#but to be honest of they ever meet again and he doesnt say who he is she wont figure it out
weebsinstash · 8 months
Hi I’ve been watching Hazbin Hotel and I found your blog which is amazing by the way , and I was wondering what are your thoughts on yandere Alastor ?
Thanks babe! ^^ so i was discussing this with someone recently and, to avoid doing that thing where I have too any concepts on the same post, I'm going to stick with a specific idea I've had of him recently which I will call "canon accurate yandere Alastor"
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imma be honest and say this version would fucking suck depending on your preferences because he
-doesn't love you romantically and doesn't let YOU date
-doesn't wanna fuck you either AND DOESN'T LET YOU FUCK ANYONE ELSE EITHER
-probably does not consider you an equal by any means, like he considers you a good friend and you're charming and lovely and whatever, but he sees you like.... you'd be puking into a trashcan and he's the one holding your hair back, "now see my dear, this is why you shouldn't go out drinking without a proper escort~" like there's a vague layer of condescension and there's a huge massive power balance and experience balance between you two
Like. He's. He's kind of condescendingly cunty to you, he's vaguely looking at you with the energy of "MacKenzie oh my gosh MacKenzie you're so drunk, you're wasted, oh my god let me drive you home, no girl I'm taking your keys, you're too--" like do you get what I mean? He's a traditional gentleman and he comes along and uh, he thinks he sees this raw potential and charm inside of you that he thinks is being wasted by your modern lifestyle which can literally include
- your diet
-your tech use or what you use from day to day
- how you dress
-how you TALK
-how you spend your time
-who you hang out with
Just picture he meets you, you catch his eye, maybe you're at the hotel, and he's entertained by your sarcastic witty replies to his antics that maybe even get a chuckle out of him. You're a spitfire and he likes that!
.... and then the next time he sees you you're like vaping weed from a pen, looking at him with half lidded eyes, playing a game on your phone, too scattered to fully hold a conversation with him, to focus, to be as entertaining to him as before, and he's grinding the teeth in his smile, "oh no, this won't do at all", especially when he sees negative affects such maybe you're watching things he doesn't approve of or you're being harassed idk
I feel like since Alastor canonically drinks and is quite a heavyweight apparently, he wouldn't mind his darling drinking, but he would definitely control how much after a while. If you get too wasted in front of him too many times, he'll completely cut you off. Folks are you aware that getting too drunk can cause an alcohol induced panic attack that can literally take away your ability to move your hands and arms and make your mouth numb. I found this out recently :) whoops. And I feel like Alastor sees that shit and you'd have to EARN HIS TRUST for him to let you drink again and uh, I don't think that's possible
You're kind of like a bestie but you're also like a toy he's playing with and he doesn't like to share. He'll drag you away from doing other things with other people, especially if he doesn't approve of what you're doing and or with whom. He basically views you dating other people as lowering yourself to people who are beneath you and would only want you to give yourself to someone who deserves you, and he doesn't think ANYONE deserves you except him, and he DOESNT LIKE YOU THAT WAY so the man is just like FORCING CELIBACY ON YOU. Like have you ever seen videos of people taking their domesticated lovely groomed pets outdoors and like a stray or even wild animal version of it comes along to. Hump. And the owner is freaking out, "get the fuck AWAY I don't know where you've been" or at least Should? THAT'S Alastor watching 'other people trying to predate upon you' aka YOU trying to get laid or date
You'll be cooking something and he'll come up and try some without asking, "Hah! This is terrible!" and either watch you so he can tell you what he thinks you did wrong once the dish is finished or he takes over and asserts that he wants to show you to do it "the proper way!" and if you're female he potentially inserts a comment about how as a lovely lady you should know your way around a kitchen (in like a positive "I'll show you so you can know for yourself" way but like the underlying misogyny is there lol)
He'll take you out drinking and dancing but don't you dare let him catch you throwing it back or being mildly sexual, or he'll immediately tell you you've had too much to drink and take you home and you two spend the rest of the night like drinking tea listening to the radio, reading books, or watching old timey TV.
Lastly... I can absolutely see Alastor making some kind of deal with his darling for their soul. He CAN do that (and I think technically anyone in Hell can deal with souls, it's apparently part of the becoming an Overlord process). But I can just see him taking his darling's soul in exchange for anything, it might be really small, it might be really important, but he sees it as safeguarding your beautiful lovely little soul from anyone else who might take it. It truly is like THE HIGHEST FORM OF OWNING YOU, CONTROLLING YOU. It's all according to whatever is in the deal, but I'm sure there's other basic caveats you get... like him being able to summon you at will if you agree to it so he's randomly yanking you away from other people or tracking you when he doesn't know when you are.... or restraining you so you stop running away from him and running out on the town to act so... vulgar
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sunny-ssunset · 29 days
Honest south park dating headcanons🔥💯
Im writing so much bc i literally have nothing else to do so enjoy 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯
Anyways honest headcanons about how i think the main 4 would act in a relationship with you (all aged up) mostly gender neutral but there is like mentions of boobies :)
TW Mentions of s*x, dr*gs and v*mit
•Honestly you wouldnt have to put much effort in to get with him
•Mother fuckers desprate for love
•Hes actually a bit of a wreck once you date him
•Crying because he is scared you'll leave him
•You are defo a rebound
•To be fair he'd start to fall for you though
•And because of that he'd throw up all over you
•He'd break up with you if wendy said she missed him
•In his eyes theres always someone better
•And im sorry but he moves on fast
•If wendy breaks up with him again though
•Expect a drunk call at 3 am saying how much he misses you and how he fucked up and if you can get back together
•Its your choice if you get back with him though lmao
•He is extremely awkward
•Kyle has high ass standards so when he sees someone that meets those standards he'll fall hard
•This man cannot talk to people he likes
•If he doesnt like you he is the rizziest rizzler ever
•And 0 rizz if he does lmao
•He'd start SWEATING
•He would be stumpted for words
•Then when you leave he'd blame someone else for 'fucking up his chance'
•If however you did start dating him (god knows how)
•He'll probably dump you over the smallest thing
•If you vape or smoke though its a big no no
•And like you would argue over the smallest thing
•He'd rant and rant and rant and rant about something cartman did that day
•Probably would put work or school before you
•He forgets your his s/o sometimes
•He'll treat you like a therapist
•However he is really fucking good in bed 😩😏
•This man would always be looking out for no. 1
•Genuinely would not give a fuck about you until you show any value to him
•Always trying to prove he is better than everyone else (especially kyle)
•He listens to alpha male podcasts
•Andrew tate supporter
•To be honest despite him also being plus sized
•He wont date someone who is also plus sized
•Its because andrew tate said he can do better
•He is delusional and doesnt believe you when you say he is fat
•Its apparently just baby fat
•He would let you in on his schemes and let you tag along but would also throw you under the bus and say it was all your idea if he gets caught
•Manipulative as fuck
•Would get pissy if you said no to anything he asks you
•He'd leave you because "He can do better"
•He fucking stinks
•Its either he'll stink of zaza or just plain stinkyness
•He like never showers even when he had the opportunity to
•He'll have a huge crush on you and you'll find out through other kids
•Cartman probably spread it around
•He'll always be staring at your boobs or ass
•Says word like "GYATT DAMN" "WHAT THE SIGMA"
•He doesnt have tiktok only youtube shorts
•Has a shitty cracked iphone 6 in rose gold with no case
•He'll be very loyal like he would never get with someone else
•However always staring at someone elses boobs or ass if not yours
•Will compare you to 'attractive celebrities'
•Hes done many many dr*gs
•Him and his mates probably made a list of all the hottest people in the school (god knows where you are on it)
•He has no rizz at all because hes extremely shy
•Probably only got with you bc of how big your gyatt was
•Hes always really h*rny
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emmastarr999 · 1 year
So I was thinking about the "I'm a demon. I lied" line. Because it's easy to remember the "just an angel/demon that goes alone with heaven/hell as much as he can" parallel, but there's another line that gets repeated twice in the minisode, right?
And the thing that got me thinking is, the first time, well, it wasnt true. When they meet Job's children and Crowley goes "Im here to destrroooyy you all" (10/10 delievery would watch again) and Aziraphale is all "but you said you wouldnt kill them!" and Crowley delievers the first "I'm a demon, I lied" line.... he doesnt kill the kids. He hasnt been lying.
So later on, when Aziraphale confronts him about the lonely line, and Crowley admits to having lied about not being lonely... What if that, too, wasnt exactly a lie?
