#but then i think about how i've been traveling completely free to do whatever i want for like 4 days and i have already lost any semblance
cornsobsessions · 1 year
the desire to like drop everything and just travel and photograph or whatever is so high but i also know that i would absolutely go insane without any kind of structure in my life what so ever
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sexydreamgirl · 1 year
hey heraa, i would REALLYYY appreciate if you helped me out on this one question that has been killing me rn (it’s in bold on the bottom just incase u want to skip the tangent)
honestly, if i succeed in fulfilling myself that you replied, it'll raise my faith a little bit when/if I see that you replied.
I've been on this journey for the longest time I'm talking divineangelbee, planet, cine, bibi, dreamgrlsworld, daphne, the void obsession, the alpha waves, the mindless or just feeling while affirming, the self and void concept challenges for 2 weeks, and now applying states after edward art and neville and having things click with aphroditeapprentice and blushydior etc ; applying for months. But guess what idk what is happening and what's holding me back!
i know that if i was in the state, I obviously wouldn't be sending this message but since it doesn't matter what I do in the 3D and my human self wants to ask for help, I will ask for guidance.
I've even fulfilling myself, returning to the wish fulfilled whenever I think of my desire, I prioritize the inner man over getting physical results but you know, if someone was doing it right, it would reflected by now right? of course it would because it's the law.
I don't why it hasn't done so yet and l'm slowly and at the same time very quickly losing my faith because it's been like what, 2/3 years since I found out about the law from tumblr? I KNOW I'm meant to be living my dream life in a little cottage in Europe or big mansion in LA, I KNOW I was meant to succeed and live a life of my dreams because I deal with hard things in my life, I AM! MEANT TO SUCCEED. but what am I doing wrong if it's been months of fulfilling myself that it should've been my dominant state already? I feel good and every time I doubt, I know and tell myself that I ALREADY experience my desire in imagination and it HAS to reflect?
thank you, if you answer this I really would appreciate it :)
I'm going to try my best to answer this without further confusing you so sit tight and in the case that I do bring forward any confusion, do let me know.
In a nutshell, the point of manifesting (or moreso the purpose of life itself) is to appease hunger. That is, to free yourself from the feeling of desire (wanting something) by giving it to yourself whether it's money, the mansion, the dream life, appearance, I could go on and on because whatever you want to acquire is possible of being acquired (because imagination is limitless). If you know the law, you know imagination creates reality so imagination will always be your workshop and that is essentially how you change self (I AM).
Imagination isn't separate from reality because imagination is reality itself. Man's greatest downfall has been to separate the two as completely independent when that could not be further from the truth. When you turn to imagination and you use it to think about what it would feel like to have the face card and the mansion and the dream life, you are present in that moment to the point where it feels like a real experience. If you allow yourself to bask in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, it's as real of an experience as you reading this very post. Neville has previously discussed procuring the wish fulfilled in a way as if you are traveling through time to the end and witnessing the outcome firsthand, then you make your way back to the present and trust that it will unfold as you experienced. It's like when you watch a film you've previously watched and you already know what the ending is, you don't stop to think what could happen, you already know what will because you saw it yourself.
If time is a relevant concern for you and you're looking around to see if it's there, I'm afraid to say you haven't fully yielded to it. You simply thought of it and not from it. If you experienced it and knew that it was done, you would be appeased from hunger and you wouldn't desire it anymore. How could you want something you already have? Time is an obstacle that is standing in between you and the state of consciousness that asserts you as being someone who has the desire in question already in their possession. When you nail yourself to that state and I mean you fully yield yourself to it to the point where you don't feel separate from it anymore, the feeling of desire will vanish. You don't care about time, you don't care about the senses, nothing moves you. Why would it if you know it's yours? (Hint: this is the Sabbath)
I constantly receive so, so many "I did all of this, why hasn't it happened?" questions and I believe you when you say you really gave it your entire heart, but you should sit and ask yourself genuinely if you actually focused more on the thing itself versus quenching the desire you have for it.
I'm here once again to swear by the State Akin To Sleep and why I love it so much. I won't repeat the process since I went into it quite extensively so I highly suggest you read the post.
“Whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe that you have received it, and you will.”
When I started understanding the SATS through the idea of it as "praying", it made so much more sense to me. You're not visualizing to get, you're visualizing to feel its reality so desire vanishes. If you use imagination to feel its reality (believe that you have received it), the 3D will follow and it shall materialize. This is one of the reasons why I love the state akin to sleep so much. It's such a simple and easy way to define the end and identify yourself with it.
When I use the SATS, I let myself sit with the wish fulfilled by thinking of what the end would look like, what would I hear, who would I be with, what would I see, etc. and I focus on it until I'm consumed by the feeling and acceptance of it and then bring myself back. I trust that my prayer has been answered because I felt the reality of it, so that must mean it's already mine. If for some reason I would feel doubtful or separate from that state of consciousness, I would simply induce the state again and focus on its reality. Do this as many times as you need to until you no longer feel compelled to because you're certain that your prayer has been heard (See: the Sabbath).
I highly encourage you to assess how you're going about manifesting and to use the State Akin To Sleep to catch the mood so you can nail yourself to it. You said it best yourself, you were meant to succeed and live the life of your dreams. Remember that failure is only an option if you let it be one. Don't give up, my love <3
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prepolyglot · 2 years
Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Hello everyone! As you may know I've created this challenge to help revive the langblr community. It's a three week challenge designed to get you back into learning languages and (hopefully) give you ideas on how to study and share your knowledge of them. It is completely optional to do, but try to reblog other people's posts if you aren't participating.
The challenge is designed to be done daily, however if you miss a day, you can go back and do it later or continue from where you left off. I do encourage you to do your best to keep up with the challenge though. Tag your posts with #langblr reactivation challenge so that others can find your posts.
If you have any questions, please send me an ask or a message and I'll do my best to answer it.
I'll put the prompts under a read more so this post isn't ridiculously long. Good luck to everyone participating! Remember the best way to promote the langblr revival is by reblogging other people's work.
Week 1
Day 1: Create an introduction post about yourself. What's your name? What languages are you studying? What languages do you hope to study? What do you hope you'll get out of this challenge? Add whatever else you’d like to your introduction post!
Day 2: Write a list of goals you have for your target languages. Make both long term and short term goals. An overall goal could be to have the ability to talk with native speakers with ease and a smaller goal would be to finally learn that difficult grammar point that's been plaguing you for ages. How will you achieve them?
Day 3: Create a list or a Mindmap of vocabulary topics. Start with a broad topic and narrow down to more specific topics. An example could be bedroom - furniture - closet - clothes or travelling - languages - study words - school supplies. Keep a hold of this because you'll use it later to create vocab to study. Some broad topics to start with: house, school, work, travelling, friends and family, nature, city. Feel free to use these or think of your own. Share your mindmap so others can get some ideas if they need it. Here are some mind map creation tools (x) (x) (x).
Day 4: Create a vocab list for one of the topics you created yesterday, if you want to make more, feel free to make as many as you like! Share your list and reblog other people's lists. And most importantly, make sure you study these words!
Day 5: Find a video in your target language and watch it as many times as you need to in order to understand it. Make a post about the video. What was it about? Did you like the video? Was it difficult to understand? Make sure you link the video. Try to write your answers in your target language, but if you can’t that’s okay!
Day 6: Look up 3 idioms in your target language and explain what they mean and how you use them in a sentence (with an example!).
Day 7: Send asks to other langblrs (bonus points if it's in a shared target language!) asking them about whatever (for example, ask how their day was, ask questions about their target languages, or share some of your thoughts with them). If you receive one, answer it! You can ask more than one person and it can be on or off anon.
Week 2
Day 1: Over the next week, create a playlist/playlists of songs in your target language(s), they can either have a specific mood or genre or they can be a collection of songs you've discovered. When you feel like you're done with your playlist, share it so others can find some new songs. If you already have a playlist, you can add songs to it and update it.
Day 2: Write an explanation on a grammar rule in your target language (such as verb tenses, exceptions, word order, etc). Include sentences to show how and when it is used.
Day 3: Either make a vocab list or find a vocab list you like and make sentences using those words. You can make them as long or as short as you like. This is a good way to contextualise vocab words and learn them in context. Share your sentences and highlight the vocab word.
Day 4: Record yourself reading an article, short story, or passage (basically anything written in your target language). Listen to it and see if you can point out any areas you can improve with your speaking and any areas that you're doing well. You can post your recording if you wish.
Day 5: Post at least 2 songs that you like in your target language. Make sure you add a link to them so people can go listen to them.
Day 6: Share a study tip you have. This can range from how you organize your notes to playlists that help you study to apps you use to review. Just something that you find makes studying easier (and more fun).
Day 7: Share with everyone some langblrs you enjoy seeing on your dash, try to put at least 5 people (and make sure you @ them!).
Week 3
Day 1: Remember that playlist you made/are making? Take a song you really like and make a vocab list of words you don't understand, learned from the song, or recognize but don't quite remember. Post so others can see and link the song. If you have extra time and/or want a bit more of a challenge, translate the song as well, either into English or another language.
Day 2: Write about a festival or holiday that is celebrated in a country that speaks your target language. This can be either something you’ve celebrated yourself, have wanted to participate in, or have never heard of before. You can write this in any language you’d like.
Day 3: Make another vocab list from the list you made at the beginning of the challenge. If you are learning two or more languages, make the vocab list in 3 languages (meaning for example: French, German, and English or Japanese, Arabic, and Ukrainian).
Day 4: Find a recipe written in your target language and translate it into your native language (or another language of your choice) or find a recipe in your native language and translate it into your target language. Bonus points if you actually make it (share pictures if you do)!
Day 5: Create a collection of resources you use to study/learn your target language. Add links to them if possible so others can also use them.
Day 6: Create a post explaining a grammar rule that you had/are having difficulties learning. If you’re currently having difficulties, do your best to explain and ask others to help you understand it better. Include example sentences in your explanation.
Day 7: How do you feel at the end of this challenge? Did you meet any goals while doing this? Do you feel more confident in your language abilities? Where do you think you'll go from here? Answer these questions either in your native language or your target language.
Hopefully you guys enjoy/enjoyed this challenge. After you've completed the challenge, I encourage you to continue your studies in your target languages and support others in theirs.
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dragongodryss · 3 months
Based on this tweet
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Sting was in trouble. He had thought it was funny when his friends, who had never met his cat, assumed Lector was his boyfriend. Now that he had been invited to Natsu's wedding, on the other side of the country, he felt otherwise.
He had, at first, considered coming clean, but that would be embarrassing. He couldn't decline the invitation either, since he hadn't seen Natsu in nearly two years. In short, he was fucked. Or rather, he wasn't. If he was, he might have someone he could try to convince to go with him.
He had been putting it off for a month, and now he only had a week left to find both a fake boyfriend who was willing to answer to the name Lector, and a cat sitter.
There was no putting it off any longer, so he called his friend, Yukino, to ask for advice. Maybe he could convince her to watch Lector for him.
"Hello Sting! I was just going to call you. You're coming to Lucy's wedding too, right?" Yukino said cheerfully. Damn it. He forgot that she was friends with Natsu's fiancée.
"Yeah, about that... You know Lector, my cat? Natsu assumed I was talking about a boyfriend, and he kinda wants to meet him at the wedding, to make sure he's not a jerk or whatever. So I need a cat sitter and someone who's willing to take a train ride across the country with a complete stranger and can be trained to answer to 'Lector' in a week." Sting decided to rip off the band-aid. Yukino wouldn't rat him out.
