#but steve? and tony? nope. no way no how should either of them be dressed like that
cassarson · 2 years
Occasionally I type something in while writing tags, so ove decided to purge my especially strange/specific ones onto this post, just cause I can.
Is this annoying? Probably!! But this is Tumblr. We're all annoying, and I wanted to see what has in there.
#but i knew i could not because my girl friend was waiting. i gave her a big hearty hug#because there's no blood in my feet#after all gay people have been playing straight people for years#he looks like a 60 something conservative trying to mock gay men and failing miserably.#i know how i travel and it's with the mindset that everything will be cheaper if you buy it before you get to the big destination#my rsd could be a bit useful for once in my life#because discrimination based on mental disorders is illegal!#coming to haunt his father#stolen from my favorite characters(mostly animated)#a towel so that when the asshole cat knocks the tea over the tea doesn't ruin my nightstand#it would make more sense to dress steve like that#for the love of god someone by steve a shirt that fits#but steve? and tony? nope. no way no how should either of them be dressed like that#bc the dog ate a chocolate bar out of the older one's room and the younger one thought it was going to kill him(it didn't)#seeing a dead kid? adderall could cause that if your dose is too high. i believe it#oh is that what the kids are calling it these days#dangerous sin zones#they're accurate without feeling scary and are pretty easy to use#and a set of brothers we knew chased each other around with a cutting board and a serving fork#one time(i was like 10) i put a hole in a closet door chasing my younger sister#i also have a habit of 'flirting' with my little sister's best friend#ftm murderer but he's so hot you'll forget about that part#instead of making him look like he was ripped straight of a trashy 'cowboy' romance novel#inspired by prev's tags: when jesus doesn’t listen you bother bis mom about it? cool#oliver: and then i'm going to start running bc his kids will be coming for me
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evvy96 · 2 years
Birthday Forgotten - Male Avengers x Reader
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y/n=your name e/c=eye colour s/c=skin colour n/n=nickname b/d-birthdate f/c=favourite colour d/l=dress length b/s=body shape f/f=favourite flower
*In this one-shot, you, my dear reader, have the power to control the elements
Reader’s POV
Today started out so great. I woke up with a smile on my face, a special message from FRIDAY, my heart leaping out of chest in anticipation for the day, and a spring in my step as I skipped into the kitchen. Today was my birthday, and even though it was my first ever birthday without any of my family with me, I was still excited to spend it with my second family; my team.
The first people I saw for the day was Sam, Steve and Bucky, who were sitting at the table with a coffee in their hands and, in Steve’s case, a newspaper in front of his face. I smiled at my friends, pouring myself a tea and grabbing my cereal, seating myself in front of the trio.
“Morning boys. Beautiful day isn’t it?” I chirped. Steve glanced up from his paper to give me a smile, Bucky gave me a brief hug, and Sam turned his head my way. “Morning (n/n). Yeah, I guess it is a nice day out. Perfect weather for the morning run we had just before.” I smiled again, starting to wonder if they had perhaps forgotten. “That’s nice Sammy. So, you guys got anything planned for today? Anything… special in mind?” Bucky gave me an odd look. “Nope. Nothing special planned. Just a regular day hanging out in the tower Common Room. Wanna join us?” My smile faltered. They forgot. “Oh, uh, no thanks, I’m good. I think I’ll go annoy Tony, Bruce and Loki or spar with Clint, Vision, Thor and Pietro. I’ll see you guys later I guess.”
They returned my farewell, and I quickly moved to the elevator, pressing the button for the training floor. Perhaps Clint, Piet and Vision had remembered. Natasha and Wanda were currently out of the country on a mission, so I knew it was a long shot that I would get any messages from them today, but before they left they promised they would celebrate with me as soon as they got back.
My hopes were dashed there too. All I had received was an offer to spar with them and an invite to maybe play some video games with them later. I declined, my spirits slowly falling further as I made my way to the lab. Surely Tony and Bruce hadn’t forgotten.
When I got to the lab, only Tony and Loki occupied the large room, Tony sitting with his head bent over his latest project idea blueprints and Loki leaning against the closest wall. “Hey Tony, Loki. Where’s Bruce? It’s kinda weird seeing the Science Bros split up with one in the lab.”
Tony’s head lifted from the schematics, a smile on his face. “Hey (y/n), Brucey is out on a coffee run. We’ve been at this since like 3am. What brings you down here babe?” My smile faltered again, but I covered it up before either man could notice. “Oh, just wanted to come down and see how my two favourite nerds and my favourite prankster were doing. You know you guys should really get more sunlight. You’re gonna start looking like Vampires you stay cooped up in here much longer.” Tony chuckled, “Yeah, you might be right there (y/n). We’ll have to look into getting out some more during the day. Now angel, you know I absolutely love you joining us down here for some fun sciencey experiments and making explosions of pretty colours, but Bruce and I are about to start testing a pretty dangerous prototype, and I wouldn’t dream of putting your pretty face in harm’s way. I’ll call you down as soon as we’re done and we can have some fun later okay?”
My face completely fell at that. Even Tony and Loki forgot my birthday, and it seemed like Bruce had too. Not one of the guys remembered. My heart broke clean in half. “Oh, no, sure.” I stated quickly, trying to keep my voice from breaking. “You guys have fun. Call me down when you’re done. We’ll, uh, we’ll mix together some chemicals and create some cool effects. Yeah, okay, bye Tony.”
After leaving the lab I made my way up to my room. It was late afternoon at this point, so most of my birthday had passed me by without a single reason to really celebrate. I changed into some loose cotton pants and a baggy t-shirt before curling up on my bed, letting my façade break down and the tears spill from my eyes, my sobs, chocking my breaths and jolting my entire body. I missed my family, wishing they were here to make me feel loved, cause at the moment, I didn’t feel that at all.
After what seemed like forever, I heard a knock at my door, followed by Bruce’s voice, asking if he could come in. I cleared my throat and called out that he could open the door, and wiped my eyes as he opened the door. Maybe someone had finally remembered.
“Hey (y/n). I came up to ask if you wanted to join me and Tony in the lab. He said you came down earlier to hang out, and we’re done testing out the dangerous stuff, so he sent me up to get you.” Of course he didn’t remember. What was I thinking, hoping he, of all people would?
“Uh, no thanks Bruce, I’m not feeling too good, so I’m just gonna try and get to sleep early. Don’t wanna be getting sick now do I?” Bruce seemed to hear the croak in my voice, then I saw his eyes sweep over my face, noticing my undoubtedly red, puffy eyes. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.” “Yeah I’m fine. Just thinking about my family is all. I miss them, ya know.” “well do you want me to stay and keep you company? I haven’t got anything else I need to do today, we can sit in bed and snuggle, watch some movies. What’dya say?”
My heart shattered  a little more at his words. “No thanks. I’m all good. I just, um, need some time to myself. I’ll be fine, really. You can go back down to Tony. I’ll, um, I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” He looked like he wanted to say something, but let the matter go, placing a kiss on my head and leaving me to my own thoughts again.
What a crappy birthday.
2nd Person POV
Bruce stood outside (y/n)’s bedroom door, frowning. Something else was going on with her, he could tell. He made his way downstairs to the Common Room, where all of the boys were sitting watching a football game. “Hey guys, did any of you notice something off with (y/n) today?” he asked, grabbing everyone’s attention.
Steve, Sam and Bucky all shook their heads. “Nah man, she was all smiles and rainbows this morning at breakfast. Haven’t seen her since though.” Sam responded, his brow furrowing, wondering exactly WHY he hadn’t see the perky (h/c) head during the day. “Same here,” Pietro called out, “she came to zhe training room earlier today smiling, said somezhing about vhat ve had planned for today, zhen left.” Vision and Clint echoed their agreement with Pietro’s statement. “Well I just went to see her. Tony promised after we finished working on our prototype she could come down and hang with us, but she was all curled up in bed already. She had been crying, said she was thinking about her family, but what was weird is she turned me down when I offered to spend the night cuddling with her and watching movies.”
The rest of the guys shared a worried look. (Y/n) never turned down the opportunity to cuddle with any of them, no matter how she was feeling. It was her favourite thing to do next to playing small pranks on them. And they had noticed before, the day that had started out so beautiful had turned dark and cold, a rain storm coming out of nowhere. They realised then it was (y/n)’s powers reacting to her emotions. “Wow, that’s unusual. Maybe we should go see if she’s okay.” Steve suggested, only for Bruce to shake his head. “She said she just wanted to be left alone for the night. Hopefully she’ll be better by the morning.” They all agreed they would check on her after breakfast the next morning if she hadn’t made an appearance by then, then made their ways to their own floors for some rest.
The following morning had all of the boys more concerned than the previous night. Steve, who’s floor was just above (y/n)’s, had spent the majority of the night listening to her cry, her sobs pushing through the layer separating their floors and echoing in his ears thanks to his Super Soldier enhanced hearing. She had finally fallen asleep at around 4 in the morning, and Steve had snuck down to her room to see tears staining her delicate (s/c) skin, her cheeks red and her pillow transparent from the amount of tears she had shed. The rain continued outside, pouring from the sky and not showing any signs of clearing up any time soon. They agreed to let her sleep, voting to check on her later in the afternoon once they could be sure she’d had a lest a good 8 hours of sleep.
When it was just past noon, the boys were gathered around the television again, a movie playing but none of them really paying attention to it. Their heads turned as the elevator doors opened, hoping (y/n) had woken and come down to join them, back to her normal, cheerful self. Instead they were met with the puffed out, soaked to the bone figures of Natasha and Wanda, rushing into the room and scanning the bodies, obviously not finding (y/n) amongst the crowd.
“Hey, how was yesterday, did (y/n) have a good day? What’d you guys get up to for her?” Natasha panted, clutching at her side and attempting to wring out her hair. The other two female Avengers had booked it from the Meeting Room after Fury had debriefed them, wanting to spend the rest of the day with (y/n) to make up for not getting home in time for her birthday.
The guys shared a look of confusion. “Uh, yesterday was okay I guess?” Bucky responded warily. Something was going on, something only the girls seemed to be aware of. “I think (y/n) had an okay day, She was pretty cheery in the morning, but she started feeling a little down in the evening. Said she was missing her family, went to bed early and everything.” Bruce stated.
Natasha and Wanda shared a look, their faces portraying something that resembled a mixture of sadness, annoyance and anger. “You guys DO know what yesterday was, right?” Natasha asked, almost daring them to give her the answer she feared they had. “Um, no?” Vision responded, trying his very best not to cower away from the glare he and the others were receiving from the girls. “What, was it the anniversary of the accident? I thought that was a couple months ago?” Steve asked.
Natasha’s heart sank as she turned to her friend, her expression shocked. “Oh God, zhey forgot.” Wanda stated, devastated. “(Y/n) is probably crushed, sitting in her room, heartbroken.”
“Okay seriously, what was yesterday?!” Tony exclaimed. “What could possibly be so important about yesterday that Has Mother Nature all sulky in her room?” He hadn’t meant for it to come out so rude, but he, along with the rest of the guys, felt pretty annoyed that they were obviously missing something. “Well TONY” Natasha practically snarled, “yesterday was, as you so eloquently named her, was Mother Nature’s BIRTHDAY! First one without any blood relatives around too. In case you forgot, her cousin died four months ago on a mission, leaving her without a single member of her family left.”
There was dead silence. Natasha and Wanda were fuming, not believing that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the boys had forgotten their friend’s birthday. The boys jaws had dropped. “Th-that’s not possible. Her birthday is-“ “(B/d). Also known as YESTERDAY Loki.” Wanda sneered over Loki’s feeble stuttering. “Fuck.” Steve swore, though everyone was too shocked to notice the out of character statement.
The boys slowly cowered under the dagger-sharp gazes of the two women in front of them. Clint and Steve were like father-figures to Wanda, but at that moment, they felt like mere little boys who were being reprimanded by their mother as she glared at them.
“Okay, you know what? I can’t even look at any of you right now. I’m going to go and see (y/n), make sure she hasn’t become dehydrated from the amount I just know she’s cried. You had better find a way to fix this, or none of you will be able to stop me from making sure you never, EVER reproduce.” Natasha growled, making each of the boys shiver at the thought. She and Wanda turned away from the room, making their way back to the elevator.
When the two women approached their friend’s door, their hearts broke to hear sniffles and soft sobs coming from inside the room. Natasha slowly opened the door, peaking in to see (y/n) still curled up in her bed, her hair a knotted mess from her night of tossing and turning and her shoulders shaking from her suppressed sobs. Both she and Wanda quietly slipped into the room, approaching the bed and sitting on the edge whilst placing a hand each on (y/n)’s back. She turned to see her friends, her eyes red and puffy from hours of sobbing and tear marks staining her cheeks.
“Oh sveetheart.” Wanda cooed. “Ve are so sorry ve missed your special day. Ve tried so hard to get home in time, but ve just couldn’t.” “W-Wanda? N-N-Nat? W-When did y-you guys g-get home?” (Y/n) spoke, her voice breaking and stuttering as she attempted to control her sobs. “Not too long ago babochka. We just had to make a quick stop and dismember the boys for what they did to you. Do you wanna talk about it?” Nat asked, raising a hand to stroke her friend’s hair. (Y/n) just shook her head, tears spilling from her eyes once again. Honestly she was surprised she had any left to shed. She had been crying since early last night. She slid to the middle of her bed, allowing room for Nat and Wanda to cuddle up to her on each side, sandwiching her between them and wrapping their arms around her shaking frame and resting their heads beside hers. They stayed like that for a few hours, waiting for (y/n)’s cries to finally subside. When she was finally able to sit up and wipe her eyes, Wanda spoke up, “C’mon anđeo, let’s go out to celebrate. Ve promised after all, and ve don’t like to break promises. Nat and I even bought you a beautiful dress you can vear tonight. Ve saw it in a Venice market and couldn’t help but buy it for you.”
A few more hours had passed, and (y/n) was putting on the finishing touches to her makeup. The dress Natasha and Wanda had bought her was truly beautiful. It was (d/l) and (f/c), simple yet accentuating her (b/s) figure in all the right places. The sizing was absolutely perfect and matched her favourite jewellery set to a T. She smiled at herself, her (e/c) eyes shining with happiness for the first time in over 24 hours. The red had almost completely disappeared and thanks to her skills with makeup, you could barely see any traces of puffiness around her face. Her (s/c) skin practically glowed as she stepped out of her bathroom to greet Natasha and Wanda, who were both as elegantly dressed as her. “Well, what do you think? Do I look okay?” “Divan!” “Oglushayushchiy!” they both replied. (Y/n) chuckled. “In English please? I only speak English and a little Italian.” They both laughed and, almost simultaneously, responded with “Stunning!” “Okay, I made Tony hand over one of his credit cards, so we’re going to one of the best night clubs in New York. We’re gonna drink, dance and have a great night and not pay a single dime.” Natasha smirked evilly. (Y/n) and Wanda laughed at their friend, before the three girls left the bedroom and headed for the elevator. FRIDAY informed them that there was a limo waiting to take them to their destination and that all of the males had already retired for the night.
When they arrived at the club the music was pouring out of the doors and windows, the bass making the ground around the building vibrate. The girls giggled as they made their way through the front door and up the stairs to the top floor.
(Y/n) pushed open the heavy door to be met with a loud chorus of “SURPRISE!!!” as she walked in. Her eyes widened at the sight of a ginormous banner that stretched across the room, large block lettering spelling out ‘WE’RE SORRY/HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY’ and, standing underneath it in their best dancing outfits, were Tony, Steve, Clint, Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Thor, Loki, Vision and Bruce.
Her eyes filled with tears as she looked upon her friends, her hear swelling with the love they were showing through, not only the smiles on their faces, but the bunches of (f/f) in each of their hands. The music hummed softly in the background as (y/n) walked towards her friends, tears starting to slip from her eyes once again, only this time, from happiness. Thank God for water-proof makeup.
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“(N/n), we are so, so, SO SO SO sorry we forgot about your birthday. We know it doesn’t make up for what we did, but we just want you to know we love you.” Steve said as he walked forward, placing a kiss on her cheek and the flowers in her arms. “You’re always there for us, no matter what the situation, and none of us can believe how selfish we were to forget about the best day of our lives; the day you were born.” Bucky continued, also placing flowers in her hand and a kiss on her cheek. “Without that day, there would be no you, and we can’t have that.” Tony repeated the action. “Who would we have to cuddle without any objections?” Bruce followed. “Or play pranks with?” Loki stated. “Or give piggy back rides to?” Pietro approached. “Or talk to in the early hours of the morning?” Vision questioned. “Who would come on morning runs with me to keep me company whilst the Super Nuts lapped me repeatedly?” Sam asked, causing (y/n) to laugh. “Who would accompany my thunder with all the rain to make my travels between Midgard and Asgard seem like approaching storms and make it easy for me to arrive unnoticed?” Thor proclaimed as he approached (y/n). “And, finally, who would we possibly have to love with all our hearts, unconditionally and unendingly? We love you so much (n/n), and we hope you can forgive us.” Clint finished up, the final bunch of flowers being placed in her arms and one last kiss to her now flushed cheeks.
“You guys, I… I don’t know what to say. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Of course I forgive you. I could never stay mad at you. You made a mistake, and as long as you fixed it, everything is going to be fine. Thank you so much.” (y/n) cried, tears flowing down her face as she walked up to and hugged the life out of each of her boys. “I love you guys with all my heart. Thanks for making my day special, even if it was a little late.”
With the problem set behind them, the DJ turned up the music, followed by the lights changing colour and illuminating the room like a rainbow. The Avengers danced the night away, and (y/n) couldn’t have been happier that she got to celebrate a special night with the most special people in her life.
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nethandrake · 3 years
keep me as your finish line.
stevetony. avengers assemble. rated t. fake/pretend relationship. 4.9k words.
for the fall backwards: an avengers assemble flash exchange hosted by @cap-ironman and @ishipallthings
also on ao3.
Like most shenanigans of this sort, it happens on a Tuesday.
“—was saying! But Sam told me— Hey, what’s that?”
Tony follows Steve’s line of sight, pointed towards a small glimmer coming out from the cracks on the sidewalk. Steve edges closer, getting down on one knee to pick it up.
“What is it? A dime?”
“Nope,” Steve replies, holding his hand up. “Not even close.”
It’s a ring. It’s a pretty thing, a band of silver with a small diamond nestled in the middle.
“Why, Steven,” Tony begins teasingly, “you’re going to propose to me in the middle of a sidewalk?”
Steve’s grin widens. “Carpe diem.”
“How romantic.”
Tony’s about to drag Steve up to his feet when a flash of light stills him.
There’s a crowd gathered around them, holding out their phones and they grin manically.
“Say yes!” someone calls.
“Say what?” Tony asks.
“Say yes,” Steve replies, infuriatingly calm. “They want you to marry me.”
Tony freezes. The noise around them grows louder.
“Well, Shellhead?” Steve murmurs, his grin plastered back on. “Marry me?”
Tony should say no. He should haul Steve to his feet and tell everyone to scram, tell them that this is all a misunderstanding. He should toss the ring far, far away and make a run for it.
“Yes,” he whispers instead.
  Tony breaks the silence halfway through the elevator ride.
“Well, that was something.”
Steve chuckles. “I’m never picking a ring up ever again.”
Tony lets out a hollow laugh of his own. “The board’s going kill me.”
“No, they won’t.”
“Yes, they will,” Tony insists. “Me a part of a fake public proposal? The stocks are going to plunge, the board will be on me even more than usual, and the media—”
The media. The public.
Oh god.
“Steve,” Tony begins, “I—”
The elevator doors open. They step into the common area.
There’s a banner that’s stuck to the ceiling with arrows that says, ‘CONGRATULATIONS ON THE ENGAGEMENT’, in block letters. Heart-shaped balloons hang from every corner of the room. Cupcakes with icing in Captain America and Iron Man colors are stacked high in the middle of the dining table.
“Surprise!” Sam cries out.
Clint whoops. Thor blows on his party horn.
Oh god. The team.
How could he forget?
“We are not telling them,” Steve murmurs.
“Yes, we will,” Tony hisses back.
Tony would’ve argued back if Hulk hadn’t gathered them both into his arms, squeezing them with his massive, massive arms.
“‘Bout time you got together,” he says cheerfully before mashing Steve and Tony’s faces together.
That’s how Steve and Tony have their first kiss.
They don’t end up telling them.
Tony doesn’t know why they don’t. It’d make sense to. They’re all friends. They’d understand how stupid the whole thing is, even if Tony has to suffer at the hands of their teasing.
But then Thor claps Tony on the back and regales the team with every instant Steve and Tony would wax poetic about each other and Sam shoves congratulatory cookies into his face and Bruce shows up to offer his congratulations and Tony just can’t bring himself to say anything. At least not yet.
Steve is perfectly content with keeping up with the charade, sticking by Tony’s side and openly holding his hand and nuzzling his cheek and looking at Tony as if he’s his whole world.
It doesn’t make sense. Steve’s the paragon of righteousness and truth. He never lies. Why he would start doing it now, over something dumb like this? It’s beyond Tony.
“About time you kids came out with it,” Clint says between mouthfuls of cake. “Felt like you kids were taking forever to tell us.”
“Which you didn’t,” Natasha points out, arching an eyebrow.
Steve rolls his eyes, wrapping his arm around Tony’s waist and pulling him close. “We figured you guys would just hound us about it.”
“Hey, I can behave.”
“Sure you can,” Steve says before brushing his lips against Tony’s cheek.
Clint makes a retching sound. “You know what? I’m glad you guys kept it on the down-low. Don’t think I could take any form of PDA from either of you.”
God, if he only knew. If all of them only knew.
  The thing about being fake engaged while living with friends is that they have to share the same living space.
Which means sharing the same bed.
“I can take the floor,” Tony says as he exits his bathroom. “I’ve slept on worse.”
Steve’s gaze falls on him. He’s already dressed down in a tank top and shorts. Tony does his best to avert his gaze.
“Don’t be stupid. It’s big enough for the both of us.”
Tony glances at his king-sized bed with doubt.
Steve rolls his eyes and beckons him over.
Like a moth to a flame, Tony follows.
 The next morning is total chaos.
Tony’s phone is overwhelmed with messages and missed calls. His inbox is full of lengthy emails. The press is divided. So is the board.
Fury asks to see him, to see them.
The team has gathered in the communal kitchen when Steve and Tony head down in rumpled clothes and bed hair. The grins they send them are wolfish.
“Good night?” Clint begins, waggling his eyebrows.
Steve beams, draping his arm around Tony’s shoulder. “Very good night.”
And it’s too much. Too sudden. Too everything.
So like any sane person would in this kind of situation, Tony hides.
  Steve forces his way into the workshop on the fourth day.
“You can’t hide from me forever,” he says. “The team’s worried about you. I’m worried about you.”
Tony ignores him, fixating on the hundredth tabloid headline about him and Steve on the screen in front of him instead.
Steve closes the news with a wave of the hand. “Hey,” he says softly, “you alright?”
Tony doesn’t say anything for a long moment. “It’s a mess. The whole thing’s a mess. Imagine when everyone finds out that this is all fake. They’ll kill us.”
“Not if we stay engaged.”
Tony whips around to face Steve. “You can’t be serious.”
Steve nods, solemn. “Oh, I’m serious.”
“JARVIS, run a—”
“I’m not a Skrull,” Steve huffs. “Or an LMD. Or under the influence of magic. Or mind-controlled. I genuinely do think we should stay engaged. At least, for now.”