One thing that didnt sit right for me, with all this talk about lying, is that season 1 Crowley made a point of never having lied to Aziraphale. I cannot exacly remember the line but it was something like "when have I ever lied to you?" and Aziraphale went all "well you are a demon it's in the job description" and Crowley brushed it off with a "well im not lying" and they kept on talking about the hellhound. But Crowley is not a liar: on the contrary, season 1 heavily played with the subversion trope of the angel that lied (I dont know where the antichrist is, Crowley, I dont even like you, Crowley) and the demon who was honest, direct, even trusting.
I get that this wasnt to be taken so literally, and things can have different levels of meaning, but the focus that they put on the lying part is intentional, so that took me back to the original point: what if Crowley, in the Job minisode, hadnt been lying at all?
The thing is, when he almost killed the kids, at first he wanted Aziraphale to believe him. He wanted for Aziraphale to take him seriously as a demon, to frighten him a bit, and he wanted to prove him wrong, to some extent. See, you dont really know me. See, Im not the angel you mentioned before. But at the end of the day, it was a mask. Crowley hadnt lied.
So what about the lonely part? Aziraphale thought he was going to hell, and Crowley swore to not tell anyone. Some could argue it was the first time Crowley actually saved him. Ans then they kept talking.
Now, picture this: you are a demon, who is different from all the other demons, and pretty soon you decided to create your own side, so to speak. You meet this gorgeous angel who gave away his sword and is kind to you and you think that maybe, you know, maybe. Then you meet him again before the flood and you think that you must have been wrong, that he is actually just like the rest of them, because how could he stand there and watch God kill all those people? All those kids? So you truly are alone. But then. But then. Then you see him again and he talk about saving Job's kids, he wants you to go against God's plan, and he eats something that you offer him, and you talk, and you think yes, this one, this one.
That night, when he tells Aziraphale that he is "just a demon that goes along with hell as much as he can", and Aziraphale asks him if he is lonely, Crowley doesnt really have to lie.
And then, on thar bench, in the most absurdly beautiful scene ever conceived, Aziraphale is so distressed when Crowley tells him that he is "an angel who goes along with heaven as much as he can" (basically saying that they are on their own side for the first time but its fine I dont have any strong feeling on this topic or anything).
But Aziraphale looks so sad.
And its clear that its far too early for any of those talks, that Aziraphale is still brainwashed and they have spoken for a total of maybe 4 times in a millennia, so Crowley retreats. And he goes back to the lonely line.
But when he said that he wasnt lonely, he wasnt lying. He has never lied to Aziraphale, back from the beginning.
So that's it, tell me what you think about it! I may be getting it wrong but its been buggering me for a while, and I'd love to hear your opinion on this!
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On a totally opposite end of the spectrum from the role swap-
Imagine if after the Promise chapter things flipped. If after that argument The Operator- out of pure animalistic type curiosity- said “ooh lemme stick my fingers in this sauce here” and left Alex alone to latch onto Jay. Its already discovered how it can push and twist and manipulate one person, but what about a completely separate person? Will the results be the same? Different? Will it be easier or harder?
So it latches onto Jay, and Alex experiences a flat out withdrawal from that thing’s influence, followed by the most gut wrenching clarity. Realizing how crazy he went, how he killed his friends to “save” them when it never would have mattered. So two weeks pass, and all he can think about is Jay- talking to him again and telling him everything, being honest and actually fucking admitting that he cares about him, that he wants to make good on his promise and do things right.
But Jay doesn’t answer. Jay is the one who drops off the planet and goes MIA, and Alex has a horrible, sinking suspicion he knows why. He hopes that Jay just finally got sick of him- he HOPES thats all it is- but deep down there’s this creeping suspicion that its not a coincidence. That he passed his own torment on to Jay like some twisted fucking disease-
He finds out he’s right, later on. When he starts working together with Tim(he’s desperate to find Jay, to fix things, even if that means groveling for Tim’s help-), when they start having run ins with Jay where he won’t see reason, where he argues every point they make and tries to convince Alex that everyone has to die, to help him(and wow, did he sound that crazy too? probably, yikes-)
And in the end Alex makes one last desperate attempt. He meets Jay somewhere alone, tries to convince him to come with him, tells him that he loves him-
But Jay doesn’t believe him. He tells Alex as much(“i love you but i can’t trust you- you said it yourself, why would you ever love somebody like me?”) and Alex wants to cry when Jay throws his own awful words back at him, things he never meant to say-
But what destroys him is when Jay takes the gun that he stole from Alex months ago, puts it to his own head and pulls the trigger with a bang right in front of him.
I’m in a dark mood today LMAO we die like tunnel guy
we die like tunnel guy lmaoooo
fucking THIS tho oh my god the ANGST
i literally have nothing else to add really, my brain saw this and turned into angst mush i fucking love this so much. Jay not believing Alex when he says he loves him fucking OW. This is literally fucking perfect. like, actually.
Everyone come look at this and be fucking destroyed by it because OW. it's especially sad because i'm thinking so much about Alex being the one feeling super hurt and stuff in his uni relationship with Jay, because im writing if it ain't broken at the moment. I am in the perfect mindset for just pouring over Jaylex angst with Alex being the one left feeling worst for it.
Honestly though, Alex finally seeing things fully, truly clearly and realising how terrifying and horrible it must have been for Jay to see him the way he was with the Operator in his head, all angry and not seeing sense and arguing every little thing.
withdrawal from the Operator tho, like, actual withdrawals from it could be so interesting. Like, how would that interact with Tim since he's been dealing with the operator since he was a kid presumably. is he fucked either way? like, if he doesnt take his meds he could get withdrawals from them, and if he doesn't take them for a while then goes back on them does he then get withdrawals from the Operator? Or is it different because the Operator isn't in his head the same way it's in Alex's? is just being near it enough? Like second hand smoke?
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spacexseven · 2 years
ok im finally here with the spy au stuff. sorry this took me so long i suddenly got Extremely Ill and couldnt really do much but im BACK baby.
im gonna do some more than i originally planned since i made u and the venerable budijojo wait so long so buckle up
AKUTAGAWA - ohhhh akutagawa… poor thing. this is about The Most devastating thing that could possibly happen to him. i could see him not realizing he loves darling in time just by virtue of arrogance, similar to fyodor. he doesnt think he’d ever deign to have something as silly as affection for someone like… you. preposterous. doesnt help that he has dazai’s voice in his ear at every second. but, well, here he is: stuck adoring somebody who hates him, and knowing it’s all his fault. although deep in despair, ever the devotee, he will gracefully take any punishment darling throws at him- granted they stay by his side. you might not think so, what with all the ‘stabbing you a hundred times with his jacket’ business he put you through, but you’re truly the safest by HIS side, you’ll see! no one can protect you as well as he can! you can spit at him, scream at him, hurt him, tell him all the ways you despise him; he’ll accept it all, but he won’t- *can’t* let go of you. he needs to keep you safe, it’s the only way he can make up for his sins.
DAZAI - oh christ. if you thought akutagawa had attachment issues get a load of this guy. i could see him REALLY shooting himself in the dick by also getting a bit of torture in before “killing” you- either cuz you suddenly started being cagey with information and he was approaching his deadline or just cuz he felt like it at the time. dazai is… very jarring. his emotional state is such that he feels this very suddenly and very violently, and his demeanor is very dependent on what he’s feeling. this is all to say that when you and dazai meet again, the version of dazai you knew- the manipulative nihilist who kissed your cheek within the same hour he broke all your fingers with a pair of pliers- is all but gone. he’s been replaced with some sopping wet cat of a man who looks honest-to-god shattered at your rejections. and he really IS like a pet cat who just realized hes in trouble, or maybe more of a stray who learned the hard way that people stop feeding you after you maul them. anything he can think of to get even a SECOND of your affection he’ll do, and i do mean anything. he’ll debase himself, scream, cry, beg, kill, anything he thinks will do the job. just please please please please PLEASE dont run away from him he loves you so much please stay he needs you please….
CHUUYA - i think hes the least likely to make this mistake just cuz he seems pretty self-possessed, but i could also see him getting very swept up in the little competition he made up in his head and not thinking his actions through very well. also DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL he’s gonna be the LAST guy to admit his feelings in this circumstance, just cuz admitting it would be much too painful so his brain just rejects it. i mean, the fella kicked you so hard into the wall it made a crater, he can STILL hear the echoes of your bones crunching in his head every time he closes his eyes, thats HARDLY the actions of a man in love. besides, even if you DID somehow survive that, youd never take him back (not that he wants that lol no way) so it’s not even worth thinking about. theres gonna be a lot of waking up from a drunken stupor only to find himself in your old apartment or surrounded by your possessions in a nest and some extremely pitying glances from kouyou before he lets himself accept what he feels and what he did. any peace he manages to make with this over time will immediately shatter what he hears that youve been spotted wandering around the city. our boy is going off the deep end instantly. 
