#but sometimes when you are enjoying time with family.. it sneaks up on ya
pantestudines · 2 years
God Help Me im enjoying.. american football content
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vrystalius · 4 days
Hey babess, i have quite the heartwarming request.
So imagine that wife reader is heavily and her water randomly breaks so ofc she gives birth with the help of shinobu(i love her so much) and other midwives ofc. So how would the hashias react during the late stages of pregnancy and birth??
Hear me outtt, what if preg reader was pregnant with twins(im a big family girl lol, i had to let that out). Stuff stuff
Hashira’s reactions during your pregnancy
You’re heavily pregnant. How will your husband react?
Note: I didn’t include the gender and names of the babies, so you can choose the genders and names yourself!
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x fem!reader
Includes: Food cravings, mood swings, sickness, talking to the baby, birth and a little bonus scenario in the end (different for every hashira)
Words: 5.1k, enjoy!
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Food cravings
What? You want to eat ohagi again? Sure it’s Sanemi’s favourite food, but you’ve insisted on eating ohagi for every day the past week. The baby needs some vegetables, fruits, vitamins and whatever else. Just anything but ohagi!
He couldn’t even watch when you proceeded to devour sweet potatoes with a chocolate sauce. The worst part is that Sanemi is the main chef of this household and was forced to cook all kinds of monstrosities for you during your pregnancy. But he never said a word about it and just silently judged you for even asking him to bake a whole fish just so you can covered it in sliced fruits and chocolate sauce.
“Are ya sure you’re not poisoning our baby? Are ya really, really sure?”
Sometimes, Sanemi’ll try to sneak in healthy foods into your diet like one would to with a toddler. He’d chop the vegetables as small as possible and try to feed them to you in bits by bits by incorporating them into your favourite foods. You weirdly enough never noticed how your ohagis began to taste like carrots more and more.
“What? No. I’m making them like always. I.. just used the same knife for both carrots and the beans of the ohagi… Whatcha looking at me like that for??”
Mood swings
It’s very confusing to Sanemi how you can be happily munching on your snacks in one moment and then began crying about a dog wandering the streets, thinking someone abandoned him. He’s putting up with it, though. He’d would take you into his arms and try to explain to you that no, that dog is not living on the street and that it belongs to the nice old lady that lives just down the street. He gets a little nervous every time you get emotional when standing in the nursery and inspect all the prepared toys and clothes. Why are you crying so hard? Do you not want a baby? Or are you just this excited to have one?
He doesn’t get your mood swings but’ll try his best to give you reassurance and support. Even though Sanemi’ll be a little awkward and just hover around you in fear of triggering another random emotion in you.
“Hey, darling… how about we move to the bedroom? The nursey is makin’ ya emotional. You’re gonna loose control over ya bladder and I’m gonna be forced to clean after ya. Again.”
But most of the time, Sanemi’ll get soft when you get emotional over the baby stuff like this. Sometimes, he’ll sneak into the nursery during the nights he can’t sleep and rumage all the baby’s things. Sanemi would look through all the neatly folded baby clothes Giyu send over and the toys Tengen’s wives made themselves for the baby. He can’t help but get a little teary-eyed himself, leaning against the crib and looking down at the soft mattress below. He just can’t want to have a little baby in there.
“Fuck, don’t sneak up on me like that! A-And ‘m not cryin’, I-I’m just checkin’ on the crib. Y’know, if it looks stable and shit. It gotta handle our fatass baby.”
Talking to the baby
Sanemi loves to lay his head against your stomach and just listen to the baby’s heart beat. His hand would gently caress your stomach while mumbling against your skin.
“Whatcha doing in there, hm? Why are you kicking your mommy? You’re hurting her, y’know.”
It’s a weird sight, seeing a strong man like him baby talking to your stomach while having his cheek pressed up against your belly. He’d take at least one hour in his day just to talk to your baby and tell it aaaalll about your and his day.
“Your mom threw up onto our new carpet and that’s your fault, you know that, right? I’m gonna kick your ass for it one day. Maybe when you become a shitbag in your teenage years.”
“In both sickness and in health,” and Sanemi meant that wholeheartedly after speaking those words out loud during your wedding. Even if that means sitting beside you in the middle of the night, holding your hair and patting your back while you throw your guts up. He’s sleepy, he’s tired, but he won’t return to back without you. If Sanemi has to, he’ll cook up some tea or soup for you to calm your stomach. He’d even break Shinobu’s door down for some herbs or medicine if it means making you feel better and cuddling you back to sleep with no worries.
“You’re okay, I’m here. Don’t hold back.”
If you’re throwing up for a while, Sanemi might fall asleep in the hunched over position while holding your hair behind your head, his hand still firmly resting on your shoulder in quiet support. He jumps back awake when you throw up violently again.
“Ugh, you good? Told you seaweed n’ cherries don’t go together…”
Sanemi wanted to complete one last mission before retiring for good. He noticed how his muscles were starting to soften up and the callouses in his hands began to disappear. Just one last mission, then he’ll become a full-time dad! He promised you it’ll be for just three nights and that Shinobu will be looking out for you while he’s gone. You two can talk about preparations, body changes and whatever you two always talk about.
He was close to tracking this scum demon down when he received a message from his crow about you going into labour. Sanemi wanted to go on a mission one time, just one time! Can’t you hold the baby in or something until he comes home? He knows that he has to behead this demon before coming home. That thing already did enough harm and he didn’t want to retire on a bad note by ditching his final mission. So, Sanemi proceeded to chase the demon down while steaming in anger. He wanted to go on a mission just ONE last time, damnit!!
Shinobu helped you through the whole process of giving birth. The contractions and labour lasted for almost half a day, and you managed to almost broke two of the three butterfly girl’s hand in an attempt to release some pain. You were supposed to hold Sanemi’s hand and almost break his bones while giving birth, not theirs! Shinobu kept reassuring you that Sanemi surely is already on his way! Surely. She had her soft smile on her face the whole time while you pushed and screamed through the pain, reassuring you and offering all kinds of ways to relieve pain during the whole process.
After Sanemi returned from his missions, he was staring at two babies in your arms. His eyes darted back in forth from the one to another. The baby on your left had beautiful white hair and was squirming around a lot, grabbing your robes and was seemingly already complaining about the lack of feeding you’re doing. The other baby had darker hair and was much calmer. It was asleep, resting against your chest.
His heart shattered in a million pieces after processing what just happened. In a good way, that is. He never commented on it, but Sanemi did notice that you were a little bigger for being pregnant with only one baby. He just brushed it off as being a bit bloated or the baby being really big, but never that it were two babies that were hogging all the food you were devouring. Sanemi was bawling his eyes out while holding both of his babies in his arms for the first time. They’re so tiny, so cute and chubby! How could anyone not love them? He was barely able to speak while trying to express how much he loves you and is so glad that you and the babies are fine. This is everything he had ever hoped for: a perfect wive, a family home and two kids. If only his other siblings were here to celebrate this moment with him. Perhaps he’ll allow Genya to visit every now and then.
“I-I- *hic* W-We need an-another- *hic* … the crib’s not b-big enough- f-for- *hic* gah, f-fuck!! *hic*
Bonus: A tight crib
You noticed how Sanemi insisted on putting the babies back to sleep every time they woke up during the night for anything. You usually fall back asleep and wake up in the mornings back in his arms, but tonight, you wanted to wait until he returns to bed to cuddle him. After the babies quieted down and your husband didn’t return, you dragged yourself out of bed and stepped into the nursery, only to find Sanemi laying inside the cramped crib, having the baby lay on one side and the other on the other. He was laying in an extremely uncomfortable position, with hid neck bend at an awkward angle and him laying in the crib with his legs dangling out over the edge. You couldn’t help but giggle a little, seeing your husband scarfing his own comfort for his babies.
Your whispering made his eyes flutter open. His face contorting into a tired scowl.
“It’s the only way to put ‘em to sleep, not my fault they like me so much.”
Now, are the babies attached to their papa, or is Sanemi being very attached to them?
Kyojuro Rengoku
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Food cravings
Whatever you’d like to eat, he’ll provide! Sometimes, if the combinations you come up with sound appetising enough, Kyojuro’ll even try some the foods alongside you! He will not judge you for craving weird foods during your pregnancies, but he is a little worried about your choices. You need to make sure that you eat enough nutrients for you and the baby! Kyojuro’ll try his best to cook up something nice for you, but he ends up buying take-out and feeding that to you instead. He’s scared he might burn something or accidentally poison you, so he’d rather leave food up to the chefs.
“I brought some tempura, some soup dumplings, ramen, udon noodles, mushed and baked sweet and regular potatoes. Oh! And some dessert… Mochi, dango and a slice of cake! Everything you ordered, my flame!”
Shinjuro, after finding out about your pregnancy, would offer to cook for you sometime. He used to make meals for Ruka while she was pregnant, so he thought he might make himself useful and help out. Kyojuro’s father actually vowed to stop with the drinking to make sure his grandkid doesn’t grow up around a drunk grandpa, so this is a first nice step for him. Besides, he feels guilty for being so terrible to Senjuro and Kyojuro.
His meals are surprisingly very well made and tasty. They soothe your nausea, lessen the swelling in the feet and help a lot with your headaches.
“Father, I never knew you could cook this good!” “Shut up and eat your plate.”
Mood swings
Kyojuro feels like he’s causing your mood swings sometimes. He feels guilty when you start crying over little things, like how your favourite tree is starting to change colours in the leaves, or just how much you missed your husband after him leaving for half an hour to get you dinner. He’s used to comforting Senjuro while the two grew up together, so he might know a thing about holding someone. Kyojuro would pull you closer and place lots of kisses on your head and top of your head, rubbing your shoulder with his warm hands. His warmth is very comforting to you, making you calm down a little.
“Are you feeling unwell? What made you so upset, love?”
He’ll try to cheer you up by talking about baby names. In his family, most of the names sound similar and end with an “juro”. Shinjuro, Senjuro, Kyojuro… how about Tojuro? Sounds nice, doesn’t it!? Or how about Kijuro? Or how about you combine your first letters with Juro? That sounds very fitting! And see, your tears are already gone!
“I’m not sure if we should think about girl’s names, my love! My family birthed sons for generations now! But we can write some down if you like, just in case.”
Seeing you sick makes Kyojuro nervous, but he’ll stay beside you during your morning sicknesses and nausea. You kind of remind him of his mother, back when she was in the late stages of her sickness, that’s why he gets a little jumpy when you hunch over the toilet snd wretch your guts out. He’ll hold your hair and gently caress your back, silently hovering beside you.
To make sure you don’t have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to throw up, Kyojuro equipped your nightstand with a bowl you can throw up into anytime you felt nausea hitting you.
“I’ll make some tea for you once you get nauseous again, okay? My mother’s recipe.”
Talking to the baby
Kyojuro loves to talk to your stomach as if the baby is already out and able to talk back. He’d sit beside you in bed, gently caressing the side of your stomach while grinning brightly.
“What kind of hair will you have, hm? Like mine? Or like mom’s?”
Sometimes, he’ll try to convince the baby to let you sleep for once. If you can’t sleep, Kyojuro can’t sleep. He’d lay his head on your chest and sleepily mumble to the stomach while slowly rubbing your sides.
“You’re quite the active one, hm?.. mh.. How about we go to sleep together, okay? Be a good kid and give your mommy some rest…”
When your water first broke, Kyojuro thought the baby might’ve kicked your bladder or something, causing you to leak. But the horror on your face that followed soon after changed his mind in an instant. He sent out a crow to Shinobu, notifying her about your labour, but it might take a while until she arrives. In the meantime, your husband prepared all the things for a homebirth. You probably wont be able to reach the butterfly mansion in time to give birth there, but in the meantime, would you like water? Food? Sweets? A towel? Maybe not the last one because you’re able to hit him with that. You’re very angry about him impregnating you nine months ago while being in painful labour right now.
Shinobu surprisingly arrived very quickly and got right to work. Her soft voice and kind words as encouragement managed to calm you down as far as to not curse Kyojuro and all his ancestors out. Your anger directed at him actually helped you press the baby, so your husband happily sat there and held your hand while you were attempting to break it while redirecting your pain
Finally, after hours on hours of labour, Shinobu’s encouragement and Kyojuro’s hand turning blue from blood being cut off, you birthed two identical twins. Both had your husband’s flamboyant hair colour and prominent eyebrows. Your husband was trembling and crying after seeing them for the first time. His babies, his kids! And two of them?? In one go?? This couldn’t have gone any better. For around the next hour, while your babies were nursing on you, he kept thanking you for everything you ever did for him.
“I-I love you! I-I love y-you! Th-Thank you for marrying m-me, my fl-flame! Than-Thank you for giving me t-two babies! Thank y-you! T-Thank you!!”
Bonus: Tasty hair
Your babies are for some reason obsessed with your husband’s hair. Maybe it’s because of how bright his hair is or how nice it is to chew on it. You caught Kyojuro offering his baby his hair to hold and play around with, only for it to start pulling tightly on it. It hurts a little and he’s not quite sure how his baby got this strength out of nowhere, but he’s incredibly happy that his baby likes his hair so much!
But he also learned that the twins prefer their grandpa’s hair a little more over his. Shinjuro doesn’t appreciate it as much as Kyojuro is, though. He tolerates them pulling on his hair but doesn’t like it. At all. He’ll glare at his son until he finally takes his baby away from his damn hair! His scalp is already burning!
(But we all know that Shinjuro takes them back into his arms on purpose to tickle their stomachs and to let them pull on his hair as they please. They’re just too cute!)
“My flame, could you help me remove our child? This one seems particularly fascinated by the taste of my shampoo!”
Gyomei Himejima
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Food cravings
Gyomei will not always give into your odd cravings. Instead, he’ll try to redirect your cravings to tastier things. He’s worried that you don’t get enough nourishment for the baby and for yourself, so Gyomei’ll try to feed you healthy foods instead of eating the creations you came up with. Why do you even thought about eating pieces of clay you picked up from right next to the waterfall? You’re lucky Genya caught you before you managed to take a bite.
To be completely honest, Gyomei is incredibly worried that you’re eating things you aren’t supposed to eat while he’s not watching/listening.
“Love, what are you chewing?”
His calm and deep voice makes you stop munching on the raw onion and immediately put it back down onto the counter of the kitchen.
Gyomei insists on cooking for you, even if he’s blind. He’s surprisingly good with cooking and always manages to slip vegetables into the meals in the tastiest way possible! You somehow never notice and just are incredibly happy that he takes some time out of his day just to cook meals for you! Sometimes, Genya joins in when you two eat and just chats with you about your husband’s training and his big brother. He’s also very curious about your pregnancy and how you’re coming along. That boy is just as excited about your baby as your husband is! Genya even gifted you one of his best bonsai trees to keep in the nursery!
“Miss Himejima, are you still hungry? You can have my plate if you like, I’m going to meet up with Tanjiro to eat later in the city together anyway.”
Mood swings
Gyomei understands that your hormones are going a little crazy during your pregnancy, but he still gets a little surprised when your mood changes so suddenly. You get emotional mostly over Genya and how hard he’s training to make up with his brother. You cry everytime when you see him train hard under Gyomei. Your husband finds it kind how much empathy you’re feeling for that boy, but the poor boy can’t really concentrate when a crying pregnant lady watching him train. So, your husband suggested you to not watch them train as much anymore and instead do something else. As compensation, Gyomei promises you to tell you everything he and Genya have been doing that day.
Sometimes, when you get angry out of nowhere, Gyomei’ll just let you throw your little tantrum while listening you silently. After you finished, he might suggest exorcising you as a joke to lighten your mood, but his serious tone and unmoving expression made him look like he’s serious. Wich makes you cry.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m not going to exorcise you, I promise, my pearl. I would only do that in the extrem case.”
Gyomei knows how to deal with sicknesses and nausea. Once you express feeling sick in any way, he’ll prepare a special herbal tea, open up all the windows for fresh air, feed you crackers and dry food, and of course, equip you with a bowl to vomit into just in case. He’ll sit with you in bed, your head laying on his thighs and his palm resting on your forehead, slowly petting your hair.
He’s mumbling quiet prayers for you and your baby, his deep and smooth voice calming your stomach slowly. Gyomei’d smile softly while having his eyes closed. You told him that his smile is always making you calm, so he’s trying to smile more often for you.
“How are you feeling? I can brew you another cup if you like, it’ll help you.”
Talking to the baby
Gyomei barely talks to the baby while you’re awake. He’ll sometimes lean down and mumble a couple of greetings and kind words before moving on with his day, but when you fall asleep at night, your husband likes to have one-on-one conversation with his child. He’d have his large palm resting on your belly, rubbing it up and down. Gyomei sometimes nuzzles into your sides and places a few kisses on the side before talking.
He’d be praying first, making sure that the baby is alright and’ll come healthy into the world. Then, he’d quietly talk about you. Your husband’ll talk about the things you like to do, about how emotional you get over Genya, how you pout everytime he leaves early in the mornings to train, how much he loves you and how you insisted on get even more toys, even though the toybox is already filled to the brim.
“We are both very excited to meet you… please be more kind to your mother until birth. Her bladder is not as strong during the pregnancy, so do not test it again.”
Gyomei was praying the whole time he was waiting outside the chambers of where you were currently yelling in pain. His eyes were closed in concentration and his palms rubbing together, his red pearly beads wrapped around his hands. He could hear every mumble of Shinobu to Aoi, every curse you’re throwing around and every bed creak after changing the position. Shinobu suggested that Gyomei should wait outside since he’s quite large and they need more space to move around you. You promised to him that you’ll be fine on your own. He has been crying and praying, crying and praying the whole time for you and the baby, until finally, everything got quiet. Your cries died down, but there wasn’t any signs of a baby crying either. Gyomei was silent, stopping his prayers for a moment.
Until finally, first one baby, then another started to cry out. Two? You were carrying two miracles in your stomach all this time? Shinobu permitted Gyomei back inside and allowed him to meet the babies for the first time. They felt so incredibly tiny in his arms, so so tiny and fragile… The babies are the most precious things, and he felt like the luckiest man in all of history, holding his babies in his arms. His voice was very shaky and more tears than usual were running down his face.
“My love. I thank you for all eternity for giving me this gift… thank you. I am incredibly grateful for everything you have ever done for me.”
Bonus: Who’s who?
Given that Gyomei’s blind, he has always relied on his senses to move through the world. But funnily to you, his senses fail to differentiate wich baby is who. Sometimes you catch your husband holding one of the babies, standing silently there, thinking about who exactly he’s holding right now.
“Need some help, dear?”
Your voice made him turn his head towards you, smiling slightly.
“Yes, I already fed one of our twins. I went to retrieve more milk and lost track of wich one I already fed.”
