#but this thread was on the dev tracker...
sangfielle · 5 months
i love to join a site and then just get irritated by half of the userbase that i see
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saltminerising · 1 year
I haven't seen a single person complaining about the new NPC just because they're fat & black. I've literally only seen people pointing out how uncomfortable/anatomically off the pose looks. Who are we getting mad at
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gatorcake · 4 months
WTF was even bugged with paisley? bffr about it. I know what they changed but what was bugged because it seems to me they released the gene fully finished one way, with intention (the shine on the darker layer was clearly intended to tie into fern) and then altered it with no warning outside the bug forum. Which you wouldn't fucking be looking at because the gene didn't look broken.
They completely redrew fern as well and replaced the scale-contouring highlight with a squiggle.
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enteragoodnamehere · 7 months
so are the fr devs just. not gonna respond.
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ctrlsugar · 6 months
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below is a guide for the channels, as well as tips and tricks for using this template and a few recommendations for bots. ( link & image heavy )
NOTE: this is an outdated template, and is not the server i currently use - if you would like to see an updated version of this ( my roleplay group or 1x1 roleplay servers, or others ), please let me know!!
GET THE SERVER | FREE ( tips appreciated !! )
tupperbox ( for proxying your muses for discord roleplay )
writerbot ( for writing sprints, goals & prompts )
reminder ( for reminders / birthday updates )
threadtracker ( for tracking threads on discord )
messletters ( for fancy text )
this entire tag by @dayslily ( for discord tips & tricks )
turn on community for the forum features ( linked to tutorial )
ooc : updates / generally in large community servers you can subscribe to get updates sent to you personal server, this is a good place to send them. alternatively, you can utilize webhooks to send your tumblr notifications to your discord server in this channel. ( see tutorial here ).
ooc : emails / i use this channel to keep track of my logins for various tumblr blogs and other websites.
ooc : reminders / using a bot, i set this channel to have reminders for various things, such as personal reminders, roleplay to do list and even character & partner birthdays
ooc : todolist / you could use a bot, or just manually update this channel with your current todolist.
ooc : drafts / i will occasional leave drafts to replies here so i can come back for them at a later point
bot : writing / my preferred bot for this is writer bot - linked above, i use this channel to set/check my goals, set up writing sprints, and occasionally get prompts for writing.
bot : tupperbox / i like to set up all my tuppers in privacy, so i find having my own sever with a channel makes it easy to change my avatar and other tupper information quick and also to test them without spamming a group tupper channel. ( tupperbox - linked above )
bot : reminders / i will often set up a channel for reminders because i'm super forgetful and having a reminder bot helps me get to tasks in a timely manner ( when i remember to set up the bot!! lol ) ( reminder bot - linked above )
bot : tracker / i'm not sure if this tracker has the function to work cross server yet, you'd have to check with the makers on their github, but this is great for 1x1 and group servers. ( thread tracker - linked above )
dev : names / a channel to store ideas for muse names, etomology, etc
dev : prompts / a channel to store ask memes, character & writing prompts, etc
dev : inspiration / a channel to store character/muse inspiration, photos, videos, posts, even just a list of words/aesthetics, etc
dev : brainstorm / a place to spitball ideas for new muses and/or plots, i like to utilize the voice message feature here and just talk out my ideas so i can listen back to them later when incorporating them into a new muse.
dev : headcanons / a channel to store headcanons ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate the headcanons into posts for each muse : see image below for example ).
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dev : faces / a channel to store resources for you muse face claims, i would store social media posts, photoshoots, gif set links, etc ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate the faces into posts for each face claim : see image below for example ).