Tony stares at him in disbelief. “God, do you hear yourself right now? Does it make sense to—”
“Yes.” Steve pulls up the holograms again, scrolling through. “Look. Everyone’s happy—”
“Not everyone.”
“The team’s happy for us. Fury isn’t pissed for once. The stocks have been soaring since the news. If you haven’t been reading trashy tabloids and right-winged articles, you would know that a lot of people are supportive. In fact,” Steve opens a new article, “a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community are excited. The announcement’s helped a lot of people come out, or at least be more accepting of their own identities. It’s good for the people.”
Tony exhales heavily. “I’m not saying it isn’t. God knows that everyone needs all the support they can get. It’s just that we shouldn’t. It’s not right. I may be pan but you’re—”
“I’m bi.”
Tony blinks. “You’re—”
“Bisexual,” Steve affirms.
Tony files that information away for later. He’s one step closer to having a mental breakdown and processing the revelation that Steve’s bisexual wouldn’t help matters.
“Regardless, this isn’t a life or death situation. I can deal with the company and the press and—”
“You’re my friend. I can help.”
“What if you find someone you—”
“I don’t think I will,” Steve says firmly.
“Steve, I—” Tony sighs, wiping his face with his hand. “What about the team? Shouldn’t they know?”
“The fewer people that know, the better.”
Tony blinks. “Are you crazy?”
Steve grins. “Nope.”
“Well, jury’s out on that.” Tony groans, slumping in his seat. “God, we should’ve told them it was all a misunderstanding.”
Steve smiles, squeezing Tony’s shoulder in reassurance. “It’ll all work out. You’ll see.”
Tony highly doubts that.
“You’re not going to wear someone else’s ring.”
“You can make me a new one.”
“I figured you’d say that. So, you know.” Tony climbs up to his feet, pulling one of his desk drawers open and reaching inside. “I didn’t lock myself up for no reason. Here. It’s not vibranium but uh, hope you like it.” 
Steve takes the ring out from the velvet box gingerly, as if he’s afraid it’ll break. “You’ve always had my heart,” he murmurs as he examines the inscription on the silver band. “Wow.”
Tony’s breath catches at the reverence in Steve’s tone. “Figured you’ll like that kind of sappy thing.”
“I do,” Steve says and god he sounds so happy, so touched, so— “Here’s yours.”
It’s a simple gold ring, with a familiar scrawl engraved on the inside.
You’ve given me a home.
Tony almost breaks down.
read the rest of ao3.
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anightflower · 5 years
One Night Stand
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Summary: After a shitty one night stand, Bucky slut shames your sex life. You get a little revenge by playing a game Bucky doesn’t like. 
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY: S M U T 
You grumbled as you made your way down to the Towers main kitchen. Your body ached, you were exhausted, and all you wanted was a cup or coffee and some goddamn peace and quiet.
You internally groaned when you noticed that the kitchen was not empty. Bucky and Sam sat at the breakfast bar. One drowsily eating cereal, while the other attempted to flick runaway cereal pieces at the other. Natasha sat perched next to the coffee machine, scrolling through her phone and sipping from a mug of coffee.
Natasha's eyes left her phone and lit up as she focused on you. “You look tired (Y/N)” she snickered. “Did you have a late night last night?” 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Bucky and Sam focus on you.
You glared at Nat as you made your way to the coffee pot and poured yourself a cup of coffee. 
Don’t even start. “I don’t know what makes you say that Nat.” You said irritated.
“Well for one you look like hell, and two I don’t think you’re supposed to put salt in your coffee. Unless you really prefer it that way.” Sam piped up with a shiteating grin. 
“Oh hell.” You hissed, tossing your salty coffee down the sink. 
Natasha made her way over to you with a fresh mug of coffee. “So tell me, was he good?” 
You nearly dropped the cup she handed to you. “NAT!” 
“Oh please. I saw you sneak out last night like a horny teenager. You’re an adult now, you can talk about sex. Unless the boys can't handle it.” She raised a brow at Sam and Bucky who pretended not to listen. 
Sam smirked into his coffee. Bucky remained stone-faced, glaring slightly at Natasha. 
“I for one, don’t need to hear the details of another one of your slinky one night stands doll.” Bucky grumbled angrily, pushing his stool back from the counter. 
“Slinky one night stands? Are you fucking kidding me Buck? Sorry I am a grown woman looking for quality sex that I clearly can’t find here!” You growled. 
Bucky eyes burned with anger. He looked like he was about to say something but all he did was huff and leave the room. 
“Sam maybe it’s time you got Bucky laid.” Nat observed, “He seems to always have a stick far up his ass.”
“Trust me, it’s not all it's cracked up to be.” You mumbled, stirring more creamer into your coffee. 
“Was it really that bad?”  Nat asked. 
“Oh, the guy wasn’t bad, he was horrific. Only cared about himself. I may as well have stayed home and used a toy for hell’s sake. 
Sam winced. “I did not need to know you had sex toys.” 
“Oh grow up Sam, it’s not a woman’s fault that men don’t know what they’re doing. Men are the problem, sex toys are the solution.” 
“Well, who knows (Y/N), maybe you'll meet a special someone at Stark’s Charity Gala Saturday.” Nat said wiggling her eyebrows at you.
“Fuck, I forgot that was this weekend. I’m all for charity, but if I’m forced to go to another one of Stark’s fucking parties-” You groaned. 
“Uhem” You heard a familiar voice sound from the door. “First off you love my parties, even if it’s deep down. Second, you always look ravishing in whatever you wear, and lastly, you get all the free alcohol you want. All you have to do is force a smile and be friendly.” Tony hummed.
You rolled your eyes as you pushed past him, careful not to spill your coffee. If Saturday you had to be a social butterfly, today would be a lock yourself in your room and watch Netflix kinda day.
“Tony was right, you do always manage to look ravishing. Very Bond-esque” Sam said to you as he entered your room. 
You smiled at him through your reflection, admiring the slimming black dress you had on. “Thanks Sam. Have you come to be my handsome escort?” 
He held a hand out to you,  “Bond, James Bond, happily at your service.
His other hand produced a bottle of expensive liquor from behind his back, a liquor that was most likely stolen from Tony’s “hidden” cabinet. “I have also come to get you throughly wasted before this party. Bucky’s in a bitchy mood and Steve’s very busy trying to untie Bucky’s panties.” 
“In that case, pour us some drinks, it’s going to be a long night if we have to deal with not one, but two grouchy old men.” 
You could have sworn this party was more extravagant than the last. The room shone with several different lights, giving it an ethereal glow. Champagne fountains stood about the room. It was like walking into a Great Gatsby fantasy.
Bucky and Steve were already at the bar, causing your joy to deflate a bit. You had avoided Bucky at every cost since the two of you had fought. He hadn’t sought you out to apologize either.
You let out an exaggerated sigh. “I hope the bar has enough of the strong stuff, otherwise I don’t think I’ll be able to deal with Bucky’s bitchiness all night, even with the alcohol we had before this in my system.” 
Sam snickered. “He still hasn’t apologized has he?” 
“Nope. So he’s definitely on my shit list. He had no reason to be angry with me or shame my sex life.” 
Sam looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself. He shook his head. “Just ignore him (Y/N). Bucky will be Bucky. Besides if you really feel like enacting revenge I know a little game you can play to piss him off even more.”
You groaned. “Sam as much as I would love to piss Bucky off more, I am not in the mood to play 'One Night Rate’ right now. This last guy really put me off for a while.” 
“Oh come on (Y/N)! One guy can’t ruin your chances of a great one night stand. Look at all the beautiful people here.” He said gesturing around the room. “You’re telling me there isn’t a single guy you want to take home?” 
There was one guy you wanted to take home, but he currently was the one person who you weren’t speaking to. You knew you would probably regret this but-
“Fine.” You groaned. “I’ll play, but that doesn’t mean I have to follow through with it.” 
Sam grinned as you two made your way over to Bucky and Steve.
Steve smiled at the two of you, but it quickly turned into a suspicious look at the grin on Sam’s face.  “What are you two up to?” 
You and Sam remained quiet smirking at one another. Steve finally put the pieces together. 
“You two are not playing One Night Rate again are you?” He groaned.  
“Listen man, (Y/N) needs a better partner to make up for the last guy. The least I can do is support her and give good advice.” Sam said, as you blushed. 
“You’re the one who convinced me to do it! I wasn’t even going to play it.” You laughed, nudging Sam’s shoulder. 
Bucky stared at the three of you stone faced. “Do I even want to know what this game is?” 
You gave Bucky a sarcastic smirk. “It’s a game Sam, Steve, and I came up with one night at one of Tony’s galas-” 
“It was mostly Sam and (Y/N).” Steve interjected. 
You rolled your eyes. “Sure it was Golden Boy.” Sam snickered. “Anyway, we were bored and perhaps a bit more intoxicated than we should have been-” 
“Excuses, excuses.” Sam interrupted you. “You are avoiding the point. It’s basically a game where one of us chooses a person and the jury,” he gestured to you and Steve, “Comes to a consensus on whether or not that person should be brought home or not.”
Bucky raised his eyebrows. “Are you guys serious?” 
“If you’re going to slut shame, you can always hang with Nat, I’m sure she’s drunk enough to put up with your assholery. Besides, you wouldn’t want to play such a sleazy game right?” You said, plastering a fake smile on your face. 
Bucky winced. “(Y/N)-”
You held up a hand, stopping him. “I don’t want to hear it right now James.” You only called him by his first name when you were really pissed with him. “Right now, I want to drink, find a guy, and get an actual good fuck. So if you’ll excuse me.” You pushed past the three men, ignoring their shocked faces and Bucky’s very pissed one.
Sam grimaced. “So much for playing the game. Something tells me she’ll follow her own rules right now.”
Sam had remained at the bar with Bucky and Steve, long after you left them. Bucky’s face was steely, his eyes following every move you made on the dance floor. You weren’t alone, and of course the guy you had chosen was incredibly handsy with you. As his hands slide down your body, Bucky couldn't help but let out a growl.
“Buck, I don’t get it. Why won’t you just apologize and tell her how you feel? You’re being idiotic.” Steve said gently, putting a hand on Bucky’s shoulder. 
Sam nodded along with Steve’s sentiment. “Dude maybe if you opened your eyes you’d see that she actually likes you back.” 
Bucky’s eyes shot to Sam. “What the hell did you say Wilson?”
Sam gave him a look. “Don’t play dumb with me Barnes, you heard what I said. She likes you. I’m surprised that such a good assassin like you could miss something as blatant as that.” 
“Then why the hell does she go off with other guys then?” Bucky asked, irritated.
“Because she’s just as blind to it as you. You have no idea how obnoxious it is to be the middleman and keep quiet, especially when you’re dealing with two oblivious morons.” Sam groaned. Steve cackled loudly.
“What am I supposed to do? She’s off with some other guy.” Bucky sighed. 
Steve smirked at him, “That never stopped you in the 40’s.”
This guy was doing nothing for you. He was sweaty, way too handsy, and was unfortunately not as attractive up close, a drunken mistake on your part. But you knew Bucky was watching and you would not cave easily, so you kept dancing. 
The guy pulled you taut against him. “So babe when do you want to get out of here?” 
You grimaced, resisting the urge to push the guy off you. Was pissing Bucky off really worth all this?
“I think I can take it from here bud.” A familiar voice said. It sent chills down your spine. Your date, what was his name? Jake? Jason? You couldn't even remember, that’s how uninteresting he was. 
He turned to Bucky releasing his grip on you. “Back off dude, she’s taken.” 
Bucky glared at him unmoving. “I think you misunderstood me asshole. Fuck off.” The dance floor lights flashed over Bucky’s face giving sweaty hands a better look at who he was talking to. 
His face paled. “Oh shit I’m so sorry man, she’s all yours.” He quickly pushed through the crowd on the dance floor to get away. 
You turned to Bucky and crossed your arms. “Are you fucking kidding me James?  First, you call me sleazy and now you chase off any fucking guy I am interested in? What is wrong with y-” 
Your rant was cut off as Bucky dragged you off the dance floor and through a maze of halls. You were too shocked to say anything as he pushed you into the fancy one stall bathroom and locked the door. 
You yanked your arm out of his grasp. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You can’t just scare my date off then drag me into a bathroom.”
“Oh please, that guy was a scumbag, you could do much better.” Bucky snarled.  
He turned his back on you and let out a frustrated growl, running his hands through his hair. 
“You weren’t even playing the game right.” He said quietly. 
He turned back to you and moved toward you, causing you to back up until you hit the sink counter. His arms pinned down on either side of you and he leaned in. There were mere inches between both of your lips. 
“I said you weren’t even playing the game right. You’re supposed to consult Sam and Steve and come to a consensus. You just picked a random asshole to piss me off. I at least played the game right.” He growled.
You heart was in your throat. You thought of what to say to defend your choices, then you realized what Bucky said. “Wait what do you mean you’re playing the game right?”
Bucky smirked. “The jury came to a consensus. You’re the best choice to take home tonight. You got the highest rating (Y/N).” His smile turned more sincere. “I want to take you home tonight and every night if you’ll let me. I know I’ve been an ass to you and I’m sorry. I was just so pissed that other guys got to have you while I couldn’t. And-”
You grabbed Bucky by his shirt collar and pulled him in, smashing your lips against his. A growl emanated from his throat as he wrapped his arms around you. Causing both of you to go into a frenzy. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he lifted you up and placed you on the bathroom counter. You whined as Bucky placed kisses all down your neck. He sucked harshly in certain areas making you gasp. 
“If I can finally have you all to myself, I want to mark you as mine.” He mumbled against your neck. His words went straight to your soaking core. 
You began unbuttoning his shirt as he pushed up your dress. He pulled it over your head and  threw it behind him, pausing to admire you in your matching black lace set. You returned the favor and pushed off his suit jacket as he attempted to unbutton his shirt. You let out a moan when his chiseled body was finally fully in view.
Bucky pulled down your bra causing your breasts to be pushed up from the material. He purred as he leaned down and worshipped each one, placing kisses all over the top, then moving down and sucking on your nipple. His hand went to your other breast, his fingers massaging and playing with your other nipple. He tugged at it causing you to let out a loud moan. 
“Fuck, Bucky,” you cried out. He smirked as his hands and mouth traveled down your body. When he finally reached your panties, he looked you in the eye and slowly pulled them down with his teeth. 
You were speechless. 
“Fuck baby, just a few words and some teasing and you’re soaking for me,” He hissed out, his dick hardening as he gazed at your sexed out and wanton state. 
‘Bucky please.” You begged. Wanting, no, needing him to touch you. 
He smirked at you. “Oh I see now doll, when you want me to fuck you I’m Bucky, notJames?”
“James Buchanan Barnes, if you do not fuck me right now-” you growled. 
Bucky chuckled, lowering his mouth to where you needed it most. Your growl turned into a pleasurable scream. 
Bucky looked up at you, amusement in his eyes. He paused his work. “You know love, you’re lucky the music is so loud, otherwise you and I could be caught in this very scandalous position.”
You smirked and bit your lip. “Let them find us then.” 
With that Bucky feasted on you like you were his last meal. His tongue swirling over your clit and licking your slit until you felt that delicious build up in your stomach. Your hands grasped and pulled at his hair. 
“Bucky, don’t stop, I'm going to-” whiteness filled your vision as you came. You tried to close your legs, but Bucky had them pinned against the counter, continuing his work until you finished riding out your orgasm. 
Your chest rose and fell rapidly as Bucky kissed back up your body until he met your lips. 
You undid his belt and pants, letting his bulging member free. Bucky wasted no time lining himself up with your entrance. Sliding in slowly until he filled you completely. 
You gasped at the pleasure that filled your body. You had never felt so full in any other one night stand. Hell hardly any of them had made you come like this once, or at all. 
“God doll, you’re so tight.” Bucky groaned as he gave you time to adjust to his size. 
“Bucky if you don’t start moving-” you threatened, but were cut off as Bucky quickly thrust in and out of you.
He smirked as you let out a pleasured squeak. 
“Fuck you” you giggled. 
“Gladly.” He replied as he picked up his pace. 
It was relentless and god it was the greatest sex you had ever had. He had actually put your pleasure first, and was about to make you come again. 
The feeling built up in your stomach, and you clenched around Bucky. As if he could read your mind, he reached down and began rubbing your clit. You had to bite back a scream. 
Bucky smashed his lips against yours, as white flashed again in your vision, as your second orgasm hit you. Bucky followed soon after. 
When you both came down from your highs, your eyes met and you giggled. 
“What?” Bucky asked, returning your smile. 
“I swear this better be the last one night stand I ever had, because all I want for the rest of my life is you Bucky Barnes.” 
Bucky’s eyes softened and he planted a soft kiss on your lips. “Funny, because all I’ve ever wanted for the longest time, is you.” You felt your heart skip a beat. 
Bucky’s face turned more mischievous. “Now let’s get out of here. I have a long night planned to show you that you actually can find quality sex around here.” 
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 4. Low Flying Stationery
Summary: Steve realises that the only way out of the seeming hole he’s dug himself into is to come clean about his feelings to Katie, only that’s easier said than done.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Language! Angst and a pair of total dumbasses in love… A/N: Once again, a huge thank you to @angrybirdcr​ for her lovely little edit.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 3
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist 
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   “I went under, the world was at war, I wake up and they say we won. They didn’t say what we lost.”
“Yeah, well we’ve made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently…”
Steve woke up with a start, taking a deep breath as he blinked, coming out of his sleep addled haze. It didn’t take a genius to work out why his mind had taken him back to that particular moment in time, and it wasn’t wasted on him either that this time he was the one who had made the big assed mistake the night before…
Glancing at his clock, he decided that 5:00 am wasn’t too early, so he changed and headed out for a run, pounding his frustration out on the wet ground beneath his feet. He was so annoyed at himself for simply letting Katie walk out with no protest at all. He should have stopped her, gone after her, he realised that now.
It was official, he was the world’s biggest moron.
He knew now that the only way to salvage anything from this mess was to be honest, regardless of how she felt or didn’t feel as the case may be. So, as he thundered round past the Lincoln Memorial for the fourth time, he started to plan out exactly what he was going to say. By the time he got home an hour and a half later, and climbed into a scalding hot shower, he was feeling slightly more positive. 
He just hoped she’d hear him out.
***** After a night of tossing and turning, alternating between being angry at herself and pissed at Steve, Katie had also been up at a ridiculous time, but unlike Steve she had curled up on her sofa with a film, counting the minutes down until it was an acceptable time to call her brother.
“Seven thirty AM?” Tony drawled as he answered. “You wet the bed?”
“Fuck off” She shot back “No, just had a shitty end to yesterday and thought I’d call to hear a friendly voice. Beginning to wonder why I bothered.”
“Bad day?” Tony’s voice softened “Ok Kiddo, I’m all ears.”
“Nah don’t wanna talk about it.” Katie said, and she didn’t. There was NO WAY she was telling Tony about Steve and whatever the hell nearly went down. That was a whole shit storm she didn’t want landing at Steve’s feet. “So what’s new with you?”
“Nothing much.” Tony sniffed.
“How’s things with you and Pepper? Still behaving?”
“I’m insulted you even asked me that.”
“I know you too well.” She chuckled.
“Well, if you really wanna know they’re going great. I’m thinking of taking her out to the Island in a couple of weeks. A dirty week away…”
“Ok too much information” she grimaced as Tony’s chuckle hit her ears “You’re nasty”
“I’m in love!” He said in a sing-song voice, making Katie roll her eyes.
“I never thought I’d see the day where you love someone more than yourself.”.
“What is this, Kiddo? Insult Tony day?” He scoffed making her laugh. “I love lots of things more than myself.”
“Yeah, like what?”
“You, Pepper…” the line was silent for a few seconds before he finished “Nope, that’s it.”
Katie laughed “I’m honoured.”
“So you should be, it’s a very hard list to make.”
They talked for another half an hour about all sorts of crap, Katie simply happy to hear her brother’s voice as it had been weeks since she’s seen him, far too long in her opinion. Eventually they both had to get ready for work so after breakfast and a shower she felt a little better although her stomach was still flipping slightly at the thought of seeing Steve. He’d messaged her a few times last night but she’d completely ignored him, and was feeling a little shitty about it now, if she was honest.
But, there was nothing she could do except apologise and hopefully they could move on and in time forget it.
When she walked into the Tactical Ops Office,  Clint and Natasha were already in there, eating a pastry each, both with a coffee in hand and she was touched, as always, to see one waiting on her desk for her. But not touched enough to let Barton get away with using her desk as a foot rest.
“Get your feet down…” Katie slapped at his legs.
“Rude,” he muttered, removing them and placing his feet on the floor. “I bought you coffee.”
“Which is both appreciated and needed.” she pecked him on the cheek. “Thanks Hawkeye”
“You look like you aint slept all night.” Nat eyed Katie shrewdly as she shrugged off her coat “Who is he?”
“I should be so lucky” Katie mumbled dropping into her chair. She didn’t tell them that the reason she hadn’t slept all night was thanks to a certain blue eyed super soldier, but not because he was in bed with her, more so because he wasn’t.
“Better take a nap this afternoon then.” Clint pointed at her. “Want you on good form for the party.”
“What party?” Katie frowned.
“Rumlow’s 40th…”
She groaned. “That’s tonight?”
“Yeah.” Clint nodded, before he let out a snort as he looked over his shoulder at Nat “Now this is gonna be interesting.”
“What?” Katie frowned
“He’s referring to the fact I’ve been planning an outfit for a few days…” Nat yawned, examining her nails.
“Yeah and seeing you try and figure one out in a few hours, Nova, is gonna be amazing…”
 “Not like I’m short of options,” Katie shrugged “I mean half the shit in my closet hasn’t seen the light of day in years.”
“You can always gift it to me.” Natasha quipped back
“Speaking of gifts, has anyone done a collection for dearest Brock?” Clint looked around. “I mean it is his 40th party after all, we should probably get him something…”
 “Like what?” Nat asked.
“I dunno. What’s he into?” Clint pondered.
“I know what he’d like to get into.” Nat responded with a smirk. “Nova’s pants…”
At that Clint let out a bark of a laugh just as Steve walked through the door, expertly catching the pencil that Katie threw at the Archer.
“Beware low flying stationery.” Steve quipped as casually as he could, tossing the item onto the desk in front of Clint who leaned back in his chair, putting his feet back on the surface. Steve locked eyes with Katie for a second and he saw her take a deep, steadying breath before she looked over at Clint as he responded to Steve’s joke.
“It wasn’t flying, it was thrown.” he smirked. “Just Stark here getting a little upset about Nat’s joke.”
“I wasn’t upset, it was just a shit joke.” Katie rolled her eyes
“But it’s true, that’s what’s so funny!” Clint snorted “Admit it, you know he’s after a bit…”
“Can we just change the subject, please?” Katie groaned, turning to the keyboard on her desk. She could feel Steve’s eyes burning into her back as she tried to concentrate on the screen, ignoring him.
“You coming tonight Cap?” Clint asked
“Rumlow’s 40th?” Steve asked and Clint nodded
“Did everyone remember except me?” Katie looked round.
“Pretty much.” Nat nodded
Katie scowled.
“You’re a proper little ray of sunlight today.” Clint snorted at the expression on her face.
“I told you I’m tired.”
“Try going to bed and sleeping.” Nat quipped and this time it was a highlighter pen that flew across the room.
