#but they were kind of an iconic duo even if it was short lived
dogwittaablog · 7 months
YES THAT WAS THE GIF I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!! AHHHHHH i thought i hallucinated it i was looking so hard and coming up with nothing.
so i don’t know if THIS is considered the eichel injury—most reports say it’s a game against the islanders in March— but this is one of Eichel’s final games before all the drama goes down with his surgery. then a few months later nolan leaves philly (not related, he asked out) and goes to vegas. by the end of the year eichel has been traded to vegas and pattycakes and eichel are seen at practice together (after eichel heals from surgery)
*referencing the 2021 season*
Nolpats hit/flip most likely took place in one of there games in February which was either on the 27th or 28th. Then the games buffalo and flyers would play in March, would start on the 9th…
And I’m pretty sure Jack’s season ending injury was up against the Islanders on March 7th, when he got a hit to the boards and suffered a herniated disc in his neck… but yeah my dude was was out, got surgery and then dipped to party city 🤩.
Kind of funny how the two sassy-bitchy 2nd overall picks ended up becoming teammates, I just love how the universe works sometimes.
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With BlackBerry, Matt Johnson continues to show no other director has a better understanding of our modern, media-molded minds
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For those unfamiliar, Matt Johnson is a 37-year-old Canadian indie filmmaker, whose new film BlackBerry, which he co-wrote, directed, and co-stars in, was released this past week. BlackBerry charts the rise and fall of the Canadian creators and company behind the once ubiquitous “BlackBerry” smart phone, a device that’s now a relic to the pre-iphone aughts. The film chronicles the triumphs and tribulations of the phone’s creators, underdog nerds Mike Lazaridis and Dough Fregin, and cutthroat businessman and Blackberry co-CEO Jim Balsillie, who both launched the phone to its successes and helped destroy all they created. Johnson’s previous features are The Dirties, a found footage dark comedy/drama about the lives of two film obsessed high schoolers leading up to a school shooting, and Operation Avalanche, a period thriller about low level CIA agents faking the moon landing – a film in which said agents con their way into NASA, which Johnson and his crew actually did in real life when making the low budget indie film. However, Johnson’s most iconic work, and most beloved by many, is his mockumentary comedy series, which started as a web series and was later adapted to TV, Nirvanna the Band the Show. The series details the misadventures and schemes of a fictionalized version of Johnson and his friend, musician Jay McCarrol, as they try to get their band – Nirvanna the Band – a show at the Toronto restaurant and music venue “The Rivoli.” You might know this series from the now famous "Update Day" clip in which the duo sing along to the Wii shop music. In 2021, Johnson and McCarrol even made a three-episode animated children’s spin off of Nirvanna the Band, titled Matt and Bird Break Loose. A unifying aspect of much of Johnson's work is his narrative documentary style of filmmaking, often employing real people in Sacha Baron Cohen-style moments.
Something about me: I'm kind of a Matt Johnson obsessive. Any time I meet someone from Canada under the age of 40, I ask them if they've heard of Matt Johnson or Nirvanna the Band the Show. I have multiple back-up hard drives with the complete web series and TV seasons of Nirvanna the Band because it's impossible to get/find now in the US. Anytime I'm in a large media store that sells 2nd hand movies (like Amoeba Records), I religiously spend time searching to see if, by some small chance, they have one of the physical copies of The Dirties (the ones with the variant covers that look like Criterion Collection covers) - it's kinda my physical media holy grail. My DVD of Operation Avalanche is one of my most prized possessions. Hell, I’ve even tried my hand at replicating Johnson’s style numerous times, a short film I made while at film school abroad in France being the main example. So, suffice to say: I was very excited for Blackberry.
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With BlackBerry Johnson is making significant stylistic and scale leaps from his previous works, “making it to the big leagues” as someone more confident than me with sports metaphors might say. It’s a bigger movie than he’s made before, getting a limited national release here in the US, by a major indie distributor (IFC), starring two sizeable, well-known actors (It’s Always Sunny in Philidelphia’s Glenn Howerton and comedy mainstay Jay Baruchel). All this far from the rag-tag, small scale, underground nature of his previous works, where the cast was the filmmakers and the biggest names involved were Vice (and its since defunct TV network) and Kevin Smith whose company distributed The Dirties. Stylistically, BlackBerry makes the jump from Johnson’s previous found footage/mockumentary movie (both terms sounding far more derisive to the idiosyncratic style of Johnson’s films than I’d like) to a fully “traditional” narrative feature. With both The Dirties and Operation Avalanche, as well as NTBTS, the characters are involved in the actual act of filmmaking, for one reason or another, and aware of the camera filming them, the cameramen being acknowledged entities. The footage you’re watching is filmed, edited, and staring the characters on screen. But, with BlackBerry, besides a fun visual gag from Glenn Howerton at the beginning of the film, the cameras exist as they would in any normal movie – invisible watchers of the events.
What makes BlackBerry and Johnson’s filmmaking so great though is that he doesn’t just abandon all semblance of his style and aesthetic, becoming some bland gun for hire, like so many indie directors plucked from festival success to helm the next cinematic toy line for Marvel. Instead, he finds ways to work his style into this more traditional film in compelling ways. While the camera is no longer literally in the story, it still hovers around the characters, with longtime Johnson DP Jared Raab often shooting through the obstruction of windows, from far away, and with the back of heads in the foreground. The camera zooms and focuses in and out of different characters and things in the moment, cinema verité style, Johnson describing in a Q&A for the film having been influenced by documentaries like Pennebaker and Hegedus’ The War Room. The looming, documentary-like camera works perfectly for this constantly manic story of slap dash, neurotic tech wizzes and on edge CEO sociopaths, the camera matching the characters nature. For this story of greed, corporate malignancy, and the loss of ideals, the camera’s living style also feels like what you’re watching is covert, hacked CCTV footage. It makes the viewer feel like they’re seeing what actually happened: secret footage from inside the office, fly on the wall stuff, intimate to these people and these conflicts.
True to the overarching motif in Johnson’s work of media’s permanent place in our cultural language and experience, Blackberry is filled visual references to other movies: from a non-diegetic montage of famous sci-fi technology over the opening credits, to scenes of the lovable band of “Research in Motion” nerds enjoying movie nights of Raiders of the Lost Ark and They Live, to movie posters lining the walls of the RIM offices and featured on Doug’s t-shirts. Johnson perfectly described how necessary referencing other media was to his film when he explained “Pop culture that we think of as just nerdy ephemera, I believe sincerely, winds up dictating what technologists create that will become the future.” Well timed needle drops help ground the work in its specific world of a nerds 1996, 2003, and 2007, and frequent Johnson collaborator (and aforementioned co-star of Nirvanna the Band) Jay McCarrol brings a pumping synth score, not too dissimilar to Trent Reznor’s work in The Social Network, but with a uniquely quirkier, lo-fi essence that fits perfectly with the indie feel of both the film itself and its subject matter.
Thankfully we’re not entirely deprived of Johnson’s charismatic, comedic screen presence in BlackBerry. While not the Orson Wells-style leading man both in front of and behind the camera he was in his previous works, he still features in Blackberry as the third of our main 3 characters, Doug Fregin, co-engineer/creator of the famous phone, who acts in a way as the film’s audience surrogate. Despite Doug being a “goof” as Balsillie describes him, he’s the heart of the main three characters, the moral center to which we compare Balsillie’s shrewd cunning, lies, and manipulations, and Lazaridis’s tragic moral downfall from tech idealist to bottom-line businessman. Doug is undoubtedly a character in the typical “Johnsonian mold” - a movie quoting, John Carpenter t-shirt and sweatband wearing, ninja turtle loving hyperactive who uses Star Wars references in business meetings. In fact, the character seems molded in the film more on Johnson than the real man, given that, as Johnson explained, he’s a “true cipher… has never done a taped interview,” leaving Johnson with room for interpretation.
However, while Johnson delivers a more lighthearted, comedy performance, as a director he pulls some impressive dramatic performances from Howerton and Baruchel. It’s true that the movie is, at its core, a dark comedy, so there’s some great comedy in the lead performances, Howerton delivering that trademark snark and unhinged rage his Always Sunny character has become known for and Baruchel with his awkward nerdiness. I have no doubt Howerton’s scene in which he, in a rage, screams “I’m from Waterloooooo! Where the vampires hang out!” - in a moment that must be seen to be believed - will become a quoted classic before long. But the characters aren’t just farce Social Network parodies, they have depth and drama to them, a credit to Johnson’s directing and Howerton and Baruchel’s acting. You feel Balsillie’s underlying insecurity and attraction to power that drives him. You hurt seeing Lazaridis slowly turning into what he once stood against and the tragedy of him reaching his ethical “point of no return” when he agrees to the BlackBerry touchscreen phone being manufactured overseas, in order to meet budget and deadline. We also get some delightful supporting performances from the likes of Saul Rubinek, Rich Sommer, Cary Elwes, and Michael Ironside as an imposing, rotund, bolo tie wearing, hard ass COO.
BlackBerry is a tragic tale of ambition and passion succumbing to ego and greed, and in so it’s not only a movie about the tech sector, but also about the struggle of making art. Lazaridis struggles, and ultimately fails, to maintain integrity while creating a technology he loves and believes in against a world run by people like Balsillie who only seek profit and status, quality be damned as long as it sells. Anyone who makes art, especially films, is up against the same problem. There will always be Mike Lazaridis and Matt Johnson’s, there will always be Jim Balsillie’s and David Zaslav’s, and there will always be a struggle between the two: art and commerce. The tragedy comes when the creator, like Lazaridis, loses their principles, and begins creating not for the love of it, but out of obligation and out of profit. The triumphs come when the creator finds a way to take what they love, what they’re good at, and what is meaningful to them, - their vision - and deliver it to the masses with the heart intact, as Johnson has done throughout his career, now with BlackBerry more than ever. It’s up to the creator to stand fast and endure to create their meaningful works, as oftentimes the sharks will get along either way, as we see in the end credits with Balsillie, who avoided any jail time for his stock fraud committed while co-CEO of BlackBerry.
While I don’t think they're for everybody, Matt Johnson's works capture the modern media deluged culture that we all exist in better than any other modern artist or filmmaker. His movies are always about movies, whether they narratively are or not, just as our lives have become subsumed by media consumption, regurgitation, and reinterpretation. We now live in a world where almost every movie and TV show is at our fingertips 24/7 - a religion, the upgrade to dreaming, the codex we classify our existence on - and his film-making style and characters reflect that. The characters, especially the characters Johnson portray, speak in a lingua franca of movies quotes. His camera is alive and involved in the action, often literally, just as our cameras and screens are every day. His editing blends the real world with the movie world, blurring the lines. His movies are not documentaries, but they’re certainly not just fiction, something in between, a dreamlike blend for our media-soaked minds. I’ve never been one good at the rigid definitions of “modernism” and “post modernism” in art, but I have to believe Johnson is the cutting edge of whatever “post-post-post…Modern” stage we’re at currently. The Dirties is about media’s role in the lives of a youth more connected but also alienated than ever before. Operation Avalanche takes the uniquely western art form of film and uses it to represent how governments often use media to manufacture their own fictions to control the public narrative. Nirvanna the Band the Show shows how media influences our everyday lives, friendships, personalities, and dreams. And now BlackBerry serves as a cautionary tale for the fate an artist can fall to if they let their work become a product instead of a passion and art. As we drift further into the oblivion of inevitable ecological, political, social collapse, media becoming the God of our reality, Matt Johnson is our guru, beaming our media-soaked psyche back on to the screen, creating innovative, funny, compelling stories of life through the lens of a movie-fed world.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
PSYCHIC DAMAGE LMFAOOOP omg…now I’m shaking just thinking of the wc HAHAHA I’ll start mentally preparing…
OK DID YOU READ THE CH???? ANOTHER MANIFESTATION OFF THE LIST?? I’m strike throughing this to make it harder to read at first glance in case you haven’t read yet We literally said tabieita best duo because they’re mature enough and confident enough alone which allows them to duo without dependence THAT WAS LITERALLY LIKE HALF THE CH????
Yuki third wheel friend…yuki the “walk behind the duo on the sidewalk” third friend….tbh I think the person I’ve seen him with the most is actually Isagi??? From his little tantrum/rivalry moment….no ykw you’re so right we claim yuki!!
LMAOOOOOOO I’m crying this is so true to their dynamic and I love it sm….barou nagi honestly another iconic duo I can imagine Barou being like “you better stand six feet away from my ball at all times”…
STOP WAIT THATS GENIUS Barou one of the girls HAHAHA that’s so real though!! It kinda reminds me about how Kunigami was canonically like that before bllk because he hung around his sisters a lot!! IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF LAUGHING “y/n l/n is a lovely girl who can really keep a house clean. any man would be lucky to have her” GOODBYE the duo wingman plus imposter wingman dynamic im so living for this….
OOOH NICE!! Except for the knocked out part LOL I feel like I’ve heard that they have that effect…but fr!!! I have no idea how it’d work exactly but you could also maybe consider taking a smaller dosage to see if it’s enough to keep the nausea under control without glueing your eyes shut….that’s sometimes what I do with allergy meds LOL
PARAGLIDING omgggg HAVE FUN!!!! I can def imagine how it’d seem intimidating but I bet you’ll have a lot of fun once you’re in the air!! Just channel your inner crow HAHA THE EMO MOMENT LMAOO BUT DONT LOOK OUT THE WINDOW /hj I feel like seeing the scenery and other cars move from the side perspective makes that dizzy feeling worse…..could be different for you though but that’s what I’ve noticed!
REAL lowk I wonder if it’s maybe more of a he doesn’t actually know what loneliness is because he’s been left alone all his life kind of thing….but anyways…..
