#but spiders and roaches can burn in hell
Im deathly afraid of roaches. I have no problem whatsoever in killing then. Morally. I’m still scared shitless. Less scared of spiders but don’t mind killing them. But Daddy long legs? I can’t do it. I feel heartbroken
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olsenmyolsen · 6 months
This Is Me Trying - Two - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story)
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Summary: The Hawkeyes and you seem to be on the same track...
Word Count: 3.5K
Content: College stress, Flirty Kate Bishop, Clint being a dad
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"Kate Bishop! Your crush! Asked you that!? No way!" Ned, of course, couldn't believe it. But this was the same man who didn't realize he was going out with Betty Brant for two weeks
"What did you say after she asked?" MJ questioned when she looked up from behind her laptop on the couch.
"I said, "yeah!" and "that's awesome." Was that good?"
MJ shook her head. "Truly a wordsmith." Sarcastic as ever. MJ went back to her screen to basically ignore you and Ned.
"Well, anyways, congrats," Ned said, getting up from the dining room table where his and Peter's LEGO Death Star was kept. Why was it in your dorm and not there's you had no idea. But MJ helped from time to time, so you figured it was okay.
Ned and you walked into your room and closed the door.
"You know it's a good thing everyone knows you're gay, or else the amount of time we go to your room alone would be suspicious." You froze and thought about Ned's words. "Yeah, I guess... I wonder what MJ thinks we do?"
"I think Peter said we watch movies that she'd disapprove of."
That made sense. "Hmm, alright." You walked over to your bed and flopped onto it while you waited for Ned to do what he needed to do.
3...2...1. "Okay, got it." He said as your fingers formed into a 0. "Alright, what am I looking at?" Ned had pulled up security footage from a traffic light from three weeks ago.
"Okay, this was when that building on 10th in Hell's Kitchen burned down." Ned played the video, and it showed a group of guys in Tracksuits fleeing from the building as they piled into a black SUV moments prior to the building going up.
"Okay. So the Tracksuits are back.." You thought out loud as Ned moved his cursor to another video.
"This was from last week on 3rd in Harlem." The video played and was almost identical to the third one. Except the SUV and the plates on the car were different.
You stood in thought as the last video started. "This was last night."
You recognized the building immediately as you remember zipping past it last night. Just like the other two videos, it played out the same. When the video stopped, Ned looked at you.
"Okay, so as bad as their fashion choice is, they're not idiots. They have different cars and plates every time. Their faces are covered, and let me guess, if we follow the cars light by light, they end up at a chop shop?"
Ned nodded.
"So... it's gotta be the buildings." Ned tilted his head. "What do you mean? It's not the chop shops?" You shook your head. "Chop shops are easy to bust. It's like they want you to follow them there. The buildings. The ones they burn. That's the real money."
Ned looked from you to the screen.
"So you think these tracksuit guys are burning the buildings for insurance money?" You shook your head and entered your closet to change into your Spidey Suit.
Just because you're gay doesn't mean you want guy your friend Ned to see you.
"No, I think someone is hiring these guys to do it." You huffed as you remembered who had the tracksuit mafia in his pocket last time.
Wilson Fisk. The Kingpin.
He was a roach you could never squash just right.
If he owned the buildings, that means there was a lot more at play.
"Okay." You stepped out of the closet and quickly scarfed down a leftover slice of pizza Ned had. "Do you think you could find out who owns these buildings?" Ned nodded. "It's probably a bunch of shell companies, but I can do my best." You patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks, man." You hurried across your room and grabbed your mask.
"Oh, and when Peter comes over, could you maybe not tell him I went patrolling? Tell him I overheard something on the radio." Ned gave a flat smile.
Lying was not his strong suit.
"If you do, I'll-"
"Hey, Y/N, are you still in there?" You gave a panicked look to Ned before putting on your mask and twhiping away before MJ wildly opened the door.
She looked from the open window to Ned.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Uhhh..." Ned was really bad at lying. "She left..ago- a while ago!" He was in trouble. "Yeah?" MJ crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe. "How come I didn't see her leave?"
Ned's brain scrambled.
"Blindness?" Ned said, making MJ stand up straighter. "I turn a blind eye to many things, Ned, but this won't be one of them." She uncrossed her arms and stretched her arm out to grab the door handle to the room. "By the way, nice camera footage, totally not suspicious at all." She thinned her eyes and hummed as she closed the door.
After swinging for what felt like a good enough distance away from campus, you stood on the roof of an old pizzeria.
Your phone chimed, and you had a text from Ned. "Did my best. Sorry. 😭😭😭"
You laughed and reassured him that he wouldn't be fired from his guy-in-the-chair duties.
"Keep me posted on the buildings." You sent your final text and put your phone away.
You then stared out into the boro you find yourself in. In the distance, you can see what remains of a shootout you helped rescue people from two months ago. You think about a girl you saved who said she wanted to be like you when she grew up.
Your heart warmed, and you told her to stay in school and that she'd be better than you.
Which was looking more and more accurate by the day as you leaped off the pizzeria, ignoring a text from your brother about the essay you still needed to do.
At the same time, Kate Bishop entered her dorm room, walking past her blonde roommate and fast friend Cassie Lang at her desk before Kate collapsed facedown onto her bed.
"What's wrong?" The slightly shorter of the two, Cassie, turned around and asked. "Tired." Kate's muffled voice spoke.
"How late were you out last night?" Cassie asked as she stood up, approaching her friend's bed. "Past 3," Kate said, making Cassie go wide-eyed. "Kate Bishop! The rule was 2:30 at the latest!"
Kate rolled over and lifted herself up. "I'm sorry." She pouted at her friend, who instantly pulled her into a comforting hug that turned into Kate leaning on Cassie's shoulder. "What else is wrong?" Cassie asked as she saw how exhausted Kate looked.
"Nothing," Kate said, but Cassie wasn't so sure. "Are you doing some overthinking?" Kate froze eventually before nodding. "What about?"
"Clint and the Tracksuits."
Kate spoke freely about her other life to Cassie.
Kate used to tell people openly about how she was working with an Avenger, but after what happened with her mom and Kingpin last year, she toned it down.
Now, the only people who know are Cassie, Pizza Dog, and a rouge assassin for hire. Plus, Clint and his family.
Cassie only found out when she woke up in the middle of the night to see Kate in her Hawkeye outfit on the floor.
Kate tripped, falling through the window, and busted her chin.
Kate wanted to tell more people like you. But as previously mentioned. She liked you and didn't want you to get hurt because of her.
So, she kept her Hawkeye circle small.
However, Kate couldn't get the idea out of her head... what if she told you?
"Kate?" Cassie poked the forehead of her dorm mate. "Where'd you go?" She asked.
Kate sat up and cracked her neck, ignoring the question. Cassie noticed as she raised her eyebrows and returned to her desk. Choosing schoolwork, Chemistry in particular, over prying answers from Kate.
"Do you think I should tell Y/N?" Kate spoke up and waited for Cassie to turn around. But she didn't.
"Cass?" Kate asked as she stepped off her bed and walked next to her friend. "Cass?" She asked again before realizing Cassie had put in her AirPods.
Cassie turned to her left and jumped, startled, before pulling them out. "Oh shit. What's up?!" Kate opened her mouth. "I..- nothing. I just was going to tell you that I.. wanted to.."
She couldn't do it.
"I wanted to invite Y/N to my archery practice!" Kate put on a smile and watched her friend's face light up.
"Oh my God, I love that! Please do it! Ugh, she's so pretty!" Cassie was happy for her friend finally doing something about her crush. "She is," Kate replied with a blush. "Think she'll show?" Kate then asked.
"Why wouldn't she?" Cassie tilted her head, entirely focused on the conversation.
Cassie and you had hung out briefly when your friend group and Kate's got together, but she has never witnessed how your superhero life affects you.
Kate shrugs. "Lately, Y/N has been... flaky isn't the right word.. but not here? I guess? She's always tired too. She bails on plans with her and Peter sometimes."
Cassie raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"
"I've seen it at the library. Their study block is next to mine." Cassie nodded. "Plus, MJ's told me."
"Michelle Jones?" Cassie questions, making Kate nod. "She's roommates with Y/N, right?" Kate nods again. "Well, what does she think." Kate folds her lips into her mouth and raises her eyebrows.
"She thinks Y/N is The Spider."
Cassie's mouth drops before forming into a smile of laughter. "What?!" Kate nods with her own smile. "It's true. She's convinced."
Cassie laughs, making Kate giggle. "She took pictures of The Spider over a summer once. That doesn't mean she's THE Spider." Kate nodded as her smile naturally faded. "That would be funny," Kate said, making Cassie laugh again.
"Well, good luck with having your crush at practice tomorrow." Kate waved Cassie off as she went to the bathroom to shower and change. "Going out?" Cassie yelled through the closed bathroom door.
"Not till later. Why?" Kate replied as she took her top off. Her eyes finding a yellow bruise on her chest. "Looks like it's gonna snow."
And snow it did.
It started to come down after you stopped an armed robbery. Armed being used lightly as the men committing the crime were carrying toy guns.
Plus, the bank they chose to hit was a block down from a police station.
So, as you swung back up onto a nearby roof, snow hit your mask. You smiled and lifted up the mask to expose your mouth and nose. You inhaled and exhaled, watching your breath hang in the air.
The snow touched your face and melted against your warm pink cheeks.
It was cool and calming.
A few seconds of much-needed peace.
"I love snow." You whispered to yourself as the wind blew, making you shiver, but you remained now sitting on the roof with your smiling face to the darkened sky.
After enough time, you pulled out your phone.
"I should see if anyone needs any help." But before you could check the Friendly Neighborhood Spidey App, you were receiving a call from an unknown number.
"Ew, who calls anyone after 7?"
You weighed the options of answering it due to your fear of talking on the phone, but after three rings, you caved. "Hello?"
"Yes, hello, I'm calling for a Y/N Parker." The male voice on the other end sounded familiar.
"This is she." You said, standing up. "Ah, Y/N! Nice to put a voice to a list of your academic achievements." The male chuckled. "This is Dr. Otto Octavius." You physically stopped pacing and smiled. Holy crap! You were speaking to THE Dr. Octavius!
"Dr. Octavius! Hello! Wow, I can't believe you called. I take it Dr. Connors passed along... well, my life." You sent a small laugh Otto's way. "He did." He replied with a smile. "And I must say he was right; you're a bright student, Y/N."
You made a "yeah!" gesture with your arm.
"But-" Oh no! "I agree with Connors when he says you've been struggling. I can see just by looking at your grades and past reports that you're lazy. Brilliant but lazy."
"I- I'm trying to do better." You paved around the empty rooftop. "I've just had a lot of personal stuff happening lately."
The other side of the line went quiet.
"Parker, intelligence is not a privilege. It's a gift."
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, butDr. Octavius stopped you. Do you think you'll be free after the holidays?" You perked up at that and stood on your tiptoes.
Was he saying what you thought he was saying?
"Uh yes- yes sir! You'll have my undivided attention!"
Dr. Octavius hummed.
"On the second Monday after the new year, I'd like to speak with you face to face. From there, we can see how we'll proceed with one another. That's about a month away, Parker. That should give you time to get your other affairs in order."
You nodded your head. "Yes, sir. Thank you!"
"I'll email you the information and where to meet me two weeks from now. Happy Holidays."
The line went dead, and you cheered. You just got an interview with Dr. Otto Octavius. He called you lazy, but he also said you were brilliant!
You put your phone away and jumped off the roof of the building with an aloud cheer that you were certain people did not appreciate.
Meanwhile, Kate was unlocking the door to her aunt's place to meet up with Clint. What she wasn't expecting was for Clint to be there already.
"Trust me, I don't plan on missing two Christmas' in a row."
Clint was on the phone.
Kate quietly closed the door, dropped her bag, and quiver on the floor.
