#but the idea of living in a space with someone else and being romantic with them.... it would have to be a very specific kind of person.
andromedasummer · 1 year
every now and then i remember im somewhere on the aroace spectrum and i just kinda stop in my tracks and go 'huh!' and try not to sit on it for very long
#i dont really? get crushes? ive never fallen in love#ive defo felt attraction/infatuation#but the idea of living in a space with someone else and being romantic with them.... it would have to be a very specific kind of person.#to the point where i often feel its unlikely i would find someone like yhat#i dont know if its also because of my autism because thats always made sharing spaces with people hell for me#i dont go on holidays with my family anymore because they make me miserable#havent for 6 or 7 years now#i was surprised by how easy it was to coexist with my roommates on the greek/italy trip i went on when i was 17#but i suspect that was because i'd known and been close friends with one of the girls for 5 years#and i suspect both are also on the spectrum. at the very least they have some autistic traits that dont quantify a diagnosis#but made coexisting in the same space without encroaching on one another very easy#as for sex im just neutral on that#dont care much either way#so i guess this would make me demi? if i were to be specific#but that feels exhausting to have to come out as and explain over and over so i dont#which is why i just call myself bi because that fits#im bi and im demi#this was brought on by going through the trending aroace tag and being like ''wow i relate to everything here a bit. Too much''#as someone who was on tumblr during 2017-2019 i saw the worst of the exclusionist community and the fake aroace blogs made for mockery#i'd say thats a large reason i try not to dwell on it#all of that has just made me so uncomfortable to think on/about my sexuality
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dollypopup · 20 days
I've been seeing so many bad faith takes from people who just. . .don't understand these characters or their love story, so here I am, taking them 1 by 1 lol
Let's start with potentially the lowest bar for Penelope
"I was rooting for Debling for Penelope!" aka: I didn't want Colin and Penelope to have their love story
Most of the justifications of this perspective come from the idea that an absent husband who leaves you lots of money and space for your hobbies is an ideal prospect. And you know what? You're right! For MOST women of the ton, this is an incredibly appealing proposition! That's why Cressida finds it so enticing. She wants what he can offer, a life away from her family (this is something she and Penelope have in common), a comfortable life in which she is alright with a lack of affection. I would argue most women on the marriage market during this time would agree. Marriage is a business transaction more than a fairy tale for them, for most women of this time, of the ton.
But Penelope is not most women of the ton. This perspective comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of her character. Her seeing marriage as a business transaction is her giving up on her dreams of being loved. People just assume that Penelope's greatest desire in life is to write Lady Whistledown, when this is absolutely not true. I even saw someone say that 'Penelope found her purpose'. But we know this is false
Because she says it herself. In Season 2, right after Colin talks to Marina and she calls him a boy caught up in his fantasies, the conversation is contrasted with Penelope, who tells him it's important to have dreams and fantasies, to be fanciful. And this *connects them*. It is the first truly open conversation we see between the two of them, and when he asks if she's found her purpose, she explicitly informs us what it is: Something that encourages her to be brave, and witty. Something that takes her far away from the watchful eyes of her Mama. Something that fulfills her.
Lady Whistledown is not any of those things. Lady Whistledown, sure, encourages her to be witty, but also encourages her to be cruel, to make painful decisions. Lady Whistledown does not encourage her to be brave, in fact, it only exists through her hiding and secrecy. And it keeps her beneath her Mama's thumb, as she is literally tied to the ton and it's going ons by writing it. No, Lady Whistledown is not her purpose. Writing is her passion, and I do argue that writing is ONE part of her purpose, absolutely!
But. . .what else?
Well. . . .love. Love and connection. *Love* is what inspires Penelope to be brave, Love and comfort with Colin encourages her wittiness, and Love is what will provide her an avenue for leaving her mum. Love is Penelope's greatest dream and desire. And I am NOT just talking romantic love here, but love of all sorts. Philautia (self love), Pragma (love of duty), Ludus (playful love), Agape (universal love), Storge (familial love), Philia (friendship), and, of course, Eros (romantic and sexual). Love with Eloise, Love in her family, Love and Respect in her community, and Love that is romantic and sexual in nature. Love with Colin.
But what Debling offers her is only one of those. He can only offer her a love of duty, respect in her community with a title, a pragmatic marriage with no passion, one in which she is expected to wait for him with fidelity as he lives his own passions, and she occupies herself with her own interests (so long as, very importantly, those interests do not make a fool of him, since he did, after all, dump her when he assumed she'd cheat on him when he was away) (cue me: 'is this your king????'-ing @ you all). I am flabbergasted that people would think Penelope would find happiness being alone and writing Whistledown as a married woman. . .when she did not find happiness being alone and writing Whistledown as a single woman. All that would change is her title, and that's not enough. She deserves better. She deserves more. She wants more.
When she asks him 'Could you ever love me?' he responds with several long excuses that amount to: No. No, he could never love her. He is too tied to his work, he does not know her. He has been talking to her for a week and had maybe what? 5 conversations with her about it? 1 of which was comparing her to a dead deer mounted on a wall (and I'll try not to read too much into the metaphor of Women shedding their names, a death of their old selves in their society, to become a literal trophy holed up in a rich man's house) and another was in which she insisted she. . .loved grass? Come on, people. Have a higher bar for this character you claim to like so much.
Another conversation they share is very telling, in which he asks about her hobbies. She informs she enjoys reading, and he finds it quaint, charming that she enjoys romances. But he does not find that in any way comparable to his own work. Debling respects Penelope as most men in his society respect women: as a pretty bauble with which to decorate his life. Not an equal. He is glad she has a quiet interest that will keep her where he feels she belongs: in his home, tending to his fortune and assets. He explicitly states he doesn't want a partner who shares his passions, who enjoys the outdoors, but simply an honest woman who will tend to his lair estate.
What Debling offers her is a life of pragmatism and expectancy, and in many ways, loneliness. Penelope would surely cultivate friendships in this time, but in accepting his offer, she even says she has 'come to terms' with what he can provide for her. Not that she is happy, not that it is what she *wants*, but that she has come to terms with it. That she will be content. She will fill her days with love stories she will never live, and write about the day to day of a ton that does not accept her. Maybe, just maybe, she can even have a family, and she, like her mother, like Marina, like other tragic women in her society, will find happiness in her children, and not in her own life.
But why should she? Penelope? Penelope wants love. Penelope wants acceptance and tenderness and passion, and that's why I am confident in saying that Penelope has not, in fact, given up on Colin. Not her love for him, at least. Her love for him has not faded, remains evergreen: we see it when she reads his journal, when she stands in the sun after their reconciliation and feels at peace for the first time in the season, when she laughs at his jokes, when she asks him to kiss her. She has given up on one thing only: her expectation of him fulfilling that love. And that's what makes it so heartbreaking that they're both pining for each other, thinking the other does not feel the same. Because Penelope knows (and she is RIGHT) that her and Colin have something special.
This is heart vs. head, and honestly, not even Penelope's head wants Debling.
The people who say they were hoping he and Penelope would end up together, y'all are Portia. Your expectations for Penelope are that she should be happy with money and a title and an absent partner. And then, the quiet part is 'She shouldn't be holding out for love'. She shouldn't be holding out for dreams.
But. . .why not? Colin is in every single way an amazing person for her. And he's proof that she should have held out, that waiting was worth it. That it had always been worth it.
Because it is *Colin* who is the gateway to all those forms of love.
Pragmatically, Colin has money a-plenty. He's in good standing in his society, he's rich, he's attractive, and he comes from a wonderful family. Furthermore, even from season ONE Daphne said that Colin can make an interaction interesting. He makes Penelope laugh, he's a good dancer, he's adventurous and loves to travel. And most importantly, he'd love to travel WITH her. Whilst Debling is attempting to narrow her world, Colin, in contrast, wants to open it to her.
Since her and Colin met as children, much of the start of their love story for him was first universal, and then familial in nature. When first her bonnet flew into his face and he fell, he had no reason to be kind about it, but he was. He has a kind nature. But then as they became acquainted, and she had a connection to Eloise, it morphed from his universal love and good will towards strangers, to that of a family friend. The comment that he sees her as one of his sisters was harsh, but it's also not BAD that this is a kernel of their love story. It bred familiarity with them, and lead into a genuine friendship. And my god, I could talk about their friendship for days.
Colin has been an amazing friend to Penelope. He checks in on her, he writers her letters, he asks how she's doing, he offers her his hand to lift her up, he refuses to let her speak badly of herself, he's protective of her, he finds her funny, he seeks her out because he values her perspective. Colin adores Penelope, and the last two seasons have proven it in so many ways. Even in his pursuit to help her find a husband, this is a selflessness he offers because he cares for her. His goal is not to curry favor with her, his goal is only to uplift her. He only wants to see her happy. He holds her in the highest esteem and sees her in such a beautiful light. And that leads into her self love, because what Colin said to Penelope in Season 2 Surely if Penelope can see me this way, surely I can as well-- that rings true for Penelope, as well. Colin loves her so dearly and sees her with such grace, that she is then inspired to bring that inwardly.
Debling is the death of her dreams, and Colin is her dream in fruition.
But it is also risky, and it is also, in some ways, foolish. He's not a sure choice for her, but he's the BEST choice. He represents passion and tenderness, he is the love story of all her books and fantasies. Because what Marina said to Colin, that he is caught up in his fantasies: Penelope is, too. That's what makes them such a good match. And so with him, she blooms. With him, she feels brave, and is witty, and will come out from her Mama's thumb and her expectations. And what's left after Pragma and Agape and Ludus and Storge and Philia?