-Karasu anon
YOU SHOULD BE SCARED 😈 or alternatively grateful HAHA looking back at that 6-9k word count estimate is cracking me up because this one is making the otoya version look short 😭
I DID READ IT FINALLY AND OMG WHEN NAGI CALLED THEM A MATURE PARTNERSHIP I WAS LIKE ??? why is bro reading the tumblr convos that’s word for word what we said in the past 😟 also wait this is cracking me up…
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CANNOT believe we have a canon panel of hollyhock sengoku era otoya now ⁉️ pov bro on his way to chill in y/n’s room instead of actually trying to find and kill reiji hiiragi as he was hired to 🤫
i do think i’ve seen him with isagi the most also because of the mancity match but tbh isagi has so many more relevant duos (rin, bachira, barou, even hiori and nagi) that it feels very very one sided?? i wish yuki and kuni or yuki and reo would become a duo because i think he would work w either of them really well!! technically reo and nagi are already a thing but it could be a way to break them up and let them find new friends and partners that push them more!! and kunigami + chigiri is also a thing but chigiri is so chill w everyone that i could see kuni and yuki being like a secondary duo the way isagi and hiori are
BAROUNAGI MY FAVS IN EVERY WAY!! truly they have the relationship rin and sae could have if they were just a tiny bit more normal abt things/their rivalry (but you didn’t hear that from me 😶‍🌫️) and LMAOO omg wait lowkey if only kunigami wasn’t busy in wildcard he would also be a hilarious prospect for that kind of thing 😭 barou gives me such one of the girls vibes though like i bet he’d let his gf braid his hair and whatnot…the SECOND one of the bllk boys says smth he tweaks heavy but he won’t take them out even if they’re shit because like his girl worked hard on them 🙁 LMAOOO the yuki barou team up would be wild especially when karasu is actively working against them 😰 and nagi is also just there for some reason too??? i think it would be funny if he gets dragged into things as a repeated bystander and eventually he gets super invested because it’s like an episode of a drama for him but irl 😭 so he somehow knows everything going on but refuses to intervene on either side (which pisses barou off) because he exclusively wants the tea and doesn’t really care how things end up 😩 he’ll randomly drop hints to move the plot along when it’s getting boring though but they’re cryptic enough that they end up causing more chaos than anything…like “karasu i heard y/n likes tall dark haired soccer players” “SHE LIKES ARYU???”
unfortunately i was knocked out on just half of a pill 😩 and paragliding was super super cool + not scary at all but i DID throw up into a little plastic baggie like 5 or 6 times and was nauseous/dizzy soooo would not repeat that experience 😓 but honestly i’m still glad i did it because it was so fun besides the vomiting and such a unique experience!! truly felt like a little bird hahaha…apparently nausea and motion sickness are a symptom of my birth control so once i’m back home i’m going to call the doctor and see if they have any tips!! for now we must endure i suppose 😔
truly i don’t think nagi understands human connection or loneliness or anything like that too well so he’s fine living without actual relationships because you can’t miss what you don’t know 🙁💔 but honestly he seems like he would’ve been very loving if he was raised normally?? like despite what everyone thinks he’s pretty loyal to reo and treats choki so nicely that if he had had a proper upbringing he probably would’ve been such a good friend/significant other 😪 that’s just my headcanon though until we get his actual backstory (like his childhood not just right before bllk) and see what things were like…adding this to the manifestation circle because i NEED to see baby nagi!! i bet he was soooo cute (and also i need to know if he escaped the bowl cut allegations 😭 his hair is wavyish so i think he must be safe?? but you never know)
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bunny-n3zuk0 · 2 years
★彡 ɪɴᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ ǫᴜᴏᴛᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏᴛs 彡★
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
A stupid series I decided to make at 0% sleep in my brain
Ft. @demoiselettes @taisho-era-secret @oba-and-nemis-side-hoe @holywaterforevery3ne @m5dearbri
Notes: there will be facts you didn’t know about in this.
Reminder that this is all jokes and fun and games!
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Avery: And here we see Yume and Nanako in their natural habitat. Texting eachother anything to try to make eachother happy. Yume: *sends Sabito pic to Nanako* Nanako: My hubby!! Yume: Ha ha, yes my friend.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Nanako: There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play? Yori: Did you just make that up? Nanako: No. I read it in a fortune cookie once. Yori: Nanako: A really long fortune cookie.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Bri: Have I ever told you that you cook well? Yume: Awww, no, you haven't! Bri: So why do you keep cooking?
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Mosmei: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt? Yume: Yume: Why are you eating dirt? Mosmei: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Yume: Hey Mosmei, have you seen the photographer? Mosmei: Nope. Have you seen the meat tenderizer? Yume, confused: What? Mosmei, grabbing the meat tenderizer out of the drawer: No reason, cute girl things!
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Nanako: Why's it called an oven when you of in the cold food and you of out hot eat the food? Yori: …What???
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Mosmei: What the hell were you thinking? Bri: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic! Mosmei: You released OSTRICHES!
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Yori: You spent all our money on THIS?? Avery, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Avery: WHO ATE MY BREAD?! Avery: I'M GOING TO FUCKING K- Yume: I did? Avery: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today Yume. *walking away* Yume: Yume: Their gone Mosmei. Mosmei, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in their mouth: Twankh uh!
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Nanako: You've been given a new job to do, but I'm worried it might make you angry. Avery: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band-aid. Nanako: You have to teach Zubbue how to drive. Avery: …put the band-aid back on.
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Yume: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Nanako: You and me! Yume: *tearing up* Ok.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Yori: So… what’s goin’ on? Bri: You want the long version or the short version? Yori, hesitantly: The short one, I guess? Bri: Shit’s fucked. Yori: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Mosmei: I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit. Yume: Mosmei, is that legal? Mosmei: When the cops aren’t around, anything’s legal!
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Yori, looking at a selfie of Mosmei’s: I hate this photo. Mosmei: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly. Yori: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something. Mosmei: Up to kindness.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Yori, in Yume’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Nanako, climbing past Zubbue: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
Bri: Avery likes to win. When they were 8, a little Club Scout friend of theirs bragged they could sell the most cookies. Bri: Damned if Avery didn't walk the neighborhood till they got blisters on their feet, and won by 10 boxes. Bri: Best part is, Avery wasn't even a Club Scout.
۞⋆♡ ♡⋆۞
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Reminder that this is all jokes and fun and games!
I actually do have anxiety
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legion1227 · 1 year
Whose Line Is It Anyway? CW version: Review
Colin Mochire, Ryan Stiles, and Wayne Brady: An iconic trio.
From what I can recall, from a fragment of memory I harbor from a random day back in the mid-2010s, my first exposure to Whose Line Is It Anyway, and its hilarious cast stemmed from the genius duo of Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie. I don't remember the bit, but Ryan and Colin's chemistry and impressive improvisational skills made me cry with laughter. I was exposed to their comedic chops on a random day while scrolling through cable tv channels with family around ten or so years ago, which sent me down a rabbit hole. I watched dozens of clips from them on Youtube and have been a fan of the show for years.
Whose Line Is It Anyway originally started as a radio show on the BBC in 1998. That same year, it moved to British television and aired for years during the 90s before getting a US version of the show, which aired from 1998 to 2007. The show returned once more in 2013 and has been running on the CW channel consistently since then. Whose Line is a comedic skit show starring 4 comedians and 1 host who perform in front of a live crowd.
Essentially there have been three iterations of the show and the format across five decades. I gave the UK version of the show a chance long ago but couldn't gravitate toward it since their sense of humor differed from mine. The version of the show that aired from 1998 to 2007, which we will call the ABC version since it ran on ABC during this time, and the CW version are my favorites, and I will talk primarily about them. (Moreso the latter rather than the former).
The CW version of Whose Line is incredibly funny, but the show falls short compared to the ABC version.
The ABC version of Whose Line prominently featured host Drew Carey with Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady, and a fourth actor that varies with every episode. Every now and then, a surprise guest celebrity would join in on the fun and indulge in comedic showmanship. The games that Drew and the others participated in were a large variety. From Scenes from a Hat to Questions Only, to Three-Headed Broadway Star, to Whose Line, the dozens of games at their exposal attributed to the chaotic unpredictability the show brung.
One of my problems with the CW version is how formulaic it was for years. While the ABC version had guest stars sparingly, the CW version had almost every episode with a special guest. You could predict for the longest time what game they would start and the order. It begins with Let's Make A Date or Questions Only. Then the host would introduce the guest, and Wayne Brady would improvise a song that usually highlights the guest. Finally, they would bring the guest back one or two more times for games like Moving Parts and/or Helping Hands.
Repeat this process ad nausem, and it becomes a bit dull. Colin, Ryan, and Wayne haven't missed a bit as they've aged, but if you've seen one version of Helping Hands, then you've seen every version. Wayne Brady has fantastic range and an overall spectacular singing voice, but he's always singing the same kind of songs for every episode where unless the prompt the audience suggests is particularly batty, it's par for the course.
Thankfully, in the last few years, the episodes aired have strayed away from the special guests. Most surprise guests are not as funny or talented in this field as Colin or the others, taking away from the comedic genius the group provides.
To a lesser extent, my only other gripe with the show is perhaps the host, Aisha Tyler. Actually, it's not even a gripe. I like Aisha Tyler. Is she as funny as former host Drew Carey? Personally, I don't think so, but I enjoy her presence and how she bounces off of Wayne, Ryan, and the others easily.
Let's put it simply. ABC's Whose Line Is It Anyway is improv at its finest and warrants a watch if you didn't watch back then or see clips on Youtube or other social media. CW's Whose Line is slightly inferior only because the format of the show leaves multiple episodes feeling the same as they start and end with the same games and sometimes make the same or similar jokes. However, Colin, Ryan, and Wayne, when not forced to work with special guests, are at their best as their chemistry and quick thinking skills provide an uproariously hilarious time. If you like improv and their old bits, I encourage viewers to check out their revival on the CW before they finish the show once more.
ABC's version would be a 4/5 while CW's is a 3.5/5.
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rainbowssi · 3 years
Hannah’s relationship with SNSD
girls generation 9th member au
masterlist 💎 requests are open feedback is always important to me!
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The most weird yet iconic duo to ever exist. When Hannah joined the company, Taeyeon was extremely amazed at how someone so young as Hannah could be so talented, but it didn't take them too long to start a friendship. Before leaving for the US, they made a tattoo together and they always meet whenever Hannah is back in Korea.
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Sunny always makes the best part of Hannah come out. Hannah could've been having the worse day ever, but if Sunny got closer she'd instantly smile. It took them some time to get used to each other, but they did, and their friendship is just beautiful. One of the fans favourite moments of them is when Hannah tease Sunny for 'being short as an elf'.
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2/3 AMERICAN LINE! It's almost impossible to have a single moment when it's just the two of them and they're not laughing out loud with their inner jokes and pop references. When Hannah got into the company, Tiffany was the first of the girls to approach her, and since then, they are inseparable. Tiffany always says that once Hannah arrived, she never felt alone anymore. 
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People can try as much as they want, but they will never find a more powerful dance duo than Hyoyeon and Hannah. Their dance break in ITNW is just too epic. They learned a lot from each other during their trainee years and every time Hannah needed some advice or such, Hyoyeon was there for her. They're often posting dance covers together for the fans. 
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The girls' biggest nightmare was when Yuri and Hannah decide to join and tease one of them. Hannah lives to make Yuri laugh and is always praising her. There's even a joke that Hannah once begged Yuri to tell her 'the secret of having a perfect body'. Yuri also said that she has a feeling of responsibility for Hannah, even if she's an adult. 
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Hannah's biggest victim! Sooyoung and Hannah are the definition of a 'Tom and Jerry' kind of relationship. Most of the time, it'd start with Hannah teasing Sooyoung for something silly until Sooyoung was mad enough to tease her back. Literally, it was physically impossible for them not to tease each other. It's said that Sooyoung is the one that  misses Hannah the most.
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The goddesses visual duo. Even though they are part of the maknae line, Hannah always looked up to Yoona. They have a different kind of friendship, more like a mom and daughter relationship. Whenever Hannah needed some help, and even when she decided to leave SM, she always asked what Yoona thought of it. Still, Yoona's aegyos are a nightmare for Hannah.
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Oh, my God. The chaos. Really, Seohyun and Hannah are impossible when they're together. Even if Seohyun is older, Hannah never called her 'unnie'. They radiate sisters energy and openly say they feel like, in another life, they were twins. Seohyun was a huge help for Hannah on their trainee days as she was one of the few people who'd understand Hannah's broken Korean.
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vvienne · 3 years
Curse of Baytown by surveycorpsjean
With the last of his hope, Shouto stumbles into a strange town. Be it destiny, or be it fate; his life will change forever.
two whole dicks for a half and half bitch by Ascend
Todoroki stumbles his way into a threesome, Midoriya cries into his pants, and Bakugou gets cockblocked no less than twice, but eventually, they all get laid.
Of Respite and Odyssey, Balm and Halcyon, Rapture and Godot, Lear and Pierrot by JayJEx
Aizawa and All Might’s Forever Squad of Problem Children
(8:47 AM) Midorito: @/everyone this is an official callout post for @/Discount IcyHot Patch, who is returning to musutafu tomorrow and DIDN’T EVEN TELL ANY OF US!!!!! ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ
Shouto groans in despair. Predictably, the group chat immediately explodes.
Todoroki returns to Musutafu after six years away and his tragic inability to keep up with all of the people in his life catches up to him in the worst, most irritating ways possible.
(Though he might at least get a boyfriend or two out of the matter. That’s a plus.)
if it was only a distraction (how come I can't stay away) by Voulezvous_79
He scrolls down and his heart stops - shit, shit, shit, no. Bad Izuku. You are over this. Completely, totally, definitely over any high school crushes that were going nowhere - because it’s the photo.
The one he surreptitiously had as his phone background for his entire first year in America. The one he cried over when he got on the plane. The one he jerked himself off to - once, okay!? It was one time, and he panic-deleted it after he came, and then cried about that, so he’s not proud, okay?
Or: Izuku's back in Japan, and he's definitely, totally, 100% coping with his friends' new relationship.
Biology for Assholes by fruiticle
Bakugou, an omega with Pseudo Alpha Syndrome, was content to live with his heatless, smoke-scented, absolutely-not-soft condition.
Really. He wouldn’t change a thing.
JUMP!!! by cxlmberry
Izuku grew up watching Superhero Legend, the iconic, generation-defining anime series featuring the invincible crimefighter All Might. Now, he is ready to become a professional manga author himself, to inspire thousands of people with his own series for decades to come – if only things were that simple.
Weekly Shounen Jump picked up Shouto’s series when he was only sixteen, and since then, he has become one of the most accomplished authors in the magazine. He’s a teenage prodigy. A genius. Jump’s main attraction. Sometimes the stress of it is too much.
Katsuki is talented – extremely, rudely so, and he knows it. An incredible artist and master storyteller, he’s out to become the one and only, undisputed King of Shounen Jump. Now, he only needs to get published.
A story of passions and careers, talent and hard work, second, third and fourth chances, as well as recovery and growth.
Alternatively, a budding manga artists AU.
Fire in the Mountains by EllaBesmirched (El_Bell)
“I’ll do it.”
Enji froze, fingers curling into a fist at his side, and didn’t turn around.
Shouto froze too, feeling his own eyes widen in shock at the words that had come out of his mouth, at the fact that he had actually stood up, followed his father out of the room, and dashed after him all just to say… he’d do it? He would do it? Him. Shouto Todoroki. He would--
Enji finally turned around and fixed Shouto with an expression so scathing, Shouto had to fight to keep his chin raised. “You’ll marry the Barbarian King.”
Shouto blinked. “Yes.”
How (Not) to Bribe a Human Sacrifice by maxisnotokay
"You want to kill me?" Katsuki asked, brows raised. He suddenly looked a little less like a king and more like a man, peering at Izuku through the moonlight. "You help me make this cure, and you kill me."
"Those are my conditions," Izuku said. He didn't break his gaze. "A deal's a deal, Kacchan, and I'm trying to be a hero."
[fantasy au. midoriya literally falls from the sky and strikes up a deal with an unlikely candidate. things do not go as planned.]
Guildy Pleasures by Mysecretfanmoments
As the only son of a powerful politician, Todoroki Shouto's life is just one big boring cutscene—except when he logs on to Land of Heroes, where he plays as ShoutO, slaying foes and keeping his fellow guildmates alive. It's enough fun that it almost distracts him from the fact that he's falling for two of those guildmates. Almost. But he's got to stay in stealth mode, because Bakugou and Midoriya are mega-popular streamer duo ZeroDeku… and they're already dating each other.
Shouto has managed to keep his real identity a secret from them all this time, but when he's caught on live television watching one of their streams he ends up not only pulling aggro from the whole country, but catching the attention of ZeroDeku themselves. To his shock, they actually want to meet Shouto, the politician's son—and this time there's no avatar to hide behind.
the universe must have my back, you fell from the sky into my lap by lelex
The picture looks like it was taken in a cafe, Todoroki in a light blue sweater that even from a distance looks wildly soft, seated at a baby grand piano with his short hair effortlessly tousled. It’s one of those photos where it’s obvious Todoroki wasn’t expecting it to be taken—he’s in the middle of looking up at whoever is behind the camera, a smile small on his face but delight evident in the curve of his mouth.
