#but then again im not patient enough to scroll through the tag to find them
manako-no-yami · 2 years
fic meme :)
thanks @crestfallercanyon for tagging me!
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! then tag 10 people. (Don't reblog, make a new post).
uh so im probs being more choosey with my selections than the rules dictate, but. whatever... (these are also probably longer than "a line" but. again. whatever...)
to hell with you (maze runner) Stephen and Gally don't talk about the past. They talk about the future. And the present. They talk about the way the leaves are starting to change color at this time of the year, green to gold. Whether strawberry or grape jam is better. They talk about that stupid TV show Stephen loves so much that Gally can barely stand. How the early morning air makes them feel alive, how late night Pringles can make them feel like indulgent kings, how the shimmer of streetlights on rain-wet pavement feels like nostalgia for a life they've never lived. They talk about everything and nothing. And sometimes, they don't need to talk at all.
hot as he takes his coffee, dumb as his fat donkey (maze runner) “So...” he drawls. “When do you get off?” “At home and in private,” Thomas retorts.
and for a woman wert thou first created (maze runner) “I can’t even see you,” Minho complains. “Move your camera.” “No, it’s a bad angle,” Newt complains, but he tilts the screen down anyway. The laptop is on his chest, his head propped up by pillows. “So, how’s the fam?” It is a bad angle. It makes his neck look short and shows a zit he has under his chin. Minho wants to kiss him so badly it feels like a physical ache.
stupidity is all we have (maze runner) He's not patient enough. Doesn't see the point in growing things when all he can focus on is the road ahead. All he's good for is running. Running away, running towards. Not stopping. Not staying. He's always on the move, but Newt... Newt gives him a place to come back to. He puts down roots, creates a home. Even if none of them remember home, or what home is supposed to be like. They’re the blind leading the blind, finding destinations in each other by calling out in the dark.
fake it 'til you make it (teen wolf, sterek) Is it that Stiles loves these little things, making him fall even more in love with Derek? Or is it that Stiles was doomed to love every little thing just by virtue of them being part of Derek? He doesn’t know. And in the end, does it matter?
blinded by starlight (maze runner) They make a sound that Gally doesn't understand. Or at least, he thinks it was a sound. It felt more like a breeze passing through his body, a ghost settling in his skull. Just a faint impression pressing itself against the contours of his mind, whispering I was here. "What?" Gally asks, and is startled by the sound of his own voice. Thomas does not look up, but their body is attuned to Gally's, clearly aware. Gally swallows, and asks again. "What did you say?" "Her name," Thomas says. "That was her name."
i didn't have it in myself to go with grace (maze runner) That's the look that, towards the beginning, had been filled with fondness no matter how stupid or bull-headed Thomas was being. The look that Thomas once thought said, "And in spite of it all, I still love you." That's the look that, eventually, when they started getting sick of each other, had transformed into being filled with frustration and anger, with dismissal, no matter how insignificant Thomas's fuck-up had been. The look that screamed, "Why do I even put up with you?" 
sins of the father (maze runner) Gally presses his lips together. Be quiet. Be quiet. He shakes his head again. "Then you're stupid," his father says, rising. His sandwich is still half-eaten. He is heading towards the fridge, where there’s an unopened six-pack. "If you don't think your daddy is a useless dead-beat, you're stupid." Gally wants to run, but he knows better than to move. He's afraid if he breathes too hard, he'll cut himself on the teeth of the jaws clamped around him. Best play dead.
when monsters escape from under the bed (maze runner) He hasn't brought out that extra set of white sheets yet. The throw he's using as a blanket is thin and scratchy. He turned off the heat to save energy, and it's cold. He doesn't get up to fix any of this, because he's afraid to sleep. Instead, he lies there and imagines Thomas puttering around the kitchen, hyped up on the tails of an ass o'clock revelation, drinking disgusting coffee. Gally could really use an ass o'clock revelation right about now.
the second rule (maze runner) When he turns to look at Gally, torchlight flickering over his features, he looks like a normal kid. Like any other Glader, except for his eyes. His eyes are dark, glimmering like a bottomless well with an ink surface. Gally should ignore him. He shouldn't say anything to Thomas because talking is pointless, and Gally doesn't do pointless. No one is listening to him, so what does he have to say? And nothing he says will get through to Thomas, that's for sure. But when Gally glances at him, that stare reminds him of being bested at his own game, of the taste of dirt, of a jeering crowd surrounding him. Thomas has worldly eyes, eyes like the entire world is watching.
uhhhhh. who to tag. @itsthemxze @subjecta5newtella @pathsofoak @onceuponabluemoon @mazegays and whoever else would like to!
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starleska · 2 years
thank u for ur respnse again <3! i knooow she'd be happy to listen, but she already hears me out about an old man who has genuinely NOTHING abt him online ever so that's enough for now LMAO and very relatable HAHA esp when im bringing up someone new to her for the first time it's embarrassinggg but she'd never make fun of me for it ^^!! i'm happy to hear u have someone u can be so comfortable around as well, cuz it's really nice :D!!
ohhhhh yes!!! hard agree on the 'only selecting him' part,, you just enjoy the way he plays the most, but to him it's much more meaningful ^^!! and him wanting to reach out but holding himself back aaa… sometimes he's simply bursting with the desire to speak but he can't! what i was thinking about though was that his 'win' animation might be slightly different just for you- probably small enough that he feels like he can get away with that. while holding the cup tucked underneath one arm, he winks and blows you a kiss <3! you just think it's his normal animation LMAO
:D!!! i remember seeing your OC while scrolling through the tag!!! if you wanna write more about her and her lore or anything, i'd be happy to hear about it ^w^!! i think that's a really cool concept genuinely!!
a personal other little idea i had was like hmmmm,, since we r talking abt yandere specifically here nd him valuing ur attention a loooot i was thinking abt perhaps something in the direction of… u making the incredible decision to charge ur phone in the arcade when u find a free socket amongst the machines and you accidentally forget it n leave it there overnight -w- and he sneaks into ur phone LMAO
sweet anon, hello!! thanks so much for being patient on my response - i'm having some pretty heavy therapy rn and it saps all my energy 😭😭 but reading this really made me happy!!
sdfgd aww that's adorable!! do you mean King Candy, or a totally different old man, because i am always down to simp for new ones 😂😂 LISTEN everyone was down bad for King Candy back in the day, it's not embarrassing at all!! he's a cool, charming, evil guy with so much cunning behind him and that gigantic bug form 🥴 d'aww thank you, i'm very lucky :3c
ohhh i love that so much;;; the win animation being different is so cute 😳😳 sdfgds imagine if someone else saw this unique animation and King Candy just fucking refuses to do it for the other person, making them very angry and leaving his real-life sweetheart all fluttery inside - if a little terrified 😭 ahhh thank you so much!!! i need to get round to sketching the greasy gamer gal behind the avatar - will be certain to post when i do 😉
OH omg yes yes YESSSS i adore this idea!!! listen i so desperately want a continuation in which King Candy is able to access the Internet or can hop over to different technologies. can you imagine opening up WhatsApp just to get a call from him? going on Tumblr and finding all of your tags have been changed to messages from him? him commenting on all of your saved pics of him? oh my lord;;;
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You wanna know what drives me absolutely batshit insane? You wanna know what keeps me up at night? What makes my little beginner theorist brain go brrrr?
These two little lines from Mother Miranda herself during her boss fight:
“-those four new children, they could do nothing to assuage my years of  loneliness!” and the one where she refers to them as her “false children”
and like, in case it wasn’t obvious, I am incredibly obsessed with Mother Miranda and how on the surface she seems like a flat antagonist you know- crazy, wants to kill the main character, cares for no one and nothing except her goal- but if you know me then you know I am also obsessed with looking far too into things and making characters like this three dimensional. And something about Miranda and her thing with this family dynamic just gets me. 
Obviously, she says it herself, referring to the lords as her children on at least two occasions. It’s not just because of how she “created” them by giving them their powers, implanting each of them with a cadou which she had also cultivated if I’m not mistaken, but it’s evident in that voice line that she thought perhaps their company would fill this empty hole inside her left by Eva. 
She wants to bring her real daughter back but at some point there was some sort of fondness and attachment to the lords as her children for a time. Clearly, by the end, that is long gone which I think shows off how much she’s truly spiraled, but I think it’s also incredibly interesting that she essentially uses Ethan to kill them for her instead of doing it herself (and by Karl’s claims she’s certainly powerful enough for it. But that’s all a post for another time). 
And not just that but there’s evidence to show that this ideal of family was enforced. It wasn’t just her own delusions she kept to herself, she pushed it onto the lords. Karl and Alcina give us a lot in that regard mostly because we don’t get a lot of content for Donna or Moreau (and the parallels between the four, especially Karl and Alcina I’ll talk about soon too), namely Karl when he says, “I’m nothing like my siblings,” and Alcina twice- once in a voice line where she says, “You escaped my little brother’s idiot games-” and then in a journal entry where she herself questions the ideal of “family”, writing, “Just thinking of that "family" meeting makes me shudder. To think I am treated like a sister to those miscreants.” (which its interesting to me that both Karl and Alcina reject the family dynamic but for different reasons, again, I’ll get to that). That alone shows how Miranda pushes it onto them. 
It adds depth to her character, I think, that she does that. That she not only thinks of them as her children but forces them to see each other as siblings. Which has really paved the way for a lot of my own headcanons and theories (and a fanfic or two or three or-). And the fact that she calls them her “false children” yet was only indirectly responsible for their deaths- wanting them out of the way but not being the one to do it despite having no clear problem with spilling blood herself (but don’t get me started on Moreau’s journal entry that states they all had to be there for the ceremony which is why they each have a flask- making me wonder what might have happened especially to them if Ethan hadn’t shown). 
Anyway- sorry this is messy I’m not an experienced theorist or meta blogger but I’m starting with village and biohazard since I’m obsessed with them- especially village- and I’ve got these ideas in my brain I wanna share outside of with a few mutuals on another site. Sorry if you followed me for supernatural or rdr or even fallout- I cannot control what the beloved brain (derogatory) hyperfixates on but I’ll try to work some posts for those eventually. 
Right now? Y’all bear w me I’m going crazy over evil bird mom.
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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sckyie · 3 years
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song: streetcar by daniel caesar
word count: 2.6k
genre + warnings: angst to fluff; reminiscing in past heartbreak, breakdowns, timeskips, swearing, someone gets slapped
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: here's part 2 to driver's license,, i hope this was okay >~< i had to include a new song to the mix (its going into the playlist) soooo enjoy :) also my ratio for angst to fluff is TERRIBLE im sorry
Ever since you had confessed your feelings to your best friend, you had became so distant from everyone. Knowing you might've ruined one of the best friendships shook you. Lately you'd been driving around past curfew just to keep your mind off him. Passing all the street lights just felt like you were driving down memories. 
That flickering light at the corner where Oikawa had helped you after crashing your bike into a pole. Or that bright cool light by the park where you, Iwa, and Oikawa first started playing volleyball. Or that one littered with stickers where you told both the boys that they better remember you when they were famous. 
Apathy overcame your entire being. Nothing seemed to matter anymore, who knew heartbreak could have this effect on a person? It was hard going to school, avoiding Oikawa in every hall, dodging Iwaizumi on your way out, and even trying to ignore Kasumi was too much. It hurt like hell but you didn't want to know what Oikawa had to say. More so, you didn't want to hear what he was going to say, you knew what he'd tell you.
Two months until graduation.
It had been a over a month since that confession. The bright girl everyone used to know dulled out. No one knew why nor how it happened. It only stung between you and the boy you knew you could never love. Oikawa and Kasumi remained together despite the lingering thought of those words you said to him. 
"I- You- Ugh! Just go away, I don't want to see you!" The crack in your voice shook those hidden feelings within you.
"Why not!" Oikawa held onto your forearm, restricting you from running away.
"Because I fucking loved you idiot!" You screamed as hot tears rolled down your cheeks. Oikawa froze at your words, unable to process them.
"You...loved me?" He asked.
"I still fucking love you! God, I hate you- I just- Let go!" You shoved him away from you. "I'm leaving. If you try to stop me, I'm never speaking to you again."
Yet, you never spoke to him regardless. The sudden break between you two effected Iwaizumi as well. Although he had no part in the situation, he was torn who's side to take. He knew your secret but he couldn't betray both his best friends. Seeing you two spilt was like watching glass break. It's sudden, scattered, irreplaceable but if you tried to fix it, you could cut yourself or ruin the glass even more.
Oikawa took your last words as your goodbye. What was worse was that, he couldn't bring himself to find the right words to say to you. How could his best friend love him and never tell him? He never did end up telling Kasumi that he loved her. He began to question his feelings about her and well, you. 
One more month until graduation.
"Hey Y/n, are you going to the third year dance?" Hanamaki taps your shoulder as you doodle on your notes. You shook your head, knowing well enough how you'd have to see Oikawa and Kasumi together. "Come on, we're all going."
"No thanks," You smiled. A sudden ache in your chest hit you as you looked back at your notes. "I don't like dances."
"Liar," Matsukawa joins into the conversation. "What happened to you?"
"Hm?" You looked up, tilting your head at him.
"Just come along, we'll drive," He suggests. "You don't need a date. Just tag along with he boys and Kasumi."
"Again no thanks," You turned him down. "I'm not on good terms with Oikawa right now. I don't want to see him."
"Well, then let's all four go together then. Me, you, Mattsun, and Iwa," Makki says. "We lowkey miss having you around."
"Yeah, come on, we don't have to go with them," Matsukawa agreed.
"Promise we won't hang around them?" You ask solemnly. They nod at you, prompting you to let out a long sigh. "Fine. I don't have a dress, do you guys want to come with to find one?" 
Two weeks until graduation.
You stood in line with the three boys to get inside the ballroom for the dance. You carefully adjusted Matsukawa's corsage that matched your dress. Kasumi and Oikawa had came later, waiting farther back in line. He rests his hand on her waist as he examined the people in line when he spots you. This was the first time in forever since he could see you clearly. He had only caught glimpses of you through the halls, never seeing your face.
Was that the reason the guys didn't want to ride with him? For you? It hit a bit knowing they chose you over him but he knew how you haven't hung out with anyone lately. Always avoiding people, never trying to talk to anyone. 
Inside the ballroom, you and the boys sat together at your assigned table. The songs seemed redundant, leaving you four to occasionally get up to dance. It wasn't until a slow song that caught your attention. You had your head leaning against Iwaizumi's shoulder when you spotted Oikawa and Kasumi walking center stage.
