#but still.... mark my beloved
eirianerisdar · 7 months
"Cometh the man, cometh the hour." - Mark Webber to Fernando Alonso, 2023 Brazil GP
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 4 months
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one thing I love about iswm is that even though the Captain hardly talks, engineer Mark always seems to understand them
I'd like to think that in the monster captain au, the two of them would still find their own ways of communicating, despite being very different
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lanternlightss · 23 days
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miscellaneous doodles whilst trying to iron out some details in my fic
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
I started a "big" drawing of them, but didn't wanna get too into it, so here are some small Hussar Martian :)
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#*both drawings this and the wip are hussar au#i just didnt wanna get into something too deeply late on a weeknight#so you know!! draw chibis so i can draw still but not be very tireless#definition of my art: burning the midnight oil fr#things i find funny:#both this and the wip are referenced from pics from various rbr car launches#so i guess those are pretty important pics to me 🤭🤭#and then the other is that both of their hair styles are inspired by malaysia 2010(beloved)#anyways could you imagine seb on the battlefield??? seb on horseback??????#that is why Mark is perpetually tired. he is so DONE with restraining seb from galloping in battle#i have to do more research on the and layout structure of power in this au so take this lightly but#i imagine theyre the two commanders of a battalion 🥰#and mark was already there and then seb got promoted into being his co-leader#and seb effortlessly sways all their men into being wrapped around his finger and mark is so salty#seb: can we please go on another reconnaissance mission 🥺🥺#mark: no. i do not want you getting shot at again. repairing your uniform is so bothersome! and you need to learn how to sew!!!#seb: but Kate's Dirty Sister(horse)(imagine that name in German instead) is so fast and quiet!! mark: no.#BUT GAAAAHAHHH YKNOW??? theyre brought together thru triumph and trauma just like in f1!!!!!! theyre teammates sob sob sob#hussar au will always be special to me. one may say fav child. just bcs its the first one i researched deeply#f1#formula 1#sebastian vettel#mark webber#sebmark#martian#f1 fanart#formula 1 fanart#catie.art.#hussar au
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pinbitch · 1 year
obsessed by hell having a physical reaction to sam breaking and entering in s8. he showed up like “so you’re gonna look like somewhere i can easily break my mean uncledad out of” and hell was like “OKAY DADDY” and became that weird and kinda naff dnd campaign. for the first time hell had its rightful boyking inside its walls, outside of the confines of the cage. if it started to adapt itself to sam’s idea of hell (shaped by the cage so even more warped and twisted and terrifying than usual, even for demons), wouldn’t it make sense that crowley would *have* to respond? wouldn’t it make sense that he spends so much time outside of hell after that point? it threatens his power it doesn’t accept him it hurts to exist down there and sam is still continuing with the trials to lock him in hell forever. of course he’s gonna go nuclear and attack everyone sam and dean ever saved. he’s desperate
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tylerpitlicktruther · 2 months
i was in such a mushy mood before and went through his name’s tag on here (which is basically an archive) and like…
Arizona Pitty Philly Pitty Dallas Pitty…
my dearly fucking beloved
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planetsandthefates · 8 months
anyway i'm listening to cardigan in honor of her untimely "death" 😭 🫡
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Like I always do, I’m still thinking about other planets covered in water containing so many large and frightening looking aquatic creatures that by human definitions are alien marine dinosaurs, both deep sea and deep space creatures
And because I’m always thinking about Humans and Vulcans, I’m currently thinking about a Human who’s a marine biologist who specifically goes to other planets to check out creatures like that but they’re on medical leave because of what happened on the last planet they were on
And I’m imagining them happily explaining their job and the Incident™️ to a Vulcan they met on public transportation while the Vulcan uses every training technique they’ve ever learned to not outwardly show how horrified they are
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happyshippingnoises · 11 months
I'll be honest, it's better to finish those first before opening requests (also, try limiting certain characters from getting too much pairs like 1-3 at a time)
ACTUALLY YEAH,,, I'm probably not gonna do Kazuichi for a WHILE.. sorry to the Kaz fans but like.. my whole page just can't be him
We gotta give love to some of the OTHER pairs (popular or small, aus and all)
I also do other Fandoms guys!! 😔😔
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kade-is-here · 1 month
I want to take your robots apart and put them back together.