"Laura..." Clint sounded tired. "With Kingpin back, I'd feel awful if I left and something happened." Kate's lips formed into a flat line. "Yeah, no, she's great. Kicking ass on her own." Clint said and laughed when his wife replied back.
Kate tried to remain quiet, but a floorboard creaking under her left foot gave her away. Lucky's head shot up from Clint's lap, making the archer turn around. "Hey, babes, Hawkeye just arrived, so I gotta go. Yeah. Yeah. I'll be safe. Love you too."
Clint smiled before hanging up. "She says hi." Kate nodded and told Clint to tell Laura hi the next time they spoke.
Kate grabbed a spot on the loveseat next to the couch.
"I didn't hear you come in," Clint spoke up as he put his phone away. "Don't know if that's my old age or..." He tapped his ear. "Maybe I'm just getting better at sneaking around," Kate replied with a smile.
Clint nodded his head with a chuckle. Kate was saving him from embarrassment.
Clint was still struggling with his hearing loss.
"Yeah, well... maybe it's all three," Clint said as he looked away from Kate. His hand still petting the dog.
Something in the room always shifted when talks like these happened. It reminded the two archers that time and missions with one another were limited.
Clint couldn't do this forever.
He didn't want to do this forever. He had a family and a life outside of being Hawkeye.
But damn, if he wasn't going to miss someone, he considers family—an annoying girl who was somehow more skilled than him but clumsy as hell, Kate Bishop.
Clint kicked his tongue and scooted Lucky off his lap before getting up and grabbing a water from the ridge and a laptop from his bag. "While you were at school. I got a friend to do a little research."
Clint returned, sitting at the edge of the couch closest to Kate. He opened the laptop and clicked on a folder of files. Blueprints. Bank records. Phone calls and messages all popped up on the screen.
"A friend?" Kate asked with a knowing smirk.
Clint ignored her as he took a sip of water. Clicking on the map of the city. Certain buildings highlighted in red. Others in grey. "What am I looking at?"
"The red ones are the burned-down buildings." Kate took a look at the map again. "And the grey... Potential targets?" Clint nodded before clicking on another file. It was a picture taken by Clint last night. "This is a zoomed-in photo of the blueprint on the Tracksuits wall."
"Their next target?" Kate asked. "I think so. We find one of the grey buildings that matches this blueprint." He pointed to the screen. "We can stop them."
Stop them, hurt them, make them confess, give us the details and whereabouts of Wilson Fisk.
You know, that kind of stop them.
Kate looked at the screen again. She moved pieces of her hair behind her ears before leaning into the screen. "How do we know they'll target one of the grey ones?"
Clint moved the cursor on the screen and clicked on an open tab. Finical records. "The ones burned down and these ones." The ones highlighted grey. "Are all owned by different shell companies, but when you really start digging deep, you find that they all go to the same place. Red Lion National Bank."
"Kingpin," Kate said.
Clint nodded. "He owns them all."
"So what he uses these buildings as cash houses and then burns them down when they aren't needed?" Clint shrugged. "It's a working theory. I'm sure there's more involved than money." Kate agreed.
"This one looks like the blueprint. But... but so does this one." Kate said as she clicked between two different buildings.
"It's probably built by the same company that's why they're not so different." Clint thought. "We could go stake out one and see how much movement happens."
"Sounds good to me. Doesn't look that far away. I mean it's far but- you get what I mean." She flopped her hand at Clint.
He laughed.
"Alright well, let me go get changed and we'll be off." Clint stood up and clapped his hands. "Oh, I also already fed Lucky and took him out so no need to worry."
Pizza Dog perked his ears up.
"Awww did Uncle Clint already take care of you?" Kate turned on her baby voice as she leaned over to kiss and pet the dog. "You're such a good boy!" Lucky's tail started wagging. Clint playfully rolled his eyes as he walked to the bathroom.
As she waited Kate's mind started to wander.
"Alright, we just about ready?" Clint asked as he zipped up his vest and grabbed his bow. Kate stood up putting her phone into her pocket and nodded. "My stuff's by the door."
"Great." Clint and Kate made their way to the front door to finish gathering what they needed. "Oh, here." Clint tossed Kate a purple beanie.
She smiled and looked at Clint. "Occasion?"
"It's cold and snowing outside. Can't have you getting sick." Kate's heart warmed at that whether it was sarcastic or not. "Thanks. Where'd you get it?" She asked a she released her hair from its ponytail
"Stopped by my place in the city earlier. Found it in the closet."
What Clint failed to tell Kate is that the beanie wasn't store-bought.
It was handmade.
And before you ask. God, no Clint didn't spend hours crocheting a hat together.
Natasha Romanoff did.
"Looks better on you kid." Clint smiled as Kate dawned it with pride. "Hawkeye and Hawkeye. One with a beanie the other with a hearing aid!" Kate posed as if she was shooting an arrow and exaggerated her voice.
"Had to ruin it didn't you?" Clint teased as he opened the door.
"Bye, Lucky!" Clint waved to the dog before entering the hall. "Bye, Pizza Dog! Be good!" Kate flipped all but one light switched off and locked the door.
As the two archers made their trek to the location marked on Clint's phone he spoke up simply because he couldn't help himself.
"So... who were you texting earlier?"
Kate looked to her right confused. However, she knew what Clint was talking about. "Come on. Don't give me that look. I may be deaf at times but I'm never blind." Clint bumped into Kate as they kept waking. "Don't forget I'm also the father of a teenage daughter."
Kate had him there.
"A friend." She said. "Oh, a friend! Are they nice?" Kate nodded. "She's nice." Clint smiled. She. "Does she know about this?" Clint pointed to the arrows on Kate's back.
Kate shook her head. "She knows I do archery but that's it." Clint looked at Kate's side profile. "But you want to tell her?" Kate looked up. "How'd you know?"
Clint exhaled.
"Because Kate you like this friend of yours. You're young. Oh, and you're terrible at keeping secrets."
"Am not."
She was.
In Clint's eyes, it was a miracle the whole world didn't know the real identity of the "new" Hawkeye.
"Regardless, are you going to tell them?"
Kate shrugged. "I don't know."
Clint patted her shoulder. "That's alright." Kate smiled. "I invited her to my archery practice tomorrow and to study afterward. The text was about her coming over."
Clint raised his eyebrows. "Oh well as long as you're safe."
Kate furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. But before she could reply her phone buzzed.
It was a text from you.
"Sounds great! 🎯"
You smiled as you hit send.
Your fingers remained tightly gripped around your phone as you twhiped yourself through an alleyway.
You thought about double-texting Kate. Asking her how she was or what she was doing. Or why the sudden invite to her archery practice?
Was it just for fun? The want to hang out with you? Or did Kate truly just want to show off her toned arms and skills with a bow?
Could it be all of the above?
You closed out your messages app before you could accidentally send a double text and focused on your tingling.
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fowlblue · 10 months
oc question things!
14, 16, 41 for literally any one of the lot (or all!)
And A or G for all as well?
Hell yeah let’s do this-
(thought it might be fun to have them answer some of these, lol)
14). What animal do their fear most?
Valentine: “…I don’t really care for horses. They look like they know too much.”
Tim: “Spiders. I’m not a fan of… anything about them, really. The whole ‘skittering’ thing, their webs… gross.”
Jon: “I don’t like mice. Or roaches. Those kinds of things. Usually they don’t make it all the way up the Needle, though, so I’m good.”
Butler: “Trolls. Next question.”
16). What makes their stomach turn?
Valentine: “…Brakes. The sound of brakes squealing. Let’s go with that.”
Tim: “Cooking… meat, I guess? Sometimes I can’t even be in the kitchen while Butler is working- it brings up bad memories. Especially if it burns.”
Jon: “Blood on my suit. Or in my hair. That shit’s nasty.”
Butler: “…I feel like I’ve seen too many people die to give that a fair answer, but the ‘look’ of the dead is something one never forgets. Especially when you have died once, yourself.”
41). How do they feel about children?
Valentine: “Not for me- but I don’t, like, hate them? They’re noisy. They’re funny, sometimes. That’s about it.”
Tim: “I love my own children dearly, of course- more than words can say. But others’ children make me feel… awkward, I suppose? I don’t really know what to do with them, and the looks on their faces when they first see mine don’t feel very good. If their own parents are present to keep an eye on them, it’s fine- minding the twins is enough of a handful for me.”
Jon: “Kids are fun- they got the funniest fuckin’ sense of humor. The world hasn’t gotten to em’ yet. Sometimes I wish I had some, but I’d be a pretty shit parent, I think.”
Butler: “I hardly think Artemis could be considered a normal child, but having helped raise two of them, children are perfectly fine. I don’t think I would know what to do with a child born to a normal life, however. What kind of mischief would that even entail? I’m too used to…” *gestures vaguely at Fowl Manor* “-all of this.”
A). Why are you excited about this character?
I love all my bastard men so much- I don’t really have a set reason as to why, I just do. They’re so fun to play mix-n-match with, situations-wise, and I love that I’ve given some of them a slightly stronger presence in the fandom! Also, I just. Love that people love Valentine, lol- it makes me really happy
G). What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Valentine- It is very hard for me to word the specific kind of violent/volatile nature Valentine has. I really don’t want to project this idea that he’s a guy who just loves beating up and harming random people, because he doesn’t. He just has very little qualms about killing people in his way, and gets violent specifically with enemies that have managed to piss him off. But it’s still annoying to write.
Tim- Tim… my guy… you have a good heart, I know it, the peace you want and the life and safety you want for your family is all great things… please word the things you say better.
Jon- Honestly, I can’t think of anything?? Like he’s such an asshole but… that’s his whole thing. Jon is a cartoonishly evil businessman, down to the T. If I was mad about that, it’d be like getting mad at The Riddler for riddling or something.
Butler- Butler is so stoic and stubborn about admitting literally anything the Fowls/Butlers/Artemis does is fucked up, or that the whole dynamic thing is fucked up, or any of that. Please my man, recognize that your life and childhood have had a massive thread of “that’s fucked up, actually”… and maybe have a good cry about it. You need one.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
We had a fun bit of panic last night when a rather large (dollar coin) orange cat-face spider caught a ride in from the outdoors on my wife, so. How would each of the characters react to a large but probably harmless spider? Who’d be calmly grabbing a cup to take it outside and who’d be screaming and burning the house down?
Oooh excellent:
Jim- Calmly takes care of it, zero reaction. Freaks the fuck out internally the whole time.
Oluwande- Freaks out externally, heavy breathing, but very gently gets the spider out. No dying on his watch!
Roach- 'No men, no gods, no fucking spiders in my kitchen' uses his cleaver to pick it up and get it the hell out of there.
Frenchie -Absolutely the fuck not, will not scream, but will climb on furniture.
John- Totally with Oluwande, freaking out, but no one is allowed to hurt it either. Will eventually get it out if no one else can handle it.
Pete- Blusters about how he's not afraid, totally no big deal guys....and if no one else does anything will have to actually step up, having a worse internal conniption than Jim.
Lucius- 'Jesus Christ, you guys, it's a spider.' Picks it up with a cup in one move and yeets it out the window. Listens to John scold him with an eye roll as he makes himself another cup of coffee.
Stede- 'Oh! Gorgeous! Look, honey, it's a wolf spider! Wonderful creatures. Let me get a bit of paper, it can crawl on...ah! Hello lovely thing, I think you would be much happier elsewhere. Eddy, darling, can you get the door?'
Eddy- If with Stede, 'Yeah,yes, Door. On it. Getting it out of our fucking house, great.' On her own....well. Hope the spider had a nice life cause it's over now.
Izzy- 'Sweeney...motherfucker', but assuming the cat doesn't murder it, Izzy will. Very calmly assassinated. Sorry, my dude!
Read- Absolute crawling horrors, if no one else is around, she will also deal with it, but she will be whimpering and having the shakes the whole time.
