#but then i saw this article and it cheered me up a bit
strawberrywindow · 2 years
From this article:
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Let Tim have fun as Emil in Deadpool. Surely those two wouldn't cause horrific amounts of chaos together 🤣
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nikka-v · 2 months
Chemistry- Pedro Pascal x fem! Reader smut
Summary: You are at winter holiday with your boyfriend Tom. But when you meet older man called Pedro, your whole life changes.
Warnings: nsfw, swearing?, smut, shower smut, oral (fem! receiving), age gap! (reader is in her 20s), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys), cheating, Pedro and Tom are not famous
Minors DNI, please!!
It is such a long time since I have written something. This is not proofread but I hope you will not find any big mistakes as English is not my first language. This imagine is based on my favourite movie and I just had to write it even though it took me really long time. Enjoy! 🤍
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You did not plan this. Cheating was never your option when you thought about it but let's be honest, your relationship with Tom was not exactly prospering as one would say. You liked him a lot, maybe a little bit of love was still in there but it was not as when you began. He was not a rich guy, but he was a nice, real gentleman and always supported you, no matter what but sometimes he was just a bit too much of a homebody but not in a bad way of course.
You first met him when you were nineteen through your friends. He immediately caught your eye and your friends managed to get you to hang out. Tom was working at this little bistro as a cook so it was a minimum wage job but he always managed to get you nice things or flowers and always thought about your future together, such as getting an apartment together or a little house. It lasted four years before you met Pedro, four years during which you loved Tom dearly, but it just was not meant to be, well at least that's what you told yourself that day when you first saw him.
Three years ago
It was only the second day of your long-awaited holiday in a Ski resort which was few hours from New York where you lived with your mom in an apartment. You first noticed the extremely charismatic man in the hotel restaurant where he was sitting just a few tables away from you with this charming smirk on his face. He was already looking at you and raised his glass a little as if he was cheering for you. Tom was just reading some article in the newspapers that the waitress gave him, he always preferred to read them on paper and not on his phone, so he was not paying you much attention which you definitely did not mind. The hot stranger waved at the waitress to bring him a bottle of champagne, opening it by himself and pretending that the cork fell on his head which made you laugh a little so you looked at Tom quickly who just looked up.
"I am happy that you think that it is a ridiculous price as well. Really, we would both have to find another job if we wanted a car like that," he said, thinking that you were laughing at the price of a new BMW car which was just released. You could not then look at the man again as Tom put down the newspapers and finished his coffee while talking to you about hitting the slopes later.
When you were leaving the restaurant you turned around quickly to smile at the stranger and before Tom could notice you turned to the exit, leaving the hottest man you've ever seen behind, hoping to see him again.
Your hopes did not take long to happen because when you went snowboarding, you saw him in a bar which was under one of the cableways, sitting in a lounger with a golden retriever right next to him, a glass of champagne in one hand and a book in the other one. But he noticed you immediately as well and as you discretely waved at him, he almost fell off the lounger because he wanted to wave back but you were already behind him.
That day you saw him once again as you went to your room with Tom from dinner. If you walked a little slower you would have missed him but luckily (for you, definitely not for Tom) he stopped the elevator to let you step in.
"We are good, we can wait for the next one," Tom said, frowning a little at the older man who had once again a cheeky grin on his face and his eyes were jumping between you and Tom.
"Okay then," he said, shrugging his shoulders a little and selecting his floor. You looked at Tom and then at the man, deciding if you should do something and after a quick thought, you caught the closing door to stop it.
"No, we will not wait. Floor six," you said resolutely and stepped inside, smelling a really nice cologne with a distant smell of cigarettes which worked together amazingly.
"Hello there." the man smiled at Tom, clearly with a provocative undertone but Tom was not easily provoked so he ignored it, or maybe he just did not hear it there.
"Good afternoon." he only said politely, ignoring his presence as much as he could. You, on the other hand, were not capable of ignoring him. He was standing just a few centimetres away from you, and you unknowingly brushed your shoulder over his.
"They definitely need to change the menu for the next days or I will start protesting. You in?" the man looked at you with a laugh, making you giggle as you quickly nodded.
"Of course, I will be your partner in crime. I am y/n." Tom almost invisibly shook his head but stayed quiet even when you shook the man's hand.
"Pedro," he said with a cheeky smile that rarely left his lips. You almost felt how tense Tom was behind you before the elevator stopped and you all stepped out, clearly having rooms nearby. Tom quickly walked towards the door of your room and you saw the man stopping in the room just next to you.
"Sleep well my partners in crime!" the stranger called to which Tom just rolled his eyes.
"Night," he murmured, just to be polite and disappeared into your room but you looked at the man once again.
"Bye." he planted a little kiss on the card from his room and waved it to you as if he was sending it to you which made your stomach drop a little.
"Goodbye, sir," you said, flirtation clearly detectable from your voice so you got inside with a little smile on your lips.
"That is such a weird man," Tom said as he laid on the bed and looked at his phone which he left there before.
"Come on, don't be rude, he was friendly and proper fun." you tried to be supportive of the stranger but the only reaction you got from Tom was him rolling his eyes and getting up to take a shower. You meanwhile changed into an oversized shirt in which you usually slept and jumped to the bed with a phone in your hand just to answer a message from your best friend who you quickly informed about the handsome stranger. You knew you could have trusted her with your life and that she would not tell Tom about your, at that time, silly little crush.
When Tom got out of the shower, you were already half asleep but he did not even care as he fell asleep without a word. That was not surprising, your relationship was not doing so well for some time and you rarely even touched each other.
The next morning you were rudely awakened by a church bell, 6 am was like midnight for you so it only made sense that you moaned out loud in frustration, well for you it made sense, for Tom it was annoying and he abruptly turned his back at you and hugged more his pillow.
"Why are you awake? Go to sleep," he murmured, making you frown.
"How can I when this is happening?" you sat up but the men next to you completely ignored your rhetorical question and fell asleep instead. You rolled your eyes, standing up and only in your oversized t-shirt and took one of the blankets to put it around yourself, walking out of the room to a small terrace, where you took a deep breath and rudely looked at the church. You stood there for like a minute before you looked at the next balcony where you saw the mystery man standing.
"Good morning." you smiled at him and leaned over the railing a little bit, almost as if you wanted to get closer to him even though there were like two meters between your balconies.
"Well, hello." he smiled at you and lightened up a cigarette.
"So I see that the bells also woke you up," you said with annoyance clearly detectable in your voice.
"Look I get it, they wanna praise God and love him but why don't they do it somehow differently? I work in an advertisement company, I get it that it may bring people to churches but why don't they choose a different method?" he said enthusiastically and made you laugh with that. "Billboards, social media posts or some spots on TV. Maybe even a hot air balloon that looks like Jesus, but ringing bells on Sunday morning, that is crazy!" he exaggerated and you knew he was just joking and it really made you laugh.
"So you work in an advertisement?" you asked after a few seconds of quiet, not letting the conversation stop.
"Yeah, I create slogans for companies," he said with cigarettes between his lips. Just as you wanted to say something back to him, you heard barking from his room. "Come on Luca, wait a minute, we will go." he looked into his room, talking with the dog that you saw sitting with him under the cableway. "Sorry, I have to go walk Luca."
You quickly turned around and looked to your room where Tom was still sleeping as if it was the middle of the night.
"Wait!" you whispered loudly and saw how the man looked from his room, curious about what you wanted. "Can I come with you?" you asked boldly, not knowing what to expect.
"Sure, of course." he smiled and before you knew it you were walking out of the hotel with him and his dog. Luca was jumping around you, clearly excited to be outside in the snow. "And, you are here alone?"
"Not completely, I am here with Luca." Luca barked as if he understood, making you smile lightly.
"I don't understand how can you be here just with a dog. I would be crying myself to sleep every day." it was nice, talking to someone who was not mad when you spoke what was on your mind.
"I mean, everyone is alone at the end when you think about it." the way he spoke, made you smile even though he said something so sad.
"And why are you here alone?" you didn't hesitate to ask, turning so you were walking in front of him but looking at him at the same time.
"Well, I broke up with my girlfriend. But I am not sad or mad about it, it was bound to happen from the start." he kneeled to hug Luca to probably show that he was okay with that all.
"I can't imagine being here without the partner that you were supposed to come here with," you said but kneeled as well to pet the golden retriever. It was so easy to speak to him, that is why you did not understand why after almost an hour of an amazing conversation he just disappeared for the next few days.
You were looking for him at his usual spot in the bar under cableway, in the restaurant during dinner but it was as if he vanished. It took you almost three days before you chose to try a different pub on the hill. That is where you found him, standing on the terrace with a glass of wine in his hand and Luca lying next to him. You stood next to him and just looked at him before looking away for a second.
"Where the hell have you been for those three days?" you asked, not caring if that was too bald, but honestly the chemistry between you was so readable during the walk that you just did not want to believe that he did not feel it.
Nothing. He stayed quiet and looked through his glass of wine before he drank a little. But you did not let that confuse you.
"I said, where have you been those three days?" you repeated with a cheeky little smile on your lips. Now he looked at you and took a deep breath before he spoke.
"Truthful or socially acceptable answer?" he asked, taking another sip from his glass and you really wanted to take the glass from him and drink as well to boost your confidence.
"Truthful, of course." your eyes were stuck on his lips as he answered.
"I was trying to avoid you." his voice was a bit raspy and it made you attracted to him even more. And you exactly knew why he tried to avoid you. He felt the same way. He had to. You just chuckled, not saying anything more because you were satisfied with the answer he gave you, you were happy to hear that your feelings were reciprocated.
That evening you got drunk with Tom in a small pub next to your hotel, maybe that was the reason why you were so confident. Tom went to the toilet, almost hitting a wall when he tried to walk through the door there because of all the vodka you guys drank and that's when you saw him. Pedro came inside, Luca as always right next to him and he was getting a bottle of wine to go.
"Please do you have a pen?" you asked a young waitress who just walked next to you. She handed you the pen and before she could ask you if you wanted a paper as well, you already started to write on a napkin your number and quickly started to walk towards Pedro. Luca was the first one to notice you and he welcomed you with his wagging tail.
"Hello." you stood close to Pedro with a grin on your face which clearly showed that you already drunk a little bit too much.
"Hello," he repeated after you and raised his eyebrows, clearly amused by you.
"What are you doing tomorrow evening around eleven?" you asked without thinking too much about it and gave him the napkin with your number.
"Why? You wanna invite me to a threesome?" he asked, laughing quietly, but he was curious about what you wanted to tell him.
"Call me on this number." he smiled and took the napkin to his hand.
"You should better return, he is coming back." Pedro nodded discreetly the way that Tom went before and you abruptly ran towards your table.
"Let's drink." you gave Tom a drink when he sat down and as you both drank, you looked at Pedro and winked at him.
And he really did call and it made you feel things that you've never felt before. You did not sleep together but even without that, it was the most intimate night you've ever had. It did not take long before you agreed to meet when you came back home to New York.
You were hyped, telling your best friend over the phone about the date but some little part of you was a bit resistant because of Tom. You were living apart, he was in a small rented flat and you lived with your mom who was always away for her work so it seemed like you lived alone. You were sure that Tom would not find out but still, your consciousness was alarming you about the possibility of Tom finding out.
Before you knew it, you were already sitting in the beautiful restaurant, sipping from a glass of red wine and talking with Pedro about everything that came to your mind. He was smart, gentlemanly, funny and all the things you wanted in a man.
"Oh god, I am doing this again," he said suddenly, looking into your eyes.
"What are you doing?" you asked, confused by what happened and sipped your wine.
"We are talking here freely, telling each other funny things and thoughts and we are completely avoiding mentioning Tom, just so we can pretend that there is not a potential unfaithfulness in the air." his explanation did not make you think about Tom too much, you were completely captivated by this man, wanting to risk it all.
"But you know what? I am bored of this pretence. I am bored of pretending that I am not trying to get you comfortably drunk, or that I am innocently touching your leg. If you think that you are ready to start something with an almost fifty-year-old, moody man, then you have to really be sure about it. I want it, but do you, mi amor?" as you were listening to his monologue, you calmly drank your wine even though your heart was beating so quickly it almost jumped out of your body.
"If I did not want it, would I still be sitting here?" you asked, confidence somehow radiating from you. And that was the only reassurance he needed. Not even an hour later you were already sitting in a taxi, deciding which apartment to go to. There were gentle touches but your lips never met which made you want him even more.
"I'm going to take a shower," you said as you entered your apartment. "You are free to join me," you added with a smirk when he did not answer. His eyes lightened up and as you slowly walked backwards towards the bathroom, he was so close to you that it surprised you how you resisted with the kiss. But this thought left your mind immediately after you entered the shower and the hot water touched your skin almost as fast as Pedro's hands touched your body and his lips yours.
It was as if something exploded, the chemistry was almost visible between you and you could not hold yourself anymore, you needed his hands all over you, you needed his lips on you and mainly, you just needed him. He was holding you so close to him that you felt his hardening cock against you, making you moan quietly to the kiss. His hand travelled from your neck lower, over your chest, ribs, and hips and when you felt his fingers touch your clit, your legs almost stopped working.
His lips left yours, moving to your neck and you felt two of Pedro's fingers slowly enter you. Honestly, if it was not for the shower, it would make no difference as just the way he was kissing you made you wet. You dragged your nails across his back as he hit the perfect spot, making you almost see stars. This was something completely different than what you had with Tom, this connection that you two had was almost primal, it made you feel things through your body that you've never felt before.
Lost in the amazing feeling of his fingers you first did not even notice Pedro's lips leaving your neck but then you felt him kiss your thigh and it was as if you woke up, looking quickly down at him, meeting with his eyes. The smirk on his lips made you smile even more before you moaned out loud, feeling his lips sucking on your clit in a perfect rhythm with his index and middle finger.
"So pretty down here, mi amor," he murmured, sending vibrations through your clit. One of your hands moved to Pedro's curly hair, keeping him close to your core and your head leaned on the wall behind you. His short beard was scratching you, growing the sensation of his mouth even more. Your moans were like a song for him, wishing that he could hear them daily.
He licked you so good, you were filled with bliss, your eyes closed, your fingers curled in his hair.
"I fucking love this." you cried out loudly, ignoring that someone from other apartments could hear you.
"Cum for me baby." it did not take long before you do exactly that. Your legs started to shake and if you were not leaning against the wall, you would probably fall.
"Pedro.. Oh god." you moaned loudly, your hips bucked and you felt how Pedro fastened his movement, almost feasting on you as if his life depended on it.
You let out another sharp, whiny sound as you get to the edge, your body tensing and you almost feel how Pedro smirked because of how good he made you feel and he watches you through your orgasm, not even blinking.
By the time you were coming down, he was holding you against him to comfort you in a way that you really liked. Kissing you tenderly he shared your taste with you and you couldn't help but smile at the kiss because the whole situation was absolutely crazy to you. But you would not change it, you wanted to do this again and again.
"I am going to take you to the bed now and fuck another orgasm out of you," he whispered to you, making you get goosebumps even though you were really hot. As he picked you up, you instinctively put your legs around his waist and turned the water off so you could really move to the bed.
"This is so much better date than I expected," you mumbled to the kiss, feeling his rock-hard dick against you when he laid you down on the bed. It made him laugh quietly and kiss you again.
"I am glad that you expected that this is gonna happen," he said with a smirk but before you could have said anything to him, you felt his fingers on your clit again. He positioned himself over you, entering you maybe a bit too quickly but you could not wait either so you were happy to finally feel him inside you.
