#but this makes 6 in the past 5 days
asdpawprint · 2 years
Had a nightmare that I was back in school. Woke up feeling as if I actually had been. My head hurts, I'm exhausted, I'm scared. It feels like I'm not safe from it, even though I know I am. It's over, but it feels like it'll trap me and hurt me again. School won't, it can't, it's over... But work will. I'm so scared of work. Last summer was miserably painful - and I told no one, because that would be complaining, and nobody believes me when they think I'm complaining - and I can't bear the thought that it'll be that again. It'll be that forever. I don't want to. I don't think I can. I don't know how to escape it. I don't know how to avoid that pain.
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kuki-tan · 2 years
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Happy 39th Birthday Adachi!!
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
i don't think difficulty and challenge should be a litmus test for whether or not a game is "good"
first of all, how good a game is entirely depends on the person. like a game that one person hates might be a game that someone else loves
second of all, remember the animal crossing craze when acnh came out? i don't think that's an especially challenging game, but it's still beloved. games that aren't challenging can be beloved
third of all, maybe those of us who suck at games maybe want a game that's easy for once? 🤷🏼
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cagedchoices · 11 months
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In The Mother of Exiles, we catch up with Dolores and Caleb, cementing their bond as revolution bros by doing what bros do best... Going shopping together! They need to look flashy enough that they don't seem out of place while infiltrating the 1%, but also not draw too much attention at the same time. Caleb doesn't wear many suìts in his line of work, so he feels a little hopelessly lost when trying to pick a convincing outfit. Luckily, Dolores is good at this sort of thing, so she helps him out.
DOLORES: Did you choose something? CALEB: (Groans) I don't know where to start. It's not really my style. It's not really my social set, either. DOLORES: It's tribal. They use plumage to identify themselves...which makes them easily fooled. CALEB: So who is it? That we're going after? DOLORES: The person who took your future. But first, we have to take his...and to do that, you have to pretend to be one of them.
I always saw Dolores's use of "They" in this context as being about "The Rich." As in she doesn't associate Caleb with the rest of them because he possesses more humanity than most of them, but also because he's a working class guy who would, under normal circumstances, never have any business interacting with anyone in this particular tax bracket.
Dolores and Caleb leave the store and Caleb expresses some concern that the guy whose money they stole to buy the suit will find out about it, with Dolores assuring him that they won't get caught. Even if they were to get caught, the guy they stole from won't even realize his money is missing until it's too late to do anything about it.
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Uh...You know I think this is just- this is two friends running totally normal rich people errands here. What's a little light murder among friends? Doesn't really look like anything to me.
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Okay jokes aside, though... Dolores kills this man, a financial manager by the name of Michael Tritter, who manages Liam Dempsey as a client. She takes a syringe and fills it with his blood, which contains an encryption key in the form of a unique blood marker, and then injects it into Caleb.
They travel to The RGGR Centennial, a bank designed specifically for the financial elite in the world. The job here is to transfer all of Liam's money out of his account and covertly into Dolores's possession. To do that, Caleb impersonates Tritter using the blood marker, and Dolores uses Liam's personal hash key, which she acquired earlier with the help of Connells-Dolores.
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CALEB: I thought we were going to a bank? DOLORES: This is a bank. For a certain social set. Blood marker should be good for another fifteen minutes or so, but try to stay calm. The faster your heart beats, the faster the marker degrades. CALEB: What happens if it degrades too fast? DOLORES: We do this the old-fashioned way. CALEB: The old-fashioned way? DOLORES: I kill everyone.
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Fortunately, things at the bank go fairly smoothly and nobody has to die, although for a minute it feels like a very real possibility.
Caleb is nervous and it makes his hands sweaty to the point that the blood scanner can't get a clear reading on his ID. Seeing Dolores start to reach for the gun she has concealed in her handbag probably doesn't help with his nerves much either, but she hands him a cloth and after he wipes down his hands, the scanner is able to get a clear ID on the blood marker and the money transfer is successfully taken care of.
The next part of the plan is to intercept Liam at a masquerade event, where sex workers and models auction off their various services to wealthy patrons. The proceeds from the auction sales are donated to charitable organizations.
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One of Liam's friends passes him a vial of an experimental drug known as Genre, a virtual movie marathon that is meant to be marketed as "The Poor Man's W/estworld" and allows its user to experience reality as seen through the lens of popular movie genres. Liam pockets the drug for later, and attempts to enter the auction so he can bid on a girl, but he discovers he has no money, not knowing Dolores has it all.
