#but those were lessons learned and now she knows when to run for good
"Him guilting Ladybug into staying quiet is why Lila is able to maintain her power for 4 more seasons."
I mean, I would blame more the writers for taking way too long to have Adrien realize his advice was bad.
(Post the quote is from)
Reminder that I am never actually blaming the characters, they are not real people. That's why this is explicitly a writing blog. In the context of the writing, yes, the pacing of everything Lila was terrible and is the real source of the issues. That doesn't change the fact that Adrien is the main narrative tool used to keep Marinette in line, thus me "blaming" him.
As you said, Adrien looks bad here not because he didn't understand how to handle the situation and gave bad advice, but because it takes him so long to realize that his advice was bad and apologize.
During Lila's first appearance, we see Adrien chastises Ladybug for being too mean to Lila, never once acknowledging that it was valid for Ladybug to be upset (S1E26). She is painted as fully in the wrong even though Lila was actively manipulating him and Ladybug arguably protected him here:
Adrien: Wait! Lila! (Lila runs away) Hey, what was that all about? Uh, I mean, weren't you kinda harsh with her? Ladybug: I...I don't put up with lies, especially when they're about me. (yo-yos away)
During Lila's second appearance (or, at least her second appearance where she actually interacts with the cast) he further drives that message home by telling Marinette to let Lila lie to people because he's more worried about hurting Lila's feelings than he is about removing Lila's power (S3E01):
Adrien: Are you going to tell everyone? Marinette: 'Course I am. Lila is— Adrien: (interrupting) A liar. Yes, I know. But do you really think exposing her will make things better? If you humiliate her, she'll just be hurt more. Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy. Lila: Ladybug and I are like two peas in a pod. Marinette: So we just stand by and let her lie? Adrien: As long as you and I both know the truth, does it really matter? Marinette: You're right, maybe it's not such a big deal.
We'll circle back to how terrible this advice was in a second. First lets finish off going through the sequence of events.
And finally, at the tail end of season five, Adrien openly acknowledges that he's been giving terrible advice (S5E20):
Adrien: I'm sorry, Marinette. I was wrong. I shouldn't have told you to not act against Lila. If you give the slightest opportunity to people like her, they'll grasp at it and cause disasters in no time. And now, you're the one who looks like a bad person. Marinette: (reaches out to hold his hand beside her) You thought you were doing the right thing. Just like with Chloe. That's another reason why I love you, Adrien. You always want to see the good in other people. But sometimes, the good we think we see in some people is just a reflection of our own, and we end up being fooled by our own kindness. (They squeeze each other's hands.) But we'll find a way to expose Lila eventually.
If we look at these three moments in a vacuum, this is honestly a good character arc for a character like Adrien. He's a peace keeper, which is a wonderful match to Marinette's blind justice approach. It's good that Adrien is there to balance her out! It's also good for him to learn that his approach doesn't always work and that you can't always keep the peace.
The problem is that Adrien didn't actually get a functional character arc where he learned those lessons. The episodes are so drawn out that it doesn't feel like we watch him grow and learn. His apology is almost three full seasons after his second bit of bad advice, leaving us to wonder when he changed his mind because Lila does a lot of awful things during those three seasons. What moment made him realize that he was in the wrong here? We don't know, so this feels less like growth and more like the writers throwing in a scene to shut up fans who were still complaining about Adrien's terrible advice even though it had been four real world years since he actually gave it.
There's also the issue that Adrien tells Marinette, "making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy." This line implies that Adrien's goal is to help Lila change. The problem is that we never see him do that. He doesn't try to help Lila. The most we get is him making a deal with Lila to protect Marinette, but that's not him helping Lila change. He doesn't approach that conversation as if he's trying to help Lila see that what she did was wrong. He approaches it as if he knows that she won't change. It's less trying to make Lila a better person and more a deal with the devil:
Adrien: (sits next to Lila) I warned you once already, Lila, but you didn't listen. You hurt my friend Marinette, and that's not okay. Lila: Me? Hurting Marinette? But she's the one who- Adrien: I don't know how to prove you lied, Lila, because you're good at it. So you'll just have to come up with another lie, just as convincing. Only this time it's gonna prove Marinette's innocent. Lila: Why would I do that, Adrien? Adrien: Because we're friends, aren't we?
Minor Chloe rant incoming:
This is yet another situation where it would be so much better for the show if Adrien had actually done something to help Chloe change and succeeded. If he did that, thought it was a good path for everyone, and then tried to do the same thing for Lila, then this could have been a really great way to set him up for dealing with his dad. To teach him that you can only help people who want to be better without having everyone he tries to help stay "evil" as that's pretty depressing. As-is, we've literally seen him say that Chloe will never change so why does he believe that Lila can change? They're not portraying him as an optimist, they're portraying him as delusional. Terrible writing. Zero stars.
Rant over.
By the way, the above quote was the 24th episode of season three, roughly two seasons before Adrien's apology to Marinette. If he's viewing Lila as the devil here, then this should be where we get that apology. Or Adrien should approach this as him trying to make Lila better and Lila should play along, making Adrien think that he's right and that he's helping her change. Either approach would be better than the nonsense canon gave us.
In a well written show, this would all go down over the course of a single season or even just a few episodes. As-is, the season five apology feels like too little too late. What little kid is going to be able to follow this "character arc" and learn the lesson that Adrien maybe sort of learned? Casual viewers will likely not even remember that Adrien gave Marinette bad advice back at the start of season three because why would they? This is not how you do a good subplot. It's almost as drawn out as the Gabriel plot and that's insane! A subplot is supposed to be a short story within the story so that things feel like they're moving forward.
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taylortruther · 6 months
the bolter, like an animal that learns to run from real danger: us traitors never win and i was a flight risk with a fear of falling, i jump from the train, i ride off alone and you wouldn’t be the first renegade to need somebody and i’ll make myself at home and he’ll want me to stay but i never had the courage of my convictions as long as danger is near and it's just around the corner, darling, because it lives in me, nothing lasts forever… and i took your matches before fire could catch me, i’m the wind in our free-flowing sails and i gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all, then wondered why i left and the bravest thing i ever did was run and believe me, i could do it
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p4p1l0nn · 5 days
stress by day, spidey by night.
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aus. spidey!mark, enemies to (?), etc. wc: 2.6k
pairing: mark lee x bartender!reader
content warning: 18+ wall sex, missionary, dom!mark, hookups, cunnilingus, etc, mdni.
notes. this isn’t my usual writing, but — spider!mark just hits a spot in my brain i didn’t know needed scratching.
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mark lee pisses you off.
working at a bar that’s constantly packed, especially at night, is tough enough on its own. the music is always pounding, customers are shouting orders, and the place has an electric buzz that never seems to die down. it's the kind of chaos that could make anyone lose their mind. but having an enemy in your workplace? that makes it tough.
“you forgot the lime garnish again,” mark mutters under his breath, voice barely cutting through the noise of the bar. he doesn’t even bother looking at you when he says it, his focus already on the next customer.
you gritted your teeth, biting back the urge to snap at him. “i’ll fix it,” you mumble, more to yourself than to him.
this is how it’s been for months now. ever since you started, it’s been the same routine. being the newbie, you were warned that people would walk all over you at first, and sure enough, they did. it didn’t help that this bar was notorious for its high standards, and the other staff—most of whom had been there for years—weren’t exactly welcoming.
you’d overheard them a few times. “she won’t last long,” someone had said on your first week. “give it a month.”
for the first few months, you were treated like you didn’t belong. every mistake was called out, every misstep made you feel like you were in the way. you knew it was just how things worked—the new kid was always the target.
but you weren’t just anyone. you learned fast. every mistake you made, you used it as a lesson, and you improved. slowly, you earned your place. now, people trusted you to handle the rush, to mix drinks without screwing up, to keep your cool even when the line was three rows deep.
everyone except him.
mark was the only one who never gave you a break. even when you’d earned the respect of the rest of the staff, even when they stopped side-eyeing you and started treating you like one of them, the bartender never let up.
your first day at the bar was the start of this ongoing tension. johnny, the manager, had introduced you with a sense of forced cheerfulness.
“y/n, this is mark. mark, this is y/n. you two will be working the same station, so try to get along.” johnny’s tone was light, but there was an underlying edge that hinted at a deeper layer to the introduction.
he continued, “mark’s been here longer than anyone else. he’s the best when it comes to pouring liquor.” johnny’s gaze briefly shifted to mark, who stood there with a smirk that made it clear he knew exactly how good he was. it was a look that said he enjoyed the attention and the power that came with his experience.
“he’s good and he knows it,” johnny added, with a note of caution in his voice. it was as if he was warning you to brace yourself for the attitude that came with mark’s skills.
johnny didn’t linger. he left you with the bartender, who seemed to take johnny’s departure as an opportunity to assert his dominance.
“so, new kid,” mark had said, “first lesson of the day: start by washing those. we don't like dirty glasses around here.” he gestured dismissively towards the sink.
from that moment, mark made it clear he wasn’t just a colleague—he was your adversary.
and tonight was no different. it was another long and exhausting week at your boring job. you’d spent the last few days running on nothing but caffeine and pure willpower, and tonight wasn’t much better. the rush had been brutal—the kind of night where time dragged on, and you wondered if you’d make it to the end of your shift without collapsing.
luckily for you, it was friday, and there were only a few minutes left before your shift finally ended. you were practically counting down the seconds as you wiped down the last few glasses, your mind already drifting to the thought of getting home, crashing in bed, and forgetting this place for a while.
you packed up your station, double-checked that everything was in place, and exhaled, feeling that brief moment of relief when you know the end is near. your bag was already slung over your shoulder, the night almost behind you.
but as you turned to head out, your stomach dropped. because, of course, the last person you wanted to see swings right past you.
mark lee.
he’s bringing in a dolly stacked with a box of liquor when he walks in, and all you can do is pray that it’s not your responsibility and that he’s here to either wish you a good night or, if nothing else, to bother you in some other way.
but of course, that’s not the case. he parks the dolly next to your station. “it’s your turn to restock these baddies, kitten.” he says, his voice cold and dismissive.
you stared at him in disbelief. “are you serious? my shift ended like minutes ago. maybe you should handle it since you’re going to be here for the next hour.” you try to keep your voice steady, but the exhaustion and irritation make it hard.
mark’s expression doesn’t waver. “apparently, i’m not the one who decides these things. you’re here, so you deal with it.”
there he was again, being a dick just because he could. mark gave you a fake smile, a thin veneer of politeness over his usual smirk. “have a good night, kitten,”
it wasn’t a big deal, really. it wasn’t supposed to be. but mark made it difficult. maybe he was having another one of his mood swings, taking it out on you for reasons you didn’t understand. working meant following orders, and apparently, mark’s seniority card came with extra privileges. bullshit, in your opinion.
and it wasn't meant to be personal. at the end of the day, you’d finish up with your coworkers, share a post-shift drink—what they called a way to unwind—and forget about the crazy day. but the bartender never joined in, and it seemed he wouldn’t be joining tonight’s beer either. he had another hour to break down the bar before his shift was officially over, and you doubted he’d be interested in socializing afterward.
defeated, you grabbed the dolly and started unpacking the bottles.
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an hour had passed since you and your coworkers finished your drinks and said your goodbyes. mark had wrapped up his shift earlier than expected, even though you were still busy restocking, and left the bar before you did—so unusual of him.
now back home, you had just finished your shower and were relaxing in your comfortable sleepwear when a sudden noise at the window caught your attention. you turned around, and there, framed against the city lights, was a familiar figure.
it was your friendly neighborhood spiderman.
in any other situation, you might have wondered why your city’s protector was showing up at your apartment window. but tonight, the reason was clear. you got up, opened the window, and let him slip inside.
“thank god you’re here,” you said, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. “i’ve been so stressed by that grumpy old man at work. i’m at my wit's end with him.”
the masked hero chuckled softly, his voice carrying a comforting tone. “looks like i’ve arrived just in time, then.” his deep voice, though muffled by the mask, still managed to soothe you. he reached out, brushing a hand lightly against your cheek in a gesture that was both tender and reassuring.
without a word, he picked you up with surprising ease and gently set you down on your bed.
“did you miss me, spidey?” you watched as he lifted the edge of his mask just enough to show his mouth. noticing your pout, he brushed a soft kiss against your cheek. “i know you want to see my face, but i can't take this off.” his tone was apologetic, though firm.
you nodded, accepting his boundary. when you both began this arrangement, he’d been clear about keeping his mask on. as much as you were curious about the person behind it, you respected his wishes.
he focused on you, sliding off your shorts with a mix of eagerness and tenderness. “i’ve been thinking about this all week,” he said, his voice low and filled with anticipation. “can i?” he glanced up at you, his eyes full of a quiet desperation.
“yes, please. do whatever you want,” you replied softly, your voice barely a whisper but full of trust.
after receiving your soft, eager consent, the masked hero began to explore with his tongue. he traced a slow, deliberate path up your folds, causing you to shiver. with a mix of frustration and desire, he revealed the mess between your legs, his breath warm against your sensitive skin. he pressed a gentle kiss to your clit before diving in, his tongue moving with a hungry urgency, as though he had been deprived for too long.
the sensation of his tongue made you writhe with pleasure on the bed, and soon, he had to hold your legs down to keep you from squirming too much.
“just like that,” you gasped, your voice thick with pleasure. a moan escaped you when he reluctantly pulled away, leaving you even wetter. he leaned in to kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. “i’m so hard for you, princess,” he murmured, his breath hot against your face.
as you caught your breath, you watched as he pressed a button on his watch. the suit’s complex fabric deactivated with a soft hiss, and he shed it completely. now, he was fully naked except for the mask still covering his face.
you felt the heat of his length pressing against your stomach as he loomed above you.  “it’s almost impossible to focus with you here, looking so perfect,” he murmured, “you’re bad for me, you know that?” he slipped a finger inside you, feeling the warmth and slickness.
the touch made you moan, your breath hitching. he held your face gently but with a commanding grip. “tell me you know you’re trouble,” he said, his gaze fierce and unrelenting.
“i-i’m trouble, spidey. i could get you into so much trouble,” you panted, struggling to keep up with the rhythm of his finger. his touch was almost unbearable, heightening your need for him to be inside you completely.
“is my princess ready to get her brain fucked?” he asked, his voice thick with anticipation. you nodded, eager and ready. he withdrew his fingers from you and reached for the condoms on your nightstand. he rolled one down his throbbing length, which was slick with pre-cum.
before he entered you, he paused and looked at you with a pleading gaze. “let me take you raw, please,” he said, desperation clear in his voice. the request was tempting, but you shook your head.
“no. we’ve discussed this. it’s not worth the risk.” you replied firmly, despite the part of you that wanted to give in. he sighed, clearly disappointed, but complied.
with a grunt of resignation, he aligned himself with your entrance and pushed into you. the initial stretch made you gasp, and he barely gave you a moment to adjust before pulling almost all the way out and slamming back in. the intense feeling left you breathless, your vision blurring with the sudden rush of pleasure.