Anne- Eh. It's not her thing, but she can take it outside just fine. Might wash her hand thoroughly after.
Charlie- Team Jim, calm cool collected, can even do the whole 'rattles off scientific name' etc, internally having a total meltdown. Except with Felix because...
Felix- 'Aw, cool! Hey, a aranha, how'd you get in here, huh? Must be confusing, let's get you back outside.'
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ao3feed-spuffy · 11 months
Your Timing Needs Work
by cosplayermadness
Spike tries to take Buffy out in their ‘is this a date’ episode but instead of lashing out, she just goes to the nearest crate and has a breakdown cuz this is the WORST year of her life. Spike vows to make it better for her as best he can and for once, he kinda delivers. Even when the rest of Sunnydale goes off and makes things way, way worse for them all.
Takes place during the second half of season 5, with dates to make following along w the actual cannon a little easier. Buffy breaks down because if anyone were in her shoes w the year she’s had, they probably would too. Slayer or not, that shit SUCKED. Joyce is a badass and doesn’t die, a giant cockroach demon tries to abduct the Slayer, Spike plays nurse (not in a sexy way), and there’s a road trip from a hell beast. What more could a story have? A happy ending? Yeah, sure, but who wants to go demon bowling? I know Buffy does.
TW: gratuitous violence, vomiting, blood, gore, trash, bugs, so many giant bugs I’m so sorry, Joyce gets her groove back, BDSM, dominatrix Buffy, slow burn, Spike in therapy (sorta), I live for Joyce with a weapon, guns, abduction attempt, robot Buffy & Dawn (not sexual), sexual assault via roach demon, paperwork & a road trip
Words: 26196, Chapters: 10/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Time In A Bottle
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers, Joyce Summers, Rupert Giles, Spike (BtVS), Willow Rosenberg, Tara Maclay, Xander Harris, Anya Jenkins, Glory (BtVS), Ben Wilkinson, Clem (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Glorificus (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Demons (Characters), Drusilla (BtVS), Harmony Kendall
Relationships: Spike/Buffy Summers, Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris/Anya Jenkins, Brian | Joyce Summers' Date/Joyce Summers
Additional Tags: Gratuitous Violence, Vomiting, Blood, Bugs & Insects, Explicit Sexual Content, BDSM, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Declarations Of Love, Slow Burn, Guns, Weapons, Joyce Summers Lives, BAMF Joyce Summers, BAMF Dawn Summers, Giant Spiders, giant insects, Cockroaches, Hospitalization, Hospitals, Sexual Tension, Season/Series 05, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) Season 5, Road Trips, Underage Drinking, Blood Drinking, Drinking to Cope, Binge Drinking, Electrocution, Fire, Burns, Second Degree Burns, Past Abuse, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48666742
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
roaches are friends. as are ants, moths, caterpillaers, centipedes, and spiders. I accept no criticism mwah
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crazyd4esq · 2 years
Weird grubby things?
Sounds like you're finding bugs in your basement. That's not exactly abnormal, even if you can't figure out what it is.
Yeah, I know.  Except these things are . . . weird. Even for bugs.  Or at least for the bugs I’m used to up here.  I mean, it's not like I'm in a rainforest or Australia or something.
The first time I saw one of the grubs was when I was in the cellar.  There’s a door on one side that I’m not supposed to open and really couldn’t open because of all the junk piled up in front of it.  (Yeah, I know, a “forbidden” door in an old basement is like a billion red flags at a minimum . . . except for the fact that this house’s been in my family for decades and we would’ve sniffed out any macabre shit by then.)
Back when I first moved in, I didn’t think much of the junk heap—it was just junk, after all, right?  But as I got older, it occurred to me that there might be something useful down there in the heap of “junk.”  And I was right: I got 2 blankets, an end table, a bookshelf, three chairs, the big mirror, and some other stuff.  Aside from the mirror they each had these weird burn marks on them, almost like chemical burns, but who cares?  Free stuff, still in working order.
The first grub was in a drawer of the end table. It freaked me out, so I yanked the drawer out and hurled it away towards the “forbidden” door.  Never even got a good look at it, just some writhing sickly pale puke-green, almost white thing easily the size of my pinky.
The second and third grubs were stuck to the mirror.  They were dead, I assumed from the spiders and house centipedes, and all dried up. It was the first time I got a good look at them.  Sickly pale puke-green, almost white . . . except for the “head” area.  Each easily the size of my pinky.  And the “head” area?  Blood-red with grayish growths that almost looked like a circle of sharp tooth-like things.
The fourth grub was when I went down again one night to look for more stuff.  It charged at me.
It acted like some of the cockroaches I’ve seen, except . . . I dunno, angrier?  It was definitely sturdier, though not as fast.  I’ve had to live in some dirty apartments during my life.  Every once in a while a big roach won’t flee and will go into this death charge towards you.  This grub sure did.  Not sure why, but some of those big roaches will charge so hard that they wade through pesticide for a bit.  This grub sure as hell did.  In the past, I’ve had to crush the thing with the bottle of pesticide to put one of the big roaches down.  This grub just dented the can.  That freaked me the hell out, so I bolted and slammed the door behind me.  Then maybe an hour later, there was a tapping on that door.
Yeah.  I know.
So the aerosol can + lighter = mini-flamethrower trick actually works, provided you use the right type of can.  And the grub thing reeeally hates fire, it seems, even if it took a solid ten minutes for it to give up the ghost.  So . . . that took care of that, and I make it a point not to go through that door between sunset and sunrise, no matter how loud or frequent the tapping gets.
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maveras-posts · 2 years
Deadpool Headcannons
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General Headcannon:
NO DOUBT. Wade has Spider-Man merch & plushies
Only wears onesies & refuses to wear other pajamas
Can quote ANY Vine (This man is cultured)
SKILLED Tik Tok Dancer
On that note he most likely has many secret accounts so he can troll
Wade has a Wattpad where he writes Spideypool fanfics.
Owns a gumball machine
Carries Hello Kitty Band-aids in his Hello Kitty backpack
His apartment is a DISASTER housekeeping wise…
Is scared of roaches (Won’t hesitate to BURN the house down with the roach in it).
Is the PROTECTOR of the Gays/Lesbians
Will call people randomly at 3AM (There won’t even be a reason)
Sleeps with a Spidey Squishmallow
Being Friends with Deadpool:
Super supportive & chill friend
Will give you his cartoon drawings (Your fridge will be covered in them)
Will randomly show up everywhere shopping, in your apartment, in your car (Be prepared to have the SHIT SCARED OUTTA YOU)
Constant back and fourth banter/insults
Will talk your ear off for HOURS
Wade only wants/needs someone to be there for him unconditionally
Wade is lonely but will never admit it.
Please for the love of God stay with him. Please be his friend.
AN: On top of being a religious anime watcher, I am also a HUGE Marvel fan. I feel like Deadpool doesn’t get as much hype as he deserves, his character and background are rich but sometimes it seems to be overlooked. Personally Deadpool is one of my favorite Marvel characters and I decided to “Hell with it” and write my headcannons for him.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
HI hello hi :D can I... can I perhaps get some Tunes? any and all WIP tunes you're in the mood to share!! I love all ur projects c: though if you'd like me to be more specific if you have any from A Modern Ghost Story up your sleeve I would love to hear those 👀👀👀
Ooooh yes yes hello hi!!! Sharing Tunes is my passion,,, also thank you that is so nice asdfjkl;
Very funny because literally today I revamped/remade the A Modern Ghost Story playlist b/c the original didn't have the right vibes. This story is very much just Vibes atm for the most part (at least, aside from Roach), but I will share some of the Vibes Tunes. And also I will share a song or two from the separate Roach Playlist,,,,,, because yes I made a Roach playlist.
Actually one of my favorite things to do, as a lot of people I talk to on discord can attest to, is to take songs from my playlists and analyze them/explain why they relate to that story. I might...do a little of that... here.... Not to the extent that I usually do, but some of it.
Might put this under the cut actually whoops- Sorry I cannot answer asks concisely </3
So the first vibes song that I will share is The Perfect World by Marty Friedman! Just in general the vibes of apathy towards faith and accepting death, and like. Saving yourself and creating our own perfect world instead of relying on external forces... yeah <3 That vibes a lot.
Some lyrics I think are particularly fitting:
Broken people, broken feelings Feeling numb but know they're bleeding Light and darkness bond together "Faith will save you" (Yeah, whatever…)
And then also:
Sometimes we try to feel how things just used to be in yesterdays But never seem to believe in what we see today No one ever make it better, no one ever lives forever Wake me up and let me go
This song's vibes are Impeccable.
Aside from that, other songs that I think vibe pretty well are Along Came A Spider by Czesław Śpiewa (I know it's a song about World War II but the Vibes..... really feels like a good horror song in general), The Business of Paper Stars by Hawthorne Heights (which is apparently about the education system but I am relating it to my OCs because it's got good vibes <3), aaaaand Bird With a Broken Wing by Owl City (idk how to explain this one but just the vibe of like. the idea that ghosts in A Modern Ghost Story are just sad, lonely, scared people).
OKAY so now I want to share a Roach Song. The Roach song I'm thinking of is one I actually used to associate with a different character, but it's a Roach song now. That song is Kiss Me, Kill Me by Mest!!! Specifically I relate this song to their relationship with a character I've deliberately been kinda quiet about, Vulture!!! He'll be explained a bit more in part two of Vultures are Holy Creatures (the Roach Ramble).
The TL;DR of Roach and Vulture's relationship was that it was super nasty and toxic and codependent and it's the reason behind a lot of Roach's persisting self-esteem issues, and that's the vibe I get from this song </3 I'll share some lyrics I like tho:
Our tragedy Seems to be killing everything it sees Like death itself This valentine still looms In the darkest hour, the killing moon If I could do it all again
And also:
Your eyes unwind the tragedy of our lives My eyes went blind Believe when I say Hell burns bright When this night dies Hell burns bright
I kinda wanna type up a full summary/analysis of Kiss Me, Kill Me and why I think it fits Roach and Vulture, but I'm gonna wait at least until after I finish part two of Vultures are Holy Creatures.
Anyway to round this off, rather than sharing a bunch more Roach songs, I want to share songs that make me think of the other characters. Because I feel bad about how much I latched onto Roach. I won't share lyrics for all of them, I'll just share the song and explain it briefly.
Sydney Ambrose - Toxic Thoughts by Faith Marie (vibes of Syd's struggles to live up to their own expectations and their relationship with themself) (Fun fact this is also a good song for my OC Ink, but he's not in this story, and that's for very different reasons)
Yara Key - I Don't Daydream Anymore by Unlike Pluto (the vibes of this song are kind of wild but they make me think of Yara's desire to live her life to the fullest and enjoy it while she can rather than dwelling on what comes after)
Oliver Cox - It's Alright by Mother Mother (vibes of Oliver struggling a lot with his own mental health but putting off helping himself in favor of helping others, and him struggling with doubt but still trying to stand strong and have confidence in himself)
Vincent Cruz (new guy) - TV Head by Elliot Lee (vibes with Vincent being raised with very strict standards that he couldn't quite live up to and his need to lie to make others think he's something he's not so they'll like him)
Juno London - Dead Girls by Penelope Scott (honestly could vibe with most of the voids, but for Juno I relate this song to Juno's self-hatred that they mask by being an asshole to everyone, as well as the fact that they aren't a very empathetic person but still make the choice to show compassion, even if their methods are unconventional)
Asher King - Cradles by Sub Urban (also a song that applies to most of the voids, but for Asher this makes me think of her desire to mask her true feelings from others and come off as always cool, collected, and competent)
Apollo - Sleepwalk by Forrest Day (this song once again fits all the voids but for Apollo specifically I think this song fits his struggles trusting himself and his own perception of reality)
Vulture - The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by Colter Wall (,,,, vibes)
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mandochlorian · 3 years
JUST A JOB (Din Djarin x Fem!Reader)
Summary: You have a history with the Mandalorian now clad in Beskar; an unavoidable, unforgettable, messy history. So it’s no surprise that when he seeks you out, the first thing you do is run for your life. But Mando is good at the chase.
