#inspired by that one tweet
lesbianranpoe · 3 months
ranpoe save me.. save me ranpoe....
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birdsofpasssage · 1 year
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modern au
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wink-1-8-2 · 11 months
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quality just got lower
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dragongodryss · 3 months
Based on this tweet
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Sting was in trouble. He had thought it was funny when his friends, who had never met his cat, assumed Lector was his boyfriend. Now that he had been invited to Natsu's wedding, on the other side of the country, he felt otherwise.
He had, at first, considered coming clean, but that would be embarrassing. He couldn't decline the invitation either, since he hadn't seen Natsu in nearly two years. In short, he was fucked. Or rather, he wasn't. If he was, he might have someone he could try to convince to go with him.
He had been putting it off for a month, and now he only had a week left to find both a fake boyfriend who was willing to answer to the name Lector, and a cat sitter.
There was no putting it off any longer, so he called his friend, Yukino, to ask for advice. Maybe he could convince her to watch Lector for him.
"Hello Sting! I was just going to call you. You're coming to Lucy's wedding too, right?" Yukino said cheerfully. Damn it. He forgot that she was friends with Natsu's fiancée.
"Yeah, about that... You know Lector, my cat? Natsu assumed I was talking about a boyfriend, and he kinda wants to meet him at the wedding, to make sure he's not a jerk or whatever. So I need a cat sitter and someone who's willing to take a train ride across the country with a complete stranger and can be trained to answer to 'Lector' in a week." Sting decided to rip off the band-aid. Yukino wouldn't rat him out.
"Oh my god, that's hilarious! I'm writing a song about it. Natsu and Lucy can play it at the reception." Yukino's himbo boyfriend, Orga, mocked him. Sting had forgotten that Yukino usually had her phone on speaker, for some reason. Orga would absolutely rat him out, and as he would be attending as Yukino's +1, there would be no stopping him.
"No you won't, Orga. No. We'll negotiate later, I'm helping Sting avoid the consequences of his actions right now." She was his best friend for a reason, and that reason was that she was the best. "Now: Why exactly did you think any of this was a good idea?"
"Well, it was funny at first, and then I'd kept up the lie for three months and I realized I was in too deep." Sting admitted. Yukino sighed.
"And at no point in the three months after that did you think to ask for help?" Yukino chided him.
"Of course not. Do you have 20 thousand jewel?"
"Yeah? Why?"
"Alright. You'll be at the party for a day, plus two days for traveling. All expenses at the hotel will be paid, and I assume you're willing to pay for both of your train tickets?" Yukino asked.
"Yeah, sounds right." Sting confirmed.
"Okay. Sorano could use some more money, so she'd probably watch your cats and-"
"Wait, cats?"
"Yeah. One of my coworkers owes me a favor, and he needs a break from work anyway, so I could probably convince him if I told him I found a place for his cat to stay." His amazing friend told him.
"You're the best!"
Who would have known having Yukino cover his shift so he could take Frosch to the vet would have such devastating consquences?
Rogue wondered how his life had reached this point. He was sitting opposite someone he'd met only once, inside a train headed to the other side of the country, to a wedding for people he had never heard of.
Not an ideal situation, but aside from Frosch, Yukino was his only friend and she had made arrangements for Frosch, so he had agreed. It was a free vacation, anyway. Not to mention the guy was good looking.
"So, Lector, what do you do for a living?" His fake boyfriend, Sting, asked him. Rogue really could have done without the fake name, especially in private, but he wouldn't be able to answer to it without practice.
"The same as Yukino. We're both nurses." Rogue answered. It took him a moment to realize that he ought to ask Sting the same. "You?"
"I'm a graphic designer. Okay, more things we really need to know: Ages, have we ever been arrested, how did we meet? I'll start: I'm twenty six and I've been arrested twice." Sting told him.
"What for?"
"I'll tell you when you answer."
"Fine, I'm twenty six, and I haven't been arrested yet. Now should I regret agreeing to this?" Rogue asked.
"Trespassing and accessory to second degree arson. I promise it's not as bad as it sounds. It's been like, ten years. And the second one was Natsu's fault." Sting defended himself.
"The groom?"
"Yeah, that's the guy. He wants to meet you to make sure you're not a jerk." Sting explained.
"What have you told him about Lector?" Rogue steered the conversation back on track.