"I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air," You say, standing up. You adjusted your dress before walking away to the outside patio. The muffled sound of the slow song was heard as you rested your arms on the railing. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the sounds of the streets nearby. It was hard to drown out the feelings of Oikawa after seeing him with Kasumi. You feel the pain well up, trying your best to resist crying.
You open your eyes as you feel something being placed on your shoulders. "You'll get sick out here," Iwaizumi says, standing beside you. "You're thinking of him aren't you?"
"Can we not talk about him?" You breathed, tears slowly rolling down your face. "I just don't want to think about how bad I fucked up."
"Well," Iwaizumi looked down at the ground. "Will you dance with me?" You turned to see him holding out his hand for you. Taking his offer, Iwa holds you close as the music played. He let you cry in his arms, knowing well enough that you needed this. Having held all your pain behind driving, you couldn't show how much you were in pain. 
"Thank you Iwa," You sniffled into his chest. 
"I'm always here for you," He smiled. "You're like a little sister to me...It pains me to see you all dull and hurt...When Makki asked you to come out with us, I didn't expect you to agree but I'm glad you did." 
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
Oikawa held Kasumi close, carefully swaying back and forth together. With her head resting on his chest, he was able to see through the patio window. He spots you and Iwaizumi dancing but for some reason it stung in his chest to see that. Why is he hurt? He's with Kasumi and he loves her, right?
Graduation day.
A group of cheers goes around the ceremony as your final day in high school is finally over. You greet your old classmates one more time, saving your close friends for last. For some reason, all the pain you previously carried had faded away. You approach the gate to meet with your friends for the last time before you go off your separate paths. Makki and Mattsun agreed to text you more to keep up with each other.
Iwaizumi had hugged you once last time, telling you to do your best. You smiled for the first time in a while. It was strange but Iwa was glad to see you starting to move on. You and him agreed to update each other on your mental healths and to hang out whenever you'd visit. Then it was the one you dreaded.
Saying goodbye to Oikawa, it'll be the last time you'll see him. You waited patiently for him as he was caught up by some fans and Kasumi. When he did manage to leave the underclassmen, he spotted you waiting. "Hey babe, can you go on ahead? I want to talk to Y/n," He says to his girlfriend. She nods happily, walking by you as she left. 
"Hey," He stops a few feet away from you, scared to step any closer.
"Hi," You said. "I have a few words for you." You let out a small chuckle, leading him to believe it was something good.
"Good or bad?" He laughed.
"Well," You started. "I just wanted to say goodbye for the last time...It was nice being your friend and I know how rough it turned out in the end...I'm sorry for not telling you before how I felt. I just thought I wasn't good enough for you and that you'd fall for someone else. Kasumi is a great girl and you two are amazing together...I really wish you guys the best...I know you'll do outstanding in volleyball like the king you are. You better not forget us when you're famous..Listen, I have to go before I'm late, so this is...it...Goodbye Tooru." You wiped a tear from your cheek, smiling at him. You quickly turned around, disappearing into the city. 
"Wait! Y/n!" He rushes after you, only to get lost in the crowd of third years saying their goodbyes. Oikawa felt tears well up in his eyes as he desperately looked around for you. "You didn't let me say..." He whispered to himself.
A week later, Oikawa and Iwaizumi join each other to lunch at your favorite restaurant. Iwa scrolls on his phone waiting for the food while Oikawa looked at the booth you two would always get. "Hey Iwa-chan?" He asks. "Do you know where Y/n decided to go after graduation?" Iwaizumi stopped scrolling to think back at the third year dance.
"Can I tell you something?" You panted for air through your tears.
"Anything," Iwa replied.
"I'm moving away from Miyagi immediately after graduation," You sniffled. "Remember when we were kids and we said we wanted to live in Tokyo or Kyoto?"
"Y-yeah," He was a little shaken up hearing that you'll be leaving so soon. 
"My uncle just moved to Kyoto and he offer me a room there...and I said yes," You started to trace circles on his back. "It's by that college I wanted to go to and they have good jobs there and-"
"You don't have to explain yourself. You'll do amazing out there," Iwa chuckled. "Just promise you'll visit sometime?" He knew how much you needed to be away from Miyagi. Although it pained him, he knew it was only for the best.
"No," Iwa lied. "I haven't seen her. She hasn't texted in a while.
Three months after graduation.
You got into a cab on your way to your new job at a café. You stared out the window, admiring the new city you live in. Learning to adjust and work around the city was tough. The feeling of calling Kyoto home was strange, knowing that it wasn't. 
Ever since you had said goodbye to Oikawa, things in his life changed. He believed losing you wasn't fair, not knowing where you'd gone always haunted him. He had broken up with Kasumi over the guilt held over his head. Always thinking about you when he was with her wasn't right. With you being gone, his only priority became volleyball. 
You however, had let go of those old feelings you held onto. That last goodbye satisfied you, letting you sleep at night and allowed you to love yourself more. You've grown so much from dull slump you were stuck in for weeks. Though living in a different environment made it feel like you weren't even there.
Oikawa roamed the streets slowly approaching different shops along the sidewalk. He had some free time before the practice match he had, so it wouldn't hurt to explore, right?
That's when it happened.
You closed the door to your cab, turning towards the café's direction. Your eyes lock onto a set of familiar pupils. Frozen in time, the two of you never exchanged a word yet, suddenly a rush of emotions filled you both.
Pain, anger, fear, regret, almost everything you felt in the past came back to you seeing him. Standing before you, the man you once loved. The man you might still love.
You snapped out of your thoughts, walking towards him, stopping a few feet away from him. "Y/n what-" You raised your hand, harshly impacting Oikawa's cheek. His hand flies up to his face, holding the spot you smacked.
"You seriously broke up with Kasumi for me?" You growled. "Y-you're an idiot y'know? She was good to you too! Also ignoring Iwa for volleyball? I told you not to-"
"You kept track of me?" He whispered, a slight smile creeping on his face.
"W-Well obviously! I ask Iwa about you from time to time," You muttered. You looked up to Oikawa and saw him grin down at you.
Before you could say anything else, Oikawa puts his two hands on the sides of your cheeks. He pulls your face close to his, crashing his lips against yours. You tense at the action, gripping his wrists. He doesn't pull away until you settle into the kiss.
Your hands melt away from his wrists and reach for his torso. Your lips moved together in sync, almost as if it were a familiar feeling. He pulls away from you, pressing his forehead against yours. "You never let me say my goodbye," Oikawa snickered. "You said goodbye to me then disappeared without a trace."
"Sorry," You blushed. His hands move to your waist, still holding you close to him.
"I wanted to tell you that..." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I love you too. I'm sorry I'm so late in telling you and I'm sorry for being caught up with Kasumi. I didn't know what I was doing and I couldn't talk to you...I fucked up for not seeing how much you- well how much I loved you...I know this is all late and you probably don't want to hear any of this but-"
You tiptoed and kissed his nose, making him stop. "How'd you find out you loved me?" You looked at him curiously.
"I was driving down your street and all the old streets we'd walk through," He started. "It reminded me of you and then I saw that white streetcar. The one that is always parked by the laundromat? It made me realize how much you meant to me."
"Seriously? That old junk car?" You laughed.
"Hey, it reminded me of you okay, just seeing it whenever we hungout and passed it," Oikawa squeezed your hip, making you chuckle at him. "Will you ever forgive me?"
Your laughter ceases as you look up at him. "I had to learn how to drive on the highway on my own, jerk," You brought up.
"Is that a yes?" He smirked.
"...No...Maybe," You squinted your eyes at him. "You owe me ramen."
"Wait how'd you know how I've been these last few months?" Oikawa pulls away from your hold.
"Oh Iwa was the first to know I was moving, I asked him to check on you every now and then. I just wanted to make sure your pretty face doesn't do anything stupid. You did by the way, you did some stupid shit," You grinned. "Hey are you hungry? I can get you something from the café for free." You turned away from him, heading to your job.
"Hey you can't just insult me then leave, come here," He runs after you stopping you a few steps away from work. Oikawa plants a rough kiss on your lips before looking down at you. "The only stupid thing I did was not tell you I loved you sooner."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @d0llpie @elianetsantana @joy-laufeyson @kac-chowsballs
83 notes · View notes
turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Commotion of the Mind
more ralbert angst cuz apparently i dont want my boys to be happy
warnings: albert’s an Angry ginger, breakdown
ship: ralbert
editing: no
Before Race could even enter the apartment, he could hear the commotion.  The easily identifiable sounds of knuckles against walls, followed by the angry shouts of his boyfriend sent shivers down his spine.  Albert rarely got upset.  Well, that was a lie, he got upset plenty.  He just never showed it much, especially his angry side.  And although Race knew of his temper, something had to have driven him to it.  Something bad.
He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he may find on the other side of the door.  He opened it slowly, not wanting to make so much noise that Albert got further overwhelmed.  His suspicions were proven correct when he found Albert, sobbing uncontrollably as he threw his fists at the wall, one after the other.  He was panting for air that wasn’t there, blood mixing with the light debri from the partially damaged wall.  His knuckles were going to get infected if he wasn’t careful.  He looked desperate, scared, out of control- not divergent from the way Race’s little sister would throw tantrums until she scared herself from the sheer force of her emotions alone.  
Race shook his head, willing himself to move forward and help his cleary hurting boyfriend.  It took a moment to gather his wits, forcibly pushing himself into a more stable mental state for the other man.
Tentatively, he walked up next to Albert, who was now pulling at his hair as he kicked the wall.  What the hell had gotten him so worked up?  Race almost didn’t want to know.
“Albert?” He said softly, carefully pulling on Albert’s elbow to pull him away from the wall, and subsequently, further injury.  Race wasn’t entirely certain that his fingers had come out unbroken.
Albert seemed to take a moment to come back to himself, slowly letting up the tight grip he had on his hair to wrap around his stomach, sobs still coming out strong.  He glanced down at his knuckles, before looking at the wall and cringing.  
“Albert,” Race said again, kneeling in front of him to pull focus.  Albert’s face was still crumpled as he struggled to catch his breath, fury still mixing with pain in his eyes.  
Race softened and he reached out to place a hand on Albert’s cheek, trying to ground him, “Love, you need to breathe.  Try to gather yourself, c’mon.”
Albert reached out to grip at Race’s shirt, clasping onto it as if it were his lifeline.  Race nodded, moving his hand from his cheek to the back of his neck, putting their foreheads together.  Albert shut his eyes, moving his hands to grip at the back of Race’s collar instead.  He was sucking in air now through his nose, trying to regain control.  Although he was far from okay, Race was shocked by how fast Albert gave into the comfort.
“That’s it,” Race murmured, rubbing his thumb up and down soothingly, not caring that Albert was sweaty from exertion, “You’re doing good, that’s good.”
Albert pulled away after a moment, coughing harshly into his elbow as his tears slowed to a stop, replaced with gasping instead.  
Race leaned forward, “Albert, hey, let’s breathe, yeah?”
Albert shook his head, pressing a hand to his chest as he continued to lose oxygen.  Race fumbled for ways to comfort him.  In a spur of the moment decision, he held his right and left pointer finger out in front of him towards Albert.
He grinned lightheartedly, “Chopsticks?”
Albert blinked, tears forcing their ways out of his eyes as he panted.  It seemed to take him a moment to process the motions, but eventually, he held his pointer fingers out, too.
“You first,” Race urged, watching as some of the panic seeped out of Albert’s eyes, focus manifesting in his expression instead.  He squinted slightly, reaching out a shaking finger to tap Race’s left one.  Race stuck out another finger, then moved to tap Albert’s right finger with his other hand, adding one to Albert’s side.  They continued like that until Albert had Race beat, having canceled out all the fingers on both of Race’s hands.  His breathing was back to normal, and while his hands were still tremoring, he seemed calmer.
“What do you need?” Race asked, standing up and wrapping one of the blankets they kept on the couch around Albert’s shoulders.
“Water. My throat’s real dry,” Albert croaked.
Race nodded once, squeezing his shoulder before hurrying off to the kitchen to get a glass of water for his boyfriend.  When he got back, Albert was now sitting, his forearms resting on his knees as he stared at the ground.  He looked up as Race held the water out for him and took the glass sluggishly, dazed eyes not meeting Race’s concerned ones.
Race sat down next to him, waiting patiently as Albert went through the motions, finishing the glass of water and pressing the heels of his palms on to his temples before finally sitting up.  Race held out his arms in a silent question and Albert immediately sank into them, burying his nose in Race’s shirt, breathing in the comfortingly familiar scent.  
“What was that about?” Race muttered after a moment.
“My grandfather passed away,” Albert said, his tone scarily void of emotion.  Race tensed, tightening his hold around his boyfriend, “It was expected,” Albert continued, “Of course I’m sad, but I saw it coming.  He was sick for a while, but-” he took a shaky breath, the angry tremor returning to his hands, “My dad won’t let me come to the funeral.  Said he was going to break each of my fingers if I so much as walk through.”
Race was stunned, speechless and horrified.  He knew of Albert’s abusively homophobic father, but who says that to their kid?  He really shouldn’t be surprised, Albert’s father was always coming out with new ways to be an asshole.
He racked his brain, searching for some way he could possibly comfort Albert without sounding cliche.  But Albert beat him to it, “Can we watch Phineas and Ferb?” He asked in a small voice.  
Race smiled, “Of course,” it was an unspoken tradition between them to watch Phineas and Ferb if one of them was upset or stressed.  It was an easy thing to come back to.
“Are you hungry?” Race asked as he brought up Netflix on their TV, finding Phineas and Ferb quickly in their ‘recently watched’ list.
Albert shook his head, “No, but could you make, like, tea or something?” “Sure thing,” Race smiled, “Pick out an episode, I’ll make us some Sleepytime.”
Albert nodded, taking the controller from Race and expertly scrolling through the episodes to find his favorite.  Race carefully extracted himself from behind Albert, making his way to the kitchen to boil water in their electric kettle.  
They were settled in just shy of five minutes later, Albert lying between Race’s legs, back pressed flush to the other man’s chest as Phineas and Ferb played in front of them.  The sound was off, because Albert didn’t like too much noise when he was in a state, but the captions were on and Race was softly humming random tunes, knowing that Albert found comfort in the vibrations the soft sounds made.
Race jumped when he felt hot liquid hit his jeans and he looked down to see Albert’s mug, tilting dangerously to the side as Albert’s grip on it loosened.  His breakdown must have worn him out and he was quickly succumbing to the solace of sleep.  A small, fond smile lit up Race’s face as he cautiously picked up the mug, setting it on the coffee table before leaning back to hold Albert once more.  He pressed a soft kiss to Albert’s hair, running his fingers through it gently.  
“You’re so, so loved,” He whispered, unsure as to whether Albert was conscious enough to hear him.
