#but then i just said 😐 maybe not right now and like???? i do it so very rarely i think it's kinda become a Thing
kimmkitsuragi · 3 years
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mochiswifey · 2 years
(Y/N ally gang leader)
Would stare at you the whole meeting.
Creeps you to the point you'll wear sunglasses inside the meeting room just so you could avoid his gazes.
You start a fight with him for looking too much.
He agrees just so he could pin you down and place kisses all over your forehead.
Asked you to be his girlfriend and you were like “fuck no” and he was like 😐 “you wanna die or something?”
Offers you drugs.
Gives you too much chocolates. 'Cause why not right?
Smells you like a creep which resulted in you kicking him in the nuts.
“Fuck off weirdo.” You tell him every time which excites him even more.
“Oh yes! Step on me baby!” He never fails to annoy and creep you out.
Tries to speak with you but couldn’t. He was like "I uh...... *BRAIN STOPPED WORKING* Goodbye."
He gave you flowers one time and you kissed him on the cheek.
He was super happy that day and since then he has flowers ready for you every time you come to their HQ!
He hopes that someday he could get some words out of his mouth.
Acts like he doesn't care.
He usually insults your inteligence but only does that to get your attention.
Got offended when you said you like buff men.
He was like "I'm buff."
"You ain't buff." You reply to him and he went to make a whole ass powerpoint to explain how he is considered buff.
You laughed at him and said steroids are used in muscles not on brains.
"Are you telling me I have a big head?" He was offended but you correct him.
"Maybe my expression was wrong. I simply wanted to tell you you're dumb and not buff."
Thinks you're perfect for him 'cause you match his beauty and brutality.
You were like "Bruh. I prefer personality."
He was like "What's that?"
He tells everyone you're his girlfriend.
Totally delusional.
Calls you "Sugar" and likes to say "You're the sugar to my coffee."
One time you got so tired of him saying that you finally snapped.
"Look you fucking purple ass airhead, I don't know why the fuck you keep saying that stupid shit but stop. It doesn't make any sense." He lowkey looked sad.
"It means you sweetens my dark soul." You felt a little bit bad until...
He went on and bought you a collar that has his name carved on it.
You shoved it in his mouth.
Casually asked you out.
You tell him no.
He ask again.
Day 239 Rin: How 'bout now?
DAY 289 Rin: Pretty please?
You: Fine.
After that Rin took you to a fancy restaurant.
Thought he's gonna get a kiss for being a gentleman.
He came home with a broken nose that night.
"Uh, I know I'm old but do you see yourself dating me?"
"Yes, you’re old. And no."
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But he didn't give up.
"Look, I don't have daddy issues so you could give up now."
"Do you want me to give you one?"
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Constantly asking you to go on dates with him.
Sits beside you every meeting.
One time he touched your hair and you almost choked the old man for doing such thing.
"You like eating?" He casually stood beside you as you two watched Sanzu torture a traitor.
"How 'bout eating Mochi?" He says with a smug smile on his face.
"I'm 'bout to murder you."
Let's just say you ran after him with a knife. He never made Mochi jokes after that.
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myarlert · 2 years
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+ assorted characters
— cw; pet names, use of ‘daddy’, some kisses, mentions of smut. more fluff than anything, just brief mentions of it ^
kinda turned into ‘what they like to be called/how they react’
minors do not interact
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— call him ‘pretty boy’ once and he will ascend. absolutely loves when you’re cuddling and you are running your fingers through his hair, muttering things to him. maybe about how your day went and what you did today, then mumbling, ‘how was my pretty boys day?’ absolutely will get all smiley and nervous. he gets butterflies at this one in specific. calling him pretty boy will sometimes have him feeling very special, very good about himself. absolutely gets all blushy if you scattered kisses all over his face and complimenting him like that.
pretty boy, handsome, babe,
— 10/10 will get very cocky and it will stroke his ego so hard if you called him ‘my prince’. fucking loves it, it makes him feel like you’re his princess, NO his queen and he needs to give you the world. no but really, he loves being called this. that or that one time you approached him in the kitchen and said, ‘hey casanova!’ he thought it was so random but so cute because he really is your full-time lover. his eyes would grow dark with lust with some of the things you’d call him, like jokingly calling him daddy but he actually gets into it and actually wants to do something about it. he would wanna act up if you were laying back on the couch while you had friends over and you straight up went, ‘hey daddy can you go get me some water?’ HE WOULD LOSE IT, ya know, dragging you off to your room where he had a clamped over your mouth while he finger fucked the life outta you.
my prince, casanova, handsome, good lookin’
— omg it happens when you’re sitting on the couch together and cuddled up under a blanket. he’s paying attention to the movie but you’re focused on him, brushing your hand on the side of his face, feeling his soft facial hair. he didn’t even realize right when you said it but when you whispered, ‘you’re so perfect’ it made his heart flutter. he kinda does a double take, looking at you, then back at the tv.. then back to you with wide eyes. ‘what did you just say?’ he says in a hushed voice. ‘i said you’re so perfect jean.’ like aaaa he really is and the way he would shower you with little kisses after that ugh he’s so sweet
handsome, perfect, sweetheart, baby
— DAMN IT CALL THIS MAN POTATO CAKES, i’m joking but it would be funny, he’d definitely look at you like 😐 AND THATS FUNNY TO ME okay no but really, call this man handsome, darling, anything of that nature and it would make him smile. he really isn’t one for crazy nicknames but he does definitely have a soft spot for ‘sweetheart’ and things like it. being called it or calling you that. or calling him daddy just to see his cheeks flush and eyes roll with annoyance but secretly he fucking loved it and wants to have you cryin, repeating that name while you’re bouncing on his cock. :p
sweetheart, darling, handsome, amore
— anything that will make him chuckle/giggle is the way to go. pumpkin loaf, ocean eyes, my little sea star. you can get so weird and creative with the things you call him but it’s really just for the shits n giggles with gojo. you could get really weird and all him something like pooh bear naaaa bc he would think that is so cute and he would hug you so tight 😭 he definitely gets all smiley, and he definitely treasures each name you come up with, absolutely making a little list of them.
anything silly; like the things listed above :’)
— probably into the basic ‘babe’ and ‘baby’ maybe spice it up and throw a little bit of ‘pumpkin’ in there. now even with the most basic of the basic pet names itadori will still get nervous when he hears you call him ‘babe’ but he loves hearing you say it. maybe when you two are out for a walk he will try to grab your hand but you’d pull it away as a joke so he lets out a long ‘baaabbbbbbeeeeee’ as a response, getting you to grip his hand quicker than ever.
basic things; babe, baby, bebe, pumpkin, sweetheart
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tagging @paradisdementor @okhotel
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kybabi · 3 years
telling their s/o they’re being too clingy
w/ akaashi, kita, and bokuto
part 4!
series masterlist here!
(a/n: since i like pain i’m doing another part of the series😐
anyways! this may be the last part to this prompt since i don’t really write for anyone else but it really just depends!! but i hope it’s a good one ;) prompt is in the timeskip like usual!)
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it was honestly pretty rare for the two of you to get into fights
but recently you’d been feeling a little needy and it felt like your own boyfriend didn’t care
he was always busy working on the current manga or too tired to tend to you
and he really never got all that defensive when it came to you communicating these things to him
so you confronted him
“keiji, don’t you think you could take a break for a couple days?”
but as the two of you talked, he got frustrated and ended up lashing out at you
“maybe i’m not the problem, y/n. have you ever considered that you’re just clingy?”
you reeled back, hurt
even after both of you apologized and he promised to be better to you, you couldn’t stop thinking about what he said
akaashi sighs, the last panel finally finished and looking spectacular. he’s been working so hard on it, and now that he’s done, he can finally spend some time with you.
he picks up dinner on his way home, excited to see you. he’s gotten your favorite food and he can’t wait to come home and be with you.
when he opens the door, he calls your name, and your response from the other room is soft. it’s a little strange; usually you’d be on him already, but keiji assumes you must be busy or something.
“hi, baby!” he mumbles, coming over to kiss you. you smile softly at him before returning to whatever is on your laptop.
he stands there awkwardly.
“i brought dinner home. it’s your favorite, isn’t it?” he prompts, holding it out to you. you stare up at him, nodding silently.
his eyebrows furrow in confusion, but he sets down the food anyway.
the two of you eat silently, and the air is somewhat tense and a little awkward. akaashi can’t figure out what’s wrong, but he feels that asking would just make it worse.
when you’re done, you smile at him and put your dishes away before slipping into the bedroom wordlessly.
akaashi sighs. he’d hoped that you’d be as excited to see him as he’d been for you, but now he feels like something’s off.
when he follows you into the bedroom, he sits beside you on the bed, poking you gently. he looks down at you softly.
“did you wanna watch something together? i got some snacks from the market; we could eat those?” he suggests, hopeful. your eyes light up at that before dimming as you look away, as if you’ve remembered something important.
“it’s okay, keiji.”
his heart sinks.
“actually, i think i’m gonna go to bed for the night,” you say quietly. he looks at the time. 8:48. you never go to bed that early.
the two of you sit in an awkward silence, and akaashi can’t think of what went wrong.
he thinks about how the two of you fought just yesterday, but you surely can’t have believed anything he’d said? how could he ever feel that way about you? he loves you more than anything in the world.
but when he glances at you, he realizes that his words had hurt you much more than you let on. you won’t even look at him.
so he reaches over, hands sliding under you, and hoists you up into his lap.
“what? i can’t cuddle with my baby?”
you sigh.
“you don’t have to do this just because i complained last night,” you laugh dryly, attempting to mask the hurt he caused you. he sees right through it though, hand coming up to brush your cheek gently.
“baby,” he whispers. “you know i didn’t mean it like that.”
you exhale, looking away. “you were right, though. i’m too needy.”
he forces you to look at him at that. “hey. that’s not true at all, okay? i love you, more than anything, and i love being close to you and spending time with you. you’re never too needy.”
you let him press soft kisses all over your face, giggling when he gets to your neck. he smiles against you.
“let’s spend some time together, ‘kay?”
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even before the two of you got in a relationship, you understood that kita was a very blunt person
he did not hold back and was a little too honest
but while he was cold and blunt, he was also kind and thoughtful, and you loved that about him
you felt as though you were a little too much for him, but he never really said anything, so you assumed he didn’t mind
but one day, he came home from work exhausted
after the two of you got ready for bed, you tried to cuddle him, hoping maybe you’d get a few hugs and kisses before going to sleep
but he pushed you away firmly
“will you stop being so clingy? i don’t want to be around you all the time.”
with that, he turned away from you, and you did the same, the air tense
even as you fell asleep, you couldn’t get his words out of your mind
today has been a great day for kita.
work went well and the weather was amazing. now the only thing he wants to do is come home to you and have dinner together. he can’t wait to tell you all about his day and hear about yours.
on his way home, he passes by that pastry shop you love. he figures you’d appreciate it if you picked some dessert up.
he buys some crepe cakes and pastries, hoping you’ll accept them.
when he gets home, he’s surprised you’re not in the living room or in the kitchen. you’re usually there, waiting for him.
he can see that there’s dinner on the stove, but you’re not out and about, probably in the bedroom. he opens the door, and his prediction is confirmed. you’re sitting on the bed, scrolling on your phone. at the sound of the door opening, you look up.
“hi, shin,” you greet, grinning softly. he nods.
“do you want to eat with me?” he offers, gesturing to the dining table. he wants to just talk to you for a minute, maybe share some dessert with you.
you shake your head. “i already ate. there’s leftovers on the stove, though!”
shinsuke stands there, dumbfounded. you’ve always waited up for him. perhaps you were simply really hungry?
“right. well, i brought home some dessert from that pastry shop you like. why don’t you come out and take a look at it?” he suggests, hoping the idea will coax you.
you want to take his offer, but the last time you tried to get close to him, he completely shot you down. the humiliation from last night is still fresh.
“i’m okay, babe. i’ll just get some later, ‘kay?”
he sighs. he really hadn’t expected your rejection in the slightest, and he’s a little embarrassed.
he sits down to eat, alone. he was looking forward to seeing you all day, but you’re not acting at all like yourself. he misses your affection and giggles and sweet touches.
he wonders if you’re upset about what he said to you last night. he hadn’t meant to be so mean to you; he was just having a bad day and it kind of just slipped out. he’d hoped you would forget about it, but he can’t help but to think maybe you’re still a little upset about it.
he gets up and pushes the door open.
“are you upset with me?”
you look up at him, baffled.
“i pushed you away last night, and i feel like you’re upset with me.”
you look away. so that’s what this is about.
“i’m not upset, okay?” you answer, avoiding his gaze.
“but you’re acting strange, and it’s making me uneasy. i want you to be yourself around me,” he explains. you finally look at him.
“i just don’t understand what you want, shin. you didn’t want me when i tried to be myself, so i tried to give you space, and you’re still not happy. i’m just trying to be enough for you and it’s not working,” you ramble, frustrated. his eyes widen slightly in surprise.
he comes over and sits in front of you on the bed. his gaze is sharp, and you as much as you want to look away, you can’t.
“you are more than enough for me,” he reassures you, as if the statement is obvious. “i’m sorry for the way i treated you last night. i thought about you all day and i couldn’t wait to see you, and i’m sorry you thought i didn’t love you for who you are. i love everything about you.”
kita is the most honest person you know, and you know he means every word he says. when he nuzzles at your cheek playfully, you laugh, and he realizes just how much he missed the sound.
“i love you.”
you sober, and smile gently.
“i love you.”
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you were both very clingy people in general
bokuto never seemed to have a problem with your touchiness
you loved that you could be affectionate with him, and that he was okay with it
but one day, you weren’t so sure about yourself anymore
bokuto had to leave for business on the day that you’d planned a date, and he’d completely forgotten
“koutaro, how could you not tell me?”
he was getting frustrated and stressed out, and before he left, he ended up lashing out at you
“i’m sorry, okay? it’s not my fault you’re so clingy. don’t put this on me!”
he left angrily, slamming the door shut
you sat in your apartment, dejected and upset
he texted you later apologizing and promising he’d smother you with lots of hugs and kisses when he got home
but you weren’t so sure anymore
you look around, searching for his hair above the crowd. the airport is pretty crowded, but you know you’ll be able to spot him anywhere.
and then you finally see him, and your eyes meet. excitement bubbles up in your stomach and you run to meet him before slowing down and stopping a few feet in front of him. you don’t want anything like what happened the other day to happen again.
bokuto waits for you to throw your arms around him, anticipation swimming in his eyes, but you just grab his suitcase for him and gesture for him to follow you to where your car is. he droops, missing your touch, but follows you nonetheless.
the car ride is uneventful, and the two of you make awkward small talk. it’s a little weird, and bokuto is itching to touch you, but you don’t seem to be in the mood for it. maybe when you get home you’ll cuddle him?
but when you finally do get home, you’re back to ignoring him. you help him unpack, muttering things about dinner, but it’s like he’s barely even there. he sighs sadly.
when you’re making dinner, he watches you, hoping you’ll turn around and wrap your arms around his waist like you sometimes do. but you hum to yourself, barely even acknowledging his presence in the kitchen.
he pulls at your sleeve desperately, and you turn to see him.
“what is it?” you ask gently. he stares at you, and you stare back at him, and he won’t tell you what’s wrong. you sigh, shrugging him off, and return to making dinner.
he goes to sulk at the table, touch starved and frustrated.
he doesn’t understand why you’re being so distant. he’s spent quite a long time away from you, all of which he’s spent missing your touch, and now you won’t even give him the time of day.
not only does he just want to touch you, but he feels like he’s done something wrong, and he doesn’t know what.
after dinner, you’re washing dishes, and he decides to try again. he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and squeezes. you try to evade him, but he holds you in place. your attempt doesn’t go unnoticed, however.
“kou, i need to wash the dishes.”
“why are you being so weird?” he mumbles into your neck, and you freeze.
“what are you talking—”
“stop, ‘kay?” he mumbles, scarily serious, and you turn to investigate. he looks hurt, and you blanch.
“you’ve been avoiding me all day, and i don’t understand what i did wrong,” he explains.
oh, you think.
“baby, it’s not your fault, okay? i’ve just been thinking,” you tell him, turning away. “i’ve been thinking about what you said before you left. about the way i act and how it can get a little annoying, and i just thought maybe some space would be—”
“no!” he blurts. you pause.
“wh-what do you mean, ‘no?’”
“i don’t want space! i came home and i missed you and you don’t even wanna cuddle,” he utters.
“i didn’t mean it,” he whispers. “what i said that day. and i think you should completely forget about it and come be with me instead.”
when you look up at him, he looks like he means it. his eyebrows are furrowed in determination, and the sight is equal parts hilarious and endearing.
you slip into his arms wordlessly, allowing him to swallow you up and tighten his hold on you.
“missed you so much,” he mumbles, barely coherent. “don’t do that again.” you laugh.
“alright, bo. whatever you want.”
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🕊 Being Shiratorizawa's Manager pt. 3🕊
🚫 Manager in Trouble🚫
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Shiratorizawa x Female Manager pt. 3
What happens when Shiratorizawa's precious manager gets hurt 🥺
Warnings: I guess YN gets hurt? That's really it
Oikawa takes a ball to the head
A/N: this was an anon request! Hope y'all enjoy 🥰
YN, poor poor YN
You've been through the ringer with this team
The third years are leaving soon and everyone is sad 🥺
You've been through so much with this team and you love every single one of them
You are preparing for an entirely new team, a new Shiratorizawa!
But 👀👀👀
Not before Coach Washijo has one final trick up his sleeve for the current roaster
He plans a surprise match for his team 🎉🎉🎉
Literally everyone is excited to know who it's going to be against 😳
The suspense is literally killing you 😬
That is... until the door bursts open
Revealing none other than...