He started at a faster pace, too deep in his haze to even try to slow it down but you loved it. You loved the way his dick filled you up, how he whispered Spanish words to your ear and how he was paying attention to everything about your body. When he heard you moan at a particular moment, he repeated his movement. He was completely lost in you.
"Please, Pedro... You will make me cum again." you cried out loud, scratching him with your nails on his back and pushing your hips against his, making him go even further. It did not take him that long to feel his thighs shake a little but he just wanted his release to be in the same moment as yours so he touched your clit again, making there small, quick circles. You stopped breathing for a moment as you felt the pressure building in your inner core.
The moment when you reached your climax you felt how he pressed himself to you one last time, his release spilling into you. You were holding him so close to you, needing the comfort of his body in a moment like that.
You stayed like that for a few minutes, whispering sweet nothings, kissing and holding onto each other. Pedro then stood up and brought you a hot, wet towel, helping you to clean yourself before he hugged you again and refused to let you go. But the truth is, you did not even want him to let you go, you needed to stay like this with him.
"Where were you my whole life, mi amor?" he whispered suddenly, making you laugh quietly. You knew that this was what you wanted. Even though you loved Tom before, this was your future. This man was going to be yours.
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blackdollette · 23 days
"got your bible, got your gun." || part seven.
west coast. - lana del rey
୨୧˖-ׁ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: cheers to a job well done...
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꒰ ៹ . ୨୧˖ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: new ! bau ! female ! reader x jealous ! spencer
꒰ ៹ . ୨୧˖ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.0k
꒰ ៹ . ୨୧˖ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: spencer gets drunk, implications of sex
ㅤㅤㅤ꒰ ៹ . 🍒 previous chapters: 𝐈 , 𝐈𝐈 , 𝐈𝐈𝐈 , 𝐈𝐕 , 𝐕 , 𝐕𝐈
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“well if it isn’t the BAU’s very own ladykiller.”
derek sauntered over to the barstool next to spencer’s, his teasing comment followed by a firm slap on spencer’s back. 
the news had spread around the team like wildfire. spencer had been in bed, and not alone. the warm, small motel room that insisted on minimal clothing, the late night, and the tiny bed that you were forced to share all made the perfect recipe for a night of passionate lovemaking. surely, you and he were both fully aware that nothing went on within the thin walls of the motel, but no one was willing to swallow that important piece of information. but even with all the accusing stares and whispers, the case had been solved and wrapped up perfectly. and now you were all at the bar celebrating.
spencer groaned, shooting derek a warning glare. “knock it off, man. she’s right there.” 
their eyes shifted in unison to the area of the bar that held you. in the months that spencer had known you, he would’ve never thought that it was your scene. so his surprise was nearly immeasurable when he saw you sitting under the colourful lights, chatting it up with a guy who was the polar opposite of him.
a low whistle fell from derek’s pursed lips.
“she sure is something else, i’ll give you that.” he muttered, swishing around the bottle of beer in his hand before taking a short swig.
spencer bit back a futile protest. despite not having a single article of his clothing removed during that night with you, he definitely had woken up with the same thrill that came after an intense hookup. especially after waking up to the feeling of you clinging to him like he was your lifeline.
“...c’mon, morgan…” spencer said defeatedly, “...you know i’m not the type to sleep with a woman i barely know.”
derek feigned offense to the direct reference to his love life. “maybe not, but i think you know a lot more about that girl than you let on.”
derek let hit words linger, standing up from the chair and strolling over to where most of the action was and leaving spencer alone with his thoughts.
he had slept in the same bed with you, but that was as far as it went. he repeated that to himself like a mantra, forcing himself to believe that nothing else had happened while you were under those sheets with him.
so if that were the truth, why did he feel that pang of indignation from seeing you with a man who clearly wouldn’t be able to handle your prowess?
he felt unbearably out of place in this setting and here you were, blending in effortlessly. spencer had noticed your ability to do so the day you had met, and he wasn’t any less amused.
however, there had been some truth in derek’s words. he knew a lot more about you than he was willing to accept. that short night with you had allowed him to get the aroma of your hair that the pillow had soaked up. he knew your shoe and clothing size, found out your birthday from stealing a glance at your license, and was pleased to discover that you shared the same disadvantage regarding eyesight. 
“there’s my favourite roommate. i’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
spencer flinched. as usual, you always seemed to appear whenever he was in a deep train of thought. he clutched his unopened beer a little tighter.
“don’t call me that. it was only one night.”
you rolled your eyes, taking the seat next to him and letting your elows rest on the granite counter, a few drops of alcohol scattered across the surface.
“oh c’mon, spencer. don’t be like that. don’t you think everyone’s giving me a hard time too?” you put up air quotes. “last member of the unit but first to get in spencer’s pants. i’ve heard it all tonight.” 
spencer tried to hide the furious blush that stained his cheeks, the warm toned but dim lighting working in his favour. “don’t you live for that kind of attention?”
you scoffed. “touche. but i’m not willing to let you off the hook for calling me an attention whore.”
spencer’s expression tinted with slight annoyance. “how much have you had to drink tonight? you’re even more… ‘you’ than usual.”
you shook your head. “i don’t drink. i’m not good with alcohol. and judging by that unopened beer, i can tell that you aren’t either.”
you and your damn perfect profiling skills.
spencer didn’t hesitate to snap back. “actually i just got it. so if you could just give me a second…”
he began to struggle to get the metal cap off the bottle. derek had done it so effortlessly, and now here he was struggling right in front of you. he brought the bottle to his mouth, popping off the cap with his teeth. judging by the way your eyebrows slightly inched upward, he had finally managed to impress you.
he took a swig from the bottle and nearly gagged from the taste. he never understood how something as repulsive as alcohol could become addictive, but one sip had turned to two, and before he knew it he had reached the last sip.
you were surprised that he had downed an entire bottle of beer within 5 minutes. even you were willing to admit how gross the drink was.
but what didn’t shock you, not even in the slightest, was that spencer reid was a total lightweight, already tripping over his words and hiccuping like a fool. it simply didn’t take a genius to figure that out.
the drive home was as normal as could be when you had a drunken agent in the passenger seat next to you. you practically had to carry him out of the bar and knew right off the bat that he was in no shape to get behind a wheel. so, you figured, why not have another night with him? it was already becoming a little pattern between you two.
just one night of having him on your couch couldn’t hurt…
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
I just woke up in a sweat with the idea of a fake dating fic with Korai where he and the reader are “pretending” a little too well INCLUDING when there’s no one around
Then I saw they your requests were open and the speed at which I typed this is almost embarrassing lol
the way I saw this first thing in the morning and skipped breakfast to start drafting, I am forever thankful for how this request had me daydreaming. I'm sorry it still took me so long<3
Faking it
word count; 1116 – f!reader
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Hoshiumi had gained quite the reputation as a volleyball player who can be both too prideful and too unfiltered, especially in his interviews. The Schweiden Adlers’ PR managers were pulling their hair out trying to media train him, and he was way too good of a player to let go of for something like that. Not that he was absolutely terrible with the media, but he could get a bit loud, especially when compared to his teammates, which he often was.
So when he takes you, one of his best friends since high school, out for ice cream on a particularly hot day, the paparazzi were snapping photos like crazy, and he made headlines the next day along the lines of Has the Adlers’ hothead found someone to keep him cool?
To say his managers were ecstatic would be an understatement, so when he asked them to handle this scandal so you don’t have to get involved in anything, he was met with hesitance.
“We were going to suggest, as most of the news articles seem rather positive, that the two of you should keep this up for a while. Pretending to date. Smooth out your reputation until it would be natural to find you wanted to stay friends or something.”
Hoshiumi’s heartbeat quickened, and even though his mind tried to tell him it was anger at the suggestion of involving you, his heart recognised it as the song it sang every time his eyes met yours. A distinct kind of nervousness. His fists were clenching and unclenching, trying to decide what he felt. “It’ll be up to her, but I can ask.”
The managers at hand did a little childish cheer, making Hoshiumi huff with a smile before asking if there was anything else and leaving when they confirmed no, not until he had a clear answer to their proposition.
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His hands were cold. How do you ask your best friend to fake date you?
You’re in the Schweiden Adlers gym, practising spikes as Kageyama had to attend some birthday tonight instead of extra practice. In high school, you had played as the setter, and you got used enough to setting for Korai throughout your friendship. You also had a nasty float serve he liked to practice receiving, so he didn’t mind practising alone with you at all.
Not usually at least, when he didn’t have such a heavy question resting on his mind.
“You’re not dating anyone, right?” Hoshiumi asked before throwing the ball for you.
You puffed out a laugh, setting the ball and accidentally making it a bit too short. No matter, he jumped for it anyway and you heard the satisfying smack of it hitting the floor on the other side of the net. “You know I’m not,” you said, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “Is this about those headlines?”
He laughed a bit awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. “Kind of, I wanted to ask you something.”
You gestured for him to throw another ball, so he followed your lead and jumped for it, noticing that this spike might have landed outside the line.
“Let’s do serve receives instead?” he suggested first, hoping to put some space between the two of you. You were the only person who could make him nervous like this.
“Sure, I don’t mind.” You shrugged, gesturing for him to move across the court so you didn’t have to move the ball basket. As he readied himself to receive, he finally felt like he was catching his breath.
He took a deep breath in as you threw the ball in the air, and he knew it would be a floater so he stepped forward. “We should date!”
“Huh?” you yelled, practically spiking the ball instead from the surprise and sending it flying right into his head because he too, had been surprised by his own words.
But as you held the ice pack to his head and the two of you laughed, he managed to explain the actual plan, and you agreed.
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The only right way to start this fake partnership was movie night with any movie containing the trope of fake dating. You sat beside each other on your couch, laughing at the silly parts and pointing out things you would like to do together as a joke, of course.
Which inspired your first outings to the public. You went for another round of ice cream, and this time emphasised your laughter. You even poked his nose with your ice cream before wiping it off and kissing that spot after. The cameras were clicking and you made several smaller headlines.
As you read a sports gossip magazine one evening, Hoshiumi rested his head on your shoulder to read with you and nosed at your cheek without thinking about it. As you giggled at his reenactment of the best dramatic lines, you turned your face to his. He turned to you in response and made the mistake of glancing at your lips. Your breath hit his chin and he breathed out shakily before quickly pulling away.
‘It’s fake dating, Korai’ he scolded himself a few minutes later, angrily brushing his teeth before rolling out the futon beside your bed and going to sleep.
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It mostly went well for the next week, but Hoshiumi couldn’t stop noticing that you kept faking behind closed doors. If it was natural for you to act that way, and it was natural for him to return that energy, is it still faking?
Hoshiumi’s knee bounced as he sat beside you on the park bench where his managers had arranged for paparazzi to find him with you for the ‘last stunt’ that would seal the deal and make the gossips leave him alone. You were humming under your breath and Hoshiumi clutched your hand in his as you pointed out where you theorised each passing person was going next.
You suddenly stopped talking and turned to Korai again, tilting your head. “Korai?” you asked softly. “Are you okay?” Your free hand lifted to the side of his face, affectionately adjusting some of his hair even if it was so short. He supposed the wind was doing him dirty, but all he could think about at the moment was if you were faking or not.
“I’m not faking,” he said, almost too loudly. You straightened up in surprise but clutched his hand tighter.
“Whether I hold your hand outside, or lean on your shoulder when we’re at your place, I’m not faking,” he declared with that familiar determination.
You giggled, finally leaning back in. “Kiss me like you mean it then,” you whispered. “Because I’m not faking either.”
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gingiesworld · 9 months
Missing Piece
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Taylor Swift x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst and fluff
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @bimad @lizzieislife94x
Y/N Y/L/N was a name that no one in the public had heard of, although they were the one that Taylor had loved with all of her. But the moment she had gotten bigger, her name was known worldwide, every teen girl was a huge Swiftie. Tickets would be sold out worldwide. But the break up was always raw in the back of her mind.
Y/N knocked on her door, after dating since Junior year in high school. They had watched as she released her first album. Her first tour was only small but Y/N had supported her dream.
"Y/N, I thought our date was tomorrow." She spoke as she stepped outside.
"No." They told her as she observed the sad look on their face. "I can't do this, us anymore Tay."
"Don't." She told them as she stepped away. "Don't you finish that sentence."
"You're going to be huge, Taylor. Your music's taking off and I am just me. A simpleton."
"No." She told them with tears in her eyes. "You're more than that."
"I don't want to hold you back. You're meant to be more than just this small town girl." They told her. "This is all I am meant for, I go to a community college for crying out loud."
"I don't care." She told them. "We can make this work." She cupped their face as they exhaled a shaky breath.
"No." They told her. "I can't keep doing the long distance. I can't keep you from being who you're meant to be."
"I love you." She told them as they kissed her forehead.
"I love you but I have to let you go." They told her, releasing her and moving away from the porch. "Just promise me one thing. That this place here, at Christmas will always be ours."
"I promise." She told them as they gave her one last smile.
That was the last she had seen or heard of them. Although they had kept the same number, Taylor had never lost it, always transferring it to her new phones. She always wondered if they had ever gotten out of the town, if they had managed to get a job or career away from where they had grown up, but Y/N wasn't that lucky. Unfortunately they remained working on their parents ranch, although they had a teaching degree, they just couldn't put it to use as their father had fallen ill, landing them with more responsibilities.
But they had made sure to buy every record that Taylor had made, everytime she was performing live nearby, they would be in the crowd. A proud smile on their face as she played her music as everyone cheered.
She never knew that they had supported her, or that they were in the crowd every time she played in their home town. They heard about every relationship, every break up that she had gone through. Wondering why no one would love and care for her the way she deserved. She deserved more than what those relationships had given her. She deserved to be happy and loved unconditionally. Just how Y/N had always loved her.
Every Christmas, they returned to the place where they would walk, the snow covered hills and trees as the cold wind cut through their skin. There was a lake nearby that froze over every year, but it was always thin, not safe to walk on.
"I love this." She whispered as Y/N smiled at her. Admiring her rosy features as the frost bit her skin.
“I love you.” They whispered as she smiled at them.
That was the last exchange they had before Taylor had stopped coming to their spot. Leaving Y/N to wonder every year how the rising star was doing. If she thought of them as much as they thought of her.
They saw articles of Taylor moving forward with her life, moving on with new relationships. So, while they were at college, they met the woman who would become their wife and the mother of their children, but that was all short lived.
“You keep saying how you love me, but I can see it.” Tracy told them. “Your heart isn’t mine. It never was.”
“Trace.” Y/N tried as they reached for her, only for her to flinch and step back. “I do love you. I love you and our girls.”
“I know you do.” She sighed in defeat, her tears falling. “But your heart isn’t in this marriage and I know it hasn’t been since we got together. I tried to ignore it, I really did, but I need to do this for me.” Y/N bit their lip as they looked away from her. “I think we need a divorce.”
“No.” They whispered as she moved to cup their face.
“We can still be friends, raise the girls together.” She told them. “We just can’t be us anymore.”
“I’m sorry.” They whispered as they closed their eyes.
“It’s ok.” She told them softly. “I don’t hate you. I don’t think I could ever hate you.” She kissed their lips one last time before packing herself a bag. Leaving Y/N in the bedroom alone, feeling like their whole world was crumbling.
The divorce proceedings ran smoothly, the two had taken 50/50 custody of the girls. What Y/N never expected was to do christmases without their daughters. But since the moment Tracy had met her now fiancè, they felt out of place spending the holidays there. Although the girls tried to make them feel at home, they never did.
