#but then I thought it’d be better to make it goofy instead of focusing on my fear and dread of being trapped 🫶🏾
mci-writing · 1 year
Currently vibing inside a dryer, ass out. it's times like these where I wish Senku could get me out😳👉🏽👈🏽 or something👀
As hot as this concept can be, anytime I think of this my cleithrophobia starts acting up and all I could think about was reader being trapped in the dryer. So, here’s some crack in response:
Tw: slight ooc Senkuu, slight adult themes near the end, very very crack fic vibes, there is ass slapping, depiction of cleithrophobia but reader isn’t like full blown huge reaction, just a bit of worrying (they a little too calm tbh), attempted to keep it gender neutral but there may be some accidental gendered language and I apologize for that, no beta at all whoops
Dryer Ass (Ishigami Senkuu x Reader):
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"How did you even manage to get stuck in there like that?" You can feel the teasing in Senkuu's tone as he stands over the dryer. It managed to both reassure you and stress you out, a small part of you hoping he’d be kind enough to end your suffering sooner rather than later. The circular interior of the dryer was cramped enough as is, but it seemed to only get smaller the longer you remained trapped in there.
"J-Just get me out of here! You can judge my poor life choices later" Your breathing had remained pretty maintained before you finally caved and called Senkuu to help you out. Sure, your ass was hanging out and your back was uncomfortably arched with the position you were in (only because you attempted to escape on your own prior and couldn't get anything past your backside out without scraping your skin enough to bleed), but that flew over your head when your worry was more focused on getting out. You really should’ve just gone head first so you wouldn’t be reminded of the small area surrounding your body, but it’s too late to worry about the ‘should’ve’ now...
You begin wiggling your body again in an attempt to push yourself out of the hole, yet you only manage the upper half of your thighs before the rigid inner parts of the circular entrance painfully scrape your skin and draw a small yelp from your throat. Senkuu sighs through his nose after the failed attempt, his hands carefully gripping your thighs and slowly guiding them out of the hole better.
“(Y/n), I'm going to get you out. Just trust me,” He reassures, his thumbs softly rubbing over your skin before he pulls them out some more. With enough coaxing, he’s able to get your legs out with little to no further harm to your skin. He’s gentle towards the few bruises you do have from the endeavor, carefully counting them for later note.
It’s almost unbelievable how easily he manages to get your lower body out. Then again, you literally watched him achieve impossible things in a high school science lab. You’d call him magic if he weren’t so insistent on showing the science process.
“Thanks, leek boy, I appreciate it,” You happily state as you push your upper body from the appliance.
Just as your head passes the entrance, back slightly arched so you don’t scrape your upper body, a hand gives your ass a firm smack and causes the fat to obscenely react with a jiggle. The owner of the chuckle that follows the movement isn’t shy in hiding his amusement, his hands moving to softly grip your hips and help you maneuver out of the dryer like he didn’t just happily slap your ass. His tone is coy with a hint of playfulness tugging at it, “Keep backing up, dragon fruit. I gotcha covered~”
Your face warms as you finally remove yourself from your predicament, your lower area bumping into his crotch a few times throughout the process. If anyone had walked in at the wrong moment, it could’ve looked like something else entirely. Even now, the looks on your faces could imply the two of you were up to something a little less wholesome than Senkuu freeing you from a dryer.
“I’m getting my lick back,” You state as the two of you move away from the accursed dryer and to a more safe area. You puff your chest out a little, a confident air to you as your arm hooks with his own.
“As if you’d get the chance,” He responds testingly, a look settling in his crimson eyes as the right side of his lip curls upwards.
“We should probably put a sign up about the dryer being broken…”
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nctsworld · 4 years
what you do to me
✩ yangyang x reader | fluff | friends to lovers | 1.1k 
SUMMARY ⇾ when you come over to check-up on a sick yangyang, he confesses his feelings for you. WARNINGS ⇾ swearing; usage, mentions, and jokes of prescription drugs and medicine; mentions of drinking, dejun is irresponsible and gives too many meds to yangyang RATING ⇾ teen+ TAGLIST ⇾ @infnteen​​ REQ BY ⇾ anonymous (informally) PROMPT ⇾ friends to lovers + yangyang is sick and clingy
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Gently opening the bedroom door open, you’re greeted by the sight of Yangyang bundled up under the covers beside his mountain of stuffed animals. He raises his head slightly from the pillow, blinking hazily with a goofy smile towards your direction.
“My lovely, awesome friends,” he says, voice grating. You cock an eyebrow at his unusual acknowledgement. “Hellooooo.”
Dejun, right on your heels, speaks up while he leans onto the door frame with folded arms. “He’s high as a kite.”
“Oh my, God,” you gasp, quickly sprinting towards your friend’s side and sitting on the side of his bed. “What did you give him?!”
Placing the back of your hand onto his perspired forehead, a heat, blatantly higher than normal, emits from his body. Yangyang’s smile widens at your close proximity. He’s muttering jumbles of words and most of them are indistinguishable.
His roommate shrugs. “Some NyQuil, some Benadryl, some—”
“Jesus Christ, you drugged him up,” you half-joke, shaking your head in disbelief. You can’t recall ever seeing Yangyang like this, even when he drank his head off. This Yangyang was an absolute goner.  
“He was whining about the fever and shit and I was freaking the fuck out, so I thought it’d be best to just give him a little bit of everything.”
“I pray to God you don’t have children one day, Jun.” After ordering him to bring you a bowl of cold water along with a rag, you say, “Leave this crime scene before you make him any worse.”
“He’s fine,” Dejun disputes, waving a hand. “Look how happy he is!”
You turn your head from your bed-ridden patient. Steeling your jaw with eyes full of wrath, Dejun leaves without another word.
“You didn’t have to come over, you know,” Yangyang mumbles. His voice pulls your attention back to him and you beam warmly, dragging the bowl closer to you and dunking the cloth.    
“Yeah, well, Ten’s busy, Kun’s working, and”—you jut your head towards the ajar door—”I don’t trust Dejun to properly watch over you!”
“Hey!” is faintly heard in the next room over and you stifle a snicker. The goofy smile is still attached to Yangyang’s face, except now, he tilts his head. Although his sight is cloudy, he’s completely laser-focused on you.
He moves his hand and lays it over your knee, rubbing you fondly with his thumb.
“You’re amazing.”  
You laugh at the excess tenderness in his putty-like voice and how touchy he’s being. Drunk Yangyang doesn’t touch Drugged Up Yangyang with a ten foot pole. You won’t admit it aloud, but you definitely don’t hate it one bit.
“And you’re drunk on medicine.”
You pull the rag out of the water and squeeze it above the bowl. There’s a beat as Yangyang’s gaze flickers, his inhibitions lost within this state of mind.   
“You know that I love you, right?” he asks, continuing to draw small circles in your skin.
“Yeah, yeah,” you reply absentmindedly.  
“No, I mean it,” your friend continues firmly, pouting cutely. “I’m in love with you.”
“Yeah, I know, I know—” Suddenly, you stop squeezing the rag and swivel your head. “Wait, what?”
However, Yangyang’s eyes are closed as he shudders under the sheets. You finish ridding of the excess water and carefully press the cool rag against his forehead. His face constricts at the immediate sensation.
“Shit, that’s fucking cold.”
Frowning at his discomfort, you attempt to ease him by swiping the stray hairs away from his sticky forehead. 
Whispering, you say, “It’s good to cool your fever down.”
Neither of you bring up what he just said moments ago, so you continue to hold the rag against other parts of his body in silence, including under his shirt and over his stomach. He seethes quietly, but his hand has moved from your knee and onto your arm. You melt into his touch, sinking deep in the unspoken intimacy. 
Once you drop the cloth back into the cold water, you hurry in a shuffle towards the door and shut it, wanting to nip the bud of this situation while he’s still awake. 
“Did you really just say that you’re in love with me, or am I crazy, Yangyang?” you puzzle in a whisper, back by his side. 
He gives his best attempt at a nod.
“And you’re telling me the truth? Not pulling my leg?” 
Another nod. 
“Then why did it take for you to be sick and drunk on, like, a billion meds to tell me?!” you scold softly. 
He chuckles weakly. “God, if I didn’t feel like shit, I’d kiss you to shut you up right now.”
He doesn’t need to though—the thought of him kissing you shocks you enough to clamp your mouth shut. Sparks burst under your cheeks as your gaze falls on his lips—albeit dry, but nevertheless still kissable. You exhale slowly through your nose and realize you shouldn’t delve further into this conversation when he’s disoriented.
“I’ll leave you to rest,” you say, standing up from the mattress. “But when you’re feeling better, we’ll talk more about this.”
You make your way towards the door when he calls your name.
“Wait.” He groans. You turn your head to look over your shoulder.
“Do you love me back?”
Your eyes burgeon at the question, then your lips fall inward, unsure of what you should say. In the end, you opt for honesty and hope Yangyang is sober enough to remember all of this when he wakes up next.
You’re quickly back by his side, except this time, you lean down and plant a kiss at the top of his head.  
“Of course, you cute idiot.”
The goofy smile shines once more. “You think I’m cute?”
“More so an idiot,” you joke. “But yeah, I guess you’re... sickeningly cute.”
Yangyang giggles at your pun and at you ruffling his hair.
“I’m so going to kiss you when I’m better.”
Puckering your mouth to one side, it takes all of your might to kiss his cheek instead of his infectious lips before you finally walk out of the room to let him rest.
“So, you gonna thank me?” Dejun asks, sitting on the living room couch and scrolling through his phone.  
“For what?” You plop onto the other end of the couch.  
“For Yangyang finally confessing to you.”
You face him with a hanging jaw, appalled, but not surprised, that he eavesdropped on everything. “I mean, if I didn’t give him all those meds—”
“Nu-uh,” you cut him off, holding a hand out. “You’re not getting any credit for this. Not in a million years.”
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The next day, Yangyang feels immensely better and you two do end up talking. A lot.  
But not before you two make out on his bed.
Unfortunately, but not shockingly, you become sick about a week or so later.
And of course, Yangyang takes the liberty to take care of you as you did for him. He endlessly apologizes for spreading it to you and showers you with all the love that he can give, making up for the lost time. 
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70 Fred Weasley headcanons in celebration of 700 followers:
(plus an extra one, for the heck of it lmao) 
You guys, thank you so much for 700 followers! I appreciate every single one of you and writing for the twins has been such a blast so far, much to the thanks of all of you <3 
Find the 70 George Headcanons: Here
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Fred has always been really good at sleight of hand stuff, as a kid, he could do card tricks with ease, steal baked goods from his mother’s kitchen and later on since his allowance wasn’t exactly anything to brag about, he’d steal sweets from honeydukes' on Hogsmeade trips, with the help of George, he’s not proud of it but in his defence, he was a stupid teenage boy at the time. 
Fred is incredibly competitive and will hold onto anything you challenge him to for way longer than you might think. He’s definitely the type to “race you” anytime you’re headed to herbology, care against magical creatures or Hogsmeade together.
As the man himself said in the deathly hallows, Fred doesn’t like the idea of a big grandiose wedding ceremony, he’d prefer something more low-key and simple, where the focus is more on having fun and celebrating instead of neat seating plans and meticulously chosen decorations. Some flowers and booze will do, he’ll provide the fireworks - In essence, he only needs his S/O and the rest he couldn’t care less about. 
George may be better at cooking, but Fred makes a damn good pancake and he will forever pride himself on that. 
Fred is the more jealous, overprotective twin. He’s aware of this and tries his best not to let it go to his head but he can’t help it. 
Fred snores, I’m pretty sure it’s canon that both twins snore, but Fred is louder and, as mentioned in my last headcanon post, a very heavy sleeper meaning it’s more difficult to get him to wake up so he can stop, your best shot is trying (and probably failing) to turn him over. 
Fred is also a very restless sleeper, he’ll toss and turn, and occasionally dream about quidditch. I’m saying you might want to be aware that he might confuse you for a bludger in his sleep, don’t worry though, he’ll always apologise profusely and make it up to you with a lot of kisses (and maybe a bit more than that, if you’re keen ;)) 
Fred has an extensive caffeine addiction, which is unfortunate cause he’s quite hyper already but he can’t function properly until he gets his coffee in the morning, and then again in between lessons/at lunch and then again late in the afternoon. Sometimes, if he needed to write an essay that was due, he’d drink coffee at like nine pm. He knows he won’t be able to sleep because of it, please, Y/n, he’s accepted his fate. 
I personally always imagined the twins as having ADHD, idk why it just fits their characters. Fred is for sure the more outwardly fidgety and intrusive, this gets less and less with age, as it does for a lot of ADHD people, his inability to focus remains the same though. 
Fred loves being outside, he’s the first of the Weasley siblings to suggest a game of quidditch or just going outside for walks, hide and seek in the woods near their house. He absolutely loves taking his dates on walks in parks or at the beach and when he has kids he plays with them in their yard, building snowmen etc. 
Fred probably suggests at some point that the whole family should go camping, and he’s actually really fun to camp with. He’ll tell the best scary stories by the campfire. 
In regards to children, Fred wants a lot of kids. Like at least three but would be willing to have more if his s/o wants to. He just really likes the dynamic of a large family since that’s what he’s used to. 
Fred’s favourite flavour of sweets is anything sour, the sourer the better, because of this he can handle it really well and he loves handing people some of his ridiculously sour candy and watching them squirm. 
He also really likes spicy food, he’s a bit of a daredevil so don’t challenge him to eat anything because he will eat a whole chilli and nearly die. 
 You know he’d be really casual about it too, lol, like sweating and crying but just leaning on the counter like “*pant* what? hot? no not at all *deeeeep breath* I can ha-aw-rdly taste it!” 
One thing about Fred is that he’s oddly squeamish, like seeing his brother’s ear blown off isn’t so bad (if you don’t take into account the emotional trauma that is), but a needle for a blood sample or a vaccine? oooh, he’s gonna need a big juice box and a cookie and his s/o’s hand to hold if he’s gonna make it through. He also has a thing about leeches. One time at Hogwarts they were mentioned in a lesson and he thought he was going to faint the entire time. 
Fred’s broken five bones over the years, four are from quidditch: his left arm and two ribs, and then the other arm from trying to do an elaborate stunt on the stairs in the burrow and falling down two flights. 
Fred loves to sing karaoke (because I cannot get that damn clip of James singing karaoke out of my head) though he particularly enjoys doing a very poor job on purpose. 
Fred is such a good liar that on several occasions he’s given presentations in school and gotten good marks for them despite having bullshat his way through the entire thing. 
Like seriously, he’s that guy in the group project who only looks at the slides like five minutes before the presentation and then just turns on a full charming newscaster voice on the professor to the point of them being genuinely convinced (albeit a little confused) that what Fred’s saying is true. 
This is also why Fred loves playing card games like poker: he’s really good at bluffing. 
Speaking of poker-face, he’s really quite good at teasing in public (if you’re into that sort of thing *wink*) because no matter the dirty deeds he might get up to under a table, his face remains as regular as always (safe for a little smirk to his lover every now and then) 
Fred always wanted to learn an instrument, he thought it’d make him cooler when he was a teenager, as an adult, he just really wants to recreate that clip of the trombone-playing dad with the sunglasses, or maybe serenade some cows with jazz or something. 
Fred was never a big fan of the uniform thing, so he always tried to make it his own, whether that be tying the tie differently, or having his sleeves rolled up; it’s not much but you gotta take what you can get when you’re literally dressed the same as everyone else. 
Fred might make fun of his dad’s interest in muggle things but secretly he loves it too. He has spent a lot of hours in the shed with Arthur, assuring everyone that it was just to have some quality time with his dad but he would still pay close attention when Arthur explained things to him. 
Fred had a whole business of selling candy from Honeydukes’ and joke products from Zonko’s to second and first years before he and George started dabbling with their own products, he could get you a butterbeer too but it’ll cost you an extra three galleons. 
Fred really likes glitter, George has a thing for lace, anything that glitters on his s/o makes Fred weak. If you want to get your way just put on some glittery eyeshadow or lipgloss and watch him spin. 
Since he loves things that glitter and gleam he loves buying his s/o jewellery, he loves seeing them wearing them as little tokens of their relationship. 
Did someone say slight possession kink? oops not me
Fred is incredible with numbers, this is pretty much canon and has been explored but I’m just amazed at this boy’s wit AND intellect. I have a slight headcanon that if he ever goes on a proper first date with someone where a bill is involved, he impresses his date by calculating the tip after just a glance.
Even if Fred has a longstanding reputation of not caring about school, when he has kids he does want to help them with any coursework over the summer and Christmas breaks, he’ll even study up on his old books just to be able to help out in any classes he didn’t take/didn’t pay attention in. 
Fred would, in general, be an amazing father. He’s goofy and playful most of the time, though he’s serious and incredibly caring whenever his kids are in a bad mood or have problems. He knows that he’s not the most outwardly emotional of the twins but he makes sure his kids know they can always talk to him about anything. 
Fred is incredibly messy. His room is usually a cry for help and he only cleans it when it gets to the point where it distracts him from focusing on work. 
No worries though, his S/O doesn’t have to do all the housework for him, he’ll do it. He just needs to be reminded that he needs to every once in a while. 
Fred has a really bad temper, he doesn’t know where he gets it from but he tends to get angry easier than George, though Fred is better at letting it out so it doesn’t continue to bother him. 
His bad temper does mean that he used to brawl more with siblings as a kid, and it wasn’t unusual to see him with scrapes and bruises as a kid, much to Molly’s dismay. Fred didn’t mind though, he thought it made him look tough. 
Fred is more likely to get caught sneaking around because of his brash nature, he tends to forget just how quiet you have to be to avoid Mrs Norris in the corridors. 
Fred is certainly not an early bird but his favourite time of day is, in fact, the morning when the sun’s coming up. He only knows this because of Wood’s ridiculously early quidditch practices but there’s something about the way the world looks when it’s bathed in soft golden light that just hits different to Fred. 
Fred is a great team player, as much as he seems like he’s more selfish than George, if it’s regarding a team activity (like quidditch or a battle of sorts) he’ll completely lose all focus on himself and only try to ensure other’s safety and victory. This is also why he plays as a beater, he’s not afraid of getting hit at all when he’s focused on getting the bludgers away from his teammates. 
So if his s/o ever needs it, he’ll be there to help with anything: Needs to take a day off from work to take care of his sick s/o? no problem. Needs to stay up with his small child because his s/o is exhausted and needs rest? On it. Something as small as carrying groceries or books, making a cup of tea when the other is busy or doing the dishes is all on the list of things that Fred will happily do for his s/o, and often without having to be asked, he’ll just do it. 
Fred’s boggart is seeing his family members and/or his s/o hurt beyond what he can save. Essentially his worst fear is being helpless when he needs it most. 
One of those times was when George lost his ear. The first night when George was lying practically unconscious on the couch with blood everywhere was the worst night of Fred’s life, he truly felt so anxious and helpless and angry that he vomited and ended up passing out next to the couch after staying up till sunrise watching his brother like a hawk. 
He didn’t just sleepwalk when he was younger, he also often experienced nightmares, it’s only George, Molly and Arthur who remembers anything about this. 
They got less and less the older he got and he assumed that he’d never be bothered by them again until after the second wizarding war and the battle of Hogwarts. 
I don’t like to headcanon that he dies cause he didn’t and that’s final lol. I do, however, headcanon that Fred still gets hurt, since everyone in the explosion beside him seemed to sustain minor injuries, I just think that to even out with George losing his ear, he hurts his leg and needs a lot of retraining/a walking stick. I think that’d be a more fair/unfair ending for Fred who’s always full of energy having to have to adjust to living slowly for a little while (not permanently, I couldn’t do that to my boy). 