“fuck princess, try to stop clenching so tight,” spiderman grunted, his hands gripping your waist tightly. he thrust into you with steady, powerful movements, using your body to get himself deeper. his thumb rubbed your clit, pushing you closer to the edge.
his words came out in rough, breathless gasps. you could barely understand him over your own moans and the intense feeling of him inside you. everything was a blur of heat and pleasure, making you lose track of time and sense.
the masked man suddenly pulled out of you, lifting you up and pressing your back against the bedroom door. your heart raced at the unexpected shift. fuck, this is hot, you thought. you tried to voice your concern, “what if i—”
he cut you off with a kiss. “you’re not going to fall, trust me.” he said, his voice soothing yet determined. he resumed his movements, his thrusts forceful and deep. “wish i could stay inside you forever, love.”
the change in position allowed him to hit a new spot inside you. his tip brushed against your spot, making you gasp with every thrust. his breaths grew more uneven, and you could tell he was getting close. he pulled you closer, his voice low and strained, “where do you want it?”
even through the waves of pleasure, you managed to reply, your voice barely a whisper, “f-face. want you on my face.”
a shadow of raw intensity crossed his face. spiderman pulled you off the wall and laid you back down on the bed, seamlessly sliding back into you. he resumed his vigorous pace, cursing under his breath as your wetness coated him with each thrust.
“i’m going to paint your face, baby.” he hissed, his movements growing more frantic and unsteady. his hand tightened around your throat, pulling you into a fierce kiss where your teeth clashed.
when he broke the kiss, he looked down at you with a predatory grin. “i can feel you tightening around me. you close?”
you nodded vigorously, breath ragged with pleasure.
he didn't say a word, simply focused on stimulating your clit as he thrust into you, causing your legs to shake from the intense pleasure. as you neared your orgasm, you could barely choke out, “i’m coming, oh f-fuck, so close!”
you clenched around him fiercely as your orgasm hit, your back arching with the force of it. he let you ride out your orgasm, his touch on your clit soothing you through the waves of pleasure. once you’d calmed, he pulled out and began stroking himself, eyes locked on you.
“i could get used to seeing you like this,” he rasped. it didn’t take long before he reached his peak, moaning your name as his release splattered across your face as you requested.
“so sexy. you look beautiful,” he said softly, gently tracing his fingers over your flushed cheeks. he gathered a bit of his cum on his fingertip and offered it to you. “taste good, huh?”
he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, nose, lips, and both cheeks. you barely able to whisper, “it’s fucking perfect. thank y-you.”
“anytime, kitten.”
you lay there for a moment, trying to fend off the pull of sleep after such a powerful climax. despite the exhaustion, you had to get up—especially with the hero's cum still on your face. glancing over at him, now fully dressed in his suit, you gave him a tired smile.
“see you around,” you said softly. he waved and stepped out the window, disappearing into the night.
mark, having returned to his usual persona, removed his mask and wiped the sweat from his brow and raked a hand through his disheveled long brown hair—which was still damp from your time together—as he landed on a rooftop.
“old grumpy man? really?” he muttered to himself, glancing back at your window. “not the smartest move, mark.” despite his self-criticism, he couldn't help but smile. he had genuine feelings for you, even if he couldn't show it at work.
mark chuckled as he slipped his mask back on and prepared to swing away. “guess i’ll keep this my little secret—no telling how you'd feel if you found out i’m the one stressing you out on purpose,” he mused, the thrill of it all still making him grin.
before he webbed off, mark gave one last smirk. “don’t worry, kitten. if i push you too hard at work, i’ll just have to help you ‘release’ that stress afterward.”
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Can we get the obey me boys(the brothers + dia, barbs, solomon, and simeon) reacting to mc having severe period cramps? Would they get all demon-y at the smell of blood?
Love your stuff btw!
Signed, a yandere junkie~
I'll do two for now 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Period | Yandere Obey Me
For those in the devildom having a draw for chaos and mortal pain it’s quite normal for blood to bring about a different kind of reaction. But to the surprise of no one period blood and the whole menstrual cycle is a complete bafflement to all who catch a whiff. Don’t worry though, you have the brother and your various friends. This surely won’t strike any of them to have an unusual streak in emotion and self-control, right?:
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“It’s that time I’m suspecting?”
“Understood rest easy, take your time to rest my dear.”
“A-are you sure?”
“Of course I'm sure. Do you doubt my promise to keep you?”
One of the most casual about it 
He absolutely has done research for this exact occasion
But nothing is like experience in taking care of you himself
As well as the compulsion that has him being just as reactive as you
“You seem a bit different today Lucifer…”
“Am I? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oooh is that a gift from (Y/n)--”
“dON’t ToUCh tHaT!” 
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s with me this week.”
You’re not with him that’s what
For all the necessities he delivers he’s been keeping his distance
Taking the advice of the human care books he gave you your space
After all who better to deal with the human-female innerworkings than a human-female herself
But something feels wrong more than usual 
And it only seems to stop when he returns to your side at the end of the day
“Perhaps the hormones that are at work in you create a…guardian of sorts…out of me.”
He doesn’t really understand, all he knows is that when you were preparing to go to RAD he frantically calmly decided you’d not be attending
His excuse reasoning? That he would hate for any lesser demon to feel what he’s feeling 
That and he’d actually try to kill anyone who shows such similar inclination to protect you
“If anyone should stay to soothe you in this great time of need. I’m not above massacring any threats to you while you’re at your most vulnerable..” 
Generally he’s quite tame
…compared to his brothers
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“Hey (Y/n) why’d you run off like that I thought we were having a good time.”
“Oh…hey (Y/n) if you’re hurt it’s okay to tell us we have tons of things that help heal humans.”
“Ugh! No that’s not what’s happening here!”
“Don’t be embarrassed here i’ll help!”
“Aghghgh!!!! Barbatos! Barb–Ah! Don’t you dare!”
A scolding and prompt lesson from Barbatos is very much in order
For someone so adamant on urging the blending of their worlds he doesn’t really know about this side of humanity
And unfortunately he’s never been one for backseat learning
“(Y/n), we’ve spoken and Diavolo would like to propose a hands-on-lesson with you about your menstrual cycle.”
“Uhm what kind of lesson?”
“One that will require he familiarize himself with all aspects of this process. Something that would preferably stimulate the five senses.”
“....Lucifer!!!! Solomon!!!”
Even better it has to do with you
What better way to strengthen your bond by having to monitor you
Not only for your safety but for all of humanity
“Hey later on we should definitely watch that movie together!”
“Oh yeah I thin–”
“I’m sorry but she cannot!”
“What why not?”
“Because she’s coming with me! The best place for a woman on muenster cycle is with me at the royal palace.”
“Uhm that’s not tr-”
“Here I’ll take you now!” 
He’s going to be hard to teach
But once you sit him down or snap at him one too many times
He’ll decide listening to you is the best course of action
In turn it will definitely build a relationship between you two
It may not be as romantic as he planned
But he’ll take it….for now 
After all there’s one every month
“That was fun! I can’t wait until the next time!”
Because he’s actively testing for it he might find some demons and creatures that react to it
But he won’t actively experiment with you in danger
Because it’s just not a good look to brutally murder every other subject of his that has a reaction he doesn’t like
“Next month I’ll have to convince them to let me get a swab or whole container full that’d be really hot.”
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ephemeral--dreams · 1 year
Making you cry during a fight (2) - Scaramouche, Yae, Kaeya
Okay guys here you go never ask me for anything ever again /j
(part 1)
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
There's a sort of deep, instinctive fear that takes root inside the place where a heart would be, as he watches tears fall after a few too-harsh words. 
He's hurt you. He's been careless, he's been too difficult, too much - and it's going to drive you away. You're going to abandon him because of this incident, surely. Why would you stay with someone who makes you cry? 
It's… it's not a feeling he's dealt with for many years. The fear of being left. He has not allowed anyone to get close enough to him to have any concern over whether they're around or not. Scaramouche had learned his lesson about getting attached and having emotion, after all. He had spat out whatever  bitter words he pleased and felt nothing when he upset anyone he spoke to.
But those days are past, and while that's a good thing in many ways, right now it feels anything but. 
"Sorry. I shouldn't be crying," the way you apologize as if you're the one in the wrong stabs right through him. You're the one crying, yet he is being wounded just as much. It's an awful thing, caring. "Just. Just give me a moment…"
Scaramouche hesitates. He's paralyzed, caught up in the idea that anything he does or says may make things worse. But what wins out is the idea of fixing it, fixing things before you give up on him—
"Stop it. You shouldn't be the one saying sorry here. I shouldn't have said that to you, alright? You should know better than to take everything I say so seriously, honestly, I-" he sighs, irritated with himself more than you, before pulling you into his embrace. You don't pull away. Good. Maybe he hasn't entirely fucked things up. "...I didn't mean it. Sorry."
Yae Miko is not the sort of person who yells during a fight. Or at any time, really. So that hadn't been at all what had happened during your little conflict. 
Rather, her words were pointed to hit where it hurt, an attempt to shut down whatever silly human nonsense you thought was worth causing a riot over. Problems came and went, and most weren't nearly as important as they may seem in the moment. Living many years had led her to this conclusion. She was a busy woman who had little interest in wasting her time arguing. 
...Calculating and perhaps dismissive she may be, but she isn't cold. Yae still very much has a heart, and it skips a beat when she realizes you're nowhere to be found at the usual time she would meet with you after finishing her shrine duties. Surely you weren't that upset over it all, right? 
No, you couldn't be still lingering on the issue hours later… 
Well, you could. Others were far more sensitive to these things, a fact she often forgot. Yae should know better. Isn't she used to highly emotional people, after all? At least your tantrums weren't going to practically destroy the nation…
She finds you at the foot of the mountain, sitting and idly staring into the distance. The tear tracks on your face are all too telling. 
Yae is not above realizing when she has done something wrong. Though she's also not one to openly apologize. She doesn't do much of anything openly. 
"You don't listen to me," you tell her. 
"Well, I'll try to listen more, then. Is that satisfactory?" She offers a hand to you. You wait a moment before taking it, allowing her to pull you up. "Just remember to consider my side of things as well. We can work on it… But let's not linger on this too long. Time is fleeting for mortals like you, hm?"
Kaeya is excellent at one thing - avoidance. In fact, he's been successfully avoiding you ever since your fight a couple of days ago. It's easier to simply wait until you've both cooled off. 
That's what he tells himself. It's certainly not  that the fight made him feel anxious. He's not running away from his problems, of course not.
(He's lying to himself. One wrong word and you'll leave. He knows that. It's bad enough that you had an argument, archons forbid he confronts you and it's the last straw.)
So Kaeya carefully stays out of your way, doesn't speak to you, doesn't let you catch sight of him. He'll have to deal with things eventually, he knows, but… Until then, he's content to keep things this way. Four days in you finally seek him out yourself, looking exhausted and absolutely miserable. 
"Can we- can we stop fighting? You're right, I'm wrong, all that-" He can only watch as you start breaking down in front of him, a cold, sinking feeling of guilt settling in. "...Just stop ignoring me, please?"
His life has been filled with bad decisions - it seems that he's made yet another, by avoiding you so long. Now Kaeya is faced with your tears as you practically beg for his attention. It's quite the opposite of what he intended. He reaches a careful hand to brush them away. "Shh, shh. No more, alright?"
You sniffle, looking up at him. "You're not mad at me?"
"Of course not, sweetheart. I never was. We can talk about it later, okay? Let me make you feel better."
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moonlitstoriess · 3 months
Across the Universe-ch.6 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
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"You are not paying any attention."
Isolde's voice shut off y/n's overthinking as she turned her head from the window in the healers hut and saw the concerned female with a small jar in one hand and some leaves in the other.
"I am sorry, I just got lost for a minute. You were saying?"
The healer sighed as she came closer and put the objects on the small table near y/n "I was saying, this salve will soothe the pain on your neck but in order for the marks to leave, you must apply it with these Sylvan leaves. Their smooth surface contain wondrous magical healing abilities so smearing the salve on it and then applying it on your neck will take the marks in a day or two, depending on the severity of the injury."
Y/n gave her a confused glance "But I did not mention having any neck wounds."
"Oh yes because as you said 'A friend needs it urgently because she fell and her neck got marked badly' Hmm I wonder how is that even possible? Also let us not forget how you are wearing a turtleneck during one of the hottest seasons the kingdom has endured."
She smiled sheepishly and replied, "I was never good at telling lies."
Isolde smirked "I can tell. That goes to show how pure your heart is dear."
At that, the younger females expression became solemn as she sighed and again turned her head towards the small window "I don't know about that."
She felt the healer sit down opposite to her and put her hand on y/n's, caressing it smoothly "There is clearly something bothering you. It is not a good decision to keep it locked within yourself. I am here and willing to listen."
Y/n wanted to. She really wanted to tell Isolde or anyone who would listen really about all that was troubling her. Especially after what she saw last night in the place filled with crystals. But would anyone believe her? Did she even deserve to be listened to? So much pent up trauma, so many words, memories, revelations. She wondered if Isolde would still look at her with this motherly care written all over her face if she knew even the tiniest bits about her. Azriel was the only one who ever heard her full, raw and true story. Who saw her deepest and darkest parts. Who, in turn, showed his own deepest darkest parts. Who promised to love and cherish her even more now that he knew her fully. But in the end, all of those words of affection, all of those intimate touches, all of those memories were lies. He lied. Az lied. He left and all that remained of her was a broken heart and a broken soul.
She thought that she learned her lesson. That she would never make the same mistakes again. How wrong she was. After the shock she endured last night, y/n could not get any sleep. She even went out to the beautiful, spacious, white marble balcony that overlooked a vast green mountanious area with small lakes running in between. However, even that could not soothe her. Her last resort was going to the training ring and exhausting herself but even that did not work. Thankfully though, this time Fenrys did not show up and y/n did not think she could stay calm and not throw a knife at his eye if she saw him. What she saw in the catacombs brought all her buried memories back. Made her rethink her choices. Her past.
How was it even possible? She would never recover.
Because what made her fall to her knees after seeing it was-
"Y/n? You are gone again dear."
She snapped out of it as she faced the healer, who was now looking at her with concern "Maybe I should also give you a tonic against overthinking."
That made y/n giggle as she said, "Such a thing exists?"
Isolde smiled warmly "Not yet but if it means you will stop drifting off in the middle of a conversation then, I will somehow create it."
Before y/n could reply, the female continued "What secrets do you hide you poor child?"
"None of importance."
"Do not lie to me. I have seen your naked body. The scars and memories it carries is unmeasurable. Each of them telling a different story."
She patted Isolde's hand, got up, put the two products in a small pouch and said, "Maybe someday I will feel ready to tell my story. Today is not that day Isolde. Thank you for the salve."