You can share anything you want about the AU, I love it all. Maybe if you have random notes, you could share that? Or unorganized facts floating around in your head that you didn't get to write down yet?
Feel free to disassemble them! Just make sure to reassemble them correctly, otherwise some unforeseen issues might occur. :)
Also, thank you so much for the ask and the kind words! I really appreciate it! :D
So, uh… yeah, here’s everything I thought of for the AU! This is kinda long but, uhhh… enjoy!
•The mimics can overheat just like every other kind of electronic. However, it’s pretty rare, since their coolant systems are very well made. But it still happens enough for there to be a slight decrease of mimic encounters during the summer months.
•Eve always thought that something was a little off about Adam, but she never mentioned it. She thought it was some sort of mental condition, or maybe he just didn’t understand people well enough. There was always something robotic about him, after all.
•Mimic!Cesar hates the taste of water with a passion. He will only drink it if A. Somebody’s making him do it, B. It’s in a very specific kind of cup, and/or C. It’s cold.
•When mimics get their fight, flight, or freeze “instinct” triggered while they’re in their true forms, they usually change shape or size to fit the situation. If it’s a fight, then the mimic makes itself larger and packs its CPU farther into its body. If it’s a flight, then the mimic makes itself smaller, and therefore harder to hit. If it’s a freeze, then the mimic puts its CPU farther into its body like it would in a fight scenario, but it also closes any gaps that might exist in its form.
•Sam wants to study mimics, but also keep them as far away as humanly possible. He wants to know what they are and how they function, but he also wants to wipe them off the face of the earth. Gotta love the contradictions!
•Mimics just don’t get the concept of gender. At all. They know that pronouns are used to refer to people, but they don’t know how those pronouns are connected to a person’s body. After all, they’re just… metal. And you know for a fact that Liam didn’t give them the knowledge of middle school health class. This in the mimics either using the default it/its pronouns, using whatever pronouns their current/previous form used before switching when they change forms, or just using certain pronouns because they like the sound.
•Cian has an apron with lemons on it. It’s white. He also has a pair of matching oven mits. Plus, he makes lemon related food way too often.
•Mark has a comically large wrench the Sam gave him for his birthday once that he uses specifically for impolitely disassembling mimics. Bonk.
•Mimic!Cesar completely freaks out once he figures out how humans age and why it happens. It still scares him.
•Mark called mimic!Cesar things like “useless hunk of metal,” “pile of nuts and bolts” and constantly referring to him as an “it” or treating him like an object. Which he technically is, but he’s… y’know. Sentient. Which means he isn’t an object. But he’s also a robot…
•Mimics can cause power failures at will. However, for some reason, it’s easier to do involuntarily.
But, uh, yeah! That’s about it! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night and remember to stay hydrated! :] <3
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
the unfortunate thing abt the narwhals 4.2 appearances is that both in those kind of dynamic cutscenes and bossfights alike there are set limitations in terms of scale given the model kinda. Has to actively be there moving in game environments . and as huge (& beautiful 🥰) as the narwhal Is even within those (particular props to how the model dimensions warp and get way bigger during the swallowing animation kinda implying how big its Actually intended to be). its also just Not That Massive for a creature whose whose sheer size in lore is p much described as like. genuinely incomprehensible . that casually consumes entire worlds and hosts newborn ones within its stomach. Like its just a Bit tiny for what youd expect (but very cute and stunning!!! With lovely animations!! Dearest)
But that also makes the subject of its Actual In Lore Size very funny bc it lets you kinda. Forget about that aspect for a little bit and then you go back to the 4.1 scene like
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Right. Right.
