#but they always wake on their ship or cabin once more
muzzleroars · 2 years
helloo I also go feral whenever you post I love how much thought you put into everything .. auuuoaua it's so good,,
I am curious, what are your thoughts on the ferryman?
aaaa thank you!!! speculating on lore and creating headcanons is one of my favorite things to do with media i love, so i'm glad you all like listening to my thoughts ;o; and double thank you for letting me talk about the ferryman!!!!
the ferryman is one of my favorite enemies in the game, but i think it makes sense considering how much the character has going on. they're a being that sits at odds to everyone else in hell, save for perhaps those in limbo - they are ashamed of what they were and long so much more for heaven than others seem to on the lower layers, while they also maintain a loyal love to gabriel when otherwise he is viewed with hatred for what he's done to the citizens of hell. so central to the ferryman is their loneliness, appropriate for a sailor on an endless ocean, who only has their faith to sustain them in an unforgiving storm.
however, there's a dichotomy to the ferryman - they stand apart from all the other sinners, yet they take massive amounts of pride in their work and it benefits those very sinners. i find it quite interesting that they develop their ships, they incorporate new technologies into them, but most of all, they make them comfortable. the interior of their ship is almost welcoming, a place where new and terrified souls could possibly relax if there is such a thing to the freshly damned. love is worked in, a care for those that are afraid because they understand that fear too and perhaps that's inherent to them, perhaps it's what gabriel did for them, perhaps it's both. so while it’s true that the ferryman is alone, they show an aching sort of love in all of their work from their idols to their ships. they are totally detached from all others, set apart from the sinners they still show thoughtful kindness toward through their work and separated impossibly from gabriel who they sculpt forever for in his long absence.
and their devotion to gabriel has to be discussed given how central it is to their character and what we know about them, how their ship is decorated to honor him with paintings, with sculpture, with his hologram. it's. utterly tragic, it stacks onto their isolation and their love and ultimately crystallizes it. they carefully craft the idols in his honor, the image of the virgin and child as tribute most likely to gabriel's role in the annunciation. to them, he is the gentle messenger written of in the bible, he guides with words of comfort and he is their unwavering faith in a world so desolate and broken. the ferryman knows they will never be saved, at least deep down even if they can't consciously admit it - they are an ailing sailor forever lost at sea and they know they did it to themselves, they chose their fate long ago, but gabriel's care is enough to see them through, to carry them forward in sin so heavy it made them tear their flesh from their bodies. they have mortified their physical form to its destruction and i have to imagine it carries heavy consequences, an agony and ever-present ache in their bones, a rattling cough from phantom lungs when they have nothing to protect them from the driving rain. there is a sickness to them, but still they write in their journal of gabriel, they painstakingly carve another idol of the holy mother, and they work, they work, they can never forgive what they were but he is there even if he never returns. love and loneliness. the ferryman only has themself, and so they hate their only company.
by the events of the game, i do wonder what the ferryman must be feeling, how they were nearly drowned in the souls that poured in from man's demise but since have no longer had any sinners to ferry. and for me, it means they have nearly totally withdrawn into themself, into the memory they have of love and are now forever looking inward. in my version of events, i do have the ferryman live without confronting v1, but it's honestly a complete accident - since my v1 is always flipping a coin, it does so when boarding the ferryman's ship and so they take it as payment. the action does surprise and fascinate v1 briefly, leading it to produce another coin in front of the ferryman to see if they'll take a second (an attempt to establish a pattern). but when they indicate that they need no more, v1 simply moves on and largely places them out of its mind, especially considering the rest of its passage. for the ferryman, they are as detached as ever, knowing not where v1 came from nor willing to wonder at this point. they are wholly within themself by now, totally isolated in their love for their idea of gabriel with so little else on their infinite ocean. they feel their illness working itself impossibly deep, yet know they will never succumb.
("small" side note to end things, i’m so TORN about whether or not I want them to have had any additional contact with gabriel after he saved them. i do think him coming to them once and never again has a distinct melancholy in it, one that suits someone at sea forever thinking of the one they love and knowing they will never come home to see them. and it sort of goes both ways in a sense, that the ferryman is both the sailor and the lover waiting, so it’s in line with their character. BUT in terms of gabriel’s character, i do like him attempting to keep some connection to the ferryman due to his increasing fear that he’s failing them, that he’s failing all the sinners of hell. with every crime he commits against them all, he feels that weight growing on his back and so he wants to have one sinner he could protect, one that he could save from heaven’s punishments. and so he sees them, very rarely, usually briefly, but always with words of comfort, of understanding, of affection. he knows their feelings for him and he can’t know how to respond, he wonders often if his visits do more harm than good...but they have nothing else, no one in that freezing rain. so i just. MAYBE i’m soft and sometimes i want him to give them a little warmth, a brief window where they stop working and their cough lightens. AUGH)
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scarletttries · 7 months
When The Straw Hats Fall In Love... (One Piece Request)
Pairings: Luffy x Reader, Zoro x Reader, Sanji x Reader, Nami x Reader, Usopp x Reader
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Monkey D. Luffy
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- When Monkey falls in love he's not even sure he can put his finger quite on what's happening to him. All he knows is that he likes it. A lot.
- Luffy gets excited when any new pirate joins his crew, his constant ability to see the best in people never ceasing to amaze the rest, but when you first set foot aboard the Merry it's better than he could have ever imagined.
- When you're around he feels a new level of confidence, like he's two steps closer to achieving his dream and everything is working out for him just how it's supposed to be. He wakes up every morning and practically bounces out of bed at the thought of seeing your smile and sharing his thoughts from the night before with you.
- He loves all his friends, but with you he feels a thousand feet tall, stomach bubbling up in excitement, no matter how much he's eaten. He's always bothering Nami at her desk trying to find cute islands to stop off at along the way, just in case that would make you smile and his life would feel complete once again.
- It would be Nami too that first helped Monkey realise just what he's feeling. The first time he skipped a meal to keep you company on your watch she'd realise this is more than just the usual Luffy charms. She'd be surprisingly thoughtful as she sat him down and talked him through what his feelings might mean, and if he thought it was at all possible he might like you more than a friend. What she wasn't expecting was for him to cheer at the top of his lungs, drawing the attention of the whole crew as he climbs aboard the table and screams for all to hear 'I'M IN LOVE!"
- Naturally the first thing he has to do is find you. He doesn't worry about if you don't feel the same way, because honestly that wouldn't make this feeling any less sweet, and if someone loved him this way, he'd definitely want to know. You'd be pulled from whatever you were concentrating on with a quick rap of knuckles against the door frame before Luffy charged in anyway, limbs flying everywhere as his feet skid to a halt just in front of you.
"Hey (y/n)! Nami just helped me realise I'm in love with you! Isn't that great?!" It's hard not to be taken aback by this, but with his big smile beaming at you, the young man practically vibrating with excitement at just the presence of his love, your heart quickly follows suit. Before you've even finished telling him that you feel the same his arms around wrapped tightly around you, pulling you into a hug of fierce adoration that he plans to repeat at least 100 times a day.
- Prepare yourself for; Surprise hugs and kisses when you least expect them, Luffy clinging to you every night without fail, afternoons spent on the ship's figurehead while he shouts echoing compliments to the oceans, midnight feasts, island adventures passed hand in hand, being told you are one of his new dreams, and unwavering support and loyalty.
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- Zoro knows exactly what that uncomfortable aching deep in his chest is, he just wasn't expecting to find it so distracting.
- Your voice calling his name echoes through his mind as he tries to practice his sword training, stirring enough that he finds himself glancing over his shoulder periodically just to ensure you haven't snuck up behind him, probably to check on him in that soft, selfless way you often do.
- Your face is the last thing that flashes before his eyes whenever he's in the throes of a sword fight, an extra consideration in how hard he has to fight to survive, to make sure he always makes it home safe to you. He'll never admit it but after a particularly dangerous day he'll often be found sleeping against the wall beside your cabin door. He finds he can't sleep sometimes unless he knows you're safe, and he'd never be so bold as to invite himself in.
- Your laughter always manages to bring a smile to his face, so much so that he envies Sanji's ability to make witless retorts that always manage to draw that sweet sound out of you. He asks Usopp to teach him a few jokes, but quickly leaves that lesson when he realises all these 'jokes' are just long stories of his so-called bravery.
- Zoro finds when he lays down to sleep, you are all he can dream of. The times you spoke that day, the way you looked as you shared a meal with the others, the efforts you put in to keep the crew safe and well. It floods his chest with warmth as you dance through his thoughts, spurring him to try and find even more excuses to be close to you the following day. To have a few extra moments by your side to help him drift off again.
- Zoro may think he's a stoic man of mystery, but after the first time he falls asleep leaning against your doorframe you start to get an idea of the depth of his feelings. You watch him warm to you and you alone, chasing your company every chance he can take it, and keeping a watchful eye over you whenever the situation turns dangerous. So after one of your more dangerous adventures, you listen out for the tell tale clanging of his swords as he sets up his camp outside your door, and finally you pull it open just a touch, enough for your words to escape without the swordsman having to face you.
"I always feel safer with you near Zoro, but why don't you come in so you can rest a bit more comfortably too?" You listen to the heavy pause your invitation leaves in the air until finally the door pushes slightly more open, and Zoro steps into your cabin, more bashful than you've ever seen him. As you take him gently by the hand and lead him to the untucked edge of your bed, you can feel your own heart swell with anticipation, the threshold of your door crossed and an invisible boundary broken down along with it.
- Prepare yourself for; furtive smiles thrown your way when no-one else is looking, a firm hand on yours whenever you two have to leave the ship, nights passed in peaceful quiet with Zoro's head resting on your lap, Zoro never far away when you're going about your day, grumpy grunts whenever Sanji flirts with you, and quiet confessions of the depths of his love when all is dark and still.
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- Nami is furious. She's spent so much time and work putting up walls and barriers to keep her heart safe. To keep herself undistracted. To make sure she's a lone wolf that can look after number one when she needs to. And you hopped over every wall of her fortress with a simple hello and a trusting smile.
- Nami's the type to be in denial at first. She can't get lost in your beauty if she barely makes eye contact with you. She can't hang on your every word if you two hardly talk. She can't be in love with you if she convinces herself that she can't stand you, and keeps herself busy and out of your way.
- Unfortunately for her, absence only makes the heart grow fonder, and all of her efforts to change her mind only leave her craving your company even more. When she relents and sits next to you for the next cabin meal she feels a surge of guilt at her avoidance when you offer her the widest smile and say you're so happy to see her after she's been so busy. You were worried she wasn't looking after herself so you make sure Sanji gives her the biggest bowl before Luffy can come and claim it. At that point Nami knows there's no use fighting her feelings for the one person she can trust to look after her and her heart, even if she's spent most of her life convincing herself she doesn't need that. Her hand slides slowly across the bench until her little finger brushes against yours, the brief contact enough to light a spark in you both.
"I'll be around a lot more now."
- Prepare yourself for; Late night confessions under the stars, sitting with your legs intertwined as she works on maps, Nami always taking the seat next to yours and giving a death glare if one of the boys gets there first, evenings passed in small town bars learning card games and scooting your seats ever closer to each other, arms wrapping around your waist whenever you're working on something that requires your full attention, and being the safest place for one another in a chaotic pirate life.
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- Sanji has felt the aching touch of affection before, the ever flirty chef finding himself distracted by the beauty of many passing women, but from the minute he lays eyes on you, he knows he's never felt like this.
- He wants to flirt with you the way he's been practicing for years, but he finds whenever you smile up at him he gets short on breath and can only stare helplessly at you while you fill in the awkward silence. It takes him weeks of desperate longing before he can even hold a conversation with you, the sly smile plastered on his face more sincere than he would ever let on.
- He makes all your favourite foods, as often as he can get away with, putting in extra care and attention to the plate he plans to give to you. Every time you hum happily and praise his work, he feels weightless and euphoric, grateful for the hours spent honing his craft for the opportunity to impress you.
- It becomes a running joke amongst the crew that you're the only person Sanji won't flirt with, the behaviour all the more obvious by how red he turns whenever Zoro points it out to him, taking the chance to do an awful impression of Sanji flirting with you and coming out with lines Sanji views as completely unworthy of your ears. The truth is there's nothing he could say to make you love him with the unwavering depth that he loves you, no words that could capture the sheer wonder of your essence, the light that shines on him with every moment spent in your presence.
- You decide to take mercy on the chef one morning, waking before the rest of the crew and joining Sanji in the kitchen while he prepares to make everyone breakfast. He thinks about making a heartfelt comment about 'to what does he owe the pleasure of your company' or 'how it's unfair to visit him so early as it means his day will have already peaked' but he can't find the combination of words you deserve to hear so instead he just beams and says good morning, eyes devoted following your movements as you settle onto the kitchen counter beside where he's working.
"Sanji, why don't you flirt with me?" The question has hung in the air unspoken a dozen nights before, but today it's fired directly at him, sending his pulse racing as his mouth seems to seal shut of its own accord. He puts down the bowl he was intently stirring and approaches you instead, carefully tiptoeing the so obvious line between you.
"Well when I flirt with everyone else it's just harmless fun. It doesn't mean anything."
"And what would it mean with me?" He should have seen your follow up coming, the knowing look in your eyes spurring him to finally voice the affections that have plagued him for weeks.
"Everything." He watches open mouthed as your fingers run down the length of his tie before capturing the end, pulling him slowly towards your grinning lips and finally letting him find his confidence again.
- Prepare yourself for; breakfast in bed that quickly descends into heated kisses, being lifted onto the kitchen counter so Sanji can periodically stop by to kiss you while he cooks, cakes with soppy sentiment iced on top left outside your door throughout the day, unwavering physical affection regardless of whose around, a litany of sweet nicknames muttering directly into your ear as he nuzzles into your neck, and your lips being the sweetest thing the chef has ever tasted.