FYODOR -it doesn’t really come as a shock that fyodor didn’t realize his feelings for you til pretty late in the game, given that he’s a black hole where emotions go to die. UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT i can very easily see fyodor feeling guilt over the whole Trying To Kill His Darling debacle, its just that he doesnt really have any kind of handle on this feeling at all. all he can process is that you’re scared of him/mad at him and this makes him feel this Mysterious Bad Feeling™ that he doesnt know what to do with. it occurs to him that he could very easily just make you compliant with him by fiddling with your brain like he did to ivan, but this makes the Bad Feeling worse. he doesnt want you to be a smiling puppet, he wants YOU, as strange as this desire is to him. all the little things used to do that had gotten on his nerves or perplexed him he now feels this alien yearning for. he feels this full body frost whenever he hears you crying through the door of your (cell) room, the distinct sensation of oncoming sickness. he finds himself very hesitant to put his hands on you, or even enter your line of sight out of fear of disturbing and upsetting you. odd. expect him to creepily watch you sleep a lot after he kidnaps you, enjoying seeing your face at peace for once. 
GOGOL - clown boy has established he feels guilt over things as much as the next guy, so ohhh BOY is he not gonna handle this too good. honestly, i could see his guilt overwhelming him to the point where he refuses to kidnap you or approach you again at all. he had his chance and made his choice, best to let his birdie be free now, yes? of course, he doesnt let you go TOTALLY. he has his eye on you as often as his schedule will allow. definitely dons disguise after disguise as an excuse to get close to you, maybe even makes up a persona that works at a shop you frequent so he gets to talk to you every day. eventually his mind might fray to the point where he cant STAND it anymore and NEEDS to get you back no matter what, especially if he insists on prolonged exposure to you, but hed probably try to avoid upsetting you as much as he can. youll give in eventually, hes going to be the only person youre ever going to be close to again, after all, so theres no need to force anything. he can convince you of his sincerity, hes sure of it.
also bonus i think this concept would also work really well with jouno what do you think. couldnt think of anything for kouyou sorry :/
- 🩹
thank you so much for all your effort behind this :> hope you're feeling better now!! i tried to write fyodor a little differently for you so. what do you think eheh :> the linked words take you to the original spy au posts for those characters! i considered writing for jouno but this post is way too long already for an ask lol
cw: yandere characters (akutagawa, dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai), obsessive behavior, violence, forced relationships, stalking, manipulation, mentions of torture/interrogations, deceit, imprisonment (not proofread)
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akutagawa is constantly tormented with his feelings for you. he knows he doesn't have the time to be in love, since he has more important things to do like make dazai recognize him, but he doesn't have a handle on himself. he can't put a lid on the wonderfully complex things he feels for you, and that's why it manifests the way it did. besides, he can't imagine actually tolerating, let alone liking, you, with all your kindness and concern that was long beaten out of him.
you've always been so kind to him, looking out for him, talking to him, treating him like anyone else. but all he could do in response was nod to your questions. akutagawa himself hasn't been shown a lot of affection so his way of showing his feelings is...awkward. he didn't know how to be friendly or be loved, but you didn't seem to care. and then when he finally, finally identified the cause of his palpitating heart and distracted mind, when he finally came to terms with what he felt, everything went wrong. you weren't supposed to find out, and you weren't supposed to get hurt. you weren't supposed to hate him, even if everyone else did.
he had been prepared to face the anger from his coworkers when they found out he fell for the enemy, but he wasn't planning on you finding out the way you did. and the look on your face, the hatred and the betrayal, it broke him. akutagawa, having lost everything already, grovels at your feet. he's desperate for another chance, but he doesn't dare complain, not when you ignore him and scorn him, not when you refuse to even acknowledge him.
he has hope, though, that one day you'd realize he only wanted to keep you safe. he only wants to show you that he's worth keeping around. you saved him before, and he only wanted to repay the favor forever. your organization was down and yokohama was far from safe, but with akutagawa by your side, nobody would dare touch a hair on your head.
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dazai well, it's established he hates you from the moment he was assigned the spying mission. of course he hates you and the dates you planned out and the meals you make and the hand holding and the kissing and the...warmth he never gets elsewhere...and...the adoring way you look at him...and....and...
what was he thinking? you were just a target!
dazai has so many dilemmas during this mission because he's conflicted with hating you for being so damn annoying and feeling something because you're head over heels for an asshole like him, but let's say he pushes down the growing good he feels for you, shoves it away and sticks with hating you constantly for the purpose of this scenario. when the gig's up and you find out he was using you to get intel, there's no point in pretending anymore. no point in going along with your affectionate touches and asking about your day.
dazai has to rely on his usual, faithful method of getting intel—interrogation. he pretends like he doesn't care about hurting your feelings, pretends like it's just another job and it doesn't affect him if you're scared or crying. he doesn't care what you think of him now, of course not.
but right after it's all done, he's drowning in regret. he can't even remember what you told him, he just wants to take it all back. he scared you terribly, he knows he probably traumatized you and he can't undo it anymore. he tries, though, of course he does. at one point you were hopelessly infatuated with him despite how mean he was, so if he was the complete opposite now, you'd definitely look back at him, right? you'll be satisfied seeing him suffer for your sake, right? he'll happily beg for your forgiveness and debase himself if you'd feel even a little satisfied. if there's no way for you to forgive him, then he'll just have to go all out. he'll pull out all the stops and do everything in his power.
(i think dazai would definitely kick into the typical "i'll kill for you" yandere thing around here, hoping that by killing your enemies you'd appreciate him. he can't stand knowing other people were around you, people you had no reason to hate unlike him. what if you liked them instead? you liked dazai despite his shortcomings, so you could also fall for someone else that wasn't him. he couldn't have that)
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chuuya (hehehe ive been waiting for this) feels the most guilt out of everyone in this list. i find it hard to imagine him actually hurting darling even if it's for the pm, like you said, he has the most self-control. in the original post of spy au! chuuya, he's completely obsessed with you and ends up scaring you off since you realize something's off, which leads to him finding your new place and what not. so i'll use the premise of him feeling guilty for scaring you and you kinda hating him for being a creep :>
he can't bring himself to hurt you, so knowing he's frightened you, knowing you hate him for what he believed was showing concern for you because he loved you, it shattered him. he didn't mean for you to think that he had it out for you or that he was going to kill you just because he worked for the enemy organization. he loved you and he only wanted you to be safe. he only wanted to get to know you so you'd love him back.
he allows himself to suffer, drinking a dangerous amount almost every night, staying in the apartment you used to instead of his own, looking at all the things he bought you and imagining you using them. it's pathetic to see how he's turned into a helpless, lovesick fool that can't even get you to look twice at him anymore. he tries to throw away the feelings he had, he avoids any mention of you and drowns himself in work and alcohol, but it's only a matter of time before the two of you cross paths again and he's unable to hold back from breaking down and begging you to take him back.
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since i don't have a planned out story for fyodor in this spy au i'll make it up as i go. probably some info stealing for the doa, he can't exactly ask anyone else to go. bram is...in an awkward state, kamui is far too much of a public figure, sigma is too busy with the casino, and nikolai...there's no guarantee he won't just kill you, and fyodor can't have that, not after all his efforts to track you down and choose you for his mission. you should be honored, really, that he's giving you such an important role in his plans. maybe he could even convince you to join his side and completely sell out your organization.
everyone knows fyodor would be successful in his mission, and they know he'd get you wrapped around his finger very quickly. of course you don't think there's a single suspicious thing about this strange man who suddenly walked through the doors of your life and is somehow always around you and wow he's so nice and wow, isn't this moving too fast? but fyodor has that way of reassuring you with a smile and gentle strokes that there was nothing to worry about, and who were you to question him then?
you try to make him happy. he's always a bit emotionless, always a neutral expression on his face so you can't really tell if he's upset or happy when you greet him with a kiss. or is that surprise on his face? you don't know if he likes you holding his hand or if he wants to hear about your day, but one reassuring squeeze of the hand and an acknowledging hum sends you happily continuing your earlier actions. fyodor is a little surprised by your efforts to make him feel included. he's used to silence except for nikolai's random interruptions, but having you constantly by his side isn't the worst. compared to the miserable people in the world, you weren't nearly as unbearable for him.
fyodor is mostly surprised by how disappointed you look when it all blows over, and his identity is revealed. you're not disappointed at him, but at yourself for falling for a lie, and causing your coworkers deaths. he was too good to be true, you think, and you blame yourself for falling for his tricks. trust one charming stranger, and look where that got you? in some obscure prison cell and subjected to cruel questioning.
it's not very satisfying seeing you cry and rub at your red eyes. it's far from nice when you're ignoring him and boiling with resentment. and well, he shouldn't care. you had one purpose in his plan and it was now fulfilled. you should be happy you had a chance to help out in the making of fyodor's goals, but here you were sobbing so uncontrollably. he's a little uncomfortable seeing you look so devastated, and he's uneasy now that you don't tell him anything anymore. it's unfamiliarity that haunts him because you've changed, and not for the better. if he sees you opening up around sigma, who was the most ordinary person in the building, he's a little troubled by it, but you glaring at him with burning hatred is even worse than seeing you talk to someone else, so he just leaves the room.
despite the unhelpful suggestions he gets from the rest, he doesn't want you to lose your mind like ivan, even if the latter claims he isn't unhappy anymore. watching you when you sleep1!! yes, the only time he feels he can be around you now, when you're unaware of his presence. he doesn't like it, doesn't like having to walk on eggshells and hide from you like he was in the wrong. which he shouldn't be. he was only saving you from that hellhole and that shitty organization that never stood a chance against him. if he left you back there, you'd be dead. shouldn't you be grateful?
