#but then a lot of ppl make a Lot of noise about her game
shuckstruck · 2 years
my spicy hot take is that the internet would do better to let the game die quietly under a mountain of bad press and apparently Bad Game Design, and i worry that stirring up so much drama about it is leading to more success than anyone intends. which isnt rly a concern on the Queer Neurodivergent Webbed Site™ so like. make/reblog as many memes as u want i dont want to come across as telling ppl to stop. but I worry about the twitter/discord campaigns I see and the potential of having the Opposite than intended effect
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hazard-c-horror · 1 month
spawns in ur inbox with my hands politely folded. hello hazard-c-horror. it's been quite a few days now, and i've only Continued to fall down the dandy's world rabbit hole eihsihssh SO, since you're the only Other Person i know about that's Insane abt D.W *and* SAMS, i would like to throw Thoughts inspired by your SAMS x D.W au I've been having .D.
i was hella inspired by the character sheets you made for moon, eclipse, lunar, and solar, so. take some Thoughts for how sun, earth, and kc would work in the game digsgskqj
(btw- this disclaimer might be a bit silly- but idk if you already have Planned Out Stuff for these characters n their abilities n stuff, and i Apologize if you do- this isnt me trynna like take over your au or smtn, its just me being autistic dgsigaiya that being said, do with these ideas as you will, you have free reign over anything you do w them lmao)
OKAY so yk how he can turn ppl into geese n stuff in canon? i feel like his transformation magic could actually be his ability. as a toon, he has the ability to turn either Himself or other toons into an object (like a soda can or chocolate bar) for 5-ish seconds. he could do this to Instantly de-agro any twisted's chasing either him or other toons, and the 5 second break could be just enough time for stamina to rebuild so even if the twisted does still spot the de-transformed toon again, they have more time/stamina to run and hide
THAT BEING SAID. his twisted form would be the exact Opposite of this- he'd be able to mask himself as an item and attack/agro onto any toon who'd try to pick him up. he'd be a lot like twisted rodger, just for items instead of capsules. and ofc there would be things making it obvious that the item wasn't trustworthy- like discoloration or added bits on it. if you have a keen eye, avoiding him is Easy :)
i have like a couple thoughts for his mastery item. first one that came to mind was a Cat Plush, which when equipped it has a “calming effect”, and ups your stealth up by around 10-ish percent, making it harder for twisted's to spot you. but then i also thought “haha Wine Bottle”, which i thought that (when close enough) it could instill the “confused” effect on nearby twisted's, and make it harder for them to see nearby toons. so both items would do the same thing, just go about it in different ways
she deffo has an ability like tisha's or shelly's, where it helps out the other players instead of herself. im thinking she's able to heal others for one heart every two minutes. a basic ability, but bro methinks this game needs a healer besides teagen, who can only heal herself dosyohsshs the Easy way to go about it is that she can just.. go up to (aka Click) on another player to heal them, but she could also just have a “medical bag” on hand where she whips hella bandages out the wazoo and gives them to whoever needs em dishiaha
okay as a twisted this girl gives me MAD razzle and dazzle vibes in how she functions. but instead of sleeping, i can imagine her constantly Crying and remaining in one smalllll specific area, patrolling it, almost. she can be led away by Distractors (goob, pebble, ect), but once they've de-agroed her, she'll start slowly walking back to her patrol spot. the best way to deal with her is to have someone else agro her and lead her around while You fix the machine she's working on, or vice versa :) but you Can still beat her on a solo run, bc she has rather slow walk-speed when getting back to her patrol spot where you could beat her back to it after leading her away. it'd just be a Lot easier w multiple people digdihsah
and her item?? first thing that came to mind is a barbie doll. or just a “pink girl doll” bc. copyright sigsiszvah it would be an Active item (like the wrench or bottle of pop), where at the start of every round, she could place it down somewhere, and it makes noise, which leads the nearest twisted right to it. ofc we dont want it Too op, so once a twisted makes contact with it, its destroyed and returns back in earths inventory, ready to be used next round .D.
kc is a Complex one- i think this guy would have slow walk speed, but a fast run speed. so i think he'd be a good “distraction” character, like goob or pebble. HOWEVER. i think it'd be sick as *hell* if his ability, using his size, literally made it so that he could momentarily Pick Up Other Toons and carry them away from any twisted's chasing them. he'd prolly only be able to do so for 3-ish seconds, but it could be a saving grace for anyone out of stamina being chased .D.
now. as a Twisted. this👏man👏deserves👏lethal👏status👏 his name is LITERALLY KILLCODE i refuse to believe he cant one-shot a bitch sisgiaga due to him literally being a Being made to perfectly hunt/kill, i think how twisted kc would act is that he'd spawn in at the start of a new floor, a Sound Queue would play so that toons know he's on the floor. and now he's just.. somewhere. hiding. *waiting*. hes normally spawned behind corners or nearby machines, where its either easy to run into him or hard to avoid him. hes not Impossible to beat tho- i imagine he emimates a very quiet sound byte, so hes still avoidable on blackout floors, even if he's not visible. and that byte also helps on just normal floors too ofc. best way to deal with him is to listen to his sound queues and *be very aware of your surroundings*. cause if he spots someone, he is *hard* to lose, and hes lethal if he gets ya. once freed from his waiting spot, he's not going back to it. instead, he'll be moving around the map like a faster, but also Louder, dandy. Scary!!
aaand his item. i came up with a “soup ladel”. cause. heh. yk, because he volunteered in soup kitchens in canon? .D.? i think im Funny siosgiaa what it'd do is up the spawn rate of better Food/Drink items on every floor. think instead of soda cans spawning on floor 1, there's a higher/better chance for soda bottles to spawn instead .D.
. this is over 1K WORDS LONG OF AN ASK hazard im so sorry, im Unwell sigihgaisg okay now i go eep for tonight good nini honk shoo honk shoo
Why hello there. Longest inbox I’ve ever received
I love this a lot actually, and thank you for some ideas! Love the trinket ideas especially, will probably use them
I’m just be reading over this like 12 times, because I just love it
It’s also funny bc I had the same idea about Earths ability, so that’s nice. Great minds think alike
I don’t know if I’ll be incorporating Sun’s magic into this, but I did include Eclipse’s so I may use your idea. Bc I also don’t have any ideas for him at the moment
One unfortunate. KC will not be in this au, but I could make a non canon character sheet for him a Solar flare if people wish. Really like your ideas for him!
