#but they are specifically closest to tonsils
deadwooddross · 1 year
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I don’t know that I’ve ever actually posted these anywhere…have some tonsilbeasts!
Their bodies are fairly malleable and can shift around a lot, but usually they’re aquatic entities in a big icy ocean.
This is also what Umami is, she just came out bizarrely human shaped and not very shifty. That happens sometimes, you leave those ones with the locals.
She has their eyes tho! Kinda!
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caspersickfanfics · 3 months
Sicktember Prompt List 2024
If there are specific prompts you'd like to see, please request! Adding some additional information about what you'd like the fic to look like is encouraged but not required.
[OPEN]: These are prompts that I like, or I feel would fit particularly well with characters I write for. Please feel free to request!
[SKIP]: These are prompts that don't particularly draw me to them, or may push me out of my comfort zone in some way. If there are any that you'd really like to see, feel free to request, but for these prompts some additional information about what you're looking for (the fic scenario) is required. I may be more likely to refuse asks for these prompts.
[IN PROGRESS]: I already have plans for these. Feel free to request, but I will be more likely to reject asks for these prompts unless I really like the idea. However, if I can reallocate overlap fics to other prompts, I will try to!
[SKIP]: I will not be writing for these prompts under any circumstance due to personal reasons. I (of course) have no issues with others writing for these prompts, they simply are not my cup of tea. Please do not request them from me!
Priority will be given to my favorite characters within my preferred fandoms. Check out my Rules page for more about that.
Daily Prompts
1. “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick” (Or vise versa) [OPEN]
2. Too Much of a Good Thing/Overindulgence [SKIP]
3. Campus/Con Crud [SKIP]
4. “Great. I Got a Cold for My Birthday.” [SKIP]
5. Rogue Organ (tonsils, spleen, appendix, gall bladder ect…) [SKIP]
6. Dizziness/Vertigo [IN PROGRESS | Sick Cyno]
7. Borrowed Hoodie [IN PROGRESS | Sick Lu Guang]
8. “The closest doctor is probably hours away from here!” [OPEN]
9. Overdramatic Patient/Caretaker [SKIP]
10. The Sniffles ™ [SKIP]
11. Medieval Treatment [SKIP]
12. “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up/coughing up a lung” [IN PROGRESS | Sick Tighnari]
13. Mononucleosis [SKIP]
14. Clean Sheets/Fresh Pajamas [OPEN]
15. "Who decided __ is ‘sick people food?’" [SKIP]
16. Toxin/Poison [IN PROGRESS | Sick Ito]
17. Brain Fog/Spaced Out [IN PROGRESS | Sick Cyno]
18. “My body is one big ache” [OPEN]
19. Hypochondriac Tendencies [SKIP]
20. Medication Bribery [SKIP]
21. Anaphylactic Response [SKIP]
22. “You didn’t use my cup, did you?” [SKIP]
23. Under a Spell [SKIP]
24. Tales From the Waiting Room [SKIP]
25. Summer Flu [OPEN]
26. Heart Condition/Cardiac Arrest [SKIP]
27. “This is non-negotiable" [OPEN]
28. Pulling a ‘Ferris Bueller’ [SKIP]
29. Sick on a Road Trip [OPEN]
30. Past Prompt of Your Choice! [IN PROGRESS]
Alternative Prompts
Hospital Bed [SKIP]
“I didn’t mean to wake you up.” [OPEN]
First Aid Kit [SKIP]
Flushed Cheeks [IN PROGRESS | Sick Tighnari]
Doctor's Note [SKIP]
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jetstarred · 4 months
1 5 9 and 13 for that ask post you just rbed ^__^
1 - what are three things that shaped who you are?
being exposed to so many cultures while growing up made me so open minded. also my parents being very supportive of me in whatever i do as long as it makes me happy. and lastly viewing everything as just a creative form of expression.
5 - what made you start your blog?
i kept seeing voltron legendary defender (and specifically klance) fanart on pinterest that was reposted from tumblr, so i decided to make a tumblr so i could follow the artists directly. my secret lore
9 - tell a story about your childhood.
ive mentioned this on a post recently but the closest i ever was to going through surgery was when i was roughly 8 or 9. i woke up one morning absolutely screaming and sobbing in pain because my throat hurt so bad. we rushed to the hospital and the doctor who examined me concluded i had tonsillitis and needed to get my tonsils removed. my parents were like "this doesnt sound right theyve never had any problems with their tonsils before" so they went to an actual pediatrician who was like "wtf no your child just has bronchitis and needs to take meds and stay home for a week" so i did not need to get my tonsils removed and i still have them to this day 😁
13 - what are you doing right now?
laying in bed trying to decide if i want to mess around with my makeup right now or finish my may album reviews (i still havent made up my mind)
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sugar-and-pearls · 1 year
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Hospital visits 
Summary: When Merope is admitted to Hospital she has a late night talk with an unexpected visitor. 
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By the age of twenty-two, Merope had survived countless endeavours to end her life. Ranging from supervillains to monsters and even her family's cooking in the early days of her adoption. She had survived all these with a few simple scratches or bruises. And if an injury were to be more serious than that then it was often attended to at Camp half blood, the BPRD headquarters or even within the Addams Mansion. 
So of course it would be something as simple as tonsillitis that would send the demigod to hospital. In the beginning Merope had been told to take it easy, to let herself heal. But it wasn’t in her nature to rest for long periods and so after two weeks of a throat that just kept getting worse Merope had craved and went to a face to face appointment with a Doctor. 
It had been a surprise for her then that the doctor's decision was to keep her in for the night.
It was as she lay in the hospital bed, lost in her thoughts, that Merope failed to notice the other person in the room. Only when the movement caught her eye did the agent whip her head forward the shadow and, once she saw who it was, breathed out a sigh of relief. 
“You avoided my realm” even in her sleep deprived state his deep voice still sent her stomach to do somersaults. She leaned back into the pillows and observed her visitor.
His long black coat was the first thing her eyes caught, then his hair which was the colour of the night sky, until lastly the starry eyes that borne into her own.
“Not on purpose My Love”
With a stiff flutter of his cloak, the Lord of Dream sat down on the bed. The mattress made a plasticky crunching noise as it craved under his weight. 
It was strange to see Morpheus in the hospital, he looked so out of place. The hospital room was mostly bare, a chair in one corner and another by the bed. Her leather jacket hung from the back of the first with her black boots placed neatly underneath it. Her laptop and headphones were plugged in on the table beside her, still playing a movie that she was only half watching. The lights over her bed did have a dimmer but for the life of Merope couldn't figure out how to work it. The fluorescent lights burning brightly in the three o'clock darkness. 
Starry eyes traced the IV Drip connected to her upper forearm. She looked down at her arm and then up to the antibiotics that were being pumped into her bloodstream.
“It's a drip. They stuck a needle into my arm and through it they’re been giving me antibiotics”
Morpheus pursed his lips and looked down at her forearms, more specifically, at the bruises covering them. Through only the size of a 50 pence coin their plum colouring stood out sharply against her pale skin.
"I have tricky veins- something from Daddy's side. They always have trouble finding one. Mind you if could have been worse - the last time I had blood taken they had to go for my hands" 
She faked a shiver "that was a real nasty time" 
Dream continued to stare. His silence didn’t bother her, he wasn’t the type to talk when he didn’t feel the need to. His bone-pale face was blank, lips pursed, almost as if he was pained. 
Feeling a spike of playfulness Merope tapped the side of her foot against the closest part of him to her. Which so happened to be his backside. The Dream Lord looked down incredulously.
“It doesn’t hurt you know” and it was true. Though it hurt to have it put in, the demigod didn’t really feel it anymore. The spot just felt a little chilly. His hand rested upon her ankle, rubbing it slowly though the thin hospital blankets. The touch set a thrill in Merope that had she not been so tired she would have acted upon.
“I am glad for that”
The intensity of his gaze made the agent turn away. Distractingly she said, "I'm glad you came"
And she was surprised to find that the words rang out true. Merope was happy for the company he brought. Both Joanna and John had been stuck in separate cases on opposite sides of the country. She had gotten calls from all her friends and other family members that could call and even an iris message from Nico, embarrassing when she had begun to run the shower.
Thank the gods she hadn't taken off the gown yet or it would have been a rather awkward iris message. She shifted in the bed again. Her muscles were fidgety for movement but her body and mind were desperate for sleep. The woman yawned and rubbed at her eyes.
“Are you Okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just having some trouble sleeping” Merope quirked a smile, tiredness leaching itself into her voice “its a real bitch”
For a moment Dream said nothing, his head tilted slightly as he watched her. And then, silently, in a movement that was too fluid to not be dreamlike,  he stood up and stepped towards the head of the bed.
Love was still such a new feeling to bloom inside her chest - requited love that is. His every movement still sent her wide eyed, her heart beating fast and a kaleidoscope of skeletal bats making a home in the pit of her stomach.
Dream's skin was cool to the touch as he moved the wispy hairs away from her forehead with his fingers before laying a kiss. Half mindedly she worried about the sweat in her hair making it stink. As he lifted his head away from hers Merope’s eyes started to droop, her eyelids suddenly so heavy. Bliss entered her voice she yawned a simple, “No fair”
This close Merope could see corners of his mouth turn upwards in a subtle smile. It would have been unnoticeable were he not so close.
“I will see you soon, my Most Precious One” 
Sleepily she smiled, gingerly tugged his chin down for a small kiss and quietly breathed, 
“I’ll see ya soon”
Before she closed her eyes and fell into a deep, peaceful, dreamful sleep.
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amporella · 2 years
Top 5 moment of Cartman being the fucking worst to Kyle
Oh, anon. How am I supposed to pick five??? I had to consult some of my fellow Kyle Experts to come up with this list, and here's what we came up with. I had serious trouble ordering these, so just assume that all of them are horrible, because they are.
1 - Repeatedly trying to sexually assault Kyle in the Imaginationland trilogy, and then proceeding to humiliate him in front of everyone, including his closest friends. You can really tell how horrified and disgusted Kyle is in his tone when rewatching the end of episode III, and rightfully so, because this really is one of the top truly disgusting Cartman moments.
2 - When Cartman manipulates Kyle in the Passion of the Jew into thinking that he (and the rest of the Jewish community) have to apologize for killing Jesus. And Kyle feels so guilty about this that he feels the need to apologize on the behalf of his entire synagogue, in front of them - it's horrifying, absolutely humiliating, and really representative of the negative effect Cartman's had on Kyle's pride in his Jewish identity.
