#but she can't just be written out of things now that she's the show's main character
purplerakath · 6 months
What I expect, and don't, from a Scott Pilgrim Season 2
Spoilers for all of the Scott Pilgrim works as I go through various plot points in the comics, and the ending of the first season, into hypothetical expectations if Bryan and BenDavid decide to do another.
What NOT to expect:
Memory Holes
Scott's gaps in memory are a good rug pull to the narration, it allows things we've previously seen to be recontextualized as Scott becomes aware he's not actually the hero. Thing is, Scott already knows this possibility from the end of Season 1 so we don't need it. This isn't a statement of 'no Nega-Scott' but we'll come back to that later.
Kim and Knives making out was a tool to set-up a Book 5 plot detail about Kim's relationship with Scott and Ramona. The part of that matters is we need to see Kim isn't straight, and there weren't a ton of female characters who would realistically make out with Kim and weren't busy in another plot. We've done this by having Kim try it out with Roxie, so Kim being bi is established already if they want to do the complicated 'I think I'm in love with either my best friend/ex or his current girlfriend' thing that was a bit of Kim's character. We also don't need to fish for 'reasons Knives is still around' she's in the band now, she's good.
The Glow
This is more of a 'that needed foreshadowing that isn't there' thing and we didn't foreshadow it so it probably isn't there. Ramona got her plot forward and her baggage detonation so it's not super useful anymore.
The Powers of Love, Self-Respect, and/or Understanding
So they could do these plot beats, but I don't think the swords work here. See, the swords work as a perfectly solid 'Scott leveled up' visual by making him cooler. And it plays even better in the movie because of how sword fights film vs. fistfights. Thing is, it's still saying that all 'understanding who you are' or 'respecting yourself and your needs' or 'being in love' is good for is stabbing people? It really feels hollow. Especially compared to Ramona's self-acceptance being 'turn into a God temporarily.' So if Scott gains any of those titles, it won't just be a sword.
Okay now that I've gone through a bunch of stuff I don't see coming up. I'm listing them as 'options' less because any two are mutually exclusive but all four cannot be done together.
Option One: Scott Gets a Life
So Scott didn't get to do most of his character growy things on account of him being dead for Tax Purposes. So he's still a useless mooch without a job, or anything to do other than play music. This isn't necessarily bad, but it is something they have to do something with. First is to do battle of the bands, lean all in on Sex Bob-Omb and the music going forward as the endgame to solve that Kim is also jobless. It isn't terribly grounded (but it could be very pretty visually), so I'm not super sold on it but it isn't off the table. They can also lean into 'Scott can cook' and do his cooking chef route from the books. This is more grounded and also can be visually pretty if done right. They can also do all manner of other job routes for Scott especially if the joke about job class systems because video games!
Option Two: Gideon is Still Evil™
So when Matthew was running from Gideon in G-Man Media's Headquarters he ran into a vault he couldn't blast through. That probably has even cryopods with six occupants. Because Gideon is still the worst. And 'but he's Gordon now' or 'but he has Julie now' are both not answers to the fact that Gideon is meant to be an incarnation of everything Scott could become. Notably Gideon didn't do any of his cool things™ from either book or movie in Season 1. Gideon still punishes women who betray him and Julie hates Scott. Gideon frames his revenge as making Scott suffer it is the perfect in-road to go after Ramona. Putting Julie in the Envy spot from Book 6. Which is even better because the betrayal will feel stronger since Gideon seems to like Julie sincerely.
Option Three: Scott's Ex Quest
So Scott has three significant ex girlfriends to dive in on. (I'm not counting Knives as- well, S1 actually resolved Knives pretty well?) And working through how Scott hurt them, and how they hurt him, and how it changed him would be a good avenue to do his character growth. It's honestly some of the stronger elements of the book looking right at Scott's past sincerely. This is the closest we get to retelling the books, but the twist is probably in execution, or in who else is involved. As all of Ramona's Exes being around and not-evil means we have new in-roads to character development.
Option Four: Nega-Scott/Future Scott
Scott is aware that he could be the problem, that awareness and vigilance makes the book version of Nega-Scott hard to work. The Shadow-Link attacking from nowhere just won't cut it. But we can do a similar thing with his awareness of the potential, a manifestation of his fears. Because this is a Rule of Cool series Scott's Fears becoming a monster makes as much sense as anything. So Scott just occasionally seeing/fighting an EvilRyu!Scott who shows up whenever Scott is especially anxious is entirely acceptable. This especially works if the central theme of the series is Scott trying to become more mature and responsible, having this evil manbaby hunting him represents that nicely.
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doggytail-duck · 10 months
Watched the MLB movie finally! While I had a few Notes, all in all I enjoyed it, the animation was so pretty and I was really impressed how they condensed so much stuff into one movie
#like sure they changed stuff and moved stuff around#and things were left out (for a possible sequel?)#but as an adaptation it's pretty good i think#if they had tried to cram anything more into One Movie it would've ended up a jumbled mess#i think they made a good choice in doing the origin story and the hawkmoth plot as the main things#and have other adventures as a montage of the heroes growing closer as time goes on#and i feel like marinette was written better than in the show imo#sure it's been a while since i've watched the show so idk what's going on there right now but still#my only Notes tm for the moment are basically how adrien got the ring and how adrinette met#and that's about it#like we should 100% have been SHOWN Why adrien was chosen too and not just Have The Ring Show Up you know?#and i personally really liked the origin story of adrinette being marinette not caring about adrien's money or looks or status#and kind of being like :/// about him because she thinks he's a rich douche#but then finding out how KIND that boy is and THEN starting to fall for him#the movie version was Fine i guess but i would've liked to see the 'oh shit he's actually super nice i was wrong'#it was just so basic 'girl meets boy and falls in love' meet cute and while there isn't anything WRONG with that.. idk#it's just more boring than 'dude you kinda suck - except holy shit you don't? you're really nice?? oh no'#and it made marinette's crush seem different from how everyone fawns over adrien because of his status#otherwise though? can't really think of much to complain about#the songs were a Surprise for sure but i personally didn't mind them i love movie musicals#however there were a bit too many of them maybe? or idk#maybe the songs could've been tweaked a bit to stand out more imo but that's probably more a me thing than anything#hawkmoth's song slapped though lol#i was basically like ??????????? and :DDD at the same time (positive)#also i laughed so fucking hard at the end screen cut lmaooo#anyyyway i'm probably gonna reblog gifsets now bc man the animation was prettyyy#personal#miraculous ladybug#mlb movie
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
The Quiet Part (Azul, Jade, and Trey x Yuu)
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"Oh can I help you? You seem to be lost." You attempt to cheerfully ask the vaguely familiar looking person in front of you. As if he is deliberately trying to rub salt in your wounds, Crowley ignored your request to leave campus for NRC parents day and is instead making you and Grim run errands. The person in front of you, blissfully ignorant to your inner turmoil perks up at your attention.
"Forgive me for asking, but are you the magicless prefect?" You and Grim exchange a confused glance. "You've got to be right?" They're practically glowing with how happy they are to see you. " Oh I'm sorry, I've just heard so much about you!" Wait, what?
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, in-law fishing (Azul and Jade) vs sibling smack down (Trey), if you liked this please check my master list here.
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"Well aren't you just darling!" You fold your clipboard just a bit closer to your chest, you don't think this excitable plump lady is intending to intimidate you but she is all up in your personal space. Her pearlescent hair frames her face perfectly, nicely complementing her large black hat that reminds you of a Victorian aristocrat on her way to the opera. She just lacks the fancy cigarette case.
"Hey lady back off my hench human! You're spooking 'em!" Grim pouts with his hands on his hips but only succeeds in changing her attention to him.
"And you must be the dire beast! Simply marvelous I didn't think Zuzu would let me have a chance to see you two at all." She sighs, clearly happy in a vaguely sinister way where her familiar looking smile doesn't reach her eyes. "Oh where are my manners? I'm-"
"Mother!" A very flusterd octopus runs, well more like flails, his way up the main street towards the woman your speaking with, but she doesn't do more than wave before returning to her conversation with you.
"-Mrs. Ashengrotto! Say darling are you free for a bit?" She's back to crowding you once again while Azul moves in between the two of you. "I have been so looking forward to meeting my poopsy's friends."
"Mother please, the prefect is extremely busy. There's no need for them to show you around campus, what sort of son would I be if I-"
"That's besides the point." Mrs. Ashengrotto's smile doesn't fade but the warmth of her voice most certainly does. Still Azul remains firm, extending an arm to keep you from moving towards his mother, or maybe to keep her from closing in on you? "You can't expect me to not be curious! You never have written such glowing things about-"
"That's enough mother." Grim yanks on your pant leg and points towards the path to Sam's shop.
"It is not poopsy you can't just ask for advice and then refuse every opportunity to use it." Mrs. Ashengrotto huffs in disappointment and elegantly shakes her finger as you and Grim begin to slowly inch away.
"I have no idea what it is you are talking about mother," Azul pushes his glasses further up his face, silently pleading with you to run faster "and I am certain the prefect doesn't either so please, allow me to escort you to the Monstro Lounge that you have been so eager to see." His mother pouts, pouts! At him puffing her cheeks up with air before finally looking behind him and realizing you aren't there.
"Oh absolutely not, I am not letting this fish out of my net." She mutters muscling her son out of the way. "Yoo hoo! Darling are you certain you can't at least stay for dinner?"
"Or maybe forever?"
"Well now, this is a surprise, watcha doin here Jade?" Grim asks as you step foot into the Pomefiore lounge. Normally asking Jade anything is akin to sticking your foot in your mouth but you have to admit, you are sort of curious why Jade and Vil, the two most composed people on campus, are standing awkwardly in the corner clearly a bit out of place while two men you assume are their father's seem to be having a grand time chatting it up on the couch. Disturbingly, Jade makes eye contact with you with a look you almost think is screaming for help.
"Yoooo!" The Leech father is tall, and the speed with which he snaps up off the couch and approaches you does not help at all with his naturally intimidating aura. "You've gotta be the prefect right? Mr. Leech!" He extends a hand and you look at Jade who just smiles at you as you gingerly take his father's hand and immediately regret it with how he nearly snaps your arm off with his hand shake.
"Um yes that's me, can I help you?" You wince and try to avoid rolling your wrist too much. Mr. Leech looks a bit confused.