The healer also got up and started putting other medicine's in small, wooden boxes "As you wish. But remember child, the shadows may cloak you for a time, but true strength lies in the light you choose to reveal."
After leaving the healers hut and putting the salve with the leave's in her room, y/n walked up the stairs to the library in hopes of searching more on the matter. An hour ago during breakfast, Aelin announced that they will all be splitting in groups to search for more information. Obviously apart from Yrene because she was busy with the book in her room. They took the next two hours to attend to their duties because after all, Aelin was a queen and the rest of them also had jobs to do. So that means after an hour everyone would get together again and spend their time searching.
Once she reached the large room, her eyes immediately landed on Eva who was sitting on one of the lounge chairs facing the large floor to ceiling windows and reading a book. She looked up and smiled when she saw y/n entering the room.
"Y/n! Do you enjoy reading?"
Y/n nodded as she came and sat down on the carpeted floor next to Eva "I have always enjoyed reading. Fantasy, romance, action, even history."
At that, the younger one giggled "Me too! I especially enjoy getting lost in the pages for hours. Forgetting the real world exists, just you and the words on paper that transport you to an imaginary world you do not want to leave. Ever."
Y/n sighed and said, "Yes, unfortunately the real world can be...cruel and that makes me wish that the places we read about would be real so I could dissapear there and never come back."
After seeing that Eva had a sad, almost mournful look on her face as her gaze landed past y/n on the window and the view beyond, she quickly tried to correct herself, "Oh Cauldron boil me! Eva I am sorry for making the mood so sour, I did not mea-"
"No. You are right. I was just remembering times where the world was cruel."
At y/n's confused gaze, she took a deep breath and said, "During the war 3 years ago, I was so scared. Lysandra and everyone I loved were fighting the Valgs and whatever other horrors Erawan was throwing at them. Lysandra and Aedion tried calming me by saying that everything is fine, that we are winning, but, I saw it for the lie it was. Everyday felt like the last. Like that would be the day they would die and I would be left alone. Again."
The poor girl was struggling to continue so y/n said, "Eva, you do not have to conti-"
"But I want to. This world of ours was not a good place y/n. Not for 10 years. I know my family has told you about what happened but not about what they each went through, their own secrets."
"I do not blame them. It is absolutely fine if they do not wish to tell me that. After all, I am a stranger to you all."
"Yes, their stories are theirs to tell. But I will tell you mine."
At that, y/n gave her a puzzled face "Why? You barely know me."
"Because I trust you. And even if I have known you for only a few days, I believe in you. I see you for the braveheart that you are, y/n"
Braveheart. One of y/n's earned nicknames. Did Eva know of it?
And so, Eva told y/n of her story. She told her of her time with Lysandra in Madame Clarisse Duvency's brothel, about how Lysandra gave her these scars to save her from an early fate of prostitution. At some point, y/n had moved from her place on the floor to the couch to hug the small teen.
By the time she finished, y/n was frozen in her place, processing the shocking information. She was and still is a child. How could they? What world were they living in?
Eva had no tears on her face. In fact, she seemed so emotionless when she was talking.
She took y/n's hands in her smaller ones and said, "I am beyond crying. Please do not pity me, I have had enough of that. Yes, those horror's will never truly leave me, but atleast I fight against them everyday. Their marks on my body get less and less. I am strong now. Aedion has begun teaching me some fighting forms. Yes, these scars will never leave me, people will continue to either judge or be disgusted by me when they see my face but do I care? No. Lysandra has saved my life. I shall never be ashamed of them."
This girl was not only smart but also strong. Stronger than y/n will ever be. Atleast she has managed to face her demons instead of hiding from them. And as they sat there in comforting silence, reading the book in Eva's lap while she was tugged safely under y/n's wing, she understood that at some point, she would also have to face her revelations.
An hour later, everyone was gathered in the sitting room. Aelin took a sip of water from her cup before looking at each one of them in the eye and saying, "We will be dividing ourselves into groups in order to be more efficient. Chaol will stay with Yrene in the palace, Lysandra, Aedion and Elide you three will be going to The Silent Sanctuary, that remote monastery is one of the few places that survived Erawan for 10 years due to its location which is why their ancient manuscripts and meditative insights could provide some form of guidance or hidden knowledge regarding the issue. Then, Row-"
"Why am I not with Elide?" Lorcan said as he stood up and faced Aelin. Rowan, sensing the threat to his mate, also got up and bared his teeth. "Lorcan I swear-"
"That is enough." Aelin said as she glanced between her mate and Lorcan before relaxing back in her chair. "The Silent Sanctuary is considered a holy place for its monks and sages and even if I am their queen, they still hold their own laws and values. Elide is going for sure because she has a way with convincing people to submit to her. Lysandra is going because that place is located in the mountains. Her shapeshifting would be essential for them. Aedion is going for extra protection."
Lorcan was about to protest again, probably with a stupid remark when Elide put her hand on his chest and said, "Lorcan, I am not a little child you can coddle all the time. Did you forget how we managed to get into the circus at some point? How we got jobs as actors and performers? It was all due to my conversational skills and acting. We need to do this so stop acting like a mother hen."
Clearly Elide was the only one to ever shut him up because even though he still had an angry expression on, he hugged her to his chest and muttered a small "Sorry, love."
Lysandra sighed as she put her head on Aedions shoulder "Finally, it has been so long since I shifted."
Her husband, clearly dumbfounded, replied "You were literally a bird this morning."
She slapped him on the shoulder "Yes but a bird is not a snow leopard. It has been a while since I was a snow leopard."
Y/n chuckled from her place near the window "I have never met a shapeshifter in my life. I imagine it must be fun getting to change forms whenever you please."
Aedion grumbled "Fun? It is not fun when I wake up in the morning to not find my wife beside me but some animal."
At that, there were a few chuckles while y/n full on laughed.
Aelin, after regaining her composure, went on "Great. Now that we handled Lorcan's tantrum," a glare from the angry giant directed at his queen, "I digress. Rowan and Lorcan will be going to the Riftgate Ruins."
At the confused expressions from everyone, she sighed as she continued, "I know, I know. None of you have heard of the place before. Except me and Aedion. Tell me cousin, have you been there?"
Her cousin offered her a contemplative look as he answered, "I have heard of the place and its legends but never got the chance to visit personally."
Aelin nodded. "Neither have I. But, that place holds remnants of a lost civilization that has apparently been here way before Terrasen even existed. Legends say they once connected worlds and realms and that's why, the place could offer clues to how the current threat may transcend boundaries."
Rowan, standing beside his mate and queen, put his hand on her shoulder, causing Aelin to look up at him "My love, you know I do not like acting too overprotective or doubting your choices but...why am I paired up with that brute exactly?"
Lorcan snickered "Not nice when you have to be seperated from your wife. Is it now, Rowan?"
Aelin ignored Lorcan as she put her hand on her mates and said with a smirk, "Why? I thought the two of the most feared and strong fae to ever exist could work together."
"But that one is not a fae now, is he?" Lysandra said with a smirk
Lorcan was about to reply with another useless comment before Aelin shut him up yet again, "Fae or human does not matter. He is still extremely skilled, warrior and feared. I need you both working on this together."
Lorcan had a smirk on his face as he looked at Rowan--who was still glaring at him--and then did a mocking bow for Aelin.
Aelin sighed as she put her fingers to her temple and continued, "Gods. Anyways, that leaves me, Eva, Fenrys and Y/n."
Y/n's heart began to beat faster after hearing a specific someone's name. She did not fail to notice how Fenrys also straightened from his sitting position on the couch. She prayed and hoped that she would atleast be paired either with Aelin or with Eva but not with him. Oh please not hi-
As if Eva could hear y/n's thoughts she jumped up and down while saying, "Can I please please be paired with y/n? Pleaseee-"
Aelin held a hand up as she cut the little girl's pleading off "I am sorry sweetheart, but I will need you with me. You and I will be visiting The Great Library of Orynth. Since you are very good with books, I will need you to help me over there."
Eva, clearly disappointed, glared at her parents, crossed her shoulders "Are you sure you are not taking me there because that is the safest place out of all the locations so far?"
Aelin gave her sheepish smile "Well....that may have also played a role BUT! I do really need your skills and alsoooo...you do not want to spend time with me?" she gave a small pout at Eva to which the girl sighed but hugged her tightly saying, "Of course I want to help you anddd spend time with you."
But y/n did not pay attention to their conversation. She did not pay any attention to anything as realization dawned upon her. No, No, N-
"Fenrys and y/n. You two will be heading towards The Oracle's Sanctuary. I know the ancient fools there will try to act like you two are below them and their visions but, they need to see the prophecy we found in the book. Their visions and foretelling regarding the future have never failed my ancestors and though I again, have never been there, I trust in those that came before me which is why I am sending you two there."
Y/n wanted to shout out her protests but Fenrys beat her to it "But why us? I mean what does she have to offer that will make it more helpful. Aelin, just send me on my own."
Y/n scoffed loudly as she glared at the blond male and said, "Me? You are judging my skills without even knowing me or seeing me in action? Believe me Fenrys if we get into trouble it will be me who will save your ass."
"I would rather die at the hands of our enemies than let you save me."
"I can fly."
"Not impressed. I can shift into a wolf."
"And do what? Run around until someone catches up with you?"
"You clearly have no idea on what MY powers are so stop acting like you do."
"How ironic. You are doing the same to me! You know what? I won't even waste my energy on a bastard like you. Just pretend that you do not exist."
"You little-"
"Will you two shut up or should we go and fetch some Mead-soaked Berries to eat while watching your banter?"
Aedion's voice cut through their increasingly agressive argument as they both turned to look at the rest of the room with angry glares.
Lysandra was fake coughing to try and hide her laugh, Aedion was smirking like a fool, Elide was hiding behind Lorcan so that they would not see her smile, even Lorcan had an amused expression on his face. Rowan had his arms crossed and both brows raised as he glanced between the two of them. And Aelin had an amused smirk as she said, "Well, sorry you two but there is no other options lef-"
"Yes, there is. Me and Y/n-" Eva stopped herself after a pointed look from Lysandra.
Aelin continued, "I need y/n because she herself is from a different world. Maybe somehow the seeress would be willing to submit more if she saw you-"
"So I am some object to be presented at a market for sale?"
"That is not what I meant. You come from a foreign world. You have wings, which no one here has, and insight into your world. The seer's in there can be....uncooporative if they wish so. That is why, you going there and showing the prophecy would be the best bet we have. Fenrys is coming because he knows those roads, don't you Fenrys? After all, you have visited them twice."
At that, not only y/n, but everyone apart from Aelin turned with a shocked look at the male as he shrugged and said, "I had my reasons. But as you said, they are uncooperative. They did not help me."
"Well, we do not have the luxury of time or second guessing. Everyone go get what you need, pack your essentials. Apart from me, Eva, Rowan and Lorcan you two groups will have the longest road ahead."
Y/n was about to protest when Aelin gave her look that said 'if you want to find a way back to your world, you must help'
And she was right. Y/n had one and only one goal. Get back home. The rest did not matter. They needed to find a way to get her home and to solve the threats coming their way. She can shut up and endure it for just a little bit more and then she would be out of here. For the sake of Prythian. Just ignore Fenrys and it will be alright. He is an uncultured prick who can not hurt her more than he already has. Just get it over with. Be smart. Be cool. Be levelheaded.
These were the chants she kept on retelling herself as she made her way to her room. She first changed out of her current clothes, applied some of the salve Isolde gave her, and then wore some practical gear. She did not know what road she and the-one-who-shall-not-be-named will take, but she guessed that it would be no easy straight path.
Y/n opted for a...you guessed it, a black turtleneck. Combining it with black, tight, leather pants, and knee high, black boots. She did her hair in a way that it won't get in her way and then began packing a small back. An extra turtleneck, a jacket, a flask with water, the salve Isolde gave her, and a few more items later, she went downstairs with her bag slung over her shoulder.
When she arrived at the grand hall, everyone was already there, busying themselves with the weapons that were scattered all over the place. Chaol was also there, although his wife was nowhere to be seen. Probably in her room, busy with deciphering the book.
She walked towards the table that had all kinds of weapons on it. She took a small, dark brown knife holder as she picked two, sharp ended, small knives. She also took the intricately designed bow and arrow. Y/n was always an excellent and precise shooter, being able to shoot her enemy from any distance and angle. She even helped Feyre improve her own shooting skills.
Just as she was about to turn around, her eyes caught on to brass knuckles. Does she really need them? She can punch quite well. But...it wouldn't hurt to have them increase the force of her punch. After contemplating a little more, she took the object and stored it in her knife holder.
Everyone was ready with their weapons. The brute or otherwise known as Fenrys, also had all kinds of weapons strapped to him.
Rowan and Aelin were having their own little moment while Lorcan was clinging and whispering somethings to Elide like a baby duck who just saw their mother for the first time.
Chaol gave them all a small smile as he patted Aedion on his shoulders and said, "Good luck. Me and Yrene will inform you if we find something." then he gave a look to Fenrys and y/n, smirked and said, "Try not to kill each other though."
Y/n smirked back "No promises."
Fenrys just rolled his eyes before Aelin and Rowan came forward. "Remember, if you can not find anything it is alright. Do not stal and waste time, just come back immediately. Be careful, all of you."
Y/n saw concern flash through the queen's eyes before they all started heading out. She felt Fenrys approach her before he said in the most annoyed voice ever, "Give me your hand. I will transport us."
"You mean winnow."
"In Prythian it is not called transport."
"Well, sorry to dissapoint you princess but this is not Prythian."
"Give me your hand, y/n."
"We can just walk."
"Walk? If we walk there it will take us a whole day to just even cover half of the way. I will take us to the closest location near the sanctuary. But even then, the road ahead will be long but we will have to walk because it is warded and I won't be able to transport so better not to waste our energy walking from now."
"Then you go, I will walk-" y/n yelped as she suddenly felt herself being lifted up, bridal style, as the room around them started disappearing. That arrogant idiot! He did not even listen to her!
The second they arrived at the clearing, y/n threw herself off from his arms.
"You fool! Are you deaf? Who told you that you can touch me?!"
Fenrys, reigning in his anger, calmly responded, "You were wasting our time. I had to do it in order to get us here."
She scoffed and turned away from him. Fenrys tried his hardest not laugh when he saw her shock and wonder as she took in the place.
He meant it when he said the place is protected by ancient magic so strong, no one could break its wards. So, he brought them as close as he could to the road. But even from here, they would most likely spend three days trying to get to and from the sanctuary.
The place they were in was a small, circular, open area covered in grass and moss. However, this place was surrounded by a dense forest. When he turned his face to the right, he saw the road that they would take. He knew that path and what it held.
This ancient road winds through dense forests, where gnarled trees twist like guardians keeping watch over secrets long buried. Moss-covered stones line the path, their inscriptions faded with time and whispered tales of travelers who sought wisdom from the Oracle. As you tread deeper into the wilderness, the air grows thick with a sense of otherworldly presence, and faint echoes of prophetic murmurs seem to guide your way. Eventually, the path opens into a clearing bathed in ethereal light, revealing the towering spires of the Oracle's Sanctuary rising against the horizon, beckoning those brave enough to seek answers amid the swirling mists of fate.
