#but the whole thing's about not running away from your problems and while luz needs to defeat belos i need to explore
curemoonliite · 1 year
tomorrow the owl house ends and i'll be turning in my two-week notice for walgreens so i can start working at a hospital pharmacy for better pay
one door closes, one door opens, yadda yadda yadda, we all know the drill by now
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l-egionaire · 3 years
This is something made from a chat between me and @ordinaryschmuck.
Just imagine Vee attending Luz's human school and on her first day, she notices how everyone either avoids her on sight or mocks her. Whenever she tries to talk to people they scoff just call her a freak. Then she runs into one of Luz's old bullied who makes fun of her and even tries to take the hexes-hold um cards she had on hand. Vee is so scared and panicked that she punches the bully hard, but she's the one who gets in trouble because the teachers don't believe her due to Luz's bad reputation and the bully pretending to be innocent
Bully: Come on Noceda, We've been doing this since 4th grade. You should know how this works by now.
Of course, unlike Luz, Vee tells Camila and when she hears about all of this, she knows she has to have a talk with Luz.
Assume that this take place in an AU where Luz is domehow able to contact the Human World using titans blood and a pair of mirrors)
So, the next time Luz contacts home, her friends standing off to the side as she speaks with her mom Camila reveals what Vee had told her about what the kids at school did.
Luz has no choice but to admit that those kids had indeed been bullying her for years and they even made sure that the other kids all ignored her or thought she was a weirdo by spreading terrible rumors about her.
And Camila ends up asking the obvious question: Why had Luz never told her about this?
Luz admits that she saw how long and hard Camila worked and didn't want to burden her with her problems after she already made her deal with so many issues due to her getting into trouble. She also, tearfully, admits there was another reason.
Luz: Whenever I tried to tell a teacher or someone else they....they never believed me. They always took the bullies side. I was just scared that... maybe you wouldn't believe me either. That you would take their side too.
Camila: Mija, I would always take your side
Luz: Then why did you send me to summer camp?
Camila falters.
Camila: Because...Because you kept doing such reckless things! The snakes, and, and the fireworks-!
Luz: I DID THOSE THINGS BECAUSE I WANTED SOMEONE TO NOTICE ME! I just..wanted one person to look at me and not just ignore me or call me a freak. 😪
Luz finally breaks down and admits she doesnt want to go back to Earth to have to face that.
Luz: "Here I have friends and an awesome girlfriend and...and people who care about me besides just you! Mom, I'm sorry. I love you, but I don't want to go back to being that weirdo freak who no one wants to be around! I...I can't go back to being alone."
Camila: But you're not alone. You have me!
Luz: And that's not always enough!
Camila looked at her in shock.
Luz: You're gone so much at work. And, even then, you're the only one who actually cares about me! If I vanished or something happened to me, no one else would care!
Luz begins crying heavily, her whole body shaking with her sobs.
Luz: I just wanted to be able to get someone else to care about me and, and LOVE me. Like you did. But...but I never could. And after a while I started thinking maybe...maybe I just wasn't someone other people could love.
A tear drops from Camila's eye. She wanted nothing more to hold her daughter and help her but she was stuck, both on the other side of the mirror and an entire world away. Hearing Luz say things like that-that no one else cared about her, that she might not be someone that could be loved- shattered her heart into pieces.
But then, Amity comes over and hugs Luz from behind.
Amity: I love you.
Then Willow comes over and hugs her.
Willow: I love you too.
Then Gus.
Gus: Me too.
Next Eda comes and holds her.
Eda: Don't even think for a second I don't too kid.
King hops onto Luz's head with tears in his eyes.
And seeing Luz crying into her friends arms, as she was finally getting the love and appreciation she'd craved all these years, it finally hit Camilla. How her daughter had felt so alone and unlovable for so long. How she'd failed to notice how much Luz was hurting. How the bright light of her life who's smile always made her feel better was now so sad and crushed, and in pain and it was because she was so ignorant, Camila just...cracks. she falls to the ground and starts brokenly crying, beating herself up inside for not seeing this before it had become such a problem.
Vee put an arm around Camila to comfort her and once Luz sees her mother crying, she immediately feels guilty because she thinks telling her about all of this made her feel bad.
Luz: Mom, I'm sorry! I-i shouldn't have said all that! I shouldn't have told you-!
Camila: NO! Don't you dare say that! I needed to know that! Don't ever apologize or feel upset about how feeli g how you do!
Luz: But...but I made you cry.
Camila: And I made you feel alone. Unloved.
Luz: No. You didn't. Everyone else made me feel like that.. You were the only person that made me feel like I actually mattered.
Luz wipes away her tears and gets a genuine smile on her face.
Luz: Coming home to be with you after being ignored and bullied at school were the best parts of my days. Hanging out with you, and watching movies with you, or going out into the woods with you to play...those were the times when I never felt alone. Mom, you were never why I left. You're the only reason I even think about going back home.
Overwhelmed by their emotions, Luz and Camila stamp themselves against their sides of the mirror and cry into them. The others just watch in silence as they whisper "I love you" and "I'm sorry" and the like to each other. Letting out all their love for each other and soothing the stings of the past caused by lies.
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edoro · 2 years
REALLY GLAD that Belos didn't know about the (Clawthorne exclusive?) "let the pain be shared" spell, because like. He'd do that shit with the Grimwalkers. If it helped alleviate his curse. Hell, if he could afford having more people know about it, he'd probably make it a punishment for failing him enough times. Forget being stripped of your rank and kicked out of the Emperor's coven, welcome to a fate worse than death (and no, it's not petrification!).
Speaking of petrification... Would be kinda fucked up if did that to people/wild witches, too, before he petrified them.
He probably couldn't afford to do this because the curse messes with your ability to do magic, right? But still, if he could...
wellll, while i think yeah if he had the ability to make other people feel his pain he 100% would abuse that (i mean, he kind of already does take all of his problems out on everyone else around him, especially the grimwalkers, lmao), i think you've got some stuff wrong/are making some assumptions i don't necessarily think are supported here
there's no reason to assume that the thing is a Clawthorne exclusive vs just like, a little bit of wild magic that's been retained because it's a handy little rhyme that a kid can memorize - that's my take on it, anyway, it's like if "circle circle, dot dot, now you have your cooties shot" actually Did Something
as for the curse messing with the ability to do magic, Eda's curse saps her magic and eventually left her unable to do it at all, but we can't necessarily extrapolate from Eda's curse to Every Single Other Curse Ever. also, what Belos has going on is very much a different thing - his curse is what lets him do magic.
my understanding of his whole deal is that the weird goop deer-monster form is a result of eating palismen, and he eats palismen in order to be able to use the glyphs he carved onto himself - when he has his sudden painful-seeming attacks of destabilization, it seems to be when he's using magic and suddenly runs out of those internal palisman reserves, and therefore he needs more in order to be able to get himself back under control and maintain his human shape.
so he isn't necessarily even cursed in the same sense that Eda is - he's just kind of stuck in this endless loop of needing something to power the glyphs on his own body, because he doesn't have internal magic to draw upon due to lack of a bilesac, and the thing he settled on (consuming the souls of tiny magical animals) turns him into a shambling semisolid abomination, so he has to consciously maintain his human form, and when he runs out of magic he can't do that anymore (which is why i think he went monster form when Luz slapped him with the sigil - the draining spell sucked away his internal magic reserves, which were already low bc he hadn't had any palismen since s2e6 which was like, months ago, so boom, goop deer time)
so it's sort of unclear what, like, doing the pain-sharing spell would even do in that case? could make someone turn into a goop deer. could do nothing. probably would not give them any of his abilities since his abilities come from the glyphs he carved on himself, and the palismen are just what make the glyphs work.
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bigender-titan · 2 years
Mundane Slice Of Life
Luz panics over her first date with Amity. Eda tries to reassure her.
Content warning for some self esteem issues and a minor line implying sex (said mostly as a joke).
After repeatedly almost dying, things were settling down a bit at the Owl House. As much as things were ever settled at the Owl House, anyway. Between King leaving empty tubs of ice cream all over the house and Lilith putting Deadwardian architecture sticky notes on every inch of the walls and Hooty being... being himself, things were still sufficiently chaotic. Eda was trying very hard to ignore King and Hooty's argument over... she didn't want to know... by sitting in her kitchen and drinking apple blood. 
"Eda! I need advice!" 
Eda set her cup down and snorted. "Me? A questionable decision. About what?"
"So..." Luz's cheeks were pink. Definitely asking for advice about her sweet potato. Eda smirked. "I kinda, sorta, promised Amity that after the day of unity we would go on a date together and I should probably get around to doing that soon but I don't really know how to... plan a date, so I wanted to ask. Like, how did your first date with Raine go?"
It'd been a while since she thought about that. (A lie. She daydreamed about Raine frequently.) Still, this might not be a story worth telling to Luz. It was rather... disastrous. "Um- well- that's not important, this is about you and Amity, not me and Rainstorm-"
"Our first date?" Raine called from the other side of the kitchen, where they were rummaging through cupboards. "Oh, she set me on fire."
Luz's eyes widened.
Eda huffed. "Okay, well, I was trying to set the slitherbeast on fire instead, but someone got in my way at the last second."
"And who led us into its den in the first place?" Raine crossed their arms, giving Eda a stern look. She tried her best to look angry and defensive in return, but had a difficult time suppressing her stupid smile. The overwhelming surge of affection she felt for this witch was incredibly annoying.
"Only because we had to run away from the flesh-eating beetles!" 
"Eda, why were there flesh-eating beetles on our date?"
"I thought it was the wrong season for them to be active!" Raine raised an eyebrow at her. "Lilith told me she read that in one of her nerd books, blame her!"
Luz cleared her throat before Raine could retaliate, or before Lilith could jump in to defend herself. "Someday, you two are going to have to tell me this story. Your first date sounds like a total disaster." Her face fell at the last few words.
"It was," Raine agreed.
Almost inaudibly, Luz said "Mine probably will be too."
"Hey, ours was a disaster, but they still fell in love with me!"
Raine heaved a deep sigh. "But I still fell in love with her."
After pecking them on the cheek, Eda walked over to put a hand on Luz's shoulder. "Amity will still like you even if this date doesn't go well, Luz."
Grabbing fistfuls of her hair and pulling, Luz began to pace. "It has to go well! You don't get it! Amity is the best girlfriend ever and I need to give her a date as awesome as she deserves. I asked her out in front of a sobbing Hooty after destroying a Tunnel of Love. I ran away after she first kissed me on the cheek, I dragged her into the whole thing with Belos, I almost got her killed how many times? I have not been doing a good job as her girlfriend and I need to change that now, okay!?"
"Kid." Eda took Luz's hands out of her hair and held them. "Luz. You're a great girlfriend to Amity. I can't believe you don't know that already, you goob. You helped her defeat Grom so she didn't have to be on her own, you nearly got eaten by a bookworm just to let her keep her job, you send her all those weird messages that she loves for whatever reason, you actually communicate with her about your problems, you joined a fight club to help her prove herself to her father, and let's not forget- you saved her from being grounded by climbing through her window like a damn princess. You are a sickeningly sweet and caring girlfriend and this date will be great as long as you keep being the dork she fell for, okay?"
Luz sniffed. "You really think that?"
Gently, she shoved Luz's arm. "Duh."
"O-okay. Where do you think I should take her?"
"You know her better than I do, kid. You'd know better what she wants."
"Don't take her for a picnic on the Knee. You might encounter flesh-eating beetles." Raine shuddered.
Eda shook her head. "Will you let that go already?"
Luz's face lit up. "Oh! A picnic would actually be neat. Not on the Knee. I was thinking near the Bonesborough Brawl, that tree over there? It's really pretty, and it's where we danced together for Grom, remember?"
She did remember. She distinctly remembered watching them twirl around and muttering to King, those witches gay, good for them. "That's a great idea, kid."
Luz smiled. "I'll... uh... ask her out, then." She typed something out on her weird human device. "Now, if you two are being entirely unhelpful on how to plan a first date, I'll go ask Lilith how hers went." She turned towards the door.
"Nah, don't ask her. Lilith hasn't been on one. She doesn't really like people like that, you know?"
"Oh, alright."
Hooty crashed through the door. "Luz! Do you want to hear about my first date?"
"No!" Luz jumped back and shuddered.
Eda shuddered too as the memories struck her. "Yeah, you're better off not knowing. Well, let's forget Hooty ever mentioned that! Want help packing some food for your picnic?"
"Give her apple blood," Raine offered. "Foolproof flirting method."
Yeah. Yeah, that did work. Luz grabbed two boxes and put them in a basket. Then, she set to work making sandwiches. Eda grinned at her and went to put an arm around Raine. "Look at our kid, all set to go on her first date with her sweet potato."
They smiled back. "Are you going do the mom thing where you threaten to hex Amity into next week if she hurts Luz?"
"Nah. I've considered it, but Luz is perfectly capable of hexing Amity into next week herself if that happens."
"I don't think it will. Those two like each other a lot."
Before Eda could reply, Hooty called out. "Luz, your girlfriend's here, hoot hoot!"
Luz turned bright red as soon as Amity walked into the room. "Sweet potato! Uh. Hi. Hey. Hello."
"Hey, Luz."
"Sooo... I wanted to ask..." Luz scratched the back of her neck. "You know how I promised to take you on a super mundane, slice of life date? I, uh, wanted to ask if you wanted to go for a picnic together, by that tree we danced to at Grom, I packed food-" She lifted up the basket. "-and the place is really pretty, uh, like you-"
Amity leaned over to kiss Luz on the forehead. "That sounds great, sweet potato! Let's go!"
Luz, still blushing like a tomato, took Amity's hand and began to walk.
"Have fun, you two!" Eda called. "And remember to use protectio-"
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Coming Home
third owl fight attack! This one’s prompt was “Hunter and Luz being siblings”, and I kinda ran with it
Summary: Saying that Hunter was worried for Luz would be an overstatement. He wasn't worried, he was just...vaguely curious. He knew that she'd take some time in the human realm, to be with her mother, but...well, it'd been almost two weeks, and nobody had heard a single thing from her. So, really, breaking and entering was an entirely reasonable reaction.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now, Hunter knew, on some level, that Luz would be in the human realm for a while.
To be fair, he hadn’t had much time to think about it, what with  everything  going on. There was the Grimwalker revelation, which was also a kind-of clone revelation, and Luz offering an outstretched hand, and sitting on the ground in the human realm with the portal flickering and pulsing angrily, the dust settling as he held his uncles broken mask in his hands--
He’d been more than a little preoccupied, to say the least.
And Luz had gone through the portal the second it had all finally calmed, when there was nothing left to fight, with goodbyes he couldn’t remember. He wasn’t sure exactly when, everything had gone pretty numb by that point.
He just knew that after the first two days, when he was finally dragged out of his miserable wallowing in ditches by a very exasperated palisman and Owl Lady, Luz wasn’t there.
The others noticed her absence and the slight hole she left, he knew they did, but they never really commented on it. What with Bonesborough falling apart in a literal and metaphorical sense, everyone was kinda busy trying to patch all of it up. Like dealing with that one demon who kept talking about ancient magic, who was apparently the small rat demon's dad. And making sure Kikimora stopped escaping prison for five minutes. And dealing with the other Coven Heads. And apparently there was some people  mad  that the old wild witch ways were coming back--
Nobody really had the  time  to wonder about Luz off in the human realm, seeing her mother again.
And for the first week, he  didn’t  worry. He had an existential crisis and bothersome witches to avoid like the plague. His days were spent distracting himself by making everyone's lives miserable, since they kept insisting on holding him captive in the Owl House instead of letting him decompose in the woods for some reason. And honestly, Luz knew  way  too many people, because he’d stopped bothering to keep track of everyone by the fourth hour of being in that house. 
After he realized trying to run for it or annoying everyone into kicking him out wouldn’t work, he mostly hid in the dark corners where nobody would see him for hours at a time. Used to be for days, but apparently the Owl Lady was just as nocturnal as him, and they’d run into each other early in the morning when trying to grab a snack.
He had Rascal for company, at least. Say what you will about the little guy, but he was as loyal as he was stubborn.
But, after the first week, Hunter was starting to  really  notice a severe lack of annoying humans running around.
Apparently, so was the others, because he was noticing a few of them beginning to get a little antsy. He would’ve brushed it off, but he could hear a distinct influx of mutterings that sounded like ‘Luz’ and ‘portal’ and ‘human realm’ from his hiding places, when they thought no one else was around.
It was almost halfway through the second week before he knew it, and that was  far  too long for Luz to be away without so much as a note. 
And she was  probably  fine, he reasoned. But Luz being away without even a call was suspicious enough,  two  was downright concerning.
By then, Hunter was somewhat starting to recognize the faces that filtered in and out of the Owl House, and he began to plan. 
Somehow, he managed to wait until he saw a girl with familiar purple hair step in through the doorway, speaking words he didn’t bother to listen to as she sat on the couch he was hiding under. 
Rascal had, of course, chosen to perch himself on the head of a chair across the room, where barely anyone would care to notice him.
She was talking to some small illusionist he saw earlier (he may recognize faces, but names were a whole other matter. He’d never had to memorize names unless they were important to Belos, and if they weren’t, they were irrelevant. He should probably work on remembering their names), something about buildings and repairs or something, it wasn’t his problem. When the illusionist stepped away, off towards the kitchen to grab something, Hunter decided to poke his head out from underneath the couch.
“So what's the word on-- ow!”  He yelped, jerking back under the couch when he got a foot kicked into his nose.
“Titan,  don’t  do  that, you prick!” Amity snapped, inching a little further to the left as Hunter peeked out only one eye from under the couch this time, giving his best spiteful glare. “Why are you even  down  there?”
“Because nobody bothers me,” Hunter growled, holding his nose as he began to wiggle out. “Everyone’s so  clingy  in this house, it’s maddening.”
“Do you actually mean clingy, or are you referring to basic kindness?” Amity raised a brow, narrowing her eyes as he stood and brushed himself off from the dust bunnies that gathered under the couch.
“Irrelevant. Why hasn’t the human returned yet?” He demanded, leaning against the arm of the couch as Amity sat at the other end, giving a reasonable distance between them.
“Luz?” Amity blinked, clearly taken aback by the question.
“Yes, is there another, different human that you have to bring up every five minutes I should know about?” Hunter snapped, and got a curled lip and bared teeth from Amity in response.
“What, getting bored of the rest of us?” Amity snarked, crossing her arms. 
“Don’t flatter yourself, barely any of you were entertaining to begin with.” Hunter huffed. “Now do you know why the human is avoiding us or not?”
“Avoiding?” Amity frowned. “Luz’s not  avoiding  us, she’s just visiting her mom.”
“With radio silence for almost two weeks,” Hunter said, doing his best to stamp down his impatience. 
He  really  would have rathered asking the Owl Lady about this, but he’d learned from the last time he tried that she’d twist any conversation regarding Luz to be about him, so the next logical best bet would have to be her incessant, chattery, girlfriend. Titan, Luz had the weirdest tastes.
“She’s been away from her mom for four months.” Amity said, rolling her eyes like this was some concept he wasn't understanding. “She’s not gonna see her for a day and then come right back.”
“But still!” Hunter threw his hands in the air, ignoring Rascal’s minorly concerned chirp from across the room. “You think someone like  Luz  would go without contact for almost  two weeks?  She would’ve at least popped in to say hello, or go on some ramble about what’s going on in the human realm. She’d feel guilty about leaving you guys to repair everything on your own by the second hour.”
“It’s just...taking her a minute,” Amity said, and that was the first small crack in her resolve he saw. Had she not seen him at his lowest the first time they spoke, he would’ve been proud of the fact he could chip away at her far easier than she could at him. “Luz wouldn’t avoid anyone out of the  blue,  that’s not like her.”
And he  knew  she was right on that, as infuriating it was to admit it. Luz wouldn’t  abandon  people, she’d be more likely to keel over on the spot from spontaneously growing a bile sac. And perhaps a part of him  was  being a little over dramatic, but there was just this little twist in his chest that curled tighter when he considered going back to hiding in empty rooms and letting everything continue on,  waiting  to see if anything would change rather than  making  it change.
“Besides,” Amity continued. “As Luz’s girlfriend, I think that I would  know  if--”
“Oh  Titan,  just  forget it.”  Hunter groaned, tugging on his ears as he stepped away from the couch. “Whatever, you’re useless about this, anyway. If  you  don’t know when she’s coming back, and the  Owl Lady  doesn’t know, then nobody will.”
Amity stayed silent for a moment as Hunter stormed off towards the doorway that led to the staircase, Rascal flying off his perch to land on his shoulder with soft, almost melodic chirrups.
He contemplated if he could steal something from one of the spare rooms up there. Everyone was fluctuating between them the last few days, but they often left their stuff in there for him to take. It was fun watching them get so riled up about their missing junk.
“We,” Amity started, and Hunter paused in the doorway, one ear pricked. “We were planning on going into the human realm,” She admitted, voice quiet. “If we didn’t hear anything from Luz by the end of this week.”
Hunter turned around then, noting Amity had one hand bunched up on her leg, fisting the hem of her shirt and rubbing her fingers between it in a nervous tick. She avoided his gaze, and he saw, for just the briefest of moments, the uncertainty spilling off of her, possibly having been doing so for far longer than when he’d noticed the same signs from everyone else.
“Well,” He said, and she looked up at him then, and the vulnerability was gone in a snap, replaced by a curious, slightly accusatory, expression. It unnerved him how familiar it looked. “By all means, don’t go telling  me  about your super secret rescue missions, not like  I’d  want to join.” He muttered.
“Count it a blessing that I told you at all,” Amity hissed, ears flicking back. “Maybe if you promise to be nice, we’ll let you come along.” She taunted.
“Maybe if you people hadn’t  kidnapped  me, I wouldn’t be causing so many  problems.”  Hunter growled back through gritted teeth, breaking eye contact for only a moment when Rascal lightly bit and tugged on his ear, trying to urge him away.
“Like you need an excuse--”
“Uh, am-am I interrupting?”
The two turned their heads, realizing that the small illusionist, he’d figure out the kids name later, was standing in the living room again, a box of juice in his hands as his eyes flicked between them.
“No, Golden Boy was just leaving.” Amity waved him off, leaning back against the couch.
“You weren’t even clever with that one, Blight.” Hunter sneered, rolling his eyes as he turned to leave.
“Call me that again and I’m ripping your teeth out.” Hunter threatened, pointing a finger at her as he backed out of the room.
“No name,” Amity amended, sticking her tongue out at him.
“You are on  thin ice.”
That night, Hunter was opening the window in Luz’s old room.
His escape attempts had never really worked before, the weird tube demon in the front door took his job of keeping him contained  very  seriously. Everyone else just liked watching the show and tapping in when needed.
However, he  also  knew, from the mutterings that Luz had told him in those few snatches of time in the days that they had talked before everything went wrong (or right, depending on who you asked), that she’d snuck out through her window  multiple  times without the demon realizing. Apparently she had bribed him once or twice, and now he barely reacted to the sound of her window opening, sort of like a reflex.
He’d meant to use it for his next escape attempt, just to see if it’d work for him, to run for the hills if it worked, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He’d be  damned  if they left him out of nabbing Luz from the human realm.
So Hunter tugged his cloak tighter across his shoulders, despite it being torn in many places, he had yet to rid it completely, and slowly opened Luz’s window.
He waited, tense, Rascal just as silent from within his hood. When there wasn’t the sound of a piercing voice after a few seconds, he cautiously poked his head out.
Either the bird really  had  grown to have no reaction to Luz’s window opening, or he was just as tired as everyone else. Or off eating bugs, that was plausible.
He slowly edged out, only having a moment to peer down at the ground below until he swung out of the window, hands gripping the windowsill as he edged himself down.
He hung in the air for a moment before releasing the windowsill, dropping to the ground below in a crouch. The perks of the Emperor’s Coven were few and far between, but hey, living there had made him an  expert  at being quiet.
He darted around the Owl House, crouching so as to avoid being seen through the first-floor windows, because there was always  someone  awake, no matter the hour. The portal to the human realm had been moved not too far away, but far enough that it couldn’t be, you know, automatically seen by anyone approaching the building.
He spared one last glance towards the house before he booked it off towards the woods, already mentally cursing himself for wearing a  white cloak  in the middle of the night. Why did he think that was a good idea,  why  did he think that was a good idea--
He made it to the cover of trees, somehow, without anyone sounding the alarm. He ducked behind a tree, catching his breath for a moment as he waited for shouting to arise.
Upon realizing he was in the clear, he pumped a fist in the air with a soft  “yes!”  and got an encouraging whistle from Rascal, who he gave a quick scratch on the head to.
He then hurried a bit further into the trees, soon faced with branches, vines, and bushes all stretched out across the beginning of a slope before him.