"Mhm? Don't you have any folks visiting today?" You look at Jade who reluctantly draws attention to himself with a cough.
"Their situation is a bit unique father." You're thankful Jade doesn't say more than that
"Well why didn't you say that? Now I look like an ass." Mr. Leech claps the back of his head and mutters. "And here I had everything I wanted to say to the in laws planned out already, shit." He turns back to you with a smile and Vil's dad lets out an elegant laugh.
"From a certain point of view that makes your task easier no?" Vil's father says as Jade reluctantly moves out of the corner towards his father, clearly looking for an excuse to get him out of Vil's hair.
"If you are done saying hello to your friend, would you like to see some of the mountain lover's club projects?" Jade asks, already gently herding him towards the door as his father shrugs.
"Sure, you coming kid?" Why is he looking at you and why is Jade giving you that strange look again? "Jade's told his mom all about your hikes, gotta admit I don't really get the appeal myself but it sounds like you two have a grand old time with it."
"The headmage technically has me-" Mr. Leech wraps one arm around your shoulder and another around Jade's and resumes the march towards the door.
"Aww don't worry about that!" It's clear you aren't getting out of this with just how terrified Grim is, he's practically rooted to his spot as Mr. Leech loosens his grip to wave over his shoulder at Vil and his dad. "See ya next Sunday Eric!"
"Good luck! Don't scare them off!"
Two small children stare up at you with sharp eyes, judgmentally you think but you can't be too sure. "You are the prefect right?" Asks the little boy, definitely judgmentally. "I thought you would be prettier or at least more handsome."
"Hey!" snaps his sister, who doesn't hesitate to hit him in a display that you are sure would give her parents a headache. "Big brother never lies to us about stuff!" Her brother scowls and rubs his head.
"Big brother lies all the time, what else do you call those 'secret ingredients' of his?" He goes back to staring you down and you and Grim exchange a look.
"Yeah but not to us." The little girl crosses her arms and stares her brother down sternly. "He would never lie about something like that. Besides did you see how dopey he looks when he talks about them?" The little boy looks away from you with a pout, almost like you stole his toy or something while his sister rolls her eyes. "It is so obvious- you would absolutely know if you were a girl."
"That's got nothing to do with it! I'm just worried you know, it's important to make sure they pass the sniff test." He looks like he is questioning if he can get away with hitting his sister in front of you as you desperately look around for any sign of these kids' parents. "You would totally know if you were a boy."
"Uhhh hench human," Grim poorly whispers "you don't think these two are..." he doesn't finish his sentence but as you both examine the bickering duo you start to note all the little similarities between them and-
"Hey you two aren't causing problems on purpose are you?" Trey looks down sternly on the two kids who completely ignore his tone and jump on him immediately.
"Are you gonna show us the hedgehogs?!" squeals the little girl.
"Forget that, I wanna see the Coliseum!" cheers the little boy. You breathe a sigh of relief, and wave to Trey getting ready to continue your patrol when the little girl looks after you confused.
"Aren't you gonna come?" She asks, so sweetly in comparison to the heat you're taking from her brother. Trey smiles at you, but he can't really bring himself to keep eye contact.
"The prefect's busy, I'm sure. They don't need to be running around after us all day." He sets them both down and starts herding them towards the mirror, shooting you a wink over his shoulder as he flicks his little brother on the forehead for sticking his tongue out at you. His sister sighs and you swear you hear her whine that-
"You just want to keep them to yourself. You can't keep me away forever, I swear I'll be a good wing woman, you're waaaay too lame to get a date yourself Trey!" You awkwardly look back down at your clipboard as Grim desperately tries to do the math in his head.
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lover-of-mine · 17 days
I've been thinking while chilling in the they cast Ryan with a plan delusionland, but specifically what it would take to give Buck the most satisfying love story possible. Because Buck was written as the love interest. His purpose in season 1 is to give something to the main character. And ever since, he's been there to provide something to his love interests even though he's the main character now, he gave Ali a place to stay, he gave Taylor professional advancement (and this one is made worse by her book), he gave Natalia inside information on death, so he's constantly providing things without getting anything substantial in return, much like with Abby and the way that he was just a device to make her feel better about her life. And the main thing here is that Buck is being pursued in order to offer something. He's never the one to go after them, he's the one being chased in a sense, Abby calls him, Ali calls him, Taylor kisses him, Natalia asks him out, Tommy kisses him, so these people want something from him and they take it, most of the time without giving him something in return, Abby forces him to get closure by himself, Ali leaves him because she can't handle the job, where do I even begin with Taylor. So if you think about it, considering the initial way Buck was written, and the way they expanded this to the point that he was literally born to offer something to someone who provided him with nothing (in this case his parents), or the way Maddie shows up because she needs the safety he could provide (I'm not saying Maddie doesn't provide him with anything, I know she does so much for him, but she did show up because she needed a place to hide) his main love interest needs to be someone who's not asking him for stuff. And that's been Eddie since he was introduced. Under Pressure is about Buck choosing Eddie. Eddie tries, but when he realizes Buck is serious about not liking him, he validates Buck's feelings, granted in his sassy way of his, and backs off until he has a chance to give Buck the choice to let him in. You can have my back any day. The phrasing of this is great for the whole Eddie trusts Buck to take care of him, he's not saying he will take care of Buck, he's giving Buck the option of taking care of him. But the thing there is that he puts the choice in Buck's hands. Buck could've walked away. Even Buck's reactions to the way Eddie says it shows a moment where Buck is considering before offering the or you can have mine. The metaphor surrounding the rescue in this context is interesting because while Eddie is choosing Buck right there, he's not forcing Buck to step in. Much like the ambulance, Eddie is offering himself, but he's not forcing anyone to go into the ambulance and risk getting blown up with him. Buck needs to volunteer. And he does.
I know the fandom loves to say Eddie baby trapped Buck, but Buck was the one who took one look at Eddie and said I'm stepping in with you whether you like it or not. Eddie never demanded anything from Buck beyond for Buck to be himself. He never asked for help with Chris, Buck chose to talk to Bobby to clear him being at the station, Buck chose to trick Eddie to offer him help in the form of Carla. Sure, when it's convenient for the plot, Eddie will just decide on things, but like, even the lawsuit of it all, when Eddie is inserting himself into the conflict, Buck is ready to be forced to provide Eddie with something to be forgiven "so whatever it takes for you to forgive me" but Eddie is instantly "I forgive you" because he doesn't need for Buck to prove himself. Over and over again, the show puts Eddie in a position that shows that he just loves Buck. No matter what. He never asked Buck to provide him with something. I think even the will and the way Eddie hides it plays into this. He doesn't want to ask for Buck to do this. Eddie knows Buck will do it, he knows how much Buck loves Chris, but the will reveal is not really about Eddie asking Buck to do something for him, taking care of Chris if he can't because the episode already showed Buck doing that without knowing that was what Eddie wanted, but to give Buck that shock that he does have something to live for, that he matters, that someone loves him. Eddie exists as the person that allows Buck to make his own decisions. He does push back when he thinks Buck needs that push but he doesn't make the choice for him. Even if Buck ever decides to walk away from him, he'll let him if that's what Buck really wants, because ultimately it will be Buck's choice and he respects that. And ultimately, with the archetype they had in mind when they created Buck, that is what Buck needs for him to be in the most satisfying romantic relationship narratively. Buck needs someone who loved him before they were in love with him. And that is the work they have been putting towards buddie since Eddie was introduced. And that's also why Buck is the one who needs to start his endgame relationship. It's never gonna feel right until Buck chooses to do something about it because everything about him is about someone else making the choice.
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Submission message: howdy, would like to submit keith and lance from voltron (lmao)
Submission message: BBC Sherlock and Moriarty / BBC Sherlock and John Watson
Additional propaganda: Now Keith and Lance on the other hand was a whole fucking mess that they then shoehorned in an hetero romance to try and "fix it" but by lord it was bad, everything about voltron is so fucking bad
Anyway this is my Klance propaganda : They were actually bait
Klance's queer baiting by the team was the worst!! We had to deal with NETFLIX ALSO GETTING IN ON THE QUEER BAITING!! If you searched up Kkance during the times for season 6-8, the SHOW WOULD POP UP. The directors would make jokes about it being canon, even Lance's VA got in the joke!
Their queer baiting was the worst for anyone who was even looking for an ounce of queer rep in that show. The only queer rep we got was a man who died after not even 5 minutes on screen, and shoehorned in the credit scene of a gay wedding of a character that was neither Keith nor Lance.
I do not know Agatha and Sophie, so I can't argue that klance was bigger bait or not, I just know voltron was mean lmao. the creators said stuff like "lance will be someone's first choice!" (meaning NOT ending up in a relationship with allura bc she very much chose another guy over him) and heavily implying he would be Keith's 1st choice (or a guy in general bc of point number 2). point number 2: they also released official art showing how super cool and diverse the main cast was! race! gender! LGBT - they had shiro (who was......canon gay but that's a whole other can of worms) and lance hold the sign with LGBT on it and then did absolutely nothing with that w lance at all (he hit on allura, so obvi he's not gay, but at least bi or smt) (UNLESS you count the scenes where he's flirty with keith). I just remember going into the last few seasons being like "klance probably won't be happen be honest with yourself there's like no queer kids shows!! but damn like it so could tho!!! because of how much it's been teased both in the show and by showrunners like I can't have no hope with the way the producers talk about it!" lmao I should have had no hope, but i genuinkey believed there was a possibility it could happen. and actually I discovered after the fact that i think one of the writers for the show who was the main advocate for klance (they had a lot of diff writers for eps, which led to lots of character butchering but ANYWAY) left not terribly long into the show I believe bc he didn't like the direction it was moving in and didn't want to be tied to the show anymore. so it's not like fans just made klance up either - it was written into earlier episodes with the hope and plan to continue developing later, and then just nothing ever happened with it besides INTENSE teasing it to keep queer fans around. esp after shiro's relationship was literally only a flashback and then his fiance thing or whatever got blown up before we even got to watch him interact w shiro as we knew him in present time in s7, so I think they kept being like hmmm klance and the stuff about lance being a first choice before s8 to keep ppl around. also esp bc klancers made up such a big portion of the fan base. then they made a horrible szn and ended it w a flashforward to shiro marrying some random background character who maybe had 1 line? I just remember hitting the flashforward and being like uhhhh who is this dude??? but they did that to hit those diversity points wow first gay marriage in a cartoon or smt idk it doesn't count to me really. so anyway voltron in general is queerbait lol but klance is because it started out as a legit possibility and then they said sike! but only maybe sike bc u guys are mad at us burying our guys in s7 so maybe klance could still happen haha okay now we're serious no it's not happening. anyway I think klance is p bad queerbait and a vote for them is a valid vote, not just u liking the ship.
