#but sure HE'S Mister Sentimental
Would love to read more form the wildfire one? Maybe something funny and soft?
She jumped, fumbling with the key in her hands. She managed to catch it, at least. Gil did give her this key himself, after all. It was quite a leap of faith, considering how isolated anyone and everyone was out here.
"Everything okay?" Gil asked as he closed his truck door and walked up his driveway to the cabin.
She fidgeted with the key in her hands. She had somewhat been hoping to slip in and out while he was on duty, maybe at the station. She was going to leave him something as a thanks, of course! But she had been hoping to...keep to herself.
"Yeah, everything's fine," she insisted, still somewhat more agitated than he usual demeanour. She gripped her key, "sorry to...drop in."
"No, it's okay," Gil shook his head, smiling slowly, "that's why I gave you the spare."
She had been cleared to return to patrol weeks ago. And as her parting gift, she had left him a little bear carving she had made. It was crude and rough, but in her own words, she had little option for whittling lessons when she was stuck in his fucking bed all day.
In return, he had given her a spare key to the cabin, saying she could come any time she needed a break from the wilderness.
"How was duty?" she asked in hopes of appearing more normal, even moving aside as Gil used his own key on his belt clip to get in.
"Pretty routine," he smiled and spoke over his shoulder, a subconscious invitation for her to follow him in. "Not too many idiots looking to start a fire when it's this wet out."
"Hm," she nodded as she stepped into the both eerily and comfortingly familiar cabin behind him. Despite any and all circumstances, it smelled like home. Well, it smelled like 'a' home, whether hers or not was beside the point.
"Are you hungry?" Gil asked, still fishing for the reason to find her at his doorstep at the end of the workday. "I can make something."
"Uh," she paused, her eyes darting away just for a second, "y-yeah, that would be nice, Gil."
He gave her this look, like she was trying to bullshit her way out of something. He crossed those stupid arms of his and shifted his weight on his feet, "that'd be...nice?"
She rolled her eyes at him, "I can't be fucking nice?"
"You can be nice," he countered easily with a chuckle. If anything, she doubted that was the true part. "But that's not what you're here for."
She looked up at the ceiling, which also felt very familiar to her. Why was this so hard?--why did it feel so embarrassing to say? "I was hoping...to use the shower."
That obviously surprised Gil, and she couldn't even blame him a little bit for it. "The shower?"
She sighed, feeling as if he'd unearthed this horrible thing about her, when really it was very logical! "I guess I got used to it - or something - while I was here. Sometimes it's hard to go back to the lake knowing I could have nice warm water for it again."
"Right," he nodded slowly, visibly thinking through whatever litany of things he had on the brain. She had told him about going to the lake to bathe, and he had of course very chivalrously asked if that was safe for her. Guy was a gentleman even in hypotheticals.
"I mean," she cleared her throat, unsure herself as to why she was still explaining herself. There was a time when she would have walked right in, used his shower as she liked, and gotten the fuck out of there. And she wouldn't have felt the need to tell him shit either. "It won't be every time. Just, uh, it was pretty cold today and-"
God, those eyes were just so brown, and big and sad looking--like a puppy whining to be loved. She rolled her eyes at him, which was basically a physical reflex of hers, now.
"Use it any time you want," he shook his head, as if he couldn't believe she would even feel the need to ask. He uncrossed his arms, "when I said use your key any time, I meant it. I had it made for you and everything."
Fuck. That was...really sweet. Thena looked down at the key in her hands, her gut twisting and flipping and doing all sorts of things. She gulped, "fuck."
He just chuckled.
She tried to look him in the eyes, but her gaze kept sliding around everywhere else. "Thanks, Gil, that's...really nice."
"I did tell you that before you left, right?" he tilted his head, and there was the asshole who liked to tease her about her sweater habits and tell some of the worst jokes she'd ever heard in her life. "Or did I hallucinate that morning we had breakfast and you even let me hug-"
"Okay, okay, dry your eyes, Mister Sentimental. I'm just gonna wash my disgusting hair and be on my way."
"Your hair is beautiful."
"Hm?" she looked back before dropping her bag in the bathroom. She tilted her head; she couldn't have heard what she thought she heard. "Sorry, what-?"
"Spaghetti--do you want spaghetti?" he asked, also halfway into the kitchen, over his shoulder.
She must have heard wrong. She nodded, "uh, yeah, that's--sure."
The two stared one another down for another second before continuing on. Thena set her bag down and unclipped it to fish out her fresh clothes. She tried to replay what she had thought she heard in her head but it was no clearer than the damn inkblot tests in a psych eval. "Whatever."
If he had something to say, he could say it to her face. Even if it was something like that.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
Just Take It | Bonus Drabble 2
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Summary: Jungkook gets mistaken as your father but jumps at the opportunity to show them exactly who he is to you. Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 1.6K~ Warning: Suggestive language but nothing crazy lol a/n: So this is another ask by an anon and it was something I'm sure y'all have been curious to see so I figured why not make it a little longer 🤭 p.s. written in one sitting so barely edited Start from the beginning
"Here you go!" the lady at the register says, handing Jungkook one of the shopping bags.
She had been looking at the both of us, no doubt trying to figure out our relationship but went with the one that might seem the most logical with an age difference as big as ours.
"You're lucky! I wish my dad would still buy me clothes at my age. I miss those days where I wouldn't have to worry about anything, especially money" she says, no doubt trying to make conversation while she folds the rest of the clothes and places them inside the second bag
"No you see he's not my-" "She does call me Daddy but I can assure you, I'm not her father" Jungkook jumps in, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer, making things a lot more intimate than they had been before.
"I- um-" I stammer but Jungkook decides to make matters worse, looking to gain my confirmation. "Right Bunny" he says, placing a kiss on my neck and making me shudder, completely mortified by this whole situation.
"Oh would you look at the time! We better get going if we want to make it to that thing in time" I say while shaking off his embrace, trying to get away from here as soon as possible.
When I reach out to take the second bag Jungkook gets to it faster and already has a comfortable grip on the handle. "It's okay baby, I got it" he says, going out of his way to sound sickeningly sweet but also extremely intoxicating at the same time.
I smile painfully at him and squeeze out a quick thank you to him and the poor cashier and hightail my way out of there.
"I'm sorry sir I shouldn't have assumed" the girl apologizes but Jungkook tones down the playful nature and assures her that he understood where she was coming from.
"It's alright. I just like to embarrass her when I can" he admits and she laughs, understanding our dynamic just a little bit more. "Have a good day sir" she say, wrapping up the conversation and he returns the sentiment and thanks her for her help.
When he finally decides to leave the store he saunters out to me, his eyes clearly showing his continued amusement from the little spectacle he put on back there.
"I hate you" I pout and he chuckles in response. "Why do you have to do that every time?" I question, dragging out the last word and it only gains me and even more playful Jungkook.
"Because you look so pretty when you're looking at me like that" he says, placing both bags in his left hand and using his right to pinch my cheek, no doubt warm to the touch from the embarrassment I couldn't help but feel back there.
"Let's just go" I say, rolling my eyes at him and making my way out of the shopping center, him following with a bounce in his step before he catches up to me and grabs my hand, making me stop to look at him.
"Let me make it up to you yeah?" he say, the once playful eyes changed to one's full of hunger. I can feel my cheeks start to warm up again, this time from desire instead of embarrassment because I know exactly what's in store.
I don't bother to dignify his words with a response and simply continue on my quest back to the car but the fact that I've held onto his hand and made sure he was following me still made him chuckle, finding me absolutely adorable.
"That eager huh?" he asks and I huff in response. "I'm done with being in a bad mood today so you've got a lot of work to put in mister" I grumble and he laughs at my reasoning, knowing deep down I'm buzzing with excitement. 
"Don't I always?" he says and I stop in my tracks, glaring up at him, "So you think I'm a piece of work huh?" I growl and he holds back his laughter, finding my efforts of being intimidating so endearing. 
"No, I just love taking my time with you" he says, caressing my face and making my sour mood start to fade away, "Isn't that right Bunny" he says, leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on my lips leaving me wanting him even more. 
"Shut up" I say and stomp away, done with his teasing and needing him to put his money where his mouth is. If he's claiming he wants to make it up to me then he's doing it in a very strange way. 
"You know I thought this shopping trip was supposed to be fun and make me feel better" I say once he's finally caught up to me right before I take the crosswalk to get to the parking lot. "I'm having fun. Aren't you?" he teases, acting completely oblivious making me even more upset. "No, I'm not" I say through gritted teeth. 
"Come on Bunny you know I'm just teasing" he says popping the trunk and placing the bags in it before closing it and going to open my door. 
"Hey" he say, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me close, "You know I love you right?" he says once I've cuddled into his chest and I nod, breathing in his scent which always brings be a sense of comfort. "I love you too" I mumble and he kisses me on the forehead before letting go and opening my car door. 
"Let's go home okay?" he say and I nod walking closer but before I'm able to sink down into my seat he smacks my ass. "OW! What was that for?" I whine, rubbing the spot he abused as he dryly chuckles. "That was for rolling your eyes at me back there Princess. Think I wouldn't notice huh?" he says in a deep taunting voice that he knows can push me into submission. 
I shake my head and he gives me a mischievous smile before telling me to get in the car. 
"I thought you were supposed to be making it up to me" I pout once he gets in the car beside me. "Don't worry Darling, once I'm done with you, you'll forget that you were even mad at me to begin with" he says so casually, making my stomach do a flip, my thighs always clenching together, thinking about what lies ahead.
"Just let Daddy take care of you yeah? Gonna make you feel all better" he teases and although I act like I hate it when he talks to me like that, I know he'll always make good on his word. "Don't call yourself that" I groan, trying to hide how easily the simplest words can make me so needy. 
How has he trained my body to react to him so well. I guess it's my fault for letting him have his way with me time and time again. After all, he was my first and I wouldn't want it any other way. 
"You okay baby?" he asks, concerned that he's truly made me upset from how I had spaced out for a second there. "I'm okay" I say plainly and he nods, putting the car into drive and starting on our short journey back home. 
"Thank you Daddy" I say playfully making him choke on his spit, not expecting me to call him that since I had been so against it just moments ago.
"For what?" he questions through coughs and I can't help but laugh. "For all of the things you bought me today" I say and he leans over and grabs my cheek, turning me to face him to share in a sweet kiss while stopped at the red light. 
"You're welcome baby" he says, rubbing his nose against mine before pulling back and sitting properly in the drivers seat, placing one hand on the wheel and the other on my thigh as we continue on our journey once the light turns green. 
"Don't think you're getting away with not showing me how pretty you look in them once we get home though" he says squeezing my thigh and and letting me know exactly what he meant but he chooses to voice it anyway. 
"Need to fuck you in that babydoll nightgown I got you" he growls, "Been thinking 'bout it since I saw it" he growls and I feel myself getting even more wet with every sinful word that drips from his lips. 
"You can't just say that" I say, hiding my face in my hands and he chuckles, using one hand to spread apart my thighs with ease, rubbing a finger along my clothed center to see the damage he's already done.
"Baby's so worked up that she could probably cum from my words alone huh?" he taunts and he doesn't let up the entire time, making me absolutely helpless against him. He knows exactly how I want it and he lets me know that I'm not leaving to bed today, or tomorrow and maybe even the next day. 
"Gonna fuck this little attitude right out of you" he says, pulling into the garage and shutting it behind us. "Upstairs. Now" he commands when he turns off the car and opens the trunk to pull out the bags, making sure to bring up everything because he meant what he said.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of the lingerie doesn't even last a day. But then again it never really does... 
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floef-likes-minecraft · 6 months
“Good moring~!” Pearl started as she crossed the DHP parking lot with a pep in her step. It was a beautiful day, she had been up since the crack of dawn riding around the Server on Donkey (who is a mule) to deliver all sorts of letters and parcels. While Tango and Etho were still busy getting the entire mailing system online, she was happy to deliver more by hand.
Recently, the DHP had gotten an influx in mail having to be delivered to them and Pearl had made friends with the somewhat grumpy clerk that was sometimes maybe around. Today he was, for which Pearl was happy because that meant she could give him the mail personally instead of trying to get it into the building by shoving it under the broken door. The office was still under construction, so Pearl could forgive them for not even having a small mailbox.
“We’re closed,” Grian said. He was lounging outside, sitting against the white wall of the building and taking in the sun that crested just over the trees. He looked like he could use a bit more of that sun, but not everybody was as blessed as Pearl to have the best job in the world as a Postmaster and be outside all the time.
“Oh, I’m just delivering the mail,” Pearl answered cheerfully as she dug into her postbag. Everything was perfectly organized so it didn’t take long for her to grab out a stack with at least ten letters bundled together. “There you go, mister Grian, it’s always such a pleasure coming out here!”
When Grian didn’t take the bundle Pearl handed out to him, she just but the them carefully on the pavement next to him. He looked at them like they had said something foul to him, which he wouldn’t know until he actually opened them. Then, Grian looked up again to Pearl and a frown appeared on his face.
“Why are you still here?” he asked, rather rudely.
“It’s just that we barely have the chance to properly have a chat,” Pearl simply explained. “I’m not actually sure if the mailing system will be operational this far out, so I might have to keep coming here myself. Isn’t that great?”
“You really don’t have to,” Grian argued weakly, as he grabbed a paper cup with a steaming liquid from his side and set it to his lips to take a little sip. He pulled a face as if he didn’t much like the beverage, but didn’t say anything about it.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, it’s my job and I do it with pleasure,” Pearl assured him with a smile. “Isn’t it just great how a job can be a calling?”
“Can’t say I share that sentiment,” Grian sighed. He had to squint against the light of the sun to look at Pearl. “Look, if there is anything you want from me you’re going to have to come back when we’re opened.”
“Oh, no, don’t you worry your little cotton socks,” Pearl answered, waving her hand. “That is the beauty of mail, you can tend to it whenever you have the time! You can do it first thing when you open again, some work to look forward to!”
Grian opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but ended up just shaking his head slowly. He must’ve had a rather bad night of sleep to be in such a mellow mood, Pearl assumed. She couldn’t imagine moping around at her job like this, it was way to wonderful to waste a day with a bad mood.
“So… do you have any mail to send?” she continued when Grian wasn’t pushing his conversation forward. “Any replies you need to send out from the letters I’ve brought you last week?”
“Haven’t gotten to them yet,” Grian answered dryly. “We were closed.”
“Oh,” Pearl was caught of guard by that but regrouped quickly. “Well, just know that you can count on the Hermit Post & Co to deliver anything you need. I can even deliver important documents if you want, with signed handover and everything. I’ll give it my extra secure, personal attention.”
“Great,” Grian answered with a sigh. “Don’t you have more mail to deliver? I was kind of in the middle of something.”
He took another sip from his drink, which seemed to be the ‘something’ he was in the middle of doing.
“Nope,” Pearl answered cheerful, shifting to sit next to Grian with her face turned towards the sun. “But I can enjoy this wonderful sunlight together with you. Isn’t that great?”
“… I don’t get paid enough for this.”   
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justagirlwholikesadam · 4 months
The American: A Storm is Coming
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Remus Lupin x American! Fem! Reader
Summary: Sirius slips out a name that Harry has never heard of before. He wants to get to the bottom of it and wants to know who is this so called, Yankee.
A/n. I want to start off saying, I haven't read the books. I have seen the movies and I'm doing a bit of searching here and there but I'm making stuff up as we go so my plot can work. With that being said, don't come for me. Not sure how many chapters I'll be doing, really depends on the feedback. please read the tags before reading. Enjoy -L
Warning: mention of rape, ANGST, MAJOR ANGST, weapon, reader has it rough, threats being made, mention of killing bad people, new OC, Remus' jealously, Snape is Snape.
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Sirius's voice carried throughout the house as he called your nickname. You let out a groan, opening your eyes. You were met with the white ceiling of the bedroom and you remembered last night's events. You were about to move when you felt Remus’ weight on you. A sleepy smile appears on your face as you bring your hands to his head. His head rested on your chest and you ran your fingers through his messy hair while memories of last night played in your mind. Both of you had run up the stairs to the guest bedroom, Remus casted Silencio on the door as you dash on to the bed. 
Remus slept on top of you, his body heats just felt so good. You shut your eyes again feeling at peace. Sirius screams your name and Remus groans in his sleep. Your name is shouted again and Remus pushes himself up from your body. The half side of his face is red from sleeping on your chest the whole night. Wide awake now, you were worried something was wrong. Remus and you shared a look, Sirius was drunk last night and very sentimental. Both of you shot out of bed. Remus grabs his boxers from the ground while you grab the shirt he had on the night before. You cursed at yourself for leaving your clothes in the living room. You still had to bring your belongings, everything was left in the cottage. Rushing out the door behind Remus. He shouts for Sirius while passing by his room. He gives you a worried look when Sirius’ room is empty and you tell him to go downstairs. Finishing buttoning up the shirt, you almost bump into Remus. He stood still as he looked ahead in the living room. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, finishing with the last bottom button of the shirt. Looking over Remus’ shoulder you were met with Miles who wore a big bright smile. 
“Howdy there, Mrs. Lupin!” Sirius and Remus look over at you.  
“Miles, what are you doing here?” You asked as you passed Remus who still stared at the cowboy. Remus held the railing of the staircase as you shook Miles’ hand, greeting him. Remus’ clenched his hand hard on the wooden railing when he noticed Miles looking up and down at you. All you had on was a dress shirt, it only covered the upper half of your legs. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as Miles got closer to you. 
“Don’tcha remember. I'm here to deliver y'all payment.” You let out a sigh and nodded. 
“That’s right. I gave you the address of the cottage but I wasn’t there. Do you have it with you now?” Miles nodded then apparated. Sirius and Remus' gasped in shock. 
“He’s a wizard?!” Sirius asked. You cross your arms over your chest and nod letting out a small yawn. 
“Why were you yelling?” You asked Sirius. 
“We thought something bad happened.” Remus added looking over at his friend who muttered a sorry under his breath. Remus sighs before walking down the stairs to get near you. 
“What is Miles talking about?” He asked you. 
“Remember when I told you I was going to be a week late coming here?” Remus slowly nods. You grab one of his hands with a smile. Before you can say another word, Miles appeared again with 16 wooden crates in the living room. Sirius glances over at the both of you and Miles when he says a little ta daaa and waved his hands at the crates. 
“Now! Mister Carson said ya just let him know when you need more.” You nodded before looking at Remus. 
“Miles, this is my husband, Remus.” Remus saw the shocked expression on the cowboys face. He becomes insecure when he realizes he’s just in his boxers. He tries not to get flustered under Miles' gaze.
“Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! Golly! How do you do, Remus?” Sirius covers his mouth to not laugh at Miles. The cowboy gets near and goes to shake Remus’ hand. 
Remus shakes his hand and gives him a nod. “I’m doing fine. You?” 
“It’s nice to finally meet the man that our-.” Before Miles can finish, you clapped your hands together and graciously thanked Miles before walking him to the front door. Trying to get him out as soon as possible. 
Shutting the door, you let out a sigh. Walking back Sirius and Remus stood together staring at the crates. 
“Howdy, love!” Sirius tried his best to mimic the southern accent but failed horribly when he started to laugh. 
“That’s amazing. You heard his voice, Moony.” Remus just nods as he crosses his arms over his scarred chest. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was coming.” Remus’ face remained still. 
“What job did you do? You didn’t tell me?” You walked towards the crates. 
“Honey, I was going to tell you soon. I just forgot. Before coming back here, there’s a client. He’s a muggle, filthy rich. I’m talking about, probably richer than Sirius. He owns this ranch that serves as a base for some of the aurors in the states. He got into deep trouble for gambling. That idiot didn’t realize that he owed money to a wizard. He wanted me to be his bodyguard for a week. I can show you.” Remus stays quiet while Sirius is over joy with your story. 
“Shit! Bodyguard Yankee!” You just gave Sirius a tight lipped smile. 
“What’s in the crates?” Remus asked. 
Waving your hands in front of the crates, the nails popped out falling onto the ground. The top of the crate opened. Remus and Sirius walk towards it.  Remus frowns when he brushes the hay off and notices a medium sized green glass bottle. 
He lets out a gasp when he reads the label on the bottle. 
“Wolfsbane Potion.” Is noted on a piece of parchment paper and glued onto the bottle with wax. Remus keeps looking further in the crate and he sees another bottle. 
“Bloody hell!” Sirius says when he noticed there are multiple bottles in the crate. Remus stares at you in disbelief.
“There’s enough for years.” You said with a smile at him, happy with the reaction he gave you. “He was really grateful and gave me a lot of money. We can relax now.” You mumbled to Remus knowing how he felt that all the money would be spent on his potions.  You walk towards Remus and he instantly drops the bottles into the crate to hug you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders pulling you into his chest. 
“This is amazing. Thank you.” Remus said, kissing your forehead before looking back at the crates. 
“No need for Snape then.” Sirius commented. Since Remus left Hogwarts, he felt horrible disturbing Severus for it knowing how the dark haired man despised him. You rubbed Remus bare back as he nodded at Sirius. Biting your bottom lip to not saying anything, not wanting to ruin this movement for Remus. 
You wanted to curse at Severus Snape for telling everyone that your husband was a werewolf. Remus had resigned his position, fearing the public wouldn’t be too kind of him being one. You knew it broke his heart leaving, he loved teaching. 
Sirius summoned Kercher and told him to put the crates away while he started on breakfast. One by one, the wooden crates lifted off the ground and floated upstairs to the closet near the guest bedroom. You were welcomed with another one of his bear hugs as you pressed your face against his chest. 
“Thank you. You didn-.” Remus was cut off by your head shaking. “I wanted to.” You told him while pushing his hair out of his face then wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist pulling you close to him. 
“We can finally do what we wanted to do for years. Use the money we have saved up for the cottage. Use it to visit the world. Buy all the chocolate you want.” Remus laughs at the last part. 
“The job wasn't hard though, right?” Remus asked with a concerning tone. 
You shook your head. “No, it was probably the most easy job I had in years. He’s in this lovely ranch. The sunrise and sunset are so beautiful. I wish you could see it for yourself.” 