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- Usopp is no stranger to the feelings of love, having already stilled his heart once for a love that couldn't be, he finds himself once again falling head over heels when you enter his life.
- A man of outlandish tales and dramatic exploits, the first hint that you might be someone special to him is the fact that when he's alone with you he only wants to tell the truth. No dramatics, no exageration, when he's with you Usopp just wants to tell you everything that he's ever experienced exactly as it happened. He needs you to know the truth about his life, he needs you to see the real him, he needs you to look at him for exactly who he is, so you can decide if that's an Usopp you can love.
- He often offers to make you a warm tea before bed, when the ship is quiet and he can steal a moment of privacy, so the two of you can stare out the small rounded windows in your cabins and just let your thoughts and feelings spill out like water bubbling too close to the surface. He finds himself enthralled with your reactions to his tales, the kindness you offer him when he speaks of his mother, the genuine praise to even his minor accomplishments, and the shared joy when you two recount you time with Luffy.
- When he ends your talks, when you're both struggling to keep your eyes open and threatening to drift off in each other's arms and he finally gets up the resolve to excuse himself so you can rest, he always ends them by telling you that you're the only person who knows that story. You think he's just making you feel special, that he's known for sharing these glimpses into his past, but the truth is that you ARE special and only you have ever heard this side of Usopp before.
- Usopp speaks so honestly and so freely around you that he finds himself having to hold back describing his feelings for you most nights. He hates that that's the one thing he's yet to be honest about, but he knows that with every passing night, his confession only becomes more inevitable. What he doesn't expect is you leaning across the small bench you two are curled up on and placing a soft kiss on his cheek at the end of one night, and telling him you hope he will always share his stories with you. The beaming smile on his face as he promises he'll keep telling you stories forever, leaning back in for a kiss of his own, reveals as much as his words do.
- Prepare yourself for; Usopp dancing with you at inopportune moments, you being the greatest source of his strength and bravery, hunting through markets for little matching accessories, lying on the beach together whenever an island's weather allows, never keeping any secrets, and the arms of the bravest pirate boyfriend constantly wrapping around your waist.
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animatorweirdo · 10 days
Imagine being a Telerin child, and accidentally getting taken to Middle Earth
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You were a child of a telerin sailor. You and your father were preparing to return to your home island until the darkening happened and the kin slaying followed. Your father hid you, but then you had to watch as he was killed right in front of you. You then get accidentally brought along to Beleriand by the Noldor after they stole your father's boat.
Warnings: Heavy angst, kin slaying, blood, seasickness, starvation, burning of the ships, Tyelpe being the only one nice to you, you technically become an orphan and get adopted by the murder family.
-  You remember that night like it was yesterday. 
- You and your father were walking across the harbor of Alqualonde, hand in hand, returning from a celebration. You were holding your plushie and a bag of candy after convincing your father to buy you one. He had always been more lenient in getting you candy than your mother who was more strict and insistent in eating healthy food. He had always been a huge softie for you, and you loved him for it. 
- When you were talking about what you wanted for dinner, everything suddenly became dark. The streets were lit by the street lamps, but now the only thing that lit the sky were Varda's stars. You didn't comprehend what was happening, except that it caused a lot of panic and that you heard that something had happened to the two trees. 
-Your father took you to his boat when you started to get scared by the darkness. The cabin was filled with lights, and you were no longer scared when your father comforted you. He tried to explain what was happening and assured you that you would go home once the valars did something about the darkness. 
- You then remember falling asleep. You were tired after playing a lot in the celebration and your father encouraged you to rest, deciding to help those in need at the harbor with his crew in the meantime. 
- You did not know how long you slept, most likely a few hours, but you remember waking up to strange sounds.  Something was happening outside the cabin since you heard loud yelling, and what sounded like metals being hit together. You became scared when you heard someone scream and fall into the water. 
- Your father then slammed through the door. His eyes were filled with fear and you noticed a deep red stain on his arm. 
- You asked what was happening when he suddenly picked you up and told you to hide beneath the floorboard. You did what he asked and he then said that no matter what you had to stay hidden. 
- You heard someone banging on the door of the cabin. 
- Your father closed the floorboard and you heard someone burst through the door. You heard talking and pushed the floorboard just a little to see what was happening. You saw your father and another elf, who was holding a long sharp-looking weapon. Your father pleaded but the other elf then swung the sharp weapon at your father. You slapped your hand against your mouth when you saw your father fall to the floor, motionless and lying on his own blood. 
- You closed the floorboard, and for a moment you thought the elf heard you. You heard him walk above the floor, and you kept quiet despite the tears that fell freely from your eyes. You heard him stay near the floorboard before walking away.
- You held on to your plushie while crying. You kept quiet when you heard more elves walk in, and a voice, telling you to take your father's corpse away. You then listened to your father being dragged across the floor, making you cry harder. 
- You wished this was a bad dream and hoped your mother or anyone from your father’s crew came to get you, but no one came. 
- You did not know how long you were there, but you heard the voices from outside quiet down and many footsteps step on board your father's boat. 
- They said something about sailing and after minutes you felt the boat move. You felt scared since the elves were stealing your father's boat. You did not know what to do and remained quiet for half an hour. 
- But soon you heard the ocean sing in fury and felt your father's boat sail through a furious storm. Your father's boat managed to endure, but you grew sick from getting tossed from side to side. It might have been because you ate too much candy, cried for many minutes, and witnessed your father's death, but you then vomited from the continuous sailing. Whatever these elves were doing, they did not know how to sail a boat.
- Your father never feared storms when Ulmo and one of his maiars became angry, he actually made you fear it less, but with these elves, you felt like you were going to die. 
- After surviving through the storm, you felt sick and thirsty. The smell of your vomit did not help you. 
- Your body felt cramped after so much hiding, so you dared to take a look above the floorboard. You remember your father storing some clean water bottles in the cabin, so you had an idea that if you could sneak in and grab one of the bottles, you could quench your thirst.
- You kept quiet when you saw three elves in the cabin, talking about something. One of them seemed like a kid by their voice. They said something about a curse and the boy wanting to be back with his mother. The elf, his father, said that they could not turn back now and told the boy it was the end of the discussion. You quivered when you realized the elf was the one who killed your father. 
- You saw the two elves leave the cabin, leaving the kid on your bed. You took the chance to quietly climb out and crawl toward the cabinet where the water should be. 
- However, you did not think the elf kid would notice you so quickly and found you hiding behind some boxes. 
- In panic, you tried to crawl back to your hiding place, but he was quick to calm you down and assure you that he was not going to hurt you. 
- He was soft-spoken, so you did not feel immediately threatened. He looked similar to the elf who killed your father, but in his eyes, he held gentleness and barely looked a few years older than you. He handed you your bag of candy, assuring you he did not take any, and since he had a feeling it belonged to you. 
- His presence felt somewhat comforting and when he asked if you were sick since you were pale and still had some spots of vomit on your clothes. You told him you had been hiding beneath the floorboard and puked when they sailed through the storm.
- You half expected him to laugh at you since puking through a storm was seen as pretty embarrassing, but he instead apologized since his kin were not very good at sailing and gave you a blanket to keep you warm and water when you told him you were dying of thirst. 
- After chugging down the water, you asked if they kidnapped him too. 
- He looked ashamed and then told you he was not being kidnapped. His father made him come with the rest of their family.
- You then tried to ask why his kin killed your father and stole his boat, and where were they sailing. 
- He looked even more ashamed and then told you what had happened to his great grandfather and that the dark vala Melkor stole something important from his family. However, he did not know why his grandfather and father decided to harm your kin. 
- You felt scared and asked if they were going to kill you too if they found you. 
- The elf boy seemed startled and quickly assured he would not let any harm come to you. He might not be able to go back home, but he will not let his father and family hurt you. 
- You doubted his words a little but felt comforted. You two then became friends and you learned his name to be Tyelperinquar. It was a bit hard for you to pronounce so he allowed you to call him Tyelpe for short. 
- Tyelpe gave you company and comfort, staying on guard when someone was coming to the cabin and telling you to hide when you had to. You honestly felt more safe with him, and even grew to like him enough to share your candy with him. 
- But then the sailing came to an end. You had reached the land called Beleriand. You stayed hidden when Tyelpe's father and uncle came to fetch him and told him they were going to camp outside on the beach. 
- Tyelpe agreed to go with them and left the cabin, leaving you hiding beneath the floorboard. You didn't dare to peak outside, so you tried to wait for Tyelpe to come back. 
- But after such a long night of hiding and sailing, you fell tired, so you grabbed the blanket and slept under your bed to stay hidden. 
- You did not know how much time had passed but then you woke up to someone gently shaking you awake. You were startled till you realized it was Tyelpe. 
- He told you most of the things had been taken to the beach and that he sneaked out when he had the chance. He said you should come with him to another hiding spot because you had not eaten the whole night. 
- You wanted to reject the thought but your stomach gave an audible answer, crumbling painfully. You could not then deny that real food would taste good. You were kinda getting sick of eating candy. 
- Tyelpe gave you his cloak, telling you it would hide your face and make others think you were just one of the Noldor kids brought along. You felt fearful but agreed to the idea. He gave you his cloak, which was slightly too big but did the job of hiding your features, and then led you outside.
- You were shaking when you saw the Noldor unloading boxes and raising tents on the beach. The idea of them hurting you haunted you as you were not one of them, just an accidental stowaway. 
- Tyelpe helped you out of your father's boat and then led you to his tent. He was able to convince his father he was big enough to sleep on his own, thus he was able to bring you somewhere alone and have warm food without suspicion.  
- You were usually picky when it came to plain bread, but this time it tasted better than candy. You would not have complained if you got your mom's terrible fish soup.
- After having a proper meal, Tyelpe allowed you to sleep on the same bed as him because then he would be able to hide you beneath the blankets if anyone came to see him. You felt tired and thanked him for being a good Noldor instead of a bad one. 
- Tyelpe tried to comfort you when you remembered the moment when your father was killed and even apologized for his father doing something so cruel.
- You said you did not hate him because it was his father who had hurt your dad, not him. 
- Tyelpe then assured you that he would look out for you and not let anything or anyone hurt you, not even his father. 
- You two then shared stories to pass the time, giggling at funny things that happened with your families. You even teased him a little as he was nicer than his father. You then fell asleep on the way and did not remember much of what happened after. 
- Except when you heard yelling and saw something burning outside the tent.
- You woke up Tyelpe and urged him to go outside with you to see what was happening. However, when you two ran outside, to your horror, the Noldor were burning up all your kin's boats, including your father's boat
- Tears ran down your cheek, and when someone noticed you standing with Tyelpe without your cloak on, you ran away into the woods. Anything to get away from the monsters that were the Noldor. 
- Tyelpe followed after you, calling out to you and trying to make you stop before you ended up hurting yourself. 
- You didn't get too far when you realized it was awfully dark, reminding you of the darkness that darkened the harbor of Alqualonde. 
- When Tyelpe caught up with you, you cried in anguish. With your father's boat gone, you will never get back home and return to your mother. The Noldor's cruelty knew no end. 
- Tyelpe tried to calm you down, but you were too deep in your anger and sorrow. He had no idea why his family would do such a thing since half of the hosts were still in Valinor. They were supposed to send someone to sail them over so they could face Morgoth together. 
- You asked what was the difference between them and the dark Valar, they were just as awful as him. 
- Tyelpe tried to comfort you, but the moment was short-lived when you two were found by his father and kin. 
- You trashed against one of the elves, who harshly grabbed you and brought you back to the beach with Tyelpe. 
- You called all types of names, even those your parents would have been appalled to hear coming from your mouth.
- You were brought in front of Tyelpe's family and you were ten times more terrified to look Feanor himself in the eye. But your mouth might have run itself in anger and you continued calling them monsters. 
- They demanded to know why you had come along with them, and you angrily yelled how you were hiding in your father's boat before they killed him in cold blood. You didn't dare to try to flee when they came aboard and then stole your father's boat. You were even more upset by how they had burned it along with other boats they stole from your people. 
- Tyelpe's father then snapped at you when you continued running your mouth, and when he tried to touch you or grab you, you bit his hand, making him yell and pull away. 
- When he looked like he was about to hit you, Tyelpe suddenly ran between you and prevented it from happening, pleading him not to hurt you. 
- His father seemed angry when he realized Tyelpe knew about you, and despite fearing his father's anger, Tyelpe tried to stand his ground, explaining he found you when they had already sailed away from Alqualonde and that you were scared. 
- The situation was intense and you couldn't help but quiver while hiding behind Tyelpe. 
- Then two of Tyelpe's uncles, the tall red-haired one and one dark-haired one turned toward Feanor and told him you possessed no threat to them as you were only a child that got accidentally brought along. And since they were in new lands, there was no reason to throw you out. 
- You did not hear much of what they said. You were certain they were going to kill you like your kin, but apparently, they held some restraint toward children and Feanor decided that the issue was going to be settled later. It was more important for them to chase Morgoth as soon as possible. And the situation was left there. 
- You refused to leave Tyelpe's side as you trusted no one, and the constant hurricane of crying and angrily yelling left you tired and silent. It did not help when you forgot where you placed your plushie, holding it would have eased some of the tension. 
- Luckily, Tyelpe's family allowed you to stay with him and mostly left you alone, and since Tyelpe was still too young to join any battles, he mostly tried to look after you. 
- You had met a few nice Noldor elves before but knew nothing else of them except that they were excellent craftsmen and somewhat prideful. You were not used to that, most telerin were friendly and easy to talk to whenever you were at the harbor with your father. Now these hardened murderers, just gave you looks, somewhat filled with pity and you hated it. 