Well. . .. It's Psyche and Eros, isn't it?
So, at the end of it, at the 11th hour, when Colin comes to her and he is honest, and he is vulnerable, and he doesn't know she feels this love for him and has for so long, and he spills open for her, Penelope knows she doesn't have to simply be content.
She knows she can be happy. Fuck your low expectations, she *can* and *should* have a love story.
And the one she lives with Colin is such damn good one.
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kayesfanfics · 8 months
General Alucard Dating Headcanons
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A/N: This takes place post Season 4, if he didn’t fall for Greta of course and just became friends with her
He absolutely adores when you call him Adrian, he doesn’t really like being called Alucard by you, since that’s more of his title than his actual name. He didn’t share his real name with you for a bit, but one day he asked you if you could call him by his given name, Adrian, and of course you respected his wish. But there was something about everyone else in the village calling him Alucard or The Alucard, and you were one of the only people to call him by his name. It made you feel special, and it made him feel more close to you when you said his name
It took awhile for him to open up to you fully, after what happened with Sumi and Taka, he needed physical space from you. Physical touch was iffy for him, he had to take baby steps into it with you. First it was linking pinkies, then holding hands, then hugs, and it took a long time for him to finally kiss you. But once he did, he never stopped wanting to, your lips fit perfectly against his and your sweet and love filled kiss didn’t hold any malice or ill intentions. More intimate things like sex would come later into the relationship, but for now you were content with kissing him
HE LOVES CUDDLING WITH YOU. After getting used to you touching him and feeling your arms around him, he felt so safe in them. They held him after nightmares, held him when he cried, held him when he wanted to express his love for you. Likes when you play with his long hair and scratch his scalp, his own hands often scratch your back with his long nails, or his thumbs rub your hips where his hands are rested. When he feels lonely in the castle, he finds you and asks if you to hold him. It never takes much convincing, so you find a comfy place to get comfortable, whether it be him sitting in a chair and you on his lap, on a couch or getting cozy in bed for a nap together
Loves watching you help the people around the village. You help the men hold things up to build houses, help cook meals with the women, play with the children while their parents were busy. You and Sypha would often chat together, complaining about your S/O’s bad habits, like Trevor’s constant thirst for beer and Adrian’s clinginess when you were busy
Adrian: “I am not clingy…am I?”
Trevor: “When you got drunk with me you cried about wanting Y/N and kneeled before her.”
Adrian: “Oh-“
He likes to gather and cook you dinner personally, it feels more intimate and with love that way rather than just bringing you a plate of food someone else made. Likes to set up romantic dinners with a velvet tablecloth, candles, and a vase with flowers for you, and cook you your favorite meal after a long week of running a village with him
He gets so embarrassed when the orphans of the village call him ‘dad’ in front of you. It always makes you giggle and brings a red blush to his pale cheeks, and he freezes until one of this kids tug on his sleeve to answer their question. Whenever he sees you playing with the kids, he can’t help but imagine what it will be like when the two of you have kids. Belmont and Sypha are already expecting their first, maybe soon the two of you would as well in the near future. He would bring the idea up to you, and you had the same thoughts for some time as well, thinking that Adrian would make the cutest kids with you, hopefully they’d have his luscious blonde hair
He definitely wants to turn you into a vampire, he doesn’t want to live his immortal life without you. Of course if it is your wish to remain human, he will respect that, but if you allow him to turn you, he will do it gently and hold you through the painful transition. Would love to always kiss where he bit you while turning you, so lots and lots of hug from behind followed by the soft peck of his lips on your neck
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vax-merstappen · 4 months
on vacation with the f1 boys ✈️
i love to travel so this is just me being self indulgent lol. also disclaimer i know some of the pictures are not from the country i said the vacation is in, bear with me lol. hope you enjoy and drop me any pref requests you might have!
Lando Norris
Destination: Finland
Lando always went on a ski trip with his friends during the winter break and this year he invited you to go along. You started on the easier slopes, as you both had to get the hang of skiing again, but by the end of the day you were tackling some of the more difficult ones along with your group of friends. Afterwards, the group settled down in the ski lodge with cups of hot chocolate around a crackling fire. You all spent a few hours joking around and catching up after not having all been together for a while. To finish off the day, you and Lando went alone to the sauna where you had the chance to decompress together before heading to bed. All in all, the day was well spent and you asked Lando when you would be able to come back even though you knew the answer would be next year.
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Oscar Piastri
Destination: New Zealand
During the winter break, you and Oscar did not want to travel too far from his home in Australia, so you decided to go to the nearby country of New Zealand. Both of you loved staying at the beach and so you decided to spend most of your days at the scenic shores of the country. After having a relaxing time at the beach, you decided to tour the country’s mountains together and to take in the beautiful views. A personal highlight for you is a romantic dinner with Oscar in the stunning city of Queenstown. All in all, it is a relaxing trip far from the pressures of racing that brings the two of you unforgettable memories.
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Max Verstappen
Destination: Italy
For Max, a vacation was any time he could spend completely away from racing with you and his friends. So, instead of traveling far away from his apartment in Monaco, he wasted no time in going on a boating trip with all his favorite people along the Italian coast. You both spent days lounging on the deck together and nights drinking with the group at the yacht’s bar. The sea made for a perfect getaway from Max’s fast paced life and you could not be happier to get some time with your boyfriend in such a scenic place. Relaxing in the waves truly made for a great time.
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Charles Leclerc
Destination: Los Angeles
Your favorite place to visit together was definitely LA. You both had friends who lived there so it only made sense to take a trip there when you both were free. You spent the days on the beach with him, either surfing if the waves were nice or simply sunbathing otherwise. Charles also convinced you to go on the most extreme rides at all of the amusement parks, giving you an adrenaline rush that kept you wanting more. So many laughs were had with each of your friends, especially when Charles insisted on winning you a giant Ferrari colored banana plush at the arcade. You had no idea where you would find space for it in your apartment, but you knew you would cherish the memories it brought to mind.
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Carlos Sainz
Destination: Miami
To Carlos, it would not be a good vacation without some golf. So, you both decided to head to Miami where you could find the best of what both of you loved doing, golf and relaxing on the beach. While Carlos golfed in the mornings, you relaxed on the beachfront balcony of the house you were staying in. And during the afternoons, you would both head to the beach to relax in the sand and waves. One morning you decided to spice things up and have Carlos try to teach you to golf, but after accidentally hitting the ball into someone else’s golf cart, you quickly scrapped that idea. Your favorite memory of the trip was definitely the day you spent completely together on a snorkeling trip to see a nearby coral reef.
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Lewis Hamilton
Destination: Dubai
When Lewis wasn’t racing, he still loved to be doing something adventurous. Lucky for him, you shared his love of an adrenaline rush. So the perfect destination was Dubai. Every day was filled with excitement, from riding ATVs though the desert to eating at luxurious restaurants in the city. Lewis even convinced you to go skydiving with him at the end of your trip which was an experience you knew you would never forget. There was never a dull moment when you and Lewis traveled together and you knew that once this vacation ended, you would already be planning for another.
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Daniel Ricciardo
Destination: Austin
Everyone knew one of Daniel’s favorite places was Austin, Texas. So when he had a week off after the race in Texas, Daniel of course convinced you to stay with him on vacation there for the next few days. He took you to his favorite bars and barbecue restaurants to savor the food. He also took you to a ranch where you got to ride horses through the American countryside. On the last day of the trip, the two of you decided to go to a country music concert and dance the night away. Both of you loved music and so this was the perfect memory to end what was a great few days of exploring the Texan landscape. And of course you had to get a souvenir cowboy hat to remember the trip by.
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Yuki Tsunoda
Destination: Mexico
As you and Yuki are both foodies, you decided to go to a place with one of your favorite cuisines, Mexico. You arranged to travel throughout the country to try different foods from various regions. Between meals, you would spend time seeing some of Mexico’s most scenic beaches and visiting some of the tourist destinations like Chichen Itza. The best part, however, was getting to spend so much uninterrupted time with your boyfriend who was always away from home. Though you knew Yuki lived the fast life, all you wanted to do with him was relax. And what better place to do it than in such a warm and beautiful country. As for your favorite food you tried? There were too many good dishes to choose!
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Alex Albon
Destination: Phuket
Alex was thrilled when you agreed to go to the country he raced for. When you got there, he excitedly showed you around all of the sights and took you to eat his favorite local food. After a few days of frantically touring Alex’s favorite places, you both decided that it wasn’t truly a vacation unless you relaxed a little bit. So, you spent the rest of the week at the beach in each other’s arms, just savoring the other’s company. There were a few splash fights in the pool and the time where you jokingly pushed Alex off of the boat, but otherwise you spent your time relaxing on the sand. Thai sunsets were truly like no other and you knew you would savor your memories for years to come.
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Logan Sargeant
Destination: USA
When you realized that Logan hadn’t traveled much around his own country outside of Florida, you immediately decided that you were going on a road trip to fix that. The plan was that you would go up the east coast, stopping in all of the major cities to see the sights. From Carolina beaches to the nation’s capital, there were surely a lot of things to do. And when you had a boyfriend who drove cars for a living, of course you got to the be the passenger princess. Every time a road sign showed something that sounded cool, you insisted that you stop. Your personal favorite destination was New York, where you got to show Logan a lot of the famous landmarks that everybody would recognize. Once you hit Boston, you decided to head back south to his home state and warmer weather. You would cherish these memories forever.
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krakensdottir · 11 months
So that new clip, huh.
This is cementing something I suspected when I saw Crowley’s reaction to Gabriel in the trailer. Crowley is afraid. Like seriously terrified of what’s about to happen to them. He’s not just being dramatic this time, he’s looking at their own personal apocalypse standing there in the bookshop.
