#but then when it's the usa it feels like we? they? i? forget they Had Segregation
ofsunhillow · 8 months
the online person phenomenon reading constantly of united states social issues until you feel they're the whole world's issues is insane because like. they had segregation
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bratzforchris · 6 months
Ways to Say "I Love You", C. Sturniolo
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Summary: Five times you knew Chris better than himself, and the one time you didn't<3
Pairing: Chris x feminine reader
Warnings: Mentions of drinking/hangover (y'all i know he's techinally not of legal drinking age in the USA. this is fiction)
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: I genuinely need this man in my life so bad actually. Anyways, enjoy some tooth rotting fluff. XOXO<3
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“Bruh,” Chris groaned, leaning his head back against the couch cushions. “I feel like shit and I don’t even know why.”
You looked up from your phone, eyeing your boyfriend up and down. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” he whined, rolling off the couch dramatically. “My head hurts and I’m tired.”
You sat up from the gray couch, standing over Chris, who was sprawled on the floor, pouting and whining. You definitely felt bad for him, but at the same time, you knew Chris tended to over dramatize the smallest, most random things. “Do you have a fever?” 
Chris shook his head, rolling from his back to his stomach, but not getting off the floor. “I don’t feel sick, but I just feel like horse shit and I don’t know why.”
You observed him for a moment, before an idea dawned on you. Having ADHD, Chris tended to forget to eat and drink, so hyperfixated on something or too many thoughts in his head blocking the reminders to fuel his body. He was medicated for it, which both helped and hurt. Sometimes, he would be able to focus enough to remember his meals, but other times, the meds would dissipate his hunger cues. “When was the last time you had something to eat or drink?”
“Hmmm,” Chris’s blue eyes looked thoughtful for a moment before he shrugged. “Dunno. Which is weird because I’ve usually had like, six Pepsis by now, but we’re out and Matt didn’t go to the grocery store yesterday, so…I don’t know.”
You shook your head with a soft chuckle, helping your boyfriend up off the floor. “I think that might be the problem, sweetheart. Is there something you want to eat?”
“Do we have chicken nuggets?” Chris asked you, picking up one of the stim toys he had left on the floor last night as he followed you into the kitchen. “That reminds me, isn’t it weird that chickens can’t fly? Like…are they even real birds?” he asked you. 
“I dunno, hun. Google it.” You told him gently, pulling the bag of chicken nuggets out of the freezer.” 
“Do you think chickens are sad that they can’t fly? Like do they look at cardinals and go ‘Damn, why can he fly but not me’?” he hummed, flicking at the toy. 
Chris was wrapped up in his own little world as you made his lunch. He didn’t even get the chance to Google his chicken question before he was distracted by a Spotify notification, which led to him loudly singing a Lil Skies song, dancing around the kitchen. As much as you hated how difficult ADHD could be for him, Chris had one of the best personalities you had ever met; he was bubbly and outgoing, always the life of the party and always willing to cheer you up. You quickly plated his nuggets, along with some other random foods that you knew he would love, before sliding the plate across the island too. 
“See if that makes you feel better.” You explained with a soft smile. 
You watched as Chris downed the food, along with a Gatorade you had given him, only to see a smile dawn on his face. 
“I feel better now,” Chris mumbled shyly after a while. “Thank you. You’re the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. You literally always know me better than myself, it’s kinda weird.”
“Why is it weird?” You asked with a snort. 
“Cause it’s like you’re magical or something. Which it would be really cool if you were.”
You smiled, kissing Chris’s soft brown hair. “I love you too, hun.”
Tour life was difficult. No one would deny that. As much as the triplets were absolutely loving the Versus tour and all the antics they were getting to do, as well as meeting fans, they had to admit that it was exhausting. Not only were they running on an extremely tight schedule, it was wearing on Chris the most, simply because he was getting next to no alone time with you. It wasn’t that he simply wanted the alone time for sexual reasons, rather, you were the only person that could calm his mind, letting him just be. 
“Baby,” You hummed, softly stroking the brunette’s face. It was still dark out, just past six am, but you had a surprise for him, and you knew Chris would later complain about his sleeping in if he found the missed opportunity. “Wake up, honey.”
Chris wriggled beneath the blankets, sleepily blinking his blue eyes. He was freezing and it was dark out; way too early to be awake. “Too early.” he groaned in his morning voice, rolling over to face the wall with the blanket bunched around his shoulders. 
“I have a surprise for you.” You said, a bit more excitement in your voice as you shook him harder. 
The word ‘surprise’ immediately woke the boy up as he rolled to face you. You were already dressed in one of his hoodies and a pair of leggings, eager to get on with your plan. You were practically bouncing up and down like an excited little kid, hoping Chris would love what you had come up with as much as you did. 
“Why the fuck are you awake? It’s dark out,” he moaned. “Come cuddle me instead.”
You snorted at your boyfriend’s dramatics, quietly pulling back his blanket so as not to disturb Matt and Nick. “Get dressed, you big goof. We’re leaving in ten.”
As much as he wanted to argue and go back to sleep, Chris couldn’t deny that he wanted to understand what had caused the giddiness in your aura. He quickly pulled on his favorite hoodie and sweatpants, cramming his messy hair under a snapback as he followed you down the bus steps and out onto the quiet, dark sidewalk. He didn't know where the bus had stopped during the night. Philly maybe? But he didn’t get time to think about that as you simply nodded to one of the members of the triplets security and then took his hand, dragging him down the sidewalk. 
“Where are we going? I miss my blanket.” Chris pouted. 
“Me too,” You nodded, trying your hardest not to disclose the surprise. “But I do have something that’ll make you feel better.”
Chris didn’t know where you were going at this point, but he followed you anyway. He would’ve followed in any life, had someone asked him the question. You two continued to walk for a few more blocks until you stopped in front of a brightly lit diner, its neon signs illuminating the darkness of the street. 
“Pancakes?” Your boyfriend asked, perking up as the smell of bacon drifted from the restaurant. “Goddamn, I knew I made the right choice dating you.”
“I am pretty amazing,” You giggled, flipping your hair over your shoulder. “Let’s eat.”
You stepped into the diner together, immediately being sat at a booth and having your order taken. You and Chris both ordered an immense amount of breakfast food, quite tired of the protein shakes and cereal that came with bus life. 
“How did you, um, find this place?” Chris asked bashfully, stirring his straw around his Pepsi. 
You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. “I was just looking for things for us to do alone and it came up,” You hummed. “I love Matt and Nick, I really do, but I also like to have one-on-one time with you, and I could kind of tell you needed some, too.”
“How do you always manage to know exactly what I need when I need it?” he asked with a chuckle, brushing his hand over your knuckles. 
You smiled, a blush dotting your cheeks as your waitress came over with a tray full of all the food you had ordered. “I just do.”
“Baby,” Chris whined, sprawling out across your shared queen sized bed. “Don’t leave me. I don’t need food, nor do I want it.”
“But you do.” You said pointedly, looking him up and down as you slipped on your Uggs. 
“Nuh uh,” he fought back, smashing his face against a pillow. “You’re making me feel sick by not laying with me.”
“I’m not making you feel sick. Your choices are making you feel sick. No one told you to drink as much as you did.” You chastised gently, crossing the room to kiss his forehead. 
You and Chris, as well as his brothers, had gone out last night with a large group of friends, to include Johnnie and Jake, Tara, Larray, and Sam and Colby. Things had gotten a little…out of hand, leaving you with a very hungover Chris, who was making miserable noises as he clutched his stomach. 
“You’re not even laying with me,” Your boyfriend pouted. “My head and tummy hurt and I wanna be cuddled and you’re being mean.”
“You’re so grumpy when you’re hungover,” You snorted, kissing his forehead again. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
Chris whimpered again as you propped him up with several pillows, tucking him in and making sure he had water and a bucket nearby. You had opted to get him IHOP, figuring a good amount of carbs would ease the symptoms he was currently experiencing as a consequence of overindulging in alcohol. The time between you leaving the triplets house, picking up food, and returning home was less than forty five minutes total, but it felt like an eternity to your hungover boyfriend who simply wanted cuddles and for his headache and nausea to go away. 
You entered the bedroom, takeout bag in hand. “I’m back. Nothing to cure a hangover like a big, greasy breakfast,” You smiled, settling onto the bed and pulling out plastic containers of food. “Once you eat, you can take some ibuprofen for your headache.”
“I’m not hungry.” Chris whispered softly, feeling too unsettled to eat. 
“You know your tummy will feel better once you eat.” You cooed, stroking his stomach over the comforter. 
“Nuh uh.” he groaned, snuggling further into his pillow and blanket.  
“It will and you know it. You know you can’t drink that much, hun. I dunno what you expected to happen.” You explained softly, pushing some hair out of his face gently. 
As much as he wanted to continue to whine and be difficult, Chris had to admit you were right. A good breakfast and some sleep sounded really, really good right about now. He softly sat up, taking a sip of the Gatorade you had left on his bedside table last night. “Mkay…I’ll try to eat, I guess.”
You didn’t say much as you two began to eat your breakfast. You knew Chris probably had a raging hangover headache right about now, and you didn’t want to make it any worse. Once your boyfriend had had enough to eat and taken the pain relievers, he curled up into your side, placing your hand on his stomach. 
“...you were right,” he admitted quietly, always hating to be wrong. “Now I need belly rubs and sleep.” 
“So demanding,” You fake huffed, kissing his forehead. “Get some rest, hun. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Chris Sturniolo was not the type to let anyone know he was upset. Sure, he would jokingly whine and complain about things when he felt like being irritating to his brothers, but he would never actually let anyone see when his feelings were hurt. You knew this about him, and after a little over a year together, you knew the signs that he was feeling this way as well.
The four of you were currently sitting in Matt’s car in a random parking lot, filming a car video. You opted to sit in the back and mostly listen with an amused look. After all, this was the triplets video, not yours. They hadn’t really planned a topic for today either, which ever bubbly Chris took to his advantage. 
“I need to pee,” he stated to no one in particular. “I got a new water bottle and so now I’ve been motivated to stay hydrated so I need to pee.”
“Why did you say water bottle like that?” Matt snorted. 
The boys continued back and forth with their bickering for a while, mostly making fun of the way Chris had said the word. You simply sat and laughed, enjoying all the weird conversations that came up, that is until Nick harshly interrupted Chris. 
“Do you ever shut up?” he asked. “Like genuinely, do you ever shut your mouth?”
“I do sometimes.” Chris protested. 
“Nuh uh,” Matt interjected. “You couldn’t go five minutes without talking. I bet on it. You’re one of those people on the list Nick was talking about. The one who could benefit from being quiet.”
“Fine. Time starts now.” Chris ‘locked’ his lips and pretended to throw away the key. 
You knew he was just going along with the video, but you could tell by the slump of your boyfriend’s shoulders and the way he had his forehead resting against the cool window that the comments had hurt him more than he let on. Nick and Matt continued to talk for a few minutes, before landing on a topic that immediately sparked Chris’s mind. He quickly decided to speak up, forgetting about their ‘challenge’. 
“You can’t do it,” Matt laughed, a triumphant look on his face. “Chris can’t stop yapping…wait, that should be the title of this video.”
Nick laughed and fist bumped his middle triplet, but you found the joke far from funny. Chris had slowly curled into himself throughout the duration of the video, speaking less and less. He was still appearing to be smiling and having a good time, but his overall demeanor had shifted, and you could tell his brothers’ teasing was getting to him. 
“We should get home. It’s getting late…” You mumbled softly once the car had quieted down. 
Chris turned around in his seat, giving you a thankful smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Matt nodded at your statement, turning the key in the ignition and beginning the short drive back to your shared LA home. Everyone was quiet, which was a rare occurrence in this car. You would’ve thought that Matt and Nick would’ve noticed Chris’s unusual silence, but somehow they didn’t. Your boyfriend lingered to get out as his brothers clomped inside the house, laughing about a random joke. 
“You okay, hun?” You asked, climbing from the backseat to the driver’s seat, resting your hand on his arm. 
“‘M fine.” Chris mumbled, leaning his head  against the window. 
“You don’t act very fine.” You whispered gently, running your fingers through the soft, brown curls at the nape of his neck. 
“Do you think I talk too much?” Chris whispered quietly, turning towards you. 
Under the bright light of the garage, you could see unshed tears welling in his lash line, threatening to spill. That’s how you knew Chris was upset. He almost never cried, unless he was really and truly upset. 
“Honey,” You said sadly, running your thumb across his cheek. “Of course not, bubba. I love listening to you talk.”
“Well Matt and Nick sure don’t.” he huffed grumpily, but a sniffle made its way out.
“Yeah…I was going to talk to them about that, actually. They were kinda being dickheads to you tonight.” You whispered, always hating conflict between the triplets. 
“They were right,” Chris groaned, burying his head in his hands. “I can’t shut my fucking mouth and everyone thinks it’s annoying!”