A/N: ooo look my first din djarin post, I might continue this into more parts in the future hehe
star wars masterlist
Your heart is beating so incredibly fast. As if the running wasn’t enough, you can sense his presence gaining on you more and more every second you spend pushing your legs as far as they'll take you. He can’t chase you forever, even blood-sucking, life-draining, helmet-wearing Mandalorians have to take breaks. Though this one is not like any other bounty hunter you’ve ever encountered. 
You just hope you make it - your legs are burning and if you squint you can see the ramp to your ship has just finish opening. Pressing the button on your bracelet, it begins to close again and you take a deep breath. You have to make it. You have to make it. You don’t look back. You can’t. If you look back, he’ll get you. 
Stars, you feel like his breath is right on the back of your neck and it sends shivers down your body. He’s there. He’s right there. Behind you. Your chest is throbbing, your hair whipping across your face as your ship comes into greater view. Holding your breath, you use the last bit of energy you have to stick your heels into the dirt. Skidding in a puff of dust, you grab the edge of the ramp and pull yourself up and above the ledge of it. You’re going to make it. You’re gonna make it. Thank the f-
Something strong pulls you back by your ankles, bringing your momentum to a stop. You can barely comprehend what happens as your back slams into the ground. The ramp then comes to a shut. You almost made it.
The sound that comes from your throat is guttural, you struggle to gasp for breath but it’s all in vain. Your shaking hand comes to your throat and you squeeze your eyes shut at the dust collecting in the air.
The Mandalorian leans down, his shining helmet blocking the sun above you. You swear you feel your blood turn to ice as you stare at him. “You’re still quite the runner,” he notes, voice just as deep as you remember it, “but your tactics are old.”
“They m-may be old but-” you let out a shaky laugh, though you’re terrified of the man before you, “they’ve worked up until now.”
He pauses, visor directly above you though he leans down a little to emphasis his words, “The fact that we haven’t crossed paths has nothing to do with you. If I had wanted to take you in, you would’ve been in some Imperial cell by now.”
“What, you want me to thank you?” You narrow your eyes at him, slowly sitting up. He pulls away, standing up straight. You notice he has neither on of his hands on his weapons. He knows you won’t bother running, it’d be futile when you have no clear path of escape.
He thinks about it for a moment, “Yes.”
“Go to hell, Mando.”
“Stand up.” He orders, watching your pull yourself from the ground. 
The slight ache in your back is evident. You get a good look at him, the sun no longer in your eyes and your chest no longer aching for air. All his once old, brown pieces of armour are now replaced by shining, silver beskar to match his helmet, “Someone’s kept busy.” Mando stands still as he watches your eyes rake over his new weapons and armour before your eyes land back up to his. "No restraints this time?” You muse, cringing as you stretch your shoulders out, “You must really underestimate me.”
He lets a pause hang in the air as he stares at you, bringing an awkward feeling to this encounter. “No, I need your help.”
Your first thought is: why me? What help could you possibly offer to The Mandalorian? But what you respond with is: “Bold of you to think that I’d ever help you. Last time we saw each other, you were turning me in to Greef Karga.”
“No. The last time I saw you was when I watched you hijack his ship and leave him stranded on Nevarro,” Mando states. You wonder if there’s a hint of pride in his voice that you just can’t quite make out. He let you go. Maybe you really do only have your freedom because every other bounty hunter isn’t good enough and Mando decided not to track you down once you escaped. 
“Am I supposed to feel indebted to you?” You wonder, crossing your arms over your chest and his hand flexes by the weapon on his hip. Your eyes trail down to the blaster, seeing his hand hover beside it. “Easy, Mando, trying to kill you would be like trying to kill a spider-roach.” 
He doesn’t seem to relax. “There’s still a bounty on your head, I’m sure you’re aware. I’ll make it go away.”
You frown at him, staring into the dark depths of his helmet, “You don’t hold that kind of power.” Regardless, you think, this must be a pretty important job if he’s willing to make the high price on your head disappear. 
“Yes. I do.” He answers, gesturing to you, “I need a merc.” 
“What for?”
“A job.”
“What job?”
“Just a job.”
“That’s vague and unconvincing,” you answer him, letting your arms fall by your sides, “the entire galaxy knows about you. Trouble follows you wherever you land. If I’m gonna risk being around that, then I deserve to know what the hell I’m getting into. What job?” You repeat yourself, more forcefully this time.
“I’d watch your tone with me,” Mando takes a step towards you, almost close enough to trap you against the hull of your ship, “you’re not the only hired gun in the parsec, just the most discreet.” He notices how you straighten slightly at the proximity he provides. The unsteady drumming of your heart appears again and you push it down, waiting for him to continue. “I need help freeing an asset that was purchased on Nevarro.”
“Nevarro,” you respond, your voice filled with skepticism and your hand is by your holster, “seems awfully convenient. You chasing me down, making me walk willingly into a trap.” 
“The asset we’re freeing is... gifted,” he continues, ignoring what you’re insinuating, “I fear he’s being experimented on by the Empire.”
He sees how your eyes widen, your chest falling. The Empire? You were sure they were wiped out after the destruction of the second Death Star. As for the kid being gifted, you don’t want anything to do with the Force. Not anymore. 
“I can’t help you, Mando.”
“What?” His voice is stern but filled with confusion.
“If what you believe is true, I can’t fight against the Empire.” You shake your head at him, pushing past him to lower the ramp of your small ship. It’s half the size of his Razor Crest, you estimated. 
“I need your help.” Mando repeats himself, unsure of what else to say to really sway you. He knows you’d be able to help, what with your track record.
“Find another Merc in the parsec,” you tell him, using his words to your advantage.
When he grabs onto your hand, you freeze and tense up. He loosens his rough grip when he sees the fear in your eyes. “No,” his voice is low now, “I need your help. He’s... he’s just a child.”
The way Mandos voice is soft and sad makes you huff out a breath. You can’t see his face but you can tell this means a lot to him. He lets go of your arm, suddenly seeing that he’s overstepped the boundary in a moment of desperation. Of course the Empire would take a child from his family to experiment on them. The remnants of them seem to be just as ruthless and cruel as when they were in their prime.
You press your lips together tightly, thinking for a moment. “Any trace of the price on my head better be wiped from the entirety of this galaxy. Do you hear me, Mando?”
“I hear you.” He steps back.
“Good,” you shoot back, giving him an unamused expression, “and you’re flying.”
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years
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Name / Alias:  Amber!!! Sometimes I’m called Dee due to my old twitter username Lulladee which I use as a gaming tag from time to time and just recently twicth tho idk how that site works. But I’ve been called Ambro... Ambeer, it’s all about being creative with this name hoho!! 
Are you over 18?  Yes me old (25) /  No. Is your muse(s) over 18?  Yes (I mean she’s 18 during the events of SS and then 19 post game.... and then over a thousand years old post game too so)  /  No.
When was your blog established?  WAY BACK IN 2017 IN GROUP RP like, I can’t tell you the exact date since my archive blog is set to dash only to prevent thieves and the like. But yeah! Playing her as indie was actually around April of 2018 before I went back to group rp and then indie once again, it was a fun journey with she!!! 
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with? No ( anyone )   /   Semi ( most people )   /   Yes ( some people )   /   Highly ( few people )   /   Private ( mutuals only ).
Are you selective about who you follow? No ( anyone )   /   Semi ( most people )   /   Yes ( some people )  /   Highly ( few people ).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all   /   A little   /   Some  /   Mostly   /   Strictly   /   Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners    /   Single-Para   /   Multi-Para   /   Novella   /   All of the aforementioned.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No   /   Gifs   /   Icons   /   Yes   /   Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes.  (DISCORD!!!) 
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted   /   Open-Ended Plots   /  Semi-Plotted   /   Fully Plotted Epics (I’ve never done these before hweoh)    /   All of the aforementioned.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow ( more than a month ) rare but it do be like that sometimes when i take surprise hiatuses /   Slow ( 3 - 4 weeks )   /   Average ( 1 - 2 weeks )   /   Fast ( less than one week )   /   Very Fast ( less than three days )   /   It depends.
What types of themes do you like? Adventure   /   Romance   /   Fluff   /   Angst   /   Smut   /   Violence   /   Tragedy   /  Domestic   /   Family.
What genres do you like? ( Feel free to add ! ) High Fantasy   /   Supernatural   /   Science Fiction   /   Historical   /   Horror   /   Comedy   /   Romantic   /   Drama   /   Action   /   Adventure   /   Espionage   /   All of the aforementioned.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes.  
Do you have any triggers?   How do you request it tagged? Spiders I have a deep rooted fear with them that started back when... huh, I guess when I moved to jersey because holy fucking shit I know for sure we may have roaches and rats in the city which is like whatever but not no giant hairy spiders with poison that can kill your limbs. I guess just tag it as spiders or spiders cw? 
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic   /   Platonic   /   Familial   /   All of the aforementioned.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic   /   Platonic   /   Familial   /   All of the aforementioned.
Do you have OTPs? No   /   Chemistry Only   /   Yes.
Do you have NOTPS? No   /   Yes.
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual   /   Heteroflexible   /   Bisexual   /   Pansexual   /   Homoflexible   /   Homosexual   /   Demisexual   /   Sapiosexual   /   ( Grey ) Asexual   /   Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic   /   Heteroflexible   /   Biromantic   /   Homoflexible   /   Homoromantic   /    Panromantic   /   Demiromantic   /   Sapioromantic   /   Aromantic   /   Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No /   Selectively (never on tumblr or with straight up strangers i need to actually know you and honestly depends on the characters, which character i play as, their relationship etc etc THERE’S A LOT OF FACTORS AND I DON’T JUST WRITE SMUT FOR THE HECK OF IT HWEOH and like keep in mind that shit’s hard to write i’d rather write with friends so we can laugh at my terrible writing together HWEOH!!!!)   /   Yes.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship   /   During plotting   /   After a couple IC interactions   /   Several IC interactions  /   Slow burn  /   Plot dependent   /   Never.  
Are you open to toxic ships? No  in the first place i don’t like writing things like that so /   Selectively  /   Yes    /   I am not sure.
Are you open to problematic ships? No  christ, hell no /   Selectively   /   Yes   / I am not sure.
Are you open to polyshipping? No   /   Selectively   /   Yes  / I am not sure.
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never   /   Sometimes /   Yes.
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope   /   Yes.
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anunvalidcritic · 5 years
                                                MOVIE REVIEW
June 27th, 2019 the year of our Lord (whichever one that may be) I watch a spectacular movie that I can truly say that the awards won were well deserved. Spider-Man was the first superhero I can truly say I looked up too and he’s super duper awesome my dudes. I plan on rewatching the movie again so I can complete this post.
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Man, this post is gonna be extremely long but it’s totally worth it!
“With great powers come great responsibility” - UNCLE BEN
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The love that his parents give is amazing.
I’m glad to see an ethnic spiderman its dope that he speaks Spanish and English.
I understand that Spider-man is a vigilante
“With accountability comes great accountability“ - JEFFERSON DAVIS
He didn’t have to do MILES like that lol
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LOL MILES needs to get his face off that window.
Ayyee black people really do that stuff with that chill talkin’ being all smooth and shiiii ROFL
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Damn his roommate just loves to study.
That is a lot of sweat tho
Haircut looks cool though if you ask me.
PETER droppin’ bops huh??
That was some freaky shit when that spider glitched though. It kinda turned into a thriller movie for a minute.
DAAAMMMNNN a normal person would be dead
“Stanton Island maybe but not Brooklyn!” - PETER
You better catch him!!!
he better not say you only get one of th…….. AAAHHHHH HE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE FUCKING SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!
