, not dismissing your accusation again. “Maybe…we should go, before something terrible happens. I can take you back to San Francisco.” 
His powerful body shudders with laughter beneath you. “You’re gonna escort me home, huh?” 
You sigh, knowing it sounds ridiculous when he puts it like that. You just…can’t shake the need to protect him, when it seems for some reason no one else in the world ever has. 
He kisses your temple. “Sweetheart, you are my home right now. I’m not leaving you.”  
You lift your head to brush his lips with yours. “I’m scared,” you admit. You wish the two of you could just steal off into the night, much like the first time you fled this place. 
He nods, and it means the world to you, that he doesn’t outright dismiss your fear. He’s the only man in the world you know who has actually listened to you. You comb your fingers through his hair at his temples, looking at him from so close, your heart so full you think it might explode. You almost feel as though you are watching from outside your body, as you gather your breath and gird your loins, ready to tell him how you really feel. “Paul…I lo–” 
There is a knock on the door. The interruption makes you jump as though you’ve been caught. “Y/n?”
You get to your feet, reluctantly answering the door when you recognize Esmerelda, the head housekeeper’s voice. “Sí, Esme?” 
You crack the door to find the older woman looking despondent on your threshold. “You need to come quickly. Your father…has taken a turn.” 
You shoot an apologetic look back at Paul, who nods with understanding even though you know for all the world he wants to hear the rest of the words you’d had for him, right on the tip of your tongue. “I’ll be right there.”
“Thank you, Esme.” 
With a sudden feeling of dread in your heart, you close the door behind you, and you run. 
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Here’s my thoughts on Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
There’s swear words, star trek, and spoilers oh my!
Start it up:
- “The planet of galactic peace.” Somehow. I don’t believe that.
- This guy on his horse looks like death
- “Let us explore it together.” Come take my hand. Let us take ibuprofen together.
- It’s hard to dislike Sybok when he smiles like that so they have to add in a somewhat evil laugh
- Epic music is a go (Music by Jerry Goldsmith)
- “‘You’ll be able to relax’ you call this relaxing? I’m a nervous wreck. If I’m not careful I’ll end up talking to myself.” Kirk convinced him to come here and now he has to watch his idiot husband climb a rock
- Kirk knows Spock and McCoy are there to catch him when he falls but goddamnit if they aren’t both really tired of his shit
- No but seriously what is with science fiction and thinking ‘yeah there’s a race of cat people’ looking at you too doctor who
- Caithlin Dar is awesome already.. I don’t trust Talbot (edit: haha too bad they’re characters don’t really do anything anyway)
- Scotty narrating is my favourite actually
- are Uhura and Scotty dating?
- “Admit it. We’re lost!” “All right, we’re lost. But we’re making good time.” Didn’t know I needed Sulu and Chekov to go hiking together but I do
- “Yes uh- yes, we’ve been caught in a blizzard.” *Chekov starts blowing into the microphone* god I love them. He just went with it!
- Bones ringing the triangle out of spite and love
- The husbands sitting down and eating beans. Why would they make star trek about literally anything else
- Coming back strong with the extra wh sound (it was in the last movie when McCoy said whales)
- The trivia panel is telling me that one of the goofs is Kirk calling Tennessee whiskey bourbon and it looks like something Spock would write
- McCoy laughing and talking about Spock’s Vulcan metabolism and Spock indulging by saying he’s also half human and McCoy responding with “well it certainly doesn’t show” to which he knows Spock’ll take as a compliment. Yes I do need old married mcspirk.
- “You know, you two could drive a man to drink.” Then Kirk with all the innocence and nonchalance in the world says, “me? What did I do?” “What did you do? You really piss me off, Jim.”
- McCoy is lecturing Kirk cause he can’t take anymore of his almost dying bullshit
- “I knew I wouldn’t die because the two of you were with me.” “I do not understand.” “I’ve always known I’ll die alone.” I’m about to cry because this is true. He dies in a distant future without either of them. Thinking about it they all somewhat die alone. Maybe Spock was there for McCoy but we never see his death. And Spock dies in an alternate past :(((
- “It’s a mystery to me what draws us together…Other people have families.” “Other people, Bones, not us.” They are each other’s family.
- SPOCK ROASTING A MARSHMALLOW (not sure why they call it a ‘marsh melon’)
- This is the silliest thing they could have possibly put in a movie (this is like a comfort fic but a movie and I am so here for it)
- “God, I liked him better before he died.” McCoy is getting nasty and Kirk is now like ‘well time to sleep’
- “Life is not a dream.” “Go to sleep, Spock.”
- Why is the head Klingons outfit so cunty. Why’re the Klingons so silly?
- They caught Spock in his jammies
- “Well gentlemen, it seems shore leave has been cancelled.” They can’t go on ONE DATE
- Why’re they huddled together on the ship like that?
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- “‘All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.’” “Melville.” “John Masefield.” “Are you sure about that?” “I am well versed in the classics, Doctor.” “Then how come you don’t know Row, Row, Row Your Boat?” Spock makes the most frowny and tired face imaginable. I think McCoy was justified in biting back there cause imagine you wake up, get in a shuttle, and then get corrected. All I’m saying is Spock was being a bit of a know it all (wouldn’t have him any other way)
- “*laughs* I don’t think I’ve ever seen him happier.” McCoy is so jolly in this one
- The yeoman with Kirk’s jacket is played by Shatner’s daughter
- HE ACTUALLY HAS A SHIRT THAT SAYS ‘go climb a rock.’ omg
- That fucking outfit oh my goodness
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- “What’s the matter, Jim?” “I miss my old chair.” And then it switches to Spock who’s going :[
- Love how the Klingons all know who Kirk is. Like he’s THAT important
- Aww Kirk can’t write his diary :((
- Their silhouettes are so cute (34:06) (also they look like how aliens coming out of a spaceship look, I just think that’s neat)
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- McCoy has to turn on the lights like, ‘stop sulking in the damn dark.’
- “Imagine that, a passionate Vulcan.” What McCoy? You want Spock to be more passionate?
- “This is Captain Pavel Chekov speaking.” He’s so silly for that. But also it’s probably best he doesn’t say ‘acting captain’ as that would arouse suspicion cause as everyone knows the captain is always the first to go on dangerous away missions
- What’s going on? Why is Uhura dancing ? What.
- What. Was. That. Scene. Why.
- “Spock.” “Yes, captain?” “Be one with the horse.” “Yes, captain.” Oookay
- “Hold your horse, captain.” Good one.
- Spock just. He just nerve pinched that horse.
- Spock does not know how to deal with seeing his estranged brother again (yeah I was spoiled) so, “you are under arrest for seventeen violations of the neutral zone treaty.” Is what he went with
- Sybok complimented and then winked at Kirk HE IS TAKEN
- “We’re going to forego the tractor beam and fly her in manually.” “Manually?” “How often have you done this?” “Actually it’s my first attempt.” Personally wouldn’t trust anyone else to attempt that other than Sulu. He is THAT bitch (/pos)
- whooo space stuff! Sorry the photon torpedo just missing as the enterprise went into warp was cool
- Spock’s got a gun!
- McCoy comes out of the ship and is so confused and looks to Spock and Kirk
- Ohhh no. Sybok is gonna do his thingy magic thing to Sulu and Uhura with Scotty watching ‘em from above
- “What you have done is betray every man on this ship.” “Worse. I have betrayed you. I do not expect you to forgive me.” “Forgive you? I ought to knock you on your goddamn ass.” “If you think it would help.” “You want me to hold him, Jim?” “You stay out of this. Why, Spock? Why?” Lots to think about in this dialogue. But I think McCoy offering to hold Spock is him going ‘Jim you’re overreacting can’t you see he’s already remorseful?’ I could be misreading but if you understand it as the idea of McCoy holding him down is so redundant because Spock is strong enough to get out of his grasp easily but probably wouldn’t resist in this moment then it’s just like aughhhhhh
- Also Kirk asking Spock to shoot someone is bad enough. But the fact that it was his brother…
- Kirk is in disbelief. He didn’t know his own husband has a brother (half brother technically. Same Spock same.)
- “Stop it, Jim! Spock could no more kill his own brother than he could kill you. If you want to punish him for what he’s done, why don’t you throw him in the brig? Besides, we’ve got bigger problems to deal with.” Bones not only defending Spock, but also getting them back on track
- Apparently both Gene Roddenberry and William Shatner didn’t like that Sybok was Spock’s brother. Roddenberry didn’t think that Sarek would have a child with another woman (I kinda agree but also Pon Farr would’ve made him become engaged to a Vulcan before he met Amanda, so it’s not completely unthinkable). And Shatner didn’t like it cause it was too much like ‘a soap opera plot line’ but they went with it so that Spock’s actions made sense with the way he acted towards Sybok. I personally like that Spock has siblings he never told anyone about. It’s funny.
- lmao this time Kirk gets to stand on top of Spock to reach something (See patterns of force)
- Spock talking about himself in the third person because he doesn’t want to admit that he couldn’t get out of the brig
- “The bond between these three is strong, difficult to penetrate. This will be quite a challenge.” IT’S CAUSE THEY’RE MARRIED
- It’s funny that- canonically - Sybok can sense a really strong bond between them
- Kirk and McCoy’s ass I mean- oh look it’s Spock. With rocket boots!
- Spock holding onto Kirk and McCoy for their dear lives
- “I believe I overshot the mark by one level.” “Nobody’s perfect.” McCoy keeps saying this to Spock and I think it’s healing. Also flirting.
- They’re lit really nicely
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- McCoy is NOT having this “Sounds like brainwashing to me.” You’re so right, back OFF Sybok
- (drawable moment 1:08:17)
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- “Your pain is the deepest of all. I can feel it. Can’t you?” OH WAIT WE GET TO SEE MCCOYS PAIN WHAT
- I have no words for this scene. Holy Shit.
- Forced therapy
- Oh they all get to see each others pain cause they’re connected
- Spock gets to see his own birth… why. What.
- young Sarek 😧😳😳😳
- “So human.” YOU FUCKED THE HUMAN SAREK. God he’s such a bitch.
- SPOCK FOR THE WIN!! He’s not leaving
- MCCOYS STAYING WITH HIS HUSBANDS!!! YEAH LETS GOOO! (Personally I don’t think McCoy would go with Sybok at all, but I wasn’t sure what the writers were gonna do and I was scared they would make him leave)
- I know we’ve moved on from this but maybe Sarek saying that Spock was human was like saying ‘he’s got your eyes’ like comparing Spock to Amanda in appreciation. We’ll never know but it’s still a bitchass thing to say.
- Kirk has a plaque with ‘To boldly go where no man has gone before’ what a nerd
- They’re really hot in their uniforms
- hi god
- Kirk wants to ID god. Fair enough.
- There’s McCoy in the corner. Losing his religion
- “I doubt a God who inflicts pain for his own pleasure.” YEAH McCoy’s not standing for this shit
- Oh so Sybok wasn’t the enemy. Yeah that’s a good ending for his character. Saying bye to sock and asking for forgiveness
- “Beam up Spock and Dr. McCoy now.” “Now, just a damn minute-” Kirk said that so fast so that his husbands couldn’t argue with him
- “I am a foolish old man.” “Damn you, sir. You will try.” Spock ain’t fucking around. Also he picked up a couple of words from McCoy
- “I thought I was going to die.” “Not possible, you were never alone.” Throw me out an airlock I need some air
- SORRY the immediate moment after that was SO MUCH WORSE “Please, captain. Not in front of the Klingons.” THEY WERE ABOUT TO MAKE OUT SLOPPY
- “Cosmic thoughts, gentlemen?” “We were speculating. Is god really out there?” They were having a nice quiet conversation and it’s a shame they didn’t show it :(
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- KIRK TALKING ABOUT SAM??? Oh no he was implying it was Spock
- this ending- I’m not okay.
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Unfortunately I really enjoyed this one. William Shatner made a movie that was so shippy and was oblivious to it the entire time.
I know it took a really long time for me to post this one because I wanted to watch undiscovered country first, I haven’t watched it yet but I felt I needed to finally edit and post this one. I hope you enjoyed my silly little thoughts.
Star trekking across the universe. Get that stuck in your head.
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owlsandwich · 6 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks so much @verba-writing for tagging me in this!
I wasn't sure which of my 2 WIPs I should answer for, so I'm just going to do them both :P
I'll tag @pb-dot @teacupsandstarlight @eccaiia @stits @ahungeringknife @mundanemoongirl and leave an open tag (please jump in! This one is a lot of fun and I want to read about other's WIPs!)
The Mechanics of Magic:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
A handwritten draft of what eventuall became chapter 3, written back in 2010
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'm not sure about a theme song, but I wrote most of Mechanics while listening to Portugal The Man, so something by them!
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Oliver is my favourite character - I love how stressed he is, under the weight of his responsibilies, and I put a lot of myself into him. The character I love the most though might well be Morgan. He really sums up that question of what if a good person did something terrible? What is enough to earn redemption? I don't know if there is a clear answer on whether he deserves happiness, but I believe that he does, and because of that, maybe I can believe it for myself as well.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
I'm not actually sure! My stories aren't particuarly marketable.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Defining the genre. I have been told that it's not possible to create a new genre, but Mechanics doesn't appear to fit into any existing fantasy sub-genre.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
I wish there were more! Roy has a betta fish named Mr Shinysides (named after my friend's fish).
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
The word is very similar to the UK in the 00s, tech-wise, so usually cars and trains, though I think they might have air travel as well.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Going through all the changes the editor made and signing off each chapter for the final edition.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Tropes... maybe found family? I love how they all come together, despite being from very different walks of life. I have canonly autistic characters as well, though even the ones that I didn't intend to be autistic, probably are (it's hard to make characters that don't share some of my fundamental way of thinking).
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I hope it can find the people who need it, and that they might love these characters as much as I do.
Burning The Darkness:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
I imagined chapter 1 a month or so before I wrote it down, and played with the scene over and over in my mind. I have a diary note somewhere musing on whether I should actually write it.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Surely it would have to be Darkness At The Heart Of My Love - The Ghost song that inspired it!
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
I love Julian. His character allowed me to explore so many of my own feelings about being raised in someone's image, purged of kindness and softness, and the conditional love that comes with being a golden child (though I'd say he got more of that than I did). I smile when people say they dislike him.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Again, I am not sure! People who like queer paranormal romance, but with layers of metaphor? This really is a story about discovering you are queer, even though it's about vampires.
Maybe Buffy fans!
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Overcoming the shame of having written a romance. It being paranormal with a bit of smut in it, makes me feel like people will think less of me and that no one will take the deeper themes seriously.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There is a blackbird singing in one scene, but again I need to add more animals into my work!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Vampires are fast walkers, so they mostly just run around the place. Darkness is set in basically Eastbourne or Brighton though, so they have all the usual transport methods.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
Wondering what I should do with it really! I need to edit out the smutty scene in chapter 2, if I ever want to self publish it.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
There's a lovely bit of enemies to lovers in there I think. Also Oren's arc is basically a direct metaphor for me realising I was trans and starting testosterone, so I'd love if other trans guys read it and related.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
Kinda what I said before - I hope it can find its way to people who will love it. Particuarly I'd love to find a queer audience who might relate to the themes.
One day I would love to be traditionally published, but so far I haven't written anything that has stood a chance, so that's a dream for a future WIP!
Blank Questions:
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your wip are you working on rn?
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your wip?
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miekasa · 3 years
Mie, I’m begging for some Jean college au bf hcs - im literally so down bad for this man and the way you write men is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Absolutely, not a problem 😌 I saved this ask as a draft a while ago when you sent it, sorry for just now getting to it. Anyway, I love Jean with my whole heart, best boy, best boyfriend <33
King of forehead kisses, and not even just because of his height in comparison to yours; he just likes it. He likes the feeling of pressing his lips against your skin, and making you feel safe.
Brings you tea or coffee however you like it every day without fail. If he can get it to you in the morning before work/school then he’ll do that, if not he’ll meet you some time in the middle of the day to drop it off. Your own personal courier just for drinks.
He… has a thing for long(er) nails. He loves the feeling of them against his skin, even if you’re not scratching to apply pressure—just you holding his hand them grazing his skin is enough for him.
That being said, he will pay for you to get your nails done. Actually, he’ll pay for… almost anything you want, but the nails benefit him as much as they do you so feel free to ball out.
He never blowdries his hair because he doesn’t... know how to do the back of it. You did it for him once and he hasn’t stopped thinking about it since, but he’s also too embarrassed to ask you to do/style it again.
On the subject of hair, he does do his best to style it and take care of it, but he’s a sucker whenever you play with it. Sometimes he feigns like you’re messing up all his hard work, but he’ll literally crane his head into your touch. He loves it. 
The first time he lays on top of you and you run your hands through his hair... top 10 most euphoric moments of his life. He tries to fight off the sleep threatening to take over him, but it’s futile. Give it 15 minutes at most before he’s knocked out like a baby. 
Dogs love him. Anytime you’re in a park or just taking a walk and there’s a dog around, it’ll come up to him and he looks adorable leaning down to pet it. He loves dogs, too! So he’s always happy to stop and pet them. He’d be a 10/10 dog dad. 
Has your name saved in his phone with two hearts at the end. Do not point it out.
Loves taking pictures together and if you guys are on a date, he’ll ask someone to get a picture for him. He just likes having them to look back on (and to send to his mom, later).
He doesn’t mind painting classes or videos or tutorials, but he hates paint by numbers kits. He claims that they have no sense of color theory and that it takes the originality and fun out of painting. Not to mention the quality of the paints isn’t great to begin with; all of which he takes very seriously.
It’s pretty cute actually, to see him get worked up over the paint kits. He claims that painting and drawing isn’t even something he takes “that seriously,” it’s just a hobby for him (one he’s insanely good at); but in moments like these, you can tell that he’s way more into art and art theory and history than he lets on. 
Huge movie guy, from animated movies to martial arts movies, Jean is usually willingly to give anything a watch at least once. When he’s high, he can go on about his favorite directors and art styles and movie details for hours if you don’t stop him. It’s super cute. Just don’t bring up Moana, because he’ll start crying. 
Arm around the shoulder kind of boyfriend for sure. It’s a casual way of keeping you near him and letting everyone know that you guys are together. Plus it allows for him to easily pull you into him for a quick forehead kiss when needed.
Listen. If you hug his arm, he’s on cloud nine. He tries to be nonchalant about it but he’s about three seconds away from his eyes rolling back in his head it feels that good to him. Bonus if you lean your head on his bicep a little—then he’s a goner.
He takes his bagels very seriously and believes that both you and him deserve nothing but the best quality bagels. He’ll grumble if a bakery gives you guys a less than favorable one and make a note that taking the long route to get to his favorite place is much more worth it.
Always makes you walk on the side furthest from the cars. If he notices you’re not, he’ll just shuffle behind you until he’s shouldering the street and you’re on the inside. 