THATS the all-devouring narwhal we are talking about . Thats the real deal 💀
#AJAX LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING ANT KSKSKFJSFGDJSJSJSJFHSJS😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#lore accurate my beloved doesnt even fucking FIT inside tbe opera epiclese 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀#like idek how fucking big that is eyeballed assuming like 1.8m for ajax . has to be over 100m but could Easily be 200+#its sooooo 😭😭😭😭😭 i fucking hate it (beloved). but like yeah ajax i get it id perma rewire my brain chemistry witnessinv this at 14 too#top 3 reasons we need some sort of arle style 2d animated short for ajax and the narwhal is just.#bro i NEED to see them interact (lovingly. preferably. but sure the toxic dysfunctional dueling works too ig 💀💀) in true scale man#i am SOOOOOOOO obsessed w huge fucking creatures and their One Chosen Mortal i Neeed it..... hoyo please#the scene is vertical bc that pics just my lockscreen btw. without the ajax for scale marks#im very normal .#anuway obviously wifh the narwhals direct parallels to black holes its not like it NEEDS to be like. celestial body tier massive#bc obviously having the gravity to consume anything and everything is about density and mass#and like. it already hosts a black hole of some sorts within . but its still so fucking big man#i mean skirk compressed it into one straight up pretty much. so likr sentient cetacean black hole seems apt#anyway im soooo in love and also i miss u...... narwhal my beloved..... come back soon#genshin#rambles#and like lets be real its about time#narwhalposting
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c4tto626 · 2 months
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halo infinite is a dress-up game. to me
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kudakii · 1 year
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yes, yes, just cry your heart out then nap with me
johanjosh bonus:
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deityofhearts · 3 months
ya know it’s honestly funny and weirdly comforting when my friends call me a fake gremlin or green tea bitch because like despite that they still love me and like having me around
#deity dialogue#idk like I’m the past I’ve struggled a lot with like ‘performative positivity’ where I wouldn’t ever let myself be anything other than peppy#24/7 even when it was exhausting and I wasn’t happy#and then irl I deal a lot with being treated like an idiot and infantalized and so I’ve in an attempt to make myself feel better#started to lean into it like sure make whatever assumptions you want about me I’ll find a way to benefit from you treating me like this#I’ll pretend to be an uwu sweet angel if that pleases you or whatever.#but like it’s also nice because like around my friends and loved ones I can have actual emotions other than happiness 24/7#that being said I still talk like an elementary school teacher I cannot change this I’m sorry#that’s not fake I just talk Like That I know I use and excessive amount of exclamation points and question marks this won’t change lmao#I also like to think I’m somewhat peppy and social? sure my social skills suck ass and I’m terrified of everyone ever#but I also love to talk to people and hear from people I’m just kinda at a point where I struggle to even reach out first to most people any#more. it feels like if I try to maintain contact or reach out first that I’m overstepping and should be killed in sight lmao#so again sorry if y’all don’t hear from me much or at all it’s not anything y’all did I just struggle a lot and idk how to not T-T#I have to hope that someday it’ll get easier#rn the main thing helping is the reassurance and patience from ny beloved friends <3 I love my friends sm#the tags r all over the place sorry I’m half asleep
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timoswerner · 3 months
this is probably going to sound stupid but i've always hated my hair because it's just a frizzy mess and the only time it wasn't was when i was at uni and it went really nice and wavy and i didn't straighten or curl it for 2 years because it always just dried so nicely but then a cut my hair short and came home and i thought boooo im never gonna have nice natural hair ever again.... but i changed my shampoo and conditioner last week and... it's back? the nice waves are back??!?!? the frizz has gone and my waves are back!!!!
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tylerpitlicktruther · 4 months
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Someone quite special got his first goal with the Wolf Pack tonighttt! 💙
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