He’s stupidly beautiful. Looking at him for too long makes Izuku kind of sweaty.
They both sit there staring at this one picture for almost three full minutes. In complete silence. Eventually, Kacchan sighs a little bit and tips his head backwards to rest on the couch. Staring up at the ceiling, he murmurs, “Well, shit.”
Izuku can’t stop the lightly hysterical laugh that explodes from his mouth in response.
“We’re fucked.”
Izuku, Katsuki, and Shouto fuck up a meet-cute, twice. But everyone wins in the end.
Cinderoki, the Sweaty Prince, and the Furious Fairy by Esselle
"I wish I could go to the royal ball for Prince Izuku," Shouto finally told the fairy.
Katsuki screwed up his face. "That's it?" Shouto nodded. "Why?"
"It seems fun."
"It's not going to be fun." Katsuki scowled. "It's going to be terrible. You have to have a better wish."
"I want that one," Shouto said.
Todoroki Shouto is cursed. Since he was five years old, he's been locked away from the rest of the world to keep his out of control magic a secret. He thought he could be content with his storybooks—until an invitation comes from the royal palace, inviting his family to attend a ball for Crown Prince Izuku.
Shouto wants to go; he wants to be normal; he wants to leave his cage. Most of all, he wants to know what it's like to live in a fairy tale, even if it's only for one night. Fortunately, he's about to meet one pissed off fairy named Katsuki, who's been watching Shouto his whole life and waiting to make his wish come true.
Powder Keg by Ajaxthegreat
Bakugou really, really, really didn’t want to be trapped in an elevator with Todoroki and a fireproof dildo.
Sensory Input by Esselle
"Captain," Shouto says, clearing his throat. "You put in a request?"
Midoriya stands in front of the window now, staring out at the endless expanse of stars. He turns when Shouto enters. Like Bakugou, he's dressed casually, in a simple grey shirt that stretches over his chest. His green eyes blink wide as though in surprise, before he smiles. It's sheepish and shy. In front of the window, the vastness of space flung out behind him, he's as stunning as a supernova.
"I did, right," he says. "The, um, the thermostat… seems to be, maybe—"
Bakugou cuts him off with a loud sigh. "Quit wastin' his time and tell him why he's really here."
Shouto is a remote crew member of a spaceship—his real body is stationed on a world far away, but his consciousness is housed in a maintenance bot on board the ship. When he manages to attract the attention of the ship's gorgeous captain and fiery first officer, it doesn't take long to discover that the bot's adjustable sensitivity levels have more enjoyable applications than repair work.
105 notes · View notes
187days · 2 years
Day Thirteen
So, the math teacher next door, Mr. F, acquired a mini-me when Mr. Z joined the faculty last year. I’m saying, it’s eerie how much they look and act alike. So, obviously, for today’s spirit day- dynamic duos- they wore the same outfits (red shorts, plaid shirts, orange hats- it’s kind of their iconic look). And Mrs. R and I decided to dress up as them, so we wore the same thing. The Principal said we “won” this spirit day. We certainly amused ourselves and our students. Ms. A, who has to deal with Mr. F and Mr. Z in PLC on Thursday mornings, took one look at us, shook her head, and walked away. Heh. 
Some of the other excellent duos: Lilo and Stitch, Coke and Pepsi, ketchup and mustard, Pooh and Tigger, Brady and Gronk. And some folks who couldn’t find another person to dress up with them got creative on their own, Like, one of my ninth grade boys dressed as Luke Skywalker and had a Yoda doll perched on his desk. That was pretty excellent. 
The students have been discovering that I’m a Star Wars fan. The convo I had with “Luke Skywalker” today clued them in, and a few have spotted the stuffed porg on top of my cabinet (sidenote: my default response when they ask me why there’s a porg on top of my cabinet is “Why wouldn’t there be?”). Soon they will learn I am, in fact, a Jedi Master. Heh. 
The teaching was good today! I mean, there was a test in GOV, so I didn’t really teach a lot, but the homework is to read the Articles of Confederation, so I fielded a few questions about that after students were finished with their tests. And I showed off my lights peed grading by returning the tests before the block was over (it’s a short test- other ones will take me a day). Some students crushed, some did not, and it was an opportunity for me to talk about how studying effectively for tests in AP classes might be different than it is for their other classes. In GOV, there are a lot of very precise terms, processes, and so on that students have to be able to recall quickly, and for some of them it’s a challenge. I’m encouraging them to meet with me, figure out some strategies, and do a retake if that’s the case.
Meantime, my World students continued to explore the SDGs and do some related research. I had them pick a goal to read about in detail, asked them what they thought of the targets, and then had them find out where countries stand- like, if they chose the goal “no poverty,” I had them find out which countries in the world are the richest and poorest, and which currently have the most rapid poverty reduction. It’s a quick assignment- and one that allows for more research and citation practice- but it sparked students’ curiosity. Some of them called me over so they could ask questions, some looked up more information on their own (to identify where various countries are, find out how rapid improvements are occurring, etc, etc...) So that was pretty cool. 
I really like the vibe in both my sections of World right now. Block 2 is huge (22 kids, two paras, and me), and I definitely have to project my voice to teach it, but it’s a lot of fun. I have some really eager learners in that section, as well as a few who find the course content or the strict structure of high school (or both) really challenging. So far they’ve been willing to trust me and at least try to do whatever I’m asking, though. Today I even made progress with the one I mentioned yesterday. Block 3 is a smaller class, but it’s no less lively. That’s my hands up all the time class. They have so many great questions and comments. I’m sure both sections will have rocky patches- it happens- but, so far, things are going really well!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Which member do you think is the most supportive of VMIN?
Admin 1: For a change I’ll be the one that’ll use comparatively few words since I don’t have that big of an opinion. As much as I enjoy joining in on the jokes about how Jimin is the president of the Namjinists (due to his April Fool’s Day joke tweet from years ago and other such things), I’ve never given much thought to who among the members might be the most supportive of vmin.
But perhaps I’d say it could be Hoseok due to his general fondness of both Jimin and Tae as individuals but also as them together, how he said his favorite song off of MOTS7 is Friends and even sung it during the FESTA karaoke with the iconic (very suggestive and heavy on the implications) hip thrust during Tae’s “hey, Jimin, oneul” part. I’m sure you know exactly what I mean. Also if we consider that Jimin and Hoseok were roommates for a long time, I guess it wouldn’t be too far-fetched of an assumption to make on my part that surely they had a number of deep late night talks over the years, and chances are Jimin would’ve sought out advice from Hoseok during one of them, perhaps even confided in him about his feelings for Tae (regardless which ones, both would be valid and something you’d talk about with a close friend).
Another option might be Namjoon, since he’s the leader and thus certainly the person who would have to know about such developments within the group for obvious reasons, but also it seems like Namjoon sought out consolation and advice from both Jimin (like that scene in BV4 around the bonfire off to the side from the group) and Tae (like the story he told at 5th Muster Seoul (?) about how he was kind of sad/feeling off so he talked to Tae before the encore and what Tae said made him feel better), meaning they are more than close enough to bring up certain topics with each other. So, based on that, it doesn’t seem too much of a stretch that he would stand up/look out for them if need be in conversations with BH etc.
That being said, regardless of how we interpret vmin and their bond, I think it’s safe to say that all the members are endlessly supportive of them, just like they are with any other duo within the group, though it’s easy to see that they do highlight vmin at times as something…special. A bond that’s noteworthy, stands out, even within a group as close as they are.
Admin 2: Chances are that what I think and am about to say might be a bit controversial. At the same time I’d like to note that this is only my personal opinion and theory, and not some kind of proven fact, yes? Perhaps no one will agree with me, but after putting many thoughts into this and looking at different content and events that have transpired over the years, as well as some other factors I’ll explain later, these are the conclusions I’ve drawn when it comes to the members and vmin. Furthermore, I don’t want to negate/comment on other ships since those don’t really play any role in this the way some might assume.
I think it’s important to remember that BTS basically exist in two version (though they are closely intertwined):
1: the idols on screen, who stand on stage, who share their music with us, who film content and who, to a certain degree, play a role, keep up an appearance that’s part honest and part mystery.
“I think V can show parts of Kim Taehyung and parts of V, but Kim Taehyung can’t show V. Kim Taehyung is Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung is someone who’s still filled with a lot of curiosity and he’s inquisitive about a lot of things. There are so many things he wants to do. Also I think there’s so many things he is curious about.” – Tae, Break the Silence: Persona
2: the real-life humans with private lives, private friendships and personalities that are similar but not quite the same as what we know and see.
Both of these are real in their own right, and both of them influence each other in more ways than one. So, when we look at vmin in the context of both, the question of support and showing certain things and how those affect version 1 and 2 are tricky, multifaceted and much more complex than some imagine or present it as. Because the moment we assume private life vmin are real, that sort of swift in dynamic ultimately also affects their work and demands adjustments from all parties involved, especially the other members. A large portion of what they do and say on screen or anywhere that we can see it is, to a certain degree, planned or has been discussed prior.
More below the cut since this kind of got long:
In one of the Break the Silence episodes Namjoon spoke about how with the more recent tours they haven’t been really able to do as much “free style” stuff (as in moving freely around stage and being silly, that sort of thing) between songs with choreographies, as opposed to how it used to be in the early days, since much of the show is perfectly timed and planned down to every little detail and every single light surrounding the stage. Much the same way everything else sure is, too. Look at RUN, even there you can notice them looking at printed out pages that surely contain a short storyboard of how the episode should more or less go in general terms, since that makes editing and keeping things cohesive much easier, especially since BTS are seven people, therefore seven moving independent variables.
Keeping all of this in mind, I’ve come to the conclusion that, in my opinion, the biggest vmin supporter is JK, followed by Hobi and Namjoon. I don’t mean, by any means, that completely idiotic theory some have created that one ship hides another, because that isn’t at all what I am going for with this. Of course Tae and JK are T*ek*ok (a subunit name they’ve after all created themselves though that context of that moment has long been changed by people) and Jimin and JK are J*ko*k, and depending on the demand (from a PR point of view as well as those of fans) and situations, those ships are utilized/highlighted in certain ways to achieve certain things. With this I don’t mean to belittle the actual real-life bonds between the real-life members, merely the “fantasy” versions created in large parts by shippers.
But that isn’t what I mean. Let me explain.
There are several situations that I think support my theory/opinion, past and more recent, but for the sake of fresh memories that we’ll all be able to recall, I’ll use more recent ones. During their vlive when BE and Life Goes On were just released, the one where they wore PJs, had pizza and that cardboard cutout of Yoongi, there was a moment when Tae was supposed to put lipstick on Jimin. He pulled Jimin close with his arm around his shoulder while Jimin giggled and playfully pretended to try and push him away or stop him from doing it, despite seemingly holding on to his top to keep him close anyway. While that was happening, the other members checked what they were doing and notably JK, upon seeing what vmin were up to, moved a few steps away closer toward the cameras and stood as though between vmin and said cameras while holding that silver screen thing used for lighting in photography (I’m not sure how it’s called). Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but seeing as Namjoon, who carried the Yoongi cutout, joined him, it seemed like they were trying to hide vmin, which of course didn’t work out since the producers simply switched to a different camera.
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This might be me going temporarily delulu but toward the end of that sequence there was a moment where we couldn’t see much of vmin save for the tops of their heads. At some point Tae made a move with his head which some (including myself) have interpreted as a potential smooch (as in an actual one or just him pretending/doing the motion of it, that’s up for debate) which caused Hobi to break out in loud laughter.
A second example is day two of MOTS ON:E when it was time for Dynamite. Usually vmin just walk past each other doing something funny or interacting in some way, but on that day instead Jimin pulled Tae closer, enough so that their foreheads touched, and they looked at each other in quite a meaningful way. At the same time JK stood right behind them, since he’s the one that opens the song, and watched what was happening. Just like with the above example, he stepped toward them and put his hand on the back of Tae’s head in a gesture that I interpreted as a form of safety measurement that IF vmin were to potentially do something…risky, he could intervene by quite literally pulling them apart/stopping them. This moment of course has been twisted and manipulated in many different ways to, for example, showcase some supposed jealousy or alike, but I think that’s just plain stupid.
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I’d also like to show you a few other pictures that I think show us the kind of dynamic he really has with vmin, how he watches (over) his hyungs with affection and support, so to speak:
(the following pictures, left to right: JM, JK, TH)
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The sole fact that three maknae ships can exist simultaneously, while vmin might be the likely one to be real, in my opinion shows that everything between the three of them must be more than okay, that there’s harmony and understanding between them, everyone knowing their place/role exactly, that there’s no jealousy or other negative emotions involved. Even more so when we consider the stakes that come with it all, at the top of it all being money, not only for the members but also BH (including everyone who invested money in stocks, as well as all their employees that need to be paid). And the fact that BTS aren’t rookies anymore, but instead they have a big and very relevant role in a broader sense when it comes to influence, power, and fame.
Look at how professional they are when it comes to being idols and everything that entails, including shipping. Just look at how despite Tae’s Weverse comment to that one shipper, and the conversation in In The Soop, they played their roles so convincingly that no one who is in favor of that ship is willing to believe them or consider that perhaps they were wrong. But, this is more of a topic for another post, so I’ll leave it at that.
Looking at all these moments, bigger and smaller ones, gestures that some didn’t even notice or did but interpreted in a completely different way for their own reasons, it brought me to the conclusion that JK is their biggest supporter.
Just like Admin 1 said, I also think that Hobi and Namjoon are big supporter as well. Although I can’t for the life of me remember the piece of content where he said this (if anyone knows, please do let me know), I recall a moment where Namjoon spoke to Tae and said that he’s his responsibility, which made me wonder if that perhaps meant that Namjoon gave his vote of confidence about Tae (and vmin) to BH or agreed to keep an eye on him/them to keep them in check. But that’s just a thought/theory.
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At the end of the day, whatever our opinion may be, we have to remember that we know very little about their private life, a tiny percentage if even, so it’s important to stick to/pay attention to/based our opinions on the original material and what the members say, instead of taking into account edited videos on YT or opinions influenced by others agendas, but that, too, is something to be discussed in a different post.
Thank you for this interesting question!
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kaylorrehabcenter · 4 years
Rating Every Song on Fearless Based on How Gay it is
Hello friends! I still have a few song analyses in the pipeline (and one on Lover the album) but today in honor of Fearless (Taylor’s Edition) being announced and Love Story being released in a few hours I thought I’d do something fun to celebrate!
And you know what? Fuck my usual disclaimer, I am the word of god here. Try and change my mind about any of these. I dare you. (I kid I kid this isn’t that serious and you’re free to disagree <3)
1. Fearless 15/10
Everything about this song is so fucking gay oh my god. This isn’t a fruit, this is a whole ass edible arrangement. As a small rural town Gay (my hometown has a population of less that 4,000 and where I’m living now has a population of 2,500) this uh. Hits.
“And I don't know how it gets better than this/You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless”
The idea of falling in love with someone who makes you less afraid of your homophobic small town…….it’s getting to me.
“My hands shake, I'm not usually this way but/You pull me in and I'm a little more brave/It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something/It's fearless”
This is making me emotional, I'll be honest. I see so much of my friends and my experience in high school in this song. 
This quote I found on genius is from when the album was released on BMR’s website.
“When I wrote ‘Fearless,’ I wasn’t dating anyone. I wasn’t even in the beginning stages of dating anybody. I really was all by myself out on tour and I got this idea for a song about the best first date. I think sometimes when you’re writing love songs, you don’t write them about what you’re going through at the moment, you write about what you wish you had. So, this song is about the best first date I haven’t had yet.”