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rp : masterlist / a channel to host your own character masterlist, you can format this however you like, or even use forums - you could link to other channels in the muse category.
rp : plots / a channel to post links and ideas for plots wanted for muses and roleplay groups.
rp : wishlist / a channel to post roleplay wishlist items, links, ideas, etc
rp : promotions / a channel to post links for roleplay promotions either to your own groups or groups that you'd like to keep an eye on.
rp : groups / i use this channel to store the links to my current roleplay groups, links to the main blog, any relevant sideblogs, as well as a list of muses i currently have active within them.
rp : partners / helpful for storing a list of mains (for indies), with names, pronouns, links to rules, muses, etc - or for 1x1 lists of partners.
all of these are pretty self explanatory, you can store resources you use for tumblr and other types of roleplay in these channels, gifs, icons, templates, themes, etc.
muse : name / you can basically store your muse information, biographies, links to blogs, musings, edits, and whatever else you like. ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate items into posts : see image below for example )
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ship : name • name / similarly to the muse section, you can store your ship dynamic and details here, links to you partner's blog, ship tag, edits, headcanons, etc ( if utilizing the community feature, you could make this a forum and separate items into posts : see image below for example )
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b0tster · 1 year
Working on the win state of the Mensis boss fight for today's Bloodborne Kart dev thread!
I disabled the distance tracker and respawns for Micolash, stopped the pre-recorded drive data (as it was still scooting his pawn down the track on death), added the 'Prey Slaughtered' title and also granted some echoes at the end.
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888-fr · 8 months
Tbh my biggest problem with the uproar is how sone people are pissed or freaking out when, I’m pretty damn sure staff is gonna try their best to get something set up that can serve the same function as some of the more complicated pinglists. Because GASP and specific dragon collectors drive a ton of gem sales.
Which, the first thing they have to change about their system for that is making it so people can choose to make their pinglists usable by other people. Other than that it gets a bit complicated and is probably best to discuss with people who run the current off site lists.
Well, that's my point. It's within people's rights to freak out or be pissed because staff didn't say till much later that they're hearing the concerns, and will be looking for ways to integrate user tool functionality into FR. By that time the damage had already been done, especially since the actual news post itself was never edited to reflect this. (Remember, replies to suggestions posts don't show up in dev tracker! Not sure why that is, but people could have missed the whole discussion going on in the Dominance Leader Suggestions thread.)
I don't blame people for being wary of how staff will try to implement the same functionality into site. They've given off the impression that they never quite understood how and why people use off site tools, and afaik they've never directly worked with specific users to discuss site feature implementations either. (I'm thinking about how Aequorin replied to the GASP thread in 2016 to say 'hey guys! you don't need to use GASP anymore, we've brought back forum thread subscriptions!' It showed a clear lack of understanding of what GASP was meant to do in the first place.)
It's very possible whatever compromise we end up with is not going to meet people's needs at all, but it's going to be ages before they implement it/retire mass pings in the first place. All we can do is hope they're taking steps in the right direction. I don't blame people for worrying about it in the meantime.
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sandwormrp · 2 months
Opening Day: May 10th
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One more week before we officially open!
I'm most excited to be able to pick up the canons I want to play and see what others will do with the same canons! I think the variety will be really cool. I have a couple of OCs in my back pocket which I plan to pull out too!
What about you? What are you looking forward to the most?
We're now on Discord! Come say hello!
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With no character applications, joining will be super simple. On May 10th, here's what you'll need to do:
• Register your nickname on the forum, this will be the only account you need. • Once registered, click on UCP (User Control Panel) and fill out the user profile fields. • Join the discord server and bask in the welcomes • Post up in #introductions! Staff will create a development board for you.
That’s it! You’re in! *kazoo noises*
Use your dev board to create character apps, moodboards, playlists (if you so wish), set up your own timelines or thread trackers. Lay it out however you want. You do you!
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If you want to be tagged on opening day, leave a like/comment/emoji
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windermeres · 2 years
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Almost done!! Profile in normal and mobile view, with automatic participated threads tracker and character details (entire second tab) that get pulled from a dev thread. Pop-up multi-char automatic thread tracker. Sortable and filterable isotope member list. Aka I haven’t slept much this past week, lol.
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skyescodes · 1 year
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Slowly making a little bit more progress on revamping this skin. I’ve been going back and forth with what I wanted to do with the Main Profile for a few weeks now and this is what I eventually settled on.
The OOC main profile will have all of a user’s sub-accounts listed and provide links to those profiles.