He grew up on a kind of modern ranch situation; not exactly all the way in the countryside, but not isolate from the city, either. Because of this, he knows how to ride horses, take care of smaller farm animals, tend to plants, and yes he knows how to use a lasso. You wouldn’t know any of that though, because he never ever talks about it. The only way you find out is when he takes you to visit his mom’s house for the first time, and she asks him for a hand around the place. 
(He’s got a cowboy hat, too, but refuses to put it on. He got it when he was, like, nine, okay, leave him alone). 
When he thinks you look tired, he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders to hug you. It’s usually followed up with a kiss to your head, and a promise that you guys will go home soon and get food on the way. 
He’s a really good cook. He just understands and flavors and pairings really well, so he doesn’t need a recipe to make something that tastes good; he just kind of knows what to add to get the balance he’s looking for. 
Naturally, he’ll cook for you. Especially if he finds out that you haven’t eaten all day/in a long time. He doesn’t care if it’s 11pm and it might seem excessive to make steak and potatoes with a side salad at this hour, he’s gonna do it to make sure you eat, and you are going to sit there and watch. 
He also bakes pretty well, though he isn’t as experimental with his baking as he is with his cooking. He usually sticks to what he knows, and it’s not cupcakes and brownies and cakes; he’s better at croissants, and cheesecakes, and canelés. 
Dating Jean means getting along with his friends. If you guys didn’t know each other before you started dating, be prepared to be ambushed by Connie and Sasha (after Jean stops hiding you away and gives them the green light lmfao). Neither of them waste time with the small talk and formalities; straight into mini golfing and beer pong. They make you feel welcome right away.
Sasha always teases that you’re too good for Jean, and that she might just steal you away for herself some day. Sasha is also Jean’s main confidant, so she really knows just how much he loves you, and yeah, she teases him for being lovesick, but really she’s happy for Jean. And proud of him for facing his feelings like this. 
Connie adores you, and you know he trusts you when he starts going to you for advice/help. Could be anything from schoolwork, to what color he should get his new shoes in. He’s also the one who, surprisingly, you have the sentimental talks with about your relationship with Jean. It’s easy to overlook, but Connie loves Jean, and he’s come to love you too; he just wants you both to be happy, so he’s there to listen when you need it. 
Jean waits outside of your classroom after you’ve had a test or presentation, usually with a drink or a snack, or the promise of taking you out as a treat. Always tells you he’s proud of you, and is there to comfort you if you think you didn’t do too well. 
He does not shut up about whatever major you’re in. It could be the same as his; it could be the complete opposite as his. He thinks it’s so sick that you’re doing it, you make it look cooler, you make it look better, and he’s certain you’re the smartest person in your program. 
He’s pretty serious about his studies, too, so he’s always down to study with you in the library whenever you’re both free. More often than not, he shows up after you, usually with food or extra chargers. He greets you with a kiss on the forehead, and asks you how you are while massaging your shoulders gently. If it’s been a while since you took a break, that’s the first item on the list, after that, he gets to work and stays with you until you’re ready to go, even if he doesn’t have as much work to do. 
He always sits across from you. This goes for when you’re in the library, or out to eat at a restaurant; Jean loves sitting across from you. He gets to see your face the best that way, and he adores looking into your eyes when you talk. 
He’s not... not a morning person. He’s not up at 6am ready to grind, but he wakes up before noon; let’s say 10am is his happy medium. That being said, if you wake up before him, regardless of the time, there’s a 9/10 chance he’ll lay on your back and tell you to hush so you guys can sleep for 10 more minutes. 
If you’re (close) friends with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, Jean is... happy you’ve got people to rely on, but, “Of all people on the planet, you put your trust in Jaeger?” He acts so bitter (because he is), but deep down inside, he’s glad you have Eren to rely on if you need to. 
(Also, you have to humble him and remind him that he and Eren aren’t all that different. If you like him, why wouldn’t you get along with Eren, bye). 
Turns out though, that it’s not Eren who threatens to beat him up if he breaks your heart. It’s not even Mikasa, although, her threat goes without saying; it’s Armin he’s terrified of.
The last time Armin hated someone, it was this guy in your program, who happened to share a few mutual classes with him, too. Jean never knew the full story, just that he’s pretty sure that kid dropped out the following semester. 
If you have a job on campus, Jean usually doesn’t show up while you’re working (knowing how embarrassed he would be if you did that to him), unless you work the night shift and it’s dead. Connie, however, does show up; usually in some kind of crisis (“Please help me, I don’t know what the fuck APA formatting is and this is due tonight, please, please, please!!”). Your coworkers actually thought Connie was your boyfriend for a minute. That’s when Jean starts showing up more lmfao.
He makes it a point to go on a scheduled, night out, kind of date at least twice a month. He knows life gets busy with school and work and midterms, but he always makes sure you both set side a time to take a well-deserved break and be with each other. 
He’s the romantic type, so these dates are pretty swoon worthy, too. Drive-in movies, nice dinners, classy art exhibits, Jean plans it all. On that note, he really likes planning dates; he just doesn’t like talking about them with his friends beforehand. 
All in all, very romantic, very precious boyfriend. He’s always thinking about you, what you need, and how he can help you out. You’re one of his main priorities, and he just wants to treat you right. 
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po3ticb3auty · 2 years
Mr. Blue Eyes
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: MINORS DNI/AGELESS BIO DNI Smut, death, angst, mention of pregnancy, racial tension (Clay being a douche)
If I missed anything let me know.
Synopsis: Y/N is Alvarez's goddaughter she's AFAB and BLACK. Meets Jax and well If I say anything else I'm giving the story away.
Jax Teller the lovely blonde man who loved you even when all sides were against it. Who would’ve thought after all that big talk from Alvarez and Chibbs he’d actually pursue you.
There you were that hot summer day on your godfather’s porch awaiting his arrival when to your surprise you’re met with a lovely pair of blue eyes and a smile that made your knees weak. Before you could get a word out, the one you later found out his name was Clay, looked you up and down and barked “You with the Niners, huh?”
Confused you laughed before he drew out his gun, which only made your laughing increase.
“Sorry,” you say hiccuping between breaths.
“I’m (Y/N/N) and I’m definitely not no damn Nine or whatever the fuck that is. So it would be wise to remove that gun from my face…unless..”
“Unless you want to answer to my godfather, he’s very over protective of me,” you say while batting your eyelashes.
And like clockwork the black Denali pulls up and out pops your godfather Alvarez and Mr. Galindo.
“Calmese Clay, that’s family,” announced Galindo as Alvarez pulled his gun out for safe measures.
“Ooops, didn’t know you were related to her kind,”Clay retorted.
“Fuck you mean my kind?” you spat.
“Y/N/N mija, calmate ahora”- was all Alvarez could get out before you stood toe to toe with Clay with your blade ever so delicately tucked in the palm of your hand.
“Naw, he really think he can disrespect like that from pulling gun on me after accusing me of being a Niner then this my kind shit…I mean stuff. You’ve taught me to kill for less.”
Unbeknownst to you Mr. Galindo had instructed Mr. Blue Eyes to keep an eye on your hands as he knew how quick you were to slice since the blade was always your choice of weapon.
“Pops, just apologize to her this is a business arrangement we cannot and will not mess up due to your attitude,” Mr. Blue Eyes finally said wedging himself in between both you and Clay.
“Y/N/N I’m not going to ask you again step away and drop it,” snarled Galindo.
“Until next time little lady,” said Clay with a sly smile and with that you flung the blade pass his head and smiled.
“Next time I won’t miss.”
“Y/N!” Yelled Alvarez.
“No, it’s only fair he did draw his gun on her,” said Mr. Blue Eyes.
“Jax, seriously?”
“Pops she missed you…if she wanted to kill you or better yet mark you she would’ve,” replies Jax.
Ah, his name is Jax. Damn, hey universe its me umm can I pet that DOG!! Matter of fact can I ride that horse.
“Apologies for my actions Galindo and Padrino.”
“We’ll discuss this incident later but for now get in the house I’ll grab your bags,” stated Galindo.
“Nonsense the least I can do is make myself useful since this meeting took a turn for the worse,” announced Jax.
Ah, fuck no don’t be nice now sir I want to fuck ya face.
“Thanks, mija show him the way to your room and don’t try to stab him,”laughed Alvarez.
Clay began sending daggers to Jax as he picked up your luggage and all the men followed Alvarez into the house.
Today was a hot day so of course you had on short short and a tee that left nothing to imagination and as you both towards your room you felt his eyes on you.
I wonder if she can feel me eye fucking her. How matter of fact I don’t care how she’s related to Alvarez but where has she been.
He’s staring too hard..I can feel him. Fuck. Please don’t say anything just carry my luggage and depart. Please. Fuck why is he making me sweat.
“So, this is my room you can just put the luggage by the bed. Thanks,” you said standing in the doorway.
Assuming there was enough room Jax attempted to slide by you to only be proved very wrong. You felt every ounce of him and boy did it feel nice, made you wonder how it feel to be under him.
“My bad, excuse” he said while his chest brushed passed yours. You’d be tripping if you thought his voiced vibrated in you causing you to go limp.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yes, just hot”
“Yeah it’s a hot one today,” he responded while wiping the sweat from his face.
Clearing your throat , you excused yourself and shut the door in his face. You listened until you heard his footsteps and started the shower praying that they’d be gone after you changed.
Boy were you wrong. After the events that transpired you decided to go for a sundress since the heat was once again unrelenting and there was no way you were wearing shorts.
Putting your hair in a high bun to cool off you stepped into the living room expecting to be scolded but instead you were asked to come in on the meeting by Galindo.
“So,” he starts, “this is (Y/N) Alvarez’s goddaughter. She will be staying with him until further notice so you may see her around town. She has no club ink but she is to be under the care of SAMCRO is you ever see her out and about.”
“Hi, I’m right here, I don’t need a babysitter”
“You got that right,” replied Clay and Jax in unison,
With a heavy eye roll you folded your arms and sat back down.
Damn, she’s even more beautiful in that sundress.I’m definitely going to have to get her to myself one of these nights and really introduce her to the town.
“Now as I was saying, Niners might try her and although we don’t have any real beef with them I cannot…scratch that we cannot take any chances with her safety,” continued Galindo.
“Wait I swore we were muling for you and nothing more?” Asked Clay.
Alvarez stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders, “That’s true but after what we saw earlier it’s best to add my Y/N/N safety in the discussion as well. Especially since she’s so friendly with the blade.”
“Fine, as long as she keeps her blades away from me it's all good.”
How can someone so fine be so damn deadly, I wonder if her lips are as soft as her tits were earlier
“Great, ah just one more thing tell the club she’s off limits,” Alvarez stated while looking at Jax.
“So…what am I doing then…bouncing between two clubs or staying in the house…matter of fact..never-mind I know the answer,” you sighed.
“Jax, about earlier my apologies I just don’t take kindly to being spoke to any crazy way.”
“Huh, the issue was with Clay.”
“Oh, I know but you tried to diffuse it and he didn’t so my apology is to you not him.”
“This bi-” Clay started before Jax interrupted him.
“Thanks, we’ll be heading out now.”
Once they were gone you got chewed out by both Alvarez and Galindo.
“Stop being so reckless you know better.” Said Alvarez.
“You act like I wanted to come here, one letter from my dad and I’m shipped off like some military brat!”
“Y/N your life was in danger in Philly, I don’t even know why you still lived there even after all the warnings!” Yelled Galindo.
“Ugh, I’m 25 and once again the men in my life are ruining it.” You slumped in the chair admitting defeat and promising to abide by the rules for your own safety.
That was 6 months ago.
After spending days on end with the Mayans and SOA you were pretty much safe any and everywhere especially when you were seen with Jax Teller. What started off as an innocent crush turned out to be a little more and once Alvarez found it he made note to keep you under a watchful eye.
One Saturday afternoon you had the house to yourself and like clockwork Jax was there with flowers except this time was different. You opened the door to a bouquet of pink lilies and purple orchids. Taken aback by the gesture you stood there speechless.
“These are beautiful Jax thank you,” you squealed while he put them in some water.
You sat back and watched as he put them in your room and joined you back on the couch.
“How long with your padroni be away?”
“Until Monday I think.”
“Oh really Monday?” He said as he pulled you onto his lap.
“Yes, why?”
“Because, maybe just maybe…I’d like to take every second I have with you to appreciate and worship the blessing you’ve been to my life.” He said as he began placing kisses on you neck and collarbone.
You let out an airy moan as you began to grind on his lap.
“Eager much?” He laughed as he pulled your dress straps down your shoulder.
“In my defense, you do this to me..you make me crave only you and it’s nauseating.”
Jax chuckles as he kicks his shoes off so he can carry you to your bed.
“Oh, this is my fault he questions as he rubs his fingers in-between your wet folds.”
You whimper from his touch and attempt to scooch back.
“Ah ah” , he says gripping you by your neck. “Where do you think you’re going?’
“Nowhere,” you squeak.
“That’s right nowhere. You know the routine behave or else.” He whispered in your ear as his grip around your neck tightens.
“You never wear panties on Saturdays. It’s like you know that I’m going to wear you out. I love it.”
With one hand on your neck he resumes placing kisses over your breast. Making sure to pay attention to each bud he licks and sucks and nibbles away paying attention to your moans as if you thought he was going to get you off by sucking your breast alone.
“Fuck fuck” were the only comprehendible words that passed your lips.
“Jax….please I need….I need to feel you. I….fuck…I need you to fill me.”
And with that he popped off your tits and made his way down to your slippery folds, making sure to leave a trail of hickeys to his final destination.
“Look at all this…just for me,” he says in awe as he laid his eyes on the puddle of excitement that stuck to your thighs.
“Yes Jax, just for you.”
Avoiding the bud, he placed more hickeys on your inner thighs eliciting sweet sounds from you that only he could.
When he flicked his tongue against your most sensitive bud you both felt the jolt of excitement course through your body.
“So sensitive…”
Increasing the pressure he adds a finger and stroked your gummy walls while allowing his tongue to still attack your bud.
You tried to squirm away but as his grip got tighter he growled into your gummy walls and you stilled.
Using your free hand you began to pul on his hair and all he did was continue. It’s like the pain from you pulling his hair aroused him more as he adds another finger you begin to shake
“Fuck Fuck Fuck..what are you doing to me sir, I can’t take this fuck.”
“Shhhh yes you can we are just getting started anyway.”
His blue eyes bored into you like he was able to see your soul and with the last flick of his tongue you came undone.
“Yes baby give me the juices that’s what I want.”
You let out a high pitched moan as he continued sucking your bud and toying with both of your holes.
Babe, please stop I need you in me. Please..I can’t take it
Oh you can’t?
I know you have one more in you…just one more
You felt a knot in the pit of your stomach slowly becoming undone and once your legs began to tremble he added another finger. Fuck you’re so tight babe. Come on give me one more and I promise I’ll fill you up.
“Be my good girl and cum for daddy, okay” And like that your dam broke but this was a different one. You started seeing white and went numb for a split second.
Stay with me Y/N/N were the words that brought you back to reality as he slid into you.
Fuck babe you’d think you’d be used to this, he said as you gasped from his lovely intrusion.
I am daddy I’m just sensitive as fuck right now and -fuck- I cannot …please move.
Fuck you’re so tight, he said as he pushed your legs to your chest.
No no no no no, let me put my legs down please, was the last thing you said before he put his hands back around your neck.
“I thought I told you to shut up earlier. Shut up and take daddy’s dick like the good girl you are or I’m stopping and I’ll keep my cum to myself.”
“Me?" He asked making sure to kiss your cervix with every word. See, Jax wasn’t a small man, his girth was one for the books and his length was perfect just the right amount to have you beg for both mercy and more with every stroke.
You shook your head yes.
He looks down at your fucked out face as his tip kisses your cervix over and over again. Your eyes look practically cross as he speeds up making sure to get deeper than before.
Once you begin to squeeze him he loses all focus and his hips begin to stutter “Fuck” bend over he says as he release your neck and folds your limp body.
As he slid back in you let out a sound that was nothing more than sweet music to his ears.
“Don’t move. Please stay right there. I promise. Fuck. I promise it’ll be okay.”
Once again you felt that knot from earlier in the pit of your stomach as he began to dig deeper into your guts.
“Babe slow down slow down please something don’t feel right.”
"No, shhh let it happen, I promise you’re going to love it.”
You feel his spit at your puckered entrance as he slides his thumb into its rightful place.
“Ohhhhh fuck Jax, please please please..I cannot take it it’s too much.”
“No it’s not..just fuck keep your arch.”
And with that he went to work. Slowly stroking your velvety gummy walls as he admired the creamy ring around his base. He pressed down on your arch and there was the stutter in his hips again.,
“Fuck, I know you can feel me about to cum, cum with me baby please,” he asked as he slithered his fingers to your overly sensitive bud.
“Jax, Jax, babe I’m so close fuck. Oh my oh my fuck fuck” were the last words you said and you both moaned in unison and you saw sounds and heard colors. You felt his hips stutter as he finally released his thick load into once more.
This was wrong.
This wasn’t supposed to be happening…not again.
Yet here you were in his arms once more as he laid there admiring your sun kissed skin lit by the slither of sun peeking through the shades. With his hands still in your hair he smells you. Inhales deeply so you'll never leave his senses and if you ever cross paths again...he'll remember you. Jax kisses both you and your belly.
It’s all replaying in his head like a movie he never wants to end.
Jax saw the pregnancy test in your room and knew that was the reason for your mood swings. Jax knew you weren’t going to kill his child and if things were different if timing was different…he’d stay by your side and raise y’all little one together with his Thomas and Abel.
He left a note promising to return, but you knew better.
But once Chibbs informed you of the death of Tara you knew there was no turning back.
@thicksimpx @misss-chrisss @rinhoes @pervysenpaix
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alrightberries · 4 years
Hi! So like what if Levi & F!Reader are like cuddling, and Levi over slept (maybe misses a meetings?) and Eren and his squad have to go find him and they see Reader and Levi all cuddly and stuffs. AND THEN Levi become super pissed bc they went into his quarters without permission and blah blah blah (you can decide the rest lolll) basically crack, fluff and humor lol. Please& thank uuu
the short end of the stick
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❈ pairing: levi ackerman x reader
❈ genre: fluff, semi-crack ❈ word count: 3.3k
❈ summary: In which the 104th cadets were not prepared to find out that the terrifying and ever-intimidating Captain Levi... is a little spoon.
❈ trigger warnings: implied sex. brief mentions of blood and death. profanity
a/n: i made the reader gender neutral, hope y’all don’t mind. i had too much fun writing this and got kinda carried away. this is my first request ever and i’m glad that i finished it. enjoy!
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Eren was shaking.
Sweat dripped down his forehead and his knuckles turned white from how hard he was clenching his fists, nails piercing his skin so harshly he swore it would draw blood. His heart angrily pumped inside his chest, every beat so strong he nearly anticipated for it to jump out of his ribcage at any given moment.