He reached out, grabbing one of the vines and yanking it aside, revealing the structure of the portal to the human realm, its soft humming mostly muffled by everything covering it. He ran his hand down the exterior of it for a second before pushing more vines aside, allowing a small enough space for him to crawl through.
He’d been to the human realm before, technically. Belos’s wrath had only just begun to reach into the human realm before he had managed to be stopped, and Hunter had a few moments out there, feeling the grass and seeing the trees. They really  were  green, and he couldn’t help but see it all and know with certainty that there was no magic within any of it. Hollow. It was a feeling he was familiar with.
But this time was different, and he inhaled for a moment before giving Rascal what he hoped was his best determined look.
“Alright,” He said. “Let’s see what’s been keeping her.”
He spent about half an hour in the woods of the human realm until he managed to find Luz’s house.
She’d never really said  where  she lived, just that it was the closest house to the forest. Nothing about directions, so he spent his time wandering about trying to find a house that wasn’t falling apart.
Rascal gave up and eventually flew off at some point, returning about five minutes later, chittering loudly and pulling on his hood. Hunter knew better to argue, and had followed until he came across a house that actually looked  lived  in, as opposed to the one he’d appeared in.
“If you led me to a random person's house, I  will  throw you into the sea.” Hunter warned, only getting a cheery whistle in return as he walked around the house.
He eventually found a window on the first floor, and pushing on it, was delighted to find that it was unlocked. He opened it, hoisting himself inside as Rascal darted in.
He realized the window was right over a kitchen sink, and lightly stepped a foot onto the counter beside it. He slowly swung himself inside, not even bothering to shut the window behind him as he dropped to the floor. He might need that escape route later.
Rascal was off exploring without a second thought, so he allowed himself to stalk throughout the kitchen, eyes flickering over photos and magnets stuck to the fridge. He saw ones that looked like letters, colors, and even saw a photo of a woman and a young, crazy-looking child.
He peeked around corners as he darted through the house, cracking open doors before continuing through hallways. One of the doors he opened  looked  like a bedroom, but he saw something with a scaly tail poking out, so he let that room be. The human realm was bound to have its own oddities.
The other bedroom he saw did have a person sleeping in it, but she didn’t look like Luz, much too old, so he quietly shut that door again and tried a different one.
He opened the last one, at the end of the hallway, already preparing to snap back that Rascal had brought him to the  wrong house,  when he took in the bedroom.
He only needed to see it for half a second to see the immediate resemblance to the mess that was Luz’s room in the Owl House. He slipped inside, leaving the door open just a crack in case Rascal showed up.
He crouched, eyeing the posters along the walls, shelves full of random junk, books strewn across the room. The figure sleeping in the bed was practically twisted backwards, blankets already halfway on the floor. He approached it, slowly standing up as he loomed over them, searching their face.
“Oh thank the Titan,” Hunter breathed, stepping back as he pressed a hand to his chest. That was Luz, for sure.
She stirred, slightly, hand twitching as she mumbled incoherently in her sleep. At least she wasn’t actually kidnapped or something, he reasoned.
“Hey, human,” He said, a little louder, but enough that he hoped the others down the hallway wouldn’t hear, shoving at her shoulder. “Wakey wakey.”
Luz mumbled in her sleep again, one eye barely cracking open before she turned over and tried to bury further under her covers.
Hunter grabbed her leg poking out from the blankets and yanked her off.
Luz’s yelp was cut off as he smothered the blankets over her, pausing as she fumbled around trying to get it off, ears pricked as he waited to see if anyone had heard.
“I’m  awake,  Vee, I’m  awake--”  Luz pulled the blanket off her head, her glare almost immediately replaced with shock.
“Hey,” Hunter grinned, flashing fangs. “Miss me?”
“Hunter?”  Luz exclaimed, before immediately covering her mouth with her hands, eyes darting towards her door like she expected someone to be there.
“Oh don’t sound  so  surprised.” Hunter scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You oughta step up your game if you think you can escape me in another dimension.”
“What are you  doing  here?” Luz whisper-yelled, scrambling to her feet as she looked wildly around her room. “Did-did the  others  come?” She asked, giving him such a scared look he was a little put off by it.
“No? I mean, they  will  be, I just got ahead of the curve.” Hunter shrugged off her odd reactions. “Made sure I got to you before they did, didn’t feel like being left behind on the ‘let’s drag Luz back kicking and screaming’ plan.”
“Oh no, oh no,” Luz shook her head, one hand on her head as she began to pace. “Are-are the others  looking  for me?”
“Will be by the end of this week,” Hunter said, watching her curiously. “Why? This a bad time or something?”
“Yes! Yes, this is a  terrible  time!” Luz exclaimed, barely managing to keep her voice down as she whirled towards him.
“Did you get grounded?” Hunter narrowed his eyes. “Because if so, let me just say, I know about fifteen different ways to lessen the extent of the grounding, and twice as many ways to sneak out, this place isn’t even all that fortified--”
“No! Well, I mean, I kind of am,” Luz winced. “But that’s not--you can’t--you need to  go.”  Luz said, gesturing back towards the door. “You can’t be here.”
“Do you need a body disposed of? Because I also know a lot of ways to--”
“I’m touched, but no.” Luz gave him a withering look. “Don’t even wanna know why you know that. You have to  leave.”  She insisted, beginning to shove him towards the door.
“Aw, but I came all this way to see you,” Hunter whined in a dramatic tease, slowly leaning back, therefore putting more strain on Luz as she tried to push him out. “You don’t want to see me?”
“Believe me, I’m  very  happy to see you’re okay,” Luz assured through gritted teeth, offering the smallest of smiles. “And I’ll bother you later. But now is  not the time.”
Rascal took that moment to poke in through the crack in the doorway, landing on a shelf and eyeing the two with what felt like judgement. Hunter promptly dropped all his weight on Luz, nearly crushing her. 
“Damn,” He whistled when Luz’s knees refused to buckle. “You got some muscle hiding under those skinny bones?”
“That, and you weigh as much as a half-filled sack of lumpy potatoes.” Luz muttered, already pushing back up to her full height as she took Hunter with her.
“You’re  impossible.”  Hunter huffed, standing back up onto his feet and snickering as Luz stumbled with the lack of weight. “Seriously, what’s the hold up? Are you getting bored with us already?”
“No,  first of all, I’d never do that.” Luz pointed a finger at him. “And I’m offended you thought I ever would be.”
“It’s a reasonable assumption.”
“It’s not. And second of all,  I’m  serious, you  cannot be here.”  Luz stressed, grabbing his shoulders, a movement that instinctively caused him to flinch, just the tiniest bit. “If my  mom  sees you here, she’s going to  freak--”
“Luz?” A groggy voice called, and Luz stiffened so quickly with such  terror  crossing her face that Hunter tensed as well. “Creí haber escuchado algo, are you--?”
Hunter saw the door to Luz’s room open, and immediately threw an arm out in front of Luz, giving a quick whistle that Rascal had learned to recognize by now. In a flash, he was holding his staff in his other hand, Luz pushed behind him as he pointed his staff towards the figure in the doorway, ears pressed back and fangs bared in a low, warning growl.
The person froze, eyes going wide, one hand still clutching the door handle.
He recognized it as the older woman he saw in one of the bedrooms, hair still mussied from sleep, the glasses on her face smudged from someone having grabbed them clumsily. The sleep had vanished from her eyes the moment she saw him, a faintly glowing staff pointed only a foot away from her.
“Hunter, Hunter, no, stop!” Luz was quick to grab Hunter’s arm after barely a second of tense silence, shoving the staff down. “She’s my mom, she’s safe!”
Hunter paused at that. Granted, his experience with biological family (as biological as Belos could be) wasn’t the best, but he had heard a few stories, here and there, about Luz’s mom. And Luz would go into a Slitherbeast den for anyone who asked nicely, but hey, he still thought that if someone was willing to fight  Emperor Belos  for them, they had to be something special.
“Oh, sorry.” He said, all hostility evaporating as he drew his staff back, holding it at his side. “Reflexes.”
“Luz,” The woman said, slowly, and Hunter was so instantly reminded of when the adults dealing with him were trying so hard to not lose their shit that he halfway raised his arm to shield Luz again. “Por qué hay un chico extraño en tu habitación?”
“Puedo explicarlo!” Luz was quick to exclaim, clutching Hunter’s arm, and he looked blankly between them. He’d heard of other languages in the Isles before, often ones spoken by demons, but this was a new one on him.
“Oh estoy segura de que lo harás!” The woman snapped back, hands on her hips now, not bothering to keep her voice low. 
“What’s she saying?” Hunter whispered to Luz, eyes still darting between the two. “Is this a ‘we’re about to start fighting’ situation or a ‘you’re grounded for life’ situation?”
“No te puedo creer.” Luz's mom grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Okay, so, uh,” Luz clasped her hands together. “I promise, mami, this is  not  what it looks like.”
“What does it look like?” Hunter blinked, giving Luz a concerned expression now. “It doesn't look like I’m a robber, right? Because this place has nothing  near  worth stealing.”
“Please stop talking,” Luz hissed out of the corner of her mouth, never taking her eyes off her mother. “Mami, this is, uh,” She faltered for a moment. “This is Hunter.”
Her mother cracked open an eye from where she was rubbing the bridge of her nose, sending such a seething glare that both kids shuttered. 
“You know what,” Hunter said, letting Rascal transform out of a staff and back into his usual self, letting the bird land on his shoulder as he clapped his hands together. “I can see that you're busy, so I think I’ll just be--why is she staring at me like that?”
The woman was staring at him now, well, Rascal, eyes locked on the cardinal on his shoulder like it had suddenly grown five heads. He flicked an ear in confusion, turning to Luz to ask what her mom’s problem was, only to see Luz immediately face-palm.
“Estoy atascado con un idiota,” Luz mumbled under her breath, and Hunter could pretty easily guess what the last word had meant, and bristled at it.
“Okay,  so, Hunter,” Luz kept her hands pressed together, using them both to point towards him. “Thank you for the visit, really, but I think we’re done here.”
“We,”  Luz’s mom finally managed to speak, and Luz cringed with a sheepish smile. “Are going to have a  talk.”  She growled, though it lacked any of the reverberating sounds an actual growl would have. He always wondered how humans ever got the last  hit  of their point across without growls or clicks or hisses. He realized now that tone had a  lot  to do with it.
“And that includes  you,  young man.” The woman added, turning her glare towards Hunter, and he wouldn’t be ashamed to admit he wilted a bit under it. She could’ve disintegrated Kikimora on the spot with a look like that.
“Yes, ma’am.” Hunter ducked his head, and ignored the quiet snickers from Luz that she quickly tried to smother.
The woman stepped to the side, allowing the two of them to shuffle out of the room. Luz went out first, giving Hunter an expression that was somehow both  ‘sorry’  and  ‘I told you so’  and  boy  did he want to punch it.
Hunter hurried out after her, one hand cupped over Rascal protectively, unable to fight back the urge to hide him from everyone and everything new, that he’d be broken in half the second anyone got close.
As he passed her, he knew she was staring at him with a far sharper gaze than she had Luz. He glanced out the corner of his eye, and she was staring at his ears, at Rascal, and just as he stepped into the hallway, her eyes narrowed in on the scar along the side of his face.
He’d had people stare at his scars before, it wasn’t new. Scars weren’t uncommon in the Boiling Isles, but ones as big and prominent as his were generally expected of witches far older than him, far more known for their battles and their victories.
He growled in the back of his throat, briefly twitching his lip to flash a fang. It was near-instinctive at this point, a quiet reminder of who he was, of who shadowed over him, and that it was impolite to stare, to mind your own business.
Luz’s mom jerked back at it, a far stronger reaction than the ones he was used to getting. He was used to a quick aversion of the eyes, hurrying to turn their heads the other way, a simple glance to elsewhere in the room. She stared at him with even more apprehension and worry than before, like she was confronted with a wild animal in her home.
His ears pressed down and he hurried off down the hallway, almost stepping on Luz’s heels from how close he walked behind her.
He noticed an eye peeking out of a room up ahead, and Luz gave a weak, almost teasing, salute to whoever was inside. He saw a flash of scales and what might've been a pitying look until they slipped out of view.
Luz stood off to the side as she exited the hallway, and Hunter stood next to her. He gave her a questioning look, one she nearly missed from how much she was staring at her feet. He nudged her shoulder, gaining her attention, and Luz gave a weak, nervous smile.
Alright, so he was  definitely  missing something here with his woman.
“Kitchen table,” Luz’s mom said, pointing, and the two obeyed. Hunter had no real reason to, he knew this. She was human, he could just leave, and she wouldn’t be able to stop him. But she was important to Luz, clearly, and he knew, tragically, that he’d feel guilty if he left Luz alone.
Luz sat in one of the chairs at the round table, and Hunter took the one next to her. Her mother eyed them for a moment before taking the one across from them.
“Can I just say, that I did  not  invite Hunter here--”
“Oh, so  that’s  how it's gonna be?” Hunter whirled his head to her. “Throwing  me  under the bus? Sorry I wanted to  check in.”
“I am telling it  as the truth.”  Luz insisted, glaring at him. “Would you rather I tell her that I purposefully invited you here at,” She turned towards the wall, squinting at a clock hanging there. “Two twenty-three? Why did you come here so  late?”  She demanded.
“Technically, it’s early.” Hunter corrected. 
“I’m actually going to punch your teeth out.”
Rascal cheeped from his shoulder, and Hunter nodded sagely like he had said something. Rascal  could  talk to him, of course, in words that only he could hear, but he often didn’t. And the best part was that he could never prove to anyone that Rascal wasn’t shit-talking them.
“Enough,  both of you  . ” Luz’s mother said firmly, hands placed on the table that had them both straightening to attention. “Luz,” She turned to her daughter, rubbing her temple with one hand as she gestured with the other towards Hunter. “Explain him, please.”
“Like, life story, or why he’s here, or what he is, or--”
“Just  please  tell me he’s not from where I think he’s from.”
“Oh,” Luz glanced between Hunter and her mother, gears turning in her head. “He’s...not?”
“Dios ayúdame,” Her mother groaned.
“You told me to say he wasn’t! Actually,” Luz frowned as she turned to Hunter.  “Do  you count as someone from the demon realm, biologically? I don’t know how that whole, er, Grimwalker thing worked, like are you a direct clone, or--”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, because I’ve been avoiding dealing with that whole situation for the past two weeks, and I’m not about to start now.” Hunter raised a hand to cut her off.
“You…” Luz narrowed her eyes at him. “You need a therapist, dude.”
“You’re the fifth person to say that in the last week.”
“Why,”  Luz’s mother cut in again, silencing their conversation. “Is there a  demon boy  in my house?”
“I’m a witch,” Hunter corrected.
“Don’t you count as, like,  half  a--”
“What did I  just  say, Luz?”
“Right,” Luz snapped her mouth shut. “Uh, so, I’m assuming he broke in--”
Hunter groaned, gripping his head in his hands as he slouched over the table. Rascal chittered gently as he hopped off his shoulder and onto the table, nudging his arm.
“--but he wasn’t going to cause any trouble!” Luz added quickly, seeing her mothers expression continue to sour. “He just-he wanted to make sure I was alright.”
The woman eyed the two of them for a moment, and Hunter refused to look up and meet her gaze.
“Hunter, is it?” The woman said slowly, cautious, suspicious, but not accusatory. 
“Yes, ma’am.” Hunter sighed, relenting to lift his head, messy hair hanging in his face.
“How old are you, exactly?”
“Sixteen, ma’am.” He mumbled, resting his cheek in his hand.
“And…” She hesitated for a moment.  “How  old is that in witch years…?”
“...sixteen?” Hunter gave her a perplexed look.
“They age the same as us.” Luz assured, and her mother seemed to relax just a bit.
“Gracias a Dios por eso,” Her mother mumbled. “Alright, and how did you get in?”
“Window,” He tilted his head off towards the one in question, still open over the sink.
“Of course,” The woman muttered under her breath. “The  one  time I didn’t lock it. Okay, now what is  that?”  She gestured towards Rascal on his shoulder, and he raised his hand to let the palisman hop onto his hand.
“My palisman,” He said, settling the bird down on the table, but keeping him a far enough distance from Luz’s mom that she wouldn’t be able to grab him. “I call him Rascal. Which reminds me,” He nudged Luz’s shoulder. “Where do you keep those seeds you have for your palisman? She keeps screaming at everyone and the Owl Lady doesn’t know how to make her shut up.”
“Is she okay?” Luz straightened.
“Yeah, little jays fine, she’s just being a pain in the ass.” Hunter grimaced.
“Watch your language, young man.” Luz’s mom leveled a finger at him, and he eyed it for a moment. “Now what do you mean ‘Luz’s pailsman?’ What in the  world  is a palisman?”
“Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing important, really. Just, like, staff things.” Luz said quickly, and Hunter and Rascal shared a look. Luz loved her palisman, as bratty as she was. And he knew from experience that Luz didn’t think of palismans as ‘nothing important.’
He drew a hand around Rascal and scooted him a little closer towards himself.
“Okay, okay,” Luz’s mother inhaled a steadying breath, as though to keep her cool. “And you are breaking into my house, early in the morning, to see my daughter.”
“Really just to make sure she didn’t, like, get kidnapped on the way up here.” Hunter shrugged. “Everyone's worried about her, so I took one for the team, and all that.”
“Everyone?” Her mother frowned.
“Her...friends?” Hunter gave Luz a sideways look, and she avoided his gaze.
“Mija, you have friends in the  demon realm?”  Luz’s mom balked, with the tone of someone who didn’t quite believe it, who almost felt as though they were being tricked.
“I told you a bit about them…” Luz mumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
“You,” Her mother chuckled, shaking her head, the first sign of anything lighter than what they’d had so far. “You really can’t help but be friendly to everyone, huh?” 
“It’s how she got stuck with me, it’s a real problem.” Hunter said, and got an elbow jabbed into him for his troubles, wheezing as he clutched his side. 
“Well, you certainly are an...interesting acquaintance,” Her mother said slowly, eyeing him, and he barely resisted the urge to briefly flash sharpened teeth when her gaze lingered on the scar across his face again. “And you showed up, by breaking in...just to check in on Luz?”
“Yeah?” Hunter managed to cough out, cracking open an eye to give the woman a confused look compared to her suspicious, searching one. “Why else?”
“...alright.” She said, and her gaze went back to her daughter. “I wasn’t aware that there would be... situations  where the demon realm followed you  back.”
“Neither did I, really.” Luz was quick to assure, hands raised.  “Hunter  of all people being worried about me is the most confusing and touching thing that’s happened so far.”
“I was not  worried.”  Hunter whirled to her. “I only came here because everyone  else  was, and they were going to leave me out of the rescue party.”
“Rescue party?” Luz’s mother startled, and he should really learn her name.
“Aha, he doesn't mean that.” Luz waved her hands quickly. 
“I do?” Hunter narrowed his eyes. “The others were planning on busting out of the portal to come find you by the end of this week. I didn’t want to be left out, so I broke in ahead of time.”
“There are demons coming  here?”  The woman exclaimed, jumping to her feet.
“Pretty sure the little rat dog is the only demon coming along.” Hunter corrected. “The others are witches.”
“You  know  his name is King.” Luz grumbled.
“Yeah, but it's way more fun to call him a rat.”
“Luz, cariño, are we going to have  more  witches breaking in?” Her mother stressed, stepping away from the table and already beginning to pace.
“Not-not when Hunter gets back to them!” Luz said, also standing. “He can tell them to hold off, that I’m fine, and all that.”
“And deal with them getting all pissy I broke out?” Hunter demanded, scooping Rascal up in his hands as he, too, stood.  “Hell  no, either they hear from me with you there, or I don’t tell them shit.”
“Watch it,” Luz’s mother warned him again, this time only giving a quick glare. “And Luz is  not  going back there.”
“Then you have two to twenty witches, plus one demon, knocking on your door.” Hunter shrugged. “What’s the big deal?”
“Luz, what did you get  into  while you were in the demon realm?” Her mother groaned, rubbing her temples.
“I mean, you didn’t ask a  lot... ” Luz tried, hovering about two feet from her mom.
“You have two to  twenty  magical demon people ready to break into our home to make sure you’re okay,” Her mother said, turning towards her daughter. “You didn’t...you didn’t tell me you had  friends  there.”
“I feel like I just said this,” Hunter squinted. “I told you Luz has friends in the Boiling Isles, isn’t that expected? She makes friends with  everyone.”
Luz rubbed her arm and looked down at the ground, and her mother’s mouth twitched downwards for a brief moment. He felt like he was missing something.
“Are all of your friends like him?” Her mother said after a moment, gesturing with a hand off towards Hunter.
“I resent what that implies,” Hunter huffed, ears pressed down as he tucked Rascal between his neck and cloak.
“I mean, personality wise? No, he’s the biggest brat of them all.” Luz assured, and Hunter visibly took offence. “Well, Matt was  also  a brat, but he’s a friend of a friend, and I think he’s calmer now.”
“They  are  annoying, though.” Hunter piped up, and prided on barely reacting under Luz’s seething glare.
“Well they can’t come  here,  your first friend has already caused enough trouble.” Her mother said firmly, and Hunter rolled his eyes at that.
“Please, breaking and entering is tame for me.” Hunter scoffed, and got an even more worried, and possibly judging, look from the woman.
“You're not helping.” Luz whispered, immediately turning back to her mother. “I’m sure we can figure this whole thing out. I can probably get Hunter to tell them to calm them down without me having to go back, Rascal can bully him into it, he likes me.”
“That’s a  low blow,  human!” Hunter hissed, a low, drawn-out sound that had the woman tensing and Luz only rolling her eyes. “I do so much for you, and  this  is the thanks I get?” He ignored Rascal’s gleeful chitters that sounded suspiciously like laughter.
“We’re  even  on that front and you  know it.” 
“This is  serious,  Luz.” Her mother said, and Luz’s mouth clicked shut. “Christ,” She sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d made  friends  in the demon realm?”
“You didn’t ask…?” Luz said slowly.
“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Hunter said, leaning against the island counter. “I drag Luz back, she hangs for a day or two to calm everyone down, and she comes right back to have quality family time, or whatever you guys call it, until you’re all finished.”
“Absolutely not,” Her mother said instantly. “Luz will not go anywhere  near  that portal.”
“It’s not gonna blow up, it’s stable.” Hunter raised a brow, not noticing Luz freezing up. 
“Luz is  not  going back to that demon realm,” She insisted, and he was sure she would be growling if she could. “Listen, could you please just tell the other witches to stay back? I don’t want any trouble from that realm coming through here.”
“Ouch,” Hunter said dryly, twitching an ear as he crossed his arms. “Why’s this got you in a tizzy? I came here to bring back Luz anyway, why is this an issue?”
Luz and her mother met eyes for a brief second, and Hunter knew then he was missing something, because it felt like a conversation passed between their eyes and Luz ducked her head again, ashamed.
“Luz,” Her mother spoke in soft tones, though she was rubbing at her face. “You didn’t tell your  friends--”
“I was going to--”
“Luz, honey, you can’t  omit details  from people--”
“I know, I swear I was just busy trying to see you--”
Hunter set Rascal down on the island counter and gestured towards him. The palisman fluffed his wings before proceeding to peck incessantly on the counter, making a loud clinking noise. It got both humans mingling words to come to a stop as they both turned towards him.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I’m still here.” Hunter said, scratching his bird's head to get him to cease once he had their full attention. “What am I missing?” He asked, pointing between the two.
“I apologize Luz hadn’t informed you earlier,” Her mother started, and Luz gripped her arms and looked away from them both, shoulders hunched. “But she won’t be going back to the demon realm.”
He stared. He blinked once, twice. He could see Rascal staring too, just barely in his line of sight.
“Come again?”
“Luz had been trapped there for so long,” Her mother went on. “And-and she was surrounded by  demons  and rain that scalded skin and-and Vee told me of Emperor’s and experiments,” 
Hunter flinched at that, ears pressing flat as he turned his head to the side.
“It’s clearly not a safe place,” She continued, and her eyes dropped to his notched ear. “And...there’s much to catch up on, to talk about.” She said, in a polite tone that told him not to press that particular matter. “Surely, you can explain this to them?”
Hunter stayed silent for a moment, aware of Luz peeking at him with guilt across her features. He didn’t meet it, he knew he’d get more riled up if he did.
“Yeah, so,” Hunter said calmly, clasping his hands together. “That’s  not  happening.” 
“Excuse me?” Her mother reeled back a bit.
“Listen, Miss...what are your last names again?” He asked Luz, though he still didn’t let himself fully look at her.
“Noceda,” She said, sounding confused now.
“Ms. Noceda,” He continued. “I can speak from personal experience when I tell you that the Emperor and any experiments he had are  far  beyond gone,” He said, bitterness dripping from his words. “And I--  we  have your daughter to thank for that.”