His voice sounded a little confused but also slightly amused. Stepping closer, you saw how the baby that was laying in the crib was uneasy and wiggling it’s legs around, while the one Gyomei was holding was calm and content. You figured that the squirmy one wasn’t fed yet and took the sleepy baby out of your husband’s arms, setting it back into the crib and taking out the other.
“Here, this one seems hungry, hm? Aren’t you?”
You sweet-talked the baby a little, tickling the little stomach, making it giggle and kick against your husband a little. Gyomei nodded quietly.
“Thank you. I have yet to figure out how to differentiate our twins properly.”
Giyu Tomioka
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Food cravings
He’s a little confused out by your requests that keep getting weirder and weirder. Are you sure you want to eat that? If Giyu would eat that, he’d be throwing up. Oh wait, you actually are vomiting up regularly…
Giyu will give you everything you asked for, but hesitantly. Before placing the plate down, he’d eye you up and down, judging you heavily for what he’s about to dish you. His silent judging eyes are enough to second guess your life choices that made you ask your poor husband to cook mashed potatoes mixed in with strawberry yogurt and sakura mochi with fish filling. Perhaps you’ll take the miso soup instead.
Sometimes, he’ll get so worried he approached Shinobu by himself and asked if there’s any medication he can give to you to make you crave less weird things and eat more healthy. Sadly, there is nothing like that, so Giyu’ll eventually resolved to force feed you regular foods instead. He’ll sit you down and feed stir fried veggies, rice, eggs, soup, tea, dessert and whatnot. Anything else but the monstrosity you keep craving.
One time, he caught you mixing chocolate sauce and soup together in the middle of the night. Giyu was just standing in the doorframe, looking utterly defeated and distraught at your actions.
“I love you, but can you stop poisoning our baby? I want it coming out of you alive.”
Mood swings
Giyu feels like he’s the reason you feel upset so suddenly. Perhaps he should’ve cleaned the house more, or finally finish building that crib. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so angry so randomly. He still is quite surprised how quickly your emotions can change from happy to sobbing about the cuteness of the teddybear Giyu brought home for the baby. It’s confusing.
He’ll try to comfort you the best he can, but your husband already struggled to comfort you when you’re not pregnant and had real reasons to cry about, so how is Giyu supposed to comfort you when you sob over the rice being undercooked?
He’ll just awkwardly pull you into a side-hug, rubbing your shoulders gently.
“Do you want chocolate? I heard people eat chocolate when sad. Or do you just want a hug?”
You throwing up and being sick is making Giyu sick. While you throw up into the toilet, your husband would hold your hair back while leaning over the sink, trying not to vomit himself. After your morning sickness passes, he still remains crouched over the sink for a moment longer before preparing a ginger tea for the both of you. He’ll lay in bed for a while, cuddling the blanket while sipping on his tea. He looks like a wet, depressed cat, sipping on his tea with a straw while lying on his stomach like that. He mostly recovers after finishing his tea, but sometimes, he gets really sick. You’ll be forced to take care of your nauseous husband who is supposed to be taking care of you right now! How is he supposed to handle watching you birth your child? How can he slay demons but is not able to watch you throw up?
“Love… can you get me another cup of ginger tea? I’m getting sick again…”
Talking to the baby
Giyu didn’t start talking to your baby until you encouraged him to do so. You told him that talking to the baby creates a bond before it’s even born! So, he’ll slowly start conversations with your belly. He’s not sweet-talking to your stomach, but instead awkwardly holding a conversation with it as if he’s speaking to an adult. Giyu’d sit across you on the bed, his hands propped on his thighs, leaning forward slightly.
“So… how is it like inside the womb? When do you want to come out and meet your mom and dad?”
Giyu was very panicked when you went into labor. He send out a crow to Shinobu immediately and began assembling something similar to a throne made out of towels and blankets. He forced you to sit down and make yourself comfortable while he waiting on the porch to see when the butterfly hashira is coming. His grip was to tight on the fence of the engawa, he accidentally shattered the wood.
He tried to watch you giving birth, but once he saw the head slowly press out of you, he couldn’t anymore. Giyu held your hand in support and let you squeeze as hard as you want, but he was turned away your lower body, facing you instead. Once he heard the baby’s cries fill the room, he snapped his head around in an instant.
Your husband almost fainted when he saw another baby slowly squeeze out of you. Shinobu handed Giyu the first baby, wich was already wrapped in a towel, so she could direct her attention back to the second baby. His head felt dizzy while holding his baby, not able to comprehend that he’s about to be the father of two. He only build one crib, there’s no room for another. Is he even capable of raising two kids? What if they outnumber and team up on him once they grow up? Now he has twice the chance to fail at parenting and become a bad father!
But once your husband held both babies, all his worries washed away. It was like he was in some sort of trance, watching the babies just sleep and squirm around a little. Giyu didn’t even notice how he started crying until his tears fell onto one of his baby’s forehead and started crying.
“Ahh… uhm. How do you calm a baby down? Do you just rock it? Uhm. Help me, please-“
Bonus: How are you supposed to know what they want?
You watch your husband stress out over why the baby is crying for so many times already, and they’re only two weeks old. You caught him talking to your baby multiple times, just straight up asking what they want. He’s slowly starting to get desperate and you can see it.
“You want food?… No? You wanna be held? Maybe… play? Also no? What do you want then?”
Somehow, only you could understand when and what your babies want. Giyu watches in awe as you immediately figure out that the baby wants to be held and fed, and how quickly they calm down afterwards. You’re just magical, truly.
“How do you know? What do you know that I don’t?”
Phew, this took a while to write! Hope you enjoyed this anon! I tried to incorporate the requested things in this ask from another post of mine, but I might’ve forgotten some. Anyways, my posts haven’t gotten much traction lately, so I hope this one’ll do a little better! I’m looking forward to reading all the reposts and comments you leave, I read every single one of them! Just know that they make me smile like an idiot <3
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
Note: Over 200 Notes!! Tysm!! <33
— I’d like to credit my cat as a co-author and professional purrer.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
OMG can you do sparkling! buddy in MTMTE? 🥹
Sparkling Buddy is going to have some wild adventures in the near future.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the sparkling on the Lost Light with Skids, Rewind, and Ravage
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
The ship hit a small pod outside.
The crew brought it inside for further inspection.
To everyone’s surprise, a sparkling was inside.
There was a mad dash to get the little one straight to the med bay for inspection.
Turns out that the little one was okay.
Not too bad out of shape or malnourished
A meeting was soon held about how the sparkling would be raised and who was going to be their primary guardian.
Apparently, that got a lot of bots arguing on who the sparkling would belong to.
But not as much as what to name the sparkling.
Cue the random name generator wheel spinning over several hundred names.
The little arrow landed on ‘Buddy’.
Half of the bots believe it was Swerve who put down the name, but the name stuck around.
Everyone pitched in to help babysit the sparkling on their weekly rotations before a primary guardian could be drawn.
One of the top best babysitters on board.
Mainly for two reasons.
One was that he could keep the kiddo entertained for long periods of time.
Two he could match their speed when they got playful.
Constantly had the sparkling either in his servos or on his shoulder.
Loves to throw the sparkling up and down and hear them laugh and chirp.
Has this possibly given Magnus a stroke?
There is a possibility…
Despite what many bots tell him not to do, Skids brings Buddy into the vents with him.
His defense? He was teaching Buddy who were the crewmembers they could trust to be with.
Definitely has not lost Buddy on accident in the vents.
Nope hasn’t happened.
“Has anyone seen Skids? I have Buddy’s toy and I don’t know where he is.”--Rung
Meanwhile in the vents…
Skids pointing at Rung walking down the hallway.
“And who is that, Buddy?”--Skids
Happy chirping sounds.
“Smart one aren’t ya.”—Skids
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Rewind is going to film everything this little sparkling does.
He can’t help it!
They are so cute trying to learn about the world around them and he has a camera bolted to his helm.
Of course he is going to film it.
From the best times.
To the worst times.
Has plenty of educational films for Buddy to watch while he is babysitting them.
Rewind has them all saved on a special file.
Sometimes when movie night is going slow, he’ll sneak in a couple videos of Buddy doing some goofy activities.
It usually raises everyone’s spirits on gloomier days.
Rewind often carries Buddy in his arms or when he is feeling extra goofy, he’ll give them a ‘piggyback ride’.
He wants a sparkling but doesn’t know how to bring it up to Chromedome yet.
Maybe they will get their chance in the future.
But for now, he is happy to babysit and take videos of the sparkling.
Buddy trying to near how to walk.
Rewind filming the entire thing.
“C’mon Buddy! You almost got—DOMEY OUT OF THE WAY!—There you go! Up! Up! Up! Oooohhhh! Almost had it there, Buddy!”
Rewind picks up the fallen sparkling whole is just giggling at the little camera.
“Maybe next time.”—Rewind
Buddy pats him on the helm.
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Ravage claims that he doesn’t want anything to do with the sparkling.
He is saying this as he is cuddling said sparkling.
He has firmly stated time and time again that he does not care for them.
But his actions tell a different story.
Ravage is constantly watching over the sparkling from hidden spot throughout the ship, especially with bots he doesn’t really trust yet.
Which is most of the crew.
Has let the sparkling ride on his back while sprinting down the halls.
Buddy crawling around the hallways unattended.
Ravage walking towards Buddy before gently grabbing them like a kitten.
He continues to walk until he reaches Megatron’s empty habsuite and puts Buddy down on the berth.
“I swear… these mechs will look away for a second and BAM! Your already halfway across the ship.”--Ravage
Buddy just starts playing with their servo.
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It is angst hours, a little idea for a little sad chaos in my DR entered my head - Feel free to decline to write by the way! It is very specific and not everyone likes to write about these themes either way 💕
This would be Bill-centric, maybe before he’s in a relationship with the reader that is also a member of the band. Their world tours took huge turns on them, I mean, Bill had literal surgery for his vocal chords and they were all very exhausted. What if, after a show that was not very smooth for the reader as she was feeling very lightheaded with the lights and noise so she misses a couple notes, reader collapses from exhaustion or malnutrition when getting off the stage (let’s be honest the kids were running on 2hrs of sleep, energy drinks, alcohol and adrenaline). How would he react and act on this but most importantly, being by reader’s side as she recovers. Maybe you could imply that the reader was also there for him when he had his surgery :)
Have a great day btw 💖💖
(I should script this into my Dr, dam. But anyways, Hi and thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day! Here ya go!)
Bill Kaulitz x Exhausted!Reader
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Sometimes you and Bill were just straight out tired
You never knew how tiring being famous could be
When you were young you dreamed of being on stage, being famous and everything that came with it
Until you actually did
Sometimes, you could compare it to hell
You never regretted getting famous with their friends and boyfriend, but you hated the downsides that came with it
You had no privacy, interviewers asked personal questions, you were followed, you had pictures and videos taken of you every second of every day
You sometimes got no sleep, rarely getting a few hours
Ever since it all began tours took everything, you had interviews and you had photoshoots
You and Bill relied on each other a bunch, but even sneaking away was hard and sleeping was always interrupted by something more "important"
Your relationship wasn't even something just between you and Bill
You tried so hard, but you guys were always under a microscope and hounded with rumors
And you guys were only teenagers
You barely saw family, friends, couldn't even go to your own parents house without being followed or stalked
Sometimes you forgot to eat or drink, stressing over shows and little details so much Bill even got worried for you
It got so much worse when Bill had surgery on his vocal cords because of singing non-stop at shows
It really showed how much cons and pros came with being famous, sometimes you wished you could just have a single day with just you and Bill
But you couldn't even get that, not even in the hospital when he was trying to get better
So, safe to say you were all fucking tired
You ran on energy drinks, caffeine and adrenaline all the time and sometimes two hours of sleep, maybe three
So many things were going on at once, and shows were never easy, but one was worse than the others
You were light headed and dizzy on stage, the bright lights and loud music you usually loved was messing everything in your mind up and you felt like you were gonna throw up and pass out
You missed a couple notes, which you never did, and Bill immediately noticed
He got worried when he saw how out of it you looked
You were sweaty, staring around and your eyes looked barely open
Bill got concerned and the concert took a little break when you looked like you were about to gag
Bill somehow made his way beside you, which you barely noticed
Bill put his hand around your waist and immediately you stumbled
He caught you the best he could, shooting Tom, Gustav and Georg looks before he helped you off backstage
Right when you guys got off, he stumbled when you actually closed your eyes and passed out
"Oh, shit. (Name)?!"
He was shaking you, hearing you mumble in his arms as he was freaking out a bit but trying to remain calm
He called for help and got you back to y'all's dressing room as the guys got off quickly, seeing their friend legit on the ground
What Bill figured out from staff and your mumbling was that you were exhausted, staff hadn't even seen you eat for a bit and as guilty as he felt, neither did Bill, or Gutav, or Georg, or Tom
Bill felt like shit and stayed in the dressing room with you,
You were sitting on his lap, Bill holding you asleep as he tried to make sure you were okay
He was worried as shit and felt guilty
You noticed when he was getting sick but he didn't notice how you were being eaten alive by exhaustion and stress
He was too, but that wasn't an excuse
He stayed with you the entire time, never leaving your side
"It's okay, it's okay."
You couldn't hear anything but Bill's voice as he held you, you exhausted form sitting between his legs with his arms around you.
"I'm fucking tired, Bill." You shook your head, wiping away the angry and frustrated tears as Bill rested his chin on your head, kissing the top of your head to try and comfort you.
"I know, I know." Bill whispered back, feeling the way out gripped onto his arms and let the tears fall as you were held to his chest.
"I can't go back out." You mumbled out through your tired sobs, your body not letting you do anything else but he held.
"I know, you don't have too." Bill shook his head, running his hand over your hair as he pulled back to look at you.
"It's over. You don't have to do anything." Bill comforted you, his face closer to yours as you wiped your eyes, the anger and the exhaustion all from the months before coming out.
You shook your head, sniffling as you tried to push him towards the door softly.
"You can, you don't have to stay. Go have fun, I'll be okay." You tried to convince Bill, the Kaulitz boy shook his head as he gently grabbed your wrists.
"I'm not going back out there without you, I'm not leaving you." Bill calmly denied, interrupting you as you started to argue back.
"I'm exhausted too. You stayed with me when I wasn't too hot," Bill tried to smile for you, wiping away your tears with his thumbs, cupping your cheek.
"It's my turn to take care of you now." Bill stated, seeing the way you stayed silent but the way your body began to shake a little more, Bill knew he wasn't leaving for anything.
"It's okay, it's over now." Bill whispered into your ear, kissing your temple as he heard another son rack through your form.
Bill knew you as the strongest person he knew, but now you needed him like he needed you when he had his own surgery.
And the way you now wrapped your arms around his neck, he pulled you onto his lap, holding you as you clung to him as an exhausted teen.
Because that's what you were, a teenager with too much on their plate.
So Bill let you hold your arms around his neck, gently sitting on the ground with you and whispering nothing but apologies and comforting words in your ear.
Bill wouldn't leave you, not even when you said you were okay, and now you needed him like he would always need you.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Idk if you do poly requests but short!male reader who’s in a poly relationship with Alejandro and Rudy? Just general cute headcanons! Maybe some NSFW ones?
Alejandro Vargas x Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra x male reader
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Alejandro and Rudy would have been dating each other for a while before they met you and fell in love with you. They’ve probably been together since they were teens, and didn’t expect to fall for someone else, but here they are.
Alejandro would be more verbal and obvious about his attraction, where Rudy would show is more through actions and quality time.
Alejandro is the biggest kisser out of all of you, he cant start his day without a kiss from you both, and he always tries to deepen the kisses into something more. It leads you guys to always running late cuz Ale wants to keep kissing.
Rudy is the cuddler, and sleep in the middle of the other two during the night. He likes to feel you guys on either side of him just surrounding him, it makes him feel safe and loved. It doesnt matter you are shorter than him.
All three of you share clothes, there’s no way around it when you are all hanging on each other the way you are. No one really questions it either, when you are wearing Rudy’s hoodie, or Alejandro is wearing your favorite overzied shirt. Though you dont have a lot of clothes they can wear because of the height difference.
Rudy is the main cook in the relationship, he grew up with just his mom so he’s come to appreciate the gesture of cooking for those he loves. He lets you two help if you want too though.
Speaking of families, their families love you. Rudy only has his mom, but Alejandro comes from a huge family with multiple siblings and many aunts and uncles who have their own kids. They adore you because you make the boys happy.
If you are in contact with your family and get along with them, Rudy and Alejandro never show up empty handed when you go over for dinner. Be it wine, some food, or flowers, they always got something.
Rudy will hold yours or Alejandro’s hand at time when he needs to be grounded during missions or just during way. Alejandro has a similar thing where he needs to touch you both post missions, even if its just your knee touching so he knows your both there.
All three of you sneak off to give each other kisses and hugs during the day when you feel the need to recharge or just need a break.
You are all protective of each other, and would die for one another. Its lead to some issues during missions because you’ll all run off to keep the others safe, sometimes leaving behind the target or information you were there for.
Rudy is the designated driver, he’s just better behind the wheel than you and Alejandro. Though it shakes you both each time when Rudy gets periods of road rage if he’s driving behind someone whos’ going extremely slow or the likes.
Switches, the lot of ya. Everyone is up for bottoming or topping, everyone likes taking and receiving. Alejandro prefers to be bent over a table or couch, or being taken in doggystyle. Rudy likes to do it missionary or cowgirl so he can look at the face of whoever he is with.
Alejandro has the dirtiest mouth known to man, he will be talking almost the entire time unless you shut him up somehow. Rudy is the opposite that he doesn’t say much, and doesn’t make an insane amount of noise, mainly groans and tiny moans.
Rudy enjoys going down on his partners, and could spend hours down there between yours or Alejandro’s legs, there has been times where he’s sat warming you in his mouth for hours as you work.
Alejandro is a little more fast paced and likes the passion of it. He will always want you or Rudy to cum inside and plug him up so he can feel it for the rest of the day. Rudy has a similar thing where he likes to wear a plug even if there’s nothing inside him.
Rudy has a sensitive chest, which you and Alejandro always use against him. But Rudy can get back at Alejandro because the inside of his thighs are sensitive too. Because of this they are always covered in bites and hickeys.
The aftercare from these two are next level, warm baths, your favorite drinks and snacks, massages, being wrapped in your favorite blankets and watching a movie you all like. They’ll treat you like a king, always, no matter the situation, so you always make sure to return the sentiment.