The soup ladle is my favorite for a trinket lol
In return of theses amazing ideas, I give you a sneak peek
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felixstudios · 1 year
Headcanons for what would happen if you set the managers loose in a chuck e cheese
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Setting The Managers Loose at Chuck E Cheese Edition
Duck Shuffler
🎰Plays in the ball pit
🎰Chaos. There is pure chaos
🎰He's the type of guy to walk onstage with the animatronics and try to perform with them {I think they have real robots? Or is it just ppl dressed up? IDK I never gone there}
🎰Runs around everywhere laughing maniacally because he's just so happy and excited
🧠He leaves
🧠If he can't, he hides in the bathrooms until he can
🧠Talks to nobody
Derrick Man
🛢️Drinks oil by himself at a table
🛢️Maybe chats with a few coworkers
🛢️Tries to ignore the noise
Deep Diver
🫧Stands in the corner and watches everything
🫧Stays to herself
⛈️Tries to help anyone who like falls and scrapes their knee ETC.
⛈️In general tries to be nice to everyone
⛈️Will probably try to participate in some games
Land Acquisition Architect
🚦Says he doesn't have any interest in such a childish place
🚦Ten minutes later he has joined Buck
🚦They have a violent ball pit war
⚔️Judges everyone
⚔️Writes up her coworkers if they break company policy
⚔️Scoffs and just. Stares.
Witch Hunter
🔱He leaves
Public Relations Representative
🧱Tries to have fun, but he glitches too much :(
🧱Poor guy just wants to play games with everyone
🔔Takes pictures of everyone and posts it online to use as gossip and social blackmail
🔔Tries to eavesdrop on employee conversations to gauge how well kept the establishment is {nobody gets paid enough to care}
🔔Will strike up a conversation with anyone willing to talk to him, stranger or coworker
🥪Orders a lot of food and uses his dad's payment information
🥪He just eats the whole time lol
🥪Calls into work saying he's using his PTO
☎️Is astonished that food of such "terrible quality" is being served and tries to get everyone to not eat it with promises of cooking everyone a meal later
☎️Probably talks with Ben about really whatever
☎️When offered to join the games, she declines and says her body is too old to be active and flexible enough
Major Player
🎹Tries to perform onstage and tells the employees he can put on a show everyone will love
🎹Constantly tries to put on a performance, no matter what he's doing. Even if it's just going down a slide
🔥Is super polite to everyone and tries to stay out of everyone's way
🔥When asked by Graham to join in on the games, he hesitantly joins and apologizes profusely every time he messes up
🔥Tries to ask everyone if they had fun when it's over, but nobody hears him
🌑He leaves
🌑He. Leaves.
🪵Chats with his coworkers
🪵Might throw some balls back into the ball pit {harshly on purpose to bonk someone}, but doesn't actually join the games
Chainsaw Consultant
🪚Just watches everyone quietly
🪚Might talk briefly with some of his coworkers but will probably look for the most quiet place at the Chuck E Cheese to hang out. Alone.
🪚Spruce is allowed to chat with him though just because they're good pals
💤They sleep the entire time
💤Only wakes up when it's time to go and apologizes to everyone that they were just too tired to properly interact with everyone
👟Runs around the restaurant and probably races Buck several times
👟Joins in on the games, and every time he loses he makes an excuse like he was just letting them win that time
👟Keeps bothering Flint to join everyone until he finally does
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
Okay so I love reading your opinions on all things RE. Your take and the way you write it is so refreshing, I really love it. Your observations and analysis is great and often makes me rethink a lot of things.
So here's what I've been trying to figure out. Since you said nobody but Chris looks past Leon being likable and respected. And that man needs some loving for real. Someone actually committed to the mess he is.
Would you say he is too unstable to be in an actual deeper and meaningful relationship? Is he to broken/ otherwise concencerned/ distrusting or is he just the kind of guy to not wanting to pursue deeper connections other than flings and friendships at arm's length?
Like this guy is lonely. This guy needs a hug and smack on the back of his head sometimes fr.
thank u anon. my goal here is to get ppl to think about the actual text/scripting of the story without the noise of the fandom coloring their perceptions, because this is an old fandom with a lot of pre-conceived notions and biases that poison the #Discourse almost to a cultish degree, which causes the actual story itself to get lost.
there are a lot of words I'd use to describe Leon. "unstable" isn't one of them. he's just... Busy. and has a hero complex that honestly makes him a little selfish.
Leon has a really abnormal life, and he knows it. he also knows just how much of a fucking nightmare it is, and he doesn't want to drag anyone else into the world of bioterrorism who otherwise would have no reason to be there or even know about it. he doesn't have the time to dedicate to a relationship, and even if he did, he wouldn't.
this is why we see him hitting on other operatives and not the civilians involved on any given mission (for reference, see: hitting on Hunnigan in OG while turning down Ashley's explicit offer of sex). there are still ways in which his lifestyle can make a civilian's life worse, even if they've already been exposed to bioterrorism. but an operative is pretty much just as fucked as he is, so they're fair game.
because, like. there's never any point where he rejects Chris's love for him. he might push back on the method with which Chris chooses to express it sometimes, and he might have other moments where he'd rather just be self-indulgent with his misery (Vendetta), but there's never a moment where it's like... "don't waste your time caring about me/I'm not worth it."
even with Ada, like... I'm not going to rehash my whole "guide to OG Aeon" post, but Leon never expresses that he feels unworthy of her help/affection/attention. he accepts it with as much grace as he can muster, in fact.
a romantic relationship just isn't his priority. relationships are work, and there are other things that he feels that he needs to give his emotional energy to -- and, because of his depression, the amount of energy he has emotionally is just much lower than that of other people. so he uses what little he has to focus on his job, because that's what's most important to him.
and I know that this probably sounds like it's running counter to my thesis statement re: Leon's character of "Leon is lonely and he fucking hates himself" but like. deprioritizing human interaction and relationships and the opportunity to be truly loved is, in and of itself, a form of self-harm. he'd rather cut himself off than put in the effort required to be vulnerable -- and that's the part that goes back to the idea of "I'm not worth it."
Leon sees what he's doing as being infinitely more important than who he is. he doesn't see who he is as a person as being worth giving up his work and/or exposing someone else to The Horrors.
and this is true for both OG and Remake Leon -- especially after the conclusion of Remake Leon's positive change arc in RE4make. prior to RE4make, you could maybe make the case that he was too broken and distrusting to pursue a deeper relationship with someone, but post-RE4make, that's not the case. post-RE4make Leon would love nothing more than to pursue a HEA with Ashley, but he knows that he has to prioritize Sherry, and his depression prevents his brain from considering the very simple question of: "Why not both?"
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be-an-echo · 8 months
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
Thank you for the ask Vane 🧡 and also @pettson
Let's see...
🎮I love movie and video game music with all my heart (and music in general). My head hurts from noises a lot and sometimes it happens with songs too but I could listen to vg music all day long and it'd be fine. It's very soothing. (thank u mr Przybyłowicz, Djawadi and Santaolalla)
🔨I love creating things. My motto is why would u buy it if u could make it? It's stupid and sometimes I wanna punch myself when it doesn't turn out as I expected. But I still like doing it. Statues, figurines, custom t-shirts, sketch books, Kratos' leviathan axe... name a random object and I probably tried to make it🤦‍♀️
☀️I love summer. That fresh smell of the morning. When sun touches your skin and breeze plays with your hair. The colors of evening skies and warmth of the nights. Crickets. When it's hot outside but u didn't forget to fill those ice trays the night before. It's just the best.
