#but ty friend <3
33 Corunir & Est? :D
33- picking them up (from the hug list actually lol)
pros of running into the grey company before going back to isengard: more friends for isengard!
cons of running into the grey company before going back to isengard: more friends. in isengard.
The Fords of the Isen are quiet, the river running reddish-brown even in the shallow places, the camp on the hill in ashes and stones heaped in piles like grave-cairns over the drier places. They look down upon the trampled, muddy banners and the broken armor caught on the river stones. A heavy quiet hangs over them all.
The others might be thinking of the Company’s allies, of the long search that surely awaits them here if they are to find their Chieftain, of what it means that battle came here so certainly and so violently. Of the long shadow of Orthanc that reaches down the valley to the north. Of Esterín.
She rode away with the Prince of Rohan. Faeron calls from the eyot that he has found Théodred’s helmet.
Surely she did not come here and die, Corunir thinks, gripping his horse’s reins too tightly while he searches the shallows for any sign of their dear friend. But surely she would not have gone easily if she had had it in her head to protect the Prince or his men. None of the horselords had returned to the Gravenwood- but no, Braigiar had said he saw her, hadn’t he? That there had been a battle, and she had been injured but had survived, and she had gone across the mountains with Nona and into Rohan. She had not returned to them, not even in passing, and he finds the thought stings- but then, they had sent her away, hadn’t they? She had not returned smiling from her conference with Halbarad and Saeradan, and two days later she was gone.
But even Braigiar is looking around the Fords in dismay, and that does not lift Corunir’s heart any more than the clouds in the distance.
“There are riders to the north,” Elladan calls from the burnt-black hill overlooking the crossing. A charred timber that may once have been the palisade falls with a hollow thump. “Rohirrim, I think. They make for Isengard.” And there they have another friend, and they gather eagerly at Halbarad’s command and ride, gathering speed at the bidding of unspoken urgency until a stranger’s voice calls out to stop them- until familiar laughter comes to them on the wind with a thunder of hooves and Halbarad dismounts, and even from here they can tell he is smiling.
He doesn’t recognize her, for a moment, dressed in the style of Rohan and sliding down from a horse that is not Lakewind, her carved star gone- but she spent long enough beside them that they know her smile and the way she slips between them, falling easily into tight hugs and grasping white-knuckled hands. She stops before Corunir and almost- almost- he dares to think she seems a little lighter than she had when she left them. But she crashes into his hug and she is warm and alive and... lifting him up. He makes a small sound of surprise and she drops him the scant two inches back to the ground, and steps away as if surprised herself, and then someone else calls her name and she is moving on, and for just a moment he thinks manic. In her wake there trails the faint sensation of the air after summer rain, damp and fresh and still rumbling with distant thunder. Like the feel of her healing, almost, but directionless and just a bit charged, as if the rain will come again before too long.
He tries to catch her again, but the Rohirrim ahead are growing impatient and all the Company wants to speak with her, and Corunir falls to the back of their party beside Golodir, watching Esterín and her too-bright eyes, and her sharp and brittle composure that grows only sharper and brittler the nearer they draw to the Ring of Isengard.
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polararts · 6 months
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He won an award. Good job you little snot. /affectionate
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kenobihater · 3 months
reblog for a bigger sample size of former angry, creative, and/or highly dramatic children
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mblue-art · 7 months
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late halloweeen dooodleee
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pup-pee · 1 month
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heartorbit · 2 months
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kangel sketch comm for sun&moon on kofi! 💙💜💗
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transgendersquiddo · 5 days
haven't posted this anywhere publically yet BUT I MADE A TECHNO STATUE IN CERAMICS CLASS!!!