"Oh, usual cat things: He steals my food, he wants cuddles, he charges around the house at 3am, he's adorable, I keep losing staring contests to him, he bites me." Sting seemed to realize how badly awry things had gone before they had even reached the venue. "Well that's going to be awkward."
"You don't say."
"We should practice the whole couple thing." Sting suggested a few hours later over lunch. Rogue looked up from his sandwich, over to Sting and reached out, grabbing some of his fake boyfriend's M&Ms before focusing on his sandwich again.
"Well that's a start, but I was thinking more along the lines of PDA and establishing boundaries." Sting clarified. Honestly, staring at Sting wouldn't be too hard, and as demonstrated, stealing his food was entirely within the realms of Rogue's capabilities. The rest, however... Rogue nodded.
"Ideally, we'd hug a bunch and maybe kiss a couple of times to really sell it, but we can say you're shy around strangers if you really don't want to." Sting explained.
"No, that seems fine." Rogue accepted.
"Okay, now we need to practice." Sting said. Rogue froze for a moment. Once he realized what Sting meant, he nodded. He knew damn well he'd slip up in front of everyone if he didn't practice.
Sting leaned over the table and pecked him on the lips. It felt fine, almost like it was something he normally did, at first, but then he felt his face heat up suddenly. Sting pulled away.
"Sorry, I panicked." Rogue apologized swiftly.
"No, it's fine, I barely noticed. It went better than I expected." Sting reassured him. "They'll never notice."
It was mid afternoon when they arrived at their station in the middle of nowhere, and only a short walk to the hotel from there. Rogue offered to carry some of Stings luggage, as he had brought fewer things. Sting's face flushed when Rogue's hand touched his. He'd have to get that under control. Did he regret packing half his wardrobe, or was it a blessing? Who knew? Sting certainly didn't.
"It's a nice venue." Rogue noted, looking around as they cleared the gates. There were tons of different flowers in lots of colors, and what Sting was pretty sure was a hedge maze. Hopefully, Natsu would know better than to start a fire at his own wedding. The hotel was an old castle, with large glass windows. Another easily breakable thing. Either Natsu had really changed in the last two years, or Lucy wasn't as much of a genius as her loving fiancée insisted. It was nice nonetheless.
"It's really big." Sting realized, as he spoke, how many people would be present to witness it if things went wrong.
"Don't get lost." Rogue joked.
"Sting! There you are!" Natsu came running out the door towards them, high-fiving Sting when he reached them. "I thought you were going to bail on me."
"Never. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Sting promised.
"I'd kick your ass if you did. Speaking of which, is this the Lector you were talking about?" Natsu asked, turning to Rogue. Sting grinned awkwardly.
"Yeah, that's my boyfriend. R-Lector, this is my childhood friend Natsu, he's the groom. Natsu, this is my boyfriend Lector." Sweating, Sting made the introductions.
"Nice meeting ya! How'd you meet?" Natsu asked Rogue. Stings eyes widened. Fuck. They hadn't prepared this.
"Frosch, my cat, learned how to open doors, and I forgot to lock the front door. Sting helped me look for her for hours, so I invited him out for coffee once we found her." Rogue answered excitedly. "Do you want to see a picture of her? I have pictures of her."
"Sure. Let's see her." Natsu agreed. Rogue's face lit up as he pulled out his phone.
"She's sweet, yeah." Natsu admitted. "Do you want to see Happy? He's our ring-bearer."
The first hurdle had been overcome minimal difficultly, so Sting was in high spirits when they reached the hotel room.
He wasn't sure what he had been expecting, but he was somehow surprised to find that there was only one bed, albeit a large one.
"I can take the couch if you want." He offered when Rogue entered.
"No, I think it's fine. The bed's pretty big." Rogue said casually. Well if he didn't mind, Sting sure as hell didn't. He dropped his stuff on the floor and flopped onto the bed. Rogue put his own stuff down more carefully before sitting down beside him.
"Didn't think it would go so well. I'm not sure what I was worried about." Sting admitted, letting out a sigh he hadn't known he was holding in.
"Don't jinx it. Honey." Rogue deadpanned, before letting his face break into a smile. It took Sting a moment to realize he was staring.
Despite his warning, Rogue was feeling pretty confident when he and Sting went downstairs for the rehearsal dinner. Gray, the best man, had let them know there was no need to dress up, so Rogue was wearing a red turtleneck sweater and black jeans. Sting, who seemed hellbent on making Natsu regret allowing the policy to be so vague, was wearing leather trousers and a rainbow crop-top.