PROWLER got a lot of balls flyin’ up on him like that.
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Dang, these glitches remind me of when Vanellelope has hers. (I think her name is spelled wrong but it’s whatever at this point.)
You know whenever people make promises they sometimes are hard to keep.
WTF HE’S BLONDE!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ROFL “Yeah I think it’s a BANKSY.” - BYSTANDER
RIO is the sweetest mom ever.
PETER should not have gone out that way! MAAAAANNNNNN
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Boy, you better not jump off that building that black in you bette… LOL, HE TOOK HIS ASS RIGHT BACK DOWN!
damn, he messed up the hard-drive.
Aww, I love that ominous blue and red lighting… good symbolism.
Spider-Man for the last 22 years
blah blah blah workin’ hard and fallin’ in love
15 years past
buried Aunt May
Split up with MJ
Seahorses mate for life 
“Could you image a seahorse seeing another seahorse… and then making it work.” - PETER B PARKER
pizza is life
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“Adios” - MILES
DAAAMMMNN he didn’t have to do PETER B like that!
“Looks like a child dressed like spider-man dragging a homeless corpse behind a train.” - POLICE OFFICER
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Aye, I fuck with the song that was being played through that guy’s headphones even though I don’t even know what it was. 
“Why is your body another shape” - MILES damn that’s fucked up 
These fucking sweatpants man
“DON’T PLAY WITH ME.“ - MILES (black people love that line lol)
“You good with that Spider-Man?!“ - MILES
“In my universe, this place closed 6 years ago. I don’t know why.” - PETER B PARKER (Probably because the restaurant has a C rating)
Was lowkey waiting for a roach to crawl across something 
“Spider-Man doesn’t wear a cape.” - MILES (He doesn’t wear sweatpants either)
How tf did WILSON FISK get his BIG ASS INTO THAT CAR?!?!?!
lol his booty jiggled a bit hehehehehe
hold up this chick sound like Jessie from Toy Story…
WOAH either she a freak or she likes pushing people
“And I for one can’t wait to watch.” - DR. OC (WTF DID SHE JUST SAY!!)
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Aww, they’re having a bonding moment! 
Last 2 years
Joined a band
Saved her dad
Couldn’t save her PETER PARKER
Doesn’t do friends to save herself feeling.
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Oh, we’re getting a little WILSON FISK flashback.
Damn, why is she driving so fast…
Something like that was bound to happen I’m sorry to say. 
This dude really got some board shoulders.
Why does PETER B PARKER have on two different types of shoes?
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“Wherever I go, the wind follows.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
Year: 1933 
Job: Private Eye
Likes: Drinking egg creams and fighting Nazis (A LOT)
“Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something anything.”
Year: 3145
Has a psychic link with a spider that lives inside of her father’s robot.
Lost her father
Bitten by a radioactive pig 
Photographer for the Daily Beagle
Usually, when he’s not working like a dog he chasing a story
Likes to frolic and dance while doing it in his pants. 
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if stitch had a glitch lol
PETER B PARKER really puttin’ MILES on blast. 
This movie is back on their spooky ooky shit
Damn only if he knew his uncle was the PROWLER...
LOL, THAT MUSIC!!!!!!!!!
“This is a pretty hardcore origin story.“ - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
“We don’t pick the ballroom we just dance.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
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Of course, MILES dad is on the way
OH, FUCK!!!!!!
How the fuck you gonna be flying around without some type of bulletproof vest. DAMN SMH
Man, a kid should not be seeing someone die right in front of them. 
JEFFERSON didn’t deserve to find his brother that way. 
I’m glad they’re having a heart to heart to him. But that room is too small
“MILES the hardest part about this job is that you can’t save everyone“ - SPIDER-HAM
“Do animals talk in this dimension because I don’t want to freak him out.“ - SPIDER-HAM
Let the bodies hit the floor. 
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“A leap of faith” - PETER B PARKER
At least his dad came by to speak to him.
He had that boy fucked up again!
Man them taking the bus is really killin’ me
Bruh the waiter
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“Do you have a problem with cartoons?!?!” - SPIDER-HAM
PENI I’m sorry to say but your BUD FOR LIFE is gone.
MILES is a smooth criminal!!
I find it so cool that each time they jumped back into the portal it was reflected off of them.
ROFL “That’s all folks” “Is he allowed to say that legally?”
WILSON FISK always tryin’ to hurt somebody damn!
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MILES did that (with help of course)
C-Mobile = T-Moblie hehehehehehe
SPIDER-MAN for 2 days
Finally, finished his essay
Saved a lot of people
Spent time with his father
Got hit by a drone as well
Had a proper meeting with his roommate
Slapped his sticker where his dad won’t find it
Will always remember his friends. 
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“Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn’t know that before I hope you know that now.“ SPIDER-MAN (MILES)
Y’ALL THERE WAS A GLITCH IN THE SYSTEM! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING! So thankful I was able to salvage a little bit of it back. I really do wish I was able to get what I said at the end because I meant it. :( 
EDIT: I was fast forwarding through the movie to get it off of my “continue watching” list and I discovered something at the end! So I’ll be making a bit of an edit. (This is a reminder that you need to ALWAYS STAY AT THE END OF EVERY MARVEL! (smh I made a rookie mistake))
James Blake has such an amazing voice
“I was gone for less than 2 hours.” - MAN
oooo the man’s name is MIGUEL 
Earth ‘67
“How dare you point at me!” - SPIDER-MAN
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iicewitch · 4 years
✨ bleed magic
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a playlist for @glitchedwitch​ link to playlist: here tracklist and favorite lyrics below:
1. poniko’s room [lights on] - yume nikki ost instrumental 2. distant past - everything everything Take me to the distant past, I want to go back Save me from the distant past, I wanna survive Canine fangs about my throat You're bleeding over Eden like a goat Tall blade dripping in every field I'm blooming like a fuming human shield 3. president heartbeat - everything everything Were you born in a cave now? Do you live in a cage now? If you burst into flame now Will they call you a human being? And your spine is a glass spire And your flesh is the concrete And your blood is the sewer And your skin is the city wall 4. orange caramel - catallena The small, dancing Catellena (Red Sun) Without knowing, I’m falling for you Chic and proud, Catallena (Red Sun) Jutti meri oye hoi hoi, I’m bewitched 5. wings - little mix Mama told me not to waste my life, She said spread your wings my little butterfly Don't let what they say keep you up at night And they can't detain you 'Cause wings are made to fly 6. eighth wonder - lemon demon Extra clever. Earthbound spirit. Ghost in the form, of a mongoose. And I have hands. And I have feet. I'll never die, I am a freak. Hello, I'm here, I'm living in the wall, I know I might be small, but I am a... Freak 7. the will of one - the protomen As I walk through the city streets These frightened people watching me pass There is an evil that holds them here Yet they won't try breaking its grasp But if I stay here with you Then I will leave them to their doom Do not say this is how it has to be You do no better than the fools of this burning city 8. father of death - the protomen What have I done? Though I did not pull the trigger, I built the gun That he holds in his hand Last night I dreamed I climbed to the top of a mountain of metal For miles I could see the destruction of man If the shadow blocks out the sun... there will be Light! If it stays 'till the sun is set... there will be Light! If the sun never shows its face again... there will be Light! No matter how dark the city gets... there will be... 9. i’m a hex girl - hex girls With this little cobweb potion You'll fall into dark devotion If you ever lose affection I can change your whole direction I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you I'm gonna put a spell on you 10. free - mother mother Love, let my anger Turn into peace Love, let the doves cry out in the streets Love, let the poison bleed out of me Love, let my love inside go free A bloody war Behind my eyes I come out right on the other side 11. the sticks - mother mother  I'll be gone for good Out there with the creatures in the woods And I'll be understood Make friends with the pagans in the nude I'll be no different Just a little less interested In all that new world shit 'Cause there ain't no new world in the sticks 12. infinitesimal - mother mother There's a million, billion, trillion stars but I'm down here low Fussin' over scars on my soul, on my soul, on my soul, on my soul On my soul, I am so infinitesimal, oh They say it started with a big bang But they say it was really just a small thing Strangely I'm feeling like a big bang 'Cause I've been making something out of nothing 13. burning pile - mother mother My mama, lonely maid Got her buns in the oven, and she never got laid My papa, renaissance man Sailed away and he never came back again All my troubles on a burning pile All lit up and I start to smile If I, catch fire then I change my aim Throw my troubles at the pearly gates 14. build god then we’ll talk - panic at the disco Raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains And a few more of your least favorite things 15. life is looking up - forgive durden Could this be the day I've waited for When all my hard work doesn't go ignored? Maybe she was right, the will realize I can change the world open us their eyes They know I am more than some eager blood Not some average bones, I believe in love I just want to prove I deserve this gift I will change the world, maybe this is it 16. bleed magic - idkhbtfm Crawling up your skin Potions pills and medicines To drain you And bleed your magic out 17. the oracles on the delphi express - the dear hunter You've been stuck in the middle of patience and animosity. With a lust for solidity, and a cryptic history, your luck's running thin. 18. chattering lack of common sense - GHOST Wait, what is going on here? I'm a little out of sorts I've been contemplating fallacies and things that scare me "Why not try to let go?" I've been feeling out of order I'm allowing change, so take a good look; This is me This is what I've come to be This is what I've come to be 19. daydream - j-hope  Wishing on a sky Wishing on a scar If there’s the sun I want to dream Wishing on a sky Wishing on a scar If there’s the moonlight I don’t want to wake up from it 20. witch flight - yume nikki OST instrumental 21. wiggle - cosmo sheldrake Hey ho, where did you go Did you wriggle or roll Did you giggle or grumble through Tom Thumb from where did you come Did you toggle or run Did you skip, trip, or stumble through 22. counting stars - one republic I’m old, but I'm not that old Young, but I'm not that bold And I don't think the world is sold I'm just doing what we're told Lately I been, I been losing sleep Dreaming about the things that we could be 23. urban caravan - fake type Because there’s a surely a bunch of fresh possibilities out there If I don’t try it out, ain’t that just a waste? In the end, it looks like the world is so wide that curiosity is inexhaustible There’s war songs but also songs of peace, The feelings remain just the same Keep your unwavering faith’s compass close to your heart 24. counting cards  - rainbow kitten surprise Jokes we tell to laugh, dear Laugh to hold back the pain Pain is in the mind, dear Stars are much the same Gone in the time it takes the light to reach In time you'll find We're blind to the things we don't believe Paint me red, paint me red Picture that, picture that Picture us and God shaking hands just because we can 25. god of marie - MASA This is our creed, aimed at a God that’s gone all floaty. We’re pure! We’re fans of Marie. We’re not doing anything wrong! Hm? Are you a fan of Marie, too? The stoned Reverend and his crazy worshippers Are surrounded by smoke in the cathedral The highest god has come down. We give thanks to ganja! 