“Mmm, love you,” Was the sleepy reply he got in return.
mmmmmm whatcha sayyyyy (that was playing in my head the whole time i wrote this)
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @bencookisagod @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @thatpoorguysheadisspinning @spec-s-pecs
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Gray hasn’t seen Natsu in years - not since he moved away with his boyfriend Joel and Natsu stopped texting him. A chance run-in at a bar brings Natsu back into Gray’s life, but the encounter puts Gray in danger when Joel finds out. Natsu quickly realizes that Gray’s stuck in a cycle of violence, and wants to help him escape. But leaving isn’t that easy, and sometimes loving someone might not be enough. 
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Chapter Summary: Joel's jealous of how much Gray texts Natsu, and Natsu and Erza are concerned about how much time Gray's spending with Joel.
Chapters (9/21):  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Gray Fullbuster/Original Male Character(s) Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Abusive Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Aftermath, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Natsu just wants to help, but Gray feels like he can’t leave, Non-Linear Narrative, Trans Character, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, ftlgbtpride2019, Coming Out, First Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, I promise
in·fat·u·a·tion | \ in-ˌfa-chə-ˈwā-shən noun : a feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something : strong and unreasoning attachment
iv april five years ago
“Why are you always on your phone?”
Joel’s voice is sullen, and when Gray looks up, Joel’s brow is furrowed in annoyance. Gray glances over at the TV where Joel’s playing ‘Halo,’ then back down at his screen.
“Sorry,” he says, “I’m just texting Natsu, I wasn—”
Joel reaches over and grabs the phone from Gray’s hands, tossing it to the end of the couch. Gray sits there for a moment, stunned.
“What the hell?” Gray asks after a second. He tries to reach out and pick up the phone, but Joel’s legs are over his, and Joel shifts so that Gray can’t move away. “What’s your deal?”
There’s a tense moment before Joel sighs, and Gray watches his expression turn from irritated to disappointed. “You’d rather talk to him than me,” Joel says, looking away from Gray and down at the controller on his lap.
“Hey, no, that’s not true,” Gray says, anger immediately dissipating. He reaches over and grabs Joel’s hand, squeezing it tightly. “I’m sorry, I just thought—I haven’t talked to him in a while.”
It’s true. Since Joel and Gray started dating three months ago, it’s been harder and harder for Gray to make time for Natsu. Joel likes to hang out with Gray in the evenings, and Gray doesn't blame him – they're both in school all day long, and it’s nice to relax together.
“I know,” Joel says, running his fingers over Gray’s. “It just feels like... you wish you were still with him, not me.”
Continue reading on AO3
The statement hits harder than Gray would like to admit. Joel is amazing, and he makes Gray feel special and loved, but there’s a tiny part of Gray that still lights up every time he gets a text or e-mail from Natsu.
“He’s my best friend,” Gray insists, trying to push those thoughts away. Joel deserves better than that.
“But I’m your boyfriend,” Joel says, and Gray’s stomach immediately twists with guilt. “It makes me feel shitty when you text him instead of talking to me.”
Gray looks down at the discarded phone, then back at Joel, whose expression is downcast. “I’m sorry,” he says again.
Joel’s eyes search Gray’s face, and then he picks up the phone and opens it to Gray’s message history with Natsu. Gray’s eyes widen and he reaches out unconsciously to take the phone back.
“You have something to hide?” Joel asks, looking at him suspiciously, and just like that, the edge is back to his voice. Gray shakes his head and Joel turns back to the phone. His face hardens as he reads back through the messages, and Gray desperately tries to think of what could be in there that’s making Joel upset.
“What’s wrong?” he asks as Joel’s hand tightens around his.
“He’s still in love with you,” Joel says, voice low. He flips the phone around to Gray and points to a text from a few weeks ago.
we went to the lake here last night and watched the stars. thought of you, i miss u so much xo
“W-we...” Gray’s about to explain about the stars and the lake and their old summer traditions, but Joel’s not listening, just scrolling back through message after message. The further back he goes, the tighter his grip becomes on Gray’s hand.
“Are you still in love with him?” Joel asks eventually.
Gray shakes his head vehemently. “No, I—I love you, we’ve just...”
“This doesn’t feel like you love me,” Joel says softly. He scrolls back down to the last few messages and re-reads them.
Natsu: i got a summer job here but i talked to erza about coming back to visit in june after my exams
Gray: Really?
Natsu: yeah : ) maybe we can go out to the lake or something <3
Gray: That would be awesome. I miss you so much.
Gray frowns, looking between the phone and Joel. “I don’t unders—”
“You didn’t tell me about this.” Joel’s squeezing Gray’s hand so tightly that it’s starting to hurt. “You’re making plans with him behind my back?”
“What?” Gray winces, trying to pull his hand away, but Joel won’t let go. “That’s not for another two months, nothing’s for sure, why—”
“You’re supposed to tell me these things!” Joel protests, face drawn in disappointment. “How can I trust you if you’re keeping secrets from me with your ex?”
“I didn’t—”
“You did, don’t lie to me!” Joel tosses the phone onto the floor and digs his fingers dig harder into the back of Gray’s hand.
“Joel, stop it, you’re hurting me!”
Joel immediately lets go of Gray’s hand and Gray pulls back from him, staring down at the bright red marks on his hand and wrist as the blood rushes back to the skin.
“Gray, baby, I’m sorry,” Joel says gently, reaching out to take Gray’s hand. “Hey, c’mon, lemme see.” He runs his thumb over the marks, then brings Gray’s fingers to his lips and kisses the marks. “It’s not that bad, honey.”
Joel sighs. “I didn’t mean to,” he murmurs. He pulls Gray into his arms and rubs his thumb over the back of Gray’s hand. “I just get so upset, I… I don’t wanna lose you, and when you do stuff like that, it makes me feel…”
A wave of guilt rushes over Gray. “I’m sorry,” he says softly, pressing his forehead to Joel’s shoulder. “I should have said something.”
“It’s okay,” Joel says, kissing Gray’s head and running a hand down his back. “Just don’t lie to me, okay? I love you. I don’t wanna get upset.”
“I love you, too,” Gray says, wrapping his arms around Joel’s waist and snuggling up to him.
They sit like that for a long time, and eventually Joel reaches down and passes Gray’s phone back to him. He doesn’t say anything about the crack across the screen, and Gray doesn’t mention it.
Natsu [11:38] i think i can drive up on the 13th, does that work for you? xo
Gray [12:20] I think so, let me talk to Joel.
“You’re bailing on movie night again?”
Erza stands in the door to the kitchen, hair pulled up in a messy bun, arms crossed over her chest. Gray hates the look she’s giving him, and he forces himself to ignore it and focus on tying his laces.
“I’m sorry,” he says, looking at his watch. “I know it’s really last-minute, but Joel asked me to—”
“It’s always last minute,” Erza interrupts. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
Gray sighs, standing up and running his fingers through his hair. “Erza, I live here,” he says patiently, gesturing down the hallway to his room. “I see you every day.”
“Saying hey, have a good day while you’re staring at your phone and leaving the apartment doesn’t count as seeing you,” Erza says, shaking her head. “I miss you.”
“You have Jellal,” Gray says sullenly, leaning back against the door. He’s supposed to meet Joel in twenty minutes, and Joel hates being late.
“Ellie.” Erza’s voice is kinder than Gray expects, and when he looks up at her, he can’t really read her expression. “You’re one of my best friends. I just miss spending time with you.”
Gray fiddles with the buttons on his shirt – it was a birthday gift from Joel, a dark blue that matches his eyes. It fits just right over the binder they ordered online, and it makes Gray feel right.
“Does Joel... not like us?” Erza asks gently, and Gray looks up at her quickly.
“What? Why would you ask that?” Gray asks, frowning.
“He just doesn’t seem to want to come over here,” Erza says, pulling her hair out of its bun and combing it out, then starting to braid it. “I mean, you guys have been dating for what – four months? And I feel like we’ve seen him maybe twice?”
Gray groans, tipping his head back and staring at the patterns on the ceiling. “Please don’t lecture me, I’m getting enough of that from Natsu.” Erza gives Gray a look and he rolls his eyes. “You’re moving so fast, we never talk anymore, blah blah blah – look, he left. You wanted me to move on, and I am, and now you’re giving me shit about it!”
Erza gives Gray a look that, a year ago, would have had him cowering. Now he glares right back at her, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“I’m not giving you shit about anything,” Erza says, stepping forward and reaching out for Gray. He grumbles, but lets her pull him closer. “I’m happy that you’re happy. So’s Natsu.”
“Doesn’t feel like it,” Gray mumbles.
Erza doesn’t say anything, just hugs him tighter and presses a kiss to his head. She smells like popcorn, and for a minute, Gray feels guilty. Then he remembers that Joel is waiting for him.
“I’m sorry, I gotta go,” he says, pulling back and squeezing Erza’s hands. “Next weekend we’ll do movie night, okay?”
“Promise?” Erza asks, and Gray nods absently.
“Yeah. Promise.”
Natsu [13:49] hey, how’d your calc test go? we still good to talk tmw? xo
Natsu [18:33] elllllllie. ells. ell-e-phant. answer your phooooone.
Natsu [20:14] seriously, whats up with you? i miss you
Natsu [21:22] erza says you bailed on her again – dude, whats going on?
Natsu [23:56] im gonna spam you with cute kittens until you answer me
Natsu [22:57] attachment .gif
Natsu [22:58] attachment .gif
Natsu [22:59] attachment .gif
Natsu [23:00] attachment .gif
Natsu [23:23] its 11:11 so i wished for my best friend to text me... <3
Gray [01:34] Heyy sry was at a partty, dunno if we can call tmw but I miss you too <3
By the time they leave the party, it’s almost two in the morning, so Gray crashes at Joel’s place. His roommates are both asleep, and as soon as Joel closes the bedroom door behind them, he grabs Gray around the waist and nudges him onto the bed.
“You look fuckin’ hot as hell,” Joel murmurs against Gray’s skin, hands slipping up under Gray’s shirt and rubbing circles on his back. Gray’s exhausted and still pretty drunk, but he hums and lets Joel kiss his neck. “All my friends are jealous, y’know.”
“Hmm?” Gray blinks at Joel blearily as Joel pushes him back and hovers over him, fingers tugging at the buttons of Gray’s shirt.
“I saw Seth staring at your ass,” Joel says, settling between Gray’s legs and pressing down against him. “He was checkin’ you out all night.”
“’s cause you bought me nice jeans,” Gray mumbles, rubbing his eyes and yawning. Then he frowns, tipping his head back so he can see Joel’s face a bit clearer. “Do… do any of them know I’m…”
Joel shakes his head. “Babe, nobody thinks you’re a girl.” He runs his fingers through Gray’s close-cropped hair and tugs on it gently, tipping his head to the side to press kisses across his throat. “You’re not a girl.”
Gray nods, then runs his hands down to Joel’s hips, stilling the way he’s grinding against Gray.
“What’s wrong?” Joel asks, pulling back and frowning.
“I…” Gray chews his lip. “I’ve been thinking.” He hesitates. “About, like… hormones and stuff. Or surgery, I dunno.”
Joel sits up, studying Gray’s face before running his hands up Gray’s stomach to the edge of his binder. “You wanna get rid of these?” he teases, slipping his fingers under the tight fabric. Gray gives him a half-hearted glare and knees him gently in the ribs.
“Yeah,” he says. “I just… I dunno how to talk to my dad about it.”
Gray’s parents still think he’s a girl, and Gray doesn’t know if he can tell them. His dad’s the pastor in Magnolia now, and Gray’s pretty sure his sermons don’t include love for people like Gray.
“Fuck ‘em,” Joel says. His words are slurred from drinking but his gaze is intent. Gray frowns. Joel’s met his parents, once, and Gray’s mom adored him. “They… if they don’t like who you are, then they shouldn’t be in your life.”
“But…” Gray pushes himself up on his elbows and shakes his head, trying to clear it. “They’re my parents.”
“If they don’t love you for who you are, who cares what they think?” Joel argues. He runs his hands back down to Gray’s sides and squeezes. “I love you just like this.”
“I know,” Gray says softly, tugging Joel down for a kiss. “And I wanna be me, all the time.”
Gray hasn’t really mentioned the idea of actually transitioning to anyone else. With everyone other than Joel, he’s still Ellie, even though he's tried over and over again to tell Natsu. It just never comes out right, and he ends up deleting the words before he can send them.
“You can always be who you are with me,” Joel says, pressing their foreheads together. “Hey, y’know... y’know what? We should live together. Then... you can be you all the time.”
Gray blinks in surprise, trying to pull back to look at Joel, but Joel shakes his head and kisses Gray again instead. He tastes like cheap beer and cigarettes, and his stubble scratches Gray’s bottom lip. Gray sighs, sinking back into the mattress.
“Okay,” he says against Joel’s lips. “Yeah. Let’s... talk about it in the mornin’.”
Natsu – 2hrs ago Missed Call
Natsu – 1hr ago Missed Call
Natsu – 38min ago Missed Call
Natsu – 12min ago 12 Messages
Natsu – 2min ago Missed Call
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beeyeah · 5 years
Jikook: Appeal to Logic
Title: Appeal to Logic
Summary: /Jikook/ Two-shot/ Canon/ Where Jimin tries to convince Yoongi why he was positive Jungkook likes him and Yoongi asks him, “What would you do with that information?”
Indeed, Jimin wonders what the point was to all this.
Notes: I wanted to post on Valentine’s but I guess my calendar is ten days late hhhhh Anyway, I lurk a lot in Jikook tags (like I’m here everyday) and I’ve read long discourses regarding the legitimacy of their relationship. I thought it’d be interesting if one of them begins to share his proofs too and joins the hot pot of convo his own way. TLDR; enter this fic lol I promise it won’t be 20 chapters this time. 
Chapter 1 under cut or you can read at Ao3
Chapter 1: Points Were Made
It was an on and off thing.
Like a passion project that you know you just would figure how to complete someday but needed time because life would get in the way.
Today though marked the moment Park Jimin was ready to lay out his cards and tell someone that definitely… maybe… with a little more sprinkle of confidence that --
“Hyung, I think Jungkook likes me.”
There was silence in Min Yoongi’s room when the statement was pronounced. It made Jimin squirm on his seat as he tried to understand the non-committal stare directed at him, right behind the bond paper that held Jimin’s scribbled notes for lyrics.
Ah, that was right.
His initial purpose was to hear Yoongi’s feedback on a thing he'd been working on. Somewhere along the way, his thoughts drifted to another which inevitably led to his bold declaration of Jungkook’s far from familial, alleged infatuation for him.
Yoongi reached out to his left where his mug of coffee sat.
“I don't know what you want me to say. Of course, Jungkook likes you.”