Like, it’d be easy to expect that Aziraphale would be afraid. But no. He’s nervous as hell - always has been, around the bosses - but he doesn’t seem to be afraid of Gabriel. This is what I was saying about him actually being a legitimate cinnamon roll. Boss shows up with no memories, after not long ago trying to kill him, obviously needing help, and Aziraphale like. Doesn’t even hesitate. Of course he’s going to help. Not because Gabriel deserves it, but because whether he deserves it doesn’t come into play. He has no one else. Aziraphale can’t just leave him like this, now can he?
(Note that I don’t think this is Aziraphale being a doormat or anything. He’s too forgiving, yes, but that’s a known and accepted character trait. He likes to help people, and he chooses to help people. He’s choosing to help Gabriel, and perhaps forgive him, whatever we or Crowley might think of the wisdom of that choice.)
Crowley, though... he’s freaking out. Aziraphale wasn’t there to see Gabriel’s cold-ass eyes consigning him to the flames. Crowley can’t forgive him. No way. And he can’t see Gabriel as anything less than someone who will gladly destroy them both.
And as touching as it is to interpret ‘precious, peaceful, fragile existence’ as referring to Aziraphale, I don’t think it’s that simple. It certainly includes Aziraphale, but believe it or not, I don’t think he’s the be-all end-all of the situation. Crowley is afraid for himself, for the closest thing to peace he’s ever had. And he has every right to be. Maybe it’s easy to forget because of the way he usually plays it off, but Crowley has lived his whole post-Fall existence with terror in the back of his mind. He’s had the threat of torture and destruction hanging over his head, not only from his own bosses, but from the angels who oppose him along with the rest and even from God who decided to toss him out in the first place. He has no safe space other than Aziraphale and the bookshop. He never has, and he has every fucking right to be afraid of losing that for his own sake. He has every right to be angry and upset and terrified and to hate being dragged into this.
And I don’t know, I kind of don’t want to see that watered down into something purely romantic and protective. Crowley talks about the peace he carved out for himself, he means it. He carved it out over millennia, often without Aziraphale’s help. I’d be furious about the idea of losing that too, especially when it’s because the person he thought he could trust just can’t say no to helping the guy who tried to kill him.
(Not hating on Aziraphale here, and I don’t think Crowley is either. Aziraphale has his reasons, and I’m pretty sure one of them is that he doesn’t think they actually have a choice here, that they’re facing something terrible they have to deal with regardless. Just like Crowley with Armageddon. He just... isn’t communicating that very well. At least not in this clip. Instead he’s trying to appeal to Crowley’s good nature, which does not extend as far as his own. Once they agree they have to deal with this regardless, I think they’ll be alright.)
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sixty-nine more questions for your ttrpg characters!
(i originally made one of these on a defunct sideblog; i thought it was about time i made a new one! send an oc’s name and a number, go wild!)
1. what drives them? what’s their ultimate goal?
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept?
3. can they accept failure?
4. what one person, place, or thing do they love more than anything else?
5. is there something they want to be known for?
6. how have they changed in the last year? how about the last five years?
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it?
8. what songs remind you of them? if there are specific lyrics or movements, list ‘em!
9. when in their life were they most scared?
10. what inspired this character’s creation?
11. if they have a pet or animal companion, how do they spend time with them? if they don’t have one, what sort of animal would they be interested in raising, if any?
12. how have they altered their body? piercings, tattoos, biohacks, or other modifications—anything. why (or why not) did they (or someone else) make those changes?
13. what are some motifs you associate with them? did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
14. what keeps them up at night?
15. is there something that never fails to make them laugh?
16. do they value their appearance?
17. they’re crying—what did it take to make them cry?
18. what dish brings back the best memories for them?
19. what sparks genuine, unadulterated rage in them?
20. what attracts them to someone—platonically and/or romantically, anything counts.
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
22. how would they decorate their living space, if they had a chance?
23. in what moment did they consider themselves to be “grown up”?
24. are they close to any family members?
25. who is their best friend?
26. what type of person pisses them off?
27. how do they usually dress? why do they dress the way they do?
28. do they collect anything?
29. what feelings do they internalize?
30. how do they handle confrontation?
31. do they respond well to praise? how about criticism?
32. which of your decisions led to their voice being the way it is?
33. what artistic medium are they most drawn to?
34. what languages do they speak? how did they learn them?
35. when did they feel loneliest?
36. how do they fidget?
37. if they’ve had one, what was their first kiss like?
38. do they see themselves as an important part of their party?
39. are they insecure about their appearance? how about their personality? what aspects specifically worry them?
40. if you had to remake this character right now, how would you change them?’
41. how do you keep notes for this character, if at all?
42. can they dance?
43. how much do they know about the world they live in?
44. what lies do they tell others?
45. what lies do they tell themselves?
46. have they taught themselves any skills just for fun?
47. what could they talk about for hours on end?
48. do they relate to anyone in their group? conversely, which person do they relate to the least?
49. how often do they cut their hair, if at all?
50. do they have a go-to beverage, alcoholic or nonalcoholic?
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
52. how would they dress themselves up for a formal event?
53. do they keep their plans close to their chest?
54. how important is money in their life? do they save up for ages, or spend quickly?
55. they’re seeing their greatest wish come true—what’s happening?
56. who would they trust with their life, unequivocally?
57. do they see value in the laws of where they live?
58. how often do they swear? do they mind when others swear?
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing?
61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh?
62. do they believe in good and evil?
63. what’s a meme or tiktok or vine (or whatever) that you associate with them?
64. how would a party member describe them?
65. what would their go-to karaoke song be?
66. which fruit do they like most?
67. do they consider themselves to be special?
68. where’s their home?
69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out?
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
on aroace queerplatonic doctordonna
@foxfables just answering you here, since it's easier for me than on the replies, cos wooord count:
1. a fair amount of espeeecially aroace fans of the show have talked a lot about how we read the doctor as aroace and a lot of the pain that comes with Companions is their often moving on specifically for alloromantic and allosexual reasons (whether or not they were looking for that from the doctor, lots of examples in classic!who of companions having not-at-all that kind of dynamic with the doctor, and leaving for a romantic relationship) and how that especially comes to the fore with ten's doctor -- and we relate to that pain
2. the doctor's and donna's relationship was specifically deliberately created to be a platonic relationship, going so far as to spell it out in their first adventure together in s4 and then making fun of the idea that they could ever be read as alloromantic in any way
3. "despite" this explicit non-romantic and non-sexual framing, their story was one of deep abiding love and partnership, with the doctor occupying a similar -- if not even moreso -- position in the noble family as they had done with the tylers or the ponds, where they were deeply embedded not just in donna on her own when she was out travelling, but in her family affairs. that's the "queer" of the platonic part -- they're not just good friends who meet up sometimes but have other relationships that are higher up the hierarchy for being romantic, they build their life around each other (clarifying queerplatonic partnerships can and do also exist when one or more people within them have romantic relationships, but the point is the hierarchy -- which we see when shaun arrives too)
4. and it all culminated in a massive heartbreak for the both of them, where they couldn't be together anymore, despite both of them desperately wanting that -- donna didn't leave the doctor, the doctor didn't leave her to a life that was "better" suited to her (which the doctor sometimes has made decisions about against their companion's wishes). it was a tragic queerplatonic story, and one in which the doctor ended up dying/regenerating alone after making sure that everyone else was fine (notably, this "fine" included romantic relationships in almost every scene of that montage -- sarah-jane is an outlier)
5. this story then, was asking the question over and over: why this face? why does the universe/the tardis always bring me back to you? what is this mysterious force that's making us fated to meet this way? and for awhile neither the doctor nor donna can answer that -- the doctor constantly talks about bringing donna home to her family, her life, because the doctor is used to eventually having to go off alone, and by now donna is married and has a kid. how could there possibly be space for the doctor in that? and of course donna wouldn't be able to travel again. it's as incompatible as it always was
6. and then the story answers that question by going: donna is the doctor's family. this face came back to be with donna again. they're not romantic, but they are partners, donna's daughter, donna's husband, donna's mother, donna's grandfather, are all the doctor's family too
7. the doctor didn't need to promise a romantic/sexual relationship that they couldn't actually offer, didn't have to become someone else, didn't have to twist into a shape they couldn't, they just had to let themself stop running long enough to understand that this is the love they deserve to have
that's the power of the doctordonna in the end. this is what this doctor ends up living for, not grand battles and great destinies. just loving your best friend and being loved in return. that is the final thesis of this entire era of doctor who, and it's very aroace queerplatonic in theme
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muniimyg · 2 months
𐙚₊˚⊹ best friend!jimin ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
series m.list // taglist request: closed
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @pamzn @defzcl @maryy1300 @whoa-jo @taetaecatboy @jksusawife @un06 @firesighgirl @rrosiitas @butterymin @parkinglot-nights @musicjournalsjdb @kissyfacekoo @jkslvsnella @vampcharxter @bloopkook @kekerrreke @somehowukook @bbystarcandykoo
jimin has always found you pretty.
the day you announced to be best friends with him, he quickly accepted his fate and pushed the idea of being with you aside. it didn't matter to him back then. he was just happy to be yours.
but it's different now.
after a long internship abroad, you've finally returned home. he picked you up from the airport and if he could live through the moment where your eyes met in the crowd again—he would.
it was the way your eyes lit up when he found yours.
it was the way he pushed through the crowd to reach for you again.
it was the way you smiled as he pulled you in by your waist, resting your chin on the crook of his neck, murmuring; "god, i missed you."
during the drive back to your place, he asks about your flight. to his dismay, you talk about something else.
someone else.
there's an unsure feeling that forms in the pit of his stomach. it could be jealousy. it probably is jealousy.
you tell jimin about the boy you met during your internship. how he treated you well in the beginning and even considered sleeping with him. how natural it was for you and the other guy to bond. jimin feels sick with every word about him that escapes your mouth. was he replaced? was that why you barely called? was that who you were with and posting in a soft-launch style? oh, his blood boils.
when you arrive at your place, jimin helps you carry your suitcases to your room. but before that, he greets everyone in your family. they waited for you too. they missed you too.
in your bedroom, you immediately fall to your bed. you take a deep breath and stare at the ceiling as jimin sets your suitcases aside. you pat the space beside you and jimin mimics your fall to join you. now, in the silence, you two let your thoughts consume you.
he should say he missed you. he should say he missed you more than you missed him. he should... say something, right? confess or whatever? he isn't sure. all he knows is that he's happy you're back and doesn't think he could do this again.
he can't be without you again.