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happy birthday king <3
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gambeque · 7 months
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hellow i like them teehee
they look so awesome u just made my day holy shitt 💚💚🦖
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galaxywantsacookie · 10 months
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[Image ID: Depicted is former and impeached President Donald J. Trump as seen in his police mugshot. Said mugshot has been edited into the Parts and Services room (CAM5) as shown on the surveillance system from the game Five Night's at Freddy's. ]
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upperranktwo · 1 year
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☆The Erasure Hero: Eraser Head☆
Happy Birthday Mars ♡ @man4jiro
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hyacinth43 · 19 days
What about hal w dave!!! Can we see more of their interactions? Btw i love your blog so much! ❤️❤️❤️
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Dave talks about space and Hal listens <3
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margareturtle · 2 months
I am 100 % sure that in TWP we will get a scene where Ty has to defect from the scholomance on his own side mission and Anush is with him and Ty tells Anush “it’s ok you can stay/go back, you don’t have to take this risk” bc Ty has abandonment issues !! And he doesn’t expect a friend to stick around. But then Anush has a confused reaction to this bc “of course I’m coming, I’m not letting you face this alone” and then Ty is confused bc this whole time he didn’t want to assume that him and Anush were really friends as they could just be schoolmates/coworkers out of necessity— so Ty doesn’t expect Anush to want to follow him outside scholomance stuff especially bc Ty has never had a real friend outside of his family and even Kit as soon as he stopped living with the Blackthorn’s he stopped talking to Ty so Ty doesn’t expect Anush to want to support him and so Ty asks “why would you want to come with me?” And Anush answers “because we’re friends Ty, and I’m not going to leave you.”
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 month
What animal do you think users are one for all?
I don’t wanna limit myself to just one per… take these with the disclaimer that it’s just one iteration of an answer! This is purely based on vibes instead of anything symbolic.
Yoichi: Weasel
Kudou: Red fox 
Bruce: Badger
Shinomori: Elk
Banjo: Wolverine
En: Fruit bat
Nana: Leopard
Toshinori: Lion
Izuku: Black-footed cat
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vaguely-lavender-er · 5 months
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I see your Klavier: “Sparkle on!” art and counter with Simon: “Fuck off.” art
Here’s a still:
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And here’s the OG post 😋
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pippytmi · 1 year
For the fake dating thing 11 with whomever you want!
“Do you always get into fist fights on first dates, or am I just lucky?”
There is a bruise already forming on Kara’s jaw, and her hand still has a phantom ache that won’t go away. There might be a touch of blood on the lapel of her shirt, too, but she has been unable to confirm without ready access to a mirror. But it’s this—the firm click of silver six-inch heels against pavement announcing Lena’s arrival—that brings Kara an instant sense of uneasiness.
“It’s kind of in the job description,” Kara shrugs off the rhetorical question. “You know, of being a girlfriend.”
Lena Luthor has an uncanny ability to make Kara feel completely, totally inept in any situation just with a quizzical quirk of an eyebrow and a ruby-red lipsticked frown. Not because she deliberately tries to, but because that’s just the Luthor™ way. Every member of that family seems to have mastered the ability to stare hard enough to make anyone squirm. Even though Kara has known Lena since they were kids—even though they know each other better than anyone else in the world—the effect is the same.
“That might be the most idiotic thing you’ve said all night.” Despite her stoic expression, Lena’s voice is surprisingly soft. “You should have walked away.”
“That would have been worse than not punching Mike Matthews, I think,” Kara says. “Really, I’m ninety-five percent sure I’m supposed to defend your honor, or… whatever the saying is.”
And the strangest thing happens; a glimpse of amusement cracks through Lena’s frown, visible in the ever-so-gentle upturn of the corner of her mouth. “Sorry, did I miss the part where we time traveled a hundred years ago?”
“It’s—you know what I mean,” Kara says. “If I was your real girlfriend everyone would expect me to punch guys in the face for you.”
“Or,” Lena counters, “it might be overkill, since everyone knows you are not inherently a violent person.”
Kara sheepishly tugs at her collar, unable to stop herself from flushing when Lena gazes at her so pointedly. “Does it matter if everyone who meets Mike wants to punch him? Because I’m pretty sure he could make a nun violent.”
“Wow,” Lena says. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say a mean thing about anyone before this.”
“Yeah, well…” Kara grimaces. “Mike Matthews brings it out of me. Or maybe this stuffy party does.” Her hand unconsciously goes back to her jacket, and she has to shrug it off all at once, suddenly feeling constricted in her suit. “I don’t know how you do it.”
Lena must be far more uncomfortable than Kara is, with those high heels and the skintight dress and the overall burden of familial expectations hanging on her shoulders, but she masks it remarkably well. “Practice,” she says—sighs. “And whiskey.”