This just screams baby Tay writing gay folklore to me, about the gay stories she wish she had. Notice how there are no pronouns in this song??? Fruity I’m telling you.
All that to say. I’m crying because the linear note says “I loved you before I met you” and I want to go listen to Long Story Short and cry now.
2. Fifteen 1/10
Objectively pretty straight as she’s singing about her and Abigail’s dating boys in HS. And Taylor got with a senior guy. Good for her I suppose.
Unless he was one of the shitty ones in which case.
“This is life before you know who you're gonna be”
This however, is a cute line and the whole song makes me warm and nostalgic. You can also hear her crying after the line “and Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind” which makes me emo and I’m sure will take on new depth after Abigail’s divorce and hurt me even more.
Other highlights that make me sob include.
“When all you wanted was to be wanted/Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now/Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday/But I realized some bigger dreams of mine”
Bigger dreams of hers indeed :’)
(Also how can you say she’s a gold star lesbian when this song exists. She was obviously dating boys in high school and even if you think she’s a lesbian. Comp het is a hell of a drug kids.)
3. Love Story 8/10
Tried to change the ending indeed.
This is THE Taylor Swift song, and maybe it’s the nostalgia talking but damn I still love it. Written because she wanted to change the ending of Romeo and Juliet (how anyone likes RandJ enough to want to rewrite I have no clue.) and/or because her parents didn’t approve of a guy she was seeing. (according to genius, it would’ve been too early for Joe J so it could possibly be Boys Like Girls frontman, his image did clash with hers and they did release some cute songs together. However if you want my take it’s probably folklore about Emily, take for what you will)
This song has very oft gay vibes with the ‘They don’t approve of our love angle!’ but uses male pronouns so points redacted for that. HOWEVER this is a very early use of ~the male perspective~ in Taylor’s songs and for that it deserves all the love.
“ So I sneak out to the garden to see you/We keep quiet, 'cause we're dead if they knew/So close your eyes/Escape this town for a little while”
More rural town angst!!!
Nothing gets me more than rural town angst.
“Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel/This love is difficult, but it's real”
Originally the lyric was “this love is different”. Granted I do not remember the source, i’s just lore implanted into my brain, but make of that what you will.
“"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone/I love you, and that's all I really know/I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress/It's a love story, baby, just say "Yes"”
Marry me Juliet from the male perspective :)
Also worth noting. This is Karlie’s (and Kim K’s lmao) favorite Taylor song which. While basic as hell. Makes this cover sad as hell to this former Kaylor. (thanks @swiftgron-get-married for the tears <3)
Also not to make this about a man AGAIN but the secret message is “Some day I’ll find this” AND SHE DID IM CRYING.
4. Hey Stephen 1/10
The one thing Camilla Cabello and I have in common is loving this song, so I have to live with that for the rest of my life.
This song is very painfully straight.
How can you think this woman is a gold star lesbian.
The only noteworthy thing is that this is one of the few songs she confirms who it’s about. The secret message is “Love and Theft” which is the name of a country music duo who went on to open her Fearless tour. Which, does make me side eye this song a little bit.
Still a cute song.
“Hey Stephen, boy, you might have me believing/I don't always have to be alone”
5. White Horse 1/10
Oh look. It’s track five. 
You know maybe this is just me being a bitch but in my ranking of track fives this is. Pretty low. Maybe on the bottom.
Like I don’t have a lot to say about it. 
She’s going through it over a guy. He was a cheating dickweazel. 
“'Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale/I'm gonna find someone someday/Who might actually treat me well”
“Try and catch me now, oh/It's too late/To catch me now”
These lines hit though!!
And she found Joe!! Who treats her well!!!! And she isn’t the princess, she’s the prince who dropped her sword and knocked on her door!!! But this time if they come for them she’s ready!!!
Yes I will make every song about Long Story Short <3
6. You Belong With Me 5/10
Ah yes. The other THE Taylor Swift song.
You know. If I went to a high school with a cheerleading squad. And I had a crush on a cheerleader. I would blast this song. So for that it gets a 5/10. Otherwise. Fairly straight and fairly iconic.
7. Breathe 8/10
Well. We know this one is about a woman. (Emily Poe for those not in the know. Ha. A rhyme!) That alone has an 8/10. And it’s the first time she has a featured artist so bonus points for that!
It was nominated for a Grammy and it fucking lost to Jason Mraz. When’s the last time you thought about Jason Mraz.
I will not have Kaylor feels on a fucking Fearless song but damn is it VERY easy.
“Never a clean break, no one here to save me/You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand”
“It's 2 A.M, feeling like I just lost a friend/Hope you know it's not easy, easy for me”
Also this bridge? Goes off. HIGHLY underrated. 
8. Tell Me Why 3/10
You know. Maybe this album isn’t as gay as I once thought.
This song does bop though, not as good as her other angry songs on this album. But I can vibe with this you know. Why are you being an asshole mysterious man.
“You could write a book on how to ruin someone's perfect day”
This has to be one of baby Tay’s best burns. Damn. 
“Why do you have to make me feel small/So you can feel whole inside?/Why do you have to put down my dreams/So you're the only thing on my mind?”
Men ain’t shit kids. However, bonus points for the shade. 
9. You’re not Sorry 1/10
Ok, ok. Maybe this was a foolish endeavor.
Because yet again we have a very straight song. A good song. That was on Taylor’s episode of CSI. But oh dear. Very straight. Gets a measly one point. We started this post off so very very gay but damn. We seem to be nearing the end on a very straight note.
10. The Way I Loved You 20/10
Hey Remember what I said about this album being very straight.
Is this a comphet album or am I projecting.
This is one of my favorite baby gay Taylor songs. Her masterful use of pronouns (he is sensible! And so incredible! And all my single friends are jealous! But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, when it was two am and I was cursing your name!) makes the other person she’s singing about completely vague, while we know she isn’t happy with whichever guy she’s dating.
Mayhaps an early reaction to PRomances?
Either way this song is so good, truly an underrated gay gem I mean. Look at it.
“Breaking down and coming undone/It's a roller coaster kind of rush/And I never knew I could feel that much/And that's the way I loved you”
AND THE BRIDGE. Do all of her gay songs just have kickass bridges?
“He can't see the smile I'm faking/And my heart's not breaking/'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all/And you were wild and crazy/Just so frustrating/Intoxicating, complicated/Got away by some mistake and now…”
Damn. I’m imaging this with 2020 vocals and fucking ascending.
Also please watch the live performance of it from the Fearless tour. It’s such a damn shame this got cut from the movie and some woman in the front row is wearing a cowboy hat. Everyone is holding up those cameras everyone had to have before smartphones. Taylor is being endearing. It’s a good time.
11. Forever and Always 6/10
Bonus points for the ~drama~ of it all. Added last minute to the album? The iconic throwing of the chair in live performances?? All of it very dramatique and for that we stan.
Still pretty straight.
Also Joe Jonas responded to the song and why do I find his response so damn funny. “It’s part of being a musician, I guess. You write songs about each other.”
This is another song where the idea of Taylor’s grown up vocals on this is………..whew
12. The Best Day 0/10
This gets zero points because it’s about her literal mom.
Still makes me cry.
God bless Andrea Swift indeed
13. Change 13/10
We start the official tracklist with a gay song. We end it with a gay song.
We will ignore that it was originally written for Scott and BMR and instead induct it into the hall of gay pride anthems, as it should be. 
“We're getting stronger now, finding things they never found/They might be bigger but we're faster and never scared/You can walk away, say we don't need this/But there's something in your eyes says we can beat this”
“This revolution, the time will come/For us to finally win/And we'll sing hallelujah, we'll sing hallelujah”
The music video is cringe though lol
14. Jump then Fall 10/10
This song is gay because I choose it to be. <3
Like. Picture baby Taylor writing this song and playing it on her guitar to a girl she has a crush on telling her that she’ll protect her and they’ll be safe and in love and happy together. Gah, maybe I’m ~projecting~ but this sweet ass song always gets me and is EASILY in my top five Taylor songs. Super underrated and hecking cute. 
“We're on the phone and without a warning/I realize your laugh is the best sound/I have ever heard”
Like. Look at this shit.
“I watch you talk, you didn't notice/I hear the words but all I can think is/We should be together”
Tell me this is about the first time you get a crush on a girl and she’s your best friend and she’s amazing and beautiful and you realize you kinda want to kiss her and you hope she wants to kiss you too.
“I had time to think it oh, over/And all I can say is come closer/Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me”
And she’s the Romeo who's going to protect her!!!!! She’s the knight in shining armor in this song and I love that for her??
“The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet/I'll catch you, I'll catch you/When people say things that bring you to your knees/I'll catch you/The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry/But I'll hold you through the night until you smile”
I won’t divulge into full on analysis here because. This is what this post is about but PLEASE listen to this song more. It’s such a gay little gem.
15. Untouchable 9/10
How does she make a cover sound gay.
It sounds so gay.
“You got to come on, come on, say that we'll be together/Come on, come on, little taste of heaven”
16. Forever and Always Piano Version 1/10
This song gets 1/10 because I don’t like it. There. I said it.
17. Come in With the Rain 3/10
I can see why this is a bonus track. It doesn’t hit me as much as the other songs on the album.
But damn if I don’t want to scream sing this one driving down a high way.
18. Superstar 7/10
You can’t tell me this song is about a man. I simply won’t entertain the idea.
You cannot prove to me that this song is about a man. There is not a male pronoun in sight. 
19. The Other Side of the Door 6/10
Is this song about having a fight about being in the closet? Probably not. Will my gay little brain make it about that? Yep!
And that, funky little queer pals, is my gay rating of every Fearless song. Like and subscribe, #t3atmidnight
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!mj
a/n AH !!!! THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE ASTRO COMEBACK ???? APRIL 5TH ??? WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE LOVES !! i genuinely...do not know if I will be able to survive this month bc of them. 
(also i tried to get this posted on mj’s birthday but I’m so sorry a lot of shit happened and I had a ~bad mental breakdown~ and it’s just been rough out here but that’s a story for another time if any of you lovely beings wanna know hehe)
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ tw: mentions of cheating (in past relationships)
→ word count: 4.9k ____________________________________
this is gonna be so cute i just !! love him so much???
has his own apartment, but he honestly stays over all of the boys’ places so much that...he barely sleeps at his apt
major: vocal performance
his voice is literally honey
can probably sing higher than some sopranos in his major
so friendly, everyone who meets him loves him
mj just has a way of attracting people and making people comfortable around him
in short, he is – of course – the moodmaker
can turn anyone’s frown upside down
he’s down?? for like everything
an adventurous spontaneous type
has...probably failed a ged ed class once or twice before...
he’s not stupid okay! he just doesn’t really care about the classes that has no connection to his major
like will he ever apply calculus in singing? probably not
oh but professors can’t hate him, even if he just messes around during class
he’s just so kind and likeable
loves his boys aka astro
will literally do anything to make them smile, even if he’s had a rough day
as long as his boys are happy :’) he’s happy :’)
now how do you meet myungjun??
he’s in an acapella group on campus
he just has to be alright
he was the only freshman that got in during his first year
that shows how good he is :*
a tenor in the highly competitive co-ed group
spoiler alert, he convinces sanha to join, but that’s for college bf!sanha
myungjun is what me and my friends like to call: the solo whore
and it’s not bc he’s greedy for solos, he’s a real team player
his voice just happens to sound the best for most solos your group has??
you’re also in the acapella group
im not giving a voice part bc then that would put you in a binary category
so soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass, you pick love
anyway, you and myungjun were chosen to sing a duet for one of your competition pieces
and it was the key emotional piece so you and him had to be on your A games
you and myungjun were friends ofc, you had to be some sort of friends with everyone in your acapella group
but you never really hung out with him outside of rehearsal
well until you got this duet together
and you weren’t worried about it, mj was so fun and nice and an amazing singer, you had no doubt these extra practices with him would be a good time
and you were right! besides singing, you actually got a chance to get to know him and how goofy he really was
you’re pretty sure you always had an ab workout whenever you hung out with him bc of how much he made you laugh
about a month away from competition, you and myungjun were like best buds
literally a chaotic, iconic duo
the chemistry you two had during your duet was spectacular, your voices highlighted and bounced off each other very well
but! your leader had a little critique
“y/n, myungjun, that was great but...can you guys pretend to look...like in love? I get we’re all friends here, but if you can’t convey the emotion of the song in our performance, what’s the point? This goes for everyone, this is a song about how much you love your partner and would give them the world, we need to show that in our eyes and movements, even if you’re just singing ooh and woah for like 10 measures.”
you and myungjun decide to stay after rehearsal and practice the emotions you guess...
your leader had a point, good singing could only go so far
and for the first time, myunjun was a bit...? awkward??
you: alright so how are we gonna pretend to be madly in love with each other
he chuckles and shrugs: honestly I don’t know, look at me like I’m your boyfriend or something??
you: well, I hate my last boyfriend so that probably wouldn’t be a good idea
myungjun offering you a high-five: I hate...well I think I hate...my last partner too so at least we have that
you: how do you think you hate your last partner? are you not dating anyone right now?
he gives you a smile and like you notice it’s forced?? it’s not genuine or bright like the one he usually gives
mj: no I’m not dating anyone...my last relationship sorta traumatized me I guess. 
you: ...how did it traumatize you...? you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to myungjun
mj: ah *awkward laughter* well...I was sorta going through it my senior year of high school, stress from graduating and what to do with my life and all that shit, you know? I dated this person since my freshman year and I guess my mental health got the best of me during that time and they couldn’t handle it. We were planning on staying together throughout college and do long distance but I found out in the summer before starting college that they fucked my high school best friend behind my back...when I confronted them about it, the answer they gave me was that I was too down and preoccupied with my worries to notice about my partner’s needs...pretty fucked up right?
your jaw dropped, your eyes were bulging out at his story
you: myungjun what the fuck??? what college do they go to? I’ll pull up right now and beat their asses, I don’t know scream in their face or something! That’s fucked!
he’s laughing a little: thanks y/n, but it’s alright. You know, maybe I was too caught up in my own problems that I ended up neglecting my partner’s needs...I guess that’s why I’m always just trying to be carefree and fun now.
you: that doesn’t justify the fact that what they did to you was wrong. you should have never gone through that myungjun, it’s not your fault that you were going through it mentally, your partner should have been there to support you and understand your struggles, not cheat on you with your best friend. ugh I’m pissed for you. 
mj: I appreciate it y/n, but yeah love’s sorta a hard subject for me.
you nod in understanding
mj: well! that’s my traumatic breakup story, it’s only fair you share yours
you laugh: you’re right. Well I was dating this guy right when I entered college, met him at the freshman orientation, completely hit it off. I was so in love with him, we dated for about a year. And then last semester he broke up with me out of nowhere, said he wanted to focus on school and himself and that he needed a break from dating. I found out two days later that he started dating one of his suite mates and that on the night he broke up with me, they fucked. So love? also something hard for me.
mj: aww look at us both unable to find or relate to love because of past relationship traumas.
you hit his shoulder laughing: you’re such a headass
mj: I’m kidding! anyway, I’m sorry you went through that too y/n. it sucks and your ex is a dumbass for breaking up with you. Do you still have feelings for him? w-wait, you don’t have to answer that, was that insensitive?
you: you’re fine haha. Um...well...sometimes when I overthink things at night, I do miss him and I wonder what the hell I did wrong for it to end so abruptly because I was honestly really happy with him, but then I wake up in the morning and I hate him again. 