"___, can i—"
"i think i'm over love," you sigh, turning to your side and facing him. you reach for his hair and play with a few strands. "he was so nice in the beginning. i thought i was going to bring him home and introduce you to him... but it didn't last. why doesn't it ever last?"
jimin's throat goes dry.
"feels like i went to hell and back with him," you admit. "was i always bound to be with guys like him? i've had enough. from here on out, i'm going to commit to the cat lady thing."
he laughs. "really, now? the cat thing? you're allergic."
you huff. "i'll replace you with yoongi. he's a cat. same shit."
jimin pouts.
you laugh and apologize.
"not all guys are like him, ___. you know that." he attempts to comfort you. "i'm not like that."
you smile and nod in agreement. "i know... it's just... what ever happened to love letters? to fresh flowers and picnics by the lake?"
jimin squints at you. "you hate the lake. you say the ground is too mushy and the ducks are scary."
you shrug. "i want to go on a row boat ride. like allie and noah from the notebook or something... you know? i want romance."
"knowing you... you'd fall into the water."
"well, then that's his cue to save me."
"what if he doesn't know how to swim?"
"then he's not the one."
a beat.
"i'm a good swimmer."
you blink at him.
before you can reply, jimin continues. "you seem to be flip-flopping between wanting to love and wanting to be loved. which is it, really?"
you think.
"both," you answer. "how romantic would it be if it was both?"
jimin doesn't answer you.
instead, he looks at you in a way you've never noticed he has. it makes your heart beat faster. it makes you forget to breathe in. you hiccup, he laughs, and suddenly you two feel at ease again.
then, he reaches for your hand.
gently, he intertwines your fingers together. you gulp, unsure if you should say something or move... you figure not to. instead, you lay there and stare at your ceiling. jimin does the same.
in a split moment, you hold your breath. you didn't expect this. neither did he. but it happens. he says something that changes everything between you two forever. from friends to lovers; in between is romance.
this moment is your in-between.
this is romance.
"to love and to be loved," jimin breathes, "... is to be with you."
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kseniyagreen · 4 months
Love is...
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Today is Valentine's Day, and this is a good reason to repost an article about my favorite love drama.
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The problem with most romantic stories, in my opinion, is that they use formulaic moves. As a result, showing love only on a very superficial level. While true love is not expressed only in isolated romantic scenes, it is woven into life, becomes part of the personality and permeates the world in the eyes of the loving person. This is exactly what we are shown in Beyond Evil. In honor of this, let's look at Beyond Evil as a love story.
1. Love is - mystery
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Love begins with a meeting with a stranger (even if you are friends with them from school). Interest, the desire to know a person for who he really is, and not just to use their resources - that distinguishes a real feeling from a superficial attraction.
The ability to see the other person as a mystery, interesting in itself, an unexplored land.
2. Love is - to go out into foreign territory.
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In another person, we are primarily attracted to what we lack in ourselves. But here lies the main problem. What we lack in ourselves is what we could not assimilate, what causes confusion or even fear.
And falling in love, we sometimes have to meet with what we have been avoiding for so long and diligently. And learn to understand and appreciate it.
3. Love is - desire to touch
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This is how the great director Stanislavsky defined love. Behind this is not only sexual attraction, but above all the need for a sense of reality. The reality of the other, and the reality of oneself in contact with them .
Each of us needs someone else to feel the reality of our existence, we need a touch - with someone with whom we want to share this reality.
In Beyond Evil we see a great example, how love can manifest itself in this desire to touch, even before the person realizes their feelings
4. Love is - to see
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Loving means being willing to see a person for who they are, even in those aspects that they prefers not to show to others or even trying not to see themselves . But the person who shared your darkest experiences becomes really especially close to you.
5. Love is - to protect
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In love, we begin, often quite unconsciously, to extend to the other person our own instinct for self-preservation and our own sense of boundaries.
6. Love is - to share life
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The desire to share - impressions, ideas, memories and just food. Sharing food is like sharing life, letting the other person into your personal space and giving them some of your life energy.
7. Love is - strive to be seen
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Love energizes life. Raises the desire to be brighter, more noticeable, live your life more fully and, of course, attract the attention of a loved one
8. Love is - "Ram into you and bite"
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Partner love, unlike other types of love, involves more than just gentle touching.
It is natural to want to penetrate lover’s borders - and in this desire there is something annoying, sometimes even aggressive. The desire to tease, to provoke each other, may be born from the desire for a sharper and more intimate contact.
9. Love is - compassion
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In light infatuation, people use affection as a source of positive emotions, but leave as soon as it becomes stressful. But truly loving, we inevitably share not only the joy, but also the pain of a loved one. In the end, the lovers share each other's fate.
10. Love is - to Let go and to Catch
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This is the name of the last two, final series of Beyond Evil and in these words the dynamics of harmonious relations. Intimacy is a wave, not a straight line.
We catch and release each other, only to catch again later. And it takes a special trust in both cases - to let go and wait for the return. To fall into the arms of another and know that they will catch us.
11. Love is - to share a common silence
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Particularly deep relationships are distinguished by the ability to be together in silence. And to withstand that special level of intimacy when there are not even words between you.
12. Love is - to walk beside
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It is hardly possible to stay in a long-term relationship if you make completely different decisions, choose different paths. The ability to look in one direction, to create some kind of joint world - this is what makes people a real partners.
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vilentia · 1 year
Learning to Love Again
Steve Harrington x reader
Inspired by this post @forevermoreharrington
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Steve had always been the life of the party. With his charming smile and quick wit, he could make anyone feel at ease. But behind that confident exterior, he was hiding a deep insecurity that he had never quite been able to shake.
Steve had always been a romantic at heart. He loved the idea of being in a relationship, of sharing his life with someone special. But every time he tried to get close to someone, it always seemed to backfire.
In his early relationships, Steve would try to be affectionate and attentive, showering his partner with compliments and gifts. But he quickly learned that not everyone appreciated his brand of romance. Some of his partners would pull away, telling him that he was being too intense or that he needed to give them space.
This rejection hurt Steve deeply. He couldn't understand why his efforts to show his love were being met with such resistance. As a result, he began to hold back, to keep his feelings to himself for fear of scaring his partner away.
But even that didn't work. His partners would accuse him of being distant, of not being emotionally available. Steve couldn't win. It seemed like no matter what he did, he always managed to push his partners away.
But then he met you.
From the moment you first smiled at him, Steve felt something shift inside of him. It was a small gesture, just a quick flash of teeth, but for Steve, it was like a bolt of lightning had struck him. He couldn't explain why, but he felt an instant connection to you. Maybe it was the way your eyes crinkled at the corners, or the way your hair fell in soft waves around your face. Whatever it was, Steve was hooked. It was as if all of his insecurities melted away in your presence. You were so warm and open, so eager to be close to him, that he couldn't help but be drawn to you.
At first, it was scary for Steve. In the early days of your relationship, Steve was almost overwhelmed by the sheer amount of affection you showed him. It was like a dam had burst, and suddenly he was being showered with love and attention in a way that he had never experienced before.
At first, he was a little unsure of how to respond. He would feel himself tense up when you reached for his hand or leaned in for a kiss. He wasn't used to this level of physical intimacy, and it took him some time to get comfortable with it.
But you were patient with him. You could tell that he was struggling, and you didn't want to push him too hard too fast. So you started small, with gentle touches and soft kisses. You let Steve set the pace, always waiting for him to take the lead. But as time went on, he began to relax into your touch, to let himself be vulnerable with you in a way that he never had before. He found himself craving your touch, yearning for the warmth of your body next to his. He loved the way you would run your fingers through his hair, tracing lazy patterns on his scalp. It was like all of the walls he had built up around himself were starting to crumble.
And then there were the kisses. Steve had never been much of a public display of affection kind of guy, but with you, he couldn't resist. He loved the way you would pull him in for a kiss in the middle of the street, not caring who saw you. It was like you were telling the world that he was yours, and he loved the possessiveness of it.
You would stay up late talking, laughing at each other's jokes and sharing stories about your lives. You would hold hands as you walked down the street, fingers intertwined in a way that felt like you were meant to be together.
And whenever Steve would start to feel that old familiar pang of insecurity, you were always there to reassure him. You would tell him how much you adored him, how much you loved being close to him, how you could never imagine being with anyone else.
It was one of those nights, lying in bed together, that you finally said the words that Steve had been waiting to hear.
"I love you," you whispered, your voice soft and sweet.
Steve's heart skipped a beat. He had wanted to say those words to you for so long, but he had been too afraid of scaring you away. Now, as he looked into your eyes, he knew that he had nothing to fear.