🐝I love my grandma. It's silly but I genuinely love her. My very first memories are of her teaching me stuff about life. This one time when I was a tiny baby happily picking up some red clovers a bee stung me. She calmly explained to me what happened and that the bee didn't mean no harm it just got scared and defended itself, then she put my finger into some vinegar. Life is beautiful and ppl are a lot like bees but it's worth loving them.
🐊🦈And lastly I love very bad horror movies when animals attack humans. Anacondas, piranhas, bears but mainly, MAINLY sharks and crocodiles. The worst the better (honorable mentions: Rogue, Crawl, Lake Placid, Swamp Shark, Jaws, Shark night... jeez I could go on).
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
Favorite Weather
The Lost Boys
Tbh he just likes that it fits his aesthetic
Doesn’t like rain though
Sound of thunder actually soothes him
he likes the image of lightning casting light over the closed boardwalk
Feels like the clouds make the sign lights brighter
Loves to hunt in stormy weather bc victims are more likely to write of noises as part of the storm
Has realized that if he times it right and finds the right spot he’s able to be outside for sunset theses days
He doesn’t do it often bc, ya know, if he’s wrong about a spot he dies, but when he misses his human life he will
Even though the clouds block most of it he still thinks sunsets look pretty on these days
Hasn’t told the others he learned this bc he’s scared they’d mess up and die
If Max had gotten his way he’d have shown Lucy (maybe sam) this to cheer them up on day
Same as David but he thinks the rain adds to the vibe
He has a different jacket he wears on nights when he knows it’ll storm so he doesn’t ruin the main one
He’s a sadistic fuck who enjoys watching ppl freak out about storms
Literally cackles when a rando screams after lightning and thunder
LOVES hunting these nights
Sometimes kills extra ppl because he gets the most excited when prey tries to run and likes the extra challenge of seeing through the storm
With his heightened senses it isn’t really that much harder though
I feel like he wouldn’t try to get stuck by lightning, but wants to see if he could handle it
She loves the smell of rain
Will run around in the rain
Doesn’t matter if it’s a drizzle or it’s pouring she gets a wave of freedom from it
Convinces Paul, Marko, and Michael to do it with her once, only Paul was willing to do it again
He’s actually a lot like Star: likes running around
Rain is one of the only things he’s ok with ruining his hair
It’s the closest thing he gets to a shower
Star and him help fix each other’s hair afterwards
Likes making The others get wet bc he likes seeing their hair messed up so he can ask to help fix it
Purposely splashes ppl with water when riding his bike
Also jumps in puddles with laddie and Marko (Marko leaves the jacket at the cave tho)
Likes hunting in pouring rain bc it washes most the blood of and victims struggle running more
Clear Sky
It just feels fresh to him
Idk how to explain it but like hot and cold air has feelings to them and Michael would be more sensitive to that than others
there’s nothing making it cold but not enough sun for it to be hot and he is in such a good mood those days
He never got to see snow in Arizona and he LOVES it
Has always wanted to build a snowman and plans to at least visit a place with a ton of snow just to do it
He runs hot so it’s a nice change of pace
Always got jealous that other states got days of bc of snow ins
Clear Sky
If there is nothing in the sky that means vampire have no cover
He’s one of those ppl who gets really cranky when he’s hot or cold so sunny days suck for him and everyone near him forced to listen to his complaining ass all day
Like Edgar it means no vampires
DOES enjoy hot weather
He likes just a like bit of heat on his skin but not enough to sweat
When he is at the beach he definitely tans for at least 30 minutes
She likes how light reflects off water, how it reacts with stained glass decor, literally everything is prettier to her when the sun shines on it
Enjoys sitting on the porch or the deck and feeling the warmth on her face
Reminds her of the good parts of her life in Arizona: pool days, eating popsicles with her sons, and even staying in with the air conditioner blasting while she and the boys play a board game
I feel like he was originally turned on a foggy night so he sees them as good luck now
He definitely turned David on a foggy day too and sense it was the first success it only adds to this ^^^
Victims struggle to escape more
Easy to sneak up on ppl
Grandpa Emerson
Honesty I don’t know why
It’s his vibe
Like Michael he’s sensitive to weather but it’s worse with heat so he likes the sun blocked
Doesn’t like rain but gets excited for the rainbow afterwards
He always starts off upset when it rains heavily but the boys cheer him up and he ends up enjoying it
Hates going on the bikes in heavy rain bc it splashed but when it drizzles it’s just enough to feel refreshing
He does just wait inside the cave for it to stop most times
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fauslayer · 1 year
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while im posting tonight. i think about that ptg doodle thats peppino vs pepperman in presumably a 2d fighter a lot so heres my thoughts on how most of the pt + sugspi cast would play in a traditional fg
i posted this in the sugary spire discord and many ppl didnt know the terms. this is alright! i dont mind. i made a little in-depth explanation of the terms i use and break down a little bit more of what i want for each character. pasted under the cut if you would like to see (watch out! its long)
peppino: zangief- very traditional grappler, peppino actually already takes some poses from him while doing certain grabs in pizza tower +rtemkin- considered to be the "best" (in terms of tier placement) incarnation of potemkin, a guilty gear grappler with a lot of really cool tools that really shine at high execution. "grappler with a shoryu" - a shoryu, or a shoryuken/DP is a reversal with an invincible startup. peppino's uppercat animation resembles a shoryuken, hence he gets one. grapplers dont usually get these for balance reasons
noise: kohaku- meddling trap-placement character in melty blood, big trickster that puts things around that youll run into trying to get to her essentially, though shes got really good offense on her own faust- item toss character thats really good at keeping you at whatever range he wants you at onscreen midrange zoner- wants to keep you away, but not at fullscreen, so he can keep putting you into bullshit
pepperman: "big body but not a grappler" - big bodies usually have more health/defense and "armor" on their moves in exchange for slower movement and better payoff "maybe hes doing some tekken shit" - yeah "definitely has counters" - a counter move is a parry that automatically grants you a counterattack
gustavo and brick: relius- guy with good offense who controls a second body on a separate resource meter to lock down pressure
vigi: keepaway characters traditionally have less health than others to make you REALLY worry about getting caught; the noise prefers midrange but vigi prefers full-range and has efficient tools for arena escape
feppi: "what if rainbow mika was dan hibiki" - ok this one has layers. rainbow mika is a disciple of zangief and thus plays somewhat similarly, with more emphasis on speed and such. dan hibiki is a joke "worse" version of ryu command grab rekkas - rekkas are moves in multiple parts/moves that branch into multiple paths. like A->B->C or A->B-or-C->D. rekkas tend to give characters really cool routing abilities and a more free-flowing playstyle command movement- a move that makes a character perform a special action rather than necessarily an attack, like a teleport or a dodge
pizzahead: i mean hes there(*)
noisette: a "shoto" is a function like ryu or ken, very much the white bread of fighting games but always welcome and usually very fun and expressive to pick up. usually has a projectile and a shoryuken, at least
pizzelle: shoto was explained on the noisette slide 👍 chipp and millia are both characters that focus on incredibly pressure and high combo counts, but have low health and poor defense to balance it out. basically speed demons
pizzano: SUPER ARMOR means you can hit him but it Will Not Stun Him. characters that super armor through shit are usually seen as Scary as Hell but also tend to be slower, big-body damage sponges. i think pizzano can move tho "this mf has divekicks" - this mf has divekicks "what if viewtiful joe was big and scary" - viewtiful joe is generally regarded to be a lower tier character in Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3: one of the smallest and slowest characters, with a lot of quirky bullshit that requires a lot of high execution but also a tv pose spotdodge (spotdodge: stay in place and avoid an attack). making vjoe 1. big 2. move better 3. not die instantly the second he gets touched by a magneto would create a horrifying force
gumbob: honest footsies gumbob he has a raging demon
stinky: usually characters with executional difficulty are higher up on the tierlist of a game (like arakune from blazblue and johnny and i-no from ggxrd), but sometimes this is not true (like angel from kof, who is the hardest character in the game to learn but considered one of the worst despite it all) i think stinky would be somewhere in the middle; a character that gives you arthritis to play and has a lot of expression, but gets shut down easy and can have his setups blow up in his face incredibly easy
if anyone else out there has any thoughts on this matter i would love to hear them. im insane.