“Carry on and it will be a stapler.” Katie frowned. “I was alone, thank you. Unless you count my pillow.”
Steve looked down at his feet
“Was the pillow good?” Clint asked, and she glared at him, picking up the stapler as he laughed, holding his hands up.
“Anyway, Romanoff…” Steve deftly changed the subject as Katie slammed the stapler back down.  “You ready for ops drill or…”
Nat groaned and pushed her chair back across the floor with a scrape. “Slave driver…catch you later Stark”
“Yeah see ya…” Katie didn’t bother turning round.
“I’m due on the range in 10 with the new recruits so…” Clint stood up and followed Nat before he stopped and turned back, glancing over his shoulder again before he spoke.
“Listen, don’t tell Widow I asked this but what’s the dress code for tonight? I better start sorting out what I’m wearing whilst I get chance…”
Katie stopped before she turned slowly in her seat and smirked up at him, raising an eyebrow.
“You hypocrite! It’s smart casual and if you don’t want me to tell Nat, it’ll cost you a beer”
“A beer for your silence… why haven’t we done this trade before?”
“Fuck off!” she flicked him the finger as he disappeared out of the office leaving Steve and her alone.
 “Hey.” He spoke gently, testing the water “You alright?”
“Yeah” she nodded, looking up at him and he smiled, that fucking smile again and she cleared her throat. “Honestly I’m just tired.”
“You ran out on me.” he pointed out, studying her face.
“You didn’t exactly stop me Steve.” she shot back and he sighed.
“I know.” he swallowed “But you could have messaged me back.”
“Sorry, I was just…” Katie ran her hand over her face. “Actually, I don’t know what I was to be honest.”
There was a pause, a little awkward silence filling the room before Steve took a deep breath.
“Listen.” he began, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “About last night, what…well, what nearly happened. I err, I wanted to say that I-”
“It’s fine.” Katie cut him off quickly. “I get it, it was an emotional day and there was a lot for you to process and deal with. I mean, I was all over the place so I expect you were too. Guess we just…”
She trailed off and something inside Steve died a little. She’d felt sorry for him, that was the only reason they’d shared that moment.  He struggled to keep his face straight as he shrugged, looking down at his hands, all thoughts of his planned speech flying out of his head.
“We’re okay, right?” Katie looked at him, and he glanced up, smile fixed on his face.
“Sure” he nodded, hopping off the desk. “Listen, I need to…” he pointed to the door.
“Yeah, course. I have a tonne of stuff to do anyway. I wanna get home in time for a nap”
He chuckled. “So I’ll err, see you tonight?” he asked.
“Yeah, see you there.”
Katie watched him leave and as soon as he was clear of the room Katie took a shaky breath trying to stem the tears that were threatening once more to pour down her cheeks.
A wave of sound, both music and the noise of chatter hit Steve’s ears the minute he opened the door. He spotted Nat and Clint leaned against the bar and after saying hi to Rumlow and anyone else who greeted him he made his way over to the other two avengers and smiled.
“Hey Cap” Clint said, clapping him on his shoulder. “Beer?”
“Thanks Barton.”
Clint ordered his drink as Steve glanced around the room, looking for that familiar shock of brunette.
“She’s not here yet.” Nat drawled and he looked at her.
“Right.” He nodded simply, accepting the beer.
“Nice shirt” Clint grinned and Steve glanced down.
“Very modern.” Nat said,
“Romanoff,” Steve rolled his eyes. “You’re a pain in my ass…”
“She’s a pain in everyone’s ass.” Clint shrugged and Nat simply quirked an eyebrow at him as Steve gave a small chuckle, taking a slug of his beer.
“It’s one of my more endearing qualities.” she quipped.
Clint opened his mouth to say something but stopped as his eyes fell on someone and he smiled. Steve turned slightly to follow his gaze to see Katie making her way over towards them and boy, he had to stop his mouth falling open because she looked amazing. Tight black jeans, patent red heels and a sleeveless red top that plunged down her cleavage and tightened in to her waist before flaring out slightly. Her make up looked different, it was still light but she’d done something to her eye lids as they shimmered with a gold colour that made her eyes stand out even more.
Clint dropped a kiss to her cheek when she reached his side and Steve got a sudden hit of her perfume, the underlying floral tones that he associated with her, and he took a deep breath.
“About time…” Clint smiled at Katie. “We thought you had got lost.”
“Yeah, sorry I needed a nap.” she shrugged, nodding to Natasha and Steve.
“You want a drink?” Clint turned back to the bar waving at the tender.
“Yeah, I’ll have a gin thanks.”
“I like this.” Nat mused, her hand toying with the hem of her top. “New?”
“No, I dug it out from the doldrums of my closet.” she smiled, thanking Clint for the drink as he handed it to her. “I told you, I forget what’s in there sometimes.”
“Must be hard being so rich you can afford that many clothes you forget what you have.” Nat smirked, and Katie flipped her off drawing a snort from the red head.
 “Table over there.” Clint spoke, nodding over to the right. “Shall we?”
The four of them made their way over and settled into a comfortable conversation as normal, but both Katie and Steve were ridiculously aware of one another. The smells of cologne and perfume, the feel of his shirt clad arm as it brushed against hers when he moved, her laugh which rang out over the table…
It was torture for them both.
After four rounds of drinks however, Katie had started to relax a little, dare she even say enjoy herself, so it was bound to be a matter of time before something else went wrong.
And it did, in spectacular fashion.
“Who’s round is it?” Clint announced “I’m ready for some shots…”
“Mine, I think.” Katie glanced round for one of the guys who was providing table service, when someone talking to Rumlow caught her attention. Tall, short dark hair, dark denim jeans and a white shirt. To most of the people in the room, the back of that man could have been anyone. But to Katie, well, she knew instantly who it was.
And her good mood sank as fast as it had been rising.
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.” She mumbled. Steve, who had felt her tense next to him, looked down at her as Natasha frowned.
“Ward’s here…”
Clint’s hand slipped and he almost sent the remainder of his beer flying as he scanned the room, his eyes narrowing.
“Ward as in, your ex Ward?” Steve asked, feeling the heat rise in his neck. She nodded and across the table Clint started grinding his teeth in a combination of anger and irritation.
Katie watched the back of her ex’s head, and then he turned to look around the room and their eyes locked. His mouth fell open slightly before he composed himself, and turned back to talk to Rumlow, running his hand through his hair, the way he always did when he was trying to act cool.
Katie snorted and turned back to the table.
“Want me to go punch him?” Clint leaned over towards her. “Because I’d really like to.”
Steve found himself thinking that was a great idea but Katie shook her head.
“Just ignore him. I am.”
After three further gin and tonics and two tequilas had worked their way through her system Katie excused herself and headed out to the bathroom. Once she was gone, Clint shook his head.
“I cannot believe that fucking prick showed up.” He growled, waiving the waiter over. “Damned it I hate him.”
“I gathered.” Steve smirked as Clint ordered another round of drinks.
“I mean…what the fuck…why is he even here?” the archer continued to rant and Nat gently laid a hand on hi arm.
“Clint, don’t you think you’re overreacting a little?” She soothed.
“You didn’t see her Nat, that night when she caught him…she was a mess.”
“So was his car.” Natasha grinned and Clint snorted.
“His car?” Steve asked.
“Yeah…” Clint gave a small laugh. “She smashed up the body work…and I left four arrows in his tyres.”
Steve felt a surge of affection the archer as he took a deep breath, looking around. There was no sign of Katie, or Ward. Something seemed a little off, like things weren’t quite right…
 “I’m gonna go check if she’s okay” he stood up, missing the glance that Natasha and Clint shared.
As it happens, Katie wasn’t ok. Nothing about walking out of the bathroom and bumping, literally, into your cheating fucker ex was ever going to be ok.
 “Hi K.” Ward said, as his hands gently grabbed round her arms steadying her, his familiar smell washed over her senses. She pulled back immediately, shaking off his grip.
“Don’t call me that.”
He sighed “C’mon…”
“What do you want, Grant?”
“Hey, you bumped into me.” He chuckled. “You look amazing by the way.”
She snorted, and looked away.
“Look, I just wanted to say, well, I hate how we left things, you know? And I…”
“How we left thigs?” Katie’s eyes locked back onto his as she let out a sarcastic laugh.  “The only thing I left was your apartment after finding you in bed with some blond bimbo.”
“The biggest mistake of my life.” Grant sighed, “I honestly mean that…”
“Is this the part where you say sorry for cheating on me and beg for my forgiveness?” Katie watched as the dark brown eyes that she had once found irresistible bore into hers and she felt the anger simmering again. She’d worked so long to get this man out of her system, but here he was, daring to try and smarm her into accepting an apology.  The sheer audacity of it was making her want to scream.
“I am sorry. I genuinely am…”
“You’re sorry you got caught. There’s a difference.”
“No, that’s not it.” Grant shook his head. “There hasn’t been a single day where I haven’t thought about you and how I fucked up.”
He ran his hand through his hair and Katie shook her head.
“Let’s be honest, she wasn’t the first was she?” She looked up at him. Grant dropped his head and that was all the confirmation she needed. “Our relationship, it was a car crash.”
“I loved you.”
“Seriously? You’re trying that one?” She looked at him, and then burst out laughing. “Oh Jesus…” She shook her head in disbelief and made to walk round him but he grabbed her arm.
“What’s so funny?”
“Let go of me.”
“I asked you a question…”
“And she asked you to let her go.” A familiar voice said and Katie looked up to see Steve stood in the corridor, hands on his belt buckle as the door to the main bar area swung shut behind him, causing the loud background noise to fade slightly. “She won’t need to ask again.”
“Sorry…I…” Ward, let go of her arm as he composed himself and extended his arm in greeting.  “Captain Rogers. We haven’t been formally introduced. I’m-“
“I know who you are, Agent Ward” Steve looked at him, not even moving to take the man’s proffered hand, and he saw Ward’s jaw twitch, as his arm dropped back to his side, fist balling and unballing.
“I see. ” Ward raised an eyebrow, looking from Katie, to Steve and he took a deep breath and nodded. “I meant what I said. I really am sorry.”
Katie didn’t reply, simply watched him leave as he brushed past Steve who moved to the side to let him pass, but only after shooting him one last contemptuous look before the Captain turned back to Katie.
“Are you ok? Did he hurt you?” Steve asked her, stepping forward, noting she was rubbing the place on her arm where Ward’s hand had gripped.
“Hurt me?” she frowned.
“Yeah, your arm.” He nodded to it.
“Oh, no.” she said, shaking her head as her hand moved. “That was just weird.”
“Yeah, I mean, well for so long I thought about what I’d say to him when I eventually did see him again, you know, how much he hurt me, broke my heart, but right then when I got the opportunity, I realised I actually don’t give a shit anymore.”
Steve smiled. “Good, I’m glad he didn’t upset you.” There was a pause before he gestured over his shoulder. “You err, you wanna go back in?”
“Do you think anyone would notice if I left?” She shrugged. “I don’t wanna be here anymore and there’s a bottle of wine and a pint of ice cream at home with my name on it”
“What Ice cream?” Steve asked, looking at her, raising his brow hopefully and she shook her head, chuckling.
“Mint choc chip.” she looked at him, before she turned to head towards the door of the bar before she stopped, and spoke again, without looking back. “Suppose I can share.”
With that she pushed the door open and Steve grinned, following her out.
“I don’t know why you wear shoes so high if you can’t walk in them?” Steve snorted as Katie let out a groan, kicking her shoes off as soon as they stepped out of the elevator.
“Because they look good.” She shrugged. “I’m just gonna get changed, won’t be long. Grab yourself a drink.”
Whilst she was in the bedroom Steve did as he was told and grabbed a beer for himself, and poured Katie a glass of wine before carrying them into the lounge and setting them on the coffee table. He had to stop himself from staring when she walked back into the room, all long legs and thigh tattoo, in a pair of denim shorts and a hoody. She dropped heavily onto the sofa besides him, taking her wine and gulping down a large mouthful.
“You sure you’re ok?” he asked, looking at her.
“Stop asking me that, Steve.” She snapped. “I’m fine.”
“Sorry, I didn’t…”
“No, I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “That was uncalled for.” She looked at him and gave a soft smile. “I’m fine, honestly. And thank you, for being there before.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Steve shook his head. “I care about you Katie, you know that. And, well, frankly, when I saw him with his hand on you, I wanted to smash his face into the wall.”
Katie let out a huff of laughter as she glanced at her wine glass.  “You’ll have to get behind Tony in the queue.”
Steve looked down at his beer, before he took a deep breath. “The guy is a dick.” he said, tilting side on so his arm was over the back of the sofa behind her. “And I don’t mean that just because of tonight. If you were my girl I wouldn’t be looking twice at anyone else.”
Katie smiled, as she looked up at him. “That’s because you’re a gentleman.”
“No.” he shook his head, his blue eyes locking onto hers. “It’s because you’re worth so much more than that.”
“Sure.” she shrugged and Steve pressed his lips together in a firm line of frustration.
“What?” she frowned.
“Do that.“ he pressed.
“Do what?”
“Put yourself down. You do it all the time” he sighed.
“I don’t.” She swallowed, looking away.
“Yes, you do. You think so little of yourself but you shouldn’t. Katie, you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met” With that he took a deep breath, there was no going back now. The hand that wasn’t draped around the back of the sofa reached out and tangled in hers and as she raised her head to look at him, her eyes were filled with tears and he swallowed, his mouth feeling suddenly dry as the blood pounded in his ears, his heart beating so rapidly he thought it might burst through his chest.
He had to make her understand, just how deep his feeling went.
His right hand gently moved from the sofa back to the side of her jaw where he simply cupped her face and she closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. When she opened them again, it was just in time to see his gaze flicker to her mouth, before he leaned forward, a movement that was slow and seemed to take forever, until his lips met hers in a soft, sweet kiss that set every single nerve in her body on edge.  
Steve pulled away slightly, just enough so that he could look into her eyes, make sure she was okay with this, and finding nothing but eagerness on her part, he pressed his lips back to hers.
The entire world around them faded to nothing and they both relaxed as this time the kiss deepened slightly, his hand still cupping her cheek as he slid his tongue gently across her bottom lip. She obliged, opening her mouth slightly and at the touch of her tongue on his Steve felt a jolt of electricity surge up his spine.  Eventually they broke away and Steve gently slid his nose along hers unable to keep the smile off his face as their foreheads rest together.
“Where did you learn to kiss like that, Captain Badass?” She whispered and he gave a chuckle.
“To be honest with you…” he sat up slightly, his right hand returning to where it had been before, resting on the back of the sofa “I don’t think I have until now.”
She grinned and tucked her hair behind her ear with a hand that was trembling from nerves, adrenaline and absolute pleasure at being kissed by the utter God of a man sat on her sofa.
“So err…” Steve licked his lips. “I know this might be a little late, so to speak after, well, erm, yeah, but I’d really like to take you out, you know, on a date?”
Katie blinked as he stuttered over his words, and suddenly became aware she was chewing on her lip. She felt heat in her cheeks as she looked at him and nodded, smiling softly. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
That crooked grin she knew and had come to love spread across his face.
“You free tomorrow?” he asked before hastily correcting himself “It’s Saturday, or is that too soon? We could always go next weekend instead if you want or-”
“Steve,” she cut him off, gently squeezing her fingers round his, “tomorrow is fine.”
“Great, tomorrow…that’s…great…” He trailed off as Katie held his gaze.
The air between them seemed to crackle and this time it was her that initiated the kiss. This one was slightly deeper, the fire in her belly was hotter and that naughty part of her would have loved nothing more than to throw her hands round his neck and pull him down on top of her. But Steve Rogers was nothing if not a gentleman, and she didn’t want to rush into anything. She’d waited too long for this to fuck it up by moving too fast. With that in mind she willed herself to pull away.
“So err, you wanna watch a film or…” She glanced at the TV.
“Yeah…” Steve gave a little chuckle, his eyebrows raising a little before he took a deep breath. “You need another drink?”
Katiee nodded and he hopped up off the sofa, taking her empty glass to top it up, frankly glad of the chance to cool down. He’d had to stop himself then from pushing her down on the couch, but he knew that wouldn’t be the right thing to do. He wanted to do this properly, it was too special to risk.
Katie flicked through the android box, and with a grin found the perfect film, one that was a comedy, not romance or action, something easy.
“The Sandlot?” Steve asked as he handed her the filled glass, reading the title on the screen. “It’s about baseball?”
“More about kids having adventures over summer but yeah, baseball features a lot. It’s funny, you’ll like it” 
“Sure I will.” Steve said, as he settled down next to her.
She pressed play on the film, threw the remote onto the coffee table and lifted Steve’s arm, sliding into place beneath it, tucking herself in against his side with her legs curled up beneath her. It was something she’d done so many times before but this time, well it felt different. Steve pressed a kiss to her head before turning his attention back to the film, his arm draped over her shoulders, fingers gently tracing shapes on her upper arm.
They sat in the dark living room, watching the film, not another word shared. They both laughed, Steve grimacing at the Chewing Tobacco scene where the kids all vomited off the side of a fairground ride, it reminded him far too vividly of the time he had barfed after riding the Cyclone, and at the end when it showed one of the kids playing for the LA Dodgers Steve was the first one to break the comfortable silence, letting out a little snort.
“I still don’t like the fact they aint in Brooklyn any more”
“Really, you never mentioned it.” Katie said sarcastically, sitting up.
He rolled his eyes before he stretched. “I should be going.”
“Yeah, it is late.” Katie agreed, standing up as he did. “And I got a big date tomorrow.”
“Yeah” he asked, paying along as he walked to the door “Anyone I know?”
“Just some guy from work.” she shrugged. “He’s pretty hot but don’t tell him I said so.”
Steve laughed. “You’re a nightmare, you know that?” he smirked.
“Yeah but, you love it.” Katie shrugged as the elevator arrived.
“Yeah, I do.” Steve smiled softly, dropping a gentle kiss to her lips. “Goodnight, Doll.”
“Night Stevie.”
He squeezed her hand and stepped into the elevator and as soon as the doors had closed, a huge shit eating grin spread across both their faces.  
***** Chapter 5
**Original Posting**
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ashsblurbs · 3 years
No school
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“Jamie! Time to get up.” Tony made his way into his son’s room to find his kid still asleep with his teddy bear tightly tucked into his arms. Steve and he really did have the cutest kid in the world. Well, one of the cutest because the other cutest kid in the world was crying her eyes out. Sorry, Steve, Tony thought but I got this one. Tony came over to James' bed sitting down gently. He placed a hand on his kid’s shoulder feeling him steer.
“James, time to get ready for school.”
“I don’t want to go,” James whined rolling over pulling the blanket over his head. Tony had a feeling what was wrong. James is out of this world smart which means he would rather stay here at home and study science than learn his colors again. Steve and Tony both had agreed that it was best for James to stay in his grade for social skills. Tony knew what it was like to be above intelligence but also being six in high school. It took him years to be the person he was and some of the stuff he gravitated towards didn’t quite help to be any better at life. He would never want his son to go through that.
“Why don’t you want to go my little one?” Tony pulled the cover back so he could see his son’s face better.
“Because I have no friends there, daddy.” James sat up giving Tony the biggest doe eyes. That kid really was all him.
“Mi amora, I bet you have all kinds of friends there.” James just shocked his head no.
“No, everyone thinks I’m weird because I know more stuff than they do. One kid called me cocky last year. I would rather stay here with you and papa and Brookie. Please daddy.” Tony turned his head towards the window. He knew James was right. Honestly Tony would rather have him here and Tony would teach him but he also had a job. Steve had a job too and it was enough to deal with a barely one-year-old but also a seven-year-old. Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad to have him here and tomorrow they could figure something else out.
“James, why aren’t you dressed yet.” Tony was pulled back into reality when he found his husband standing in the doorway with their daughter on his hip.
“I’m not going!” James jumped up screaming running out of his room leaving Steve with a perplexed look on his face.
“What was that all about?” Tony walked over to the door taking Brooklyn out of Steve’s arms.
“Because Steve, he has no friends and is way above counting to ten.” Steve sucked in a breath turning to go find his son. Tony placed a hand on his elbow making him turn back around. “Honey, we knew this day would come. I don’t like it either but maybe it’s time for him to get tested. To skip a few grades.”
“I can see he’s bored but what about him socially. He’s going to be so young among ten-year-olds. They are going to bully him to no end for being so small. Tony, he still wears toddler clothes, like come on.” Steve pleaded. Tony knew everything Steve was saying was correct but sometimes a parent has to push their own fears and past memories away so they can do what is best for their kid. Tony looked down at Brooklyn and knew they would be having this same conversation again in a few years. It was important they made the right decision now.
“I hear you. I really do and some of it I agree with but are we doing what is best for James or are we allowing our fears to take over. Remember he has superheroes for parents. His whole family is made out of superheroes to protect him. Socially he will be fine. You know because he has Kat, Arne, and all the rest.” Tony stepped closer, running his hand down Steve’s arm. Steve closed his eyes processing everything Tony just said to him.
“He’s going to be okay?”
“Better than okay. Let’s go get out son and have a day with him. Call out from the office and teach him something he would actually enjoy.” Steve smiled nodding his head. He placed a kiss on Tony's temple and then on top of Brooklyn’s head.
“James, come here for a minute,” Steve called. They waited for a few minutes until they heard little pitter-patter feet make their way back to the room. James stood in front of them waiting for the bad news to come. That he would be going to school.
“Pops and I talked and we decided that today we should go to the science museum. How does that sound?” James' face lit up in glee.
“Does that mean no school?” James asked. Steve and Tony looked at each other knowing that answer but they didn’t want to crush their son’s happiness.
“Nope, no school for today. Just going to be me and you and pops and Brookie. How does that sound?” James jumped up and down with glee.
“You hear that, Brookie. We are going to the science museum.” Brooklyn clapped her hands happily just knowing her big brother was talking to her. “Now you need to get dressed, young man.” James ran over to his closet pulling out his Spiderman shirt. Tony smiled at his not-so-little boy knowing that he was going to be okay because he has a family that Tony never had. James was going to do an amazing thing. Both of his kids were.
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baroquebucky · 4 years
“my judgement's clouded like tonight's sky”
in which steve has a little too much to drink and confuses himself even more
a/n: i lost the ask for this request ,,,, pls forgive me for taking so long to do these omg I’ll try to upload as many as i can of the 1d anniversary special one shots this week !!
you weren’t exactly sure what to expect when bucky called you, first you thought oh god did i do something to piss him off and this is the end of me and then you thought is Steve okay?
Your crush on America’s golden boy was nothing short of obvious, small touches and sweet smiles were only scratching the surface of how you acted around steve, always making sure to dress somewhat decent and doing your best to impress him. Steve however was as oblivious as always, he thought that’s how you were with everyone and he was nothing special; plus why would someone as amazing as you settle for him and all his baggage?
You rubbed your eyes as you answered the phone, pausing the show you were watching to listen to bucky on the other end of the line.
“can you please just come get Steve and tell him you’re in love with him” the sergeant groaned and your face flushed.
“what? no!” You shrieked, getting up and turning off your tv. You put the phone on speaker as you quickly tried to find some socks and shoes to quickly slip on.
“y/n he’s been so pathetic all night! going on and on and on about how he will never find love because, and i quote, ‘the one i love will never see me in the same light’” he gagged as he recited Steve’s words. That man did tend to get poetic when he was shit faced.
You smiled as you slipped on your comfiest shoes and picked up your phone, “I’m on my way, but not to tell him i love him” you huffed and hung up before bucky could talk you into anything else.