"Oh my god, that's hilarious! I'm writing a song about it. Natsu and Lucy can play it at the reception." Yukino's himbo boyfriend, Orga, mocked him. Sting had forgotten that Yukino usually had her phone on speaker, for some reason. Orga would absolutely rat him out, and as he would be attending as Yukino's +1, there would be no stopping him.
"No you won't, Orga. No. We'll negotiate later, I'm helping Sting avoid the consequences of his actions right now." She was his best friend for a reason, and that reason was that she was the best. "Now: Why exactly did you think any of this was a good idea?"
"Well, it was funny at first, and then I'd kept up the lie for three months and I realized I was in too deep." Sting admitted. Yukino sighed.
"And at no point in the three months after that did you think to ask for help?" Yukino chided him.
"Of course not. Do you have 20 thousand jewel?"
"Yeah? Why?"
"Alright. You'll be at the party for a day, plus two days for traveling. All expenses at the hotel will be paid, and I assume you're willing to pay for both of your train tickets?" Yukino asked.
"Yeah, sounds right." Sting confirmed.
"Okay. Sorano could use some more money, so she'd probably watch your cats and-"
"Wait, cats?"
"Yeah. One of my coworkers owes me a favor, and he needs a break from work anyway, so I could probably convince him if I told him I found a place for his cat to stay." His amazing friend told him.
"You're the best!"
Who would have known having Yukino cover his shift so he could take Frosch to the vet would have such devastating consquences?
Rogue wondered how his life had reached this point. He was sitting opposite someone he'd met only once, inside a train headed to the other side of the country, to a wedding for people he had never heard of.
Not an ideal situation, but aside from Frosch, Yukino was his only friend and she had made arrangements for Frosch, so he had agreed. It was a free vacation, anyway. Not to mention the guy was good looking.
"So, Lector, what do you do for a living?" His fake boyfriend, Sting, asked him. Rogue really could have done without the fake name, especially in private, but he wouldn't be able to answer to it without practice.
"The same as Yukino. We're both nurses." Rogue answered. It took him a moment to realize that he ought to ask Sting the same. "You?"
"I'm a graphic designer. Okay, more things we really need to know: Ages, have we ever been arrested, how did we meet? I'll start: I'm twenty six and I've been arrested twice." Sting told him.
"What for?"
"I'll tell you when you answer."
"Fine, I'm twenty six, and I haven't been arrested yet. Now should I regret agreeing to this?" Rogue asked.
"Trespassing and accessory to second degree arson. I promise it's not as bad as it sounds. It's been like, ten years. And the second one was Natsu's fault." Sting defended himself.
"The groom?"
"Yeah, that's the guy. He wants to meet you to make sure you're not a jerk." Sting explained.
"What have you told him about Lector?" Rogue steered the conversation back on track.
"Oh, usual cat things: He steals my food, he wants cuddles, he charges around the house at 3am, he's adorable, I keep losing staring contests to him, he bites me." Sting seemed to realize how badly awry things had gone before they had even reached the venue. "Well that's going to be awkward."
"You don't say."
"We should practice the whole couple thing." Sting suggested a few hours later over lunch. Rogue looked up from his sandwich, over to Sting and reached out, grabbing some of his fake boyfriend's M&Ms before focusing on his sandwich again.
"Well that's a start, but I was thinking more along the lines of PDA and establishing boundaries." Sting clarified. Honestly, staring at Sting wouldn't be too hard, and as demonstrated, stealing his food was entirely within the realms of Rogue's capabilities. The rest, however... Rogue nodded.
"Ideally, we'd hug a bunch and maybe kiss a couple of times to really sell it, but we can say you're shy around strangers if you really don't want to." Sting explained.
"No, that seems fine." Rogue accepted.
"Okay, now we need to practice." Sting said. Rogue froze for a moment. Once he realized what Sting meant, he nodded. He knew damn well he'd slip up in front of everyone if he didn't practice.
Sting leaned over the table and pecked him on the lips. It felt fine, almost like it was something he normally did, at first, but then he felt his face heat up suddenly. Sting pulled away.
"Sorry, I panicked." Rogue apologized swiftly.
"No, it's fine, I barely noticed. It went better than I expected." Sting reassured him. "They'll never notice."
It was mid afternoon when they arrived at their station in the middle of nowhere, and only a short walk to the hotel from there. Rogue offered to carry some of Stings luggage, as he had brought fewer things. Sting's face flushed when Rogue's hand touched his. He'd have to get that under control. Did he regret packing half his wardrobe, or was it a blessing? Who knew? Sting certainly didn't.
"It's a nice venue." Rogue noted, looking around as they cleared the gates. There were tons of different flowers in lots of colors, and what Sting was pretty sure was a hedge maze. Hopefully, Natsu would know better than to start a fire at his own wedding. The hotel was an old castle, with large glass windows. Another easily breakable thing. Either Natsu had really changed in the last two years, or Lucy wasn't as much of a genius as her loving fiancée insisted. It was nice nonetheless.
"It's really big." Sting realized, as he spoke, how many people would be present to witness it if things went wrong.
"Don't get lost." Rogue joked.
"Sting! There you are!" Natsu came running out the door towards them, high-fiving Sting when he reached them. "I thought you were going to bail on me."
"Never. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Sting promised.
"I'd kick your ass if you did. Speaking of which, is this the Lector you were talking about?" Natsu asked, turning to Rogue. Sting grinned awkwardly.
"Yeah, that's my boyfriend. R-Lector, this is my childhood friend Natsu, he's the groom. Natsu, this is my boyfriend Lector." Sweating, Sting made the introductions.
"Nice meeting ya! How'd you meet?" Natsu asked Rogue. Stings eyes widened. Fuck. They hadn't prepared this.
"Frosch, my cat, learned how to open doors, and I forgot to lock the front door. Sting helped me look for her for hours, so I invited him out for coffee once we found her." Rogue answered excitedly. "Do you want to see a picture of her? I have pictures of her."
"Sure. Let's see her." Natsu agreed. Rogue's face lit up as he pulled out his phone.
"She's sweet, yeah." Natsu admitted. "Do you want to see Happy? He's our ring-bearer."
The first hurdle had been overcome minimal difficultly, so Sting was in high spirits when they reached the hotel room.
He wasn't sure what he had been expecting, but he was somehow surprised to find that there was only one bed, albeit a large one.
"I can take the couch if you want." He offered when Rogue entered.
"No, I think it's fine. The bed's pretty big." Rogue said casually. Well if he didn't mind, Sting sure as hell didn't. He dropped his stuff on the floor and flopped onto the bed. Rogue put his own stuff down more carefully before sitting down beside him.
"Didn't think it would go so well. I'm not sure what I was worried about." Sting admitted, letting out a sigh he hadn't known he was holding in.
"Don't jinx it. Honey." Rogue deadpanned, before letting his face break into a smile. It took Sting a moment to realize he was staring.
Despite his warning, Rogue was feeling pretty confident when he and Sting went downstairs for the rehearsal dinner. Gray, the best man, had let them know there was no need to dress up, so Rogue was wearing a red turtleneck sweater and black jeans. Sting, who seemed hellbent on making Natsu regret allowing the policy to be so vague, was wearing leather trousers and a rainbow crop-top.
"Aren't you worried you'll outshine the groom?" Rogue asked him.
"If Natsu was worried about that, he wouldn't have invited me." Sting boasted. Rogue decided to take his word for it.
They entered the dining hall when it almost full, Sting having insisted on being fashionably late. Perhaps that was a blessing, because that was the only reason Rogue had noticed Gajeel, his older cousin, before Gajeel noticed him.
"Sting, don't panic, but my cousin is here and he knows damn well my name isn't Lector." Rogue whispered hurriedly.
"Okay, okay. Don't panic. Maybe he won't notice you. We're not in the wedding party anyway, so show me who it is and we'll avoid them." Sting whispered back.
They took their assigned places, on the same side of the room as Gajeel, though a little further away from the main table, as Gajeel's wife, Levy, was sitting beside the bride. Oh. Yeah. Levy had mentioned at New Years that she would be maid of honor in her best friend's wedding. If Rogue had known it was this wedding, he would have refused Yukino's request. Speaking of Yukino, his coworker was making her way to their table with her boyfriend.
"So how is it going? Anyone suspect anything?" She asked.
"Shhh!" Sting looked around quickly.
"Don't worry. I asked Lucy to make sure we were the only ones at this table." She reassured him, though it didn't seem to work-
"She's going to know somethings up!" Sting insisted.
"Serves you right. Now how are things going with Lector." Yukino's boyfriend asked, winking at Rogue.
"Terribly, considering his cousin is married to the maid of honor." Sting hissed.
Rogue checked out of the conversation, watching Gajeel like a hawk. When desert rolled around, his cousin finally noticed him. Rogue shook his head faintly. Not now.
To his relief, Gajeel took the hint and dinner went off without a hitch.
Rogue waited just outside the door to the dining hall for him, to save him the trouble of looking and minimizing the risk of being exposed.
"Hey Rogue! Why didn't you say you were coming here? We could've driven you." Gajeel asked him when he came out, Levy in tow.
"It's complicated. Can we talk about this somewhere else?" Rogue looked around in a panic, worried Gajeel's loud voice would carry through the hallways.
In the garden, Gajeel resumed his line of questioning.
"So what's up, kid? Do I need to kick someone's ass?"
"No! Nothing like that. A friend of mine messed up and told his friend he had a boyfriend, so I'm helping him out. I didn't know this was your friend's wedding. Can you just call me Lector until this is over?" Rogue asked.
"Oh. You're the cat boy!" Levy exclaimed. Gajeel looked like he was about to explode with laughter.
"I'm sorry, what?" Rogue asked.
"Oh, Natsu wanted help figuring out what the deal with his friend's boyfriend was, so he asked us about it. We started calling you cat boy because it seemed like his friend was describing a cat." Levy explained.
"I wonder why."
The ceremony passed by quite normally, with only one accidental fire, which wasn't Natsu's fault.
Sting felt gorgeous in his light gray tuxedo and sky blue shirt, which was secretly a button-down crop-top, but he was having trouble keeping his eyes off his date, who looked dashing in a black suit and red shirt. Despite his prior warning to Sting not to outshine the groom, Rogue had decided to put his hair in a ponytail, which Sting forgave because he looked hot.
The reception promised to be a party to remember, being in the castle grounds, with every kind of food imaginable and ample space to dance.
Sting cheered when Natsu and Lucy finished their first dance, which prompted several others to cheer alongside him.
The music continued, and Sting offered his hand to Rogue. Rogue took it, smiling softly.
"Just so you know, honey, I can't dance for shit." Rogue warned him.
"Like we need to be good at it. It's pretty much just spinning anyway." Sting told him, taking the lead.
They might not have been the best dancers, but no one could beat them at spinning, Sting was sure of that. No one could match them with how majestic they were. He didn't know how many songs had passed when they stopped for a drink, just that they were out of breath.
As he unbuttoned the jacket to reveal his secret crop-top, Rogue leaned against him casually, and Sting realized that by this time tomorrow, it would be over, and the knowledge crashed over him like a tidal wave.
"Oh, I love this song! Do you want to go dance again?" Rogue exclaimed. Sting knew the song. It was 'All or Nothing' by Theory of a Deadman.
He took Rogue's hand again as they started to spin, looking into Rogue's eyes. He didn't want to let go. As the song ended, Sting made his choice.