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imagionationstation · 3 months
ughh your recent post about leo feeling unsure and off about rise’s universe literally is a idea i’ve been rotating in my head for a while, so i have so many thoughts about it;
he feels unsure. is this new place really trustworthy? they’ve traveled dimensions before, but to STAY in a new universe? he convinces himself it’s no big deal; the situation they’ve found themselves in is a tragic one, it makes sense everybody would find this new place without kraang interesting (depending on what time in rise this is) . but then when he sees the most fact depending on of the bunch (donnie) even thinking about staying, he starts to let his emotions get the best of him. he doesn’t know how to feel about rise!leo, because leo isn’t even the leader and he’s so happy go lucky and doesn’t realize how LUCKY he is, 2012!leo thinks. idk this situation is so angst potential like
I was thinking that it was sometime after the Krang debacle. The 2012 are age 18 and at the end of the movie, Rafa would be 17-18. So he’s close to their age but not quite there. Which only ticks Leo off more because Rafa always has the mindset that “I’m the physically biggest so I do big brother things.”
And- *checks sources* internet says that Rafa is 6’0 and Donnie is 5’6 so he still has some height on all the brothers. If we wanna talk real threats in Leo's eyes, this guy who’s so interested in his little brothers is also acting like the biggest brother and offering insisting that he could be Leo’s biggest brother too, if he would let him.
Leo’s alarm bells are ringing from the very beginning, but he tries to hold off because he knows that he can be a tad overprotective.
When Mikey starts talking like he wants to stay, Leo doesn’t bat an eye. It’s Mikey. He’ll go anywhere that has friends waiting.
When Raph starts getting comfortable with the conversation, Leo can’t help the uncertainty that curls up in his gut. He pretends it doesn’t bother him, carefully trying to poke holes in his reasoning. But like it does with everything else, Leo’s reluctance only seems to make Raph want the change even more.
It seems like Donnie’s on his side for a while, but then he suddenly starts coming to Leo with blueprints and well-thought-out plans. He admits to have been going over spots in the sewers that they could call home and he’s filled with Don’s promises to lend tech and assist in the construction. The twins even offered to teach him how to sneak into stores and libraries and schools and can you imagine, Leo? Attending a real place of learning? Fitting in with his peers and all it takes is a jacket? He's so eager and talks so fast that he slips into chirps. And that’s when Leo knows that he’s lost him.
And sure, he also enjoys the new freedom on the surface and can’t help but be curious about the world for Yokai under the surface. Yet a small part of him knows that they can't belong to either world- the human or the Yokai. At least back home, it's familiar terrain that they don’t belong in. And familiar dangers to face too.
And when they find out that there’s a Krang species that are a hundred times more dangerous than their Kraang somewhere in the world, Leo tries to use that as a reason to keep them close.
Unfortunately, there’s also an Earth Protection Force in this dimension and they have the leftover Krang locked up tight. So, his brothers really aren’t too concerned about it. Besides, the Rise family might need their help the next time around. And they’d be a whole dimension away. It’s just more… Convenient this way.
And there's nothing wrong with their world, not necessarily.
It's just not his dimension. It's not his home.
And in the beginning, Leo does see their charm. He enjoys the ‘woe is the older brother’ banter with Rafa, and the defiant innocence that Michael exudes, and the way Don’s eyes lit up when he listens to him rant for more than two minutes. He can see himself in Leon. A younger version of himself, definitely, but a leader who's still chipper and boisterous and alive despite the battles. He's full of bad puns and decent strategies and he doesn't struggle with getting people to obey and he never seems bothered by the crack in his shell.
(It leaves Leo to wonder, in the dead of day, clutching his leg to his plastron as a portal to another world thrums in a different room, if some injuries would be easier to come back from if he simply had the magic to teleport them and himself away.)
Leo actually enjoyed their company, at first.
His brothers did too. And he was happy, that they had new friends that could understand their struggles as turtle mutants, to an extent.
The portal started staying open longer. And his brothers planned more and more trips through. And then they’d disappear on their own, and Leo would find himself alone. And that was fine.
It was fine when Rafa slipped up and called Mikey his little brother.
It was fine when Don woke Donnie back up to keep working on a project after he'd finally talked him into going to sleep.
It was fine when Raph told him that he was going out with Michael to work on a therapy project and refused to tell anyone where he'd gone until he returned covered in paint two days later.
It was fine when Leon told him that he was overbearing. It was fine when he said that meditating was lame and a waste of time. It was fine when he derailed morning training. It was fine when he interrupted Leo to announce his own plans or casually manipulated Leo into being the bad guy when the Sensei put his foot down.
It was fine that he was losing hold of the small bits of control that he had. It was fine that his brothers didn't look at him when something blew up or a scream rang out. It was fine. He... It was fine.
It was fine, until the evening that he realized that it was not.
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veryblushyswitch · 4 months
Arnold S. and Gerald J. ~ (best friend tickle hcs) 🏈
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These best buds deserve some tickle content! 🏈
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🏈 ~ Arnold is such a sensitive little guy. Both emotionally and physically. Of course Gerald takes advantage of it.
🏈 ~ They've known each other since preschool, so tickle fights were a constant occurrence when they found the other was ticklish.
🏈 ~ Arnold is usually on the receiving end of it. Gerald has both an older brother and a younger sister, so he's got his fair share of knowledge on how to tickle someone.
🏈 ~ Arnold gets him from time to time, but it only happens if Arnold is able to get at Gerald's worst spots or get him by surprise.
🏈 ~ Gerald doesn't hate being tickled, but he gets it enough at home so he doesn't necessarily like it or seek it out.
🏈 ~ Gerald is all about his cool image, and if it got out that he got tickle attacked by his big bother, and sometimes his little sister, he would never leave his room again.
🏈 ~ Arnold, being an only child, never had that type of sibling relationship so he really appreciates the friendship he has with Gerald. Especially the brotherly things like tickle fights.
🏈 ~ Arnold never knew it was something he looked forward to until it became a regular occurrence at sleepovers.
🏈 ~ Gerald had a hunch that Arnold didn't mind being tickled when he noticed how little he would put up a fight against him. And how Arnold would playfully provoke him in a way to get Gerald to retaliate.
🏈 ~ When Gerald asked about him about it, he didn't even know how much he enjoyed being tickled at first until Gerald made him think about it.
🏈 ~ He realized it was a comforting and fun thing to him. Something that brings him closer to his friends and family.
🏈 ~ While he would never judge anyone else for feeling the same way he does, he can't help but feel a bit flustered about it since it's so silly.
🏈 ~ Gerald assures him it's nothing to be embarrassed about. And, in his teasy little voice, that he'd tickle him whenever he wants. Cue Arnold becoming a stammering mess- 💖
🏈 ~ Gerald tickles Arnold to get him to go to bed when Gerald's ready to sleep but Arnold is still up and has some energy. Gerald gets wake up tickles tho because Arnold gets up at fucking 7am even on the weekends.
🏈 ~ Gerald loves sneaking up behind Arnold in school and tasing his sides. Arnold always jumps and Gerald loves it.
🏈 ~ Arnold’s favorite way to receive tickles from Gerald are during tickle fights. Although the doesn’t really mind when he just full on tackles Arnold to the ground and wrecks him.
🏈 ~ Gerald has to keep up his cool tickle monster persona ✨
🏈 ~ Gerald is so sassy and teasy when he’s tickling Arnold. He’s also a sarcastic little guy.
🏈 ~ Saying stuff like, “Dang, Arnold. I think my ears are ringing because of how loud that squeal was.”
“I wonder if this spot will work~” (he knows it’s one of Arnold’s worst spots)
“Ya know, for someone who’s so chill all the time, you sure are making a heck of a lot of noise right now. I wonder what Helga would think if she knew~”
🏈 ~ Arnold is teasy too. Gerald snorts and Arnold can’t help but giggle everytime he does and says that he sounds like Abner. (Arnold’s pet pig) 🐽
🏈 ~ Arnold is the only person Gerald knows who actually doesn't mind being tickled. He playfully teases Arnold about it of course, never in a mean way though. Gerald thinks it matches his personality.
🏈 ~ Arnold never really gets flustered about things, so seeing him get all blushy and embarrassed about tickling is so hilarious to Gerald.
🏈 ~ And Gerald doesn't mind tickling him either. It's fun and he never really gets to be on the giving side of it thanks to his older brother. He tickles his younger sister sometimes, but it's more fun with Arnold.
🏈 ~ If Arnold is going on about something that involves his friends and he feels the need to help, Gerald will interrupt and tickle him to pieces.
🏈 ~ Of course Gerald will actually talk with him, but he needs to remind Arnold every now and then that he doesn’t need to get stressed and solve everyone’s problems.
🏈 ~ There have been days where Arnold was stressed about things, and he felt lee moods for the first time. He had now idea what they were or even how to deal with them.
🏈 ~ He talked to Gerald about how he felt this fluttery feeling, almost like butterflies, and how he can't stop smiling or blushing. Gerald had a feeling he knew what to do.
🏈 ~ Since then, Gerald always knew when Arnold was in a lee mood or in need of a little stress reliever.
🏈 ~ Arnold has trained Abner to help him tickle Gerald. However, that heavily backfired on him when Gerald used his tactic right back at him.
🏈 ~ Gerald has for sure teased Arnold about a scenario where Helga, or the girl he had a crush on at the time, learned he was ticklish. Arnold had never felt so flustered in his life-
🏈 ~ Poor little guy 💖
🏈 ~ When Arnold and Helga started dating, Gerald was the one who got Arnold to tell Helga about the tickling thing. As if Helga didn’t already know-
🏈 ~ Gerald and Helga for sure tickle Arnold together. Gerald spilled all of his ticklish secrets and weaknesses to her. Not to mention while they’re tickling him which makes it even more flustering.
🏈 ~ Helga and Gerald kinda form this frenemy type bond after Arnold and her started dating.
🏈 ~ Gerald claims he can tickle Arnold better since they’ve been friends for so long, but Helga being her competitive self and his girlfriend is of course always down to prove him wrong.
🏈 ~ Arnold would never admit it, but he’s so glad Gerald spilled the beans about everything he’s learned over the years to Helga.
🏈 ~ Overall, they are so besties and playfully roughhouse with each other a lot. And neither could ask for a better best friend.
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xcherrypie · 7 months
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Back home
Summary: You and Sam visit your parents and it brings back all your teenage memories.
Words: 1.2k
You’ve always been a family girl, and as much as you loved living with Sam, you were feeling quite homesick lately and FaceTiming your parents from three hours across the country just wasn’t the same. Sam being your boyfriend of five years knew you better than yourself and could see you were longing to go visit your parents and spend some time at home, so he suggested you both go see them over the weekend, after all he had a week off from gigs and couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than putting a smile back on your face.
“Do you think pickle will remember me?” Sam questioned. “Babe it’s been two months I really don’t think he’s going to of forgotten you already” you chuckled in response. Pickle was your childhood dog that Sam absolutely adored, after all it was the whole reason your parents found out about the two of you back when you was seventeen.
You used to sneak Sam into your house to avoid the ‘no boyfriends til your eighteen’ telling off from your dad. However pickle had other ideas when he woke your parents one night by barking so loud in excitement upon sams arrival, that the two of you were met by your parents at the bottom of the stairs, and that was the first time they met Sam and despite not being best pleased with your sneaking around at first, they had nothing but love for Sam as your relationship continued on.
Sam lifts his hand from your thigh to indicate down the road of your family home. “Nearly there” he announces with a smile on his face. As he pulls into the drive you notice your dad get up from his usual spot on the living room sofa and before you can even get out the car your mum has opened the front door to greet you. “Y/n, Sam your here” your mum smiled, instantly brining you in for a cuddle. “You alright pet” your dad says pulling from a hug and ruffling your hair. Shortly behind you followed Sam with all your bags for the weekend. “You could of helped the poor lad” your dad laughed at you, walking over to your boyfriend to assist him with your excessive amount of luggage. “She’s never been one for packing light has she” your mum teases bringing Sam in for a hug.
You all swiftly move in to the living room where you both plonk down onto the sofa in unison and it’s not long before Pickle had sniffed out your boyfriend and after lots of excited little barks settles on his lap. “Ay you don’t know how much I’ve missed your cuppas y/m/n” Sam beams taking the hot mug from your mums hand gratefully. “Y/n certainly didn’t get her tea making skills from you” he continued, you respond with a light shove and roll of your eyes. “At least I can make a slice of toast without burning it” you respond playfully.
You loved Sam for countless different reasons but this being one of the greatest, he was so close to your family and they loved him almost as much as you do, since the two of you started dating he’d been involved in everything from big family events to Friday night game nights that your aunt would host, and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
After a couple hours of catching up with your parents you decide you want to take a walk through the village with Sam and feed the ducks. Such a simple thing but something that means so much to you, sometimes with your boyfriends fame it meant that you both couldn’t enjoy the little things together without being approached or photographed, so you wanted to take the time to do something you both would do when you were younger. Sam chuckled at the suggestion but of course agreed and you set off with a loaf of bread from your mams cupboard.
“I love you ,ya know” Sam exclaimed, bringing you into his arms whilst you sat on the park bench. You looked up at him, a smile can’t help forming on your lips. “I love you too Samuel” you smirk as he plants a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose. Before he could continue you bounce up taking him by the hand. “Come on, let’s head back, I’ve got a surprise for you later” Sam raised his eyebrows in response, pulling you closer by your hips. “Oh really” he hummed playfully hovering his lips over yours. “Not that kind of surprise Fender, get your mind out the gutter” you laugh gently pushing him away. “Sorry, can’t help it” Sam frowned, like a little kid who’s just been told off.
Same fingers traced the sides of your waist as you lay inbetween his legs, both engrossed in what was on your television of your childhood room. It felt so strange cuddling with Sam in your old room, something you used to do so regularly and now your there again, except five years older and even more in love with him than you was when you first met him back at school.
“I’m starving” Sam groaned into your neck, causing a huff from you in response. “I know love i ordered half an hour ago it shouldn’t be long now” you assured him. “Will you give me a clue at least of what you’ve ordered us” he sighed pulling you onto his lap to straddle him. “No, you can wait” you smile stubbornly, leaning down and pecking his lips. Before you could continue further you hear the doorbell ring, signalling your food arrived. “Right close your eyes I’ll be back in a second” you beam, heading for your bedroom door. “Okay okay”
“And open” you cheer. Excited for your boyfriend to see the food you’d been making him wait for. You had laid the pizza boxes in-front of Sam hoping he’d see the name of the restaurant on the box and recall what you’d done. When you and Sam first met he took you to a pizza restaurant located in the middle of both your houses in your little local village, and ever since it was your go to spot for food together, you we’re probably their most loyal customers. “Your so cute” Sam laughed as he opened his eyes. “Worth the wait?” You questioned. Sam nodded in response already shoving a slice in his mouth.
One thing about you and Sam is you could eat, your both foodies so together absolutely demolished the takeaway in-front of you. However the downfall to this is that you always end up in a food coma and fall fast asleep within twenty minutes, safe to say this time was no different. Sam pulled your throw other the two of you and kissed your head, knowing your now out for the count. He couldn’t help but pull out his phone and snap a photo of you snuggled into him, to then upload on his instagram story with the caption “Sleepy Bairn”He knew you’d kill him for it in the morning, but he couldn’t help himself, he just loved to show of how lucky he was.
Notes: Hey guys, I haven’t posted in literally forever so I hope you all enjoy this very fluffy one shot! x
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loveandmurders · 2 years
Hello :))) I love your Sinclair little sister stuff and I was wondering if you could do y/n bringing a guy back home and going up to their bedroom to 😈 but Bo finds out runs up there and stops him being protective, they fight for a little bit and the y/n’s guy goes home but it ends in fluff <333
Hello there, I’m so glad you’re enjoying my work <3 I’m sorry I took so long before answering you but here you are! I hope you’ll enjoy <3
And as usual, if you think you missed any of my work, you can check this out on my masterlist here.
Warnings: mention of murders, mention of making out, overprotective and possessive Bo (but he gets better), mention of a fight, argument between reader and Bo, a few strong words, kinda angst/comfort kind of headcanons
Your brothers didn’t know it yet, but you had started to see someone.
Actually, Bo and Vincent were getting suspicious that something was going on because you started to come back home later in the evening and you were always very evasive when they asked you questions.
They really didn’t like it when you weren’t telling them everything, but they couldn’t force you to answer, and Lester was always reminding them you could move out if you were fed up with them.
And it was a threat that was working wonders on them.
They finally got you home; they couldn’t push you away.
And the reason why you weren’t saying anything was because you perfectly remembered how they had acted when you had tried to have some sexual fun with one of the tourists, and you weren’t certain they would be nicer to a non future wax statue actually.
They were overprotective of you, and they wanted the best for you, you knew it.
But it was actually easier to see your lover when you still had a flat, but now you were living with your brothers again, you had to go to his place or at hotels. 
It was fine, of course, but you wished you could bring him home from time to time.
The occasion appeared when Bo had to leave for an errand, and Vincent was busy at the other side of Ambrose, because some statues got destroyed in the last tourist visit.
You were quick to send a message to your lover for him to come. He was more than eager to comply.
You just hoped Lester wouldn’t come by and notice anything.
After you gave your lover all the instructions for him to find Ambrose, you met him outside the house.
It was quite fun to have to sneak him inside your room, but it was also annoying you couldn’t freely live. It was even worse than when your parents were alive and you were a teen.
You were on your bed, kissing and slowly starting to touch each other. His hands were already under your shirt.
But you got interrupted by a phone call. You almost didn’t answer but you saw it was Lester, and you knew better than ignoring your brothers.
“What’s up?” you asked
“‘M sorry” he started, and you could indeed hear the guilt lacing his voice
“What for?” you asked
“Saw a new car close to the house, and thought Bo got it from the last tourists or somethin’ like that, and told him it was in a really good shape for once” he babbled and you groaned
“Great” you mumbled
“Didn’t know ya were bringin’ someone home, or wouldn’t’ve said anythin’” he continued
“Bo’s on his way?” you asked
And you got the answer because you heard the front door being violently opened and then someone running upstairs.
You just had the time to hang up, sit up and put your shirt fully back on. You turned toward your lover with a sad smile.
“If ya don't want to see me again after this, honestly I’d understand. My family is crazy and intense, and I love them as much as I hate them sometimes” you told him and he arched an eyebrow, not too sure to understand what was going on.
Until Bo opened your bedroom door and stared at the two of you with crazed eyes.
“Ya could at least knock on the fuckin’ door” you groaned
You saw several emotions passing through Bo’s face before his attention fully went on your lover.
“Hey ya, what do ya think ya’re doin’ with my baby sister?” he finally said as he walked to him.
You instantly placed yourself between the two of them, trying to prevent them from fighting and being two idiots.
Bo was such a dead man for reacting that way, but you were doing your best to stay calm for the moment. You were disappointed in him even though you knew he would react that way.
You really didn’t know why you came back leaving at Ambrose.
“Look, Y/N invited me to come over. And I believe she lives here now, so I don’t see why I couldn’t be there” your lover said
“Oh but Y/N perfectly knows why” Bo replied and sent you a look promising you were going to have a discussion later on.
“Really, darling, I don’t understand why you came back there if it’s for you to be treated that way” your lover commented and you hated how much you agreed.