The three of you enjoyed breakfast afterwards as you both talked more about Miles. Sirius demanded for a cowboy hat and stated Remus would be a wonderful cowboy. 
Days turned into weeks and Sirius was fixing the house little by little. Remus and you would help him clean out the rooms after bringing your belongings from the cottage. Cleaning around the house and fucking Remus became a daily thing. You felt much closer to him than before. The time that was wasted on working and being away from him was made up. Sirius was so overjoyed seeing both of you in domestic bliss. Remus would be reading in the library and while you sat on the ground cleaning your guns. You showed Sirius how to hold and fire a weapon after he begged Remus to convince you. Some nights ended with you telling Sirius what he missed. You told him some of the missions you had done in the states. Some night ended with you crying telling him about the death of your fellow friends. Some nights Sirius cried about telling you and Remus about Azkaban. 
You held Remus when he confessed to both of you that he was so heartbroken when he left his teaching position in Hogwarts. 
“I didn’t think I would be good at first.” Remus said softly. “But seeing those kids and Harry. I knew my place was teaching but as always I ran away. I knew the parents would hate me when they found out the truth. I don’t think I would be able to handle it if the children hated me too.” 
You received letters from Harry every week. Remus and you would read them in bed holding each other. Remus was in tears when Harry wrote that he missed Remus in school. Telling you that no one had come close to Remus. Everyone asked about Professor Lupin and how they missed the music he would play while they worked. The younger children play the muggle games that were taught to them by him and the older children wanted to know more about muggle music. While their parents weren’t too fond when finding out he was a werewolf the students didn’t mind. 
Moody and Dumbledore announced that a meeting was due. Remus and you stood in the back as the members of Order of the Phoenix came walking in. Everyone greeted both of you and Sirius' shoulders tensed up when he saw Tonks walking into the kitchen. She had left soon after your arrival, to be exact, she left the moment she saw Remus and you kissing. 
“Hey, Remus.” You were speaking with Moody when you saw a young woman with pink hair walking towards the back. 
“Hello Tonks.” Remus greeted her, you felt his hand on your back and he looked down at you. 
“Dear, this is Tonks. Sirius’ cousin.” You smiled at her and greeted her wondering why didn’t Sirius say anything about having a family member so close by. You reached your hand out for her to shake it but she just looked at you then at Remus. 
“Tonks, this is my wife.” Remus introduced her to you. You dropped your hand and cleared your throat when she didn’t shake it. Stealing a quick glance at your husband, you can see how uncomfortable he was. 
“Remus never mentioned to me about you before.” Tonks said, looking at you with a raised brow. 
“I told you, Tonks. It was for Remus’ and her safety. Only close friends knew.” Sirius said standing behind her. Remus gave Sirius a ‘thank you’ look over Tonk’s shoulder. Shacklebolt had told Remus and Sirius that Tonks was a bit upset when she found out that Remus was married. Molly had even gotten far to apologize to Tonks, telling her she didn't know either. The Weasley mother was a bit embarrassed since she was the one to insinuate that Tonks should get with Remus. Hyping Tonks up that they would be good together. 
“It was nice meeting you.” You tell her while grabbing Remus’ arm and tugging him to sit down on the empty seats near Shacklebolt. Tonks leaves after that and sit away from you. You glance over at Remus and he offers you a smile. 
You weren't new to the looks that you got from Tonks. You were stared at the moment you came to Hogwarts. You have been looked at and ridiculed. Judged for anything you did and when Remus and you became a thing, the looks never did stop. You knew Tonks fancied Remus. You had to be a blind person to not see it and you didn't hate her for it. Remus was an attractive man. He had the eyes of an angel, he had a smile that could make a room light up. He was compassionate and understanding. You couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. Tonks was much younger and she probably spent more time with Remus. As the meeting continued, Remus held your hand under the table. Dumbledore welcomed you into the group and introduced you to a few members you didn't know like Bill Weasley. Dumbledore was in the middle of a sentence when the floo was heard in the living room. 
“Must be Severus.” He said waiting for him to walk into the kitchen. You gave Sirius a small smile when he made eye contact with you. You haven't seen Severus in years. Taking a deep breath, you knew this would be interesting. You had a bone to pick with him but you knew you had to play nice. Severus being a double agent is risky, he was doing a dangerous job and you respected him a bit even after how he acted in school.
 “Dumbledore.” Severus greeted as he walked into the kitchen and gave a nod to everyone. His dark eyes glided over you and a noticeable frown appeared on his pale face. 
“Well. Well. If it isn’t Mrs. Lupin, in the flesh.” Severus said to you as he got closer to the table. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t cream your pants, Snape.” You told him and his eyes looked over at Remus before looking at Dumbledore. 
“Are you positive you want someone like her in the group?” Severus asked, glaring back at you. 
“She is welcomed to this group-.” Remus was cut off by Severus. 
“Do you know what she is honestly capable of, Loony Lupin?” You rose up from your seat and Sirius joined you as well. Fuck, playing nice. You stared hard at Severus wanting to punch him right in the face and break that beak he calls a nose. Remus tried to get you to sit back down but you walked behind him and stared at Severus. 
“Watch your mouth, Snivellus.” Sirius warned Severus, eyeing him up and down.
“Doesn't your dog have a muzzle?” Severus sneered at you harshly after giving Sirius a glare.
“For someone who knows what I am capable of, you run your mouth a lot. Do tell, what do you know about me?” Dumbledore was about to speak when Severus spoke first as you walked closer to him. 
“You are called The American. Others say you’re the daughter of the devil. You have many enemies, Y/n. Many fear you while others can't wait to have their revenge on you. Even who shall not be named knows of you, he doesn't admit it loudly but he knows you are a problem especially after your little display a year ago.” 
Sirius knitted his brows together when Severus mentioned the name, The American. The prisoners of Azkaban whispered and spatted that name in disgust. Some of them were placed there because of you, he heard the stories through the bars of his cell. He thought they weren't real, simply just stories to pass the time especially when he heard that the prisoners had see you, The American two places at once. 
“Tell me, how is your friend, Mulciber doing?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. The tension in the room was high as everyone stared at Severus and you. Remus bites his tongue when he feels your magic stirring inside of you. Both of you can feel each other, it was something that came when being bonded with a werewolf. He feels you were about to lash out again. Remus wanted this to end, no fighting between any one.
Remus thought to himself, he was an idiot for believing they can have one meeting without fighting but Severus brings your anger out and see how far you can go especially when bringing him into the mix. Remus clenched his hands on his knees when Severus blurted out that nickname, it given to him in school. Remus glance over at you and he swore he saw you back in school with your fist bloodily, you had just hit someone who called him that. He looks over at Severus and his heart starts to pound out of his chest. The urge to fight was stirring deep inside his belly.
“You castrated him. Took his balls and dick, how do you think he's doing?” Severus said. Sirius looks over at Remus with a shocked expression. Remus still had his eyes at Severus. Sirius saw a glitter of anger in Remus’ eyes when Severus stepped closer to you.
For brief second, you remembered being this close to Severus years ago. He was seething at you, calling you a filthy mud blood who had no place in Hogwarts. 
"Y/n." You hear Remus in your head. His voice is deep and hard, in the corner of your eye you saw Remus staring at you.
"Please. Sit down." Remus pleads inside your mind.
“Doing well, then.” You answer Severus and walk back to Remus, who quickly grabbed your hand pulling you down to sit. 
“What did he did for you to do that?” Bill asked softly, looking between Severus and you. 
Remus looks over at Bill, “He came over the states with a group. Raping woman and men. Mulciber's last victim was a daughter of two aurors, Yankee knew them well.” 
Bill looked away with that information, most of them did. “Do you support her actions, killing them? Using such a barbaric method?” Severus asked Remus. 
Remus feels a laugh brewing in his chest but swallows it down.
“Absolutely." Remus stares hard at Severus as he answers.
"I was the one holding Mulciber down. He and the rest got what they deserved.” Remus said, still remembering the screams of the girl's parents when they found out their daughter didn't survive the attack. Remus said it so nonchalantly that it made Severus and the rest freeze. The quiet and polite, Remus changed for a brief second. Sirius couldn't recognize his dear friend as he slowly sat back down in his seat. 
“Is there even a spell for that?” Moody asked and Remus shook his head. 
“The things you can do with just a blade and a flame torch are endless.” You answered Moody glancing over at Severus who wore a scowl.
“Well, then.” Moody broke the silence before looking over at Dumbledore. Severus sat down and waited for Dumbledore to continue on with the meeting. The meeting ended with the need of two people for a mission. 
“The full moon is coming up, baby.” You mentioned to Remus who was thinking of volunteering. 
“I’ll go.” Sirius said and you made a face. “I should go. You can stay with Remus and help him plus they are still looking for you.”
Remus shook his head. “You just came back from working. It’s only been a few months.” 
“I know but none of you have been going on missions lately. I'm sorry, but you guys are probably rusty.” You said looking around knowing it was true. The Order of the Phoenix just started up again because of the news of the arrival of who shall not be named. 
“I just came from a mission. Not like the ones you have gone but I can be of some assistance to you.” Bill spoke out ignoring the worried look from his parents. 
“What do you do for work?” You asked him. 
“A curse-breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank.” Bill answered and you can sense the anger coming from Remus. He wanted you to relax and rest while coming back here for good. You loved the idea of Remus wanting you to relax but you couldn't not when there's a war coming.
“Have you killed anyone?” You asked him and Molly stood up from her seat. 
“He’s just a boy. This is a mission to look for recruiters not to fight.” Molly told you. 
“I know that but God forbid something comes up and we get attacked. How will your son defend himself?” You asked her. 
“This isn’t how we do things.” Molly added, she was scared from what she learned today from Severus. Many have looked at you with fear and thought you were heartless but you didn't care.
“Remus told me you guys cast a spell to just disarm them and such. What do you do when you are faced with someone who wants to kill you?” You asked around, looking at each of them. 
“You kill them before they kill you.” Moody answered and you nodded. 
“This won’t be like the first war. Times have changed, technology has advanced and even though it’s a muggle thing. Death Eaters from the States have used it to their advantage since who shall not be named was gone but now he has returned. I’m sure, they will be arriving as well and showing him these new weapons." You look around the table and you can see everyone faces were scared or shocked. Even the Headmaster looked a bit uneasy.
"Death Eaters from the states are more ruthless than the ones here. They won’t be casting just freezing spells. They will kill you and the most deranged of them will take their time doing it.” You told them.
“They don’t know you are here yet.” Severus said, looking over at you. Severus spoke how the Dark Lord, didn't know The American was back. Bellatrix didn't recognized you when you deflected her spell.
“Good, we will use that to our advantage.” Dumbledore added with a nod.
“The moment they find out The American is back. He would likely ask for all his followers to come and they will be after you.” Severus said making you feel uneasy not because they would be after you but the number of Voldemort's following. Looking around the table, there was not enough people.
“What about us? How many do we have on our side?” You asked them. 
“Not enough.” Moody replied. 
“We will get more people. Going on this mission will allow us that. You and Bill will be entering a small community of werewolves. Talk to them, tell them about this war. Persuade them to join us.” Dumbledore said, looking between you and Bill. Severus chuckles and you look over at him. 
“Something to say?” You asked him. Severus looks back at you. 
“Fucking say it.” You snapped at him when he was taking his sweet ass time to respond. 
You never were close with Severus. Not even when both of you were in school, he despised you and every opportunity he had he reminded you that you were nothing but a mudblood. No matter what you did. You had even tried to form a friendship with him, it ended badly. To this day you still didn’t know why he hated you so much. Part of you thought it was because you were with Remus, he was friends with the people that bullied him. Another part of you thought was because of your magic but Severus was powerful as well. 
“I have a hard time believing that you can just go somewhere and talk. You can’t go inside the community waving your gun around acting like the savage animal you are.” Severus said and you felt the table move so quickly that it made you flinch. There was a screeching sound as the table moved. In a flash, Remus apparated in front of Severus, standing face to face with him. Remus was breathing heavily as he stared at Severus. 
“Like husband and wife.” Severus said to Remus. You call out for your husband. 
“Severus, enough. Remus.” Dumbledore shouted but it was ignored.
“You say whatever you want about me.” Remus’ voice is strain as his shoulders rose up and down in anger. 
“But you will respect my wife, never speak ill about her or it will be the last time you have a tongue.” You walked towards Remus as he threated Severus. Shacklebolt was beside Moody standing up as well. Shacklebolt had his wand in hand incase of something.
“You should watch who you are speaking to. I am the one that prepares your potions for your furry problems.” Severus said tauntingly to him. 
“Your services are no longer needed.” Remus tells him as he feels your hand on his lower back. Sirius got up, following you when Remus’ jaw clenched. The full moon was approaching, the first staging was now showing. His temper was unwinding. 
Severus flinched when Remus lets out a growl, deep from his chest. It’s been years since Severus heard that very growl. He heard that growl when Sirius pranked him that night. He took a step back when he imagined Moony standing in front of him on his hind legs, and mouth open showing its sharp fangs. 
“You dare to gro-.” Severus was about explode.
“That is enough. This meeting is over.” Dumbledore shouts, cutting the tension between Severus and Remus. Dumbledore casted a look at you then at Bill. 
“Your mission will start in three weeks. It will give them enough time to recover from the full moon. That’s it everyone.” Molly and Arthur along with Bill rose up to say their goodbyes. 
Dumbledore waited for Severus to walk out first. Severus glares at you before walking out of the kitchen. Tonks follows him without a word.
“Lupin, sit down. Let’s have a drink.” Moody said, stomping his cane on the ground. Shacklebolt joins in as Sirius and he fixes the table.
“We should be going.” Arthur tells you and Bill walks towards you as Sirius grabs Remus by the arm to make him sit down with the rest of them. Remus doesn’t say a word, his jaw is still clenched. Eyes still hardened. 
“I will keep in touch with you.” You nod at Bill, shaking his hand. 
Arthur says your name after muttering something to Bill. Molly looks worried for a second but Bill places a hand over her shoulder to ease her worries and walks out with her. 
“Snape was wrong for saying that.” He said as Sirius came into the kitchen with a bottle of fire whiskey.
“You’re probably the best we have. Moody is good but I heard stories about you. The Ministry of Magic speaks highly of you. Do not let his words affect you.” You give him a smile before looking at Remus who was staring at you and Arthur over Moody’s shoulders. 
“Believe me, he’s the last person I will let bother me.” You said making him chuckle. 
“Do forgive Molly. She’s just worried for the kids and Harry. We think of him as a part of our family. He’s been through so much. She wants him to be a child as much as he can.” His voice held so much emotion that you looked away to control your own tears. You were glad Harry had the Wesley family. You shook his hand goodbye and you glanced over at Sirius and Remus when Arthur walked out. 
“You've been married for more than 12 years and you didn’t say a word.” Shacklebolt said before giving Remus a nod of a good job done before glancing back at you. His eyes looking up and down at you. 
“Did you just check out my wife?” Remus asked with a deadpan look. Moody and Sirius laugh at Shacklebolt’s worried face. 
“Don’t hog the fire whiskey.” You tell them, interrupting Shacklebolt who was stuttering an apology to Remus. Moody grabs an empty glass and pours a hearty amount for you. 
“Telling me more about these Death Eaters from the states.” Moody tells you after the second shot. Shacklebolt was also curious, so you did. They were shocked by how brutal they were. Remus remains quiet for the time they spend drinking. He stared at the glasses then at you. You had your hand on his thigh rubbing it up and down to get him to relax. 
At the end of drinking Moody and Shacklebolt welcomed you into the group. They bid goodbye to everyone and gave thanks to Sirius for the drinks. You retire to bed, wishing Sirius a goodnight. He hugged you before you left the kitchen. You touched Remus’ shoulder, passing him. You can hear Sirius and Remus whispering to themselves as you walk upstairs to the bedroom. 
Walking in, you let out a sigh. The room looked more like the bedroom in the cottage. It felt home, you missed it but you were happy being here with Sirius. You were unbuttoning your shirt when you heard Remus enter the bedroom. He shuts the door softly, looking ahead at the mirror of the dresser you saw him walking behind you. Remus sighs and leans against you. He bends down to rest his chin on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your torso. Enjoying each other's presence in comfortable silence. 
“Severus. He’s a bitter man.” Remus said after a few moments. You agree with him, that’s Severus all right. 
“Tell me something, I don’t know. He’s always been like that. He’s been like that since the first time I met him.” You said recalling the first time you met him. You wouldn’t forget how cold his stare was.
“He’s upset because of Mulciber. They were close in school. I’m sure they were lovers and imagine finding out someone you love is a fucking rapist.” You said and Remus steps back. 
“Are you trying to defend his attitude he had today?” You shake your head at Remus. 
“No, like you said he’s just bitter. Especially after what I did, I might have some sort of reason why he’s acting more of an ass then he usually is.” You answered Remus turning around to face him.
“I’m sorry he called you that name.” You said grabbing Remus’ hand pulling him towards the bed. You sat beside him.
“Don’t be. I don’t care what people say about me. I have been called so many names in my youth. I only care what he said about you. I wanted to hurt him for saying that to you today. You are not a savage animal.” Remus said, pulling your hand on his lap. 
“You looked so hot, baby.” You mumble to him with a smile and Remus chuckles as he looks over at you. 
“Did I?” You nod at him. “You always look hot but mad Remus is just-.” 
Remus cuts you off with his lips. He pushes you down, laying on your back. You kiss him back, wrapping your arm around his neck. He pulls away and looks down at you, his hand creasing your cheek. 
“You think I’m hot when I’m mad but you should see yourself when you are. The small amount of time I see you in action.” Remus shakes his head as his scarred cheeks blushes at the thought. 
“I never want you to see me like that.” You whispered. 
“You have only seen a glimpse of The American. I don’t want you to see me like that. Never. I become something else. Somethi-.” he shakes his head cutting you off.
“If I ever see it, I would be proud of you. Such a powerful and strong woman you are, my wife. You’re the strongest person I know, Yank.” He tells you softly. You pull him down for a hug, shutting your eyes tightly. You knew he meant it but he has only seen a glimpse of it. He has only witnessed a fraction of the horror you can cause. The Death Eaters were right to call you the daughter of the devil. Your father was evil and you had his temper. You used that temper in the field and those who got in your way, never survived.
Remus helped you sit up and kissed your cheek before getting up to change his clothes. You were changing your pants when you looked over your shoulders at Remus, he was removing his shoes. Getting into your sleeping clothes, you remember the way Tonks looked at him. You weren’t mad like you said before Remus was an attractive guy and there would be people who would want him. You trusted Remus, he never once gave you any reason that he was a cheater or even made you believe something may happen but like any human being with feelings. There was that little nagging voice in your head telling you maybe Remus did like her. 
Tonks is young and beautiful. She’s not scarred like you or had a difficult job that made her leave her husband alone for weeks. Maybe she got mad because she and Remus had an affair and he said it was over because you returned. 
Rubbing your face with your hands, you calmed yourself. Taking deep breaths, you felt like a schoolgirl being nervous to ask her boyfriend a simple question. This is your husband. The man you love. You can ask Remus anything you want just as he can with you.
“So, what’s up with Tonks?” You asked Remus as you sat on the bed.
Remus looks over your shoulders at you. 
“What about her?” He asks and you shrug your shoulders at him. Remus turns around to face you when you wouldn't look at him in the face. 
When you don't respond, he speaks. “She’s just Sirius’ cousin. Molly tried to set her up with me but I kept refusing. Told her I’m old and I’m going to hurt her. Fucking kid, didn’t get the message that I don’t like her. She got pissed when she saw us kissing and at the news that we were married. Sirius told me that he had told her that it was for our safety that we didn't tell anyone.” 
“She’s young and beautiful.” Your voice was low and Remus got closer to you. 
“She works here, you know. I..wel..-.” You sighed when you weren't able to finish.
“What’s going on?” Remus asked and stated your name loudly when you’d started to get too much into your head. 
“I was just going to say. I wouldn’t be angry if you cheated on me with her. A part of me will get why you did. I’m barely here, I leave you alone all day, sometimes for weeks and months. You must get so lonely and she’s there. She’s pretty and young. Not me who’s fucking damaged.” Remus stands up from his side of the bed and walks towards you. You’re about to speak again and he hushes you to be quiet. 
Sitting on the bed, he grabs your hands looking at you. 
“Never. I never once thought or had cheated on you. Y/n. I love you so much to even cheat on you. I get lonely sometimes, yes but I read, I do gardening, I keep myself entertained by learning new stuff that I can do around the cottage so when you come home everything will be fine and fixed. Learned how to cook during those times, I kept myself busy with things but never with the company of a women.” He cups your face and makes you look at him. 
“You are not damaged. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are my wife. You are everything to me.” Remus kisses you passionately, he kisses away those thoughts you had in your head. You pull away from his lips as you cup his face, rubbing his cheeks. 
“You know I would never do that to you, right?”  Remus is quiet but nods at you. 
“I’m so happy I’m back. I was tired of not being able to hold you, kiss you and feel you. Remus Lupin, you are everything to me as well. Everything I do is for you, everything I have is yours. Every mission I did, I prayed to whoever was listening to me to help me survive and get back to you.” You jumped onto his lap and hugged him. Remus holds you, rubbing your back gently. 
Remus and you laid together in bed that night. Embracing each other and basking in each other's warmth.
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The moon was going down and you had stayed up all night for it. You couldn’t sleep without him. Not now since you've been back. You missed Remus too much to sleep. Sitting on the bed, the house was quiet and dark. You rose up from the bed and grabbed your robe hanging on the post of the bed. Looking at the small digital clock on your night stand it was almost time. 
Remus was going to transform back. Stepping out of the room, tying the robe tightly around you. Your bare foot padded down the hallway, passing Sirius’ room downstairs then to the basement. The locks on the steel door unlocked itself and you heard a whine. 
In the dark room, you can hear Remus’ crying out as his bones cracked back into his human self. A growl came out of the dark and you stood by the door. Your eyes glisten with unshed tears. It hurt you that you couldn’t do much when he transformed back. You couldn’t ease his pain that very moment. All you can do is wait for it to be over, wait for Moony to leave and for your Remus to come back.