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considering nikolai is like, the master of disguises, this mission should have been a piece of cake. get intel, and then he can do whatever he wants to you and your friends. this was a fun break for him! he was asked to join the company you worked for (a front for the organization) as a new hire and gather all the intel he could, but he didn't think he'd get attacked to anyone on the job.
you were surprisingly excited to guide him around the office, taking the senior role with pride. nikolai doesn't let it slip that he doesn't care about what you do or where the break room is, so he happily follows you around and shares your enthusiasm. you're all friendly and helpful to him, and he doesn't mind at all but it was a little annoying when he was trying to bug a meeting room and you just came around the corner, insisting he check out the new coffee machine. well, despite how irritating it got, he couldn't bring himself to dislike you for it.
and really, he can't help but tease you a little, watching the startled expression when he stares at you a little too coldly for a little too long, or lets it casually slip that he knew about the organization, though he's a little surprised by how quickly you bounce back to your usual carefree manner. oh, but the fun hadn't started yet! he was mostly looking forward, to the after. he couldn't wait to see your expression when you realize you've been cheated all along, and how you were going to die by his hands—
—but when the day came, it wasn't even a little satisfying to see you crumble. he didn't expect to be consumed entirely with guilt when he sees you tear up, hurt in your eyes. something inside him aches; he knows he's not invulnerable to feeling like this, but this intensity of emotion was new. he can't bear to look at you, facing the horror etched into your face at the sight of him, so he just disappears into his coat, leaving you somewhere far away from the devastation.
despite how much he yearns to be free he can't let you experience the same, unable to stop thinking about you. he checks in on you from time to time, hoping you'd try seeking him out. after all, he was the only other person who knew what happened, and you couldn't rely on anyone like you could on him. he knew you better than anyone else, all your secrets and your thoughts, and you'd need him by your side.
he'll definitely give into his urges and kidnap you eventually. he can't bear to be away from you, not after he knows you're probably feeling lonely, not knowing anyone else who could understand you. well, you probably didn't want to see the man who ruined your life, but it wasn't like you had many options. he's sorry that he hurt you, really! nikolai promises to be good, to go back to being the guy you befriended, but only if you promise to stay by his side.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Eddie gluskin alphabet? 👀 That's a whole ass husband right there
Its been in my inbox for a week now😩😩 I didnt know what to put in some letters cuz all 'fluff alphabet ideas' had some weird ideas so I had to use my own brain. Scary Request open
She/her, sfw fluff, eddie gluskin is a bit of warning himself, kinda yandere-ish?
Eddie Gluskin fluff alphabet
Affection (how cuddly and how touchy they are with their partner)
Guy lives for night cuddles and hand holding while walking thrue hospital corridors. He doenst see good relationships without often touches
Body(favorite body part in their lover)
For sake of keeping it sfw im going to write that he really likes her hair and hands! Ooh and if s/o happens to be thick/chubby he gonna flew away
Comfort(how would he comfort his lover)
He would take whole situation very seriously and be straightforward about his opinion. Would grab her hand and lisen to her problems
Dating(are you guys doing on dates? Where and how)
Bestie the only 'outside world' you gonna see is hospital abandoned garden
But he sometimes tries to make atmosphere in one of rooms! Set candles prep some lil meal!
Emotions(how emotionally vulnerable he becomes?)
He never really shows his 'weak' side untill long time in relationship, he simply believes he has no issues regarding his emotional state
Future(what plans they have with their lover)
Definitely big house with a lot of kids, very old school marriage, he works she takes care of home
Gifts(do they give gifts? And how they react to receiving gifts too)
Would give her whole world if he could, if she is very close to him, he gonna spoil her so much
Also he treats any gift he receives like its the most precious thing ever! 'Oh honey you shouldn't give me this you are way to sweet'
Honesty(how sincerely and honest he is)
Even though eggie uses way too much smart words and complements he is rather straightforward about his plans and worries
Injury (how would he react to her getting hurt?)
Angy. Very angy acually. Who? When? Where? How? You stay there while he gets rid of any degenerate tha- you just fell down?? Awww you little silly you are so cute he should spend way more time with you then, if you are so so clumsy
Jealousy (how easly he gets Jealous and what triggers it)
Everyone and everything. He is a good husband and he takes good care of his wife mental health he cant let some disgusting joke of a person ruin their relationship! I mean none will break bond they have, right? Noone
Kiss(where and how they kiss)
Kisses everyday everytime they see eachother. Morning smooches and goodnight ones are must have. Also he loves when she kisses his neck and cheeks
Loyalty (would they cheat?)
No. Shes one and only he would never!
Marriage(do they want to get married)
His whole thing his marriage, he wants it as soon as yall meet! He is her perfect groom and she is his perfect bride
No(what is complete deadbreaker for them)
Also for sake of keeping it sfw imma say: Angry people. He can deal with people who are sad or shy. But when somone attacks him or yells? Rip. Litteraly rip.
Odd(do they have little odd behaviours in relationship)
Baby if you arent into some weird doctor-patient roleplays or weird misogynistic vibe I recoment turning around. Also he finds scared people cute so yeah he gonna spook her on purpose
Personality (what he finds attractive personality wise)
Shy people, submissive, but he doesnt mind extroverts too. As far as they aren't annoying he's in love
Quality time (what they do in free time with them)
Probably reading, dancing, planning their future, having lil dates
Romantic (how Romantic they are?)
Guy litteraly wears suit every day, he also calls her honey/wifey/dear on daily basis. He is the undead romantic and he won't change, cliché stuff is his favourite
Secrets(what they are hiding)
A LOT, again its EGGIE FUCKING GLUSKIN guy has probably his all ex gf dead in his basement or some other fucked up stuff. Like idk, his biggest secret is that once he saw her in ugly outfit and lied and said that its pretty idk
Trust(how much they trust his other half)
Guy needs good few months if not years to trust her. But if he does omg Lady you could stab him, say it was accident and he would believe her. Its not that he's dumb, he is just mentally ill and kinda delusional (noway)
Guy lacks empathy, but he can understand certain issues that she is facing, he will 10p% give her weird protip
Value(how much they value their lover)
Alot. Like his whole plot is looking for perfect love. When he finally finds the one (you) and hes 100% sure that it is it. The one(you). He gonna do anything to keep her alive happy and as lovley as ever. She's the most valuable thing he ever had and he won't just drop her? She is staying in his hand forever
Wildcard(random stuff about them)
Guy finds caring people hot. Please take care of him like he is alittle boy that just fell of swing please do it. Tell him how worried you are and please treat his wounds
X-ray(how much they can read emotions and thoughts of their lover)
Guy totaly isn't and empath but he totaly can read their feelings by expressions and body language.
Yes(how would he propose to her)
Yall seen the game?? Guy is straightforward with it. Just pick her up and "you gonna be my wife you know"
Zzz(sleep habits)
If wife no in bed? Why sleep?