The boy has anxiety sometimes, ok. (just let me project for a second)
He didn’t know how much tension he usually holds in his body until he drank alcohol for the first time and felt his entire body loosen up and was like “huh this is new.” 
He doesn’t use alcohol to deal with it though, he prefers just talking to George about whenever he feels is stressing him out and that helps. A massage from his s/o to loosen him up doesn’t hurt either. 
Fred prefers to talk to his dad about his problems more than he prefers to talk to Molly, generally. 
His favourite body parts on his s/o: Shoulders, hips, hands. 
He loves to kiss, just in general, but he also loves kissing his s/o’s nose, forehead, neck, shoulder, etc. as little gestures of affection. 
He def. has a bit of a size kink, he loves being taller than his s/o. 
If Fred could have any pet he wanted, he’d probably want a dog, the bigger the better. He doesn’t think he has the time for a pet though. 
It was his idea to start breeding pygmy puffs, it’s the closest he’ll get to having a pet. 
I don’t know why but I feel like when Fred and his s/o are expecting and his s/o goes into labour he just panics. loses it, drops the binkie as we say in Denmark: Freaks the fuck out, if you will. He’s definitely the pacing and wringing his hands together type, though he probably tries his best to keep himself composed and chill during the whole thing whilst simultaneously hyperventilating. 
Fred doesn’t cry often but he sure as hell wept with pride when he held all his kids for the first time. 
Despite the notion that the twins often slip in a joke version of a sweet treat or something similar amongst the snacks at parties, Fred is strongly against tampering with drinks. He knows the connotations it holds and he doesn’t want anyone to be afraid they’d put something in it. If he wants you to test out their truth serum or a love potion, he’ll just ask you flat out and if you don’t want to, he’s not going to continue asking. 
Most of the detentions Fred has gotten from Snape come from times he’s spoken back to him when Snape’s been giving another student a rough time. He doesn’t regret it one bit. 
 If you ask Fred what his proudest accomplishment is, he’ll probably say that it’s having had enough restraint to not punch Umbridge in the face every time he saw her. 
On the note of Umbridge. It wasn’t her detentions with him that got his blood boiling, it was when she punished little kids (a la Nigel) for doing practically nothing, he understands that to an extent and by comparison, setting off a bunch of fireworks inside a building would harbour a harsher punishment, but making twelve-year-olds bleed for running in the halls or playing music or just doing things that twelve-year-olds will inevitably do, is something Fred doesn’t understand. That year pretty much any kid younger than him, or anyone who was too afraid to stand up for themselves, became Fred and George’s little siblings, and they’re very protective older brothers. Umbridge can vouch for that. 
He struggles with a lot of insecurity in his relationships, he always puts on a front of being extra funny and outgoing when he’s in a new relationship because he’s secretly afraid that the way he is isn’t good enough and that eventually, his s/o will see through him and leave because they don’t like the softer, more serious side of him. 
Fred is the godfather of all of George’s kids but is also the godparent of Hugo, Lily and Lucy. 
Fred loves business meetings, he sees them as a good challenge to practice his smooth talk. 
Fred spent his first salary from the shop on the most expensive bottle of champagne he could find and a new suit. 
Fred tried to get into whiskey, feeling like it’d make him a cool business owner type of man, so, with his second salary, he went out and bought a fancy-schmancy bottle of whiskey and the whole getup with a bottle and some cool glasses, and then invited Lee over to try it with him and George. 
They did not like it. Fred thought it tasted like what he imagined gasoline tastes like so they mostly used it as decorations, not having the heart to mix it with something. 
Fred doesn’t necessarily like PDA, it depends on what you mean. He likes being secretive. Pulling his s/o into an empty classroom, nook, hallway, secret pathway etc where anyone could wander in at any time and snogging her senseless is one of his favourite things to do. 
Fred knows how good he looks in his quidditch uniform and will absolutely use it against his s/o. (they’re gonna get spicy from here on so read with caution if you're in public)
Fred prefers giving more than receiving oral. 
He has a lot of energy, did you not think that would rub off (no pun intended) on his sex drive? He can go pretty much any time and place, and typically last at least two rounds. 
Also, his favourite position is having you on top. Okay, I'm gonna stop now. 
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
between us - final chapter
The one where Aaron hurts you, but he knows just how to heal you.
When Hotch comes home one day and takes out his frustrations on you, you’re sent spiraling into a depressive state that you were all too familiarized with. But as your boss and closest friend, he’s the only one who knows how to take care of you during a relapse. His efforts to fix the situation end up awakening a different side of him, a side that might just be precisely what you’ve been missing in a time like that.
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist. PLEASE CHECK THEM.
A/N for this chapter: we’ve reached the end, you guys! I don’t know if I’m ever writing for Hotch again, since I don’t really think anyone even read this series, but sharing it with the world was very important to me, since the whole story was so personal. If you do end up reading it and reaching the final chapter, I hope it resonated with you somehow. Thanks for reading!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
Three months passed in the blink of an eye and the well I had hid in for so long was nowhere to be found. Between Penelope’s ever-present banter, Rossi’s pasta nights and overall, the support of my friends - that made the BAU seem more like a family than a job - I was feeling better than I had felt in years.
But of course, most of my progress was to be thanked to a certain SSA Aaron Hotchner - and Jack had a big part in it, too. Both had welcomed me not only into their home, but into their lives, to a point where it was hard to remember what Friday nights used to look like away from them, without pizzas and Disney movies. I never went back to living in my apartment. Aaron never mentioned it, and apart from the two visits we had made right after I moved in with them, to gather more of my clothing I’d left behind, I hadn’t even been there in a while.
In fact, I had been gathering the courage to talk about it with my boyfriend for the last week or so. I knew we’d need to have this conversation eventually, and when the opportunity arose via us wrapping up a case that was supposed to last all weekend, leaving Jack with his aunt while we could have the house to ourselves, I knew it was now or never.
“I still can’t believe we were able to solve this before Sunday,” Aaron said, that cute tiny smile on his lips as he opened the door to his house.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “It still feels weird not going to pick Jack up, though.” My boyfriend nodded, turning around to face him after he’d dropped his briefcase over the sofa.
“I know. But it’s already too late to wake him and Jessica up just to bring him home. We’ll get him in the morning.” I nodded, mostly because this was perfect for my intentions for the evening, but still, I missed the little guy.
“Aaron,” I started when he opened the fridge in search of something we could eat. He hummed to let me know he was listening, but despite the fact that I wanted to start talking while he was otherwise occupied with other stuff, just so I wouldn’t have to deal with the added weight of his impenetrable eyes on my figure, the words didn’t leave my mouth fast enough. Obviously, he took notice, which only made him immediately turn around to look at me, where I was sitting by the breakfast table, trying not to look incredibly guilty as I met his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” It was hard not to giggle at how quickly he went into dad mode at the prospect of any trouble. It helped to clear the air and release some of the tension I had accumulated in my body.
“Nothing’s wrong, silly. I just have something I need to talk to you about.” He nodded, opting to reheat some leftover pasta I had made a few nights before we left over trying to create something from scratch this late in the evening.
“Tell me.” He was stirring the pot where the pasta had been deposited as he waited for me to begin, but I knew his concentration was completely focused on me. I had to recognize how incredible he was, not only as a boyfriend, but also as a profiler. It was clear that he was aware of how much easier it would be for me to open up if he had the premise of another task in his mind, keeping his eyes away from me.
“My landlord called me this week.” And there it went. All pretense was suddenly dropped as his head immediately whipped up to stare at me with a frown on his handsome face, clenching the pot with much more strength than it was really necessary.. “My lease is about to end, I have to sign the renewal soon. I figured it’s the perfect time to talk about me returning to my apartment.” 
At first, he didn’t say anything, simply stared back at me with unreadable eyes. And then we smelled something funny. “Oh my God, Aaron, stir the pot and lower the heat!” I directed after finally realising what was going on. I jumped out of the chair to help him, but by the time I had made my way around the counter and inside the kitchen, the situation had been diffused and the pasta was done. “Is it still edible?” I joked, peering up from his side to check if there was still some salvaged part of the food, but it looked mostly alright. Maybe only the bottom part was burnt. 
He didn’t answer me, not even offering a chuckle to lighten up the mood. But he did plate up the now warm pasta, picking up both dishes and walking to the table without a single glance at me. It was clear he was deep in his thoughts, so I figured it’d be best to allow him time to get to any conclusions he might reach by himself, opting to simply follow him and take my place where he laid my plate, silently starting to eat while keeping an eye on him. 
It was only after my second bite of food that he said something, and it wasn’t what I was expecting to hear.
“Aren’t you happy here?” The question caught me so by surprise that I dropped my fork against the plate, immediately flinching from the loud sound that echoed around the empty living room in the middle of the night.
“Of course I am, Aaron.” I didn’t understand how he could for even a minute doubt that. Didn’t he see how much better I was? How he had managed to help me get back to normal? 
“Then why do you want to leave?” If the other question took me by surprise, this one completely astounded me. I couldn’t even offer an immediate answer, because I was in no way prepared for it. 
Finally, I settled for, “I never said I wanted to leave, honey. It’s just that I figured it’s a natural evolution for our situation. I’m better now, and I have my own apartment. Why should I stay here?” It was like he had barely heard me, by the way he immediately countered my question with one of his own.
Aaron’s P.O.V.
“Well, do you want to?” She looked lost, her mouth opening a few times before she settled on what she wanted to say. 
“Want to what?” She looked so confused, fidgeting with the edge of her skirt while she bit her lip. I had to lean down and deposit a quick kiss on her mouth, not only because I always wanted to kiss her, but also because I knew it helped her relax. When I saw her shoulders relax, I covered her hands with mine, pulling them up on the table so I could keep holding them more comfortably.
“Do you want to stay here?” I finally clarified, watching attentively for her reactions. At first, she looked surprised, her mouth falling open and her eyes widening at my question, but in seconds she gathered her thoughts and bit her lips, avoiding my eyes before nodding, a sheepish smile on her lips.
A huge grin immediately appeared on my face, as I watched her come to senses with what I had just asked. When she finally found enough courage in herself to look up at me again, I threw myself at her, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss.
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this happy. Watching Y/N come back to her natural state was already relieving, as it was to have her around all the time, especially when it came to help me take care of Jack, but to know that she wanted to be here indefinitely, that she had agreed to live with us? I was over the moon.
When we separated to catch our breaths, she was flushed again, and it was clear she was trying very hard to keep her eyes on mine.
“What?” I asked, certain I had a goofy smile on my face. She bit her lip once more, making me groan. “Stop that, pretty girl,” I teased, pulling her bottom lip from its confine. She rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. “Now tell, me, what is it that you want?”
The atmosphere of the room had changed, it was clear now. Whereas it had felt cold only a few minutes ago, when I thought she wanted to leave me, it felt absurdly hot out of nowhere, and I had half a mind to rip her dress off of her. So when she answered me with a soft, “You,” I knew exactly what she meant.
I immediately stood up from my chair, reaching out to help her leave hers too, but instead of walking hand in hand towards our room - it was our room, now, I reminded myself with a smile - I couldn’t deal with the prospect of spending another second separated from her skin, so I took her in my embrace, kissing her in celebration of the next steps in our relationship we were taking together, tonight.
We made out like two teenagers right there, in the middle of my living room, and when the fire that was growing inside of me rose up to my head, I found myself pulling on her dress and taking it off her body, not caring to notice where it ended up. The second her skin became available to me, I lost the last of the control I was still trying to keep, and pulled her by her ass to wrap her legs around me so I could at least take her to our bedroom before I had my way with her, like I’d been dreaming to do for so long.
 Y/N’s P.O.V.
As soon as Aaron carefully laid me down on his bed I was already sitting up, reaching for his shirt. I’d been dreaming about this for so long, long before he ever showed any interest in me. Of course, back then it made me embarrassed - I never thought I’d be the girl with a crush on her boss - but after we came clear about our feelings, the only reason why I didn’t immediately jump his bones was because he wanted to wait for me to get better. And which person wouldn’t melt with that?
Only now that waiting time was over, I couldn’t get him undressed fast enough. It was nice to see him with a teasing smile, looking down at me with that mischievous glint in his eye as he realized just how much I wanted him, when in our day-to-day life outside this house he was always so serious.
“Someone’s eager,” he jested, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
“I expected you to be too, or should I be worried about you not being attracted to me?” The question was made in all good humour, but Aaron clearly did not appreciate it. His smile immediately dropped, and before I could say anything to make it better, he was crawling up on the bed, making himself at home between my legs.
“Don’t even joke about this,” he whispered, dark eyes studying mine just like he did whenever we were alone before he captured my lips in a deep kiss that was equal parts possession and affection. “Do you feel this?” He pressed himself against me, and I could feel exactly what he was referring to. “I’m always so hard around you, sweetheart. You have no idea how difficult it has been to live with you and not be able to touch you like I’ve been dreaming of.”
His words made me whine, clutching his back so he’d lay more of his weight on me. For someone who was as quiet as Aaron usually was, I wasn’t expecting him to be so comfortable in sharing his desires with me, but it only made me appreciate it even more.
“Well, I’m here now, aren’t I? And you’re not doing a good job of taking advantage of this opportunity at all.” He smirked teasingly at me, getting out of the bed to take off his clothes until all he had on was his boxers. Then he was back between my legs, pressing his hardness against me with even more fervor as he devoured my lips once more.
Aaron’s P.O.V.
“I’ll show you how well I can take advantage of you, little girl.” She whined once more, making me chuckle as I slowly left her lips to continue pressing kisses on her jaw, until I was sucking on her pulse point, marking her as mine. I’d never been one for leaving bruises before, too worried about the consequences came the morning time, but in that moment I’d damn all the consequences just to have her, own her, make sure she’d never forget how it felt to be together like this for the first time. 
I didn’t want to have to learn how to be without her again. She was a part of me now, a part of my life and I liked it better with her around. I liked me better with her around. So I made sure to make the most out of this opportunity, when I finally had her exactly where I wanted, to imprint her taste in my mouth, memorize the smell of her skin. 
As I kissed every inch of skin my lips could meet, she danced underneath me, desperately trying to create some friction between us, in that wet heat I could hardly wait to encounter again. So I granted it to her, rubbing my clothed cock on her pussy as hard as I could while ripping off her bra, exposing her beautiful breasts to me for the first time. 
My mouth watered at the sight, and I immediately enclosed one pebbled nipple with my lips, circling it with my tongue before sucking on it lightly. At her pleased gasp, accompanied by one of her hands, which she tangled in my hair, I doubled my efforts, sucking a bit harder, until I heard her moaning sweetly above me.
The sound went straight to my crotch, and I lifted myself off one breast to stare up at her, take in the beauty that was seeing her like this, slightly out of breath, her lips bruised from my nibbling. 
“You’re perfect,” I let her know, and when she smiled I leaned down to give the other breast the same treatment. God, she tasted sweet. If her skin was this delicious, I could only imagine how delightful it would be to bury my face in between her thighs, drinking in her essence.
But I wouldn’t have to imagine it much longer. Slowly, determined to kiss each inch of skin along the way, I created a pathway of kisses and bruises down her stomach, appreciating the shiver that went up her spine at the feeling of my nose caressing her lower belly. 
“You’re so beautiful, love,” I insisted in reminding her, knowing how hard it was for her to believe me - or anyone else - when it came to her qualities, but she needed to learn about her own beauty. I’d teach her to recognize it.
“Aaron, please…” Now, I’d heard a lot of sexy things in my life - most of them from her own lips, ever since we’d started dating - but nothing had ever come near the sound of her begging me to give her some release. It made me lose my infamous control, it turned me into that same man I’d become when I had her over my lap, writhing with the need to feel my touch on her skin.
“That’s not how you call me, is it, sweetheart?” I asked, looking up at her from my spot between her thighs, while I sensuously kissed the soft skin there. Her eyes sparkled with understanding, and while she tried to control the instinctual need to raise her hips to try and get me to touch her where she really needed, she finally said the words I’d been dying to hear again.
“Please, daddy, I need you.” That was all I needed to plunge into her waiting heat. Just like I’d anticipated, she tasted heavenly. Syrupy sweet and incredibly addicting. I wanted to bathe in her essence, drown in it. 
It didn’t help my animalistic instincts that every swipe of my tongue over her little clit elicited the most musical moans from her perfect lips, which only served to further incentive me to bury my tongue as far as it could go inside of her weeping hole. My nose was the one massaging her nub while I struggled to get every drop of wetness I could collect, further aided by my head’s movements as I enthusiastically moved around, eating her out hungrily.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Aaron was so starved for my cunt that all of a sudden, his hands came up to grab the cheeks of my ass, helping him better angle my body to how he desired to be able to fully appreciate his meal. It was dirty and sinful, but it was exactly what I needed after so many nights dreaming about his touch on me.
I was so wet I could feel it dripping from my lower lips, smearing my thighs and tarnishing the duvet underneath me. It didn’t seem like he minded, though. It was more for him to lap, and I had to grab the covers to try to keep my mind from going insane.
“Daddy…” I moaned, desperate for release as my whole body trembled underneath him. Aaron didn’t even look up, still too busy with my pussy, and I had to say it out loud so I could get his permission. “Wanna cum.”
That made him look up at me, but only his gaze went up to meet mine, his face remaining buried against me, never stopping his incessant licking. “Come on, love. Come for me.” As always, I followed his order without any amount of hesitation.
It wasn’t like I could control it, anyway. My body didn’t belong to me anymore, it was his, his to take, to care for, to love and to deal with, when necessary. And I trusted him to take good care of it.
So far, so good. He finally came up for air as my muscles relaxed, making me fall slack against the sweat-drenched mattress. Kissing his way up my body, he kissed me on the lips with fervor when our lips finally met, his long fingers immediately finding their way inside of my still sensitive cunt. 
“Daddy…” I whined, feeling too raw yet to be able to deal with any part of him inside of me, but he was having none of it. Although he immediately retreated the finger, it was only to slap my pussy so I’d stop trying to close my legs around him, conceding all the access to my body once again. 
As soon as my legs fell open, he was pushing it inside of me again, only this time there were two of them. Despite how wet I was, the thickness was already far more than I was used to, but the stretch felt wonderful, making me feel full like I couldn’t remember ever feeling before.
Over me, I heard Aaron curse, prompting me to open my eyes again (when had I even closed them?) only to find him focused where his fingers were carefully exploring. “You’re so tight, sweetheart. How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”
The question made me giggle, knowing he didn’t really need an answer. But the truth was, it’d been over a year. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had sex with my ex, and since it had been a while before we broke up, I knew Aaron would really need the time to prep me up to take him.
Just the memory of how his cock felt underneath me, straining in his trousers when he had me over his lap, had a new wave of wetness flooring from within me. My boyfriend sucked in a breath, clearly hypnotized by the way the added lubricant helped him ease his digits in.
Aaron’s P.O.V.
I was transfixed, completely in love with the way her pussy gripped my fingers every time I pulled them back only to push in again. Although it didn’t help my growing need to repeat the action with my cock, it did fill me with some kind of satisfaction by itself. I was the one doing this to her, I was the one giving her this pleasure. She was creaming around my fingers.
So I kept on my shallow thrusts until I could see it wasn’t enough for her. I saw it in the way she pushed back to meet my digits. I saw it in the whines she was emitting, which only served to make me even harder for her. Finally, she was the one who broke me out of my reverie, downright begging me, “Please, Aaron, please. I wanna cum around your cock. Please.”
Who could possibly deny such a request? I recognized that I was known for my control, but I still had needs, like any person. And right then, all I needed was her. So I pulled away, just enough so that I was able to pull my boxers down and wrap my hand around my member, trying to relieve some of the tension.
The vision before me more than helped. It was better than porn, certainly better than anything my mind could create, seeing Y/N like that, completely naked, heaving and wet because of me.