- You strictly remained with Tyelpe or in his tent, hiding in the cloak you were provided. 
- One of Tyelpe's uncles, Makalaure, if you remember correctly, came one time to see you. You were not really eager to see him since he had been one of those who willingly burned the boats, and simply asked what he wanted. He spoke softly to you that he understood that you were most likely scared and this was not an ideal situation, and then he returned your toy after hearing from Tyelpe that you had lost it. 
- You took your plushie back and uttered a silent thanks before refusing to talk any further. 
- He tried to sound comforting and that no harm will come to you, and that you will have everything you need, but you said nothing to them. You simply asked why he would care when it was so easy for him to hurt people and burn your dad's boat.
- He was quiet but did not seem angry. He then left you alone for now. 
- The rest was pretty much a passing thought. You stayed with Tyelpe most of the time and watched how things went. Feanor ended up ambushed by Balrogs and died, his son, Nelyafinwe then became the high king but then he was captured and taken to Angband. Makalaure then became the regent for the time being. It was kinda a hectic, especially when the rest of the hosts led by Feanor's half-brother came to Middle Earth, having traveled through Helcaraxe. 
-The tensions were high for some time, and then one of their cousins went to Angband and rescued Nelyafinwe. 
- His return eased the tension and the high king title was given to Fingolfin. 
- Your issue was then decided. Apparently, Makalaure was willing to take you in and turn you into his ward. You were not delighted by the arrangement, but knowing his other family members, he was a somewhat less bad option.
- Your life in Middle Earth did not start well, especially when you still held a strong resentment for them. King Thingol then found out what they had done and banned the Quenyan language, which forced them all to get new names in the Sindar tongue, including you.
- You were not happy about it, and gave Makalaure, or Maglor, a hard time when he tried to help you get a new Sindarin name. 
- So here you were now, away from the rest of your family, having to watch your only friend go live elsewhere, and now having to give up using your name. 
- You can only hope things will turn out better from there.
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teecupangel · 10 months
Idea for the Harpy!Desmond thing: imagine how insanely confused Desmond would have been when he woke up the first time. Like, getting used to losing your digits and now having wings must be hard. He wakes up, tries to rub his eyes, thwacks himself in the face with feathers.
The Harpy Desmond idea this ask talks about. Since I already wrote a Harpy idea with Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton, let’s go for another ancestor for this one.
Edward grunted and pushed the wing that had smacked his face, his head spinning from the unholy amount of these delicious devil’s drink that Desmond calls ‘cocktails’ he had consumed the night before.
To be more exact, since night had fallen until the sun had started to rise.
They had a good haul yesterday, pillaged from the Spanish galleons that tried to sink them while they were just going their merry way.
No love was lost back then.
They held a lot of supplies, including different kinds of alcohol and fruits that made Desmond make a squawking sound he swears he never made.
From there, Desmond ordered the crew’s kitchen staff to present these concoctions he calls cocktails and…
Edward’s memories start to grow foggy after the third drink that tasted like summer’s dream.
“Oh shit!”
Edward grunted as he was hit once more by a wing, making him grown, “Desmond…”
“Sorry, sorry.” The wing patted his chest lightly, “Fuck. I forgot I had wings.”
Edward let out a small huff, used to the strange words Desmond would sometimes say.
“Oh, right. I can’t give you the bird with these.”
“… I don’t have opposable thumbs, fuck.”
Desmond would sometimes forget how to move his body, especially when he had just woken up. Most of the time, his reactions and movements seemed more like he was supposed to have human hands than wings.
Edward didn’t try to pry, simply happy to have such a mythical being in his ship.
The crew truly believes he brings auspicious tidings.
And, according to one of the old sailors, ‘would keep the sirens away’.
Edward liked to have him on the ship because their enemies would always be surprised when he would swoop down and join the chaos.
He heard the door creak open and listened as Desmond’s talons scratched the wooden floor as he walked out of the captain’s cabin.
His headache was killing him so he tried to return to the blissful peace of dreams.
But he swore he heard Desmond outside, “Adé… can you groom my wings? Edward’s too drunk to pretend to be an actual adult.”
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eideticstark · 1 year
Federal Gambit- Part 3
Warnings: Minimal swearing, mentions of death, minimal mentions of self harm
Pairings: dad!Gibbs x reader, Hotch x fem!reader
A/N: Hello readers, thank you for sticking around. Here's the requested part 3! If you haven't read part 2, go back and do so. First off, I am so sorry it took so long! I just finished my first year of university a month ago. I hate leaving things unfinished so I'm coming back to this. This chapter is kind of a drag because it is all plot stuff but I'm hoping the story will be done with two more parts! As always, feel free to critique me and/or leave requests! Thanks for reading! <3
Tags: @ilovemark1951 @brooke-stinson @jazzymariexoxoxo @flyingmushroomss
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Leroy and Aaron quickly rushed to you. The blast was weak but strong enough to render you unconscious. Aaron called his team while Leroy dialed 911. 
“Stay with us y/n,”.
Coma Dream
Flashback to when you were 17
Leroy was about to ship out for another deployment. Lucky for you, he’d be there for the holidays. He decided to take you, Kelly, and Shannon, on a trip to his cabin he built but never got to use. Snow was gently falling. Leroy started a fire while your mom made you and your sister hot chocolate. Kelly draped a blanket over the two of you as you sipped your warm beverage. You turned towards Kelly the same time Kelly turned towards you. The two of you burst into a fit of laughter because whipped cream covered your noses. Shannon shook her head moving out of her spot to get you both napkins. Leroy admired the scene from afar, his blue eyes softened and filled with content. He couldn’t imagine a better way to spend time with his family. 
Once everyone was settled, you all exchanged gifts. Kelly gifted you a locket with a picture of you two sticking your tongues out and making a silly face. Funny enough, you gifted Kelly the same thing. Shannon gifted Leroy a vintage wooden hand plane and he gifted her a small wooden boat. 
The rest of the day was spent enjoying every moment with the family before the inevitable deployment happened. 
As soon as the holidays were over, Leroy shipped out, the family outing now just a past memory.
It was a crisp January morning. You were running a high fever resulting in you missing school. Shannon drove Kelly to school that day and where it all went downhill. 
You saw the news on TV and you couldn’t believe your eyes. Your mom and your sister were dead. You needed to reach your dad but you knew that was wishful thinking. It was impossible to reach him whenever he was deployed. With tears falling fast, you did the next best thing and called Leroy’s friend. 
You hid because those same people might go after you next. In hiding, it was only you and your thoughts. You drove Kelly to school everyday. It should’ve been you. And for that, you hated yourself. At that moment, you hated your father. But, you also knew he was the only one who’d be able to help you.
You don’t know how many weeks, maybe even months have passed. All the days started to mend together. You couldn't care less. The pain of losing everything is all consuming. There was nothing worth living for. You decided today was the day as you grabbed the bottle of sleeping pills. One bottle. One bottle and all the pain would be gone. Your hands shook as the pills rattled into your palm. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and felt a stinging pain. Your eyes shot open and were faced with your father in front of you. 
In true Gibbs fashion, his timing is impeccable and smacked the pills out of your hand. 
All your anger returned and you pushed Leroy with whatever force you had. You fell to the ground defeated. Leroy crossed the room and engulfed you in a hug. You broke down, finally feeling safe enough to do so. 
Present day at the hospital
“Damnit Gibbs, why isn’t she waking up? The doctor said she’s stable and should’ve been awake within a couple hours after surgery. It’s been a almost a day and a half” 
With a knowing glint in his eyes, Gibbs answered Aaron’s question. “She doesn’t want to.”
“And you’re not going to tell me why.”
Looking at the locket you never took off, Gibbs responded with, “Not my story to tell.”
Hotch decides that the best thing he can do for you is to work the case so he returns back to the BAU. His team has many questions but know better than to ask their unit chief. They gather in the conference room and begin working the case. 
Hotch started the discussion with, “what do we know?”
“Y/n enlisted in the marines when she was 18 shortly after…” Garcia’s voice trailed off.
“Shortly after what Garcia?”
“After Pedro Hernandez murdered her mom and sister,” Garcia responded with a sniffle.
JJ added, “Y/n Gibbs doesn’t exist after she enlisted. I’m assuming because Jethro Gibbs has a long list of enemies.”
“Garcia, what can you find on y/n y/l/n?” 
Moments pass and Garcia is puzzled. “Y/n y/l/n barely exists. The basic info is there but everything else is classified.”
Morgan, trying to bring morale up speaks up, “Baby Girl work your magic and unclassify the info.”
“Aw it’s cute that you’re trying. But I’d be breaking a dozen federal laws.”
Prentiss adds on by saying, “So now you’re afraid? You’ve done so before.”
Before the conversation went even more out of hand, Rossi tells everyone to “quit it” and asks, “Who classified the info?”
“Secretary of the Navy.”
The team continued digging into your life to try and make sense of it all. Hours passed and they still were nowhere closer to finding out who wanted you dead. 
A wave of realization put Reid into a ramble. “We’ve been looking for hours and what did we come up with? Everyone who could want y/l/n dead is dead or the file is classified. How can the unsub figure out who she is if even we can’t get into the files? Any government agency would have been on alert if there were to be a breach.” 
It was already late and Hotch decided to send everyone home and they’d regroup tomorrow morning. Right as the team began packing up, Gibbs and his team swarmed in. 
“Aaron Hotchner, you’re under arrest for the attempted murder of y/n y/l/n.”
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dragon-kazansky · 10 months
Captain Hands
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Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
The Revenge has a new captain, and with it a new first mate. Seems like you're both settling into your new roles.
Warnings: None. It's fluffy as heck.
Captain on deck
Izzy wakes up with a soft groan. He's still getting used to sleeping in the captain's cabin. It really was the most comfortable bed onboard.
Even more so because he got to share it with you. As soon as he made you his first mate, he declared that your cabin was with him. His old cabin, where you both shared many nights, was given to Frenchie. He was excited to have his own room.
As far as Izzy was concerned, your place was beside him. Always.
He turns his head to see you asleep beside him. He smiles. A beautiful sight to wake up to. He looked forward to every morning that would follow.
You stir. His smile grows. He lays there quietly watching you wake. You're still tired, he can tell, but he also knows that within the hour you'll be up on deck starting your duties.
Perhaps he can keep you to himself for a little while longer.
"Morning, love."
You wipe your eyes gently, ridding them of the blur from just waking up. Your eyes find his and your heart flutters. He's a gorgeous sight to see.
"Good morning."
Izzy rolls onto his side, his smile softens. His face is inches from your own. "How did you sleep?"
You return his soft smile. "Like a baby."
He chuckles softly and reaches out, grasping your hand with his. You let your fingers tangle with his own.
Moments pass in peaceful silence as you both just lay there and admire one another. You do not take from granted the time to just look at this man, not when you had nearly lost him before.
Izzy Hands was all yours.
The faint sounds of the crew moving about indicate that it's time to get up. Izzy sighs softly, his eyes not once staying from your face. Carefully, you reach out and brush some his hair back.
"Up and at 'em, Captain."
He chuckles softly and watches you get up first. He remains in that exact position as she lean over to pluck your discarded clothes from the floor. You have no issue finding your shirt as you begin to dress.
Izzy would never tire of seeing you. All of you.
As you stand to pull up your pants to your waist, Izzy sits up. The blankets fall down to his lap, keeping his lower half covered, but displaying his chest and his scars.
You turn to glance at the handsome pilot, a smile tugging at your lips. You lean over and steal a kiss. Izzy is pleasantly surprised.
"Come on, you."
He smiles as guide him out of the bed with your gentle touch. It takes everything in him to not wrap you up in his arms and kiss you until the sun goes down. Yet, he knows he has responsibilities he cannot ignore. At least you'll be there beside him.
Once you're both up an dressed you both make your way through the ship. The crew are already fed and working.
Since Ed and Stede's departure, things have felt different, but also the same. The crew was still a family and they worked harder than ever to keep their home afloat. Figuratively and literally.
As you opened the door you looked up and smiled. The sun was already shining down on deck and the crew were bustling about. You looked across the ship.
"Captain on deck!"
The crew all turned to acknowledge Izzy stepping out from behind you. He sighs and waves them off, hating the fact you announce him like that every morning. You get such a kick out of it.
The crew return to their duties and you follow Izzy up the steps. He let's Frenchie continue sailing the ship as he looks out to see. You join his side.
"Another beautiful day."
He turns to gaze at you. "Always is when I have you beside me."
You smile and reach over for his hand. His fingers once again find their home entwined with yours. You give his hand a squeeze and smiles, your eyes turn back to the sea.
"Better enjoy it while we can. He's still out there," you say.
Izzy turns his eyes back to the horizon. "All in good time, love."
Your heart flutters.
The moment is broken by Lucious who coughs softly to get your attention. You smile as you turn around and looks at him. He's holding two cups of coffee. You thank him as you take them from him. He gives you a shit-eating grin as he wanders off again.
Izzy takes a cup from your hand. "Nothing is sacred on this ship."
You grin. "I was kind of loud, huh?"
Izzy chuckles as he sips his coffee. He no longer cares how much the crew know. He's definitely heard enough himself.
You lean against the bannister and look down at the crew, cradling the warm coffee in your hands. Izzy swears he couldn't fall more in love with you, and yet, the look in his eyes says it all.
You catch him looking and smile.
Yeah, this was what you wanted. This right here. You wouldn't change a damn thing.