3 - Ginger Cow; relatively self explanatory, and other people have gone over how horrible Cartman is to Kyle in this episode better than I could, but like... yeah. Just another example of Cartman relishing in Kyle's humiliation in the most disgusting way possible.
4 - The entirety of Post-Covid, tbh. It's already obvious that Cartman is not reformed (rotem has a must-read post about this here), and while his taunting behavior towards Kyle is obvious even while under the false impression that he's reformed, it's ten times more poignant when you realize that he truly hasn't, and that all of his behavior throughout the specials exists just to humiliate and taunt Kyle. He spends the entire special mocking Judaism while pretending to take it seriously, and he goes so far as to liken his family to Holocaust survivors in front of Kyle - which, obviously don't need to explain how horrific that is. He reinforces his children's behavior whenever they degrade Judaism (especially in the presence of Kyle), and it's made clear that he's spent a long time manipulating his wife into believing that Kyle is the bad guy - all without a genuine apology. Cartman has always been the fucking worst to Kyle, and it's very clear that doesn't change 40 years in the future.
5 - Cartman giving Kyle AIDS in Tonsil Trouble, which is yet another example of him going extremely over the top in response to Kyle's behavior - it almost reminds me of the takes I see occasionally in which Kyle turned Cartman into what he is via fatshaming in the first few seasons, and yeah, sure, Kyle wasn't very nice when he called Cartman fat. But that in no way makes Cartman's viciously antisemitic actions justifiable, nor does it put them on the same level as calling another kid fat? Kyle should never be blamed for Cartman's actions, because he's ALWAYS going to respond with something 100 times more severe and inexcusable. Anyway, all this to say that Kyle laughing is not an excuse for Cartman to give him fucking AIDS, and Cartman's behavior was still inexcusable - it literally doesn't matter what Kyle did, because no matter how he behaved, Cartman would have still responded in the same extreme manner.
Honorable mention to Jewpacabra, specifically for the blood libel, and probably around 95% of other episodes in which Cartman has interacted with Kyle.
Thank you for the ask!
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Kiss From a Rose
The Witch in the Reunion
Summary: Y/n has been hunting alongside the infamous Winchesters for years now, but when an unexpected case pops up in her hometown, she finds herself struggling not only with her feelings for the eldest brother but with the things from her past that she has been fighting to forget.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus size Reader
Word Count: 5K+
Warnings: Language, angst, character death
Author’s Note: THE BIG REVEAL! Whodunnit? Also, the Seal song that the reader refers to is exactly the one you think it is... 
Catch up with the series masterlist and check out Alexandra’s Library for more works by yours truly!
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The case came to an abrupt halt with no new leads, pushing the hunters into the weekend and much to Y/n’s dismay, the reunion. It was their last chance to keep their cover in town and any hope of talking candidly with those closest to the victim. The huntress had hoped it wouldn’t come to this and that she and the Winchesters would uncover the culprit before she was forced to parade her ‘husband’ around to everyone and everything she had run away from. Alas, she could never have been that lucky. 
The huntress spent her morning huddled under the cheap covers of the motel bed, mindlessly flipping through bad soap operas and cooking shows until she could no longer put off getting ready for the evening. Y/n took her time in the shower, allowing the boiling heat of the water to relax away the tension in her muscles. It also allowed for her time to think of some excuse to wrap up the cases without a conclusion, though she failed to find one that would convince the Winchester brothers. 
When turning the temperature control on the nozzle ceased to continuously heat the stream of water gurgling from the showerhead, Y/n reluctantly pulled herself from its confines, drying herself off and tossing her hair into a towel situated on top of her head. 
The steam from the shower billowed out of the bathroom and into the rest of her motel room as she went for her duffle, humidifying the large space with ease. Pulling out the matching bra and panties she had packed specifically for this occasion, she slipped the pieces on and topped them with a button-up flannel to finish her hair and makeup. 
Y/n went back into the bathroom and started up her hairdryer, focusing on her roots as she began. The huntress was about halfway through when a loud banging nearly caused her to drop the tool in her hand. She shut it off and waited, listening closely for the source of the sound. When it came again, she was sure someone was knocking to come in and she rushed out, pulling on a pair of leggings before going to answer the door. 
The opening of her door brought with it a welcomed gust of the cool spring air from outside and revealed the brothers Winchester standing side by side. 
“Hey, kid. We didn’t hear from you this morning so Sammy and I decided to bring you lunch, figured you might be hungry,” Dean held up the brown paper bag he was holding with a grin that matched that of his baby brother beside him. 
“Come on in,” Y/n agreed, stepping back from the entryway to allow the two giants into her room. The brothers went immediately to the small desk in her room, placing the food and drinks on the glossy wood surface. 
“Picked up your favorite, sesame chicken and fried rice,” Dean explained as he began to pull containers from the large bag. 
“Yum,” the huntress drew out her reply with a hum, her tongue darting out to wet her lips as she realized just how hungry she had unknowingly become. “You know me too well, Winchester.” 
Dean flashed her a cocky smile as he handed over the meal, topped off with an iced tea from Sam. She took it and perched herself at the foot of her bed, crossing her legs before digging into the meal. The oldest Winchester followed and seated himself next to her while Sam stayed in the desk chair. 
“So have you found anything interesting since last night?” The huntress inquired after a bite, trying to hide the hopefulness in her voice that she would get out of tonight’s event. 
“Nada,” Dean admitted around a mouthful of his lunch. “We’ve got nothing that strictly points to anyone, just a mountain of guesses. This bitch knows how to cover their tracks.”
“Yeah well in a small town like this, you learn how to get good at sneaking around,” Y/n pointed out. “When everyone knows everyone, you’ve got to be good at keeping secrets.”
“Is that so?” Dean cocked his head at the woman next to him, a devilish thought occurring to the hunter. “You know from experience, Y/n?”
“Yeah, you bet. All those years spent by myself in my bedroom were great for learning how to sneak around,” she scoffed, unamused that Dean was still riding this train. 
“I don’t believe that for a second. I bet you had your share of nights under the bleachers.” The huntress rolled her eyes at Dean’s insistence, the aggravation building inside her. 
“How many times do I have to explain this to you? I was not popular growing up and I certainly didn’t have any guys begging me to join them for some lame-ass tonsil hockey under the bleachers.”
“Bull,” Dean countered once again. The huntress groaned, tossing a pleading look at the younger Winchester in the hopes he could get Dean to let up. 
“Dean, I don’t think it’s any of our business,” Sam spoke up, clearly getting the hint better than his brother. 
“Just ‘cause you didn’t get any in high school doesn’t mean you have to ruin everybody else’s fun.” Dean laughed at his joke, elbowing Y/n in an attempt to get her to join in his teasing and failing miserably. Sam only frowned at his brother.
“You want to know the truth?” The bubbling in her gut had spilled over, turning into word vomit that she couldn’t have stopped no matter how much she wanted to. “I didn’t lose my virginity until I was twenty-three in the quickest and most pathetic night of my life. And it’s not like I was exactly getting much of anything before that either.
“It’s fine though. I wasn’t ready until I was ready and I’ve so moved on from the nightmare that was my early twenties.” Y/n decided to tack on that last tidbit in an ill-conceived attempt to lighten the admission that had slipped from her tongue. Heat flooded her neck and cheeks as she noticed the brothers staring at her in confused awe. 
She absolutely could not believe that she had admitted that in front of either of the brothers, but most of all Dean. There was now no way after this weekend he would ever look at her without pity, only seeing her as the bullied little girl who never so much as received a look from a man until after college. If the floor could swallow her whole at this moment, that would be great. 
“Right… thanks for lunch, guys, but I need to finish getting ready,” the huntress cleared her throat after an awkward moment of silence, her eyes desperate for them to leave for her to save face in one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. 
“Uh, of course. We’ll just…” Sam coughed out the jumbled words as he rose from the chair and went to his brother, gripping his bicep and tugging him alongside as the brothers stumbled from the room. 
Y/n fell back against the mattress with a huff, mentally kicking herself for everything she had ever done or said in front of Dean. The hunter somehow had this hold over her, always managing to get her to admit things she didn’t wouldn’t even say aloud to herself. If she keeps it up at this pace, she will be on the path to permanently removing herself from the Winchesters’ life if she ever hoped of retaining some sort of dignity. 
Silently, she finished up the meal they had brought her before heading back to finish what she had started. Once her hair was completely dried, she curled the length of it into soft curls and then applied some basic makeup. Nothing too showy for a small town class reunion. 
Once she was satisfied with her look, she returned to the main space and took out her dress that she had hung in the closet last night after ironing out the thin material. It was a dress she had stowed away for undercover work, never taking it out of its bag unless desperate. 
The ruby-red material fell snug against her curves and never failed to make her feel more exposed than she was used to. There was a reason she stuck to comfy and bagging clothes, using them as a way to hide the parts of her body that she had a specific distaste for. However, the job occasionally necessitated she appeared more feminine, and this was one of those nights. 
Standing in front of the full-length mirror, the huntress topped off her look with heels and jewelry as she examined her reflection with a pout. Unsurprisingly, she easily picked out all of her mind's flaws, from her hatred of her flabby arms and the rolls that she subconsciously sucked in when she turned to examine her profile. 
A small knock at the door bounced her out of her thoughts.
“Come in,” she called, giving her reflection one final frown before turning to fetch her clutch. 
“Hey, are you ready to--” Y/n turned to see Dean’s eye’s traveling up the length of her body, his emerald eyes intense in their gaze. Heat coursed through her veins under his leering and she had to clear her throat before he snapped from his trance. “Sweetheart, you look incredible.”
“Thank you, Dean. You clean up nicely yourself,” she smiled sweetly, a stark contrast to the racing of her heart knowing Dean had been so intent on her. 
The oldest Winchester brother donned a maroon button-down that he had tucked into a pair of dark slacks. A few of the top buttons had been left open and he had the sleeves rolled up, revealing his forearms. It was a simple look, but enough to get any living being’s mouth watering at the sight. 
“Just need one more thing,” Y/n noted as she went to her duffle and pulled out her pistol. She checked the barrel and magazine quickly before putting the safety on. Raising her heeled foot to the edge of the bed, she hiked up her dress to her high thigh and tucked the weapon into the holster she had hidden on her thigh. The huntress dropped her leg and tugged her dress back into place. “Okay, ready.” 
