#but this post is about mustang for once. Kinda
equinooxe · 1 year
for some reason tumblr isn’t showing me your reblogs in my notifications(?) but thanks to the tag in your answer i got to see the tags you put in the royai day art and i can’t stop thinking about them.. you’re so right..!!
i drew that thinking about how roy feels responsible for everything she has been through, and yet riza still gives him another chance to fulfill his promise to make the world a better place and chooses to keep trusting him… he can’t make up for what he’s done, so he wants riza to never regret trusting him again. you know that scene in ishval when riza basically tells roy she’s responsible for what he’s done since she trusted him in the first place? if i were him hearing that would hurt way more than if she just shot me in the head LOL
so it might be delusional thinking but to me everything roy fights for leads back to riza. he wants to make things right for what it is but also because it’s what he’s promised her… so hearing from riza that she doesn’t regret trust him would mean that he’s finally doing things right :,) i would sob too
im happy you mentioned the fact it’s young riza in your tags, bc i felt it adds much more weight drawing this representation of her instead of any other, but i rarely see people commenting on it and i felt so proud of myself for that train of thought HAHA to finally fulfill the promise he made so long ago to that young and innocent riza who believed in his idealistic dreams enough to trust flame alchemy to him………..!!!
i always enjoy reading about your interpretations and thoughts because i always agree wholeheartedly…!! the fact my drawing brought more of that makes me very happy, so thank you for the tags!! love the way you put it all into words, i wish i had that power too :,) sorry for the long message ……… !! have a nice day!!!
I really wish we knew under what circumstances Mustang left her after he deciphered flame alchemy. Now it just looks like he got what he wanted from her and then left. Roy said at the funeral he would do anything for his master. Berthold makes one request: look after Riza. And he just... doesn’t do that. What a bastard. 
Like he was so focused on his own quest for knowledge and power, that he did not see how he failed the person closest to him. He left her behind and did not use the alchemy how he promised. He couldn’t protect her from her father, not from herself and her choices, not from her becoming a murderer. Of course he will regret not doing more, and feels responsible for ruining her life. He even encouraged her to go down the same path by inspiring her. At least that is how I think Mustang may see it from his perspective?
It does makes sense that what he fights for leads back to her!!. His philosophy/goal is to protecting as much people as possible by protecting those closest to him, then they in turn protecting those close to them. And Hawkeye is the closest to him :) he would even give up everything just to protect her if he had to.
I love that you drew that piece with younger Riza, the person he failed the hardest, and future fuhrer Roy who has reached his goal. For him to hear he made that young Riza’s dream come true...... Your brain is massive. 
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But seriously I love your amazing art and attention to all those details like that!! I’m Likewise nodding along your interpretations. And how you can capture that all in a single image every time. Or just with your fun doodles. It really shows how much you get them personally...! Say hi to arakawa for me hfjgjjgjs
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sashaisready · 3 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 17 - You got a face with a view
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None, bit angsty
This is a Bucky POV! Bit of a shorter chapter but I thought it might be nice to get some of his insight before we hurtle towards the finish line…
Just to let you know I’m going on vacation early next week for a week, so I’m not sure when the next update will be – so please bear with me! If I don’t manage before, I will post once I’m back w/c 8th July. As always, your reblogs and comments mean the world – thank-you for coming along for the ride!
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Bucky sighed heavily as he watched your car become a small dot on the horizon. He couldn’t believe he had found you out here, he was only passing through after dealing with some MC business on the edge of town. What were the chances it would be him to find you, of all the people who drove by this way?
He had been confused to see a car parked up in the middle of nowhere, miles from anything, only to feel bile rising in his throat when he recognised that distinct Mustang.
He thought something might have happened to you, relief crashing over him in waves when he saw your bewildered face staring back at him through the window. He managed to maintain his composure even when he saw the beginnings of a bruise on your cheek, despite the rage that simmered in his body. But he could see you were upset, maybe even a little scared, so he managed to push his own feelings aside. He didn’t want to distress you any further, but had a strong idea of who might have led you into this precarious position...
You wouldn’t let him help you. He had half expected it, but he still scoffed that you’d rather stay out here alone than take what was being offered. But…he also kinda got it. He was stubborn too. He understood that you didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of him, didn’t want him to think everything between you would now be forgiven.
He didn’t push you. He knew you well enough to understand that badgering you would only strengthen your resolve to stay put.
He just wanted you to be safe.
It didn’t even occur to him to leave. That was never a possibility. He did consider calling the guys and arranging a tow for your car, or for a ride for you, but he thought you might not want him meddling without asking. And he knew you wouldn’t want your car taken back to his auto shop, wouldn’t want another link to him – and you might think he’d done it on purpose to get you to talk to him.
Fixing Sally at roadside was his best bet. Then you would be alright but could still leave on your own accord. He’d tell Steve to bring his toolbox and he’d try his luck with you in the morning. Maybe Steve could throw in some food and water, too. You’d need it after sleeping in a car all night.
He had grimaced about his bed (or lack thereof) for the evening, but he’d done worse. It was one night. And it was worth it for watching over you and keeping you safe.
He wasn’t worried about passersby or getting jumped, his reputation preceded him enough that nobody within a 100-mile radius would dare even approach him if they saw him here.
It had sucked. It had been shit. He probably got two or three hours' sleep, max, but he’d done it. And as you gawped at him the next day, still beautiful in the morning light even though you were bruised and dishevelled, he knew it had all been worth it. And it had warmed him slightly that he’d caught a glimpse of awe in your eyes when you realised what he’d done for you.
Every part of him wanted to follow you as you got back into the car, to tell you how he really felt and how deep his feelings really were. Your casual relationship was never just casual to him. He had fallen for you, hard, maybe since day one. He had tried to fight it, tried to remind himself that it always had an expiration date and he shouldn't fall too deep... but being with you was the most natural thing in the world to him. Watching you smile at the bar, stolen glances across the room, waking up with you in his arms…they were some of the happiest days of his life.
That was partly why he was so upset when he thought you’d stolen, it had broken his heart as well as his trust. He’d always had a problem with impulsivity, with flying off the handle, giving into urges and emotions without thinking it through. Maybe part of him wanted to sabotage what the two of you had so it would be easier when you eventually left him. He had a few ideas like that, but still didn't fully understand why he did it. But he knew for certain, checking that purse was the biggest mistaken he’d ever made. He had to live with that. He understood that.
But maybe he should tell you all this. What did he have to lose, really? You were leaving, anyway. Once that house was on the market it was game over. It would be snatched up quickly, and then you’d be gone from this town, and his life, forever. At least he’d know if he’d done everything he could, he wouldn’t be an old man on his porch years later wistfully wondering if things could’ve been different had he told you the truth.
No. That wasn’t fair. To truly love you means respecting your wishes, and letting you go. Even if it hurts every fibre of his being to do so. Even if he’s desperate to grab you and kiss you every time he’s in close proximity to you. It would be selfish of him to dump his feelings on you like that. If he’d learnt anything from the misery of the last few months, it was that he needed to put you first – even if it wasn’t what he wanted.
He could live with the pain. He’d managed it so far. He had suffered and he would continue to suffer. This was his punishment, for not trusting you, for not believing you. It would follow him to his grave.
There had been nobody else since. No Amber. None of the girls at the bar. Sure, he’d had offers, but he simply wasn’t interested. They’d only remind him that they weren’t you.
When he heard about Quill, it felt like he'd taken a bullet to the gut. Actually, it felt worse than that. Bucky had been shot a couple of times and he'd happily take another bullet over that specific brand of pain. It was more painful than when he lost his arm. He nearly vomited on the spot when Steve told him. Since then, he had been a shadow of his former self, even if he (mostly) put on a good front to continue his role as President.
None of it mattered. You were selling up and moving on, and all that was left to do was let you go. You can’t keep a bird in a cage just because you don’t want to lose it. Keeping something that doesn’t want to be kept means you never really had it in the first place.
He had told you he wouldn’t touch Quill, but he seethed inwardly as he thought about the unsightly bruise and how it got there. How you ended up in your heels and evening dress at the side of the road. You had warned him not to do anything, and he wouldn’t. He respected your wishes. But once you’d gone? Well. That might be a different story. He already knew where Quill worked. Where he lived. Where he hung out. Who his friends were. The statute of limitations on Bucky’s promise to you would run out the day you left him forever.
He cranked his aching neck and pumped his metal arm back in place as he got back on his bike. Life must go on.
But he had one thing left to do.
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whatwewrotepodcast · 5 months
Equestrian Writing Resource
Hi everyone,
I've seen some how to write horses posts going around recently that contain some . . very not true things about horses. As a Certified Horse Girl TM I thought I might clarify a few things for any one out there wanting to write anything that includes horses.
My credentials are that I've been riding for as long as I remember, have owned horses for 15 years and currently compete at a state and national level in dressage.
Facts below the cut!
Travelling by horseback
Horses cannot gallop or even canter endlessly. This is something I see a lot of in movies and games and media like that. Even an extremely fit horse can only really gallop flat out for 10-15 minutes. A steady canter they can go for longer, but if you watch endurance races (where horses are ridden for 100s of kms over sometimes several days), the riders will mix periods of walk and trot to let the horses catch their breath and recover.
There are a couple of reasons for this. Horses do not have strong enough diaphragms to inflate their lungs fully. There are some cursed interior nonsenses going on here, but essentially at a gallop, a horse can only breathe once per stride. This means there is only a matter of time before they are no longer able to get enough oxygen to their muscles.
Which leads into the next thing . . .
Horses get hot easily and can struggle to cool down
Horses sweat, just like humans, but because of their mass, their interior temp can get very high and may need assistance to be brought down. That's why at the end of a cross country course (where horses are galloping for anywhere between 5-12 minutes and jumping fences) they often have buckets of water thrown on them to help them cool down.
A well trained horse can be ridden by anyone
I've seen some posts around recently that said that horses will try and throw off unfamiliar riders and that you can't ride a horse who doesn't know you. This is . . . ridiculous. If your horse has been trained properly anyone can get on and ride it. Ride it well? Maybe not, but if the person is a good rider they'll be able to do the basics. I've ridden my friends horses, and they've ridden my horse. I've put an 8 year old on my horse and let her walk around. If you horse is so insane it tosses anyone other than you, you've done a terrible job training it.
However, if a horse has not been broken to saddle, then yes, if you try and hop on it, it will probably try and get rid of you. If you just try and get on a horse bareback in the paddock, it will probably go poorly. A lot of horses don't take well to being ridden bareback initially, but they can all get used to it in time.
Horses are sensitive but you can just let them graze
It's a common joke amongst horse people that horses will drop dead of anything and this is true to an extent, but they would be entirely unviable lifeforms if you had to inspect every patch of grass before you let them eat it. In general, horses won't eat toxic plants if they have a choice. I'm not sure how people thing mustangs and other feral horses survive in the wild if every paddock needs to be check for toxic plants because horses can't tell what will kill them and what won't. It's usually perfectly fine to let your horse graze outside their paddock. On that note - if you horse breaks into the feed shed, it *can* cause colic, and depending what they eat, it can be an extremely serious circumstance, but also many horses break into feed sheds, gorge themselves, and walk away fine. Mine has done it more than once.
Horse riding IS hard
One thing other posts have gotten correct is that riding a horse is hard. It's not something you can do well from the get go no matter how amazing you are. Riding a horse the first few times will make muscles hurt you didn't even know you had. Riding a dressage test gets my heart rate nearly as high as going for a run.
Horses are kinda smart . . and kinda stupid
Yes horses all have personalities and they can be really clever, but they can also be extremely stupid and this is because they are flight animals. Some are braver, some are smarter, some are stupid, some are flighty. But a horse is generally not as smart as a dog, and some of them are as dumb as a bag of rocks.
Riding bareback is hard and not good for your horse's back
There's a reason we invented saddles and it's to help distribute a rider's weight more evenly over the horse's back. Horse spines are suspended like a cable between their hips and shoulders. There is nothing in the middle to hold it up but muscle, and you sit right on that thing. Riding bareback puts a lot of weight and pressure on their spine and the muscles around it. Riding with a (well fitted) saddle will help distribute the weight. However, well fitted is the key thing here. You can't just put any saddle on any horse. If the saddle doesn't fit, it can cause rubbing, pain, and eventually long term damage. It's best practice to get a saddle fitted every 12 months at least.
Sweat doesn't really make your horse more slippery though and if you saddle slides right off, your girth wasn't done up tight enough or some part of your tack failed.
Horses should be tied up while you tack and untack
Horses are flight animals and they will piss off if something scares them, which can be dangerous if they're half-tacked or untacked. However, if your horse tries to bite you just because you haven't tied them up then you are doing something that is causing them discomfort or you haven't trained them properly. For the love of god don't let your horse bite you?? What is wrong with you?? The girth should not be painful or uncomfortable for the horse. You don't need to do it as tightly as possible, just enough that it won't slide. Most horses have what is called a "girth groove" which is where the girth sits in front of their ribcage. Because their shoulder is in front and their rib cage widens out behind, the girth sitting in the groove stops the saddle moving.
Training a horse does take a while . . . but them liking you doesn't really factor
Training or breaking a horse to take a saddle and accept a bit and aids does take a long time. You can't just jump on a feral horse and expect them to listen to you. Horses are usually backed (sat on) at between 4-6 years old but they may have had a saddle and bit on for short periods before hand. Horses don't accept tack because they care about whether it helps their rider not fall off, they do it because they have been trained to do it.
Crops and spurs
Crops (whips) and spurs are both aids that, when used properly, cue horses to perform certain movements. Both are more than capable of being abused. You can hurt a horse with a whip just as easily as with a spur, however, used properly, a spur allows you to make smaller, more finnessed aids with your leg than using your heel. A whip or crop can be used in a similar way, especially with horses who like to swing their shoulders or hips one way or the other - the whip just extends your reach.
English vs western
English and western are the two main styles of riding that are most common these days.
English riding includes dressage, jumping, and eventing. These sports are complicated so I won't go into them, but generally the saddles are lighter and allow for a closer connection to the horse, and more ability to move in the saddle - to stand in the stirrups, to get deeper into the saddle, etc.