He needs her laying next to him for him to acually relax and fall asleep
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bbqhooligan · 1 year
its so funny to see this dynamic
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play out but these two bring a whole new level
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cuz we see again and again that Dong Eun, as relentless as she is to start and continue this plan, as calm and cold as she needs to be to execute it, as ruthless as she is to not feel any guilt for everything that happens to her abusers, wont harm anyone directly. yes, the plan ends up killing and destroying them, but never with her own hands, she is more inclined to let them do the work themselves, always, only themselves(even with her own mom! she plays the waiting game). the biggest proof of her mercy is giving Yeon Jin an out for Ha Do Yeong's single kind gesture. as we find out at the end, as broken and invisible she thought she is, Dong Eun is an inherently kind person who cant directly harm them.
this freak on the other hand spends day and night daydreaming stabbing the one person protected behind safety of prison bars(lets be honest at that point the bars arent protecting the people from that guy but him from Yeo Jeong) and is fully okay with killing anyone she asks as well. now you may be likely to take his entire, committed, likening himself to her Royal Executioner as simply just an expression of devotion, i get it since he doesnt end up doing that for her, but after watching the last episode i was convinced he didnt kill any of her abusers because she wouldnt have him do it.
see, his little speech to his prison bird just reveals an important piece of his psyche, he tells him his oath is to protect and save people but doesnt say anything about animals, inhumans, like him. meaning this guy has a mentality where at some point of immorality you lose your humanity in his eyes and become discarded. it is a line where he wont hesitate, he wont regret, he wont even have guilty dreams about the person he killed, maybe not even think about them again for the rest of his life. Light Yagami ass views. he doesnt ask Dong eun if she killed Miyoung-o cuz he literally doesnt give a shit. not a single question mark on his mind. hes like "if she dids it she dids it, if she didnst it she didnst it" and thats that.
and his insanity is written so well, all of his scenes with Dong Eun's abusers were tense as shit. because while you dont know how dangerous he really is till the last speech, in all of them his mere entering of their spaces is threatening, he either has them under his knife or under his car, even his first meeting with Ha Do Yeong is invading, not the park he frequents, no, its invading his mind. he leaves that meeting with the information of what kind of a person he is, enough to make a dead on prediction of his step-by-step behavior. he is smiling and cracking jokes through the interactions but YOU, the viewer, are aware there is something wrong with him.
when he buys that funeral home i was fully expecting him to fill it with corpses himself. in retrospect, that plot would have been too taxing on Dong Eun and im not sure she would ever let herself live after that but cant see Yeo Jeong being too bothered to be honest.
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betweenthings2 · 23 days
THE NEW CHAPTER. i feel like an exclamation mark. ! . im going to DIE this is the sweetest thing ever ur a god im convinced like how do u just Casually write the most romantic thing ive ever read. i need you in libraries. death and destruction may occur but nothing will kill my love for this like i am in AWE it's just so SOFT
The days fall into a rhythm of morning coffee and cigarettes on the deck, easy midday walks through the sprawling countryside, stopping to look at sheep or cows or horses and pet the friendly ones, then afternoons spent making music just for the sake of making it or watching films or reading. In the evenings, George cooks and on occasion, Matty opens a bottle of wine. Sometimes, they pass a joint, or two, back and forth in the evening, and life settles into a routine Matty's never really had. It's nice, really nice, for a while, but before long Matty begins to feel like something is missing.
okay well *distant sobbing noises*. i cant even describe what i love so much about this but its just so!!! the countryside. the cooking. the spliff. STAWP
A week later, they find themselves on the way to meet the breeder Matty found. Matty is a ball of energy in the passenger seat, rambling about how excited he is that they're going to have a puppy and how this is their puppy, a puppy that's theirs, not Matty's or George's and how it's almost like they have a little family now, Matty, George, and the puppy they've decided to name Mayhem. George lets him, a fond smile on his face the whole time.
this is the cutest thing ive ever read and i am going to start crying now. MAYHEM MENTIONED its time for me to be Insufferable about this. me and mayhem are best friends, mayhem just doesnt know it yet. anyway. they have a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!! im about to explode pls the way youve written mattys excitement and how hes like JSJDJJWOXOWKIWOEKJEOKQKDIIWKDJWI and george is just :) next to him. obsessed
They don't end up waiting long though, and it's not twenty minutes before they’re back on the road, an excitable little ball of black fur in Matty's lap, already making it clear he's going to live up to his name.
I NEED A MOMENT AND I NEED TISSUES. im about to start sobbing pls this is So Cute i cant deal with it
George hangs back for a moment, taking a couple of discrete photos on his phone before following Matty.
i need more moments and i need more tissues. HES TAKING PICTURES im gonna actually seriously start crying. i think its like an unwilling reaction now like i see the user betweenthings2 and i start to well up in preparation. pavlovian or whatever. im obsessed and im going to die
"No dogs on the bed."
me when i lie. that dog will be on the pillow by six pm
anyway i am Obsessed with this and i want it as a scroll and a book and tattooed onto bleached leather (is that even a thing) and embroidered into a tshirt and and and and EVERYTHING. i genuinely do not think u understand how amazing u are. u convey emotion SO well that it makes my heart hurt and i really really Really hope u know it!!! best writer on the planet <3
Thank you so much!!! =)
Me, in libraries?? That's so sweet of you to say, oh my god, I don't even know what to say 💚💚
They're so soft!! To be so honest, some of this is me being a little bit weirdly nostalgic about the early lockdowns because even though everything was absolutely awful, I had no responsibilities and I love having no responsibilities, at least for a little while. I did start to go a little bit crazy, but who didn't? Who hasn't gone a little bit crazy? Fictional!M+G had to get a dog so they didn't go crazy.
Fictional!George loves fictional!Matty so much!! They're getting a puppy and fictional!Matty's so excited and fictional!George is so happy that he's happy. Everyone's so in love!
Fictional!Matty and Mayhem have the same excitement levels about things right now.
Again, fictional!George is so in love and they're so happy! They both absolutely have collections of candid photos of each other taken since they were like fifteen.
I was going to give it about a week before Mayhem was on the bed, but you might be right. All fictional!Matty has to do is ask really nicely and he gets what he wants.
Things are going to get sad again, unfortunately for poor fictional!M+G. They might be happy one day. We'll see.
Anyway, thank you so much for the wonderful compliments--you are so kind!! =)
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artisticmenace · 25 days
one of scott's therapy sessions, which is during his thirties after his dad dies. (ocposting again)
tw: suicide, homophobia, attempted murder(kind of), fighting, mention of being in the hospital(but he doesnt talk about it past saying it), therapy(?), his therapist is nosy and kind of annoying
"Hello, Scott. How are you feeling today?"
"Pretty damn awful. The pinto broke down yesterday, poor thing. First time in all these years, though. Can't complain too much."
"Mm. So Rachael's picking you up today?"
"Yup. Speakin' of which. I got some news."
"Rachael is, uh... She's not a woman. She's my, well, she's not even really my husband. Can't get married and whatever. His name is Rodney. We got illegally married in the woods at twenty-six. Love of my life since I was seventeen."
"That makes a lot of sense, Scott."
"So, ya just don't care?"
"There was a small part of me that wondered. There aren't many women working in lumber yards. Or carrying their husbands to bed. Or a lot of things."
"Well... who knows? Rachael coulda been some body builder lady."
"That wouldn't've helped your case either."
"You psychologists ain't supposed to be judgin' books."
"Well, I didn't act like I had any impressions now, did I?"
"You rotten lady."
"Hahaha. Can I meet him?"
"Well, yeah. He's pickin' me up in his little truck."
"I'd be glad. Now, do we want to pick up on what we discussed last time?"
"You started talking about a... Leroy Coffman?"
"Yep. We were just the best of friends in grade school. I was a good little catholic boy who said his prayers every night and all that. Then I got with my first girlfriend, who I told you about. That all changed and whatever. We'd poke each other with knives and laugh about it and shit."
"He told me one day that he loved me. He said he hoped I didn't mind. That he thought I was beautiful and all that... I told everybody. Anyone I came across. Meanest, nastiest thing I've ever done. Ruined everything for him. They called him names and all that jazz."
"Still remember our first real fight. He pushed me into the dirt and told me he hated me and hated that he ever loved me. I still feel awful about all that."
"When I was twenty-six -yes, the same year I got- well, didn't get married- he got out of jail. He came to the gas station I worked at and told me the date, time, and place he planned to beat the shit out of me. He was gonna kill me. I know he was. But I also knew that he knew how, precisely, to do it, and he didn't. He let me live."
"The last thing he told me was that he had loved me all this time and still didn't know why. And he hoped I'd remember him. And right before I blacked out from getting smacked with my own bat again, he blew his own brains out."
"And then later after the hospital and everything, I found a note he had left taped to my bat. And it said that he left me alive because he wanted me and Rodney to be happy."
"And I don't know how I feel about that. I never had feelings for him. I ruined his life. I wish things could've been different."
"I would feel the same way. None of that could have been easy."
"Yep... I dunno. Rodney should be here any minute."
"Mhm, well, when do you want to see me next?"
"Well, never again, but Thursday works."