.... we are getting there ....
....calm down Yn, this team likes to build suspense....
Or shall I say ONE member of this team likes to build suspense 👀👀👀
It's Oikawa YN
That's right, the OIKAWA with Seijoh
Or shall I say Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Makki, Kindaichi, Kunimi, Maddog and everyone else plus Oikawa
You are literally shocked 😲
Goshiki is beyond excited
Ushiwaka is standing 🧍‍♂️ and watching
Iwaizumi and Oikawa approach Ushiwaka and Semi
Semi seems responsible so he was sent up to be Ushiwaka's right hand man
You stay back with Tendo
Tendo is your bodyguard
You don't need it YN
You could take Oikawa and Iwaizumi would help you 🤚🏻
Oikawa immediately hones in on you
Mans has been WAITING
Oikawa waves at you
"Yooohoooo YN-CHAN"
Wave back YN give the man something
Oikawa 👉🏻 😍
Tendo 👉🏻😳👀
Seijoh and Shiratorizawa 👉🏻👁👄👁
Ushiwaka 👉🏻 😐😑
It doesn't matter that they are third years
Ushiwaka will forever say
"If you want to talk to our manager, you should have come to Shiratorizawa"
Oikawa can not
Iwaizumi pushes him away
Everyone is 🔥 up
The match begins
Shiratorizawa takes the first match and Seijoh takes the second
It's all riding on the third and final set 👀
Oikawa is up to serve 🏐
You are sitting on the bench next to Coach Washijō
Mans is old and his pen falls from his clipboard
"Yn can you get that please?"
Of course you do because you are a sweetheart
Oikawa slams the ball
Oh no...
The death meteor that is Oikawa's serve spirals out of bounds...
That's good right?
Unfortunately for you, you happen to be out of bounds 👀
Everyone sees it happen in slow motion
Tendo will later say the scene was Matrix worthy
The ball SLAMS into you
You instantly fly back
Literally nobody moves
Like these two teams are the worst at panic situations YN
You literally couldn't have picked two worst teams to have in a match
Finally Oikawa screams 😱
Iwaizumi is snapped from his trance and runs to you 🏃
Tendo and Semi follow behind as the coaches move to you
Literally everyone is stunned YN, you are on your own for a good solid minute
Goshiki is dead on the floor
Man thinks he just became a widower
Oikawa is still screaming
Ushiwaka's head whips to Oikawa
He's ready to kill Oikawa for killing their manager
"Justifiable Homicide" Tendo said
Iwaizumi carries you to the nurse
Ok like you might be conscious at this point YN but trust me, stay down
As in like, maybe pretend to not breath 👀
Matsukawa and Makki literally tell Oikawa he needs to pay for your funeral
Oikawa is now crying
Kunimi has his phone out
He said it was for legal purposes
Shirabu kicked Goshiki to make sure he's still alive
Iwaizumi, Tendo and Semi are the only ones tending to you
Nobody even noticed you were gone
Literally you are in the nurses office, getting ice for your head when you hear
It's been a solid 10 minutes
Your head is killing you and you have a nasty bruise
Iwaizumi promises you he is going to give Oikawa a matching bruise
You laugh
Iwaizumi is definitely going to kick Oikawa's butt now 😍
Semi and Tendo are swooning over how adorable you are even with a potential concussion
The three boys help you back to the gym
Literally the gym is in ruins
Whose in charge?
Nobody YN you should know this
Ushiwaka is still staring at Oikawa 😠 who is now rolling around on the floor in tears
He's convinced his pro career is over before it's even started 🤚🏻
Matsukawa and Makki tell him he better contact a lawyer
Shiarbu is still kicking Goshiki
Reon and Kawanishi are sitting on the bench, they've just given up
You stride in
Goshiki rises from the dead 😍
Ushiwaka walks to you and the man HUGS YOU 🫂
Yn if you don't gold plate that shirt
Goshiki is bounding around you in sheer joy
He's so happy his wife girlfriend manager is still alive
Oikawa is sitting in the corner 🥺😫
YN do your thing
"I'm ok Oikawa! That was my fault. That was a great serve"
*walk away*
Oikawa 👉🏻 😢
Tendo 👉🏻 🤚🏻👁👄👁🤚🏻
Ushiwaka 👉🏻😐
Iwaizumi 👉🏻🙄😠🤚🏻🏐
A ball hurls at Oikawa
"IWA-CHAN" 😭😭😭
You laugh
Another ball flies
"IWA-CHAN" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You are doubled over with laughter
The entire gym fills with flowers, rainbows and birds sing
Shiratorizawa's Manager is ok
The world is once again right 😍
Taglist: @loevngyuno
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Chapter 3
S2 Episode Three
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SUMMARY: Y/N and Stiles keep getting cockblocked. The pack goes ice skating. Y/N can’t stop resisting the urge to use her powers.
WORD COUNT: 7000 (damn wtf i went OFF with this chapter. had so much fun writing this omg)
TW: Sexual language, cursing, blood. What else is new bitches 😐
“A tail?” You furrowed your brow as you looked over at Stiles. “Like a dog tail? Did it wag?”
“What? Only you would ask if it wagged,” He stopped to look at you with sass. “No, it did not wag, and no, it was not like a dog tail! Scott said it was almost.. lizard-like.”
“Gross,” You mumbled.
“And dangerous,” Stiles deadpanned, looking up at Scott and Allison. You both stood in silence for a moment before he spoke up again. “So about last night-”
“Oh my god,” You blushed, hiding behind your hands. “I’m so sorry about that. I seriously don’t know a bigger buzzkill than my mom.”
“I was gonna call her a cock block but that works too,” He smiled before taking your wrists into his hands and lowering them before looking into your eyes. “Hey, it’s alright! Don’t be embarrassed. I get it. She came home early and found you gone so you had to leave. I’m not in any rush. We can do this on your time.”
“You mean my mom’s time?” You groaned. “At least my dad’s coming home tonight. I don’t know if I could stand another day with her crazy ass.”
“Your dad’s coming home?” He perked up. “Oh, we are so going to his apartment tonight! He’s making dinner, right?”
“Yup, some sort of pasta I think,” You laughed. “You know you’re always welcome! He’s like in love with you.”
“Are you kidding? I’m the one who’s in love with him!” He smiled, making you giggle and roll your eyes. “Seriously! He’s the coolest person I know.”
“Hey!” You protested.
“I said what I said,” He shrugged, chuckling boyishly as you pushed him away.
“Alright, Y/L/N, Erica! You’re up!” Coach called as Allison climbed down.
“Saved by the bell, asshole!” You joked before walking up to the rock climbing wall. You strapped on the safety rope and looked over to see Erica nervously fumbling with it. “Here let me help. These things are so awkward.”
“Thanks,” She smiled, facing you so you could buckle her into the strap. You nodded once before making your ascent to the top. Though it was far from effortless, it was your favorite day in gym class so you had fun climbing. You hopped down again and raised your arms with pride.
“WOO!” Stiles shouted, making those around him jump as he looked over to Greenberg. “That’s my girlfriend!”
You laughed and blushed at the scene he was making before you look over to see Erica was still gripping at the middle of the wall, clenching for dear life as she hyperventilated. Your eyes widened as everyone approached.
“Erica!” Coach called, running up next to you. “Dizzy? Is it vertigo?”
“Vertigo’s a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear,” Lydia scoffed before looking up in annoyance. “She’s just freaking out.”
“Would it kill you to be a little nicer?” You returned her tone, making her eyebrows shoot up. She opened her mouth to speak before Coach spoke up again.
“I’m fine,” Her voice trembled.
“Coach, maybe it’s not safe. You know she’s epileptic,” Allison informed.
“Wh-Why doesn’t anybody tell me this stuff?!” He huffed before looking at you. “Y/L/N, climb up there and tell her to kick from the wall! Just coax her down. Kick her off if you need to!”
You nodded before making your way up again, stopping right next to her.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay,” You smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder as you leaned against the rope. “Look, this thing’s pretty safe. I’ll climb down with you. Just tell me when you’re ready.”
She nodded and hesitantly let go of the rocks, quickly gripping the rope. You smiled. “There you go. Now just hop down like this.”
Her shaky breath relaxed a bit as she watched you descend slowly, following your lead. Once she landed, Coach began to speak to her softly and tried to soothe her before the crowd of students erupted in howls of laughter. Erica looked around before walking off in shame, making your heart drop at the sight.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Coach pat your back before dismissing the class. You all rushed to the locker rooms for a quick shower. Lydia gave you the cold shoulder for your comment so you stuck with Allison, waiting in the hallway for your boyfriends.
“What do mean tonight’s not a good idea?!” Stiles asked as he changed into another shirt.
“I don’t know. That thing that we saw last night, Isaac missing, Allison’s grandfather- All this stuff happening with Derek just doesn’t feel right. Y/N told me she had a bad feeling about something. I mean what are the odds?” Scott responded as he closed his locker.
“No, you’re not backing out! Do you wanna know why?” Stiles stood his ground. “Because you and Allison are obviously having quite a good time together. And you know who else wants to have a good time? Stiles! Stiles wants to have a good time. And for that matter, so does his girlfriend! Many, many times. Several times in a row. In several different positions!”
“Dude! Spare me the details, that’s basically my sister you’re talking about,” Scott cringed. “Besides, I thought you were gonna have a good time last night?”
“We were! We were on the fast track to having said good time. But I only got to like second base and a half before her mom called and told her to get her ass home!” Stiles sighed before realizing Scott’s aloof face. “Are you even listening to me?! This is serious!”
“Y/N,” He muttered before looking up with panic.
“Yes. I am talking about Y/N. Who the hell else would I be talking about?!” Stiles shouted before looking at Scott’s shaking hands and sighing. “What is that?”
“I think something’s wrong,” Scott said before the two took off, running back into the gymnasium to see you trying to pull the matt out under Erica who was halfway up the rock climbing wall again. “Oh shit!”
“Don’t help me! Go stand under her in case she falls,” You breathed as you continued to pull. Stiles quickly took the place beside you and began helping. “Thanks. I got this bad feeling in my stomach that led me back in here. I saw her on the wall and I think she’s about to have a seizure.”
“Put her on her side! On her side!” Allison shouted as she approached her boyfriend. You and Stiles let go of the mat and ran up to the girl Scott placed on the ground. “How’d you know?”
“I don’t know. I felt this pull. Like I needed to check on..” He whispered before the pack’s eyes landed on you. “You.”
Your lips parted, remembering something from an article you read recently. If a Delvoux connects with a supernatural being on a spiritual level, there’s an unbreakable bond between them. A twin flame. With time and trust, your blood no longer affects them, leaving you fully vulnerable to their attacks. In times of need, they feel drawn towards you. It takes a pure bond on both ends; something you shared with Scott since birth.
“The article,” Stiles whispered, pulling you aside. “It was true.”
“I hope not,” You scrunched your face.
“Why? Isn’t it a good thing?” Stiles furrowed his brows.
“Not if I go crazy,” You hesitated. “He’ll feel every emotion. All the chaos and the destruction, he’ll feel it on a spiritual level. It won’t look pretty for either of us.”
“It’s not going to happen,” He reassured, holding your shoulders. You sighed and looked back at Scott who held Erica’s head, trying to minimize any impact from her subconscious jerking.
“I fucking hope not,” You breathed.
“Ew, does being your twin flame mean we’re like gonna fall in love or something?” Scott cringed.
“Okay, first of all, ouch!” You laughed, throwing a green bean at his head. He, of course, caught it with a smile. “I don’t think you could sound any more grossed out at the thought of me if you tried! And second of all, ew! No, it just means we’re like platonically bonded. Think of it as siblings but with our souls instead of our blood.”
“So you can say ew but I can’t?” He took a bite from his apple. “And you call my ego fragile.”
“I’m saying ew because of the fact that we’re basically siblings. I didn’t call you gross!” You giggled, grabbing his apple out of his hands and taking a bite.
“Hey!” He reached for it as you pulled it away again. “Eat your own apple!”
“I ate mine already!” You shrugged before Stiles walked up and slammed a keychain on the table, making you jump.
“Got ‘em!” He smiled. “I’ll pick you guys up right after work tonight and we’ll meet at the rink, cool?”
“I’m not working tonight actually. I was planning on going to Allison’s after school to get ready together,” You said, looking up to see their eyes had drifted towards the doorway. You sighed and turned only to be greeted by a pair of long, tan legs. Your jaw dropped at the sight of Erica walking in, repping a new look. “Holy shit..”
She proceeded to walk up to a boy and take a bite from his apple, seductively wiping her bottom lip afterward. She looked good. Her hair fell into loose ringlets, her walk was powered with confidence, and her smile made everyone in the cafeteria stop what they were doing. It was like everyone was entranced by her beauty.
“What the holy hell is that?” Lydia slammed her hands on your table.
“It’s Erica,” Scott responded.
“She’s hot?” You mumbled, more as a statement, before feeling two dainty fingers slip under your jaw and push it closed. You looked up at Lydia who smirked down at you. Stiles’ eyes widened at the way she touched you, pinching himself to make sure this wasn’t a dream.
“I’m still hotter,” Lydia leaned down, only inches from your face.
“I was just thinking the same,” You smiled, grabbing her face and pretending like you were gonna kiss her. You both giggled and pulled away.
“I-Is this how girls joke around?” Stiles squeaked before Scott got up and walked after Erica. “Can I come with you to Allison’s after school? And every other day for that matter?”
“Come on,” You laughed, taking his hand and running behind Scott. He followed behind you but not without a smart remark.
“Wait, I wanted to see what the two of you were going to do!” He whined as you pulled him behind you.
“Keep dreaming,” You looked back before running into Scott, bumping back into Stiles. You looked past him to see Erica getting into Derek’s black Camaro and driving off with him.
“Well that’s not good,” Stiles muttered.
“What about this?” You asked, twirling to show your outfit off to your friends.
“Try the red dress!” Lydia smiled. “That one looks really good on you!”
“Okay,” You giggled. “Unzip me.”
She gladly abided before pausing to look at the door. You glanced over to see Mr. Argent knocking as he entered the room. He pulled Allison away for a few moments as you continued to play dress-up with Lydia. She added a few accessories on you and worked on your makeup as Allison entered the room again.
“So you have a date?” She grinned, looking at Lydia.
“Well, I did,” She grumbled. “He just texted saying he can’t tonight. Can I just tag along with you guys?”
“Uh,” You raised your brows and looked at Allison. “I mean-“
“If you don’t mind hanging out with a group of couples, then sure!” She laughed, almost positive Lydia would back down at her comment.
“Beats being alone,” Lydia shrugged. “This is gonna be so fun!”
“Yeah,” Allison looked over at you with wide eyes. “So fun..”
“Lydia,” Stiles forced a smile as she walked past him. You walked up to him and pressed a kiss on his cheek. “You invited Lydia?!”
“Lydia invited Lydia,” You corrected, watching her walk into the rink. He groaned. “Don’t worry! My full attention is yours tonight.”
“I don’t think you even believe that,” He grumbled. You smiled and gently took his cheek into your hand. “Fine. But you owe me.”
“I texted my dad and asked him to make your favorite tonight,” You tilted your head sweetly. “He can’t join us for dinner though. He‘s going out with a few college buddies tonight.”
“Damn it, I was actually looking forward to seeing him,” He sighed. “But I’ll settle for lasagna.”
“He’s leaving the apartment to ourselves for a few hours.”
His eyes shot wide open with excitement.
“Okay, you’re forgiven! For everything you’ve ever done ever and everything in the future,” He spoke quickly, making you throw your head back in laughter before you waltzed into the arena. He stayed behind to watch the way your hips swayed as you walked up and got a pair of ice skates before proceeding to do the same.
“You know,” Lydia started you took the seat next to her. “I know I’ve given you a lot of shit in the past for dating Stiles. But he’s actually really cute.”
You looked up at her only to see her eyes on your boyfriend as he chose a pair of black skates. As much as you hated to admit it, you felt a spark of jealousy ignite, a feeling you hadn’t gotten in a long time. Not because of her words, but the way she said them. It was a challenge.
“Thanks,” You smiled, lacing up your skates. “I think so too.”
“Like really cute!” She giggled.
You knew bringing her was a bad idea. She wasn’t going to let your little comment from earlier slide as easily as you thought she would. You hated her psychological warfare but had no choice but to participate.
“What’re you guys talking about?” Stiles smiled as he took the seat next to yours.
“Nothing,” You smiled.
“You, silly,” Lydia corrected. “Well, you and Y/N, that is. God, it’s so cold in here! Do you have a jacket I could borrow?”
“Uh, yeah, I think I have something in my bag,” Stiles responded, completely oblivious to her attempt at flirting. You clenched your teeth, holding back any sort of smart remark. “Here.”
“Oh, she hates orange,” You commented. “She thinks it clashes with blue. What were the words you used, Lyd? The worst color combination ever?”
“But it’s the colors of the Mets,” Stiles pouted.
“I don’t remember saying that! I love the Mets!” She smiled, taking the jacket. You rolled your eyes and looked over at your boyfriend.
“Oh, before I forget- Look at what I brought you!” He grinned, reaching in his bag to grab a Reece’s peanut butter cup.
“I love Reece’s! Thank you!” You perked up, reaching for the orange package.
“I should’ve eaten before I came,” Lydia sighed. “My stomach is growling like crazy.
You looked over in annoyance, only to receive yet another smile.
“Oh, give it to Lydia. I don’t mind,” Stiles mindlessly spoke as he laced up his skates. You pressed your tongue against the inside of your lip before holding it out to her.
“Thanks, Stiles!” She smirked, taking the package from your hands and opening it.