I knew birth control wasn’t a concern, so I just leaned over her again, rubbing the head of my cock on her clit and appreciating the desperate moan that resonated around the room before I dragged it down and pushed in.
Immediately, the feeling of tightness and warmth made me gasp, and I almost lost my balance and fell on top of her body, but her own hands flew up to hold me by my hips, freezing me in place. She didn’t say anything, but from her whimper, it was clear that she was in pain, so as much as I was trembling with the urge to push all the way inside of her, I breathed deeply and rested my forehead on hers.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re okay. I know it hurts, I’m going slowly, okay? Give you time to get used to it.” She nodded, eyes squeezed shut while I delivered quick kisses all over her face. I tried to pull back slightly and push in only a little bit further, and she seemed to adjust to that, her hands coming around my torso to hug me to her.
“Slowly,” she repeated in a whisper, still not opening her eyes.
“Slowly,” I agreed, kissing her temple and keeping up with the ritual of sliding back and pushing in again, until I was able to bottom out. “Fuck, daddy!” The whiny tone of her voice only added to my arousal, and I exchanged my kisses for little bites all over her neck.
“Does it feel good, baby? Can I move?” I asked, fascinated by the taste of her sweat on my tongue. I wanted to lap it up, just like I had done to her wetness minutes before, but the ache in my groin reminded me there were more pressing urges to be fulfilled now.
“Yes, Yes! Please, move!” That was all I was waiting for to start thrusting in and out of her. It was an incredible feeling. It’d been so long since I’d felt this connected to someone. It felt amazing. She felt amazing. Such a strong feeling of belonging, of true love coursed through my body that all I wanted to do was to kiss the breathing air out of her lungs.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I held on Aaron’s body like it was my lifeboat, and in many ways, I supposed he was precisely that. He’d been patient when I needed, firm when I desired it and now he was filling me in ways I’d never felt before.
It was such an overwhelming feeling, to be this connected to someone. The thought prompted me to finally open my eyes, only to find his already fixed on mine. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, and I felt my heart grow twice its size before I pulled him to meet my lips again.
“So are you,” I mumbled against his mouth, and he chuckled breathlessly, still fucking me deeply against the mattress, prompting me to run my nails over his back, making him curse. Believe me, there was nothing hotter than hearing Aaron Hotcher curse while being balls deep into you.
“I don’t ever want to leave you,” he confessed, and I knew he was referring to the act we were currently partaking in, but I couldn’t help but to run my fingers through his hair, softly responding, “Then don’t.”
The mood suddenly changed, and so did his thrusts. They became slower, but more meaningful, somehow. His forehead fell to mine, his lips but an inch from mine when he answered, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t.”
I knew we’d still have so much to overcome, so much to fight for, but the fact was that we’d be doing it together. I knew that now, as I felt him move inside of me, bringing me to new heights of pleasure, his hands finding mine and holding them by my side, in bed. This, right here, wouldn’t solve everything, but it brought me a sense of belonging I’d never been able to experience before.
And at the end of the day, I knew that all I wanted was to belong to Aaron for the rest of my life.
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lemons-made-here · 5 years
Omgggggg I love the denki headcanons! Can you do some with hikaru?
Sorry Lemondrops,,, I went overboard on a few of these. As always my askbox and taglists are open, enjoy!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Hikaru is such a cuddler oml. After sex he just wants to hold you close, he prefers seeing your face, but anyway he can hold you tight makes him happy. Hikaru would rather clean the sheets later and focus on you, he almost always has water bottles and snacks like dried fruit near him if you need them. If you two got a little rough (Let’s be honest, this is Hikaru, you did) Hikaru will rub lotion or oils into your sore spots until you feel better.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Hikaru likes your lips and eyes, the way you chew your lips or how big your eyes can grow when you’re excited? He melts. On top of that, you know the exact look and just how to kiss him to make him a puddle in your hands
On himself however, Hikaru loves his arms. How he could throw you over his shoulder at anytime, how you giggle and swoon every time he goes in for a bear hug, or how you leave scratches down the length of his biceps everytime he thrusts into you
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Doesn’t have a preference other than your face. He likes to see your lovely face clearly as much as he can during the deed. But if you cum on him? He’ll savor it, he enjoys being marked. Your cum and juices on his face? It only gets him harder. But overall Hikaru enjoys cumming in you if you’re okay with it, he thrives to see his spunk dripping out of your worn out hole.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to fuck you in the music room when guests are still there. Maybe when things are slowing down and everything isn’t as busy, but still populated. On a couch further back, away from the crowds but you’ll still have to be caeful of the noises coming out of your mouth. Hikaru pushing you deeper into the club’s cushions, having your cum stain the couches he’ll use the next day.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Meeeeh He has a general idea, he’s been coped up in his room most of the time, so a high consumption of porn, but he understands that’s not how things always work out. He picks it up as you go along, more than anything Hikaru is focused if you’re having a good time, he’s quick to learn what you like.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Standard missionary for the most part, but for lazy morning sex when neither of you really want to move, he prefers on your sides with your leg over his for easy access so he can still cuddle while he’s inside you
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not goofy whatsoever, Hikaru wants nothing during sex but to shower you in love, adoration and leave you both incredibly satisfied. Though sometimes his “harmless” tickling and laughs leads to groping and feverous kisses. Hikaru’s more of a tease than a goof
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Completely waxed, as a model for his mother’s company its much easier just to get rid of it all together. But underwear model Hikaru? Punk/Peirced Hikaru?...... That kind of stuff... Its already in the works, just ask ;)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Hikaru’s all about intimacy, taking care of you first is the easiest way of getting himself off, although you’d like to say you’re past the honeymoon phase, it doesn’t quite feel like it. Every time you cum Hikaru reassures you, he wants to make you feel special, because you’re his everything
J = Jerk Off (How often, what are they thinking about, …)
Hikaru tries to not masturbate as much as he did back when you two weren’t together, its kind of weird to him now getting off without you there, he’d much rather cum with you or just try to ignore it. However, there are times that he’s away with the host club or his family and he’ll go through his phone for older nudes or texts, but most of the time he’ll text you.
From Hikaru: I need you so bad (N/N), I’m so hard it hurts
You: Is that so? Let me see
Hikaru sent an attachment
Voicemail from Princess💖
Just like that Hikaru, ooh your dick looks so good, you wish I was there don’t you? Wrapping my lips around your cock and sucking you dry, I want you to come all over my face, give me a pearl necklace baby, hold on for a little longer Hikaru, I want you to wait for me, you want to cum? Then you better beg for it
He has numerous voicemails just like it, its easiest for him to get off when he can hear your voice or smell you, so don’t be surprised when Hikaru’s packing for a trip and a few of your panties go missing
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Biting: Hikaru can get hard from the sight of hickies and love-bites littered over your body, Hikaru loves to make you squirm when you’re on his lap and starts to nibble on your collarbones, or better yet hold you down when he’s eating you out as he leaves not-so-gentle bites along your bikini line
Praising: From or to you, during the act Hikaru makes sure you feel loved and appreciated, deep down he’s a little insecure about his skills so it’d do Hikaru good to boost his ego,,,, just a bit
Exhibition: Hikaru loves the thrill of getting caught, in a hallway of his mansion, the music room a few minutes before an event starts or behind a curtain at a gala, if you do get caught, don’t expect him to stop.
Panty Theft: He doesn’t know why, but Hikaru can’t help but sneakily pocket a pair when he’s over or pick a pair off the floor the morning after. He’s says that he was just interested in style’s for the family business, or just conveniently forgot to give them back to you, but deep down he hopes one of two situation will turn out from this a) You finally break and make him replace the ones he’s stolen (He get’s to spoil you and see your new collection... its a win-win) or b) you don’t have any panties left,,, either way he’s going to show off that shit eating grin
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
As mentioned before, Hikaru really doesn’t care where (or when) you two do the do, there’s been more than once you’ve returned to an event or class with your hair in a mess and your clothes a little more wrinkled
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, little things go way farther than what you’d expect. How you stretch in bed every morning, the look on your face when concentrating or when a do a little dance or wiggle when you’re excited. Hikaru is also a bit touch starved, so running your hands over his chest when you straighten his tie or nuzzling is neck when you two are cuddling gets him going pretty easily too.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Threesomes, as often as he plays the brotherly card at the host club, he loves no one but you, and believes it should stay that way in the bedroom. In addition, aside from spanking, hair pulling or biting, Hikaru really doesn’t want to harm you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’s doesn’t have a preference, but in his mind oral should be given with a balance, so its not only one party reciving. Although he doesn’t believe it, Hikaru is up there when it comes to skill, he mostly derives off of your sounds and breathing. If you can barely speak, then he’s doing his job correctly.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the mood, but most of the time Hikaru wants to feel every part of you, so he’s a bit on the slower side. Hikaru’s so big that the stretch of his dick inside you makes you breathless every time without fail. If you do go rough, Hikaru can’t hold back spilling praises and ‘I love you’s, but fast or slow, Hikaru wants to hold you throughout.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Hikaru isn’t opposed to a quickie if the time calls for it, he just finds it easier to be in a bedroom so clean-up is a little easier and the act is more comfortable with pillows and a mattress for example instead of a wall. Regardless, Hikaru is down for anywhere and anytime if you agree to it, if you two are that horny than he’s willing to fuck you into the floor.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Hikaru’s up for anything once, but if he doesn’t like something afterwards he’s going to tell you. As mentioned before, Hikaru thrives when in the face of getting caught, so something similar isn’t off the table in the slightest. As for other types of risks,,, let’s just say there might be a deeply buried breeding kink in there somewhere.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Hikaru is usually up for three or four rounds, depending on how long you can take it. Hikaru strives to get you to cum first, because its going to take him a while before he snaps, Hikaru can hold off for at least thirty minutes before he truly reaches a full climax, so be prepared for a long, exhausting night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Hikaru is a big fan of toys, when he’s not spoiling you with clothes or exotic sweets, its with new toys for in the bedroom. On you or him he really doesn’t care, as long as you’re both having a good time. Don’t be afraid to rough him up a little with a cockring, handcuffs and a plug once in a while, not only does he love when you leave him really a little sire the next day, but you deserve a little pay back for all the times he’s teased you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Speaking of, Hikaru will tease you to no end. (Sorry I thought a drabble would be more adequate for this one)
You caught Hikaru’s eye in the sparse hallway, quickening your pace to finally clap your arms around his neck.
“You would not believe the day I had” You muttered into his shoulder, going on to explain the insanity of your lab partner and the test you nearly failed. Hikaru interlocked your fingers with his and continued walking you to lunch, stroking his thumb over yours as you continued. Once you were in the hallway block for the lunchroom, Hikaru walked himself toward you, until you were snugly pressed between Hikaru and the wall. Your head drooped with satisfaction as Hikaru began running his teeth along your neck and running his large hands up and down your waist.
“H-hikaru!” You whispered frantically, whipping your head around to see if anyone was watching,less than fifty feet away was the beginning of the line for students to pick up lunches, anyone could turn at any point and this hallway wasn’t exactly known for being unfrequented. “ We could get caught! We can’t just, just makeout in the middle of the hallway!”
“Oh, we can’t?” He chuckled, pressed his toned hips towards you, he wasn’t completely hard but you could feel the bulge of his glorious dick pressing into you. After a few sweet kisses from Hikaru to sooth his  previous bites, you began returning them, tugging on his tie to deepen the kiss and Hikaru sucked on your bottom lip, your breath became ragged and the heat from your core quickly began to overcome your fear from possible on-lookers. Hikaru dipped his dipped behind you to the small of your back, making small circles into your Venus dimples.
Suddenly, Hikaru pulled away, straightening the magenta bow around your neck and brushing off his slacks. As he began to walk towards the lunchroom Hikaru extend his hand behind him, signaling you to retrieve it. Still dazed from arousal, you took a minute before catching up.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Hikaru’s not a full-on screamer, but he’s not exactly quiet. Its heavy panting and moans for the most part. Hikaru’s dirty talk is on another level, he’s not afraid to pull out his dom voice if you’re being a brat.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Hikaru is quite the switch, he’s happy on either end of the spectrum. When’s Hikaru is domming he can be both an extremely hard or extremely soft dom. Putting you into your place and edging you until you cry, or adorning you with praises, gentle kisses and soothing touches. If he’s subbing however, you’ll have to get the brat out of him first, but beyond that he’s a pillow princess.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
As I have mentioned in numerous other headcanons, Hikaru is t h i c c about six and a half inches, but he’s so hot and vainy that your mind goes blank.
Your lungs seem to rattle as you let out another shaky breath, sinking down on to Hikaru’s cock, biting harder on your lip you try to hold in a sob as Hikaru rubs circles into your back, chest pressed against yours.
“(Y/N), I know baby, just breathe you’re doing so good taking me”
Your brain feels cloudy, hardly registering the praises Hikaru lavishes you with, you’re just so full. His dick throb so hard inside you, you can feel the pulse in your throat as you lift yourself up again and push down harder. The stretch feels like too much and just right all at the same time, as if you aren’t careful, he’ll split you in two. You push aside the thought and start riding him harder, yearning to feel more of him inside you; Hikaru meets your bounces and hits your cervix head-on. Your vision goes white for a second, heartbeat quickening as your ragged breath hit Hikaru’s shoulder.
“You’re so big Hikaru, so so good” You mumble into his neck, drunken off of pleasure you struggle to keep up your previous pace. Hikaru hums in response and flips you on your back and kisses your sternum
“Be good for me alright princess? Its my turn, so just relax, I got you”
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty average, if you’re in the mood Hikaru’s not going to say no, but he’s not the type to try and seduce you every three hours because he’s horny. If you do go at it for longer or rougher than usual, Hikaru is good for a day or two. Hikaru’s not going to leave you hanging or unsatisfied
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depending on when and where you do the do, Hikaru doesn’t necessarily need to sleep for a couple hours. But if you do happen to be completely limp from exhaustion, Hikaru will clean you up, make sure you’re hydrated and cuddle while you fall asleep.
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Damstache - Stay the Night
(Sometimes... You just gotta be self-indulgent and write a rarepair. Bonus if you finish the fic and completely forget about it)
Damien and Wilford have been taking it slow since their first meeting. This looks at their first night together.
Word count: 1,460
Wilford was sure he was the luckiest man in the world. Somehow, despite his associations with violence and his reputation of actively seeking people in committed relationships he had a chance encounter with a beautiful man who was willing to overlook all that for a promise of honesty. All Damien had to do was smile, and Wilford knew he was doomed from the start. He couldn’t bear to consider the possibility of breaking the young mayor’s heart!
But as they started going on dates to quiet locations that Damien wouldn’t be recognised, Wilford learned something interesting. Damien had been so focused on wanting to do good for others that he had never taken time to look for a romantic partner of any sort and enjoy life beyond work. Anyone else who asked him out had been rejected. Wilford wasn’t sure how he avoided the cut, but he promised himself that he’d make the most of it and show Damien the joys of being in a relationship.
Date night on this occasion was a Friday evening in Wilford’s home. Dinner was ordered to enjoy while they watched a movie. They sat on the couch together, Damien’s head resting on Wilford’s shoulder, hands loosely interlocked. The reporter wasn’t at all surprised when he glanced down to ask Damien something and noticed Damien had dozed off. Being a mayor was exhausting, Wilford had quickly learned, which was why many of their dates were ‘low-energy’. Not that Wilford minded. It was a nice change from his normal approach of ‘fast, frantic and intense’, which in turn allowed him to better appreciate the here and now. Maybe that was why he was able to remember more of their dates.
A door slamming on the TV startled Damien awake, who immediately began apologising for ‘ruining the night'.
“Whoa, angel, it’s okay. Yer exhausted. We can watch it another time. I don’t remember what happened.” Wilford had been a little too preoccupied with doting over his sleeping beauty. 
“It might be for the best. I should be able to get a taxi at this time…” Damien slowly stood up so he could start the search for his phone.
“Why don’t ya stay th’ night?” Wilford’s question had Damien freeze.
“I-I don’t think that’s appropriate. You’re a good man, Wilford, but we’ve only been dating three months.” Both men shared an equally confused look.
“Sure it’s appropriate. I wanna share my bed with ya.”
“W-what?” Damien’s face quickly flushed as he scrambled to grab his phone off the coffee table like it was an act of self-defense. “I thought we had agreed to take this slow.”
“I don’t see how…. Ohhhh.” At last, the penny dropped and Wilford laughed in embarrassment. “I wasn’t askin’ if y’d sleep with me. I wanted ta know if y’d sleep with me!”
“That’s the same thing?”
“Noooo! No, no! I mean, like, a sleepover! I give ya some sorta pyjamas, an’ we fall asleep together in my bed! It’d be like cuddlin’ on th’ couch except, y’know, not on a couch. An' we'd have a blanket.” The blathering explanation helped lift the stress off Damien’s shoulders. He glanced down to his phone and, with a wistful smile, put it down on the table.
“I think I’d quite like that.”
He wouldn’t tell Damien, but Wilford went out of his way to make the preparation for bed as goofy and light-hearted as possible. Even if they were simply sharing a bed, the miscommunication had made poor Damien’s nerves jump, and that wasn’t fair at all! It was why they spent a solid twenty minutes going through the contents of Wilford’s wardrobe to decide which pyjamas Damien should wear. According to Wilford, it needed to be ‘as cute as possible’, so not just anything would do. It was also a chance to show off his clothes, like the tank top with a cartoon pair of sneakers wearing matching sunglasses, or his pink bear onesie. The sillier, the better, all to make Damien smile.
“Wait! This oughta do!” A pale grey hoodie was pulled out from a shelf, and Damien was quick to grab the rest of the bundle before it toppled to the floor and return it to the rightful place. “This is a lounge hoodie. It’s made from fluffy pj material so ya can cuddle an’ be all soft in it!” He offered a sleeve to Damien, who couldn’t help but agree that it was exactly as described. It was hastily placed in Damien’s arms as inspiration struck. “Oh! An’ it’d look so cute with these pants! They’re comfy an' stylish.” The pants - black with pink moustaches dotted around them - were held out on full display with such bravado that Damien snorted.
“You really do buy everything that has a moustache theme, don’t you?”
“Bonus points if it’s pink,” Wilford winked.
The pair took turns in the bathroom to perform their night time routines. While waiting for Damien, Wilford began quickly tidying around to make sure everything looked perfect. He made the bed twice, and fluffed the pillows as hard as possible to make them super soft. Then, as he debated whether to grab a teddy bear to give Damien, out came the Mayor.
Damien was not as large as Wilford, which meant the hoodie turned into a glorified night gown. So much so, the end of the sleeves needed to be rolled up to reveal his hands. The pyjama pants had elastic at the waist, so at least they could safely stay in place. With his hair loose and casually brushed to the side, Wilford couldn't ignore the reality that he was dating the cutest man in the entire world. He would gladly kill for Damien.
"It doesn't look too ridiculous, does it?" Damien wrung his hands in a familiar act of nervousness. Wilford hurried over, pulled Damien close, and kissed both cheeks.
"Yer too fuckin' cute, angel."
The couple enjoyed cuddling on the couch, so it was a natural progression once Damien gained a little more confidence about sharing a bed. At first, they sat together like they would on the couch and chatted casually. Then, once Damien grew tired, they settled to sleep, opting to take a half of the bed each. Wilford did find himself staying awake a little longer to make sure Damien was sound asleep, before rolling over and dozing off.
Just as the sun began to rise, Wilford was yanked out of sleep with the sensation of something pressing against his stomach. His eyes shot open in case that blasted librarian in his dream had gone through with their idea of using the ivy from a garden store to put people into giant empty books, only to instead see someone curled up against his side with an arm draped across the reporter’s stomach and their head against his chest. For an instant, he couldn't remember what happened last night, but relief quickly swamped him as the memories came back to him. 