(*) i dont actually hate pizzahead or anything i think hes really fun. he just baffles me in the way that hes popular and i think im just tired of seeing the popular depictions of him. godspeed pizzahead lovers do not hurl bricks at my window
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dykexenomorph · 3 months
1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 16 for Lady Dimitriscu and Donna Piano 😁👍
as always answer the ones you want and skip the ones you dont:]
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1. Why do you like or dislike this character? lady dimitrescu is a 9 foot tall milf dyke who eats ppl for fun. like of COURSE im gonna love her, cmon man donna is a weird one bc she doesn't rlly have a lot to go off of in game? i think i initially liked her bc her in-game segment is by FAR my favorite part of the game, but i ended up having a lot of fun analyzing whatever parts of her chara i cld get my grubby little hands on, now shes one of those charas tht i feel nobody knows like i do LMAO
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? see above for lady dimitrescu...but also specifically her saying manthing? if tht counts? it is very funny. TO ME. for donna i have NOTHING. WHAT CANON THINGS DO WE HAVE. idk her one line of dialogue i guess. my options are endless.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? this is SUCHH an unpop opinion (and also a VERY old one that i haven't really thought about since re8 first came out in like 2021, so it may change next time i ACTUALLY take my time in a playthrough), but the way she treats her daughters?? idk fanon atp has definitely established her as like. THE mother of all time but i rlly dont feel like she was great to her daughters (I HAVE IN DEPTH REASONS FOR THIS I SWEAR) for donna its the lack of canon content.............
6. What's something you have in common with this character? i too love to throw vanities around and make ppl hallucinate evil dolls when im angry! hurray!
9. Could you be roommates with this character? NO TO BOTH OF THEM HELP. Lady D would obliterate me after I make a noise too late at night or smth and Donna's hallucinations would probably be too much for me? i'd have a better time w the latter though if i had to room w one.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character? if people....do not stop forcing me to witness art......of donna with her niece........im going to obliterate someone.............
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boileddogchicken · 4 months
Ask game: #36 for both?
!!!!! have fun with blorbo content !!!!!!
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
ella is extremely good at staying civil. unless unique circumstances arise (i.e. gay thoughts) she keeps ppl at arms length or farther, no matter her actual feelings about the person, positive or negative. she's had to deal with a lot of people that she's hated (primarily doctors and religious healers that have discounted and ignored her symptoms), and in her experience open hostility has not helped her, so she does what she can to keep interactions shallow and brief, but as a defense mechanism she tends to do this before she can get a read on how she feels about a person (unless of course she meets an undead tiefling who similarly to her is transfem and has a unique and complicated relationship with religion, in which case it's time to get the uhaul) (hey mac if ur reading this does rudel have uhauls). on the rare occasion she's not civil with someone she dislikes is because they've pushed her too far, often at which point ella will turn to violence.
erika, on the other hand, is very open about her feelings towards people, and if she doesn't like someone, she will make that known, with the most immediate change and clearest indicator being that her emoticonspeak starts to get frowny (for those not yet in the know erika is half human and half demonic android demifiend and as such she can speak in emoticons). she will also spew disparaging remarks at the subject of her ire (one time jeanne d'arc healed another party member instead of erika while she was unable to speak bc of a throat injury, and so through a jumble of gurgling, qbertspeak, and fax machine noises she managed to utter the phrase "burned at the stake" in her direction) (don't worry abt the fact jeanne darc is there hana found her on a walk AND ALMOST FUMBLED HER anyways. smt campaign sure is something. so excited for session tmrw.). but other than people not giving her the attention she deserves she for the most part likes people! (also she later apologized to ms. darc for the stake comment) (her apology included the >~< emoticon.) (i love erika so much.)
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ha-youwish · 4 months
you've immediately intruiged me with twewy x atla au 👀
ask game
oh man theres some Stuff to this one so let me give the lowdown
neku is the avatar, duh. i dont remember much about atla lore but who cares im making shit up.
long story short its like, by the time of modern day the avatar is mainly a myth. a big reason why is bc theres been a concentrated effort to basically make firebenders die out (it was the next in the avatar cycle) so the avatar hasnt been seen in like forever (theres other reasons too but uhhh later).
neku is a firebender who's literally living every day being harassed by spirits no one else can see. mostly joshua, who's a spirit that makes it his personal mission lol. but like he is just going about his life being a firebender in a world where ppl really dont like firebenders. not to the point of like, extreme actions, but like one of my notes is that i need neku to experience a microaggression.
theres a lot of stuff going on in the background to why josh is there and also the inciting incident where fucking weird spirit monsters start doing weird spirit monster shit (the Noise make an appearance here). theres so much going on that if i want to ever actually get through writing this i cant say it here or the magic is gone
so uh take neku with his required animal companion
The bird that caused all of this shit now sits on Neku’s knee, looking awfully smug for a bird. 
“She wanted to see you, so I let her in,” Joshua says, not having moved an inch throughout the entire ordeal. 
“The bird, Neku.” Joshua rolls his eyes. “You really ought to give her a name, too. It seems she’s claimed you after seeing your fire.”