Her mother startled for a moment, opening her mouth to speak, but he plowed on.
“Half the things that made the Isles dangerous, including the very reason your daughter was late coming home, are either burnt to a crisp or in the ground.” He said, holding her gaze. “And I can tell you this, with one hundred percent sincerity, that if I go back and tell Luz’s friends that she won’t ever be coming back, you’ll have witches and demons in numbers nearing the thirties knocking on your front door.” 
“Is that a threat?” The woman managed to get out first. 
“With all due respect, Ms. Noceda, it’s a promise.” 
“Thank you,  Hunter.” Luz was suddenly at his side, seizing his arm in a grip that felt like he was losing circulation. “That’s  enough,”  She said, giving him a warning look. “I think she gets the message.”
“Luz, what in the world is he talking about?” Her mother asked, eyes back to her child.
“It-it’s a long story, but he’s right about the Emperor!” Luz added quickly. “He’s...he’s gone, and-and I don’t think he’s coming back.”
“He won’t.” Hunter said, and left it at that.
“Luz, cariño, I’m sure we could work something out with your friends.” Her mother assured. “I’m glad a man like Vee had described is gone, but I’m sure they would understand.”
“That her mom won’t let her come back?” Hunter scoffed, and Luz tugged forcefully on his arm.
“Hunter,”  She hissed, and he looked at her then, and saw the fear practically  radiating  off her. He wondered if it was something she’d picked up from Amity or vice versa, to be brimming with emotions, but leaving them largely unnoticed until someone actually  focused.
“Look, I…” Luz hesitated for a moment. “I  promised  that I’d stay with her…” She mumbled, and the last piece clicked in his mind.
Luz had promised she’d stay, to a likely terrified mother, and Luz was never one to skimp out on promises. She either kept them or agonized over trying. And it’d make sense why she wouldn’t want to tell anyone, she promised she’d  leave forever,  and no plans or compromises from the residents of the Owl House could sate a mother worried for her daughter. 
Also made sense why she wanted him to leave. Her mom did  not  seem to like the place, and him being there had to be somewhat breaking the little ‘promise’ of interacting with someone from the demon realm at all.
“Oh,” He said, instead of all that, ears pricking slightly. 
“I’m sorry to have it all sprung on you without warning,” He heard her mother saying, though he wasn’t looking at her much in that moment, but she sounded genuine. “But the demon realm doesn’t necessarily seem to be...the  safest  of places.”
“It’s not,” Hunter confirmed, slowly straightening to face the woman again. “But hey,” He shrugged, feeling Luz letting up her grip on his arm. “It’s home.”
Her eyes dropped to his scar again, just for a moment, and he didn’t bother to hide his eye roll this time.
“Trust me, I’m an outlier in how deadly the place  actually  is.” He muttered. “These,” He gestured broadly to his face, not quite feeling the satisfaction he assumed he’d feel when he saw her wince. “Were caused by something  outside  the Boiling Isles, something that never should have been there in the first place. He’s gone now.” He rumbled a growl. “We made sure of it.”
She looked apologetic, and he’d give her that. But she shook her head with a sigh all the same.
“I’m sorry, truly, but Luz and I agreed, it’s not safe. I’m glad she could make friends there, I really am,” She said, and he wondered what kind of friends Luz had had in the past, because she said the word ‘friends’ like it could have five different meanings. “But it’s not safe for her.”
“And?” Hunter threw a hand out in a broad gesture. “It was never completely safe, no place is. You gonna look me in the eyes and tell me Luz would never sneak back out? I’m giving her another week at best.”
“Look, I’m  really  just trying to wrap this whole complication up,” Hunter sighed unsympathetically, aware of Rascal chirping and head-butting his arm. “Unfortunately, I  know  you, and I know you’d rather wallow in a chasm for eternity than never go back to the Isles. And as entertaining as watching a whole drama unfold would be when your mom would eventually find out, I  really  don't want to deal with that headache.” He grumbled.
Luz looked to her mother then, and her mother looked back. Luz’s hand was still clutched in his sleeve, watching her mother worriedly as she met her confused gaze.
“Luz?” Her mother said slowly, and Luz fiddled with Hunter’s sleeve.
“Mami, I...look, I didn’t...my friends, they...I don’t…”
“Hi, sorry, can-can I butt-in?”
The three whirled around, Hunter automatically putting an arm in front of Luz and taking a step back at the sight.
A basilisk lay in the doorway to the kitchen, tail curled somewhere out of sight. It was a young one, about the size of Luz. That’d work, he’d taken on bigger before, not like he had any magic for a basilisk to steal--
“Vee,” Luz’s mother breathed. “What are you doing up?”
And of  course  she was someone they knew. Amazing, wonderful, he loved being out of the loop that there was a  basilisk  casually within the house, that wasn’t unnerving at all.
“You guys aren’t very quiet,” The basilisk--Vee--shrugged as she slithered in, and Hunter took another step back, his arm in front of Luz causing her to be pushed back as well. “Hey there, uh, new guy.” She offered a small, shy wave to Hunter, and he eyed her before hesitantly returning it.
“Vee, I think you should go back to bed, we were discussing--”
“I know, I heard.” Vee brushed off Luz’s mom. “I actually have an idea for, y’know, this predicament. No offence, but I can't really sleep with you guys arguing.” She said, the wringing of her clawed hands the only sign she was nervous, stopping only when she was between them, with Luz and Hunter on one side, Ms. Noceda on the other.
“Should I be worried about this?” Hunter whispered to Luz.
“Nah, she’s cool.” Luz whispered back.
“What if, and hear me out...we all sleep on this,” Vee said, palms pressed together. “We think it over during the night, and when it's actually  light  out, we talk about Luz wanting to go back to the Isles and the rules that would have to be put in place. And also nobody breaks in.” She tacked on quickly.
“So you  do  want to go back?” Luz’s mother turned to her, and he saw the hurt and shock in her eyes.
“I…” Luz looked like she had a ‘no,’ at the back of her throat, and he truly did believe she would’ve said all her mom wanted to say. But he nudged her side, and she looked up at him, and clearly he was doing  something  with his face, because the empty assurances died out.
“Y-yeah, I do.” She mumbled, looking back to her mom. “I...really,  really  want to see them again, back in their realm.”
And he avoided looking at Ms. Noceda’s face, because the shock and pain increased significantly.
“Well, I, for one,” He said, ducking around Luz. “Agree with the lizard's plan. Sleep on it, talk in the morning with Ms. Noceda, yadda yadda, all that fun stuff.”
“Camila is fine,” The woman murmured, sounding a little dazed.
“Lizard?”  Vee hissed, tongue flickering out as she narrowed her eyes on him.
“Right, sorry, snake fits better.” Hunter said before he could stop himself.
“You have permission to beat him up.” Luz said casually, ignoring Hunter’s indignant shout of “traitor!”
“I, yes, yes,” Luz’s mother--Camila--sighed, stepping back and bracing herself against the kitchen counter. “Tonight has been...a hectic one. It’s far too late to be talking about things like this.”
“Does this mean I can go?” Hunter asked, pointing with his thumb behind him. “Preferably without alerting everyone that I snuck out?”
“I don’t know  how  you got past Hooty,” Luz sighed, tilting her head and beginning to walk towards the front door with a quick, affirming glance with her mother that both had barely managed to make, Hunter immediately following.
“I escaped through your window.” Hunter said simply, and he noted Camila looking up slightly at that, until Vee approached her, murmuring in soft words he knew better than to try and eavesdrop on.
“Of course you did,” Luz grumbled, opening the front door and practically shoving Hunter outside. 
“Alright, alright, I get it, I’m leaving--”
Luz stepped out onto the front porch with him, leaving the front door open just a crack, enough so that she could be seen through it, and in turn could see Camila and Vee talking back by the kitchen.
“Am I going to get a personal lecture?” Hunter asked cautiously, crossing his arms as his ears flicked down. “Look, in my defense, you didn’t exactly explain a lot of things to  me--”
Luz lunged, and he stepped back and raised his hands defensively. Instead of a mean left hook he was expecting, he got arms wrapped around his sides, squeezing the air out of him.
Hunter wheezed, and would’ve doubled over if Luz wasn’t in the way. She didn’t let up on her hug, and after a moment of trying to get his thoughts in order, he slowly drew his arms around Luz, chin tucked against her head pressed into his chest.
“I’m glad you're okay,” Luz muffled into his shirt, and Hunter may have clung on a little tighter, aware of Rascal watching this all from his shoulder.
“Feel like you said this already.” He managed to get out.
“I know, I just wanted you to know I meant it.”
And if Hunter tilted his head down to press his face into Luz’s hair then, she didn’t say anything.
“Good to see you still kickin’, too.” He mumbled. 
“Miss me?” Luz teased, throwing his words back at him as she pulled her head back slightly, and Hunter quickly did the same to look down at her.
“Hardly,” He huffed, clearing his throat to hide how it cracked halfway through. “I just didn’t want everyone leaving me out of all the fun.”
“Uh huh,” Luz raised a brow. “So you just  happened  to drop by to make sure I was alright on the one night you  actually  managed to escape the Owl House without being caught?”
Luz laughed, and Hunter sputtered over his words. He growled and pushed her back and off him, knowing his face was flushing as he turned away and crossed his arms. Luz’s laughter didn’t stop at that, and Rascal sounded like he was laughing, too.
His ears drooped down and he half-heartedly bared teeth, in what may have been an attempt to hide a smile.
“You’re such a massive pain, you know that?” He growled. 
“I do,” Luz grinned, laughter calming down to giggles. “I learned from the best.”
“That, you did. That Owl Lady couldn’t be more overbearing if she tried.” Hunter muttered.
“She’s got a bit of an empty nest syndrome, you get used to it.” Luz lightly nudged his shoulder. “It’s her way of welcoming you to the family.”
And he didn’t even have the time to process  that  whole sentence, because Rascal was fluttering onto Luz’s shoulder, cheeping as Luz raised a hand to scratch at his head.
“Make sure they know not to worry too much, okay?” She continued, looking up at him. “I’ll try and sort this out.”
“Does that mean you’re coming back soon?” Hunter paused, tilting his head. And maybe there was a tone of hopefulness in his tone, maybe.
Luz hesitated for a moment, frowning slightly in thought. She looked back towards the front door, though he couldn’t see if Camila or Vee were anywhere near it, what with the angle being off and Luz blocking most of it. He wondered if they could hear their conversation.
“I think so,” She said, quieter this time as she turned back to him with a small smile. “I... hope  so.”
“So do I, they’ll be insufferable without you.” Hunter teased. “Have fun thinking up how to explain to them your apparent promise.”
“Don’t remind me,” Luz groaned, throwing her head back. “Look, it was a panicked situation, and I didn’t want her any more scared than she--”
“Save it,” Hunter said, not unkindly, raising a hand to silence her. “I’ve made worse spur-of-the-moment decisions. Contrary to popular belief, I know you well enough that you’d never stay away for long. You have a habit of being a people-pleaser.”
Luz relaxed, and raised her hand to let Rascal hop onto it. She offered him back to Hunter, and he took the bird into his hands.
“Still, I’m sorry.” She said, wringing her hands together. “For all of this.”
“If all goes well, you’ll get to tell them that yourself.” He said, and attempted a smile.
“Hopefully,” Luz said, glancing back towards the door. “So, that means you’re willing to tell them what happened?” She asked, a pleading note to her voice.
“As in, I tell them that I broke out of the Owl House in the middle of the night, escaped to the human realm, found you when I  knew  they were going to do the same thing, and then came back to the demon realm  without  you, just to tell them you’ll  probably  be back soon, but I don’t know when?” Hunter said, ears lowering more and more as he spoke, raising a brow.
“...yes?” Luz tried, hands clasped behind her back as she looked up at him with wide, puppy-dog eyes.
“...I don’t know  why  I put up with you.” Hunter groaned, relenting as his shoulders slumped, letting Rascal fly up onto his shoulder.
“Because you care about me,” Luz teased in a singsong tone, her relief immediate.
“Unfortunately,” He muttered unthinkingly, before the words processed in his head. He tensed right after, eyes locked on the wall behind Luz.
She looked surprised for about half a second before she practically  lit up,  beaming excitedly at him.
“Anyway,”  He said quickly, voice higher than normal,  knowing  he was flushed up to his ears. “I should be off before your mom gets even more pissed at me.” He said, sharply turning on his heel.
Rascal was most definitely laughing at him now, and he pulled up his hood before shoving the bird into it, silencing him. He leapt down the stairs leading up to the porch, instead of walking down them like a normal person.
“Well, in her defense, you  did  break in.” Luz reminded, though there was a certain giddiness to her tone as she watched him leave.
“Like you  haven’t  done it!” Hunter scoffed behind him, beginning to hurry back towards the forest, head ducked low.
“Yes, but we don’t need to  tell  her that!” Luz hissed, voice notably quieter as she fearfully glanced back. 
“No promises!” He called back, a grin forming as he picked up the pace. “Call it compensation for throwing me to the wolves!”
“Wh--Hunter!” Luz squawked indignantly.
He turned on his heel for just a moment, giving Luz a mocking salute before ducking between the trees of the forest, cackling as Luz’s calls of “don’t you  dare!”  faded behind him.
“Alright, Rascal, prepare yourself.” He said, hearing his palisman chitter from within his hood, with a hint of annoyance to it. “We’ve got a lot of explaining to do.”
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Owl House request: Jacob the curator guy kidnaps Vee so he can expose her to the human realm. One minor problem, Luz is visiting home at the time, so he accidentally snatches her instead. That poor curator has no idea of the trouble he's in.
Oh, he was NOT prepared to handle Luz, not in ANY universe >:D
Luz kicked at the bars of Jacob’s cage. “You’re gonna go down for kidnapping, you know that, right?”
“Sorry, I’m pretty sure that only applies to US citizens.”
“I am one.”
He smacked the bars. “I’m not stupid!”
“Pffffft. Yeah…”
“Oh, yeah, and you’re so smart?”
“Smarter than you.”
“You’re locked in a cage. I’m pretty sure one of us has the greater mind, here.”
“Nah, I wanted you to bring me here.” She shook her head. “I’m a shapeshifter. You think I can’t get out of here?”
“Yeah? Then why haven’t you escaped yet?”
Luz leaned in with a giant smile. “Don’t go to sleep tonight.”
He shuddered, but then recollected himself. “You’re bluffing. You wouldn’t have told me that, you would have just waited.”
“Wanna bet?”
“No more government employees. No more doing things halfway. I’m going to do the dissection, and do it now.”
“Invulnerable skin.”
Luz shrugged. “Invulnerable skin. Your knife won’t cut me.”
“You’re lying!”
Luz held her arm out. “You wanna break your custom-made blade, and boy do I know from experience how expensive those things are, go ahead.”
Jacob glanced at the blade, then back at her, then sighed. “I’ll figure something out.”
“Not before there are eggs in your lungs.”
Luz laughed. “Uh, my species releases a cloud of spores? You’ve probably already breathed in a deadly amount. In a couple of months, they’ll be nearly full-sized. You’ll notice some difficulty breathing. Then, they’ll hatch, and eat your lungs, breaking out and eating you alive from the inside. Doesn’t matter what you do to me, buddy, your days are numbered.”
He backed away, face pale. “N-no! No, I can’t get eaten alive! You have to stop it!”
“Uhhhhhhhh can’t, sorry, you know how kids are these days.”
“There’s a cure, right?! I mean, you wouldn’t let members of your own species die, right?”
“Pft. Like we’d release spores around our own species.”
“Tell me how to get rid of them,” Jacob pleaded, “I’ll let you out, I’ll forget about capturing you.”
Luz sighed, studying her fingernails. “Fine, deal. Look, if you want to get rid of them, you should probably see about getting some pure oxygen in those lungs. Poor little guys can’t survive the stuff.”
He bolted for the door, struggling to turn the doorknob, his hands shaking.
“Hey, aren’t you going to—”
He slammed the door shut.
“…let me out. Guess not, okay!” Luz examined the cage she was caught in.
“This thing doesn’t even have a bottom, alright then.” She tugged on the lower bars, but the cage was solid metal—it didn’t budge. Luz stretched her arm out, straining to reach one of the swords Jacob had on the table. Her fingers grasped the hilt, and she dragged it over, wedging it under the bottom of the cage and levering it up enough to roll out from under it. She started for the door, then stopped, turning back to grab the training wand on the counter.
“Well, hello,” she murmured.
Luz walked back to the front door, turned to face Jacob’s room, and drew a huge circle in the air. A massive blast of purple flames burst out, destroying his equipment, burning all of his evidence—there was no way he could use this to hurt anyone again.
Luz bolted, running back home to her mom and Vee.
“Luuuuuuz,” Camila sighed, “Do you have anything to do with this?”
“With what?” Luz asked innocently.
Camily turned on the TV. The reporter was at the site of a car crash. Someone had gone straight into the side of a building—apparently while trying to escape police, who’d just been concerned at their speed. The cops were cuffing Jacob, who struggled the whole way. The cameras zoomed in, and Luz could hear him yelling.
He broke free from the cops, and made it a few feet, ramming his shoulder into the stomach of another cop who tried to grab him. He was almost immediately tasered. Luz winced.
“Oooo that’s gonna leave a mark.” She rolled a hand. “Yes, mama, I miiiiiiiight have told him that basilisks release breathable spores that would turn into eggs in his lungs.”
Camila chuckled darkly. “Good. With any luck, he won’t be coming out of jail for a while.”
“If they don’t send him to a psychiatric ward afterwards,” Vee chimed in.
“Yeah…” Luz shook her head. “I don’t think we’ll see much more of him.”
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Hey, dumbass. This is for @dark-crowsong
@dark-crowsong suggested:
A suggestion for Drabble Hiatus: what if Luz, Eda, and King encounter a group of wild witches, a closed off communities, that are hidden from the Emperor Coven. Luz show them glyphs and they teach her of their culture and true meaning of wild witches in return. P.S. This is something that I wish the show could've explore more about them if it's wasn't cancelled and due to @cottoncandysprite wishing more wild witches lore and how Luz and Eda react a community of wild witches.
(Context: I accidentally posted the last drabble with the one that @dark-crowsong suggested. To be fair, I write these between 10-11 PM, and when I was finishing the latest drabble, it was already 11:15 PM. By the time I went to schedule it for 8 AM, my brain was so exhausted that I answered the wrong ask. And trust me when I say that was a VERY rude awakening that I was not prepared for.)
(@dark-crowsong, I am so sorry, and I hope this story more than makes up for the mistake.)
A Haven of Hope
"Then, you add an extra two lines to this one, draw a circle, and..." Luz tapped her finished spell glyph, making a ball of light form from her paper and float up, astonishing the group of witches before her. "Pretty cool, right?"
"Totally cool!" one witch exclaimed.
"How did you learn to do that?" another asked.
"Well, that part is a little tricky to explain..."
And as Luz went on about a story involving ab owl beast and human technology, Eda watched on from her spot a few feet away, grinning like mad. She looked around the cavern around her. It was ginormous with these glowing blue and yellow crystals protruding from the stalactites, giving off light that shined down upon these two dozen man-made shelters. Shelters that held more than two dozen witches of varying ages, all of them running around and doing a mix of magical spells. Where one combined abomination magic with construction to build a house, while another used both beast keeping and plants to work on a farming area.
"Impressive set up you got here," she admitted.
"Thanks," Raine said as they stepped next to her. "I figured me and the BATs needed a place to hide these wild witches and, well, why not set up a little hideout?"
"This is less of a hideout and more of a community. How long have you had this little operation?"
"Well, I started it with the first set of wild witches I saved," Raine explained, "It was a whole caravan of them and, like, we couldn't just hide them out in the woods or a farmhouse. Then, one of them said that they'd found this set of caves that not many people know about. We agreed that they all camp out here for a few nights, but I guess nights turned into years for all of them."
"And you just kept on sending more here each time you saved a wild witch?"
"Oh, all of these people aren't just because of me. Apparently, some of them go out and recruit more wild witches, telling them that this is a safe haven for all of them."
"And safe is right," Eda looked around some more and gave the sights a whistle. "It might take Belos decades to figure out this place."
"That's the plan," Raine grinned.
Much to both witches' startlement, King scampered up to them, eyes pleading.
"These kids are making fun of me with an insulting illusion spell!" he whined, "Go and beat up for me!"
"What's the spell?"
"A version of me running around and saying I'm the king of wusses."
Eda held back a snort.
"They're just dumb kids, King," she said, "Just ignore them."
"Tell you what: We'll tell the kids' parents. If that won't make them wet their pants in fear, then I'll beat them up."
"Yes!" King cheered, "Retribution!"
Eda chuckled as she scooped King up into her arms.
"Sorry," she apologized to Raine, "Duty calls."
"No problem," Raine grinned, "You go do your thing, Mother Hen."
"I'm not a--"
"Eda!" King whined further.
"Alright, alright...You know," Eda looked to Raine again, "I really do love all of this. It...kind of makes me hope that this could be what the future of the Boiling Isles could look like one day."
Eda didn't say anything more, choosing instead to walk away to find the parents of the kids that messed with her baby boy. As for Raine, they stood where they were and smiled at the thriving community. It wasn't perfect, as it was a community forced to live underground. But it was still a place where people were alive and, most of all, where they were happy.
"Yeah, I hope so too," Raine said to nobody.
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aresonaro · 3 years
Goldric Week: Day 1
Prompt: First Meeting/Magic
Thanks to @kai-strophics for organizing this!
Running errands wasn't what Edric had planned to do for his Sunday. Sure, he had nothing to do that day. Sure, he was alone and bored since Em had to do a group project and Amity had locked herself in her room to study. Sure. Sure. Maybe he could have made more of an effort to appear busy… grab a random book and pretend for a few seconds, but he hadn’t. As soon as Alador had seen him, he had given him a list and an absent-minded pat in the back before going back down to his studio.
And now he was stuck looking for oil. It was the last thing he needed. The last one. And the brand Alador had requested was nowhere to be seen.
“The last shop that could possibly sell this is on the other side of town… ah, Titan.”
Edric huffs and shoves the list in his pocket, suddenly exhausted. It feels like he’s wasted his whole morning just walking around aimlessly. He watches some kids pass him by while playing and wishes at least Emira could be here, so they could play some pranks. At least it wouldn’t be so boring then.
He groans again.
“Aren’t you a little too young to be complaining like that?” Someone asks, by his side, voice muffled. A quick glance in that direction reveals a guard of the Emperor’s Coven, clad in a curious gold and white outfit. It gives Edric pause - he’s too used to the dull grays and blacks, the pointy masks.
Something clicks in his mind, remembering both the posters all around town and the things Amity and Luz had told him.
“Even I get tired of being handsome. Can’t blame me for complaining once in a while.”
The Golden Guard snorts, dismissive, his attention slowly going back to the rest of the plaza. Maybe he was on patrol.
“Sure, carrying all that ego must get tiring.”
Oh-ho, this guy has a spark! Amity hadn’t mentioned he could be witty. A grand discovery, for sure.
Edric gives him his best toothy smile, leaning against the wall of one of the shops. They are in the entrance of the marketplace, not the most romantic setting, for sure, but Edric can make this work.
He has a reputation to uphold, after all.
“I guess you would know, huh, Golden Boy?”
“Don’t you have places to be?”
“Of course, I need to be in your heart by nine.”
“Ugh… I’m on duty.”
“You won’t be forever.”
“Can’t you just… leave me alone?”
“Why? Is my charm working?”
Edric is beginning to hate the mask. He surely got at least a blush, right? He must have. Pity the gorgeous thing is covered by a bland, golden mask.
"Say... don't you guys get tired of being masked up all the time?"
"It is what it is. Can't do much about it."
"That's kinda sad, man. Mom wants us to go into the Emperor's Coven but, if you ask me, covering up our handsome faces should be a crime."
That earns him a little snort. Well. Isn't that interesting? Edric is pretty sure his dad doesn't need the oil right away-
There's a crash and a bang and suddenly the plaza erupts into chaos, screams everywhere. The Golden Guard hurries into the scene while Edric flinches away, startled.
He sees the source of the problem pretty quickly. A wild witch and some of the rebels from the bard coven. They are clearly disorganized in their escape; it seems like the capture of their leader and fellow rebels a few weeks ago had done a number on them.
And usually - usually - Edric would choose to stay on the sidelines. He would pick the safe option, because he had never had a good reason for endangering himself like that. That wasn't the case anymore, not since Eda's almost petrification and the things Luz had told them.
At the end of the day, Edric would always prefer to side with chaos. Way more fun than whatever Mom had planned for them, anyway. The Bad Girl Coven didn't sound too bad, either.
He tries to take notice of all the guards currently swarming the area. Twenty, at the very least. Man, the rebels knew how to put on a show but not how to make an escape.