“Mornin’, Damien.” Wilford lifted a hand to rest on Damien’s shoulder and rub small circles with his thumb. 
“Mmrgh,” the eloquent mayor murmured against Wilford’s chest. He took a long breath in to give himself the energy to move, but only went as far as leaning more against Wilford to look up at him. “Sorry… I felt warmth beside me." His hair was a mess and his eyes were heavy with sleep, but Wilford couldn't shake the fact that Damien was utterly adorable. As though aware of the thoughts bouncing around Wilford's mind, he smiled as he quietly added, "Plus, I've never woken up beside someone before… It's a nice feeling."
"Isn't it? Lyin' in bed, feelin' all relaxed with yer lover beside ya… It's like th' rest of th' world doesn't exist."
Damien hummed in agreement, settling back against Wilford. "I should have believed you last night. I'm sorry if I made things awkw-" Wilford interrupted with a shush and a quick squeeze.
"I should've asked th' question better. I'm sorry for scarin' ya. But I'm glad ya decided ta stay. It's Saturday, an' we're not workin' today…" Wilford trailed off with a raised eyebrow.  Damien, with a brain that refused to wake up, squinted at Wilford with a frown as he tried to figure out what was supposed to finish that sentence. Fortunately, Wilford could see the struggle. "It means we can go back ta sleep. Th' world's not lookin' fer us right now."
Now that sounded like a plan Damien could work with. He gave a content hum as he nestled against Wilford again. This time, he felt Wilford's arm keeping him close. As he quickly surrendered to sleep, the thought crossed his mind as to whether this was what 'home' meant.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Treasure of the Golden Sun: Three Ducks of the Condor or Now with More Racism!
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome back to my look at Ducktales: Treasure of the Golden Suns!, the pilot episodes that started it all. This look was one of my patreon stretch goals. To explain them in case some of you aren’t familiar with patreon it’s essentially like a kickstarter stretch goal: every milestone I reach in my monthly earnings means a crop of reviews for you guys, with this being 10 and my review of the movie, and the goofy movies in two weeks and September respectively, being the 15 dollar one. So if you want reviews of the OTHER Ducktales mini series Time Is Money and Super DuckTales, then hop on aboard and help me reach my 20 dollar goal so I can keep making these reviews for a living and give you all more. Said goal also includes a Darkwing Duck review eveyr month AND a review of teh Danny Phantom special The ULtimate Enemy so hop on board HERE AT MY PATREON.  Patrons also get exclusive reviews, access to my discord server (Though if anyone would be more intrersted in me making that public let me know), and to pick a short each time I do a birthday special for a character from Looney Tunes, Disney and Beyond. And next month is my boy Donald’s so since you all already sat out goofy NOW is the time. 
So now my very necessary plug is out of the way, i’m very poor, we can get to the review proper:
When last we left off Scrooge and the Boys went on their first proper adventure together, heading to Central America to follow the map from the first episode and running into Dr.Claw  El Capitan and his new best buddy Glomgold. Mild racisim, moonsoons and much better pacing ensued. 
So join me under the cut as my boy Donald returns, some iconic characters are introduced in Webby, Launchpad and Beakly, though this series only made one of them iconic to be fair, and we get some more mild racisim because fuck my life. Onward to the cut! 
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So yeah as I’ve mentioned a few times now this episode had a content warning.. which was fair as there is some pretty cringy stuff in here but it had the side effect of me holding my breath until the racisim came up and whapped me in the face. So i’m keeping that tension up for you guys so I don’t have to suffer alone. 
We open at the Mansion. Scrooge is trying to find a governess for the boys, but they keep scaring off all the clients because they don’t like the idea. And for once.. i’m on Scrooge’s side here. Yes I know there’s a sterotype of rich people hiring a nanny to not have to parent. and it’s sadly often true and it’d SEEM like Scrooge is doing that.. but really he just wants the boys to be safe. He’s fully grown to care for them and just wants someone cheap and responsible to look after them while he’s busy and clearly still makes time for them. As someone who is a former nanny, albeit for someone working class, I get that as much as you WANT to spend every moment with your kid you often can’t. I say all this because SO MANY kids movies and shows villianize parents for not spending time with their kid when their clearly just working to support them. There are nuanced exceptions to this and refreshingly Craig of the Creek has outright avoided this: JP’s mom is gone almost all the time due to working as an airline pilot, but while he clearly misses her he never resents her or guilts her over it, he understands sh’es supporting him and goes out of his way to make sure his friends can meet her. It’s really swee.t And while again I get it, this guys a billionare, most examples aren’t, Scrooge still really CAN’T stop working: He has more money than god and like most bilionares REALLY should give most of it to charity or to help with programs instead of hoarding it in a massive bin.. but he’s also got tons of companies, factories, investments... people COUNTING on him to make sure these are working correctly and keep their jobs. So yeah i’ts nice that the show isn’t demonizing scrooge for this or dosen’t even consider it: he’s getting help beacuse he needs it, that’s what’s important. 
So while the boys widdle down the nannies, Scrooge talks to a renowned coin collector. He does show off his collection to the guy, but his main goal is naturally to show him the coin from last time. Turns out that naturally for a five part episode the treasure they lost last time was just a fraction of the real thing and the real titular treasure is a mythical horde even Scrooge, who normally has proved something out of myth is very real 5 times before breakfast, didn’t think existed. 
Something I do love about this five parter is how every treasure hunt has ended up being important each piece of the puzzle leading to the next like any good treasure hunt. As for where this one leads the collector HAS heard of only one other coin like it, up in the Andes Mountains in a mysterious fortress whose mountain habitat and being a fortress makes it hard to get to and the owner is apparently a real piece of work.. but Scrooge isn’t afraid of a little hard work and is ready to go after it.. he just has to find a Nanny first. 
And he does as there’s only one left: Mrs. Beakley, who we FINALLY meet after two episodes. Yeah for some weird reasont his episode choose to cram the rest of the major main and supporting cast into one episode.. it still works, they all still get great introductions it’s just weird to me when you have five episodes to not say introduce Launchpad last time. 
But regardless as I said it’s a good intro.. despite the boys wilding a lasso and a snake.
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 Beakly is unphased and even dosen’t remotely fall for them trying to say she got the wrong name. And while Scrooge is a little impressed, he’s even more when she states she’ll work for free... with one condition: Free room and board for her and her grandaughter, Webby, who has been there the whole time and looking cute as a button. Scrooge is unsure but one minute of Webby being adorable later and he’s agreed. She can’t eat much right? He also hopes she’ll help the boys not be douchebags, unaware that their inherent poorly written sexisim means that was never going to work. And why yes I will call it out eveyr time it happens because it happens every time they have an episode together and only gets worse. 
He goes to Gyro for help and Classic Gyro.. is utterly delightful. While I clearly have issues with Classic Scrooge, whose a greedy poorly aged asshat and the boys, who are sterotypes of male children, Gyro? He’s nice, friendlya nd eccentric, using a delightfully wakcky pogo hat thing to think and takes only a mintue to figure out how to solve a seemingly unsolvable problem and only needs a few hours to build his cool looking bird ship, using bird legs to offset the hard to sort out landing conditions. But since it’s a fancy bitch, it needs a pilot and i’m sure we all know where this is going...but since Carol Danver sis busy he has to go with Launchpad. 
Launchpad’s intro is great, cheerful as he does a job testing a plane and naturally crashes it, and when thought dead walks out seconds later unharmed and jolly as ever. Scrooge is naturally terrified of the prospect of flying with him but dosen’t really have another choice “I hope my insurance is paid up.” Scrooge it’s you.. of course it isn't. 
So with that our hero bids a farewell to the boys and ends up unteitonally coming off MASSIVELY unlikeable. No really he leaves them behind for their saftey despite needing help... and then upon finding out Donald is going to be on leave soon in the andes, and just assumes that YOU KNOW, he’d LIKE to go on a dangerous exausting adventure instead of actually get some rest after working in the goddamn navy and STILL dosen’t take the kids along despite having a very tearjerking farewell IN FRONT OF HIM that happened at most a month ago. Granted i’m suprised Donald is getting leave this soon.. but since I genuinely like to look into this sort of thing and the last time I didn’t I was correctly reminded Gulliver’s Travels was a satire.. and found out someone HAD actually watched the Jack Black movie. I only vaugely remember a trailer.. I thinkn it was a trailer? Maybe it was the middle part of a juinor novelzation where htey have all the photos? I really don’t know. I know almost every pokemon on sight but not where I saw pictures of a forgetable jack black movie, what a shock. 
So long story short I DID google it. Here’s what I got
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So given clealry more time has passed than we’ve seen on screen, enough time COULD have passed for Donald’s three day pass to kick in. So credit to the crew for actually thinking that out. They still get all the blame though for not only not seeing how bad not taking the kids to see the uncle whose like a father to them a month after he left when he CLEARLY can is bad, but how worse it is that the first break donald gets ina  month.. is spent helping scrooge against his will on a life or death treasure hunt. 
And I get WHY they wanted to try out having Donald on an adventure: he was in most of the carl barks material.... but I also dont’ get it as Launchpad was deisgned entirely to fill in for Donald when needed, we’re only three episodes into the series and this gives the wrong impression Donald will guest star a lot more. In practice while he still did get a meaty 8 episodes on the show including this one, 2 of which were cameos and the pilot only dosne’t count because of the exnteded slapstick sequence, and dosen’t appear at all after season 1, likely because Fenton’s introduction made him reduntant as he was an even more blatant Donald stand-in. It just feels weird to shove him into the pilot movie when we should be focusing on our main cast, epsecially with so many getting intorduced this episode. It woudl’ve made more sense for Gyro to be the third man instead and it woud’ve elmaited Scrooge’s uttelry horrible actions here of depriving his nephews of their surrogate father. 
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So Uncle Dickstick leaves with Launchpad to go abduct donald.... and tha’ts not me being funny, that’s what actually happens. Donald is singing out on leave.. with his superior... weirdly doing paper work outside on the flight deck. 
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And is angry at Donald because of him taking pictures and stuff and threatens him if he’s not back exactly in time... because look he’s on a boat with a bunch of sweaty men but as the most superior officer he can’t enjoy that so he has to get off SOMEHOW and ruining donald’s life just happens ot be a thing for him. 
So yeah Scrooge straight up naps Donald via claw and Donald is angry, wondering, as you’d expect “What’s the big idea”.. and once Scrooge clairfies he did it.. still asks that because what the fuck. And the episode treats this as comical, as it does Launchpad not understanding Donald.. and don’t get me wrong you CAN make a good “I can’t understand Donald Duck” joke, the 2017 series made PLENTY. But said series also spoiled me as they did it with far more effort, while also still showing just how much it would suck to have everyone around you struggle to hear what you say and never listen to you. They actually cared abotu Donald’s well being where as this one thinks “Gee you knwo what would go great iwth a hard month’s naval work? MORE WORK HELPING YOUR UNCLE GET RICHER FOR NO PERSONAL BENIFIT AFTER HE KIDNAPS YOU”. 
So our heroes.. and scrooge, head to Andes and find the temple and it’s here “Sigh” we met our antagonist. A Conquestador Douche who DOES have a name and it is on the wiki.. but is so generic and unlikeble I’m just going to keep calling him conquestador douche, whose introduced waving his sun coin around while the natives all bow to him because of the coin.
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Welcome to the racisim! Admitely it’s not as bad as Treasure of the Lost Lamp, that’s a high bar to clear, but ti’s still not great to have the racist cliche of “character conquers a civilization because of they belivie he’s a messenger for their “silly” god”. And the saddest part is not that I didn’t notice this trope and how bad it was as a kid watching shows like this... but that as an ADULT about 4 years ago when I watched this episode how racist it and this trope in general was didn’t register to me at all. That.. really bothers me that it took me this long to pick up on things like this and i’m sorry for it. 
That’s honestly WHY we need these warnings and WHY i’m so hard on this racisim: it wasn’t necessary, it could’ve been removed and you clearly just didn’t care or didn’t realize it was racist. And even acceptable for the time dosen’t work for anymore: I learned recently that the creators of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, both white, hired black writers..and actually LISTENED, looking to them for personal stories and to check them if one of the white staff wrote something that wasn’t true to the black experience. I know that sounds like the bare minimum but this was the early 90′s, that kind of thinking wasn’t hte norm like it is in most writer’s rooms now.. and sadly not ALL writer’s rooms. Not only that but just today I ran into a MST3K skit that lampooned this kind of bullshit from not long after this episode. People clearly knew better, the writers of this episode just didn’t’t care
 So yeah, I get this was a kids show in the 80′s, I get the writing staff being almost all white.. but they still coudl’ve avoided cliche sterotypes and done something diffrent. It was was still wiithin white people like myselves power to actually think about something other htan themselves and we did not. So i’m never going to stop holding my own people accountable for just how BADLY we’ve fucked up in ways great and small because it still hasn’t stopped , likely never will so I won’t. 
But yeah.... the tribe here are portrayed as ignorant, mindless dumbasses who blindly follow tradition and a clearly corrupt leader. It’s patronizingly stupid to assume just because a belief system is diffrent than yours a person will belieive anything. Religion CAN make people act stupid, the fact many people are homophobic simply because the bible, a centuries old document written and distrbuted by humans that could of been altered by people with a clear homophobic agenda, says they should be. But there’s the very clear very gross implication here that any god but the christian god is invalid and simplifies wonderful and well thought out myths and beliviefs from various cultures into “well they belivie in da sun god because of the shiny coin”. It’s gross, i’m glad it’s stopped and it’s VERY telling that the closest Ducktales 2017 came to this was the most dangerous game night which while a tad cringe inducing at least showed the tribe it used was clever, disposed the person they mistook for a god after it was clear he wasn’t one , and were wholly sympathetic. 
Naturally Conquistadouche orders the tribe to attack Scrooge and it works briefly , though Scrogoe prepares to take on the ENTIRE villiage.. and given this is Scrooge and on this blog we’ve seen him take on an entire town before, and that was a more inexpericed less bastardly scrooge yeah their fucked, and only escape death because the coin falls out of scrooge’s coat when he tries to help donald who naturally injures himself trying to help. 
And since as per white dumbass racist logic, the villiagers thought Conquistadipshit was a messenger of the gods because of his coin, they think the same of Scrooge, this causes them to stop and bow instead and protect scrooge when Conquistadumbass tries to attack our heroes. Their given a room for the night naturally. 
Conquistadick demands they give him the coin and leave, but Scrooge has none of that: he has no reason to leave and has all the leverage so he instead demands to know wha’ts going on. 
Turns out Conquisineart is the decdendant of one of the crew from the ship Scrooge found: their captain rain off with it, leaving two of his men behind, though both had the map to the rest of the treasure and split it: one left for the Arctic, the other stayed and did the whole racist god bit. And somehow despite all the time passing Conquistadoodoohead still has his half and Scrooge aranges a trade for the coin. And why yes their is the obvious problem of “what if Conquistascoobydoo say tells them he’s the true god and attacks scrooge like he ends up doing in the climax”. And Scrooge’s plan.. is to have the plane ready and to run to it, despite Launchpad not being a mechanic and saying as much. Instead of you know... stealing the guy’s coin while he’s asleep or something or just having launchpad, whose bigger and stronger and donald whose not bigger but is also stronger hold the guy while Scrooge steals his sun coin, then simply walks to the plane with the map, the coins and all the leverage. at worst the guy tries to do the same scheme without any coins and as the end of the episode shows, that wouldn’t have worked. He was stupid. Oh and the cherry on  top of this shit sundae is scrooge objects to the guys tyranical rule.. but is okay with letting it keep going if he gets his coin and DOnlad, whose there for the deal, never call shim on it. 
We then get a bit of Launchpad being forced off a cliff to ride a giant Condor...
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Look this episode is filled with racisit sterotypes, a generic villian and Scrogoe being awful. I’ll take a fun sequence of Launchpad riding a condor, with Donald providing an assit with his camera  by blinding the beast so Launchpad can ride him properly giving them more leverage now Launchpad is popular. And a deadline to fix things by tommorow. 
The next day Launchapd and Donald have defied logic and their own tendency to screw up and fixed the bird, while Scrooge makes the deal.. and naturally it goes EXACTLY how you’d expect and Scrooge runs, though our real heroes get thigns running. 
That’s when the people arrive on condors to persue, a fight insues yoru standard hero stuff.. not bad but given the racist context I can’t really enjoy it like Launchpad flying a condor.. which had some mild racisim in them making him do that as a ritual clearly deisgned to kill him but i’llt ake mild over pretty damn obvious. Eventually douchebag looses his coins, his ctizens abndon him. Happy end. 
So with the map Scrooge decides to do the logical thing.... have launchpad drop him in the middle of the ocean in a raft and steer there
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Launchpad takes Donald home in time and his superior is mad he dosen’t give him a proper salute.. even though he CLEARLY just got home and is diisorented from a crash. Launchpad makes a quip and this episode mercifully ends. 
Final Thoughts:
This episode starts out okay.. but quickly goes downhill fast and steep. There are massive bits of racisim, massive leaps in logic, and massive amoutns of scrooge being a dick.. not his WORST in this series but it’s still bad. It’s just not very good. It’s the second worst episode of Ducktales i’ve seen, only held up by my boys Donald and Launchpad. This was miserable.
Next Time on Treasure of the Golden Suns: Our heroes head to the arctic for another offensive episode to rescue scrooge from his own stupidity.  Next Time on this Blog: We return to Green Eggs and Ham and hop on a train as our raging bitchcanoe mother and daughter duo meat our ambigiouslyg ay duo at last. 
See you at the next rainbow.
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anari3l · 4 years
kiss to make it better
pairing: jesse mccree x reader //// words: 990 //// notes: anon requested numbers 7 & 50 from the intimacy prompt list --> #7:  kissing scars. #50: patching up a wound. 
You hadn’t seen the attacker. Hadn’t heard the gunshot, or felt the pain radiate up your side when the bullet entered. Just saw the masked face of the Talon operative crumple at your feet. 
As the battle raged on, eventually ending with you and Jesse as victors, you allowed yourself time to breathe. Leaning against the busted, crumbling, wall beside you, you holstered your weapons, looking off over the battlefield at the Talon operatives dead on the pavement. 
“Y’alright sweetheart?” 
You turned to look over to Jesse, sitting on the debris riddled curb, his large brown eyes looking up to you. 
“What?” you asked, having zoned out. 
Pushing to his feet, Jesse smirked, patting a hand against your shoulder as he started to the rendezvous point. “It’s always nice workin’ with ya,” he whistled as he walked off, kicking one of the boots of a dead operative as he stepped over it. “Quick. Easy. You got my back, I got yours.”
You nodded aimlessly as you started to follow. The adrenaline rush was fading, fast. You felt exhausted, more so than usual. You ached, could barely lift your head, or stand straight. “Yeah,” you replied after a moment. “But it hurts.”
“Hmm?” Jesse asked, turning to look over to you.
You opened your mouth to speak, but groaned instead, hand finding the sticky wet splotch on your side where the bullet had entered. “Shit.”
“Can ya walk?” Jesse was at your side in a blink, arm on your shoulder, and free hand pressing against yours on the wound. “S’not far to the drop ship.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath and forcing your shoulders back. “I’m good, McCree. Lead the way.”
You had never been more happy to see a drop ship, even if it was empty save for the automated pilot. Jesse had stayed at your side on the walk, finally wrapping his arm around your waist and letting you lean into him as you walked. 
He guided you into the ship, guiding you to a cot. Sitting down, you sighed, relaxing back against the wall, head back, as you reflected on the day. 
“I’m gonna get some supplies for that,” he nodded, jumping to his feet to rifle through the crates and storage containers around you. 