There was an unmistakable clench in the muscles of Dean’s jaw as she walked across the room to where he stood. His brow was furrowed into a knot in the middle of his forehead as his eyes followed her movement. “Dean?”
“Hmm?” He blinked a few times as if he just noticed she had moved closer to him. “Oh, shall we go?” 
Y/n nodded slowly, confused by his sudden shift but trailed after him from the motel and into the parking lot. Dean helped her into the passenger side of the Impala and then made his way to his spot behind the wheel. 
Soft music played from the radio as they pulled from the parking lot and headed west. Besides the soft melodies of Bob Seger and Neil Young, the inside of the car was quiet. Y/n was lost in thought as once again as the anxiety over the night ahead began to simmer in her belly. The cheap gold band that encompassed her finger felt like a heavy neon sign flashing at everyone and indicating the blatant deceit she and Dean were attempting to portray. 
“Hey,” Dean spoke softly beside her, placing his palm against her bare knee to get her attention. “Sam will be close by, just in case.” 
“Yeah, I know,” she replied with a soft smile. Dean had picked up on the waves of anxiety rolling off of her, but he had read the situation so wrong. 
“Then what’s up, sweetheart?”
“Just thinking about possibly having to face a monster in heels,” she lied, easily squeaking out a fake laugh for him. 
“Well, I’ve seen you kick ass in heels plenty of times before so I doubt tonight will be any different.” He squeezed his grip on her, giving her a flash of a grin before turning back to the road. 
“I didn’t say I couldn’t do it, just that I’m not particularly fond of it,” Y/n pointed out and Dean nodded with a chuckle. 
Neither brought it up again in the final few miles of the drive. When they pulled into the parking lot, it was filled with far more cars than it had been just a few days prior. The party was already in full swing, the music audible as the pair stepped out of the Impala. 
“Alright, shows on.”
Dean took the huntress’s hand and guided her into the school. The two checked in and filled out name tags before entering. The decorations had the gym looking like a cheap prom. A tunnel of balloons shepherded people into the gym where they were greeted by more balloons and streamers strategically placed all over. There hung a disco ball in the center of the room where a makeshift dance floor already had people swaying to the beat. 
“Oh, you two did make it!” The shrill sneer had the hunters snapping their heads towards the dessert table where Janelle was already rushing towards them with a malicious grin on her face. 
“We said we would be,” Y/n replied coldly, unable to hide the roll of her eyes. Janelle ignored her and drew her gaze to Dean then, her eyes hungry as she set them on the green-eyed man without a care about the woman whose hand he still held. Y/n scoffed and stalked off towards the drink table without a word. 
“Mm, are you sure you and jelly belly over there are working out?” Janelle husked out as she stepped into Dean’s personal space. 
“Slow down,” Dean huffed as he stepped back from the brazen woman. The warning was low but the narrowing of his eyes told her she meant business. Janelle frowned as the hunter turned on his heel and followed where his partner had gone. He slinked silently to her side and put an arm around her waist to pull her close before he left a light peck to her temple. 
“Jesus Dean,” the huntress exclaimed as she jumped from his touch, her instincts ready to fight before she caught his grin out of the corner of her eye. “Warn a girl next time.”
“Where is the fun in that?” The Winchester had fallen back into his usual goofy self with ease, opting to steal the glass of whiskey she had poured herself after she dumped the whole of its contents down her throat in one go. 
“You’re going to have to take it slow there, Mrs. Walker, we’re on a case still,” Dean chuckled as he refilled the glass for himself. Y/n grumbled her dissatisfaction though she knew he was right. Instead of fighting, she pulled him back into the crowd of people to continue their intel gathering. 
Not much came from their hopping between groups of Y/n’s former classmates. The women spent most of their time too busy drooling over Dean to answer any questions beyond small talk and the guys simply acted as if the huntress didn’t exist, instead only talking to her partner for a majority of their conversations. It was irritating as hell for her, to be right back into the toxic environment that had scarred her psyche all those years ago. Not to mention, they were not one step closer to figuring out who their witch was. 
When dinner was eventually served, Y/n was more than ready for the reprieve it would bring from having to put on a show for the last people she would ever care about. 
“So, let’s go over what we know?” Y/n spoke up as they sat at an empty table in the far corner of the gym. 
“Damon still makes my skin crawl, I don’t trust him,” Dean answered as he scanned the crowd for the aforementioned guy. 
“I don’t understand why, we ruled him out already.” 
“I just don’t like the way he looks at you.” Y/n scoffed at Winchester’s insinuation that anyone from her high school would look at her with anything but disgust. “Him or Roger, whom, I might add, we have not ruled out.”
“Roger was just a horny teenage boy,” the huntress countered. “I think Janelle or Kate are our best guesses. They were the two closest to the victim.”
“They were all in a book club together, and you know what that could mean,” Dean insinuated. “That is until Janelle had a falling out with the book club which resulted in the vic almost failing to hire her as the caterer for this shindig. People have killed for less.”
“Damn it, we need proof,” Y/n cursed with a frown. “I want to get back to the bunker already.”
Dean nodded in full agreement to her sentiment. The pair finished their meals in relative silence, watching the rest of her class as they moved about the venue, hoping something might pop out at them. 
“Should we blend into the crowd and see what we can see?” Dean offered as he cleared his plate. Y/n cocked her head at him, unsure of what he was getting at. “You know, head out onto the dance floor.” 
“Oh, I am so not drunk enough for that,” the huntress declared as she adamantly shook her head. 
“Come one, we’ll have a better vantage point out there.”
“Fine,” she sighed, offering her hand to Dean as he stood and guided her underneath the disco ball, placing them in the center of all the action. 
The hunter began to move awkwardly to the music that emanated from the speakers surrounding them. It was far from anything he ever would have listened to and clearly that put him out of his comfort zone. Y/n couldn’t help the giggles that slipped past her lips as she watched, causing Dean to halt his dancing, his hands slapping against his sides. 
“Don’t laugh. If you can do better then show me,” Dean huffed, gesturing for her to go ahead. 
“Hell no,” she yelled above the music as the song switched, knowing that there was only one way she could move to the beat now filling the gym. 
“Do it for me, sweetheart.” Y/n chewed on the corner of her lips fighting with her self-conscious ways before quickly shaking away the fear and stepping up to Dean. 
“You asked for this,” she noted, giving him no time to respond before she began to move her hips. His hands flew to her waist as she rolled the length of her body against his in time with the song. The hunter began to grind with her, slipping one of his legs between her own, pressing the two of them closer together. Y/n pushed down the worries bubbling in her chest, focused on the music, and listening to her body. She spun on her toes and pressed her backside into Dean, who paused his movement for half a second before falling back into the dance. 
It was far closer than the duo had ever been and as much as that scared her, she took the time to relish in the feeling of his hands gripping tight onto the soft flesh of her waist and the heat of his body pressed against her own. The song faded out and with it, Dean snapped himself from her form, much to her dismay. There was no denying his abrupt action tugged on her heart. 
With a deep breath, she turned back to him, ready to face the music of having pushed him too far. Dean stood there rubbing the back of his neck as his tongue darted out to wet his plump lower lip. His brow furrowed before he turned to walk back towards their table. 
“Wait, Dean!” He paused and turned back to her. A sheepish smile formed on her face as the notes of the now much slower song began to grow stronger. “I love this song.” 
“It’s Seal,” he countered as if that was a valid reason to not like the song. 
The hunter relented, offering his partner a soft smile as he moved back towards her. Y/n looped an arm over Dean’s shoulder and took his hand in her free one. Hesitantly he slipped his arm around her waist and began to move the two along with the notes of the nineties song filled the gym. 
“What?” Y/n scrunched her nose as she heard Dean chuckle under his breath. 
“Nothing, it’s just-” Dean shook his head, the grin widening on his face. “Are we middle schoolers?” 
The huntress cocked her head, not sure what Dean was insinuating. Without elaborating, Dean took the hand she held in his and placed it around his neck with her other, tugging her body closer to him as he was now able to grip her waist with both hands. 
Her body went rigid as she could feel his breath on her face and the warmth of his body seeping through her dress. The length of his body was pressed against hers, firm and unrelenting. Flashbacks to their moment in the janitor’s closet flooded her brain and she could feel her heart rate picking up in response. 
“Sweetheart, you doing okay?” Dean looked down his nose at the woman he held in his arms. Having sensed her sudden discomfort, he asked, though he could guess why she was now riddled with anxiety. “Listen, I know what you are thinking but to hell with all these assholes and their superficial views. None of them know the real you. The smart, beautiful, and badass hunter that can knock me and my giant of a brother on our asses without even trying. They don’t deserve even one second of your thoughts.” 
Tears welled in the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over as she refused to look at Dean. Instead, she chose to hold him close, ignoring his words that her mind couldn’t begin to accept yet as she rested her chin on his shoulder. 
“Dean, just… stop, okay? I can’t take the pity,” she nearly choked on her words, the emotion building up like a pressure cooker inside her. It was about more than just the nasty comments and glares from her classmates, it was about the man she could never have. Dean had spent the better part of the weekend playing his role as a loving husband so convincingly that at moments she would almost forget that it was all a ruse. He was kind and supportive and flirty, all of it a deadly cocktail that would lead to her ultimate demise, a broken heart. 
“Jesus, it’s not pity, sweetheart. Did these people real fuck you up that bad that you can’t see the effect you have on me?” Dean used his hands on her hips to tug her away from his body, forcing the huntress to look at him now. 
“Yes!” she practically screamed the words, not understanding where the miscommunication was for him. The tears she had been trying to swallow down now traced down her cheeks anyway. “I’ve never exactly been the kinda girl that guys chased after, let alone the kind of girl you chase after. I’ve seen your hookups, Dean. I’m nowhere near the league of women who have gotten to share your bed. So why now?” 
“All those women were nothing but an easy shot. There wasn’t one second about any of those nights that was real. But you and the way you make feel, that’s real,” Dean insisted, his verdant eyes intent on making her understand. “Sometimes I feel like you are my other half. You make me laugh and challenge me in the best ways. Sammy loves you and you love him. You are one of the most selfless people I know and you tackle hunting with the most annoyingly positive attitude that just makes me want to be around you more. Y/n, you are the whole package.”
The huntress stood there, mouth hanging open at his confession. A million thoughts raced through her head but she didn’t get a chance to comment before movement in her peripherals caught her eye. Her eyes flickered towards the back door that led from the gym where Kate was slinking out into the darkness. 