"Hey, Rogue? I don't know if you're even into guys, but I enjoyed hanging out with you, and I wanted to know if you wanted to try going out for real sometime." He confessed. Rogue smiled that beautiful smile again.
"That depends entirely on if or not I'll have to go by Lector every time we visit your friends." He answered teasingly.
"No- nah, you don't. I'll come clean. I'll text Natsu on our way home." Sting promised.
"Then I'd love to." Rogue said.
"Alright, then would you like to go out for coffee on Wednesday? There's a coffee shop near the hospital that sells really good cinnamon rolls." Sting suggested.
"That sounds wonderful."
On the train ride home, Sting tried to work up the nerve to call Natsu, who would be leaving on his honeymoon tomorrow.
"Do it. Do it. You've got this." Rogue chanted in the seat beside him, in the most monotone voice he could muster.
Emboldened, Sting instead opted for text to the group chat, with basically everyone he knew from his hometown.
Lucy, Natsu, Levy, Gray, Wendy, Cana, Mira, Elfman, Lisanna, Laxus, Lyon and several others.
Sting: Hey guys. I just wanted to come clean. The Lector I kept telling you about was my cat. The guy I brought is actually called Rogue.
Cana: Hah! I knew you couldn't get a boyfriend.
Natsu: Yeah, Yukino told us as soon as you told her.
Sting looked at Rogue in horror. Rogue looked stunned for a moment, but started chuckling. He took Sting's phone.
"Sting": Levy, did you know?
Levy: Yeah. We just wanted to see how far Sting would go.
Sting took his phone back from Rogue.
Sting: You guys are the worst.
Sting: And joke's on you, Cana, I asked Rogue out and he said yes.
"Levy": You get Rogue on the phone right now. We need to talk.
Levy: Sorry, Gajeel took my phone.
Sting put his phone away.
"Should I be worried?" He asked Rogue.
"I'd say no, but that would be a lie." Rogue answered. "If worst comes to worst, we can blame Yukino."
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shysuccubusstuff · 2 months
obsessed! childe pt. 1
Content: Female anatomy, obssession, dubcon (the reader does love Childe, and Childe loves reader, I just love writing yandere males).
Note: The potion that Childe uses is more like a "tell the truth potion", meaning the person will act/say whatever they actually think abt the person, if they do not say it they will start to feel light/mild effects, these effects vary from each person.
Note 2: I was planning on doing a single part but the text was getting too long and I've been cooking this for way too much time cause i have no time to write...
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I don't think you are able to understand the surprise Childe felt when he arrived to Inazuma, all with the objective of analyzing a little the situation of Inazuma (while also keeping an eye on Scaramouche), just a small and fast trip, then he would be able to go back to Snezhnaya, rest a little while waiting for the next quest given by the Tsaritsa. While at his stay, he found the different posters that talked about the rock festival that was being planned, and despite this did not catch his interest at first, he received some letters from the Tsaritsa, explaining to him how this would be a good opportunity to check how the people of Inazuma actually felt after the whole "now-we-are-mostly-free" situation. So he agreed, waiting patiently until the even finally took place, he decided to take a walk around Inazuma, just checking the different restaurants and small stalls that were sitting around the streets. He was checking some of the newest items added to the menu when he saw something, well, more like someone. There you were, as pretty as he remembered, you hair shinning thanks to the sun rays that were falling on top of your head. You were smiling...maybe more like laughing, which made you even prettier to be honest. While he stood there, menu still in his hand, he noticed another person, a huge man with long white hair, marks all over his body, he seemed to be quite strong, but taking into account that there was a huge ball of some kind of dessert in front of his feet, he did not seem to be the most brilliant persons that you had been able to meet. While analyzing this man, you suddenly hit him on his shoulder, your body being unable to keep still due to the huge laugh that you were trying to contain (this was useless, as you can see). He threw out what was left of the dessert and started to tickle you, making your own dessert fall to the floor. Now, what the heck was up with that? You barely allowed him to touch you, always saying "Childe, I still don't trust you fully" but a completely new man was able to do so? Yeah, he may have tried to drown you (and the whole city of Liyue) but weren't you being unfair? He stated his reasons and tried to be as kind as possible, giving you as much money as you wanted and even talking to his family about you (the pretty traveller with a fierce heart and a great attitute) but while he was doing that you went around meeting new men?
He quickly left the menu somewhere around the stall, going to where you stanted in a fast pace, but just as he was about to snap at the random man he composed himself, his friendly (yet dangerous) smile was back in his lips, he suddenly put one of his hands on your shoulder, causing you to suddenly jump. The other man slowly stopped, his red eyes looking to his blue eyes, even the expression that was in his face made him look like a complete dork, you changed him for some dull white-haired man? He may not be the most sane person, and yes, he may have a little problem with fighting you, but didn't you two have something? God, he was starting to get furious once again, but he kept the act, face as cool as a cucumber and a relaxed body language. "Hey traveller, long time no see, how have you been?" He only kept his eyes fixated on you, ignoring the existance of Itto for a moment. "I've been missing you like crazy, Teucer has been asking me about you and he was so sad that we have not been able to meet for such a long time!" Your expression got a little ankward, you knew Childe was doing it on purpose, turning his back while not allowing him to enter the conversation. "Oh hey... I didn't know you were going to come here to Inazuma, I've been fine, I was able to make some good friends here in Inazuma, this is Itto, he is the best at onikabuto fights!" Itto seemed to pump his chest, probably full of proud as for that... achivement? Childe smiled, the vein at his neck still pumped, cause what did he expect when he left you alone? All those dirty men probably tried to get to your pretty head with their dumb tactics, yeah, this dude may seem more innocent, but of course he was just like all the others.
Once again, he tried to compose himself, carefully getting his hand around your waist, Itto's eyes did notice, and as he felt how the pressure was getting bigger, he suddenly shifted his eyes, looking at some vague point. "Oh uhm... I forgot I just have this meeting... yeah, the one with the gang you know? Oh shoot, how could I forget? I gotta get going, see ya around compadre!" Itto left like the wind, running as fast as possible to get further away from that strange man who kept looking at him like some kind of prey.
"Oh, lady, why did your friend leave? I was about to invite him to some of the most beautiful places I was able to find... But I would first invite you to the great cuisine at some of the restaurants from Inazuma!" Childe smiled brightly, his enemy was no longer at sight, so of course he should try to keep his act of the "good guy". So he did, he invited to Inazuma's cuisine, even being so good as to get up himself and bringing your food to the table, even adding a special potion created in Mondstadt and carefully mixing it between your food. As he did not enjoy some unfair sparring, he did mix that potion with his own food, after all, if it did have some kind of harmful effects he should also be the one facing them. "Sorry for taking so long, I found some issues with the plate, so I had to ask them to change it!" He carefully explained, leaving each of the plates in the sides, together with the rest of plates that had already been served, just when you finally took a bite of all the food was he finally happy, smile shining as bright as the sun. When the dinner finally ended, he carefully took your hand, leading to the residence that you had been staying at, it was quite old for his liking, but he did find it enchanting, it was the place where you slept after all.
It took him some time to get you to bed, as the potion only seemed to make you drunk in some way body hot and tembling hands. He carefully laid you in bed, tucking you in with a lot of care and leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. He was kind of dissapointed with the drink, but he supposed that this was better than having some bad reaction to it. Just as he was about to leave the bedroom and head to his hotel, he felt a soft pull, your hand was around his wrist, your eyes looked just like a puppy, begging for him to not leave. At first he was quite hesitant, you were not in your right mind, and despite how much he would love to give you the thing you begged so much, he did have some moral compass. But your pretty eyes were melting him, and the sweet things that were leaving your lips did not help him either, so he gave in.
His body starting to burn up, was it because of the potion? It seemed that the potion did have a slower effect in him, as he was ok just a few minutes ago. His mind was starting to get a little fuzzy, so he slowly laid on bed, allowing you to get on top of him. "Ojou-chan...never did I think I would be able to have such a beautiful woman on top of me, not only beautiful, but a woman strong enough to defeat me..." His cocky smile on his lip only caused you to feel even stronger the urge to shut him up with a kiss, so you did, lips on top of each other and hands all over his body, playful hands going under his shirt, body hot to the touch due to the hot temperature of Inazuma at that time. "Aren't you been a little too cocky, lady?" You smile, still being completely under the effects of the potion. You pull away from him, looking at his flusthered face and getting closer to him, bitting and kissing his neck and hearing him let some breathy moans out of his pretty lips. "I'm trying to go easy on you, lady... But you have seen to learn some pretty mischiveous tactics while we were far apart..." He still had that cocky expression, even despite the fact that he was in a much worse state than you. He once again smiled, carefully putting his hands around your hips and massaging that place. He slowly kissed your face, peppering soft lips all around your cheeks and nose. "You're so naughty today, traveller..." Despite his lustful eyes, he kept treating you soft, something completely opposite to how he usually acted, all high and confident, being unafraid of being too rough when you fought each other. Childe's hands slowly moved upwards, pulling out the soft clothes that were covering your body, your skin shinning thanks to the moonlight that entered through the window in the room. "You're so pretty... so so pretty... I wish I could just hide you in my pocket,,, I want my family to meet you as soon as possible..." He kept peppering kisses all over your body, from your shoulders to your tummy, what was up with him? "Ajax... what is going on?..." He simply looked at you like a small puppy, kissing your lips and giving no answer to your question. He slowly got rid of his own clothes, leaving both of you completely naked, slowly analyzing all and each of your gaps and pretty features.
"I'm sorry, lady... I am at my limit and I don't think I can keep much longer... didn't think that the stuff that that damn old man gave me would be so strong..." The creepy face of the other member of the Fatuis almost caused him to flinch, but he just chose to focus on the moment, lowkey thanking him for the chance of such a "dashing" encounter with his dear rival (lover as well).
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inu-yasha · 9 months
Kikyou is full of love and kindness
Kikyou is a very tragic character. Her character is so complex that it is difficult to understand her, but she can be understood if will look at it differently to. Her character is tragic, deep and beautiful. I think Kikyou is the best written character of Rumiko out of all the Kikyou versions. Kikyou suffered more injustice from Inuyasha's old team from the 2000s. Her personality was completely erased. Her warm and soft side seems to have disappeared, her scenes with Inuyasha are erased or drastically changed, where Kikyou is shown as a truly unpleasant person. In a newer fan version from another artist, she is insulted and written that she is just an "ex girlfriend" This woman didn't deserve this. Kikyou faces injustice from every possible angle.
This post has been in the making for over 2 years. I've been thinking about writing this post for a really long time like you see, but I always put it aside. Now I can finally do it. This post is an analysis of her character. I know that there have been many 'analyses', but this analysis is different and shows a different side. I want to show that Kikyou is not a 'cold bitch'
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The most common accusation against Kikyou and questioning her love is that she "asked Inuyasha to turn into a human. and higurashi accepts him who he's and truly love him"
I answered this question here, so can see it, but I wanted to add something because Kikyou and higurashi are often compared ,She and higurashi come from different backgrounds and times.
They both have different upbringings and both have different and mentality. higurashi is free and can do whatever she wants, no one limits her, she has many friends and she is free to love and hate,and all emotions. No one limits her, no one expects anything from her, she had no care or people's lives in front of her, she didn't have to hide or control her emotions. She wasn't lonely. She could always talk about her problems with her friends, she didn't have a father, but she had a mother who took care of her and her brother, so she didn't have to bear the burden of raising a brother, she didn't have to bear the burden of being alone. Kikyou she wasn't a free human.
