#but the case is about a streamer so this all makes sense
majflodder · 2 years
Very subtle of NCIS to let that guy live in a place called Bethesda and then have Kasie wear the Benny Gecko memorial pants in an ep where the victim is a gamer
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nuka · 3 months
Call me delulu, but I woke up with hope in my heart today.
It's only been 2 months since the show was cancelled. WBD is run by an incompetent fool. WBD previously said they'd sell Coyote vs. Acme, but then made it impossible for anyone to buy it. All streaming services are struggling financially at the moment.
Daddy Jenkins had to tell us we've reached the end of the road, because that's the reality right now. Either WBD made it impossible for anyone to buy the show, or the actual realistic price was just too high for other streamers at the moment even if they wanted to buy it. “Many complimentary meetings, conversations, etc” sounds like someone was interested.
DJ and everyone else who worked on the show need to be able to move on, so they can make a living from other projects. They’ve all been holding their breath just in case they can start filming after all. The fans need to move on in the sense that we can't expect a renewal "any day now", like we did for 2 months. We can still hope that we'll see season 3 one day, but now we can be realistic about the chances of it happening in the immediate future.
Everyone who worked on this show has loved it so dearly that I'm certain that if season 3 gets greenlit in the future, they'll all want to work on it again. As long as DJ is in, the others are too. The Revenge can be rebuilt. The time that has passed can be explained in the story, if it needs explaining at all. If some actors won't be able to return, we'll get new characters added to our family, and we'll embrace them just like we embraced all the new characters in season 2.
Depending on what the problem for the pick up was, things might change very quickly, or they might take a few years. Who knows, if we continue being loud, a streaming service that quickly passed on the show in January might take interest in it later. A streaming service that offered too little might make a better offer, and WBD might accept just to get rid of us (because we're back to calling Max out on this bullshit and it's not a good look for them). Or, once the industry recovers a bit, a streaming service might be willing to reconsider spending a big amount of money on this show. And if WBD set an impossible price for the show this time, they might shop it around for a more reasonable price once Zaslav is out (or even greenlight season 3 themselves, but that’s delulu level 200). Even if we don't get a season 3, we might still get a movie, or a comic book, or a script book, or a blu-ray release, or the Jenkins Cut. And honestly, if someone was to announce they've picked up the show in a year or two... that's not a long time at all.
Pirate Daddy said that our campaign was noticed across the industry. They hear and see our love for this show. They know we're here for the show if it's ever to return. They know this show has potential.
So let’s keep having fun in the fandom. Keep being loud about Our Flag Means Death. Keep using the hashtags. Keep making fanart. Keep shouting about how unfair this cancellation was. We don’t have to do it with the same intensity as during the campaign (I know we’re all tired and it’s completely okay to step away if you need/want to), but as long as we as a fandom are consistent, they’ll see there’s a demand that just won’t go away.
There is always hope. It’s not the same kind of hope we had before January 9th, and it’s not the kind we had until March 7th. But there are so many variables, and so little time has passed. Who knows what the industry will look like in a year or two. I’d rather believe in a future that might just hold a pleasant surprise for us than throw in the towel completely.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi could you please write smth about accidentally revealing your relationship with quackity? preferably with cc!reader <3
of course!! thanks for the request 🫶 ; ik I did a preference about accidentally revealing relationships but doing a little different thing and going in depth w it was fun!
QUACKITY ; softlaunch ❌ hardlaunch ✅
summary ; you and Alex accidentally reveal your relationship
warnings ; language, little bit of buzzed ranting, use of pet names (babe)
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1k
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You and Alex have been together for about ten-ish months, keeping it on the low since you'd been traveling around for QSMP meetups, events, and the Streamer Awards for a little bit.
You'd finally gotten home, your shared apartment with Alex, with Cellbit and Roeir tagging along. The three were planning to make a 'trying mexican candies' video in the morning while you were planning to edit and maybe stream til you felt tired enough to quit and sleep. The three guys sit out in the living room, watching some TV show as they sprawl out on the couch, buzzed from the aftermath of award winning.
You were more than proud for your boyfriend, but it being so late now, and your need for comfort after being overstimulated for hours on end, called for a little alone time. You sit in your office, the clock reading 1:30am as you hit the Go Live button on your stream.
You decided to chill out behind the closed door, just chatting with whatever viewers were still awake at this hour, or were just beginning their day, depending on timezones. After five minutes, you greet your chat, snacking on some cookies you'd picked up from the store before returning home earlier, a glass of milk sitting on your desk next to the plastic box.
You sit in your very comfortable chair with a QuackityHQ hoodie, with the signature duck in the corner and design on the back, and some long, patterned pj pants, colored dark blue and black with a floral design. They were thin enough to wear in the warm heat, which was perfect for you. You looked tired but didn't really feel that way, like your eyes were sewn open from adrenaline and happiness.
"Good morning, everyone" You chuckle, "Alex just won an award, feeling good! He, Cellbit and Roier got some drinks and have been watching TV on the couch, so sorry if you can hear them. I closed the door just in case but don't mind any shouting or music"
Your chat explodes with messages, congratulating you, even though you lost in your category, and spamming hearts and heart hands emojis. Someone sends in a small donation, asking for clarification why they were at your house.
"Oh, Alex didn't wanna drive all the way back to his place and he had his car parked here from earlier. He drove the other two and we all left together. They're staying the night" You nod, clarifying with a little bit of lying, not wanting to slip up.
You'd known for a while that Alex was just a secretive person over the smallest things, and he didn't know why. You were totally fine being open about your relationship with friends, but made sure to respect boundaries for him. He reassured you in his own panic that he wasn't embarrassed to be with you and didn't want to hide his love for you often.
He explained it in simplest terms as he was weirdly secretive and he didn't want his weirdo stans attacking you or only watching you for him, he didn't want to ruin your fanbase that you built from the ground up. You'd been friends since forever, a good percentage (if not all, then most) of your fans also watched Quackity's content, which kind of made sense to you, but you didn't question it.
"But yeah, it was fun, just like... there were so many people, and so much was happening all at once and shit. I'm just trying to calm down and get tired." You lightly smile, taking a bite of one of your cookies. "I'm so proud of everyone who won and everyone who was nominated, good night for everyone"
You sit and talk to your chat for a while, occasionally listening to the trio's laughter outside your office. Before you can even snap your head around to inform whoever entered that you were live, they were already speaking, slightly laughing, and stumbling.
"Babe, oh my God, I'm so sorry! I accidentally dropped one of your plates in the kitchen and it fucking shattered everywhere, I'm so sorry. I cleaned it up, I just wanted to tell you than wait for you to notice and make you mad, I'm sorry, Y/n/n"
Your jaw hangs slightly agape, and you stare with a silent expression. You slowly turn back to your stream, the chat absolutely exploding with messages. You saw probably a hundred first time chatters even making an expression about it.
"Lex, I'm live" You speak between your teeth, muting your mic. "Ah- uh, it's, it's fine"
He quickly regains his composure, staring over at you, then looking over to your PC, showing that you were a thousand percent live and five thousand people heard him say that. By the morning, it'd be all over Twitter and YouTube Shorts and TikTok, people were already clipping it.