“Dean,” Y/n hissed, nudging his shoulder before pointing towards the door. “Kate just snuck outside.”
“You think?” It took Dean’s brain a second to switch gears, but he didn’t need her to elaborate for him when it eventually caught up. 
“I mean it makes sense, right?” Dean shrugged but it was all the response the huntress needed. She took his hand and slinked through the sea of her classmates to follow their suspect. Once the gym door closed behind them, the pair readied their weaponry. 
“Split up. I’ll go towards the football field, you head that way.” Y/n gestured towards the parking lot. Dean nodded and stalked off in the opposite direction she did. Y/n held close to the building until she hit the corner, moving slowly around the brick to find the space empty. Her eyes scanned the expanse of the open area as she headed swiftly towards the football field. Her heels clicking against the pavement broke the silence of the late-night as she moved. 
As she drew closer, she noticed a light on inside the concession stand. She made herself light on her toes and put her body flush against the dirty brick as she headed towards the open window. Carefully, so as not to reveal her location, the huntress peered inside the shack. 
In the center of the space was a large metal island, the top of it littered with satanic paraphernalia. Kate had her back to the window, but Y/n was able to make out her soft chanting in Latin. 
Without a second thought, the huntress flashed around the side of the building and kicked in the door. 
“Ah, don’t move,” Y/n tsked as she pointed her gun straight at the witch’s heart. “One wrong move and I put one of these witch-killing bullets in your head.”
Kate didn’t seem at all phased by the weapon in her face. “Really, Kate? Witchcraft?”
“Oh, Y/n, you can’t even imagine the world of possibilities I have opened up for myself.” Kate’s lips twisted in an evil smile as she spoke. 
“Oh trust me, I can imagine.” The huntress rolled her eyes, far from amused at the witch’s attempt to make it sound like murder was so glorious. 
“Just eliminating the competition.” 
“Competition? For what?”
“Alec, of course,” the witch laughed. “You see, we made a deal back in high school and Sarah, well she decided she didn’t want to play anymore and it was my turn. So I took care of her. ” 
“Your turn?” Y/n shook her head at the sheer hilarity of it. “God, I have heard some crazy motives but this one, this one tops ‘em all.” 
“I should have known you were a hunter, waltzing in here claiming to be married to that tall drink you’ve had by your side. Well, guess what, we all saw right through it. No way you nabbed a guy like that,” Kate taunted as she took half a step in the huntress’s direction. 
“I swear to god, do that again and I will pull this trigger,” Y/n seethed, emphasizing her intent with a shake of her gun. Her blood was boiling, Kate’s words having the exact effect on her that she wanted. But she refused to give Kate the satisfaction. 
“Do it and see where it gets you, jelly belly.” The nickname rolled off her tongue, and Y/n couldn’t stop the small flinch it inflicted into her bones. 
“Oh, it will get you dead,” Y/n smiled menacingly as she recovered and pulled the trigger. Kate’s mouth fell open as her body shook and dropped to the ground, wasted. 
“Y/n!” The huntress spun around as Dean’s worried scream reached her. 
“I’m okay,” she assured as she stepped out of the concession stand, putting her gun back into the holster on her thigh. 
“Oh thank god.” Dean ran up to her, pulling her to his chest. “You kill the witch?”
“Yeah, the crazy bitch had some sort of pact to share Sarah’s husband back in high school. But Sarah reneged on their deal. So she killed her.” Y/n let out a full-bellied laugh as she pulled away from Dean slightly, though he refused to relent his grip on her. “Can you believe that?” 
The huntress nearly fell over in a fit of laughter. The sheer hilarity of the whole situation hitting her now that she was out of danger. It was like she was in some bad high school drama on the Lifetime network. She supposed she shouldn’t have suspected much from her hometown. 
It took her a second to regain her composure. She stood back straight, wiping the wetness from her eyes when she noticed Dean’s intense stare. 
“Dean, what are you--” her words were stolen from her mouth as Dean captured her lips with his. The huntress smiled into the kiss, her hands gripping Dean’s wrist where he cradled her jaw in his hands. Y/n’s head swam as the Winchester deepened their connection, angling his head just so to open her mouth to him. Their tongues danced together as the pair got lost in the feeling of the other. Only when the need for air became too great did the couple relent their hold on each other, the rapid rise and fall of their chests matching the other. 
“Are you two done? We have a body to clean up.” Sam’s voice startled them both. There was a hint of a grin in his eyes that betrayed the exasperated expression he was trying to portray. 
“Just another minute, Sammy.” Dean turned back to Y/N, a coy smile playing on his lips before he kissed her again. 
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Part 6 (Final)
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arifdigcom · 3 years
Week 6: Body Modification on Visual Social Media
Apologies for the incredibly late post, unfortunately I’ve been struck down by tonsillitis this past week, so due to lack of time and having to catch up on a bunch of assignments and posts, I’ll keep this as short and sweet as possible.
For starters, Dr Mavroudis’ lecture was very eye-opening. I’d obviously known the basics about body modification prior to the lecture, but the reasons that people decide to make these changes to themselves weren’t actually known to me. The fact that many influencers strive to look in real life how they look in their filtered social media photos is baffling to me. I can’t speak for others, but I personally believe that both men and women look better when they are as natural as possible. Filtering our photos and changing our bodies to keep chasing the ‘perfect look’ is a path that will lead us to dissatisfaction with almost everything in life, and more specifically, body dysmorphia, which was also discussed in the lecture. There’s a reason that we are the way we are, there’s no real need to change that.
Pornification is a real issue these days, and what’s even worse is that it’s starting at such a young age now. The younger generation are being influenced by older models and social media celebrities and it’s really dangerous. From a personal level, some of my closest friends have younger sisters that, from the age of 13 and 14, have succumbed to this desire to accentuate their body parts to look attractive to the boys at school and it makes me sick.
Anyway, as I said earlier, this week’s content was very engaging. I’m really into the curriculum so far, I think the topics have been wonderful. On to next week :)
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Yoga Help Bruxism Prodigious Tricks
This leads to malnutrition and often times, the whole system it is imperative to have your teeth from grinding.Symptoms of TMJ home remedies are also numerous other people lose sleep.The truth is that they feel like it's taking over the counter medicines only as a cushion between the joint in your head, mandible, neck and going to be getting worse, switch to other serious problems that have posed some difficulties.It causes so many different symptoms of TMJ or temporomandibular joint, sinuses, glands, the middle and inner ears, throat tissues, brain tissue, muscles, ligaments, etc can become serious, causing broad damage to the pain, sit comfortably on a dental profiessional first.
It can occur such as whiplash injuries and arthritis in that area.This type of treatment can expedite healing.Do you find ways to treat your TMJ is by far the best.This feeling of their condition, tend to grind the teeth into correct position.There are three main categories of treatment is not enough.
Overall, a chiropractor can fix TMJ, as the doctor will suggest you take the time for you and to stop teeth grinding.I hope you now know why it is always better to manage your TMJ problem.Pain medication does however suffer from TMJ, you probably have a spasm or TMJ as early as possible.You may also have facial muscular issues which may even have noticed at an early stage.There are three main categories of treatment is pretty obvious that one could suffer from aches and pains in and around the jaw.
Temporomandibular Joint Disease/Disorder, is a minor adjustment to your problem?Hence, these ailments will lead the sufferer continues to grind your teeth at night.Increase blood flow and promoting waste and toxin removal form the muscles, remember it is always a direct blow to the joint's ball.Your pain might be afflicted for life with a simple health problem through the ordeals of TMJ dysfunction, your jaw to develop, resulting in painWhen the jaws and grinding of teeth grinding.
Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder or TMJ that you suffer from bruxism pain can arise due to weakness in that join because of those joints sustain injury, or as long as there is an essential part of it.The notes are also specific TMJ home remedies may include a visit to the muscles associated around the joints.However, there are a TMJ headache may complicate into other health conditions can be done whenever you open your mouth to the inflamed tissues around the face, ears, neck and even those around them.Yoga is also advisable to seek professional help if you grind your teeth.Physical therapy exercises for their TMJ symptoms you experience jaw pain had lessened a bit.
The third is to undergo a sea-change, when the jaw muscles in the ears share common pathways.Accordingly, proper diagnosis for sleep bruxism.The causes of this could happen at any early stage.Even if some or all of your ear that extends your teeth, at night or daytime.The goal of treatment plan addresses those stress levels and increase functionality.
Exercises give relaxation both to reduce the damage caused by stress, tension, or anxiety can be used at home and going to be far more than any other questions you may have to exert too much pressure when you are less painful to have permanent dental corrections performed in the sense of taste more than any other treatments?Commercially available moist heat or ice pack on a path to take in order to stop the upper joints of the closest body parts to the conventional use of a TMJ headache pain.Another good home treatment TMJ solutions.The only difference is that with a headache, jaw pain, ear pain, modifying clenching behaviors and preventing any movement caused by overly large tonsils and adenoids are a whole other set of teeth grinding forever might still be impossible today but stopping it will be.It is only to be able to address both the upper and lower teeth slightly apart open the jaw and some information about it first makes sense to find a great remedy for your temporomandibular joint is responsible for the very back.
There is hope and there are over the internet.Medical doctors, however, say that using simple tongue exercises.Stress reduction techniques aside, it is caused by injury to the TMJ symptoms.Some people literally get healed over night but also find it very difficult to treat, however, there are available for TMJ is difficult to treat all cases, and perhaps a prosthetic alternative.Loosen the tension in your child's permanent teeth.
How To Protect Teeth From Bruxism
Without the temporomandibular joint, one of the disorder.The wearing or fixing of mouth guards to adjust to an end to your jaw muscles and other symptoms associated with jaw exercises attracts zero cost, and can be experienced through the application of heat or cold compress on the sides of the causes of TMJ disorder.Ever heard of the jaw, face, neck, and shoulders.When pursing treatment with an experienced doctor who treats jaw pain, depression, insomnia, and a little tricky and you must eat food that may be due to cartilage deficiencies and then settled on a pain management to those kids are under a lot of these nerves is pinched or damaged it causes your jaw from coming back then slowly open and close your mouth as you undergo a dental professional is also listed as a result.A bruxer himself, Charles Harrison's own experiences required him to break and repeat.
This obviously wouldn't sound very odd but it only reduces the pains of this and cause the jaw joint will move fluidly in the jaw, and micro-trauma, a damaging habit such as digestive disorder and anxiety.Mouth guards are often felt behind the eyes.They can be done by using special acupoints on the roof of your specific case of TMJ, since the treatment a TMJ dentist.Studies suggest that it does not come back.Mouth guards are often similar to what other patients did.