Western riding is more ranch style riding, and include disciplines like reining, barrel racing, cutting and other sports involving cows. Western saddles are what you see in cowboy movies, and tend to be much heavier and more restrictive - they down allow you to move around so much.
Horses can be affectionate
It does depend a bit on the horse, but horses can absolutely be affectionate. They do this by calling out to you, coming over to you in the paddock, and sniffing and nuzzling at you. They do think with their stomach though, and a great way to get your horse to be excited to see you is to always bring them food.
Horses don't neigh that much
This is a big bug bear in movies. Horses really really really don't usually neigh that much. In fact, they don't make a lot of noise at all in general. They will call to their friends sometimes, and they make a range of whuffling, nickering, snuffling sounds, snorts and grunts, but the way movies show horses screaming their heads off all the time is totally false. They're usually pretty quiet.
That's it for now, but feel free to reach out if you have any other questions. I hope this post spreads as far as the other one did because. . .yikes there was a lot of wrong information in there!
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justheretoposttrash · 1 month
day 8 of me ignoring how long a week is so i can keep talking about endhawks:
i find it hilarious how, once i'd put the shipping goggles on and strapped in for the ride, the endhawks rabbithole just got ever-so-gayer by increasing increments. the promotional materials, the official art--
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like, sure, i know hawks facing the same way as the interns in image 1 is supposed to give "looking towards the light of the future" and that the over-the-shoulder in image 2 is supposed to give "ambiguous feelings, double-agent-ness, and being cool alongside teamwork/rebirth", but...why is it also giving wistful-soul-bond in the first and femme fatale in the second. who is responsible for this
"oh biiiig deaaaal two 2D characters exist in 2D space relative to each other congratu-fuckin-lations" and honestly,,,,, yeah!!! so true! lmao
i'm also including the image below bc i only stumbled upon it the other day and it's pretty darn cute. (this kinda makes hawks appear more essential to the interns/that particular arc than he actually is...? he and endeavor really are a set)
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and these are just the tip of the iceberg--it really does just keep going. "oh they have merch? 😊 --oh there's a LOT of merch--whattaya mean there's a RING???"
also tumblr didn't let me post multiple vids yesterday and is weird about audio so here's a tacked-on spotlight of another voice acting moment i liked from the anime. i just really got a sense of the devastation hawks feels for endeavor's sake in the AFO fight:
the whole onlooker-who-cares-for-person-now-upset-over-said-person-receiving-horrible-knowledge is such a very specific trope (it's giving riza hawkeye grimacing right before roy mustang goes ballistic and roasts envy in fma) and i love it, even when it necessarily gets less time to breathe in the middle of a shonen fight.
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itsmaddieforreal · 6 months
FMAB / AoT Comparisons and Contrasts
I was holding off on making this post because I didn’t have enough evidence to compare EVERY aspect from both franchises, but I feel like I have enough evidence to at least explore the similarities between a majority of the main characters and a couple locations. That said, I reserve the right to make a second part to this post if I feel like it.
Because I am an avid, hardcore fan of both Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist, I began to look compare and contrast characters from both series and oh my goodness the similarities are uncanny- like, y’all, I’m so convinced Isayama took inspiration from FMA, I’d be shocked if he didn’t.
Before I get into anything, I should point out that someone has made a couple of these observations already in a Reddit post, but I’m just adding onto these findings. Link to the OG post is below.
Alright, so to start off in terms of characters, we’ve got Edward Elric and Eren Jaeger.
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They’re both hot-tempered kids who lose their moms and see her suffer in horrific ways.
Their dads also technically walked out on them early on in their lives.
They also lose body parts but get them back at some point.
The deaths of their mothers trigger their character arcs, starting with how? Enlisting in the military.
Then there’s Winry Rockbell and Mikasa Ackerman:
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Childhood friends/love interests whose parents died at a young age.
They care deeply about the protagonists.
They’re also terrifying when angry.
Alphonse Elric and Armin Arlert:
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The blonde, smart, sensible characters who are almost always by the protagonists’ side.
Got an absolute GLOW-UP as they got older.
Trisha Elric and Carla Jaeger:
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Mothers to the protagonists who have the signature “dead anime mom” hairstyle.
Died while the protagonists were young.
Their deaths prompted their sons’ character arcs. (If not the entirety of both series.)
Unaware of their husbands’ past.
Van Hohenheim and Grisha Jaeger:
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Fathers to the protagonists who walk out on their families at an early age.
Both wear glasses and have somewhat? long hair.
Both were either directly or indirectly responsible for murder at some point.
Under the heel of a higher power too. (Grisha with Marley and Hohenheim with Xerxes.)
Jean Havoc and Jean Kirstein:
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These are literally the same characters, just different shows.
Same first name, same haircut, same mannerisms, SAME ENGLISH VA-
Also kinda got a glow up as they got older.
Once again, if I had a nickel for every time Mike McFarland voiced a character named Jean with an undercut and playboy tendencies, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right??
Roy Mustang and Levi Ackerman:
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The cool, collected and unbelievably badass heartthrobs with black hair and high military ranks.
Also terrifying when pissed off.
Riza Hawkeye and Hange Zoe:
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The second in command that’s usually by their superior’s side.
Also unbelievably badass.
People may or may not ship them with their superior.
Erwin Smith and King Bradley:
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I honestly could not find much similarities between these two except for the fact that they’re both leaders of their military division?
And they both die in the end I guess.
Maes Hughes and Marco Bodt:
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The kind, gentle hearted ally of the protagonists who find out the truth about their enemies before anyone else and dies because of it.
Lust and Annie Leonhart:
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Female antagonists that get dealt with early on in their series.
Capable of regeneration of their body.
Brings harm to the protagonist’s ally at one point. (Lust with Hughes and Annie with Marco.)
Gluttony and Bertholdt Hoover:
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Male antagonists who are usually around or involved with their female partner one way or another (Bertholdt with Annie / Gluttony with Lust).
Care for their female partner a lot.
Both are killed by being eaten by someone (Bertholdt is eaten by Armin / Gluttony is eaten by Pride), but not before desperately crying out for their female partner (Bertholdt cries out for Annie / Gluttony cries out for Lust).
Scar and Reiner Braun:
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Scorned men and enemies of the protagonist who eventually come after them to get revenge for their homeland(?).
Turn around and become good(?) in the end, fighting alongside the protagonists’ allies against a common but VERY different enemy (Reiner with Eren / Scar with Father).
Truth and Ymir Fritz:
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Beings from another realm that interact with the protagonist one way or another.
Aid the protagonist realize their full potential, for better (Edward) and for worse (Eren).
Homunculi and Titan Shifters:
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Mysterious beings with regenerative properties and unique powers.
Their powers can be transferred to new users if the previous users dies(?) (Ex. Greed with Ling / Eating a Titan Shifter as a pure Titan).
I swear I am not crazy, I just have an unhealthy obsession with both of these shows. Making a part two shortly.
OG Reddit post here:
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
No pressure to answer this ask, but—if you didn't know—I got the news today that I have some precancerous skin cells that need to be evicted/excised in about a week. I'm fine, but I'm a little overwhelmed? Processing? Disassociating? I would love some Morvant comfort, if you don't mind. Maybe, how they would react and/or help if their S/O got a similar diagnosis? (Also, I hope you're having a great day <3)
I'm sorry this has taken me so long, bud, but I've been thinking about it since you sent it in!! I had somehow missed that post, and I'm sorry it's something you have to deal with right now. I'm sure it'll all go super smoothly, and then it'll be something you don't have to worry about any more, okay? 🖤 I'm flattered you thought of the Morvants to help you feel more at ease, babe :) They all have their ways, as you'll see under the cut!
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Maxi would be doing his best not to hover, ngl. The day you found out, he would have insisted on going with you to the appointment, if you were comfortable with that. If you didn't want him to go in with you, he'd be content to hang in the waiting room (making cheerful conversation with whoever was there, despite the fact that whoever was on the other end of that would have the faintest feeling of something being... off. it's all the Death!). Or if you wanted him to go in with you, he'd be happy to make small talk with your doctor, anatomy guy to anatomy person, as he does, until you got the news.
Once you'd heard you needed the procedure, he'd be sitting on his hands not to ask a million questions, so as not to overwhelm you. He'd drive you to wherever you wanted to go after: your place, the House, somewhere to grab a bite, a park to just sit and get some air for a bit. He'd maybe tilt his hand a little bit by sitting closer to you than usual, be a bit more reluctant to let go of your hand, but he'd be his usual chipper self nonetheless. He'd only reluctantly go handle clients, living or deceased, as needed, but he'd insist he'd have his phone on him the whole time if you needed him to come back. (And he'd jump whenever he thought he heard it make a noise, too - imagine him sitting with a grieving couple burying someone's mom, and then from his pocket comes a loud chorus of the little laser noises baby alligators make. Very confusing for all involved.)
The minute you were busy - playing a game, watching a show, having a nap - he'd be googling the procedure and everything that goes into aftercare, researching statistics, all the stuff a worrywart would do. Partially so he can get himself to calm down and stop mentally catastrophizing, as he also does, but mostly so he can find some way to be reassuring if you wanted to talk about it. When you brought it up, he'd be all smiles. "It's super common, darlin'," he'd soothe, acting like he definitely knew that the whole time and hadn't been up reading everything he could find online at three am. "Bodies just do that, sometimes, it's like they trip over their own mechanisms and glitch. Livin' things have a habit of gettin' confused. But it'll be fine, you'll see - they'll take care of it, and it'll just be a one-and-done kinda deal." He'd promise this with a kiss to your forehead. "And you won't have to lift a finger after the fact, I'll be your butler as long as you need," he'd joke.
He’d only be a little nervous in the sense that he wasn’t sure if his usual death jokes would be fine, or be somewhat upsetting. Not that this was even going to be a possibility, of course - he just knows health scares can make people sensitive. He’d hesitate a little bit if when he asked if you wanted to go sit at your usual spot in the cemetery, or would maybe be a little more inclined to borrow the mustang from Hex instead of taking the hearse. You might catch him once or twice cutting himself off after what sounds like a set-up for one of his grim puns, suddenly trailing off before following it with a shy smile and a “Sorry, lost my train of thought.” He’d even be cautious about what horror movies or spooky web videos the pair of you watched, if you even felt like watching them at all; he’d make a point to carefully steer clear of anything to do with hospital horror or medicine, instead opting for creature features or ghosts - something with a definite third party threat.
The day of, he wouldn't even consider not going with you. He'd be there the whole time (even in the room, depending on the treatment), happily telling you every weird fact he knew about skin to try and keep you distracted during the process. afterward he'd be dedicated to catering to you as much as possible, keeping you comfortable (at your place or the House as you preferred) and playing up the whole butler thing whenever you need something with an awful British accent and a bit of a RiffRaff bent back, just to make you laugh. You could definitely expect some of his cookies he makes for clients, and some fresh-squeezed lemonade to go with them, but whatever you wanted, honestly, he'd be happy to make for you or go get. The rest of the time, he'd be wrapped around you like a sloth on your couch in an old t-shirt and sweats, only letting go whenever you needed to free yourself for some reason. He's a hugger - it's just as much for him as it is for you.
He'd insist on being there too when you went for your follow-up, but everything turns out fine, so he'd just think of the whole ordeal as one of those one-off kind of scary things that happens when you love someone in a mortal body. (Although if there was the possibility, he'd ask if there were any tissue samples for you to keep if you wanted them, just because he thought they might be a neat souvenir. :'D)
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Hex is a little less white-knuckled about the whole thing, as always. He'd be concerned, for sure: as someone who deals mostly with the spectral part of things, bodies occasionally make him nervous with just how they can go rogue. But he'd be more of the approach that until something happened, there was nothing to worry about. "It'll be fine, querida," he'd say that afternoon, after finding out you needed the procedure. (He would've gone with you to the appointment if you asked him to, but he figures you'll let him know when you need some moral support, so he's a bit more relaxed about things.) "They caught it, we'll go hand over some of your skin, it'll all be no big deal." He'd kiss the back of your hand, giving you his best 'do I look worried?' smile.
He pointedly does not google things, because the more he knows, the more his brain spins it around like shoes in a dryer. But you'd probably notice that between now and the day you'd go in to get it done, he'd be baking more than usual: bread, cookies, concha, even something fried like beignets, any recipe he had knocking around in his skull that he knew worked with your dietary needs. (Just not pie, his pies are cursed.) You'd be working on your draft in another room, or streaming a game, and he'd wander in with something that smelled heavenly on a plate. "Here, baby, you gotta eat some of this this, I got bored and made too much," he'd say, setting it down in front of you while still in a flour-covered apron. He'd stand there absently wiping his hands on it, watching whatever you were doing idly. "What do you think you want for dinner, anyway? I was thinking chilaquiles, but like, if you were feeling something else, I can do that. I can even try something new, if you want, I've been needing something to dick around with," he'd say, shrugging like this was all totally normal. But secretly, he'd be keeping himself busy in the kitchen because it took up more of his brain than his photography. When it's just him and his camera, he has too much time between framing and shooting to let his mind wander to places he didn't want it to. Cooking (especially baking) requires focus, and more involved use of his hands. If he kept busy, he couldn't find time to think about it, and if he couldn't think about it, he couldn't worry. You'd eat even better than usual between your appointment and the procedure, which is wild, because he feeds you pretty well to begin with. On the day of, there'd be a chance he'd show up to your procedure with brownies for the clinic staff, just because he'd filled the whole kitchen by that point.
When he wasn't in the kitchen, Hex would be a bit like a prickly seedpod from outside - one part of him would seemingly be stuck to you at all times when it was just the two of you hanging out. That could be his chin resting on your shoulder out of nowhere, or his shoulder bumping yours when you were washing dishes, even sleeping with his foot against one of your calves when he was rolling around like a rotisserie chicken as always.
The day of, he'd go with you, seemingly cool as a cucumber. He'd crack jokes the whole time, but for someone who normally gives you space when it comes to your appointments for your privacy's sake, he'd be notably determined not to leave your side. He'd stick to you like glue everywhere he was allowed to go, and afterward, he'd drive home in the mustang with one hand on your knee (being surprisingly good at driving one-handed!). He'd make an exaggerated deal of how brave you were when you got home, peppering your face with playful "mwah" kisses, but there'd be just a little relief to it.
