#but this almost gave me a heart attack
alliemonade · 1 month
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"He is just hybernating...right, Apple? Just a long long sleep."
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(thank you the dragon prince for the nice dragon references)
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tommystummy · 7 days
Is it too much to ask that Eddie be full on bawling at the BuckTommy Wedding because his best friends are getting married and he can’t think of anyone better for them to be marrying, only for him to deliver the most savage roast of them for his speech at the reception?
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lilacmaze · 11 months
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Loretta got the part!!! Yay! To celebrate, she decided to hit up the club and... meet someone. The guy was handsome, and she had fun, even though the bush gave her some scratches... Speaking of fun, let's be a little more careful next time. And do it in a better location...
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averageatypical · 1 year
Note to self: do not listen to space-themed sci-fi podcasts while driving. There will be beeping noises and you will think they are coming from your car and it will freak you out.
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frecklystars · 17 days
I’m at my theater job rn and it’s my first shift all by myself. Super nervous!!! But I’m planning to make!!!! hundreds of dollars!!!! so I can!!!! buy myself a cameo for my birthday!!!!! (That’s the hope anyway lol) wish me luck!!!!!
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oobbbear · 6 months
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8UM8LE YOU ARE GOING TO KILL ME WITH THESE HELLO???????? THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL???????? Oh I adore that you gave OK rectangle eyes and the one on the left the one on the left *dies*
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 month
I finished my 3rd run in Pressure with the No Light badge under my belt 💪💪
And I have one thing to say-
These mfs scared me more than the Squiddles
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dr4g0ngirl · 3 months
I am so fucking proud of Lewis and he deserved this win so much. His final home race at Mercedes 😭
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blorbocedes · 1 year
he's genuinely such a terrorist
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andrew3garfield · 1 year
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INSIDIOUS (2010) dir. James Wan
“ what's happening to Renai is real. I've seen it for myself. I came today because, last night, I had a dream about this place. I was in this house but it was late at night. I was... afraid. I went into your bedroom but you were both asleep. I knew I was asleep in the dream but... I could feel the- that someone was awake... in the house. I went into Dalton's, there was something in there with him. it was standing there in the corner. I asked it "who are you?" and it said it was a visitor, I said "what do you want?", it said Dalton. I can still hear that voice... ”
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clown-gore · 1 year
SFBF23-> week 1
Prompts: Fire. Wound(s). Suburbs. Bondage
Keywords: Acrid. Malignant
His Souvenir
Micheal Myers X GN!reader
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Halloween was a cursed time at Haddonfield, and that was a fact. Every window and door got locked during the night. Parents dreaded their children going trick-or-treating for it might be their last time seeing them.
Every year the town holds it’s breath waiting for the Boogyman to strike again. Sometimes he doesn’t, but that doesn’t make the situation any better.
And every year there were people foolish enough to roam the town at the dead of night and taking the situation lightly, unaware of the dangers their actions hold. Guilt doesn’t begin to describe the feeling that dawns after that.
And here you are, as guilty as ever…
Unfortunately you were one of those foolish people, and now you’re tied in the basement of some stranger, but that stranger is no other than the Shape Of Haddonfield himself, Micheal Myers.
You were tied and way that left you exposed. Hands behind your back tied at the elbows down to your wrists, thighs and knees bound with painful knots to the old heater behind you that scraped your back, and your mouth taped shut. Even your neck had a rope around it that threatened to choke you with every move.
Looking around you frantically, you tried to understand what is going on. Last thing you remember was Micheal chasing you and then nothing, something it you on the head and you didn’t know whether it was him, or you hit a brick wall or a tree, but the ache in your head is very much true.
The basement had an acrid smell of mould and smoke, smoke so strong it brought tears to your eyes. The only light came from a small window next to the sealing. Looking up, you could make out flames, and panic rose up again. The place was burning…
Your breath was frantic, and you started to fight against the ropes bounding you.
What made you stop your movements close to none was the figure emerging from the dark, far end of the room. The Boogyman himself.
Fear doesn’t begin to describe the feeling that crept through your body. The sight of his chalky white mask sent shivers down your spine.
Your throat went dry, more tears sprung to your eyes and your breath quickened with each silent step he took towards you. The blooded knife in his hand shined, reflecting the light from the fire up ahead. Is he staying her to burn with you? You kept asking…
You thrashed away at your restraints as they burned through your skin, definitely leaving marks. Micheal kept coming closer as you screamed through the tape on your mouth. Whatever plans he had in store, you were sure they won’t be empty of blood, and that knife was a witness for his never ending thirst
Hopelessness started creeping in, the realisation that the situation you found yourself in is inescapable started pouring down on your soul like cold water..
Micheal stood in front of you, inches away, the fire burning behind him made his form look large and looming compared to you. Death personified. He took one step closer, and went down on one knee to closer at you as your restraints make you vulnerable beneath him. His gaze under the mask make you feel ten times smaller, it was dangerous, malignant, yet curious, like he was looking at a shiny toy.
Michael’s right hand that was holding the knife moved and you jumped shutting your eyes close, bracing yourself for whatever’s to come, but it never did. Scratching sounds hit your ears and when you opens your eyes to look, he was carving something on the wooden floor.
When he was done, it was a singular crooked looking word that made your heart sink like it gained a thousand pounds over..