That was how they ended up where they are now, sat in their usual spot, watching over the frozen lake. The one place they always felt at home, soon broken from their reverie as they heard the snow crunch beneath someone's footsteps.
“Hey you.” They heard the one voice they longed for.
“You’re here?” They asked shakily as they rose to their feet, watching as she nodded with a teary smile. “But your dream?”
“Means nothing if you’re not there with me.” She told them honestly. “I always felt as though a piece of me was missing, but I figured it out.” She cupped their face as she gazed into their eyes. “It’s you. You’re my missing piece.”
“I love you.” They whispered as they felt the warmth radiate from her, noses touching as their lips ghosted the other.
“I love you.” She whispered before kissing them softly. The first time it felt like they were complete, the reason why neither could truly move forward was because the other had their heart. The first Christmas in years that the two felt at home.
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for-some-reason · 18 days
Everybody’s Falling In Love (and im falling behind)
summary: demiromantic reader finally opens up to Bakugo about their aromanticism. Bakugo kinda drops a bombshell on them, and reader experiences a new emotion.
demiromantic: on the aro spectrum, where one needs to form a very strong emotional bond with somebody else to be able to *potentially* experience romantic attraction.
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Coming to terms with your aromanticism hadn’t been the easiest task in the world.
It’s natural to not have any crushes or fall in love when you’re so young, right?
That’s what you would repeat to yourself when you hung out with friends and they talked about the cute girl, or boy, or person they saw.
Or when you finally reached an age where dating was normal and just a part of everyday life.
You’d hear their stories of romance and lust, and think
That sounds nice.
But you still wouldn’t find anybody you wanted to experience love with.
You had been asked out a couple times. And each time you accepted, thinking— hoping— you’d feel what everyone else claimed they felt.
You didn’t. The relationships never lasted long.
And, like a sign from some kind of God, you stumbled across an article about aromanticism.
It had just felt so.. right, you wondered why you never thought of it before.
You weren’t capable of that kind of love, you didn’t think so at least.
“You alright? You look spacey as fuck.”
You look up and find Bakugo frowning down at you from where you’re sitting. He passes the drinks he went to get and hands you yours.
You notice everyone else— almost all of former class 3A— is too busy in their own conversations to pay attention to you both. You take a sip of your drink.
“…Have you ever wanted to fall in love?”
“Hah? Where’s that shit coming from?”
You sigh, looking back down at your drink. The condensation from the glass cup drips down to your hand. You watch as the droplet loses shape and wish you were as mindless and unassuming as that too.
“I don’t know. But you notice it, right? Everyone else seems to find that stuff so— so easy. And it feels like the hardest shit in the world for me.”
Bakugo’s quiet for a few seconds. You look up, and he’s looking back. You shiver. It’s a bit cold for summer.
“It’s never been easy for me, either.” He replies.
“You’re too busy striving for number one, right?”
“That too.”
Your brows furrow. He continues staring.
“Look, I’m no idiot. I don’t know what you are— or even what you may like, but I notice things. And, I’m just lettin’ you know, you’re not alone. Or something.”
The confession shocks you to your core, your eyes widening.
You set your drink down. More condensation slowly makes its way down the glass, collecting on the wooden table.
“I.. had no idea,” You whisper. “Thank you, Bakugo.”
“Just don’t hide shit. We’re here for you.”
And it’s true, isn’t it? Most of all, Bakugo has always stood by your side in his own way. He’s never been the best at saying it upfront, but his actions have proved countless times that he cares for the people around him. That he loves them.
That he loves you.
And, for the first time in your life, you think you experience your heart skipping a beat.
You don’t know what the future has in store for you, or if you’ll ever experience romantic love, but you know Bakugo and the others will always be right there with you, cheering you on.
And that’s more than you could’ve ever hoped for.
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reqs are open! and I will be getting to your asks if you’ve sent something and see this, just give me a few days <3
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puckleberryfinnie · 8 months
covey!reader in the quarter quell (opening ceremony!!)
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read these first for this to make a bit more sense!
original idea post: click me!
introduction story: click me!
thank you to anyone who showed support in any way on the first introduction for this, it means a lot <33 there’s a lot of just reader content in this (mostly because I’m still working on doing a large amount of dialogue between characters), so if you want, you can skip to later down into this to find more interesting stuff!!
summary: reader goes through the opening ceremony process, meeting people along the way!! - reader meets a bunch of the characters! (Finnick, Johanna, Katniss and Peeta)
warnings: fem!reader, slight mention of ptsd?, alcohol, really bad writing (specifically dialogue)
“Get to know those new winners, the lovers. It’ll be good for your image,” she had said, pouring herself another cup. “It’s not lookin’ too good, kiddo. I’ll miss ya’, if I’m honest.”
Both of you knew your partner- the 50 year old, previous farmer, current jobless winner, would be no help to you. He’d made it known very early on that he hated you- hated the Covey as a whole, if we’re being honest. No amount of kindness, no amount of cheerful smiles could make this man like you. If he saw you in the games, he’d kill you. No hesitation, especially if it meant his chance at survival.
The predestined goodbyes made your heart ache, but in reality, they were better than none at all. Getting one last word in was something of importance to you, with anyone you loved. The games had forced you to realize the value of human life more than ever.
Those lovers, though. Katniss and Peeta- You’d have to understand them, before you arrived. Even if you couldn’t make it out alive, you’d like friends in your final moments. Someone to talk to. The last games had been filled with sleepless nights alone, humming melodies to the mockingbirds in the trees. “K-A-T-N-I-S-S,” typed slowly into your search engine device, one implanted into a high-tech table on the traveling train, headed for the Capital. Millions of articles popped up, lighting up the screen with bold titles, attached with colorful images. This Katniss girl, she was something different from the tributes you’d met. There was no determinable factor to it, she just had something about her that made you curious. You dismissed the thought, closing out the browser before turning your head, looking out the fast-moving train through the pristine, freshly cleaned windows.
It didn’t take too long for you to arrive at your all-too-familiar destination- the Capital buildings towering over you, providing shade for your short trip to the training/housing facility. There were people calling out your name as you walked along the gold paved path, asking you questions. All of them wanted to get the inside scoop on the nearly-dead, newly returned tributes, getting their last words before they reached the end of their life. You smiled, waved, said hello to the reporters before escaping them through the front doors of the tall building in front of you.
The outfits available to you for the opening ceremony were better this time around. Your stylist, bless her heart, knew nothing of Covey fashion, and struggled with finding something with farmy-like elements of District 11 while still reaching the level of luxury an event like this one required. This year’s selections were much better- she took the Covey’s bright colors, taking inspiration from patterns found in the little art markets that used to be found in District 11 and 12, tended to by Coveys looking for some extra money for dinner. You picked the one you found the most suitable for yourself, knowing you’d at least semi-match with your partner.
Exiting the building into an area close to the path for the ceremony, you saw many familiar tributes standing around. Johanna Mason. Finnick Odair. Beetee and sweet old Mags. Despite the screaming from the crowd who’d catched a glimmer of your appearance, you calmly walked towards your pair of horses, placed in front of District 12’s. Katniss was standing there, brushing her hand along her horse.
Walking up to Katniss wasn’t a problem- your mama raised you to be confident like that, knowing that’s the only way to live the Covey life. Smile raised, you prepared to give a classic Covey welcome, sure to draw anyone in!
“Katniss, right? Y/N L/N! I love the dress.”
Poor Katniss had been a bit frightened, not planning for anyone to approach her during this experience. She’d seen you before, though- in the games before hers. She’d remembered Prim saying something about her wanting to win the games like you had- no killing, no violence perpetrated on her part. It’d stuck with Katniss after her own games, knowing she’d played against her sisters ‘morality rules’ with her ever-lethal bow and arrow.
Haymitch had mentioned the girl, too- “she’s not much of a threat- that voice of hers is her only weapon when it comes down to it. But she’s smart- slick and sneaky in the arena. An ally like her would mean more sponsors (her adoring fans) and better hiding places.”
Before Katniss could even get in a word to you, a large arm was wrapped around your shoulders, making you tense up slightly before relaxing at the slight of the boy next to you. Finnick. Finnick Odair. You didn’t know him very well, but whenever you sang for those Capital parties, he’d make sure to send a compliment your way, sauntering off after talking for a moment.
“Now, what’re you girls talking about? Me, I’d suspect?” Finnick gave Katniss a nod before looking down at you, smirking.
“You wish, golden boy,” you laughed, taking a closer look at his ensemble of clothing (or lack thereof) for the evening. You turned back to Katniss, still very aware of the touch between you two.
Katniss gave a strange look to the two of you before saying “Yeah, definitely not talking about you… maybe that ridiculous outfit, though.”
“Ouch! I think it looks pretty nice, don’t you think, singer girl?”
“It’s alright, I guess. Not much to look at, though.” You answered.
“Oh, believe me, singer girl, there’s plenty to look at.” He winked, before walking off with a smile on his face.
You watched as he walked away, realizing what he was insinuating. You slowly turned back towards Katniss, shaking your head before resuming your conversation, the one left unattended when Finnick had blessed the girls with his presence. Now, however, a new person has joined your duo- Peeta. Peeta looked a lot kinder than Katniss, his overall aura more inviting.
“Anyways- I wanted to come meet you, given we’re the two newest winners.” You smiled before lowering your voice to a quiet whisper, leaning closer to the pair. “Covey has loved what you’ve done so far, with the movement and everything. I’ll help in any way I can.” Noticing the cameras pointed right towards you three from above you, you ended the conversation as quickly as possible with: “Well, thank you for your time! I better get to my ride before it leaves without me.” You waved before walking quickly to your place in line, fixing your outfit before getting ready in your pose.
The opening ceremony was the same as last year, for the most part. Not as much smiling, though. A lot more frowns and angry faces were found on the faces of tributes highlighted on the giant projector screen. You kept your smile, though. Smiling and waving is what you knew best. Before long, the event was over, and you found yourself heading to your assigned room. Considering your living space was the second highest floor (District 11 bonus!)taking an elevator was your most efficient mode of travel. There weren’t too many tributes left on ground floor level, most of them had found their way to their rooms at this point.
“Mind if I step in, Songbird?” Johanna Mason, leaning against the elevator door, smiling expectantly at you, waiting for an answer.
“No, no, I don’t mind. Come on in!”
Johanna strutted into the elevator, standing awfully close to you, both of your shoulders almost touching.”Thanks. Johanna, by the way.” She said, turning towards you.
“Lovely to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh, believe me, I know your name. I see you singing those songs of yours all the time. Pretty good, if you ask me.”
“Oh? Well, thank you! It’s… disappointing that my music will be going away pretty soon… with the games and all…”
“I think there’s some more song left in you, Songbird.’ Johanna sent a slight smile your way before stepping forward with the ding of the elevator. The doors open to her floor, and she steps out before turning around again, “Nice talk, Y/N. See you soon.” The doors close, leaving you alone in the elevator.
You fell asleep promptly after arriving in your room- the day had been quite tiring for you, and you needed to prepare for the next day ahead of you, too. You’d begin training tomorrow, and soon enough you’d have your all-too-stressful skill evaluations. And there always was the impending doom shadowing over every thought in the form of the start of the games, just a week away. As you drifted off, you thought of relationships you’d form in these next days, vital to keep your ever-falling spirits from reaching rock bottom.
ooo they’re flirting with youuuu
I hope you guys liked this little part of the story, let me know if you want more or want to be added to the tag list for this series <33 I’m soso sorry this took me so long, too!! I already have some parts of another chapter started, so it should come sooner!! hopefully my writing had improved just a little, I promise I’m trying <33
tag list (love you cutie patooties so much 💋💋)
love ya!!
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therapy-ghost · 1 year
I had to ask my dad cause I keep forgetting it.😭😭 He said it was Asperger’s but a news article said it’s an offensive term so I don’t know what it’s called and neither does he. (I finished asking but I googled what the new term was, and it’s Asd I think. Google didn’t explain it well😫)
But the request is Reader is dating Freddy Freeman, but like is low-key obsessed with his alter ego, Captain Everything. It’s all they talk about when Freddy mentions heroes. So with the help of Billy, he has Reader meet his alter ego. (Reader doesn’t know they the same person, if it’s not clear) Just a lot of fluff cause I love Freddy so muchhhjjjjjh
Hello again! I was wondering when you were going to be back and what type of writing you wanted and this is not what i was expecting(in the best way possible)!!! Warnings; meantion Autism(Im sorry if ive depicted it wrong in anywayT-T), swearing, im hoping no OOC, longer then usual one shot... and tell me if theres anymore warnings to add!.
GN!Reader x Freddy Freeman
From a young age; your parents, teachers and class mates saw you as strange; always bringing up that one topic that yuo would always bring up whenever you could, and sometimes it was fun, but eventually those peole started to not want to talk to you.
When you reached middle school; You had found yourself a community online that would rant about the very topic you had grown fixed on, Superheroes, thats all they would talk about.
It was your save place where you can place yourself in your own world and rant forever on who's a better hero; Superman or Batman? Obviously Batman!
but in the end you still found yourself lonely in the sea of online friends, cause well... they were online, and sometimes you would be stuck in the real world where you couldnt talk to them.
But that was untill you meet Freddy Freeman; a crutch wielding superhero maniac who instandly caught your attention(And maybe even your heart) in sciences.
And Freddy was not gonna lie when saying that you did the same.
The two of you started to hang out; most of the time with the company of Billy who always felt like he was third wheeling even if he was in a whole other building.
Eventually you two had asked each other out on the very same date and proceeded to believe you had a psychic connection; Match made in heaven to be more accurate.
And right now; after 3 months of you to being officially a thing, were laying on the floor of him and Billy's shared room ranting about hero's, like you always did.
"-Come on! he's dark, mysterious, most likely rich, and has a most of gotham and maybe even the whole world fearing him; you cant say that superman in better then Batman when every villain and civilian knows what his weakness is but doesnt even know where the heck batman is majority of the time" You argued with Freddy, who laughed at your statement and nodded a bit.
"Ok you have a point; but Superman in the man of steel, and whats batman? A depressed man in an emo cosplay that scares people by being a furry-" Freddy's statement made you gasp and hit him on the arm.
"How Dare You!" You playfully yelled; Freddy laughed at this.
"Fine; next is... Shazam or Captain Everypower?" Freddy asked, sounding a bit more excited aout this one then the others.
"Oh come on, am I a fucking joke to you; Captain Everypower all the way!" You cheered abit, sitting up, which Freddy followed along with doing.
"A-And why is that?" He asked in a nervous manner, which you didnt notice, all you did was stand up and get really excited.
"He's funny, he's powerful, he's decent on the officiency level, he's quick with his job, he puts people before himself; and like, you Shazam does the same thing but whats sets them apart is that Captain Everypower is just so much better looking" you made a fainting motion at the end of your rant.
Freddy's excitment in your statement went unnoticed by you once again as he nervously figgeted in place.
"-And it would be so cool to meet him! I bet it feel like a dream to be around him! And to touch his skin; Ive always wondered what bullet proff skin feels like!" You fanned over captain everything "Wouldnt it?" You sat back up and got really close to Freddy, who was panicking on what to say.
"O-Oh you, he's a r-really cool guy; met him a few times, great guy-"
"Does This Mean You Know Him!" You squealed in excitement.
"Y-Yeah, we're practically best friends" Freddy lied, bullets of sweat rolled down his face as he tried to to stumble over his words to much.
"Why didnt you tell me?" You asked Freddy.
"Because h-he wanted it to be a secret; and I was like why, and he was like cause its for your safety" Freedy shakely explained.
"But Why now?" You kepted asking questions to get the answers you needed.