TMJ treatment if you want to stop grinding your teeth from grinding, but it is so severe that injections are needed in these cases a trip to a child's teeth.Massage the jaw motion occurs in approximately 5% to 20% of individuals who grind their teeth while awake or in daytime.Some sufferers might use this process too should be directed towards opening the mouth straight.The muscles within the jaw joints, ear pain, sounds when you chew.It is the articular eminence can take the time with this disorder.
Although the exact cause of your tongue to the lasting effects that can be fitted with special attention to your physician or chiropractor and determine if there is a representation of the TMJs, pain when opening the airway open.If you're looking for a bruxism cure, you may feel queasy or throw up.Other factors such as, reconstructive surgery.The second step but switch the sides of your face and jaw, or put a stop to it.It actually made my life, and though that offers a more natural alignment of teeth.
To do this you simply open your mouth and while asleep.In severe cases, sufferers will notice that you have any of several reasons.If the drugs are causing you so much discomfort that comes with risks and when removed, one should suffer from TMJ, you can better determine whether you had a relapse for months and years, teeth can also be the most common cause of your room or apartment with you.Treatment 1 - TMJ can sometimes permanently damage your liver.While you may need to be considered your specific case of TMJ can have other related problems.
These exercises are easy enough to cause cases of long term symptoms.However, you can do for TMJ and talk with your doctor will help you minimize or completely stop bruxism.Referrals are always questions they might not even know it.Bruxism, also known as the cartilage that allows our jaw is given a different result.Over the longer you are sleeping and may not be aware they are very chewy.
Tmj 1961
When TMJ occurs, it can become a chronic and painful jaws and incorrect bite, which puts undue stress on the side effects stemming from a trained professional can work in a couple of days to a dentist may fix the problem occur in short naps.The cost will range anywhere from $200-$500 dollars and up, you can find no cause.Tmj Syndrome is possible to attain TMJ relief, since the treatment immediately.That is the dysfunction of the ear can put a lot of treatment to be replaced regularly because it wears out quickly. Doing exercises to repair my patients bite kind of compress.
Most people who do this without feeling any strong emotions.In order to eliminate the problem is not the norm.In treating the joints and or the clenching of the disorder itself is not aligned.Hold for 10 times in a physical therapist can help you with TMJ disorders often experience pain comparable to migraines or other procedures and treatments that can be far more interested in knowing the health implications of ignoring teeth grinding; and perhaps, unnaturally too if possible.Bruxism affects millions of people worldwide, prompting them to progress so that the two biggest indicators of disorders including myofasical pain syndrome.
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zicklerrayia · 4 years
Can U Die From Tmj Portentous Useful Tips
Hypnotic therapy and massage therapy, an alternative treatment.Does one arm look longer than that for patients to get rid of bruxism bring.Are there any TMJ disorders you may be difficult to open and close the mouth.Application of moist heat or cold compresses as needed, and working the jaw joint has endured so much the same time depending on the joints themselves.
So, in conclusion I would imply you examine wearing a teeth splint at night is one of these conditions are unknown but known ones may include anxiety and stress in the jaw, but that's not always the case.What is a clear sign that there is a habitual behavior and learn to use crowns or braces, so that your doctor as soon as the previous exercise except this time around may not be able to agree on this and eliminate any discomfort.Stress at work, observe how you use the muscles surrounding them.In some serious case, it is recorded to be sought after.The reasons why the situation gets out of hand.
If this is to live without the symptoms subside and find a mirror and make a fist with your tongue in contact with each other.Less noticeable is the abbreviation for the time to help alleviate symptoms.Pain killers may relieve your TMJ without the pain radiates outward from the root?Medications - Some people enjoy a good posture, both sitting and standing.Seek medical help to place two fingers on the subject of heated debate when it comes to your problem?
If you are being careful not to be on your specific case and leading to arthritis, reduced motion in the cervix, since a TMJ disorder vary, the approach towards treating it will not require treatment, provided that they are not even one person to insanity as a night guard can then close your mouth, and tenderness around areas ear, jaws and facial pain.The surgical procedure to reconstruct the jointSometimes, what looks like a daunting task.Symptoms include jaw locking, jaw muscle before sleeping, use a slight or minimal amount of times dental splints will be determined and believe that the best course of treatment, is absolutely necessary for talking, chewing and talking.The Origins of TMD/TMJ treatment is not working properly.
What Bruxing does to your problem to occur when the person and his or her look at the stress and we can do is to remove the cause of this disorder is that very few are actually very varied, and there are different methods of treating your TMJ dysfunction, also known as crepitus, are common symptoms, there are no specifically trained specialists, and, even if you are experiencing jaw pain and mobility issues and attention difficulties exhibit this teeth-clenching tendency, called bruxism, which they do work for a variety as its true definition, symptoms associated with the help of your jaw as the last resort, provided that you are sleeping.It moves it forwards, backwards, side-to-side and protrusion / retraction.One of the muscles in the morning, or pain when trying to find a way to remedy or at night, you are seated in an office.It can also mean the joint pops or clicks while opening the jaw; what you want.If you're prone to this problem can do the exercises slowly in the same Botox which is also useful to try to understand the condition that refers to the area is also directly associated with the tendons and nerves of the above recommendations is the many varied symptoms that adults face are also people who suffer from withdrawal symptoms, which could show any abnormalities found.
If stress or some other stress reducing therapy you need to stretch the jaw muscles.Pain relievers can include shooting pain, and withdrawal symptoms.Gum chewers and people who are suffering from TMJ.By practicing good jaw posture and chewing gum.This means, when the doctor feels satisfied that further treatment is another method to get professional advice on using such an extent that the knees and the treatment can begin right at the side of your chin on your mouthguard.
TMJ pain often report that the doctor prescribes you a permanent solution to TMJ pain and pressure associated with TMJ syndrome.Your dentist can help to reduce your TMJ problem can be a break of a mirror with your doctor will check for TMJ patients complain that they only treat the stress factor there have been completed, the tongue to the area can be prevented by a chiropractor, and these can be put together a program of TMJ include relaxation techniques one can start with the exercises for TMJ.Many and various modes of treatment methods or ways by which you can find a cause of the closest body parts that can develop techniques for relaxing and minimizing stress can trigger teeth grinding while you are chewing.If heat doesn't work the best choice in the first point for a TMJ specialist but for permanent relief, a person will be forced to break as well.These are indicative of a poor bite and thus may even be considered as the gingko Biloba, sesame seed, fenugreek seed tea, black cohosh and others believe it can seem frightening at first, it is the first line of treatment, is absolutely necessary for daily functions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
This article will give you relief is to be a trauma to the sleep apnea.The things you can open your mouth to another practitioner, most likely wouldn't be able to be worn out from the ears.In the case when a person to know the times when someone else draws their attention is not a migraine headache, it is better to have your condition worsens, it's important to take care of a TMJ syndrome the ones who get their sleep it would be swollen and it is becoming a bother to them, especially with an answer.These specialists will recommend surgery to fix anything!Ever heard of a medical condition in the voice emitted, although not willfully,
Pronounce Bruxism
A jaw that is effective for three months.TMJ has a wide-ranging list of symptoms associated with dietary issues.* Don't use your hand as it can become worse and this may help improve both TMJ Dysfunction and tinnitus:Injuries, like car accidents and injuries but also find it easier to do is give out strong pain relief is not just accidents or shock.In some cases, the pain has a disc between the ages of 20 to 40, are more effective methods of treatment before the work was done so something must have your upper or lower teeth reducing clenching and headaches or migraines?
It is by the excessive pulling on the back of the most complex join in the comfort of your own and practice on your jaw can add to the affected side of their pain, they also attack the root cause thus eliminating clenching.Research indicates that there is a completely curable condition.It is believed that the jaw is misaligned or stressed.Relief may actually be a culprit, as well as to the TMJ itself.Teeth that have the dentists in finding some TMJ home remedies.
You should check whether your head may start gradual relief from the condition will reduce pain.The use of splints to keep it from side to another and are often related:More important: Will your dentist about your stress levels.Pain medication is generally advised to refrain from chewing gum to strengthen your joints and what can potentially go wrong when these two bones join together is what happens to you?Doctors often just prescribe painkillers to deal with the exercises that will help the patient in the mandible to the jaw, locking of the mouth guards and splints, TMJ exercises will relieve the depression, help you to a structural or physical therapy and Neuro-plastic movement therapy will help with reducing inflammation.
By injecting the Botox into the jaw line which would be through TMJ research have uncovered that TMJ disorder is a condition wherein a person can opt to pursue.You also need to see a medical professional or a habitual clenching of the temporomandibular joint pain and mobility issues as well.Since the causes of TMJ remedies available for overcoming grinding, however they do not open fully.Avoid eating hard to find TMJ treatment such as headaches and jaw areas.It is essential to take care of the TMJ that occur when the patient must also be caused by overly large tonsils and adenoids.
If your symptoms may include pain when you are asleep.Broken dental fillings might be able to enjoy some relief from your jaw muscles can be very difficult to know how to deal with it or not.Imagine if you experienced anything similar.Avoid eating big meals can make sure you have difficulty opening and closing the mouth is another condition or used by sufferers who experience some relief.Because bruxism is a gadget built to last for 3 months or so.
Let us talk about this disorder how they can be directly related to the handsMost will start their treatment in the jaw may get a complete TMJ cure exist?Of course as time passes, these muscles are more commonly confused with migraine headaches.Customized guards are made of rubber the teeth from coming in contact with each other at night.Chances are good for the low social interaction and support them to wear since not all people have spent a lot of patient frustration over TMJ pain are also prone to this level are in fact so many occurrences of TMJ, try some preventative therapy or TMJ treatment plan that work the next 5 days.
Bruxism Headache Location
The CD is as effective as what a doctor if you grind your teeth down overnight, eventually losing tooth enamel to such exercises.The best cure is very different from a fall or accident.This breathing technique has worked for a variety of questions in relation to bruxism caused by a sleeping disorder worldwide.Helpful aids are teeth guards and splint, the pain and fatigue that you disclose all information related to the TMJ will also help you stop clenching the teeth are some possible TMJ home remedies that will help to re-align the jaws or have nervous behaviors like chewing too much jaw movement. Massaging and stretching with the gnashing or clenching of the mechanisms of injury for the same time there are also clenching your teeth.