"You don't like me very much do you?"
"I'll be honest, I don't. You're young and ya know more than me."
"At least you're honest, Scott."
"Actually, we've both been pretty good liars so far, Danielle."
(knock! knock! knock!)
"Come on in. Oh! You must be Mr. 'Rachael'."
"Heh... I guess he told ya, then?"
"I sure did, Dandelion."
"I wanted to talk to you, er-"
"If Scott wouldn't mind stepping out?"
(creeeeak... creeeaaakk... click.)
"So, I wanted an inside look at him. How does he act at home?"
"Well, he’s still grumpy. You kinda make him sound like some troubled kid at school, haha."
"Haha, yeah. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that he's very straightforward. It's almost more concerning than what he actually says. Even after a few years."
"Oh, he's been like that. His dad's the same way. You must be used to the city folk. Out in Nebula, that's all you get."
"He’s all he is. He's rarely any more than that. Sometimes he cries, sometimes he should cry. I used to think he was somethin' bigger than himself. Sadder than he seemed. Which was true. But everyone is."
"But he's pretty honest these days about who he is. He doesn't try to show off anymore. We're both gettin' old."
"Well, that's... unexpected."
"You're unexpected too. Real nosy. I see why Scott doesn't like ya too well."
"Well, that's my job, practically."
"Yeah, yeah. Well. That's just about it. He's as lovey-dovey as ever. Doesn't bother to hide it, either."
"Alright, well, I'll see him again on Thursday."
"Okay, bye now."
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krisseratops · 11 months
Hi! How about A9, B9 and C6? Oh, and D10!
Hiiii hon! Alright lets see...
A9. Who was your first ship?
The earliest ship I remember that I got actually invested in is Reaper76 from Overwatch. I mean, traumatized old gay men who like to shoot at each other and have a HistoryTM? It covers all the basics for me. Also this ship is what made me find AO3, so it kinda introduced me to fandom as a whole and is therefore technically responsible for all the madness that came after it.
B9. Who is your OTP?
You know, I was going to say this is a hard question because I have so many pairings I like in several fandoms and I dont really pick favorites because I like different aspects about them and also Im indecisive. And then I remembered Symbrock. And nothing really comes near the level of absolutely messy devotion of (comics!)Symbrock. So yeah.
C6. Is there anything in canon that made you want to quit the show? What was it? Why do you hate it?
Oh boy, here we go... So not a show, but allllll the shit Cates did with absolute garbage & co and what came after essentially made me quit venom comics and comics in general. Do I even need to explain myself? Like I was keeping up with Venom and also Spider-man and some others because it was fun and enjoyable. And then came the egregious retconning, inconsistencies, character butchering (both how they were written but also literally), characters dying and coming back and dying again and coming back again and fucking gods apparently and how every single issue was The Most Shocking And Dramatic Things The Characters Have Ever Been Through and everything is just edgy and grimdark and angsty and so fucking STUPID and it was just. It wasnt fun or enjoyable anymore, only exhausting and frustrating and sad. And not sad like a sad story makes you feel, but sad like watching something you care about irreparably crash and burn in real time without being able to do anything about it and knowing you can never have it back the way it was (which there is enough of IRL). So I powered through until king in black where I just said "reading this bullshit is draining and depressing and doesnt bring me anything, its not worth it anymore so fuck it" and just stopped. And with my main reason for reading comics gone I ditched marvel comics altogether because lets be honest keeping up with all the different stories and timelines and crossovers and whatnot is exhausting cuz theres just so damn much going on all the time. And why torment yourself with shitty canon when you can have wonderful fanfics tailored to your specific tastes all for free? So I quit comics, read fics instead, got into some new fandoms, indulged my hc and have ever since been living blissfully unaware of the burning dumpster fire (derogatory) that is canon. I only see glimpses of it when it crosses my dash, which I use for cherrypicking for my hc and aggressively ignore the rest.
D10. What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
I have a whole lot of story ideas I really want to read (my hcs) that no one has written yet (that would be cuz of me not writing them). But for real, I would love more stories with symbiote & spider-people shenanigans. Like there was this one comic of Peter, Miles and Gwen meeting Venom and fighting Doc Ock toghether and they were kinda buddies? More stuff like that, that has spider/symbiote interaction besides them just trying to kill each other. Maybe it exists and I just havent found it. But like, Venom in spiderverse, they have to team up with the spider gang and they kinda get along because he doesnt have any personal beef with them. He will absolutely recite and discuss Shakespear with that medieval spiderman, be enamored with little Mayday, and be nothing but gentlemanly toward spider ma'am. The other spiders find that "yeah he is freaky and has some dubious morals but isnt actually just an evil monster, he just doesnt like you Peter". The Peter in question does not like it one bit. Him and Venom (barely) tolerate each other, as they always do when they team up, but are constantly petty and passive aggressive towards each other in a funny way, bickering like an old married couple. Because of the nature of their history they also know stuff about each other and will casually drop highly personal details about the other that makes the other spiders go "👀 you sure he's your enemy and not just your ex?". Which Peter likes even less. Other story ideas i desperately need is ANYTHING WITH ANTI-VENOM HOLY SHIT WHERE IS MY BABY!?!?!?! I need stories that let him be a silly dumbass and a pathetic wet beast and occasionally getting railed that dont just exist in my head. But the amount of content on him is just dismal. I often feel like the sole inhabitant of the ghost town that is the Anti-Venom fandom. I've come across one (1) quality fic that portrays him properly (thank you @kitausuret for your invaluable service) and good art is hard to come by compared to other characters. And I realize that if I want more art of him and an Anti-Venom x Agent Venom arch-enemies-to-reluctant-allies-to-even-more-reluctant-friends-to-how-the-hell-did-this-happen excruciating slow burn, I will probably have to do it myself, which hghgnghgnhhh will take forever, but oh well.
Well, this sorta turned into an essay that turned into an impromptu vent post. Hope thats okay and you got your answers!
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Propaganda under the cut!
Cameron Conner
very religious and judgmental about the witches in the town - especially because the playable character is a witch
He is absolutely rude to your character, for like a looooooong time. And when you finally romance him, his room that he adds to your house is a alcoholic hellhole filled with empty cans. You cannot get rid of this room, it is there forever.
Man is literally a severe alcoholic when you meet him. He needs therapy not romance… 
His room is dirty, he goes back to being an alcoholic, and he's not attractive
he hates you until you start dating, will call you ugly, looks like he smells
I just think he's overrated 
ive got personal beef with this man i married him once on one of my save files and it was the only time ive ever divorced a character in stardew valley
more propaganda for shane as one of the submissions notes he is implied to have become an alcoholic again after you get married or he at least has enough random lines about drinking alcohol or plans to drink alcohol to make it seem like thats what's happening which doesnt pair well with his 14th heart event which intentionally makes the farmer and marnie think that hes drinking again n the reveal is that actually hes just been playing video games but legit he will still say stuff that comes across as him having a drinking problem after the event (divorced him cause i kept getting those lines after i got his 14th heart event n it genuinely just made it seem like he was lying to his spouse and marnie about his drinking problem) also throwing stones from glass houses cause shane ALSO kisses the farmer unexpectedly during his 10 heart event the main difference is that you're allowed to be uncomfortable when elliott does it while with shane it just assumes you'd be fine with suddenly being kissed n then has the farmer kiss him back elliott's 10th heart event is sucky but that doesnt change that shane's 10th heart event also involves him kissing the farmer suddenly its just portrayed positively
YEAH, HES KINDA RUDW AT FIRST, ITS CALLED DEPRESSION (AND HE APOLOGIZES LATER IN THE STORY TOO). He pushes the player away beacuse he doesn't want to get attached, he's an alcoholic bcs his life is pretty shit. He takes care of Jas, who's not his kid but I think he's her God father (I'm really not sure, either way, he's her legal Guardian) beacuse her parents fricking died. Literally the only job available in this horrible town is JOJA MART where let's be honest, he's treated like trash, additionally If you go with the community centre route, you take his job away from him. AND HE DOES GET BETTER WITH DRINKING. In his 6 heart event you find him next to a cliff, drunk, where he tells you how his life is a (quoting) pathetic joke and why shouldn't he just roll off this cliff right now. Afterwards he asks you to get him to a hospital, next day he comes to apologize for the whole thing beacuse in his mind It was embarassing, even though he doesn't remember most of it, and tells you that HE DOES GET THERAPY, he got himself a therapist! All he needed to change was a bit of your support, its not that you fix him either, he's the one that chooses to go to therapy, he's the one that chooses to stop drinking, after marrige he almost completly replaced alcohol with soda, which, yeah not the best, but its a step in the right direction, people don't change overnight. I have nothing in his rooms defence, I hate it with burning Passion as well. Of course I don't expect It to be clean, he's still a person with depression, but the alcohol dialogue is unnecessary, feels like the game kinda forgot abt his arc, but that's rlly the only bad thing in my opinion. I feel like most people who hate him don't understand depression and character growth.