The IC main profile is a Profile App with basics, freeform, and relationships tabs. There is also a built-in tracker that is separated into threads, comms, and dev. If a user doesn’t have any comms or dev threads, that tab will be hidden [not shown in video]. Like the rest of the skin, it is responsive to be mobile friendly.
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hxdrostorms · 1 year
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Est. 2023
𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 & 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 Mainly writes in English. Mas eu posso escrever em PT-Br, se preferir! Medium to low-activity Follows back from Vanillahub Stuck with beta-editor + Xkit Rewritten Affiliates: Hades-Kami (Kanon), Acquarius-saint (Milo) Very selective and picky with crossovers! Sorry, I don't know a whole lot of other franchises outside of the ones I'm already RPing in! Mainly RPs on Discord, tumblr takes the backseat.
Credits: PSDs used on my header, icons and banners made by Jaynedits! Banner inspo
𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠: Castlevania and Saint Seiya Promo (01/02) Interest checker (Mutuals & non mutuals can fill it out!) art used can be found here!
@ non RP blogs that stumble upon my posts: Hello there, I see you guys! I see that my posts are showing up in the characters’ main tags, as a result of the way I’ve made my tags in combination with how Tumblr’s search system now functions! Unfortunately, there isn’t anything I can do about it. While I don’t mind you guys seeing/liking the things I put out, or even following me for that matter. All I ask is for you to not reblog my posts, in fact, I’d much rather if you guys just straight up blocked me. Also for the love of everything, keep your rude messages to yourself, anything of that nature will be deleted on sight! I’m not here to waste my time on some mindless discourse, I’m not interested in hearing how much you disagree with my takes or how it diverges from the canon or the popular fanons.
I'm very much against the use of AI, in any shape or form in RP. Don't feed my writing/HCs to AI for the purpose of creating bots around them. I want NOTHING to do with people who use it, or create character bots. As it currently stands, this technology runs off scraping ppl's works, unethically and without any form of compensation for the rightful authors. If I find out you are somehow, feeding my things to create character bots. I will have no qualms in exposing your shit publicly.
**THIS IS A 20+ YEARS OLD BLOG** (due to a wide variety of subjects  that aren’t suitable for minors. IDC how close you’re to your birthday, you have to at least be 18 years old to follow my blogs). MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS WILL BE SOFTBLOCKED, REFOLLOWING ME WILL LEAD INTO BLOCKING. I WILL ONLY WRITE WITH AND FOLLOW +20 y/o MUNS.
**This is mandatory**: You must have a rules page/doc/whatever. If you don’t have one set up, then I won’t even bother with your blog.
While Idc when ppl reblog musings/aesthetics/etc from me, the same can't be said about rp prompts. Kindly, don't reblog rp prompts from me without sending something back, first! I'll contact mutuals to not do that, but I have 0 tolerance when it comes to non-mutuals.
Here’s my threads tracker! (please consider supporting the dev’s work on patreon!)
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saltminerising · 2 years
I was wondering what everyone was talking about when they say that people were making a fuss over the mannequins until I checked the dev tracker and looked through a thread the devs posted on. Wow.
I agree that the previous look for the mannequins were too bright and I'm glad they fixed that - even though I wish they kept the neutral colors, but some comments were gross themselves. "Why would you do this?!" and "Gross" were totally unnecessary to say.
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Old vs new (before fix)
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furfcozy · 2 years
discord adding a "forums" feature is fucking maddening
because mod makers, indie devs, and other tech communities needed yet another excuse to "just use discord" as a replacement for forums, wikis, and other open-ended community sites
friendly reminder: nobody wants to join your discord server because they want to, they join it because they have to
it's bad because you literally remove the ability to search for solutions to problems or discussions in general by hiding your community behind a private discord that requires a link to view. instead of people getting their questions answered immediately in a public discussion thread that already discusses the problem, people have to either hunt down your discord server link or ask where to find it and pray someone answers
search engines can't index discord servers, you swines
nobody wants to have to scour through 2 dozen channels to find the solution to their problem in an outdated pinned comment made 7 months ago while you ping @everyone to do a shitty anime watch-along and get mad at people for asking questions you already answered a billion times
if you want a chatroom, that's fine, but do not use discord to host your entire fucking community
discord is not a replacement for a download page discord is not a replacement for a wiki discord is not a replacement for a forum discord is not a replacement for a FAQ page discord is not a replacement for a bug tracker discord is not a replacement for a github discord is not a replacement for a subreddit discord is not anything but a chatroom, please fucking act like it and host your community resources elsewhere
thank you
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merveiilles · 2 years
// ohhh~ thread tracker got a UI update. :3 small tweaks. but newish look nonetheless. Looks great, devs!