You looked over at your boyfriend and watched as his hands fumbled with the laces, getting an idea. You leaned over and kissed the spot behind his ear that drove him crazy, making him look up at you with an amused smile.
“What are you doing?” He whispered. You shrugged before rubbing your hand on the base of his neck, using your thumb to stroke softly as his jaw.
“Nothing,” You responded innocently. “You’re just really attractive.”
“Oh?” He smiled as you leaned in. You placed your lips on his own, almost instantly deepening the kiss. He wrapped his hand in your hair, almost forgetting where he was for a moment. You pulled away with a grin before turning to face Lydia again.
“You two are so cute,” She forced a smile.
“Aren’t we just?” You scrunched your nose and smiled back. She bitterly hummed in response before walking onto the ice.
“What was that about?” Stiles chuckled.
“I’ll tell you later,” You shook your head before standing up. “Ready to skate?”
You spent the first few minutes holding on to each other, giggling every time one of you almost fell.
“Hey, I think I’m starting to get the hang of it!” Stiles called as he let go of your hand to skate ahead a little bit. “This isn’t so- Oh my god. Oh my god! I’m falling! Y/N! I need you! HELP!”
You laughed and reached out for him as he stumbled around, trying to stabilize him through your laughs. He finally stood still before his feet went out from under him. He yelped and subconsciously grabbed your waist as he fell, taking you down with him. You both lost it, wheezing as you laid on top of him.
“Ouch,” He chuckled. “You’re so mean!”
“Me? I tried helping!” You barely could get the words out. “You’re the one who took me down with you!”
“Yeah, but like the fantastic boyfriend I am, I cushioned your fall!” He argued, smiling as he pushed a few stray hairs behind your ear.
“That was so not on purpose!”
“Uh, it so was!” He shook his head, pretending to be baffled by your comment. “But don’t thank me. Thank my tailbone. He really took most of the blunt force.”
“Aww, are you okay?” You said, getting up and holding out your hand. He gladly took it.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’d be a lot better if you kissed me though,” He grinned before puckering up and tapping his lips with his pointer finger.
“Ah, okay, well just as long as it makes you feel better,” You smiled as he pulled you towards him and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
“Y/N! Stiles! Watch this!” Lydia called before she performed a whole ass figure skating routine. You both looked over as she twirled away on the ice. You rolled your eyes for what seemed like the millionth time. “Y/N, can you do that?”
“Y/N,” Stiles warned. “Don’t do it. It’s not worth wasting your magic on-.. and she’s gone. I’m talking to myself now. Great.”
You channeled the familiar part of your brain that you used for school, using it to guide you elegantly on the ice. You began skating and twirling and jumping around, performing a perfect routine. Lydia watched, jaw agape, with utter shock. You skated towards her with a smirk.
“Can you do that?” You asked innocently, making her give you a look of annoyance. Stiles reached out for you as you skated by, stopping you. “Sorry. I know, I know. That was reckless.”
“I think you mean awesome!” He shouted with glee. “Oh my god! That was seriously like something out of the winter Olympics! I wonder what else you can do!”
“Thanks! But I’m not trying to find out,” You grinned. “Wanna go take some pictures in the photo booth?”
“Uh, ch’yeah!” He laughed before you both skated off. Scott and Allison crawled out of the booth and smiled at you two. “Hey! Come take pictures with us!”
“Stiles, it’s only meant for two people,” Allison giggled.
“That’s what we’re for!” Scott offered, taking a seat and patting his lap.
Allison looked up at the two of you and shrugged before happily plopping down. Stiles sat down next to them and held out his arm for you. You laughed at how ridiculously small the space was but took a seat on his lap regardless.
You all posed, smiling for the first picture and growling like a wolf for the second. The third one was a shot of the four of you laughing at the previous pose and the fourth was one of each person kissing their significant other, still evidently laughing. Two photo prints came out, one of which you took for yourself.
“Scott, your eyes!” You laughed at the way they flashed back with the flash. He looked at the one in Allison’s hands before tearing off the top half and handing her the normal side.
“Keep this one,” He smiled. “I like this half better anyway.”
The moment was suddenly interrupted by screaming. You all looked at one another and stumbled out of the photo booth to run back to Lydia. You all saw her gripping the ice and sobbing, skating up to her to calm her down. It took a few minutes to snap her out of it, but when she finally came back to reality, she spent the rest of the night looking as if she saw a ghost.
Allison drove her home shortly after. The rest of you shuffled into Stiles’ Jeep and drove back to Scott’s to drop him off before driving back to your father’s new place.
You sighed as you entered the vast and empty space that was your new home. A note was laid neatly on the counter that read: Lasagna’s in the fridge. Pop a slice or two or five in the microwave. Love you!
“Hey, so you wanna tell me what was up tonight?” Stiles spoke up from behind you. “What happened to not wanting to use your powers? I thought you needed to reserve them.”
“I do,” You sighed. “Lydia was taunting me all night because of the small remark I made about her in gym class. She knows exactly how to piss me off enough to make me want to show her she isn’t superior or better than me.”
“Damn,” He raised his brows. “What’d she do?”
“She was messing with my head,” You opened the fridge and popped a plate in the microwave before turning back to him. “Okay, I know how stupid this is going to sound. But she was flirting with you and it was driving me crazy.”
He laughed. “Lydia. Flirting with me? When?!”
“All night!”
“Look, I don’t want to sound like I don't believe what you’re saying is true but I really don’t think she was,” He smiled.
“Oh, please! Stiles, can I borrow your jacket? I’m so hungry! Y/N, your boyfriend is soooo cute! I love the Mets! She doesn’t even like baseball!” You huffed, crossing your arms. “And she took my fucking Reece’s cup!”
“Not the Reece’s cup!” He gasped before laughing. You lowered your jaw and gave him an unamused look. “Aww, don’t get mad! I’m sorry! I believe you. I guess it just went right over my head. I was so focused on you that everything she said was like background noise. All I kept thinking about was how hot you look in that dress.”
“Whatever,” You giggled.
“No, I’m serious!” He responded. “She can flirt all she wants but it won’t get her anywhere. I mean I genuinely didn’t even realize she was doing it because I am so, utterly captivated by you. It’s actually really annoying, thinking about you all the time. Yeah, it’s like a million times as bad when around you too. Hence the flirting going right over my head. She really doesn’t stand a chance.”
“You’re so cute,” You smiled, walking over to wrap your arms around his neck. “How do you know exactly what to say all the time? It actually baffles me just how perfect you are sometimes.”
His eyes danced between your eyes paired with a smile that teased the corner of his lips. He shrugged as a response.
“You’re really cute when you’re jealous,” He said softly.
“Am I?” You let out a breathy chuckle. “Well, I definitely don’t feel cute when I’m jealous.”
“Your competitiveness really comes out. God, and that kiss was so hot. Please, for my sake, be jealous more often,” He begged.
The microwave went off, but with the way he was looking at you, your mind barely registered it. His hazel eyes were focused completely on your own before they made their way down to your lips. You simply smiled and leaned in.
The kiss that started so soft and sweet slowly deepened, as if you were mutually agreeing to take it further. The second you slid your tongue on his lower lip, asking for entrance, he walked you into the wall behind you and the night began.
You felt his hands slowly trace your figure from your hips, up to your shoulders, and down to your wrists, taking a hold of them and pinning them on top of your head. He took his time kissing your neck before he let you go and entangled his hands in your hair, tugging slightly with desire.
Your now free hands mindfully and seductively traced up and down his chest before pulling him in closer by his belt loops. He groaned into the kiss, sending vibrations through your skull and a shiver down your spine.
“Let’s go to my room,” You said in between kisses.
It was your turn to grab onto his own wrist, guiding him towards the first room on the left. As soon as you closed the door behind you, his lips were on yours again.
“Are you sure?” He pulled away breathlessly, making you smile. “We don’t have to if you aren’t absolutely-”
“Take off your shirt.”
“Yes ma’am,” He grinned, abiding your word before guiding you towards the bed, laying you down gently. He raised your dress up and left wet kissing on your stomach before you reached behind you to unzip it. “Wanna step out of that dress for me?”
“Mhm,” You hummed against his lips before you flipped positions, leaving you straddling his hips as you pulled off the red dress. You were left in nothing but the lacy black panties you’d bought for tonight.
“Woah,” He muttered, taking a moment to soak in your breathtaking figure. “Just.. wow. You’re stunning.”
You felt your everlasting smile widen before leaning down to kiss him once again. The pace slowed down; you both wanted to take your time and do this right, making sure to continue with enthusiastic consent.
Right as you began rubbing your hand up and down over his pants, you heard the front door open and close. You both paused before pulling away and looking at each other with wide eyes.
“Did you hear that?” You whispered.
“No,” He said a little too quickly. “I heard absolutely nothing.”
“Y/N? Honey, are you home?” You heard your father call out, making your boyfriend groan in frustration.
“Yeah, I’m changing into my PJs. I’ll be right out!” You called before lowering your voice. “Hide in my bathroom.”
He looked around, seeing it was the only place to hide, and nodded. He quickly collected his shirt and checked to make sure his shoes were still on; a rookie mistake he made in the past. You turned on the light as he rushed to your bathroom. You reached past in your bag to grab an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts to throw on before quickly checking and fixing your appearance in the mirror.
“Hey, Dad!” You greeted with a smile as you walked bag into the living room. “How was your night?”
“I’m very drunk,” He slurred before giggling. “Man, oh man, those boys know how to make the best apple martinis. It tasted like juice so I downed them like water. Did you know we used to water down your apple juice when you were little so you wouldn’t get hyper?”
“You got drunk off of apple martinis?” You chuckled, taking the lasagna out of the microwave.
“Who knew they were so delicious? Here I was drinking beer, never knowing the delight that was mapple tinis,” He paused before thinking. “Mapple.. Apple martinis.. I meant apple martinis!”
“Yeah, I got that,” You smiled as he clumsily took off his shoes. “Did you have fun?”
“So much fun!” He grinned before stumbling over to the counter. “Can I have that lasagna?”
“Go for it. I’m not that hungry anyway,” You giggled, pushing the plate towards him as he took a seat at the island. “I was actually about to hit the hay.”
“Boo!” He grumbled. “That’s boring!”
“It’s a school night! And from the looks of it, you should probably go to sleep too,” You reached in the fridge to grab him a bottle of water. “Drink this before bed. I don’t wanna nurse your hangover tomorrow.”
“I’ve got the liver of a 21-year-old athlete, foo,” He hiccuped before taking a bite. “Damn this is the best lasagna I’ve ever tasted in my life! Of course it is, I made it! Thanks, me.”
“Goodnight, Dad,” You laughed, walking over to kiss the top of his head.
“Goodnight, sweetheart. Sweet dreams,” He responded before drawing in a big breath. “GOODNIGHT STILES!”
You froze before hearing a small voice from your room.
“.. Goodnight, sir,” Your face fell into the palm of your hand.
“If you sleep with the door open, I won’t tell your mom that he’s over so late,” Your dad offered. “He can borrow my Star Wars PJ bottoms. They’re in the top drawer. Oh, and you can take the car to school tomorrow! I won’t need it.”
“Really?! Thank you!” You grinned.
“No problem, kiddo,” He said with a mouthful of lasagna. “I’m gonna watch movies and eat popcorn.”
“You do that!” You said as you walked into his room to grab the pajama bottoms before going back to your own bedroom and throwing them at Stiles who sat on your bed. “Rain check?”
“Raincheck,” He affirmed before shifting uncomfortably. “How does he always know I'm here?"
“Maybe it's the Delvoux blood," You shrugged before smirking. "Or the fact that you literally parked your car at the entrance of the building."
"God damn it!" He huffed, recalling his obvious parking spot of choice. "The Jeep! Fuck, I'm sorry."
"It's okay," You giggled, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. "Now we know what not to do next time."
"It sucks knowing what we could've gotten away with tonight if we'd thought it through beforehand," He grumbled as he made his way to your bathroom.
“Y/N, we think Boyd is Derek’s next victim. Wanna go with Stiles to check to see if he’s home or with me to the rink?” Scott approached quickly as you shut your locker, Stiles right on his heels.
“I think you already know my answer,” You laughed.
“No, no, I need her to go with you,” Stiles argued.
“What? Why?” You both questioned.
“She needs to stop using her powers, dude. You can protect her better than I can,” He turned to Scott. “Plus, she brought her dad’s car so she can drive you there. It’ll be quicker.”
“He’s right. I think it’s better this way. I’m almost positive he’s at the rink anyway so Stiles should be fine,” Scott grabbed your wrist and gently pulled you behind him. “Call if you need anything!”
“Will do!” Stiles shouted before running out to his Jeep. You and Scott made a beeline to your dad’s car, hopping in and speeding off.
“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” He mumbled. “Am I getting it from you?”
“Yeah, I think so,” You nodded, gripping the wheel.
“So why can’t you use your powers?” He asked as you made a sharp turn to the left.
“I don’t know if it’s true, but there are some articles that say the more you use it, the more likely it is to like.. make you go crazy in a sense,” You spoke up, looking over at his stunned face.
“So that’s the secret you’ve been hiding from us,” He mumbled. “Have you felt any different?”
“I honestly can’t tell. I mean, normally when Lydia tries to get under my skin, I can just laugh it off. Last night though.. It’s like I had this overwhelming urge to outdo her and I kind of channeled the magic or whatever to compete with her,” You sighed. “But I’m also just competitive. So who knows?”
“Maybe it’s triggered by anger the same way it is for me,” Scott pondered for a moment before speaking up. “You might be able to ask Allison if she knows something. Her family's gotta have some sort of book. And it’s not like she’ll tell anyone or anything.”
“You mean my worrywart of a friend? I don’t know, Scott. She’s got a lot on her plate right now, I’d hate to worsen her anxiety,” You breathed.
“She’d hate to see you not ask for help. She’d rather see you reach out than go crazy,” He shrugged. “But it’s up to you.”
“Yeah, I’ll think about it. It’s not a bad idea,” You nodded as you pulled into the rink. “Now, come on. Let’s go get Boyd.”
Scott rushed into the building before you, scanning the vast space for any presence besides for the boy who sat on top of a Zamboni.
“Boyd!” Scott called as you walked in behind him. “I just wanna talk.”
He continued to drive the ice resurfacing machine, ignoring the two of you.
“Hey, come on, Boyd. Please,” You spoke.
“Did Derek tell you everything?” Scott asked. “And I don’t just mean going out of control on the full moon, I mean everything.”
“He told me about the hunters,” The boy broke his silence, grinding the machine to a stop.
“And that’s not enough for you to say no?“ You questioned, without judgment but with genuine concern. He fell silent once again.
“Whatever you want, there’s other ways to get it.”
“I just want to not eat lunch alone every day.”
“If you’re looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek,” Scott shook his head.
“That really hurt, Scott,” The familiar voice boomed behind the two of you. You turned to see Derek standing with his newly formed pack behind him. “I mean if you’re going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how’s life been for you since we met?”
“Hmm. In a word, transformative,” She said before showing her teeth and growling. You rolled your eyes.
“Isaac?” Well, I’m a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I’m great,” He smiled at you, looking at you up and down.
“Okay, hold on. This isn’t exactly a fair fight,” You scoffed.
“Then go home, kid,” Derek smirked.
“She meant fair for them,” Scott slammed his fist into the ice below him before growling. You took your stance, hoping your magic wouldn’t fail you now. The two betas approached, Isaac going for Scott and Erica towards you.
“Didn’t he tell you, sweetheart?” You smiled. “You can’t hurt me.”
“No, I just can’t make you bleed,” She scoffed before running and throwing you back. You landed on the ice with a thud, groaning a bit as you slid before standing up again. “Doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun.”
“You shouldn’t have done that,” You chuckled before feeling the power run through your veins in a way that it never has before. It made you feel unstoppable. You could see how this could be addicting; it was euphoric.
She launched at you again but you jumped up, managing to kick her on the side of her head and knocking her down. “Woah..” You smiled.
“You bitch!” She growled, coming at you again. You waited for her to approach before manipulating her force against her to flip her into the ground below you. “That’s it!”
She whipped out her claws and stood up.
“Make me bleed. I dare you,” You taunted. She paused, realizing who she was up against. In the moment, she let her anger take over her judgment before she continued to march towards you with her claws fully retracted.
The power in your nerves surged excitedly through you. With it, came a feeling you’d never had before; you wanted to hurt her. You wanted to show her your power and frighten her to the point of pissing herself. You didn’t care at the moment if it killed her; you wanted retaliation to the extreme.
You saw a black flame-like aura appear on your hands as she continued towards you, you held them out as the black aura grew, bursting a black flame towards her chest. It sent her flying into the Zamboni headfirst, knocking her unconscious. You turned in time to dodge Isaac as Scott launched him back next to Erica.
“Don’t you get it?!” Scott shouted. “He’s not doing this for you! He’s just adding to his own power, okay? It’s all about him. He makes you feel like he’s giving you some type of gift when all he’s done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!”
“It’s true. It is about power,” Derek spoke. You looked at him breathlessly as you wiped your nose. Your eyes widened at the black blood that now decorated the back of your hand. “You look tired, Y/N. Let the big boys take care of this.”
He approached Scott, eyes now glowing red as he slowly transformed into his werewolf form. You saw as Derek head-butted him before slashing his claws through his stomach.
“Scott!” You yelled, feeling something drip out of your nose.
“Stay out of this, Y/N! You’re bleeding!” He shouted before receiving more blows to his chest and jaw, returning them back to Derek and sending him stumbling backward.
You wiped at your nose and saw black blood smeared on the back of your hand. Maybe the whole black aura thing wasn’t such a good idea. You couldn’t help but wonder if your body was warning you against the type of magic you’d summoned. You’re thought were interrupted by Derek’s growl.