Music softly hummed through your car as you drove to the compound, you could hear the sound of thunder as you drove, you hoped it didn’t rain before you got back.
As you arrived at the compound you realized how poorly you were dressed, an hoodie way too big for you and fuzzy pants with snowflakes on them, as you passed by a mirror you realized your hair was all over the place and you felt yourself get nervous to see Steve. You quickly walked through the long hallways, following the sound of laughter and music.
Almost the whole team was there as you were now even more embarrassed of your attire. You debated turning on your heel and leaving but Bucky quickly noticed you, curse his super soldier senses.
“y/n! finally, just grab Steve and take him out somewhere please we can’t handle him anymore” he groaned, hugging you and shoving you towards Steve.
“guys y/n is here!” Bucky announced and everyone cheered, getting up to hug you and thank you, just by looked at nats tired eyes and Tony’s sigh you laughed at how miserable they must have been to hears Steve ramble on for an hour.
“alright wheres the golden retriever” you sighed and they all pointed at the bar, and sure enough there he was pouring himself another asgardian drink. You quickly jogged over and swatted the drink from his hand before he could down it.
“nope, I’m cutting you off right now” you stated, grabbing his arm and dragging him away from the bar, you could feel him wanting to resist (you were glad he didn’t because you didn’t stand a chance) but he eventually gave in and followed you.
“y/n! what are you doing here” he smiled, his eyes slightly hooded as he followed you, shaking your head you mumbled “probably making a bad choice” you sighed, saying goodbye to everyone as you and Steve walked back to your car.
“where are we going? can we go to your apartment and i can make that lego set you haven’t finished” he giggled and you rolled your eyes at him for teasing you, “you’ll see” you mumbled quickly opening the car door and shoving him in, putting his seatbelt on for him and he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You flushed red and quickly shut the door, getting into your seat and driving away from the compound.
“Bucky tells me you’ve been yapping all night” you say, seeing Steve roll his eyes at the mention of his best friend. “Bucky doesn’t understand me” he states, and you can’t help but burst into laughter.
He looks at you confused and you wave him off, “you sound like an emo teen” you giggled and he huffs, “I’m not” he complains and you hum as he crosses his arms across his chest.
“where are we going” he asked as you drive past your apartment, “to a park” you state simply and he furrows his brows.
“you won’t be drunk in about 20 minutes give or take and i need you to be sober when i tell you everything” his face is laced with confusion as he looks at you and then back out the window.
By the time you get to the park 15 minutes have passed and you can tell he’s starting to sober up as he flips through your music settling on the same song he skipped four times before looking out the window again.
“okay we’re here” you smiled and Steve got out of the car quickly after you, walking slightly behind you as you took him to the swings.
“why are we at a set of swings in the middle of the night?” Steve asked, raising a brow and you just smiled softly.
“i come here to think all the time, it’s nice to just swing and let everything go, i think you should try it” you encouraged him as he seemed apprehensive of the idea before you sighed.
“I’ll start then,” you breathed in deeply before starting, “i worry too much that i won’t be enough for the people i love, i think too much and talk myself out of being brave because i think i don’t fit the role” you mumbled and turn to look at Steve who was listening intently, as you started again he stared up at the sky, dark clouds covering the bright moon.
“your turn” you whispered and he nodded.
“I’m too indecisive about the things i want.” he simply stated and you swung lightly, staring at your feet as you encouraged Steve to continue. “I know what i want, i know who i want, but my judgements clouded” he grumbled, “like tonight’s sky” you added with a smile and he let out a breathy laugh, nodding his head in agreement.
“Bucky told you what i was upset about didn’t he” Steve sucked in a sharp breath before looking at the moon and then back at you, who nodded softly.
“and?” He asked, voice soft and slightly trembling.
“and i think whoever it is, most definitely sees you in the same light mr. America” you teased and he laughed, crinkling his nose at the nickname.
“do you?” he quickly looked at you and you nodded, “yes stevie boy i just said that i do” you laughed, quirking a brow at him and checking to see if somehow he was still drunk.
“no i mean- what i meant was do you see me how i see you” his blue eyes piercing into your side as you quickly set both feet down, causing an abrupt stop to your calm swinging.
You opening your mouth to say something but nothing came out, your mind going a million places at once and you weren’t sure what to say, ‘yes Steve I’ve loved since the day you bought my beta fish a bigger tank because you knew how badly i wanted to have a themed aquarium but couldn’t afford it’ or the deep poetic course ‘of course i do, how could i not when your the light that helps me through all my dark times.’ In the end it was neither.
“we’re under the same moon” was all you came up with and you have never hated yourself more. You could almost hear Steve’s heart crack and you quickly got up and cupped his face in your hands, pressing your lips together and squeezing your eyes shut. He took no time to return the kiss, quickly putting his arms around your waist.
You pulled away breathless, red and scared, you didn’t know what the hell was gonna happen now, before either of you could say anything steve pulled you in again kissing you again, this time softer and with a small smile; then a loud crack of thunder causing you to jump forward, you teeth hitting each other as rain poured onto the two of you.
Both of you burst into a fit of laughter as you went back in for another kiss, Steve effortlessly lifted you up and ran to your car for cover, he set you down softly as you reached into your pocket for your keys, quickly unlocking the car and both of you hurrying in.
It was quiet, with only the pitter patter of the rain outside and the thumping of your hearts.
“does this mean you do like me?” Steve asked innocently and you turned to look at him with wide eyes, “obviously!” You laughed and he blushed, nodding his head with a small smile on his face. “now what?” He asked as you drove away from the park and to your apartment.
“now you stop acting like you’re in a Shakespeare play everytime theres asgardian shots” you teased and he rolled his eyes, intertwining your fingers together as the two of you headed back to figure the rest out.
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tuiccim · 4 years
Brassy (Part 4)
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Pairing: Loki X Reader,  Bucky X Reader
Words: 1881
Warnings: Language, PTSD, Smut (18+, NSFW), Casual sex, some angst
Summary: You’re in a friends with benefits situation with Loki and some of the other Avengers aren’t happy with the arrangement. Reader and Bucky finally have it out. 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
You rode Loki until you exhausted yourself. A while later you felt him shift out of the bed. You grab his wrist and say, "Stay."
"What?" He says surprised.
"Are you certain?"
"On one condition." 
"Name it, darling "
"Wake me up fucking me."
"My pleasure." 
You smile into your pillow and fall asleep.
As promised, you wake up spooned against Loki as he slowly works himself into you from behind. His left arm curled under you playing with your breast and his right hand making slow circles around your clit. "Ohhh…yes." you breath as the pleasure washes over you. Loki continues his ministrations at a leisurely pace while whispering in your ear. "Is this what you wanted, my darling? Hmmm...you're so tight. So perfectly tight. Ohhh. So wet for me, my darling…"
The feeling of his breath on your ear, his hands swirling their magic around your breasts and clit, and the steady rhythm of his cock moving in and out of you drive you to the edge. Your release is strong and prolonged as Loki never pauses from his duties. When he finally succumbs to his own release, you're spent. Eventually, you turn to face Loki. You lean into him for a kiss, saying, "In answer to your question. Yes, that was exactly what I wanted." You say with a soft giggle. 
Loki smiles. "Am I being kicked out now?" He asks half-jokingly. 
"When do you have to go back?" You ask. 
"Spend the day in bed with me, then." You grin winningly. "Unless you think you'll be bored."
"Not if you're in it with me." Loki pulls you to him and begins nibbling along your collarbone. You hum contentedly and smile knowing the day will be spent pleasurably. 
That afternoon you and Loki were sitting on your bed eating the lunch you had brought from the kitchen. 
“How come you didn't fall in love with me?” Loki asks.
“Oh, god, where is this coming from?” You say rolling your eyes.
“Don’t worry, darling. I’m just curious.”
“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Tony last night. I’m not the fall in love kind.” You say.
“What does that mean?” Loki  queries.
You shrug. “It means I don’t fall in love.”
“Nope. Just, I don’t know, Loki. I feel emotions. I just don't fall in love.” You paused. “Besides, like I said, I’d hate you if you weren’t so good in bed.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” He grins.
“True. You are rather fun. I’m glad we’re friends.” You say in a rare moment of transparency. 
“With benefits?” Loki says with a smirk. 
“Hell, yeah.” You laugh. 
Before Loki left that evening he looked at you and said “Next time?” as he always does. 
“Look forward to it.” Your rote response. 
You are glad to have him as a friend. Loki didn’t judge. You could laugh, make mischief, or just be quiet together. You didn’t have to worry about his emotions running away from him either. You understood each other. Loki made things easy. And that’s the way you liked things.
Sunday morning you, Natasha, Clint, and Sam were sent on a two day mission. Nine days later, you all returned worse for wear but having accomplished your mission. Clint and Natasha helped Sam to the infirmary for some stitches. You went looking for Steve to check in. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., where’s Cap?” you ask. 
“Captain Rogers is in the training room.” F.R.I.D.A.Y replies. 
You see Steve and Bucky sparring as soon as you walk in. You watch them for a minute and then yell out, “On your six!” distracting Steve and giving Bucky the upper hand. Steve’s back slams onto the mat and you chuckle despite your exhaustion. 
“Really, (Y/N)?” Steve rolls to his feet.
“Payback for the shit mission we got.” You counter.
“Everyone okay?” Steve looks at you with concern. 
“Sam’s getting a small gash on his leg stitched up but that’s about it. Intel we gathered has been uploaded. I’m going to bed.” You start to turn. 
“Rest well.” Steve says. Bucky stayed silent for the entire exchange.
“K, thanks.” You say as you walk away not bothering to turn back. You take a hot shower and hit the sack. 
You awake from a nightmare with a start. 3am. You just want more sleep, but knowing it to be futile you decide to head to the kitchen. Your stomach feels absolutely empty and you still feel drained from the mission. It hadn’t been an easy one physically or mentally. You’re nearly finished making a sandwich when Bucky walks in. 
“Hey.” you say and turn back to your sandwich. 
“Hey.” he says back and goes to the fridge.
“Want a sandwich?” You ask, unsure why you’re offering to make one for the asshat.
“No...thanks.” He says and you see him start to leave. 
Setting down the knife and taking a deep breath, you say quietly, “What did I do wrong?”
“What?” Bucky turns back to you. 
“What did I do wrong?” You say a little louder. 
Bucky stares at you but says nothing. 
Frustrated you say, “I’ve wracked my brain. Gone over every discussion and interaction we have had and I can’t figure it out. What did I do to you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turns to leave.
“Bullshit, Barnes! There has to be some reason you hate me!” You say vehemently. He just keeps walking and your temper gets the best of you. Grabbing your half drunk water bottle, you hurl it at him hitting him square in the back. “Talk to me!”
“Did you throw a water bottle at me?” Bucky says in disbelief. 
“You’re lucky it wasn’t the knife, Asshat.” You counter.
“You’ve lost your mind!” Bucky yells.
“Why do you hate me so much?” You holler back. 
“I DON’T!” He screams. 
“YES, YOU DO!” You scream back.
You stare at Bucky confused. “Why who?... You mean, Loki?” 
"He's using you."
"What? No he's not."
"Yes, he is. He doesn't love you."
"I don't love him. It's not like that."
"What?" Bucky looks at you in shock.
"Loki and I are not together. We're just friends with benefits." 
"What the hell are friends with benefits?" Bucky says.
"Fuck buddies. A mutually agreed on arrangement between friends to include sex with no strings and no emotions." You explain. 
Bucky gapes at you, "And you don't care what that makes you?" 
Your blood runs cold. "What that makes me?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." Bucky backpedals.
"You think there's a name I haven't been called? I was a runaway at 14. How the fuck do you think I fed myself?" You say venomously. "Men used me my entire life. And now that I am the one that says when and who and where, I'm supposed to dress it up with hearts and flowers. Fuck. That. I'll do who and what I want."
"That's not what I meant." Bucky says. 
"What did you mean?" You glare at him.
Bucky looks at you and his face softens. "I meant you deserved better. You should be loved."
"Some of us aren't meant to be loved." You turn to go back to the kitchen but Bucky grabs your hand. 
"Everyone is meant to be loved. You are meant to be loved." Bucky says quietly. 
"No. I'm not." You say pulling your hand away. 
"Why would you say that?" Bucky pushes.
"Because I'm not someone people love. I'm not someone anyone loves. I never have been." You explain.
"That's not true." Bucky says.
"Look, Bucky, I know most people grow up with people who love them. But I didnt. I don't deserve love and I don't need it." You finish making your sandwich. 
"You're wrong." Bucky turns you around to face him. "God, (Y/N), you're so wrong. You deserve love. You deserve everything."
"You have to see the irony that the guy who hates me is the one telling me I should have love." You scoff.
"I don't hate you." Bucky says.
"Coulda fooled me." You said.
"I was jealous." He confesses. "I was angry you were with Loki."
"Why?" You say, genuinely confused. "Because I wasn't sleeping with you?"
"Because I like you, (Y/N)!" Bucky says exasperated. "You're smart and funny and beautiful and strong." 
For a moment you're stunned speechless. You couldn't meet his eyes any longer and looked away. "Don't, Bucky. Don't like me. I'm not the fall in love type. I'm not...I'm not worth your time."
"Can't I be the judge of that?" He asks.
"You don't know anything about me. And if you did, you wouldn't ask that. My past is not pretty." You say.
"I was a brainwashed Hydra assassin. I've got a pretty sketchy past, too."
Bucky puts his hands to your lips to stop you. When you finally look up to meet his eyes, he moves his hands to frame your face. "I don't know anything about you? On mission, you are always willing to take the shittiest job to spare anyone else. You bake treats for everyone all the time and know what everyone's favorite food is and how they take their coffee. You go out of your way to help others. You never leave a room without asking if anyone needs something. You go shopping and come back with nothing for yourself but little gifts for everyone else. You always have a joke at the ready but an apology on your lips the minute you think you've offended someone. You have the mouth of a sailor on you but the minute a kid or old folks are around you are the most charming person on the planet. You want everyone to see the brash facade you put up but you wear your heart on your sleeve without even realizing it. Whatever is in your past, is your past. We all make shit decisions in life. The person I see, she's amazing. And she is worthy. And she deserves love. She deserves everything."
You stare up at him and whisper, "I don't see her."
"She's right here. She offered to make this total 'asshat' a sandwich just because he walked in the room. Even though he's been a complete jerk to her."
"Well, Steve always calls you jerk so I figured it was your default." 
"There's that humor I mentioned." He stares into your eyes. "Give me the chance to prove you deserve love."
"I'll hurt you." You say shaking your head.
"You're scared. I'm scared, too. We can go as slow as you need." Bucky caresses your jaw.
"I don't know how to do this." You say.
"Let's start by being friends. We'll figure it out as we go." Bucky smiles at you. 
You look at him wondering how the hell this just happened but somewhere deep inside you felt a kernal of joy spring forward. Part of you wanted to believe you did deserve everything he was saying. The other part was screaming that this was a trick and you were an idiot.
Bucky can see the war going on inside you. "Gimme a chance, Doll. Please." 
You smile at him. "So...you wanna sandwich, asshat?" 
Part 5
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All he wants for Christmas
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Based on this: “Can we get a Drabble where reader is the apple of Steve’s eye, despite the readers disinterest. Bucky notices his friends obsession and barely-there restraint. Maybe reader gets black out wasted at the Christmas party and Bucky and Steve wind up taking her ‘home’/back to their room where Bucky manages to entice Steve to finally act on his desires while she’s unable to stop him?”
“y/n is a stark employee/shield employee whos taken on as a holiday temp hands out candy canes and stuff, and either Bucky or Steve become obsessed with y/n and make a move during a work costume party.” both requested by anonymous.
Warnings: noncon sex (fingering, blowjob, intercourse), drinking.
Note: Another holiday drabble. I have quite a few now so I’ll be working on getting them done. These were drabbles which suggested both Bucky or Steve so I did both. Enjoy some dark holiday Stucky.
Hope y’all enjoy. Like and/or reblog!! <3 Reblogs really help especially since I haven’t been getting many.
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As a temp, you were the bottom of the totem. That meant you got the lamest assignments. That meant you weren’t just a guest at the annual holiday party, you were working. At least for the first hour. As guests arrived, you were to greet them, in the gauche red dress trimmed in fake white fur, with a basket of candy canes.
You realized quickly, no one really wanted the candy canes. They tucked them away, forgotten, and moved on to talk with those they knew. You were acquainted with many of the guests so it was even more embarrassing that Tony tasked you with the ridiculous post. He did however hint that your acceptance of the little job could secure your position in the company when your contract came to an end.
You checked your watch. Another ten minutes and you could join everyone else. Tony just wanted a little show at the door. He always went all out. The next pair to enter the lobby were familiar. Despite their fame, they were always friendly and you were surprised that you’d come in almost daily contact with them throughout your work at Stark Tower.
You met Steve’s eye and braced yourself with a stiff smile. His eyes rounded, just for a second, and he looked to Bucky beside him. Bucky smirked at your costume and elbowed Steve to keep going as they neared. It was awkward but you swallowed your pride and grabbed candy from your basket.
“Happy Holidays,” You chimed as you held out the sugary canes. 
“Jeez, Stark has you out here doing this?” Bucky tutted.
“For a little while longer,” You replied as Bucky took a candy cane. Steve was not so subtly avoiding looking at you. Bucky took the other candy and shoved it in Steve’s front pocket.
“So will we see you inside?” Bucky asked. Steve finally turned to you. His blue eyes strayed to the square top of your dress but quickly flitted back to your face. Was he blushing? You had told Tony this dress was too much.
“Shortly,” You assured them. “You should go in before you’re late. Tony’s impatient tonight.”
“Yeah, let’s go...inside.” Steve agreed, his voice was distant even though he stood right in front of you.
“Yeah, sure,” Bucky shook his head and shoved his hands in his pocket. “Let’s go, bozo.” 
He nudged Steve with his elbow and you nodded to them in a silent farewell. They passed through the wide doors into the burgeoning room draped in lights and gold. Jenny would be here soon to take over, her shift would be slower but she’d drawn the short straw. You hoped, at least, you could enjoy the what you had left of the night.
You handed off the basket of candy and quickly scurried into the party. You found your way to the table of snacks and drinks. You looked over the spread and thought deeply about what you’d go for. Some of it looked a little too posh. Something easy and light would do. You picked at the dry cheeses and crackers and glanced around the room.
You took a glass from the row of clean one and stepped along towards the bowl of punch, the warmed vat of cocoa, and the egg nog. A shadow appeared beside you and you looked up to find Bucky there.
“Oh, hey,” You said, surprised.
“You’re done?” He wondered.
“Yup,” You said gleefully. “Do you know if this stuff has alcohol or…”
“Nah, the waiters have the alcohol,” He answered as he looked over your head. “You want some?”
“I’m good with the punch,” You ladled some into your glass. You drank the sickly sweet juice though it hinted at something more. “You sure?” You looked at the deep red juice.
“Yeah, champagne and cider only,” Bucky shrugged. “So, you hiding by the food the whole night or you gonna get in the spirit?”
“You don’t seem the festive type,” You replied as you turned to the room. Several temps waved to you and you waved back. “Am I in your way? Maybe you’re the one wanting to hide under the table.”
“Nope, just saw you hovering over here, thought maybe you’d join the old men for a drink,” He gestured to the other side of the room. Steve stood nervously staring at you and looked back to Sam the moment your eyes met.
“Does punch qualify?” You raised your glass.
“Whatever you like. We heard your contract ends in January. Thought it’d be rude not to say a proper goodbye.”
“Yeah, well, I might get an extension...but you never know.” You sighed.
“You sure you don’t want a real drink?”
“Yeah. I don’t like to drink at work things.” You assured him. “Especially with my job in the balance.”
“Makes sense. So?” He tilted his head.
“I can pop by and say hello,” You stepped away from the table. “Shall we?”
“Ladies first.” He waved you past him and you reluctantly went ahead.
You wove through the crowd and sensed him behind you. You came upon Sam and Steve, the latter as evasive as before.
“Hey,” Sam nodded and sipped his drink. “Nice get-up.”
“Thanks,” You rolled your eyes. “Not exactly my choice.”
“My first party, Stark made me wear elf ears,” Sam said. “That’s just Tony.”
Steve looked to you and smiled. His lips moved as if to say something and he closed his mouth. Then he finally spoke. “Hi.” Was all he said.
You raised a brow and took a drink. He was always a bit standoffish, at least you thought so. Though you’d walked in on him with others and he never had much of an issue talking or letting his thoughts be known. Maybe it was you. Shit, maybe he didn’t like you and told Tony so and all this was for nothing.
“Don’t worry about it, last year,” Bucky intoned before it grew tense. “Tony stuck magnets to my arm with the help of that kid. I didn’t notice for three days. Had to get recalibrated after I broke several door handles.”
You chuckled, imagining the scene. You felt Steve watching you and glanced over. He looked between you and Bucky and frowned. You hid your confusion and took another gulp. He definitely hated you and sucking up to his friend wouldn’t help you.
Finish your punch, you told yourself, then go hide with the rest of the temps. 
The evening didn’t go to plan. You didn’t go hide with the other temps. A refill turned into two or three more, each time Bucky left to fill your glass. Soon enough you lost count. Soon enough the crowd was thinning out and the room seemed to tilt and spin just slightly.
“Okay, there’s gotta be something in this,” You turned to Bucky and hiccuped. 
“If there is, I don’t know,” He shrugged and chuckled. 
It was only the three of you. Sam was off goading Natasha over their last mission and had quickly lost himself in being her personal pest. Despite his reticence, Steve hadn’t parted but instead stayed close. Maybe he was keeping tabs on Bucky. Or you. You finished your glass and set it aside on a nearby table.
“Alright I should--” You tripped over your heel and Bucky caught you.
“I thought you didn’t drink at these things,” He teased.
“I don’t, I--”
“You couldn’t taste it?”
“What? What did you--” The heat of alcohol gathered in your cheeks. “Did you--”
“No tampering. Just a fib.”
“Steve, help me.” You looked over and Steve nodded, eyes wide and intent on you. He took your other arm. “We better get her outta here before someone notices how drunk she is. I doubt Tony needs a lush on his staff.”
“I’m not--Oh, you son of a…” You held in a belch as they led you easily across the room. You were too wobbly to resist. Besides, he was right. You were drunk and Tony noticing wouldn’t do you any favours.
“My coat,” You muttered as they led you out of the room.
“Shh, it’s okay. I’ll get the coats. You got your ticket?” 
You didn’t answer and Bucky felt along your hips and found your purse hanging loosely from your shoulder still. He snapped it open and fished out your coat check slip. He held out his hand to Steve and took his. He left you with the other super soldier who was stiff against you. You dared to look up at him.
“Why did he lie to me?” You asked quietly. Steve didn’t answer, only tightened his arm around you and looked around for Bucky.
When Bucky returned, they draped your coat over your shoulders and helped you out onto the street. A cab pulled up at the curb and you it all moved too quickly for your slow mind. You were crushed between the two Avengers on the leather seat as the city streaked by.
The door opened and you were pulled across the seat. Voices here and there but you were distracted by your sudden panic. Bucky held you up as your feet found the pavement and the yellow cab pulled away. Steve was at your other elbow in a moment.
“Where are you taking me?” You tried to pull away. “Wait, why did we leave? What’s going on?”
“Steve, help me with her.” Bucky ordered. “Shit, I’ve done all the work so far.”