“I thought you had my back?” you asked, eyes closed as you focused on breathing. 
“Crackin’ jokes,” Jesse smirked. “S’good sign.”
He returned with a medpack in hand, sitting down in front of you. “Alright, don’t take this the wrong way, darlin’,” he smirked. “I need ya to take your shirt off.”
You chuckled, immediately wincing in pain. “Don’t! Don’t make me laugh,” you struggled to get out over the giggles and pain, “It hurts.”
“Come on,” Jesse prodded, slowly lifting the hem of your shirt to peak at the wound. 
You nodded, forcing yourself to take over, but wincing at the pain radiating through your side as the wound stretched. “Fuck! Damn Talon!” you cursed through your teeth.
Jesse hummed, leaning forward to inspect the wound. “Well, good news, darlin’ - it went clean through.”
“There better not be bad news,” you groaned. 
“I ain’t as good at stitches as Angela.”
“Don’t care,” you sighed, leaning on your arm. “Bio field, and bandages should do the trick until we get back to base.”
Jesse nodded, rummaging through the kit for gauze and alcohol. “I do have to clean it though.” He started to dab at the surrounding area with the alcohol soaked gauze, “It may hur--”
“Son of a bitch!” you hissed, pushing Jesse’s shoulder with little strength. “Yeah, that hurts!”
Laughing, Jesse leaned back in, working to clean the wound edges before bandaging.  As the bio field engulfed you, you felt warmth return to your body, pain subsiding. 
Jesse’s hands stayed at your waist, fingers brushing over the edge of the bandages. “Jesus, darlin’, I’m sorry,” he murmured, eyes glued to the fresh bandage on your abdomen. 
“There’s nothing for you to be sorry about, Jesse,” you sighed, leaning against the wall as you looked down to him. 
He shook his head, hands tightening on your waist before his arms wrapped around you, burying his head into your side. With a deep breath, he relaxed against you. “I wasn’t there to protect you.”
“Jesse,” you smiled, running your hand through his hair. “You were right beside me. You helped me to the ship. You patched me up. This bio field will do the rest. I’m okay.”
“Yeah,” he almost scoffed, pushing out of the embrace just enough to look down to the two other bullet wound scars marring your abdomen, a testament to jobs where you weren’t quick enough. “But what if next time --”
“Jesse, don’t …”
“I mean it, sweetheart,” Jesse sighed, looking up to you. He didn’t let you finish before ducking his head back down, nuzzling back into your side, nose an inch away from one of the bullet wounds. “If I’m not there, and you get hurt. If I couldn’t help ya, it … it’d kill me.”
Closing your eyes against tears that were threatening to fall, you continued playing with Jesse’s hair, taking deep, calming breaths. 
For a while, as the bio field shimmered around you, the two of you sat in silence, Jesse’s hands and lips kissing along the scars on your abdomen, and your hands twining into his soft hair. 
Pressing one last kiss to the scar, Jesse pushed out of the embrace, a goofy smile on his face. “As much as I love this,” he started, tossing the medkit together as he stood. “You should put your shirt back on.”
Athena’s automated voice came over the ship’s PA system at that moment, alerting you to the upcoming arrival at base. 
You smiled, shrugging your shirt on and grimacing at the bloodsoaked fibers. “Thanks for the patch job, McCree.”
“Anytime, sweetheart,” Jesse smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple as he stepped past you.
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Pairing - Seo Johnny x reader
Genre - Fluff, Crack
Warnings - None, This is kinda similar to my Renjun oneshot, but instead of timestamps it's going to go on as day 1, day 2 and so.
Summary - Maybe having your boyfriend hired at the café you work in was infact a horrible idea, but it made one of the most hilarious memory.
(This is such a mess, I'm absolutely sorry)
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Day 1 -
"Y/n, listen. Having Johnny here work as a barista.. You sure about that?" Doyoung, your colleague and your somehow parent ish best friend asked for the 7th time that morning. Yuta too had started growing annoyed at his constant questioning alongside you.
"He isn't as bad as you think he is, Doyoung." Yuta spoke, looking up from the cup of coffee he was writing names in for the previous order, to which you nod along.
"It isn't that he is bad, it's just, having Y/n and Johnny work at the same café? I'm kinda skeptic about that" Doyoung said, voice kept low to not attract attention from the customers.
"HEy! Why would you say that?" you ask, voice feigning offence as you cross your arms over your chest, looking up to him because of your height difference.
You hear Yuta let out a chuckle, walking around the counter to hand the coffee's to the customer leaving you and Doyoung behind. Doyoung sent a glare in your direction, holding a finger up to his lips asking you to quiet down.
"Y/N HEY!" The two of you, along with the customers and Yuta, whip your head towards the door to look at a wild Johnny, standing at the entrance, walking in as he got the attention he was looking for.
He made his way around the counter, after fist bumping Yuta that is, and gave you a bone crushing hug.
"-that's why" Doyoung let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Day 2 -
"Honestly, not bad" you say, looking at the espresso he had just tamped
"What you mean not bad that's perfect!" Johnny reply back, holding the tampering machine up by the sink, about to throw it out.
"No no Johnny you first-" you start a little too late, as you watch your boyfriend throw the coffee powder before brewing it.
"-brew it and then throw it away" you cling onto his other hand, which was placed on his hips, concentrating hard on throwing the powder away.
Just like how you took your time to tell him what exactly to do, he took his own sweet time to process what you said.
Day 3 -
Johnny was doing a good job at the café, sometimes having a slip of hand every now and then, but still doing a better job than what Doyoung had initially thought he would.
But the manager thought otherwise, according to him, Johnny was a distraction for you and you were a distraction to Johnny.
Yuta was absolutely loving Johnny's company, having someone as flirtatious and goofy as him made working at the café much easier. His somehow intimidating demeanor when he was focused on something helped dodge Doyoung's nagging.
And like said, he was a pretty good helping hand.
it wasn't until Yuta came out of the officre where your manager resided screaming while frantically trying to search for you.
"Okay so. I do NOT have any intention to scare you, but either you or John are going to lose your job, maybe even the two of you" Yuta spoke fast as soon as he reached you.
You stop organizing things in the display, a little confused on why your friend said whatever he just said.
"What do you mean I'll be losing my job?"
"Not you exactly, it's a might, but it's 95% confirmed that your boyfriend will most probably lose his job" he said, leaning against the counter, your conversation catching Doyoung's attention.
"Not surprised but that was quick, why though?" Doyoung asked the question you were about to ask, wiping his hands dry.
"So one of the customers, she asked for a sugar free iced latte, but while Johnny was making it, he dumped in a bunch of sugar, i don't know why he'd do it, he still did and then said 'THAT'S a lot of sugar' but did nothing to make her another batch and gave that sugary drink and when she said it was way too sweet, he went 'not my problem' and the manager heard all of it... "
"That is such a Johnny thing to do" Doyoung was a laughing mess while you had your eyes wide open not believing anything Yuta said, from your peripheral you saw your boyfriend walking out of the office, immediately turning to him.
"Is it tr-"
Day 4 -
"Why exactly aren't you wearing your name tag?" you ask Johnny, he was now given the job of a cashier rather a barista.
"Because it wasn't fashionable enough" you hear Yuta snort from where he was brewing the coffee, so basically right behind you.
"Babe that doesn't matter, you need to wear it" you point out, holding your hand out assuming that he'd understand that you want him to hand the name tag name tag over so you could pin it.
"Oh it does" he said, reaching out to hid pocket, taking the name tag out, looking at it was a gaze of disgust and aimlessly threw it to his side.
You look at Johnny with a look of shock when you hear a distant yelp, shakily you turn, stepping back to see who made the nose to see your manager, standing there, covered in coffee.
"You okay manager?" your oh so oblivious boyfriend asked, with an angelic smile on his face. You see your manager reaching into his mug, pulling out a ridiculously familiar looking tag.
"Oh I'm perfectly fine Mr. Seo, but i don't think you're job or your name tag is." your manager spoke out in an angry tone.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Lee, he didn't do it on purpose trust me, he really isn't the type to do that" you said, trying to get your manager to change his mind, his words clesrly implying that Johnny's about to get fired.
"Is it Y/n?" Mr. Lee asked, in an absolutely furious yet sarcastic tone.
"I'm sorry sir.." you did a 90° bow, you hear your your manager puff out a sigh.
"If anything I'll personally burn this name tag" with that, he stomped off to his chamber, well office.
You turn towards Johnny, him looking genuinely confused. "He's gonna start a bonfire..?
You let out a loud sigh, dropping your head down low as both of your friends turn into a fit of laughter.
Day 5 -
"Y/N HELP ME HOLD JOHNNY BACK" you hear Doyoung scream as you were taking one of the customers orders.
You turn around, looking at the customer with an apologetic look, signaling Yuta to take over.
The time you make your way to the back, you were too late.
A powdered sugar coated Mr. Lee, a shock struck Doyoung holding back an extremely shocked Johnny stood in the middle of the pantry room.
"He's fired. I think that's obvious" Your managers voice clearly shaking, mostly because of anger and maybe a little cause of all the sugar that might have gotten into his esophagus.
He gave Johnny one last look, huffing and walking out of the room.
That's when Johnny completely lost it, laughing his heart out, not even minding the fact that he just got fired, not like it should've mattered to him, he only joined because you insisted he do something outside the studio.
"Oh my god did you see him? He looked an Abominable snowman!" he said between his laughter.
Doyoung himself, broke out laughing, your manager made a re-appearance at the pantry room, the two barely able to control their laugh as you all just stared at him.
"what? I came here to get a towel!" he hurriedly left the room.
Doyoung thought it'd only make sense if he did some explaining on what had happened.
"Don't even bother. Hey you lasted for 5 days!" you turn to your boyfriend after waving the latter off.
"New record i guess, that's progress" Johnny said, excited to get out of the barista clothing, wiping his sugar coated hands on Doyoung's apron ignoring his whining.
You had a huge smile on your face, looking at your lovable stupid boyfriend.
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peanut-in-the-goal · 4 years
oops it’s the #44, “if you die, i’ll kill you” one
Not going to lie to you anon, I wrote you some fluff, but instead, I rewrote it and gave you angst, I’m not sorry
It’s short, that I am sorry for
(edit: here’s your fluff)
“Sirius…” Remus mumbled. They’d been in the hospital for hours, days maybe? The time didn’t seem to matter much, nothing mattered much anymore. The only thing he cared about was making sure that Sirius was okay. 
Remus had tried to keep himself busy. He’s been done to the hospital cafeteria 3 times already. The only thing he had actually gotten though was a cup of ice chips for Sirius. He wasn’t sure what he’d be able to eat yet, better safe than sorry he thought. He also had gotten him a cup of water, realizing he’d probably want it when he woke.
Sirius had gotten out of surgery a couple of hours ago, Remus was just allowed to see him. He sat by the bed, in one of the uncomfortable chairs placed there. 
His hand gripped Sirius’ like he wasn’t ever going to let go. And honestly, given the choice he wouldn’t. 
It was surreal. Sitting there feeling helpless, with tears streaming down his cheeks as he couldn’t do anything but look at Sirius. The way his chest rose and fell shallowly, his eyes closed just laying there. Looking almost lifeless.
He choked on his own sob while he ran his thumb over Sirius’  knuckles. Sirius was the one in the hospital, in pain, so why was he crying? He doesn’t get to cry, he has to be strong. For Sirius, who never had anyone be strong for him before.
He wanted Lily. He wanted her to be there with him, to cry with him, to take his attention away from the beeping that signaled Sirius was alive. He knew Sirius was alive, that he was okay, if not now then he would be. 
But that beeping. As annoying as it was, it was grounding. And frightening. One wrong move, if one thing goes wrong, it could be over. The beeping wouldn’t beep anymore, it’d be flat and it’d be over. Everything would be over. 
Part of him wondered… If Sirius’ heart stopped, would his stop too? He certainly wouldn’t know how to live if he lost Sirius. He doesn’t know how he lived before Sirius.
He shook his head, breath stuttering as he tried to get away from those thoughts, it wouldn’t happen, he told himself. He’ll wake up, just his ribs, he’s not dying on you now. 
Still, the thought wouldn’t get out of his head. 
“I swear Sirius… If you die I’ll kill you.” He mumbled. His eyes were trained onto their calloused hands. He fiddled with Sirius’ fingers, lacing and unlacing them together. Finally, he grasped onto it, squeezing the slightly before lifting it up to his lips. He kissed Sirius’ knuckles, slightly bruised from how hard he had hit Grayback. 
He felt Sirius’ fingers jerk, his hand twitched like he was trying to hold on tighter. Remus’ head snapped up, and he wondered if he had imagined it. 
He froze, holding his breath. He wasn’t really expecting a response seeing as Sirius hadn’t responded the first 7 times he said or did something. But Cap was just full of surprises, wasn’t he?
The gesture was so small, and part of him thought that he had imagined the movement, his hope quickly dying out. His head bowed down again, focusing on their hands and that beep, beep, beep. 
“Je suis pas encore morte.” 
Remus’ eyes widened before his head raised again. Sirius’ eyes were still closed,  but lips curled up into a soft smile. 
“Baby,” Remus breathed. His lips curved up into a goofy grin because Sirius was talking. His voice was hoarse and scratchy, and it sounded like it hurt to speak, but he was talking and responding to him.
Remus jumped up, getting the cup of water he had gotten earlier off the stand next to the bed. He helped Sirius drink it slowly, noticing the way he winced in pain as he raised his head. Remus frowned, he placed the cup back on the nightstand, using the sleeve of his sweatshirt to rub at the tear tracks drying on his face.
“S’il te plait,” Sirius whispered. “Please.” Tears pricked at his eyes, his breath picked up, causing him more pain. 
“Please what? Baby, I need you to breathe. Please breathe.” Remus was panicking himself, that annoying beeping suddenly seemed a lot more important. The machine got faster, the beeping going at an erratic pace. 
Remus’ eyes glossed over again as he watched Sirius’s eyes flutter shut, his jaw clenching painfully. 
“Sirius? Sirius, please calm down! It’ll hurt less I promise!” Remus spoke over the heart monitor. Sirius didn’t seem to listen to him, he layed there in pain, the distress obviously etched onto his face.
“I-I’m going to go get the doctor… Sirius, it’s okay baby.” He didn’t want to leave Sirius, especially not like this. Probably not the smartest idea, he knew that. But he wasn’t listening, Sirius was too panicked, and he needed a doctor or a nurse, someone, to help calm him down.
Luckily he didn’t have to wait long.
“Non, non,” Sirius gasped. He shifted as he tried to reach out to grab onto Remus’ wrist. He couldn’t leave him. Pain seared up in his ribs, his lungs contracting as he tried to breathe.
“Ne me laisse pas,” Sirius writhed on the bed. His face screwed up in pain.
Instinctively Remus stepped forward, lightly laying a hand on Sirius’ chest, not touch or disturbing the ribs that had been broken. 
“Okay Baby, I’m not leaving, I’m not leaving, but I need you to calm down.” He didn’t know how to help, but just staying seemed to work a tiny bit. Sirius’ breaths calmed so they were no longer painful gasps shooting out of him, but it still wasn’t much of an improvement. 
He heard the door open, a group of 3 or 4 doctors and nurses bustling in. He sighed, thanking whatever gods were out there that they had come. 
But whatever relief he had felt was quickly replaced with fear as they pushed him away, separating him and Sirius as he was led out of the room by a short, timid nurse. The door closed, and he just barely heard Sirius’ weak cry for him as it shut. 
He sounded small, scared even. Remus wanted to get back in there, he needed too, but he wouldn’t disrupt them. Sirius came first, his health did, so he’d wait. He opted to sit on the ground across from the door in the hall. His head thumped against the wall, waiting in the silence of the hospital.
He cried knowing that Sirius was afraid just on the other side of the wall. It felt like the tears would never stop falling.
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kdelarenta · 4 years
3:00 am
pairing: sebastian wynric x f!speaker
rating: umm kind of angst kind of ?? idk
notes: had to delete the previous version because tumblr is acting up, sebastian belongs to @speakergame
tagged: @pearlsandsteel , @aplethoraoffictionalboys
She should be sleeping,she knows this.This isn't the first shitty motel she's had to stay in and not the first time a lovely neighbour decided to have some 'fun' (very loud fun) at three in the morning.
Good for them - at least they're getting some.
She just wishes it wasn't at three in the fucking morning,she hasn't been sleeping well as it is and she has to drive tomorrow. Sebastian did offer to take over though - of course he did. She can't explain it really,she still wants to drive. Josephine wasn't  a person who could give someone else the wheel or a person who could just sit in the back seat (and relax). If she wasn't on a mission, she was training. If she wasn't driving,she was navigating. If she had free time,she was watching Emily - making sure she's okay. She doesn't think she can stop. Still it doesn't matter,she doesn't think.(about any of it really,she jumps and kicks and runs and saves and punches and then punches some more when she can't. can't save - can't save everyone).
Yeah...she's not going to sleep any time soon. Kicking the sheets off does nothing to keep off the heat that's been suffocating her since she layed down.
Getting a drink from that wending machine she saw in the hallway doesn't seem like a bad idea at all.
Catching sight of herself in the mirror she can see that she looks like hell,it's like the constant unease she's been feeling had managed to bleed out all over her face. She was wearing her pajamas- black shorts and an oversized grey t-shirt with a questionable quote ( god she would never ever buy it on her own but Em saw it and thought it looked cute and gave her that goofy smile and of course she had to buy it). Smiling despite herself she decides to go out anyway. It's three in the morning,no one's going to see her .
The hallway is quiet besides the constant moans and groans and shouts of someone's name - Paul. Well damn Paul. She's fully grinning now,she can't even bring herself to be mad. Taking a few turns she makes her way to the wending machine. Choosing from all the drinks is easy once she spots her favorite,she puts in the money,selects the drink and waits. The drink starts to move and then stops midway. Sighing,she presses the number again but the can is still stuck. She presses again - nothing.
,,Oh come on" she groans to no one in particular and smacks the machine. Nothing - the can just stays the same,mocking her.
Yeah,fuck this.
She's already halfway through the debate of whether she should continue kicking the machine or just going back to bed when she notices she's not alone. Sebastian is standing by the wall behind her. She doesn't know how long he'd been standing there but the small amused smile on his face gives away that he definitely saw everything. Great.
The accusatory tone and the wild hand gestures sure aren't helping her look any less embarrassed.
,,I want a Cola"
The tone of her voice brings out a low chuckle that warms her from the inside out. Just her luck that he's the one who's awake right now. It's not the first time that fate,karma or whoever has tried to shove promises of love and happiness in her face. Putting them just at the right place at the right time,taunting her with the things she wants but can't afford to have. This time feels different though,like they're more tightly intertwined instead of loosely vowen together. It'd be cruel really, if she wasn't enjoying it so much.
He makes his way over to her,stopping in front of the machine to examine it closely. That smile is still there as he pulls out a few bills and puts them in the machine. She watches him put in the same numbers and low and behold,both cans of soda fall down without a hitch. She's way more impressed than she should be but she does a good job of hiding it behind a carefully neutraled face and a small 'thank you'. He looks pleased with himself as she slowly sips the soda - the cool drink does nothing for her because now she's warm for a completely different reason. Neither of them talk as the moment continues interrupted only by the noise that starts up again and can somehow still be heard from over there.
,,Something keeping you up?"
His mocking tone is rewarded by a sharp glare that only seems to amuse him more.
,,Ha ha,very funny" her words are dry but she's still smiling. Their amused glance soon turns into one of their staring contests. Neither of them wants to back down and she wants to think that's it's just because they're both incredibly stubborn and not because they want to keep looking at each other's eyes. The thought brings a different sort of unease - every glance,every comeback,every accidental touch feels wrong,like she should know better (and she should). That's why she looks away first,like she always does.