He looked at y/n as he said, "Welcome to The Whispering Path."
Y/n turned back at him and asked, curiosity and a bit of fear evident in her voice, "We....we take this road? Are you sure?"
He smirked. The little fireball was scared. Good.
"Giving up already princess?"
She came closer to him and Fenrys was once again buried in her addictive scent. Although she was way shorter than him, she still somehow managed to look down on him as she said, "If you think this is enough to scare me away, then your only skill is fighting not thinking because you clearly are an idiot."
His smirk only widened as he pushed past her and began his way towards the path, not looking back. "If you say so, princess."
She will regret her words in just an hour.
He heard her loudly stomp her feet on the ground as she followed him.
Nearly two hours later, the forest path stretched endlessly before them, twisting and turning through ancient groves where the canopy overhead blocked out the sun's warm rays. The air grew cooler, carrying with it a dampness that clung to their clothes and skin. Shadows deepened beneath the towering trees, their trunks gnarled and knotted like the veins of the earth itself.
Each step seemed to echo softly, as if the forest itself held its breath, watching their progress with unseen eyes. The sound of rustling leaves and distant animal calls added to the eerie atmosphere, creating a sense of isolation despite their group's closeness. Occasional beams of fading sunlight pierced through gaps in the foliage, casting fleeting patches of golden light on the forest floor.
They pressed on, guided by the faint sense of purpose that drew them deeper into the heart of the woods. The Whispering Path seemed to weave its own tale, a narrative of mysteries waiting to be uncovered amidst the looming darkness.
Fenrys saw from his peripheral vision how she would keep one hand on the knife sheathed in her belt. How every sound, small or big, would steal a reaction from her. A gasp, a sharp turn of her head, knife in her hand. It was so unusual how he did not find her frustrating here. During their walk, they exchanged only two sentences. Are we there yet? and No.
But still, he, for some foolish reason, felt drawn to her because even if he did not show it, his eyes would constantly find her for a second, make sure she is well and then immediately look forward before she realizes it.
It was an hour after sunset when Fenrys finally stopped and said, "We are halfway there. We rest here until sunrise and by then we will be moving once again. Hopefully, by the afternoon, we will be able to reach the sanctuary."
He did not wait for a response from her as he put his bag down and began taking off some of his weapons.
"I...where or how will we sleep?"
"On the grass, by putting out extra clothing under our heads as pillow."
She gave him a confused look "Why couldn't we just bring sleeping mats or something?"
There she goes again with her annoying questions. Honestly why does he never have any luck? Why is it that he has to be stuck with someone as infuriating as her?
Just ignore her. Sharpen your knives. Ignore her so you do not have to snap back at her or take your anger out on her. Ignore her so you do not have to look into those hypnotizing eyes. Ignore her so...so that you do not have to look at that beautiful face. At those tempting lip-
"Hello? Have you gone deaf already?"
With a sigh, he looked up to see her standing there with her arms crossed. "Why take on extra weight? It would only waste our time. Just sleep on the ground or...have you never done that before?"
She scoffed. "Of course I have. I am going to find some wood. We need fire."
One secon he was sitting, and in the next, Fenrys was holding her wrist as he said, "No fire. This place is packed with creatures far worse than your imagination. The second they see the light coming from the fire, or atleast smell it, they will know that they are not alone so unless you want to be ripped into pieces and feasted on, we are staying in the dark."
She ripped her arm from him, gave him a glare, and went to take somethings out of her bag.
Fenrys sighed, tilted his head backwards and looked up at the tall trees covering the sky. It is like she insists on being a headache.
If he thinks he can order around he is about to be surprised. She is only keeping quiet out of fear for their safety. Once they are out of here, y/n will make sure to give her a piece of her min-
"What are you doing?"
She stopped. Turned around to look at him. Still sitting on the same spot, sharpening his knife and not looking at her. Or maybe he is pretending to ignore her. Y/n could not care less.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why do you have a healing salve and Sylvan leaves?"
He knows of these things? How? Did his injuries at some point also require these exact remedies? Did Isolde teach him? How is he even seeing her right now? She can barely make out his silhouette.
"You have definitely gone mad now. I am doing noth-"
She saw his head snap up at that. Saw how he put away whatever weapon he was sharpening.
"Do not test me y/n. Why do you need those things?"
"And who are you exactly? Last I checked, I do not owe you any explanations regarding anything that I do."
In the blink of an eye, he was right infront of her. There was some distance between them still. Thank The Mother. Honestly, he needs to stop this. She has had enough of not being able to know his next move.
He took slow steps towards her as she took slow steps back. "Come to think of it, why are you wearing a turtleneck? It is very hot nowadays."
Were those her hands sweating? The temperature here is cool so why was she sweating? "I wear it because I like it."
He was still walking closer towards her. "Hmmm, and I suppose it is also why you always wear long sleeves? What are you hiding y/n?"
She tried. She really tried to sound brave but her voice betrayed her as she said in a shaky tone, "None of your business."
That was it. He was right in front of her and she was pressed against a tree. Or was it a large boulder? She had no idea. Breathing became difficult. He was literally nose to nose with her. Why was it so hot?
"Atleast tell me why you wear a turtleneck."
"Very well then."
Really? He really just agreed? It seems so. He released his grip on her, turned around and started walking away. Y/n released a sigh. Finally-
In the flash of a light, Fenrys had her pinned against the tree again as he quickly pulled down her turtleneck.
But it was too late and her smaller hands were nothing against his firm grip on her. She could not push him away.
She saw it all in slow motion. His reactions, starting from realization going all the way up to anger was written all over his face as her bruised neck was presented to him.
She could only whisper a meek "Please,"
His nostrils flared, even in the dark she saw how his onyx eyes got even darker. His grip on her tightened as he released a low growl.
"Who did this to you?"
She could not answer. She was lost for words. Oh Cauldron boil-
"Y/n. I am not playing around answer the damned question."
"No, Fenr-"
"Who. Did. This. To. You."
"I can not tell you."
"And why is that?"
Because it is your close friend. Y/n knew he was only worried because he felt like he had to be her protector, like she was his job, his team mate until they left this forest and he sent her back to her house. He did not truly care for her, but even then, she could not tell him and cause trouble between him and his companion.
"No one of importance."
"Do not lie-"
She used all her strength to push him away.
"Leave me alone Fenrys! I said it is none of your business so go mind your own fucking job. I myself will deal with the one who did this to me."
"As you wish."
He turned around and went back to his side, lay down and turned his back to her.
For some reason, y/n felt like he would find whoever did this to her because what he said did not sound like he was letting the matter go at all.
Morning came once again. After having a poor breakfast of whatever they could find in their bags, they were on the way again. He did not speak to her and she preferred it to be this way. She did not think that after their small argument, she wanted to hear his voice.
Five hours of silence later, they reached what looked like another clearing. However, this one looked nothing like the previous ones. Soft, natural lights flickered amidst the foliage, casting a gentle glow that illuminated the surrounding area with an ethereal warmth. Fireflies danced in lazy spirals, their tiny bioluminescent bodies creating a mesmerizing display that seemed to guide them forward.
As they stepped into the clearing, the air hummed with a palpable energy, tinged with anticipation and reverence. Ancient trees encircled the space like silent sentinels, their branches adorned with shimmering vines that sparkled as if touched by starlight. A tranquil stream meandered through the glade, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the moon's silvery gaze.
In the center of the clearing stood the first glimpse of their destination: the Oracle's Sanctuary. Its architecture defied conventional design, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Tall pillars of intricately carved stone rose toward the heavens, supporting a domed roof that seemed to embrace the sky itself. Soft, haunting melodies drifted through the air, sung by unseen voices that spoke of forgotten truths and timeless wisdom.
As they approached the entrance, a sense of reverence settled over them, mingled with a quiet apprehension. They exchanged knowing glances, acknowledging the weight of their purpose. The journey had been long and hard, yet here they stood at the threshold of destiny, ready to seek the Oracle's guidance and unravel the cryptic clues that awaited within.
"Why is this place so empty? I mean, shouldn't there be guards? or some servants?"
"The seers are not attached to worldly desires. They have let go. That means, it is only them and their souls, connecting witth their surroundings. Besides, they are too ancient and powerful to need any protection or help. Atleast that is what the books said."
Before they could go any further and reach the entrance, Fenrys stopped her. She turned her head around and gave him a puzzled look. "I have been here twice. Neither of those times I got any help. I never even saw their faces. They did not deem me worthy to appear apparently. So I should warn you, it is possible we come out of here with absolutely nothing."
Y/n did not know what it was within her that made her say "You are worthy, Fenrys. Do not let a bunch of old people tell you otherwise."
She saw the surprise and quick gratitude on his face before he turned his head sideways and said, "Well then. Let us hope that the third time is the charm."
Inside the Oracle's Sanctuary, every corner whispered of ancient secrets and the weight of prophecy. The main chamber was a symphony of light and shadow, illuminated by softly glowing orbs suspended from the vaulted ceiling. Shafts of daylight filtered through stained glass windows depicting scenes of celestial alignment and the weaving of fate.
The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting the cycles of the moon, the dance of stars, and the rise and fall of empires. Runes and symbols, both familiar and arcane, were etched into the stone floor, their meanings lost to all but the most learned scholars and seers.
At the heart of the sanctuary, a circular pool shimmered with a surface as smooth as polished glass. Around the pool, low benches and cushions invited visitors to gather in contemplation or prayer.
Books and scrolls lined shelves carved into the walls, their leather bindings cracked with age yet holding within them knowledge that spanned epochs. Dust motes danced in the beams of light that filtered through the chamber, giving the impression of a place frozen in time yet vibrantly alive with the whispers of prophecy.
"Well, this place certainly seems like it has been used."
"Yes. Apparently not when I was here though."
"So what now? How do we call upon them? Do we just wait?"
Fenrys shrugged but looked away "When I came here I...I begged. I hoped they would answer me but...this room stayed just as empty. And I was here for 5 hours."
Y/n hummed in understanding before turning around to find a way for these seer's to appear when she felt otherworldly magic fill the room.
Then, out of nowhere, in the dim recesses of the Oracle's Sanctuary, the seers emerged like living embodiments of the cosmos' secrets. Their forms are ethereal and ever-changing, blending seamlessly with the shifting energies of the sanctuary itself. Each seer appears as a shimmering figure of translucent mist, veiled in robes that seem to be woven from the threads of time.
Though their presence is otherworldly and their nature elusive, the seers possess an innate understanding of the threads that bind fate together. They move with a grace that defies mortal comprehension, their movements guided by unseen forces.
Their eyes, glowing orbs of iridescent light, reflect the constellations that dance across the heavens. Wisps of starlight swirl within their fluid forms, pulsating with the ebb and flow of cosmic energies.
When they speak, their voices resonate with echoes of distant galaxies and forgotten epochs, carrying the weight of prophecy and the wisdom of ages past.
"Y/n Y/l/n the Iron Phoenix. The Winged Fury."
"Fenrys Moonbeam. The White Wolf of Doranelle."
"Come forward."
Why did they all talk at once?
So, not humans then. Nope. Definitely not mortals. But powerful enough to kill them in the blink of an eye.
She shared a look with Fenrys before they both came forward and each sat on one of the cushions.
Y/n and Fenrys awaited in respectful silence, their eyes trained on the shimmering figures of the seers. The seers, in turn, regarded them with a knowing gaze that seemed to penetrate beyond flesh and bone, delving into the depths of their souls where destinies were written and fates were entwined.
Their gazes were trained on her. "You are searching for a way home."
Y/n sighed as she replied, "Yes."
"This world is in grave danger."
It was Fenrys' turn to sigh as he replied, "We know. Which is why we come to ask for your help. For a way on how we may bring an end to it before it escalates."
Y/n put her hand inside her pocket to retrieve the paper containing the prophecy when one of the seers said, "The prophecy you have uncovered foretells of a time when shadows will seek to shroud the light once more. It speaks of cycles and destinies intertwined, where the fate of worlds rests in the hands of a chosen few."
Y/n hid her shock. How do they already know what she wanted to show?
"The Book of Breathings holds a secret that transcends its physical form. It is indeed a key--a Wyrdkey, if you will--capable of unlocking gates to realms beyond. These gates are not merely pathways; they are thresholds that, once opened, threaten to destabilize the delicate balance of our universe."
A mournful expression passed over Fenrys' face before he said, "We dealt with this three years ago. Aelin closed the gates. Why are they opening now?"
The seers regarded Fenrys with a solemn understanding, their luminous forms pulsating with a subtle energy as they responded to his question.
"The closing of the gates by Aelin Galathynius was a triumph, but prophecy is often a tapestry woven with threads of inevitability and cyclical patterns," one seer explained, her voice carrying the weight of millennia. "The gates, once sealed, are not immune to the ebb and flow of cosmic forces. The actions of mortals and the machinations of darker powers can unsettle even the most fortified barriers."
Fenrys nodded, his expression grave. "So, despite our victory, the threat persists," he concluded, his voice tinged with frustration.
"The Valg are relentless," another seer added, her gaze distant yet focused. "Their thirst for dominion knows no bounds. They seek weaknesses in the fabric of reality, exploiting any opportunity to breach the gates and unleash chaos upon the realms."
Y/n furrowed her brows as she said gently, "But, if I am correct, didn't Aelin loose all her power? How is she going to close the gates once more? How is it related to her?"
"The prophecy speaks of a chosen few," one seer intoned, her gaze fixed upon Y/n with a depth of knowing that transcended mortal comprehension. "In the heart of a queen, strength resides, but it is not Aelin Galathynius, who holds the key to closing the gates."
She saw Fenrys' brows furrow in surprise, his mind clearly grappling with the revelation.
Y/n herself felt a surge of anticipation mixed with trepidation. "Then who?" Fenrys pressed, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern.
"It is Y/n Y/l/n, the Stormbreaker," another seer declared, her luminous eyes locking onto Y/n's with a clarity that bespoke centuries of foresight. "The Braveheart who carries the essence of fire and fate within her."
Y/n's breath caught in her throat as the weight of destiny settled upon her shoulders. "But why me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She heard Fenrys inhale sharply.
She must be going mad. There was no way she was destined to be the one to lock the gates. What about her going home? Her plans, they were doomed.
"The Book of Breathings chose you as its bearer, guiding you across realms to fulfill a destiny entwined with the fate of worlds. You possess a unique connection to the Wyrdkeys and the ability to unlock the gates that threaten to unravel the fabric of existence."
"W-what kind of abilities and con-connections?"
"You possess a unique resonance with the Wyrdkeys," another seer explained, her luminous eyes fixed upon Y/n with unwavering clarity. "The Book of Breathings recognized within you the potential to wield its power, to navigate the currents of time and space, and to restore balance where darkness threatens to prevail."