You were drawn away from Bucky and suddenly scooped up. You glanced up at Steve as he held you but he didn't look at you. Wouldn't look at you. The other soldier led the way as your head spun. The motion of being carried made you even dizzier.
A couple steps, a lock, a door opened and closed. You reached out and latched onto air. Another door, stairs, then finally, a third door. Steve angled you through as Bucky held it open and closed it swiftly.
Lights flicked suddenly over the loft. A warm glow despite its strangeness. You wriggled and Steve squeezed you tight. Bucky sighed and strode across the room. He fell into an armchair and splayed his legs out.
"You wanted her. You got her." Bucky said. "She couldn't say no if she wanted to."
Steve's chest rose and he looked at you at last. The glimmer in his eye made you shiver.
"Steve," You slurred. "Please, put me down."
"You want me, don't you?" He purred.
"What? Steve, I just want to go home."
He frowned. "She doesn't want me, she wants you. I could tell. Earlier."
"Just put her on the couch. Stop being a baby." Bucky loosened his tie. "Christ's sakes, of course she wants you so why don't you show her how much she wants you?"
"Ugh, please," You gripped your head and Steve began to move again. He dropped you on the couch and you exclaimed at your jolty landing. "I don't…I'm…"
You could explain your thoughts, your feelings, your fears. They stirred together in your head and threatened to boil over. You sat up as Steve removed his jacket. 
"Don't be stupid," Bucky warned lazily. "I'll hold you down myself. Now give the man what he wants."
"Bucky?" You gasped.
"You can't actually be so dumb," Bucky scoffed. 
Steve's hand pushed your jacket from your shoulders as he stayed silent. You looked up at him, afraid. He shuddered and threw it away from him.
"Better help him or you won't have anything to wear out of here." Bucky intoned.
You looked between them and trembled. Steve reached to the straps of your dress and shoved them over your shoulders. You gulped as he threatened to rip them.
"You…" Your voice quavered and you turned your back to him. "Unzip me."
He was clumsy, eager. He pushed your zipper down and his fingers tickled your skin. 
"See," Bucky chuckled. "Easy. They're all so easy."
Steve's slid the straps down next and your bodice slackened. He guided the fabric past your waist and let it fall to your feet. You closed your eyes and turned your face down. He fumbled with your bra, loosing it only after a curse under his breath.
You flinched as your bra fell down your arms. It dropped down onto the dress as his hands went to your panties. He guided them down your thighs, caressing your legs all the way down. You made to lift your foot from your heel and he stopped you. 
"Keep those on," He said. 
You let him stretch the panties over the shoes and dispose of them with a toss. He untangled the rest of your clothing from your feet and flung them aside. You opened your eyes as he ran his hands back up your legs and to your hips.
He pushed on you as he stepped closer. He rubbed his crotch against your back. You sensed Bucky watching but he hadn't moved from his seat. Steve leaned down as he gripped your hips.
"Bend over." He urged. "I wanna see if you're just a pretty as my dreams."
You relented as he nudged you over. You caught yourself on the edge of the couch. His hands went to your ass as your ankles threatened to bend in your heels. You felt him move and tried to pull away. You were too drunk and swayed as he barely kept you upright. His hand flitted away but quickly came back to spank you.
“Don’t hurt yourself,” He warned.
“I don’t...understand,” You breathed.
Your body shook as his hand descended along your thighs. You glanced back as he got to his knees and you tried to pull your legs together but his hand slipped between them and held you in place. You looked over at Bucky as he watched casually. Almost as if he were watching a screen; detached and unreal.
“Why…” You rasped and your voice caught in your throat.
Steve nuzzled along your pussy and his tongue surprised you; coolly but warm at the same time. He pushed your legs a little wider and grazed his hand up along your thigh. He pressed his fingers along your vee and spread his saliva along your folds. His hand and mouth worked in tandem as the peculiar sensation spread through you, dulled and intensified by your drunkenness.
His other hand slid up your hip and urged you to bend deeper. His tongue delved down and flicked your clit. You spasmed and he did it again and again. Then his lips closed around the small bud and he sucked on it. The waves rose over you as he let his mouth coax you from your hazy fear.
You grabbed onto the cushion as your breath hitched. You spread your legs wider for Steve. You weren’t thinking, couldn’t think. It felt wonderful and your mind clung to the delightful blooming in your core. You moaned and wanted to swallow it up, but the noises continued to rise with the ripples and soon you were panting a pleading in ecstasy.
Steve pulled away and rubbed your pussy. He smeared your cum down your thigh and pinched. He drew away and you felt him get to his feet. Your legs trembled and threatened to collapse. Movement caught your eye as Bucky stood and brushed past Steve.
Bucky walked around the back of the couch and bent over it to grab your hands. He took them and set them on the back of the sofa. You were forced to look up at him as you lifted your knees up onto the cushions. Steve’s belt buckle clinked and you turned your head only slightly before Bucky caught your chin.
“He’s wanted this for so long,” Bucky sneered. “You think you can keep teasing him like this, hm? Running around in that little dress.
“St--I never…” You gasped as Steve’s large hands went to your hips again and he forced his knee between your legs.
“Come on, open up,” Bucky said as his thumb ran along your bottom lip. “Let him in. We all know it’s what you want.”
You tried to shake your head but he held firm. The tip of Steve’s cock poked along your thigh and he tickled your skin with it as he guided it to your folds. You inhaled sharply and Bucky’s thumb pressed higher.
“Come on,” Bucky purred and forced his thumb past your lips. “Such a precious little kitten.”
Steve wetted his tip along your pussy and stopped at you entrance. Your eyes widened as you looked up at Bucky. Shock and hunger beckoned you forth. Your lips closed around Bucky’s thumb as Steve pushed inside inch by inch. Bucky pressed down your tongue and you couldn’t help but suck, just a little.
“See. We know you’re not so innocent, kitten.” He reached down and fumbled with his belt as Steve bottom out.
You bit him slightly and he chuckled. Steve pulled back and thrust back in, forcing Bucky’s finger deeper. Bucky pushed open his pants and slipped his thumb from your mouth, a strand of spit hung between you. He drew you closer and Steve kept close behind, still inside of you as he pushed his knees up on the couch beside yours.
You were forced to bend over the back of the couch as Bucky’s cock sprang forth. He gripped it and seized the back of your head. “I wasn’t going to use you but you’re just so eager,” He pushed your head down till your lips were at his tip. “I know you can do it, kitten.” He said as Steve rocked against you. “Look how well your taking him.”
You whimpered as Steve pushed himself as deep as he could go, your hips fully against the couch. He tickled along your spin as he thrust again, basking in the way you squirmed against him.
“Come on and open,” Bucky squeezed your jaw.
You parted your lips and he forced the head of his cock through. He caressed your cheek as he slid deeper and his other hand came up to pet your hair. You gagged as he reached your throat and he eased back just a little.
“Mmm,” Bucky hummed.
Steve thrust harder and the impact forced Bucky back to your throat. He pushed a little more and you let him deeper until you couldn’t breathe. Steve’s groans kept time with his hips as he was more fervent with each tilt. More eager, more hungry. He sank into again and again, faster and harder.
Bucky began to work against you in time, his cock sliding out as Steve’s pounded into you. The had you trapped between them on the couch, your back and jaw ached as they used you. Your vision blurred and heat took over your wits. You tried to remember how’d you gotten here, how this had happened. You could only think of the streaking city lights and the endless glasses of punch.
Your body rose again, on a cloud as neither stuttered or stop. You felt your self ascending again and your body clung to Steve as he hammered into, bouncing you off the cushions with ease. He leaned into you, crushing your chest against the back of the couch as your head hung over the edge to take Bucky. 
You came but your cry was muffled by Bucky’s cock. You only gulped and gagged as he ignored the spasms of your body and Steve took your orgasm as a sign to reach for his own. The clap of flesh, the sloppy squelching, it all melded together in a storm of pleasure. You were weak, senseless, and overwhelmed.
Steve came first. He leaned against you heavily as he thrust as hard as he could. His hips twitched as he released inside of you. He sighed and wiggled his hips as he languished in the warm deluge. Your walls clung to him and Bucky sped up. 
He held your head firm as he fucked you, chasing his own orgasm until he unloaded down your throat. It was hot and salty and made you retch around him. He didn’t stop as you fought not to let your body revolt. He fucked your face until his was completely down, until your lips were coated in his cum and your own spit.
Bucky pulled out and you coughed as he let you slump over the couch. Your arms slid over the edge and you panted as Steve stayed against you. He pulled you back sharply and turned, still inside you, as he drew you into his lap. He kept you from folding up as his hands cupped your chest and Bucky’s soft footsteps neared.
Bucky came up before you, stroking his cock as he watched Steve move your body against his. He leered and ran his tongue along his bottom lip. 
“You know, I think I see it now.” He continued to play with himself as Steve gripped your hips. “Such a sweet little kitten.”
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the-winter-smoulder · 4 years
What The Hell...
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Chapter Word Count: 1227
Warnings: Language! Mentions of Death, Panic Attack, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Angsty Goodness
Seriously... What the HELL?!
Since the defeat of Thanos, nothing has really been the same, especially not for Sam and Bucky.
Read Chapter 14 Here
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Chapter 15:  What The Hell Was She Doing In Texas?
Y/n and Bucky were taking things slow. Not painfully slow, but a good pace. Training together, going out together, staying in together, talking about everything together. It had been a nice three weeks. It kept her going, and a little distracted. Things were good, and they wanted things to keep getting better and better.
Y/n now sat in the conference room with the team. She’d been cleared to go on missions a little over two weeks ago, and today was going to be her first.
“So,” Sam started, “It looks like we have some unusual activity in Texas. Three people have gone missing – a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent, and astrophysicist, and young enhanced woman with the ability to manipulate electricity.”
Sharon passed out dossiers on the missing individuals. As Y/n began paging through the folders, she stopped on the picture of the enhanced girl. She was so young, silver-streaked hair, pointed ears. She looked vaguely familiar. Y/n began reading the personal information on the next page.
“Shit!” she said, cutting Sam off mid-sentence.
“Something you need to share?” Sam asked, side-eying her.
“I recognize her. I trained with her. We called her Aurora. She can’t manipulate electricity – she has Photokinetic powers. Yes, she can shoot lightening blasts, but she can also send out concussive blasts, has super speed, and some invisibility powers.”
Clint paged through his folder, looking confused, “None of this is in here, Y/n.”
“Well, it’s a different timeline. She might not even know she has some of these powers yet, but she has the potential. She also has multiple personalities, so she can sometimes be difficult to control. You never know who you’re dealing with.”
“And you trained with her?” Bucky asked, wide-eyed.
“Yes. Steve, Bruce and Tony were working on ways to help her control her powers and her personalities. It was actually working really well. Aurora is actually one of the personalities... the one who showed most often. What the hell was she doing in Texas?”
“It’s unclear why she was there,” Sharon started, “But, Y/n, if you know her, this could really help us to figure out why she was taken. Do you know any of these other people?”
“Here - Bobbi Morse. She’s a biochemist, if I remember correctly, in addition to being a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. In my timeline, you were married to her, Clint.”
“What?!” Clint looked completely shocked.
“Yeah, sorry. Probably could have left that out... forget about it for now. Not important. I don’t know the astrophysicist, Melinda. I don’t recognize her at all.”
“Y/n! This is great! What else can you tell us about Bobbi?” Sam asked, “Strengths, weaknesses?”
“Um...” she trailed off, looking through the file, “nothing more than what you already have on her.”
“Damn, Y/n! You coming from another timeline is really coming in handy,” Sam smiled, slapping the table in front of him.
“So, anything else we should know about Aurora?” Bucky asked.
“Super speed, she can fucking fly! Shooting lightening blasts, and she can emit a calming light that can distract her opponents. But, like I said, she may not know about any of these yet. Actually, I’m willing to bet that she doesn’t, because she’s probably have used them on whoever took her. She could be dangerous if she’s unaware of these powers, especially with her now being under duress. They could manifest.”
“So, we have to be extremely cautious,” Sam said.
“To say the least. Do we know who took them?”
“Yes, that’s where we left off,” Sam said, smiling. “You really weren’t paying attention, were you?”
Y/n cringed, “Sorry, Dad.”
“It’s okay. As long as you’re not day dreaming, we’re good. It appears that Arthur Goddard, aka ‘Headlok,’ has them in a remote warehouse. Y/n, do you know anything about him?”
“Nope, blissfully ignorant, Sam.”
“Alright. He appears to have mind manipulation techniques. We still can’t figure out why these three women exactly, but we need to get to them as soon as possible so he can’t exact whatever plan he has in mind.”
“Mind control?” Bucky asked, his voice shaky.
Y/n looked at him and saw fear flash in his eyes. He turned pale when Sam nodded “yes.” As Y/n moved to grab his hand, he looked at her with a small smile. He wanted her to know that he was okay, but she was too smart for that.
“Bucky,” she said quietly, squeezing his hand.
Sam, completely unaware of the mood change in the room, finished his speech with a “Wheels up in 30.”
Y/n knocked on Bucky’s door after getting her gear ready for the mission.
“Yeah,” Bucky yelled from inside the room.
Y/n opened the door to see him shirtless, all of his gear laid out on the bed.
“Bucky? Are you okay? You seemed a little...”
“Scared shitless? Yes,” he cut her off, chuckling to himself.
“Bucky, stop. Look at me.”
He finished putting a knife in his vest, and he turned to look at Y/n. He saw tears welling in her eyes.
“Hey... what’s... why are you crying?” he asked, softly, pulling Y/n in to his bare chest.
“I’m so sorry, Bucky. I know this timeline has not been kind to you. I know how you’ve been broken. I saw the fear in your eyes in there, and I...”
“Y/n, no. Don’t worry about me. Shuri got all of that Hydra shit out of my head. Yes, it freaked me out for a minute, but I know it’s all gone now.”
“Bucky, this isn’t trigger words they’re talking about here. Headlok can take over your mind without warning,” she cried.
“I know. And I'm scared. What if he turns us against each other? I don’t want to be in a position where I have no control. I’ve been there, and I fucking hate it. But, Y/n, I can't let that fear take over, and you can’t either,” he lifted her chin with is index finger, “I know you’ve got my back, and I've got yours. We’re prepared for this.”
“Okay,” she sighed heavily, “You’re right. Just... kiss me. In case something goes wrong... I need you to kiss me.”
Bucky leaned in for a soft kiss, quickly turning it into a needy, wanton kiss as he pulled her body tightly to his. Tongues dancing hungrily together as Y/n’s hand explored his hard chest and his soft hair.
Bucky broke the kiss, smirking.
“There’ll be plenty of time for that later. I’ve gotta finish getting dressed, doll.”
“Yeah... um... how much shit are you taking?! You have an entire arsenal on your bed.”
“Maybe you packed too light, my dear. Two guns? Do you even have a knife on you?”
“For your information, I have 17 knives on me. I’m really good at hiding them.”
“Where?! That outfit is skin tight...” he trailed off, blushing.
“4 in each boot, 2 on each thigh, 6 in my vest, and one in my cleavage.”
“Well, careful with that last one. I prefer you keep those ‘holsters’ intact for me, sweetheart.” Bucky said, pulling his shirt down and picking up his vest.
“Oh, damn!” Y/n replied, “You are a sassy one, aren’t you, Sergeant?”
“Honey, you have no idea,” he winked at her.
“Mmm, better get the rest of my gear. 10 minutes, Barnes.”
“Yes ma’am!” he replied with a smile and a smart-ass salute.
Chapter 16
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch33: Locks Can Be Replaced
Summary: Steve and Katie leave Bucky behind in Wakanda and set about freeing their friends before their life on the run begins…
Warnings: Bad language, Smut! (NSFW, Under 18s) Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Wonderful edit again from @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 32 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“You’ve been quiet.” Steve said gently as he unlocked the door to their room in the Palace. It was the eve of their second night in Wakanda and T’Challa had invited them all to eat dinner together. Which as nice, but none of them could relax, not really. Their friends were in prison, Katie was still brooding over the fact her brother basically hated her guts and Steve knew they couldn’t stay on T’Challa’s hospitality forever, which meant not only was he going to be forced to leave Bucky behind again but they also had to find somewhere to go once they broke everyone out of the raft.
“I know, just can’t get everything that’s happened out of my head, or the fear of what’s to come.” Katie sighed as she stepped in the door and the lamps on the stands by the bed flickered on instantly “I don’t know Steve, I’m happy Bucky is gonna be ok and he’s safe but…”
“You can go back.” He offered gently as she crossed towards the bed. “As it stands, there’s still time. Tony will calm down and…”
“And what about you?” She interrupted him as she turned to face him. Steve took a deep breath and looked away. “You leave?”
“After everything we’ve agreed in Siberia you’re still thinking of le-”
“No, of course not.” He cut her off.
“So you’d settle for jail?”
“I don’t know…” His voice betrayed the anguish he was feeling inside as he looked back at her, stepping forward to take her hand. “Maybe it wouldn’t come to that.”
“You know as well as I do that’s not true.” She sighed, looking away for a moment before she looked back. “From the minute we refused to sign those damned accords we’ve been outside of the law. There’s no way Ross is just going to let that go.”
“I just want more for you than a life on the run.” He whispered, his eyes sad.
“I’m not going back Steve, not without you.” Katie’s voice choked slightly as he sighed and wrapped his arms around her. “Wherever you go, I go.” she pulled back to look up at him as he wiped the tears from her face with his thumbs “I can’t be without you Steve, I just can’t. Don’t make me go back, don’t leave me…”
Her voice broke and then she was crying and he pulled her to him, his arms wrapping her in their safety as they always did, trying to comfort her, one hand gently stroking through her hair.
“I’m not going to do anything like that, I promise.” He dropped a kiss to her head. She stayed in his arms for a few more moments before his hands gently moved up to her face. He titled her head up so she was looking at him and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss started as deep and soft, Steve trying to reassure her he had no intentions of leaving her behind, but quickly it became hot and feverish as she slid her hands into his hair. He put his arm around her and walked her to the bed, tugging her down with him so the pair of them were sat on the edge, Katie straddling his lap. His hand travelled over her back, legs, hips, ass, pulling her so she was flush against his chest as his lips moved to her neck, causing her to shudder slightly and grip tighter onto his hair. She moved to roll her hips against his and he groaned at the contact, his face going skyward for a moment.
She took that opportunity to lay her lips against his neck, then his jaw and he slid his hand under the shirt dress she was wearing before pulling it straight off over her head. He pulled one side of her bra down, exposing just enough for his lips to find the most sensitive area of her breast and pay attention to it. As he did so, her fingers curled around his shoulders before she pulled back gently, hands falling to the buckle of his trousers. She moved off his lap, tugging at his waistband until he stood enough for her to drag his jeans and underwear down before she sank onto her knees and without any further pause, took him into her mouth. Steve practically purred as she worked with her hands and tongue, his hand gently moved her hair back behind her ears and she couldn’t help but smirk slightly as his cock twitched when she gave a particularly hard suck. She took in a little more of him causing him to lean back slightly. “Fuck, Katie…”
Taking that as encouragement, she made her movements a little faster. Steve knew if she carried on he was going to lose control way too fast so he pushed her away, taking her hands and pulled him up to him, kissing her neck and cheeks before finally landing on her lips as he deftly unhooked her bra, sliding it off.
"I love you.” he murmured and she kissed him again.
“I love you too.”
His arm went around her waist, and she giggled as he picked her up and tossed her unceremoniously onto the bed, before he pulled his T-shirt off and dropped back over her, spreading her legs as he moved between them, dropping to kiss at her neck. She let out a soft moan, her thighs rubbing against his waist as she fidgeted, wanting to feel him. His grinned at her impatience, kisses moving down to her chest, then her stomach, then thighs. He slid off her underwear and as her hand tangled into his hair he set at her with his mouth.
“Oh god…” she groaned, her legs twitching with every motion his tongue made, the hand that wasn’t in his hair gripped at the sheets. Before long her abs were tensing at the sensations and he changed his angle ever so slightly, and she let out a loud, "Fuck!” which made him stay in that position, holding her hip and working his tongue harder. The grip in his hair tightened and he almost hissed at the bite of pain, the sensation acted like a hotwire to his groin. He didn’t stop until she was moaning his name and arching off the bed, every muscle of her body tensing as she reached her peak.
He didn’t wait for her to come down. He crawled back up the bed, slowly pushing into her causing her to cry out again, relishing the feeling of him being inside her. His elbows either side of her head, he propped himself up just enough so he could start a steady rhythm, face buried in her neck, nipping at her pulse point as her name and a plethora of curses tumbled from his lips.
“Me and you always.” He whispered, and she groaned, holding onto him tightly with legs and hands and every other part of her body she could. He continued driving into her, his hands grabbing at every part of her he could reach, his mouth hovering over hers, panting as he thrust over and over, her nails digging into the skin on his back. “Sweet heart, I’m gonna…” He gabbled and she smirked as she clutched him closer to and turned her mouth to his ear.
“Come for me, Stevie…”
That made him moan and his rhythm stuttered as he fell off the edge, his body dropping down on top of her as he floated away, the last ribbons of the ecstasy he always got from her winding over him. After a moment or two, Katie rolled her head to the left, as her hand slid into his hair and she pulled him round to kiss her softly before their foreheads pressed together and their noses began their familiar dance. After a minute or two of just holding one another, Steve kissed her a final time before he rolled off and pulled her with him, so her head was laying on his chest, legs tangling gently together.
"We’re gonna be ok.” She nodded, and he put his arm around her, squeezing her to him and kissed the top of her head.
“Yeah, we are. Because as long as I’ve got you, it doesn’t matter where we end up.”
That little sentence was enough to kick start the cogs in Katie’s mind whirring. And, before she had drifted off to sleep, she had the bones of a plan formed in her mind that might just work…
**** “Coulson.” The voice spoke and Katie let out a sigh, it was good to hear him.
“S’up AC.” Katie spoke into the phone which had been supplied by T’Challa, “Long time not speak.” “Nova?” Coulson’s voice was laced with surprise. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you.” “Since when have I ever done anything anyone expects?”
“True. I’m assuming this isn’t a social call?” “You assumed correct. You know that favour you owe me for being tortured and raped because I knew you were alive?”
“Jesus…” Coulson groaned at her bluntness. “I’m cashing it in.” She continued, leaning back in her chair.
“What do you need?” He asked after a pause.
“A safe house and a lawyer. And when I say safe house I mean safe. Off SHIELDs radar, and it has to stay that way. And when I say lawyer I mean one that’s gonna be discreet.”
He let out a sigh before he finally replied. “The lawyer bit is easy. As for the safe house, I’ll need a bit of time but I should be able to sort something.”
“I got money. With some help I’ve managed to syphon off most of mine into a number of untraceable accounts so whatever it costs to get it up and running.”
“I’m assuming it doesn’t matter where?”
There was a moment’s pause as Katie could hear Phil tapping at a keyboard in the background. “The lawyer I’m going to put you in touch with is a guy called Matt Murdock. He works out of Hell’s Kitchen, and his firm have always handled SHIELD’s more delicate cases should I say.”
“So he’s discrete?” “You could say that.” Coulson replied, and Katie could hear the smirk in his voice.
“How do you know we can trust him?” “Because he’s a Lawyer by day, masked Vigilante by night” Coulson replied simply, and Katie let out a snort. “SHIELD turns a blind eye and lets him clean up the streets in exchange for help when we need it.”