@callmemana - @jossambird - @moon-jae - @fandom-star - @coolninjavoid - @angiiepaniic - @ljaneyx - @lxsm2 - @rustedachilles -
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
A Minor Distraction - William Rex x Reader (Ikemen Villains)
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A/N: Part of Visions of Temptation 2023 hosted by @xxsycamore
Pairing: William Rex x Reader
Prompt: Day 7 - Public Sex
Word Count: 1133
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; vaginal fingering; public sex; female-bodied reader (no pronouns used)
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Sighing loudly, you sat up in the bed; it took a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the darkness of the cabin. It was day three of the cruise, and you were still not used to the rocking of the ship. Your gaze shifted to the body sleeping next to you – at least someone was able to get some rest in this unbearable heat.
You pulled the covers off your legs as gently as you could so as to not disturb Wiliam. When he had invited you on this trip, it sounded positively delightful – you had never gone on a cruise before and were looking forward to the glitz and glam he told you about. But who knew that you would be traveling in the middle of the most heinous heatwave? 
Your gaze lingered on William, jealous of his ability to sleep through this unbothered. 
“You can’t sleep, can you?” a voice from the bed whispered.
“Did I wake you?” you asked apologetically.
William huffed a laugh as he sat up in the bed. “How ‘bout you put on that dress you had on earlier, the red one that I said looked so pretty on you, and I take you somewhere. I think what you need is a distraction.”
William opened the ornate doors, inviting you into the grand ballroom. You had been here with him on the first night of the cruise – there was a dance held for the first class passengers, and of course William was invited.
It was a grand affair, bigger and more splendid than anything you had ever been invited to on land. Dressed in a dark tuxedo, William was the most handsome man on the ship, garnering the attention of many of the ladies in attendance. But his eyes were on you, only you, as he guided you around the ballroom. He had this special way of making you feel like you two were the only ones in the room that night.
Not much unlike now, where you both were, in fact, the only ones in the large space. Only now that you truly were the only ones in there, the space somehow felt lonely without all the other passengers. 
William walked over to the grand piano and took a seat on its bench as if he owned the instrument. He patted the bench with his hand, inviting you to join him. He turned to you, a wide grin adorning his handsome face as his fingers found their home on the ivory keys. 
While William’s eyes were on you, yours were on his fingers; flashes of red danced across the keys like red rose petals falling from its bloom. Soft music filled the air, its notes lulling you into a peaceful trance.  You closed your eyes, allowing your mind to relax and drift, wishing you shared William’s gift with music.
When the music stopped, you opened your eyes and looked at William. He was smiling at you; the way his head was tilted gave him a boyish appearance. 
“Do you want to learn how to play?”
“Yes!” you replied, trying to control your squeals excitement and maintain some sense of dignity. 
“Good,” he replied. William leaned over and brushed a kiss on your lips, equally as excited as you were. “Place your right hand on top of mine.” A spark of excitement ran down your spine as your fingers barely touched. “That’s it. Let your hand follow mine as I press the keys.”
William was a patient teacher, guiding you through each note and pointing out the finger placement on the keys. Always praising, always encouraging, even when you made a mistake. You lost track of how many times you played the same piece of music, but it didn’t matter – you were actually playing music with William. 
William stopped playing and removed his right hand from the keys, leaving your fingers floating. He positioned your fingers on the keys, ready to play the notes you had ingrained in your head. 
“What are you doing?” you whispered, once you realized what he was doing.
“It’s your turn to play, robin.” He flashed you a smile, bright and alluring; you weren’t sure you were ready to play on your own yet, but that smile was enough to convince you to play for him. “I’ll be right here in case you need any help,” he added as he rested his hand on his knee.
Swallowing your nerves, you waited for his cue to start. And much to your amazement, you were playing the piano. Your eyes were trained on the keys in front of you as you correctly recalled each note in the proper order. Too busy focusing on the next notes, you didn’t notice William’s hand slide from his knee to yours nor did you feel him lift your skirt and slide his hand under.
“William….” you gasped when you felt his finger slide along your slit, causing you to immediately stop playing.
“Keep playing,” he said.
“What if someone…comes in?” you whispered, feeling the heat rise from your core to the apples of your cheeks. 
“They won’t,” he said, giving you a knowing look.
Oh. Oh…
Reminded of what deeds your lover was capable of, you couldn’t deny the small thrill that shot your body, knowing that you were safe here with him. 
“Play,” he coaxed, sliding a finger inside you, his other hand playing the notes on the piano. Swallowing a moan, you began to play the piano with William. 
Or, at least you attempted to. 
How is he able to play right now like this? Unable to suppress your sounds any longer, you let out a soft moan. William let out a pleased huff of laughter and teased your clit with his thumb, sending waves of pleasure to course through your body. 
Your hips began to rock against his hand, your walls squeezing William’s fingers. The music stopped playing, replaced instead with your sweet sounds.
“You let out such beautiful sounds when I touch you here,” he praised, inserting another finger inside you. Your moans grew louder as he curled his fingers, reaching your most sensitive areas, the pleasure building inside almost overwhelming.  
Clutching the edges of the bench you were seated upon, you steadied yourself as your body began to tremble. Your eyelids fluttered as your lips parted, the only word slipping from your lips was William’s name as your body succumbed to his touch.
Without a word, he removed his hand from under your skirt, and gathered you in his arms. Breathless and boneless, you pressed your body against his, finding his embrace calming and soothing. He carried you back to your room, and gently laid you down to rest, sleep overtaking your body the moment your head hit your pillow.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival   @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee     @kookie-my-little-sunshine @pathogenic       @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @itsjudesfault @randonauticrap @xbalayage @xenokiryu
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
It’s a shame that BuggyxFem!Shanks as a concept isn’t as popular as Fem!BuggyxShanks of Fem!BuggyxFem!Shanks, because as a concept it’s just … so fun.
Red haired Shanks, empress of the sea, heiress to a title left behind by Gol D. Roger himself, a force to be reckoned with, a legend.
Buggy: “Shanks? Yeah. Don’t get me started on that cow. We bunked together when we on Rogers crew and every.single.morning she’d wake me up by letting her rankass feet dangle from her Hammock above me and rub them in my face. SHE DID THAT UNTIL WE WERE 16!!!”
But at the same time Buggy having been head over heels for her since they where 12, thinking she is the most gorgeous girl he’s ever seen, not conventionally pretty in any way, too angular and sharp for that, a red headed, hairy legged, bruised little thing with a toothy grin that was missing a few, but she was RADIANT. He still thinks the same when he sees her wanted poster ages later, face scratched up and hair grimey and messy, but with a determination and confidence in her eyes that’s a far cry away from the stupid teenager he left in the rain ages ago, as an even stupider teenage boy with a crush on the girl he called his best friend.
No, Shanks has always been beautiful… and that’s why Buggy almost trips over his own feet when he sees her at Marineford again, smiling at him like *THAT* , hastily assuring her that she looks even greasier than the last time he saw her and it may be completely unprompted but btw she totally isn’t his type anyways blablabla-
(But also Buggy being so accepting of transfem Shanks even after all these years that he could be ranting about her for hours, but as soon as a crew mate makes an awful joke about her being trans he just stops dead in his tracks, grabs said crewmate by the color and just yeet!! off into the ocean you go…. Anyways GOD HE HATES SHANKS SO MUCH-)
While shipping Buggy with a lady is smth I rarely ever indulge in ((only time being when Buggy is trans too, more on that later-)), this is SO CUTE.
Buggy: gods I fucking HATE that redhaired BITCH-
Rando: *says smth transphobic*
Buggy: Ah You Have Chosen Death, I See
Just. Yes. Buggy being a mega tsundere about it is,,,,, so cute. Gosh and Shank really WOULD be a greasy woman. She's a pirate empress with an alcohol problem and manages to make the gaudy horror show that is her wardrobe WORK. Buggy cannot handle this. It's infuriating. She's infuriating. He has never once ever liked her, he swears it, he hates her so much and he'll scream it from the rooftops, he WILL, and no he is NOT BLUSHING SHUT THE FLASHY FUCK UP-!!!
And here I go ham on my own spin on this~
I'm just imagining them both as cabin brats, transfem Shanks, transmasc Buggy. They're Uncomfortable. They're each other's. Things kinda suck in a weird nebulous way, and it only gets WORSE when they both hit puberty and shit gets WEIRD.
Buggy's got some soreness on her chest, and Crocus gives her and Shanks The Talk (the horrors), and now everything is WACK because Buggy is NOT stoked about BLEEDING for a week every month what the FUCK, that's STUPID!!!!
Shanks meanwhile is gangly, is growing into his body, is so wildly uncomfortable without the words to explain it. He's struggling. He's looking to the only person he Vibes with, the only one who he doesn't need to fake it for, and he's choking on the weirdest burning feeling in his tummy. It makes him feel a little sick. He doesn't understand.
Finally, eventually, somehow, someway, they're both in their room together, laying opposite across the floor, head on each other's shoulders, Buggy's curls under Shanks' head, Shanks' locks tuckling Bug's cheeks. It's quiet. It's comfortable.
And they talk.
"I envy you," Buggy starts.
Shanks meets the admission with his own. "I'm jealous of you."
"It's weird."
"Yeah.... same."
Silence reigns. Buggy rolls over, forehead pressed to the line of Shanks' jaw. There's stubble there. It makes the younger pirate want to be sick.
It takes a while until they finally get the heads together and realize what it was. Frankly, I love the ideathat Buggy chop-chopped her tits off, claiming they got in the way during fights and so did it often to "keep up the control". Shanks finds them at one point. Buggy goes to rain he'll down on him for it. He's just.... kind of staring, though. A little pale. Shaking. Buggy isn't used to that look on him. And then Shanks asks.
"Can.... Can I...?"
"Can you WHAT, you stupid redhead?"
"Can I try them on?"
"Wh-" Buggy tilts her head. Shanks doesn't make eye contact. He begins backtracking. Buggy reaches out, pokes the other in the forehead hard enough to send him tumbling to his butt. She's blushing. "Don't tell anyone I let you.... but yeah."
"Don't make me SAY IT, you moron!!!! You asked. I said yes. Get to it. Gods..."
So Shanks tries on Buggy's boobs in the safety of their room late at night. The only light cones from their lantern and the moon. It's quiet. It's peaceful.
Shanks stares at the mirror. There were no outfit changes, just a slip in and shift of fabric. Shanks is staring. Buggy is staring. It's quiet.
".... I'm paler than you," Buggy says after a few minutes of the other admiring the reflection in their small mirror. "Come here."
Shanks lets Buggy dab on some concealer, lets the other blend the color into a smooth transition. The redhead lets the blue haired pirate fix up the shirt, the breasts, the sash. Then both are turning to the mirror.
Buggy's chest is flat. Shanks's chest is not.
Shanks's clothes give an illusion of a curve. Buggy's clothes hide it.
"I look like a girl," Shanks says softly.
"I look like a boy," Buggy sighs.
They're quiet for a moment. Then Shanks decides to break the strangely fragile air. "I think... you'd look really good as a boy. If you... ya know.... wanted to be."
And Buggy side eyes the redhead for a moment before huffing. "You'd make a ridiculously pretty girl. Still gross, but.... pretty."
They share a look, then a laugh. Then they cry. Then the next thing either know they're hugging on the floor, trying to stay silent as they sob, clinging so tightly it was sure to leave bruises.
Shanks is 12, Buggy is 11, and they come out to the crew, hand in hand.
It goes better than expected. It is not, however, great.
There are many hiccups, and Roger is vehement on supporting both of the kids, on giving them the freedom and allowance to do and be whoever they are. Rayleigh is a little slower to the party, but he's getting there. Crocus tries to scare the kids with medical side effects of transitioning. Nothing dissuades them. Not much changes, but Buggy has a realization that he's maybe a little less of a MAN than something man-like. They're comfortable with themselves, and Shanks is still overbearing protective, Buggy's still explosively temperamental. ((And Shanks bit someone who called her far more ladylike than Buggy could ever be, right after insinuating that her Blue wasn't man enough. She did not apologize.))
Eventually, the crew manages to get in touch with Ivankov, and Shanks knows what she wants. Iva helps. Buggy is practically VIBRATING in excitement because Shanks looks so happy and healthy and good and is GLOWING and he wants to be just as flashy and cool and comfortable and-!!
And his body splits at the stab. He blinks. He blushes. He tries to force himself to stay together. He splits again. Iva is frowning. Buggy is trying desperately not to cry. Roger proceeds to come up with increasingly insane ideas, and they try them all, and it never works. Iva's hormones are a direct path, and seastone or sea water will negate the abilities. Buggy is.... out of luck.
Shanks tries to make Iva undo her changes. "If Buggy can't then I won't either!!"
It's not safe to immediately back-to-back change, Iva explains, and then Buggy plasters on a smile, fake and fragile and hollow and tells Shanks that if she does this, he'll kick her ass. She deserves to be happy, he says. He sounds genuine about it. Something about it doesn't feel right. The crew calls it his first "proper choice as a man". Shanks is bristling and Roger gives the men a harsh frown.
Iva considers the boy before them. "I may not be able to help this way," they admit, "but you can do it the manual way. It's medically possible. Many people do it, and there are many methods beyond just injections to achieve it."
Crocus, who had told both teens that it was impossible, tries to creep away. Roger catches him.
Ultimately, Buggy gets some T beginning at about 13. A late bloomer, Roger tells him warmly. It's enough for some mild voice changes, and Buggy is so excited, so stoked, so happy-!!!
And then he gets sick.
And then the crew goes to, names, returns from Laughtale.
And then Roger disbands the crew.
And then he and Shanks are alone.
And then two years passes.
And then Roger dies.
And then Buggy might as well have died for all that occurs in the wake of it all.