Fenrys, sitting beside Y/n, interjected with a note of concern. "And how does she return?" he asked, his gaze shifting between Y/n and the seers.
The seers exchanged a knowing glance before one responded, "The Book of Breathings is both a key and a gateway. It holds within its pages the knowledge to traverse the realms it unlocks. Through understanding and mastery, Y/n can harness its power to return to her world."
"And why must I close the gates?" she pressed, her voice tinged with determination.
"The gates, once opened, threaten to disrupt the delicate tapestry of existence," the third seer replied, her presence shimmering with a quiet intensity. "They are thresholds through which chaos and darkness seek entry. Only by closing them can the realms be safeguarded, ensuring the balance upon which all life depends."
"You have to decipher the Book of Breathings, harness its power to return, close the gates and with that, go home."
She was beyond frustrated now. "I don't understand. I DON'T UNDERSTAND!"
"You may be angry now y/n y/l/n, and you may be desperate to go to the home you believe in, but within the echoes of ancient whispers, home calls to hearts entwined by threads unseen. The Book of Breathings, a key to realms veiled in mystery, beckons you to paths yet unwalked. Mate not in the flesh but in the resonance of shared destinies. Greatness lies not in the blaze of glory but in the quiet moments where choices shape the stars' dance and futures intertwine."
It was Fenrys' turn to be frustrated as he said, "What on earth does that even mean?"
"Y/n y/l/n, your secret, the one you hide and cherish with all your soul, the one that you understood on an even more intimate level in the crystal caverns-"
"That is enough." She needed to leave. Now. Too much information was thrown at them all at once. To say she was pissed, would be an understatement. These old hags think they know it all, including her deepest secret. Besides, she did not need a reminder on what happened that night in the caverns.
The seers said nothing as they began slowly disappearing.
A look of contemplation passed over the Fenrys' face before he asked quickly, "Why did you not show up when I begged for your help?!"
A faint shimmer of light flickered where the seers had stood, as if they were considering his question before offering a response.
"Our sight extends across the tapestry of time," one of the seers finally answered, their voice gentle yet firm. "At times, the threads of fate must unravel naturally for destinies to align as intended. Your path demanded growth and resilience, lessons that could only be learned through your own journey."
And with that, they disappeared, seemingly leaving both Fenrys and y/n confused.
As they left the sanctuary, neither of them spoke. Both too lost in thoughts of their own regarding what they just learned. Y/n was grateful for the silence. Her mind was about to burn out due to all the thinking she was doing. So much revealed in one sitting. What on earth is she to think of it?
As night dawned upon them once more, they quietly ate their meals and layed on their sides of the grass and turned their bodies away from one another. But she could not sleep. How could she? After all that she learned it would be impossible.
"What will we do? What will you do?"
She heard his silent question but did not answer. She did not have an answer to give.
Instead, she whispered, "Why did you go there twice? Why did you beg?"
She did not think that he would answer her. But, to her surprise, she heard him sigh before saying, "The first time was for my two brothers. Gavriel and Connall. It was after the war and...and they both were killed during it. I wanted to know if I could trade my life with theirs. I...I believed they deserved it more than I ever could. The second time was a year later when I was going through horrible things. I was confused. I still am. I wanted guidance, I wanted help, advice, anything to tell me know who I am and how I can find my purpose in life again. But, as you heard, I was not answered. I stopped coming here since then."
Y/n turned around. "Fenrys, look at me."
He slowly turned around until they were facing each other on the grass.
She took a deep breath and gently whispered to him. "You are lost. Your grief is understandable. Your pain is understandable. What you are going through is understandable. We all have our own hidden troubles, nightmares or secrets that we must overcome on our own. But do not for one second, blame yourself for anyone's death. I may have not gotten the chance to meet either of them but, I know that they would never wish for you to want such things. They sacrificed themselves for you and your people. Do not let their sacrifice be in vain by trying to talk down on yourself. By trying to wish for a different end."
Her hands were itching to touch his handsome face, to move those few strands of hair behind his ear.
Fenrys gave her a small, sad smile. "What about you? The oracle said you had your secrets too. What is the crystal caverns?"
Y/n sighed as she turned around and lay flat on her back, staring up at the large trees covering her view of the night sky. "I do not know anything anymore Fenrys. Sometimes, I wish to be living in a tiny village or Island where no one knows of me. Where I am free of everything and anything."
She felt him come closer to her as the heat of his body started enveloping her. "Seems like we both share the same dream then."
For the first time since coming here, y/n genuinely smiled as she turned around and faced Fenrys or rather, his chest because of how close they had gotten.
But she did not care. Just for tonight, she would not care. So, she snuggled closer to his chest as the feeling of serenity washed over her, gently guiding her to unconsciousness.
What she failed to see however, was how Fenrys looked down at her with a small smile as he too, promised himself that this was just for a night. That they both needed comfort after all that they heard. And so, he carefully put his arm around her waist and hugged her closer to him as he too, descended into dreamland.
When morning came once more, y/n awoke to find herself in the embrace of the male she usually hates. For some reason, right at that moment when he was still deep in sleep, when the sunlight peeking through the dense leaves highlighted his face in ethereal glow, y/n felt nothing but care for him.
But, it all changed when he opened his eyes. Y/n immediately turned bright red as she pushed away from his arms, blabbering excuses, "Um...I-I....yeah um-"
But it was all cut off when a piercing sound was heard from above. They both immediately got to their feet as y/n had her bow and arrow in her hand, ready to shoot whatever it was. But it was after the second roar that Fenrys widened his eyes and ran forward. Y/n, surprised and confused, ran after him. They stopped at a place where the branches of the trees were not as densely packed and they could see a little bit of the sky.
From what she saw, y/n wondered if she fell and hit her head somewhere. Because what on earth was this? A large, black, lizard like thing with wings similar to hers flew over them. She heard Fenrys chuckle as he turned and looked towards her. "Manon and Abraxos are finally here."
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
@acotar-writing @paleidiot @snoopyspace @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch
@wallacewillow0773638 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @bunnyredgirl
@fullmoon-94 @thecraziestcrayon
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mimi-cee-genshin · 4 months
Straight Shooter - Tighnari x f!reader
Summary: First impressions aren't easy to overcome, but for someone like Tighnari, they're a piece of cake.
Additional info: cute and wholesome fluff, meet cute, enemies to lovers (for, like, two seconds lol), 1.1k words
(Thanks to @paimonial-rage and @andromeda-nova-writing for beta reading!)
Sand got between your toes and rubbed against the soles of your feet as you hurried down the dirt road. Gandharva Ville was in sight – thirty minutes later than planned.
Collei waved at you in the distance with both arms stretched out wide. As you came near, someone else was beside her waiting at the entrance of a house. His ears were his most prominent feature, but his arms were crossed as he tapped his foot. He was irritated.
You stopped in front of Collei, out of breath and panting for air.
“You're finally here!” said Collei. “I was worried something horrible happened to you.”
“I'm so sorry. I–” You cut your own words short because you didn't have an acceptable explanation. You simply slept in and that was a weak excuse for the first day on the job.
The guy scoffs at you. “Seems like you're following in your father's footsteps, huh?”
At first, you blinked a couple of times, stunned at his words. A growing portion of both anger and embarrassment burned inside you. You gripped your bag, hands already sweating from the run to Gandharva Ville. This was an awful start to your day and this guy made it worse.
“I'll be around the back if you need anything,” he said to Collei. With that, he left the two of you alone.
“Collei, who was that?” you asked. You were somehow able to conceal the irritation in your voice.
“That was Master Tighnari. He can be a little harsh at times,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck, “but he's a really great guy.”
Her words didn't exactly quell the sensation in your gut. This Tighnari guy criticized both you and your dad in a single shot when he didn't even know you.
You put those thoughts aside to refocus on the job ahead. Once inside the house, you took out a textbook and a few sheets of paper and placed them on Collei’s desk. You instructed Collei to work through exercises to evaluate her current language skills. With excitement, she picked up her pencil and went straight to work. Fortunately, you could tell right away she'd be a good student. 
Despite your earlier encounter with Tighnari, you were glad your father had told you about this job. Your previous one was getting tiring and you could schedule tutoring around other tasks and errands more easily. If only you could forget what your dad added.
"Who knows? Maybe you can even find a guy you like at this job," he told you.
"And how old exactly are your coworkers?" you asked, rolling your eyes.
You scoffed at the thought. You knew your dad was just teasing but you were content with being single. However, if a good guy came along, you wouldn't complain.
“I think I'm done now,” said Collei as she handed you the sheet with a bashful smile.
“You don't need to be so nervous around me, Collei,” you said. “I'm not that much older than you.”
Her smile grew larger. “I'm just really glad I was able to find someone like you. Master Tighnari has been teaching me this whole time and it was taking a toll on him.”
“Really?” you said, raising a brow.
“Mmhmm. He has a lot of work as the lead forest watcher so I wanted to help him out by hiring a dedicated tutor,” she explained.
So this guy would go out of his way to help someone like Collei. Maybe he wasn't as bad as you initially thought, but you still had some reservations.
After completing the lesson for the day, you packed up your belongings and Collei thanked you for your work. She was even eager for your return tomorrow, bright-eyed and ready to learn.
You stretched and yawned as you exited the house, and at the edge of the trail, you saw Tighnari standing there as if he were waiting for the two of you to finish. 
You clutched your bag close to your chest as you walked towards the trail. You put some distance between yourself and Tighnari as you walked past him. Just as you thought you were about to successfully avoid him, he called out to you.
“Could I talk to you for a moment?” he asked.
You took a breath. “What is it?” you said, turning to him. 
“There's something I want to clear up, if that's alright with you.” 
You loosen the grip on your bag slightly.
“It seems that my comment earlier has caused some… undesirable effects. It wasn't my intention to be rude to you like that.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, raising a brow.
“You see, I'm quite sarcastic around your father. As my senior, he often pokes fun at me and I, in return, have my own way of responding to him. It's simply how we behave as coworkers.”
So that was what it was. You had thrown your own retorts to your father’s silly quips as well.
“I mistakenly assumed the two of you would have a similar temperament,” he continued, “which is why I behaved in that manner. When I realized there was a chance you might be more like Collei, I decided it would be best to clear this up with you. I didn't want to leave you with a bad impression of me. And so, I wanted to apologize to you.”
You relaxed your shoulders, and for the first time today, took a good look at him. An ear was slightly bent, showing that he was a bit ashamed of his assumptions of you, yet his eyes looked directly at you, sympathetic yet focused.
This was Tighnari. A straight shooter.
“Thank you,” you told him. “For clearing that up, I mean. Not just anyone would take the time to do that.”
“It's not a problem. It's the sensible solution. I'd do it for anyone,” he told you. He lifted his satchel and slung it over his shoulder. “Anyway, are you heading home now? I hope it's not too far of a journey for you.”
“I'm actually headed to the city to meet up with some friends.”
“I see,” he said with a hand on his chin. “In that case, I'll leave you to it. I'm heading to Pardis Dhyai in a bit. I'll see you tomorrow then.”
You lifted your hand to give a subtle wave as he walked back to the house. Collei left the building after hearing his call, and she retold her day to him with a skip in her step as the two of them went to look for a fellow forest watcher.
You spun on your heel and made your way to the city. Your feet were clear of dirt and sand. Perhaps your dad was right. The guys here didn't seem so bad after all.
I hope you liked it! I might add a part two some day, but for now, it'll remain as a one-shot. :) (You can also check out my other fics as well.)
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February 1
rating: G cw: none prompt: Love is letting someone take care of you
It wasn't a lesson Eddie learned easily, or all that willingly. No one had cared for him after his Mama had died. Not for a long time after.
He dad likes to pretend he'd tried. When Eddie was feeling generous, he'd even say he agreed. His parents were so in love it was almost sickening. Losing her must have broken the part of his Dad that knew how to love fully. He didn't turn mean, not like some dads did, but he definitely cared more about his next scheme than he did about the kid that looked too much like his Mama.
Wayne taught him that people who care about you take care of you. They take care of you when you're barely nine and have burned yourself on the stove twice this week, even if you think you should have learned after the first time. They take care of you when you've been caught stealing candy from Melvald's, and skipping school, and flunking senior year (and then doing that again), and even when people accuse you of murder.
Wayne has taught him that people that really, really love you are there when you need them, care for you when you need them.
And Eddie's heart aches that no one seems to have taught Steve that.
Eddie's trying. He steps in to help with "babysitting" duties, especially when Steve looks particularly run down. He started inserting himself into the Platonic Soulmate thing Steve and Robin have going because he wants to be an established replacement Temporary Soulmate while Robin's at college. (Being fair, this was Robin's suggestion. She's worried about how he'll be when she's not around to look after him.)
He's started hanging out with Steve without Robin, too. They get along well, it turns out. Eddie loves to talk and Steve loves to listen. But, more importantly, Eddie's good at getting Steve to talk. As a rule in general, Eddie isn't a good listener, but he could listen to Steve read him the phone book and never be bored. He tries to take an interest in Steve's hobbies. He doesn't have the hand/eye coordination for basketball, or the lungs for swimming laps, but he does have the energy to keep going even when he's bad at those things.
Steve seems to appreciate it, if the soft smiles he gives Eddie is any indication.
And it's not all up hill. Steve's got hangups that seem to crop up when he thinks he's failed at something. He's got a quick temper but it's never physical anger. He's only ever yelled at Eddie twice, and being fair, that first was deserved. Eddie's pushed too far, in his desire to help, not knowing the limit yet.
Eddie gets pissy, too, he's no saint, either.
There's been no fight they haven't gotten through, though.
But the lesson, the thing Wayne was really trying to teach him, comes when Steve gets sick.
No one but Robin has ever seen him sick. She's off at college now and it's just Eddie, fumbling to make soup and not dribble water down Steve's front while he holds the glass Steve is too weak to and Eddie forgot to get some straws at the store.
Steve tried to get him to leave only once. It was the third day in a row Eddie was there.
"You don't have to be here, you know," Steve had whispered, throat still feeling like he ate glass.
Eddie just met his eye and gave a small smile, "I do know."
Steve looks surprised, which is ridiculous, because he had to of known the answer Eddie would give. But then that surprise softens to a new look. Sappier, eyes a bit wetter, and Steve must not want him to see because his whole face scrunches with how quickly he shuts his eyes.
Eddie sets the sleeve of saltines down on the night stand and reached for Steve's hand. Just to give it a squeeze.
He finds he can't take his hand back when Steve tangles their fingers together and drags their joined hands to his face, where Steve rests his feverish forehead against Eddie's hand.
Steve teaches him that, yes, love is caring for someone. But sometimes, it's also letting someone else take care of you.
@steddielovemonth @i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss
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wutheringmights · 6 months
After I finished reading The Epic of Gilgamesh today, I entered a fugue state where I sat down and read the entirety of Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce.