"I love you too," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I've loved you since the moment I met you, but I was too scared to say it. I didn't want to mess things up."
You reached out to stroke his hair, your fingers trailing softly over his scalp.
"You could never mess things up with me," you said, your voice filled with sincerity. "I'm here for you, always."
And as Steve held you close, he knew that he had finally found the person who could chase away his insecurities, who could make him feel loved and cherished in a way that he had never thought possible. With you by his side, he knew that he could face anything that life threw his way.
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fanfic-obsessed · 10 months
Hurry up and Wait
I love the trope that Obi Wan gets visions of the future (the CW, Order 66, and later) and through these visions he (accidentally or otherwise) saves the galaxy. Let's take a walk through a twist in that. 
Obi Wan gets those visions of the future, but never consciously remembers them.  Only a lingering sense that he needed  to be a Jedi knight (so that he could be in a position to find the clones). Subconsciously, however, he falls in love (platonically) with the clones in general and falls in love (romantically) with Cody in particular, even though he has no memory of it.
As a consequence any Force user with even a hint of a connection to the unifying Force can tell upon meeting Obi Wan that the Force has a Plan with a capital P for him. 
This changes nothing about his Padawanship (From which I cherry pick parts of anything I can get my hands on, assume that anything that is known that does not directly contradict what is in here is in play). Qui Gon Jinn’s connection is exclusively to the Living Force, as is Yoda’s. 
You know where it starts changing things? When Obi Wan takes Anakin as a Padawan. Anakin, as a child of the Force, got an even clearer sense of the Force Plan. He could sense that Obi Wan would find something(someone) and leave the Jedi before Anakin’s padawanship was finished. He could sense that this would be important, changing the tides of the galaxy kind of important. 
So before Anakin could ever become attached to Obi Wan, he is dissuaded. In this Obi Wan is not Master/Teacher/Father/Brother. He is viewed as a tutor, or favored babysitter, until it is time for Anakin to go to his actual Master.  And Obi Wan never begrudges teaching Anakin, never lets Anakin think that there was somewhere else Obi Wan had to be, because there wasn’t. Not yet. 
Perhaps in another universe Palpatine would have been able to step into the space Obi Wan never realized he made. Except the first time Palpatine pushed to meet with Anakin, Obi Wan had an unexplainable (to anyone who did not know the future he was seeing in his dreams) panic attack strong enough that he needed to go to the healing halls.   This panic attack, and the subsequent smaller ones he has whenever he thinks too long about Palpatine being alone with Anakin have two major consequences for Anakin specifically and one for the Order overall. 
The first is that Anakin never grows to trust Palpatine. He meets with him, because Palpatine made some fairly heavy-handed implied threats to the Jedi if they did not provide him with the company of a small boy, but he never really lets him in. This Anakin never forgets the lessons that he must have learned as a young slave, particularly ‘never trust a smiling, kindly man in power’.  Anakin, at the insistence of the High Council, Obi Wan, and his own instincts is required to see a healer and a mind healer after every session with Palpatine (for fear that was grooming Anakin-which he was, just not the way the Jedi thought).
The second consequence is that the High Council as a whole, and Mace Windu specifically, keeps a closer eye on Anakin. It is to Mace that Anakin begins to turn as a Mentor, whom Anakin is sure will be his Master when it is time for Obi Wan to leave.  So, much like with Ahsoka in Canon, Mace and Obi Wan end up co parenting Anakin. And it is understood, and has been exhaustively discussed by all three (to the extent that Anakin's age allows to reasonably be part of the discussion), that Mace is Anakin’s master, though Obi Wan may be considered so on paper (Mace, as head of the Order, cannot take on a too young Padawan.  When Anakin is older, certainly, and if Obi Wan leaves early, sure, but for now the day to day is handled by Obi Wan).
The order as a whole, and the High Council in particular, had no actual idea that the Chancellor (and possibly other Senators or representatives) can effectively make the Jedi Order deliver a 9 year old boy to his office and leave. They immediately set a mixed group of Archivist and Shadows to go through all of the treaties, laws, and Senate rulings that can possibly refer to or affect the Jedi. Going through all the laws and rulings and things that should not have affected the Jedi but do(because of a confluence of three, or four, or six different laws that separately don’t do shit to trap the Jedi but together create something that is Ironclad and razor sharp) takes several months. The results are so horrifying that several shadows have to be talked down from the ledge of taking over the Republic entirely. 
The High Council decides that they will begin to untangle themselves from the control of the Republic, but that they must do it quietly. There is concern that if they bring attention to the potential for abuse of the Jedi Order, there are beings that would take advantage. They do not realize that they are caught in a Sith Plot (one that in Canon would see them forced to be generals of a slave army). Instead they believe the laws that entrap them to be, not quite coincidence, but that their effect on the Jedi is secondary.  So that is going on behind the scenes. 
We come to the mission that would get the clones discovered, the one that was supposed to spark a war. Palpatine fully believes that everything is on track with Anakin, as he has not clocked onto the fact that Anakin is humoring him and does not trust him.  So Palpatine enacts his plan to get Anakin alone with Padme, hoping that something Jedi code breaking will result (Palpatine does not exactly have control over Padme-Though he certainly thinks he has more than he does-however she is exactly the kind of reckless that he needs to get Anakin into com kind of trouble) while Obi Wan is sent on a chase for the assassin, Jango, which will lead him to Kamino.
Obi Wan arrives on Kamino and knows the instant that he is shown the clones that this is what he has been waiting for. He still does not consciously remember his lifelong visions, but he knows that he has found his people.  He very calmly sends out a message to Anakin and Mace to the effect of ‘I have found my people. May the Force be with you. Peace Out’ then goes back and uses every ounce of his cunning and negotiating skill to take command of the clones, the ships, and all the supplies for what should have been the Republic's Army and fuck off to a planet in Wildspace (That Obi Wan owns. Until that very moment he did not know why the Force had encouraged him to acquire the planet). 
Jango, who is very intrigued by the pretty red headed Jedi who had just politely browbeaten a bunch of Kaminoans (It is a very much one sided attraction, since Obi Wan is very much in love with Cody-even if he doesn’t know it yet), and Boba go with them. 
No just picture this. Dooku is waiting on Geonosis for Jango Fett to lure a Jedi,  specifically to lure his grand padawan to the planet so that war can get started. And Waiting. And Waiting. Meanwhile the Geonosian Queen is hovering in the background, starting to make noises that are the equivalent of ‘well, don’t let me keep you’ (and other such saying that were polite-as this was still a potential ally- for ‘Get fucken out of our house already’).
Another Meanwhile, due to a combination of the lack of needing to go to Geonosis to rescue Obi Wan, the lack of a need to go to Tatooine (By sheer happenstance Shimi was not captured by the Tuskens, thus no visions for Anakin), and the goodby message Obi Wan left (which indicated that the current assassin would not be bothering Padme for at least a few weeks), Anakin and Padme get back to the Senate in time for the Separatist Vote.  While not unanimous, it is an overwhelming majority that voted to allow the Separatists to leave (Mainly because most of them wanted to be able to leave themselves if need be).
Everyone, Separatist and Republic alike, stares at each other awkwardly in the aftermath of the Vote. For some reason everyone feels as though there should have been a different outcome and no one(outside of Palpatine and his minions) can tell why. Eventually the Separatists turn and walk slowly from the room.  Those who wanted the war were seething internally, but not able to show it externally.  
Palpatine has to work hard to keep his screams of frustrations internal later, when he calls Kamino and finds that his shiny new army is not where he left it. Then there is the repeal of a seemingly insignificant law and it takes him nearly three weeks to place why (that one law neatly disassembles most of the legal trap that the Jedi were in, because it was the connecting law between that laws with the really harsh punishments and that laws that specifically mention the Jedi). 
Back with Obi Wan and the Clones…Things are a bit strange. In the first place Obi Wan still does not consciously remember any of his visions, but subconsciously knows all of the clones and can tell them apart. So he calls the clones by name rather than designation. For some of the clones before they even choose a name.  He also knows without knowing why hobbies and interests for most of the clones.  
And for all that the Clones have been primed through propaganda to love the Jedi, they don’t actually fully trust anyone who is not a clone, not yet. This has the effect that Obi Wan is, without realizing it, acting very informally with clones who do not know what to make of him.  This is compounded by the fact that Obi Wan sees Cody and is instantly smitten. Cody does not know what to do with this. 
Hilariously this has the effect of making Jango jealous of Cody. Jango is attracted to Obi Wan, who only has eyes for Cody.  So Jango is off to one side making passive aggressive comments about Obi Wan settling for a badly put together copy when he could have the original, muttered low enough that Obi Wan cannot hear.  When Obi Wan does over hear one of the comments, the resulting rant on Jango failures as a person (this was before they discovered the chips, but after the realization that Jango had effectively sold his children into slavery) and how Cody is clearly superiors in every way, does help to endear the clones to him. 
His visceral horror when they find out about the chips helps too. 
I am not sure where it would go from here, though I imagine it does end with the Jedi, in clumps of two or three, just sort of arriving on the planet.
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blazinghotfoggynights · 2 months
I am so happy for episode 7x4. Why? It has already led to lines of communication about romantic and queer journeys that are not typical.
I see Team!Tuck and Team!Buddie have some members that are not happy with the other and think the other team is delusional or doesn't make sense. Only the members of that show's crew know what is going to happen. For all we know, Buck could meet a third party, fall in love, leave the 118, and go off to happily ever after.
(I so don't want that. But what can a girl do?)