"Alex, holy shit"
The two of you sit in silence for a minute, trying to rationalize what to do. Cell and Roier bust into the office as well, seeing both of you silent before asking, where you both talk over each other very loudly to try and explain.
They both look over to your monitors, confirming you were live. They both laugh in a light hearted way, looking to Quackity.
"You're cooked, dude"
"Rest in peace"
"You say that like I'm embarrassed to be with them, I mean, it's not like that... I think. Y/n, are you embarrassed to be with me? I'm not embarrassed to be with you, I wanna post pictures of us on adventures and experiencing shit so people can see us for us and what we are-"
"My brother in Christ" You sigh with a chuckle, rubbing your temples. "It's said and done, it's fine. And no, I'm not embarrassed to be with you" You turn back to your stream, unmuting yourself under the red LED lights and lamp on your desk.
You sigh and shrug before speaking, throwing your hands up halfway in defense.
"Y/s/n real"
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sunaluv · 1 year
I love the "Come get your man" series could you make a pt4????[you do not have to]
I love your work sm!!!keep doing what your doing!!!
Drink water, take breaks when needed, take care of your health both mentally & physically!!and see you next ask♡
wooo we back at it again! thanks for checking in on me bae 🥲 take care of yourselves too!
also thanks for 1k followers 🥳
part 3
feat. kenma, tsukishima, iwaizumi
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kenma loves his job. as a professional streamer he’s his own boss, he doesn’t have to be around people too often and he’s become really fond of his little online community (not that he’d admit that out loud).
it’s been a week since your unplanned debut on his channel. you didn’t realize he was recording when you came to drop of his snacks, doing your daily check in. ever since, all the tags with his stream name were aggressively loving, basically demanding him to bring back their ‘mother’ to the screen.
you drop in every now and then to remind his viewers to look after themselves, jokingly scolding them for not looking after your man aswell but it’s all fun and games on both ends.
whilst watching his stream in the room next door, you can help but notice a user in particular.
@/kodzubae: LMAOOO i thought he would be dating someone much prettier😭 didn’t know kodzu did charity cases.
even though the chat was moving before you could read all the comments, your eyes always managed to find whatever the user said about you, and none of it was nice. you didn’t have to be told not to read the comments— it’s an unspoken fact but your eyes and brain always seem to betray you, feeding into your minor insecurities.
you haven’t even realized you were staring at a blank screen. kenmas’ stream had ended whilst you were too lost in your thoughts.
“…you alright?” he asked hesitantly.
though your eyes lit up and your lips quirked at the sight of your boyfriend, he knew something was up— call it a sixth sense of his.
you wordlessly tried to convince him that you were okay, talking and joking the rest of the night until you fell asleep in his embrace but none of it felt genuine. he didn’t want to pry, but it physically hurt him to see you hiding things from him.
totally disregarding the first rules of boyfriend 101: “don’t go through your partners phone!”, kenma unlocked your phone, instantly frowning at the screen before him.
it was her twitter page. kenma knew his lifelong fans, and the handle on your screen now was one of them, except it was full of fan behavior for him and blatant hatred for you.
he felt bad.
it wasn’t exactly his fault, but he still felt responsible for the digs at you that were happening on his live.
the next day, you had woken up hours after kenma. you tend to do that when you sleep with a heavy heart.
in the distance, you could hear him talking, probably streaming. so you opened his stream on your phone and tuned in right on time.
“hey guys,” he greeted. “before we start i want to say something…i’ve become aware that ever since ‘mother’,” he emphasized on the quote marks. “made her first appearance, some of you have not been the nicest to her online and i just want to say that that’s a boundary that absolutely cannot be crossed.”
@/user2: i hope she’s okay :( luv u mom
@/user3: we’re just going to skip over the fact that he acknowledges them as our parents? okay…
@/user4: cross ken >:( cross ken >:(
“so from here on out, any hate towards her will be an instant block. i’ve told my mods too so behave…” he firmly, yet gently scolded.
“now that’s out of the way, today we’ll be…”
you watched the rest of the stream with a smile on your face. though you were working on voicing your concerns and discomfort, it was nice to know that kenma is willing to work for you whilst he waited.
TSUKISHIMA (tall!reader)
“you look so much taller when you’re not welded into tsukkis’ side, ya know?”
startled, you angled your neck down to see one of your classmates.
you had been avoiding her, and she, you. but it seems she’s finally willing to break this ongoing silent tension fest between you two.
“what do you want.” you deadpanned.
she gasped. “you’re too mean! tsukishima doesn’t deserve to be with someone like you, he deserves someone who is more down to earth, you get me?”
she eyed you up and down to emphasize her point.
taking your silence as willingness to listen, she continued. “i mean your too tall! granted he is too but opposites attract, he needs someone who will look good with him, like me.”
you folded your lips inward to contain your laughter. you and basically everyone knew about this girls love for your boyfriend, but you never pegged her as the type to come at you like this.
“you can have him if you want,” you waved. “kei looooves short girls.”
her eyes lit up in victory, obviously not sensing your sarcasm. “cool, just make sure you break up with him today because-“
“nobody is breaking up with anyone.” a voice shot.
low and behold, your six foot something boyfriend shutting down any advances you were planning to set him up with. though he joined the conversation, he only appeared to be addressing you.
“kei! i-“
“tsukki! i-”
he made eye contact with your smirking face over the girls head. “you were just gonna throw me to the wolves like that?” he asked offended.
you chucked. “there’s no wolves kei, look at her” you pinched the cheek of the stunned girl stood in between you two. “she’s harmless, like a poodle.”
she stood, mouth open seemingly in shock.
looking back at him, his face did not let up. you sighed.
“i’m sorry kei,” you breathed through your nose. “i will never subject you to such a horrible, earth shattering, torturous-“
“that’s enough, my god” he groaned. grabbing your wrist, he dragged you by the wrist, only slowing down when you rounded the corner, out of the girls view.
“you know i was joking, right.” you poked his cheek, to which he swatted your hand away.
“i know you’re joking,” his signature smirk appeared. “after all you wouldn’t throw away the opportunity to date the guy you’ve been crushing on for as long as you’ve been here. if i recall, your confession went along the lines of ‘i-“
you slapped your hand over his mouth in embarrassment. leave it to the guy to turn your confession into a weapon against you.
you playfully bickered down the rest of the hall, forgetting all about the girl who had tried to take your place earlier.
“are you sure you’re not only using him to like, get to oikawa or something?”
the first words this girl had spoken to you. you don’t know who she is, or where she came from but she has some nerve coming with such a ridiculous question considering you haven’t formally met before.
“excuse me?”
“you heard me,” her tone was now accusatory. “i’ve seen many girls do iwa dirty because they want oikawa so if that’s the case save yourself an ass beating and leave him alone!”
you don’t know if you have bad memory or what because you don’t know who this girl is and as far as your concerned, neither does your boyfriend.
“i’m sorry, are you a friend of his?” you were more confused than anything.
“i am his and he is mine.”
you didn’t want to accuse her, but every sign she was showing pointed to a major case of FDS (fan delusion syndrome), a case of the crazies found in fans of the oikawa toru founded by you, maki and mattsun, but you were unaware that this case was also present in your boyfriends own… supporters.
you don’t blame them though because your man is a total hunkkkk. anyways.
right on queue, the door slid open and both of your heads turned to meet hajime’s, and of course he has to show up with a sweaty face, shirt practically clinging to his defined body.