26. bad apple - nomico Will I exist in a place like this? Will I exist in a time like this? If someone like me can change, if I can change, will I turn white? Am I dreaming now? Or seeing nothing? My words are useless even if I speak I'm just tired of being sad, I should go on without feeling anything 27. my songs know what you did in the dark - fall out boy All the writers keep writing what they write Somewhere another pretty vein just dies I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see That you're the antidote to everything except for me 28. magia - kalafina If I can follow my path without wavering, I care not if my heart shatters. I wish I had a spell to stand against the sadness that's ever before my eyes Back when I loved books about wonderland where a captive sun shines, I believed the fairy tales that told me all my wishes would come true 29. immortals - fall out boy I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame, I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams, Sometimes the only pay off for having any faith, Is when it's tested again and again everyday, 30. the last of the real ones - fall out boy 'Cause you're the last of a dying breed Write our names in the wet concrete I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me I'm here in search of your glory There's been a million before me 31. interweb - poppy And the world feels smaller When it's at my fingers So let's keep talking Tell me what day is it Can't turn it off yet, I'm wrapped up with it So let's keep talking Tell me what day is it I caught you in my interweb I caught you in my internet Well, maybe I'm a spider 32. armed and ready - casey lee williams Remember all too well My time of living hell The night my enemy would conquer But now I've been set free Lived through the tragedy You'll wish you'd killed me, now I'm stronger! Feel like I'm finally unbroken Oh, now I'm back from the dead Strength back, confidence growing Out of my way 'Cause I'm armed and ready (armed and ready) 33. red like roses part 2 - casey lee williams I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute Couldn't bear another day without you in it All of the joy that I had known for all my life Was stripped away from me the minute that you died I wanna tell you that you're all that ever mattered Want you to know that, for eternity, I'm shattered I tried so hard just to protect you, but I failed to And in a prison of abandonment I've jailed you 34. lapis lazuli - zach callison She wanted to leave this place And get herself back in space Lapis Lazuli You fled into the bottom of the sea Lapis Lazuli You were so mad but then you came around to me 35. unreasonable behavior - OFF ost instrumental 36. devil’s train - the lab rats Or I can be the bee in your bonnet, your best friend forever Two peas in a pod flockin' like birds of a feather And you never have a need to beg, work, or steal If all this sounds worth it then let's make a deal Sitting on the tracks waiting for the night train Looking down the road, ain't never gonna go back Listen for the whistle through the wind and raindrop Who's gonna ride the devil's train tonight? 37. the room where it happens - leslie odom jr No one really knows how the Parties get to yesssss (Parties get to yesssss) The pieces that are sacrificed in (Ev’ry game of chesssss) Ev’ry game of chesssss We just assume that it happens (Assume that it happens) But no one else is in (The room where it happens) The room where it happens We want our leaders to save the day— But we don’t get a say in what they trade away We dream of a brand new start— But we dream in the dark for the most part Dark as a tomb where it happens 38. the perfect fit - dresden dolls I used to be the bright one Smart as a whip Funny how you slip so far when Teachers don't keep track of it Can't you just fix it for me? It's gone berserk Fuck, I'll give you anything If you can make the damn thing work 39. million years - nico vega You better learn from a man who's afraid to dance With a witch like me, and a wicked trance, 'cause A spider bite is a natural wound, but a dagger in the back is a plastic tomb Ain't nobody knows the trouble I've seen, but they know the sound of their own damn scream, well Lady bug! Bring me news, or a soul so rich and a crystal pool Let it burn, let it burn, singing songs of truth 40. i want you - savage garden Anytime I need to see your face I just close my eyes And I am taken to a place Where your crystal mind and magenta feelings Take up shelter in the base of my spine 41. pursuing my true self - shihoko hirata Loading loading loading Quickly reaching maximum capacity Warning warning warning Gonna short circuit my identity We are living our lives Abound with so much information 42. backside of the tv - persona 4 ost Lost destiny Far outcry They hear you no more Numb feeling Whole dizziness Deep scars No pain No sanity Body aching Control your own fate Invisible Real enemy Bring your mind Deep Down A moment of truth, tell me what's really happening Their rhyme is nothing but you've got everything Bro, you've got everything but you don't know anything 43. rivers in the desert - shoji meguro A river in a dry land The last ace in a lost hand When the hope of new beginnings burned our feet Now we need it: A heartbeat for a tin man An oasis in a singed land Remind us what we're here for: Creating new life Creating rivers in the desert 44. again - yui I'm wanting to scream that we're living to make our wish come true can you hear it? We won't be able to take it safe, because we have no place to go back to I'm always grateful for your kindness, that's why I want to be strong I'll welcome friend or foe for the sake of moving forward You still have too long a life left to erase these feelings completely, don't you think? I want to redo the things I left undone, So let's go, one more time! 45. komm susser todd - arianne It all returns to nothing, it just keeps Tumbling down Tumbling down Tumbling down It all returns to nothing, I just keep Letting me down Letting me down Letting me down 46. the spider and the lamps - forgive durden I'm the Spider, Crawl inside her! They don't understand, This is their last chance, No more idle hands, I'll destroy the lamps, Then they'll know, Whose in control. 47. here comes a thought - estelle and aj michalka You're losing sight You're losing touch All these little things seem to matter so much That they confuse you That I might lose you And it was just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, just a thought It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay We can watch, we can watch, we can watch, we can watch them go by From here, from here, from here 48. black paper moon - tommy heavenly6 Don't be scared of the pumpkin carriage the witch drew Cuz it can show in your eyes A symbol rises to the top on the card I dropped in the sweet crimson jam Your destiny - if you wish Any sort of world Can be yours 49. to zanarkand - ffx ost instrumental 50. poniko’s room [lights off] - yume nikki instrumental
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silverncrimson · 4 years
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( oscar isaac, 39, cismale, he / him ) Was that EZEKIEL ‘ZEKE’ MARCOLAS ? I heard a rumor they work for the O’SHEA family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit CALLOUS & UNETHICAL, but I also heard they can be METICULOUS & PERCEPTIVE. You’ll usually find them at SKYFALL in their spare time, when they’re not being the OWNER OF MALNATI PIZZERIA. You may want to keep an eye on that one !
- B A S I C -
Full Name: Ezekiel Miguel Marcolas Nickname(s): Zeke Age: Thirty-Nine Occupation: Owner of Malnati Pizzeria Affiliation: O’Shea Birthday: February 12th Zodiac: Aquarius
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- F A M I L Y -
Father: Miguel Marcolas (deceased) Mother: Ruth Marcolas (deceased) Siblings: Constantine (35), Uriel (30), Isaiah (28), Yesenia (24)
Ex-Wife: Lucia Daughters: Stella & Stefania (15) Son: Raul (8)
- A P P E A R A N C E -
Height: 5′9″ Hair Color / Type:  Dark brown  Eye Color: Brown Piercings / Tattoos:  No piercings. Five tattoos - the Chi Ro symbol on his left shoulder, being one of them
- H I S   Q U I R K S -
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He wears black leather gloves at ALL TIMES
He carries around with him pocket rags / handkerchiefs and disinfectant spray, for wiping down surfaces if he needs to
He burns EVERYTHING he gets dirty, usually from blood splatter - whether it’s his fancy jackets or his gloves (he’s got about a hundred backup pairs - several of them he keeps in his glove compartment). 
He’s super meticulous about his clothes - they must be clean and tidy at all times
He often repeats himself, or counts out loud to himself
Does things in repetitions, especially if he is stressed about something
He will avoid cracks in the sidewalk
He will NOT shake your hand, or touch you at all...unless you’re his target
He drinks a shit lot of bourbon
Smokes a shit ton of cigars and cigarettes, alike
Very antisocial and a loner, but will talk to people if they initiate a conversation
- P E R S O N A L I T Y -
(+) Fiercely Loyal, Calm, Meticulous, Observant, Perceptive (-) Callous, Unethical, Intense, Inflexible, Perfectionist
- H I S   D E M O N S -
He suffers from: OCD, Mysophobia, Claustrophobia
Excessive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions).Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to compulsive behaviors. 
OCD often centers on themes such as a fear of germs or the need to arrange objects in a specific manner.
compulsive behavior
meaningless and persistent repetition of own words or actions
repetitive movements
ritualistic behavior
social isolation
Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs.
- B I O G R A P H Y -
Life long resident of Chicago, IL
The oldest of five kids. He’s got three younger brothers and a younger sister - they’re not all that close.
He suffers from OCD and Mysophobia, and a mild case of Claustrophobia - all of which developed when he was a very young child. 
He had spent the summer with his aunt in Springfield, while his parents went to Mexico to visit his paternal grandparents. His Aunt Marina, unfortunately, turned out to be a massive hoarder. Her house was an absolute nightmare - disgustingly filled to the max with literal garbage, and other useless, dirty junk that she’d collected over a good ten or so years. There was no livable space anywhere, not even a proper bed, except for a very small nook in the corner of the house. He remembers vividly, to this day, the infestation of roaches, mice, rats and dead carcasses of rodents and cats, and not to mention all the fecal matter of said animals, that he’d come across that summer. The smell alone...
Even to his then four year old brain, it had been more than enough to traumatize him for life, despite not remembering much else about it.
Nowadays, he wears a pair of black leather gloves wherever he goes.
He's the owner of Malnati Pizzeria - has owned the place for ten years, his dad owning it before him. When his papi passed away, the business was then passed to Zeke.
Is divorced. He's got a vindictive ex-wife, two teen daughters (twins) and an 8 year old son - all three of whom he hardly sees these days because his ex-wife's such a bitch and has gotten the court to deny him visitation rights. So he's bitter, and angry, and HATES that woman with a passion.
His childhood was not terrible, but it wasn’t all that great, either. Especially for a kid who did suffer from OCD and who was a germaphobe.
For a good portion of his life, his family always struggled with income, and growing up in poverty in a large city like Chicago was not exactly a blast. They lived on the north side of the city, in a small, cramped, rundown apartment - it had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and it was always infested with cockroaches and mice, and spiders. His literal nightmare.
The walls were super thin, the floor tiles loose or broken, and the AC and heater rarely worked, so it was often way too cold or too hot, but never comfortable. With a family of seven living within it’s walls, it was...claustrophobic to say the least.
Things started to change gradually when he was around 12. His papi got fired from his job as a taxi driver due to him being a liability after being in one too many road-side accidents, which desperately drove him to search for work elsewhere. Somehow, and Zeke never did get the full answer from him, Miguel Marcolas wound up working for the O’Sheas. He was eventually given Malnati Pizzeria as a ‘gift’, a place of business that he could call his own, so long as he stayed loyal and did his part to keep O’Shea business running smoothly.
Zeke had always been a highly intelligent individual, scarily so, so he was quick to pick up on the changes in both his father and their financial situation. They went from barely having anything to eat or any clothes to wear, presents to give out for Christmas or birthdays, to having all that and more...more than any of them had ever had before. Of course, he wasn’t one to knock a good thing like a newfound well of money. Questioning where the pizzeria came from and how his papi was able to afford ownership wasn’t something Zeke cared to do, or know the answer to. It didn’t matter.
Though he knew deep down that whatever it was his papi was dabbling in, definitely wasn’t honorable or lawful...but again, the kid didn’t care. It eventually got him and his family out of that shit apartment, and that was a godsend in his eyes.
The older he got, the more he started helping out at the pizzeria, and by the time he was 14, Zeke had met a fair share of the members of the O’Shea gang. Because he wasn’t just another stupid and naive kid, by that time he’d already figured out exactly who his papi worked for; instead of being scared like most kids might have been, what with being surrounded on a daily basis with some of the worst criminals that the city had to offer, Zeke had felt safe in their presence. He felt in awe of those men and women and the power they held.
The uppers that passed through Malnati had their eyes on him from day one, it seemed. They clearly saw the keenness in his eyes, and the idolization, but also a great potential, because they kept him around. His father, not an affectionate or loving man by any means of the word, watched on proudly as his associates took an interest in his eldest son, quickly shaping and morphing his impressionable young mind.
At the age of seventeen, Zeke proudly received his Chi Rho, joining the O’Sheas as a sentinel. Like many, he’d have to prove to them all that he was worthy of the tattoo, and boy was he ready...and he sure as hell proved that, to.
Zeke was as loyal as one could be to the O’Sheas, and despite his OCD and Mysophobia that he had to contend with, he had his ways of working around that, and he quickly became a deadly killing machine under the close training of his General handler at the time. He rose rapidly through the ranks, until he reached his desired position among the gang - Bonebreaker.
He’s been a Bonebreaker for going on fifteen years now, and he was still thriving. He was a stone-faced killer, a psychopath with no emotions, no qualms about taking out whatever hit he was assigned. There was no remorse for what he did, and he doubted that there would ever be...he wasn’t capable of that kind of emotion.