Thankfully, Edric was a bit of a showman himself-
"Woah there, buddies. Wrong choice."
The Golden Guard appears high in the air on his staff, shoulders thrown back, cape billowing behind him. Isn’t he a sight to behold?
Edric grins. Witty and cocky? What a combination.
The Golden Guard’s attention is solely on the wild witch and the rebels, who meet his magic head-on. The battle begins in earnest.
The other witches hang back, curious, used to this kind of thing.
Edric hides his hand in his pocket, beginning to cast a spell as discreetly as he can. Years and years of carefully planned and expertly executed pranks, plus a bit of his own natural talent, make this child play.
He hides his tracks well, as he usually does with all his pranks. He gets creative: elemental magic for the guards plus an illusion to hide the rebels. The fighting stops, chaos giving way to confusion that the rebels take advantage of to slip by the entrance and out of sight, the illusions of them still on the plaza.
Oh Edric, sometimes your genius… It's almost frightening.
The guards are struggling to take off their masks, alarmed by the sudden rise of temperature around them. They manage to take them off with a grateful breath, fanning themselves, trying to apprehend the illusions in a disorganized fashion.
Now, for the grand finale…
He had chosen the temperature spell more out of curiosity than to create a distraction. A win-win, shall we say. His eyes search the sky, his grin dropping in surprise at the appearance of the Golden Guard. Oh Titan. Oh, dear Titan.
There he sits, like a divine sight, mask held by one hand, gorgeous magenta eyes narrowed at the scene below, ragged breathing. Edric wants to go there and contemplate him for hours.
I’m gay. I’m so fucking gay. Titan. Oh, Titan, bless you for this wonderful sight.
His lack of concentration makes the illusion and temperature spell drop, but it doesn’t really matter by now. The rebels and the wild witch already made their escape. The Golden Guard yells out a few orders and without the mask muffling his voice, Edric is enraptured. His voice is lovely. It sinks on his heart and makes a little nest there, forever his. He would be replaying the sound in his mind for hours.
How would it be, if he laughed?
“You are gorgeous,” he says, almost breathlessly, when the Golden Guard descends. He gives him a dry look, his magenta eyes wary and tired. This close, it’s impossible to notice the bags under his eyes.
“Save it, Blight. Go bother someone else.”
“I mean it.”
There’s the tiniest pause before he puts his mask on again. “I am a busy man, Blight. Goodbye.”
Damn, witty, cocky and hard to get a hold of. This man is like smoke, intoxicating. There’s something else about him - something deeper than what Luz and Amity had seen - that makes Edric question everything.
Enemy? The Golden Guard is their enemy?
“I’m whipped. Not even a minute, and he has me whipped. That’s not something just anyone could do.”
He was going to get to the bottom of this. He had to. He had to know what was behind this bad but sad boy.
But first-
Edric makes a beeline for his house.
“Amity, why didn’t you tell me the Golden Guard is hot? What, was I just supposed to find out by myself?”
“...What? Wait, what do you mean? Edric, what did you do?!”
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toh-writings · 3 years
Fortunes of Love pt 3 (Eda x OC)
King has a bad day and now has to try and face a problem he is not at all prepared to deal with.
Pt 1  Pt 2  Pt 3
Eda grumbled at the morning, all but collapsed on the kitchen counter. Luz was just getting ready for school so she could call her friends. Eda didn’t fully understand why she needed to call them before school. She was going to see them soon enough anyway, but whatever. It made the kid happy.
She gave a big yawn, at least attempting to stand up a bit straighter as Luz stumbled into the room.
“Good morning, Eda!”
She grumbled some sort of greeting but Luz hardly even noticed. She was far too busy eating the breakfast that was sat out for her. Eda shook her head, a fond smile on her face. She could put anything out and Luz would eat it. The girl just paid so little attention, she was so eager to meet with her friends. While she ate, Eda got herself some apple blood.
“Eda, can I walk to school with Gus and Willow today?”
She hummed thoughtfully, looking over to the clock, then shrugged.
“I don’t see why not, kiddo.”
But before she had even finished the sentence, Luz was already grabbing her bag to leave. She paused at the door a moment, before running back over to the kitchen and giving her mentor a big hug. It took a moment for Eda to process, but when she did she hugged the girl back. Soon enough, she was rushing for the door again.
“Thanks for breakfast, Eda! Have a good day!” The door slammed shut before Eda could give her own goodbye.
She was putting her mug in the sink when she heard little footsteps running upstairs, then an odd series of thuds that sounded suspiciously like someone falling down the stairs, punctuated by a little squeak. She snorted out a laugh and smirked when King came stumbling into the kitchen, looking around frantically. After a moment of searching, he looked disappointed, body sagging.
“Did Luz leave already?”
“Yeah, she had to leave early.”
“Oh… I wanted to say goodbye before she left.”
He bowed his head, sadly walking to the kitchen table, only struggling a little to get up onto a chair.
“Don’t worry, you have the whole weekend to spend time with her.” Eda tried to encourage him, giving him his own plate of eggs for breakfast. It seemed to help a little bit. At the very least he wasn’t slouching while he ate. Good enough.
Eda gave another yawn.
“Well, I’m gonna go take a nap.”
King looked up at her as she left the room, a look of concern on his face.
“Already?” He asked, hopping off the chair to dash to her side. He clutched at the skirt of her dress, stopping her retreat. “But it’s still early! Are you feeling okay? Is it the curse? Did you take your elixir today?”
Eda huffed, pushing the small demon off herself, forceful but not hard enough to hurt him.
“I’m fine. I took my elixir already and I’m gonna head to the market later to get more. I just..” She gave another yawn. “I just need to nap first.”
She walked on despite King’s protests, collapsing onto the couch and promptly falling asleep. King gave an indignant noise, crossing his arms.
“Fine then! I have my own things to do anyway.” He stomped off only to return a moment later with a blanket. He draped it over Eda, making sure it covered her up. “Okay, now I’m going!” He ran off again.
Morning turned into afternoon without much fuss. Everything was quiet and peaceful, the only sound being King as he assembled his army of stuffed soldiers upstairs and acted the wars to come when he regained his power the occasional annoying sound from Hooty. King found it suspicious. Eda should have made some sort of sound by now, maybe yell about going to the market or bumping around in the kitchen. He should probably go check on her.
He tried to be quiet as he walked downstairs, peering into the living room.
In the middle of the living room was what at first looked like a giant pile of gray feathers. But of course, King quickly realized it wasn’t since it was breathing, it’s massive side rising and falling slowly. That was Eda! She had turned into her owl form after all. Well, at the very least she was still sleeping.
King inched forward ever so slowly, now more than ever needed to keep as quiet as physically possible. He hid behind the couch, trying to get control of his breathing. When he had calmed down at least a little peered out at the giant beast in the middle of the living room. She still slept soundly, so he tried scooting a little closer. Then a little closer. Then even a little more. He managed to get all the way to her face without waking her up.
“Eda?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper. He had to actively restrain himself from bapping her face. As much as it would make him feel better, it would also probably get him killed. The only response to his whisper was a loud snore.
Alright, this was no problem! He just had to get some of her elixirs! Then she would turn back to normal!
He tiptoed out of the room, ever so careful, but once he was in the hallway he ran up the stairs to Eda’s room.
“Alright,” he said to himself, looking around the slightly messy room. “If I was an elixir, where would I be?”
He remembered Eda opening a chest before, so he looked through a couple of chests she had around the room. He gave an irritated huff at every chest that held nothing but books and junk. Then there was only one left. He opened it with a triumphant “Ah-ha!”
It held nothing but empty bottles.
“Oh. That’s not good.”
Looked like Eda was out of her elixir. He remembers she did mention having to go to the market for more earlier. Well, he guessed he would just have to get it for her. It wasn’t like she was in any state to get it herself.
He snuck back downstairs, peering back over the couch at where Eda still slept. She hadn’t moved an inch, snoring away. Maybe he could get to the market and back before she woke up. He definitely needed to get back before Luz returned from school. So, he snuck out the front door, trying to open it without a squeak and close it without a slam.
“Watcha doin’, hoot hoot!”
Hooty’s screech nearly made King jump out of his skin. He turned on the door with a glare and a loud “Sshhhhhh!”
“Eda’s sleeping, don’t wake her up! She turned into her owl form again. I’m heading to the market to get her more of that elixir. Can you keep her in the house?”
“You got it, hoot hoot!”
And as annoying as the owl was, at least he lowered his voice. That would have to do.
King ran all the way to the market. Well, he mostly ran. He had very short legs, after all, so he needed a few breaks. Still, he managed to make good time all things considered. He was at the market within the half-hour. Now he just needed to remember where the elixir stand was…
He spent more time than he would have liked just wandering. He knew what the stand looked like, he even knew what the guy running it looked like. Still, there were a lot of stands, even if he knew the general area.
Finally, he saw the familiar stand not far away. He dashed over, taking a few hops before managing to grab the edge of the counter and climbing up.
“Hey! Potion man! I need your help!”
A young man on the other side of the counter jumped at King’s shouting.
“I’m sorry! Can I help you?”
“Yeah, you can give me Eda’s elixir now before I send my dark armies to destroy you!”
He looked at King for a moment, confused, before something seemed to click into place.
“Oh! You’re Eda’s pet, aren’t you?”
“I am no pet! I am her close friend and confidant! And I’m here to pick up her elixir.”
The man looked upset, glancing to the side before looking back at King.
“I already told Eda, it won’t be ready for another five days!”
“She ordered more two days ago and I told her then that it would be ready in a week. I still need five more days to finish it.”
“But she needs it now!” King said, definitely not whining. The King of Demons did not whine.
“I’m sorry, my hands are tied! You can’t rush these things or the elixir won’t even work.”
King huffed and puffed, stomping his feet before devolving into his scream of rage, a high pitched squeak that made everyone in the nearby area stare and snicker. His tantrum was only stopped when unfamiliar hands picked him up. He struggled in their arms, hitting and kicking anything he could reach.
“Unhand me, fiend! I must destroy this potion man!”
“Why? What’s going on here?”
King calmed down a little bit when he heard the familiar voice, turning in the arms to glare up at their face. Niliana looked down at him, a look of concern and confusion on her face. Perfect! She and Eda were friends or business partners or something, right? She could help!
“I need to get Eda’s elixir from this guy, but he won’t give it to me!” He shouted, crossing his arms and glaring at the man. HE looked and sounded every part a grumpy child not getting his way. At least it was about something important.
“I can’t give it to you, it’s not done yet.” He replied, words slow and emphasized in an attempt to get it across to the small demon.
The older witch looked between the two, took a deep breath, and let out a long sigh.
“Okay, Eda needs this elixir of hers, but it’s not ready yet.”
The man nodded.
“When will it be ready?”
“Five days.”
“Okay. Then we’ll be back in five days.”
“But-” King tried to speak up.
“We’ll be back in five days, right King?”
He huffed and looked away, still very aggravated with the turn of events. Finally, he gave a resigned nod.
“Fine. But it better be ready!”
Niliana gave a little bow to the man and walked away, the grumbling demon still held in one arm. She climbed onto the staff in her other hand and flew off, headed to the forest King had come from. He was thinking so hard he hadn’t even noticed they were flying right away.
“Where’s the house?”
King pointed at the general direction. The few minutes it took to get there were spent in silence.
King had no idea what he was going to do now. Eda had been taken over by her curse. She was an angry monster now with no way to turn her back. What was he going to tell Luz? How were they supposed to handle this over the next five days? He really didn’t know what to think. He wished this had never happened. He just wanted Eda back.
They landed a few feet from the house. King gave a sad little thank, dropping off the staff. For a moment, he just sat there before forcing himself to his feet. Still, he didn’t walk to the house, just looked at it as his worries grew.
He heard the witch behind him shuffle about before sitting next to him.
“King, what’s going on? What does Eda need the elixir for?”
He tried to look angry when he looked up to her, but that was hard to do when he was also trying to fight back tears. He debated whether or not it was even a good idea to tell her, but they really good use her help. He really didn’t want to go back into that house alone.
“Okay, I’ll tell you. But you have to promise not to tell anyone else!”
“I promise.”
“Pinky promise!”
She did so, and that was enough reassurance for King. He told her everything he knew about Eda’s curse, which granted wasn’t much. She was cursed when she was younger and if she doesn’t drink her elixirs she turns into a giant owl monster that attacks anything that moves.
“Which is why I was at the market.” He finished. “Eda’s out so I thought I’d get her some more. Now she’s stuck as a monster and I don’t know what to do!”
Niliana hummed thoughtfully, looking over to the house. After some time she got up, hand clenched around her staff tightly.
“Alright, we can handle this.”
“We can?” King asked, shocked. “You’re going to help us?”
“Of course. I’m not about to just leave you all like this. Someone’s going to get hurt.”
“Thank you!” He shouted, throwing himself at the witch. She managed to catch him in her arm, smiling as he gave her the best hug he could manage. They both looked to those, silent as they thought over what to do next.
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Band of Brothers Greetings, Part 2
Cute/charming things thay say when they walk into a room and see you/you walk into a room and they see you
Ok, first off- the moment he walks into a room, any room, he scans to see if you’re there, and if you are what you’re doing. 
He’s always done it, but since things between the two of you have gotten a bit steamy you find yourself catching him doing it ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME.
Like Ronald, you’re vv handsome and smoldery but YOU AREN’T SUBTLE IN THE SLIGHTEST.
Boi’s head is literally on a swivel until he finds you, straight up ignoring the person trying to talk to him until he sees that you’re there before impatiently returning his attention to whatever NIxon is saying (you know, BC OH YEAH not only are we at work but our work is war whoopsies could you repeat that, Nix i was lost in my handsome deathwish prince’s eyes?)
He’s always careful to read your body language to see how you're feeling, and based on that and the context of where y’all are he decides how (and if) to approach you.
His own feelings overwhelm him so it’s easier for him to focus on how you’re feeling
(Weirdly enough, you can read his feelings better than he can read his feelings sometimes.)
You weirdos end up staring at each other for way too long, entire conversations flowing between you two with little more than a lift of an eyebrow and a tilt of the head.
Bill and Babe had a game where they would see who between them could hold their breath through more of yours and Speirs’s weird hive mind-meld, the loser getting two freebies from the other’s rations.
Soon, more people joined in, and one day Speirs walked in while Peacock and LIpton were discussing the formation they wanted the camp set up in and half of the guys simultaneously took a deep breath through their noses to get a lungful of air 
When Lipton looked back out to the group of listening soldiers, he was disturbed to see several of his friends red or blue faced and looking between you and Speirs and each other like a tennis match
One look from Speirs put a stop to that game for a good month.
It only started up again because they saw Ron storm into the med bay and kiss you full on the mouth when you were alone after a soldier had punched you in that nose during Market Garden and left you horrifically blood-soaked and he’d thought you’d been shot.
Then the game turned into who could catch Ron showing human emotions towards you, with more points being given to the more softboy the action.
In an effort to keep THE BOYS™ focused during meetings, you and Ron eventually decided it’d be best to just stand by each other whenever you were in a room together, bc while you both are soft for each other you still get that you can’t be too distracted.
Well, you decided that.
If anything, Ron now has a new favorite game- seeing how long you could stay focused with his fingers running up and down your thigh while sitting together.
He may have slipped his hand beneath your waistband a few times and gotten you off during one of Nix’s intelligence briefings, whispering that you were being so good for him the entire time
and you may have retaliated once by getting him so worked up that he almost came in his pants like a teenager while surrounded by his sleeping men before giving him an overly sweet look before slipping away.
He makes you pay for it later, don’t worry :)
That is...until he sees you
Then the furrow in his brow softens, and a knowing smile breaks across his face and he either comes to be by you or (a la Bull Randleman) he will raise him arm to show you that there is a you-sized space that needs filling (hurry plz it makes him feel better to touch you.)
He’s not going to show PDA when y’all’re busy- bc he’s good and what he does and you’re good at what you do but that doesn’t mean you can just not pay attention if important info is benign shared. 
If he thinks you aren’t paying enough attention he’ll let you know right away.
Or just glare at the thing distracting you until it eventually relents or someone hits his arm and tells him to stop glaring at the pretty flowers y’n’s looking at they’ll burst into flame and then she’ll be sad
BUt homeboy is not afraid to have you lean against him, or sit in his lap as you both get ready to do whatever it is you have to do.
If the lot of you are just hanging out- he’s much more relaxed, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek or temple before returning his attention to whatever he had been doing- arms wrapping around you as he catches you up on whatever you’d missed
BC HE WOULD WANT YOU TO BE INCLUDED IN EVERYTHING HE DOES (as long as it’s not too dangerous, obvi)
“But John, you’re going on the patrol—!” “Yeah, cause if you’re not going SOMEONE has to make sure these boys don’t get themselves killed. Think it’d be rude to leave them to fend for themselves...”
“But i could go-” “NO you can’t, shut up. Now listen to my plan and tell me what you think…”
He knows how good you are at your job, and it makes him want to be better at his job so he can make sure to be there for you.
I also feel like THE BOYS™ would sometimes be surprised to see Johnny “It may be a bitchface but I’m not resting” Martin being a lil soft with you, and would sometimes stare in shock at the sight of the two of you looking at each other with such open adoration and softness that they’d get a lil mesmerized.
Until either you or Johnny noticed
Then, get ready for the SNARKIEST “Can I FUCKING help you?” glare combo to ever exist ever.
This made me smile, idk
My guy (much like Babe) is SO INTO YOU it can sometimes get the both of you in trouble (How either of you managed to keep from getting kicked out is a miracle). 
Luz is also a dramatic little goober, so you know he’ll do something over the top to try and make you laugh (bc, unlike him, you can actually keep it together for more than five seconds whenever you see him)
I’m talking shooting to his feet and standing on his chair and pointing in your direction the moment he sees you (especially if it’s for the first time that day/in a while), putting on a deep voice and an overly serious expression.
“Good God boys, I think we’re in the presence of a GOD. DAMN. KNOCKOUT.”
“WOOH, look at that! Somebody get Roe, cause I’m pretty sure my is about to JUMP outta my CHEST!”
(“You sure you ain’t just hopped up on caffeine and no sleep—?” “Shut UP Perconte, can’t you see I’m trying to flirt with your mother?”)
When you smile sleepily and tell him he can’t talk to your son that way he’ll perk up like a goddamn puppy dog, hop down from his chair and grab the mug of burnt coffee he’d poured for you when he’d heard you greeting Nixon that morning.
He presses the cup into your hand and his smile would soften into the one he saved for you (the one he’d given you after the two of you had snuck out past curfew at Toccoa to put a can of peaches by the door of Sobel’s bunkhouse and nearly gotten caught because you couldn’t stop giggling)
Luz is so obviously a goof but he also would be so endearingly obvious in his adoration of you.
No one would dare tease him about it. George brought so much light and (much needed) distraction from the darkness around them that THE BOYS™ would literally go to the ends of the earth to ensure that the two of you had time together. 
Don’t think about how, after being assigned a (gasp) room with a queen bed and a door(!) he would give you that smile again BUT this time there’d be a lil hint of Trouble in those bright eyes. Don’t think about him swallowing your sighs as the two of you keep each other warm between the sheets. 
But if you do think about it, know that he’s going to whisper the sweetest, kindest things to you the whole time, and yall are gonna fall asleep like teens in a CW show (~in each others armzZz~)
KING of the dirty wink
Oh my god.
Put that thing away before you get silly and hurt someone
You’ve heard of undressing someone with your eyes (see Liebgott and Nixon (and Ron if he’s feeling naughty shhh)), and you’ve heard of talking someone right out of their pants.
You had never known it was possible to WINK someone into a PUDDLE of feels.
Bill had a whole language of winks and head tilts, but you could be DAMN sure that he knows EXACTLY what he can do to you.
(Because you’re in a position where you’re under a bit more scrutiny than the other men, he also knows that you can’t necessarily reciprocate your feelings as openly as he can.)
DOn’t worry, he’s more than happy to flirt publicly for the both of you
“There she is, fuckin goddess of war herself. Come to see how the toughest, most handsome sonofabitch in the 506 is doin’ this morning?”
“Yeah, Bill. Something like that.”
It’s really cute. 
When you guys are alone, you try to make up for the fact that you can’t openly admire him the same way that he admires you. But Bill won’t hear it- tells you that he’d still think the world of you, even if you called him “the most unhelpful, condescending little shit” you’d ever had the displeasure of meeting
(which you did, after two weeks of constantly being paired up for training in Georgia)
(He’d asked you to marry him the next day, and you’d laughed so loudly and unexpectedly that it startled the both of you. The only thing to shut you up was a bark from Lipton to focus on the combat training, and even then you hadn’t been able to stop your shoulders from shaking)
For all his insistence that you didn’t have to worry about him thinking you don’t share his feelings, he isn’t opposed whenever the mood to show him how much you care for him strikes you.
Take a lil initiative when the two of you are alone and he’s putty in your hands.
BC while he finds your restraint admirable, he’d be a fucking liar to say you dropping the stoicism to get a lil dirty makes him weak.
Everyone else is used to Bill being an open flirt, and they are pretty sure if you had a problem with it you’d make him stop, but that doesn’t stop them from being surprised when Bill had dipped you into an over-the-top romantic kiss when it was announced the war was over (BC LET’S PRETEND HE WAS ALL GOOD AND HEALED UP AND WAS WITH BUCK AT THE BASEBALL GAME OKAY?!).
Speirs had simply held his hand out, palm up while all the guys who’d bet against him paid up
He’d shipped it from day one, but you’ll never be able to prove it!
(YIKES A DOODLE HERE’S PART TWO! Thank you to everyone who responded and liked the first half (major shout out to @mrsalwayswrite for writing my new favorite Liebgott story!) Again, love yall, and may your personal letters never be considered contraband)
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stupid-stew · 3 years
two vent fics in as many days? me? nooooo.
the answer is actually yes. i am in crisis all of the time. here take a gender one because why the heck not it's 4:30 am and i have nothing to lose. luz, toady you are me. there is also a little bit of parent eda because what do you take me for? a fool? (Pronouns? AO3 link if that floats ur boat)
Luz Noceda had a lot of problems.
Sure, she was stuck in a hell dimension with no way home in sight, where her best chance of surviving was reliant on her having magic, of which she had none, and was separated from her mom, and was currently blaming herself for her surrogate mom having lost her magic, but that wasn’t the point right now.
Right now, Luz was focused on herself. That’s usually how these nights ended up, with her so lost in thought that she circled back to the root of the problem, she didn’t know who she was.
That wasn’t entirely true, she was Luz Noceda, average teen, lover of Azura, daughter of Camila, professional witch in training, student at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, foe to an unlucky few, friend to most, the girl who had managed to outsmart the emperor and get herself stuck so far from home she might as well just give up now. Luz knew what she was, she was what other people knew her for, but who was she? Anyone’s guess, suggestions much appreciated.
She had grown up in an environment that exposed her to many different people, the internet. Yeah, maybe she had seen a lot of stuff way before she should have, but she also had the whole world at her fingertips, many types of people and experiences just on the other side of her screen, and it had led to some amazing things. Her mom had also been a big help, allowing Luz to question and experiment any which way she pleased, as long as she was happy and safe. That had helped Luz figure out who she liked, she was comfortable telling her mom she liked girls confidently at the ripe age of 10, Camila had of course been nothing but accepting.
That was easy enough, right? She knew exactly what she was, who she liked, hell she could figure out most people just by looking at them, so why couldn’t she figure out herself?
And that was where Luz was at, laying on the floor in her makeshift bedroom in the owl house, once again wondering what in the hell was a gender.
Luz was no stranger to this internal battle, it sort of came with the whole territory of figuring out your sexuality, but for the life of her she didn’t even know where to start.
Ok, she thought to herself, let’s start from the top. I don’t know where the top is. What is the easiest way to go about this. Most people start with pronouns, maybe that’s a good place to start? Luz let out a groan, this was going nowhere. Back on track. she/her. Simple enough, good solid pronouns. That’s what most people have called me forever. I'm comfortable with it, other people are comfortable with it, no, what other people think doesn’t matter, this is about me. Focus, Luz. Ok, she/her, fine. Though not always, doesn’t always feel right, how can words feel right or wrong that doesn’t even make sense. Whatever, most of the time she/her equals a girl.
Luz shivered at that, girl, the word had never felt right to her, something about it was gross in her mind. She had always hated being referred to as girl or daughter, but never had the guts to speak up about it in the moment. Luz chuckled to herself, and look where we are now. she/her moved to the maybe pile for now.