“Claimed me?” Neku raises an eyebrow at him. He winces as his headache spikes. “What the hell does that even mean?”
“Um, Sakuraba?” Misaki’s face leans into his line of sight. “Who are you talking to?”
Joshua’s smirk grows wide as Neku freezes in place. “Uh,” Neku looks up at her. “The bird.”
“The… bird.” She gives him a pitying look. “Do you need to go to the nurse? You did hit your head pretty hard.”
“What? No—” Neku cuts himself off with a grimace as his headache flares up. 
“Yeah, you definitely need a nurse,” she decides. 
The bird, who hasn’t been getting as much attention as she wanted, chooses the moment to vocalize this. Loudly. 
“She wants you to name her,” Joshua unhelpfully translates. “Why haven’t you already?” 
Neku glances at the bird in question. “Why the hell would I do that? I’m not taking some random bird as a pet.”
Misaki looks back and forth between Neku and the general area Joshua’s in. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine.” He glares. “Stop asking.”
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jack-kellys · 1 year
Détective au + afterlife au for the ask game!!
what's quite funny about this ask is that it became a ghost hunting/destroying storyline and then maybe two hours into writing the snippet i got a ghost hunting au + something else ask. more for me!!
i have a lot but u can send me more randomized aus!
okay SO! recently i saw this 8 episode show called lockwood & co on netflix (originally a book series) and it was sort of a weird first season to follow without the lingo and historical context of the world so basically this is an au adjacent to that concept. inspired by, if you will. one thing that's important is that young ppl lowkey function as living tools to listen to, see, or feel ghosts' energy. so they are tasked with destroying ghosts. without further ado here's a 1.6k word scene of a one-shot idea i'll finish eventually!
Sarah and David stood at the door together, the eerie home where their research had brought them. A haunted item, some music box, had been being bought and sold across the city, only leaving haunting incidents in its wake. It wasn’t hard for the spirit within to free itself with all that travel and the likely lack of protection the music box had undergone. David had tracked the hauntings, cross-referenced with recent black market sales, and estimated the next location via finding the latest buyer’s home. Sarah had surmised the threat level based on the hauntings (the deaths; there had been ten recent ones of hypothermia, which could only mean a ghost’s touch), finding police reports and tapping their forensics friend Finch to properly place what kind of threat they’d be dealing with. 
And now, armed with iron bullets, chest plates, and lined gloves among other things, Sarah tried the doorknob. Unlocked. 
The twins shared a look, David nodding and fingering his pistol as Sarah carefully opened the door.
An iron blade poked into David’s throat, both siblings freezing in place. After a moment, David groaned.
Holding the sword was ex-detective Jack Kelly, who looked about as shocked as David had been. His two brothers-in-arms, Charlie and Anthony, flanked his sides with their own weapons drawn. 
“Who gave you this case?” Jack demanded in a whisper, while Sarah scoffed. 
“Who gave you this case?” she countered. “You’re not registered detectives anymore, Kelly. You can’t be here.”
“And somehow, we were here first,” Anthony grinned. “If we cracked it better and quicker than you, then I think we gotta be the right people to be here.”
“Too many of us’ll make us dead a lot faster, so you guys should go,” Charlie nodded. “We got it covered.”
David scowled, guiding Jack’s iron away from his neck with a finger.
“Not a chance in hell,” he muttered, marching past all of them. “Follow me.”
After a moment of hesitation, he heard footsteps behind him, and his own grew more sure. 
The old hardwood of the house barely creaked under their feet, careful of the noise they made as they were essentially breaking and entering– it was the buyer’s property, and David wasn’t sure if the man was home or not. Essentially, all they had to do was secure the music box and get it to their detective agency, to determine if it should be stored or if it was safer to destroy it. Spirits were mostly tied to objects, and since these specific hauntings had been within a short radius of the box, it had to be the spirit’s physical connection. But where in the house the box could be was another matter. 
David’s hand found his sister’s, letting her take it and closing his eyes. Listening.
“Right,” he heard Jack drawl out. “The spirit gonna give us directions?”
“You know it doesn’t work that way,” David sighed, “or I’d be calling you an empath.”
“He does love his crystals,” Charlie teased, and David heard a small rustling between the two brothers, likely from Jack pushing the other.
“Quiet,” he said softly, suddenly, a small sound at the back of his head. Mechanical, a trill of gears tapping and moving to his left. He drifted toward it, allowing Sarah to guide his steps. The sound moved forward, between his eyes now as the noise of it came more into focus. It wasn’t tinny, wasn’t machine-like despite the ticking and tapping of it. He felt his feet hit the stairs, and cautiously started up them.
“What are you hearing?” Sarah whispered, resting her other hand on David’s back.
“It’s fluid,” he murmured, “as much as a music box can be, anyway. Guessing it’s because of the spirit’s post-life being attached- or… combined with it.”
“I’d rather fight a ghost than a box, so let’s not hope ‘combined’,” Anthony muttered behind him. Jack stifled a laugh, before letting out another one. David heard the railing’s wood creak, maybe a hand tightening around it.
“Wasn’t that funny, Jack,” Anthony said. “Now you’re just patronizing me.”
“I know, you’re not that-” Another giggle broke it off, what sounded like a hand slapping over Jack’s mouth as they made it to the top of the stairs. The fluid sound grew louder in David’s ears. Melodic, bright, and pretty, a swirling tune that tried to make David smile.
His eyes flew open with a small gasp, squeezing Sarah’s hand.
“Something’s wrong,” he murmured. “The spirit sounds too strong, we have to find that box- we have to find out if the buyer’s still- …alive.”
His gaze had landed on Jack, hunched over the banisher with his shoulders shaking as his brothers tried to get him to look at them.
“Jack,” Sarah hissed, “what do you feel?”
“Come on,” Charlie encouraged, rubbing Jack’s back. “Jackie, you’re okay, come on.”
“It’s- kind of…” Jack started, falling into a strained batch of giggles again. He lifted his head, fingers pressed to his temples and pained look on his face while a smile resided on his lips. He shook his head, laughing again. “Very.. happy. It’s happy, that kinda bubbly ecstatic feeling? You should…” 
Jack grinned, lopsided and loose, and David stepped back. They had to get him out of here.
“You should check- on the buyer,” he laughed, curling into himself. “You should- oh, man, you should–hahaha–check on the buyer…” 
“Fuck. Fuck,” Sarah breathed, hand on her sword. “Charlie, stay with Jack. You two, with me.”
David nodded, glancing at Anthony before casting his gaze at Jack once again. The boy couldn’t hold it in anymore, wheezing with delirious laughter as Charlie leaned against the bannister with his iron cane at the ready. David tore his eyes away, running after Sarah.
The noise, the music was present in David’s ears now without him even trying to concentrate, loud and repeating and quite beautiful. He gripped his forehead between his index finger and thumb, trying to silence it while he drew his pistol. Sarah kicked open the bedroom door, and the pretty music faded away from him. 