mj: you did nothing wrong y/n...and if you need to call me at 2 am when you’re overthinking and need some badass confidence knocked into you, I will be awake.
you smile and give him a hug: thanks myungjun...you know the same goes for you too?
mj: hm??? what do you mean??
you: you don’t always have to smile around me, especially if you don’t feel like it. Don’t repress your mental health, huh? It’s bad for the soul to bottle it in. I’m not gonna force you to share your darkest fears with me, I’m just saying that if you feel drained and wanna talk about it, I’m here to listen
myungjun pouts a little bit, he’s really touched?? it’s hard for him to share his troubles with others
like as much as he loves astro and is close to them, he doesn��t share his down sides with the boys as often as he should bc he never wants to burden them
myungjun just always thought it was easier to suppress the bad feelings and put on a happy act
but he couldn’t deny the weight lifted off his shoulders after telling you about his breakup
and maybe it was because your energies were on a different level lately, but he found it so?? easy?? to just vent to you after that
until competition, the two of you worked on faking like you were in love (basically imagining that each other was your favorite actor/actress or whatever, something like that)
it was good enough for the group to believe it lol
but what about the judges and audience hmmmmm
anyway, fast forward and it’s competition day!!
myungjun introduces you to his best friends aka the boysss aka astro
they come and support him for his competition ugh we love
you’re like smiling and hyper when you meet them
...has myungjun been rubbing off on you???
you: it’s so nice to meet you all! myungun always talks so highly of you
astro: huh?? you’re lying, myungjun hyung complimenting us???
and then they start messing and friendly bickering with each other and yes they’re teasing mj
you’re laughing bc it’s so cute?? you can see in their eyes and their smiles how much they really care about each other :’)
also astro, probably jin or eunwoo, maybe rocky: we’re sorry if m hyung has driven you to insanity these past few months of rehearsing
you just laugh as myungjun hits them: myungjun’s actually been like my partner in crime lately, so we’re all good :)
*cue the boys exchanging looks with each other*
you perform ah ha ha
alright, you were so used to thinking that myungjun was...idk kim soohyun or something bc mm chef’s kiss his acting...to get into the emotion of the song
but then during the actual performance you saw him as myungjun and like all the hard work and extra practices and late night talks came in full force and you were just...singing to him
and you notice how...handsome?? and charismatic?? myungjun really is...and the little sparkle in his eyes when he’s performing like...wow
and after your set, you’re just like shit, what the fuck was that??
your group doesn’t win though, you place second!
but you and myungjun get awarded best solo/duet of the entire competition
astro: ;)
your acapella group: ;)
the judges: ;)
alright so im a firm believer that if myungjun had feelings for someone, he would straight up tell them like balls to the wall full fucking send
after competition, the routine of school comes back. you occasionally hang out with myungjun outside of rehearsal
by occasionally, I mean once a week hangout with myungjun (and astro bc they started inviting you to their dinners)
and then one night – at midnight – he calls you like out of pocket and his tone is like completely serious
you’re a bit scared?? like: myungjun...is everything okay? did something happen?
mj: y/n...can I ask you something?
you: yeah, of course
mj: do you still think about your ex?
you: o_o um...honestly no, not really...why?
mj: well, if I’m being honest. y/n, I have feelings for you. And i’m not asking you to like me back or give me an answer straight away, but I just wanted to let you know. If you don’t think about your ex anymore, and if you think you’re ready...maybe you can consider thinking of me??
mmmmm kim myungjun you slick flirty dog grrr bark bark
and you know how he can just talk, and talk fast, so you’re still in the middle of processing this and he just goes on like
“sleep on it, y/n. I’ll see you soon for rehearsal, okay? good night”
like you don’t even have a chance to respond to him bc he just hangs up the phone
you think about it, of course you think about it, you’ve been thinking about it ever since competition
having feelings for myungjun has always been in the back of your mind since then
like did you notice that when you hung out with him, your heart would flutter if he said something sweet?? or if you two were a bit too close to each other?? 100%
but you didn’t know if either of you were ready for another relationship so it’s just been put on the back burner
at the next acapella practice, you find that your cheeks just flush whenever myungjun looks your way
the rehearsal went a bit??? weird?? like even your group noticed that there was a bit of a tension between you and myungjun
but of course, he goes up and talks to you after rehearsal ended and he’s like: hey...I’m sorry if my confession made you feel weird, I didn’t mean for that at all. If you want, we can just forget about what I said and stay friends! 
you just facepalm like: myungjun you idiot, I’m acting weird because I like you too. God, you know maybe the boys are right, maybe you need to shut your mouth for a little bit
and he whines like: hey!
but then he realizes what you said and he gives you the brightest smile: you mean it?? you like me back??
and you’re like shyly smiling now: yeah...I do...but do you want to take the next step?? I mean...do you think you’re ready for another relationship??
he gets like serious and he grabs your hand: not gonna lie, I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready after my last one...but if there’s someone I wanna try it with, it’s you.
:’) kim !!! myung !!! jun !!!
dating myungjun?? the best thing ever
the cutest boy alive honestly
he has so much cute and goofy in him already with just friends and strangers
but with you, it’s increased tenfold
even you start to act cute and goofy after dating him
petnames?? bub and bubby
myungjun is not serious about a lot of things, but he is very serious about his feelings for you and your relationship
y’all take things at your own pace and he !! values !! consent !! even if it’s just like making out
he just doesn’t wanna mess things up with you :’)
the type of boyfriend to sing you to sleep ah !!! his voice is heaven alright
will be extra about pda in front of the guys to make them grossed out
and yes you get embarrassed, but myungjun’s too cute to scold
you get used to a lot of second-hand embarrassment dating him and being friends with the boys
but it’s just so endearing, you can’t even fight it
will swing your arms together when you’re out just walking
screams he’s so cute
you don’t really fight bc communicating with each other is one of the biggest things in your relationship
like if a disagreement or a situation comes up, you two are mature enough to talk it through and work things out bc you both already been knew what it’s like to be in a relationship that didn’t have full transparency
you do jokingly bicker about small things though (like think about how astro fights)
but he always ends fights by scooping you up in a hug and showering your face with kisses
loves kissing your nose
just imagine: you and myungjun cuddling and he just kisses your nose and you scrunch up your face and he just laughs and kisses you all over and you two end up giggling
will do anything to see a smile on your face, it’s the greatest sight to him
alright we been talking too much about how cute myungjun is
he’s also a hot motherfucker alright
the most attractive when he’s singing in your opinion
you know how charismatic he is, you’ve seen it first hand during rehearsal and performances
he’s very good at hiding his horniness, especially in public
but phew when you two are in private and myungjun’s in the mood
you can tell bc his eyes just get hazy and he immediately just starts kissing your neck
a very passionate lover, will prioritize your pleasure over his
sex with myungjun can go from being sweet and sensual, to fun and playful, to hot and exciting
by that...I mean that he is down to try every kink and position you can think of
as long as both of you are okay with it ofc
he’s one of the kinkiest members in astro im convinced
blindfolds? bondage? ice cubes? wax play?
you want it? you got it
he’s not into feet though, i apologize to my foot fetish lovers
his favorite position is actually missionary
myungjun loves being able to watch you and to see how good he’s making you feel
in missionary is when he feels the most connected to you, it’s just a passionate position
and yes he’s very vocal, so you betcha he encourages you to be vocal as well
will try to mess with you in a sense where say you two are hanging out with the guys, he’ll touch you and challenge you to not make a noise
and then he’ll snicker and wink at you if you even let out a peep
he’s a tease !!! like will edge you until you’re on the brink of cumming at least 3 times
myungjun has pretty good stroke game alright
very fluid with his hips, idk he just knows all the right spots to hit
praise...kink...that’s the tweet, need I say more
he’s into hair pulling !! both ways !! 
okay hear me out...myungjun fucking you and pulling your hair until your screaming and then after you both cum, he’s like: you hit a high f earlier bub! I almost wanted to harmonize with you but–
you: myungjun are you serious!
sex with him would always just be a fun time, like he’s hot and grrr it feels so good but there’s always a bit of laughing and joking around in the process
like he will tickle you before he puts his cock in you just to see the switch of you laughing to moaning
alright but shower sex?? he’s into that
and just the acoustics of both of your sounds in the bathroom?? it’s so filthy he loves it – and it’s easy to clean up afterwards
you bet that after any performance with your group, the two of you have sex, even if it’s just a quickie in an empty practice room or whatever
no shame, will kick the boys out or announce “we’re going to fuck bye!” if you or him get too horny in the middle of a hangout
im just gonna throw this out here...you and myungjun...mile high club
(your group competed in an acapella competition and the flight there...it just happened)
all in all, myungjun just wants to make you happy and feel good and smile, even if you two just finished an intense sex session
let’s get into the deep stuff though, you are the only person myungjun is comfortable with to not show a smile all the time
even with the boys, there’s always a small part of him that wants to just push through and be optimistic just so that they won’t worry
but with you, he knows that it’s okay to be sad and to be vulnerable :’)
when myungjun cries bc he’s upset :( fuck you cry too
he loves when you just hug him and stroke his hair when he’s stressed
very showy about your relationship, not bc he’s braggy, but bc he just wants to show the world how happy you make him and that he’s in love <3
the boys are so happy to see their eldest in love :’)
they don’t show it around each other, but they’ve come up to you in private and say sweet things like
“you make myungjun hyung so happy, he always brings joy to everyone but you bring joy to him, thank you”
im !! getting !! sentimental !!
the day you found out myungjun was in love with you was the day you met his parents
‘twas a bit spontaneous
his parents came to see one of your group performances and myungjun’s like holding your hand and leading you somewhere after you get off stage and he’s like “bub! these are my parents!”
you end up getting dinner with his family and yikes you were hella nervous, you were not expecting on meeting his parents right after your performance
not gonna lie, you thought he was leading you to the car for some post-performance sex
but they adored you, his parents could see how much you meant to their son ugh I cry
anyway, the L word
as you’re finishing dinner, myungjun’s all giddy and just like
“I’m so glad you came and watched mom and dad, the timing was perfect too! I wanted to introduce you to y/n for a while now and have you meet the person I love.”
and his parents are just smiling at you and saying how they’re so happy to finally meet you and how you have an amazing voice and to take care of myungjun and you’re !!! just !!! blushing !!!
as soon as you both got in the car after saying goodbye to his parents, he’s just like: hope I didn’t surprise you too much bubby, I didn’t know my parents were coming to watch until like an hour before we went on stage
you just give him a little smile: I was a bit caught off guard, but it’s okay. Your parents are so sweet, I see where you get it from bub.
myungjun: I can tell that they love you already! well of course not as much as I do, but with time I know they’ll come pretty close
and you’re blushing again, it’s the L word: do you mean it myungjun?
myungjun: that my parents love you?? of course–
you: no, bub...that you...love me?
myungjun: yeah...unless you don’t feel the same way–
you: myungjun! no, of course I do! I just wasn’t expecting the first time to hear it was with your parents
you two are laughing, ugh this man
after your giggles subside, he leans over from the driver’s seat and he just cups your cheek and pecks your nose: I love you y/n, thank you for reminding me what love feels like
you: I love you too myungjun
and then you two are just like sharing a sweet kiss in the parking lot of the restaurant before starting the drive back to his place
do you and myungjun make duets together for fun and post it?? yeah probably
you are the luckiest dating myungjun, the living breathing embodiment of serotonin and love
even when you two are older and out of college, he still gives you the same affection and attention and authenticity ugh he’s just amazing
im so sorry this was late but happy belated to our happy virus <3
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
SS Chapter 18 & 19
Whew, felt like it took a long time to reach this next chapter. Life's been busier than usual lately, but here we are.
Spoilers possibly up until Silver Snow Chapter 18 (and other routes around the same time).
Pre-Battle 18
Should I tag this as Verdant Wind spoilers since they basically follow the same plot? Only slightly kidding.
We storming the capital now! Woot! Is Edelgard really going down in one freaking chapter though?
Are they finally going to acknowledge that Byleth's marching to chop down his former student? Because so far he's felt exactly nothing about Edelgard. Not regret, not longing, not horniness, not anger, not vengeance. It's like she's some faceless evil emperor he's never meant before for all the emotional impact their former relationship's had in part 2 so far.
ARE WE GONNA GET RHEA BACK SOON??? Please. I want to see what role she's going to play. There's still so much I don't know about her.
Ok, seeing the map, I don't see Edelgard, but I do see both Hubert and the Death Knight despite defeating them a million times already.
They really shouldn't let us fight the Death Knight so many times if they wanted him to come across intimidating. Even early on, Lysithea with Dark Spikes and Dimitri with a horse killer weapon just melt him. Maybe it's harder on Maddening.
Battle 18
Ugh, I hate split maps. No, Seteth, I don't want to split up.
Hubert sounds so sinister. OMG I love him. He doesn't care - at all - that there were his former classmates.
So Lysithea nuked the Death Knight into another dimension . . . again. Is he dead for real this time? Because it seemed official this time. Finally.
Oh, unique dialogue with Hubert and Ferdinand. The drama. Too bad his Boltings have a 0% hit chance on Ferdinand.
Now time to waste Hubert's second Bolting.
LAMO that Imperial Soldier lady also has Bolting, but Linhardt just waited her out. She did a total of 1 damage to him lol. She's got 5 though and that's annoying, so Petra just took her out.
Having Byleth finish Hubert off since I bet there's more unique dialogue.
Hubert threatening Byleth. Name a more iconic duo.
OMG Byleth' gaunlets broke lamo. Guess someone else will actually finish Hubert.
Wow, Hubert's generic dialogue "not even death will make you consequential." Told that to poor Bernie. Still took an arrow to the face though.
And seems like he's dead-dead this time.
Does he always give you a Goddess Icon when he dies. Because that's funny if he does.
Oh - MVP Petra! She deserves it. She's really catching up to Ferdie and Sylvain. It's just - she never dodges like Ferdinand does, and can't take the punishment Sylvain does.
Post-Battle 18/Pre-Battle 19
Yeah, wtf is he doing in Enbarr?
Oh - Dedue here's for Edelgard's blood. Nice.
Does this mean I get to use Dedue????
Holy shit, Dedue. He infiltrated Enbarr and gathered intell?
What a champ.
Dedue is low-key the best spy in this game guys. Gathered intel to help an invading army take a castle literally under Edelgard's and Hubert's noses and let's not forget how he broke Dimitri out of prison.
Dedue 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
And Rhea's inside! We get to see Rhea AND Dedue again.
Wait, why is Dedue leaving me? No 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Don't worry Dedue. In another playthrough, I am pampering you and Dimitri and in the next one, you two are getting married pairing up.
I'm guessing we're not going back to Garreg Mach between these battles? Because that would be - eh - make no sense.
Oh, so now we have the "I don't want to kill Edelgard" or "Can we walk the same path as her." Why are those two my only options though? Where's the "fuck yeah" option? It's way more fun to embrace the kill 'em all thing. Except Dimitri and Dedue because my heart
Ok, Caspar, you're forgiven for your CF nonsense calling Edelgard out.
Why is Seteth always lying to me? He keeps saying "I'll leave it in your hands." But then doesn't and yells at me.
Battle 19
Ok. I decided I'm playing these two back-to-back.
Does Verdant Wind do this too? Fight Hubert and the Death Knight, then jump straight to Edelgard, no month in-between?
Because it if it does - it's going to take forever to get to Azure Moon, because, unfortunately, I won't be able to play this game for close to a month after this because of work and other stuff.