- W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S -
Ex-Wife - He didn’t get worked up over a lot of things; it actually took quite a bit for him to even show that much emotion, but his ex-wife was certainly capable of pushing all of his buttons. He absolutely hated her, and the only reason she wasn’t dead, was because of his children’s sake. Despite not outwardly showing his love for his daughters and son, he did love them...as much as he was able to. They were about the only thing he truly felt any sort of positive emotions towards.
O’Sheas / Affiliates
Bonebreaker Interactions
Reaper Interactions
Malnati Pizzeria customers
Malnati Pizzeria employees
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boojumblood · 5 years
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Grief has many forms. One that's bothering me the most lately, is the places I was forced to grow up in. I'm embarrassed and ashamed about these places. I wish they didn't exist!
The moving truck backs into our new driveway. There are two trailers on this property. We make our way out of the truck and toward one of the two trailers. Broken steps leading to a dying porch. Moss growing anywhere it can reach with any shred of sunlight. As I make my way up the step a smell of mold and death fill my nose. This place is covered in cobwebs. It has been abandoned. The only remaining residents are insects and wild animals. Each step on this porch feels like it will be my last. Any second I could fall through and be impaled. Fear rushing in forcing me to look for the safest route to the front door. The walls of this trailer are covered in green slime. More moss mixed with half living vines. Specks of the trailers original color peek through in places the plants haven’t claimed yet. A faint blue. Probably a pleasant blue when this dying home was clean and lived in. How long had this place been neglected? How much abuse has it endured? I don’t know, but my heart sinks for these pieces of aluminum and wood as if they were living creatures.
As I reach the front door, the first thing I notice is that the screen door is in pieces. Someone has smashed the framing and torn the screening to bits. It’s barely on one hinge while the remains hang as if they are longing to be retired. How barbaric! I then notice the front door has been kicked in. Splintered wood poked out where the lock once resided. I am completely shocked. I can’t move any further. The smell coming from within is rancid. I can see the interior enough to know I did not want to step a single foot inside. There’s garbage everywhere. Torn open by rats, racoons, and possums who are the current residents. Diapers from the trash have fallen out and busted open. The floor was once a green carpet but now was mostly consumed by black mold. The wooden walls and wall paper were also being consumed in mold. This was molds kingdom. It owned everything.
My parents walk past me and set foot inside careful to walk around the gaping holes in the floor where weeds were now sprouting through into the trailer. My dad walks from one end to the other and says, “It’s not so bad. Welcome to your new home!” I looked at him through the front doors remains and say, “This is not a home. I do not want to live here!” I’m immediately filled with overwhelming sadness and begin to cry. My mom looks at me and says, “Let’s see what else this place has to offer. Maybe it’s better in the other rooms.” I begin to feel angry and I say, “No! I don’t want to! This isn’t a place to live! This needs to be burned down!” I feel my body trembling because I know I can’t stop this. This is happening. This is my new home. I’m still frozen outside the door as my mother marches over with determination in her eyes that said, “you will obey” in them. She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside. Tripping me on the screen door’s skeleton. I cut my knee on a piece of it and fall onto the floor where bugs scattered. I sit there in horror at how many bugs were everywhere. She yanks me up. “Stop moping! Let’s look at what we have to fix.” As we walk towards the kitchen, clusters of spiders, roaches, and beetles skitter away to clear a path for us. With every step I feel my balance vanishing. Visions fill my head of the insects swarming me. There’s so many of them! They could easily swarm me. No! I push those thoughts away. I can’t think about that. Not now. Not ever!
The kitchen isn’t any better. More holes in the floor and in the ceiling. More moss and weeds were growing in here. Below the sink it is dark. A deep solid darkness. Different than just normal shadows. What is that? I slowly approach and I’m charged by a mother possum protecting her nest! She hisses and scratches. I run back to the living room and she goes back to her nest. My heart feels like it’s going to pound right out of my chest. I think I’m going to faint into this pile of trash. My head feels like it is trying to float away. No! I have to stay awake!
My mother drags me past the possum into the back of the trailer. This part has the bathroom and second bedroom. The second bedroom is filled (I mean FILLED) with trash! I thought the rest of the place stunk, but it was nothing compared to this room. I tried closing the door but it was so warped from water damage that it couldn’t close completely.
Then, I look into the bathroom. There is no electricity or running water in this place. I shine my lantern in the bathroom and I hear dozens of chittering insects running. With a few squeaks from some mice as they fled too. Roaches. Everywhere. I scream and run back to the front door as the the possum hisses in retort. I make it outside and I throw up over the hand railing of the porch. My vision is narrow and my hearing is distant. I cling to the railing as I hope it can keep me standing. My mother comes outside and says, “Your dad says the other bedroom only has one hole and a lot less mold than the rest. So, we are going to focus on that space and not worry about the rest of this place.” I look at her in amazement that they are even considering this! She pushes me back inside to look at this other bedroom. It had only a few trash bags, but otherwise it was empty. The mold wasn’t completely dominating this room. But there was still more than I could handle. My lungs were shriveling up the longer I was in this hell hole. I felt like I couldn’t breath. I was wheezing for air. Desperate to leave. Asking repeatedly to leave. They wouldn’t let me because, “I needed to be there to help plan how to clean this room and make it livable”. I pleaded with them to just stay at my grandparents trailer, but they refused that option every time. They justified this decision by constantly telling themselves, “It’s only temporary until we buy a better trailer to move in here.”
That didn’t happen for nearly 2 years!  We were only in this disgusting trailer for about 6 months. And then lived in a cramped and broken down camper that was the equivalent of this trailer. It was also previously abandoned, covered in mold, and infested. Absolutely disgusting!
I wish I could have burned these hell holes down. Instead, they were torn apart and sold for the materials.
The grief I have about these places is very hard to acknowledge. I try to forget about this entirely. I've learned that isn't fair to the parts of me that had to live through this horror. Those parts of me need to be heard and justified. Which is why I have come to terms with sharing this piece of my history. I can't heal from it if I keep hiding it. I have to face it. And I have to acknowledge it.
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tetsucchin · 7 years
Of Something Old and Something Blue - Chapter Two
Summary: Kagami doesn’t want to get married. Let alone to a corpse that won’t stay dead. But sometimes weddings don’t go the way people want, and sometimes there are grave misunderstandings.
Rating: T for terrifying creepy crawlies
Chapter: 2/5
Word Count: 3500+
Pairings: KagaKuro (brief mentions of MidoTaka/AoMomo/HyuuRiko later)
A/N: Happy Halloween, everybody!! I was actually going to have a bit more to this, but I thought that might be overload for one chapter. Good news for that though! I should have the next chapter out tomorrow or the next day, since it’s mostly written already. Thank you guys for reading, you’re the best. <3
“Are you sure he’s alright, Midorima-kun?”
Kagami was swimming. His head was fuzzy, somewhere neither here nor there, and unable to focus. There were so many voices around him, blending together into a cacophony of sound. Except one voice stood out, gentle and soft, and Kagami latched onto it.
“He’s fine. He’ll come around soon.”
“He’s a breather? Why didn’t you say so, Kurokocchi?”
“Leave it to Tetsu to bring a breather. This should be good.”
“Please be quiet, Aomine-kun,” the same gentle voice said. “I think he’s waking up.”
He tried to crack his eyes open, even though his body didn’t want to cooperate. His vision was bleary, just smears of colors and shapeless faces. The first thing he saw was blue hovering over him. So much blue that he felt like he was drowning and resuscitating at the same time.
His gaze shifted away to the other person above him. And all he saw was yellow. Golden eyes that matched blonde hair, framed neatly into a fine suit of pinstripes and silk ties. A sunshine smile sat against the rotting color of his skin.
Kagami’s eyes snapped open as a scream lodged in his throat.
He was blinded by the color that exploded across his irises—neon greens, luminescent purples, startling reds. Later, he’d realize it was a bar, with kaleidoscopic bottles and crooked stools. In the back of his mind, he thought it was incredible compared to his greyscale life.
But at the time, all he could focus on was the patrons.
The very dead patrons.
A rainbow of skeletons and dead bodies surrounded him, missing limbs and eyes and even heads entirely. Their skeletal grins met his terrified stare, greeting him as if he were an old friend visiting. Between the spiders crawling up the walls, the roaches at home on the tables, and the cadavers looking at him, Kagami’s spine was little more than a jelly rod.
“Hello!” the yellow-eyed corpse chimed, all cheerful and decaying daisies. “Welcome to our bar!”
Adrenaline and terror shot down to Kagami’s first, sending it hurtling towards the man’s face. He barely dodged out of the way with a shriek. Grabbing hold of the blue-eyed corpse, he hid behind him with a pout.
“Kurokocchi! You brought a crazy one!”
“He’s not crazy, Kise-kun. He’s in shock.”
“Where the hell am I?!” His voice echoed, but it was still drowned by the chatter and music.
“I told you, you’re in our bar!” His yellow eyes widened in understanding. “Oh! But for you, I guess it’s more like an underworld. We’re all dead!” His voice suddenly wilted, “Even though I used to not be dead.”
Kagami blanched. “I’m dead?!”
The other figure—the corpse from before, his mind unhelpfully supplied—moved to knock the yellow-eyed man in the ribs, producing an unsettling arrangement of xylophone cracks. “Not now, Kise-kun.”
Then those blue eyes were on him again, and his hands started shaking. He wasn’t sure if it was out of fear or fascination. Either way, he was just as trapped in that unblinking gaze as he had been in the forest.
“Please calm down. You’re not dead. I brought you here.” He was calm and composed, his palm held out to Kagami. His voice was light, feathery around the syllables, and soothing, like water to a burn.
But that didn’t stop Kagami from nearly shrieking when he saw the hand held out to him was all bone.
“Why would you bring me here?!” He punctuated each word with a backwards scoot across squeaky floorboards.
“Well,” the corpse said, as if it were obvious. “A corpse certainly can’t carry a body into town. People would talk.”
“I told you he would freak, Tetsu. They always do.”
He snapped around towards the bar, where dark-skinned man with navy eyes scowled at him. The man looked normal enough, or at least his skin was a normal color and he wore some type of officer’s uniform instead of a suit. But when he knocked back his drink of choice, it started to leak out of pinholes on the front of his shirt, like a balloon poked with needles.
It was too much. It was really, really too much.
Quick thinking had never been Kagami’s strong suit, but instinct was. So he scrambled off the ground and reached for the first object that could be used as a weapon. His hand wrapped around what could be the hilt of a sword, ready to bash anybody’s head in.
“Get back! Right now! I have—” He jerked to bring the handle forward, only for it to barely budge.
Confused, he turned to look, and realized it was indeed a sword. A sword that was attached to a person. Through a person.
He almost screamed again. But he had to make do with what he had. Fight or flight.
“I, uh… I have this dwarf! I’ll use him!” Kagami cried, yanking the sword harder so the redhead attached moved with it. He started to consider picking the shorter up and just tossing him at the crowd, when his red hair began to swivel. A heterochromatic set of red and gold eyes craned completely backwards to glare at him, the intent to kill pouring from him.
“You will release me. Now.”
Another strangled screech left his throat as he dropped the sword, backing away as quickly as he could. He tried to back up until he hit a door, then keep backing up until he ended up somewhere that made sense. Unfortunately, all he managed to do was bump into someone—something—else.
He turned, and his gaze went up and up and up, staring at what had to be a giant with purple hair. Purple hair and an incredibly large knife stuck in his head, blade and handle jutting out from his temple. The giant leaned towards Kagami with a plate of what he would say were pastries, if pastries came with centipedes sprinkled on them.
“Kuro-chin,” he drawled, “your husband is trying to leave.”
“H-h-husband?!” Kagami immediately backed the other way.
“He’s not my husband, Murasakibara-kun,” the corpse interjected. “We haven’t gotten to know each other yet.”
Jaw dropping, he barked to the pale blue figure. “What do you mean yet?!”