He felt fear.
He puts a name to the feeling and it doesn’t make him feel any better. Ears ringing, lungs breathing rapidly as he tries to steady his fear-induced heart. He was hyperventilating. His eyebrows crease from his anxiousness and he feels his knees weaken, daring to give out beneath him. Was he actually shaking right now? He couldn’t even tell.
He felt vulnerable.
Eren had seen many horrors throughout his short lifetime. He saw the colossal titan rear its ugly head over Wall Maria as its foot smashed into the wall’s gates, debris flying throughout the district as a boulder crushed his home with his mother still inside. He saw his mother get snapped in half and eaten by a titan right before his very eyes at a tender age as he sat by and could do nothing but watch.
He was orphaned. Forced to grow up too soon, too fast just so he could say he survived. His entire district was left homeless, forced to become refugees as titans rampaged throughout the outer walls, forced plow the fields to combat the famine and hunger, forced to have 250,000 people go on what was essentually a suicide mission to appease the growing population.
He trained in the military. He trained for three gruesome years and had his physical and mental psyche crushed into dust beneath the boots of the commanding officer, only to be thrown into a battle—completely unprepared— with the titans once more before he could even graduate.
He saw his friends, his family, his brothers and sisters in arms get eaten. Killed. Murdered. Swatted away like flies by the very beasts he swore he’d kill.
And yet, nothing could prepare him for this.
Nothing could prepare him for the blood-pumping, adrenaline-induced terror at the mere thought of having to carry out his mission.
Nothing could prepare him for having to wake up Captain Levi from his nap.
Jean groaned. “Dammit, just fucking do it already.”
Eren is snapped out of his reverie, suddenly reminded that he wasn’t alone. His fellow soldiers stood behind him.
“Well if you’re so brave then why don’t you do it, horse-face?” He grits back, turning around and clenching his fists at his side.
He glimpses around the hallway and his eyes loom over his teammates’ amused faces, each painted with a shit-eating grin. Everyone was relieved that they weren’t the ones tagged with waking up the Captain from his nap.
Rumor around the base is, the last person from his original squadron (may they rest in peace) who had to wake up Captain Levi almost had his ear sliced off. Levi wasn’t even carrying any gear or anywhere near a knife.
One look at Mikasa told Eren that even she was glad she didn’t get picked for this task, and he shudders at the thought of being the poor bastard who had to lose his ear just so the Captain wouldn’t be late for his meeting. He quite liked having both of his ears attached to his head, thank you very much.
“It’s your task.”
“Yeah but why is it my task?!”
“Because you drew the short end of the stick, genius.” Jean replies easily.
Oh. Right.
“There has to be something we can do! Another plan. One that doesn’t involve waking up Captain Levi.” His eyes are pleading as he looks at his fellow soldiers, yet none of them seem willing to switch places with him.
Dammit. They were really going to make him work for it.
All his dignity is thrown out the window as Eren quickly gets on his knees and starts begging his friends, the shit-eating grins on their faces turning into wicked smiles as they watch him beg for mercy.
“Mikasa? What about you? Are you seriously going to let them send me to my death?” He asks, but Mikasa simply turns her head the other way as she speaks.
“He won’t kill you. Just sever your ear.”
Eren’s eye twitches.
She looks at him once more. “I’ll pick up your ear and ask the medical unit to sew it back on you. I’m sure they’ll understand.”
As proof, she holds up a glass jar and some tweezers. She had gloves on her hands.
God, he was going to kill his teammates.
Jean, apparently fed up with Eren’s incessant whining, marches towards him and grabs him by the collar, forcing him to stand up.
“Yeager, you trained in the military for three years. You’re a goddam titan shifter. You got kidnapped and held hostage. Three times. Waking up a growth-stunted man won’t be the last of you.”
Jean’s words are reassuring but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. No, his eyes are still amused. Very amused.
Scratch that, he wasn’t going to kill all his comrades. Just Jean. Jean and his extremely punchable horse-face.
Before he could even reply, Eren is shoved inside the Captain’s office with a quick “Off you go!” and the door is quickly shut behind him.
This was truly fear.
Captain Levi’s office is empty, Eren notices. It’s spotless as always and tall shelves line every wall, each filled to the brim with books and documents. A lone door sits at the far right wall.
The Captain’s bedroom.
Slowly, with bathed breaths, he forces his legs to walk closer to the door that held his fate. Briefly, Eren thinks about getting some protective ear covers (just in case) but he quickly shoves that idea aside when he realizes that Jean and Conny were likely blocking the door from the outside.
That, and he concludes that the Captain would just break another part of his body. Maybe his hands. He didn’t need ears for handling ODM gear but he did need his hands.
“Captain?” Eren’s voice is weak but clear as he knocks on the door. “Captain Levi, you’re late for your meeting.”
He holds his breath for a few seconds, and there’s no response. He tries once more.
“Captain,” he repeats, louder this time. “Captain, you really need to wake up. Commander Erwin says your attendance is required for the meeting to start.”
But there’s still no response.
His hands are shaky and he’s still extremely nervous, but he knew Captain Levi’s presence was urgent to the meeting. Classified, Commander Erwin had said when he asked what it was about. 
The third time Eren repeats his fruitless endeavors, he realizes that Captain Levi really wasn’t waking up any time soon.
He runs back to the door he came in from.
“Let me out!” He yells, hands throttling the doorknob as he tries to pull the door open but just as he suspected, Jean and Conny are sealing the exit and pulling at the doorknob as well.
“Let me out, dammit! Captain Levi won’t wake up, I don’t wanna die— just let me out!”
His feet are pressed up against the wall at this point and he manages to yank the door open by a few mere inches. A quick glimpse outside confirms his worse fears: all his friends are holding onto the doorknob as well, trying to keep the door closed. Even Mikasa.
He’d never felt so betrayed.
“You got this Eren!” His eyes drift to the back of the group where Sasha was smiling at him with a cheeky grin. “I’m sure the Captain won’t hurt you too badly when you wake him up.”
“No, fuck that! He’ll murder me and say it was because I went ape shit in titan form. He won’t even get arrested!”
It was when he made eye contact with Mikasa when he realized what true betrayal felt like.
“Good luck, Eren.” “No, don’t—!” Mikasa yanks the door close with one strong pull and he falls to the floor, on his ass.
The room is quite once more (save for the cheeky giggles on the other side of the door) and Eren brushes himself off as he stands up. He eyes the door to the Captain’s bedroom and he breathes in deeply when he comes to terms with what he has to do to wake the Captain from his deep slumber. He has to go inside.
He finds himself in front of the door once again, and this time his knocks are a little louder, a little more unsure, as he speaks. “Captain? I don’t think you’re waking up soon. I’m coming in.”
Slowly, he tells himself. Slowly.
Eren wasn’t sure what to expect when he opened the door to Captain Levi’s quarters. Maybe a torture chamber. Maybe swords and skeletons on the wall. Maybe a book on How To Murder With One Glare on a coffee table. He didn’t know.
But oddly, he thinks as he glances around, the Captain’s bedroom is... normal. The room’s dark, with its curtains drawn and the candles unlit. Tall shelves holding an impressive collection of books still line a portion of the walls. A bed is pressed up against the wall opposite the door, and there are two lumps underneath the blankets—
Two lumps.
Captain Levi’s in bed with someone?
“Captain Levi,” Eren quietly calls out. He wonders who the hell managed to catch the Captain’s attention... or if someone even caught his attention at all. Captain Levi could just be hugging a pillow, he reasons. But Eren’s curiosity overtakes his fears and his legs start to walk closer towards the bed. “Captain?”
The blanket was pulled over the two sleeping lumps, and Eren gently tugs it down to reveal their faces.
No way.
No fucking way.
Briefly, Eren is speechless. His words get caught in his throat, hand frozen mid-air as he marvels at the sight of Humanity’s Strongest Soldier cuddled up within the arms of his lover. His normally stoic face is gone, replaced by relaxed eyes and a slightly ajar mouth, one cheek puffed up as it’s squished into his lover’s chest and his head is nuzzled into the crook of their neck. His arms disappear underneath the blankets, but judging by the fact that his lover’s arms were around him, Eren surmised that the Captain’s arms were most likely wrapped around his lover as well.
He looked innocent— cute, almost, and if Eren didn’t have to train under him everyday he might have actually believed that the Captain’s innocent sleeping face could be taken at face value.
Eren recognizes you, as well. He’s seen you around the base with your own squadron, an elite soldier with your own team of other elite soldiers. You’re known around the base as the squad leader who works their team to the ground, training your members so hard that they genuinely considered going to Captain Levi for comfort. But it wasn’t for naught, of course. Your squad’s survived longer than Captain Levi’s (again, may they rest in peace), barely making it out complete when the fiasco with the Female Titan occurred.
“Oi, Eren.” A voice behind him speaks, and Eren is briefly caught off guard as he turns around and makes eye contact with his comrades. Most likely, they got impatient with waiting for him and decided to see if he’d been murdered already.
Great, so now they decide they weren’t scared of going inside the Captain’s room.
“What’s taking so long?” Jean asks.
Eren is still speechless, opting to instead shakily point his finger towards the bed where Levi lay wrapped in your arms.
“H-he’s... he’s—“ “He’s what?”
He gulps and sighs deeply, speaking out so quietly his friends almost didn’t hear, speaking out in a mere shaky whisper as he utters his words.
“He’s a little spoon.”
Chaos is what Eren would use to describe what happened next. His comrades immediately jumped to stand next to him and take a look at the sight on bed, crowding around them as if they were a soap opera.
“Oh my god, he looks so...” Sasha starts in awe, hands on her cheeks and stars in her eyes but unsure how to finish her words.
Eren nods his head, understanding her speechlessness. “Innocent.”
Silently, his friends nod as well. But he couldn’t just stand here and gawk at Captain Levi’s sleeping form, he came here with a mission. “We need to wake him up. He’s already really late.” He says, more to himself than to his friends. He doesn’t wait for his comrades to exit the room as he gently places a hand on the Captain’s shoulders to shake him awake.
“Captain Levi—“
Eren learns his mistake too late as Levi’s eyes immediately snap open, hand clamping down on Eren’s and twisting it behind his back to disarm him.
“Eren!” Mikasa yells behind him, making a move to free him from Levi’s iron clad grip. From the corner of his eyes, Eren sees the person lying down next to Levi quickly sit up and throw something silver, flying past his comrades and towards Mikasa’s head, embedding itself deep within the wood next to her face.
Eren stares at his friends, all silent, frozen with fear, and rooted to their spots as their mouths hang open.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Levi sneers, pushing down on Eren’s arm.
“C-captain, you’re late for the—“ “Holy shit, we’re late for the meeting.” You cut in, eyes wide in realization.
The Captain briefly glimpses at you and clicks his tongue as he releases Eren from his grip, the young soldier immediately slumping to the ground in relief. His arms and legs felt like jello and he could already feel himself melting into the wooden floor.
“Can someone explain to me why you brats thought it would be a good idea to enter my private quarters?” Levi glares. “Without my permission?”
Oh shit. They didn’t think this through.
A cold shiver runs down the soldier’s spines as they unanimously realize their mistake, something that Eren undoubtedly would’ve felt as well if he wasn’t too busy gawking at the realization that Captain Levi was shirtless (probably naked underneath the sheets), and you were shirtless as well (also probably naked underneath the sheets).
Levi catches Eren’s eyes staring at you, and he silently pulls the blanket over your chest and up to your collarbones without breaking his glare at the cadets.
Fuck. Eren thinks, eyes snapping to the ground as a blush creeps up his neck. Captain Levi’s definitely going to cut off both my ears now.
Conny, apparently already cracking under the pressure, flails his arms and yells as he tries to make a run for the door. Before anyone could even blink, another silver blur whizzes through the air, stabbing the wood directly in front of Conny as he freezes.
It was a knife. A fucking butter knife. Why the hell the Captain and his lover keep a butterknife next to them on the bed is something Eren doesn’t want to know.
“Since none of you lot have tongues,” Levi speaks. He’s not going to get an explanation soon. “We’ll discuss punishment later. For now,” He stands up, grabbing a still flustered Eren by the collar and dragging him towards the door, pushing out the rest of the team as well.
Eren doesn’t have time to be relieved about the fact that Captain Levi was not, for a fact, naked and was wearing black boxers. He was too busy getting pushed out the Captain’s bedroom and dragged through the office before finally getting thrown out into the hallway.
“For now, you leave me alone. I have a meeting to attend to.”
Levi slams the door shut at his awestruck soldiers, breathing in a frustrated sigh as he rests his hand on his forehead. He was getting a headache. He feels arms wrap around him from behind, hands resting on his chest. He sighs once more, this time in content, as he leans into your touch.
“Hey,” you kiss neck. “Thought you said you locked the door.”
“I did.” He turns around, still in your arms, and gently places his hands on your face as he kisses your nose. “Someone must’ve accidentally unlocked it when they were trying to grab onto something. Y’know, when they were getting fucked from behind.”
You chuckle. “Well, I’m sure that someone probably got sweet talked into getting fucked against the door.”
You break away from his arms after giving him a kiss, making your way back inside Levi’s bedroom, no doubt to get dressed for the meeting.
He stares at you as you walk, still naked and looking gorgeous. His face may be stoic but his heart was leaping, the gold ring on your left hand that matched his own glimmering in the light.
Your head peaks out from behind his bedroom door. “Round two before the meeting?” You ask cheekily.
Levi rolls his eyes as he makes his way to the bedroom as well, patting your bum as he passes by. “No. We’re already late.”
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Eren clutches the pillow to his head, exhausted from the laps he’d done. He glances around the room, eyeing the tired faces of his comrades.
As punishment for invading your privacy, Captain Levi assigned them laps around the base until sundown plus two weeks of stable duty. As punishment for invading his privacy, Captain Levi deemed them unworthy of having their own private space and made the entire squadron bunk together in the small room beside his own. 
Well, the entire squadron except for the Captain himself, at least.
Eren was pretty sure the room they were made to sleep in indefinitely was supposed to be a supply closet of some kind, but it fitted enough bunk beds for the entire team and was deemed a worthy location to carry out the rest of their punishment.
“How long do we have to sleep here?” Sasha asked dreadfully, hands covering her ears in attempts to block out the noises coming from the other room. The sound of a squeaky mattress and a wooden bed slamming against the adjacent wall continued.
“Until we learn our lesson,” Jean quotes the Captain. He himself looked extremely tired but he wasn’t trying to cover his ears like the rest of them were, undoubtedly because he’d already given up on getting a good night’s rest if the bags underneath his eyes were anything to go by.
“I don’t even care how long we have to sleep here anymore.” Conny interjects tiredly. “I just want to know when they’ll ever stop.”
As if to prove his point, a moan is heard through the walls. The soldiers flinch, still not accustomed to the sound. Mikasa silently runs her hands through Eren’s hair to calm him down.
“They’ve been at it for hours,” Jean whispers in horror. “How much stamina do those two have?”
Armin sighs, the bags under his eyes feeling heavier by the second. “They’re elite soldiers who’ve trained for years. They have more stamina than all of us combined.”
The whole room heaves out a collective groan, finally accepting that they weren’t getting any sleep tonight. 
In the other room, Captain Levi bangs his fist against the shared wall. “Oi,” he calls out. “Shut up, you brats. We can hear you.”
Levi thrusts his hips, eyes glancing down at your pleasure-struck face as he grinds into you more. The action causes you to throw your head back and let out a desperate moan, finger nails scratch down his back. He grabs your hands to pin them to the sides of your head, leaning down to whisper “Not too harsh, darling. We don’t want you leaving marks now, do we?” He continues his pace, the bed’s wooden frame slamming against the wall as he once again speaks to his soldiers.
“We have thin walls, y’know.”
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honeyhan-123 · 4 years
No Body, No Crime
Summary: Sheriff Bodecker just has a few questions about your husbands disappearance that he’d like to go over with you. 
Warnings: Non-con/dub-con, abuse of power, Lee is a sneaky devil, very brief (squint and you miss it) mention of an abusive household. 
Word Count: 2.7k
AN: No one asked for it, but I’ve finally written some Lee for y’all. Hope you enjoy! Also, a massive thank you to the awesome @lilithhellfire​ who beta’d this for me, I really appreciate it!
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When you heard the knock on your door you never thought it would be the devil coming to call. But there he stood in all his pudgy glory. Sheriff Lee Bodecker.
You had seen the Sheriff a fair bit in the last few weeks, ever since your husband Trey had skipped town but he had always been accompanied by some deputy or other, and he had never called so late at night. He must know something. 
Forgetting all formalities, you jumped right into the questioning. ‘So? What is it? What have you found?’ Your voice was panicked despite his call waking you up. 
‘You’re not even gonna invite me in darlin’?’ His deep drawl cut through you and you realised he was right. You probably didn’t want to have this conversation out on your front doorstep where any of your neighbours could overhear. You stepped back and opened the door wider. ‘Please come in Sheriff.’ 
‘Darlin, I think we’re past that point in our relationship. Just call me Lee.’ You supposed he was right, you had been spending a lot of time down at the department recently. Still, the way he mentioned your relationship and how he kept calling you darling sent a chill through you. You weren’t his darling. 
‘I don’t suppose I could get some coffee? Maybe even something sweet to eat too? I was up half the night last night and it looks like I’ll be up most of tonight too.’ His authoritative tone made it clear you didn’t really have a choice and so you left him in your little sitting room before flittering off to the kitchen. 
Your mind was a blur as you methodically went through the actions of lighting the stove and grinding the coffee beans. You let the coffee stew as you grabbed the tin of freshly made brownies. They had been meant for the church picnic tomorrow morning but you didn’t think letting Lee have one or two would make that much of a difference. 
You had a million questions and no answers. Why was the sheriff even here? What had he found? Or God forbid, had he found Trey? A shudder wrecked through you as you thought of the unthinkable only to be brought back by Lee’s hand on your shoulder.
‘You alright there darlin’? The coffee’s probably ready by now.’ You gulped and nodded jerkily as you stepped away from his lingering touch. 
‘Sugar and cream?’ Your voice was nowhere near as strong as you wanted it to be and you knew the sheriff had heard the difference. 
‘Plenty of both please.’ You doled out ample amounts into his cup and prepared your own as something to do, even though you already knew you couldn’t drink it. 
The couch groaned under Lee’s weight and he patted the seat next to him, calling you over. You teetered on the edge of the faded cushion and forced a smile as his arm rested along the back of the couch.
‘You know darlin’, there’s been somethin’ about this case that just hasn’t sat right with me ever since it first came across my desk.’
You took a minute to respond, unsure if he was baiting you or just thinking out loud. ‘Oh? What is it?’
‘Well you see, it’s a little hard to explain, but when you’ve been on the job as long as I have you start to notice things. Little things that by themselves don’t matter much but when you look at the big picture, well, it becomes a whole lot clearer.’ 