The alpha smiled before beating Scott senseless, sending him into the ice. He stepped up to him, pressing his heel into his throat. You looked up a Boyd, taking the keys from his hands and clenching your eyes as you sliced through the palm of your hand.
“God damn,” Boyd cringed as you approached Derek from behind. You grabbed his face with your bloodied hand before he turned around with shock.
“Oh shit,” You muttered before he flipped you over his shoulder, sending you flying forcefully into the ice next to Scott and knocking the breath out of you. He quickly took a small, silky fabric out from his jacket and wiped the blood off of his face, seeming to be just fine before walking back to his pack.
“Don’t,” Scott breathed as Boyd approached the two of you. “You don’t wanna be like them.”
“You’re right,” He lifted his shirt to reveal a bite, making you sigh and drop your head back in disappointment. “I wanna be like you.”
The four werewolves gathered before making their exit. Scott rolled over to look at you.
“Are you okay?” He asked, wiping the blood from under your nose and looking back at you. He took your wrist in his hand, seeing that the blood from your hand was still red. You nodded and sat up. “You have to be more careful. But I’ll admit- that last stunt you pulled? That was a killer move.”
“Literally and figuratively,” You smiled, looking down at the cut. “I wonder why it didn’t work though.”
“If you ask me, it probably has to do with that rag he wiped his face with,” Scott looked back as the door swung closed behind the last of them. “We need to find Stiles.”
“We need to take you to the clinic,” You argued, looking at the nasty bash in his stomach making him wince and hiss in pain as you lifted his shirt to take a closer look.
“It’ll heal,” He shook his head.
“Wouldn’t the healing process have started by now? He slashed it at the beginning of the fight,” You furrowed your brows, seeing it bleed a significant amount compared to his more recent wounds. You got up, helping him up before you both made your way back to the car. “Try to keep the blood off of my Dad’s seats.”
The drive to the clinic was quick but it was enough time to call Stiles to check his location. You drove with your left hand as Scott pressed your old hoodie against the wound on your right palm, keeping it from bleeding more. You swung by an alleyway and watched Stiles crawl into the backseat of the car, reeking of garbage.
“Jesus. What happened to you? You smell like shit,” Scott gagged.
“Erica happened! That bitch is ruthless,” He huffed, leaning forward to see his gaping cuts. He looked over at you to see your upper lip covered in dry blood and your hand covered by a blood-soaked cloth. “Oh my god! What happened in there?! Are you okay?”
“Derek happened. He happens to also be a ruthless bitch,” You smiled before driving towards the clinic. “Look, I know I need to stop but I had no choice but to use my powers this time. It was Derek’s pack versus us.”
“It’s okay! But you just have to be careful. We don’t know how to control it yet,” Stiles reassured.
“I get what the articles mean by magic controlling my bloodline,” You breathed, remembering the feeling it gave you. “It came so naturally. And it felt like a drug. It was like utter power and euphoria pumping through my veins. I think it could be addicting. I really need to stop using it.”
“Bro, you should’ve seen her though! Her hands were like covered in this black mist, dude. She beat the living hell out of Erica,” Scott looked back smiling. “She was like a jujitsu master before her hands started smoking. Then she just knocked Erica into the ice smoothing machine and knocked her out without even touching her!”
“Damn,” Stiles’ brows raised, he was impressed. “What happened to her hand?”
“Derek knocked Scott to the ground and held him by the throat with his foot,” You began to explain before Scott chimed in with excitement.
“Y/N sliced her hand open with Boyd’s keys, dude. Then she came up behind Derek and grabbed his face, smearing her blood all over him!” He all but shouted. “It was awesome!”
“Yeah, except for the part where it didn’t phase him and he flipped me over his shoulder,” You mumbled. “My back feels like it got snapped in half now that the adrenaline is going away.”
“Wait, it didn’t phase him?!” Stiles’ jaw dropped. “How?! That shit knocked Scott on his ass with just the fumes or whatever!”
“He wiped his face with this like silk cloth. Scott thinks it has to do with that. I feel like it was because I over-exerted my powers fighting. Who knows,” You shrugged, pulling into the vet clinic’s parking lot. You all got out and proceeded to walk in. “It’s not like we can test it. Scott’s basically immune to my blood now.”
“God, why isn’t this thing healing..” Scott winced as he walked beside you.
“Because it came from an alpha. And that’s not true, Y/N,” Deaton’s voice echoed as he saw the three of you walk in. You froze, how did he know? “The blood of a Delvoux can help cure those she’s bonded with. The women in your family were well known to join werewolf packs as an alliance. They protected your ancestors and your ancestors healed them in return. All it took was love and trust. Mixing the blood of a bonded werewolf with your own can heal you too. Physically and mentally.”
“You know?” You muttered, making him smile. “How?”
“I know everything about this town,” Deaton shrugged. “We have a lot to talk about. I wanna show you something. But before I do, unwrap your hand and rub it on Scott’s wounds. I have to warn you, it’ll burn.”
You nodded, hesitantly taking the hoodie off of your hand as Scott lifted his shirt. You looked up at him as if to ask for permission; he nodded. You placed your bloody hand on the beginning of the top gash. You removed your hand across every gash, feeling a warm sensation in your hand.
“Oh, that’s not too bad!” You smiled as you pulled away.
The second your hand left his final scratch, you felt it. Both you and Scott screamed in pain, feeling as if you were being branded. You held your wrist and fell to your knees, clenching your eyes in midst of the blistering pain. And just as quick as it appeared, it went away. “Fuck, remind me never to do that again.”
“Agreed,” Scott said, trying to catch his breath.
“How do you feel?” Deaton chuckled.
“Like I just placed my hand on a stove,” You looked down at your hand. All that was left from the wound was the dried blood where the hash previously laid.
“Mentally. How do you feel?”
You took a moment to realize that your head suddenly felt light. The anxiety, the anger that boiled deep within you, the darkness that loomed in your mind- it was gone. Your eyes widened at the silence in your head. You didn’t realize just how bad it had gotten until it was gone. It snuck up on you, eating at your mind silently and subtly. The gravity of the situation finally sank in; you were well on your way to insanity before that moment.
“Holy shit,” You whispered. “It’s gone.”
“Come with me,” Deaton’s tone darkened before he led you to the back room. Before you laid a corpse, slashed through like he’d been through a human cheese grinder. “I think we better have that talk now.”
As always, please let me know what you think of this! I love love love to hear from you guys :) Plz like and/or reblog, it really helps me out! Comment or DM if you’d like to be added to the tag list!
AHHH, I’M HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE WITH SEASON TWO! not me avoiding all of my responsibilities to write this shit 😀 but i literally love witchy y/n. and i love y/n and stiles’ relationship. poor babies just wanna lose their damn v card but i won’t let them 😭🤚🏽
@okay-j-hannah @mitchloveswriting @itscheybaby @cevans-winchester @moon-child @rrrogertaylor @janalustare @loveangelic69 @angelxfics @blueberry-birdie @rebelbagel @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @ifilwtmfc @dianewowslt @aloha-lush @crockercorpbakers @taysirene @take-me-to-ny @captainfrisbee @darkenwolfie @stilesbxtch @youaintabadbitchyoujustabitch @raynelbabe @michellebarista @chervbs @lovingchildperson @littleboysmile @mushroomroyal l @luvforstiles @naynay2319 @xannaelizx @igotmajordaddyissues @andrew-garfield-is-my-mj @stephhevring
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
A continuation of this! Because I NEED Albedo's and Childe's affection. 🥺🥲 Because brainrots! 🤩🐱
👑 SAGAU / 🖥️ (Reverse) Isekai trope!
Contents include Albedo / Childe explaining how they materialized; them trying to prove they are real; their response to you thinking you were dead
Starring : Curious and Gentle Albedo, Excited and Flirty Childe
Warning : 😐 -n/a-... Maybe just some fluffy things 🐑; lots of hugging; my personal petnames for the boys (if it bothers you); a bit comedic on Childe's scene 🤣; stray cussing words on Childe's scene; for some reason, Childe's scene is longer; etc.
Not proofread. ✌🏼
Links : Masterlist, Initial SAGAU/RI idea, previous post
Reader is referred as gender neutral (using "you" pronoun).
This is mostly for personal use but... To whoever is reading, please enjoy.
"It serves as proof that I truly exist here. Feel me as much as you wish," Albedo reasoned as he snuggled closer, experimenting on having your bodies close to each other.
You just stared at the pretty man cuddling you. As he said, he wished to indulge in embrace. Yes, he looked like Albedo. But he couldn't be real, right? Like... He's a fictional character! How would your bond 10 Albedo cuddling you be possible?? Was this a dream, perhaps? But you were awake, right?
Albedo must have read your mind as he responded.
"I wish I could explain this phenomenon to you myself. Unfortunately, I lack the data to do so. All I know is your currently selected character can only personify whenever no one is awake at a certain perimeter."
What this Albedo said might be true. You always had Albedo active during explorations, even if you knew using tall male characters meant faster sprints. You loved him and couldn't help but keep him on just to see him!
"So... You really are Albedo, right? Mondstadt Chief Alchemist? Favonius Captain of Investigation Team? ... Kreideprinz?"
"Yes, all of those are correct. I am the one who you refer to as Albaby or my prince."
Your eyes widened at Albedo's revelation using a deadpan tone. He knew you called him those names? How?? You stuttered your inquiries to which Albedo kindly replied.
"A good question. Whenever you use a character, the chosen person becomes sentient. We can hear and see what is happening in your world through the screen. Often times I wished to interact with you. Unfortunately, our actions and dialogues are restricted to the ones we are programmed to do."
"Really??" was all you could say to which Albedo hummed in response. "Then.... Can you make the plant in my window bloom for me? Just to check if you are Albedo."
"Of course," Albedo flashed a victorious smile. Luckily, he already tried to check if his alchemy worked in your world - and it did!
Albedo stood up from the bed and offered his hand to you. You accepted his hand as he gently pulled you out of bed. You navigated to the said plant and watched Albedo do his magic. The plant glowed a faint light as it flowered beautifully - truly enchanting. You beamed at the sight of Albedo's prowess and Albedo can't help but feel proud to see you smile brightly, your face illuminated by the glow of his work.
"O - Oh my gosh, you really are my prince...!" you said giddily. Albedo didn't respond as he was too captivated by your lovely expression. But you suddenly grimaced which caught Albedo's attention. "Wait-"
"Yes?" Albedo asked.
"You said you guys can only materialize whenever no one is awake. But I am awake now...," you paused at the thought. You didn't want to say it but you had to, "Does that mean......I am dead??!"
Albedo chuckled and held you in his arms. You felt your body heat up from Albedo's touch. You knew Albedo wasn't supposed to be like this. Never have you thought Albedo to be clingy or touchy. It implied so in his description!
"I believe you are very much alive. See?" Albedo said as he caressed the back of your head and rubbed your back. "You are very warm to the touch and I like it."
"W - wait...! Are you really Childe...?"
"Of course! I'm your favourite Snezhnayan hubby, Turtlelinnie! I could show you my hydro daggers as proof. Do you want me to?" Childe asked excitedly, suddenly standing up without a warning.
"N - no, it's okay...!" you squeaked. "It's just...," you uttered while trying to process the situation you were in. Childe flashed his cute smile for you and waited for you to gather your thoughts.
Turtlelinnie. Snezhnayan hubby. These were what you usually referred him while playing. Totally not canon at all! Whenever you did time trial challenges with Childe, you always cheered, "Run, Turtlelinnie, run!". Whenever you cooked Calla Lily Seafood Soup (A Prized Catch) with Childe, you always said, "Thank you for the meal, my Snezhnayan Hubby." So, how did Childe learn of those nicknames?
And how did Childe suddenly pop out of Genshin? Was that even possible? Wait - how sure were you that this guy was really Childe?
"Ooh, I know!" Childe broke through the silence. "I could kill someone for you if you want."
"WHAT?! NO!" you squealed to which Childe laughed in amusement. "Gosh, it's impossible for you to be real!" you said, denying that this guy could really be your Snezhnayan Hubby. Because obviously, it was fantastical.
"Waah~ it's really me, I promise!" Childe pouted. "Then do you want me to activate my foul legacy? Promise me you'd take care of me afterwards. You know it puts a strain in my body. Cuddles and kisses will do."
"No, don't you dare! Ugh...! How would I know you aren't someone who just broke into my room?"
"But I didn't!" Childe argued. "Okay... Technically I did brake into your room. But I can't help it, okay?! I wanted to see you so bad because you didn't let me watch you sleep tonight! I couldn't see you behind the screen so I got itchy to go here myself."
You gasped loudly. The audacity of this guy! Did he just admit to breaking into your room? Admitted to watching you behind a camera?? As you slept??? Didn't let him watch you sleep tonight???? He had a hidden camera somewhere in your room????? ... WAS HE PLANNING TO HARM YOU IN ANY WAY?!!
"Stay back, stalker! I - I'm calling the cops!" you hissed, trying to discreetly look for your phone. Oh, shoot! You left your phone charging and away from bed.
"Wait! Wait! I'm not a stalker!" Childe frantically said, trying to calm you down as well. He needed to prove he was Childe - fast! "See, look?? Hydro daggers!" he said, immediately materializing his Hydro daggers.
"Aaaah!!" you shrieked, pushing yourself farther from the man. You kept screaming, afraid of your dear life being snatched away by the blades.
"No, wait!" Childe protested.
He had daggers! So, he was really going to hurt you! AAAH! But wait - those are...Hydro daggers?! The real deal?! Was he really Childe? Tartaglia? Ajax? Seeing the defeated look on Childe's face made you feel guilty.
"W - wha... So you really are...Childe...?"
"Haha! Yes! Finally, you believe me!" Childe beamed, preparing to lunge himself to tackle-hug you. But you were quick to stop him by raising a hand to which he pouted.
"Show me a cute little whale. About this small. Then, I'll believe you," you said, showing an approximate size of the desired smol whale.
"Oh, this?" Childe smugly said, showing you the tiny whale he made using his Hydro Vision.
"Whoa~!" you marveled at the cute little whale. The way the whale whistled was also so adorable.
"Do you like it?" Childe asked as he watched you staring at the whale affectionately.
"Yeah!" you beamed at the guy. "Okay, fine. I believe you. You really are Childe!" you admitted.
"Yup!" he chuckled. "Now can I get a hug?"
"Ah...," you froze. Why would he want a hug from you? Because he's bond 10? Your hesitant expression did not slip past Childe's notice.
"Come on. It's not like I haven't hugged you earlier. Or kissed your lips. Just a hug, yeah?" Childe urged.
"You - what?!"
"Oh. You didn't realize I kissed you earlier. Oops?" he laughed.
"Wait... How did this happen?" you narrowed your eyes, questioning the man on front of you.
"The kiss? Your lips looked soft so I gave you a goodnight kiss. But it woke you up instead," Childe said casually. You blushed at his unconcerned yet proud tone.
"Not that! I mean, how are you here?"
"I don't know. But whenever you fell asleep, I could come to your world. Only when I'm your active character, though."
"Uh...huh...," you hummed while nodding slowly to which Childe expanded his explanation.
"We're aware whenever we're your active character. When you spin the camera so we're facing the screen, we could see you too. Plus, we could hear you too! For example, Kaeya knows you ogle at his chest whenever you use him and zoom in. You even call him Cryo Daddy."
"Haha! Yep! We know~"
Your eyes widened in horror. So these characters were aware? Of what you thought about them?? Of what you call them??? Of how you sometimes ogle at their designs????
"Why am I knowing this just now??"
"It's the first time I could talk to you! Whenever you woke up or whenever someone else comes into your room, I get pulled back to Teyvat. So, I had no way of telling you or anyone else. Plus, when I'm in Teyvat, I can't do anything other than what I was designed to do. For example, be cute to you." Childe winked.
"Agh! What's with that reaction? It's like you don't believe me at all!" Childe sulked.
"It's not that! This is all too much to take," you hastily explained.
Whatever Childe said might be true. But it never fully answered the question how. Yes, he got transported, but through what kind of sorcery?
Perhaps this was just a dream? But you woke up earlier, didn't you?
Perhaps you were dead? But you could still feel yourself, yes?
But didn't you scream earlier? Did the people outside not hear you? ... Because you were dead?!
"SHIT, AM I DEAD??" you gasped, feeling your face and skin.
"If you meant drop-dead gorgeous, then yes!" Childe chortled.
"I'm serious!" you huffed, rushing towards your mirror only to see your woke up like this look - confirming you really were alive.
"So am I!" Childe declared as he followed you and held you from behind. He gazed at your eyes through the mirror. "You are very much alive and I won't let anyone or anything hurt you. So, relax, okay?"
Albedo plz. Childe plz.
Links : Masterlist, Initial SAGAU/RI idea, previous post
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michu-writes · 2 years
Excuse me, but can you make the Stan post covid team with a pregnant s/n? and they're like in a soft moment with her, rubbing her belly and she ends up saying, "dear, my water broke😐"
A/N: I laughed when I read this LMAO. This is super cute though <3
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Stan Marsh
I feel like one of these moments would be when Stan finally gets to relax with you, and actually not drink as much as he used to. He's more focused on you know that you're going to have a baby. He felt happy for the first time in a while, and he would try his best to be the best father in the world. That's what he told you as he was rubbing your belly gently... Right as your water broke.
"Uh... (Y/N)? Are you okay?"
"Drive me to the hospital."
Gosh the drive was so fucking stressful. Probably the most stressful moment in your both lives. He tried to stay calm, but it wouldn't budge. Luckily Stan threw away his Alexa though (his ex wife *COUGH*). Once the baby was born, he lowkey couldn't stop crying. He wanted to hold the baby close to him so bad and never let go, you've actually never seen him this emotional. Both of you couldn't stop smiling that day, you have a family of your own now.