No need to say Bo felt instant anger rushing through him at such words: he couldn’t stand the idea of you leaving when he finally got you back.
Before you could do anything about it, Bo pushed you away and he hit your lover who fell on the ground
You jumped on Bo before he could start hitting again and you tugged him away
He was trying to get free from you so you said the only thing that could prevent him from attacking your lover again: “Touch him one more time and you’ll never see me again” you threatened and Bo stilled.
You helped your lover to get back on his feet and you helped him go to his car, apologising to him over and over again, tears in your eyes.
You should have known better than asking him to come here.
But he was more worried about you than anything else, asking you why you came back to Ambrose and being concerned Bo was abusing you.
You tried to explain to him that you loved your brothers, and they loved you back with everything they had and that they would never hurt you. They would rather die than lay a finger on you.
Bo was just too protective for your own good, and maybe you should have presented your lover to him before trying to sneak him inside your room.
But you promised to both of you, you were going to have a discussion with Bo about what happened and you would force him to be better.
Or you would truly leave, and you would never go back to living at Ambrose.
Your brothers needed to be aware it was the only chance you were giving them, and if it wasn’t working, you would find another flat away from them and only came back sometimes, as rarely as possible.
You watched your lover go, quite upset.
Actually, you even regretted not agreeing to leave with him, but you knew it would have made things even worse.
You sighed and went back inside the house; Bo was waiting for you, quite pissed at you.
“What the fuck was that?” he asked you and you crossed your arms on your chest
“Just invited my boyfriend over” you replied “I thought I was allowed to… ya know since I live here” you added
“Oh ‘cause ya have a boyfriend now” he grumbled
“Ya’re my brother, ya ain’t allowed to be possessive over me” you sternly said
“Ain’t knowin’ him. Ya never talked ‘bout him before either, and I found him in your bed, how I’m supposed to react, hmm?” he argued back “And what if he had come in the middle of a hunt?” he asked again
“I didn’t say anythin’ ‘bout him ‘cause I knew you’d be a dick ‘bout it” you replied “and it was quiet, so I thought it’d be fine” you continued
“Oh ‘m bein’ a dick now? ‘M just tryin’ to protect ya here, so don’t be so ungrateful”
“I never asked ya anythin’!”
“Oh yeah, then why did ya come back home?”
“That’s a good question, I really don’t know what I expected when I came back here to be honest” you mumbled as you looked away.
Bo was about to add something, anger rising even more because your words stabbed him in the heart, when Vincent opened the front door and you both fell silent. Vincent could feel the tension between the two of you so he asked you what was going on. You shrugged.
“Nothin’, just clearly made a mistake” you hummed as you were about to go upstairs, defeated.
But both the twins reached for your wrist.
Bo wasn’t stupid; he knew you weren’t talking about having brought your lover home. And Vincent knew your body language well enough to guess what you were thinking as well.
You turned around. “What?”
“Ya really like him?” Bo asked and you were surprised by the sudden change of attitude.
“Yes” you simply said, not sure where it was leading anymore.
“Then invite him to come at dinner” he said and you stared at him in disbelief.
“What did ya say?” you asked, to make sure you understand well before frowning “ya ain’t plannin’ on kilin’ him, right?” you sighted.
“No. But I will if he ever treats ya badly” he replied
You could tell he was really trying for you in that moment, because he didn’t want you to regret to live with him and Vincent.
“So, ya wanna properly meet him?”
“Not really, but I guess I’d feel betta ‘bout him if I see more of him”
“And ya won’t beat him?”
“And ya’ll agree for him to sleep here?”
“No, please, no desire to hear my baby sister fuckin’ a guy” he grumbled and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing at that.
You stepped closer to hug him and he wrapped his arms around you, before kissing the top of your head
“Fair enough” you hummed “Tonight?” you asked as you looked up at him and Bo nodded. You knew he was agreeing before he could think more about it and refuse.
“But you bake dessert” he told you and you nodded
“Sure thin’” you happily smiled before turning your attention toward Vincent, and you kissed his cheek.
“I don’t want ya to regret livin’ here, but don’t bring strangers home” Bo tried to compromise and you could guess Lester had long conversations with the twins for them to not push you away because of their overprotectiveness, their possessiveness and their controlling behaviour.
Love made them dangerous, but mostly because it made them feel vulnerable.
Especially when it was about you.
“’M sorry ‘bout that” you said and he shrugged
“Probably shouldn’t’ve hit him” he recognised
“Be careful, Bo, I could almost hear an apology” you teased him and it relaxed him, and Vincent as well; if you were teasing him it meant you weren’t mad at him anymore or thinking about leaving.
“Of course, ya can warn him he’ll be questioned to make sure he is suitable for ya” he added and you rolled your eyes at him
“What? I wanna the best for my baby sister, that’s all. And ya can’t stop me”
And you knew that.
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dbnightingale24 · 1 year
Wounded Dog, New Tricks
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Part 2 to ‘Pavlov’s Dog’
Okay, I meant to post this a lot earlier, but ya know how life is. It never stops moving. Anywho, I’m almost done with this chapter, so I figured it’s time for a sneak peek! It hasn’t been edited all that much, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes that  I’m sure there are. I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: SMUT (Minors DNI, 18+ ONLY), swearing, Daddy Kink, Heartbreak/Angst, Fingering, Implied Oral Sex, Fluff, Small Mention of Past Abuse...I think that’s it?
Word Count: 2544
Fucking is a lot easier than forgiving.
When you woke up the next day, he was gone and if it hadn’t been for the ache between your thighs (and in your ass), you would’ve been able to pretend it was all a dream. You wanted to text him and ask him to come over so you could talk, but talk about what? You hadn’t come to a decision, you weren’t sure that you’d forgiven him, and another round of sex wouldn’t do either of you any good.
But you missed him. You missed him so much.
So, when he FaceTimed you that night, you answered. It wasn’t a deep and meaningful conversation, but it helped to kill the loneliness...for the most part. From then on, you two talked on the phone and FaceTimed every other night. Sometimes they ended with heavy breathing and him begging you to let him over, but you didn’t cave. Other times, you stayed on the phone with him until you fell asleep. Sometimes you’d wake up and the call or FaceTime would still be going on, and it made you feel so much less alone.
You keep telling yourself that taking Ransom back isn’t the worst thing in the world, but you also know it’s bullshit. Yes, you do love him, but he hurt you. He lied and decided to keep important information from you, so that he could get his way. You’d given him the benefit of the doubt before and for what? What did you get from it? A broken heart? You second guessing everything you did?
What happens if you trust him again? You already know his parents hate you (mainly Linda because she’s now dealing with another family scandal), your parents hate him, you’ll second guess every word that comes out of his mouth, and you know the stares will be constant. You cheated with Ransom and, according to Daisy, people have pieced everything together. To make the situation worse, Jack is singing his little sad song to anyone who will listen. It doesn’t seem to matter that he cheated first, long before you even started to catch on. Ransom and Jack were supposed to be best friends, and you’re the reason they aren’t anymore.
So many reason to say no and start over, but it’s not enough for you to actually do it.
Obviously, the whole thing wasn’t traditional and romantic, but you were truly happy. Ransom makes you laugh, makes you feel seen and heard, he loves you, you feel safe with him, your heart rate still speeds up at just the thought of him, every part of you yearns for him in the most desperate and pathetic ways, and the only time you don’t feel alone is when he’s by your side.
The man also always sends into the most mind-numbing blissed out state every time you two make love.
It’s all so heartbreaking and confusing, and you wish there was an easy answer, but you know there can’t be. If you take him back, you’ll live in a constant state of anxiety. If you move on without him, you know that no one will ever be able to fill the void that’s in your heart now.
To make matters worse, it’s raining and it’s only making you want Ransom even more. You can’t stop your brain from going back to the last time you two spent a rainy day together, and small sad smile comes to your face.
“Come back to bed,” Ransom whined as you made your way out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom.
“I have to go,” you laughed softly, “I’ve been here all day.”
“So there’s no reason you can’t stay all night.”
“Come here,” he demanded gently while a devilish grin tugged on his lips.
You didn’t even think of disobeying him, because your body was always on autopilot when it came to him. You crawled onto the bed and made your way over to him slowly, loving the desire and happiness that burned in his eyes, and didn’t stop until you were straddling him.
“Take your shirt off,” he instructed as his hands ghosted over your bare thighs.
His eyes followed your every move, and it made your heart swell to see him so enamoured and obsessed with you. He’d seen you naked a handful of times, but it didn’t seem to phase him. To him, your beauty was something that would always take his breath away.
“Are you happy?” he asked as his hands traveled over your frame. “You seem happy.”
“I’m really happy, baby.”
“I wanna take you away again.”
“I miss having you all to myself. I like having you all to myself.”
“I do too, baby.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too.”
“Stay. Please just stay with me. We can do whatever you want,” he offered as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “You wanna watch some cartoon? We can do that. You wanna make love for the rest of the day? We can do that too. Eat junk, sit in silence, play board games, literally anything you want. Just stay here.”
“I’m sure you can find someone else to fill your time.”
“You know there’s no one else. There’s only you.”
“Sweet Thing, you want to be here, so just be here.”
“I have to go back at some point.”
“No you don’t,” he scowled, “but, if you must, leave tomorrow. Today is the perfect day for us to be together.”
“What do you wanna do?”
“I wanna keep making you happy. I love making you happy,” he smirked as he started to rub your clit.
“You wanna watch a movie, baby?”
“I just wanna stay with you!”
“I want you to stay with me forever, Sweet Thing.”
“Oh God! Ransom!”
“So fucking beautiful,” he cooed as he quickened his pace.
“It feels...Ransom! It’s too much!”
“You already know that you can do whatever you want, Sweet Thing,” he smirked as he easily sunk two fingers into your desperate pussy.    
“Tell me you’ll stay,” he begged desperately.
“Not until you tell me that you’ll stay, Sweet Thing.”
���Fuck! I’ll stay! I’ll stay for as long as you want!”
“Careful, Sweet Thing,” he smirked, “you’re gonna end up staying forever.”
“Cum for me, sweet angel. You always look so fucking beautiful when you do.”
“Fuck, I love you so much!” you whimpered as you coated his fingers and his wrist. “Such a fucking bully,” you breathed after a moment and he chuckled.
“I only use my magic powers when you’re being stubborn,” he smirked as he pulled you close and kissed you passionately. “What do you wanna do?” he questioned while removing his fingers from your cunt, placing them between both your lips and his.
“Well, right now, I want you to use me up until you’re satisfied,” you whispered before licking his fingers with the tip of your tongue, “then I want us to make lunch and watch movies.”
“All of that is doable,” he promised as he shoved his fingers in your mouth.
You two spent what felt like forever underneath the covers, getting lost in one another, before finally getting out of bed and showering together.
“Ransom, do you ever go grocery shopping?” you laughed, looking in his fridge for anything to make.
“I mean, I send someone to go grocery shopping, but I’ve been slacking,” he admitted as he grabbed two glasses from the cabinet.
“And why is that...babe, these apples should’ve been thrown out weeks ago,” you laughed, taking them out and placing them on the counter.
“If you’re not here, there’s not really much of a reason for me to cook.”
“You can’t just order out all the time, honey. You have to take care of yourself.”
“I just...it doesn’t matter.”
“Talk to me, babe. What’s on your mind?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Why are you shutting me out?”
“I’m not, it’s just...its never mattered before, so why should it matter now?”
“Because I love you and I want to be there for you like you are with me.”
“That’s why you’re still with Jack?”
“I’m sorry...really, I am. That was a low blow...it doesn’t matter.”
“Baby,” you sighed, making your way over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, “let me in. Talk to me.”
“I just don’t see the fucking point,” he scowled, turning his head away from you. “I’m not trying to guilt trip you, but without you, what’s the point? What’s the point of any of this?”
“No one cares, except for you. No one checks in, no one calls to see if I’m okay, no one really gives a fuck whether I’m stable or not unless they want something from me, my family always expect the worst of me, because all of us are terrible people...what’s the point? Without you, what is the point?”
“My sweet, sweet love,” you cooed as you cupped his face, “you live for you, not them. It doesn’t matter how they view you, it only matters how you view yourself.” “We both know I’m not worth saving.”
“I don’t.”
“I love you, Ransom. I love you so much that it terrifies me. It’s not lost on me what you’re capable of, but you let me in. You let me see the parts of you that hide from everyone else. The parts that you’re scared of everyone else seeing. Yeah, your family sucks, but you’re not them. You don’t have to keep acting the way they expect you to.”
I’ll make something of myself and then what? Make them proud? Make myself something else for them to make a profit off of?”
“Like I said before: you live for you, not them.”
“I live for you.”
“You can’t make me your whole world.”
“You can’t make me your whole world, Ransom.”
“It doesn’t change the fact that you are.”
“What would you do if I do if I didn’t love you?”
“The same shit I’ve been doing,” he laughed humorlessly.
“That’s no way to live, Hugh.”
“Because there’s so much more to live for?”
“Live a life you’re proud of. No matter what your family says or does, no matter what you’ve done in your past, live a life you’re proud of.”
“Are you proud of me?”
“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. It’s not about me though, it’s about-”
“Its always been about you, Sweet Thing. From the moment I laid eyes on you...its always been about you.”
“I love you, Ransom.”
“I love you, Y/N,” he smiled before he dipped down to kiss you.
You ended up having groceries delivered to his house, and you both cooked together in a happy silence. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you as danced around the kitchen in his white button up, and were obsessed with every kiss he surprises you with.
You made chicken and rice quesadillas, and ate them while sitting on the kitchen floor with him. Yes, he objected to it, but you were more than happy to remind him that it’s okay to not be prim and proper all the damn time. It’s perfectly fine to let your hair down every once in a while.
“You have to pick a movie,” you laughed before you took a bite of your last quesadilla slice.
“You’re the one who suggested watching a movie!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t suggest me making the choice!”
“I think you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met,” he smiled, his emerald green blossomed in excitement as you burst out laughing.
“Pick a movie!”
“I don’t know! I guess...’Casablanca’.”
“You don’t even like that movie!”
“How about...’The Nightmare Before Christmas’?”
“You hate that movie!”
“But its one of your favorites,” he smiled at you.
“I love what you love.”
“Does the mean you’re finally gonna love yourself?”
“Don’t be annoying,” he warned with a glare.
“Love yourself as much as you love me.”
“That’s not physically possible, even I was in a good head space. The way that I love you...the amount that you love me...I could never love myself that much.”
“Is it sad that I feel the same way?”
“I think it speaks to how much we need each other,” he smiled towards you.
You spent the entire movie in his lap, with him holding you close and pressing soft kisses into your hair. Afterwords, you both just talked for hours about everything. His childhood, your childhood, past traumas, past relationships, what you both love each other, and you’re reservations about starting a relationship (you more than him). At the end of the night, Ransom decided he wanted to finish off the night with his head between your legs, which of course led to an all night love making session, that resulted in you sleeping in. A small smile coming to your face when you woke up in his arms, while he was in the middle of a business call.
The whole thing felt like a dream.
Fast forward to now, where all you want to do is ask Ransom to come over, but you know it’ll only make things worse. Ransom has begging you to let him come and see you for the last two weeks, but you can’t trust or control yourself around him, so you tell him no. You see it every night in his eyes when you two FaceTime, but this is the only solution that works for now.
With a heavy sigh, you get up off the sofa, and decide that food will be your way out of your misery. You’re almost at your kitchen when you hear a rather hard knock on your door. You stand there for a moment, contemplating letting whoever it is, before another rapid knock has you scowling in sheer irritation and making your way to your front door.
You should’ve ignored it.
“Jesus, what do you want?” you mutter once the open door reveals a pretty wet Jack.
“Hello to you too.”
“Jack, I’m really not in the mood today, so please-”
“So you’ll take Drysdale back, but you won’t even hear me out?”
“I haven’t taken anyone back-”
“Marta was crying at the bar to one of her friends about how she came over to talk to him about the company, and you were wrapped in a blanket and he was naked.”
“We had sex, Jack. That’s all. I’m very much single and not seeing anyone. Not like it’s any of your business.”
“I just wanna talk, Y/N. I’m not here to argue or raise hell. I just wanna talk, because we never actually got a chance to. If you can hear Drysdale out, you can hear me out.”
“Ransom didn’t beat the shit out of me.”
“You know I’m sorry about that.”
“And the lies you’ve been spreading about me?”
“If you’ll just let me explain myself....please,” he begs pathetically.
It’s not like he deserves it, but you do have questions of your own.
“The moment I feel uncomfortable or fed up, you’re out of here,” you sigh as you step aside.
“I just wanna talk, I promise,” he tells you as he makes his way inside.
taglist: @fuckingbye​, @maroonsunrise83​, @autumnrose40​, @whxre4cevans​, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​, @companionjones​, @pono-pura-vida​, @mazda098​, @nomadstucky​, @chemtrails-club​, @mystic06, @behindthesehazeleyes27​, @mjey12, @emerald-evans​
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vipernoir · 10 months
Hey I wrote a little fanfic about Adrien having a twin sister called Aurora, they pretty much have the same life, I just thought it would be nice for Adrien to have someone in his life he can talk too :)
I’m writing this pretty much just for myself as it’s been a long time since I wrote anything, and honestly since it’s just for my entertainment I don’t care all that much about spelling or punctuation errors but if that doesn’t bother you too much feel free to give it a read
It will be pretty much focusing on Aurora’s life, it will be Luka x Aurora at some point too. But yeah if it’s your sorts thing feel free to read :)!
Again…time to do it all again…
That’s what she thought as the sunlight bounced off the walls in her room, confirming the start of another day of repetitiveness. It wasn’t like her life was completely terrible, just controlled. From the moment she and her brother were born every aspect of their lives had been decided for them. The clothes they wore, the meals they ate, the activities they took part in. Things had been like this all of their lives, so she should be used to this, and it shouldn’t be such a sense of dread when she wakes, but yet every morning the feelings of being trapped in an endless cycle just grew stronger and stronger.
Things were better when her mother was still here, she took notice in the things her and her brother liked and disliked, and gave the siblings some independence and encouraged free thinking a little more. It’s been so long since she’s been gone, sometimes it feels like a recurring nightmare and she’ll awake to find her loving, smiling mother above her waking her, but instead the day always starts the same.
Nathalie knocked on the door reading out todays instructions
“Good morning, Aurora. It’s two hours until it’s time for school, please work out in the family gym for an hour, take a shower and get dressed for school. After school you will be picked up for your fencing lesson, and tonight you are attending a photoshoot alongside Adrien. Your clothes have been picked out, please begin acting on your timetable.”
With that the door closed behind her, and she knew her only option was to head to those orders.