‘Little things? Like what?’ Your heart was pounding in your chest, your meager dinner of chicken fillet and veggies threatening to come back up.
‘You know, just the odd thing here and there. Like how in the week before your husband went missing you made sure to tell anyone who would listen you were workin’ that Saturday. Or how even though you were at the diner from lunch till close you didn’t take a break. Not once in ten hours were you anywhere where someone couldn’t see you. You wanted to make sure you had an airtight alibi so when your husband was finally reported missing, we wouldn’t pin it on you.’ 
You felt the blood rush down from your head and there was a lump in your throat. ‘Wh-what are you… I don’t understand.’ 
‘Oh no darlin’ I think you do. I know that you and I both know that we can look for weeks and weeks and we’ll never find Trey alive will we? How’d you do it huh? Bludgeon him in his sleep? Or did ya put somethin’ in his coffee?’
‘I didn’t…  I-I loved my husband. I didn’t do anything.’ You tried to stand from the couch but his arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back down against his body. 
‘C’mon darlin’ we both know that’s horse shit but I am feeling awfully generous right now.’ Confusion swept over you. What was he saying?
‘Yeah, very generous. I won’t turn you in but… well it is gonna cost you. Generosity doesn’t come free.’ His other hand brushed your dressing gown away from your thigh before resting on the bare skin just above your knee. 
Realisation dawned on you and you tried to shove his hand away. You weren’t about to trade one monster for another. ‘I didn’t do anything and if you had even a morsel of proof I would’ve heard about it by now. In a town this small news travels fast.’ 
Lee let out a dark chuckle that sent a shiver through you. ‘Do you seriously think I need real proof? I can fake anythin’ I want and at the end of the day who’s gonna believe you, some little waitress over me, the man they elected Sheriff? You’re doomed either way darlin’ so why don’t you do yourself a favour and take off that dressing gown and let me see that body of yours before I lose my patience.’ 
You were all too well aware of the Sheriff’s darker side to go against his wishes. With a shaky breath you stood up, glad to not have his hands on you anymore, no matter how temporary their absence was. Your legs threatened to buckle as you fumbled with the knot. The heavy cotton finally fell away from your shoulders and into a pile on the floor. 
‘C’mere darlin’. Let me see you.’ You settled yourself in between the sheriff’s legs and his hands quickly grasped your hips, bunching the satin nighty. ‘Well, isn’t that a little unexpected treat.’ He paused to admire you, his cerulean blue eyes raking up and down your body before he spoke again. ‘Take it off.’ 
You shut your eyes and grasped the edge of the satin, pulling it over your head in one swoop. ‘Oh yeah. That’s much better.’ His hands grasped your tits, groping the flesh greedily. An image of your husband flashed through your mind and you cursed his name. Even in death he was still screwing you over. 
Lee’s hand dipping down to the apex of your thighs had your eyes snapping wide open. Regret of not wearing panties to bed filled you as his fingers did too. They explored your walls, scissoring this way and that. They teased your slick from your unwilling body and you shuddered, disgusted at the effect he had on you. 
His thumb found your clit and started rubbing smooth circles around the little bud. Your knees began to shake as the squelch of your juices filled the room. Your arms involuntarily reached out to grasp his shoulders as he continued to toy with you. A devilish smirk came over him and he wetted his lips before attaching them to one of your pert nipples. 
A gasp fell from your lips as he suckled on the tender flesh in time with his thick fingers. Before you even had time to recognise it for what it was your orgasm washed over you. Your body shook as pleasure made its way through your veins and you could only just feel Lee’s arm circle around your waist holding you up. 
When you recovered, you watched as Lee withdrew his hand from you and held it up so you could see it glistening. ‘Look at that darlin’. This pussy already knows who it belongs to now don’t it?’ You bit back a snarky response as he licked his fingers clean, his eyes remaining on yours the entire time. 
‘Now c’mere. I didn’t come all the way over here just to get you off.’ His hands dipped down to where his belt was partially hidden by his overflowing stomach. He fumbled with the belt before pulling his pants and underpants down a couple inches. Just enough for his cock to pop out. 
You tried not to stare but it was hard not to. He was easily bigger than Trey’s pathetic excuse of one had been, plus this one was flushed, with little drops of cream oozing from the tip. 
‘Well c’mon darlin’ don’t just stare at it. I’m sure you know what to do.’ His arms stretched out along the back of the couch calling you forward.
‘No. I- I can’t. You can’t make me do this. Please don’t.’ You tried taking a step back only to be stopped by Lee’s darkening glare. 
‘I can make you do whatever the fuck I want.’ Lee spat at you, his glare turning positively hostile. ‘I’m in a pretty good mood right now so I’ll give you five seconds to get that cunt over here before I’ll show you my bad side. Five… Four…’ You blinked back your tears as you approached him, straddling one leg on either side of his thick thighs. ‘That’s a smart choice you just made darlin’.’ 
You refused to look at him as you gripped his aching cock and lined it up with your entrance. With one small sigh of resignation you sunk down onto him. The stretch was worse than you had thought and you could already tell you were going to be sore tomorrow. ‘Fuck, darlin’. God… this cunt… fuck me.’ Lee was already breathless as you began to ride him. His arms fell to your hips, pulling you in even closer. His soft belly rubbed against you with every lift of your hips and his shirt buttons which seemed to be clinging on for dear life scratched along your chest.
You weren’t afraid to let your fingernails dig into his shoulders. A sadistic part of you wanted to draw his blood as though that made up for what he was forcing you to do. You gritted your teeth as his lips found your nipples once more, leaving a scatter of love bites on your skin as he went. 
You tried to hold in your moans of pleasure as he brushed against your g-spot but a stuttering of your hips gave you away. ‘Oh you like that? Right there?’ Lee’s hips flexed up to meet yours, hitting his mark. 
You made sure to look into his eyes as you responded, ignoring the pleasure he was causing. ‘I don’t like any of this.’ Lee’s eyes narrowed at you and his jaw clenched. His hand briefly left your hip and you felt the rush of air before it landed on your ass with a smack. His other came up to clutch your chin roughly. 
‘Don’t you lie to me darlin’. I know you like this. I know you do. And do ya wanna know how I know?’ His hand squeezed its way between your bodies, coming to your clit. ‘I know because this little cunt is squeezing me so fuckin’ tight. It’s tryin to milk me dry because that’s what all you women want. You just want a man’s cum in ya. You just want to be owned. And don’t bother trying to deny it because your body can’t lie to me.’ He gave your jaw one last squeeze before settling his hand back on your hip and rocked your body against his. 
As much as his words had disgusted you, they had also turned you on and you could feel yourself getting impossibly close to the edge. Lee’s hand clawed at the back of your neck as he pulled you in for a dominating kiss. His tongue easily forced its way between your lips and he demonstrated his ownership over your body as you kissed him back. His kiss was harsh and needy, all teeth and tongue. You could barely breathe as you felt your toes curl. Your subsequent moans were swallowed by Lee and he planted his feet firmly to help thrust up into you. 
‘God, that pussy is just squeezing me dry. Fuck, I’m gonna - I’m gonna cum. You’re gonna make me fuckin’ cum.’ His voice was husky as his lips found their way to your shoulder. You could feel him swell inside you, his body tensing against yours. 
You didn’t have time to tell him to pull out before he was yanking you as far down his shaft that he could. You could feel spurt after spurt of his warm seed fill your cunt as he let out a sinful moan. His lips found yours once more as his hips rocked slowly against yours, making sure you got every drop he had to give. 
When his hands at last disappeared from your body you opened your eyes. You were startled by how flushed he looked, his cheeks well passed being called ‘rosy’ and his breath was heavily laboured. He had a lazy smirk as he openly objectified your body, his arms once again resting along the back of the couch. His pink tongue swiping across his plump lips pulled you from your observation and you hastily stood up. 
You wanted this man out of your house now.
You had satisfied him and done what he had wanted. Surely he would leave you alone now. You dressed on shaking legs and made sure to tie your robe extra tight. Even though he had already seen you naked, you didn’t want him seeing anything ever again. 
You stood as far away from him as possible as he pulled his pants back up and popped his sheriff hat back on. His hand strayed to the tin of brownies you had pulled out earlier as he crossed the coffee table towards you and the door. You watched as he popped the entire thing into his mouth and a little groan came from his throat. 
‘Well, these are quite the treat aren’t they?’ You hated the smirk he sent your way but you nodded just the same. 
‘It’s a family recipe.’ 
‘I’m sure you’re excellent in the kitchen, though, I doubt you’re as good as you are in the sack.’ Your jaw clenched tightly and you ignored his last comment. 
‘My mother taught me a lot.’ Lee nodded as though in deep understanding and you opened the door, eager for him to leave your house forever. He stepped out onto your stoop and turned back to face you. 
‘Well, I sure do look forward to seeing everything else she taught you.’
‘What- What do you mean?’ Dread turned your blood to ice in your veins.
‘You didn’t think that this was a one time thing did ya? You committed first degree murder darlin’. You’re gonna have to pay up a lot more to get out of a charge like that.’
‘But- But you said it was the once.’
‘I said no such thing. It’s not my fault you didn’t ask for the terms. If you wanna remain a free woman, you’re gonna do what I say and continue letting me pay you night time visits ya hear? I’d hate for any damning evidence to come to light…’ Lee let his sentence hang in the air and you very nearly considered telling him he could go fuck off, but then you remembered the reason you were in this mess in the first place. Prison was only marginally better than an abusive household for the little bundle of cells inside you to grow. 
‘See ya soon darlin’.’ Lee racked his eyes down your body one last time before tipping his hat to you. You stood in the doorway, watching as he climbed into the cruiser and drove off down your street. 
You could do nothing but pray you hadn’t just traded one monster for an even worse one.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Deal Pt 2
Summary: Clark take you to august to finish the deal.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut, Dub Con, BDSM, Toys
A/N: second part to @wolfieash​ ask which is here
Taglist: in reblog.
Smut below the cut.
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"NO IM NOT GOING ! AND YOU CAN FUCK OFF!" You yelled chasing Clark into the living room arms cross and lips pulled into a snarl.
He rolled his eyes at you, you'd been throwing a fit all day.
"Sweetheart, you made a deal, gave him your word... you cant go back on it" he insisted once more trying to convince you.
"Yes I can it was my word! Not yours, I can do what I want!" You huffed blowing some hair out of your face it was hard trying to be serious when your hair seemed to want to stick in your mouth.
"No poppet I'm not letting you break you word , now get dressed we leave in a hour" he said quickly spinning you around pressing you to the bedroom door.
"Fuck you, I'm not going anywhere!" You grunted pulling away from him.
"Tonight love I promise, now go get ready august is expecting us..." he said grinning almost sweetly at you.
"I don't give a flying fuck! I'm not going" you stomped a foot at him finally making his brow twitch, jaw tightening in irritation.
He stood taller and let his frame seem to devour the space on the hall making you shrink, shivering as you watched your sweet fiancé become a great predator. A loin or bear?
"Sweetheart enough! Now go get dressed...I laid out your outfit" he ground out severely finally having enough. A deal was a deal... and he wanted your ass!
"Out fit? What outfit-OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" You cried entering your room seeing the shear fabric
"That? Its a little body stocking~" Clark said leaning on the door frame arms crossed wearing a huge grin.
"Well I would if I were you because if not there will be images of your naked ass being flown about on the front pages tomorrow~" he quipped with a smirk.
"Yo-you wouldn't dare!" You said voice loosing its bite as he stared at you.
"Wouldn't I? I mean come on love anal's on the line~" he teased and moved up behind you and slapped your bottom hard enough to make you yip and jerk away.
"Now hop to it... You've got 50 minuets~" he called over his shoulder as he exited the room.
In the end Clarks threat of having you mooney metropolis was too much of a threat and you'd showered and slipped into the body stocking...
But you didn't shave! If they were gonna push through with your whole sex for silence deal then they would live with the consequences! No bare pussy for either of them!
Fuck'em.... or don't? Which was preferable
It wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, it was that you did... a little more then you should have! It frightened you the way you'd enjoyed being used and fought over.
"Oh come on why the long face angel?" August hummed as he opened the glass doors on his rooftop home, the penthouse was shiny sleek and as dark as the man himself.
"Fuck off august!" you grumbled walking right passed him as soon as Clark put you down
"Oh such a foul mouth! We will have to teach you some manners~" the agent quipped as you entered the bare but masculine space, everything was harsh lines and fucked up art pieces of splotching blocky shades of black, red and deep violet.
"Yes she's very snippy today... has been all week, pouting" Clark huffed shrugging. Taking the offered crystal glass with amber liquid.
"Ah we have a brat on our hands then?" August chuckled and walked through the home quickly snagging one of your elbows and directed you to the playroom, not wasting any time.
"Yeah, she doesn't want me to fuck her ass" Clark summarized with a shrug.
"Aww Why not sweety? You loved me fucking your ass? You cried and withered moaning so beautifully~" august hummed into your ear as he pressed you over the threshold into a large windowless room, strip lighting igniting the room in a light red. The devils den so to speak.
"Sh-shut up you prick" you snarled.
Augusts reply was a tsk and he pressed you over to a padded sawhorse and looked to Clark nodding to the ankle and wrist cuffs.
Clark breezed past him quickly securing you down making you curse him, but by this point it was a formality as you had already soaked yourself through.
"Oh would you look at that? Our little brat is eager~" august said with a chuckle and a warm hand probed you lightly making you jolt and try to squirm away.
"Yes I know, she likes denying herself, its strange she knows we will win but Continues to fight?" He said coming around your side ghosting his fingers over your ribs making you shudder.
"Well lets not waste time shall we? I have a few things out ready but first lets get this fitted shall we?" August said menacingly walking around you brandishing a very large O ring gag.
"After all if she's going to throw a tantrum I don't trust her not to bite" he uttered moving towards you.
"I've never thought of using one of those before... it wont hurt her will it?"
"Only her pride Clark trust me even she needs a... dressing down every once in a while" august reassured him.
Your eyes grew wide as the agent approached with the large gag that looked both threatening and enticing, things had been kinky with august but you hadn't ever gone this far into bdsm before. You were scared and still fighting but not as hard? You were curious and being dominated by them last week had... changed you. It had been thrilling to be so out of control.
"Should we... give her a signal or something? Incase it gets to much?" Clark quizzed, he was still all for it but wanted to be mindful of you. He didn't want to hurt you.
"Trust me she's going to love it, but in the case of something going wrong" august directed his attention to you befo4e continuing.
"There is a small desk bell one the inside of the left leg on the saw horse... if thing get too much hit it three times fast and we will get you down" he said seriously.
You frowned as his gaze bored into you, for a second you believed you saw actual concern in his eyes.
It unsettled you, August couldn't really have any feelings towards you could he? I mean this was blackmail!
You nodded quickly to him letting him know you understood.
Then just like that August was haughty again and quickly fixed the gag in your mouth, setting your teeth in the small grooves that was semi comfortable.
"Shes ready when you are~" the agent hummed and stood back.
Clark darted behind you and helped himself to you and august disappeared from sight.
You moaned into the room as your fiancé roamed your folds as if exploring them for the first time.
He was rougher then usual prodding and impaling you fast and hard before slowing and drawing your own arousal over your presented ass.
You withered as Clark used you body, pressing you higher and higher making you teeter on then edge then back away letting you calm down only to work you up again.
"I thought we could... try something... a little bonus for all of us tonight~" you heard august but couldn't see him.
"I'm listening" Clark said as he plunged his fingers back into you harder throwing off your concentration making you cry out.
"I have this" you tried seeing what August had but was too preoccupied with the maddening strokes of clark's fingers as he pounded away at your g-spot forcing you to try and rock on him chasing a high he had already cruely denied you twice.
"What even is that thing?" Cark said not paying attention to you as your body twisted and pulled trying to cum like a desperate whore.
"Here ill show you~" august said and Clarks fingers disappeared from you making you cry out and moan, your pussy tried holding him but it was to drenched to actually grip him.
Then something was pressed into you, large wide and very short.
"Oh-oh fuck?!AH!" You yelped  awkwardly around the gag as the toy settled, curved forward and down pressing on your gspot without being held. There was a large flat expanse resting outside of you to, the toy curved in a large C shape.
"Does that go up her?"
"No no, we just pop her little clit in here~ and press the button!" You jerked as august moved you, thick fingers prodding your clit and sat the engorged nub into a small round dip and pressed a button.
You squealed tensing all at once as you felt a suction on your clit and roared.
"Holy shit?" Clark said in awe watching as you keened and tried throwing you weight around on the toy that was held in place by your muscles clenching to it so tightly... It was bittersweet in a way, your own body holding the sweet torturous device on your clit.
"And it gets better, press that one" you hear a small click and arched moaning out as the egg like shape inside of you came to life vibrating against your insides.
Clark watched entranced as you withered this is what he'd been missing out on? Fuck!
August darted around you and strokes you hair watching as Clark stripped behind you unable to wait any longer as you thrashed about trying to rock into the toy.
"Shh shh thats a girl, now deep breath your wonderboy may be a little too enthusiastic if your doing all that squirming~"
You froze feeling Clark poise himself at your well lubed ass then grunted as he thrust forward splitting you open.
Clark hissed and moaned loudly as the vibrating egg not only made you quiver and tense around him already threatening to flood the place but it also rubbed his cock as he rutted you.
"Oh fuck- thats amazing! I cant- I shit babe!?" Clark didn't wait he immediately began pounding in to the tight quivering body before him.
August chuckled once more before releasing his own belt buckle. Not wanting to let your wails and monas go to waste.
They would work wonders on his cock, offering the sweetest of releases as you screamed onto his cock as he lodged it into your throat.
August was never into men, but he could develop a thing for corrupting this huge perfect man.
For now August would let you and Clark think you were in control of the deal. Let this one final night play out.
But the seed was sewn and before long he knew Superman would return wanting to explore more and more of this little sex dungeon. And then he will strike another deal.
Because August wasn't opposed to making a little compromise to get decent pussy. If he had to share with Supes so be it, it looked like he could teach the kid a thing or two and he would gladly, because he had many more toys to tease you both with~
If things went to plan he'd have not one but two desperate little subs. And he couldn't wait!
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Always Mine-John Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @tommyshhelby​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Can you please do a imagine where y/n and John were childhood sweethearts (no Martha) and she has known the peaky blinders her whole life and they love her too but then John has to marry esme and even though tommy does feel bad he does it anyway.Y/n works in the betting house so they see eachother every day she acts like it doesn’t bother her but is obviously a bit distant with John who is still inlove with her but she is respectful of the marriage so when Michael comes in he has a crush on y/n and kinda flirts with her and John gets jealous not sure if it’s a John or Micheal imagine your choice’
Characters: John Shelby x Reader, Thomas Shelby x Reader (platonic), Michael Gray x Reader (platonic), Polly Gray x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name  (Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Heartbreak, swearing, mentions/intentions of sex, arguing, violence, slight fluff
Heartbreak, many people went through it, many people wanted to avoid it. Although your heart wasn’t physically damaged, it felt like it was. Humans often forget how strong their emotions are. Emotions are part of our survival, they determine how we live, it controls our day, what decisions we make. Unfortunately to live, we had to experience sadness. You could turn it around and say that the bad times made the good times stronger, more enjoyable. But it’s hard to think positively when you’re stuck in a terrible situation. 