"Aren't you worried you'll outshine the groom?" Rogue asked him.
"If Natsu was worried about that, he wouldn't have invited me." Sting boasted. Rogue decided to take his word for it.
They entered the dining hall when it almost full, Sting having insisted on being fashionably late. Perhaps that was a blessing, because that was the only reason Rogue had noticed Gajeel, his older cousin, before Gajeel noticed him.
"Sting, don't panic, but my cousin is here and he knows damn well my name isn't Lector." Rogue whispered hurriedly.
"Okay, okay. Don't panic. Maybe he won't notice you. We're not in the wedding party anyway, so show me who it is and we'll avoid them." Sting whispered back.
They took their assigned places, on the same side of the room as Gajeel, though a little further away from the main table, as Gajeel's wife, Levy, was sitting beside the bride. Oh. Yeah. Levy had mentioned at New Years that she would be maid of honor in her best friend's wedding. If Rogue had known it was this wedding, he would have refused Yukino's request. Speaking of Yukino, his coworker was making her way to their table with her boyfriend.
"So how is it going? Anyone suspect anything?" She asked.
"Shhh!" Sting looked around quickly.
"Don't worry. I asked Lucy to make sure we were the only ones at this table." She reassured him, though it didn't seem to work-
"She's going to know somethings up!" Sting insisted.
"Serves you right. Now how are things going with Lector." Yukino's boyfriend asked, winking at Rogue.
"Terribly, considering his cousin is married to the maid of honor." Sting hissed.
Rogue checked out of the conversation, watching Gajeel like a hawk. When desert rolled around, his cousin finally noticed him. Rogue shook his head faintly. Not now.
To his relief, Gajeel took the hint and dinner went off without a hitch.
Rogue waited just outside the door to the dining hall for him, to save him the trouble of looking and minimizing the risk of being exposed.
"Hey Rogue! Why didn't you say you were coming here? We could've driven you." Gajeel asked him when he came out, Levy in tow.
"It's complicated. Can we talk about this somewhere else?" Rogue looked around in a panic, worried Gajeel's loud voice would carry through the hallways.
In the garden, Gajeel resumed his line of questioning.
"So what's up, kid? Do I need to kick someone's ass?"
"No! Nothing like that. A friend of mine messed up and told his friend he had a boyfriend, so I'm helping him out. I didn't know this was your friend's wedding. Can you just call me Lector until this is over?" Rogue asked.
"Oh. You're the cat boy!" Levy exclaimed. Gajeel looked like he was about to explode with laughter.
"I'm sorry, what?" Rogue asked.
"Oh, Natsu wanted help figuring out what the deal with his friend's boyfriend was, so he asked us about it. We started calling you cat boy because it seemed like his friend was describing a cat." Levy explained.
"I wonder why."
The ceremony passed by quite normally, with only one accidental fire, which wasn't Natsu's fault.
Sting felt gorgeous in his light gray tuxedo and sky blue shirt, which was secretly a button-down crop-top, but he was having trouble keeping his eyes off his date, who looked dashing in a black suit and red shirt. Despite his prior warning to Sting not to outshine the groom, Rogue had decided to put his hair in a ponytail, which Sting forgave because he looked hot.
The reception promised to be a party to remember, being in the castle grounds, with every kind of food imaginable and ample space to dance.
Sting cheered when Natsu and Lucy finished their first dance, which prompted several others to cheer alongside him.
The music continued, and Sting offered his hand to Rogue. Rogue took it, smiling softly.
"Just so you know, honey, I can't dance for shit." Rogue warned him.
"Like we need to be good at it. It's pretty much just spinning anyway." Sting told him, taking the lead.
They might not have been the best dancers, but no one could beat them at spinning, Sting was sure of that. No one could match them with how majestic they were. He didn't know how many songs had passed when they stopped for a drink, just that they were out of breath.
As he unbuttoned the jacket to reveal his secret crop-top, Rogue leaned against him casually, and Sting realized that by this time tomorrow, it would be over, and the knowledge crashed over him like a tidal wave.
"Oh, I love this song! Do you want to go dance again?" Rogue exclaimed. Sting knew the song. It was 'All or Nothing' by Theory of a Deadman.
He took Rogue's hand again as they started to spin, looking into Rogue's eyes. He didn't want to let go. As the song ended, Sting made his choice.