“Oh, shit,” Anthony sighed out, crossing over to the bed. A body laid there, with skin chilled and lips blued and eyes grayed. “Well, there’s our buyer. How’d Jack know by a feeling?”
“And why would a ghost in a music box be happy to kill?” Sarah frowned. “Spirits don’t often know they’re killing others, that’s…”
And then noise as a whole left completely, David’s eyes falling on an object on the dresser as the world fell into static silence. It was ornate, rectangular, with run-down gold moldings on its edges and glossed rose along its top and sides. He stepped towards it, wanting to investigate the rest of it. Look at it, look into it. Wanting to open it, wanting to hear it again, so pretty and soft...
He winced at the surge of live sounds- walls creaking, Sarah’s voice, her feet on the carpet, the clink of Anthony’s pistols in their holsters. Something was in his hands, rectangular, and he could hear Jack’s laughter shriek in amusement from down the hall.
“Don’t open it,” she was saying, her eyes wide. Anthony was still by the bed, hands by his hips, fingers spread. “David. Don’t. Just give it to me.”
David’s gaze dropped to what was in his hands, the pretty music box occupying his vision again. All he had to do was tug his finger towards himself, and he’d hear the song again. That was all he had to do. 
“No,” he said suddenly, though his grip tightened on it.
“No?” Anthony scoffed, shifting on his feet a bit- a more active stance. “For the know-it-all, you sure are stupid. Drop it, Jacobs. Now.”
“All we have to do is get it in the iron sack,” Sarah said softly, shooting Anthony a look. “David, just let go, and I’ll put it in. Don’t listen to whatever you’re hearing–”
“I’m not hearing anything,” he interjected. “I can’t hear it, it’s in my head, Saz, so if I just- if I open it then it could counter it–”
“No way,” Anthony said, shaking his head. “It’s like Charlie said. The more of us there are the easier we wind up dead, so don’t try shit to make that true.”
“But what if- if it could counter what Jack’s going through too?” David tried. “He’s sick with it, it’s contained in him right now, right? If we open it, we can release it.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying right now,” Sarah said, her voice the material of her weapon. David watched her hands take hold of the box in his grasp. “You’re not in your right mind, Ach. Let go.”
“Once it’s open, we can put it in the bag,” David scoffed. “That’ll make sure the spirit stays trapped and Jack and I will be fixed-”
She tugged it, like they were seven years old again, and David tugged it back.
“Jesus christ,” Anthony muttered. Swiftly, he pulled out a pistol, David glancing up to see the circular, hollow barrel of it.
“You’re insane,” David scoffed. 
“That’d be you,” Anthony sneered. “Drop it.”
David raised his hands over his head, and the box went flying behind him. 
Sarah shoved him aside, Anthony raced around the bed, and David watched as it hit the ground.
A bright, tinkling sound filled the room as Anthony drew both his guns and Sarah raised her sword, both stepping back as a flickering shape rose into the air. David’s brain felt noisy, but… grounded. Clearer, feeling a bit sick though present. 
“She’s in a fuckin’ tutu,” Anthony sputtered out, eyes wide. David didn’t have the clearest sight when it came to spirits’ physical forms, only a flicking outline. “She’s a dancer, and… she’s smiling.”
And Jack’s laughing hadn’t stopped.
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
HIII!! I hope your having a great day…! I saw you take matchups but I’m not sure if your requests ar woken or not but I think they are—? Forgive me if I’m wrong anyways but I’ll take a romantic matchup for Soul Eater, Bungo Stray Dogs and Fairy Tail please ^^
So small introduction..! My name is Joey, I use he/him pronouns, im transgender aromatic unlabeled and bisexual, i have autism and adhd(diagnosed), and im a cool person 😎/hj My personality: I am a ENTP and I’m extroverted but I am awkward at first when I meet someone new so it may take me some time to adjust to the new person before I emote freely, my enneagram is a 6(not sure if that’s important BUT ANYWAYS—!), i usually love to ramble about my Interests a lot or just how my day went, I also like texting a lot usually as well so I make jokes like “UwU”, “hai”, or “I’m homophobic” (Bro don’t take the homophobic part seriously 😭), and lastly I also like to make sexual jokes a lot lololol only if I’m REALLY close with someone
Appearance: I’m 5’6, I’m white skinned, I have brown (now more boyish) hair, brownish/hazel eyes, and I shave a rectangular body shape (I also gained some muscles so nkw I can squeeze ppl plus I’m more stronger xD), i also wear a shit load of styles—! Like goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo and vkei ouji and lolita but!! i wear that stuff when I’m doing social media stuff, at home, school, malls, etc, but usually I also wear streetwear stuff like baggy pants and usually anime shirts or a regular shirt
Interests/hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, cosplaying, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art and more), cooking, fashion, making clothes of my own, making/listening to music(I’m a vocaloid producer hahahah—), science/history, shopping, writing, learning new languages likes Japanese and Spanish and more so on
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, musicals, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people like “you remind me of ___”,hate talk about my interests or myself, drama between friends/family, loud noises(yelling, vacuuming, etc), and spiders
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a/n: i'm so sorry if these suck. this is the first time i've written anything in like almost a year so i hope you enjoy them LOL
bungou stray dogs
I match you up with Edogawa Ranpo! You guys are two sides of the same coin which makes your relationship all the more fun and interesting! You guys would have tons of fun together either learning about new things and Ranpo loves to listen to whatever new music you make or inspect any new art you may create! Ranpo especially loves your fashion sense and is often envious of how you can figure out how to put a whole costume together. He would especially love your sexual jokes because he also loves to make lewd remarks with a smirk just to see someone flush in embarrassment. Honestly, chaotic power couple right here, the vibes are immaculate.
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fairy tail
I match you up with Mirajane Strauss! Mirajane is super nurturing and extremely supportive of whatever you want to do, she’s your biggest fan! She also knows a thing or two about putting together different outfits (she’s got all these demon equip outfits that are awesome and I just love them so much) so you guys bond over your fashion sense and your interest in cosplaying. Lewd comments/jokes will make her blush ear to ear at first but after you guys get more comfortable with each other, she’ll be quick to fire some back and start a battle of who can make the dirtiest joke around ;) She also hates drama between her friends and family so that will never be an issue in your relationship, since she’ll do everything in her power to avoid any sort of drama between the two of you.
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soul eater
I match you up with Crona Gorgon! You both are just the most precious little beans and need to be protected at all costs. Crona is interested in everything you do and admires your many talents; they think you are the coolest person ever. They look up to you in every way and often ask you to teach them how to do things. Right now, Crona is the most interested in the music that you make. Music makes them feel happy and warm, no matter what kind of music it is, and they think that it’s just the coolest that you can actually create a whole voice! Please be patient with Crona though, they will most likely take quite a while to warm up to you, but once they’re comfortable with you, they’re never leaving your side!