“He....He’s getting married?” I whispered out, clutching onto my dressing gown as the cold air blew into the house.
Tommy was stood outside, I had invited him inside, but I was glad I hadn’t now.“Today/ I’m sorry (Y/N), it has to be done.”
“Why? Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
“John doesn’t know. And you can’t tell him.”
“Why are you telling me this? I could easily run to him now and tell him.”
“If you do that, you’ll put us all in danger.”
I was growing more angry by the second.“Aren’t you always in danger?”
“This is different. It will benefit the whole family, the Peaky Blinders. He has to do this (Y/N).”
I shook my head at him, crossing my arms over my chest. What with it being so early in the morning, no one else was out in the street, it was slightly dark, with a low fog roaming the streets.“You know I love him. You know how we feel about each other. I’m just confused. Why would you tell me this before they get married? I could go tell him, we could run away together like we said we would since we were fifteen.”
“Because I love you (Y/N). You’re basically family. It felt wrong not to. But I can’t lose you at work either. You need to stay.”
I scoffed.“I can’t believe this! You really think I’m going to stay and see the man I love everyday with a wedding ring on his finger? I can write up my resignation now if you want-”
“Honestly Tommy, this is taking the piss. You get away with a lot of shit, but this is just fantastic-”
“Wait here, I’ll get a pen and some paper-”
“(Y/N) would you just listen for a second!?” he yelled, silencing me.“You would be as equally angry with me if I told you after. Just be happy that I mentioned it at all.”
That had been the longest day of my life. Knowing that my worst fear had come true, the man I loved was marrying someone else, made time move at an incredibly slow pace. Part of me pondered crashing the wedding, if I knew where it was or who he was marrying, but I knew that Tommy was partly right. He had a huge responsibility to keep control of his power, but the way he manipulated his family infuriated me. 
“John, are you sure you want to marry me?” I said to him as we laid down in a field.
“You’re really asking that after what we just did?” he asked, doing up his trousers.
“Well, Susanne and Jack do the same as us, and he hasn’t asked her.” my (not so) innocent seventeen year old self pointed out.
“Believe me, I would not be suggesting that sort of thing if I didn’t mean it.”
“So you don’t ask every girl you fuck to marry you?” I teased.
He leaned over me.“I haven’t slept with that many.”
I rolled my eyes.“I don’t care how many girls you fucked before me. As long as I’m the one who gets this sort of treatment for the rest of your life, I’m happy.”
He smirked, kissing me.“You’ve been the best out of all of them.”
“Because I do anything you want.”
He leaned down to my ear, whispering,“Because you feel fucking amazing.”
I blushed, wishing I was able to tease him more.“I’m serious John, that’s a serious commitment.”
Although we were being flirty, I knew when he was being truthful.“(Y/N), I don’t want anything else. I want you beside me. My family loves you, you’re already a Shelby in their eyes, and mine. I know they say we’re young, but these feelings I have for you re strong. I wake up thinking about you, I see other women and think, my (Y/N) is so much prettier than you. And yes, thinking about you writhing and moaning beneath me is pleasurable,” I playfully punched his shoulder, which he laughed at,“but imagining you at home with the kids, waiting for me to come back and embracing me as soon as I step foot in our house, that’s all I could ever ask for in life.”
I sobbed as I thought about that memory. We were so happy back then. We were carefree, easily daydreaming about what could have been. Then harsh reality hit us in the face. He was being forced into an arrangement with some wild gypsy girl. We were supposed to be married, I was the one whose last name should have been Shelby. 
I didn’t want to hear about the wedding day. I knew that Pol, Ada or any other woman in that betting shop wouldn’t mention it in front of me.Though how was I ever to stop thinking about how the man I loved was married to someone else when I worked with him? And his new wife? Esme also had no say in this, she had been unruly and apparently the only way to sort that was to marry her off. But why did she have to work here too? She hated it here, she could never sit still. It was in her nature to be outside all the time, to run free and wildly along with the horses. Not cramped up in a betting shop counting money, surrounded by the lowest of men. Having to sit across from her as I worked was torture, seeing the wedding band made my stomach turn.
"(Y/N)?" John called me, standing in the doorway of his office.
I caught Esme glancing towards me, though I didn't care. It wasn't as if anything was about to happen, John hadn't even spoken to me since they married, not properly anyway. I had been civil towards his wife, but only speaking to her when I absolutely had to. Quietly sighing, I closed the book I had been writing in, picking up a smaller notebook and pen before entering his office. Some workers were peeking at us, they knew the drama, and it didn't help that his office was basically made of windows, meaning everyone could see us.
"You can sit down, you know you can." John gestured to the chair across from his desk, though he didn't sit.
I said nothing back.He groaned.
"Come on (Y/N), you know I hated when you gave me the silent treatment."
"Is there something you needed from me Mr Shelby?"
"You know, that only sounded nice coming from you when we were in a different environment." he smirked, thinking I would break. He was absolutely wrong.
"I have a lot of work to be getting on with-"
"I don't love her."
My eyes widened, and I kept my voice low."For fucks sake John, we shouldn't be talking about this here."
"You know I don't!" he stood in front of me, but I quickly backed away, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves."She's some random gypsy Tommy picked up on the side of the road. Esme isn't you."
"And yet you're stuck with her. So let bygones be bygones. Did you actually need me?"
"I always need you, and I will always want you."
"Right, thank you for wasting my time sir."
I promptly left, feeling my throat get tight as I pushed back my tears. If I spoke another word, my voice would crack, giving away how I truly felt. Instead of returning to where I was originally sat, I headed to the kitchen, not wanting to see Esme. It was obvious her gaze was on me as I brushed past, though I took no notice. Once there, I made myself busy filling the kettle with water and beginning to make tea, just to distract myself. As it boiled, I gripped onto the edge of the counter, painfully holding back my sobs. I couldn’t do this for the rest of my life, it was emotionally exhausting, it was torturous.
“You can’t keep up this act forever.” Polly appeared.
I didn’t bother facing her.“I know. I already told Tom I would hand him my resignation letter, he refused.”
“No, we can’t lose you, even if we had enough staff. I want you to know that I had nothing to do with that. You know what Tommy is like with his ‘big ideas’.”
I finally looked at her.“My worst fear came true. He’s with someone else. He’s married, but not to me. It’s been in our heads for so long, it was all too good to be true.”
Before Polly could speak, I saw her glance behind me. Turning around, I saw Esme standing in the doorway, her usual scowl on her face as she grabbed a mug from a cupboard.
“I’m assuming you brewed a full pot?” she asked.
“Yes.” I replied. 
She put her mug beside mine, making sure it thudded against the counter. When she left, I ran my hands down my face, seriously considering walking out. Polly decided to not add anything. We would just go in circles, trying to cheer me up, reassure me, convince me to stay etc.
Managing to get through the rest of the day, I sighed in relief and tiredness as everyone started to pack their things. Putting on my coat, I smiled at one my colleagues who was approaching me.
“John has asked for you.” they warily said.
I rolled my eyes.“Did he say what he wants?”
He shook his head.“Sorry, wants you in there soon as.”
I thanked him as he left, along with everyone else. Esme held back, obviously glaring at me. She disappeared into John’s office for less than a minute before walking out again, leaving without her husband. I watched the door shut, leaving just John and I. My stomach twisted, heart beating incredibly loudly in my ears as I took my first few steps to his office. I stood in the doorway, hating that he was already looking at me, I was incredibly nervous. 
He stood from his chair.“(Y/N)-” 
“Please tell me this is about work.”
“I need to speak to you.”
“John, I can’t do this. We’re finished now-”
I started to walk away, not surprised when he followed, but shocked when he grabbed me, turning me around to face him.
“I know you feel the same as me. I can’t fucking stand it! I don’t want to be married to her. I don’t want to fuck her in our bed. I’ve only ever imagined coming home to see you there, not her!”
“Well that won’t happen now, will it?!” I snapped back, trying to make him let go of my arms.
As I struggled, John was able to keep a grasp on me.“It can! We’ll figure out a way! But I need to kiss you. I need to be able to hold you in my arms, to really feel you. I want to keep planning our future together.”
“Tommy has made his decision, and with this family, anything he says goes! You really think we could change any of this? Even if we did, imagine the trouble you would all be in.”
“I don’t care. I would take ten bullets to the chest if it meant being with you.”
“You can’t be saying things like that.”
His eyes were crazy, staring into my soul, fingers pressing into my skin. I felt him pull me closer, it was ever so slow, and I could have stopped it. But I didn’t. We cautiously leaned in for a kiss, making memories and feelings flood back. His hands relaxed, moving up to cup my face. The passion didn’t last long, because before I knew it, I was being pushed back against a desk, clumsily lying on my back. John wasted no time to touch my breasts, continuing to kiss me as it slid down my body, disappearing up my skirt. Although it was extremely tempting to carry on, the weighing guilt made me stop him.
“John.” I breathed out, giving him the wrong idea as he kept going, sucking on my neck. I pushed against him.“John, stop.”
He pulled away.“What? What’s wrong?” he went straight back down to my neck, trying to unbutton my blouse.
“Stop!” I said a little louder, managing to sit up and push him away.
“(Y/N), I know it’s been a while but-”
“It’s not that, you idiot! You’re married!”
“To a woman I don’t love!” 
I let out a frustrated scream, buttoning up my blouse again as I stood.“I’m not going to be that woman sleeping with married men, I’m not a whore!”
“Why are you denying your feelings? We were supposed to get married.”
“We were kids back then.”
He pointed an accusing finger at me.“I said that to you every year, we were always waiting for the right time!”
“Life doesn’t always work out John!” I yelled.“This is just as agonising to me as it is to you! But if we ruin this, the Lee’s are going to come for you all, and there’s already enough on your plates to deal with them.”
“I don’t give a fuck about them-”
“But I give a fuck about you living!” I snatched up my coat and handbag, pushing past him towards the door. With my hand on the handle, I calmed down before speaking again.“Obviously we weren’t meant to be. Though at least we didn’t take our time together for granted. Don’t try any of that again John, I mean it.”
For the next week, I didn’t utter a word to John, I didn’t even glance in his direction. I considered sending in my resignation. But after thinking about it, I knew I couldn’t bring myself to do it. These people were my family, I grew up  in this business. If I left, I had a slim chance of finding a normal job, because everyone knew who I was associated with. Why would anyone risk taking on someone who was involved with the Peaky Blinders? I was paid more than I should have been for my position, and they trusted me with anything; it would be stupid of me to throw that away and lose everything I worked so hard for. 
Surprisingly, Esme hadn’t piped up towards me in that time. I thought she might say something, even if she wasn’t triggered, due to her fiery personality. However, John had been relentless with his attempts to make me speak to him, even trying to trap me in the vault with him. I couldn’t break, I couldn’t let him get to me again. As much as my heart ached for him, as much as I wanted him to grab my face and kiss me again, I would never break a marriage. The guilt that would live with me fr the rest of my life was too much to bear. 
At the beginning of another day, I had just breezed into the shop when Lizzie approached me.“(Y/N), Tommy wants to see you.”
I sighed.“Did he say why?”
She shook her head.“You know what he’s like. But he’s asking for you now.”
I didn’t bother taking off my coat or setting my bag down, following Lizzie to his office. She knocked before opening the door, letting me walk in before closing it behind me, and I was left with Tommy, who was hunched over his desk as he looked through papers; however, there was also another man, a younger man.
“Come in (Y/N), let me introduce you to someone.” Tommy stood, setting the papers aside.
My steps were slower than they usually would be as I analysed the stranger. He looked younger than me, but not by that many years. His hat was in his hands, and although he wore a suit, it wasn’t like the ones the Shelby boys wore. His hair was slightly curly, not slicked back or short like most men around Small Heath, and he seemed shy, maybe more reclusive.
“I’m Michael.” he offered his hand out which I shook.
“I’m (Y/N).” I politely smiled.
“(Y/N) is basically family and has worked with us from the beginning.” Tommy explained.“This boy here, (Y/N), is Polly’s son.”
My eyes widened at Tommy as I let go of Michael’s hand.“Wait, you mean...the children she was always talking about...?”
“I’ve come back to find out about my real family. And to start working here too.” Michael added.
“So I need you to keep a close eye on him, help him with whatever he needs. (Y/N) knows the ins and outs of this place, she’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
For the rest of the day, Michael shadowed one of the workers that dealt with the winnings, counting money and figuring out how to run the shop floor. I would occasionally pop up when I thought he needed someone kinder and quiet to help, or just to check on him. He was sweet, but that wouldn’t help him in this environment. Luckily, Michael made it hard for John to bother me, he didn’t have the usual opportunities to bombard me with questions about why I didn’t want to fight for what we had. My shift finished quickly, it seemed like I had only been there an hour and we were already leaving.
“Come on Michael, let me take you for a drink. You deserve it after today.” I offered as we walked out of the shop.
He was hesitant before smiling.“Alright then. Where should we go?”
“We’ll go to the Garrison, your cousins are basically royalty there, meaning we are too. And don’t worry about your mum, she would rather you be with me than with the boys.”
Happily greeting Harry as we walked into the pub, he nudged the other bartender to get my usual drink. After asking Michael what he wanted, I called it out to Harry before disappearing into the private room.
“We’re allowed in here?” Michael asked.
“Yeah, don’t worry. Like Tommy said, I’m family.” the window opened, a bartender passing us our drinks.“So, how did you end up in a place like this?”
We indulged in a conversation about Michael’s life growing up. It wasn’t a good upbringing, he had been through a lot of hardships as a child, and now being thrown into a completely different life was only adding to the confusion he had growing up, but he wanted to be independent. Get away from the boring country and work in an interesting job. 
Michael glanced down at his drink, seeming hesitant to speak.“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but is there something between you and John? I thought he was married to Esme.” 
I scoffed.“He is. Seems to keep forgetting that.”
“Sorry, I shouldn't have asked-”
“It’s fine. You’re family, you should know what’s going on. We...wow, I’ve never actually spoken about this. John and I developed feelings for each other as we grew up, we became a couple. We always said we would get married, anyone could see we were deeply in love. However, Tommy arranged a marriage between John and Esme, it was to form a truce between the Shelby’s and the Lee family, Esme’s family.”
“That’s horrible. Tommy still did that even though he knew you two were together?”
“Yep.” I downed the rest of my drink.“Welcome to the family business.”
“I understand the need for a truce but...”
“I know what you’re thinking. Although it was heartbreaking, I know nothing can be done about it. And I am not a home wrecker!”
He was shocked by my snappy tone.“I-I didn’t say you were.”
“I know, force of habit.”
The door opened, the Shelby brothers walking in, and only three of them smiled at us, it was obvious who didn’t. They greeted us as they sat, the window opening instantly with their drinks on the tray. Michael and I were still tense from our talk, though tried not to show it as Arthur began rambling on about something stupid Finn had done that day. I tried my hardest to listen, though it was hard to when I could feel John’s eyes on me, and he was angry. Everyone else could tell as well, but they didn’t want to deal with John’s attitude right now. After Arthur finished his story, I excused myself to the ladies room, needing to relax. Unfortunately, I couldn’t even go to the loo without any disruption.
“Why the fuck are you here with him?” John demanded to know as he followed me in. 
“John! You can’t be in here!” I snapped.
“There’s no other women here yet! Answer me.”
“He’s a new colleague, someone Tommy told me to look after today. Not to mention he’s your cousin. I was being nice to him.”
“You say you still love me yet here you are with another man.” the rage in his eyes was growing more intense by the second.
“Oh for fucks sake John.” I rolled my eyes.“Why on Earth why I be so stupid to move on with another Shelby?”
“The fuck are you saying?”
“I’ve been battling with myself whether to leave this job because of you! It was terrible enough to be in the same room as you and your wife, but trying to avoid you all day is exhausting. You have to stop trying to make us work.”
His breathing was getting faster, and he hastily grabbed my hands.“But why can’t we just hide it? Maybe after a while I’ll be able to divorce her.”
“I can’t sit around and wait for you! I’ll always love you John, but you can’t expect me to not go on living my life whilst I wait for something that may never happen. And you’re telling me that in that time, you won’t have sex with her, you won’t give her the children she wants? Because I’m not fucking you behind her back.”
He groaned, pulling away from me and turning around, suddenly hitting a stall door, causing me to flinch at the movement and sound. Instinctively, I started backing away, scared that he might flip and accidentally hurt me in his rage.
“It’s not fucking fair!” he yelled.
“John, calm down!” I said, trying not to shout back, needing him to be calm.
“Why was I the one that had to get married?! Why wasn’t it Arthur or even Finn? They know we’re in love! I wanted you to be my fucking wife! And now you’re not even fighting for us!”
I scowled at him, screaming just as loud at him now.“How dare you?! John, there is nothing to fight for anymore! Yes, we still love each other, and I would give anything to be with you again! I would kill for you, you know that. But we need to move on from this. I’m staying at work for now, just until I’ve got enough to move somewhere else, and then I’m gone. I’m not staying where I got my heart broken.”
“You can’t leave.”
“I will. This feels like someone is punishing me for something terrible that I’ve done, but for the life of me I can not think what that could be. I’m done with this John. I don’t want to wake up every morning dreading to go to the shop, being distracted from my work because I’m dreading that you’ll corner me and we’ll get caught doing something we shouldn’t be. I feel like I’ve aged since the day you married, just from the stress.”
“(Y/N), please, just give it more time, we can work something out-”
“No! John just shut the fuck up and listen to what I’m saying! Leave me alone, leave what we had in the past. You’re married now, and I don’t want to have an affair, not just because of the Lee’s but because of the moral of it all. I...I just need to go home.”
“You’re not leaving-”
He grabbed my arm forcefully, and in defence I slapped him around the face. He recoiled his hand as he went into shock, giving me a chance to escape. However, he kept calling my name as I rushed off, seeing the boys standing at the bar, obviously having heard everything. I pushed past them, bursting into the private room to grab my things before leaving the pub. The others were also telling me to come back, wondering what was wrong.
“Don’t follow me! Leave me alone!” I screeched before turning away from them. 
I felt light headed as I stormed home. There was so much to take in, too much had been said in such a short amount of time. Though I knew I had spoken my truth, even if it was the hardest thing I had ever admitted. John and I couldn’t be. Perhaps it was never meant to happen, and we needed to grow up, move on from our childhood dreams of us being together. I couldn’t dwell on it, I was right when I said I couldn’t put my life on pause to wait for him, which I knew would never happen. Until I knew what I could do to move on and away from everyone, I hoped that our argument had sent a message to John, and I wouldn’t have to suffer as much as I had been. Not for much longer, I am going to be happy.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Secret Santa (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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Reader is in the military and surprises her wife and daughter (with a little help from Preath). Merry Christmas from @literaryhedgehog and Me!!!