“Sweetheart,” You cooed, pulling him into a hug across the console. “I don’t, and I say that with every promise in me. I love listening to you talk, Chris. Your voice is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard and I learn so much from you every day.”
“Really?” he sniffled, a tear rolling down his cheek.
“Really, hun,” You smiled, softly brushing it away. “I love you.”
Chris smiled, giving you a soft peck on the lips. “You always just know, don’t you? You always know when I’m sick or tired or when something’s wrong. God, I love you.”
You had always loved music, ever since you were little. Something about how a simple arrangement of notes could make a person feel so many emotions captivated you. It was like a language that you didn't have to learn to understand. By the time you were eleven, you’d been playing guitar and ukulele, and that later expanded to piano and bass. Music was absolutely your therapy, and you took every opportunity you had to practice your craft. 
You were sitting on the floor of your and Chris’s shared bedroom, strumming softly on your acoustic guitar. For once, the house was quiet because the boys were out filming a video, so you took the time to practice one of the new songs you had been working on lately. Being a music major allowed you very little time for your separate projects, so you would take whatever chance you could get. 
The silence didn’t last long, though. Just as you were playing an Em chord, Chris burst into the room, flopping on the bed. “Hey mamas, how was your day?”
You playfully rolled your eyes, but continued to strum your guitar. “It was wonderful…until I was so rudely interrupted.”
“You know you love me,” Chris teased, rolling onto his stomach and propping his chin in his hands. “Play me a song.”
“God, you are so demanding,” You chuckled. “What’s next? An autograph?”
“Mhm. On my boobs.” Your boyfriend smiled.
You shook your head with a laugh, throwing a guitar pick at him. “You’re insane.”
You didn’t waste any more in Chris’s antics, though. You fulfilled your boyfriend’s request, quietly beginning to play Falling like the Stars and singing along. Chris said nothing more, cherishing the sound of your voice. He loved hearing you sing and play guitar. It soothed him, allowing him to see the passionate parts of you that only came out in your music. He wished that he could do the things that you did, but he had just never taken the time to learn an instrument. 
You looked up at your boyfriend on the bed after you finished the song, smiling softly. You watched Chris for a moment, observing his body language and the way he was looking at you. “Do you…want to learn?” You asked him quietly, a blush dotting your cheeks.
“You’d teach me?” Chris’s cheeks and ears grew pink as he looked at you shyly. 
“I’d love to.” You nodded with a smile. 
Your boyfriend clambered off the bed, sitting down next to you on the rug. You softly began to explain the different parts of an acoustic guitar and how to hold it, before moving onto chords and strumming. Chris had always been a fast learner when he put effort in, and right now was no different. Within the hour, he was already playing slow, soft songs. The chords were still vibrating and it took him quite a while to change them, but it was a song nonetheless. 
“I’m not as good at it as you are.” he pouted after a moment, setting your guitar aside gently. 
“Well I have been playing for ten years, bub.” You chuckled gently, kissing his face. 
Chris wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and kissing you back deeply. He loved you with all his heart, and you taking the time out of your day to share your passions with him only made him love you more. As the kiss grew heavier, Chris fell back onto the floor, still holding you as he giggled. 
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to play guitar, you know that?” he asked, pecking your forehead. 
“I could tell.” You smiled. 
“You always can.”
“It’s such a nice day out today.” You hummed, soaking in the sun as you laid on your towel. 
Chris fidgeted beside you anxiously, but made an acknowledgement towards you statement so as to ‘throw you off his scent’. He had been planning this surprise for months now and he was currently using every muscle in his body to keep his mouth shut so as not to spoil it.
You two were basking in the sun on the beach in Santa Barbara, towels laid out. You had noticed Chris had been unusually quiet all day, but didn’t really think much of it. The beach usually kept him in his own little world, too distracted by the roar of the ocean and the sand between his feet to notice anyone else. You both had always loved the beach, and moving to the LA area after living in Boston your whole life had been a welcomed change. You practically went to the beach every weekend, but today Chris had led you to a new spot he had found. It was rather secluded, but you loved it all the same. It made things more intimate between the two of you. 
“You’re quiet today,” You said after a while, rolling over and propping yourself up on your shoulder. You looked Chris over from head-to-toe, admiring the tiny features about him like the way his curls had grown more pronounced with the salt air and the birthmark on his back. “Beach getting you relaxed?”
“I, uh, yeah. You could say that,” Your boyfriend tried to smile sheepishly, looking you over. Your lavender bikini hugged you just right, making him even more nervous. If he fucked this up while you looked so gorgeous, he would never forgive himself. “Wanna take a walk?”
You smiled, sitting up quickly and beginning to gather your towel. “Sure!”
“No!” Chris said a bit too hastily. “I mean, you don’t need to bring your towel…I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“You can’t just leave your stuff on the beach, Chris.” You giggled. 
“It’s not like anyone’s gonna steal it. Just–trust me, please?” he asked, giving you those blue puppy eyes you could never resist. 
“I guess so,” you fake huffed, taking his hand in your own. “C’mon, let’s walk before the sun sets on us, silly.”
Chris smiled, taking your hand in his own and starting the trek down the beach. The ocean was calling him as you two strolled westward towards the sunset, but that would have to wait. At least until he had finished his plan. The silence between you was comfortable like always, but this time it thrummed with passionate energy. Chris was pretty sure you had no idea what he was  planning, but then again, you knew him like the back of your hand.
“This beach is so quiet. It’s nice when it’s just us,” You smiled. “How did you find this place?”
“Oh, y’know, doing what I do best. Poking around.” Your boyfriend laughed nervously as you came to a beautiful expanse of rock along the beach. 
You immediately ran towards the beauty, smiling up at the wonder of nature. “This is gorgeous.”
Chris took the opportunity of you having your back turned to feel in the pocket of his swim trunks for the tiny box that he had been hiding from you for over a month now. He would admit that he had definitely had a bit of a struggle keeping the secret from you, but it was worth it to see you now, on this gorgeous beach, looking even more beautiful than the view around you. The brunette turned his head to where Nick was hiding out of sight, holding his camera. As much as he wanted the two of you to be alone for this, he wanted the pictures infinitely more. He couldn’t wait to tell his kids about what would be the best day of his life one day, that is, if you said yes. 
He took a deep breath, pulling the box out of his pocket and then tapping you on the shoulder. “I have a question for you, ma.”
By the time you had turned around, Chris was on one knew, holding a tiny, velvet box that held a gorgeous, heart-shaped, diamond ring. “Oh my god…” You whispered, hand flying to your mouth as tears welled in your eyes.
“You are my best friend, baby. I’ve loved you ever since I saw you that day in ninth grade algebra class. Finding out you felt the same way about me was probably the best day of my life. You always listen to every crazy, stupid, and dumb idea I have and I love you for it. You know me better than I know myself. I love loving you; you are my first, last, and only love. Will you marry me, Y/N?”
“Oh my god, yes!” You squealed, throwing yourself into his arms as Chris slid the ring onto your finger.
Chris sniffled as he spun you around, hugging you tightly and kissing you. “This is why I’ve been acting weird today,” he chuckled and blushed. “I was worried you’d find out. You know literally everything.”
“Not everything,” You smiled, showing him the diamond. “You kept the secret so well. Who all knows?”
“Well,” Chris admitted shyly as Nick stepped out from his hiding spot. “Nick knows, obviously, because I needed his help capturing the moment. Matt knows too. Other than that, no one else.”
“You’re amazing, Chris,” You whispered, kissing him again. “I’ve wanted to marry you since I was fifteen years old, you know that?”
“I love you so much, ma. Always have and always will.” 
As Nick continued to snap photos of the two of you in front of the sunset on the beach, you couldn’t help but to feel your heart swell. You hadn’t known what was going on with Chris this time, but for once, you didn’t even mind. 
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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f1byjessie · 8 months
love is a wild ride, and logan sargeant's sister is about to find this out the hard way.
( oscar piastri x sargeant!reader )
━━ part one.
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 2,798 others
yourusername yeehaw (bahrain edition)
view all 934 comments
user the only person more american than logan is his sister
logansargeant imagine spending more time with a horse than your own twin brother
↳ yourusername don't need to bc i did
↳ logansargeant this is the cyber bullying mom warned me about
↳ yourusername do you wanna see bullying? cuz i'll show you bullying
user oh to be a girl at the beach during sunset
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liked by logansargeant, williamsracing, and 9,684 others
tagged: logansargeant
yourusername baby's first f1 race! kick some ass logie! 🫶
view all 1,452 comments
logansargeant thank you but we're literally the same age??
↳ yourusername umm i think you're mistaken cuz last i checked i was still a minute older
user y/n giving us the low qual logan content we've been craving
williamsracing Best of luck to Logan! We're happy to have him as part of the team!
oscarpiastri i don't even wanna know how far back you had to scroll in your gallery to find that last picture
↳ yourusername careful piastri, i have some of you too and i'm not afraid to use them
↳ oscarpiastri noted.
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liked by alex_albon, yourusername, and 107,204 others
tagged: yourusername
logansargeant could've been better, could've been worse, but i couldn't have asked for a better cheerleader this weekend. everyone's jealous they ain't got a sister like mine
view all 2,117 comments
user RAAAAHH!! USA!! USA!! USA!! 🦅💥
alex_albon could really feel the williams love all weekend long 💙
yourusername i mean i GUESS i have to take my job as your sister seriously SOMETIMES
↳ oscarpiastri as opposed to the rest of the time when you're mortal enemies
↳ yourusername i'm glad SOMEONE understands
user am i the only one who didn't know logan had another sibling???
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liked by user, user, and 67,432 others
f1paddockgossip_official Y/N Sargeant, sister to new Williams driver Logan Sargeant, makes her F1 paddock debut this weekend at the Bahrain Grand Prix! With such a bright demeanor, it was hard to miss her! It's only the first race of the 2023 season, and we hope to be seeing her around more often.
view all 7,538 comments
user she's our all american girl and we love her
user nothing more american than twins
↳ user this literally makes no sense?? what??
user becoming a logan fan just for his sister
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, and 3,476 others
yourusername goodbye bahrain, you were a wonderful experience
view all 364 comments
user will you be at the saudi arabian gp???
williamsracing We hope to see you at more races Y/N! Thanks for coming out to support our team! 💙
↳ yourusername of course! i had the time of my life!
user who needs to be a wag when you can just be the sister of a driver and get the same benefits
user is this supposed to be a reference to oscar's post??
↳ user wait omg is it?
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant, and 401,481 others
oscarpiastri goodbye bahrain, you were everything.
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━━ a/n: oh gosh, this is my first time posting anything like this on tumblr so i hope it's good! more to come eventually! still trying to figure out a style, so please excuse any mistakes or discrepancies!
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rosemariiaa · 3 months
~My Love-
pairing- Paige Bueckers & Azzi Fudd
p.s. idk how many times i proofread this lol, had to make it perf
summary: azzi and paige being the cutest couple ever, the team teasing them every chance they get.
warning: a lot of fluff, little smut
Paige and Azzi had been inseparable since their days with USA Basketball. Their bond had grown stronger over time, blossoming into a deep and secretive relationship that only their closest friends and teammates knew about. They loved the thrill of sneaking around and the stolen moments they could share away from prying eyes.
Now, as teammates on the UConn Huskies, they had to navigate their relationship in the public eye while keeping it under wraps. The team knew, of course. Nika , Caroline , KK , and Ice had all figured it out pretty quickly. The teasing was good-natured, and their friends were supportive, but Paige and Azzi still enjoyed the secrecy and the little thrills that came with it.
It was a Friday night, and the team had decided to hang out at Nika’s apartment. The living room was filled with laughter and chatter as they played games and shared snacks. Paige and Azzi sat next to each other on the couch, their legs touching subtly, sending shivers of excitement through both of them.
“Hey, lovebirds,” Nika called out, smirking. “You two are awfully quiet tonight. Plotting something?” Paige rolled her eyes playfully. “Maybe we’re just enjoying the company, Nika.” Caroline chimed in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Or maybe you’re planning your next escape.”
Azzi laughed, nudging Paige with her shoulder. “What can I say? We like our alone time.” Ice grinned, leaning back in her chair. “We know. You two are like ninjas when it comes to sneaking off.” KK, ever the joker, added, “Just don’t forget to come back this time. We need you both on the court tomorrow.”
Paige and Azzi exchanged a glance, their eyes sparkling with shared amusement. “We’ll try our best,” Paige said with a wink.
As the night went on, Paige and Azzi found their moment. When the others were engrossed in a particularly intense game of charades, they slipped out the door, holding hands as they made their way to Azzi’s car. “Think they noticed?” Paige asked, a hint of mischief in her voice. Azzi shook her head, grinning. “I think we pulled it off.”
They drove to a quiet park on the outskirts of town, a place they had discovered together during one of their late-night adventures. The park was deserted, the moonlight casting a soft glow over the trees and the lake. Paige took Azzi’s hand, pulling her toward a secluded bench by the water. They sat down, the cool night air wrapping around them as they leaned into each other.