He loses access to all of his medicine, he spirals, he's essentially a dumpsterfire of a man, and then he grits his teeth, grabs the situation by the balls, and he makes his life himself.
Reuniting with Shanks at Marineford is definitely not on his list, but it damn sure happens, and he damn sure screeches his displeasure about it.
And he's only mildly angry that she manages to wriggle her way back into his heart as if she'd never left in the first place ((she didn't, but he'll swear loudly that he'd evicted her immediately)).
They keep it lowkey - at least as well as they can, between a lovesick lover girl and a flashy, easily flustered clown. Not much changes to common view, and between Buggy's rarely used network strings and Shanks' frequently underestimated poker face, they manage.
And finally? Finally, they're actually happy.
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wheels-of-despair · 5 months
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: You and Ralph venture out of your cabin! Words: 1.3k
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You wake to the sound of angry whispers.
"It's not proper!"
"Those kids have been through Hell together!"
"They're not married!"
Ralph's eyes open. You hold your breath and listen closely, watching each other beneath the covers and not daring to move a muscle.
"And it's despicable! Having to share a room with… with…"
"With my niece, and the boy who saved her life?"
"I thought you said his sister was on board! Send him there, or back to the lounge!"
"My girl wouldn't leave that boy to get on a boat and save her own life, and you think she's going to let him go because you said so?"
A proud smile spreads across your face. You knew Aunt Molly would always be on your side.
"Ugh!" The other woman groans in frustration, and you hear the door open.
"If you think for one minute that I'm--" Molly shuts the door, and your eavesdropping is abruptly cut off.
"She's got it wrong," Ralph whispers. "You're the one who saved me."
"Aunt Molly is never wrong," you smile.
"Then perhaps we'll have to agree to disagree."
"That won't do," you argue, reaching out to cup the side of his face. "Because we saved each other."
You're already close, but you both move your faces forward just a tiny bit for a kiss.
The door closes again.
"Food's here, kids! I let you sleep through dinner last night, but I draw the line at missing breakfast."
Aunt Molly sits on her bed and tells you about how the other survivors are being treated by the generous crew and passengers of the Carpathia while you eat, but you find it hard to concentrate. You do notice that she makes no mention of the argument with her roommate… whose few possessions have disappeared.
Molly leaves again when you've finished eating, and you and Ralph return to bed. You've never been so exhausted in your life. You're grateful for your tiny bed, and the boy you're sharing it with.
There are no windows in your cabin. The only marker of time is whispered words on well-timed bouts of consciousness with Ralph. You remember getting up to eat once more, and to visit the lavatory. You have a vague memory of Molly suggesting that you switch beds, now that Hettie had found other accommodations, and guiding you and Ralph to the slightly larger mattress.
You'd continue to sleep inches apart anyhow.
"Should we go find Victoria?" you ask, during one of those rare occasions you're both awake at the same time.
"No," Ralph sighs. "I don't want to see her."
"I don't want to see anyone but you," you breathe.
"Likewise," he says.
And then you both drift off again.
"I can't stop dreaming about it," Ralph admits another time.
You know exactly what he's talking about. It haunts you too.
"What would you like to dream about?" you ask.
"You," he answers.
"Perhaps if we concentrate on happier things, we'll dream about them?"
"It's worth a try," Ralph sighs. "I want to see snow. Real snow, not just a flurry. I want to be in a warm house, with you, looking out the window at the falling snow. At Christmastime."
"That sounds wonderful," you smile, closing your eyes and trying to picture it. "I'll make us hot cocoa... we can bake cookies… maybe it'll be so hot, we'll have to take our clothes off…"
"Mm…" Ralph hums.
You both drift off again, hoping to experience the romantic scene you've set instead of the horrifying vision of the sea swallowing an unsinkable ship.
It's not until after dinner, delivered by Molly, that you feel truly awake again. Your aches have subsided. Your brain isn't foggy anymore. Your body still wants to remain in bed, however, so you lie there on your back next to Ralph, looking at the ceiling.
"I think I'll enjoy being on solid ground again," you muse.
Ralph doesn't respond. You turn your head to see a worried expression on his face.
"Ralph? Are you alright?"
"Do you still want to marry me?
His question makes your heart stop. Is he having second thoughts? You turn your gaze back to the ceiling, rather than stare at him in fear.
"Of course I do, Ralph. Do you still want to marry me?"
"Absolutely, but… do you think your parents will allow it?"
"I'd like to see them try and stop us," you respond without even having to think about it.
Ralph looks taken aback by your comment.
"I love you, Ralph Penbury," you smile, squeezing his hand and gazing at him in adoration. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Whether it's an hour or a lifetime, I want it to be with you. And I don't give a damn what anyone else has to say about it."
Ralph's eyes begin to water. He leans over for a kiss. It starts sweet, but soon turns desperate. Passionate. Something you haven't felt up to in days.
"I'm so happy I met you," he breathes.
"So am I," you smile, cupping his jaw and staring into his beautiful eyes. You can't imagine spending another day without him.
"Let's do it," you suggest.
"Do what?"
"Let's get married."
"Have we not just established we're going to?" he asks.
"Let's get married now," you clarify. "They can't object if it's already done."
"Do you mean it?"
You nod.
"But… weddings take months to plan."
"Do you want to wait months, Ralph?"
His brow furrows, and you can see him weighing his options.
"You'd be willing to forego the dress, and the flowers, and the church? Your family being present? All those traditions? For me?"
"I don't need any of that, Ralph," you smile. "All I need is you."
"Are you sure?"
"Ralph, please don't think that I'm trying to pressure you into this. We don't have to do this if you don't want to. We're both tired and hazy still. If you want to--"
"No," he interrupts. "Are you sure you want me?"
The unsure look on his face pains you. How can he not see that he's your entire world? You lean forward for a deep kiss.
"Now who's mad?" you ask, pulling back with a smile. You cradle his face in your hands. "Of course I want you, Ralph. You're the only one I've ever wanted. And I'll still want you tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. We don't have to do this now, if you're not ready. I'll wait forever for you."
Ralph stares at you for a moment, then laughs.
"I love you," he says, leaning over to pepper your face with kisses.
"I love you too, Ralph," you giggle, lying helplessly under his attack.
"Well, my love, shall we find ourselves a minister?" he asks when he finishes.
You grin and roll out of bed. You visit the lavatories and fix yourselves up the best you can, and set off in search of a holy man. A steward directs you to the person you're looking for.
You had no idea a wedding could happen so quickly. All the ones you'd attended back home had taken months to plan, like Ralph said. Hundreds of guests, many of whom the bride and groom probably didn't even like. Thousands spent on venues and decorations and dinner for hundreds. So much commotion, the people it was for barely had time to speak to each other.
And then there was this. A quiet ceremony in a dark corner of a ship's library, days after an event that would surely be one for the history books. In the clothes you'd been wearing for days. No fanfare at all; just you, the man you love, and the man reading scripture who would happily sign the necessary papers for a young couple who chose love in the face of tragedy.
It was perfect.
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lieslab · 3 months
The depths between: Chapter five
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Chapter four
A/N: If you stuck around and waited for me to post all of this at once, thank you, it means a lot. This is my first mini-series and it's been really fun. Maybe I'll make another one at some point. Enjoy <3
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
The distant squawking of birds filled your ears. Another day on the ship, what adventures would you discover? You shifted and yawned. Before you opened your eyes, your arms stretched over your head. 
The soft popping and decompression of your spine caused your face to scrunch. The faint chuckle from beside you- 
You jerked up and your eyes shot open. Confusion filled you as you looked around. You were expecting to be tucked away in your isolated cabin on your ship. You were expecting the sun to be peeking through your window. The wooden walls had been decorated from photographs from home via painters tape. 
When a tail shifted and glistened in the sunlight, you knew something was wrong. Your heart began to hammer in your chest as your gaze slowly followed the edge of the tail. The torso blended into a stomach with well-defined abs. Two arms, a neck, and then a face. 
“What the fuck?” You mumbled as you reached up and rubbed your eyes. Surely, you must have been having a dream. A fucked up dream and soon you’d wake up refreshed. You’d realize this wasn’t real and life would go on, but it didn’t. 
When you opened your eyes, the whites of two eyes were staring at you. Eggshell white. No iris, no pupil, no color besides that murkiness. Had you died and gone to hell? Was, whatever creature this is, was it your punishment? 
“Hi!” A smile fell over the dimpled and freckled face. “I know you’re probably really confused, but trust me, you’re totally safe. I mean, you probably don’t think you are.” He frowned. “I swear, you’re totally fine for now.” 
“What the hell are you?” 
“Do you always start your mornings with so many curse words?” 
“I usually start them with a cup of coffee, but clearly I’m not on a ship,” you shot back. 
“Jeez.” He sucked in a deep breath and sighed. “Well, my name is Felix and I understand that this is a lot. You’re probably wondering what’s going on. Please don’t be scared of me, I can explain.” 
“Then go ahead.” 
“Right, okay. I believe you were on your boat last night when you were lulled into the water by a siren.” 
You pushed yourself up, scoffed, and rolled your eyes. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” 
“Really?” He cocked his head. “Okay, so say that didn’t happen. How do you explain this?” He shifted and lifted up his glittering tail. 
You paused for a moment and pressed your lips in a thin line. “Obviously, that’s fake.” 
“Touch it.” 
“Touch it. Since you’re so convinced that it’s not real, touch my tail.” 
“I don’t want to touch your tail.” 
He grumbled and dug his hands into the sand. He clawed at it and dragged himself towards you. All you could do was watch in part confusion and part fascination. 
Once he aligned himself closer to you, he stretched out his tail and let the scales brush against your bare legs. Your eyes widened in shock and then you gagged. 
The feeling of scales felt strange. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but you truly didn’t expect him to feel so similar to a fish. You jerked your legs away. “What the fuck are you?” 
“I’m a siren. More specifically, I’m a light siren. I rescued you last night when you fell into the ocean. You’re welcome, by the way. I saved you from a watery death caused by a dark siren.” 
“So…a mermaid? Merman, I suppose.” 
“Mermaids and mermen don’t exist. Those were tales created by humans to hide the truth. Everyone loves the story of Ariel, don’t they? Climbing into the human world and falling in love. That doesn’t happen.” 
“What’s the difference?” 
“Mermaids don’t sing and sirens do.” 
“Ariel sings in the Disney movie.” 
“The Disney movie is bullshit and you know that. Sirens have been around for thousands of years.” 
“So if you’re a light siren and you saved me, but the dark siren tried to kill me, where are they?” 
“He’s currently probably swimming somewhere and pouting because that’s what he does best. Dark sirens enjoy killing people and sometimes even the light sirens. Fortunately, I know this dark siren and we’re friends, so-” 
“I don’t think you’re really friends if he’s somewhere pouting because you saved me.” 
“Okay, so…” Felix’s hand reached back and grabbed the back of his neck. “Maybe I just wish we were friends.” 
“You’re friends with someone who enjoys killing people?” 
“I’ve been trying to fix him!” 
Your jaw dropped in shock. “I don’t think that’s how it works. I don’t know how your world works, but in my world, if someone killed someone; I certainly wouldn’t try to fix that. The word for that is murderer.” 
“People are fixable.” 
“Corpses don’t come back to life.” 
“In the ocean they do.” 
You groaned and dropped your head in your hands. After rubbing your face, you glanced over at Felix again. “Enough of that, where are we?” 
“We’re on a small island. I believe there’s a forest, but I don’t know for sure.” He gestured behind your head. “I haven’t been past the treeline. Sirens aren’t great at walking. There’s a reason why we live in the ocean.” 
“You don’t say?” 
“I’m starting to think I should have let you drown.” 
“Too late for that. Seems like a job for the dark sirens. If you’re a light one, you’d never do that to me, so I’m safe.” The smirk of amusement on your face dropped into a frown. “At least, I think that’s how that works.” 
Felix snickered and shook his head. “I haven’t been around a human in quite a while. It’s nice to know that some of you still have a sense of humor. I miss being a human.” 
“You used to be a human?” 
“I actually used to work on the boat that you fell off of. I was celebrating my birthday when I got drunk and I-” 
“Oh my god, you’re the guy who…holy shit. Wait, how did you turn into a siren?” 
“You have a lot to learn.” 
“So you really did save me?” 