“hajime!” the girl called, running and stopping infront of him. “she’s using you do get to oikawa, break up with her!”
he followed the finger that was pointed to you— confused and lost in the middle of the gym.
“that’s my girlfriend, she doesn’t like him like that.”
the sound of a shattered heart pierced the sudden silence. “w-w-what do you mean girlfriend, she’s after toru i’m sure of it!”
a humorless chuckle sounded from his throat. “trust me, she doesn’t ”
being cautious not to set the girl off, he traversed around her, and straight to you who watched the whole interaction both concerned and amused.
“wowww,” you breathed. “i didn’t know you were also a cause for FDS.”
“nothing,” you straightened. “i don’t blame her though. i would go crazy if you walked around looking like that too.”
his face flushed and he turned away. “stop saying things like that…”
you smiled, poking his cheek. “what, i can’t appreciate my boyfriend who’s built like he was carved from the greek gods himself?”
he walked away after pushing your face with his hand, drowning your chuckle.
“c’mon haji, don’t be like that,” you chased after him. “you have to be feeling yourself a little after seeing the affect you have of the seijoh population!”
the girl watched as you made her ‘man’ flush, comment after comment, feeling numb as she watched him get more and more out of his reach.
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mrghostrat · 5 months
I have a question about writing, because you are my favourite fic writer and you write so well.
-How do I write emotions well? I’ve always struggled with that, for some reason. How do I explain how a person is feeling? Should I write loads of it or just explain it short?
Sorry if this is a weird question, genuinely struggling out here 😰😰
AHH thank you dear, but not weird at all! this is one of those highly subjective things can be really hard to nail down with simple rules in a classroom, hence difficult to learn.
i'm a bit of a fluffy writer, so i rely on Show Don't Tell to demonstrate emotions. but i am constantly reminding myself of this post to not go overboard with it. breaking down the sensory cocktail of an emotion is great for emphasis, but would get exhausting if you did it every time. it's okay to write "he was scared."
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now, in this case, the "show" of an emotion would be how it physically makes you feel (warm or cold, stomach butterflies, aching, floating), how you express it externally (narrowed eyes, tense shoulders, clenched jaw, parted lips), and what it makes you do (avert eye contact, reach out, fiddle and fidget, move around a room).
examples from And They Were Streamers!
"aziraphale was touched" (meeting a fan) vs: how it makes him feel
Aziraphale’s chest blossomed with a shy, giddy warmth, just like the twinkling of nerves he felt before his first ever stream.
"crowley was agitated" vs: how he expresses it externally
Crowley sat there, breathing heavily with his eyes flickering over the chat window on his third monitor.
"aziraphale was nervous" vs: what it makes him do
Aziraphale returned his hand to hover somewhere around his waistline, where it toyed with the hem of his jacket and longed for a glass to cling to.
i refer to breath, eyes, shoulders, mouths, and fingers a lot. they're very expressive body parts and you feel a lot within them when struck with intense emotion.
if you're dead inside like me (thanks T), it can be helpful to practise mindfulness when looking for sensory inspiration. if you can't remember what it feels like to be overcome with jealousy, pay attention to all five of your senses and imagine what the character might be feeling for each of those.
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thatstonedwriter · 4 months
⋆。˚ 「 Status: Online 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; Loona's s/o is a popular YouTuber/streamer
◉ A/n- apologies for the wait, but I hope you enjoy!
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
Being a popular online personality comes with its ups and downs. Adhering to regular posting and streaming schedules can be exhausting, but having Loona around always makes things much more bearable.
Loona will often appear in the background of your streams, and the chat is always quick to point her out. It’s almost turned into a kind of game at this point, a sort of “where’s Waldo” but specifically for your streams/youtube videos
Speaking of, Loona is usually willing to be featured in your videos, whether its a Let’s Play, or Couple’s React. Also enjoys just popping in, so there are videos where Loona is present in the second half, just because she decided to sit in with you in the middle of filming.
Avoids On-Camera PDA, but will (in some cases) allow it. She's mostly private with her affection so kissing or even hugging you on camera in front of people isn't something she's very comfortable with.
will become more affectionate if you have fancams/edits or people simping for you in the chat/comments- and by affectionate, I mean lowkey aggressive. nothing horrible, but you can expect to hear some playful threats directed at any simps you've got.
When Loona does appear in your videos, she’s a fan favorite; her dry sense of humor and vulgarity are surprisingly popular. She also doesn’t scare easy, which provides a comedic juxtaposition to your reactions if/when you’re playing horror games
Long editing sessions are a drag, but you can always expect Loona to make them more interesting. She’ll sit beside you, occasionally offering suggestions for what might make the video look or sound better. Having an extra set of eyes and ears definitely makes the process faster (though don’t expect much help when it comes to spotting mistakes- Loona isn’t one for small details- she’ll leave that to you)
definitely brings snacks and drinks for when you have to pull all-nighters
big fan of the "you cringe/laugh, you drink" premise, so she suggests that as a small series on your channel/stream
Absolutely makes fun of your ad transitions (if you happen to be sponsored) sits behind you and does that "blah blah" motion with her hand while you do ad-reads
Loona doesn't get paid much, but she absolutely saves up to try and get you new equipment for your filming set-up (if anyone asks her about it though, she refuses to admit that she cares so much)
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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dust-and-grave · 2 months
hng, i am so frustrated by this whole watcher tv situation. i've been chewing on it ever since i watched their announcement video yesterday + i've been looking around online at other fan reactions. i'm having a lot of thoughts so i guess i want to throw my two cents in + hope it'll make me feel better to talk about it a little.
i think we all agree that creators should be paid fairly for their work; however, not all work is created equal, right? if i commission an experienced (and thus high-demand) artist to do an oil painting of my cat, they might quote me $500+ to do that + it would be fair. if an artist with substantially less experience (and thus in lower demand) spends 30 seconds on a crayon rendition of my cat, should they also received $500+ for their work? i think most people would agree that would be ridiculous.
in some ways, this is what it feels like the watcher team is doing to us right now, imo. we know that shows like ghost files or puppet history are expensive to make because travel costs (in the case of ghost files) + production costs, but we can see the effort put into the work. we feel that what we give for the show, whether that's turning off ad blocker while watching or buying show merch or supporting via patreon, is going toward making the product that we are asking for. these shows are the oil painting in the metaphor.
i don't agree with how mean + rude some people are being about steven lim rn, but frankly, his shows are the 30 second crayon drawing of the watcher channel. anyone can look at the view count on their channel + see that his shows consistently have performed worse than shane + ryan's shows. additionally, we can see that he blows huge amounts of money on his shows ("$913 seafood tower", "$1027 fried chicken") that may leave a lot of viewers feeling as if they're aren't getting as much bang for their buck.
frankly, i think people are valid for being upset that they're expected to directly foot the bill for steven's "i fly all over the world + eat expensive food while you watch" project. while youtube has a shit ton of problems (like, say, not paying their creators enough), one of the cool things about it is that you can gauge directly the amount of the interest in a project (and how many resources you should dedicate to said project) by how many eyes are on it. unfortunately for him (i guess), steven's shows just don't garner enough attention to justify the expense of making them.