On the record, I have had a lifelong love and adoration for Pierce's Tortall books. I first read the Song of the Lioness quartet when I was 11, and they rewrote my brain. I love them so much. I reread them and the other Tortall books on a semi-frequent schedule.
It's been a while since I reread any of the Alanna books, if only because my sister took our shared copies when she moved out. I've been meaning to buy my own set for a long while now but haven't been able to justify the purchase. The other week, I just so happened to find the first two volumes at my local indie bookstore. I bought them immediately, as well as ordered the third and fourth book. (And discovered that the store owner knows me by name-- when I went to pick up my order, she saw me and said, Hi Frankie! I got your books over here.) (I may be spending too much money there.)
So I have been in a bit of an emotional rut these past few weeks. Work sucks. Life stinks. The temptation to run off to Tortall and curl up in the fantasy story that captivated me as a kid has never been stronger.
Ergo, I ran off to read the first book as soon as I could.
If you're looking for any critique of this book, series, or Tortall in general, I will never give it. Sure, it's problematic and dated, and in many ways imperfect, but someone else can list out all of its issues. They're all perfect to me.
Anyway, the book. I should say something about this book in particular.
One thing I appreciate about Pierce's writing is how she handles school settings in fantasy. Learning and training is so mundane. All of her heroines have to work hard and put in extra hours of study in order to improve, much less keep up with their peers. It's so normal that it circles around to being weirdly refreshing.
Also, there is still no other fantasy author who handles period talk and birth control the way Pierce does. We make fun of the trope of fantasy birth control nowadays, but I rarely see it presented as it is here: as a part of normal puberty lessons and given long before sex is in the girl's radar. And even today with the glut of YA fantasy stories out there, I still have yet to see menstruation be portrayed as frequently or as bluntly as Pierce writes it.
There was a period of time publishers really tried to push the Tortall books as straight YA, which doesn't work for that reason alone. You gotta market them to middle schoolers. They're the ones just starting puberty talks, and getting scenes like this is so good for their brains.
Moving on: I fucking love these characters. Alanna was an icon of brash, temperamental heroines that have shaped my taste to this day. I love how even in the first book, Jon is kinda shitty. I adore George Cooper. Talk about a taste maker the way this man sets a standard.
I just can't be coherent when it comes to any Tortall books. I have no thoughts. Head empty. I am going to binge the rest of this series as quickly as I can before my library book comes in. Then normal book content will resume.
Before I go, I need to talk about the book covers.
Growing up, my sister and I had these covers:
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Which, god. I love them. The black is striking. The art is incredible. Alanna looks so good. They were the perfect pocket-size too. I was going to buy the same edition for my copies, but instead I got the 40th anniversary reprints:
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Not bad at all! These books have had some seriously bad covers, and these look great! Very anime, which will appeal to the 11 year olds who need to have their socks rocked by this series.
But, man. I really miss those black covers. One day I will splurge and buy a second set of them just so that I can stare at the art.
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where-dreams-dwell · 7 months
*One Day Netflix Spoilers*
You can interpret it however works for you, and I don’t know how it played out in the book, but I loved the scene where Em and Dex got together.
Because Emma *chose* Dexter. When she didn’t have to, when she had other options, knowing all of his baggage, and knowing that they would probably be able to stay friends if she didn’t. And she still chose to start something romantic with him.
Emma was at the highest point of her success: a published author, signed for a second book, sent to live abroad in an exciting new city. And she’d started seeing someone who (from the little we see) is kind, charming, and cares for her. Emma is winning in every sense!
And she initially rejects Dexter. Her reasons make sense; she doesn’t feel he truly *wants* to be with her, just that she’s there and he’s lonely. She is sure of herself and her place in the world, and turns down the man she used to crush on because she wants it to be real. When given this opportunity were not shown a knee jerk, desperate, ‘oh my god, finally, yes!’ moment when he says he wants to be with her. She was NOT waiting on this, and she’s not PINING for him. It actually shows huge strength that when the man she used to like finally wants to be with her, she has the inner strength to say no and stick to what she deserves; a proper relationship with someone who truly wants her, not a placeholder.
Dexter lays his heart on the line, leaves himself competent venerable, and Em says no.
You could interpret Em coming back as unsatisfactory: a woman in her prime, going back to the man she’s been pining over most of her adult life. But it can also be seen as an empowering moment.
Emma knows all of Dexters issues and chooses him anyway. Dexter has literally just laid out his current headspace and issues, and it’s clear she was supporting him as the divorce was announced and agreed upon. And previous episodes show they’ve been close throughout Dexters marriage and fatherhood, with Em stopping in at his job and answering his late night calls. She’s been his best friend again for several years and knows his struggles, so she is going in to any romantic relationship with her eyes open.
Reducing Emma’s choice to being a silly or naive one I think misses huge parts of who she is, things which are key to her characterisation. Throughout the series she’s shown as intelligent, savvy, switched on and determined. Even when she’s unhappy or trying different things, she is sure in her conviction to do *something*. When she’s unhappy at the restaurant and Dex suggests teaching she makes a career change and trains. When she’s at her lowest (post headteacher affair and loosing Dex) she turns rock bottom into a spring board and tries once again to write her novel.
Emma is the embodiment of conviction. Whether it’s knowing what she wants or just knowing what she doesn’t, she is decisive and commits to her path. She’s the perfect foil for Dex who’s lesson across the series is to stop running from difficult feelings, and learn to process unpleasant emotions.
So she didn’t choose Dexter on a whim, and I love that they showed that. Em leaves Dex, turns him down, and goes to dinner with her lover in the city she’s loving living in, while doing the job she always wanted.
And she could have left it like that and they would have likely remaking friends. They did after that kiss at Tilly’s wedding, and after they slept together. So she has nothing to loose by rejecting him.
But Emma *chooses* Dex. She knows herself and what she wants, she knows who she is and what she is now capable of. What she wants, if it’s on the table, is to be with Dexter. So she commits to it.
They could have made her jump at the option to be with Dex. The writer could have had them get together when Dex was at the height of his fame or Em at the lowest point of her life. And either of those could have easily had a sense of fear on Em’s part: to be equal to Dex, to be good enough for him (in her head), to finally make it. But doing it this way gives her all the power, all the agency. And I *love* that.
From comments later it’s clear their relationship was good, they do work well together and they make one another happy. We’ll never know how Emma’s life could have gone if she stayed with Jean-Pierre. But the life she chose with Dex *was* happy. As Ian said ‘[Dex] made her so so happy’: wether you think she could have done better or deserved more, a life with someone who makes you happy… isn’t an insignificant thing.
We’ll never know if it was *the right* choice to be with Dex. But seeing how happy she was it’s clear it was a *good* choice. And that’s all we can ever hope for.
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miniwrites1 · 2 years
The Boggart - Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Word Count - 1227
Themes - Angst & Fluff
Sebastian hurried down the stretching corridor, he was running late for his next class. He was already on thin ice with his friends, Ominis and (Y/N) after the events in the catacombs near Feldcroft. He didn’t need to anger his professors too.
He skidded around the corner, taking the staircase at high speed, nearly knocking over a first year Hufflepuff in the process.
“Sorry!” He yelled, practically running now.
“Fifth years.” The first year muttered, rolling their eyes. Sebastian paid no attention and continued running. He had just rounded the corner to the classroom when he spotted his fellow fifth years entering the room. He’d made it just in time. He joined the back of the group, trying to slip into the room unnoticed. He saw (Y/N) and Ominis sitting together on one of the benches towards the front of the room. Before the event in Feldcroft he would have joined them, but now they were barely on speaking terms. It felt like they were punishing him for doing what he felt was right at the time, now though, he was remorseful, he knew what he did was wrong. He became lost in his thoughts of that fateful day. How could he have taken it that far? Yes, he desperately wanted to help Anne but thinking with a clear head now, he knew that what he had done was the worst thing possible. He’d lost his family because of it.
While Sebastian was thinking to himself, (Y/N) looked over her shoulder and spotted him at the back of the room. She nudged Ominis.
“I would tell you to look behind you but you can’t see so…” She said with a smirk. Ominis huffed.
“If I wanted to be insulted, I would go and find Peeves. What are you looking at?” He asked.
“Sebastian, he’s staring into space. It’s like he’s thinking about something. (Y/N) replied. Ominis scoffed. As angry as you were with Sebastian, you also felt bad for him. He’d lost his family over some stupid decisions he’d made and now he was paying for it, granted he was lucky that he hadn’t ended up in Azkaban. You were about to get up and speak to him when the door to the classroom swung open.
“Good morning class! In today’s defence against the dark arts lesson, we will be learning about boggarts.” Chimed Professor Hecat. You groaned internally; you knew what your boggart would be, but you didn’t want anyone else to know what you were afraid of.
To start the class, Professor Hecat asked a few questions about boggarts, such as their origin, what form they take and how to deal with them. Those that she picked to answer the questions passed with flying colours. You glanced behind you again, noticing that Sebastian still seemed deep in thought. Your head snapped back to the front when you heard a chest rattling and banging around.
“So, who wants to go first? Mr Sallow?” Professor Hecat knew that Sebastian hadn’t been listening. Sebastian gulped loudly and stood up, stepping into the centre of the room. He placed one foot in front of the other and tried to prepare for what would appear from the box. Even though he hadn’t been listening, he’d heard about this chest from a sixth year. It was the boggart chest, and he had a feeling he knew what was about to appear in front of him.
Professor Hecat released the latches on the chest and the top flew open, making everyone in the room jump. Sebastian gripped his wand tighter. What was the spell he needed to use to change it? He’d forgotten what it was. He felt frozen as he saw the boggart emerge from the chest. He tried to remind himself that it wasn’t real but he felt frozen. In front of him was Solomon Sallow, his uncle. He stared at the boggart; it looked the same as what his uncle had before the catacombs.
His chest felt tight as the boggart in the form of his uncle stepped out of the check, wand in hand. The boggart took a step towards him and drew the wand in a fighting stance.
“Ridikulus!” (Y/N) yelled, raising her wand and transforming the boggart. Professor Hecat was taken back by the scene that had unfolded in her classroom, she scolded (Y/N) for taking over. She then turned to where Sebastian was stood to find that he wasn’t there and the door to her classroom had closed with a loud slam.
“Oh for goodness sakes, Mr Sallow. Come back here now!” Professor Hecat yelled.
“What just happened?” Ominis asked, confusion lacing his words. You explained quickly what had happened with the boggart, how it had taken the form of Solomon and Sebasitan’s hasty departure from the room.
“We must go after him.” Ominis stated. You agreed wholeheartedly, as much as you may have been angry with Sebastian after what had happened in the catacombs, he was still one of your best friends. You left the room with Ominis, much to the frustration of Professor Hecat, trying to think of where Sebastian may have gone. You searched the castle, from the Slytherin common room all the way to the Undercroft but you weren’t able to find him. Then it hit you.
“What about the room of requirement?” You asked, Ominis agreed, it was worth a try. You both headed to the wall where the room could be accessed and asked to find Sebastian. The room opened into a dark corridor with a single door at the end. Casting lumos, you both made your way down the corridor, stopping short of the door. You could hear heavy breathing and the sound of sobs. You tried the handle and surprisingly the door opened into a dark, damp room. You spotted Sebastian in the corner on the floor, head in his hands, chest heaving with every breath.
You raced over to him, practically dragging Ominis with you. You put your hands on Sebastians shoulders and his head jolted up, looking you in the eyes for the first time since the events in Feldcroft.
“I-I’m Sorry, I’m so sorry. I never meant to take it as far as I did. I only wanted to help Anne.” He cried, burying his head back into his hands. You pulled him in to you, holding him tightly. You watched as Ominis put a hand on his shoulder for comfort.
I’m so sorry to both of you. I should have never put you through that. Will you ever be able to forgive me? Please don’t hate me.” Sebastian sobbed. You held him tighter, glancing at Ominis. Ominis nodded, neither of you hated him, he was your best friend.
“We don’t hate you, Sebastian.” You said kindly. “And we forgive you, we just needed some time.” Ominis finished, squeezing his shoulder for reassurance. Sebastian threw his arms around both of you, practically dragging Ominis to the floor.
“Thank you.” Sebastian whispered, feeling like a piece of himself had been mended by just hearing those words. They all knew it would take a while for them to heal from the events that had happened over the last school year, but they were determined to see the year through and end it on a better note than what the middle of the year had been.
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The Feral Princess - Part 2
Marvel AU
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Theme: Soulmate AU / Medieval / Fantasy / Soulmate Marks
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Summary: Bucky and Steve have known they were soulmates since they were children. Fate bringing a then sickly Steve and the future King together. War takes them apart and throws them back together over and over, in and out of each other lives, arms and beds. But something is missing and throughout, they know they are missing their third and final piece. The kingdom is now Bucky's and Steve's, the latter now a leader and no longer a sickly child. Both are war heroes, with the respect of their country and those that surround it. They are a force to be reconned with, admired and respected within the other royal houses. They could have any maiden or princess they wanted, but they don't want just anyone. They want their soulmate. They want their princess. Even if she is known as The Feral Princess.
Chapter Summary: We meet the reader and a visitor witnesses her unruly behaviour.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of violence against children, physical violence against the person threatening the child, implied feeding of people to humans.
You’re already stirring when you hear the patter of little feet along the wooden floor. The voice of one of the Royal Guards comes soon after.
“Your Royal Highness where are you going? And where is your Governess?”
There was a sound of raspberries being blown.
“Princess I don’t believe your cousin has awoken yet?”
“Outta way.” Came a little voice and there was the sounds of a chair being pushed across the hall.
“Princess please be careful.”
There was a gasp and then the sounds of one of your ladies.
“What on earth are you doing child?”
“See her.”
“You can’t just let her climb up there like that.”
“My apologies Lady Dawn but to stop her would mean to place hands on her and we are under orders to avoid that after what happened.”
“Oh for goodness sake. One little bite, a nip if that, and you’re scared of a three year old. You got off lightly, Tulip was much worse, she tried to stab a guard when she was the Princess’ age.”
There was knock and the door pushed open.
“Come on little one do not loiter you will scare the guards.”
You heard the familiar sounds of your breakfast tray and Lady Dawn’s footsteps along with little ones. You shuffled down in the blankets and pretended to be sleeping. You felt them be pulled as the little princess tried to climb onto your bed.
“Do you require help your Royal Highness?”
“Nopes, I can do, seeeeee.”
“Well done, now wake Tulip for me but nicely.”
“Yes, quietly. We know how grumpy she can be when she's first woken.”
Sadly your cousin took far too much after you and although she took quiet steps to begin with she soon launched herself on top of you.
“Wakes, wakes up.”
“You Princess Lottie are a nuisance.” You exclaimed as you tickled her, her laughter bouncing around the room.
“Hmmmm, can’t think where she learned such behaviour.” Quipped Lady Dawn.
“Her father.” You quipped back.
“Daddy speak you.”