He forced a smile onto his face. Even though his eyes were white, you could see the pain sewn into that smile. “Of course, I did. I wish someone would have saved me too.” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Next part: Chapter six
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xieni-logs · 1 year
arlan x reader who is a part of the nameless?
sorry if im asking to much omg
Seven Days
a/n: the request was kind of vague so I’m so sorry if this isn’t what you wanted! reader is part of the astral express because they’re technically the nameless
arlan is always a little more sad than he lets on when you leave. he knows you cant stay forever, but he wishes you'd stay longer. though, he understands. you both have your own lives and duties you follow; him on herta's space station and you on the astral express.
you try your best to visit him as often as you can, but the astral express's next location is decided on a vote. unfortunately, you're often outvoted when you suggest the next location be herta's space station for the umpteenth time in a row. every couple weeks, the astral express crew takes pity and end up at herta's space station. don't worry, you aren't bothering them. caelus/stelle has to visit herta and test her simulated world so you aren't the only one that needs and wants to visit the space station.
the astral express spends an average of seven days at each stop.
on the first day, you spend a good portion of the day looking for arlan. poor him, always so busy with a such a demanding boss. when you do manage to track him down, he's busy running around doing his tasks. he'll spare you a minute or two but that's all he can afford, unfortunately. you asked if you could stay in his room but he began getting flustered and denied saying “it’s not really clean so I wouldn’t want you to stay there- I mean I do but it’s messy and I don’t want you dirty.” you’re a little disappointed, you won’t lie.
the second day is far better than the first. he told you where and when to meet him. he's taking his lunch break at exactly 1:35pm so meet him by the vending machines, yeah? you spend roughly an hour with him; eating, talking, even playing holodisc with peppy! then he’s back to work. you’re free to go around the space station the rest of the time, or you can spend time on the express or hanging around in arlan’s room. arlan cleaned out his room so now you’re free to enter! after a long day of work and knowing you’re on the ship but he can’t meet you, arlan gladly melts in your arm as you both drift to sleep.
the third day is like the second, only you get a little more intimate with arlan. it’s odd really, he gets really shy after not seeing you for weeks. ok, in his defense, he hasn’t held hands or kissed anyone in weeks- months! it feels kind of weird to do it again, but he likes it. meeting arlan again is learning physical touch all over again. from holding hands with him being as stiff as a board and hugging but he forgot where his arms go to him acting like you guys are about to kiss for the first time, it’s honestly adorable. he’s pretty quick with getting used to physical touch again so by day 3, you’re back to naturally holding hands, hugging, and kisses! this time, you don’t sleep in his room at night. instead, you and arlan sleep in your cabin on the astral express!
the fourth day is probably the best, at least more fun day. he gave his personal leave notice on the first day and it only got approved for today. you and arlan are free to do whatever you want the whole day! maybe because it’s the most laid back day the two of you have, you both end up sleeping in. and once you wake up, you spend the next couple hours over a cup of coffee as you and arlan talk about anything and everything. unfortunately, there aren’t many date options for your situation so this is your best pick. the two of you enjoy the day together, enjoying each other’s company after a long time of not having it. at the end of the day, you both go back to the space station and end up asleep in arlan’s room.
when you wake up on the sixth day, arlan is gone. he’s off working, while you laid in his bed. it always feels a little lonely and melancholy on the sixth day. but this is the day you often pay a visit to asta and enjoy a chat over some tea with her. there’s not much you can do on this day, not much you want to do anyways. you’d make multiple rounds around the station, and bump into arlan if you’re lucky. small chats before he has to get back to the task at hand are sadly the only times you can talk to him. arlan misses you too, don’t think it’s one sided. he really is trying his best to hurry up with all his assignments but herta is a terrible boss; the faster he does them, the more he has to do.
sometimes you wish the seventh day never comes. it’s another day of only being with arlan during his short breaks. but its the worst day because you know there's no tomorrow to see him again. you'll wait weeks and weeks for a chance to see him again. to spend a short seven days with him.
so until you see him again, little goodmornings and goodnights sent seemingly at random due to the time differences, calls that go from minutes to hours long, and a lot of pictures of things around the both of you sent to each other will have to do.
more a/n: i wanted to write about arlan visiting you on the astral express but it might be too much so maybe a second part/version to this. ended up writing this on the car on a 3 hour road trip, not edited or anything! not sure what to name this either so it’s kinda random lol
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sanji-needs-a-hug · 7 months
Law's Cora-san nightmares
Part of the reason Trafalgar Law didn't get much sleep was because of his noisy new friend, the Straw Hat captain.
Well-it wasn't really his problem-or fault,anyways...the easily excitable rubber boy was always sneaking in to hold Law in his sleep.
Although even if Luffy wasn't sleep-walking,he'd come anyways,saying his Torao was "lonely" or "cold",both terrible excuses for the simple fact that Mugiwara-ya was touch starved,almost as much as Trafalgar himself.
But unfortunately for our grumpy captain...Luffy didn't often leave him alone...surprisingly enough for Law,he kind of missed Luffy,who wasn't there for once,having gone to pester Sanji,who immediately knew something was off when he went to go check on Law.
From within the slightly open cabin,muffled sobs could be heard,Law himself tossing and turning in his sleep...this was unusual since Luffy was usually there to wake Law from his nightmares,but that idiot,Sanji remembered,had gone to stuff his face.
Worried,Sanji hesitantly stepped in,hoping Trafalgar didn't shout at him. Law seemed to be muttering something, when Sanji stepped closer,he caught "C-Cora-san....pl-please come back" Law sobbed again,flipping over to face Sanji. "I need you...pl-please come back" muttered Law,more quietly this time.
A chill ran up Sanji's spine.
His compatriot had nightmares of his past as well-Luffy had never told him this information...and Sanji felt compelled to help his grumpy friend while Luffy was off pigging out.
Sanji shook Law for a moment, hoping he wasn't about to have his heart forcefully removed as he did so.
Nothing happened, Law's familiar tired gaze finally meeting Sanji's when he sat up with a start "Sanji-ya...what are you doing here? And where's Mugiwara-ya?"
Sanji sighed and told him the truth, rolling his own bluish grey eyes as he slowly removed his hand from Law's shoulder.
"Tch...how predictable. " sneered Law half-heartedly,laying back with a soft thump and staring at the shadowy ceiling.
Sanji hesitated for a moment before reaching to take Law's tattooed hand and stroking the A for a while "I'm guessing this Cora-san was important to you." He murmured,seating himself on the edge of Law's bed ,still holding the latter's hand,who surprisingly didn't pull away,protest,or remove any of Sanji's limbs.
Sanji could tell his friend was thinking of whether or not he should tell the cook the truth, the only sound that could be heard was the waves lapping against the ship as well as a brewing storm somewhere above before Law finally spoke in a low,almost whispery tone.
"Cora-san was like a father to me....he died to save my life even though I tried to kill him."
Sanji blinked in surprise,his fingers brushing softly against Law's knuckles as the latter spoke yet again "I had a disease....he stole from his brother to save my life...that's how I got Ope Ope no mi...and why I want that feathery pink bastard dead."
Law cut himself off,looking away from Sanji, as if afraid to see his expression. It was completely silent in the room, even the waves had quieted as if eager to hear what Sanji would say in response.
The cook was deep in thought by now before slipping his shoes off and pulling Law to lay on top of him "I can stay here, if you want...you're not the only one who gets nightmares about their childhood."
Sanji didn't elaborate and Law didn't ask,merely snaking his arms around Sanji's waist and his head on the cooks chest.
This in itself was a surprise for both males,since one didn't like physical contact and Sanji was usually obsessed with women...and yet it felt so...right.
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aristobun · 7 days
" I used to dream of you, long before we met— " Vega speaks softly, her green eyes lifting to meet his orange ones as he stands across his chambers, the low mechanical hum of his ship being the only sound beyond their combined breathing right now due to the hour.
All his fellow warriors out in the open terrain of Yautja Prime were within their own dwellings, the atmosphere quiet and allowing for every single noise to become amplified in the interim. There was a very palpable awe in the large space now, in the wake of her uttered words, as Me'yta walks the few paces remaining between where he stands at the doorway and where she lays on the furs of his bed.
There is curiosity in his intense gaze as he comes to a halt right in front of her, a clawed hand reaching out to brush a fiery red lock away from the side of her face as he looks down at her. He's enamored with this human woman and he has been for the last three years, but somehow she always manages to pull even more surprise from him so randomly that he can barely even keep up sometimes.
His silence is a sign for her to continue, so that's exactly what she does while a sweet little smile rests on pink lips that now part once more to expand upon what she had just told him, her memories of each one of those dreams filtering into her mind as though they had happened only moments ago.
" I used to think that the creature was wild, untamable, perhaps a dark spirit that had come to claim my life and take me away from the ruins of the world, with their overbearing height and build. I could never see their face, but I could see their outline and that was always enough to frighten me.. and yet I always felt at peace within those dreams, as though a part of my own soul had come to reunite with me, " she explains, her emerald eyes beginning to twinkle with unshed tears.
Vega hadn't had the happiest of beginnings, her childhood wracked with loss and uncertainty, never knowing what each new day would bring her. She had never known her father and thus had always been her mothers daughter, following in her shadow every single day and learning so much from her as she grew, but that had all changed so drastically that she had barely been able to adjust properly. Her mother had been burnt alive right in front of her—the cabin on the edge of the forest becoming her own and yet, others kept their distance after that incident.
Her mother had been someone who practiced spells, but they were never wicked or unkind in nature and she had grown up learning how to use the earth and all its elements to her advantage, if she needed to, her mothers teachings still crystal clear in every waking moment she has now, but she seems to focus a lot more on herbal medicine. She isn't, however, opposed to turning Me'yta's fellow warriors into croaking little toads for short bursts of time whenever they disrespect her or him, though usually only if they disrespect him—she doesn't much care for defending herself against their words very often.
" I used to think that the being who visited me in my dreams was Death, as well, several times actually, but I suppose something so ominous that did not speak beyond loud grumbling is enough to make anyone believe such a thing. Little did I know.. that it was quite the opposite, " she adds, her voice carrying a teasing lilt to it now as she speaks. " That creature.. I'm sure it was you, Me'yta—now that I have belonged to you these last few years, I know enough about you to compare the two.. but instead of being something that gave the impression of doom and gloom, you gave me something else entirely. "
Me'yta is on the bed with her now, having crawled upon it about halfway through her little speech until his body is now looming over her own, pinning her to the furs with his arms resting on either side of her, bent at the elbow so his chest is pressed flush against her own while his orange eyes meet her green ones even more intensely now. A soft hue of pink dusts her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose with the gaze he has fixed upon her, the same response she always has to his staring.
" What have I given you, little vixen? " the deep rumble of his voice sounds throughout the quietness of his chambers now as he speaks, following a few moments of silence, as he lowers his face enough to frame either side of her own with his mandibles as they flare, framing her cheeks and jawline.
" Home— " she simply answers, the tears that were pooling before in her hazy eyes now being blinked away as they trail slowly down her face, a feeling of both love and pain engulfing her.
Pain for the loss she has experienced in her life, along with the loneliness that her loss had inflicted upon her, but also love now, that she had found in him, a Yautja. Nothing in her life up until three years ago could have ever prepared her for the inevitable fact that he had chosen her, that he was even intrigued enough to begin with, to claim her as his mate. She would never think about it too much, though, because there was no sadness attached to the choice he had made and the choice she had followed it with, to willingly accept it and to go with him.
Vega might not have understood a lot of things that led to the deep bond they now shared after the few years they have been together and she was still learning things every single day, as was he, their relationship very unusual to everyone but themselves, but she loved him just the same. She was very much aware that he shared that depth of emotion himself, as he told her so whenever he opened his mouth and it often took her breath away, the sincerity and conviction in his voice.
" I know you are a King among your kind, that you are expected to meet certain standards.. " she tries to add more to what she had said, but he cuts her off immediately before she can finish her sentence with a very deep growl, mandibles clicking in frustration so she does not continue.
" No, you know how much I abhor that title.. my lineage. I do not care for the traits I am to follow, the duty I am supposed to abide by—my fellow warriors insist on using my titles and revering me because of my A'da, but you know.. you know, I do not like any of it, " he explains, his voice a little rough. " And it would not matter either way, little vixen. I chose you as my mate three years ago and I intend to never let you go, that, you also know by now, " he adds, chittering and grazing tusks against her cheeks.
Vega is moved to silence for a few moments, though she was well aware of his feelings regarding his royal heritage and she knew better than to think for a moment that it mattered at all in the grand scheme of things, because she knew well enough by now how frustrated he became whenever she or his fellow warriors dwelled on it too much, or used his titles, because there was always a displeased growl.
" Yes, I know that you dislike all of those things, I apologise. I just.. sometimes think still that I am unworthy of you, Me'yta. I am just a little human woman who you found in a cabin on the edge of a forest during one of your hunts—who you decided you liked, " she laughs softly as she says that, knowing there was far more to his decision than that, but it's still funny to tease him sometimes.
Me'yta growls again as her words wash over him, his irritation spiking a little bit more in the wake of such nonsense, as he deems it so, his mandibles clicking in displeasure while his orange eyes darken before he opens his mouth to speak, to retaliate in some way, pressing her further into the furs.
" You know better than to tease me like that, little vixen, " he implores, mandibles still scraping lightly over her cheeks and her jaw before moving down slightly to graze over her throat as well. She knows he is dangerous but she also knows he would never harm her, but whenever he does that, it is a warning for her to cease her ridiculous notions and generally, she will fall silent in response. " You are everything to me and I will not listen to you believing that you are less than. You are my mate.. and by my standards, my equal in every single way. I do not care what others think.. do not care that you are human. You are mine. "
Vega opens her mouth to speak again, to reply to his possessive nature with a sweet little giggle and a compliment about how he always renders her practically speechless when he talks to her like that, but the only sound that escapes is a little squeak as he presses his forehead down against her own, nuzzling her gently in that familiar way he always does—keeping her quiet now, before he kisses her, his mandibles still framing either side of her face to be sure he does not accidentally nick her soft, fragile skin, his dreadlocks dropping down to shield them both like a little curtain, the beading within them clinking together.
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stardancerluv · 10 months
A Time to Love and to Fight
Part Twenty - Seven
Summary: Choppy seas ensue for Enjolras and his girl.
Notes/Warnings: Very angsty. Mentions of un-aliving. A view on soldiers during the French Revolution. Mourning.
Thank you for reading! ❤️s & reblogs are always welcome. Feedback is also very…very welcome!
The following week misery took a hold of the ship and its passengers. The ocean as the captain had promised became choppy as they grew closer and closer to England. You nor Enjolras went to the top deck, the two of you barely left your cabin.
You remained huddled in the corner, shaking in Enjolras arms. Visions of your father plagued you. Your heart had to wonder. Had the ocean been this violent when his ship went down. Had there been pirates.
Your mind filled your thoughts with horrible images. He would be grasping at empty air as he struggled reaching for life. Other moments were pure nonsense since it played on you not being able to pull him back to safety aboard the boat. And yet, tears still fell from your eyes.