“Little bit still hasn’t told you what she wants for Christmas yet?” Kelley asked, munching on some pretzels and hummus.  
Alex rolled her eyes sliding into a seat next to her. “No, she utterly convinced that it won’t come true if she tells anyone but Santa.” 
“Didn't she write a letter? Why didn’t you just take a peek?” Tobin interjected, sitting on Kelley’s other side. Her fiancé had been so excited to have her niece for the day. 
“She mailed it to god knows where with Christen before I could,” Alex sighed, shaking her head. She had been fine with the whole mailing letters thing (actually watching your four-year old try to write out something heartfelt in blue crayon was kinda adorable), but then Camren had insisted on mailing it herself. Alex felt a little bad for the person in Antarctica who was getting the random letter. 
“Damn,” Kelley huffed, blowing her cheeks out, trying to drum up ideas. 
“Yeah, apparently it’s a Press family tradition or whatever, and Chris did it because Y/n isn’t here to. If she was she at least could have curbed some of her enthusiasm long enough to take a picture of the letter.” Alex grumbled, chewing thoughtfully on a pretzel. Your big sister had been picking up a lot of slack while you were away with the SEALs, but it just wasn’t the same as having you there. 
“We hired a Santa, so just listen to whatever she tells him,” Tobin shrugged, a look that Alex didn’t recognize crossing her features. 
“And pray to god it gets here overnight,” Kelley snorted. Hopefully whatever Camren wanted could be found at a local Walmart. 
The holiday party was in full bustle. There were benefits to doing training in Florida, so while Camren still had her heart set on snow for christmas, the adults had strung the outdoor tent with string lights and decorated it with holly and mistletoe. Camren had promised to eat at least two bites of every food there -- even the healthy ones that looked weird (her words not Alex’s) -- before she ate too many of Emily’s double chocolate chunk brownies, and so Alex was feeling rather proud of herself. She and her daughter were both there, dressed up, and only 15 minutes late for the party-- not bad for single parenting skills. Maybe after Camren was done talking to Santa, Carlie or Lindsey could be persuaded to babysit for a bit so Alex could go introduce herself to that lovely bottle of merlot she saw hiding in the corner. 
Alex was surprised with how comfortable her daughter seemed on Santa’s lap. Camren was a bit nervous walking over, but it was nothing compared to her fear last year, when she had bawled until you eventually gave up and held her behind the poor man. Perhaps it had to do with how tenderly the poor suited person seemed to hold the small child, and the little glimmer in their eyes. . 
Santa’s eyes met Alex’s for a split second, and the sense of security the slight contact brought her was slightly alarming. They looked so familiar and sent warm tingles through her chest. 
“Did you get my letter?” The little girl asked, drawing the bearded one’s attention back to her. Alex bit her lip, there was no way this random stranger got the letter addressed to Rudolph at the North Pole. 
The Santa nodded, their features softening. “I did. It seems you were very concerned about your mama getting her gift?”
The little girl nodded rapidly. “How do you know where to take it, if she’s on top secret missions all da time?” Her brow furrowed, “what if she doesn’t have a chimney to hang her stocking on?”
“I just know. Remember I know if you’ve been good or bad, or if you move. I promise she’ll get everything she wants. Now back to you. What do you want for Christmas?” Santa tried to explain. 
The little girl thought for a moment, her finger tapping on her chin, before she leaned up to cup the person’s ear. She whispered a few words, leaned back to look the bearded person in the eye. The (very fake) white beard at the top of the red coat bobbed up and down in a nod, and Alex saw a sparkle in their eye as their lips twitched above it. 
“Well that’s quite the order.” 
“Pwease? Its not that tall, and It’s the only thing I really want,” Camren pouted, pulling the puppy dog eyes that never ceased to make her parents melt. This was important, and if she only got one real chance to talk to the person who could make it happen, she wanted them to know just how much she wanted it. 
“I’ll see what I can do,” the Santa said, nodding seriously and stroking the beard as Camren jumped up and ran back to Alex. 
“What did you ask for?” Alex whispered. Good grief, wasn’t the whole point of hiring a Santa to hear what the munchkin wanted?
“Can’t say. Want it to happen,” Camren whispered back, twirling slightly as she buried herself in the hem of her mom’s skirt. This was going to be the best Christmas ever. 
Alex smiled widely as the Santa pulled another wrapped present from the gaudy red bag. It was a nice spin on their usual tradition, and she just hoped Pino didn’t get her for a secret Santa. That woman forgot every year, and Alex’s name hadn’t come up yet and that bag looked suspiciously empty. No wait, there was one- nope, that was Beckey’s present from Alyssa. Maybe there was a gift card in there somewhere? Alex looked down at Camren, who despite practically nodding off in Sonnet’s arms an hour ago, had woken up during the secret santa exchange. She was now sitting on the ground playing with the toy horses, blind to her surroundings.
“Hey, um Kelley? Who was running the secret santa exchange again?” Alex whispered, grabbing her arm. “I think my person forgot to get me a present.”
“What?” Kelley, turned to her shocked. “I think maybe Tobin was in charge this year, we’ll ask her if someone wrote down who your person was.”
“Oh that’s not necessary,” Christen’s voice broke in. Alex and Kelley turned to look at her and Tobin, who were standing with a very confused Emily.  “I’m really sorry, we just didn’t get a chance to wrap your gift. You’ll get it at the end of the party.” 
“Isn’t it like against the rules for Christen to get Alex since they actually spend Christmas together every year?” Sonnett whined. If she couldn’t buy presents for Lindsey, and Sam couldn’t do it for Kristie then that totally wasn’t fair.Sister-in-law and fiance-of-sister-in-law definitely had an unfair advantage on the ”knowing what presents to buy” front. She had to buy Jullie’s gift, and had just settled on some tea-rex patterned socks and a starbucks gift card. 
Lindsey glared in her direction. “Can it disonny,” she wasn’t about to let her girlfriend mess up a surprise that had been 6 months in the making. 
“It’s fine Chris, you didn’t have to get me anything,” Alex smiled sadly. 
“I mean that would have been cruel since Camren has been campaigning pretty hard for your present,” Christen snorted. It was all your daughter could talk about. She had even harassed every Santa she saw while they went Christmas shopping, and wrote several letters (that she forwarded to you) about the issue. 
“She told you what she wants, and you didn’t tell me?” Alex asked exasperated. She had been fighting with your daughter for a month to know what she actually wanted. Why on earth would she tell her aunt but not her mom? She was going to have to have a conversation with Camren about how Santa had different rules from wishing on a star or a birthday candle. Namely that she should tell her mom what she wanted!
Christen shrugged, a smile pulling at her lips, though Alex didn’t know what she was so amused about. “Well, it was for you, so I get a pass,”
“I for one think that Christen’s present is totally on point, even if it’s wrapped in ugly, sweaty red velvet,” A new voice joined the conversation, just as arms wrapped snugly around Alex’s waist. 
Alex froze, her eyes going wide and her mouth opening and closing several times. 
You chucked from behind her, spinning her around so you were face to face for the first time in almost a year. 
“Hi love.”
“Holy shit,” Alex breathed. Her hands reached up to touch your cheeks, the sense of touch confirming what she couldn’t trust her eyes to see. 
“Surprise,” You mumbled, leaning in and finally connecting your lips. You sighed into the kiss, thoroughly enjoying the way they moved together, and the taste of your wife. She impatiently pulled down the beard when you paused to breathe, and your hands found her hips, pulling her closer, while her fingers tangled in that baby hairs at the base of your neck. “Let’s do that again,” you said, your breath fanning against her lips before she pulled you back in. You had an awful lot of time to make up for. 
“Why is mommy kissing Santa Claus,” Camren asked from somewhere below your feet. You were fairly certain you heard one of your wife’s teammates explaining in the background that Santa left a little while ago, and Mama had just dressed like him to surprise Mommy. You were a tad busy to explain anything right now.
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omegalomania · 3 years
I think tumblr ate my ask or it just didn't sent but what are your favorite Bastille songs / what are some songs you recommend?
i did NOT get this ask im very sorry anon.
it's genuinely hard for me to narrow down cause bastille is pretty up there in terms of favorite artists. i love all their shit, but a special mention goes out to their second studio album wild world since it's the one that made me a Fan
uh so here's a primer i guess i spent too much time on this lmao.
if you wanna listen to their big hits:
flaws - their first single in the uk. if you ever listened to ship playlists on 8tracks in like 2013-2015 then you've probably heard this song or a variant on it at some point.
pompeii - this is the song that really put them on the map and you definitely know it. it dominated the charts all over the place.
happier - the marshmello song that you've definitely heard before too. i think bastille wrote this for justin bieber or some shit but then decided they liked it too much to give it to him? lmao. anyway if you're not digging the version you hear on the radio all the time i recommend trying the stripped down version
good grief - their big hit off their second album. big in the uk, didn't really make as many waves elsewhere, but it's a really solid song anyway. one of those "upbeat tunes that's actually really fucking sad" ones
things we lost in the fire - another one off their first album. if you live in a wildfire area this might not be one to turn to. or maybe you'll find it cathartic idk i certainly do!!
quarter past midnight - a song about escapism, as was fitting when it was released in 2018 and equally fitting now. running away for a night of fucking around with friends, craving any kind of brief departure from the chaos of the modern world
skulls - this one was not a hit or a single and is technically a bonus track but i'm including it because once again if you ever clicked on a ship playlist on 8tracks in like 2013-2015 you've heard this one. and you know what that was justified this one is also good
if you wanna feel existentially depressed:
their whole discography. i mean i kid but i also don't. that's just kind of how bastille does it. BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS ones that hit me in particular would beeee
two evils - kind of a grim, haunting one introspecting about morality of the self.
oblivion - musing about the afterlife, love, and how time changes all of us.
those nights - contemplating what it is we seek when we plunge into reckless escapism, and the inherent loneliness of it; how even when surrounded by people there's still the pressure of the world outside, continuously coming to pieces
the draw - this one was written about the pull of pursuing a career in music vs. staying home with family and friends. in a broader sense, it can apply to a lot of things. i always felt it resonated with feelings of paranoia and displacement
winter of our youth - discusses childhood, nostalgia, and regret. if it feels like everything's slipping away, is it easier to relive the past, especially if the past is tinted rose?
sleepsong - loneliness, desperation, and the cyclical, abyss-like nature of all it encapsulates
if you want discussion of serious topics:
final hour - a bonus track off their second album that also became a bonus track off their third album? anyway this song talks about climate change and gun control. happy stuff
doom days - this one talks about, uh, everything! doomscrolling, political divides, escalating national tensions, climate change again, etc.
the currents - a song centered on political rhetoric and the power that figureheads have over the masses, the way they can orchestrate hate. basically it's not so subtly aimed at donald trump lmao, dan's literally sung it as much in a few live settings
WHAT YOU GONNA DO??? - social media addiction and the way capitalism and corporate interests have annexed our online experiences, fighting desperately for our attention as they seek to monetize every available aspect of our lives
four walls (the ballad of perry smith) - well this one is about uh. perry smith. who was charged with the death penalty for killing 4 people in the late 50's. but it's less directly about him and more a discussion of the morality of the death penalty and capital punishment
snakes - burgeoning anxieties and the impulse to turn to easy outs, like ignorance or alcoholism, to escape the world's global problems
if you want some pop culture sprinkled on top:
icarus - greek mythology. i like this one because it addresses something that i feel isn't addressed enough in discussions of this myth, which is that icarus is a very young lad. less about the pride of the fall, and more about the inherent tragedy of that.
laura palmer - the whole song is a david lynch shoutout. i've never seen twin peaks myself but the song still slaps.
daniel in the den - christian mythology. discusses the biblical tale of daniel in the lion's den and links that up to themes of betrayal and family.
poet - this one's a double feature, referencing both william shakespeare's sonnet 18 and edmund spencer's sonnet 75. also one of my favorites.
send them off! - this is another one of my favorites of theirs. it's also been described by dan as "othello meets the exorcist" and it very much delivers there
if you want something uplifting:
joy - while bastille (understandably) has a bit of reputation as a band that makes sad music about sad things, they've definitely got some happier songs in their catalogue. pun intended cha ching. this one's one of their more straightforwardly happy tunes
survivin' - this was a song they wrote while they were touring and then felt weird about releasing once the panini hit because it felt a bit on the nose. they ended up releasing it anyway and i am so glad they did cause it's a mood
act of kindness - the "happy" part here is debatable but i'm gonna include it anyway. it’s when someone does something nice for you and that impulse Changes you way down deep you know???
warmth - one of those "the world's going to shit but at least we have each other" kinds of tunes
the anchor - one of those "the world's going to shit but you're the one fucking thing that's still keeping me here" kinds of tunes
give me the future - their latest single as of this writing and one of the more optimistic tracks in their catalogue imo! it's yearning, but it's also with a genuine hope for the future.
and LASTLY. because im going to take every chance i can to plug this band. im going to throw some collabs and covers at you because there's one thing this band does SUPER well and it's collabs and covers.
of the night - this is the big one. it mashes up rhythm of the night by corona and rhythm is a dancer by SNAP! and it's so good they still do this one live and it goes off every time.
no angels - a mashup of "no scrubs" by TLC and "angels" by the xx, poured into a strangely mournful tune with clips from the hitchcock movie psycho. doesn't sound like it should work but it does. kinda really does.
torn apart - with GRADES and lizzo no less!!! it's got two parts but they're both excellent listen to them both
weapon - collab with angel haze, dan priddy, and F*U*G*Z and one of my absolute favorites
remains - remix of their song "skulls" but featuring rag'n'bone man and skunk anansie that adds an entire new dimension to the song, really fucking excellent
old town road mashup - lil nas x's old town road meets lizzo's good as hell meets radiohead's talk show host meets talking heads' road to nowhere meets the osmond's crazy horse. "what the fuck that shouldn't work" i KNOW and yet here it is!! BLATANTLY BANGING!!!
we can't stop - one of the few times dan smith subtly changes the lyrics of the song he's covering (most of the time he opts to keep the original pronouns and the like, which is very nice to see). anyway this one mixes miley cyrus's we can't stop with eminem's lose yourself and billy ray cyrus's achy breaky heart. and also the lion king's i just can't wait to be king is there. yes i know it sounds batshit especially because the whole thing is surprisingly melodic and heartfelt and you know what it works.
anyone but me x nightmares - mashing up joy crookes' anyone but me with easy life's nightmares and absolutely one of my favorites.
bad guy mashup - how many songs can they include with the word "bad" in the title? we've got bad guy (billie eilish), bad decisions (bastille), bad romance (lady gaga), and bad blood (taylor swift). bastille even has a song called bad blood and they didnt use it. they used taylor swift's version. also the distinctive guitar riff from dick dale's misirlou is there.
somebody mashup - how many songs can they include with the word "some" in the title? someone like you (adele), somebody told me (the killers), somebody to love (queen), use somebody (kings of leon), and someone you loved (lewis capaldi). seriously these guys take mashups to a new level.
final song - this is a cover of MØ's final song. it also adds in craig david's 7 days and, impossibly enough, europe's final countdown. how does it work. how.
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babbushka · 3 years
Mrs Z what do you think about BB!Kylo being so in love with you and happy to be alive that he just wants to fuck you on every surface in his mansion! Thank you for all the Sinday writing :)
Thank you so much for asking about this AU! I hope you enjoy these NSFW headcanons :) 
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He takes his husbandly duties, extraordinarily seriously, Lord Ren does. Ever since the day his mother and father sat him down and informed him of his arranged marriage to you, he decided he would be only the most perfect husband -- nothing less.
Which is why, when he finally does get to marry you all those years later, and the disaster of his honeymoon strikes, he is even more fiercely in love with you of you. He will not take his time with you for granted, not after nearly losing you. 
Your safety is of the utmost importance, so when he gets you back home from New York, he doesn’t really let you leave, paranoid and protective. 
Which suits you just fine, because the estate he has built you is sprawling and massive and there are so many rooms to explore. 
More importantly, so many rooms to fuck you in. 
You didn’t have time to really investigate any of the estate before leaving for the Titanic, and with no plans on the horizon for travel any time soon, you enjoy indulging in one another’s pleasure in every nook and cranny of it. 
He bends you over all the desks he can find, each and every one of them. His strong body draped across your back as he pounds his cock into you, makes your stocking-clad knees pinch in. 
He spreads you out like a delicious luncheon on all the sofas, the couches, the chaises, in each and every room he can get into that isn’t populated by staff, and fucks you so hard that the legs of the furniture scuff against the wood. 
In each seat, he sits you down and kneels between your legs, completely obscured by your skirt as he eats your pussy like he’s a starving man. 
You suck on his cock in the stairwells and in the library and you ride him and moan and shout and beg his name in the laundry room. 
There’s stints in the stables where he lays you down on the soft hay, your dress protecting your skin from getting irritated as his cock grinds into you so loud it spooks the horses that graze nearby. 
The staff is completely immune to it after the first five weeks of this endeavor to fuck as often and as loudly as humanly possible, to the point where they no longer wait until you’re finished to go about their daily tasks. 
Kylo will be sucking on your breasts and shoving four of his fingers up your cunt while the maids dust and the butler pours tea in the drawing room like it’s nothing to be concerned about. 
When you become pregnant so soon after your trip, it’s needless to say that no one is surprised! 
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the hunter | embry call | part three
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"So, how do you pick who to hunt?" Embry asked.
The two of you were laying side by side in the grass, hands locked tightly together. You were using your free hand to draw his profile, and he was just enjoying being near you. Before you were just laying, you were practicing jumping onto his back while he was running. It was the only way he was going to let you come to the fight, if you played by his rules.
You didn't have to follow them, but you respected that he was just trying to keep you safe. That meant training with him, and the Cullens, staying in the treetops (which had been your idea in the first place, but whatever) and getting out of there if things start going south.
"We used to travel town to town on horses, and check the village boards for any low paying jobs until we caught wind of a vampire we thought needed to be exterminated," you said, focusing on the bridge of his nose. He really was so cute.
"Village boards? Seriously?"
"I know," you said, "things like rat infestations and sabotaged carrot fields in the night."
"How long did you do that for?" One thing about Embry was that he was determined to learn all of you.
"A long time. We didn't really keep track, it was too hard on the road."
When you thought you were done the sketch, you started erasing the extra lines. Lately, you'd started drawing him all the time. Too often you caught yourself thinking about wolf boy. And it was intimidating. Over a hundred years and you'd never taken a lover. But suddenly there was a guy filling all your senses, even when he wasn't around.
"What are you thinking about?" He smiled when he realized you were drawing him.