Suddenly, a clang of piano keys rang out, as if someone slammed their hands down all at once. Kagami thought the music had been coming from a record player, but it was with the sound he realized it came from a grand piano in the corner of the room. It was occupied by a man with skin the color of sickness, as he peered over the top of his music sheet with a scowl.
“Kuroko,” he said, pushing up his cracked glasses with a bandaged hand, “could you silence him? He’s as loud as Kise when he first arrived.”
“I wasn’t that bad!” the yellow man protested.
“You cried for a week about how you were too young to die.”
“I was too young to die!”
“He’s adjusting, Midorima-kun,” the blue corpse bowed in apology. “It’s normal for the living to yell during this, I believe.”
“Forgive me, sir!” someone interrupted from beside Kagami. When he turned to look, he felt all the blood rush from his face, his head reeling.
A head. It was just a head, carried on a platter by a headless body.
“You must be terribly thirsty!” it continued. “Can I get you anything? I am the head waiter around here.”
No. No, no, no. Fuck this.
Kagami had seen enough. He had heard enough. He was ready to leave. Now.
So he ran. His feet took off towards the nearest door, all but ripping it off its hinges as he tore into the street.
The last thing he heard was the gentle voice of blue eyes again, saying, “Izuki-senpai, your bad joke scared him off.”
Once outside, he thought that everything would turn back to normal. He’d step back through whatever hallucinatory portal he’d come through, and wake back up in his bed where his biggest concern was some dumb wedding. That was not going to happen, not after all this.
But nothing was ever that easy.
Instead, he was in the middle of a dilapidated town of dynamic polychrome. Each building was a different color, crooked and slanting in ways that defied physics, and yet had creatures entering and leaving. Everything looked so different, but it all looked the same to him. The decaying signposts covered in spider webs didn’t help either, as they pointed places with creepy names Kagami was sure he didn’t want to visit.
He picked a random cobblestone road and took off, dodging ghost carriages and skeleton horses. He didn’t bother to look back, and didn’t even bother to look where he was running, just so long as it was the opposite direction of the bar.
Which made him bump into someone.
“Sorry!” he yelled out of reflex.
The man looked normal. His eyes were closed shut, but there was no rotting skin, no weapons poking out of his body. Just an average looking guy on his average way like he was in an average town.
Until the man tipped his whole head to the side, a sliver of skin the only thing keeping it attached.
“It’s alright! Are you lost? Can I help you?”
Kagami grit his teeth against another scream, and took off running without saying another word.
He ran and ran, but no matter how fast he ran, he couldn’t escape this upside-down world. He came across three corpses on a street corner—two with brown hair and one bald—playing instruments in a cheerful beat. It took quite a leap for him to make it over their cello made of bones. Then there was a couple, a small girl and a guy with bent glasses on his nose, who were admiring coffins. When he avoided them, he ended up knocking over several caskets and apologized on instinct again.
Eventually, when his breath grew heavy, he came to a set of stairs. If this wasn’t a dream, and he really was in hell, then going up would be the best way out, right? He bounded up the stairs, taking three or four at a time. He was almost there, breaching the top, where home would be another step closer.
When the blue corpse appeared out of nowhere, like he’d been waiting there the whole time.
Kagami tried to do an about-face and run back down, only for his feet to skid on the steps. His arms pin wheeled as he tried to catch himself, but he could already feel himself start plunging. Gravity clawed at him, dragging him back into the depths of hell.
He was going to die. He was going to die, and wake up in the same damn place.
A hand of bones reached out and snatched the lapels of his suit, leaving him parallel to the ground. Another hand as cold as death grabbed his wrist. With a grip stronger than he expected from the dead, he was hauled back up onto solid ground.
As soon as he was on both feet, the corpse huffed out a huge breath, bending over to rest his hands on his knees. “Please be more careful. I’m not very strong and we may both end up at the bottom next time.”
Kagami glanced back and forth between the dead man before him and the stairs of death behind him. Red caught on blue as they stared at each other. For a moment, it felt like they didn’t need words at all, like they could have an entire conversation through gazes and irises.
It was interrupted by a blink. “Are you okay?”
“…You’re a corpse.” Kagami said dumbly.
“I am dead, yes,” blue eyes said, dusting off his suit. “I’d like if you didn’t remind me.”
He was about to ask how he could possibly forget that of all things, with his skin a mystifying blue, metacarpals for a hand, and a hole in his cheek.
But then the worst thing he’d seen in his life, worse than anything he’d seen in this hellish landscape, stepped from around the corpse’s ankle.
It was small, its tiny nails clacking on concrete as it bounced in place. A bandage was wrapped around its middle, tied in a neat bow on its back, matching the one fastened on its left ear. It was all black, white, and wagging tail, with a neat set of stitches around its paws. Most unsettling of all, its eyes were just as blue and unblinking as the corpse beside it.
He stared in horror, nose wrinkled. “What is that? What the hell is that?”
The corpse bent down and actually picked up the little monster, scratching behind its ears as the beast licked his face.
“This is Nigou. He helped me find you.”
“That is a demon.”
A pout crossed undead lips as he looked to Kagami in surprise, wrinkle forming on his forehead. “Please be nicer when addressing Nigou.”
Kagami balked so hard he nearly fell back down the stairs.
“Be nicer?! You want me to be nicer?! After you’ve dragged me to—to whatever the hell this place is! While you’re a corpse, I’m possibly dead, and that’s a dog!”
The corpse blinked. “Do you not like dogs?”
“No, I don’t, but that’s not the point!”
Those blue eyes just stared at him (both sets of them actually) and Kagami felt like he was walking into a thick fog. He had no idea where he was going, no concept of anything outside of those eyes. While it was terrifying, chills racing down his neck, he still found himself creeping closer. Like all those times before, when he looked for too long, he started drowning.
Anyone, whether dead or not, who would risk themselves to help someone else couldn’t be all bad. Kagami felt it in his gut, and he decided to trust that.
“You’re…Kuroko? Tetsu?” He rubbed at his nape. “That’s what they called you back there.”
The corpse made a face. “Please don’t call me Tetsu.” Then he bowed. “I am Kuroko Tetsuya. But I’m afraid I don’t know your name.”
“Kagami. Kagami Taiga.”
“Kagami-kun,” Kuroko said, testing the syllables. “What a strange name.”
“Yeah, I don’t wanna be called strange by you.”
Kuroko paused. Then actually laughed. It was such a light and airy sound, chiming around them with quiet mirth. Kagami couldn’t help but smile back it was so infectious.
When his laughter died down, Kuroko glanced at him before walking off in the opposite direction. Kagami stood there, staring after his too graceful steps. He…wasn’t going to just leave him here, was he? He took a few steps after him without thinking, mouth working around words he didn’t know to say.
Nigou still tucked under his arm, Kuroko looked back and gestured with his head. “Come with me for a moment, please.”
He shouldn’t. He had no reason to.
But Kagami followed him.
Tugging at his tie as they walked down streets and up more stairs, Kuroko led him to a clearing with a bench. It was surrounded by coffins and empty urns, but it was simple. Just a plain wooden bench made of jagged planks, so normal that Kagami nearly wept.
Then he saw the view, and his breath left him.
They were on an overhang, looking out over the entire nightmare town. A million stars twinkled over the kaleidoscope landscape, as bright and vibrant a place as Kagami had ever dreamed. The crooked rainbow of buildings glimmered like a smile, the roofs like teeth as people walked into its gaping jaw.
A thunk sounded out behind him. His focus switched back to the corpse that led him here, who had taken up residence on the bench. His skeleton hand picked up a skull, one of the many random remains that were littered everywhere, tossed it at one of the urns. He missed spectacularly, but it hopped back for him to try again.
Kagami realized he was staring, head tilted and brows furrowed in a confused scowl. Kuroko’s free hand patted the seat beside him, an unspoken invitation left to Kagami’s discretion. He chalked it up to whatever temporary insanity he was suffering, and took his place on the bench as skulls were continuously thrown at urns.
“What the hell are you doing?” he finally asked.
“It’s a game I made up. To pass the time.” Another shot, another miss. “Every time I make it, I get two points.”
Kagami watched him curiously as he missed shot after shot. “You’re not very good, are you?”
“I’m the best player there is.”
“It’s because you’re the only player, isn’t it?”
By the twitch of pale lips, he knew he was right.
He watched until his hand trembled, as if it subconsciously yearned to join in. Like everything else, he knew that he shouldn’t, especially since he still wasn’t convinced this wasn’t a hellish fever dream. But his mouth was moving before he thought any better.
“Hey, lemme try. But maybe with something less dead?”
Kuroko paused and blinked up at him.
He flushed. “Fine! At least something that’s not a skull!”
Kuroko searched around his seat, then handed him some stray sheets of paper with his bony hand. Kagami snatched them before wadding them up, crushing a sheet between his palms. He tossed one towards an urn. It sunk in perfectly.
He really, really liked that.
There was something captivating and fun about it, something that felt right. Enough so that he grabbed another sheet of paper right after. Crumped it, then sunk it again effortlessly. Something sparked to life inside him, somewhere deep. An ember catching fire.
They sat together without saying much of anything. The only sound were the clunk of skulls and the rustle of papers, as they pitched their projectiles one after another after another. Kagami kept a mental tally of how many points they each had. Fourteen for him, two for his dead companion. Eventually, a skull was thrown and it didn’t return.
Turning to him with a smirk, Kagami teased, “I guess I’m the best player now, huh?”
Kagami could see the twitch of Kuroko’s lips through the hole in his cheek. “Maybe it was a terrible idea to bring you here, I’ve lost my title.”
Now that he wasn’t running for his life and could actually stop to breathe, the reality of everything flooded him. He looked between the powder blue skin beside him and his own warm tan, realizing that he’d been talking to someone who had died. He swallowed, needing to double check.
“So…I’m not dead, right?” he managed, voice shaky at the alternative.
“No, you’re not. I told you, you fainted and I brought you here. I wasn’t sure where else to go.” Kuroko tilted his head in thought, glancing up at the starry sky. “Actually, my leg fell off about three times carrying you. You’re heavier than you look, and you already look heavy.”
His eye twitched. “Hey, watch it!”
His lips twitched again. Then Kuroko turned to look at him, his wide stare pinning Kagami to the bench. “Are you okay? Will you go back to The Seven Bones with me?”
“The Seven Bones?”
“Yes, the bar from before.”
A dozen questions ran through Kagami’s head.
Why should he go back there? Why didn’t he demand for this guy to take him home already? And honestly, why would Kuroko even want Kagami to go back with him? After he screamed and yelled and tried to deck someone in the face?
There were so many questions, but all he managed was, “…Why?”
“I said it before, we haven’t gotten to know each other. But…” Kuroko hesitated, averted his eyes and twisted his fingers in the edges of his frayed suit. “I would like to, if that’s okay.”
This place was an absolute nightmare, a cocktail of his worst fears. It even included dogs somehow, a freaking zombie dog. If there was anything he shouldn’t want to do, it was to go back in the thick of it all. Where ghosts and ghouls could tear him apart and leave his remains to litter the street like the skulls Kuroko had been tossing.
But, when he met Kuroko’s crystal clear gaze, Kagami wanted to trust him. After not trusting anyone but Tatsuya and Alex for so long, he wanted to put his faith in a skeleton hand and hope for the best. Kuroko had saved him from a messy end on a flight of stairs, showed him this place, and taught him such a fun game.
Maybe Kuroko really did have some sort of hypnotic spell. Maybe that was why Kagami found himself agreeing.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” he said. “But, why in the world would you want to know me?”
“It’s not every day you meet someone who tries to punch a corpse.”
Kagami grinned, wild and reckless, and he realized it was something he hadn’t done in ages. “Were you a weird guy when you were alive too?”
A smile graced over Kuroko’s face, teeth glinting through his missing cheek. Somehow though, it made him look less like a dead body and more like a normal person.
He looked like he hadn’t smiled in ages either.
“I’ve been told I was.”
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