You’d fall asleep against Enjolras in pure exhaustion from crying and fear. The boat continued to creak and moan from the onslaught of the ocean. It would go up and down with the waves.
Huddled in the corner, you held onto each other. Enjolras, did venture out of the cabin a handful of times to grab a slab of cheese or dried meat. Once he had even found and tore off some dry bread for the two of you. He’d insist on you eating before he would allow any of it to his lips. The days passed, how many you didn’t know.
He sat there holding you, his chin resting gently on the top of your head. Grateful for the candle light. This was better then being shot to death in an ally. He knew in his heart that would have been his fate if you had not stumbled into his life. If he had not taken your hand and ran with you; it would have been yours too.
Those animals would never have thought twice about it. Blindly loyal; not realizing their disposal bodies for people who doesn’t even know their names. His jaw tightened in his anger.
“Father, father I can’t…” You softly whimper muffled against his coat. Moving a little against him in your sleep.
“It’s only a night terror love.” He said softly and held you tighter.
You made another incoherent whimper, before stilling against him once again.
Blinking, everything felt different. It made him wake up. Gently, he rose and opened the door to their cabin. Hoping to hear something.
One of the ship’s mates walked past, a pleased expression was splashed on his worn and lined face. He stopped seeing him. He bowed slightly.
He waved off the gesture.
The man smiled pleased. “Mousier, we have finally reached calmer waters. Should reach England, in a mere day or two. No more then that.”
“Fantastic news.”
“Yes, tonight we will toast to the sea gods.”
“Most definitely.”
They shared a nod and the man continued on his way.
Turning, he smiled seeing you rousing. He came and sat beside you. He brushed some hair from your eyes.
He smiled as you looked up at him. “We have reached calmer waters, let us go up to the top deck for fresh breezes.”
The wooden crates gave a comforting stability in the too deck. Oddly, it reminded him of the day they had first built the barricade.
“I never thought we’d see the day.” You shifted under your scarf.
“I agree. Those rough waters felt like an eternity.” He paused, his heart began to pound. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Oh? What?”
Soon he climbed and clung to more crates and barrels, until he reached a higher place.
“Be careful.” You called out.
“I am. My hand is good.”
He opened and closed his now scared hand.
“Alright, my love.”
It was strong as it has ever been. Making sure it was stable he stood atop two crates. Shielding his eyes, he looked at the shadow that had caught his eye. A large smile cracked his face. “Mon amour, I do declare. I believe I see England!”
“Oh truly?” You stood and looked in the direction he did.
“Yes, that shadow on the horizon,” He pointe. “It must be.” Spotting a clear spot beside you, he jumped down. He felt amazing. They had made it. “It is my love. Our new life will soon upon us.”
You stood and closed the short distance between the two of you. A soft came from him as braced himself in your excitement. Blinking in the bright light of the sun you smiled up at Enjolras.
“We made it.”
His arms tightened. “We certainly did.” He made a prayer in his heart to thank Lachesis for once again bring the two of you together.
@henry-cavs-tudor @corrodedcoffn @dealswiththedevilsblog @randomstory56 @pl1nfa1 @phantomxoxo @ladybug0095 @the-iridescent-phoenix @maryan028 @kindablackenedsuperhero @amethyst-serenade @moondev1l @samunson83 @julieteagk @little-wormwood @wafflepixie @shadyhamiltonfanatic @gretavankleep37 @peacefroggg23 @capailluiscedove @poisonedeuphoria
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kaihuntrr · 9 months
part eight: high tides
happy new year! heres where the story really gets going >:D
There was nothing more calming than watching clouds pass through the baby blue skies. The cool and salty sea air filled Martyn’s lungs as he emerged from the lower deck, stretching his arms above his head as he yawned. He looked around the ship, noticing Grian talking to Scar, Joel standing with Cleo, and Lizzie steering the ship as always. 
It was usually quiet for the first few days into the hunt. Though, heading to the world border should have meant fighting something around now, shouldn’t it? Shouldn’t there have been some cool fight with a big monster by now?
We’re close to the border, but not close enough.
Martyn walked up to Lizzie, a small smile on his face, “Hey.” 
“Hey,” Lizzie smiled back and turned to face him, “Did you have a good nap?”
“Yeah, but no one rang the bell, so there’s nothing much to do,” Martyn shrugged. They could play games, do some leisure activities, or sleep. Martyn enjoyed his sleep. Martyn hummed, “I’m thinking of seeing Mumbo, though. Know where he is?”
“Likely in his cabin. You know he likes it there.” Lizzie shrugged.
Martyn should’ve assumed Mumbo was there in the first place.
Martyn nodded, “I’ll give him a visit then, thanks.”
“Anytime, hunter.” Lizzie smirked, Martyn stopped in his tracks as Lizzie giggled. Teasing? Again? Couldn’t those jokes start later? The Canaries should be lucky that Martyn allowed the jokes for their amusement. It was getting annoying, but it was manageable. 
“Do not call me that.” Martyn glanced at Lizzie, rolling his eyes as he huffed. Scott was the only one to call him that, no one else. Lizzie tilted her head and Martyn smiled. He’ll let it off the hook once.
Martyn walked back to the lower deck, being careful with his footing as to not creak any floorboards to wake Bdubs up, and knocked on the wooden door at the end of the small hallway. 
He heard Mumbo’s voice through the muffled door. “You may enter.”
Mumbo’s cabin was a personal study for him. Martyn knew how many books and notes Mumbo had stashed in there, even creating detailed illustrations of higher class monsters’ anatomy in case they needed it. Mumbo’s notes were refined in this room, too. He couldn’t just submit his incomprehensible scribbles to the researchers, so Mumbo was constantly working on those when there were no monster attacks. Martyn enjoyed his time there, spitballing ideas with Mumbo or examining every note on the beasts for as much as he’s able to.
Martyn opened the door and shut it slowly behind him. He looked over at his friend, “Hey Mumbo,” his eyes widened as he saw the mess of papers scattered on the desk before him, all sorts of illegible writing and crumpled up paper scraps now chaotically placed on top. Martyn glanced at Mumbo and the papers, forcing a small smile, “What are you up to?”
Mumbo’s cabin had papers attached to strings and cork boards along with a few framed fangs of the monsters they’ve killed, glistening in the sun as windows were placed behind the desk, giving light to the room. There were books neatly organized into shelves, all about the documented creatures and Mumbo’s personal journals from the fights the Canaries had been in. Mumbo was like a personal library, storing loads of useful information for the rest of the hunters to work with.
Seeing Mumbo’s desk in that messy state caused Martyn to start worrying. Mumbo himself looked rather disheveled, with his clothes messy and loose with his hair unkempt. 
Mumbo gestured to the seat in front of his desk, “Come sit down, I need to talk to you about this,” Martyn pulled the chair closer to the desk as he sat down. Mumbo looked at the papers, “I’ve been thinking about those legends and how they’ve been described….”
“It still doesn’t make sense to me,” Mumbo shook his head. His hands combed through his hair, trying to look a tad more presentable. “Sea princes are supposedly larger than any A class creatures. I can’t think of why they haven’t been spotted yet if they were that big.”
Mumbo had a point.
For a creature so elusive, it had to have some kind of way to hide itself. Martyn recalled the stories of sea princes being able to turn invisible, or go at high speeds underwater to avoid detection. Those monsters had some trick up their sleeve, and Martyn wasn’t sure what it was.
For some reason, Scott’s words echoed in Martyn’s mind.
“The sea is as deep as the skies are vast. You may not know everything there is to what lies beneath.”
People knew of the monsters and legends, but not much else. Scott’s words had a sense of truth in them. Capturing a sea prince would be the highlight of researchers. For something like that to be lurking under the waters, as dangerous as it was told to be, they could uncover more mysteries of the ocean.
Martyn shrugged, “Well, we don’t know everything about the sea, just its monsters.” He looked at one of the papers on the desk; a story about the sea princes forming the world border with a simple flick of their fins. Powerful monsters. He looked at Mumbo, “But if we take one down, maybe we’ll be able to learn more.”
“Maybe, but,” Mumbo leaned away and crossed his arms, “they sound very… fantastical,” he waved his hands, emphasizing the final word with a hint of skepticism in his voice. “Golden blood, a thundering heartbeat? It’s a lot to look out for.”
Martyn’s eyes narrowed in thought. It was a lot to look out for, which is why it was so confusing no one had ever seen one. But that was the reason they were farther out at sea, going to the world border. If people had been too afraid to look there, they might just notice it first.
Before TIES at the very least.
Mumbo raised his hands, “Don’t get me wrong– I believe in you and in this mission! We wouldn’t be sent out if it was an impossible task,” he sighed. He lowered his voice, Martyn looked at Mumbo in silence. “They’re just unlike anything in our notes.”
“That’s because they’re legends, Mumbo,” Martyn tilted his head, smiling. They were real, he was sure of it. Wasn’t Mumbo excited to find one before? Maybe it was the realization that the crew was actually looking for one, Mumbo got cold feet. Now wasn’t the time to chicken out. “We don’t tell stories of regular beasts because we take them on all the time. But no one has ever seen a sea prince before, so finding one makes it all the better.”
Mumbo chuckled, Martyn internally sighed in relief. At least Mumbo wasn’t too deep in his thoughts. “Better for you to tell a whole tavern? I don’t think you were supposed to say anything about it, since it’s such a big deal and all.”
Martyn’s eyes widened. Was he not supposed to say it? Shouldn’t the world know what they were doing? It wasn’t like the sea princes could hear Martyn announce it to a tavern. The tavern goers likely wouldn’t even remember because of all the drinking that night. They were fine. Besides, even if they weren’t allowed to talk about it, Martyn was bound to tell Scott. He just had to!
“Ah. You’re right,” Martyn scratched the back of his head. He smiled in embarrassment, “It’s… it’s just exciting to talk about. I’ve had this goal for a long time, and now I can almost reach it.”
I can almost reach Scott, too.
“Good on you then, but let’s not announce it to the whole world until we’ve done it, alright?” Mumbo raised an eyebrow and smiled, his jovial tone more pronounced. “It’s one thing to be on the mission, another to actually do it. I’m excited about it too.” There it was! That spark of excitement once again. Martyn could see the gears turning in the other man’s head, practically begging for ideas about these mythical beasts and what to do with them.
Martyn leaned closer on the desk, “You should be! It does make me wonder what kind of things Doc could make out of it,” he looked down at the notes of different A class monsters. Doc could create all sorts of things with their hauls, what more could he do with a sea prince? Martyn put his hand under his cheek, “If their scales really are the toughest material, maybe they could reinforce the ship better, or their sharp fangs could be used for harpoons….”
Mumbo nodded along, glossing over another tale of the sea princes; a story about their control over the beasts, manipulating them to attack human ships to feed off of the survivors. His eyebrows furrowed, “If their powers were real, imagine if we could–”
Mumbo was interrupted as the piercing sounds of the bell rang throughout the ship. Both Martyn and Mumbo’s eyes widened as they looked at each other. A beast was near.
Martyn pulled his gun out of his holster, immediately standing and rushed to the door, “We gotta go, come on!” Martyn didn’t bother to look back, he knew Mumbo would follow.
It had been beginning to get boring, but now the real fun would begin.
Martyn rushed out onto the upper deck as the ship swayed from left to right. He looked around to see the others with their weapons out and aimed at the distant beast as it swam towards them. Its vibrant red and orange carapace stuck out of the blues of the ocean, spikes adorned its back as the water began to part around it. Martyn could spot its fan-like tail crashing against the waves, coming ever so closer to him and his crew.
Martyn saw Cleo ringing the bell, but they stopped the moment their eyes laid on him and Mumbo.
“Nice of you two to join us.” Cleo smiled at the two as they pulled out their guns from their holsters. 
Martyn looked at the beast as it approached, holding a hand over his eyes, “What’s the beast this time?”
“It isn’t the size of a class B, so it shouldn’t be a problem,” Grian shrugged. He turned to Mumbo, “What do you think?”
Mumbo pulled out his telescope as he walked to the railing, “It’s a class D, scuttler–” he flinched as he saw the beast poke its head out of the water as it closed in the distance between them, “Its underbelly is soft, wait for it to jump!”
Scuttlers were simply shrimp, but bigger and uglier than their regular counterparts. As a class D, Martyn didn’t think of it too much. A swift strike to its underbelly, or breaking through its carapace to strike at its brain was enough to kill it.
It wouldn’t be a problem.
The beast roared as it sped towards them. Joel stared the beast down as he pointed his cannon at it and motioned to the crew, “Brace yourselves! Scar, Bdubs– fire!”
Scar and Bdubs shot their cannons, rattling the deck of the ship. The round metal balls hit the hard exoskeleton, causing cracks to appear in its armor. The scuttler dove down, resurfacing on the other side of the ship. Grian and Cleo shot at the beast, bullets pinging off its armor. Lizzie made the ship faster, swerving around the monster for the others to get a better shot at it.
Martyn whipped his head around as he heard a faint sound.
“What’s that noise?” Martyn looked around quickly, trying to make sense of what he heard through the chaos and noises of battle. The adrenaline rush he got in battle was usually crazy, but he was sure his own heartbeat wasn’t the one he was hearing.
Joel shook his head, his attention on the scuttler as he loaded his handgun and ran towards the beast, “Gah, who cares– focus on the beast!” 
The beast let out an ear-grating screech before scuttling up the metal walls of the ship. It reared its head back and bit at the edge of the deck, the top of its jaw crushing the railing along the upper deck as Joel narrowly avoided the sudden action with a stumble that sent him rolling to the deck, cracking his shoulder against the wood.