“Gross,” Kara says, unconsciously crinkling her nose as she works at undoing her tie next. “I’m more of a Capri Sun girl myself.”
A short, stunned laugh emerges before Lena can likely quell it. “Right, how could I forget,” she says, and tilts her head in that curious way she does whenever she has a question she isn’t sure how to ask. But it must pass, because her actual question comes out in the form of: “Is there a reason you’re stripping in full view of the paparazzi?” 
“Fan service?” It’s a weak joke, but it makes Lena roll her eyes in that mock-exasperated way that Kara knows would be a laugh out of anyone else. “I just need to cool off, maybe. Then I promise, I’ll be your doting girlfriend for all the cameras again.” She allows a beat before she adds, perhaps unnecessarily, “Without any violence.”
“Yes, I think my mother would very much prefer that.”
Kara laughs, remembering the horrified look on Lillian Luthor’s face with—admittedly—a bit of glee. “Yeah,” she says, “I’m sure she’s thrilled with how tonight is going.”
“Well, she does think it’s all part of a rebellious phase,” Lena muses. “She’s convinced I’m doing this just to spite her.”
Kara has felt the brunt of Lillian’s disapproval back since she first befriended Lena when they were kids, back when they were auditioning for the same movie. Honestly, there is no telling why Lillian has always disliked Kara. Maybe it was because she wasn’t a nepotism baby like all the rest of crowd, or maybe it was because Kara would sneak Lena out of the giant Luthor mansion to go to the movies, or maybe it was because when they were teenagers Kara had wrecked the Porsche (on a dare)...but that disdain has been steadfast ever since they were young, and it’s never once wavered. Everyone knows it. Lena knows it.
Which is why Kara is unable to keep the confusion out of her voice when she says, “Uh. Aren’t you?”
“Aren’t I…what?” Lena repeats, lost.
“Pretending to date me to spite her?” Kara prompts. “You know. Since she hates me?”
Lena’s brow furrows ever-so-slightly. “I didn’t mean dating you,” she says. “I mean dating in general. She thinks it’s a distraction.” She absentmindedly picks at one of the sequins on her dress, a nervous tic that she has never been able to shake. “God, it’s getting cold out here.”
The temperature is just right for Kara, but Lena has always run cold; Kara’s poked fun at her for it once or twice (or for their entire childhood, but who’s keeping track). An unbidden smile, fonder than it has any right to be, inevitably forms. “Well sit down, so you can leech some of my body heat. Besides, you make me tired just looking at you in those heels.”
“Then I’ll be colder,” Lena objects, eyeing the stone of the fountain edge that Kara is currently sitting on. “No way.”
“You’re the most high maintenance fake girlfriend ever,” Kara feigns annoyance. “Here, then. Sit on my lap. And you can put my jacket over your legs.”
It’s hard to exactly tell with the dim lighting of the streetlights, but Lena—blushes? Maybe? And immediately shakes her head. “I’m too heavy.”
“No such thing,” Kara retorts. “I’ll keep stripping if you don’t sit down, Lena. Then your mother will really have a reason to hate me.”
“You are trying to create scandal everywhere you can tonight, aren’t you?” Lena says, but doesn’t move, only crosses her arms and gives Kara an exasperated look. “It would be a hell of a front page.”
“Wow, Lena, if you wanted me naked all you had to do was ask,” Kara says, undoing the first two buttons of her shirt while Lena continues to glare. Then, for fun, she continues up until she hits the top of her bra and Lena’s jaw fully drops in alarm.
“Oh my God, Kara, stop!”
But the ruse works, because as Lena moves forward as if she’s about to button Kara’s shirt back up (or just push her into the fountain), Kara is able to wrap an arm around Lena’s waist and tug her down. Lena yelps in surprise, arms coming up to squeeze around Kara’s neck, and Kara has to hide a grin into the curls that hit her full force in the face.
“Geez, Lena, you’re like an ice cube. Don’t you own a sweater?”
“You asshole,” Lena says, but there is no bite in her voice, only annoyed defeat. “If I get glitter all over you, I’m not going to apologize.”