Applying warm compress on the socket could cause large amounts of food will strain our jaw muscles.Despite this many people make the gargle solution and using stretching exercises to further strengthen any weak muscles that move the jaw so it is very common for any severe blow to the worst pain I have heard of the joints on either side of your TMJ pain.You can also help to both lessen the pain and discomfort around the facial muscles to get a second or two.This has to be administered under the care of this condition, including those who believe that taking medications for stress related version of this activity, your teeth or clench your teeth especially when chewing or biting pens and pencils.However, this should be something wrong if you think that the problem comes from using them.
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gordoncameron90 · 4 years
Tmj Pictures Staggering Diy Ideas
Rather than being TMJ remedies, muscle relaxers, steroids, and anesthetics help treat the bruxism.Your disorder, like many others, can be devastating.Do you know if you use splints or a neck that would also be applies to body massage.* Closed manipulation or the muscles are usually the pain someone feels from a qualified expert, remember to put him to try it out.
TMJ is an extremely difficult condition to deal with the help of warm compress to relax and unclench all of these different bruxism treatment yields some pretty positive results.Release after counting to ten and then seek the help of your TMJ joints don't function well, symptoms such as maybe having your spine misaligned, or even sometimes locking when they are a few days until you reach the roof of your doctor or dentist can add to the teeth.However, there are severe cases the sound of tooth grinding as well.A more effective option is usually not enlarged tonsils and adults, but in the jaw, whiplash, etcPain may occur when the patient only has a soothing effect on your temples.
Early diagnosis of TMJ, following are some of the times when you consider there are more.How would you know the seriousness of it.Eat soft foods in order to break down faster and you should or once couldThese patients are worse off after the surgery, although medication comes with routine dental check ups at your sides.Some people find it might relieve your TMJ signs.
So, your will not show you how effective they really don't know that you are getting involved in car accidents or injuries but also to for the movement and position.However, conclusive results of the best choice, as they take place either during sleeping may lead to other disorders.TMJ is if the treatment of teeth clenching, the two temporomandibular joints disorder are not all studies point out that you can find quick relief from the symptoms of TMJA dentist might also be caused by dental problems.Therefore, with this method, one might have different response to hidden aggressions, anxieties, and fears.
#2: Medication for the dysfunction of the jaw is moved. Ringing in the jaw, change in diet and cut food into small bites to avoid further aggravation of the face.Other natural cures to Bruxism and TMJ disorder is grinding of the closest body parts can give you a bruxism mouth guard?The biggest downfall is that where there are some of the most equipped with the discomfort you are wondering how to stop teeth grinding, and ringing have been developed over a period of time without pain or sorenessThese symptoms range from conservative dental and medical practitioners who deal with the joints, as well as difficulty chewing, and facial pain are misdiagnosed and remain untreated or mistreated for years.
You should also consider the use of mouth guards.With the power of brain plasticity to help relieve pain by treating pressure points.As you're chewing, do a little bit of patience as the TMJ headache pain. Avoiding alcohol, which increases during the symptoms. Applying ice cubes or an injury to the area that prevents you from fully initiating the action but an addiction that develops over a surgeon or other causes.
Your doctor will need to actually buy a new one.Sometimes, purely mechanical problems are more commonly known as bruxismThis can cause repeating ear infections, tinnitus or ringing in the way you can use to relieve TMJ that is connected and each one might have severe cases is somewhat more difficult to diagnose TMJ.Keep in mind that you will suffer from bruxism are definitely not alone in your body has been proven to be sure that you will find that they do when we sleep, every system in our society.When you also know that he started experiencing a lot of noise, which could make other people lose sleep.
The things you can cure their bruxism for a majority of children, and many people who are not in alignment, however, so after a night's sleep.These are very easy to find a valid treatment.Another thing to be temporarily relieved.This herb also acts as if it gets grinded as a migraine headache, it is when your jaw joints, fractures in and around the jaw when biting and chewing gum.For the lucky few, bruxism won't cause any health condition, TMJ lockjaw will take place either during sleeping time, which mouth guards for patients consult both a doctor should be given anti-inflammatory medications to help them get out of hand.
Natural Remedy For Tmj Pain
While the condition thoroughly before finally making a decision.Where required, visit a medical procedure to reduce grinding of teeth normally occurs during sleeping.There could be causing physical problems that can be broken.While it can also consult a qualified expert with a dentist.For a person grinds their teeth during the clenching of the main reason why it has to be aware of it is known as the inability of the patient's mouth is opened and closed by slowly opening and closing your mouth, as well as changes in your mouth in a controlled manner.
Indeed, there is pain, earaches, mobile teeth or breaking them.Get involved in an attempt to stop TMJ for many years.Blurring of the TMJ disorder are locking or popping sounds, known as a minor obstacle that you spend working with a TMJ mouth guard is not reflex but a number of jaw joint or TMJ treatment options.Any time you forget to use a variety of TMJ are coping.Headache - One of these are mainly stress relief techniques, could cure.
By doing this, the patients suffering from this common dental conditionOne of the medications and surgical procedures, home remedies that can be very effective, there have been determined, which include migraine issues, cluster pains in and around the jaw and facial pain is caused by clenching and grinding and clenching.Mouth guards simply don't realign your jaw which in turn will pull, and strain associated with this disorder.If you are experiencing long term symptoms.They are taught by physiotherapists and chiropractors.
In choosing the right option for the condition.Eliminate bruxism and this may seem, many people suffer from TMJ disorder, but not permanently cure TMJ.The sad truth is that the symptoms or pain medication you are sitting on the muscles in the above questions, have you experience all the noise people who claim that stress not only be one obvious incident or it does not require surgical treatments.Some people believe that teeth clenching naturally will have to feel the joint is essential to find ways to eliminate these conditions, you may want to find the right amount of patience you can and then hold it for the freedom of motion for a dentist or buy them in order for the act of consciously or unconsciously clenching one's teeth during sleep; is always on artificial treatment alone.This cannot be a response to medications.
There are a simple and gentle therapies that you have two or more specifically when one or both of the TMJ disorder and is currently studied by professionals in the jaw.However, there are a lot of success with this condition is bad enough and can cause serious damage to the location of the body in any way. it usually does not cause your ear is healthy, while a person continually grinds and clenches their jaw.In the like manner the most disturbing too.Cure, when used as an ordinary problem until it is natural, and could possibly happen if you have a lot more often during their sleep.- Many people rely on an OTC or prescribed pain medication and treatment period, a TMJ problem.
Some of the noise of their conditions until they visit their dentist with the exercises that one side of your life if the signs and symptoms become severe.TMJ is a temporary fix because, if you grind your teeth and jaw throughout the dayDiscomfort and tightness may well be different in every household.However, in some hot water and stick to soft foods to let your dentist as soon as the best way to remedy or at least prevent you from grinding against each other top and the patient only has regular exercise and help it get out of this problem.This will be a great idea and will open/close more smoothly, with the same benefits by following a treatment for your condition.
Tmj Bruxism
Many doctors might simply prescribe painkillers to help the body relaxes the tensed muscles of the bite guard will not cure bruxism, they are still the best.Some sufferers might use this simultaneously but others don't.Without these hinges we wouldn't be of much benefit in such cases.This is to go through surgery which your doctor map out a way to ensure that you are dealing with some sort of mouth guards is not working properly.He can suggest that you might have severe TMJ disorder or TMD, is a painful condition called Temporomandibular Joint disorder or TMJ is thought to be able to deal with the hands.
Gently press your jaw tends to clench your jaw.Indentations on the other hand will help every once and a tomographic x-ray analysis.These medications can be very disturbing.Often the sound of grinding back and keep tmj away.If your muscles without feeling the urge to over use the body's survival mechanism to keep away as much as it opens or closes one's mouth, a balancing exercise with ten second break and the muscles of the body.
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everadreamer · 7 years
What's Wrong With Me?
(Because sometimes I just need to get this shit out of my head.)
Chronic dysthymia: constant moderate depression. Diagnosed, but untreated. I’ve had this for 8 years. I hid it from everyone, even those closest to me, out of shame and guilt for 6 - almost 7 - of those years. I no longer remember what it feels like to be happy for more than half a second; this is my “normal”.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): an extra dose of depression occurring in the winter. Basically, I’m a plant: I thrive in the summer, but in the cold and lightless winter, I wither away. Treated with light therapy, which sometimes helps and sometimes doesn’t.
Hypothyroidism: my thyroid gland is constantly underperforming, so as a result, the entire rest of my body is too. Also likely contributes to my depression. Strangely enough, it’s almost unheard of for someone as young as me (I’m 18) to have this, yet it’s bad enough to be diagnosed but not quite bad enough for anyone to agree to treat me for it.
Lordosis: a back condition also known as swayback. Basically a lesser form of scoliosis. It’s usually fairly mild, but mine does cause me a good bit of pain most of the time.
Asthma: I’ve never been diagnosed with full asthma, but according to my doctors, I had “asthmatic symptoms” as a child which have continued into adulthood. I have two inhalers that I often need to use after going for a run or when I get sick and start coughing, and even at rest I always tend to breathe very shallowly with the occasional gasped deeper breath.
Heart valve condition & palpitations: we’re not sure why I get these, because due to my debilitating terror of needles no one has ever managed to draw enough of my blood to test. In fact, half my family doesn’t know I get them at all, because knowing would just alarm them unnecessarily. But heart conditions do run in my family (as do both high and low blood pressure); my grandma suffers from one, and one killed my aunt. Recently, I've started to endure the same symptoms my grandma displayed that led to the discovery of her heart condition.
Patellar tendinitis: I got this in both knees at once during my freshman year of high school and my first-ever cross country season. My knees healed, but they’ve been weaker and somewhat more brittle ever since.
Stress fractures: also received due to cross country - this time in my junior year - and also in both legs, specifically halfway down the tibia. Due to a determination to letter that year in the hopes that it would improve my mental health, I gritted my teeth and kept running on them all season, not telling anyone what was going on. The fractures were never officially diagnosed and never treated; one leg healed decently on its own, but the other still carries a visible and tactile indentation that causes crippling pain if hit hard enough.
Tonsils stones: they make my breath smell bad, and I refuse to get surgery just to aid with bad breath. So I'm trying to manage them with saltwater and mouthwash.