The scuttlers smaller claws grabbed the ship’s side, where the metal plating began, as it bit harder on the wooden railing. The reinforced wall made an audible crunch as the wood behind it chipped.
Martyn rushed to help Joel up, firing at the scuttler himself as he dragged Joel away from it. His bullet bounded right off its shell before the beast opened its jaws to take another bite at the deck. He looked up, “Lizzie! Can you get the ship out of here?!”
Lizzie shook her head. “I can’t! The thing’s grip is too tight! I’ll just take it with us!” She messed with the levers next to the steering wheel in an attempt to shake the beast. Her heart visibly sank, but she had a determined look on her face, “You have to kill it!”
Joel pushed Martyn off him as he pulled himself to his feet. “Cleo, Bdubs, with me! Shoot for its claws!” Joel shouted at the two, motioning to the beast before them.
“Scar, Martyn, you two wait for my signal! Mumbo, come here, we gotta lure it!” Grian gave Scar and Martyn a nod before he looked at Mumbo and grabbed a harpoon.
Mumbo hastily followed Grian as they began to climb the ladder, “Aw come on, why me?”
“Who wouldn’t want to take a bite out of a nobleman?” Grian laughed. He took small glances at the fight below him and Lizzie attempted to move the ship, shaking his head with a smile before climbing faster.
“Joel, running out of bullets here!” Cleo loaded the last of their ammunition and fired it off on the scuttler’s armor as it continued to slowly chip away.
“Take a harpoon then!” Bdubs hurriedly grabbed one of the large spears and tossed it Cleo’s way. They grinned and threw the weapon at the monster’s forehead and the scuttler roared as it let go of the ship. Bdubs locked eyes with Grian as the captain signaled for them to stop, “Get down!”
“Up here, monster!” Grian shouted, readying his harpoon. The crew ducked, flattening themselves against the ship, leaving Grian and Mumbo as the only visible targets. The scuttler growled and dove down beneath the water.
Martyn and Scar hefted their own harpoons. Martyn clenched his in a tight grip as he prepared to jump.
The scuttler rose out of the water, exposing its underbelly.
“Scar, Martyn, now!”
Martyn locked eyes with Scar for a brief moment before the two of them took a running leap off the side of the ship and drove their spears into the beast’s soft underside. The scuttler wailed and thrashed wildly but collapsed backwards into the sea. Water splashed and rocked the hunting ship as Scar and Martyn stood on the monster’s still convulsing chest, waiting in anticipation for the few seconds it took before it stopped moving.
One beast down, a lot more to go.
Martyn took a deep breath. Hunting was fun, but gods, it was tiring sometimes. 
“Good job there, Martyn!” Scar wrapped his arm around Martyn’s shoulders and grinned. 
Martyn smiled, “You didn’t do so bad yourself, Scar.”
Scar released his hold on Martyn and the two moved to take their harpoons out of the dead beast’s flesh. One, two–
Martyn slipped on the beast’s carapace as he pulled out his harpoon. The weapon fell into the ocean, plunging into its depths as Martyn tumbled down with it. The sudden cold waters closed around him, the impact hadn’t given Martyn the chance to hold his breath as shock took hold. He scrambled to grab onto anything secure, his hands skidding uselessly against the scuttler’s shell. Nevermind the spear. It had already sunk out of reach. 
Don’t panic. 
Martyn could feel himself sinking deeper. The cold, salty water got into his eyes, forcing them shut as he tried to swim up. Water rushed into his ears, filling it with the deathly silence of the ocean and–
That sound.
Was it louder than earlier?
Martyn was pulled out of his thoughts as he felt something grab his arm. His head broke the surface and he gasped for air,opening his eyes to the bright skies as Scar held him.
“Martyn– Martyn!” Scar’s eyes widened. He gave Martyn a smile, “Don’t panic! Everything’s okay, look at me.”
Martyn took short breaths. He saw the ship next to them with his friends looking on. At least they were nearby.
Scar pulled Martyn up and got him on the scuttler carcass. He gestured to the ship, “You’re safe. Let’s head up so you can dry off, okay?”
Martyn nodded, focusing on his breath as he climbed up the ladder to the deck. Solid ground. The most solid ground he could have while he was out on sea, at least. Martyn shook off some of the dripping water and shivered as the sea air passed him. He stared at his feet and crossed his arms, suddenly flinching as he felt something get thrown on him.
Oh. It was just a towel.
Martyn started drying himself off as Grian turned to him, “Are you alright?” He looked up at Martyn, his eyes narrowed as they locked eyes.
“I’m– I’m good,” Martyn shook his head, forcing a smile. He tilted his head to the open seas, “The water’s a lot colder here.” He shivered as he continued to dry the water out of his clothes and hair. 
“It’s getting colder too. It is autumn after all,” Grian shrugged. He turned to the front of the ship, the engine purring as they moved across the water, “Plus, we’re getting closer to the world border.”
Martyn’s eyes lit up. No time for feeling shocked. If the border was close, he had to be ready. Grian motioned for Martyn to follow him, and he did. “How close are we, exactly?”
“Not too far now.” Grian smiled, crossing his arms as he rested against the railing. He stared into the distance and narrowed his eyes, as if looking for the tell-tale signs of mist and sharpened rocks.
Martyn looked around, seeing the others work on repairs on the ship while Lizzie continued to steer forward. Another moment of silence until the next battle. Martyn untangled his braided hair and began to dry the soaking mess. He looked into the distance too, “Hey, Grian?”
Grian’s eyes glanced at Martyn, “Hm?”
“...What made you stop believing in the sea princes?”
Grian flinched, “That’s a loaded question.”
“Aw, come on Grian,” Martyn rolled his eyes as he began to braid his hair, “You and I both told those stories to your brothers and Lizzie, how come you’ve stopped believing in them?”
Grian hummed and Martyn stayed silent.
Martyn knew that he and Grian had grown up with similar stories and had told them to the others. But at some point in their life, Grian’s stories had come to an abrupt stop. And Martyn didn’t remember Grian sharing his excitement when the king had told them about their mission either. Martyn looked at Grian as a sharp sigh escaped the captain.
“They scared Jimmy,” Grian said softly, “I loved making fun of him for it, but…” He looked down and clenched his arms, “They freaked him out.”
“How so?”
Grian snorted. “You of all people should know, Martyn.” He looked at Martyn and raised his eyebrows as he shifted against the railing, “Just because they’re glory stories to you doesn’t mean it’s like that for everyone.”
Martyn rolled his eyes, “I know that,” he sighed. He bit his lip, remembering the past. Jimmy was a scaredy-cat, always screaming at the sight of anything. Maybe if Martyn had stopped teasing him so much, Jimmy would’ve loved hunting as much as he did. “I wished you’d told me sooner so I could’ve stopped teasing Jimmy too.”
“I wish I did, but,” Grian’s voice lowered, “These were the cards we were dealt with.”
Another wave of silence washed over the two. The rolling sea and faint birdsong were all that they could hear, along with the intermittent sounds of hammering as the ship was being repaired. 
Maybe Grian should stop staring into the sea like that. He looks awful.
Martyn placed a hand on Grian’s shoulder, “Well, people won’t have to be afraid anymore,” he looked at his captain and grinned. “We’ll take on that beast.”
Grian smiled, but it quickly vanished. “I wish he could have seen that.” 
Martyn didn’t know what else to say after that. Perhaps the silence was good for now. He looked out into the distance, seeing the faint outline of rocks up ahead. His eyes widened and his heart soared. They were close.
Though, it was odd that there was only one monst–
“Another one?!” Bdubs’ scream alerted the two, Martyn turned to look behind him.
A shrill shriek echoed over the waves, revealing another scuttler.
“These are class D!” Mumbo shouted, “They may not be too large, but they swarm!”
The beast began to charge at them, but something looked off as it came closer. Martyn ran to the nearest railing to the scuttler, leaning over the edge to take a closer look. His eyes widened.
It had fresh wounds.
There were cracks at its exoskeleton and looked to have one of its eyes missing. The water around it was clouded in blood as it swam towards them. It echoed a roar and rammed the ship, its sheer speed and impact caused the ship to sway violently as a loud crack was heard.
That wasn’t normal.
As the ship reoriented itself, Martyn’s first thought was to look for the beast. It wouldn’t be hard with all the cloudied blood. 
Wasn’t it going to attack them?
Martyn watched as the beast swam… away from them. It was… running away…? Why? 
Martyn shook his head. He turned to his crew, a manic grin on his face. “It’s fleeing, let’s strike it down!”
“Hey! What gives?!” Bdubs slammed his hands on the railing and was shaking with excitement.“Give us a proper fight!” 
“Nothing more exciting than another beast, especially from one that runs.” Joel chuckled. He put a hand on Bdubs’ shoulder and smiled at him, then at Martyn. 
Now we get to give it a taste of its own medicine!
“You can’t swim forever, beast!” Martyn leaned against the railing, watching as the creature swam further and further away from them. It could swim away, but it clearly wouldn’t last for too much longer. 
The ship’s engine roared as it continued to gain speed, completely disregarding the carcass of the previous beast for the thrill of the chase. Martyn and the rest of the Canaries cheered on as they followed the bleeding beast. 
They failed to see the scuttler’s lifeless body get dragged under the waves by something far larger. Larger than anything the hunters have ever faced.
Sometimes, the hunter becomes the hunted.
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Hello to everyone. I wrote this a while ago, and today it seems like a good day to post it. As always thanks for reading. Enjoy 💜.
The quake was the first evidence that something was very wrong. When Sebastian arrived at the control cabin, the air was heavy with the smell of smoke, but there was no fire in sight.
He quickly scanned the room, but all he could see were the empty seats. He shouted his partner's name, but no answer was heard.
He sprinted to his bedroom, hoping he was asleep there, but he wasn't that lucky.
The last place he wanted to search was the most probable to be occupied.
He ran toward the engine room, and there he was.
Charles sat on the floor in the middle of the room and was surrounded by cables of all sizes and materials. They hugged his legs, and some seemed to be starting to climb his chest.
Seb quickly kneeled in front of his teammate, and called his name while cupping his cheeks.
"Charles? Can you hear me?" he whispered, hoping not to be too late.
The light touch seemed to shake Charles, but when he opened his eyes, they had an unnatural metallic hue to them.
"Charles, no. It's too dangerous. Let's get you out of here" he pleaded, even if he knew what Charles was going to say.
"Too late... Danger... Protect" were the robotic words he spoke.
"Charles, please. They are not worth your life. You don't owe them this" he wanted to cry.
Charles was going to almost completely fuse with the spaceship, trying to keep it together long enough to reach safety, so that their stupid mission was successful and their idiotic scuderia could gain new information.
It had been an honour to travel under the black horsed flag. Now it was becoming his worst nightmare.
He wanted to destroy the damned ship, but knew that it would only hurt the other man further.
He didn't have saints to pray, Gods to ask for help or mercy. He only had his beloved, this foolish brave young man, and he was slowly losing him, too.
He lowered his head, feeling the tears starting to fill his eyes and fighting them, when he felt a hand on his cheek.
He suddenly raised his head, staring in two differently coloured eyes. One inhuman blue, the other that natural green he loved, that reminded him of the Earth, of sunshine and mountains and lakes. The prettiest, most wonderful colour he had ever seen.
Both eyes were now crying, even if the face had no expression.
"Not them... You, Sebee" he pronounced these words with such conviction that Seb could do nothing but stare at him, letting the tears flow.
Then Charles closed his eyes, and didn't reopen them. He fell backwards, and even more cables moved to take his chest, his arms, his head, until all Seb could see was the right side of his face.
The ship shook once again, and now he could smell the burnt flesh of his beloved. He was burning up, branding his skin for a man who never had the courage to say me too, to say I feel the same, to say I love you more than I've ever loved anything or anyone and I don't know how to handle it and I'm scared you will soon realise you could have someone better, but if you'll have me I'll never leave your side for as long as you allow me.
And now he could have lost that chance forever.
The only thing he could do was wait and hope.
It felt like years had passed, not mere hours, when Sebastian opened his eyes.
He was sitting against a wall, facing the tangle of wires that hid Charles.
He suddenly stood up when it began to recede from him, leaving his unconscious body lying there, as he hadn't spent hours being fused with the ship. It was littered in small cuts and deep burnt markings, with rings of bruises circling his neck, arms and ankles.
He ran to him, and kneeled to check his pulse. It was steady, but he probably would sleep for a few days.
So Seb picked him up, and brought him to his quarters, slightly bigger and where he could always keep an eye on the younger man.
He was right. It took Charles two full days and a half to wake up, and when he did, it was almost worse.
He only spoke French, couldn't seem to recognise Seb and cried for only the Stars knew what reason.
Seb didn't abandon him, he couldn't. So he sat through all the tears, the light punches and the mumbled words.
He sat and stayed and waited, until all energy ran out and Charles passed out again.
It was the day after, when Charles woke up properly.
He was pale, and the shadows under his eyes were deep and almost purple, but he was awake, and he wasn't going anywhere.
"Ehi, Cha. How do you feel?"
"Like I've been chewed and spat out and chewed some more, same as usual. You? The ship?"
"Everything is ok. The ship isn't reporting any damage, and I'm, well, not fine. But you are here, and that's what matters"
Charles just looked at him for a couple of seconds, then softly smiled and lifted his arm.
"Come, lie with me. We are both tired" he almost whispered, and it sent shivers down Seb's spine.
"Charles, we need to..."
"Cuddle and rest. Then, we'll do anything you want" he interrupted the blonde.
But Sebastian was a weak old man, and the few days of solitude had taken their toll. So he lied down, hugged Charles and inhaled his scent.
"Only 10 minutes"
"Mhmh" agreed the other, already half asleep.
They, in fact, slept for more than ten minutes.
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