which is why i see this shift to watcher tv as such a problem. this feels very much like using shane + ryan's success on the channel to force fans to fuel steven's pursuit of his glory days on worth it. it feels even more strange when they say that they're making the switch because the company isn't currently sustainable, but steven has just hired his friends from buzzfeed + continues to push his series that just don't seem to be making back the cost of production.
to be totally fair, shane + ryan don't get out of this clean either. some of their shows don't deserve to be behind a paywall either. too many spirits is filmed in ryan's parent's backyard with content submitted by their viewers. are you scared is just ryan reading creepypastas/fan submitted content on a minimal set. survival mode is just them playing games like any other streamer or gaming youtuber does. i love all of these shows, but are they on par with puppet history or ghost files? absolutely not.
this is where i think the disconnect is coming from. they're taking everything including the lower production shows to a streaming service where you have to fund them directly (rather than indirectly through ad revenue). they're forcing funding into steven's projects despite them just not doing well enough to justify the cost. they're coming across as disingenuous with their reasoning because their stated reasons for doing this don't align with their actions rn.
i feel like it would've made so much more sense to crowdfund new seasons of shows (which gives them feedback from the fans about what they want too) or put higher cost shows like ghost files or puppet history on patreon or channel membership. i would gladly fund mystery files, weird wonderful world, ghost files, puppet history, etc. with my own money, but i'm one of the ones who isn't really interested in funding steven's quest to eat all of the gold-plated kobe beef when i'll never be able to afford to eat at a restaurant that even serves it.
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ericdeggans · 6 months
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My List of the Best TV in 2023: An Abundance of Quality Even in Adversity
What’s the surest proof that there truly is too much television available these days?
The fact that, even though 2023 featured historic performers and writers strikes in Hollywood which crippled film and TV production for months, there was still enough great series and projects to fill an entire notebook page.
Way too many, in fact, for me to cover in my small part of NPR’s awesome annual listing of the best TV and film of the year, compiled among six different critics. It’s one reason the strikes went on so long in the first place – for fans of great TV, it didn’t really seem like much changed, as streaming services kept dropping cool stuff, thanks to their long production lead times.
Ironically, viewers may notice the strikes’ impact more next year – in part, because a lot of cool TV shows left us in 2023 (pour one out for Barry, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Crown, Reservation Dogs, Succession, and, possibly, Ted Lasso) and also because the streamers will spend some time rebuilding lineups which got depleted.
Here, where I have a lot more room is my highly subjective and surprisingly long list of the Best TV of 2024:
TOP PICK - Succession – A show which perfectly captured how the dysfunctions of wealthy families can impact the world delivered a note-perfect finale that surprised – though I did predict Tom would win out – and yet felt completely inevitable. All while the world was second-guessing and writing their own endings. Masterful.
The Last of Us – Who knew reinventing the zombie apocalypse story was simple as coming up with a new cause – fungus, eww! – and the willingness to hand big chunks of the story over to compelling, fully drawn supporting characters. Doesn’t hurt to have ultimate zaddy Pedro Pascal and precocious acting genius Bella Ramsey on the case, either.
The Bear - Speaking of compelling supporting characters…this show’s second season sparkled by giving the other employees in Carmy’s greasy spoon-becoming-a-great-restaurant lots of narrative room. But it took flight with unexpected, brilliant cameos from Jon Bernthal, Olivia Colman, Oliver Platt, Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, and the legendary Jamie Lee Curtis.
Reservation Dogs – Proof of the amazing, authentic, original stories which come from letting indigenous people tells their own stories, smashing together a crushing realism with the sense that a jarring visit from the spirit world is always around the next corner.
Fargo – Not sure I love the ultimate message on the healing power of suburban, white, upper middle class Midwestern family life (or what happens to the one major Black character). But crackling performances from Juno Temple, Jon Hamm, Jennifer Jason leigh and Dave Foley make this year’s installment the best version in many years.
Shrinking – An emotional and truly funny comedy that reminds us how hilarious Harrison Ford and Jessica Williams can be while not making us spend too much time on Jason Segel’s angsty privileged white guy shtick.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The TV series which scored the most by taking the boldest swings, leaning into Trek’s original heritage as an adventure-of-the-week which told the most ambitious stories on the small screen.
(The dancing, dubstepping, boy band-style Klingons on Strange New Worlds powered my favorite TV scene of the year.)
Star Trek: Picard – Yeah, I put TWO Trek series here, because everyone else in critic-land seems to be sleeping on the fact that they made more than one excellent season of a new Trek series filled with nods to what came before, including this show, which reunited the Next Generation cast in a storyline basically about old people saving the universe from young, clueless, mind-controlled pawns.
Barry – Wasn’t thrilled about how grim this series’ finale eventually became. But respected the fact that co-creator/star Bill Hader never shied away from the fact that the show was going to be his laboratory for all the directing and storytelling tricks he ever wanted to try, and a dark comedy about a hitman-turned-actor has to be seriously dark to mean something.
Beef – A road rage incident becomes a crackling, entertaining look at everything from Asian family culture to Elon Musk-level mogul dysfunction while also proving my girl Ali Wong can act her ass off.
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Still: A Michael J. Fox Story – While other celebrities are executive producing documentaries to show how legendarily cool they are, Fox helped create an up close look at his struggle with Parkinson’s disease which show how hard it is to put on socks and take a walk on a new York street without crashing to the ground right in front of a concerned fan.
Only Murders in the Building – A comedy about over-privileged crime podcasters in an Upper West side apartment building should not stay entertaining over three seasons. But this show pulls it off, tossing in against-the-grain cameos by Paul Rudd and Meryl Streep that provide the best icing on a very fine cake.
Slow Horses – This show about a department filled with failed British intelligence agents not only subverts the spy genre, it subverts the satires which originally subverted classic spy dramas, like Get Smart. Topped by mesmerizing performances from Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas, I would have subtitled this one, Get Smarter.
Happy Valley - This series about an experienced, ball-busting divorced single mom of a police sergeant in a mid-size town in Britain notched an underappreciated series finale featuring the amazing Sarah Lancashire as Catharine Cawood, finally confronting the man she blamed for her daughter’s suicide and her grandson’s emotional turmoil.
BS High – A great documentary often tells a story which keeps going deeper and better, like a descent into a spellbinding madness. This film achieved that by giving center stage to master manipulator/football coach Roy Johnson, who got ESPN to air a game featuring his Bishop Sycamore High School team; the film contends their crushing loss eventually exposed that the school didn’t really exist.
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I’m a Virgo – Creator and activist Boots Riley made an urban parable where Black excellence became superpowers and the world’s exploitive class came for a 13-foot-tall Black teen played by the always compelling Jharrel Jerome. Always inspiring to see how Boots turns mainstream media’s tropes and expectations against itself.
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Why Charlie Slimecicle for QSMP president:
1. He is a very dedicated man
Ex: Did a whole court case to get back his daughter from the dead, went into exile and built a shrine to bring back Tilín (or Juanaflippa), edited and recorded a whole cover about how much he loves his daughter
2. He is a great person
Charlie had a very troubled past, with an abusive father who killed his seven siblings. He did not know how to be the best spouse or parent, but he still loved Juanaflippa so fiercely. He literally killed for her, performed/wrote multiple songs for her, exploded places for her. He cares for all the eggs.