Jimin frowned, wrapping his head around how he should explain himself. “No, hyung. I mean Jungkook likes me.”
Yoongi’s mouth was slightly gaped and his eyes were blank. His hyung looked lost while he attempted to blink his confusion away.
Well, his observations go way way back, two years worth of evidence. Right in the hallway of their home, an evening in October.
“Jungkook treats me differently,” he told Yoongi, legs crossed and under him as he put up a finger and discussed his first point.
It wasn't as if it was only him who questioned it. Jungkook only gave Jimin a birthday present in the span of the past years, no one else and that got to mean something.
They were all tired from shoot that most of them were tempted not to shower. Hoseok was pushing him around and urging him to a quick bath before lying on his bed because that was what Hoseok was. He liked things clean and perfect and that same rule applied for his roommate. But then Jeon Jungkook, his beloved dongsaeng, appeared out of nowhere and blocked him from his merry way to the bathroom. A little awkwardly might he add because he stood there, hand fiddling with his fringes and eyes searching the floor in trepidation. At that point, both Jimin and Hoseok unlatched themselves from each other's grip to attend to the youngest who seemed to need some attention.
To his surprise, and perhaps his hyung’s too, Jungkook held out his hand and shoved Jimin a paper bag. Hoseok curiously peeked from his shoulder as Jimin tried to open it while muttering, “What's this?”
Jungkook answered with a shrug and he waited. He waited there and watched Jimin opened his present.
It wasn't even anything grand. In this stage of their career, they were just beginning to gain traction from their first win and as Namjoon had put it, at breakeven, to finally enjoy the fruits of their hard labor. Knowing how their earnings were distributed based on performance and royalty fees, Jimin was pretty sure Jungkook received the same profit he did. To be honest, it wasn't exactly much. The only difference was that Jimin was prone to lavish it on people while Jungkook would save it for practical and grander things.
The practical, grander things in Jungkook’s head was Jimin. Bought him a sweatshirt which costed around 44,000 krw. Jimin researched the price because he was curious how much the maknae was willing to spend on him.
No greeting cards. Not a high end brand. Just plain white paper bag from the department store where he bought his first gift for a Bangtan member.
Needless to say, Jimin was ecstatic and made sure to rub it on everyone's face.
“Jimin-ah,” Yoongi tried to interrupt him but he shushed the older with an afterthought.
“It wasn't the gift that's strange. Jungkook's face was really weird when I thanked him.”
Jimin knew Jungkook well enough to know when he was happy. Whatever gratefulness he saw on Jimin’s face translated on how satisfied Jungkook was on what he did. There was a sense of pride and innocent glee in Jungkook’s eyes similar to the way they would twinkle when he was offered cheesecake or lamb skewers. It was odd how he was comparing himself to food but Yoongi would probably understand the reference. He would bring Jungkook to lamb skewers so often that the maknae even vowed to stay with him forever if he would agree to become business partners.
That was beside the point.
Back then, Jimin thought he was onto something but the idea didn't linger because it was indeed a special occasion. Jungkook was a good dongsaeng and treated his hyung well even outside their birthdays so, on a second thought, it wasn't really much of an evidence.
The hand that held Jimin’s lyrics now dangled limply over the office chair’s armrest.
“Jimin-ah, just get to the point.”
Jimin pursed his lips. As far as he was concerned, he was straightforward from the get-go. He thought Jungkook likes him and he stated the fact right on, now presenting his evidence.
“Number two,” he said after lifting another finger. Perhaps Yoongi wanted him to speed things up and he should. He certainly didn't have all day with their comeback looming around the corner. “Jungkook thinks I'm beautiful.”
Yoongi’s confusion had more color to it this time. Beyond his blinking eyes that questioned where this conversation was headed, his brows met when he spoke, “Should this really be coming out of your own mouth?”
“It didn't come from me. Jungkook told me,” he replied, voice defensive.
“Jungkook thinks you're cute. But so do I. Might as well tell me that all members like you.”
“No,” Jimin answered, tucking his arm in and across his chest. His eyes narrowed, teeth worrying his lips, trying to recall the exact moment that prompted him to ask the youngest. “Ah, that's right,” he muttered when the epiphany came. He searched his pockets for his phone and scrolled through countless and countless of albums of selcas and videos of him with Bangtan.
It was somewhere in there.
“Hyung… this,” he finally said after almost five minutes of sifting through his files.
Yoongi’s back was facing him after he stopped talking to look for his proof. He really should've prepared it beforehand. Now his hyung seemed to have completely lost his interest. He was typically patient to listen, but Jimin interrupted him when he was in the midst of editing a melody submission.
Though Yoongi said it was fine. Jimin would be his breath of fresh air because the team would so rarely go out during crucial period right before their comeback. He knew better not to push the limit but it was tempting and he needed someone to listen to him.
He pulled the bean bag next to his hyung’s leg, lifted his phone so that Yoongi would be able to see what he was referencing to.
His hair was pink, the clip a mere six- seconder. He was staring at the camera, trying to appeal to ARMY. He needed it. There was this greedy part of him that wanted to know how they would react to his flirting. Tell people, ‘Hey, Jimin is right here and this is how he looks right now. His hair changed.’ That kind of drill right before their comeback and their response would in a way boost his confidence. A conscious tactic to keep his fans interested in him perhaps?
“What do you think?”
Yoongi made a face and pulled back to a cringe as he'd expected. Highly likely, he would've done the same thing if any other member showed him a video of themselves. So he merely nodded in agreement. Bangtan wasn't the audience for this video. ARMY was.
“Do you know how Jungkookie reacted when I showed this to him?”
Yoongi sighed. “Would I want to know?”
“He replayed it, hyung,” he said as a matter-of-factly. “He told me I should post it because our fans would love it. Which I did, if you remember.”
“I don't,” Yoongi admitted and turned his chair so that he was facing Jimin, a leg over the other while he waited for him to continue.
“I posted it on Twitter and do you know who posted afterwards?”
It wasn't a wild guess.
“Yeah,” Jimin confirmed the obvious. “After 10 minutes, he posted something and you know what it said?”
No response.
“He posted a song.”
The title was right on the hashtag #ILYSB by Lany.
When it came to music that wasn't in their own language, Jimin would seldom take efforts to find translation. So long as he understood bits and pieces of what little English he knew, he could work around it. Namjoon said to be careful of listening to artists that might cause uproar by association, so he would still have to check it out if he'd want to share it with the fans. But for as much as he believed that lyricism was a key ingredient to any good music, Jimin preferred to feel rather than completely understand and analyze. That job was for their leader.
However, he decided that he wanted to fathom the youngest’s thoughts that night.
The noob part of him thought the title was some secret internet code popular in the west so he searched naver only to be greeted by a simple yet telling I love you so bad. His mouth formed an ‘oh’ when he realized that it might've been an intense confession. It invariably piqued his curious mind so that later he would be listening on loop to… and you need to know that I'm hella obsessed with your face.
“You're reading into it too much,” Yoongi told him with a shake of his head as he reached again for his coffee. “I'm not one to judge who you want to date, but think how this appears to other people.” Yoongi paused, seemingly debating what he should and shouldn't say next. “Jimin-ah, a lot could happen in ten minutes. Like you, Jungkook might be sending that message to the fans. Namjoon recommends a lot of songs. It wouldn't be about us.”
“I know, so I asked him directly.”
Yoongi almost spat his drink on him. He tapped his chest as he drowned out his cough to reaffirm. “Ya, you what?”
“I asked him if the lyrics were about me.”
“He laughed,” Jimin confessed.
Truth be told, his ego was slightly hurt to see Jungkook’s initial response to his question. He was serious about it because he was just about more than a quarter sure about his theory. It didn't feel good to have this kid finding amusement to something he pored over. He could've just said ‘no’ outrightly and Jimin wouldn't have minded.
Jungkook’s laughter died down when he saw Jimin’s expression transform and he was reaching out for his hand in apology before he knew it.
Jimin let him hold him.
“It was…” he almost sounded uncertain. “Hyung, why are you being like this?” Sounded almost helpless and then relenting, “Yeah, it was about you. I was nervous so I laughed.” Instinctively, his free hand reached for his fringes like the night of Jimin’s birthday.
When he saw the younger fidget, Jimin felt relieved. Ah, he still knew Jungkook better than anyone. Mindful to see every little shift in the air, Jimin wasn't wrong in reading the situation.
He ruffled Jungkook's head and returned the wide staring with his own curled eyes in amusement. “I knew it,” mumbled to himself and turned once he got the confirmation that he wanted.
“You just left?” Yoongi asked him, tone surprised that it nudged some bafflement at the back of Jimin’s head.
He bobbed his head yes because, well, what else was he supposed to do? He already proved he was right. Yoongi hadn't even heard the rest of his evidences yet.
“Three,” he said to share what was left in his folder.
“Stop,” Yoongi said, planting a foot on Jimin's thigh to emphasize the urgency of his demand.
Jimin slapped the foot away and dusted off his pants.
“Do you even like Jungkook?”
He tilted his head sideways. “Of course,” Jimin answered simply, wondering why it was even a question in the first place. He liked Jungkook. Jungkook was and still is his favorite dongsaeng and BTS member. He'd take care of him even if he grew his muscles and grew taller than him.
Yoongi shook his head. “I don't think we're talking about the same thing.”
“For the third one… ” Jimin took in the opportunity of minute lag on Yoongi’s response to divert the conversation back to the task at hand. He really didn't understand what Yoongi meant but better to finish this off before his momentum dried and faltered.
He picked up his phone again and browsed through his apps. It was quite a long memory lane down Vapp’s timeline until he found the correct reference. He slid the video right on the important moment, him in his bathrobe with Taehyung’s voice singing in the background. The camera was on with Jungkook in his white shirt’s glory, sitting for all ARMY to see.
“That's right… Jimin-hyung is bad at playing games,” Jungkook said to echo his claim.
Back then, the staff berated them silently to turn off vapp. Jungkook was too loud. Jimin wasn't kidding when he said he was hearing him across the hallway. They were only given five hours to eat, take a bath, and nap before they reconvene for post-con review and plan out the adjustments in their set list but this kid chose to do an hour of live for the fans.
Jimin was out his room because Sungdeuk wanted to talk to Hoseok. They needed to work on spacing for Not Today. Their hyung thought they didn't maximize the stage well enough and he was also keen to give feedback on blockings for medley so they could properly execute group choreography for Bultaoreune.
Hoseok was too tired to get up his bed so he texted Jimin if he could get the notes in his place. Which Jimin was happy to do. He loved the fact that Hoseok trusted him and it gave him a sense of pride.
He and Sungdeuk were just about done talking when the older guy stopped him from his tracks by grabbing his arm.
“Can you tell Jungkook to tone it down a little? I heard he opened vapp but everyone's tired.”
Jimin honestly didn't want to deal with it. He was wearing his bathrobe without any make-up and only rushed out in the middle of his evening skin care routine because he wanted to be a useful dongsaeng to Hosoek and let him have an early rest. If he so much as spoke, audible for fans to hear, people were going to ask and he'd have to show himself on camera. Jeon Jungkook, really this kid should know when to stop.
“You know Jungkook listens to you well.”
Jimin jutted out his lower lip, “He doesn't.”
He could already imagine the maknae turning the volume up further for the sake of raising his hackles. Sungdeuk knew this but he was asking Jimin to do it because he knew Jimin couldn't say no when it came to Jungkook.
“Alright, alright,” he said, bobbing his head weakly and dragging his feet towards Jungkook’s room.
Across the end of the floor, he saw Taehyung towing right behind their leader who whispered him something. It made his friend glance at his direction and the next thing he knew, Namjoon was off his room and Taehyung was walking the opposite direction.
Taehyung got hold up by Sungdeuk who was midway his own room and right then, Jimin pressed on Jungkook’s room’s bell and twisted the knob open.
“I heard you from the neighboring room. Let me sleep,” he said, trying to keep his tone annoyed and nagging even when Jungkook was beaming at him so widely. “Stop singing in the middle of the night. Go to sleep.”
“You're losing me here, Jimin-ah. This is just you trying to discipline Jungkook. I would've scolded him the same.”
“Hyung,” Jimin replied sternly, eyes determined and a hand squeezing Yoongi’s thigh. “Did you watch it? Jungkook wanted my attention.”
Yoongi leaned back on his chair, challenging.
“Well, it wasn't even about that.”
His proof went beyond Jungkook's childish yet so endearing attempts to make Jimin come back and join his live. He slid the video right back to the moment and handed his phone in Yoongi’s hand.
When he crashed Jungkook's live that evening, Jimin had every intention to make an impression. After how people disregarded his precious, scant hours of work reprieve, he believed he deserved the screen time. It was tempting to test the waters to say the least. Not just with Jungkook. He wasn't dumb, well aware of his effect when he tried to appeal to someone.
“I don't know why you go to those lengths. They like you already,” Yoongi interrupted him mid-explanation, referencing to their fans. “What's more to prove?”
Jimin wondered to himself why but decided against it. “That's not the point, hyung,” he offered, not wanting to divert from the case at hand. They could ramble on about his insecurities later.
After confiscating the speaker that agitated Namjoon down to coordi noona who just finished fixing damaged buttons of their Blood, Sweat and Tears stage costumes, he went back in Jungkook’s room to greet their fans. A hand comb through his blond hair, cute sounds, zoom the bare face closer to the camera when he knew he just applied mask so he'd look good.
More important than that though was to stare at someone far longer than what was necessary that he’d be conscious to repay the attention. So he did what he knew would work, lure Jungkook's eyes to him and whisper. Mumble because that required someone to pay better heed and read his lips.
“That's not right, I was good at playing games a year ago.”
Then Jungkook would nod absentmindedly and whip his head towards his direction as Taehyung sang Chandelier in the background. Jimin wouldn't say it was the perfect song for the moment but it was good to have a song. Cause Jimin was aware they were recorded. He could go back to this, a song would help with epiphany and drama.
“What do you think?” he asked Yoongi who was squinting at his phone. Doubtful but probably a lot more convinced than he was five minutes ago. “I can be convincing if I want to.” He extended an arm to retrieve his phone.
He fell forward when his hyung suddenly pulled back to keep the small device out of reach. “I don't know if you're being serious about this.”
Jimin titled his head. “I am,” he said. “I am serious. Jungkook really likes me.”
He wasn't unreasonable. The kid had a habit of staring when someone would talk. He observed these things, sometimes obsessively, because it helped him understand the maknae better. So he knew why Jungkook would do it. He found it difficult to focus and physically directing his attention to someone would help him catch what they were trying to say better. It wouldn't be a deal then if Jimin was talking.