#im sorry but johnlock is a household name in ther queerbait trenches
I don't know much about blaze runner, but this website made me endure Johnlock FOR YEARS, that ship makes me so fucking angry, and it's so much bait, the whole fucking show is just 4 kinds of bait in a trenchcoat trying to pass as something good, and Tumblr(and the rest of the goddamn world) ate it up like a five course meal. So anyway that's why I'm voting Johnlock
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sokkastyles · 2 months
I have a question, I know we know that shipping does not equal morality. And I get that, and I really like that. However, on my other blog, that should have been my main blog (yes I am that dumb). I have talked about Aang's non-consensual and criticized how Kataang is written, however, if you ship Kataang I won't come for your throat because that's not my style. I know the few misogynists/antis on here and on Twitter, and I don't want to let a few bad apples be my impression of a fandom, that's not fair, So now I'm side-eyeing myself over my past remarks. Likewise, I know shipping is not equal to morality, but I also want to criticize Kataang because of how flawed it is and how wrong that kiss was (and other things). I have no idea what I'm saying because at this point I'm rambling. What do you think?
Well, there is a difference between criticizing a ship and criticizing canon. I don't honestly care what people ship. I use the antikataang tag because I don't want to argue with people who do ship it, but that doesn't mean I won't be critical of what is in the show. I think expecting people not to engage critically with media is absolute nonsense. But there is a difference between engaging critically with the actual media and criticizing people's fanon or headcanons, which is where you get away from critically engaging with canon and move into the area of criticizing other people's opinions, which is how arguments start.
Like, there isn't really any actual concrete argument you can make to criticize zutara, because zutara does not exist in canon. It's all fanon and headcanons and speculation. And criticizing other people's opinions just makes you look like a dick.
You also have to take into account the intention behind something. The thing about the way Katara's relationship with Aang is presented is that we're supposed to root for Aang to get Katara, and every obstacle towards that end is just there to create dramatic tension for the male point of audience identification. That's the real problem with the noncon kiss, and people who are critical of it are right to point it out.
In contrast, when I say shipping isn't morality, I'm talking about people who write, let's say, dubcon zutara fics. Fanfiction as a genre is largely female-centered fantasy. Yes, even those lurid fics you're thinking of. People write and read these fics for completely different reasons and have completely different expectations than when watching a series like ATLA. Trying to say that someone can't criticize the way the show presents Aang kissing Katara after she said she was confused as a mistake to be glossed over (that is forgotten as soon as it happens) because they also happen to like reading darkfic is nonsense. There's also a long history of women's interests being policed that informs my views here, vs the fact that consent has only fairly recently become a conversation in mainstream media. You have only to look at the way the show itself portrays Katara having interests (especially in boys) outside of Aang as dark and dangerous to see this happening in ATLA itself. Or the way the creators got away with saying that zutara shippers are doomed to end up in abusive relationships while painting Aang as a typical Nice Guy stereotype who expects Katara to magically become his girlfriend (and gets angry when she doesn't) and seeing nothing wrong with it.
The thing is that zutara, if we look at the way it's written in canon as a metaphor for a romantic relationship, follows the same tradition of how fanfiction has historically existed as an exploration of romantic and sexual dynamics. Those conversations about consent are actually happening and being explored in fanfiction, even the dark stuff, whereas relationships that are presented as "wholesome" often push us to NOT have those conversations. So when I say shipping isn't morality, what I actually mean is that noncanon shipping and darkfic actually has more of a moral leg to stand on than uncritically engaging with relationships on the grounds that Aang is the hero so his goodness and worthiness to get the girl should just be assumed. Zuko has to work for his right to be in a relationship with Katara because he didn't start out from a place of goodness, and that, on its own, is very female centered because instead of starting out from the perspective of the male hero deserving a relationship by virtue of being the hero, we see the idea that a man has to work to gain a woman's respect and affection.
So it's not so much that I hate KA, but I hate the idea that we should engage in it uncritically. And that would be true even if it really was the most wholesome relationship in the world. The same thing cannot be true of zutara because even the darkest of darkfic are about women centering themselves in the narrative and engaging with power dynamics in ways that are subverting patriarchal norms about relationships by definition.
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jinnie-ret · 8 months
If ur taking rq still can I rq a skz x 15 year old girl in training (like that protection gic you wrote ) and how they react to her being good at producing, singing, rapping and dancing but they didnt know she could do all that until they keep running into her or maybe look for her because they ordered fkkd for her too eat with them and they see her in her rehearsals and in her dance practice room learning like idk an itzy choreo or sum by herself and they see shes improved since they last saw her do everything? Ig like a little Ace if u would like to put It that way!
It's ok if u don't want to or can't do this tho! Love ur writing💕
ace of hearts
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stray kids x reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1.1k
summary: stray kids have nothing but good things to say about the upcoming ace of jyp.
I hope you enjoy! There's a small excerpt of a song Y/N has written herself which I actually wrote (it's a hobby of mine hehe) so if you want me to post the whole thing I'll do so, maybe as a poem haha
My asks are currently shut but if you want to be added to my taglist, do let me know! And if you liked it, please reblog and like! :)
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Shoulder shimmying had never been so hard, but Y/N seemed to have finally gotten down the choreo to ITZY's 'Wannabe', the members of Stray Kids seeming to think so too. They had just been looking around for a room to practice in when they came across their young trainee friend, who they hadn't seen for a while due to their busy schedule.
A small applause sounded from behind Y/N, making her jump as she saw the door open and Stray Kids clapping for her.
"Ah! Hello sunbaenims!" Y/N blushed and bowed politely. She wasn't expecting to see them there, so absorbed into practising for her next showcase.
"Hi there!"
They all let out greetings as they walked over excitedly to Y/N.
"How has everything been? It's been a while since we saw you," Jeongin smiled widely at Y/N, trying to ease the obvious nerves he saw from her.
"Have you been practicing regularly? Your dancing has improved a lot," Changbin nodded his head in approval.
"Ah, you really think I've improved?! Yeah I've been practising a lot these days..." Y/N bashfully admitted, rubbing her sweaty palms on her leggings. Was it from exercising or from nerves? She wasn't quite so sure herself.
"We can see that. You're better at dancing and freestyling than us now," Lee Know laughed, praising the younger girl jokingly, but there was still a hint of seriousness to it that showed Y/N he was proud of her, and that helped her relax more.
"Maybe one day even Jisung will be jealous of your dancing skills," Felix laughed, causing the quokka like man to look over at him with a mock appalled face.
"Haha maybe I'll take his place as the ace," Y/N smirked, feeling comfortable enough to joke around with them. It wasn't a regular occurrence that she saw the boys but everytime she did, she was soon able to fall back into a relaxed state where it felt like she had known them forever.
"No way! You will never be as talented as me!" Jisung smirked back, yet he couldn't help but goofily smile back at her as he ruffled her hair.
"Well, we're glad you're practicing so hard. Would you like to have some fried chicken with us?" Seungmin piped up, his eagle eyes noticing that she only seemed to have some water in the room with her. Plus, he remembered what it was like being a trainee, and an offer of fried chicken would not be one to be turned down.
"Oh sure! If there's enough to go around!" Y/N clasped her hands together excitedly.
"Of course there's enough food! We're so proud of all your progress by the way, we can tell how hard you've been working, Y/Nnie," Chan praised her, as they all sat down together on the floor.
"Here, eat up," Hyunjin passed over a box of fried chicken to Y/N from the bags of fast food they had.
"Just remember to take a lot of rest too," Jisung commented genuinely, yet anyone could tell he, as well as the other members were very much so enthralled with the heaven sent food in front of them.
"Don't worry I do!" Y/N rushed out, before taking a bite of the fried chicken and wiggling slightly as she did a happy dance.
"You're so cute when you're excited!" Felix giggled as he saw her.
"That's exactly what Channie hyung does," Seungmin laughed along.
There was a moment of peaceful eating before Chan kept up the conversation.
"Oh yeah, we wanted to ask you something! Are you good at rapping?" Chan wondered, wiping his hands on a napkin.
"Well, I don't want to brag but I think I'm pretty good," Y/N shrugged, she had practiced enough and knew she was at JYP for a reason, and her talents certainly didn't go to waste when it came to rapping.
"Oh yeah? You actually rap too? I had no idea. Have you tried writing your own lyrics before?" Changbin got excited at the prospect of hearing Y/N rap.
"I'm not as confident in writing rap lyrics as I am in singing them if that makes sense?" Y/N explained, hoping it was understandable.
"I get what you mean. You must be very talented though since you can sing so well," Lee Know wondered.
"Do you happen to write your own songs too or do you learn songs from other artists?" Chan asked, interested in what her identity as a future artist would be.
"Oh I like to write my own songs too!" Y/N beamed. Now that, was an area she was proud of herself for.
"Really? Can you play one of your original songs for us?" Hyunjin said in a shocked tone, head tilting slightly in disbelief but wanting to hear her sing nonetheless.
The boys all stared at her in anticipation.
"Oh, sure... If you really want me to," Y/N became nervous again, because this was Stray Kids! Yes they felt like her friends but to sing her own personal works in front of them was still nerve wracking.
"Yes, we really want you to!" Jeongin encouraged her, offering that same reassuring smile as he did earlier.
All of the members were now eagerly waiting for her.
"Ok, here's a chorus I wrote recently," Y/N finally nodded, making the boys even more excited as she began to sing.
"Oh it's in my bones.
Hereditarily alone.
Surrounded by people,
But that gives no meaning.
It's in my bones."
The boys stared in in wonder, thinking the words were so beautiful and they loved the emotion she put into it even for such a small snippet of the song.
"Her voice is amazing..." Hyunjin was in awe.