When you inevitably got the all-clear, he'd visibly relax as soon as he found out. "I knew it was gonna be fine," he'd say immediately, holding up a hand. "It was always gonna be fine. I just like having the official 'okay you're good,' y'know? Like... you know what I mean," he'd say, rolling his eyes at himself. But he would insist on the two of you dancing that night to celebrate if you felt up to it, either going out or just in the kitchen with his speakers.
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Rora wouldn't be unconcerned, but she'd definitely be a bit less rattled than the boys. "Skin is such a fickle organ," she'd say, almost sounding irritated on your behalf. "I swear, it's the only one that needs this much manual intervention not to be a pain in the neck. You don't see your lungs needin' moisturizer, or your heart needin' retinol," she'd add, looking back down at whatever she was working on to keep her hands busy - repotting a plant, altering the hem of one of her dresses, or placing the eyes in a stuffed possum. "...Granted," she'd add after a moment. "I suppose that's because they're technically already moist. What I'm gettin' at is," she'd say, looking back up. "You don't have to worry about it, sweet pea. It's just one of those things."
But the minute you showed any sort of concern, she'd drop what she was doing, coming over to you to gently cup your face like you were made of something fragile. "Daffodil," she'd say, making a point to meet your eyes. "Nothin' bad is gonna happen. This is just an inconvenience - one more thing you have to do, like you don't have enough on your plate as is." She'd kiss the end of your nose. "The doctors will do their jobs right if they wanna keep their hands attached to their bodies, and this'll just be somethin' you need the day off for. That's all." She'd run her hand over your hair, taking you in. "I'm not gonna let anything hurt my petal, I swear.” (How she intended to fight errant skin cells was a mystery, but something in her voice made you think she might indeed have her ways.)
In the meantime, she would almost seem doggedly determined to keep the pair of you busy. Whenever you weren’t at work or occupied with one of your own projects, she would seemingly find all sorts of things for the pair of you to do: she’d surprise you with couple’s massage appointments if she thought it would be something you’d like, she’d take you to get your nails done (manicure, pedicure, or both, whatever you were most comfortable with sensory-wise), she’d abruptly decide that the pair of you definitely needed to have a picnic in the back garden, and then ask if you’d help her plant some new rose bushes. Just when you thought you’d get a moment to just sit and stew for a bit, she’d sneak up behind you and ask if your show her how a smartphone works again (despite you being pretty sure she already knew), or if you wouldn’t mind helping her take her latest taxidermies to the little market stall where she sells them. She’d not only seem to be dying to pamper you, she’d also seemingly suddenly be unable to complete any of her to-do list without you being in the near vicinity. She wouldn’t do it to the point of exhausting you, of course - she’d make sure the two of you had plenty of downtime when it was needed. But if anything, it would seem like her approach was to make sure neither of you had time to think about it, even if that did mean you were suddenly involved in your own private taxidermy masterclass one evening.
If you did voice your anxieties, Rora would make a point to freeze her hands in place with whatever she was doing and listen. That doesn’t always mean she would be staring at you — if anything, you knew that sometimes Ror was listening all the more deeply when her eyes were fixed on something else. But when you’d gotten it off your chest, she would look up at you again, her eyes oddly calm. “I don’t blame you one bit for bein’ nervous, little bee,” she’d say quietly. “But you don’t need to be, because nothin’ is gonna happen. I told you, and I intend to keep my word. So you just leave that part to me, okay?” And she’d smile that small, quiet smile that, while it was reassuring, also made you feel a little bit like she had something up her sleeve. (Which is odd in its own way, because she normally hates wearing sleeves.) But she’d be especially affectionate in the days between your diagnosis and the procedure, often hugging you soundlessly from behind, or sneaking a kiss on your cheek whenever you least expected it. When the pair of you slept, she’d fiddle with the ends of your hair until she dozed off, her other arm snugly over your waist.
Rora hates doctors for lots of reasons - partially because she saw her grandfather, her father, and now her brother deal with what she viewed as their failures, and partially because of her own experiences as a young girl with mental illness in the South when she was alive. That wouldn’t keep her from coming with you to your appointment, though, even if she had to wear a high-necked dress and a scarf over her hair in the Louisiana heat to hide her more interesting scars. No one would question the mysterious woman who followed you to the exam room, or the fact that she sat just in the corner of your eye the entire time. When the procedure was over with, she’d hold your hand the entire way out, and then immediately demand whichever of the boys she made drive you both there (probably Hector, but both if Maxi could make it) to take all of you to whatever junk food/dessert place was calling your name.
When you got the inevitable all-clear, she would beam, her smile sublime. “I told you it would all work out, petal,” she’d coo, planting lipstick kisses all over your face. Until she’d pause, leaning back. “Saves me from havin’ to harvest some doctors’ fingers, too. Thank god.” When you asked her what, exactly, she would’ve needed those for, she’d just shrug coyly with a smirk to mask. “That’s not a spell we need to cast right now, honey. Don’t you worry your pretty head about it.” Then the two of you would spend the entire evening doing absolutely nothing (until you took an interest in each other, that is.)
I hope this helps at all, babe. 🖤 If we can do anything for you, don’t hesitate to let us know! Love you lots!! 🥰 Everything is gonna be fine, you’ll see!
Rora deeply dislikes doctors for all sorts of reasons -- a bit because her grandfather, her father, and now her brother frequently dealt/deal with what she perceives as their failures, a bit because of her own experiences with them when she was alive. But she’d be determined to go to your procedure, even if she had to wear a high neck and a scarf around her hair in the heat to cover up her more unusual scars. She wouldn’t be able to drive you, but she’d get one of the guys to do it if need be, and keep her hand on your thigh the entire ride over. Oddly, the doctors wouldn’t question the mysterious woman who followed you into the exam room from the waiting room - and she’d be quietly off to the side the entire time, just out of the corner of your eye. The minute you left, she’d be holding your hand all the way to the car, and immediately demand whichever of the guys she roped into driving (likely Hector, although both would come if they could) to stop by whatever fast food/dessert place was most speaking to you at the moment. You’d spend the rest of the night doing nothing at all (until you took an interest in each other, that is).
When you got the all-clear, she would just beam. “Good. I knew that. See? You’re gonna be fine, petal.” She’d enthusiastically pepper your face with lipstick kisses, until she’d pause at one point. “Saves me from havin’ to steal a bunch of doctors’ fingers, too. Thank god, that would’ve been such a pain.” When you asked her, perhaps somewhat hesitantly, what she wanted with those, she’d just shrug. “Never you mind, my rose. We won’t be needin’ that spell after all,” she’d say, her smile positively sublime.
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tortoise-teapot · 1 year
kinda insane how ms hiromu arakawa picked the 2nd to be mustang's birthday and then the 3rd is Big Sad Day Most Associated With The Fandom To The Extent It Breaches Containment. i have never once seen a happy birthday post for roy mustang
anyway. sorry to hear about your house little eleic bros. oct 3 nvr frgt
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real-life-senshi · 1 year
Thank you @hikamaus for the tag! I'm answering this as a way to get myself back onto making blog content for this blog!
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships:
Reinako (Hino Rei x Aino Minako from Sailor Moon franchise, but specifically in live action PGSM): Please feel free to visit my blog to fully understand the scope of my love for this ship. Words alone within a post is not enough! lol I think Reinako as a ship isn't necessarily considered officially canon, though the original manga's Stars arc suggest them favourited by Takeuchi Naoko to be together. Frankly it kinda came out of nowhere until the Rei and Minako's Girl School Battle side story, and then they are like glued together in the last arc of the manga, so it's a suggested slow burn? The live action is a whole different beast, these two were thrown into each other's lives like a tornado. Their story beautifully complex and messily dramatic for a supposed kids-oriented sentai-like serie. These two had me at a choke hold and my heart and soul was theirs ever since.
Swan Queen (Emma Swan x Regina Mills, Once Upon A Time): The ship I suffered heart aches from the most. The Savior and redeemed Evil Queen co-parenting a son, their character history and dynamic was filled with so much artful subtext and plot parallels, it was such a waste they didn't end up together. They had so much potential, but screw heteronormativity in consumed media. Literally they would have become the canon main pairing of the series had one of them been a man. *deep breath and heavy sigh*
Royai (Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist): " I want you to protect my back. Do you understand? To entrust my back to you means that you can shoot me from behind anytime. If I step off of the path, shoot and kill me with those hands. You are qualified to do that. Will you follow me?" from Roy to Riza pre-main story "Don't go where I can't follow." from Riza to Roy at the end of their series. They have so many other iconic moments together, but these two quotes will stay with me forever as the most romantic thing I've ever read. They are basically canon in a way where these two are confirmed to be at each other's side for eternity but their shared goals meant they'll likely never act on their feelings overtly. It's all about the subtext and knowing the shared layered history, and more importantly, the sins they wish to atone for, striving to make the word better.
Bumbleby (Blake Belladonna x Yang Xiao Long from RWBY): After 8 volumes and 6 chapters with the most amazing slow burn story done well in mainstream media, these two officially became canon very recently. But at what cost? (jfc the developments of V9C7 and V9C8 was soul-shattering) But seriously though, Blake and Yang's chemistry was made clear from the very start. There's even significance to their character design - eye colours that mirrors each other's aura colour - the colour of one's soul! Like the signs were there even before the series STARTED. Then the darker, heavier elements of the story revealed itself starting the end of Volume 3, and we see both Yang and Blake making personal sacrifices for the sake of each other, without understanding the devastating impact of their different act of self-sacrifice had on each other. Both had personal challenges and barrier to overcome before they could commit themselves to each other. And boy, oh boy, how they bounced back stronger and more beautiful than ever! "She's not protecting me, and I'm not protecting her. We're protecting each other!"
(Y'all all my ships are blonde x dark haired lol)
Last Song: Worthy sang by Casey Lee Williams, even if it's only the preview. I can't wait for the full song to be out. Yeah I'm still in the honeymoon phase of V9C6, trying to ignore C7 and C8.
Currently Reading: I've not really been reading anything, just trying to lose myself in video games. I'm slowly chipping away edits on Echoes of Time, so I guess I'm reading when I'm also writing?
Last Movie: I've not watched a movie in so long, I honestly have no clue. lol
Craving: I'm eagerly waiting Legend of Zela Tears of the Kingdom's release! I'm also wanting to get back to making gifs, illustration and liveblogging for the blog, but it's been tough. :(
Tagging: absolutely no pressure doing this. I'm just tagging coz it's the rule, though I certainly don't mind getting to know people better! I would love to get to know the folks who I consistently see supporting my work across the years but I don't think I've really chatted much with. Even though I don't always reply or react, I love seeing your names pop up in my activity! :) @myucornerorg @sailorscooby @sirazaroff @izazizan @koroktorok @luna-whiskerskers @papillon82fluttersby @zaruba-needslove @primasylph @fiftyen3 I wanted to tag you but I think you have tagging disabled? :(
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
The Double Izumi AU
The Double Izumi AU is an AU where Izumi Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is reincarnated as Fem!Midoriya Izuku from Boku No Hero Academia. (Posts are HERE and HERE)
In this AU, Fem!Izuku is called Izumi, and contains her memories and her alchemy. She is not mentally an adult though, but is more mature then other children her age. As she gets older, the more her memories feel like hers and not like a story she was told about someone else.
Izumi is terrifying and powerful. It's known she has a reincarnation Quirk plus her 'Creation Quirk'. Izumi claims she had the same ability in her past life and it's Alchemy. In this AU, Reincation Quirks are separated from plain Quirks.
A famous example is Present Mic, AKA Yamada Hizashi, who is the reincarnation of Maes Hughes. He is often heard on his radio show raving about his handsome husband, their son and the many cats they have. Maes blurs faces of his husband due to his job as an underground hero, but it is well known.
Izumi has no interest in being a hero, wanting to be a housewife instead. Her mother is happy while society isn't. This is the start of people bullying her... for a month. She then kicks their asses without Quirks and proves she did so because they were bugging her. She and Bakugou at this time start a rivalry that continues until she breaks his arm in three places at age eleven when he will NOT leave her alone. After that, they avoid each other. (Bakugou may have a tiny-tiny crush on her though. Because it's me and I'm a dick.)
Izumi in this AU still loves Quirks and analyzes them. It's not a Midoriya Izuku who doesn't. It's just she does it strictly as a hobby and a 'side business. She plans on being a housewife and if her husband doesn't have a well-paying job she wants to help.
Izumi gets into UA in general studies, where she meets Present Mic. In one second, the two figure out they knew people.
Izumi: I taught Edward and Alphonse everything I knew.
Present Mic: They were terrifying. Edward was like twelve and a military officer
Izumi: I kicked his ass for that.
Mic: You're terrifying... and remind me of my husband for some reason.
Around this time, Izumi also meets a few others who were reincarnated- Todoroki Shouto who was Roy Mustang and Yaoyorozu Momo who was Riza Hawkeye (More about that HERE along with a list of other reincarnations.)
Izumi meets Shinsou Hitoshi and upon learning of her Quirk, he becomes angry and belligerent. She proceeds to kick his ass up one side of the school and down the other, threatening him and making his life HELL.
Shinsou develops a crush and Maes!Mic coos about how much his son is like him, falling for someone who can kick his ass. Lots of rambling on his radio show. Shinsou breaks in to yell at Mic that SHE LISTENS TO THIS YOU DICK.
ANYWAY! More reincarnations show up, such as Hatsume Mei as the former Winry Rockbell and Togata Mirio as Alex Armstrong. Izumi kinda hopes Sig is out there, but is content with moving on, much like Mic did.
Izumi makes friends with Uraraka, Iida and Asui thanks to her often hanging out with Todoroki and Momo because familiarity. Due to her analysis skills she goes to USJ with them. She then proceeds to kick ass, get permission to use Alchemy and terrifies most villains.
Todoroki: This is completely normal for her and her students.
Momo: Indeed.