3. Gegg
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Gegg says vote for Slimecicle
Not to mention, since Charlie signed off on his most recent stream, there has been no signs of Gegg. An egg going missing is extremely worrying, and if Charlie returns, it would make sense that everyone’s favorite egg with soft spots would return as well.
4. Juanaflippa
Juanaflippa was Charlie’s egg daughter, who unfortunately lived the shortest life of all eggs on the server. She died once to neglect, and twice to misclicks. Not to mention, she is owed at least one life by Little J/Angel Rubius. If we make Charlie the president, we can return a little girl who did not deserve her fate to the land of the living.
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6. silly funky guy
Charlie is arguably one of the funniest people on the server. No matter who he is speaking with, or what language barriers there are, he finds a way to make it entertaining for the other content creators, and everyone watching. If Charlie was elected as president, he would have to come back to the server, bringing light back to everyone.
7. ElMariana
Mariana is Charlie’s wife: the man who he was partnered up with to care for an egg. A duo known as the Misclick Duo, they are extremely entertaining for everyone. Along with this, all fans of these two spending time together has been in a drought. Not only this, but both streamers have mentioned that they like hanging out in the game. If Charlie is elected as the president, these two will be online again, making the server even more fruity- they are the ORIGINAL gay QSMP sex duo.
8. The French & The Brazilians
They have only heard stories of Charlie Slimecicle, of El Backflipo. The man who destroyed for his daughter, the man who brings smiles to all faces. If Charlie is made president, they will be able to meet him. This will not only create more content for Charlie, but all your favorite Portugese and French-speaking streamers may gain even more love.
For all these reasons, and many more which have probably left my feeble brain, for El Backflipo's greatness is too much for my mind to comprehend, Charlie Slimecicle should be elected as president of the QSMP.
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phocidine · 2 months
A Highlight Real of Lea’s Interview.
- A vast majority of people working on the project behind the scenes were young, inexperienced, queer, and female.
- Personal twitter accounts and dms were put under surveillance to make sure no one spoke about Forever or Wilbur.
- Lea was told not to translate Quackity’s statement on xenophobia while the Brazilians were getting mobbed in February.
- The discord rules channel was empty.
- Lea became an “assistant” after applying to be an actor. This position was described to Lea as doing tasks asked of her and also coming up with ideas for a week as a trial. Lea described the position as doing every job without getting paid, and it was not a trial. Lumi/Pomme has also done unpaid assistant work for a “trial”, but was not labeled as an assistant.
- Writers and assistants both wrote lore, but only writers were paid for it.
- Payment was always under 300 euros a month for those who did get paid.
- Lea and Lumi both did translation work (not together, Lea says she had to do all of the French translating by herself when she did that job) and were not paid for it. Both say that some other translators got paid, but only a very tiny amount.
- Lea was told by one of her supervisors that they didn’t want her to become an actor because she was competent and deserved to get paid. This supervisor was unaware she wasn’t getting paid and later helped her to get paid, but also told her her salary was confidential due to her NDA.
- The NDAs were fake. Literally the first result on google.
- There was another French person on the team besides Lea and Lumi that Lea didn’t know about until recently. His name is Louis Diox, he did sound design.
- Louis Diox says in chat that he was on an isolated discord and only ever communicated with the supervisors. Lea says people have come to her since her first statement saying they were also isolated.
- Someone who joined at the same time as Lea got fired because they had to take a week off for finals.
- Things often felt very personal, and there was jealousy. One supervisor seemed to be pitting the girls against each other, but didn’t do so with the guys.
- Lea only became an actor because she was about to leave and the studio didn’t want her to.
- Quackity came up with the prison event idea 5 days before it occurred. He came in and told everyone to completely redo the puzzles the day before the prison escape. He did not help with the work. This one of only two times Lea heard him speak.
- Writers were writing all of Quackity’s lore. As in, they were making scripts for his streams. This was a special case, usually writers create puzzles for streamers when they make lore for them.
- Lea says Quackity often made lore decisions that didn’t make sense, such as kidnapping Dapper when qQuackity could not possibly do that. Lea believes he was trying to get more attention for his streams. She implies higher ups did this too and prioritized big events over better established lore like the codes. This screwed over the writers.
- Pomme was supposed to get kidnapped and killed, but this was dropped because it was 2-3am in France and Lumi needed to sleep. So they came up with egg A1 instead.
- There’s a Boss that’s in charge of everything. Nobody knew who this person was or anything about them.
- Jay handled cybersecurity, but Lea doesn’t think he actually wrote that pdf. She suspects it was the boss, because Jay never spoke to her or her colleagues and the writing style sounded like the boss’s.
- Lea was interrogated on what she did wrong before getting fired. They never told her what she did wrong, she confessed to talking to streamers and her colleagues because she assumed that was it.
- Lumi lost access to the server 3-4 days before Lea came forward. People had been making plans for Pomme to disappear within the lore for weeks. Nobody knows why.
- Messages were sent to Lea’s colleagues defaming her after she was fired. Part of why she came forward was because she was scared when the French streamers went to Quackity they would just get gross lies about her as a response.
- The egg figurines are pre-orders, but are being advertised as “while supplies last”.
- Treatment was not equal between admins. Some got treated really well.
- Something complicated happened with Pol that Lea doesn’t think she’s in a position to talk about
- Lea has been in contact with the union, she was able to meet a lawyer because of them.
Disclaimer: This is a highlights real focusing on the worker abuse. I highly suggest people read the entire interview Pommunist posted if they have the time. There was SO MUCH in this interview.
I also encourage everyone to focus on the mistreatment of the admins here. Whether or not Lea is a good person doesn’t matter, but the worker abuse does.
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serialadoptersbracket · 2 months
Round 3, Match 7: Kim Dokja vs. Izumi Curtis
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Submitted kids:
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Izumi Curtis: Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric
Propaganda under the cut!
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the ‘prophets’ and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. “He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him.”
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
No propaganda has been submitted for Izumi Curtis
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antimony-medusa · 6 months
It’s very interesting hearing you talk about rpf dynamics in the myct fandoms. I’m a casual enjoyer of it and only follow a few people in the fandom. The boundaries thing is just so weird to me bc rule 34 is a thing, people are gonna do what they want to do. Every other fandom I’ve interacted with has had the rule that fandom stuff is for the fandom and shipping and rpf aren’t things regulated by the cc’s. Going up the the person and asking about their boundaries feels worse to me than just writing or drawing whatever it is that you want and then just putting it in the proper tags or website on the internet so that the cc’s won’t find it.
Yeah. I agree.
I think the whole notion of boundaries started in a good spot, with not wanting to make the creators uncomfortable, which is a laudable goal! And with this fandom being really close to RPF, it's the sort of thing that you think about if, if you're sort of inventing a fandom from first principles and not checking in to how actual ethical RPF fandoms have learned, painfully, how to work. (First rule is to NOT SHOW THE PERSON THE RPF, the second is that we all know that it's fictional and not real truthing about the person, and the list goes on. I don't believe MCYT is truly RPF, but it's close enough that I think we wouldn't do badly to adopt RPF fandom principles from people who already know the pitfalls to avoid.)