“I missed this,” Paige said softly, resting her head on Azzi’s shoulder. “Me too,” Azzi replied, kissing the top of Paige’s head. “Being with you like this, away from everything… it’s perfect.” Paige looked up, her eyes meeting Azzi’s. “I love you, Azzi. You know that, right?” Azzi’s heart swelled with affection. “I love you too, Paige. More than anything.”
They kissed, slow and tender, savoring the moment. Paige’s hands tangled in Azzi’s hair, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss. Azzi’s hands roamed over Paige’s back, feeling the warmth of her skin through her shirt. As the kiss grew more intense, Paige pulled back slightly, her breath coming in short gasps. “Let’s go home,” she whispered, her voice filled with need.
Azzi nodded, her eyes dark with desire. They hurried back to the car, the drive to their apartment filled with a charged silence. Once inside, they barely made it to the bedroom, their clothes falling to the floor in a trail behind them. Paige pushed Azzi onto the bed, crawling over her with a predatory gleam in her eyes. “I’ve been waiting for this all night,” she murmured, her lips trailing down Azzi’s neck.
Azzi moaned softly, her hands gripping Paige’s hips. “Me too,” she breathed, her body arching into Paige’s touch.
Paige’s lips found Azzi’s again, their kiss fiery and passionate. She moved lower, her mouth exploring Azzi’s body, leaving a path of heated kisses and gentle bites. Azzi’s moans grew louder, her hands tangling in Paige’s hair, urging her on.
“Paige,” she moaned, her voice breaking. “Please… I need you.” Paige didn’t make her wait. She brought Azzi to the peak of pleasure, her name a mantra on Azzi’s lips as she climaxed, her body shaking with the intensity of it.
Paige held her through it, her touch gentle and soothing. When it was over, she crawled back up Azzi’s body, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. “I love you,” she whispered against Azzi’s lips. Azzi smiled, her eyes shining with love. “I love you too.”
They lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside forgotten. In those moments, it was just the two of them, their love and connection the only thing that mattered.
The next morning, they were back with the team, the playful teasing resuming as if nothing had happened. But every glance, every touch held a promise, a reminder of the love they shared and the moments they stole away from the world.
Nika was the first to notice their return. “Well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence,” she teased, raising an eyebrow. Paige grinned, unfazed. “We didn’t want to miss out on all the fun.”Caroline smirked. “Yeah, right. We know what you two were up to.” KK laughed, shaking her head. “You guys are the worst at sneaking out. We always know.”Ice nodded in agreement. “But we love you anyway.”
Azzi blushed, but her smile was bright. “Thanks, guys. You’re the best.” As they gathered for practice, Paige and Azzi shared a look, their hands brushing briefly. They knew their secret was safe with their friends, and that made everything even sweeter. During breaks, they stole kisses behind the bleachers, their hearts racing with the thrill of almost being caught. They whispered sweet promises to each other, their love growing stronger with every passing day.
One evening, after a particularly intense practice, the team decided to have a movie night at Caroline’s place. The living room was filled with laughter and the smell of popcorn as they settled in.
Paige and Azzi sat on the floor, leaning against the couch, their fingers intertwined. The movie played on, but they were lost in their own world, sharing soft whispers and stolen glances.
Nika, sitting above them on the couch, couldn’t resist. “Hey, you two, trying to watch the movie here.” Paige looked up, grinning. “Sorry, Nika. We just can’t help ourselves.” Azzi laughed, nudging Paige with her elbow. “Behave, Paige.” KK, sprawled on a bean bag, chimed in. “Yeah, Paige. Save it for later.”
Ice snickered. “Or not. We know you won’t.” Caroline threw a pillow at them playfully. “You guys are impossible.” As the night wore on, the teasing continued, but it was all love per usual. The team was like a family, and their support made everything easier.
Later, as they walked back to their apartment, Paige and Azzi talked about their journey together, from their early days with USA Basketball to their secret moments now. “Remember that time in Hawaii?” Azzi asked, her eyes sparkling with the memory. Paige laughed, nodding. “How could I forget? Your dad caught us sneaking out of the house at 2 AM.”
Azzi grinned. “And he made us promise not to do it again, but we did anyway.” “Of course we did,” Paige said, squeezing Azzi’s hand. “We couldn’t resist the beach at night.”
Azzi’s expression turned serious, her voice soft. “Paige, I’m so glad we found each other.”
Paige stopped walking, turning to face Azzi. “Me too. You’ve made everything better, Azzi. I can’t imagine my life without you.” Azzi smiled, her eyes filling with love. “We’ll always have each other, Paige. No matter what.”
They kissed under the streetlight, the world around them fading away. Their love was a constant, a beacon that guided them through the challenges and the joy.
Back in their apartment, they curled up together on the couch, their bodies entwined. They talked about the future, their dreams, and the life they wanted to build together.
“I want to travel the world with you,” Paige said, her voice filled with excitement. Azzi nodded, her eyes shining. “Me too. And I want us to keep playing basketball, to keep chasing our dreams together.”
Paige kissed her softly. “We’ll do it all, Azzi. Together.”
As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms, they knew their love was strong enough to withstand anything. They had found something rare and beautiful in each other, and they would cherish it forever.
In the weeks and months that followed, their relationship continued to grow. They faced challenges and triumphs, but through it all, they had each other. The team remained their biggest supporters, always ready with a joke or a comforting word.
Paige and Azzi’s love story was one of passion, adventure, and deep connection. They knew they were lucky to have found each other, and they never took it for granted. With every stolen moment and every whispered promise, they built a future filled with love and endless possibilities.
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pablitogavii · 5 months
Could you write one Gavi fic where he's talking to her through social media, just as friends, but he starts to develop feelings for her, his agent finds out and gets really worried about his career if he gets in a relationship, so he "makes" Gavi's mind to get away from the reader (she has abandonment and rejection issues) without a proper explanation, he excuses saying that the reader wants his money and whatever. But some months after the reader moves to Seville and gets really close to Aurora (she knows Aurora is Gavi's sister but Aurora doesn't know her), and one day Aurora takes her to a barca match, and Gavi tries to make up to her?
I guess I'm back y'all lol! I like this idea very much!
New York, USA
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I think I like this little life...happy birthday to me hehe
liked by pablogavi and others
brimccormix: happy birthday bebsss
y.n.bebe: thank you gorgeous girl💗
stacymiggs: princesaaa
y.n.bebe: nooo youuu!🥺
brianfereda: happy birthday!
y.n.bebe: thank youu!
pablogavi: pretty girl
y.n.bebe: 😳
When you saw that THE Pablo Gavi called you "pretty girl" for the whole world to see, you couldn't stop staring at that comment for the next two weeks.
Your friends went crazy calling you lucky, and pushing you to send him a message but you were obviously too shy to do that. Besides, who knows how many "pretty girls" he's talking to on the internet.
Meanwhile, Gavi spent all of his free time and training brakes going through your posts and smiling like an idiot at your cute face on his phone screen.
When you first popped up on his screen, he just had to reach out and pray you don't find it cocky on his part. You were just so pretty...
"Sempre con esa nena, cabrón! Dale! Enviale un mensaje!"Pedri hit Gavi's head making him groan and finally get the balls to slide into your DMs. He said a simple "hey pretty girl" before leaving his phone in the locker room to join his teammates.
pablogavi: hey, pretty girl
y.n.bebe: hey😊
And ever since that night, you've started texting, face timing and chatting non stop. You haven't told anyone about it, not wanting to make a drama over something so new and also not wanting him to think fame is what you're after because it's not.
"I'm so tired, nena" Pablo groaned while laying in bed and face timing you as you did your math homework diligently.
"Then go to bed, tonto!" you giggle and he just stayed quiet staring at your face until you looked back at the phone screen and blushed at how intense his gaze was.
"Me gusta cuando hablas Español conmigo, bebé" he smirked making you blush bright red and roll your eyes pretending to be annoyed.
"When do you have training in the morning?" you ask while he yawns.
"Five am" he answers and you open your eyes wide really looking up to him being so diligent about his career.
"Then you really should get some sleep, and we can talk tomorrow again hm?" you ask not really wanting to end the call but also wanting him to get his rest. He always loved how selfless you are and how much you took care of him. It really warmed his hearts.
"I hate it that you're so far! I swear I'm gonna travel to New York and kidnap you and bring you back to Barcelona with me ... and never let you go ..." he said sleepily and you felt your heart jumping thinking about the possibility.
"Hm and if you get bored of me?" you smile and he shakes his head still staring intently at you in the eyes.
"Impossible, my pretty girl..." he said and you smile remembering the very first time you read those words on the screen.
Pablo Gavi was a man of his words, and since that conversation he promised himself that he will surprise you with a travel to Barcelona really soon. He planed everything and mailed you a ticket during his two week vacation.
He still remembers the nerves while standing at the airport waiting at your gate to see your pretty face finally in person. The moment you walked out he recognized you...he couldn't forget the pretty face he stared at through the screen for past four months just now it was real.
"Hi, pretty girl..." he said again and you jumped into his eyes smiling wide and holding onto him tightly. You couldn't believe this was real yet. It just felt like a dream.
"Ready to explore Barcelona conmigo huh?" he said and you smiled and taking his hand nodding and walking to him car with your baggage.
Days passed so quickly and everything was PERFECT. Ice cream dates, walks on the beach, coffee shops and all the infamous tourist attractions...you were falling in love with this city...and you were also falling in love with this boy.
Day before your flight home, Pablo took you to a football game for the Juvenil and you were excited to watch it with him knowing it was his passion.
"So what do you think?" you show him your Barça jersey and he so badly wanted to ask you to wear one with his name on the back but how could he? He still didn't have the balls to ask you to be his official girlfriend!
Barcelona, Spain
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it's so pretty here 🥺😊
liked by pablogavi, pedri, joaofelix and others
pablogavi: pretty girl in barcelona 😍
y.n.bebe: hehe😊
brimccormix: girl!!?? spill the TEA!
y.n.bebe: what tea???
lucasmith: looks like someone stole my crush!
y.n.bebe: 😂
"Next time I come, I want to watch you play..." you said while the two of you sat sadly on the airport waiting for your boarding.
"Y/n..." he said looking down as you looked up
"Hm?" you say feeling your heart beating fast from how close your lips were to each other.
"Don't go..."he said and you swore your heart broke when you saw his pleading eyes. Neither of you wanted this distance...it was so unfair but there was nothing you could do about it now.
"Pablo we're friends now and you can visit me in New York..." you said but before you could finish his lips were smashed onto yours to shut you up and you closed your eyes enjoying the sweet sensation of his cold minty lips on your.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend, pretty girl?" he said and in that moment all your past insecurities and abandonment issues returned yelling inside your head. What if you get attached and he disappears like other did? You were so scared but looking at him it was impossible not to agree!
"Yes! I do Pablo..." you say and he kissed you again until they called for your flight to start boarding in five minutes.
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wandixx · 1 year
Dani gives people heart attacks and brings down a lot of trafficking rings, making friends along the way. Everything by accident, really
Dani traveled around world, hadn't she? While doing it, she had to meet a lot of interesting people.
Like heroes or villains.
In civies or not or both who knows.
But to actually learn things about someplace you have to spend more than one night there. Like, idk? Month? Probably more but I doubt she would be able to sit in one place for any longer. In many places she is shorter.
Month is long enough to create some connections though.
Enough to get someone to realize when you disappear...
Yeah, Dani on her way of gremlin and self discovery ghosted bunch of people without second thought. They'll probably forget her in few months anyway. And she was everywhere in USA. She didn't left American soil only because she didn't want to be too far from Danny in case of emergency. Before anyone tells me he was in space so he could fly to her wherever on Earth she would be, Earth's atmosphere ends about 100 km above sea level and officially this is border of space. Telecommunication satellites are between 8000 to 12000 km up. It's about how wide Atlantic Ocean is.
Plus y'know, time. If she needs help, she probably can't quite wait until he flies all the way to Hong Kong, Wladywostok, Rio de Janeiro or wherever she is.
So America it is. For now at least. When they're 100% sure she is stable she'll fly elsewhere.
Anyway people who she ghosted are used to batshit crazy stuff but "this tween is alone on her road to self discovery and just left for new city" isn't first thing anyone thought about. Maybe outside of Martians. They know. Everyone else? No idea what happened to this tiny, chaotic, snarky, probably meta child.
First thought though?
She got kidnapped.
So now 3/4 of Justice League, some individual heroes and bunch of less intense rogues are scrambling around their cities tracking every trafficking ring they found glimpses of, trying to find Dani.
Flashes work with Captain Cold on this and seem to slowly descend into madness. At the same time, Dani eats ice cream with nice museum lady from Washington who introduced herself as Diana. Then she helps at animal shelter with kind stuck up boy called Damian. Oh, Danny likes aliens, let's visit Martian Manhunter. Maybe she'll manage to get autograph for her template. Wait Space Cops? Kinda sucks but Danny would probably like their signatures too. Let's go. Oh, Superboys are fun mess with and older one is like her! This Nightwing guy puns like Danny but she always feels like he looks at her weirdly. Billy should eat more, magic or not, fighting is tiring. Good thing she has Sam's money to buy him burgers.