Every day before school her twin brother Adrien and her were instructed to work out in the gym they had in their home. Modelling wasn’t easy work, and the twins always had to maintain shape and peak fitness. This was routine, but even so she didn’t mind this part of her day. Adrien and her were left to themselves, so whilst working out they put songs on and chatted, and they both really enjoyed the time together. Despite living in the same house, and sharing the same enslaved life they tended to be separated from each other by their father. Neither twin knew why once their scheduled activities were over, they were to be in their own rooms. Aurora and Adrien both would sneak into one another’s room, just so the other had some company, and usually if they were quiet this went undetected.
However, the past year or so Adrien hadn’t always been in his room when his sister snuck in. When she would question him, she knew it was a lie, and every time it happened the lies would become more elaborate and messier. All of their lives they shared everything, and knew every secret, and nothing was hidden. They trusted each other without question, so when this mysterious secret her brother had became a regular thing, and despite prying on multiple occasions she still didn’t know what her twin was up too, and this hurt her, and Adrien knew this too.
The days went by like this everyday, gym, school, fencing, modelling, language lessons. Some days were better, because their father allowed them to hang out with their friends, and whenever they could see their friends at all the hard days felt more manageable.
Aurora loves to draw, and to sing and write music, she loves to explore and adventure through random places and discover absolutely nothing, but at the same time see every atom. Adrien doesn’t particularly have any set interest, he enjoys some video games, practising piano alongside his sister, just meeting people and learning new things, and lately Aurora noticed he had something new going on, something secretive.
The twins were both the same, whilst completely different. Adrien cherished the memory of their mother, and tried to be positive each day to live by her memory. He saw the positive outlook in every situation.
Aurora was haunted by the memory of their mother, never knowing the truth of where she truly is, knowing her father is covering up the truth. She lived each day trying her best to want to live, and rather then an happy outlook she saw the bad in everything. She always wore a happy face, and tried her best to imitate her brothers prized smile, just to keep her father happy, and to avoid awkward questions from her friends.
Today at school, she sat with her friends. They were all coming up with a new plan to get Marinette and Adrien together. Aurora supported Marinette in conquest for her brother, and was pretty much their ultimate shipper. Marinette had to beg Aurora not to tell Adrien her secret, and honestly she hated keeping it from her brother, but for the first time in her life she had friends and friends did things for one another, and kept secrets safe. She wouldn’t tell Adrien out of respect for her friend, but when she could she would drop subtle hints to her brother, trying to influence the situation. Adrien’s worst trait, perhaps his only, was being utterly clueless, and he couldn’t take a hint even if it smacked him in the face.
Todays hectic plan of brining Mari and Adrien together consisted of teams; Rose, Juleka, and Mylene were team A, Alix, Alya and Marinette were team B
Aurora had a stand alone job, her assignment was easy, during the photoshoot her brother and her were shooting, to fake a stomach ache and have Adrien escort her into the vacant hair and makeup trailer. To insist she needs fresh air, and to then sneak team B onto the set, Mari would enter said trailer whilst Alix and Alya locked the door from the outside and kept guard. Meanwhile team A would distract Gorilla, the Agreste twins security guard. All during this Aurora was to return to the photoshoot suddenly feeling much better, and stall for her brother as long as possible, giving Marinette enough time to hopefully confess to her brother.
It wasn’t their smartest plan, nor would it be their last, Aurora loved Marinette dearly but her friend was sometimes as hopeless as her brother. It’s why she thinks they’re made for one another.
The plan was set in motion, and after posing for a couple of pictures, Aurora started faking a stomach ache and saying she felt lightheaded, as if on cue her brother escorted her to the trailer to lay down for a bit. Once inside the trailer she kept faking it until she received the signal from the girls, but the signal never came.
Suddenly outside screaming could be heard, panic surged through the streets of Paris, surely this had to be another attack by Hawk Moth. The twins ducked their head outside the trailer, to see a giant akumitized victim spreading terror to the city. Ladybug could be seen swinging to and from buildings, chasing the giant monster.
“You stay here and hide, I’m going to go make sure everyone’s safe!” Adrien yelled as he flung open the door. Aurora grabbed his arm to hold him back.
“Wait it’s dangerous, I’ll come with you.” She knew ladybug and chat noir would save the day, but she too was worried about the photographer and all the others on his team, as well as her bodyguard, and especially her friends who she knew would still be close by.
“No I’ll go alone, um I have to err- …well there’s this thing and … you rest your tummy ache and I’ll go check on the others! Stay here it’ll be safe!” Adrien insisted, flashing his twin a weak, twitchy smile.
Aurora knew this smile, he was lying again. This secret of his always seemed to come about at the worst times, and Aurora trusted her brother, and usually wouldn’t want to impose on his secret, because she too kept Marinette’s secret from Adrien. Yet this secret felt different, and it felt dangerous, and she worried for her brother’s safety, so she waited for her brother to leave the trailer, before quietly tip toeing behind him.
Adrien ran into another trailer, and locked the door behind him. Aurora sneaked around the back and stood on her tip toes, peering through the small gap in the window. She could see the top of her brothers head, but she couldn’t quite see what he was doing.
And that’s when she heard it.
“Plagg, claws out!”
She watched in shock as her brother, her sweet, innocent, sometimes shy brother transformed into a bad ass, sassy superhero, a superhero who had helped save Paris time after time after time, all whilst she stayed hidden.
Thoughts rushed through her head at such a speed she couldn’t comprehend.
Adrien is Chat Noir? Chat noir is Adrien? Everytime I’ve been saved, it was my brother saving me? When my friends and I got transformed into Reflecta’s? When I was nearly crushed by a falling building in an akuma attack…my brother saved me? Everytime i snuck into his room, and he was missing, he was out protecting Paris…protecting me?
She felt useless, and angry at herself, disappointed she failed to see the new worry her twin carried, the new anxiety he faced because of his double life, everything made more sense to her now, but she also couldn’t connect the dots fully. She was full of a thousand questions, a thousand feelings, everything was mixed up in her head.
“Look out!” Chat noir shouted as he swung down on his pole to knock his sister out of the way. She had been so lost in her own thoughts she hasn’t seen the trailer she was just peering through was flipping through the air, and landing straight for her. “You should go hide! It isn’t safe here!”
“Thank you…Adrien.”
Chat noir was already jumping back into action, leaping up a building. He turned his head, disbelief written on his face, he fell to the pavement as his feet scrambled to make the jump.
“What did you say? I have no idea what you mean! Your brother is hiding, I’ve just seen him … um…scratch you later!” Chat noir catapulted off to help ladybug. Adrien had heard what she said, he hoped he had done enough to convince her.
Aurora took her brother’s advice, and this time found a place to hide until she saw the magical ladybugs swirling through the broken rubble and repairing the mess caused from the attack.
She went to find her brother, he was waiting for her at the photoshoot, a worried expression. She smiled at him as she knew this wasn’t the time. They continued their photoshoot, and drove in silence back to their home. Adrien followed Aurora to her bedroom, quietly closing the door behind them.
“Adrien…” she started speaking, until Adrien spoke
“I wanted to tell you, I really did! It pains me so much to keep secrets from you but I couldn’t risk your safety. It’s incredibly dangerous for anyone to know the identity of a miraculous holder. If Hawk Moth ever discovered you knew my secret, the things he might do to you…I couldn’t forgive myself if anything ever happened to you, Aurora!” He had tears in his eyes
She hugged her brother tightly, and whispered “It’s okay Adrien, I’m here for you. I’m sorry I followed you I was just worried about you, you’ve been so distant lately and I just needed to know you were okay. Honestly I’m even more scared for you now that I know you put yourself in danger every day. I promise I’ll keep your secret, I just need you to talk to me because I understand this has to be so stressful for you. I also want you to promise me to always be safe! I couldn’t live if anything happened to you either!”
They both hugged, and sobbed for a long period of time, they both hushed each others silent cries so that their father or Nathalie wouldn’t notice.
Adrien confessed it was nice to have someone know this secret, just so he could have someone to rant too. Aurora from this day forward listened to her brother babble about ladybug for hours on end. Her smile, her laugh, her ocean eyes, her silky hair, her ingenious ideas, all of the inside jokes that Aurora didn’t quite understand but ultimately she was happy for her brother so she just nodded and smiled. Plagg was also happy he didn’t have to hide anymore, and Aurora enjoyed spending time with Plagg now too, as well as her brother.
Life was stressful for both Agreste twins, one who bore a secret that was so dangerous he couldn’t tell a soul but his sister, and one who knew a secret so dangerous her life would be at risk if she were to repeat it, but would never tell a soul to protect her brother. The constant anxiety of another attack by hawk moth scared both twins, Adrien believed in ladybug and knew they would always triumph, but he was petrified more people would discover he was Chat Noir and be at risk like his own sister was. Aurora lived in anxiety each day that her brother would be seriously hurt, or worse, whilst fighting the akumas. Everytime she heard screaming or panic she tried her best to not let it show that it got to her anymore then it should, she would go to every extreme to ensure her brothers safety from hawk moth. Her brave face was just a facade and with everytime Chat Noir swung into action, her heart started beating faster and faster and her breaths became shallow and shaken.
But at least now, they could confide in each other.
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Hi hi hi hi hii!! Can you do Tom Kaulitz with Polish male reader or gn reader? Your decision. There's like zero fanfics about Polish readers, it's usually Mexican, Korean. Maybe Tom visits his s/o in Poland for a couple of weeks and it's all cute, like Tom tries most of the traditional food, pierogi for example. And Tom never heard his s/o talk in Polish so when he did he was like *wow😯*. And reader also know how to bake so they make sernik or cheese cake(I think it's the same thing?) Or just cupcakes, so yayyy cute happy couple.
Love ur fanfics, pookieeee!! 💙
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(Hello! So sorry this took so long and I saw your other requests and I feel bad for not responding, DW they're still in my inbox I was just being lazy. But enjoy!)
Tom K. x Polish!Reader
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I feel like you being from Poland and having an accent was what drew him to you at first
Obviously later on it was personality and who you are but just you being from somewhere else was cool and hot to him
I mean he and Bill have both said that they like people from other countries/places
He could listen to you talk for hours
Was the one to start playfully copying your words in Polish just because he wanted to annoy you
That or he learned curse words in Polish just to call people assholes or bitch in another language
*Cough* Georg *cough*
But then he would be picking up Polish quite a bit
He also has you teach him to get words and sounds right even if they were the easiest ones on the planet
Just because he likes seeing you and hearing you teaching him
If that makes sense
He could listen to your accent go on and on for hours on end
No matter what language because he is just addicted
But what he did not expect in the beginning was for Polish to sound sorta aggressive
He was caught off guard for a moment when he first heard it, staring at you like
"What did I do?!"
Especially if you're yelling at someone man he is by all means be supporting you but by afar
He don't want to be caught in the crossfire
One time he walked in on you arguing with Gustav
And he couldn't even tell what was going on by all the screaming in German and Polish
He was standing there dumbfounded and fled before anything could turn to him
But even sometimes just talking sounded aggressive but he learned your mannerisms for when you're actually mad
So he knows the drill know babes
Hw loves learning more about you, your background or your family
Everything is just so cool and new to him, and he would especially appreciate it if you also did the same with Germany and his culture
He indulges in your culture 100%
Your family is now his family from the times he sneaks up to visit y'all
Or sometimes just them because he likes seeing your mom and your siblings
Him and your dad surprisingly get along, considering how most dad's get along with their sons boyfriends
He literally loves cooking and baking with your mom
He may suck at it but man does he gossip with your mama
But he does try his best when with you
Mainly with your mom he's sitting on the counter, kicking his feet and talking as he hands her ingredients
But with you he likes to impress you by cooking your cultures foods
And when he tries he can be absolutely bomb at it let me tell you
He had never heard of the dishes before, especially tasted them so he was genuinely happy when they tasted to good
He stole so much and was eating it the whole time
He just loves spending time in poland with you, learning your language and culture, and hearing you talk
He's so whipped let me tell you
Taglist: @billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames
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snowthepimp · 2 years
Sneak Peek
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AN: This is a preview to a Christmas short story with Joe (& someone very special) that I’ve been working on for the last few months. Chapter one is almost done and I was hoping to post it before December ended but ya know… life lol. I’ve been super busy with work & other things that I haven’t had time to actually sit down and write like I wanted to, so this will definitely carry over. I hope you all enjoy what I have in store for our little community because I’m excited to share it!
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Summary: A sneak peek of what’s to come in Christmas & Chill.
Warnings: Fluff? Very little cursing and mentions of sex.
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Neither character is who they are in real life. This is an AU short story.
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Now Playing ⏯️
The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole
" They know that
Santa's on his way
He's loaded lots of toys
and goodies on his sleigh
And every mother's
child is gonna spy
To see if reindeer really
know how to fly "
The Christmas Song
— Nat King Cole
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December 9, 2022
The car ride to the home decor store was fairly quiet outside of the low volume of the music playing through the radio, and the small talk going on between the two coworkers. Every once and awhile, Jackson would move his hand from the gearshift to Kelsie's thigh— a gesture of affection that he noticed she responded well to. Sometimes she would return the favor as she caressed his arm, her touch sending tingles up and down his spine— a feeling that he constantly felt when he was around her.
Arriving quickly to the nearest Hobby Lobby, Jackson parked his brand new Cadillac before getting out of the car and opening the passenger door for Kelsie. She smiled sweetly at the man, thanking him for being such a gentleman. She appreciated that— more than he seemed to realize. It had been awhile since the woman felt wanted by a man. Since discovering that her husband of fifteen years had been unfaithful for almost half of their marriage, Kelsie's personal life had taken a turn for the worst. She tried her best to forgive him and move forward, hoping that he would change his ways. They even hoped that participating in marriage counseling every week would help but the desire to mend their relationship became almost impossible when her health was constantly at risk.
How would you feel if you found out that the man who was once the love of your life had cheated with almost every woman he crossed paths with, and the stress of his infidelity had caused you to lose your unborn children? Kelsie couldn't help but to blame herself for everything that continued to happen. Then, the option for an open marriage was proposed, courtesy of Mr. Broussard. Looks of disgust were showcased in the room that one morning. Had he lost his everlasting mind? Kelsie couldn't have left the therapist's office any quicker after that episode.
After much convincing from John to get their counselor to agree to one of his many selfish decisions, Dr. Paulette felt terrible for asking Kelsie to agree to a temporary open marriage agreement. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized this could be good for Kelsie, as well. She discussed how utilizing the "open" aspect of the relationship could help her see why John continued to cheat. It could give her the answers she had been seeking all of these years— answers that not even John could give her himself. There had to be a reason, right?
It would also show Kelsie what other options were out there for her if their marriage didn't work out by the end of the experiment. She could be with anyone she wanted to, as long as she was honest about it. She finally agreed, wanting to keep her family happy and together, just like old times. But as time went on, nothing changed nor did it feel the same. Kelsie soon realized that this was just another scheme to help John do as he pleased without any consequences or remorse for his actions. Now, they were just going through the motions until one of them finally had the courage to end their broken marriage for good.
During the wake of the initial agreement, Kelsie had never took it upon herself to date freely. With having to raise three children and constantly having to work, her dating life was the last thing on her mind. She kept herself busy and stayed to herself as much as she could while John took full advantage of their circumstances.
Well, that was until she met Jackson Hill.
Being with Jackson was like a breath of fresh air; every part of Kelsie felt rejuvenated. He was young, full of life, and helped her see many things in her life, good and bad, in a different perspective in just the few months they had known each other. He treated her like she was the queen of his world, where no one else mattered. When being in the presence of each other, the two of them made it a habit to close themselves off from the outside world, only giving each other their undivided attention. All of the intimate moments and conversations shared, the nonstop laughter, the amounts of time spent together that lead to pure joy mattered the most to them.
For the first time in a long time, Kelsie felt happy— inside and out.
Jackson followed closely behind Kelsie as they made their way down the store isle full of Christmas decorations, making sure he had a glimpse of her backside at every turn. He loved everything about her, from her personality to her anatomy. But if he had to pick three things he liked the most as his top choice, her ass was definitely one of them.
Kelsie's eyes lit up like a child that had entered Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory as she scanned the shelves from top to bottom. The store had every color, style, and shape of Christmas decor known to man. Choosing one theme they both could agree on was going to be a challenge within itself. She didn't shy away from it, though. This is what she lived for.
Making it to the side of the isle that caught her attention first, Kelsie stood with her arms crossed over her plump chest, deep in thought. She nibbled on her lower lip, brainstorming possible ideas for a cheerful Christmas season "What about these?" she asked, looking up at at her handsome colleague. "This would be a cute color scheme." Kelsie grabbed a large roll of white Christmas lights in one hand while carrying gold ribbon in the other. She smiled to herself, nodding at a job well done. The two colors complemented each other so well, showcasing how elegant and sophisticated they were together. These colors were also symbolic, representing the true meaning of Christmas. What would be a better way for the students to learn and celebrate Christmas while their classroom is covered in gold and white?
"For school or my house?" Jackson questioned. He looked at Kelsie with admiration as she held the two items in her hands. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, and he had been around quite a few in his young life. Although they were almost twenty years apart in age, they had some things in common. Maybe that was why he was so drawn to her after only knowing her for a few months. He was falling quicker than he wanted to— constantly falling short of holding his end of the ten rule deal.
"School," Kelsie answered. "I was thinking of a green and red plaid color palette with a hint of navy blue for home," she continued, rambling off one of the many ideas that were running through her mind. So much to do in so little time, she thought.
"I was thinking orange and black," Jackson said, throwing in his two cents on the matter. After all, he was going to be the one looking at his tree and overly decorated home every time he stepped foot in there. Might as well get something I would like, he thought. Looking at the rolls of orange ribbon in front of him, he picked up the one with lace trim, intrigued by how vibrant it looked. It reminded him of the orange lace lingerie set Kelsie had on a few weeks ago.
"A Halloween theme?" she asked, scrunching up her beautiful face in disapproval. He couldn't be serious. He was kidding, right? He despised Halloween; he was the scariest person she knew. She remembered how he flinched and hid behind his weighted blanket as they sat on his couch and watched Tales from the Hood one evening in October. "Oh no, that's tacky," she quickly waved him off before carefully putting the small box of blue glass ornaments in the basket. Pushing the basket, she moved further down the isle, looking for anything else that caught her eye.
Jackson chuckled at the woman's reaction. Halloween colors for Christmas? They both knew better than that. He couldn't stand the thought of anything related to the holiday. In his mind, he had a different approach to the combination of colors. Growing up, he lived and breathed football, given that his father was a head coach for the high school in his hometown in Ohio. He watched football at every level, even the Browns and Bengals who were quite below average most of his life. Lately, he had taken a liking to the Bengals as the underdogs made an appearance in the Super Bowl. Although they fell short, he was proud of them, and to be from Southeast Ohio. A certain quarterback that was as cold as ice, who happened to look just like him, was the icing on the cake that could lead to years of his continued support for the team.