Nothing is known about Kikyou and her past, but what can be sure be said, that Kikyou had to mature at a very young age because she had to take care of her younger sister. Kikyou became her parent and sister and she was also under the care of village and people for whom she was a 'great priestess and power', she was responsible for people's lives. Here I will support the anime, it has canonical scenes from the manga, so…. Kikyou and Kaede before shikon no tama traveled together and studied and I think that was Kikyou's only freedom, her feelings and loneliness were less. Everything changed when she got shikon no tama. Kikyou had to face demon attacks wherever she was and save the village and people, her duties became more burdensome. She couldn't show weakness or any other feeling. Kikyou wasn't free to love or hate. She was supposed to be a mass without feelings. She had to suppress all her feelings. She only had a sister and no friends. She couldn't talk to anyone about her worries and concerns, the burden she had to carry. She couldn't kill Inuyasha because she knew how he felt, I understand because she felt the same way. Inuyasha came into her life and was the first and only person Kikyou opened up to.
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I will repeat it, her speech came from the depths of her suffering, wounded, lonely soul and heart. She told the truth. She didn't feel human, even though she was human. She felt that she didn't belong anywhere, all she had to do was take care of the former village and kill demons every day, without any feelings, as if she didn't feel anything. She was human, but she didn't feel like anything. She didn't know where she belonged. Literally like Inuyasha, that's why she could understand him so well. Inuyasha saw this sadness, her eyes, her smile, everything was sad, but I have the impression that if she could, she would cry. But all he has to do is suppress everything. Inuyasha was also despised by humans and demons because he did not belong to any worlds, he was a mixed race despised by both worlds. Kikyou understood this and Inuyasha's feelings perfectly.
Kikyou loved him as a half-demon and had nothing against it, but seeing how people reacted and that when he had a gem nearby and had to keep an eye on it, and he wanted to lead a normal and peaceful life with Inuyasha, the jawel had to disappear. She just wanted a quiet life with her sister and the person she loves. Nothing more. She only asked him, she didn't force it on him. He made the decision himself out of love for her. He wanted to do it for her and live happily with her. This also shows how much Inuyasha loves her too. Kikyou and Inuyasha knew that people looked down on the relationship between a demon and a human. Inuyasha's parents are a good example and they could live together peacefully the jewel must disappear. Kikyou simply thought that if the gem was used with good intentions, it would disappear. She will be free and will be able to live a peaceful life with Inuyasha and her sister.
it's easy to say "I accept you as you are" when you don't know how people look at people and demons, and you come from the free world, with free choice and you think that everything is so simple And your only problem is school and worrying because 'inuyasha went to Kikyou' and she can't have him just for herself. Kikyou bothered her so much because she took Inuyasha away from 'her' who wasn't hers, and she acted as if he only had to look at her. Of course, there is a moment where she understands Kikyou's feelings, but it's only momentary because later she has a problem again that Inuyasha is with Kikyou and she can't stand it. Her understanding is shallow and a shallow approach. An egoist is kagome and egocentric, focused only on herself, her pain, her feelings, and her friends only confirm this.
Inuyasha and Kikyou thought they were betrayed on each other, but even though their anger was visible, they still loved each other. Kikyou, instead of killing him, used an arrow to put him to sleep. She wasn't able to kill him, and she could have done it, but she decided to put him to sleep and chose death because she didn't want to live without him. A love stronger than the anger and excruciating pain Kikyou felt. Kikyou died with a lot of anger owards Inuyasha, Inuyasha also felt betrayed and attacked the desperate higurashi thinking it was Kikyou and despite everything he didn't stop loving her. They both felt angry and hurt by the betrayal, and that's what they thought.
Kikyou came back to life, but did she ask for it? No.
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Urasure,created Kikyou so that she could have a slave and use her power. She thought that Kikyou would be at her service. Kikyou has returned against her will and she is now anxious, angry and hurt!! Inuyasha literally says the same thing in chapter 1, only Inuyasha calmed down and understood that he loved Kikyou, even though he denied it.
When Kikyou attacked Inuyasha, Kikyou received another slap from fate. Well, her younger sister stood against her. This is truly disgusting behavior from Kaede
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I don't really care at this point that she knew Inuyasha wasn't evil, but what she knew was that they both betrayed each other and even Kaede thought Inuyasha had inflicted that wound on her when Inuyasha denied it, she immediately believed him and tried to stop her sister, knowing that she had the right to be angry. At that moment, Kikyou felt betrayed once again, now by the person closest to her, who she's cared in the past. It's really painful when your sister opposes you and tell to person who thinks he betrayed you, killed you, deceived you to destroy her body Kikyou understands that she can't count on anyone even in her pain and anger. She stood up for a girl I barely know and Inuyasha. and once again she learns that there is no one but himself and her own pain, immediately after waking up. Her sister really made her understand..
It made even me angry, and I still feel disgusted by Kaede. She is an ungrateful brat, which she shows throughout the series. Kaede should apologize to her. Not Kikyou to her. from Kikyou's point of view, very hurtful.
Kikyou tries to kill him a second time. At this point it is known who is behind the betrayal. Inuyasha and Kagome knew about it, but Kikyou didn't yet. Kikyou wanted to go to hell and go with him so that they could be together. Inuyasha didn't mind.
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This means that Kikyou and Inuyasha love each other so much that they can go to hell together, to be together. This is Love. They really love each other. Kikyou, knowing that she did not belong to the living or the dead, tried to live normally in the village as in life. It didn't work, but she tried.
This woman has been rejected from the world and people for the second time, and the only person who understands her and always runs to her is Inuyasha.
Kikyou finds out that it is Onigumo and her goal is to destroy it, which is natural. So he steals the jewel and gives it to Naraku. Not because she helps him, but because she wants to destroy him.
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Her actions may not be understandable, but she is not selfish. She just took it upon herself to kill him. She wanted to do it herself because she doesn't know any other way, only Inuyasha was there for her and supported her, but Kikyou didn't really have time to learn how to rely on others, shared her pain and worries. She acts alone because she knows that she is alone and lonely and is ready to take the risk because the person who destroyed her life and Inuyasha is alive and doing great. She has always been lonely. She doesn't know any other life, only this time she doesn't have her treacherous sister with her. She travels, helps everyone and does everything to bring the murderer to death. this way Kikyou showed that she knows how to destroy Naraku when they couldn't destroy him for almost the entire series. Of course, higurashi finished what Kikyou didn't finish.
Kikyou was the only one who showed concern for Inuyasha's feelings, the only one who took his feelings into account and the only one who truly cared about him.
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She knew his friends would be worried about him. Kikyou thanked him for being with her. Her care and gentleness and gratitude are with her. Kikyou is just happy that he could be close to her even for a moment, but she knew that he also had friends who would worry about him.
Kikyou was the only one who predicted naraku's movements like kagome's eyes. naraku wanted her eyes, what Kikyo had previously predicted and warned inuyasha and helped her and his team giving higurashi an arrow to help her.
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Kikyou helped people and was not afraid to face the attack of her murderer and lose her life in this revenge. Kikyou helped Inuyasha's team, she did a lot more than Kagome, the only thing she can be thanked for is saving Kikyou's life, but she didn't even do it of her own free will, only for Inuyasha. Kikyou predicted Naraku's movements very well and carefully. Kikyou saved Kohaku's life, but also Miroku's by absorbing his curse, which means that Kikyou accepted Naraku's curse into her body, which was really dangerous for her.
Kikyou gave up her revenge for Kohaku saving his life. She chose his life over her revenge and only Kohaku truly loved and respected Kikyou apart from Inuyasha. She had someone with whom she shared the same pain again and he was the same as her. And really, Kikyou appreciated Kohaku and wanted him to live, and she managed to do so. Kikyou always saved others, but she could never save herself. The well-being of others was always the most important, especially people she loved like Inuyasha and Kohaku
Kikyou is the core of everything. It was her soul that wanted to meet Inuyasha, that's why Kagome met Inuyasha and stayed with him. If it weren't for Kikyou's soul, these two wouldn't have met. It was Kikyou who fought and predicted what Naraku would do at an early stage of the story, she knew how to get rid of him, even though she was neither dead nor alive, she helped everyone, always showing goodness and kindness. Her love for Inuyasha, despite the anger and pain she felt at the beginning, has always been there. He loves Inuyasha, always has and always will. Same with Inuyasha. Death could separate them, but despite everything, Inuyasha loved her with all his heart.
Kikyou is an extremely complex and tragic character. Full of pain and loneliness, full of kindness and love. She deserves more love than hate
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gracesimp · 2 years
hi! honestly, my first post and despite having tumblr for a while, I have no idea how to use it! xD
This is just something that's been on my mind. I haven't written in AGES, so it might feel awkward and unnatural and for that I apologise! Do I need to say anything else? I'm trying to think and mimic what I've seen but I'm useless at this lmao.
Happy reading? 😭
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The other woman.
tenth doctor x reader.
"I love you."
The words flew into the air and floated for a few seconds, the weight from my shoulders disappearing completely. The three little words i had kept hidden for so long were now out in the open. I had never felt so secure yet so vulnerable in my life. Being chased by outerspace creatures would be more preferable to being stuck in the console room with a thick tension of regret and rejection growing in the air. But still, I felt free.
I looked up. Only because I knew I'd have to at some point. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his lips were downturned. His mind was racing; trying to think of soft ways to let me down.
I honestly didn't mind. I knew. I've always known.
I watch as his lips open and close repeatedly and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear in a nervous gesture. When his eyes reach mine, I can't stop the smile growing on my lips as they soften. He returns the smile, sad, but could still pass as genuine. My legs move before my mind does, and I take a step forwards.
I used to watch his mouth a lot. That probably sounds weird but I just feel that everything about him is perfect. But his lips were art. The greatest of artists took their time to design those lips. So plump. So light. So pink. So pretty and perfectly sculptured for someone else's lips to mould together with them.
Just not mine.
Cutting him off as he makes an attempt to speak for the umpteenth time, I see his hand rested absently on the console and place mine delicately upon his.
"No, please. don't speak - whatever you're about to say I know. I really do. It's okay," I say. And it is.
After hearing my words, understanding roams his eyes. He looks down again, possibly in guilt, but he has no reason to feel that way. None at all.
"I'm not saying this to make you feel bad. I'm not even saying this because I want you to respond. Or that I want to give you a choice. Please, don't think that's why I'm doing this."
For no longer I can hold in the tears and a lone drop travels down my blushed cheek, smudging my mascara.
"I know you love Rose. and I'm so happy for you - really, I am." Everything I say is the truth. I love him and I love Rose. and I cannot think of two people more deserving of each other. I just hate that I spend my nights thinking about what would've happened if I had met the doctor first. if I had been skinner. If I had been prettier.
Would I ever had stood a chance? Even if Rose wasn't in the picture? And I curse myself every chance I get for my toxic mentality, though I can't seem to shake these thoughts that torture me.
"y/n-" he tries.
"No, please. I fear if I don't say this now I won't get the chance to ever say it again. And it needs to be said. For me to get closure. For me to be happy. Please." I beg. I actually beg. There's a whine that can be heard in my voice, making me feel weak. Never had I felt so embarrassed.
But if not now..
He nods, accepting my request of proclaiming my unrequited love. And I'm grateful.
"Before now, I had never been in love before. I had never felt love, for all its pain and comfort. But Doctor, I am so in love with you. And that's never going to change." I sniffle. "I just wanted you to know this now."