You heard a soft groan and you immediately walked inside, waving your hand in front of you. One by one the candles you set up around the room lit up. Bright light was too harsh for Remus after transforming, candles were much better.
You stared ahead at the large cage Sirius had set up, it took the entire room, enough room for Remus to walk around in his wolf form. A large mattress, that’s been charmed to not rip was laid out on the floor by the corner. Variety of blankets and pillows were on the mattress. Frowning, you didn’t see Remus on it. Walking further in you got closer to the cage and froze when you heard a soft growl coming from the corner of the cage. 
The soft light of the candles glowed around Remus. He was sitting on a small metal chair attached to the cage. His legs were spread open, his soft cock hung between his legs. His chest rose up and down with each breath he took. His hands rested on top of his knees, palms facing up. His hair was a mess and his eyes peeked behind the strands of hair. 
Another growl came from his mouth as his eyes stared at you. His eyes were golden, his iris were shining, glowing brighter than the candles around him. You haven’t seen Moony in so long. It’s been a while, last time you met him was - you let out a small gasp when the bite mark on your neck started to sting. He was calling you.
You unlocked the cage and untied the robe. A smirk appeared on Remus’ tired face when he saw the robe fall down, pooling around your feet. You wore a thin tank top and a pair of black underwear. The cool air made you shiver and your nipples grew hard. 
“Hey baby.” You said kneeling down by the entrance of the cage. You kept your head down as you began to crawl inside. You crawled towards him, Moony has told you himself that he liked it whenever you did it. He gives out a groan when you stop in front of him. You’re between his legs, your forehead touching his soft cock. You wince when you laid your hand on the concrete floor, your knees were getting a bit sore. 
You felt a heavy hand on the back of your head, his fingers grasping on your hair. You let out a yelp when he tugged it hard making you look up at him. 
Your cunt quivered by his action. He was making you look up at him. His golden eyes seemed to glowed down. Dawn was approaching, Remus was coming back. 
“Baby.” You whispered and Remus leans down, his hand still holding your hair. He bumped his nose with yours, he sniffed at you. You shut your eyes when he dragged his nose across your cheek down to your neck. He tugged harder on your hair and made you moan. 
“I remembered the first time I smelled you.” Your cheeks grew pink by his confession. 
“On the train. Your blood. It smelled so good.” Opening your eyes when you felt his hand under your chin, he was staring down at you. 
“I knew you were mine.” He whispered with a small groan. 
“Mine. Mine. All mine. Mine. Mine.”  His deep voice turns soft and his golden eyes turn into the shade of blue. 
“I’m so glad you’re here.” Remus whispered, making you smile. 
You helped him up when he started to go in and out of consciousness, something that happened very often. It has taken a toll on his body, you were happy that you didn’t see any serious injury. The potion did its job. You quickly got to work, not wanting to leave him down in the basement for a second longer. 
Remus watches you with heavy eyes when you help into the tub. He moans when his body hits the warm water. He feels a soft rag against his body, looking up. He sees you, staring at his chest as you rub the wash cloth against his skin. 
“Rest.” You whispered not wanting to agitate his headache. 
He falls asleep in the tub and you use magic to lift him up and place him on to the bed. Sirius quietly walks into the room and hands you a few vials for Remus to drink when he wakes up. Something for the body aches, something for the headache, something for his stomach and something for his joints. He comes back into the room with a thick blanket for Remus, charming it to be warm. Sirius felt like he was back in Hogwarts, taking care of Remus. Sirius waits for you as you dry Remus’ legs. You didn’t bother getting him dressed but you did apply lotion on his hands and feet. After rubbing lotion on his legs, you bring the thick blanket up to his chest. Pushing the hair out of his handsome face. 
Standing up from the bed, you laid out his robe in the chair next to him. You follow Sirius out of the door and leave it open incase he calls for you. Sirius cooked breakfast and both of you talked while Kercher cleaned around the house. Ignoring the little elf glaring at you. The day was quick after spending it with Sirius. He was still renovating the rooms. He decides to show Harry’s room.
You looked around the room and deemed it to be a great room for Harry. You try to push out the small cupboard room out of your head.  Harry asked you to not tell Sirius, you were going to keep your word. 
“I’m going to put a bed over there and a desk for him on the side. Maybe some shelves for his books.” Sirius said pointing at the empty corner and you smile at the look of seriousness on his face. 
“What color do you think he likes? God! I’m his godfather and I don’t know. Maybe he won’t like the room..blimey what if he regrets coming to stay with me if the color of the room isn’t to his liking?” You chuckle at Sirius as he walks around the room. 
“Si! Si! Stop!” You said grabbing your friend’s arm when he began to pace back and forth in the room. 
“I promise you, Harry would love it no matter what color it is.” You tell him. You meant it, Harry would like any room that had space and no bars on the window.
“I want it to be amazing for him.” Sirius said softly looking over at you with a smile. 
“I know and it will be.” You said squeezing his arm gently.
“We should definitely get some Quidditch posters and hang them around the wall.” You comment and Sirius smiles as he agrees with you. 
“Did you clean out all the other rooms?” You asked Sirius and he shakes his head. 
“Not yet, there’s two more bedrooms upstairs.” He says. 
“I’ll help out.” You told him while walking out of the room. Walking down the hallway to see the staircase. A chill ran through you when you began to walk up the stairs. 
You see a large wooden black door with the words Master Bedroom on it. Passing by it to get started on the last room at the end of the hall. You froze when you saw Regulus Black written on the door. 
“Reg.” You whispered as you stood in front of the door. 
You haven’t thought of him in years. With a shaky hand you grabbed the golden knob of the door and twisted it. The air was dusty and you grabbed your wand from your pocket and waved it in the room. The dust in the room disappeared as you walked inside. It was the size of the guest bedroom, with two large windows by the neatly made bed. Everything was green, the comforter of the bed, the color of the walls and curtains. You stared at the posters of astronomy on the walls. Walking to the bed, you sat down on the edge staring at the shelves of books that covered the entire wall. He was always reading, always had his nose in a book when he wasn’t playing Quidditch. 
Regulus Black was the first person to treat you with kindness in Hogwarts. You didn’t know why he stood up from his seat the first day you came into school and sat across from you. He was younger than you, he was tall for his age, a bit lanky. His hair was dark like the night, it came down in curls. He had a thin nose and a plushy pinky lips. You remember looking up at him when he introduced himself to you. You thought he was a model at first.
He looked like the models in the magazine. He had defined cheekbones, dark lashes that complimented his eyes. He ate dinner with you. He looked at you with interest. You had no idea who he was but he had to be popular because everyone stared at you when he sat down across from you. You thought he was weird at first when he didn’t know who Santa’s elves were.
Looking at the night stand, you opened the drawers. Parchment paper and quills were inside the first drawer. You were always jealous of his penmanship, you smiled as you traced a word, curving the delicate loops on the paper. You would spend hours trying to learn how to write with a quill. You would cried out in frustration in the library most days when you couldn’t write properly. You wish that they would just use regular pen and pencils but you remember you were in the wizardly world now. Your Charms professor made that clear to you when he called you out in front of the entire class.
Opening the second drawer, you froze when you saw an album. Grabbing it and flipping through it, you saw pictures of young Sirius with Regulus. Regulus had told you his side of the story of why he wasn’t talking with Sirius. Regulus had confined in you multiple times about how he missed his older brother. He missed Sirius’ hugs and missed their talks. At that time you didn’t know anything about the rivalry against the houses. You didn’t know what pure blood, muggle born and half blood were. He was your friend, your best friend during your first year of Hogwarts. That was until he changed completely and vanished. You stopped at the solo picture of Regulus.  He looked to the right then back at ahead, facing the camera smiling wide at the shot. He had his Slytherin uniform on in the picture. You missed him dearly, you wanted to tell him everything that happened to you. You wanted to tell him how you married Remus and your job in the states. You long for those hours of talks both of you had. Bringing your left hand to the picture, you traced the line of his face. You stopped when you saw your golden band on your finger. 
Remus and Regulus never met eye to eye. Sirius told you after Regulus went missing. He told you one night that Remus was jealous of his younger brother. Jealous that Regulus had a close connection with you. You just shook your head at Sirius. Not really believing it. Regulus was the first person that you mentioned about your life at home. He held you as you cried everyday you were bullied, talked to you into staying in Hogwarts. You met Remus when both of you were at the lowest point in life. You wouldn’t forget how you met him. Remus looked so beautiful as he cried. That’s how you met him, he was crying. You had seen him before in class and in the great hall. This was the first time you met him up close. You met his gaze and you felt your heart stop.  
You were surprised when he said your name, he knew who you were. Most of the students knew you as the mudblood in house Slytherin. 
You hear Sirius call out for you, quickly shutting it close. You made your way out of the room and shut the door behind you. Walking to your bedroom and carefully walking inside to not make sound. Remus is still sleeping, placing the photo album inside of your nightstand drawer. You wanted to reminisce about all the good times you had with your best friend, Regulus. He made your time in Hogwarts a bit better in the beginning. You always wondered where he went. 
You wished he had told you where he had gone. You refused to believe Sirius when he told you Regulus was a Death Eater, you didn’t want to believe him. He guessed that Regulus ran away and was hiding. 
You glance back at Remus and smile when you see how peaceful he looked. You walked out of the room and headed downstairs. Your eyes widened when you saw Harry staring in the middle of the living room with Sirius. 
“Hello, my sweet boy.” You said walking to Harry. He greets you with a hug and you kiss his forehead. Sirius smiles at the sight of Harry and you. 
“Is everything alright with you? You didn’t send a letter saying you were coming?” You asked, looking at Harry, cupping his face with a worried look. 
“I was telling Sirius. I wanted to check and see if Remus was doing okay since last night was the full moon.” Sirius and you smiled at Harry’ concern for Remus. 
“He’s doing fine, dear. Sleeping it off, he might sleep all day.” You told Harry. Sirius invites Harry for lunch. 
The three of you were eating when Harry looked over at Sirius. You glanced at Sirius, when Harry asked to speak with him about something. 
“I was wondering if I can stay this summer with you guys.” Harry asked Sirius. 
“Of course!” Sirius yelps with a gleeful laugh and stands up from his seat. 
“Your room will be finished by the time school ends. “ Harry’ brows raise up in surprise. 
“My room? I can stay on the couch.” Sirius shakes his head at Harry. Your chest tightens at his words. 
“You will have your own room. With your own bed and you will have your desk. Somewhere to put your books and clothes. It will be ready for you.” Harry's eyes glisten behind his rounded glasses as Sirius spoke. 
“You are still under age, have you spoken to your aunt and uncle about it?” He asks Harry. You immediately look at Harry to see his reaction. You hoped Petunia kept her word. You were ready to handle that fuck fat, she calls her husband, Vernon. 
“Surprisingly, they said yes to me staying somewhere else this coming summer.” You smile at his response. 
That fat fuck will live to see a another day. 
You frowned when you noticed a scar on Harry’s hand. You kept your eye on it. ‘I must not tell lies’ Your jaw clenched as you stared at it. It was a blood quill spell, you wanted to ask Harry about it but you didn’t want to interrupt him and Sirius talking. Harry looked so happy as Sirius asked him about the color he would want his room to be. 
Harry spent more time with Sirius while you tried to wake Remus up for dinner time. You wanted him to eat something, he had to eat something while he took his potions. 
Remus woke up feeling better than usual. He thanked you for bathing him. The warm bath helped his sore muscles. You were feeding him chicken soup, it was always best for something light to not upset his stomach. Remus told you he was able to feed himself but you didn’t allow him. 
You happily took care of him. He licked his lips, savoring the soup as you spoon fed him. He drank the potion and he felt better as the minutes passed. 
“Harry is downstairs. He came to see how his uncle Remus was doing.” You said softly not wanting to agitated him if he had a headache. 
Remus gives you a small smile. “You think he’s still downstairs?” 
“Yeah, Sirius wants to know everything Harry wants for his bedroom.” Remus wipes his lips with a napkin. 
“Good, I’m glad. He deserves it. He deserves a home, a room.” You agree with him. You told Remus, the little visit at the Dursleys worked. They were allowing Harry to stay over the upcoming summer. You helped Remus get dressed before Harry came upstairs to see him. Remus greets Harry with a smile. 
You were sitting with Remus leaning against the headboard while Harry sat by Remus’ legs. Sirius came up with tea and sat by your legs. Harry spoke to you three about classes and his friends. Sirius teased him by asking Harry if there was anyone he fancied. 
The three weeks were coming to an end and you have been communicating with Bill about the mission. You weren't worried about it, it was a simple mission. Speaking with the community to gain their support for the war.    Four hours tops, that was the limit. Even though the mission will be light work. You told Bill that there were certain protocols that you wanted to get by. Even the easiest mission still needed some rules. You missed the looks Bill gave you when you told him the rules before arriving at the site of the community. 
It was the night before the mission and you had spoken to Bill to meet you at Sirius’ place in the morning. You were walking upstairs to the bedroom when you saw Remus on your side of the bed. 
“Hey.” You said walking inside the room. Remus didn’t say anything. He kept looking down at the photo album on his lap. 
“Are you okay?” You said then froze when Remus still didn't answer you. 
“Why do you have his pictures?” Remus asked, looking at a picture of Regulus in disgust. He looked up and you were shocked by his expression. 
“I was cleaning up his room when I found it. He was my best friend, Rem. I wanted a picture.” You answered him. 
“This isn’t just a picture. It’s a photo album.” Remus said. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked him. 
“I do not want you having his pictures.” You frowned at his response. 
“Remus, I want to remember him. Like I said, he was my best friend.” Remus shakes his head. 
“He left you, remember.” Remus’ jealousy betrays him completely that he didn’t realize that he had shouted at you. 
“He disappeared.” You corrected him. You had to correct it because Regulus couldn’t have just left you without saying a word. 
“He left.” Remus snaps and you take a step back when Remus shuts the photo album harshly. He throws it on the bed and stands up to face you. 
“Remus, what’s going on?” You ask him not fully understanding what was going on in his head.
 “You have photos of him. Why?” You answered him back immediately, repeating what you told him before. 
“You wanted photos of the boy you were with?” You frowned at his words.
“He was a friend, Remus. Nothing more, you know that. I have only been with you.” Remus shakes his head at you. 
“You were the only boyfriend I had. Regulus and I were close friends. He knew that and I knew that.” You couldn’t comprehend why Remus was acting this way all of the sudden. 
“Oh please.” He said sarcastically and it makes you feel ill. 
“You're still telling me that same lie. This just proves that you had something with him before us. You still have feelings for him probably.” You waved your hand at Remus trying to get him to calm down. 
“What are you even talking about? Baby, do you hear yourself? Regulus and I have never been together. You were my first. You were and still is the only man I will ever love. Why are you acting this way?” You walk in front of him. 
“Please, don’t lie to me again. It will just get me more angry.” Remus warns. 
“I’m not lying.” You admit and he walks out of the room. You follow him, calling his name out. Sirius walks into the living when he hears you shouting. 
“What’s going on?” Sirius asks Remus who passed him without a glance. Sirius frowns when he sees you following Remus. 
“Yank, what happened?” He gets concerned when he sees your eyes are filled with tears and his blood gets cold when you tell him what happened. 
“You had pictures of my brother?” You tried to tell Sirius it wasn’t like that. You missed his younger brother, your friend. 
You pass Sirius who tried to grab your arm to stop you. 
“Remus, please stop this. Talk to me.” You said walking into the kitchen to see him standing by the sink, his back was towards you. 
Remus says your name and pleads with you to not come towards him. 
“Regulus -.” Remus slams his hands on the counter making you jump.  “Don’t say that name.” Sirius stands by the entrance of the door when Remus snaps. 
“You are being absolutely ridiculous.” Remus turns around by your words. 
“You think I am being ridiculous? Me? I’m not the one who has pictures of their ex, or someone I loved.” 
“I never loved him like I love you.” You repeat it until Remus gets red in the face. 
“How would you feel if you found photographs of Tonks on my nightstand?” His question makes you freeze. Why was he bringing her up into this conversation? This had nothing to do with Sirius’ cousin. 
“I might as well have some then. Something to feel when I’m all alone all fucking day.” He wanted to hurt you and he did. He was throwing your insecurities right at your face. You hear Sirius’ warning Remus to stop with his shenanigans. 
“What do you think?” Remus asked you. 
“Are you trying to tell me something? So you did something with her when I was gone?” The pit of your stomach aches. 
Remus breathes heavily, so upset. So in rage by that photo of Sirius’ little brother in your night stand. He couldn’t stop himself from remembering how he used to watch you walk down the halls with Regulus by your side. He grew even more mad as he remembered how Regulus hugged you. 
“I did.” Remus replied to you. He felt his heart dropped by the look on your face.
“Wait-pleas-YANK!” Sirius stutters as he calls out for you. You had turned around and walked out of the kitchen to the front door. 
“What is wrong with you? Why would you lie to her face? You never did anything with Tonks.” Sirius shouts as he walks back into the kitchen. 
“Right?” Sirius’ voice turned soft when he asked Remus to confirm. “Moony, please.” Remus shuts his eyes at his best friend pleads. 
“She will always choose your brother.” Remus spats out, looking over his shoulder. Sirius shakes his head, not understanding what’s happening to Remus. 
“She married you. She loves you.” Remus ignores Sirius and walks away leaving him in the kitchen. You didn’t return until the next morning. Sirius was waiting in the living room all night for your arrival. Remus stayed in the bedroom, locked up. 
“Sirius?” The dark haired man woke up, he fell asleep last night on the couch waiting for you. 
He frowns when he notices Bill in front of him. 
“Sorry to wake you up but I've been calling for Yankee. I believe no one is home.” Bill said, looking around then at his watch. 
“She should be coming back. Want a cuppa?” Bill nods at Sirius who stands up and tells him to follow him. 
Bill kept silent when he noticed Sirius in a quiet mood, it was odd. Sirius Black wasn’t himself. He usually cracked jokes and told stories. The front door was heard open and Sirius quickly placed the cup of tea in front of Bill and excused himself.  Bill looked over his shoulder when he heard your voice. Sirius is whispering. After a moment, Bill looks back again at the tea cup and takes a sip when he hears footsteps coming into the kitchen. 
“Good morning Bill.” You said walking inside with Sirius behind you. 
“Good morning, apologies if I arrived too early. Sirius told me you weren’t here.” You shook your head. 
“It’s good you’re here early. Give us a head start and go through the plan again.” Bill takes note of your blood shot eyes. You look like you haven’t slept. 
“Good morning Bill.” You tense up when you hear Remus’ voice. He ignores you and Sirius as he goes to the stove to make himself a cup of tea. Sirius glances over at you and his heart breaks when he notices you staring at the table. 
“Morning, Remus.” Bill greets with a smile. 
“How’s your parents? They alright?” Remus asked, looking over his shoulders. Bill nods. 
“They are fine, just a bit worried for today.” Sirius shakes his head at Bill. 
“They shouldn’t fear. You’re with the best auror.” Sirius said, making you look up at him with a small smile. He gives you a wink, trying to cheer you up. 
“Yank, before you leave. I’ll have Kercher make you something to eat. A cup of coffee at least.” You decline Sirius' offer stating it would be best to go early. Bill finishes his tea quickly. Remus still didn’t make eye contact with you. He kept making his tea with his back facing you. 
“Do you mind waiting for me by the door? I’ll be there in a second.” Bill nods and says his goodbye to Sirius and Remus. 
Bill leaves and you look at Remus. You call out his name softly. He doesn’t respond. Sirius is glaring at Remus now. You played with your fingers, looking down at them trying to come up with the words you were thinking. Your mind has been going circles and circles, the images of Remus and Tonks flooded your mind. So you just said what you felt. 
“Remus, I love you.” You were met with silence. You thought there weren't any more tears left in you but you were wrong. You hated a lot of stuff but Remus being mad at you was the worst. Sirius follows you after watching you leave the room when Remus didn’t answer back. 
“Yank.” Sirius grabs your hand and pulls you into his chest. You wrap your arms around his torso, hugging him tight. Sirius pulls away and cups your face. He wipes your tears. 
“He’ll talk when you come back, okay?” You sniff as you nod. 
“Be safe, I love you.” He kisses you on the cheek. 
“I love you too, Si.” You say it back. Bill doesn’t say anything when he sees you wiping your tears. He awkwardly stuff his hands in his pockets and follows you down the stairs. Sirius walks back into the kitchen and sees Remus on the table with his head between his hands. 
“You better talk to her when she comes back. You hear me, Moony? I’m serious. I don’t know what’s going on with you but that shit better stop. You have a good woman. Regulus was a friend to her when she had none. My brother may have loved her but she didn’t love him the way she loved you. Anyone can see how that much that woman fucking loves you!" Sirius walks out and Remus looks ahead. He let his jealousy get the best of him. He had pushed down that anger he had towards Regulus. He never told anyone about his confrontation with the younger Black's brother. 
He never told you how Regulus thought he was a better choice for you. Remus knows you loved Regulus only as a friend and nothing more. Regulus knew it as well but what he told Remus before his disappearance plagued him. 
“I’ll still be here, waiting for the day when she finally realizes that you aren’t good enough for her.” 
Remus slams his hands on the table when he recalls the last word he told you. He never cheated you with Tonks or even had the urge to do anything with her. He did it to hurt you and it worked. He didn’t get any pleasure from it. He cried himself to sleep last night, calling himself an ass for saying that. Remus finishes his cup of tea and feels more in despair when he realizes that you didn’t eat anything. You were still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. He had stolen a quick glance at you when he looked over at Bill. He hoped you at least had your gun on you. He walks to the living room and sits on the couch. You said the max was four hours for the mission. He will wait here for you and talk to you about it. He will tell you everything and hopes you find it in your heart to forgive him. Forgive him for being a complete ass. He was ashamed of himself after everything you’ve done for him. 
Remus leans back with a sigh and stares ahead at the clock above the fireplace. His eyes begin to drippy after a few minutes. 