She has time of her life while people she met are slowly dying.
She probably doesn't even hide that she is traveling but for whatever reason they don't think she actually left.
They don't bring it up on any meeting because no matter how concerned they are, it's not really whole league type of business. And Martians just discreetly enjoy chaos.
There is a lot of ways it can get resolved (or not) but I kinda thought about Jon introducing his old buddy Damian to his new buddy Dani because he thinks they would get along and they just stare at each other for long moment before:
Some screaming and revelation that Killer Croc was looking for her too, Dani hits moment of realisation.
"Wait, is this what people think when you just up and go?"
"Honestly? Yeah"
"Oh, Ancients I did this to so many people. So many..."
Idk, just Dani traveling and leaving people behind.
Do with it what you will
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londonfoginacup · 1 month
not the same anon and i’ve already asked this to someone else without an answer. i’ve never been to a show in the usa but it feels to me like there’s a different atmosphere in general over there so this comes from genuine curiosity: why do you feel like you have to bring a rainbow flag to a concert? let’s forget about louis for a second, just think of a random concert. you said you’ve gotten bad looks for bringing one but also you (and others) claim that flags in concerts are meant to feel people safe. do you not feel safe if you don’t bring a flag? do you not enjoy a concert if you don’t bring one/see one? what’s the need to bring flags? i promise this comes from curiosity because in all the years i’ve attended music shows and festivals, i’ve never felt like bringing the flags i own, but again, i’m not from the usa and i’m not well versed into tumblr queer culture.
Hi anon. I will take this as a good faith question, although your phrase “I’ve asked this to someone else without an answer” is something I suggest you do not include when asking things in future, because it implies you’re upset or blaming that other person for not responding. People have many reasons to not respond, some of which are simply time or time of day or spoons! We are all simply trying our best out here.
Now onto your question— I think that what’s missing here is fandom history. You said “forget about Louis for a second”, but actually what we need to do is look back at One Direction’s history.
I’ve written this out and tried to shorten it a number of times now, but the long and the short of it is that while the band was active, especially 2013-2014, the way that One Direction the Brand and Management handled rumors about Louis and Harry was to create a rift between “respectful fans” and “everyone else”. And the “everyone else” was people who thought Louis and Harry were in a relationship, yes, but it was also simply queer fans. Because those circles often overlap, OR because other fans would see that they were queer and put them in the same category.
Rainbow Direction was a movement made by fans in order to feel safe at One Direction shows specifically, because it was one direction shows specifically that people did not feel comfortable at, but desperately WANTED to feel comfortable at, because this band and these boys brought them comfort, spoke words in their songs that connected to their queer experience, etc.
I would not say that it’s USA specific so much that it’s 1D specific. I don’t… believe (I could be wrong) that I’ve brought a flag to a non-1D (or 1D adjacent) show, although I HAVE seen flags at those shows, like Declan McKenna I feel like I saw a flag or two there, for instance.
But honestly anon, when I bring a flag, it is not to make myself feel safe. It’s so that someone else who is queer can see that flag and know that I am a safe person. Likewise, when I see someone else with a flag, I know that I feel safe with them. It’s a way of saying you’re not alone.
Now, it might be helpful to know that I have attended EVERY 1D/Harry/Louis/Niall concert (but one) with @lululawrence . It’s her flags that I wear. She is the best sort of person you could ever hope to attend a concert with, but that’s beside the point. My point is that the one show that I remember the most dirty looks and feeling the most uncomfortable was the one Harry show we attended in… 2021? The end of the 2021. Harry’s fan base grew EXPONENTIALLY over the pandemic. That night, we saw maybe two flags in the pit and none anywhere else. There were more people dressed as bananas than people with flags. Sus and I had the bi and ace flags, and honestly anon, I started to want to hide it. The people around us gave us looks, I heard them talking about us although I tried not to listen. I wasnt afraid for our safety, but I was viscerally aware that the people around us didn’t understand the flags and didn’t want us there.
And I had been there in Nashville at the Ryman, when every flag had been confiscated and the security had been terribly mean and Harry had had to pull out his own and set it on stage at one point when the lights went down. That had been upsetting but we had all been on the same page, the fans and Harry, that the flags were important. Post-2020, that show was different. I felt like a creature on display for people to gawk at.
So when you talk about tumblr queer culture, I don’t actually know how much this extends past 1D/Louis/Harry. But in the beginning of 2023, when Sus and I went to the first concert we had booked (we had… four or five that year), and noticed how few flags there were, the two of us were specifically worried about concerts feeling the way that one in 2021 did. That’s why we did spent the next few months sending flags to every North America Louis show (and don’t get me wrong, I’d have done his other legs if I had the money to get them flags too. But all those flags in the NorthAmerica shows? A few friends whom I ADORE helped but mostly that was almost entirely out of my own personal budget). Because we wanted to make sure that everyone felt the safety of being able to spot a flag in the crowd and know that whoever was holding it was not someone who would reject them for their gender/sexuality.
Sure, another option is that no one brings flags and we all just sit and enjoy the music. That’s really fine. But I think for our fandom in particular it’s a bit of history, of being loudly rejected during the 1D days and then surging our support for one another for the solo tours.
And tbh yeah. Okay. America is scary and people are mean and i know so so SO many people who are ONLY out online or at shows like these. I want them to know im there with them.
So, I don’t know if I answered your question well. @takemehomefromnarnia or @lululawrence or any number of other people could probably answer it better.
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kneesheee · 17 days
The fact that Ben stays king after D2 is really just disney logic.
Chad brings up a good question of who inherits the crown if something happens to Ben who honestly should not have been King.
1. Love potion in D1.
He misinterpreted why Mal love potioned him, but it also doesn’t change the fact that she did. I get not telling anyone that happens means that they don’t get set back to the Isle. The Core Four also prove themselves to be good when they defeat Maleficent. Cool.
2. Running off to the Isle.
Awww, true love.
Aww, a shit show waiting to happen.
Lonnie and Chad know that Ben has been kidnapped. Lonnie goes with them, and it could be assumed that she was ordered by him to keep it a secret on their way back to Auradon.
Chad wasn’t ordered. He ran off to help Audrey. He’s distracted, but again, he was not ordered to not speak about it because he was not there.
The king went to the Isle without informing anyone. He then gets kidnapped. He took wards of Auradon alongside the daughter of respected generals.
Ben is lucky that Uma and the Wharf Rats wanted the wand instead of just killing him.
Who inherits the crown next?
Who is next in line because it’s set up as Ben inherited from Beast despite it being a unification of kingdoms.
With the way that it’s very hyped up that Mal is his Queen and the figurehead for the VKs, then it can also be assumed that their child would be the one to inherit Auradon because honestly, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if it was just the Florians’ personal kingdom.
Is it Audrey? She has two kingdoms already so she’s prepared to run more than one single kingdom though she does have a maternal cousin that is also in line to inherit her mother’s kingdom.
She has what sounds like an arranged marriage with Ben so if she is the next to inherit, then it would make sense if she was the next to inherit because either way, she or Ben would get the crown.
Let’s not forget that in D1 Belle says “Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed. A fake smile, kind of a kiss-up.”
Which goes back to the first book Isle of the Lost where Audrey is presented as the epitome of kindness and sheltered that the mere mention of dragons terrified her. It also goes back to the quote in D4 that I mention in a previous post where Cinderella says: “Some people act mean at fist cause they're too afraid to feel. It's survival, it's protection. That's why roses grow their thorns.”
Ben brings over the daughter of her family’s biggest enemy; a dragon.
Again, there is also a presumption of an arranged marriage so yes, she would kiss up especially since people can sense when their partner’s parents don’t like them.
Honestly, Ben says he’s bringing over the biggest threats when bringing over Gil and his brothers would have had a big effect also. Because let’s be honest, Hades or Ursula are bigger threats than Cruella, and in the first book, we already know that Hades has a child that is not Mal.
Hadie does existence.
But back to the main point, if this is a unification of kingdoms under one name which sounds like the USA, then that should mean the ruler of the entire thing is voted on because I do not understand why any of them would allow to someone else to be their ruler. They have all this territory and then allow someone to tell them what they can do in their own kingdom?
That has to be a vote.
Beast is the first king simply because it was his idea. The second king should have been a vote; some tests of valor to choose the next ruler.
Then it would make sense that Ben was the prince of Auradon.
So, if that is the presumption which fanon takes it to be, who inherits the crown next? Why was Ben not voted out and forced to step down after the endangerment he placed Auradon in when he went to the Isle?
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bluhourz · 2 years
when you get hurt
Having a crazy tall boyfriend had it perks. Like being able to put your head on his chest when you hug, how he intimidates anyone who makes you uncomfortable as soon as he walks over, and how he can reach everything on the high shelves for you. The last one was a problem when he wasn't home though. Hence why you shakily stood on a chair trying to reach the cereal he placed on the highest shelf in the kitchen.
"I swear it's like he forgets how short I am," you huffed as you strained forwards.
Just as you felt the box touch your fingers the chair gave way underneath you. This is how you found yourself stuck at home with a cast covering your left leg. Hiding it from Yeonjun was not the best choice you could have made but you knew how he would react and you didn't want to distract him. You decided to just tell him when he came back home.
Finally the day came and Yeonjun was coming back home from the USA. You have been missing him like crazy, like you usually do, but you knew how big it was for them to be performing there. Looking at your leg you felt a bit nervous about what he would say. You didn't have long to worry about it before he burst through the door.
"I'm home baby!" he yelled with a big smile on his face. He was expecting you to be running towards him to jump in his arms like you usually do. Instead he saw you smiling sheepishly on the couch.
"Junnie," you said as you tried standing up.
As soon as he saw your cast he dropped everything and ran over to your side.
"No, sit down," his hands gently pushed you down again as he crouched in front of you, "What happened? Why didn't you tell me? Do you need me to get you something? No, wait. First, how in hells name did you even do this? Did you try dancing to Crown again? You know I said I would teach you when I came back." Yeonjun had a frown and a massive pout on this face.
"No, I was trying to get the cereal that this guy who has like 80% legs put right at the back on this highest shelf possible. It's not that serious though," you laughed.
"Jagi, this is serious," his voice showed how hurt he was feeling, "How could you not tell me? You're hurt. And you have been all alone. Why have you been trying to deal with this by yourself?"
"I've not been by myself," you sighed. You knew he was angry. He had the right to be. "Y/F/N has been coming around almost every day to help me."
"You know that's not what I mean," Yeonjun ran his hand through his hair as he also sighed, "How could you not tell me that you broke your leg? You know I would've flown down immediately."
"Which is exactly why I didn't tell you. Imagine what MOA would say if you just didn't perform at Lollapalooza. As a fellow MOA I couldn't do that to them or to me."
You tried to joke with him to lighten the mood but it didn't quite work. The frown stayed ever present on Yeonjun's pretty face as his eyes stayed on your leg.
"Baby, please don't be upset with me," your voice was soft as you took his hands in yours.
The slight way he leaned forward into your touch gave you hope. Finally, he let out a big sigh as his eyes met yours.
"I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want you to worry when you had such an important show. I'm okay though. Really."
He stayed quiet as you spoke, trying to explain yourself. His eyes didn't leave your face now. You gave one last smile to convince him you were okay.
"Really? You promise?" his voice was soft as he asked.
Carefully, Yeonjun placed his hands on your cast. He inspected some of the drawings and messages your friends have written down so far. Finally, he found one that managed to make him smile.
"Who just drew a butt?" he chuckled.
"Ooohhhh, so that was Y/F/N. You know the time we went to the river for the picnic?"
And so you two shared the stories of what you have been up to while he's been gone. You were just happy to be together again, forgetting briefly about your injury.
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lokisprettygirl · 10 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 11 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 12
Summary : You share an uncomfortable conversation with your real uncle.
Warning: 18+, smut, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her..don't like don't read), feeling of hopelessness, uncle Daemon kink (you don't have to squint), familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be more smut later, masturbation, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking, physical violence implied
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You had no idea how quickly you had moved from the bed, but the next thing you knew, you were falling off it. Unfortunately, you couldn't even crawl under the bed since it was a platform bed. You stayed still, holding your breath and praying that whoever had walked into your room would not come all the way to the other side of the king-sized bed.
However, when you heard your father's voice calling out for Daemon, you felt your heart sink into your stomach. Suddenly, you just wanted to die, and you didn't know how you were going to explain your presence in Daemon's room if you were to get caught.
Daemon approached your dad with a calm demeanor, trying to maintain the illusion that nothing was out of the ordinary.
"Mate, what's up?" Daemon asked calmly,
"Nothing, I just wanted to talk." Daemon didn't miss a beat and quickly motioned for him to take a seat on the bed, likely knowing that it would be easier to conceal your presence that way.