I want to say that as someone who probably has just a teeny bit more of life experience than many people on here and other social media, no I am not sharing my age, I have seen, and experienced, a lot. Remember I mentioned lines of communication opening? They are open now because people are inspired and feel empowered to share their thoughts and experiences.
To Team!Tuck, yes, Team!Buddie is still quite a possibility. How? Did you know you can be so in love with someone you have no idea you are in love with them? Sounds crazy, right? But it can happen. It took many years for me to see that I was head over heels for my best friend. I never considered it. I never looked at him that way. We were just really close and besties.
It took someone asking me if I were stuck on a deserted island and could only have one person there with me, who I would choose. I said his name instead of my then boyfriend's name. I didn’t even think about it. It was reflexive.
The person was staring at me smiling and watching me as I realized what I’d said and then a montage of our friendship played in my mind.
“Oh my god.” That was me.
“Finally figured it out?” That was the other person.
When I thought about it, I compared men to him all the time. The qualities I was most attracted to in my partners up to that point were qualities they shared with him. But it was at that moment, many years into our friendship, that I realized that had been happening.
This leads me to Team!Buddie. Team!Tuck is valid and could very well be endgame. If the writers make Eddie a completely hetero man with no flexibility, Buddie will not happen. However, they have offered a character who is literally an amalgamation of Buck and Eddie as a possible love interest. It is funny to me, because when I look at the Tommy character I see the lovechild of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley. Buck picked a man who mirrors him physically but shares a lot with Eddie including military background, quick wit, snarkiness, the willingness to say screw the rules when needed, hobbies, etc.
If Buck knows with no uncertainty that Eddie is not, and will never be, an option, wouldn’t it make sense that a man who is so much like Eddie would catch Buck’s eye?
I will also say that it is not impossible for someone who truly believes they are 100% heterosexual their entire lives to realize one day that may not be the case. How do they realize it? They look at someone of the same sex and have an epiphany.
As a young one who was new to this world, I fell for the rhetoric that sexuality is static and does not change. You were either straight or gay. There was nothing else.
This older, wiser version of me knows the only things you can count on in life are change, surprise, and unpredictability. She is also grateful for those who worked hard to explain that sexuality is a spectrum and give those who never quite found a space a label that finally fit.
She is extremely grateful for the brave people who who have the courage to live out loud and raise their voices in pride so others know maybe one day they can do the same.
I will always have my fingers crossed for Buddie endgame. I’m talking big wedding, tears being shed, vows so sweet everyone requires insulin. You get the picture.
However, I also want to see the two characters who never have happiness or a partner who truly supports them find what Hen/Karen and Athena/Bobby have. If that is with other people, so be it.
One more time, I am going to say major respect for ABC and the show writers for flipping off that network that can go to hell and giving this arc life and to Oliver and Lou for doing what is bound to piss off a lot of people who won't be shy about vocalizing their narrowmindedness.
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beskarandblasters · 19 days
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Stonecatcher - Chapter Three: Let Me Be Your Stonecatcher Please
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Series Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist | Series Playlist Artwork: The Lovers by René Magritte Gif: @cherubispunk
Series summary: You’re an arms dealer living on Dantooine when you cross paths with an up-and-coming bounty hunter. What starts as a business relationship quickly becomes more. How long can you bury your emotions and be a stonecatcher for someone else before you finally snap?
Series warnings: instant smut but slow burn romantically, angst, use of Mando’a words/phrases, no use of y/n
Chapter summary: While on a supply run to Coruscant, you run into Mando. Word count: 3.4k
Chapter warnings: anxiety, oral sex (M receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie
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You’re on your way to Coruscant for a supply run, the first one you’ve ever had to do. This opportunity sort of fell into your lap. One of your new customers, Clint, was buying a blaster from you when he told you he knew a guy in Dantoo Town who was going to Coruscant. The contact in question, Sid, was looking for others to join the trip so long as they chip in on fuel. That agreement seemed fair to you so you said yes. 
You’re leaning against the window of a ship, cheek pressed up to the cool glass, and staring out into the vastness of space. You’ve never left Dantooine, much less ventured out of Casia more than a handful of times, and yet you’re handling space travel better than you anticipated. The chatter among the passengers turns into white noise as you close your eyes, imagining what Coruscant is like. It’ll be weird to be around so many people, so many speeders, and so little nature for once. 
Once you get to Coruscant, you’ll head to the lower levels, a place Sulee warned you about. You’re not sure how she knows so much about them considering that you’re almost certain she’s also never left Dantooine. Yet she has mysterious knowledge and wisdom that you definitely took into consideration for your journey. 
Mind your business. 
Don’t make eye contact with strangers. 
Keep your head low. 
Don’t let anyone walk all over you. 
You’re nervous but also excited. You’re excited to see a new place and for this wonderful business opportunity. 
But you can only think about your future endeavors for so long until your mind eventually wanders… 
It’s been another few weeks since you’ve seen him. You wonder what he’s doing. Probably off chasing another bounty. 
You didn’t expect to see him after the first time you crossed paths. And yet you did. That has to mean something. It’s unfortunately all you’ve been able to think about. You told Sheva about the event that led you to miss the party at the cantina. But you’ve neglected to tell Sulee, assuming that in her old-fashioned ways, she’ll tell you that casual sex is a bad idea. Even though you think it’s already growing deeper, that a meaningful connection is already being forged. But all this begs the question;
When will you see him again? 
You’ll get your answer soon enough. 
Sid lands the ship in a docking yard while you stare out the window. Neon lights flash in your face and heavy raindrops pelt the windows. He reminds everyone that the ship will be leaving by mid-morning the next day, before disembarking. You’re doing this supply run alone. So you’ll have to meet the supplier, pay them, and carry everything back to the ship on multiple trips. 
“Do you know where you’re going?” Sid asks as you head down to the lower levels. He must be going there, too.
You look over at him, watching as he shivers in the rain and noticing how the wet strands of hair stick to his forehead. He’s a human male, a couple of inches taller than you, with dark skin and warm eyes. His hair sits at his shoulders and goosebumps prick his skin where it’s exposed. You’ve only met him once before coming here but so far he’s proven to be a valuable contact and also a good friend.
“I do.”
“Do you need me to show you where to go? You know the password?”
“You did enough by getting me here. I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll hang around the area if you need me. Chances are I’ll be in a cantina.”
“Sounds good,” you chuckle, bidding him goodbye before you head to the meet-up spot. 
You’ve heard rumors of a sort of flea market for arms in the lower levels. Sid seemed to validate that it does indeed exist. He said it’s on Centurion Street, inside of a clinic. You have to approach the front desk and say the phrase, “I need a central processor for my Protocol Droid.”
You’re not nervous. You’ve got Sulee’s advice repeating in the back of your mind and a blaster attached to your belt. If you want to break into this industry, you need to know how to navigate it and how to interact with the clientele, plus all of the other shifty characters that come with territory. 
You wander the streets before locating the correct street. It’s slightly less busy on Centurion Street but still just as shady. Your hand hovers above your blaster and you pray to the Maker you won’t need it. Soon you find the clinic and it definitely looks fake. You head inside and get a brief refuge from the rain. You’re the only one in the lobby and the overhead fluorescent light is somehow worse than the neon sign. Everything is absurdly clean, a harsh contrast to the neighborhood the clinic is in. You approach the front desk where the receptionist is sitting and tell her the code, half expecting her to laugh in your face. She gives you a knowing look and gets up to let you in. You follow her behind the desk and into an open doorway. And it’s a little underwhelming. For some reason, you were picturing a large secret market place but it’s just a guy in a back room with an absurd amount of weapons. 
“Who sent you?” the man asks.
“Sid Clemon.”
“He didn’t come with you?”
“Nah, he decided to hit up a cantina.”
“Typical. Tell him don’t be a stranger,” he says before turning around to comb through his stock. 
“What are you looking for?” he asks.
“Anything and everything.”
You buy a decent chunk of his stock, mainly different types of blasters and a few thermal detonators. It takes you a couple of trips to get it all back to Sid’s ship. The man who sold them to you (whose name you didn’t get) didn’t offer to help you but you didn’t expect him to either. He did help you load all the product into large gray bags, telling you “Can’t be out there on the street with all of this out in the open. Can’t be showing your cards to just anyone.”
After the last trip, you head back down to the street, deciding to look for Sid in random cantinas and find out what to do next until you leave. Are you expected to sleep on the ship in the docking yard? Or are you supposed to find a random motel to stay at? 
The rain has let up but everything is still rather wet, including your clothes. And now that the rain has gone away the street is even more crowded. You scan your surroundings, looking for a sign for a cantina. But you find something else instead. 
There he is, standing in the busy street. Not Sid– Mando. Although you can’t see his face, you can tell by his body language that he’s overwhelmed. His helmet swivels in all directions, trying to keep an eye on every person around him. But it’s hard when the streets are packed with people shoulder-to-shoulder. 
He still hasn’t noticed you yet. Instead of bursting through the crowd to head towards him, you wait. You wait for him to notice you. And when he does you can’t ignore the butterflies in your stomach. For some reason, it excites you to see him at a place other than Dantooine. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks, placing a hand on the small of your back and guiding you off to the side.
“Supply run.”
“It’s not safe here.”
“I can hold my own, you know,” you say, tapping the blaster attached to your belt.
“Do you… need help?”
‘What do you mean?”
“Carrying stuff back to your ship.”
“Oh! I already finished, but thanks for the offer.”
“What are you doing now?”
“Killing time. We’re not leaving until tomorrow morning.”
“Who are you here with?”
“Just some guys from Dantoo Town.”
“Are they going to miss you for a few hours?”
“No… Why?”