Mannnn, I am NOT looking forward to this map with my VW gang. In SS, my Sylvain, Ferdinand, and Petra are all super reliable. And Lysithea can nuke anything. No one in my VW gang is as good as any of those four (though, Claude has gotten more speed lately - thank the stars).
OMG DEDUE IS BACK. HE came, but he's green. WHYYYYY.
So . . . does Dedue have unique battle dialogue with Edelgard? She's all that's left and he's marching towards her. I think I'm going to test this. I'd laugh my butt off if he crit and killed her.
No unique dialogue, but it feels good letting Dedue get a hit on here. I get Dedue could kill her. I could just keep healing him, and she's got no one left. Should I do it guys?
I think I'm going to do it.
I'll let Byleth peck at her with his puny magic damage so I can get that dialogue, and then Dedue's killing Edelgard next round probably.
LAMO Sothis is a false Goddes, but like, she's living in Byleth's head so. We know she's not false.
Oh, well, Edelgard crit Dedue. So I just reset things and my ever reliable Lysithea nuked Edelgard onto another planet, as she does.
Weird she and Lysithea got unique dialogue though.
Ohhh cut scene. Why does Edelgard have a sword though?
Why is Edelgard asking Byleth to kill her? I guess it makes sense. He was her teacher here.
She does know all these people are killing each other because of her, right?
Oh, wow, he just lopped her head off. That's maybe as badass as when Byleth just offed Randolph (or however you say his name). I'm legit impressed the game didn't milk that harder.
Though they did that "I wanted to walk with you line . . ." Which . . . I'll take it. That's not too bad. She did, but what a twisted path she's walking.
I'm a bit conflicted about her death here though. It seemed kind of . . . weird? I expected Edelgard, from the way she talks in CF, to do down fighting. Not pleading to "my teacher" on her knees and panting.
MVP Lysithea. Guess landing that last hit on Edelgard motivated her.
Post-Battle 19
Are we finally gonna see Rhea?
Why did Hubert right us a letter?
Oh, it's about those mage people. And they want revenge. How original. If they're the enemies of all of Fodlan, why did you fight with them? Like why not take them out, then Rhea, who doesn't . . . you know . . . want to destroy the world?
Hubert and Dedue the real MVPs of this route though.
I can't with the name "those who slither in the dark" though. How lame.
Seteth said "kill every last one of them" though.
And her hair is down! She looks pretty. She looks sickely though.
Oh, we going to learn some stuff now?
I don't remember who Nemesis is. So he's a grave robber. And a genocider. Wonderful. So is that when Seteth's wife died? Or?
I'm guessing we don't get playable Rhea, though I bet someone would've told me already if we did, because she's in such poor shape.
Now we get to kick the people's ass who killed Jeralt?
OMG Caspar wants to carry Rhea on his back 😂and then Dorothea has to point out how that might not work for our short king.
No one really mentioned Edelgard and Hubert dying though. Maybe in the monastery?
Guess I'll find out later. Now to go play these exact same maps, but with the Golden Deer!
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
May I please have some wolfstar height difference headcanons? I’m so sick of tall remus in all these fics I just want tall sirius 😭
Omfgb!!! You are such a cinnamon sprinkled muffin Nonny😂😂 this is literally such a mood I’m screaming!!! Sirius being the taller of the duo is literally the only caveat I gave @omgcmere when she wrote me the boys in my BIRTHDAY FIC and THE FICLET she wrote me after I won our bet! bahahaha! It’s like just one of those things that really throws me when I read tge opposite kgduhg And both of those FICs are SO fucking beautiful! And I hate her and I hope she chokes on a spoiled egg!!!  
Okay so real quick, general disclaimer! If you prefer Remus as being the taller of them like in the movies, that is the bees knees! You do you and thrive icon! The point of Fandom is to enjoy yourself and live it up babey! Only thing I absolutely can not stand is when folks make Sirius like the same height or around the same height as fucking Peter, when canonically in the books Harry describes Sirius’s appearance as really tall and really hot, lmfao that’s about it. (Bless our bisexual king!😌😌😌)😌 And we won’t even touch how when folks make him like tiny they also just bring along this vaguely uncomfortable characterization of him being super feminized and such, but I’m a cis woman, and even if I’m pan I don’t have the right to talk on that. But chow anyways…
Height Difference Headcanons!! 
(If I repeat anything that anyone else has said please clock me so I can give proper credit!)
Okay like first off, I remember reading something by the gloriously talented @goodboylupin about Remus and Lily occasionally sharing tops and I absolutely love it! Because I think they’re both probably built pretty lithe, and I raise her HC  that there is a pair of leggings that neither of them knows actually who exactly bought them, but they steal it from one another constantly and fight over it so savagely  becs damn it makes their asses look like a bubble butt dream! 
Plot twist, the leggings originally belonged to James for him to practice quidditch during the autumn but like he does not want to get into that hassle RIP
And on this same vein! Imagine Remus borrowing Sirius’s like favorite Velvet Underground or Lead Zeppelin shirt that he got from his first Muggle concert that Remus took him on for his fifteenth birthday, sneaking him out Hogwarts when they were still only just friends! And imagine Sirius’s thirsty ass when they finally get their own place after school and Remus is just puttering around the apartment in that and his pants and nothing else, and sometimes it kind of slips to show a good amount of collarbone because Sirius Black was a beater damn it! And just they never get anything done before noon tbh flkasdjglhasodgi
I also HC Remus and James being like the same height, so about 5’10 compared to Sirius’s 6/1, so they each get fucking irritated when Sirius hides things on a particularly heigh shelf just to be a bastard, and like Peter is just sitting their, fully exasperated because his short ass has mastered the levitation charm to grab things out of his reach since he was like twelve. (JFC a single braincell between these pricks when they’re together!)
I know this doesn’t necessarily have to do with height, but sometimes I think of Remus being badgered by James to fill in for their seeker for their match against Slytherin because their typical one  is out with dragon pocks, and his little, agile ass breaks a record for quickest win!!!
Okay picture that this is a happy AU without Voldy and Sirius, drunk off his arse, insisting to carry Remus bridal style through the threshold of their flat after James and Lily’s wedding! And like somehow that leads to their own proposal because they are fucking dorks!!!
Okay also  imagine when Sirius is having like a rough night thinking about his family, (which I have very, very specific headcanons about) and Remus being the big spoon for a change, which is just him curling around Sirius like a fucking koala bear bahahaha 
Okay this is weird becs I is a short fuck myself, but I can’t think of anything else to add rn, but YES YES YES! Tall Sirius rights! Bahahaha
~My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist~ ~Send Me A Prompt/Chat With Me💜🥺
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primergon · 4 years
What if you entered a game show with the TFP Cons?
If you get partnered with Megatron, you’d be surprised at how determined he is to win. The guy is competitive, he is a gladiator after all. He’s in it to win it. You were shocked to see that he’s team player, but somewhere in the middle, he’ll get too carried away, and you’ll just be pulled into the chaos he had created. The ceiling is on fire, the hosts are on fire, you’re apparently close to being set on fire - somewhere in the distance, vehicons are screaming.
Starscream is surprisingly a good choice, and you can see yourselves winning - until he starts cheating. You have to give him credit, he’s resourceful and his charisma is enough to distract the panel of judges from the fact that he’s scheming. Yet, the card he was probably hiding under his seat would fall off once he stands up to celebrate his ( short-lived) victory. It was either Megatron or Dreadwing who saw it, and all hell would break loose, which would ultimately lead to your downfall. Or, he’d get into a petty argument with Knockout, which would have kicked both your team out of the game pretty early.
By this point, you don’t care about winning anymore, because being on one team with Breakdown is pure fun. He’s supportive to the point where you feel bad if you lose a point or fail to complete a task, but throughout he’ll be shouting encouragements and cheering you on. He’s surprisingly gentle and relaxed, even if he sometimes gets annoyed at the level of competitiveness and foul play in the room. Nonetheless, he makes the experience worthwhile, and he always finds a way to turn a stressful moment into a laughing one. You won’t be surprised if you ended up getting the penalty with him, at least he made getting sponges thrown at your faces worthwhile.
When they told you, you’ll be paired with Knockout, you immediately wanted to switch teams. Because as much as you love the medic, he’s a pain in the ass when it comes to competitions. It was either: he’d take this seriously to the point where he’s willing to get his hands dirty, or he’d treat it like a joke to poke fun at both you and Starscream. He’s the kind of guy to gloat and tease the other members to rile them up. You just wished you weren’t glued to him so you could’ve run away when Dreadwing leaped from his table to strangle the guy.
The moment Soundwave showed you the card that says you’re both partners, you sunk on the floor to raise both hands in the air. You thanked whoever is up there for giving you ultimate victory because the chances of losing with Soundwave is almost nonexistent. He doesn’t cheat ( unless he’s cornered ), but that’s what makes it even more impressive. He’s calculating, careful, and patient, the perfect combination for almost anything. Not to mention that he is the communication's officer, meaning that you find no trouble planning with him. Whether it was scavenger hunts or Q&As, you two would always dominate the court. You were the ultimate ‘ACE couple’, and no one would object, not even Megatron, when you both win.
Shockwave was the last person you thought you'll see in a ‘game show’, but here you two are, partners in a team bonding activity he finds illogical. You expected him to criticize everything as you go along, and any chances of winning are thrown out of the window. But, for a Mech that's emotionless, Shockwave's logic managed to score you several points. As awkward as it was, you still had fun, because you get to see him hop around in one leg and try to work a hoola hoop He might have kept his expressions to himself throughout the game, but you didn't, because you'll find yourself on the floor from time to time, wheezing at the sight of him playing.
You wanted to laugh at how terrible Dreadwing is at this game, but it wasn’t because you were scared of him that you didn’t, but it was because you felt sorry for the big guy. He has a temper so that sometimes causes you both to bicker, but once he gets the hang of it - it was fun enough that you’ve managed to squeeze a laugh or two. Even if you had to do a penalty together, he was true to his word and accepted the punishment proudly. The whole experience booster the moral between you, and you would often talk to him about it.
ST3V3 is hands down, the best partner anyone could hope for. He watches A LOT of game shows and so he came prepared. It was either you two would win, shocking everyone including Megatron, or you would lose miserably because you both can’t stop fooling around. Your jaws would hurt from laughing too much because even if it was a ‘ no laughing challenge’, ST3V3 would be in front of you doing the absolute maximum to make you clutch your stomach in pain. It doesn’t matter, because the end, you’ll be the Nemesis’s favorite duo.
A/N : I’ve been watching too many Running Man so you can base this game show on that because it’s hands down, the BEST and most ICONIC game show imo. 
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sunsetcurve · 4 years
so...the last year has been rough. for everyone. but i’ve been lucky in a lot of ways, especially with the people in my life, and i wanted to take a second to thank some people on here. because genuinely, you guys mean so freaking much to me. i’ve had a lot of online friends in my life but none that feel so much like family. these are the people who have carried me through the last year, who’ve made me feel seen and heard and supported me in all my endeavors and just been wonderful to me all around. i love you guys, and happy new year <3
i’m about to get into it now. and i’ll try not to cry too much along the way.
@neshatriumphs​ nesha, when i say that you’re our fandom mom i mean that you’re my family, i mean that you’re my biggest supporter, my inspiration, my rock, the person who makes me want to be my best self, all the time. i can’t explain to you what your support has meant to me over the years. whether it’s leaving me incredibly kind notes on my fics that make me want to write more just for you, or sending me asks when you know i’m feeling down, or just making me laugh with your hilarious takes, you have always, always been there for me. you’re the toughest person i know and you make me want to keep pushing every day. you’re so incredibly talented; your ideas are just always stunning and inspired and despite being humble about it you’re amazing at everything you do. your art, your writing, your aesthetics, all of it. loeg and share-a-lair were just spectacular and such a show of how complex and original and smart your writing is. barring just your talent you’re also an inspiration in how passionate and kind and dedicated you are. you care for others everywhere you go. you come on here and constantly make me want to be a better person. it’s not just me, either—you’ve taken on the role of helping all of us in any way you can, and you just make us feel loved and supported and give us someone to always look up to. i love you. plain and simple, you’re my family, and i’m so, so grateful to have you in my life.
@juliesdahlias​ you know when you meet someone younger than you and you’re like how do they have this much talent in their body? and you can’t even be mad about it because you just want to root for them and you want good things for them and you think of them like a little sibling? that’s me around you all. the freaking. time. pearl, i’m constantly blown away by how smart and driven and passionate you are. you have so much talent to offer the world and i love seeing you thrive more than anything. you inspire me every freaking day; i mean, your tiara thief drabbles literally made me pull my fic out of my drafts for the first time in months. every time you post it’s something iconic and beautiful, whether its your fics or your edits or your headcanons. and not just that, but you’re so incredibly supportive of everything i put out there. like with ths, the way you latched on to it and are one of our biggest fans and made content for it literally as soon as we started!! that was amazing!! you’re just such an incredible person in every sense of the word; you’re talented and hilarious and kind and passionate and i love you so so much. i cannot wait to watch you do amazing things because i know you’re gonna be one of the greats. ily. 
@ciara-knightly i can’t even put this into words. i’m sitting here trying to say it right and every time i start i just turn into “!!!!!!!!” cause i love you so much. i know i’ve said this before, but shona, you’re honestly like my older sister. this whole year of just, really getting to talk to you beyond tumblr has shown me how honestly kind, passionate, smart, and supportive you are. talking to you is one of my favorite things in the world, whether it’s rambling about tiara thief, or discussing feminism in media, or just getting life advice. you always know what to say to lead me in the right direction and reassure me that things are gonna be okay. i look up to you more than i can tell you; i’m constantly inspired by your talent and your drive. you’re endlessly supportive and you make me laugh all the time, and i hold literally every convo we have close to my chest because it means so much to me to just be able to have them with you. i’ll never be over the fact that you basically discovered jatp, or us talking and making predictions for weeks before it aired, or us plotting out the whole dystopia novel together—which, even though it didn’t really pan out, was such an amazing experience because i got to do it with you. and i absolutely scroll back through our convos on a regular basis to scream over our tiara thief headcanons. everything i’ve done with you has been incredibly fun and meaningful, so what i’m trying to say in this very long winded way is that i’m so, so glad i know you, and i can never thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. 
@bitchmilsky lizzie, i literally think of you like you’re my little sibling. my weird, crazy, hilarious, incredibly kind and supportive and creative and amazing little sibling. ever since i met you you’ve been nothing but fun and friendly and wonderful to me. your posts never fail to make me laugh and i love seeing whatever you’re up to, even if it’s video games that i understand nothing about. you have so many fun ideas and you’re so freely yourself, it’s honestly inspiring. the things you make are always adorable and every time we go live together and chat i always have so much fun, and talking and i just want to meet you in person so badly because i know we’d be an amazing, unstoppable duo and that you’d make me laugh until my sides hurt. i’m still waiting on that cross-country road trip. we could roll the windows down and belt our way through the entire hd musical soundtrack, and it would be epic. for real, though, you’re one of my favorite people ever, and i hope this year brings you nothing but fun and good things because that’s what you deserve. i’m sending you a million virtual hugs and also booty shorts that say poggers on the ass. i love you <3
@zackmartn i know i’m gonna start crying right now because i love you so much and i’m trying not to because i just did my makeup but dammit, nikki, i just love you so much. i remember when i first came on here and was afraid to talk to you because i was like “ohmygod she’s so cool she’s the king of this fandom she’s amazing” but i thank god that you reached out to me every day. i honestly can’t imagine my life without you; you’ve been such a presence in it for so long that you’re inseparable from it. even the times i’ve gone on hiatus i’ve been stalking your blog from a distance like “i just wanna know what she’s up to...”. you’re honestly like an older sister to me and you’re one of the people i admire the most; you’ve been through and continue to go through so much and yet every day you come on here and decide to be a freaking light to all of us, to make me smile, to support me literally endlessly. like, the amount of times you’ve driven me to near tears from your reviews of my writing is ridiculous. the freaking umana fan club?? the way ths is one of your top tags??? it’s just...insane and such a show of how boundless your support is. and that’s not even getting into how freaking talented you are!!! i stare at your gifsets all the time!! and your fics like....holy shit you literally created this whole universe that i’m so freaking invested in and is better than literally anything that canon could ever do, and i know i’m honestly terrible at responding to messages but i hope you know you never have to start holding back with me. most of the time when i get stuff you send i have to sit there and get my thoughts together and that takes forever, but i love love love reading it anyway. the way you get excited about the things you love is everything, it’s something that i really really love about you, and i hope you continue to keep that passion and love for everything. and i hope that this year brings you nothing but good things, because you deserve that more than anyone. i love you. 