"You," you said, winking and tapping him with your elbow.
"Oh yeah? All nice things I hope," he said, grinning. There was a small tint of red poking under his tanned cheeks.
"Of course! Just my inner rambling of joy at waking up smelling like wet dog, and the constant smell of beef jerky on your breath."
"Hey!" he shouted, rolling over to trap you between the ground and his torso. His elbows were on the ground by your head holding him up. But you both knew that you could get free if you wanted to. "Don't be rude."
"I'm not rude, I'm accurate," you whispered, sliding your hands between you to rest your open palms on Embry's abs. The muscles tensed under your touch, but relaxed soon after.
"No," he whispered back, running a hand over your forehead to get the hair away from your eyes. He loved your eyes. "You're being rude."
"I'm being rude? You're the one pinning me down," you said, smiling. One of your hand trailed all the way up his body, to rest gently on the back of his neck. Every part of him was soft and toned.
"Maybe I'm just trying to protect everyone else from your attitude. You know not everyone is as perfect and confident as-"
You but him off by tugging him down to you, locking your lips together in a passionate kiss. Embry groaned in surprise, but kissed you back. He was just happy to enjoy this moment. His lips were warm, a combination of fiery and soft. Embry tasted like cinnamon, and smelled of autumn and home. All your senses felt relaxed, totally as ease to have Embry in your hold. When he pulled away, you felt less content. Like he had been the missing piece you were looking for.
"Have you decided about sticking around after we get Victoria?" he asked, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. "I need to know before I get too attached. If you're going to leave me..."
Your fingers flexed over his skin, appreciating the warmth radiating off him and sinking into your bones. Embry was everything you didn't think was possible in a man. Sweet, caring and tender. Cares about your feelings while being mindful of his own, not putting a priority on either but making them equal.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to leave you," you said. "If I go, I want you to come."
"I mean... I'm happy here. I like you, I like this place. I think maybe a little bit more stability is good for me."
His eyes stayed totally trained on yours while you spoke. Each word sending a slew of butterflies through both of you.
"So... whatever you pick, I get to be there?" he asked, voice beautiful and vulnerable. You had to smile.
"I wouldn't want anyone else by my side," you said, hand sliding down the side of his face to caress his cheek.
Embry's eyes ticked back down to your lips, and he leaned down to put his lips back over yours, filling your body with the heat and comfort that you'd grown to expect spending so much time with him. You flipped the two of you around, so you were perched over him, hands roaming his naked torso.
He sat up quickly, making you gasp. His tongue slid into your mouth slowly, giving you lots of time to back away. You didn't, you welcomed him. Tongues clashed, tangling slowly as you worked your hands all over his exposed skin. You pulled away, eyes meeting his lazy ones. He licked his lips, and winked at you. His hand was on your lower back.
"We can call ourselves the hunter & the pup," you said, booping your nose against his.
Embry groaned, and held you tightly to roll himself back on top. Kissing your neck to earn a beautiful laugh from you.
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Days passed, and Victoria was still around. Lurking, waiting for Bella to stumble through the woods alone. None of you would let that happen. Now, you were alone in the woods, trying to get your bearings. You could hear the wolf paws, dragging and crunching through the dead leaves.
But then you saw it all, Emmett running behind Victoria, trying to reach her before she was able to cross the bank.
"Emmett!" you shouted, running towards him. He was stalled on the edge of the river bank, he wouldn't make that same mistake twice. But you could come and go as you pleased. "Throw me!"
His arms were waiting, and you jumped giving Emmett the right angle to grab up by your arm and your leg. He spun once, using the leverage to let you go and throw you towards Victoria. But as usual, she was just an inch out of your reach. You fell towards the other side, falling onto your knees.
Man, you hated when you didn't stick the landing.
Embry was running up behind you, the sound of his strides could be heard before you saw him. With a bit of luck and time, you ran towards a tree, jumped and kicked off it, giving Embry enough room to stoop his head and catch you on his back.
And you rode off towards the vampire with him. She was yards ahead of you, but Embry was fast.
"Send me up, wolf boy!" Grabbing a fistful of his hair, you jumped up on your two feet. And Embry took a high jump, letting you hop and land on a sturdy tree branch. "One shot," you whispered, aiming your crossbow. You let your instincts take it, and only hoped that you hit her enough to let the boys catch the lead. With any luck at all, they'd be able to cut her off.
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Emily was sitting on the porch when you got back, two cups of tea on the small table beside her. One half drank, one untouched. Her smile was the most welcoming thing on the planet, it made you want to sit and talk to her for hours.
"How did it go?" you asked, tired, clumsy feet making too much noise on the creaky wood.
"No dice," she said, scrunching her nose up. "Sit! You can have Sam's tea if you want, he didn't get to drink any before he ran off."
"Oh, no. I don't want to take his," you said, sitting in the vacant seat though.
"Don't be silly!" she said, pushing it closer. "I'll make him a new one when he comes in if he wants it, but he's not really a tea with dinner kind of guy."
"Thank you. How was your day?" you asked, sipping the tea. It was so good, one of Emily's personal recipes.
"The boys were in and out," she said, huffing. "All I wanted was to tidy up and take a bath."
You laughed, "The mom of the pack."
She smiled, faltering a little when the door opened and Leah stepped out. Emily looked to the ground and Leah stomped passed.
"Hey Leah," you said. She put up her hand in a wave (or was she waving you away) and disappeared into the trees. "Does she hate everyone or just me?"
Emily laughed sadly. "She doesn't hate you, she hates me. She hates Sam."
"What? Why?" You studied Emily's pained expression, thee feeling of her being sad made you feel sad. "You don't have to tell me."
"She was with Sam... and I guess I stole him. She understands, but she doesn't have to like it." Emily looked into her cup, blowing on it to watch the ripples in it. "It sucks, but it's not my fault either. She just needs some more time."
"Oh shit," you said, setting your cup down. "Sorry, that's intense."
"I like you, you don't really beat around the bush." Her grin returned. "You're good for Embry."
"Always nice to get a mother's blessing," you joked, winking at her. Emily laughed, and it was the kind of beautiful laugh that made people fall in love.
Not long after, Sam jogged up to the house, kissing Emily on the cheek as he passed by. She followed him into the house. Embry, Jared and Paul were not far behind. Embry grinned at you, and you got up to greet him. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, locking your face into his chest, while your arms hung loosely around his waist.
When he loosened his grip, you puckered your lips up at him. He gave you a cute little pout, and said "awh!" before leaning down to place a kiss on you.
"Gross," Paul said, fake gagging. "I thought you were cool."
Jared laughed, watching you. He knew something cool would happened. You walked up to Paul, who crossed his arms. You gave him a little smile, and then open palm hit him in the chest so hard he was sent over the back of the railing, falling into a slump in Emily's garden.
Bella and Jake were sitting in her truck not far away from the scene. You waved when you noticed her, and grabbed Embry's hand when you danced over to her side of the truck.
"Did you just..." Bella was staring towards the house, while Jake's obnoxious laughter filled the air.
"Don't worry, he deserved it." You peaked around the truck. "What are you guys doing today?"
"Just hanging out," she said, "the usual. Avoiding vampires who want me dead."
"Well, that must be a long list," you joked. You looked behind you, Jared was laughing and retelling the story to Quil and Seth. They must've shown up from the back of the house.
"Because all vampires are bad?"
"Nah, because you, my friend, are vampire bait." You and Bella both laughed, while Jake and Embry shared a confused look. "Anyway, why don't the four of us go get some burgers?"
"Burgers?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, I mean... if Bella's up for it, I have so many questions about the Volturi, and she's the only one who can tell me and still be safe."
"She doesn't want to talk about that," Jake said, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" you said, your voice laced with shock. Embry looked away to hide his smile, he knew that shit was fake. "And congratulations Jacob! I didn't realize you'd developed Edward's mind reading. And to be the only one that can hear what she's thinking? So cool."
Bella smiled, Embry held his laughs in, and Jacob rolled his eyes. "I don't mind telling you, I don't know much but I'll tell you what I do know."
"Thank you," you said, sincerely. "I wonder if there would be a way to take them out."
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TAG LIST: @awesomebooklover17 @delightfullykrispypeach
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
7 Minutes in Heaven (Jaehyun x you) 🔞
Okay this is suggestive and not suitable for under 18 readers, so please continue only if you’re going to bear the consequences. No it’s not super smuty, it’s just not a good thing to copy :) 
Warning : don’t kiss random strangers, don’t drink, don’t smoke, wrap up or you’re skipping a nine month bloody day :”)... Jungwoo is your bestfriend, Shy!Jaehyun and you’re bold enough to try new things...
anyways this has been in my laptop for a while, wanted to post it on Halloween but didn’t finish it back then... soooo embrace yourself for a new journey of how it might be like to play 7 minutes in heaven with Jaehyun 
here goes my (suggestive) fanfic... hope this won’t make you cringe
“So…you're saying the boys think I am a pure innocent girl?” You scoff and laugh upon the remark Jungwoo just said.
“Well they don't believe me when I said you're totally different outside campus.” The man with blue hair bashfully looks around the canteen.
You pick up your fork and continue poking in chicken chunks to your small mouth, “And why are you telling this exactly?”
Jungwoo deadpan looks at you and leans closer, “Why don't you proof them wrong? They've labeled you as the boring mechanical engineering girl!”
He slams the table a bit dramatically, to which you shudder.
“Easy… you'll break the table! Well sorry, but they're not totally wrong. I'm a regular mechanical engineering girl, boring, studying all the time, nerd, and just never coming to parties!” you give him a dry chuckle.
“Look this is not the true you! I've known you since high school! I know how crazy the boys were whenever you pass by! I'll be honest there were like 5 hot guys who had crush on you in high school, just that sorry I told them you're not allowed to date yet.” Jungwoo trails off and feels a bit guilty when he finally spills the beans he has been hiding.
Your eyes fly open and your mouth too, you drop your spoon and grunt, “Say that again… you cock-blocked me?!”
Jungwoo closes his eyes and inhales a deep breath, “I'm saving your future! I just don’t want them to you know use you and throw you away…”
You hit the spoon to the metal tray, and it made a good “BANG"
“Surprise surprise you told me this after like I don’t know five years maybe. You made the men who liked me back away before even trying to reach me out! Jungwoo all my life I thought I was the one with problem?! I thought no one likes nerds like me; when I myself believe I am a fun girl!” your rage bubbles up from within.
You feel like crying, all these times you thought you were imperfect, you were never a crush for men, you've dealt with your insecurities. You overcome dark times when you see your friends walking through the hallway, having the spotlight on them. You thought you can never be that just because you're an A-grade-student. You did have Jungwoo standing by your side through high school, and he's a good friend who you cannot see as a man.
Your friendship with Jungwoo is indeed a beneficial one, since both of you love science and calculations. You have a study friend and voila you both made it to you best engineering school!
Just as you thought campus life will be lit, since you can “reset" your image, be the fun student on weekend, and study well on weekdays.
But no. You’re overworked with the tasks and quizzes, and to ensure your scholarship is still there, you need a minimum of 3.0 in GPA and that means you’re saying goodbye to parties and hello to enough sleep.
You're mad now when you think of it. Jungwoo has been a cock-block since grade 10 and maybe until today when he finally realized what he had done.
You massage your temple and look in disgust at your unfinished food.
You push your chair back and stand up, “I am mad at you. I don't feel like eating. Good bye Jungwoo..”
“WAIT! i'm sorry I know I was a jerk… but please let me fix it… give me a chance..” he begs you
Your mind is set already, and you shake your head, “I can fix it by myself. So long” you wave and quickly run to the bathroom.
There you let out your emotion in one of the locked toilets and you pull yourself back when you figure a way out to proof them wrong.
You're not the typical book-worm boring mechanical student. You’re you and that will blow the house on fire tonight.
You wash your face in the sink and pamper up yourself from the messy state. You're a fan of make up and you've always had natural looks over your pretty face.
Quickly you draw back your mascara and eye liners, one smack of lip gloss and you're smiling all the way to your next class. Writing.
Johnny greets you in front of the lecture class, he tells you about the upcoming party Lucas will hold this Saturday and Johnny suggests you come and see what it feels like to have some relaxation and fun. He knows midterm has just ended and he is sure you don't have lies to excuse yourself from the invitation.
“Great guess I can make it. Need that fun nights you know. Any theme?”
“Oh, it'll be a costume party since it’s Halloween.” Johnny explains.
You smirk already having lots of ideas in your mind. “Okay see you there then!”
“Nice! Dress up nicely, it's a competition!”
You give him two thumbs up.
“Sooo what are you going to wear?” Jungwoo finally gets to talk to you after trying so hard to win your forgiveness.
“I am not going as your couple okay.. I’m going simple this time. I don't want to try too hard.” You smile remembering how you're always prepared for costume parties.
“Let me see, I’ve won Bonnie and Clyde costume… last year we showed up as marry Poppins. Now I just want to enjoy the party.” You plop into your bed and stretch. The party is tomorrow night and Jungwoo is staying over tonight because he needs to finish his costume.
“What? Tell me…” he asks while sticking his props to you don't really know what costume is he going with.
“see me tomorrow okay…”
Jungwoo rolls his eyes when he sees what you appear with tomorrow.
“Seriously?! You’re keeping it a secret. Just to come to the party dressed as a Ravenclaw student!”
You turn around to final check your appearance. Well coming as a Ravenclaw is what you want today.
Jungwoo is by your side ready in his F1 racer costume.
Everything as fun and cool you're having a blast when you see Jungwoo's frats brothers. One man caught your attention when he looks so cute in his Slytherin costume. Your eyes dilate when he flashes a smile to another person, but you caught the smile.
“Whew that is hot.” You whisper to yourself and keep your eyes on him. You never hear Jungwoo talking about him, but seeing him seated nicely between Doyoung and Taeyong, you knew he belongs in that frats. Doyoung and Taeyong are the boys from your music class and they're your best friend.
“hey (y/n)!! Come! We’re playing spin the bottle!” Johnny calls you over to join the table full of 23 men and several girls lounging over the empty seat.
You bring yourself to the seat next to Jungwoo and you're face to face with the cute slytherin boy.
You fix your skirt and calmly cross your legs while watching the man's reaction across you. He was caught watching you but when your eyes met, he quickly averts his gaze away and drinks his cup.
The game starts and you're drowned in alcohols. Well when they ask you stupid personal questions, you're shy to answer, you choose to drink.
Jungwoo keeps on telling you to stop, “Hey enough! You downed three shots .. too fast girl.” He holds your hand before you chug another shot.
Johnny sends a smug look, “Hey Jungwoo why don't you be her dark horse? If you think she drank too much, take a double shot.”
Jungwoo is not the best alcohol drinker and he needs to make sure you got home safe, before he can open his mouth a deep voice makes the whole room move their head to face him.
“I'll take her shots.” The Slytherin boy downs two cups like they were nothing and you catch his ears turning red.
“Thank you…” your voice trails off.
“It's Jaehyun,” he winks.
You pop your lips, “Yeah Jae, thanks!”
The room cheers and starts throwing cat calls to the two of you. You remain calm while deep inside your heart you're dying to squeal and bury your face. Jaehyun on the other side is also turning red, but his sweet smile is still there.
The bottle spins again and this time it points to Jaehyun and he chooses dare.
“Okay Okay this is gonna be fun!!” Mark claps his hands after him and Johnny whisper about the plan.
“Jae, you and the person across you go in that closet and do the 7 minutes in heaven thing… or drink” Johnny clicks his tongue. The room cheers and you can see it's you they meant ..
“Across me?” Jaehyun rubs his neck slowly, he somehow feels shy around you.
“Yeah (y/n)!” Doyoung punches his shoulder, “I'm doing it if I were you"
Taeyong claps his hands and pushes Jaehyun to stand up.
“Just do it!” someone else is also pushing you, it was Lucas.
You did not object and just shrug your shoulder.
Without further ado, you and Jaehyun are forced into the small closet.
They close the door and gosh you hear a click.
It’s dark inside, but somehow there’s a good air circulation at least you two won’t die out of breath.
You can’t really see him, but with the small lights penetrating through the space, you swear your heart is beating super fast. He looks ethereal.
“You good? Sorry they did this to you.” Jaehyun starts the conversation.
You let out a small chuckle, “No..it's fine. I'm okay… I’m not claustrophobic nor afraid of the dark.”
He laughs nervously, “Nice, me too.”
“Thanks for taking my shot earlier.” You try to break the thin air.
“No problem,” he fidgets with his fingers.
“So… are you gonna kiss me or we're keeping this safe?” you slap yourself for saying that out loud. Jaehyun swears he thank the darkness that his burning red face is hidden.
He chokes and coughs, you quickly apologize “Sorry. I didn’t mean to surprise you. Look, I thought you were the kind of guys who will just be straight forward and keep things casual.”
Jaehyun laughs, his laugh sounds sweet you almost melt.
“And I thought you're a shy quiet innocent girl.” He licks his lips. Well he's fast in reading the atmosphere and he knows if the time is right, he'll get that lips he has been eyeing since you entered the room.
You feel your cheek warming, “Ah.. yeah sorry Maybe you don’t see me interesting. I'm just the boring-"
“no. You're not. Girl you're not what people say.”Jaehyun cuts your sentence.
His hands cup your cheeks, “You're brave and oh I am the shyest boy here and I just like girls like you.” He blurts it out.
You feel your heart clench, really a handsome man like him who can win every girl's heart with one smile and wink… is a shy boy?
“You're telling me... you're a shy boy.. even when you can win the girls with one wink and a smile.”
He blushes, “Well… did I win your heart like that??”
You sigh, “Actually you won my heart with the Slytherin coat and you did toss me a smile. My heart somersault when you took my shots.”
He chuckles, “Can I make a confession?”
You nod, “Sure, what happens here stays here.”
He leans closer and whispers, “I've never kissed a girl before and you too look cute little Ravenclaw.”
Your eyes linger to his plump wet lips, you bite yours. Oh gosh you were also a virgin! You've never kissed anyone, but you're going to break that image, right? Tonight, Is the right time you guess.
“May I?” you ask. Fuck the stereotype girls can also start kisses.
Jaehyun did not reply anything instead he brings his hand to cup your face and with one hand in your chin he leans in to mold his lips into yours.
You feel electricity running in your body and your mind is full of stars. Your stomach is doing things and oh you regret not kissing him sooner. His lips indeed taste good and the way he holds your neck is enough to make you squirm.
You open your mouth and his tongue slips in. You're loud. You swear anyone could hear the two of you making out. But his soft touch and his slow head movement makes you crave more.
He almost pulls back thinking you don't want this, but you're faster. You push yourself to him more and run your fingers to his hair. You play with his hair according to how your body tingles by his kiss.
He pulls back to take a short breathing and you smile when the two of you just lean on the walls and take in as much air as you can. Jaehyun feels like crawling into a hole, he just had an intense first kiss with you, the girl he secretly put interest in for the last six months.