But when it was Namjoon who was put on spot to answer an English interview, their leader who still strove to speak a foreign language to represent the group, Jimin quite expected for Jungkook to listen… ogle.
“The korean teacher asked me a question, ‘What are the hardships of being a leader?’”
It wasn’t the first time Jungkook was caught. There was one at a fansign, then at the backstage of a music show, also during that one gayo episode and probably instances he wasn’t aware or the others he couldn’t remember. If Jimin wasn’t so busy overthinking things, he would have found it funny how Jungkook would play it cool and avert his gaze elsewhere. 
“There are hardships when we take positions, specifically being a leader...”
Namjoon continued his answer in the background while Jimin thought to himself what actually goes through the maknae’s head when he would look at him. Was the need so compelling that he’d do it or was Jimin really just that. Beautiful?
“Ya, do you hear yourself?”
Jimin giggled, his head falling back to comfortably rest on the loveseat. It was funny to call himself beautiful. Even he wouldn’t be that shameless.
The point still stands though. Jungkook would stare at him, and he would call him beautiful.
“It has to mean something right?”
He wanted to confirm the motivations behind the not-so-subtle attention. However, he didn’t want to do a repeat of the last time when he confronted Jungkook about the song. It made the air between them strained and the youngest would agonize in his presence. Jimin thought he was being shy so he’d hold back.
But then what about his own curiosity?
“You’re curious, that’s it,” Yoongi said plainly. “What would you do with that information?”
Jimin pursed his lips as he thought about it. 
Good point. Where was he leading with all these? He didn’t think that far enough. He wasn’t even done with his final proof.
“What do you think, hyung? What should I do about it?”
...To be continued
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runephoenix6769 · 6 years
Winter Schnee Head canon part 2 , younger years.
Winter Solstice. drabble, 
 Berdea Cid, (intro)
Fresh from being crowned the Atlesian fencing champion in 15 year and under category, with sash across her shoulder and trophy in hand, Winter Schnee had watched in slight confusion as her Father had berated her instructor of years, Violet.
He claimed her form had been sloppy, that she had taken too long vanquishing her opponents, what had he been paying for?
“But Father, I won!”  She had admonished, immediately regretting her momentary relapse in propriety as his eyes tightened and his mouth set into a grim line.
“That is neither here nor there. You missed opportunities and failed to take advantage of your opponent’s flaws!”
“But!” She began to protest.
“Enough!” He hissed, “Do I need to remind you that you are a representative of the Schnee Family name and shall behave as such! Now stand up straight!”
The hard edge to his voice had, like molten dust poured down her spine, made her instinctively correct her stance.
“Yes, Father.”
“You are a champion now! This is good for us.”
He had laid a firm hand on her shoulder and he had guided her towards the door and the waiting press, ever the proud parent, as the cameras had flashed and questions asked. The crowd had been far too big for a simple fencing tourney,
“What is next for you Miss Schnee?”
She hadn’t known what to say.
Her Father, ever used to the PR machine that surrounded the Family name, answered smoothly.
“Today, the eldest of my children,” He had pulled her to him, in an uncharacteristic one armed Fatherly hug, “Has done me proud. Never for a second did my faith in her winning today waver.”
The admission of approval had sparked something in her, if only she could savour this moment, somehow replicate it.
A journalist had pushed to the fore front,
“What do you say to those who stand opposed to your treatment of Faunus workers?”
Her Father had brushed off the comment with a chuckle,
“This is a sporting event, hardly a political rally. Now if you please, I would like to take my daughter home and celebrate our victory with the rest of the family!”
A shout came from the crowd,
He had remained composed as the crowd had jostled, the Schnee family security becoming tense,
“Now, now, I assure you, we at the Schnee Dust Company are doing all we can to save the lives of the trapped workers..”
The crowd had erupted, throwing projectiles and screaming obscenities. Winter and her Father had been ushered by their security into a nearby town car.
Once inside the car, his mood had soured. Pouring  a drink he had turned on the scroll, muttering about filthy animals as Lisa Lavender commented on the ruckus.
And just like that, Winter and her victory was forgotten.
The family gathered round the long table in the cavernous dining hall. A rare occurrence but the occasion called for it as her younger sister with barely concealed excitement, waited as patiently as a 10 year old could on their birthday. 
Weiss’ and Whitleys eyes sparkled as the huge ornament cake, topped with an ballerina made of fondant on top, was wheeled into the room. The servants moved silently and Winter shivered, the fire in the monstrous hearth unable to heat the icy distance between her parents.
The candles on the cake lit, Weiss shifted excitedly in her seat, as Winter remained erect but eyes fixated on spot particular whorl in the cherry wood table. 
“Another glass of wine, Ma’am” 
Willow nodded, 
“Thankyou Klein.”
Jacques let out a scoff as the man servant began to decanter the Mistrali wine. 
Looking up at her sister, Winter offered a warm smile as the young girls eyes reflected the candle light a top the cake. If only she could keep her innocence a little longer. 
Her eyes darted to the side as she felt her mother,
“Jacques, I went to the office today.”
Winter held her breath, her heart thumping. As of late she had heard them arguing and the escalation to all out screaming matches, often resulting in her mother sobbing behind the doors of the conservatory had become more frequent. 
To her left, she felt her Father’s anger rolling off him like aura. 
“Oh really? Is that where you went?” He flippantly replied, “I assumed you had gone to meet the other useless socialite housewives.”
She felt her mother bristle. 
“I want you to reverse the new policies.”
Jacques let out a barking laugh. 
“Im serious Jacques. If my father was alive he would be appalled.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Winter witnessed as her fathers mustasch twitched at the corner in an evil smirk. 
Please, she thought, not today. Not on Weiss’ birthday. 
“Well, my dear, your father isnt here, is he! And I am the one out there making the decisions the company needs to in order to survive.”
“In the blood of those less fortunate?” Her mother spat. 
Weiss’ bottom lip began to tremble  and under the table Winter balled her fists. 
Her father preened, 
“It is how capitalism works my dear.” 
Willow took a languied sip of her wine and Winter could feel the brewing storm. Whitley kicked his little legs against the chair. She watched as her mothers features drew up and down, her eyes becoming sorrowful. 
Please dont do it, Winter once again internally begged. 
Fingering the stem of her glass, Willow fixed Jacques with an almost mournful look. 
“Did you ever love me?”
Winter’s heart clinched as she watched her Father, his stare as cold as the Atleasian tundra, as he steepled his hands, leaning forward on his elbows as he replied, with callous indifference, 
“I only married you for the company and the name.”
Winter let out the shaky breath she was holding, watching as her mother’s face crumpled. the servants remained in the shadows. The silence broken by the crackling of the fire, as Willows quaking fingers rose to her lips. Her Father gave a wicked smirk. Willow let out a racking sob as she in one movement got up, fleeing the room. 
The candles on the cake, flickered and died
Whitley let out a howling bellow, Weiss eyes brimming with unshed tears. 
“Oh for gods sake, will someone see to that.” Jacques roared. 
A servant stepped forward, Winter moved, brushing off the offered help. 
“It’s ok.” She scooped Whitley up on her arms, “I shall see to him.” Offering out her other hand, she encouraged. “Come Weiss.”
The little girl scooted off her chair as quickly as she could, clutching her sisters hand like a lifeline. 
Clasping it, She led her siblings out the room, noticing just how tiny and frail her younger sister’s hand felt in her own. God, had she ever been that tiny. 
Quickly, she carried her younger brother and sister to her own room, attempting to sooth them as they fretted. Klein appeared, offering his help which she gladly accepted. 
“They can sleep in here tonight, stay with them until they are settled, I shall be back shortly.”
Swiftly she made her way through the hallways to the east wing, approaching her mothers door with trepidation, the sobs reaching her ears from beyond. 
Steeling herself, she knocked before silently entering, only to be met with the room in disarry. Her mother’s usually neat bun coming undone, her pretty features bloated and ruddy. 
“Mama,” Winter began.
Her Mother drew her into a hug. The mixture of perfume and alcohol burnt the teenagers nose, and she squeezed her eyes together so as not to cry. 
“Promise me dear sweet Winter, you must get away. “ Her mother tenderly stroked her face, “Promise me, you shall find a way to leave.”
Winter sniffled 
“Yes Mama”
“He wont let you go so easily.”
“I know Mama.” 
She helped her already unsteady Mother into her bed. Tucking the sheets around her. Leaving a kiss on her forehead. 
She heard her Mother mumble drunkenly as she dimmed the lights. 
“I am sorry.”
“I want to learn how to fight!”
“And why do you want to learn?”
“I want to leave!”
“And where would you go pampered little Schnee?”
“Atlas! I want to go to Atlas academy!”
“They will not accept you on fencing tourneys alone!”
“Well, how do I get there?”
“You must show that can defeat the most terrifying creatures,”
“No, your name! It will be your greatest weapon and your greatest weakness.”
“Once you leave these walls , no one will stand for you.  No one shall protect you against those that mean you harm. You are hated. They will say.. ‘Look at her with her money and her name, that is the only reason why she is here’. You must prove that you are the best and nothing but the best, with or without your heritage.”
“Stay here, where you are safe,”
“what would you do!”
“I am more than a name!”
“Show me!”
  Berdea tells her that the only way to get noticed and to be considered for entry into any academy is by competing at a tourney against other kids from signal and other junior academies..  Kids who had trained with aura, some unlocked semblances. Kids with other styles and weapons, on different terrain and environments.. 
All which Winter lacks.. But she is determined to tread this path. If not for own sake, then for that of her siblings. 
She begins to practise summoning..
If you would like Willows pov , feel free check out Willow Schnee Theory in the tags. 
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whirlybirbs · 6 years
TAKE IT SLOW -- #bittercoffee
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this is a stupid little smutty drabble i want you all to have as a thank you for being so patient with the next chapter of #bittercoffee. 
here we have some stupid, early-relationship sexual tension culminating into something other than dry humping. consider it a little tease for the real deal, which will inevitably happen in later #bittercoffee chapters! 
beware, a little smut below the cut!
“You’re distracting, you know.”
One hand is under the back of your shirt, ghosting along your spine and raising goosebumps with each tender pass. His other is occupied with his phone — he’s been trying to figure the contraption out these last few weeks and with the newest discovery of the Instagram explore page, Bucky is waist deep in cat videos and bad DIYs.
His attention is pulled from his phone and he gives a little grin, sitting up and pressing a warm kiss into the curve of your shoulder.
“It’s late, doll.”
His voice is soft.
You huff, dragging your eyes up from the scattered papers across your comforter before letting your shoulders sag. Bucky’s hands continue to scale up and down your back until you finally give in, pushing your glasses back up your nose. He smiles, tight lipped and tired.
“You’re right,” you mumble, gathering your thesis notes and your laptop before standing, “Probably won’t memorize anything at this hour anyways.”
Buck hums in agreement and flops back down into the pillows. 
Bucky likes watching you. It’s not a secret — he’s obsessed with the way you tiptoe across the bedroom, the way you bend and stretch and tug your hair up. He can hardly tear his eyes away from a brief flash of your midsection or a peek of your bottom. It’s incredibly difficult when he’s so damn enamored with every part of you. He tries to hide his apparent staring behind his phone.
You turn after shutting your desk lamp off, dropping your glasses to the table, before taking a moment to admire the supersoldier currently taking up three fourths of your bed. 
He’s reclined against the pillows, blue eyes following you. He really is something out of a dream — you watch his chest rise and fall with each breath, the bare skin there scattered with scars and reminders of his past. His abdomen jumps when you chew your lip.
“What?” he asks, a coy amusement heavy in his voice. He drops his phone to the bedside table with a heavy thwunk.
Your eyes dart down his thighs, boxers bunched messily there. Bucky kicks his feet a bit, tugging back the sheets. 
“You done ogling?” he chides, cheeks a bit pink, “Staring is rude, you know.”
“You stare all the time,” you murmur, “Just let me admire Bucky Barnes for once.”
“There’s not much to admire,” he grudges out, rolling his eyes and scrolling on his phone again, “I have a nice set of baby blues, but they’re up here.”
He raises his brows, catching your eyes rake up from his waist. You laugh a little, tugging your hair back as you crawl into bed. You’re not embarrassed about it anymore — not really. The staring has become second nature. Mutual pining.
“You do have a nice set of baby blues,” you says, crawling over his legs and settling across his waist. You straddle his hips, hands smoothing against the rigid planes of muscles across his stomach. Bucky huffs. You grin, “You have a nice set of everything, if y’know what I mean.”
You shoot him an overly flirtatious look. He laughs — it’s genuine and throaty and bright. He smiles when he does it and you love it. You duck down, quick to kiss the smile with your own tilted lips before Bucky’s hands scale up the front of your shirt. His fingertips crawl up the skin there and you hum, enjoying the sensation of being touched. It’s enough to quiet you down and you tuck your head into the curve of his neck as his ministrations round the back to your spine.
“You’re beautiful,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your temple, “And smart. Kind... I’ll let you have ‘funny’, this time, too. I’m feeling generous.”
You laugh, chest quaking as you speak. “I am funny!”
“Funny lookin’.”
“Whatever you say, Grandpa.”
It’s his turn to laugh. “I’m not as bad as Steve.”
“No,” you laugh, sitting up and shaking your head, “You are so much worse!”
His face lights up, laughter shaking his shoulders. His hands fiddles with your own that’s splayed across his chest, “What, just because I didn’t know what Pinchagram was?”
“Same thing.”
“I can see the headlines now,” you muse, slipping from his hips to lay beside him, “Winter Soldier seen fumbling with iPhone.”
“Listen,” he prods at your hands in the air, “Back in the day —“
“Oh no,” you mumble, rubbing your face, “Here we go...”
Buck rolls his eyes, moving to press his weight partially on top of you in retaliation. You make a mock-pained sound, squirming slightly. He has you pinned. 
“You’re a brat,” he chides, fingers tugging at your waist. You squeak, trying to get away from the pokes.
“Whatcha gunna do about it, Buck?”
There’s a moment of pause between the both of you — Bucky knows how this is going to end, but still he’s drawn in like a magnet. All it takes is one challenging look and his lips find yours in a flash, hands pushing your own above your head as you grin against his mouth. There’s nothing sweet about the kiss, it’s all lust and passion and pent-up feelings that you’ve both been battling these last few weeks.
They come in waves — you both feel a little bit like teenagers, making out at inopportune times and grinding against one another like it’s a dying wish. You were both adamant about taking it slow, and Bucky was adamant about being careful; mostly since he had no idea if he even had enough self control to keep himself together during sex.
So, you both happily settled on sloppy make-out sessions and calculated touches through jeans or leggings or whatever happened to be in the way.
But, nothing felt slow about this.