“Is there anything SHIELD don’t have secrets about?” Katie rubbed at her temples. “Not much now. I’ll tell him to expect your call. I don’t suppose there’s much point me asking what exactly you have in mind?” “Compartmentalisation.” She grinned and Coulson gave a snort.
“Huh. I’ll be in touch.”
“Oh, one more thing.” Katie bit her lip. “Do you know what happened to Widow? She helped us escape but I’ve not heard anything about whether she was imprisoned or…” Phil hesitated “She fled. Fury’s working on tracking her down..” “Oh, that’s good. I think…” “She’s not inside Nova.” Phil chuckled “That’s always a good thing where Widow is concerned. I’ll be in touch.” And with that he cut the call.
Katie leaned back in her chair before standing up and heading for a shower, drawing strength from the scalding hot water. How long she stayed under there for she had no idea, but by the time she got out she had a message from Coulson.
Give me a day and the Safehouse will be ready. Number for Lawyer enclosed.
She smirked to herself, before tossing the burner phone onto the bed and dressed in one of Steve’s shirts and a pair of denim shorts. Once that was done she picked the phone up, made her way over to the sofas by the small coffee table and sat down, dialling the number Coulson had given her.
"Mr Mudock.” she began clearing her throat “Coulson said you were expecting my call.” There was a pause, before some muffled muttering and she waited patiently. A couple of minutes the man’s New York drawl hit her ear.
“Apologies Mrs Rogers, I wasn’t alone. I am now, and this line is secure. You’re free to talk.” “I err, don’t know what you know or what Coulson has told you, but I need your legal expertise, and this has to be done discretely, no one can know that I’m involved.” “I can do discrete.” “So I heard” she replied.
"What is it you need?” He asked
“I’m assuming you know about the events of the last few days in Leipzig?” “Who doesn’t? It’s all over the news. It won’t surprise you to know that you’re top of America’s Most Wanted along with your husband and the Winter Soldier…” “Well I have proof that the guys involved were imprisoned with no rights to any legal representation whatsoever. I’m going to arrange it to be sent to you soon. What I want is for you to negotiate with the FBI to take the case off the Counter Terrorism Unit seeing as they made such a fuck up of it in the first place as well by hunting the wrong man, and hopefully get them a deal that keeps them out of prison.”
"How many deals are we talking about?” 
“I’d think two at least” she paused. “The two of my friends who have families are the main priority, but I want you to see what they’ll offer us all. Then we can decide what to do.”
“You know that my standard legal fees will apply.”
“Whatever you want you got. No expenses spared”
“Then you got yourself an attorney, Mrs Rogers.” He said and she smiled "When do I get to meet my defendants?”
“Working on it.” Katie replied vaguely “The paperwork will be sent directly to your office. Expect them anytime over the next week, more or less.”
"How… vague.” A hint of amusement lilted the man’s voice. And she had an idea he knew that they weren’t going to be on bail at all, more like fugitives. “I have a contact in the FBI who owes me a favour, so send me what you have and I’ll be in touch.”
“Consider it done.” She smiled, and with that she cut the call.
“Game on.” She mumbled to herself before tapping at the laptop Suri had sent her, filing the documents Lawson had dug up to Matt’s email address.
It took him all of an hour to get back to her. He was confident that he could get the CTU’s case completely quashed, and the FBI to take it up. He was furthermore convinced he could get Clint and Scott both a house arrest deal, possibly Wanda too, but was slightly less confident with her, Steve and Sam given their record of ‘bad behaviour’ which she thought was quite an amusing way to term ‘bringing the country’s intelligence services to its knees’.
So that was it, there was nothing more she could do. Settling further down onto the couch, legs propped on the coffee table, she began to have a look through the news websites at the various reports on what was going on, whilst she waited for Steve to come back from his meeting with T’CHalla.
***** “So, it has the highest level of security, built to house enhanced beings.“ T’Challa said, spinning the blue-prints of the prison round on the hologram in the middle of the table. Steve crossed his arms, smiling slightly, before he caught Bucky’s eye who was also grinning. He’d faced worse odds. He looked back to T’Challa.
"So not completely impossible to get into?” he quipped.
“Not impossible Captain, it will just take a little more effort.” T’Challa said, smiling wryly “I cannot offer my help in person, as you know, but I can certainly help with the planning and Suri has a few tricks up her sleeve which should ease your efforts somewhat…”
Steve smiled and the 3 men began to get down to the serious planning, and after a few hours they had a pretty good plan fleshed out, coupled with the technology T’Challa had to hand, Steve was pretty confident they could get in and out of the raft in record time and be on their way before anyone even realised there was a security breach.
Feeling more positive than he had in a long time, he suggested to Bucky that he joined them in their suite for a beer. Bucky was hesitant at first, until he gave in and nodded, following Steve through the palace and over to the guest rooms.
“What’s on your mind Buck?” Steve asked, pausing to turn to his friend. He was brooding, he could tell. He’d always been able to tell.
“I’ve been speaking to Suri.” Bucky said, looking at his friend “I’m going back into stasis unit she’s done what she needs to do to get this shit out of my head.”
“Buck…” Steve frowned, intending to try and talk him out of it but Bucky stopped him mid flow with a look.
“It’s not safe.” He said firmly “If I react to what they’re doing…” Steve knew deep down it was the right thing to do, but he still didn’t like it. It felt wrong especially after everything he’d been through.
“Look, over the past 70 years I’ve been frozen on and off, sometimes for a decade at a time.” Bucky shrugged, sensing Steve’s reticence. “What difference is another 6 months or so gonna make?”
Steve sighed “When?”
“Couple of days.” he said, looking at Steve. “The sooner she starts, the sooner I get out.” He couldn’t argue it was a bad idea. Not really.
“Well in that case…” he said, as they continued to walk “All the more reason to have a few drinks huh?”
Bucky smiled and clapped his friend on the shoulder.
They reached the room and Steve opened the door and took a deep breath at the sight that greeted him. It didn’t matter how many times he saw it, but seeing his wife sat in his shirt, bare legs on show, damp hair, it still made Steve’s heart leap into his throat. It was the only time she ever looked completely innocent and at peace, relaxed even. He hovered in the doorway for a moment, before he realised Bucky was behind him.
“Quit perving.” his friend said, shoving him hard in the back. Steve fell forward through the door and Katie looked up, smiling.
“Hi boys.” she said, swinging her legs down from the coffee table as Steve dropped a kiss to the top of her head.
“What you up to?” he asked, glancing at the laptop screen.
“Stuff.” she replied vaguely.
“Stuff? What stuff?” he frowned.
She looked up at him and smirked.
“Take a seat boys and I’ll explain my master plan.”
“Oh you have that look in your eye.” Steve smirked, sitting down next to her, and looking at the seat opposite, indicating for Bucky to do the same,
“What look?” Bucky asked, declining the seat, opting instead to stand with his back to the door, hand in his pocket.
“The look she gets when she’s about to do something she shouldn’t.”
“To be fair handsome, we’re well past that point don’t ya think?” she grinned at him and Steve quirked an eyebrow as Bucky laughed.
“She has a point, Stevie…” he smirked, his straight, white teeth flashing through his beard “You’re on the run, in Wakanda, abating the world’s most dangerous assassin…”
“Nawww he called you Stevie.” She leaned over and ruffled Steve’s hair drawing a moan of exasperation from him before she continued. “Hey, when you were kids, when he was asleep, did he do that thing with his nose where he twitches and looks like a rabbit?” she looked at Bucky who gave a snort of a chuckle and looked down nodding as Steve nudged her.
“I’m beginning to wish you two had never met…” he gruffed, although his eyes which were twinkling told her a very different story. He was actually thrilled they’d finally met and got along so well, even if it was in such shitty circumstances.
“Oh don’t be like that.” she pouted. “If we’d never met I’d be dead now.” “Don’t.” Steve shook his head, glaring at her. He hated that she joked about what HYRDRA had done to her. She ignored him and smiled at him.
“Besides, you got all my childhood secrets from Tony…don’t you think it’s fair I get some back?”
Steve sighed and ran his large hands over his face and Bucky, shot her a wink before he spoke as he walked across the room, feeling comfortable enough now to sit opposite her, even if she was only wearing Steve’s shirt and a pair of tiny denim shorts.
“Did he tell you his ma used to force us to drink camomile tea?” he asked, dropping into the seat opposite her. “To try and calm us down when she’d come home from a shift to find us running around the apartment”
Steve gave a huff of a laugh and looked up at Bucky as he spoke, fond nostalgia laced his voice. “Like a couple of young hooligans…”
“I can imagine the pair of you being absolute hell-raisers.” “Nah Steve was a good boy, I was the tearaway.” “I dunno, I had my fair share of whacks off Ma…mainly for being a clever little shit.” Steve chortled. “Now that doesn’t surprise me.” Katie chuckled.
“Anyway, you were going to tell us about your plan.” Steve turned to her and she nodded.
“Oh, right, so yeah, last night you got me thinking, you know when you said that it didn’t matter what happened as long as we were together…well I spoke to Coulson before. Once we’ve broken the guys out of the pokey he’s getting us a safe house to lay low in. And I’m working on getting a deal, something that keeps us out of jail.”
“How you gonna do that?” he asked, frowning slightly. “Ok, so first off, after a bit of expert digging from Lawson, I know Ross didn’t follow due process and simply threw them into the Raft without any rights for a defence attorney or anything else, that in itself should be enough leverage to get them out on remand. And coupled with the mess in Bucharest and Berlin the CTU made by going after the wrong guy, this should give the lawyer, enough to go on to get them released and have their case handled by the FBI whilst he negotiates some kind of settlement. He reckons house arrest. It ain’t perfect but…” she shrugged.
Steve looked at her, his mouth falling open slightly. Jesus she never ceased to amaze him “You think that’s a possibility?” “For Clint and Scott.” She nodded “It means they can be with their families and then I guess we’ll just have to see what he comes up with for the rest of us. I’m expecting them to be slightly less favourable towards me, you and Sammy after what happened with the Triskellion, especially me and you as we’ll be breaking them out of jail as well…but I ain’t going down without a fight. If anything I want to do it just to wipe that smug look of Ross’s ugly face.”
“She always this tenacious?” Bucky raised his eyebrow looking at Steve.
“You have no idea.” A smirk crossed Steve’s face as his gaze flicked to hers before looking back at Bucky. “She’s amazing though, huh?” Katie flushed slightly.
“Yeah, still not sure how she puts up with a punk like you.” Bucky smirked gently.
“He has his uses.” Katie winked back, causing Buck’s smirk to spread even wider. “Now, someone getting me a beer for being totally awesome or shall I just die of thirst?”
**** The next few days flashed by in a whirl of planning, planning and more planning.
Murdock had done exactly what he said he would do, and had started setting the wheels in motion. His contact at the FBI who owed him a favour after he got him out of a sticky situation involving a strip joint and a drugs dealer had convinced the people he needed to convince to petition the CTU to take the case over, following the potential false arrests and had told Matt the terms they were willing to release them all under.
It wasn’t great for all of them though.
“I’m afraid that’s the best I think I can do.” Matt spoke as Katie and Steve both read the details on the screen. “So, all of you will have to sign up to the accords as they stand, and then it’s 2 years for Mr Lang, 3 for Mr Barton because he has displayed less than favourable behaviour in prison…”
“Define favourable.” Katie raised an eyebrow
“Not head-butting Secretary Ross.” Murdock quipped.
“Matter of opinion.” She snorted as Matt continued. “10 years for both of you and Mr Wilson.” “10 years?” Steve asked, sighing.
“Best they will offer given your records.” “Shit.” Katie mumbled. And the pair of them looked at one another, each thinking the same thing. That was not an option for either of them.
“And Ms Maximoff is a different case all together. She would get two years and then she would have to wear a power suppression collar for life, like she currently is, unless she is working for the Government under the terms of the Accords, and a tracking device.” Again, not an option.
“I’ll leave you to go over the details with them all once you’ve erm, posted bail.”  Murdock quipped and Katie smiled gently “Get back to me when you know what you want to do.” Katie nodded and cut the call on the laptop.
“So we sign the accords and then we get 10 years with a tag on house arrest…” Steve bit his lip. “Sam’s not gonna go for that.” “And a collar for Wanda, like some kind of animal.” Katie sighed, “But I suppose we should at least offer it to them, let them say no themselves.” “And you?” “Fuck that.” Katie snorted and Steve chuckled slightly, kissing the side of her head. “Best hope Coulson’s safe house is on an island somewhere warm by the sea.” Well, it was halfway there… “A 4 bedroomed cottage in the Hebrides” Coulson explained as Steve and Katie both looked at the photos he had sent “It hasn’t been used in 6 years and there’s only one way on and off via the mainland. There’s nothing for miles and plenty of places in the grounds to keep a jet hidden from eyes either on the ground or above. Fury set it up in the 90s when he first started to think about the Avengers Initiative, thought it might be useful to have a place off the books so to speak. It’s never been used by any of you or anyone you know. I’ll need to update the security systems and furniture but it’s completely off radar. The only people who do know it exists bar me and Fury are either dead or no longer on Earth.” “Banner?” Katie asked immediately.
“Amongst others.” 
“I won’t even ask what that means.” Steve sighed. “It’s yours for as long as you need it.” Coulson continued “You’ll need a cover though.” “Already on it.” Katie smiled. And they were.
T’Challa had been working with them solidly to sort them some cover identities up. They both had four different passports and drivers licenses each under various names and nationalities, a couple for Sam and Wanda too and several sets of coloured contact lenses to go with them. Katie was now sporting a vastly different look, to the one people knew her by having had her waist length hair cut to her shoulders, and it was now a soft brown with blonde and honey coloured streaks. Steve was still getting used to it if he was honest, simply because it was so different, but he had to admit the style framed her pretty face well. He was also growing his beard out, much to Katie’s delight, after having remembered the advice Natasha had given to them a while back.
“It isn’t about altering yourself completely, just enough so that the average joe won’t give you a second glance…”
Katie tried not to be too disappointed. She’d known her and Steve were going to be hung out to dry, but Steve could tell she’d been holding out some hope that maybe there had been a way back. But sadly, it really did look like they were about to embark as a life on the run. Certainly for the foreseeable. But there was nothing they could do, not now. And at least she had options for everyone else.
They also, after a deep discussion decided to give Tony the means to contact them if he so needed and T’Challa had provided a burner phone which would connect to the new, untraceable ones he had issued them both with. In addition, Steve and Katie had written Tony a letter each, neither of them reading the others and this was all set to be delivered at the same-time the prison break was taking place. T’Challa was set to be on UN business in Washington, giving him the perfect alibi and ability to have his aides deal with Fed-Ex directly.
All too soon it was time for them to be bidding goodbye to Bucky too. And waving him off into Cryo-Stasis didn’t seem like a great omen to be leaving on either.
“You sure about this?” Steve asked Bucky for the thousandth time. To Buck’s credit, he avoided rolling his eyes and turned to his friend, nodding.
“It’s safer this way. Besides, aint you got a prison to break into?” Steve took a breath and then the two men swept each other into a huge hug. Katie felt herself welling up a little. It all seemed so unfair.
“Take care of him, don’t let him do anything stupid until I get out.” Bucky looked at Katie and she smiled as she gave him a quick hug.
“How can I?” Steve shot back “You’re taking all the stupid with you.” “Punk.” “Jerk.” With a last look at one another Bucky was led away by Shuri and taken into the small room which contained the cryo-chamber. Katie laced her fingers into Steve’s and he gave her hand a small squeeze before he looked at her. He couldn’t not be there when they put him under, he had to go with them.
“I’m gonna…” “I know” she nodded, and he sprinted after them into the room. A few hours later they had the jet packed, everything the needed, had gone over their plan a hundred times and were ready to go. They found T’Challa in Suri’s Lab, looking over the grounds of Wakanda.
“You are ready?” he asked. Steve nodded.
“You know we really are thankful, for everything.” He said.
“The least we can do Captain.” T’Challa turned his eyes back to the window.  
"You know if they find out he’s here, they’ll come for him.” Steve sighed, hands in his pockets.
“Let them try.” T’Challa said calmly, looking out at the forest surrounding his fortress.
Steve smiled ruefully to himself. He doubted even Ross with all his resources would be able to breach through Wakanda’s defences, from what he’d seen of the hidden nation so far.  
“You are welcome to return, with your friends.”  T’Challa turned to face them both “You would be perfectly safe in Wakanda for as long as you wanted to be.”
“Thank you for your offer its very kind, but, if we stay here it puts a target on your head.” Katie said, shrugging. “And drags you into a dimplomatic row not of your making. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“I would like to be here when you wake him up.” Steve said, not needing to explain who he was. “If that’s ok?”
T’Challa nodded “You are an honourable man Captain. I will of course send word, and in the meantime if you need anything…“
Steve shook T’Challa’s hand furiously before Katie stepped into his embrace to give him a hug.
“Thank you.” ****
It all went quite smoothly, really. Once they had taken down the guards in the control room, Katie plugged in the device that T’Challa had given them which automatically reset and overrode the prison’s security protocols, plunging the raft into darkness as it suffered a complete power cut- all part of their plan to prevent any communications or notifications being sent about there being a breach until they were well on their way
They made their way swiftly to the holding cells, Steve having memorised the plans of the prison. The pair of them stepped silently into the cell area, taking care to keep to the shadows until they were sure there were no further guards. Sam instantly whipped around, as Steve approached his holding cell and Katie followed, finally stepping into the thin beam of light coming from the back up strip lighting in the ceiling. Sam smirked.
"Well you two took your time.” he quipped at the same time Clint let out a little laugh.
”You’re definitely my favourite Stark” He grinned, causing Katie to smile at him as she walked to his cell and opened it, before hugging the archer.
“Good to see you Nova.” “You too Hawkeye.” Across the room Steve was busy releasing Sam.
“Sorry we took so long,” He said as the man stepped out of his cell and the two men embraced. “We had a fair bit to plan, you know.”
“See Lang, I told you we wouldn’t stay here for long.” Sam quipped as Steve moved to release the door to Scott’s cell.
“Never doubted you, for a moment Captain.”
“Just so you know, I’m definitely retiring now.” Clint looked at Steve who smiled, before turning to see Katie was crouched in front of Wanda. Steve felt the anger surge through his system as he took in Wanda’s appearance. She was staring at Katie, tears in her eyes, arms bound by a straight jacket and a metal collar round her neck. He made an angry noise in his throat. 
“Gimme a hand?”  Katie turned to look at him “I don’t know how to get this off.” She gestured to the flashing collar.
Steve crouched down next to her, reached forward and with a fair bit of effort and a grit of his teeth managed to snap it, the electrics sizzling as he threw it to the floor. He pulled Wanda gently to her feet as Katie removed the restraints and quickly shed her of the straight-jacket.
“Thank you,” Wanda told her in a shaky, hoarse whisper and Katie didn’t miss the red flash in the younger woman’s eyes as she gave her a hug.
They made a quick detour on the way out to the storage rooms.
“Oh come to papa!” Sam groaned, picking up his Falcon pack and strapping it to his back. Clint picked up his myriad of gear, bow and arrows, whilst Scott grabbed his suit and Katie handed Wandas her leather coat and her corset top and belt.
Together they emerged onto the jet pad, it was now pouring with rain. The storm T’Challa’s people had predicted was well on its way to manifesting, which was perfect. Even more cover.
“Man I feel like Andy Dufresne.” Sam groaned, tilting his face up to greet the rain. “Who?” Wanda asked and Sam turned to her, an incredulous look on his face.
“You shitting me?”
“It’s a film about a man who escapes from prison.” Steve explained, and Katie had to bite back a grin at the fact he was educating someone on pop culture. “Good one too.”
“Get busy living, or get busy dying.” Katie supplied, her eyes locking with Steve’s and he gave her a small smile.
Once on the jet, Sam took his seat in the cockpit and took a moment, looking round at Steve.
“So, where to Cap?”
“Safe house.” He stated simply, “That is for whoever wants to come. Get us airborne and then we’ll explain.”
Sam did as he was told, and once the jet was out of the vicinity of the raft, stealth mode engaged, the group crowded round the cockpit as Katie held court.
"How did you manage that?” Clint asked, his voice full of wonder as she finished explaining about the deals Murdock had negotiated.
“Called in a few favours.” she shrugged. “That the best it’s gonna do so it’s up to you guys whether you cut the deal or run with us.” "10 years confined to a house, sitting on my ass?” Sam raised an eyebrow at her. “No, thanks. I’d rather stay out here with you.”
“We figured as much.” Steve smiled and flickered an eyebrow back at him, then he turned back to Clint and Scott.
“I’m taking it” Scott said, instantly “I’ve already spent so much of my life away from Cassie.” Steve nodded.
“Yeah.” Clint sighed “I can’t leave the kids and Laura.”
“Wanda?” Katie asked.
“No way am I wearing a collar like some fucking dog.” She snorted. “Ok, that’s settled then.” Katie nodded, turning to Clint and Scott. “As Murdock advised, we’re gonna drop you two somewhere in Canada. You’re to hand yourself into the FBI, and ONLY the FBI and instruct that they call him. The rest of us, we get to the safe house and lay low.” “Low sounds pretty good.” Wanda groaned, dropping her head back against the seat and closing her eyes.
A few hours later they landed the jet not far outside of Toronto and it was time to say goodbye.
“I can’t thank you enough.” Steve shook Scott’s hand.
“Well, like I say, when Captain America needs your help.” He shrugged, before turning to say goodbye to Sam and Wanda.
“I need you to give this to Murdock.” Katie handed Clint and an envelope which he looked at before nodding and stashing it in his backpack.
“What’s that?” Steve frowned.
“Paperwork to transfer my stake in Stark Industries, and control of SIP over to Tony.” She looked at Steve. “Means it doesn’t get frozen and he keeps control.”
Steve looked down, until then he hadn’t even given a second thought to her business. He sighed, all that work she had put in…
“Gonna miss you Nova.” Clint turned to Katie as he wrapped his arms around her.
She rolled her eyes, which were now full of tears as she managed to whisper “Shut up.” And then she was the one pulling him into a tight hug as they just stood in each other’s arms for a moment.
“Keep those guys out of trouble.” Clint pulled back at last, his eyes also misting over before he shook Steve’s hand.
“I’ll do my best.” Katie raised an eyebrow as Steve dropped an arm round her shoulder, and smiled back at him. “Give Laura and the kids my love. And if you know who gets in touch…”
“I’ll let her know you’re about.” He nodded. “Maybe when the dust settles you can come up to the farm.”
“Maybe.” Katie shrugged, knowing full well that was never going to happen. ****** “Are you Tony Stank?” the old man in the FedEx delivery uniform said, squinting at the name on the package then through the glass window.
“Yes, this is- this is Tony Stank.” Rhodey said, snorting slightly as Tony groaned. “You’re in the right place. Thank you for that!” he turned to make his way back to the bars he had been using to test out the braces Tony had designed, patting Tony on the arm, “I’m never dropping that. Table for one Mr. Stank! Near the bathroom please.”
Tony laughed and went over to sign and accept the package. It held no clues, no names, no returning address and he instantly knew who it was from. Therefore he waited until he was back in the office that had belonged to Steve before he opened it.
He reached in and pulled out 2 envelopes. He recognised the writing on them both and opened the one that was in Katie’s first.