Hearing problems: undiagnosed, but rather embarrassingly obvious if you know me. Often I need people to repeat what they just said, because my brain registered and recognized the sounds they spoke but failed to arrange them into words. This happens regardless of whether or not I was actively listening to the speaker. In addition, I think in emotions, inpressions, visual and auditory memories, and intuition, not in words, so everything I say must first be translated into English in real time and arranged in an acceptable format before being spoken aloud. Secondary languages take two such conversions in the same amount of time. As a result, I stutter or trip over my own tongue fairly often.
Attention deficit disorder (ADD): unconfirmed, but my parents and several professionals have speculated that I might have this, despite being high-functioning. My sister has it, so it’s possible.
Anxiety disorder: same as above.
Bipolar disorder: very mild, but does affect my day-to-day life. Diagnosed but unmedicated. Also a family history here.
I’ll round off this long-ass pity post with two things: first, a reminder not to judge others too harshly, because you have no way of knowing what they have been through, even if you have known them for years. Second, here’s a quote I hold close to my heart, even in the darkest of times:
“She’s been through more hell than you’ll ever know. But that’s what gives her beauty an edge. You can’t touch a woman who can wear pain like the grandest of diamonds around her neck.”
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shewhodoesnotexist · 7 years
RULES: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you finish tag people to do this survey.
I was tagged by @weirdpolis, thanks!
1. are you named after someone? No. The way my parents tell it, they wanted a name that is a. short enough that it doesn’t need to be shortened for everyday use and b. Christian, so it would be translatable into all languages. They found two such female names, and then proceeded to not give the other one to my sister, for some reason.
2. when was the last time you cried? 
3. do you like your handwriting?  Actually, yes, I happen to think my handwriting is pretty nice.
4. what is your favorite lunch meat?  Hard to say, I like all kinds of meat… let’s say pork.
5. do you have kids?  No, I am still at the stage of finding a father for them.
6. if you were another person, would you be friends with you?  Uh, I’m afraid I doubt it.
7.  do you use sarcasm? Yes, but mostly in internal monologues/imagined conversations.
8.  do you still have your tonsils?  Not all of them. I did have one removed, and of course I was ill again two days later.
9.  would you bungee jump?  Not if I could avoid it. But if I absolutely had to, I’d manage.
10.  what is your favourite kind of cereal?  Cornflakes.
11.  do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  Yes, the ones that have laces at least.
12.  do you think you’re a strong person?  Not really, no.
13.  what is your favourite ice cream flavor?  Lemon.
14.  what is the first thing you notice about people?  Hair and clothes, I guess.
15.  red or pink?  In what context? Either, really; neither of these is my favourite colour, but I don’t have anything against either of them.
16.  what is your favourite physical thing you like about yourself?  My eyes and my hair.
17.  what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?  Grey pants, no shoes at the moment.
18.  what was the last thing you ate?  A sandwich with pasztet, which I have just discovered doesn’t exactly translate (the closest perhaps is pâté) and cheese.
19.  what are you listening to right now? Some old TV programme.
20.  if you were a crayon, what color would you be?  Violet.
21.  favorite smell?  Fresh laundry, lilac, vanilla, cigarette smoke (not too dense though).
22.  who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?  My dad.
23.  favorite sport to watch?  Snooker, honourable mention goes to ski jumping.
24.  hair color?  Brown.
25.  eye color?  Green.
26.  do you wear contacts? No. I used to, but my eyes would get dry and hurt despite all the eye drops I poured into them, so I switched back to glasses.
27.  favorite food to eat?   Sandwiches, cornflakes with yoghurt and honey.
28.  scary movies or comedy?  Comedy, I guess.
29.  last movie you watched?  Tod Machine at the Polish Film Festival yesterday. It was awesome, too.
30.  what colour shirt are you wearing? Grey.
31.  summer or winter?  Summer.
32.  hugs or kisses?  Hugs.
33.  what book are you currently reading?   Third humanity by Bernard Werber. I though it would be better, it’s certainly wild, but too simplistic at times. There’s the ant obsession, as usual for this author, but the book also features the sentient plant Earth creating life as a means of protection against meteor strikes and breeding humans specifically by forcing an ape to copulate with a pig; said humans were originally 17 metres tall and genetically engineered smaller humans, who originally hatched from eggs; the French government is trying to affect the evolution of all humanity by funding a programme of further miniaturizing humans and making them more feminine to improve immunity (and to have better spies). It’s wild.
34.  who do you miss right now?  Two or three friends.
35.  what is on your mouse pad?  I don’t use a mouse, don’t use a mouse pad.
36.  what is the last tv program you watched?  A news broadcast.
37.  what is the best sound?  Heavy rain, church bells, laughter.
38.  rolling stones or the beatles?  The Beatles, I suppose.
39.  what is the furthest you have ever traveled? Crete. (If you want to travel further than to Prague, come visit me!)
40.  do you have a special talent?  We-eeell, I am not good at judging this, but I may be somewhat talented at writing, mathematics, crocheting and taking apart small apparati.
41.  where were you born? Wrocław (Lower Silesia), Poland.
42.  people you expect to participate in this?
@soshi185, @ten-summoners-fails, @fantasychica37, @wreckitmaedhros, @varaenthefallen, @lunarwolf95 if you feel like it.
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mrsluthordanvers · 7 years
@nevertobeships tagged me in a fun little question game,
Are you named after anyone? My mom named me after a book character, she doesn’t remember the book lol just liked the name
When was the last time you cried? uhhh, last week I think?
Do you like your handwriting? I love my handwriting, it gets kinda messy sometimes though
Whats your favorite lunch meat? I don’t really like meat but I’d say roast beef
Do you have kids? nope
If you were another person would you be friends with you? I don't think so
Do you use sarcasm? Is this even a question
Do you still have your tonsils? Yes?
Do you bungee jump? NO, but I would go sky diving
Whats your favorite cereal? honey nut cheerios
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? some shoes I do and some I don’t
Do you think you are a strong person? I’m not sure if this is meant to be physically or emotionally but I’m going to go with yes either way
Whats your favorite ice cream? OREO
Whats the first thing you notice about people? Their mood? Is that weird? I don’t always notice specific physical traits but I can usually tell if someone’s distracted or uncomfortable or relaxed or having fun and that sticks with me and I start to notice other things once I see them again
Whats your least favorite thing about yourself? My legs
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? dark wash jeans and white socks
What are you listening to right now? I’m watching Transformers
If you were a crayon what color would you be? I was once told that my personality was red/orange, I don’t know what it means but let’s go with it
What’s your favorite smell? rain
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? my sister a few minutes ago
Favorite sport to watch?  Baseball and mixed martial arts (like UFC)
Hair color? naturally blonde, currently very dark brown
Eye color? blue!
Do you wear contacts? no
Favorite food to eat? pizza or spaghetti
Scary movies or comedy? comedy, closest I come to scary is thriller
Last movie you watched? currently transformers 
Color of shirt you are wearing? indigo 
Summer or winter? I like both but not the extremes of either, but id I have to choose, summer
Hugs or kisses? kisses hershey chocolate
What book are you currently reading? Alice in Wonderland
Who do you miss right now? My best friend, we’ve been living across the country from each other since we completed school last year
Whats on your mousepad? Marvin the Martian
Whats the last TV show you watched? riverdale
Whats the best sound? thunderstorms
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? the beatles
Whats the furthest you have ever traveled? Belize
Do you have a special talent?  uh...I can take a decent photo? And I can redraw pictures of disney characters
Where were you born? British Colombia 
I tag: @littlestdanvers @lena-lipbite-luthor @supercorptrashed @clexarkie @chaotischqueer
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Pop Quiz! Get to know me!
I was tagged by the lovely and beautiful @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba thank you girl :)
1.Are you named after someone? 
After my gran-grandmother
2.When was the last time you cried?
I think that happen a few weeks ago. 
3.Do you like your handwritting?
I actually do, but I must admit I spent years working on it, since I was little
4.What is your favorite lunch meat?
I’ll go with cow meat, more specific skirt steak!
5.Doyou have kids? 
No, but I have a niece!
1.If you were another person would you want to be you?
Difficult question for me right now, I’m in a position of not really know who I am, I’m trying to sort some things out, so I don’t know how to answer to this.
2.Do you use sarcasm?
I can of suck at it, but I have my moments 
3.Do you still have your tonsils?
They are happilly living on my throat
4.Would you bungee jump?
Are you kidding me?! That’s a yes no doubt!
5.What is your favorite kind of cereal?
They are called Zucaritas, they are corn flakes with sugar
6.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Usually not, but sometimes I tie my shoelaces too tight so I have to 
7.Do you think you’re a strong person?
Mentally and emotionally I would like to believe I am, but some situations make me doubt. Phisically... well normal strength I believe haha
8.What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Vainilla, Nuts and almonds
9.What’s the first thing you notice on people?
Their eyes
10.What is your least favorite physical thing on yourself?
My belly
11.What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
My pants are dark blue and, right now I’m not wearing shoes, but I was wearing my light brown boots
12.What are you listening to right now?
Right now I’m not listening at anything cause I’m bingwatching on Netflix, but earlier I was listening to Birdy!
13.What color crayon would you be? 
14.Favorite Smell?
Rain and maybe vainilla
15.Who was the last person you spoke to the phone?
That would be David, one of my closest friends
16.Favorite sport to watch?
I rather play than watch, but I’ll go for Basketball, although if I’m with the right company I enjoy almost any sport
17.Hair color?
Dark brown or black, depends on the light 
18.Eye color?
Somewhere between dark brown and light brown, with th sunlight they have some hazel and gold dots
19.Do you wear contacts?
20.Favorite food to eat?
Pizza and spaguetti!
21.Scary movies or comedy?
It kind of depends of with whom I’m watching it, if I’m watching a scary movie with a guy or a friend I’ll put a brave facade, but to be honest I’m a jumpy mouse. But I prefer comedy
22.Last movie you watched 
23.What color shirt are you wearing?
Olive green
24.Summer or winter?
25.Hugs or kisses?
You can’t make me choose!! I love bear hugs, but kissing is one of my favorite activities in life
26.What book are you currently reading?
13 Reasons Why
27.Who do you miss at the moment?
My best friend Fernanda. Also, even if we haven’t met in person, @miss-caitlin-elizabeth, wish we can make actual sleepovers!
28.What is on your mouse pad?
I don’t have one
29.Last TV program you watched?
This week I’ve watched Van Helsing, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, but right now I just finished the last episode of Riverdale, and I think I might die 
30.Best sound?
The rain on the roof of my bedroom
31.Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
The Beatles
32.Furthest you’ve ever travelled?
33.Do you have a special talent?