@willexs eliza, babe, i know we joke all the time that we were put on opposite sides of the ocean because we’d be too powerful if we were together but i really think it’s true. imagine us meeting. the universe just wouldn’t be able to handle it; it would implode. listen, you’re literally like my twin, my other half. we have so much in common that it’s honestly ridiculous. we operate on the same brainwave, and every time we talk i’m blown away by how easy it is and i honestly love it so much because i could not have picked a more talented and creative and fun person to work with. writing ths with you has literally been like...one of my favorite writing experiences ever. i can’t believe that it started on such a whim because it’s such an important part of my life now and getting to have you next to me while we figure this whole thing out is honestly the best part. it’s not just all the characters and dynamics we’ve created, it’s the fact that i can send you incoherent ramblings at ungodly hours and you’ll pick them apart, it’s the 3-hour phone calls to make playlists, it’s you always making me feel heard and inspiring me. it’s this like...excitement of building towards something amazing with someone i love. you understand me on this crazy and fundamental level, and sometimes it blows my mind how similar we are and how well you know me without us having even met. i feel like we’re the embodiment of “nobody gets me like you”. and i know i’ve said this before, but i really do think you make me a better writer. i love how you make me laugh, i love that you always have the best takes and i love how talented you are with your incredible adorable art and your fics and your gorgeous edits and i love that we egg each other on and hype each other up. i love that, despite being on opposite sides of the ocean, we’re still best friends. and i love you <3
​@cactus-con lou!!!!!! i literally just...ahh i love you so much!! i know i’ve said this before but you were the first person i talked to in this fandom, and you made me feel so freaking welcome. and that has never changed. talking to you is so easy and natural, and you make me feel loved and heard all the time. i love getting to share stuff with you because you always always always hype me up. not just that but like...your talent?? literally unmatched!!! you’re amazing at everything you do it’s ridiculous. i love love love all your artwork, i could stare at it literally all day. you have so much talent and i literally cannot wait to watch you do such great things with it. i just...you’re such a wonderful person to everyone around you. you spread all this love and support and kindness and i think you’re one of the most genuine people i know and i’m so so glad i know you. i hope this year treats you so well because you deserve nothing but good things. i love you. <3
@owenjoyners where do i even start?? brooke, you’re like my other twin. i know i’ve said this before but it’s literally insane to me that we’ve known each other for less than a year because it feels like i’ve known you my whole life. you are such an incredible freaking person. you’re funny and you’re kind and you’re talented and you make me smile every damn day. i love getting post notifs from you because i swear to god i light up every time. your gifsets are always gorgeous, and i’ve watched you learn and improve and you’ve gotten so good, it makes me so happy every time. your art??? you say you’re just starting out but i can’t even tell you how much i love it. your fics!!! you’re good at everything and it’s honestly ridiculous. and it’s not even about your consistently amazing posts, i also just...i love talking to you more than anything, even if we’re just simping over owen together. you make me laugh all the time and you always hype me up; you’ve let me ramble about my fics and helped me get my ideas together, you’ve talked stupid life stuff like school and college with me, and you’ve given me someone to go to whenever i need it. i think of you as one of my best friends and i can’t get over how fast we clicked or how easy it is to talk to you. i need you to come visit me so i can give you so many hugs and we can have a sleepover and talk for literally hours on end. in the meantime, we need to call again sometime because that was honestly so much fun. i love you with all my heart. 
and some people i want to say thank you to, because even though we don’t talk as often as i’d like you’re still amazing, and you make me smile all the time, and i love seeing you on my dash or in my notes: @taylorswiftrulestheworld @onplanetmars @dr-rigatoni @swellviews-finest @symphonic-concert @molinasmercer
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funknrolll · 4 years
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Hi music lovers, today I’m focusing on Janet Jackson, I tried to cover as much as I could with this article. Just know that I will write other articles about her, therefore if you do not find some particulars in this essay, just know that they will be in another future article!! I hope you enjoy this article💜
For 54 years the music icon “Miss Jackson” has and still is paving the path for many artists and inspiring us all with her legacy, talent, grace, and beauty, being the role model everyone should look up to. Today I am focusing on the highlights of Janet Jacksons extraordinary career.
Born Janet Damita Jo Jackson on May 16, 1966, in Gary, Indiana, the artist, was the youngest of ten children, but undoubtedly not the least talented. Indeed, at the young age of 10, she got the part of Penny Gordon on the tv show Good Times and her acting skills were already showing. The young child prodigy also made a few memorable appearances on the tv show Diff’rent Strokes as Charlene Dupree and soon got her role on the renown show Fame as Cleo Hewitt. Though the show business was not all flowers and roses for young Janet, who, even at the age of 10, was already showing her iron will to achieve the very much desired success. Indeed, as the artist recalled, “‘I would set my alarm clock for 5.30am, get myself dressed, and get myself out of the door for work five days a week,’ she says. ‘And for a 10-year-old to have that kind of discipline – there’s a lot to be said for that.’.
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Then Janet decided to pursue the music career in the 80s, establishing herself as a singing star of the first order. At the age of 16, she dropped her first self-titled album. The pop, funk-influenced, fresh, and danceable record was the beginning of a glorious and remarkable career. Young Love even reached number six on Billboard’s R&B chart. The following year the artist issued Dream Street. The exquisitely pop album was entirely in the fashion of good 80s tunes. Not to mention the surprise guest artist who lent his signature voice in Don’t Stand Another Chance and All My Love To You.
However, in 1986 came Janet’s commercial, and most importantly, creative breakthrough. The artist teamed up with none other than Minneapolis-based producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis to create Control, the game-changing, legendary R&B-pop masterpiece that paved the way for the new emerging sounds of the late 80s. Through the empowering lyrics, the artist declared her independence with passion and grace as she affirmed in the title track, “this time, I’m gonna do it my way,” and she really did it. Moreover, the pure brilliance of this work lies in the extremely self-assured vocals and sleek slamming beat combo that presented Janet as a confident tough-minded artist who is in charge of her life and her choices. In support of her brand-new persona, Jam and Lewis crafted a set of gleamy, computerized hip-hop-nuanced funk and urban R&B backing tracks. The album eventually sold over 5 million copies, establishing Janet as a new influential pop star and role model. With this album, the artist was already showing her immense talent.
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In 1989 the artist teamed up again with producers Jam and Lewis and released the hotly anticipated follow-up concept album: Rhythm Nation 1814. With this work, the artist became more overtly political, exploring socially conscious themes and issues, which were the whole fulcrum of the album. The singer took some risks with this Rhythm Nation as protest songs were quite uncommon in R&B, but making those risks paid off as the masterpiece not only assured Janet an even higher artist plateau, but it also had wildly successful results. As the artist sang in the title track “Join voices in protest to social injustice” or “A generation full of courage, come forth with me,” in this work, Janet explores themes such as racism, sexism, and feminism and flourishing as a person and artist in an environment ruled by both issues. However, some nonpolitical songs could not miss, ranging from smooth and silky ballads such as Someday Is Tonight, Alone and Come Back to Me to the pop rock influenced Black Cat, to the funk-influenced Miss You Much and Alright to the bright and romantically-themed Love Will Never Do (Without You) and Escapade. The album was a triumph and was accepted enthusiastically by the audience. In support of this masterpiece, Janet undertook her first tour, and it was a smashing success.
In 1992 the artist, along with rapper Tupac Shakur starred in John Singleton’s all-time classic, Poetic Justice. Janet gave proof one more time of her extraordinary acting skills taking up the role of Justice, a hairdresser, grieving over her boyfriend’s death, who writes poems to get through the sorrow of her bereavement.
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Subsequently, 1993 saw the artist fully embracing her sexuality, which was crowned with her breakthrough homonymous album: Janet. The new image was trumpeted with a strikingly iconic Rolling Stone cover picture: an uncropped photo with the artist topless covered by two hands. The picture was then used as the album cover. One more time, Janet teamed up with the iconic duo Jam-Lewis and the outcome churned out did not leave the audience disappointed at all. The powerful trio left the synthesized funk in favor of warm, gently, inviting undulating grooves. The 28 tracked album is the product of the artist’s groundbreaking eclecticism. This masterpiece is a perfect mix of whooping cuts sprawling a sonic extravaganza where only 12 were proper songs, and the rest short interludes. The new quirky sounds were aligned perfectly with the brand-new public persona the artist created. The album shifts from the old school shuffle-beat-pop of Whoops Now to the New Jack Swing of You Want This. The leading guitar of What’ll I Do is a 60s flavored old school-rock hit with a bit of Janet’s signature sound. The danceable grooves of Funky Big Band are spiced up with old-jazz samples, while the erotic moans in Throb are a clear nod to Donna Summer’s Love to love you, baby, with some electro-trance influences I must say. A major sociopolitical hit could not miss on this masterpiece. The pop song New Agenda featuring a noteworthy cameo from rap Public Enemy’s head MC. Chuck D is indeed touching some relevant themes such as gendered racism and sexism, which issues were and still are much present in today’s society. The album is also featuring some enjoyable ballads such as the major hit and R&B Again, which appeared at the end of the movie mentioned Poetic Justice. With The Body that Loves you, Janet shifts to some jazzier, smooth, and silky sounds, while the slow R&B-nuanced Any Time Any Place is a groovy erotic jam. The angry This Time is a successful experiment in mixing rocky inflections with lyrical singing. The centerpiece was the album’s first single, the groovy alluring infectious ballad That’s The Way Love Goes. Not only is the collection a groundbreaking masterpiece sprinkled with revolutionary sounds, but what is striking most about this work is the intention with which it was produced. Indeed, Janet is a clear statement and frank celebration of female sexual liberation, which was and still is considered a taboo topic. Through this album, Janet explores black sexuality and lust, which is something black women have always been stereotyped about. Hence, with the explicit lyrics, the mellow and groovy sounds, the artist unveils these relevant topics making a monument to black lust, ultimately taking the power of her own sexuality back, which is portrayed as a beautiful, liberating act. With this masterpiece, Janet was baptized as one of the first real trailblazers and role models who paved the path for multiple African American female artists in addressing and embracing their sexuality fully. Additionally, the video of If was praised for being a beautiful, uplifting celebration and portrait of interracial lust.
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Furthermore, how can we forget when Janet introduced her legendary brother Michael at the 35th Grammy Legend Awards on February 24, 1993? The artist wearing a gorgeous total white look and matching high heels matched Michael’s nestled pearls jacket. Not to mention her iconic, memorable hairstyle: beautiful box braids slicked-back into a high ponytail topped off with a had-band turned ponytail-holder matching the whole outfit. The jewelry was also in harmony with the outfit, as the artist opted for silver medium hoops (which went gorgeously with the hairstyle), a classy silver chained necklace, and of course, a couple of silver rings. Janet stepped on stage with the biggest, brightest, and most gorgeous smile to introduce her brother with one of the most touching speeches ever, beginning with “Before he won 12 Grammy Awards before he dazzled millions of fans around the world with his amazing talent as a performer. Before, he impacted millions of lives with his ongoing humanitarian efforts. Before all of that, he was one other thing, he was my brother”. Then she presented the audience an enlightening book of the instructions on how to become a legend choosing Michael as a guide. But the best part was yet to come. Indeed, Janet expressed her love and gratitude for her brother, and honestly, she had us crying the ugliest tears ever and Michael too “I just want to say one thing, seriously. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you and how much you’ve inspired me and how proud I am to be your sister. And how much I love you, I do”. It was lovely seeing Janet and Michael sharing a beautiful moment on stage and joking with each other. It was indeed a beautiful, heartwarming moment to witness.
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In 1995 Janet’s came in support of her brother Michael in Scream, the lead single contained on the album HIStory. The duet between the younger sister and Michael finds the pair spitting out tightly wound lines railing against tabloids. The industrial beats and clattering percussions encased an incredible one of the most mind-blowing vocal performances ever. The sense of frustration and rage makes it one of the most vivid and enduring songs. Not to mention the iconic video directed by Mark Romanek housing the siblings in their own hyper-modern spaceship complete with an indoor zen garden, remote-controlled art gallery, and futuristic squash court. The iconic video came in black and white, with the spacecraft flying over the earth and Michael standing in his distress capsule. Then the tv screen flickers and Janet closes her eyes in the distress capsule. A deafening noise reverberates through their headphones, and the siblings scream in pain. An anime comes on tv, and Michael breaks the glass of the capsule. With this intro, the legendary duo begins a mesmerizing and extremely arduous choreography in unbelievable perfect sync with each other. Not to mention the iconic outfits consisting of black and silver PVC pants, silver bikini for Janet, and black or grey spiked shibori crop-tops styled by David Bradshaw.
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In 1997 came Janet’s follow-up album, The Velvet Rope, representing the product of her artistic revolution. With this album, the artist is summarizing the essence of the three previous works: the self-empowering messages from Control, the skin-deep social consciousness of Rhythm Nation, and the sexual liberation of Janet. Through the mature and experimental new sounds, the artist takes the listeners on a journey through the exploration of her psyche and sexuality: the outcome leads us to a darker path than the previous works released. Indeed, the singer sought to combine the sensuality of the last record to some more socially conscious parts such as domestic abuse, AIDS, and homophobia. Indeed, Vanessa-Mae’s prog-rock violin solo on the title track is setting the tone for profoundly spiritual work. The bass-heavy house track Together Again was an elegy for AIDS victims, which showcased a poignant vocal and lyric. Furthermore, from the raw and extremely vivid words of What About “What about the times you hit my face?../What about the times you said you didn’t fuck her; she only gave you head?” it is quite clear what the song is dealing with. And the anti-homophobia song par-excellence Free Xone shifts the moods and tempos segueing from a Prince’s Love Symbol (if you know what album I am talking about) like jam to an intriguing masterful sample from Archie Bell and the Drells’: Tighten Up. Extremely popular on the radio was Got ‘Til It’s Gone featuring the rapper Q-Tip and a reggae-crafted beat of Joni Mitchell’s Big Yellow Taxi. I Get Lonely featuring Blackstreet was another tremendous hit that traversed the dark side of desire. Then Every Time is a melancholic piano-based touching ballad (not going to lie this song had me crying ugly tears!!). The edgy rhythms and he drum-and-and-bass lite in Empty are enhanced by Janet’s delivery racing in a staccato. Then the smooth groovy slippery Go Deep is worthy of some of the best Michael Jackson’s jams (can you notice the resemblance with some of Michael’s songs?). Special is another fabulous piano-based ballad drenched in meaningful lyrics, a true anthem of self-worth-discovery delivering an essential lesson “You see? You can’t run away from your pain. Because wherever you’ll run, there you will be. You have to learn to water your spiritual garden. Then you will be free.”. The idyllic song is abruptly stopped halfway by Janet saying “work in progress,” because after all, we are all a work in progress in our journeys through self-discovery and self-love, right? In the second part of the song, the hidden track “Can’t Be Stopped” is a monumental celebration of being Black where the artist is encouraging other African-Americans to have the same pride “You were born with blood of Kings and Queens and can’t be stopped.” Furthermore, through interludes such as Sad and Memory, the artist explores her deepest emotions and grief. For instance with the few words of the album opener Twisted Elegance “It is my belief that we have the need to feel special/And its this need that can bring out the best in us/Yet the worst in us/This need created the velvet rope” Janet is putting into a small number of words the whole purpose and meaning of this monumental masterpiece. The Velvet Rope is, in fact, a metaphor for a place deep inside. We all strive to protect where all our feelings and thoughts lay. Janet, with this album, is courageously unveiling her Velvet Rope, letting herself firstly and the listener beyond it directly into her sacred “spiritual garden.” Indeed, it is not a mystery that the singer chose the symbol of the Sankofa ( which is also the symbol of the Adinkra tribe in West Africa) to represent the album. Indeed, its paraphrase means “You must learn from your past to move forward,” and this is again the whole concept of The Velvet Rope.