And then we had, as a neutral statement, unprecedented access to the creators through TTS and Twitter, so while I might have the thought "I hope this doesn't make this actor uncomfortable" I'm not likely to be able to actually get in contact with the guy playing Steve Rogers— But I CAN get in touch with the guy playing Technoblade. (or y'know. I could. Anyways.) So people could start to show up and ask things, and then that became normalized, and then questions that really are rude if you think about it for a second ('what are your feelings on shipping?' why are you bringing up shipping— maybe they don't want to talk about it—in a context where the person can't avoid it?) get followed by the same questions over and over again, and both more petty (what do you feel about scars) and more invasive (how do you feel about age regression?) questions, until it's just a constant barrage of the person being asked to weigh in on things they might wish to not look at! But we're shoving it in their face!
And then this whole thing combines really badly with the parasociality of the fandom, with people feeling like they actually know these streamers and they're friends. You get people cruising Ao3 (a thing the streamers know not to do) going "how would I feel if this was about me, like it's about my friend streamer", and then they go out and send death threats and doxing in the defense of their friend streamer, and you get people writing for the approval of their friend streamer and convincing themselves that their friend streamer really approves of what they're doing and they'd love to read it, and suggesting things like a QSMP fanfic library, and you get people bringing up fanfic to their friend streamer in their chat and comments, both in the sense of "isn't this horrible please condem it" and "isn't this great don't you like it", and in all cases that behaviour, throwing all this information in their faces, is the thing that I think is inappropriate to do to a real person.
Just let them make jokes and play block game. If we're getting a little too into it and wriitng royalty au epics, we should not bring it up to them. This seems straightforward to me.
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guckies · 3 months
The egg task hater post :D
Comprised into 3 parts of the problems, the lore aspects and solutions because I just want them gone. Especially when it makes so much sense for them to be gone by now.
Problems with egg tasks ————
- A majority of the ccs hate the egg tasks. Foolish has mentioned it multiple times, Fit mentioned it specifically after purgatory due to him seeing it as an opportunity to get rid of them, Tubbo often would have procrastinated them and a lot of others procrastinate them or express that they just don’t want to do them. (I’m not very active on other POVs so if you have other example please add them)
- The ccs don’t log on to do the tasks and some don’t even know about them. They log on to have fun and play mc. Like take a look at Pepito’s parents(apart from Roier, I don’t think any of the others are aware of the egg task system, so are logging on to have fun).
- Single parents and looking after multiple eggs. They rarely ever know what to do with them, Foolish counts for one cookie but because of the inconsistency of Pepito’s parents he doesn’t get double the cookie stuff. Where as Phil almost always has to request the double stuff for Tallulah and Chayanne.
- Egg admins are busy. Multiple have irl stuff they need to do, like school, work or even attending hospital appointments. This has even made some of the old main egg admins like Ramon and Chayanne have to give up playing due to being so busy. Even at that it’s fairly obvious when another admin is playing a different egg because the personality isn’t the same, which isn’t a big deal until they mess up personal egg lore. That’s excluding their problems with lag or internet.
- The cc parents are busy. Majority of them are variety streamers or have projects outside of qsmp. They cannot always log in to play and are subject to outside factors like having to move, travelling, internet outages, launcher breaks or even sponsorships contracts (which might mean they can’t play for long due to having set contracted times where they have to do something else)
- Some of the stuff is hard or impossible to do. Take toxic caves; one glitchy mob and an egg with internet/lag problems will almost instantly be in danger. The parents having to do tasks with the eggs; again some eggs are busy and not all eggs will just hang out with whoever. For the current system specifically they need to include tasks the parents can do alone for some of the eggs to survive.
Lore/in game stuff ————
- Everyone knows that the egg tasks do not matter especially after purgatory which just means that it was the fed doing the killing when eggs didn’t complete their tasks. They even expected them to be gone after purgatory.
- The reason the parents don’t do anything about it is because they’ve expressed their dislike of egg tasks; yet it is such an integral part of the game play that they have no control over since the admins rarely ask them about it. So they just suck it up and deal with the fact that egg tasks are still around. They’re not really aware if they can go to Cucurucho about the egg tasks because it is really just a game mechanic.
- From my understanding, the competition part of the eggs is no longer the case due to the fact they all should have lost a long time ago. So why would they need to be so aware of if the eggs are surviving or are happy. Especially when the fed are very aware of most things that happen on the island with the eggs.
Solutions!!! ————
- Get rid of them. We did fine without them for a few weeks. Without them we eggs get more chance to develop and have actual fun with the cc. Plus the cc doesn’t have the added stress of needing to log in to make sure an egg doesn’t die. They could even just get rid of them by some fed excuse like them going bankrupt with cookie materials.
- Make them optional!!! Instead of cookies or food tickets being the reward just make it something egg related or make it something like tickets for egg cosmetics. They could even make it the reward for things that the parents might want like items in the shop or access to the mod access. By making them optional takes away the stress but still gives them the chance to do something with the egg to keep them happy.
- Instruct a cc that hates the egg tasks how to get rid of them in lore. The admins should get someone like Foolish or Tubbo who know how to manipulate information to speak with Cucurucho to get rid of them. Or get the players to investigate the cookies. They could even get the morning crew to revolutionise against the egg tasks and have them mess with the server to unionise against the egg tasks.
- Make it time based, like the egg spends under an hour with a person during that week. The egg gets to choose the person too and it can be anyone. It’s under an hour so the egg or parent doesn’t need to log on for a long amount of time if they are busy during the week.
Anyway that’s my case against egg tasks. If I am missing something or think of other solutions then I will edit it into the post. But thanks for reading my /negs posts because I’ll be an egg task hater for life 😀✌️
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miiserableee · 11 months
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( 𖤘 ) ▸ my oshi graduates ! : scaramouche x fem! reader !
y/n have grown up comforted by vtubers and her childhood bestfriend and now boyfriend: kunikuzushi ! suddenly , a week before , her current oshi is announced to be graduating ?! what the hell ?! kunikuzushi strives to comfort and knock some sense into her !!
( !!! ) mentions of vtuber semi addicted reader ?! reader is very assertive and straight forward ! reader loves icecream , and is a crybaby ! scara here is mentioned to be kunikuzushi ! ooc scara !! they age around late 20s !! MODERN au ! 1.6k words !!