“Are you feeling alright?” Daemon asked as he managed to keep his voice still,
“Yeahh..just drunk I guess”
As Daemon sat down next to your dad, he let out a deep sigh, knowing that you were listening in on their conversation and that there were things you didn't know about your own family. This wasn't how he had intended for you to find out those secrets.
“Let me take you to your room, you need to sleep” Daemon told him but you heard your father sighing in response,
“It's good to have you back monny.. sometimes I wonder if you have for–” your dad spoke but Daemon immediately interrupted him mid speech
“It's in the past, I came back because I wanted to move on from that hurt and I need you to do the same bud”
“It's not easy.. to forget what happened”
As you heard your dad's saddened voice the curiosity you had regarding their situation peaked as well.
“I see..but perhaps we can discuss this tomorrow when you're not inebriated”
Daemon didn't want to make your father feel as if he was being ignored, especially considering his current situation but he also didn't want him to spill secrets in his drunken state that Daemon knew your father wanted to keep away from you for now. Also the truth about what had happened was something he never ever wanted to share with you. He knew it would change things between both the families and ruin it all over again.
He was taken aback as your dad suddenly hugged him tightly,
“It's good to have a friend I can trust around me”
Daemon's eyes teared up at his words, no it wasn't easy to forget what had happened between them but he knew he had to move on from that pain, initially he only decided to return just for the sake of his old friend and his own selfish reasons because he really needed to get away from the USA but now he had you to take care of as well and you were slowly becoming his topmost priority. Perhaps that is what your father wanted him to do as well but he wanted Daemon to take care of you like a daughter and not as a lover.
“How's my pumpkin doing at work?”
You heard your dad asking about you and bit on your tongue in nervousness,
“She's a good girl, business is in her genes, she'd do just fine”
And you blushed. Deeply.
“Not without you Daemon, you'll need to be there for her–”
“Let's just get you to bed ..missus must be worried” Daemon cut him off immediately again and you wondered what it was that Daemon was so worried about being said “I swear I'll find you first thing in the morning”
As the sound of your dad and Daemon's footsteps faded away, you slowly raised your head and peeked to make sure that they were truly gone. Once you confirmed that they had left, you got up from the floor.
When Daemon came back he glared at you as he was hoping you'd make use of the opportunity and flee to your room,
“Why didn't you lock the fucking door?” His voice was harsh but as he found you pacing back and forth in worry he calmed down a bit and softened his tone “What is it pixie?”
“What's going on between you and dad?”
You asked him so he tilted his head and scoffed,
“What do you mean?”
“That conversation was weird and cryptic as fuck” he tilted his head forward and stared at you as you said that.
“Told you a million times to not swear in front of me”
He raised his voice a little so you glared at him with your arms crossed,
“I'm not a fucking child Daemon”
“Well you're not old enough to get involved in our matters either”
“Fineeee” you stormed past him because you didn't want to argue with him. This is not how you wanted your night to go, you just wanted to cuddle him and make him feel better. You couldn't really sleep at night because you kept repeating their conversation in your head and the way Daemon had reacted had made you upset. You weren't expecting him to tell you everything that went down between him and your father but now you felt as if something else was going on as well and the thought was enough to keep you anxious.
You knew they were hiding something from you..
As you walked down the stairs the next morning, you were greeted by an empty dining room, except for Daemon who sat at the table and stared at you. His gaze was intense, but you refused to acknowledge it. You weren't going to speak to him until he apologized,
“No good morning..nothing? Where are your manners Pixie pie” he asked you as he fluffed the newspaper he was holding. You didn't say anything so he smiled and got up from his chair to sit next to you. There was nobody around you two except the few staff members that were busy doing their job. He looked at you from head to toe, you had a cute dress on with a fresh face and hair neatly tucked into a bun.
Your breath hitched in your chest and butterflies swarmed in your stomach as he grabbed your right hand and placed it on his thigh under the table so nobody could tell that he was holding you,
“I'm so sorry pixie pup” he leaned closer to you, his thumb grazed over the back of your hand and he used his other hand to tuck the loose strands of your hair behind your ear. You finally turned to look at him and as he noticed your teary eyes his brows furrowed. He despised seeing you upset or hurt, really pricked his heart especially when he was the reason.
“It's okay..i forgive you” you mumbled so he smiled and grabbed a piece of fruit to feed you.
“Tell me what I can do to make you feel better, hmm?” He asked as he turned his chair towards you and leaned closer, he was being very brave for someone that was almost caught in his bedroom fondling his supposed niece.
“Be nice to me” you mumbled like a petulant child and he couldn't help but smile even wider.
“Mmhm am I not nice to you babygirl?”
He asked as he briefly rubbed your cheek with the back of his index finger. He was being so soft with you and perhaps it wasn't his intention but you felt really aroused by every little action he did. You had lusted after this man for 14 years and every fiber of your being craved to be touched and caressed by him. You had a feeling he led the power to make you cum just with his words and gentle caresses.
“Last night you were mean to me”
“I was pissed that you weren't cautious enough sweetheart. Do you realize what might have occurred if we had been caught?"
“I understand the consequences and I'm sorry..i'll be more careful the next time” you said to him, your tone was polite.
“Mmhm you look so beautiful like this you know that?”
“I am not..shushh” your face flushed at the compliment, he was able to feel the warmth radiating from your face as he brushed his finger over your cheek again.
“You so are my love and my palms are itching to hold on to those soft curves of yours again”
“Shut upppp” he smiled as he could see that his teasing was getting to you.
“Shut me up then” he challenged you.
You looked around as he said that
“Are you trying to get caught or something?”
“No shame in wanting to kiss my girl in front of the world”
The mischievous smirk on his face was an indication that he was messing with you but his words indeed made you want to kiss him, you cleared your throat and looked at his work attire.
“Why are you all dressed up..it's Sunday”
“I got responsibilities babygirl”
“Well you should take a day off once in a while” he shook his head as you suggested.
“No that would drive me bonkers”
“Fine..I'll see you in the evening then..drive safely”
You mumbled under your breath so he smiled and kissed your temple quickly before he got up and walked all the way to the other side to grab his briefcase, all while keeping his eyes on you. On the way out he bumped right into Trisha so he quickly apologized to her and she just giggled in response.
She was smiling as she walked up to the dining table and sat in front of you.
“What are you giggling for?” You asked her so she chuckled, you both were not close with each other but there was no animosity either, she was your cousin and you didn't despise her or anything well not yet at least.
“Nothing it's just.. what's the deal with Daemon..he's no longer with his wife right?”
Well you really didn't want to despise her.
“He's like four years younger than uncle you know” you chuckled and the smile faded which you felt a bit guilty for but it was necessary. You can't have another Cassandra in your life.
“Yeah but have you seen my dad? He looks his age..Daemon on the other hand” she fanned herself and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Doesn't matter..they hate each other, remember?”
“No that's not exactly right..uhhh well my dad is not fond of daemon that's true”
Well at least yours is.
“And why is it so?” you asked her curiously, Daemon often told you that harmless questions like that never hurt except if it was Daemon who was being asked such questions. God you should have kissed him before he left.
“He thinks Daemon has returned to steal again” she said as she munched on her pancake. You didn't understand what she meant by again but you weren't interested either.
“Well my father knows what he's doing, he trusts Daemon and so do i”
“Mmmm he sure is a gentleman” she smiled so you smiled in response to not giving away your feelings for Daemon or the annoyance you felt towards Trisha.
Daemon was a young chick magnet it seems, he kept attracting younger females around him.
Your parents were out of town for a day so that left you with your uncle and his family. The good thing was you were living in a mansion and you could just avoid them if you wanted to.
Your legs were flailing up and down as you laid down on your front on the bed and decided to text Daemon to irk him a little,
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You giggled as you fixed your dress back up and you were going to respond as well but you heard the door knob twisting. Maybe now that you had people around in the house you really needed to lock the door.
You quickly sat up, hoping it was either Trisha or Sadie your other cousin but instead found your uncle standing there with a smile on his face. You felt your heart race as you realized your dress had ridden up to your thighs, exposing you more than you intended. You quickly adjusted your dress and tried to compose yourself, feeling a mix of embarrassment and annoyance at the awkward moment.
“Uncle?” You mumbled awkwardly so he stepped inside and closed the door. Okay now you felt weird, you had never really interacted much with him for him to just barge into your room like that.
“Darling I thought I'd catch up with you” he said as he walked towards you and sat down next to you. Now you knew you were into Uncle Daemon but that had more to do with Daemon himself then him being your uncle. Sitting next to your own uncle and feeling his eyes on you made you feel disgusted,
“Sure ..how are you doing?”
You asked him to cut the tension so he looked at you and smiled,
“it's been rough these past few years, not all of us got your dad's money” you chuckled as he said that to hide your irritation.
“Well he certainly works hard for that money”
“Yeah you can say so, I heard you joined the business too”
“I am just an intern for now”
“Interning under whom exactly?”
You knew that he knew so it bothered you greatly that he was asking you such an absurd question.
“Uncle Daemon”
“Hmmm” he let out a sigh of disappointment as you said that.
“Ummm where is aunt Polly?” you asked him so he turned his head to look at you.
“She went shopping with kids, it's just you and me” your smile vanished instantly as he said that.
“Ohhh they didn't ask me to go with them”
“They figured you'd not need anything”
“Okay then.. uncle”
He got up as you said that and you sighed in relief but then he turned to you.
“You have grown into a beautiful woman y/n..I'm sure your father is very proud of you” he smiled as he caressed your head.
“Well thank you and I hope so”
As he finally left you had a moment to actually process what had just happened and then you texted Daemon again.
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You noticed that he saw the message but didn't respond. You had all the time in the world so you called Rhaenyra and had a day out with her.
In the evening when you returned Daemon was in the living room working on his laptop, your uncle was sitting on the couch in front of him. Trisha and Sadie were there too and aunt Polly was preparing tea for everyone.
You had called your mum to ask about the trip, your parents didn't even tell you before taking off these days and it was starting to get to you especially since that weird conversation last night.
You sat down next to Trisha and all of them looked at Jackson, your chauffeur as he entered the front door with some of your shopping bags.
“You should have come with us” Sadie said to you so you smiled,
“Well you guys didn't ask me to come”
There was a weird energy in the room, as the tea was prepared you grabbed one and passed it to Daemon since he was closer to you, not to come off as suspicious you grabbed another one and gave it to Sadie.
Nobody was talking to one another, everyone was busy on their phones and after a while you watched Daemon stand up to go upstairs.
“Thanks for the warm cup of tea Polly..appreciate that” he mumbled as he smiled before he turned around to leave and as soon as he was gone you saw Polly roll her eyes.
“He acts as if it's his own house” Polly said and your uncle hummed in agreement.
“Well..he is family” you chimed in and suddenly all eyes were on you.
“No hon we are family..besides don't forget what he had done to your dad”
Your eyes flickered as she said that,
“What do you mean? What has he done?”
You asked her and your uncle chuckled in response.
“Ohh sweetie she doesn't know..don't get her involved in this”
“No please do..what had he done?” You asked a bit more sternly this time and you heard Polly grimacing again.
“He stole millions from your dad before he fled with his wife..I don't know how or why he'd trust this snake again “
You heard her words but you didn't want to believe it, was that the reason Daemon left? Did he steal from your father's company? It couldn't be because they weren't even working together back then, you remembered the last trip your family had been on with Daemon and Stella, that trip was to celebrate their business partnership but it never went official. So How could he steal from your dad?
You got up and went upstairs to go to your room, Daemon always refused to tell you the truth about what had gone down between him and your father, he always said that it was between him and his friend and your dad never said anything either so it didn't make any sense to you that your uncle and his family knew even shit about the incident.
Later that night, you heard a knock on your door and you knew it was Daemon because nobody else would see you at such late hours unless your uncle wanted to be a creep again, as Daemon entered he immediately locked the door by twisting the knob and then cupped your cheeks to kiss you.
He smelled fresh and fruity like he had just showered, his hair was dripping, the white t-shirt he had on was clinging to his thick body for dear life, he pulled away for a moment to breathe in deeply and then he kissed you again as if he was starving for your touch.
You didn't mind it either, your hands wrapped around his waist as you pulled him closer to you, he only stepped away from your face when he was completely out of breath.
“Mmmm missed me uncle?” you whispered softly as your hand trailed from his waist to his torso and as you reached the bulge in his pants he didn't press you hand right away, you watched his face contort in pleasure as you rubbed your hand against his clothed cock and you knew that he was so fucking blessed in that department.
Before things could heat up more he grabbed your hand and placed them behind your back before he leaned down to kiss you one more time.
“What did your uncle do hmm?” He asked you and it briefly made you snap out of the state of arousal.
“Well i was on the bed, texting you and my door was unlocked, he didn't even knock he just barged in and sat down on my bed to have a conversation with me and he said that i had grown into a beautiful woman or something” you told him in one breath and his jaw clenched immediately, you didn't want to jump to conclusions here because your uncle had never behaved this way with you.