His hand reaches forward and cups my cheek. His palm feels warm on my face but I'm sure my heated cheek is a contributing factor. His eyes search mine as he just stares at me for a few seconds. I have absolutely no idea what he's thinking. Maybe that's for the best.
Almost hesitantly, his thumb slowly wipes under my eye with so little pressure I could mistake is for a stray hair. Then, he steps back and blows out a breath of air.
"Okay," he begins, face conflicted but understanding. "Right. you don't want me to talk about it?" I nod in confirmation. "Okay.. just one question. why are you telling me this now?"
I smile, so obviously sad before looking down at my shoes.
"Because I think this is the last time I'll have the opportunity."
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hollow-keys · 4 months
Trying to reconcile the version of the Time Lords we saw in War Games and pretty much all subsequent appearances uurrrgggghhh.
Don't get me wrong, the problems do very much start in the War Games, it's not entirely blameless of later inconsistency. It just gets worse in later appearances. The Time Lords are portrayed as completely against intervention (outside of "righting" the timestream in a Council approved fashion) and the Doctor is diametrically opposed to that. They are at irreconcilable odds.
It's established that calling the Time Lords in would mean the end of the Doctor's freedom, implying that the only reason they didn't capture him before was because they didn't have a trace on him (which they got afterwards, making them able to track and remotely control his TARDIS, making escape impossible). Once a trace has been established, it must therefore be almost impossible to break, and the Council's control over a TARDIS cannot be overridden.
Of course, this set up makes it very difficult to justify further adventures because the show wouldn't be the show if the Doctor wasn't travelling freely and interfering, so they exile him to earth to allow adventures to continue happening while still having consequences.
Now I don't think the Council would be okay with the Doctor having freedom to interfere at all, even on one planet, but it has to happen for the show to keep going. My current theory is that the Council knew of interference in the space time continuum that was going to happen on Earth (mostly because of the Master but also instances outside that) and decided to let the Doctor operate there. While he would think he was operating freely he was actually doing their work for them. This could loop back into season 6B, where they don't give him any real freedom at all and he's under no illusion of being their operative. When whatever incident happens that leads to him refusing to work with them anymore, this more subtle form of control becomes the best option for the Council. While they're not 100% comfortable with this arrangement, they know if he does anything they don't like the effects will be localised, traceable and therefore, reversible.
So that begs the question, why not just imprison him on Gallifrey rather than employ an unreliable agent? Why not kill him? Well, I've thought about this also and my explanation is that it's because there are factions on Gallifrey that are pro interventionist/intervention sympathetic and a public trial which imprisoned a Time Lord for interfering in a benevolent way, just to help people, would rile up those factions and possibly lead to rebellion, or someone freeing the Doctor, or both. An execution would cause even more outrage. Exile with some liberty is a less controversial measure and more likely to keep everyone in line.
Okay, so why did they end his exile in the Three Doctors? Well, after Omega drained their energy, their systems went to shit and they didn't have the resources to maintain the Doctor's mental block or keep track of him with more pressing matters at hand. If people knew they were in a weakened position that could be bad for them so they pretended it was a purposeful pardon.
After this point, I don't really have an explanation for why he was allowed to remain a free actor after they'd recovered from the Omega mess, even less so for why they're so incompetent in The Deadly Assassin and beyond (the President loophole is ridiculous, how do they not know how their own systems work? How is the Doctor suddenly able to outsmart them so easily?) but it's a start.
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winterslibrary · 3 months
"...oh, doctor Lucianna! I have to admit, for as long as I've been working here and trust me, I've spent majority of my life here, I never saw anyone else as talented and dedicated as Lucien. Despite their own issues with health, they continue helping other patients and fighting tirelessly for those letting out their last breaths... I still fail to understand why do you think they are related to those disappearances. Our Lucien is a good soul, they wouldn't hurt a fly. Wasn't that man a criminal either way? I get that it's your responsibility take care of this, but isn't it better that that man is gone?"
━ ISABEL, head surgeon, about LUCIANNA
IMPORTANT: lucianna is non-binary and uses they/them! i personally call them by lucie but lucien and lucianna are also a-okay. they usually introduce themselves as lucien though. also both fem and masc terms are okay !! everything's written in more general language than trying to pull out my writing braincells cuz i have none for now </3 but... for sure i will write write something with them at one point.
GENERAL NOTES: Although Lucie usually resides in Penacony, the hospital they work at is on completely different planet. They tend to travel a lot because of that, one day chilling among luxuries of the Penacony's Golden Hour, the next day rushing to a hospital for a sudden emergency! It can be tiring sometimes, truly. But Penacony gives them enough time to rest before another week spent working on sick or dying patients. There's something else they do between their job, though...
(tws for: human experimentation, medical malpractice, cults and (mass) murder in lucie's backstory. feel free to skip that part !!)
BACKSTORY: There's thing thing, you see. Lucie from always was a rather sick child, struggling with their health and at one point things got so bad, that Lucie truly believed the end was near. With no money to afford proper medicine, only thing left was pray for a miracle, and yet what Lucie got was a curse under the guise of one.
Because they were young and desperate to live, when a mysterious doctor offered them medicine that could save them they instantly agreed, unaware how big the pay would be for their life.
That doctor turned out to be a part of a group of abundance followers, that in the name of Yaoshi would perform... rather questionable medical experiments, be it on medicine, be it on other human livings and Lucie, not wanting to lose their only source of medicine, forced themselves to join the group and assist them in whatever experiments they were doing, even if it included hurting other people.
Luckily, with time Lucie managed to learn how to brew their own medicine– alongside with more general knowledge regarding medicine, which allowed them to run away from that terrible group of people, self-called followers of Yaoshi yet filthy liars in reality. But not without a revenge, no.
To this day people wonder who– or what killed that group one by one, everyone dropping dead like some flies... Lucie wouldn't know. They are happy to be the only survivor and to be finally free.
After that, Lucie started expanding their medical knowledge– turns out that when you don't have to literally torture people with poisons and dangerous surgeries, medicine is quite interesting! And that was how Lucie ended up working in a hospital, slowly climbing their way up, soon becoming one of the best doctors out there. They genuinely care about their patients, always willing to stay up nights and weeks to ensure that someone survives.
That doesn't mean Lucie completely let their past away, no. They spent years in that... weird group, among these people using an aeon to commit atrocities on often innocent people. And Lucie, as much as they wouldn't want to admit to that, a big chunk of their knowledge learned from all these experiments and dangerous researches they were forced to either witness or lead. It was unethical and terrible, but...
That dangerous side of medicine, it was an interesting one– and if researched in proper surroundings, the results could benefit everyone! From finding out new poison antidotes, to learning about toxins, how human's body functions and so, so many others...
Please, if you ever hear screaming coming from the lower levels of the hospital, don't mind it. You didn't hear it and doctor Lucianna is busy, so it's best you wait here and don't go bothering them. You wanted to talk about that criminal who just... suddenly disappeared, right? A nice chat won't hurt anyone.
━ Lucie is a cane user. They use a cane majority of the time, even in Penacony, but they don't need it always. Some days are better, some days are worse. Nonetheless, they keep it around all the time because their cane, in reality, is also a concealed blade. Great to defense!
━ Despite what one might think, they genuinely are a nice, sweet person, always willing to help, sometimes they even appear quite naive and stupid but don't believe it, Lucie is far away from being a little, naive sweetheart. Although, that attitude stays even when they are experimenting on someone... it's unsettling, sometimes.
━Their work schedule is chiller than a normal doctor's though. They are allowed to have more free time and they don't have to be at the hospital all the time. It's because their health is already quite poor and they tend to overwork themselves, so they more time to rest, to be able to perform their duties.
━ Close with Aventurine, their relationship is... interesting to say the least. For sure Lucie is his little lucky charm (meaning, more of a bodyguard and someone to bother while gambling all his money away) but they also are his sound of reason, always complaining at him to stop gambling so much, you're going to do something stupid and finally lose a game and, please, stop spending so much on me, I have no ways of paying you back anymore...
━ They enjoy researching on medicine, toxins, antidotes and poisons a lot. Genuinely they do. It's an interesting topic and they are quite good at that! Lucie did, in fact, made their own medicine after all...
━ Their post attack animation is literally them spinning their cane on the back of their hand. It's a little extra. A little fancy.
A/N NOTES: ueue. it is a little rough YES but im currently going through a writer block so dont mind the roughness HAHAHA im gonna... add more stuff one day. lucie's still kind of a wip so that too. anywyahashagsh introductions done!! voicelines next. also, have a lucie picrew as i struggle with their outfit and full design </3 have a great day everyone my back HURTS also i decided to not describe their personality just yet... because i dont like doing that. yeah im really gonna give u guys more lucie lore WHEN IM DONE WORKING ON THEM ok bye fr
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mantisgodsdomain · 11 months
Hey. By the time you read this, I hope you already know I've dropped out of the tournament. I would like you to know I'm not being a sore loser (if fuse ends up losing the poll) I just had some personal issues to work out and had been debating doing it for a while now.
As a gesture of good will, I would like to give you ownership of a few ocs I originally created as gifts if you won (which it looks like you most likely will.) I present to you: Beauty and the beast but it's lovecraftian horror.
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Mulch was a fairly average wasp. A bit clumsy, and chronically unlucky, Mulch worked as a postman for the ant kingdom, while doing independent deliveries for various customers on the side. During one of these side jobs, he was instructed to deliver a mysterious, sealed box to a mysterious place out in the woods. Curiosity got the better of him, however, and while exploring the area, he stumbled in on Marigold during on of her.... Less ethical experiments.
Marigold panicked, and ended up chucking an unfinished and very experimental potion at him. The potion reacted with the package, which unfortunately turned out to be full of very expensive dead lander parts. Mulch was transmuted almost instantly and very painfully. He fled in panic, much to Marigold's annoyance.
Mulch tried to tell his friends and family what happened, but his vocal cords were distorted in the transmutation and he could only make garbled screeches. Pretty soon, the "Redeyes monster" was blamed for Mulch's disappearance, along with a few other missing bugs. Hunted down by the bugs he once thought were friends, Redeyes decided to try and take his own life by skewering himself with his tail.
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Foxglove is the complete polar opposite of Marigold. A traveling apothecary, she is headstrong, brash, and even a little bit naive. Despite this, she's a very compassionate moth and always stops to help bugs in need. She also does secret research into transmutation, although she plans to use the science for medical purposes only. She thinks the science could one day be used to regrow lost limbs and cure the blind.
One day, Foxglove discovered a wounded beast while exploring, Who ended up being the infamous Redeyes. She was able to heal the monster back to health, and the two formed a close bond. Wherever Foxglove goes, Redeyes is close behind, just out of sight. Noticing the strange bug was awakened, Foxglove also taught Redeyes Morse code so he could communicate. Redeyes began to regain hope, and even started to consider telling her what happened to him.
That is, until Foxglove got a friendly visit from a certain hawk moth. And while the homemade meal she prepared didn't do anything other than make Foxglove slightly sick for a few days, the message was very clear. Redeyes decided to keep his mandibles shut, but Foxglove's stubborn curiosity isn't helping....
I hope you enjoy these two! They're yours now, feel free to do whatever you want with them, from making them kiss to putting them through the horrors.
Lastly, here are a few comics so you can get a good idea of how they act. (Although you could change that too if you want to.)