"What! You're serious?" he asked with amusement in his tone. Kelsie gave him a knowing look indicating that this was a not a laughing matter. Jackson threw his hands up, a playful smirk plastered on his lips. "Okay, I'll just let you do what you do best then." And he did just that. For what felt like forever, the two of them went from section to section, looking at what could best fit Jackson's style before standing in line to pay. The store was starting to get packed with Christmas shoppers and they wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Mission accomplished.
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If anyone can guess who the Female OC is, then I just might publish the first chapter sooner!
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
I know you asked about the favorite fic question a while ago. But we shall call this fashionably late!
I’ve always got a sweet spot for the Octavinelle bunch! I was the one who requested the wind up toy one and Azul’s first words.
My favorite pieces are Octavinelle 3 and Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Pomefiore 1. Honestly I couldn’t tell you how much I read them over the span of a couple of months. It was like a nightly ritual. I’m not sure what it was about those but I’d give them a quick read before bed and be immensely satisfied.
And a new favorite addition is the windup toy one. I love how you described Floyd more as observant in that one. And every time you described one of em punching the frog I imagined a peacock mantis shrimp punches. I can so vividly see the sand being scuffled about.
I’d have to say you’re like the famous last bite of a meal. Or a tart pastry! You don’t over sugar your stuff and I love ya for it! In fact you’ve become the only way I’ve been reading fluff nowadays and am eager to see more constantly! Which is so weird cause I’m an angst reader/writer 100%.
I really admire your short formatting of writing. At first I’ll admit I always wanted more but then I thought to myself what else could there possibly be to add? Thus I discovered your talent for endings! As you can tell from this long message, I always write a bunch so seeing impactful short stuff “by my standards”, will help with that issue I hope.
And lastly I really like how the caretaker can either be their own character or a self insert! I’d never go on any trips with Vargas yet here I am giving a pat on the back to caretaker and telling em good luck! Or how while I’m not the most avid Silver or Kalim enjoyer sometimes I’m like ok caretaker gimme the wheel again I think I’m starting to “L word” them a little more. Also nicknaming the Octavinelle bunch “little shits” is always super homey to me and it feels so right!
This is just a long winded thank you for what you’ve written thus far! I really enjoy everything you put out. And I can’t wait to breach into your oc blog. If you love angst I’m a great supplier in requests!- Signed yours truly Frosty!~
No need to worry, there isn't a due date to any of it and I'm always welcoming to such essays spouting what your favorites might be! It cheers me up no matter how late they may be.
I certainly do love messing around with the Octavinelle group as one of my family members actually used to take care of fish. I loved feeding them and just watching them swim from one end of the tank to the other. While, by all means, they're not your standard fish, it's still fun to sneak in a little fun fact about aquatic life when I can.
Actually, back in the middle of my high school years, I used to write rather long winded myself, as a result of all the old novels I would read that would have such a writing style.
Example from one of my oooooold pieces of writing down below, regarding a Church Grim.
It didn't make any noise whatsoever. It didn't leave footprints in the soft grass, or even a lingering stench on the tree's bark to indicate it might be something of this living world. But, there was nothing to remember it by, beside those angry red eyes that would shift into sight from under its smoking plume of black. It would take a glance at you, and you would stare back into it. Then it would be gone by letting its form be embraced by the shadows created from leafy tree branches. You can see it again through the lush trees blanketed by the cloudy purple night. You watched it float through the flower garden without a purpose, much like a piece of paper in the wind, shifting from one place to another in an effortless glide.
Well, actually I can still write like this, but it's not a writing style tailored for my decaying attention span. I have to be in a certain mood to really get into it. But yeah, I preserve this style specifically for horror writing and professional novel writing.
And yes the self insert certainly has a personality that it won't match your actions word for word, as the reader insert is a character, a part of the narrative, so they must have some amount of agency to keep the story going less they become replaceable with a lampshade or camera.
So, instead of going down the route of keeping the reader insert as blank as possible, might as well give them a personality that people will remember. Every time I write about the Caretaker, I feel like a little unseen ghost looking over their shoulder, just wondering what they'll do next.
Thank you Frosty for taking the time to write all that to me. It really cheers me up while I'm laying in bed, under mountains of blankets.
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Make a joyful noise
In which the mortal Phantomhive servants sing Christmas carols, and a demon observes.
For CosmicLion.
A belated gift for cosmiclion on Tumblr; I hope you enjoy! >w<
Although this oneshot was written in complete and utter disregard for the canon timeline, I envision it happening shortly before the servants' first Christmas together (hence Finny's ignorance about carols at the beginning of the story)
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
“The fiiiiirst Noeeeel the angel did saaaay…”
Bard has the kitchen to himself while he mashes potatoes for tonight’s dinner. But that gets damn boring when you’re all on your lonesome, and Christmas is just around the corner…might as well add a little music to the mix. Spice things up.
Out of nowhere, a familiar voice interrupts his solo performance, and the startled chef nearly drops his bowl on the floor.
"What song is that, Bard? It's very pretty."
“Blimey, Finny! Ya can’t sneak up on a guy like that,” he protests, though the former soldier knows he shoulda been paying more attention. A Phantomhive servant has to be vigilant and ready for action, day or night. At least Mr. Sebastian hadn’t caught Bard fooling around…he’d have been in the hot seat for sure!
The chef turns to meet a pair of bright, inquisitive eyes, greener than summer leaves at high noon. He's just as taken aback by the compliment (Bard ain’t gonna be heard at the Royal Opera House any time soon) as he is by the question. It's a common enough tune.
Then again, Finny's different from most kids. Growing up, his world was lit by harsh, artificial lights and constricted by blank, white walls. Scalpels that laid you open like a machine whose parts could be reassembled and tampered with at will, needles filled with garish-colored fluids that set your veins on fire, monotonous, indifferent voices that called you by number (never your name; you didn't have one), the sterile reek of disinfectant, and the dull, throbbing, ever-present ache of fear that you wore like a second skin: These were the motifs that had played endlessly throughout his childhood. Music withered and died in places like that.
“It's a carol," Bard answers at last.
Finny spaces out the syllables a tad, and cocks his head to one side like a puppy hearing an unfamiliar command.
"Uh...a type of song you sing around Christmastime. They're usually about the birth of baby Jesus, or the choirs o' angels, or summat. Sometimes you get a bunch of your mates and go door t'door, singin' different carols to lift folks' spirits. Me 'n my pals in the army would sing 'em together sometimes, to make the winter nights feel a little less cold."
The chef pauses and clears his throat. Bard's not one for religion—he's seen too much senseless death and violence to trust airy-fairy promises of glory on high—but those songs are special.
He learned most of the carols he knows from his ma, before the arrows of illness and misfortune struck down his kin and left Bard to fend for himself. They’re among the closest things he has to family heirlooms, like good-luck charms he carries in his pocket. And there are others he learned from fellow soldiers, whose melodies live on in his mind long after an enemy bullet or sudden explosion sent those men to their eternal rest beneath the earth.
“Ooo! That sounds like lots of fun. Could you teach them to me, Bard? Please? I want to sing carols, too!” Finny chirps, beaming with excitement.
The chef pensively scratches his stubble, then grins.
“Uh…sure. I don’t see why not. But let’s make sure Mr. Sebastian doesn’t spot us. You know how he gets when he thinks we ain’t workin’ hard enough.”
He and Finny are lustily belting out the third verse, potatoes completely forgotten, when Mey Rin walks in.
“Thought I should check an’ see what all the commotion’s about, yes I did,” she says, blinking owlishly at the pair from behind her spectacles.
Bard laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck.
“Aw, it warn’t nothin’, Mey. We were just—"
“Bard’s teaching me a Christmas carol!” Finny declares, looking pleased as punch.
Mey Rin’s face lights up in recognition.
“Ohh…that was ‘tha first noel,’ it was!”
“You and Bard are both so smart. Between the two of you, I bet you know all the carols in the world!” Finny gushes, eyes wide with that awe that makes the chef feel like a wise older brother.
“Well…actually, I never learned all that many, no I didn’t. The people I used to work for weren’t—didn’t care much for peace on earth an’ goodwill,” Mey Rin answers slowly, her gaze turning dark. The maid tends to be close-mouthed about her past, but from what Bard’s pieced together based on the occasional detail she’s let slip, Mey used to work as an assassin for a rotten crowd of bastards who’d slit their own mothers’ throats if it turned a profit.
“But at this time of year, when I wasn’t busy with…assignments, I used to bundle up and walk the streets by meself, to watch the snow fall an’ take my mind off things. Every now an’ then I’d pass by groups of people who sang songs like that, about stars an’ angels an’ the babe in the manger. Cheered a body, it did,” she says wistfully, and her eyes mist over.
“Though ‘s far as I can recall, they had the gents and the ladies singin’ different parts, they did,” the maid continues.
“Harmony, y’mean?” Bard asks. He thinks that’s the word for it.
“Oo, oo! We should do that, Bard! Singing carols would be even more fun that way!” Finny exclaims.
Bard crosses his arms and frowns. They'd probably need the actual, written score to figure that out. Mr. Sebastian and the young master can look at a bunch of black squiggles on a page and know exactly which notes to play. But the chef, who wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth (to put it politely) never had the chance to get that kind of training. Hell, he doesn’t even know if they have a book of Christmas music lying around the manor, though the library’s certainly big enough.
“Er…maybe we could have a go at the pianner once we’re done fer the evenin’ and see if we can pick out the different parts by ear…but I dunno that much about ticklin’ the ivories…”
“Ho, ho. What’s this I hear about bocchan’s grand piano?” someone enquires.
The servants swing around to see Tanaka peacefully sipping tea in a corner.
“Huh?!” Mey Rin squeaks.
“When did you get there, Mr. Tanaka?” asks the perplexed gardener.
The steward merely gives him an affable smile.
“In my own good time, dear boy,” he chuckles.
Bard shakes his head ruefully. Tanaka’s a sly old codger, that’s for sure.
“Y’see, I was teachin’ Finny a coupla Christmas carols. We’d like Mey Rin to join, too, so we could have a chorus, but, uh…we don’t know th’ harmony,” he explains.
Tanaka’s face acquires a dreamlike cast, as if he’s staring through the tattered veil of years to behold a scene invisible to all eyes save his.
“I may not be an expert musician, but I’ve played the pianoforte at many a Phantomhive Christmas party. I’m happy to provide accompaniment, if you’d like.”
“Thank yer, Tanaka!” Bard grins, and Mey Rin and Finny are quick to give their assent.
And that is why, when the moon gleams like a pearlescent tear fallen from Nyx’s dark eye, and the young master has been put to bed, Sebastian Michaelis hears a strain of music floating towards him from the parlor.
“What on earth are they up to?” he mutters to himself, unobtrusively peeking around the door to observe without their noticing.
Tanaka is seated at the pianoforte, atop which a few mounted candles burn to give him light by which to read the sheet music for “The First Noel.” He and the other servants are singing in four-part harmony. The demon can clearly distinguish each voice.
Bard’s, roughened and raspy from cigarette smoke, yet confident and filled with gruff sincerity.
Mey Rin’s, sweet and pure as the starlight that guided the Magi.
Finny’s, whose youthful joie de vivre reminds the ancient demon of a swallow’s exuberant flight.
Tanaka’s, cracked and quavering, but retaining a trace of the luster it must have possessed in his prime, like a battered sword that has not yet lost its shine.
They aren’t breathing from the diaphragm as they ought. Their cutoffs are ragged at best, and their intonation at times leaves much to be desired.
They stand close together, shoulder to shoulder, carefree, laughing. Their happiness pervades the room like fragrant incense wafting through the Byzantine churches Sebastian remembers from bygone days in Constantinople. His devilish gaze perceives the golden threads of trust and friendship that bind them, and which through a series of small kindnesses and fleeting moments like this one will be woven into a vast tapestry of love.
“Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel…Born is the king of Israel!”
It’s ephemeral, this little interlude, but Sebastian realizes he doesn’t want it to end.
A beast of shadow and insatiable hunger like himself has no business intruding upon their joy, lest he blight it. But he treasures the gladsome sound, and ponders it deep in his heart, as Mary did the mysteries of her only begotten son.
Title taken from Psalm 100:1 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands (King James Version)
"But he treasures the gladsome sound, and ponders it deep in his heart, as Mary did the mysteries of her only begotten son.": This is a reference to Luke 2:19: "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart" (King James Version), in which Mary reflects on the miracles that occurred on the night of the Nativity.
Happily Ever After?
Once upon a victorian time, in a mansion far far away...
An insane attempt to get Undertaker to talk leads to a wild show of skit plays and even more crazy pairings. Featuring timeless tales like red riding hood, repunzel, the princess and the frog and the three bears performed by the beloved characters of Kuroshitsuji, be captivated and confused by these intriguing tales of miss-told fantasies with a twist.
I hope this makes you lol like it made me lol XD All the usual disclaimers! Enjoy!
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
Once upon a Victorian time, in a mansion far far away...
"Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a young girl, clothed in a beautiful red hood."
Alois walked through the forest carrying a basket, a red hood over his head.
"I should have been Red! Look at me! That boy completely ruins that beautiful cloak!" Alois rolled his eyes and looked to Grell, whom had made himself present beside the narrator, his whiny voice pushing the same argument he had been unable to win since the director/narrator had begun casting yesterday.
"And he's not even a she! I am far more suited for the role-ooouff!" Now safely under Sebastian's shoe, face smushed into the ground, the narrator closed her book momentarily and looked down from where she was sitting.
"I have already explained why you were not suited for this role Mr. Suitcliff. YOU'RE NOT CUTE ENOUGH!" Grell coward from Elizabeth's deadly outburst and passionately dangerous eyes. How could someone so dedicated to being the definition of cute suddenly become so terrifying?
Elizabeth immediately smiled again and returned to the story.
"Because of her beautiful crimson hood she was called Little Red Riding Hood. One day, while on a journey through the woods to her sickly grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood had the feeling she was being followed."
Alois walked on through the woods, looking to the shadows in the trees behind and before him, fearing paranoia as they seemed to move. Desperate to leave the suddenly creepy woods he sped up his pace.
"In these woods there lived the Big Bad Wolf. He stalked the little girl quietly, seeking to eat the girl and the goodies in her basket. Which she should not have been eating herself!" Alois spat out the cookie in his mouth and smiled nervously before taking a swig of the wine and packing everything back safely in the basket.
"Out of the shadows the wolf appeared before her-"
"HOLY SHIT! Back animal!" Claude, dressed in a black fluffy suit, tail and ears, cringed as Alois beat him with his basket, attacking with vigour. "Get away from me you ugly fucking-!"
"The young naive girl foolishly greeted him and easily fell for his trickery!!!" Alois stopped and looked to the narrator while the 'Big Bad Wolf', beaten to the ground, crawled a distance back and stood back up, brushing himself off.
"Oh... sorry." Claude nodded and Alois straightened himself up, putting the hood back on his head.
"Well hello there young child, where might you be headed all alone in the forest?"
"Ugh, when did Claude become a pedo covered in hair?" Alois mumbled in annoyance.
"Stick to the script! Says Emily." Alois poked his tongue out to Snake who hid under a bush with the script, along with his many slithering friends.
"See, a fabulous actress, such as myself, would never make such a mistake." Grell commented, swishing his hair away with his hand. Elizabeth smiled sweetly before slamming her book shut and standing. Grell remained unaware as she walked up behind him.
"Oouff!" His face slammed into the floor after Elizabeth’s blow to the back of his head with the enormous book of Fairy Tales.
"Um, E-Elizabeth-"
"Oh Ciel, CALL ME LIZZY!" Ciel cringed backwards, holding the axe on his shoulder that little bit tighter. Damn woman must have been ovulating.
"L-Lizzy, perhaps we should return to the story?"
"Oh of course Ciel! You look soooo cuute in that lumberjack uniform!" Ciel's eye twitched and he quickly returned to his post, dreading his turn to act. At least he got to cut Claude open, which he planned to do thoroughly.
Claude coughed to catch the narrator’s attention and the tale continued.
Snake egged Alois on, who was busy taking another swig from the wine skin. The blond quickly wiped his lips clean and recalled his lines.
"I'm off to my sickly grandmother who lives by the lake to deliver her some sweets."
"Well, perhaps your Grandmother would like some flowers?" Claud suggested, exposing a field of flowers to their left.
"I suppose... but it's off the path..." Everyone waited as Alois twisted a lock of hair, showing no interest in going to pick flowers.
"I saw blue bells over there." Claude pointed to a path of grass barely visible past the trees.
"Ohh!" Alois dashed off without warning to look for the flowers he favoured.
"And so, Red Riding Hood went to pick flowers for her Grandmother as The Big Bad Wolf went off to execute his plan." Elizabeth said from her cushioned seat.
"Execute my ass. Lying bastard, there aren't any blue bells. I can't believe I let Ciel talk me into this. I better get a damn good reward, and a whole bouquet of blue bells."
Ciel groaned and whispered too quiet for anyone to hear. "Sebastian, find the damn idiot blue bells."
"Yes Master." The demon replied before wandering off.
"The girl continued on to her grandmothers, arriving to the quiet little cottage in no time and knocking on the door." Not bothering to knock Alois swung the door open and walked in.
"Grandma, bought your shit."
"My thanks, child."
"You look weird, worse than a dog's ass. And what a deep voice you have!" Alois said the last part dramatically, the only part actually on the script.
"The better to greet you with."
"Bull shit." He muttered. "Goodness! What bright eyes you have!"
"The better to see you with."
"And what big hands you have~" Alois said seductively, flaunting over to his 'Grandmothers' bedside, slut switch suddenly flicked on.
"The better to grab-I mean, hug you with"
"Ohh, 'Grandmother'~ What a big mouth you have" Alois said with a wink sitting down beside Claude, his hand inching towards the other.
"The better to eat you with!" Claude jumped up and slammed Alois down on the bed, and proceeded to eat him.
"Ahhh! Woah-Ohh! Claude! Oh! Ah-Ha! C-Claude!"
"A lumberjack nearby heard the struggle and broke down the door!"
"Ugh." Ciel opened the door, doubting he could break it down anyway, and tried to hide his disgust at how much Alois appeared to be enjoying Claude trying to eat him. Especially since the demon actually looked ready too, great sharp maws wide and far more deadly than any wolves. It appeared he couldn't get a good bite as the blond wouldn't sit still and kept making the attack seem sexual.
"The woodcutter confronted the wolf and cut his stomach open with his axe!"
"He-Hey Ciel~! Woah! Steady there Claude~"
"Ugh, help me hold him down idiot." Ciel attempted to climb on the bed with the other two, axe in hand to cut open Claude.
"My pleasure!" Alois sat on Claude's chest, holding down the demon’s arms. "Oh! Watch your hands mister wood cutter~ I don't have wood till the morning~"
"Shut up you damn tart."