YOU CRY , LiKE BORDERLiNE wail-cry . "What are you crying about ?" the question was asked for your well-being , since well , you've been crying since you woke up this morning . how can you not ? after seeing the tweet of your favorite vtuber's agency . said vtuber graduating after a month !
your heart drops again at the thought , it shatters and you struggle to see where the shards have gone . you stay there in bed , bawling your eyes out . you see his fellow vtubers he's befriended throughout his journey , tweet their well wishes . wishing him the best , respecting his decision .
you know , you knew , that they were all meant to graduate at one point . they can't stay a streamer their whole lives . you've witnessed and known of these graduations before . it's not new and it's not supposed to hurt you . it's most of the time , the streamers' decision .
as for your favorite vtuber's case , he said he wasn't burnt out , he was just , done . he said he tried his best to get back on his two feet , he tried , he really did . but it didn't work out as well as he thought it would . he said he had accumulated the decision of graduating months before .
and almost everyone in his community have long since known .
you weren't that attached to him to begin with honestly , you were more attached with his other fellow vtuber in the same wave . he was just really close with that vtuber so he caught your attention . you had your shit tons of laughs with his loud menacing laughter . you bawled your eyes out in his serious talks of serious things on streams . you loved how he viewed all his achievements . you loved him for who he was on stream and out of it .
you were always ready to support him with your everything .
and you still support him with this decision , he was leaving to live his life as a person of the world . to take care of his personal business . that doesn't stop you from chowing down on this bucket of ice cream and continuously crying though .
you stare at your computer screen , your chin on your boyfriend's shoulder . his tweet makes you cry even more . the tweets from his fellow close vtubers makes you wish you could say something to him too . well , you could . you cry again .
something lumping right on the very edges of your throat . you feel it hurt . and so you sob . what will become of his group now that he's going to be gone ? it's not like it can't function without him , it's just that , it wouldn't feel the same without him .
"Hey , Y/n . I swear . . ." you ignore your boyfriend and cry more . you've been hugging him since this morning and you haven't been letting go . he's been feeding you the ice cream and hugging you through it all .
"Scara will be gone . Kuni , I can't , it hurts so much ."
you wail in his arms and he only ever pulls at his patience to just sigh and pat your back for the umpteenth time today . he really doesn't get why you cry so much over this matter .
he reaches out for your chin and makes you look up . wiping your snot and tears with tissues he struggles to reach with you clinging to him like a newborn koala . you finally look at him properly , he seems to like that , with how he finally flips his frown into a smile . which only leads you to crying more and more .
"I'll miss Scara so much ."
he has been hearing this since earlier and it's been grating at his ears and he can't help but feel a tinge of envy . though placid it is not why he feels as so with all the cloudy confusion . he simply hugs you again and wonders when you'll stop .
he knew how attached you were to vtubers . he's helped you through countless times as these when your favorite of a few years finally graduates . during high school , when your very first oshi decided to graduate after long years of being with you through as you say , your toughest times .
hearing you sniff more into his sleeves , he plops down and nudge you to roll unto his shoulder this time . you hug his chest while he caresses the top of your head . "Stop crying , Y/n . Weddings don't plan themselves , you know ?"
"Let me grieve , Kuni ."
"Scara isn't dead or dying , he's just graduating ." you shake your head and snuggle more into him . "I'm sorry , just a bit more . I promise ."
you've said that at least , 25 times now . how'd he know ? he'd prefer no one ask . truly , his patience is only ever so malleable with you . such exception you've always found natural to ignore as you've had it long since before .
vtubers have become quite a piece into your life . you weren't that blessed with the best family , not least bit decent either . always alone at home left with the freezing chills of the neverending cold war you've had with your parents for as long as either you two have known . he doesn't remember who exactly introduced you to vtubers , but someone did . and since then , you've been quite attached to them .
they were a comfort you placed all your solace in , like an idiot , completely aware of their often departing but never giving up hunting and searching . always supporting until the end and crying your eyes out when they announce their expected graduation .
as a person who's always been stubborn about dreams and hopes in life , to the point that it became a thorn between you and your beloved parents , you were quite devoted to your oshis . like they were your lifeline . after long days at school before , you would play a stream and just watch and listen . you'd do your chores and tasks with one played on the background . you cry when they cry . you laugh when they laugh . your smile never fades , it ever so brightens when they speak of their appreciation of the milestones they reach because of all the support .
if you weren't fussing over schoolworks and your planned life for yourself , you were busy hunched and watching streams trying to fill a hollow in you that you were born with .
kunikuzushi was with you through all of that . he was a bigger part of your life , as you claim yourself , but that's only because he chose to partake in being a part of the other big part of your life . he was with you when you argued with your parents , when you were in your room crying and wishing you were better so they'd trust you more , when you were wondering why you even forged yourself to be the person you are now if it's not liked by the people you love most . he was with you when you finally found what you wanted to be in life . he was with you when you were the happiest , almost every stream , he watched them with you . even if it was boring and he doesn't really like it sometimes .
he even tried to be a vtuber himself for you to look at him the same way you looked at your oshis .
he did well , he hid it from you , coincidentally he even became your oshi . he learned a lot of things from being a vtuber , he was happy there , as much as he wouldn't really admit it .
when he told you . you were over the moon . he also proposed to you next and he saw it with his own eyes , how you seemed to just sit there above the moon afloat and unbelieving .
when you heard he was graduating , as scara mouche of 6WIRL of Genshin , of course you were bawling your eyes out in dismay and utter pain .
sure , you've met the rest of the members in real life . they all congratulated you two . they even said all the best things about kuni . they felt okay with everything . but it all felt hollow for a moment . scara was still your oshi of 2 years . add how mad you are that he hid it from you . you always thought the voice was merely a coincidence and him being busy was just because he was busy with his taking over of his mother's business . you should've known , really . but can you blame yourself ? kunikuzushi never sounded like he cared for vtubers to ever attempt and be one .
"Scara is just getting married . You know this ." he says and you sniff . yeah , getting married , to you . "Do you really want me to choose that career over you ?" you punch his arm with a glare .
"Damn bro , you gotta hit me with that , huh ?" you sit up , finally and wiped your own tears , wrists wet and cold . "Thank you for choosing me , Scara ."
as he looks at you look at him , like he's all you ever wanted to be imprinted in your eyes , he laughs . finally . finally he's got what he's always wanted .
"It'll always be you , Y/n . Always ."
"Are you sick ? You're too sweet—" he sits up and hugs you , chuckling as you began to laugh yourself . "I wish you all the best , Scara ." he scoffs and ruffles his hair before he did yours too , messing it up like the chords amess on the floor in his streaming room .
"Kunikuzushi , you mean ."
you kiss his cheek , to stop the ruffling . "Yeah , Kunikuzushi . I love you . My very last oshi !" he turns his face , showing a smirk you're way too familiar with . kissing you deeply until you can't remember anything but him . and how he gets you feeling , things .
"I love you too ."
mysta rias is graduating next month , im crying my ass out rn . AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA what more of me when bebe shu graduates ??? anyways , thank u for 163 followers and half a thousand notes on youre too loud !! you all rock !!
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pochqmqri · 1 year
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When I saw this video drop in my recommended, I knew it was going to disappoint me as someone who has done personal nuzlocke runs before, used to be an active member of the forums, and even still is friends with people from there. And I was right. Look under the read more for my gripes.
To start off, he makes a rather big mistake by stating that the original Ruby Hard Mode run ended in a win, when it definitely did not, and was the basis for the Ruby character going to Kanto to start the FireRed Hard Mode run. That one isn’t one I think is too bad compared to the others, but it’s still something you could easily research on your own. 
He’s also a little wrong about ShiroInu being the earliest person to post a nuzlocke comic on the forums, but I can also forgive him for that. In general, he spends only a small portion of the video on the Nuzlocke Forums before branching out to videos, and I feel that was a misstep. For one, he completely glossed over screenshot runs, which were just as important as comics and written logs in the formation of Nuzlocking’s early years. A lot of people at the time couldn’t afford recording set ups for let’s plays, and screenshotting on VBA was as easy as pie, making Nuzlockes accessible to most people especially those that didn’t want to draw.