"um....Be-because... He has agreed t-to meet...you" He lied through his teeth, only digging his own grave of regrets more.
You froze, shocked as to what he was say but to stunned to see through his semi-lies.
Um.. are you-"
"Oh My Gosh! Freddy! Thank You! You Are So Cool!" You cheered, jumping at him to get a big hug.
"n-no problem"
"When do I get to meet him? where? what time?" you asked frantically.
"Uhhh... tomorrow, after school, the convenience store down the street; O-of course if h-he's free that is" Freddy shakely answered; making you stand back up and cheer in glee.
"Oh I cant wait: I need to head home but I will see you tomorrow!" And with that you rushed out of the house.
"Wow, that was something" Billy walked over and leaned on the door frame, watching as Freddy panicked.
"What the fuck have I gotten myself into.... Can you help me?"
"Nope" Billy said
The next day you basically floated down the hall you were so happy; and it was very clear to both Billy and Freddy as to how excited you were.
"How did you get me in this plan again?" Billy asked.
"Cause you care for me and I care for the fact that Captain Everypower has a super fan that is hot" Freddy whisper yelled to Billy, who sighed.
"Fine: so the plan is that distract superfan while you get out of school and ready for the little rendez-vous?" Billy asked, making Freddy nodded as the bell rang for the last class of the day.
They nodded to each other and walked off.
The bell hadnt even rang and you were running out of class, to excited to meet Captain Everypower.
You rushed down the hall and to the front door, but before you could get off school grounds, Billy Baston appeared infront of you.
"Hey... um...." Billy hadnt though of a distraction.
"Oh Hi Billy" You Happily said"Whats up?"
"Um...whats got you so smiley?" He asked as he watched behind you as Freddy walked off school grounds as quickly as possible.
"Im going off to meet Captain Everypower" You said with pride, making Billy fake a surprised expression.
“Wow, thats really cool-“ Billy nodded.
“Yeah! well, i have to get going! Bye!” you cheered as you almost bolted off.
“W-wait! Um, Freddy wanted me to tell you that he is unable to make it to the meet up you are having” Billy covered up, panicking a bit more at you excitement.
“Oh, why?”
‘Shit!’ Billy mentally cursed.
“Well, um, he’s-“
“He’s helping me with a projected in art” Darla came butting in the save the day, leaving Billy in relief.
“Oh well, tell him ill see him later; Bye you too” You then ran off; leaving Billy to really let out a sigh of relief and walk home with Darla.
You waited patiently by the convenience store, waiting the arrival of Captain Everypower in his bright blue super-suit and curly hair that reminded you of Freddy’s in a way.
You were almost jumping down the street at how exhilarated you are for this encounter with the hero and types of questions you would attack the hero with; where did he get his powers? What’s the suit made of? What’s it like to fly? What its-
Your thoughts were interrupted by wind crashing down behind you, you turned yourself to see a very frantic looking Captain everypower.
He looked around a few times before spotting you, then straight into himself out.
“Evening citizen” He said, putting his hands on his hips as he broaden his shoulders.
You were gonna faint at how cool this was.
“I heard from my very good friend, Freddy Freeman, that you, my friend, are a fan of me” He confidently walked over, but not with out stumbling a bit; which concerned you.
“Are you ok? You look tired; Do you need to site down?” You frantically asked.
"O-oh yeah, just was off saving the day and s-stuff before coming here" He waved you off, but his responce excited you.
"What type of 'saving the day'?" You asked, almost jumping at him in curiousity of the question.
"Well, some man tried to steal a womans bag and i stopped it, sent him to jail" He proundly said, making you fan over his actions.
"You are so cool!" You yelled out.
These conversations went on for the next 20 minutes; talking about cool superhero stuff and the best ways to take out villains.
But sadly he had to go, and so did you.
So he bid his good bye and flew off, leaving you as a stuttering mess of excitment and the fact that you believed that it was all a dream.
You made your way to Victor and Rosa's place in a dreamed dazed at meeting captain everything, skipping and humming to yourself with a big smile playing on your lips.
You knocked on the door and Victor answered.
"Hi, Freddy's just up stairs if you need him" He stepped out of the way as you nodded, making you way up the stairs of the home and into Billy and Freddy's shared room.
Freddy was laying on his bed, looking tired as he mumbeled to himself about something when you walked in.
YOu threw yourself down beside him, which obviously made him jump.
You hugged his waist tightly; "Thank you thank you thank you so much" You said, kissing his cheek as he becomes very embarrsed.
"N-no problem... I bet he enjoyed his time with you very much" Freddy said, pulling you close as Darla and Billy watched from the door way.
Thank you so much for the request and your patience, I really hope you all enjoyed it.
If their is any request you want the fit onto my request list then pleasse dont fear to send it in.
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triccina · 8 months
The Photograph Part Two
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The Sunday morning was pleasant. On the street, people could be seen walking towards the Church of Light. The wind blew like any other sunny autumn morning in Highwind, and the few clouds indicated a day without climatic twists.
In the smallest workshop in the neighborhood, the girl and her mother shared a common goal: to try to finish their academic tasks. Lua's homework was so boring, and the girl had just woken up, a perfect recipe for getting distracted by any noise or smell that entered the place. The woman, on the other hand, was about to light a cigarette, even knowing that it would teach her daughter a bad habit. Aimê resisted with all her might, but felt that without the right fuel, her new article would not be completed.
The builder observed the pair and prepared a cup of black coffee for the woman and a glass of milk for the girl. He served them and received smiles from both.
"Thanks, Max!" Aimê thanked. "Before I forget, I saw the mail arrive today. Can you check if my Atara professor sent me the files I asked for?" The man made a disdainful expression. "I'm making Bamboo Papaya with Egg-on-Top for dinner," concluded the woman with a friendly smile.
The builder's and the girl's eyes sparkled, already dreaming of the day's dinner.
Max went to the mailbox and took out the letters. Bills, guild messages, and some cheerful messages from friendly neighbors. The last letter in this stack made the builder's heart race! Addressed to him from Sandrock. He turned the letter, expecting to see the sender's name. And like a wind bringing good news, the name Howlett made the man smile.
His thought was interrupted by the commotion in the workshop; Aimê was in a fit of laughter while Lua, with a pencil above her upper lip, imitated Max's rival. Not even the man could withstand the comedic scene.
When he approached the two, everyone tried to stay serious.
"Look what arrived!" The man showed. The woman smiled, and Lua, without much restraint, replied.
"Oh, your ex-boyfriend from Sandrock!" Max looked at her with a gaze.
"We never had that kind of relationship..."
“Don't bother him, dear, he was anxious waiting for this letter." Lua looked at Max as if apologizing. The builder just messed up the girl's hair. "Let's open it now! It got me curious."
Without much interest, Lua took a leaf and started playing with Deimos, who walked around the workshop looking for food until he reached the small lake. She showed the leaf to him and took it out of his reach, starting to annoy the turtle.
Max opened the letter and began to read. Aimê hoped he would read it aloud. A bit embarrassed, he began,
"My dear friend,
How have you been? Things in Sandrock have changed gradually, unfortunately not for the better. As I said in the last letter, people are increasingly leaving the city, and that hasn't changed. Some hired builders from Email still remain, but I don't know for how long. Something that has changed for the better is our relationship with the Geeglers. The new president is a friendly and sociable creature. Larry agreed to make a deal to leave the city in peace; we are getting closer and closer to living in harmony with mutants, just as you said. Logan thanked you for his sixteenth birthday present; he says it will be useful and a great help on patrols. You never disappoint when it comes to knives and daggers. Don't let Hugo know, but I still prefer to use your dagger than the one he forged for me. I have another big news! I have another boy under my protection now, Haru. He lived in a village in the mountains, but Logan found him on one of his patrols, and we ended up helping him get home. But the village is going through difficulties, so I decided to keep the boy under my care in Sandrock; the family didn't seem to care much, which saddened me. The boy is very intelligent and kind; he will be a great man in the future. I'm sending a photo we took recently.
P.S.: I think your girl's birthday is approaching, wish her my congratulations and give her this amber earring; it will bring her good health.
Sincerely, Howlett."
"He's a very kind man," said Aimê enchanted by the hunter's affection for her daughter. "You should go back and never let him escape again!
“You know, Aimê, I'm one of the best builders of my generation, but I couldn't fix a broken heart," Max replied with a certain pain in his voice.
Aimê sympathized and fell silent. Lua paid attention to the conversation without saying anything, pretending not to care, but deep down, she shared Max's sadness. In her conclusion, love wasn't worth the effort because that's how the relationships around her seemed to be. Max and his mother were an example of how happiness quickly turned into unhappiness, leaving everyone hurt, except those who didn't care. This thought bothered her because it reminded her of her grandmother's words, but perhaps that was one of the few things the two agreed on.
The builder took the photo out of the letter, and his face changed to a soft and genuinely happy expression; he couldn't hold back the sincere smile. Howlett, who had started to show signs of age but still charming since the day they met. The new family member, Haru, a boy with blue hair and gentle eyes. And Logan, who was no longer a boy but began to show signs of maturity, yet still exuded the youthfulness of a teenager. Sheathed was the blade forged by Max. The builder was radiant.
Lua got up, leaving Deimos without the leaf he had been desperately trying to eat; he was losing his reptilian patience. The girl saw the photo and was surprised, as her last memory of Logan was the same as the photograph in the workshop.
"That yellow shirt is horrible," she said with all sincerity. Aimê laughed, surprised by the girl's reaction. "So he's becoming that kind of guy," she said in a lower tone, only Max heard. "But he still looks the same as always."
"People grow, but they're still themselves. I bet he'll say the same thing about you," Max replied.
"What are you talking about?"
"Let's take a picture to send to them too, come on!"
The girl made a disapproving face, while Aimê loved the idea. Max went to get the camera while the girl tried to escape, but her mother intimidated her with just a look, making Lua stay for the photo.
After everything was arranged, they positioned themselves to take the photo. Deimos wouldn't be left out. Aimê held him, but he was restless. Before the automatic shot, Lua tried to calm him, and the photo was taken a second before disaster struck. Deimos, in his opportunity for revenge, bit the girl's finger, who screamed in pain. He let her go immediately, as if he just wanted to teach her a lesson. He even let out a grunt, and Lua seemed to understand what he said, as if it sounded like a "served you right!"
"Sorry, I won't do it again," she replied whining.
3 days later in Sandrock.
The boy entered the house reading the sender of the letter; without questioning, he handed the paper to Howlett, who was having his traditional yakmel milk sitting in the armchair, while Logan set the table for breakfast.
"It arrived from Highwind," the boy said, sitting at the table.
"Thank you, Haru," replied the man. Reading the sender's name, he smiled a little and promptly opened the letter.
"Is it Max's reply?" Logan asked eagerly. Howlett nodded. Logan waited for his father to read the letter aloud.
"My dear Howlett and Logan,
I'm glad to hear the good news. I hope the truce can lead to a good relationship with the Geeglers. I'm also glad to hear about the newest family member. This boy couldn't be in better hands; be good to him and Haru, don't let these two take advantage of your goodwill. They are clumsy with household chores, but they are the best companions you could find. Logan, I'm glad you liked the present; I hope it serves you well in your time of need. I'm also glad to see how you've grown; I'm proud of the man you're becoming every day. I'm sure Howlett shares this feeling too. Lua is also surprised to see how you've changed. Ah, and don't let your pa carry this whole town on his shoulders. I'm sure he's getting more immersed in defending Sandrock and forgetting to take care of himself, so take good care of him, please, do it for me. Lua said she loved the present and thanked. She doesn't usually wear these feminine things, but as soon as I gave it to her, she put it on. And by her expression, only confirmed her words. Aimê was also grateful for remembering Lua's birthday and sent greetings. I sent a photo with the letter.
I miss you.
Sincerely, Maxwell."
Taking the photo out of the envelope, Howlett was confronted with the image of his old companion with the girl and the woman he welcomed into his workshop. His eyes were tired, but he still maintained his youthful and confident demeanor. The girl had a joyful expression, trying to appease the visibly irritated reptile. She wore the earring she had received. The young-looking woman didn't seem her age, but she had serenity, even with the surprised expression of holding the agitated reptile.
"He's without a hat," Logan said, looking directly at the turtle.
"Why would the turtle wear a hat?" Haru asked.
"Why not?" replied the teenager. The boy decided not to question it.
"He seems happy, doesn't he?" Howlett asked himself aloud.
"It's nothing."
The teenager noticed the bitter tone in his father's voice but didn't question him further because he too had his own thoughts. Logan looked at the photo again, noticing the smiling girl. "It's good that now you have someone waiting for you at home," he thought while a smile escaped onto his face.
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
Chapter Twenty-Three
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Evie, what do you think of the article in the Tullamore Tribune? Have sent it to you via text message. Big news here at home. Must speak to Caroline soon. Saw Jackie Doyle’s husband at the butcher with a cast on his leg this morning, says he had the foot reversed over outside his house. Ouch! Love mam.
Mam, did you send a link to the article or a photo of the paper? Either way neither has sent. It’s probably too many megabytes, don’t worry about it. I’ll chat to you about it when I’m home next. 
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“Texting your other boyfriend?” Jude says casually, his back to me as he zips himself into the only pair of trousers he brought on holidays. 
“It’s my mother, she’s obsessed with some article she saw in the local paper, I don’t know what it is, probably that the parish priest has died or something, God knows, but the article hasn’t sent.”
“You could ask her to email it maybe?”
“Ugh, it’s not even worth it, the computer at home is barely usable and I’d have to use all my roaming minutes to coach her through that process. I’ve already tried to tell her that texting is expensive.”
He puts his shoes on, “Does she know you’re in Cyprus?”
I pause, “I can’t remember. You can turn around now,” I smooth out the lightweight linen of my new dress, “What do you think?”
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Jude pretends to pass out, collapses onto his bed and then slides onto the floor, “Evie,” He groans, “You’re a babe.”
“Get up, you clown,” I snicker, “Why are you always so dramatic?”
“Where did you get that?”
“The market in Paphos.”
“Do a spin for me,” I do, and he clutches his heart and rolls over onto his front. 
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“Get up! You’ll get dust all over your clothes.”
“You’re right, my only nice clothes too,” He pulls a hair, probably mine, off the front of his shirt, “Something with buttons on it, imagine. I bet you didn’t think I had threads like this.”
“I like it, you look smart. You should wear more shirts with buttons.”
“I would only my fat fingers always fumble them,” I glance at his hands, the most nimble, dexterous and beautiful hands I’ve ever seen on a man and roll my eyes, “Alright, get up, we have to leave now.” I head for the door while he scrambles across the floor to grab a hold of my waist to stop me, “Wait, let me have another look at you.”
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“You have a whole evening to look at me,” I protest, hoping my voice doesn’t give away the fact that my entire body is prickling from that look in his eyes, and how much I like seeing him on his knees in front of me. “Come on, we don’t want to keep the guys waiting.”
He tightens his fingers around me, and with a kiss to my belly, says “Here’s to a great last night in Cyprus.” 
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The restaurant that Claire booked is spectacular. Located in the ruin of an old church, it showcases a perfect, uninterrupted view of the Mediterranean Sea. Aphrodite’s Rock is highlighted perfectly by the setting sun, and the full moon behind it appears enormous as it rises from the glittering horizon.
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We cheers with our wine glasses when our drinks arrive, and all of us, tanned, gorgeous and tired, look out over the beach and take languid sips of our drinks. Nobody has called me out on the fact that I swore I wouldn’t order wine and then did anyway when I realised I’d be the only one not having something to drink. 