His lips meet the column of your throat and he bites a deep pink mark into the skin there. You sigh. His hips rocks against your own. The thin fabric of his boxers doesn’t leave much to the imagination. It’s sinful. You wrestle out of his hold, nails scaling his back as Bucky’s mouth dips to your jaw.
“We,” he starts, breaking from another kiss as you tug his hair, “We always do this.”
“I’m not complaining,” you sigh, stomach tensing as his hands scale the skin there. He tugs your shirt up and off without a word, mouth dipping to bite a gentle trail up your sternum. You whine.
“I... We shouldn’t,” he mumbles, large hands skimming the curve of your breast. His eyes are dark, “We shouldn’t.”
“Probably not,” you breath, head dipping back as his stubble grazes the soft skin there, “Not with Marissa home.”
“I... I won’t be able to—“
“Control yourself? Me neither.”
“And this should be special —“
“Mhm,” you mumble, nails grazing his scalp, “When the time is right —“
But his movements don’t stop, not until his hand settles between your legs and two metal digits push against the wet fabric there. You’re quick to hammer a hand over your mouth, smothering the yelp of surprise as you writhes against the sheets. Your other hand darts out, catching his wrist as Bucky grins. You urge him onwards, hips bucking  against the cold metal as he laughs quietly and drags himself downwards for a kiss.
“I think I could settle with this, though.”
It’s dark and whispered into your ear before his mouth trials lower, stubble grazing the skin of your collar bone as he bites dark marks into your décolletage.
He’s never done this before.
This is so not dry humping.
You whimper against your own hand, eyes screwing shut as he sets a pace, fingers dancing against the fabric there. The touch is cool. You tighten your grip on his wrist.
Bucky smiles, peeking up at you as his mouth dances against your breast. He leaves another mark there. Your back arches. You try and work out a sentence with some sense of coherency.
It’s nearly impossible.
“I th-thought you said...”
“Forget what I said,” he whispers, other hand gripping your jaw as he kisses your cheek, “This is plenty.”
“At least let me touch you —“
You whine, chewing your lip as you try and touch him — anything would help, but his other hand catches your fingers and intertwined them with his own. Bucky grins. You swear you’ve died and gone to heaven. His fingers brush a particularly wonderful spot and you gasp, moans smothered by a languid kiss.
His stubble pricks.
“I’m feeling generous, remember?”
You come apart rather quickly after that, mouth pressed to his and hips rocking against his hand. It knocks you back, mind going a bit hazy as the white hot build of an orgasm washes over you like the break of a tsunami. Everything is Bucky -- he’s warm and strong and his stubble is really starting to tickle. Your nails dig into the muscles of his back as he watches, smug, eyes half-lidded -- you’re an angel pressed into the sheets, face hot and limbs slack. 
He sits up, only to tap your hip -- a signal to move your leg -- and settle back in bed beside you.
You pull your eyes open after a moment, face flushed and brain a little mushy.
 Bucky’s face soften. “You alright?”
“Better than alright,” you mumble, “I think it’s your turn --”
Bucky shoos your hand away from his hips, rolling slightly to pepper kisses across your face. “It’s late. You have class early tomorrow morning. I think it’s bed time.”
You groan, limbs heavy the post-orgasm high. “Buck...”
“I was serious when I said I was feeling generous.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Mhm,” he hums, kissing your nose, “I sure am.”
He’s not. If anything, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
@cutiefrankie @luxieluu @justalittlebitofhisheart @oh-glory@dutchnorkat@buckyb4rnacle@chuckennuggets1213@pandalandalopalis@valiantlymysticfestival @soggysouls @buckywhitewolf@radrouda @moony-you-fold-your-socks @kitty-and-bats-0 @rulesbyproblematique @allltheships@im-not-insane-im-a-fangirl@louieisbae42 @itshinothey @simplystarsinthesky@model-howell @marveltotheendoftheline @moroiboy @ghost-with-spaghetti-arms@swimmeranxiety@sigynwrites @shadowhunters-warlock @magic-from-the-ordinary@josiehosiedaninja @smarvills@rollcalls@simplyonehellofapilot@marassberry@shrekssunflowers@myboyfriendgiriboy@dameronstars@avengedhearts@commanderrpoe @roadtripsonspaceships@whyisbuckyso@meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian @bulletproofseb @boyzines@nataliarxmanxva@alexblrus@henrietteoaks@omg-imagines-for-days @iamgabby22 @silence–in–the–library@sebashtiansatan@fangeekkk @llianniall @mymourningtea @artemis521 @anise-d-castle6@sighodinson@mischievousweasleys @potterglory @poedamn-ron @seltsamkind @odysseys-and-oddities@happily-beinghappy @listeningtothewalls @im-sebastianstan@daytripper45@crispychrisevans@paintedkylo @superxbarnes @swimmeranxiety @capkitkat@vechkinfan@paleflames @dxrkrxse@daybreakseventeen @buckys-plumbs @chook007 @alisible@part-time-patronus @alex-hamiltonian @sebstanwassup @steemy @sebby89@mymourningtea@poopybadwi @inconvenientvoid @dianedancer18 @radrouda @breathlessgirl1991@lamia-maizat@kileybird @laurafloradora @ranialih @mashtons-dirtbag @justasoutherngirly @as-long-as-theres-light @russian-empress @jennifersier @saltiestdemon @mllx-anazra@picturethisfantasy@snipsnapyappap @wh1sk3ypr1nc3ss @alisible @chipilerendi@battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @daybreakseventeen @faunacea @bookgirlunicorn @bleulady01@rollcalls @disgustingpatdstan @superxbarnes @vaguelyminty @killerfirewolf @lazyhistorian@sarasxe @im-sebastianstan @queendade
457 notes · View notes
briteboy · 7 years
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(circumstantial name by @earnoodle)
there’s a LOT in here, newer questions are generally first so if you asked something a while ago and you’re only interested in that, scroll towards the bottom. also doing wcifs separately (errr i’m gonna try my hardest to ok don’t crucify me)
this mass anons post includes topics ranging from Very Sweet Things Said To Me That I Don’t Deserve, nitpicking stranger things, crying over ramona, lou theories, Cillian Is A Fucking Creep theories (true), and completely unhelpful reshade advice
let’s f0cking do this
You're right, apart from carrying his stupid brain, Santi's head didn't do anything to any of us. I apologize for anon.
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I'm pretty sure I said that already but I love Rooney and Santi's relationship so much I literally have no words for it
YO i didnt know u were a demigirl!! im a demiboy nb Buddies
hell fuckin yeah dude!! we are starting a demi club
Ok but like I really want werewolves. Like I know it sounds stupid but we have vampire and while yes I love my bat babes, I want a giant pupper friend. I have story written out and plans for a cabin to build. Now I’m waiting for EA to give me my big hairy babes.
DUDE i want more supernatural stuff too, mostly witches like I NEED MY WITCHES AGAIN!!! ts3 witches were so good. i didn’t like ts3 werewolves much but i feel like they’d be super cool in ts4, knowing how the vampires came out. i NEED it
hihi! i've been very quietly (??) following your blog for some time now and i just fawn over your characters way too much ?? anywho, i've been wanting to start my own little simblr story but ,, i'm not entirely sure where to even start? i have so many stories that i'd love to get out there, and i have the means.. butt, how did you go about starting out?? so sorry this is so long but i look up to you a whole ton!!! ty ily! :-)
i’m the (??) lmao that’s me always but ahdhghdfkshg thank you so much!!!!! i’m so glad you love them, it means the world to me ;-; and listen, that was me, i had no idea how i was going to do it because i’d only seen ts3 stories up to that point and i thought there was like a set Way to tell stories but i had no idea what i was doing so i was like y’know what...i’m just gonna do it how i feel comfortable doing it and i’m gonna figure it out as i go along. so honestly try to roughly plan out what your stor(ies) will entail and if you get stuck on planning and can’t figure it out, just jump right into it, try to make a few scenes or get the ball rolling somehow, even if it’s just random posts (i mean that’s all my blog was until i decided to commit to santi’s story.) it’s always gonna feel weird and awkward at first, but you’ll get comfortable the more you do it and it’ll figure itself out, trust me!
I read through most of your story posts the other day and now I’m rereading it again just to torture myself some more (and maybe catch up on some posts I may have missed). I honestly don’t think I’ve come across a sims story that’s so beautifully written & includes such evocative pictures as yours. I’m really at a loss for words, it’s all so stunning. & after a nearly two-month long creative block, it’s planted the smallest seed of inspiration in the back of my mind, so thank you for your art.
AHHHH AHSDHKGKDSJG WHAT!!!!! it’s always crazy hearing that 1) people actually care about my stuff, and 2) that it inspires them. like i really cannot believe that, stilL!! thank you so so much, i’m so happy you enjoyed it (as torturous as it was, lmao) it seriously warms my heart that you’re getting your groove back in the creative world, that means more to me than ANYTHING!! good luck with your art or whatever you decide to do with that inspiration!
 can i pls have your editing skill please and thank you
i owe most my editing at this point to reshade so honestly get reshade and u will probably become better than me
o added u on animal crossing and when you added me back i was so happy,, your little person is sooo adorable ((:
OMG!! thank you!! everyone’s person on there is adorable i cry i love them all so much i’m so mad tho it won’t let me add any more friends!!! it probably cuts off at like 100 friends or something STUPID
First of all, I love you. Secondly, I love your photos so much. I'm legit about to just ditch sims 3 for 4 now because of your amazing posts. 😖
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LMFAO no but really THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!!! if you can manage playing both i admire u, i’ve invested too much time and effort into ts4 to ever fully go back to any other sims games tbh
The new patch made my game unplayable! I'm crying, I miss my doggos...
NOOOOO!!! hopefully by now you’ve found a fix, i’m prayin for u
long time listener, first time caller yoooo. i like everyone love your stories and your sim aesthetic so so so much and just tbh i was offended on your behalf about that ask from that person wanting to novelize your stories. like you were way too nice. this is your intellectual property and it's fucked up that someone would think it'd be okay to duplicate it as long as they used a different medium. this is prob a bad one to repost just wanted to you to know you're an awesome, singular voice
omfg lmao this is a radio show now *z100 voice* tellem why ya mad euhhh first of all i can’t believe someone even ASKED that, i’m in shock because like what this is so foreign to me. people want to write about MY characters WHAT! like that alone...takes a long time to process. and like i know i should say no but then i feel mean but they’re also my creations so like idk. it warms my heart that you feel so strongly and would stand up for me like that i’m cryin thank u for calling in i love u
I've been up all night and it's now 11am. I'm completely binging on your stories bc I am in LOVE and need a Molly in my game asap. Do you think you'll ever upload her?
omG my freaking story inciting insomnia i’m so sorry for ur sleep schedule first of all, but at least that makes you identify with santi even more omg tho ;___; (how many times will i say ‘omg’ i wonder) i don’t think so because she is so dear to me and makes my heart ache, she is just so special, i dunno if i could ever release her into the wild like that lmao. i haven’t even shared her with my friends (not that i really ever had a reason to) but like yeah. maybe in the future that’ll change but right now, no, i’m sorry <3
To change the topic: Idk if you watch stranger things but I only managed to get to episode 3 of season 2 before I stopped watching lmao it was so bad and Billy (a certified Cunt) ruined the whole show for me
YEAH I DID! omg. i have a LOT of issues with this season (mostly in how badly they tried to retcon nancy and everyone else not caring about barb’s death, how bad the writing was in the realm of nancy and steve breaking up and then her and jonathan getting together...holy fuck it was so uncomfortable with that 40 yr old conspiracy theorist guy i couldn’t even enjoy my ship getting together lmao) also ur right, max and billy honestly did not offer anything to the story...like i loved max too but what was the point...billy acted like their presence and the reason they had to move was so dramatic when it was really nothing...unless they’re saving that for season 3 but like. the whole situation with billy was so anticlimactic. he was like a walmart version of henry from IT. like boohoo ur dad’s an asshole and then he beat up steve. good character arc. i liked max standing up for herself but really...that whole thing was so lackluster, i didn’t care about it at all. ALSO I HATED THAT THEY DIDN’T LET MAX AND ELEVEN BE FRIENDS!! i’m sure it’ll happen in season 3 but like c’mon...that would’ve made the max character feel a little more important to the story. anyway yeah fuck billy and i don’t get why everyone is lusting after him or his actor they’re both ugly! thanks for listening
I just got the sims 4 + city living and I’m so excited! I was really inspired by your stories and style in general... I was wondering what packs do you have and also what are your favourite sims 4 hairs? I’m having trouble finding ones and I love your style!
YAY I’M EXCITED FOR YOU!!! omg aww it warms my heart so much when people say i inspire them because i never anticipated that kind of response, thank you so much <3 hmmm i think i have all of them except glamour stuff and fitness stuff. and pretty much all the hairs i download are here or here. (or the subsequent ‘tf’, ‘cf’, ‘tm’ and ‘cm’ tags as well, according to age)
UHM a 19 year old and a 13 year old? Poor baby Lou... Also youre a brilliant writer i cant
😬😬😬  stay tuned ajasdhjhjsahd thank you so much!!!
My stan levels for you have increased so much? like thanks for being a good ally, clAps for femmesim!
lmao thank you, i don’t really deserve praise tho i’m just passing on the knowledge of those patient enough to teach me. just trying to do what i can with my privilege u know. ily
How do you have teeth showing in so many of your pictures of Lou and Molly, do you PS them in?
i’ve gotten this question before and it’s usually just the poses used! i do have some lipsticks that have teeth on them but i mostly use them for just rooney.
Honestly, a fight between Santi and that new guy (srry, forgot his name while typing this) would be so hot. Like, I hope Santi would win but like just watching Santi fight him for Lou would make me happy!! Also, I live for your stories💞
omG i’m about to call up vince mcmahon they both need to fight on smackdown it’s gonna happen. they’ll both be shirtless too ok and THANK YOU ILY
boi poc can be PREJUDICED against white people but there is no such thing as reverse racIIIIIIiiiiIIIIIiiiIIIIsm
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Lemme just say that you must be feeling so stressed rn. I love you and your simblr!!! Your posts light up my day!! <3333
OMg kind of. this week has taken A Lot out of me and i really just want to chill at home and play my freaking GAME but obligations. u know. here’s hoping i get a day off this week. i’m mad i’m probably gonna miss gianni’s birthday too (it’s on tuesday) and i wanted to do something for it!! i’ll probably do it late like i did last year too lmao i’m so sorry baby g ANYWAY u didn’t ask to hear about any of this...thank you for this sweet message i love you <3
why,,,, are people... coming to your blog to discuss race you are a fucking simblr WHAT
the real question is why do people go to you like its your job to educate them lmao like theres so many resources out there
SHAWDY u aint wrong reverse racism is literally a joke i am so sorry you have to go through all of this keep stepping on white feelings we deserve it
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I was wondering would u consider Asians to be POC?