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manasurge · 1 year
GW2 30 Day Challenge
6. Favourite Elite spec?
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(I couldn't find any fancy pics of my own to use, so instead have a couple angles of mirage cloak glitching out and turning the Mirage into an eternal swirling and glowing vortex. These are old screenshots before the Aurene mounts were released as well since I use those for my main) It's... Mirage!! (surprising to absolutely no one who knows me). I just LOVE being invulnerable and hard to hit, plus all the mobility that comes with the spec and the SUPER fast gameplay (I love very fast inputs and reactions, which makes playing slower classes difficult for me bc I'm impatient and spam click abilities lkdjflsf). Being able to jaunt/blink everywhere, shadowstep, clone+phantasm distractions, and evasion hax dodging (mirage cloak my beloved) made dodging part of my rotation, making me really dumb with a lot of other classes bc I instinctively want to dodge all the time due to muscle memory. Also fun fact: Mirage/Mesmer was the first spec that I used a 80-boost on, and I was able to learn it just fine! (and even became my favourite!) so boosting a class to learn it is totally okay in my opinion!! Just do cozy open world map comp to ease your way into it and it'll be cherry!
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Granted I also don't exactly play the class as intended. While I have 3 builds for her (guess I should say my main, Vespaura), I tend to just use her power build (since Mirage is moreso meant for Condi and boons or w/e, which I have builds for and also never use lol). I think this build I like to use was originally made for the Labyrinth (tagging everything with GS), but I tweaked it a bit with other preferences since it has pretty good survivability and is an absolute monster when I attack huge groups of mobs (Greatsword lasers are the best invention and it NEVER gets old. Also the amount of laser ricochet gets me pretty high damage and looks absolutely bonkers on my side (what a lightshow!), plus my lasers are HOMING lasers, which means they will automatically hit any enemies in the vicinity around me and helps out if I don't notice them from a different angle, allowing me to re-orient myself. I also don't have to worry too too much about aim bc of this too! (oh yeah, and especially with relics being a thing now. Mabon relic has been pretty neat so far cuz I can take advantage of that boost being used to hit all those targets!). Though power GS does fall a bit against single targets, but that's fine! (I sort of have the daggers for that at least!). I also play with a trackpad, which is a funny thing to tell ppl, especially when playing a class like Mirage, lol. I just hate using a mouse and only have it for certain games that force me to use it. I just don't want carpel tunnel and my wrist is more relaxed this way (never had problems! so far at least). I just love playing at ranged with non-ranged weapons (Greatswords, daggers. Mine actually has all 3 types of blades (very lesbian of her) bc she has a sword as well. I literally gave her both of Caithe's weapons askjflfj. I'm so glad that I can give my Mirage daggers now!! much more fun than another sword/axe!). It's just so much fun, and I CAN'T WAIT to see what rifle is gonna be like!! I just love ranged classes bc stacking ALWAYS gets me killed constantly... so yeah I'm the annoying person who doesn't like stacking bc I'd rather not be dead!!!!! (I'm sorry I just HATE stacking. I can't see SHIT and it's just so much visual noise for me!! let me breathe!!) and plus I revive everyone in fights thanks to invulnerabilities allowing me to rez through attacks. You're welcome!!! (I rez so many people during metas and other fights) I also just love Mesmer in a class in general bc it's unique in comparison to a lot of other fantasy classes, and I just adore the concept and the aesthetics (flamboyant fancy dramatic magic user? HELL YEAH. Literally the gayest magic user ever and I'm eating it up). I also love the ability to make clones and all the pretty butterflies, and phantasms and all that! I know a lot of ppl don't like clones/phantasms, but they save my ass every time and I appreciate them very much.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Hey so nico I realise now that I copied way too many options from the ask game my apologies
If you have any, what are your special interests?
What are your most common stims?
Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.
Do you find it easier to get along with other autistic people?
What kinds of things are sensory hell for you?
Are your friends and/or family accepting of your autism?
Do you enjoy hugs? Or are they sensory hell?
Tell us something about your special interest.
If you could have any item related to your special interest what would it be?
Are you generally a loud or quiet person?
What's something you find hard to do because of autism?
no problem i like to Answer Questions
what are you special interests:
i have two!!! the long-running one (ive had since i was 10 or so) is just like. fantasy stories? in general? epic fantasy first and foremost but it also bleeds into urban fantasy and more fantastical horror. this manifests mostly in writing, because the mechanisms of fantasy stories in particular capitivate me, so. writing them is fun. i am less unhinged about this one but still unhinged
the second one, which i am EXTREMELY unhinged over, is the magnus archives!!!!!!!! this special interest really only started to develop a few months ago but i know it will have its hooks in me for a very, very long time kjdhkdfg
most common stims:
listening to really loud music with a lot of Noises in it, sort of like shaking in place, hand flapping, making the motion to snap but like with all my fingers at once
jonathan sims, head archivist of the magnus institute, london !!!!!!! reasons: he canonically had a tendency to run away as a child (eloping), preferred books to making friends, has a very specific sense of humour others dont always get, often doesn't realize other people are joking, tends to show signs of low empathy but high compassion (not realizing people are upset, not knowing why they're upset, but wanting to help them Not Be Upset), likes things to be ordered & logical, tends to have rather black and white thinking at times/a strict (if admittedly... very strange) moral compass, and, most importantly: he is my skrunkly and i say so
i also hc Gansey from the raven cycle and Katniss from the hunger games as autistic! gansey mostly bc of vibes and parallels (the way he acts around most ppl vs his friends reminds me a lot of masking), and katniss bc of her horrible social skills, one-track mind, and. also vibes
do you find it easier to get along with other autistic people?
yes and no. other autistic people tend to be more understanding of the way i think and act, and we often share a lot of more Odd(TM) traits. but also. like . i have lived with an autistic person for over a decade (my brother). and i love him, he is my brother, but our needs as people are so incredibly clashing that it is hell to spend more than a few hours with him at a time. so yeah sometimes the answer is "yes" and sometimes it is "no" skdhfksdskdjf
sensory hell:
most noises? aksjhkdshf. just. yeah. most noises. also very light touches, they actively hurt. i also dont like the texture of velvet or anything with a strong smell.
are your friends/family accepting:
hmmm lets separate "friends" and "family" into 2 separate boxes there
friends: mostly ! sometimes they say/do stupid things abt it (like when my one friend got upset at me for losing speech and made it about her) but for the most part theyre fine.
family: dad? great. he and i think the exact same way (tbh hes probably autistic too). mom? ... sort of. only when my traits are convenient for her. rest of family? yeah mostly. they dont actually Know i dont think (except my cousin) bc no one's bothered to tell them, but theyre like "oh haha thats our nico, hes just really weird but it's fine".