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rillils · 10 months
its just me and the never-ending, all-consuming rabbit hole that is deciding which angel i headcanon crowley to be before she fell
right now im loving the idea of some angels not existing at all and most of their traits are tansfered to one angel instead so i see crowley as raphael, seraphiel, and jophiel
not you breaking my heart again on this fine November day 😭😭😭
Okay but like, all those possibilities! It's so difficult to stick to just one, right?? I've seen so many angel!Crowley headcanons over the last few years, some super detailed too, some really really really convincing - and the truth is, I just can't make up my mind xD
I'm pretty sure Neil will never ever confirm any of those headcanons, either - unless, of course, he plans to reveal Crowley's former angel name in a possible season 3? Like, it doesn't seem very likely but it could happen, right??
Personally, I like the Jophiel headcanon just as much as the next person 💖 The fact that it would fit the infamous "J" is really enticing, I must admit :P After watching s2 though, I'm mostly wondering if Aziraphale ever knew Crowley's angel name in the first place tbh. We see Aziraphale introduce himself when they first meet, but Crowley/Star-maker doesn't reciprocate (too busy being awestruck by his beloved stars 💖), and we don't really know how long it was before he went and Asked his Questions and was cast out as a result, nor if he ever got to interact with Aziraphale again before that happened. fjsgdjskssk I don't know, there are so many blank spaces here, and so many things could have happened in between!!!
All I can say is, out of all the headcanons out there, like the ones that posit Crowley as former Raphael, or just him as a very powerful archangel in general, etc, I tend to prefer the ones where he was just. Just an angel, you know? Not particularly renowned, not amongst the "big names", you know, God's "favourites" like Gabriel or Michael or Lucifer or whatever, just… just your average angel, who happened to be curious, and creative, and caring, and sweet, and wanted to watch his stars and nebulas grow and develop into their full potential 💖
If I'm being really, really, really super honest though, I keep thinking that… this might be the one mystery I wouldn't mind leaving alone. I'm only speaking for myself, of course, I can't stress that enough! But… does it- I mean, does it really matter who Crowley used to be? It doesn't change who he is now, nor how much he is loved - loved for who he is, a tender-hearted demon, or I guess a "former" demon, since Hell's pretty much disowned him at this point.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't make any difference to me whether or not his former name (would it be appropriate to call it a deadname?) is ever revealed. He's Crowley, a demon who only goes along with Hell as far as he can, who cares so much and loves so deeply, and that means everything to me already 💕💕💕
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ethmaron · 9 months
mer au ramblings under cut ↓
i was thinking about the mers and their behaviors in particular-- i can't remember if i've ever really talked about it (if i have it's on one of the older posts? probably under one of the asks from capricorn) but bc i had spotted that recent thing i drew in my canvas library the mers are so cat-like in my head. or something. i do think they hide under their tails a lot when they get upset or embarrassed and stuff but that's probably more coming from i think they hide away in little caves and stuff normally and its like just a placeholder behavior sorta deal. they like the dark and small spaces bc like tims got that cave he likes to go to a lot (he takes kon there eventually--idk if ive ever mentioned tims little hideaway lol)
i do think they also like to smack each other with their tails as a playing thing which is fun until its a human and they get absolutely wasted by 30+ lbs of pure muscle. i do think it would be hilarious if in some of the first interactions dick smacks someone and there is very quickly rules established. he ends up only being able to play with jason until he goes . "missing". (tbh this is making me think about little dick and jason and im getting very teary. thinking about bruce deciding to reach out to the humans as a way to help protect both himself and his sons from poachers and stuff. gets them access to medicine.)
i DO think that dick and jason woulda been much closer in this though and i feel like being honest mers kinda have shorter lifespans in the wild? (bruce is probably still pretty young by human standards i think, but is getting up there by mer standards) limited access to food + getting into fights + poachers. actually the fighting aspect is interesting to me because i dont think i've thought much of it before? the only natural defenses they have are teeth, nails and tail. i think mer fights would probably be very quick and typically escalate fairly fast. (also realizing bruce would definitely be a killer in this au by virtue of protecting his territory + his family. wonder if it would turn into a more he doesnt want his kids to have to ever kill? but idk bc that would be a part of the lifestyle of a mer, and they would need to know how to defend themselves anyway) weak points definitely tail fins and throat. fins specifically because they cant swim without them so they'd just kinda sink and rot at the bottom of the ocean if they dont have someone helping them; which is to say in the case of shredded fins because jason kept his fins but theres holes in them which Does effect his swimming speed but only because of the holes and not the material of his fin (i do think the humans have tech that could theoretically replace tail fins in order to help them swim again but they wouldn't be as durable as their natural fins. wouldn't be able to tolerate fast swimming. probably what would've happened to babs--i don't think ive ever addressed her in this au? i should go and design some of the people that are missing. i think shed be reallyyyy pretty.) but i think that once a fight is determined to be to death they just go for the throat/gills.
regardless that is to say that the hiding behavior i think is funny and i do fully believe the first time kon or jon sees it they immediately make a cat comment and then show pictures. depending on who the mer is/their landside education they dont even know what cats are which would be kinda funny i think. hilarious to me if damian convinces jon to bring a cat because he wants to meet it (he definitely still loves animals--probably bffsies w some of the sharks and other animals in their territory.) I DESPERATELY WANT KON TO BRING KRYPTO oh god kory would have a heart attack if he snuck krypto in. bart would love him. i think tim and cassie would be a little ehhh about him but krypto so sweet just a little baby .
i had talked about a while ago that i should try to work bernard in--i think itd be kinda silly if there were a bunch of tims like comic HS friends that are just interns or something in different areas of the facility and stuff and they all end up kinda becoming friends anyway. bernard, darla, ives, etc. idrc if it doesnt make sense this entire au is a trainwreck anyway lol
ACTUALLY very funny to me i was thinking abt how tim gets a little demanding in getting carried/carted around on land and he finds out kinda quick most the people there can't actually lift them up (kon can technically lift tim/bart/cassie but he Struggled at first). him asking ives to take him to a different tank and ives just gives him a really long look before getting a wheelchair and helping tim drag himout of his current tank LOL i think there would be lots of cursing and sniping from both sides .
ill wrap this up but now im thinking abt mer courtship stuff--idk if ive ever talked about that here? its kinda silly LOL
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f0point5 · 5 months
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To me this doesnt really feel like a denial in general. Sure he denials the Miami meeting but that was obviously a rumour, there was no way that the 2 CEOs would fly out just to talk with Max, completelly unnecessary. “Was not really the right thing” the place and the timeing was wrong but they are talking. Thats what I get from this, not a denial that they arent talking.
Also, I get that everyone treats Newey like a god but could he alone actually change enough? Sure ferrari are on an upwards direction but people said before how its not just a company but a whole national institution itself. Im not sure him coming in to work over engineers who have been working for ferrari for decades would work out perfectly. Redbull has been built around Newey, but ferrari wont be. There are existing systems in place, that wont change.
I think Toto was just saying “I and the other shareholders are not meeting with Max Verstappen and co in Miami to discuss a contract”. It’s a denial of a very narrow and specific rumour. He doesn’t say they aren’t talking, he doesn’t say they won’t meet in Miami, he doesn’t say it’s not “a” thing, he says it’s not “the” thing. That could be a language thing, that could be him saying there’s a thing but not the thing you think.
But he’s been honest that he’s courting Max. Jos Verstappen has been honest that Max is letting the offers come in. It’s out there.
I mean, Newey is great at what he does, but if he doesn’t like politics I’m not sure what he thinks he will be getting at Ferrari. Plus, again, he’s INCREDIBLE, but he hasn’t designed every winning car in the history of his career. Aerodynamics are not the focus of the next set of regs, if ever there was a non-Newey time to come it’s probably 2026. I’m not saying he’s not going to do great work at Ferrari but at the end of the day he could deliver them a brilliant car and their total lack of strategy could make it useless. Their engine could make it useless. Newey’s won enough championships, Ferrari is a dream come true for him and has been for a long time, he’s going there to check an item off the bucket list but the winning has been checked. I can never understate his contribution but I also don’t think it’s time to put Lewis’s name on the 2026 trophy yet 🤷‍♀️
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raveneira · 11 months
Hii! I wanted to ask you something. I've seen a video saying that Code is affecting by Eidas power too, so he thinks that Boruto is Kawaki, right? And the 1st person he tried to attack is Sarada, that would mean he considers her important. But my question is, is that true?