It was dark and cold in the woods. Remus was absolutely terrified as he ran around. He didn’t know where he was going. He kept going forward, bumping himself into the branches of the trees. He let out a yelp when one of the branches scratched his face. 
He froze when he heard a scream, a woman’s scream.
He looks around trying to see where it came from. He was breathing heavily. It was freezing, so bad that he could see his own breath in the air. A cold sweat had appeared on his forehead. He’s been running for miles. 
There was a horrible howl that made him take a step back. Then a sound of thump, he looks over his shoulder and his eyes widen when he saw someone from his past. 
The person he called The Bloody Man was in front of him. He glared at Remus with his dark eyes, clothes were torn and his blood began to seep through the fabric. Remus felt chills run up and down his spine when the man lay out a bloody smile and grab something from the ground. 
Remus shouts your name when he sees the bloody man grab you by the neck and lifts you up. Only to be slammed by the nearest tree. You were kicking your legs as you began to choke. You are scratching the arms of the bloody man, trying to free yourself. 
“Remus! Remus!” 
Remus woke up with a jump when someone touched his chest. He looks up to see Molly standing over him with a concern look on her face. He sits up and notices Arthur sitting on the couch on the other side. 
“You poor thing, I think you were having a nightmare. I’ll make you some tea.” Molly mothered him then went to the kitchen. 
Sirius walks in, handling Arthur, a glass of fire whiskey. Sirius sits across from Arthur and takes a drink from his own glass. 
“What’s going on?” Remus asked, looking at them. 
“It’s been six hours, Remus. They aren’t back.” Arthur said in a shaky voice.
“They are probably still talking. The community probably liked them so much that they invited them for dinner or something.” Remus tries to reason with Arthur. Molly comes walking in with a hot tea. She gives it to Remus and sits by him. She looks ahead at the fireplace with tears in her eyes. 
“They have to be fine. If something were to happen, they would’ve contacted help immediately.” Sirius said, making Molly nod. 
“You’re right.” Molly's voice betrays her.
It was late now and eight hours had passed. Molly was in tears and Remus was frozen on the couch, his right leg shook frantically as he looked at the fireplace then at the front door. 
Moody and Shacklebolt came after it had been a total of 10 hours that Bill and you haven’t returned. They were trying their best to ease Molly and Arthur's worries. 
“We didn’t receive any call for help.” Remus sighs at Moody's words. 
“If something did happen, we cannot interfere; it will make matters worse.” Shacklebolt told them.
You were strong. You knew how to fight. Nothing bad happened to you, Remus repeated those words in his mind. Molly decided to make dinner for them as they waited. Calling them into the kitchen, they sat around staring at the stew Molly made, they ate quietly.
Then it happened in a second. The front door was slammed open and Bill shouts for Sirius. Molly and Arthur rose up when they heard their son. The others followed, Bill and you walked inside, practically tripping. The redhead boy has your arm over his shoulder as he helps you inside. 
Molly and Arthur rushed towards their son when they saw the state he was at. You pull away from him. Remus saw you tumbling further into the kitchen, making your way to the counter you slid down on the floor with your back against the cabinets. 
He calls out for you and Sirius follows. Remus was about to touch you when you raised your hand to stop him. You’re breathing heavily.
“What happen to you? What happened?” Molly shouted when she sat Bill down. He had a busted lip and his hair was tousled. Bill looks over at you. 
“I’m so sorry. I really am.” Bill says with tears running down his face. Arthur runs his son’s back and looks back at you. You were still sitting on the floor, breathing heavily. Your eyes were drifting into the distance. 
“What happened?” Moody shouts when Bill apologies once more but got no response from you. 
“Yank!” Sirius said, bending down to meet your eyes. You look completely out of it. Looking at you, you don’t look hurt like Bill. He frowns when he notices your fingers are slightly twitching. 
Bill sobs, hiding his face in his hands. Molly was consoling him when they heard knocking, it was the front door. Someone was trying to get in and Bill quickly rose up raising his wand alarming everyone. Your name was being shouted and everyone froze.
“I won’t let them get you. I swear.” Bill shouted as he aimed his wand at the door and everyone got into action. Remus' ears perked at the sound of the door bursting open and footsteps pacing around. Your name is shouted once more. Sirius looked down at you hoping you’ll talk but you showed no emotion. 
The door of the kitchen opens and Bill shouts stop but the person simply vanishes in mid air and Sirius yells when the person apparated in front of you. 
“Captain.” The man knelt beside you. He looked young and had thick blonde hair. It was tied in a low ponytail. He wore all black clothes along with a long black trench coat. 
The man frowns and looks at everyone. “What happened to her?” 
“Who are you?” Bill shouts and Remus aims his wand at the stranger. 
“State your name and purpose, boy.” Moody asks firmly. The man eyed Moody then at you. 
“Morris, is the name. I came because I received a patronus from my captain. I work with her in the states. I’m on her team.” The man said. 
“She sent it to you. I thought-” Bill asked, drawing down his wand then looking at Remus. Morris kneels down again and touches your face. Remus and Sirius frown when Morris pulls back and the palm of his hand is covered with blood. 
“Yank, take your glamor off.” Morris shouts and he cups your face, slightly shaking you. Your eyes don't meet his and Morris sighs. 
“What happened? She’s using the dissociative tactic spell.” Morris shouts at Bill.
“Captain, please come back. I won’t be able to break inside your mind and get you.” Morris pleads as he cups your face again, you don’t speak. Morris grunts before standing up, opening the cabinets like a mad man, looking inside. Sirius shouts as Morris made a mess looking through the spice cabinet. 
Morris grabs a bottle of spices and rips the cap off. He holds it under your nose. Nothing, it didn’t work. Morris throws the spice on the counter in anger. 
“What are you doing?” Remus shouts at him. 
“Trying to bring her back. It’s a tactic we use when being held hostage. We close our minds so no one can read it. We even do it when we are in serious pain.” Morris says looking again through the cabinets. Not finding what he was looking for. He was about to bend down to pick you up when Remus walked towards him. 
“Don’t touch her.” Morris frowns.
“And who the fuck are you?” The man ask Remus. 
“I’m her husband.” Morris’ eyes widen and look up and down at him. Remus flinches when Morris starts to unbutton Remus’ sweater. His fingers quickly worked and Remus shouted at him to not touch him. 
“Give this to me.” Morris shouts practically ripping the buttons of the sweater and pushes Remus out of the way. 
“Cap, smell this. Come on.” Morris kneels beside you and gently puts Remus’ sweater under your nose. Morris was sure it had to work, you would come back with your husband’s scent. When the soft fabric hit your nose, you started to blink. He smiles softly at you when you grab the sweater and cover your face with it. 
“Rem.” You whispered as you looked at your surroundings. “Morris?” You questioned when you looked up and saw the blonde man. 
“Take the glamor off. Let me see, you've been hit. That’s what you said.” You looked down at yourself then back at your surroundings. 
Not in front of them. Morris hears you speak to him in his mind and Morris looks at everyone. 
“Everyone out of this room now.” Remus shakes his head. 
“I’m not leaving her alone with you.” Remus said with Sirius standing behind him. 
Morris’ eyes harden for a second. He hears you again and kneels by you staring into your eyes. He frowns when you show him the events leading into the mission. He saw everything, Remus froze when he heard a growl. Bill was about to step towards you when Morris quickly got up and hissed at Bill.
Bill flinched when he saw Morris’ face change completely. His jaw unhinged and his teeth became large fangs. His blue eyes turned pitch black, the veins under his eyes became visible. He looked horrifying. Moody and Shacklebolt quickly had their wand aimed at Morris, ready to attack. Molly grabbed Bill and pushed him away from Morris. 
“You purebloods are all the fucking same. I swear to god.” He hissed at Bill, who was hiding behind his mother. 
“Easy there vampire.” Moody shouts. 
“I’m sure the world won’t miss one pureblood.” Morris said as the table and chairs in the kitchen began to shake. 
“Morris.” Your voice was harsh and loud.
It snapped him out of his angry haze and his face changed back to normal. Molly and Arthur gasped when they looked at you. The glamor you had on vanished. Bill and the rest was left shocked by your appearance. Remus calls your name soft as he kneels beside you. You were beaten badly, the side of your face was bruised up. Your clothes were soaked with blood, you held your stomach with one hand. Your body trembled horribly. 
“It’s not his fault.” You whispered before wincing loudly when you moved your leg. Remus and Sirius spring into action, grabbing the first aid kit. Moody and Shacklebolt were about to walk towards you to help when you asked for Morris. The vampire was quick and helped you up. You let out a few tears and look up at him. 
“My stomach.” You hissed as the kitchen table slid towards him. He helps you lean against it. 
“If you ain’t helping then get the fuck out.” Morris shouts at the audience looking at both of you. 
Bill sighs before leaning over to talk to you. “I’m so sorr-.” Bill doesn’t get to finish his sentence. Morris apparated behind Bill and grabs him by the neck. Slamming him against the kitchen wall. Bill shouts when Morris lifts up in the air, his long limbs dangled as he tries to break free. 
“You say you are sorry but you are the reason she’s beaten. You are the reason, you pretentious pureblood.” 
“Morris. Let him go.” You shouted with all your might, you cried out when you removed the hand from your stomach. Remus goes to help you but you shouts at him. 
“NO.” Remus freezes. Your voice is hard but your body is shaking. Your eyes are wide and glossy. 
 “Bill, go now and make a report while it’s still fresh in your mind, do it before you forget anything.” Morris released Bill from his grip and walked past the Wesley's parents. Moody had his eye on him as Morris walked towards you. 
Bill nods at you and his parents follow him out of the kitchen. Not before glancing over at the pair on the other side of the room, Remus and Sirius. 
“Moody. Shacklebolt. Please tell Dumbledore, they know I’m here. The Death Eaters know I’m back. It’s only a matter of time before the one in the states starts coming.” You said as Morris offered you his hand and you took it. Remus’ hands shook when you completely leaned against Morris' tall frame. 
They nod at you and leave the kitchen. You finally look at Remus and Sirius. 
“Leave. Morris will help me.” Remus shakes his head and Sirius grabs a hold of his arm when Remus begins to walk towards Morris and you. 
“Morris, please” You whimpered as he helped you get on the table. 
“Yank, let us take you to the St. Muggle.” Sirius begs. 
Morris grabs the kit from Remus’ hand. “She can’t go there. That’s the first place they would look for her.” Morris tells him. 
“Try to keep your eyes open .” Morris whispered to you but it didn’t even matter. The moment you laid your head down on the table you lost consciousness and the last thing you heard was Remus shouting your name. 
The morning came and you still haven’t woken up. Morris had spent all night tending to your wounds. You laid on the bed in the bedroom as Morris wiped the blood under your fingernail. You fought hard, he can see that. He cleaned you the best he could, it was the first time and he was sure it would be the last but this was the first time you lost consciousness with him. That didn’t sit well with him. You were so strong but now you looked like you were at the brink of death. Morris hears footsteps outside the bedroom and he rolls his eyes at the scent of a pureblood. 
“If you are a vampire, how can you handle the smell of blood right in front of you?” Sirius asked, walking back into the room with a bowl of clean water. Morris glances over his shoulder to see Remus standing by the doorway. Sirius hands him a clean rag and takes the dirty one. 
“I have self-control.” Morris responded. “I feed on animals and my enemies sometimes.” 
“She never told me about you.” Remus said as Morris wiped your hands. 
“She tells me everything.” Morris sighs at him. 
“Obviously she doesn’t.” He snaps at Remus, deciding your husband needs a wake up call after what Morris had seen. He was beginning to despise him just as he did with Sirius. 
“If you must know.” Morris drops the rag on the bowl on the nightstand and stands up from the bed. He covers your body with the blanket and takes the bowl in his hand. 
“She doesn’t want you to get hurt.” Remus frowns, he doesn't understand.
“The first time I’ve met her. She told me to never ask about you. All I know is that she was married to a werewolf. Most aurors do it to keep their partners hidden because they want them to stay safe. If anyone knows what you look like and what your name is. You would be taken and used for leverage. She has many enemies and they are dying to hurt her. Killing her husband will be the first thing they do.” 
Remus tries to keep his tears in bay as he glances over at you. He feels more of an asshole now than ever to have thought that you would love him less. He soon realized that might have been the reason he was treated the way he was when he came to the state after getting a call when you were rescued after that horrendous mission. 
“It’s funny.” Morris says and gives the bowl to Sirius. He looks back at Remus. 
“You are not what I expected. She was not in her right state of mind when she showed me her memories. She accidentally showed me her memories from the day before.” Remus looks away from Morris’ harsh gaze. 
“Remus Lupin, the husband of The American. The team and I thought too much of you. We were wrong to put you up on a pedestal. Thinking you are this amazing guy to capture her heart but what you really are is a piece of shit.” Sirius huffs and puts the bowl on top of the dresser. 
“That’s uncalled for.” He says looking at Morris who just stared at Remus. 
“All the times she could have cheated on you. The men and women that threw themselves onto her while on the job. I bet she never told you that as well.” Morris said with a grin trying to rile up Remus who remained silent. 
“I’ll watch over her. You both can leave now.” Morris said, walking away from Remus. 
“I’ll come later so you can rest.” Sirius said and Morris shakes his head. 
“No need.” Morris replied. “I don’t sleep. I’m a vampire.” 
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“It was my fault the plan went horrible. I thought she was doing too much, planning too much. She wanted to check the perimeter around the community but I refused. I refused to follow her orders because I thought I knew better than her and because I wasn't the cruel person, she was.” Bill spoke out. 
“So I went to the entrance of the community and she followed me. If we would’ve checked the perimeter, we would have known that the community was overrun. The community was being held hostage by Death Eaters. They beat me first until one of them recognized her.” You took a deep breath as Bill continued on with the story. 
“They had me in a room and pulled her to another room next to me. They were beating her, screaming at her and taunting her. It went on for hours until I heard them screaming. She found me and helped me out. She fought bravely and as we found a way out. We saw the citizens of the community locked in cages.” The Order of the Phoenix held their breath at that last sentence. Everyone sat around the table, Morris stood behind you with his arms crossed over his chest. 
His jaw was clenched as he stared at Bill. Morris looked like a guard dog, behind you. You haven’t spoken to Remus or Sirius since you woke up. 
Morris told them, to let you breathe. One's body goes through tremendous pain when being crucio so many times. Sirius agreed with that, he had suffered from the hand of his mother. 
Your body shook every once and a while. Your eyes seemed to drift off into the wall then back at Bill who had apologized numerous times. You forgive the kid, what more can you do but you did tell him this. 
“Pull that shit again and I’ll leave you behind.” 
You look over at Dumbledore who arrived as soon as he heard the message and conducted a meeting to find out what occurred. His blue eyes softened whenever he saw your body shivered. Your face was healed but those shakes didn’t heal fast enough. 
“Morris and I think they are using mind control on them. Perhaps scaring them enough to make them fight in this war.” You spoke with a hoarse voice. 
“They are just normal people. They probably never fought, how can they be used as weapons?” Molly asked. 
“Werewolf isn't normal, Molly. They are stronger and quicker even without them in their wolf form. Plus, with a leader, leading them. They can cause trouble.” You answered her. 
“That man.” Billy started to speak as he looked over at you. 
“The man that took you. He had to be their leader.” You nod softly. You took another deep breath to control your emotions. You can still feel his hands on you. You can still remember how he sniffed you and licked your wound when he realized who you were and when he realized who you were bonded to. 
“What man?” Moody asked. 
“Fenrir Greyback.” You said, rubbing your hands under the table to control the shakes. 
“He did that to you?” Remus asked, looking over at you and you finally met his gaze. Remus’ face paled and you felt a rush of emotions fill you. 
“And how upset he is.” Severus said as he walked into the kitchen. He walks in and sets your dark eyes on you. 
“You killed 12 of his men.” Severus’ words make you look down at the table. You needed a second, you weren’t in the mood to deal with the double agent. He walked over toward you and Morris was quick to get in front of him. Both men stared down and Severus gets something from the pocket of his cloak. 
He sets it down on the wooden table. 
“For the shakes. From what I heard, you are lucky to be alive from the amount of crucio they did on you. They were gloating at the fact they caught you.” Severus slides the potion in front of you before walking back to the door frame of the kitchen. Remus drops his head in defeat. 
“Careful Severus, this animal here might think you have a heart.” You said looking over at him when you grabbed it with shaky hands. Severus doesn’t say anything, he lowers his gaze when he sees you were unable to open it. You had a frown on your face when your fingers shook frantically. Morris was quick to step in, opening it for you. 
“He’s your guard dog?” Severus asked, looking at the man behind you. Glancing over at Morris, you nodded at him. Telling him to continue with an introduction.
“Name is Morris. I am, a half blood and a vampire. I am second in command of Team Black of the ministry of magic of the states.” He said looking at everyone. 
“So that means you are?” Molly asked looking at you as you drank the potion in one gulp.
“Captain Lupin.” Morris answers her looking down at you.
"Team Black." Moody repeats before looking over at Shacklebolt, who's eyes widen. 
"You heard of us then?" You asked them. They nod.
"You're top three of the most dangerous team in the states." Moody said.
"Yet, you still got capture. how?" Severus asked, you sighed at him.
"It was my fault." Bill told him and he shakes his head. "You're telling me the most powerful witch was able to get capture by them."
Morris glares at him and you try to to ignore Remus' stares.
"Well, I was having an off day, Severus." You admit to him. All you can think was how much you failed Remus as a wife.
"Your so called off day, might of cost us our lives." Severus says.
"They are coming. He sent word for them." He adds making you look away.
“They were going to come whether or not they found her here. What do we do now?” Bill asked, looking around the room. 
“We look for other people to join.” Moody said, stomping his cane. 
“And the people in the community?” You asked him. 
“We can’t help them. We don’t have the people for it.” You shake your head at him. 
“Give me a two weeks to recover. I’ll break them free.” Everyone except Morris stares at you surprisingly. 
“You can’t. They were beasts. Those men almost killed you.” Bill shouts at you, not believing what you just said.
“They almost did but I'm alive. I refuse to leave those people in there. They were in cages, chained. Who knows what Greyback is doing to them.” Everyone glances at each other. 
“We can’t risk our life for that. We are only a few.” Moody told you.
“That’s why I said I will go. I’m not looking for permission. I am telling you what I am going to do. I'm going to free them.” Dumbledore looks at you with the smallest of smile. In his eyes, you really haven’t changed a bit.
“Bill said there were many, Yank.” Arthur commented looking at you with a concerned look. 
“She won’t be going alone.” Morris said. You look back at him. 
“I can’t ask you to do that, Mo. This isn’t your fight.” You said softly. 
Morris has been your second in command for about 9 years. You met the vampire when you were doing a mission. You found him wounded, a couple of pureblood folks who aren’t too keen on half blood wizards tried to kill him but they left him as one of them, a vampire. 
“I’m not leaving you alone. Plus, I can’t wait to sink my teeth in some pureblood dipshits.” Morris tells you as he glances over at Bill. You had forgiven Bill Wesley but Morris still hasn’t. He still had a tough time with pureblood wizards. 
“Are you sure about this?” Dumbledore asked you.
“I can’t risk other members.” The headmaster's voice was soft. 
“That’s fine but I don’t think I can live with myself, knowing those people and their children are in cages, suffering from the hands of that sick fuck. I will not ignore them, it's not right.” You spoke. 
“Very well, then.” Dumbledore said to you. The meeting ended after that and Molly went by your side, hugging you. She told you how Bill told her how you saved Bill many times when trying to escape. Morris kept his distance when The Wesley family stood by you. Sirius and Remus stayed in the back, listening to Molly. 
Remus froze in place when you called for Severus. The tall dark haired man was stunned for a second that you called for him. Excusing yourself from Molly, you asked Severus to walk with you to the living room. Severus nods before glancing back and seeing Remus staring back at him. 
“Relax.” Sirius whispers to his friend. 
“How am I supposed to relax when the man that turned me into a monster hurt my wife?” Remus snaps back at Sirius. His eyes shined with tears as he stared at Sirius. 
Everyone froze at Remus’ words and Sirius was quick to grab Remus from his arm pulling him further away from the table. Sirius was about to speak when they heard your voice. 
“Is everything okay?” Remus looks over his shoulder at you. Molly was the first to respond. 
“Yes, we were all just heading out. Right?” Molly asked, looking around, giving everyone a hard stare. Morris sighs then walks over towards you. Remus glares as the tall vampire leans over and whispers something in your ear. Morris then vanishes in thin air after you gave him a nod. 
When everyone left, Sirius and Remus along with you were the only ones left. Sirius looked between you and Remus. 
“I would like to speak with you, please.” You said looking at Remus, who nodded immediately and followed you out the room. Following you up the stairs to the guest room. 
Remus was glad the potion Severus given you worked, there was some color on your cheeks and you have not shaken. He didn’t like the awkwardness in the air and he knew it was his fault. It was his fault for being a complete idiot and being angry towards you.  He wanted to blame it on Mooney, but he knew he couldn’t. It was all his fault. This was all Remus. 
“Remus- I..” 
“I’m sorry.” Remus cuts you off as he shuts the door behind him. You look away from him when he repeats it. 
“I shouldn’t have gotten mad for some photos.” You shook his head before walking towards him. 
“Stop and let me speak.” Your tone was hard and sharp. His chest was feeling tight. Years being together, you have never spoken to him like that. 
“I know the cottage is under your name but I would like to spend some time there. I’ll heal there and when I’m ready I’m going to free those people.” Remus’ brows knitted together, confused.
“Afterwards, I’ll leave and go back to the states.” Remus’ heart starts to break and he starts to breathe heavily. 
“I’ll ask the ministry to get the paperwork started.” Remus shouts your name when he realized what you were getting at.
“What are you talking about?! Divorce?” Remus is grabbing your hand, he pulls you close. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted?” You asked him softly not understanding why he was getting emotional. 
“You can finally be with Tonks. You slept with her because I wasn’t here. I wasn’t a good wife. I left you alone for too long.” Remus grabs your face with his hands, pulling you in for a kiss but you pushed him away. Remus whines but doesn’t let you go.