“Was I good?” he glances to you.
You smirk, “If this is what I’ll get every time we kiss, I’m addicted already.”
He scoots closer and in that small room, he manages to pull you up on his lap. You chuckle but follow his game.
“Can I taste that soft cherry again?” he whispers hoarsely, and you shudder. Hey, weren’t you going to show how not innocent you are but why are you so pliant and shy under this Shy Slytherin boy?
You peck his lips, “I'm afraid our seven minutes timer is up.”
He brings his hands to your waist, “No one is opening the door yet for us. Might as well seize the opportunity.”
You chuckle, “Good at bargaining huh?” and you lean in for another hot make out session.
“So… can we two be a thing?” he asks with his wet swollen lips.
You put your hands on his shoulder “I don't know. Can a Ravenclaw date a Slytherin?”
He laughs at your obsession of Harry Potter. “I don’t know. Should we test it?”
You bend your neck and hide it on his neck. Inhaling a quick whiff of his musk cologne.
“Well I don’t see anything wrong in trying..”
“I wish I could see your face now. Because right now.. my face is burning… “
“I can feel your heartbeat Honey,” you giggle as you plant your palm over his fast heartbeat.
“Slow down or you'll get a heart attack.” You rub his shoulder blades
“It's getting hot here or is it just me?” he fans his hand
You knock your hand to the door and yell, “Hey guys it's been more than seven minutes! We need air.”
You hear someone shuffle to the door and unlocks it.
You did not move from his lap, you wait til that person is out and when you hear no one else is in the room, you kick the door opens.
Lights come into your peripherals and you quickly close the big room's door.
Jaehyun tosses you a questioning look
You shrug your shoulder, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest place when one turns on the lights.”
“Such a fanatic here!” he picks you up and pushes you to the wall. You can see his starry eyes now under the lights and oh gosh they were so pretty.
You can see his deep dimple showing whenever he gives you a side smile and your hands find their way to cup his face.
Like casted by the love potion you bend your neck to kiss him. His lips is an addiction and you're blaming the alcohol for whatever happens afterward.
“I guess you're going home alone Woo,” Lucas said when he passed by the locked room and his face turns red upon hearing the sinful noises.
Jungwoo chugs down another drink, “Let her, she's big enough to take care of herself.”
“And why are you not bringing her to parties sooner? I thought she was the regular boring student.” Haechan was jealous of Jaehyun. Hell, he found you super intriguing too.
Jungwoo smirks, “Told you she’s not like the others.”
Lucas pats his shoulder, “And you're not the one getting laid. Be patient okay…”
Jungwoo laughs out loud, “Hell no, we're bestie since long time. I can’t see her as a woman. We’re good. Jae can have her.”
Jaehyun looks hot without his coat and after climbing down the high. The best one you two ever had. You were laying down on the big mattress staring to the ceiling and catching breaths with Jaehyun beside you.
“Do you think Jungwoo will hate me?” Jaehyun picks out a cigarette box he found in the closet earlier.
You shake your head, “He'll be happy I got laid finally.”
Jaehyun huffs a cloud of smoke, you ask him “you think the boys will think of me as less? Like maybe they see me as the same cheap sl-"
Jaehyun presses a finger over your lips “No. They don't and won't. They are not that type of men. They respect women's choices. In contrast, I’m sure if they hear our story, they’ll be jealous.”
A small smile comes to your lips, the naughty side of yours is awake. “Oh yeah? Then try it. Tell them about us and see if they're jealous.”
Jaehyun offers you the stick of cigarette, you're not a new smoker. Actually, you smoke sometimes to relax, you smoke a special herbal one… and this is one of it.
“Whaoh you're not a newbie?” he sounds surprised when you did not cough after taking the first smoke.
“I did sometimes the herbal ones.” You blow a cloud of smoke.
“Funny how we have a lot in common, but we just know one another tonight.”
You smile, “in seven minutes actually.”
He hugs you from the side, “Yeah the best seven minutes in heaven.”
*op hides in the corner* end 
how is it??? aaaa I guess it’s soo bad :”)
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mythologymondays · 4 years
It’s that time again, the time where we all gleefully sit down on the nearest mound and regale ourselves with totally normal Welsh tales of magical women and horses and enchanted bags, because that’s just how the Mabinogion is. Fun sources and FACTS beneath the cut, as always.
Press J on your keyboard if you hate stories about Medieval etiquette, liminality, and magic mounds.
The Prince and the Horse Girl: a temporally disconnected romance for the ages
So, the last we heard of Pwyll, he had successfully cockblocked himself into becoming best friends with Arawn, the Lord of the Underworld, which sounds like a pretty average Friday night in Cardiff, let me tell you. Anyway, Pwyll at this point is just kind of riding high on the fame that being best pals with Arawn brings, and he’s showing his friendship bracelet to everyone he meets and saying stuff like “yeah, it’s great to have the Lord of the Underworld Arawn-ed whenever I need him,” and everyone just sort of rolls their eyes good-naturedly and thinks about death.
One day, Pwyll is at his court at Arbeth, which is one of his most important courts. There’s a huge feast in front of him and all of his courtly pals are there, just chewing the fat. Pwyll tears off the leg of another whole roast pig, probably his eighth of the session, and he’s about to bite into it when he realises that everyone sat around the table is staring at him, so he puts down the pig leg really gingerly and says, “do I have hog spleen around my mouth or something?” and one of his courtly crew, who doesn’t get a name in the original text and so will henceforth be known as Brad, says, “no, my lord, but you do have practically an entire herd of pigs in your stomach, so maybe it’s time for a walk?”
Pwyll blinks at him and he’s like, “I don’t really see why I would want to go for a walk in the yucky outside when I could be sitting here and savouring delicious morsels of tenderly roasted flesh,” and Brad shrugs and says, “well, I read an article about nutrition in this scientific journal last week, and apparently it’s not actually that good for you to just eat constantly and never go outside ever,” and Pwyll is like, “no, but it’s super fun,” and Brad sighs and he’s like, “look, I wasn’t going to tell you this, just in case you got too excited, but there’s actually a mound outside,” and then Pwyll’s eyes go as wide as dinner plates and he cries, “a mound? Seriously? You’re not just fucking with me to get me to go outside?” and Brad is like, “no, there’s seriously a genuine, 100% organic mound outside, and it’s only a short walk away,” and so Pwyll pushes his chair out from under the table and he’s all, “lead the way, pal, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me sooner that there was a fucking rad mound outside, you know how much I love mounds.”
So, they all traipse outside on horseback, and lo and behold, Brad wasn’t lying. There really is an absolutely incredible mound outside, all earthy and hilly, and… look. I’ll level with you. It’s hard to get excited about a mound, but Pwyll manages it. I have no idea how. God knows I’ve tried. But anyway, he leads his merry band of lads up to the top of the mound, and they’re all about to sit down when Brad puts out a hand and stops Pwyll from doing so. Pwyll is like, “dude, stop crushing my vibe, I’m about to become sedentary on this sediment,” and Brad just shakes his head and he’s like, “bro, I need to tell you something about the mound, because I may have undersold it.”
Pwyll is obviously in complete disbelief at this point, just like, “mate, there’s no way you undersold it. It can’t get any cooler than this. It just can’t. Have you seen it?” and Brad is like, “yes, it’s a really interesting geological formation, and the topography also makes it look a bit like a butt, which is obviously super rad, but I didn’t tell you that it’s also a magic mound, because if a nobleman sits on it, one of two things will happen: either he’ll see something absolutely fantastic, like the original The Mummy film starring Brendan Fraser or a cool dog, or he’ll get maimed and mortally wounded. It’s 50/50, to be honest with you.” 
Pwyll just blinks at him, and he’s like, “dude, those are two very different things, but you know, I really can’t pass up the opportunity to see a cool dog,” and Brad says, “I need you to know that the dog was just a random example, I make no canine promises here, I can’t stress that enough,” and Pwyll just shrugs and scoffs, “whatever, dude. Anyway, if I do get totally maimed, I’ve got my posse here, and you’ll do first aid on me, won’t you?” and Brad just sort of nods nervously, because they haven’t even invented antiseptic in Medieval Wales and all their bandages are just, like, old socks drenched in ale, and they don’t have St John Ambulance to teach them all first aid because there isn’t even a J in the Welsh alphabet, and then Pwyll grits his teeth and sits down.
Almost immediately, this brilliant white horse just zooms past them, and Pwyll is like, “oh, that’s fucking sick, my dudes! I thought a dog would be cool, but a horse? Are you kidding me? It doesn’t get much better than this! Equestrian displays are my jam!” and then Brad rolls his eyes and he’s like, “my lord, did you not notice that there was a phenomenally sexy and almost certainly magic lady in gold riding that horse?” and Pwyll is like, “honestly, no, I was kind of distracted by the fetlocks, but now you come to mention it, she’s pretty attractive, I guess. Hey, do you think I could catch up with her and ask her where she got her cool horse?” 
So he gets back on his horse and he tries to catch up with the lady, but even though Pwyll’s horse was sold to him as being the fastest ride on four legs, he can’t even come close to her. He walks back to his lads, his metaphorical tail between his actual legs, and he’s like, “dudes, we’re going to formulate a plan tonight,” and then a random guy in the posse is like, “oh cool, I brought Sharpies,” and they go back to Arbeth Court and spend literally all night just drawing diagrams and equations on a tapestry of England, because that’s probably the best use for it.
The next day, they put their plan in action. Pwyll gets his youngest, fittest lad, plops him on his biggest, muscliest horse, the one that’s like an equine version of that man in Game of Thrones who keeps breaking weightlifting records and is almost definitely earmarked to play Atlas in some big budget Greek myth film, and sends him after the lady. But still, no matter how fast they ride, she’s always one step ahead of them. At one point, they almost catch up with her, but when Pwyll reaches out to stroke her silky blonde hair in a totally normal and cool way, she pulls forward again and he just fucking eats dust. It’s humiliating. 
And this goes on for three days, because princes don’t have, like, hobbies in Medieval Wales, or apparently any princely duties that would make galavanting after a magic horse woman for half a week kind of inconvenient for the general populace, and gradually, Pwyll’s men all bow out one by one, probably because they’ve all developed an absolutely stonking case of piles from being on horseback for three days solid, and then Pwyll is alone in his romantic and also literal pursuit. 
Exhausted, starving and probably desperate for the loo at this point, Pwyll throws his head back and howls, “what the fuck is going on on this day? I’ve tried everything! I’m absolutely stumped. I don’t know what to do about this. I’ve considered it from every possible angle. I chased her, and that didn’t work. I got my wingman to chase her, and that didn’t work. Those are my only two options in the entire world. I just don’t know what else I can do. It’s completely fucking futile, I wish I’d just seen a dog instead,” and then a flash of inspiration comes to him, and he just calls out to the woman, “erm, could you maybe just, like, stop?” and, like a miracle, she does.
When he catches up to her, she glares at him, and says, “I’ve literally been waiting three whole days for you to just ask me to stop, why did it take you so long?” and Pwyll is like, “I sort of thought that it was implied, to be honest with you, what with all the chasing and me crying loudly about my unending solitude and the futility of love,” and she shrugs and says, “well, if we’re to be marred, we really have to work on our communication,” and Pwyll is like, “wait, what, who said anything about marriage?” and she just rolls her eyes, like, “look, I’m a sexy Medieval maiden and you’re a prince with some land and gendered expectations, so of course we’re going to get married,” and he’s like, “well, if we marry, that means I get to ride your horse whenever I want, right?” and she nods, like, “yes, that’s definitely the primary appeal of marriage.” 
But just as he’s about to get down on one knee, she looks at him again, and says, “I should just tell you something super quick, in the name of true love and Medieval marriage etiquette,” and he’s like, “what, your name?” and she says, “no, not that, although it’s Rhiannon, but mostly I’m thinking of the fact that you actually have to wait a whole year to propose to me, because I’m almost engaged to someone else, who I hate, and I need to sort that all out first.” 
Pwyll frowns and says, “hang on, is this going to be another one of those weird magic things where I have to wait a whole year and then conveniently murder someone in a previously determined location?” and she’s like, “what the fuck, no, there’s not going to be any murder at all, just a lavish engagement feast and some nuptials and probably some awkward standing around with the in-laws to-be,” and he’s like, “so why do we have to wait a year?” and she just waves her arms around and says, “temporally disconnected Otherworld shit, my love, I don’t make the rules. Just come to the court of Hyfaidd Hen in exactly a year, and we’ll do the whole ball and chain thing. It’ll be great.” 
So he agrees, because of course he does, and the next thing he knows, it’s a year later, and he goes to Hyfaidd Hen and Rhiannon’s there in this beautiful McQueen wedding dress, looking all Kate Middleton but without the colonial royal associations, and there’s an absolutely exquisite feast laid out, with a whole array of delicious Medieval food, like unseasoned meat pies and room-temperature ale that looks like piss, and Pwyll just thinks to himself how cool it all is, but he also secretly harbours a lingering regret for the previous year, where he was forced after a blunder of etiquette to kill a random man in a duel, and although he feels bad about it, a part of him longs for the decadent adventures of his bachelorhood, when murder was more than just a six letter word. 
They’re all just kind of milling about on the dancefloor, listening to the bards spit some absolute club classics like Y Gododdin by Aneurin, which really gets the toes tapping, when this random dude with a chiseled jawline and a playful glint in his eye comes up to Pwyll and extends his hand for Pwyll to shake. Pwyll, who is completely head over heels for manners and etiquette, shakes the man’s hand, and says, “hello, new friend! What can I do for you?” and Rhiannon elbows him in the side, and hisses, “be careful, fiancé dearest, don’t let him tangle you up in a web of etiquette from which there is no escape,” and Pwyll waves her off, saying, “my sweet darling, I am a prince of Wales; manners are my middle name,” and he turns back to the man. 
The man grins at him, and he says, “I’ve come to ask a favour of you, Pwyll, prince of Wales,” and Pwyll, still enamoured by this man’s manners, is struck by an overwhelming desire to just do whatever this perfectly polite man wants, so he spreads his arms wide in a benevolent gesture, conveniently using it as an excuse to set down his glass of lukewarm piss ale on a nearby shelf, and says, “literally anything you want, my friend, I’ll give you!” and then the stranger’s grin turns into a smirk and he says, “by your word?” and Pwyll is like, “fuck yeah, man, by all of my words, as God and all these noble guests are my witness!” and the stranger is like, “sick bro, I want to marry Rhiannon, and I also want your wedding feast.” 
And Pwyll has no idea what to say to that, because he just promised this man anything he wanted, so he decides that maybe silence is his best bet here, and the man grins at him, and stalks off, knowing that there’s literally nothing that Pwyll can do now except reconsider all of his life choices up to this point.
When the man has left, Rhiannon groans, “you phenomenal dick, that man was Gwawl and he’s the complete bag of dicks that my parents tried to marry me off to, and you just got me affianced to him!” and Pwyll just grits his teeth and hisses, “well, dear, you might have told me that before I told him I’d do whatever he wanted,” and Rhiannon sighs and says, “you’re right, but look, we can work through this. Here’s the plan. Firstly, we’ll tell him that he can’t have the feast, because it’s not yours to give, but mine, and we’ll prepare him an equal feast instead. Then, we’ll tell him that he can marry me a year from today, but here’s the thing - on the day of the wedding, you’ll secretly turn up in disguise with a very tiny magic bag and you’ll ask him, very reasonably, for just enough food to fill the bag. He’ll obviously say yes, because even he can’t turn down something that reasonable, but the bag will be enchanted to never be filled, so you’ll just take all the food, until he asks you how he can help you fill the bag, and you tell him that a fine nobleman has to step on it to seal it, and then he’ll step on it, and then you jump on him and pull the bag over his head and tie him up in the bag and hang it from a rafter, and then you’ll blow your hunting horn to summon your posse of lads and you’ll all beat him to a bloody, pulpy death in the bag.”
Pwyll just blinks at her, and says, “sweetheart, love of my life, light of my existence, did you perchance dream up that oddly specific plan a while ago, because if not, then your imagination terrifies me,” and this small, maniacal grin plays on her lips, and she says, “darling, you know how you asked me last year if you’d have to wait a whole year and then conveniently murder someone in a previously determined location, and I told you no?” and he’s like, “yes, I do remember that,” and she says, “well, ask me again,” and so he says, “babe, do I have to wait a whole year and then conveniently murder someone in a previously determined location?” and she’s like, “yes, sweetheart, but I’ve got it in the bag,” and then they high five each other and do a vengeful murder jig for like ten minutes.
And of course, a year later, they do it all over again, this time with a tiny enchanted bag and a goddamn point to prove, but that’s a story for another time.
My other retellings can be found here, and my Mythology Mondays Facebook page is here. My book is here. Yay.
I’m going to level with you: I typed out a whole bunch of super cool academic stuff and then my turdwallet of a laptop crashed and deleted all of it, and I honestly want to perish very slightly at the prospect of typing it all out again, but in a nutshell:
Some people think that Rhiannon was a horse goddess who was undeified by the Christian dudes who wrote down the pagan Welsh myths all those years later. While the Christian dudes did almost certainly sanitise the source material, we just don’t have any real proof of what they left out. The main argument for Rhiannon being a horse goddess is that she’s a woman and there was, erm, a horse. Not the most compelling argument. Some people also think she may be a cognate to the Gallic horse goddess, Epona, but this is basically extrapolated from the fact that they’re both female and somehow linked to horses, which I don’t think would fly in a court of law.
If you’re wondering why Pwyll didn’t just tell Gwawl to fuck off, it’s because he’s bound, as a nobleman, by a very strict code of honour and morals. By giving Gwawl his word, even before he knew what he was agreeing to, Pwyll made a binding promise. If he goes back on his word, Gwawl is well within his rights to challenge the fuck out of him.
Welsh myth and the Otherworld is super interesting. The Otherworld was generally believed to only be accessible at certain times and via certain places, called ‘liminal spaces’, such as bogs, bodies of water, and caves. Liminal spaces are essentially a sort of sacred space which exists in the in between, where the boundaries between worlds are porous and can be crossed, provided certain ritual conditions are met. The mound in this particular narrative is likely a portal to the Otherworld, which explains why Pwyll was able to access the magical realm of Rhiannon through it. The Otherworld, although not explicitly an Underworld, does have links with death and the afterlife, as do mounds, so that strengthens the connection. Bet you never knew mounds were so fucking cool.
Primary sources:
Davies, Sioned (2007) The Mabinogion, New York: Oxford University Press
Secondary sources:
Goldwasser, Michele (1994) What Drives the Mabinogi? Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 14, 49-57
Linkletter, Michael (2001) Magical Realism and the “Mabinogi”: an Exercise in Methodology, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 21, 51-63
Wachsler, Arthur (1975) The Elaborate Ruse: A Motif of Deception in Early Celtic Historical Variants of the Journey to the Other World, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 12(1) 29-46
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