"Tart? After the way you were eating that strawberry tart earlier on set? Treat me like that and I'll gladly be a tart~"
"Shut up Alois." Ciel growled through clenched teeth as he slowly sliced the demons costume down the centre.
"The heroic, cute, amazing wood cutter sliced the monster open! Releasing the unharmed grandmother and killing the evil beast!" Claude played dead while Ciel assisted Hannah out of the costume.
Alois scoffed and pushed her out the way.
"Hurry up bitch and pour me wine!"
"Yes, your Highness." Hannah replied, bowing.
"And they all lived happily ever after! The end!" Claude, Ciel, Hannah, and Alois all bowed before leaving the cottage set, Hannah rushing after her Master with a glass of wine as he had requested. The scarlet curtains closed on the open stage and the actors departed to the dressing rooms, which were actually carriages.
"That was horrendous." William commented, pushing up his glasses.
"It lacked true quality and beauty! The costumes where fabulous though!" Viscount Druitt agreed dramatically, standing in the small crowd, spotlight and floating petals automatically shrouding him.
"Of course! I made them!" Miss Nina Hopkins proudly stated.
"It would have been far better with me in it!" Grell complained.
"They did their best!" Elizabeth argued, flipping the books pages to the contents in order to find the next fairy tale they were to perform.
"I think it was rather thrilling."
"Y-Y\your Highness! When did you arrive?" The hip looking silver haired old-woman sat behind them all on a large royal looking armchair that had somehow appeared, her three guards behind her.
"I came to see the boy for a visit and found him busy playing. A wonderful set up I must say. I told you it wouldn't be a waste of a trip, Grey." Earl Grey rolled his eyes childishly in defeat.
"Thank you your majesty." Elizabeth said bowing.
"If only Albert were here to see. Oh Albert!" The Queen then broke into tears, making everyone highly uncomfortable. Her goggled assistant then rushed to her side with his Albert hand-puppet.
"Perhaps you should go get dressed for your part in the next play, Mr Suitcliff?" Lau commented before taking a puff of his pipe, then offering it to Ran-Mao who sat on his lap.
"It is LADY Suitcliff! And I shall dazzle you all with my style and finesse." Grell then strutted off in direction of the dressing carriages.
"Finesse? Does he know what that is?" Bard asked, the words meaning lost to him also.
"He knows what it means, Grell-senpie just can't really do it." Ronald explained from where he sat beside William on his lawnmower.
The stage set up outside the Phantomhive mansion lit, Elizabeth seated on the stages side on an oversized comfortable armchair holding the fairy tale book. All the guests, invited or not, turned their attention to the next performance.
The red curtains parted to reveal the new setting, so skillfully set in record time by the two demon butlers and demon maid. A tall tower stood where the cottage had been, a thorny forest surrounding it.
"Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess, with hair like silk and long as the tallest tower. In her younger years a witch had used her trickery to convince her parents the only way to find the right ruler for the land was to lock the princess away till a prince found her and the two fell in love. Therefore the princess was locked away from the world up in the tallest tower, in a forest shrouded in thorns. Her name was Rapunzel, and tales of her beauty had spread through the land, but none had come to her aid as of yet."
"Oh my prince! When shall we meet! When shall you save me my darling!" Grell leaned on tower window dramatically, sighing sadly and looking out to the forest.
A sword cut through the thorns onto the stage, and Grell watched excitedly as his prince entered, rather clumsily. Ciel finally got through the foliage, causing Elizabeth to drool from his adorably cute prince garb.
The prince and princess stared at each other in confusion.
"THIS is my prince? What the hell?!"
"Well I'm the one scripted, what the hell did you do with the real Rapunzel, witch?"
"Just go with it, says Webster." Snake said from under a bush.
"This puny thing!? Nu uh, I want a real man thank you very much."
"Man my ass. Bloody demon." William muttered in the crowd.
"Sebastian's busy. What did you do with the REAL Rapunzel scripted?"
"Tch, the blond boys tied up in the long-haired wig back in the dressing room."
"Ugh. Fine. Let’s get on with this. Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair."
"Humph. You should have more manners when addressing a lady." Grell huffed, turning his back on the other, enjoying the way the dress he wore swished around him when he did.
"PLEASE let down your hair." Ciel growled through clenched teeth
"Hmm, fine." The long red hair was thrown down and Ciel gave it a tug before attempting to climb up.
"Ow!! Get off! So rough! Ooow!" Grell complained holding his hair.
"Shut up! Do you want me to rescue you or what?!"
"Climb up the wall yourself you little brat!"
"You know what, stay up in that damn tower! I hope you throw yourself off!" Ciel turned and left through the hole he'd made in the thorns, leaving to help Alois out of the carriage.
"Brat!" Grell yelled after him.
"Shrew!" Ciel replied, dealing a killing blow. Grell turned and stormed off into the tower.
"Umm, and that's why the princess never left the tower. The End?" Elizabeth said, sounding unsure, lost as to how to finish the story.
"Wonderful!" Victoria clapped, her guards doing the same with far less enthusiasm. "Such a marvellous twist!" Slowly the rest of the crowd began clapping lazily and the curtains were drawn, Claude and Sebastian returning from the kitchen with nibbles to pass around, both looking a little flustered and dishevelled for some odd reason. When the two made eye contact Sebastian's cheeks coloured and he smirked devilishly.
"You'd better go, I hear your master calling." Sebastian commented, sending Claude another cheeky smile.
"My life's ambition." Claude commented dryly before walking off to the dressing room. Sebastian covered his mouth to stop laughter seeing the scratches down the back of the others jacket, ripping through his clothes. William rose an eyebrow to him but Sebastian only grinned.
"Disgusting lustful demons." He commented. Ronald nodded in agreement with an entertained smile.
"William my darling! I'm so forlorn! It should be me and Sebastian playing Romeo and Juliette!" William silence him quickly, shoving the red heads face into the ground.
"Agni, what is this? Where is Ciel?" The crowd turned to the Indian pair who had arrived unexpectedly.
"I believe it is a play, my Prince."
"It's a skit play!" Elizabeth said excitedly, taking a bite from one of the sandwiches Claude and Sebastian had made, noting the oddly bitter, salty sauce.
"Are you needed to narrate the next play?" The Viscount asked twirling a rose in his fingers.
"No, It's a piece from Romeo & Juliet! I wanted to be Juliet but instead I got to direct everything."
"An important role indeed. Please sit Mister Soma." Lau said sitting calmly.
"Oh, you’re that Chines trading company guy. Okay! It looks fun! Agni! Get me a blanket and pillows to seat myself on!"
"Yes, my beloved Prince!" Agni then hurried off the fetch the asked items, returning in record time with an array of colourful cushions.
Once again the curtains parted and the lights lit dimly. The scene was of Juliette's balcony and the garden below it, the background somehow night with sparkling stars and a full moon. The audience sat captivated, the magical scene impossible to them all in the middle of the day. Sebastian smiled at his good work.
Slowly Juliette strode onto the balcony, her flowing white nightdress making her look angelic, long dark wig done in twin-tales.
"Oh Romeo, Romeo, where fore art though Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy claim!" The audience’s jaws fell open, a stifled giggle heard from a certain long-haired mortician who was laying on the ground mostly unseen. Ciel was Juliette, and he was playing the part perfectly.
Romeo entered the scene, Alois also playing his part to perfection. The Viscount was tearing up, as was the Queen, and Soma was still trying to figure out who the familiar looking actor playing Juliette was.
Juliette's maid called for her and it seemed the trance was even thicker cast to the audience with Hannah's soft voice. Ciel shooed her off, in a lady like manner, and the scene continued. Ciel leaned over the balcony and Alois began to climb up.
"'Tis almost morning. I would have thee gone. And yet no further than a wanton’s bird, that lets it hop a little from his hand like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves, and with a silken thread plucks it back again, so loving-jealous of his liberty."
"I would I were thy bird." 'Romeo' answer, the actors as captivated as the audience in their own spell. Their eyes never left one another, as if they truly were star crossed lovers and not enemies in a complicated relationship.
"Sweet, so would I. Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." The two came face to face, noses only inches apart, a breath of soft wind tossing the twos hair and Ciel's nightgown. Their faces inched closer.
"Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast. Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest." Alois spoke softly but strongly, captivated by Ciel. The blond voice grew ever softer as their faces came closer. "Hence will I to my ghostly friar’s close cell, his help to crave and my dear hap to tell." The last word was almost lost as their lips softly pressed together, leaving even Undertaker silent.
"That wasn't in the script, says Webster." Snake whispered as his friends slithered over the script, looking for the inexistent kissing scene.
Alois and Ciel parted, both looking surprised at their own actions, but the magical aura unbroken.
"Please tell me the sex scene is next."
SNAP. That was the sound of the spell breaking at Alois's words.
Ciel glared at the other before smiling evilly and grabbing his wrists.
"Woah!" Ciel threw the others hands off the balcony fence, Alois luckily grabbing a hanging vine on the way down so he didn't hit the ground. Ciel turned around and stalked in the room, pissed and embarrassed.
"OW! Aww come on, I was just jesting!" Alois teased, hanging from the vine. Ciel re-entered the scene holding a large book, presumably the works of Shakespeare, and stood on the balcony calmly.
"Thee can go fucketh thyself, philanderer!" Ciel then threw the book at 'Romeo', who dropped to the ground before scampering off avoiding other projectiles such as 'Juliette's' slippers and a water glass, which shattered by his feet.
The curtains drew together and the three actors entered the stage, bowing together as the audience applauded.
"You know I've never been so attracted to a woman in my life~" Alois whispered bowing beside Ciel. Ciel clenched his teeth and smiled sweetly before hitting the other. Alois cringed as Ciel hit him over again and attempted to run off stage with Ciel after him, slapping anything he could all the while. Hannah rushed after them, worried for her master as Undertaker covered his mouth to avoid full on harking till all the plays ended. Then he'd laugh to his heart’s content.
Viscount Druitt stood, tears still dripping, and began to dramatically review.
"Such beauty! Such a wonderful tale! So wonderfully twisted to a comedy! Brava! Brava my little cock Robin!"
"C-cock robin?" Mey-Rin stuttered nervously.
Elizabeth returned to her seat on the stage with a fairy tale book in hand, reading the story over again before it was executed.
In no time the curtains reopened and the audience attention was drawn to the red haired and clothed being standing by a small pond. Grell, it seemed, was having another go at his debut. Hopefully this one wasn't a complete cock-up.
"Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom there lived an unwed princess, fair beauty and sweet lips. She would often visit the castle gardens and ponds to admire their beauty. One day a voice called out to her from the lily pads. 'Princess, O princess,'"
"What is this? A frog has called out to me? What bewitchment has fallen upon you, foul creature?" Grell said seeming disgusted.
"'O princess, if you shall just kiss me once I shall return to my human form! Just a touch of your lips against mine and I shall turn into a handsome prince!'" Elizabeth said, pretending to voice the frog.
"Ew. Really?" The frog gave a 'ribbet' in reply. "All right..." Grell hesitantly picked the frog up and struggled not to drop it, cringing all the while at the horrid complexion of its skin. "Just one kiss," He told himself reassuringly as William face-palmed in the audience at his colleges stupidity. Grell cringed and pursed his lips, slowly getting closer to the frog, who made another ribbet. Their lips quickly touched and Grell threw the frog away spitting and rubbing his mouth.
"Ugh! Yuck! Ew-!"
"We're leaving now Suitcliff, you idiot." William ordered seeming peeved off, ankle deep in the pond looking serious. He had appeared out of nowhere, leaving Grell and Ronald stunned momentarily.
"Oh William! My prince!" Grell jumped the other, causing them both to fall back into the pond and Undertaker to giggle.
The frog ribbeted again and hopped off set as the curtains drew and the audience gave a pity clap, Ciel left face-palming at the performance.
Grell and William emerged from behind the stage soaking, Grell looking happy and clinging to Williams side while the other looked irritated. Sebastian then led them inside where they could change during intermission. During the time food was passed out for lunch and the servants tried to peak at how Sebastian and Claude set up the sets so quickly, foiled by Snake's snakes each time.
Elizabeth clung to Ciel's side constantly, complimenting him while Alois seemed to avoid him completely, mostly conversing with the Viscount, who kept commenting on how good he would look in a dress, doing well to piss Ciel off. Finally after what seemed like a forever of Soma and Elizabeth’s endless talk Alois skipped over.
"Time to change for the next skit~" Alois said with a wink, dragging Ciel off before he could argue. Not long after the servants ushered everyone back down to their spots before the stage and Elizabeth re-sat herself in the narrator’s chair. The play began as she spoke, though the curtains were yet to open.
"Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a beautiful princess, her beauty fairer than the dawn. Her father and mother searched and searched for a suitable heir and husband for their daughter and kingdom, but none of Nobel blood that could be trusted with such treasures lived in their time. And so, they did seek the help of a great witch. 'I shall set a spell to put the kingdom into a great slumber, and when a worthy heir is to come about his true loving kiss shall awaken her and the land!' the witch proclaimed. Centuries passed, and the castle became shrouded in foliage, the people and their land a legend. The sleeping beauty lay unawakened with her kingdom." As she said this the curtains slowly opened, overgrown rose bushes covering what appeared to be a bed chamber, with a person sleeping on the bed that cantered the room. By the blond hair and the absence of a certain evil little tart anywhere else a good guess was the so called 'Sleeping Beauty' was Alois.
"Centuries later a prince of a faraway land came to the castle, having heard the myths of a beautiful princess asleep in her chambers, and the spell upon her kingdom. He climbed the castle walls and broke through the overgrown garden that was the old palace in search of her."
The door on the side of the stage opened and Ciel stepped in dressed as a prince again, sword out in order to cut through the offending plants and greenery. Finally with a little struggle against the shrubbery he made it to the bedside of the sleeping princess and sheathed his sword with some difficulty.
Ciel sighed and mumbled to himself irritated.
"Why is it we only do the kissing scenes in all this?!" Putting it behind him he leaned closer to the bed.
Everyone watched, almost expecting Ciel to retreat last minute by the hesitant look on his face.
Alois smiled and stifled giggles, which made Ciel stop and wait for him to finish laughing. The blond bit his lips and clenched his eyes shut, still giggling while Ciel leaned over him, eyes shut as he tried to not laugh also.
"Why are you laughing?" The dark haired 'prince' questioned snappily to stop himself from laughing with the blond.
"I don't know-hmhm-, I can feel you--getting-ts- closer."
"Ugh. Shut up." Alois bit his lips together trying not to smile and Ciel took a deep breath before he attempted the scene again.
Ciel leaned in again, their lips an inch apart before Alois lost composure and started tittering again. Ciel sighed and hung his head before he too lost it and started giggling.
"S-stop laughing!"
"You s-top laughing!" Alois said through laughter, rolling over onto his stomach and laughing into the pillows. Ciel let his arms lose strength and his torso rest on the bed, his face in Alois's neck as he tried to stop snickering.
"You’re supposed to be sleeping damn it!" Ciel mumbled, before laughing again.
"Okay okay okay," Alois turned over back onto his back while Ciel lifted his head up and took a deep breath, "okay." He shut his eyes and mouth, pretending his best to sleep. Ciel also took a breath and shut his eyes as he got closer.
"Third time luck-" Ciel said to himself, his breath tickling Alois's lips and making the other kiss him before he finished his sentence to stop the laughter before it started.
Everyone clapped as their lips finally met after such a trying lead up. The clapping continued as everyone waited for the two to stop. Slowly the clapping faded, but Alois and Ciel didn't, they actually started kissing harder. Alois's hands wrapped around Ciel's neck as the other climbed over him on the bed.
For a serious and sour aphephobic, Ciel sure knew how to French kiss. Alois moaned, welcoming Ciel tongue into his mouth, and put his hand up the others shirt. Ciel shivered and let Alois get on top of him, the blonds wig falling off in the process.
The Queen coughed loudly in order to gain the two's attention to no avail. Elizabeth had already fainted in her seat.
"Agni, what are they doing?"
"Cover your eyes my pure prince!" Soma was then engulfed by Agni's protective arms and his face shoved into the others chest.
"That’s is definitely not in the script, says Oscar. Where is Bronte, says Keats?"
"Shit!" Ciel yelled, jumping up and falling off the bed as a snake slid around his and Alois's neck.
"There is Bronte, says Wilde."
"Oh my God!" Alois quickly got up and out of the bed where the snake was sitting hissing at them.
"Snake!" Ciel called for the two-blooded man to come fetch his friend and the man crawled out from under the bed where he hid.
"Now is not the time for such actions, says Bronte." Alois blushed and bit his lip nodding and Ciel forced a cough.
"I have no idea what you talking about." The lord claimed before bowing to the audience and leaving the stage. Alois followed after quickly, giggling hysterically.
Sebastian and Claude returned again from the manor kitchen with tea. God knows why it had taken them both so long to make it.
"Sebastian!" Ciel, still in his prince clothes as he had to change for the next play anyway, had come out to get a cup of tea and cause his butler misery for not being present and doing something.
"Yes, my Lord?"
"Go change for your part." He said, smirking evilly.
"Of course My Lord, come Claude." Sebastian then left with his usual smile, Claude following after like a dog.
"Prince Soma! As Elizabeth is indisposed would you please take her place in the next play! You really don't need to do anything~" Alois pleaded clinging onto the Indian Prince's arm.
"Of course! Anything for a friend of Ciel’s!"
"Great! Let’s go change~" the blond said seductively before dragging the other off.
"M-My prince!" Agni called after, highly concerned for his prince’s integrity.
"Bloody skinny little tart." Ciel growled through clenched teeth, taking a large swig of his sweet tea.
"What a lovely performance, boy. Such a shame it proved too intense for your ex-fiancée."
"Ex, your Highness?"
"Well you don't honestly think she'll marry you after that performance! You didn't want to marry your relative anyway."
"That is true, your majesty, I was hoping she would experience a light amnesia. If not I still doubt the engagement will be so easy to break. I have tried. "
"Leave it to me boy and go change. You wouldn't want that little broken butterfly flying off with an Indian royal, now would you?"
"Your highness?"
"Trancy. You wouldn't want him to seduce the Indian boy and start shagging him in the carriage, now would you?"
"Excuse me your Excellency." Victoria gave a light giggle as the blushing boy bowed and walked off in the direction of the 'dressing rooms' as fast as possible. Children were rather easily swayed. If only her children were so cute rather than how ugly they turned out.
"My my, what a beautiful servant you are." Druitt commented, approaching Mey-Rin from behind.
"S-sorry my Lord!?"
"Do not apologies fair maiden, please allow me to remove you glasses so that I may gaze into their beauty!"
"What's he talking about?" Finny whispered to Bard confused. Bard shrugged, cigarette hanging from his mouth.
"U-umm, umm- n-no no! I'm far sighted! I can't see without them!" The Viscount smiled and removed her glasses slowly.