"Hey, Rogue? I don't know if you're even into guys, but I enjoyed hanging out with you, and I wanted to know if you wanted to try going out for real sometime." He confessed. Rogue smiled that beautiful smile again.
"That depends entirely on if or not I'll have to go by Lector every time we visit your friends." He answered teasingly.
"No- nah, you don't. I'll come clean. I'll text Natsu on our way home." Sting promised.
"Then I'd love to." Rogue said.
"Alright, then would you like to go out for coffee on Wednesday? There's a coffee shop near the hospital that sells really good cinnamon rolls." Sting suggested.
"That sounds wonderful."
On the train ride home, Sting tried to work up the nerve to call Natsu, who would be leaving on his honeymoon tomorrow.
"Do it. Do it. You've got this." Rogue chanted in the seat beside him, in the most monotone voice he could muster.
Emboldened, Sting instead opted for text to the group chat, with basically everyone he knew from his hometown.
Lucy, Natsu, Levy, Gray, Wendy, Cana, Mira, Elfman, Lisanna, Laxus, Lyon and several others.
Sting: Hey guys. I just wanted to come clean. The Lector I kept telling you about was my cat. The guy I brought is actually called Rogue.
Cana: Hah! I knew you couldn't get a boyfriend.
Natsu: Yeah, Yukino told us as soon as you told her.
Sting looked at Rogue in horror. Rogue looked stunned for a moment, but started chuckling. He took Sting's phone.
"Sting": Levy, did you know?
Levy: Yeah. We just wanted to see how far Sting would go.
Sting took his phone back from Rogue.
Sting: You guys are the worst.
Sting: And joke's on you, Cana, I asked Rogue out and he said yes.
"Levy": You get Rogue on the phone right now. We need to talk.
Levy: Sorry, Gajeel took my phone.
Sting put his phone away.
"Should I be worried?" He asked Rogue.
"I'd say no, but that would be a lie." Rogue answered. "If worst comes to worst, we can blame Yukino."
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sillybunnoyd · 6 months
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She’s so babygirl
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Part-time soulmate, full-time problem
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kookintel · 2 years
i can imagine namjoon, maybe on his morning run (for the sake of this, he goes on a morning run okay-) when he has a day off or on his way to work, and on days when you aren’t too busy, he’ll drop into your workplace to say hello, or maybe to drop in some lunch because you were too rushed this morning to remember it.
i can also imagine him dropping in on his way home from work to collect you, so that you don’t have to walk home by yourself in the dark (he’d offer to drive you, but you know how that is-). even before the two of you were dating, after he found out that you finished work rather late and that you walked home by yourself in the dark, namjoon insisted on walking you home from then on.
and then when the two of you get home, you cook dinner together and make your lunches for the next day while talking about your days and catching up on the gossip that the other had heard around the office.
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kafkaesqueer · 10 months
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Jack McCoy Canonically Listens to the Beatles, at least during Season 12
Jack, in his office: hums 'Eleanor Rigby'
Jack, now walking past everyone in the DA office to the elevator: ~Dog in a trenchcoat~
Jack: ~Getting promoted at work but then sheds his disguise~
Jack: ~Canine surprise~
Jack, entering the elevator: Have a good night, everyone.
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nouverx · 4 months
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I feel the room swayin'
While the band's playin'
One of our old favourite songs from way back when 🎵
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rissaito · 2 months
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hunters 🐅🌾☀️
i’m SO excited to learn more about this mysterious guy…
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quackkryak · 9 days
subspaces (comics)
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annqer · 13 days
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is it really you?
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quee-r-code · 4 months
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trying to figure out how to draw doc
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catsurfavs · 2 months
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Trying out brushes yippee
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dealwithadeer · 4 months
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I love this picture because you can really see what both Husk and Alastor imagine as they sing this.
Husk is looking up at the sky with a genuine smile on his face, dreaming about freedom, his friends, the possibility of redemption and in this moment he can actually see himself taking off and leaving Hell (and Alastor) behind.
Alastor meanwhile is also dreaming of freedom but when he looks up he is not seeing the possibility of redemption but himself on a throne with everyone tied to his strings. He does not dream of leaving Hell, he dreams of ruling it.
The difference between Husk dreaming of saying goodbye to Alastor, and breaking off his chains while Alastor has a dream that probably involves Husk eternally chained to his side is just fascinatingly messed-up.
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