He points to something behind your head so you turn to follow his gaze. Across the street is a neon sign for a motel that looks abysmal at best. Is he suggesting that you get a room together?
“Are you asking me to”
“Yes,” he says abruptly, replacing the hand on the small of your back and walking you towards the motel.
“Are we splitting it?” you ask.
“I’ll take care of it.”
He’s taking you to a motel. He’s paying for it. Stay calm. Stay calm.
It all happens so fast. He books a room and pays for it with a hefty handful of credits, leading you down the hallway. Once you’re in the room, he lets go of you, collapsing onto the bed.
“Are you… alright?” you ask, walking over to the side of the bed as the door closes behind you. 
“I’m fine. I just don’t like this planet,” he says softly.
“Too many people.”
“Do they make you anxious?”
“It’s normal to get anxious, Mando.”
“Not for me.”
Poor guy. From what you’ve seen of him so far he doesn’t seem to be in touch with his emotions, which is why he’s rejecting his own anxiety. 
“Can I help?”
“You’ll see,” you say, moving to the foot of the bed. 
The bulge in his flight suit catches your eye. He needs to be taken care of. You sink to the floor and motion for him to inch closer to you. He obliges, boots planted on the floor on either side of you. You palm his cock, hearing him groan while you touch him so delicately. 
“You need to relax,” you tell him softly, increasing the pressure of your hand, “You’re so tense… Have you ever had anyone take care of you before?”
“...Not like this,” he says, poking up his helmet and looking at you.
“Lie back down,” you say gently, placing a hand on his breastplate and coaxing him to lie on his back again.
You remove his cock from his flight suit, watching it spring free from the confines of the fabric. You wrap your hand around the base, watching the pre-cum bead up at the tip of his cock before spilling over and running down his shaft. As you stroke him you watch the stress and exhaustion leave his body. He practically melts into the bed and it makes you feel good that you are the person to take care of him like this. Surely, he’s gotten head before, but probably not by someone who cares about him like this. You’re just assuming but you gather he’s not one for long-term relationships. It makes sense given his line of work but maybe he’s changing his ways. Why else would he cross the galaxy for you? He could’ve purchased that blaster anywhere. Maybe he’s developing feelings for you, too. Maybe he’s just not showing it. 
You enclose your lips around the head of his cock while your hand continues to stroke him. Your other hand cups his balls, eliciting a deep moan from him. 
“Feeling good?” you ask, pulling your mouth away for a moment.
“Mhm,” he moans, voice all strained and dripping with arousal. 
You return your mouth to his cock and suck in your cheeks, watching as his hands grip the sheets at his sides. Your tongue slips in between the head of his cock and his foreskin, swirling around the sensitive tip. Saliva seeps out of your mouth and coats his shaft, making everything that much more effortless. 
He melts into the bed as you bring him closer to the edge. But you’re not done with him just yet. You rise from the floor much to his dismay until he realizes what you’re doing. You peel off your wet clothes, nipples perking up in the cool air of the motel room. Goosebumps prick your skin and a shiver runs down your spine. He’s so attractive lying there on the bed, broad and spread out with his cock dripping in pre-cum. For once you’ll get to be face-to-face (well really face-to-helmet) when you fuck. The arousal drips down your legs as you get onto the bed, straddling him with your entrance grazing the head of his cock. 
He doesn’t protest you straddling him. He embraces it instead, hands gravitating to your waist. You lower yourself onto his cock, slowly taking all of his length. He groans, reveling in the feeling of your warmth encapsulating his cock. 
“Kriff, you feel good,” he says, squeezing your waist. 
You rock your hips back and forth, feeling his cock sink into you deeper. You rest your hands on his breastplate, staring directly into the visor of his helmet. You lean forward, bringing your face closer to the black T shape. 
“You’re so big, Mando,” you moan, voice getting high pitched on the last word as his cock hits a sensitive spot. 
“Mmm, you take it so well, ruusaan,” he says, voice sultry and silky smooth. 
Ruusaan. What does that mean?
You don’t have time to think about it as he jerks his hips up into you. You’re getting closer and closer to coming, and tingling sensations run throughout your body. Your fingers grip the edge of his breastplate, clinging for purchase as you rock your hips back and forth even faster. He’s getting closer, too, strained moans come out from underneath the helmet. 
Your orgasm erupts from your core and your sounds of pleasure fill the small motel room. His orgasm is triggered by the sensation of yours, spilling over the edge thanks to your cunt clenching his cock. He guides the movement of your hips as you both cum, feeling you squirm and writhe while you ride out your high. 
Once you’re done coming you pull yourself off of him, collapsing onto the bed beside him. You catch a glance of your wet clothes on the floor and get up to set them on the heater, wondering what’s next for you two. Normally, he leaves. 
This time he doesn’t. Instead, his chest heaves up and down. You just want to take care of him again. 
“Mando?” you ask, turning to face the bed. He doesn’t sit up. He remains where he is, his chest rising and falling as he tries to control his breath. 
You glance at the chair at the desk across the room and walk over to it, pulling it out for him before reaching for his hand. 
“Come sit.”
Reluctantly, he gets up from the bed and sits on the chair. His hands grip the armrests for dear life as if this is his way of releasing the stress. You stand behind the chair and ghost your hands over his shoulder pauldrons.
“Can I take these off?” you ask. 
“To massage your shoulders?”
“Oh… Go ahead,” he says stiffly. 
You remove each pauldron and place them on the desk, bringing your hands to his sore muscles. He’s as stiff as a board as you touch him and you have to gently remind him to relax. 
“Relax,” you whisper beside his helmet. 
You rub his shoulders like you’re absorbing his stress and anxiety. He slumps into the chair, helmet thrown back. You imagine his eyes are closed underneath. 
Is this what peace looks like?
He falls asleep on the chair. You let him. It seems like he really needed the rest. Your clothes dry in the meantime and you get stressed again. It’s the middle of the night and you’re not sure what you’re supposed to do until it’s time to go. Maybe you’ll sleep in the bed? And secretly hope he’ll wake up and join you. 
That’s a reality you’ll only see in your dreams, though.
When you wake up you’re greeted by darkness. He must’ve turned the lights off. You feel around for him in the bed but he’s not there. Perhaps he’s still sleeping in the chair? Maybe he didn’t want to encroach on your space in the bed. 
You reach for the lamp on the nightstand which illuminates an empty room. You’re alone. Sadness builds in your gut. He just… left you. 
But not without a word. There’s a note on the nightstand. It reads; 
Thanks for the massage. Catch you back in Casia.  
At least he left a note. 
You do one final look over of the room before leaving, grabbing his note and putting it in your bag. You set out into the early morning and wonder where Mando is now. You’re one of the first people to arrive back at Sid’s ship, waiting around in the stillness of a quiet Coruscant for once, before the planet wakes up. But eventually, you’re joined by the others. 
“Jeez did you stay up all night?” Sid asks, laughing at your disheveled state. 
“Something like that,” you sigh.
“You could’ve stayed in the ship,” he points out, lowering the exit ramp. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you say, slumping into the same passenger seat you sat in on the way here. 
The other passengers talk amongst themselves as you lean against the cool window of the ship. Sid takes off and before you can fall asleep you think about what he called you. 
You’ll have to ask him what that means next time you see him. 
There is one thing that’s certain- you have a lot you need to tell Sheva about. 
Once you’re settled back in Casia with all of your purchases put away, you head to the cantina to tell Sheva about your trip. 
She places her hand over her heart when she sees you, letting out a sigh of relief.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” you say, chuckling as you sit down at the bar.
“To be honest I wasn’t sure if you’d ever come back.”
“What do you mean?!”
“Come on, the lower levels are sketchy.”
“Well, I survived.”
“Anyway… I have something I have to tell you.”
“Spill,” she says, leaning on the countertop.
“I saw Mando again.”
“On Coruscant?!”
“Like you just happened to run into him?”
“Yup. On the street.”
“And how did that go?”
“We spent the night at a motel together.”
“Wow, things seem like they’re getting serious.”
You bite your lip and grimace. If only that were true. 
“What’s wrong?” she asks. 
“Well… he left in the middle of the night.”
“He what?!” 
“I mean he left a note!”
“But still… Girl, that’s suspicious.”
“I don’t think so. I think he just has an issue with commitment.”
“Do you have the note?” 
You reach for your bag and pull out the folded-up piece of paper from the motel, handing it to her as she looks at it with a raised eyebrow. 
“ ‘Thanks for the massage. Catch you back in Casia’… Girl, what is this?”
“I found him on the street. He took me to a motel where we had sex and then I rubbed his shoulders after. He seemed stressed,” you shrug. 
“Exactly! He’s using you.”
“What?? No, he’s not.”
“He buys your products, has sex, and then leaves every single time. Except this time your “product” was in the form of a massage.”
“…You don’t think he’s feeling anything for me?” you ask, starting to feel doubtful. 
She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.  “I’m not saying he doesn’t… I’m just telling you to be careful.”
“Thanks…” you say, getting up from your stool, “I’ll be careful. I promise” 
“Are you mad at me?”
“No!” you half-lie, “I’m just tired from the trip.”
“I get it… Just think about what I said, okay?”
“I will,” you tell her, smiling at her before turning and leaving. The evening rush is just starting to make its way to the cantina. You’re tired from the trip but you also need to think about what Sheva said. 
You don’t think he’s using you but also… so what if he is? You can take it until he fully realizes his feelings. 
At least that’s what you tell yourself. 