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“Claire,” Jude says, ankle to knee, one arm draped over the back of my seat. “Why is it that your parents had a house out here the whole time, and you still decided to spend a summer in Shane Healy’s mobile home?”
She laughs, “Because I was seventeen, and the idea of being on holidays with my parents was really embarrassing,” a waiter brings our food over and places it down in front of us, “I thought it’d have been a bit more craic to be with my friends instead, and like, yeah obviously it wasn’t the most glamorous holiday I ever had, but I still had a good time.”
“She made the right choice,” Shane says, placing a hand around her shoulder. 
Jude grins, “And this is the first time you’ve had friends here?” 
“Yeah, actually it is.”
“Well, hopefully not the last.”
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“Agreed,” I say enthusiastically, “Let’s do this every year, this has been just amazing from start to finish.”
Claire smiles and quickly picks up her fork. “Let’s eat, will we?”
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The food is amazing. I have scallops and Jude has Monkfish, but we end up sharing with each other like we usually do, with me putting half of my food onto his plate and him putting half of his onto mine. I try some of Claire’s linguine too, and even a little bit of Shane’s steak despite the fact that he’s not entirely on board with the idea of sharing, as usual. The conversation is so good, it flows as easily as our drinks, and just like at the very best times with friends, everything is easy. I laugh when Claire drops a ribbon of pasta onto her lap, at the face that Shane makes when I hold out the bottle of wine to him and he says “Go on, you’ve talked me into it,” and as the evening settles down and the full moon rises in the sky I’m filled with a rare kind of contentment, like absolutely everything is alright in the world. 
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“It’s so sad that we’re leaving tomorrow,” Claire laments as our empty dishes are cleared away, “It’s just been so nice to be with all of ye  and have a little bit of time away from college and all of that, you know, like you don’t actually get these kinds of breaks very often.”
“True,” I say, “But there’ll be so many more, this is really just the start of it now, I can just feel it.”
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“Yes…” she says, and she looks down into her lap. Her lips part as though she wants to say more, but then she doesn’t. I watch her exchange something unspoken with Shane, and as he adjusts himself uncomfortably in his seat the very first seeds of uncertainty settle in my guts. “What?” I say, “Was that awkward of me to say? I didn’t meant to imply that I expect you to put us up in Cyprus every year or something, no, I just meant like-”
“No, it’s fine, Evie. I wasn’t thinking that,” says Claire, “It’s just, like…” She trails off. 
“We wanted to invite you on holidays with us because we have to tell you something important,” Shane says. “Something that’s good, like. It’s not bad news at all, it’s just…”
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“Shane’s been scouted,” Claire blurts out, “By the AFL. They like the way he plays football, so they want him to go play professionally, like.”
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I’m already out of my seat and reaching over the table to hug him before the last words have left Claire’s mouth, “Oh God, Shane!” I cry, “That’s amazing, I’m thrilled for you, what the hell, that’s like the best case scenario, you must be so happy,”
“I am, yeah,” He says with a big awkward pat on my back, “Sure it’s good news.”
“It’s amazing news, wow, you kept that one quiet.”
“Well we weren’t really allowed to talk about it until it was fully confirmed,” Claire explains, “You know, just in case anything fell through at the last minute, but like, yeah, at this point it’s fully confirmed, it’s happening.”
“Wow, oh my God, I’m stunned, I just-”
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“Hang on a second,” Jude says, “Just to confirm, the AFL? So you’re moving?”
I look at him and then to them and back again, “Moving?”
“Yeah,” Claire says, and tears suddenly spring into her eyes, “To Sydney.”
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“Australia?” It’s quiet for several moments after the word leaves my mouth, and nobody even says yeah obviously, Evie, what other Sydney is there? You dope. My hands start to tremble. 
“Yeah,” Shane speaks carefully like he’s afraid to spook me, “Oz, like. We’re going in September.”
“Four months?” I cry, “That’s all we have left, four months? What am I going to do when you’re gone? That’s crazy, guys, it’s so far, you can’t just go.”
“Evie, it’s his one chance to do this, we have to try.”
“I’m finishing my degree, I’ll be qualified so I’ve a backup plan, but like, I’ll spend a few years trying to get the football thing going, and if it doesn’t work out that’s fine, I just really need to give it a go.”
“A few years is a long time.”
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Claire grabs my hand, and I suddenly feel like a toddler who is throwing a tantrum and needs to be managed. “We’ll be back all the time, for Christmas and different things, and you can always come out and stay with us.”
My lip is trembling, and I realise that she is crying, so I cry too, and let tears careen down my face while the waiter comes back with dessert menus and awkwardly places them in front of us. “It’s good, Evie. This is what we want.”
“But your degree,” I whimper, “Aren’t you going to finish it?”
She laughs thickly, “I couldn’t give two shits about my degree, chick. I’m only in college because my dad paid the fees for it, I’m useless.”
“I’m just doing what I’m supposed to be doing, this is what I want, and yeah, I’m sad that I’ll be leaving Ireland but I find it exciting too at the same time. Sure we’re only young, there’s loads of time to try things out,”
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“No, I’m happy,” I mop tears from my cheeks, the napkin coming away glittery. “Obviously, I’m really happy, this is amazing…”
“Amazing,” Jude echoes. 
“…I’ll just miss you both so much.”
“We’ll miss you too.”
“I never imagined that this would happen.”
“Me neither,” Shane says, “I never thought that the AFL would want me, honestly.”
“Oh of course they would,” I throw my eyes skyward, “Shane Healy, extraordinaire. The most talented man on earth.”
“Dunno about that, now.”
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I try to smile, but I end up grimacing hideously instead, teeth clenched, eyes overflowing with tears, “What will I do without you?”
“You’ll be grand, you don’t really need us,”
I don’t think either of them realises how much I do. Who will I confide things in? Who will give me advice that’s hard to hear? Who will take me to doctor’s appointments, force me to get in shape, cook dinner with me, braid my hair, tell me I’m doing alright when I feel like I could fall apart at any minute? 
Jude strokes his thumb over my knee beneath the table, “It’s bittersweet, you know? I’m happy for you, Shane.”
“Thanks man,”
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“Let’s focus on the time we have left. We have a whole summer before you guys leave, and I really think we can make the most of it, and look,” he turns to me, “We can visit Australia, I’ll take you there, yeah, the flight is long but it’s worth it. It’s amazing, you’ll love it, actually, you’ll all love it. This is something to really look forward to.”
I understand that he’s being optimistic, as usual, but a little toxic part of me wishes that he wouldn’t be, that he’d say something about how it’s too hot in Australia, how the spiders are as big as cats and the food is disgusting just so there’s a chance that Claire and Shane might stay, but I know it’s far too late for that kind of thing. 
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“It’s so great,” I say through my teeth, “It’s a big change, but it’s just amazing.”
Claire smiles at me tearfully from across the table. “I know,” She mouths. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying so much,” I fan my face as though it’s actually going to achieve something, to dry even a friction of the torrent of moisture on my face. With every blink I feel my mascara transferring onto my lower lids. “I think I just need some air.”
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“We’re already outside,” Shane points out, and Claire thumps him on the arm, “That’s not what she means. Go on down to the beach for a walk, Evie, it’s fine. We can just finish up here, and you can text us when you’re feeling a little bit better.”
I get up from my seat, “Okay, I’ll just… I’ll just go down there now, I’ll be fine. I’m delighted, really, it’s just a surprise is all, I’m grand.”
“We know, it’s okay.”
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“Wow, what big news,” I try to laugh at myself but the sound that comes out of me is more like a wet rattle. “Fab.” I partially shove my way through other diners to get out of the restaurant, absolutely loathing myself for having such an intense reaction. I wonder what is wrong with me during the whole walk down the sandy bank and towards the beach, and I hate myself even more as I face the sea and hack out one huge, outrageous and unjustified sob. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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leegemma · 1 year
So happy you're starting to write for kpop!!!
Could i ask for 15, 6, 32 Lee!I.N ler!everyone? 😊
So I'm honestly not really proud of this one, It just turned out so random so I'm really sorry about that, I also realised that I forgot to add number 6 in there so I'm really really sorry. Hope you can still enjoy it and thank you for your request anon!
15 - "what did you just say to me?"
32 - “what’s with the bad mood? i think that may need to be remedied…”
I.N was tired. I.N was tired and overworked. I.N was feeling exhausted and numb. Both mentally, and physically. He was currently laying down on his bed, his hands covering his face while he tried not to cry.
He tried taking deep breathes and drinking from his water bottle bit by bit, he tried meditating away all his problems. But It felt like nothing was working. The boy felt worthless. Tears were now streaming down his face.
"I.N?" A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Are you in there?"
I.N sniffled and tried to wipe all his tears away, picking up his phone quickly and pretending to be on it. "I'm here, channie hyung!"
"We're all gonna watch a movie, you wanna join-" chan opened the door, immediately noticing something was up, so he walked slowly over to the bed and sat infront of Jeongin, opening his arms for him. "Hug?"
I.N thought for a second, then jumped into the older's arms, breaking down in tears again.
Chan sighed. "What's going on i*?"
"I don't deserve to be here with you guys..." I.N's voice broke in the middle of his sentence.
"What are you even talking about? How could you even think that?" Chan pulled back from the hug and held I.N' shoulders instead, forcing him to look him in the eye.
"I saw an article that said-" I.N tried to avoid Chan by looking at his bed sheets instead.
Chan rolled his eyes and let out a groan. "Hey, what did I say about reading that crap?"
"What. Did. I. Say?" Chan asked again, poking the boy's belly with every word.
I.N giggled and slapped his hands away. "Nehever listen to those."
"Because?" Another poke.
"Stohohop! Because they're just attention seekers."
Chan smiled at the cute boy infront of him and ruffled his hair. "That's right. Now, come and hangout with the rest of us in the living room please, we're all just relaxing and watching a movie."
I.N knew better than to protest, so he just took the hand chan offered him and followed his reliable leader to the living room.
With I.N's eyes still fluffy and red, and his hand holding Chan's, the rest of the group could see something happened, but decided to let it go and let the two take their seats on the couch, seeing as Chan had already cheered up their fox. Or so they thought.
Everyone was watching the movie quietly, when Hyunjin decided he was bored and needed to mess around a little bit. Being sat next to I.N, he decided to target him.
"Boop." Hyunjin said while poking I.N's side.
I.N jumped a bit but moved on fast and got back into the movie.
Little did he know, Hyunjin was now determined to interrupt the team's healing time just to satisfy his boredom.
"Jeongin~~" he squeezed his side. "Why are you ignoring me...?"
I.N squealed and grabbed Hyunjin's hands. "No! Stop bothering me, you asshole!"
As if on cue, all the boys gasped and turned to look at the pair.
Hyunjin, being the drama queen he is, gasped as well while holding his chest. "What did you just say to me?"
"I said stop bothering me, asshole." I.N practically growled.
"Woah, why so angry all of the sudden?" Questioned Felix, who was laying with his head in Chan's lap and his feet on Seungmin's.
"Yeah, what's with the bad mood? I think that may need to be remedied..." Han shook his head in fake disapproval and got up from the couch he was sitting on, mentioning for the others to follow. Which they did.
I.N tried not to show any signs of stress when the big group walked over to where he was now trapped between Hyunjin's legs, who was hugging him from the back tightly.
He was trying hard to to laugh or smile when they all gathered around him, just smirking at him evily.
"What should we do with him?" Changbin asked cheekily.
"We should teach him a lesson on how to properly treat his hyungs..." answered lee know.
"Anyone has an idea how we could do that?" Chan looked around at his boys.
They all pretended to think, though they all knew already exactly what was about to happen. And so did their poor victim...
"Guys, no!" He protested lightly. The truth is, he wanted this and he needed this, and the boys knew that of course. Which is why...
"I have an idea!" Seungmin's adorable and rare smiled showed.
"Yes, puppy?" Han smiled back.
"This little fox actually has a weakness... you're only really allowed to use that weakness when he needs to cheer up a bit. Allow me to demonstrate?" Seungmin waited for approval from Han, (which was fast to arrive.) Then started wiggling his fingers in front of Jeongin's face, causing the boy to break into giggles before they even started tickling him.
"Waihahait! Ihihm sohohory!" I.N tried to wiggle out of Hyunjin's arms, which was nowhere as easy as he thought it would be.
"Too late~~~" Hyunjin whispered In his ear, then started blowing air into them.
"GAH! nohohoho!!!"
"Guess that means go." Chan shrugged and climbed onto the couch next to the giggling kid and started tickling his sides and ribs.
Felix and Han sat on the floor and grabbed a leg each, working their magic from I.N's feet up to his thighs.
Seungmin dug into the neck, which was by far I.N's worst spot.
Lee know sat himself on the other side of Hyunjin and tried to wiggle his fingers in Jeongin's armpits.
Changbin noticed Hyunjin was struggling with holding the squirming I.N down, so he went behind the two over the couch and grabbed the arms of the youngest effortlessly, holding them above his head. Giving Hyunjin the opportunity to tickle the ears of the blushing one.
"Awww how come you're so cute, baby?" Teased Lee know
"SHUHUHT UHUHUP!" Jeongin screamed.
Felix gasped again, "well obviously we're not being mean enough."
The rest of the boys agreed and started tickling the boy faster, moving from one spot to another so fast he let out a frustrated scream. "IMIHIM SOHOHORY! IHHIHM SOHOHORY!"
"As you should be!" Han giggled.
"STOHOHHOP! I CAHAHAHNT BREATHEHEH!!" I.N was having the time of his life.
The group giggled at their cutie and stopped the torture, everyone finding a spot and cuddling I.N close.
"T- thank you." We're the words to leave his mouth first after his breathing went back to normal. "I needed that. Thank you."
The rest of the boys only smiled.
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spoiledleaff · 2 years
I neeeeeeeeeeed. Neeeeeeeeed Rain and Dew in a cheer/pleated short short skirt with Mountain or the ghoulettes teasing them and then taking them apart.
i didn’t realize i needed this as well until i started typing it out… haha, well, regardless! i hope this suits your expectations, dear anon!! ♡ be warned… it gets a bit spicy below the cut ;)
Dewdrop laughed as he watched Rain twirl in front of their mirror, the green pleated fabric swirling around their long, long legs just enough to curse the fire’s sin with a cheeky glimpse of their ass.
It was just moments ago when the little imp had practically knocked down Rain’s door with his bunched up fist, two pairs of skirts bundled up in the other. He definitely didn’t swipe these skimpy little articles of clothing, and he definitely didn’t plan on using them for nefarious purposes.
When Rain finally answered their own damn door, Dewdrop jumped their very bones, crowding them back into the confines of their own room to employ his hell-gifted serpent’s tongue. Well, needless to say, the rest is history as Dewdrop picks at the tiny fabric of his own cerulean skirt, giddy as he watches Rain admire themselves in the mirror. He can already feel slick drooling from his core.
“So,” they drawl, a perfectly thick eyebrow already raised at Dewdrop’s reflection, “what’s this all about, little droplet?”
Said ghoul has the audacity to look offended, a dramatic plume of smoke rising away from his body as he gawked at the water nymph’s reflection.
“You sound so fucking suspicious.” Dewdrop accuses, but the gently sway of his crooked tail quickly dispelled any illusions of genuine anger. “Stop looking at me like that.”
Rain simply huffs, fiddling with something Dewdrop couldn’t quite see. “You never just bring me gifts, droplet. You’ve probably already done something you’re not supposed to, or you’re about to do something you’re not supposed to.”