i am like a cat in that my preferences on any sort of touch change randomly at all times, but i ALWAYS need to be the one initiating it. if i want a hug, theyre great. if someone else tries to hug me without permission, i am going to bite them
tell us something about your special interest:
when season 5 of the magnus archives was begining production, it was the start of the pandemic and a bunch of people were starting up podcasts since they were bored. Alexander Newell (voice of martin, a soundscaper, and the director) was like "oh shit the microphones i need might get sold out, this is bad" (bc he had to get multiple microphones to every actor in season 5, needed backups, etc) so. he just. went (in person or online) to every single store in the country that sold them and bought EVERY SINGLE MICROPHONE OF THAT BRAND. like, he owned every single microphone of that brand in England except the ones people had previously bought. people were asking on podcasting forums "hey do you know where you can get these mics???" and he would read those and just be like. ha. hahahahahaha
if you could have anything related to your special interest, what would it be:
the official Rusty Quill "The Spiral" themed spiral notebook. 1 because i love the spiral, 2 because haha spiral themed spiral notebook, 3 because its so pretty, 4 because i have a notebook problem <3
also maybe the spiral or eye hoodie, the What The Ghost hoodie, the extended sounds of brutal pipe murder shirt, or the ex altiora shirt !! those all slap. but theyre more expensive skdhfksdfj
are you a loud or quiet person:
around new people? quiet as hell. when i'm tired? also quiet as hell. when im comfortable and not tired? pretty loud skdjfhkdhf
what's something you find hard to do:
remembering to do shit like brushing my teeth and eating 3 meels a day. also, stuff like making friends, knowing how to interact with people in what way, comforting people, etc.
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temporalreverie · 10 months
Im bored & i saw an ask game so I just answered them all for fun~
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
I don't have an ex
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Eh, it's complicated
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Yes :3
6. What are you excited for?
Just having fun
7. What happened tonight?
???? It's morning. Hi.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
I support women <3 be safe with alcohol though
9. Is confidence cute?
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Im paranoid but like mostly my dad & brother. But Aidan for sure.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Yes but my jeans phase died when my thighs came in
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Idk hopefully play katamari and talk to friends
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
I kiss my parents goodnight so no.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Im always changjng
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Either my marefriend or Aidan depending on the subject
18. The last time you felt broken?
Hmm sometime in the past few days I think i had a tiny moment but not seriously for at least a month.
19. Have you had sex today?
Im still drinking my coffee calm down..
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Just spam out job applications low care style and make it their problem. Waste the companies time not ur own
21. Are you in a good mood?
Kind of but I'm soooo sleepy
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
My parent have swam with whale sharks once that would be nice
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Yes! Mine are maybe a little more colorful but we both have gray with a ring of hazel orange
24. What do you want right this second?
To hug my girlfriend & fall asleep
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Im in a unique situation for this question where my GF is poly and already is with a few other ppl before we started dating and I'm the most comfortable talking through being BPD triggered with her so like we could talk through it if I got bothered
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
I haven't dyed my hair for a few years. going pink could be fun
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
I laugh at a lot of things rlly easily so probably no. All sorts of jokes even bad puns, and just like cute or charming behavior
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
I don't remember laugh out loud. Probably something my girlfriend said last night
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Long distance is hard but I don't feel like that's exactly the same as missing someone. I was thinking about my late childhood dog the other day and how I can still image the feel of petting her in various places, the shape of her body and the texture of her hair on like her back and in front of her ears and her neck.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
My dad is nice
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
We are marefriends!!
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Yes. I had a pespi for the first time in ages a couple days ago and it knocked me the fuck out
34. Listening to?
Just noises rn but I've been playing We <3 Katamari so various variations of the main theme keep playing in my head.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
I go through phases of using a little note book for organization but not recently.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I kiss my parents goodnight so yeah
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not rlly, it's like infatuation & good first impressions. Love of everything is like built up over time.
38. Who did you last call?
My marefriend <3
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I don't remember, but Im always dancing alone with myself
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Saying goodnight to my parents
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
My mom bought cupcakes and a scone a month ago and we all agreed the cupcakes were pretty bland #sconesweep
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Not this morning no
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Maybe years in the past? Not rlly recently.
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don't want skin cancer </3 or a tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Close to. Very sleepy
47. Who was the last person to call you?
My dad
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Probably in some boy scouts thing years ago
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Maybe graduation?
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I love music
53. Is Christmas stressful?
A little but mostly fun
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Yes they r my best friend
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Engineer, artist
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Too much
59. Take a vitamin daily?
Probably should
60. Wear slippers?
In this season
61. Wear a bath robe?
62. What do you wear to bed?
Soft pants + white t shirt
63. First concert?
Green Day probably
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
Esos son Reebok o son Nike?
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Im ageric to peanuts & i love sunflower.
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
My fortnite parody of Romeo & Juliet I wrote this January.
69. Ever take dance lessons?
Hmmmm probably not
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Never been in one but i probably could've done well
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes, i cry easily
74. What is your favorite book?
Idk reading is for losers. Sorry that's a lie
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
No, I'm a good cook so i don't burn stuff <3
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Vylet Pony i guess
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Ummmm idk. I feel like it was something eh with my parents we just passed by. Like third eye blind
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Not rlly a tea person. Cold?
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
Smirking dog
83. Can you swim well?
Decent. I love water
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Idk. I guess DJ has more powers so DJ
87. Ever won a contest?
A few. I won a jellybean guessing one like 15+ years ago
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
Green but all 'lives are beautiful
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Im gay..
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Under chimnie
92. Do you want to get married
Down the line
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majjiktricks · 1 year
1, 3, and 7 for mgs and death stranding 👀
media questions metal gear:
1. what originally drew me to it answered here!
3. a character I want to carry around in a little jar and study like a bug john big boss. what the fuck is wrong with that guy <3 i wanna shake the jar and bounce him around like a rock and make pinging noises as his thick skull hits the glass.
7. a character who feels like home truly i dont know that i would feel safe around any of these men. or women. most of them can and probably would kill me. probably otacon tho. hes the same kind of nerd that i am LOL i think we would be besties <3 sorry david im stealing your man.
death stranding:
1. what originally drew me to it it was another hideo kojima game and a lot of ppl i had been talking with about metal gear played it. so i grabbed it on sale and went ham for like 2 weeks and played it like a full time job (literally 80hrs in 2 weeks, which is exactly the same thing i did with mgsvtpp). i knew absolutely nothing going in other than it was a weird game but dear god i was not prepared for just HOW weird.
3. a character I want to carry around in a little jar and study like a bug higgs. no explanation needed i think. he should be contained and observed and maybe fed some vegetables. when was the last time he ate anything other than pizza….
7. a character who feels like home MAMA… SHES SO SWEET AND SHE CARES SO MUCH… WAAAAAAH I LOVE HER I MISS HER.........
ehehe ty for the death stranding ones ^_^
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