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have fun, and I'm sorry for the hassle :)
It's no trouble! We know how it is, to get stressed out over results like that. We got... fairly similarly stressed out around Round 3, against Mop. It's probably not 1:1 comparable, but - we can relate. You don't have to worry about coming off as a sore loser or anything of the like - we weren't expecting to win anything if we won, honestly.
We... would like to apologize, if our own competitiveness was too much - we tend to get a bit competitive ourself, and though a lot of the fun for us is in the competition and showmanship, we'd be the first to know we can get a bit caught-up in things. Hopefully, the peer pressure (or... whatever they call it, here) didn't make anything worse.
So long, and thank you for all the bugs!
We will now ramble below the cut in a way that is probably way too enthusiastic for the rest of this rant (oogh cool bugs)
Holds Mulch and Foxglove in our claws. We think we will subject them to the horrors AND make them kiss.
Fun fact that we aren't sure if we've included in the charmcraft stuff we've posted here yet - that was, actually, one of the original uses for charmcraft! Though sight can be a lot more fiddly than replacing a limb, grafting on body parts was one of the first uses of charmcraft, and still remains one of the best options when it comes to prosthetics.
Though charmcraft limbs tend to distort and shift as they age, they tend to be very reliable as far as utility goes, being one of the only ways to get full dexterity in a prosthetic without requiring a lot of maintainance. Once properly installed, it's there to stay, but it comes with a handful of drawbacks.
The distortion was first and foremost on the reasons it's rarely-used - it warps as its user grows, and after a certain point it's near-impossible to ignore the difference between the grafted arm and the rest of the bug's body, even if it was a nearly perfect match initially. There's also the fact that it needs to be installed directly onto a living bug - with the nature of charmcraft workstations, that can wind up being a several-hour-long operation with no anaesthesia, which can be... unfortunate, for the bug receiving the arm.
Besides that, there's the unfortunate fact that the single material best-suited to medical charmcraft is bug flesh - though fully outlawing use of bugs as parts would be thoroughly impractical, using bits from awakened bugs is now thoroughly outlawed, and regulations currently sit in such a state where performing charmcraft of any sort on a living bug is quite illegal. Though getting the regulations overturned would be one hell of an uphill battle, Foxglove seems the sort who would try her hand at it - it's a field that has massive potential, medically, but the handful of crimes that've been committed have left a massive imprint in public consciousness, which makes things... difficult.
It at least helps to have a massive monster in your tracks to keep you safe from anyone who might be less than friendly about those hot-button issues you're working with. Especially when said massive monster is a friend.
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
This is going to be random, but I wanted to say something.
For some time shipping hasn't been fun for me, and it's even worse since I enjoy crack-ships and other uncommon couples. When I started watching Stranger Things I liked the idea of Madwheeler, and I also started reading your fanfiction The Pact before even having a Tumblr account.
Today I found out about you, and when I saw that you're a writer for more famous ships like Byler but also made an amazing Madwheeler piece, it really made me smile. It's just somehow refreshing seeing someone having fun with different character dynamics and stuff.
It made me think "Damn, that's a person I can admire.". It made me somehow believe I can have fun with this again. So thank you. I hope you keep writing and sharing your ideas out there. Be weel!
Hey there @abajurapagado!! You have no idea how much this means to me!! 🥹 That I could help you in any way have a better time in the fandom and enjoy it! That's amazing.
That, after all, is what fandom is for first and foremost: Enjoyment.
That being said, I have always been a person who has written for and been a fan of smaller ships, non-canon ships, unpopular ships even in very small fandoms. I just tend to gravitate towards what interests me. In the past I've been a part of the Turn fandom (I liked a gay pairing-townhull- that was very much non-canon), Star Wars (reylo, gingerrose), OFMD (izzy x lucius), The Morning Show (stella x cory). Most of those are all very much non-canon 😂.
And this is the first fandom where I've seen many people be so staunchly devoted to "canon". It's something I haven't come across in my other fandom travels.
But, in the end, it doesn't matter what the pairing is, if it makes you happy and you find the dynamic interesting than I say engage with it! Even if it makes others side eye you or not be happy with it. It doesn't matter. I'm very much a ship and let ship type of person. And in my Star Wars and Shadow and Bone days, have been in support of some very unliked pairings, but I've tried to never to let it stop me from having a good time. I'm here for the dynamics and drama and I tend to lean towards certain dynamics because of that!
Byler is the first pairing I've ever been a fan of, besides Reylo, that is "mainstream" or has a big following. Actually, as a past Reylo, I see a lot of the same thing happening with Byler....people saying that the followers are delusional, where if you watched the SW films...know how that all ended up 🙃
But also, my other biggest SW ship, gingerrose, is a random ship that was built around 3 pieces of dialogue and a finger bite deleted scene lmao....and they've ended up being a dynamic I actually like a lot better and read about more than I ever did Reylo. I think that you can ship multiple things in the same fandom and it's okay if one of them is a little different, unpopular, or people think it's weird. There is no reason for people to be offended by what other people ship. That is such a strange concept to me.
Madwheeler, to me, is interesting. I am VERY much aware it's a "crackship" or whatever. I do not expect anything from canon. That's not the point. It actually is freeing to have something be completely for fun, and I don't have those emotional ties like I do byler or I did with reylo, where I really wanted it to happen it canon. I think the actors have good chemistry, I think they are for sure very paralleled to one another, and I think that it's a ship that has a lot to unpack. I don't give a flying fuck if it's not canon or out of nowhere or if some people think it's "ick". Doesn't bother me. I am interested in the drama, I like to headcanon them both as bisexual which is fun, and I live for the tension of "hating" someone and having sexual tension. It's good shit, and it's SO EASY to do with their dynamic. It practically writes itself.
I love Byler for different reasons: the best friends to lovers trope, the sweetness of it, the angst, the coming of age. Will is my favorite character and I just love his story.
Both pairings offer SO MANY things, but they also are very different. And it allows me as a writer to explore different tropes, different facets of these fictional character's personalities, and as there is always a little bit of myself in my writing, explore some different emotions etc.
And I personally believe that exploring new dynamics in addition to my main one, has kept me more active in the ST fandom and byler community. It's kept me feeling creative, and keeps it fun as we're waiting for season 5 crumbs and filming to start etc! Fanfiction is very much meant for exploring things that don't happen in canon and exploring character dynamics that speak to you personally. Imo, it's the entire point of it. So anywho, I'm glad you're enjoying The Pact, and I am so happy that my tiny self has stoked the fire a little bit for your Stranger Things love. I hope you have tons of fun from here are on out!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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mariyekos · 1 month
2024 Writing Count
Oh yeah! I've talked about it on Twitter, but I don't think I've mentioned it here: I'm keeping track of my fics/wordcount for 2024! I did it back in 2021, and then kept track of it for a few months in 2023, but this year I'm back at it again with more detail than ever.
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Here's what it looks like. The further I get the more I add onto it as different things come to mind. I love color coding things, so I have a system: 0 word days get red, 1-99 word days get yellow, 100-499 word days get light green, 500-999 word days get medium green, and 1000+ word days get dark green. I also highlight the end of each month in blue to make it easy to see, and milestones (like hitting 50k in January!) are in blue!
More details, including a view of all days, beneath the cut!
January was my best month so far. That's when I started the longfic I'm currently plugging away at, which got me most of that word count. As in, it got me over 50k of that word count, because once I realized I was so close to 50k not just for the month but for a single fic, I powered through to the end. January was a month where my main focus was getting ideas down rather than shooting for top-of-the-line quality. You can't fix a fic that isn't written, so step 1 is to write! Right now I'm actually going through what I wrote and re-writing it, which is slow work but worth it.
February was okay. March was a bad month for me, and where I finally lost my "1 word a day" goal. You can tell how hard I was struggling in the middle there, which was from a combination of lack of sleep, lack of time (work and FFXIV prog were exhausting, plus I was trying hard to get through FFVII Rebirth before being spoiled (I failed)), and lack of motivation/inspiration. I got absolutely slammed by doubt and feelings of inadequacy, combined with some realizations about my longfic which means I had to do a MAJOR overhaul that I was absolutely dreading.
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April was pretty good! I got slammed by motivation to finish a fic that I'd struggled with before and finally finished and published it. I'd been hesitating because I felt like I was getting that vibe out of another fic, but after struggling with that one I went back to the one I'd eventually publish and had a blast. It was very self-indulgent and I've realized that that's okay! I've rambled vaguely on this blog about it, but it was the fic where I knew I was diving deep into a fanon interpretation of a character that's not really seen in canon, and was worried about how it would be received.
In the end I decided whatever. I know it's fanon, but I love that fanon and clearly other people love that fanon too, so I decided I'd just post it. It has a lower kudos:hit ratio than my other fics but honestly? I don't care. I had so much fun writing it and I got two (2!!!!) whole comments on it so I'm over the moon. If my writing makes even one other person happy, that's fantastic. This fic I decided was ultimately for me in the end, and internalizing that it's okay to be self-indulgent has helped me a lot. When you're okay with self-indulgence, it frees you from a lot of worry and you just get to be happy writing the stuff you love.
Of course, I'm not completely over that. I still really want to get things right. I still do check over things to see how well they align in canon and to try to fix characterization and so on. I still want my fics to be good- it's just that I've changed my standards for what a good fic is to be more about quality than being an exact replica of canon. My current fic (the now 88k Time Travel Fic) is undergoing a massive overhaul right now as I not only improve micro-level things like grammar and phrasing, but also as I work to improve macro-level things like overall flow.
That's the sort of stuff that I think makes me a better writer. It might not always lead to very high word count, but I don't always need to have high word count. Sometimes a low wordcount day where I feel like I improved my craft is more than worth it.
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Take these two days in April- ~250 words a day, lower than my monthly average of 1,050, that I'm perfectly fine with because I did more than 504 words worth of work that day, IMO. You can see on the second one that I finished Before the Nightmare, which is one of the DMC novels. That day I didn't get in many words because I spent my time researching instead, and that was worthwhile! On the day before it, I spent time revising the timeline and outlining things rather than adding to the main body of the fic itself, which again I think was more than worth the time! Having WCs is a good method of tracking things. I'm a numbers person. Seeing big numbers makes me happy. But there is more to writing than just working on the stuff readers are going to see! More that is important and improves your craft! Which is why I decided to include outline counts, for one. That and I'm the type of person who writes full sentences or even paragraphs into my outlines that I will take almost word-for-word into the fic itself so I might as well attribute it to the day I wrote it, rather than the day I copy-pasted it in, y'know?
How The Tracker Works
Some other stuff you might notice are the following:
My notes are a mix of me commenting on what I wrote in the fic and me commenting on whatever's going on in my life. For example, on January 17th I wrote "Went back 2 boys fighting convo" which is about what I wrote in the fic, whereas on January 25th I wrote "Super sleepy. Too late" and on March 2nd I wrote "FFVII Rebirth is amazing." which is instead about why I only wrote so much! Going back to my 2021 word count, I found my notes to be a really interesting snapshot into what was going on in my life at the time, so I don't mind making it a mix of both.
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In the above, you can see that the Daily WC doesn't equal the Diff (End-Start WC), because in the comments section I mention that I wrote 3675 for another fic. (The 3675 is from the Fic in the Fic box there, while the 801 is from my Time Travel fic, which is the one with 80k words). But on days where I work on multiple fics I'm usually feeling active enough to be happy to do the very simple math of adding two things together, so I don't mind having to combine a few. If you check the picture above this one for March, you can see that the Daily WC = Diff. for every day that has a Start and End WC. The ones where there isn't a start or ending WC is because I just used the word count function in my document program since I wrote so little it was easy to figure things out.