Dewdrop simply rolls his shoulders, flicking off some imaginary speck of lint from his thigh. He tries to ignore the death stare Rain is giving him through their reflection, but the fire’s sin can only stay doused for so long.
“Hey,” Dewdrop perked up, although Rain didn’t miss the mischievous glint in those ice blue eyes, “I think Mountain and the ladies are in the commons. Let’s go take their breath away—“
And, again, Dewdrop pounced on the poor fucker before they could even get a proper word in. They were spouting some shit about “needing to get changed” and “this skirt is much too short”, but Rain didn’t have any issues with it when Dewdrop originally slammed open their door. What’s the big deal now?
They found the aforementioned ghouls in the commons, suspiciously exactly like how Dewdrop described them. Mountain and the ghoulettes were all piled together on the couch, Sunshine and Cirrus practically mounting the other two as they watched whatever was playing and chatted quietly amongst themselves.
But, when they saw Dewdrop — clad in nothing but his usual black undershirt and the short blue pleated skirt — dragging behind him a very flustered Rain — wearing even less than the little gremlin yanking them forward. Naively thinking this was nothing more than an innocent dress-up date, Rain was wearing the green skirt, a pair of boxers, and nothing else — the cuddle session on the couch halted, and all eyes were on them.
“Look.” Dewdrop smiles, as if they weren’t already fucking looking. “Rainy and I got new skirts. You like ‘em?”
The ghoulettes’ attentions leered towards Rain, but Mountain was still staring at the small sliver of Dewdrop’s belly as his shirt managed to hitch itself upwards. Rain’s face rapidly develops a vibrant indigo hue, and they quickly avert their eyes down and start to pull at the hem of their slutty little skirt. Dewdrop watches with a manic grin as Rain flounders under the scrutiny of the ghoulettes, the grip he has around their wrist stays clenched and tight as he drinks in every embarrassed gesture.
Rain is always so pious, so regal in their stance. Even on stage, as they sometimes fumble about like a fish on land, Rain still carries this impossible air of elegance. And, even when they’re fucking into Dewdrop with reckless abandon, or stringing him along on some impossibly mindful adventure and spearing the imp on their cock, and doing nothing else but focusing on their equally ragged breathing as their cock twitches against that beautiful spot inside Dewdrop’s vessel— well, even then, the bastard is still so collected.
Dewdrop wants to watch that mask fucking fall.
So, it is with a near concerning amount of glee that Dewdrop watches Cumulus wrap her dainty fingers around Rain’s other wrist, and jerk them forward. Rain collapses with a yelp at the feet of the predatory ghoulettes, their hands already palming at Rain’s thighs and plucking at their waistband. Even from his angle, Dewdrop can so clearly see Rain’s cock jump against its constraints.
“Did you think you could just deposit a Nereid at our feet and leave?” Dewdrop jumps backwards into a hard chest, his crooked tail brushing against bare ankles. There’s a thick claw tilting his head upwards and back, icy blue eyes freezing over at the sight of Mountain’s lazy grin. “And what about this Meliae before me, hm?”
Dewdrop gulps, his throat bobbing underneath Mountain’s tapping claws. There’s another hand gently ghosting up the length of Dewdrop’s suddenly clammy thigh, fingers dipping underneath the skirts hem and tapping, tapping, tapping at his inner thighs; so tantalizingly close. The fire’s sun gasps, his poor, stupid brain still trying to wrap itself around how Mountain moved so quickly and so quietly from his spot on the couch. He was literally underneath Sunshine for Lucifer’s sake.
“Hmm.” Mountain hums, the deep vibrations rumbling through the earth ghoul’s body and spreading through Dewdrop’s back. It would’ve been ominous if Dewdrop wasn’t so fucking aroused right now. “That’s the thing about little nymphs like you, though. You just need a good cock in you to settle the fuck down. Maybe a pussy smothering you until you have no choice but to give in and calm down?”
Through half-lidded eyes, Mountain watches as Dewdrop gulps, his lazy grin nearly splitting through his face as he takes in the little imp’s reactions.
“Liked that, did you?”
Next thing he knows, Mountain’s groping his thighs with one hand, continuously trailing his claws up and down the invisible inseam of his thighs as he squeezes gently at his outstretch throat. Just outside the corners of his vision, Dewdrop can find Sunshine reclining into the couch with a hand gently working her core from underneath the waist band of her lounge wear. Although he cannot see it, Dewdrop can most certainly hear Rain’s pathetic cries and whines as Cirrus and Cumulus no doubt tear them apart.
“Can you hear them?” Mountain growls, his large fingers unwrapping from Dewdrop’s throat and joining the other one down at his thighs; squeezing the scrawny flesh that resides there. “Look at them.”
So Dewdrop did.
Rain is, somehow, still standing in those long, graceful legs of theirs. Cirrus is on her knees behind them, perfectly manicured nails spreading their ass cheeks and diving underneath the hem of the skirt to lick at their asshole. Ever the tag team, Cumulus is seated on the couch, legs spread and fingers sliding up and down her own juicy folds as she takes Rain’s cockhead into her mouth, working the both of them over with intense dedication. Sunshine’s pretty mouth is moving, but Dewdrop can’t hear her last the blood rushing through his ears. Whatever she’s saying though, Dewdrop can hear Rain’s beautiful mewls and squeals as clear as day. They look a mess. They look beautiful.
Mountain observes as Dewdrop stares in awe at the beautiful disaster the ghoulettes are creating, his own arousal spurting hot slick down the meat of his thighs and gently burning Mountain’s squeezing fingers.
“Ah. So you do like that.” Mountain nips at Dewdrop’s smoking ears, breathing in deeply as he goes. “Adorable.”
Dewdrop and Rain have found themselves propped up on either side of the coffee table in the ghoul’s commons, Sunshine’s hands fisted in their hairs as she babbles in about how cute the skirts look hiked up over their asses. She coos about how expressive their tails are as Rain glares daggers into Dewdrop’s flushed visage.
The ghoulettes are still eating them out, Cirrus propped up against the edge of the coffee table and lapping at Rain’s ballsack whereas Cumulus is now fingering the water’s sin open with beautiful fingers and is rubbing herself over the neat of Rain’s ass, whispering and moaning about this skirt is going to be fucking ruined. Just like they will be, soon.
Mountain is rubbing his own blunt cockhead over Dewdrop’s drooling pussy, has been for the last fifteen minutes when they first rounded up their little nymphs into this position. The earth ghoul behinds him keeps alternating between thrusting shallowly through Dewdrop’s slippery folds, and rutting upwards over the crease of the little ghoul’s ass and into the bunched up material of his skirt. He’s cooing something too, but, again, Dewdrop struggles paying attention to anything that isn’t Rain right now.
“Sathanas below, when they’re done with us, I’m fucking your ass into next goddamn month, Dewdrop.” Rain hisses as Cirrus flicks her talented tongue at a certain vein. “You little shit. If you wanted to get laid—“
Dewdrop cackles breathlessly as they cut themselves off, bucking their hips forward and allowing Dewdrop to feel the ruined hem of their skirt from their proximity. Sunshine keeps slowly bringing their faces closer and closer, and soon Dewdrop’s nose is pressed into Rain’s cheek.
“What, you don’t wanna get ruined by three lovely, dashing ladies and dirt boy?” He grins, still manic despite the trills bubbling behind his bared fangs as Mountain just barely pushes into his gaping pussy before retreating again.
“That’s not what I mean, and you— ooh, fuck — and you know it-“ Rain must be getting close, their hips are rutting forward more often and Dewdrop can feel the burns of their pleated skirt against his burning skin more consistently.
“Whatever, little nymph.” Dewdrop gasps, his tongue brushing against Rain’s cheek as Sunshine pushes them closer still. “You’ll thank me later when you get pampered to heaven and back after this, and you know it.”
And Dewdrop watches with wide eyes as Rain shivers, keens, and cums all over Dewdrop’s thighs and their stupid, slutty fucking skirt.
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madphantom · 2 years
Anyway the year is coming to its end and it was probably the most bewildering year of my life so here's a summary of some of the more random events
The year began with finally being able to reach my best friend who had ghosted me a few weeks prior, asking why she left and getting told I was too boring for her.
Desperate for human interaction I went to a lecture on feminism in a bar, started talking to the organizers because I had never attended events they'd hosted before, traded numbers and now we're best friends and I'm part of their organization and we're planning weekend trips together.
Also I got an issue of a feminist magazine at said lecture and was amazed by it, and recently I wrote an article for it myself after the girl running it personally requested it.
I graduated school with an average of 2.3 which is insanely good, considering I didn't study the slightest bit for my finals and didn't do my homework in three years.
I went to a graduation party, met a guy I seemingly grooved with and we ended up drinking an entire bottle of white wine and making out on the town square as the entire crowd cheered for us. That evening we went to a club together, started dancing and talking and then I found out he was transphobic and ended the relationship the next day.
I saw MCR live and I was in the third row and Mikey Way winked at me, and that's like one of my biggest flexes now.
I went to pride in our neighbouring town. Then I went to pride in our town a few weeks later and made out with a very attractive trans guy and a very pretty lesbian, both of which I lost touch with. Luke, if you're out there and you're single again, I'm still available.
I went to a fun fair with a guy I'd briefly met at pride and all his friends which I'd never seen before and at some point that evening I was driven to my hometown in the back of a black van with tinted windows belonging to a guy I didn't know and basically just hoped I wouldn't get murdered later.
I went to an antifascist summer camp for three days, got a crash course in krav maga and tried to defend the camp with a rock when I thought we were being attacked (it was fine, they were just fireworks in the valley)
I went on a cross country train trip with a guy that I later found out was a serial rapist, and miraculously nothing happened to me.
I went to the first party in my life that lasted all night, a very hot band member with immaculate eyeliner danced with me and bought me a drink and at some point in the morning like four of us were sitting in an empty bar eating breakfast, drinking Berliner Luft and watching the sunrise.
I held my first ever self written speech at a protest.
I started bartending at a communist bar, which has the worst reputation in the entire city and is known and feared as Incredibly Shady™
I enrolled in university and started studying film and media.
I got wasted and randomly decided it would be fun to be a board member of the university film club so I texted the current board leader that I volunteer and now I'm a board member of the university film club despite being in my first semester and completely inexperienced.
I got drugged at the Christmas market.
I confessed a crush on someone, got rejected and miraculously we stayed friends instead of never speaking to each other again.
I spontaneously performed a vent poem about my crush as a punk song at a jam and now I'm being offered to be the frontman of a band by multiple people.
I became Tumblr famous with a Goncharov movie and my follower count rose from 1200 to over 6000 within a month.
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Very pleased to see that Dominic Maxwell at The Times has written an article about how Jerry Seinfeld is correct when he says PC culture has ruined comedy (I won't link to it because fuck that guy, but I guess in the interest of being fair to him, I will clarify that he did not specifically endorse Seinfeld's more outlandish claims about "the extreme left" taking over, but Maxwell did agree with the idea that comedies that appeal to "a niche" are less funny than comedies that appeal to "everyone" (everyone who saw themselves in the broad comedies where only a few demographics were represented), and agreeing with that is enough to make him a dick). He's my least favourite comedy reviewer (of the ones I actually read sometimes). I first took against him over the review of Andy Zaltzman's stand-up show from just after John Oliver left The Bugle, calling Andy a "left behind sidekick" and spending a bunch of the review explaining how Andy could never have the successful TV career that John did because he's not telegenic enough, even though it was a review about Andy solo stand-up show that had nothing to do with either John Oliver or TV. Since then I've gone to his page occasionally to read his recent reviews, and sometimes he comes up when I search old reviews of something, and I almost always disagree with him, even if it's just in a little way. So I'm pleased to have a legitimate moral reason to dislike that guy now, rather than just thinking he's incorrect about comedy and shouldn't have been so mean to Andy Zaltzman. Turns out the guy who writes for The Times is a dick, who would have thought?
Jerry Seinfeld specifically cited Cheers and M*A*S*H in his comments. I grew up watching Cheers, M*A*S*H, and Seinfeld nearly every morning for years. Not because they were on TV, but my parents had the DVD boxsets and I watched every episode until I had them memorized. I enjoyed them all, but Cheers and M*A*S*H significantly more so than Seinfeld.
It's such an odd idea to me that anyone thinks that's where comedy should have stopped. I was obsessed with them, but I was about 10. I re-watch them occasionally now (Cheers and M*A*S*H, not Seinfeld) and they make me laugh, but there is just nothing in those shows that makes me think you couldn't make that today, or that no one's making anything as funny as that today. The joke rate is no higher than the joke rate in plenty of more modern sitcoms. The jokes are not better and are in some ways worse, than what I see in more modern sitcoms. I watch them with a bit of nostalgia but even if we do assume that nothing in comedy should matter at all besides laughs per minute, they don't objectively stand out as better than modern shows. They look like prototypes for modern shows.
I'm talking about Cheers more than M*A*S*H, I guess - M*A*S*H, more than Cheers, had some unique stuff going on in it that I haven't seen since. But the unique stuff was mainly based on what they did with characters and plot and, crucially, setting. If you judge a comedy only on laugh rate and consider nothing else, M*A*S*H doesn't stand out significantly more than comparably good comedies from other eras either.
I loved Cheers, but obviously lots of things are as funny as Cheers. What an odd thing to say, to suggest otherwise. This was a bit of a tangent as I was not planning to dignify Jerry Seinfeld's attention-grabbing comments by responding to them (and I wish the people with actual platforms would do the same because then maybe people would give up on trying for attention that way, though I have to admit Chortle's collection of headlines responding to him the other day was funny), the point of this post was just to say I'm glad I can now justify writing off Dominic Maxwell as a dick. Fuck that guy.
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The Interview (Part 2 of Metropolitan Family Life)
The Interview:
Suguru walked into the bedroom to find you anxiously pacing back and forth muttering to yourself like a mad woman. You had a death grip on the blazer in your hand twisting the garment without a shred of mercy. 
“Breakfast is ready (Name),” he informed you.
You nervously shook your head. “I need to finish prepping.”
You shuffled to the nightstand table that held your documents for today's interview. This was it. Today you had an interview with a major daily that had a prestigious reputation. It had been your ideal destination back when you were in journalism school: work for an accredited paper in Tokyo (and eventually become an editor). Unfortunately shortly after you graduated family drama had forced you to the countryside. Now that’s over. And you were here. And you wanted this job. 
“How about taking a break?” Suguru suggested.
You shook your head again and when you lifted your hand to thumb through some articles he noticed how much you were shaking with nerves. Suguru walked up behind you and put his hands on your shoulders. 
“(Name) you're going to get this job,” he assured you. 
You sighed and tossed the article back onto the table, then you turned to face your husband. 
“Oh Suguru. I’m just so nervous. I mean there’s no way. Why would they hire some no name journalist from the middle of nowhere over someone more experienced?”
“(Name),” he softly chided.
Suguru cupped your cheek with his hand and brushed his thumb under your eyes. 
“Not one of those applicants is as talented or intelligent as you.”
“Just take a breath,” he ordered. 
You did so and leaned forward to rest your head against his shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Everything is going to be fine,” he assured you. 
“Yeah. Now let go of the blazer.”
You looked down to find the clothing in your hand had gone limp and was now littered with wrinkles. 
“Oh no,” you sighed. 
Nanako walked into the room holding her Cheer Bear plush under her arm. “Mommy can you put jam on my toast please.”
“I’ll take care of that sweetheart. Mommy still needs to get dressed,” Suguru explained. 
Nanako perked up at the mention of clothes. “Can I pick?”
“Of course you can,” you answered. 