I just finished Strange the Dreamer and it was fucking amazing. I cried so much and I laughed and I sat in absolute amazement at the world Laini Taylor has created. 100/10 would recommend
ahhhh i really need to read it apparently!! i’m like 10% away from being done with a dance with dragons (and then i have to wait for the next book like a peasant HURRY UP KING GEORGE) anyway this one is definitely on my list!
omgomg!! I just met this girl in my class who has eyes just like ramona's!!! But like instead of being brown w/ a little bit of blue, they were blue w/ a little bit of brown!!! Dude I was so shook I rlly didn't think ppl had eyes like that!
OMG!!!! that’s amazing! and yes heterochromia is a real thing haha. i’ve only met one person with it and he had the same color combo as ramona too, only his was full heterochromia, not sectoral.
*me in the background screaming* nO yOU LEAVE HER ALoNE baD-DAD-MaN!
every time i read some of your stories i get an ache in my heart that doesn't go away until i either cry or sleep so interpret that as you like
OMG ;_____; ok me too tho my heart literally hurts thinking about my characters sometimes...mostly santi...i hate him (no i don’t :{ )
hey uhh idk if you've answered something like this before but do you have a spotify or something bc your music taste is GOLD
THANK YOU!! you were the first person to ask about this haha and hopefully you saw my answer to the other question about it! i just made one and it’s here!
hi hi ! i’m seeing all the drama on da blog and i really want to read the whole story but i can’t get to it on mobile so i was wondering if you could link the beginning and tell me what the best order to read it in is ( i’m so confused because i’ve seen sm people y’all about a parallel story so idk if i’m being dumb !! ) i hope this isn’t any inconvenience also your sims are so beautiful sjajsjajs
hey on mobile the link is just: http://femmesim.tumblr.com/tagged/story/chrono i would honestly just recommend that order haha, it makes things simpler and it encompasses ALL story posts, or posts that give context. there are parallels in my story, lou’s is kind of a parallel of santi’s, only different...well...you’ll see. but yeah sorry this is so late! and thank you!!!
lou is wendy right? i mean, a wendy complex is someone who is overly mothering to partners, and lou is already a mother and ik that doesn't really count as foreshadowing but it seems like it could be a link to me. it'd make sense too, considering guys that go after younger girls (ew) are usually immature ie peter pan complex. it'd make the most sense that those two go together then.
heheheheh that is a VERY good observation...that’s all i’m gonna say!!
This has nothing to do with what's happening in the story rn, but whatever. I was wondering if you were going to mention lou's struggles with being a single mom and the stigma surrounding single motherhood? As a single mother myself I'd really enjoy seeing you take on the issue. Personally, my biggest problem was overcoming the generalizations people put on you when you're a single mom. People always assumed that I that I was stupid and uneducated because I had my son when I was 17.
yes! that will definitely come up. i will focus a lot on her struggles as a single mom. so far i’ve mostly just peppered in some stuff about money troubles, and that will come up again, and the issues you mention will be pretty central to her character as well. i’m sorry you have to endure that, it’s not fair. people don’t even realize how strong and dedicated single mothers are.
when you say Peter Pan, do you mean the Disney stuff or the og creepy stuff?
i mean the general themes of the story and how that translates into a peter pan complex: boy who never grows up, feels like he fits in more with younger people (haha...yikes), read the message above because that anon described the other half of the equation better than i could
Wait, hold up. That dude is cute but I feel like he’s coming onto Lou way too strong. I have a bad feeling.. Lou is like 13 there and he is 19 I mean I’ve seen bigger gaps between people, but she is not legal yet.. Where are you going with this? 🤨😅
yyyyyyep that feeling is warranted! i am going a way i don’t think you guys expect me to go...i think you’ll be very confused at the end of this part lmao. that being said, i’m not putting any of this in for shock value or to romanticize inappropriate relationships like this. (i’m probably going to be repeating that a LOT for this story but please just keep that in mind)
Hey mom wanna hear a fun as hell story? I just got back from the ER bc I fell on my razor after showering, and practically cut my nipple in half. (I am in so much pain hELP)
U gotta watch sense8!!! Apart from the v awkward sex scenes it's v good, has a lot of representation and shit Just watch that shit show, u won't regret it (And if you do I cut your throat oops)
i’ve heard it’s good! i remember when it first came out and everyone was like Wow The Representation so honestly anything with diversity has already got me hooked pls don’t murder me.
I'm calling it now. He's Fi's dad. and he's a FUCKING CREEP!! Bitch you are 19!! LOU IS 13!! BACK THE FUCK OFF YOU PERV!!
no spoilers or anything but honestly i’m with you @ cillian die
Are they gonna fucc, o no
right now? no. that would be Very Bad
oh same
Hi ! Your lastest edit (graveyard girl) is truly amazing, how did you make that bokeh behind her ? 😱😍
thank you so much!!! it’s reshade (with matso DOF)!
You've probably got this question a lot of times but i can't find the answer for it. What reshade do you use?
i gotta add this to my faq, it’s one i created myself but i started out with this one (it totally doesn’t resemble that one anymore but i think it’s a good starting point)
how do you make good looking male sims? mine always look the same and kinda girly..
hmmm longer faces, prominent chins and jaws, smaller eyes, bigger noses...generally yeah
What do you mean 9 + alt?
you gotta turn bb.moveobjects on and then press alt + 9 when an object is selected to move it upward. so what i did with those poses i made was, i selected a teleporter and pressed alt + 9 until it was at a spot i liked on the roof. that’s why releasing those poses would be tricky, ‘cause every build is different so there’s no set way to place them, you just kinda have to play around with them
You mentioned GoT so naturally, I have to chime in and express my love for Jon. Honestly, he won me over ever since the first season? I'm at season 5 now and people have already warned me so now i'm silently weeping, waiting for something to happen to my precious bby help
JONNY BOY!!!!!!!!!!! i loved his emo ass since the beginning but his arc with qorin halfhand (was he in the show??) was probably the best arc in book 2 and then his book 3 arc was just...SO GOOD, SO MUCH happens to him and i just felt like i was watching my son go through it all...i love that boy so much ;-; i’m almost at the end of the last book and i’m scared for him because of the one spoiler i know lmao and you’re at that point too so GET READY we’ll go through it together ok
So there's this game I'm playing where someone talking about another character says 'maybe you can break him from his ouroboros of self-fladulation' (I know I probably butchered those spellings but I'm not a bright egg and autocorrect isn't helping rip) and tbh it made me think of Santi. (Also I'mma scream of you get this reference jsyk)
OMG THE FACT THAT YOU THOUGHT OF HIM ;-; and it’s okay u are the brightest egg in the bunch to me. I’M SORRY I DON’T GET THIS REFERENCE BECAUSE I’M NOT A VIDEO GAME PERSON BUT I’LL PRETEND I DO KNOW WHAT UR TALKING ABOUT anyway yes santi is currently in the process of breaking his self-flagellation and embracing the oneness of the ouroboros (as opposed to letting the cycle repeat itself until he’s worn down to nothing)
do you have any favorite pose creators?
do you have any tips for taking good screenshots in game? like how to get the good angles and good quality? i play on ultra but i think when i zoom in and then use the arrows on my keyboard to move around, the pictures gets less clear and looks kinda blurry. how should i do this?
well if you’re already using ultra, there’s not much you can do lmao. sims 4 is just bad with textures in general. it also depends on the objects as well, some are better quality than others. if i zoom in far on a sim’s face, i generally know there will be some pixelation and i can clean that up in photoshop with topaz clean and the smudge tool. i am very reliant on photoshop sometimes lmao. it sounds like you already have the basics of taking good screenshots, it’s just sometimes you have to fight and work with sims 4′s less-than-hd quality.
burn it down by daughter reminds me of santi & i'm in pain
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ouroboros!!! death! birth! death again! birth again rinse repeat! also santi breaking the cycle because third time's the charm
The tattoo is an Ouroboros. It originated in Egyptian iconography, and it symbolizes recreation. My boy's recreating himself, I'm so proud.
ouroboros, the dragon eating its own tail. it's a sign of eternal renewal
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i saw the post of child molly and just started BAWLING i miss her what the fuck she's my fave character i'M CRYING
ME TOO BICH!! ME FUCKIN TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just read all of A Serious Case Of The Novembers so far and theres still tears on my face. some of the best stuff ive read in a while, great job on everything
every time you write about molly and her in heaven it makes my heart swell, like the characters were answering asks and someone asked her what heaven was like and even though it was so small short lil answer it still pulls at the heart strings, basically what im trying to say is that your writing is so good! <3
omg ;_______; me too, i feel like she has such a simple way with words and although her descriptions of heaven are brief, they are also complex and beautiful, and even just writing it chokes me up ;-; thank you so much tho i’m so glad you like it!!
Molly: out Molly tatto: also out
why did this remind me of this post:
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How did you edit in the fire in the last post? Looks cool
i searched things like “bonfire” and pasted parts of it that i wanted on the pic to make it look more realistic, then put a layer mask on the pasted pic and erased the edges and stuff to make it blend in better. the sparks and stuff i added by pasting it onto a new layer and changing the blending mode to screen! 
idk if you have every watched grey anatomy but Lou's backstory is starting to remind me of Jo (Jo is a character from the show) like Jo was in a abusive relationship and she is married to the guy but she cant get divorced or he will come and find her. So like if Lou didn't tell Fiona's dad he was a dad and Lou was married to him and cant escape the marriage (cause abuse), plus it would explain Lou's kink with being choked ;) full circle *god-like heaven music with tiniest violin is playing now*
ooh no i don’t but that’s interesting and i’m excited you even made a connection like that! i will say that it’s not lou who likes to be choked (the very opposite actually lmao) but otherwise the situation does kinda fit. i’m the violin
I have a freakin bio pre ap test tomorrow on photosynthesis and i have no idea what it is im going to fail save me
I’M ANSWERING THIS VERY LATE BUT I HOPE YOUR TEST WENT WELL!!!!!! *spongebob voice* photosynthesis
last time I installed reshade I couldn't get it to open the controls or shaders or anything in game :///// any tips?? I love they way reshade looks too!!
hmmmmm well i know the control panel opens when you press shift + f2, and then you check the boxes of the effects you want on them. i haven’t heard of this problem so i dunno what other advice to give i’m sorry :{ if it’s your first time installing it, you might have to wait a little to get it to load up.
Da puppy is so cute!!!
That dog and Romona are so adorable, I might cry
Ramona's cheeks are so big im in love
NAJKSDJGKJSD THANK YOU i love her and her chubby cheeks ;-;
SAME!!!!!!! if i could only watch ghibli movies for the rest of my life i’d be totally fine with that
ME FUCKGN TOO!!!!!!!!!! it was fate (aka me creating the wolf pup to look just like her shh i am fate)
Hope I'm not bothering you but i wondered if you knew how to make Tamo sims eyebags work on a toddler? Do I just click in s4s to work for toddler on the "age and gender flags" when looking in My CC or do I have to do something a little more than that please? Thank you.
for any skin detail or makeup, you have to go into s4s and open the package up, go to one of the tabs (honestly i don’t remember which one because i don’t have it open rn lmao) and you’ll see the different age groups and you check the box for toddler. and then save it of course. (there’s probably a better guide on how to do this somewhere lmao)
Hey :) Sorry to take up your time, I was wondering if you use win7, win8 or win10? I'm trying to decide on one and people seem to have very strong feelings about it. Also what web browser do you use? I've used Firefox, but I had some problems on CC websites. Thanks<3
i use windows 10 because it came with my laptop lmao i honestly don’t know much about windows systems at all!! and i use google chrome because it’s never failed me (even though windows keeps pressuring me to use the new internet explorer called “edge”)
i just finished all of novembers in a sitting and 1. i'm Sobbing, 2. your music taste is bomb
THANK YOU!!! my music taste is like one part indie shit, one part rap and hip-hop, twelve parts emo middle school bands
what is the size of the original unedited screenshot?
For reshade when your first install and select the reshade you want to use do you have to edit the settings? Cause last time I tried to (I didn’t know what most of the things meant lmao) but it kept saying error or something so I couldn’t play the game so I ended up taking out reshade
do you mean the preset you want to use? i mean no you can just play with that preset, you don’t have to change anything about it. i’m not sure what you mean but i followed this guide for setting it up
Will you ever share your preset?? Or maybe a preset made be you??
i’ve answered this before but the answer is Maybe
Hi!!!! How do you make the rays of light you have in your photos?? THANK U BBY <3333
that’s actually in my editing tutorial but here you go <3
is reshade only available on windows + do we need to pay for it
yes and no
Hello love! I was wondering (and maybe it's a dumb question, idk) but what life span setting do you use? I would assume you turned off aging for your story but maybe I'm wrong ;w; Thank you!!
i do actually have aging off ‘cause i’m a coward lmao even in the ts3 days when i wasn’t doing story stuff and literally just playing i had it off for the most part and just aged sims up when i wanted because i like to be in control of Everything (aries)
I really just wanted to say that I’m new I your tumblr but your stories are amazing and I love them so much!!! Keep doing what you’re doing💞👏🏼
hey thank you!!! you are so kind and i’m glad you’re enjoying everything!!
In your reshade settings where have you set it to save your SS's to and which key please? I can't find mine after setting it to desktop/screenshots :(
i just set mine to ts4′s screenshots folder because it’s what i was used to and it works for me haha. hmmmmmm did you copy the exact address or whatever it’s called of your folder’s location and then paste it into the reshade box? try doing that with another location and see if it works. if anything you can do what i did ‘cause it worked for me 
ok SO i came across this music video for this like spanish/english speaking indie band called The Marías and the song was déjate llevar and literally everything about the music video reminded me of rooney and gianni
OMMMGGG i love this so much, i cry @ music suggestions and this is so them ;-; i think i’ve heard of this band before actually!!
a little life is going to fucking ruin you,,, just a warning
great! i look forward to it
can a steal ur talent
have it i don’t need it
What app are you using to make them cool edit things??
i tagged it but it was doodle face
omg Strange the Dreamer is so freaking amazing! It’s literally one of my favorite books of all time; You’ll love it. The writing is absolutely delightful
you guys are really singin the praises for this book!! i have so many dang books to read i swear
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Hi i want to post pictures I take myself to because I have a lot of pretty ones how do you get so many notes? wich tags should I use etc. thanks a lot!! I❤❤❤ ur blog its amazing!