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healbellls · 1 year
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𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 & 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
♛ 𝑬𝒔𝒕. 2023 Follows back from Vanillahub Low-activity Stuck with beta-editor + Xkit Rewritten
Mainly RPs on Discord, tumblr takes the backseat.
Credits: PSDs used on my header, icons and banner made by Jaynedits! Banner inspo
Interest checker
Muses originally from several old blogs in the PokeRPC: Forgxtemall, Forgxtmxnot, Heartbxnd, Bxrryjxn, Dreiiikxn, etc. Some of these muses date as back as 2017!
@ non RP blogs that stumble upon my posts: Hello there, I see you guys! I see that my posts are showing up in the characters’ main tags, as a result of the way I’ve made my tags in combination with how Tumblr’s search system now functions! Unfortunately, there isn’t anything I can do about it. While I don’t mind you guys seeing/liking the things I put out, or even following me for that matter. All I ask is for you to not reblog my posts, in fact, I’d much rather if you guys just straight up blocked me. Also for the love of everything, keep your rude messages to yourself, anything of that nature will be deleted on sight! I’m not here to waste my time on some mindless discourse, I’m not interested in hearing how much you disagree with my takes or how it diverges from the canon or the popular fanons.
I'm very much against the use of AI, in any shape or form in RP. Don't feed my writing/HCs to AI for the purpose of creating bots around them. I want NOTHING to do with people who use it, or create character bots. As it currently stands, this technology runs off scraping ppl's works, unethically and without any form of compensation for the rightful authors. If I find out you are somehow, feeding my things to create character bots. I will have no qualms in exposing your shit publicly.
**THIS IS A 20+ YEARS OLD BLOG** (due to a wide variety of subjects  that aren’t suitable for minors. IDC how close you’re to your birthday, you have to be at least 18 years old to follow my blogs). MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS WILL BE SOFTBLOCKED, REFOLLOWING ME WILL LEAD INTO BLOCKING. I WILL ONLY WRITE WITH AND FOLLOW +20 y/o MUNS.
**I am NOT Pokemon IRL/unreality types of blogs friendly.** Following is fine, chatting OOC is fine, but don't try to engage IC with my muses.
**This is mandatory**: You must have a rules page/doc/whatever. If you don’t have one set up, then I won’t even bother with your blog.
Here’s my threads tracker! (please consider supporting the dev’s work on patreon!)
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
So remember that stuff about how we were going to be able to switch combat styles? Sorry. Not for existing toons. Only brand new ones. Although if you're a subscriber you can pick a second advanced class set of abilities. I suppose you could play with that only but it does mean you have to sub to do it, and it also means you will never be able to lose your existing first combat style even if you'd hoped to do so. Damn it. The one thing that actually seemed universally positive about 7.0 - before the abilities were pruned - was the possibility of switching combat styles for characters. Say it with me: this deal is getting worse all the time.
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Caption: Originally Posted by JackieKo
Hi all,
For transparency and context for those who are reading the dev tracker only, the choosing your Combat Style for existing characters text being referenced in this thread is from the Separating Story and Gameplay article that was published a while go.
There's been an update to this. We originally planned to allow players to switch their primary combat style with existing characters upon loading up 7.0, unfortunately we discovered some technical hurdles that will prevent us from supporting that. So upon login, existing characters will maintain their existing Advanced Class, which will be converted into their first Combat Style. And eligible players will still be free to choose their second Combat Style.
The original article has been updated to reflect this.
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