Sports festival happens, and Izumi places third out of all. She then publically declines being a hero student cause: I want to be a housewife! *skips off into the sunset imagining a handsome man sweeping her off her feet while everyone is groaning in pain from her royal ass kicking*
This asskicking is shown on screen, plus her general attitude. A little girl named Eri sees it. Eri who once was Alphonse Elri who has been quietly going along with everything out of a sense of belief that due to human transmutation she is being punished.
Eri who sees her former teacher and then rips through the base to get to her.
Izumi is worried for Iida and goes to Hosu with permission from her mother, her teacher and Manual to harass him with friendship. Stain attacks... Izumi kicks his ass, terrifyies him and then drags Iida and Native out of the alley with loud scolding.
Iida: *has a thing for authority figures and strength* Ah this is attraction.
Native: *a pro hero who gets it* Do not let this woman go.
Stain: *is beaten up by this person* Maybe the kid is a hero after all if he acknowledges the strength of this person.
Eri shows up here, and beats the nomu with her Quirk.
Eri: TEACHER~!!!
Izumi: *double take* ALPHONSE?!
(Side note, Alphonse is the only one not born in the body the same sex as his past self. His life as a disembodies soul kinda made gender a huge: fuck it I don't care thing.)
Eri is adopted by Izumi. Eri's love of cats plus Mic has her often with the Aizawa/Yamada/Shinsou family. Lots of huggles and cats.
Now, due to her skills, Izumi is targeted by the LOV who kidnap her like around midterms which I think is a week after Internships. (The stupidity of the timeline is always stupid) She proceeds to terrify them, mom them and skips off into the sunset. All are confused.
Due to all this, she goes to the summer camp where she meets Kouta... AKA EDWARD ELRIC. Eri is with her.
Big hugs, tears and a lovely runion... then Izumi trains them into the ground cackling.
So... Pairings for this AU: IiDeku or ShinDeku.
Oliver Armstrong. Ling. Mei. Probably Greed to. (What is Greed is Shigaraki or Dabi? I kinda like the idea of it being Dabi and when his memories unlock he ditches the LOV cause fuck, he's got a family who wants him? Todoroki as Mustang: Sort of.)
Hohenheim is a maybe. Considering him as Midoriya Hisashi who is searching for a way to defeat his father AFO. The irony does not surprise him.
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aliceat97point3 · 3 years
Extremely Short Reviews of Many Matthias Shchonaerts Movies (part 1)
I was gonna make a youtube series out of this but it turns out I don't wanna do it anymore.(shrug) I think I might have posted part of this last year some time I honestly can’t remember.
this post is gonna be hella long
A Little Chaos
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Watched 5+ times honestly i’ve lost count
Sweet movie set is old timey France before all the beheadings. Matthias is Andre, the head gardener for The Sun King (i can never remember what number Luis he is) and Kate Winslet plays Sabine (this made kid au's very confusing at first in the Book of Nile chat) who is a gardener who builds an outdoor ballroom.
Highlights include but are not limited to:
Stanley Tucci as a Sassy Bi Prince
A brief but awesome glimpse into Noble Women Sisterhood
Andre's general sub-iness
they kinda gloss over it but if Andre doesn't get this done soon and at least close to within budget he might be executed, imprisoned or banished. So the stakes are a little higher than they seem.
Recommend to: Anyone who likes Romance, gardens, slice of life media, and Rococo aesthetics.
A Bigger Splash
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Watched 5 or 6 times maybe
Tilda Swinton is a female David Bowie who's lost her voice, Matthias is her photographer boyfriend, Ralph Fiennes is TildaBowie's extremely annoying ex, and Dakota Johnson is his daughter that he just met last year. Ralph and Anastasia show up unexpectedly to crash TildaBowie and Matties vacation, drama ensues. You might want to order/make some light summer Italian food in case you're easily influenced by on screen meals.
Matthias in summer beach wear and lots of sex scenes.
Him and TildaBowie are an adorable couple.
If you ever wanted to see Voldamort naked this movie has that.
My personal HC that Dakota's character Penelope is actually Anastasia Steele, and her thing with Christian is an extremely long con. Maybe Penelope is her middle name.
Recommended for: ... I honestly don't know... People who like dramatic tension and can stand Ralph being annoying for 90% of the movie.
Rust and Bone
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watched 4ish times
Not sure how to describe this one. "Put in charge of his young son, Ali leaves Belgium for Antibes to live with his sister and her husband as a family. Ali’s bond with Stephanie, a killer whale trainer, grows deeper after Stephanie suffers a horrible accident."~ Letterboxd summary
lots of good sex scenes but, Ali is kind of a dick especially to his kid.
I got very stressed every time he's in charge of Sam, his kid, because it never ends well. They're relationship really goes downhill once they get to his sisters.
Stephanie's visit to the Whales is really moving. worth watching just for that.
I love how deep Ali's sister's voice is.
Recommended for: people who love ethical dilemmas and/or philosophical questions also for anyone who wants to listen to french.
Not Recommended for: People who like kids a lot.(This is one of my least favorite of the bunch for that reason)
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Watched 1 1/2 times (once all the way through, plus 2 attempts at rewatching)
Roman is an inmate at an american prison in the southwest. He gets into a horse training rehab program and Some heartwarming stuff happens and some dramatic stuff too...  I’m not the person to talk about this one. For some reason it was really hard to get into for me. It’s definitely worth a watch though. Had interesting points about the american prison system, the damage it does to families and what it means to want freedom.
Matti’s at his most tank like in this if you’re into that
the shower scene
Recommended for: Horse lovers and anyone who wants to introduce the idea of prison reform to conservative family members.
Far From the Maddening Crowd
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watched 3 or 4 times maybe more
Everyone’s favorite farm boy Gabriel Oak is in house!!!
This one is in Old Timey England. Bathsheba lives with her aunt on a farm neighboring Gabriel’s land where he farms sheep. Gabe proposes to Bathsheba with a lamb but she says no. So he goes back to his farm but unfortunately Gabe is bad at training his new herding dog and when the worst happens (you’ve gotta watch it, it’s insane!) he has to sell off everything and wanders the countryside looking for work. Meanwhile Bathsheba inherits a large working farm from her an uncle goes there a fire breaks out and who turns up to put it our? Gabriel Oak!!
And that’s the first 20 minutes or so of the movie. So Fucking Much Happens in this movie! mostly because even though they call the source material a novel it’s actually the literary version of a tv series with chapters published in a magazine each month which explains all High Drama that happens. The cliffhangers are just too extra to be anything else.
one of the love interests is that angel from good omens that everyone seems to like (i haven’t seen it yet)
Gabe plays with a dog and is literally the happiest i’ve ever seen matthias in a movie
Bathsheba’s maid/companion is a delight!
I’m 90% sure Mathias stole the hat he wears in this.
Descent amount of flirting scenes
Soliderboy’s utter nonsense. mofo thinks it’s not gonna rain in England.smh
Recommend for: Historical Drama Lovers.
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watched 3 times
This one was a surprise because I thought I would hate it but it turned out to be one of my favorites.It’s a really well balanced well paced film. I’ll never watch it again because it’s pretty fucking heavy but Highly recommend it.
Matthias plays Jacky a dude in the Belgian Beef industry mafia...I don’t get it either but apparently it’s a real-ish thing. Jacky has trauma. This movie a few intentionally homophobic moments that help the story but when I watched the making of video, it turns out that the filmmakers made Jacky’s childhood best friend gay because they thought it would explain why he is cowardly...so fuck that.
Jacky being awkward
one of the few feature length movies of his in dutch that’s fairly easy to find state side.
good balance of humor and drama
Recommended for: Anyone who wants to check it out.
Left Bank
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watched twice
A runner moves in with her new boyfriend and things happen. I don’t know how to describe this one without spoiling it for you. This is 100% my favorite movie of his. I love this movie so much! It’s a slow burn supernatural mystery that becomes more and more like a fairy tale the longer it goes. If you like that kind of thing and get the chance to see this one give it a go. But it is hard to find.
Top notch sex scenes
Everyone’s mild reactions to Marie’s increasingly terrible knee injury including her own nonchalance about it.
Bobby transformation from perfect boyfriend to euro trash fuck boy is oddly fun to watch.
The ending is so perfect for me. just deep enough to make me feel smart and cultured for getting it.
Recommended for: People ok with mild to moderate body horror...because of the knee.
The Old Guard
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watched 5+ times
The reason i started this stupid endeavor of attempting to watch the entirety of Matthias’s filmography. I was going to it with each of the five main actors but Matthias broke me so now I’m writing this and I’ll never attempt to do such a thing again.
Old Guard is the best action movie I’ve ever seen. I love this move, I love how none of the fight scenes are filler. I didn’t skip or zone out of any part of this movie. That’s rare for me with action movies. I love how the old guard are a Found Family. I love all the hugging! I love all the gayness! I Love This Film! 2nd only to LeftBank.
Nile is an AWESOME main character: Badass Marine + Art History Nerd + Believable Sass = Our Baby Immortal Who Comes From Warriors
Immortal Husbands( Nicky and Joe)
Immortal Wives (Andy and Quyhn)
Lykon’s ray of sunshine deleted scene (find it on youtube)
Booker you beautiful depressed bastard
The Loft
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(gif by @gracesledomas )
watched 2 times
During the Great Recession 5 assholes share an apartment to save money while cheating on their spouses. then one of them kills a girl there. That's the movie. These guys deserve every bad thing that happens to them in this movie.
Highlight (singular, just one)
Matthias's charterer has a scene that is so heart-wrenching that I momentarily forgot the woman he raped was still handcuffed to the bed just off screen!!!
Close Enemies
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watched 3 times
Matthias plays Manu, a drug dealer who is having a truly shitty week. His former best friend is a cop who wants him to...for lack of a better term, be a snitch. To get the deeper level of this movie you might need to do a short google on racism and assimilation in France /Paris but you might be able to pick up on that without the google now that I've pointed it out.
Manu and his son are too cute
First 15 minutes of the movie is just Manu having a good time with his buddies.
recommended for: people who like modern gangster flicks (although technically they aren't a gang)
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jadelynlace · 3 years
Nightly Secrets / Ink Drinker Modern Vikings AU Request [Ivar x F!Reader]
catch up on the porno, I mean series, here.
requested by: @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom ♡ “sex in the dark/night”
author’s note: thanks to this post, and the notes that follow, you’ll all be subjected to the written requests. smut below the cut.
synopsis: Being caught never meant less.
*Note: This takes place in the timeline before you and Ivar are “out” as a couple.
Your flat was minutes away from the station, for better or worse. It typically lead to Hvitserk crashing there after a particularly grueling shift, or drinking troubles away after the same amount of crap. More than once he was already there when you got off, sometimes alone, raiding your fridge, telling you that you needed to grocery shop, and sometimes there was a certain brother in tow. A certain brother that you “hated”. The only thing you hated about Ivar was his inability to admit to wanting something more than a friends with benefits situation. It was late, like it had been for the past couple of hours and when your car rolled into it’s parking spot, to see Hvitserk’s in the adjacent one, Ivar’s mustang two spots over, you almost went back to the station. To a cot without the large tattooed furnace, one you would have to try to avoid throughout the timing they would be staying. Even if all you wanted was a god damn hug from him.
A case of beer was already gone, drowned and when you walked through the door Hvitserk spread he mouth into a wide smile, like a puppy who seemed to see the tearing of your shoe was not an issue. You flipped him off in response.
“Tough shift?” Ivar said before he could help himself.
“We got out asses kicked, and handed back to us in a blender,” You answered, grabbing a bottle of beer and the bottle of whiskey.
“Oh, good idea—shots,” Hvitserk said suddenly and you sucked the whiskey back against your uniform.
“No, this is mine.” You grumbled, sitting on the other side of the room.
“Fine,” He whined like a dog. “I have to take a leak anyways.” He announced, standing and off he went down the hall. You no sooner were through the living room, Ivar standing from his spot just to meet you in the limited time. Tongues down each other’s throats for too short of a second, encased in his arms as he barreled down against you tightly. 
“Missed you last night,” He whispered, sealing that with a kiss. 
“Missed you too,”
“Was it really a shit day?” He asked, thumb on your cheek as you both listened for the sounds of the toilet flushing. 
“Shit is an understatement,”
“We’ll fix it when Hvitserk falls asleep, yeah?” Ivar teased, lips back on yours, groan dancing from his through as you pulled against his shirt. The sounds from the bathroom became noticeable, and you bit down quickly on his bottom lip, separating suddenly and skirting back to the kitchen. 
“You’re both too drunk to drive,” You said, folding arms.
“Am not,” Hvitserk challenged back.
“You can have the couch or the bathtub, take a pick,” You said.
“Couch,” Hvitserk answered. “That leaves the bathtub for you, brother.”
“Or, an Uber,” He replied but he caught the way your eyes looked down, as if he just shattered your heart. “Or, the floor,” He added.
“I’ll leave the vanity light on in case you feel the overwhelming urge to puke,” You groaned, another flip of your middle finger and you set off back to your room. 
You kept the lights dim, television flickering on an even quieter volume, murder mystery playing as you went about winding down. Dressing in the loose clothes you’d rather wear, saving the undergarments in case Ivar decided to stay true to his promise. And even if he didn’t because he was already too drunk. You didn’t know which was better or worse.
Hvitserk was nearly comatose within minutes of his head hitting the couch, and Ivar watched for a steady half hour to make sure he was really as out as he looked. And then he was up, moving from his spot on the floor and slipping down the hallway to your room. You were on your stomach, thumbing through social media on your phone and you felt the bed dip, Ivar’s hands climb the backs of your thighs and settling over you.
“I can’t believe you’re still awake too,” You said to him, head turned slightly as you spoke. “With all that you drank.
“I’m not even drunk,” He hummed resting weight against you, pressing you into the mattress and you both sighed. “Ever time Hvitserk looked away I poured my whiskey in his glass.” Ivar said. You had to push your face into the pillow to catch your laughter.