Dolores and Caleb move in to catch Liam, but her old friends Bernard and Stubbs reach him first, thinking Dolores has already killed and replaced Liam with a host copy, or is planning to, to gain control of Rehoboam. They escape from the auction hall. Dolores passes Caleb her gun and sends him ahead in pursuit of Liam, while she stays behind to fight and subdue Stubbs.
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DOLORES: Stay on Liam. I'll handle this one. CALEB: You sure? DOLORES: Take it. I won't need it.
As has been pointed out by the lovely @copiesofme [in this post], Dolores's fight with Stubbs is never intended to kill him, nor is it fought on bad terms between either of them. It's only fought out of necessity and Dolores does everything she can to fight fair and not hurt Stubbs too badly.
I will also point out, Dolores giving Caleb the gun in this situation speaks to just how much trust she has in him! As Connells-Dolores will tell Bernard just a little bit later in either this episode or in the next, he's the only host they can't replace. Meaning that if Caleb had felt threatened or at all like he had to shoot Bernard, then Dolores's grand plan would've probably been fucked. But Dolores knows this, and she can trust that Caleb won't bring Bernard to harm.
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Their friendship remains pretty unchanged from the end of Mother of Exiles to Genre. Partly because there's not really anywhere else to go for now, Caleb has already committed himself to helping Dolores. He has seen her kill and as concerned as he was about "what the fuck are you doing??" it didn't discourage him from wanting to keep helping her.
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Toward the beginning of Genre, Caleb gets drugged by Liam with the dose of Genre he was given previously, which also sort of stunts how much growth Caleb can achieve at this point. If he's not making woozy faces or shooting worried glances at Dolores, he's busy trying to help her keep Liam alive.
Caleb does have A moment (or two) where everything becomes rose-tinted, time slows down, a romantic piano melody plays in the background, and he finds himself staring, eyes wide and glassy, mouth agape - at Dolores while she fires a gun at Serac's men. It's all very silly and lovey-dovey at a first glance.
I think this does reflect, as do ALL of the Genre phases he experiences, what Caleb is feeling in his subconscious (he goes from the pensive mystery of film noir, to a cheesy action hero in the thrill of battle, to romance, to drama, with a brief interlude of reality before finally arriving at the finale of horror). But I'll also say that from start to finish of the romance sequence, he never speaks a word. He just looks. To me, that's the most honest telling of his internal feelings being externalized. He doesn't act on or expect any romantic feelings to be reciprocated just because he might happen to feel them.
I don't ship Caleb and Dolores in the romantic context. I think all the potential was there for it. I don't know, maybe there will come a day where I change my mind on this, but after what happened with both William and Teddy respectively, I don't think Dolores would be okay with putting Caleb through anything similar to those experiences, and even more importantly I don't think Dolores would be okay with putting herself in that kind of situation again.
So I've kinda avoided talking about this for over 3 years because I genuinely didn't really know how to put it into simple words until now (also at some point early on someone had like. anon messaged me saying my caleb with my main dolores was their otp and i was like 'uhh you mean the relationship that isn't romantic in any way whatsoever on our part?' but. that was a long time ago i'm trying to get over it okay. It did put me off from wanting to talk about things for fucking ever tho).
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Anyway, romance rant over I didn't mean to write an entire essay there oops. Caleb manages to snap himself out of the daydream and get back to fighting even though he's definitely not at the top of his game. By the end of the scene he starts to look over at Dolores again with the love theme reprising itself, only to be interrupted again, this time by Giggles popping up to tell everyone he knows exactly what drug Caleb is on. Ash sarcastically refers to him as Loverboy, and then everyone quickly moves on.
The group makes their way down to the LA Metro station and Dolores makes the final preparations before sending the entire world their Incite profiles, which will radicalize them against Rehoboam. Caleb has all kinds of conflicted feelings about seeing the real world as Dolores sends everyone their profiles detailing their various fates. It's chaos and anarchy which he's not the biggest fan of because innocent people can and will get hurt, but it's also people acting out and rebelling in the realest ways they can against an unjust system, and that part of it is very appealing in a world that had no free will before.
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Dolores moves in front of Caleb, shielding him from taking these bullets and killing the enemies who seemed like they were after Caleb specifically? But they're not dressed like Serac's people so maybe they were just random criminals. Maybe the bounty that got put on him in episode 3 is still up? He did see some suspicious-looking guys when they first entered the Metro station and seemed pretty convinced they were bad news considering how quickly he alerted Dolores to them, so maybe these two enemies were working with those guys.