"Yeah, you have a really good vocal tone!" Jisung clapped.
"And you wrote that yourself?" Chan smiled like a proud dad.
"Can we hear more?" Changbin said hopefully, nudging Y/N playfully.
"Well, I think I should now that I've sang a teaser for you," Y/N beamed, and for the next couple of minutes she sang the rest of the song to the boys. She even played a small backing track which consisted of an acoustic guitar, simple but sweet, building up towards the end of the song.
"I can't wait to see you debut!" Felix clapped with the other boys.
"You really will steal everyone's hearts, Y/N, you'll go far," Chan said, a big smile adorning his face as everyone offered their comments and praises to Y/N.
"Just don't let it get to your head," Lee Know joked, causing his members to whack him playfully and tell Y/N to not listen to him anymore.
"Thank you guys, it really means a lot."
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @hanjiquokkaaa
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your-name-is-jim · 10 months
TOS fans, you may want to read this comic series!
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Sooo I recently read this series of comics called Star Trek: Year Five, published in 2019-2021 by IDW Publishing; I heard it was good, but I didn't expect it to be that good!
If you haven't read it, I suggest to check it out! (it's also not hard to find it if you get what I mean)
The art overall is great and, more importantly, the characters act like themselves and there are several references to their canon backgrounds, past and future experiences! What I absolutely loved was also seeing a lot of "old faces" from TOS show, as well as mentions of events from the series and the movies.
As the title suggests, the story takes place during the last year of Kirk's five-year mission on the Enterprise. I'd like to tell you more, but I enjoyed the surprise of a lot of things I didn't expect, so first of all I'll post a few pics without major spoilers from the first 11 issues (there are 25, so you still have a lot to discover!):
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I especially love how Bones and Sulu are drawn, they really look like them! Scotty and Uhura too, but that depends on the artist. Speaking of them, if you like a little Scotty/Uhura, this series has something good about it!
The joke about Kirk thinking there's something strange with the way the Klingons look now cracked me up. LOL
Also, I'm not sure Chapel would call McCoy "Bones", but she is very right in that panel. :)
The last panel is classical James T. Kirk's ass appreciation lol
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Sulu has a love story with an alien who doesn't understand human genders and uses they/them pronouns. As someone who headcanons TOS Sulu as attracted to any gender, that was great to see :D
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I'm also posting this "end-of-the-episode" panel because it's just perfection. TOS in a nutshell. Aww, look at Kirk and Spock just looking at each other! <3
I must say, you may be a little disappointed if you expect to see many moments with Kirk and Spock together, BUT the scenes they have together are really good! I won't say anything more, just read until the end and you'll see! :D
By the way, this series has a Valentine's Day extra, which is the only part where Kirk has a love interest (a female original character). Yeah, you heard me: in the main story, Kirk doesn't have new romances with anyone; Sulu is the one who gets all the action! ;)
The Valentine's Day issue is not linked to anything else and I don't think Kirk's female love interest is mentioned outside that story, so you can easily skip it if it's not for you. However, even if I can't say I'm especially happy with that story, I personally found something interesting there, for example this:
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I think I saw this out of context once, but I didn't know where it was from, so sorry I'm just going to lose my mind thinking about ladies or GENTLEMEN in Kirk's life and Kirk not correcting her about his sexual preferences. Anyway, I might make a separate post someday about this special from a Kirk/Spock shipper's perspective, because I do have a lot of thoughts about it :)
So, if you haven't read Star Trek: Year Five, I hope I convinced you to check it out! I hadn't been lucky with other Star Trek comics before, so I had almost lost hope to find something good… and then here it was! Something that made me feel like it was really written with a lot of love for The Original Series! I really needed it!
If you decide to give it a try, I'd love to see your thoughts and see your favorite parts! I hope you enjoyed this little review. :)
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fategoflatass · 4 months
I used to be so against the slow burn trope. Not because I thought it was shit; it's just, I usually don't have the patience to wait whatever-amount-superior-to-three damn chapters for my dear ship to finally be able to look at each other without blushing and/or hold hands. Thus why you often times see me reading oneshots or fics with the "Established Relationship" tag on them.
So you can imagine just how surprised—or maybe not, maybe I just didn't think enough about it—I was when I realized my newest fixation's main pairing is—canonically—the embodiment of slow burn. Because holy shit they're taking their time.
Nothing against how Kusuriya develops its love story—quite the opposite, actually. The relationship between Jinshi and Maomao, two characters that are written as beautifully as their romance, is a rather realistic approach as to how the same or a similar dynamic would developed in real life. In such a complicated situation, with such complex feelings about emotions—both external and their own—and attachment, makes sense that it takes so long for the relationship to finally sail.
The problem is, I didn't know I was signing with the Devil the moment I decided to pick up the light novel. Ten volumes and nothing has happened. Nothing.
And you can say that technically things have happened, because they have. I mean, Jinshi is just so desperate for Maomao to give him the time of day, you know what I mean? And even that isn't enough anymore and thus he has committed some of the craziest shit I've seen in any romance. Which okay, I don't usually read these type of romances but still.
What I mean by "nothing" is just, their relationship hasn't changed status. I could also say that it seems to go nowhere, but that'd be lying. Since, you know, it has changed quite a lot—just not in the way my impatient ass wanted it to. Because he can be as honest with his feelings as he pleases, and those around them might be heavely conscious of the tension and thus constantly tease those lovebirds (as they should), but babygirl's not helping, you know?
And I get it, Maomao's not the best at expressing and understanding herself, and she's also way too busy worrying about going as unnoticed as possible (she should give up on that one already, tbh) while keeping her head where it should be. But like, I can't help feeling frustrated over it like ‼‼
But she won't. She'll take her sweet ass time being in denial about both Jinshi's and her own feelings, then maybe she'll proceed to analize herself and find out that maybe, just maybe, that affection that she'd been feeling for that loser became something else. Did said affection also become something more complicated? Absolutely. Does she know how to deal with it? Hell no, but fuck it. If I learned something from school is that you always leave the hardest parts for later.
Now you see why I was so against reading slow burn?
And you wanna know the worst part? I loved it—I loved every second of it, every word, every page. Every scene that seemed to help the relationship advance, only for Maomao to say nope and leave like she owns the place, which at this point she fucking might.
It feels like I, as the reader, am in the middle of a heatwave and some sadistic bastard won't stop teasing me with ice cream—they put it in front of my face, close enough that I can smell the cold. Then take a spoon and eat little by little while staring directly to my eyes. At times they seem to show mercy and feed me a spoon, only for it to be a rather small quantity of serving—serving that tastes so damn good at first, only for it to have such a bitter aftertaste. But if I gotta have something in common with Jinshi is that I'll never be able to beat the masochist allegations, so I'll wait patiently for the next spoon and its corresponding and seemingly enless teasing from that faceless being.
So yeah, I'm still against it, only that now I understand the appeal—even if I have yet to find out about the whereabouts of my sanity while still mananing with the little I've left.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
Fluffcember Day 8 | Little River
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Pairing | Avenger!Fiancé!Loki Laufeyson x Avenger!Fiancée!Fem!Reader x Natasha Romanoff (Platonic)
Word count | 1.2K
Summary | You just found out you're having a baby, but since Loki is away on a long undercover mission you can't tell him about it just yet. Instead, you turn to your best friend, Natasha, to come up with the perfect way to tell Loki you're expecting. Once everything is in place and Loki is back home, you can't wait to reveal the news and see his reaction to your growing family.
Warning(s) | Established relationship ~ Fiancé/Fiancée, mentions of pregnancy, Loki getting the biggest surprise when he comes back from the mission.
A/n | This one-shot is written for day 8 of my Fluffcember 2023 Challenge. Writing for Loki is always a lot of fun for me (and I often wonder why I don't do it more...), so this was a hoot to write! I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this as well as helping me with the ideas, I'm happy to have you back! ❤️🎄
Events Masterlist | Sleepy back hugs | @buckys-wintersoldier
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Owner
Main Masterlist | Loki Laufeyson Masterlist
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You're sitting on the bathtub's edge with your head in your hands, waiting impatiently for the timer to go off. The box clearly said to wait five minutes for the results, but these same five minutes feel like absolute torture.
And to top it all off, you're currently going through this moment alone because your fiancé, Loki, is on an undercover mission with no way to reach him. The universe's timing couldn't possibly have been worse.
When the alarm finally goes off, you practically launch forward, grabbing the test and looking at the result. Your suspicions are immediately confirmed when the test shows two prominent red lines: you're pregnant.
You can't help but let a sob escape from your chest because while you're thrilled, you're also sad that you can't share this moment with the person you're dying to share this with.
The topic of children hasn't come up too often in your relationship, though the few times it did, you two always came to the same conclusion: as long as you're still Avenging, you won't bring a child into this world.
But this plan has a significant shift, and you might step away from the Avengers sooner than anticipated. It's not that you haven't thought about it, but now that you're officially pregnant, that idea might become a reality.
First things first, though, you'll find Natasha so you can talk things through with her. To make this task easier on yourself, ask the AI for help.
''FRIDAY? Please tell me where Ms. Romanoff is at this moment. I need to talk to her.''
''It appears that Ms. Romanoff is currently in the living room with Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes. Do you want me to notify her of your arrival?''
''No, thank you,'' you tell the AI before changing into comfortable clothes; you can't exactly go out there in your underwear.
You left the test in your bathroom for now, and you head towards the living room to find Steve and Bucky cuddling on one end of the couch and Nat sitting on the other side, her body turned to them.
They're in the middle of a discussion about the next movie night since it's Steve's turn to pick the movie. He always chooses the same film, and Nat tries to convince him to pick something else, but she might be losing this discussion.
''She'll agree with me, won't you?'' Nat asks as you walk into the living room, and your eyebrows instantly shoot up, seeing how you didn't know what was happening.
''I'm sure I will, but that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to borrow you for a while,'' you say as you point towards Natasha, who gladly gets up to come with you.
''So, what's up?'' she asks when you lead her to your bedroom, where the test is still lying. The closer you get, the more nervous you get, but if there's anyone you trust with this news, it's Nat.
''Well... I- I have some news to share with you,'' you tell her, unsure where to start. She stops you in the hallway and forces you to look at her.
''Are you and Loki doing okay? Did something happen between you two?'' she asks, her brows furrowed in concern, but you quickly assure her that's not the case.