Tony I thought long and hard about what I wanted to write in this letter but the more I thought about it the more I struggled to find the words, so I decided to do what us Starks do best… wing it. I’m glad you’re back at the compound and with people but for God’s sake do me a favour and sort things with Pepper. Please. She’s the best thing that ever happened to you, and I know she makes you happy. I’m arranging for my share of Stark Industries to be handed back to you and also full control of SIP. At least this way a Stark keeps control over SI and SIP can carry on, seems pointless all the hard work going to waste. I’ve also worked on cutting us all a deal but I don’t think the one they’ve offered me and Steve is gonna be a goer…
I know I said this before, and it doesn’t make it right, but I should have told you about Mom and Dad. I thought by not telling you the truth I was saving you from more pain. You suffered enough when they died, you grieved for the pair of us as I was far too young, I guess this time I figured it was my turn to shoulder that grief. I was wrong, and that’s something I’ll never forgive myself for. I know you’re ashamed of me and you probably hate me right now, and you have every right to, but I need you to understand that I never wanted to have to make this choice between you or Steve. You’re my brother, you’ve been my father and my mother too, all rolled into one and the thought of parting with you on such bad terms breaks my heart, but for the time being I can’t see an alternative. Certainly not until all this business with the Accords dies down anyway. Who knows how long that will be but as long as there’s hope for a resolution, I’ll try and remain positive. But whatever happens I want you to remember one thing. I love you to the stars and back. Always. Kiddo xxx
Blinking away the tears in his eyes, he gently ran his hand over the letter before he sniffed slightly and picked up the one from Steve.
I’m glad you’re back at the compound. I don’t like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than they were mine. Before I had Katie, I was on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith’s in people, I guess. Individuals. And I’m happy to say that, for the most part, they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn’t.
I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I’m sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you’re doing what you believe in, and that’s all any of us can do. That’s all any of us should do.
Rest assured I’ll keep the most important thing in both our lives safe. She’s my world and on that you have my word. And if you need us, if you need me, we’ll be there.
Tony smiled a little and upended the box and an old flip phone tumbled out of it. He flipped it open and noticed there was one number in it- Steve Rogers.
Stupid bastard didn’t even have the sense to list it under a code name. He shook his head, somethings never change…
“Priority call from Secretary Ross.” FRIDAY suddenly pipped in, “There’s been a breach at the RAFT prison.”
Huh, how about that? No one saw that one coming, did they? I mean, who would have though the world’s greatest soldier aided by the word’s most stubborn brat would dare to do such a thing…
“Yeah, put him through.” Tony smirked slightly, and his desk-phone beeped before Ross’s voice came through urgently.
“Tony, we have a problem.”
“Ah, please hold.” Tony interrupted, reaching over to the phone.
“No. Don’t-”
Tony pressed the hold button, watching the little red light beep with his hand under his chin. As much as he might hate Rogers at this moment in time, he knew Katie would be safe with him. And she was free.
That was the best he could hope for, certainly for the near future anyway.
***** Chapter 34
**Original Posting**
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kimannhart · 4 years
Here is part two to THIS ficlet I wrote a couple of days ago. Though, this can be read as a stand alone fic. 
Also, I’ll most likely be posting this fic in its entirety on ao3 once I figure out a title. So if you haven’t read the first part and wanna wait, keep ya eyes on my ao3 for it!
mentions of injury cw
It’s been about four months since Tony’s last stunt in the hospital, and ever since then, neither Bucky nor Sam have left his side. And to be quite frank, it was driving Tony insane. He hasn’t had a single moment alone, anytime he had to use the restroom, one of the men would be hanging outside the door. If Tony had a business meeting at SI, Bucky would always be lurking nearby. In their most recent battle, both men disregarded Steve’s orders and decided to fight nearby Tony. The only reason Tony hasn’t snapped at the two to leave him alone yet is because he was hanging onto the hope that he would be traveling alone for SI business overseas. (He had ordered JARVIS to keep his AI mouth shut about it. And Tony didn’t even have to beg Steve to keep quiet about his future travels. Instead Steve just looked at him with pity and nodded that he wouldn’t say a word to Bucky or Sam.)
So, here Tony was now, quickly trying to pack the bare minimum before Bucky and Sam came back home from their forced date night. Sharon, bless her soul, acted as his savior for his getaway and told Bucky and Sam to go out on a date to give Tony some peace. To which the two refused to go on at first, but quickly agreed before Sharon threatened to call her soulmate, Pepper. Not wanting to face the scolding of Pepper, the two men easily backed down and said they’d be back within an hour. 
As soon as Tony was done, he hopped into the car with Happy and made his way to the airport. The moment that the plane was in the air, Tony finally was able to relax. He was finally free from the watchful eyes of Bucky and Sam.
Tony absently starts to rub against the right side of his chest, the spot where his soul mark—a snake wrapping itself amongst a small bouquet of gladiolus and proteas—laid against his skin. A part of him knew that he should admit to Bucky and Sam that he was their third soulmate, but those dark thoughts always prevent him from doing so. Tony sighs to himself and decides to focus on SI business instead.
Once Tony reaches his hotel, he finally checks his phone and is bombarded with a swarm of texts, with most of them coming from Bucky and Sam, which isn’t surprising at all, wondering where he went, why he didn’t say anything, when he’s coming back, and just more questions. Though, instead of answering the questions, Tony makes the decision of turning off his phone and shoves it into one of the drawers in his hotel room. 
The days went by and Tony was genuinely surprised that neither Bucky or Sam decided to hop onto a plane to where he was. But he assumes the reason they hadn’t is because the rest of their friends had convinced them not to go. Well, whatever the reason, Tony was just grateful to roam around by himself.
Tony was currently walking towards some cafe to grab himself a pastry when all of a sudden he hears piercing screams. Quickly, he dashes towards the screams and is greeted to a man dressed to the nines that is terrorizing citizens.
“I couldn’t have one week of peace?” Tony mutters to himself. He jumps into the action. Though, it wasn’t long before he felt pain and succumbed to the darkness.
Tony slowly awakes and silently internally to himself when he realizes he’s back in the hospital. He feels someone nudge a spoon at his mouth and obediently opens, instantly grateful for the cool ice chips that melt in his mouth. Tony opens his eyes and is met with Steve’s worried face. 
“Couldn’t keep yourself out of trouble, could you Shellhead?”
“Wouldn’t be me if I did, Winghead.” Tony looks around his room, a bit surprised that he wasn’t greeted to Bucky or Sam’s faces. 
“They’re in the waiting room,” Steve answers, knowing what Tony was about to ask. “They’re, uh, a bit angry at you at the moment.” 
Angry? What could the two be angry at him about? For landing himself in the hospital again?
“Do you remember how you ended up here Tony?”
“I was fighting some guy, right?”
Steve nods. “But what you didn’t know was that he has some powers. He managed to stab the left side of your chest pretty badly with one small motion of his fingers before getting away.” Steve stops for a moment, debating with himself if he should tell Tony what he and the rest of the world saw.
“Tell me, Steve,” Tony presses, “What else happened?”
Steve gives Tony an apologetic look before continuing. “Someone tried helping you, you know to try to get the bleeding to stop. But they had to rip up your shirt...”
Tony starts to panic, not liking where Steve is going with this.
“... they exposed your soul mark, Tony. Someone managed to take a photo of it and post it on social media. JARVIS managed to get it down quickly, but it was too late. Gossip sites had already took screenshots and started writing up stories, which Pepper and the rest of our PR team is completely furious about.” Steve stops talking, letting Tony come to terms with what happened. “I’m sorry, Tony,” he adds in while giving his hand a comforting squeeze.
Tony waits a few moments before finally asking, “So, they know?”
“They know.”
The following day, Sam and Bucky walked into Tony’s room and sat themselves down in the chairs next to his bed and stared. 
“Hi, boys.” 
“Were you ever going to tell us?” Sam asks, getting straight to the point.
Tony looks down and shakes his head. 
“Why?” Bucky’s voice cracks. “Are we, are we not good enough for you? Is our mark that shameful to you?”
“No, no, no, no,” Tony quickly replies. “It’s me who’s not good enough for either of you!” Before either men could respond back, Tony starts to explain. “It’s just, you two are just so amazing, strong, and undoubtedly the most courageous people I’ve ever met. And I know I’m none of that!” He hesitantly points to his head, “I just, I have these thoughts...”
“What kind of thoughts?” Sam softly asks. “Are they bad ones?” he presses when Tony doesn’t answer.
Tony nods before finally breaking down the walls he put around his soul and lets the tears fall.
The three men spend the rest of the night talking and understanding one another. By the end of the conversation, Tony promises to finally see a therapist and to see a psychiatrist to see if he wants to put onto antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication. While Bucky and Sam made promises to be there for Tony and when to back off to give him alone time. The three of them also decided to see a group therapist together in order to help them communicate and understand the changes in their relationship.
Tony groans when he hears Bucky open the curtains to let in the sunlight. He turns and hides his face in Sam’s side. “Clos’ the ‘urtains, babe.”
“Nope, you both promised me a morning hike to celebrate our new freedom from the job, and that’s what we’re doing today!” Bucky lightly smacks both his soulmates on their respective asses before pulling the blanket and sheets off of them. “Up! Up! Up!”
“Fuck off.” Sam lazily throws a pillow at Bucky’s face. “We’re retired now, we can hike tomorrow.” 
“What Sam said.”
Bucky raises a brow before getting an idea. “If the two of you get up now, we can have some kinky outdoor sex on the top of a mountain.”
At the mention of sex, Sam and Tony immediately get out of bed.  
“That always works,” Bucky chuckles. “I love you both!” he shouts out as he starts to make their bed, smiling when he hears Tony and Sam shout it back.
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Winter’s Doll--Chapter Three
Word Count: 2311
About: Nadia finally get’s to train with Steve and Bucky
Characters: Nadia, Steve, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Tony, Vision, 
Pairing: None
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Train-fighting, Dislocated shoulder,
A/N: Sorry this took a while to get out. I got into a funk and then had two story ideas.
*This work contains content for the 18 and up crowd
**Please don’t copy and paste my work anywhere. I work really hard on all of my stuff. 
***This work is also posted on Instagram (Excerpt ONLY), WattPad, and Archive Of Our Own
****Follow my accounts. Links are in the pinned post on my profile
*****Currently NOT taking any requests
Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Forever Marvel Tags: OPEN TAGS
Sebastian/Bucky Tags: OPEN TAGS
Winter’s Doll Tags: OPEN TAGS
My Masterlist
My Marvel Masterlist
Winter’s Doll Masterlist
Chapter Two
My Favorite Fic List
Nadia woke up that morning with a throbbing headache. Did she regret drinking that much? Yes, yes she very much. Did she regret her time talking and hanging out with Bucky? Nope, not one bit. In fact, Nadia enjoyed it every single second of it. The way she felt safe in his presence. The way he made her smile and laugh. Ditching her own party and just talking with someone like that was what she needed.
Nadia slowly rolled out of bed. The moment that she stood to her feet, her entire world started to sway and there was gurgling in her stomach. Fuck, she thought as she raced her way to the bathroom. Nadia slide on her knees to the toilet and just as she was opening it, she let everything from the night before out. She hacked everything up until her throat burned with stomach acid.
With a groan, Nadia sat back on her knees and hung her head back. This is going to be a long day, she thought. I wonder how Bucky is feeling. You stood up and then chuckled lightly to yourself. “He’s a super soldier, so of course he doesn’t feel like me,” Nadia said aloud as she started on her morning routine.
Once dressed in comfortable clothes and hair up in a hair tie and head band, Nadia opened the door to see Vision floating right there. Seeing him, startled her to the point that she almost let out a yelp. But she held back because she didn’t trust what sound came out of her mouth.
“You know,” Vision started to say tilting his head sideways. “A copious amount of alcohol will make you sick like that.” Shit, Nadia thought as he spoke. This is too early. “Maybe you should try and lower your intake from now on.”
Nadia blinked a few times and rubbed her face. “I don’t think so,” she said in a loud whisper. “Because I like drinking and I know too much makes me sick. But that’s the fun part about being human, you can ignore the fact that it does. And regret it the morning after.”
Nadia simply walked away from Vision without another word. Nadia walked her way towards the kitchen where she got a good whiff of someone making eggs and bacon. The smell started to make Nadia gag until Natasha held out a green drink.
“Drink up,” she said without making eye contact. “This will make you feel better. Disgusting as hell but you won’t be puking your guts out during training. Also eat this,” Natasha slid a plate of toast towards Nadia.
Nadia took the drink in her hand and glared at it as she turned the glass in her hands. “What is all on this drink?” she asked.
“Don’t ask, just drink,” Natasha instructed. “And also eat.”
Nadia made a face before bringing the glass to her lips. Trying not to breath through her nose, Nadia drank every last drop of the green drink. Natasha was right, that drink was disgusting. With each swallow, Nadia wanted to slam the glass on the table and puke it all up. The moment she was done, Nadia had shivers of disgust running down her spine.
“That was gross,” Nadia took the toast and slowly took a bite.
“Maybe, next time, it'll teach you not to steal my most expensive bourbon,” Tony’s voice enters the kitchen.
Nadia took another bite of toast. She could already feel the green drink and toast do it’s job. Yep, she thought, I am so going to order that glitter bomb. Maybe even two. “Maybe, new time,” Nadia walked towards Tony raising her eyebrow. “Keep it locked away or at least out of the open bar.”
Nadia turned on her heels and walked out of the kitchen and made her way towards the training facilities. Nadia wasn’t going to lie to herself, she was nervous as hell to train with Bucky and Steve. Given they were super human and could possible crush her very easily.
Nadia has seen footage of Steve fighting over the years on the news. He was quick and strong. Nadia knew of one his weaknesses. Bucky on the other hand, Nadia has never seen. She only had to assume that he was just as quick and strong, and plus he had a metal arm.
Nadia made it to the training facility to see that only Bucky was in there. He was writing something in a book. Hey looked really lost in thought because his eyebrows furrowed while he wrote. His hair was up again. He wore a t-shirt that defined his muscles perfectly. He also wore grey sweatpants. The whole look, looked really off for him.
“Hey,” Nadia approached Bucky. He looked up with is blue eyes and gave her a small smile. “What are you writing?”
Bucky closed his book and set it aside. “It’s a memory journal. I’m sure you’ve already heard about me,” Bucky looked down and Nadia could see some sort of sadness slowly creep into his eyes.
“Here and there,” Nadia sat next to Bucky. “It’s okay, I don’t really judge people on their past.”
Bucky turned to her. “That’s good to know,” he smiled. “Uh, Steve is running a little late so I can help you warm up before he shows up.”
Nadia let Bucky help her warm up for the next twenty minutes. He held up punching and kicking pad and Nadia showed him all the force that she held the small punches and kicks. Bucky’s face was surprised by how well she held herself. He would give her some minor corrections on hip and foot placement. Nadia noticed how gentle he was when correcting her hips. She felt the coolness of his metal hand. Even when he placed his leg between hers to push her feet slightly together, he was gentle as well. Nadia found it bit hard to concentrate but she was able to push it aside.
“This will help you move a bit quicker,” he said taking a step back. “I hope to see that when we spar.”
The doors opened and in walked Steve and the rest of the team. Nadia wasn’t used to having the whole team in watching her train. Maybe a few here and there, but she guessed that since she was training with two soldiers it would be an entertaining things to watch.
“Shall we get started?” Steve asked setting his water bottle down.
“Who am I sparing with first?” Nadia asked.
Steve and Bucky exchanged a look. Nadia knew the answer right away before Bucky spoke. “You’re going to sparing with the both of us. We won’t be going too hard on you, but we also won’t be going easy on you either.”
“At the same time,” Steve added. “So are you ready?”
Nadia was ready, she’d been in hand to hand combat training with a few fellow soldiers at once. But they weren’t super soldiers like Steve and Bucky. Nadia took a deep breath and bit her lips before giving her answer.
“Let’s get this show started.”
“Twenty bucks she takes them both down,” Sam Wilson said from his spot in the room.
“You’re on,” Nadia watched as Tony pulled a folding chair open and said down.
Nadia looked back at the two men in front of her and took a deep breath. Nadia scanned both men’s bodies. She looked for anything that looked like a weakness. Bucky seemed more planted firmly on the ground where Steve didn’t. Bingo, Nadia thought.
From the corner of her eyes, Nadia saw Bucky step to his right and saw Steve step to his right. Nadia was a small person. She moved quickly and knew how to maneuver her way in and out of people. It was what made her a really good asset to her squadron before being discharged.
Nadia quickly stepped forward between the men and dropped to the ground and swung her let out and managed to trip Steve. Steve fell on hard on his back, hitting the back of his head on the training mats. Nadia quickly rolled out of way of Bucky, who had actually anticipated that move. Nadia stood up and spun around in time think quickly and kick Bucky square in the chest. Bucky stumbled backwards.
“That was good, fast,” Bucky rubbed his chest with his metal hand.
Before Nadia could say anything, she felt her feet being pulled out form under her. Nadia fell hard on her chest, knocking the wind out of her. She was flipped to her back and Steve straddled her and attempted to pin her hands down but, Nadia grabbed his face and used what force she could and head butted him. Then she kneed him in the back Steve rolled over off her.
“She’s kicking Steve’s ass,” Natasha said.
Nadia ignored her. She kicked Steve over on his back and straddled him as she ripped the drawstrings out of his sweatpants. Before she could do anything, Bucky pulled her off Steve. Bucky, in no time, had Nadia up on the wall with his metal hand on her throat. He put enough pressure to where Nadia gasped. Nadia for a split second thought that what he did was hot.
“It’s okay, Doll,” Bucky whispered. “That’s all the pressure I’m going to apply.”
Nadia knew that was a mistake on his part. She smirked at him and Bucky tilted his head. Nadia kicked both her legs up until they landed on his shoulders. Nadia forced forced Bucky closer to her and the closer he got, the looser his hand got. Bucky had no choice but to let her go. This allowed Nadia to swing all the way onto Bucky’s shoulders.
Bucky’s metal hand came flying up, grabbing at Nadia’s shirt. Nadia, who still had the drawstring from Steve’s pants, use it to wrap it around Bucky’s neck. Not to tight though, this was training after all, but enough to have him notice and grasp at it. Bucky knelt down and Nadia flipped off his shoulders and rolled into a crouch.
“Nadia did what you couldn’t Nat,” Tony’s voice is teasing.
“Shut the fuck up, Tony,” Natasha snapped back. “Bucky was brainwashed when we fought. Nadie, just got the better end of the stick.”
Nadia noticed that Steve had moved to the side and was watching. Probably for the best, Nadia saw many weak points and blind spots in Steve. Nadia focused back on Bucky and she could tell that he was trying to figure out the best way to get the better of her.
Nadia looked at Bucky’s metal arm. He had the upper hand with that thing and she knew she had to figure something out to take it out of play. Nadia straightened her body up and began to walk slowly towards Bucky.
“We could call it,” Bucky said. He didn’t even sound out of breath. “Call it a tie or something.”
“Now why would I do that?” Nadia asked taking a deep breathe. She stopped a couple feet in front of Bucky. “I’m still having fun.”
Bucky chuckled and threw out his metal arm. Nadia dove down towards the mat but instantly felt Bucky’s cool metallic hand on her ankle. He yanked her back until their faces were a foot apart.
“Still having fun?” he mocked.
Nadia sat up and head butted Bucky in the face. The moment he let go, she hopped back onto his shoulder. The moment Bucky grabbed hold of Nadia’s legs and pressed them firm to his chest, Nadia knew that she made a mistake.
Bucky whipped both their bodies down on the mat. Nadia’s left shoulder hit first and she heard and felt a small pop. She yelled out and felt Bucky’s head roll away before she felt his hand on her.
“Are you okay?” he asked. The concern was very much heard in his voice.
“My shoulder,” Nadia groaned and bit her lip too distract her from the pain radiating around her shoulder.
Bucky felt around. “You’re shoulders dislocated. I’ll help you to the infirmary.”
Bucky help Nadia up and wrapped an arm around her waist. Nadia notice the whole team was standing up looking at her. No one said a word as the two of them walked out of the room and towards the elevator to the infirmary.
“You’re not that bad,” Bucky said pressing the button to the fourth floor. “You pretty much had me. I just kept going cause I’m pretty stubborn.”
Nadia laugh and then groaned at the new pain in her shoulder. “You’re not too bad yourself. My goal was to try and take your metal arm out. Temporarily.”
Nadia spent less than an hour in the infirmary. The doctor there pushed her shoulder back into place and gave her a sling and told her to wear that for the rest of the day. Nadia made a face and tried to protest but Bucky stopped her and walked her out of the infirmary.
“It’s better to just go with the flow,” He told her.
Once the elevator doors closed, Nadia pulled the sling off her and balled it up in her hands. Final day of training and Nadia get’s hurt. Not a bad way to end it. Now hopefully she can relax for the rest of the day or at least enough to make her new team mates comfortable.
“Unless I’m behind on military training and such, but you don't fight like a soldier,” Bucky turned to Nadia.
“That’s because I wasn’t just a normal soldier. Special Forces had this elite program that both my brother and I were in apart of. Technically it wasn’t supposed to exist.”
Bucky nodded in understanding what she said. “Well, you’re a badass and I’m glad you’re on the team.”
Nadia smiled. “Thank you.”
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Part Seven
Summary: After an expected visit from Brock, Haven turns to Bucky for comfort.  Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC Word Count: 2240 Warnings: Discussion of infidelity and drunk driving, language, almost smut. A/N: Taglist is open, you can be added to the one for this fic or Buckvember simply by sending an ask. I don’t know a whole lot about how boxing standings work, so just know that any errors are unintentional and everything is for the sake of the story. Happy Reading!
Series Masterlist
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Haven was cleaning out her office desk when Bucky showed up early one day for an afternoon training session. He had come in through the back slider, announcing himself so he wouldn’t catch her off guard — or naked.
“I’m walking through the house,” he called, “I’m nearing the bedrooms.”
Haven laughed. “I’m in the office, goofy.”
Bucky smiled as he entered the office and took up the chair across from her. “Doing a little light cleaning?”
“Trying to. The clutter has been building up for a while. You’re here early.”
“Yeah, I met Steve and Tony for lunch, figured I’d just head over. That okay?”
“Fine by me,” Haven sighed, taking a stack of papers from one of the drawers. “Let me just get through this stack and then …”
Her sentence trailed off as she picked up a picture under a couple old bills she didn’t need anymore. She could have sworn she got rid of every piece of evidence that she and Brock had ever been happy together, but here she was, looking at a picture of them kissing the last New Year’s they were together — one of the last times they had been happy. 
“Did you ever fight him?” Haven asked, tossing the picture across the desk. 
Bucky picked it up and his features tensed. He crumpled the photo and threw it in the trash before taking the stack from her, checking for more pictures before letting her have the stack back. 
“Yeah, I fought Rumlow once, in my amateur years. He fought dirty, I still won the fight. He didn’t like that.” Bucky chewed on the inside of his cheek for a few seconds before asking her a question in return. “He ever fight you?”
Haven shook her head. “Nah, not outside of training, nothing out of anger. Brock was pretty well content to break my heart beyond that. He’d sleep with another girl, come back apologizing, telling me he was so afraid I was going to leave because I was so much better than him, so he at least wanted to be at fault for something he could control. Things would be good for a little bit, and then the whole cycle would run again.”
She dropped most of the papers in the trash bin then got up from the desk. Bucky followed her out to the hallway and through the house to the kitchen where she downed a glass of water before continuing. Her gaze was directed to the backyard, the sunlight catching a glare against the water rising in her eyes. 