Kyle Broflovski
Kyle is such a mom. He would do anything for you during your pregnancy. He's always prepared to when you water breaks. He got the car keys on his pockets in all times, and he'd even carry you in his arms the whole time until you arrive to the hospital. But this time, you convinced him to actually take it easy and just lay in bed with you. You felt bad for him worrying so much, and he understood that. Maybe he's being a bit over dramatic. You guys were just chilling in bed, while Kyle was caressing your belly and whispering how proud he is in you. But that's when you noticed.
"I think my water just broke."
He'd be in a lot of stress just to find his car keys, but luckily not as much as Stan. He'd grab anything you need just incase. "DO YOU NEED A WATER BOTTLE?" "WHY WOULD I NEED A WATER BOTTLE? IM GOING INTO FUCKING LABOR REALLY SOON, KYLE!" Once your baby is born, he would plant a hundreds of kisses on both you and the baby. He'd also let you choose her/his name because he's so <3
Kyle would be an excellent father. But I feel like he'd be as strict as his mom, even though he refuse to believe it. It's hilarious.
Kenny McCormick
Kenny never really had that much time to spend with you, but he would always be by your side whenever he could. When you announced that you were pregnant though, he would literally quit his work and focus on you until labor. He wants to be there with you and feels really bad for always being busy with his work, which is why he really wants to make the best out of it with your family. Also Kenny screams malewife, and therefore he was probably cuddling with you in bed at first, and asked if you wanted anything. You calmly said soup (because you were craving soup for some reason and soup is good af, especially tomato soup but anyways), and he went right away to make you the soup. Once he was finished, he carefully walked over to you with the soup you wanted in a bowl, only to see you caught in surprise. "What's wrong?" "Kenny.... My water broke?" "SERIOUSLY?" "YES!" "HOLY SHIT!" He'd accidentally drop the bowl but he didn't care. He's probably the most calm out of the four.
When your baby was born, he couldn't take his eyes off of her/him. The baby looked just like you, he was so fucking happy. This was probably the best creation he made (pun intended). He promised that whenever your kid is old enough, he will eventually learn them science.
Eric Cartman
He's a sweetheart alright? He's kinda familiar with Kyle, but he'd be really stressed, his childhood self would almost come back. He would always keep an eye on you, and would always be prepared. He'd do your work for you, anything. He'll reassure you that it's fine and that you just have to lay down. And relax. One day, he came to relax with you as well, having his head against your belly, and kissing it. "I'm so happy to have a baby." He says lovingly, as you smile at him. That smile quickly turning into a stressed frown. "Are you okay?"
He'd explode the moment you tell him your water broke. He'd run all around the house and drag you to his car. He'll tell you to sit tight and that everything is fine, while yelling which is not fine. He's under a lot of pressure, he didn't think it would happen NOW. Needless to say, he was so happy and couldn't stop smiling when he saw the baby. He'd tell everyone and post it in every social media the moment it's out. He's so nice though Omg.
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0x1lovebot · 3 years
✧⋄⋆ enhypen when their best friend (that they have feelings for) passes out in front of them ⋆⋄✧
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gender neutral! reader.
requested by anon;
can i request to an (best friend that have feelings for you)EN- reaction when you pass out in front of them?
thanks for the request anon!! I hope you like it!!
warnings; language.
a/n; this request is literally from october ;-;
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heeseung might actually become hysterical 😭😭
as soon as you fall limp in his arms he assumes the worst
"dude she only passed out. just put a pillow under her head, check her pulse and wait 🙄" one of his members said when he saw heeseung straight up l o o s i n g it
now less hysterical and kind of embarrassed, heeseung takes his member's advice and then waits for you to wake up
and he prays that you didn't hear what he said when you first passed out😳
[rest of the members under cut]
he freaks out because you just fell over out of nowhere!!!
but only for like 2 minutes tho
he takes a few deep breaths, calms his nerves, and wips out google🤳
he taps the first link he sees with a fucking quickness💨
he speed reads it and does everything it says like his life depends on it
and then he just sits and stares at your pretty face until you wake up💖
hoping that you passed out from dehydration or sumn and not a literal heart attack
he f r e a k s out when you first fall to the ground
his first thought is literally; "did y/n die just now⁉️" NO STUPID THEY JUST PASSED OUT
he does not know what to do
anyways he hurriedly checks your pulse to make sure your heart is still doing its damn job
and he gently lifts you up and onto the nearest soft surface
he sets your head up slightly so that you'll be comfy when you come to
and then he just waits
the whole time he has to fight the urge to gently brush his fingers down the side of your face🥰
as soon as you hit the ground he kinda went into shock
he just froze
he wants to help so bad but he doesn't know how so he just 🧍‍♂️for a whole 5 minutes
and when you came to he let out the fattest sigh of relief
"oh y/n! thank god you're ok😮‍💨😮‍💨"
"did you just stand there the whole time😐"
sunoo immediately calls 911😭😭
he'll be damned if he let his favorite person on the planet be dead
even though you only passed out and you'll be fine😑
the paramedics come and assess you and say that everything will be fine a few minutes
but sunoo refuses to let them leave until you wake up because "what if y/n never wakes up??"
he's just worried ok😔⁉️
the only one that actually knows what to do and stays calm the whole time
cuz he has a big brain 😌🧠
he puts his leader skills to good use and orders his members around for pillows, water, etc.
and he waits until you come to
"what happened wonnie?"
his heart skipped a beat when you called him that
"you passed out dumb-dumb"
"well thanks for staying with me🥰"
"no problem maybe don't overwork yourself next time🙄"
he freezes
gets scared
and then he passes out right next to you from the anxiety
you end up waking up before him lol😭😭
so you just sit there and wait for him to wake up
"... y/n what happened!" he says rubbing his head in confusion.
"i passed out.....and then you passed out."
you grinned as he blushed and turned away in embarrassment
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© 2021 copyright. all rights reserved. @0x1lovebot.
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years
Watching True Crime w/ Them
Featuring: Deku, Bakugou, Hawks, and Dabi
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Warning: None
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N - After a couple of days of writers block, this idea spontaneously came to me while I was painting sksj, I hope you enjoy <3
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Okay but this man would be invested
 Like scarily invested
I don’t know why, but I can just imagine him intensely paying attention to every detail thats displayed
He initially wanted to make a little surprise visit to your dorm, hoping to spend some time with you and then he would see you watching a true crime show on your computer
Huddled in a little blanket with the blinds shut may I add
See, you would think he wouldn’t want to watch or that he would want to do something else and that he’s had enough hearing about crime
He sits down with you and within the first five minutes, he was hooked 
He would constantly rewind and go back just to analyze everything again
Okay but picture him aggressively muttering about the inconsistencies of the suspect’s story and how there were holes in the investigation 
Meanwhile, you’re next to him on the bed like 😃
If he pulls out a notebook to jot notes or clues down i-
At this point, you can’t tell if he’s planning on using the information for “future reference” or just to test out his investigative skills and deductive reasoning
Heaven forbid him from figuring out the perpetrator before the narrator does because he will just go on and on about how it was the only possible answer and that the clues all point to that person
But honestly, you find it adorable
This would absolutely lead to more true-crime dates
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He comes into the common room to see you and the Bakusqaud watching a true-crime documentary
You and Kiri convince him to come join you guys, and much to his annoyance, he does
Now, on the outside, he watches with a bored look on his face
Maybe he’ll even criticize their actions every now and then or he’ll start yelling about the mistakes they’ve made
But inside? His soul has left his body
Poor boy will start to sweat -excessively- and is lowkey scared he’s gonna set off explosions in front of everyone
He would be deeply unsettled with the idea of how far people are willing to go 
Or maybe he’s unsettled by the tone of the narrator because me too 
If the Bakusquad were watching Forensic Files, he might just combust
By the time the killer and/or the whole plan behind the crime is revealed, man is  p a l e
Like I’m pretty sure all the blood has drained from his face because the next time you look at him, there is no color 
Denki notices this and thought it would be funny to give him a little scare
Biggest mistake of his life
RIP Kaminari aye
Sero and Mina rushed him to Recovery Girl
You felt kind of bad for Bakugou so you invited him to stay over in your dorm
Of course his pride said “no 😐” but you insisted that you wouldn’t be able to sleep after watching the documentary
You knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep that night… or several nights after that
Expect a very cuddly Bakugou in your bed 
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This man has to have seen some of this stuff at work so he’s probably used to it by now
Like some of this might even be just an average Tuesday night at the Hero Commissions to him
So he would be unfazed
Like at this point he’s seen it all
But the one thing he enjoys most is scaring you into oblivion
And that’s what he does…
It’s late and he’s just coming home from work right, and there you are in one of his shirts in his penthouse watching a true-crime documentary on the TV
It’s dark in the room to add to the ambiance
Hawks sees this as an opportunity to mess with you
As the window is unlocked to let him in, he slips a few feathers inside
By now, you are already on edge because 1: it’s dark as hell and you’re alone, and 2: everything about the case you’re watching is just overall unsettling
But then you hear a rustle in the other room and your blood turns to ice
You turn and there’s nothing there
Absolutely terrified and paranoid, you turn the TV off and sprint your way into the bedroom
You start to hear more noises around you and absolutely freak
Unbeknownst to you, Hawks is inside, wings spread wide with a feral look in his eyes just right in the middle of the bedroom in the dark
As soon as you open the door your screams are the only thing ringing in his ears
Oh lord you were seeing red
You refused to give him cuddles afterward and he was pouty for the rest of the night
“Oh come on dove, I said I was sorry”
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He’s another one who would be invested, but he wouldn’t actually show it
Like Hawks, he has seen literally everything and more in his time at the League so to him this was absolutely nothing
I think he would cackle every now and then at an unexpected plot twist and he would definitely make fun of you for being so on edge
So you’re sitting next to him on this old raggedy couch right
And his eyes are fixed on the screen
You on the other hand are absolutely petrified
Even though you’re a villain, some of the true-crime stories you see and hear about are just as unsettling as the one time you saw a shrine of Eraserhead in Shigaraki’s room…
Anyways, it’s late and you and Dabi are watching a true-crime docuseries in the dark
As villainous couples do
And the whole thing just absolutely freaks you out, like you even broke out into a cold sweat
Dabi takes notice of this and thinks it’s funny to tease you, leaning in to whisper in your ear
“Why so tense dollface?”
You see the smirk on his face
You take this as a challenge as you shove him away from you
“I’m perfectly fine”
You were indeed not fine
The chill of the narrator’s tone was enough to scare you out of your mind and by the time you reach the end, you were paler than before
He would tease you for the rest of the night and laugh at the way you couldn’t sleep for a week straight
But deep down, he feels kinda bad
He would leave a kiss on your forehead once he lulls you to sleep
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starryevermore · 2 years
the christmas mix-up ✧ ransom drysdale
twelve days of christmas | angst city™ library
request: Angst? Ransom cheating on reader during Xmas and she finds out on Xmas day cause the present he got her is mixed up with the other persons? Maybe a initials themed thing or even a ring? Ooo maybe the person turns up with the ring and says “I’ll marry you” while readers there like 😐 what
pairing: ransom drysdale x fem!reader
summary: ransom pays the price of mixing up his mail. 
word count: 533
warnings?: angst, cheating, no happy ending, not proofread
note: this was written between november 8-17, 2021.
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You were convinced you heard it wrong. No, no, no, no. This wasn’t...Ransom Drysdale was a lot of things, but you had never pegged him as a cheater. Not when you told him how much you loathed cheaters. He wouldn’t do this to you. He loved you...Didn’t he?
And yet, there she stood, in the middle of your living room, beaming a megawatt smile at Ransom, flashing a gorgeous diamond ring on her left ring finger. God, the audacity of it all...You couldn’t believe that this was happening, that this was your reality. 
Ransom looked at you, his heart dropping. “Y/N, it’s not what it looks like.”
“Yeah?” you said. “Cause I think it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“It’s not, I promise—”
“Seriously? You think I give a shit about your promises when you’re fucking your secretary? And you send her a fucking ring?! ON CHRISTMAS!?”
“It wasn’t supposed to be a ring! It was supposed to be a notice of termination—”
“What?” she said, her smile fading.
“Oh, but you are fucking her? God, I bet you were going to fire her so it wouldn’t look bad on you to be screwing your employees. You make me fucking sick!” You frowned. “Wait a goddamn minute, how do you fuck up that badly? A ring and a fucking notice of termination are wildly different!”
“It was just one time! Y/N, petal, please—”
“Don’t you fucking dare!” you snapped, crossing the room, walking towards the door. Ransom followed after you, apologies falling from his mouth. “I don’t ever want to see you again.”
“Please, it didn’t mean anything.”
“I’m sure that’s exactly what your dad said when your mom threatened to leave him.” As you pulled on your coat, then your snow boots, you took a moment to look at him. “You act like you’re so much better than your family, but you’re not. You’re just as pathetic as them. God, I wish I had listened to Harlan when he told me I’d be happier if I ran as far away from you all as possible.”
“He said that?”
“And he was fucking right about it, too. Said that you weren’t a good man and—wait. When...When did this happen?”
“I don’t—”
“When did you fuck her?!” you repeated, praying that you were wrong. You couldn’t...No, you couldn’t be right. 
“Just before Harlan’s birthday,” Ransom muttered. “I had a meeting with him, and she came over to drop off some papers I forgot and...I was so frustrated with him that I texted her to meet me in the bathroom and—”
The sound of you slapping him echoed through the house, his hand coming up to rub at his jaw. Your hand stung as you stared at him, barely managing to spit out, “Oh my god, Harlan was trying to warn me about what a fucking loser you are!”
“I’m sorry...”
“Me too. You know, I hope she makes you happy.”
“She doesn’t—”
“Well, that sucks, ‘cause you threw everything you could’ve had away for her. And now she’s all you’re left with.” You opened the door, the cold air hitting you. “Merry fucking Christmas, bitch.”
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luvring · 2 years
IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION FOR FIXING RIME ASK;; fix was not the right word oopsies I think the better word was heal?? Like he said things were missing so mc asking him if he wanted to go back as in “if this is something you want I will help you” idk words are difficult
HELP ok yeah. yeah this changes things :heart_eyes: SORRYKBDFGK :sob:
he's still . very bad with being vulnerable and thinking about what he wants and how he wants to deal with being a 'good' person. nothing is different about that
especially with his whole building himself as a [murder, torture, theft] guy
but!! smh...mc and their speaking powers
i think their position is actually kind of helpful in this situation because rime realizes that they must be telling the truth about wanting to do do what he wants. they don't really know what he was like before he died. there's nothing to compare and their desire to help him is genuine
which probably agitates him in a different way LOL but it isn't as pissy it's just "why do you have to be such an annoyingly good person."
contrary to the fixing idea. this may actually speed up their relationship process . not a lot but heyyyy
like imagine that weird tension of temporary allies between the M3 and rime...and them bringing up how he's kind of an ass. and what he used to be and he just tells them to Stop. "i didn't come here to be patronized."
mc goes to find him later and he doesn't look up before saying "what do you want? if you're here to tell me that i should go apologize and be nice to them, i won't."
very shocked when mc says "i wasn't going to say that, actually."
because mc...can sort of understand? from an outsider's perspective without the same mourning, rime being told to change himself just to comfort everybody isn't exactly fun either. and nobody knows what he's gone through himself while he was gone
like yeah "i think you could be less of an asshole, but it doesn't mean i want you to stop being an asshole altogether. i think it's your charm." rime snorts, "you think my charm is being an asshole?"
mc is just. 😐 "i think your asshole-ness stems from your wit and personality. is that better?"
even if rime doesn't say anything, it's kind of refreshing. a relief to know that even if he doesn't like mc,, at least somebody isn't pushing him
"if you ever wanted to try being nice, though, that's alright too. i know you probably...don't hate the others. you brought back stella and you're here, so." "what are you trying to say, mc?" "i—i'm saying that even if we don't get along, i can see you trying. and if you ever want help, i can be a...backup plan. gods be damned if i'm ever your first option."
mc: 1 rime: 0
after a few beats of silence all he can really do is sigh and laugh a little at it all, "thanks for the generous offer."
because he can't believe that mc of all people is offering, yet at the same time he doesn't know why he expected anything different. very typical behavior from someone the astrolabe would choose, maybe
ACK...little moments building up of rime and mc interacting after they talk...i need it Now
rime asking for little details about them that may have changed or he's somehow forgotten >:( asking about what felix has been reading, what's up with sage drinking and fighting (kind of rhetorical just so he can laugh), then teasingly noting how anisa must always be tired without him around to keep them under control
mc saying that no, he cannot just leave his gift at their door and walk away if he wants to prove he's trying. rime grimacing
he'd kill me if i said it but it's like trying to teach an elementary kid how to be nice (again). oh i love him. oh please
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kybabi · 3 years
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reacting to their s/o wearing another guy’s jacket
w/ tsukishima, kuroo, and bokuto!
part 3!
series masterlist here!
(a/n: here is the requested part 3 of the jacket series! i put the link to part 2 above :) the post linked also contains the link to part 1 if you’d like to check it out!
i haven’t written for tsukki yet so i’m excited to see how this will turn out! i couldn’t fit all the characters that were requested into this one post, so i’ll probably end up putting them in other posts; i hope that’s okay with y’all! anyways, please enjoy and remember that feedback is always appreciated! love y’all💞)
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okay uh.. we all know this man is MEAN
like ok whatever he might have a very small, barely visible, probably not even existent soft spot for you
but this mf is mean asf😐
today you had to meet up with a classmate to finish a school project but you completely forgot
you woke up late and had to scramble to get to school 10 minutes later than the agreed time
in your hurry, you didn’t realize that it was cold as fuck outside, and you didn’t bring a jacket
after finishing the project, you met up with tsukki, noting that his jacket looked pretty warm
“you know i love you, right?”