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Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
Tag list: @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @clawdee @schnarfer @djarins-cyare @chiyo13 @burntheedges @survivingandenduring @pamasaur @freelancearsonist @littlegrungegirlaf @pedrostories
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bengiyo · 4 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 1-4 Stray Thoughts
The lesbian sister to WDYEY is back and I am so ready to see these two get deeper into their romance. They had barely started when we left.
Episode 1
THEM. I missed Yuki and Kasuga as much as I missed Shiro and Kenji.
Love that both WDYEY and SLTCSLTE are struggling with inflation.
God this rice bowl looks great.
Ladies, I know food is pricey lately but you cannot sacrifice these meals together. This is an important aspect of your relationship. Can we just discuss modifying the menu??
I love the work bestie. She cuts through the noise and calls it what it is. Nomoto is lonely because she stopped hanging out with the person she's falling for.
Kasuga is definitely not moving out. You see that TV and chair? She's settled. I love her because she does everything real big.
Yes! Have a mochi party! You both like hanging out together!
I was into the mochi pizza concept until they added corn. No thanks
Smash cutting into Nomoto fighting off the itis is exactly what I hoped for in the mochi party.
They're both so tentative with each other, but at least the fondness is obvious.
Episode 2
Wow they captured all of lesbian film discourse in one tweet. The only part they missed was a comment about it being a period piece.
Of course she's gonna watch this film from her kitchen table with a tablet. I get it but you have a friend with an enormous TV.
Baby's first gay film. It'll do that to you. I'm fairly certain my first film was Get Real (1998). I'm not sure what my first lesbian one was. It's either Chasing Amy (1997), But I'm a Cheerleader (1999) or Pariah (2011).
Oh good. Nomoto and Sayama were both offered positions. I was worried they'd be outted against each other.
We have a young woman who just moved in who has a bunch of quality ingredients and no idea what to do with them..she looks a bit disheveled and tired. She is in the lesbian food drama. Oh yeah. It's all coming together.
This was really excellent. The imagery of all this raw potential in the new tenant via her ingredients she doesn't know how to use, with Kasuga's ability to move them around, and Nomoto's ability to find a way to turn it into something delicious. I am ready.
Yes, Kasuga! Suggest meal dates! Nomoto's eyes dilate every time!
Episode 3
I like Sayama a lot. I appreciate that they have her pursuing het romance so I don't have to wonder about romantic tension between her and Nomoto.
There's such a huge demisexual component to Nomoto that I really love.
Wow, it's actually so unexpected to see a romance say that the big swells of emotion in film don't match the experience some of us are having. This is how I've felt my entire life.
Nagumo, you have two women who live alone who want to feed you. You gotta let them in, girl.
Kasuga is always so direct about how much she enjoys spending time with Nomoto.
I love Kasuga so much. She asked Nomoto how to receive the news about her new project at work and didn't assume.
I like these two admitting that they like their lives right now.
Episode 4
I love that Nomoto is doing research now that she knows how to describe her feelings.
I'm so invested in these cabbage rolls you have no idea. I need Nagumo to eat one.
450 yen is not bad for that amount of food! Food is so expensive in America!
I'm losing it over this sushi mat business.
I'm worried about Nagumo! She doesn't seem unloved by her family, but she's clearly going through it!
Nagumo is a gamer, and she put her fridge on the opposite wall Kasuga and Nomoto did.
The Japanese really snapped when they decided that soup was a requirement of most meals.
These rolls look delicious.
I hope the friend on Twitter gets revealed.
I love these two so much, and I'm glad we have 20 episodes if this is the romantic pace we're moving at! I like them balancing the challenges of maintaining their dynamic in the changing world, and I like that they were both willing to invite someone else into their space. I especially love that Kasuga encouraged the young woman to be safe and watch out for herself. I can't wait for their romance to be out in the open and for the new neighbor to comment on it.
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ffviirarepairweek · 5 months
FFVII Rare Pair Week 2024
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Urban Dictionary defines rarepair as “A ship or pairing that not many people ship or is very rare to find fanfiction and fanart of. Typically happens within small fandoms or with minor characters.” So what’s your favourite Final Fantasy VII related rare pair? Do you have more than one? Here’s a chance to showcase them and help them move up from being rare! Not all parts of the pairing have to be from FFVII, and you don’t have to do the same pairing or group for the whole week! ** Pairings can be romantic or platonic. ** Below we have a list of prompts for this year. Feel free to be as creative with those as you want to, and take your time working on your entries, but please don’t forget to post them on the right date if you can. (But remember, no matter how late it’s better than never!)
For this event we are using a category approach. You can use the category as a theme for your prompt and the listed items suggested ideas. If none of the prompts give you any ideas, don’t worry! You can create anything you like for the week, provided it involves a rare pair! The goal of the week is to celebrate and share our rare pairs more than to just follow a list. Be it art, writing, mood boards, or even fic recs, just spread the love!
Feb. 16 | Day 1. Weather. Sunshine. Rain. Storms. The weather can create a meaningful moment, or a huge inconvenience. 
Feb. 17 | Day 2. Unexpected Challenges. How does your pairing deal with an unexpected challenge? (For example, they come back home from a trip to find the pipes have frozen and they have no running water. Is one of them using the last of the drinking water to save their dying house plants while the other is desperately melting snow to keep the humans alive?)
Feb. 18 | Day 3. Favourite Things. From favourite things about each other to favourite items of clothing stolen to wear around the house (much to the other’s chagrin), or favorite things to do for or with each other.
Feb. 19 | Day 4. Near Death Experiences. For the angst lovers, the whumpers, this could be a true near death experience. For the lighter side, it could be something much less serious but someone is clearly being dramatic for sympathy. 😀
Feb. 20 | Day 5. Free Day/Combo Day. Combo space to mix and match prompts from this year (or a previous year’s list) or go wherever your canoe takes you!
Feb. 21 | Day 6. Events. Holidays, celebrations, traditions. Whether it’s a joyful day like a birthday or one of mourning like a memorial, there are many days throughout the year that bring us together. What’s a day that’s important to your pairing, or a time that brought them together for something that isn’t part of their regular day to day?
Feb. 22 | Day 7. Stories. Stories play a big part in our lives. They inspire, they entertain, they teach. Is there a story that your characters hold dear, or that they recount often to friends (or their kids)? (Or is there a story about your rare pair that you want to recommend to others today?)
Need more inspiration? Our past prompt lists can be found below, and you’re welcome to use any of them!
2023 List | 2022 List | 2020 List | 2019 List | 2018 List
Also, mod Asylos is taking requests for things to write again this year. That’s right, you can get something written for your rare pair, and not just do all the heavy lifting yourself. Send in your requests as an ask any time now up until the end of the event week. 
Please remember to include the week’s tag (ffviirarepairweek) within the first 5 tags or else we might be unable to find your work! We will NOT accept/reblog anything containing Character/Ship Hate, so avoid including those in your entries. Also don’t repost anyone else’s work as your own! You are welcome to reblog other’s posts, but credit where credit is due. 
You can submit your works on AO3 to the event collection at https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FFVIIrarepairweek
And if you have any questions, don’t be afraid of sending in an ask.
We hope it turns out to be a fun event for everyone!
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trillscienceofficer · 9 months
I just thought about how Seven didn't have her own quarters and the show didn't address it, there were only hints that it's because of her Borg chamber. But it's basically an equivalent to a disabled person being forced into living in a garage because no one was willing to make their room accessible for charging their prosthetic limb, and said garage wasn't even changed into a room and was still a functional garage and storage space. If they couldn't give her crew quarters for some reason, they should have at least make a divider in the cargo bay for some semblance of privacy.
I am LITERALLY always thinking about how a couple of dividers... with a door... that Seven could lock if she wanted to regenerate alone... would've been so easy to set up in Cargo Bay 2, even if the Borg alcoves couldn't be moved!! I understand the idea of there being a logistical problem in trying to mess with Borg tech that even Seven doesn't seem to be able to manage by herself (and, on a production level, that the Borg alcoves had been built in the Cargo Bay set) but it could've easily been solved just by giving Seven control over the Cargo Bay 2 doors and moving elsewhere the really necessary stuff that the crew needed to have access to at all time.
I think the issue is that privacy, especially surrounding medical practice and treatment, has never been thought through on Trek, partly for plot reasons (it makes for better drama if everyone knows about everyone else's medical issues), and partly because the times have changed and some narratives have luckily gone out of fashion. When I was a teen in the early 00s it was still pretty common to find an instance of 'watching over someone while they sleep without the sleeping person knowing' as a romantic trope, or at least as something that denoted care. Imho these... misguided ideas about access and control are behind Seven's living situation too, another one of those terrible misogynistic clichés she's subjected to. Obviously no one on the show thought that it was a problem for her to be in Cargo Bay 2, with everyone in the crew still coming and going, although from what I can tell the fandom did notice the issue pretty much immediately—I've read older fanfics that tried to address it at least. And when Seven is shown having her own quarters is basically only as a part of her fantasy of 'becoming more human', as if before getting to a certain threshold of human-ness she wasn't entitled to said quarters or any kind of privacy?? I can understand that at first the Voyager crew was really wary of her but the fact that things stayed that way for years without ever changing... In hindsight it's a really bizarre choice.
In general I explain this diegetically with both Voyager being constantly in emergency mode and having other priorities to always tackle first and Seven not realizing in those four years that she might even want that kind of privacy (she used to live with tens of thousand of other drones!), and therefore never making an explicit request to move somewhere else, or at least restructure the alcove area. I think that the Cargo Bay 2 situation would re-emerge in Seven's mind, though, once in the Alpha Quadrant, and by then she'd be more firm about boundaries—and hopefully have the technology that allows her to regenerate however she wants, which may not be a given at least for a few years post-return.
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