“The night of the car accident, Brock and I weren’t just arguing about him cheating — I’d caught him. We were at a party for one of his friends, and, like I told you before, I wasn’t sober, either. I fell asleep … I remember Brock laying down with me in the guest room bed. I remember not being with it enough to — to do anything. I fell asleep and, when I woke up, the house was quiet, except for noises coming from the bathroom next door. I recognized Brock’s voice.”
Bucky cursed under his breath. “I’m so sorry, Haven.”
She shook her head and wiped her eyes. “I was stupid enough to believe he would ever change, so it was my own fault. I’m mostly okay now, Wes made sure I got the mental therapy I needed afterwards. Still have a monthly appointment.” Turning to him, she swallowed down the lump in her throat. “I’m okay, until I’m not. Until I come across something like that picture and everything comes rushing back. You and I have crossed lines, Buck, and I’m not … I don’t want to step back from where we are. But, I also don’t want to come across a picture of us together in my desk one day and feel like I’m gonna fall apart.”
Bucky came around the island and hugged her from behind. “We don’t have any pictures together, so we should be good.”
Haven laughed and leaned back against him. “Thanks. I’m gonna go change for practice — which means I will be undressing, so don’t walk through any closed doors.”
Bucky shook his head. “Don’t worry, I’m not even gonna stay in the house. See you in the gym.”
Haven watched him go back through the slider, winking at her as he went. Her tears were gone now, and a gentle smile graced her face. Letting Bucky in was scary as hell, but she figured she could summon up the courage to get past the fear. 
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His best bet, he figured, was to let things progress as they would. Haven was still working through some things, and while Bucky knew and accepted that he was entirely gone on her at this point, he had no problem taking things slow. She needed to heal. He was in no rush to push things past her comfort level. They would get there. 
That didn’t stop Bucky from feeling both protective and possessive of Haven the day he walked into the gym and found Brock Rumlow there with her. Haven was standing several feet away from Brock, her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes darting to the door and filling with relief the moment she spotted Bucky. Those feelings went from droplets he could control to a massive wave that crashed over his entire body; he was going to struggle to stay afloat in calmness if he wasn’t careful. 
“Rum, this is Bucky Barnes. My new coach,” Haven introduced as Bucky dropped his bag on a bench and came to stand behind her — not so close as to give Brock any idea something more was going on, but plenty close enough for Brock to know that Bucky wasn’t going to stand down when it came to Haven’s safety. “Brock was stopping by to … to, um …”
Brock held his hand out to Bucky, but the gesture went ignored. “I wanted to see how Haven was doing. We go way back.”
Bucky nodded, once. “So I’ve heard.”
“Thought you fell out, Barnes. Word around was that you weren’t coming back to boxing if your life depended on it — which, I see now, maybe it did?”
Bucky tensed his vibranium arm and noted that Haven’s hands balled into fists at her sides at Brock’s reference to Bucky’s arm. He wanted to put a hand on her shoulder, a silent gesture to tell her it was okay, to take a deep breath, but he didn’t want to let on anything to Brock, either.
“If you’re done seeing how Haven’s doing, we have a training session we need to begin. I’m assuming you know the way out.” Bucky’s jaw was clenched so hard, he could feel the ache in his temple. 
Brock shrugged and took a couple steps backwards, toward the door. “Yeah, of course, I get that. By the way, Haven, the organization will be reaching out to you guys — my new fighter is just chomping at the bit to show you what a mistake it was to take your pro bid.”
“A mistake to take it, or a mistake to take it without you?” Haven bit out when Brock turned his back. The man’s eyes were fire when he turned back around and took such a menacing step towards her, Bucky stepped in front of her, his chest puffed out and chin held high. 
“You certainly got yourself a bodyguard out of this one, didn’t you?” Brock was asking Haven, but he stood toe to toe with Bucky. “Don’t you worry, Barnes, I wouldn’t ever lay a hand on her. I’ll let my fighter do the ass kicking.”
Brock winked at both of them before seeing himself out of the gym. As soon as the door closed behind him, Bucky was on his phone, sending a text message. 
“What’s so important on your phone right now?” Haven asked. 
“Texting my connections to see who Brock’s coaching,” Bucky answered, unfazed by her snappy inquiry. 
Haven calmed, a little. “Charlotte?”
“Charlotte,” Bucky confirmed. “How long was he here before I got here?”
“Too fucking long,” she mumbled, reaching for her wraps to get going with training. “I just want to forget about it for now. Is that okay?”
Bucky nodded. “Yeah, of course.”
He watched her carefully through the few hours they trained. After their cool down, they picked up the gym together, then lingered around while Bucky checked his phone. 
“Carol Danvers,” Bucky announced. “Charlotte said the press was just sent the release, there’s going to be a conference soon to make the announcement.”
“Shit! She’s been pro for years already. How the hell did Brock get a job coaching her?” Haven groaned. “She’s probably so good, she coaches herself. Maybe that’s what she wanted and Brock was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up.”
With another groan, she stomped out of the gym building and back up to the house. Bucky followed her through the slider, worried about the anger and whatever other emotions filling her chest with short, heaving breaths and what she would be pushed to do. At least there were no cliffs around for her to jump off of. 
She pulled a beer out of the fridge, popped the top off, and drank down half the contents in a few gulps. She closed the fridge door and pointed at the fridge. 
“Help yourself, Coach. I'm gonna shower then have more.”
He stopped himself from taking the bottle out of her hand. “Is Wes home? Maybe drinking this away isn’t such a good idea.”
“Nope, he's out of town. I'd say that’s the best time to be drinking this away, when my brother isn’t going to bitch at me, for once. Unless you're gonna do that.”
“No, I’m not gonna bitch at you. Just want you to be careful.”
Haven gave him a tight, forced smile before disappearing toward the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, Bucky heard the shower start. Making a somewhat hasty decision, he pulled a bottle of beer from the fridge and took a seat on the couch to wait for her. He was still sitting there, about done with his beer, when she came back through the front room, dressed in a pair of baggy sweats and a sports bra. Her hair was still wet and hanging down her back. 
“Oh, sorry,” Haven mumbled, taking a step back when she realized he was still there, “I didn’t know you were still here. I would have put a shirt on.”
He waved her off. “Doesn't matter. Just didn’t want you drinking alone.”
They went through the six pack of beer, and then Haven produced a fifth of whiskey from Wes’s stash. She found two shot glasses and they kept up with different drinking games from there. Under two hours passed before he was tipsy, she was drunk, and Bucky had no doubt that the look in her eyes meant trouble. 
Hoisting herself onto the kitchen counter, Haven pulled Bucky by his shirt so that he was pressed against the counter between her legs. She wrapped her arms around his middle and tipped her head up. 
“Tell me, James, how much longer are you gonna wait before you kiss me tonight?”
He was so used to hearing his given name when he was in trouble or there was some kind of official interaction happening, but when it came from Haven’s lips, he wanted to do away with his nickname and only go by James for the rest of his life. 
Bucky slid his arms around her shoulders as his mouth claimed hers. There was no hesitant start, no sweet kisses before she was pressing her tongue to his mouth and Bucky was parting his lips for her. She tasted like the whiskey they had been drinking, but Bucky was far more drunk on Haven than he was on the liquor. 
Haven’s legs squeezed to hold him in place as she scooted to the edge of the counter to be even closer to him. Her hands were in his hair, grabbing at the back of his shirt, anything she could find purchase on. Bucky moaned into her mouth when her hips tilted just enough to cause friction against him. 
“Take me upstairs,” she pleaded, nearly breathless between kisses. 
Bucky didn’t hesitate then, either. He scooped her off of the counter and went straight for her room, setting her gently on the floor. She stepped back, plopping to the edge of the mattress, while Bucky threw his shirt to the side before kneeling in front of her. He took a good look at her — really looked at her — and told her how beautiful she was. 
“Are you only saying that because you want to see me naked again?” Haven whispered. 
“No,” Bucky chuckled. He took her face in his hands, kissing her soft and sweet, “and I know I brought you up here, but is this really something you want to happen this way?”
Haven’s eyes filled with tears. “I just need to feel somebody close, somebody real. Somebody who isn’t Brock. Please, Bucky. Please.”
As sobs wracked through her body and she finally let go of every piece of sadness and anger of the past, Bucky climbed onto the bed and pulled her back against his chest. He kissed her temple and promised to sit there all night, if that was what she needed. 
“I’m right here, Haven. I’m right here.”
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Buckvember: @peace-love-hobbitness​ @disastersoldierbucky​ @connie326​ @rebekahdawkins​ @wonder-cole​ @shynara51​
Headstrong: @disastersoldierbucky​ @ashleymalfoy​ @amanda-teaches​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @tanelle83​ @tellmewhatyouwill​ @capandbuckylvr​ @pinknerdpanda​ @mizzzpink​ @ntlmundy​ @siggy85​ @itsallyscorner​ @m-blasterrr​ @just-the-hiddles​
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sapphicmsmarvel · 5 years
Woman Like Me
hahahaha i love little mix and the avengers so any time I can mix the two im gonna do it. 
(you should go listen to them, especially their newest album LM5)
song: woman like me by little mix
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Carol: I can tell you're shy and I think it's so sweet. The thing about Carol that got you, was the fact that she was shy around you. With everyone else you noticed how she is always boisterous with the others, then with you she's quiet and doesn't talk much and she gets red.
At first you thought she didn't like you, but she'd always bring you gifts, your favorite flowers and candy. Or a couple times, she'll bring you a cupcake from your favorite bakery.
When you brought this up with Thor, Thor rolled his eyes and smiled, "Lady Y/N, she has feelings for you. That's why she's shy and keeps bringing you gifts."
You blushed at the idea, this goddess, this intelligent stunning woman had feelings for you? "No she doesn't." You shook your head, your cheeks flaming.
Thor nodded his head, "yes she does, she specifically asks me what you like so she can surprise you with it."
"Nope, nope, nope." You shook your head and Carol came in.
She laughed, "why does Y/N keep saying 'nope'?"
Thor looked at you, "I'll let her explain." He said and left the room, you scoffed and shook your head, that little shit.
Carol raised her eyebrow at you and you groaned. This was gonna be embarrassing.
"What is it? I promise I won't laugh." She said smiling, something in you blossomed, seeing Carol not get timid on you.
You stood up, "well, Thor thinks you have a crush on me," you didn't miss how her eyes widened and cheeks blushed immediately, "and I was saying nope because well...you're you. There's no way I'd have a shot." You shrugged sheepishly.
She walked forward, "well, that's what I thought when I first got to know you, about me not having a shot."
Your eyes widened as she stopped in front of you, you were at her chin. "Well, you're the only person shooting." You smiled.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm sure that's not true." And smiled, you were weak in the knees, you'd do anything to keep her smiling like that.
You laughed, either full of nerves or on some euphoric high of all the feelings you have for this girl. "Nah it's true, my vagina is probably full of cobwebs from not being used." Your eyes widened at what just flew out of your mouth.
Oh my god did I actually just say that? I said that, fucking shit she's gonna think I'm weird.
She let out a full laugh that you wanted to hear more, "I guess we're gonna have to change that."
You hummed, ignoring the blush that probably reached your toes. "Sounds pretty bold for a girl who hasn't kissed me yet."
She rolled her eyes, smiling, "May I kiss you?" "You certainly may."
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Wanda: I always say what I'm feeling, I was born without a zip on my mouth.
You were arrogant, flirty, outgoing and didn't have a filter. Whereas Wanda was the exact opposite.
There was a meeting with government officials, everyone wore their best dress, you on the other hand; wore your signature all black, black jeans, with your dog tags and leather jacket. (Of course to Wanda, you always looked killer). There was certain politician/government leader that was in the room that you were famous for hating. Not a week went by without you mentioning him being a coward.
Everyone was on edge because it had to go well, it had to, but you could only keep your mouth shut for so long.
Wanda counted the minutes before you exploded; it was ten.
He mentioned something about the LGBTQ+ community, even went so far as to say a slur.
"Excuse me?" Your voice rang out. Deadly as the sharpest knives. Everyone froze, there was not a single soul in the room who was breathing, besides the prick. "You heard me," he said, in that man voice, the 'i do whatever i want, how dare you challenge me' voice.
Wanda could tell you were gonna knock him so hard his spray tan will evaporate off. "LGBTQ+ people are not awful people. And do not deserve to be electrocuted, if you think we're gonna accept that, you need to be impeached on the grounds of oncoming dementia." You snapped. "You got anything to say?" He shouted at Cap in fury. "We all agree with Y/N. I think she's handling our points pretty well actually." At that, Tony took his hand and Steve was smart enough not to look surprised.
You knew, they all knew for that matter, they weren't dating but it was quite the middle finger to give to the politician.
"This meetings over, we'll continue when you stop being a  homophobic asshole."
She tried not to shiver at your tone, you've never, and will never, speak to her like that. But hearing that tone, the 'I'm above you' tone made her flustered.
You walked around to Wanda's shoulders and gently squeezed them reassuringly. Wanda hated being in the spotlight but she also wanted the asshole to know that he was in a room with LGBTQ+ members.
He looked at Wanda (which made you want to punch him in throat) and scoffed, he walked out without another word.
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Maria: And baby just be mine for the weekend, We can get a takeaway and sit on the couch.
Keeping Maria to yourself for a weekend was difficult, she was always needed but you were selfish at times. This was one of those times.
You specifically told Fury that you claim her certain weekends, he admired the fact that you didn't even ask, you told him. Because of that (and he knew you made Hill happy) he allowed it. Unless you know, the end of the world was happening.
You guys always got take out, either chinese, italian or just plain pizza. You always tried to cook but most of the time she'd insist cooking. She got a thrill over seeing you happy over a dish she made.
The weekend is spent in pajamas, barely if any makeup, movies and tv. It's the few times Maria can completely let her guard down. She puts her weapons away in the gun safe that's in your shared closet, pets your guys' cat and cuddles with you on the sofa.
Your saturdays with her consist of a horror movie marathon, either super cheesy or regularly cheesy. Even some non cheesy ones. She loves your commentary on them and you love seeing her laugh at the stupid characters.
Sundays are the days where you guys wake up at 7 to watch the sunrise on your balcony with cups of coffee, blankets and the early morning dew or fog. It's a peaceful time, you have a whole playlist for it. Then you two would head in and have a big sunday breakfast which you would invite Fury too if he felt like it (which was often because he couldn't refuse your homemade waffles).
After Fury leaves you two spend the day in bed, soaking in the time you have. Most of the time you're doing naughty activities but after when the suns setting you just lay in each others arms with the tv playing some trashy show.
You two cherished these weekends and Fury would always remark how relaxed Maria looked after one of them.
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Natasha: I like my coffee with two sugars in it, high heels and my jewelry drippin'.
You brought a lot of the "girly" back to Nat, because of her childhood being robbed completely she didn't have the same experimentation as other girls who were brought up. As in no dying hair, colorful clothes and playing with makeup (when it wasn't for a mission)
You introduced her to the "self care" days, where you broke out the face masks, bath salts and you two went radio silent (with a warning to the Avengers of course). You two spent the day watching disney movies and taking care of yourselves.
You took her shopping and she ended up liking a lot of luxury brands like Gucci, Chanel and many others. She bought you a Rolex which freaked you out because wow, expensive and you don't wanna break it.
She spoils you endlessly, buying you books when you have a hard day or even brand new fuzzy socks. You spoil her back of course (she's also a sucker for fuzzy socks).
You've created a monster, she is a bad and boujie girl and makes sure people know it.
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Shuri: Insecure but I'm workin with it, many things I could get rid of. Ain't about to give it up.
Of course, you were confident in yourself and who you were. But when it came to being smart, that was when you faltered in your self confidence. Your girlfriend was the princess of Wakanda and designed nearly all the technology in the country.
You always pointed it out but Shuri always rolled her eyes, "your smart in your owns way, sweetheart."
"Oh what ways?" You asked, laughing, "I can't do this formula and building stuff."
"You know how to be safe."
"Oh, common sense." She threw a paper ball at you because of your response.
"No, you know war strategy, you know how to train someone who's never been trained in their life. You know weaponry and how to prevent war disasters." She came over to you and wrapped her arms around your waist. "We would be lost without you." She kissed your cheek and swayed with you for a minute.
You knew that wasn't true, because they had generals for all the stuff you do. But T'challa and Shuri have said that you're the favorite because you're compassionate yet stern with people. Talking with Shuri made you feel better as it usually did.
Eventually your insecurities faded, of course they were still there but not as prominent. You worked hard to learn some new things relating to building things. For example, knowing how to fix some stuff if Shuri was busy or out of the country.
But you would never give up your insecurities, because they made you who you were.
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
The doctor Is In
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Words: 1334 Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader               Other Characters: Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Summary: Reader gets hurt at an Avengers party and refuses to go to the hospital. So Sam & Bucky fetch the resident Doctor instead.  Author’s Note: So IDK I just think the idea of being like “I have terrible insurance, you can’t take me to the hospital” and then that turning into a meet cute with Dr. Strange is funny. 
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“Do my eyes deceive me or is that a smile I see on your face [Y/N]?” Sam Wilson asked. He approached you with a drink in his hand and a toothy grin. “If I remember correctly you said at the debrief this morning that you were busy this evening.”
“Yeah well Steve hinted that if I want to be part of the team, I need actually act like it. And that means showing up to a party once in a while.” You raised your glass at Sam before drinking it down. “So, if I have to be here, I’m going at least have fun.”
“Well, look who it is, [Y/N]! Wilson, giving you a hard time?” Bucky Barnes asked as he walked over to you.
“Not at all. We’re having a wonderful time over here.” Sam insisted.
“I’m bored.” You announced to the two of them. “You two wanna dance? Or race? Yeah let’s go out on the law and race. I bet I could beat both of you!” You playfully punched each of them in the arm.
“[Y/N], you’re wearing heels, and a dress.” Bucky laughed.
“I don’t care. I could still beat you! I’ll prove it!” You grabbed Sam’s hand because he was standing closer and began leading him out of the room. Bucky followed behind the two of you down the hall and outside. Once you were outside, you released your hold on Sam.
“[Y/N], at least take your shoes off.” Sam advised. It’s an accident waiting to happen.  
“You’re not the boss of me, Sam! And you’re just afraid that I’ll beat you in heels!” You snapped. “Well, I’ll beat you running backwards and in heels!”
Before Sam or Bucky could stop you, you took off attempting to run backwards in heels. Because you were running backwards, you didn’t notice how uneven the terrain was. Your foot twisted and next thing you knew you were crumbling on the ground in pain. Sam and Bucky came rushing over.
“Are you alright?” One of them asked.
“My ankle.” You muttered through clenched teeth.
“We should take her to the hospital.” Bucky suggested.
“Hospital?” You gasped. “Absolutely not. My health insurance is terrible.” You paused long enough to suck in a few cooling breaths of fresh air. “Get Bruce.”
“He’s not here yet, [Y/N].” Sam commented. “You really need a doctor, [Y/N]. Your ankle’s already swelling up.”
“No, nah, it’s fine.” You insisted, trying to stand. Buck and Sam both forced you back down with a hand on either shoulder.
“What about that Wizard guy that Stark invited?” Bucky asked Sam. “He was a doctor, right?”
“Yeah a surgeon.” Sam nodded. “Okay, you help her inside and I’ll get the Wizard Doctor.”
“Okay,” Bucky agreed. “[Y/N], this is going to hurt, but I’m going to pick you up, is that okay?” You nodded. Bucky picked you up off the ground and carried you inside. He carried you into an office across the hall from the lounge where the rest of the team was still enjoying the party. Bucky placed you on the couch in the office and used pillows to elevate your injured foot.
“I’m going to see if I can get some ice, okay?” He asked. You nodded again. As Bucky slipped out of the room, Sam and the doctor found you.
“[Y/N], this is Dr. Strange.” Sam introduced.
“Hello, [Y/N].” Strange greeted you. He grabbed a chair and brough it near the couch. He sat down and looked you in the eyes. Maybe it was the natural calm that Strange seemed to exude or his commanding confidence, but as you looked back at his pale blue eyes, you already felt better. As if somehow even on first meeting you could tell he’d never let anything happen to you.
“Mr. Wilson tells me you fell on your ankle. Do you mind if I take a look?” The doctor asked.
“It’s okay.” You grunted. Strange carefully inspected your ankle, manipulating it and checking the range of motion. “Well, [Y/N], I have good news and bad news. The good news is that your ankle is not broken. But it is sprained. You’re going to need to rest it for at least the next three weeks. Do you have someone who could drive you home?”
“Oh, ah…” You looked up at Sam.
“I’ve been drinking.” He apologized. “I can do it, but it’ll be a few hours.” Sam apologized.
“I’ll do it then.” Strange offered. “Would that be alright?” He asked you. You nodded. “Alright, Mr. Wilson could you see if Mr. Barnes could get us that ice to go and maybe some Tylenol? I’m going to help, [Y/N] to her car.”
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“I’m sorry you’re going to miss the rest of the party.” You apologized as you leaned on the doctor for support. You’d arrived at your home and he was helping you hobble across your front lawn.
“It’s alright,” He told you. “There’ll be other parties.”
“I promise this is the first and last time I try to run backwards in heels.” You vowed.
“I’m almost sorry to hear that, you’ve been a wonderful patient.” He commented with a chuckle. “Then again the Tylenol must be kicking in because you’re now able to speak in complete sentences.”
“Yeah as a rule Avengers make pretty terrible patients.” You laughed. “Tony usually has a hard time staying still long enough to let anyone examine him and Thor has a terribly short temper when he’s in pain.”  
“Well, then I suppose I’m lucky that it was you who got hurt.” He smirked. You opened your front door and Strange helped you inside. He eased you onto your couch.
“I just realized; you drove my car. How are you going to get home?” You questioned as he straightened back up.
“Oh, it’s no bother.” He insisted. “I can just open a portal.”
“You said that so casually. If I could just open up a portal and be home whenever I wanted? I’d never stop being excited about it.” You insisted. “But if you can just open a portal, why wouldn’t you go back to the party?”
“Parties aren’t of much interest to me.” He confessed. “Tony insisted it would be a good way for me to get to know everyone.” He rolled his eyes. “But you provided me with a much-needed excuse to leave, so I suppose I should be thanking you.”
“Believe me I get it. That’s how I got wrangled into going too.” You winced as you adjusted your leg onto some pillows.
“Where do you keep your ice?” He asked.
“In the freezer, same as everyone else.” You commented, pointing to the kitchen.
“Do you live alone? He asked, already walking in the direction you’d indicated.
“You should know that if you plan on murdering me, Sam and Bucky both know I left with you.” You called to him from your spot the couch. You heard him laugh and then the sound of ice cracking and falling from an ice cube tray. Strange returned with a clean dishtowel tied in a knot, full of ice.
“I was only wondering if there would be someone here to help you while you rest up.” He explained. Strange placed the makeshift ice bag on you swollen ankle. “You should stay off your feet as much as possible.
“Nope, it’s just me here.” You confirmed. “Me and my lame ankle making me a prime target to be murdered.”
“Do you live in constant fear of being murdered?” Strange asked, his voice even toned.
“Not really. You shook your head, but I watch a lot of true crime docs.” You explained. “There’s a new one on Netflix. I know you said parties aren’t your thing, but how do you feel about solving murders that may or may not have already been solved?”
“I had a small reputation as a detective, once up a time.” Strange smirked. “If you’re inviting, I could stay and watch a true crime doc or two.”
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