Next on the list was he/him. Luz smiled at that. Being a somewhat androgynous child for most of her life with short hair, being called her mother’s son at the grocery store was a fairly common occurrence. She recalled one time she was out with a couple of friends and some sweet old lady had said to them “you ladies have a nice day.” and then looked at Luz and added “oh, my bad, and gentleman.” Luz had to leave the store at that, her friends had assumed she was upset that the lady had called her a gentleman, but that wasn’t the case. She was more upset about having been singled out than anything, in fact she hadn’t at all minded being called a gentleman. It didn’t feel completely right, but it didn’t feel completely wrong either.
Ok, so pronouns, this is Luz, he is my apprentice. Eh, feels about the same as she. That’s so lame I was hoping there would be some sort of difference. The only discomfort is that i’m used to she, god my head hurts just thinking about this. Luz rolled over to her other side and covered her head with her sleeping bag. How can I feel literally the same about the two, I haven’t even left the binary, there’s only two options, one should be right, the other should be wrong. This is the same idea as answering an either or question and both options are the same but both are neither right nor wrong. It doesn’t even make sense. If the binary isn’t going to give me my answers then I need to step it up.
They/Them was dangerous territory for Luz and she knew it. This wasn’t her first time around the block, she knew that she loved they/them pronouns for herself. “This is Luz, they’re my apprentice.” God it just felt so right. She could never figure out why, much less bring herself to even try, which was probably how she kept landing herself in this situation. Laying up at night, staring at the ceiling, running pronouns, of all things, through her head over and over. It probably would have been easier if she had someone to tell her how gender was supposed to feel. What it was supposed to identify, what it was supposed to offer for her identity, but alas. It had been easier with her sexuality, she knew from the moment someone had told her that liking girls was even an option that was who she was. She was confident in that, it was simple enough. So why was this still so hard?
Luz took her head out from under her sleeping bag and rubbed the heel of her palms over her eyes. I know I like they/them pronouns, they’re my favorite, they feel so correct, huh go figure I finally got my answer, words can feel right. Still not sure how… anyways, what the hell do I do about it? Ask people to just change the way they refer to me? That’s absurd. Luz knew it wasn’t absurd. Not in the slightest. She knew she had done it for plenty of people before, people she had known for years. It wasn’t hard, it was actually pretty easy and she was glad to switch around how she referred to them no matter how many times they asked. So why can’t I just do the same. Most people see me as a boy or a girl, it’s fine, it’s ok, well at the very least I can deal with it. What are they supposed to do? Just not?
Luz sprawled out on her back and shut her eyes as tight as she could. She knew she had met plenty of people who were non binary, and somehow she had been able to erase the idea of them being either a boy or a girl out of her head almost completely. It’s just how it had worked, was it because she didn’t really see herself in that way either? Maybe I’m just making it up. Maybe it’s all in my head and I’m stopping myself from causing a lot of problems, what if I’m wrong, what if I make a mistake and have to ask people to change around again? I barely figured out what pronouns I prefer, ok well I’ve known for a while, but I still don’t have a label. Non binary? Maybe? I wish I knew what gender was supposed to feel like. She placed her hands behind her head and sighed. If you asked me what gender felt like to me I either wouldn’t have an answer and would start crying or would just scream shrilly at you for a few minutes. Pronouns don’t equal gender but what are either of those. If I use they/them pronouns do I have to identify as non binary? I don’t even like labeling my sexuality and I know what that is. God, I haven’t even scratched the surface of how I present mysel-
Her thoughts were muted by a knock at her door.
“Luz I know you’re awake.”
It was Eda, of course it was. Who else would be awake at this hour and hear her singular sigh from the hallway?
Luz pushed herself up from off the ground and slowly opened the door.
“Can’t sleep?” Eda asked.
Luz just shook her head. She didn’t have the energy for words at the moment.
Eda sighed and stretched out her arm to reach behind her head and pull out a clock from her hair. “Me neither, looks like it’s too late for either of us to be awake. Want some tea?”
Luz nodded and followed Eda down the creaky stairs and to the kitchen. Eda immediately found a kettle and started filling it with water to boil while Luz took a seat at the counter. They sat with just the sound of the running tap for a few uncomfortable seconds before Eda asked the question Luz had been dreading.
“What’s keeping you up?”
Shoot. Can I talk to her about this? It’s Eda, she doesn’t care, does she? Nobody here seems to mind anything, cool non binary witches. That’s so rad. I don’t want to bother her, what if she doesn’t understand, so I have the energy to explain? How would I even go about dropping this if it goes south?
“Hellooooo? Isles to Luz?”
She was snapped out of her thoughts by Eda waving her hands in her face, she looked… worried? Oh, I haven’t answered her question.
“Hm? Oh, it’s nothing.”
Eda didn’t believe her for a minute.
“It doesn’t seem like nothing.”
Luz just sort of turned her head away and shrugged. Eda knew she couldn’t pry it out of the kid. Instead, she just decided to finish making the tea. The two of them sat in silence while the tea bags steeped, which gave Luz a moment back to herself to question her next move.
Eda handed Luz the steaming mug. “You can talk about it if you want. I’ll listen.”
“I don’t know how to do this.”
Eda grinned. They were getting somewhere, whatever was keeping the kid awake this late at night was reaching the surface.
“Just go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Sooo many things Eda.
Luz decided to just start out simple. “Do you know what pronouns are?”
Eda nodded. Ok, good.
“Ok, what are your pronouns?”
Eda was taken aback by this a little, nobody had asked her that in years. What was the kid dealing with? “Well, I use she/her pronouns, but I’ve never really felt attached to any of them, so whatever works just works I guess. Same for King, I don’t really think he cares much as long as you’re referring to him as royalty.” Eda snorted with laughter.
Luz was kind of in shock. Does she feel the same way I do? How did she pick? “How did you know?” the words just kind of fell out of her mouth in a mess.
“Know what?”
Eda looked at her with confusion.
“What pronouns you use?”
“I don’t know, here nobody really cared that much, why should I?”
Then Eda remembered.
“Ooooh yeah you humans use them for that whole gender identity thing. We kind of have that here but it’s not as big of a deal, you guys have all those labels, yeah?”
Luz swallowed deeply and nodded.
“Is that what’s keeping you up?”
Another nod.
“Do you wanna talk at me? I know you do better with your words than your mind, I can do the dishes while you talk if you don’t want my focus.”
Luz was now completely dumbfounded. In the last two minutes, Eda had told her that not only was gender a human thing, but that she was willing to let Luz process it the way that she needed, how had she known? Wait…. Just how similar are Eda and I? Luz couldn’t help but wonder.
Luz nodded and Eda got up without a word and headed straight for the sink.
“I don’t know. Back in the human world, people have a lot of words that they use to describe their genders. I don’t understand any of them, I know their definitions, but I don’t know how to relate to them.”
Luz paused and Eda gave her a gentle hum of interest as a signal to continue.
“They’ve just never made sense to me, I don’t know why and I don’t know how but it’s incredibly frustrating. I gave up on trying to get it and moved on to the things that I do get, which is limited to pronouns. You’ve got the binary pronouns like she and he, usually those fit the words girl and boy, not always, sometimes people use more than one set of pronouns, but the thing is I can’t pick. They feel the exact same to me. There are other ones, the most common being they/them, and I really like those, Eda I really really like them.”
Eda smiled at her, glad to see Luz’s face lighting up.
“But I don’t know. I don’t know if I should use one set, multiple. It’s really bothering that so many people back home understand, they just seem so sure of themselves, they know who they are, they know that they’re a boy or a girl or neither or even both, there’s even more genders to be a combination of, but I can’t. I think there has to be something wrong with me because I know it shouldn’t be this hard but it is, it’s always on my mind, and I can’t stop it or make it make sense. I haven’t even begun to entertain the idea of asking people to change the pronouns they use for me because I can’t tell myself what label even goes with what, and I feel stupid.”
Eda stopped what she was doing.
“You aren’t stupd Luz.”
“How can you say that when I don’t even know who I am, I can’t even figure out what words I want people to use when they refer to me.” Luz sounded exhausted.
Eda turned around and looked her in the face, dead serious. “You aren’t stupid, you just don’t know who you are,” she dried her hands on a towel and sat down across from Luz. “and that’s ok. I know it’s maddening not knowing, but you’re allowed to feel that way, if you don’t have all the answers, what’s gonna happen? Are you gonna die?”
Luz rolled her eyes “sometimes it really does feel like it.”
Eda stood up. “Well we can’t have that, no dead apprentices. You seem to have been thinking about this for a long time, you just need a little bit of a push. Pick some new pronouns.”
Luz stared at her, “what?”
“You can’t figure out how the feeling works, or if there even is one, that’s ok. But, you know that there are some words that fit better than others. You might not be able to tell me why, but you know what they are. What are they?”
Luz didn’t know what to do, she hadn’t prepared herself for this. She was ready for Eda not knowing what was going on, not this. She’s right, time to rip off the bandaid.
“I don’t know…”
“Yes you do.”
There really is no getting out of this one.
“I don’t know, I guess they/them feels ok? Better than the others?”
“And so it shall be.” Eda stated matter-of-factly.
Luz shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “but I don’t know, I’m really used to she/her, they don’t fit quite right but they’ve never really felt wrong enough to get rid of completely.”
Eda shrugged, “you don’t have to. You can use both if you want.”
Luz wasn’t sure, she knew Eda was right, but she couldn’t help but recall the time someone had told her that adding they/them to your pronouns was performative and accomplished nothing. Screw them.
“Ok.” It was simple, but it’s all she had.
“Anything else I should know?”
Luz took a deep breath, she was in this far, might as well keep it up.
“It really bothers me when I get referred to as a girl, I know that I don’t know what labels go where, but I know that one is wrong.”
“Good to know.”
This was going way better than Luz expected, but now all her thoughts were out and she had a little bit of a resolution, she was finally starting to feel how late it was. She yawned, “I think I’m done for the night.”
Eda put on a mock offended look, “But you didn’t even touch your tea? I worked so hard on that for you!”
Luz gave her a weak smile. “It was never about the tea, was it, you just wanted me to talk.”
Eda reached out and ruffled Luz’s hair, “It worked, huh?”
“Yeah I guess it did.”
They emptied their cups into the now pristine sink and went back up the stairs.
“Thanks Eda.”
“Don’t mention it.”
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polar534 · 4 years
Hockey Injury Pt. 1
So Hockey AU was... surprisingly more popular then I thought. Which is good, because I still have ALOT written down about it, and I intend to add more. (It's become a bit of a coping mechanism to write about.) So, in the set-up post I warned that I had a bunch of notes regarding Amity's hockey injury. Well, welcome to a 3-parter folks! That's right. I've got that much written.
Anyways, this first part will be a general text-dump summary of events, the second will be a Luz centered more detailed 'story' about what happened on the ice. And the third will be focused on both girl's healing after the fact.
So vague explanations and warnings aside. Have part 1. Under the cut cause I have ~problems~
In essence. Amity gets like... really injured. It's bad. Like she is laid up in a hospital bad. They don't even have time to get her to the demon dimension where they usually take her when she gets injured (because different biologies and hiding her witchiness), so she gets taken specifically in Camilla's hospital.
They were only barely able to sneak her away from the emt's on duty at the game.
The team becomes immediately suspicious and HIGHLY concerned but they can't do anything because Amity is hurriedly rushed out of the place and to the hospital. Camilla is completely freaked but she also knows this could be much more serious then anyone realizes, because if they take Amity to get the help she needs right now, they'll find out she is a witch. She barges into the hospital first and pulls aside the doctor she works for and explains, completely deadpanned, that the other girl who lives with them is a witch from a different dimension but there's no other place to take her.
Luz is in the hallway with Amity, and is completely shutting down. She is barely holding it together. She knows it's bad because she's only ever seen her mom like this once. And that was when Luz got deathly ill with the flu one year. Amity is barely conscious so there's no need for Luz to be brave.
Luz is alone and terrified. She's spiraling.
The doctor, having worked with and been taken care of by Camilla for years agrees in a heartbeat to not only treat Amity but to make sure the entire treatment is confidential. They get the xray's back and its serious. The broken bone has cut a major vein inside Amity's shoulder. She's bleeding out. They don't have time to worry about the different make up. They rush her into surgery and Camilla needs to be a part of it.
Luz is alone. Waiting.
She knows there's a chance Amity... is just not coming back.
She knows there's a chance of losing her.
And Luz completely shuts down.
During this time, the team secretly tracks down where the family went. As soon as someone pulls it up on their phone, they ditch all of their equipment and leave immediately, mid-match, much to the other's teams confusion.
They crash into the hospital, rushing past the nurses and security trying to stop them. They find Luz out in the hallway from the surgery room, and she's fully awake, but she's unresponsive. They can't get an answer out of her. So they sit there with her. Completely silent. Waiting.
The staff eventually catches up with the teens, but where they expect to find a bunch of rowdy teenagers, instead they find deathly quiet kids, all quiet in fear, they know there was warning put out to all the staff about privacy regarding this emergency surgery. So they buzz off and leave the teens be.
Nobody speaks a word, nobody moves a muscle until Camilla pokes her head out of the room, a couple of hours later. The team all become responsive and alert but Luz doesn't budge.
Camilla understands immediately. Knowing too many people will be overwhelming for Amity while she recovers she beckons Luz in first.
Luz, moves slowly, like a zombie. The team being extremely concerned about both girls but they have each other.
Amity is awake when Luz comes in.
Luz stiffly walks over to her and Amity knows something's wrong. Something broke her girlfriend.
"So. This is where your mother works right? It's so much more clean then the hospitals in the Isles." Amity points out, completely seriously.
Luz cracks. She is so incredibly relieved that she sobs, with a massive smile on her face.
"That's... that's not good Amity!"
It breaks both of the girls and they both laugh and cry as they have a soft moment. Luz updates her on everything that happened after she fell unconscious.
Camilla on the other hand is informing Eda and Lilith what has happened. Some members of the team leave the hallways to find some food and overhear their conversation. Specifically the frequent use of the word: Witch.
The next couple of days are spent with Amity being laid up in bed at home, with Luz absolutely spoiling her and fussing over her to the point of annoyance.
King, Eda and Lilith all go to the human realm to check up on their Blight child the night of the injury, Eda and Lilith are concerned but they also know Camilla has an absolute handle on the situation. They trust her to take care of Amity and promise to visit daily until she's better, warning the poor witch that they'll be telling the twins and Willow and Gus first thing in the morning. (Which was a whole thing) King... dallies at the portal to go home that night. Luz picks up on the little guy's worry immediately and knows he won't just admit to wanting to stay with the girls.
So she insists on stealing him for the night, for therapy of course and King takes the hint and runs with it. Insisting that his subjects NEED him.
This makes Luz feel much better because Camilla insists that Luz cannot miss classes despite her girlfriend being bedridden. So she entrusts King to take care of Amity. Which is a relief to King and Amity, because Amity is kinda tired of being babied and King isn't one to baby. He'll take care of her, but they mostly just chill out together and complain. King curling up on Amity's stomach while they both rest.
Meanwhile the team is concerned as well. They discuss the idea of Luz at first being the witch the mother was talking about, because it just kinda fits with her being quirky and an outsider to most everyone else.
So they confront her on it one day when they go to check on Amity, as she's walking them out.
Luz. Finds. This. Hilarious.
She loves it and is so incredibly excited because 1. They know now. And 2. They aren't afraid!! They aren't mad, just worried as to why the girls would keep it a secret.
However they got something wrong. And that's who the biological witch is. Luz points out the teeth and the ears and it suddenly clicks.
Amity is a witch.
Cue that night, Luz getting chewed out by Amity for telling them, but the girls both really giddy that they now have another place they don't have to hide in. They make a plan to have a serious discussion with the team about the need for secrecy.
But more angst. Back to the days immediately following the injury, Camilla comes in one night while Luz is visiting Eda and Amity is alone.
She has a serious talk with Amity about the danger she was in, and just how hurt she had gotten. Camilla wants to be honest and straightforward with her. Amity could've died that night. She brings up the idea that maybe the witch may want to reconsider her decision to continue next year. Just that Camilla will never stop worrying about her. Its soft and gentle and Camilla really is just concerned about her.  
Amity is quiet that night when Luz comes home. (She can't spend the night anywhere without her girlfriend, no matter how much she loves Eda) Quieter then Luz has seen her in a long time.
It worries Luz, but she just holds her girlfriend extra tight, knowing that Amity will talk to her when she's ready. That's their agreement.
The next day, Amity tells Luz she is quitting Hockey.
The witch is in tears and its incredibly obvious that she doesn't actually want to quit the sport. Luz begs her to explain and Amity breaks down and tells her that its her fault, and that she's been so selfish to worry Camilla like this. That she needs to quit. She fucked up. She got hurt and it made Camilla, Luz and everyone so incredibly worried.
Her toxic upbringing is coming back, the damage her parents did on her not quite leaving, Amity truly believes that she has deeply upset and offended Camilla and then that worry stetches into her team and Luz. That she needs to correct the problem that she made for other people.
Luz takes her by the shoulders, very seriously and tells her that Camilla loves her. Unconditionally. That worry comes not from a place of inconvenience, but out of care. That her mother would be 100x more upset if Amity sacrificed something she cared about, just to make Camilla feel more comfortable.
Luz admits to worrying about losing her, but she also gushes about just how HAPPY hockey has made Amity and how she loves seeing that happiness on Amity.
How incredible it looks on her.
Luz then proceeds to get Willow and Gus to come crashing through the portal to which they explain, Gus methodically and scientifically, and Willow from the heart, that Amity is doing wonderful and its clear that she is enjoying herself.
They original squad all have a night of support for Amity. Because that's just what a family does. Camilla overhears most of what Amity fears and let's her daughter and her friends handle it. Though she feels awful about how she made the girl feel like that worry was because Amity did something wrong. She takes a field trip to the demon dimension to talk with Lilith and Eda who explain that she's doing wonderfully. That not every parent is perfect or can be. They tell her everything that night about Amity's parents. Most of which Camilla has pieced together from the time Amity had been living with her, but alot of it is still shocking. Horrifying.
Its a night of healing and learning all around.
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Tipsy Confessions (Darrell “Shifty” Powers x f!Reader)
So based on this post by @problematicfavesareproblematic​ because I love it!  
Warnings: None...just Shifty cuteness. 
Tag list: @happyveday​ @evelynshelby​ @sydney-m​
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  He looked down the barrel of his M1 Garand rifle, lining up the sight with the target at the end of the shooting range. The noise of his fellow paratroopers drifted away to blessed silence. There was something for him when lining up his shot, everything else seemed to fade away. The world narrowed down to himself, his rifle and the target. The faint breeze kissed his cheek and made the ends of his hair sway. Shifting the rifle just slightly, he accommodated for the wind. Finally, he was ready. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, hold, squeeze…
 "Nice shot, Shifty."
 Darrell "Shifty" Powers looked up at the target, an almost perfect bullseye, just a little to the left, then over to his friend standing nearby. "Thanks, Popeye."
 "Can we head back now?" Floyd Talbert asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
 "Why? You gotta brush your hair or somethin'?" Popeye Wynn teased. 
 "That's why I get all the dames at the dances and you don't."
 "Come on, lectures will start soon." Smoky Gordon stated good-naturedly, then he pointed at Talbert. "And you owe me a pack of smokes. Told you Shifty could hit the target."
 "You said bullseye, not just hit the target."
 "Well, he did it."
 Talbert grumbled but dug the pack out of his pocket and tossed it to a smirking Gordon. 
 Shifty looked over his shoulder in the direction of the gunshot. He thought they were the only ones there. This was his favorite time to practice since everyone else was either at the mess hall or relaxing in their barracks. Usually he came alone but today Popeye decided to keep him company and then from there Gordon joined them, dragging Talbert along. 
 To his surprise, he saw you a few lanes over, laying on your belly, rifle set in front of you with your finger still on the trigger. The ODs they gave you were just a one or two sizes too big, thus your sleeves and pant legs were rolled up a few times. Somehow you still pulled the look off well. Instead of looking like a child playing dress up in too large clothes, you looked…. well…. good. 
 Talbert gave a low whistle. "She's a good shot, I'll give her that."
 "Even if she arrived with Hitler's head in a sack, Sobel would still hate her." Gordon stated, watching you closely. 
 "And Guarnere."
 Another shot rang out and Shifty would easily admit...he was impressed. Not because you were a dame and knew how to shoot a gun. His mother would string him up sideways for thinking something like that. No, the distance you were shooting at...most of the soldiers did not even try it. Only himself and a few others shot that far with any accuracy. 
 And you were dead on. 
 Finally you stood up, slinging the rifle over your shoulder when you noticed the four men staring at you. He could see the hesitation in your usually guarded expression. You had only joined Easy Company once they arrived in Camp Mackall. Sink thought your connections and resources in Europe would prove invaluable to the paratroopers. Unfortunately, by that point, most of the men had bonded and were not looking to add an outsider...especially a woman. Even worse, you spent most of your time with Intelligence so the men could never get a good read on you. 
 "Hey, doll," Talbert called, a flirtatious smirk lighting up his face, "you going to be a sniper for Easy?"
 You moved a little closer, head held high and shoulders back. “If the need arises...and that's Lieutenant to you, not doll."
 "Yes, ma'am."
 Your gaze moved his way, eyes assessing with just a look that seemed to see more than they let on. "Are you Private Powers?"
 "Ah, everyone calls me Shifty, ma'am."
 "You're an excellent shot. If you have the time, I'd appreciate some pointers from you. I'm better with a pistol."
 He could feel the blush rising on his cheeks. "It's not a problem, ma'am. I'm… I'm not sure how I can help though. You're an excellent shot yourself."
 Your lips turned upward at the corners but you just shrugged. "Thank you, but there's always room to improve."
 "How good are you with a pistol?" Talbert asked, gaze skimming over you. "Think you can hit that target?"
 The target he pointed at was only about five yards away, any paratrooper was expected to hit at that distance. It was almost an insult to think you could not. 
 And the look on your face after he asked...you definitely took it as an insult. 
 Without removing your eyes from Talbert's grinning face, you pulled the pistol off your hip, pointed at the target and unloaded it. 
 Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. 
 "Have a good day, boys. Shifty, I hope we can talk soon." You stated, switching from staring down Talbert to a small smile at Shifty. Then you stomped away, reholstering the pistol, rifle still slung over your shoulder. 
 Shifty's gaze moved to the target and froze. All six shots were in the center of the bullseye...which you had shot at without looking. 
 "Tab, you better not piss her off. She don't even have to look at you to kill you." Popeye japed. 
 Shifty's eyes darted back to your retreating form in awe. He had never met a woman like you before. And damn, if watching you shoot did not do something to him. 
 "Oh, now that's a knockout." He softly said, unable to tear his eyes from you. Never mind him giving you pointers, he wondered what you could teach him! 
 "Yeah, yeah. She can shoot." Tab muttered, turning to head back into camp. 
 "You're just mad she showed more interest in Shifty than you." Gordon joked then screeched when Talbert hit him upside his head. 
 Shifty ignored their taunts as the group walked back towards their barracks. He found you beautiful, any man with eyes could see you were attractive. But watching you shoot, that focused look on your face and the confidence you held...that was going to be a problem for him, he could already tell. 
 Especially with the way he kept having to readjust his pants so the others would not notice the effect you had on him. 
 "You're starin' again."
 "Mmm?" Shifty blinked, it took a long minute for his friend's words to sink into his brain. When they finally resonated, he practically jumped in his seat, face turning red. "What? No, no, I'm not."
 "You're starin' at her like Perconte when he sees garlic bread." Popeye stated, clearly amused if the shit-eating grin said anything. 
 "What?" Perconte yelled further down the table. 
 "Nothin', Frank! Wasn't talkin' to you!"
 An argument broke out with Perconte demanding to know why Popeye said his name. Shifty only half listened, his gaze drifting back to you across the mess hall. You were facing away from him, talking with some of Easy's officers.
 It had been several weeks since the encounter at the shooting range. Since then whenever you were around, he became a bumbling mess. He stumbled over his words, a blush continuously heated his face, a couple times he tripped when you would casually touch his shoulder or arm. Yet the whole time you were kind and patient with him, ignoring his awkwardness. Or at least he hoped so. A few times the two of you would find the other at the range and shoot together, giving one another pointers or creating silly competitions. It was during this that he realized he was falling for you. 
 Like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute and feeling gravity control one's descent as if that person was just along for the ride. 
 It did not take long for the others to notice how his gaze was always on you when you were nearby. How his brain ceased to function properly as if you were all he could focus on. How he would go out of his way to try and say hi to you every day. The dopey smile on his face when you smiled or laughed, even if you were across the room.
 And thus, the teasing began. 
 One of the more embarrassing moments was when Sobel was leading a strategy practice in the woods, quickly getting everyone killed from his impatience. Shifty, you and two others were forced to be left behind as wounded while everyone else tramped back to the rendezvous point. During those hours of laying in the grass, you and him, lying next to each other, began a quiet, running dialogue telling stories from your lives. Who taught you to shoot, what you were doing before the war, favorite foods, ect.