Hi anon! Thanks so much! And so sorry I’ve taken forever to answer this I’ve been pretty busy these last couple months (also why I haven’t posted anything new in a while but hopefully that’ll change soon bc I’ve got lots of pics piling up and waiting to be shared lol)
But anyway….to answer your question! ☺ the tags I would use are ones of blogs who like to post/reblog aesthetic-y (of any kind) or anything similar kinds of posts and that also track a tag they made whether it be just their url like #cloudypal or a personal tag like #look their real name (like for ex. kelly or amber or something so it would look like #lookamber) or it can be the url again but there’s a hey or a look or something like that in front of it like #heycloudypal. Usually they’ll have it in their bio like i track the tag ___ so look at their blogs to see what they use.
So when you post things using this person’s tag, a lot of times they will look through it what new things people have posted with that tag for them to see. and the person who tracks that tag decides from there if they’d like to reblog it to their blog! And if that happens and since usually these blogs have quite a number of followers, lots of people may get to see your posts and like/reblog them too! so the number of notes can grow from there. And it helps too if multiple blogs with many followers reblog your posts because it increases the number of people who like and reblog it and so on.
And I would put as many blog tags as you can under your photos. I think the max number is 30? I’m not entirely sure on that but that’s just what I’ve always done. And I’m not sure if it matters or will increase the number of people who could see your posts but again that’s just what I’ve always done and i feel like it can’t hurt 😄 and also, putting a person’s blog tag on your posts isn’t always a guarantee they’ll reblog it (or reblog it right away or within days or weeks or months or whatever of you posting it) bc they just sometimes might not see it or maybe have not looked in their tag in a while or they maybe changed their tag especially if they’ve changed their url name so just something to keep in mind for some tags. But usually tho there’s at least a few blogs if not more who see them and reblog them as well. But this is just from my experience posting and tagging.
Oh and before i put the blog tags i put 5 tags that are related to what the pictures are of so maybe more than just aesthetic blogs can see them (again idk if this does anything but it’s just what i do 😄) so like for example if i posted a picture of a sunset and a second one of some flowers I’d put #photography (I do that one in every post) #flowers #sky and/or #sunset and any others i feel like putting at the time like sometimes i do the month & year or season and year they were taken in like #winter 2017 or #march 2017 or if you wanted to you could do the whole date like 3-22-17 or just the day of the week like Wednesday or something or if the flowers are pink or purple i might tag the color like #pink so ya lots of different things you could do for those first 5, if that’s something you’d want to do at all. Again this is what I do so it’s just a suggestion and you definitely don’t have to bc everyone does things how they like so it’s totally up to you. But most definitely remember the blog tags. And also make sure every so often like maybe once a month or every couple months you check to see if the blogs you’re tagging may have changed their url along with their tag. Sometimes tho even when they change their url they may keep the tag name they were using before. And switch up some new blogs to tag every so often too (if you want to tho bc you definitely don’t have to but for me i use the same blog tags for a number of months or so and then after a while see sometimes what people have posted recently who tag those blogs and if they tag some blogs i havent yet then I’ll try those too. certain ones tho i might not change for a while or at all especially if they tend to be the ones who have reblogged my posts a lot if not every time i post)
And to get an idea of which blogs to tag you can either look at the ones ive used under my photos or look at a few ive used and then scroll through the recent things people have posted in them and look at the tags they use on their photos and use those as well. You can also look at some of the blogs i follow bc those are some of the ones with tags they track and reblog photos from
Now as far as the number of notes I get on my stuff well that still remains a mystery to me lol bc I still don’t understand how all those people I guess like my stuff as well as like it enough to share it but nevertheless I’m extremely grateful that they have and some of them that have gotten hundreds or even thousands of notes I definitely never expected especially my pressed flowers one lol like it was always a dream to one day get a post with 10k notes (especially one being of a photo or photos of mine) or over and when that finally happened i was ecstatic but i never even thought about or considered getting the number of notes it has now which is beyond awesome and even more so when some of my favorite blogs shared them as well which has also helped it to gain the number of notes it has so that’s pretty rad ☺
so ya just post as many photos and as often as you can and tag tag tag because the more you share and the more people share your stuff, the more you will get noticed and get notes on your posts and followers and build your blog!
But more than anything be patient especially if you ever find your posts or some of your posts not getting as many notes as you thought or something and don’t get discouraged and think maybe no one likes your posts or anything because that’s most definitely not the case, you just need time for people to find your stuff because you could have 35 or 57 notes one day and then a few days or weeks or however long later suddenly a new person finds your post, reblogs it, and then a few more join in and on and on and before you know it you're at 369 notes or 2,853.
I mean when I started out I never thought I’d get the amounts of notes i do now and ive been posting on this blog for almost two yrs now and looking where I’m at today from then has definitely changed a lot so it all takes time
Hoo boy ok that was an annoying amount of words ive just written there as u can see ha and im not sure if any of that was explained well but i hope like something in there maybe made an ounce of sense? And if anything (probably everything lol) needs clarifying lemme know 😅
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franeridart · 6 years
Hey! So sorry if you already answered this but what application and tablet do you use??
I use Easy Paint Tool SAI and a pretty old wacom intuos tablet! Both questions are answred in my faq, actually~
Anon said:You. You awesome person. You are my new fav artist. 💘💘💘
AW thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art and the style, it’s all so cute and it might give me a heart attack
He c k let’s hope not! Thank you so so much!!! ;^;
Anon said:hey, can ya do more tokage, pls
Sure, I mean to draw more 1B in the future anyway~
Anon said:nori is soo adorable!! I love your art and seromina so much and seeing them combined makes me mega happy!!! I gotta ask though, how are sero and mina as parents and how do they handle nori’s quirk?
They’re disasters as parents but they try their best and are always having fun - Nori adores them! In their house not a minutes goes by without someone laughing, they’re all super loud and cheerful always~ neither of them has any problem dealing with Nori’s quirk, Sero has spent a whole lifetime learning how to deal with sticky stuff and tape and glue so he knows all the tricks to save clothes and furniture from accidental quirk usage and so on, while Mina’s own quirk makes it easy to counter any glue that might end on her - the main thing actually is that the quirk itself was a surprise! Since Nori looks a lot like Mina, both she and Sero had expected her to have acid like Mina so when she started gluing herself around in places and walking along walls and stuff it was a surprise (they had expected to have to deal with the house being constantly half destroyed by acid though, so glue is nothing compared to that haha)
Anon said:Heyy I saw your twitter account and was wondering if you could link some of those “fics about them boys sharing a bed..“ I’ve been following you for a while now and absolutely love your work (: I hope you don’t mind lol. I need more kiribaku in my life gahaha ❤️ thanks !!
I didn’t really bookmark any and most were old things I had read in the past and spent time rereading lately, but the newest one I read is this one - honestly though at this point 99% of the fics set in the dorms have them sharing a bed, you just need to open ao3 and scroll down less than a page to find stuff lol
Anon said:If you’re not an Adventure Time fan this ask will make no sense to you (so skip it), but when I saw your drawing of Katsuki with a guitar, I immediately thought he was singing some edgy Marceline song, like the teasing-aggressive “I wanna bury you in the ground / I wanna bury you with my sound” (which he actually says at some point I think XD) or the romantic and melancholic “Slow Dance with You” and Eijirou M-E-L-T-S.
Not an AT fan, but the concept is adorable so I’m keeping the ask anyway
Anon said:Do you think you might draw more of your fantasy AU children while you’re playing with you’re new pencil tool? It would be neat if you did! Regardless, I’m grateful for anything you draw!
Yup! Can’t promise when it’ll happen but I love the fantasy AU and I love childhood friends AU, so the chances of me going back on it are pretty high!
Anon said:Are you going to draw Mako and Taiyou again? They are so wonderful.
YAH that’s definitely in the near future plans! Thank you for liking them!!
Anon said:I just…I love all your art. It’s so amazing you’re awesome
Anon said:Stavo scorrendo il tuo blog e ho notato che hai risposto ad una domanda in italiano? Ho seriamente pensato fossi inglese tutto questo tempo! Amo seriamente i tuoi disegni, i tuoi oc sono meravigliosi e non vedo l'ora di scoprire più di loro.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH grazie infinite omfg ;^; specialmente per i miei oc, è sempre incredibile per me sapere che alla gente piacciono abbastanza da volerli vedere di più ;^;
Anon said:Hewwo! I’m a huge fan of your artwork!! I was wondering if you have any time could you draw some more of those dorm room scenarios?
Anon I’m sorry but I need you to be more specific, which dorm room scenarios are you talking about? Most of my comics at this point are set in the dorms hahaha
Anon said:I just noticed that on every artwork you sign “do not repost” and I hate it.I don’t hate that you do it, but the fact you NEED to do it. Artists all over the Internet say to not repost their art but people still do it…I hope this will stop someday Sorry for my english btw
Yeah well, I guess as long as people keep on following and giving notes to reposters that’s not really gonna change is it orz
Anon said:You should draw Present Mic x Aizawa *awkward finger guns*
Hell I really should, shouldn’t I
Anon said:my god im gay for your kiribaku like they’re so good aibdjsbsknwnx and i love the interactions between the bakusquad ahh keep being awesome :)
Anon said:Honestly, this might be an odd question I don’t know, but would you ever consider putting your art together in a art book to sell? Cause to be honest, there’s not a piece by you that I don’t adore and I’ve seen some artist do things like that before so I didn’t know if that was something you’d consider. Maybe like all your BNHA pieces or something?
It’s not like I never considered it? It’s more like I dunno how worth all the work to figure out how to make it/where to print it and then to actually make it would be compared to the interest people would have in buying something they can have for free on my blog? It’s just doodles after all haha
Anon said:Would you be willing to draw a little lavi (dgm) doodle for me? Anything tiny, I just love him and your art!!!
I’m not doing requests right now, sorry, but soon enough the new chapter is coming out so I might draw him around then!!! I always fall in a serious dgm mood around the time of the chapter release haha
Anon said:More abuse of the ask function: 1- I love your art and have been for months. On top of that, it often feels cathartic, which is amazing to me. 2- I love how balanced you can make KiriBaku. You even manage to make me appreciate that overrated attention hogger that is Bakugou, you can handle him so much better than the author, because your character dynamics make so much more sense!! 3- I always, ALWAYS find myself reading through all your tags. They’re awesome. Thank you for everything.//Avevo finito lo spazio nell'ask precedente, so I’d only like to add that aside from cutie-smoochy (“It’s not about whether you break” and “I don’t need you” might be my favorite, and for what’s worth, I remember writing something exactly like the latter in the past), you also make mu burst into laughter. Like, the comic where Katsuki is about to out Eijirou on his red hair, I am still rolling. Kiri’s giant mouth is seriously hysterical XD
Thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad I can make you like a character and a relationship you’re not much of a fan of in the actual manga? ? ? Bakugou’s actually one of my favorite characters ever though so………. maybe……….don’t offend him and the way Horikoshi writes him while talking to me………….orz
Anon said:I am starved for Bakukamikiri stuff in this fandom……..But you got some good shit.
I’m!!! happy to be able to help there!!!! haha
Anon said:They mama Mitsuki art you drew 👏💯💖☺️💕👌 I love your art so much
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Yessssss you have Twitter! It is boring at the beginning but then you’ll love it! I can’t wait to see you here and there! Now all my Bakushima favorite artist have one I can die of happiness!!
I’m!!!!!!!!!! Still trying to figure it out but!!!!!!!! For now it’s not that bad? Just!!! Very different from tumblr so I’ll need to get used to it first!!!!
Anon said:Omg do u shade jirous hair like its a heartbeat line? Dhdisbdisb thats so fuckibg good
THANK she actually has it in canon too, tho, so I can’t take credit for this!!!
Anon said:Im crying on how you draw kirishima’s soft hair
S O B I’m glad you like it!! ;^;
Anon said:Can I ask what your stance is on bakugo’s mom being abusive and sorry if you’ve answered this before
I love Mitsuki with my whole heart and while I don’t think she’s perfect I do think she’s loving and caring and trying her best and always looking out for what’s best for Bakugou 👍 no abuse anywhere, for me
Thank you for liking her???? heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I wish I could use your art for my phone’s background ;^; You’re amazing! I love youuuuuuuuuu
No one’s stopping you from doing that, anon!!! Unless you don’t have a phone that allows you backgrounds, in which case ;-; thank you for liking my stuff that much tho!!
Anon said:Hey! I followed you way back when your main output was haikyuu!! comics and once you started putting out more bnha, i had to unf because i had no idea who everyone was rip. but now that ive finally had the chance to watch it i’m glad to come back and see how much you’ve improved!
HECK THANK YOU???? I’m glad you decided to come back????? oh man that’s super flattering !!!
Anon said:Yolo bakusquad bakubowl ?
I don’t really like the whole concept of [character]bowl, sorry!
Anon said:I absolutely adore your art style😍 every time I see your art it makes me happy:)
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw Hawks and Tokoyami together? You are rlly creative and amazing! So I believe you will produce sth. awesome!!!! (If you don’t want to draw Hawks, could you draw a Tokoyami fusion?)
I can draw that! I’m just waiting to know how tall Hawks is compared to him before doing that 👍 be patient pls relative heights are something I’m stupidly fussy about 
Anon said:Burn the whole world to ashes for you? R U serius?! You always killing me dude. I ascended to the heaven of soft things. I N C R E D I B L E. Im sorry for the break down, i was without tumblr 2 months and the firts thing i do is go to your profile. Keep doing this plis im trully love it 😭💖
mAN I’m so glad you liked that one this much, drawing the boys being unreasonably soft with each other is my fav thing to do tbh !!!
Anon said:Omg I can totally imagine Nori and bakushima’s daughter being friends!!!
THEY ARE !!!!!!!
Anon said:Your seromina is amazing!!! I love that ship I feel like it is so underrated! Thank you for this blessed image!! 😭
No prob!! thank you for liking it!!!!!!! I’ve been in such a seromina mood lately, I might actually draw more soon enough!!
Anon said:Omg imagine a Tetsuwase love child. Something tells me they’d be adorable and one rather angry child, considering who their fathers are
I can see them as being quiet and grumpy………. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Anon said:Hey just wanted to tell you I love your art. It’s so soft and beautiful. My dad doesn’t ship any characters from the series, but he does like the series and he thinks your art and style are really pleasing. We were talking about how nicely you shade and that the style is well developed and lovely to look at. Thanks for making such great art that makes me smile and giving me and my dad yet another thing to bond over.
YO THAT’S SUCH A COOL THING TO HEAR!!!! Thank you to both you and your dad for liking my stuff????? h e c k !!!!!
Anon said:Thanks to you I started reading haikyuu.
I hope you’re enjoying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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