“Turn the light off, Ivar, and come in here,” You whispered, feeling him move again, warmth leaving before darkness took over the room. The television switched off next, over head fan taking notice and buzzing through the room. Ivar went about closing you curtains and plugging in your phone as if it wasn’t a night out of the unordinary, and Hvitserk wasn’t passed out in your living room. You heard his jeans fall next, belt against the wood floor and then he was pulling his sweatshirt off and climbing next to you. “I want a hug,” You mumbled, crawling into his space as he settled with you among the duvet.
“You looked like I gutted you when I said I was going to get a ride home,” Ivar mumbled, hands curling around you as his face settled against your hair.
“Was it that obvious?” You asked back.
“Yeah, baby girl, it was—only to me though because I don’t even think Hvitserk knows his own name anymore,”
“I just don’t like the thought of you being here and I can’t even spend time with you like I’d like to. Fuck me, I sound like such a girl,” You whined, face against his bare chest and he only chuckled.
“I did kinda intend to fuck you, but you’ll have to be quiet.”
“I’ll have to be quiet? Ivar the whole complex can hear you when you come,” You teased, propping your head up against his chest. Through his eye roll, you took the liberty to crawl over him, straddling him against your bed and his hands latched to your hips immediately. “And, I’m not even wearing panties,” You smiled.
There was a flicker in his eyes that took your notice and he was pulling you then, filling the space between the two of you quickly as his mouth sought out yours. You felt the slip of his hands, sliding over the sleep shirt and into your hair, passing around and then back down as if he dared to leave no part of you untouched. For a brief second they stuck to your hips, rocking you against him ever so slowly and you only ground down on his pelvis in response. His cock hardening almost immediately as you let a soft moan slip between your mouths. Ivar’s hands finally stilled, spreading wide like a wingspan before latching around you, spinning both of your bodies until you were caged underneath him. Even with the room so dark, the light of the nightlight in the far outlet still danced over his cheek bones, catching with his eyes as his forehead stayed plastered against yours.
In a second he was moving, slipping back under the covers as he yanked your thighs to part for his own pleasure. The first flattening of his tongue through your folds was met with the slap of your hand over your mouth, Ivar’s snicker not too far behind before his voice was cut short by the wetness in your cunt. Tasting your juices on his lips as he slurped at you like a parched man, trying to hold your hips down but in your inability to be vocal you took that strain away with the wiggling of your lower half. You were moving too much for Ivar’s liking—how a client might fidget in the chair and it always peeved him, soured his mood and then Ivar was pulling back. Eye flicking up and set sternly as you looked back at him.
“Stop moving,” He grumbled, dipping his mouth back down over your clit, sucking slowly and you still couldn’t stay still. Ivar let out another low groan, peeling his mouth away, arousal around his lips, dripping to his chin as he bit down in the fleshy crevice of your thigh before climbing back up. You wanted to challenge him, a snarky reply right on your tongue but it was swallowed up by the gasp that rolled off instead, his fingers pushing into you as your head tipped back. Studying you, Ivar curled both digits, milking them against your walls as your breathing picked up, his free hand moving from your chest to wrap around your throat. Your mouth dropped open as he squeezed, womanhood squeezing him back and a breathless moan slipped from your mouth. He could hear how wet you were getting, soaking his hand the faster it moved and when he saw both of your hands hold his wrist to stay in place he knew you were about to tip. Through a final tightening of his grip you came around his fingers, back bending away from the mattress as your airways tightened, restricting any noise as Ivar only slowed his hand down to let you float back. As soon as his fingers left your throat his mouth was back over yours, climbing back over you and you wasted no time to grab at him, rolling his boxers down and his hand met yours at his middle. Pushing it away and grabbing his length to start pass your entrance. “Did you take your pill today?” He asks suddenly, his lips moved against yours as he speaks. Your answer doesn’t even get completely through your mouth before he starts sinking into you, spreading still quivering walls with his girth and he moans.
He moans and it’s no quieter than it ever had been before and when he rests completely swallowed up he stays still for a moment. Knowing that if he starts moving it’ll turn into a symphony of noises between the two of you and it’ll likely wake the passed out man down in the living room. Ivar’s forehead falls against yours and his lips still, savoring how you’re squeezing him and you can only giggle in response.
“You want to make noise, don’t you?” You whisper and from where he is you can feel him nod. 
“You feel too good,” He says in response and takes a languid roll of his hips to prove his point, pulling out barely and shoving back inside of you and you both gasp. Your nails digging along his back and the sear of the red streaks only turns him on more. Ivar’s hands take to the sheets again as he moves, timely pushing back into your with minimal force and even though there’s a worry in the air of being caught, he can’t rush. He needs to savor how you feel, and how you both feel connected and in the moment he does’t care if Hvitserk finds out. This matters too much to him to worry about his older brother’s pointless remarks and he wants to make you his so badly but he too scared you’ll deny him. And instead he shows you with his movements, his body against yours, making love although neither of you will admit to it. Finally his hands move, seeking out yours and it catches you by surprise when your fingers tangle too easily as he moves, his lips on yours and your end is rolling back to you again. 
There’s a movement in the sheets as one hand separates from yours, pushing your thigh up to flatten on the mattress and it sends him deeper, hitting that sweet spot inside of you and you’re done for. Pleasure takes to every pore and Ivar’s put his mouth over yours to swallow the sounds you make when you come for a second time, even as your lips stay motionless against his. Your walls tighten him like a vice as you shake in his grasp, his own end pulling from his shaft and coating you. And the moan he wants to let loose come out and a whispered groan, estranged noise as his body tenses; his back quivering as the muscles ripple and you’re pressed against the sheets even with no additional room to move. 
“Don’t move yet,” You whisper suddenly as the pleasure fills your eyes with a brief wave of tears and Ivar couldn’t move if his life depended on it. “I know we have to move but not—not yet,” 
“I’m not moving,” Ivar rasps against your skin, his nose bumping yours and trailing down your jaw. “I don’t give two fucks if Hvitserk sees us, that doesn’t matter to me anymore,” His voice comes against your ear, sealing that secret there with a kiss. And when he finally does pull away, Ivar only rolls off of you, landing back against the duvet and waisting no time to latch around you. 
“What about in the morning?” You peep softly, safely secured in his arms.
“That sounds like something we’ll have to worry about when it’s morning, baby,” Ivar’s voice comes from behind you, thickened with exhaustion and he’s finally feeling some evidence of sleep through his body. And you’re there with him to see him to it.
“You really don’t care, do you?” You ask and Ivar shakes his head against you.
“Not in the slightest. You’re mine, and nothing is going to change that,” Ivar says just as sleep claims him.
Ink Drinker Tags:
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full masterlist can be found here.
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
royai week day 4 - communiqué
summary: roy has an announcement to make to everyone
rated: g | words: 2084 | tags: royai, post-canon, romance, marriage, marriage announcement, marriage of convenience, kinda? bc they just have~ to do it but it works out for them, basically royai using royai to further their agenda
read on ao3 | read on ffnet
“Good afternoon,” Roy greeted with confidence into the microphone atop the podium in front of him. Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared back expectantly, and while that should have been unnerving, his excitement at the upcoming announcement kept the feeling at bay. This communiqué had been a long time coming, crafted from years of subtle diversion, and playing a tactical game. Now, it was coming to fruition. It was all still part of their game, but Roy had a personal stake in this part of it too. It was still a win for both parties involved.
A huge personal win.
Up there, on the podium, he was completely exposed. While that was dangerous for someone like him with such high political standing, Roy trusted the eyes that were watching his back implicitly. He does not turn complacent, but is more than confident in their abilities. He trusts each and every one of his subordinates to ensure the day goes well and without incident.
“Today’s announcement,” Roy continued, “will hopefully put to rest any fears you may have had regarding me assuming the role of your leader. Fuhrer Grumman has led this country exceptionally well over the last five years but feels ready to step down. As you all know, I have been named his successor and will make a promise to you all now, this country’s citizens, that I will do my utmost to ensure I do my best by you.”
There was a pleased applause after he finished, accompanied by a quiet murmur.
He meant every word, but that was not the reason Roy had taken the stage that day.
“I would also like you to know that I’ve heard the rumours surrounding me,” he smirked, letting his gaze sweep across the crowd before him. Out the corner of his eye, he noticed how this had piqued the interest of those in the audience with the various media outlets. Their ears perked up at the mention of rumours, understandably. “I am aware of the public’s opinion on a bachelor like myself being given the title of Fuhrer. However, I have come here today to offer my reassurances.”
Some people in the crowd turn to one another, momentarily confused by what he’s saying. Roy smirked to himself, thinking of his own private joke before he opened his mouth to finally reveal to the world something he has wanted to for over two decades.
“As you can imagine, this will be a busy transition period for us, so I hope you will extend your respect, as well as privacy, to both myself and my new fiancé as we navigate this new chapter in our lives. I can assure you though, an official date for my upcoming wedding will be announced soon.”
It was like the crowd had frozen. A few jaws went slack, and mouths parted in shock as they processed the news faster than others.
“More news will come in due time. Thank you.”
With a simple bow of his head, Roy stepped back from the microphone and turned to look at the stunned officials up there with him. Breda and Havoc approached, nonplussed by the news, and started to escort him off the stage.
There was a split second where the world was completely still, as everyone was still processing what he’d just announced. Then, everything felt like it exploded. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers. Cameras flashed in desperation to capture the moment that Roy Mustang, the most eligible bachelor in Amestris and a well-known womaniser in his younger years, announced he was engaged, and his wedding would be announced soon.
Roy can hear some of the questions being yelled by the reporters.
“Who are you due to marry?”
“What’s her name?”
“General Mustang! When did this happen?”
He ignored them all, for all would be revealed in due time. It was enough for now that it had been announced. Roy never planned on revealing anything else other than that today anyway. He would have loved to. He can’t wait for the day he can finally give the order to give the announcement, but he must hold off. The mystery will drum up interest in their favour. It will draw eyes to them and get people talking. No other Fuhrer had caused quite as much a stir as he had, and Roy wasn’t even officially in office yet. He was popular and well liked among the masses. Not as much as the Fullmetal Alchemist, the alchemist of the people, but Roy’s work over the years had built up a perfectly crafted reputation for him. It played well into his plans.
A womaniser who announces he’s settling down with someone who is a complete mystery. It was interesting news. Especially for the imminent ruler of the country.
The public ate it up, desperate to know. Out the corner of his eye he could already see heads bowed together in excitement as they gossiped about the news while Roy walked off the stage.
He was led by his security team into a private room within the building behind them. Havoc gave him a quick nod in response to his order, reaching for the door handle and pulling it closed behind him. Breda was down the hall, already speaking into microphone after microphone in order to soothe public relations about the surprise announcement. Poor guy, but he did volunteer. Having Breda assure them, but give nothing away, would only cause more intrigue. If Roy went out there and spoke to them all, they’d never let him leave.
His shoulder slumped now he was away from prying eyes. Not with fatigue, but just to relax. The initial phase had finally started, and his plans were set in motion. While he did have a personal stake in this and was more than happy to go along with it, it could certainly be draining. But then again, nothing had ever been simple between them.
The door opened as he was pouring himself a glass of water. He reached for a second glass and smirked, not turning around because he knew who it was who’d entered. His order to Havoc was to permit only one person entrance to the room.
“Did you really have to do it so dramatically?”
There was a grin on his face as he turned on the spot, coming face to face with his fiancé. Well, according to the country, she was still his fiancé. Nobody, except from them and his team, was aware that they were already married, and had been so for a while. While touring Aerugo last month they’d taken a clandestine trip to one of the islands off the coast to the south. It was just the two of them, the team, and his mother in attendance. Gracia had made the trip, and so had Edward and Alphonse, along with their respective families. Everyone who mattered most to Roy was there to witness them come together as a couple.
Marriage was not the be all and end all for him and Riza. They already knew where they stood with each other and what their relationship was. They had done so for years, and the ring that nestled comfortably on the end of his dog tags proved that. The legal document was just a formality at this point and given his current position as leader of the country, it would be necessary. So, they’d compromised. A private, personal ceremony for them to do things their way, exchanging the rings they’d already given each other years ago. The grand wedding that was yet to come was for the masses, not for them. Once the official ceremony happened, he would move the ring onto his ring finger where it had always belonged and where he’d always wanted to wear it.
Riza’s lifted one eyebrow expectantly, awaiting his answer.
“They expect a show,” he shrugged, “so I’m going to give it to them.”
“So, our official wedding is just a show,” she deadpanned.
His expression softened at her light teasing. “Our official wedding has already happened,” he reminded her. “In case you had forgotten, we are already legally married.”
“I hadn’t,” she placated as she approached him, “but you need to stop talking about it so openly. You were the one who suggested keeping it a secret, and the walls have ears,” she replied cryptically. Once close enough, she brushed a piece of invisible lint off his immaculate uniform and his shoulder tingled where she’d ran her hand over it.
“Let them listen,” he shrugged again. Roy lifted a hand to rest upon her hip as he grasped one of hers, lifting them both to rest between their bodies. He bent his head forward and kissed the backs of her knuckles, a small, fond smile playing on his lips. “It doesn’t matter now that our news is out.”
“Part of the news is out,” she reminded him. “You were quite adamant about only revealing some of the truth so early on,” Riza smirked. “It will be a busy transition period for us, after all,” she quoted back to him with mock sympathy.
His eyes rolled fondly.
“So,” she continued, extracting her hand from his and taking a step backward to put some distance between them. Roy felt like a petulant child, pouting at her actions. “We must keep up pretences and give ourselves the time and space we need to adapt to our new circumstances and navigate through it.”
“You’re no fun,” he complained, his tone nearly a playful whine.
“I know, dear,” she replied, sounding like she didn’t particularly care he felt that way. Roy was only joking though, of course.
“How did it look from up there?”
Riza’s perch had been on the roof of the building behind him, on the lookout for anyone who may wish harm upon him, along with her own elite security team.
She snorted lightly. “I will admit, it was entertaining to see the looks on their faces.”
“They were very surprised,” he chuckled, pleased with himself.
“It’s never a dull moment with you.”
“I would hope not because you’re stuck with me now, fiancé,” he grinned.
“Unfortunately,” she deadpanned quietly. When he scowled at her, she laughed loudly, her smile reaching her eyes.