 Once the four of you were relieved and allowed to return to the rendezvous point, you broke away to return to your separate barracks to clean up. When Shifty returned to 3rd Platoon, they immediately teased him about his rumpled clothing, the grass in his hair and if he remembered to wear a condom when you two….
 He still blushed thinking about some of the graphic things they said. 
 Not that his mind had not enjoyed picking up those images and replaying them in his dreams. 
 He was drunk. 
 Or at least tipsy. 
 A part of him knew going out was a bad idea. He never drank. Just did not like the taste of beer. It always sat like lead in his gut. But at the moment, he did not care. 
 Easy celebrated the fact that they were moving on from Camp Mackall soon. One step closer to be official paratroopers. One step closer to war. Drinks were flowing, some even found local women to dance with in the bar. Glenn Miller crooned over the radio. Sobel was gone on a forced weekend pass. Everyone was in high spirits. 
 Shifty sat at a table with a few others from Easy, listening to Luz tell some story...and he kept giggling. 
 Popeye was giving him an amused side-eye as he sipped his own beer. They all knew Shifty did not drink. Sure, he got teased about it but most respected it. For a very specific reason tonight when someone offered him a beer, he took it. And then another. And another. 
 He felt sort of floaty as he sat there. Everything was funny. His head was spinning slightly but it did not ache. That was good, right? He could still see straight...mostly. He was beginning to see why the others drank often.
 When he looked around the bar, he finally spotted what had made him start drinking. You reclined at a table talking to Lt Winters and Lt Nixon, which was unsurprising. What was different was the dress you wore. It molded to you in sinful ways and dear God! he almost swallowed his tongue when you walked into the bar. Between that dress, the red lipstick and victory rolls in your hair, he swore even sunrises were jealous of your beauty. Others definitely noticed, a few buying you drinks but you refused to dance with anyone. A comradery had finally developed between you and the men of Easy, most accepted your presence and the intelligence you provided. Plus, your marksmanship added points and willingness to take the brunt of Sobel's verbal abuse. 
 You laughed at something Nixon said, head tipped back and a hand on your chest. A sappy smile grew on Shifty's face as he watched your joy radiate. He loved seeing you smile and laugh. Even if he was not the cause of it, he liked you being happy. You had the ability to make even the gloomiest day seem like the peak of summer sunshine. 
 Excusing yourself from the table, you started towards the outside door. With a bright smile, you redirected slightly and stopped at his table before passing it. 
 "You boys having a good time?"
 A chorus of "yeahs" answered from those around. 
 "So, when are you going to admit you're in love with me?" Talbert asked, cigarette between his lips. Over the past weeks, he shamelessly flirted with you, even more than Luz but everyone knew it was done jokingly and when superior officers were not around. 
 "Mmm...the same time Sobel admits he has a hidden stash of pornography in his footlocker."
 Malarkey's chair dropped back down onto its four legs as he gaped at you. "And how in the hell would you know that?"
 You just winked. "Well, I'm off. Have a good evening, boys."
 As you stepped away, Shifty found himself stumbling to his feet to catch up. "Y/n, ma'am."
 You stopped, turning to watch him as he approached your side. There was no plan, no rationale in his following you. It was almost instinctual. He wanted to be near you...to hear you laugh again...be graced with one of your brilliant smiles. Now though, as you stood in front of him, waiting for him to speak, his brain sluggishly tried to come up with a reason for him to be near you. 
 "I'll walk you back if you like. It’s...you...you shouldn't walk 'round alone none." His words tumbled out, somewhat coherently in his rush so he was not just awkwardly staring at you. 
 You smiled, your face lighting up. "Thanks, Shifty."
 A giggle escaped him and he practically felt his heart splatter on the floor at your feet. You were so beautiful and looking at you made him feel warm inside. Or was that the alcohol? 
 A few wolf whistles follow you both out but he did not pay attention. He floated walking next to you...or felt like he did. He was unsure. His boots caught on a rock and he stumbled faintly but tried to play it off. For some reason the ground swayed just enough under his feet. It reminded him of the floating dock in the next town over from his home, how it was stable yet unsteady. The stars were really pretty tonight. Not as pretty as you. Oops...he stumbled again and a giggle slipped out. 
 "Are you well?" 
 "Ah?" He looked over at you, your eyebrows furrowed and eyes scanning him as if for an injury. "Yes, yes." He giggled out. Why would he be injured? No more Currahee! 
 And then he tripped, almost landing on his face if you had not caught his arm. 
 "Stop. Stop. Look at me." You moved to stand in front of him, placing your hands on his chest to hold him still. 
 Your touch sent an electric current through him. It sharpened the warmth of your hands on his chest, how good they felt there. How your breath ghosted over his face as you peered at him. How close your bodies were. No one could ever compare to you. His feelings, his affections, bubbled up inside of him like a champagne bottle after being shaken, threatening to explode. 
 But he could not say anything. No! It would be wrong. So wrong. Not right. You were a superior officer...and... just incredible. 
 "Shifty, are you-"
 "I like you. " He suddenly blurted out. The cork of the champagne bottle finally popping off. 
 You tipped your head to the side, watching him. Your hands still on his chest, still so close to him. Your eyes seemed to draw him in and he did not have the strength to escape their current, pulling secrets and truths from him. 
 Before he could stop it, his mouth disconnected from his brain and went on autopilot. Secrets and thoughts spilled out he had never told anyone. "I think youse beautiful and strong and an amazin' shot...and... I like you but not like...I like Popeye or Gordon or Lipton, no. I like-like you... like I want to kiss you and hear you laugh. But I can't tell you cos youse an officer and you would just laugh at me. I love watchin' you shoot. Rogers says you have a great ass but that don't matter to me cos, well truth is, I think I--"
 You slapped a hand over his mouth, clogging the outpouring of words. "Are you drunk?"
 He shook his head then changed his mind and nodded. Christ, he hoped he was drunk. Maybe you would ignore his ramblings then. Oh, what had he done? What happened? If he suddenly sprinted away, could he somehow hide from you for the rest of the war and he could pretend this never happened? 
 "Right. Here's what we are going to do." You tapped his chest with your pointer finger, drawing his attention back to you and ceasing his inner panic. "I am going to walk you to your barracks so you can sleep this off. After everything you just said, if you still feel this way in the morning, I want you to tell me all this when you are sober. Since I like-like you too. If not, then you owe me breakfast in exchange for my silence, jerk, and we'll never speak of this again." You smiled, other hand still on his mouth. "Nod if you agree."
 He did not think he ever agreed to anything so quickly in his entire life. 
 "Good, let's get you back now." You pulled your hand away from his mouth and slipped it around his arm. Together you two walked, arm in arm, towards his barracks. 
 Shifty still felt like he was floating on air. For more than one reason. 
 A few hours later, just as the sun was rising, he stood outside the barrack you were staying at. Practically bouncing on his toes, he knocked on the wooden door. Thankfully you stayed there alone since there were no other female paratroopers. You opened the door wearing an oversized shirt and gym shorts, hair amess and a sleepy smile on your face. 
 "I still think you are the most beautiful woman and I like-like you a lot." He exclaimed without preamble...and then paused. "And I'm sober."
 "I like you too, Shifty."
 A stupid grin spread across his face, cheeks warming up but he did not mind for once. "Can... can I... hug you, ma'am?"
 You laughed lightly before grabbing the front of his ODs and yanking him inside, slamming the door behind him. Before he could utter a word, you pushed him against the closed door and slammed your lips against his, your hands gripping his ODs tightly. 
 This was much better than a hug. 
 Cupping your face, he returned the kiss fervently. He sank into your mouth, loving the feel of you pressed against him, how everything seemed to fade away and your touch and taste were all that mattered. You deepened the kiss, your tongue slipping into his mouth. If you did not have him pinned to the door, his knees would have given out. His hands slipped to the back of your head, tangling in your hair. Your tongues fought for dominance, which he would gladly let you win if only you did not stop. But it was when you whispered his name against his mouth that he almost came undone right there. 
 Finally you broke apart, desperate for air. Both of your chests heaving like you had been sprinting up Currahee. Staring into your face, your pupils blown wide, lips red and swollen; he decided he liked this even more than watching you shoot. Then he dove back into your mouth with unbridled passion, wanting to test how good your accuracy was in other ways.
 Yes, this was much better than a hug. 
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animerunner · 4 years
It’s a Wonderful Life, Lilith Clawthorne
Fandom: The Owl House
Characters: Eda Clawthorne, Luz Noceda, Lilith Clawthorne
Relationships: Luz Noceda & Eda Clawthorne, Eda Clawthorne & Lilith Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne & Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda
Warnings: So to be clear there is nothing graphic. But the following is at least being categorized as ‘hinted at’ at the very least: References to Depression, Self-Worth/Self-Esteem Issues, Suicidal Tendency (one time and I mean this is based off of the movie Its a Wonderful Life), Heavy Angst (though there’s a happy ending), Bullying, Dehuminization, Issues related to being neurodivergent  and living in a world that doesn’t understand it (Lilith)
Like I said this thing was worth my time but exhausting to write.
Summary:  Its been months since the Conformotorium Incident.
The residents of The Owl House have mostly settled into a routine. Lilith's been trying to slowly adjusting to no longer being Coven Leader. However, it hasn't always been easy. Her and Eda argued a lot in the beginning. Luz flinched anytime she got too close.
Most of the worst of it has faded now. There's still the bad days they all have them. Luz misses home. Eda misses her magic. And Lilith well while she is glad things are finally better with her sister. Its not easy to let go of her old life.
For Lilith the bad days feel like they amount more than the others though she never says anything. Sometimes she wonders if things would have been better if she wasn't around at all. However she hasn't said anything. Her sister and Luz have enough they don't need more trouble.
A chance encounter with a demon however forces the conversation and Lilith gets a chance to reexam her own role in other's lives. AN: So this was the fic I was writing I mentioned in my other posts. Not a whole lot to say here. I already said this is my first experiment in writing something Lilith-centric. I hope you guys like it. A thanks to @f1uffy-turtle giving me this idea in the first place. And a thank you to @lilithswxfe for putting together the post with the Lilith autistic headcanons since I used kind of a mishmash of some of these ideas presented for the fic.
Like I said in the post I made last night. Any feedback is appreciated. Its my first time doing a story focusing around Lilith. So I’m a bit nervous about this one. And while I’m always looking for feedback. But especially when trying something new for me (writing around Lilith).
On a different note. There is at least two planned follow ups to the story. One centered around Luz’s issues hinted at here (which I didn’t want to get into beyond establishing because it would take away from Lilith). And the other thing being about the ‘strange child’ thing. Maybe more. Haven’t really decided. Ao3 link here if you don’t want to read it on Tumblr And if you want to read it on Tumblr. Its under the Read More here: (heads up though its a long fic)
It had been a few months since the events of the conformotorium.
Lilith had mostly settled into The Owl House. It had been difficult at first. For one there was the awkwardness that arose from everything that had happened. Between her cursing Edalyn finally being out in the air and the entire bridge duel...Well, it had taken some time.
For another Lilith was a creature of habit. She did best in a routine. For three decades that had been her part in the Emperor’s Coven. Losing all of that in the course of a day. It hadn’t been easy.
There are frequent arguments in the early days. Lilith would love to say that she realizes and understands all of the things with the Coven system that are wrong. After nearly getting her sister petrified it should have been an easy conclusion to come to. 
However, while she fully admits everything that happened with Belos is wrong. Letting go of certain things after years and years of having these mentalities drilled into her doesn’t come easy. It takes time.
Something that the others, especially Eda, don’t always understand.
She and Eda argue a lot in the beginning. Part of Lilith had wondered if they will ever stop. She knows she’s also partly at fault. Part of her wonders why it’s so hard to admit she’s been wrong for so long. Why it’s so hard still.
It’s only when one day that Luz pulls Eda aside and says something that things start to change. Lilith still doesn’t know what Luz says to her sister. Eda won’t tell her when she asks. 
However, something changes after that. Eda still isn’t entirely happy when she says things that go back to having been in the coven. However, things are far less argumentative. There’s a surprising air of patience that Lilith didn’t even know her sister had before now. 
It turns out she needed it more than she realized. Not having to constantly defend the habits takes some weight off of her she didn’t even know she was carrying around. She no longer feels like she needs to immediately change. For the sake of the others, she does try to slowly let go and slowly things do begin to change. However, even now, months later she hasn’t quite fully let go of all of it. 
The nastier mindsets thankfully have faded. It's hard to hold them now that the situation has flipped. Being around the high octane ball of energy of optimism that is Luz Noceda surprisingly goes a long way in getting her starting to fully realize just how detrimental some of the ideas the coven holds are.
The worst part she discovers quickly about this. Isn’t even the gap that forms between her and Eda in the aftermath of the conformotorium.
Lilith had mentally been preparing for that to happen for years. She knew how Eda would react. She knew how things would go. The only thing that maybe surprises her is how quickly her sister’s anger at it burns out. Most of it fades in the aftermath of the conversation with Luz.
Sometimes she wishes it hadn’t. It would give her something else to focus on at least.
Without something to focus on other things start to catch up for the first time in years. She wasn’t always proud of her actions as Coven Leader but she had honestly thought she was doing it in people’s best interests.
Now everything she understood is being called into question. It hurts.
It’s made even worse by the fact that she’s living with the two people that paid the most for her mistakes. Eda and Luz. 
Eda to her credit never purposely brings up the now-infamous duel. Lilith isn’t sure for whose sake she does this though. It’s a bad memory for all three of them. Just for different reasons.
However, Eda doesn’t need to mention it for the constant reminder to be there. Sure Eda has her glyphs. Owlbert gives her some freedom. But without a bile sac able to produce magic. The days of her being to independently cast are long over.
Something that might have happened without the duel anyway. However, it certainly wouldn’t have happened if she had just never cursed her sister.
It’s a guilt that gnaws away at her on a daily basis. Only made worse by the fact she doesn’t have anything to distract her. 
The situation with Luz only exasperates it. 
In the beginning, Luz is understandably skittish. Keeps her distance from Lilith. However, as time passes it becomes less of an issue. So there in each other’s spaces more and more.
Sometimes Lilith wishes they weren’t. 
Since it feels like the only thing worse than stranding Eda without her magic. Is stranding Luz without a way home because she couldn’t be brave enough to stand up to Belos sooner.
The guilts almost insurmountable at times. Lilith sometimes wonders if things would just be better if she didn’t exist.
She never voices it though. The others have enough to deal with, without having to deal with her own self-caused guilt.
Lilith supposes she should have seen that eventually, things would reach a boiling point. And she would have to tell Eda or someone about everything. But she keeps burying it hoping it might go away.
Looking back she should have known better. 
It’s an everyday market run of all things that brings finally to ahead. Lilith has been on edge for a reason she can’t place since they left the house.
It feels like someone or something is watching them. But whenever she looks no one is there. And the coven guard isn’t that smart when it comes to hiding. So what is she sensing but not seeing?
Its almost an hour into the trip before she suddenly sees something lunge at Luz. She doesn’t think, just reacts pushing Luz out of the way. She doesn’t have a chance to see what it is or who hit her. As the last thing she sees before blackness quickly claims her is Luz’s panicked face.
 Luz is panicking.
She isn’t sure what exactly happened. One minute they had been browsing stalls. The next minute she’s being pushed aside by Lilith. Who when Luz looks is out cold on the ground. 
She doesn’t know what happened. Let alone how to fix this. However, she at least knows who can. Eda picks up on the second ring. “Eda, we’ve got a problem.”
Eda knows her by now to know when not to joke. And Luz’s face must have been panic-stricken enough to convey something bad happened. “What happened? Did you and Lily get hurt? Did you run into the guard?”
“I’m not hurt,” Luz said panning the camera so Eda can see her sister. “But I think something tried to attack me and it got Lilith instead.”
Eda frowned at that. “You didn’t see it?”
Luz shook her head. “No whatever it is was gone and I can’t wake Lilith up.” 
There was a pause from Eda. Luz can see her mentor mentally going through some sort of possibilities in her head. Before seeming to come to one in her head. “Shit.”
Luz’s stomach bottoms out. That’s not good.
“You know what it is?” Luz asked. “Can we fix this?”
“Not exactly but I have a good idea. The good news is I’m pretty sure I can fix this, kid but this is out of your league.” Eda said. Luz frowns at that not missing Eda’s use of the I. Wondering why she can’t help. She wants to. Eda asks something before she gets a chance to say anything else.  “You guys are still in the market?”
Luz nodded.
“Alright, I’ll be there shortly. Don’t move a muscle.”                                                  ----------------------------
“Mind demons?” Luz asks when they get back to the house. Eda is in the middle of getting ready to cast a spell. Explaining to Luz what she thinks happened. “I don’t remember hearing about those.” 
Eda shook her head at that. “You wouldn’t have there’s not a lot of them around anymore. However, I had an encounter with one in my youth. So I, unfortunately, know what to look for.”
Luz can tell Eda’s not telling her something. “Oh. So how do we get rid of them?” Luz asked.
“It’s actually pretty simple when you know what you’re doing. Usually, a good whack is all it needs.” Eda said.
“Than why were you so freaked out when you got us?” Luz asked in confusion. It had been a while since she had seen Eda panicking that much. This didn’t sound like something simple at all. “Why all of this?”
Kings the one to answer her question. “Because while it can be easy for outside help to shake it off. It’s not as easy when you’re the victim. They take all of your darkest feelings at amplifying it up to 11.”
Eda nods. “What King said. I’m worried about what this might be doing to Lily. A mind demon is easy work. Even now. But I’m not Lily.”
Eda wasn’t dense. She knew Lily sometimes had a hard time expressing her emotions. She knew she had been struggling to fully transition out of her old job. On Luz’s advice, she had been trying to give her sister space and let her process it on her own.
It obviously hadn’t worked if there had been enough for the demon to latch onto.
“Which reminds me,” Eda said turning to Luz temporarily. “If that demon was targeting you like you suggested then we need to have a talk after this is all over. They only go after those they feel they can actually get to.”
She knew the kid had been homesick. She hadn’t realized she had been struggling otherwise. Part of her felt horrible that she had managed to miss that. 
Luz’s guilt must have been apparent at the moment since Eda reached out. A hand gently under her chin. “Hey, I’m not mad at you kid. Just worried. If Lily hadn’t been with you…”
“I just didn’t want to bother you both,” Luz muttered. The grip around King tightening slightly. 
Eda and Lilith had enough things on their plate. Some of which was her fault, to begin with. She didn’t want to add to that.
Eda shook her head at that. “Telling me you're having problems isn’t being a bother kid. I’ve been there myself. Will talk about this when it's over okay? For now, I have some literal and not so literal demons to help Lily sort out.”
Eda made quick work of the mind demon. Like she told Luz if your not the victim it’s not hard to take care of. 
Part of her had wondered after if she should have maybe tried to get answers out of it before destroying it. So she knew how to help better. However, by the time it occurred to her the demon was long since dust. 
Either way, she had more important things to deal with. Finding her sister and sorting this out. 
It doesn’t take her long to find Lilith. Who looks up as she approaches. “Edalyn?” Lilith said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“Came to help take care of the mind demon problem,” Eda said as she walked up.
“So that’s what it was,” Lilith said to herself. At Eda’s questioning look she elaborated. “I knew something was following us but I wasn’t able to find it before it decided to attack.”
“That’s not surprising those buggers can be tricky like that,” Eda said.
“You encountered one before?”
“Way back when I was a kid. After Mom and Dad kicked me out for having the audacity for being cursed.”
Lilith flinched and Eda frowned. “Hey, we talked about this before. You’re not to blame for Mom and Dad continuing to be crappy parents.”
“But if I hadn’t cursed you then they may not have kicked you out.”
“And then I might just have run away from home,” Eda said with a shrug. Seeing Lilith still looking doubtful she said. “Curse or not they were crappy parents. It just wasn’t worth staying there without you.” Eda said and then shrugged. “Besides with how much Mom hated my antics you can’t convince me it might have happened without the curse.”
“I suppose that is true. Mother always did seem to have a bone to pick with you more than me.” Lilith agreed. Both sisters had dealt with strife from their parents. It just had different reasons at the center. 
It just seemed like Eda had borne the worst of it after the curse. Actually, she almost certainly had if Lilith knew her parents as well as she thought she did. 
“So what brought this on?” Eda asked.
Lilith tried to play dumb. “What brought what on?”
Eda was having none of it though. “Don’t play dumb. You and I both know a mind demon would only go after someone they thought they could make work of. It wouldn’t have been able to get in here if something was really bothering you.”
“You should probably be more focused on Luz considering that’s who it was after.”
Eda knew a diversion tactic when she saw one. “I already talked to her. And we’re going to have a long talk later. But right now my first priority isn’t her. It’s you. So I’ll ask this again:  what brought this on?”
Lilith hesitated for a moment. She almost didn’t want to say anything as her hands opened and closed for a second. Part of her worried Eda might toss it back at her. After all she did have it worse. “I just can’t help but think about how much I messed up with the curse.”
Eda’s eyebrow went up. “Alright and? We know the curse messed things up Lily this isn’t news.”
Lilith shook her head. Eda didn’t fully understand. “I just wonder if things wouldn’t have been better if there hadn’t been a way for you to be cursed in the first place.”
Eda took a sharp breath in finally connecting the dots and hearing what Lilith was struggling to say. ‘If things would have been better if I hadn’t been around.
Oh. That’s what brought this on.
Okay, well it wasn’t like she hadn’t been here once before herself. She had to be careful with what she said next. At least unlike herself who had to blindly stumble upon a spell to help her get out of her dark place. She could help Lily.
“Okay. Yeah, if you hadn’t been there I probably wouldn’t have been cursed. That much is true.” Eda agreed. “But I also wouldn’t have a sister. Luz might never have met me. Willow might be stuck in a track she sucks at. One trade-off, no matter how bad it is. Wouldn’t be worth losing you, Lily.”
Lilith’s refusal to reply to that is deafening all on its own.
Eda waited a few minutes before she let out a sigh. She had been hoping to maybe get out of this without having to use the spell. It could be dangerous if not implemented right and if you didn’t have someone to pull you out. However, she had been prepared to need it. “Alright fine. You don’t believe me that the world would be worse off without you. Then I’ll prove it to you.”
Lilith frowned. “How would we even.” She cut off as she realized what Eda was suggesting. “No- you can’t be serious.”
“I am serious. Fine, you want to know for sure that life wouldn’t be better without you. Then there’s no way to do this.”
Eda had been prepared for that. It's what she had been preparing for before leaving the waking world. Getting into Lilith’s head was easy enough. Prepping a spell of this magnitude was a whole other scale. 
She would probably not be able to really use Owlbert to cast for a few weeks. However, if it got the message through to Lily. It was a small sacrifice all things considered.
Besides she would at least have glyphs to rely on in the meantime. 
“Why-how do you even know this spell-” Lilith stammered out. “Edalyn-”
Eda hesitated. “Look there were just times with the curse back in the beginning. Things weren’t always easy. This helped me even if at times I didn’t understand it until later.” 
Of course, back then she hadn’t even understood half of what it had meant. Among other things, a lot of things with Lilith had made more sense when she found out who had cursed her. But in the meantime, it had worked. 
She would probably take to her grave what she had seen in the spell. Of the darker timelines. Of the painfully lonely Luz. Of the person, Lilith had become in them. 
Something Eda had slowly learned over the years. Was no matter what you think everyone had a place and a reason to be there. You might not understand it yourself. (She seriously wondered about a timeline without Belos at times) It might not even be the most obvious. But everyone had a place and a reason for being there even if it was something small in the grand scheme of things.
It was a lesson she had learned and helped her through the dark years. Now it was Lilith’s turn to learn it as well.
Eda didn’t know what she would be in a world without Lilith. But if it was anything remotely like a Lilith without her. Then the world really was a better place with her in it. 
No matter how aggravating her sister could get at times.
Especially considering how they had ended up in this situation in the first place. 
“How often?”
“Probably at least a dozen times after Mom and Dad kicked me out and before I had Owlbert and Hooty.”
“But Edalyn that means-” “I know. Look I know it was stupid. Trust me I know how dangerous mind spells can be. But with everything else…” Eda had needed it more than anything. There was a pause between the two before Lilith asked. “Does it really help?”
“I mean it helped me get through some of the worst years of my life.”
Lilith couldn’t help the flinch at that. 
“You wanted my opinion.” Eda pointed out.
“Look if it gets to be too much I can cancel the spell. But Lily I really do think it could help just doing this once.” Especially after today. Part of Lilith internally was fighting with the idea. Some part of her after everything still couldn’t wrap her mind around that the spell could show others having a worse life. But she supposed a small look couldn’t hurt.
Eda can’t hide the relief she feels from Lilith agreeing to it. She wasn’t sure what she would have done otherwise. “I should probably warn you. Some of what you see might not make sense at first. There were things I saw in this that took me years to understand.”