Whatever the real reason is, Caleb experiences the shocking revelation that Dolores is not a human, because she just tanked 5 bullets without a thought and didn't die. Dolores just. zips up her jacket to hide the wounds because we are not talking about that right now we have other matters to take care of. Caleb, still in disbelief, follows right ahead.
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CALEB: Back there... The shooters... DOLORES: We can talk about it later. We need to get to the airfield. (Gesturing to Liam) We don't need him anymore. What do you want to do with him?
At the beach, beneath the same pier where Dolores first brought Caleb to show him the truth about his world, things take a turn. Liam begs the group to let him go and whines that they've taken everything he had. He claims that the system isn't the prison and that people don't have a choice in who they are by nature. Caleb tries to confront Liam directly, but experiences a PTSD flashback. Ash shoots Liam, angered by his remarks, and Caleb tries to stop Liam from bleeding out, reminded of how he watched Franci die.
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There's nothing he can do for Liam here, so Liam dies.
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After Dolores and Caleb arrive at the airfield, Caleb has some doubts as to whether or not they are doing the right thing. His hands are still stained with Liam's blood, representing a sense of guilt for what happened, as well as foreshadowing what he'll learn the next time we see him, in Passed Pawn.
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CALEB: Maybe Liam was right. Maybe people shouldn't know their own fate. DOLORES: People have the right to know. You wanted to know, right? CALEB: Well, maybe I'm not like other people. DOLORES: Neither am I.
Dolores boards the jet and Caleb has a moment of hesitation, as if he's maybe thinking about leaving instead, before ultimately choosing to board the jet and continue on with following and helping Dolores.
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pollackpatrol · 3 months
i wish the pen company would stop sending magazines to my house bc i always look at it and go Oh i neeeed a $700 pen. 1. no you dont 2. if you got it you wouldnt use it you’d use the $20 pen your aunt got you 5-6 years ago
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thedevotionaltour · 4 months
had the nerve to say i am only available 9-3 for a store that's open 10-7 everyday but Sunday
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Not sure if this has been asked yet, but would you consider setting up some sort of donation page to allow others a way to support your work? 🙂
The thought has crossed my mind, but it's one of those things where getting money involved would turn something that's mainly a hobby into something of an obligation, since it would put me in this mindset of "people are giving me money for me to write so I need to do this pronto", and I feel that would negatively impact the overall quality since I'd basically pressure myself into writing when I'm not exactly in the right mindset for it. I know donations aren't the same thing as commissions but that is just how my brain works 🙃
Plus I wouldn't even know where to begin with setting something like that up anyways. All of that said, I might start looking deeper into it if the demand for it picks up - but as it stands, with how glacial the content drip has been from me, I don't think I'd even be able to bring myself to make a donation page with a straight face.
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get-starfingered · 2 years
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So glad the fandom has no control over the canon of this series, istg these takes are so bland and would ruin Jojo's.
#not to be That Guy but this person clearly didn't understand/care for the story Araki was telling with both parts 5 & 6 respectively#low hanging fruit finding some rando spouting off about how they want to scrap stone ocean but hey#no it would not have been more impactful for any of dio's kids to have ended the joestar curse actually#wtf are you on#''the joestars should have been completely helpless against their foes & fate unless they possessed some of their enemies' DNA'' 🤢#and although giorno reflects both dio and jonathan in his design his story and hos characterization the whole point of his adventure was#defining himself and achieving his goals without being held back by the entrenched workings of society/the mob + his past home life + fate#Jolyne's journey is (in part) about severing a fate she did not consent to and that had fractured her life seemingly beyond repair#giorno has nothing to do with her journey & he (having brando + joestar blood) is not ''more worthy'' of ending the curse#to branch off into yet another tangent: i've become annoyed by the constant nattering of fans regarding giorno not meeting pucci as#ungalo et al did. pucci's gravity wasn't gathering every single one of dio's spawn to one point#it specifically drew to him the children who had fallen into lives of disorder/dismay/disrepair. those who are lost#it wasn't just ''all of dio's blood whoops araki forgot giorno 🤪'' it was following the themes of part 6#but of course many jojo fans are notoriously allergic to seeing the themes of each part & care more about fan service than anything else#might make a bigger post about this one of these days lol
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surreal-duck · 2 years
silly box thing i made for class
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suddenlymicah · 8 months
just saying i could probably write morr essays than are contained in the federalist papers about one of my ocs lives. and i could do it faster too ngl
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rhinoyo · 8 months
hey cos!! what are your favorite rune factory games in order :0!! im super curious!! have a nice day!!!