For a moment, Roy is enraptured by her beauty. Her grin lit up his whole world and the sound of her laughter pulled at the stings of his heart pleasantly.
He is married to this woman, he thought to himself, and still couldn’t quite believe it.
After so long… After so many years of ignoring feelings and holding back – or trying to – now he didn’t have to.
Although it was his plan to delay the information given, he really wished it wasn’t. He wanted to go back out there and tell everyone how much he loved and cherished this woman before him.
All in due time. And the pay off when that day finally comes will be so worth it.
They’ve both waited for so long. Roy could stick it out for a few more days. What was more important was holding this woman close and loving her so freely like he has always wanted, and Roy planned to do just that.
Riza smirked and didn’t shrug him off as Roy wrapped his arms tightly around her frame. He pulled her close and kissed her, trying to convey just how much he loved her with one kiss alone. She hummed against his lips pleasantly as her arms lifted to loop around his neck. One hand slowly, tantalisingly, trailed up the back of his neck, making him shudder. She noticed and grinned against him. When her nails scratched lightly against his scalp and Roy groaned, Riza’s smile widened. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. She could play him like a fiddle, but Roy didn’t mind at all. There’s no way he was going to stop her ministrations when they felt so good.
“I love you,” he breathed. His chest heaved with his breath and the words almost got stuck in his throat, both from the emotions overwhelming him and their passionate kiss.
“Love you too, Roy.” When she pulled away to look at him, Roy didn’t let her move far. Their noses were almost touching but he could see her expression soften. She looked so happy and content. So in love. Which was exactly how he felt too.
They both couldn’t wait to start this new chapter in their lives together.
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womenofwonder · 3 years
Do you have any ideas for roy and riza headcanons I can use in my Post?????If you do send them right away please
I might be too late, but I can’t pass up a chance to talk about my favorite characters.
A depressing one: Okay, this isn’t entirely mine, I got it partly from this fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1793518, but both have had to talk each other out of suicide at one point. Also, I know the 03 is it’s own cannon, but I think Roy was an alcohol/sex addict for a while after Ishval to cope. Over time he got better
A funny one: Roy once was joking about miniskirts, when Riza said she’d wear one when he did. She shouldn’t have said that, because the next day he came to work in a mini skirt. But promises were promises and she wore a impressively short miniskirt as well. Mustang didn’t get a lot of work done that day.
A fluff headcanon: Roy did give her those flowers he bought from that Armstrong lady. Riza found her apartment flooded with them when she got home the next day, along with a note from him.
Another one is that Roy briefly had a poetry phrase. It didn’t go very well, but Riza still keep all the poems and finds them as sweet as they are funny. When she’s depressed she tends to read them, they always make her laugh
A headcanon for before the show: Riza as a kid got in a lot of fights (this one isn’t technically mine either, I guess I’m not very original lol). She was constantly in trouble, and Roy was the one constantly trying to pull her back from doing stupid things. It’s kinda funny how their rolls flip as adults
A headcanon for after the show: Roy had to wear glasses after promise day, as he only wanted Marco to use as little as possible of the philosopher stone. He used the rest to heal Havoc, of course, and then to rebuild Ishval.
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Hello sir do you have any ideas for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood headcanons I can use in my Post if you do please message me right away
hi yeah i have plenty of fmab hcs!! u kinda sent this to the wrong blog but i wanna ramble abt it so ill gladly blab abt them here :) i don’t rlly have any hcs for anyone except roy and riza tho so here they are (major spoiler alert):
roy hc’s:
he didn’t grow out his bangs to reinforce his image as a frivolous womanizer, but actually to hide the ‘eyes of a killer’ he’d seen in hughes when they reunited in ishval
before ishval, hughes would always introduce him to friends as ‘roy mustang, who doesn’t drink’ because he refused to touch a drop of alcohol on principle due to growing up in an environment where he would often witness the perils of alcoholism firsthand
he celebrates his birthday on the day he met madam christmas and no one knows when his real birthday is
grumman taught him how to “flirt” (riza: *snorts in the background*) and was the main source of inspiration for his womanizer persona. grumman has also tried to educate him in the art of crossdressing, which was wildly unsuccessful
he has dinner with gracia at least once every week after hughes dies so that she won‘t have to worry about him
he did in fact end up adopting that cat that ed fought him for in fullmetal v flame which is how he found out he’s allergic to cats
he’s the one who got havoc and catalina together because he set them up on a blind date after riza made a comment about them being compatible
xingese roy ftw
his sisters are basically the fma equivalent of gary oak’s cheerleaders
riza hc’s:
she actually takes after berthold in looks rather than her mother. the only feature she got from her mother are her eyes so when she looks in the mirror and sees her father it causes her a lot of pain
she actually didn’t consider herself an animal person at all until she adopted black hayate
she‘s the one who bought the black coat that roy wears in literally every episode and gave it to him one year as a birthday present
roy tried to propose to her after her father died, but she respectfully turned him down. that‘s one of the few moments in her life that she often looks back on and wonders how things would have changed if she’d accepted
even though she never formally met grumman until after ishval, she has unofficially known him ever since her mother’s death. he used to send her monthly letters under a pseudonym so that he could still be a part of her life, however small
she and rebecca had a rivalry in the military academy just like roy and hughes
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cakelanguage · 4 years
Merry Christmas @okay-sky! I’m your secret Santa for the @fmasecretsanta2020 #fmasecretsanta
I had an absolute blast writing this for you and I hope you like this RoyEd piece as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a happy holidays and I wish you the best.
You can also read this on AO3
The snow was a foot deep and maneuvering through it was a pain in the ass, but Roy was determined to make it to the post office in North City. Normally, Roy rarely makes the trip unless he's on the last dredges of his food supply but the potential for one of Ed's letters to be there had him pushing onward. 
For the short amount of time he'd gotten to spend in Central, he'd spent a large amount of it enjoying the company of the Elric brothers, specifically Ed. It was like an old wound had finally stopped aching when he got to see the man. And he was now. A man, that is. A maturity he never thought he'd see from the older Elric permeated his actions. While he still had a temper he didn't bare his teeth at the smallest of teases. He seemed wiser now and Roy wondered what he'd experienced in this other world. 
His interest and desire to spend more time with Ed wasn't one-sided either. The man--amidst Roy’s own scramble to steal his attention from Miss Rockbell and Alphonse-- found him at all hours of the day to discuss anything. From alchemic theories to the property damage done while he was away, the two never seemed to run out of things to talk about.
When he'd been forced to return up North, Ed had been the one to suggest keeping up a correspondence through letters. Roy didn't mention that he’d have to essentially hike to the post office and instead happily agreed. Ed promised to write often and Roy said he'd do the same. 
And he intended to. 
Which brought him back to his every other day trek.
He didn't know when he'd receive his first letter so he just kept coming back. For the first time, Roy was thankful for the cane that the doctor suggested he get for strenuous exercise in case the scar tissue flared up. He'd been adamant about not using it for the longest time, but out here -- where he wasn't surrounded by people who unintentionally put him on a pillar-- using the cane didn't matter.
His breath puffed in the frosty air as he took a moment to rest his legs. He could already see the city so he'd only have around another 30-minute walk if he continued at the pace he was going. 
North City was as lively as it could be for one with near-constant snowfall. While the population consisted mostly of military personnel there were still plenty of families and small businesses dotted amongst the abundance of government buildings.
These little businesses felt like they’d been plucked out of a different location, the warm glow of the fluorescents glimmering through the large windows. Roy's favorite was a little bookstore that specializes in customer requests. They'd take a poll from an assortment of people to find out what they wanted and go from there.
Roy indulged in much of the literature they had to offer and the sweet family-run shop told him he was welcome to make any requests he wanted.
Ed would've salivated at the thought.
On the outskirts of the inner city lies the post office. It was never terribly busy which was a blessing so Roy had no trouble siddling up to the counter. 
"Well I'll be," the scruffy man at the counter whistled, "you're back again already."
Roy gave him a tired smile. "Glettner, I just don't want to miss the letter I'm supposed to be getting."
"I guess, but you don't live in the city so you gotta walk here." He shuddered. "Couldn't pay me to make that hike more than once a year and I've lived here for over a decade." 
"I want to be punctual."
Glettner rolled his eyes, but those eyes only held mirth in them. "Well Mr. Punctual, you're in luck, a letter for you arrived yesterday evening."
Roy wasn't sure what his reaction was but it garnered him a chuckle all the same. 
"Ah-ha!" Glettner cried victoriously and walked back over with the letter. "This person must really like you if they're willing to use four stamps and Express delivery." He shook his head. "Express is always so expensive.”
The letter in his hand was hefty with Ed’s tell-tale god awful handwriting on the front. He brought the letter close to his chest with a content hum. 
“Ugh,” Glettner whined, “Go read your letter somewhere else if you’re gonna be looking like that when you only read the cover.”
Roy sent him a flat look. “I’ll see you, Glettner,” Roy called over his shoulder, tucking the letter safely into his coat. “Stay warm.”
“Speak for yourself! Try not to get yourself killed walking to the post office you flame-brained moron.”
Glettner always did say the nicest things. 
Back in the relative safety of his cabin, Roy was able to settle down and open the letter. Carefully, he pulled the small bundle of papers jammed inside, out onto the table. Offhandedly he stoked the fire a little more with a snap of his fingers. 
Admittedly, he’d missed the ease that using his alchemy allowed him with certain tasks. 
Colonel Bastard,
Roy snorted and shook his head. He’d already told Ed he wasn’t a colonel anymore, but apparently, the fact hadn’t stuck in the shrimp’s mind. He wondered if Ed still had his infamous temper tantrums about his height. 
Something to find out later.
The other man seemed to have grown up a great deal in the past two years, but Roy doubted Ed would’ve been able to calm himself down when it came to his height and the lack thereof.
I hope this gets to you fast, and that you haven’t frozen solid up there. Havoc told me about your cabin and I’ll be honest: sounds shitty. But they did say you had a fireplace so maybe it isn’t too bad as long as you don’t move from in front of the fire. Though now that I know what your job entails I can honestly say that you might be fucked. 
Seriously, who wants to stand out in all that snow to watch for potential attacks from Drachma? That’s what Briggs is for. So get your ass back here before your ass freezes to a chair or something. 
He couldn’t stop the laugh that burst from him. The letter was just wholly Ed and it almost felt like the other man was here in person. 
Al wants me to tell you he says hi, so that’s from him. He’s doing okay, he’s kinda got everything figured out now. I mean he obviously did before, he was doing fine while I was gone. He’s made a name for himself even if he did kinda steal my look. 
He doesn’t need me anymore. 
The ink is smudged and blurred in spots and Roy’s heart clenched in his chest when he realized that those were probably tears. 
I expected it and I’m glad he was able to keep moving forward with everyone’s help. I don’t know. I guess I didn’t realize how that’d make me feel when you were here. You’re kinda distracting even when Al’s around.
No higher praise than being able to pull Ed’s attention away from his little brother. 
Resembool is the same, which is weird. Germany seemed to change every day. There were always new people coming through or some kind of showcase going on. Did I tell you about the rocket we were building? It’s hard to remember that I’m no longer in a world governed by the laws of “modern science” instead of Alchemy.
I wish you were here. I miss your stupid, smug face. 
Oh did he ache for Ed to be able to insult him in person. 
It’s your turn to write a letter.
-Edward Elric
Beside his name, Ed had drawn what he assumed was a self-portrait of him sticking his tongue out in a cartoonish style. Charming.
Roy set the letter on the table and rubbed at his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Somehow, the letter only made him miss Ed more. He wanted to ease Ed’s worries and reassure him that he was needed. 
Well, he had a letter to write.
I thought telling you four times was enough, but maybe your ears were too tiny to hear me correctly. I’m not a colonel anymore so the name isn’t correct. Haven’t we known each other long enough to be a little less informal?
You’re right, it’s freezing up here, and staying warm is near impossible without the fire. I wear two layers of wool socks and I’m still wary that I’m going to get frostbite on one of my watches. 
Briggs is in charge of guarding our border. I’m just in charge of keeping watch on the trading routes that weave along the mountain valley for any sign of trouble. 
Al may not need you in the same capacity that he did, but I guarantee he’s happier than he’s been in the last two years now that you’re here. From what I’ve heard from both Hawkeye and Miss Rockbell, he always seemed to be looking over his shoulder for you when he’d accomplish anything. 
You are absolutely needed, and not just by Al. Never forget that Edward. 
Small towns don’t change often so I’m not surprised it seems the same. People grow older, but small towns keep to themselves for the most part. Every once in a while fresh meat joins the community and they’ll be a stir and things might change a little, but generally go back to normal quickly. 
City life is vivacious and ever-changing. A bigger place and more people means more changes. My aunt runs a bar and I remember how often the city would change around us. 
If by rocket you mean the one you released into that crowd of people, then yes I remember you telling me about it. But feel free to tell me again, you have a knack for storytelling that I didn’t think you’d have. 
I wish you were here too. I miss your impish face. 
-Roy Mustang
A week later, Roy received his second letter. 
Glettner gave him a wry grin and presented it to him with a flourish. “Your sweetheart replied,” he tittered, “should ask for a lock of hair in your next letter or a care package.” He winked at Roy. “Maybe something for those long, lonely nights.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Roy grouched, “it’s not from a lover.”
Glettner sighed dramatically. “Well, certainly not with that attitude! You’re clearly pining, can’t you see it?”
He raised his only visible eyebrow at the man. “Really?”
The other man waved him off. “Nevermind, just get out of here. I’ll see you in a day or so.”
“Take care, Glettner.”
“Yeah, yeah, go read your damn letter.”
Not that much Ed, Roy thought with a chuckle. 
I hope that’s a better name for you. And I’m not Fullmetal anymore, not really. Sure plenty of people are going to keep calling me that, but I’m not part of the military right now. Still gotta prove I’m not dead and shit. 
Do you know how hard it is to try to reinstate documents after they’ve listed you as dead? I was literally two seconds away from straight-up murdering a lawyer who was at city hall because he kept saying I needed more identification. Which is bullshit because I’m DEAD to the government. 