“Like what?”
“Well, let’s just say among other things I knew Luz in some form before she was even born.”
Lilith blinks in surprise. “I didn’t know your impact on her was that monumentous.” It did explain a few things though. And suddenly she’s feeling horrible about the bridge duel all over again. 
Eda’s face softens a bit as it always seems to do when talking about Luz. “Yeah. We’re pretty important to each other. Who knows maybe depending on what you see you might get an idea of what I mean also.”
“I have my doubts.”                                                  ----------------------------
Eda returns back to the land of those not unconscious just as the spell takes full effect. 
She could have stayed with Lilith. Maybe she should have. However, it’s probably best she lets her take this journey on her own.
She knows her sister. If Lilith thinks that she is expected to react in a certain way. Then rather than learning from the spell, she’ll try to put on the front. Which means the whole point of this will have been for nothing.
No, as worried as she is. It’s better to just watch over Lilith.
Out here she can better keep an eye on Lilith. While the spell didn’t necessarily need an anchor to pull you out if it got to be too much (Titan knows she never had one). It certainly never hurts. So rather than join her sister on a trip of self-discovery she leaves Lilith to it.
Luz is sitting on the armchair next to the couch furiously knitting something purple. King curled up on her lap fast asleep at the moment. Eda gives her a concerned look. Her knitting could mean a variety of things. “You okay kid?”
Luz looks up in surprise. She hadn’t heard Eda wake up. “Eda! How did it go?”
“Demons defeated,” Eda answered. “Lily just needs to sort a few things out before she rejoins us in the land of the living. Whatcha making?”
Luz looks back down almost seeming to have forgotten for a moment what she had been doing. “Oh uh, a scarf I guess. I wasn’t really thinking when I started. I just needed to do something. And I couldn’t exactly go for a run with you both out cold.” 
“Ah,” Eda says. She still doesn’t fully understand some of Luz’s habits though it doesn’t make her love the kid anyway. She puts it down as just quirks the kid has similar to Lily’s. Though she tries to at least be supportive. Or at least she hopes she is. “Do you want to maybe do it now?”
Luz hums for a second before shaking her head. “No, I think I’m good. So when do you think Lilith will wake up?”
“Depends on how long she stays under the spell,” Eda said with a shrug. It could be a few hours. Though she was going to have to be careful. Staying under for too long could have negative consequences. 
Luz frowns. “What spell?”
Eda pauses for a moment trying to think about how to put this tactfully. “Lily was having a bit of a difficult time with things.” “Eda just tell me. I’m not a little kid.”
Eda sighs. Part of her thinks this might be a bad idea. However, this will probably impact Luz as well. So she needs to know. No matter how much Eda is reluctant.
“She was having some self-worth issues. She thinks I’m still angry at her for what happened.” Eda answered. Admittedly that was putting it mildly. But considering her concerns with Luz. She wasn’t sure she was going to tell her just what she meant.
“Oh.” Luz frowned. “I thought-” She cut herself off seeming to have realized something. “So what did you do to help?”
“Used an old trick of mine from my youth,” Eda said vaguely. “There’s an old powerful spell I came across back then. Basically, for a short period, you can see into other timelines. But only ones where you were never born.” “Oh,” Luz said. Not entirely sure what to make of it. This sounded strangely familiar somehow though she couldn’t put her finger on why it did. “And you were able to cast it even without your magic?”
“Owlbert helped with that but let’s just say I’m not going to be using anything but Glyphs for at least a week,” Eda said. She would probably be conking out as soon as Lilith woke up. “But if it gets through to Lily then it’s worth the trade-off.”
“Do you think it will work for her?” Luz asked.
“Well, it certainly worked for me when I needed it,” Eda said with a shrug. She’s a bit surprised a moment later when she’s engulfed in a hug by Luz. “Kid?”
“You needed that?” Luz asked in a small voice. “Yeah, it's been years now though since I needed it for myself.” Noticing the start of tears from Luz. “Hey it’s okay, I’m okay now. It was just back in the earlier days of the curse.” 
This was why she hadn’t mentioned to anyone before that she had used that spell. 
“I just don’t like it,” Luz said with a sniff.
“Not expecting you to. Kid, just know that sometimes you just have to see the worst to see the best.”
Luz gave a small giggle at that. There’s just something silly about the way Eda phrases it to her. “I don’t really get it.”
“When this is done maybe I can better explain it,” Eda said. Better yet maybe show Luz. After all, it had been a version of Luz that had helped her get through some of her own darkest hours. It's hard to explain how a girl who she didn't even know at the time had given her some significance. Had shown her that there was some light at the end of the tunnel. Yet somehow it had worked. “After all we still need to talk about how the demon was originally targeting  you .”                                                  ----------------------------
The first timeline Lilith lands in at first confuses her.
Despite Eda’s warning about just how different each timeline could be. She at first can’t think of why she is here of all place. In the Emperor’s throne room. Turns out even in different timelines Belos had a similar decorating scheme. Somethings were universal she supposed.
Then she catches sight of her. At first, the contrast is so great from her Eda Lilith almost doesn’t recognize her. This is an Eda obviously still in her prime. Not a single hint of gray hair in her flaming orange hair. She not only radiates power but carries herself with an air of confidence and something else that Lilith can’t quite place at first. This one quite clearly has no curse holding her back.
Lilith isn’t entirely surprised. If she’s not there then of course there’s no curse.
When this Eda speaks a chill runs down Lilith’s spine. She only has half an ear to whatever she is speaking to the Emperor about. This Eda’s tone lacks all the warmth her sister usually exudes with every breath.
And it’s chilling in more than one sense to see.
Lilith is confused at first about how this managed to come to be. How in the name of the Titan could there even be a world even where she wasn’t alive. That Eda was just this  cold .
That there could even be a version of Eda that exists that was this cold. 
Eda becoming Coven Leader isn’t really that surprising. With her not being born there would have been no one to compete for that last spot in the coven for. So naturally, Eda would have been their pick. With her raw talent, it really is no surprise that she would make her way up the ranks and eventually become Coven Leader much like Lilith had once upon a time. 
Part of her wondered how this even could be possible. Eda was warm, energetic, friendly. Everything this version was not.
Part of her already knows.
Their parents had never been the best at their jobs. Sometimes growing up it felt like the only thing getting them by was each other. Someone else who understood what it was actually like behind the doors of the old manor they grew up in.
This Eda obviously had needed someone there like they had been for each other growing up. With no sister...well Lilith could only imagine what it had been like. 
Though looking at this cold more calculated Edalyn she already knew in some way. It had been horrible.  
It does make her think of something for a moment. When they were younger, Eda used to like to say that Lilith was the Moon to her Sun. That their contrasting energies and styles complimented each other.
It had been a long time since Eda had said that to her. But as she takes one long look at this version of Eda. This one is so wildly different from her own sister. Some part of that sentence comes back to her. This was an Eda who was the Moon in the story with no Sun. 
Part of her is scared about what it means how things could have been without her own Edalyn. Eda must have seen those timelines herself. Though Lilith wonders if she will talk about it.
Part of her also wonders if an Eda who was still the Sun in this story. Would still even need her.
On the one hand, it shows her that maybe Eda was right. Maybe things would have been worse without her. But surely there are more who benefited from her not being there?
So thus the world shifts again.                                                  ----------------------------
Lilith is confused when the fog clears at first again.
She doesn’t recognize this place. Something about it makes her think of Hexside at first glance. Then she catches sight of a familiar face, Luz. The only thing vaguely familiar in a sea of unfamiliarity.
They must be in the human realm then.
This Luz looks older than the girl she had grown to know. Probably by about a year or two if Lilith had to guess. She’s fumbling with some envelope in her hands. She’s not said a single word the entire time but is watching another two girls that were about her age if Lilith had to guess. 
Luz seems to be steeling herself for something. Taking a deep breath she starts walking up to the two. Hand still clenched tightly to the envelope. She opens her mouth to say something.
One of the other girls beats her to it. “What’s up Strange Child?”
Luz flinches and Lilith almost recoils as the feeling of ‘something’s not right here’ she’s had from the beginning finally clicks into place. This is a Luz who never saw the Boiling Isles and thus things never started to turn the corner for her. She should know. She knows all too well the history behind that nickname.
Luz and she have a bit of a game. 
When she first left the Emperor's Coven she had a hard time calling Luz by name. Years of indoctrinated attitudes meant that no matter how much she should call Luz, Luz, and not 'the human' it wasn't nearly as easy as it should have been.
So instead in that first week, she had called her 'little wild', and Luz in turn had started calling her 'Ms. Raven'. A week later for reasons Lilith had long forgotten Lilith tried a different one. Luz followed. 
Months of living in The Owl House and it was still going. Luz seemed to enjoy it as much as she did. It was their little 'game'. Lilith didn't think Eda approved at first. But since none of it had been in spite and Luz was just as capable of dishing back what Lilith threw at her. She didn't push it.
In the past months of their ongoing game, there had been only one incident where it had gone sour. The time Lilith had called Luz, 'Strange Child'. 
The only other time Lilith ever saw Luz remotely that defeated had been around the time of the conformotorium incident. She quickly decided she would rather not see it again.
It had taken some coaxing from her, Eda, and King to get anything resembling a story. However, the shortest version of why Luz had such a reaction was because of bullies. Apparently, there had been an entire year at school where no one would call Luz by name and the nickname they had chosen? 'Strange Child'
Eda had of course been seething and if the portal door hadn't been destroyed. Lilith would have been actively concerned on some level for the humans on Earth. 
Not that they didn't really deserve Eda's brand of pranking. 
Lilith had made a point to apologize for the unknown mistake. She had dropped it just as quickly as she had taken it up. Though she had made a point that Luz would be better off telling her before it happened again.
According to Luz, the 'strange child' thing had been when Luz was twelve according to her but it had stopped eventually. And now she looked at an older Luz she wondered if it ever stopped here. 
Lilith is initially confused why she’s even seeing this. Then she realizes it goes back to the previous Eda.
An Eda with a coven would never have discovered the portal door. Even if Luz had managed to stumble through it the likelihood that the two would meet. Let alone this Eda would have been able to help her. Is extremely low.
This Luz must be from the same timeline then. 
Lilith wonders for a moment what else is different for Luz in this timeline. Did she actually go to that ‘dreaded summer camp’ here? Obviously, if she had it didn’t have her mother’s desired effect. 
This Luz most likely still only has her mother to rely on. The fact that once she gets her first real look at the envelope and realizes it’s to Luz’s birthday is also telling. Obviously, the other girls weren’t friendly but Luz had been desperate. Still was as if the start of tears were anything to go by.
It’s rare Lilith wants to hug someone. She’s not a touchy-feely person (her Luz’s words not hers). It can be overwhelming to her. So when she does feel like initiating contact it’s significant. It’s even rarer to do it with someone that for all intents and purposes she really doesn’t know. Yes, this is Luz, but it’s not  her  Luz.
However, at the moment that’s all she wants to do. Whisper some sort of reassurance that things will be okay. Even if she is far from knowing it. 
Finally, she does understand why the spell decided to show her Luz. It’s not just Eda that’s impacted in this timeline by her never being born.
Yet she still can’t help but wonder if this is just true in one timeline.
And just like that the world shifts again.
The next timeline she lands in is slightly better. This Eda at least looks closer to her sister. She has Owlbert, her hair is prematurely gray (Lilith tries to ignore what she knows that means), and she has that gold tooth of hers. She may not have Lilith but this is much closer to her own baby sister than the Coven Leader Eda was. 
Some part of her draws comfort in the fact that this Eda is closer to her own sister. That an Eda without her isn’t necessarily as cold as the Coven Leader was. Unlike the Coven Leader, she is still full of warm energy. However, Lilith quickly realizes that there’s still something different here but she just can’t put her finger on it.
It takes a bit before Lilith realizes it. She is watching Eda instruct Luz on some sort of new glyph (thankfully this universe had apparently been kinder to Luz, she’s not sure if she can handle another one where she is for all intents and purposes mute) when it clicks. This Eda is more reserved than her sister.
She’s still a wild witch, a con artist, but this Eda is more careful. More reserved. Something that becomes extremely apparent as she only leaves the house after nightfall and when they arrive at the Night Market it finally clicks for Lilith. Eda is trying to avoid being caught by the Coven guard. 
Whoever is head of the coven in this universe is obviously not nearly as kind towards Eda. 
Kikimora had held a grain of truth in her hands when she had accused Lilith of protecting her sister after all. Yes, she had been Head Coveness. Yes, it was her job to bring her sister in. However,  she would much rather have brought her sister in peacefully than what actually happened. 
Lilith tries to ignore the guilt gnawing away at her that always comes when she thinks about those two long days. Part of her wonders just how she could have continued to be so naive for so long. How she could have been so blind to reality. Or even failed to stop to think about the actual consequences of what may more likely have happened if Eda had joined the coven. The more she’s gotten to know Luz the worse it’s gotten. 
Obviously here peace was never the option. Whoever was coven leader obviously did not hold the soft spot she had. Or else Eda would not have to been so careful.
Lilith wonders what Eda’s crimes are here. Is it just being a wild witch? Actually, that was most likely it. She sincerely doubted that even without her Belos would change that much. 
Watching Eda barter for elixirs is painful to watch. While the door obviously exists in this world or else Luz wouldn’t be here. The need for more discretion means the human stand she so loves obviously isn’t a source of income here. 
Lilith also bets that her potion business isn’t nearly as booming here. Being restricted to working in the night market would come with its difficulties. 
She guesses she never realized how much Eda benefited from having her as Coven Leader. She guessed that they should be grateful now that Belos decided chasing after her was more trouble than its worth. Since they could very easily be in a similar situation just in addition to another person. 
Lilith ends up lingering here longer than the others. She isn’t sure why at first. Curiosity maybe?
Luz is still friends with Willow and Gus. She doesn’t go to Hexside here. Probably for the same reasons Eda has to frequent the Night Market. However, Lilith can’t help but notice the absence of another, Amity. 
Amity’s presence in the friend group had made things difficult at first back home. They had never really tried to address the entire thing with the Covention. Suddenly Lilith living in the house forced a confrontation. That to be honest Lilith wasn’t sure either of them were ready for or wanted.
This Amity was still mentored under a higher up in the Emperor’s Coven. However, it was obvious the Covention incident had never happened. Lilith supposed it would have been silly to think otherwise. No sister rivalry means the odds of the Power Glyph incident would never happened.
However what was maybe surprising about this was what came, or rather didn’t out of it not happening. No Covention duel apparently meant that Luz had never been able to connect with Amity. Meaning the two never became friends.
Its strange how one simple mistake apparently changed two peoples lives. It’s honestly hard to believe that a mistake could have benefits.
Yet much like how the curse was a mistake. So was the Power Glyph. 
Lilith lingers just long enough that she can see the writing on the wall. What this Eda’s, much like hers, curse is slowly getting worse.
However, in this world, there is no one to split it with. Lilith doubts that Eda even know the spell exists. Meaning its only a matter of time before Eda succumbs to the curse eventually. 
Lilith can’t bear to watch three hearts get broken at once. Once Eda is gone Luz will have to go to the human realm. And King...who knows what will happen to him. 
For a brief moment she thinks of the first timeline. And her heart clenches tightly. Was King even alive there? 
As annoying as he could get at times. As much as she would never say it outloud. She did have a soft spot. The idea that King very likely wasn’t even alive there was just as bad as the cold Eda or the lonely Luz in some ways.
Thankfully the world changes again before she has to sit and watch this version of her sister say goodbye.
 The next timeline hurts the most. 
In fact it hurts so much that Lilith is confused why she is even being shown it at first. 
What in the world could be bad about a timeline like this?
Eda for all intents and purposes appears to be happy. This Eda is in the Emperor’s Coven but for some unknown reason never rose to be Coven Leader. 
Maybe the timeline is saying without her Eda would never reach her full potential?
But that has to absurd right? There has to be more to this than just that right?
However, at first it feels like that’s really the only point of this one. Eda is married in this one. Has two little witchlings of her own. 
Everything seems happy at first. Everything seems perfect. 
It feels like a mockery and it confuses her at first. Why is the spell that is supposed to show her the worst timelines showing her this of all timelines?
It takes a while before the timeline reveals its secrets. It’s subtle at first. Lilith is ashamed to admit that she almost misses the signs of something just isn’t quite right at first glance. 
Its also not helped by the fact that Lilith has never been the best at reading people’s emotions. Despite the fact that she almost felt them too strongly at times. Understanding what others felt was more complicated. It’s helped less when its hidden behind a mask. And everyone here seems to be wearing a mask of some sort. 
The longer she dwells the more she sees it. Something isn’t right here. It’s almost  too perfect.
It’s with Eda that she finally starts to see it. Eda has always worn her emotions loudly and thankfully in this timeline that hasn’t changed too much. While she is definitely happy to be raising two witchlings of her own. That part is genuine. There are signs that something is weighing down on her. Lilith notices Eda staring off into space occasionally. Seemingly haunted by something she can’t see. 
Then she finally sees it, or rather her. It’s one day after Eda’s witchlings has gone off to Hexside. When a familiar face seems to come out of nowhere and sit across from Eda. Lilith blinks once, then twice, not at first she entirely she’s believing herself because just how was this possible? 
An Eda in the coven should never have come into contact with Luz right? Yet there she was. A little bit older, a bit wearier, but it was Luz nonetheless.
Lilith guessed that no matter what timeline they were in Eda would still have some tendency to rebel.
Lilith’s not sure how this Eda came into contact with Luz. Or why Luz is living with Eda in this timeline. It seems more dangerous than anything. Until she stops to think about what she isn’t seeing. About what Luz’s presence says without saying.
That’s when she finally understands it. This timeline is less about her importance to Eda. Its far more about her importance in the role in stopping the Day of Unity. Even if that had been by accident.
She had noticed the odd human trinkets around. Some remnant signs of Earth. But just had shrugged it off as just someone else taking Eda’s job as the human junk seller at first. Now that she looks at Luz that’s clearly been hiding with Eda for a while now. She realizes it’s far, far darker than that.
In their timeline, Luz had destroyed the portal door. In this timeline it appeared Luz had most likely no contact with the Boiling Isles prior to the Day of Unity. 
Meaning Belos had succeeded with his plans here.
To Lilith it at first makes less sense that she is somehow significant in all of this. Why would her mere presence have helped stopped an entire invasion of Earth?
Then she stops to think about it. If she wasn’t there then Eda still joins the Emperor’s Coven. This Eda, unlike her Coven leader counterpart, had still managed to find the portal door. However, unlike her Eda, she hadn’t kept it for herself opting to turn it over. So the plans had gone off without a hitch.
Lilith isn’t as surprised that things had ended poorly for the humans. Her timeline’s Belos had been in part true when he had said he didn’t want to invade the human realm. He did have other plans for it. However, that didn’t mean they were exactly good plans. 
Though it is telling how much Luz has grown on her that it hurts this much to see a Luz like this.
It does make her wonder though. Is it impossible to have a timeline where everyone is allowed to even be a little bit happy?
The world shifts again.
Eda ends up being the one that pulls Lilith out. 
Lilith goes through a few more timelines. It takes some time. Part of her still can’t entirely let go of all the self-doubt. Though she doubted Eda meant for her to entirely do so.
Just see enough to see that she had an impact.
However, as she pulls out of another timeline. One that had shown her just exactly what the lack of no Luz in the timeline on the Boiling Isles would mean to others than just Eda. An indirect result of a different Eda. Even as she’s slowly come to the conclusion that Eda’s right. A world without her is indeed worse off. She still struggles with some things. She still struggles with the idea that she had that much influence on Luz’s arrival. 
Eda, her Eda, is waiting for her after this one.
“You alright Lily?” Eda asks.
“Just a bit overwhelmed,” Lilith admitted. “I know you were being sincere earlier. But…”
“It still surprises you how much influence you had?” Eda concluded. Lilith nods. She’s not surprised Eda put it together. She had been there once after all. “Like I said I wouldn’t be me without you. Regardless of the bad, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“You didn’t see some of it. There was a version of you that was a Coven Leader of all things.” Lilith still can’t quiet get over how different that one was.
“I mean there was a time even here where I did want to join the Emperor’s Coven.” Eda reminds her. 
Lilith hadn’t forgotten that.
It’s partly why she had been so confused for so long that Eda didn’t want to join as she got older. It hadn’t been until Eda had sat her down and spelled out the possible consequences of joining a coven for her. What restricting magic could possibly do to her. That she had started to understand. 
It wouldn’t have stopped the arguing and headbutting before. Lilith had been too stubborn in her naivety to realize that Belos had been lying to her for years. However, now she at least understood. 
“It’s so hard to explain what she was like,” Lilith said. How do you even begin to explain half of what she saw?
“Eh, I think I have a decent idea at least,” Eda admitted.
Lilith frowned at that. Slightly confused again before it hits like a ton of bricks. Eda would have seen what she was like without her influence. And if Coven Leader Eda was any indication of what she was like… “I can’t imagine what kind of monster that must have been like.”
Eda frowns. “Hey, thats now what I meant.”
Lilith stares for a moment not comprehending. “But what you said-”
Eda’s not having it though cutting in again. “Lily your not a monster without me around. You’re not giving yourself enough credit. Just because some idiots think you don’t have emotions because you display them differently. That doesn’t mean there right.”
“Sure…” Lilith trails off not entirely able to keep the doubt out of her voice.
Eda let out a sigh. “Come on there’s something I want to show you.”
Lilith at first thinks Eda is going to show her one of the timelines where she herself wasn’t born. But once things clear it becomes apparent that’s not what is happening here.
Lilith recognizes the scene in front of her. It’s from a different angle than the one she saw. However, the moment stood out to her even when it happened so it’s impossible for her not to recognize it. 
It’s the day that Luz pulled Eda aside to talk to her. When things started getting easier around the Owl House for her.
Its the conversation that up until Eda hadn’t been willing to tell her about. The surprise must be apparent on her face as Eda says. “The kid asked me to wait to tell you about what we talked about. Said forcing it might makes things worse.” Eda shrugs. “I  don’t  fully understand everything at times she says here. She’s tried to help me with that but its been a process. However, I can’t ignore the fact that she’s been surprisingly right so far. So I took it but I think you need to see this now more than ever.”
Lilith just feels more confused than ever. It had always confused her how one conversation could change so much. Eda dancing around it didn’t seem to help her understanding.
But if Eda thought it could help her understand than it was probably worth a look at least Lilith reasoned as she turned her full attention to the memory.
“I don’t think the arguing is helping,” Luz says.
Eda frowns at that. “What so I should just let the comments go unpassed? Kid-”
Luz interrupts before she can finish. “No, no I don’t like them either. But…” Luz chewed on her lip for a moment. Seeming to be debating something. “I don’t think this is the right way to go about this? I just-” Luz paused for a second recollects herself and starts again. “Was Lilith always like this?”
Eda’s eyebrows quirked. “Like what?”
Luz seemed to think something over. As if trying to decide how best to say it, before settling on a question. “I mean when you guys were kids did she always have this problem with emotions?”
Lilith’s not too surprised Luz had picked up on it. The girl is intuitive when she wants to be. She  is a bit surprised by the fact that Luz is being careful with her choice of words.
Almost like she’s trying to make sure she doesn't call Lilith a name. That just confuses Lilith further. Eda’s always been defensive of her. Especially when people don’t understand her.
Which happens more than Lilith would like to admit. 
Getting called names was an unfortunate part of growing up for her. However, at this point, she hadn’t been called any of that in years. It would be another couple of months before that started up again.
So how was it Luz seemed to know already?
“You noticed that huh?” A nod from Luz. Eda deflated a bit. “Yeah. People used to assume Lily was either mean or didn’t feel things. Still do probably actually. Not sure what your getting at here kid.”
Luz nervously wrings her hands for a moment. Seeming to be trying to decide how to respond before speaking again. “Look I don’t know about here on the Isles but back home we have a term, neurodiverse. We’re wired differently than other people. We think differently, we feel differently. Sometimes this isn’t a bad thing. Other times though...”
“It causes problems?” Eda said. 
Luz nodded.
Lilith didn’t miss the fact Luz had used the term we and she doubted Eda did either.
“And you think Lily’s also this neurodiverse?” Eda trips over the word at first. Its foreign to both her and Lilith. 
“Maybe? She does stuff that makes me think of me but not to the same level. I’m not a doctor or a healer of course. But…” luz trailed off for a moment. “When they first told Mami about this. They said to expect a few things. Like I may have problems with changes in routine. I don’t really have that? I like trying new stuff. Everyone’s a bit different when it comes to this.” Luz shrugged. “However, Lilith…”
“You think that some of the problems we’ve been having is because of that.” Eda concluded.