"Far sighted? My my, so you are my little hawk maiden!"
"So tell me why you are yet to act my dear? I would love to see you on stage."
"E-err, I-I'm Mamma Bear in the last play." She said blushing and pushing her index fingers together.
"Well, well. What a role. So meaningful and important. "
"Uuur, we need to go change, come on Finny." Bard said turning to go change while Finny followed, waving to Viscount and Mey-Rin.
"Aahh my dear Hawk eyed maiden, tell me, how would you like to come to one of my parties?" He asked, advancing closer.
"U-Um-I-I, wait... aren't you the one who sells women on the black-magic market?"
"Oh my! Look the play will soon begin! Here you are my dear~ Let us take our seats."
The curtains moved but didn't open as if someone was fussing behind them, then Alois fell through them, followed by Ciel who fell on his back. Soma then stepped through the curtain gap on his knees, which had fake shoes on them. All three had been dressed up as dwarfs. Soma was followed by Agni, who had followed his prince in panic and ended up dressed up as a dwarf too. Lau, Bard and Finny then stepped through the closed red curtain, also on their knees. Ciel was the only dwarf not on his knees, as he was as tall as most the adults on their knees, and still shorter than Agni. All seven dwarfs stood in a line in front of the shut crimson curtains. Bard coughed before speaking.
"My name's Sneezy, Aaachooo!"
"I'm Happy!" Finny exclaimed joyously.
"I am Doc." Agni said in his thick Indian accent, followed by Soma.
"I am the tired dwarf Sleepy!" The prince then yawned exaggeratedly.
"My name is Dopy." Lau said bowing.
"Hehe~ my name's Bashful~" Alois followed, blushing.
“...” Everyone waited for Ciel to speak but the boy was busy brooding, looking rather annoyed. Alois bumped his side gently to get the boys attention and put on his best puppy dog eyes. Ciel groaned and sighed. "I'm... Grumpy the dwarf." A little chuckle broke out in the audience at how well he fit the part, causing him to become even more peeved.
"Once upon a time in a faraway land," Bards gruff voice began,
"There lived a beautiful princess named Snow White." Finny said next.
"She had-"
"We know the story! Get to the skit!" Ronald yelled out, and most of the audience nodded their heads in approval. the dwarfs looked to one another and shrugged.
"Urrr, skipping then to the part when Snow White fell asleep and awaits her prince charming!" Finny exclaimed and the curtains parted to reveal the scene of a beautiful garden in front of a dwarf sized cottage, a glass coffin covered in flowers centre stage. The dwarfs crowded around the coffin looking solemn, except Ciel who was grinning evilly at his butler dressed as Snow White stuck in the glass coffin feigning sleep.
A horse whinnied and Prince Charming rode into the stage, the almost setting sun behind silhouetting his majestic form atop the white stallion. To the audience’s surprise, Claude dismounted the horse and walked over to the transparent coffin with a look of purpose.
Ciel's evil smile widened at what was to come.
The golden eyed butler opened the coffin lid and looked down at the 'princess' adoringly, before leaning in for a soft kiss. Sebastian’s eyes shot open.
"HIYAA!!!" Claude was kung-fu chopped so hard he flew across the stage, smashing against his horse, causing them both to tumble backwards in a mess of horse and 'human' limbs.
Sebastian stood high above the dwarfs atop his coffin, a strong smile, his dress skirt like a cape causing him to resemble a superhero with his hands on his hips.
"I, Snow White, demand change in the mining industry!" All the dwarfs looked at each other confused, besides Soma who had actually fallen asleep on the ground, so deep in his character.
Claude began to get back up and make his way back to the coffin.
"The forest has no voice so I shall speak for it! Your mining kills animals and destroys their homes! I shall not let it be so in my Kingdom!! Get off me you pervert!" Sebastian kicked Claude across the room when the other tried to pick him up off the coffin and throw him over his shoulder.
"If our demands are not met, the animals shall riot! So says the Queen of Critters!!!" The horse bayed in agreement and an assortment of animals such as deer, birds, squirrels, rabbits, and about a hundred cats all made noises in reply, gathering around the glass coffin Snow White stood on. Ciel ran from the horde of cats and pressed against the side of the stage set looking horror stricken. Birds dropped flowers and Happy the Dwarf scattered smooshed petals excitedly.
Claude tried to get up once again but was trampled by his excited horse which cantered over to Snow White. Sebastian smiled and jumped on the horse which reared majestically with a loud neigh. The dwarfs applauded, all except Grumpy, impressed by the show. Sebastian began blowing kisses in every direction as the horse trotted towards off stage, followed by all the critters and the seven dwarfs. Prince Charming attempted to get back on the horse with his 'true love' but was brutally forced off by Sebastian and then trampled by the horse, before being stampeded by the following animals and actors on their knees. Alois seemed to especially enjoy trampling him and jumped a few times.
Eventually all that was left was a very mangled Prince as the curtains closed. It took the crowd a moment clap, probably shocked from the brutal rejection Claude seemed to have actually enjoyed.
The actors came to the front of the curtain and bowed, as did Claude, looking perfect and un-mangled once again. His fatal mistake was taking Sebastian's hand, though it's what they were supposed to when they all bowed together, which earned him the most brutal attack he was yet to endure, but he seemed to enjoy every second of it. For some-reason Earl Charles Grey lost composure at this and began laughing hysterically till his partner gave him a stern look, quietening him to a giggle.
Grell look torn between happiness and heartbroken, as his Batsy was beating someone other than him so passionately and enjoying it, but then again he was beating someone other than him so passionately and enjoying it.
Most of the actors came back from behind stage and Mey-Rin left to go get ready, happy to be leaving the dangerous Viscount’s side as he made her heart thump in a scary way. Alois, Bard, Finny, and Ciel remained backstage while Sebastian was still in the Snow-White costume surrounded by animals. Claude followed like one of the animals, gaining a hit or kick if he got too close. Soma gloated of his wonderful performance, and the Viscount agreed wholeheartedly, laying the compliments out thick, babbling about grace and divinity, causing Agni to nod proudly, tears glistening in his eyes.
Meanwhile Miss Nina Hopkins was trying to help Elizabeth's bell jingling nurse to revive the still unconscious lady, but whenever she awoke she'd recall the 'incident' and faint again.
"Who's going to narrate the next play?" Soma asked, tugging on Snake's arm for attention as the snake man was busy with his head in the script Sebastian had written out.
"There is no need for a narrator, the skit is well known enough, says Wordsworth."
"Then why are they doing it?" Soma
"I believe it's a form of humorous torture, says Bronte. Payment for something, says Goethe."
"Payment?" Soma repeated thoughtful and curious.
"My Prince, perhaps it has something to do with the odd gentleman in black laying down the front chuckling?" Agni suggested making his prince even more curious.
Everyone was ushered to sit again by Snake who then rushed back behind stage to hide on set as the curtains parted. One curtain opened the whole way but the other stayed covering up half the stage. The uncovered part of the set was woods, and just before were the curtain edge covered there was the beginnings of a house.
Alois walked onto the set looking grumpy, a curly gold wig and pink dress. He groaned.
"Remind me why Elizabeth couldn't do this part!?" Alois huffed irritated.
"She's still passed out, says Emily. You were the best replacement, says Oscar."
"Ugh! Women are so pathetic, passing out just because we were making out. Ugh."
"Stick to the script! Says Wordsworth." Alois rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.
"I'm tired, Oh look! A cottage!" He said almost sarcastically in an overly energetic way before walking over indifferently, picking the lock, and walking in. The other half of the curtain then opened to reveal the cottage's innards, including a dining room and one bedroom.
"Okay let’s get this over with. I'm hungry, oh look! Porridge!" Alois walked over to the table and did the scene as quickly as possible.
"Too hot, too cold. Meh, it'll do. Now where to sit?" He then tried all the chairs surrounding the table. "Too hard, oh naughty~ Too soft, rude much. This l' do." He then sat and ate the porridge on the little chair. He looked oddly at the chair under him, as if expecting something, and gave the leg a kick. As he did the chair toppled, causing him to land on his ass.
"Ouff! Owww..." He rubbed his behind and straightened his wig. "Damn fucking chair." He mumbled, putting the small half empty porridge bowl back on the table.
Alois feigned a yawn.
"M' tired." He then walked into the next room and switched the light on to reveal three beds. He strolled over and flopped on the biggest first.
"Too big and hard~ the fuck is wrong with Goldilocks? Who wouldn't go for the biggest and hardest!?" He complained before moving to the next and crawling on in a sexy fashion.
"To soft," then the next which he only just fit on, "this is nice, (not), nap time." He then proceeded to strip down to his feminine underwear, including a flat chested bra oddly enough, just as Elizabeth gained consciousness, causing her to faint again. Poor girl. The Druitt however was thoroughly enjoying the show.
Alois slipped under the covers and the light went out, the curtain re-covering only the bedroom.
Mey-Rin, Finny, and Bard then walked on set dressed as 'the three bears'.
"Tell me, who does the boy play?" Her Highness asked Sebastian as the bears began questioning the open door. Sebastian was still dressed in his Snow White get up and sitting on top of a beaten and love-struck Claude.
"The Master?" The Queen nodded. "Bocchan isn't in the last play, your Grace." The Queen looked around confused.
"Where is he then?"
As the bears inspected their chairs and food, Bard as Papa bear, Mey-Rin as Mama bear, and Finny as Baby bear, Alois began to fall asleep.
The bed dipped unexpectedly as a new weight came upon it. Alois opened an eye to see a blushing and annoyed looking Ciel.
"You look ludicrous, take off those women's underwear. And that stupid wig."
"Oh, Ciel~ Naughty~ As you wish~"
"Someone broke my seat!" Cried Finny. Bard and Mey-Rin comforted the 'cub', Mey-Rin getting overly worried and promising him a new chair and more porridge, not made by Bard.
It took some time to stop the tears but when they did they were able to continue, walking over to the slightly ajar door. Bard put his head closer to the door cautiously, an odd expression from the quiet noises on the other side.
"Mmmm-hmm-mmm-ahh, mmm~!" Bard pulled back and shrugged to Mey-Rin and Finny who both looked confused.
They slowly opened the door, the curtain pulling back as they did. Bard flicked the lights and everyone froze.
Alois and Ciel were all over each other, kissing hotly and taking absolutely no notice of those around them as a naked Alois finally seemed to rid Ciel of his irritatingly hard to remove shirt. Ciel pushed him down roughly, causing Alois to cry out as the other boy began licking and biting down his throat.
Elizabeth, who had just woken, again, stared in shock, unable to do anything but gape.
The Queen covered her mouth and coughed before whispering to her assistant, "They should have gone with the bigger bed." True enough the two had no choice but to be on top of one another due to the beds minimal size.
Alois let out a loud moan, gasping and clawing at Ciel's back as he was entered viciously.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA-!KEKE!AHAHAHAHA!" Undertaker began laughing his ass off, rolling around on the ground. "HAHA-O-Okay-HEHEHE~! I-I'll tell you everything! HAHAHAHA!!!" Sebastian smiled at their triumph and nodded to a little chipmunk on Claude's head happily.
And so Alois and Ciel continued ignorant that they'd been caught,
Elizabeth wept for losing Ciel to a tart,
Viscount Druitt wept for the plays' beauty,
Hannah wept for her Master's happiness,
Undertaker laughed, hysterically,
Queen Victoria giggled, shocked from her spider and watchdogs little 'show', for once glad her darling deceased Albert wasn't around to see,
William left disgusted, as he always did when he left somewhere demons where,
Grell left happy, planning how he would surprise William naked on his office desk (12th times he charm),
Ronald left confused, but happy for his senpie who seemed pretty happy.
Soma remained confused as to what had happened,
Agni dreaded explaining the truth to his beloved prince.
Snake and his snakes continued to look through the script for all the scenes that had happened but not been planned,
Mey-Rin went into the emergency room from severe blood loss through her nose,
Finny remained innocent and oblivious to everything as Bard had covered his eyes,
Bard tried to smoke out the image of the two young boys from his mind,
Madam tailor left with a whole new range of ideas (and fantasies),
Lau and Ran-Mao left,
Claude was left bruised and love-struck,
Sebastian became Queen of the forest,
And they all live happily ever after?
"Hohoho~" (Tanaka sees everything)
Was it funny!? I thought it was I'm sorry XD Remember to Kudos!
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 2 of Kuroshitsuji Crack
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noellawrites · 2 years
A New Life - Daryl Dixon x reader
summary: you discover you might be pregnant and you’re worried about how Daryl might react. set sometime around 11x10 at the Commonwealth.
warning: talk of pregnancy, nausea/sickness, crying
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Life at the Commonwealth was a huge adjustment. Part of you wished you had opted to stay at Alexandria during the repairs, but you knew this was the best place for Judith and RJ. It didn’t mean you and Daryl weren’t skeptical, though.
Your shift at Elodie’s Treats had just ended, so you were heading back to the low-income housing where you had been assigned to live with Daryl, Judith and RJ.
Taking a deep breath, you entered your tiny apartment with your little family. A smile was immediately brought to your face as you watched Daryl help RJ with his homework as Judith read one of your books with her head laying on Dog.
“Hey, Auntie (y/n)! How was work today?” Judith piped up.
“Work? Oh, work was alright! How was school?” you responded, suddenly feeling nauseous. You weren’t sure if it was the damp smell in the room, the thrums of music coming through the walls or just the exhaustion from working for eight hours straight. It was probably all of the above.
“It was awesome! Uncle Daryl picked us up and then we got food for dinner,” she said, smiling then going back to her book.
Noticing a few dirty dishes left in the sink, you made your way over to wash them by hand. As you scrubbed, you tried to ignore the moldy smell of the room that felt like it was assaulting your nostrils.
You hadn’t even noticed Daryl sneaking up behind you.
“How was training?” you asked, almost scrubbing the paint off the pots at this point.
“Sucked. Same ‘ol. Still not any closer ‘t gettin’ a new place,” he sighed, then swept your hair behind your neck and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“Don’t worry, we’ll make do. The kids seem like they’re enjoying themselves,” you responded.
Daryl nodded, and you set the last of the dishes on the table to dry. You both exchanged the same worn-out, weathered glance you’d exchanged amidst hundreds of battles in your old life. But now, things were different. Your priority was the health and safety of Rick and Michonne’s kiddos.
The next day was back to business as usual. Daryl had training early in the morning and you had the day off from the bakery, so you dropped the kids off at school then went to Nabila and Jerry’s apartment.
You knocked at the door and took a deep breath, as you noticed your hands were shaking. You almost didn’t want to find out if you really were pregnant— that would make it feel too real.
“Hey, (y/n), it’s good to see ya! What’s up, my dude?” Jerry exclaimed as he threw the door open.
“Hey, Jerry! I was just wondering if Nabila was around?”
“Yeah, she’s putting Mariam down for a nap. You can come in, if you want?” Jerry offered.
You entered their cozy, two-bedroom apartment and headed towards the kids’ room, calling your friend’s name softly.
“(y/n), hello!” Nabila whispered.
“Hey, Nabila. Wow, she’s grown so quickly,” you whispered, marveling at the small baby asleep in her crib.
“She’s been wearing me out lately. They weren’t lying when they called it the terrible twos. So, is there something I can help you with?” she asked as you both walked out of the bedroom, Nabila quietly closing the door behind her. You knew Jerry was subtly eavesdropping as he whistled and made lunch in the kitchen.
“Uhm, well I-I think I might be pregnant and I was wondering if you still had any tests left. I just don’t trust these freaks enough to go to the doctor unless I have to.”
“That’s understandable. I have a couple left from the last time I saw the doc. C’mere,” Nabila said.
She handed you two tests, which involved dropping a bit of pee onto a tray and letting it sit for a few minutes. Old-fashioned, but more accurate than most tests that had been produced over twelve years ago.
“I’ll stand outside,” Nabila said as she handed you a cup.
“Wait,” you sniffled, “could you please stay?”
She nodded softly and stood facing the wall to give you some privacy. You pulled down your pants and waited for the cup to fill up.
After that, you shakily followed the instructions and left the test to develop for two minutes.
“Whatever happens, you’ll be okay. I promise, things are better than you think they are,” Nabila said, attempting to comfort you.
“Two lines. Both of them have two lines. That m-means—oh my god, how am I supposed to tell Daryl?” you panicked, tears streaming down your face.
“(y/n), (y/n), relax! It’s going to be okay, we can help you—“ Nabila soothed as you took quick, deep breaths in and out.
“Ladies, you alright in there?” Jerry asked through the door, no doubt in response to hearing you hyperventilating that.
You threw the door open where Jerry stood, stunned, and you hurled yourself into Jerry’s arms.
“I can’t be a mother! How am I supposed to take care of another living, breathing child?” you wailed as Jerry gently stroked your back. He slowly guided you to the couch, where you sat between Jerry and Nabila.
“Ever since you and Daryl took in Judith and RJ, you guys have seemed so happy. Daryl loves those kids, I know he’ll be overjoyed to have one of your own,” Jerry offered, Nabila nodding in agreement.
“Plus, boss owes me ten bucks now. I'll save it for the baby shower,” he laughed.
“Wait, you and Ezekiel bet on us?” you smirked, wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks.
“I bet that you’d get pregnant within three months of getting to the Commonwealth, and boss didn’t agree.”
“This was totally unplanned, but not unwelcome. At least, not for me. I’m just worried about how Daryl will react.”
It was the next day, and the perfect time to break the news to your boyfriend. You were walking back from dropping the kids off at school and neither of you had to be at work yet.
“Daryl, I have something I need to tell you,” you began. Dog walked between the two of you and you grasped Daryl’s hand gently.
“Yeah? 'N what's that?”
“I’m pregnant,” you blurted, staring down at the ground in nervousness.
“Are ya sure?”
“I took two test yesterday at Nabila and Jerry’s place.”
“Alright,” he said, nodding as if he was processing your words.
“Is—is that it? Just… alright?”
“Yeah. We’ll figure’t out. Ain’t nothin’ we can’t do, 'specially after takin’ care a Jude 'n RJ."
“So you aren’t pissed at me?”
“Nah, I ain’t mad. Takin’ care of 'em made me realize I could do better than ma dad. And I’ve always known ya’d make ‘n amazin’ mom,” Daryl confessed, both of you tentatively looking up to meet each other’s gaze.
“I love you, Daryl Dixon. I can’t wait to figure this out with you,” you smiled, as Daryl pulled you closer to him. Dog let out a bark as he moved beside you.
“Ah love ya too, (y/n),” he said, resting his chin on the top of your head as you leaned into his chest. It was an action even more intimate than a kiss.
“Did you know Jerry and Ezekiel had a bet going about when we’d have a kid?” you laughed.
"Nah, I didn’t,” he said, and you could feel his smile as he kissed your forehead.
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