I also think it’s a bit peculiar that Kynim wasn’t mentioned at all, when he discussed Nuzlocke comics. Myths of Unova is probably the most popular Nuzlocke comic outside of the original, especially so for one with actual effort put into the art and narrative. We can go on all day and week about other popular comics too like Petty Nuzlocke Challenge, It’s A Hard Life, FireRed Kick-Ass Mode, Double Nuzlocke Series, etc. That not much time is dedicated to the narrative aspect of Nuzlocking in favor of the more technical and challenge-oriented ones is such a shame especially since a lot of history was made on the now-defunct Smackjeeves website. Like, in the video, fucking Emerald Kaizo got its own section while the forums, comics, etc. don’t even get that much respect. Towards the end of that video it was basically summarizing specific Nuzlocke runs from popular YouTubers/streamers, rather than an overall look. 
Moving onto recorded Nuzlockes, it’s really baffling that Marriland wasn’t given an explicit shout out. While he wasn’t one of the first to do a recorded Nuzlocke on YouTube (October 27, 2012), he was one of the first people to upload Let’s Play content on YouTube period, and he was also one of the important figures in Nuzlocking since he invented the Wedlocke challenge. Granted, the Wedlocke was mentioned briefly in a list of variants and his videos were shown in a screenshot of Google, but that’s not enough respect I feel.
Also, I think it’s funny that PokemonChallenges is attributed as the founder of the Hardcore Nuzlocke, that is, a Nuzlocke with the added rules of “no item use in battle” and “no overlevelling against important trainers’ strongest Pokemon.” The video claims Jan invented that in 2016 for his streams, when in fact, people have been using those extra rules well before he did. I also want to note that I don’t really blame Wolfey for this misinformation, since he said in the video that the research was primarily done by pChal and some guy named Drew, which, yeah, makes sense with how biased it is. 
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No disrespect to Jaiden, even if I don’t find her content entertaining, but I feel she got a lot of undeserved credit in this video too. Like, obviously the thumbnail having her in the “Then” portion is just clickbait, but to go on in the video and say that “the way that [original Nuzlocke comic creator] and Jaiden share their nuzlockes might be what caused Nuzlocking to take off” is plain wrong in the case of the latter. Like, yes, Jaiden’s 87mil+ video definitely brought it out of the general Pokemon fandom, so that people like Alpharad and Ludwig started doing them, but Nuzlocking took off well before she made the video. In fact, Griffin McElroy made a rather popular Nuzlocke video back in 2016 on Polygon’s YouTube channel.
The video also misattributes certain tricks and strategies to that Drew guy’s Renegade Platinum run, saying that it would “define the meta.” Stuff like the repel trick to manipulate encounters, which is not true at all, since the repel trick has been documented on Bulbapedia since 2010, well before that ROM hack.
Overall, I don’t want to gatekeep the Nuzlocke from anyone, but it’s just sad how it has primarily evolved to just adding on challenge after challenge and treating your Pokemon as pawns (i.e. sending them out to die), as well as optimizing the gameplay to reduce the amount of failure such as by hacking in rare candies to save time grinding (when that basically cheeses the periods between important fights and removes the possibility of something bad happening during grinding), and manipulating encounters (esp. in newer games without grass) to your biggest benefit. If you want to play it that way, that’s fine. The storytelling part of Nuzlocking was such a huge boon in how the challenge got popularized, also the concepts of using Pokemon and strategies you’d have never thought to have try before, so it’s disappointing that it gets overlooked especially in a retrospective like this.
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scitties · 11 hours
LMAO literally worry about your own health, how mentally ill do you have to be to post that preachy shit? easily the most self righteous thing ive read this week. drama over a minecraft competition will never be enough for me to think any of these people are bad people in their cores, and frankly it's extremely weird to me that anyone else does think that way, or think they really know any of these people from their streams well enough to make that kind of call. some of your faves have acted in ways that personally offended me, and tbh so have some of my own faves. fucking up and disappointing people is unfortunately the nature of being human. all these streamers are very young and very passionate about what they do. they won't always handle things correctly but i do see growth in sapnap AND the others who don't like him! (bc yes it is possible to like both, if you have any common sense at all and realize you don't know these people and there is no need to pick a side) and you talk about watching a sapnap stream as if it's snorting coke lmao like it's actively harming the viewers to watch a sapnap stream, and i would argue that is only true in cases like yours where someone is clearly only paying attention because they want another reason to be angry at someone they already dislike. so, yeah, you should quit hurting yourself by ever giving him the time of day. you aren't required to and even if you do you definitely have no right to dictate how others feel about watching him, or anyone else. grow up and stop giving sermons on what people are allowed to enjoy
drama over a minecraft competition will never be enough for me to think any of these people are bad people in their cores, and frankly it's extremely weird to me that anyone else does think that way, or think they really know any of these people from their streams well enough to make that kind of call
bro i didn't even know twitch rivals was happening until yesterday when the guy i mod for talked about all the shit happening LOL. for someone who claims i'm assuming to know a lot about complete strangers, you've essentially done the same but with me yknow
some of your faves have acted in ways that personally offended me, and tbh so have some of my own faves
i haven't been into mcyt for over two years—i pretty much only reblog fanart i like and the occassional shitpost that makes me laugh. i am not nearly into any of this as you make yourself out to be
fucking up and disappointing people is unfortunately the nature of being human
i think where i failed in my wording was using "mistakes" instead of "acting like a manchild", because that's what i was shaking my head about. mistakes happen, and i wholeheartedly agree with you that it's in our nature. but sapnap still acts immature
(bc yes it is possible to like both, if you have any common sense at all and realize you don't know these people and there is no need to pick a side)
oh i don't know him one bit, and i won't pretend to. but i still have the right to voice my opinion on the way he chooses to act in front of a camera, just like you have the right to ignore what i'm saying and continue watching him. at the end of the day i really dont care. if you feel like he's improving in a way that aligns with your own integrity, good for you man
and you talk about watching a sapnap stream as if it's snorting coke lmao like it's actively harming the viewers to watch a sapnap stream, and i would argue that is only true in cases like yours where someone is clearly only paying attention because they want another reason to be angry at someone they already dislike
are ya sure you're not projecting a little with this one
so, yeah, you should quit hurting yourself by ever giving him the time of day. you aren't required to and even if you do you definitely have no right to dictate how others feel about watching him, or anyone else. grow up and stop giving sermons on what people are allowed to enjoy
man i saw how sapnap acted, went "damn, that's unsexy", wrote about it, and moved on. woe me, i forgot that tumblr is a hornets nest of angry people. either way, this was me expressing genuine confusion in my own (misinterpreted) humor. the internet is a tough crowd these days
LMAO literally worry about your own health, how mentally ill do you have to be to post that preachy shit? easily the most self righteous thing ive read this week. grow up and stop giving sermons on what people are allowed to enjoy
i don't even have anything funny to say. my eyes rolled over halfway through reading this. it is just a minecraft competition which is why i find your ask hilarious because am i really the one who cares too much here. like really
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