Oh no he definitely was talking about Kawaki and I have no idea how anybody thinks otherwise when he literally has no beef with Boruto, he doesnt care about Boruto at all besides as just a sacrifice to the 10 tails, but beyond that he doesnt give af about him at all and never has, its KAWAKI he has personal beef with and wants revenge against, this is proven by his own words before and after Omnipotence.
After Ada's betrayal, Code blames Kawaki for everything and vows to destroy everything he loves, Naruto, his friends, and Konoha. To Code, Kawaki has always taken everything he loved, everything he wanted, everything he held dear, and now he wants to do the same to Kawaki, NOWHERE does he mention Boruto in his vendetta.
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Code only has this information because Kawaki TOLD him when he offered himself to Code in exchange for him to leave Konoha alone.
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He also mentions during their confrontation how much Naruto means to him that hes even willing to leave with him to meet Ada despite not knowing anything about her and what risks that might pose. But even before then Ada told Code how much Naruto meant to Kawaki and asked him to exclude Naruto from his revenge plan which Code refused, so Code was already familiar with Kawaki's attachment to Naruto, Kawaki just confirmed it.
But in chapter 80 when Code finally makes his move to exact his revenge, he says the exact same words he said about Kawaki but to Boruto now after Omnipotence.
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This was clear confirmation that Code is infact under the effects of Omnipotence, and everytime he talks about Boruto from here on out hes really talking about Kawaki, the only time hes ever ACTUALLY talking about Boruto is about when he confronted him 2 years before the timeskip, but as far as his personal grudge and vendetta against him that is all towards Kawaki.
Anyway fastforward to the timeskip, when he confronts Sarada its clear hes taunting her about Kawaki and not Boruto based on his wording which is consistent with how he taunted Kawaki before about wanting his friends and Konoha to be spared, Code literally makes reference to it when he says he was going to use his former friends and village he cares about to lure him out. Whats also curious is that Code actually knows Sarada's name when there is absolutely no reason why Sasuke or Boruto would bring her up to Code, it makes no sense how that'd even come up in conversation. What makes more sense is that Code learned it from Ada who was keeping tabs on Kawaki during the time they were working together and she mentioned his friends to him, same way she mentioned Naruto to him.
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Code says 'his former friends for whom he still cares about' I assume is why ppl think its Boruto he means since Boruto is the traitor that betrayed everybody and fled the village, but ppl forget that Boruto is KAWAKI in everyones mind, including Codes, so in Codes mind its KAWAKI who stabbed everyone in the back and fled the village.
To be honest Code might not even be aware of the supposed betrayal at all, he doesnt have Adas senrigan to know everything thats going on in Konoha so how would he even know what Kawaki did and why he left? fars Code knows Kawaki left the village to try and protect it the same way he did before when he confronted him and asked him to spare Konoha.
It's pretty interesting that Code specifically targeted Sarada rather than anyone else, he could've approached anyone but he chose her, ppl might try to say thats because of Boruto but again why tf would he even bring Sarada up to Code? they would be fighting not conversing, it'd be so stupid if mid battle hes randomly like 'btw let me tell you bout my friend Sarada' it just makes no sense.
The only thing that does make sense is that he learned about her through Ada, if Ada mentioned Naruto because of how dear he was to Kawaki, is it really far fetched that she mentioned Sarada after seeing his bond with her too? she WAS his first friend and the only person he has any closeness to besides the Uzumaki's, hes not all that close to Mitsuki, nor is he close at all to Sumire , the only other person he has any real bond with is Shikadai but thats not who Code approached, he approached Sarada, which means he has to believe his bond with Sarada is stronger than anyone elses.
Ppl might wanna call that a reach but I challenge you to tell me why Code would approach her if he was actually talking about Boruto, tell me how she would've come up when Codes main objective is killing Boruto on sight not discussing his friends, and even if Code was taunting Sasuke saying he would go after his daughter just to rile him up and lets say Boruto lost his cool which is how Code concluded she meant alot to him, that is WAY too convenient and I just dont buy it.
I wont say thats an impossible scenario but its a very unlikely one and needlessly convoluted just to explain why Code targeted Sarada to lure Boruto out, its way more sensible that he knew of Kawaki's bond with Sarada through Ada and thats why he went after her.
Regardless all of that is just speculation at the moment until we get flashbacks so take it with a grain of salt, but the part about Code being affected by Omnipotence and him really talking about Kawaki in 99% of his dialogue after Omnipotence is a fact though so dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Fallout characters with plus size s/o!
(Swf)(also by s/o I mean main character😈)(they them pronouns)
(Funfact:back in the days(midage) plus-size people were seen as richer, better taken care of, because it meant that they didnt have to work they ass of And could affort food. And I feel like it would be similar in apocalipse world😈)(and in ancient rome chubby girls were seen as top tier wife materials) (those are my honest thought about characters and how they really would react, so if one of them seems mean, im sorry)
Butch- okay we all know he is an asshole, he would bully them with his super mega cool gang. BUT when they save his mom he will respect them madly, and feel guilt. Sadly there was no time for apologising because s/o was busy looking for their dad. Oh I forgot to mension, he is great example of this cringy prompt "he bullies you because he loves you"🙄 But after s/o came back to valut he went😳 specialy if s/o got some cool scars/piercings/shaved heas/tattoos. Also He will bully Amanda for kicking them from valut. And then probably leave too, its boring without them. And he finds strech Marks hot (they are super hot for him) (when they meet in wastelands he will apologise and simp)
Charon- bruh he simply doesnt care, about their looks. Fuck when they met he didnt even care about their peronality. It was simple they point he shoots. But later after long time and work Charon finally starts to belive them that he isnt just another tool, another weapon. For them he was a person with his own history and opinions and thats what got him in love, not their looks. Of course it took a long time for him to get use to the idea of being his own free person But he slowly warms up to it. Also no matter how much they weigh he can pick them up easly. He sucks at any kind of comunication but Hes trying
Fallout new vegas
Raul-just like charon- He doenst care about their looks. He seen all types of people, before and after bombs.
Boone- this guy judges everyone, doesnt matter if u are top1 skinnies person ever or the most musuclar ever, he will judge you at first. Later he turns into smol bean that needs comforting and hugs. He is this Type of person to never talk about his emotions but He will open up later. He will Just hug them from behind and say some unholy stuff🙄men🙄
Benny-tbh he feels like guy Who would be more into plus-size people than skinny. Also He would spoil them with complements. He has No opinon about strech marks,they are Just there thats all. If any of his chairman would even Look at them in wrong way... guess Who lost job today😎. He would love cuddles and BENNY THE SMOL SPOON🤯
Vuples-this bitch, this little crazy furry. He would say a lot of mean coments. But if his future s/o proves that they are as strong(and even stronger) than average person He will stop. He Just tried to intimidate them, and tried to find easy spot. He wont apologise but wont do it ever again. And deeper into relationship He would love to hug them and say good stuff about their looks (not complements more like honest good words idk how to explain)
Arcade-finds it cute, specialy if s/o has big tights. At first he wont comment on it(he is raised well, he know that its rude to coment someones body) but if they get along he will let them know that they look stunning🥰 Just imagine him resting his head on their legs and reading random book then falling asleep.
Joshua Grahm- he is a chirstian boi he would neve-😳lourd have mercy😳😳 he thought the only women he needs in his life is holy mary but oh my. He is lucky that he has whole body covered in bangades. If he could, he would blush. Bonus points if s/o belives in the same God as him. He will invite them to prays together, if they arent religious he will still invite them in hopes that they will join him🤯 he is in love with their chubby arms and/or legs. And hes the last one to judge their strech marks(his skin care is worse than my math grade i dont think he cares about their ether) (also strech marks arent caused by bad skin care that was a joke please dont cancel me)
Ulysses- he knew them for years, he doesnt care and will bomb anyone mean to them. Imagine romantic afternoon, firecamp, s/o sitting On ground fixing their gun/Reading magazines and ulysses Just laying On their lap or stomach and telling stories. He been thrue alot, most of it may be scary but there were some good parts and thats what he is focusing on at this point of his life.
I will make seperate one for fallout 4 characters later. Its just a lot of them and im sleepy.
And by s/o dont mean nesecary romantic relationship, i just didnt know what to call it? Because theres no way in hell im putting y/n in this (unless somone request)
Also if u got offended im so sorry(im not jokin i really apoligise) and im not skinny aswell so some of those ideas i got from my own expirience and life🥰 its 2am btw
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