“I didn’t sleep with her. I swear. I just said that to get back at you. I swear it, baby.” Remus says as tears began to run down his handsome face. 
“Remus..please.” He shakes his head as you try to pull away from him. 
“I’ll show you. You can look inside of my mind and see. I have nothing to hide.” Remus exclaimed when he saw how serious you were. 
“Please. Look. Look inside.” Remus sobs when he pulls you to sit on the bed. He faces you and your heart breaks seeing him like this. He’s crying and he pulls your face to lean his forehead against yours. 
“I was hurt.” He whispered against your lips. “Angry. I acted out like a child and hurt you. I lied.” 
“After all these years, I’m jealous of him.” You sighed at Remus and pull away from his face. 
“Why?” You snapped with your own tears running down your face. “Why are you jealous of him, Remus. I don’t understand.” 
You pull your hands from his hold and stand up from the bed, needing space from him. 
“Why can't you see that I have always been yours? I  was yours the moment you kissed me. The moment you told me you loved me.” You looked around the room for a moment before landing your eyes on Remus. 
“I was yours the moment you wanted nothing in return. Do you remember that day?”  Remus nods. 
He looks ahead at you. All he can do is curse at himself, how can he be so stupid? So blind at the fact that you love him and he thought otherwise. He couldn’t believe he was letting your friend from school who’s long gone get between both of you. 
“Can you ever forgive me?” Remus asked softly. 
You took a deep breath before wiping your tears from your face. Walking over towards him, you knelt down in front of him. You held on to his hands so he wouldn’t touch you. 
You knew the moment he touched you, you couldn’t pull away from him. Remus frowned when you looked up at him. Your eyes are searching deep into his. 
“Did you sleep with Tonks?” You asked him. 
“No, never.” Remus answered quickly. You didn’t need to look in his memory. Years being married, you knew when Remus was lying. 
“You lied to hurt me then?” You asked and he nodded. You gently squeezed his hands when you felt a pang of pain deep in your chest. Remus’ eyes widened when you pushed yourself up to stand.
“I've been hurt before. I’ve been lied to, tricked and betrayed. I suffered and learned how to deal with that pain.” Remus stood up when you walked to the door. You look over your shoulder and stare at him for a moment. 
“I would have never thought that you would be the one to hurt me. Lying to me just to hurt me because you were jealous of a friend. Who I should remind you that showed me kindness when I had none in the beginning. In a school where I was heavily and brutally bullied for simply being a muggle born, a American and a Slytherin.” You sobbed. 
“I would have been home sooner when we were captured but a part of me thought that I deserved the beating and all the crucio. The thought of failing you and failing as a wife hurt more than all the bullying I had endured in my youth .” Remus gave you a pained face. 
“I wanted to die then I heard Bill on the other side and I knew if I died. He was going to be next. I couldn’t let that happen not after what his parents did for Harry. Then Greyback..-.” You stopped in mid sentence for a second and looked at Remus. 
You were angry but you love him. Even now you still love him. Remus rose up from the bed. You took a step back when he reached for you. Your back hit the door and Remus held on to your arms. “Tell me., what happened?” Remus asked with a worried expression. 
“They wanted to rape me.” Remus' mouth dropped softly and his hold on you tightened. 
“But he smelled you on me.” A soft whine escaped from your mouth as you remember him bending you over. 
“How does he remember me after all these years?” Remus asked and all you can do is stare at him. Staring at his face as tears rolled down his slim cheeks. 
“You know?” He asked, your back hits the door and all you can do is look up at him with tears running down your face. 
“You’re his favorite.” You told him what Greyback told you after smelling you and finding your mark. The hair on the back of Remus’ neck stood up. Remus’ blinks his own tears away and cups your face with his hands. 
“He wants you.” You whisper. 
“The moment he said that I knew if I didn’t do anything and they broke me to the point they could search my mind. He would have found you and I couldn’t let that happen. Something snapped in me, something horrible came over me and I killed them but he escaped. That coward had shielded himself with a Death Eater.” 
“Forgive me for ever doubting your love for me. I am truly and wholeheartedly sorry. I feel so ashamed. Did they?” Remus asked and you knew what he meant. Shaking your head no, Remus looks relief and pulls you into his chest holding you tight, he kisses your forehead. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Remus repeats it. 
“I’m going to stay for a few nights at the cottage.” Remus freeze and looks down at you. 
“What?” He whispered not believing what he was hearing. 
You shake your head when he says your name.  “Please.” 
“Stop it.” You responded and stepped away. 
“I just need some time apart. Please, I need to clear my mind.” Remus’ heart was beating out of his chest. 
“Then I leave and you stay here. I'll move into a different room. I’ll move into a different house.” Remus said. 
“I need to speak with Sirius then I’m leaving.” Remus frantically shook his head as he walked in front of you trying to grab the door knob before you. 
“I love you. You can’t leave. You can’t divorce me. I don’t know what else to say. I’m sorry, baby.” Remus cries to you. His voice cracks as he looks down at you. As much as you walked to use magic on him to let you leave you couldn’t, you hugged him, surprising him but he welcomed it. Wrapping his own arms around you tightly. 
“I love you.” You whispered to Remus. 
“Let me go, if you love me too. Let me take my space for now.” He shakes his head. 
“Please.” You whisper against his lips. “Please.” 
Pressing your lips against him, you cup his face. Remus kisses you back as his arms drop to his sides. Pulling away from him he nods at you. 
“Take all the time you need but come back to me.” Remus says as you open the door. You nod at him and walk out the door, leaving him inside. 
Sirius was sitting by the kitchen. His elbow on the table as he chewed on his bottom lip. The tea in front of him was cold now, he was happy there was no screaming or crying. That must mean good news.
He hears footsteps coming down the stairs and he sees you walking toward the kitchen. His heart drops when he doesn’t see Remus behind you. 
“Hey.” Your voice is flat and you wouldn’t look him in the eye. He grows more worried by the second. 
“Hi.” Sirius answers you when you sit across from him. 
“I’m thinking of spending a few days in the cottage until I recover. I need some space and to get well before going on this mission.” You tell him.
“It’ll be lonely without you guys but if you have to go then that’s fine.” Sirius raised his brows when you shook your head. 
“Not us. Only me. Remus will be staying here.” You avoided his gaze. 
“Yankee, what’s going on?” Sirius asked. “Don’t you lie to me?” 
“I just need some time alone.” Sirius frowns. “Why?” 
You scuff at him and stood up. “Why, you ask? Maybe because I was just beaten, and almost raped by Death Eaters who have a community caged like animals. Maybe I want time alone because my husband lied about sleeping with some girl to get back at me. Lied to me because he was jealous of my friend. Maybe because I need time to practice on my magic so I can kill that motherfucker that hurt Remus when he was child. Kill him for hurting me.” You shouted and Sirius stood up when he saw you were crying. 
“Come here.” He whispered as he grabbed your hand and pulled you into a hug. You sobbed into Sirius’ chest, his chin under your head as he held you. 
“Yank, I know you want to leave but stay here at least. Stay in my study room but don’t leave. We have to stick together. Remus and you are in a tough patch, he’s an idiot but he loves you. I didn’t believe him when he said he slept with Tonks. Remus looks at you like you’re the only witch in the world.” Sirius grabs your hand and pulls you to walk with him, further downstairs where the study room is at. 
You followed him without hassle. Knowing Sirius, he wasn’t going to let you walk out of this house without a fight. Following him into the dark hallway. The door opens and you stand by the door frame. Sirius turns on the light and the atmosphere is warm. The scent of cigarette and lavender is in the air. 
“If you need the place bigger. I’m sure the mighty witch before me knows how to conjure a larger room.” You smile at his words and Sirius looks at you. Sirius never had a sister, Lily felt like a mother to him.
However, he felt like an older brother to you and you were his little sister. He even said it to you after a night of an entire bottle of fire whiskey during the last year of Hogwarts. He admired you and even more when you told the Order of the Phoenix that you were planning on rescuing those people. 
“I want to help, Yank.” Sirius said as you walked around the room, looking at the books on the shelves. 
“Help with what?” You asked him as you picked up a book from the table near you. 
“With rescuing those people. I want to help.” Sirius said, walking to the love seat. You sat next to him, looking over at him. 
“Hearing, you said that you don’t think you can live with the fact that they are caged. I can’t either, I've been in a cage for 12 years. I don’t want anyone to experience that. Let me help you, sis.” 
<- Chapter 2
Taglist: @callsignwidow , @avitute , @hermionelove, @wingedhallows , @ivet4
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
i love love love big!beefy!james!!!!! he’s my bf fr fr
could i possibly get some angst to fluff w him??
not really angst but just a little bickering!
"james, you can't keep leaving these here. i almost slipped on 'em," you grumble as you step out of the bathroom, towel wrapped tight around you as you dangle james' dirty rugby uniform on a finger.
he looks up from his gaming desk, in the corner of your room, headphones pushed behind his ear.
"slipped on what, lovely?" he asks, deer-in-the-headlights look to his eyes.
"your dirty rugby uniform? it's all caked in mud jamie, told you last time it'll bring flies and bugs if y'don't wash it out first."
you're pretty sure you can make out sirius', 'he's such a slob, doll!', as your boyfriend's eyes widen.
"sorry m'heart," he blows you a kiss when you tap your foot on the floor "thought i chucked it in the basket."
you huff, tossing it in the basket yourself this time.
"don't leave it in there all night either mister," he nods, another kiss being blown your way.
"won't baby, promise."
it's well after midnight when james gets off the game, you'd been painting your nails the whole time- using little ball tools to get the cherries on your nails the right size.
"is there anything in the wash?" james asks, voice a little hoarse from use earlier.
"nuh uh, think you might have to empty the dryer though," you look up bashfully, "think i forgot a load in there after i showered."
james smiles in just his way- slow and earnest as he comes closer to you. "s'alright, i'll fold them quick." he kisses you once, twice, three times before you smile.
"sorry about quarrelling." you say, james frowns.
"didn't quarrel, you reminded me love, s'nothing wrong with that."
james kisses any complaints from you, before going off to the washing room. you can hear him scrubbing off his clothes first and then the wet slosh of it falling into the washer barrel.
he comes back with the folded laundry pressed to his chest, "wanna paint mine too, pretty girl?"
you perk from where you're blowing your nails, "sure jamie," you show him your polishes.
"wanna match yours, maybe cherries on clear nails?" he suggests and you nod rapidly, excited to do his nails.
"i love you," you say sweetly, james' cheek flushing at the sentiment.
"i love you too, m'heart. an inordinate amount."
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Guilty Gear time! While I wait for Baiken, could I ask for some available Guilty Gear characters helping their S/O train?
(Guilty Gear: Strive) Elphelt, Potemkin, Millia, and May training their S/O
Every single person in this list goddamn terrifying to be on the opposite side of, even for a training exercise. Also, this is the first GGS post, apologies if there's OOC!
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(Elphelt) "Alright! Let's get rehearsals in today!"
(S/O) "Um...You know I meant for fighting right? Why are you handing me a guitar?"
(Elphelt) "...W-Wait, I thought you said you wanted to train! Oops! I guess you can use that to block!"
(S/O) "I don't think there's any guitar in this world that can block your attacks!"
Elphelt doesn't mind teaching her S/O self defense, because at the same time it allows her to have fun with them, and make sure they can't get hurt!
It's a win-win!
Though the result usually ends with S/O flat on their ass, but she's careful enough to not seriously harm them.
Other than their pride.
(Elphelt) "Don't worry, S/O! I know we can get you to knock me down soon, you're doing super well for just a single day of training!"
(S/O) "Hah, I suppose it'll be an accomplishment of it's own for managing to land a single hit."
(Elphelt) "That's the spirit!"
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Potemkin hates fighting, but in the service of protecting others, he doesn't hesitate.
And in terms of a friendly match, he doesn't mind. At least when the opponent isn't the person he loves.
He's very aware of his own strength, and even more aware if he's not extremely careful, he could end up doing more than hurting S/O.
(Potemkin) "I apologize, but I must refuse this request S/O. I cannot spar with you."
(S/O) "I'm not asking you to launch me into the air, I just want to make sure you don't have to worry about me in case I get attacked!. Just a little self defense practice is all!"
(Potemkin) "Even the slightest hit from me can be enough to knock you through a building."
(S/O) "W-Well...alright, fair enough."
(Potemkin) "Though, the sentiment is appreciated, at least."
Part of him was slightly curious to see if S/O could perform his Heavenly Buster, but that was a thought for another day.
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Millia is against the idea of teaching her S/O how to fight like her.
And the fact she was an assassin was the least of her worries, not even considering the other things she had been a part of, including her cursed hair.
But at the very least, Millia supports the idea of S/O being able to defend themselves, at least enough to get them to safety.
(Millia) "Very well. However, I will not go easy on you."
(S/O) "Good, I don't want you to! Go ahead and throw a punch at me!"
(Millia) "...You don't want that."
Millia obviously does not use her hair once, only using her pure martial abilities to constantly sweep S/O off their feet, and catching their fists.
Though the progress is understandably slow, S/O is getting better each spar.
And that is enough to keep Millia's mind at peace.
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May is ecstatic to teach S/O how to fight, if it means that they can help out even more in the Jellyfish Pirates!
(May) "Alright, day's young, let's get started!"
May rolls her shoulders as she puts the massive anchor on her shoulder.
Making S/O's eyes widen.
(S/O) "U-Uh, you're not going to use that thing on me, are you?!"
(May) "Well, how else are we going to train?...Oh, wait! I have an idea!"
May put her Anchor away and suddenly whistled.
The next thing they knew, S/O was hit in the face by May riding Mr Dolphin.
Many a training session passed with S/O repeatedly getting hit in the face by various aquatic animals.
Most of the crew, including Johnny, is amazed that S/O's bones haven't been shattered by repeated blunt mammal trauma.
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n3ptoonz · 8 months
Idk man, I think I’m gonna need to see you write how Raiden, Kenshi, Syzoth, Tomas, and Liu Kang behave when giving and receiving body worship 😏
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oh...oh 😏
first half is bullet points and the second is blurbs bc my brain likes to stop working for some reason
suggestive, fluff elements under the cut, THIS WAS SO HARD TO FORMAT HOLY i'm sorry for taking so long!1!1?3? i hope this isn't ass🗿
When giving body worship:
is nervous at first. so many things he wants to say, so many things he wants to do. you'd have to guide him at first but he quickly takes over as he gets the hang of it
he'd have you facing him because he wants to start from head to toe, taking extra time inspecting your face and kissing all over it
i can see him going as far as kneeling to get into what he likes about your lower body starting at your torso. if you have some type of tummy going on he's gonna sit there and knead at you like a cat (totally not self indulgent 😹)
makes it his mission. i'm referring back to my kenshi fic with this cause there's body worship in it
it don't matter what you look like or how secure/insecure you are in regards to your body, he's having you stand in front of a mirror and will shamelessly glide his soft tatted hands over the exact parts he adores
he praises you the entire time. physicality, personality, the things you do for him, how you've personally helped him and didn't realize, every. single. thing.
gets lost in the moment. i feel like he's a very emotional guy and lover to the point where he would prob almost cry (yall saw how fast he fell to his knees in the story) talking about the things he adores about you
don't even get him started on your body. he doesn't really understand the concept of body image, but he got the idea to worship yours because he found it so unique. like he's genuinely intrigued
expect him to leave bite barks on the places he likes the most, it's how his folks show love. his eyes would be sparkling and everything
whispers sweet nothings. he LOVES giving body worship. he was always the kind of person who admired others quickly, and that especially included you
he's whispering/murmuring all types of cute things in your ear as you rock back in forth in his strong arms (lord god help me) whether you're facing him or not. "...to your lips, oh how i love your lips..." is definitely the cadence he's going for
it's actually pretty funny to think about him innocently talking about your body and innocently touching/grabbing at certain parts and then gets to like your ass and he's like "and this ass of yours...i could never grow tired of it." like 😭 what happened to pretty eyes mister?! (kidding you can say that again 😝)
Liu Kang
knows exactly what to do. If you're lying down, there's no part of your body that goes without a kiss. i mean literally no part of your body
he loves every single part of it, and he makes sure you understand that without a doubt. he'll make comments about almost everything
it surprises you sometimes how he's able to come up with such sentiments for something as simple as a knee or elbow, but it surely gets the job done
When receiving body worship:
Raiden is super shy. Whether you copy what he did or if it was for the first time and you gave him praise the whole time, he's a nervous wreck. It happened while you were straddling him and telling him how impressed you were with the work he put into his body, running your hands down his bare chest and peppering kisses all over him. The deep blush on his cheeks weren't nearly enough to tell you how much he appreciated you and your kind words.
Kenshi went from shy to letting his ego get fed a little bit. He values physical touch and quality time so much, and this was the perfect combination. He obviously wasn't expecting this, so at first he playfully brushed it off. Then once you started to really show and tell what you liked about him, you could see his eyebrow raise and the smirk on his face grow. He'd hold your face or hips while you did it, just to keep himself grounded and in the moment.
Syzoth didn't know what to do. He just...stood there. You could see the visible shock on his face, but clearly this was only because things like this didn't happen in the Zaterran world. Especially when you'd worship literally both forms, this is a newfound concept to him. Normally people are afraid of his natural form. But no, you showing love to all of him brought happy tears to his eyes.
Tomas was also very shy. He's confident in his abilities and clearly took the time to perfectly sculpt his own body for combat, but he never really thought about his own looks. So your intense focus and worship towards his physical appearance had him in awe. To the point of littering hickeys on the parts of his body nobody would be able to see but him made him all giddy and excited in and outside. In fact, he'd ask you to do this more often!
Liu Kang didn't really know how to respond at first. He appreciated your efforts, really. You decided to surprise him after you hadn't seen him in a while. He'd smile down at you using some of his techniques and kissing down his body starting from his forehead. Eventually he gets used to your way of showing affection and you'll physically see him melt under your touch.
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kaivenom · 2 months
A girl boss to a gangster (Tommy Shelby edition)
Based on this imagine i did, there will be four parts i think. Same gangter!reader but with a differente shelby each time (like the title says)
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People tent to call you "the Red Nightmare", and people often think you are a comunist gentlemen but surprise... red is also a lady's colour.
You were going to Birmingham to see the outlook of the city. Your family wants to expand the bussiness to England and that place is a good start and you are the most capable option of your crew.
You parked the car on the side of the road and went to the Garrison, people have told you is a place very frequented by the local mobs. Maybe you get to do some alliances with them, it would be better than start a band war.
Ordering a drink was easy and the ambience was nice but some dudes started to bother you. In fact, even three boys from the VIP room got out to see.
You wanted to keep a low profile but these men were so insufferable that you ended up beating them. Now that they are on the ground, you wanted to go back drinking, but that was not the case.
"Good morning lady, i would have to ask you to get out." the bartender approached you.
"Jerry, go take a smoke, i have it from here" one of the VIP men sat next to you, dark hair and a lost look "that was quite impressive."
"Well, i can't expect the men to do the work."
"Well, this is my bar, i was going to do something."
"Too late i think."
"It is..." he lighted up a cigarette and offered to you, you took a slight hint "if a woman like you were from Birmingham i would have known you by now so... who are you?"
"I am just a lady."
"That's not true and i advise you not to lie to me." suddently the conversation changed to a much darker tone.
"I am (Y/N), The Red Nightmare. You?"
"Tommy Shelby, of the Peaky Blinders."
"Then i think is good that we both matched here."
"I am not sure about it then, why are you here?"
"Bussiness expansion. Partnership?" you asked with a smile.
"Then maybe we can work something out."
From that moment, it was like being a invited royal, you didn't have to search for a hotel or a chofer. It was like the Peaky Blinder was following you everywhere and so was for the next weeks.
"Lady (Y/N), Tommy Shelby invites you to an evening to the art gallery. Dress nicely." the courier said to you with a calmed voice.
And so you did, you dressed with a red dress, obviously, and went to the gallery. Tommy's chofer left you in front of it, where you saw a very dressed up Shelby.
"Good afternoon, mister." you said with a smile, on the psat couple of weeks, you started to feel better around him.
"Afternoon lady, let's enter." he offered you his arm and like ussually he had a serious face but he looked more relaxed that in the other meetings.
The paintings were beautifull and wine was served to the costumers but there was a lot of people, it doesn't look like a place to a meeting.
"Mister Shelby" you positioned yourself next to him, but looking at the picture, "what is the subject you want to discuss today?"
"None." you almost choked on the wine.
"You heard me, this is no business meeting. We already did a lot of that, i wanted to get ot know you a little more...you, not the Red Nightmare."
You were blushing a lot at these revelation, but you wouldn't confront him about it, deep inside you wanted it to happen.
After the gallery, you both went dinning at the Garrison and continued chatting and having a good time.
This thing started to happen more often and more sentimental every time. From time to time, both opening up about feelings and memories, like the war.
One particular night, it was raining and he appeared on your door, all wet and with a sad look. He told you about his nightmares and apparently, this night was a really rough one and he wanted to talk to someone. He talked about that time on France while laying on the couch, with your hands on his hair.
Then, when you both were about to fall asleep, he kissed you, not with lust or angriness but with love and sweetness instead. One thing led to another and you passed the night together.
The next morning, you woke up with your head on his chest and his hand passing thru your hair. When you oppened your eyes, a small smile appeared on his face, it was one of the few times you saw him done that.
"Let's get married." he said with a blank stare.
"The thing about your family business it's still going and we didn't solve it yet. A marriage would be the best solution."
"So, after all this, you are asking for marriage just to set a deal." you were starting to feel angry and used.
"Yeah, i thought about it for a while but i wasn't planning on doing it beacuse it's a vulgar way to solve things... i couldn't do that to you. But, after the last few weeks i was starting to think about it less for a bussiness and more like a desire, and after tonight i want to marry you, no matter what. Even if a have to ask you to a hundred more dates or appear on your door at night."
You looked at him, almost crying that this man is trusting you enough to ask you such a important question. Your brain is going very fast, analizing all the facts and possibilities and at the end, you threw all of that to the window.
Passing your hands to his cheeks and leaving a small kiss on his lips, you nod playfully.