This would’ve been really handy when Al and I were running from the military, though. But not now! Luckily, it is being sorted out and I shouldn’t have to wait much longer before I have all my documentation in order.
That was good. Ed had just started the whole process when he left to return to his post and it’d given him a headache just thinking about it. 
So you lived with your aunt? Did you grow up in Central?
As much as I’ve traveled, I’m a hick at heart. I still enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside more than the noise and life of the city. I can live in either though. 
A corner of his mouth lifts. Ed preferred anywhere he could read and learn without interruptions. That hadn’t changed.
Are you lonely up there by yourself? I feel like you’re probably spending way too much time criticizing all your past actions and moping. Fuck that. Tell me about something you want to do when you come back to Central. What’s on Roy “Smug Bastard” Mustang’s agenda?
Oh, and thanks for saying that. I think I needed to hear that from someone. I’m glad it was you.
I guess if you can so kindly call me something else, I can just use your name. And as much as I appreciate your affectionate nickname for me, you can just call me Mustang or even just Roy, it wouldn’t bother me at all. But if you insist on a nickname I suppose I can give you one too, shorty.
I haven’t had to deal with retracting a declaration of the deceased before so I honestly don’t have any advice for you. I’d suggest going through all the hoops that they line up for you to jump through even if a shortcut looks promising. Other people were claiming to be you for fame or what-have-you so they aren’t intentionally trying to be difficult. 
Why am I not surprised you actually thought about how useful the situation would’ve been back then… Maybe you’re getting predictable. 
I did grow up with my aunt as my legal guardian. Both of my parents passed away when I was a young boy and she took me in. It was a rocky start. I was mourning my parents and terrified of my new living situation. But Chris Mustang always did her best to make sure I was comfortable and taken care of whether it was food or new clothes.
But she also put me to work. I obviously couldn’t work at the bar, but I bused tables and cleaned the place once we closed for the night. 
Her bar doubled as an information network with her girls -- my sisters-- acting as spies while going about their business. People talk a lot during sex and will let their guard down if they feel comfortable. I learned my networking strategies from them.
I don’t know if I can imagine you as the typical hick. It’s something about all that rage and attitude that makes me think more of small town punks. But there is something nice about the quiet of the countryside.
It’s not I’m not I suppose I am a bit lonely out here. I don’t really have much communication to speak of besides your letters. They’re the highlight of my days. The only other person I normally talk to right now is the man who runs the post office. I feel like I’m disconnected from people nowadays. Whether that’s because I was part of a coupe that unsettled them or my demeanor is just off-putting. Let me know what you think. 
When I get back to Central, the first thing I want to do is look for an apartment. Then I’m not sure. Maybe go back to pursuing the title of Fruher. After the whole Homunculus debacle, I stepped down in a rush to… run as far away from what had happened as I could. 
After that… would you like to go out sometime? Get something to drink, eat a good meal with good company?
You’re probably going to have to fight to spend time with me at first. The team kept reminding me that when I was there that they missed me. But I’ll make plenty of time for you.
“Roy, you have a package,” Glettner commented the third time he came into the post office that week. “Did you take my advice and ask for a token from them?” He leaned over the counter with a lewd grin. “There’s no telling what’s in here.”
Roy huffed and held out his hand. “Box, Glettner,” Roy ordered. He thought Glettner was funny and the man reminded him of an older, grayer Havoc with all his teasing and good-natured ribbing. It made him miss his team, though.
Glettner deposited the box in his hands before holding out a box cutter, handle-first to Roy. “Can I convince you to open it here? I can even let you use the back room for some privacy if you want.”
Roy shook his head with a put-upon grin. “You seem more excited about this package than I am.”
He shrugged “I don’t think you realize how boring it can get here. Usually the most exciting thing I get in this place is the military personnel transferring sensitive documents.” He scrunched his nose. “I don’t know, guess the whole thing makes my romantic heart sing.”
“You trying to get me to feel sorry for you so I’ll open the package here?”
“That depends, is it working?”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Fine, take me to your backroom.”
Glettner threw a fist in the air and gestured to a door on the right. “Follow me, lover-boy.”
He grumbled but followed after the perky man. They weaved through the stacks of boxes and came across a desk. Glettner shoved a few papers to the side so Roy had a spot to put his package on. 
Roy set his box down and carefully ran the knife along the taped edges. He shifted through the newspaper that’d been carefully positioned around the gift. 
And what a gift it was. 
Nestled inside the box was a phone that was almost the exact one that’d sat on his old desk. He gently pulled it out of its protective paper. Now that he could see it fully he noted the wear on some of the parts. The rotary dial was a polished bronze and looked to be the newest piece on the phone. The body of the phone consisted of a few welded pieces of metal but the job was near seamless so unless Ed knew someone who could weld, he’d probably done it himself with alchemy.
He thumbed at the handset and couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face. It felt like the same metal as Ed’s new arm was made of and he knew Ed had made that choice on purpose. 
“They sent you a phone?” Glettner asked, interrupting Roy’s casual admiration of his gift. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s so we can call each other in case we don’t want to wait for the mail system to deliver our messages,” Roy explained. 
The other man turned his attention to him sharply. “So I won’t see you anymore?”
Roy shook his head. “No, you’ll still have to see me,” he nodded his head at the phone, “Even with a phone I won’t have a guaranteed connection with where I am, but it gives us the option if we…” He paused, his smile going from soft to joyful, “to hear each other’s voice.”
“Aw fuck,” Glettner sniffled, “you’ve got that mushy look on your face.”
Roy’s face closed off. “Better?”
The postman shook his head. “I think whatever you two are, it makes you better.” He rubbed at his nose and shrugged. “Take that as you will.”
Setting up the phone was relatively easy after he finagled a makeshift antenna to the roof of the cabin. He’d picked up a few pieces of scrap steel and transported his load back to his cabin. With a quick transmutation, he’d constructed an antenna that would ideally not break if the storms got bad. 
Ed had suggested he use steel in his letter and if he trusted anyone when it came to metal knowledge it’d be the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric.
He glanced over at the letter he’d set on the table and reread what Ed had written.
… Winry and Al pointed out to me that I could be calling you if I didn’t want to wait to get a letter. But when I asked Riza how to call you she told me you didn’t have one.
What kind of bullshit is that? I figure everyone has a phone but then you get relocated and haven’t bothered to get a phone in the two years you’ve been gone?
There's a large inkblot on the dot of his question mark as if Ed had paused to gather his thoughts but forgotten to pick up his pen.
 Sounds like you were in a bad place. 
Ed had always had a special gift of understanding why Roy did what he did. Even more so now that he'd matured more and had gone through a similar mindstate.
I get that. I’ve been there. But I’m taking away some of this forced isolation you’ve coveted for yourself. 
I’m not telling you that you have to start talking to people now that you have a phone, but try. You may have lost an eye, but you aren’t blind. And you have tons of people who care about you and I know you can see that so don’t keep shutting them out.
Like that. 
Everyone else had given him ample space to adjust to his vision change and his disillusionment of the government he'd put so much time and effort into. But that space became hard to contain and soon he'd pushed almost everyone behind the protective wall he'd crafted for himself. 
He needed someone to tell him that what he was doing couldn't-- nor should it-- continue. 
I’ve written everyone’s number down on the back of this letter just in case you forgot, old man. I hijacked the Rockbell’s landline so I can have a phone in my room. Feel free to call whenever after seven. 
I don't care if it's ass o'clock in the morning, call me if you need me or wanna talk or whatever. 
Talk to you soon, hopefully.
He didn't use the phone for a good three hours until the hands on the clock were just shy of eleven. He tried two fingers of scotch to help him sleep, but it left a smoky aftertaste in his mouth that brought up too many memories of being a walking crematorium. 
He finished spinning the dial and waited for the call to be picked up or ignored. It wasn’t that he thought Ed was lying about being able to call whenever, but Ed couldn’t guarantee he’d be by the phone at all times.
There was a click and then a familiar voice echoing through the receiver. “Rockbell Automail, the store hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. but if this is an emergency we’ll see what we can do,” Ed recited before continuing with a knowing tone, “Unless this is a certain soldier out in the middle of nowhere up North who received his package and decided to give me a call.”
Roy wasn’t one you would call a religious man, but he considered praying for patience. “Hello, Edward,” he conceded. 
“Fuck… holy fuck Roy,” Ed said with the sort of casual blasphemy only he would dare. There was a shuffling on the other end of the line. “You actually called.”
“Time hasn’t made you any less explicit,” Roy teased. He imagined a metal middle finger jerked at him in return. 
“It’s been what? A month?” Ed snorted, “If my cursing hasn’t changed since I was a kid then a month has no chance of changing it.”
He grinned and propped his head up with his hand. “You’re right about that.” He looked around the room for something to focus on, landing on Ed’s letter. “How are you?” The question came out softer than he’d like, but it’s what he meant.
Ed made a noncommittal noise. “It’s weird. The old lady and Winry keep treating me like I’m still a little kid. Maybe it’s because they didn’t get to see me grow up over the last two years. But they’re doing their best to adjust.”
Roy hummed in understanding. “It’s not dissimilar to a person coming back from deployment. They know the person who left, not necessarily the person who comes back.”
“Yeah, I guess… It’s still taking some getting used to. How come you didn’t treat me like I was the teen you last saw?”
“You’re a brat, but it was easy to see you’d changed.” That golden hair pulled back into a ponytail instead of his signature braid. The broad shoulders that filled out his brown trenchcoat and the bookish outfit underneath. He might mourn the loss of the man’s leather pants, but he looked every inch of the man he’d become. His thoughts made him brave. “You’ve become quite the looker, Ed.”
A sputter from the other line had Roy chuckling into his shoulder. It’s enchanting to hear Ed’s embarrassment over the phone and a longing yawned in his chest to see the ruby flush against the man’s cheeks. To see the way he’d turn incredulous eyes to gawk at Roy like he’d spoken gibberish. To see Ed fight the smile that’d reveal his teeth in joy instead of a threat.
He just wanted Ed. Here, with him. Or him with Ed. Together. 
Glettner was more aware of Roy’s feelings than he was.
“-up! I hope you’re not mocking me you ass,” Ed grumbleing finally making it through Roy’s thoughts. 
“I’m not mocking you, you really are beautiful.”
The line remained silent for a stretch and Roy wondered briefly if he’d pushed Ed a little too much. That he’d made the man uncomfortable with his sudden forwardness. 
“You look pretty good yourself,” Ed mumbled.
His heart skipped a beat in his chest and his cheeks grew warm. “Not much to look at compared to you,” Roy managed to say.
“Yeah, okay, sure,” the eye roll unmistakably tacked onto the statement. “I’m guessing you couldn’t sleep.”
“Couldn’t I have called you because I wanted to hear your voice?”
Ed actually laughed at that. “You could and I’m flattered, bastard, but I can hear the exhaustion in your voice.”
“Alright, yes I can’t sleep.” 
“What do you want me to do about that?”
What indeed. He already felt better after hearing Ed’s voice so perhaps more of that? “Tell me about your day.”
“As long as you're willing to pay anything the Rockbell’s might be charged for the long-distance call, I’ll talk all night.”
“Just until I fall asleep should do the trick.”
“Well get comfy and I’ll tell you about my return to city hall.”
Roy settled as comfortably as he could on his couch and closed his eyes, letting himself drift upon the lilts and steadiness of Ed’s voice. 
As they reach the two-month mark of their separation, Roy was getting antsy. His transfer back to Central seemed to be in a stalemate. Too much silence from both sides for Roy’s patience to tolerate. He already sent another letter to Ed to inform him that he still didn’t have a timeframe for his return. 
With no set date for his relocation, he got wrapped up in his thoughts. The snow bit angrily at his cheeks and he’d started moving his post office trips to every three days because he couldn’t get his body to plow through the snow. The cabin’s walls were thin and the flames fanned uselessly in the fireplace no matter how close Roy put himself to the heat source. 
Loneliness he’d been able to ignore for years was near intolerable now. He’d talked to his team, reconnected with Riza, or at least started mending the relationship that’d been damaged in the wake of Bradley’s defeat and the loss of his eye.
But ever since his realization during the phone call with Ed, nothing seemed to fill the Ed-sized space in his heart. He pondered on the feelings he’d developed for Ed, questioned why he loves him but only came up with Ed himself as the reason. 
He took a sip of his tea when he heard a knock on his door. 
The suddenness of the noise was enough to startle him into almost dropping his mug and he turned a wary eye to his door. He didn’t get visitors, not out here. The only time anyone had visited him it’d been about the strange phenomenon that ultimately led to Ed returning home to them. 
He doubted something that severe would pop-up again in such a short span of time, but stranger things had happened so he couldn’t rule out the possibility. 
Slipping on his gloves, he cautiously approached the door. He waited until he heard another knock before he openned the door, his fingers poised to snap.
And there’s Ed.
Snow and ice clung to his clothes and he noted that Ed’s trench coat seemed to now be lined with a fur of some kind. He took in Ed’s wind-chafed skin and red nose, saw the ice crystals that had attempted to attach themselves to his lashes. 
This couldn’t be real. He must’ve fallen asleep and he’s dreaming. He had to be. 
Except Ed was waving his hand obnoxiously in his face, grinning at him with the pride of a show dog. “You still in there or did I break you?” Ed asked.
He gaped uselessly at the figure that stood in front of him. “Ed?” He rasped, still not believing his eyes. 
“The one and only.” He tilted his head to the side, his smile going lazy. “Are you gonna make me stay out here much longer? Because I’m pretty sure my toes have fucking frozen off and I only have five. I really can’t lose them.”
Roy snapped his jaw shut with a click and stepped back to let Ed in. “Yeah, of course, come in.”
Ed blustered in with all the hesitation of a tornado, stripping out of his dripping coat and unwinding the scarf from around his neck, hanging both over his kitchen table. 
“Thank fuck you have a fireplace,” Ed grunted, holding both of his hands out towards the heat source. “If Winry and Granny hadn’t hooked me up with this new automail I would’ve really gotten frostbite.”
Roy nodded absent-mindedly, still stuck on the reality that Ed was here in his cabin. “How-How did you get here?”