“...what is it this time?”
“soo hypothetically, if i forgot my jacket at home, would you possibly maybe let me borrow yours.....?”
this man said 😐
then he left you wordlessly to go to class, and you sighed in defeat
the cold was making you shiver, so the same classmate you’d worked with earlier offered you his!
you accepted happily :)
it’s lunchtime now, and you’re making your way through the hallway to find your boyfriend. you spot him talking to tadashi, who waves at you before bidding his goodbye!
kei sees you walking towards him and is about to greet you when he sees what you’re wearing and motions for you to stop.
he glares at the offensive item you’re wearing, and then looks into your eyes disapprovingly.
“what?” you ask, exasperated.
“what the fuck are you wearing?” his eyes lock onto the hoodie around your shoulders.
“this? it’s just a sweatshirt.”
he rolls his eyes at you.
“no shit, dumbass. who gave it to you?”
you cross your arms over your chest.
“why does it matter to you?”
“answer the question, y/n.”
“it was just a friend, okay? he saw that i was cold and offered.”
he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as if he doesn’t have the patience for this. quite honestly, he doesn’t.
he wants to berate himself for getting worked up about this, but observing the way the clothing envelops you in another man’s scent is making him irritated. he wants to tear it off you and make you smell like him instead. it’s possessive and probably a little toxic but it’s driving him crazy.
what’s worse is that he can’t even say these things, because he shouldn’t feel like this at all. besides, he refused to give you his jacket just this morning, so it’s probably his fault anyway.
so he turns away and starts walking, ignoring you. you run up to him and throw more questions at him, which he doesn’t feel like answering. at a certain point, you tug on his sleeve, hard, and he turns around. his eyes widen in surprise.
he hadn’t expected you to actually be fazed by his passive aggressiveness, but there’s a confused, hurt look on your face and now he feels kind of bad.
“what did i do wrong?” you ask, voice small.
he sighs, frustrated, and contemplates what to do. after running through his options, he just decides on the easy one.
he lifts the sweatshirt you’re wearing up over your head, muttering an “up,” as you raise your arms and slip the hoodie off. then, he takes his own jacket, and replaces it.
“you didn’t do anything wrong, idiot. can we move on please?” he mutters, looking away from you, embarrassment tinting his cheeks lightly. you brighten immediately.
as you’re walking, you take his hand and sigh.
“i like yours better, you know.”
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your dumbass forgot to check the weather forecast and now you’re stuck at school with no jacket :(
usually when this happens, your boyfriend gives you his, so you walked to his classroom before school started
he was concentrating on his textbook, probably studying for an exam
you tapped on his shoulder gently
“could i borrow your sweatshirt for the day?”
“oh, sorry baby, i’m a little busy right now. i’ll meet with you at lunch, ‘kay?”
you sighed, understanding but still a little disappointed, and walked to your first class
thankfully, the person who sat next to your desk was a close friend and offered you his hoodie!
you and tetsurou walk to the library for lunch as per usual, chatting about trivial things. both of you sit down and take out your lunches.
“oh yeah, how was the test?”
he looks up at you.
“oh, right. it wasn’t that bad, honestly. i studied a lot and...what the hell are you wearing..?”
he cuts himself off as his have finally travels down to the hoodie you’re wearing. it hangs off of you dramatically, and it’s clear that it’s not a woman’s jacket.
“what? it’s just a sweatshirt my friend gave me. i forgot mine at home today, and he had one in his locker, so he gave me the one he was wearing,” you explain.
“what?” kuroo stares at you, baffled. “you forgot yours and you didn’t even think to ask me, your boyfriend?!”
you stare at him incredulously.
“babe, i DID ask you. remember? this morning?”
“i’m pretty sure i would remember if you asked me.”
you sigh. he really is an idiot sometimes.
“i came into your classroom, and then i asked you if i could borrow your sweatshirt. you said you were busy, so i left,” you explain it to him thoroughly, as if you’re dating a child. (you kind of are😪)
he glares at you, unimpressed, and says nothing.
“babe, what do you want me to do? i mean, would me wearing your sweatshirt make you feel better?”
he grunts and turns back to his food, eating silently. so now he wants to give me the silent treatment, you think.
“alright, suit yourself,” you mumble. you pull the sleeves over your fingers, zip up the hoodie, pull the hood up, and rest your chin on your arms. maybe a nap would be good, you think sleepily.
kuroo glares at you petulantly, mentally whining at seeing you take a cozy, warm nap in some other dude’s jacket. you crack an eye open at him and smile softly, and he loses it when he sees how adorable you look. he gets up and pulls your chair out, unzipping the jacket and taking it off you.
and then in an instant, he’s slipping his own onto you and pushing your chair back in before sitting back down. you stare at him, awe coloring your features. you smile at how adorable your boyfriend is. he really is something else, pouting at you childishly as if this wasn’t his fault to begin with. you sigh contentedly, his scent flooding your senses comfortingly.
“aww, babe, were you jealous?”
“shut up.”
you just giggle.
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you had too many thoughts occupying your mind today
exams, club meetings, everything
so it slipped your mind that it was going to be cold and that you needed a jacket
you realized this on the way to school, but you were already almost there :(
thankfully, your boyfriend looked like he brought one
you ran up to him, hopeful
“kou, do you think i could borrow your jacket for today?”
he stared at you, puzzled
“but if i give you my jacket, then won’t i get cold?”
man kinda had a point😬
you realized he was right and sighed
“‘s okay, i’ll just ask someone else!”
you knew bokuto always had the best intentions, but you also didn’t want him to get cold
but luck was in your favor, as your classmate saw you shivering at your desk and offered you his
you and bokuto make your way into the library, settling into a secluded corner where you always sit during lunch.
you settle into his lap, and he laughs, pulling you in tight and burying his nose in your neck. he inhales deeply.
he stops, and pulls away.
“babe?” you ask, confused.
“where’d you get this?” he mutters, quiet.
“a friend of mine gave it to me,” you answer. “he saw that i was cold, and he had an extra!”
bokuto pouts childishly at you.
“what?” you ask, giggling.
instead of answering, he just takes off his jacket and pushes it at you wordlessly.
“kou, i don’t need one anymore! besides, didn’t you say you were cold? you should put it back on.”
bokuto stares at you. why won’t you accept his jacket? he would much rather have you wear his then some other random dude’s. why would you want to wear that one? wouldnt his be a much better fit?
you’ve dropped the conversation, it seems, and you’re watching something on your phone. when bokuto inhales, he can sense your scent mixed into another masculine, foreign one, and the idea is making him feel nauseous.
he tries again, pushing the sweatshirt at you and nudging you with it, until you put your phone down to look at him.
“baby, i thought you were cold! if you give me yours, then you won’t have one,” you explain. he pouts, and then looks away.
“but it’s not worth it if it means you have to wear someone else’s,” he mumbles, voice tiny. “i’d be cold for every day of my life if it meant you would only wear my jackets.”
you exhale, taken aback. bokuto is so adorable when he’s not even trying to be.
you slip the jacket off and put his on instead, inhaling his scent and snuggling into the soft, warm fabric. the sight seems to placate him, as he relaxes and pulls you back into his chest.
“thank you,” he murmurs, muffled against your neck.
“of course, kou.”
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🖤🐺 Being MSBY's Manager 🐺🖤
Relationship problems with Atsumu
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MSBY featuring Time!Skip Miya Atsumu x Female Manager
Warnings: angst to fluff, Swearing, poor self-care, unwanted advances/touching , blood mentions, ITS SO LONG 😭
A/N: absolutely no one requested this 😃 wrong, I requested this 😃😃 because I like to feel pain 🥲 this is for Atsupremacy and all my angsty bbys 💖 also I kind of want make this a series 🙃 maybe Sakusa next??
I'm 110% sure I'm an emotional masochist when it comes to fanfictions
I freaking LOVE angst to fluff
I want someone to rip my heart out, pick it back up, dust it off
Because the ground is gross and I don't want a dusty heart 😬
And then put it back together again, piece by piece
And since I made myself cry for writing mean Bokuto (coming May 10th 👀)
I thought I'd do it again 🙃
This time, with Atsumu
Now 🤚🏻 I know what your thinking
And you would be correct ✅️
But Atsumu is also one of my favorite characters in the series
Which is why I bully him so much
It makes no sense right 🥰
Anyways, since I've been obsessed with MSBY lately, I thought "why not?"
So let's break some hearts shall we 🤗
First off, when you found yourself at the doors to the MSBY gym, you were definitely nervous
You had been a volleyball manager in high school and had loved it
This couldn't be much different right?
You were super sweet, calm in chaos and absolutely stunning
"Ok I can do this. YN you can do this"- you, jumping up and down a little and hyping yourself up
"Are you talking to yourself?"- a voice sounds from behind you
You turn to see a giant man with yellow-blonde hair looking down at you
"Ummm-yes?"- you say nervously
"You know, fans aren't allowed in here but you are a cute one"- he said, smiling at you
"Ohh I'm not a fan- wait, I AM a fan but I'm here to interview for the managers job. By the way, my name is YN"- you, bowing
The man just stood there, with hair that desperately needed toning, smiling at you
"ATSUMU- leave that poor girl alone"- a giant dark haired man yelled
"I was literally doing nothing-" Atsumu 😐
"Yeah we know what your NoThInG includes"- another dark haired curly man says
You just stare 👁👄👁
Please they are all Titans
Someone call Levi 🗣⚔️
"You must be YN- I'm so sorry about him. I'm Meian Shugo and this is Sakusa Kiyoomi"- Meian said, bowing
"Oh no! Really it's ok! I was uhh- talking to myself? "- you shaking your hands, now feeling awkward you admitted that out loud
Atsumu is now smirking at you in that kind of cute way
This one 👇🏻
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"Well ok then! Follow me YN and we'll get started"- Meian laughing as he escorts you to the office
As you walk, you turn around to see Atsumu is staring at you and STILL SMIRKING
Is he cute? Yes
Does him watching you make you blush? Absolutely ☺️
"Hey Atsumu- let's go before Bokuto and Hinata burn the gym down"- Sakusa, looking back at Atsumu
"Yeah- yeah I'm coming"- Atsumu still smirking as he sticks his hands in his pockets and turns to leave
The absolutely STUNNING YN weighing heavily on his mind
A week after your interview, you were offered the job 🤗
Please you were ecstatic
Side note: I hate you, just know that 🥰
Another side note: I mean that in a very loving way YN
You're first day and you are both excited and nervous 😓
Seriously, you're literally like a logger handling giant trees YN ✋🏻
You walk into the gym and find Meian whose talking to a very Owlish looking man and a red-headed man
"HOLY CRAP- IS THAT OUR NEW MANAGER?"- The owl man says, excitedly as he bounds towards you
You brace yourself for impact just as an arm snatches you're waist and pulls you behind him
Atsumu is standing in front of you- hand on the chest of the bouncy man
"Bokuto, please don't kill YN before she even starts"- Meian, as him and a red-headed man approach
"Hi I'm Hinata! It's so nice to meet you. You are so pretty! Atsumu said you were hot but I definitely didn't believe you were this hot"- Hinata
Please Atsumu is so freaking mad 😡
"Hinata shut your trap or I won't set to you"- Atsumu, glaring at Hinata 😑
"Hey YN you should watch me hit some wicked cut shots! They can get past all the blockers!!"- Bokuto grabbing your hand as you giggle and follow along the giant man
"Bokuto please don't break YN, she's literally half your size"- Sakusa, coming from the locker room
"Yeah Bokuto, we want our manager to last longer than 3 minutes"- another man says coming out with two tall players
"Nice to meet you YN, I'm Inukaki, the libero of the team"
"And I'm Thomas, a middle blocker and this is Barnes, he's a wing spiker"- Thomas says, smiling at you
"It's very nice to meet you YN"- Barnes says, towering over you
"Well I guess I know who to ask for help getting stuff off high shelves"- You, shocked by his height
Everyone laughs as Bokuto continues to pull you towards the courts
"Bokuto honey, how about I finish setting up and then I watch you? You are going to need a sports drink for all those line and cross court shots!"- you, hyping Bokuto up
"Wait 🤚🏻 you know about my line shots??:- Bokuto, shocked 😲
"Of course I do! Everyone knows about Kotaro Bokuto, the famous ace from Fukurodani!"- you, eyes shining
"HEY HEY HEY- THATS ME!!"- Bokuto, now squeezing the life from you
Atsumu watches in pure jealousy 😒
Everyone else just looks at you 👁👄👁
"Let me help you YN so you can watch me do liners!"- Bokuto grabbing the crate as you laugh following him
You walk past Atsumu and see your chance
You stop next to him, go up on your tip toes and whisper in his ears
"His information is on the website and I know all about you Mr. All Japan setter"- you, smiling as Atsumu looks down at you
You wink 😉 as you walk away, Bokuto leading the way with his bubbly personality
Atsumu just gapes at you as you walk away
Please, he totally does that fist biting thing 😫
Ugh it's so hot
From that day forward, it's safe to say Mr. All Japan had a big crush on you
You proved yourself a very capable manager from day one, your ability to handle Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu was a feat all it's own 👏🏻
"Atsumu that was an amazing set! Nice kill Hinata!"- you screaming as your boys score another amazing point
"You know YN, I think the guys really work harder with you cheering them on"- Barnes, towering over you as you cheer the boys on
"I'm glad! They really are amazing! Even Bokuto when he gets in his crazy emo modes"- you smiling and laughing
"Emo-mode is down significantly with you around YN"- Thomas, standing on the other side of you
Atsumu watches you as you smile and talk with his teammates
He can't help but think about you constantly
It's been 2 months since you started and everyday seems better than the last
Having feelings is new for Atsumu
Sure he's had lots of hookups and a few short lived relationships, but never a person he felt so strongly for
In a way, it kind of freaked him out
"You know you stare at YN like she might turn into a pumpkin at any second"- Sakusa, walking past Atsumu to get a drink
"Ohhh does someone have a crush??- Inunaki, probing
"Heck I wouldn't blame him, YN's hot"- Hinata
Atsumu glares at him and it's not missed by Sakusa
The teams resident Nosey Nancy 💅🏼
"Yeah you've got it bad-" Sakusa walking away
That night, you are cleaning up the gym while the guys change
At night, a local team comes to practice in a secondary gym located in the same building
You are just putting away the mop, when you step into the gym and see two men looking around
"Hello, can I help you?"- you, being polite
"Well hello there doll"- one of the men says
They are both tall, but not Barnes or Thomas tall, but still they tower over you
"Can I help you find the other gym? This is MSBY's official gym and it's not for public use"- you, still being a professional queen
"Oh we know babe, we just wanted to come see the absolute stunner that is MSBY's manager"- the other one says as they both look down at you and smirk
"Well here I am. Now if you will please leave, I need to lock up"- you, now getting a little angry
As 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 should 👏🏻
"Oh come on doll. Hey what would you say to helping us out? We could definitely use a gorgeous girl like yourself to stare at and give us inspiration"- one of the guys says
First off, gag 🤢
Second off, Miss Manager doesn't work for free 💅🏼