"Then let's go call aunt Polly, she will get excited that we finally get married, she likes weddings a little to much."
"Then i shall write my family and tell the news."
You spent the rest of the morning in bed, celebrating the compromise, and later on, you make public, to surprise of no one.
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underdark-dreams · 11 months
Not sure if anyone is still following this oneshot, but I ended up writing a second chapter. Turns out I couldn't stop thinking about giving them a happier ending. (Rated M now 👀)
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Rolan x Fem!Tav (Unnamed)
Good Night For Company - ch. 2
Tags: Mild Angst, Sexual Content
Word Count: 4,794 [Read on AO3]
Rolan had spent many hours cursing his timidity that night. 
He’d lain sleepless at his camp as the sky lightened outside the Emerald Grove, replaying each moment in his mind. The look in her eye when she asked to kiss him—her hand tugging him toward her tent—the lovely way she collapsed against him when his lips found her soft neck.
He'd escaped the very fires of Avernus itself with his whole family miraculously alive and in tow. Yet confronted with the puzzle of her hands drawing him down to her bedroll, his mind had seized up in uncertainty. How much easier could she have made it for him?
Although, he allowed himself, he had made some sense that night. For one who daydreamed of her face as often as Rolan, the strain in her features was instantly noticeable by campfire light. Her eyes were heavy-lidded and shadowed with dark, tired circles. Even her skin seemed drained of its usual color. She needed a good night’s sleep more than anything.
But as they said their goodbyes that night outside his campsite, Rolan's hands still holding her shoulders, he could have sworn she wanted him just as badly as he did her.
Rolan shut his eyes with a groan—her face only swam behind his eyelids, that same invitation drawing him into her gaze. He pressed palms to his eye sockets until she burst apart into popping stars.
When he opened them, he was back in the torchlight of Last Light Inn and sitting in his grim new reality. There was empty silence on either side of him where Cal and Lia should have stood chattering.
Rolan dragged his tankard back towards him across the bar, until he peered down and saw the bottom.
"You two," he snapped at the little Tieflings behind the bar. The boys' conspiratorial giggles hushed immediately as they both looked at him. "Are you tending bar or not?" He waved his empty mug toward them.
"I don't know," Ide said, brows lowering in a skeptical line. Rolan tutted at him.
"It's not difficult. Bottle," he pointed at the open dry red behind the bar. "Cup," he continued, waving a hand in front of him. 
"Mistress Jaheira said not to over-pour," Umi piped up, clearly not knowing the term but understanding the sentiment behind it.
"Mistress Jaheira didn't save both your hides from the Shadow Curse, did she?" Rolan snapped. He badly needed another drink; unwelcome lucidity threatened to close in. "If it weren't for me, who knows whether you two would still be out there right now."
“Stop it, mister Rolan,” Ide insisted. Rolan was opening his mouth to chastise him before he caught sight of Umi’s lip trembling. 
The child was already a timid thing. Through the recent memories of too many kin lying on the road, Rolan recalled Asharak, the childrens’ fighting instructor from the Grove. He’d been cut down before their young eyes just days ago. Umi seemed especially affected by the loss. No doubt the man’s body still lay spread-eagle on the path up the hill; the urgency of survival had left no time to bury their dead.
Rolan gave a heavy sigh as he watched the child’s forlorn face. Yet again, he felt like a monster. “Go. I swear I’ll practice moderation. And if Jaheira asks, tell her I ordered you off.”
The two of them scampered away without a response, clearly eager to get away from Rolan at the first chance. If only he could escape his own unpleasant company just as easily. 
But that, Rolan reminded himself, was what all this wine was for. He lurched across the bar for the bottle and tipped the rest of its contents into his tankard. Its heat down his throat welcomed him back toward oblivion.
If he still lived, their errant paladin had everything to answer for. Whether he’d lost his senses to the curse or just lost his mind entirely, Rolan cursed Zevlor for the umpteenth time for fucking off with the cultists and landing him in this unwelcome position of authority. 
Rolan was no leader…at best a very, very uninspiring one. The yoke should have fallen to someone brave and selfless. Someone like broad-shouldered Ikaron. But Ikaron was now another empty body lying along the Risen Road, to be slowly consumed by the shadows.
Rolan knew he was no beacon of encouragement. He’d done his best to herd the other panicked survivors onward, however, using every last bit of evocation knowledge he had to keep them surrounded with light and flame.
He also knew it was sheer good fortune that saved them in the end. If they hadn’t found the sanctuary of Last Light Inn when they did, they’d all be shambling undead by now.
Yet somehow in the days since the ambush, he found all the children hovering around him with frightened eyes, asking him questions he barely knew the answers to himself. How were they going to save the ones who’d been taken by the cult?
Perhaps his unpleasant habit of ordering others about was finally coming around to bite him in the ass.
Nevertheless, Rolan felt vexed and inconvenienced by the unasked responsibility. Weren't his siblings enough of a weight on his shoulders already? Saving everyone would be a miracle; all he could privately hope for was Cal and Lia returned to him. 
If they’re still alive. Those were the thoughts that drove him to drink, and drink he did, tipping back the pewter vessel with abandon. In between bouts of liquor, however, Rolan’s mind was working as hard as it ever had. 
Cal and Lia would be at Moonrise Towers. No question. Moonrise was the headquarters of this insane Absolute cult, the one whose small patrol had butchered their numbers on the road. And a fortress of that size had to have a dungeon of some sort on the lower level. Why would they go through the trouble of taking them alive just to kill them? They must have plans for them all—ones Rolan tried not to imagine in detail.
He had to think of a way to slip through unnoticed—possibly by river, if the rumors he’d overheard from the Harpers were right. How far could he get on his own? Asking any of his fellows for help was out of the question. 
Rolan glanced across the common room at what pitiful few remained. Alfira sat near the open hearth, fingers going through the motions of tuning her lute strings. Her usually cheerful eyes were blank and distant. Rolan hadn’t heard her play a single note since Lakrissa had been taken with his siblings. He should have thought to comfort her, but that kind of gentleness never seemed to occur to him.
Rolan crossed his arms on the bar and dropped his horns to them. If only he’d thought faster, acted sooner, left the others to fend for themselves in order to grab hold of his brother and sister before their screams grew distant. His sharp nails dug into his palms as the sound replayed in his mind. 
He wished he had anyone besides himself to be angry at. He wished he could be angry at her.
If only she'd never taught Cal and Lia how to hope to fight back or be heroes. If only she'd never taught him how to hope…for anything, he decided. For any single single thing he might wish were possible.
Through his haze of drunken self-pity, his ears pricked at some kind of shouting and commotion out front. No doubt another attack by some new shadow-cursed horror. Rolan heard one of the little ones begin calling his name. 
"I’m coming, I’m coming,” Rolan spat, sliding petulantly to his feet as one hand reached for the quarterstaff leaning against the bar. “The damned hells is it this time?" He didn’t care what language the child might hear, but young Mattis was unphased.
“Stow your frown—” Mattis was grinning toothily. “Goblin killer finally made it!”
“What?” But the boy was already gone, bounding away from him through the front doors. Rolan swallowed dry against his fuzzy tongue. He felt fully awake for the first time in days, and he gripped the bar to steady himself before his feet stumbled forward.
Jaheira's enchanted vines were disentangling from her legs just as Rolan entered the courtyard. It was fortunate; he'd grown to respect Jaheira, and it would've been a shame to have to hex her. Rolan jostled through the gathered Harpers without a care in order to push closer. 
She and her companions had been waylaid just past the bridge. Harper Lassandra was relaying a report in her defense, it seemed, but all Rolan could concentrate on was her face.
Her cheeks were splattered with dark, shadow-magic blood. One of her sleeves was ripped open at the shoulder, displaying another patch of blood-stained skin at the seam of her leather jerkin. By the dark circles under her eyes, she still hadn't slept properly since the Grove.
She was the most beautiful thing Rolan had seen in weeks.
Her eyes came to rest on his own face then; he watched her blink hard, as if she might be dreaming.
"Rolan?" She croaked out softly. 
He had already half-closed the gap by the time she started toward him. They caught each other so hard Rolan felt the air leave his lungs in a huff, but he gathered whatever of her familiar scent he could, tinged with coppery blood though it was.
“I’m so glad you’re—I’m so glad,” she laughed shakily into his shoulder. Rolan wished he could kiss her, but it didn’t feel right in front of so many other eyes. He settled for standing back with his arms circled tight around her middle.
"Where's Lia and Cal?" She glanced around behind him, her smile fading. Rolan should have expected her constant concern for others by now, but could only look at her. Her eyes landed back on his face. "Zevlor?" She added quietly.
“Come inside.” Jaheira’s voice interrupted the silence between them. “We can talk over a drink.” 
As the druid directed forces back to their posts, Rolan felt her slip out from under his arms. She approached Gale to ask something—Rolan saw the wizard glance his direction before he replied.
“Come on,” she said, jogging back into his embrace. 
“What about Jaheira?”
“Gale can handle it, he’s good at talking.” She notched herself back firm against his side as they walked in. “I’d rather hear from you.”
Rolan tried his best not to stumble up the stairs beside her. He cursed his impulse to reach for the bottle at any sorrow—he must reek of it. If he did, she was kind enough not to say anything.
He led her to the empty room beside the cleric’s and shut the heavy door behind them.
“We were ambushed,” he said in a rush, before she could open her mouth. “Cal and Lia were grabbed up by those monsters on wings. Along with others. They’re being held at Moonrise.”
“We’ll find them.” Her voice was automatic and steely-certain. 
Rolan nodded, borrowing what strength he could from her eyes. “We will.”
“I thought…Zevlor was leading you,” she prompted him slowly, as if she might not want to know the answer. He only shook his head at her. How could he explain what he didn’t understand himself?
“We took the same path here that you did,” she admitted to him. Rolan knew what she was saying. He remembered each and every blank, upturned face that shrank to a pinpoint in the darkness as he led the survivors away. 
“I’m so sorry, Rolan.” His numbness was broken by her two hands rising to hold his face. “I just—I’m so fucking sorry—”
For some reason, his grief felt more real than it had yet. Rolan looked down at her bloodstained face and folded his fingers around one of her wrists. It would be idiotic to cry in front of her, so he kissed her instead.
His lips shook against hers, from sorrow and from want in equal measure. Rolan didn’t want to think about his dead friends, or his family waiting for rescue in a dark dungeon—just for a moment, he wished he could lose himself in her. She was the one person he could let himself unravel with.
“Rolan, wait—” But she didn’t want him to wait. Rolan heard it in her breathless voice against his lips, felt it in the way her hands clutched at his clothing to pull him closer.
He knew she must taste the alcohol on his breath. Hadn’t he said something to her that night in her tent? Something about wine and sex being a bad mix.
Foolish words of a foolish man who still thought he'd have time to do things properly. Rolan couldn’t remember them, and right now, this seemed like the best thing that could ever happen in such a desolate place. 
Was it so wrong to want her? Even now, with the rest of his life crumbling around him? 
Only his very real feelings for her could have broken through the haze. With a lurch of effort, Rolan stumbled back from her. The four walls of their room pressed in unbearably quiet without the sounds of hands and lips filling the air. Her eyes shone dark to him in the candlelight, pupils blown wide in a way that his deepest instincts recognized with primal satisfaction. He was certain his eyes blazed with just as much desire. 
Rolan licked his lips, gathering his last shreds of control. “Tell me to go,” he rasped. “Say it, and I will.”
He was rooted to the spot to await her judgment. She was silent before him, only a soft pant from between her lips. Rolan stood there for what felt like an agonizing eternity as her eyes traveled over his face. 
So slowly it felt like a dream, she raised one arm across to her opposite shoulder. The gesture made no sense to him at first. Until Rolan heard buckles clicking and watched the plates of her leather armor shed from her chest like scales to the floorboards.
Her tunic was next, and before Rolan could ready himself it was up over her head and thrown on top of her armor, her bare breasts covered only by a few stray wisps of her hair. 
He swayed where he stood, lightheaded; her darkly shining eyes didn’t break from his for a moment, even as her hands were already moving to the fastenings of her belt.
Rolan felt an ache like loss. Those should be his hands—gently undressing her, taking his time as he slowly unveiled each new and beautiful expanse of her flesh—not the two of them rushing through this first moment of newness that they’d never get back. Because even as the thought occurred, he himself was ripping his own robes off his shoulders without a care for the state of them. They would have time enough some other night.
She was faster, already kicking her pants off her bare feet. She wore nothing underneath—the realization brought a groan from his throat. Once his last garments dropped forgotten to the floor, she practically pounced.
Rolan had just enough reflex to catch her as she threw her body against his. Her bare skin on his was electric, filling his mind with wild want even as he tried to take in every sensation at once. Her taut breasts pressed against his chest—fingers lovingly exploring the ridges on his shoulders and back—the heat between her legs barely grazing against his thigh, yet enough to send his mind reeling. She made him feel real again.
And her lips—how could he have already forgotten how sweet she tasted? He kissed her back with hunger, wishing he might dissolve into her soft warmth for good.
Rolan wasn’t as strong as he wished, and he was tipsy as all hells, but he did his best as he guided their bodies down on top of their clothing. Her hips and shoulders thumped under his weight against the wood boards. Surely it must have hurt her—but then he felt her legs cross behind his bare flanks, rutting their hips together, and every other concern was lost.
Slick wetness pressed against his pelvis as she rolled herself against him. The proof of how much she wanted him, if Rolan had any lingering doubts. He fell braced on his forearms around her.
“I missed you so much,” she gasped against his lips. Rolan paused everything as his eyes opened to meet hers, almost too close to focus. “Rolan, I wish we—I should have—” Her face shone with more yearning than he could bear.
"I know, dearest, I know—" The endearment fell with shocking ease from his lips. Though he might share them, tonight was not for regrets. There were enough of those going around to last a lifetime. 
Rolan stopped them with his mouth, licking and tasting her as deeply as she would let him, one hand splaying under her thigh to angle her hips deeper against his own. 
With anyone else, Rolan might have felt self-conscious about how hard he’d been since the moment she undressed for him. With her, what would be the point? She'd confessed more with her body and her words than he'd ever expected.
His ridged length pressed between them, his underside slickening with each rocking motion she made against him. He broke from her slightly.
"Tell me." The words came out husky. Rolan didn't mean them to tease her, only wanted her to direct him, but the way she squirmed under him was addictive.
"I want you," she breathed, and he felt fingers clasp behind his neck. "Please, Rolan—"
How could he deny her anything? Rolan grabbed himself to guide and nudge his tip to her folds, spreading her wetness along his length best he could. She deserved so much better than a hard floor in the middle of nowhere. But everything felt too urgent, like they were at the edge of the world’s end. And her face held nothing but eagerness as she watched him.
Gently, slowly, he guided himself just inside her. She was perfect; Rolan's head dropped to her chest as he exhaled with a shudder.
"Oh—" She only let out the little gasp, but her hands hooked under his ears, tilting his head back up so she could press lips to his forehead and eyelids. 
"More," she purred against him.
Reflexive, Rolan pushed into her to the hilt and let out a groan at how perfectly she gripped him. She hummed in satisfaction, her legs pressing tighter around his hips to hold him there.
It was somehow tender and frantic all at once. Rolan's hips rolled into her with increasing urgency, even as he cradled her face up toward his with both his forearms, wanting to watch each sensation play out over her face.
When he hit a new angle inside her, her fingers actually gripped one of his horns as her lips gasped open. It sent a shudder reverberating through his core.
"So good," she gasped. "You feel so perfect—"
He would do anything to keep it feeling that way for her. He ducked his mouth to her breast, sliding his tongue over one tight bud and sucking her into his mouth.
"Fuck, Rolan—" Her voice canted up a register, and he felt her walls tremble and grip around him with each thrust. Her fingers clutched sweetly at the ridges over his shoulder blades.
In the back of his mind Rolan wondered whether the whole inn could hear his name on her lips, but he wasn't sure he cared, wasn't sure he didn't fucking love the idea in fact.
Both of them were starved for it, and neither of them could last much longer. Rolan groaned something into the flesh of her breast, words lost to the way her body shook under him just as he unraveled all around her. He collapsed against her soft chest and held her tight with trembling arms.
"What did you say before?" 
As he drifted back to reality, Rolan lifted his head from her to rest his chin on her stomach. "Hmm?" 
She was looking down at him with shy curiosity. "When you came," she said. He loved hearing words like that casually tumble from her. "You said something, I didn't recognize the language."
Rolan realized with some embarrassment that she was right. "I did, didn't I." He moved to press his lips along her abdomen, as if it might distract her from the topic. But she was far too stubborn for that.
"Going to tell me or not?" He felt his insides melt as she traced her thumb along the lines of one of his pointed ears.
Rolan regretted letting her in on that fact about Tiefling anatomy, and he told her so with a grumble. She only laughed and gave his ear point a teasing tug.
Rolan closed his eyes against the feeling instead. "It's Infernal," he admitted to her. He hadn't spoken the tongue in many years; the fact he remembered any was a surprise even to himself.
"Oh." She didn't sound put off, only curious. "What did it mean?"
He carefully considered how to answer. "There's…not a word in Common that directly translates." Rolan met her eyes as his lips brushed absently near her navel. "A feeling that cleanses like holy fire. 'Love of salvation.'"
She gazed down at him. "That's the most romantic thing I've ever heard," she whispered.
Rolan reached to smooth her hair across her forehead. "Is it? To be cleansed, you have to be corrupted first."
"Is that an offer?" she asked, a grin teasing at the corners of her mouth. “I mean, we’re all pretty corrupted around here. Don’t forget I’ve already got a worm in the head.”
Abruptly, she pushed herself seated upright; Rolan caught himself back against his knees.
"I’m an idiot," she gasped. “Rolan—that’s how I get to the Moonrise dungeons. This tadpole makes me a True Soul. I can walk right through the fucking front door!”
Anxiety gripped him as he watched the excitement unfold on her face. Rolan wasn't sure he could watch her willingly rush into a den of vipers. 
"I'm coming with you," he insisted, already knowing she would tell him no. She shook her head at him.
“I wish you could,” she told him, and he believed her. “You're not tadpoled, the guards would know. But I'll take as many of my companions as I can, I swear. We can do this," she added, gripping his forearm.
It was all too fast; Rolan caught her hand before she could rise. "Wait," he implored firmly. “Let me travel with you to the bridge, at least.”
That she agreed to. They dressed quickly—though Rolan couldn't resist grabbing her a few times to kiss what bare flesh was still exposed, absolutely adoring the way she melted under his hands and mouth each time.
When he and her party stood at the bridge to the Tower, Rolan regretted agreeing to this all over again. She only gave him a quick peck on the lips with the soft promise of more later, and headed down the walkway with her companions.
Rolan stayed back in the shadows to watch her speak with the guards. His heart pounded in his throat. There was a short exchange; even his sensitive ears couldn’t catch the words. But then the guards stood down, and she and her friends walked freely through the front doors of Moonrise Towers. He allowed himself to feel a sliver of hope.
Back at the Inn, Rolan paced around the hall for what felt like an eternity. Mol complained he was making her dizzy. In reality, it couldn't have been more than a few hours. 
When he heard the soft shout of the patrol below, Rolan rushed through the wide doors and down to the underground port.
Cal and Lia stood alive and well on the wooden docks. Her too, further down the line—she even caught his eye with a smile. Rolan could have laughed in relief, but the guards curtly ordered him back while the Harper on duty checked them over with Jaheira's bottled tadpole. 
Rolan deeply wished to aim a cantrip at the man's skull, but he clenched his fists to gather his last remaining shreds of patience.
When they were cleared, all of them dashed together. Rolan gripped Cal and Lia's heads with a hand each, holding them tight against him.
"You absolute fucking idiots—" Rolan was half scolding, half trying not to cry. "Don't you dare stick your necks out like that again, do you hear me?"
"I'll remember that the next time we get kidnapped by murderous lunatics," Lia's voice said into his shoulder, but she was squeezing his ribs tight.
"Sorry," was Cal's only meek response, and Rolan stifled the juvenile urge to rumple his little brother's hair. 
"Just get inside," Rolan said as he released them. "When was the last time you both ate?"
They both complained over his continued fussing, but each of them obeyed him in the end. The return of bickering and normality somehow eased a weight from Rolan's heart. 
As the Tieflings he knew and the deep gnomes he didn't all made their way up the stairs to the Inn, Rolan linked his arm around her waist beside him.
"I love you," he told her first, low so that only she could hear. Then—"thank you."
"Thank those lot up there," she told him, though he heard through the smile in her voice that she hadn't missed his confession. "They were ready to fight tooth and nail out of there. I just unlocked the bars."
In the dark Rolan placed a swift kiss on the crown of her head, and was rewarded by the feel of her cheek leaning sideways against his shoulder.
Last Light Inn still had an undeniable gloom to it, but it was lightened considerably by the reunions of friends and lovers. To Rolan's eye the hall seemed practically packed compared to a few hours earlier.
His siblings settled back at the bar, removed from the chatter at the hearth. Rolan watched them toast each other with two very well-earned pints. As they both launched into conflicting narratives of their adventure, Rolan felt a deep sense of ease soak into his bones.
"This one's fucking amazing, by the way—" Lia was gesturing her mug to the woman at Rolan's side. "Watched her cut down a Moonrise guard with one swing of a sword. You better have thanked her properly, Rolan," she added.
His sister was clever; Rolan strongly suspected she knew what she was doing. He decided to play dumb for the sake of the dear person beside him, whose cheeks he could practically feel burning from here.
"Believe me, I will," Rolan said. As he spoke, he drew her toward him again with an arm around her middle.
Cal was significantly slower on the uptake. "Eughh." He let out an amused noise of disgust. "Why don't you two just kiss each other alre—"
But Rolan's lips were already on hers, tilting her chin up and back with a hand so he could capture her mouth. His other arm wrapped her shoulders back against his chest, and he felt her fingers grip tight over his forearm. As they gently broke apart, the quiet lasted only for a second.
"Twelve pints at the Elfsong." Lia smacked the bar next to Cal. "That's it, you owe me."