Ed’s forehead furrowed. “Well after I took a train up here I asked around if anyone knew where I’d find a soldier with an eyepatch, the postman pointed me in the right direction.” He shrugged. “Then I walked here.”
He'd have to thank Glettner the next time he saw him. Or avoid him at all cost because the man was never going to let him live this down. He probably felt like he was some sort of matchmaker, guaranteeing Ed made it to him.
“Through all the snow?”
The man squinted at him. “Yes?” It came out as a question more than an answer. “Are you okay? You’re really stuck on this whole ‘Ed’s here with me’ thing.” 
And what’s he supposed to say to that? That he’s still convinced that this could only be a dream because this sort of thing doesn’t happen to him. “I just never expected you to come here.”
He gets a bemused expression from Ed for that. “Why not? I got your letter.” He huffed and lounged on his couch. “So they can’t even give you a date?”
He shook his head. “Not now, maybe in a week or two, I’ll get an answer from them.” Roy shuffled awkwardly for a moment trying to decide what to say. “Do you want some tea?”
Ed snorted, his nose crinkling. “I could go for some tea, but I’m fine with something stronger if you've got it.”
He cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms. “Don’t you mean if I’m feeling generous?”
“Nope,” Ed chimed.
“Let’s start with tea,” Roy snagged the only other mug he owned and poured Ed a cup, “get you warm first. After that?” He handed the mug to Ed who took it gratefully. “We’ll see about alcohol.”
Humming in agreement Ed took an aborted sip, cursing as the liquid scorched his tongue. “Fuck, dammit you could’ve warned me it was this hot,” Ed grumbled, glaring at his mug. 
“I didn’t know you were expecting cold tea.”
The jibes were gentle despite themselves and Roy felt the familiar contentment in his being that he’d been getting when he was with Ed in any capacity. Whether it’s a phone call or in-person or even in a letter. Ed remained a stained glass masterpiece in his heart.
They sat in campanionable silence. The flickering of the fireplace casted a red glow around the room except for Ed. Ed’s always an exception. Instead of the red overlay across Ed, he glowed gold. 
His skin -- tanned and scarred-- reminded Roy of wedding rings and sun-warmed bronze. His eyes of finely crafted jewelry and the lace-gold details in famous paintings from the west. And his hair. The finest silk, bundled into a ponytail that trailed to at least the bottom of his shoulder blades.
He desperately wanted to say something to hear more of Ed’s voice. A voice that had haunted his mind for the past two years. A desperation to take, take, take until he had all of Ed. 
“I didn’t get to say this before,” Ed said, finally breaking their silence. “But I’m a fan of the eyepatch.”
From anyone else, he would’ve ignored the comment, but Roy knew that Ed was being serious right now. “It was a necessity after Bradley got it,” Roy said, setting his cup down and bringing a hand to the patch. “It isn’t a pretty sight, even Hawkeye had trouble looking at it.”
“I doubt that,” Ed took another sip from his drink, “if anything she probably still feels guilty that you lost it at all.”
He made a noncommittal noise. “No one should feel guilty about this, I got it taking Bradley down. And I survived.”
“You did.” Ed grinned at him. “And I think the patch makes you look rugged.”
Roy snorted and quirked a brow at him. “Sure that’s not just from living out here for the past two years?”
Ed’s eyes rolled so hard that Roy’s surprised they didn’t just pop out of his skull. “You haven’t grown any stupid facial hair yet so I’d say it’s the patch.”
“You don’t think I’d look good with facial hair?”
The tips of Ed’s ears flushed. “I didn’t say that,” he mumbled, “I am saying you’d look god awful with a moustache.” 
There is a niggling temptation to grow one just to get on Ed's nerves but he pushed that thought aside. He heaved a dramatic sigh. "I suppose I'll refrain for now." 
Ed laughed and it reverberated through him with the warmth of an embrace. He wanted to bottle the noise up and tuck it into the spaces between his ribs. Roy couldn't remember the last time he felt this content.
The other man was still looking at him when he focused back on their conversation. "Can I see it?"
Roy’s face closed off and he shifted awkwardly on the couch. “You… you want to see it?” He clarified because surely he'd heard wrong.
Ed shrugged and scooted a little closer. “Why wouldn’t I?”
He asked like it should be obvious to Roy, but doesn’t comment on it. Roy couldn't bring himself to deny Ed something that Roy was readily willing to give. Wanted to give. And maybe there's a small part of him that wanted to show someone. To not have someone shy away from the topic. To look at all of him now and not who he was before. 
Maybe he didn't just leave Central because he wanted to still help his country through a corrupt system.
Maybe he was tired of hiding.
He reached his hand up towards the strings that held his eyepatch in place but hesitates. "Are you sure you want to see it?" He wondered if he would want to see it if this was someone else. He knew for sure that he’d want to see Ed. Roy swore to himself that he’d never hesitate to look at Ed’s scars, not a single one of them would be skipped by his eyes.
Ed's eyes softened and he moved himself closer to Roy. They were barely a foot away from the other, their knees knocking together. The solid press of Ed’s automail knee against his own was surprisingly grounding. He wonderd if anyone else felt this way about Ed’s prosthetic limbs.
Ed didn't hesitate when he cupped Roy's face with his metal hand. He expected the harsh metal to be icy to the touch – unlike his leg that was still covered by the thick material of Ed’s pants – but it was heat-licked by the fire. Roy couldn't help but lean into the touch with a pleased sigh.
Mirth twinkled in Ed's eyes like honeyed gold. He ran his thumb along the bottom edge of his eyepatch. "I'm sure."
I want to see you. That’s what Roy heard inbetween Ed’s words. It didn't need to be said. Ed had already proven his surety with his touch, but it comforted Roy to hear it all the same. 
The satin ties of his eyepatch were easy enough to undo after he loosened the knot and soon the patch was fluttering down into his lap. He kept the eye closed for now, letting Ed see the mess of scars from the enucleation and trauma from Bradley’s blade. He watched Ed’s face for any reaction through his good eye, watching as he took in his face as a whole.
The first brush of Ed’s metal hand on the scars had him letting out a shuddering breath. His heart was pounding erratically in his chest and he couldn’t stop his sudden panic. It’s just Ed. Edward was the only one here with him. It’s just them. Together. Here. Now and not then. This steel was warm and nothing like the biting edge of a blade.
A second hand joined the first, this one with calluses and worn nails that worked their way through his hair. Instantly, he found himself relaxing under the ministrations of Ed’s talented fingers. Losing time or just forgetting everything that wassn’t Edward Elric.
“Come on, lemme see those eyes of yours, Colonel Bastard,” Ed urged, his thumb teasing along Roy’s cheekbone.
Despite himself, Roy found himself smiling. “Not a colonel anymore, Fullmetal,” he reminded Ed, “and I only have one eye.”
“Not Fullmetal anymore, Roy.”
He could hear his name on Ed’s lips for the rest of his life and Roy would never stop feeling his heart skip a beat. “Ed.”
Slowly, he opened both of his eyes and went back to watching Ed’s face. The breath hitched in Ed’s lungs for only a second before it settled back to normal. Roy couldn’t blame him. The clear conformer that prevented his eyelid from collapsing into the socket gave a clear view of the hollow interior. He hadn’t bothered getting a prosthetic eye, not when he’d been out here by himself for so long. His doctors still weren’t sure when he would even be able to wear one given the damage done to his eyelid and ocular cavity.
Instead of the multitude of reactions that Roy had prepared himself for, Ed gave him a gentle smile and cupped his face with both hands. “There you are.”
“How do I look?” Roy asked as though he couldn’t see the way Ed looks at him.
Maybe he couldn’t, because there’s a touch of uncertainty to Roy’s question that he couldn’t write off. Whether it’s over the way the scars mar his handsome face or over what Ed might think about his appearance, Roy couldn’t decide.
“Like you can take on the world,” Ed said without hesitation.
Stealing himself, Roy closed the distance between them and sealed their mouths together. Ed’s lips are chapped from his journey through the snow, but warm and solid against his own. He didn’t intensify the kiss, keeping it chaste since Ed hadn’t started to kiss him back. 
Reluctantly, he pulled away from Ed trying to catch the younger man’s eyes. Did he ruin this? “Ed?”
“Kiss me again,” Ed ordered but didn’t bother waiting for Roy to act, instead grabbing two handfuls of his shirt and smashing their lips together.
It’s messy, too much tongue and their teeth clack painfully against each other like Ed wanted to devour him, but he dived right in. He took control of the kiss, guiding Ed’s lips to slide against his own at a more sedate pace. The corners of his mouth turned up when Ed sighed against his mouth, a near-silent moan escaping him. 
Roy trailed a hand up Ed’s back until he reached the end of the man’s ponytail. He wrapped the silken strands around his fingers and tugged lightly. Ed splayed his hands against the plains of his chest, releasing his shirt from his grasp. 
When he found himself desperate for oxygen, he pulled away once more. Ed made a displeased groan but sat back enough to stare at Roy.
The affection and happiness that sparkled in Ed’s eyes was overwhelming and he couldn’t help but tell Ed exactly how he felt. “I think I love you,” Roy whispered.
Ed smiled back at him, his lips kiss-bruised and tempting. “Why do you think I’m here, Roy?” 
He didn’t have to say it because Ed always showed you how he felt. So when Ed tilted his head back, Roy capitulates to the silent request, sealing their mouths together again.
A flame captured by the glint of gold and steel.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 3 years
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hi y’all! this is me showing you guys that i’m still writing even though i haven’t posted in a while... please please please send in requests of things you’d like me to write! i’m kinda stuck when it comes to thinking up oneshot ideas.
but anyway! i hope you enjoy this little chapter from my fic on wattpad called A Liar’s Funeral.
this is from corey taylor’s pov!
I shut the door to my black hand-me-down mustang, taking a deep breath and reminding myself that all of this is real. I adjust my black fedora before walking towards the dark green canopy where everyone else gathers. The mass of black is an obvious reminder of why we’re all here… As I grow closer I see many familiar faces in the crowd, all somber, some crying, some numb. Not surprising due to the situation.
I see Sid and Joey crying, eyes red and noses running. I don’t think I’ve ever seen either cry. And neither have dressed up this nicely for any other occasion. Joey’s hair is pulled back into a bun, red streaks contrasting with the crowd of black. Sid’s blonde mohawk is combed back neatly even though stray strands are beginning to stick out. Both wear crisp black suits, Sid has a yellow bow tie on and Joey adorns a yellow wristband, her favorite color… I quickly turn my head and look away, seeing the rest of the guys together in a group, talking quietly amongst each other. I join them slowly and they all greet me with pained looks. Paul pats me gently on the shoulder, wordlessly sharing his condolences.
I stand and listen in quietly on their resumed conversation. Shawn expresses his disbelief on the whole situation, Chris nodding and commenting with him. Mick looks off into the distance, almost as in a daze. More than likely consumed with his thoughts. Jim crosses his arms, trying to make his giant self any smaller. Craig eyes dart around the crowd, obviously taking in everything. Not once daring to look in the direction of her casket.
A woman in her mid thirties comes around, handing out a singular yellow Daylily to each of us along with a memorial card. On the front in white cursive lettering it reads “In Loving Memory, Dehlila Carey.” Her smiling picture just below. Her black hair cascades down her shoulders and out of frame. She wears a black top with a high neckline, one I remember very well. She’d always wear it for special occasions, this picture obviously being one of them. A cross necklace hangs from her neck, an item with a long story that she’d make sure to tell everyone. Strong eyeliner brings her sky blue eyes out and her pale cheeks are dusted pink. This picture makes me remember all the happy times together. I hear her laughter ring out in my ears. I miss her already.
I open the card slowly seeing a verse from the bible.
“Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” - Luke 23:43
She was never religious. I know her mother put that there. The wretched woman who made her end up this way. Gone forever, about to be buried in the ground. The amount of resentment I have for her grows each second I look at the verse. I close the card, staring at her smiling eyes once more.
I tear my eyes away when the funeral director begins speaking. “We gather here today to mourn the loss of Dehlila Carey. A bright girl with an even brighter future. A light extinguished too quickly.” He continues going on about her and her admirable traits. I stand listening for what seems like hours, flooded with even more sorrow with each person getting up to tell their bright stories with her. Before I knew it, Sid and Joey had spoken, nudging me to go next. I didn’t want to, not at all. But I had promised I’d speak. I take a deep breath before waking up to the front.
“Dehlila was a wonderful girlfriend, we’d spend hours together, telling jokes, listening to music, driving around…” I pause to make sure I stay together. I feel myself falling apart, all the walls I’ve put up are slowly cracking… I continue regardless.
“Even though we’d only been together half a year, she was the light of my life. A woman I could spend every single waking moment with. I knew she was struggling, even with every fake smile and excuse she could come up with I knew she was in pain. I wanted to help her so badly but I never knew how… Even with all my makeshift efforts it wasn’t enough.” I feel a tear drip down my face. “She was the one wonderful thing I had left and now she’s gone… But even if she isn’t here with us today, she will be in everyone’s hearts and minds. The lessons she has taught me will stay with me forever, and for that I am thankful.” I bow my head, trying to conceal each tear that dares to fall as I walk back to the guys, all of them lightly patting me on the shoulders.
The funeral director continues talking, inviting everyone to say a prayer, which I don’t take part in. I know Lila wouldn’t want me to pray for her.
“Everyone may now come up and pay your final respects.” The funeral director says before stepping away.
A line slowly forms, Lila’s mother first, family and friends next, Sid and Joey in front of me. and myself last. Everyone is in tears as they bow their heads to her, giving their final goodbyes. The fall brisk wind brushes my hair and runs a chill down my spine. Joey and Sid leave a letter in her casket, containing words only they would know. They move on quickly, leaving me as the last one. My breath catches in my throat when I see her. I refused to cry but the sight of her makes everything crumble. I sob as I walk closer, running my thumb over her cheek.
She’s sheet white, her lips painted crimson red and her makeup black and shimmery. Her black hair is curled and placed around her, framing her delicate face beautifully. I wipe my eyes hastily even though tears continue falling. I place my flower in her hands that lay on her stomach.
“I’m so sorry…” I whisper.
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