''No, god no! We're okay, we're doing great, actually,'' you say with a big smile, which Nat immediately reciprocates. All her worries instantly melt away, and how she feels about you and Loki is visible.
''But... there will be something changing between us though, and I want to show you exactly what,'' you say, and before you know it, you're in your bedroom, showing her the still very positive pregnancy test.
''Oh my god, I'm going to be an Auntie?! I can't believe it!'' she asks, and you nod your head before he flings herself around your neck, squealing in pure excitement.
When the first excitement finally ebbed away for a bit, you sat down on your bed with the pregnancy test still in your hand, and then the realization came flooding back that you must also tell your fiancé.
''How should I tell him the good news? Because I don't just want to spring this onto him, it's our first baby, so I want to make it special; I want to make it something he will never forget,'' you say, and an idea instantly sparks in Nat's head.
''I have the perfect idea, and you don't need many things for it!'' she says, and that's how the idea of how you're going to tell Loki you're pregnant is formed.
Exactly one week later, Loki returned from his mission, and after his shower, he changed into something comfortable. Now you're cuddling on your shared bed, making up for lost time.
''I love you so much, you know that? I can't believe I had to miss my beautiful wife-to-be for nearly two months...'' he tells you as he places a soft kiss in your hair.
''I missed you too, but I have a little present for you now that you're back,'' you tell him, and you wiggle out of his grasp, ready to grab the gift box you've prepared with Nat over the last week.
You grab an emerald green box with a silver bow around it and hand it to your future husband as you sit cross-legged in front of him. You watch intently as he unwraps it, lifting the lid, and he watches the sides of the box fall open.
Inside are the positive pregnancy test, baby shoes, and your small letter. Loki picks up the pregnancy test, and you can see tears form at his waterline.
''Loki? Is everything-'' ''I'm going to be a Dad?'' he asks in a small voice, accidentally interrupting you mid-sentence.
''Well, how about you read the letter?'' you tell him, and he grabs it, folding it open.
Dear future husband,
When you read this, you already know I am officially three months pregnant with your baby. Our little River will be born around Easter, and I cannot wait to meet them.
I'm very grateful to see our family grow, and I am forever thankful that you have given me the wonderful gift of our bunny. Our family will officially be complete once they're here, and I hope they will be just like you. Perfect in every way.
I love you forever and always.
~ Your future wife
As he reads the letter, you can see a tear or two escaping, trickling down his pale white cheek onto the paper. He reads the letter three, four, maybe five times before putting it down and looking at you.
''I can't believe it, we're going to have a baby!'' he says excitedly, wiping the tears away with the back of his hand. He puts the present to the side so you can sit in his lap and cuddle him tightly.
That night, as you two are about to fall asleep, he pulls you with your back against his chest, and you let yourself melt into his touch. His large hand and long fingers are splayed over your belly, fiercely protecting it.
''I love you, hot mama,'' he tells you, and the new nickname has your cheeks heating up. And after exchanging a few more sweet nothings between you, you fall asleep in your future husband's arms.
You could not have wished for a better ending to this perfect day, and now all that's left to do is to wait for your little one to come into this world. But one thing is certain: River will be the perfect addition to your family.
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lilys0evil0twin · 1 year
Yandere Adam nsfw headcanons ( Record of Ragnarok )
Uuuuuuhhhhhh get ready for a ride, I put both sfw and nsfw since I came up with the whole story and needed it written 😂
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Adam is an interesting yandere
Despite having a beautiful woman and two sons, whom he's very found of, Adam felt ... Bored? Trapped? Tired of the same thing? ... Uncomplete?
But what could be the reason, he has everything he ever wanted, he has peace, a loving family, save home.... Total Paradise
And yet it was not enough
After their banishment from the Paradise, the first humans explored the earth, their new home, except they weren't alone
After seeing you for the first time, Adam knew you all should stick together, call it an animal instinct, a hunch if you will, but Adam's urgue rooted from something else
His sons Abel and Cain were enthusiastic about you joining too, a lil more than Eve but she was happy for her husband nonetheless
You on the other hand had this feeling of uneasiness, sure you'd accepted the offer right away, it better to be together than alone, and despite you felt more save with them, there was still this little cricket chirping in your ear
You fell into the family relatively quickly, Abel and Cain saw you as another parent those two pranksters loved your hugs and kisses
Eve, being the kindhearted girl she is, accepted you surprisingly quickly, she admired how her sons loved you and you handled them with ease, she loves talking to you when out gathering fruits, flowers and herbs
And then there's Adam, he kept his distance, straining away from physical touch (such as hugs, cuddles or sleeping on each other to maintain warmth) yet he kept you safe, fed and happy
Never saying it out loud, but he hated how his sons loved you, how comfortable they were around you, how comfortable you were with them touching you
He taught them not to take what's not theirs
So one time he just decided it's enough and told his sons off, he taught them about hierarchy of this family
When the time comes, Adam feels this tingling in his abdomen
He's even more distant and keeps to himself, but acts more predator like
Staring unblinkingly from across the field, like he wants to hunt you, like you're his pray
Remember how he taught Abel and Cain a lesson? well now they're not allowed to even exist near you or him
Adams mood really determines his actions, he may be cold and feral or warms and soft
Either it is the time to fuck is when he says it's time to fuck, doesn't really care if you or him are doing something or if you don't want to, doesn't really care where you are or if you're alone
One second you may be climbing up the tree for sweet apple and the next he's pounding into you, or you may be looking over Abel and Cain with Eve and then you're held down with Adam between your legs keeping your ankles on his shoulders
Most of the times, it's right after the thought strucks his mind, and wearing only leafs or plants for coverage it's just an easy access
As said before, his mood palys the main cards in his actions
If he's calm and happy, just a little horny, he'll enjoy his time with you and will make sure you do too
Vice versa when he's not in the best mood or god forbid if he's angry over his sons and whatnot, this reflects on his behavior
Not that he's verbal or shows his anger nor directs it to you, no rather fucks you till you pass out, moving faster harder and cares very little about your sweet sports
Either of these sessions never end after one round, no no Adam is going till his balls are empty, until he can't cum anymore
Adam never lets any of his precious seed get wasted, whatever position you're in, his cum ends up inside, doesn't matter where, but it needs to stay inside
That is why he's doing it, that's how he understands ejaculation in general, why would his body excerete something when it's not supposed to stay in the other?
Eve learned to accept you as another partner of her husband and if Adam alows it she'll be happy to join~
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0daylighthours0 · 2 months
My Mother's Unbiased Byler + Milkvan Opinions - Viewing ST for the 1st Time!
My Mama has now witnessed Stranger Things in its entirety. Her favourite season was the third, her favourite characters Hopper and Joyce, her favourite pairing would be those guys too, and her most disliked pairing? Can only assume.
I wanted to write out her thoughts on the second to last episode previously, as she'd held many, but before I knew it we'd finished the whole show and I was forced to an income of NEW opinions which ruled out my memory of any old ones. Shucks. But boy did this lady have much to say. The only way I can break it down is by providing a sample of quotes she'd delivered, in order, a day after having finished the series.
All are just things she said about milkvan and byler, as they're this post's main focus. There's simply much to say about these relationships too, being so up in the air over where they ought be expected to turn out. These are all direct quotes too (as I typed as she talked, unkown to her) so you'll have to excuse the natural way in which some lines come off as unfocused, being written after real time conversations. Let's get into it:
Ok I really don't know whether she likes Mike very much. She actively disliked the guy earlier on, and now her feelings appear to be more mixed. A lot of her discussion was solely around this guy's actions.
"It's almost like he's [Mike] forcing himself like- ok Hopper he was kind of very passionate and kissing, you know he sort of instantly- with Mike, from being obsessed and spending so much time with her [El], suddenly he starts cooling off more and more and suddenly- they even separated right? I mean yeah that was out of his control but he, but he didn't really seem like he missed her you know it's like he just got on with it."
This point caught me off guard. I don't know how much I agree with my mother on this. It made me realize that during Mike and El's separation, there weren't many quiet Mike moments in which he expressed worry for her, beyond a couple that blend into him simply having breakup concerns. Any time Mike mentions distress for her whilst she's away, his talk evolves into him simply anxious over the state of their relationship. As a group, everyone in our Cali gang clearly wanted to save Eleven, but Mike really should have gotten more heartfelt moments in solitude (that means without Will you suffer bros) in which it is demonstrated to the audience that he really does miss her, as someone who is in love. Her being away shouldn't simply come off as a writing excuse for him to vent to Will. There wasn't enough of that tenderness milkvan desperately needs, and if anything I watched was an attempt then it really wasn't translated well - never trumping everyone else's familial or close frienship-like fret for El, never showcasing his concern to come from a more personal place. I mean how hard is it to have him in her room, staring longingly at a photo of hers, with a background composed of soft music. Then literally leaving it at that. I mean that is it. No Will rushing in there to insist, "you can tell her that thing when you see her k? It'll all work out trust me ight, you're the heart you're the HEART!" que affectionate gazes, constructs a byler scene for no reason I guess .
"I mean how do we know that he missed Will? He articulated it. Why didn't he articulate this the same way to El?"
True. I mean the fact that I can't remember a moment after they find El in which milkvan ask oneanother how they are, and communicate how much they missed eachother, does indeed say something. They shared a hug and touch when they first reunited, which was gladly interrupted by Will. That pineapple + pizza thing was not long enough, or sensitive enough, to be their moment. There was clear bonding, but it didn't breach a level of romance and chemistry nearly decently. It's good that they got at least that, I mean we need to know that these guys are at LEAST really close friends. And then the camera just felt like panning over to Will about to burst into tears in a corner. Like huh? Bruv you've now made it so that milkvan's pizza bit leaves a bad taste in our mouths. If I were a milkvan I'd be furious.
"You know what, I think it's done purposefully to create that sort of cold, distant, confused, you know they wanted to make people say he's [Mike] bisexual. For people to question. They want to get people to think that."
My Mama believes writers intentionally soured milkvan for viewers to "confuse" audiences, build up anticipation, make them question milkvan's relationship and wonder if our main man will spin to Will. I agree. They want that good ol' triangle comeuppance.