"Taking bets on my fucking love life now?" Rolan began, his indignance slightly undercut by the fact that his love in question was shaking with laughter under his arm, both hands clasped over her face.
In the end, Rolan left his siblings to argue over the details. He was too overwhelmed with embarrassment and the desire to save her from any of the same.
As he drew her back up the stairs, Rolan felt her shoulders shaking with laughter again under his arm. He glanced sideways, wondering what had ruined the mood now.
“What?” he prompted her.
“Nothing, it’s just—” She was positively sparkling as she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “Can we use the bed this time?”
With a mortifying jolt, Rolan realized there was indeed a perfectly serviceable bed in the room where he’d unceremoniously taken her on the floor.
“Fuck,” he breathed.
“Plenty of time for that,” she agreed, biting her lip as she drew him with her hand. “Now come on.”
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olivenight17 · 1 year
Well, uh, it’s been a while, hi! So, maybe the lil caption on my blog is a lie, I may still write just a little bit. Mostly for my pleasure though and not for requests, although I might open them back up if I revamp the fandoms. Anyways uh, have this cause the Lackadaisy fandom grabbed me by the throat and ran off with me. @a-libra-writes surprise! I’m the sugar baby anon. Lol hope you enjoy what feels like a bunch of headcanons tacked on in a one-shot fashion lol, Asa Sweet man.
Asa Sweet x GN!Reader
You enjoyed the life you had with Asa Sweet.
It was a comfortable one. Not oftentimes cozy, filled with the hazy, golden lights and constant chatter of the speakeasy. It’s where you spent most of your time, after all Asa liked seeing you having fun in clothes he bought you in a place he worked hard to create, even if he wasn’t always in the room himself. It was hard to pass up, the Marigold Room had become a hotspot nowadays, and there was always interesting conversation flowing from one person to another.
And you remembered distantly being in bed with him after a long night, his paw trailing over your tail, and hearing him mumble, “you make the lights shine that much brighter, darlin. Some nights get so unsavory, and then I see you in a booth or a chair, smiling with that brightness to you, makes it all disappear.” It was a touching sentiment, and with him being so soft about it, well, who were you to refuse him that bit of comfort?
He always seemed at ease with you, you had noticed. Not much ruffled his fur, visibly anyways, and he made sure to stand tall no matter who it was he was dealing with. Plenty of times you had sat with him on his lap with his arm steady around your waist as he laughed and talked with various patrons and investors over a game of poker or black-jack. He made sure to tuck you right against his chest, an extra, glittering accessory to add to his charisma and power while he cut deals and traded hands. To you it was nervewracking, while you weren’t quite aware of every bit of the under-belly of Asa’s business, you knew a threat when you heard one, and you’d heard many veiled in honeyed words thrown at him over a game and drink. You’d never even seen him so much as flinch at one, just that charming grin he wore in public as he passed his own threats back.
Maybe you were biased from all the nights you’d spent with him, but those sweet threats sounded a lot better coming from his mouth than his business partners. The grin on his face turned just a bit sharper, just a bit more dangerous, and he looked more like a lion than a regular cat.
Although, as enticing as the danger of that smile could be, you liked it best when it was just the two of you in his office late at night.
“You don’t have to stay with me for this. I know it gets boring,” he told you every time you offered to stay. It could have been just because he wanted to be a gentleman, or because he wanted to keep you at arms length from any important information. You never really knew.
But you smiled up at him all the same and placed a paw on his suit. “What, and miss some time alone with you? Perish the thought, Mister.” You responded playfully back at him, a determined glint in your eye. Plus, he rarely refused you anything, and he craved the softness of your company most of all.
So, you were sat back on his lap, straddling his thigh in a bit more improper manner now that it was just the two of you. Most of all, you just liked taking the time to observe him in moments like these. The act he put on for others disappeared, melting into something a bit more real, less of a figure larger than life, and more like someone you could grasp onto. The smile on his face had gone into a more concentrated frown as he studied the papers in front of him(He was careful, he never handled paperwork that was overly sensitive when you were around, both for your safety and his comfort). His tie was loosened, courtesy of you and he gave you a gentle kiss as a reward, and his shirt held a few more wrinkles from the stresses of the day. His shoulders were hunched over his desk, tired after the constant meetings, and he always rubbed at his forehead with a quiet sigh when something was really perplexing him.
He looked like a man, not a terrifying gangster. Though you had seen both sides of him, it was the man who needed your attention the most, usually because he was never let out. Although there was a small glow of pride in your chest that you brought the man out of him the most. You were a good deal younger than him, and he was more than happy to show you places you’ve never been before. Fancy restaurants, shows in the theater, even allowing you the pleasure of opportunity to photograph yourself. You had managed to pull him into one of the photos once, he looked positively awkward and shocked in the picture, but you kept it anyways. It was a nice momento, and you smiled at the memory.
You sat back against his chest with a little sigh, letting his scent fill your nose. Soft and sweet, with the powdered grit of his cigar smoke tangling with it in the perfect combination. It was hard to catch it in the speakeasy with all the drinks and cigars everyone else was having pouring into your nose. But you liked his scent, it was masculine without being completely overwhelming like most men could be.
“Gettin tired, darlin? I can call you a car to take you back,” Asa’s voice drifted into your ear. It was lower than usual with the quiet atmosphere of his office.
You shook your head, turning slightly to fiddle with his tie some more. “Just reminiscing is all,” you told him before chuckling lightly. There was more of a sparkle to your eye as you looked up at him. “Honestly if anyone should be tired it ought to be you. It’s not as draining to just be your ornament, Asa.”
That pulled a more sardonic smile to his lips and he shook his head, taking a puff of his cigar, and you watched as it curled around his nostrils like a dragon. “Yeah, well thank goodness for that, being so tired doesn’t suit you. You can leave that work all to me.” The arm he had around your hips tightened as his golden gaze flicked over to you.
You just let out a hum, cupping his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to his face. “Leaves me the work of having to drag you to a bed and make sure you get some rest though, which I’d argue is harder,” you pointed out teasingly.
That got a chuckle out of him, and the sound rumbled in his chest against your back. “Hardly, all you gotta do is bat your eyelashes and I am humbly at your mercy.”
“That works when I ask for a new hat, not when I need to drag you from your desk at five in the morning. Clearly, you’ve never had to deal with yourself in peak work mode.” You huffed jokingly with crossed arms, though you couldn’t fight the smile crawling onto your face as he pulled you even closer against him.
His head dipped down to nuzzle against your cheek, then pressing into your neck, and you could feel the way he smiled at the resounding purr you gave him at the contact. “That’s what I have you for, honey. I appreciate you, you know I do. Unless this is your way of saying I need to show it a little more.” His breath ghosted along the fur of your neck, and he laughed at the flustered noise you made from it, pulling away to take another puff from his cigar.
You whined his name with a pout on your lips. Your arms crossed and you continued giving him a disapproving glare until he shook his head with an amused smile, leaning down again to press his lips to yours. The kiss was longer than the gentle peck he had given you earlier, and you could feel the smoke unfurling from his mouth and into yours, giving an even more heady sensation. His smoke was the only kind you could stand entering into your lungs, although the nicotine itself wasn’t quite what you were addicted to. Your eyes closed, and you pressed closer for more as you kissed him back. His lips were always so soft against yours, there was never a time where he didn’t treat you delicately, and he tasted as sweet as the candy he kept around on his desk.
You laughed into the kiss as an idea crossed your mind, and you snuck your paw into his inner coat pocket, grabbing a candy out of it as you pulled away. He kept some hidden there in the offchance he came across a kid or two. It wasn’t like he went out of his way for children, but if one crossed his path and he liked their spirit, he tossed a candy their way, and you found the little habit cute.
He gave a disbelieving snort as he watched you pop it into your mouth, and you simply grinned back at him. “You have your addictions, I have mine.” You shrugged nonchalantly, settling your head back against his chest. Your eyes flicked to the clock, it was getting late. Just late enough that you would have to start performing your duty of getting him to bed. “Although if you’re gonna tease me so much, maybe I will need you to show your appreciation more.” Your tail flicked up and across his lap, settling over his other thigh, and you grinned more at the little cough he made. Yet another habit of his, hiding when he thought he was more interested in something than he should be.
“All you need to do is ask, but you’re gonna have to ask me nicely. Think you can do that?” His perfectly manicured claw reached out to tilt your chin upwards, having you look into his eyes.
You could find yourself lost in those golden pools if you tried hard enough. Even so, you relented, sitting up a little more and adjusting yourself in his lap to face him more head on. Conveniently, your figure blocked the view of his mountain of papers, and he merely leaned back to enjoy the image before him. “Please, Asa? It’d be the gentlemanly thing to do to escort me personally to bed, and you’ll already be there so you might as well stay, and I sleep a lot better next to you.” Your tone was light with a practiced softness to it as your fingers trailed up through his fur gently. You’d learned quickly how to pitch your voice in just the right way to convince him of things when you needed to, whether it was to pull him from work or otherwise, it just slowly became part of what you had to do.
He looked you over for a moment longer, head leaning in slightly to the way your fingers brushed at his soft fur with a rumbling purr before he sighed. For a moment he looked older and more weary, but it was gone as soon as it came as he smiled down at you. “Alright, it’s getting unfair how good you are at persuading me, you know.” He gently ushered you off of his lap, and there was a resounding pop as he stretched his back out.
Mindlessly, he gathered his papers into as neat a pile as he could manage for his energy levels, before he shuffled over to grab your coat, taking care to slide it along your arms and up your shoulders. “Although, I bet you’d feel a lot comfier in my bed than yours, darlin. It’s bigger and you’ve already left your night clothes on my floor anyways.” He chuckled at the way your fur bushed up in embarassment at the comment, and he straightened to grab his own coat onto his body. “Just a suggestion, I’ll happily make sure you get to a bed either way, just name the place.”
You shook your head with a grin at his words, but did consider his offer as he finished putting his coat on, grabbing at his hat and briefcase next. Well, it couldn’t be helped, and secretly you did have a bigger preference for his bed given how much softer it was, the springs didn’t poke into your back as much. “Well, it’d be cruel to make you drive so far out of the way to my place when yours is a lot closer by. It defeats the whole purpose of getting you to sleep if you’re kept awake that long anyways.” You slipped your arm into his as he extended it out to you, and pressed yourself tight against him. “So, if you’re offering your place, I certainly won’t refuse.”
“Anything you want, you get. How can I deny a pretty little thing like you?” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, and you couldn’t help but smile more at the affection as he led you out of his office, locking the door behind him.
The relationship between the two of you was just meant to be an arrangment, a transaction of enjoyment for money. But Asa liked mixing his business with pleasure, and through the time you spent with him, you found yourself enjoying his company outside of what he paid you.
You didn’t find yourself wishing it to end any time soon.
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"Pacify Him" - Tenth Doctor x Reader
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SUMMARY: It's your boyfriend's birthday! The Doctor insists on tagging along as a friend, of course. Maybe you did tell him to be 'decent' but how could he know that 'not getting into a stand-offish argument with your boyfriend' fell under that category? Despite all reason and evidence, he still claims to not be jealous.
A/N: I'm in my Melanie Martinez era and I will not apologize
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"Where are you going, mister?" you asked the Doctor when you noticed him following you out of the TARDIS. He was supposed to drop you off for your boyfriend's birthday party and pick you up a few hours later. In your mind, it would do you both some good to have a rest from each other's constant presence. The Doctor as it turned out had a different opinion.
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Come on, I love a party!" The tone of his voice sounded nearly as if he was offended.
"Yeah but not domestic ones."
It wasn't something he could argue with - whenever anything akin to a family dinner turned up, he always found a perfect excuse or ruse to get out of it. The only parties he attended were the ones with no strings attached. For a lack of better expression, he was a 'hit and run' kind of man.
"Well, you're not married, you don't even live together, so it's not really domestic, is it?" The Doctor said those words with seemingly no seriousness and so you were sure he remained oblivious to your own desires and worries: you were thinking about taking your relationship with Mark further but doing so while travelling through all of time and space did not seem like a good idea. It would definitely... complicate things.
But perhaps Doctor's sudden interest in familial intimacy was something positive - perhaps he was beginning to recover from his 'brooding loner' persona. In that case, you simply couldn't deny him that moment of bravery.
"Alright," you said with a sigh, "I'm bringing you with me, but!" You pointed your finger at him. "Be decent, I'm begging you."
"I am wearing pants, see?" The Doctor pointed at his usual dress pants. He even gave you a twirl as if there was anything worth showing off - he wore that very same outfit every day, after all. Despite the suit being clearly worn out he was still going to be the most elegant-looking person in there.
"No facetious comments and alien technology, alright?"
"I'll do my best."
He shut the door behind him but you couldn't actually hear it over the noise of the party going on in your boyfriend's house; the loud music was audible from the street. Looking up through the windows, you could see some familiar and unfamiliar faces laughing and drinking from plastic cups. Compared to what you've been through the past few months, that sight was so mundane you couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness. One day you save the universe and the other you drink cheap tequila with blackcurrant juice.
You gave the Doctor a quick glance only to notice a slight grimace on his face. He didn't even make it to the party and he was already hating it. But if he truly had no desire to mingle with your friends, why was he forcing himself to?
"Second thoughts?" you asked him in a joking manner.
"Nah, I've been through worse."
"Serious question," you said to grab his attention. Doctor's eyes opened wider as his eyebrows raised - all of the universe around the two of you and he cared only about your words. "Which one is worse: arm wrestling a Cyberman or going to a house party?"
He looked away for a moment before answering. "I- well... Do I get time to prepare?"
"Sure." Your shoulders shrug slightly.
"Maybe I could even win..." he quietly considered for a moment. "What's the prize?"
"You can't be seriously considering arm wrestling a Cyberman."
"Hey, it was your idea! Now come on, we don't want to be late."
You shook your head at him despite the wide smile on your face. The Doctor was magnificent at putting on a light-hearted facade that you liked to pretend was genuine; it was a lovely sentiment to hold even for a minute that he wasn't a man haunted.
The doorbell rang only once when you heard someone unlocking the door - you were expected if not awaited. There, behind the door, stood the one person you have missed the most. His face lit up when he realized he was actually seeing you. Shortly after, Mark was already hugging you tightly.
"Oh, baby," he murmured against your hair. For him, it's been three months since he last saw you, so such a reaction shouldn't come off too bizarre.
"Hey, babe," you greeted him. His reaction was slightly amusing to you, mainly because you've never seen him being so clingy. It felt nice to be missed, to be cared about so much.
Mark leaned away to look at you again as if he still was unsure that you really were in front of him. His smile was so wide it nearly looked painful - as if happiness could have a face.
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it."
"Are you kidding me? I'd go back in time if I had to!"
Your little joke earned a quiet chuckle from the Doctor, who was patiently third-wheeling. It wasn't visible on his face but he was feeling uncomfortable at the show of affection - part of him wanted your fondness to be an exclusive good, something he wouldn't have to share with anyone.
"Doctor, this is Mark, my boyfriend. Mark, this is the Doctor, my... research partner."
"The Doctor?" Mark repeated in confusion.
"Yeah, we all just call him that. The entire team." No matter how vile it might sound, you were really good at lying to your partner. For better of worse, you never though it would be a useful skill to have.
In the distance, you noticed a familiar constellation of blonde locks, denim jackets and black high heels - your high school friends. It wouldn't be a stretch to say you haven't seen them in literal years. You could feel your heart start to beat a little faster as pure excitement made the tips of your fingers tingle.
"I'll leave you to it, boys. I'm going to catch up with girls," you said while pointing at a group of women around your age standing in the faraway corner of the room.
The Doctor watched you run away to the group. Judging by their exclamations and tight hugs, the excitement and longing were mutual. Only after witnessing that scene, yearning to one day touch your heart in the same way, did he turn back to your boyfriend to attempt a polite conversation. Maybe he could try and learn what exactly you were seeing in him. "So, Mark, how did you two meet?"
"She didn't tell you?"
"No, must've slipped her mind. In fact, she doesn't talk much about you at all." Although it was true, there was no need to rub it in. Unless someone was looking for malicious satisfaction.
"Oh, really? Anyway, we met in high school through a mutual friend but didn't date until university. She was on the experimental research team, I was sure I was too stupid for her to date me."
"Yeah, I can imagine," the Doctor nodded along.
"Hey, man, can I tell you a secret?"
"I love secrets."
"You can't tell her, alright?"
"Scout's honour." He wasn't fond of the direction the conversation was heading into. There were only two things men wanted to keep away from their significant others and Mark did not strike him as someone capable of adultery.
"I want to propose."
"Oh." For a moment, the entire universe stopped. Only static was resounding in the Doctor's head but heart-wrenching panic set in rather quickly afterwards. He knew that if Mark was to ask you to marry him, you'd say yes. And he wasn't sure what he was going to do if that was to happen...
"You spend a lot of time working with her, right? I thought you could help me out a little."
"Oh, yes, we spend a lot of time together. It's practically only the two of us, all the time."
"Thank God, because I feel like I'm starting to overthink things, you know?" Mark appeared completely oblivious to the sublime message in Doctor's words. The thought of having 'competition' never crossed his mind, it seemed. "I thought of buying a minimalistic ring. Thin band, a small diamond, you know the lot."
"She'd hate it," Doctor answered with a shake of his head. A grimace appeared on his face as he imagined the scene. "Yeah, no, too common. It should be something rare and interesting. She absolutely hates ordinary things. Shouldn't you know that? You're her boyfriend. Never mind that, don't you think she deserves something more thoughtful?"
"That's why I'm asking for a second opinion! I don't see her often these days..."
"See, Mark, here's what I don't get. You don't see her often, you talk about proposing to her and when she shows up, you don't even talk to her? You want her to be your wife and you've talked to me, a total stranger, more than you've talked to her. I'm about to think you want to marry me."
"You're a funny guy, you know? Come on, she just went to talk to her friends." Mark either did not pick up on Doctor's passive-aggression or he purposefully ignored it. "And here she is coming back."
For some reason, those two were exactly where you left them - at the door. Although they were talking, you could tell there was some tension between them: Mark folded his arms and Doctor stood with his hands in his pockets. If the two most important men in your life, at the moment, were going to get into a fight, your reality was going to become a lot more complex than it already was.
"Are you two going to stand here all night? Let's get a drink!" You pulled both of them in the direction of a table with alcohol, soda and juice. The Doctor knew he was in for a long and frustrating night but at least he got to spend it with you.
Although at first you were preoccupied with retelling Doctor all the hilarious or outrageous stories your friend had told you, you quickly noticed something was off about him.
"From my perspective, it looked like you were acting jealous."
"What? No, I didn't."
"Look, I get it. I really do. We spend so much time together, just you and I, then suddenly my attention was someplace else. It's okay to feel upset."
"Why would I be jealous? I already know I'm your favourite."
The two of you laughed and the situation was momentarily defused or so you thought - the Doctor kept on thinking about your words and his own feelings. He knew perfectly well (he witnessed it) that you had so many lovely people around you. Even without him, your life was whole. Tragically enough, without you, his life was about as empty as the Void and he refused to openly admit that to himself. It wasn't doing much good though: his lungs were filled with smoke, yet he pretended there was no fire.
He didn't yet know how but he knew he had to make a move soon if he wanted to be a little more than an adventure.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Hello....can you write a romantic headcanon for Dominic from Lackadaisy?(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
yesss. we dont have a lot of appearances from Mister Drago in the comic buuuut i feel we get a good idea of his personality! Still, a lot of this just ideas and extrapolations of mine.
GN reader primarily, with some specific femme and masc options.
A few Femme HCs~
Dominic's a classic gentleman - wanting to have your arm in his, opening doors and moving chairs for you, even helping you over puddles (though that one is more to tease you). He's smooth about it all, not expecting a big fanfare or thanks. It's just what he was raised to do for ladies.
You have absolutely met his parents down in Texas, and they just adore you. They're often calling to check in, asking you to make Dom call or write more, and roping you into holiday plans. I like to think they own a nice ranch outside Austin, and have a townhouse in the city proper.
If you two are married, he has a lovely framed photograph of you in your wedding dress. He keeps the larger portrait on his nightstand, and a smaller one on his desk at work. He secretly likes it when the other agents notice and comment on what a lucky fella he is.
A few Masc HCs~
Unlike most men who approach you with an understanding, Dominic has a charm and a quiet confidence. There's little to no insecurity; he's clearly comfortable in who he is. With a masc partner he's much less "chivalrous" - i.e. he doesn't treat them like some high society lady - instead showing his affection through caring gestures and being a little protective.
Though he may not look it, Dom is aware of the underground queer club scenes and their lingo. He's humorously out of place there, dressed sharp and relaxing off in a corner rather than drinking or dancing. Because of his job, he has to be very careful about which establishments he chooses - so rather than full-blown speakeasies, they're theater houses and little local bohemian retreats where wine is the strongest drink. It's still not totally his scene, but he can relax around the people and not feel so guarded. He'll also do his best to redirect police raids away from these little establishments, especially if you and your friends frequent one of them.
There's a good chance he still has the wife and kids back home, and while he does care for them at a distance, its his job that gets most of his time - and by the time you come around, well. They're lucky to get what few calls and letters they do. It's also likely he never married to begin with, though his parents won't stop hounding him about it.
Unbeknownst to you, Dom keeps a candid photo of you that one of your friends gave him. It's tucked away in his nightstand and he likes to say goodnight to it; a sentimental little ritual he wouldn't easily admit to.
General ones!
A more level-headed person, probably about his age or just a little younger, is who he'll vibe with best. I can see him being appreciative of a more creative spirit, and while he'll greatly admire someone dedicated to their career -- well, two workaholics means you both will barely see each other. A partner whose connected to crime is a no-go - closest he might get is a musician or singer for a club.
Getting a date night can be tough! Dom is a bit married to his work, which he's aware of. Starting a relationship troubles him only because he worries he won't be present enough. He'll bring papers home and often works late, but this means when there's a date, he goes out of his way to be attentive and do things you'd like.