Just as you are about to ask the men to leave again, one of then puts his hand up to push your hair behind your ears
You slap at his hand ✋🏻
"Hey don't touch me!"- you backing away
The men advance on you as you back up towards the locker room doors
If you can just get to the doors, you can get the teams help
"Hey hey pretty girl- shhh, we won't hurt you"- one of them says, grabbing your upper arm
"HEY FUCKERS"- Atsumu shouts as he barrels towards the men
The man holding you pushed you off, causing you to fall as Atsumu runs up and punches the man in the face
You scream as the team rushes from the locker room
"What the fuck happened?"- Meian shouts as he sees you on the floor, now crying and Atsumu standing over a now blooded man
"Fuck- YN!"- Barnes yells as him and Sakusa run to you
"He fucking attacked us-" the other man shouts as Barnes helps you to your feet
"No he didnt!! You guys came in the gym and I asked you to leave! Then you grabbed me! Atsumu saved me!"- you, now standing as Barnes holds you
"You two realize that everything that happens in this gym is recorded right?"- Meian now approaching the men as Thomas pulls Atsumu back
Meian looks to Inunaki who nodds and runs to check the tapes
The men's faces pale as Meian stands over them, arms crossed
Atsumu turns to see you staring at him, eyes wide and red from crying
He goes to you as you leave Barnes for refuge in Atsumu's arms
"Shh its ok baby- its ok"- Atsumu says consoling you, whispering into your hair as he hold you
"Hey captain, YN was right! These two idiots came at her"- Inunaki, standing next to Meian who is now pissed
Meian and Thomas grab the men, pulling them towards the doors to the other gym
You take off, shooting out of Atsumu's arms as you follow behind
Atsumu, Sakusa, Barnes and Inunaki follow as Meian and Thomas drag the men in front of their team
"These two fuckers are permanently banned for anything and all things related to MSBY"- Meian says, shoving the men to the floor
"I'd advise you all find a new place to practice from here on out"- Thomas adds as MSBY turns to leave
Back in the gym, Hinata and Bokuto appear from the locker room looking at the blood on the floor
"We saw the tapes- YN are you ok?"- Hinata, approaching you
"Yeah YN, we are so sorry that happened"- Bokuto
"Atsumu handled it"- you say, looking at the man whose now standing right next to you, a secured arm around your waist
"Damn straight he did! Dude I'm saving that tape forever! The look on their faces when you plowed out that door! Priceless 👌🏻"- Inunaki, hyped up
But Atsumu fails to notice because he's too busy staring at you 😍
"Are you two gonna kiss or something?"- Hinata, breaking the awkward silence
"Eww please not in front of the team"- Sakusa, walking to get a bucket and mop
"I'll help Sakusa"- you say as Meian stops you
"Let Atsumu take you home YN. We have it handled"- Meian looking at Atsumu and nodding
Atsumu grabs your bag as you both head towards the door and to his car
"Wow, I would have never pegged you for a Nissan man"- you, as Atsumu opens the door for you
"It's a fast car baby and I love going fast"- he says, smirking at you 😏
Pls say less sir 🥵
Atsumu pulls up to your apartment and walks you up
"Well this is me"- you say, super awkwardly
Hey I never said you won any social awards YN ok 😅
You turn to see Atsumu standing close you and studying your face
"God you are so gorgeous and I just want to kiss you right now"- Atsumu
"Then do it"- you say shyly but smug 😏
You know what your doing 💅🏼
Atsumu leans down, taking your mouth and OH SWEET MOTHER- 😫
The kiss to end all kisses 💋
Seriously MSBY Atsumu is an amazing kisser and you'll never be able to convince me otherwise
When he breaks the kiss, he rests his forehead against yours
"Perfect just like you"- Atsumu
God the man is good at laying it on THICCC- with 3cs
But he totally means it
"Dinner with me tomorrow night"- Atsumu, not even giving you an option
If I could have an ounce of this man's confidence ISTG-
You nodd as Atsumu kisses you lightly again, hand trailing down your arm as he whispers in your ear
"Go inside baby"- Atsumu
Freaking GOD when a man whispers in my eat I'm a literal puddle I CANT 😫
Atsumu watches you enter your apartment, as he waits for you
"Lock the door Yn and sleep well"- Atsumu, winking 😉 as he leaves your building
It's safe to say YN.exe has stopped functioning
After that night, Atsumu had you hook, line and sinker
You started spending more and more time together
Atsumu would pick you up every morning for practice
Unfortunately, that often meant getting yo at 5am
Because we ALL know this man would be at the gym bright and early
"YN- get your cute ass out of bed!"'- Atsumu, coming into your bedroom and pulling your covers off
You curl up and moan as you try and reach for the covers
"SUMU- IM TIRED"- you whine as Atsumu picks you up and takes you to the bathroom
"Here baby, I grabbed you a coffee"- Atsumu, handing a literal Gremlin her coffee
"It makes it really hard to hate you"- you
"🙃 you know you love me"- Atsumu says as he leaves to go into your kitchen
It wasn't the first time Atsumu had said this
The first time you thought nothing of it
Now the 10th time 👀
You began to wonder if perhaps he was feeling something more for you
Your routine continued over the next few months
When regular season games picked up, you noticed how the guys would become more tense
The match with the Scweiden Adlers was approaching and you could practically cut the tension with a knife 😬
You were tossing balls to Atsumu as Bokuto, Hinata and Sakusa went up to spike
You were tired, it had been a long day of meetings followed by training
You sent a ball that was a little too high, causing Atsumu to have to adjust and accidently hit the net
"Oh Im sor-" you started to speak, unfortunately for you, Atsumu beat you to it
"What the fuck was that YN? Can you try to get the ball closer to me please?"- Atsumu said, snipping at you
You were taken aback by his harsh tone
"I- I'm sorry Tsumu"- you, putting your head down
"Thank you. Now toss another one"- Atsumu said as you grabbed another ball and threw it up
Sakusa and Hinata watched your face fall when Atsumu scolded you
At the end of practice in the locker room, Sakusa spoke up
"You were kind of a dick to your girlfriend dude"- Sakusa to Atsumu who just looks at him
"Huh?"- Atsumu, clueless idiot 🙄
"It's not like she meant to toss the ball towards the net Tsumu. It happens, even in games. It's not like she did it on purpose"- Bokuto now interjecting
"I wasnt that harsh on her. Besides, it's good for her to learn. It is her job after all"- Atsumu, grabbing his bag and leaving the locker room
Sakusa, Hinata and Bokuto stare after him as he leaves
Atsumu catches up with you as you are walking to his car
"I'm just going to drop you off at your place tonight YN. I've got some footage of Tobio to review from last season and I'll probably be up late"- Atsumu
"Oh- umm I thought maybe I could cook for you tonight?"- you, hopefully
"Nah I'm good YN- Samu dropped some food off yesterday and I really want to get to those tapes"- Atsumu
You nod as you get in his car and head home
After that everything was fine and dandy 🥰
Just kidding 😂 we haven't had enough pain yet obviously
2 days before the match against the Adlers, a press conference was being held at the gym
Tons of reporters and cameras flocked the gym as the boys did interviews and photo shoots
You were talking with Meian and helping coordinate when you overheard Atsumu talking with a reporter
"So Atsumu, tell us about your personal life? What is the amazing MSBY setter up to off the court?"- the female reporter asks
You perk up, thinking about Atsumu telling the world about you makes your heart soar
Unfortunately your heart is then shot down and stomped all over
"Haha well- nothing too serious. Volleyball is my life and my passion. I live and breath this sport and my team"- Atsumu, smiling at the camera
Meian catches you watching Atsumu
Meaning he also catches you being utterly crushed by Atsumu's response
"Hey YN-" "I've got to go check on Bokuto. You know, make sure that big lug hasn't broken any cameras"- you smile, it's a completely fake smile and Meian knows it
He watches you walk, his mind working
2 days later, the match against the Adlers takes place
The crowd is excited and everyone is pumped
You and Atsumu had not seen much of each other the past few days, making your mood a little less enthusiastic
You tried hard to put a brave smiling face on for your team
As the match progressed, it was neck and neck the whole time
For every point MSBY scored, the Adler's added a point
Until Ushijima's final kill put the nail in the coffin ⚰️
MSBY had lost
The guys were down when they left the gym, Atsumu's face passive but his mood sour
After the match, you wait for Atsumu to appear
When he finally emerged, he walked past you
You ran to keep up with him, your legs working overtime
"It's was a good game Atsumu. You all played so well-" you, trying to help
"Yeah"- Atsumu
"Hey why don't you come over and I'll make your favorite?"- you, still running
"Nah I'm not in the mood YN. I'm just going to go home"- Atsumu, grumbling
"Atsumu, I don't think it's a good idea for you to be alone-" you, making complete sense
Atsumu stopped, looking over his shoulder at you
"And why would that be YN?"- Atsumu
"Well because I- I love you Atsumu and I care alot about you"- you, now with a soft smile on your face
Atsumu just blinks at you
Ok not the response we were going for-
"You are in love with me?"- Atsumu, half questioning and half repeating
"Yes- I really am"- you, still holding that smile
"And why did you think now of all times was a good time to bring your stupid infatuation with me up?"- Atsumu, his voice steady but still sharp
"Infatuation? What- Atsumu we are dating.."- You
"You know what YN, it's pretty sad and pathetic how much you lean on me for support. The fact that you need me to drag your ass out of bed every single day. The fact that you can't toss up a ball worth a shit. You really think I'd be in love with someone like that?"- Atsumu, now shouting
"Atsumu you don't mean that-" you, eyes now filling with tears as you try to remain calm
"I wish I wouldn't have saved you that day in the gym"- Atsumu muttered under his breath
"W-what?"- you, now completely shattered
Now Sakusa, Meian and Barnes have gathered behind you
"You fucking heard me YN- I wish I never would have helped you that day!"- Atsumu, now in your face as you cower back
Tears streaming down your face as your heart breaks into a million unmendable pieces
"I hate you Miya Atsumu"- you say below your breath as you ram into his shoulder, quickly running out of the building
Atsumu stands there, his anger radiating
Meian and Sakusa run past looking for you as Barnes stays behind
"Atsumu, man- what the hell?"- Barnes
"I'm going home" Atsumu says, turning and heading to his car
Meanwhile, the cold air bites at your skin as you walk home
Your tears stain your face as they continue in a non-stop stream down your face
You can't believe Atsumu would say those things to you
That he could even think anything like that
Your phone vibrates as you see messages and calls pop up from Meian and Sakusa
You put your phone on silent as you continue your walk home
"I couldn't find her"- Meian says running back into the gym
"She must have walked home"- Barnes
"She lives at least 5 miles from here! She'll freeze"- Sakusa
"Does anyone know the route she takes home?"- Barnes
"I think Atsumu takes her on the main road"- Hinata
"Ok let's go. Sakusa, you and Bokuto take the side streets"- Meian
"I'll wait here incase she comes back"- Barnes
"I'm going to her apartment"- Inunaki says as Thomas nodds
"What the fuck got into Atsumu?"- Meian
"Hes been pushing her away for a few weeks. He's been really hard on her. I just didn't expect it to end like this"- Sakusa
Meanwhile, Atsumu arrives at his apartment
He walks in, seeing the vase of flowers you had bought from the farmers market on his table
Filled with anger, he picked up the vase and threw it at the wall
"FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!"- atsumu screamed as he punched the wall, knocking a picture of you both down
The picture shattered as it hit the floor
Atsumu left, walking into his room and slamming the door
"Just one night miss?"- the lady at the front desk of the hotel asked
You nod as you take your key and head to your hotel room
You couldn't make it back to your apartment
The air was cold and your body was so tired from crying
You settle in, removing your clothes as you enter the shower
The water pelts your face and head as the memories of Tsumu come flooding back
The tears start as you sink to the floor of the shower, crying uncontrollably
Interjection time 🤗
This is super serious guys, I'm like super hella crying 😭
I wanted pain, gave myself pain and now I want it taken away 💔
Ok ok back at it 😅
You emerge from the bathroom to see over 50 missed calls from Sakusa, Meian and the guys
You decide its best to let them know your safe
You create a group chat and message
"I'm safe"
Turning your phone off, you roll over to try and sleep
The nights events replaying on your mind
"You really think I'd be in love with someone like that?" The words ring in your ears as your chest tightens
The tears you once had, no longer falling
The next day, Atsumu pulls up to the gym
He's exhausted and in a horrible mood
Good you asshole 🖕🏻
He thought about what he said to you all night long
The words replaying in his mind
He thought about you and how much he regretted every single thing he said
The truth was, he failed
He failed at being a setter, failed against the Adlers and in his mind, failed you
As he walked into the gym, his body tensed as he saw the team all huddled together
He looked around, noting you were absent
"Atsumu- I see you didn't get my text"- Meian, crossing his arms
"Text? No my phones been off all night. Why?"- Atsumu now looking confused
"No practice for you today"- Meian says, turning and walking away
The guys all follow suit, Bokuto shaking his head
"What? Wait- why? Where is YN?"- Atsumu, starting to get concerned
"She's not here. We don't know where she is only that she's safe"- Barnes says, jerking his head towards Atsumu
"What do you mean you don't know where she is? Didn't anyone take her home last night?"- Atsumu, being a dumbass
"You must be the stupidest fucking person on this earth Atsumu. Yn ran out when you absolutely shattered her heart and we couldn't find her"- Sakusa
Thank you Sakusa for your service 👏🏻
"She-she didn't come back?"- Atsumu, his bag now dropping to the floor
His head was pounding, thoughts of you alone in the city making his eyes burn
"Atsumu, we understand you were upset but man, what you said to YN. That was unforgivable"- Meian, looking at Atsumu who has tears filling his eyes
"Go home. Rest. Come back tomorrow"- Thomas says as the men turn
Atsumu doesn't even fight it
Honestly the first warning bell right there 👏🏻
In his car, he pulls out his phone and calls you
"Hi this is YN, Manager of the MSBY Black Jackels! I'm sorry I can't answer your call right now but leave your name and number and I'll get back to you! Have a lovely day! "- *beep*
The mere sound of your voice set Atsumu off, he slammed his hand on his steering wheel, screaming and cursing as tears flowed down his already damp cheeks
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You woke up, your body cold and head pounding as you made your way out of your hotel room
You found a nearby taxi, making your way to your apartment as the numbness of your mind settled in
It's like when you finally come to terms with something and it just hits you again once 😭
You open your apartment door, entered and locked it
Not even bothering with your clothes, you fell into bed, covering your body up in an attempt to feel warm
Everything was so cold and dark
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get past the feeling
The next day you walked into the guy as the guys stared at you
Literally these goons are like 👁👄👁
Like how fantastic 😃
"YN, hey hey hey"- Bokuto says approaching you slowly
You smile a little at him, your mind and brain still numb
"Hey bo"- you say, walking past him to the office to grab your papers
Atsumu watched from afar, afraid to approach you
You didn't spare him a single glance as you made your way about your duties
Atsumu doesn't approach you just yet
He'll he's glad you showed up at all
He watches you from a distance as you interact with the team
At the end of practice, he quickly changes and waits to see you leave
You say goodnight as you walk out the gym doors, headed down the street towards your apartment
You're walking home? Shit!