"They really are trying to bring that across- so that people start thinking Mike, you know he doesn't love El, he loves Will. They're really trying to, make people think that. Giving them [milkvan] a really nitty gritty relationship."
"When you're gay. Coming out like that it's- it's terrifying. You have to be very careful. And Will could, he could tell. You know when someone is attracted to you. I think, things became sort of- sort of complicated. And Will sensed, he could feel that Mike is attracted to him. And that's why he could open up like that. Because you can always tell. You know, you just know, so that's why Will was able to confess these things to him [she sees painting scene as a confession, whether Mike realized it or not, and so do I]."
Well damn Mama. And there you have it folks. My.. I'm not gonna call her the h word but.. my- notabigfanofgaythingsandwouldbehappytopretendtheydon'texist mother, perceives Mike as a homosexual kid, and just that. Well bloomin heck that's all the confirmation I need.
I didn't expect this as a turnout, I mean so particularly. My Mama actually didn't like byler - I think. Well. Bloomin heck. She actually enjoyed Vickie x Robin, and this shocked me to my core. I don't know whether this is simply due to her being a fan of Vickie's actress (recognizing her from Anne With an 'E'), but I do know that my mother has a bias in gay relationships and sees ones involving females as more "pure" than that of two males. So her language when describing Will has changed since her realization that he loves Mike for sure (which became undeniable in the van scene). She describes him as being 'obsessed' with Mike, and says writers really wanted to get that obsession across. I agree with Will having been one note during season 4, him hopefully having more time to shine in the approaching season, but I thoroughly disagree with him coming off as obsessive. I suppose our camera man displayed the guy's little glances at Mike so often that my Mama felt it was overdone, and unable to be ignored. I also think she's just avoiding use of the word 'love' when describing anything homosexual.
She still doesn't think Mike demonstrates how much he loves El enough to leave no room for debate. According to her, his moments with her seem surface level. Just as a reminder she does not know my thoughts. She watched that entire 'I love you' thing and still isn't secure in any genuineness of the guy. I believe she supposes that we're intended to acknowledge milkvan's romance, but also probe it.
I now wonder whether my Mama was good enough representation for the average audience, because she actually does own a bias - this being that she usually actively dislikes gay things. So I puzzle over whether her brain overanalyzed any of the boys' highlights, wanting to "expose" their homo intentions. At first things were up in the air, but it became clear that Mike did not pass her gaydar, he was simply too intimate with Will to make that pass. And this wasn't the case in other seasons, she never questioned their friendship til now. She also hasn't acknowledged any supposedly queer relationships besides rickie (vobin?) and byler, meaning that other fan favourites such as elmax, steddie, ronance and such else didn't stand out as gay to her. This doesn't signify those other relationships to not have a chance, I'm elmax's personal cheersquad, it's plainly clear that my mother didn't have a tendency to point at every same sex relationship and yell suspicious. Byler was purely undeniable. You can thank Will's love being canoned for this, otherwise noone would have a need to read into Mike.
I don't know whether she supposes byler to have a chance moreso than the milk in the van, even with Mike's ambiguity. It would seem that as of right now her guess is that watchers are intended to second guess both relationships in order to build up interest. However, she doesn't know how unlikely Will's love life is to turn out negatively seeing as those damn writers manipulated crowds into consistently sympathizing for him. Dunno about the rest of you but that sounds like good news to me.
I have no idea how to close this analysis. Is it an analysis? There's much more I want to say, much more she said, but I fear this to be too jam-packed and aimless as is. I'm writing a third part to my most recent milkthevan failing relationship deep dive, and that'll possibly consist of thoughts I wish to input after gathering so much data from my mother.
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nobie · 28 days
I need to talk about Morgan Elsbeth and the connection to Thrawn. Along with some other questionable narrative choices Filoni has made with Thrawn.
I want to preface, this is not going to be a hating Morgan Elsbeth post nor hating on the actress or any bts production of her character. There is enough hate towards characters like this in this fandom and I will not be perpetuating that (take that negativity somewhere else). I only want this to be an open discussion on this part of Thrawn's story.
Morgan is a character that has been placed into Thrawn's canon timeline. She was not written in (everything is written obvs but let me explain). The distinction I want to make between those narrative ideas is, placing a character into a story means they are important in supporting the main character, but no one cares if they are replaced or removed from the story. Writing a character into the story means they are so important to the direct development of the mc, if they are replaced or removed it feels like a piece of that character is missing. Some examples for Thrawn would be Eli Vanto or Ar'alani. Morgan was removed from the story in the Ahsoka series and it didn't even effect Thrawn himself.
So why create this character and push a narrative that makes her seem like the most important part of the story? Like without her Thrawn wouldn't be able to get back to the galaxy? Thrawn is a genius, a warrior, and a survivor. He could've figure that out himself, or with the help of Ezra (an established character that the audience loves). Instead he's had to rely on Morgan.
This is where my qualm with Dave Filoni comes into play. I love Filoni's work he has created some of my favorite stories in the Star Wars franchise. But he does one thing that I despise. Ignores the work of amazing authors. In this case Timothy Zahn. I can't say for sure that he hasn't read the Ascendancy Trilogy or the Thrawn (2017) trilogy, but it feels like it when analyzing Filoni's characterization of Thrawn. If he did read those books or least consulted Zahn on them he would know Thrawn's true motives for what he does. He is a protector for the greater good. He goes against many higher powers to make the right choice, not the good or bad choices. He shows the characters around him time and time again that he will always do what is right even if it means his downfall. He is not a villain in his own story just himself, not good or bad, the one in the middle. He evolves, learns, observes, and understands things on a completely different level. And we only see a sliver of this characterization in Filoni's story. I understand the narrative built around Thrawn being the ultimate villain for the ghost crew because a good story like this should have an interesting dynamic between protagonist and antagonist. But the fact that you'd have to read his books to know who he is, is a clear indication to me that his novel characterization wasn't researched enough.
It also shows me that Filoni favors the legends version of Thrawn more. Especially with the inclusion of Pellaeon in Tales of the Empire and not Eli Vanto. Who could have easily been placed into that role. Although, he his Thrawn's aide he can and has done things like that for Thrawn.
Now in Tales of the Empire we see that he isn't the original creator of the TIE Defender. Trying to place Morgan into a characters story that is so beloved [Thrawn] feels so forced through this idea that she created the TIE Defender. Why would someone who is trying to get revenge for her people go to the Empire with an idea like this. If she is so angry why she is relying on someone else's power to get her revenge? And even when she got in the good graces of the Empire with Thrawn what came of it? The Defender project was ruined, shouldn't her allegiance to Thrawn be in ruin too. The deal they made implied she would get what she wanted, but she never did and was still loyal to him. Thrawn does have this quality about him though, you'd follow him off a cliff, the gravity in which he attracts people to his cause is so alluring. But that still doesn't explain where Morgans revenge story went. And in the end she really does feel like a character that can be replaced.
Trying to make a character that was placed into the story important to the audience does a disservice to the story as a whole. Thrawn has an established world of characters in the novels that are readily available to use in the narrative. So why aren't they in it? Eli especially in one I cannot ignore the absence of. From the moment Thrawn is found in exile Eli does not leave his side. Eli follows him into battle again and again. Even after realzing his initial career choice will amount to nothing now that Thrawn has taken over his duty in the Imperial Navy. Thrawn himself says "you hold my words in your hand, and their meanings," and although that was in relation to his survival with the Empire it still held true throughout the story. Eli is an extension of Thrawn, whatever is said to Eli is said to Thrawn and vise versa. So where is he?
(Ok that's all my ramblings for now. Hopefully this made sense. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the tags or replies. Thrawn was the first sw novel I read, I'm fiercely protective of him. So when his characterization is kinda ruined like this it upsets me. But I'm always excited to see him in any media and hear that silky voice of his, thank you lars.)
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scarnatlover · 7 months
In the comfort of your arms
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Summary: In light of shocking news, the refuge found within the comforting embrace of a girlfriend becomes an anchor, grounding one's frayed nerves and fragile spirit.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader (romantic); Tony Stark x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: panick attack, mention of blood, mention of sex
Y/N pov
Being the CEO of one of the most prestigious law firms is certainly not a point that everyone can get to. I'm not everyone. But that doesn't make it any easier. And it isn't.
Everyone thinks that because I'm the CEO, I don't do anything. Wrong. I do more than anyone else. I'm the first one in the office in the morning and the last one to leave at night. Constantly dealing with papers to sign, contracts to inspect, cases to review, in and out of courts, constant calls from people who want either me or one of my lawyers, meetings I have to attend, and so on.
Of course, competition doesn't help. Ricky's Corporation is the only company that is on par with mine. There has always been this rivalry. Where my company did not reach, his company did; Where his company didn't reach, mine did. In the end, for several years now, it has been mine that has prevailed, even if only briefly.
There were times when I told myself to shut everything down, that it wasn't worth it anymore, but Nat was always there with me to reassure me that everything I was doing was perfect and that I was at a great point in my career. And everything went back to the way it was before.
Until, Tony Stark showed up at my office, asking me to be his lawyer. After a long discussion, we both decided to embark on this journey together. What I didn't know was that being Tony's lawyer meant becoming the lawyer for the Avengers and Stark Industries as well, which was not in the contract but which I let go for fear of losing such an important client.
The only benefit that this choice brought me was the money that comes to us every time. Of course, Tony doesn't care much about his bank accounts. But that alone did me any good. Otherwise, the work has tripled, if not more. Many more meetings, many more documents, many more calls and hearings. Sometimes I can't even get home to Nat because of the work I have to do. Not to mention, I have to stop whatever I'm doing every time Tony calls.
Just like now. I was reviewing documents for an alleged first-degree murder case when my phone rang. I pressed the button and heard my secretary's voice on the other end of the line.
"Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Stark has requested your presence in half an hour in his office at Stark Industries" I heard that voice that usually told me good news; Not this time.
"Tell him I'm busy, I'll go to him as soon as I can," I said, continuing to look at the papers in front of me and underline the main parts of what was written.
"I'm sorry Miss, but he insists," she continued.
I got up from my chair, loosening a little the tie that Nat had tied around my neck this morning, a sign that I was getting nervous and not just a little. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. 3:57 p.m., weird that Tony was in the office at this time.
"Tell him I'm coming" I ended the conversation before ending the call for good.