,,So did you just want to play comedian or is there a reason why you're awake?"
Changing the subject - always a safe bet. The words are a little harsher than she intends them to be but he doesn't seem bothered. She's convinced he simply doesn't care because the possibility that he might actually be onto what she's doing makes the unease spread all the way from her stomach to her throat.
,,I was reading the case files again" There's a pause, she sees him tense for a moment. ,,This one feels..."
,, - tricky."
,, - different."
They turn to look at each other, settling in the feeling of quiet understanding. He gives a small nod.
So it's not just her.
She knows it's risky business . She remembers the early years - the first cases. The high of returning someone safely home , the hope of helping people live another day,the pride of being useful,of making a change. From that high - there's only one way down.
She remembers Em crying,lifeless bodies and the smell of blood under the shower. Waiting for Emily to fall asleep so she can cry too - figure out how she's going to look herself in the mirror tomorrow. It takes years.It takes practice. The words are clear and strict and second nature.
,, We can't save everyone."
,, I know."
She has to stop herself from asking how he knows - it's not her place. It's better like that anyway,she lets Em be positive and fly for a bit but she's right there to ground her again before she falls. Lost in thought she almost misses the way he's been analyzing her. His eyes skim over her face,briefly stopping at her eyes until they stop to her shirt. She expects him to smile or make a comment. Nothing.
,,Let me drive tomorrow."
She almost doesn't let him finish,the words leaving her mind before she registers them.
,,No need,I'll drive."
,,You're exhausted Josephine."
The strict look he gives her makes her want to roll her eyes. She wants to shout in frustration. It's fine. Why are you like this?
,,I'll manage."
This seems to set him off judging by the scowl quickly forming on this face. They're going to start shouting soon aren't they?
,,Why are you always like this? Just let me do this for you."
The words make her inhale sharply. The need to backtrack is almost suffocating, to just run to her room and leave him here or to just shout whatever to make him let it go.But she can already feel the agitation melting from her face. She can't yell, she can't argue, it's three in the morning and she's tired.
She takes a deep breath,wondering how people do this. How it comes so easy,spilling your soul all over the floor and watching it stain shoes. His shoes are clean - they should remain so. She can't see her face but whatever expression she has makes his soften almost too quickly in return. Maybe he's tired too ( tired of her).
,,Um.." is all that escapes her, an unintelligent sound amongst the thousand words that want to claw their way out.
,, I'm not ungrateful."
She hopes she sounds convincing but all she can focus on is the desperation that seeps out. Out of guilt or out of the inability to explain.
,, I know." he breathes out. And she knows he means it,his eyes are too honest and too soft when they find hers. It really is unfair, all of it.
,, I don't have the luxury of trusting people." The words stick like honey as she drags them out. She should probably say more,she should say more - because it's Sebastian and he's here and he understands.
,, Then trust me"
He sounds so resolute,so honest that she can't look him in the eye,she wouldn't dare. Her ears are pulsing,she's going to explode so instead she focuses on his hands. They're warm - she knows this. She wants to make a home there. She wants to put down roots,stay locked in them forever and surrender to the blazing warmth of a thousand suns. She can see it so clearly - the late night conversations,coffee dates,game nights with Emily, warm embraces and soft kisses.
This isn't the first daydream showed down her throat and it won't be the last. After the case he's going to leave. He'll get payed, he'll leave and she'll never see him again and that will be the end of it.
He won't be there when she eventually fails, she won't get the chance to fail him and she's glad.
She shakes her head and heads back to her room.
She's glad.
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
GURL YES IT WAS ON TV LAST NIGHT AND THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS LIKE JUMIN AND MC JUMIN AND MC!!! But yes I came from a YOI imagines blog who recommended you and I’m glad I came! But seriously take your time with it and do NOT be afraid to SHATTER MY HEART MERCILESSLY. Honestly I think we are living the same life in different places! Have a great week my friend!
money can’t buy happiness - Jumin Han
The original request:
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Warnings: angst
Summary: dating Jumin Han meant constantly being in the spotlight. However, the press had a vendetta against you. At what point does your sanity take priority over your love towards Jumin? Will almost definitely get a happy pt 2 resolution if someone asks for it bc writing angst makes me sad lmaoo
[support me :)]
You were taking a shower. It was getting late and Jumin wasn’t home yet. The two of you had been dating for about four months and he asked you to move in with him. With you being in the public eye so much, he felt better knowing his security team could keep an eye on you.
You heard a knock on the bathroom door. It opened then shut. “I’m home, My Love. Sorry to have kept you waiting.”
You opened the shower door and leaned over to give him a peck on the lips, then focused back to your shower.
“You mind if I join you?” He asked, pulling his tie to loosen it.
“I... uh-“ you had been sort of self-conscious about your appearance lately. The media didn’t help; they were always reporting on how you looked. You didn’t let Jumin know. You knew it’d only worry him. “Okay. If you want.”
He deftly undid the buttons of his shirt and got undressed, slipping into the shower with you. He wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered, pushing a damp strand of hair out of your face. “You want help washing up?” He had a goofy grin on his face, hand settling on your hip.
“I... I’m not feeling really good about myself... and my body image today,” you confessed, staring at the water droplets on the shower wall.
“I wish you wouldn’t read those news articles. They’re horrible.” He carefully turned you in his arms so you were facing him. “You know I think you’re the most beautiful person in the world.”
“‘Jumin Han’s partner is gaining weight. Could a child be on the way?’” You quoted the article, word-for-word. It was etched into your memory. “I just was popping my hip out to the side. I don’t know. I thought I was being trendy. But they thought I was pregnant?!”
“Don’t listen to a thing they say.”
“I kind of look pregnant though. I need to lose some weight.” You bent over and got some shampoo, massaging the soap into his hair.
His eyes fluttered shut at the sensation. “You look perfect. That feels nice.”
“I just hate how they talk about anything and everything. You have a meeting with a woman? You’re cheating on me. I’m carrying a different purse? I’m a gold digger. I put all my weight on one foot, heaven forbid, and all of a sudden I’m pregnant.” You clapped your hands together, soap spraying against the shower door. “It just sucks.”
“I’m sorry.” He grabbed some conditioner to return the favor. “I got you some more flowers. I know it won’t make up for it all, but I thought they were nice.”
“Mhm. That is nice.”
“Let’s go out for dinner tonight too,” he offered.
“Last thing I need is more people thinking I’m eating too much.”
He pouted. “You’ve gotta eat somehow though.” The two of you stood under the stream of the shower. “I’ll get us a private room? At your favorite place too.”
You sighed. “It’s late Jumin. Don’t make more work for Jaehee.”
“I’ll do it myself then.” He stooped down to kiss your cheek. “Anything for you.”
The two of you got out of the shower and wrapped up in your towels and Jumin wasted no time calling the restaurant. “Hi!” He sounded overly excited. You laughed. “Oh... yes I can hold.”
“This is what it’s like to be a commoner,” you chuckled, pulling out a clean dress shirt for him to wear. Powder blue. He wore too many pinstripes. You really liked the way the color looked on him. You had a dress in the same color. He bought it for you when you bought him that shirt for his birthday; he thought it was cute when you’d match.
“Yes. No problem. This is Jumin Han... Oh! No worries. I was just hoping I could book a private room for a half hour from now,” he was so cute and flustered on the phone. He likely had never done this before. “Yes, that’d be great. Thank you.”
He hung up the phone and you laughed, giving him a hug. “You’re so freaking cute,” you uttered, your towel slipping down your body from the eagerness of the embrace. You pulled back. “I picked out some clothes for us, if you like ‘em.”
He glanced over at the clothes you had hung up and nodded. “Perfect. You’ll look so beautiful in that.” He walked over and grabbed his clothes, taking them off the hanger and starting to dress.
“Don’t forget to call Driver Kim,” you reminded him, picking out a pair of shoes.
“I texted him already. No worries.”
You turned to grin at him and he was already half-dressed. You couldn’t tear your eyes away as he buttoned up the shirt, hiding more and more of his perfect figure. He paused on the top button. “You’re staring.”
“I can’t help it. You’re just so handsome,” you giggled, walking towards him and helping him with the top button. “Will you zip up my dress for me?” You turned your back towards him. He complied, zipping you up.
“Tie or no tie?” He asked, glancing at his reflection in the mirror.
“No tie.” You replied confidently. He nodded, putting on his suit jacket to complete the look.
You glanced at both of your reflections in the mirror. You laughed out loud. “I just realized my hair is soaking wet.” You pulled a hand up to run through his hair. “Yours too.”
“Oops. Guess I didn’t think about that. Why don’t you wear it up then?” He pulled your damp hair off your neck and held it up so you could get an idea of how it’d look with the hair away from your face. “Looks nice to me.”
“Okay,” you smiled. You checked the time on your phone. “We’re going to be late,” you chuckled, sitting down to put your hair up.
He grabbed your shoes and kneeled next to you, helping you step into the heels. As you put Bobby pins in your hair to ensure it looked nice, he grabbed a nude lipstick off the counter and applied it to your lips. “We make such a good team,” he chuckled. You looked at your reflection, satisfied with how well Jumin did on your lipstick.
“Do I look presentable enough?”
“You look breathtaking. Come now,” he offered you his hand and you grabbed it. “Driver Kim is out front.”
You had made it to the restaurant in no time. The staff was extremely nice, taking you to your own private room where you could enjoy each other’s company in peace. The dinner was lovely, but there were some bumps along the way. The waitress served Jumin a glass of wine and you a glass of water. Pregnant women couldn’t drink, of course. You tried to explain you weren’t pregnant. Your eyes were watery and honestly you were extremely embarrassed; it was challenging to get out the words. Luckily, all it took was Jumin requesting to “get her a glass of wine, please,” with a hard look on his face to fix that problem.
Luckily, the food was great. It was your favorite restaurant, after all. Jumin even offered to get dessert. All you wanted was a brownie, but they didn’t have brownies. They made you a brownie. You felt like an inconvenience, but Jumin tipped significantly to reassure you that there was no problem. You asked the chef to come out and thanked them for a their flexibility.
“I can’t believe everyone reads those articles,” you whined when you got in the car. “She really thought I was pregnant.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why she’d think that. The media is... challenging.”
“They hate me. Not that it matters. But wow. The press really is not fond of me,” you confessed, playing with a strand of hair that had fallen from your updo.
“They hate everyone.”
“Your father hates me too.”
“He only hates you because he wanted to date you instead of me. He thinks you’re lovely,” he defended his father.
You sighed and leaned your head on his shoulder. “I’m tired.”
“You can shut your eyes. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” He reassured you. You nuzzled into his shoulder to get more comfortable and shut your eyes.
You woke up to a clank sound. You sat up, startled. You were in bed? “Jumin,” you glanced at him, sunlight lighting his features. “Wow... I was pretty tired huh?”
“You were. It was adorable... but challenging... helping you get to bed.” He had the sweetest smile on his face. You realized you were in your pajamas. He had helped you get changed, taken off your makeup, and let your hair down, all while you were asleep?
“You’re the sweetest.” You glanced at the clock. He usually didn’t leave work for another hour, yet he was all dressed up already. “Come back to bed and lay with me?” You peeled the covers on his side of the bed down, offering him the spot.
“Wish I could, but I have an early meeting today.” He got down on his knee and gave you a kiss. “I made you pancakes though. Hopefully that’ll make up for it.” He stood back up, grabbing his watch and putting it on.
“I love you. Have a good day at work.” You smiled.
“Have a good day at home. I’ll try to be back as soon as I can, but I might be a little late. I’ll call you later.” He walked to the door to leave, but made his way back to you and kissed your lips once again. “Love you.” And with that, he was gone.
You opted to stay in bed with your pancakes for a while. What was shocking to you, though, was to see your name trending on Twitter. You sighed, opening the tag and bracing yourself for the worst. Gold Digger? Jumin Han’s Girlfriend Doesn’t Even Bother Dressing Up for her Nights Out, Endangering Baby, Sources Say. You groaned. You thought you looked okay. Jumin said you looked beautiful. You hadn’t even seen a camera, but there it was: another unflattering picture of you.
And at the top of the trending tag, a tweet from Sarah. “This girl is not only a home wrecker, ruining Jumin and I’s engagement, but an awful mother-to-be. She clearly only cares for herself.”
You hated this. All the replies were in support of her. Was that... no. Jumin’s father retweeted it too. A sob escaped your mouth. You’d never be good enough for him.
You were packing clothes in the suitcase before you even knew what you were doing. You didn’t know where you were going, but you were leaving. You left the dresses and gifts Jumin got you at the apartment; you were not a gold digger. You didn’t want anything to remind you of him; it’d hurt too bad.
You grabbed a piece of stationary off of the desk in the home office Jumin had installed. You pulled out a pen and began writing. You couldn’t abandon him with nothing. Your heart wouldn’t let you.
I’m sorry. I was never the girl your father wanted me to be. Never the girl the press thought you deserved. I was always kidding myself by thinking I was the right fit for you.
You’ve been raised in the spotlight your whole life. You’re brave and confident and never let anything get to you. I, on the other hand, am sensitive, fragile, and unrefined. I can’t stand in the spotlight; I’ve messed up a million times and I would just keep messing up if I let myself.
It’s not so much that the media has gotten to me; that everyone has turned against me and sided with Sarah... even your father. It’s that I know this will never stop. There will always be problems with me around. You will never have a moment of peace with me. You’ll never be able to walk into a room with me without hearing the whispers. I notice them everywhere I go.
That’s why I have to leave. For you. For your company. And because I’m not strong enough. I’m not who you thought so highly of; I’m an imposter. I could never succeed in your world.
Don’t come looking for me. I don’t even know where I’m going, I just know I need to get away. Get married to Sarah, or someone else refined and beautiful and polite. You deserve the perfect woman who society loves and who knows exactly what to do. That’s not me. It never will be.
I love you, and I wish you only the best.
You were sobbing. There was no point in signing your name. The teardrops littered all over the paper were signature enough. You dropped the note on the bed, grabbed the suitcase, and headed to the door. You were in leggings and a hoodie, sunglasses obstructing most of your face. The last thing you needed was to draw more attention to yourself.
You took a taxi to the airport. You paid for everything with your own money. You left the credit card Jumin had given you at home. You didn’t need to take anything from him. You went to the front desk and booked the cheapest flight as far away as possible. You had always wanted to go to Orlando, you figured. Maybe you could go to Disney World and spend the day sobbing at the happiest place on earth.
You checked your suitcase, went through security, got a drink from Starbucks, and settled down at the gate, waiting for your flight. You cried openly at the airport. Who cared at this point? You couldn’t eat. The only thing giving you any sustenance being the drink in front of you. Eventually they called your boarding group.
You weren’t in first-class, like you usually were with Jumin. No, you were in a cramped row of three at the back of the plane. It was refreshing. You were leaving your old life behind. You glanced out the window as you walked towards your seat. Goodbye Jumin. Goodbye RFA. You should have called Seven and told him. Told him not to track you down at the very least. You’d have to purchase a new phone. You were going to start completely anew. You sniffled, but kept walking down the aisle to your seat, each step feeling like purgatory as you felt the distance from Jumin increase.
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dented-nado · 5 years
Prompt: it's early years and B is injured and Diana and/or Clark are worried and want to help and since B isn't used to anyobe besides A to give a shit he screams "Why do you care?!"
[I sort of did this stream of consciousness style, so hopefully it turned out okay and you like it!]
He could hear his heart pounding in his ears that felt like they were stuffed with cotton.
"Batman, come on!"
His legs continued to carry him forward. Keep going, keep on, carry on... Batman didn't stop for something as trival as pain.
"You NEED medical attention." Diana called, grabbing his shoulder to stop him from taking another step.
He wasn't weak, just because he wasn't bullet proof... even if he wished he was... it didn't mean, he couldn't still fight.
"I need you both to leave me alone!" He growled over his shoulder, putting pressure on the wound in his side under his cape, he wasn't even sure exactly where Clark and Diana were.
Loosing focus... have to... keep focused.
"Bruce! Please, just stop for a second!" Clark pleaded.
He was starting to feel dizzy, like he was about to black out. Was he even walking forward anymore?  When had it gotten dark? It had just been a fight in the daytime... It was too dark to be day now...dark... narrow... dirty... Was someone screaming? He thought he heard a woman's scream ringing in his ears... it was saying a name... was someone calling him?
He woke up... infuriatingly... on one of the watchtower hospital beds with Superman and Wonder Woman both right by his side. How had he ended up here? He needed to keep fighting...
"What happened?" He demanded more than asked, glaring at the ceiling, realizing he had to be slightly out of it still from painkillers.
"You passed out from blood loss." Diana explained, looking concerned but also a little angry from worry.
"You needed stitches." Clark added quietly.
He was upset too.
Bruce grumbled and started trying to sit up only to have both of them start loosing their mind and pushing him back down to keep him laying down.
"Bruce I swear to god just stop moving for five god damn seconds!" Clark barked at him.
"You're going to re-open your wound, it was bad, you need to stop."
"I need to get back out there!" Batman shouted back.
"No you don't!" They both shouted back at once.
"I'm not going to let an injury slow me down when lives are on the line!" He began trying to get up again only to be pushed right back down.
He hated how they were both so so so much stronger physically than him. He trained so hard, pushed his body to the edge, and still... it didn't feel like it was enough.
"The league can handle it B, your not going to be able to do much with an injury that bad! Just... Just please, calm down, let yourself heal and then at least you'll live to fight another day." Clark pleaded.
Bruce growled, not unlike a raging dog that had just been shoved in a cage and had a muzzle put on it. "Why do you care? Either of you. It doesn't affect either of you if I die or something happens in the work we do." He barked trying to get up again. "There will be another Batman after I'm gone."
"Doesn't affect... Bruce do you even hear yourself?!" Clark asked furiously.
"Of course it will affect us! How could it not? Your our ally! Our friend. Bruce if we lost you..." Diana stammered before leaning back and taking a deep breathe. "Bruce ... no matter how many times I've lost someone I've loved to something tragic, or because I simply outlived them... it never gets easier. Ever."
Clark sighed and put a hand on Bruce's shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "I know how hard your trying, and how much you want to be able to keep fighting and doing good... but you have to realize that you do have people that care about you, and loosing you would... would... god I don't even know what I'd do without you B... I know you know fully well how hard it is to lose someone you care about."
Bruce looked between both of them, pouring their hearts out in front of him, begging him to stay, begging him to be okay.
"You shouldn't." He mumbled, finally settling back down.
"I don't think we can help it." Clark said honestly.
"...I'm sorry." Bruce said turning his eyes away from them.
"Why are you apologizing?" Diana asked with a worried tilt of her head.
"I'm not sure what I did to trick you into thinking I was someone to care about. It'd be better for you if..."
He stopped as Clark suddenly poked the middle of his forehead with one finger. "You didn't trick anyone into anything. So knock it off. You are someone who should be cared about, just like anyone else on the planet."
"Your our friend, our ally, we're stronger together Bruce. We are a trinity, each of us alone is powerful, but together we are a force to be reckoned with." Diana said passionately. "We don't leave each other behind, we care about each other and those around us. We want you to stand with us Bruce... not alone."
Clark smiled. "You wouldn't want to break up a trinity would?" Following up Diana's speech with a goofy grin that Bruce might have laughed at any other time.
Instead he sighed. "You two are ridiculous."
"And your a stubborn jackass that needs to rest." Clark said crossing his arms.
"Superman swearing... that's a new one." Bruce said closing his eyes, realizing he probably wouldn't have gotten far anyway from the painkillers starting to make him feel a little loopy just on their own.
"What can I say? You've rubbed off on me." Clark replied, walking over to the wall to dim the lights in the room.
"That's probably not a good thing." Bruce muttered.