Also, he appreciates the small things! A cup of tea in the evening, saving some dinner for him, having coffee ready in the morning, dropping off lunch at his work, and so on. He thanks you every time. He's also very soft for you lighting his pipe and sharing a smoke outside (or just chatting beside him if you don't smoke yourself).
You never have to guess his feelings, because Dom is honest with them. There's the 'I love you', sure, but there's also all the appreciation and praise and compliments, always said in that steady, deep voice of his. It can get flustering if you aren't used to it! He'll really lean into the southern accent if you like it, too. But that's just between you two.
(Also, the accent comes out when he's still sleepy, especially before coffee.)
Honestly, it's a crime how smooth he is. When you first started to know him, you weren't sure if he was aware of it - but oh, you're sure now. He looks you in the eyes, whispers to you, gives kisses that are confident and touches that are firm but never hard. It's actually unfair, the man is way too good at figuring out what gets you heated the fastest. He's actually worse about the teasing and touches if you're easily embarrassed, but he'll never go over a boundary you set, and he's more careful in public.
You can get him back if the date is at the theater or the movies - because it's dark, and he's usually overworked, it's not uncommon for Dom to drift off even if there's an opera tenor on stage or a woman screaming in the picture show. He feels so awful for it! But now it's your turn to tease him.
Dom loves it when you wear the nice things he bought you, or use the practical things. He's obviously pleased when he notices. Dom is excellent at giving gifts, as he observes the things you admire and things you already wear or own, and goes off that. He doesn't need a special occasion, either - something in a shop window catches his attention and he steps right in to buy it. He's a practical man himself, buuut he likes both good-quality things and spoiling you.
If he's pulling long hours on a big case, he tries to tell you ahead of time. Dominic doesn't like having to do that; he doesn't want you feeling disappointed or lonely - and though he won't show it, sometimes the loneliness gets at him, too. If you're more femme presenting, he likes to have a photograph or ribbon of your's in his pocket, something to lift his spirits when he's burning midnight oil. If you're masc, he actually likes to wear your cufflinks or one of your ties.
On that note, if you two are the same clothing size - a bit of a rarity for him - Dom absolutely likes to "accidentally" take your shirts and wear them instead. He waits to see how long it takes for you to notice, because he always has them cleaned and put back nicely afterward. It's a surprisingly playful side of him, but honestly ... if you're smaller, he likes you wearing his shirts too, and little else. It's something he's not embarrassed to say.
Overall he's a wonderfully considerate and reliable partner - you just have to know his work often comes first, especially once he starts investigating in St. Louis.
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Daily prompting...
"Did you just call this a family?" - Astarion
"You're like a brother to me" - Wyll
"You're always welcome in my home" - Jaheira
(Prompts for Found Families)
:D TY as always! Hope you enjoy! (As usual I had particular fun with the Jaheira one. XD )
"Did you just call this a family?"
“There he is!” Karlach grins from ear to ear, swooping into Astarion’s line of sight. “Hiding off in the shadows as usual.”
“Observing, darling,” Astarion corrects her with a shrug. “I wasn’t making any effort to hide. And you certainly had no trouble finding me.” He lifts one eyebrow, looking her over. “I see Avernus hasn’t yet managed to dampen your spirits.”
She shakes her head. “Maybe not - though, gods, does it try. Not sure I’ve slept proper since the brain. But then I put my sword through a devil or two and it perks me right up. And how about you? I hear you’re a big-time adventurer now.”
“Oh, I get by, I get by,” he says with affected modesty, giving an airy wave with one hand. “Nothing like your military escapades, I should think; still up to all the old skulking but to a better purpose.”
“Wheyyy,” she says cheerfully, bouncing her weight from one foot to the other. “Who’d’a thought, right? You and me, both alive and tearing up bad guys, six months down the line. Turned out damn good, all things considered.”
He allows himself a slight smile. “In spite of all those who wronged us,” he murmurs. “I will admit… it does feel good to be able to show up and say I’ve made something of myself, at least for the time being. Though if I’d known Withers was planning to whisk us all off to a family reunion, I would have prepared a better outfit.”
Her grin widens. “Family reunion, eh? Did you just call this a family? You, Mister Loner Supreme?”
Having no circulation, he can’t blush, but his ears twitch and he clears his throat sharply. “Slip of the tongue, I assure you,” he says. “I wouldn’t be caught dead with such saccharine sentimentality on my lips.”
Karlach puts her hands around her mouth and shouts to the rest of the party. “HEY, EVERYONE! ASTARION JUST ADMITTED WE’RE A FAMILY.”
A chorus of cheerful shouts answers her, with Lae’zel’s voice rising sardonically above them from the far end of the camp. “Of course we are, kainyank!”
"You're like a brother to me"
The siege has been going on for several hours when Hector hears Wyll give a low laugh all of a sudden. It’s about the last thing he expects to hear given they’re hunkered down outside the fortress of one of Zariel’s top lieutenants; certainly he couldn’t feel less like laughing himself.
Nevertheless, he grins involuntarily in response to the sound from his friend, but his eyebrows lift in confusion. “What’s so funny?”
Wyll chuckles again, shifting to lean his back against the wall of their makeshift trench. “Oh-- nothing. You’ll think it a quite odd thought, I suspect. I just… thought, out of nowhere, about that time I asked you to dance, back in the shadowlands.”
“Oh.” Hector blinks slowly. It is an odd thought, under the circumstances. “I haven’t thought about that in a while.”
“Nor I. Well, I wasn’t really thinking about it per se,” Wyll hastens to explain. “More about… how I got here. Everything we left behind. But not you, and not Karlach. You’re still with me, after everything.” He shakes his head ruefully and angles his hips up so he can peer over the top edge of the trench. “You must have thought me a bloody fool.”
“Wyll,” Hector says, very seriously. “I still barely knew my own arse from a hole in the ground then. I admired you tremendously.” A pause. “I felt terrible for hurting you, though.”
“Bah.” Wyll smiles reassuringly. “It’s far better this way. You… you’re like a brother to me, Hec. Wouldn’t trade that for the world.” His grin twitches into a teasing smirk. “Besides - I’ve seen you try to dance since, and it’s not pretty.”
“Knife to my heart, Wyll. Knife to my very heart.”
"You're always welcome in my home"
“High Harper--” The man is very young, most certainly a new recruit, so wet behind the ears that he is practically dripping on the front porch of Elerrathin’s Home. He looks at Jaheira with that earnest respect that comes from those who have heard of her only in song and never met her in person. “My apologies for disturbing you at this hour.”
“Of course,” Jaheira says. Her expression is deadpan; it is an expression she is well-practiced at, expertly masking whether she is irritated, amused, or simply curious. “You are always welcome in my home, my young friend. As are all Harpers.” She steps back, drawing the door open. “You will, of course, submit to the usual security check.”
He blinks-- and then his expression steadies; to his credit, he does not allow himself to be thrown by the unexpected statement. “As you say, High Harper,” he says earnestly, following her inside. “Of course it behooves someone of your rank to take all precautions.”
“Most certainly,” she says. “Wait here, please.” She halts him in the middle of the house’s small living room, then calls, “Fig! Your services!”
A small child of perhaps five years old emerges from one of the side rooms; her shoulders are squared and her eyes eager and excited. “Yes, Commander!” she pipes up.
The child stalks directly in front of the young Harper and stares up at him imperiously. “Name?” she says fiercely.
The Harper blinks again, casts a sideways look at Jaheira, but the High Harper’s face is still completely unreadable. “Uh. Simons,” he stammers, looking back at the little girl. “Wesley Simons. Harper.”
“Uh huh.” Fig screws up her face with an expression of deep concentration and walks a slow circle around him, examining him from all sides. “And uh…” She tilts her head, then glances at Jaheira and asks in a stage whisper, “What is it next?”
“Divest,” Jaheira murmurs, with the very slightest hint of a smile.
“Oh yeah.” Fig points a stubby finger at Wesley’s chest. “Divest yourself!” Then, again in a whisper, “That means take your sword off.”
Wesley’s lips twitch. “Ah. Yes, ma’am,” he says; with a single quick motion, he strips off his sword belt and lays the weapon on the table. 
Fig nods approval. “He’s clean, Commander!” she says; her serious demeanor breaks and she grins excitedly. “Did I do good?”
“Perfectly done, cub. Now run along.” Jaheira waits until the girl has darted back out of the room, then looks at Wesley and jerks her head to the side. “You - come. We shall speak in my office.”
Wesley follows her with a soft laugh. “Is this hazing, then, High Harper? Or does she do this with all your visitors?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Harper Simons,” Jaheira says gravely. “This is standard procedure.”
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : here have some sunday sweets 🍡🍧
everyday is a good day to clown, moreso during the weekends when we’re well rested ( hopefully ) and free to spend time on fandom. let me start with them randomly going on hs this evening. the way i panicked, cause what the hell is going on. it’s a comparison of how yiye and yibo as lei yu in the btf premiere are saluting. lol. i know all yizhan au pairings are valid so i appreciate it. It’s cool to see them on hs side by side, and tbh, it’s a mostly harmless post/topic. but we know how certain people get very agitated when their names are associated with each other. i get the sentiment, but people should chill.
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on a lighter note, we probably have the best hs related to yibo for this year so far. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
he channeled his inner tom holland, casually spoiling the movie lol. to be fair, those in attendance already watched it. the Q&A is about the film. it’s just that those who are posting the videos are also not giving any warnings. the “wyb shut up!” is also familiar, how zhan ge told him off 😂😂😂
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let’s move on to the more “coincidence” type of things, but doesn’t mean they any less sweet….
• Oh how we love getting a glimpse of the bone necklace. It’s so nice that he has that piece of him ( xz ) wherever he goes to keep him company. 🫶
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• Comparison of girls giving them something! to yibo ( a drawing ) and a letter ( to xz ). What’s not to love? They are really sweet and nice geges!
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• Since i am weirdly attached to their accessories — i am lovin how XZ is decked out in Ositerm for his Ralph Lauren shoot! and he is is wearing them so well. Sometimes i wanna see him in simple stuff like this too. and of course, Ositerm is a running cpn association with them.
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• next level coincidence! in GG’s esquire issue, if you open it on page 85, it’s an interview feature with Yu Dong— who is Wuming’s producer. He also talks about the film in the article. See? The universe is truly clowning us.
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• since we are in the topic of numbers, let’s appreciate bobo seating at #5 chair. sure, he is mister 08/05, who is the husband of mister 10/05 🫶
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anotherblblog · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever episode 12 blurb/series retrospective
wellllllllllllllllllllll that was the goriest, slasheriest, kill 'em-ness I've seen in Thai or any bl series
the episode was kinda short and the pacing made it seem rushed but not I'm sure if I really felt rushed or if it was just a breakneck pace
I do like that a lot of the theories and wishes weren't achieved/realized and the series still feels good. Like I know I wanted White and TanNew to live and at times Jin and Phee too but all of them ending up in this ceaseless purgatory slaughterhouse is kinda fitting. Non couldn't escape his fate due to the actions of others and the rest of the group couldn't escape the fallout aka TanNew's life implosion and his pursuit of vengeance for his brother and family
Cuz like yeah White, it truly seems, was just at the wrong place and wrong time. The theories and sentiment of White being part of some Perth and TanNew third killer ace in hole was nice and could have worked but it didn't happen and I don't feel the show really lacked for it
Like we saw one of the masked killers with crutches and the killer always had a maybe magic, maybe mundane vibe the show liked to play with. So perhaps Non really did survive somehow or maybe he just really had a rather unmarkable end after his harrowing captivity and enslavement
anywho standouts for the episode and series -
TanNew going full slasher - lovely, wonderful, great job Mio. You sold and I bought. And as an elder sibling, bitch I don't necessarily condone your behavior but I motherfucking understand you and also why you were Phee were destined to have a falling out. Phee did geniunely love and care for Non but the information that Phee had because Non specifically and intentionally lied to Phee meant that Phee could ultimately move on with Jin but TanNew was frozen in that grief and by Phee interrupting TanNew's attempt, Phee sealed his own fated too
Jin's hallucation montage - kinda campy in a good way and also like really modern. Like this type of voyuerism enabled by modern technology is really scary. Like gays have been fucking and sucking in bathrooms since before bathrooms were existed and will continue to (and last night at this bar I was at - there were several gays keeping me from peeing because they were fucking in the bathroom stall). So I compare how the leaked sex tape was used in this series with Only Friends and I do feel DFF really did that subplot and theme so much better
The first third of ep 12 aka the slaughter house - like it's a series so total suspension of disbelief to let the series tell me that Top can get shot in the stomach (or near enough) after a series of beatings and days of high stress and still have the gas in the tank for a final fight. But the tension and motivations were really high and going from the joker class clown who kinda started a lot of the Non ends up a slave plot by Top breaking Por's camera and Fluke mister always trying to keep my hands clean but always being near and having the truth but not sharing taking themselves out together was obvious symbolism to me and still really good. Then going from that to Tee being made to inadvertently kill his lover and the person who inspired him to better himself while White's last images are his boyfriend who he like 3 minutes ago learned was a really massive piece of shit and a victim and victimizer and (I don't know about Thai laws and accidental death or manslaughter and all that) but learning your bf is connected and inarguably one of the biggest participants in this Non situation surely must have not felt good, then he stabs you while you think it's because you're not pretty. Madness and chaos and really cool scene.
Phee, Phee, Phee, our series lead - overall I think Ta did a fantastic job. Like so many times, he would enter a scene and I would think "this dude has stage presence" - highlight of him was the revealation he was Non's boyfriend as he saves Non from his attempt. That episode and the one prior with this abscene were fine and good but when he came back onscreen, it was like, yeah, you've got IT. Now the finale arc with him is frustrating because of the discourse and the piety of people and shipping. Yes Non was groomed. Por is the closest person in series to call out the massive inappropriateness of Keng and Non. But it is critical to point out, that Phee did not know about that and saw Non being hugged and comforted by Keng, so he made the deduction that Non was hot for teacher. And then the disappearance and police stuff happened and Phee was motivated to find the truth. He was fueled by his own guilt at his last words to Non but even as he was trying to find Non, as he told his dad, he wasn't sure how he felt about forgiving Non because Non told Phee to his face there was nothing wrong and then Phee watches Non and Keng fucking. So yeah, it makes sense he could could join in on TanNew's plan but he didn't have the same stakes that TanNew did.
The mean girl messy clique worked because you saw that it was largely a friend of convenience for them and you had two different type of alpha girls (Por and Tee) and then a lacky Top and two people who seemed to be voting for the leopard eating face party because they didn't want their own faces ate
The heat was decently high and the NC scenes were really good, that ass slap is iconic
we didn't get enough with Jin. He was arguably the 2nd or 3rd most "important" character to this maybe and we just didn't get enough of him or his character for him to be fully realized for me
Overall BoC's second series was really good. I think they avoided the sophomore slump.
Maybe the dead friend forever is the friends we made along the way
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kingwiltcher · 5 months
The Smiling Critters Take Real Life!
Episode 2: Crash Course
As the reality of what they now have begins to set in, Angel continues to learn more about their new companions and ponders how exactly to take care of all of them...
(Story below! Or click the AO3 Link above. It has better tags)
Angel sat dumbfounded on their couch, watching the 8 small beings (Well, seven. Catnap was asleep on Angel’s lap) prance about their living room with giddy excitement…In Angel’s desire to buy plushies, they’d accidentally bought 8 whole children(?), and now was quite possibly stuck being their caretaker…after all, how the Hell would Angel explain this to anybody? How would Angel be able to take these guys anywhere, how could Angel leave them on their own in the house?
While Angel was pondering their newfound predicament, Dogday began to try and once again jump up onto the couch. He was very bad at it, and could barely get even his upper chest up there at first, but soon he managed to get a running start and get his entire upper body onto the couch. From there he dragged himself onto it fully. Angel gave him a golf clap in applause.
Dogday chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, then started talking. “So…nice to meet you, mister. I don’t think we got your name actually.”
“Oh, uh, my name’s Angel!” Angel said.
“Oh that’s a really cool name! I’ll be sure to tell everyone!” Dogday chirped.
“Oh, and uh, for future reference, I use they/them pronouns and all that.” Angel added.
“O-Oh! Ok cool! Sorry for uh…us misgendering you earlier-“ Dogday said embarrassedly.
Angel patted Dogday’s head. “It’s alright, don’t worry, you didn’t know.”
Dogday said something else, but Angel didn’t quite catch it, as their attention had been drawn towards the other side of the room, where Hoppy and Kickin were climbing up a dresser. Said dresser had the urn containing Angel’s Grandmother’s ashes, and in the two plushies’ climbing, the urn was being shaken around precariously…
Angel thought fast, and blurted out: “OKAY GUYS, TIME FOR LUNCH!”
At that moment, all the critters turned towards Angel excitedly. Hoppy and Kickin ended up falling off the dresser and plopping to the floor. They didn’t make any squeaky toy noises as they hit the ground, but Angel still mentally heard them anyway.
“Oh wow! I uh, I am pretty hungry, and I think everyone else is too! I’ll go find Catnap!” Dogday said, causing confusion in Angel.
“Wait what? But Catnap’s right-“ Angel looked down at their lap where Catnap USED to be. Somehow he’d managed to sneak off without anyone noticing again. Angel made a noise of exasperation before getting up. “Alright guys, I’m gonna go in the kitchen, uh, don’t break anything!” Angel announced. All the critters shared various sentiments of acknowledgement, except for Picky Piggy, who was excitedly speculating on what could be for Lunch.
Angel slowly made their way into the kitchen where they proceeded to lean over the sink and stare down the drain. What the hell did two-and-a-half feet tall plushie animals eat? Did they even eat to begin with?
…Oh well…they’d inadvertently promised something to eat, Angel knew they had to deliver.
They opened their freezer and began to rifle through it…maybe some microwave burritos? No…there wouldn’t be any way for all of them to snag a piece. Chicken nuggets perhaps? …Wait no, they have a chicken for a friend-
Eventually, Angel settled on a microwave Pepperoni Pizza. Angel just hoped Picky wouldn’t know where exactly pepperoni came from.
Angel slapped it in the microwave and heated it up, then began to cut it with a steak knife, as they didn’t actually have a pizza cutter. They cut it into 16 pieces so each critter could have 2 slices, and then delivered it to the hungry critters, who all cheered in excitement upon the sight. Picky especially, who eagerly, loudly declared her love for pizza, nearly drowning out everyone else in the process.
Bubba covered his ears in pain afterwards. “H-Hey Picky, could you not do that please? That hurt my ears…” He whimpered.
“OOPS, SORRY B- I-I mean oops, sorry Bubba!” Picky said.
Bubba smiled and nodded.
“Uhhh, alright guys, enjoy!” Angel said, and the critters began to tuck into the pizza. Angel eagerly watched them eat to see how exactly it worked. The critters seemed to eat almost exactly like normal people, even sprouting plastic teeth to bite and chew, which was honestly quite disturbing. After that, the food would seemingly just disappear from their mouths, apparently having been consumed.
Angel would’ve gone to make something for themselves at this point, but now they’d lost their appetite.
Angel sat back down on the couch and then laid down, proceeding to drag a blanket over themselves and watch random YouTube videos while their new gaggle of adopted plush creatures chowed down on some Kroger frozen pizza.
As they absentmindedly watched some Minecraft lets play highlights, Angel began to ponder once again how they were going to manage all of this…wondering how exactly they were going to provide for this odd little family they now had…
It didn’t take long for the Smiling Critters to finish off the pizza, and they all leaned back in satisfaction. It didn’t seem like much food at all, but Angel supposed to creatures this small, it was like a full-course meal. Angel made note of this, keeping in mind to make smaller meals for all of them in the future.
“Maa-haa-haan, I am stuffed.” Said Hoppy. “I feel like I could just pull a Catnap and fall asleep right here.”
Catnap rolled his eyes and then flung a stray cube of pepperoni at Hoppy.
“Pfft- well, ‘Nap, you DO fall asleep a lot, even during the day.” Hoppy snickered.
“Think you guys need a nap?” Angel asked, sitting back up. Angel definitely knew they themselves needed a nap, so they were hoping the Critters wanted to take one as well.
Catnap nodded excitedly, to which all of the other critters chuckled. Catnap proceeded to slap one hand on his opposite bicep, then curl that arm into a fist.
Dogday yawned after that. “Honestly, I could use a nap, what about you guys?” The dog said, looking over to his friends.
“Yeah, that pizza just about knocked me out.” Said Kickin.
“Same.” Added Hoppy.
“Food CAN make you sleepy if it has certain chemicals in it.” Bubba chimed in.
“um…sure…” Crafty murmured.
Bobby didn’t say anything, but she did yawn really largely.
“I could go for one more! But uh, yep. I think I’m pretty sleepy too.” Said Picky.
Angel nodded and then got up, going back to their bedroom and fetching the large comforter off the bed. Angel then brought it back to the living room and spread it all out on the floor so the critters would have a comfy place to sleep.
Crafty’s eyes widened. “W-wow! This looks so great!” She then flopped onto the blanket. All of the other critters followed soon after. Angel chuckled at them all, finding the scene adorable. Angel almost went to get another blanket for them, but they figured the critters wouldn’t need it, considering they were covered in fur.
…Then Angel figured they might like one anyway, and grabbed one and draped it over all 8 of them.
“Thanks Angel!” Everyone cheered in unison before snuggling in and slowly falling asleep.
(“Maybe this won’t be so bad…”) Angel thought as they sat back down, looking upon the sleeping critters.
Angel smiled and laid back down, slowly beginning to fall asleep themselves. They had no idea where all of this would be going in the next few days, but wherever it would be going, Angel was looking forward to it…
After what barely felt like any time, Catnap shot awake with a gasp. Shaking, he looked over at all of his sleeping friends, wishing he could sleep as soundly as them all the time…and not be woken up by these damn nightmares…Catnap couldn’t even look at any of them after what had happened in this last nightmare…it hurt too much.
The lavender cat threw the section of the blanket off of himself and leaned up against the leg of the coffee table in a fetal position…
How long could he keep all this to himself…? How long would he just try to avoid thinking about it…?
…How long until…it all came true?
…Would it?
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