There's also the Fic List section way back in my first picture, which just includes every fic or fic-adjacent (i.e. tumblr posts where I basically wrote a mini-fic that I will one day turn into a proper post) included in the main word count area. I also included the number of days I worked on each by occurrence. Given the way I track things it does mean that a few fics will be missing a few days because I can only mention one in the fic box (while having it function) so only one gets counted per day, even on days I work on two, but it's close enough that I think it's still a good way of keeping track! I copied the document Geryon partway through the year once I started some major restructuring so that one's split in two, but for the count I made the function count both Geryon and Copy of Geryon so it's just up in Geryon. The reason it's split is that I decided to automate that section rather than doing things manually, which means it include the - day and splits Geryon in two which I wouldn't do if I was doing it manually.
2021 Word count Document
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As you can see, things were a lot simpler back in 2021. Both in terms of visuals and things I was keeping track of. One of the biggest changes from 2021->2024 was the addition of the Start and End word counts for each day. When I was doing 2023 I realized how much I hated doing the math in a separate tab, deleting it, fixing the formatting, and then putting the number into the daily total.
Then while talking to a friend (@/dithorba) about word counts, she showed me her document which had a start/end count on it and I felt like my eyes were open. So often I would get to the end of the day and realize I had math to do but would put it off, then do it again, then again, and then trying to figure out my word counts would result in a ton of going through document history, restoring documents, checking word count, restoring it to a different version, checking word count, etc. It became a chore that messed with my totals. (Which is funny because I actually love math! That specific math just was a sticking point for some reason). Then Monse/dithorba showed me the way and I decided I'd add that into my document, even if it "clutters" it up a bit by adding extra rows. I still kept Daily Wordcount separate from the total though, since sometimes I'll work on multiple fics so the start to end count on one fic doesn't represent all the writing I do in one day.
2024 Daily Totals So Far
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I got so close to all greens for April and I'm really bummed about missing it because I just plain forgot to write more on my one yellow day. Yeah I was struggling a bit, but I could've written more and forgot to make sure I'd hit 100 before going to bed. Oh well. It was a really good month otherwise. I'll probably revise the color scheme in the bottom row later on so it's more evident which word counts had the most days per month, but for now it works as-is.
Last but not least, here's a link to the twitter thread where I go on about this year's writing. It technically starts in December of 2023 because I turned my thread about my longfic into my thread for all my fic writing in 2024, so whoops to that, but good enough.
This post could be longer but it's long enough as it is, so I'll leave it like this for now. Maybe I'll come back and edit it with more information later. I'll probably RB with additions a few times in the year too!
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cutekittenlady · 4 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 6
~~~~ Three hours of running, screaming, ball throwing, and A LOT of crying later ~~~~
I have been at this for HOURS!
Screw it. I've done enough for the Professor to at least think I'm trying.
Hopefully Hugh will buy that I was just "tearfully saying goodbye to mom" or something like that.
Nearly out of pokeballs too. I am going to take the longest nap on that boart right to Castelia. I am not even kidding.
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Aww Roxie saw her dads shitty movie and thought it was 'good'. Sure thing Roxie. Sure.
Still its sweet she supports him. Keep working at it Pop Roxie. You'll get there someday!
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Oh Hugh have you, uh, been waiting here this whole time? Sorry my, uh, business took... three hours... My mom uh wouldnt stop crying about her baby girl leaving and it was all touching and...
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Aaaaand your not buying any of this?
Okay look man, I gotta level with you. The last three hours have been a hell of pokemon catching. It had to be done! I completely blanked on it before and this whole "fill the pokedex" thing is kinda my excuse to leave home. I really don't think my mom would accept "help my best friend exact his revenge on the remnants of a terrorist organization" as a proper reason for traveling. I jumped at the chance they gave me! It's not my fault it came with strings attached!
I know how to cheer you up.
You want a Pidove? I caught a pidove. No tradsies. Just free gift pokemon. Yeah you want a pidove.
Sooo we cool?
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Thats the spirit buddy!
Pop Roxie! Hoist the anchor, raise the sail, swab the poop deck! Cause we're leaving on a quest!
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I knew I liked the cut of your jib Pop Roxie!
Alrighty Hugh lets get going! NOthings gonna stop us now!
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Sorry about your shoes POP Roxie. I swear I didn't know I got seasick.
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Yeah might be kinda hard finding a handful of weirdos in funky hats in a city this big. Do you have a plan?
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.... Thats not a plan Hugh. Look for now lets just... split up yeah? I'm tired. I'll go find us a hotel or a bench in the pokemon center to sleep on or something. Give me your Xtranceiver number, I'll call you when I find something. Call me if something happens yeah?
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Yeah well chances are we're gonna be splitting up a lot more after this. I still gotta catch enough pokemon to make mom and the professor think this is just a nice PG adventure. Besides, after Cheren and Roxie I think I have a taste for this whole pokemon battling thing.
With that Hugh gives a passing comment about the weird looking ship on the dock next to us and take off. Welp I'm in the big city by myself for the very first time.
And I'm exhausted. Gotta see if I can find a place to rest. So I stride into the city.
And a random clown gives me a bicycle. And ask me to do a relay. At midnight.
I've been in this city a handful of minutes and already this palce is nuts. I mean I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to ride a bike again. Pretty sure that ten year ban for running over that lillipup is up.
Whatever. Questions for later.
Couldn't find a hotel anywhere. I'll send Hugh a message and sleep at the Pokemon Center tonight.
~~~ Hugh didn't come to the Pokemon Center tonight.
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That not... concerning. I'm not concerned.
Wandered around the city doing some sight seeing. Not looking for hugh. Just sightseeing. Got the last casteliacone, visited a gallery, had a stranger come out from behind a dumpster and give me the tm for flash.
Interesting city.
Still since I can't seem to find Hugh guess I better go to the gym. Think I saw in a brochure that Castelia Cities gym is a bug type gym. If thats true Molly will probably wind up torching the place heh.
Welp guess I might as well head over. Before I leave the pokemon Center though I sell a few of the items I found around Virbank that I dont need, mostly X attack and stuff, and buy more great balls. My attempts at filling out the dex as much as I could before used up a lot of the balls I had.
I'm gonna need to fight some trainers for money soon or something. That acting stint I did was fun but did NOT pay anything. I've still got supplies, but I don't think I'm going to be doing a lot of filling out the dex until I can get more money for more balls and stuff. I mean I still have like 5 great balls, that ultra ball that neighbor in Aspertia gave, plus the heal ball and net ball I bought but thats about it.
Plus I'm down to, like $4.26. Thats not enough for lunch much less, like, 20 pokeballs.
Definitely hitting the gym. Roxie forked over quite a lot from beating her, so this Burgh guy I heard about will probably do the same. Bare minimum I'll be able to get some more Lemonades.
Aight Molly lets go get that money!
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With my money?! I mean I havent beaten him yet, sure, but its basically an inevitability here! Where did he go?!
Then this purple haired girl walks up. Apparently she and Clyde know each other? Apparently she's looking for Burgh too. Evidently this Burgh guy is the flighty sort who wanders out of his gym, like, all the time.
Yeesh, Cheren might've been a newbie and Roxie mightve been rocking out too hard to hear me, but at least they were AT their gyms. I though gym leaders had to be at their gyms at all times. Yknow like a 9-5 type deal. Is it NOT a 9-5 type deal?
Wait.... do you guys not get paid?!
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Oh sure NOW you notice me.
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I... How did you.... how could you.... How did you KNOW about that?!
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Yeah well tell that to the weirdos back in Virbank.
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..... By giving me money?
Oh oh no you meant hunting down Team Plasma. Hnngh well... If the gym leaders not here anyway... and considering that might be where Hugh went (who I haven't seen since last night)... Sure why not.
Iris mutters something about thinking where they might've gone and then just takes off too fast for me to follow! Thankfully Burgh knows this town beter than me. He said she went around the corner towards the Pokemon Center. Guess thats as good a place to start as any.
Now might also be a good time to break out that bike that clown gave me last night. Not that I'm in a hurry or nothing.
Thankfully the saying about never forgetting how to ride a bike turns out to be true and I easily catch up to Iris. She tells me we're heading for Thumb Pier. She suspects theyre probably hanging around there.
Why she suspects that I dunno. In fact I'm not even certain who this girl is. Oh well, its the only lead I've found so peddling feet dont fail me now.
As it turns out Thumb Pier is 'suspicious' because its where you enter... the sewers. She wants us... to go into... the sewers.
I mean... I guess if a terrorist organization was gonna hide out in a big place like Castelia after a failed coup the sewers isn't the weirdest place to hide out but...
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GAH Hugh! Don't sneak up on me like that! More importantly where the hell have you been?! And gods no I haven't found any members of team plasma yet. Though I think Iris here might have a lead...
Is THAT where've you been all night?!
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Dodging questions is for strange old men who jump off cliffs and run shady movie lots. NOT from supposed BFFs hunting terrorists together!
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That's what I'm trying to do! Look man you can't just disappear all night and then suddenly- Hugh! Hugh you get your edgy anime hair ass back here!
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cheesydelphox · 2 years
Ummm... Hi.
So on Fairy Tail: what are your thoughts on the dragon slayers? Not anything in specific. Can be the ogs and the completely bonkers time travel shenanigans, second gen and how in the world that technology popped up and for how long, whatever you want to share.
Umm...feel free to ask my on my head canons too.
I LOVE thinking about dragon slayers. They're fascinating to me. Specifically the concept of the motion sickness being a dragon slayer thing. Here's how I like to think of it;
The dragon slayers all have some sort of animalistic vibe to them, some less, some more. But the fact that they're essentially dragons in human bodies makes it funky when they come across something that a dragon wouldn't normally interact with, like a moving vehicle. My theory is that their human brains and their dragon bodies get mixed up, their human brains know that vehicles are normal and safe, while their dragon bodies are confused and scared as to why the ground is moving underneath them. The same happens to my dog in the car, but he doesn't know what a car is.
Individual dragon slayers? I have thoughts on them.
Natsu- He's actually my least favorite of the slayers, which is a controversial opinion. Not to say I don't like Natsu, I just like all of the others more than him. My favorite running gag that involves him is the one where he goes all "NINJA," it's really silly. I wish we got to see him playing straight man more, I'm kind of tired of Natsu being the butt of the joke all the time. (i also think lucy can do a bit better but that's a conversation for another day)
Gajeel- I like Gajeel a lot, and I really like his relationship with Levy, it feels the most realistic out of all the Big 4 ships. Gajeel feels the most like a normal person out of all the dragon slayers to me. He's an adult that has his shit together and I find that FASCINATING in the context of the FT series because there's not many characters that check the boxes of "adult" and "consistently has their shit together" when it comes down to it.
Wendy- I honestly have no feelings on Wendy. She's nice, but I don't spend a lot of time thinking about her. One thing I love though is how close she is with Erza. A lot of people make the mother-daughter relationship comparison with them, but to me they seem more like sisters. I would also like to say on the record that Carla is my second favorite Exceed. Don't get why so many people hate Carla.