I quickly gathered my things and then left my office, a little frustrated. I texted Nat that I probably wouldn't be home by 4:30 p.m., as we had arranged since we wanted to have an afternoon to ourselves.
I think the others who were with me in the building understood that this was not the time to speak to me or to stand in my way. When I got into the car, I leaned my head on the steering wheel, exasperated. I could feel my eyes filling with tears. I was tired, very tired. It was all too much, too difficult, too complicated, too tiring. But it has always been my dream to join a law company.
After half an hour, I finally managed to park the car in the Stark Industries parking lot and got out of the car; I made my way to the entrance of the hotel and as soon as I arrived at the reception I saw Happy sitting on a chair near the elevator, looking at me. I waved to him and he immediately reciprocated, even sending a smile.
Once Tony's receptionist gave me access, I went up in the elevator and pressed the floor number Tony had pointed me to. While it was going up, I pulled out my phone, expecting a message from Nat, but it wasn't there. My message had been ignored, but I could see that it had been delivered and even read. This only added to my frustration.
Finally, the elevator stopped, I got out but I stopped a few steps later because I saw the very person I expected to see only in the trials. Ricky Martin. I just hoped Tony hadn't called him too.
I walked over to sit on one of the free chairs, hoping Ricky wouldn't notice me. Unfortunately, of course, this was not the case.
"If it's not Y/N Y/L/N that sitting there" he practically screamed, some people turned to look at us a little badly.
"Hi Ricky" I replied annoyed and without looking him in the eye I could guess that he understood that he was bothering me.
Before he could say anything else, Tony opened the door, letting out the other person who was inside with him. I understood why Nat didn't reply to the message. She was with Tony discussing something. As soon as she saw me, she completely ignored Ricky, who was looking for her attention and headed towards me.
"I'm so sorry my moon, as soon as I saw the message I wanted to answer you, but Stark called me for a meeting about a mission. I have to leave now, I'll be back about tomorrow morning. I'm sorry I can't be with you as we planned, but I promise we'll be together tomorrow," she said with a pout, then took my face in her hands and gently leaned her lips on mine. Honestly, I was hoping that tonight it would be just me, her and Liho, but instead, there will only be the cat at home since after this news I didn't want to stay home alone, so I'll stay in the office.
I nodded and she looked at me with a mixture of confusion and concern, but before she could say anything, her phone rang. She looked at the screen and saw Clint's ID. "Fuck" she murmured giving me another kiss and telling me to warm up the food she had prepared in the fridge, before running to the elevator and getting in.
Sighing, I picked up the papers I had placed on the chair next to me when I sat down and walked into Tony's office.
As usual, it was a mess. But who would Tony Stark be if he didn't leave everything in disarray? I sat in the chair next to Ricky, without looking him in the face, leaving my eyes to focus only on Tony.
"You may be wondering the reason for this sudden call" he began and already from his tone of voice I knew that whatever was on his mind, I would not like it. "Given the events that are going on, I've been thinking a lot these days," he said, opening a drawer and taking out a packet of peanuts, starting to eat them and then continuing to talk. "I think instead of just Y/N, Ricky should be a lawyer for this company as well."
And at that moment, everything stopped. As if my whole life had just been thrown away. As if all my efforts, sleepless nights, and evenings spent in the office instead of in my bed had been for nothing. As if my dream of becoming the best has been shattered. Because that's exactly what happened. Ricky sat next to me, looking at me with a smug smirk.
The rest of the meeting was difficult; My leg was bouncing up and down, a clear sign that I wanted to get out of that place. Tony must have noticed this because he quickly finished his speech and then told us we could leave.
Martin left quickly, his smirk still on his face. I didn't move from my chair. I couldn't understand, I couldn't focus on one thing, I couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't breathe. He couldn't give anything.
The rest of the meeting was difficult; My leg was bouncing up and down, a clear sign that I wanted to get out of that place. Tony must have noticed this because he quickly finished his speech and then told us we could leave.
Martin left quickly, his smirk still on his face. I didn't move from my chair. I couldn't understand what was going on, I couldn't focus on one thing, I couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything.
I felt my clothes sticking to my skin, not allowing me to breathe, my hands were becoming numb, my chest felt like it was on fire, and I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. It seemed to go at the same speed as the F1 cars.
I didn't understand anything, I didn't know what was going on. I felt like I was dying, or fainting, I don't know which of the two. But thinking about it only made things worse.
Nat pov
I should have expected that. I can't have a night out with my girlfriend because my work is always in the middle. Sometimes I think about what our life would be like if I wasn't an Avenger. It would be very nice, but at the same time, it would not be the everyday life I know very well.
I was in the quinjet getting ready to leave when I heard the phone ring. I made a puzzled face before heading to the table where we usually outline the mission's plan of attack. I immediately saw that Tony was calling me and I sighed in exasperation.
"Tony, what's up, I've got to-"
"Nat, you have to come here to the office, it's Y/N." Hearing those words, I took my duffel bag, where I had my clothes since I had already put on my suit, phone and car keys.
"What's going on? What's wrong?" I asked frantically, running as fast as I could toward my Corvette, which seemed much farther away than I remembered I had parked it.
"I don't know, I think she's having a panic attack and I don't know what to do. I tried everything" he explained and finally, I got to the car, quickly entering it and, as soon as I put the keys in, I sped away, still on the phone with Tony.
"Fuck, move you shitty assholes" I yelled slamming my hands on the steering wheel, since those in front of me, even with the green light, didn't move and I was in a hurry.
As soon as I arrived, for the second time that day, I parked quickly, forgetting my bag with my house keys, wallet and phone inside, but at that moment, the only thing I cared about was my girlfriend.
Running, I entered the building, quickly showing my security badge and then running to the stairs, deciding that they would be faster than the elevator and let's face it, I don't think I've ever run so fast.
When I finally got to the floor where Tony's office was, I saw Ricky Martin smiling while he was on the phone with someone, but as soon as he laid eyes on me, he ended the conversation and walked over to me.
I wanted to go straight on my way until he started talking to me. "Your girlfriend's a failure, Romanoff," he grabbed my arm. "She has not succeeded and she will never be able to do anything in life. I bet she doesn't even you fuck well" when I heard the last words, I couldn't contain myself and punched him on the nose, both because of the words he was saying about Y/N, and because, as I said many times, I was in a hurry.
"My girlfriend," I replied as he held his nose while moaning in pain, "She's not a failure. You, Ricky Martin, are a failure. On her own, she's managed to go a lot farther than you. And it sure fucks me better than you Ricky, even if it doesn't take much, given the cock you find yourself down there. Even a rubber cock is better than yours" and I left, walking over to Tony's office door.
When I entered, I found myself in front of a scene that I had never seen before. Y/N, sitting on the floor with her back against the wall, her neck and arms full of scratches, some bleeding, some not, with her shirt unbuttoned and her tie thrown somewhere, crying and desperate, trying unsuccessfully to breathe. Tony, on the other hand, was crying too, probably because he felt partly useless because he couldn't help Y/N, and on the other hand, because he felt guilty thinking he was the one who created this situation. As soon as Tony saw me, he motioned for me to go to Y/N without worrying about him.
Calmly and quietly, I approached my girlfriend, so as not to panic her more. "Hey, my moon. Can you try to take big, deep breaths for me, mhm?" I said gently taking her hands, trying to stop her from hurting herself more. She just shook her head and then started banging it against the wall behind her.
"No, no darling, we don't do that, mhm. Sh sh sh, it's all right, I'm here. Can you feel me? Can you feel my hands?" I asked her and after a few moments, she nodded. I just smiled at her before bringing her hand to my chest, to let her feel my regular heartbeat. "Come on love, let's do as the therapist said, huh? Inhale for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Hold for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and finally exhale for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5" I patiently guided her as she did her breaths, just as her psychologist had instructed me.
"Well done my love, very good. But now we have to repeat them, okay? Just like before" I told her, this time bringing her head to my chest and squeezing her hard enough to make her feel that I was there with her, but that I didn't want to restrict her any more.
After a few minutes, finally, her breathing was regular again, although she continued to tremble, and a lot of it. I stood there with her on the floor sitting, gently stroking her hair and giving her the comfort she needed. Occasionally, I would give her a few kisses on the forehead or wherever I could go. "Do you want to go home now?" I asked her after a while longer, hoping for a positive response from her. As an answer, however, I only got a no.
"Love…" I whispered to her, a little disconsolate by her answer, but it was very predictable. From the beginning of the relationship I had understood that she, even if she was very sick, had to go to the office if she hadn't finished something and this caused a lot of fights between the two of us, but they always ended up with her in my arms crying while she apologized and me consoling her.
"I-I know, I know. But I've go-ot to get to the office quick, I-I've got t-to finish something quickly," she whispered in a faint voice, breaking here and there. Usually, I would have let her go, but in the condition she was in, it didn't seem appropriate, so I tried to negotiate
"Okay, let's do it this way. You and I now go home, take a bath together, put on matching pajamas and watch Moana until you fall asleep" I tried to convince her, also trying to make her sleepy by gently stroking her hair. She opened her mouth, probably to protest again, but before she could do so, I started talking again. "Liho can sleep in the bed with us and you can be the little spoon" and after that, I knew I had convinced her. I felt her body relax against mine, her regular breathing on my neck, her hands fisting my suit. When she finally nodded, I smiled and kissed her on the forehead.
We spent that night just as I promised. Liho was asleep next to Y/N who was next to me, with her head on my chest, curled up like a baby. I wouldn't change a thing at all. With her, I feel like I'm at home. And deep down, I was.
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deadbeat-motel · 1 month
Something of a quick fix to the whole "no one in hell knows angels can't be killed" because it's such an insane thing to believe that in a thousand years, not a single soul ever thought of fighting the angels? In the show, angels are told to be such an easy kill because they never had to defend themselves and Carmilla produces angel-tipped weapons by the hundreds, to the point of having a market for her products. It's so hard to believe that not one of the sinners who owns one of these "Carmine-Crafted" weapons didn't try to fight back against an angel and succeeded.
So here's a thought:
What if only Carmilla and Zestiel, the two at the top of the sinner's hierarchy and even able to keep every overlord in check, had actually known that angels could be killed. What if the idea that angels can't be killed was propaganda they started and kept going to keep sinners from killing an angel and inciting an unwanted war with heaven?