"We'll work on your constant self deprecating later, for now... get some rest Bat..." Diana said softly, taking Bruce's gloved hand and wrapping it in hers.
Sleep... sleep was starting to sound good. When had he last slept? He wasn't sure. He felt like he was about to fall asleep as he thought about Clark and Diana's words and pleading with him. His slightly addled brain that was beginning to forget where he was had a thought.
"Did you two say you love me and care about me?" Bruce asked, slurring his words slightly as he popped one eye open.
He couldn't remember if he was supposed to be playing Batman or Brucie right now, and he was starting not to care.
Clark and Diana exchanged a glance, smiling at each other before looking back down at Bruce.
"Sleep." They both said in unison.
"Fine. I'm going. I'm going... I'm sleeping. Look how deep asleep I am."
"B r u c e" They warned.
Bruce smirked but zipped his lips up tight. 
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babyboy-bangtan · 5 years
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By Chance Chapter 12
A misunderstanding gone viral puts you on BTS’s radar, which leads to a series of events that finally culminate with you meeting them for the first time.
✚ Pairing: Sub!BTS/Female Reader ✚ Word Count: 5.4K ✚ Rating: M ✚ Warnings: None. ✚ A/N: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Dialogues spoken in Korean when English is also being spoken will be bolded and italicized. Read on AO3 / Chapters 1-4 /  Chapters 5-8 / Chapters 9-10 / Chapter 11
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The Meeting: Part 2
Thanks to some good, old fashioned bribing with tickets to the premiere of your next movie, you managed to get your hand on a couple of the pictures from BTS's SNL shoot, and you were able to have your assistant get you a custom made card for them. It's a pretty simple design, but you think that makes it look just perfect; it's one of their group photos, with 'HAPPY SNL DEBUT DAY'  written at the bottom. It's a cute, well-made card that they can open to see what you've written inside— the problem only being that you don't know what to write just yet.
As you delete yet another sentence you've written on your notes because it doesn't feel right— this has been going on for at least half an hour— an incoming call from your assistant suddenly startles you.
"Fuck." You say, clutching your chest before answering it. "Hey, what's up?"
"Hey, I'm right next in line at the flower shop— do you want me to give the phone to the florist when it's my turn?" 
"Yeah, please do. I'll just wait on the line. Thank you!" 
"Okay, no problem." She says, while you distract yourself by trying to come up with a nice, not too personal message to write to the boys.
They were absolute sweethearts when you met them, much more so than you thought they were going to be, not to mention much more breathtakingly beautiful in person than on screen— and that truly is saying something. It was a bit hard to keep yourself together while they were around you because of how stunning they looked, and when they told you that Jungkook and Jimin were actually your fans you almost lost it. Jungkook was especially adorable— he got so shy around you that it made you want to hug him and tell him it was okay, but you knew that would've been an invasion of his personal space you doubt he would've welcomed.
You almost made a fool of yourself when they asked you what your favorite video of theirs was; you answered Blood, Sweat and Tears so quickly that you were sure they would realize why it was your favorite. You ended up covering it up by saying it was because of how artistic it was— which is not a lie per se, only a partial truth— and they seemed to fully believe you. You couldn't go ahead tell them the true reason was because seeing them hanging from swings, being tied up and blindfolded while kneeling or wrapping their hands around their own throats makes you want to go wild— because they would've rightfully run for the hills.
So, because of how lovely and sweet they were, you want to give them something that might ease their nerves even if it's just a little bit. You know what it feels like to be nervous on SNL for the first time as a host— but they are the first South Korean band to ever perform there and you can't imagine how much pressure they must be feeling over that.
Since you don't know them that well, you went for the safest bet you could think of: a nice arrangement of flowers. You would've loved to go into the shop yourself, but if word got out that you were in a flower shop buying a arrangement with 7 different types of flowers, it'd be only a matter of time before someone put two and two together and fucked up your gift by telling some news outlet desperate for any kind of celeb gossip.
"Hi, sir." You hear your assistant say. "Would you mind speaking with my boss over the phone? She couldn't come here but she wanted to order an arrangement herself—"
"Sure, no problem." You hear a male voice say, a bit further away and muffled. "Hello?" Now his voice is perfectly clear.
"Hi! Thanks for accepting the call."
"No problem, ma'am. What can I help you with?"
"Okay, I wanted to order an arrangement that I need to be ready by... let's say Saturday at noon—"
"Uh, that's very soon—" He says, but you interrupt him because you knew this was coming. The flower shop is quite famous— and that fame is well earned because their work is stunning— but you know from someone that it's not impossible to get them delivered in a couple days, if you're willing to pay the price. Which you are. That's the reason you sent your assistant— so she would try to persuade him if in case you couldn't yourself through the phone and to avoid the possibility of him hanging up on you before hearing you out.
"I know— but I'll pay whatever it costs to get it by this Saturday."
"It's going to be a bit expensive, ma'am—"
"I know." You repeat. "Money won't be an issue."
"Uhhh... okay, then." He says. "What kind of arrangement do you have in mind?"
"I need a big arrangement that must have 7 different types of flowers— and I need it to be noticeable that they are 7 and they're different, and they all need to be given the same importance. I don't want any sticking out more than the others."
"Right, do you have any type of flowers in mind?"
"No because I don't really know anything about flowers— except that they have meanings. It would be perfect if you choose flowers that symbolized greatness, success, longevity, beauty, elegance— that type of things."
"Got it. Any particular color combinations, maybe warmer colors or...?"
"Oh, yes. I want the color you notice first to be pink. Maybe different types of pink? And if you need to add other colors, they should be pastels. But pink has to be the main color. I just want it to look really beautiful. I want the people getting it to feel valued when they see it."
"That I can do, ma'am. Anything else?"
"No, that's all. Thank you so much, my assistant will take care of the payment."
"My pleasure."
"Hi, boss." Your assistant says, always careful to not say your name out loud, just in case. "I got it from here."
"Oh, wait! Did you get the vase already?" You almost forgot to ask.
"Yes. I picked it up before coming here. It looks just like you wanted it. I'll text you a picture later."
"Thank you! See you soon!"
You also had her order a custom made glass vase inspired on the cover of their latest album, but you don't know yet if it's going to look good or clash with the arrangement the florist will make for you. If it doesn't look good you'll just discard the idea, even though you really hope it does. You want them to know you just didn't ask for a generic arrangement of flowers, you want them to be able to tell that you put some thought into this so they know they're appreciated. You know a thing or two about feeling like an outsider, and you also know the relief you can get from knowing that someone from the other side is on yours too, supporting you.
When you hang up, you suddenly have an idea for what you want to write. When you went down a rabbit hole of BTS compilation videos that ended up with you laughing so hard that your stomach hurt and there were tears streaming down your face— who would've thought that the same guys who look like sin personified on stage and music videos were so damn goofy and hilarious?— you noticed there was a word they kept saying, but you forgot to search what it meant.
You open your browser and search 'what does fighting mean in kpop', because even though you're pretty sure that based on the context they used it you understood its meaning correctly, it still doesn't hurt to make sure.
"... a Korean word of support or encouragement. It is frequently used in sports or whenever a challenge such as a difficult test or unpleasant assignment is met. It derives from a Konglish borrowing of the English word "Fighting!"
You were correct.
화이팅— you will definitely use that. You start typing again, and for the first time you actually feel like what you wrote is appropriate for the situation.
You just hope the boys will actually like it, instead of thinking it's too much or that you crossed a line.
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Much to Jungkook and Jimin's displeasure— although, to be fair, after meeting you the rest of them wouldn't have minded to spend more time with you either— they had to wait until Saturday before they could see you again. Sadly, even though the day is already upon them, they're now too focused on being completely prepared to really think about anything else. That's the reason why they hoped to meet with you again before the day of the episode; they hoped to interact with you one more time without having to worry so much about giving their best for their performances just yet.
To tell the truth, apart from Jimin and Jungkook who already were very aware they liked you and were really looking forward to meet you, the rest of them hadn't really had any set expectations when it came to you meeting them. Namjoon had been worried about Jin maybe getting flustered— which he didn't because he didn't really talk to you at all to make sure that didn't happen— and Yoongi was hoping to see Jin getting flustered, but he just settled for enjoying how shy and nervous Jimin and Jungkook got when you paid attention to them. What Hoseok loved the most was how quickly you made them feel at ease with you— like you'd known each other for a long time. Taehyung loved that too— and he also loved that you shared your experience with them to make them feel better. It really helped him feel a bit less nervous about their performance.
They had known you'd be nice— how could they think otherwise with Jungkook constantly reminding them about your kind personality— but they felt they weren't really prepared for how easy it was to be around you, even if there were embarrassing moments for several of them. Embarrassment was unavoidable, but any sort of awkwardness was nonexistent. You made them feel comfortable and welcome immediately, and they really appreciated it and were thankful for that.
After you shot the promos you had to leave and gave them all a hug goodbye, which was more than Jungkook ever thought he was going to get. And when you told them you were dying to see them perform live on Saturday, Jungkook felt like he was going to melt into a puddle on the floor. You kept telling them all how amazing and talented they were, and at that point they were all blushing and feeling embarrassed at your praises, not knowing what else to do but saying thank you as you rambled on about how incredible their choreographies and voices were. Namjoon got so shy when you told him his English was incredible that he could barely say another word after that.
When you finally left and they returned to their dressing room, Jungkook had to sit down to process everything that had just happened. He met you, you hugged him twice and to top it all you said they were great and told them how much you loved their songs and music videos.
Both him and Jimin got a good amount of teasing from the others on their way back to the hotel because of how flustered they'd gotten when you talked to them— Yoongi said he thought Jungkook was going to faint when you told him to sit next to you and Hoseok laughed at how charming Jimin tried to be and how immediately shy he got by you just talking to him.
"Namjoon-Hyung got shy too when she said his English was good!"  Jimin had blurted out, trying to divert the teasing to someone else while the others laughed.
"Why are you dragging me into this? I didn't say anything!" Namjoon had complained, blushing deeply.
The teasing went on through the rest of the day, and by the time they had to go to bed, Jungkook started daydreaming about the possibility of you and all of them becoming actual friends. After getting to spend time with you and because of how nice you were, it slowly stopped feeling like something unreachable.
Now, the day of the show is finally here, and even though their performances are at the forefront of their minds, knowing that they'll get to see you again is also something that makes them feel excited. Some more so than others, but they're all excited nonetheless.
When they arrive to the studio the feeling of anticipation starts to truly settle in, and with it nervousness and excitement as well. They are well prepared— they've rehearsed the songs over and over again— but the possibility of something going wrong and affecting the performance negatively is always a worry.
Namjoon walks into the room first, but he suddenly stops his movements when he catches sight of what's on the table.
"What? What's this?"  He asks, shocked, looking around their staff for answers. "Who left this here?"
There's a beautiful, huge flower arrangement waiting for them. 
"Wooooow."  Taehyung says right behind him. "Is this from the SNL people? It's so pretty."  He smells the flowers, closing his eyes as he enjoys their lovely perfume. Someone from their staff answers that someone from the SNL crew left it a little while ago without saying anything else.
The rest walk in and marvel at the arrangement as well, but it's Hoseok who finally realizes there's actually an envelope positioned between the flowers.
"Oh, guys, I think there's a card." He opens the envelope and smiles at the image on the card, showing it to the others."Cute." 
"Who is it from, Hyung?"  Jimin asks, going to smell the flowers as well while Taehyung takes a picture of them.
"It's from [Y/N]-Noona!" Jungkook suddenly exclaims, reading over Hoseok's shoulder. 
"She wrote a message." Hoseok says, handing it to Namjoon, who quickly reads it and translates it for the rest of them.
It's normal to be nervous, but remember you're here for a reason: You already made it. Don't worry, you're gonna kill it! 화이팅! [Y/N]
"She wrote 'fighting' in Korean, that's so thoughtful of her."  He says with a smile, handing the card to Jimin when he asks for it.
"Ah, [Y/N]-Noona is so nice."  Taehyung says as he reads the card with Jimin, who nods in agreement.
"Ah, wait—"  Yoongi suddenly mumbles, crouching down slightly to take a better look. "The vase looks like the cover of our album." 
"What, really?"  Jin says, resting his hands on Yoongi's shoulders and crouching as well. "Oh wow, it does."  In the middle of the soft pink of the glass vase, they can see the distinct heart shape of their album cover art. "This looks very expensive."  He finally adds, standing upright again.
"Hyung, we don't have anything like this for her!"  Jungkook suddenly says, almost panicking.
You got them this incredibly thoughtful gift, and he worries that you might feel they are ungrateful because they didn't get anything for you. How did it not occur to them to get you a flower bouquet as well? It's such a common thing to give, even if it still would've been a smaller gift than the one you gave them. It would've been something, at least.
"Well, we've got the album to give her."  Namjoon says, scratching the back of his head. Until Jungkook mentioned it, he hadn't really considered that they might look rude for not getting you something like this as well.
"Don't be silly, she obviously didn't get us this because she was waiting for something in return."  Yoongi interrupts them before Jungkook starts to have a meltdown. "You can tell she's not the kind of person who'd do something like that."
"He's right."  Hoseok agrees. "I think she just wanted us to feel welcome."
"I think so too."  Jimin says, with Taehyung nodding at his side. Jin and Namjoon also agree, and Jungkook can't really argue against that. You're too kind to be bothered by something like that and you definitely wouldn't get them something because you wanted something from them. You did this because you wanted to, and that's it.
When they start getting dressed for their Boy With Luv performance, Jungkook can't help himself and keeps glancing at the TV on the wall to check if you're there already, even if he knows the show hasn't even started yet. In your first SNL episode you were hilarious, and he knows this time will be no different.
Once you do appear, Jungkook's eyes are firmly glued to the screen. He's vaguely aware a stylist is working on him, but he's just letting her do whatever she needs while enjoying your monologue. The rest of the boys end up watching it as well, even though they don't all understand what you're saying on the same level. Namjoon, however, is laughing so hard he's almost crying.
"Oh my god, she's hilarious."  He says, clutching his stomach. Jungkook had mentioned more than once that you were funny, but he had no idea you were this funny. The way you deliver every line you're saying makes it just perfect. As far as he knows you're not a comedic actor, but looking at you so at ease standing there, he feels like you definitely could be.
Jungkook grins at him, nodding in agreement. 
After that, the there's not much more to do than practice the little details and wait for the time of the performance to come.
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When you were told that you only had to be at the main stage a couple minutes before you needed to present BTS, you have to admit you were a little disappointed. You wanted to see the boys again before that, but work is work and you needed to do several outfit changes through the night. You're now dressed in regular clothes again, but after their performance is done you need to rush out of there and start getting ready for another sketch once again. So far everything has been going smoothly, except for one moment where you almost broke character and started laughing, but you managed to work it out pretty well and continue without much trouble.
Once you finally get there, the boys are already waiting on the stage and you manage to wave at them with a smile before a makeup artist pulls you away and starts fixing your face, and soon enough you're standing in front of the camera, ready to introduce them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, BTS." You say, moving away to the side so the camera can focus on them instead.
You, of course, are immediately enraptured by their performance and can't take your eyes off of them. Your brain still has a hard time processing that the boys who got so shy while just talking to you are over there now, being incredibly sexy and seductive like it's the way they are 24/7. They absolutely know what they're doing, and they know how to do it perfectly. They own the stage, and they love it.
You find yourself mouthing the "oh my my my" part of the chorus and dancing on your spot, because it's too catchy not to. The song is great, and you know for a fact it's gonna be a hit, and the performance is even better. You'll definitely be listening to it over and over again after this.
When the song is done, you only manage to give them two excited thumbs up when they look at where you are, before you are ushered away to get dressed for your next sketch. Things thankfully continue to go by without a problem; the audience's response is very positive and you feel quite confident about how everything is turning out to be.
It's not long before you're having another wardrobe change to present BTS's second performance of the night, and you're even more excited about this one than you were before. This song is actually one of your favorites, it's so fun to listen to and you can't wait to see them perform it live.
"Once again, BTS." You say, smiling widely as the camera moves away from you and goes to them.
You can actually sing this one— except for the parts in Korean— so you're really enjoying yourself this time. Dancing to their songs is pretty much unavoidable, and you can't help but mimic some of the easy parts of their choreography as well. They take your breath away through their entire performance— those damn hip rolls could give you a heart attack— and when they finish you start clapping and cheering for them like there's no tomorrow. They do get to see you right before someone takes you away so you can change again, and you manage to give them another thumbs up as you walk away to the dressing room.
When you're finally done with the last sketch, you feel the tension slip away from your body almost immediately. The last thing you need to do is get out of your costume and wrap up the episode with BTS and the cast, and you'll be finally done.
Your final outfit is a simple, not too tight dark blue suit with a white shirt and high heels, and the moment your makeup is fixed up you go back to the stage to get on position for the ending.
The boys are already there when you arrive, and you quickly greet them before someone from the production team starts to place them in the spots that work best for their height in relation to yours. When the cameras start rolling again you deliver your words of thanks for the opportunity to have so much fun with the SNL cast again and thank them, BTS and the amazing production team before saying your final goodbye so the credits can roll in.
You waste no time in hugging the boys one by one, immediately telling them how absolutely amazing their performance was, and then move on to the SNL cast who compliment you and tell you that you did a great job, which you say right back at them. They invite you to the after party, but you politely decline because you actually have a flight to catch in a few hours— and also because you're tired and don't really want to go.
Before you can start saying goodbye to them, Namjoon stops you to speak to you.
"Hey, would you mind to come by our dressing room in a bit? We have a little gift we wanted to give you—" He says, and you suddenly remember your assistant had told you that someone from their staff had asked her that already, and they told her they were going to film it.
"Oh, yes! Of course." You nod. "You guys go ahead and I'll be there in a sec." You want to switch your heels for something more comfortable before that.
They go in the direction of their dressing room, whereas you go find your assistant so she can give you your sneakers and take your high heels from you. Once you're done, you ask someone to lead you to where BTS's is staying.
"Come in, [Y/N]!" You hear Namjoon say when he sees you at the door, and you walk in and bow slightly to their staff before greeting them.
"Annyeonghaseyo."  You say, and they reply the same to you. "Hey guys!" You say, waving at them. You hold yourself back from touching them too much because you don't want their fans to react negatively to this interaction, or maybe take it the wrong way. They all greet you with bright smiles, and suddenly Namjoon asks you to stand in the middle of them so they can take a picture.
"Oh, of course." You position yourself between Jungkook and Jimin. "You guys were so great tonight!" You say once the picture is taken.
You hear a chorus of thank you, and before you can leave Namjoon stops you and hands you a copy of their own album.
"We wanted to give you this—"
"You guys!" You say, genuinely touched at the gesture. "That's so sweet, thank you so much!" You clutch the album to your chest. "I love it."
You have to leave the room shortly after, and you wave at them as you walk through the door while they all yell goodbye to you. 
You look at the album on your way back to your own dressing room; they all signed it, and even wrote little messages like 'thank you for the support', which you find to be absolutely adorable. Your assistant is waiting for you with yet another change of clothes— never in your life you have changed so often in such a short period of time, including your previous SNL appearance— so you can be actually comfortable once you're on your way to the airport.
Today was a long day, but a really fun and exciting one nonetheless. You just hope you'll be able to get some sleep on the plane, because otherwise you'll be fucked tomorrow.
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It's not until after they are done filming the ending of their episode that Jungkook has a sudden thought, and waits no time to blurt it out to everyone in the middle of the room, startling even their stylists.
"We didn't thank [Y/N]-Noona for the flowers!"  He cries out, looking like the world is about to end. He was just staring at the arrangement thinking about what a nice gesture it had been and how happy it made him, when he realized they never even did so much as mention it to you— and you didn't say anything about it.