Laxus- Second favorite slayer. I LOVE Laxus so much. His characterization in 100YQ feels like "Erza and Lucy's older brother" which is something I really appreciate. I wish we got to see him interact with the Thunder Legion in a way that wasn't him "protecting or avenging them" Because the Thunder Legion is STRONG and I wish Laxus talked about his cool strong hot friends more. Also like... we don't get a ton of them interacting as friends. Like, for example, Freed and Bix starting a stupid arguement over nothing and Laxus being confused as to why the hell they're arguing. Or Evergreen having some sort of relationship issues and Laxus being lost as to what to do. That kind of thing. We don't get that enough. Also I just think Laxus is kinda sexy and cool and I Like him a lot. One thing I see a lot in regards to Laxus is how the lacrima was inserted. People think the eye scar is from the lacrima insertion but I just don't agree. When he was fighting Kirin, the lacrima came from his chest. How did it end up there if it was inserted via the eye. I think the dragon slayer just eat the lacrima tbh. It makes more sense because they eat all other forms of magic power. Also a lot less disturbing to think about than "intrusive surgery on a child"
Sting- I've never been like an avid Sting fan, and the more I think about him, the more I'm confused. What defines "light" magic? How do his innate dragon slayer magic ability and the lacrima interact? Do they magnify his power or just make it easier to access? Many questions. I feel like if Sting was given more time in 100YQ he could become one of the stronger slayers. There's light everywhere and if he eats light to gain magic power, that's just like unlimited magic power. Right???? Another thing I find interesting is how he handled Lector's "death." His reaction wasn't as drastic as Future Rogues's reaction to Frosch's death. If anything, the Sabertooth master (i forget his name ooops) had it coming. Everything points to him being abusive and cruel to his guild in the past. I don't blame Sting for snapping. side note. nothing about Sting indicates that he's anything other than bisexual.
Rogue- I never found Rogue to be particularly interesting up until a few weeks ago, when I realized that out of the Twin Dragons, he's actually the weird one. Like I said, Sting didn't have an abhorrent world ending reaction to his exceed "dying." Rogue did. The boy's a ticking time bomb. The moment something goes wrong, BOOM. He's summoning a dragon army to destroy the world. Unstable as all hell. Rogue's a softie at heart though, and I've come to appreciate his bond with Frosch and hold it near and dear.
Cobra- My favorite of the slayers. There's just something about this strange gender ambiguous anti-hero snake person that fascinates me. I didn't think about her much on my first watch though the series in like 2020 but once I started getting back into it this fall I realized "holy shit I LOVE the Snake She/He/They." I already posted about how I identify with Cobra a lot but I'll say it again. Auditory sensory issues? Check. Kind of an outcast? Check. Affinity/overall association with animals? Check. There's more I could add to the list of course, but those are the main things. I really like how his relationship with Kinana was almost like an easter egg, a treat for people who watched the Key to the Starry Heavens arc. Doesn't impact anything at all story wise, but it's a nice little thing that I can hold on to. I have a feeling that Cobra is gonna show up in the next few arcs in 100YQ along with Sting and Rogue, since it's a very dragon-focused series. In an ideal world, they would have some sort of petty banter with Mest. I just think they would be good friends in a "this is my idiot" way. You get to decide who's the idiot.
So yeah. Long post but it's fun to write these. If you read all the way through, good job! You get a cookie. 🍪
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angelsanarchy · 2 years
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Alone Together - Eddie/OC One-Shot Series PRT 1
"Shit shit shit shit." All I was trying to do was escape the gawking and whispering in the hallways my first day back at Hawkins High and now I'm lost in the woods with a useless bathroom pass and no one who cared enough to actually look for me.
Living in Hawkins has always been a nightmare but when I got sick and had to take the year off for my treatments, I knew everyone would look at me like some weirdo.
Not that I was anyone special or memorable before all this but it was easier to fly under the radar when I didn't have an oxygen satchel attached to the hip at all times. I just wanted to graduate and get out of this Helltown before it was swallowed whole by whatever the hell was plaguing it.
"Great. First day back and I'm going to die in the woods. That's perfect."
"Or you could stick to the foot path-"
"JESUS CHRIST!" I screamed at the sudden voice from behind me.
"That's a first. I get it though, it's the hair." Eddie Munson twirled his ringed fingers in his messy brown hair as I gripped my chest.
"I didn't mean to scare you...I'm-"
"I know who you are. I actually thought you graduated last year?" I was surprised to see him sleeping through my first block English class on my first day back. He looked exactly the same as he did last year except a little taller and his hair was a little longer.
"Yeah I decided I wasn't quite done torturing the mindless drones of Hawkins High so I'm repeating the year." He crossed his arms over his chest and I smiled.
"Wow that's noble of you. I'm sure the faculty was thrilled to hear about your decision." Eddie laughed.
"What about you? I thought you were being homeschooled or something because..." Eddie trailed off looking at my oxygen satchel.
"Well much like yourself, I thought I would come back and really push the satchel trend, you know? Really seal my fate as being a complete freak." Eddie took a step closer to me.
"Whoa don't try and take my crown. I've been wearing the Freak badge with honor for the last couple of years. Don't come for my thrown, Murillo." Eddie teased.
"Heavy weighs the crown, Munson." We shared a smile before the alarm on my watch beeped letting me know it was time for me to take medicine.
"Hot date?" Eddie questioned with a smirk.
"More of an impending one with death." I hit the button on my watch to stop the beeping.
"Very metal." Eddie said watching me look through the woods to find the path he mentioned. He cleared his throat and extended his elbow for me to take.
"Come forth m'lady. I shall show you the way to the path to which you seek." He smiled so wide I noticed how sweet his dimples were. I put my hand on his arm and he started walking in the opposite direction from which I had planned to travel.
"So you meet all your clients in the woods behind the school or do you have extended hours of operation elsewhere?" I asked making him snort.
"Why? Are you looking to become a new client or just have my after-hours locations?" He teased with a nudge.
"I'm pretty sure your merchandise would kill me faster." I knew Eddie was the school dealer for the last couple of years but even before I got sick, I wasn't really a fan of smoking.
"I would hate to do that. Not when you've just brought back the sexy satchel look." Eddie joked. I could feel my cheeks blushing.
"Something tells me you might be the only one who doesn't take one look at this thing and runs the other way. I might as well be wearing a-"
"Hellfire Club shirt." Eddie used his free hand to pull at his t-shirt. I knew the club was something he was the leader of at school but I didn't know much about what they actually did in the club.
"People think we're some sort of satanic cult because we love a fantasy game that's far beyond their comprehension so naturally they're terrified." Eddie was very passionate about the Hellfire Club as he explained the game, the players, and just how intricate the entire thing was.
"The truly sad part of it all is that everyone looks down their noses at anything or anyone that's not remotely normal as if Hawkins has ever been the epitome of white picket fences." Eddie was right. Everyone walked around town with a death grip on the last bits of normal living meanwhile there have been suspicious deaths and disappearances for the last couple of years.
As we approached the end of the path, I could see my car through the clearing and let go of Eddie's arm.
"I don't care what anyone says, you good sir are my hero today. Thank you for getting me out of the woods and back to my car. Seriously, I owe you one, Eddie." Eddie blushed, putting his hands in his back pockets.
"Oh I'm no hero, just merely a frequent traveler trying to help a lady in distress. You going to be good to get home?" Eddie asked sweetly.
"I should be good to go now. Hopefully, I didn't make you too late for your next appointment." I teased.
"No worries, welcome back by the way. Hawkins High has been seriously lacking sincerely cool chicks." Eddie started back towards the woods. I waved at him goofily and watched as he disappeared through the trees.
I was convinced that Hawkins was truly hell but Eddie Munson was the furthest thing from evil.
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ginjithewanderer · 2 years
[Homare Arisugawa] Emotional Orange SSR — Backstage — Poolside Memory — Part 2
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Thank you Rina for the raws!
Translation under the cut
Izumi: It's a travel magazine.
Azuma: I read that magazine from time to time, too. Their articles are very tasteful.
Guy: Are you going on a trip somewhere?
Homare: Yes, actually—
Hisoka: ... Arisu, we're out of marshmallows.
Homare: Have you already eaten my backup supply!?
Tsumugi: We're back.
Azuma: Tsumugi, Tasuku, welcome home. Were you out doing street acts again?
Tasuku: Yeah. ... That said, how come you're all gathered here?
Homare: Ah, actually, I was planning on taking a solo trip. I was just looking at a few things in this travel magazine.
Tsumugi: Ooh, how nice.
Hisoka: ... Get me lots of marshmallows.
Azuma: Hehe, he's like a cat you're leaving behind to watch the house.
Guy: Have you found any nice locations?
Homare: Yes, I thought this hot spring resort seemed nice, but...
Tsumugi: Oh, they talked about this resort on TV a while ago. Apparently the inn is making a buzz lately because it was done by a famous interior designer.
Tasuku: Well, popular inns like this one are definitely completely full around this time of year, though, right?
Homare: Yes, that is true. Of course this summer will be-
Azuma: Huh, this rental vacation home is...
Izumi: Do you know it, Azuma-san?
Azuma: ... Just as I thought. The owner of the vacation home on this page is an acquaintance of mine.
Azuma: Just the other day, they posted on Inste saying a reservation had been canceled, so...
Azuma: Should I ask them if it's still available?
Homare: I appreciate the offer, but it's much too big for just one person.
Azuma: Then, why don't we all go?
Homare: What if our schedules don't align and we can't go to the resort pool!? 
Tsumugi: ... Mine is flexible around this time.
Tasuku: I'll be free after a performance, too.
Guy: Mikage and I can coordinate something around this time as well.
Homare: And so the tables have turned completely.
Azuma: What will you do? If you do want to travel alone, you can just say so.
Homare: ... Naturally, I've decided we should go. Let's all make unforgettable summer memories together!
Azuma: I'll contact them, then.
Tsumugi: How will we get there?
Tasuku: The car should be good...
Homare: ... I thought I would have to wait until next year again, but I see I was too hasty with that.
Izumi: (Hehe, Homare-san seems happy.)
Izumi: It's great that you get to go with everyone, isn't it?
Homare: Indeed. You'll be going, too, of course?
Izumi: ... Yes. Please let me join you!
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Izumi: Wow, this is beautiful...!
Tsumugi: I love how spacious it is.
Hisoka: It's nice and cool here...
Homare: It really is splendid! I'm already feeling poetic inspiration welling up inside me!
Tasuku: Why don't you give your poetry a rest, just for today?
Izumi: What should we do for dinner?
Azuma: It looks like the owner filled the fridge with all sorts of ingredients.
Guy: ... With all this, we can make anything we want.
Tasuku: How about a BBQ then?
Izumi: Since you even brought me along with you, I'll take charge of cooking!
Hisoka: ... We'll just be having curry again.
Tasuku: No doubt about it.
Izumi: Is there something wrong with that!?
Tasuku: That way, it'll be more of a camping trip than a BBQ.
Homare: Since we're here, why don't we each prepare one dish?
Homare: After we've finished, whoever's cooking we decide is the worst will have to play a punishment game.
Guy: There aren't many difficult dishes to make at a BBQ, but that sounds good.
Tsumugi: That sounds fun.
Azuma: I don't mind it, either.
Homare: It's decided, then!
Homare: We're free to do whatever we want until dinnertime, so let's think about what to make at the BBQ.
Guy: Understood.
Izumi: Whoa! There's a pool in the garden!
Tasuku: Huh, it's big. Should we get in soon?
Azuma: I'll hold back on that.
Hisoka: Me, too. Changing clothes is a pain.
Homare: Unfortunately, I didn't bring my swimsuit. I'll pass my time relaxing with a book.
Tasuku: ... Then why did you choose one with a pool?
Tsumugi: Ahaha... there, there.
Part 3
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