In 2000 the artist appeared in Eddie Murphy’s comedy The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps as professor Denise Gaines.
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The next year, on March 12, 2001, the artist was honored with the MTV Icon Award, where the glittery talent roster included Beyonce and Destiny’s Child, Stevie Wonder, Aaliyah, ‘Nsync and Macy Gray, to pay their tribute to the legendary icon. To keep the hype of her new upcoming album release, Janet performed All For You the title track of her next album due on April 24, 2001. The singer ascended the stage in a gorgeous stylish all-white outfit and blew the audience away with her enchanting voice and impeccable choreography. After the performance was over, the artist thanked her dancers and her fans, saying, “It’s such a special night in my Life. An amazing night. Thank you so much. Because of you guys, I’m here. Thank you. I love you.”. Needless to say that we love our beautiful, humble queen more.
Moreover, after the super-personal and provocative Velvet Rope, Janet teamed up again with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis to produce the sparkling danceable 70s/80s-influenced All For You. Come On Get Up (one of my favorite tracks in the album) breaks into a frenzy dance upbeat tempo and synth followed by some joyous and impeccable vocals. When We Oooo is an R&B downtempo percussive-based groovy alluring ballad that takes us to another dimension. The R&B ballad China Love is characterized by an extremely neat yet unique instrumental. The sounds of traditional Oriental chimes delve into the past love connections and other new age ambiguities. The glossy, silky slow ballad Love Scene is a sensual jam, perhaps one of Janet’s sexiest song in the album. Trust A Try is the product of a collaboration with hip-hop producer Rockwilder. The monumentally theatrical vocals are accompanied by a reinvention of the opera-genre rearranged into the rock key with electric guitars and cinematic strings. You Ain’t Right is a brutal attack on a gossipy friend characterized by a groovy upbeat tempo and some prominent vocals. The optimistic and hopeful ballad Better Days is entirely in harmony with the whole theme of the album (such an uplifting gem). The complete instrumentation with the guitar solo and striking strings are having us daydreaming of beautiful and distant places. The album is featuring singer Carly Simon in Son of a Gun (I Betcha Think This Song Is About You), which is mashed-up with Carly Simon’s song You’re So Vain. Another track containing a sample from America’s Ventura Highway is the upbeat synth-based ballad Someone to Call My Lover, such a well-crafted reinvention of the original song. The extra-slow groovy Truth is a typical Janet’s ballad in the fashion of Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get it On. Feels So Right is another sparkling glossy R&B lo-fi track characterized by a prominent beat and some almost whispered sensual, charming vocals. Lastly, the title track, All For You, is a clear nod to the most memorable 70s funk masterpieces. The alluring upbeat and funk-influenced sound is having the listener daydreaming of the dancefloor at the Studio 54.
In 2004 Janet released her 8th album: Damita Jo again produced by the iconic duo Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis. The highly anticipated work is another groovy, sensual, erotic, and unapologetic masterpiece, where the artist explores the crucial role of sex in a new relationship. The preponderance to slow-tempo, sensual grooves, sexual imageries, and spoken interludes are now Janet’s trademark. It’s Janet, and she’s unapologetically sexy. The R&B ping-pong rhythms of the title track accompany the sampled bells, the rap inflected scratches, and the mellow vocals perfectly. Sexhibition is alluring the listener with its infectious stuttering beats and the sampled groovy electro R&B chug, along with Janet’s intermittent vocal bubbles. The sensual vocals in Strawberry Bounce are mixed into an effervescent loop over which, if you listen attentively, you can hear elements of Jay-Z’s Can I Get A and Deon Jackson’s Love’s Make the World Go Round. The next track, My Baby, featuring Kanye West, is a regular R&B laidback slow-jam with on-point beats. Spending Time With You is yet another slow R&B groovy jam that sounds exceptionally familiar (of course, if you are familiar with Michael Jackson’s music). Indeed, the prominent beats, the sampled bells, and the mellow and sensual-almost whispered vocals are clearly drawing inspiration from Janet’s older brother Michael. Segueing the slow-tunes mentioned above, All Nite (Don’t Stop) is a pumping electro-funk whose infectious beats allure the listeners to the dancefloor. Yet R&B Junkie keeps the retro 70s funk vibe high with some well-crafted catchy upbeat synths and characteristic inflected vinyl scratching having us daydreaming of the 70s dancefloors. The album shifts into ’60s retro dazzle with I Want You. The squeaky-clean sugary puff sounds in the verve of the best ’60s classics are a clear homage to the glory of Berry Gordy’s Motown Records. With Like You Don’t Love Me, we are taken back to modern R&B, nodding to new soul stylings with its catchy production, the infectious beats, subtle guitars, and keyboard accompanied by the sensual girly crooning. Thinkin’ Bout My Ex is another slow downtempo jam where the artist explores the emotional consequences of heartbreaks. Following Thinkin’ Bout My Ex, the extra-slow Warmth is a swirling erotic jam. Moist is the sequel of Warmth, another down-tempo piano-based track. The next track, Truly, is leaning towards a new soul genre. With its luscious harmonies and silky vocals, the song is such a sublime masterpiece. Slolove is another in-the-verve-of 70s up-tempo jam characterized by meticulous funk beats. Closing the album Just A Little While is an apparent salute to Prince’s Dirty Mind (precisely When You Were Mine) combining effervescent elements of 80s Prince’ inspired guitars and keyboards. The wide variety of music genres and 60’, 70’, and 80s influences on the album are the product of Janet’s revolutionary and eclectic vision showing the artist flexing her musicology muscle.
In 2006 Janet was a 40 years old woman feeling half her age. Her 40th birthday also conveys with her breakthrough as a music icon and legend 1986. Hence, she released her new album, 20 Y.O. The collection is one more time featuring 5 interludes, all of them titled 20. The first interlude is, however, the most relevant one as the singer gives a clear explanation of the purpose and the meaning of this work: “Well, there’s something to... Are you recording?/ There’s something to be said for not saying anything/I’ve talked about racism, spousal abuse, empowering women, children/I’ve talked about a lot of things/What do I talk about this time?/ I’ve covered a lot in my 20 years/, And I’ve uncovered a lot in my 20 years/, But I wanna keep it light/I don’t wanna be serious/I wanna have fun/I know/I don’t know/That’s what I do know”. The first track opening the album boasts a collaboration with rapper Khia. If you listen attentively, you’d also realize that the song is a masterful sample of Rockit by Herbie Hancock. The outcome is an urban R&B synth-based with prominent on-point-beats. The next three songs present some other masterful samples, such as Show Me complemented with Kraftwerk’s Boing Boom Tschak, Get It Out Me with Afrika Bambaataa’s Planet Rock and Do It 2 Me with Brenda Russell’s If Only for One Night. The threads that relate to all these tracks are the playful prominent danceable and sharp beats and grooves. Segueing the steamy rocky-R&B erotic This Body in which the artist adds some sensual vocals that match perfectly the whole theme of the track: the reversal of female objectification. Therefore, the music and the vocals match the intensity of the narrative, and the manic electric guitar replete with steel drum rimshots. After the second interlude, the artist is back again to a classic R&B string-based downtempo mellow jam. Next track Call On Me, boasts another collaboration with rapper Nelly. The song is yet another well-crafted sample with S.O.S Band’s 1983 major hit Tell Me If You Still Care. The sparkle of the sampled bells in Daybreak glides like Escapade and Runaway. The next track, the neo-soul with a touch of retro vibes Enjoy, is a total breath of positivity and fresh air. The ambiance-neo-soul Take Care is a classic silky dazzling ballad in the verve of Come Back To Me. Love 2 Love is yet another sensual slow jam. In the 5th interlude closing the album, the artist states the fugacity of the 20 years, and ultimately she thanks God for the sense of humor. Then she starts joking with one of her old friends “Twenty years/Time flashes by like lightning in the sky/Twenty years of questions come down to ‘Who am I?’/Thank you God for giving us all a sense of humor”… “All right, it’s ten to six/You’ve gotta go, ’cause I’ve gotta go/Oh, now she’s throwin’ me out now that she had her little say/We have some lovely parting gifts for you, Lynette/Thanks for coming down/Haha, oh, she tryin’ to shut me up/ Do do duh do do do..”
The next year we find Janet in Tyler Perry’s movie Why Did I Get Married? The film set in a Rocky Mountain resort follows four couples who meet each year for a therapeutic vacation. The 8 friends converge to discuss their relationships and address their issues. In the movie, we see Janet play the role of Patricia, a well-meaning psychiatrist and writer who helps her friends to solve their marital problems. The sequel of the movie, Why Did I Get Married Too?, came in 2010, but this time it includes a lengthy section set at the Bahamas. The film is one more time an amid portrait of four couples dealing with marital crises. With these movies, Janet is showing one more time her never-ending acting talents, especially in the second one, when she had to bring to Life Patricia’s painful past. It is indeed, that hurtful past with the broad range of emotions that Janet managed to bring to life amazingly well, making the movie even more credible and touching.
In 2011 Janet released her book True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself, in which she recounters her struggle with weight and confidence. The book is as well featuring letters from her fans. True You topped the new York time’s bestseller list in the following month. The same year Janet was the first female artist to ever perform at the I.M. Pei glass pyramid at the Louvre Museum, raising contributions for the restoration of artworks.
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Nine years later, Janet is back with Unbreakable, a profound and insightful masterpiece. In this album, we find a brand-new Janet with brand new sounds more new-soul oriented. The themes of the collection are as well different from the previous ones. In the title track is the artist expresses her gratitude over a relaxed and longing groove. The intensity increases with the dance uptempo song BURNITUP featuring hip-hop icon Missy Elliot. The mood changes with the probing synths and booming bass in Dammn Baby. The next two tracks, The Great Forever, and Broken Hearts Heal, are a tribute to her brother Michael who passed in June 2009. What is mesmerizing about The Great Forever is that Janet sounds almost like Michael. While Broken Hearts Heal is a poignant uptempo ballad with a retro touch that brings us back to the glorious Michael’s 1978 Off The Wall. The subtle crystal beat is exactly giving the vibe of Workin’ Day and Night. The lyrics as well are giving hints that the song is dedicated to Michael “It was a long, long time ago/But I remember it like yesterday/Amazing times while we were growing/’Round all the brightest stars the world had seen/ We made-up songs to do our chores to/And harmonized while we all did our part/Danced and sang our way through most anything/Always felt safe in each others’ love/It was in summer that you left me/The fall and winter never felt so cold/, And Lord knows words can never express it/Life feels so empty I miss you much/Painful tears like never before/We can’t laugh together till we cry/But our love’s ain’t no material thing/ Inshaallah, see you in the next life”. The social-message-song Shoulda Known Better rides on an electro-dance sound and synths to reach euphoria, which is perfectly aligned with the hopeful message of revolution and social change. With After You Fall, Janet lets the listener into her deep thoughts, showing her fragility. The neat and simple arrangement and the gorgeous vocals are flawlessly completing the whole theme and purpose of the song, putting the vulnerability and the grief into sound. The sparkling infectious electro-disco Night is a clear nod to sturdy Minneapolis funk, more precisely Prince’s Sexy Dance (Prince self-titled album 1978). Segueing the effervescent rhythms of Night, No Sleeep is a more relaxed hypnotic downtempo jam. Then Dream Maker/Euphoria kicks in with a Michael-like cry hitting high notes, then settling into a luscious psychedelic groove. 2 Be Loved and Take Me Away are two classic fresh danceable pop songs. The dark nuanced Promise sets the tone for the touching performance of Lessons Learned, where one more time, the singer lets the listener into her deepest fragilities. The dark-tinged new soul Black Eagle keeps the moods sober, unraveling a poignant, beautiful message. The gospel-flavored Gon B’ Alright, is a prominent link to the past in the verve of Sly and The Family Stone and Larry Graham Central Station with a touch of Michael Jackson’s Wanna Be Starting Something.
After the release of Unbreakable, Janet began The State Of The World Tour, which was launched in 2017. The title of the tour set the record straight on the themes addressed during the shows. Indeed, some testimonies from some lucky fans who attended the concerts recall the opening video making perfectly clear the message Janet wanted to deliver. A blood-red clip that flashed the names of unarmed black men shot and killed by police, denouncing white supremacy and ending in a chant of “We Want Justice.” Subsequentially, a giant portrait of the singer filled the screen, her image covered by the slogans “We will not be silent. LGBTQ rights. Black Lives Matter. Immigrants are welcome. Liberty and Justice for all”. Through the concert, the artist highlighted the importance of information with the lyrics from Rhythm Nation “information keeps us strong” and “if you want to be in control you gotta get yourself in the know.” The show featured as well lighter topics, and Janet did not spare herself some slick choreographers.
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And how can we possibly forget Janet’s ICONIC performance and INSPIRING speech while accepting the Billboard Icon Award in 2018? The artist took the stage, offering the audience one of the fiercest and most impeccable performances ever of Nasty meshed up with When We Ooo (at the end of the song) and Throb. The singer also sought inclusivity not just with words; indeed, the performance featured a collective of dancers of all sizes, colors, and shapes. Eventually, Janet, introduced by Bruno Mars, graced the audience with an incredibly inspiring and beautiful acceptance speech: “I am deeply humbled and grateful for this award. I believe that for all the challenges, for all our challenges, we live at a glorious moment in history. It’s a moment when at long last, women have made it clear that we will no longer be controlled, manipulated, or abused. I stand with those women and with those men equally outraged by discrimination who support us in heart and mind. This is also a moment when our public discourse is loud and harsh.”. What a beautiful, stunning, inspiring queen!!
Furthermore, this summer 2020, the artist was supposed to start her Black Diamond world tour, but unfortunately, it has been postponed.
With this said, through her extraordinary career, Janet has proved so much and has achieved so much. Her unbelievable work ethic and talent have brought her to become one of the best artists on earth, and this is a fact. Her inspiring music celebrating women, especially African American women, impeccable choreographies, the iconic music videos celebrating, and uplifting black people have paved the path for many artists. With her vast contribution not just in the music business, Janet has become a legendary icon to many women and men. All hail to the queen.
Thank you for your attention💜 G.✨
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