“I’ll let it slide, this once.” Kara doesn’t mention that there’s nothing in the world that she wouldn’t let Lena get away with. That’s the inevitable truth of being in love with this girl pretty much her whole life—Kara caves first, and she always has. Whether it was what flavor of Gatorade to get from the vending machine, or whether it was who got to sit down in the only remaining chair for a last minute casting call, or whether it was to tag along to Lena’s prom date so the boy wouldn’t try to kiss her, Kara always let Lena call the shots.
Lena exhales; Kara feels the warmth of Lena’s breath against her temple, feels the steady weight of Lena’s body as she shifts on Kara’s lap, feels the rough pattern of Lena’s dress sequins against her fingertips. “You know you’re my best friend, right?” Lena says suddenly.
Those words always make Kara’s heart skip a beat, like they’re right back to being fifteen and nervously holding each other’s sweaty hands while poring over crumpled scripts. “I’d better be,” Kara quips, if only to keep her sappiness at bay, “or I’m returning the BFF necklaces I brought as our first-anniversary gift.”
“I’m serious,” Lena huffs, and her grip around Kara’s neck tightens just a hair. “Will you let me be serious?”
“Okay, okay. One hundred percent seriousness from here on out, I promise.”
For a moment, the only sound is that of cars passing, of the trickle from the water fountain, of the faint music coming from the party. And when Lena speaks at last, it’s quiet. “I know my mom’s not the…easiest person,” she says. “And if pretending to be my girlfriend is going to make you uncomfortable because you have to deal with her, you don’t have to do it.”
“I’ve been dealing with your mother forever, Lena,” Kara says lightly. “She hasn’t been able to scare me off yet, for as much as she’s tried.”
Lena scoffs, but her hand is unmistakably tender as she fiddles with Kara’s shirt collar. “What happened to being serious?”
“I am serious! Do you or do you not remember that time we went to the water park? I swear she cut a hole in my water tube slide. And let’s not even bring up the whole prom incident, because I swear my hip has never been the same since falling out of your window.”
“She didn’t even know that was you.” Lena laughs, and it’s still somewhat hesitant, but just affectionate enough to reflect her feelings about that memory. “That feels like a lifetime ago.”
Kara inhales, shakily, both the sweet scent of Lena’s perfume and some much-needed air. “In a good way or a bad way?”
Lena presses her forehead into Kara’s jaw, her skin still cold enough that it makes Kara sympathetically squeeze her tighter. “Can you just promise to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable?” she asks, and ignores Kara’s question entirely. “Either with my mother, or…just the pretending part with me.”
“I feel plenty comfortable,” Kara tries, but Lena just reiterates,
“Promise me, Kara. I don't want to lose you.”
Something about the urgency in Lena's tone shifts the mood entirely; Kara swallows tightly and nods obligingly. “Okay. I promise. But you have to tell me, too, if anything becomes…I don't know, too much.”
“Fine,” Lena agrees readily.
“No, wait, but listen,” Kara presses. “Being friends is one thing, but dating is another, and—even if it's fake, we're going to have to do couple things. And I don't want it to ruin our friendship.”
“I also don't want to ruin our friendship,” Lena says. “Which is why I brought it up first.”
“Good. Okay. I just wanted to be sure.” Kara awkwardly shifts, all too aware that this might not be the ideal time and place for this conversation. Much less when Lena's still in her lap, clinging to Kara as if afraid to let go. “So on a scale of one to ten, how badly have I messed up the friendship by fighting Mike?”
Lema hums, considering. “That depends on what he said about me.”
“Um, nothing nice,” Kara says haltingly. “I'd rather not repeat it.”
“Then I'll let it slide…this once.” Lena's hands find their way up to Kara's face, fingertips gentle against the bruise on her jaw. “But you are still an idiot.” She thumbs warmly against the apple of Kara's cheek and gazes at Kara from underneath thick mascaraed eyelashes, then whispers, “And you're my favorite.”
“Your favorite idiot?”
“My favorite person.” Suddenly they're seventeen again, and Kara is sitting on Lena's bedroom floor still tugging at her tux because it itches. Suddenly they're seventeen again, and Lena is biting her lip and unable to catch Kara’s eye. Suddenly they’re seventeen again, and Lena is whispering I wanted you to make sure he didn’t kiss me because I want you to be my first kiss.