Please Atsumu doesn't want anything to happen to you and the mans has had more than enough time to think
He watches you walk as he gets in his car and follows a ways behind
Creepy? Yes
Reassuring? Also yes
You know what he's doing and you can't help but feel a little bit of satisfaction knowing he's hurting
You wake up drained
You body hurts, your head is pounding and your exhausted
Admittedly, you haven't been taking care of yourself
You routine has consisted of work, home, shower, bed
It's been over a week and your manager uniform is loosening
"Shit-" you mutter as you opt for leggings and a MSBY t-shit
When you enter the gym, you greet everyone with a wave
Despite your exhausted state, you have a job to do
Again, Atsumu watches you from the sidelines as you head to the office
Meian comes in, closing the door behind him
"Hey, what's up?"- you
"YN you're miserable go home"- Meian
"And it's nice to see you as well"- you say, your hands now at your hips
"Hello YN, now go home"- Meian
"No, the Adlers are stopping by today and I need to be here"- you, sorting papers
"You need to rest"- Meian
"I'll rest when I'm dead"- you
Honestly mood 💅🏼
Just as Meian is about to say something, Thomas announces that the Alder's have arrived
You pick up your clipboard and make your way out to the floor
You stand next to Barnes as Meian and the Adlers captain, Hirugami speak
You notice Kageyama looking at you from the side of his eye
When you go to look back, he looks back at the captains... face awkward 😐
You can't help but smile at Kageyama's weird behavior
But you know who isn't smiling 🙃 yep
Atsumu is staring daggers at Kageyama
And of course, Sakusa notices and oh boy is he excited 🤪
"YN will help you guys get set up"- Meian says, gesturing to you as you nod and turn
"No!"- Atsumu shouts as he blocks the Adlers from your view
"Atsumu what-" you, turning to look at him
"Atsumu knock it off!"- Meian, growling
Freaking GROWLING 🤤
Please I'm such a Meian simp I can't ✋🏻
"Sorry-" Atsumu says, moving away as you look at him and turn to walk with the Adlers
"Well that was awkward"- Inunaki, breaking the silence
"Alright enough- let's get to it"- Meian, shouting
During the whole game, Atsumu struggled to focus
His eyes searched for yours as you wrote notes and talked with the teams
On your way back from the water fountain, you entered the gym to hear the sounds of volleyballs smacking the floor
"YN WATCH OUT"- Barnes shouted as a ball came at you
You quickly ducked as you braced of impact
Only it never came 🤨
You peer up to see Kageyama standing over you and offering you a hand
"Hey are you ok?"- he says, lifting you up
"Yeah thanks to you"- you smiling up at him
Atsumu watches as his body heats and his fists clench in rage
Without knowledge, he steps forward in your direction, only to be stopped by Bokuto
"Tsumu no"- Bokuto, the voice of reason
Never thought I'd say that 🤣
You turn to see Bokuto hold Atsumu back as you quickly smile at Kageyama and return to your duties
By the end of the day, you're exhausted
All you want to do is sleep
And to make matters worse, it's freaking raining 🌧
Like for real right now😐
You sigh as you pull your hood up and reach for the door
"Let me take you home Yn"- Atsumu says from besides you
"I'm good but thanks"- you staring out the glass door
"YN I know you know I follow you home every night. Just let me take you home"- Atsumu, practically holding his breath
You gulp and look out the windows, trying hard not to cry but a tear sneaks past
"Come on YN, please?"- Atsumu
You nod as Atsumu opens the door and you walk in silence to his car
Your body hurts as you move slowly, getting in the car and shivering
"Are you cold?"- Atsumu, concerned
"Yeah a little-" you say, quietly
Atsumu cranks the heat as he pulls off to your apartment
He can tell from your frame you've lost weight
The fact that you wore leggings and a t-shirt instead of your managers jogging suit concerned him
Your eyes were sunken in and your lips looked dry
Your normally perfect, beautiful hair was limp
Atsumu pulled up to you apartment
"Thanks"- you said, a small smile grazing your lips as you open the door
"YN wait- please can we talk?"- Atsumu
You gulp, trying hard to steady your breathing as the words come out
"I don't have anything to say Atsumu"- you, fiddling with your fingers
"Then will you listen while I talk?"- Atsumu
You sigh softly, nodding a small yes as Atsumu starts
"YN you can't imagine how sorry I am for what I said. I took out my anger the last few weeks on you and I'm so incredibly sorry. You've been nothing but supportive and I completely took you for granted. When you confessed to me, it just, it just didn't feel real. How could you love a loser like me? Someone who can't even win a game for their own team. I just- I just didn't think YN. But please believe me when I say I love you. And I think I've loved you from the first moment I saw you talking to yourself outside the gym doors. Please YN, please believe me"- Atsumu, tears now filling his eyes as he looks at you
Your vision blurs as your eyes lock on his
"Thank you Atsumu"- you say, opening the door as you exit his car and walk to your apartments entrance
Atsumu watches you go as the tears flow, his heart breaking like he broke yours
The next day, you awake with a headache again
Atsumu's words fill your brain as you make your way to work
The gym is busy as you enter, waving to your boys
Atsumu watches you as you go about your tasks
Only something feels off about today
He notices your rubbing your temples and decides to approach you
Unlucky for you, your headache has mounted as your vision starts to blur
"Hey YN- YN are you ok?"- Atsumu approaching you
Your eyes glaze over as you step forward, body failing as you fall
"Fuck!"- Atsumu shouts, catching you as your body completely fails
"Jesus christ YN!"- Meian says running to you
"I'm going to call an ambulance"- Sakusa shouts as Atsumu lays you down
"Fuck YN- baby can you hear me? Yn!"- Atsumu, shouting
Only, you are too far out of it to notice
Seriously why do I do this to myself 🥲
The ambulance arrives and secures you to the stretcher as Atsumu runs behind
"I'm riding with her!"- Atsumu
"We'll meet you there!"- Hinata yells as the men all rush to the locker rooms
In the ambulance, they hook up and IV to you as you begin to come around
Atsumu watches as your eyes open and look around
"Where- where am I? Tsumu?"- you, your eyes watering, panic setting in
"You collapsed at practice YN. An ambulance is taking you to the hospital baby. Just stay calm ok"- Atsumu says as he grabs your hand
You squeeze it back, making his heart flutter
At the hospital, the doctors wheel you into a room to begin an evaluation
"Sir will you please wait outside?"- a nurse
"What? No- I'm not leaving my girlfriend"- Atsumu
"Tsumu, I'm scared"- you whimpering as the doctors check you over
Atsumu runs to your side, kissing your forehead as he pushes your hair back
"Shhh baby it's ok alright? I'm not leaving you"- Atsumu
After a few hours, you manage to fall asleep with the help of meds as Atsumu walks out to find the entire MSBY team filling the waiting area
"Hey Tsumu- is YN ok?"- Barnes says as Meian heads towards him
"Severe dehydration and pneumonia"- Atsumu says, sitting down defeated
"Well shit-" Thomas says
"She's in the best place man. We should be lucky it happened at the gym when we were with her. She could of fell and hit her head"- Sakusa interjects
"It shouldn't have happened at all- and now I have to live with that"- Atsumu says, head down and arms rested on his thighs
"I've fucked up so bad and I could have lost her! She could have died if that would have happened anywhere but the gym! And I'm the reason for it!"- Atsumu, his emotions now overwhelming him
"Atsumu stop"- Hinata
"The women I love, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and I causes this. I'm such a FUCKING PRICK!"- Atsumu, now shouting and standing up
Please Atsumu we are in a hospital 🤚🏻 chill my dude
"Well it's nice to hear you finally admit it"- Meian says, crossing his arms over his chest
Please Atsumu is just like 👁👄👁 huh-
"You were the BIGGEST prick to YN and you finally admitted it. Good for you. But now, what are you going to do about it?"- Meian, smirking
"That girl in there loves you"- Thomas
"-even thought you're a fucking dick"- Inunaki
"And a selfish asshole"- Bokuto
"And a royal doo doo head"- Hinata
Please everyone looks at Hinata and he just shrugs 🤷‍♂️ 😭
"Now what are you going to do about it?"- Sakusa says
👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Atsumu wandered back into your room to see you awake and sitting up
"If it isn't me being a burden again"- you chuckle lightly
Pls YN my heart is already broken 💔 😭
"YN you were never a burden to me. You are the only one who can stand me half the time!"- Atsumu
"I'd say it's more like 80% of the time but proceed"- you
Please not YN taking stabs at Atsumu in her hospital bed 🤣
Atsumu laughed and nodded
"You know YN, I don't think I've ever been more scared than I was just a few hours ago. The thought of losing the woman I loved and it being my fault.. it broke me more than anything I've ever done in my entire life"- Atsumu, now sitting on your bed, soap opera style 💅🏼
Your eyes widen 😳
"You really love me Atsumu?"- you, tears now welling up in your eyes
"Yeah, I've loved you for a long time. And I know I was a total ass and I don't deserve you but I'd give anything to have the chance to keep loving you"- Atsumu
"I don't know Atsumu. I'll have to think about it"- you, trying not to laugh
Please he deserves to be tortured
The truth is you started to forgive him the night he took you home
"W-what??"- Atsumu, kind of shocked
Please he did not expect it to go this way
"Can you give me some time?"- you still trying not to break face
We make men suffer YN 😏
"Oh ok- I'll just leave then"- Atsumu, so deflated he looks worse than Bokuto in one of this emo moods
Please YN end his misery 😫
"Atsumu wait"- you, still trying hard not to laugh at how dejected this man looks
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"I just wanted to let you know that I love you"- you, now smiling
Atsumu, so confused 👉🏻😃 whet-
"Get over here you big dumb idiot"- you, opening your arms
Please Atsumu is not so relieved, mand will RUN 🏃‍♂️ to your arms
"God YN!! Thank you! Thank you so much!"- Atsumu now crying on your shoulder
He stands up a little, kissing you lightly as he rests his forehead against yours
"*ahem* a voice says from behind them
"Miss LN, you'll need to stay overnight tonight for observation. I'm sorry sir but visiting hours are over"- the nurse says
"-but I didn't even get to see the team"- you, your eyes not filling with teams
"Ma'am please- its been a long day. Can she please see our friends?"- Atsumu, willing to do anything to make you stop crying
"Oh alright. You have 30 minutes. I'll grab them"- the nurse
Soon the team floods your room
And you soon realize you need a bigger room 🤣
"You two ok?"- Meian says, giving you a hug as he looks between you and Atsumu
"We're getting there"- Atsumu says smiling at you
"Hey hey hey YN!!"- Bokuto squeezing you
"Bo please your breaking my back"- you, patting his shoulder
Please Sakusa is double masking in the corner
"Hello YN"- he says waving at you
"YN maybe don't this again YN. As fun as it was to have a day off, I'd rather NOT be stuck in a hospital"- Inunaki
"I'll try"- you say, giggling
Soon visiting hours are over and Atsumu is refusing to leave
Please he turns literal child
"I'm not going!"- Atsumu crossing his arms and huffing
"And what good will it do you to stay? Yn needs rest"- Barnes
"Sumu I'll be ok"- you, sad Atsumu has to leave
"Atsumu, you can come back at 7am tomorrow. You both need a good rest"- Thomas
"I'm sorry gentlemen but it's time to leave"- the nurse
Your eyes tear up a little as you wait patiently for your team to leave
Atsumu steps close to you
"I said I'm not leaving"- Atsumu, squeezing your hand
The nurse looks at you, smiling at Atsumu and sighs
"Fine but the rest of you need to please leave. Visiting resumes tomorrow at 7am"- the nurse, now walking out
"You guys need anything before we go"- Meian
"Nah we're good but I-" Atsumu
"We know dude. Don't worry about it. Just take care of YN"- Barnes, knowing Atsumu wouldn't be in for training the next day
As the boys leave, you scoot over allowing Atsumu to lay next to you
He lays down, putting his arm behind you and holding you close
"You know, this isn't how I imagined our reunion to be"- Atsumu
"Yeah, I didn't expect to forgive you"- You, snickering
"Ouch- ok I deserve that"- Atsumu
"You do but I really do love you Sumu"- You
"And I love you YN"- Atsumu
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thicksimpx · 2 years
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❦ ❦ - Alexis & Saitama (late but happy birthday bitch 😂🤎 @luffysthickwaifu )
Alexis and Saitama have a lazy weekend- what better way to start the morning than to take a scroll down memory lane🌚
Warnings : as always my content is 18+ Idek why I have to say it😐 , mature content, mature language ,mentions of stalking and obsession, drunk sex , attempted breeding, established relationship
“Hey” Alexis rolls over to lay on Saitama chest. “Remember how we met?”
“Yeah” he pulls her closer.
“I never thought I would meet my crush in person- let alone be lying in bed with them every night. Maybe fate is real”
“Yeah.. fate” he trails off thinking back to that faithful day.
“Uuuuahhah- “Saitama hears a hearty gasp behind him. Ignoring it obviously, it’s someone else’s problem he was just here to get his onigiri and go home.
“Yes bitch! It is him. I know his head from anywhere oh my god” he hears the woman try to whisper behind him. “No, I’m not going to say anything, I need to get the fuck up out of her- fine fine”
“Excuse me” he sighs feeling a tap on his shoulder. “You’re the capped baldy right?”
Turning around to face the unknown woman, his eyes widen. He wasn’t expecting to see a grown woman, let alone one so beautiful. Her golden skin shinning, almost glistening in the dimly lit store from the setting Sun peeking through the glass windows.
“Uh - please call me Saitama” he says placing a hand on the back of his neck.
“Okay.. Saitama” she smiles brightly, he flinched, his heart started beating hard- was he dying?
. “I never expected to run into you here or anywhere actually, you’re so fine- I. My bad.” She pauses. “I’m Alexis, just a big fan of yours. Mind if I take a picture to show my friend it was really you?”
“I gue- “before he could fully respond she snapped the pictures and immediately went on her phone mumbling to herself. ‘Nai is going to scream- I met my man ahah bitch’
Her man? Like as in we’re dating. “Um excuse me- Alexis?”
“Oop sorry! I didn’t mean for you to hear that. Don’t take me seriously. I know you’re not my man- it’s just that’s what I call men I lik- you know what never mind. I’m sure you have better things to be doing” she waves her hands brushing past him to the self-checkout to pay for her things- headache medicine and some water.
Zoned out, Saitama just watched as she checked out and left the store, ‘she said she likes me’ he mumbles quickly throwing some coins on the counter, grabbing his bag, and carefully following her.
‘I’m a hero, a-and it’s dangerous out here. it’s okay to make sure she gets home safe right? He reasoned with himself about why there was no harm in his actions. As he follows her thick frame, he couldn’t help but admire her backside, he made up scenarios - what would happen if I saved her right now? Would she hug me? Would I get to touch her? ‘
“Saitama?” He hears her call out to him. Shit play it cool.
“Hey! Alexis right?” He asks tilting his head
“Yup! I would’ve never thought you lived around this way, maybe I’ll see you more often” she giggles entering her building “get home safe well I don’t need to tell you that right “he watches as her laugh and body fades with the closing door.
“More often?” He questions himself turning on his heals back into the direction of the store. ‘Genos must be worried.’ He sighs look up at the sky. Today was a good day for once.
He laid there listening to her talk about how they met and how fate must be real based all the moments they ran into each other. “Some higher being wanting them together” is what she called it. But - little did she know…
Every day following that, Saitama found ways to run into Alexis, whether it was at the store the met- to which he learned she visited every day after work. Or if it was on the walk home from the store where he feigned coming from a different direction. Until it came to a point where she opened to him- she talked to him like they were friends- she called him her man so he didn’t understand why he would see other men coming over he place when he hung on the roof at night.
He didn’t understand why she would need to vent and want comfort from him when they would disappear and not call after their night together. Why couldn’t she just want him? Like she said? He removed everyone that wasn’t him- what was taking so long? Did she lie?
“Remember that night you got drunk and called me?” He asks laughing lowly.
“Yes, please don’t remind me! you know I’m not a drinker.”
“Well, it was a good night for me” he shrugs
“I bet” she says sitting up and getting out of bed “come on let get something coffee”
It was a good night - even though Alexis had called him seemingly drunk out of her mind beginning for him to pick her up while also screaming “I know the capped baldy; he will fuck all of y’all up” to the people in her background.
He picked her up and took her home, she asked him to stay- promising she’ll sober up after a shower. Leaving him alone he took the chance to finally explore her apartment, slowly making his way to her bedroom.
“Sai— “Alexis calls from the doorway of her room eying his hands on the handles of her underwear draw.
“I-uh” he stumbles over his words not knowing how to escape the situation. Instead, Alexis does it for him, dropping the towel and trailing over to him. His eyes were glued to her, body still dripping wet from the shower, her curls sticking to her face and her glossy brown eyes burning a hole through his forehead.
“Shut up and get on the bed” she says seductively pushing him back until he falls over on the bed. “Oh, I forgot to tell you- no outside clothes on my bed” in stiff motions he hand his pants around his ankles and was straddling his lap tugging his hoodie over his head. Throwing it into the corner she smashed her lips onto his, “tell me if you don’t want this and I’ll stop right now”
Breathlessly, Saitama smashes his lips back together flipping them over, tugging his dick through the hole on his briefs, and sinking into her cunt.
To them, What felt like hours of him pounding into her, was only minutes. He hasn’t had sex in so long he came in 20 minutes, fill her cunt to the brim with her clenching so tight around him he thought his dick would break.
Standing to kick off his briefs, preparing for round two, he hears light snoring. Alexis fell asleep immediately after - he didn’t know if he should be insulted or proud. He threw a blanket over her and laid on the floor Next to her bed until the next morning - hopefully she doesn’t regret it
“SAITAMA!!” Alexis screams waking him to what could only be a nightmare, so he pulls the banker over him and pretends to sleep, maybe she’ll go away. “get your ass up” she yells kicking him and snatching the blanket clean off his body.
“Oh, hey good morning” he fakes a yawn and a stretch.
“Did you nut in me last night?!”
“You remember” he smiles lovingly
“Yes I remember Dumbass”
“I promise to take care of our baby” he sits up on his knees bowing.
“there's no baby dummy, I was just asking. but don’t do that shit again”
Lifting his head, he smiles and nods - watching Alexis as her ass giggles out the room knocking over a cup on the desk by the door. Knowing full and well he was going to do it again, anything to keep her by his side, she belonged to him now.
snapping out of his thoughts he realized what she said and immediately throws the covers and jumps out of bed running behind her. “No coffee isn’t good for the baby”
“What fucking baby? Why do you keep saying that? Boy come on and stop playing”
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saintobio · 2 years
When you said that the angst would lean more on the yearning side, I think I get what you mean now 😭 still over here hoping for GojoYn endgame 😔
Thank you for the lovely work Saint! And please get sleep 🥺
Anonymous said
love, the pain is - I just want to cry rn while working and I just I thought I could handle it, I'm used to your level of angst after all haha but wow that hurt me so much bc sn/sy yngojo endgame :'( and it hurts seeing him w someone else as it hurts seeing yn w toji :'( I just feel like I need the whole day to recuperate lol but no seriously another great and amazingly written chapter !! thank you for it, saint!! I hope you're well <3
Anonymous said
I literally felt sick to my stomach after reading the whole gojo / hime thing. i genuinely had hope that we‘ll get gojoxyn again and they’ll be happy together but I just can’t see how it would work out anymore :’( im scared for yn
Anonymous said
nah the way it takes yn years and moving to another continent to only partially get over gojo and move on, but gojo takes a night and sleeps with her best friend??? and keeps it going??? i wouldn’t say it’s a betrayal but that still hurts 😭😭 also if gojo defends utahime when yn goes off on her (as long as what she says is valid)……gojo ur already on thin ice don’t make it even worse
Anonymous said
yall gojoyn supporters are strong. he has a sidepiece in every story. if i was yn, i would have totally blocked him off my mind the moment i learned abt him and utahime because that would be my peak. just walk away and pretend they dont exist except for when sachi's involved, but he said it himself that they should only cross paths when necessary.
Anonymous said
Saint you are so spot on with this "I love u" bullsh*t from Gojou, and then begging for her to take him back. reminds me so much of my ex lmao i used to believe it, but i learned. so when Gojou said that, I was scoffing to myself lol then he fucked Utahime so i guess i was right. men are so trash. goodluck to Utahime he's ur problem now
Anonymous said
Saint, I’d be honest after you shared that story of yours, where you always put your friends first or you, giving up a man for the sake of friendship had me thinking Utahime is going to be inspired with it 😭 I’m really disappointed, I’m rooting for her to be that kind of friend. Turns out she’s weak for dicks just kidding lmao It’s my fault for setting that expectation to her. I just hope it will be worth it at the end and she’ll not gonna end up with a broken heart and regret for jumping into a relationship with a broken man. I also can’t blame Gojo for jumping to another coochie cause let’s be honest, when we’re broken or sad we tend to decide with our emotions, the what ifs, the hope to fill the void and patch those broken pieces and a good source of distraction I guess?
Anonymous said
ermahgod everyone pls stop asking for smut btw 😃 y'all never really learn ur lesson: the more u ask saint to write something, the more pain u gonna get when she really deliver and it's totally not something you expect. if i have to read a detailed smut of gojohime making love in the future while gojo professes his love for utahime, im blaming all of you anons for asking for more smut 👺i also do not want to read another goodbye-heart-wrenching smut for gojoyn. or tojiyn's. in the words of yn: stop. stop. STOP!!!!
Anonymous said
We all know that Gojou is not in his right state of mind so he's gonna drop Utahime bc he's not ready for commitments at all lmfao 😐
Anonymous said
u know what. GOOD FOR GOJO lmaoooo im at this point where im like “they just need to be happy even if theyre not together”. maybe im just such a gojo fucker that seeing him trying to move on is so nice like i love seeing him speak normally and not crying and apologizing i swear its so refreshing LMAOAOA. maybe im also saying this bc i know his heart wasnt totally in it w/ utahime. while i dont mind them together i also dont mind if gojo and yn end up being endgame because sachi deserves that too. im at a point where really i think im fine with anything thatll happen LMFAOAOO
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hey guysss!! tysm for sending all ur thoughts abt sy7. i hope you don’t mind me compiling them bc my askbox is really flooded right now and these are just some of the shorter ones sdjsfjs all the other asks i receieved are really long paragraphs
so sorry i can’t respond individually but i thought it’d be nice for other readers to see the reactions and possibly relate to the anons!! :’)
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