helloooo!!! <3 oou thank you so much for the question.. <333
of the ones i’ve completed in full — 4 is my favorite, followed by 3, and then 5! <3
including the ones i’ve just played enough to have an opinion — it’d be 4, 3, oceans, 2, 5 :> <3
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sunlightfeeling · 11 months
I’m tired of being tired
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mejomonster · 1 year
Ridiculously depressed but I am running ragged (which is surely worsening the depression ToT) so like the idea of weekly therapy to further exhaust me and trigger the anxiety more doesn't sound super compatible
#rant#like. i havent eaten in 6 days im fucking miserable amd on edge. my gi issues are FUCKED right now#so i cant eat and im desperate To eat asap so i really hope my gi issues improve soon jesus fucking christ#anyway... on top of that which... homestly on its own is enough to destroy me emotilnally and exhaust me....#i also am intensely deptessed a friend has like 5 crushes 4 dating options#i looked up advice today! oh no the spiral! i am considering paying money for a matchmaking service just so i can hate myself more i guess#when even that fails. i havent had a crush in 5 years either. i had like 3 crushes BUT they were married or aro#so i stopped my crush. so basically no crush on available for relationships peolle in half a decade. k feel broken#i looked up how to develop crushes today. google amd youtube apparently think its so rare to Not crush that theres no fucking advice#and then on top of it i have regular run of the mill anxiety. where i disassociate if im in public or around strangers.#which helps Me cope and i Feel great. as in not scared. but it means i dont talk well to strangers.#i try to. but i barely know what im saying and i dont see anyone i see them vaguely then block it out. and thats how i handle public.#and if i can manage to be present i need enough of a crowd i can hide. and if i see an attractive person i look away#cause i turn red and cant breathe. and im chicken i guess. so ur supposed to LOCK EYES with hot strangers and stare. but i need to PRACTICE#and then i also need to practice just. MAKING myself go places that make my anxiety shoot up horribly#and just sit and make myself stare at random peoplr and touch my skin and make myself endure being present.#then i have to do the same thing in public places i Like (which makes me more anxioud and in the past often resulted in panic attacks then#suicide attempts and self harm during said pamic attacks) so im not like super hype to endure that#and id rather endure it WHEN MY HEALTH IS SOLID ENOUGH I CAN EAT#because currently? me hungty? me in immense pain? even non anxiety inducing situatilns are shooting my stress level through the roof.#spilling coffee right now is making me feel like dying. just cayse im hungry and exhausted. i want to work up to 1. gi tract DIGESTING FOOD#PLEASE GOD SOON. 2. my back doesnt hurt so bad so i can STAND in public#3 stand in a nonthreatening public place like a bookstore or grocery store and stare at people#4 stand in nonthreatening place and stare at Hot people#5 attempt to enter a place in public i LIKE A LOT like a local hobby club. attempt for an hour if needed#call it a win if i make it to the doorway befote the panic attack hits. 6 attempt again at least standing IN FRONT of building 5 minutes#7 attempt again and maybr peak in and use bathroom so i can leave if im scared. 8 attempt again to enter building and maybe finally join#event i want to join. 8 attempt looking people in the eyes and remaining present at Location i like.#9 attempt looking pretty people In The Eye. 10 attempt saying hi i like your X#11 attempt conversation (if i got through all prior steps). which. this anxiety work could take 3-4 months minimum
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
welp the world continues to fucking suck---excuse me, the imbeciles with money and direct power continue to make living more akin to just surviving instead of doing things to even TRY and make shit better for folks other than themselves
but at least I'm getting to take another kudzu basket weaving class and for free! just gotta do about 4hrs of driving which will be me escaping into my character playlists and imagining scenarios
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newtness532 · 1 year
im hungry
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vampirebiter · 1 year
its insane looking back at how quickly i was able to tear through books when i was in school. like it was almost definitely because i had untreated adhd and speed reading was the best way i had to get #MentallyStimulated but i had a period in 9th grade where i was reading the asoiaf series and was starting a book monday and finishing it by friday just reading after i finished my work and on the bus. and now im in my 20s and it took me almost a full year to read tgcf because i kept getting distracted.
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