#but that is
secret-third-thing · 29 days
I think you’re an Eris fan 🤔
oh i don't know about that 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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beachwae · 7 months
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7C COMPLETE!!!!!!!!! 3 hours and 1200 deaths :')
[ID: a screenshot from celeste, the end of chapter 7 C-Side. madeline with blue hair is falling, and the yellow crystal heart glows in the middle. end ID]
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ct-hardcase · 8 months
somewhat related to what I just reblogged is that people often take stories like Anakin or Iskat's as "reasons why the jedi suck", and while there was for sure some institutional suckage brought on by how entrenched they were in the republic's military and politics, a fair bit of it is also individual Jedi (or the actual council!!!) going against the Jedi's own teachings for what they think is the Greater Good (tm) of the student
See: Sember taking on Iskat not because she felt a connection in the Force or a desire to teach her in the way she learned best, but out of obligation. Also, the council forcing Ahsoka as a Padawan on an Anakin who did not want a Padawan and in doing so kind of fucked up both of them to the degree it's a miracle that their (fucked up!) relationship went as okay as it did for that long
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rapidreptile · 9 months
bungie can't even make an ahamkara plush that I'd buy. huge L.
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andthebluestblue · 9 months
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still-got-no-idea · 1 year
Seeing the lawn mowed reminds me of the time I had shampoo that smelled like freshly cut grass
I dunno why but that is what happened
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wizardofgrace · 1 year
just finished good omens season two, if that shit came out while i was in high school i would NOT have been okay
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rabbitindisguise · 2 years
I've been trying to figure out what went wrong in my brain machinery recently (~week) and the best I could come up with was a note to share with my therapist and all it says is "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT (mental health episode???? WHAT)"
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You cannot be annoyed by OOC fanfiction, if you never watched the original media, and this is the secret to life when you are tired of OOC fics.
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vialdovi-artstuff · 3 years
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Im actually in new york now so i wont be able to post (i think, depends if i can manage to draw something lmao) in two weeks 👀
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eatdrinkandburyme · 3 years
I just learnt there used to be a personality disorder called “inadequate personality disorder” where you are just rubbish at everything, I don’t think I can ever take pyschiatry seriously again
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twinfoxtails · 4 years
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After seeing that Eri got slimed, my brain made this.
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hottestthingalive · 4 years
i don't watch supernatural or really understand what happened in the finale except that they essentially went to party city for one guy's costume, the car went to heaven, and guy that gay dude who went to super hell for died on a nail, and honestly that's all so ridiculous i'm geniunely annoyed with the supernatural writers on your behalf, because if they can't do better than that maybe they shouldn't be writing for a show that was so popular it had fifteen seasons.
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winterpower98 · 4 years
So because I enjoy chaos I’d like to share something with you. Now imagine, if magical corruption brought with us a bit of mental corruption each time it came around. And unlike the physical, the mental doesn’t fade. Instead it builds up, accumulating until, well. How would Mj feel if lukas didn’t come out of that basement entirely sane. The experience was probably traumatizing. And coupled with magical corruption, could lead to some, interesting results.
That is an absolute wild idea that I would love to explore but sadly, it’s a bit too extreme for this AU and it would have lasting effects that would conflict with future events.
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mhalachai · 5 years
Ok but doesn't hugh jackman in van helsing look like alison? Like especially in the last gif? Idk it's the eyes and the hair but I swear they look alike
Look, I’m not saying that Logan, aka James Howlett, aka Wolverine
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has any connection to the Stark family or Allison Argent in Hour of the Wolf
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but this is me, and at this point I think we can say that my problem habit of writing stories where Fathers are Made Up and the Points Don’t Matter makes it entirely possible that Maria Stark was born on the wrong side of the blanket, as it were, and her mother never told her stories of the dashing yet mysterious stranger who saved her from a broken down car one night long ago and, well, things happen.
(the idea of Logan somehow involved in this epic mess tickles me to no end)
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foxeygem · 5 years
make your mind the most beautiful thing about you 🌟
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