“Well not all of it.” Luz said with a shrug. “But spending three decades in a singular routine...”
“Isn’t going to be easy to break if you thrive in a routine situation.” Eda finished seeing where Luz was going with it.
“I mean she was in it for three decades. It'd be hard for anyone.” Luz said with a shrug.
“True.” Eda agreed. “So you’re the apparent expert here kid what are you suggesting?”
“Not being so argumentative? I mean it's not great what the coven fed her and it does kind of hurt what is said at times.” Luz admitted. “But I think forcing the change to happen quickly isn’t helping. Encourage when she does right and hopefully this will start dropping away. Or at least that’s what I would prefer to do if I was in a similar situation.”
There was a pause for a moment before Eda sighed and said. “Well, it certainly doesn’t hurt to give it a shot. Titan knows I’m tired of the arguing. I know we all are. Hope your right about this kid.”
“So Luz thinks I’m neurodiverse?” Lilith said slowly repeating the word after she’s back with her Eda in real time again. Much like Eda that first time she trips over it. It’s such a foreign concept. 
It’s strange, despite Luz’s discussion of all the issues on Earth. This sounds like one area they might actually be better in. They have no word like it on the Isles. If you’re different like the way Luz talked about it just simply wasn’t discussed.
“Yeah, that’s what she believes,” Eda said with a shrug. “We’ve talked about it a few times since then. She’s made a few more points that definitely point to her probably being right. Of course not one of us is a human doctor. So.” Eda shrugs again. “It’s hard to say for sure.”
“So being neurodiverse makes me easier to accept?” Lilith is still having a hard time wrapping her head around what the definition means. Of what purpose it has. Of what it meant for them both.
“What-no,” Eda said catching herself for a moment before accidentally saying something. “Lily I always knew you were different. I love you regardless. Slightly different wiring or not. Luz just helped me put a word to it and understand it in a way I didn’t before. Helped me figure out how to help you since no one else could explain it before.”
Lilith supposes it is true that it feels like Eda is more patient now than growing up. She had initially just assumed Eda was finally growing up. However, Luz’s help does put an addition to it she hadn’t entirely anticipated.
However, it’s not just Eda’s acceptance that’s weighing on her. “I know it’s just I can’t help but think about our parents,” Lilith said. 
“Our parents can stuff it,” Eda grumbled. “It shouldn’t make a difference if they cared for us because you were different or because I was a little wilder than they wanted. They were supposed to love us regardless.” 
It was something Eda had always known. That their parents’ dynamic was messed up. However, becoming a parent in absentee to Luz had really driven home that lesson for her. 
Part of Eda wonders how things might have been different for both of them if they had been actually decent at their jobs. But like the other timelines had taught her already, just because it might look nicer on the outside. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it actually is.
There was always some sort of tradeoff. And while Eda wasn’t sure what it would be in that scenario. Eda’s sure she wouldn’t make the sacrifice to just have had a better family when she was a child. 
“By the way, good job not using Bonehead as a frame of reference,” Eda added. 
One thing she and Luz had tried to help encourage was when Lilith did do something right. Was not trying to use the Emperor as a measure of self-worth.
And sure using the frame of reference for their parents wasn’t great either. But if Eda had to pick between the two. She’ll take Lily not using the Emperor as her source of self-worth by a lot.
For Eda, it’s even more rewarding in some ways. Since it shows that Luz was right. Patience, while maybe a bit more aggravating, would pay off in the end. They just had to give Lily time.
She’s proud of Luz. That she helped her realize that and helped her become a better sister. Though she sometimes wishes she could have come to these conclusions on her own.
Lilith blinked in surprise. She hadn’t even realized she had done that. “Yes, I suppose I did, didn’t I?”
Eda grins. More than a bit proud of her sister for a moment for at least not using Belos as a frame of reference. “Anyways, we should get back to the land of the living before the kid really works herself up.”
Lilith barely had enough time to wake up before Luz barrels into her. Only to realize her mistake a moment later as she just as quickly pulls back. “Sorry.”
Lilith finds that surprisingly enough she isn’t bothered by it for once. “No, it’s fine. Go ahead.” 
Maybe it had something to deal with all those other timelines? She had just wanted to give that one Luz a hug after all...She doesn’t know if she’ll ever admit that while important. Seeing those lessons had been painful. 
Luz blinks once in surprise but doesn’t need a second invite. And Lilith quickly finds herself full of the human girl again.
Lilith doesn’t miss the look Eda’s shooting her over Luz’s head. “Oh hush.”
Eda gave a wry grin at that before saying far too innocently for Lilith’s taste. “What I didn’t say anything?”
“You didn’t need to.”
Eda’s grin just gets bigger.
Lilith lasts a couple of minutes before she pushes Luz gently back to separate the two of them. Thankfully Luz seems to understand (probably does when she later thinks about it) because it doesn’t take much to disengage her from the hug. 
“You're okay now?” Luz asks. 
Lilith frowns, she’s not entirely sure if ‘okay’ would be the right word to use. She certainly  feels  better. Seeing how even her apparent mistakes made such an impact was eye-opening. It’s still a lot to go through.
Luz seems to realize her mistake. “Well, at least somewhat better than you were before the demon attack?”
That part is true. Lilith nods. 
“Sometimes you need a blunt instrument to this kind of thing kid.”
“Would you even have the patience for the fine-tuning?” Luz asked.
“Eh no,” Eda admits. There’s a reason why she never went to see a mind healer. Even though she probably should have.
That and it feels like seeing healers is opening up to a whole set of problems. Or had in the past when she was wanted under Belos. Nowadays it might be safe. But she’s still hesitant.
Though just because she and Lilith could handle it the blunt way...Eda glances at Luz again. Didn’t mean it might be best was what was for Luz.
It was going to be another conversation for another day. She couldn’t let Luz continuing to struggle on her own just slide by like she had allowed it before.
For now, it’s been enough for a day. So she is just going to let herself be grateful that both Luz and Lilith are okay right now.
17 notes · View notes
drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Reverse Au! Dump
Don’t mind my idea dumping here. Brain decided to have fun while I was at work and I have too many wips as it is, so… Thought I’d ask before I dumped, experience. Used morningmark’s comics as a base, so if you want reference. Now this isn’t all that well compiled, but here it goes.
Magic in the Other World is varied as it is crazy. So many styles over the generations and not a lot of organization. There are some that try to categorize it all, but that works as well as you’d expect. Some were lost, some erased, some weren’t passed down/recorded because “the power is all mine! Ahahaha!” It took a lot of time and collaboration, but eventually a sort of system was installed to help out. Still a lot of work to do, but its a step forward. Nowadays the term Wild Magic is generally reserved for those that aren’t all that well documented and understood.
Some Magics are very powerful and desirable, but also tend to be very high risk/high reward, kinda pass/fail, pretty literally Do or Die most times. So not a lot of people can use those or are even willing to. Story says this one guy named Odin hung himself on a massive tree by his own spear for nine days, no food water or rest in constant pain before he could unlock the secret of Runes. But it’s also said he gouged out his own eye to drink from the Well of Wisdom so… 
There are lots of different ways to channel magic too: wands, staves, jewelry, certain gems, familiars, potions, enchanted armaments, chants, scripts, etc. Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages and play into a Witches’ style. Every Witch has at least two methods of spellcasting. Only children have one. Haven’t thought of how Luz gets her Palisman though. Maybe its one of those magic Artifacts like Dr. Strange’s cloak, Elder Wand, Thor’s hammer, or a Green Lantern’s Ring. Something that can’t be recreated because the secret is lost, materials no longer exist, too hard/dangerous to make, accident that can’t be recreated, etc. Happens more often than people like.
Camilla is sometimes called the Blue Witch. She’s a healer by heart and trade, but push her and she will become a one Witch Battleship. Bismark who? Aaaaand she just deleted a whole battalion. And the fortress behind them. Hide me. There are the very rare occasions, like count on one hand rare, when someone near and dear to her heart is in trouble that she takes up her other job. She’s especially terrifying when she decides to torture, those who know how to heal the body know best how to break it. Many shades of Blue, some are very close to Black. She doesn’t necessarily hate Humans exactly, but doesn’t have the highest of regard from past experiences.
Luz has training and is a proficient Witch for her age. Camilla and her father were adamant about having a general knowledge/skillset alongside her specialized skill. Jack of all trades and a master of none, still better than a master of one. She has gone through the system for her magic with varying success. Oracle magic? Zero talent. Bard classes? She can play an instrument, but can’t sing at the same time. When she does sing she tires too hard and messes up. It’s only when she doesn’t try, like absently singing along with a song or playing by her heart, that she’s good at it. Beasts? Can use them, but would rather play with them. Bleeding heart and all that. She does have a good handle on healing magic partly due to Camilla drilling necessary skills into her and partly osmosis. Her father arranged for some CQC lessons from an old friend of his which the girl loved. You get the idea. It wasn’t until she discovered Glyphs that she found her niche and her skills took off. Glyphs are one of those ‘eccentric’ or 'archaic’ styles since they haven’t been used in so long after being lost and are barely understood. She still has a long way to go, but she is on her way.
Luz never really had much in the way of friends, partly cuz of high profile parents which leads to certain pressures and a target on her head, partly because of her magic style and personality, and partly because of the trouble been going on. Luz grew up her whole life with this tension of a group of anarchists trying to burn society that’s just trying to do the right thing. The anarchists started small, but have been a growing problem the past few decades with talk how to 'reshape the world’ in not a good way. Anyone with critical thinking skills can tell this is a bad idea, but they are too brainwashed to notice. They harass anyone who doesn’t follow their rhetoric and attack anyone who even questions them. Luz’s parents put a real kink in a lot of their plans for years, which makes Luz guilty by association. 
Luz got caught in one of those sudden larger scuffles and was accidentally chucked/blown through a portal created by an attempted tactical retreat that went off course. Hence why she can’t go home because she hasn’t learned how to do portals yet. Those are high level anyway so how did these guys pull it off so easily? Luz has a hard time blending in obviously. Learning how to use a phone was a fun endeavor. Internet was a trip. Luz is amazed how these people can do all this cool stuff without magic. Keep a low profile sure, she can pass off as a weird out of town kid. Keep the beanie on, underperform in gym and stuff because some things don’t change, like genetics. Someone sharp eyed will see discrepancies. The Beanie has a small Glamor spell built in that covers her witchy traits but she forgot the ears which is why it sits like it does. Luz can erase memories in case she has an accident, but it’s less of a 'remove my face from this picture with a scalpel’, and more of a 'lemme just hack off the past hour or three from your brain with an axe.’ If she tries to take any more then she starts burning into some more dangerous territory and those Wiped are groggy and disoriented for a while after already. Then the magic attacks start happening and her heroic instinct/anti-bystander complex kicks in and there goes that. It runs in the family so Camilla isn’t surprised in the slightest when she finds out.
“Oh titan, why did you curse me with another me?” “I’m right here Mami!”
Eda has a shack very akin to Grunkle Stan. Lots of junk that Lilith can’t believe that people are dumb enough to buy. She’s also involved in some not so legal dealings on the side. Well, Eda isn’t actually hurting anybody and the tax dollars she should be paying would only go towards some politicians’ next yacht or another pointless overseas 'investment’ instead of where it’s supposed to go so. Eda does give some good intel on occasion and a place to vent so Lillith overlooks her. Lil’s more of the secret police for witches and a petty crook isn’t part of her job anyway. Eda understands Luz’s predicament and is willing to help. The cover story is that Camilla work in hospitals and has to work crazy hours while her dad passed away so is living with Eda for a while. King is that kind of critter that grew up weird and acts like ten different animals all the time.
Gus is the nerdy kid who infodumps on everybody, even if they’re not listening. Loves anything fantasy/sci-fi related and plays Minecraft too. A good kid at heart, but needs some social skills. Keep him away from anything more sugary than tea. Luz learned a lot listening to him. Not all of it is entirely useful, but still. Some of his ramblings give her some good ideas for magic and stuff, like putting Glyphs on cards.
The Blights are the cool rich kids obviously, and have some discipline and social issues. Big family name makes them intimidating for normies and a meal ticket for the unsavory. These kids need real friends. They decided to act out to get some attention from the parents who then decided to ignore them. “If you’re going to act like a child tantrum, get treated like one.” Ed is perfect for Drama classes, if he were allowed to partake. Can’t decide what Em is great at, hacking perhaps? Amity’s car is an inheritance from the only family to treat her as such Twins aside, even if she’s too young to remember it. She only remembers that she has feelings surrounding the car. All three of them were pretty impressed with Luz for standing up to them, calling them out on their shit, and not giving a crap about their family name. Being treated like a normal person is pretty weird. Can we get her to do that again?
Amity tried dating Boscha once, didn’t work out very well. Boscha is still hurting over Amity’s comment of “I’d rather go date the new weird kid (Luz) than go back to you.” It’s one of the reasons she goes after Luz. She has that kind of Bud personality from Spider Man, feels lesser and so acts out so much. 
“Wow, this new Witch is amazing. Not as cool as the original Witch.”
“What is it with the Witch with you?”
“Oh, she’s a hero. Looks out for the city and the little guy. She inspires me. Makes me want to be a bigger person. *sees Luz* What’s up Luz-er?”
And that’s what I got right now. I know there was more, but it’s lost to the void right now. Might come back later, maybe not. Lemme know what you think.
DAMN you weren’t lying when you said you had an info-dump this is *chefs kiss* you got me intrigued now
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Hunting Palismans" From The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Today, I present to you reason #4,693 for why The Owl House is the best thing at the moment: It's the perfect balance of serialized storytelling with an episodic format. The story always moves forward with an exact order for how episodes should be watched, but each episode still functions as its own standalone tale. Having prior knowledge of what happened before adds more to the experience, but you can still watch whatever you want and still have an enjoyable time. Take "Hunting Palismans," for example. It adds so much more to the overarching narrative while slightly continuing other threads. But it's still something you can watch as is without remembering the past or wondering about the future.
However, to properly explain how requires spoilers. I wasn't kidding when I say that this episode adds so much, so you're going to want to be wary of that when you continue reading.
With that said, let's review, shall we?
Coven Heads Meeting: We already saw these fellow schmucks in the trailer, but that doesn't take away how cool they are! It's not explicitly stated which head belongs to which coven, but you can already tell who goes where just from their designs alone. And I love that. I love that just by showing us some excellent character designs, anybody with half a brain can already figure out the particular type of magic each Coven Head specializes in. It's a perfect example of the show-don't-tell level of storytelling that is always at its best through animation, and I'm all for it because of it.
What the Day of Unity is: Several fans, myself included, have already speculated that the Day of Unity was that Emperor Belos planned to combine the human world with the Boiling Isles and rule it all with an iron fist. That being said, figuring it out is one thing, but being told that it's true is a whole different level pants-s**ting horror that I AM NOT READY FOR! Even when it's going to happen, I can assure you that I will not be prepared to witness it ...and I am scared of when it does.
Belos Body Horror: ...Disney, I was already scared s**tless of this guy. I DO NOT NEED THIS!
That being said, seeing Belos do...whatever the f**k that was, helps explain further why he needs the magic in palismans. I always assumed because it's like fuel for a car, giving him the power he needs. Now, even though the answer is more apparent, there are still some questions to be had. Is he cursed, and the magic keeps it at bay like Eda's potions? Or did he experiment with the wrong type of magic, and the palismans keep him stable? Only the future can say for sure...and I'm also not prepared for the answers from that either.
But, yeah, the most powerful witch on the Isles is apparently Golden Boy's Grunkle Belos. That very knowledge is incredibly interesting to discuss while presenting possibilities for future narratives. I don't know about you, but I see the Golden Guard going down the path of Zuko, learning that the magic of friendship is worth much more than whatever power he gains from being Belos' nephew. And possibly earning his uncle's love seeing how he's the only family he has. It's a situation that's vastly different from Amity's because even when she defies her parents, she'll still have Edric and Emira at the end of the day. For Golden Guard, knowing that he lost a great family to wild magic, the inclination to go against Belos is a lot weaker due to him being all he has left.
Oh, and also, Belos' family getting wiped out because of wild magic. Yeah, not only does that give the best type of motivation for Belos' distaste for it, but it also explains the Golden Guard's hesitance to use it. He's inclined to so he can save his uncle, sure. It's only the fact that he knows what happens with wild magic that causes some resistance...Also, we're less than a minute in, and I'm already getting all of this from one discussion between two characters.
Intro Changes: It's about time too. It seems weird that the crew waited to change Eda and King's designs in the intro this late in the game, but it also tells me that Amity dying her hair lavender is the last huge change this season will present. Otherwise, why change the intro at all if you were going to alter Luz, Willow, and Gus' designs anyway? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Luz Keeping the Echo Mouse as a Pet: The fact that she keeps the most important creature in the world to her as a pet...it's...it's adorable, alright? And as we established several times, I cannot hate adorable things.
Don't judge me!
Amity Staying Home: There are two plausible ways why Amity didn't go to school that day. Either she's getting punished for dying her hair or because she's trying to avoid Luz so they won't talk about the you-know-what. Either could work and seem understandable to Luz, thus explaining why she admits how "that makes sense." Although, there is something to discuss in how Luz is curious as to where Amity is. Judging from the tone of her voice, it's pretty clear that she wants to talk about the little peck on the cheek and maybe get some confirmation as to what it means. Because there is no going back from that. You can explain away saying or doing something stupid, but you cannot un-kiss a cheek. That is a point of no return, and if Amity really is avoiding Luz because of it, that means it's up to our favorite weirdo to make the first move. As for what that may entail...we'll just have to wait and see.
Frewin: We get two bits of information here for the price of one reveal here. Knowing that Frewin is a palisman is shocking enough, but the knowledge that Bump is partially blind and needs Frewin to see? That is an intriguing piece of intel that I would have never expected to get revealed. This is reason #5,279 for what makes The Owl House so good. Even when the show presents information you wouldn't guess, it's all so interesting anyways that you can't help but go along with it.
Adopting Palismans: First of all, love the fact that the Bat Queen makes a return to provide a solution to the palisman trees being rare and solving her own problem regarding the discarded palismans. It's a situation where everyone wins in a way that is so clever that I can't help but admire it.
Second, the idea of students choosing to adopt palismans instead is cute. I'd say it gives further insight into who these characters are in how they say what they want to be, but there's nothing really new added that fans couldn't figure out from the get go. But I will say that it's pretty cool to know that these characters have official staffs now. Speaking of which, if you're upset that their palismans don't match up with your headcanons...grow up.
This was a cute and smartly written scene that should not be bogged down by whiney fans who can't accept a series doing something different from what they expect.
Little Rascal: I’d take a bullet for this bird. That is all.
Luz Being Uncertain of her Future: A lot of fans offer several ideas of what the future could look like for Luz. Will she stay in the Boiling Isles? In Connecticut? Or will she go back and forth? We don't know, but one question we rarely brought up is what does Luz want? More specifically, what does she want to do? After everything Luz went through, the adventures she's gone on, and the lessons learned, what is something that Luz wants her future to be? That's an answer she doesn't really figure out, and I'm genuinely ok with that being a question that's tabled for another day. Most kids who ask that question themselves aren't always going to find an answer after a short amount of time and sometimes even need to spend their lives trying to figure it out. So having it be something Luz has to consider and probably find out in a future episode is the smarter option, as it allows time for it to simmer in her own mind and provides more insight into her character. As stated several times in this episode, she doesn't think things through, so it's nice that the writers finally allowed her some time to wonder what's next when the adventure is over.
Luz Having to Improvise Without Paper Glyphs: You want to know what my favorite Spider-Man moments are (this is relevant. Trust me). My favorite moments are when Spidey's web-shooters run out of fluid, and he's forced to improvise with that big brain of his to find a solution. That's sort of what happens with Luz in "Hunting Palismans." She didn't bring her glyphs with her (why would she), so she's forced to use the environment around her to make new ones. Plus, Luz also flexes her knowledge of the Boiling Isles by mixing her glyphs with a magical plant (which Willow certainly told her about) so that she and the Golden Guard could knock out Kikimora's dragon. It's yet another showcase of her intelligence that a lot of fans are too keen to overlook. Unfortunate to see, too, because looking at how well Luz can craft the perfect solutions by fighting smarter, not harder, is a fantastic add-on to her personality. I love characters who win through their wits rather than their raw powers, and I once again hope more people will catch onto that aspect of her too.
Golden Guard Whistling the Theme: Look, I love it when a show acknowledges its own theme song, ok? Leave me alone.
Luz and the Golden Guard: This is one of those dynamics you didn't know you wanted until you have it. And now that I have it, I DEMAND MORE!
Seriously, seeing these two interact off of each other was a ton of fun to watch. When Luz and GG are initially at each other's throats, their threats and mockery towards one another aren't out of spiteful anger between two mortal enemies. It's more like...two siblings who get on each other's nerves yet are supposed to deal with one another. It's equally adorable and hilarious, and yes, I absolutely loved that they're forced to work together in this episode because of it.
Although, while the entertainment value is fantastic, it also adds more proof of why Luz is the best character in the series. She spends one night with this guy, and that's more than what she needed to make a difference with him. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they're buddies now, but Luz definitely sowed the seeds into his redemption. He's far from willing to join her side, but he still does something he rarely does with anyone else: He told her that his name is Hunter. And this is what Luz does. Through nearly every person she meets on the Boiling Isles, she always manages to change them for the better. It'll be a while before Hunter deflects from Belos, but if Amity proves anything, Luz has a way of sneaking into people's hearts. They just need to spend more time with one another, and I can't wait to see what happens next because of it.
Kikimora Wanting to Kill Hunter: This shows a lot about who Kikimora is, but it potentially proves just how dysfunctional the Emperor's Coven can be. If Kiki proves anything, the coven must be filled with people willing to backstab and cheat their way to get on Emperor Belos' good side. Just look at Lilith. She literally cursed her own sister just to get in and received all the rewards because of it. The Emperor's Coven may be the best choice for witches to do magic, but if you're surrounded by people you can't trust, then is it really worth it?
The Guards Not Knowing Who Hunter is: This helps add to how much of a big deal it is for Hunter to reveal his name to Luz. If people can't even recognize his face, there's a chance it means that he keeps his true identity a secret except for those in his inner circle.
And the coven guards brushing off his brand is more than believable to me. They may be aware that Belos' right hand is young, but teens will be teens. Anybody with enough artistic talent can fake a brand. So it isn't too far off for those two to think Hunter was just a kid pulling a prank.
Hunter is Powerless Without his Staff: Not much to say here. It's just some more neat insight into Hunter's character that makes me wonder if even Belos' magic is real magic.
But I will say this: The fact that Hunter comes from a lineage of powerless witches, well, who's to say that isn't because of a...certain ancestor?
(*Cough* Hunter is related to Philip *Cough*)
Hunter vs Kiki: A pretty well-animated fight scene that adds potential drama to the story for the future. Now that Kikimora knows that Hunter helped Luz escape with the palismans (albeit unwillingly), she may or may not hold that over his head when the time comes. Or, at the very least, decides to keep a closer eye on him whenever he makes a slip-up.
Eda and King Getting Luz her own Palisman Wood: These last two weeks have been severely lacking in the Eda and King department, but scenes like this more than make up for it. Those two have formed such a bond with Luz to the point where they would do the impossible if it meant she would feel better. It proves just how much of a family they all are and the lengths they would go for each other. After all, weirdos have to stick together.
Little Rascal going to Hunter: Hunter is right. That was surprising.
Given how much Little Rascal stuck by Luz, I was more than positive that she would be the one he chose. So seeing Little Rascal pick Hunter instead is a much nicer twist. There could be multiple reasons why, and I'm just going to leave that to the analyzers in this fandom to decide. Especially since the answer isn't really all that important.
So, instead, I'm going to go ahead and sit in the corner as I wOrRy AbOuT tHe DaY tHaT bElOs FiNdS lItTlE rAsCal!
First, there's...um...
Well, there was this...
Ok, as much as I liked--No, that turned out well anyways...
...I've got nothing.
I, honest to goodness, have no complaints about "Hunting Palismans" Not even the tiniest of nitpicks I would usually ignore due to how well-executed everything else was.
It's all written fantastically to the point where it's...perfect.
"Hunting Palismans" is an easy A+. It introduces even more plot threads, gives insight into characters, and despite being essential to the story, it still manages to be a fun episode all on its own. And, I'd go so far as to say that it's one of the best, if not the best, episodes in the series. There's nothing bad about it, and that surprises me. I rarely find nothing bad to say about any story, even the ones I enjoy greatly. I'm sure there are some flaws that others would be more than happy to point out, but why bother hunting for the imperfections when I could accept that, for once, an episode is simply perfect.
(And that’s six hits in a row...THAT STINKER IS GOING TO HAPPEN! It hasn’t happened yet, BUT IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN! I CAN FEEL IT!)
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