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shoukohime · 20 days
Contemplating the idea of finally giving the bleach anime another chance
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drbtinglecannon · 7 months
I've never seen Ratatouille before so we're watching it now, and it's been giving me horrific anxiety from my old cook days
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lonely-space-ace · 9 months
Me, playing TotK for the first time: man I'm kind of glad the Guardians are gone, it's nice to be able to run around without random lasers targeting me
Me, five seconds later, sprinting away from the gloom hands: THIS IS WORSE THIS IS WORSE THIS IS A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE
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asordinaryppl · 1 month
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 3: Fake Remnants
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Former Wolf A: Zen-san, this chicken is the shit!
Zen: Glad to hear that.
Omi: I made this quiche over here.
Former Wolf B: It’s crazy tasty!
Former Wolf C: Do you do take out? My wife keeps tellin’ me it’s unfair I’m the only one that gets to taste this…
Omi: I could wrap this up for you so you can take it home later.
Former Wolf C: Thanks!
Ryo: …
Omi: Do you want something to drink, Ryo?
Ryo: …
Omi: Ryo?
Ryo: Ah, sorry!
Omi: What’s up?
Ryo: … I don’t want to rain on everyone’s parade right now, I’ll tell you later.
Former Wolf A: Woahh, feels like my stomach’s gonna explode.
Former Wolf B: Thanks so much!
Former Wolf C: I’ve been dying to meet up with the rest of you Wolves lately.
Former Wolf A: I know, right.
Ryo: … Everyone, there’s something I gotta tell ya.
Former Wolf B: What’s up?
Ryo: … I heard some strange talk goin’ around.
Omi: Is that what you were talking about before?
Ryo: Yes.
Ryo: Some of the younger guys were talkin’ about it, nasty brat has been causing trouble and usin' the name “Wolf”.
Ryo: They heard ‘bout “Wolf” from me, so they asked me if it's my junior or something…
Former Wolf C: Ain’t it just one of those times when team names overlap?
Former Wolf A: It’s not like this name is anything rare.
Ryo: That ain't the end of it. It seems they're also callin' themself “Nachi” of “Wolf”.
Omi: —
Former Wolf A: Are you serious…?
Former Wolf B: Don’t fuck with me. What is this bullshit! Even if it’s just some brat playing a prank, there’s shit you don’t get to do!
Former Wolf C: If someone’s lying using Nachi-san’s name, I’ll catch ‘em and beat ‘em to a pulp!
Former Wolf A: They’re not gettin’ away with this!
Omi: Did you hear any other details about this imposter, Ryo?
Ryo: It seems there are times when they fight alone, and times when they fight with a group.
Ryo: What happens each and every time is that they call themself the remnants of “Wolf”, and then walk away...
Former Wolf D: Damn brat, what kinda stupid shit are they up to…
Former Wolf E: They probably just heard the legend of “Wolf” bein’ the strongest in Western Tokyo, and just started spoutin’ all this for fun.
Former Wolf A: This ain’t a joke. They really think we’ll just let this slide!?
Former Wolf B: Brats like those, you gotta hit where it really hurts–
Former Wolf C: You got that right!
Omi: Wait. I’ll use my connections and try to look deeper into this. Don’t do anything rash, you guys.
Former Wolf A: Omi-san…
Former Wolf B: Got it.
Former Wolf C: You gotta let us know if you get into any trouble!
Ryo: I’ll also try to find a little more info.
Omi: Yeah.
Omi: …
Zen: … So, about that imposter.
Zen: I’ve got a dancer here who’s a recently reformed troublemaker, and he’s got some good knowledge of street thugs.
Zen: Want me to have him look into it?
Omi: So you heard all that?
Zen: Got me sort of curious.
Omi: I’m sorry for getting you roped into something that has nothing to do with you… It’d be a great help.
Zen: It doesn’t “have nothing to do with me”. They’re using “his” name, aren’t they?
Omi: … You’re right.
Omi: Just what kind of people would pretend to be Nachi? And for what reason…?
Zen: Beats me. But if they’re spending all their time in petty fights, they’ve probably got some pent-up frustration.
Zen: I get how kids like that feel, so I want to help out in some way.
Omi: Thank you very much.
Zen: A lot of Gentiana’s shows incorporate sword fights. Former delinquents who’re full of moxie can often become immediate assets.
Zen: The guy I just told you about is like that. If he's got no one watchin' out, he could get involved with the remnants
Zen: So, this isn’t someone else’s problem.
Zen: Reminds me, we had a proper training space built for our shows’ dancers.
Zen: Up till now, I had our live-in dancers clear out the tables in the hall and lay down mats to practice on…
Zen: It was too cramped for actual tumbling and serious action scenes, though. So I decided to have a practice area with all the necessary equipment built.
Omi: Talk about taking the initiative.
Zen: Well, we're thrivin', so it was worth it.
Zen: If you guys want to use the space for any action-oriented practice, all you gotta do is let me know.
Zen: I’ll lend it to you whenever it’s available. Let your Director know too.
Omi: Thank you very much.
Omi: (... The people from first gen really are kind. I suppose that’s their way of encouraging us for the New Fleur Award.)
Omi: (I’m worried about the “Wolf” imposters, but first… I have to make sure “Picaresque Returns” is a success.)
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anonymousgayrobot · 3 months
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i can’t beliebe hes real… mr sundertits why are you canon….
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