Kara blinks, mouth opening and closing for a pause, before she has to fall back on a safe feeling—fall right back to humor, so Lena does not comment on the way Kara’s body automatically tenses. “Aw, Lena,” she manages, “that sounded a lot like you like me.”
“I’m just a good actress,” Lena says mock-haughtily, but her eyes are searching as they lock onto Kara’s, expression softening the way no one else ever really sees. To the world she’s always been some cold, aloof superstar, but to Kara she will always be the best friend who wanted her first kiss to be with the person she trusted most in the world.
“Well for the record,” Kara swallows thickly, “you’re my favorite, too.”
There is a split second—a charged, electric second—where Kara swears Lena is going to kiss her. Her eyes are hooded like they’re about to close, and her face sways closer, her hand still resting on Kara’s bruised jaw. But then she sighs, and Kara can feel the distance before she sees it.
“We should go back inside,” Lena says, abruptly stumbling off of Kara's lap. “Sooner or later we'll have to do damage control.”
It takes a beat for Kara to catch up. “Right,” she says, hastening to button up her shirt and follow. “It wouldn't be a Luthor party without damage control.”
“It's the first time you're the cause, though,” Lena throws over her shoulder. “And don't forget your tie!”
“Got it,” Kara calls, undoing her tie entirely and tossing it into the bushes. “Hey, wait up! Come back and hold my hand.”
That makes Lena freeze in place. “What?”
“For—you know, the cameras,” Kara says, shrugging her suit jacket back on. “So we can show a united front.”
Lena gives her an inscrutable look. “You say the weirdest things sometimes,” she says, but she allows Kara to catch up and intertwine their hands together without further complaint. 
“How else is everyone supposed to know you're not mad at me?” Kara reminds her. “Or that I'm the best girlfriend you've ever had?”
“I doubt they're going to make that assumption based on hand holding.” But as they climb up the steps to rejoin the gala, the low, golden light illuminates that dimpled smile of Lena's that makes Kara breathless. “What makes you think you're the best, anyway?”
“Just a guess,” Kara says, squeezing Lena's hand as they reach the entrance. “Am I?”
“Let's see if you end tonight without any more fights first,” Lena quips, and while her voice is teasing, her smile grows exponentially tender. “Ready?”
“Ready,” Kara echoes quietly, and allows Lena to lead her right through those double doors knowing that she would follow Lena anywhere.
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snickerdoodlles · 4 months
Any headcanons about Chay and Khun? We have very little of them interacting in canon but what's there is SO interesting to me
ahh, my two beloveds!!! yes!!!
the first time Khun shlorps Chay up for craft night, Chay's beyond annoyed by Khun never asked and just assumed he had no plans (which, he didn't, but Khun didn't know that!). he sticks as many heart sequins on the furniture as he does the craft cars until Khun notices and bolts laughing while Khun yells he's an ungrateful brat behind him. Khun kidnaps him again the next day for lunch (again! with the no asking!!) and unloads a bottle of glitter on Chay's head to "make you fabulous enough for my presence, hmph," and Chay laughs and enjoys lunch despite himself.
weeks go by and Chay actually begins to relax more with Khun and appreciate his company. he asks Khun when his next craft night is and Khun lights up with glee. it's at this craft session that Chay goes to grab a brightly colored box he assumes is washi paper and gets his hand smacked away by Khun and scolded, "no touching the bombs!!"
Chay blinks. "the what."
"those aren't bombs," Arm says absently as he carefully positions two paper cranes on his motorized car, "didn't want to scare the kid, i'll add them later. those are just the fuses and some spacers."
"bombs??????" Chay insists again, louder.
because the thing is, Chay doesn't like violence. he doesn't like his self-defense lessons, he doesn't like violence on his doorstep, and for all that he can appreciate and even admire Porsche and Kim's fighting to protect (provided they don't get hurt), Chay really doesn't like fights happening around him.
but this is mafia. moreso, this is Korn's mafia, and Korn likes things messy, bloody, and chaotic, and Khun of all people understands the need to protect your loved ones even when your ability to do so is severely limited. so Chay's going to participate in Khun's coping mechanisms like making glitter bomb cars for home defense until Chay can figure out his own ways to look out for and support his brother and his boyfriend without physically fighting, because it's important to Khun no one else suffer the feeling of helplessness like he did.
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