Somewhat long post ahead.
In the show proper, Zestiel voices concern about "Heaven purging all of hell for daring an uprising" when the idea of fighting back against the angels is brought up. He seems so sure that this would lead to an entire purge if they ever attempted the idea and surely, there must be something within the 700+ years that he had spent in that realm that makes him so sure about this possible outcome.
Here's what I wrote:
In Zestiel's time, the overpopulation of hell had just begun to be a problem. There was no yearly purge like the one we're familiar with now. Instead, it was only annual visits to check in on the realm and on Lucifer himself (personally, I would like to believe these visits were to check in on him after being thrown into hell by the higher order of angels.) Sinners back then were just as murder-happy as they are now and have found out that Angels are not good at defending themselves and that they can hurt the angels with the weapons they bring themselves.
This first murder of angels caused an extreme outrage up in heaven that it started the first purge of all sinners of hell but unlike the normal exterminations, this purge wiped out more than 80% of the population. Zestiel was one of the few who had survived this initial purge and personally saw heaven's wrath when provoked. Everyone who had survived lived on and warned the newer sinners to never attack an angel.
Heaven, however, decided to start the yearly extermination a few years later and many of those surviving demons died in the many exterminations that happened after that. Leaving Zestiel as the only living demon who still remembers the first purge and why it happened. Zestiel wants to avoid having heaven's big purge again not because he cares about the sinners like him, but because he cannot let himself live through something like that again.
Carmilla fits in this as the main weapons dealer in hell, she could make sure that the production of angel-infused weaponry is contained and limited to only her and an exclusive few. She can also make sure that the weapons being used in hell are controlled by her since she's basically made a monopoly on weapons in hell. Zestiel makes her his partner in making sure to continue making sure that the sinners will never fight and win against angels.
Both these overlords work together to continue scaring off every sinner from attempting to kill an angel and even if they try to, they're able to rely on the fact that none of their weapons can even harm an angel.
It's not a perfect fix (admittedly it was written hastily and does go against other parts of the worldbuilding) but it's at least a step in a clear direction and makes sense of the "No one knows angels can be hurt" aspect of worldbuilding.
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deafsignifcantother · 2 months
the baby
♥ summary: almost loosely based off of this by @ukor02. This is really just a small little writing thing I did at 4am. ♥ relationship: no direct romance really, just some cute stuff between Lucifer and reader. ♥ word count: 1.6k ♥ notes: no childbirth mentioning and this is written like just as summaries of the situation tbh, almost like a bullet point format without the bullet points, the entire cast are characters, hospital scene, I made Alastor a main character and her main bestie because of course I did, reader is happy to be a mother
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You wanted to give your baby a chance to get into Heaven, even if it meant they'd leave without you. Hell is no place for a child. Both you and Charlie knew that.
"What a pleasant surprise," you sign to Alastor when you see that damn smiling demon right outside your hotel room.
He laughs; aw, you're describing his arrival as pleasant. Did he make a good impression on you when you saw him last when he introduced himself in person in Pride Sign Language? You never seemed to have paid any mind to him, giving one motion signs as responses whenever he tried starting a conversation. But even when you interacted with him like that, he couldn't help but wonder why you always looked at him with your sweet, shy gaze. It's not on purpose, which is the worst part.
Pleasant, you called it a pleasant surprise.
"It's good to see you too, my dear!" He signs, bowing a bit and pushing past you into your room. "What have you been up to?"
What an obnoxious question.
You close the door, squeezing the doorknob tightly. This is going to be a long evening. When you turn back to Alastor, he's in your living room examining the decor, your random art pieces taped to the walls and organized together, though not concisely.
He waves his hands. "I love what you've done with the place."
"I've been bored." You sign with a slight nod to yourself. It's awfully isolating, which is obvious. Still, it has never hit you as hard as it does now as you watch another person walk through your chambers.
"I'm glad I can be in your company then." His smile widens, and the static he emits gets heavier. His ear twitched a bit, which you noticed but tried not to directly look at. Was it a good or bad thing?
"But it's often relieving to be alone," you start and look him up and down.
"You're quite used to being alone, aren't you?"
Your lips tighten, your hands stiff, and you are unable to finish your sentence. Absentmindedly, you rest them on your plump, pregnant belly. Alastor does his best not to let his eyes draw down to analyze it. Still, his head tilts, even just a little. He hates looking at your hands when you touch your stomach. Did his mother hold her belly like that when he was inside of hers?
"Don't you have others to talk to?"
"They're out on their little journeys, you know them."
"Of course."
Alas, he lets his eyes trail down to your stomach. It's not quite full, but it's obvious enough to gain attention from others. Charlie will put her hands on it every day, waiting for the baby to show its presence. She can feel the heartbeat, and so can you and Vaggie, though everybody else can't feel a thing. Alastor refuses to put a hand on your stomach. Life is precious and loud, and the few who were never human understand that differently than the others.
"I wanted to check in on the baby."
A twitch of your eyebrow makes his smile widen.
The day before, Lucifer arrived.
You try on your best clothes, laying them flat against your front, looking at your belly in the mirror. For the king, should you try to hide it or show it proudly? He has a daughter, but does that affect his thoughts about Hellborn pregnancies? Gosh, what do you have to worry about? So stupid.
With the other people, your new friends, you stood with your head proud.
He swirled with the dragons and hugged his daughter as if he hadn't seen her for years. What a kind man, unusually kind. His eyes... Those soft, precious eyes. And when they landed on you, your heart almost stopped. He looked at you as if you were an angel. When his lips started to move, the smile you didn't even know you wore faded.
Charlie put her hand on his shoulder and whispered something to him. And there came Alastor, saving the day.
"The idiotic king was just telling you how happy he is for you." With the signs came the grinding of his teeth.
Lucifer approached, his cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. He addressed Alastor with aggressive hesitance. 'Tell her...' he said.
Charlie smiled excitedly, Nifty kept nodding, and Sir Pentious's eyes started tearing up.
Alastor grimaced. "He's asking if he could feel your stomach."
As always, you've put a thorn in the flow of interactions.
Still, you put on a smile. "Of course."
And there you stood, the King of Hell's hands gently holding you. You could feel the cold of his touch even through the fabric of your shirt. The heartbeat vibrated through both your body and his. The baby was alive and well; you could tell through the pure glee that spread across his face. Beyond your tiny ounce of worry, you knew he'd find hope within your baby.
Alastor watched with a terribly strained smile.
"Why?" You ask again when he doesn't answer. "What's with the sudden worry?"
"Worry? No, no." Alastor waves you off. "More like..."
You watch with interest as he trails off, a vulnerability you love.
He squints his eyes and clenches his fists, but only for a moment. His lack of vocabulary kills him. "...Intrigue."
You crack a smirk. "Are you finally gonna feel my stomach?"
Another pause. Alastor considers it, but all he can imagine is his claws accidentally drawing blood.
"That's okay." Again, your hands rest on your stomach.
Alastor has been watching it grow, but so has Lucifer. Charlie's father scarcely visits, and you've convinced yourself it's to see you. Every time he enters the hotel, he asks how you are. He tries to lift his hands to sign but finds no words forming. A language was created in his world, and he has yet to learn how to learn it.
Whenever he presses his hands against your belly, he can feel the liveliness of the soul forming inside you, and he can feel your appreciation at his care.
Begrudgingly, he always has to ask Alastor for advice on communicating with you. Alastor always has a cocky smirk when he teaches.
Charlie has to ask Alastor for help, too, but more willingly. Alastor raises his chin and squares shoulders when people ask him for help. Charlie went to him for help on a conversation you knew she was going to start with you:
"You're not going to stay here for the battle."
"I know." There was no argument on your behalf. Charlie's cheeks still went pink.
"But I have to figure out where it's safest for you. Alastor told me Cannibal Town, but uhh... Maybe not."
"They'll all be here anyway. Maybe they'll distract the angels from going over there."
Her bright eyes widen a bit. "Do you think so?"
"I can stay over there, even if they try to eat me." They won't, and even if they try, they know Alastor would end their lives, don't they?
She fiddles with her fingers before lifting them up again. "I suppose..."
She's so quickly convinced it's cute. You're right, though, of course. Cannibal Town might be the safest place, specifically under the hands of Rosie, who Alastor had previously told you would be more than willing to help you. You can imagine her smile at seeing your belly, twice the size as when Alastor first told you about her. Unbeknownst to Charlie, he's been planning this for a while.
Your stress for their safety irks you more than you expected.
You place a hand on Charlie's, lifting your other one. "I'll be okay."
Before you left for Cannibal Town, you met Lucifer once again, a more loving side of him. He cradled your head and held the back of your neck as he did. His cold body felt like warmth to you. He whispered things to you; you could only tell from how his breath constantly brushed against your ear in sing-songy waves. Was he singing to you? A lullaby? He pulled away and finally signed to you. "You're going to be a great mom."
A moment before, Alastor finally put his hands on your belly. His hands were warm. Like Lucifer, he was whispering to himself, holding silent words from you. In another life, you'd imagine they were prayers. At that moment, only an instinct, you put your hands on his, and he allowed it.
The stress of their safety worsened when they were left alone in Cannibal Town without a word of winning or losing.
The winning of Hell was all you wanted to focus on when you noticed the contractions getting worse, spaced out in purposeful ways. Oh goodness, you found yourself thinking, oh my God.
What if Lucifer dies on the same day your child is born?
But after the battle, he was right there to cradle the baby in his arms, his heavenly grasp relaxing the tiny baby. The rest of the group sat in your room, Sir Pentious absent, tears in their eyes at both the birth and the death.
Beyond Lucifer's cradling, Husk was the only one who touched your child that day. He placed his furry paw against the baby, feeling the body heat that they admitted. Life could be beautiful, he decided.
Vaggie's sense of revenge deepened. She sacrificed Heaven to save a child, and now she's even more than willing to kill her sisters to save yours.
While Charlie stares at your baby with tears, Alastor smiles warmly at you. He knew you could do it: birth something beautiful and worth protecting.
Your eyes are locked on Lucifer. He's an amazing, supportive dad to Charlie, and your heart begins to swell. Your heartbeat increases, and a blush weakly forms on your already flushed face. His rough hands hold a forgiving softness. He's beautiful.
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