“That's one more reason for you to keep your door locked, you hear me?”
“Mmm yess.. don't get upset” you curled your arms around him and his body went from rigid to relaxed almost instantly.
“Not upset, I just don't have any faith in that man”
“He's my uncle ..I'm sure he won't do anything to me..he knows better than that. Besides I'm more frustrated about what he and aunt Polly had said after you left”
His brows raised in curiosity as you said that so he asked you what they had said about him and as he learned the truth he wasn't surprised at all. Your uncle was never fond of him and he didn't feel any different.
“Do you believe what they said? Think I could do that?” He asked you, there was a smirk on his face, sometimes you really struggled to tell whether he was serious or not because there was always this smirk on his face.
“No” you mumbled a simple answer so he smiled “What really happened though? Will you ever tell me?”
“No ..so stop asking me love”
“Mmm okay”
He picked you up in his arms and made you sit down on the bed. After what you had told him about your interaction with your uncle, a part of him felt disgusted, he'd never ever think that way about his own niece but then did he have any right to judge after what was going on between you two? All he knew was that he had to protect you from these people and he had to make sure they'd be gone soon.
“Now about that stunt you pulled with the picture while I was in a meeting” he mumbled as he stared at you intently.
“Mmmm sorry not sorry” you smirked,
“Oh you will be sorry”
You bit on your lips as he said that.
“Stay still, don't move, don't touch, keep your eyes on mine alright?” He said firmly so you nodded, he took his t-shirt off at first and a part of him felt utterly conscious but he ignored that voice in his head. He wasn't fat, not by any means, he was just thicker than before but you seemed to like that alot as compared to Stella.
A smile graced his features as he looked at your face, you were struggling to keep your eyes from wandering but you wanted to be his good girl and follow his command, he lowered down his pants and you couldn't help but gulp, your mouth opened as his thick muscular thighs came in your peripheral vision. He was naked, all naked, for you but you weren't allowed to look at him anywhere but his eyes. He was such a tease, he placed one of his knees right next to your body as he grabbed his cock in his fist.
“Daemon–” you whispered his name but he cut you off
“shhhh be a good girl..this is not for your pleasure, it's your punishment”
“Mmmm I'm sorry”
“Quiet now” his voice came out all breathy as he stroked himself back n forth slowly, his cock was right in front of your face, you could smell his musk and you could hear the sound as he pleasured himself, his moans then filled the room and you had to be patient because he had asked you to, he asked you to take this like the good girl so you were going to do exactly that.
He brought this other hand forward and pushed your hair behind your shoulders so he could get a view of your cleavage in your sultry little nightwear. His fingers trailed up and he grabbed the back of your neck with his forefingers while his thumb brushed over your lips, without a warning he slipped his digit inside your mouth and your lips immediately latched onto him to suck him in.
“Mmmm you beautiful thing ..I'm going to fucking destroy you..you'd never be the same again” his words made you moan loudly but it came out all muffled since your mouth was filled with his thumb, you wished it was his cock instead but you'd take whatever he was giving you, he took his finger out of your mouth and his hand trailed down to cup your breasts, as he gave it a squeeze you couldn't help but moan loudly..
“Uncle please” he let out a small growl as you played with his kink, he was supposed to be your uncle but there he was, all naked in your room, jerking himself off right in front of your face.
“What are you begging for, baby girl?”
“Let me see please, I just want to see and touch ..just once..let me touch you please” you whined and begged him and it made him smile. He took your hand in his hand and you gasped as he placed it right on his hard cock, he was warm and veiny and oh so thick. He also kept himself neatly trimmed and you had never been the type of girl to find a man's cock attractive but goddamn you wanted to hide your face between his legs and pleasure him until he'd be all spent .
As soon as he felt your hand stroking him he knew he won't last for long, he was trying to hold on for as long as he could but you weren't making it easier for him by being so fucking submissive.
“Will you cum on me please?” You asked him and he placed his hand on yours to fasten your movement.
“Where do you want it sweetheart, that pretty little face or your tits?”
You had to squeeze your thighs at his deep rumbling voice and obscene words.
“My face uncle ..need it on my face please” you whined in desperation so he chuckled
“Titties it is then love since you have been nothing but a bad bad girl all day long”
Well this really was a win-win situation for you.
You gasped as his cum splattered over the exposed skin of your chest, it got over the fabric as well but your mind was only able to feel the warmth of it and the way he was groaning and moaning continuously as he rode his high.
You had never allowed a man to do this to you before and you knew you never would allow any other man to treat you this way. He was it for you. He was the end.
You couldn't keep your eyes off him, he was beautiful all the time but in all his orgasmic glory he actually looked unreal, his distinct features always were attractive to you but witnessing him amidst the euphoria was nothing short of addictive, you knew you'd beg him to let you watch him like this again.
He picked you up soon after and took you to the bathroom to make you sit on the sink space.
“Sit here like a good girl, yes?”
He told you so nodded, while he took a quick shower all you could do was stare at him from the glass door and as per his command you just sat there soaking with his cum drying on your skin. You felt so dirty but not in a bad way.
When he came out he wrapped a towel around his waist which made you feel a tinge of disappointment, he then reached closer to you and used a damped warm washcloth to clean your chest as well as your nightwear, his lips formed an o as he focused on the task so you leaned into him and kissed him softly, he was so gorgeous and he was all yours, you needed a moment and plenty of kisses to believe that.
Wrapping your legs around his waist he pulled you closer to him and you immediately pressed your head between the crook of his neck to suck on the soft pale skin. His lips latched onto your shoulder as he trailed soft little kisses.
None of you really said anything, words fell short of the intimacy you had just shared with him and you wished things could have just stayed ever so heavenly but you knew it wasn't possible.
You closed your eyes and ignored the hurdles standing between you two but you knew one of these days you'd have to open them and face the reality, you knew you'd have to wake up from this dream and it was about to hit you sooner than you had hoped for.
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23 @shuichiakainx @daddylokisqueen @ipostwhtifeel @anehkael @madlyinlovewmattmurd0ck @dixie-elocin @urmomsgirlfriend1
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 months
Could u please write a Nash and Grayson hc?
nash and grayson head canons
i'd love to! hope you like them.
growing up, grayson used to wish he was more like nash (in the sense that nash doesn't really care what people think and does what he wants).
the first time nash tried to teach gray how to ride a horse, he fell off off the horse and landed in a pile of mud.
gray will buy nash cowboy hats whenever he comes across one that he thinks he might like.
whenever gray is sick, nash is literally always checking up on him, giving him food, and making sure he isn't working.
sometimes, when grayson has nightmares, he goes to nash's room and nash strokes his hair, this mostly happened when he was younger but, even now, sometimes he just needs his brother (it calmed gray down, he found it soothing)
gray dresses nash up for events and stuff bc nash has no idea what he's doing when it comes to fancy clothes.
nash knows gray overworks himself and sometimes forgets to eat breakfast, so he makes him some food in the morning and brings it to him.
when gray was younger, he loved it when nash would give him piggy back rides
when grayson took his first steps, nash literallly got so excited he started jumping around.
gray used to follow nash around like a lost puppy.
nash is always getting him little gifts to cheer him up. like a gift card to get some coffee (obviously gray has the money, but he loves it when nash does this cause it shows he cares)
nash once got gray a cowboy hat with his face on it.
it's canon that nash works as a bartender sometimes. i think gray would head over there (when he's of age, so in the usa 21) and just chat with him. sometimes he'd get smth to drink.
nash used to complain to tobias that he was being way too hard on grayson. gray finds out about this and starts to tear up bc of how much nash cares.
gray was the officiator and the photographer at libbynash's wedding.
nash isn't a great cook, but wanted to learn how to so he could make libby some meals. gray taught him how to.
gray feels most at ease with nash (and avery). sometimes he lets himself smile around them (they're calmer then jamie and xander)
nash loves just sitting down and listening to gray play the piano. sometimes he falls asleep to him playing.
when gray was younger and couldn't fall asleep, nash would talk about funny things that happened to him that day. he'd always make him laugh
when gray was younger and first started talking, he had a very subtle southern accent (he took after nash). tobias got mad bc he thought it wasn't proper, and that, as the heir apparent, he should be more sophisticated.
nash always sits next to him in planes bc sometimes gray falls asleep and leans his head on his shoulder.
sometimes, when gray gets really mad, nash brings him to the shooting range (we know that nash is good with a gun so why would gray not be (and they own many so..))
gray used to be a hopeless romantic cause nash used to read him little love stories to help him fall asleep.
nash and him (and the other brothers) dressed up as the minions on halloween one year.
nash loves to tag along when gray goes on this nature walks.
nash was actually going to propose to libby with the ring nan gave him, but he wanted grayson to have it more (to give him some hope)
nash will bring grayson coffee in the morning (he likes it black, sometimes with a tiny bit of milk)
nash used to have longer hair (like to his shoulders) when he was like 7, and gray hated it sm, he cut it in his sleep.
gray loves to hear nash talk about taylor swift
during the eras tour, nash grabbed grayson and tried to get him to dance during shake it off (nash would wave gray's hand and tried to get him to move his hips and stuff)
they like working out together (doesn't really happen often but when it does they blast taylor swift)
gray was nash's biggest support after the break up with alisa. nash didn't get out of bed for three days, and gray stayed by his side the entire time. the only times he left was to get him food, shower etc.
that's it for now! i really love their dynamic and think their bond is so adorable.
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whoiwanttoday · 24 days
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Guys, it is not quite the official start of Halloween yet (don't worry, I plan to keep you well informed as to when it is. It's coming up. Just weeks away) but we are in the prelude to Halloween officially this weekend. First, my friends and I have started organizing our planned Halloween season watch lists, it's an online event called Hooptober which is basically a movie scavenger hunt where we have to watch a bunch of movies to fit various criteria. We won't start watching until Halloween is upon us. Tonight though, Joe Bob Briggs is doing a 12 hour movie marathon that feels like a good prelude to the Halloween season. We are looking forward to it and seeing if old people can stay up all night (spoiler, we won't. We suck. We're old) and Rhonda Sheer will be there, which is a throw back to USA's Up All Night, a show that was on Fridays and Saturday from 11 PM to 5 AM when I was a kid. She was one of the hosts and we all thought she was kind of hot and kind of funny. So it's exciting she'll be on tonight.
All of that is some lead in to me posting Edwige Fenech who I promise you is related to all that. She was the queen of Giallo in the 70's. Giallo is an Italian genre that means yellow because old Italian pulp fiction used to be printed on yellow pages, so much like we called Pulp Fiction that because of the type of paper used, they called it Giallo because of the type of paper used. Giallo is a distinctly Italian genre in so many ways. It is half murder mystery and police procedural and half slasher movie. Some skew more horror than others but it's an important horror subgenre that gave us the slashers of the 80's. What makes it so Italian though is that the plot often makes no sense, they often don't seem to care about the plot at all. What they care about is all the people are extremely sexy and sophisticated in a way only Europeans can pull off in the 60's and 70's. America might have had the money but we'd never have that subtle class they all had. Which is wild for such trashy movies. They are always beautiful to look at, it's kind of the whole point. Pretty and vacant in many ways. This is why the genre drives me nuts, sometimes it forgets to even solve the mystery. This is why others love it, pure vibes and beauty. Fans of cinematography and set design tend to love Giallo. It also is famous for, as all Italian films are at the time since they were the kings of European film, having the most beautiful women you have ever seen. Like even in bit parts. All of this means that I have always thought my friend @kat-eleven might like some Giallo if given a chance. I have recommended Suspiria every year for a decade at Halloween. She always refuses because she said, "While I like the sound of those brutal killings, Italian 70's style backhanded sexism, and pretty colors, I just don't think there are any attractive women in all of Europe so I am not interested". That brings us to Edwige Fenech, who I watched one of her many Gialli the other night and was like, "I feel like Kat is wrong. I think she is actually very beautiful". So I sent Kat some posts on tumblr to prove it and you know what? This once that contradictory Canadian agreed I was right. As a matter of fact she said she might watch an Edwige Fenech movie. Which brings us full circle. For my big Hooptober list have thrown in a few Edwige Fenech movies that I haven't seen but are supposed to be among the best she is in, so I can tell @kat-eleven which is the best one. So this is all a prelude to Halloween season when I will be knee deep in Edwige Fenech because I am such a good and giving friend. Maybe she'll get a second post then. Today I want to fuck Edwige Fenech.
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anadiasmount · 1 year
hugs and fireworks - christian pulisic x reader
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hello everyone! i hope you are all okay and doing well! happy fourth to those who celebrate! in honor of it being the fourth I couldn't stop thinking of dad! christian. so here's a small blurb of how i'd think your holiday would be spent with him! i enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoy 🥰🥰
here's my masterlist!
wc: 1.6k
“Do you remember when we met back in Austin?” Christian asked softly. You hummed and felt him cuddle closer to you. His head was on your chest while you stroked his bareback. “How could I forget? I saw you on the pitch and immediately fell over heels for you.” 19-year-old you would be gushing over excitement.