“What is that Governess teaching her?! It’s Daddy needs to speak to you.” Lady Dawn exclaimed. “She’s worse than the governess you had!”
“I may have terrorised her a little.”
“A little, every single one left either crying or running, or both. Lady Marion and I had to teach you ourselves.”
“I’m aware Lady Dawn, I was there, and what a fine lady you made me.”
Lady Dawn scowled at you.
“Sit up and eat your damn breakfast.”
"And she says I'm the grumpy one."
You made small talk with the Princess, as she stole food from your plate. You smiled softly at her, she was definitely more like you than anyone wanted to admit. She started to tell you about her lessons that morning and revealed that the Governess had raised her voice and shouted at her. You scowled and glanced at Lady Dawn, when you turned back and looked at Lottie a realisation washed over you. Her feet and legs were bare and though they often were, today the little princess was to have lessons and she should be dressed as such.
“Lottie where are your tights?”
“She took.”
Her eyes turned down in sadness and her bottom lip began to quiver. You pushed the tray away and pulled her into your lap.
“Stickkkk.” She said as she cried into your chest. Lady Dawn didn’t even hesitate and she pulled open the doors to your dressing room and began to ready your clothes.
You would be having words with the Governess. You pulled open the doors to your room moments later startling the guards.
They both nodded their heads to you and Lottie.
“Your Royal Highnesses.”
“Has she been here? The Governess? For Lottie?”
“Send word she is not to leave the castle until I have dealt with her.”
You marched down through the hallways, Lottie on your hip and Lady Dawn hurrying along behind you. The strength in your silent stride, the look on your face and the fact you were striding along in your riding clothes, sword on your waist and knife on your thigh spoke volumes, and although you wished the staff good morning they moved quickly out of your way.
You made your way towards the Great Hall, hearing raised voices as you approached. Lottie’s mother, the king’s longest serving mistress yelling at the Governess was the first thing you heard, followed by the Governess’ excuses.
“I’m sorry my lady I have looked everywhere.”
“WILL YOU DO SOMETHING RICHARD!!!” The mistress again, but yelling this time.
“She can’t have gotten far Annie, have you really looked everywhere?”
“Of course your Majesty.”
The doors to the hall opened and one of Royal Guards announced you.
“Their Royal Highnesses, Princess Charlotte and Princess Y/N, accompanied by Lady Dawn your Majesty.”
There were gasps as you entered and Annie rushed to you pulling Lottie from your arms.
“Mama, mama!!!”
“Thank you Princess.”
You smiled softly. Many had issue with Anne’s presence in court, even more so at Richard’s side and especially now her child was legitimatised and in line for the throne. But you did not. She made Richard happy after he had lost his Queen and soulmate and that was enough for you.
“Of course.” You said placing a kiss of Lottie’s head. You turned to place a kiss on Lady Anne’s cheeky but whispered to her instead. “Take her from the room you won’t want her to see what comes.”
She nodded and left, Lottie still in her arms and her two ladies following behind. Once the doors had closed you marched towards the Governess and struck her hard with the back of your hand across her face, striking with such force she fell to the floor. There were gasps from some of the newer ladies of court, with the older and regular attendees not surprised by your outburst.
You pulled the knife from your thigh holster and straddled the Governess.
“Did you just lie to the King?”
“No Tulip of course….”
“No,” you stopped her, twirling the knife in your hand as you spoke “only my friends call me that and we are not and never will be friends. Now I’ll ask you again, did you just lie to your King?”
You pressed the knife against her throat.
“No Princess. I swear it.”
“Odd, I thought I heard you tell the King twice that you’d looked everywhere for the little Princess and yet you have made no enquiries near to or within my chambers. Otherwise you would know the imp had been stealing my breakfast whilst chatting away like a court gossip upon my bed. Now, tell the King why she ran from you.”
“She doesn’t like her lessons, the ones at the desk, that she must sit for.”
“And she was being a mischief and ran from me.”
“Why would she run?”
“The lessons. The lessons.” The Governess squealed as you pressed the blade further into her neck.
“That is all!! That is all!!”
“You must find better Governesses your Majesty, for this one is a liar.”
“I am not!!!”
“Why are the Princess’ legs bare?”
At that the Governess’ eyes went wide.
You leaned down and whispered into her ear.
“Think yourself lucky there is an audience Governess, I would kill you where you lay if there wasn’t. Now tell the truth, otherwise I will tell all of court of your nightly visits to see the Priest and we both know it’s not for prayers.”
“I sort to, I was going to…..”
You rolled your eyes and let the blade nick at her neck, causing a small cut.
“I was going to strike her, to discipline her!!! She is feral.”
“Oh Governess. All the best Princesses are.”
There was light laughter around the hall but it was stopped by the King raising his hand.
“I believe there are some dragons that require feeding Tulip.”
“Of course your Majesty.”
You rose from your straddling position and left the hall. Two of your own personal guards, hand picked from your Uncle Robin’s men, emerged silently from the crowd and roughly picked up the Governess and followed you from the hall.
You didn’t see the visiting Lord turn to one of the Knights.
“You have dragons here?”
This would be harder than they thought. Because not only were you definitely feral, and in Sam's eyes a lunatic, there was also dragons here. DRAGONS!!! Which you apparently fed with human snacks!!!
It was at that moment Sam decided it was probably best if Bucky fetched you himself.
Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @sebastians-love @mrsevans90 @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @forgetmenotsexy
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bberry005 · 4 months
thinking way too hard about this page from kanan: the last padawan and how much it shows about him as a character during rebels and also how that relates to ezra and their sacrifices at the end of the show
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it's clear from the first episode of rebels that kanan has no qualms about attachment in general, which is a stark difference from most of the other jedi that we see. he cares freely and openly and deeply about all the members of the ghost crew. he might care too much at the beginning, but that's part of his journey as a jedi that we see throughout the show.
"you must not grow too attached, too fond, too in love with life as it is now" is a fundamental thing that kanan must remember during season 2 of rebels. because he DID become too attached to his life as it was with the ghost crew running around lothal, and when they join up with the larger rebel fleet, he doesn't like it and dislikes how things are changing. he has to relearn the ability to adapt and change before he's declared a jedi knight in the season 2 finale.
part of being a jedi is loving enough to know when it's time to go, which is something that kanan mastered. he and ezra leave at the end of season 2 to protect the rest of the rebellion, he teaches ezra to let sabine go with her family on mandalore, he helps hera reconcile with her past on ryloth. through love and attachment, kanan also learned sacrifice. he lost everything as he became kanan jarrus instead of caleb dume. he was forced to leave behind all the attachments of his former life in order to survive. he didn't learn to do that necessarily, he was forced into it out of necessity, which is very different than him consciously learning how to let go during rebels.
in rebels, kanan leaves by choice. in season 2, he knows that leaving is necessary to the survival of the rebellion. in season 4, he's standing on top of the fuel tank and holding back the explosion and he probably wants nothing more than to try and go with hera, ezra, and sabine. because that's his FAMILY. he loves them more than anything, but he knows that if he does not let go, they will not survive.
so he does. he sees them one last time, and then he lets them go and sacrifices himself to save them all, and in a way, this was the last lesson he ever taught ezra
its no secret that their sacrifices were meant to mirror each other, but here's the images again for reference
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in his final moments, kanan teaches ezra about sacrifice. yes, you must love and feel and experience life, but to be a jedi knight, you must be able to master those feelings and do what you must for the greater good. in his actions, kanan was essentially repeating what depa told him when he was a padawan. "you must not grow too attached, too fond, too in love with life as it is now. those emotions are valuable and must not be surpressed, but you must learn to rule them lest they rule you". ezra fully learns that lesson during "the world between worlds" when he leaves the memory of kanan's death behind in the world between worlds and learns to stop his attachment from going too far.
and also like...kanan's life had FINALLY worked out when he died. hera just said that she loved him, they're back on lothal ready to free their home from the empire, he's figured out this whole jedi thing, and he may or may not know that hera is pregnant with their child depending on your interpretation. but he must let go. he cannot let his love and attachment stop him from doing what must be done for the greater good. he saves them, but he also leads to the empire blowing up their own fuel depot, which is the only reason the rebels can take back lothal. he put his purpose (saving the galaxy) over his feelings (because there was definitely a part of him screaming to go with his family, but he was able to control it in order to see the bigger picture)
the jedi fight for peace and the greater good, which at it's core requires immense selflessness and sacrifice and a clear head acting on logic rather than emotion. kanan and ezra were learning that together throughout the whole show, and one last time, kanan teaches ezra a jedi lesson that he finally figured out through trying to guide ezra through it
"but remember, caleb, the galaxy is far from static, and as it changes, a jedi's role in it too must evolve." jedi were keepers of the peace, then they were generals, then they were scattered teenagers who didn't know what to do in the wake of order 66, and now? now they are rebel fighters, once again getting at the heart of what it is to be a jedi. to be a jedi is to love, to sacrifice, to keep the peace. kanan and ezra show why jedi are KNIGHTS and not diplomats. they fight for peace, but they know it is just that: a bloody, brutal, violent fight, and that those fights require sacrifice in order to keep going. they both embody luthen's line from andor where he says "i burn my life for a sunrise i will never get to see", which is also a perfect way to think about why the jedi fight for peace. they really believe in it, and are willing to lay down their lives to make a peace that will never be achieved in their lifetimes.
(what's also crazy is that in this episode, we're essentially shown that kanan jarrus has found caleb dume again and therefore reconnected with his jedi past but that's a post for a whole other day)
i have so many feelings about this that basically boil down to: rebels is so well written and so underrated and kanan and ezra teach us far more about what the ideal jedi should be than any of the skywalker saga main characters (WHICH IS A VERY HOT TAKE I KNOW but it's my take)
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Summary: Confined to a room to catch up on paperwork, Anakin's ADHD brain won't let him function. He ends up just trying to distract you.
Warnings: None. Slightly suggestive? Mostly fluff.
Word count: 1,485
Anakin’s heart fell when he walked into the room. He had been sent to the offices over his holo, summoned by his Master. He had hoped it would be training, or a new mission, or maybe even a social call! 
The offices were not his favourite place in the temple, so he didn’t go there often. Today they were occupied by a few different Jedi, all working away. It was a mind-numbingly boring place. 
And alas, there Obi Wan was, leaning against his desk with an incredibly exasperated, disappointed look on his face. His legs were crossed in front of him and he stood with his usual air of authority and piety. The space was littered in papers. 
Anakin swallowed and filled with dread as his Master raised an eyebrow at him. None of those folders had been so much as opened. None of the books read, or forms filled out. The pile was almost comically big.
In Anakin’s defence, he had been busy. But he also remembered his promise to Obi Wan upon taking the role of General in this war. That he would do it properly. 
“So your holo is working then?” Obi Wan said, unamused. Obi-Wan crossed his arms and fixed Anakin with a stern gaze. "Anakin, do you have any idea how important these reports are? The Council relies on timely and accurate information to make strategic decisions."
Anakin scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, Master, you see... I've been a bit busy with the whole 'saving the galaxy' thing. You know how it is."
Obi-Wan sighed, his exasperation deepening. "Saving the galaxy is indeed important, Anakin, but that doesn't mean you can neglect your responsibilities as a General. This paperwork is part of your duty."
He’s heard it so many times before “I know, Obi Wan.” 
"As much as I appreciate your combat skills, you can't solve everything with a lightsaber. The Republic also needs proper administration."
“I know, Obi Wan.”
“You understand?”
“Yes Master.” Replied Anakin, head tilted down slightly, feeling reprimanded and surly. 
“Good. Then you won’t mind that I’ve taken you off the Bandomeer run.”
“Wha-what?! You can’t do that!”
“Oh yes I can. You need to maintain all aspects of your responsibilities, otherwise there’s no point to any of it.”
Anakin gaped, feeling utterly betrayed. He had no words as he looked at his Master’s resolute face.
“I’ll be back in a few days, by then I hope you will have caught up.” Obi Wan did not enjoy the dismayed look on his Padawan’s face - ok maybe a little. But really Anakin had to learn this lesson. Lives can be saved by having these sorts of communications and records completed. It was of the utmost importance he got on top of things. 
He went over to his still seething Padawan and gestured for him to move behind the desk, to get to work. 
Anakin hadn’t noticed before but on the table next to his, you were filling out your own paperwork. You had been uncharacteristically quiet during his exchange with his Master, strangely focused, almost interested, in your papers. 
He turned back to Obi Wan, “Do I have to start now?”
“Yes Anakin, sit down next to Y/N and maybe she can show you how a proper Jedi attends his duties.” His Master looked almost smug and Anakin noticed Y/N bite her lip to hide a smile. 
Anakin felt thoroughly put out as Obi Wan left. Suddenly overwhelmed in the face of his work, and desperately annoyed he wasn’t to be going on his mission. He hated sitting still, he hated writing, he hated the uncomfortable chairs, the smell of old papers and stale caf. 
He leaned back in his seat and let out a groan which made you bristle. He noticed. He ran his hand through his hair. And sighed again loudly to see if you’d say something. You didn’t. 
He supposed he should get a move on. He stretched out his long arms,  not an easy thing in such a cramped space, he noted. He was about to grab the top piece of paper when he realised he didn’t have a pen. So naturally he started to look for one - and he did so in the most annoying way possible. He opened every single draw in his desk unit, finding nothing. He moved all the stacks of paper from one side of the desk to the other, and then reversed the entire thing. 
First, he was stuck doing paperwork instead of going on a mission, and now he couldn't even find a pen to start the tedious task.
He looked helplessly around the room and finally to his right where you were sitting. Your hand was out, eyes still glued to your papers, holding a black pen. 
“Thanks” He said, putting on his most charming smile. But you don’t reply, your hand just fall deftly back down to your work. 
Anakin couldn't help but feel a little put-out by your lack of response. He was used to getting attention and he didn’t want to do his work. And there was something different about you right now. You were really focused, and he found that strangely attractive.
He cleared his throat and leaned over towards you, trying to peek at your work. "What are you working on?"
You looked up at him, surprised by the sudden intrusion. "Just some mission reports," you replied curtly.
“Same.” He said, gesturing to his pile. The look you send him is utterly unimpressed. 
He leaned back in his chair and tried to focus on his work. He couldn’t though. He started tapping the end of his new pen on his work. Trying to get his brain to think, to process the information. His leg was bounding up and down. All in all he was an image of energy and impatience and it make your skin crawl with annoyance. 
“Can you stop that?”
Anakin looked at you innocently, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "Stop what?" he asked, even though he knew exactly what you were referring to.
Your irritation was growing by the second, and you shot him a pointed glare. "The tapping and the bouncing, Anakin. It's distracting."
He chuckled, clearly unfazed by your annoyance. "Oh, come on, Y/N, it’s part of the process. Besides, I thought Jedi were supposed to be masters of concentration. It shouldn’t stop you from completing your work, surely?”
He was goading you, definitely trying to draw you in and cure his boredom.