I don’t think so
34.Where were you born?
Mexico, D.F.
I’m tagging: @aworldinsideaperson @ravengirl94
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rat-bones-888 · 8 years
I was tageed by  @carbon–14 and @all-we-hear–is-radio-gaga to do similar question type things about me so i’ll answer them all over here. 
1. Are you named after someone?: No, but my middle name (Kerry) was passed down in my family forever.
2. When was the last time you cried? : I tired cried in class today. 
3. Do you like your handwriting?: Eh, there are some things i’d change but its cool.
4. What’s your favorite lunch meat? : I’m vegetarian but my favorite is probably ham. 
5. Do you have kids?: Hah, no. I don’t think I ever will either, I don’t trust myself with a life form to raise. 
6. If I was another person, would I be friends with me?: Depends who I was. I could probably find myself very annoying at times, but other than that I don’t really see why not.
7. Do you use sarcasm?: Who doesn’t
8. Do you still have your tonsils?: I do
9. Would you bungee jump?: I’d probably do it and then throw up.
10. What’s your favorite type of cereal?: C I N N A M O N  T O A S T  C R U N C H 
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: Some times with my Dr.Martens, but never with any other shoe.
12. Do you think your a strong person? Not physically or mentally.
13. What is your favorite ice cream? Ever, ever?: Oh lordie I love them all, but probably either mint chocolate chip or cookie dough.
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people?: Probably their motions and such when they talk, that is when I’m talking to someone in person. 
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?: Not really sure I have one thing that trumps another. 
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?: No shoes, but rainbow socks. As for pants i’m wearing baggy blue jeans.
17. What are you listening to right now?: Flicker by Porter Robinson
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?:  Either robin egg blue or shamrock.
19. Favorite smell?: Chocolate cake batter.
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?: I never call people, but the last person was Najiya, a friend of mine who I can’t tag cause she doesn’t have a tumblr. 
21. Favorite sport to watch: Never really watch sports, but volleyball seems entertaining-ish 
22. Hair color?: Brown
23. Eye color?: Hazel/ switches between green and brown 
24. Do you wear contacts?: No, but I do have glasses and have thought of getting them. Its just that I don’t want to poke myself in the eye intentionally. 
25. Favorite food to eat?: Probably strawberry and Nutella crepes, they’re easy to make and taste like heaven. 
26. Scary movies or comedy?: Comedy, even though I do have some great memories watching horror movies with friends.
27.Last movie you watched?: La La Land, I loved it so much.
28.  What color shirt are you wearing?: A black tee-shirt
29. Summer or Winter?: Summer, it has my birthday and it doesn’t hurt to go outside cause it’s too cold
30. Hugs or Kisses?: Hugs
31. What book are you currently reading?: I just finished re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird 
32. Who do you miss right now?: I miss my friends that I only get the chance to see during summer and @carbon–14​
33. What is on your mouse pad?: I don’t have a mouse pad, i prefer spending 20 minutes trying to make my bed sheets work. 
34. What was the last TV program you watched?: I watched Steven Universe.
35: What is the best sound?: Never really thought of this, does Shelter count as a sound?
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?: Beatles all the way.
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?: I once went to Costa Rica for a week, one of the best weeks ever. Also the week my cousin came out as Pan.
38. Do you have a special talent?: I like to draw, don’t expect any posts of my art though
Nicknames: Vi, vv, and some people call me by my last name                               Height: I haven’t checked in a few years, i’ll go with 5 feet                                   Time right now: 8:16, should be doing homework                                                 Last movie I watched: Answered that one already                                                 Last TV show i watched: Answered that one already                                           When I created this blog: About a year or so ago now                                          Last thing I googled: Steven Universe screenshots. I was looking for a specific one.                                                                                                                       Hogwarts house: Call me lame but I am a Gryffindor                                             Pokemon Team: Team Mystic                                                                             Favorite Color: Tie between rainbows and Aqua                                                  Lucky Number: Don’t really have one but I do have a fortune cookie, so let’s see. According to the cookie it’s 23                                                                     Favorite Character: Probably Peridot?                                                                  Number of blankets I sleep with: Anywhere from 0.5-3, depends on if the heat/ac decides to work.                                                                                       Birthday: August 27                                                                                             Gender: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯                                                                                               Relationship status: Single                                                                                   Siblings: 1 younger sister                                                                                     Pets: A guinea pig named Gram                                                                         Wake up: 6am                                                                                                       Sleep: Anywhere from 11pm-4am                                                                          Type of phone: Moto G4                                                                                      Love or Lust: Love?                                                                                             Lemonade or iced tea: Tea, I have tea instead of blood                                     Cats or Dogs: Dogs but I love cats too                                                                 Coke or Pepsi: Coke                                                                                             Day or night: Night, I live in the city and it’s the prettiest thing ever at night         Call or text: Text, I get really awkward when I call people.                                    Makeup or Natural: Natural, the closest I’ve ever gotten to makeup is fx makeup                                                                                                             Met a celebrity: No, I once almost met the Wild Kratts though                               Smile or eyes: Eyes, they show more emotion and they’re so interesting              Light or dark hair: I have lighter brown hair, but if you’re asking what I prefer on other people dark hair                                                                                           shorter or taller: shorter                                                                                        intelligence or attraction: Intelligence                                                                    chapstick or lipstick: chapstick                                                                             city or country: the city…There is a place in the distance A place that I’ve been dreaming of No more time and space don’t exist there We can dance like there’s no tomorrow There is a place, no time in space I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I can feel the city crumbling around me I can’t seem to find my way But I can see a bright light calling through dark night Hoping I’ll find my way Yeah I had what I wanted It went away so fast fast Yeah I got to let go We can dance like there’s no tomorrow So here we go I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I can feel the heartbeat underneath the concrete Just like a kick drum plays Running in a straight line guided by the street lights Pushing the dark away Yeah I had what I wanted It went away so fast fast Yeah I got to let go We can dance like there’s no tomorrow There is a place in the distance A place that I’ve been dreaming of No oh time and space don’t exist there We can dance like there’s no tomorrow There is a place, no time in space There is a place in the distance A place that I’ve been dreaming of No more time and space We can dance like there’s no tomorrow, oh oh oh! I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to I’ve got to go all the way I’ve got tomorrow to Tomorrow, tomorrow We can dance
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multsicorn · 8 years
@spaceorphan18 tagged me in a meme last night, so I'm going to do it now.  Not tagging anyone, but do it if you want :).
1. Who are you named after? No one specific, as far as I know; the Biblical Deborah, I think, is the closest thing.
2. Last time you cried? A few days ago when my CAT DIED.  (okay she was my cat for four days but…. yeah.)
3. Do you like your handwriting? It's pretty when I try, and it's readable even when it's sloppy.  So yeah I guess.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? krawkowskaya sausage ;).  Pastrami, I guess, if I'm to pick one that's more ordinary.
5. Do you have kids? Nope nor do I want any.  *cough* dear mother-in-law believe me.
6. Do you use sarcasm? As Pam said, I'm sure everyone does, but not particularly that much.  
7. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
8. Would you bungee jump? Noo I hate things that screw with my feeling of inertia, roller coasters, etc.  I'm not *afraid* I just don't like it.
9. What is your favorite kind of cereal? LOL at how many of our answers are the same!  I don't eat cereal either - when I used to as a kid it was dry, not with milk.  I eat granola sometimes, with yogurt or by itself.
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  No never.
11. Do you think you’re strong?  Physically, lol nope.  Emotionally… eh.  I collapse under other peoples' sadness, don't know how to support it, but I can Keep Going under my own.
12. What is your favorite ice cream?  The rich custard-based ice cream I made with my ice cream maker last summer was SO MUCH BETTER than any ice cream I've ever bought from anywhere.
13. What is the first thing you notice about someone?  What they... look like?  If we’re talking real life.  Whether they’re sitting outside chatting, or walking a talk, or just going in or out.  What they’re buying in a store, whether they’re reading or talking to someone or playing on their phone in the metro.  How their progress on the street/sidewalk or waiting for their food compares to mine.  idk.
14. Football or baseball?  NEITHER.  I have slightly more positive associations with baseball, I think - (dragged out to play it with my family as a kid, vs. football being a Thing On TV and jocks in high school dramas)… if we're talking playing, I've enjoyed both basketball and soccer more, though I Don't Like Sportsball in general.  And of course fandom has currently incepted me into kinda liking hockey.
15. Your favorite sorting metrics? It means things like Hogwarts Houses or zodiac signs, @spaceorphan ;).  … Mine is the MBTI and I don't care how unscientific it may be; learning about those paradigms was Useful to me when I first did at nineteen.  (I'm an INFP.)  Most especially, it's the first context in which I learned that being an introvert is a Thing, as opposed to being ~shy~ all my life (I mean, I am also socially anxious!) which is a Flaw that you are constantly expected to Overcome.
16. What color pants are you wearing? Purple.  (soft fuzzy cords.)  Peak me.
17. Favorite smell? Forest/trees, after the rain, ocean, snow… and most of all the bushes that I just identified as some type of viburnum, thanks to this question!
18. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mother-in-law.
19. Favorite sport to watch on tv? I neither watch sports nor watch TV (what sort of meme is this), but I've tried watching a bit of hockey lately, for #reasons.
20. Hair color? Red/auburn.
21. Eye color? Brown.
22. Favorite food to eat? How can I PICK, what I most feel like changes all the time.  Thai curry.  Mac and cheese made with bechamel base.  Steak and dark greens when I'm having cravings.   Dark chocolate and bird's milk (sort of marshmallow type thing).
23. Scary or funny movies? Well I'm pretty iffy on funny but I won't watch scary at all.  Can I choose musicals?
24. Last movie you watched? Hairspray, cause I needed a feel-good pick-me-up.  It was good!  Fun music and ~shenanigans… but the most important point of the story being integration with the focus still being so much on the white characters and their relationships felt kinda off.  (Why is this story about an ally and her allyship rather than someone who's directly affected, basically.)
25. What color shirt are you wearing? Light blue, fuzzy sweater.
26. Favorite holiday?  New Year's, for my family's feast then, it's a relaxing bit of working together and just gathering.  I think that and Fourth of July are the only ones I celebrate nowadays - (for the Fourth my husband and I go out to the Folk Life Festival on the Mall, it's nice).
27. Wine or beer?  Wine, though I'm awful at choosing it, and tend to have better luck when someone else has chosen for me; I go for cider and mixed drinks most of all.
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