While growing up, you and your family didn't go out at all for the 4th of July. Sure you had a small backyard cookout and some fireworks but that was it. A USA shirt, or a red white, and blue to keep the “tradition”. You vividly remember the summer when you traveled down with your girlfriends to Texas for the 4th of July. A random trip that ended up changing your life in the most unexpected way. A flight booked from home, to your girlfriends and you pitching in to take a road trip from the tip of Texas to the south where you explored different beaches.
During your last night in Austin, you attended a USA soccer match, being fortunate to receive front-row seats. A certain brunette caught your eye, but the feeling of being embarrassed and rejected made you overthink plus, this guy was a pro, right? A sleeve of tattoos, sweat running down their body, the white jersey clinging onto their fit body for dear life. You were in a daze, mesmerized, noticing the #10 and PULISIC in the back.Of course, nothing would ever happen, so you and your girlfriends decided to go to a bar nearby and celebrate before heading off south.
While coming back from the restroom, you accidentally stumbled against someone, “I am so sorry, I did not see you coming,” you touched their shoulder apologetically but when you looked up and met a pair of brown orbs you blushed profusely. “It's okay darling, I didn't see you coming either,” it was him.
“Im Y/n,” you extended your hand making the first move, he smirked and shook your palm, “Im Christian, a pleasure to meet to meet you.”
Who knew sharing a couple of beers, small talk of his life and yours included would have you holding onto hope? Christian paid attention, he didn't just nod or hum then and there, he made sure to make you feel safe and comfortable, never overstepping by asking unsuitable questions. You didn’t do this, you were always shy and rather would sit and watch people than make the effort and meet someone, but with him, it felt right.
Christian didn't hide anything, explaining how he grew up in Hershey, his move to Europe, his parents being his biggest support to this day, attending state fairs meant the world to him, and that sometimes you have to take a risk if you want great things to happen. His words, not yours. You had not realized you sat in the bar ignoring the blaring music, loud cheers, and drunk people behind you, till the bartender gave you a ten-minute warning before closing.
“If I'm being honest… I don’t want to go back to my hotel right now… Would you care to join me for some late-night tacos? I know just the place here,” Christian spoke shyly, rubbing the back of his neck afraid you’d say no. “Who can turn down some tacos? Just hope you won’t disappoint me, Chris…” you said without thinking. Christian loved when you called him Chris, it just sounded like heaven to him. True to his word, you had enjoyed eating the delicious tacos in the taqueria. Later taking a walk to observe the Austin skyline, where your fings delicately brushed his. You shared your first official kiss there, his hands holding you by your waist, as you rested on his broad chest.
“We were just kids then… Now look at us now,” he replied looking up to you where you placed the softest gentle kiss on his forehead. “We’ve come a long way to be here today. All the sacrifices and distance but we made it work. And I can’t be more grateful to have the most gorgeous stunning wife and mother to my kids…” he kissed over your wedding ring and the small bump. You had surprised him after putting your almost two-year-old to sleep. Christian was overjoyed and crying happy tears, immediately sinking to his knees and promising the baby he’d do everything in his will to protect them and you. His little family.
“I'm so fortunate to have a man like you, Chris. We fell in love at such an early age and I would’ve thought you’d get rid of me, but you've never stopped loving me. You're the best dad to Axel, to me, and to those around you. There’s not a day that goes by where I sit down and think of the what if’s, but you're always there to get rid of the overthinking. I feel safe and at home with you,” you let out the smallest tear and Christian giggled.
“Oh stop it! It’s the pregnancy hormones,” you gushed as he continued his teasing. A sound from the baby monitor had Christian up on his feet going to pick up Axel from his room. When your boys came back, Axel was rubbing his eyes with his chubby hands while Christian brushed back the small coils of curls. He was the spitting image of him, anything Christian did, Axel was doing so already. Despite following his dad, at the end of the day, he was a momma's boy.
“How about we spend the 4th by the beach, take some food, small fireworks, and just spend time watching the fireworks at the end of the night?” Christian asked to which you clapped your hands excitedly. “Your family is still coming right?” you asked while prepping some hamburgers for Christian to grill. He came back inside holding Axel by his hip, “Yes they should be here soon!”
The doorbell rang and you greeted his family with a small hug, urging them to come inside while you continued to finish cutting the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Christian, his dad, brother, and brother-in-law spent their time outside grilling while you, his mom, and sister, and now Axel stayed inside until it was time to leave. His sister explained how excited she was to begin riding after her pregnancy, and his mom talked about the upcoming vacation you all took.
After setting the table you all ate and shared stories over the years, Christian sitting next to you holding your hand or from time to time grabbing your thigh, feeling his nails rake up and down against your skin. Once the sun started to die down, you all took the shortcut walking down to the shore, “Careful baby,” Christian spoke to where only you and he could hear. Christian always was cautious but now that you were pregnant again, he had to make sure you weren’t overworking yourself.
You sat on the sand, feeling the cool breeze and sand beneath you. You watched and heard your son Axel let out waves of giggles when the waves crashed against his little chubby feet. Christian spun him around from time to time and held him close. You took a small photo, relishing the moment before your family turned into four. Of course, Axel followed him when they began to play a small game of football there. They pulled out the small fireworks or sparklers, Christian was being protective again, holding his son and showing him how the sparkle was, it was generally safe so you weren't worried. Your son just clapped his small chubby hands and made happy noises that brought Christian to smile.
You helped his mom set up some chairs after the tide began to rise just a bit, and changed into a knitted sweater. “Look at you two,” you laughed when you saw Christian come up to you with your son. You gave Christian a towel and some change of clothes, while Axel cuddled against your chest. You covered him with a towel and a blanket protecting him from the cool air. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, especially after the day he had.
When Christian returned he sat next to you, but it wasn't long before he asked you to lay your back against his chest. He peppered small kisses along your bare shoulder due to your top, and kissed your temple, just giving you love and affection. That’s one thing he won't ever hide, his love and adoration for you.
Christian chatted with you quietly about tomorrow's plans which included a boat ride for the entire day, promising to watch Pride and Prejudice for the hundredth time with you after coming back home. His fingers drew small shapes on your bump, while you rested your head gently below his chin. “Boy or girl?” you asked knowing the answer right away. “Girl. I want to dress her up in small cute dresses and learn to do her hair. But I’d be equally as happy if we had another boy. Just hope we won't drive too crazy,” he joked.
You heard the chime of the fireworks as they began. You saw a small streak of light before it burst into a pit of different colors. Christian watched as your eyes glowed as you observed the different fireworks. He’d rather watch you because you were the only person to make his chest feel like it had fireworks lighting inside. “Kiss me,” he said abruptly. You blushed but did as he told, brushing your lips into a small but passionate and intense kiss. “Won’t ever get enough of these soft lips,” he said smiling across your lips. He rested back, humming when your hand reached up and played with the hair in the nap of his neck, “I love you, princess.”
“I love you, Christian.”
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mah-t-wordblog · 4 months
It looks like Giyuu has experience if he got Muichiro to laugh the loudest, the other hashira must have been so surprised that someone quiet like giyuu could do that! And I love how you made Sanemi pat him on the shoulder too, the poor guy must have been thinking "shinazugawa is actually laughing with me here, wow I hope we can start being friends... I need to get him some ohagi" 🤣
But now I'm curious as to how Giyuu has this experince with tickling Mui, he was scared of him the most! 👀 I hope you can make a fic about that ☺️
I'm sorry for making another request so soon after my first one 🫣 but please take your time and of course feel free to decline 🫧 Take care! 🫧
I am back!!!!! I missed my plane but I managed to come back from the USA 😅 I hope you like it
How Gyuu discovered
Tumblr media
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
Ler: Gyuu Tomioka
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
After the last Hashira meeting, everyone discovered how mean Gyuu could be when it comes to tickling.
And why was Muichiro so afraid of him? We will see
Gyuu has never been very affectionate, but with some people he likes to be more affectionate.
For example, Tanjiro, he adores Tanjiro and always wants the best for the boy.
But there are some people they don't have as much intimacy with.
He was alone in a room at the Butterfly Mansion with Muichiro Tokito.
The awkward silence was too great
“Tomioka-san, why don’t you ever smile?”
This question from the boy was very random
“I smile, but only when I have a good reason to do so” Gyuu shrugged
“But you’re not smiling right now.”
“Of course, I have no reason to smile now.”
Muichiro sighed
“You’re not smiling either, child.”
“But it’s because I don’t even remember what to do to smile”
Gyuu was confused “don’t you remember?”
“There are so many: spending time with people you love, receiving gifts, you can smile even if someone tickles you”
Muichiro turned a little red “yeah… I know that very well”
Gyuu looked at him, the man was already thinking of something cool
"You know?"
“I know, people love tickling me.”
“Oh, is it true?” Gyuu wasn’t smiling but he was finding it funny “are you that ticklish?”
Muichiro stopped and thought, Gyuu had never tickled him, he turned red
“I-I can’t say”
“But you csn show me” the adult approached
“Get out of mehehehehe” Muichiro tried to look serious but his anxiety made him laugh
"Why? It looks like it won’t be that bad for you.”
Gyuu finally attacked, squeezing Muichiro's sides
“No… it’s not the worst point… let’s see” he moved his hands higher “what now?”
Muichiro shook his head, his laughs were loud but they didn't change much
“Not yet… what about here?”
The boy choked, Gyuu pressed him in the belly
“I guess I found a weakness~” Gyuu knew how to tease Muichiro, but what if he had never tickled him?
“You still haven’t told me to stop.”
Muichiro's eyes widened but he couldn't say anything, he just started squealing like a pig in the middle of his laughter.
“Do you like this, Tokito?”
“Answer me and I’ll stop”
The boy tried to slap the man
"No! Oh, Tokito, I think someone needs to be punished for this.”
Gyuu filled his lungs with air and blew a raspberry into Muichiro's belly.
The man stopped, he laughed a little
“So you like it?”
Muichiro said yes with his head
“It’s okay, whenever you need me I’m here to do this favor for you.”
The teenager smiled “thank you sir”
"Your welcome"
It wouldn't be easy for Gyuu to forget Muichiro's weaknesses, he would definitely use it against the boy sometimes.