You rolled your eyes, determined to stay focused on your task. “You better get started Anakin, you don’t want your master to have to extend your break from active service.”
“Hey! Woah! That’s a bit uncalled for, don’t you think?”
“Do you think he wouldn’t?”
Anakin stilled. He really wouldn’t put it past his Master to do that. After several minutes of futile attempts at focusing, he let out a deep sigh. "I can't do this," he muttered under his breath. He couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness, like he was trapped in this small room with no escape.
You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Can't do what?"
"This," he gestured to the pile of paperwork. "I can't focus. I just keep getting distracted."
You let out a small chuckle, but it was void of amusement. "Maybe you should try meditating on it.”
Anakin sighed dramatically, his frustration evident. "Meditating won't help, Y/N. I've tried. I need something... more stimulating."
Your eyes met his, and for a moment, there was a charged silence between you. Anakin's gaze held a hint of mischief, and you couldn't help but feel a tiny bit sorry for him. Despite your annoyance with his antics, he did seem to be suffering somewhat, even if it was his fault.
You tried to maintain your composure, but your heart was racing, and you found it increasingly difficult to focus on your work. "Anakin, we have to finish this paperwork."
Anakin's lips curled into a smirk as he continued to inch closer. "Who says we can't multitask, Y/N?"
Before you could respond, he gently brushed his lips against yours, a soft, lingering kiss that left you breathless. It was a brief moment of stolen passion in the midst of the tedious paperwork, a secret indulgence that neither of you could resist.
When you finally pulled away, your cheeks were flushed, and you couldn't help but smile. "Anakin, we can't do this here."
He grinned, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “Why not?”
“Because you haven’t earnt it yet.”
He looks at you appalled. “No, no, no, no. We are not playing that game. Don’t do that!”
“I’m not doing anything!… Until… you do… your work…” You drag out the words and grin at him wickedly. 
He collapses into his chair with a overly dramatic sigh, he makes you laugh. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
May I request some headcanons of Barnaby,Sally and Wally meeting a Very Old Goose Puppet Y/n? Just this worn out,Raggedy and Intimidating Goose Grandparent who then absolutely babies them and teaches them self defense tricks,making them soup,maybe they worked as some sort of guard or security! Just pepaw/granny goose caring over these silly puppets.also like they could be going round the forest and a feral bear pops up,Pepaw Goose just turns around and hiss at it and the bear scampers off while Pepaw is like “Anyways-“ (Thoight would be funny because Geese are used as Guard animals)
Have a nice day! ^^ or night if it’s late!
Yeah!! I was genuinely surprised at the amount of Wally x Reader stuff here but I'm all for it!
Also ngl I've been playing a lot of Untitled Goose Game recently so,,, this ask couldn't have come at a better time /pos
Honestly, when this lad first saw you emerge from the woods...he was about to run back home with his tail tucked between his legs. You gave him quite a fright!
You were a goose who was about Poppy's height--if not taller--with ragged greyed feathers and [e/c] eyes that look nearly bloodshot, your legs and bill having stitches, and some loose stuffing falling out of your main body.
All in all...you had a very intimidating disposition.
But when you approach Barnaby, it turns out you're just returning one of his juggling pins that he accidentally flung out into the forest.
"You best keep an eye on your juggling kits, dear." You speak in a gentle, raspy voice.
"Th-Thanks...are you from the barn too?"
"A different one. I used to be a guard for the little gooselings and other farm animals in my prime years but---oh..how about we walk and talk, hm? Do you live close by?"
And that's how Barnaby got to know you! He felt bad for judging you by your appearance, as while you look scary..you're just a sweet ol' geeser (yes he's made that pun a few times and you love it) whose kind heart and soul haven't gone anywhere.
You've come to care for everybody in the neighborhood, especially the big blue dog who sometimes gets into accidents while performing stunts.
In those cases, you always know how to nurse him back to health.
At some point, he and everybody else start to see you as a grandparent, calling you [Pa/Ma]...which makes you especially happy.
When you were younger, you saw her descend to earth, thinking it was just an ordinary shooting star.
You made a wish that you'll be able to find some good friends to spend the rest of your days with. Being a geese guard was a lonely job sometimes..
Many years later, you see that same star--now one who walked and talked--strolling through the forest near your barn. And you were ecstatic, wanting to introduce yourself!
Even though Sally's never met you till now, she's flattered to learn you wished upon her....and even happier to know she made that wish come true!
Your initial appearance surprised her, but she's eager to run back to town and introduce you to everyone!
So that's where you two head to, though as you're both talking (which is mostly her rambling about the next play she's performing tonight), an aggressive bear suddenly leaps out and roars, frightening her-
Until you hiss at it, extending your wings in a threatening manner, which immediately drove the beast back into the woods.
Then you turn back to the gawking star with the sweetest, most apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that, dearie..do continue."
And she does for a little while, but you end up using that bear encounter as a teaching moment, showing her (and the others once you meet them) how to best defend themselves against possible bear attacks (or any wild animal attack in general). You made it your mission to keep these young folks safe.
Sally would definitely incorporate these lessons into her plays, which you grew to adore, refusing to miss a single one.
It was actually Poppy who introduced you to the gang, since you've watched over the barn she's lived in since she was a little baby bird. She basically considers you her parent.
You helped her out with her anxiety issues and baking mishaps over the years, so everybody warms up to you quick after learning your ties to each other.
Wally's no different. He's not too intimidated by your height nor raggedy feathers (man knows to respect his elders).
If anything, he's impressed that your felt and stuffing are still keeping you together, but offers to help you get patched up.
"Oh thank you, sweetie!" You croon. "You know..this town is blessed to have such a kind and handsome gentleman like yourself here."
Hearing that instantly melted his heart.
Soon enough, you get acquainted with the others and take care of them if they need help with anything.
Within the neighborhood, you ensure no wildlife breaks into the grocery store and makes off with any food (especially apples), always keeping watch.
Wally admires your nurturing and protective nature, knowing you're a very wise bird who offers the best advice..
Whenever he's lost on inspiration for art projects or just...feeling stressed over whatever, you're there to help him how ever you can.
When he got caught out in a rainstorm and got sick one day, you made him some delicious soup that helped him feel better within hours.
And of course, Home's happy to see you taking care of their owner. So you're always welcomed inside.
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missmarveledsblog · 10 days
Flumpy ( jake seresin x reader) part 8
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summary : the moment he was dreading came jake got his deployment papers , terrified since this is first time he's been in love while on deployment , he self sabotages everything maybe even losing the best thing he's ever had in his life can he make it right in four weeks before he's to leave for three months
warning : angst . jakes a bit of a dick in this one ( don't kill me ) hurt
a.n. : i know i said last part would be part 8 but i can't leave it at that so i'll be posting new parts over the next few days <3
The hard deck  was busier than usual  as it was convention season  meaning people all over the US and even abroad coming to san diego trying to get a room and good night out experience while they were there .   many woman and men flocking in as a chance to bed a man in a uniform like it was a universal bucket  list goal .  This used to be a prime time for jake seresin like his own personal christmas in the past to bed these women with no expectations of anything else giving  they would be go by end of the weekend back to where ever they came from .  But now it was different it was just another weekend at the hard deck since he got the girl of his dreams even if said girl was currently dressed up as some game character having an intense argument  or  “ discussion” with fanboy about some sci fi show he’s never seen  or was it a game  he was unsure after  half hour .  He wasn’t going to lie when he discovered his girl was a major nerd fully into the whole dress up thing was probably the hottest thing especially when it was his beautiful girl .  her wig long forgot tuck in his truck safely but the costume she had on made him strain in his pants most of the night . the downside of  it was he wasn’t the only one that thought she looked good , guys asking if they could take picture with his girl , his flumpy well it brought out  the jealous side in jake . he watched every time she went to the bar or if she was playing pool how the eyes lingered on her  a little too long .  he found himself standing behind wrapping his arm around her waist , placing kisses on her neck  letting them all see she was his  not that she was complaining at all . 
It also didn’t help he got those dread papers that told him he was to spend three months away from the woman he love. He never had this before , he never gotten to the stage with women to wait for him while he was deployed , he was going to let her enjoy the weekend let her  have her fun , he could tell her while she was so excited and so happy it would crush her. But he wouldn’t be lying if  it wasn’t driving him more crazy knowing he’d be away for three months and guys would be looking at her like that when he’s not around it wasn’t that he didn’t trust her , he didn’t trust his fellow men .  the dagger squad would be there to be there for her , it was just all new for him  and it scared the hell out of him . 
She loved convention week  truly she got to let her nerd side run free  and even more so having a friend like fanboy to join her and an amazing boyfriend who hyped her up even if he’d no clue who the character was . what she didn’t like though was the base bunnies  that came from all over looking at her man like he was some sort of prize to attain .  how their hungry eyes tried devour him when he was playing darts or heading to the bar . she couldn’t blame them though jake in his uniform was drool inducing material . how big his arms looked almost straining in the khakis  or how he stood tall like a tree but at end of the day that was her tree . winning her debate with fanboy she sat with nat as the guys teamed up  on game of pool  , the weird addition to the squad and one man she didn’t see coming was kyle. Turns out he wasn’t such a bad guy after all just a dumb guy trying to make an impression but learning a lesson and knowing the right way to go about thing or was it the brunette beside her that had him changing his ways . like a different man altogether  to prove he was worth a chance he and nat hit it off . took them all awhile to get used to  come around especially jake but even he ended up giving the guy a chance .   the two watched their men team up against fanboy and payback on the pool table shamelessly ogling their men  and they weren’t the only ones . 
“ god if they don’t stop i think i may end up in a cell tonight” y/n huffed  eyes glaring around the bar. 
“ down girl , nothing to worry about plus jakes been staking his claim all  night and kyles not far behind him  but it is slightly annoying” nat agreed. 
“ ugh i need a drink you want one?” she hopped off stool . 
“ nah but the boys look like their beers need a refill” . 
“On it lieutenant trace” she saluted making nat snort out laughing. 
It was hard to manoeuvre  almost bumping into everyone on the way  . she finally reached the front of the bar almost dramatically as penny came over taking her order she sat waiting for the drink feeling someone bump into her harshly . 
“ hey watch it asshole… mark?” her head tilted seeing an old college buddy last she heard he was across the pond . 
“ hey short stuff what you doing here” he cheered almost lifting her up in a hug. 
“ erm i could say the same thing mr i moved to the uk” she laughed. 
“ my husband got transferred to a firm here in san diego so boom here we are” he chuckled . 
“  i knew it lizzy and kelly thought i was full of shit but the gaydar is never wrong” she jumped excitedly.  
“ i mean it was very obvious  i don’t know how i was blind myself to it” he rolled his eyes . 
“ well i went through something like that myself .. i mean not sexuality but i was totally blind to see my boyfriend was in love with me … long story” she snorted . 
“ oh well since  we should meet up for coffee and share the long storie , here put your number in  and we’ll sort the detail” he smiled handing her his phone. 
“ who hell is talking to , why is she taking his phone ?” jake frowned watching the scene  transpire  usually his rational side would chalk down to something reasonable but he never seen this guy before nor has she mention a friend in the hard deck and he knew all her friend hell the were sitting with him in that moment. 
“ ask her  and you’ll see  its nothing” phoenix rolled her eyes knowing it was nothing. 
“ dude looks like a male model or some shit”  kyle spoke up . 
“ not helping newbie” fanboy winced. Jake was pissed  the attention she’d been getting all day and night pissing him off , maybe he wasn’t thinking right or maybe it would be easier not to have her waiting for him , to worry about if he was going to be coming back or not .  it was stupid idea but maybe it was the right one . 
“ hey jake thought i might find you here” a voice purred . 
“ hey cassie not the time” he huffed  she was probably  the only regular he had when it came to convention time. 
“ looks like i came right  time , you look all tense maybe we could head to my hotel i can help you out” she smiled fingers dancing up his chest . 
“ yeah not happening “ a voice called pulling her hand away . 
“ and why wouldn’t it sorry little girl i got here first and we go way back” cassie smiled clinging to jakes arm. 
“ i’d suggest you get yourself off my boyfriend before you get a reservation in the hospital lady” y/n almost growled. 
“ wasn’t your boyfriend when you were getting that dudes number” he scoffed. 
“ doesn’t seem like your boyfriend want me to leave” cassie smirked as y/n furrowed while jakes made no  way to move the woman.  Why wasn’t he moving the woman from his arm. 
“ actually i was going to ask you to come to dinner with that dude and his husband during week but i can see your busy,  can’t believe you thought i would do something like that to you ” she placed the drinks down and grab her coat and bag rushing through the crowd not caring who she hit on her way   . 
“ shit y/n wait   ..get off me “ he moved  pushing through the crowd  realising this wasn’t the right idea it wasn’t even close to the right idea.  By the time he got out of the bar she was long gone , pulling his phone out trying to call her but it just kept going to voicemail .  he just maybe fucked up the best thing that had happened to him all because of his own fears and stupidity .  his head hung low he called a cab to take him home try and see if he could fix the whole mess  that’s even if she would hear him out. 
She felt sick to her stomach , how could he not trust her , how could he think she would do something like that to him when she spent majority of her time showing him he was the love of her life maybe he was bored with her. Maybe after it all he just wasn’t ready to be in a committed relationship god she felt so stupid  and even worse they lived together how the hell was she going to navigate it all . she couldn’t even think of that now everything hurt  from a migraine to the feeling of her heart hurting like it that tramp at the bar  took it from her chest and stomped on it . maybe they rushed into things and he changed his mind on how he feels now she was crying in the back  of an uber while the poor driver didn’t know what to say he probably thought she was a nut job in her costume  and make up that was definitely down her face now. Her phone kept buzzing and beeping between jake and nat calling her non stop . she text nat to let her know she got uber home and she’d ring when she was better as for jake she didn’t even bother to text or ring him well she did telling him to leave her alone. 
The moment she got home she headed straight her room thankfully roo was out or else it would be world war three in the house she knew that much for sure . she grabbed the clothes jake left in her room and through them into the hall before locking her bedroom door heading to the shower needing to wash away the night , hoping the hot water would help relax her now tense muscles so she could go sleep . she was too mentally exhausted to even bare confronting him .  she heard the front door open  , she heard the footstep running down the hall , she heard the banging on her door and his pleading to  talk to him . 
He felt sick seeing his thing thrown to the floor ,  the door to her room locked  and it broke his heart when he could hear her crying . he did that , he hurt her because he was a coward  . self sabotaging the best thing that he ever had . he felt his own tears coming falling down his cheek  ,  he felt his back hitting the door and sliding to the floor hoping this was some sort nightmare he was going to wake up from .  he would wake and she would be wrapped in his arms and yet he knew it wasn’t the case he knew he truly well and truly fucked up . but he wasn’t going to give up til he made it right , show her he made a stupid mistake his deployment was four weeks he could do it right?.
part 9
taglist : @harrysgothicbitch @djs8891 @darksparklesficrecs @emma8895eb
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