"Oh shit."  Namjoon says, realizing he's right and feeling angry at himself for not realizing it sooner. He had the entire night already planned in his mind and he did everything he had to do meticulously— but your gift was something he hadn't expected at all and his own nerves and excitement made him forget about it with everything else going on. "Do you think she's already gone?"  He turns to their staff. "Can you find out if she left?"
God, they wasted so much time changing into their clothes that it's a very big possibility that you already left the building.
"She's still here, her assistant said she would make sure she doesn't leave yet, but you have to be fast because she has a flight to catch."  Someone from their staff says, slightly breathless.
"Come on, let's go. We can't leave without thanking her."  Namjoon says, and Yoongi frowns from his place on the couch.
"Do we all have to go? I'm sure it will be fine if only you go and thank her for all of us—"  He complains, not wanting to get up.
"We're all going, Hyung. Get up."  Namjoon says, leaving no room for discussion for anyone.
"I didn't really forget to thank her, I just thought they had decided not to and didn't say anything."  Taehyung whispers to Jimin as they walk, who covers his mouth to stifle his laughter.
"Don't tell them that."  He manages to whisper back.
When they finally arrive to your dressing room, they find you sitting there scrolling through your phone without a care in the world. 
"Guys, hi!" You greet them with a smile, standing up once you see them enter. "What happened? My assistant told me—"
"We are so sorry!" Jungkook blurts out, looking very apologetic. You look at him like you have no idea what he's talking about— which, to tell the truth, you probably don't.
"Huh?" You say, frowning in confusion. "Sorry about...?"
"We forgot to thank you for the flowers." Namjoon quickly says, taking the reins of the apology. "We were very grateful when we saw them, and the message on the card was very thoughtful." 
"The flowers— that's what this was about? You are very welcome guys, but it wasn't necessary to come all the way here, I promise." You laugh, lifting up both of your hands as if to make sure they understand you don't mind.
"No, no, it is. You went through all the trouble of getting them and it would be very rude to not thank you for them." Namjoon argues while the rest of them nod in agreement, and you bring your hands to your chest.
"That's incredibly sweet guys— I'm very happy you liked it. I just wanted you to know you are very welcome here. I know there are some people here that can be— how do I put this?" You look like you're trying to find the right words for a couple seconds. "Literal pieces of shit when it comes to talking about you." They all laugh at that, they can't really help it because of the deadpan way you say it. "But so many people here love you and appreciate you, and I hope you never forget that even if sometimes the worst people seem to be the loudest, they're not the majority. Not at all." They are all really touched by your words once Namjoon translates for them, but when he's about to reply to you he's interrupted by your assistant.
"[Y/N], the car is here. You need to go." She says, speaking from the door.
"I'm so sorry, I have to get going." You say, and they all nod in understanding. You sling your bag over your shoulder and start hugging them goodbye, but as you let go of Jungkook who is the last one, you suddenly say something that surprises them. "We should keep in touch."
"I can give you my number." Jungkook says immediately, pulling out his own phone so fast the others don't even see the movement. Jin has to look down in order to not burst out laughing right there, while the others do a slightly better job at hiding their reactions. "Or you give me yours." He unlocks his phone just in case, as he feels his ears starting to get hot. He doesn't care about embarrassment right now, this is more important.
You take the phone from his hand with a smile and quickly type your number, leaving it like that for him to save it himself. 
"[Y/N]—" Your assistant calls for you again.
"Sorry guys, gotta go." You say, smiling apologetically. "Text me so I can save your number." You tell Jungkook with a smile right before walking away, leaving him just standing there looking down at the phone on his hand.
Jimin has his own phone out, quickly copying the number for himself before saving it as [Y/N] 누나. 
"She gave me her number."  Jungkook says, looking down at the screen in a daze.
"Yes, she did."  Namjoon says, squeezing his shoulder while trying not to laugh at his reaction.
As they go get their things to finally go back to the hotel ,Jungkook's mind is focused only on the fact that he got your number, but not only that— he got it because you were the one who wanted to stay in touch with them.
He doesn't think he'll be able to sleep tonight.
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While you relax and try to enjoy the car ride to the airport, your phone suddenly vibrates on your lap.
      Is this [Y/N]?  
It's a message from a number you don't recognize, so of course you assume it's Jungkook.     
      Yes. Who's this?
What you get in response is a selfie, but not from the person you were expecting.
It's Jimin. He's giving you a finger heart and has a puppy filter on, and you can't deny that your heart skips a beat at how adorable he looks.     
      Looks like someone stole my number.
Your phone vibrates immediately after, but this time it's a new number.
      [Y/N]?       Jungkook?
Much like Jimin, he sends you a selfie to confirm his identity— but unlike Jimin he has no filter on and is just looking at the camera with a grin instead. You feel your heart skip a beat again, and this time you send a picture of yourself in response, smiling as well.
Before you can even lock your phone it vibrates again, and this time it's Jimin.
He just sent you a selfie of himself pouting.
     I don't steal :(
You have no doubts anymore. These boys will be the death of you.
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This is the final chapter of the first arc of the story! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! 
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helpinghanikan · 4 years
James “Bucky” Barnes A-Z
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James “Bucky” Barnes A-Z NSFW head-cannons 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
The second time you had slept together had resulted with bruises, and bite marks and groans from you that was anything but pleasurable. It had been intense for the both of you, and there was no use in blaming Bucky for it.
Ever since then he’s been on the little obsessive side of being careful with you. After finishing he doesn’t let himself fall to the side like others would. Instead he immediately focuses on you, asking if you were okay or if you needed anything. Even though your eyes were still rolled back in your head and your knuckles hadn’t released their grip on the sheets yet.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On you: He loves your breasts. He’s always been more of a boob guy, doesn’t matter if they’re so small they’re flat or so large no shirt could be considered appropriate. There’s nothing better than innocently letting you lean against him. His hand just so happening to land over your breasts, cupping it and squeezing gently.
On himself: He loves his neck, how you nibble at the clean-shaven skin or you scratch through his beard. Your kisses are gentle, like cleaning away any tainted feeling there might have been, and you bites are just enough to distract from any intrusive thoughts.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
After years of ice and murder and no physical contact other than pain a soft touch has more effect. Sometimes he will cum quickly when with you. The old man jokes and the “happens to a lot of men” don’t really help the situation.
What does help is how he’s ready to go after a few minutes of kissing and exploring. Using his fingers and tongue over his dick. Making a new game out of “training”. Which has, so far, favorable results.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Way back in the day the ideal date was the last showing of a movie. Where the theater would be mostly empty, the lights were low, and the employees were too tired to care about enforcing the rules. It was here that he learned to enjoy the female breast, and the joy of forbidden nookie in the dark. Whispering in her ear and getting permission, then his hands would begin to wonder.
With the new age it would be awkward to ask you to do this. As he would have to specifically ask you to wear a skirt, a long one, like the girls way back when. That would most of the fun. But it might be worth it if he gets the chance to cover your mouth in the dark of the theater, the other hand curling and rubbing under a hitched-up skirt.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
When he was young and before anything mattered Bucky got around. Slut might be too strong of a word, but more like the local tom cat most would pet but no one wanted to let inside.
With his experience with women before easily transferred to you now. Although hindered by his fear of new strength and arm he started to find himself again. Although it’d be a little weird to admit, doing the same things with you as he did before helps with finding the good memories.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
On a hard surface, where your butt is barely on the edge and most of your weight being supported by him.
It’s here that he can be engulfed by you. Bury his face into your shoulder and hair, inhale deeply and groan as you run a hand through his hair. Where you can cross your ankles behind his back, pulling him closer, tighter and groaning as it’s deeper.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s more serious when it comes down to it. Preferring to get you in the mood with a nice hold and a sweeping kiss then with a goofy grin and silly movements.
Sometimes he’ll play with you via a cute nip or taking you up in his arms. Where you’d scream and laugh but succumb to his charms in the end. Using that chance to be the one who kisses him deeply, groaning while doing so.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
During his time as an asset he had to clean shaven everywhere; from beard to chest to lower it had to be gone and smooth.
Now, with his freedom, he started to his chest and arm hair grow out. The same with below the belt but that he tries to keep a little more groomed then just going wild like his hair and beard. Even those aspect he has considered a trim or more.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
It varies from situation or even time how he treats the moment. Where quickies and the slightly tipsy sex are treated with more “get in and get done” attitude. When it’s early morning or there is time carved out of the day it’s slower and a stronger connection with more kisses and less rutting.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He’d rather have you but there are times when he just can’t handle being with someone right now. It’s nothing personal, everything has just become too much and he needs a little time away from you, from everyone.
It’s there that he usually finishes himself off. Better to jerk one off then to live with blue balls during this episode.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He loves a woman in uniform; lingerie, stockings, a little soldier’s uniform or nurse that wouldn’t be appropriate in the field. Hours could be spent running his hands over the fabric, touching skin, and then finding more tight fabric.
The difference between Bucky and others is that the ‘uniforms’ aren’t immediately removed for the prize underneath. Instead he pulls and tugs at the strings until the goods are within his grasp.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He doesn’t have an exact location he likes to steal you away to. Anywhere that’s private, an office or your room, even your kitchen or living room. Just so long as there isn’t an audience. Or there isn’t an audience he can’t glare away.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
It’s not an exact thing you do, or that he sees. It’s a growing feeling that starts in the morning with a head kiss, or when you walk towards him with that smile. All innocent things that he hangs onto throughout the day.
It’s amazing that you haven’t broken a nose being bent over when he gets his hands on you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Restraints on his wrists and ankles, he can’t handle anything holding him down. Even too hard of a grip on his wrists are enough to send him into a bad place.
To avoid this you jokingly hold him down by intertwining your fingers. Pressing them Into the bed with a little squeeze, making sure he knew that, if he wanted, he could switch things around. A few times he has taken advantage of that. Slipping an arm around your back after his eyes go slightly glasses. Moving into a different, better, scenario of being with you rather then slipping into the past.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
There’s nothing more beautiful than seeing you before him. How his hands look through your hair, gripping and holding it, control that guides you through the paces.
It’s not that he’s unwilling to go down on you, get and give and all that. But it’s being able to sit back and let himself be pampered that makes the relationship the best he’s ever had.
 P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
What he’s capable of and what he delivers are two different things. He’s slow, he takes his time, and is gentle to the point of teasing.
It took some time before you could convince him to go a little faster, maybe a little rougher. It’s only when you take control that he realizes he wants to have more. The experimenting of his thrusts and grabs and little smacks on your backside as gradual but it’s growing.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Most of his trysts back int eh day were quickies, and he’s continued to tradition into the modern day. Wanting you whenever he has a moment, or when his blood starts pumping from the smallest, dumbest things.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
A surprisingly vanilla guy it takes some coaxing to get him to try new things. Using little bits of negotiation; “It’s a different position, you’re on top.” “we’ll be gentle, with eachother.”
There have been several times where he’s said no to things, like restraints or chains or anything of the like. But he’s willing to try other things; new positions or maybe some food play that didn’t go as well as you thought. Although, going from sex to eating sundaes in your underwear was a fun experiment.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Although he’s had issues of premature arrival he’s like a horse. Ready to go again after a few minutes, kissing and massaging you in the meantime.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Bucky has never been big on toys. You have your own, a vibrator or something else to keep you busy while he was gone. But he’s always made a little face when you would bring something in or suggest something to be added.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
When he teases you it’s almost always by accident.
He almost crushes you, laying chest to chest with you. Nuzzling into your shoulder and neck, his hands and fingers sliding past quivering thighs into your center. Being gentle but taking his time to the point that the red on your face wasn’t just a blush.
“If you don’t-I swear…” Words are hard to find when the man above you is taking your breathe away and refusing to give it back. “If you don’t do anything…I’m gonna rip your other arm off.”
After a second he smiles against your neck. Probably only now realizing what he was unintentionally doing.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Bucky was a quiet man from both his training and just his personality. Trying to coax the sounds from him wasn’t working nearly as well as people had suggested. The best you could get was a grunt and a groan, maybe a few grumbled words.
It takes a conversation away from the bedroom to learn he just doesn’t like making noises. He’s not the kind of person who will scream and “oh yeah, oh yeah” all night.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Sex was the closest thing he could get to an effective drug. Where nothing existed in that moment except for you and how it felt to have everything about you as his. In this same vein he was addicted to you.
In the middle of the night, when the dreams were sliding into his mind, he would reach out for you. So long as he could find you, his drug of choice, before the dreams took hold everything could and would be fine.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He never really cared about the size of himself. No one had ever mentioned whether it was smaller or larger than average. He was thicker than most, something he could only tell by your face when he enters, it’s only then that he truly cares.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
As previously mentioned his want for you would build and build throughout the day. But he never went out of his way to ask you, or pressure into have sex. It’s only when you ask or drop enough hints that he gets it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s had trouble sleeping since Wakanda, but when he does sleep, he sleeps like the dead. After finishing he stays against you, holding close to your body that had fought away nightmares and memories alike.
It’s random who falls asleep first. Either of you feeling the other start to breathe deeper; Bucky seeming to take comfort in the smell of your sweat and living body. You finding the metal arm and holding it close, hoping to make the metal warm enough to be mistaken for a hand.
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A Prompt
April 14th: What do you like about being autistic?
can be Hard To Say only because it's like, literally everything about me being an autistic person's Characteristics lol, and that like, that initial sense of Difference between myself and other people was like, noticing some sort of mismatch / misalignment, but also that i was the one feeling shut out / out of place about it, so it's defined in that negative way like, well i guess i'm doing things wrong somehow, and it all keeps being framed like, whenever it seems to stand out that there's something Different about myself, it's about trying to figure out what's wrong here, why some interaction isn't working or whatever, and when actually getting positive responses or whatever, it's doesn't quite feel so individual, like, oh i guess i'm just seeming normal to people here, right lol. but that, also, of course, things you Could consider positive / like about yourself sure might not be received / responded to in that way by other people, can't always even just feel neutral about anything / not notice it, even if it can't possibly actually Matter / isn't causing any kind of problem for anyone else it's like well why are you doing this unnecessarily & Weirdly.....and you know, pathological model vs social model, naturally, where i don't think "hey if this part of being autistic led to Negative Experiences, it's b/c being autistic is worse than being allistic and i wish i was allistic, b/c that's the only way to Not be, for example, objectively and rightfully excluded and punished by people around me" lmao
but for a start i saw some quote from an autistic person the other day mentioning just this sort of like, what they love about themself re: being autistic, and i remember one of them being You Mean What You Say lol, with the example "if i ask 'how are you' it's because i want to know how you are" lmao like yeah a really exhausting Greeting Ritual in particular when it's like, literally every time you hear that you have that awareness like "okay remember this person doesn't Actually want to hear about how you are," tbt to times like "when it's was really discouraging being texted regularly like 'what're you up to / how long will you be away' because for a sec i'd interpret it as 'this person is actually just asking what's up or wondering when you'll be around to hang out with, might be asking with the intention of making plans With you,' but then i have to remember it's about hoping i'm Away so my presence isn't interfering with what they want to do and of course it's not about genuine interest in my life/day otherwise or wanting to hang out" like, this shit is exhausting lmao. and you know, of course i know Different Communication Styles and how people will read different implications and intentions into the same kinds of interactions or behaviors or whatever, it's just Funny(tm) when like. some nt ppl think their social/communication styles are what's Objective, Universal, Correct, Intuitive, Effective, etc. like they'll be like "it's Great to say what you mean instead of Playing Games" and think autistic people are blunt / rude & it's b/c they're communicating Wrong, like actually you guys are saying you love ppl who are Real & Honest while being that post like "i love drama i love games if you fuck with my friends i will help you do it" lmaooo
also yknow to an Extent i think that like. sometimes just being very independently Enthusiastic about something can seem fun to nt people lol like, yes i can monologue about something aloud for 5 or 10 or 80 minutes maybe, or just you know, talk about it to myself via Posting lmfao, and sometimes that appeals to people or they at least regard it Neutrally because it's like. supposing that sometimes even when it's not something someone else is also interested in, idk, people are down for a like, individual experiences of unfettered expression of that passion lmao, but like, ftr i would hate instances of this as like a "because being enthusiastic like that is," deep inhale, "cute" or whatever, like, if i'm gonna talk about something it's a Lecture okay lmao. and plus i do plenty of it via Text lmfao, so, not many times i get to in person talk about whatever, or it'll be like, look at this video of a cool bird. i do not need someone's like, Personal Affection to find it Cute or Wholesome that i'm passionate about birds, or, god knows, fine anything else Cute, an assessment i never need or want, engage w/the information being shared please lmao. and then also, you know, i Draw Things based on it being v Of Interest lol so that's like, thank you to myself for having these Thoughts i want to express about Things Of Interest, i get to have fun like, just focusing in on what Creative Project i wanna do about it lol even if it's also like, boy, what if i could just have the idea and it'd Manifest, and you know, drawing is a way i am Talking About Something, certainly also if i'm dropping a tags essay about it lmao.........love to just delve tf into things and have all these thoughts & things to say about it, and really like, Exceptional when anyone wants to engage with this like, repeatedly / regularly lol. shoutout, Thanks, Epic
and well you know. i don't have any incredible specifics coming to mind here but in whatever ways i might think of things Differently it's like, hell yeah then, epic of me, i will be out here Figuring Shit Out even if i have to marinate on things, i'm sure motivated to engage with stuff that's Of Interest to me, when i have these solid ways to communicate with other people it's fun and flexible lmao, and i think there's that fun of being like, Performative in a way, theatricality, which i think like, maybe a source of that can be when you Have to be aware of the "rules" of interactions / social performance, but also how yknow, you can Act any way, there's nothing universal, there's maybe plenty of bullshit involved, hence how you can Have to be at least somewhat aware of things because you have to try to figure out the Secret rules and patterns and you know, simply Being Yourself and Behaving Naturally at all times isn't an option.....def have the Theatre type Theatrical thing lmao, the "theatre gay ft religious parents, enjoying harmonizing in the church choir lol i'm a Tenor babey" experience lmao, being in 4th grade auditioning for this set of play scenes like oh i get to be the main Antagonist guy? also i'm playing a guy? also i'm in this play and have lines and stuff? Hell yes lmao. and the Stage Performance via eventual roles via dance classes, i remembered the other week the studio i used to be at Used to have this like, idk, thing where the older dancers in a certain group maybe used to have a trip to nyc, think that fell away not long before i was one of those more Skilled Dancers like damnit, never really went to nyc except driving in and out to pick people up from the airport, like hey that distant smudge out the car window is probably the statue of liberty or something.....but the rehearsing and playing a Part and being in shows was. a ton of fun. i Said No to Stage Fright lmfao and really enjoyed being backstage and rehearsals and etc. but also i think i just Can be theatrical you know, in my own social approach lmfao, i'm big on talking with my hands lmao and i can get like, some Social Momentum going that way, i can have some confidence and can sort of hit that groove and it's like, not exactly masking trying to act """"normal"""" but i'm still Being Myself in this more "acceptable" way that nt people might better Understand or whatever. i also just like, personally, i love to be kind of theatrically Funny for sure lmfao and like, if people are just like overwhelmed by the least amount of goofiness / can't or won't play along at all i'm like, Please, work with me here lol, also like damn you live like this??? cmon lol
and well, nonconclusion, but it's pretty difficult to think of things like, what do i Dislike about being autistic which isn't about the way allistic ppl treat you sucks, like, e.g., it'll be like damn augh oof Misophonia, aural texture hell, hardly fun but that's not always a disaster, and as long as i can like, do something to block it out, and if i have to be like "hm this is distressing me b/c this noise is really really pissing me off lmao" as long as you know, i'm not amongst people who are just going to be annoyed at me for making up some problem and/or daring to speak about this experience inconveniently. be normal maybe. idk i'm just like right on, Myself
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