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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teeswrites · 3 months
C.L- Never be the same
Collaborative playlist
Chapter 1 everybody, let's get into this!!! Enjoy :)
Chapter 1: A girl with hazel eyes and a hand full of scars
May, 2023
York Veterinary Center, NYC, USA
"You need some break from this!" Heidi said bending over the receptionist's counter "I don't have time for a break" she said while signing a few records "I bet you have you just don't want to" She sighed and stared at her "Probably you have a lot of doctors here. You work a lot and I am one hundred percent you can take a break for a whole week if you asked to. You just don't want to delegate" "What can I do in my time off?" "Don't you have any hobbies, family or friends?" "I have. I have time for them on the weekends" "What about a trip? I know you like the French Riviera" she looked out of nowhere with a dreamy expression on her face "Yes, Monaco personally" "See? Talk to your boss, take a a few days off, go to Monaco" "Nah, I would need to save some money for it" she thought a little "So come to Miami with me" "Miami?" "Yes" "What do you have to do in Miami?" "Go to the beach, watch Miami Heat play, watch Formula 1" "Formula 1" she always forgets Heidi dates Daniel Riccardo "Do you like it?" her last ex was crazy about it. It have been 6 years since they broke up and she haven't seen one race since then "I haven't watched a grand prix for a while now" "Really?" "Yes. 6 years" "Wow. It's a lot" "Yeah. Is Daniel still racing?" "Not at the moment but he's Red Bull's reserve driver" "That's nice" Heidi disagreed with that "Did you attend a race already?" "Never" "Come with me then! I can get you a VIP pass with Dan" She actually missed watching the races and she always wished to go to watch one in person. It would also be expensive even with the tickets on Daniel but less than Monaco for sure "Alright, H, I go with you" "Really?!" "If I get the day off, yes" "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so happy!" She jumped over her and hugged her friend "Okay, now let me work" "Alright"
May, 7th, 2023
Miami International Autodrome, Miami, USA
Charles was everything but satisfied with his position that weekend. Carlos started from 3rd position and him from 7th. What a good way to start a race. The thing that made him most angry was how could super Max win the damn race starting from 9th in the grid when he couldn't even gain one single position?! At least he maintained in 7th while his teammate lost 2 positions ending in 5th. Things were shady between the Ferrari's drivers that year. And the "crème de la crème" of the weekend was an annoying journalist wanting to talk to him at all costs
"Is it a good time?" It wasn't a good time, he hadn't stopped Super Max and he climbed the grid to get the pole. But even so, he smiled politely "Yes, sure" he wasn't convincing himself but seemed to convince the lady "Good! Charles, how do you feel?" Broken. Useless. "Not in my best mood, but... Looking forward to better days" "That's the spirit. Can we do something to up your mood?" Force Max to retire next season "Just keep supporting me, seriously, your love messages... Mean a lot to me" the interviewer opened a warm smile "You're lovely" he opened the same smile "I'm just being honest" and he was "would you like to make a retribution for a fan?" No! At least not right now. I was just hoping that you all would leave me alone to hate myself for the crap I'm feeling today "Sure" "Great! Please follow me" Nice! Now he had to relocate. "Wait here" she walked a few feet towards a tall man "Excuse me" She started. The man who was laughing with two girls turned to the lady who Charles knew as 'the interviewer' "Daniel Ric? Are you the fan of mine?" Daniel opened his big signature smile "No. I mean, I am but the surprise isn't for me but for this little one here" Daniel stepped to the side and showed a little girl, who was about 6 to 8 years old, wearing Ferrari's whole outfit. The journalist squatted and asked the girl "Hello. My name is Valeriana, I’m a journalist, do you want to meet my friend?" 'We are not friends' Charles thought. The kid nodded "Charles, would you like to join us?" "Sure!" he said shyly and the child tapped her mouth as she was meeting Santa "Oh, my God" he didn't know why but her reaction gave him the power he wanted back. He smiled and offered a hug to the little one, lifting her up with one arm only "I didn't know the fan was her. Could have warned me so I would have aligned my hair" he told Valeriana running his fingers on his hair, causing everyone to laugh "Hi, nice to meet you, princess" she was still the same way, frozen like a photograph "She's a shy lady, don't be offended" Daniel placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed lightly "Hi!" she said quickly just for him "Hi! How's your name?" he replied warmly, a smile on his face "Celeste" "That's a beautiful name. Is it French?" "Yes" "Nice to meet you, Celeste. I'm Charles" "You're amazing" "Do you think?" "Yes" "Well, thank you, Celeste. You're also amazing" she blushed, wishing to disappear "Would you like me to sign your cap?" "Please" "And take a picture?" she nodded affirmatively " Okay, let's do it. Will you take the picture, Dan?" "Sure!" Daniel grabbed Celeste's mother's cell phone and photographed them "There you go" "Does someone have a pen?” Charles asked. People started to look around for a black marker as if God had asked himself, and the first person who did it was a girl, one of the girls who was talking to Daniel when he first came to the scene "Here" she had a strong American accent and her hands had tons of scars. He didn't feel as hypnotized as he was at that moment in a while. She had brown, straight, short hair but long enough to be tied, hazel eyes, and light skin which he figured out was soft even with all the scars when his fingers brushed on hers at the moment he grabbed the marker "Thanks" she nodded. Charles placed Celeste on the ground and knelled to sign her cap and shirt "There you go, Celeste" she hugged him "Thank you!" he hugged "You're welcome" Then he stood up "Say goodbye to Charlie, Celeste" Daniel told her "Goodbye" he smiled, she was so cute "Bye bye" then she ran for her mother . "Thanks, Charles" "It was my pleasure" then he walked away from the journalist and walked towards the owner of the pen "Your pen, miss" "Thanks" she grabbed it quickly "Would you like me to sign something for you?" "No, thank you" "Or a picture?" "I'm good" Wow, she was tough "Do you know I..." "You're Charles Leclerc, I'm aware" "Oh... okay"' he coughed "Goodbye, then" "Goodbye" If little Celeste didn't appear to cheer up his day, he would be damned.
Later that day
"Come on, it will be funny. I promise" Lando threw an arm around Charles's neck and forced him to walk toward the club "Lando" the British man pretended he wasn't listening "Lando" he still didn’t give a shit "Lando!" Charles shouted. Lando stopped and the Monegasque got rid of him "What!? Don't want to have some fun?" "Lando..." "Even Max is here, mate!" he turned to where his friend was pointing. Max was holding hands with Kelly and right beside them Daniel holding hands with a blonde lady he assumed was his girlfriend and with them, the hazel eyes princess who caught his attention earlier that day "Look in my eyes and tell me you don't want to come with me. Do this and I'll let you go"
of course, he wanted now, his girlfriend probably wouldn't but he was not going to do anything wrong "You won. I'm joining you" Lando smiled "Yes! Let's go" and they walked into the club. Already inside the duo decided to split
"I'll have us some drinks, go dance" "Will you find me?" "Sure! Who else would dance so badly in this club?” Charles threw him a deadly look “I’ll call you if I don't, mate" "Alright" Lando made his way to the bar and Charles to the crowd. Maybe dancing made his mind off the championship. Even though his mind was already on something else, the tough girl with honey eyes and scared hands. Charles was so distracted that he bumped into Heidi "Sorry, miss." her drink spilled on the floor “I can pay you another drink” She turned to face him "It's fi... Charles!" he looked confused "Do we know each other?" "I'm Heidi" he still had no clue "I'm Daniel's girlfriend" "Dani Ric?" "Yes!" "Oh! Hi, it's nice to meet you" "Nice to meet you too. Hum... are you here alone?" "No! I am with Lando" "He's such a nice boy, isn't he?" "He is" they smiled politely to each other "You came with Daniel, right?" "Yes, he's looking for a restroom" "Good" "I also came with a friend, she went to the bar to find herself a drink" Heidi looked from above Charles' shoulder "Look her there" he turned to where she pointed "Apparently she found your friend too". Heidi's friend was the girl he was looking for and she was walking toward him, giggling with Lando Norris "Fuck, Lando! You promised it would be funny" Charles thought. "Hey, guys!" Lando started "Heidi! How long. How have you been?" "I'm good, thanks" "Where's Daniel?" "Bathroom" "Oh! Right" "I see you found my friend" "Yes, hum..." he turned to her "That's Charles" "I met him earlier today" "Hello again" "Hi" "Your drink, mate" "Thank you" "Wow, I can't go to the bathroom and you guys already start the party without me" Daniel came to break the tension of the moment "Hi, Daniel" Lando and Charles said in unison "Babe, let's dance" "Alright. See you guys around" Heidi and Daniel walked away from the trio. "Charles, do you mind if I take her to dance?" OF COURSE I MIND, MOTHERFUCKER! YOU HAVE THE WHOLE CLUB TO DANCE WITH AND YOU WANT TO TAKE THE GIRL I LIKE TO DANCE?! Charles thought without actually being able to say cause after all he was taken already "No, not at all" "Alright" Lando offered a hand to her "Shall we?" she giggled "Okay". Charles gave a big sip of his drink "How can she be interested in him and not me?" he sipped again "I might have offered her a drink instead of an autograph".
A few minutes later she was walking toward his direction again. He was sitting on the bench with his third drink. This time she was not with Lando "Hello again for the third time today" she smiled politely "Hi again for the third time on this da. Can I sit here?" "Yes, please" "Thanks" "Where is Lando?" "He went back to the bar" "And you rather sit here with me?" "He left his friend alone in a club. I felt bad for you" "I thought you didn't like me" "I don't dislike you. I just have empathy" "You're kind" she smiled, politely "Thank you" "So you don't hate me?" "You are just way too convinced in my opinion" "I'm not!" "You seemed to be" "I know. I was just trying to impress you" "You chose poorly, Mr Leclerc" "I thought so. Sorry" "It's okay" "Are you from Miami?" "New York" "And what are you doing here?" "Heidi invited me to watch the race. She says I work too much" "What do you work with?" "I am a veterinarian" "Wow. So you're very clever" "I am" "And that's why you have so many scars on your hand" "Why did you choose the profession?" "I always went along more with animals than humans" he laughed "Vous êtes drôle" "Merci. Mais je t'avais dit la vérité" "Parlez-vous français?!" "Oui. J'ai apprendré a l'école" "J'ai pensé que vous êtes française" "I'm not. I'm American" "Well, I like animals too" "Do you have a pet?" "Are you trying to get a new client?" "No" she said seriously "I am just trying to talk" "Okay" he sipped his drink again “I don't. "And you? Any pets?" Yes, a black cat. Her name is Sabrina" "How cute!" she grinned, shyly "I would like a turtle too but I live in an apartment in Brooklyn" he laughed "I already saw turtles in Monte Carlo" Her eyes brightened "Monaco?" "Yes. It's where I'm from" "I dream of visiting Monaco" "You would love it. It's... perfect. Even with all its imperfections" She could see how passionate he was about his home country "I believe" he looked at her and for the first time in the night their eyes met and they smiled at each other. But, of course, Lando had to break it "Your drink, lady" "Thanks" "Move" She sat in between Lando and Charles and the Monegasque swore he couldn't breathe. But at the same time he could breathe so perfectly cause his nostrils were happily filled with her scent, her perfume
"What were you guys talking about?" "Monaco. I dream of visiting it" "Do you know I live in Monaco?" "You are both lucky" "Maybe you could visit me one day" "What?!" the other two said in unison "I... I couldn't" "Why not? Is that about money? I can pay for everything for you" "No, Lando, I can't accept that. Especially that we just met" he smirked "So we should know each other mor" She blushed "Yeah, maybe" Charles just wanted to die.
About an hour and a half later Heidi and her friend decided to go back to the hotel
"Well, I am leaving now guys. Thanks for the night. I had a lot of fun" "My pleasure, lady" Lando kissed her hand, she giggled and Charles rolled her eyes "Mine too" the Monegasque added "May I have your phone number?" Lando asked "I don't think so" "Your socials maybe?" She chewed her inner cheek "Sure" he smiled "Great!" He opened Instagram and gave it to he, she tapped her account. Charles had an eye on it, trying to get the username without having to ask her or Lando but he didn't succeed "There you go" "Thanks! I DM you" "Alright. Hum... Bye then. Till another day, maybe" "Bye!" The F1 drivers said in unison. As soon as she turned her back, Charles glued his eyes on Lando's phone. Of course, it was a private account. He didn't have much time to see the username cause Lando already was reaching for another drink but he saw a lipgloss on the floor. Had she dropped it on purpose? It didn't matter. Charles just grabbed it and reached out for its owner “Hey!” She turned back “Your lipgloss” “Oh my God! Thank you! It's my favorite” “You’re welcome. Hum… can I also have your Instagram? So we can talk” “Sure! Give me your phone” he did “There you go. I am waiting for your text” “Okay” “Bye, Charles. Enjoy the rest of your evening” “Bye. You too” and that was it, the beginning of their story.
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letteredlettered · 5 months
congrats on ur final day on the job! Hope ur moving on toward some great rest, or something exciting :)) Anything u think itd be useful for someone unionized or pro union to know?
Actually, before I worked my firing-people-HR-job I worked in Labor Relations. On, you know, the evil side. So I know a lot about unions--at least, unions in the USA. The company I worked for was huge and had at least a dozen union contracts with at least eight different unions, and unions in our state are pretty strong, despite the way that unions have been gutted in this country over the last few decades. If folks have more union questions, hit me.
If you are in a union, here are my useful tips:
Know your contract (aka collective bargaining agreement or CBA). Your reps are supposed to know your contract, and they try, but they have a lot going on and it's easy to feel like you know it and forget a lot of minor details. It's helpful for all employees to know their rights.
The strongest tool that a union employee has is grievance. You can file a grievance when the contract has been violated. As such, you're going to have a hard time using your union tools if certain things aren't in your contract. Things like harassment are covered by US law (though I would recommend getting it in your contract anyway) but things like workplace bullying are not. Advocate to your union to get things into the contract, even if they seem like common sense or your company already does them, so that you can use grievance if there's a problem.
Union reps have a lot going on and may not remember to follow all the steps like filing or advancing your grievance in a timely fashion etc. Don't be afraid to be a squeaky wheel with your union and demand fair treatment. They're trying their best but just like anyone, they need reminders.
Conversely, with management, it's more useful to use the tools and power unions have to their fullest potential than it is to complain or be aggressive. As a human being, you should be able to voice complaints or display some anger, if that's what you're feeling, but I think we all know by now that companies don't really want human beings; they want cogs in a wheel. I'm not trying to advise anyone not to be human, but I am trying to say that just because you're backed by your union (sometimes, especially because you're backed by your union) doesn't mean management won't have a grudge against you if they think you're a pain, and you don't want management to have a grudge because your union can't protect you from everything. In fact, if aggression or vociferous complaint seem like the best ways to win an argument, let your union rep (the one who works for the union--supposing that your union is a larger entity and not just the employees of your company) be the bulldog. They should be the ones that fight nasty for you so that you can maintain a polite relationship with your boss and leadership.
If you are not in a union but are pro-union:
If there are unions at your company but you're not in them, stand in solidarity with them. Go to their rallies, protests, and union actions when you can. You won't have the right to skip work to do this, so don't do that, but see if they are doing anything before or after work or on your days off. Encourage others you know to do the same.
If there are not unions at your work, consider looking into how to unionize. If you think unions don't make sense for your workplace, reconsider; they're not just for police and teachers and coal miners. That said, union busting is a real thing that is happening right now all over the place. It's important to be aware of that and do what you can to protect yourself.
Support legislation that supports unions.
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