Your daughter loved clothes and fashion, and you liked to encourage her hobbies like any good parent would. 
“I need you to pick out a blazer for me please. One of the shorter jackets on the chair,” you instructed. 
She nodded and handed you Cheer Bear. “You can hug her and she’ll make you feel all better,” she assured you.
“Thank you angel,” you said as you took the plush from her. 
Nanako smiled and ventured into the walk-in closet to find a blazer.
You turned to your husband with a sheepish grin. “Is it obvious that I’m stressed out?”
“You’ve been talking to yourself…quite a bit.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Just get the job.”
“Oh that’s all?” you asked sarcastically.
He chuckled. “Well you already have a great reference on top of your portfolio.”
That was true. Your colleague and friend Yuki Tsukumo who had done freelance at this particular major daily in the past had been kind enough to get you this interview assuring you she knew the current editor. 
“I know but it’s Yuki. You know I love her but she’s a little…” you teetered off.
“I know she’s a bit brazen, but she’s an award winning journalist.”
“But she refused to tell me how she knew this guy. Knowing her she either beat him up or slept with him. Or both.”
“Like a sleepover?” Nanako asked.
You nearly jumped when you saw your daughter standing in front of you with a new blazer. 
“Um,” you nervously turned to your husband who awkwardly looked back at you. 
“Exactly sweetheart,” Suguru smoothly answered. 
“In the same bed like you and mommy?” she asked, unwilling to drop this. 
“No,” you rushed to answer. “In separate beds in separate rooms.”
“And stuff like that is strictly for people over thirty,” Suguru added. 
“Yes your father is exactly right- oh my that’s a beautiful blazer you picked out,” you stammered.
Nanako quickly moved on and beamed with pride at your compliment. “It matches your skirt.”
“Yes it does. Thank you very much my little fashion woman,” you leaned down to kiss the top of her head. 
“Do you feel better?” she asked. 
“Yes,” you assured her, handing Cheer Bear back to her. 
“Let’s go eat,” Suguru suggested.
“Okay!” said Nanako. 
“Mimi turned off the t.v. and came to the table,” Suguru instructed.
“Okay daddy,” Mimiko said as she shut off The Powerpuff Girls. 
She walked to the table and sat in her seat. A phone book was placed under her so she could reach the table. “You look pretty mommy,” she complimented.
You leaned over from your seat next to her to ruffle her hair. “Thank you angel. Can I put Jim in his chair so you can eat?” you gestured towards the doll in her arms. She nodded and handed you the zombie-like creature. You placed him in the spare seat where Nanako had placed Cheer Bear. 
You weren’t exactly sure what the doll was supposed to be. When you had taken the girls to a toy store about a year ago on a vacation Mimiko had approached you holding it in her hands. When you suggested she get a pretty Barbie like her sister was getting she refused. “He was all by himself and another girl said he was ugly,” she explained. “He must be lonely.”
She wouldn’t budge so you relented and bought it for her. Now Jim was glued to her side and she took it everywhere. It was a bit of a creepy looking doll but it melted your heart that your daughter wanted him for the reason she did. 
Your family carried on with breakfast when your doorbell rang. 
“Who’s that this early in the morning?” Suguru asked. 
“I’ll get it!” Nanako announced.
“No you won’t,” you stopped her and got up. “If it’s a neighbor they’ve got a lot of nerve bothering us before eight.”
You walked to the door and Smooch jumped off the couch and trailed behind you. 
“You can’t answer the door Smooch you can’t reach,” Nanako giggled. 
You opened the door to discover a white haired man in an expensive suit and a pair of sunglasses. A black town car was parked behind him. 
“Good morning (Name).” 
Smooch just hissed at him and retreated back to the couch. 
Little gasps were heard behind you as the twins shimmied out of their chairs and scurried to the front door. 
“Girls breakfast,” Suguru groaned. 
“Uncle Satoru! Uncle Satoru!” they cheered as they approached him. 
“Hey, my favorite nieces!” 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, moving aside so he could come in. 
“Well I know you two don’t have a car so I thought I’d be charitable and drive you to your interview today,” he exclaimed, taking off his shades. 
“Oh,” you shut the door behind you. “That’s very kind but I was just going to take the subway.”
Satoru snorted. “Sure (Name) I love walking over hungover salarymen and getting packed away like a sardine first thing in the morning.”
You rolled your eyes and smirked. “Would you like some breakfast Satoru?”
“Why thank you, that's so thoughtful of you.”
You filed back into the kitchen where your husband was already pouring another cup of coffee. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty it’s a rarity to see you before you have your dark circles concealed.”
Suguru yawned and handed his best friend the mug. “Just drink this Satoru.”
You scooped up your daughter's stuffed animals and took their plates to the living room, setting them on the coffee table in front of the television. “Eat here girls. You can turn the t.v. back on,” 
you announced.
“Uncle Satoru, did you bring us anything?” Nanako asked. 
“Hmm…let me see here…” he felt around his coat pocket. “Wait a second… here we go!”
He pulled two candy bars out and held them up. 
“Yay!” they cheered in unison.
You plucked the candy bars out of his hand and placed them in one of the cupboards above the counter. “Mommy!” Nanako protested. 
“Later,” you firmly stated.
“Like in one minute?” Nanako asked. 
“Later,” you repeated.
“Two minutes?” she pushed. 
“Nanako,” you warned. 
“Listen to your mother Nanako,” Suguru said. 
The young girl looked up to Satoru who ruffled her hair. “Sorry squirt but the boss said.”
“Okay,” she huffed. 
“Now go eat your breakfast before it gets cold,”  you ordered. 
The twins did as they were told. 
Before she left Mimko handed Satoru a small plastic Nemo toy she had in her dress pocket. “For me?” he asked.
She nodded and he took it. 
“Thank you,” he smiled and pinched her cheek. 
“Hey!” she giggled.
“Hey!” he mimicked, gently guiding her out of the kitchen. 
“There’s an opening in my building. You two should consider moving in,” Satoru offered.
“We like this house, thank you,” you replied.
“No. No. It’s cute.”
Suguru looked over to you. “(Name) I don’t think this house is up to his standards.”
“Satoru Gojo doesn’t approve? Well we should pack up and head to Ebisu immediately,” you retorted.
Satoru rolled his eyes. “Haha. Jokes aside Suguru now that you're no longer a starving artist you don’t have to be so frugal anymore. You should consider upscaling.”
“Just because we have more money now doesn’t mean we're just going to frivolously spend it on some overpriced apartment.”
“It has a swimming pool,” he offered. 
“Well in that case,” you jested. 
“So are you ready for your interview?” Satoru asked.
You took a sip of your coffee. “I hope so I’ve been prepping all week.”
“Well if things don’t pan out you can always come work for me,” he offered. 
You smiled. “That’s very kind Satoru.”
You glanced at your watch. “Look at the time. I should get going.”
You leaned over to Suguru and pecked his lips. 
“Good luck,” he murmured. 
You put your dish in the sink and went out to the living room to say goodbye to the twins. “I’m leaving girls.”
They both got up from their spots on the carpet and ran over to say goodbye. 
“Good luck mommy,” said Mimiko.
“Thank you Mimi.”
“After you get your job can we go see your new office?” Nanako asked.
You chuckled. “Of course sweetheart.”
Gojo walked towards the door with Smooch following closely behind letting out a string of agitated meows. “Okay okay I’m leaving.”
After Satoru had dropped you off at the paper you checked in with the receptionist early and had enough time to grab another cup of coffee from the cafe. You decided to take your husband's advice and relax a bit before your meeting. You had prepared as much as you could and now all you could do was wait. 
You sat at a small table in the corner of the cafe and sipped your mocha. Things were going peaceful enough until you overheard a conversation. Not so much a conversation as much as a rant. You looked up towards the counter and observed a less than pleasant interaction going down between a barista and a customer. 
“I ordered a latte with half and half and you put whole milk in this,” the customer barked.
“I’m sorry sir. I can make it again,” the barista offered.
“Why so you can screw it up again? If you remake it I’ll be late.”
You shuffled uncomfortably in your seat. He was being awfully rude to that woman. Should you step in?
“I’m sorry. It’s my first day and-”
“Your only day by this afternoon,” he threatened.
“Excuse me,” you stood up and walked over to the counter.
If the man heard you he didn’t acknowledge it. He simply snatched up his cup and walked away. 
You turned to the barista who was shaking. “I’m so sorry, are you alright?” 
She nodded. “Yes. Excuse me.” She turned around and continued making drinks. 
You stood there at a loss for words. Before you could muster up anything else the receptionist you checked in with appeared before you. 
“Mrs. Getou, Mr. Zenin is about ready for you. I thought I’d come down and escort you back up to his office,” she offered. 
You gave one last look at the barista and sighed in defeat. “Thank you very much.”
Jinichi Zenin was a burly man with a jagged scar on his forehead. The editor was more akin to an assassin than a journalist. Yet despite his intimidating presence he was well mannered. You straightened up in your chair while he looked through your resume. 
“And you're acquainted with Ms. Tsukumo?” he asked looking over Yuki’s reference. 
“Yes, we went to journalism school together.”
“We covered the labor strikes together that were happening in France a few years ago.”
Jinichi pointed to the scar on his forehead. “That’s where I got this.”
You gasped. “You two were caught in the middle of the protesters and the police?”
“No. I was riding on the back of Ms. Tsukumo’s bike and we hit a giant pothole.”
Oh no. This was worse than you had imagined. Yuki maimed the man you needed a job from?
“She’s a reckless adrenaline junkie but she’s also one hell of a reporter. And judging by her reference and your portfolio I believe you are too.”
You blushed. “Well I’m hardly that worldly Mr. Zenin.”
“Regardless, your articles are wonderfully written.”
Your thanks was cut short when Jinichi’s office door flew open and someone familiar rudely came barging in.
“Would you tell your secretary not to keep me waiting. I’ve been sitting in that conference room for five minutes like an idiot.”
The man the voice belonged to walked past you and stood next to Jinichi. It was the man from the cafe downstairs. 
“Naoya, I’m in the middle of an interview. Please go back to the conference room and wait.”
Naoya snorted and planted himself in the spare chair next to you.
“I’ll wait here. I’ve had enough meandering for a day.”
He took out his phone and ignored Jinichi’s tired sigh. 
“I’m so sorry. Do you mind?” the editor asked you.
“Oh, um no it’s fine.”
“Mrs. Getou, this is my cousin Naoya Zenin.”
Ah yes it made sense. You had made sure to do your research before coming. The Zenin group had purchased this paper a few years ago adding to their ever growing fleet. It was only natural their offspring would be going into the family business. Noaya had nepotism leaking from his ears in the worst possible way. Despite all that and the horrible behavior he had already displayed you decide to go down the route of civility.
“Hello Mr. Zenin.”
Noaya gave you a once over and went back to his phone. “How are you doing?”
Jinichi cleared his throat. “Well shall we continue?”
You turned your attention back to him. “Yes.”
“So tell me a bit about yourself.”
“Well I went to school in Tokyo and met my husband here. We would have stayed but his father was having health issues so we moved to the countryside to be closer to him. While I was there I worked as a staff writer at the local paper. I was one of three employees.”
“Was one of them a mule?” Noaya mumbled next to you.
You bit your cheek to stop yourself from saying anything. 
“I understand my background is slightly more modest than ideal but I’d like to believe my work highlights my potential use here.”
“And you live in Tokyo permanently now?” Jinichi asked.
“Yes, my family relocated in the fall. My daughters are already enrolled in school.”
Noaya looked up from his phone. “You have kids?” he asked.
You nodded. “Twins.”
His eyes linger down your figure disregarding just how inappropriate it was. “You look good for pushing two out.”
You blinked. “Excuse me?” 
Did he just say that? 
“Noaya. Go wait outside,” Jinichi ordered. 
Naoya ignored his cousin’s order and turned to face him. “What’s the deal with this? Do you just want to fuck her?”
“Go outside now!” Jinichi ordered.
Instead of listening, the younger Zenin leaned back in his chair and put his hand up in defense. “Hey I’m sorry but some no name ‘journalist’ from the middle of nowhere is going to be a staff writer?” 
He turned to face you again. “Listen honey. This is cute and all but maybe you’d look better in an apron instead of a suit.”
You shook in your chair. Noaya thought you were about to falter and burst into tears, but you didn’t. You took a breath and turned to face Jinichi. 
“Mr. Zenin, I appreciate that you took the time to meet with me today but I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave. Have a nice day.”
You stood up and walked to the door.
“Mrs. Getou-” Jinichi begged. 
“Let her go. Just another weak minded woman,” Naoya spat. 
You stopped in your tracks and turned to face him.
“I’m not going to sit here and listen to this blatant misogyny and be belittled by an arrogant trust fund baby. And if I was as incapable as you say I am I would have already slapped that smug look off your damn face.” 
You slammed the door behind you and stormed out of the office. 
Shoko was situated at a table in the corner of a local bistro. The two of you had originally planned to meet after your interview for a quick coffee and pastry since she worked nearby. Now she spotted you barreling towards her in a frenzy nearly knocking over an elderly woman and two waiters. 
“(Name). What’s wrong?” she asked.
You sat down and started hyperventilating. 
“Oh Shoko, I messed up. I really messed up. But I had no choice. I mean I wanted the job but  before I knew it I was just talking. And Yuki went out on a limb for me. So now she’s in trouble. Suguru and the girls were so excited. But I ruined everything but he made me,” you rambled. 
Shoko reached out and grabbed your arm. “(Name). Calm down. I need you to breathe okay.”
You gasped, startling the waiter who had approached your table. “I think I accidentally slut shamed Yuki when I was explaining sleepovers to Nanako.”
Shoko looked up to the waiter. “She’ll have a double espresso and a blueberry muffin.”
After you managed to regulate your breathing you told Shoko everything that happened. “I’m sorry (Name). But you said the editor was nice so maybe he’ll reach out.”
“Shoko I all but called the son of the owner a nepotism case.”
“Wasn’t it an arrogant trust fund baby?”
You groaned. “I can’t believe I snapped like that. It was so unprofessional.”
“You had every right to be upset. That asshole was totally out of line.”
“But I’ve dealt with guys like that in my professional life, and every other woman I know has too.”
Shoko snorted. “You’re telling me. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been called a nurse by the male surgeons. We all have a Naoya we have to deal with.``
“It’s not fair.”
She lifted her coffee cup up to her lips. “I’ll drink that.”
After two cups of espresso you said goodbye to Shoko and dragged yourself home. When you finally arrived you were greeted with an empty house. With your husband at work, the twins in school, and Smooch somewhere off in the neighborhood you decided to just crumple up on the couch and watch bad daytime soap operas. Might as well start preparing for the rest of your life. 
Jinichi Zenin liked to believe he was good at his job. He could have easily coasted off the Zenin name and still have been in charge. But he always put overtime into his work and went out of his way to be a fair and even tempered boss. But his younger cousin had pushed him over the edge. After you had stormed out Noaya burst out into laughter. “Blatant misogyny,” he parroted. 
“What a bitch.” 
Without warning Jinichi slammed his fist against his desk causing Naoya to jump in surprise. “What the hell?”
“For once in your goddamn life shut your fucking mouth you spoiled brat,” he ordered. 
Naoya narrowed his eyes on him. “Or what?”
Jinichi scoffed. “Do you think I’m stupid?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?”
“You screwed up Naoya. That’s why you're here. Your irresponsible and incompetent.”
“Hey,” Noaya protested.
“You’ve had one too many fuck ups. That’s why you’re not at the main office anymore. You were too busy partying and gambling.”
Noaya slumped back in his chair. “It’s called having a life. Not that you’d know anything about that.”
“Well I do know that Uncle is reconsidering making you the next head of the family.”
Noaya said nothing to that which made Jinichi a bit happier. He leaned forward and looked at him dead in the eye. “This is your last chance. One more screw up and you’ll be cut off.”
Naoya snorted. “Naobito was bluffing.”
“Open your eyes Noaya. Your dad would drop you in a second if it risked affecting the family name.”
Again Naoya was quiet. He knew that was true.
His cousin leaned back in his chair. “I’m going to call (Name) and ask her to reconsider the possibility of working here. And if she comes back you're going to apologize for what you said.”
Noaya’s face scrunched up in annoyance. His hands were tied. 
“Now get out of my face,” Jinichi ordered. 
(Later in the day)
After wallowing in your pity you received a phone call from Jinichi Zenin apologizing profusely and asking you to come in again. You told him you’d have to think about it and would let him know in the morning. For the rest of the day you debated whether or not you should. You wanted to discuss it with your husband. 
You didn’t have the heart to call him yet so you opted to wait until he got home with the girls who he promised he’d pick up. In the meantime, you changed out of your suit and put on a pair of flannel pajamas. You did chores around the house until your family returned. Your husband found you in the backyard hanging your clothes up on the clothesline. 
“(Name),” Suguru called out. You turned around and were immediately pulled into his strong embrace. “Shoko called and told me everything.”
You sighed in relief. You didn’t think you had it in you to tell him yourself. 
“Why didn’t you call? I would have come home.”
You pulled back and put your hands on his shoulders. “I know you would have. I just needed some time to cool off.”
He nodded. “Okay.”  
“I’m going to say hi to the girls.”
“I’ll finish the laundry okay?”
“You don’t have to. I’m almost done.”
He kissed your forehead. “I want to. Now hand over that basket,” he jokingly ordered. 
You grinned. “Yes sir. And after dinner I want to talk to you.” 
“Of course.”
After the dinner plates had been cleared away. Suguru situated the girls in the living room to watch a movie while they ate their candy bars Satoru had gifted them. Nanako had offered you hers to make you ‘not sad.’ You gently declined her offer and shooed her off to the living room to watch The Little Mermaid. You and Suguru went to your room where you told him about your phone call earlier. 
He sighed. “I don’t know (Name). Are you sure you want to work in a place like that?”
“That’s why I waited to discuss this with you. I need a second opinion.”
You sat at the end of the bed and he trailed over to sit next to you.
“I don’t like the way that man talked to you.”
He took your hand and squeezed it. “But I know if you did want to work there you’d give guys like that hell.”
 “Yeah but what if I come off too aggressive?” you asked. 
“This isn’t the paper from our last place. It’ll be cutthroat.”
“So you're saying I’ll have to be aggressive.”
“And if they don’t like it, tough.”
“So I should take the job?” you asked.
“Only you can make that decision,” he replied. 
You nodded. “You’re right.”
He stood up. “I’m going to draw you a bath.”
“Anything I can bring you?”
“Wine. A lot of wine.”
He smiled. “Coming right up beautiful.”
“Would you care to join me,” you suggestively asked.
Your husband took your hand and pulled you up. You giggled as he pressed his lips to yours.
The following afternoon you sat in Jinichi Zenin’s office. 
“Thank you for coming back,” Jinichi said. 
“I appreciate Naoya’s apology. I can’t imagine that wasn easy.”
“So will you consider taking the job?” he asked.
“I want to set up some ground rules. I have no tolerance for behavior like that and I’m not going to just smile and take it.”
He nodded. “I understand.”
“Naoya will be working here permanently?”
“I’m afraid so. But I can assure you he won’t act out of line with you again.”
You nodded. “Well if that’s the case I can’t see any other issues.”
“I think you’d do well here (Name),” Jinichi admitted.
“I think so too and if you’ll have me I’d love to accept the position.”
“Welcome aboard.”
“This is your desk mommy?” Mimiko asked.
“That’s right angel,” you answered.
You had brought your family to see your new office as promised. They had come to help you set up your workstation. “I’m so proud of you (Name),” Suguru said as he squeezed your shoulder. 
“Thanks,” you beamed.
The two of you watched your daughters place your family photos and other mementos on your desk. You could only hope that you’d set a good example for your girls. So when they grew up they’d go out into the world and fight for their dreams. 
The End. 
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uncaaj · 1 year
Fanfic: Feedback (Bluey)
Every morning right when he awoke, Bandit Heeler was on his phone, looking through any new notifications. Whether it was a news article, a text from a friend, or an email from work, he made sure to not leave anyone hanging for longer than necessary. He liked clearing them out as his first accomplishment of a productive day.
This morning, as he sat up in bed in their rental, he pondered what he might receive. He probably shouldn’t be doing this while on vacation, but a habit was a habit. The first thing to pop up across his lock screen was his email app.
His stomach did a somersault.
“Morning, babe,” Chilli yawned, sitting up. “What’s new today?”
“Marcus got back about the book,” said Bandit in a small voice.
For the past few months, Bandit had taken his career in a new direction. Instead of planning and supervising digs in various corners of the world, he had taken on a new challenge: writing a book about the first dogs to walk upright. Since Marcus Beagle was his closest colleague and an experienced book editor, he became Bandit’s biggest champion for making this dream of his a reality. Through the many writing blocks and organizing of all his findings into a cohesive narrative, Marcus was there offering encouragement and insights from the many books he helped see to shelves.
Finally sending off the book to Marcus was the catalyst for the Heelers going on this vacation in the first place, a much-needed respite while the fruits of his labor were inspected. This was his first book and the first big piece of writing he had shared since childhood. For once, Bandit couldn’t bring himself to look at the email yet.
“Well, what does Marcus think?” Chilli asked, scooting closer and peering over his shoulder.
Bandit tapped the notification and braced for the email app to open. This was it. The culmination of all he worked for. He started to read.
I realize you’re on holiday but I couldn’t wait to send this off to you. I must say that I appreciate all the work that you’ve put into this project and I quite enjoyed reading your first draft.
“That’s great, babe!” Chilli gave him a smoochy-kiss and hopped out of bed. “I’ll get brekkie started for the kids, you tell me how the rest of it goes, okay?”
Bandit nodded at his wife as she shut the door. He heard his kids’ excited cheers and chuckled. Now back to his business.
That being the case, it is only the first draft and we have a lot of work ahead of us still.
Bandit’s stomach plummeted into his tail. The world outside fell away and as he read through the email numerous times, he began to feel the lapping waves of discouragement.
He wished he never saw that notification.
BANDIT: This episode of Bandit is called…*sigh* “Feedback.”
“Where’s dad?” asked Bluey as Chilli set her plate of eggs and sausage down in front of her at the kitchen bar.
Chilli looked back to their bedroom down the hall from the living room. “I think…he slept in. I’ll go get him.” She delivered Bingo her breakfast and went back to check on Bandit. He was usually out by now moaning about his hunger, so this was a bit odd.
When she opened the door, she saw Bandit sitting on the bed staring ahead at the wall. His phone was locked and off to the side.
“Babe?” said Chilli. He didn’t acknowledge her. “Bandit?”
He flinched. “Oh, uh, hey babe.” His shoulders slumped and he turned back to the wall.
Chili sat down next to her husband and regarded him. The spark in his eyes he had a few minutes ago had vanished, replaced with an emptiness that had her worried “Is everything alright?” she said softly.
Bandit blinked and turned to Chilli, trying to put up his usual sunny demeanor for her. “Uh, yeah, it’s all good. Is, uh, brekkie on?”
Chilli placed her hand on his. “Bandit, what’s wrong? You looked like someone stomped on your pavlova.”
Bandit sighed. He really couldn’t sneak anything past his wife. She was too good, all that airport security training coming in handy. Slowly, his front broke down and he returned to staring at the wall. “He hated it.”
“What?” Chilli stepped back. “That doesn’t sound like Marcus.”
Bandit laughed. “You’re right, but he said it’s not where it needs to be yet, and he called it a ‘first draft.’” Chilli put her paw on his shoulder and his ears slumped, the last vestiges of his self giving way to his sadness. “He knows how hard I worked on this book already, how much he pushed the publisher to let me tell this story. It just feels like…heh, that I did make a beautiful pavlova and it’s been stomped on.”
“Oh, come here, big fella.” She pulled him into a hug.
“I poured over every word, babe,” Bandit lamented, “and I just feel like a fraud now. Like…I never should’ve started.”
Chilli’s next decision would be the key to getting her husband out of his funk. Like the bones he uncovered every day, she set to pull him out and clean him up.
She booped him on the snout before walking to his side of the bed. “Alright, Heeler, I know what you need,” she declared, pulling him up to stand. “A good day at the beach with your kids.”
“What?” Bandit sat back on the bed at Chilli’s abrupt tone shift.
“You’re on holiday and you deserve a clear mind away from your work. Did you read the whole email?”
Bandit scratched the back of his neck. “Well, no.” Truthfully, Marcus’s criticisms were only in the first paragraph. He threw his phone aside after reading just that.
Chilli helped him up again. “Okay, have some breakfast, leave all those cares behind, and maybe later on you can revisit that email with a better perspective. I know how hard you worked on that book and Marcus does too. Come on, Bluey and Bingo are waiting.”
With that, Bandit was gently pushed to the door and quickly gathered as much composure as he could. He knew Chilli wasn’t letting him dwell in his self-doubt but he wondered if it really would help him forget. Before he could sink back into the depths of his sadness, the door opened and Bluey and Bingo’s tails wagged furiously. They cheered his arrival and Bandit’s heart melted like it always did.
Breakfast did improve his mood. That gnawing in his stomach after he read the email did feel like hunger. It was funny how often he mistook one for the other. Afterward, everyone packed their bags and went down to the beach, which was also relaxing. Of course, Bluey and Bingo kept his mind and body active with tons of games. But when he wasn’t chatting with Chilli or helping his kids turn him into a merdog on land, he felt himself drifting back to that nagging voice that said, you aren’t good enough for this. Your words weren’t worth it. He zoned out and drifted his gaze toward the horizon as his kids’ laughter fizzled, blending with the washing surf into a kind of white noise.
A snap within the din brought him back to reality. “What? Huh?” He searched around, locking eyes with Chilli, her snapped fingers held aloft.
“Let it go, babe,” she said, gesturing to the sprawling beach around them. “You’re missing all this.”
“I’m trying,” said Bandit.
All the distractions seemed to only leave him afloat on his anxieties until one incident with a Stickbird would help both Bingo and him to process their grief over their creations and let go of the bad feelings. As he used all his might to chuck his angry and upset far away into the ocean, he felt like he could finally enjoy the day with his family and leave the book and its woes behind.
Later that day, after all the chaos died down and the kids were put to bed, Bandit sat back and let the silence come in without any of the negative talk that had plagued him earlier. Sadly, it didn’t last long as his phone rang. Sitting up, he picked up the device and beheld Marcus’s proper-looking headshot on screen. A wave of ill thoughts nearly made him drop his phone but he managed to answer the call anyway.
“What’s up, babe?” Chilli asked.
“G’day, Marcus,” Bandit said tentatively, finger twitching as he held the phone to his ear.
Chilli gulped. Oh, dear.
“Evening, Bandit!” Marcus greeted in his chipper English, “Did you get my email earlier today? I know you’re usually prompt with responses so to not hear from you all day was a bit unusual, I’ll admit.”
“Yeah, uh, busy day with the kids is all. We were at the beach.”
“Oh, that sounds delightful!”
“Yeah, it was…” Bandit trailed off, feeling his angry and upset filling him again. “Marcus, I-“
“Would it be alright if I turned this into a FaceyTalk? I want to talk to you about that email, not as your boss, but as your friend.”
Bandit raised an eyebrow in surprise. But he gave the go-ahead and moved to the kitchen bar. He propped his phone up on the napkin holder and soon, Marcus appeared surrounded by the overflowing burgundy bookshelves in his home office. 
He adjusted his big square glasses and waved. “There you are, then!”
“Hey there, Marcus,” said Chilli, leaning into the frame. She patted his shoulder. “I’ll let you two get on with it.” As she walked to their bedroom, she had a feeling things were about to be worked out.
With Chilli gone, Bandit turned his focus to Marcus. “So how’s Daisy and Honey?” he asked.
“Oh, wonderful,” said Marcus. “Honey’s more curious and inquisitive than ever, and Daisy? Well, where would I be without her?”
“So true.” Despite the levity, Bandit felt his worry threatening to spill over him, more so upon seeing Marcus take a breath in and sigh.
“Well, I should get on with it, shouldn’t I?” he said. “I wanted to hop on here, face to face more or less, and…really express how proud I am of you.”
Bandit blinked. “I-I mean, you already did in the email-”
Marcus held a hand up. “No, I really didn’t. When you’ve been doing this as long as I have it’s admittedly easy to…jump into that stuffy, professional voice and minimize how much of an accomplishment writing a book really is. It isn’t an excuse but an acknowledgment. I minimized your accomplishment in that email and I apologize.”
Bandit put up a brave face and waved the air away. “All good, mate. I know it’s business and all that. And I suppose it shouldn’t have upset me like it did today, but…”
He leaned back in his seat and scratched the stubble on his chin, once again searching for the perfect words, as he did countless times writing his book. It was all he could think to do. “I-I dunno. I guess I just thought back to school where I’d try to express myself by writing and the words were never right to me, never worth anything. This is really the biggest leap I’ve taken in putting something good out into the world, ya know?”
Marcus nodded. “It isn’t an easy feat by any stretch of the mind, and the fact that you’ve completed a manuscript is commendable. And I meant it when I said it was really good. Not many people can say they’ve written a first draft as close to a finished book as you have. It was compelling, well-researched, and made me feel as if I was out in the field by your side, and I’ve never done any iota of fieldwork!”
“R-really?” Bandit asked, leaning in slightly toward his phone.
“I felt your passion for this history as I have for all your years at UQ, and it makes me proud to call you a colleague and a friend.”
This was more than anyone had ever said about a piece of his writing before, and it threatened to overwhelm him. He cleared his throat to reposition the developing lump and said, “Thanks, mate. You…you don’t know what that means to me. But then what was that ‘still a lot of work to do’ talk about?”
“Because your words are valuable to the world, Bandit, and I want to do everything in my power to ensure they have as much value as they can have, that you never doubt your voice in writing ever again. That’s a promise. A wise dog once told me, ‘Once you put something good out into the world, it’s no longer yours really.’”
Bandit laughed, tears stinging the corners of his eyes. “That quote sounds familiar, almost like it’s one of mine.”
Marcus reciprocated the laughter. “Yes, you’ve got me. So let’s make this the best thing it can be, together, before you let the world have it, eh?”
“You got it, Marcus,” said Bandit.
“And I owe you a pint when you return from holiday.”
Bandit laughed again, feeling all the extraneous negativity that weighed him down all day draining away til not a drop remained. “I’ll hold you to that, mate.”
“Of course. Good night. Tell the kids Honey says hi.”
“Sure will. Thanks, again.”
“My pleasure, Dr. Heeler.”
Chilli looked up from her book and smiled as Bandit entered and climbed into bed next to her. “Sounded like good conversation in there,” she said, bookmarking the page and setting it down on the table.
“Yeah, we worked it all out,” said Bandit.
“Still regret writing the book?”
Bandit turned to her, and Chilli saw the life in her husband's eyes back and brighter than it had been for a while. “Nope,” he declared, “Not one bit. In fact, I think I’m gonna really enjoy being an author.”
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